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Name: 20100804_Wed_Alex
Air Date: Aug. 4, 2010
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Thank you for joining us.
It is Wednesday, the fourth day of August, 2010.
We've got a guest joining us coming up in the third hour.
We have an add-on in about six months, Dr. Michael Kaufman.
He has the new book, Rescuing a Broken America, Why America is Deeply Divided, and of course he's an expert on the UN biosphere, Agenda 21, carbon tax takeover, he's a big part of my film, Endgame, Blueprint for Global Enslavement, and so we're going to have him on to talk about his new book and a host of other important information today coming up in the third hour.
In the first two hours we're going to have wide open phones, but specifically
on several topics that I want to get your take on.
Wide open phones, anybody can call in, not just first-time callers.
If you disagree, if you agree, but it's specifically on several topics I'm about to throw out here.
I'm going to be honest with you.
I am reassessing everything we do on this radio slash TV transmission.
We've always covered eugenics.
We've discussed how it guides the globalists and how the entire architecture of the planetary tyranny they're building is designed to attack humanity.
But, psychologically and intellectually, I know I'm 100% right, because our enemies are so arrogant, they're just admitting everything they're doing.
And they are murdering us.
They are killing us.
They are brain-damaging us.
They are people who take on a camouflage of liberal, altruistic love, when they are a pack of vicious, murdering criminals.
And I really think we need to turn the heat up on them, and I don't know exactly how to do that.
I mean, I try to expose them, but that's not enough.
That's not enough when they're assaulting us and killing us.
I'm gonna be honest with you.
Every time my children come over to me and hug me and kiss me,
Tell me how much they care about me and how proud they are of me.
And then I think about how we have these criminals running our society and how they're doing everything they can to hurt my children and how they put poison out in the food and in the water and how it's almost impossible to keep my children away from what they're doing.
I have intense feelings of love, not just for my children, but everybody else.
And I see all over the news the children with all their hair falling out and dying.
And I know they're being killed by the globalists.
And I'm just saying, I'm not going to put up with this.
And you shouldn't put up with this.
If somebody came to your door and knocked on it, and you opened the door, and they beat you over the head, or they stabbed you, you would have a right to defend yourself.
Or they pulled a gun out to kill you, or they broke in your house.
And that's federal and state law.
You have a right to defend yourself.
Gardasil came out three years ago.
They knew in the trials that it killed large percentages of the girls that took it.
And they did it as a test.
They came out...
And they had Governor Perry claim it was mandatory.
That was a hoax.
He just put it on the list of vaccines recommended by the state to the Health Department.
They then lie, and the media then lies, and tells you it's the law to take it to go to school for 11, 12, and 13-year-olds.
And then it came out, and they said, yeah, it's killed people, and it's causing autoimmune
Diseases in others and they just say that we don't care.
We're now gonna inject boys, too And it's gonna brain damage you and it's gonna cause autoimmune diseases and it's gonna make you bleed out of every orifice and it's gonna kill some of you Because it's liberal and loving.
I mean, it's just it's just mind control How they just come right out and say we're gonna put lithium in your water.
They admit sodium fluoride is giving people cancer They know it does it and they just laugh at you.
They're assaulting us and
They're attacking us.
The city of Austin puts fluoride in the water where I live and they know it increases cancer.
They hate your guts.
They're a pack of psychopathic, murdering criminals.
I'm gonna come back and talk about this, but I'm done.
The question is, where should the American people draw their line in the sand?
What have we got?
A republic or a monarchy?
A republic.
It's based on a constitution which protects minority rights.
It's not democracy, not mob rule.
Two wolves in a sheet voting on what's for dinner.
So they think they own our land?
They think they own our water?
Our education?
Our money?
We have to define who we are and what we will tolerate.
Somebody's gonna ask you what you did during the Patriot Uprising.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center and the heart of the resistance rallying patriots worldwide.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
We're live.
This is the heart of the resistance.
It's the best we've got.
We're doing the best job we can and hopefully God will carry us the rest of the way.
I want to illustrate something and then we're going to open the phones up specifically on this question.
What do you believe we should do
To break the silence, to break the conditioning, and to rally free humanity against the forced drugging and poisoning of the entire food and water supply, as well as vaccines being rolled out en masse that literally send in live viruses to eat the neuron receptor sites for anger and resistance and strength.
They admit they want lithium in the water, they're already putting it in, but they're now pushing it publicly to make you servile.
Sodium fluoride.
We had a top brain surgeon on yesterday who read from top EPA and FDA scientists, thousands of which have signed public letters in the last decade begging the government to take sodium fluoride out and citing hundreds of studies admitting it at least doubles cancer.
In the bones.
In the liver.
They come out and they admit they're going to approve Gardasil three years ago.
They admit it kills people in the trials.
And then they tell these dumbed-down, fluoride-head housewives, who are so trusting, and these soccer moms and these soccer dads, take your daughters in, give them the shots.
And then I literally saw scores, scores of local newscasts where they'd show the girl on a ventilator, the cheerleader, over and over again.
And then they'd show a newscast of them deader than a hammer.
And we just calmly sit here and we take it.
They knew, 60 years ago, when they approved corn syrup, that when they gave it to rats, they more than quadrupled their chances of cancer.
Here it is, raw story today, citing mainstream reports.
Corn by-product, fructose, literally fuels cancer cell growth, study finds.
They knew when they approved, more than five decades ago, bisphenol A, that in every study of monkeys, and rats, and guinea pigs, I'm getting chills right now, I actually got chill bumps, because as a normal human, I understand this violent assault.
I know I'm being attacked.
Just like if somebody breaks in my house at night, I'm gonna get out of bed and just... You know, defense mode!
And anybody who's red-blooded would!
But more and more they're reporting people lay down and let themselves be attacked.
Six kids slipped in one after the other like lemmings into a river, not knowing what to do, not knowing how to swim.
People just walk out in front of cars now.
They just pull out in front of cars.
And the studies show they're on serotonin reuptake inhibitors.
They've been turned into zombies.
You wonder why the public can't resist.
You wonder why the public can't get angry.
Have you noticed the illegal aliens can protest by the tens of millions nationwide, multiple times a year?
Because they're coming from Mexico.
They're still red-blooded.
Their water's not fluoridated.
I'll tell you this, I look at the illegal aliens, they're a lot more alive than the average Hispanic, black, white or Asian that's been living in this country eating the poisons.
You go down to Mexico, they don't have all these additives in the food, though that's starting to change.
You look at old black and white photos of your grandparents, your great-grandparents, their eyes are electric, they look awake, they look alive.
You look at people now, they look like zombies.
I look at these illegal aliens,
I watch them out my window while they're building a house across the street.
Those people's eyes are on fire!
You can see it!
It makes me rethink everything.
It starts making me think about geopolitical movements.
Perhaps all we've got is the third world left.
It looks like the West has already been ruined.
Perhaps I should just join with those people.
And actually go and try to wake them up to what's happening and say, fine, I'll be fairly La Reconquista.
Don't abort your kids, don't take the shots.
Maybe they'll listen.
Because I've been studying, in Africa and Asia and the Middle East, when the UN pulls up with armored vehicles and they've made local payoffs to police to forcibly inject everybody, the people run to the hills.
They fight to the death because they know that when their women are injected, they always come for the pregnant women.
That's in the programs.
And they have miscarriages and then become sterile.
They run.
They fight.
They fight in Peru.
And then it came out they were being sterilized down there.
But Americans may be too far gone on average.
Already chemically lobotomized.
Already can't even get angry.
Already can't even wake up.
I don't even know what to say anymore.
I've got all this other news here on immigration and the economy and Iran and an attempted bombing of Ahmadinejad and election news and government-run health care information and congressmen calling for the execution of WikiLeaks whistleblower and calls to shut down WikiLeaks and arrest Julian Assange.
More and more it looks like they're the real deal.
We've been analyzing it, we've not been sure.
But none of it matters.
When you realize there is a scientific dictatorship in their own words, in their own textbooks, in all their own documents, and they're cold-bloodedly just doing it!
They know Bisphenol A and all the major plastic products and food packaging is massively destroying your... and disrupting your hormones and sterilizing you and giving you cancer.
It's all admitted.
They know
These different corn products are filled with mercury and are toxic and are killing people.
They know!
That's their plan.
It's not an accident.
They're now out in the open saying they're doing it for our own good.
And then I've got the Sunshine Project documents that I'm going to do a whole report on later this week or next week.
that we covered ten years ago but what's old is new that I went over two nights ago when I just remembered it and pulled it up we did some research and found it and found articles where the Marine Corps demanded that the Sunshine Project take it down and they refused and then got attacked where they have got helicopter bases everywhere with waiting helicopters with nerve gas to kill people with synthetic weaponized opiates to knock you out and ladies and gentlemen
The Pentagon is studying, flying over and spraying you, and then forget just lithium and fluoride and all the poisons they put in the water that dumb you down and give you cancer and sterilize you or reduce fertility, bare minimum.
Flying over and just spraying us
And then, you have a fever, you have brain inflammation, the viruses they spray, and that's in all their studies, they want to put it in the food, where you can't get away from it, where the food, the tomatoes, the potatoes, the bananas, that's CNN, grow the virus in it, you eat it, and then literally you can't get upset, you can't resist.
I mean, this is all in hundreds of news reports in the last two weeks.
They have come out
And they're pushing it like, oh, I know you're chomping at the bit, but you got to wait.
It'll be a year or two, but then it's going to be available.
And you're going to have all these new vaccines that aren't even vaccines, that are DNA reprogrammers.
And that's another lie.
You know, they give it all, oh, it's a cognitive brain boost.
You're not going to be upset anymore.
We're designed to get upset about tyranny.
We're designed to be upset about government overtaxing us and trying to tell our, listen,
I've sent my children for the last five years to the First Methodist Church Vacation Bible School every August.
Can't send them.
Pulled them out.
They sit there with a puppet telling them, go tell your parents the earth is dying, go tell them they've got to have light bulbs like this, the mercury-filled light bulbs that admittedly cause all sorts of neurological disorders.
And it's not that that church is even bad, they're just brainwashed.
They're just promoting it everywhere.
It's the private schools, it's the churches, it's everything.
You're supposed to get angry about that.
You're supposed to do something about it.
That's what the anger and the concern is for.
More and more I see articles every couple days where people will watch out of a high-rise apartment even in a nice part of town as a woman is beaten and raped in an alleyway and no one even helps her and no one even calls 9-1-1.
I mean, I wouldn't call 911, or maybe as I was running down the stairs of the apartment building I would.
I'd go out there with a firearm and protect that woman.
And people would consider me a hero.
I'm not a hero.
I'm normal.
I'm what my species has always been.
I'm a human being, like my ancestors.
I'm strong.
I'm red-blooded.
I've got courage.
It's like when I saved that lady who was choking to death.
I was in the bathroom at the La Madeline seven, eight years ago.
And I went to the bathroom.
My wife and my son are out there.
He was a baby at the time.
And I come out, and everybody's gathered around this woman who's turning blue, and I say, do the Heimlich, and they started trying to resist me, and they were just like parrots saying, call 9-1-1, call 9-1-1, and I said, she'll be dead by the time they get here, and I had to shove them out of the way to save the lady, and then they were like, oh, you're such a hero, oh, you're such a hero, trying to, they're just scum!
They're just scum!
But they're not scum!
They have been turned into scum by the drugs in the water and the food!
A bunch of passive lemmings, brainwashed by TV, brainwashed by culture, drugged, all these different systems of control overlaid.
And so we are being assaulted and we have to recognize it.
I mean, it's on record they know what corn syrup and bisphenol A and GMO corn and rice is doing.
It's on record that they know what mercury and the vaccines are doing.
It's on record!
This is a criminal global government that wants to make you submit to their tyranny and oppression, and they know you're waking up, so now they're moving straight to viruses that they'll spray on our cities to make us servile slaves, and they're announcing it!
I want to hear your take on this specifically and how we should resist it.
We need banner hangs.
We need websites.
We need protests.
We need to go to city councils.
We need to get aggressive and say, listen, you may be a little corrupt mayor who makes jokes about this, but here's all the government's own reports.
Listen, you little accomplice to murder, get it out of our water!
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Okay, this is old news for our listeners.
We told you over a year ago with PrisonPlanet.com articles, we read the actual federal regulations where by law they store the naked images.
It is a biometric scan.
It is now the top drudge report story from CNET News, Declan McCullough.
And good for Declan, but he still only gets about one-tenth of the story.
These are really biometric 360 scans for wave millimeter projection cameras going up worldwide that shoot through your clothes and get a 100% ID on you.
So not only are they storing them...
And not only do they have fistfights on a weekly basis where they make the employees go through and they make fun of their breasts and genitals, and there are fistfights, they are saving it and demanding that Hollywood stars sign printouts of their naked body.
Now, we've been telling you this for a year.
They went in several years ago at select airports.
They're going in at all airports, all major airports.
They're now forcing people in El Paso.
The El Paso Times admits, everyone must go through it.
Here's the deal, you little control freak criminals, okay?
Just because you're stupid and don't know what these are for, and that they give you 20 to 50 times the radiation they'd originally said, and top universities say that it's going to give you cancer.
And you idiots that work around these machines, they have backscatter that's splattering out of it.
You're being hit by it as well.
They don't have you get behind a lead wall like they have radiologists and doctors do.
And nurses that take x-rays.
And so, most of you TSA people are gonna die!
And you know what the number one thing is you're gonna get in the study show this?
Testicular cancer.
Oh, it'll give you skin cancer, the study show, and testicular because they're on the surface.
So, hey, you want to have your testicles chopped off when they get big old cancer growths on them?
Enjoy yourselves!
Enjoy the shots!
And you know what all you soccer moms as they come out with these brain-boosting vaccines that admittedly eat brain cells and go in and reprogram your brain?
Go ahead, take your daughters and sons in and kill them, nutter and a hammer!
Take their psyche away!
Psychologically kill them!
Everything I've told you is true!
I'm done!
I'm sick of it!
I can't just sit here and calmly report on this anymore and watch them murdering us!
And you police, and military, and government bureaucrats, and all of you that are given petty uniforms.
You have zero power outside of that uniform that you animate.
You are literally ringwraiths of pure death.
You may not know it, but I'm telling you straight up.
You come out and you speak out and you say no.
Your children are sucking down the corn syrup and the bisphenol A. Your children are sucking down the fluoride and the GMO.
Don't say you weren't warned.
Don't say somebody didn't tell you.
Here it is, CNET News.
A year after we told you, and I want to get Paul Watson on the line, then I'm going to your calls after this break.
I want to get Paul online to give him his mission on air.
Paul Watson, our hardest worker when it comes to writing, and everybody does a great job.
He's here now?
He's not home?
He's here.
Let's bring Watson up right now.
Paul Watson.
Hi Alex.
Well, here is CNET News, a division of CBS News.
Feds admit storing checkpoint body images at one federal courthouse just from Florida.
They have saved tens of thousands of images.
Of course, it's for their naked body scanning.
And we reported on this 11 years ago, that major clothiers were putting in tailor machines that scan your body.
That data is then sold to the feds.
This is a biometric scan, it gives you cancer, and they're storing your naked body, and it violates child porn laws.
I want you to do an article saying, naked body scanners.
We're good to go.
Well, I mean, they've lied about these body scanner devices at every turn.
I mean, they were introduced on the basis that they don't show clear images of genitalia.
And yet, right from the very beginning, on the CSA's own website, you could go on there and see the kind of images that these produce.
And they produce a clear outline of genitalia.
Indeed, that's what the researchers, for example, from the London Guardian, who went in and
And to make sure they've got the scanner tuned right, they look at the genital, the female folds and the male shape to make sure it's tuned.
It's like a photographer looks at the eye or looks at moles on the face when you're taking a photo, when you're tuning a camera to focus it, a video camera or a still photo.
In the handbook, they are told to look at the genitals, training them
Watson, it's just so incredible.
Stay there.
I want to get some final comments from you on this.
Then I'm getting back into the mass extermination program.
And then your phone calls, Mark, Jason, Miguel, Beth, Craig, and others.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones!
I haven't even gotten in to the point that in Texas they've now admitted that, oh, they take all your baby's DNA at birth and give it to the Pentagon, and the Pentagon gives your local community money.
And they act like, oh, the headline is, State of Texas bartering your baby's DNA.
They're not bartering it.
It's a 38-year-old secret global program.
But the media never reports on the full story.
They go, okay, it's true, the conspiracy theorists are right, they're storing your baby's DNA.
Now, look at this CNET news story, top news story on drugs, we just posted it, link to it up on InfoWars.com.
Feds admit storing checkpoint body scan images, and it says the federal marshals have a Gen 2 machine hooked in, and at one airport, 40,000 images.
It says that they boast that it can be operated remotely, and the Gen 2 detection engine capability is stored with your name and your naked body.
360 scan is then transferred to the federal marshals, and they have a naked body scan of your children, your wife.
Isn't that funny?
I mean, imagine if the cops grabbed your wife off the street randomly, stripped her down and took color photos of her.
You'd go crazy.
But they run you through the airports and do this, and it's A-OK.
Paul Watson, this is incredible.
Well, I mean, the shocking thing about it is that the fact that these images produce clear, you know, visible shots of genitalia, and you've got children going through these.
In the UK, they make you go through them, you don't get a choice.
And it breaks child pornography laws.
And you know, a lot of these kind of people that work for the TSA and airport security,
...have been habitually caught abusing their power.
And many of them have been caught using these naked body scanners to harass their own colleagues.
Well, I want to be clear!
They give you cancer.
That's mainline scientists at universities.
They lied from the beginning about what the machines are even for.
They're designed to get a naked 360 biometric scan of your body.
And from the inception, the Electronic Privacy Information Center got the documents.
That these devices are designed to be deployed in a way that allows the images to be routinely stored and recorded, which is exactly what the Marshall Service is doing.
35,314 images stored just on one machine in Orlando, Florida, from the airport.
Everybody run through that at that one airport, 35,000 plus stored.
It's totally illegal.
The criminal, degenerate, murderous Homeland Security lied to everybody and said they weren't.
From the beginning they were doing it.
Just like they lie about why the fluoride's in the water when their own documents say it's meant to sterilize you and give you cancer.
Just like they lie about bisphenol A and now admit it's sterilizing us and giving us cancer.
I mean Watson, we've got to wake up, even myself and you and everyone,
Just how murderous and lying and criminal they are.
They are complete scumbag criminals and they have a bunch of dumbed down fluoride head TSA cops and others that'll do whatever they're told and it's total evil.
They're bathing our children in radiation in the naked body scanners.
They're saying they're going to have a mobile on the streets of America to travel.
They've got dumbed down brain damaged cops pulled from the general public running it.
They all think it's funny.
They're a pack of total scum!
Well, the good news is, I mean, there's a revolt against these body scanners due by airports that they're not getting them.
And in Idaho, you had that bill whereby they would throw them out and not allow them in Idaho.
So, if people lobby their government to the state level, then we can get these thrown out.
And then if there's a boycott of the airports that do continue to use them, fewer economic forces will drive them out of existence.
If not, they're going to put them in the shopping malls, on the streets, at the public schools.
It's all been announced.
They've gone in in courthouses all over the country.
They run small children through them.
In the case in Denver, one protest and pointing out it was illegal to scan children's genitals.
They now don't scan children.
Again, they want to train you.
To let the police take your blood at federally funded checkpoints.
That goes in DNA databases.
Nothing to do with drunk driving.
They're just setting the precedent of medicalizing the police to carry out the medical tyranny.
And again, police, you've been assaulted and poisoned.
Most of you are going to die young of cancer.
You're brain damaged, just like everybody else.
You must understand the government is run by murdering criminals who hate you and your family.
You must join us now.
Wake up out of your mind control.
I mean, Watson, do you understand why I'm so frustrated how this is just all out in the open?
It's all completely evil.
Bloomberg reports that every major insurance company is now stealing people's death benefits when their husband or son die in Iraq.
They're stealing everything.
They're admittedly doing this.
They're stolen tens of trillions.
The country's going under.
We're going into a depression.
The carbon taxes are meant to shut our economy down.
India and China don't have to do it.
It's just total evil.
Don't people get?
That this is not a frontal military assault, it is a covert scientific dictatorship, where they announce the vaccines, the naked body scanners, the GMO crops, everything with a front cover story.
But it's never that, and we've analyzed their attack profile, I always know exactly what they're doing, and then I can search what my mind already comes up with, and read the exact words they've written, because I know the enemy that well.
I knew it was a biometric 360 shoot because I'd seen it 10 years ago.
They admit it is.
I knew it was being stored by the federal marshals who were over-the-air marshals.
It's now admitted.
I knew it was massive cancer increases.
Now admitted.
I mean, they get to fry you, they get to train you to be a slave, they get your biometric scan, and then they criminally, viciously, hatefully lie
The entire time telling the public in the last year that they weren't saving it and that it didn't give you cancer.
They are murdering scum.
People have to get this.
They're murdering you with soft kill with the radiation.
You don't die there on the spot, you die ten years later.
They're murdering you with the food.
They know what they're murdering, murdering, murdering eugenicists.
They are murdering, murdering criminal government.
And now all these sheriffs and all these prominent people are coming out and saying, we have a criminal government.
It's waging war against America.
We have a criminal, yes, we have a criminal, criminal, criminal, murderous, murder government.
I mean, just murdering trash.
They're murdering all of us, and I'm sick of it!
And I'm sick of all the dumbed-down cowards that go along with it.
Well, it's all out there in the open.
I mean, we've passed that stage, but now the problem is, as you said, people are ingesting and bathing themselves in this neurotoxin, sodium fluoride, that removes their aggression, that makes them docile and compliant.
That's why the communists use it in the gulags, that's why the Nazis used it in the concentration camps.
And, uh, really the battle now is about just making people look up from the stupor of their own controlled brainwashing, which is why, as you've been doing recently, focusing on what people are actually putting in their bodies and the effect that that has.
And it's by design!
You know, countless comments and emails I get say, well, I know it's admitted that bisphenol A sterilizes and gives us cancer.
I know it's admitted that fluoride's doing it.
You know, I know it's admitted that they're coming out with vaccines that brain damage you by design.
But you know what?
They're just doing it because they're greedy.
No, they're doing it because they are greedy.
They want to get rid of everybody and
Watson, I really appreciate you joining us.
Let's get some reports out on this.
Let's get Steve on this as well.
And let's just point out that we, a year ago, and repeatedly since then, have written articles with the documents that are now being reported on by CBS News and CNET that we told everybody, and that it's even worse than what they're being told.
You can just search
We found it again last week, guys.
What was the search I told you to find where the clothing companies are using biometric scans for tailoring?
And then that's really being used as a biometric... See, that's how they trick you.
Oh, step right in here.
We're going to give you a good fit.
Meanwhile, that company's real business isn't just selling clothes.
It's getting your biometric fingerprint of your body.
And it's the same thing with this.
It's the same thing with the airports.
It's meant to train you to be humiliated, as you'll put up with your children being naked body scanned.
You'll put up with anything.
It's meant to give you cancer, and it's meant to be stored in these databases, and the government lied about it.
I mean, when do they not lie, Watson?
Well, you can tell when they're lying because they're late to the movie.
And they state they want to get rid of us.
It's on record.
Watson, thank you for joining us.
Thanks, Oleg.
I mean, I'm here watching them slow kill us.
I'm here watching their stealth death.
I'm here watching them.
And I made that video that became the number one search term yesterday, thanks to you again.
The number one search term in the country.
Brain-eating vaccines.
Brain-eating vaccines.
That's something a layman could understand, and that's what it does.
But the media's like, oh, it reprograms.
It changes your DNA, which is a technical term.
It goes in and attacks the neuroreceptors so that when your brain gets threatened by something, it gives an order for hormones to be released by the hypothalamus and the thyroid and other things.
So that you can then get geared up to defend yourself.
But they're saying that's abnormal.
All of you are sick.
This is all over the news.
You need a shot to make you happy.
You're not going to be angry or nervous anymore.
When you pull up to that police checkpoint with their naked bodies scanning you and taking your families away from you, when your preacher's up there telling you go to the FEMA camp as they've been trained to do, clergy response team, don't worry.
You're going to have this shot and you're not going to be worried about anything anymore.
You're not going to be worried about becoming homeless.
You're not going to worry about being euthanized down the road.
You're not going to be worried about anything because the loving vaccine has cured you of your humanity.
It's literally killed who you were.
It's turned you into a biological robot.
Do you realize it's 2010?
Let me ask you this question, then we're going to your calls.
800 years ago in medieval England, they were incredibly oppressive, dominated the public, kept the public on about 5% of the land through feudalism to keep them near starvation as a tool of control.
They wrote manuscripts on it all over Europe.
Same thing with the Shogun and the Japanese Samurai.
Same deal.
They told you what time to go to bed, what to wear, what to do.
A samurai would routinely call somebody up from the rice paddy and chop them up just to demonstrate their power.
They were allowed to kill whoever they wanted.
Now, if they could have had an injection that made the public servile individuals who couldn't fight back, would they have injected in Japan 500 years ago or England 800 years ago, would they have injected the serfs?
100% they would.
Well, here's the deal.
Despite the fluoride, and the lithium, and the bisphenol A, and all the things they're adding to your food and water, and despite the fact that the US IQ has dropped between 10 and 15 points in the last 20 years, you can just search the term IQ in the United States dropping.
Not the education level, not the test scores, those are dropping too.
Physically, people are dumb.
They're dumber.
I mean, most people can't even hardly talk anymore, or they can't get upset, or they can't get motivated.
The strongest, most focused, most hardcore people the world had ever seen, the people of the United States, now the fattest, the dumbest, the weakest, the most servile, because you have been chemically attacked.
And most of the politicians don't know about this, they just drink it and go along with it.
They're the same.
But when you read about the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, the British Royalty, the Dutch Royalty, in every documentary about them, they have giant plantations in walled cities.
I saw a PBS documentary about Prince Philip, where they have their own beef, all of their own crops, and when they travel, it's prepared and shipped with chefs.
And they are incredibly careful about what they eat and what they do.
And you know, they're living to be a hundred years old on average.
Routinely up to a hundred.
These royal families.
Ninety-five, you know, for the men.
A hundred plus for the women.
And they're walking around in public.
Think of them when they go to a shopping mall every once in a while or when they're in public.
They get to look at how they're mutating people.
They get to look at the pallor and the poisoning.
They get that enjoyment over you.
That they have engineered a system to slowly murder you and your family and they enjoy it so much.
And now, they've already got you so chemically poisoned.
That they're coming out and saying, okay, we know you're going to want this.
That's how all these articles push it.
Oh, it's so great.
They're about to start trials with the troops with something that reprograms their brain.
That'll make them feel better.
Hundreds of vaccines at a time.
Live viruses.
Oh, Gardasil is going to be so great for your girls.
A couple thousand people die a year of cervical cancer.
So we're gonna fix that.
Oh, by the way, the vaccine insert admits it doesn't even protect you from it, but it will cause an autoimmune response and there's a good chance it's gonna kill you.
And the moms are like, oh good!
And then their mom's always on the news going, my baby's dead!
Shows her on the respirator, then shows her at the funeral.
They killed her!
The doctor says it was the vaccine!
And the government's just like, that's right!
And because you're on sodium fluoride and bisphenol, hey lady, you can't even resist us!
If somebody comes to your door to kill you with a hatchet, you have a right to defend yourself.
Well, what do we do about scum?
Control freaks who've drugged us up to the point now that they think we're so drugged out of our minds.
Key chemicals to make us not be able to become angry and to be assertive and to commit to something.
You know, my parents never gave me vaccines.
I've never had any vaccines except when I almost chopped my arm off one time.
Big ol' scar right there.
And they gave me shots at the hospital.
I've had tetanus shots.
When I was a child, I noticed I got a headache every time I brushed with sodium fluoride toothpaste.
And would have to lay down on the couch, so I quit brushing with that and started just brushing with soap.
Didn't even say anything to my dentist father.
I just didn't like feeling good in the morning, brushing, and then feeling ill.
So I quit.
I could never drink the Dallas water.
It tasted like kerosene.
And I still drank a lot of fluoridated water.
And so a lot of who I would have been has been destroyed.
But I've still got enough humanity and enough primitive focus to integrate with my intellectual compass and resist these people.
They're murdering you and your families.
I love the police officers.
I'm not at some macho primitive level wanting to have war with you.
I realize you're brain damaged, brainwashed enforcers of death.
I don't hate the average bureaucrats.
They don't know.
The average stupid mayor, you know, here in Austin, who won't take the fluoride out, even though they're there every week demanding it be taken out, and their own scientists say it's deadly.
They just, you know, it's just a big joke to them.
But we've got to go to these mind-numbed criminals and tell them, look, I don't care if you say it's good for me, you little piece of trash.
You don't have a right to medicate me!
I mean, we need to start picketing their houses.
We need to start leafleting their neighborhoods.
We need to get aggressive!
We need to... This is a full-on war!
And I'm gonna add this.
We've got a new special.
The Obama four copies for the price of one.
Buy one, get one free.
That was very popular.
So now we're offering Fall of the Republic, Part 2 of the Obama Deception, Invisible Empire, New Order Defined, excellent film to wake people up, and Police State 4, The Rise of FEMA.
We've analyzed that attack profile.
You'll get more information here than anywhere else on the whole police state takeover.
You can get one copy, get three free, or get two copies, get eight free.
And we're running this for two weeks, just like we did the Obama deception.
And when it's gone, it's gone, and your purchase supports this broadcast.
But you get these, give them to everybody you know, burn copies of them, hand them out to everyone.
Never stop.
We're gonna beat these people.
We can beat these sicko bullies if we just get angry and get fired up.
And also download these films at highqualityatprisonplanet.tv, burn them to disk.
Folks, you are the solution.
You are the key.
You know you're under attack.
We need to get in the streets and get angry and from the rooftops warn people and sound the alarm now!
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Alright, we're going right to your calls.
Yesterday, we posted the video, Media Pushes Brain-Eating Vaccine.
That's the title.
I want you to search that term again and drive it to number one, so that everybody can see this video.
It's had 37,000 views.
When it updates in the next few hours, it'll probably be 100,000.
I want it to be half a million by Sunday.
It needs to be 100 million.
Everybody needs to know that they're rolling out brain-eating vaccines, that's what they do, that literally brain damage you, that are live viruses, in one of these cases a herpes re-engineered virus to attack the brain, and telling you it's a brain booster.
But I've read the patents.
We've got to get that out.
Media pushes brain-eating vaccine.
It's posted on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
There's an article, but at the bottom of the article is the video.
Get it out to everyone.
Please help us.
Now look, I'm going to get into a bunch of other news and take your calls on this subject.
We've got a guest coming up in about an hour and five minutes.
I've got a bunch of other important news on the economy.
It's just getting worse and worse by the minute.
And this is why they want to collapse society so we're dependent on government health care and the system so they can force all this on us.
It's a slaughterhouse.
I mean, have I gotten through to any police and military?
Because you're going to be used to enforce this, and the doctors and the medical people, and I want them to get in on air.
I'm giving each caller about one minute.
Let's talk to Jason in Georgia.
Jason, you're on the air.
Hey, Alex.
How are you?
Well, I mean, I think you can tell I'm totally freaked out, as I should be about this.
I hear you.
Listen, uh, I guess Saturday night was a week ago.
ABC ran a, I believe it's 2020, whatever their new show is there.
The cheerleader that got the Gillian Beret syndrome from the flu shot.
You remember that?
Well, did you see that segment?
No, I didn't.
Well, it was actually for the first few minutes of it, a fair piece.
Amazingly, but they wrapped it up, obviously, by having their experts on and calling her an idiot and claiming she faked it.
Well, and they always use a case example to claim it's all fake.
The drug insert, the vaccine insert for H1N1, says that it causes Guillain-Barré, and the British government just admitted that it gave a tenfold increase in convulsions with the H1N1 shot.
So yes, they're running disinfo pieces,
Literally taking part in the murder and brain damage of the public.
These are sellout media mercenaries who love what they're doing.
My wife's a pharmacist at a hospital here locally and I guess it was flu season as it rolled around they tried to get everybody to take the shot.
She didn't take it but yet her supervisor who's a pharmacist also
You know, basically put extreme pressure on her, mocked her a little bit about the whole situation.
Oh, no, no, no, no.
They tried in multiple states like New York and Massachusetts to make the medical workers and police take it.
Well, anybody who would give their kid this shot or any of these shots is crazy.
And I don't know if you're familiar with the Duggar family.
There's a lot of families that have been damaged.
Tell me about them.
Well, they haven't been damaged.
They don't vaccinate their kids.
In fact, they had a home birth on their TV show just the other day.
Well, listen, I appreciate your call, Mark.
We're going to have to pull out of the system and create communities to defend ourselves and have our children at home, which they're trying to outlaw.
These murderers, we've just got to expose them.
They admit the H1N1 caused massive Guillain-Barré.
I talked to a local talk show host who didn't believe me about this stuff and he went and got the shot and got Guillain-Barré for a month.
His hands and feet got numb and his doctor said it's the vaccine.
Imagine those criminals at ABC going along with that.
Jason in Georgia, go ahead.
Okay, that was Jason.
I'm just, we're going to go to break and come back.
And go to Miguel, Beth, Craig, Mark and others.
And I want to try to get police, medical workers, people in.
You know, they're trying to force you first to take this.
So you'll then go, well I had to take it.
I'm going to make the public take it.
Look, the government shouldn't be able to force us to take this stuff.
Do you understand?
They lie about everything.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today!
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We've got open phones.
We're talking about how we have a psychotic group of eugenicists that openly say they want to brain damage us and make us servile ahead of just openly releasing megabio weapons to kill basically the majority of the population.
We're taking your phone calls.
I got a bunch of other news on a host of issues coming up, but we're taking your calls right now.
Miguel in New York.
You're on the air.
Good day, Alex.
How you doing?
I'm calling to let the viewers know that they should start waking up.
And if you start putting out their own message, not just waiting on you to put out the message, because God forbid anything was to happen to you, who would be out there to give out the message to the people?
I, like myself, I co-host a radio show over the internet, prepareradio.com, and not just you, but people like David Icke, Alan Watts, they're all just trying to tell people the same message.
You have to go out and inform the people.
Don't just stay there being dormant, thinking that everything's going to be okay eventually, because it's not going to be okay as long as you don't fight for what's happening to you.
What do you think of the fact that they admit they've been storing the naked body images the whole time, it does give you cancer, and they lied to us, and they now admit they're putting lithium in the water, they're poisoning us, fluoride is there to poison us.
I mean, they're out in the open now saying they're helping us.
Well, I'm not surprised that they're saying they're helping us, because the first time we ever, if you think back, the first time I ever saw a body scan that was in the movie Total Recall, they were just preparing us to understand that this was going to happen to us.
And now, here we go, we have body scanners all over the place.
And the fact that they said that, oh, we're going to delete these pictures, it's not meant to stay there, it's a whole bunch of baloney.
Because every time they say it's right, it's always going to happen left.
Every time they say this is good for you, eventually it's bad for you.
Same with the swine flu, they hyped up the pandemic, and nothing ever occurred.
Except for the people who actually went out and took the swine flu shot.
They're like, we're going to murder you, we're going to brain damage you, we're going to give you an autoimmune disorder, and there's nothing you're going to do about it, and we're going to order you to take it.
And they just do it with a straight face.
They are assaulting us through the drugs, the food, the water.
God bless you, Miguel.
Let's talk to Craig in D.C.
Craig, you're on the air.
Hello Alex, my dear friend, how are you doing?
I just, it's really hitting home just how hardcore a situation we're in.
I mean, I'm living in a science fiction nightmare, and I realize now that most of the public is brain damaged, and they really did brain damage them, and now they're going to increase the brain damage system, and they're going to put it in the food, in the water even more, and spray it in the air so that I can't escape it, and they're going to try to brain damage my children.
They're murdering criminals coming to kill me.
Well, earlier in the show you asked for solutions, and
And what Miguel was saying just a minute ago is right on point.
I think what needs to happen is that all of us who are aware of the New World Order and what our government is doing, we need to, as you say, get out of our comfort zone.
We need to become leaders ourselves and recruit.
We need, in essence, to grow ourselves like a military.
The problem in this country is, one of the problems is that our leadership
Our politicians do not fear the people whatsoever.
So they're running roughshod over us.
Well, they actually are starting to fear us.
That's why they're admitting they're drugging our water supply and want to force injections on us that literally brain damage us and kill the area of the brain that allows you to get angry and focused and committed.
What needs to happen is those of us who are aware, like you said, we need we need to get the word out.
We need to go to church.
We need to tell everyone.
And try to convince as many people as we can.
And we need to get aggressive!
And videos like my Food The Ultimate Secret and Media Pushes Brain-Eating Vaccines, those two videos, about 30 minutes of video combined, will give them all the documents and the proof they need.
And I have Alan Watt and others that are well-versed in this on.
I try to give them a bigger platform.
Anybody who I know is real and decent and honorable.
God bless you.
Craig, Beth, Mark, Eric, and others.
I want to hear from doctors and medical people if you can get through as well.
Stay with us.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We're back live, we're going straight to your calls here in a moment.
But if you just joined us, the globalists have gone from denying they want to exterminate the majority of the population in mainstream media, they've always said that in hundreds and hundreds of government documents and textbooks that we've listed and made films about.
To now saying, yes, we've got to have one-child policy, we've got to drug your water, which they're already doing, they're just now telling you to make you servile so you're not aggressive.
And whether you're a professor or a journalist working at a newspaper or TV station, a police officer, a doctor, a lawyer, a rancher, a farmer, an auto mechanic,
A school teacher?
It doesn't matter!
You are under attack!
There are more mainstream news articles that I could ever even cover every day where they go, yeah, there is mercury in almost all children's foods, we don't know why.
Yes, there's lots of lead.
Yes, bisphenol A does give you cancer and does sterilize you, and we have an 85 plus percent sperm drop, and within two more generations we'll be almost completely sterile.
That's mainstream news!
This is all being done to you.
This is all being done by design.
Why do you think there's the ongoing joke about third-world women?
It doesn't even matter if they're white, from areas of Eastern Europe where they don't have fluoride in the water and don't have all these high-tech vaccines, that you can get them pregnant so easy.
But it's hard to get an American woman, whether they're black or white, it doesn't matter, pregnant.
This is what's going on, ladies and gentlemen.
This is real.
You're being assaulted.
You're being attacked, and we have to stop being servile.
We have to get aggressive.
You have to be at City Council every week with the EPA's own documents admitting a doubling in bone cancer from fluoride.
That's just one of the things admitted.
You have to be there saying, ban bisphenol A in our town.
You've got to be suing companies that do it.
But here's the good news, and I'm going to your calls.
The good news is, when I go in a gas station now, the good news and the bad news, every gum, I mean, I literally can't ever find it for my children, has aspartame.
Sugar gum.
Sugar candy has it added.
And I've had arguments, you know, with my cousin.
I'm going, you're eating aspartame gum?
He goes, no, this is sugar gum.
I go, turn it around.
He goes, no, it's not in there.
I said, get it to me.
When he was here for Christmas.
And I turned it around and I said, aspartame!
And I threw it back at him because I love him.
And I said, listen!
You've even worked for me for two years.
You know this is real.
And he goes, I know it is.
I can't believe it's in sugar gum.
And I said, I told you it's in all the gum now.
I love you.
Listen to me.
I actually grabbed him by the shoulders in the backyard.
I don't like him hurting my family.
I've had enough of these criminals.
You've got to get hardcore.
I want a national initiative, and I'm going to have my graphics people, both Janae and Phil, who are both awesome, make a simple, and you can make them, send them to us, we'll post them on InfoWars and Prison Planet, a simple
One page that can be printed out and put on telephone poles that says, there is poison in the water.
And then the little bootlicking scumbag local media is going to come out of their hive like a bunch of yellow jackets, like a bunch of bees.
And they're going to go, how dare someone panic the town and say there's poison in the water.
The police are looking into it.
And then you need to let them know who you are.
So let me tell you, they bought the bait before, they'll do it again.
They will come and arrest you.
Even though they allow other signs to be put up.
Put it up in legal and lawful areas.
Or they will come and interview you, and the papers and TV will rejoice, like they did in Texas, and Florida, and Michigan, and California, and Tokyo, and London.
Hundreds of news reports, hundreds of TV reports, hundreds of newspapers, dozens in Texas alone I saw.
And they'll say, arrest whoever puts up a sign putting down Obama.
Arrest who's ever saying there's poison in the water.
And then you can pull up the EPA and FDA's own admissions that sodium fluoride doubles cancer and is a neurotoxin and show them photos of the bags they used with skull and crossbones on it.
And you can say, hey, I told the public the truth, and then you go to city council, and they will back off, because when they come after you, and most people they don't, you hope they do, when they come after you, then everybody's going to start asking questions, it's going to be all over the town, and then the media will suddenly shut down and won't report on it, and go, whoa, we did something dangerous here!
Let me tell you how you culture jam these people, and how you crush them!
I know how to smash these scum.
I know how to beat them.
But the power is in your hands.
You have the power to defeat these people.
But you've got to get those instincts and that humanity and that ancestral strength and that red blood pumping through your veins.
You've got to access those resistance areas of your mind for total resistance, total defeat of these people.
Just as your ancestors would stand there and say, the enemy tribe has invaded our land.
They've taken over the last six villages and killed all the men and taken the women.
We've got to wait for them at the pass and we've got to fight to the death for our women and children.
We've got to recognize the threat.
Are you with me?
And they start beating their shields.
We're ready!
Infowarum hardcore!
You get that video, media pushes brain-eating vaccine off Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com and you send it out to your email list and post it on every message board and you never stop!
Alright, I said I'd go to your calls.
I want you to go to InfoWars.com, and it also financially supports this engine, this InfoWeapons system.
You can get Invisible Empire.
Four copies for $19.95.
That's buy one, get one free.
Same thing with Fall of the Republic.
Buy one, get three free.
Those are up there right now.
You get them, give them a high quality, this will wake somebody up.
Infowars.com or 888-253-3139.
Or you write to me, P.O.
Box 19549, Austin Tejas 78760.
And here's something, I don't get up here and get all growly and angry because I'm trying to get people fired up.
I am fired up.
At a primitive level, I realize an assault on my children and my family.
And every man, every woman has this in them.
You've all got it.
I'm so angry right now, I guarantee you, I could take on five big men and beat the living daylights out of them right now.
You understand that, ladies and gentlemen?
You understand that?
And you could do the same thing, because we're in survival mode.
But I'm not saying go out and physically attack anybody.
I'm saying take that strength.
And pour it into resistance.
That's what I've done in the last 15 years.
And every one of you out there can do the same thing when you turn the power that is humanity loose!
That's why every one of the drugs and chemicals they're putting into the water and food is meant to take this energy away!
What do they say in all these news reports I read yesterday that are up on the website?
InfoWars and Present Planet.
In the article, media pushes brain-eating vaccine.
It's to make you happy, not get angry anymore.
Do what you're told.
Brain-eating viruses.
We have to recognize we're under assault.
Of course the federal marshals at the federal courthouses store everybody that goes to the naked body scanners with your name.
It's a biometric scan!
Now it's admitted!
I told you!
I had the government documents a year ago!
Of course it gives you cancer!
They like to do things multi-faceted.
You're going to let them put your kids in there and fry them?
The good news is people are saying no.
Because I go to stores now and they have big bags of mainline chips saying no GMO, no drugs, no MSG, it's good.
They know you're already making the choice.
So now they're shifting to the water and they're shifting to forced inoculations.
And let me tell you,
These kids are having convulsions.
The convulsions are triggered by the viral attack on the brain.
And there's clear evidence they added things to that H1N1.
They already hit them, folks.
They hit tens of millions of people that bought it.
The good news is record numbers refuse to take it.
This isn't a game.
I could care less if they kill me.
Except for the fact I want to continue my work.
Realizing they're already murdering everybody and my children have no future if we don't beat these people?
You think I care what the media says about me?
You think I care what COINTELPRO does?
You think I care about anything except saving people?
We're all going to die individually, but the species and our families go on.
And I'm honored to stand up against these people.
So I'm telling you, the power's in your hands.
Turn it loose.
Get aggressive.
Put up a simple thing saying, there is poison in the tap water.
Or Google brain-eating vaccines.
Stuff like that.
Do multiple ones.
Get aggressive.
Get aggressive.
And they'll come out and try to stop you and then trigger everybody to look.
There's info war guerrilla operations that you can launch that will devastate the enemy.
You know how good you're going to feel with a staple gun putting that up?
You know how good you're going to feel videoing it and putting it on YouTube to get others to do it?
You know how good it feels to stand up to these pieces of trash?
Beth in Oregon, you're on the air.
Hi, Alex.
No, you're right, this is not a game, and I've got first-hand experience with this lead and mercury crap.
I have had body tremors, rapid heart rate seizures, electrical charges in my legs and feet, the sensation of water being poured over my brain, brain fog, I mean, just incredible, incredible, incredible
I've gone to six doctors for two years.
Everyone said, you're fine.
Here, go home with a prescription for Xanax.
I was in the emergency room three times.
I finally found a doctor that tested me for lead and mercury, and sure enough, my lead and mercury was literally off the charts.
And I've been on, for nine weeks now, I've been on chelation, and 80% of my symptoms are gone, but this was the most horrible two years of my life.
My brother-in-law was a county commissioner in our area and a good man and responsible for fluoridating the water.
I told him about the dangers.
He said his response was the government would never give us false information and reports about the fluoride.
It's good for you.
God bless you.
God bless you, ma'am.
God bless you.
We're going to come back.
Get Watson on.
Wired Magazine has now attacked me in a savage way of dealing with a brain-eating vaccine.
They're scared, folks.
They know we're warning you.
Stay with us.
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Ladies and gentlemen, Jonah Lehrer is a contributing editor at Wired and an author of How We Decide.
A Proust was a neuroscientist.
He graduated from Columbia University and studied at Oxford University as a Rhodes Scholar.
He's written for the New Yorker, Nature, Seed, and the Washington Post, the Boston Globe.
I'm also a contributing editor at Scientific American Mind and National Public Radio's Radio Lab.
He wrote a story, and at the end of the article, he says, Alex Jones is a liar.
That's how the article ends.
Alex Jones is a liar and he focuses in on one of the articles we link to in our story where the mail newspaper reported the quotes by the scientists saying this will make you calm, this vaccine will make you happy, it is a herpes virus that goes in and attacks the receptors so that the body can't become upset or agitated.
Now, this is on record.
This is what they said.
He goes on to say, oh well, actually, they would traumatize rats with strokes, and then inject them with this, and it would cause the trauma hormones not to flood and cause more brain damage.
See, just like the naked body scanners that protect you from terrorists, really they're a 360 body scan.
They always give you a cover story, and so they have this Rhodes Scholar, Jonah Lerer, how do you pronounce that?
Yeah, Jonah Lehrer, this Rhodes Scholar.
Cecil Rhodes openly wrote books about how he would get all the best and brightest to set up a plan for world government and a scientific dictatorship.
And here this guy is saying, I'm a liar.
In our article about brain-eating vaccines, we link to mainstream news about a whole class of vaccines that are live viruses that go in and, quote, cure you of drug addiction by attacking the receptor sites.
In the same article and video, I showed the New York Times, Huffington Post, the British Journal of Psychiatry and others saying they want to put lithium in the water.
as part of democracy to make us not commit suicide or be agitated.
It's an anti-psychotic.
So, again, he builds a straw man saying I'm a liar and that this is just about
Helping people with strokes, where they claim that's one of the things this could be used for.
My point was, the article quoting the scientist, who may be a good guy, may be a bad guy, that's only one thing I covered, and they were saying it was to keep you from becoming angry or agitated.
And they said it was a cognitive booster and reprogram the brain with a live virus that goes into the brain.
That's my point.
Is that these things do go into the brain and alter it.
Just like in the Gardasil trials, it killed a bunch of people and maimed them and caused autoimmune diseases.
Just like they admit in the London Telegraph a tenfold increase in under five-year-olds who took the H1N1 shot two days ago.
The government said quit giving the shot.
And the British medical journals come out and said it was all a big hoax and the vaccine's dangerous.
So did Wolfgang Wudarg, the head of the European Union Scientific Commission, who we had on earlier this year.
I mean, we know what we're talking about, and you can sit up there and say, oh, you know, you write books about neuroscience and, you know, that's what you went to school for, and you write for The New Yorker and Nature and Seed.
They are scared of this, ladies and gentlemen.
They are scared, so I'm asking Watson, I'm asking Steve Watson, both of them to do detailed reports with literally 50 links.
It could be 500, it could be 1,000, it's unlimited.
With medical reports where they're calling for drugging the water, where they admit fluoride's causing cancer and brain damage and making you servile, and where governments... I mean, there was the Wired Magazine article about, oh, they're gonna inject with lasers.
In fact, print that again for me, guys.
It's just Wired Magazine, laser-injected DNA vaccine.
Where they can inject hundreds of vaccines into your DNA.
I mean, who knows what that's going to do?
And they already admit for decades they've been testing drugs and things and amnesiacs on the troops.
To make them more aggressive, less aggressive, to make them forget what they've done.
I mean, this is all going on.
They're admittedly pushing.
All of this.
They're poisoning us.
I mean, here it is.
Raw story today reporting on a mainline study.
Corn by-product, fructose, literally fuels cancer cell growth.
Study finds.
But they run TV ads telling you how great fructose is.
And telling you how great corn syrup is and how we're conspiracy theorists.
But I should be happy about this.
The article's called the brain-eating vaccine conspiracy.
I should be happy about this.
Because people are now going to go and they are now going to see the true documentation and information.
More of your calls are coming up.
But I've got Paul Watson popping in via video Skype.
We're going to talk to him about this on air and he's going to get this out in the next three hours.
A detailed report.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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I'll tell you the good news about this individual, Jonah Lehrer.
It goes on to say that he researches psychology and brain sciences.
Neuroscience and the relationship between science and humanities.
He is a Rhodes Scholar, which is set up to establish world government.
I mean, I guess he'd try to deny that.
The good news is, his column section is called the frontal cortex, the main thing the globalists are targeting with all these chemicals and drugs.
Wired Magazine, he's come out and attacked me, and I'm reading the comments.
Every comment I've read
Points out, hey, Alex Jones shows all the articles where the New York Times, they want to put lithium in the water.
Alex Jones shows other articles where they admit that they do have vaccines that go in and attack the brain.
I was just, this was one thing we mentioned and in the quotes by the scientist, he says it'll make you calm and happy.
You won't get angry anymore.
Which is what the lithium they said they want to put in the water is for.
So you'll submit to all this.
So the great news is,
It's incredible that almost every comment here people are pointing out.
I mean, everybody's attacking him.
He says, by the way, you're cowardice and not presenting Alex's video and trusting your readers to think for themselves is
An indication of your overall character as a human being.
Also, the ad hominem against Alex with which you end your polemic article rather than increase your credibility.
Does it increase your credibility?
And just every one of them, every one of these, almost every one of these commenters comes out attaxing.
So, the good news is everybody's going to look into brain-eating vaccines.
Because they say it's cognitive enhancement.
Oh, it changes your brain.
It changes your brain's DNA.
Yeah, viruses are going in and attacking receptors.
Especially, just search the term.
I had all the articles here.
They're in my stack from yesterday.
I'll pull some of them out and go back over them again, but they're in my videos as well that we've posted at InfoWars.com, where it, and I'm sorry, I'm reading this here on air.
I just got the article and just finished reading it over the break, and now here on air.
It's just so mind-blowing.
Incredibly mind-blowing.
To read all of the government patents, and university patents, and scientific patents, where they say, we're going to cure you of drug use.
And then you read the patents, the viruses go in and attack the receptors that would take up the opiates, or the nicotine, or the cocaine.
Well, those receptors are there for a reason.
Sure, you can take a drug to manipulate them, but the receptors are there to uptake endorphins.
You're supposed to be angry and passionate and full of life.
They're trying to make you a bunch of servile jellyfish.
And it's all over the news they want to do that.
So they can't have their cake and eat it too.
They can't say, oh, there's no world government, and then call for world government, like George Mombiot does all the time.
They can't have it both ways.
And he goes on to say that I will not link to Alex's video.
Yeah, he doesn't want you to see it.
He didn't want you to see what I actually said, he wants to build a straw man about what I've said.
I want to have this guy on, Jonah Lerner, or Lerner, however you pronounce his name.
Let's go to Paul Watson briefly.
Watson, I've got you back up.
I know you're going out for a bit, but when you come back, I want you to do a report dissecting this guy, but with a key headline, and I already had asked you to do an overall report on this.
Just showing how the Pentagon says they're going to test this on the troops.
Not just this vaccine, but many others.
How the Gardasil killed people.
How these new generation of live viruses go in and do create plaques into the receptor sites so that you can't absorb the aggressive triggering, the aggression triggering hormones.
Or quote drugs.
You know, they're saying it's bad that we have these hormones.
Uh, so let's go ahead and, uh, talk to Watson briefly about this.
Watson, do you basically get what I'm talking about here?
Yeah, well, the thing about it is, just today there's another article in Wired News that talks about how the Army are going to be injected with a vaccine that alters their DNA.
So this kind of stuff going on, it's being proposed for us.
But now it's a conspiracy theory, according to this Wired writer.
I mean, you've got the White House scientist,
And suddenly there's literally hundreds of publications pushing hundreds, literally hundreds of new vaccines that go in with viruses and what do viruses do?
They kill tissue.
He's literally going in to alter our brains, and then he quotes here, he says, now for the bad news, apparently one of the most popular Google Trend searches for August 3rd was brain-eating vaccine.
And he goes on to quote that the Daily Mail did take 400 words out of his article interviewing the scientist and said to create a vaccine that will eliminate feelings of stress.
I was quoting the interview based on the Mail article
The kind of people who are worried about world governments are conspiring to sterilize and or pacify the populations of their drugs in waste in water supplies conclude that the scientist is working to rid us of our emotions via his vaccine project.
Well that's what it said.
It said we've got hormones in us that make us upset and aggressive and anxiety and this will cure that with a virus that goes in and attacks the receptors.
And then he goes on to say, well, the vaccine could be used, you know, to, uh, to help rats that have had strokes.
Well, whatever!
We quoted what the scientists and the writers said that was their main rollout, and saying, ooh, the public will be able to get this soon.
Like it was the new Wonder Toy, or the new Christmas Toy, or the new widget everybody's gotta have.
Well, I mean, Watson, isn't this good news, though, that we've drawn them out to attack us now?
Well, the thing about it is, he implies that proposals to put lithium in the water supply are also fictional, mythical, conspiracinoid, you know, fantasies.
When that's what the Japanese talked about, it was in the BBC, it's linked to in our original article, Lithium in Water Curbed Suicide.
And they said that large-scale trials involving the addition of lithium to drinking water may be feasible.
Well, well, Jonah Lear, Jonah Lear, or Lear, however you pronounce it, this guy is a bioethicist, he studies neuroscience and psychology that we said is taking over regular medical science, and he's a Rhodes Scholar!
I mean, it's on record Cecil Rhodes created South Africa and Rhodesia.
It's on record that Cecil Rhodes wanted a world government and
He recruited people like Bill Clinton and others.
I mean, his system did.
I mean, this guy's incredible.
Well, he's obviously a protege of the elite.
I mean, he's an Oxford graduate.
He's a Rhodes Scholar.
And he's coming out with this kind of stuff.
And one of his fellow travelers, the Oxford bioethicist, came out this week and called for lithium in the water.
And Prozac in the water.
I mean, they're all over the place.
And he's saying he knows nothing about it.
We're crazy, Paul!
The naked body scanners aren't being stored, even though it's now admitted!
Well, as he said, it's a straw man.
It's a Playground Info article, you know.
It's, what, four or five paragraphs that he's written, and it's just a puff piece.
So, um, good luck with it.
But as he said, all the comments, well, the majority of them at least see right through it.
Man, I tell you, Paul, this is incredible.
This is just, this is just amazing.
Well, listen, I want you to do a, I know you do it as quickly as you can, a basic piece, just full of links and documentation.
I've read the patents of these vaccines.
He's claiming I'm just talking about this vaccine.
Now, I was going off the headline saying, oh, it'll make you not get upset or angry anymore.
Oh, it's going to be so wonderful.
Now he's trying to spin that, but that's what they say this is for.
It's the countless ABC, CBS, CNN about vaccines to cure drug addiction.
And then if you just search the term vaccine to cure drug addiction, viral plaques or viruses plug up neuroreceptors.
That's how they spin it.
When you actually read the patents, and I'll try to search these and send them to you to help you with the research, because I've read them over the years.
I mean, imagine, these viruses go in and literally attack neurons, but they're saying, well, it's not good that you get upset.
And so we're going to reprogram.
This is cognitive enhancement.
Just like CBS News says, mercury is a cognitive enhancer helping children behave better.
See how they spin it?
Brain damage is now behavior.
Brain damage is now helping.
Yeah, and these ones to stop drug addiction, as you said, are all about stopping things from reaching receptors in your brain.
So how can that be anything else than altering the very structure of your brain?
That's exactly what these vaccines are about.
It's amazing.
We've got Michael Kaufman coming up, but we may have to back him up a little bit for the last 40 minutes because I was on Man Cow Show, which is on over 200 stations this morning, and he's seen the articles in the news about, you know, how they're drugging the water, what the vaccines are doing, and he really had a good rant breaking it down, how he can see the public's already been brain damaged, and I wanted to get him briefly on.
He's scheduled to call at any time.
We got Kaufman coming up, loaded phones as well.
But Watson, just do a good job and point out that he did a straw man, that we did quote what he said, what the scientists said, and that it's this whole family of vaccines.
And the other Wired article about troops, about troops, and how they're going to test shots where there's over a hundred vaccines per injection, and how they go in and alter the brain.
I mean, this is serious business, and they want to just come out
A couple of hours probably.
This leer to come on the broadcast and where I can sit here with stacks of government documents and patents and their own reports and read it to him.
I can literally print a stack this high and just sit there and go, what about this study?
What about this patent?
What about this report?
What about this?
What about that?
But that's why I bet you he won't come on this show, but we're going to put the invitation out to the associate editor of Wired.
We're going to do that.
Mark in Texas, you're on the air.
Well, great day today.
We took it after some stuff here.
I wanted to give some detailed facts on some things here.
I didn't think you were going to take me that quick.
That fellow is pretty good, the Watson fellow, both of them.
I have some research.
I've been in this field a while, and I want to put a jab to this little frickin' kook that came on.
Excuse my language.
I've been trying not to hold up.
I've been up all night studying on this and doing some other things.
I've been in this field, but I wanted to research a little bit more before I gave y'all.
You're talking about all these bioethicists coming out in the New York Times and everywhere else saying, we want to put lithium in your water whether you like it or not?
Well, yeah, I want to hit on specifically the lithium thing, and then I want to hit on something that we can all do, being my background and knowledge, working at colonic centers and other places and things like that.
Um, yes sir.
Um, first thing is, um, this, um, this lithium thing, uh, this guy is nut that came on there.
He's a murderer basically because no one in their right mind and the government will probably never do.
Well, they're pretty crazy cause these new world people, these crazy people that are running everything and they're ignoring everything about God.
And here's what goes on with the lithium here in,
In the states, we only have one place that gets it naturally reserved, and that's in El Paso, of course.
Everybody knows that.
But it comes in pico doses, which is very, very small amount.
Tiny, tiny amount.
Very small.
You get up any further than that, you start getting toxicity.
People that move there that have mental conditions, because they move there because it's cheaper than buying the lithium from other people, and it's naturally put into the water, and it's more stable.
You know, God's way of doing it.
It would usually take them six months to build that up, and then their metabolism would keep that small amount to where it would need to be, because our body will naturally get rid of it.
I gotta let you go, Mark.
But yes, that's what Dr. Blaylock, top brain surgeon, said.
It builds up, even in microscopic amounts, to then become something that makes you servile and passive.
They're talking about much higher levels, continually, just like fluoride, that build up and build up.
Now, I want to go to the man known as Man Cow, Eric.
And he's here with a syndicated radio broadcaster.
But I was on with him this morning, and I know this is one of his big hot-button issues.
Now they've gone from denying sodium fluoride is put in the water to make a servile, to saying they want to put lithium in.
And we've got studies that are already adding it in with the sodium fluoride.
And now we have Wired Magazine, as well as what we just covered.
The Daily Mail and others coming out and saying they're coming out with vaccines that go in and cure drug addiction by destroying your natural neurons that will accept the drugs which then you can't have your own endorphins.
And now Wired Magazine has come out and called me a liar and it turns out this guy is a Rhodes Scholar who has written this report and studies and writes about the brain and in this article at the end he says Alex Jones is a liar.
But in the article he admits that
In the news articles I quoted, they did say in the headline, in fact, find that male headline, it was, you know, shots to make you calm, deal with stress.
They admit that's what's going on here, but they say it's for your own good, you shouldn't be upset about it.
Mancow, what's your view on this?
This is such a big topic.
Let me start, and you're going to think this is crazy.
Let me just start.
My father was the mayor of Lakehurst, New Jersey.
I've got newspapers of him with John F. Kennedy.
It was around the time they were putting fluoride in the water that he heard from different political sources how dangerous this was.
My whole life I heard my father talk about fluoride and how evil it was, and that the government had some plan that if you ate fluoride you would die.
And he was quite controversial for fighting fluoride.
He never would allow us to have fluoride.
Because of that, I should tell you that my dental bills have been awful.
But he swore till the day he died that it was deadly stuff.
Now let me fast forward here to the last few years, Alex.
When I was 15 years old, or 16, or in my 20s, whatever, all I thought about was girls.
And I see, um, I see these young men now.
They're not interested.
And I talk to young women, you know, different college interns on my stupid radio show, and no, the guys would rather sit around and play video games and watch TV like zombies.
Now, I live in the city of Chicago.
I'm putting all this together.
I know this sounds like I'm all over the place, but I'm sitting in Chicago, and you see these people just walk right out of the traffic.
They're like cattle.
Everything is going on and nobody gets upset.
Everybody's calm.
The boys are docile.
I remember the teachers attacking masculinity.
Anyone who went to public school in the last 50 years remembers how the teachers would attack masculinity.
So I thought, is that it?
These girls and boys aren't interested in being with girls, they're passive.
Where is it?
Is it masculinity?
Whenever America needs a man to be a man in a movie, or whenever we need a masculine man, we go to Australia, or New Zealand.
No, I'm listening to you.
Well, Mancow, in all these reports, in all these... I mean, we're about to go to break.
Stay with us.
But in all these reports, they admit they want to make us passive.
They want to make us servile.
They admit now they want to put it in there to make us servile.
And when you study the water supplies, they're already adding it.
They keep finding Prozac.
All these other chemicals, lithium in higher levels, as well as fluoride, than what should even be there from sewage runoff.
Stay there.
Let's talk about this with Mancow on the other side.
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All right, we're going to have Man Cow for this segment and one more.
Eric, it's now all over the news, we're going to put some of it on screen, New York Times, you name it, with these bioethicists from Oxford and everywhere else saying, we want to put lithium in the water to make you servile.
So this is a big deal.
They're now going from quietly putting in fluoride that does the same thing to openly admitting they want to make us servile.
I mean, these people are bold.
Why do you think they're doing this?
You know, look, when I first heard you talk about it, I thought, well, this sounds insane, but then consider what Botox is.
They'll be able to package this and sell it to us.
And, you know, it was the promo line for the poster, the 1973 Philip Kaufman classic, Invasion of the Body Statures, go to sleep and wake up happy.
You go to sleep and you wake up like a zombie.
And when you told me this stuff, and I've sent the research, I mean, it's perfect.
It's cattle, sheeple, followers, Obama voters, Kool-Aid drinkers.
And buddy, I'm telling you, you're in Austin, Texas, I'm in Chicago, and it's like zombies.
I see human beings, but they're dead.
They walk out into the street, they look over, there's nothing going on in their eyes.
And if you felt it in America, these people stumbling through life, and I mean, young, beautiful girls, interns on my show, and guys don't ask them out, guys don't want to sleep with them, and then I meet the young men.
I mean, we were ready to rock and roll, ready to party, ready to be with women.
I mean, I'm not trying to be X-rated here.
No, I mean, to be honest, when I was about 11, 12, I literally began like a wolf, salivating when I saw women.
And 24-7, it was all about, and by the time I was 13, I was very successful, going after women.
And now you don't see this.
Buddy, I mean, me too!
Look, so what is going on when you have an 18-year-old guy, you know, these college guys, and they're not interested?
They're not homosexual.
I thought, well, maybe they had been browbeaten.
But it's all of them.
Look around America.
People are stumbling through life.
What is it?
Is it chemicals in the water?
Well, it very well may be.
Is it the chemicals in the meat?
It very well may be.
Something is going on and, of course, masculinity is under attack by our media and the school teachers.
You know, look, I had a guy on and he was telling me I'm ridiculous.
I like having, you know, my immunity system build up and I don't do this.
No, no that's now admitted in major studies!
We're good to go.
So my father fought this his whole life, and because of it, yes, we have cavities.
I had to fight that.
Other kids that had fluoride in their water, they didn't have any cavities.
So I was kind of mad at my father, but now I think about it.
No wonder I'm angry.
I have the ability to get angry.
No wonder I get upset at injustice.
I see it.
Because I wasn't allowed fluoride and some of these other chemicals.
So maybe that's it.
Maybe that's why we see so many zombies.
That just kind of stumble through life.
Hey, hey Alex?
I, uh, you know, he called, this is not Mancower Alex Jones, Obama on The View said black people are mongrels.
It is a dog term for, for, uh,
For an unknown breed of dog is a mongrel.
Now imagine if Sarah Palin or John McCain or somebody had called black people mongrels.
And I went out on the street and, uh, you know, I said, Sarah Palin called black people mongrels.
Kill her!
Destroy her!
Obama said it.
Oh, well, he's so funny.
I'm telling you, these people are, they're brainwashed.
And I have a theory that his followers, he could get on TV and eat a baby live on TV and they'd let it go.
Mancow, stay there.
We're going to come back in 70 seconds and finish up with your take on this.
We'll be right back.
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Eric Mancow Muller is our guest for another five minutes.
I want to get him back for a full hour in the near future.
This was on short notice.
Bloomberg reports that all the major insurance companies are not paying the death benefits to the families and just keeping it.
Trillions have been stolen.
An illegal alien in Virginia killed a nun the third time he'd been arrested for drunk driving.
They'd released him.
People can't get angry at that.
Uh, men are becoming metrosexual.
Uh, IQs are dropping.
Uh, major studies.
Genital size is smaller.
Uh, doesn't matter what, uh, you know, uh, quote, race you are.
Sperm counts are down by 85%.
And then they've got all these articles.
One's on screen.
Beyond fluoride.
Pharmaceuticals in the drinking water and public health.
Jacob M. Apple.
And he quotes the New York Times and others in the last week saying we all need to have lithium in our water and he goes on to say he looks forward to giving up his rights to make everyone happy.
I mean these people are hardcore cult.
I mean they're taking over.
Alex, if you don't think this government and the corporations that control them want us to be drugged up people, if you don't think
The government and the corporations, which are the same thing now.
If you think they want us to think, you're wrong.
I mean, watch the CBS News tonight.
Watch the NBC News.
All it is is, you know, do you feel nervous in a crowd?
Well, yeah.
Does your leg ever get restless?
Well, yeah.
You need a drug for everything now.
Do you have to urinate every couple hours?
Well, you need a drug.
By the way, this drug may give you a heart attack.
Yeah, you need a pill for everything and just stay nice and calm.
And yeah, I wondered why aren't people getting upset at all the injustice as we see our country systematically destroyed?
Hey, I had to laugh.
This is off-subject.
Did you see John McCain has come out against the stimulus and the TARP?
Well, same thing with Obama.
He was with a key guy that got the Congressional Black Caucus to push for it, and then he's acted like he's been against it.
But see, being outraged is a mental illness.
They say that in all these reports, and now they say they're going to test these mind-altering vaccines on the troops, Mancow.
We're good to go.
But it's crept into our society, and it's the phrase, who's to say?
Who's to say a mosque at ground zero is wrong?
Who's to say that, you know, their religion is better than our religion?
Who's to say that their country is better than us?
Who's to say that a baby aborted a day to nine months is wrong?
Who's to say?
So they never, you know, that's Obama, and that's his followers.
They never can say what's right and what's wrong.
You have the guts here on the radio at least to ask the questions and say things are wrong when you see them.
It's just amazing this moral equivalency.
No, no, they say you're not allowed, they say you're not allowed to have an opinion, but then they're going to have their opinion, and they're going to force drug you if they want.
Yeah, Mel Gibson gets mad at his Russian gold digging baby's mama, and he should be destroyed.
But Roman Polanski, we now know of three children that he raped, prison style.
I've never done it that way.
It's the dirtiest way you could rape somebody.
He drug children and raped them, and he should be forgiven.
He's a great artist.
I mean, look guys, you know, the end times here.
Wrong is right, right is wrong.
If we don't right things, America's going to look like Detroit in
Mancow, we really appreciate you joining us and I want to get you up for a full hour in the near future.
Give us your website.
It's mancow.com.
God bless you, Alex.
Take care, Mancow.
All right, we're going to come back with Ph.D.
Michael Kaufman to talk about rescuing a broken America, but I'll also talk to him about the drugging of the water supply and your phone calls and a lot more straight ahead in the third hour.
We'll be right back.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents The Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Well, he's a big part of our film, Endgame, Blueprint for Global Enslavement.
I think it's the most important film I've made, close to three hours long.
And on the expanded extras, he reads from major university studies how they were openly saying that they were drugging and were going to drug the population by the year 2000 to make us a servile population.
Now, the Huffington Post, the New York Times, BBC,
Are saying the Japanese, the U.S.
government and others, the national centers at the federal government.
Let me just read you the quote here.
from the U.S.
National Institutes of Health are looking at vaccines that will, quote, change our brain chemistry with a live herpes virus.
This is just one of hundreds of vaccines that do this.
That, quote, cure drug use.
Other vaccines do that by attacking the receptor sites.
Those receptors, those drugs are mimicking normal endorphins.
You're meant to get angry at corruption.
You're meant to get outraged.
You're meant to be stressed.
You know, if your child's dying of cancer.
They don't want you to be able to respond.
And Ecoscience talks about drugging the water to sterilize you.
Now, in just the last hour, a big report from Wired Magazine, The Frontal Cortex by John Lear.
Who's a Rhodes Scholar, that's set up to create world government.
He comes out and says, I'm a liar.
And he says, well, yes, my earlier article, you know, was quoted as saying it'll make you calmer and make society happier is what the scientist says with this one vaccine, one of many I mentioned.
But I won't show you the video Alex created about this called brain eating vaccines.
No, but most of the people in the comments section are attacking him and see through him.
But this is so incredible.
So incredible they've gone from denying that they're doing this to our water to now saying it's for our own good and they want to give us vaccines that do this.
So I want to go to Michael Kaufman, PhD.
He is a published ecologist.
He's advised the federal and state governments.
He's the guy that shot down one of the big UN takeovers in the 90s.
With the maps he put together from government documents about over half the country will be off limits to the population.
It's all covered in in-game blueprint for global enslavement.
He's produced several films exposing man-made global warming as a hoax four or five years ago when you still got attacked for doing it.
And in the last two years he's released a new one.
They're all available at InfoWars.com.
And his new book
Well, so many of the things that the cartel had
Was planning for us 20, 30 years ago in secret is now basically being discussed because I think they think it's too late for us to do anything about it.
And we are so dumbed down in our educational system for the last several generations that most people just say, hold on, business as usual and go on their way.
I think that, in fact, if I remember right, the quote that I used out of one of these government documents basically said that.
They were going to be able to manipulate us with these kinds of drugs and so forth to the point where we'll be very docile and we won't even be able to respond when something irate does come up.
And there's no doubt the public with the bisphenol A does the same thing.
Sodium fluoride.
We had Dr. Blaylock on about it yesterday.
Now the lithium they admit is to dumb us down and make us servile, a toxic metal.
And they're moving ahead to do this and saying we're going to give you shots that alter you.
And we know they've already been doing it, lacing other vaccines.
And in the film, in the expanded extras of Endgame, you talk about it, you read the U.S.
government and university quotes where they talked about their master plan.
Huxley, before he died in 62, he'd written Brave New World Revisited, that was non-fiction.
And he said, all of this is what we're planning, this is what we're going to do, you're going to love your servitude.
And so you wonder why the public can't get upset, and you wonder why cancer rates and infertility are off the charts.
This has been done by design.
I believe it has been, too.
I think there's no doubt, based on some of the things that I discussed on Endgame and other things, other writings and so forth that I've done, that they have these techniques of being able to calm down society and basically take our free will.
And, you know, God gives us free will, but I guess, you know, God doesn't know what he's doing, or the universe doesn't know what's going on.
It's up to these control freaks.
They are going to take our free will, and that's what this does.
Yes, it does.
In fact, some of that is in my new book, The Rescuing of Broken America.
Well, we're going to get into the book, but, you know, that's... Dr. Blaylock, of course, top brain surgeon, agreed with you, and he read the government's own quotes about brain damaging us yesterday, that they think they've won.
Yeah, because they see how they can get away with almost anything now.
And imagine if Hitler or Stalin or Mao, I mean, they did have fluoride, but imagine if they would have had these more high-tech systems.
I mean, it's literally the end of our species if we don't reverse this.
Yes it is, and boy, I'm telling you, we're right at the very end now.
You and I have talked about this on your program for, what, five or six years now on different times that we're getting close.
Well, we're at that point now.
Well, it's more than that.
I've been interviewing you for 12 years, but yeah, we've been... Okay, it's been 12 years.
It could very well be.
My memory is getting shorter and shorter.
I've been on air 15 years, and let's talk about some of your successes.
Those people understand we can fight these people.
Tell folks about how in the early 90s, mid 90s, you were able to get their documents on the Wilding Project and shoot down that UN treaty.
Yes, I was able to get both United Nations, federal, as well as behind the scenes NGO, non-governmental organization,
I don't know.
I went down to the Senate, explained this to some of the key senators.
They said, ho-hum, because I couldn't prove that that's what it was designed to do.
And in August, we sent out a fax alert, which was the technology of the day, shut it down, collapsed the U.S.
Senate phone line system, and they brought it back up again in September.
And we did it again, and it was still going to the floor for ratification.
And I was able to submit a map that I had drawn.
Over the previous two years, two of the U.S.
Senate, they put it into a four-by-six-foot poster, took it out of the Senate floor at three o'clock in the afternoon, the vote was for four o'clock, and it would stop deadness tracks.
It's still there, but nothing's been done on it since.
And I use that as an example, not to elevate myself, but to show you how God can intervene and how He can use individuals.
To be able to fork this agenda and I think we're at that point right now in this whole effort to basically take over and get the last vestiges of the constitutional protections away from you and I in this next election.
If we don't stop it in this next election or stop it at least slow it down, it's going to be too late.
Well, I want to go to another point.
The Rockefellers, over a hundred years ago, they didn't like charity.
So they invented the philanthropist.
And this is mainline history.
They invented the tax-free foundation.
And they sold the public, oh, you're breaking up our trust in 1906.
We're not going to have monopolies now.
But then it comes out the Rockefellers still own the major oil companies.
Now they're allowing the new super rich, like Michael Bloomberg and Barron Hilton and Bill Gates and others,
And in fact, we have that Times of London headline, Super Rich, Meat and Secret, to talk about population control.
You guys pull up that Times of London, Super Rich, Meat and Secret, to talk about population control.
And so they've met again for population control, and they're all pledging, 30 billionaires, to give large portions, in some cases more than half their wealth, to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and David Rockefeller's pledged more money.
But then when you read it, the entire foundation is for
Nanotech vaccines.
Mosquitoes that deliver vaccines so you can't say no.
Here it is.
More billionaires sign the Gates-Buffett pledge.
And we'll pop that back up on screen.
Billionaire club and bid to curb overpopulation.
I mean, this isn't a game.
I mean, they're moving against us.
They believe the planet's theirs.
They want us out of the way.
Yes, they do.
There's no question about that.
I was unaware of what you just said, but it fits very nicely within their game plan.
Well, we're about to go to break, but let's start getting into rescuing a broken America.
We do sell it, by the way, at Infowars.com, so you support Michael Kaufman, PhD, and of course, this operation.
But, I mean, the book really is like a laundry list.
It's a great read.
It's got solutions, but also documentation about the globalists, global warming fraud.
It just covers it all.
Briefly, give us a synopsis of the book.
Well, originally it was over 1,000 pages long.
I condensed it down to about 200 pages.
So if you're really interested in a specific issue, you know I don't go into it in very much depth.
But it gives you the broad paintbrush of what the globalists have done over the last 100 years to bring us to where we are right now and how it's being manifest in the Obama administration, who is doing it, what institutions they've taken away, how they have basically caused it.
It's serious.
I think so.
And this is an ongoing culture war against the collectivist, dehumanizing, eugenicist, and free humanity.
And your book's not going to be the total solution.
Endgame's not going to be the total solution.
Obama deception isn't going to be the total solution.
My new videos, you know, the secret of food exposed.
Food, the ultimate secret exposed.
But all of it together, our willingness to resist, everything the controllers do is about pacifying us.
That shows they understand they're not invincible.
That's right, and they are vulnerable, and they're vulnerable right now.
Probably the most they'll ever be if we do not take advantage of it.
That's right, because they've come out in the open.
Obama has fallen flat on his face.
There's a huge awakening.
The patriots that really know what's going on, we've got to get into the tea parties and everywhere else and really supercharge people's awakening.
There's no question of that.
I'll go into the book on that, and obviously you're talking about it.
Many of the radio hosts are talking about it.
People are getting fired up.
Well, the biggest issue, we've got to face just how horrifying our situation is.
So many people are victims of crime because they can't believe it's happening to them.
It does happen.
It is happening here.
The book is Rescuing a Broken America, Why America's Heavily Divided.
It's at InfoWars.com if you want to get a copy.
It's an amazing book and everybody needs to read it.
We'll be right back.
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Jonah Lehrer has written this hit piece on me in the Wired magazine, claiming that this vaccine he was writing about doesn't, quote, calm the public.
Well, I've got his quotes in the mainstream news article right here, jab that could put a stop to stress without slowing us down with a live virus that goes in and attacks the receptors.
So we're going to do something tomorrow with him.
Just be ready for it.
We're writing a big article about it today to expose him.
You know, this video has been one of our best sellers, and I'm excited because Global Warming, Emerging Science, and Understanding really details by Dr. Michael Kaufman, who's on with us.
The fraud of it.
Great video to give people, that's available.
But why I'm so excited about rescuing a broken America, why America's deeply divided, this is an olive branch to conservatives and liberals to show how they've been manipulated through Divide and Conquer.
And Michael was telling me that liberals, mainline liberals that read this book are really getting woken up by it and upset, and it's shifting their paradigm.
Tell us about some of those testimonies and why the book's having such a big effect.
Well, one of the things that liberals do is they shut you down, anything that you might say, almost as soon as you say it.
I have approached this book as being open-minded.
I don't support Democrats any more than Republicans.
You don't either, I know.
But at the same point, at the same time, I'm not pointing the finger at any one group.
I'm just basically saying, this is what's happening, and we need to do something about it.
And one of the things that it does, if you can get past the first couple pages, a liberal can get past the first couple pages without throwing it down on the floor.
He will be, or she will, be hooked.
I'm almost guaranteed.
I've heard from enough of them now to realize that they're a bit open-minded.
And the most liberals are.
It's that small, you know, 10 or 15 percent that are closed-minded.
They've got the solutions of the world already figured out.
They're going to ram them down your throat regardless of what you think.
Most of the liberals are not the progressives, the hardcore progressives that are making up our government and so forth.
And they will start to be able to see this.
I mean, there's enough question in their mind now of what Obama's doing and so forth and the failed policies that he's doing.
And I take advantage of those throughout.
That really starts to drive home the point.
Well, globalism is destroying our society.
It is!
And for the first time, probably, they can see it in this book.
Again, if you're really well-versed in a particular area, you're going to find this book is still fairly shallow.
But as far as reaching people who do not understand it, it basically does that and connects all the dots, and they can see it for the first time.
I want to read a quote from the book.
Show me the age and country where the rights and liberties of the people were placed on the sole chance of the rulers being good men without a consistent loss of liberty.
I say that the loss of the dearest privilege has always followed, with absolute certainty, every such mad attempt.
Patrick Henry.
I mean, we know what happens when we give our freedoms up.
We know.
And now these people are so arrogant, they're coming out saying they're going to publicly drug the water supply to make us submit and give us shots to make us happy.
I mean, holy mackerel, this is serious.
It's very serious, and one of the things that I really lean pretty heavily on was some writings of a psychiatrist, 30 years, 40 years experience in doing studies and so forth with a liberal mind.
In fact, that's what his book is called.
And basically he says that these people are psychologically ill, and as a consequence, they cannot make a connection to reality.
They are so far out in what they believe, that the belief is truth, that
Anything that connects it to reality is purely cap and chant.
And that's how they can come out and say, we're setting up world government, but you people are kooks, no world government exists.
Or, yes, we're storing your naked body images, but we're not.
I totally agree with you.
It's all kinds of disconnect.
If you really look at what they're doing in Congress, and what their ideas are, like, you know,
Really promoting Islam and so forth.
Well, how can they promote Islam when the Islamic law and so forth is so abusive to women?
There's a disconnect there, and yet they do it.
Well, the globalists want to destroy the dominant culture of Christianity.
Real Christianity, not the fake Christianoid.
And so they'll use anything that's from the outside to create divisions.
You cannot basically take over or change an inherent cultural belief without first tearing it down.
And that's what they're in the process of doing it.
And they're basically deconstructing the American way and putting something else in its place.
And it's based on the
Writings and so forth of Jean-Jacques Rousseau, a Frenchman in the 1800s that led to the French Revolution and led to the beheading of many, many thousands of Frenchmen.
And your book talks about that.
Long segment coming up.
When we come back, let's talk about that because Dr. Blaylock brought up the French Revolution and that's really where a lot of this got formed.
We'll talk about what these people plan to do.
It's mass killing, of course.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center, in the heart of the resistance.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Okay, here's GCNlive.com, an Aaron Dykes article that just came out.
It's also at Infowars.com and it's up at GCNlive.com.
Army plans DNA blasting vaccines for mass inoculations during times of emergency.
They fire a laser
A laser into your flesh that embeds the nanotech viruses.
They've taken them and made them synthetic viruses.
You cannot make this stuff up.
He has links directly to the Army, and it will reprogram the troops' brains.
I mean, literally, they hold you down, laser you.
It's over.
I mean, we're in the 21st century.
It's Buck Rogers.
And the control freaks are coming.
And I just, it's gotten so crazy, it's hard for me to even believe.
We had Dr. Russell Blaylock, top brain surgeon on yesterday, and he said in his own words, he said, it's worse than any nightmare science fiction.
And he read document after document from the federal government where they admitted the fluoride gives us cancer and brain damage.
Where their own scientists say, take it out.
I mean, I love everybody.
I love the children.
I love our communities.
And these eugenicists have admitted the global warming tax is to shut down our industrial society so we collapse and are under government control.
And only Europe, the United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand are under this.
160 plus other countries, China, India and others, they have zero carbon taxes coming in.
All of our jobs that we have left will leave.
This is the stated program.
It's the stated program of enslavement and bondage and poverty.
And that's why this book is so important.
Again, it's available at InfoWars.com.
For those in America that still read, get it.
Give it to people you know.
It's so well written.
I love things that just boil everything down.
It's a full-spectrum shotgun blast of info.
Well written.
Lots of quotes.
Lots of documents.
Lots of graphs.
This is the kind of book I like.
Because it's similar to a film.
And, of course, Global Warming, Emerging Science Understanding, also available at InfoWars.com, or by calling toll-free 888-253-3139.
And Endgame, Blueprint for Global Enslavement, covers all of this.
Going back to Dr. Michael Kaufman, Doc, continuing...
You know, everybody I talk to who's really studied history understands that eugenics began 2,300 years ago with Plato, and he said, we the hybrids, the elite, must kill everyone in Greece who's poor.
And wars aren't killing them fast enough.
And we need to train them not to fight back against us, so we'll give them sports as a way to be the new hero.
We gotta kill these people.
You can read the quotes in Plato's Republic.
And then if you study history, you see it come back and be picked up in the 1760s, 70s, 80s, 90s.
And of course, then they put Napoleon after that.
It was a Rothschild takeover.
They were going to have a 10-day-a-week work week.
They were going to abolish the family.
This is mainline history.
They were talking about forced drugging people.
They were saying they wanted to kill 80%.
That number comes from the French Revolution.
Kill 80% of the public.
And so, without me even prompting it, we talked about it yesterday, here's Michael Kaufman telling you the same thing.
Go over the French Revolution.
It was the opposite of what our revolution was, and George Washington figured that out when he was president and spoke out against it, and the French then tried the Illuminati.
He wrote letters about it.
He wrote letters about them trying to overthrow the United States.
And so ever since then, it is a group of sages, or people that understand how humans operate, who want to end the regular human order and replace it with their new world order.
Doctor, go over it.
It is one of those heinous things that when you think about it, where you have people who are at the very top, now the vast majority of troops out there are trying to implement this agenda that don't really fully understand what they're doing.
But the key people behind it, like occurred in the French Revolution, which was orchestrated by the Illuminati and the Jacobian society and so forth, they basically used the Rousseau model.
The Rousseau model basically
We're good to go.
Both Jefferson and Patrick Henry were excited about the French Revolution until they went over there and actually saw what they were doing.
It had nothing in comparison to the American Revolution.
And one of them almost got killed!
Some of our founding fathers got locked up!
Actually, Patrick Henry basically was scheduled to have his head lopped off if it wasn't for the intervention of Washington and the request to have him sent home, and Jefferson himself intervened.
Otherwise, he would have been beheaded for all the outrageous, not really outrageous to us, but all that he was saying against the French Revolution.
And they were going to have a new calendar, they were going to end the family.
The good news is it stalled out and failed.
It stalled out and failed, although we still have the socialist government that Rousseau is based upon installed in France.
It just hasn't evolved.
That's right.
Karl Marx, Karl Marx and others, they were plagiarizing what the Luciferians, and by the way, that's mainline history that the Illuminati out of Germany came over to France.
That's what the famous magic flute symphonies all about.
And then, of course, you know, they killed that composer when he did it.
That was his last piece.
I mean this is, for those that haven't read Mainline History, I mean these were human sacrificing, devil worshipping, mass murderers.
They really were, and of course that's been obliterated.
If you look at the history books today that you might get in high school or college, of course that will not be in there.
But if you look at some of the older history books, the ones that you can still get and buy, you will find a more accurate, just like Nazi Germany.
If you look at Nazi Germany history in the current textbooks and so forth, you won't find anything about the religious beliefs of Hitler, the theosophical beliefs of Hitler, and what led him to believe that the Jews were a bad race and had to be eliminated.
All of that stuff is now sanitized out of our history books.
But if you go back to the
More, 100 years ago, or even 50 years ago, history books, what you will find is really what the truth is in that particular period of time.
These people are evil.
They're evil down to the very core.
I think your description of them as being Luciferian is right on target.
Well, and then you look at eugenics in England in the 1850s.
That then got set up in the U.S.
and Hitler got his ideas from that, and it's the very same crowd.
The very same crowd.
And it's still, in the United Nations, it's still boiling just below the surface.
You don't see it named as that anymore, but it's still there.
The deep population of the world, the whole effort is eugenics.
Well now more and more they're coming out in the open and calling for only having one child, having the state take over children.
Let's talk more about what's in your book.
All right.
I mean, because there's so much to cover.
What else do you think is important?
Well, one of the things that is, I think, extremely important is to realize, and maybe this will get your attention because it gets your pocketbook, the $13.5 trillion deficit that we now have is directly, directly responsible for this whole mentality, this whole ideology, which we now call progressivism, or extreme liberalism, whatever you want to call it.
It is the whole idea that government can solve all the problems in the nation and eventually the world.
And as a consequence, these people do not believe that man has a downside, a dark side.
They believe that all mankind will do his best if given the right opportunity.
And of course, that's fallacious.
It's totally anti-biblical.
Not only that, but it's never worked wherever it's been tried, and yet they continue to believe
That man is inherently good.
He does not have a human nature that will manifest itself in the form of greed or power-seeking or anything else.
And all they need to do is to strive to create the perfect government to create the perfect man.
It does not work.
And in the process, of course, you're going to create a power vacuum in which these very evil people can sweep right in and begin to control.
And I go into that in quite great depth.
In the book and understanding helping people to understand the type of thing that they're creating by allowing this extreme liberalism in the form of law and cultural practices the whole concept of
Oh, come on.
I can't think of it.
But anyway, down along those lines... Moral relativism?
Moral relativism is all right in there.
And that they can create the perfect government.
The reason we have poverty around the world is because of bad government.
Especially the United States.
The United States is responsible for all evil done in the world.
That's their belief.
I mean, that's solid in their belief system.
And as a consequence, they're doing all they can to tear down
The Constitutional Republic that our founders created and build up a substitute government in its place that's tied totally into this ruthless socialism and this idea that the perfect man can be created.
It's unbelievable.
It is unbelievable.
I want to go to some phone calls, and they'll be all over the map, but you can speak to any of these issues because you're a deep researcher.
Dr. Michael Kaufman is our guest, and of course the new book, Rescuing a Broken America, Why America is Deeply Divided, very important, and of course his film, Dealing with Global Warming, all available at Infowars.com.
Michael in Florida, thanks for holding, you're on the air.
Go ahead, Michael, you're on the air.
Okay, let's move on.
Victoria in Montana, you're on the air.
Hi, Alex.
Hello, welcome.
Thank you.
I just want to say before I tell you real quick, because I know you only have one minute per person, we will not allow these fallen ones to turn us into mechanization man and cut off our connection to God with their chemical biological warfare.
So I wanted to answer your question, what can we do?
Well, we can dismantle Wall Street and the Federal Reserve, criminal bankers, and make them accountable like everyone else.
No more double standards, put them in prison.
We could have people organize state to state, get the number of signatures needed on petitions to dump the criminal politicians.
Then we could get out of the United Nations, which is nothing but another big criminal organization,
And then we can strip the power and control from big corporations and foundations and end outsourcing our industries.
We could end tax-funded mandatory public schools which allow parents the freedom of choice then to truly and rightfully educate their children how they see fit.
I stopped taking our money for it because it's nothing but a cesspool.
I know because I was there for a little while and said no thank you.
Um, prosecute politicians that fail to follow the law and replace them with leaders that will read bills and make sure that they're legal and good for the country and the people before they make them laws, um, allow people to choose their senators and have the power to dump them as needed and take back our, our basic freedoms of speech, of press, of religion, of assembly, and, uh, our right to private property, which
We really don't have right now anymore.
Beautifully said, Victoria.
And I would just add for people who just tuned in, they're going, allow us to choose our senators at will.
She means before the 17th Amendment of 1913, when the bankers took over, the state legislature would vote
You vote for them, then they would vote, making the Senator a creature of the state.
That was meant to balance federal power.
You know, you'd have the popularly elected House members, and in the Senate, they'd be creatures of the state.
That was a major blow against states' rights, so you could recall.
I mean, I've even read, you know, famous stories about people like Davy Crockett being recalled to be griped out, you know, by his state when he was in the Congress.
And we need to go back to that.
Great points.
Dr. Kaufman, any comments on that?
Yes, exactly.
Identifying exactly what needs to be done, but it cannot be done until we get the right people in office, and that can't happen until we educate the American people as to what's truly been going on.
You've been doing that for years, Alex.
This book is designed to be able to give the people, who are open-minded, you can't talk to anything about a closed-minded person, but to open-minded liberals.
When you start to do that, and they really start to get angry,
That's when you're going to start to see some good people being voted into office and changes made, exactly as Victoria was describing.
Beautifully said.
Let's go to another caller here.
Let's talk to Fred in Georgia.
You're on the air, Fred.
Hey, Alex.
Great show today.
Thank you.
Thank you, sir.
Listen, there's a lot of people that have been provably harmed by these activities.
I think that one chance we have of getting
Jackson Power here is to file class action lawsuits.
Hey, it's now coming out that they knew in 81 that Prozac was causing brain damage, heart problems, and suicide, and now Eli Lilly and others are getting sued.
People are always bashing out-of-control lawyers, but the problem is you can fight fire with fire.
I agree.
I mean, I mean, here's a headline.
Scientific study finds 40% of all store receipts
Covered in dangerous hormone-disrupting chemical.
They chose a plastic form of ink that does that.
We have the government documents.
They need to be sued over this.
You have millions of listeners that would gladly sign up to be plaintiffs.
You have export witnesses, like your guest now, Dr. Blaylock.
You know, we could bankrupt them, possibly put them in jail and ruin their carefully crafted
You know, image.
And it would get a lot of attention from the media as well.
Well, again, they weaponized all the food, almost all the packaging, but I mean, it's not it for others to go out and for lawyers and people, you know, to stop this, to stop.
Notice, all these chemicals always disrupt aggression and fertility.
Notice, all these things you keep hearing about, they only deal with that.
These chemists study this with rats, then they have the big foundations, deploy this, and then the average company buying this stuff, they don't know they're compartmentalized.
I appreciate your call.
Dr. Kaufman comments on that.
Again, though, however, remember, many of your attorneys are these progressives.
They're not going to take your cases.
They're not going to be able to help you or even want to.
They'll probably do everything they can to dissuade you, or if they take your case, they'll deliberately lose it.
So be careful as to which attorneys or law firms you hire to do this, and then also recognize that the judicial system itself has been highly compromised.
With this mentality, this ideology.
And we need to be careful of the judges that we have.
And that's only going to take, that's going to take time to recall some of these judges, impeach them, get them out of office.
It won't take very many before the rest of them get the hint.
But this is, these are the things that we really do need to do.
I think your idea of a legal action is ideal.
Just be aware that the system is against you in the process.
Be aware of the pitfalls, but regardless, it educates people.
Let's talk to Mike in Louisiana.
You're on the air, Mike.
Yes, thank you, gentlemen.
Three things I want to go over here real quickly.
One, the last time I talked to you, Alex, about the spraying of the chemicals on the shoreline here.
Yeah, that's now admitted.
The core exit.
Yes, sir.
It so happens that Wayne Madsen was in town at that time.
An associate of his got a hold of me.
I got to meet Wayne and he spent three days going over the material I was able to put him in contact with and he wrote a nice article about that.
So, that's nice.
One thing I want to pass by about what is going on here with the two of you gentlemen is something I call the cleverness of the insanity of the crimes that are being committed.
In a sense that the crimes are so outrageous.
They are so insane.
And this particularly is true with, I find, the upper middle class professionals.
They find it extremely hard to believe the level of the crime.
If you were to bring it up to them,
The insanity of the crimes themselves are so outrageous that your mind just rebels against it.
It refuses to recognize that.
No, this is a very central point.
Even myself at a subconscious level, it's hard to believe.
Now it's admitted, we've got to accept the horror, deal with the horror, face the horror, take action.
Great points.
More calls straight ahead.
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The question is, where should the American people draw their line in the sand?
What have we got?
A republic or a monarchy?
A republic.
It's based on a constitution which protects minority rights.
Not democracy, not mob rule.
Two wolves and a sheep voting on what's for dinner.
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The last collar, the nail squarely on the head.
It's so unbelievable that 860 plus cities allow illegal aliens to be released over and over again, not even arrested for drunk driving.
And every week or two I read about it in Arizona, or Texas, or there's new ones in Virginia, where the illegal alien kills people the third, fourth, fifth time they're arrested.
You know, they're finally arrested the third, fourth, fifth time when they kill somebody.
I've seen reports of, like, third time an illegal been stopped for drunk driving.
They ran into a cop car and almost killed the cop.
Here it is.
Virginia Police.
Illegal immigrant charged with killing none and injuring two others in car crash.
He'd been arrested three times.
I mean, had not been arrested three times previously.
It just goes over the whole article, but he's finally been arrested and charged.
Uh, but, uh,
This is just insane how it's so bold, how they just do it all in our face.
Dr. Michael Kaufman, your comments on this?
It is, and it's one of the things that I go over in the book, in the fact that there is this serious psychological disconnect between
What they believe and what is real, what is reality.
There is a disconnect from reality.
How in the world can you justify having a system set up that will allow this kind of thing to go on?
If you and I were caught drunk driving three or four times, we'd be put in jail.
They're just constantly released because it's the right thing to do.
It is insane, as you're saying, and the only way that we can begin to take our nation back
Initially, is at the ballot box.
Begin to really promote those candidates or support those candidates who are holding a constitutional position.
And in my suggestions as to how to solve this, I give a list of things that you should be asking your candidates.
Put them on the spot.
Help them to understand that you're deadly serious about going back to the original constitutional intent.
Of having a limited form of government.
Even a liberal will begin to get the hint, I think, after a while.
We are so, the present members of Congress, both Senate and the Congress itself, are so disconnected.
They believe that you're the greatest thing since sliced bread while they're getting elected, but once they're elected they could care less.
Did you see Congressman Stark say this week that the federal government can, quote, do anything it wants to individuals?
Go ahead.
Let me be specific though, because I was looking at another case of an illegal being released.
He'd been arrested twice for drunk driving.
He'd been let go in other, quote, traffic wrecks and accidents.
So he'd been arrested and released and not arrested a whole bunch of times, but twice for drunk driving.
And some of this went on two years ago.
I mean it just illustrates how criminal this government is.
It really does.
What was the point you were trying to make, because we're almost out of time?
I don't remember.
Let's go on.
No, it's just, more and more, Doc, I'm just overwhelmed.
I mean, I can't believe how insanely out of control the government and the globalists are, how they're destroying the planet, how they're doing all these dangerous things, how they are so corrupt, and I just, I guess that's it.
The average person just can't believe this is really happening.
No, you can't.
It's so outrageous that you have put yourself at disconnect.
You can't believe it's happening.
You downplay it in its seriousness, and because you're busy with your life and so forth, you go on and don't actually do anything about it.
Now is the time to get involved and begin to do something about it.
I can't overemphasize that enough.
We have the opportunity in November to begin to change this around, and we have to do everything we can to do that.
Well, God bless you, sir, and we appreciate you spending time with us.
We'll talk to you again soon.
Thank you.
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I want to say great job to the crew.
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This is Alex Jones with five good reasons you should consider buying a solar power generator.
Number one.
New climate legislation could easily double or triple your electric bill.
Number two.
Our new energy czar wants to control how much power your electric company allows you to have.
It's true.
Total government control of electricity in the name of smart grid technology is coming.
Number three.
In some areas of the country, the power grid is dangerously overloaded.
And now, new socialist legislation