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Name: 20100802_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Aug. 2, 2010
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
I hate to say it, but it's true.
I wish we were wrong.
We told you so.
Not only did we have the top secret USA article three weeks ago in the Washington Post admitting that there are 854,000 private spies with the highest security clearance the government issues,
But there are millions of other sub-spies in that stratum, and they've privatized the government to make hundreds of billions of dollars a year.
The Pentagon, the private spy corporations, they're taking over our society.
And they're having a coming-out party in the media today at a big hacker conference they've been having over the weekend.
saying we are private corporations, we are slash government agents, and we are spying on everything you buy, everything you sell, everything you do on the internet.
We are InfraGard, we are Top Secret USA, and they're saying that private groups with NSA clearances
are the ones that were tracking the military in live time when this private gave WikiLeaks the information.
Both the helicopter slaughter footage and more.
And it's in Forbes today, it is in the AFP.
The headlines are, Stealthy Government Contractor Monitors US Internet Providers Worked With WikiLeaks.
Here's another one.
Elite US Cyber Team Courts Hackers to Fight Terrorists.
And in these articles, they admit everything, but spin it like these guys are John Wayne.
And they say, yes, we're tracking all your IPs, everything you do, in real time.
Now, I remembered last night, and this morning researching this,
This article by William Sapphire, November 14, 2002, New York Times, titled, You Are A Suspect.
And it goes into the Total Information Awareness Network that Congress then said was illegal, so they just completely privatized it.
And that's all this is.
This is InfraGard.
This is Homeland Security.
No doubt, this is the exact type of group that was able to get into our YouTube account and delete the Obama deception.
This is the group that is in there when we have the number one search term, as we successfully did on Friday, thanks to the listeners.
Food, the ultimate secret.
It was the top thing for about two hours, then they totally removed that it was non-searchable in the top million searches.
They just completely removed it.
This is the type of group that when my video, Food, The Ultimate Secret Exposed, got 200,000 views on Friday, and was the number one video on YouTube, they just removed it out of the front page, out of the number one video area of news and politics.
Videos with 10,000 views were listed in there, but mine, with hundreds of thousands in one day, was knocked out.
It's still there, but it only got 65,000 views after they removed it Friday evening.
It would be up to a million right now.
They're everywhere.
And they admit, in the Cybersecurity Act, they're going to recruit millions of high school students a year and give them security clearances.
I'm not making this up.
This is in the legislation that's passed the Senate committee.
And it's passed the full House.
To where the federal government gives them jobs right out of high school.
They're trained as spies.
This is East Germany.
They're young.
They're dumb.
They're on power trips.
They like little high security badges.
They are converting giant portions of the economy over to surveillance and control.
And they work for the large central banks that have hijacked this nation.
This is so illegal.
This is so criminal.
And a microcosm of this is all over the country red light cameras being run by Lockheed Martin and others.
No police officer involved.
No jury.
They just give you tickets.
That's how that's being defeated in court.
It's illegal.
That's how the military industrial complex is absorbing.
They get the money from the police training.
They get the money from the surveillance cameras they're putting up.
This is the Pentagon dominating the United States with the help of private corporate spies.
It's all coming up and a lot more straight ahead.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Coming up in the next hour, Steve Kemp and Sandy Jacobs will be joining us.
They're part of the Golden Gate Minute Men, and they've been shooting amazing videos in the last few months of Congressman Stark and others saying, there's no border problem.
uh... and showing the illegal alien supporters beating up uh... peaceful uh... pro-sovereignty anti-open border demonstrators uh... and the assaulters actually being arrested and going to jail
Their newest video is from a few days ago.
It's Congressman Stark again at a town hall saying the federal government can quote, do whatever it wants to individuals and that you have no rights.
And we're going to be playing that and interviewing them coming up in the next hour.
We are simulcasting the syndicated radio broadcast at PrisonPlanet.tv.
So that is coming up today in the second hour.
I think?
And of course that integrates in with other reports across the country of major police layoffs and the police announcing they're not going to respond to things like armed robbery and grand theft auto.
That's like calling the fire department and they say, we only go out and set fires, we don't respond to fires.
The police are being fully converted to revenue generators.
People to write tickets and raise money.
This is the way it's been really for a long time.
There's a lot of good officers that want to be involved in helping the public.
And I do see officers more and more changing people's tires, helping old ladies.
Something I saw 20, 30 years ago routinely and I hadn't seen for decades, I'm now seeing everywhere.
And so I think really you're seeing the wheat from the chaff being separated here.
You're seeing a lot of officers, regardless of what directives they've been given, out there being public servants.
That's why we admire true police officers, true peace officers.
It's why we admire firefighters.
They put themselves on the line to protect the public.
When somebody's getting shot, or mugged, or killed, or robbed, the police run in when everybody else runs out.
When a building's on fire, everybody else runs out.
The firemen and women, they run in.
And that's what we need in this country.
But more and more, through the federalization of law enforcement, they're saying, no, you are to generate revenue.
And you are not to protect the people in the Southwest.
You are to let the illegal aliens go when they commit crimes.
So we'll be talking about that important information.
Admiral Mullen says U.S.
has Iran strike plan.
Another headline U.S.
admits existence of Iran attack plan.
Israel fears Turks could pass its secret to Iran.
That's from Reuters.
Now you're seeing Israel and Turkey, that small divide getting wider and wider after the flotilla attack on the Turkish flag ship with the blockade.
Iran's Ahmadinejad calls for TV debate with Obama.
Yeah, that's not going to happen.
Mullen says that they do have a viable, again, attack plan for Iran.
Very, very serious information.
As we escalate towards a possible confrontation that could lead to World War III, that is coming up today as well.
And I've got a lot of other medical news, police state news.
Arizona Sheriff Babu says our own government has become our enemy.
He's finally telling it like it is.
As he said, Obama is bordering on treason.
He's clearly engaged in treason.
But we'll be going over that Cyber News Service report as well coming up here today.
But right now I want to get into a subject that is just paramount of paramount importance.
And I want people to understand out there.
I want viewers to understand out there.
That this is so extreme, so naked in its tyranny and its illegality, that it boggles the mind that this is being done out in the open.
Remember just three and a half years ago, Bush was getting up at press conferences saying, I promise we're not spying on American people without warrants.
And then just a month later it came out that the NSA had giant snooping hubs in every major telecommunications facility
And that all communications are being run through these different forms of keyword software.
And that these different files and algorithms and relationship actuaries of how different groups of people interact with each other, how corporations interact with each other, to really be able to understand trends in society so that the insiders literally have a crystal ball type effect to be able to manipulate and control society.
And it's an unfair trade advantage against competitors to the globalist.
Whether it's private, corporate, or government.
And of course it's all completely illegal.
So they've gone from a decade ago, torture being wrong, to torture being good.
They've gone from a decade ago, the UN and NINCOR getting in trouble, running child kidnapping rings, to now it's just mainstream news and they don't get in trouble.
They've gone from a decade ago, to denying that the NSA even existed, or that Echelon even existed.
I mean, I've had newspapers make fun of me 15 years ago for talking about the NSA even existing.
Oh, that kook says the government's listening to us.
Well, that's ridiculous.
Everybody knows that that's illegal.
To now, it's just in your face.
But the new information that has come out has confirmed everything we already knew in our analysis and confirmed it's worse than what I had even said.
You know, one of the popular COINTELPRO memes is to say that I exaggerate or that I'm a fear monger.
Well, if you think impending war with Iran isn't something to be concerned about,
Fine, I'm a fear monger.
If you think having offshore banks that have stolen tens of trillions of dollars and have now been given total power over the economy and the SEC cannot be investigated now, completely run by these bankers, if that doesn't scare you, okay, I'm a fear monger.
If you're not concerned about bisphenol A, admittedly, in printer ink and in almost every plastic that your food is contained in that you buy and the things that you're drinking out of and that you're becoming sterilized,
On record?
I mean, they admit it, but I'm still the fear monger.
No, the truth is, you've got a lot of people who got into denial about what's happening.
And so now that all of this stuff is just being admitted, they can't come back to themselves and own up to the fact that they were wrong and own up to the fact
That we really are in trouble, that we're facing a scientific tyranny.
They just can't do that.
They are too cowardly.
They are too afraid to be able to do that.
And it's just so sad because if people would just wake up and recognize the level of tyranny that we're living under,
And if we just came to our senses and admitted to ourselves that this is outrageously illegitimate, outrageously criminal, outrageously unconstitutional, outrageously illegal, it's off the charts, the amount of stealing and thieving and corruption that's going on.
But because the system thinks that you're a bunch of passive cowards,
They'll come out in Bloomberg and go, yeah, every major insurance company is now taking people's insurance money and keeping it and not giving it to them when they die.
To their families, including veterans.
They'll now come right out and say, yes, the banks are stealing tens of trillions and no one's going to get in trouble.
In fact, they're going to get more power.
On every front, we are in the collapse.
The system has made the decision to loot everything.
And that they've been given the green light to go completely criminal and rogue.
The information that I'm going to cover, after the break, coming up here in a few minutes, is so illegal, is so criminal,
On its face, it is worse than the East German Stasi.
Up until this time in history, the most authoritarian, the most oppressive, the most surveilled society in human history.
That is now completely eclipsed, completely dwarfed by what's going on and the media is now selling you this.
Just like when they knew you were scared of 9-11, they sold you torture and told you that yes in the Washington Post.
They talked to one of the CIA section chiefs and he said, this is my film Road to Tyranny, he said yes.
We torture people's children in front of their parents.
And the media said, that's wholesome, that's good.
They're trying to set a common law, public precedent, and they're doing this so their agents will carry out these type of crimes because they've been told, look, it's even in the newspaper, you're allowed to do this now.
And it's the same thing with InfraGard and the Total Information Awareness Network, known as the Top Secret USA Report.
And they have come out and admitted that private contractors by the hundreds of thousands in IT alone have been given total power to violate all of your privacy and all of your rights and to hack people's computers and to dial in to the computer networks and to control everything.
And the media is spinning this like, oh, they're these great little heroes, and we hope they don't get in trouble from the government, when they go on to admit that the former director of the NSA runs this program.
Remember when the Total Information Awareness Network was exposed in 2002?
That a government agency was data mining all of your data and surveilling everything you do with the convicted felon, Admiral Poindexter.
And then it came out in the news that, oh, now they've moved into private offices around the country and they're using private contractors to do it.
That's the key here.
And if you read the Cybersecurity Act, everything in the Cybersecurity Act is already being implemented.
It's just like if you read the Emergency Centers Act, the FEMA camp, concentration camp law.
Everything in that bill is what they've already set up.
They're just now trying to pass the law.
So when we come back, I'm going to go over this.
It's incredible.
They're turning the entire internet over to private corporations to run the tyranny.
They're privatizing the tyranny.
The private corporations.
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Okay, let me break all this down.
Paul Watson's going to have a detailed report out by the end of the show today, where we lay out what's really happening with Top Secret USA with cybersecurity.
Its first public incarnation
was in 2001 where the NSA went public and said we are data mining everything you do.
It's all illegal, but we're doing it to protect you from tariffs.
Now, they've admitted that they are surveilling corporations, businesses, men and women in the armed services, radio talk show hosts, members of Congress.
They've reported that Google is spying on members of Congress, that MI6 is spying on members of the British Parliament.
It's the unelected, corporate infiltrated and controlled private bureaucracy being given government power.
And you've got all these yuppies and people on incredible power trips as the Pentagon admits they are converting massive resources over to quote cyber war.
And Cass Sunstein at the White House and others, the Pentagon admits it is war against the American people.
It is info war using lies and deception.
And they now admit in Forbes that it was InfraGard, remember four years ago it came out, that they're given license to kill powers?
If you work at a power plant, or you work in building highways, or you work in thousands of different positions in quote, infrastructure protection.
You are given private secret badges and codes.
I've talked to people mid-level at LCRA, which is a private quasi-government group that runs our water supplies in Central Texas, and is jacking up the prices, I would add.
It's part of a takeover of the resources.
It's scientific boss hog-ism, basically.
And they're given high-level security clearances.
It's just everywhere.
Now, let's start at the beginning.
Here is William Sapphire, the late William Sapphire.
You are a suspect, New York Times, November 14, 2002.
Then I'll get into all the latest information.
If the Homeland Security Act is not amended before passage, here is what will happen to you.
Every purchase you make with a credit card, every magazine subscription you buy, and medical prescription you fill, every website you visit, and email you send or receive, every academic grade you receive, every bank deposit you make, every trip you book, and every event you attend, all these transactions and communications will go into what the Defense Department describes as a virtual centralized grand database.
And we went and pulled up the articles in the last couple years where they now put it in place.
Now, the Homeland Security Act was amended, so they made it private to be outside of that, but it's still totally illegal.
To this computerized dossier of your private life, from commercial sources at every piece of information the government has about you, passport applications, driver's license, bridge toll records, judicial and divorce records, complaints from nosy neighbors of the FBI, your lifetime paper trail, plus the latest hidden camera surveillance, and you have the snoopers, super snoops dream, a total information awareness about every U.S.
This is not some far-out Orwellian scenario.
It is what will happen to you and your personal freedom in the next few weeks if John Poindexter gets the unprecedented power he seeks.
Remember Poindexter?
The brilliant man, first in his class at Naval Academy, later earned a doctorate in physics, rose to National Security Advisor under President Ronald Reagan.
He has a brilliant idea of secretly selling missiles to Iran to pay ransoms for hostages, and with the illicit proceeds to illicitly support Contra's Nicaragua.
A jury convicted him in 1990 of five felonies, and it goes on.
And it admits how they were doing this.
So, that's, you are a suspect, and you have the MIAC and Homeland Security reports that you are the terrorist.
Gun owning, conservative, libertarian, anti-war, patriot, libertarian, Ron Paul supporter.
There it is.
You can also find CNET News articles on this and Wired articles, but here's one from Bruce Schneerer, and it says, Total Information Awareness Network is back through DARPA and private contractors.
And we have a detailed report breaking all this down from June of last year.
Cybersecurity is framework for total government regulation and control over our lives.
You're now hearing that you're going to have a monthly fat index through your employer that goes to the government, where your employer measures the government's slaves every month as part of their requirements, which is also indentured servitude, having to carry this out for the government.
And live time
What you deposit and what you purchase and everything you do with your debit cards, that's all in the Health Care Act and in the new financial overhaul.
This is all admitted now.
This is not being denied.
Now, enter the news stories from today from Forbes, AFP and others.
Now we're going to see the public rollout
of what their plan is.
High school students, college students, required under National Federal Service, that's the compulsory National Service Act, to serve as government spies, as HUMET on the ground, and as cyber spies.
This is all confirmed.
Literally, total takeover.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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This information is too important to wait.
Okay, I'm getting back into the private corporate criminal takeover of the United States and the planet here in just a moment.
But today is the last day.
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And your purchase of the videos also makes this radio broadcast possible.
We couldn't do any of this without your support, so I want to thank you all and salute you for your support in the past, in the present, and in the future.
I want to be clear.
I do not have words to describe how hardcore serious this is.
Everything that we have talked about
is now being confirmed.
I wish I had been wrong.
Over in England, even their mainstream news has reported that the government is converting large portions of the tax money over to, quote, non-governmental organizations.
And that's the Agenda 21 U.N.
model of control is where, instead of having voters that they listen to,
Or republics that the governments follow.
They create stakeholders or groups that the government and corporations fund that then speak for the people.
And then governmental power is then given to them.
And in England, even more so than the U.S., they've been converted over to the surveillance society and private groups
They have been given control over charity and they turn it into child grabbing for no reason.
We've had members of parliament on about that.
They have bounties on kids.
They make hundreds of thousands of pounds per child they take.
They're privatizing the spying.
They're privatizing everything.
But they take your government money, and then they give it to the private corporate cronies, which are almost always the cousins, the daughters, the sons, the wives, the husbands of the mayors, of the members of parliament, of the federal bureaucrats.
So it's also a way to transfer your wealth in payoffs publicly, and at least on the surface, legally.
But what is illegal about all of this, in England and the United States, is it violates due process, surveillance laws, the Magna Carta, the Bill of Rights, the Constitution.
And the same thing's being done in Japan, the same thing's being done on the continent of Europe.
And so they now admit, with Top Secret USA, 854,000 private corporate spies
And I pointed out that the news reported four years ago that InfraGard has license to kill powers.
That during a collapse, during an emergency, these InfraGard operators have been given shoot-to-kill orders, in quote, protection of the infrastructure.
So long before the banks collapsed society by design, they had quietly created their private spy networks.
They had gone in and recruited over 50,000 preachers to teach Romans 13, and with these scenarios of martial law is good, go to the FEMA camp, let them break your families up, let them take your children.
Remember five years ago we got those secret documents, and then two years later, mainstream news reported, just searched the term clergy response team, that yes,
For martial law, that's word for word, and they interview the preachers, and for gun confiscation, that the pastors are now secretly working for FEMA.
And I've said it so many times, how creepy is that?
How illegal is that?
How off the charts is that information?
To have corporate chiefs, local officials, private and government and corporate,
Pastors, all surveilling you, all spying, all on these power trips, and that there's terrorists everywhere.
And then they get the federal training manuals, and the terrorists are the American people.
Ron Paul supporters, people that want to abolish the Federal Reserve, people that want to kick this foreign corporate takeover out, people that want to keep their Second Amendment.
Do you understand this is 100% diabolical?
There is no debate.
This is the greatest, most organized, scientific tyranny ever seen in history.
This makes the Nazis look like a joke at organization.
This makes, and you ask, how do they organize it?
They're paying these people.
And then you read the Cybersecurity Act, and it says millions of high school and college students, as part of their national compulsory
public service.
Remember Rahm Emanuel saying you will be in boot camp three months a year and don't worry all of you don't have to serve overseas.
We need a civilian army just as big just as strong as our armed services as Obama said on the campaign trail.
And it's continuing what Bush was setting up.
And what Clinton was setting up.
This has all been going on since the time of the mid-1960s.
Quietly expanding.
Quietly acclimating you to accept military on the street.
Quietly acclimating you for the threat fusion centers.
And federalization of police.
But the good news is this is so out in the open now that I was up here working pretty late last night and about 9.30 we went to eat and I took four of the guys to go eat.
And there were two police officers eating.
And when we were leaving, the police officers were leaving and they came up and struck up a conversation and I could tell they were being genuine and they said, how are things going for you Alex?
They were two bike cops and they were just going on duty.
They were eating before they went on duty.
And I said, well, it's going really bad.
We're reaching more people than ever, but unfortunately, it's all come true and it's really happening.
And they go, no, we hear you.
We know.
Yeah, we know.
We know this stuff's real.
So, and I could tell they were genuine.
They looked freaked out.
And they looked intelligent.
You know, they had an intelligent bearing and demeanor.
It's just so sad that this has happened, and it's so horrible what we're going to go through.
I mean, you think we're living under tyranny now, folks.
We've seen nothing.
And the police are just there to remove wrecked cars and to stop drunks, you know, the average cop.
They're hiring private corporate mercenaries to be the physical enforcers and the technocratic, technotronic, uh, technocracy enforcers.
It's a nightmare.
I mean, before they bring this country down, which we're now going into, all the financial news now admits we're in a depression, that there was no recovery.
You know, they're now even dispensing with any of their previous lies on that front because people aren't buying it.
And we have criminals of the Bernie Madoff slash Ken Lay caliber running the system.
Now, let me get into the info.
The new info.
You've got the background now.
But let me now get into the new information, which just confirms everything we already know, and it's the public rollout of all of this tyranny.
Just like they rolled out torture, or preemptive war, or secret arrests, just like they're rolling out arresting peaceful demonstrators in Canada, England, and the United States, and having plainclothes contractors grab you and put a bag over your head and throw you in a van in front of news cameras.
They're doing it to sell you to, oh, it's just normal vans pull up and bags go over your head.
So here is Forbes today.
Stealthy government contractor monitors U.S.
internet providers worked with WikiLeaks.
And the article is tailored, total psyop, Andy Greenberg is who wrote this, to just come out and make it sound like they're heroes.
And it says, a semi-secret government contractor that calls itself Project Vigilant surfaced, we've covered it before, at the DEF CON Security Conference Sunday with a series of revelations that it monitors the traffic of twelve regional internet service providers, the main hubs, hands much of the information to federal agencies, and encourages one of its volunteers, researchers, they always say that for, you know, these are spies for
A membrane between them and the government of separation.
Researcher Adrian Lamo to inform the federal government about the alleged source of the controversial video of civilian deaths in Iraq leaked a whistleblower site WikiLeaks in April.
And what does it say?
This private group created by the NSA and headed up by the former head of the NSA, that's at the end of the article, you know later they tell you that,
It says it's tracking all of our IPs, 250 million a day, in the US, live time, everything you're doing.
Everything you're doing.
Total Information Awareness Network, that I read from earlier, the New York Times told you about.
You are a suspect article by William Sapphire, November 14, 2002.
And what did they report when Poindexter was told he couldn't do that, it was illegal?
They went and created private groups to do it.
854,000 security clearances just in this area alone.
Highest level.
Totally illegal.
And these are the type of people that were able to get into our YouTube account and take down the Obama deception.
These are the type of people that take our videos off the front page.
I mean, YouTube last year admitted that they follow the orders of Senator Lieberman's office, this was in the news, of what videos he says to take down.
And it goes on.
Uber says that Lamo later called him from the meeting regretting his decision to inform Manning.
Oh, it's like, oh, they're sad they reported on WikiLeaks.
Total baloney.
I'm in a meeting with five guys and I didn't want to do this, Uber says.
Lamo told him that at the time.
Uber says he responded.
You don't have any choices.
You've got to do this.
And so they spin it that this NSA-run private hub had to report about the crimes of WikiLeaks, and they said, I said, you're going to be thrown in jail.
They're not going to throw you in jail, Uber said.
Give them everything you have.
As if, oh, he was spying on everybody with this NSA group, and he was worried about the fact he'd been spying, but he had to do it or he would get in trouble.
Wikileaks didn't immediately respond to a request for comment.
IDG reporter Robert McMillan confirmed Uber's relationship with Lamo, who told McMillan that Mr. Uber was, among a few others, an instrumental voice in helping me come to my ultimate decision.
So buried in this article that they write, kind of like a little novel piece, like a public interest puff piece, that, oh by the way, the NSA runs this,
Uber's WikiLeaks relation is one of the first public statements from a semi-secret project, Vigilant.
He says the 600-person volunteer organization functions as a government contractor, bringing public and private sector security efforts.
Its mission is to use a variety of intelligence-gathering efforts, they call themselves agents, to help the government attribute hacking incidents.
Oh, sure.
Bad actors do bad things.
You have to prove they did it, says Uber.
Attribution is the hardest problem in computer security.
According to Uber, one of Project Vigilant's manifold methods of regathering intelligence includes collecting information from dozens of regional U.S.
internet service providers who give it to them.
Uber declined to name those ISPs, well there's 12 hubs, but said that because the companies included provisions allowing them to share users' internet activities with third parties in their end-user license agreements, Vigilant was able to
Legally gather data from those internet carriers and use it to craft reports for federal agencies.
A vigilant press release says the organization tracks more than 250 million IP addresses a day and can develop portfolios on any name screen or name or IP address.
And see, so they claim it's a private corporate thing but it's NSA funded and run and so it's racketeering.
Because the government isn't allowed to do this without warrants.
But they got this new legal theory that they can do it.
And what does the head of Facebook call his users?
Dumb effers that trust him.
He now admits just everything is given to the government.
A vigilant press release says the organization tracks more than 250 million IP addresses a day and can develop portfolios on any name, screen name, or IP address.
We don't do anything illegal, says Uber.
If an ISP has a EULA and let us monitor traffic, we can work with them.
If they don't, we can't.
And all the major, even sub-ISPs, then contract with major ISPs, and so it all runs through that.
So they've designed the infrastructure of the web where you have no privacy.
It's designed to surveil you.
And whether that massive data gathering violates privacy, the organization says it never looks at personal identifying information.
They just said name, screen name, IP address.
Though just how it identifies information isn't clear, nor is how it scrubs its data mining for sensitive details.
ISP monitoring is just one form of intelligence that Vigilant employs, says Uber.
It also gathers a variety of open source intelligence and employs numerous agents around the world.
And then it goes into how they helped run the fake disinfo about Ahmadinejad stealing the election and helped pump that out on the web.
Uber says he's speaking publicly about Vigilant at DEF CON because he wants to recruit the conference
We're good to go.
And then they go on to talk about how this is part of InfraGard, which is over infrastructure protection, and they're giving these high-level security clearances.
Now, here is AFP, French news agency.
cyber team courts hackers to fight terrorists.
Folks, this isn't 1,300 they're looking for.
This is just one front group.
They have literally thousands.
They say they want to recruit 2 million youth a year to work for the government.
That's the new economy.
It's not making cars.
It's not making computer chips.
It's not car dealerships.
It's, oh, you want jobs, young people?
How about be spies?
And all these TV shows where spies are glorified, and the CIA, and CSI, and all of this stuff, and 24.
This is what you are when you grow up.
This is what you're gonna be, a spy for the corporate New World Order when you grow up.
And they'll use these people to plant stuff on your computer, which is in the sneak and peek.
They'll use this to frame you, to spoof IPs, every dirty trick in the book.
And ladies and gentlemen, we've had every dirty trick in the book played against us.
And it's just outrageous.
I mean, it's outrageous.
They are the guardians of the New World Order to help bring down the web and convert it to Internet, too.
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Okay, so it's totally illegal for the federal government to spy on you in real time to track everything you're doing.
But Google, last Thursday, was in Wired Magazine saying, yes, we work with the CIA and we're investing in a company that can predict the future and tracks all your web activity in real time.
That's just their coming out and admitting they're doing it.
And that was their quote, to be able to see the future, predict the future.
Now, to get around this, and it's still illegal, InfraGard, you have the former high-level NSA officials and others, they go, they create InfraGard.
They go and they create these other organizations, and then they go out and call your info and then quote, give it to the government.
And then you have government contracts going back to those groups.
And so there is that incentive to hype a threat.
And remember, all of this is for you, the American people.
Now here's the Forbes article.
Uber, who formerly founded a private sector group called InfraGard, which the government then gave the highest level security clearances to and licensed to kill powers.
Remember that?
That was in the Progressive and other newspapers.
Uber, who formerly founded a private sector group called InfraGard, that worked closely with the FBI, comprises the organization's techniques with GhostNet, the Chinese cyber espionage campaign.
And then it goes on to say the organization's recruiting former NSA officials that head up the organization and the former security chief of the New York Stock Exchange.
So this is just simply the private corporate takeover of the internet merging with the government.
And who are they spying on?
A member of the U.S.
military in live time who reportedly sent the chopper massacre video.
And that's how they busted this source that went to WikiLeaks.
And I've been gauging this the last week and a half telling you I'm not sure about WikiLeaks, but more and more I think they mean well, they are good, they may be being fed disinfo.
We know these battlefield reports themselves are used for propaganda and full of disinfo.
The famous Vietnam battlefield reports about fake kill numbers.
You know, just being one of thousands of examples.
Now that I've seen the media kind of shut down the WikiLeaks story, and Mrs. Cheney and others now calling for the arrest of these people, it really gets suspicious.
And I'm open-minded, and we've talked to people we respect, like Wayne Madsen and Webster Tarpley and John Young of Cryptome.
And I think that, you know, they have a right to question.
I think it's always important to question.
But I have to say that, more and more, I think WikiLeaks is for real.
Again, that doesn't mean they're not fed this info from time to time, but nobody's perfect.
We're all trying our best here, but now they're explaining how they got this information and trying to spin it in the media as if it's a good thing.
This is a government, this is a CIA who a month and a half ago told Spy Talk and the Washington Post that, oh yeah, we created fake Bin Laden videos, senior CIA officials said.
And they're just converting our whole economy to a spy wonderland.
And they're the bosses of it.
And they get the private profits from it.
It is so diabolical.
I mean, that's the only word.
It's so well thought out.
It's so long term.
What do you think these bankers 11 years ago, when they got rid of Glass-Steagall, with Ken Lay and others helping?
What do you think they were planning?
Well, we know.
Bringing down society.
Consolidating power.
Taking over.
And what they were going to do was so illegal and so criminal that they had to control the SEC, they had to control the internet, they had to control the web.
So to dominate the search engine, the NSA created Google.
Best software out there, they dominated.
The media gave them all the attention.
To dominate online video, they bought up YouTube.
This is a corporate conquest.
And they know how to do corporate takeovers.
They've had a corporate takeover of government.
This isn't the government taking over the corporations.
This is select corporations taking over government, who then takes over other corporations for them.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
This is Alex Jones with 5 good reasons you should consider buying a solar power generator.
Number 1.
New climate legislation could easily double or triple your electric bill.
Number 2.
Our new energy czar wants to control how much power your electric company allows you to have.
It's true.
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Number 3.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, my friends, for the next hour we're going to be talking about all things border.
All things sovereignty.
We saw Friday illegal aliens at a U.S.
game take over the field, run around with Mexican flags, chanting Mexico, Mexico.
See, these illegal aliens, most of them, and I've seen the video shot by the Golden Gate Minutemen and others, but I've shot the video myself in Austin, at these illegal alien rallies, they're wearing Aslan shirts, which means take over the U.S., turn it into a racial kingdom for Hispanics only.
It's kind of like white supremacists saying they want their own land.
A plan of San Diego, a plan to kill all whites.
You know, we've got video of that and posted it on the web.
A guy, you know, protesting the illegals, protesting in Washington State and Seattle, and the cops with the illegals beat the guy up and take him to jail.
You know, that's in my film, Battle for the Republic.
And this is a quick segment.
We're going to come back from the break, pretty much for the balance of the hour.
Some stations don't carry this first segment, so I want to go to them then.
and we're gonna cover the amazing videos they've been getting of the illegal alien supporters beating up peaceful pro-america demonstrators and the san francisco police actually arrested the hooligans they've been charged with assault with a deadly weapon uh... they've got video of course of congressman stark saying there's no problem with our border there's no problem uh... in arizona it's kinda like the video of uh... senator
Reed saying there are no illegal aliens working in construction in Nevada.
It turns out the Pew Research firm says it's double that of Arizona in Nevada and that it's the highest average 36 percent of the construction workers in Nevada are illegal aliens.
But for Congressman Stark he just says there is no border problem and Senator Reed says there are no illegals working in construction.
It's their arrogant hatred of the people.
And when you watch these Stark videos, and they've authorized us to play some clips of them coming up while they're on with us, I've never seen such incredible arrogance.
And up at PrisonPlanet.com, Paul Watson has an article written about this today.
Obama supporter Stark says Feds can do anything.
That's a quote.
It's like that congressman out of Illinois a few months ago saying, I don't want to hear about the Constitution.
I don't like the Constitution.
I don't care about it.
And he talks to his audiences like they're two.
I mean, in fact, I talk faster to my two-year-old daughter than he's like, oh, you're a minute man.
You want some more guns to kill people?
He talks like Sesame Street.
And he's an arrogant sack of traitorous filth.
But in this latest video, he says the federal government can do anything it wants and tell you anything.
It's unlimited power.
And why not?
They butchered the entire Bill of Rights and Constitution.
Meanwhile, Sheriff Babby, who was on with us two weeks ago,
is in cyber news service saying our own government has become our enemy.
Amen to that.
It's been taken over by foreign banks, the Federal Reserve.
They're looting us, and they're using the illegal aliens as an army to get this job done.
Now, this just in, and it's on the local news, Fox 10.
Arizona Sheriff's head, Mexican drug cartels offer $1 million bounty for Arpaio.
This isn't a joke, folks.
They've killed tens of thousands of police in the last decade.
Over 2,000 in the last year, most of it on the border.
on the Mexican side.
They kill police, their whole families.
They kill U.S.
Embassy staff a few months ago.
They kidnap U.S.
I mean, the Mexican mafia does not play games.
And the media and the George Soros websites are making jokes about Arpaio.
You know what?
They gunned down one of these sheriffs, folks.
I pray to God that doesn't happen.
But it'll be just like the Alamo with Colonel Travis.
You do that, it's going to be remember Goliad, remember the Alamo.
It's going to be San Jacinto.
This is a country for all Americans.
I don't care what color you are, but if you want to say American school kids can't wear American flags in San Francisco and they get sent home, that's treason.
If you want to say this is Mexico and only for brown people, that's racist garbage.
And if you want to run around the field waving Mexican flags, it shows where your alliances are.
We'll be right back with our guest.
Key info straight ahead.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center and the heart of the resistance.
Rallying patriots worldwide.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
The top headline at PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com, Obama supporter, Congressman Stark, feds can do anything.
That's a quote, he said it repeatedly.
The video shot by great patriots is up at GoldenGateMinuteMen.org.
We're going to be playing clips of Stark saying, of course, a month or so ago, that there is no border problem.
We ought to pull up that reed clip too.
For later when he told the press, oh, there's no illegal aliens working in construction in Nevada.
Turns out they're the record state.
And then the newest video where he says the feds can do anything they want and tell you to do anything.
That's why they have the Compulsory Service Act introduced.
These people want you to be their slaves.
That's what collectivism is.
We've seen it every case in history.
We know what it is, okay?
And the videos on the GoldenGateMinuteMen.org, we've also got them posted and embedded, and Obama supporter Stark, FedsCanDoAnything, are incredible.
I mean, this is real journalism.
This, this is the reality.
And they got the video of the folks out there with the Aslan shirts, screaming all this racist stuff.
Folks, imagine illegal aliens running around, taking over baseball games, waving Mexican flags saying Mexico, saying go home pilgrims, when the Spanish people of Mexico are from Europe too.
Why would they want to say they want to make this Mexico when Mexico is a collapsed, failed state?
Why are they so offended in San Francisco by, by the way, mainly Hispanic kids being sent home wearing American flag shirts?
American people, regardless of what color you are, we're not the bad guys.
We want to be Americans.
America isn't perfect, but it's the best thing out there.
I'll take our Bill of Rights, Constitution, Declaration of Independence over what Russia or China or Mexico or North Korea have got any day.
And this is so incredible.
So Steve Kemp and Sandy Jacobs are both our guests for the Balance of the Hour.
Got a bunch of other serious border news.
Arpaio's got a million-dollar bounty on his head.
They're going to try to murder him.
They murder police every day in Mexico.
This is very serious.
There's a murder hit out on Sheriff Babu.
I mean, this is the intimidation.
This is America falling.
And the big corporations working with these illegals because they're pro-globalization, North American Union.
Steve Kemp, Sandy Jacobs, great to have you with us.
Thanks for having us.
Good morning.
Where to start?
Tell us from on the ground in San Francisco what you're facing, what you've witnessed, and then let's get into this Congressman Stark, who's got to win the Arrogance Award when he talks to everybody like they're two years old.
As far as the May Day video?
All of it, yeah.
Just give us a report on whatever you think is most important.
Well, yeah.
Well, we have a few sanctuary cities around here.
It'd be San Francisco, Oakland, and Santa Fe.
And other cities around the Bay are close to sanctuary cities.
They're just not declared, which means that they are essentially not asking illegal aliens or anybody that they stop or arrest or anything where they're from or what they're doing here.
So that's obviously wrong.
We've lost countless jobs around here.
There's, you know, gangs.
Oakland's full of gangs.
San Francisco.
I don't
Any alarm to what's going on?
It's a mess here and we'd like that turned around.
I guess a lot of the country would as well.
We've got a foreign lobbying group.
People here waving foreign flags saying this is Auslan.
I know some of the video you shot shows that.
And as Americans we're supposed to just take our American flag shirts off and bow down and say here's some free welfare.
And the illegals vote almost to a man to anti-second amendment and we're supposed to just roll over to this.
Yeah, and it's, you know, you've got the Che Guevara flags all over the place and communist flags in San Francisco.
It's just, it's successful around here.
Yeah, we really need to change the problem.
No administration has done anything about it or much about it.
You talk about putting the additional troops on the border.
All that's going to do, I mean, if you take 1,200 troops and you divide it by four, which is basically the ship that they would be in, you know, you end up with instead of 1,200,
Or whatever, you end up with 300 troops along that border at any given time, additional with the National Guard going down.
So it's really no attempt at all.
Well, Bush did this when he was trying to get amnesty.
It's for photo ops.
6,000 wasn't even enough back then, as I said in the last Pete Stark video.
We should be talking 25,000.
And, you know, Stark says, well, how long, how high would you
Well, I mean, it's not like we've got Japan or Switzerland bordering us.
This is one of the most corrupt, failed states in the world with 24,000 dead in the last two years in the drug war alone.
And now they're shooting cops, killing farmers, putting hits out on police.
And the federal government comes in and says, not only will we sue Arizona to block them from protecting themselves, but now we're going to support the sanctuary cities.
I mean, this is treason.
Yeah, it's just totally backwards.
And I know Sandy and I and the rest of the Minutemen and other folks around are just like,
Flabbergasted at what's going on.
I mean, it seems business as usual, but yeah, you're right, exactly.
The federal government is attacking the people who are trying to solve the problem and letting the people who are causing the problem get away with it.
Well, that's because they want a North American Union and their own SPP documents.
They say they'll use border crises to get what they want.
Did you guys see the Senator Kyle video where he met with Obama and Obama told him, I like that crisis, I want to keep it going, to basically hold the people hostage, to give me amnesty?
Did you see that one?
No, I did not.
I think, yeah, I think the one that you're talking about, yeah, we're essentially saying that if we steer the borders right now, we wouldn't be able to have any pull to get our amnesty through, right?
Yes, and what the Senator took from that is we're being held hostage, we're being blackmailed here.
Let's talk about Congressman Stark, because watching the video, he looks like an arrogant
Spoiled brat five-year-old and he's talking to everyone like you're two-year-olds.
Yeah, yeah.
Sandy, do you want to take that one to begin with?
Well, you know, we've been doing this for four years and he's always throwing out some rude comment.
You know, who are you gonna kill today?
Like, we don't even go down to the border.
We educate right here in our own backyard and
I mean, we have a member or two, and they don't even take guns with them.
But that's all part of their hoax, when it's the Mexican mafia and military killing people.
It's a bloodbath, robbing the immigrants coming across the border.
And then they always throw out that Minutemen are killing people, and they've got the new movie Machete coming out that's all about Minutemen murdering Hispanic children.
I mean, it's obviously laughable.
I mean, I don't even own a gun.
You know, we're just concerned citizens is what it is.
And, you know, we took a stand and, you know, began calling ourselves Minutemen about four years ago.
Yeah, because, you know, just so people know exactly what we stand for, which is border security.
I've been ticked off about this problem since 1986.
You know, Washington, what the heck's going on?
Well, I mean, they admit that California is going into a depression, is a failed state as well, is bankrupt.
And, I mean, both of you, Sandy first, I mean,
How much more can California take with 95% of the murder warrants out in L.A.
County being for illegal aliens?
I mean, I guess you're just supposed to just give everything to the illegals.
Well, right now we are.
I mean, that's the hypocrisy of our government.
And they're not even lifting a finger to stop it.
And depending on what city you're in, it gets even ten times worse.
It's just insane.
Um, you know, we've asked Dark for years about this and all he can say is, you know, like we asked him, why aren't you stopping this?
Why aren't you putting your vote towards it?
And he's like, well, where do you get the information that I'm not?
And it's like, well, it's right on your website.
You prefer immigration reform and giving them amnesty.
Well, that's what they do.
They always deny everything.
Our state cannot handle any more of this as is.
I mean, Social Security's gone broke, but yet we're paying all their health care?
It makes no sense.
Mexico, I'll say it again, is a failed state.
The State Department even admits that.
Are we supposed to just take the whole hundred million desperate people?
I mean, we're already going bankrupt.
I mean, do these illegal alien supporters realize what they're doing?
I mean, I saw the woman cussing at you on the video with the Aslan shirt.
I mean, why would they want to make this a Hispanic-only Aslan?
I mean, it's so racist, but then they call you racist.
Yeah, I mean, that's the thing.
I mean, you have to ask people, okay, if they say, well, it's okay, you know, people come from south of the border, they're in, you know, hard times, destitute, they need to work and everything.
You know, we sympathize with that, obviously.
But, you know, we have to secure our own country and keep it secure, because otherwise, the United States of America is going to be flooded with people.
Where would people draw the line?
Is it 100 million, 10 million illegals a year, 30, 100 million?
What is it going to be?
People coming in from all over the world?
Are we just going to start welcoming planes and shiploads of people over here as illegal?
No, that's not what the United States of America is about.
And then, anchor babies pay for everything as we go bankrupt.
But again, that's what the big mega banks want.
They want to bankrupt us so we go into receivership.
Yeah, yeah, exactly.
And then the anchor baby thing is a whole other issue, which, you know, that law is totally misused.
I mean, it was written just after the Civil War for the children of slaves so that they could stay in the country legally.
And it's been totally, like a lot of our laws, just abused and used.
I mean, they've got baby drop houses over here where people come over, women come over just to have babies so that they'll be American citizens.
And not to mention the whole illegal thing.
Oh yeah, big foundations put ads in the Mexican newspapers saying, come over, have your baby, here's how to do it.
Yeah, and you know, another thing I wanted to mention about that too, is that, you know, they say that we need the workers over here, the farm workers and that sort of thing.
Okay, fine.
So we come up with some kind of a program that allows them to come in and work and then go back home.
But that's all baloney too.
All that does is drive the wages down of farm workers.
Stay there, both of you.
I want to play these Congressman Stark clips.
He says the federal government can do whatever it wants.
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Can you imagine flying over to Germany as an American citizen and demanding free welfare and that your baby be paid for?
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Or if you moved to China and did the same thing.
But our government is treasonous and treacherous, and now Sheriff Babiou is coming out and saying our own government has become our enemy.
And they take the goodwill, the hospitality of the American people and they make it into a sick joke.
The United States is being sacrificed on the altar of globalism.
Steve Kemp and Sandy Jacobs, GoldenGateMenAndMen.org are our guests.
This is a short segment, long segment coming up.
I want to start by playing a clip we've already played and get their comment on it.
We'll play the new clip in the next segment.
This is Congressman Stark, a few months ago, saying there's no border problem in Arizona.
And arrogantly saying, oh, who are you going to shoot today?
Just saying, basically, you're murderers, and there's no border problem, and talking to them like they're children.
This is the face of arrogance.
Here it is.
Who are you going to kill today?
Who are we going to kill today?
Well, I just would like to know, well, actually American citizens are being killed right now, but that's not what's going on.
That's right.
Okay, I want to know why the federal government is not doing anything, or a lot more, to seal our borders in this country so that we're a solvent country again.
Well, we can't get enough Minutemen armed.
We'd like to get all the Minutemen armed so that they can stop shooting people here.
It's not our job.
We're just citizens this evening.
The United States government wants to simply protect us.
We'll try and get you some more arms and get you down there to...
We don't want to go down there.
We want to have normal lives.
We pay taxes.
We pay to have the government take care of our borders.
Is that all?
Is that all what?
That the government should do?
Well, that's one of the things the government is supposed to do.
That's what the federal government is there for.
They said they were going to do it and they're not doing it.
Well, then we don't need the Minutemen.
That's correct.
We don't want them.
We don't want them doing this.
Let's send the Minutemen home.
That's a good idea.
Why don't you answer the question?
I want to hear your answer.
I want to hear a smart answer.
What kind of answer would you like, young man?
He asked the question.
Do you mind if I answer his question?
Excuse me.
Please do answer the question.
Yeah, what's your question?
The question is, why is the federal government leaving our borders for us for anybody to come in anywhere they want?
If you knew anything about our borders, you would know that that's not the case.
Our borders are quite secure, thank you.
How do you know that?
Our borders are quite secure.
Total arrogance, total contempt.
He talks to them like they're children.
Oh, you don't want to murder some people.
Well, that's good.
We don't need the Minutemen then.
And he talks to all his idiot constituents, you know, that are supporting him.
But most of the people didn't support him.
They're not idiots.
Going back to Steve Kemp and Sandy Jacobs.
Guys, I mean, it's horrible watching the video.
But what is it like to have him basically calling you murderers?
And then telling you there's no problem on the border?
Well, I mean, he's been calling us names for years, so that no longer bothers me, but the other people who are just coming into light of all this, they're offended.
And, you know,
The first thing we need to do is secure the borders, and why would we want to do anything after that until we have an actual entry-exit program that literally works and is enforced?
Because we can't even say, oh, according to them, we can't even track who's here and we don't know where they live.
Well, again, they're arrogant because they're the ones engaged in treason.
They're the ones supporting this racist Larry Conquista.
And so they've got to put it back on you.
You're a racist.
You're a murderer.
Who are you going to kill today, lady?
You dare come ask me about the border.
Who are you going to murder today?
It's like, I don't want government-run healthcare.
Oh, you're a racist.
I don't want to turn my guns in.
Oh, you're a racist.
They're just cold-bloodedly doing this.
They think they're going to get away with it.
Steve, your take on this?
Well, um, yeah, it's, uh, it's ridiculous.
I mean, you know, sitting in the meeting, uh, that particular meeting that you played the clip from, uh, most of the people in there were essentially, uh, stark supporters, and they go to the meetings, and they're pretty, you know, vanilla-type meetings.
Um, so I brought up that point, and what happened was, I believe that Stark was trying to make fun of me, so the rest of his constituents in the audience would just laugh, you know, go along with him.
But it backfired, and people got really ticked off, you know?
It's like, most people want borders secured, and they want this problem solved in a rational way.
Well, stay there, let's talk more about it when we come back.
I mean, of course they got mad.
He's arrogantly treating everybody like they're morons.
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Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
And Sandy Jacobs are our guest.
Coming up towards the end of this segment, I'm going to take a few calls specifically on the outrageous nature of the illegal aliens funded by the federal government and the big corporations, saying take your American flag off your shirt, send those kids home from school, take that American flag down off the post office, take it off that auto parts store, this is Mexico, go home pilgrims, go back to Europe.
uh... taking over baseball game screaming mexico mexico waving flags mexico's collapsing there's death threats uh... farmers being killed police being killed hits contracts have been put out and the media is running the hoax that men and men are out murdering people and they've got a big robert rodriguez movie coming out we got the script became national news a few months ago comes out september
machete and he claims he's edited the stuff out but in the script it's it's white people are all racist out murdering hispanic children and crucifying priests and have to be killed and there's a la reconquista the we didn't cross the border it crossed us and the gringos die
And this is all government-funded.
Now, going back to Steve and Sandy, finishing up your comments about what he said, that there's no border problem, similar to what Reid has said, and then we'll get to the new video clip, even more outrageous, saying the feds can do anything they want and make you do anything in your individual life they want.
You are their slave.
But comments on the last video.
Yeah, on the last video, he was, I think, taken by surprise that the people in the audience reacted the way they did to him.
They didn't go along with it, and it really ticked them off.
We're talking about an audience of mixed people out there, there are Asian people, Hispanic, people from the Bay Area, essentially, which is the big melting pot here, and a lot of people are ticked off.
Uh, the, uh, the Hispanic, uh, uh, Americans, if, you know, nationalized or otherwise, if people are born here, they're really ticked off of what's going on with the illegal immigration, just like the rest of it.
And I'd like to add that illegal immigration just isn't from Dallas's border.
It's from all over the world.
It just so happens that we see more of it from Dallas's border because we happen to live in it.
Yeah, 80% of it roughly is from Mexico, and people see the standard of living going down.
They see the states going bankrupt, and that's the big hoax.
The media says all Hispanics want open borders.
I've seen polls of well over 70% want to control our borders.
They understand what's happening.
They're Americans.
They don't want to run around with Mexican flags screaming La Reconquista, just like most white people don't want to join the Ku Klux Klan.
Yeah, and I'll say this too about the, a lot of people in the country don't realize what it's like.
I mean, they see the gardener, they see the housekeeper and say, okay, you know, this, that, the other thing, they're harmless people.
When you go out to some of these protest rallies in a place like San Francisco, you really see what's going on out there.
You see people that are in your face, angry, sprouting off everything that they can, calling you racist, all these names and whatnot.
While wearing Aslan shirts, and for folks that don't know what Aslan is, tell them.
Oslon, they want their form of government in here.
The other point is about the children, the anchor babies under the 14th Amendment, the illegal citizens that are born here.
You could say that the first generation comes in here and they work hard because they understand what it's like to be poor and need things.
So they come in, they do whatever they can to make a living.
That is not necessarily true with their children.
So then what's going to happen on the next generation is you're going to have to have a whole new batch of people coming in, illegals coming in.
No, that's already happening, and we see that with anybody getting decadent.
And the gangbanger culture is so popular, and we know what's happening.
Right, exactly.
The second generation is not going to follow the first.
Then you've got to import another generation to take care of these, quote, jobs that America won't do.
I don't know what Americans are going to do because we don't have manufacturing left here.
We don't have this.
We don't have that anymore.
It's all being exported.
Labor's being imported, exported.
America had better wake up.
This country is on its way down.
I mean, we're in what they call a death spiral.
Oh yeah, and our kids, they can't even find jobs right now.
I mean, they're being indoctrinated in our schools to accept all this.
You know, I mean, Congressman Stark says
You know, we asked him if he would support E-Verify and he said, well not the unconstitutional parts of it, just like the Arizona law, unconstitutional.
It's just crazy.
Why do these folks see themselves as being from Mexico and why do they love flying Mexican flags?
I mean, it's so elementary.
You've got
Lulac and Moldef and you've got Mecha and La Raza all openly saying this is really Mexico.
Why are they fleeing Mexico and then saying they want to live under the same tyranny?
Why are they so nationalistic?
Well, they hold no allegiance to the United States, for one.
And, I mean, I'm sure if you were in the position in Mexico, you'd want all the freebies we're handing out left to right.
We really do have a despicable government.
I think what Sheriff Babiou says in the Cyber News Service today, quote, our own government has become our enemy.
I mean, that's really this, that's what's happening.
And it's, they need to get amnesty before the full depression arrives, because then they know it's going to be very hard to get it done.
And this, the open borders have already irrevocably damaged the country.
The question is, will it be allowed to fully destroy the nation?
Yeah, definitely.
This video was shot at the last Stark Town Hall meeting, which was on Saturday.
We're good to go.
She's enlightened.
She's powerful.
She's informed.
She's got the spirit that will save this republic.
And I salute this lady.
Do we know her name?
Kimberly's just wonderful, and she lays it out.
This is slavery.
That's what collectivism is.
I'm not asking for free health care.
I'm not asking... I want to be left alone, but I've got to pay for the entire third world populations pouring in.
And I have a right to say no to this.
I'm not their slave.
Here it is.
...that health care is now a right, rather than a privilege, because of legislation that passed earlier this year.
But such a right is actually beyond the power of the federal government to confer.
And this is because, wait let me finish, because this is because it necessarily infringes the inalienable rights of other people.
And the reason I say this is because someone, in order to get healthcare services, those services have to be rendered by somebody else.
Using their time, their energy, their knowledge, and their labor.
And this means that if any of us want healthcare and we have a right to it, then we necessarily have the right to compel others to give us, to provide those services, or to pay for them for us.
And my question, I have a two-part question, and the first one is, how can legislation such as this be constitutional when it seems to be in direct conflict with the 13th Amendment, which abolished slavery?
That's the first thing.
And the second thing is, if this legislation is constitutional, what limitations are there on the federal government's ability to tell us how to run our private lives?
I think that there are very few constitutional limits that would prevent the federal government from rules that could affect your private life.
Now, the basis for that would be, how does it affect other people?
Well, sir, the Constitution specifically enumerates certain powers to the federal government and leaves the other, all other authority to the states.
So, so the Constitution, or the people, so the Constitution, the Constitution is very limited in what it can do, sir.
And it specifically prohibits slavery.
And when you tell somebody you have a right to get a service from another, that's essentially saying you get to make that person do something for you.
And sir, that is a form of slavery.
So my question is, how can this law be constitutional?
But more importantly than that, if they can do this, what can't they?
Is your question, is your answer that they can do anything?
The federal government, yes, can do most anything in this country.
Back it up 10 seconds.
I mean he looks like he's sitting on a commode right there and I hate to use childlike analogies but literally he's like a swollen big baby just full of arrogance and he can do most anything he wants.
The federal government is your God.
And we see more and more of them.
It's like that congressman out of Illinois a few months ago saying, I don't like the Constitution.
I don't care about the Constitution.
I'll do whatever I want.
And so they'll spy on you without warrants.
They'll raise taxes.
They'll make you pay for health care.
I mean, this is what tyranny is.
Let's play that part one more time and then get our guest, who shot the video, to comment on it.
Here he is, saying the federal government can do most anything it wants.
And it is.
It is doing whatever it wants.
It is saying, hey, you're not going to stop illegal aliens that are out killing cops and citizens.
Because they work for us, the federal government.
They're our muscle to take over this country.
Here it is.
Is your answer that they can do anything?
The federal government, yes, can do most anything in this country.
You sir, and people that think like you, are destroying this nation.
He just nods his head arrogantly.
He likes it.
He's like, yes I do.
Man, I tell you, I mean, I have never seen anything like that.
They're saying you're destroying America.
He goes, yeah, I am.
Just totally smug.
enjoying what he's doing he can do anything he wants to you but the good news is these arrogant creatures are now right out in the open uh... you know hillary clinton's daughter marries this goldman sachs guy whose daddy's in prison who's a crook with the clintons and uh... you got made off and you got these kinlay types they're a bunch of thug crooks
And if you stand up to him, they say you're a racist.
Well, you know what?
Or you want to murder people.
Or who are you going to murder today?
Imagine, you get some people asking questions, and he says, who are you going to murder today?
Steve Kemp, Sandy Jacobs.
I mean, what can you say about that?
Dad, do you want to take it?
No, go ahead.
Yeah, that statement didn't go over too well with the audience, I gotta say.
It's pretty amazing.
He got called on it, and it's out there now.
And I just would like to tell people who are listening to this, if you're still behind your computer or behind your radio or TV, you need to get out there.
I mean, just me with a camera and YouTube.
You've got the tools available to get this kind of information out there.
If there was not a camera at that meeting, and I did not put it on YouTube, it wouldn't be known.
And that's a good point.
You know, I went to the State House for the Second Amendment meeting, caught bribery going on, made national news.
You know, government is so corrupt that if you go anywhere, they're just... I mean, a few months ago, he says there is no border problem, and it went nationwide.
He looks like a fool and his approval rating dropped.
You go to another meeting, he says, I can do whatever I want, the government basically rules you, and yes, I'm destroying America.
I mean, he just can't help it.
He can't help it.
And if people just stand up and confront them, I mean, your video has conservatively, with all the different versions out there, probably been seen a million times.
This will be seen more than a million.
Then it was aired on national news with millions seeing it.
You're just a few people taking action, showing these slime bags for what they are.
People say, well, what's the solution to tyranny?
Get out there and engage it, and all of us working together
Just showing what these people are.
The average person in San Francisco doesn't know who their state rep is, or their federal rep is, or who their mayor is, or doesn't know what their voting record is.
By just looking at these people, everyone will then face the fact of what slime bags they are, and it's game over.
More comments on that?
Sure, there, you know, I mean, people just look at Stark like, well, why waste my time calling him?
You know, I mean, I've seen what he does.
But you know what?
Silence is consent, and I'm not willing to consent to anything he puts forward.
Because, you know, he'll just go along with gutting everything.
Like the 287G program.
Or E-Verify.
I mean, our poor kids are just being laden with debt.
And I'm not going to consent to that.
Well, what are they going to do?
I've got a big stack here from yesterday on the economy with mainstream news admitting we never left the recession, we're in a depression, a big part of it is the illegal aliens and the big banks together who are teamed up.
What are they going to do when everything totally collapses?
That's a good point.
We don't know and we don't want to find out, so that's why we're trying to stop all this stuff.
It reminds me of when you're in a car, you're driving, you've got the pedal to the metal, and you're heading for a brick wall, which is what we were doing, you know, for the last decade or so.
You hit the wall, the airbags go off, you realize you didn't get killed, you jump back into another car and you floor it.
It's crazy!
Well, more than that, the airbag saves you, then you yell, racist, racist, racist, at the airbag, and then stab it.
And then you go get in another car, and stab the airbag before you crash into the next brick wall.
Yeah, it's really amazing.
I mean, we as citizens have got to do something to stop this.
It's to the point where it's not unstoppable, but these people like Stark are just so arrogant.
They've got control over everything or so they think.
And yeah, we need to get out there and get on the streets.
I mean, we've been doing this for years.
The Minutemen will counter protest and whatnot.
Uh, now with the Tea Party movement and a lot of other people starting the recession crash, people are waking up.
They're really saying, you know what, I've been hearing about this stuff for years.
I couldn't believe what I was hearing.
And they just sort of ignored it.
But now you can't.
It's in your face and you've got to get out there and do something.
I agree, and we have a lot of great listeners in Central California.
We have a few great affiliates just south of you.
One of them goes into San Francisco.
And I noticed another website up there, not just GoldenGateMinuteMen.org, but the other one, what's the address?
How do people get involved?
How do they support you?
How do they get on the ground so that your numbers grow?
Well, what they need to do is they can contact us to get involved with us locally here and there's a number of Tea Party organizations and every Tea Partier I have talked to in this area supports the Minuteman and what we're doing here, the illegal immigration policy.
Sure, but I saw two different URLs.
What's the other URL that's on the video?
Oh, on the video.
That's the Bay Area Patriots.
It got covered up by the logo.
Okay, and is that you guys?
No, that is actually the Tea Party.
It's based out of Marin County, San Francisco.
And a great bunch of people, which we're also involved with.
Well, that's awesome.
We need to get people in there supporting them as well.
I want to come back and take some phone calls with you guys.
But folks, this is happening everywhere.
The government, the big banks, they're funding the illegals.
They're arrogant.
They're trying to intimidate us to shut up.
But we're not going to be intimidated.
We're going to win this thing.
Stay with us.
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All right, we're going to take your calls in this segment and the next, then our guests are going to leave us.
I've got a bunch of other news I haven't gotten to yet that we're going to be covering.
Prince Charles, who wants forced world population reduction and open borders, says his mission is to save the Earth.
And then he has a, I'm quoting him, a cosmic message of the universe for you.
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I want to take a few final calls for our guests, but I want to encourage you, wherever you are,
But especially in San Francisco, where American school children, including Hispanics, can't wear American flags in school.
That's the mind control.
That's the tyranny.
And they're bringing in a third world population to be their enforcers.
You need to get involved and help these people.
You need to get on the street and get past the comfort zone.
Get out of your comfort zone.
Get out of that bubble, or we're going to lose the country.
Let's talk to Barney in Texas.
You're on the air with our guest.
Go ahead, Barney.
Thanks for taking my call, Alex.
I'd like to talk about, I call it illegal m-exploitation.
My brother is the president of the Minutemen, the California chapter, Tim Donley, in California.
So I've been following this since 2005.
My wife is from Mexico and I work in Hispanic media here in Dallas-Fort Worth.
So I have a lot to say.
I think that they've effectively
Distracted us by using the race card on both sides to distract us from the fact that the federal government, the Mexican government and corporate America are the true culprits in this scenario.
Oh, I totally agree!
They're playing everybody off against each other.
They're trying to keep everyone divided and focused on the small issues rather than anyone really that complains about illegal immigration.
And doesn't stand up to their government for allowing it.
I mean, it's kind of ridiculous that we're supposed to be at a war on terror.
We spend hundreds of billions on defense and the drug war and we can't and we openly allow them to come here.
So my point is...
Yeah, I'm kind of... I agree that we should have an amnesty here and we should close the border.
I think that we have a moral obligation to make a decision as a government.
But should we have amnesty to people wearing Larry Conquista, Plan of Oslon shirts, taking over baseball games, waving Mexican flags?
Well, I think that out of 15 to 20 million illegal immigrants here, I think... I've known them for years, many people, and those are kind of, I would say,
I don't know how it is in California, but in Texas that's the minority, and those are distracted by people.
Oh, I agree.
It's not that it's bad, but nothing like California.
I mean, Texas is nothing like California.
But there's a lot of reconquista stuff going on.
And, you know, my whole issue is the country is collapsing.
But I agree there are bigger issues, like the CIA being caught shipping drugs in.
But let me get a comment from our guest on what you just said.
Well, we've got gang members here.
I can't imagine giving them amnesty.
We've got rapists, drunk drivers.
I just can't see adding these people to the pool.
Well that's it.
Bush's last amnesty said that felons would sign a card promising to be good in the future.
People who'd committed aggravated felonies.
Did you guys see that?
No, I did not.
No, that was in the amnesty bill.
Senator Sessions exposed it.
Barney, I want to have immigrants in this country, and we do need new blood in this country.
But, God bless you, I agree that we do not need to be divided against each other.
We need to realize what's happening.
I appreciate your call.
We're going to come back in 70 seconds with Curtis, Mike, Bruce, Anthony, and others with our guest.
And, of course, you can check out their website as well.
We'll give that to you when we come back.
This is GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Steve Kemp, Sandy Jacobs are our guests.
I could keep them for the rest of the show, but we have a lot of other news coming up and they're busy.
I'll continue with your calls on this subject.
GoldenGateMinutemen.org, get involved today.
But let's continue with your phone calls.
Well, you know what?
You guys wanted to comment during the break on the last caller.
You were pointing out, okay, give 20 million illegals, you know, legalize them.
A lot of them are criminals with other crimes.
And what about everybody trying to get in legally?
That penalizes those that came in legally.
Well, it's a real slap in the face for the people who are trying to do things the right way just to say, well, you know, it's because somebody broke the law and came in here and have been living here and they're, you know, contributing to society, whatever, they're nice people.
That doesn't address the issue of all the people are trying to get in here legally and do it the right way.
They're not sealing the borders.
We can't even start talking about anything until they seal the borders.
That's what they need to do.
But no, I blank it out and say, no way that that should
Well, that's what's happening.
We're being told, give us amnesty, then we'll talk about the border.
They're not gonna... It's another double-take.
That's like paying a contractor to do the work before he does it, right?
You don't do that.
Yeah, that's always a big problem.
Let's talk to Curtis in Montana.
Curtis, you're on the air.
Hi, Alex.
Hey, buddy.
I got one for you.
I live here in Montana, and CNN did a story about a year ago about a
Homeland Security was putting $31 million into two border crossings up here.
One of the border crossings had an average of 22 cars a day go across it.
Well, now on our local talk radio about a week ago, Canada is talking about shutting their side of the border down on one of them.
I just don't get it.
We spend $31 million on a border.
I've lived here for 35 years.
I've never heard of a Canadian
Coming down and murdering anyone or kidnapping or every once in a while you'll have a real... No, no, no.
Listen, they let the immigrants come into the United States, but they don't want you to get out.
So, so, you know, they want people to come in, but they don't want you to get out.
Yeah, and we're wasting all this money on our northern border where there's not a problem.
We got all this on the southern border.
We're protecting Iraq's border, Afghanistan border, a billion dollars.
That we can't protect our southern borders?
I mean, this is, what you said earlier, they're idiots.
Well, it's treason.
It's treason is what it is.
They want to break this country down.
That's in this SPP, North American Union documents that Lou Dobbs and myself and Judicial Watch covered.
I appreciate your call.
Sandy Jacobs, have you ever read the SPP documents?
How this is really meant to merge our countries?
Oh, yes.
It's something we don't want.
I mean, that would just wipe out our sovereignty altogether.
And it'll let in just about anybody.
You know, your truck driver, come on in.
Take a job from another American.
I just can't see even going along with that.
And look at our wages going down.
I mean, our country's falling apart.
Yeah, and he was saying how we spent that money up there on the Canada border.
Well, that's the, you know, the government wants us to perceive that they're spending millions on border security, but they're not detailing and giving the people, hey, you know,
We're gonna waste this money over here just so we can say we spent 31 million dollars.
Well, I want to see patriots, including Hispanic American patriots and others, we have a lot of them out in San Francisco in that area, to join you guys.
I know there are a lot of great black Americans, Hispanic Americans, part of your Tea Party movement out there.
And I just want to salute you and commend you for having the courage to go out and shoot these videos and to ask such good questions and to show this arrogant creature for what he is.
And I want to thank you for sharing your video with us and authorizing us to play the video here.
I really want to thank both of you.
I'd like to just say, you know, I don't know what it's going to take for the American people to start marching in the streets.
The illegals do it.
Every year in May they do it.
They're doing it now.
I mean, what's it going to, how mad is it going to take for us to get, to start demanding that our government listen to we the people?
Thank you so much, Sandy Jacobs, Steve Kemp.
Let me say bye to you during the break.
Thanks, Alex.
Thank you.
Just an amazing job.
Other people need to do what they're doing.
It's that simple.
It's that simple.
We'll be right back with more of your calls and a lot of news.
Straight ahead.
Stay with us.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Ladies and gentlemen!
Ladies and gentlemen!
Big breaking news!
It integrates with what I was covering last night on The Sunday Show.
During that three-minute break, Matt Ryan came to me.
He's linking to it up on InfoWars.com right now.
Headline, Dangerous Ideas.
Give me a document cam shot, boys.
And it's on Huffington Post with a video and at Big Think with this individual calling for putting lithium in the water to make you behave yourself.
They have video of it, and I just put out the video, Food, The Ultimate Secret Exposed.
We've got to get that out to everybody.
And here's an ABC News article, bioethicist and media historian Jacob M. Appel, and he's in the New York Times calling for it, and so
Big Think's talking about it, and so is the Huffington Post, and they're talking about it like it's good.
They're getting the public ready for lithium in the water, which is an anti-psychotic.
I can't even continue.
Here on air right now, I mean, they're just out in the open.
We're living in a nightmare.
I just can't believe it.
Time will reveal whether lithium is indeed the next fluoride.
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We covered the other bioethicist just saying this on Sunday with Aaron Dykes' article.
Will you guys print me that, Aaron Dykes' article?
It's bioethicist.
Oh, here it is, here it is.
Oxford professor calls for drugging water supply.
And then he says they want to put Ritalin, Prozac, Lithium in the water.
And then here's the bioethicist and medical historian for... I can't even... I can't even deal with this anymore.
I need the URL on this article.
For some reason it chopped off.
Is this the Huffington Post or is this ABC News?
Okay, it says ABC News right there.
To rant and rave about this isn't even the proper response.
I'm dumbfounded at this point.
This week's New York Times Magazine draws attention to an article in the British Medical Journal of Psychiatry that has been the talk of bioethical circles since May, when researchers at Japan's Odai University reported that communities with increased levels of lithium in their drinking water suffered
A significant lower incidence of suicide, because they're mind-numb zombies.
The Japanese data confirmed a previous study of drinking water in Texas that found a decreased incidence of both suicide and violent crime in counties with higher than average amounts of naturally occurring lithium, like El Paso, I would add.
And then they go on and propose it, and that's the New York Times doing that.
It's the food, it's the water, they're already doing it.
Just like they already had private spies spying on you decades ago, now they admit it.
I'm gonna try to collect myself here, because I'm horrified, I'm enraged, I'm sick of these arrogant creatures, these control freaks, this scientific dictatorship.
I just love my children so much.
They're so innocent, they're so good, and I have to go to so much trouble to try to keep them from drinking poison water and poison food.
And these bastards, these criminal scumbags, are just running rampant!
And you've got a drugged out population that can't get angry because they're on stinking drugs putting the water in the food!
Like bisphenol A, sodium fluoride, lithium, all of it!
And the guys have found a video of this bioethicist
and medical historian in the Huffington Post and the New York Times Magazine promoting it.
I'd love to get Apple on this show.
And I just know when people grab this video off PrisonPlanet.tv from this live show,
When they put it on YouTube, there's going to be these mindless zombies on lithium and Prozac and bisphenol A and fluoride and mercury just giggling and laughing and lying about me and attacking me and I don't hate them, I feel sorry for them.
They're just hateful, brain-damaged zombies and they're just going to attack me and they're going to say this guy isn't even real and they're going to say bisphenol A is good for you and that irradiating food is good.
And they're going to say that the silicone they're putting in most processed foods that admittedly gives you cancer is good?
Why does this have to happen?
Why can't we wake up?
Almost everybody I know has got family who's young dying of cancer, or getting cancer, or they're getting macular degeneration from the sodium fluoride, the mercury, and the aspartame.
People are going blind all over the place.
Diabetes is off the charts.
There's kids all over the place dying of cancer, and I have to sit here and have Ecoscience written by the White House, Science Czar, talking about drugging your water?
I've got to read Top Bioethicist.
I mean, imagine the New York Times promoting how good lithium is going to be in your water.
And the guy goes on to say, if you don't like it, you can just drink bottled water.
Yeah, with bisphenol A.
I'm looking forward to the day when I can sacrifice whatever specious liberty claim I might have in consuming natural tap water in order to help save the lives of my neighbors and fellow human beings.
That's a quote that this bioethicist says about
That's like this other bioethicist, the Oxford professor, says it's cognitive boosting.
And it's like that CBS piece where they say mercury is good for your child and will improve them.
They mean it's an improvement to make you a brain-damaged zombie that serves them.
See, it's all lawyer-speak.
It's all little sick jokes where they think you're so dumb and already so drugged and so passive that they can come right out and say, we're going to drug your water supply when they're already doing it.
And we're going to do it for your own good.
I'm just going to take calls on the immigration issue until I settle down because I almost tumped this desk over a minute ago.
I almost threw the microphone across the room.
I almost ran outside and I almost started knocking on doors of other businesses saying, look, they're drugging the water.
That's a normal response.
It's like five years ago, Google came out and said, we're using the microphone on board your computer and the camera to watch and listen to you.
But it's okay because computers are doing it, creating keyword data files.
Imagine if somebody came to your door, knocked on it, and said, uh, I want to put cameras in your house washing.
You'd say, get out of here, you maniac.
But they come out, they admit that it's 20 to 50 times, depending on the system, higher radiation in these naked body scanners than what they'd said, and it's going to cause cancer.
That's John Hopkins, you name it, reporting it.
Suddenly all over the country they're turning up the brain scan systems on high and everybody's hair is falling out and they're getting cancer and they just admit it.
They're just killing us left and right.
That's all I think about.
I had nightmares about this last night.
And that's normal.
You got a bunch of sicko control freaks poisoning our water and killing us.
And I got family who I can't even get to stop drinking Diet Coke.
Even though they know it's true, they're so addicted they can't stop?
And people say, well look at you, you know, you look like you're a few pounds overweight.
What the hell does that have to do with it?
I know I've got problems.
I know I do unhealthy things.
I don't eat fast food.
Unless I'm on a road trip and that's all there is in some small town and I always feel sick after I do.
I try to eat organic, I try to help my children.
What does it have to do with me?
Why when I warn you, do you mentally ill people out there then say I'm bad?
I care about the people we've already woken up, but I really care about those who won't listen to me.
They're drugging your water.
Lithium is a toxic heavy metal that's also deadly and has serious health side effects.
It's a hardcore chemical lobotomizer.
People wonder why the public's not more upset, not more angry by trillions being stolen by criminal banks.
And the airspace being closed, so Chelsea's marrying the son of a criminal mob family whose dad's in prison for ripping off taxpayers, a crook congressman, and millions of dollars, what, six million dollars of tax money to pay for it.
Let them eat cake, as Dr. Paul Craig Roberts' latest article talks about.
I mean, it's just, it's too much.
A bunch of arrogant, bug-eyed scum thinks they can drug our water and surveil us and militarize the police against us.
And train the police to take on the American people while the cops are having their water and their food poisoned too.
Don't you understand that, men and women?
We're all in this together.
This isn't about black and white or Hispanic or Christian or Jewish or German or Chinese.
This is about a scientific dictatorship that thinks you're so stupid they admit they're poisoning your butt.
And suddenly there's bioethicists all over the news, every day new mainstream articles saying we want to put lithium in your water.
I got news for you, we've already caught them doing it!
We've got to have a normal response to this.
But we're just comfortable drinking our water, eating our GMO food.
We're just comfortable eased into this.
We go home, we watch our television, we watch our sitcoms, we watch our dramas.
You go to the bar, you get drunk, you just let your kids go to school and eat all this crap.
Why can't you wake up?
Because you can't admit how serious it is.
Because I know, I mean, it's freaky, it's scary, it's crazy!
It's crazy!
Don't you understand cancer's off the charts?
Don't you understand diabetes and every other degenerative disease is off the charts?
People are getting Alzheimer's at 25 now.
They're killing us!
I want to stop them!
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So we have mainstream media all over the place.
I mean, I found five articles in the last 10 minutes, the guys have, where it's all over the news, saying, well, if it stops just one suicide, shouldn't we put lithium in the water?
Fluoride has similar effects.
It is a toxic chemical that brain damages you.
And we'll go to some calls.
And then before this hour ends, I'll play this clip.
of this scientist bioethicist promoting this and we wrote another article about this over the weekend.
Oxford professor calls for drugging water supply and I covered that on last night's show.
A separate professor, one of the top bioethicists from that prestigious university.
Folks, they're already doing it.
We've already caught them.
It's so incredible!
And that's why people are so passive!
You don't have a right to forcibly drug me because you say it's liberal and loving to keep me from being violent so I put up with the bankers raping me while you build up a paramilitary force against me and my family.
So I'll go along with your wars.
Then they give aggression enhancers, Wired Magazine reports, to the troops to offset the fact that they've been made servile, just like they are now.
The police chief in Fort Worth is promoting anabolic steroids, testosterone, for cops, because they're so emasculated from the water, they pretty much need it!
You understand?
They are drugging us to be submissive, and then they tell the cops, you gotta take roids!
To offset it!
They're drugging us!
And Jaron made the point that even if they claim this is moral, you don't say everybody in the country's got to eat peanuts because it's going to kill hundreds of thousands who have violent reactions to it.
But that's not even what this is about!
And the video, the video of this guy from Big Think, and I'm glad Big Think is criticizing him, Dangerous Ideas is the article, they got an interview with him,
I'm gonna get them on.
I'm gonna try to get Mr. Apple on.
He has that wanting, control freak, jelly look to him.
Just like Congressman...
Pete Stark.
These weirdos, these control freaks, always have this, hi, I want to help you.
It's going to be real good.
Government health care, don't be racist.
Open borders, banker bailouts, don't be racist.
Don't mind all the militarized police we're amassing.
We're your friends.
Everything's fine.
Drink the water.
It's moral.
You will feel better.
We need to enhance you with an anti-psychotic that lowers IQ on record.
Then you won't...
And remember, these same people have now developed on record, I've been covering this for close to a decade, vaccines.
Search the term vaccine to cure alcoholism, vaccine to cure heroin addiction, vaccine to cure nicotine addiction.
And it creates viral plagues, viral virus attacks in the ports, in the...
uptake sites in the cells for endorphins and these drugs mimic different types of endorphins uh... in the receptor sites and the viruses go in and literally selectively are tailored to eat brain cells and I've got mainstream US and British news
In the last almost decade, we've covered it countless times, you can go read this for yourself, how they're gonna give us shots that eat our brains.
I mean, come on!
It's just body snatchers, but they're our own species, coming and saying, after you have the shot, there's not gonna be any more pain.
After you've taken the lithium,
You're not gonna care anymore.
The carbon tax, it's good.
We're gonna cut how many kids you can have.
We're creating a utopia.
Prince Charles is gonna save the Earth!
Savior of the Earth!
Kill us, oh Prince Charles!
And they do it in this simpering, soft voice.
And they talk to us like we're children.
Everything's gonna be okay very, very soon.
And you know, it's on record they found a bunch of weird RNA.
And a bunch of different virus fragments in all of those big five vaccine makers with the H1N1.
And I'll guarantee you, it was in the London Telegraph yesterday, a tenfold increase in violent seizures when the children take that stinking shot.
That's a violent autoimmune response with those viruses just wreaking havoc in there, just savaging those brains.
I see exactly what they're doing.
Oh God, I pray to you to have the spirit of liberty rise in humanity and to remove this wicked scourge.
We repent for the abortions, the 50 million.
We repent for all the things we've done.
But my God, please protect my children and other innocents.
They do not deserve this God.
Folks, I'm freaked out and this is a normal response to this.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
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They understand that the public is rudderless and can't think for themselves and so they come out and present it.
We're just going to drug your water supply to make you happy.
It's a dangerous anti-psychotic, a toxic heavy metal, lithium.
And they recommend in this other
Report I've got here from Oxford that, well, we want to put Prozac and Luvox and Ritalin in your water.
Mix all these drugs?
They're proposing putting statins in the water, where your water is just a cocktail.
Statins that, of course, shut your liver down and are basically worthless, most doctors are now admitting, for cholesterol.
Oh, we're going to give you vaccines where you can never be addicted to drugs, and where you also can't absorb the regular endorphins.
When you make that touchdown in high school, or that beautiful girl you're in love with says, OK, pick me up at seven tonight, you get that euphoria.
Or when one of my stories is top-linked on Drudge Report, I get euphoric because my mission is to warn people.
Or one of our videos gets tens of millions of views, I get excited.
No more!
This is a zombified, servile system they're trying to set up, and they sit there and say it with a plain face.
Now, this is being promoted by the New York Times, the Huffington Post, a big thing that did the interview, which is kind of like TED TV, a scientific consortium outfit.
Drug are drinking water.
Dangerous ideas.
They're against it.
But they got the interview with him, and here he is just calmly telling you that it's for your own good.
Don't be racist.
That's what government health care is all about, is the government taking control.
They've gotten rid of the Hippocratic Oath.
Do no harm.
They do have the death panels.
It is about euthanasia.
I've got articles today, mainstream news, where they're saying in England and the U.S., don't give old people care.
Training you to lower the standards of the economy.
The more care we give people, the better the standards, the more jobs.
Let's go ahead and play this clip of this individual.
This bioethicist, Mr. Apple, and remember, bioethicists are the ones with the PhDs who tell the federal governments and the state governments on the bioethicist boards, do we save this baby?
Do we give treatment to this old woman?
They're the ones that are the high priest that give the orders to the doctors, to the dentists, to the nurses.
And these people, the top ones, the ones that get funding are for sterilization, forced drugging, forced abortion.
They are a group of monsters.
All pushing carbon taxes, all pushing into the industrialized world.
This is a scientific dictatorship, and they are some of the top high priests.
Like Rahm Emanuel's brother is one of these people.
Let's go ahead and play the clip.
Ask questions about whether or not any pharmaceutical or any product should be added to the drinking water.
You're really asking two sets of questions.
One is, should any product that might be beneficial be added to the drinking water?
And secondly, should this specific product be added?
The first question, I think, can be dismissed fairly easily.
People who oppose adding enhancement to the drinking water in the way people opposed adding fluoride to the drinking water half a century ago rely on the false premise of naturalism.
Okay, so, we're gonna go through this.
So, this is how he sells it.
And that's the same thing as the other bioethicist at Oxford, Julian Salvasiu.
Am I pronouncing that right?
Yeah, Julian, S-A-V-U-L-E-S-C-U.
He says, well, we got fluoride through, and it's the test case.
Now we need to put Ritalin, Adderall, and other drugs in the water.
So they're just going to put hundreds of things in the water, statins, you name it, because they're going to medicate you.
This is a medical, bioethical,
Scientific dictatorship that says we're going to drug you.
And that's what these GMO foods are.
In every study, it sterilizes or reduces fertility in all the rats and other mammals, guinea pigs they tested on.
It increases cancer.
In all the studies, you're being forced medicated.
It's hidden in the genetics of the plants.
The BP corn, the BP cotton that's killing the livestock that eat it, that humans are eating.
It's destroying their fertility.
It's on record!
You're already being drugged through the food, the water, the air.
They're doing it!
Don't you understand I'm not joking around here!
It's time for you to grow up and realize we've been telling you the truth.
We've done the research.
I can barely control myself the more I learn, the more I confirm that we're 100% right!
I love my children, and how dare you people think you can drug their water and drug their food!
And they know they forced fluoridation on us, so now they're coming with the drugs.
A hardcore anti-psychotic, a heavy metal.
Super toxic, that fries the brains of the mental patients they give it to.
And they're gonna put you on lithium, whether you like it or not!
And they say, you accepted fluorine, a deadly chemical.
If they can get away with that, the sky's the limit, folks, and they're not gonna stop!
Don't you understand?
I'll tell you, though, the people are waking up.
I talked to those two cops last night at like 11 p.m., coming out of that restaurant before I went home, and they look concerned.
They said, no, we know.
And I said, you know they're drugging your water?
And they went, yeah, we've seen evidence of that.
I said, well, go to InfoWars.com.
We've got a top bioethicist promoting it right now and links to the studies.
This stuff's already been found in the water.
And they said, we will.
They said, we appreciate what you're doing and shook my hand.
They're not laughing anymore.
They know what's going on, and they don't care if some little smart mouth
They always send up some effeminate little, hi, I'm here, I want to help you, I'm the boss, I'm the control freak, I say what goes in your water, I decide your mental health, I care about you.
This other bioethicist says put serotonin reuptake inhibitors in the water, a psychotropic hallucinogen.
Which, on the label, admits it massively increases suicide.
Not just in humans, but other animals.
That's Scientific American last week.
Everything they... even... Now we gotta have a debate about them.
We don't want lithium, we don't... it's toxic... No, no, shut up, conspiracy theorist!
Lithium is good, and so is Prozac!
Take your flu shot!
Mercury is good!
I have the newscast where they say Mercury is good for you!
Go back to him!
Go back to him!
But that's correlational, not causational.
Pain is natural and aesthetics are synthetic.
Hit pause again!
Listen, listen punk!
You don't get to decide what goes in my body!
You understand that?
You little smart mouth control freak!
Who knows he'll get funding and grants and power because you're promoting what the globalists are already doing?
You understand that?
My body is mine, scumbag!
My children are mine!
They deserve to live their own life without some soft sack of garbage like you trying to drug them with deadly chemicals, you piece of trash!
Go back to him!
Same logic.
There are many things that naturally occur in the drinking water that are beneficial in some parts of the country that don't occur in other parts of the country.
One of those items happens to be lithium.
People who oppose adding lithium to the drinking water in trace amounts don't go around advocating to strain the lithium from the drinking water in areas where it does exist.
The specifics of lithium are rather interesting.
I should add, I'm not the first person to propose this.
Oh, you're not the first.
Back it up ten seconds, please, as we analyze this.
Folks, you're drugged and mind-controlled if you're not angry.
This is normal response here, getting upset.
People have pointed out in El Paso over the last 30 plus years and other cities that have it that you should filter your water and that you shouldn't drink it because it's toxic.
In fact, pull up poison control, search the term poison control, or hazardous materials sheet lithium.
I want to read to people, I already have read it and know it, but I want people to see it.
It is a toxic metal!
Toxic metal!
I don't care if CBS News tells you mercury and lithium are good for your brain.
It isn't good for your brain.
Just like all these early onset of neurological disorders we're now seeing.
Oh, it's normal now to get Alzheimer's at 25-30, they say.
No, it isn't!
Heavy metals fry your brain!
You like all the wrecked autistic children all over the place who have no future?
You like what you've done to people?
You sickening eugenics extermination lovers!
You're the enemy of humanity!
Go back to that slime bag!
Oh, the video's not playing.
I'm not the first person to propose this idea.
Peter Kramer floated this idea in the New York Times over a year ago.
The Brown University psychiatrist, the author of Listening to Prozac.
In areas where lithium in trace amounts is in the drinking water, there seems to be a lower level of suicidality, and in the Texas counties that were studied, there's actually a lower crime rate.
Hit pause!
The same studies were repeated in Japan.
Back it up another 20.
I want people to hear that again.
This is so monumental.
Humans are supposed to be focused and full of tectonic purity and energy and understanding.
You know, when I privately write poetry, it just flows out of me.
Or when I'm oil painting, or when I'm making a film, or when I'm passionate about something, or when I go hear a beautiful orchestra, or when I watch my children, innocent and good and full of life and future, out playing in the backyard, it's magic.
And yeah, that's scary for some people to have a conscious, powerful, burning mind that Thomas Jefferson talked about.
And this guy is telling you he wants to put a heavy metal, how good it'd be to put a heavy metal in your water.
It's so outrageous that these control freaks tell us they're gonna run our lives, and Congressman Stark says the feds can make you do anything they want, and now they're taking over health care to force all of this on you.
All the stuff you've seen so far is only the testing of this stuff.
It's just so outrageous to look at this guy.
Go back to him.
Tracing amounts is in the drinking water.
There seems to be a lower level of suicidality, and in the Texas counties that were studied, there's actually a lower crime rate.
The same studies were repeated in Japan, completely different cultural milieu, and they had the same result.
I should add that we're not talking about adding therapeutic levels of lithium to the drinking water.
It's worth noting that if you wanted to get a therapeutic level in the trace amounts that currently exist in the areas where there is already lithium, you would have to drink several Olympic-sized swimming pools every minute to reach that level of concern.
Hit pause.
Hit pause.
Just like sodium fluoride, lithium is a cumulative poison and builds up in the organs and the bones.
And this guy, if he doesn't know it, needs to grow up.
It's easy to sit around and put a tie on and be a control freak and sit there and boss us with his little lisping control freak voice, but it isn't going to work, Jack.
You understand that?
One part per million of sodium fluoride reduces the IQ by at least 10 points in a child, doubles their chances of bone cancer,
This is so incredible.
This is so incredible.
Just everything is lies and distortions.
Go ahead and start playing it again.
Here's the video.
So the reality is these are very low levels and there's no reason to think they're not safe in the areas they already are exist.
So why not give everybody that benefit?
Actually, it is the element.
It's the ionic form of the element.
Unlike many pharmaceuticals, which are complex compounds synthesized in laboratories, lithium is simply an ion that occurs naturally in the environment.
I'm not a geologist.
I don't know exactly the process by which the lithium leaches into the water, but it does.
And I think it's also worth noting that the mechanism by which lithium works in the body is probably very different in the treatment of diseases like bipolar disorder or mood disorders, mania, than it is in the much lower levels where it seems to prevent suicidality.
And the theory is that very low or trace amounts of lithium enhance connectivity between neurons.
And doing that over the course of a lifetime, a lifetime exposure,
That's like saying that Ritalin's good for kids, and Prozac is good for kids, and mercury is good.
Remember, they'll just sit here and tell you this is good, and it's their choice, and they're going to put it in your water, because they know best.
And he says, don't worry, this isn't like what we give psychotics.
This is a smaller dose for you.
They're already drugging the food and water.
Let me explain that again.
They're already drugging your food and water.
They're stealing the pension funds.
They're imploding the economy.
They're criminals.
They're drugging the troops with all sorts of drugs.
These are a bunch of control freaks.
I cannot say it any clearer.
Let's go back to him.
Here he is.
Why stop at lithium and other enhancements?
Well, I think the first thing to point out is that fluoride, which is widely available in the United States, the Surgeon General has determined that it is possibly the most cost-effective health intervention in the history of the United States.
That it saves hundreds of dollars, if not thousands of dollars per person in dental care over the course of lifetimes.
I think?
Basic nutrients added to the drinking water to protect specific populations.
A good example might be alcoholics, who are at risk of certain neurogenic disorders, for example, from lack of thiamine.
And adding a trace amount of thiamine to the drinking water, if it can be done relatively cost-effectively, might prevent alcoholics from developing what's called Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome.
Um, the other benefit of this would be every emergency room that treats alcoholics wouldn't instantly have to treat them with thiamine because they would know these people are exposed to thiamine.
Not that different from adding vitamin A to rice.
Okay, there you go.
You can watch the video up at Infowars.com.
We got a link over to Big Think where you can see it right there.
We have to get out of our comfort zone.
They're going to have these soft-spoken little creeps come out and put a bunch of spin there.
And, you know, here's the article.
Oxford professor calls for drugging water supply.
We're posting all of this up at InfoWars.com, a separate professor.
And he says, fluoridation is the tip of the enhancement iceberg.
It's an enhancement to brain damage you and give you cancer.
Science is progressing fast to develop safe and effective cognitive enhancers, drugs which will improve our mental abilities.
He goes on...
They are memory improvers.
But once highly safe and effective cognitive enhancers are developed, as they almost surely will be, the question will arise whether they should be added to the water like fluoride or are cereals.
It seems like with widespread population level cognitive enhancement it will be irresistible.
And then he goes on to talk about making you do it.
Can you believe we're actually here talking about this?
And you ask, how do they get these drugs in your water?
Between 150 to over 300 chemicals are mixed in with the fluoride.
When you hear the term fluoride, go get a tour of your water facility.
If they fluoridate.
And on the bag, it will list hundreds of chemicals.
Lithium, mercury, lead.
I mean, you think I'm joking?
You thought I was joking when I had Dr. Blaylock, top brain surgeon on last year, about kids having a 10-plus increase in seizures and brain damage when they take the flu shot, and now it's the London Telegraph yesterday?
I mean, if you think convulsions and cancer and brain damage and lower IQs and autism is an enhancement, why do they arrest parents that beat their kids in the head with hammers?
And they're saying put all these drugs in.
Statins, Ritalin, Prozac, Adderall, Lithium.
It's a dictatorship by Big Pharma.
You noticed about half the ads on TV are Big Pharma?
They've taken over.
They're drug dealers.
They're drug pushers.
And now they want to make you take your drugs.
They're not like a drug dealer trying to sell crack to kids on a schoolyard to get them addicted, so they can have them go rob their parents' house the next week.
They're actually putting it in your kids' food and water to get them addicted.
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Come, your master's at war.
Here to build the big guns.
They're coming out and acclimating you to the fact that they're already drugging your water.
Genetically designing the food to sterilize you to give you cancer.
The sperm counts are down by 85%.
The cancer rates are off the charts.
The average Westerner has 1.3 children.
The West is dying.
The ultimate control is the control of fertility and life itself.
This is the control freak Valhalla.
The control freak Mecca.
The control freak Heaven.
And we're better than these people.
We can beat them.
But we have...
To get angry and get focused and get informed.
As good, decent, kind-hearted people, we have trouble admitting these type of horrors to ourselves.
And now these little creepy spiders saddle up next to us and, Hi, I'm your friend.
I'm gonna drug your water.
It's gonna be good.
If you don't like it, you can opt out with bottled water.
Meanwhile, they move to block that.
These people are so sick.
And then anything truly beneficial,
Like topical, or for a sore throat, colloidal silver, they try to block that.
And I apologize to all these callers, Bruce Anthony, Brian Walt, Ronnie, we'll get to you tomorrow, I'll be back live.
I'm just out of time for this hour and I'm... It's exhausting to know the truth and to see the zombies all around me, the biological androids, obsessed with sitcoms and television and drama, and with Lindsay Lohan,
Or with Mel Gibson not knowing how hardcore history is and how dangerous corrupt elites are.
Of course the global controllers that think there are too many of us and call us useless eaters are drugging the food and water.
They've been caught over and over again.
Of course the government admits now they grow the opium and ship most of the drugs in and only kill or arrest who doesn't pay their cut.
Of course Goldman Sachs is running all the major federal regulators and stealing everything.
Of course they want a global corporate private world government.
They've bought up the world through fraud, now they don't want us here.
And they know we're waking up, so they've gone to their scientists they fund and they said, how do you control them?
And they said, you start shutting the web down, you use dirty tricks, you call anybody that criticizes you a racist, and you drug their water supply.
And you pose as liberals so you can euthanize more than half the black people before they're born.
And the black folks will call up and cheer you because you say you're liberal.
You can murder these people.
They call them useless eaters and weeds and everything else.
And I gotta watch all these mindless idiot groups out there.
Look, I'm not a weed.
My life has value, my children have value, and you have no right putting your hands on them, you degenerate scum!
And I want the police and military to wake up, and to awaken, and to realize what's going on, and to get angry, and to get focused, and to start warning everyone.
You need to read Ecoscience.
You need to watch Endgame, Blueprint for Global Enslavement.
You need to go read Oxford Professor Calls for Drugging Water Supply.
Right when the show ends, we're going to post this new article with all the mainstream news, New York Times, this freak.
And others promoting drugging your water.
Fox News promoting it.
And get the video I made last week that's had close to 300,000 views.
That's nothing!
It needs to be 300 million views!
Send it to your whole email list, everyone.
Food, the ultimate secret.
I'm gonna do a part two on all the chemicals and the things in the water very, very soon.
We gotta warn people.
We have a responsibility.
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The question is, where should the American people draw their line in the Senate?