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Name: 20100730_Fri_Alex
Air Date: July 30, 2010
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome ladies and gentlemen, welcome and thank you for joining us.
It is Friday the 30th day of July 2010 and coming up in the middle of the next hour we have Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, former head of policy at the Treasury, former Wall Street Journal editor, best-selling author.
He'll join us dealing with the year 2017, the year America dissolved.
And if you look at North Korea, if you look at what's happened, of course, in Mexico and countless other third world nations and despotic backwaters, they have become failed states.
Very similar in many regions to the road warrior type scenarios, especially Mexico.
Many African nations are similar to what Dr. Roberts is predicting.
And so he'll be joining us for 30 minutes, coming up in the middle of the next hour.
Then we have our once-a-week visit.
And I wasn't here live last Friday, so it'll be two weeks since we've talked to Bob Chapman.
But he'll have a lot to discuss that's coming up in the third hour.
To be technical, I was live for one hour Friday.
I was going to take that day off and take my children tubing.
And we did do that on the Comal River down in New Braunfels.
But then Ventura called me Thursday evening when I'd already gotten down to New Braunfels and said I'd like to come on and expose how I'm being harassed.
So I got in the car Friday morning and came up and did one hour of the show live.
That seemed to cause some confusion with people.
I was getting all these emails and calls saying, it was a fake interview with Ventura!
How would it be a fake interview with Ventura if one hour was live and the rest wasn't?
It's incredible how people will obsess on things that don't matter and then they won't get involved or care about things that really do matter.
That's incredible.
Now we have a lot of, just speaking of important, just incredibly important news that we're going to be covering today and the entire broadcast will be live.
I want to add that.
We are live.
This is not a fake Alex Jones.
This is a real radio slash TV show right now.
I will assure you.
It is the 30th day of July 2010.
We're going to have open phones and I will assure you those callers are
They're gonna be real as well.
You can call in and find out for yourself.
Wide open phones, any issue you wish to discuss.
I will assure you Bob Chapman will be on with us and Dr. Paul Gregg Roberts.
They are real people.
All right, I'm starting to be absurdist in my sarcasm.
1-800-259-9231 is the toll free number to join us.
And we will get you up and on the air today.
Big new WikiLeaks developments.
Huge developments on the acceleration towards war with Iran, Syria, Lebanon and other countries including Venezuela.
Now that's becoming more and more green lighted.
It's moving into the green light zone.
Remember a month ago this was just a rumor that the White House was going to use the Justice Department to legalize the 30 million illegals by executive fiat.
Well, here it is, Mainstream News, Washington Post, Washington Times, Associated Press today.
Memo outlines backdoor amnesty plan.
Immigration staff recite tools available without reform.
That was never a rumor.
It wasn't a rumor two months ago that the Justice Department was going to sue Arizona.
But when Arizona said, you better not sue us, they said, that's a conspiracy theory.
We're not.
And a month ago, it's a conspiracy.
They actually said on the news, it's a conspiracy theory that we're looking at blanket amnesty outside of Congress.
And they do that so that you can't build up any political opposition.
Kind of like, there's no world government.
We're not planning a carbon tax.
Remember, I had the heir of the Rothschild fortune on three years ago, and he said,
David Rothschild, he said, there's no carbon tax.
That doesn't exist.
There's no taxes involved in global warming movement.
Simultaneously, he'd been on other shows promoting it.
They just try to neutralize you with their lies.
It's all coming up.
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That's www.silverlungs.com.
He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
The toll-free number to join us on this live Friday edition is 800-259-9231.
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts will be joining us in the last half of the next hour.
Then we have our weekly visit with Bob Chapman of the International Forecaster.
Our websites are Infowars.com, Infowars.net, PrisonPlanet.tv, and PrisonPlanet.com.
Okay, let me run through some of the news headlines and then coming up at the bottom of this hour, I am going to air a 15-minute special video presentation that's also up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com that is one of the most important videos that I have ever put out.
And it deals with the poisons in our food, our water, and it documents everything.
And if you're a radio listener, you can write notes on the different terms that I'm going to cover and just go search engine those terms for yourself and see all the evidence.
Or you can go to the website and watch the video as well, but it'll be premiering here for PrisonPlanet.tv viewers coming up.
And it's titled, the video is titled,
Food, the ultimate secret exposed.
So that is coming up and then we'll continue with calls until the middle of the next hour when Dr. Paul Craig Roberts joins us.
Here is the Washington Times today and this is also being reported by other publications.
Memo outlines backdoor amnesty plan.
Remember a month ago this was first being
Warned about in the U.S.
Nine different Republican Senators put out a public letter saying it is being discussed by the DOJ.
The Senate is being told that we'd better go ahead and pass total amnesty or the federal bureaucracy outside of law is just going to legalize the illegals.
Now, they've already done that in 860 plus cities, sanctuary cities.
You get pulled over drunk driving or an illegal alien, they let you go.
95% of the murder warrants in LA County are for illegal aliens.
It's because the criminals of Mexico that are fleeing the law there, and that collapsed society, come up here and just get away with murder.
Especially against the illegal alien community.
The immigrant community is the group that they feed on the most because they've got countless IDs, consular matricula cards.
The Mexican government will give them matricula cards with no ID and major banks then accept these.
So it's a double set of rules.
Because as the SPP, North American Union documents have stated, especially the ones that Judicial Watch sued and got three years ago from the Banff Canada meeting,
It states that this is part of the North American Union move and it's designed to drive down wages and to create a giant voting block that will vote for gun control and further open borders.
So this is how they're breaking down the United States.
But here is the Washington Times now confirmed memo outlines backdoor amnesty plan immigration staff recite tools available without reform.
Reform of course meaning total and complete
With Congress gridlocked on an immigration bill, the Obama administration is considering using a backdoor to stop deporting many illegal immigrants.
What a draft government memo said could be a non-legislative version of amnesty.
Now that's, that's the Justice Department memo right there.
So a non-legislative version of amnesty.
Stroke of the pen, law of the land.
Kind of cool, like Begala said in the Clinton administration.
So here is that article right there.
No longer a rumor, and it wasn't a rumor when nine senators came out and said, we've been told this is about to happen.
It wasn't a rumor two months ago when Arizona said, we're going to be sued.
The Justice Department has already told us that if we don't back off, we're going to be sued.
You now know that suit's happened, and the judge has now kicked it into the Ninth Circuit, striking down the main provision of that law that Arizona passed.
So, continuing.
But why do they always lie?
Because the White House has said, we're not planning that, that's not true in the last month.
Because they don't want to give you time to launch opposition to it.
They will just militarily, and that's a military PSYOP tactic, just say, we're not doing it.
Until they do it.
Because they don't want you to be able to get the jump on them.
They want to get the jump on you.
And I, before the break, pointed out that we had David de Rothschild on the show three years ago, and a clip of that is actually in Endgame, Blueprint for Global Enslavement, really my preeminent film, on the whole eugenics global system, what makes the controllers tick, what their master plan is.
And he had written books, he'd been on TV, calling for a global carbon tax.
But when I had him on, he said, there's no carbon tax planned, even though it already had congressional hearings three years ago.
He just said, that doesn't exist, that's preposterous, and laughed at me.
Then I said, well, if carbon dioxide is heating up the earth,
When the government's own studies show that carbon dioxide goes up after the Earth heats, and has little to do with heating, and that it's been up to 14 times higher in the atmosphere in the last million years, they know that from soil and ice samples, I said, if SUVs are causing global warming on the Earth, and humans exhaling are, why are the ice caps of Mars melting?
Because at that time, the sun had been heating up, and then it cooled down the last three years to, in the last hundred years, record lows of heat radiation being put off.
Now it's heated back up.
And he just said, well, that's easy.
Saturn and Jupiter and Mars are closer to the sun than the Earth.
And I said, sir, that's not true.
It's Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, and then on out to Pluto.
And he just laughed and said, that's not true, that's preposterous.
And he was laughing with enjoyment.
It's enjoying!
I mean, it's a great enjoyment for them.
They enjoy saying there's no carbon tax as they try to pass it.
They enjoy saying there's no amnesty plan as they launch it.
They enjoy saying there's no amnesty lawsuit.
They enjoy, at Waco, with the Bradley fighting vehicles ramming the building, running over people, it's all in the flare footage, shooting people, with bullhorns announcing, PA systems saying, this is not an assault, you are not being assaulted.
This is part of their psyop.
Because even if you know it's a lie that tanks are ramming and killing you, you'll still kind of hesitate.
The best parable or parallel that I could use to illustrate this is in the movie Mars Attacks that came out 10 or 12 years ago, where the Martian aliens land in Las Vegas.
We even had this as a liner years ago.
We had to dig it back up and put it back into rotation.
Uh, and the aliens are running around the airport and the city shooting people with their ray guns and disintegrating them, but they have a PA system announcing, don't run, we are your friends.
And a lot of citizens of Las Vegas stop and go, okay, I want to be friends and they go,
And shoot them with the ray guns!
Don't run!
We are your friends!
Don't run!
We are your friends!
And this is what they do.
There's no plan to have an executive order or just have the Justice Department legalize all the illegals.
Don't listen to those nine senators.
They're liars!
Here it is from the White House.
Public memo.
This is what they're planning.
There's no plan to put toll roads on MOPAC, the second most used road, not just in Texas, but the United States.
The second busiest road in the country is MOPAC.
In Austin, number one is the stretch of I-35 from San Antonio to Dallas, which runs through Austin.
That's number one, is I-35.
Number two, just a few miles west, is MOPAC.
And five years ago they said we're going to put a toll road on it.
And people pointed out that's against federal and state law to put a toll road on an existing road.
And the regulations and laws say that you can't just re-stripe it and claim it's a new road.
And so they backed off.
Oh, OK, we were never planning it.
Then two years ago they were back and we exposed them and many others fought against it and exposed them.
So they backed off and said we were never planning that, even though they'd made the announcements.
And now they're back saying they're going to put a toll road on it.
Don't run.
We are your friends.
As they fire their political ray guns at you, bankrupting the nation.
Don't run, we are your friends!
In fact, will you search YouTube and say, Mars attacks, don't run, we are your friends.
It might actually be online.
John, we had that as a liner about ten years ago.
Is that still on the network computers?
Yeah, we had it as a liner.
We had Braveheart, when we went out to the 30 break, going, you know, what will you do without freedom?
Will you fight?
That was one.
I don't know why they were taken out.
The other one is, we're on the march, the empire's on the run.
That's the one that's still there.
And then the third one was, don't run, we are your friends.
I get constant emails.
What is that?
What does that mean?
Well, that's the entire methodology of the controllers.
They still have ADL, Southern Poverty Law Center, media matters, demonization pieces every week or so.
One of those outfits puts out a report saying there are dangerous, insane people that believe the Federal Reserve is private.
Well, it's admittedly private and not accountable to Congress.
They still have reports coming out saying there are insane people who want to kill police officers, they give no evidence, that believe there's a world government run by banks being formed.
You can read the Financial Times of London, AP Reuters, any given week there's news announcing it as the new solution to all our problems.
But they say it doesn't exist and you're insane if you talk about it.
And again, this is a psychological warfare tactic pointed at the dumber sheeple out there.
It's pointed at people that just want to be trendy, and they hear, oh, you think the government's corrupt?
How kooky!
Alex Jones says we shouldn't trust the government, we should keep it small.
What an extremist nutjob!
Of course, that's total common sense, what the founding fathers said, what the United States and America is all about.
But to the average yuppie who's just trendy, I mean, every year a new style comes out, no matter how ridiculous, they go out and buy it.
Whatever sports team's most popular, they're fans for that.
And if the government says there's no world government, and there's no toll road, CNN says there's no trans-Texas corridor, even though there's signs up everywhere for it, and they're taking over the roads, yuppies will say, I don't see that billboard, I don't see this toll road, because I'm a member of the establishment.
I say, I don't see it.
This is mind control.
And so David Rothschild thinks you're an idiot.
He says Mars is closer to the sun than Earth.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center, in the heart of the Resistance.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Well, the Justice Department memo reads, in the absence of comprehensive immigration reform, the USCIS can extend benefits and or protections to many individuals and groups by issuing new guidance and regulations, exercising discretion with regard to parole in place, deferred action, and...
Issuance of notices to appear, the staffers wrote in a memo, which was obtained by Senator Charles E. Grassley, Iowa Republican.
The memo suggests that the in-depth discussions have occurred on how to keep many illegal immigrants in the country, which would be at least a temporary alternative to the proposal Democrats in Congress have made to legalize illegal immigrants.
So they're just going to order the government to start giving them all green cards and to leave them alone and to just stop all deportions.
And they already just have show events where they'll go raid a meat packing plant or a factory and they do it four or five times a year and they'll arrest a thousand people and then deport a few of them.
Remember last year when Obama, on record, gave green cards and federal jobs
To people within an hour of them being arrested at a plant in Washington State?
In fact, people won't believe that.
Search the term, Homeland Security gave jobs to illegal aliens.
Or illegals hired to build border fence, which they just built 50 miles of the 2,000 miles as a show.
They've already legalized them.
They're already left alone.
And when sheriffs arrest illegals committing crimes, the Houston Chronicles reported hundreds of thousands of illegals are released after serving prison sentences for violent crime, and they're just released.
The feds won't pick them up, won't deport them.
This is high treason.
And so here it is.
Memo outlines backdoor amnesty plan, immigration staffer site tools available without reform to legalize illegal aliens.
And this is what they have basically already done.
They're not just talking about doing it.
What do you think the Justice Department's support of 800-plus sanctuary cities does?
Let's go ahead and jam in a phone call here.
Let's talk to Ryan calling from Texas.
He's listening to 1330 AM out of Taylor.
Ryan, you're on the air.
Hey, how's it going, Alex?
This is Ryan.
I'm actually out of Waco, Texas.
And I'm calling to give you a heads up on a situation that I'm in.
It's kind of off subject of what you're going through.
Um, but actually it's going to affect us all right now.
I'm fixing to go into a big legal battle against the state of Texas and against the CPS because I give my daughter colonial silver.
And they're trying to take my daughter away from me because I gave her colloidal silver.
But excuse me, they sell colloidal silver at Whole Foods.
They sell it at H-E-B here in Austin.
They sell it at stores in Waco.
I mean, it's an admitted government approved for sore throats and cuts.
But look, I mean, we saw the case out of Williamson County where they took the man's son because the man, quote, was Barry Cooper, was teaching his son that you can't trust the government.
So, sir, you're saying in your case they're trying to take your daughter?
I mean, who ratted you out for giving her something you can buy at Whole Foods?
Well, let me explain my situation here.
I have two daughters.
And one of my daughters got hurt in my house.
I didn't know that she'd got hurt.
She had broken her collarbone, fallen and broken her collarbone, but she acted fine afterwards.
Yeah, it happens a lot with collarbones.
I mean, I had my arm dislocated one time for four days and didn't get really painful until a couple days later.
My dad took me to the hospital, and he's a physician, and he was scared.
He said,
If they ask you if I did this, which I've been wrestling at the neighborhood pool, playing chicken, you know where you get on somebody's shoulders, and that's how it happened.
And I didn't understand why when I was like 10 years old my dad was so scared, but sure enough at the Mesquite Hospital they said, did your daddy or mommy do this to you?
And so now I know people whose child at school falls off the merry-go-round and breaks their hand, and even though there's witnesses they try to take the child.
So that's how this started, and now they're trying to use
A cloyal silver is the reason?
Yeah, well, that's how it started.
And I didn't know, it was the day before Father's Day when she fell and broke her collarbone.
We went out and had a good time on Father's Day and didn't even know.
Anyways, I didn't know until the next day that her collarbone was broken until that following Monday when her mother showed up at my porch wanting to know how her collarbone was broken.
She had called CPS on us and reported me to CPS, said that I'd given her cloyal silver.
And, uh, vitamins.
I'm a manager at a vitamin store here in Waco, actually.
And I'm all into holistic medicine.
We don't do any pharmaceuticals.
And, uh, so anyway... Well, that's incredible.
You know, Jaron... I don't know if I'm allowed to tell this story.
He told me the story.
Jaron had a cop, for no reason, slam him up against a wall, and then his collarbone didn't fully break till a day later.
So I know that happens a lot.
You know, I've got this key
Video, audio coming up.
But after I play it, I'm going to go back to you.
Stay there, Ryan.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
This is Alex Jones with five good reasons you should consider buying a solar power generator.
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The question is, where should the American people draw their line in the sand?
What have we got?
A republic or a monarchy?
A republic.
It's based on a constitution which protects minority rights.
Not democracy, not mob rule.
Two wolves and a sheep voting on what's for dinner.
So they think they own our land?
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The ultimate secret exposed.
This video was posted at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
I am begging all listeners to go get this video and send it out to your entire email list, to post it on Facebook, to sit down and show it to your wife, your husband, your school, your neighbors, your employees, your boss.
And at the end of this 14-minute video, there's a few things we didn't even get into, like radiation of food.
The irradiation that's going on.
The fact that they're irradiating things and how that destroys food value.
We didn't get into Bisfenol A and other plastics that line much of the products, many of the foods we buy, that has been now banned in Maryland.
Even Fox News had the headline that it's sterilizing men and contributing to cancer.
And this is in almost all the plastic that lines the food products that we buy, including little
You know, juice packs, soft drinks, beer, you name it.
There's a bunch of stuff I didn't even have time to cover in this special report.
Now, we shot this two weeks ago, and Aaron and I did two weeks of added research to add all the links, the news articles, the government documents that are in this video.
That we're about to play here for the radio and TV audience, and of course the PrisonPlanet.TV viewers.
So, here it is, ladies and gentlemen.
Food, the ultimate secret.
And I know some people on the YouTube channel were commenting, saying, hey, I already knew this.
Okay, great, I'm glad it's not a secret for you.
The point is, this is the big issue.
We need to warn more people.
Folks need to understand how real this is.
So here is the video piece.
My friends, the information that you are about to witness from all of my years of research is the most important.
It's been hidden in plain view the entire time.
This is the ultimate secret and it's about to be exposed.
I have hundreds of government documents, textbooks, white papers, where for over 80 years, the elite of the Western world have talked about adulterating food and water.
to sicken and sterilize the population for the purpose of eugenics.
It's all covered in the book, Ecoscience, written by the White House science czar, John P. Holdren, where they talk about a planetary police state to carry out the forced sterilization.
They also talk about covert systems in the water and food to sterilize the population.
Now, this was written decades ago, before he was White House science czar.
Now, suddenly, the stuff in this book is all over the news.
They're selling it to the public
As if it's a good thing.
You see here before you what an average person would buy when they went shopping at the store.
Not everything here is bad for you.
But much of it has compounds and artificial chemicals that have been added that are extremely toxic and bad for your health and they have known this the entire time and they have approved them for use.
Let's start with aspartame.
You cannot go to the grocery store now and buy any type of even regular sugar gum that hasn't had aspartame added to it.
In the 1970s, Searle tried to get it approved and they couldn't.
It took them three separate times.
Because in their own studies with monkeys, large portions of them that were fed it died
I think?
...of the E. coli bacteria.
They took it and genetically engineered it.
They can feed it toxic waste and then it defecates aspartame.
And it has so many bad health effects, it's just unspeakable.
This is being done by design.
It's also very, very addictive.
But let's just go ahead and move away from aspartame and talk about McDonald's.
and chicken McNuggets.
Now, I remember a decade ago or so reading health advisories claiming that a form of plastic that's used in silly putty, basically a type of silicone, was in the chicken McNuggets, but also in many other TV dinners and other foods.
It is illegal in every other nation in the world to add these chemicals to the food, but it's not in the United States.
The big secret is all of this was done by design by the FDA.
Look at all the drugs they've approved and then it comes out later that they knowingly approved them when these drugs are causing heart attacks and cancer.
In the Nuremberg trials, it came out that the Nazis were adding sodium fluoride to the water supply in the labor camps and death camps to make the population more docile and controllable.
There had been hundreds of university studies before Hitler even came to power.
This is a form of forced medication.
They admit that one part per million of sodium fluoride more than doubles the chance of bone cancer in boys and men.
As the public became educated in the last few decades, the government industry's response was to not just put it in water, but to start adding it to thousands of products, like children's water that's mixed with their formula or with their cereal.
They started adding as much as 900 parts per million in things like powdered eggs.
It causes reductions in IQ.
It increases sterility or lack of fertility.
And it's being added to so many of the daily staples that we consume.
We'll get back to food additives in a moment.
But first I wanted to look at genetically modified organisms.
Did you know for many years the American people have been eating cloned beef and pork, and now they're expanding out into other forms of meat?
Let's look at salmon first.
Major university studies conclusively have proven that the type of genetically modified salmon that is actually a cross species, they've mixed other animal genes in with it, that when this fish is introduced with wild, natural salmon, within 40 generations all the natural salmon are extinct.
And the FDA approved this.
And they're going to allow it to be released into the wild that isn't even a salmon.
It is a cross-species chimera.
It is a mixture like something out of the island of Dr. Maru.
Something out of a nightmare.
More than 85% of the corn now consumed in the United States, and it's also starting to trend that way in Europe and Canada, is genetically engineered.
It grows its own pesticide within the corn kernels so that insects won't eat it.
If the insects can't eat this and live, what do you think is going to happen when lab rats or humans eat it?
We have literally hundreds of studies showing that not just Monsanto's, but other major GMO companies corn.
That's the majority of corn we're now eating today in the United States has been linked to organ failure in lab animals.
The studies also show massive increases in sterility in rats and guinea pigs that are fed not just GMO corn, but GMO cottonseeds.
Studies in India, Germany, and the United States have conclusively shown that when they feed the cotton seeds left over from the cotton crop from these genetically modified varieties, that the cows are having miscarriages, they are having low birth weights, or in many cases, they're simply dying.
And what is in most processed foods?
Genetically modified cotton seed oil.
Major studies are also showing that genetically engineered crops are killing honeybees and monarch butterflies.
But they don't stop there.
Now they claim they're coming out with a genetically engineered mosquito that's malaria-proof that they're going to release into the open biosphere.
The very genetic code of the planet is being butchered in a hostile corporate takeover.
Many years ago, an executive from Monsanto was quoted in National Geographic as saying that that is their program.
That they want to basically have their crops and their organisms take over the entire biosphere of this planet.
And the major genetic engineer companies have focused mainly on eight major food crops.
Now they're expanding out into hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of other plants.
Literally changing the genetic code of the planet.
This is a genetic dictatorship.
This is genetic vandalism.
And that's why the Rockefellers, the United Nations and others have built these giant armored seed vaults all over the world, not just at the Arctic Circle.
And they admit they're doing it in case all of this gets out of hand, that they'll have a type of Noah's Ark.
So all these fake environmental groups, they never complain about this.
They never talk about true environmental degradation.
They want to put a tax on carbon dioxide that humans exhale, that plants respirate from, and carry out photosynthesis with, as a way to shut down industrial society and control every facet of our lives.
That's the big secret.
This is a population reduction program.
It is an epidemic.
The sperm count has dropped in the Western world exponentially.
Even the government has been predicting within another generation almost everyone is going to be sterile.
This is the globalist religion.
This is their philosophy.
They want the planet for themselves.
The UN has said that their stated plan is an 80% population reduction.
You've heard Ted Turner call us useless eaters and feeders and say that 80% of us need to be killed.
You've heard Prince Philip say he wants to come back as a virus to kill the majority of the world population.
Dr. Eric Pionka, Peter Singer, it's all over the news where they tell us that we should only have one child because more than one is bad for the environment and that the recession is good for lowering our carbon footprint.
This is the big secret.
We live in a scientific dictatorship.
And the United States and England are the epicenter of this.
And it's expanding worldwide.
Remember all the secret testing.
All the secret sterilization that went on in the United States and Europe.
Remember what Hitler did.
He learned all of that from the eugenicists and the Rockefeller family in the United States.
This is a culture of death being pushed on you and your family.
And even if you think the world is overpopulated, you need to understand that you're being targeted by this as well.
Targeted by design.
Recombinant bovine growth hormone in your milk, making eight-year-old girls go into puberty.
And they should be going into puberty at 12 or 13.
Silicone in chicken McNuggets and hundreds and hundreds of other processed foods.
Aspartame, that is the feces of genetically engineered bacteria that has incredible health problems that have been proven.
Think for yourself.
It goes on and on.
ABC News.
This goes back four years ago.
Viral meat spray.
Advancing food safety.
They spray a live virus on the meat to supposedly kill the bacteria.
This is a live vaccine they spray on most of the meat you're consuming that you're buying from the store.
It gets even worse.
The petroleum distillates are toxic waste that's left over from petroleum refineries that refine oil into gasoline.
They take these tens of millions of pounds of toxic waste that's left over, the fluoride, the mercury, the lead, and they dump it on crops as supposed fertilizer.
And what do crops like tomatoes and corn and potatoes do?
They pull in all of those toxins out of the ground.
In fact, scientists for many years have used plants to actually detoxify areas that have been contaminated.
And those plants are pulling all of this up, and then you are eating it.
That's why the Washington Post reported in January of 2008 that a major study found that nearly a third of the 55 popular brand name foods and beverage products were filled with mercury.
Despite the fact that the people of Europe for over 20 years have fought off all the genetically modified wheat and corn and other crops being planted in their nation, now the EU is buckled and is accepting it.
The United States is literally a testing ground for all of this.
It's just automatically approved.
And the people that work for these corporations, they're compartmentalized.
They don't know what's going on.
The people that work at these stores, they have no idea what's happening.
This is affecting all of us.
This is hurting everyone.
Many different forms of cancer are growing by thousands of percentage points.
Diabetes, all these different diseases.
And in major studies, it's all been linked to the toxic additives that are in our food, our water.
And I haven't even had time to get into MSG.
I mean, I've interviewed brain surgeons, neurologists, scientists.
I mean, it just devastates the brain.
It's an excitotoxin.
It destroys the liver.
And it is in tens of thousands of products.
We can say no.
We can stand up.
But if you've got a neighbor giving fluoride water to their baby, please go over and warn them.
If you've got a neighbor that's sitting there eating MSG-filled chips, one after the other,
Warn them.
You've got a responsibility.
If you know people that are feeding processed foods filled with GMO, warn them.
And for God's sakes, don't give it to your own children.
If you want to kill yourself, that's your own business.
But don't hurt your children.
Don't do this, ladies and gentlemen.
In closing, I want to talk about some positive things.
Just 15 years ago or so, you couldn't find organic food anywhere on store shelves.
And now, about half of what you see is organic.
Just a few years ago, all the milk had the growth hormone in it.
Now, it's hard to find milk that has the growth hormone in it because the consumers have spoken and said no.
A few years ago, you couldn't find toothpaste that didn't have sodium fluoride in it.
Now, Toms of Maine is starting to take over the aisle space and displace the other mainline toothpaste makers where it says on the back, if you swallow this, call poison control immediately.
Even Colgate is now putting out fluoride free toothpaste.
People are demanding that they not be poisoned and they're finding out about what's going on.
And so industry is starting to respond and at least give people who want a choice an option to not be forcibly medicated through the food and the water.
You know cigarettes are bad for you.
But just 20 years ago, the cigarette makers were getting up before Congress and saying it was a conspiracy theory that it was killing people.
And then later it came out in their internal documents, they knew it was deadly.
Ladies and gentlemen, I've seen the studies.
Much of what they're putting in our food and water is far worse than even cigarettes, as bad as they are, one of the biggest killers in this country.
This is a covert, soft kill operation.
We'll put a lot of links beneath this video so you can check out the facts for yourself.
And I'm just begging you to do your own research and find out that one of the most dangerous places in the world is your grocery store and the tap water in your house.
The ultimate secret exposed.
Up on infowars.com and prisonplanet.com.
And I want to add now an addendum.
to this 15 minute piece that we're also posting in the highest quality at PrisonPlanet.tv right now.
Maryland bans chemical BPA linked to medical issues and it says not only is it linked to impotency
But it's more serious side effects were highlighted Thursday as a ban on the substance came into effect in Maryland.
Maryland was the fourth U.S.
state to ban the chemical bisphenol A, commonly known as BPA, which was linked to early puberty, childhood obesity, autism, reproductive problems, breast cancer, and other medical issues, like sterility.
The chemical is often found in baby bottles and is common in clear plastic food and drink containers.
BPA is thought to leach into the container contents when heated.
Thousands of different formulas of plastic.
This was the one adopted in the last 50 years worldwide.
We'll finish up with this, get into food irradiation, meat, produce, you name it, when we come back.
This is key information.
Stay with us.
This is Alex Jones with five good reasons you should consider buying a solar power generator.
Number one.
New climate legislation could easily double or triple your electric bill.
Number two.
Our new energy czar wants to control how much power your electric company allows you to have.
It's true.
Total government control of electricity in the name of smart grid technology is coming.
Number three.
In some areas of the country, the power grid is dangerously overloaded.
And now, new socialist legislation is only compounding the problem.
Number 4.
Dangerous weather is always a threat to local grids.
Every year, thousands of families lose their power from weather-related outages.
Number 5.
A solar power generator provides powerful backup, insurance, and peace of mind.
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We're back live, and I only scratched the surface in that special 15-minute presentation, Food, The Ultimate Secret Revealed.
Now a lot of you already know this information, but we presented it with the documents, with the mainstream news articles, with images of what is in these different foods.
And what's being put in your water and we show images of the large packages of fluoride that says deadly poison on it that's being put in your water supply.
Everyone needs to see this because the general public is not aware of just how serious this is.
It's not just that, oh, junk food's bad for you.
Or too much fluoride's bad for you.
This is being put in there by design.
We have the government white papers and corporate and university and UN documents.
We cover it in my film, Endgame, Blueprint for Global Enslavement.
This is the major issue.
And here's Fox News.
Maryland bans chemical BPA.
And it goes on to say that it's for only babies.
Well, fluoride hurts children and babies.
The studies show a lot more than it hurts adults.
But you don't hear that being banned.
No, they push it on children.
In fact, we have government documents that Aaron showed me last night that I intend to do a piece on next week.
Where they're actually at many public schools in England and the U.S.
have fluoride systems hooked up, not making it one part per million, but four parts per million.
And you know they come into the schools with those little red fluoride pills.
I remember when that would happen to me in first and second grade.
I would take it and then get sick and have a headache and be throwing up by the time my mom picked me up after school.
And no one ever put two and two together.
And the teachers and dentists think they're helping you.
But this is an IQ reduction.
Fluoride also attacks and sterilizes you.
Fox News goes on.
Meanwhile, Berlin-based urologist Professor Frank Sommer told the London Daily Telegraph on Tuesday that men could ingest enough BPA from its use in receipts alone.
It's commonly used as the black ink.
To suppress male hormones in the body and reduce fertility or even sterilize you.
That's Fox News.
Here is the Baltimore Sun.
Senate passes BPA ban on bottles, cups for small children.
There's no reason.
This has been chosen and adopted because it's meant to sterilize you.
Now continuing, if you just search the term food irradiation, you'll learn the EPA approved this in the last decade, and they're irradiating beef, poultry, fish, produce, and it destroys the food value.
It breaks the ring structures.
in the food and it's basically dead food you're now eating and it loses most of its nutritional value.
That's another issue that we didn't even get into in this piece and the list just goes on and on and on.
There are hundreds of petrochemical distillates, the leftovers of oil
Uh, refining that are put as quote flavor enhancers and things to preserve food as preservatives that are highly toxic.
And that's that processed food taste.
That you become accustomed to, but once you've stopped eating a lot of processed food, it tastes like crud.
I remember when I was a kid eating processed food going, mmm, what's that kind of dirty taste, that spicy, toxic taste that you eat in processed foods?
Well, it's things like the chemical in silly putty.
And that's not Alex Jones saying that, that's CNN admitting, oh, silly putty plastic chemical, a type of silicone,
Is in all these different processed foods, these different TV dinners, Chicken McNuggets, Taco Bell shelves.
What came out a few years ago about Taco Bell, they had on their store shelves what they were selling people at the fast food restaurant, the Starlink corn that wasn't even approved for humans and they had to recall it because the violent reactions people had were so bad they couldn't cover it up.
And the government approves it.
These corporations are advised to use it.
It's cheap and they do.
Please investigate this for yourself and get that video.
And get it out to everyone today.
It is so important that we warn everyone.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
A week and a half ago, we had five in a row of the number one search terms on Google and Yahoo.
That caused hundreds of newspapers and blogs then to report on our story that had that same headline.
Like Obama Deception, Obama Deception Censored, Google Spies, Google Censors, Google Cover-Up.
Today, I want everybody to search, Food the Ultimate.
If it's too long, it won't work.
Food the Ultimate.
Food the Ultimate.
Food the ultimate!
Search that term over and over again on Yahoo and Google and Facebook and send it out as a Twitter.
Send out the Alex Jones, Aaron Dykes article up at Infowars.com.
Email it to everybody you know.
If you just joined us, it's a 15 minute video.
Detailing just some of the poisons and toxins in our food and water.
We didn't even get into irradiation.
We didn't even get into bisphenol A being banned now in four states because it admits it sterilizes men, causes breast cancer.
That's Fox News.
I mean, it's so much even worse than what I put in this.
And it may not be a secret to you, but it's a secret to others.
So please, I'm not going to do this all the time.
In fact, it's been a week and a half since I've done it.
But we're doing it now.
I want it to be the number one search term, food the ultimate.
And you can make the second search term the ultimate secret.
And have number one and number two.
Food, the ultimate.
That's the search term.
Food, the ultimate, or the ultimate secret.
Search food the ultimate or the ultimate secret.
Search those two separately and let's make them the number one and number two searches respectively.
Then people will link through wondering what it is and the first link they'll see will be InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Now I know I said I was gonna have open phones.
Shannon, Joseph, James, Ryan, Julio and others that are patiently holding.
I went to Ryan, listening on 1330 AM.
He's in Waco.
Before I played that last video, so I'm going to go back to him, finish up with him, and then go to Shannon, Joseph, and others that are holding.
But, for those that just joined us,
His daughter broke her collarbone, and I've seen this a lot, playing.
Didn't know it for a few days.
That's happened to a lot of people I know.
But CPS didn't come over that.
They came over finding out that he gives her colloidal silver.
Turns out he works at a health food place.
And my point is, they sell colloidal silver.
It's FDA approved for topical and for sore throats.
They sell it at all major food stores.
They sell it at HEB.
Uh, well, I just want to let you know that, uh, we have to go back and get silver tests done.
They wanted to draw blood for my daughter, and we're refusing to get the silver test done.
We already had it done one time, and they drew blood and said that her silver levels were dangerously high.
And they wanted us to stay away from any type of silver.
Basically, the doctor told us that we're poisoning our daughter if we give her collodial silver.
And so now that we're refusing to go back and get another blood test done on my daughter, they're calling CPS on us again.
Well, sir, I mean, all you gotta do, the court is going there with a bottle of it from the health food store and say this is sold at H-E-B here in Waco.
So, I mean, I have said that if you just guzzle it all the time, you know, too much of anything is a bad thing.
That there are some evidence that people that just guzzle it every day can get toxic levels of it, but in small amounts it's good.
That's why they sell it in stores.
But I guess they don't
They're not worried about fluoride for babies, though.
They're not worried about bisphenol A. But keep us abreast of the situation, Ryan.
God bless you.
We'll pray for you there in Waco.
But it just sounds like a bunch of ignoramuses and...
You know, I've seen CPS take people's kids because, you know, it says in the CPS order, the father tells his son that you can't trust the government.
The government says you're not allowed to tell your children what the founding father said.
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This is Alex Jones with 5 good reasons you should consider buying a solar power generator.
Number 1.
New climate legislation could easily double or triple your electric bill.
Number 2.
Our new energy czar wants to control how much power your electric company allows you to have.
It's true.
Total government control of electricity in the name of smart grid technology is coming.
Number 3.
In some areas of the country, the power grid is dangerously overloaded.
And now, new socialist legislation is only compounding the problem.
Number 4.
Dangerous weather is always a threat to local grids.
Every year, thousands of families lose their power from weather-related outages.
Number 5.
A solar power generator provides powerful backup, insurance, and peace of mind.
Folks, I really believe in the solar power generators offered by Solutions from Science, one of my oldest sponsors.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Coming up in about 25 minutes, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, former head of the Treasury Department, will be joining us, former Wall Street Journal editor.
Talk about his article, 2017, the year America dissolved.
That is coming up, and then our weekly visit with Bob Chapman in the third hour.
Right now, let's go to Shannon in Mississippi, hit by the oil spill.
Welcome, Shannon.
Thanks for holding.
Hey, Alex.
How you doing, man?
It's a pleasure to get to talk to you.
Pleasure to talk to you.
I wanted to ask you a question.
Wednesday night of this week, I was, you know, flipping through the TV, and this guy, Chris Matthews, I believe it's Hardball, he was on there talking about the immigration law there in Arizona that they're going through right now.
Uh-huh, Swine Ball.
And he, right, he come out and said, right over TV, you know, he was talking about, we need a national ID card so we can, you know,
If you're legal or if you're illegal.
And I wanted to ask you, Alex, your take on that and how that is going to affect the American people.
Well, that's been the plan for a decade.
Bush tried it three times.
Obama tried it once.
He's trying it again, but he can't get the House and Senate to pass it.
And so let me explain what's happening.
Have you seen the TV ads for the North American Travel Initiative, where it looks like a driver's license, but it says now accepted in Canada and Mexico?
Yes, sir.
Is that something like the REAL ID Act?
Yes, but it's North American Union.
They have identical ads but in Spanish and identical ads in Canada.
And we played the ads here before.
And it plays America the Beautiful in the background, and it says, you're now, don't need a passport to travel in North America, you get one of these.
So they always start the spying without warrants before they announce it.
They always prepare for a war before they announce it.
They always set up the national ID card and standardize it with the states before they announce it.
And so it's not just a real US ID card, it's a North American Union ID card, and that's in the Security Prosperity Partnership documents from the BAMF Canada meeting in September of 2006.
Judicial Watch got them in 2007, it's in my film, Endgame, Blueprint for Global Enslavement.
And we show the documents and they say, we're going to use
Flu crises, economic crises and border crises to pass total amnesty.
And to create a North American Union security perimeter around from Alaska down to southern Mexico on their border with Guatemala.
And so they're merging our military, our police, the training.
All of it's being standardized.
The highways are being standardized.
The barcodes are being standardized.
The IDs have been standardized.
And so that's what amnesty is.
You're going to have to have a federal ID to travel or to have a job.
And so will the illegals.
It ends illegal immigration because it's stated in the last amnesty that we got with Senator Sessions.
Remember they said it's not an amnesty in 2008 but we won't let you see the bill.
And then Senator Sessions leaked the bill and he almost got censured but it was his right to do it.
And I believe the headline from Senator Sessions was the 20 smoking guns in the amnesty bill.
And it said violent felons are allowed to become citizens.
It said that illegals can bring in unlimited family members, that they instantly get green cards through this national ID card.
And so that, when you hear amnesty, it's not just amnesty, it's a national ID card, but still the illegals will be selectively enforced on, they won't have to have it.
And so yes, that is exactly what the plan is.
Let me ask you this Alex, just one more quick question, sir.
Does this mean that, say I don't get this ID card, does this mean I can't buy anything?
Does this mean I can't work?
I mean, this is just unreal.
Yes, sir.
I mean, they've already announced million-dollar fines if you have a garage sale and don't tell the feds.
That's Fox News AP headline.
They're already announcing that everything you're paid will be watched in real time via computers at any job you have.
They're announcing under the National Health Care Artie Law, the government will track how much you weigh on a monthly basis through your employer.
I mean, it's the total nanny state tracking everything we do.
Total control.
So they let the illegals operate outside the law, then they bring in, as the answer, a super law where we've all got to have basically Nazi papers to have any type of job.
I appreciate your call.
In fact, I forget the exact name of the initiative, but try North American Travel ID in YouTube.
North American Travel ID.
You'll see the Mexican ads, the Canadian ads, and the U.S.
They're almost identical.
And it shows the ID, and you can go get the ID instead of a passport now, and be able to travel anywhere in North America.
So it's already happening.
But let's go back five, six years ago.
Vicente Fox came to Austin, gave an award to the police department and Wells Fargo for accepting consular matriculus to get car loans, housing loans.
As a citizen, you got to show three IDs under the Patriot Act legislation.
But as an illegal, you can show the matricular card, you can basically get out of a Cracker Jack box.
And so I'm sure you've all seen the TV ads for the North American Union ID travel pass.
So it's already here.
It's already beta tested.
That's what this is.
And they are now saying... Yeah, there it is.
Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative Commercial.
It's like the sixth length down, guys.
They just put it on screen.
Go back to that, please.
There it is.
Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative Commercial.
Go ahead and play that as soon as it loads up.
Turn it up for us, please.
Stop right there.
That's somebody that shot it off their television.
So copy the Western Hemispheric Travel Initiative back into YouTube and find a high quality one.
But yeah, pardon me?
Thank you.
Great job, gentlemen.
See, I like to do this live time with the radio listeners and the PrisonPlanet.TV viewers because you can just live our life.
You can see what we see.
You can see how we search things.
We prove everything we say.
We show you all the documents, all the admissions.
It's all there.
Let's go ahead and talk to Joseph in Texas.
You're on the air, Joseph.
Then James, Evan, Julio, and others.
Go ahead, Joseph.
Hey, good morning, Al.
Hello, sir.
I've actually started watching your show on the internet about a month ago, and it really just started for me.
I went to a meeting in North Carolina, and they showed the Lindsey Williams videos at this meeting, at this conference I was, and it really started getting my eye, and I started Googling, and that... Sir, are you calling us from Skype?
I'm sorry?
I'm on a MagicJack, of course.
Yeah, I've got to let you go.
Call me back from a regular phone line, because I want to hear what you have to say.
It's just, it's unintelligible.
Um, let's go ahead.
You know, free phone services is great, but it doesn't work too well.
Uh, let's go ahead and talk to James in Sweden.
You're on the air.
Go ahead, James.
Hello, Alex.
Yes, sir.
Great to talk to you.
Um, I have two things to say.
Um, and on Monday, I watched the road.
And, uh,
Really, it woke me up to a new level of understanding about how we are supposed to be, and really how we have lost our... not completely lost our humanity, but the general public has... as you said, they have... they're not connected to reality, and...
I don't know, was it Thomas Jefferson that said something about moving to the cities and then losing something?
Yes, he said that when you're no longer on the land, you lose your connection to reality and you become domesticated, and that was 200 plus years ago that he wrote about that.
He talked about the educated yeoman farmer, someone who's a mix of intellectual, but also farmer and warrior, you know, the true human who's fiercely independent.
Uh, and so obviously you watched my video about the road and allegory for life.
Of course.
Yeah, really.
I mean, I think it's a similar phenomenon like Thomas Jefferson said, but the elites have, um, through all the different ways in the media, they have
Distorted us from reality.
Yeah, and the people are like
They're all very self-centered and they have no sense of something greater.
You know, I think this, like, atheism and this thought that only the thing that you can see is what exists.
And it prevents us from really just sacrificing ourselves to
Freedom and what we're supposed to reach for.
Yes, the globalists want us to be selfish and teach us that that's how we get ahead so we're all atomized and disconnected from each other so the corporate board can come in and re-engineer society
Yeah, but maybe we're entering to this age where adversity makes men
And in fact, what is the Victor Hugo quote?
Adversity makes men and plenty... Prosperity makes monsters.
That's right.
Adversity makes men.
Prosperity makes monsters.
Victor Hugo.
Beautifully said from Sweden.
Thank you, James.
We're going to go to Julio, Evan, Helen on the other side, then Dr. Paul Craig Roberts coming up.
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Okay, let's move quickly through your calls.
Julio in Illinois, you're on the air.
Hey Alex, always great talking with my brother of the Freedom Movement.
Quickly, I saw a commercial yesterday, Homeland Security continuing their propaganda campaign, telling us to buy flood insurance,
Of course, we don't want our houses to get on with a flood, so we've got to get insurance.
And for those that don't know, they've passed a new regulation where 42% of the country that didn't have to buy flood insurance has to, and you're buying it this time from FEMA, so it's a tax.
They're now making people on mountaintops that never flood buy flood insurance.
It's a total scam.
Secondly, in the North American Union front,
I keep watching old clips from you and reading documents where they state that they want their North American Union by 2010.
It's 2010 right now, so folks, we need to continue pressing on.
Say no to the North American Union.
Say no to NAFTA.
As you said yesterday, Al Gore told us it was a great deal on Larry King live with Ross Perot.
Obviously, if that liar said it's true, never listen to Al Gore.
Thirdly, on the World War III front, I'm going to say this very quickly, I have a
My friend who I woke up, someone who he works with, knows someone who is in the Central Intelligence Agency, and he's a Romanian stationed out in Afghanistan, in Afghanistan City, 10 miles from the Iranian border, and from what my intel was telling me, he noticed Patriot missiles being sent by the U.S.
Army going towards the Iranian border.
So once again, World War III is looming, and
Again, you should see all those training exercises being done by the National Guard all around the country.
They know that we could get attacked by a nuclear weapon, a false flag, or deliberately.
Oh yeah, they're going to use starting the war to let the Federal Reserve take over even more.
To sell us on... I mean, you think 9-11 got naked body scanners in place and 854,000 private spies and clergy response teams in InfraGard.
Imagine what a real war with Iran will do.
And if Iran doesn't strike back, the globalists will stage events as a pretext to take over even more.
We are the target.
Julio, great points.
Evan in Wyoming.
You're on the air, Evan.
Hey there, Alex.
Thanks for taking my call.
Thanks for calling.
I've been a listener and activist since high school and before 9-11 with some of your prescient predictions.
I'm so glad you're again breaching the food subject since it's one of the key things the New World Order is exploiting to take away our freedoms.
I recently watched the documentary film Simply Raw, reversing diabetes in 30 days.
Have you heard of it?
No, but I know that a lot of these additives are directly linked to diabetes.
It's not even denied.
With so many people suffering needlessly because of these highly refined and processed foods, this film gives people the tools needed to reverse the so-called uncurable malady of both type 1 and type 2 diabetes.
If you have diabetes, I do suggest you watch this film.
Quickly, it chronicles... Well, Ray Kurzweil got it over 30 years ago, and he's a top globalist, and he admits it's all diet, and he got rid of his diabetes.
Yeah, it chronicles six Americans with diabetes who switch to a diet consisting entirely of vegan, organic, uncooked food to reverse diabetes.
What's the name of the film?
I'll look it up.
It's called Simply Raw, Reversing Diabetes in 30 Days.
And they really had tremendous results.
It's kind of in the same spirit of Spurlock's film, so it's 30 days.
It's the same spirit.
So it's kind of like 30 days with the film made about the guy eats McDonald's for 30 days and almost dies, but it's the reverse of that.
Get off the stuff for 30 days and see what happens.
Yeah, and these people were suffering of high insulin dependence and
Many of them were able to reverse it.
In fact, all of them were off.
Well, look, I mean, medical doctors are told by the American Medical Association, if somebody has diabetes, drink aspartame.
When I've had medical doctors on, top experts saying it accelerates diabetes.
And so the average doctor isn't evil.
They're just believing what they're told.
I appreciate your call.
Very interesting points.
Anything else, Evan?
Fight for freedom with your food choices, everyone, and try to support your local farmers and save your seeds.
Thank you, Alex.
You know, that's a point I wanted to add to the addendum on the piece that we posted.
Food, the ultimate secret exposed.
That article up at Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
I also just wanted to add to that that if you study the British Royals, the Rockefellers, all the elites on record have their own private farms and have chefs that fly around with them with their own food that they know is organic.
Because they're growing the crops with fertilizer that is filled with heavy metals and poisons.
And in the piece we put together, the video piece, we show mainstream news admitting the crops are grown in poison.
And then the plants suck up all of those poisons and then you eat it.
It's just like, don't eat the biggest tuna because they're the top of the food chain.
They're full of mercury.
Well, it's the same thing with the corn and tomatoes.
And so this is the big issue.
So we want this to be the number one search term.
I haven't done this in a week and a half.
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We'll be right back.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center, in the heart of the resistance, rallying patriots worldwide.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
I am Alex Jones.
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts will be with us about five minutes into the next hour.
Then we have our once a week visit with Bob Chapman of the International Forecaster coming up.
Dr. Roberts is kind enough to send us his columns to post at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com and I saw a piece he wrote a few days ago.
We posted it and the Drudge Report linked to it Tuesday evening into
Wednesday afternoon, we're very, very thankful for the Drudge Report linking to that, and it deals with 2017, the year America dissolved.
So that's coming up here in just a few minutes with Dr. Paul Craig Roberts.
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Okay, going to Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, head of policy department of the Treasury under Reagan, father of Reaganomics, Wall Street Journal editor, syndicated columnist, and we really appreciate him coming on the show to talk about
The clouds gathering for war with Iran, the fact that that is becoming green-lined.
We had Ray McGovern, a high-level former CIA analyst, saying that he believes they probably are going to attack.
And he said in August, he said that everything's pointing at that.
There's still a chance they may not.
I want to get into the developments in the economy with Dr. Roberts.
But first I wanted to talk about what inspired him to write this piece that's gotten so much attention, 2017, the year America dissolved.
Dr. Roberts, good to have you on with us.
Thank you, Alex.
So what inspired you to write this piece?
Well, I thought, Alex, it's sometimes hard to reach people with facts and sound analysis and sometimes fiction works better.
So I decided to tell them what it would be like in seven years.
Now, reading this piece, I mean, are you saying this is a possibility?
And if so, on a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being road warrior collapse, a road-level collapse, versus a 2 or 3 being what we're living under right now?
I'd say it's much higher than a 2 or 3.
I'd put it over a 5.
At least a 6, Alex.
Look, Alex, it comes back to what we've discussed, you and I, so many times.
The government's liabilities now exceed its ability to deal with them.
When the budget deficit was $400 billion a year, which it was two years ago, in 2008, the trade surpluses of China and Japan and OPEC could finance it.
But for the last two years,
The budget deficit has been not $400 billion, but $1,400 billion.
And that's $1,000 billion more than the world has to lend us.
And so there's no way to finance these deficits.
Now, initially they financed them by giving the banks all that money, loading up taxpayers with more debt.
And then the banks used all the money to buy treasury bonds at which they exchanged for their worthless derivatives.
And that financed the deficit.
But they can't bail out the banks by a trillion dollars every year.
So it only leaves printing money.
So the minute they print money, two things happens.
That is,
What happens is, when the government takes its debt to auction, there's nobody to buy it.
The Federal Reserve buys it by creating demand deposits, so the Treasury writes checks.
Well, that's new money.
That's just like printing money.
So what happens when that occurs on a massive scale?
Two things.
One, the dollar ceases to be the reserve currency, so the United States can't pay its import bills.
And you start getting hyperinflation domestically.
So prices are driven up for two reasons.
One, all import prices rise because the dollar is gone, and domestic prices rise.
Now, what happens to the power?
What does the power of a country really depend on?
It depends on its finance, its ability to finance itself.
We already depended 50% of the annual operating budget on foreigners to pay for our wars.
So what happens when nobody will finance the government and it's printing money and prices are rising and there's no jobs?
It looks to me like Washington essentially loses control because it won't be able to meet its responsibilities to the people.
And so what will the people do?
Well, local people will have to organize in some way to take care of themselves to the extent that it's possible.
And I said, I predicted that the first American warlords will be the local police forces.
So the first clans will be the local police force, their relatives, and their friends.
And anybody who can hook up with them, who has something to offer.
And then you will see this type of local organization trying to provide protection and food for its members.
And that will be the future.
That's the gist of the piece.
Please continue.
Well, when you have these local clans, they first organize around the police, then they organize around whoever has stocks of food, stocks of gold and silver, guns and ammunition, anyone who has something to sustain the community in some way, and the reach of Washington over the country will evaporate.
The government will, of course, try to control fuel.
It'll seize the oil fields and refineries.
But when it tries to move the gasoline across the territories of the clans, it'll have to pay tribute to get across without being blown up the way we have to pay the Afghans now.
We can't move fuel to the troops without
Paying off all the warlords along the way.
Well, there's payoffs in Iraq as well.
That's right.
And that'll happen here too.
They'll have to pay in the form of fuel because nobody will want the worthless paper currency.
And so that's the way the local communities will get fuel, by taxing the movements of
I don't think so.
The troops we have abroad, most of them will simply be abandoned because they won't be able to get them home.
And the troops abroad will have to then make alliances with the people that they're currently fighting or trying to occupy.
And then you'll just see a general breakdown.
So you have to ask yourself, how can a country
have a world empire that can't finance its domestic government budget.
It's not possible.
Well, it's going to start World War III with Iran, and I want to get into that with you, but Dr. Roberts, I mean, you're a highly respected economist, and I mean, I put a lot of stock in what you have to say, and so many other experts are pointing out who do know history that it can happen here.
North Korea is a failed state.
I think
uh... twenty seventeen and so on this spectrum the question is how far will we go down that road but if you have studied rome or if you have said even more modern civilizations uh... wealthy nations do collapse in the third world squalor uh... when they allow their currency to be debased i mean thomas jefferson uh... talked about this but the feds have been strengthening their federal grip quietly federalizing police they put their
Alex, if that's their intention.
You know, all politics is local.
And the local police are not going to desert their communities to serve some foreign occupying power any more than the Taliban or the warlords do in Afghanistan.
So I think you're going to see that if that's the plan of the centralizers,
It's not going to work because it would imply that the people locally would simply be prepared to be done away with.
And they won't be.
And the government won't have any resources.
So you're saying, sir, because they get their resources from us at the local level, and again, historically you're right.
Look at third world nations.
Once Argentina was even more wealthy per capita than the U.S.
a hundred years ago, but they allowed this manipulation of currency and debt, and so many of their cities, one sector is controlled, just like Brazil, by the gangs, the other by the police.
I mean, this is the norm, what you're saying, not the exception, but I'm getting from this that you're saying you believe that this is going to happen.
I don't see any way around it.
Everything works for the private oligarchies because they have a very short-term time horizon.
They're all getting rich from offshoring jobs, from running up debts with military wars.
It puts money in their pockets and so on.
So what benefits them is destroying their base.
I think?
It was just, it was here one day and gone the next.
And the CIA, right down to the minute, collapsed, was denying it would ever collapse.
Oh, this powerful government, they control everything.
They have total power everywhere.
Well look at Romania, I mean, Ceausescu, that happened within a matter of hours.
A matter of hours.
And Niall Ferguson, just the other week, he's a historian of empire.
He was speaking in Aspen to the group where they go to think big thoughts.
And he said the American collapse could be very sudden because of the massive debts.
There's really no way you can be the reserve currency
When you have this sort of debt explosion, and there's no way, as I've already said, that you can finance a deficit that's so large.
You can't finance deficits that are $1.4 trillion.
It can't be done.
And so it means massive money creation.
And so there goes Washington's power.
And all their puppet states will abandon them.
What about another?
Sorry, go ahead sir.
That's it.
I'm just saying the puppet states...
We're having a little bit of digital breakup with you.
We may reconnect when we go to break with Dr. Roberts because there's a bit of a delay.
Dr. Roberts, going back to states' rights though, if the states recognize this collapse is inevitable, according to economics and societal algorithms and analytics,
Then if they start moving to reorganize themselves and to be honest and to cut their budgets and to cut off the money to the federal cancer, then don't we have a chance to avert the complete collapse?
I don't know, Alex.
I think the state will be too large to organize and that various communities will dominate the state to the expense of other communities.
So I think if this type of collapse, which is fictional,
I don't
Let me put it this way, because again, I respect your analysis and your opinion.
You're saying it's a fiction piece, we know that, but then I said, well what's the chances of this happening scaled to one to ten?
You said at least to six.
I mean, you know, running the scale, then what do you believe is going to happen?
Because it's clear the oligarchs running our nation, as you said, aren't going to stop.
They're full pedal to the metal with a direction that will bring the collapse.
Well, I don't
see any way they can continue to finance 1.4 trillion deficits and I don't see any decline in those deficits.
I don't know.
We're so out of that.
And then the next thing they'll do, they'll confiscate the remains of private pensions.
And that'll fund them for another year or so.
If they don't confiscate the pensions, they will order the pension fund managers to use the funds to purchase Treasury bonds.
Well, that's already happening.
Stay there, Dr. Roberts, because I happen to have the London Telegraph reporting that they're already slashing basic medical care to the British for their budget.
So, you know, what you're talking about is already going on.
They still give you the Social Security.
It's just watered down to nothing.
We'll be right back with Dr. Paul Craig Roberts.
I'm Alex Jones.
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Hi, this is Alex Jones.
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The preacher man says it's the end of time.
In the Mississippi River she's a gold drive.
Government control of health care written by the insurance companies is so they can federally lower the standard.
And they're now admitting this.
So that's a way to kind of covertly by stealth start degrading the quality of care.
We see major police departments all over the nation announcing they're not going to respond to major crimes like armed robbery.
uh... car theft home invasions of oakland's one of the more uh... visible examples of this is i'm seeing these articles every day now where they're laying off half the sheriff's deputies sixty percent of the police sometimes get rid of police altogether so unfortunately doctor roberts things are starting to trend in the way that uh... that you're saying uh... that things would go
Yes, that's right.
That's why, you know, the fictional story has resonated with so many people.
And it's gone all over the world.
Earlier this morning, I was on a long Skype interview from Germany.
And of course the Germans, or at least some of them, are hoping this happens.
They want to be rid of us.
They're tired of being mercenaries and fighting for us in Afghanistan, and they're tired of being an American puppet state.
So, yes, things are going this way.
That's why there's truth in the fiction.
That's why it resonates with people, and that's why they're interested in the reality of it, not just in the storytelling part of it.
You're right.
Things are happening.
You're right.
The medical reform, which creates new patients for the new customers for the private insurance industries, they're going to use that as an excuse to cut Medicare.
But in the end, there just won't be anything provided to the people from the government.
Because they're too busy stealing everything, and then whatever they can get, they'll need to keep themselves going.
And that's why I think the organization will be local.
And people won't trust anybody that's not one of them, not part of their clan.
His newest book is how the economy was lost, the war.
of the world's of paul craig uh... roberts available at amazon dot com we have a posted up on screen for folks who want to read his uh... latest book to get a copy uh... of it did you see the big bloomberg a fifteen page report about insurance companies swindling uh... the the widows of dead veterans tricking them to uh... steal their uh... their uh... in some cases millions of dollars of insurance money
I'm aware of it, I haven't studied it, but it doesn't surprise me.
Because, you know, I think the opening chapter in my book, if I remember correctly, is called The New Robber Barons.
And that's what the capitalist corporations have been turned into, they're robber barons.
But it's so bold to... I mean, even Bloomberg says it's criminal, and they just steal their money and just take it, but they got the regulators to change the rules so they could do it, and the insurance companies, it says all major insurance companies are doing it, just said, we're allowed to, we're gonna do it.
I mean, they're so brazen.
That's right.
So maybe it's a higher than a six.
I gave it a six, maybe it's close
Listen, it's one of the richest women in America.
I'll just leave it at that.
Four years ago, she left the country and said it will not be here within five years.
And she said it's derivatives.
And this was before, you know, the 2008 stuff.
And she said that all the other big money's leaving.
And now there's been mainstream news articles about the rich basically all leaving.
So it seems they know they've killed America.
And I want to come back.
In 70 seconds, have Dr. Roberts briefly comment on that, and then on the Iran situation.
And then we've got Bob Chapman coming up.
Stay with us.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We've only got five minutes left with Dr. Paul Craig Roberts and we'll look more at the economy.
Take your calls with Bob Chapman.
Quickly, the true wealthy exiting the country, even the engineers of the collapse, exiting, buying armored redoubts all over the world, and then getting into Iran.
Please comment on this, sir.
Okay, Alex, keep in mind there are two kinds of rich people.
They're the rich people who live off of fortunes that are not in the corporations or on Wall Street.
They're different from the people who are building fortunes, who are the CEOs of corporations or the Wall Street hedge fund managers and investment bankers who are building the
We're good to go.
I've been expecting them to attack Iran for some time.
And if you look at everything they say and everything they do, that's what it points to.
It doesn't point to anything else.
And every time somebody resolves the situation for them, like Brazil and Turkey did recently, the United States government gets mad.
So I think they want to have a war, and they're not quite sure how to go about it, the consequences.
They've got to have some excuse.
They keep talking about the non-existent nukes, but they keep getting contradicted by the U.S.
intelligence agencies and by the International Atomic Energy Agency, which is on the ground in Iran and reports no diversion of uranium.
They don't know what the impact could be on Russia or China or how they'll see it.
And so they want to do it, but they can't really see how exactly they're going to get away with it.
So as soon as they can convince themselves that they can get away with it and that they have some way to justify it, some false flag event or just some happenstance, maybe just something happens.
I think?
That they're bankrupt, and they have no way to carry on these wars, and that it's undermining their power.
If they were to come to that realization, they would back off.
I don't know what the chance is of them coming to that realization.
As you know, the neoconservatives are screaming every day, TACORAN, TACORAN, there's a new screed in the
I think?
of all the Afghan material, this may be undermining them in some way.
So they'll have to make a judgment.
They want to do it, but whether they can decide that they can get away with it, that remains to be seen.
Well, Ray McGovern and many others, including Ahmadinejad, are saying they believe it's in the next three months if the attack is going to be launched in this phase, the last big danger zone.
It was late 2007.
But the aftermath and the repercussions of this, I mean, have you ever in your research seen a more dangerous time in U.S.
history than what we're entering right now?
No, and the danger comes from Washington.
It's not from the outside world.
The enemy is in Washington.
The threat we face is our own government.
Look, they're going to have a hard time, Alex, because
Chinese... You know what, Dr. Roberts?
Dr. Roberts, I want you to be able to finish.
Come back and do two more minutes with us because when our music plays, it cuts off your Skype audio.
I want you to be able to put a bookend on this on the other side, then Bob Chapman.
We'll be right back.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Yeah, 14 years ago people thought that liner was a joke.
We are in an occupied global corporate system.
We need to take America back and restore the Republic.
Or we'll be bankrupted like all the other third world slaves.
These crooks have sucked dry.
We're going to finish up with Dr. Paul Craig Roberts because I didn't want his point to be cut off during the break.
But then he made a big announcement to me and we can make the announcement here.
He's going to be now working with TrendsResearch.com and Gerald Cilente.
Gerald's on a week from Monday for an hour and a half, by the way, with an extended interview, so I can't think of two better guys teaming up.
TrendsResearch.com is the website.
Dr. Roberts, tell us a little bit about that and then finish your point.
Well, I suppose I got myself into it when I stopped doing the column because Salenti said, hey, you don't have anything to do, why don't you join up with us?
And so I've agreed to do some writing for their Trends Journal.
Now, the point I was making, and I'm very pleased because, you know, Salenti is a guy who's not afraid.
He speaks his mind and he has a lot of important and valuable insights.
So I'm delighted to have teamed up with
Such a personality.
Now, the point I was making is, you know, as I said earlier, the constraint on the United States government is its ability to finance itself, its financial position.
And I explained reasons that's getting weak.
And now what happened last week was the head of the major Chinese credit rating agency declared that the United States is insolvent and has the debt burdens of a bankrupt third world country.
Now when your largest creditor makes a public announcement that they have no faith in you,
That is a constraint on your power, and that may be what blocks the attack on Iran, if anything does, to hear from your creditor that they see you as insolvent and bankrupt.
So they're trying to buy a war.
They go to their creditor, the communist Chinese, and they say you're bankrupt.
I mean, is that along the same lines as two weeks ago, their head credit rating agency getting rid of the AAA rating for the United States and Europe?
I think that was an opening gun, yes.
They downgraded it.
See, they're asserting themselves.
Because we think we're the superpower, but they're our creditors, so who really is the superpower?
Last point, and I'm going to let you go, sir, and we appreciate your time.
The problem is, what, 40,000?
Nobody knows.
Nukes, high-tech weapons that are in the control of the neocons and the crooks that run our government.
So it sounds like they're just going to go ahead with whatever it takes.
I mean, remember Cheney launching the Georgian attack.
Uh... on uh... the Russian Herald, Harry.
These people are nuts.
They're nuts.
They can use that for nuclear blackmail to force countries that are not well-armed to supply them with resources.
And that's another way they could continue longer than I forecast.
But they would still lose control over this country.
And so at some point the other countries would realize there's only one target in America and that's Washington.
And once they realize that, that's the end of Washington.
If you have to build one city to get rid of it, then it's an easy thing to do.
The criminals there on the Potomac, the District of Criminals.
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, thanks for your insights.
We appreciate you coming on.
Pleased to be with you, Alex.
Great having him.
All right, we'll talk to him again in the near future, God willing, if they don't start World War III in the next month, like Ray McGovern said, is a distinct possibility.
He said more than a 50% chance by the middle of August that it's going to start, and most analysts say it is going to lead to World War III.
The media is also saying Venezuela is giving weapons, which is asinine, it's the other way around, to Iran.
When their weapon systems are much more high-tech than Venezuela's.
So they've got U.S.
fleets and forces moving into Colombia around them.
And we're going to be talking to Bob Chapman about what he just heard Dr. Paul Craig Roberts saying.
Bob Chapman is an uber patriot.
He's been fighting for near half a century.
And is really one of the only living granddaddies of the Patriot Movement.
So we're always honored to have him join us and he'll be with us for the balance of the hour for the next 47 minutes today.
But before I go to him, I shot this video two and a half weeks ago.
And happen to be wearing the same shirt, though.
It's funny.
The guys pointed out, you know, you're airing that video today, you're wearing the same shirt.
People say, he did the video today.
It'll be a big conspiracy about that.
The point is, we shot this video two and a half weeks ago or so.
Aaron and I, to make sure everything was documented with hundreds of documents, video clips, you name it, put this 15 minute video together.
It's now gone up to PrisonPlanet.tv if you want to download it in the highest quality.
But it's also on the Alex Jones Channel at YouTube.
This is a public service emergency announcement where we just prove that people are being poisoned and killed by design through the food, through the water.
Aspartame, MSG, GMO.
It's a devastating 15-minute piece.
And I'm asking everyone to go to InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
And I'm asking Bob Chapman tomorrow and his international forecaster
You know, to send out a link if he wants to.
It's very influential.
I need everybody's help to get food, the ultimate secret, exposed.
That's the name of the article.
That's the name of the video.
I want you to send that link out to everybody.
But I haven't done this in about a week and a half.
We had five search terms in a five-day period showing the mainstream media our power when they were censoring the Obama deception.
We're the number one search terms on YouTube, Google, Yahoo, and a lot of other places.
We can do it again.
Now the headline is, Food the Ultimate Secret Exposed.
We need to use some term out of that that will then make this article that has the video the top link.
The top link!
So that when people see this top search term, then hundreds of papers and blogs will then write about it.
We discovered not only do people link to our story, other people then write about it, and we reach millions
At one bang.
You know, this is a powerful info-war weapon in our arsenal.
And so, I don't know, I mean, I said earlier, just search the term, food the ultimate.
And that will bring you to the article.
And we can have a secondary search made up of that term to have the second search, depending on what goes up the rankings, one will be on top, one will be number two.
The ultimate secret.
That's probably even a better search term than food the ultimate.
I know how search engines work.
It needs to be simple.
No more than three words.
So search the ultimate secret.
Three words.
The ultimate secret.
Do it over and over again in Google and Yahoo in the search engine.
Click on the article, send it out to everybody, tell them to pay it forward, to send the link on to others, and we will warn people about what's in their food, what's in their water.
You may know all about this, but a lot of people don't.
I mean, they've heard aspartame's bad, or MSG's bad, or GMO crops are bad, but most people have no idea just how serious it is.
This is highly produced.
Powerful video, powerful article.
Search the term, the ultimate secret.
The ultimate secret.
And then also search the term, food the ultimate.
Food the ultimate.
So you choose, get it out there, do either or both, and I commend you.
And then, all of us collectively swarming the globalist, millions are going to read this article and see this video because of you taking action.
All we did was make the video and write the article, and that's important.
That's its genesis.
But if it's going to grow and have a huge effect, that is up to you.
And this is your mission if you choose to accept it.
I want to salute and thank everyone that made our last five search terms.
Well thank you very much and I saw the video this morning and Judy and I viewed it
And it's number one in the hit parade in my link section under the U.S.
section for tomorrow morning.
Thank you, sir.
I need everybody's help and I really appreciate you.
What do you think of the video itself?
Then we'll talk about Robert saying he believes it's a six on a ten that we're going to completely collapse like Mexico.
Well, first of all, as far as the film is concerned,
I'm one of those souls who's been doing and reading about and exercising the things that I should be since, I guess, 1964.
You know, vitamins, minerals, herbs, eating the proper thing.
It's probably one of the reasons that I'm as healthy as I am at this, you know, advanced age.
And, you know, work 16, 18 hours a day and it doesn't even faze me.
So, people, please listen.
Because that's the way you should be living, and you shouldn't be eating those kind of foods, and you've got to bolster your immune system.
So, the program is extraordinarily important.
It's something, you know, we have a health section, but I don't get into it that deeply.
I let others write, because I just can't cover everything.
But, Alex, it's great.
It's a wonderful program, and everybody should jump on the bandwagon.
Well, thank you.
Let me just add the caveat.
You know, the message isn't just that all this poison is there.
But that it's being done by design.
We have those documents in the piece.
I mean, this is so diabolical.
Now, any comments on Roberts and the pieces that he's been putting out lately?
I know you follow his work.
Well, in reference to what you were talking about prior to his just leaving, I agree with him and Ray McGovern, too.
But, you know, your comment was, these people are nuts.
And they are.
And they think they're above everything.
And even if they cannot justify a war, a new one, wherever it may be, they're going to do it anyway.
You've got to go back and look at the history of these people.
And we only have written history probably back to the year 600 or 700 or 800.
But this has been going on for a long time.
And they habitually and perpetually, every time they get in the squeeze and they want
Blame somebody else for what they're doing.
They have a war.
And that's why I was able to project the invasion and occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan.
Because I knew they were going to do something like that.
They look like the suspects, and they were.
And that's the way it turned out.
So they're trying to use every option.
And I've had this conversation, too, on a program which I do with active and retired military people, which I really love doing because they don't know anything about finance per se.
And so I've been very helpful to them.
Well, Bob, stay there.
Tell us what they're saying to you when we come back.
Then I want to get to this amazing Bloomberg report where they admit the insurance companies are stealing people's death benefits from dead soldiers.
And we'll talk about what you see happening with the economy.
Stay with us.
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Oh yeah!
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And right beside me is Bob Chapman of TheInternationalForecaster.com.
Alright, Bob, we've got China.
Lowering the credit rating for the US government and the EU.
We've got open build-up for war with Iran.
I've got this Bloomberg 15-page report where every major insurance company has had the government rules changed where they can take dead veterans' insurance money and not give it to people.
I mean, it's like we're living in the Twilight Zone, Bob.
It certainly is, and it just shows you that there's nothing there to protect the American public.
Within this new financial regulation bill that they passed, the SEC is no longer subject to the Freedom of Information Act, the FOIA as it's known.
That means that everything they do is a secret.
Now, in there, the SEC only brings civil charges against people for whatever, usually within the brokerage and in the industrial and service industries.
And they have always had secret testimony that they wouldn't divulge.
But now, it will be probably like a court that was held during the 12th century, before the Magna Carta.
And it's very, very, very bad.
But it's just an example of people not having any rights.
And this is what this is propelling towards.
Well, I've got that headline, and you and Ron Paul and Judge Napolitano have read the bill that's now law, and you've stated it gives the Federal Reserve total control over the economy with a private board made up of the very leaders of the banks that robbed us.
And there's the Fox News headline from Fox Business.
We'll put that back on screen.
SEC says new financial regulation law exempts it from public disclosure.
And you know, I gotta give you three instances because I've been
Uh, in the brokerage business and close to the financial markets for over 50 years.
Number one, about four months ago, uh, Berkshire Hathaway, uh, was found, uh, in guilty of accounting fraud, $300 million.
And I think the fraud was against the U.S.
government, but I'm not sure.
I didn't read the internals.
And they won't find $100 million.
So it was worth it for them to do that because they kept $200 million.
And then along came Goldman Sachs, and they sold $5 billion or more worth of collateralized debt obligations, which are bonds with mortgages inside them.
They were appalled before the SEC for a number of violations in that genre, and they paid a fine of $550 million.
So they stole, essentially, $5 billion or more
We're good to go.
And that's all they get fined with, $75 million.
And we have all their own internal emails and documents.
They knew it was pure worthless crud.
They had fake insurance companies certified as AAA, undermining the entire financial system, and they get away with it.
And nobody goes to jail.
And they're all interconnected.
They all belong to the Illuminati.
They control our government from behind the scenes.
They control and own the Federal Reserve.
And that's why Dr. Roberts, as well as Ron Paul and myself, and you as well, have said that this is tyrannical.
People who don't have any idea yet what's going to happen, and it's going to be very nasty.
Because they've committed millions of crimes, why not commit millions of even bigger crimes?
They've shown that... Have you ever seen fraud in history that gets anywhere close to this?
Not on this colossal basis, so to speak.
And it's ongoing.
And again, I come back to what you were speaking of earlier, with another war, let's say with Iran, and McGovern and Dr. Roberts and myself and you agree that there's an excellent possibility of that happening, but the justification and the money isn't there.
They're gonna do it anyway!
These people are crazy!
And all of us are in the middle.
I want to come back and get into gold, how they're manipulating that, what you see happening in the short, mid, and long term of the economy, and then phone calls for Bob Chapman, 1-800-259-9231.
Quick questions or points.
We'll get Bob to comment on it.
It's all coming up straight ahead.
InfoWars.com, PrisonPlanet.tv.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
The question is, where should the American people draw their line in the sand?
What have we got?
A republic or a monarchy?
A republic.
It's based on a constitution which protects minority rights.
Not democracy, not mob rule.
Two wolves and a sheep voting on what's for dinner.
So they think they own our land?
They think they own our water?
Our education?
Our money?
We have to define who we are and what we will tolerate.
Somebody's gonna ask you what you did during the Patriot Uprising.
We have the facts.
We have the Constitution.
We have the Bill of Rights.
We have common law.
Knowledge is power, ladies and gentlemen.
And I'm so excited to be able to offer you Don't Tread on Me, Rise of the Republic.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Your phone calls are coming up with Bob Chapman, but before we go any further, two and a half weeks ago when the Obama deception got censored on YouTube, got removed, and then unprecedented action by YouTube, they put it back up.
I made the decision to offer the DVD with the expanded extras and the highest quality for $5 a piece, or a little under $5.
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I think my most powerful film is Endgame, Blueprint for Global Enslavement, but this one has been the most effective, and it's riveting, power-packed, describes the entire paradigm for people to understand what the banks are doing, the design collapse of society, how they were going to promote austerity and cutting benefits.
A year and a half ago they weren't talking about that.
It's all in the film.
People see this and they say, this was made a year and a half ago?
This is what's happening today.
And of course, part two of it is Fall of the Republic, which I think is even more powerful of a film, but the point is, this is the film that's the most effective at waking people up.
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Going to Bob Chapman.
People can call a toll-free number and they can get a free complimentary copy of the International Forecaster, the hard copy, or have it emailed to them.
It's 30, 40, 50 pages, depending on which issue it is.
It comes out twice a week, digital, several times a month, hard copy.
Give folks that number if they want to get a copy of the International Forecaster.
Now that toll-free number is 877-479-8178.
That's 877-479-8178.
4-7-9-8-1-7-8 and don't forget Ted Anderson at Midas is offering a special and you get yourself one of those French Franks and you get a free one year subscription and that's the best deal I've ever seen and so I think you should take advantage of it if you're interested in the publication but you can still get a free copy.
That's right.
He sells Franks at the lowest I've seen anywhere, a fifth of an ounce, and then you get a $159 yearly subscription either digital or mailed to you when you call as well.
Give that number out one more time.
Well, that number is 877-479-8178.
That's 877-479-8178.
4-7-9-8-1-7-8 toll free.
Okay, I want to go to Mike, Steve, Kevin, Mark, and a couple other callers, and I know you love taking calls, Bob, but after we take some calls, what are some of the other issues you want to get into today?
Well, I think you mentioned earlier the situation with the gold and silver market, also the stock market.
We've already covered some terrific issues.
I saw today that, well I guess it's yesterday now,
That, as I had predicted earlier, one of the major cities in Greece has gone bankrupt.
No, I rephrase that.
One of the major cities in Greece has defaulted on some of their loans.
And that's Piraeus, which is the main port in the country, which is fairly close to Athens.
And so, it may have begun over there.
And we saw the Euro just a month ago was supposedly going to collapse, but then the Bilderberg said we can't allow that, and then Merkel wouldn't let the brokerage firms come in and manipulate their currencies.
Is there a split within the elite right now?
Yes, there is, at least on that measure, and that happens from time to time.
They're a greedy bunch and they always want more money than the next guy.
And she did the right thing, there's absolutely no question.
And the euro got down to 118.75.
Yesterday it closed over 130.
So that's quite a recovery.
I would imagine somewhere along the line it will solidify.
The consumer confidence in Germany is very strong because they're big exporters and that less expensive euro is going to make their
Exports probably at least 10% cheaper than they normally would.
But the implosion of all these fiat currencies has got to go somewhere, the way this system is set up.
And some of our economics guests we've had on the last week are saying they see it migrating to London or Tokyo next.
What do you say?
Well, that could happen in part.
What I thought you were referring to when you asked that question
Was the currencies and where people are going to go to.
And of course, the main reason that gold is higher than it is, and this is something that people overlook, except some professionals, and that is, for the last 15 months, gold has been competing with the dollar for the position of the preeminent currency in the world.
People who have currencies, all of them,
A gravitating back to gold because they know it doesn't owe anybody anything.
And you're going to see this strength and this time goes on.
Not the answer to the question, but... No, no, no, I mean, it was just an open... No, no, that is my question.
So, I mean, you did answer it.
Did gold going down a little bit have to do with an entire year's market being secretly sold by the IMF and World Bank two weeks ago?
We don't know what they did.
We will find out in time.
But there was a lot of selling.
But you got to remember, things go up and things go down.
Stocks, goals, commodity, etc.
And so it's not unhealthy to have a hundred point correction.
Sure, it's painful if you're in the long side of the market.
But then again, it's not so painful if you've got money to do more buying or you're making an initial investment.
You know, like the French Roosters, just as an example, that Ted uses in his business.
They're around, and don't quote me on this, I'm not a coin dealer, but around $265.
A year from now, they might be double that.
And so, what would you rather have?
A rooster?
Or a dollar, or a Federal Reserve note.
And of course, the answer's pretty simple.
Well, gold is up $13.80 today.
When do you see it running back up to the levels it was at two months ago?
It's in the process of doing so.
And, you know, I thought that by the end of the year we could get $16, $16.50.
And I think that's still very doable.
It might be a little bit more difficult, it's hard to say.
I think a great deal of the selling that you've seen that occurred in the gold market occurred in the futures market as opposed to physical selling.
And the reason why is there's a record and close to record amount of contracts being traded.
Yesterday, Wednesday, was a good example of that.
They set a record in gold contracts.
And that means that there was a lot of selling going on.
But this is paper selling.
It's different than the physical market.
And that's what Gatta's lawsuits and investigation deals with, is how they use the paper market to manipulate the physical.
Yes, and they're using leverage, which they're not supposed to do, which is illegal.
And there is testimony from a professional in London on the LBMA that the leverage is about 100 to 1.
And there's another report I saw by Adrian Douglas, and he had it pegged at a minimum of 45 to 1.
So do you call that naked?
I mean, they're not even really investing.
They're just manipulating.
That's right.
It's naked.
You know, it's just like a big casino.
And the U.S.
government has told them, hey, go do it.
You know, we'll cover you.
It's just like JPMorgan Chase controlling the silver market.
It's illegal.
But the government's behind them.
Look at the lawsuit several years ago.
That was brought forward by another coin dealer in the United States.
And in the testimony, Barrick Gold said, well, we were selling gold forward under instructions from the United States government.
It's right in Discovery.
It's just incredible how rigged things are.
Let's take some phone calls.
Mike in Pennsylvania, you're on the air.
Yeah, the quote by Andrew Jackson, when he was putting up with the same struggles in the 1830s as Thomas Biddle, the same Ben Bernanke.
You are a den of vipers, and by eternal God, I will rout you out.
And we have to get behind the Secret of Oz's idea of
Debt-free money issued, interest-free by the federal government, not the Federal Reserve, and where state banks rule.
And I wanted your comment.
Well, no, I mean, I agree with you.
That's the power of Congress.
That's in the Constitution, that the people's Congress chooses our monetary system, not a private Federal Reserve that's as federal as Federal Express, Bob.
Agreed, but you've got to remember, we don't want another U.S.
note without any backing.
You've got to have gold or silver or both backing that U.S.
government-produced currency that you're talking about.
It's extremely important.
Because you'll just be like every other fiat currency in the world, and the name will change from Federal Reserve notes to U.S.
That's not good enough.
We have to have something tangible behind that new currency that the gentleman is referring to.
Mike, I appreciate your call.
The bottom line is this.
We're fighting the same type of banking structure
and fiat manipulative money-changing system that our founding fathers fought, that Andrew Jackson fought, that Lincoln dealt with.
It's always the same.
But 200 years ago, Americans understood this.
Now Americans are just now beginning to understand it.
And so, this expansion of Federal Reserve power is their reaction to the fact that they know people are waking up to them.
They're waking up in a big way, Alex, and you and I both know that.
It's very exciting.
Let's talk to Steve in Pennsylvania.
You're on the air, Steve.
Hey, what's up, Alex?
Hey, buddy.
Hey, I got a question for Bob.
Bob, I have a question for you.
Being a disabled Vietnam veteran and doesn't have very much to live off of,
And with this crisis that's going to occur shortly, I'm starting to fear here for my life here, because I see no way out for myself here.
And, you know, I'm up and trying to let people know what's going on, but people look at me like I'm stupid.
Sir, that will change.
And there'll be a lot of good people there to help you.
Yeah, it's important that you tell them now and let them laugh at you, and you just say, just remember, so as everything you talk about unfolds, then your credibility will be gold.
I mean, that's the experience I've had in 15 years on air.
The first five, it was, you know, most people laughed at me.
And now, there aren't many people laughing.
And those that are laughing have got IQs at around room temperature.
And I agree with that.
And there's a lot of good people out there who are going to help one another.
So don't fret.
Don't feel down.
There's a lot of good Americans and good other people out in the world who are going to help people like you.
God bless you, Steve.
Kevin in Ohio, you're on the air.
Hey, what's up?
Hey, buddy.
Um, I want to address the situation with the G8 and G20 in Pittsburgh.
Um, as everyone knew that they were in London and with the assault on Lane Tomlinson.
Yeah, they murdered a guy delivering newspapers and then now the cop's not going to get in trouble.
And it was in front of witnesses, he beat his brains out from behind just because he wanted to feel powerful and the government said, good job, murder people delivering newspapers.
Also like in Toronto and because we're also I want to talk about FEMA camps in Ohio where I live in Ohio up by Sandusky in Toledo and down by Columbus.
Well Rob Doo got taken to one with Luke Radowsky.
They took him to a military base and they were taking people off trucks with bags on their heads.
I mean they're there.
It's admitted.
Camp Perry and Lima we have POW camps where we held German and Italian prisoners in World War II and we you know renovated them to make them FEMA camps.
And the Model Emergency Powers Act talks about that.
The Emergency Centers Act talks about it.
And then Glenn Becks III says there's no evidence of it, even though they... I appreciate your call.
Bob, what did you think about the Washington Post two weeks ago and Top Secret USA admitting what we'd already reverse-engineered, that they've got close to a million private spies
Preachers have been hired to be spies.
CIA in every local town.
It's all illegal!
But, I mean, they have been gearing up for this takeover.
This is so diabolical.
Well, it is.
And, you know, you referred earlier to commentaries that I had gotten on the other program I'm on, and have been for about five years, the Marine Discoosition, and talking with and getting information from
Especially people who are active.
And the comments have been generally this.
If we're told that we're going to have to shoot Americans, we're not going to do it.
And if foreign troops come into the country, they're not going home.
And thirdly, if they push us far enough, maybe we'll do what you want us to do.
And that's staying in there for you.
And my comment has been to all of them,
And these offices, non-commissioned offices, and other people who are privates and corporals, etc.
And my feeling on this is this.
If and when it starts, we go to the military and we say, how can we help you?
I just want my republic back.
And, I mean, when they're in Bloomberg, admittedly taking dead veterans' insurance money and keeping it,
In fact, the headline is, fallen soldiers' families denied cash as insurers profit.
And the article says it's criminal, but nobody's going to get in trouble.
I mean, what does it take to know this government is criminal run?
And I'm not just talking about Obama.
I'm talking about those Republican whores as well.
We'll be right back with some final calls.
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What have we got?
A republic or a monarchy?
A republic.
It's based on a constitution which protects minority rights.
Not democracy, not mob rule.
Two wolves and a sheep voting on what's for dinner.
So they think they own our land?
They think they own our water?
Our education?
Our money?
We have to define who we are and what we will tolerate.
Somebody's gonna ask you what you did during the Patriot Uprising.
We have the facts.
We have the Constitution.
We have the Bill of Rights.
We have common law.
Knowledge is power, ladies and gentlemen.
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From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
About to jam in a few final calls here with Bob Chapman on this Friday edition.
Of course we had Dr. Paul Craig Roberts on earlier with some key intel.
Up on InfoWars.com is the article and special video that is key for everybody to see.
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Food, the ultimate, is one, and the ultimate secret is the other.
God bless you, great job to everybody.
Let's jam in three quick calls for Bob.
Quick comment or question, Mark in Tejas, you're on the air.
That was an explosive start, Mark.
Welcome, sir.
Okay, gotta let him go.
Lisa in California, you're on the air.
Yes, Lisa, welcome.
Hi, Alex.
My question is, I've heard that by manipulating the price of silver, you manipulate the price of gold and thereby the dollar.
I'm just wondering if they decided to stop
Manipulating it, would that suddenly cause the dollar to collapse?
And is this maybe... Yes, yes.
Most economists say silver should be $50, gold should be $2,500.
Correct, Bob?
That's correct.
And about 15 months ago, that syndrome, as we'll call it for many years, the attachment of gold to the dollar, and the dollar went up, gold would go down, and vice versa, that is no longer true.
There is a 20% influence of the dollar on gold and vice versa.
And that's it.
In other words, if gold's having a good day in the dollar's week, gold's having a little bit better day than it would have otherwise.
So they partially decoupled?
Well, almost totally.
80% decoupling.
And that's going to continue because gold's on its own because they're competing with the dollar for the supremacy of the only real money in the world.
And this is what we're going to eventually evolve into.
Most people haven't discovered it yet.
But then again, they haven't been doing this for over 50 years like I have.
So I get a little head start on it.
Lisa, great question.
Quickly, Matt in New York, last caller.
You're on the air with Bob Chapman.
Hey, good to speak to you both.
I have two quick questions for Bob.
Okay, first of all, Bob, do you see eventually gold bullion separating from the price of gold stocks?
And second, quickly, what do you see for private gold if there becomes a currency that has a gold backing?
Well, first of all, gold and the shares both are being manipulated by the United States government.
And each day, they lose a little bit more ground.
You've seen it.
Gold's gone from $250 to $1,200 in round figures.
Agnico Eagle has gone from $4, we'll say, to $57.
It's been as high as $83.5.
And so there's no decoupling there.
They will move together, and all of a sudden, the shares will move in a far greater manner than the bullion will.
And the same will happen
With greatest mint graded mint state numismatic coins.
So you'll see the jump in the stocks before you see physical go up.
Yeah, they always lead because they have more sophisticated investors.
And that's the more rigged in as well.
Great points, Bob Chapman.
Talk to you again next week.
Thanks for spending time with us.
OK, thank you for listening.
Bye bye.
And I'm sorry to Matt, can't get to your second question.
Great job, crew.
Back Sunday, 4 to 6 p.m.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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