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Name: 20100726_Mon_Alex
Air Date: July 26, 2010
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
It is Monday, the 26th day of July, 2010.
Coming up in the middle of the next hour, in the first half of the third hour, we have John Young of Krypton.
Formerly with WikiLeaks, joining us to talk about the big scandal.
Thousands of documents released dealing with reported massacres in Afghanistan.
And then Wayne Madsen, who worked with the NSA and Naval Intelligence, he'll be joining us to give us his take.
Now, we have exchanged emails the last year, several times with the founder of WikiLeaks.
And he said he's going to come on many times, but then we're never able to get him on.
We'd like to hear from him specifically on this.
His spokesperson, when he was in hiding for a few months, was Birgitta Jones-Dottir of the Icelandic Parliament, who I think is a really great person.
She's done a lot of important work.
And I think WikiLeaks is good.
I mean, I can't say that 100% because I'm not omnipresent, but studying them, I think they're real.
Does that mean they could be fed disinfo?
Could they be used to identify people leaking inside government?
But I respect John Young and Wayne Madsen and they have both said they're suspicious of WikiLeaks.
I'm gonna pick their brain today and, you know, put them on the hot seat in a friendly way and, you know, really ask them to
Explain to me why they're saying this.
Because as I'm sure you know, the top story in the last 24 hours is thousands of pages of secret documents that make the Pentagon Papers, leaked by Daniel Ellsberg, look like child's play.
Separately, I've had a chance to scan over what is in some of these documents and to read the news boildowns on it, and most of it is already publicly available.
It came out early on that U.S.
troops would put thousands of Taliban fighters in containers, standing, in standing position, sardined in, and then in four or five days they would all be dead.
Basically it's a form of crucifixion, or like an Iron Maiden.
You cram a bunch of people where they can barely breathe together in hot temperatures, when this was done in the summer in Afghanistan years ago,
It's going to kill them.
And that's what kills you with crucifixion is the fact that you can't breathe because you're nailed to the cross and your diaphragm basically gets exhausted.
And we know about a lot of other massacres that have gone on.
I remember Private Gruckheimer in the Ithaca Times back in 2002 made national headlines when he came home and gave an interview and said, yeah, we go into villages and kill everyone, men, women, and children.
And then the Pentagon went on Fox News and said, well, we want to clarify this.
Only in certain villages do we kill everyone.
And of course, there was a lot of criticism of General McChrystal, because the last year and a half, two years, he changed that and said, we're not going to be doing that.
And I'm certainly not saying he's a good guy.
I'm just going off of what he said.
We know that the late Pat Tillman criticized opium production, the fact that the war was a fraud, and that there were massacres going on.
He wrote home about that, said he was going to come home and become a big peace activist, and they of course killed him.
And it's on record that the army coroner said that he had been killed, and that it was foul play, and that it was a cover-up.
We know that McChrystal was in command of that cover-up.
So I'm not saying McChrystal's good.
It's just that McChrystal, at least on paper, said stop these massacres.
Now the CIA is also trying to take over the Army right now.
And there's a bunch of infighting going on.
They want to supplant the regular military, mainly the army, with contractors.
And so are they using WikiLeaks to burn the army?
Look, a lot of weird stuff goes on in government.
And so we're going to pick the brain of John Young and Wayne Madsen on this and why they're critical of WikiLeaks and why they think it's the CIA or private corporate intelligence front.
We'll be discussing that and all this news.
Got a bunch of economic news as well.
It's all coming up after the break.
Stay with us.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center, in the heart of the Resistance.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Thank you for joining us, Radio Listeners and PrisonPlanet.TV viewers.
We're going to be taking a very close look at WikiLeaks coming up in about an hour and a half.
We have two guests joining us.
Wayne Madsen and, of course, John Young of Cryptome to give us their take on WikiLeaks and what these thousands of documents coming out that reportedly show the true nature of the war.
Mass murder, war crimes being the official policy.
But is this any news?
I mean, our government has promoted torture, secret arrest, the torture of people's children in front of them.
We have an unlawful, illegal government who we know pays the Taliban to give them innocent 12, 13, 14-year-olds to be tortured at bases all around the world to create fake intelligence.
Meanwhile, the true Al-Qaeda and Taliban commanders are released, according to Newsweek Associated Press and the Financial Times of London, as part of the airlift of evil.
So, we'll be discussing all of that.
I have to say, the information WikiLeaks has released
Looks very accurate to me, and much of it's already publicly available information.
It's come out here and there.
And so the very clear picture that they've been able to create, releasing these documents that were leaked to them, I think jives with reality.
But some are critical of WikiLeaks.
Not just saying they're traitorous for releasing the information, but saying they have connections to intelligence agencies.
Again, in my gut, I don't really see evidence of that.
But I do respect Mr. Young and Mr. Madsen, so we'll be talking to them and getting their concerns coming up today.
Right now, let's go ahead and go into the news.
And there is a lot of it.
I want to hear from callers and get your take on this.
We're going to continue, at least in the first hour of the radio broadcast today, to give first-time callers a chance, people who've wanted to call in over the years but the phone's always busy or the lines are filled.
This is your chance to join us on air.
I'd love to get your take on any of the news I'm about to cover or any news issues you wish to raise.
1-800-259-9231 is the toll-free number to join us today.
But right now let's go ahead and get into the news.
This is the Kurt Nemo story up at Infowars.com and he boils down all the mainstream reportage that's going on plus some of the backstory of what's been happening.
But former head of the NSA and former CIA boss, he's been in both positions, says Iran attack inexorable.
Basically something that's a foregone conclusion.
According to Michael Hayden, a CIA boss under George W. Bush, Iran's not having a nuke is just as dangerous as it having one.
This is the guy who lied about spying on the American people without warrants and then got caught doing it.
Hayden predicted Iran's plans to get itself that step right below a nuclear weapon.
That permanent breakout stage so the needle isn't quite in the red for the international community.
Hayden said that reaching even that level would be a destabilizing to the region as actually having a weapon and it will result in an attack by the US, Israel, or both.
Killing Iranians now, quote, seems inexorable and may not be the worst of all possibilities or outcomes, according to Hayden.
And of course, that's not just InfoWars.com reporting it.
Here is the Associated Press.
Ex-CIA chief strike on Iran seems more likely now.
Israel's also saying the same thing.
Here's a report out of Iran.
Iran's military leaders try to raise their nation's confidence in face of a possible attack.
Continuing, here's Haaretz.
strike on Iran, likelier than ever, former CIA chief says.
So that really is the most important news today, in my humble opinion.
The establishment is clearly positioning the public mind that it's a foregone conclusion that Iran will be struck.
Meanwhile, there's other reports today where the White House
is saying that Pakistan is funding Taliban and Al Qaeda groups.
Pakistan, of course, was aided by the United States and the EU in the last 15 years, getting nuclear weapons and delivery systems that can deliver them more than 3,000 kilometers.
Our government, of course, aided India in getting nuclear weapons.
The strategery, not a word, but the strategic outlook there
is to get Pakistan and India fighting with each other but a very very dangerous uh... system very very dangerous gambit there
And we'll be going over some of that information coming up.
But now it's admitted there are U.S.
Special Forces, after years of denial, commanding different factions inside Pakistan.
So the United States is now opening up a new war there as we go bankrupt at home.
Wikileaks founder Julian Assange says documents on thousands of possible U.S.
war crimes in Afghanistan paint a picture of just how brutal this war is.
forces fighting in Afghanistan could be investigated for thousands of possible war crimes allegedly committed when the Bush administration was running the war.
That was the shocking claim Monday from the head of the website that has already released a trove of damning documents suggesting Americans were misled about how well the Afghan war was being waged.
It's up to the court to decide really if something
In the end, it's a crime, Wikileaks founder said in London.
Assange said the leaked documents thus far were dated from January 04 to December 09.
And it goes on to say only scratched the surface of what's really going on.
In particular, he pointed to the deadly missile strike
Occurring by Task Force 373, a unit allegedly charged with hunting down and killing Taliban targets.
Well, I mean, again, everything that's in these documents is already out there.
Even under Obama, they now have expanded this, saying, we will now kill unnamed terrorists.
In fact, drone attacks to expand to no-name terrorists.
Search that term.
I want to show people on the TV screen that are watching at PrisonPlanet.tv, or you can just search that term as a radio listener.
They admitted, what, a month and a half ago, yes, if anybody has a weapon in Pakistan or Afghanistan, and basically everybody has a gun there, it's Wild Wild West, that the
Army and the Air Force separately, then they have the CIA also running drones, literally guys in suits.
So the CIA now has its own branch, I guess the fifth branch of the military, with the contractors.
There it is, no-name terrorist, now CIA drone target, CNN.
And they just go on to report that if you have a weapon, we kill you.
And they openly say it's collateral damage.
If there's a wedding with 500 people at it, and they kill a couple hundred of them to kill that one person they think may be Taliban or Al-Qaeda, that's okay.
And now the Pentagon is removing the pain rays, the microwave guns, from Afghanistan and saying they weren't really that useful, but that they will be deployed in the United States.
And of course, that was in the San Diego paper a few months ago and other newspapers that they are deploying the pain rays against the American people.
So, you can't really legally use it against foreign enemies, but hey, American enemies?
You know, the evil Tea Party people that are constitutionalists, that support the Bill of Rights and Constitution, they are the enemy of this foreign offshore banking cartel that's taken over the country.
Business Insider's got a good article.
Says, get ready for one day of talk about Afghanistan, ten days of talk about WikiLeaks, and the future of the media.
Today the White House is dealing with the fallout of this weekend's massive Afghanistan document breach.
But now you know that last night the New York Times, Der Spiegel and The Guardian simultaneously produced reports
On the staggering document cash published by the increasingly influential site WikiLeaks, which paints an ugly picture of the war in Afghanistan.
But again, looking at these documents and the reports on the documents, it's everything that was already admitted.
It's accurate info.
And this is not what the establishment wants to see or hear right now.
So I don't see how WikiLeaks could be the bad guys, unless they're trying to set the precedent
With good info to later give people bad info.
Or, I can see the argument, well this info is already known.
I mean it's kind of like they arrest people that follow the orders to torture in Afghanistan and Iraq.
I mean, scores of these contractors and army people are serving long prison sentences.
And then Bush comes out a month ago and says he'd ordered the torture and he'd order it again.
So, there does seem to be a certain flaunting of all of this, but I don't know.
It's all cloak and dagger.
And of course, here's another article dealing with the WikiLeaks situation.
condemns release of documents on Afghan war.
Pakistan said the disclosure of
92,000 classified documents on the war in Afghanistan wouldn't affect its relations with the U.S.
or its role in the conflict.
The White House condemned the leak.
These things have been regurgitated from time to time by the media, by low-level officials, without any endorsement by the U.S.
The spokesman for Pakistan President said in a phone interview from Islamabad, there is nothing much in this.
I tend to agree.
If you actually know what's already come out and what's been admitted, I mean, the massacres are all admitted.
I mean, they'll just line up hundreds of people and shoot them.
They've got giant torture camps where they admittedly torture people to death.
I mean, it's... They've got them all over Europe.
They've got them in the U.S.
They've got them everywhere.
Regardless, we'll continue to break it down.
On the other side, and your phone calls, got a lot of financial news, police state news, and some key oil spill news coming up as well.
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We're going to be going to your phone calls coming up in the next segment.
Another issue I'd like to hear from callers on is the fact that Rush Limbaugh came out on Friday and said that it's the ruling class versus the country class.
He said blue blood robber baron families run the government and are basically getting corporate welfare and hate the American people and want to destroy this country.
And I'm not really even praising Limbaugh.
I'm just giving credit where credit is due.
I certainly don't trust him.
As soon as the mainline Republicans are back in office, I would imagine him to continue with his neocon pro-war, pro-torture, pro-drug war propaganda.
But the fact that Rush Limbaugh, the biggest media figure in this country, nobody has more listeners,
He's the biggest media event, period.
I went over some of his quotes yesterday on the Sunday show.
It's amazing.
And it cannot be disputed that this shows how far the exposure of the shadow government has come.
And the fact that Glenn Beck's talking about world government and the new world order and is talking about Goldman Sachs being criminal shows that this information is now mainstream.
So I would ask listeners, why do you think they're doing this?
Because I've been monitoring them off and on.
Overall, I think that their listeners are, of course, my listeners, and they just can't get away anymore with denying the fact that there is a world government, that there is a global government being formed, that the power structure in this country is illegal, is criminal, is predatory, and that you have cliques of power that are waging war against the nouveau riche, the new rich, the middle class.
It's just an amazing admission by Limbaugh, and this makes my job a lot easier now that his 20-plus million listeners are now hearing their iconic leader, Al Rushbow, coming out and telling the truth to a certain point.
It shows that to stay in the game, to stay
They're being forced to do this.
MSNBC and CNN have decided to continue to report that world government's being formed as our savior and the Federal Reserve is not private and that if you don't want government health care you're a racist.
And so they're just sticking their head further in the sand and going along with the official line and losing literally almost all of their viewers.
They are in freefall implosion.
They are a joke.
And so we are literally dragging the country from ignorance into enlightenment.
And it's very exciting news.
And so that's why I covered that for much of an hour yesterday.
So if you heard Limbaugh talk about it, or you went to Infowars.com and read Curt Nimmo's story, does Rush Limbaugh finally get it about the ruling class?
Because I've heard him just in the last year
I don't listen often, but probably once a week I listen to a few minutes of it.
You know, the banks are good.
It's okay that Goldman Sachs is getting, you know, tens of billions of dollars in extra profits.
And, you know, oh, the socialists want to take over health care and the insurance companies are good.
The insurance companies wrote the stinking health care bill.
Even the Wall Street Journal admits that.
I don't know.
The fact that Limbaugh and Beck are having to cover these issues is the news story.
Why are they doing that?
That's my question to you, to boil it down to a simple one-line statement.
Why are they more and more telling the truth?
Now, I do monitor Sean Hannity.
I hear nothing but mainline neocon, blue blood, Rockefeller Republican garbage from him.
And that's why you don't see him rising.
He's plateaued and is even sinking a bit.
I think that Limbaugh and Beck want a big audience, and they know where the audience is.
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Okay, we're gonna come back and go to your phone calls.
And then... I've got a bunch of amazing news like this one.
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Ladies and gentlemen, I'm going to your phone calls here in about one minute.
Then I want to get to a story that Kurt Nemo wrote on Friday.
Ocean Energy Institute founder says new hurricane will require Gulf evacuation.
This was said on MSNBC and in a Bloomberg article.
We have another Council on Foreign Relations member, of course, a few weeks ago in the Washington Post saying this thing is, quote, 80 times worse than we had previously thought.
There will be Gulf evacuations when the hurricanes kick up, and we're now entering that season, and blow those hundreds of millions of gallons of oil and methane gas that's being released from the oil, the natural gas, into Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, all the way up into Oklahoma and Nebraska and other states.
Look, I don't know if this is true.
For two months, people have been hyping the end of the world and that there's going to be evacuations in the entire South.
You know, going in 500 miles with really no evidence of that.
Though we do know the government is making preparations in coastal towns for evacuations.
And we know that during Katrina, they used the hurricane as an excuse to come in and confiscate guns and engage in a psychological warfare laboratory.
So I have no doubt that the government may be planning to use this as some type of big political distraction and fake emergency or hyped-up emergency.
I mean, there's some reality to it.
and use that as a distraction going into the election because look at the peak of hurricane season it will be september october november that's the peak it really kicks off in late july starts getting going during august and in september october that's the peak right into november and the election uh... so
I don't know what's going to happen.
I mean, Obama's been lying every time I see him on TV, saying nobody's sick, the 40-plus million gallons of Corexit isn't a problem, nobody needs to wear respirators.
We know he's lying about that.
So if they were going to hype a big evacuation and fearmonger, wouldn't they be fearmongering over the real issues?
So I don't know.
We're getting a lot of mixed messages.
And I'm not even criticizing people that think it's the end of the world and there's going to be evacuations.
I think you will see some evacuations, at least from coastal towns.
And there's the devastation of the economy in these Gulf areas.
But I've seen maps online with no scientific evidence, with bad grammar, you know, with a black line saying, get ready to evacuate, and a red line below it going from Texas through Georgia, everything south of it, Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, saying, you know, get out of there, run for the hills!
And that just doesn't make sense to me.
That, okay, a bunch of this oil comes into shore.
And you've got to evacuate some of the towns.
The issue is, will the Feds be in there confiscating guns again?
I mean, are the Feds going to come out and say, evacuate 200 miles inland?
If that happens, there's nowhere to put these tens of millions of people.
Remember Houston, when they had a hurricane a few years ago, and for days people were stuck on the highway, and some of them dying of heat exhaustion?
All right, I said I'd cover it later.
I'm already covering it now.
I'm going to get more into this when we start the next hour and a bunch of other news.
And we'll take your calls on that subject as well.
But before I go to your phone calls, remember last week how the Obama deception got censored and there was such public outcry that YouTube put it back up?
We are still offering these, but I'm getting rid of this special in another week.
This special is going to go down
Because I can't even afford to reprint these at the price I'm selling them.
When the DVDs I have are sold, we estimate it'll be about a week, Obama Deception will go back up to $19.95 apiece.
Right now you can get four copies of the Obama Deception for $19.95.
That's $4.90 apiece. $19.95.
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Yes, Alex, I've known about conspiracies for over 20 years, and about two years ago I saw Endgame, which focused the thing to me.
Now what I'd like to talk about today is I don't think fascism is the correct term for it.
I'll tell you what the correct term is first, or the one I believe is better, and then I'll tell you why fascism isn't right.
I think it's best described as homicidal plutocracy.
Well, homicidal speaks for itself, and plutocracy comes from the word Pluto, was the pagan god of both wealth and debt.
So the two work together perfectly.
Works better than oligarchy, which is an inferior form of government.
Now, I don't think fascism, because
What you're describing is not a government controlling the private sector, but part of the private sector controlling the government.
And you look at fascism, you had an incorporation of all elements of society into various unions.
And I don't think that's a theory with the dictator who supposedly reflect all of society and
decides uh... various quarrels between them you know and i just don't think fascism's right i think calling it homicidal plutocracy which uh... shows it's basic illegality even allied oligarchy is an inferior form of government is still a government uh... you know they they were the rich people think they're doing the best for them rest of society this is this is much more
Well, anyway, that's my opinion, and I thank you for the time that you've given me.
Well, Peter, stay there, because you're very well spoken, and your information is crystal clear, and I agree with you.
When I use terms like fascism or socialism, those are derivative terms that the general public, in their semantical lexicon, can understand.
And if you look at this system, the closest term to describe it is...
that's in popular use would be fascism because the public sold this is socialism well they socialize our wealth for social engineering to control us but it is a process of consolidation of power in the hands of the mega rich the ultra elite who are predatory against everyone else it is a click it is a mafia
A corporate mafia that's taken control of every major nation on earth, but a handful, those nations that aren't under their control, because governments are generally corrupt, those rogue nations are generally bad as well, and have their own problems.
They're just not as sophisticated and imperial, so they're not the threat.
Libya, Iran, you can list a few others there.
North Korea.
But I do agree, homicidal plutocracy is a good term.
But I would call it a scientific dictatorship, because that's how the controllers describe themselves.
So it is a mafia of royalty, of robber barons, who in the last 150 years said, we want to understand controlling the individual, not just nations, and how to dumb people down.
And the Germans also were competing with their systems of social control.
So it is 20th and 21st century social control and the elites and all their major publications have openly decided to create the final revolution against humanity, a scientific dictatorship that seeks to take control of all industry, all production, all farming, language, it's full spectrum dominance.
to then dumb the population down where they are incapable of revolting because they have been turned into mindless sheep.
As Bertrand Russell said in the near future under the scientific dictatorship engineered by us, in his words, he said us,
A revolt by the proletariat, or the general population, the unwashed masses, will be as unthinkable as a revolt of sheep against the practice of eating mutton, or sheep, for those who don't know what mutton is.
And so it's like saying, you know, looking out your front window, if you raise sheep, and you share them every year, but you also sell some for meat, and saying, yeah, the sheep aren't going to come in our house with clubs and beat us over the head and have a revolt.
And so, for the globalist, world government is only the beginning.
Once it's in place, once you're purely bankrupted and controlled by the nanny state, the health department established in the U.S.
around about 95 years ago or so, in England about 130 years ago, it was founded for social hygiene, racial hygiene, for infanticide, sterilization, drugging of the water, and it's all publicly stated and that's the plan.
That's all being carried out.
The food's poison, the water, the drugs, the vaccines.
And it's meant to block the increase in life expectancy that industrialization brings.
Then the homicidal plutocracy, as you amply describe it, good term you've coined there, Peter.
They then profit on extending life when you would be dying at about 65.
Because of the poisons and things they've introduced.
They can now extend that a decade or so, but they ensure that all of your wealth is then extracted.
And the average doctor is compartmentalized and isn't aware of this.
So, use what term you want.
Scientific dictatorship, monopoly eugenics, endgame dictatorship, homicidal endgame plutocracy.
You can use whatever term you want, but
This is full-spectrum dominance.
If a population, if a tribe really fought the Romans, if a German tribe or an Austrian tribe or a British tribe would submit and become part of the auxiliaries, you'd have the main legions with the auxiliary foreign armies behind them.
If they submitted, they would be brought into the auxiliaries.
And normally, they'd have to submit and let some of their women be shipped off to slavery and their children be shipped off to be gladiators or to be house servants.
You know, submission was a pretty tough lot, but the warrior class would then be allowed to have some whores and have some booty, have some gold, have some goodies, about a third of what the Romans got.
Well, many of the Roman tribes weren't citizens yet.
They had to serve 25 years to become citizens.
But if you resisted,
They would kill everyone, every man, woman and child.
The Israelites did this as well.
They exterminated those in that surrounding area when they took over.
What is Israel today?
And of course other countries, other tribes did that as well.
They didn't invent that.
And then they would also salt the earth so no plants could grow.
In case anybody had run to the hills after the Romans pulled out, no one could resist them.
So, the scientific dictatorship said, look, there's billions of people, they're eating up all the resources, they're a bunch of dumbed-down masses.
You know, I can go to the shopping mall or Schlitterbahn and look at the crowds and they look like hell.
They look dumbed down.
I mean, maybe people look at me.
I look pretty bad.
But the point is, I want to lift those people up, not kill them all.
But the elites look at people and say, we want to get rid of these people right now.
And the globalists say, look, the public's too dumb to even realize what patriots like myself and you are warning them about, Peter.
So why should they even
No, that's fine.
Thank you for giving me the time.
I have nothing more to say except I wish you well.
Well, I wish you well, sir, and God bless you.
I mean, it is painful to sit in restaurants or on the street or swimming in a river and to hear adults speak.
I mean, I remember 30 years ago, people could speak much better than they do now.
I mean, they're like a bunch of animals.
It's like they've been hit by mutation rays.
Doesn't matter what color they are, or what socioeconomic strata, even.
No one says, you're welcome when you say thank you, or they say, no problem.
You know, that means like it's a problem that I'm bringing you a glass of beer at a restaurant.
Adults can't talk.
I have conversations with people with college degrees who make hundreds of thousands of dollars a year, and I'll be using words to describe things, and they say, what does that mean?
Or they'll think I'm showing off.
I have had many of my crew, when they talk about their rights to police, police say, you're reading too much.
We've had TSA repeatedly, when people talk about their rights and TSA checkpoints say, you're reading too much.
Don't use those fancy words with me.
If you see Mike Judge's excellent film, Idiocracy, when he's, you know, 500 years in the future in a court hearing with a judge, the judge can hardly talk.
And just because the guy has, I mean, he's kind of like a blue-collar dummy in the year 2010, but in the year 2300 or whatever it is, I forget the exact date.
No one can even hardly talk.
They can just make jokes and giggle and laugh and people's easy chairs are toilets because all they do is watch television.
Well, I got news for you.
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Alright, I spent 12 minutes with that one caller.
I want to try to get to more of your calls now, but it was a really important point he brought up.
If you underestimate how predatory the ruling class is, you've got a problem.
And finally, Limbaugh, last Friday admitted there's a corrupt, blue-blood, robber baron, these are quotes, ruling class that uses government to expand their power and that wants to destroy the middle class and America.
He finally admits there's a corrupt clique running America.
He's always denied that.
This is a big deal.
It just shows how far we've come.
Now we can have a real debate about this.
And we would have already been able to have a real debate, because we're making Limbaugh and others passe, because they won't cover the real issues.
Very exciting.
Let's talk to Eric in California.
Eric, you're on the air.
Well, thank you for taking my call.
I'm very honored to speak with you.
I'm a proud PrisonPlanet.tv member.
I'm also a former air traffic controller in the US Air Force.
And once the shock of 9-11
My training pretty much disclosed how absurd 9-11 was, but that's not the reason I'm calling.
The reason I'm calling is that, you know, with this whole WikiLeaks story, I kind of feel that this is maybe possibly the beginning of the end of independent news via the Internet.
I almost get the feeling that it's like a
A false flag.
I'm seeing a drumbeat everywhere of the mainstream media needs to shut down the alternative media.
And now because of this WikiLeaks thing, we've got to have a gatekeeper to check things first before it can be put on the web, because this is just too dangerous.
And yes, that's one of the points I was going to bring up.
Very, very dangerous time.
Go ahead.
Well, hey, that's all I had to say, Alex.
Just keep up the good work.
You've enlightened me in many, many ways, and I appreciate that.
Well, let's go back, though, Eric, because the truth is the truth.
And NORAD did stand down.
There were CIA drills of the very targets being hit at the very same time.
We have the police saying, get back, the government's going to blow up Building 7.
I mean, that's CNN.
I mean, we know the official story is a lie.
And we can't just choose to say, well, I'll buy what the government says about 9-11 because it feels better.
Now, as an air traffic controller with the Air Force, formerly, I mean, what set up red flags for you?
Well, you know, 757s are not stealth.
And, you know, we were trained to control planes from hitting one another.
And if beacons went down, if communications went down, as a controller we still had the responsibility to keep that aluminum from hitting.
And so we have a primary target that's being painted on a radar screen that's going off its airway, you know, which is its flight path to its destination.
And their story is that they turn the transponders off.
When I was controlling from 1983 to 87, you know, we could tag those targets and put our own tracking data on it, meaning that, you know, we could tag that target... And they did mark the targets, but then NORAD came in and took control and put simulation overlays and was removing it.
Well, I don't know.
I don't think any of us know because they haven't really talked about it, but what's absurd is that those targets
Those don't go away.
And if we're off course, and you've got a controller that's responsible for that particular aircraft, and he's also responsible for other aircraft that he's controlling, and then this target is getting ready to hit some other controller's airspace that they have to control,
They have to let people know.
And it's not only a controller, but that controller has an assistant next to him, and then standing over his head, he's got a supervisor.
So the whole damn thing is absurd.
Eric, I appreciate your call, but what I'm telling you is we have the tapes.
There were simulations going on to confuse the air traffic controllers.
We'll be right back.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today!
Tyranny is here.
The grim future foretold in 1984 has become reality.
It really says that the state is God.
The United States is now recognized globally as one of the most oppressive police states on Earth.
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This documentary exposes how the continuity of government program has established an all-powerful shadow state.
Police State 4 chronicles the sickening depth to which our republic has fallen.
Prepare to enter the secretive world of emergency dictatorship.
Body scanners, sound cannons, citizen spies, stage terror and cameras on every street corner.
It's only the beginning of the New World Order's hellish plan.
The police state isn't coming.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
I'm going to continue with Cliff, John, Doug, and Mike, at least those calls.
Then I need to get into a bunch of important news dealing with the
Oil, possible evacuations in the Gulf, the economy.
Also, an interesting story I saw out Friday, and it's up on InfoWars.com, where they admit that Prozac levels, going into the Gulf of Mexico, because all the major water supplies end up feeding out through those rivers, is dumping Prozac, most of it passes through you, and making the shrimp commit suicide, basically.
They'll swim right up to birds.
Because it just makes them feel completely confident.
That's the same reason in almost every case, mass murderers, you know, people who aren't psychopaths, mothers who chop their babies' arms off, mass shooters at schools, they're on these serotonin reuptake inhibitors, because it takes all inhibition away.
I mean, I've known women in college that were on this stuff, and let me tell you, they were wild.
Something was wrong with them.
And I'd date them, and then I'd quit dating them, because something was wrong with them.
I'll just leave it at that.
But it makes people very promiscuous, you name it.
It just shuts off the thinking process.
Let's go ahead and talk to Cliff in Virginia.
Cliff, you're on the air.
Well, hey Alex, how you doing?
Good, sir.
I just wanted to talk about some of this WikiLeaks stuff that's been going on.
This is typical of what they do in the mainstream media, is they demonize
People who try to get the truth out.
Patriots become terrorists.
And if you'd allow me, I'd like to relate a personal anecdote along those lines.
If you recall, last September 11th, the anniversary last year, they had a false flag event on the Potomac with the Coast Guard.
And that incident prompted me to write an email at my company.
It's pretty short, if you allow me to read it.
Uh, it's entitled Public Service Announcement.
It was sent with high importance.
It says, Today is the eighth anniversary of the day the Bush administration murdered 3,000 people to enable the illegal invasion of the Middle East.
This level of treason is unprecedented in the history of this nation.
The attacks of September 11th, 2001
We're not only a physical attack, they were a psychological attack on the people of this country in order to sway public opinion for an invasion of the Middle East oil fields.
Osama Bin Laden had absolutely nothing to do with 9-11 and publicly stated that fact.
The American people have been brainwashed, lied to, deceived, and murdered.
George W. Bush and Dick Cheney
Or is this Cliff?
This is Cliff.
Yeah, Cliff, look.
I do call for government people to be brought to justice through a legal court.
But this is a large platform and my show is not the place to talk about executing former presidents and vice presidents.
And so I appreciate your call.
I do agree that 9-11 is a false flag attack.
We know the official story is a fraud.
We know that Cheney was clearly involved.
As for Bush, he's a complete puppet.
But in my position,
President Bush and Cheney could go to prison tomorrow, and all this evil is going to continue.
They are mid-level puppets.
And believe me, this is not the place for you to probably come on air, and even I understand you're saying after a court finds them guilty in all of this, it's just I don't want any violence, or to talk about any violence against Obama, Bush, or any of these people.
We're under extreme scrutiny.
But separate from that,
I don't believe talk about violence is the way to go.
I just want to try to reach out to people and get them to see the larger picture of what's happening, and then we can come together and decide as a society what we're going to do about that.
But I appreciate your call.
Interesting email you sent around at work.
Okay, we'll go to others when we come back after this quick break.
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We are on the march.
The empire is on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Okay, coming up in about 25 minutes, we've got John Young of Cryptome to give us his inside take on WikiLeaks, the organization itself, and these tens of thousands of documents that are damning to the Afghan war that we're now entering the eighth year of.
So that is coming up, and I want to hit some other news before he joins us, so let's go quickly to your calls right now.
John in Washington, you're on the air.
Yes, sir.
I read the New York Times write-up on the Wikileaks leaks and the headline was the ISI was behind a lot of the attacks and supporting and coordinating the Taliban.
And then I watched Fox News this morning and they were just talking about how big of a security breach it was and how this is going to endanger troops
And I know where you're going.
Notice, exactly, I was going to get to that when our guest joins us.
So now, this bolsters having U.S.
troops in Pakistan.
They just announced two weeks ago that U.S.
troops are in Pakistan.
Ron Paul and Kucinich last week
Try to create a resolution that they want the House to pass.
They're now sponsoring it to say this is illegal.
I mean, forget just declaring war.
Now Congress isn't even aware of what's going on.
And so are you saying that this was given to WikiLeaks by the government, by the Pentagon, as a roundabout way to demonize Pakistan?
Well, that's possible, but what I was thinking is, they might have, it might have just been an actual leak, and it actually shows that the whole war is an intelligence operation.
It's sort of a dog-and-pony show by the CIA and ISI.
I mean, the ISI started the Mujahideen in the 80s.
Well, we already know this.
Actually, in 1979, Zbigniew Brzezinski, in the Carter administration brags, he started it, had them attack the Russian-controlled areas, the nations bordering Afghanistan, got the Russian response then to take place, so the U.S.
didn't get involved later,
The United States or the people running our country were involved from the start.
Pakistan's been given nukes by our government.
And clearly they have been working with the United States, with the Taliban and Al Qaeda.
Remember the airlift of evil.
Guys, search engine the airlift of evil.
MSNBC, Newsweek, Associated Press, Financial Times of London.
6,000 Taliban and Al Qaeda leaders just turned themselves in during the Afghan war and were flown out to safety in Pakistan to continue the fake war.
So yes, it is staged.
And you're saying from the documents, you think that means that this adds validity to it?
Yeah, I think, well I think the main thing is to be, once those documents come out, I don't know, is it...
I don't know if WikiLeaks has released them, just gave it to Der Spiegel and the New York Times, but once those documents come out, we should do the best we can to pour through those and get some hardcore evidence of the fraud that this war is.
Well, how do you pour through 92,000 classified documents?
Some of them could be extremely long.
Portions of them have, as you said, been published now by these papers.
And I think Wikileaks, if they're going to release it, they should release it to the world.
And I was trying to look around and found a little bit of it, but not much.
And that is a little suspicious.
So we'll see what John Young and, of course, Wayne Madsen have to say about this, because they're suspicious of Wikileaks.
I have an open mind on it, but I do think we should look at all the angles on this.
What do you think?
I don't know.
I saw Julian Assange did a TED Talk, and the TED people are just screaming globalists.
So I don't know about this.
He's sort of got the bleached hair, and he's sort of an icon.
That could just be him.
It could be he's the face of the free internet.
I don't know.
Who knows?
What do you think?
I don't know.
I'm analyzing it, I'm looking at it, I'm talking to people from every different angle.
I'd like to talk to Julian Assange myself, and he's literally, what, more than ten times emailed us back and forth and says he'll come on and then doesn't.
I mean, how many times is it, Jaren?
Okay, five times.
I just know we've emailed him more than ten.
So he's agreed to come on many times, and we want him here.
He needs to come on this radio show.
Now, his spokesperson, when he was in hiding,
Or Geeta Jones, who's done nothing but good work.
I mean, we know she's for real.
You know, leading the charge against Goldman Sachs, trying to have an internet-free zone where people can go and blog.
I mean, I know she's a great lady.
And I haven't seen anything to be able to say I know he's a bad guy.
But the whole thing is very important, obviously, and we'll continue to analyze it.
I appreciate your call, John.
Doug in Utah.
You're on the air, Doug.
Oh, hi, Alex.
Hey, Bobby.
Hey, I got three points to make real quickly.
The first one, in answer to your question, why are Beck and Limbaugh now looking beyond the left-right paradigm?
It could be that it's just now making a lot more sense to them than it ever did before.
This paper, I read it by Cotevilla, and it's very articulate and very right on.
In fact, I was hoping maybe you would address the last part
Of his paper, which is, I think, about the 9th or 10th paragraph, up from the bottom, where he says, you have to defend the country class to break down the ruling class's presumptions.
The country class has no choice but to imitate the Democrats, at least in some ways, and for a while.
And then he gives reasons why.
It'd really be great to see you analyze his ideas on that.
And then the second thing is, I've been trying to call you for some time.
And can't get through, but at one point, a long time ago, you talked about the Mormons a little bit, and I appreciate how you took a neutral stand, but I just wanted to get it on the record that the Mormons are trying to teach the people that the God of this land is Jesus Christ, Jehovah, and that he has a whole lot to say about the destiny of America in light of these murderous combinations, as he calls them,
That we now see all around us, thanks in large part to your efforts.
And so we're discussing this on my website, outofthedust.org, and I just wanted to get that in.
And then finally, after watching your last interview with Max Keiser, I was so incensed at the bankers that I went down and made sure I got right in the front row of our town hall meeting with Orrin Hatch.
And I confronted him.
I prepared what I was going to ask him from the videos of you and Max Keiser discussing what Max called the banking vermin.
And I confronted him and he wanted to just dance around it.
And I called him on it.
I said, you don't get it, sir.
And he got really angry and he vowed to go after the banking vermin.
Well, he didn't use those terms.
That's Max.
Listen, I've got news I have to get to, but Doug, I appreciate your points.
I don't get into bashing religious groups.
Whether it's Catholics, Protestants, Mormons, Seventh-day Adventists, Muslims, Jews.
I try to just stand up for what's right.
And speak out against government corruption.
And then people can make their own decisions.
So many other shows
All they do is infight with each other.
All they do is just descend into arguing with each other.
And I'm just here to cover what's happening in the world.
And to try to stop the banks from bankrupting our nation by design.
To try to stop World War III with Iran.
And to try to get our troops out of these fraudulent wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, and to try to get a Liberty Bill of Rights culture back.
I mean, that's what I stand for, is getting people to realize there's more going on than what the mainstream media tells them, and to think for themselves.
It's very simple.
And I'm trying to avert a violent revolution in this country.
But the establishment wants that.
And I'm exposing government-sponsored terror.
We have caught criminals that run our government staging terror attacks over and over again.
That's one good thing WikiLeaks did.
What, last year they released a 2004, that was the last year that they know it was used,
An army training manual for captains in the US Army who are in special operations, captains and above, how to stage false flag terror attacks.
And the army admitted it was a real document and said they were seeking to criminally charge whoever gave that to them.
They never found out who did it.
They've criminally charged the army officer that released the gun camera film.
Video footage from the Apaches in 2007 in Baghdad.
Killing kids and laughing about it.
Shooting up the Reuters reporter.
I don't know.
I mean, you weigh this.
I don't like just bashing people without proof.
And I see a lot of people that I respect saying, you know, they don't trust WikiLeaks.
We're going to find out coming up in about 15 minutes.
But I just think all the evidence is WikiLeaks is good.
Now, sometimes they may be fed stuff by intelligence agencies that they want out there.
I'm sure that's going on.
But if you can confirm a document's real, you've got to put it out if it shows wrongdoing.
And my gut tells me WikiLeaks is good.
I don't know that.
I can't prove that.
But we're going to have a discussion about it because it's important.
This is the top story out there right now.
Let's go ahead and jam in another call here.
Let's talk to Mike in Texas.
Mike, you're on the air.
Hey, Alex.
My name is Mike.
I'm stationed here at Fort Lloyd.
I'm originally from Dallas.
What I'm about to tell you might hit home, so I'm sorry to do so.
You might already know about it, but if you do, this might verify.
I just got back from a tour in Iraq a few months ago.
And what I did there was a security escort gunner.
And the best way to describe that would be the opening scene of Iron Man, the people taking Tony Stark around.
That's what we did.
Of course, none of the civilians were near as cool, so it was a little bit difficult.
Most of them are doctors of agriculture and doctors of science.
We transport them all around.
But the most interesting thing, and of course, I have stories about that, but for another time, it's a little bit lengthy.
Uh, but most importantly, uh, one day we had, uh, one of our mission briefings in the very early morning.
Uh, we had two guys come out in, uh, green jumpsuits.
And, uh, they looked like our mechanic's jumpsuits, but, uh, and they were wearing our gear, as far as bulletproof vesco and IBAs and IOTVs.
Um, and I saw on their patch on their shoulder, they didn't have American flags, but they had Austin SWAT patches.
Yeah, from Austin, Texas.
Yes, from Austin, Texas.
Now these are veterans, not veterans of our war, but veterans of our Austin, Texas SWAT team.
And it turns out what they were doing there was training to learn how we set up our military police checkpoints and how we do raids on houses.
Stay there, stay there.
This is key info.
Stay with us.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones, only on the GCN Radio Network.
I remember 12 years ago when the Delta Force was telling Emergency Manager Thomas Sanchez they were preparing for gun confiscation and martial law.
They were just testing and actually finding out who would work with them and who wouldn't.
Then I interviewed the San Antonio Police Chief.
He kicked them out of their town.
Then I went to the Travis County SWAT team and warned them and they laughed at me.
And then six months later, Lieutenant Beck was his name.
Called up and apologized and said, come to my office.
Here's Delta Force's card.
They were here.
Do you know what this is about?
And so all over the country since then, they federalized our police.
It's part of InfraGard.
It's part of the Secret USA.
Last week, the Washington Post reported on 854,000 private corporate chiefs with InfraGard license to kill.
And so you had a corporate takeover of the government.
So they're federalizing the police, but the feds themselves have been taken over, the military's being converted to contractors, and they are training the military on how to set up checkpoints, lock down cities, go door-to-door and take guns.
And now it's admitted in New York and Illinois, the military is going door-to-door in knock and talk.
But Mike, going back to you,
How long ago was this in Afghanistan?
And specifically, Afghanistan is under martial law.
Tell us about the type of military checkpoints you're training them in.
I mean, they thought this was normal.
I mean, give us any information you got, Mike.
But before I misinterpret, this was actually in Iraq.
Oh, Iraq.
Okay, Iraq, Iraq.
And this was, I just got back about six months ago when I was there for a year.
Uh, now, what they were doing is they were saying, you know, they were doing, we were setting up our checkpoints, and you've got to understand, uh, I'm sure that you do know, but in Iraq, it is complete and total martial law.
And it's been going on for so long that the people are completely oblivious that they're even being oppressed.
You would drive through one military checkpoint, get your vehicle searched, and before you even leave that checkpoint, two kilometers down the road, you can see where the next military checkpoint is going to be.
So I don't even understand how they could possibly think that another car could get on the highway from no exit, but there will be another checkpoint just to make sure they did not miss anything.
Now, these checkpoints are set up with barricades, and they have a pullover station with it covered in case they really want to deep search these vehicles.
They have dogs.
Each checkpoint has roughly 12 people, so they make sure to get the vehicles through relatively quickly.
Uh, but it's still traffic all the time.
Now, these people are so used to martial law that when we're driving down the road in our military trucks and we are about to hit traffic, it's too dangerous for us to stop.
So we bump over the median and cross onto oncoming traffic.
Now, if that were to happen here, uh, Americans would be freaking out, pulling off the road, calling the police.
But over there, they just know to pull over and slow down because it's happening again.
It happens all the time.
Now for those that don't know, well here's an example.
I took my children to Tube and the Comal River and we were staying by Slitterbine and leaving Saturday afternoon.
The police were there by the dozens.
And they were taking photographs of the people getting off the tube trucks, because, you know, the truck picks them up at the end of the river, and harassing them, and taking photos of everyone.
And they had a checkpoint and a cover.
And Americans are just being bathed in tyranny.
And now they have Marine checkpoints, Army checkpoints against citizens.
That's admitted.
Did these Austin SWAT team guys understand how they were being acclimated and trained, or did they think it was fun?
I'm gonna be honest with you.
They thought it was fun.
Now these weren't guys that were fresh out of SWAT school.
These were veterans, hardened, that are gonna take what they learned here and go back and train the rest of their buddies and the noobs that come in.
Now, I mean, there's a lot of theories, and I'm sure there's so many theories about how exactly and why exactly the Iraq War started, because there's so many you can't even list.
The Pentagon admits it's a giant laboratory.
One reason is to train a giant cohort of troops to come here for martial law.
Go ahead.
That's absolutely right.
That's all it is.
We've been there, and everyone in my unit, everyone in the Army who's been to Iraq, that's pretty much all you do, is you create martial law, and you're okay with it.
Is anybody seeing through this?
Do they know that the bankers have taken over?
Do they know they're planning to cut our energy off of the carbon tax?
I'm trying to wake them up.
Not many, but enough to start something.
What were these guys' names in the Austin SWAT team?
They had no name tapes.
The only thing on their uniform was Austin Swat.
And they thought it was great that they were out there.
In fact, they were passing out patches to us, like we enjoyed having them out there.
It's totally illegal.
Well, they've expanded Austin Swat, and the city is completely criminal run.
They just rob everything.
The carbon taxes have been passed.
And we just live in a hell because wherever there's money, the parasites are going to be there sucking our blood.
I don't even want to go to New Braunfels now.
I even got a ticket while I was there.
I didn't even recognize my inspection sticker was out.
But they were there.
The cops were just looking at the public like they were T-bone steaks, man.
And don't worry, cops.
America's done.
It's collapsing.
You're going to have your way.
Your children have no future.
Good job, guys.
You've ruined the country for the bankers.
God bless you, Mike.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
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We are back live.
We're going to John Young of Cryptome.org here in a moment to talk about the aftermath of 92,000 plus documents released over the weekend by WikiLeaks.
And he has worked with them some in the past.
We're going to him here in just a moment.
Wayne Madsen joins us for 30 minutes in the next hour to talk about it as well.
Then I got a big news blitz coming up.
That is key information, so please stay with us for that.
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Okay, for those that just joined us, it's the top story all over the news, I'm sure you've seen it, that WikiLeaks has released 92,000 plus documents mainly dealing with the Afghan war and what they say are massacres.
And what I noticed immediately is much of what's in these documents, we haven't had time to go through them all, most of them haven't been released, they've been given to the mainstream media, which makes me question things.
I don't know what's really happening here.
WikiLeaks released an army document a few years ago where they train captains and above how to stage terror attacks and black ops.
They've released a lot of good stuff.
But I know that people I respect, like John Young, have had some questions.
Madsen goes even further.
He's joining us coming up in about 25 minutes to give us his take on what's happening.
Both with these new documents.
And what he thinks of WikiLeaks.
It's also been pointed out by callers, and it is in the New York Times today, that these documents point to the army believing that Pakistan is protecting and working with the Taliban.
Well, our own government, I put up the MSNBC article, it's in my film Road to Tyranny, I put out eight years ago, or three or four months after 9-11, more than eight years ago.
Where they flew 6,000 Taliban and Al Qaeda leaders out to safety.
It was basically a staged war.
And we know the CIA created the Taliban and Al Qaeda.
We know the CIA admitted a month ago they created fake Bin Laden videos.
I don't know what to think of this, and it'll take time to really burrow down into it, but joining us is John Young, kind of the proto-WikiLeaks that's been around for more than a decade, and was one of the guys that helped found what the Electronic Frontiers Foundation and many other organizations, so we know John's a good guy.
And John, give us your take on this big story.
Well, the first thing I'd like to say is that we don't know if these files, and they are digital files.
These are not documents.
These are not paper documents.
They're only digital files.
We don't know if they're authentic or not.
What we have, we have three versions in major newspapers and one version on WikiLeaks, and these are only digital versions.
And apparently the files are made in the field on computers.
And the reason I emphasize that is that digital files are notoriously easy to manipulate, forge, change, and doctor.
And so, none of these three newspaper sites or Wikileaks provides the original files.
They only provide doctored and packaged versions.
And so, Wikileaks has been known to put up original documents, as does my site.
But these are not original documents, and they're only digital files.
So, that has not been pointed out, how easy it is to manipulate digital files.
And many of the world's intelligence services are dumping huge amounts of digital files onto the Internet right now.
And so, we don't know
For sure, whether this is a major revelation or not, or if WikiLeaks has been snookered, or if these newspapers have been snookered, and it hasn't been talked about, actually.
Now, I say this because WikiLeaks in the past has used digital signatures on every one of their documents to prove authentication.
This is the first time they've not done that.
So none of these files are digitally authenticated by WikiLeaks, and we find that curious.
We also find it curious that for the first time, WikiLeaks released documents to major media before they released it to the public.
They've never done that before.
They've always opposed that approach.
So we don't know what this means, actually, whether this is an orchestrated dump of documents, however they were able to get this.
These major newspapers are normally extremely skeptical of WikiLeaks to join this campaign.
And so there are many answers yet to be answered about whether this is a legitimate release of information or not.
So we don't have the original files.
We don't know why they cooked up this deal with these major newspapers who typically don't work together like this.
And there you have it.
Well, I think you've crystallized it well there.
And I had noticed that they'd always had digital signatures before.
I had noticed that they'd always give it to the public first.
And so a lot of things are changing.
And I noticed the last few months the media
Normally tries to ignore what WikiLeaks is doing.
They've hyped and hyped to pique our interest this data dump that now took place and we've seen Karl Rove and others famously inject fake documents say into George W. Bush's
Texas National Air Guard record as a way to try to poison the well to discredit future documents that come out.
But we saw them indict the Army officer that gave WikiLeaks the video of the Apaches shooting the kids and the Reuters reporters.
So I agree with you that this whole thing needs to be examined and we don't know what's really happening but this is unorthodox for WikiLeaks.
It is.
And so, I'd like to hear Wayne's view on this.
He's an expert in this kind of thing.
So, disinformation is big business right now, in digital form, because it's so easy to do.
And I'm surprised that WikiLeaks didn't account for itself more.
And my suspicion is they needed the
We're good to go.
And by the way, one of the things that happens once you get this kind of coverage in major newspapers, it's very hard to go back and get people to look at the original documents, which are tedious, hard to read, takes forever.
So the newspaper version starts to prevail.
And it gets a life of its own.
Now, we know this has happened several times in connection with the Obama administration, where a news report has taken on a life of its own, and it's very hard to correct it.
And so we're very surprised that the, for example, the White House has issued this statement by General Jones.
However, DOD has issued no statements, says we're studying the documents.
We have no statement to make.
So they don't know if they're legitimate or not.
Because they, of course, one of the things that they've done, they've initiated disinformation campaigns using Cyberworld.
They have a whole new command to do that.
And so they know they're pumping out false information themselves.
And so one of the things that's now starting to happen in the cyber world is something called blowback, where your own attacks come back to haunt you.
And we know that they've been going after Pakistan with disinformation campaigns.
And so we would like to see what they're going to do.
Now notice that Pakistan and Afghanistan are saying, what's going on here?
And so they're suspicious that this is an actual orchestrated campaign.
I don't want to add fire to the attacks on WikiLeaks.
We have to think that they're doing their best, but we also know that governments are immensely resourceful in using all sorts of outlets to get their message out.
Well, I did notice that the New York Times is able to cherry-pick from the 92,000 documents and say, oh look, there's evidence in these that Pakistan is helping the Taliban right as the news is announced that U.S.
forces, special forces, are on the ground.
Just a few months ago, the Pentagon lied and said we have no forces in Pakistan.
Now we know they're lying about that if these documents are authentic, and so it's pointing the finger at Pakistan.
And as you know, that's a long-running campaign right now.
And listen, it's all fair.
You know, this is what war is about.
You mount these disinformation campaigns as part of your on-the-ground campaigns.
And the Internet is a favorite way to do this these days.
That's why we've grown a little bit cautious about stuff we receive.
There's so much of this phony information going out in digital form.
Well, I mean, here's an example.
Here's an example.
When I got the MIAC report from a police officer, and then from another federal officer, I got a Homeland Security report, I called the phone numbers on it.
And I did data searches and found out that that was an FBI office I was about to call.
I called.
The person said, who gave this to you?
You know, let me put you to my superior.
And I kind of flummoxed him.
And they said, yeah, that's real.
You're not supposed to have that.
And plus, I'd already seen previous documents they put out that had been released and declassified in decades before, and I knew it was ADL, Southern Poverty Law Center.
I could even search whole paragraphs and find it in ADL, Southern Poverty Law Center reports.
So I went on air and I said it was real, and they later came out and had a congressional investigation, they had a statehouse investigation, and confirmed they were real.
But so many documents I get, I just say, delete that out of the inbox.
There's no way to find the providence of that.
Uh, and again, I don't have a big crew, and I'm pretty much the only person I trust, uh, you know, because my butt's on the line to be able to go forward with stuff.
So most stuff I've been sent goes right in the shredder or gets deleted just because, I mean, absolutely.
I mean, because most of the stuff I get sent is disinfo.
Well, your term provenance is a good one.
Because you know, in many fields, this is crucial to figure out whether something is fraudulent or not, is to have a traceable provenance.
And in the digital world, this is extremely difficult to do.
But it turns out, Alex, you probably know, and Wayne can talk more about this, there are tactical means to trace a digital document below what most people have access to.
There are spores and clues that are left in that, unless it's very thoroughly sanitized by professionals.
In fact, all computers put secret codes in the text, printers put secret code in the text, and then every time the computer makers and printer makers get caught, they go, oh, it's an accident!
But no, I mean, they've got a data stream in all of this.
Well, here's one of the technical things, and I'm not an expert, is that everything that goes over the internet, as you know, is broken into packets and then reassembled.
An expert can trace those packets backward, because that's how the system is able to reassemble the packets.
And it's a well-known spy technique to trace through this packet route, not the entire file, but the packets contain the code for their reassembly at the receiving end.
So, unless you sanitize it very carefully, if something's gone over the internet, an expert can go right back to the source.
Now, that's not well-known because these people capable of doing that want to keep it secret.
Well, the best way to do it is from a computer that you didn't buy from a store, and then to pull up outside of a coffee shop, jack into their network, and use something like a Gmail account, because then there's almost no way for them to track it back.
And I don't want to sound too mysterious here, but I'm saying, well, the technology is pretty far advanced, so a lot of the stuff that we read in the newspaper about capabilities is not all there is to it.
Only because the how to do this is so valuable, is that it's just not going to come out.
So, one of the things, one of our critiques of WikiLeaks is that they're blowing sunshine about the protection they offer their sources.
I happen to have looked at their site a lot and watched it over the years, and it is completely leaky.
Their site is a consumer-grade snake oil about protection.
Julian Assange, who's very skilled at this, probably knows that.
The thing is that only a person who's been at this for several years knows what's wrong with it.
So I call it a consumer-grade protection.
But it's not something that would ever keep an expert from getting into their stuff and tracing it.
But experts never tell you what they're doing, because that's too valuable to keep it to themselves.
And so Wikileaks, now it's quite false, but Wikileaks has another site that they handle very sensitive stuff.
And this consumer grade is just for consumer stuff.
And that, as you know, intelligence agencies have multiple ways they move communication, including all the phony ways.
So one of the things I'm intrigued with WikiLeaks is whether they actually think that their site, because they have page after page after page of the ways that they protect people.
And that's the usual sign of snake oil, actually.
You're over-promising.
And I don't know why they're doing that.
Because it doesn't make sense to security experts to go on and link this way.
It's a sure sign of deception.
Well, you know the army officer that reportedly gave him that video.
He didn't get protected too well, but the word is he shot his mouth off.
Well, you often see those stories.
It's what I call the lost laptop story.
It's called a misleading story about how it happened.
Uh, and so there are a number of subterfuges out to cover up how people are actually traced.
And some of them, you say, my God, how could they have been so stupid?
So how did someone get drunk at a bar and lose a laptop?
And so, lost laptops are something of a joke as a reason for orchestrated leaks.
So we actually don't know yet.
By the way, WikiLeaks is aware of this.
They, their talk was about whether, about the reality of the Bradley Manning ploy.
And so that, uh,
They've never owned up that this is a legitimate story.
Well, we can also get a bird's eye view into what's really happening here.
By the way, the media responds, analyzing the way they're putting these reports out, the angles they're going with this story.
At your preliminary investigation, at your gut level, from decades of researching this, Mr. Young, what do you think's really going on here?
A willing suspension of disbelief.
That many of these reporters are not technically adept about information security.
And they so much want a heroic person like Assange that he's just working them like Madoff does.
I call it media entertainment.
He's a very entertaining guy.
Now wait a minute.
First you're saying you think they're trying to do a good job and you don't want to bash him and now you're comparing him to Madoff.
What I'm saying is that he's doing a good job of promotion of WikiLeaks.
He's really media savvy.
He's a very photogenic guy.
He's a good performer.
He's got a side that looks very appealing to someone who's not very technically adept.
And so he's a human.
And that's what skilled fraudsters are good at.
Alright, well here's my concern.
Here's my concern.
I think, and callers have broached this as well, that they're going to use this to quote, have a gatekeeper and the whole echelon NSA takeover of the web.
In fact, they're already actually saying that.
That, oh, because this classified stuff keeps getting out on the web, we've got to have everything go through a gatekeeper first.
And that's the way that the establishment is going to announce the fact that everything's already going through a gatekeeper.
That's already seen in the works.
But having lived for 500 years,
There's an answer to that.
There's always another answer to that.
And so I can say this about WikiLeaks.
I think they've kicked the ball down the road a little bit further.
That I think that they have potentially exposed some communication vulnerabilities that will be closed.
On the other hand, new ones will come along and there'll be people who come along after WikiLeaks learning from their experience.
I'm sorry, learning from them.
Stay there.
Stay there.
Final segment with John Young of Cryptome.org.
I'm Alex Jones with InfoWars.com.
Stay with us.
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Remember five years ago, a couple hundred photos from Abu Ghraib got released.
It turned out that Congress was given one day
By the Pentagon, I guess, because the Pentagon's the boss of Congress.
Everything's backwards.
To look at thousands of videos and photos, and they admitted it showed children being raped, tortured, and a lot of evidence showed that those photos were actually leaked by the government because they knew that more of this stuff was about to come out as a way to whitewash it, and they released some of the more tame abuse.
That was going on that could kind of be laughed off I mean I've seen so many confirmed reports of torture people being killed massacres in Afghanistan and Now you see all this stuff coming out.
Oh look
I don't know the truth about WikiLeaks.
And I think they've done a lot of good work.
I mean, a lot of the stuff I've seen them put out, I guarantee you, the Pentagon's not happy about, and they've confirmed it's real.
So I guess this is a hall of mirrors that we're in, but time will tell.
John Young from Cryptome, any other points you want to add along this line?
That's about it, Alex.
I mean, what?
Correct me if I'm wrong, but early on you did work with WikiLeaks some, correct?
For a month.
And then what made you pull out?
Well, is that they said they were going to raise five million dollars the first year.
And I said, you can only do that by corrupt means or by governments funding you.
And I don't want to be part of anything like that.
You've got to establish credibility first.
So they kicked me off the list.
And I still think that's what they're up to.
I think they're going to monetize this operation and start selling stuff on the black market if they're not already doing it or selling it to the news media or selling it to the governments.
It's a honeypot.
But it's also a potential black market operation.
And so I'm just saying that's what it looks like to me from the outside.
You go there and you look and you see this and if you don't suspend disbelief, it stinks.
Well, that's what Madsen says.
Of course, he worked with the NSA and others.
He's made connections to Soros and others, and he says they want to make Iceland kind of a backwater where they can selectively decide what they want to release, basically like Karl Rove burning the ambassador and the CIA people, that this is a way to fence that information out.
Well, and the issue here comes back to the fact that we don't actually know who they are or how they operate or what the money is or anything else.
And so their lack of, and I hate the term transparency because it's terribly abused these days, but we don't actually know what they're up to.
And so that just looking at what they say, they certainly behave like fraudsters.
And so I'll just say, look at the obvious.
They're not behaving like trustworthy people.
Trustworthy people are not discautious.
They don't exaggerate their accomplishments.
They don't lie about who they are and what they're up to.
They don't withhold this information.
But people who are up to no good do exactly that.
And you're saying WikiLeaks has done that?
I mean, at the start of the interview you said that you thought they were trying to do some good things.
Well, I'm saying is that the intent of putting out documents without going through authoritative sources is a noble goal.
But the way they're operating
I don't
Well, John Young, I know you've got integrity.
I've watched you for more than a decade and your great work to keep the internet free and open.
And you too!
Well, thank you, sir.
And I appreciate you coming on with these tough questions.
We respect your opinion.
I'm going to be neutral on this because, I'll be quite frank, I'm in over my head.
But we're glad we've got you here to confer with us so we can try to, over time, figure out what's happening.
But we really appreciate you and all your work.
Thank you very much.
You bet.
Take care.
You bet.
We're going to come right back with Wayne Madsen, hour number 3, 70 seconds away.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We're live.
It's hour number three.
Big news splits coming up in the last half hour.
Wayne Madsen of waymadsenreport.com is our guest.
I'm Alex Jones of infowars.net.
Whatistheendgame.com and jonesreport.com.
Wayne Madsen is a DC-based investigative journalist.
I know whenever I'm watching Intelligence Committee hearings, I can look in the background in the press gallery and see him there on C-SPAN.
He's an author and syndicated columnist.
He's written for The Village Voice, The Progressive, Counterpunch, Online Journal, CorpWatch, Multinational Monitor, News Insider, American Conservative.
Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Columbus Dispatch, Sacramento Bee, Houston Chronicle, Herald, Miami Herald.
He's the author of the best-selling personal data protection, London Macmillan, an acclaimed reference book on international data protection law, Genocide and Covered Operations, co-author of America's Nightmare.
He's a regular contributor on NBC, CBS, PBS, Russia Today, BBC, Al Jazeera, MSNBC.
He, of course, worked with a U.S.
Naval officer, managed the first computer security programs for the U.S.
He subsequently worked for the National Security Agency and Naval Data Automation Command, Department of State, RCA Corporation, Computer Science Corporation.
He's a senior fellow with Electronic Privacy Information Center, EPIC, a privacy public advocacy group, imagined as a member of the Society of Professional Journalists.
I don't think so.
But Wikileaks, and black ops, and dirty tricks, and basic sneakiness.
And so, we're going to break here in three minutes, but Wayne, we can talk about what these reports look like to you, how they may use it to censor the internet, what you think of Wikileaks.
You've got the floor, let's go over it.
Well Alex, what I've seen with what the reporting, these 90,000 documents are, the highest classification is secret.
Now we know that the intelligence community is over classifying things.
So, really, what do we have here?
Do we have anything that's really earth-shattering, or do we have something that probably could be found on the front page of any daily newspaper?
We know that from these leaked documents that there's a mess in Afghanistan and Pakistan.
Well, we already knew that.
We knew that from Ambassador Carl Eikenberry's cables back to
Washington to the State Department that stated that, you know, backing this guy Hamid Karzai is a total disaster.
And so what do we know that's new?
What we have here are three newspapers selected for these leaks.
The New York Times, The Guardian in the UK, and Der Spiegel in Germany.
And I think all three are problematic when it comes to leaks.
Because these are well-known papers that work like hand-in-glove with intelligence.
Absolutely, and we know that Der Spiegel, for example, is pushing for the war against Iran.
They supported the United States in the Russian war in South Ossetia against Georgia.
We know that The Guardian has some links to George Soros.
And again, we know that Soros and his friends like Cass Sunstein are big promoters of WikiLeaks.
Which is bizarre, because we've got Sunstein saying, censor the internet.
This looks like it could be their excuse, but that's what I noticed yesterday and today, reading these articles, is notice they're saying, oh look, it shows that Pakistan's helping the Taliban, right as the West wants to go into Pakistan, and admits we have special forces on the ground.
So, it's very suspicious.
Wayne Madsen, stay there.
Let's come back.
And go over all of this and talk about the fact that these communiques, 92,000 of them, are in digital format.
So we'll discuss it all straight ahead with Wayne Madsen.
I'm Alex Jones.
You're listening to the GCN Radio Network.
GCNlive.com is the website.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, investigative journalist Wayne Matson has worked with the NSA, written for some of the biggest newspapers in the country, is our guest.
Bottom line, we're only a few days into this WikiLeaks situation, reportedly documenting massacres in Afghanistan, but that's already been in the news.
From your well-researched position, what do you bottom line thinks going on here, Wayne?
Well, there's a number of journalists, long-time journalists in Washington who are very suspicious of the motives behind WikiLeaks and these so-called leaks.
It's clear that WikiLeaks has been engaged in a big fundraising operation, and the John S. Knight Foundation actually turned them down for a grant because they just didn't think that they passed
The smell test.
And as I say, there's many people, first of all, the job of any journalist is to protect their sources.
Now this guy, this Army private who supposedly leaked some of this information to WikiLeaks, he was outed by a guy out of San Francisco who had a relationship with WikiLeaks.
We're good to go.
I don't know.
I think it's significant.
Today is the anniversary of the 1988 internet worm launch that was launched on the internet, brought down a lot of computer systems, defense, government, corporate computers.
And the guy who released it, Robert Morris Jr., released that worm from Cornell University.
His father was the
That's exactly where I was going, and perhaps WikiLeaks, if this is the case, doesn't know that they're being used.
But you notice that right as they're trying to pass cybersecurity, it's passed the Senate committee now, to admittedly take over the web, funnel everything through the NSA, to gatekeep and to surveil.
Right as this happening, we've seen the last year, cybersecurity command that's already been set up and operating, the Air Force has said,
We're going to launch attacks on ourselves to test this.
And now they're trying to use this as a way to say, oh, we've got to start gatekeeping the web to stop security leaks like this.
I mean, I just see the timing of all of this really doesn't pass the smell test.
But I've also seen some good work by WikiLeaks.
But at the same time, isn't that what an intelligence group or a private corporate intelligence group would do?
I mean, you know, any double or triple agent is going to put out some good information so that the other side, whatever that side is, will then start taking the bait.
Well, you've got to establish your bona fide credentials, and that would be all part of that, to give people the appearance that you're actually engaged in leaking information.
Now, a lot of people are looking at this as the Pentagon Papers Redux, but it's totally different because
The Pentagon Papers, there was no question as to their authenticity when they were released by Dan Ellsberg.
But in this case, as you mentioned, these documents are in digital form and we know that the neocon stock and trade is forgeries and misinformation and disinformation.
And I would be very suspicious of anything that comes in over the transom in just digital form.
48 hours into this, you've been analyzing the way the news is covering it, Der Spiegel, The Guardian, and The New York Times, and I see them trying to say, oh look, Pakistan's working with the Taliban.
I mean, out of the gates I see it being used against Pakistan, and Pakistan is in the news today saying, we find this to be very suspicious.
Well, also, you know, I noted in the Guardian article that they went to pains to convince the readers that they paid no money to WikiLeaks for these documents, that WikiLeaks had no editorial control, were not involved with the writing of the story, and that they double-checked a lot of the information with other sources.
My God, what are you double-checking?
This information, you can double-check any major newspaper or any other news website and then find out that the situation in Afghanistan and Pakistan is disastrous.
So, we're not breaking any new ground here with these so-called revelations.
Well, that's like the lithium story.
There was a Russian report from 85.
There was a 2001 and 2002 U.S.
They knew that lithium was there.
I mean, they know there's trillions of oil there.
What did you make of that supposed leak that we were really there for the lithium?
Well, I think that, you know, there's a lot of people that would then say, oh, well, we have to be in Afghanistan because we need access to these critical national security resources.
Yeah, I was very suspicious of that, as I'm suspicious of any time there's a discovery of oil or some other critical natural resource like coal pans, which has allowed the U.S.
to increase its military presence in Central Africa.
Wayne, I want to be specific, though, because I don't know Julian Assange.
He seems like he's done some good work, but I respect you.
I respect John Young from Cryptome.
And I've seen a lot, most of what you've talked about, unfortunately, has come true.
So I know you're a really good source.
And I believe that you believe you have well-founded reasons to not trust them.
But going back, are you specifically saying that this Julian Assange guy is a famous hacker involved in going after U.S.
military computers in the 80s?
Well, this is the background of the WikiLeaks group.
One of the principles with WikiLeaks has been associated with the Chaos Computer Club in Germany.
I think the fact is that these people travel around the world.
They say there's government agents after them.
I think that there needs to be more transparency with this organization.
Well, their comeback is, well, we have to be secretive because of the information and the people we're dealing with.
Well, if this Private Manning is any indication of how they protect their sources, they're dismal failures, because this guy's looking at years in prison because he was outed by one of these people that was associated with WikiLeaks.
That's not how an investigative journalist deals with their sources.
They go to great pains to protect their identities, and so far, their track record gets a big fat F.
What about the providence of these documents?
Young pointed out they had digital signatures on them before, that they were actual physical documents, scans of those, and that this disgorgement of 92,000 plus documents breaks with two things.
They're entirely digital.
A, they're text, they're not copies of paper.
Uh, their digital text.
B, they didn't disgorge them to the public first, as they've always done.
They went directly to powerhouse mainstream media establishment groups like the New York Times that help lie about yellow cake and aluminum tubes in Iraq.
Oh, absolutely.
I think with the track record of the New York Times and the track record with Der Spiegel on Iran, I think we have to be very skeptical.
Now, to be fair, the WikiLeaks, they were criticized before for not engaging the media, the journalists, but I think
I think they went the other direction here by selectively making this information available to some media sources that have shown themselves in the past not to be all that trustworthy.
What does your gut tell you, Wayne?
Well, my gut tells me that this could be, even though the Obama White House is criticizing this quote-unquote leak as terrible, I think we have to look.
There's a lot of people in the military who think that this foray into Afghanistan is a large cause that we ought to pull out.
Is the White House, you know, are they shedding crocodile tears over this?
Or do they see a long-range opportunity to start to convince the public that, look, this is such a failed policy, maybe we need to think about some sort of withdrawal?
Well, if that was the case, interrupt.
If that was the case, and hold that thought.
Then we would see that mirrored in the mainstream news, and we've suddenly seen a lot of big Republicans, the Republican Party chairman, and many others saying, Afghanistan is Obama's war, we need to get out of there, and we've been hearing the Pentagon say that.
And so I think that adds a lot of validity to what you just said, Wayne.
Right, and what do we have coming up?
We have a big election coming up, and the Democrats are being seen as possibly losing a number of seats in the Senate and the House, so this could be an effort at some sort of damage control.
This could be what I call a controlled hemorrhage.
Uh, leaking this information.
The White House says, oh, this could put our troops in jeopardy.
Well, you know, I mean, we already know it's a mess over there.
How are they going to be in any more jeopardy when they release, uh, the highest level secret, which, with over-classification, that would at best be confidential or, or for official use only, or unclassified in the past.
Yeah, because Ellsberg's reports, those were the highest level government and think tank analysis from the big brain bugs that the war was a complete failure, not battlefield communiques.
No, yeah, right.
The Pentagon Papers came out of the RAINN Corporation, which was basically writing policy in Vietnam and Indochina.
So, what we have here, you know, what do we have?
Emails, cable traffic between US diplomats and State Department.
I mean, where's the criticality here except for the fact that these documents all approve what we already knew, that
There's a lot of dissension in the ranks with this totally messed up policy we have in Afghanistan.
That also gives validity that it's real and Wikileaks is doing a good job because that's the type of thing they're going to be leaked is something that a captain or a colonel who's mad can put on a memory stick and give to them.
So it's just a hall of mirrors.
I want to come back and talk about the Cybersecurity Act itself and the end of the free internet as we know it with Wayne Madsen straight ahead.
I'm Alex Jones.
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Big News Blitz coming up.
Wayne Madsen's our guest.
Wayne, they passed the Cybersecurity Act out of the Senate Committee, as you know.
It's publicly the end of the free Internet, if they're able to get it launched and carry it out.
The public is starting to wake up to this.
And as a security expert and Internet expert, give us your view on the future of the Web.
Well, I think the idea of the President having the authority to throw a kill switch should send shutters down everyone's spine.
We have to look at the three Senators who proposed this, who really shepherded this through the Senate.
Joe Lieberman, and we don't have to say anything more about him, but the other one, Susan Collins from Maine, but the other one, Jay Rockefeller,
From West Virginia, and you know, I mean, that last name should tell everybody who's behind this and what the motives are.
Well, we know his quote, we would have been better off without ever inventing an internet.
You got Lieberman saying, we don't want to censor the web, we just need the power that China has to control it.
Well, and China does effectively control the Internet.
They have their own search engine called Baidu.
They didn't like Google.
Of course, now Google apparently has settled its problems with China, but many websites are blocked in China.
And is that what Lieberman's referring to?
He's putting China up as some great example for this country to follow?
I mean, I can't believe the people of Connecticut
We're good to go.
Wayne, I want to bring up two other points with you.
You probably didn't hear it, but last Friday, Rush Limbaugh came out and said there's a blue-blood elite in New York and D.C., the banks are ripping us off, they want to destroy the middle class, and the Republicans are controlled by the same elite.
He's always acted as a gatekeeper to deny that we have a corrupt oligarchy running things.
He really went far
Uh, on Friday.
Is that because if he doesn't do that and change with the times because the public's already waking up, uh, he won't be relevant?
Or is there a fight within the establishment?
What's your view on that?
Well, I think he's trying to be like you, Alex.
He probably sees your ratings and his ratings, and he figures he's got to repackage himself and rebrand himself.
You know, if he really believes this, I say, you know, welcome to the real world, Rush Limbaugh, but let's see if he maintains this stance.
It may change with time.
Well, I tend to agree with you.
Lastly, really chilling news here.
Haaretz reporting, Jerusalem Post, Associated Press, ex-CIA chief says strike on Iran seems more likely now, and that even if they don't get a nuke, they need to be attacked.
This from Hayden, amazing statements.
It seems that the drums for war are really intensifying.
Give us your view from being inside the beltway there, what the chatter is.
Is this getting ready to be green-lighted?
Well, of course we have the Republicans in Congress trying to get a resolution passed to support an Israeli attack on Iran.
So, absolutely there's a lot behind all this noise.
I would point out that Michael Hayden is in business now with Michael Chertoff.
And the two minutes we've got left, what type of catastrophe?
Well, look, the first thing the Iranians will do, they're going to attack the Saudi oil fields.
They're going to close the Strait of Hormuz.
We've already got Hugo Chavez in Venezuela saying if he's attacked from Colombia, which is the host of seven new U.S.
military bases, courtesy of Obama, that he will cut off oil to the United States.
I think we're talking about something akin to the oil blockade of the 1970s, only probably 20 times worse.
And we now see the military priming the propaganda saying that they think nuke components are being shipped from Venezuela via ship to Iran.
That's a perfect way to attack Venezuela and claim because they were helping with weapon systems.
Well, of course, and here we go with the phony intelligence, which, again, I reiterate, that is the neocon stock and trade.
False intelligence, bogus intelligence, forged documents we saw with the war in Iraq, and we're seeing it play out all over again.
What's the time frame on an Iran strike?
Well, I said in 2004 there were plans to try to do it before the November election.
I think we're looking at electioneering politics, and what better way to rally support for the White House than to have a war with Iran in, say, early October.
We'll keep watching it.
Thanks for your help.
Wayne Matzer, Report.com.
Wayne, we'll talk to you again soon.
You bet.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Okay, let's go ahead now and get into more of the news.
And I had seen this story last Friday from Kurt Nimmo.
And now in the aftermath of it, I want to discuss it because I get, no exaggeration, hundreds of emails a day, phone calls, message board comments.
People on the street, people that I know, saying, Alex, why aren't you talking about the looming evacuations of the Gulf?
Well, I have talked about a Council on Foreign Relations member a month ago who told the Washington Post that he believes it's going to happen and it could be 20 million people.
I have talked about other people in government that have discussed it, but I don't know if that's true or if that is indeed going to happen.
Now, the hurricane season is starting, and it's going to run right through November, right into the election, and most of the oil is offshore.
The rig is 50 miles off, and most of it's plumed out in the currents even more south.
And some of it has gone through the Keys towards the Atlantic.
And if the hurricanes come in on their tracks, driving it in to Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Florida,
Hundreds of millions of gallons of oil hitting the beach will be a catastrophe.
But I don't know if that's going to happen.
And I want to be careful here.
I don't want to feed into the government's hype.
I mean, I've become more sophisticated.
It doesn't mean I'm sophisticated.
I'm saying I've become more sophisticated as time goes on.
We didn't know what was happening in January of last year, a year and a half ago.
We just knew that the military and FEMA were preparing police departments for all-out martial law, telling them there was going to be a flu pandemic that was going to kill millions.
And we got the state of California, the state of New York, Illinois.
We got the documents.
We got the eyewitness reports from emergency managers.
That they were being told this was going to happen.
Then, when out of season in the wrong hemisphere, this novel flu pops up, the H1N1, I went on air and I said, this could be real, or it could be hype, or it could just be a drill for federalization.
I don't know.
And then we saw doctors being told at the state level, in Texas and other states, that it was much worse, the deaths were much worse, this was in April, and the following months,
April, May, and then into June.
And within a month and a half, I knew it was a fraud and just a hoax.
But we saw doctors being told by the feds there will be mass death, it's real, so they would go out and then scare everybody.
And they weren't bad, they were repeating what they'd been told by the feds.
So yes, if that oil comes in, if a large percentage of it comes in, and it starts backing up in the rivers and estuaries, and it's off-gassing methane gas, we could have a serious problem.
But we don't want the feds to over-hype it, or use the internet to over-hype it, as they did the flu, to then get everybody totally afraid, where they buy into a forced evacuation,
You know, 50 miles, 100 miles, 200 miles in, that will cause a collapse of the economy in those states, and nationwide to a certain extent, and will be used as a political diversion going into the election.
So let's go ahead and go over this report by Kurt Nemo, where he quotes Matthew Simons, founder of the Ocean Energy Institute.
Ocean Energy Institute founder says new hurricane will require Gulf evacuation.
Thank God that storm deteriorated and didn't turn into a hurricane and is now broken up.
But the season is just getting started and they say it's going to be a doozy of a hurricane season.
The U.S.
National Hurricane Center has warned that a weather system near Cuba, centered between the islands of Acollons and Great
Inagua, if I'm pronouncing that right, may move into the Gulf of Mexico this weekend, reports Bloomberg.
But again, it didn't.
But what happens with the next one?
In response to the approach of the tropical cyclone, BP workers in the Gulf of Mexico have stopped drilling a relief well and preparing to evacuate.
But they were able to stop that on Sunday.
...reports the BBC on Wednesday.
National Incident Commander Thad Allen said a tropical storm in the area would push back the timetable 10 to 14 days.
Matthew Simons, founder of the Ocean Energy Institute, told Bloomberg on Wednesday that a leak near the Deepwater Horizon site may require an evacuation of the Gulf Coast in a hurricane strikes the area.
Some five to ten miles away is what NOAA research vessels have provided as a deep oil leak that is growing by the day and is very toxic oil and its gases are very lethal and basically we have a hurricane now, we need to evacuate the Gulf Coast, Simon said.
That's a pun, Simons.
Simons also said BP has covered up the severity of the oil gusher, as it has told the truth, they would go to jail.
And then we go over all of that, and it goes on, on June 24th, Matthew Simons, who's a member of the Council of Foreign Relations and subscribes to the Club of Rome's Limits to Growth propaganda, says he's also a proponent of peak oil.
So it just sounds like he's out there hyping it.
Uh, and I'm not saying we shouldn't be concerned.
Uh, just my opinion is this could be used as a diversion and a distraction as another federal takeover drill, just like the flu was, which they now admit is a fraud.
British Medical Journal, EU, 47-member board, uh, Wolfgang Wudarg, we had on.
But we're gonna work on getting both these individuals that are quoted in this article on the show as soon as we can.
Okay, let me continue now with other news.
I'm just going to quickly go through headlines now.
This is from the Daily Mail.
The internet license fee.
Viewers who watch TV on computer could be charged from next year, hence government minister.
That's out of England.
The same thing is being promoted by the FCC here in the United States and the Federal Trade Commission.
So they really are talking about this.
Media Matters is engaged in more hoaxes.
Right-wing, and that means George Soros is, right-wing bloggers push rumor that Mexican gangs have invaded the US.
Well, in Texas and Arizona, they've got federal signs up in Arizona, 80-plus miles in, saying, don't go in this national park, don't go in this state park, don't drive down this road.
There is law that is attacking and killing people.
People are in fear in South Texas.
There are Mexican troops coming across the border.
That's San Antonio Express News.
There are firefights happening.
And they just come and say none of it's happening, kind of like Congressman Stark a month ago in California.
They said, sir, things are falling apart in Arizona.
80 plus miles, you know, is being taken over.
He said, there's no border problem.
Remember that quote?
There's no problem.
No problem.
There's not a problem for him.
Collapsing the United States.
Remember a few weeks ago, Harry Reid.
Told the reporters that there's no illegal aliens working in construction in Nevada.
Turns out they have the highest rate in the country, 36 plus percent.
So there's no world government, there's no illegal aliens, there's no problem there.
A big report by Kurt Nemo at Infowars.com.
Once again, corporate media turns on bloggers.
We have the video clip at the bottom of the article.
I don't have time to play it.
There is a whole bunch of mainstream news media, in fact there's a bunch of these videos posted in here, where they say we've got to have a gatekeeper on the internet.
Why, we've seen this poor lady that worked for the federal government with the white farmer comment and the internet was able to do that and we need to be able to shut them down because it's dangerous.
What about the mainstream media lying about WMDs?
What about the mainstream media trying to lie all the time?
Again, they can't survive up against the alternative media.
When I can have an operation that runs on one one hundredth or less of what MSNBC does and have close to the same viewership and readership as some of their top shows, they've got a major problem.
Continuing, I saw this report last week but now there's more out on it from Salon, National Geographic,
And others.
Shrimp on Prozac are killing themselves.
A study shows that drug traces in our water, in our wastewater, can affect marine life behavior.
But can crustaceans have feelings?
And in major prestigious reports, government studies find that shrimp are just swimming right up to birds and being eaten.
They're overconfident.
They've had their governors removed.
They've had their compulsions removed.
They've had their fear level.
And this is what the studies when they approved Prozac in 81 had shown.
That's why it's now on the drug insert.
That, oh yeah, most of the time you're going to be having a great time.
It's a hallucinogen.
It's in a psychotropic category.
But some days, if you get angry, or you don't take the right amount of the medication, or you try to go off of it, or you mix it with other things,
You will break and go in and kill 20 people at a school, or you'll chop your baby's arms off, or you'll put your kids all in their car seats, chain them in and drive them off a cliff.
In every case, in every case, they've always been on it.
And I've talked to so many police, they say they'll pull up at
To a call, and there'll be a beautiful, naked woman, in one case a cop told me about, cutting herself with butcher knives on the roof.
And then she'll just jump off the roof, breaking her legs.
She's on Prozac, or a serotonin reuptake inhibitor.
And they found the same thing with shrimp.
Shrimp will just come up and start attacking crabs, when the crabs are just gonna eat them.
Or they will... They will just come up to the surface and not be afraid.
Their inhibitions have been taken away.
And it goes on.
Study shows that drug traces in our waste.
Here's the National Geographic.
Prozac pollution making shrimp reckless.
Antidepressant's key ingredient is flushed into coastal water, study says.
Well yeah, think about it.
Six million people metro.
You got upwards of 15% on Prozac.
Most of it's passed through the body.
You got all those other towns.
All the major water supplies end up from the entire company dumping out in the Gulf of Mexico or on the Atlantic or Pacific Ocean out of these rivers and estuaries.
And you've got the shrimp, and that's what the studies have found, they're just full of it.
But then there's all the drugs and chemicals and fluoride and pesticides that are also running into the water.
And the shrimp
There's also reports about the feminization of fish and frogs.
Large percentages of them are bisexual, or they have both sexual organs.
And remember, we're drinking this water too.
We're not just taking these drugs, we're drinking it as well.
So if it's doing this to shrimp, and to frogs, and to fish, and to alligators that are turning into hermaphrodites, what is it doing to you?
Well, we see all of these same symptoms in humans.
But this is done by design.
And AP did a study two years ago finding they found levels of serotonin reuptake inhibitors, Prozac is, you know, the main brand name of one of the variants, at levels many times higher than should be there from simple runoff from sewage.
They're adding it to the water.
And then I have Fox News clips promoting Prozac in the water, and statins, and lithium.
So, here's the newsflash.
They're already doing it.
There's no happy ending for shrimp exposed to mood booster Prozac.
Remnants of antidepressant drugs flushed into waterways worldwide are altering shrimp behavior and making them easier prey, experts say.
To mimic conditions in the wild, scientists exposed the estuary-dwelling shrimp to the antidepressant, uh, fluorextine, or fluoxetine, at levels, it's just a fluoride, that's what Prozac is, it's a fluoride molecule derivative, scientists have said on the show, at levels detected in average sewage treatment waste, and it goes on to say,
Fluoxetine is the key ingredient in the drugs Prozac and Seraphim.
Shrimp normally gravitate towards safe, dark corners, but when exposed to the chemical, the shrimp were five times more likely to swim towards a bright region of water, the team discovered.
The behavior makes them much more likely to be eaten by a predator, such as a fish or a bird.
See, and this is what the public's like.
They're like zombies on fluoride, which is a similar molecule to this,
And the Prozac people are on.
And that's why, when they started death education federally in public schools in 1991, even 2020, they report on this in 1994.
I covered, I have screenshots of it in Police State 2, The Takeover.
They go in and they say, we're going to teach you eighth-graders how to not commit suicide for a week-long class, and they show them videos of a girl strangling herself with her shoelaces.
And then the little girl takes her shoelaces off.
She's depressed.
She's got zits.
Her boyfriend broke up with her.
She's 12 years old.
She walks into the bathroom on the coat rack.
They're even removing the coat hangers in the bathrooms around the country.
You can search that term.
In fact, search schools removing
Coat hangers from bathrooms because of suicide and they just thought they were taught how to do it and they just hang themselves and they're always on serotonin reuptake inhibitors.
They're highly suggestible.
You're like, why doesn't the public care?
Why aren't they involved?
Why don't they wake up?
Why don't they get angry about the banks looting us?
You're on fluoride.
It makes you docile.
It's the main ingredient in Prozac.
It makes the shrimp and the frogs and the fish do the same thing.
You're being chemically hit.
It's 100%.
Whether it's on purpose or not, and we know it's on purpose.
But whether it's on purpose or not, we know it's doing this.
Now, do you care about your family enough to wake up to it?
Well, you can't.
You're on fluoride.
The ingredient of Prozac.
So you can't.
You can't.
You've been chemically lobotomized.
We'll be right back.
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One more point on the shrimp.
They go on to report that it's concentrating not just in shrimp but other animals.
And then we are eating the shrimp and other fish.
We're at the top of the food chain.
So we take the Prozac.
It goes into the water.
It goes into other water supplies.
Humans drink it.
They're adding fluoride that has a similar effect.
It's the base chemical that they're making it out of.
Then that goes out to sea.
The shrimp then eat it.
We then eat the shrimp.
The fish eat the shrimp.
We eat the fish.
And we're at the top of the food chain, so we are just a toxic brew.
So there's that Prozac story.
In other news, I've got to move quick now.
5741, National Compulsory Bill, we call it the Slave Bill, that's up at GCNlive.com.
Rob Dew just wrote this article.
GCNLive.com also on InfoWars.com.
HR 5741 bill now in committee.
And it's a National Mandatory Service Act, not just for the military, but to serve in other groups.
We also have the article about Rush Limbaugh.
It seems starting to wake up.
Clash of the Classes.
Does Rush Limbaugh finally get it?
That's also up at GCNLive.com.
And I'm trying to find my final news that I wanted to hit, which was so exciting.
Ah, here it is.
This is in the New York Times.
But they're horrified in this report.
They say cities and counties that own all this land?
They're going back to the Homestead Act of 1862 and selling state and county land and city land to citizens at low prices.
God forbid to raise money.
There are many states that upwards of 90 percent, like Nevada and Utah, are federal.
And then the rest of the land, most of it, is state.
And the feds have now created legislation to buy even more land up, instead of empowering our economy and having people become landowners.
But it says cities view homesteads as source of income.
It hardly sounds like a prudent scheme, but it's a bit of deja vu that is exactly what this small Nebraska city aims to do.
Oh, and it's terrible, you know, the city's hogging all this land that they got when they were incorporated through the Homestead Act that was meant to be for people to stake a claim to.
You're supposed to, all that federal and state land, you're supposed to get it.
It's supposed to be yours.
You're supposed to be able to get 40 acres of that.
No, no, no, no.
And then you can improve it and sell it.
So imagine the New York Times, these globalists that represent the trillionaires, the people that run the planet, they don't want you having a piece of state or federal property and paying for the stinking thing.
You're not even supposed to pay for it.
Supposed to pay a little filing fee for the claim office.
Oh, it makes me mad.
These people are so sick.
They want you bankrupt.
Here's another one.
Here's some more good news.
This is out of AP.
suburb residents march over high city salaries.
Thousands of city employees, some of which are being paid $787,000 plus bonuses.
And the citizens point out they've raised taxes, the roads aren't being fixed, 40,000 of them live in poverty in the town.
in the suburb and they are angry and they want the mayor Oscar Hernandez and others to stop being paid so much money.
Government paychecks are going up for the bureaucrats, going down for the people.
So, people are starting to really figure out who their enemies are.
Here's another report.
I see these every day.
City terminates all but two in police force.
Well, you know what?
It says the small Texas town
Of Coffman County, the Combine City Council laid off their only deputies.
Well, there's already county police, county sheriffs.
You know, we don't need cops to just write us tickets and then let the illegal aliens go.
So another issue is we don't need all these cops.
But you notice, where do you always see the cops?
Where the money's at.
Because they're there sucking off everybody for the government.
They're tax collectors.
That doesn't mean we don't need some police.
More and more, they're just tax collectors.
So that was interesting and quite informative.
Jeb Bush is setting his sights on the White House.
Give me a break!
Great job, crew.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
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