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Name: 20100723_Fri_Alex
Air Date: July 23, 2010
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We've got him.
The transmission is coming to you.
We're live, ladies and gentlemen.
It is Friday, the 23rd day of July 2010.
For the next 30 minutes, we have an exclusive interview with Governor Jesse Ventura.
Of course, with this hit TV show now going into its second season, they're producing Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura.
He has had trouble all over the country.
Most of this we can't talk about because it's the TV show, but now the harassment, the Homeland Security surveillance has gotten so bad that the governor wants to talk about this pattern here today, and we're very honored that he contacted us yesterday to give us this exclusive.
I'm also playing my own part in the show as a consultant.
But the headline at InfoWars.com by Curt Nemo, exclusive Jesse Ventura talks with Alex Jones about government harassment of his TV show, and it is really intensifying.
Governor, thank you for joining us.
Hi Alex, great to be here and again I come on the air with you Alex just to inform the public out there of exactly what's going on with our U.S.
government it seems.
Well we appreciate you coming here first, sir.
Well, you know, ABC or NBC or none of them are going to hear what I'm going to talk about.
You can bet on that and I know that this is a place where freedom speaks.
Have you had a chance to see the ABC News story that tries to make a joke about the harassment?
It says Jesse Ventura brings his conspiracy theories to the Capitol.
No, I didn't look at it.
But you know, what they always say in the entertainment world, any publicity is good.
Absolutely, as long as they get your name right.
Governor, break down the latest or the history of this, wherever you'd like to start.
You know, the latest is, of course, we're doing, it's the second season, so they told me that I could do an episode on the murder of John F. Kennedy, which, to me, is the corner post.
That's the killer of everything, the downfall, in my opinion, of our country in the last 50 years.
Because if you can murder the President and get away with it, what can't you get away with?
And what we did, we wanted to take a finishing shot, very humble, of simply me standing in front of the eternal flame at Arlington National Cemetery.
No talking, no anything.
And bear in mind, Kevin Costner did it in JFK.
They filmed him there.
Well, we went to this character, this Ken Hawes,
We're good to go.
So obviously it didn't filter to the guy on the ground.
This was happening in the upper echelon, trying to do it the correct way.
But I went to my Congresswoman, Michelle Bachmann, immediately and I said, what is this?
And she got outraged.
She said, you have First Amendment rights.
Let me read what happened real quickly here.
On July 22, 2010, we called back and asked to speak with Mr. Haas.
We were told that Mr. Haas was in Chicago filming blah, blah, blah.
Nevertheless, the gentleman we spoke with said that he had discussed the matter with Mr. Haas and said they considered the topic of your particular episode inappropriate.
After receiving Mr. Haas' cell phone number, we called him in Chicago to find out why you were not allowed to film at Arlington National Cemetery.
According to Mr. Haas, Arlington National Cemetery has a policy of prohibiting stand-up filming.
Additionally, Mr. Haas stated that you were denied in part because of the nature of your television program.
Specifically, he stated the topic of your particular episode, which alleges that the United States government was directly involved in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, is contrary to the mission of the United States Army.
Now, first of all, we don't say that in the episode.
The episode isn't even finished.
How would this guy know it, Alex?
How would he know at all what position we were taking on this?
We were merely investigating it.
Governor, this is incredible.
You have the Army trying to set the precedent at a national park of who can film and can't and saying no one's allowed to when the news media is down there every week.
I see it constantly.
This is so dangerous.
Stay there.
We're going to come back from a quick break.
Pick your brain about some of the other things that have happened, but expand on this.
But what a dangerous precedent where the government says you can't film at national parks unless we agree with your message.
Since when is the army running this country internally?
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Again, it's Friday, July 23, 2010.
Governor Jesse Ventura joins us live from California.
The last few days he was in D.C., part of a pattern of the government trying to block his First Amendment rights and selectively doing this for people's political or views, period, just on the country.
Governor, for those who just joined us, recap what's happened, get more into what Congresswoman Bachman is saying and the Army trying to block you from a national park.
Well, what happened?
We're doing a show on the murder of John F. Kennedy, and apparently the Army doesn't like it, and they're in charge of Arlington National Cemetery, and the gentleman's name is Ken Hawes, spelled H-A-W-E-S.
For those listeners out there that were as outraged as I am, I'll give you his phone number.
Again, 310-235-7621.
We're good to go.
That's not true because Kevin Costner got filmed there for the movie JFK with Oliver Stone.
You see it in the film.
Additionally, Mr. Hawes stated that you were denied in part because of the nature of your television program.
Specifically, he stated, the topic of your particular episode, which alleges that the United States government was directly involved in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, is contrary to the mission of the United States Army.
So now the Army bureaucrats are deciding what Americans can do inside the country.
Apparently, they have control over what you can film.
I was a governor, a mayor, I'm a U.S.
Navy Vietnam veteran.
John Kennedy was a Navy man.
I'll bet you if President Kennedy could speak out on this, he would be more than happy to let me film at his eternal flame.
Well the issue is I've seen the news many times filmed there and as you mentioned it's in many films and documentaries and the film JFK which is saying it was a government operation so they're clearly discriminating against you and it just shows this atmosphere of government control where the government's involved in productions of movies where the army will try to block people even interviewing people in the military.
You know what the bottom line is Alex?
These people are supposed to work for us.
We pay their salaries.
It's called paying your taxes.
That's what irks me a great deal, is the fact that I pay this guy's salary, and yet he has the ability to deny me from getting photographed by whom I consider the greatest president in my lifetime at his eternal flame?
Because he happens to not like the content of my program?
And where we're going?
Because some of us believe the Warren Commission's a crock of you-know-what?
You know?
And we still seek the truth, even today?
By the way, on another subject, she wouldn't go on air with me, it's kind of the same subject, but I did sit down with Marina Oswald for two and a half hours.
Wow, tell us about that.
Well, you know, she wouldn't go on the air, but I think the most dynamic thing was this.
She said this to me, Alex.
She said, nobody cares anymore.
And I tried to convince her that yes, we do, because this is the cornerstone of corruption.
If they can kill the president and get away with it, then they can do anything.
And I said, it's important that history and we learn the truth, no matter how delayed it is, if indeed that we've been lied to.
And she looked me right in the eye and she said, would you sacrifice your children for the proof?
And I looked at her and said, no.
And she said, neither will I. That means she's being threatened.
Well, it doesn't mean she's necessarily being threatened, but it means that certainly she feels that there is still a threat out there that if maybe she spoke out and said what she really felt, that her children could come in some type of danger.
At least that's, you know, the way it was intimated to me.
And that's what I took from it was that
She's still very protective of her children, and she's 69 years old now.
She speaks pretty good English, and she's been married to her husband, Mr. Porter, since two years after the killing.
Of course, the wife of Lee Harvey Oswald, her husband clearly set up.
It's now admitted that he was CIA at that airbase in Japan and that they had him infiltrate Russia and then brought him back.
Of course, the film JFK covers all of that with historical accuracy.
Governor, off air you said, boy, the government sure is acting guilty, not just with this JFK thing, but everything.
Everything we look into, Alex, the government behaves like they're guilty in hiding something.
Let me put it to you this way, and I won't say where I was, but I've now been tailed and put on by Homeland Security.
I've been tailed by the Coast Guard.
And we don't do anything illegal, Alex.
Everything we do on the show is above board.
We try to go through proper channels, and we simply, if something requires us to go on the water, we do it in international waters, or waters that are supposed to be free to the public.
But yet, we tried to hire a boat, and when they found out what we wanted to do, none of the fishermen would take us out.
You know why?
Because anybody on the coast now, their licenses fall under Homeland Security, and Homeland Security can pull their license if they don't like what they're doing.
I like to refer to Homeland Security today as the Gestapo.
Oh, absolutely.
You've got almost every major federal agency under it.
And now under the REAL ID Act, they want you to have to have a federally licensed through the state ID card to even be able to work.
It's a total tracking system.
And you also went somewhere where you were threatened to be shot.
Well, yeah, they have areas in the country where they have signs up that say lethal force is authorized, which I find unbelievable.
Whatever happened to a trial?
Whatever happened to going to court?
You know, how can you be judged purely in execution or one fails fruit?
Now, I'm not saying that they necessarily have or did, but there's areas in this country where they've posted that lethal force is authorized, if you cross this line.
And there's not even a fence, it's just you cross some magical line on a dune buggy, you're dead.
Well, you could be.
It's not saying that you are, but they're authorized to take you out with lethal force if they desire.
Well, Governor, I mean, as you know, in 1947, the CIA got unlimited money, funding, and secrecy, and if you've got 60 years of a group being able to operate with unlimited funds and power, I mean, they've been caught shipping in narcotics, they've been caught engaging in assassinations, and they just think this country is their own private whorehouse.
Well, you know, and unfortunately our elected officials are allowing them to get away with it.
You know, we need to, you know, get back our country and remember always, Alex, that we the people, when this country was formed, we were supposed to be the priority.
It was supposed to be a country of citizens first, government second.
But it's not that way today.
Government is number one, and we citizens fall by the wayside because everything is directed towards the government and the survival of the government.
Governor, I know you've been busy shooting, but earlier in the week, Top Secret USA came out.
Two-year Washington Post investigation, 850-plus thousand private corporate chiefs.
That's close to a million, with the highest level security clearance there is.
And the Washington Post described it as a complete takeover of society.
So we have a private corporate system that's giving itself government power.
Oh, I wouldn't doubt it.
I said that probably about 10 years ago.
I said, the internet right now is the only thing where you can, you know, have total freedom on there.
But I said, rest assured, the government will put high priority on getting control of the internet.
Because that's the one place you can go to, supposedly, and have freedom, and they're not going to allow that.
You know, more and more I'm seeing our country becoming under the thumb of corporate America, not even... Well, it's like, you know, it came out in the article that I said, I now am very clear on why we're in Afghanistan, Alex.
It has nothing to do with terrorism and Bin Laden, that's all a big red herring.
We're there for the lithium.
Did you see that story a month ago where they found $8 billion of lithium over there?
I mean, think about it.
That runs every cell phone, computer, and soon-to-be electric cars.
The only way to get to Afghanistan is to get the lithium.
Now, why won't they just be honest and say that?
Well, they went on to admit that it could be potentially a trillion dollars, and that they knew this in reports before they invented it.
It's also about the trillions in oil in that region as well.
Right, you know, and that's the reason we're there.
All this stuff on terrorism, you know, put it this way, terrorists are like a motorcycle gang.
You know, they're out there, yes they do exist, and there is a possibility that you could run into them very minute.
But they are not what this government is making us believe.
They are not like the Nazi Army.
They are not like the Japanese Army of World War II.
They're not a country out there.
They're just small groups of criminals that are involved in criminal activity and you have to deal with them.
But to put our country under lock and key and take our rights away from us.
Absolutely, and every major technology firm out there is getting massive government contracts to spy on the American people.
They've completely butchered the Bill of Rights and Constitution.
All these groups have the motive for the terror.
They stand to gain from it.
Did you see the Financial Times of London with one of Obama's advisors, Robert Shapiro, saying of if, in fact guys print that quote for me, that if Obama doesn't have an Oklahoma City or 9-11 soon, his political
Well, how would Oklahoma City or 9-11 help him?
Well, okay.
Well, all I know, Alex, is that, you know, I fully expect within ten years that we're going to have to have national ID cards and you're going to have to show them to go state to state.
Oh, they're already saying that we've got a national ID card and they do want you to have it for anything.
Governor Jesse Ventura is our guest host of the hit television program Conspiracy Theory.
I'm Alex Jones.
Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com are our websites.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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Alright folks, final segment with Governor Jesse Ventura.
Don't forget, the film's now being censored online.
The Obama Deception, and of course, Fall of the Republic, available at InfoWars.com.
Since I mentioned it, top Clinton official, only a terror attack can save Obama.
Financial Times of London, the bottom line here is that Americans don't believe in Obama's leadership.
Sid Shapiro adding, he has to find some way between now and November of demonstrating that he is a leader who can command confidence in short of an
9-11 event, or an Oklahoma City bombing, I can't think of how he can do that.
Governor Ventura, is that chilling?
Well, unbelievable.
I mean, that they talk about that an event has to take place to have confidence in your president, what, that he can fight a war, that we have the strongest military in the world?
We've already proven that.
You know, I just find it outrageous that someone would say that, and what they'll do for political gain.
Well, it's very brazen.
They think we're a bunch of idiots to be talking like that openly.
Governor, in closing, let's talk about the issue of the First Amendment and give out that number one more time.
We're good to go.
Take pictures of it and live with it?
And then it goes on to say, uh, additionally, Mr. Hall stated that you were denied in part because of the nature of your television program.
Specifically, he stated the topic of your particular episode, which alleges the United States government was directly involved in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, is contrary to the mission of the United States Army.
Now, first of all, Alex, they didn't know what's in my show.
My show hasn't aired yet, so they're simply assuming what's in there.
And then they're denying me because of the content of the show.
John Kennedy was looted in Dallas, and if you don't go along with the official story, you are not allowed to film at his eternal flame.
I guess if you do go along with the official story, maybe then they'll let you.
We didn't ask that.
But again, his name is Ken Hawes.
His phone number is 310-235-7621.
Once again, 310-235-7621.
And I'd love for all real Americans to give this guy a call and give him a piece of your mind on who in the hell he thinks he is.
Well, Governor Jesse Ventura, if we don't hang together, we'll certainly hang separate, as Benjamin Franklin said.
Separately on this issue, though, you said that Michelle Bachman, the Congresswoman from your state, is very upset about this.
We need to have an investigation or, I mean, pretty soon the military will tell us how to wipe our noses.
Exactly, and what's the military doing inside our country telling us things like that?
The U.S.
military is supposed to protect us.
Not from ourselves.
They're supposed to protect us from foreign invasion or foreign powers.
But it seems they're becoming too much involved internally in our country, which I think, Alex, is part of the plan.
And your book covers a lot of this.
It's so jam-packed, American Conspiracies, and incidentally, it's available at InfoWars.com.
You get a free film of your choice when you get the book, American Conspiracies, at InfoWars.com.
It just covers basically all the key issues.
I think it's Jesse Ventura's best book and is a New York Times Top Ten bestseller.
We've only got about two minutes left, Gov.
So much is happening, but it sounds like this second season is even more adventure and action-packed than the last one.
I think it's going to be.
It certainly is being more adventurous in doing it.
I guess we were under the radar the first year we did it, but now it's aired on TV, so we've obviously gotten the attention of the United States government.
There's no doubt about that.
And what, 8 to 10 episodes this season?
Yeah, 8 for sure and possibly 10.
We're doing 8 for sure.
We've almost completed half of them now, so half of them are just about ready to go into the editing room and be put together into a final form and then we got the other 4 to do before October and it should be on the air I'm guessing around mid-October sometime.
That is, Alex, unless Mr. Haas has something to say about it.
I'm sure if they ask for his input, my show will be censored and not allowed on television.
I don't know.
You tell me.
To me, they're overreaching their bounds dramatically, and this Ken Haas guy should be relieved of whatever his duty is.
Well, we talked last time, a month or so ago, about an awakening.
I am seeing an awakening, so I hope the pendulum starts really swinging against all this tyranny.
Me too.
Alex, I gotta run.
You take care, and I'll keep in touch, and I'll let you know anything else that goes on.
Alright, Governor Jesse Ventura, thanks for keeping us abreast of the situation.
Thanks for defending the First Amendment.
Take care.
Goodbye, Alex.
Alright, there goes Governor Jesse Ventura, about to go do a big interview on his JFK.
Uh, investigation.
We appreciate him contacting us and giving us this exclusive breakdown of what's going on with the production.
There's a lot more happening behind the scenes, but I'm not at liberty to talk about it.
But it'll be coming out on the TV show in the fall.
Stay with us.
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I'm going to get into a bunch of news right now before I go any further.
This radio show, our news websites, everything we do at Infowars.net, PrisonPlanet.tv, JonesReport.com, all of it is having a bigger and bigger effect and we are
Targets of the establishment.
We are being demonized.
We are being attacked in in many ways that I'm looking at revealing in the next week or so here on air.
I'm not sure.
I'm having to talk to council about it.
I was doing that this morning, but we've always wanted to have a big effect.
We wanted to try to save this republic, save this nation.
Things are getting so real.
I mean, you know that.
There is a quickening happening, and I want to thank everyone who has made our work here possible, who have made PrisonPlanet.tv and the websites and the radio show and the films possible, and I want to encourage everybody, now more than ever, to get all the different books and videos and materials we carry at InfoWars.com, because your purchase supports us financially and allows us to do what we do, but that's really secondary.
The main mission is waking people up, and the American people need to see fall of the Republic.
And Invisible Empire, New Order Defined, and of course the Obama deception.
The system does not want you to see this information.
They do not want you to go to prisonplanet.tv and to download my films and to burn them to disk and to give them to everyone you know, because the truth is contained in these documentaries.
And it's having a really big effect.
It's having a giant effect right now.
And we need to continue what we're doing and expand it.
Because rock and ruin is where we're going if we don't reverse what's happening in this world.
And we know if we lay down and do nothing, the bad guys are going to win.
I shot a video a few days ago that we posted titled, The Road, an Allegory for Life, and it's...
Gotten tens of thousands of views, but I wanted to get hundreds of thousands and then millions subsequently because I think it's some of the most eloquent information I've ever laid out.
So I would encourage everybody to go to our YouTube channel and to get that video for everybody.
In fact, guys, will you pull that video up?
The road and allegory for life.
It's up on InfoWars.com, PrisonPanda.com and on the Alex Jones Channel at YouTube.
What was that?
In fact, I had meant to air that today, and then I'd forgotten that I wanted to air that, so we're going to play that coming up here in just a few minutes, because it ties into the film The Road, but also ties into everything else we face as a society.
I mean, we openly have the NSA running around
Spying on everything we do and giving corporate governance, governmental power over our society.
This is absolutely untenable.
And it's something that we must resist and face up to.
We know real tyranny when we're facing it.
We know what bonafide tyranny and corruption is.
And it is a very strange feeling to be here on air and to know that of all the people out there fighting the New World Order, we're in the top two or three organizations.
It's amazing to know that all of this is going on and all of this is happening.
Were you guys able to find it?
Are we ready for it?
Alright, I'm gonna go ahead and play this clip, this video clip, The Road, an allegory for life.
We'll come back and hit some very important top stories.
But, uh, here it is.
I recently had a chance to watch the film, The Road, based on the novel by Carmack McCarthy.
And to say that this film is a masterwork is an understatement.
This is probably the most powerful film I have ever seen.
And it has so many different messages that operate on so many different levels.
It has archetypal snapshots from things that have happened throughout human history.
And it really is a story about the good guys versus the bad guys.
And how tyranny and barbarism is the great enemy of civilization and humanity.
And how love is such a wonderful virtue.
And that it isn't until times of great adversity that we see the worst and the best in humankind being expressed.
It made me think of a Victor Hugo quote from the French philosopher.
Adversity makes men
And another quote by John Quincy Adams.
Being a student of history, this dystopic near future film was very unsettling.
I don't have nightmares about Big Brother coming to get me.
I don't have nightmares about my children dying in car wrecks.
I don't really have nightmares.
And I've been having very disquieted dreams.
I wouldn't even call them nightmares since watching this film.
Because I have studied Leningrad and the close to a million people that died in that siege.
And the years of cannibalism that sustained the population under the Nazi onslaught.
I have studied what happened, of course, in Rome and during the different phases of its collapse.
I've looked at Hiroshima and Nagasaki and the hundreds of thousands killed by the A-bombs at the end of World War II.
And this film has a pro-Second Amendment message.
I mean, if you don't have a gun during this collapse, you're in deep trouble.
I've seen that Hollywood meme of victim disarmament being pushed over and over again where you always see these horror movies and things where nobody's got guns to fight back against the killer, which is just asinine.
It never really telegraphs that message of how important the gun is and how it could be used in the hands of bad people for oppression or in the hands of the good guys to protect themselves and their family.
But the overall message in this film is intense love and commitment and the love that a parent can only have for their children and really a growing experience that you have that's built into us in our very genetic code.
I think?
And then if you love your children today, don't you love your unborn great-great-great-grandchildren just as much if you could hold them in your arms?
Why then would you go along with illegal wars of aggression like Iraq and Afghanistan?
Why would we accept the new good guys on shows like 24 torturing people's children in front of their parents to get answers?
Why are we basically being dehumanized by design?
And the modern system that we're all living under right now is a form of creeping death, where the social engineers literally traffic in our psyches, in our souls.
And people have lost their empathy and their humanity and they've been made so envious and jealous and so self-centered that they lose the greater sense of community.
And we are literally submerged in toxins and additives and GMO, all of which on record have been designed to reduce our fertility and to cause increases in cancers.
And the entire world population
...is fascinated now with catastrophe and collapse films because at a subconscious level, the subconscious mind is much more powerful than the conscious mind, and the human computer knows that humanity is in a crisis on so many levels.
But we can't recognize it because it's not a truck coming over a hill, you know, with 15 cannibals in the back that are planning to butcher you and your son.
It is a scientific corporate board that analyzes future trends and that tracks everything we're doing to where they can not just predict the future in mass movement or individual movement now with Google NSA type software, but they can also guide the future and create false trends through the Madison Avenue PR machine.
And so we're losing our human destiny.
We're losing our connection to the land.
We're losing everything that makes us human.
I mean, it is a horrific thing to have all these government textbooks and documents that we cover on the show where they admit they're poisoning the water, they're poisoning the food.
Sperm counts are down by over 80% in the Western world.
To know that HIV was a genetically engineered bioweapon.
To know that they are purposefully adding mercury to the corn syrup.
To know that they're feeding GMO crops to animals that is causing them to become sterile and it's passing on these chemical toxins to humans.
To know that the
uh... bt corn that grows its own natural pesticide is wiping out the bees and then all the studies it's causing massive organ failure in lab rats folks that is even much more horrific than this nightmare dystopic film that is perfectly presented one spectrum of human collapse
And it also has some global warming propaganda in it about the atmosphere collapsing.
But what's strange is NASA just put out a report this week saying that they've seen the greatest atmospheric collapse in the last hundred years of recorded history in 2008 and 2009.
But NASA was actually honest and said it's because the sun
became uh... semi-dormant and was not putting off any coriolis uh... solar flares and so that the earth itself has actually cool in the last decade it was heating up uh... and at that cooling trend
And that ionizing radiation that forms cloud nuclei has not been there in the last decade, and so the atmosphere began collapsing.
Thank God the sun just flared back up.
We now know that giant asteroids hit the Earth conservatively every few hundred thousand years.
And it's the same with megavolcanoes, like the one in Yellowstone.
We know it's not happening every 10 or 15 million years like scientists previously thought.
We know that the sun is not stable, that it cools off and heats up.
We know that we are living on a tiny little blue-green jewel floating through space way out in the boondocks.
And then when you read the globalist plans...
Where they openly want to destroy the family and basically mechanize humanity and turn us into basically biological androids.
You realize that the threat in the short term isn't asteroids, it's not global warming, but that it is the elite with their open-air genetic engineering.
I mean, I just saw last week a major university study with this new salmon they've approved that within controlled conditions they did tests and that the genetically engineered chimera, it's a cross species, it's only part fish,
Extincted the other salmon within 40 generations and that's 40 generations in the open sea We know that they've for over a decade have part spider part goat chimera creatures genetic Mutations that create body armor in their milk.
We know that the major GMO companies aren't just coming out with eight
We're good to go.
And they write about this, and the establishment, in articles written by Bill Joy and others, have openly discussed the fact of, do the elites even need humanity?
Or are we garbage that has to be taken out?
And you read the official United Nations plans to reduce the world population by at least 80%, and you realize that this entire world government, in their own words, is being built as a kill grid.
And what's crazy is, it's so horrific, even though it's publicly available information, the average person can't face it.
Once you've seen The Road, you'll understand what I'm about to say.
But it totally resonated.
We all know Veritas.
We know truth because it's something that was already in us.
And we see it as self-evident when another fellow human being has experienced and thought the same thoughts you're having, but just from a different perspective.
And that these men and women could come together and make this film.
That this author could write this book.
I don't know.
It lets you understand how important goodness is, and love, and honor, and family, and self-defense.
Are you with the good guys?
Or are you with the bad guys?
And do you carry that fire inside you, that even as we're becoming nihilistic and more and more evil, and even as people look around them and say, everybody else is evil, I'm gonna be evil.
It's saying, no, I'm going to carry the fire in myself.
I'm going to be good.
I'm going to try to be pure.
I'm going to try to be loving.
I'm going to try to be honorable.
It doesn't mean any of us are perfect, but you're striving.
You're carrying that fire inside of you.
And so I salute the filmmakers, and I salute everybody else who sees this film and is touched by it, because this is truly the greatest masterwork in filmmaking that I have ever seen.
Okay, that's my review of the road.
If you want to send that out to folks, because it has a lot of key issues laced in it.
It's the road, an allegory for life.
Just search that term and you'll find it.
An allegory for life, the road.
Okay, here's some news.
I'm going to come back and get into two pulled from plane over 9-11 video.
This gets into the hysteria and mind control and the attack on any free speech of any type.
forces step up Pakistan presence.
The Washington Wall Street Journal reports.
The Wall Street Journal, not the Washington Post.
And it just shows how these wars are all being expanded everywhere.
Just like Vietnam started with advisers.
That's how this is starting.
The Jerusalem Post reports, Navy braces for Lebanese flotilla set to try to break the blockade in the next week.
The flotilla of 13 ships, and of course they've
Had a big war with Lebanon three and a half years ago, so more escalations there.
UK admits using D.U.M.
ammunition in Iraq to put a uranium deadly for those that get shot with it and those that also use it.
Iran's government's calling for harsh responses.
Anybody that tries to board their ships in the Persian Gulf, so that's escalating the provocations on that front.
Of course, the last few days you've heard all the media talking about Congress, of any institution in the United States, has the lowest approval rating of any institution and that it's continuing into freefall.
That's because Congress goes against the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the will of the people.
It's an illegitimate criminal group, on average.
The majority of these people are a bunch of global stooges in there just helping carry out the bank robbery of the American people.
So there is a major awakening taking place on that front.
There is some good news.
Dems pulled plug on climate bill.
Now they claimed this a few months ago, but now...
The campaigning is getting so heavy that it looks like it may be true.
Biden announced today that their legislative agenda is over.
They've gotten their new financial dictatorship passed in the name of reform and that now the campaigning must begin.
And of course they're using the race card right now on both sides.
Republicans and Democrats are having race war volleys in the political arena.
But Dems pulled the plug on the climate bill.
Senate Democrats pulled the plug on the climate legislation yesterday.
Pushing the issue off into an uncertain future ahead of midterm elections where President Obama's party is girding for a drumming.
But leaked G20 documents show carbon tax is still high on Globalist's list.
That's from the Corbett Report, linked up at PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com, so they're going to try to pass that at your city, county, and state level.
We'll come back and into some other key news straight ahead.
Stay with us.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
This next story illustrates so many things.
It shows the fear, the hysteria.
It's government invoked of 9-11 attacks.
Two people were pulled for watching clips of the 9-11 attacks.
Probably 9-11 truth videos.
Remember when Virgin Atlantic?
Purchased loose change to be able to show it in their in-flight movie selection.
There was a big uproar and they pulled out of it.
But this is out of CNews.
Two pulled from plane over 9-1-1 video.
This in-flight movie got a father and son kicked off a plane.
Two Air Canada passengers were pulled.
From their Orlando-bound flight before takeoff from Toronto's Pearson Airport after another passenger spotted them watching video of the 9-11 terror attacks.
I wish that passenger would spot the big central banks robbing us or would spot all the police state stuff happening.
QMI Agency columnist Joe Warmington on his way to
Cover of the Conrad Black Story in Florida was on the same plane when another passenger alerted the flight crew after they spotted the young boy, oh he's definitely dangerous, watching video on his iPod of planes smashing in the World Trade Center.
So the media can show this all the time, but you can't be watching it on your iPad or iPhone.
It's just citizens that are bad.
Just before the plane took off for US airspace, Air Canada officials confirmed that the son
Of the two passengers, a man and a boy were watching the video of the 9-11 attacks before flight AC922 departed Tuesday night.
Other passengers and crew became concerned, Air Canada spokesman Patrick Fitzpatrick told The Sun Wednesday.
The passengers were deplaned following an investigation allowed to travel Wednesday morning.
Oh, they were allowed!
Isn't that nice?
Safety and security are
As well as comfort of all our passengers and crew is always our top concern, and we take whatever steps we need necessary to provide a safe, secure, comfortable environment.
The Air Canada employee told Washington... Wormington that the first man tried to cover up the video when staff tried to talk to him.
Ooh, even more evil.
It made everyone nervous.
Oh, yes.
The employee said adding the entire incident may have been a coincidence.
I don't know if it was the right decision, the employee said, but better safe than sorry.
Live in a Stasi thought-crime system.
Peel Regional Police constituency, constabulary, Samantha Newell said officers assisted the airline with the complaint meeting.
The two passengers at the gate when they were taken off the plane.
Investigators found no criminal offense had taken place, she said.
Newell said that she couldn't confirm the two were watching 9-11 scenes.
The two were cleared of all allegations.
Allegations of what?
And set out on the next flight, she said.
The terror video scare wasn't the only delay on the flight that day.
Oh, there was lots of hysteria and fear going on.
Passengers were told missing baggage was delaying the plane's takeoff, even before they were told there would be a further delay due to the security problem.
So it's just a ninnying society of being naked body scanned with radiation and checkpoints and army and kids being trained to tattle on their parents.
I see articles every week or two, stories where some high school student will write a fiction story.
Usually they're some day student who's done nothing wrong and they'll write a story about zombies or war and it doesn't even involve the school and they get arrested because of what they wrote.
And it just goes on from there.
Passenger Mike Burrard told Toronto Businessman, told that the whole thing was scary.
It was a scary ordeal.
This was definitely the strangest flight of my career, he said.
Oh my gosh!
There was some missing baggage and then there was a kid watching a 9-11 video.
Oh my gosh!
I mean...
Meanwhile, there's poisons in almost all the major processed foods items on record by design.
The government's poisoning the water supply on record.
All these diseases like cancer, you name it, are exploding.
And we're going into a depression worldwide.
The public's just clinging to the legs of the stewardess.
Save me!
It was a child!
It was a 9-11 video!
This is the modern mind control.
It's the same hysteria they use to demonize the Second Amendment.
There's some old man seen cleaning their gun in their garage.
The police get called.
The old man has their guns taken.
Stay with us, Kenfo, coming up.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
This is Alex Jones with five good reasons you should consider buying a solar power generator.
Number one.
New climate legislation could easily double or triple your electric bill.
Number two.
Our new energy czar wants to control how much power your electric company allows you to have.
It's true.
Total government control of electricity