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Name: 20100721_Wed_Alex
Air Date: July 21, 2010
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GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome, my friends.
It is Wednesday, the 21st day of July 2010.
Coming on the third hour, we have some guests dealing with the depression that has been engineered, not just here in the United States, but worldwide.
And I wanted to pull up some statistics and numbers to cover in the last hour.
Dealing with the fact that many university studies estimate between 5 and 7 plus million people starved to death during the decade-long Great Depression.
That with a population that was 90% rural, and most of that 90% being self-sufficient.
We now have 90% being urban, and of the 10% that are rural, less than half are estimated to be completely self-sufficient.
This is the problem with the domesticated society we live in and all the luxuries like toilets, running water, electricity, modern medicine that we take for granted.
All of those are wonderful developments that were developed and discovered by our forebears with inventions from Japan to the United States that have been developed in the last 200 years.
But through this system of a high-tech
society we become very very soft and also very very disconnected from the land and reality and that has allowed a level of domestication a level of dumbing down from basic facts of life
And a softness that we've never seen in human experience.
And with that softness, we see a more intense version of what happened in other decadent societies.
Rome, during its decline, starting, what, 40-something years even before the birth of Christ, with Julius Caesar, right through to its fall in the 400s.
We see that when societies become decadent, and lovers of corruption, lovers of death, lovers of evil, that the more decadent people get, the more corrupt and murderous they become.
And the more callous they become, and the less feeling, and the more self-centered you become, the more that allows society to even accelerate its collapse.
Once societies have become wealthy,
They always then begin to slouch towards Gomorrah and disintegrate.
And anytime a society says there is no good and evil, and people lose the capacity to judge between what's wholesome and what is destructive, it is an elevator straight to hell.
A man-made hell.
And I am a student of history.
I have found it to be very
Well, entertaining when I first got into it at about age 12.
Of course, the more research history I found out, this wasn't just entertaining, action-packed information I was reading.
This was humanity's story.
And now I have unfortunately come to the realization that total societal degeneration is being done by design, and that the old system of humanity is being designed to collapse
into a high tech kill grid.
And what really concerns me is so many times I will come to a realization about the elite, about the global ruling class and what their aims are from just watching what they're doing on the ground.
And then many years later I will read writings by the leading intellectuals of this planetary regime where they talk about
The necessary program of dumbing us down so that we can't resist being exterminated.
They believe this is a great, hardcore decision they've made and it's beautiful in its will, its willingness to do this.
But I want to have a larger discussion about that today, cover a lot of news, and take your phone calls.
We'll cover it all when we come back.
Stay with us.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center, in the heart of the resistance.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
We're live.
It's Wednesday, the 21st day of July, 2010.
We have guests coming out in the third hour today to deal with the depression that has been engineered by design.
But what I want to do is mix the show up a bit here.
Now, a lot of you have probably been noticing we've been making a lot of changes.
I want to open the phones up on the economy, on the oil leak.
Is it really capped?
They're saying that it's leaking some, and there's leaks in Fishers several miles away, but it's not related to the original leak.
I want to get into what's happening with the economy, what's going on in Arizona.
Mexico's collapse is accelerating.
We're now learning more about Obama and the sweeping financial overall bill that has passed and some more of the things that are in the health care bill that passed, like the tracking and control of gold and other precious metals purchases.
There's just a lot of insane news coming out on a daily basis as this quickening intensifies and builds towards a crescendo.
The world is changing for the better and the worst.
It was the best of times.
It was the worst of times.
But before I get into all of this news, I want to give the toll-free number out and in the first hour give new callers a chance because so many people are never able to call in.
So I want to give first-time callers a chance.
That means if you've been on hold before when the show ends, you've never had a chance to be on the broadcast, and you've got an issue or a question or a comment or you disagree with me, I'd love to hear from you.
1-800-259-9231 is the toll-free number to join us.
The top story that I will hit
Later in the hour, after I've gone to some of your calls, just went live at PrisonPlanet.com.
And the headline is, false flag cyber attack could take down the internet.
And this story is multifaceted.
We had a caller on the broadcast who said, Alex, starting last Friday and through Tuesday,
On Friday, Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday, you've given out key search terms like Obama deception, Obama deception censored, Google spies, and now Google launches.
And all four of those terms have become the number one search trend.
Not Lindsay Lohan, not Mel Gibson, not even the BP oil spill.
And the way Google Trends works is if you're in the top 10 or so, generally that's going to stay in there for a few days.
We know Google's been censoring these.
It's very elementary.
And I went in and read their algorithm.
Rules in the last few days and what we had already known about it was correct.
They claim that you will be searchable if you're in the top several thousand search terms.
So there's no way that these four terms have gone to number one on Friday, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday.
Each day we launched a search term.
The first being Obama deception.
The second being Obama deception censored.
The third being Google spies and the next being Google launches cover-up of Google spies.
We know they are erasing it because it goes to number one and other search terms that are number one, number two, number five, number ten, number fifteen, they move back and forth all day.
Our four search terms go to number one and then just completely disappear and when you search those terms it says
No data to produce a graph.
No searches found for this term.
Now, that's impossible.
You don't have something at the top of the search engine and then it's just not found.
It doesn't go from number one to zero, not existing instantaneously.
So, it's just total fact, common sense, that that is indeed happening.
As I saw some of the comments,
On the InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com story by Steve Watson yesterday about Google launches cover-up of Google spies story.
I also noticed that it was in the top ten two days ago, the Washington Post story that was the one of the major stories in the nation about the United States of spies and about how there's 850 plus thousand highest-level private corporate spies
That gives them untrade advantage, unfair trade advantage, gives them control.
They are literally taking over the government.
That was disappeared.
I noticed that that was number nine.
Our search was number one on Monday.
And then I searched a few hours later and it said no search found.
So they're not just censoring Obama deception, Obama deception censored, Google spies, Google launches cover-up.
I guess they could argue, well, you had people doing that, so we're saying it's not a real surge.
I mean, they haven't said that publicly, but I could see them doing that.
But still, that's a form of censorship.
The headline out of the Washington Post that was all over the national news and is all over the news today, to have that disappear without a trace, this is another window into how the establishment decides what it wants to be the top trends.
They're not disappearing Lindsay Lohan.
They're not disappearing Mel Gibson.
They're not disappearing VanderSloot.
They're not disappearing things like that.
They are disappearing
Information that exposes the fact that Google and Oracle and others are deeply into the secret America.
In fact, the term was the secret America.
That was the term that they censored dealing with the Washington Post article.
And here's some articles on it today.
Here's one out of the Seattle Times.
Top secret America snoops in our suburbs.
And it shows how all over the country they're building giant spy bases against the American people.
And there's a bunch of other mainstream news articles that are dealing with that today, and we'll be covering some of that coming up after I take your phone calls.
But false flag cyber attack could take down the Internet.
The Pentagon is telling us there's going to be a massive attack.
They're going to have to shut the web off and change our access.
And last Thursday, 73,000 blogs were taken down because one blog they claim was being used by Al-Qaeda.
The feds have now, what, five days later,
told us their reason, and that's in the news today.
Kurt Nemo wrote a story about it last night, linking to Reuters and others, where they said, oh, well, there was one blog on this website that Al-Qaeda was using.
So we didn't call the website and say, you know, please take that down, or we didn't take them to court, or we didn't show evidence.
No, no, we just took a giant website with 73,000 blogs down.
And so they will attack the Internet.
The mainstream media is dying.
The government's support with the people is dying.
All the polls and numbers show that.
The media, the dinosaur media, even admits they're in free fall and government's in free fall.
And so the dinosaur media owned by the big global robber-bearing corporations that aren't free market, that are criminal, that make their money through looting and power and surveillance and espionage,
I've been telling you it's a global corporate takeover.
Now you learn that there are hundreds of times more security clearances at the highest level for private corporate chiefs, 850 plus thousand, than there are in the government.
The government is now... I mean, here in Austin, foreign banks come in and the city council gets bought off and they pass $2.6 billion in energy increase taxes that are more than all the other taxes combined each year.
And now they're announcing they're going to seize all the major roads and put toll roads on it, and almost all the money's going to go to offshore corporations like Centra of Spain.
Exactly what happened 150 plus years ago in China, when 11 Western powers, France, the United States, England, the Netherlands, Germany, even Poland had an outpost, went in and divided up China and took it over.
And it took them decades of corporate espionage to buy off local cities and regions, and they did it.
And the Boxer Rebellion and other rebellions led to China finally getting its sovereignty back, but then it was still weak, so Japan came in decades later.
Same with Korea.
Eastern Russia was weak, so the Japanese invaded as well.
Before World War II.
So this is happening now.
We were a free society, we were wide open, and corporations running intelligence operations, and the first intelligence agencies were not government.
In the more modern era, the last 300 years in Europe, the Rothschilds and others on record had intelligence agencies bigger than British intelligence.
And British intelligence itself, this is in mainline history, was modeled after the Rothschild intelligence networks.
And so we have been conquered, and the banks are bankrupting us to bring us down to the level of third world serfs.
And they don't want the people to be able to speak out and expose their banking takeover.
That's why they erased the Obama deception, but the backlash caused them to put it back up, an unprecedented move.
That's why they're moving and openly announcing they're going to start curtailing the web.
Because we are countering them, and they can't have us out there telling the truth during this process.
And so today,
This is the last time I'm going to do this, at least for a few weeks.
I want to see the aftermath of it and gauge it.
I want to analyze the data.
It's very interesting.
But it does show we're even more effective than we had previously gauged, which is a chilling prospect.
Why me, God?
Why am I sitting in the middle of this platform that's so powerful?
It's a chilling, adrenaline-fueled
When I consciously face the position we're in and the responsibility we have, I have an adrenaline rush.
But today we're going to make this term number one.
False flag cyber attack.
False flag cyber attack.
So that hundreds of other blogs and newspapers will then pick up on the story as the last four term blitzes have done.
And so we'll put it out there even more on record.
But we know a false flag cyber attack is coming to be blamed on foreign enemies or domestic hackers as a pretext to further curtail the web and bring it a step further on its journey towards being a
Instrument of control, not an instrument of enlightenment.
So the search term today, folks, if you choose to accept this mission, is false flag cyber attack.
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Okay my friends, we're gonna go straight to your phone calls and then coming up, household cleaning products linked to breast cancer in a major long-term study.
But it's also linked to ADHD, increases in cancer.
That's because mainline household cleaning products are the derivatives of the oil industry and gasoline refining.
They also spray it on the crops and they know full well what they're doing.
That's why 30 years ago, in a cancer ward, doctors would come from hundreds of miles around to see someone below the age of 10 who had cancer, and now there's children with cancer all over your neighborhood.
You are being murdered.
The question is, will you have the strength to research this?
Well, we'll talk about that later.
Let's talk to JP in Minnesota.
JP, you're on the air, welcome.
Alex, my brother in freedom and my sensei in the info war.
Thank you for taking my call.
Thanks for calling.
You know Alex, I had a few questions for you and a few points I wanted to share with you.
I was all caught up on listening to your show last week.
On Saturday I had to drive into work so I downloaded one of your older shows.
I went searching through 2008 and I downloaded this
Episode where you interviewed Nick baggage and it was an awesome awesome show probably five minutes into the show You were talking about the internet and some news story at the time and you were telling us that I Mean you predicted flat-out you said in two and a half years mid 2010 internet's dead big attack the
Globalist own words their own documents, so I thought that was just amazing to hear you Back in 2008 you really laid it out.
What's going on right now.
I believe I was I don't remember the show two years ago That would be two years ago now that was mid 2008.
I do remember interviewing baggage then His brother was running for the Senate and then won but
I don't know.
The transfer of the web from free to unfree in 2010 into 2012.
Nothing to do with the Mayan calendar.
That's the government itself is saying they want to have this global system in by 2012.
And there's mirrored documents in defense department statements and also Internet 2, this private consortium, this corporate
I know, it was just amazing to hear you lay it out, uh, you know, two years ago.
I mean, you hit the nail on the head.
But, uh, um, I want you to know I've been, uh,
Long-time listener, long-time activist, fighting the cause, helping you out.
I've been playing all your videos on the local cable access channel here in Washington County.
We've got, yeah, we've got all of Jason Bermas' films playing and now I just added the Secret of Oz and Money Masters and Don't Tread on Me.
They're playing there as well.
And by the way, that Don't Tread On Me, awesome film.
Well, it's awesome because it's filled with real solutions to take the states and counties and sheriffs back.
Yeah, and that's what I tell people.
I'm like, you know, this film, it isn't depressing, but it does address real issues, but it's all about solutions.
And, you know,
One of the biggest problems in America right now is we've got to get people to wake up to, obviously, you know, the whole banking fraud, private central bank, how all that works.
But I think that, and speaking of which, in that movie, The Secret of Oz, they have Byron Dale.
And I highly suggest that you interview him.
I've gotten to know him over the years personally.
I can give you his contact info if you'd like.
I think I interviewed him like a decade ago, but sure, give us the info.
He'd be a good guest to have on.
I won't give his number on air, but... No, obviously, we can get it and we don't already have it.
I'm saying, send it to us.
JP, I appreciate your call.
Speaking of those films that you just mentioned, The Secret of Oz deals with how the banking cartel has taken over not just the U.S., but Iceland, Greece, the rest of the planet, and financial ways to reverse what they've done.
Monetary Solutions, of course this film, Obama Deception, absolute vital viewing.
Don't Tread on Me, Rise of the Republic, I'm in it, Edwin Vieira, Michael Bagnerik.
And so many others that are in this important film.
Richard Mack, all available at InfoWars.com.
Invisible Empire, New Order Defined, that we produced, available at InfoWars.com.
We'll be back with more.
Your call.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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I think so.
...will enable the controlling oligarchy to get people actually to love their servitude.
People can be made to enjoy a state of affairs which, by any decent standard, they ought not to enjoy.
Perhaps you had better start from the beginning.
Perhaps you had better start from the beginning.
I had to have better start from the beginning.
Too many kids are what's making the planet worse.
A lot of these kids come from bad gene pools.
They don't have stable parents making good decisions.
Luxury-containing vaccines may help not harm kids, according to two new studies in the journal Pediatric.
These new studies suggest that the opposite, that the preservatives may actually be associated with improved behavior and mental performance.
Fluoride in water is supposed to fight tooth decay, but could it also cause cancer?
Oh yeah, the government had the right under U.S.
law to conduct secret testing on the American public under specific conditions.
We have to work with dark side, or we're going to spend time in the shadows.
Any attempt to achieve world order must be the work of the devil.
Well, join me.
I'm glad to sit here at the right hand of Satan.
There's a need for a new world order.
Someday, in the next few years, a solution will emerge.
You are seen as insects in the eyes of the global controllers.
They are poisoning all of us in the food, the water, the cleaning products, everything by design.
We have covered their own documents, their own admissions in triplicate.
You ignore this information.
At your peril.
But thank God there are people out there like JP, the last caller, that are going and putting my films and other documentaries on AXS TV, reaching thousands of people.
That's another great avenue to reach out to folks.
Whatever way you use, whether it's the internet or talk radio or blogs or newsletters or you write a book, every person you warn, every person that you wake up, is one step closer to victory against this dehumanization.
Now I want to go hurriedly through your calls now.
The toll-free number to join us is 800-259-9231.
I've got some really important information and news blitz info coming up in the next hour.
We're going to cover a host of issues.
We'll still continue to take calls, but predominantly it's going to be news in the next hour, then guests in the third hour.
Let's go ahead and talk to Justin in Arkansas.
Justin, you're on the air.
Oh my God, Alex Jones, this is wonderful.
I've always wanted to call in and talk with you.
Thank you very much, sir, for helping me to reach new levels of awareness.
Thanks for calling.
How can I serve you, sir?
Okay, I've seen something about the aluminum from the chemtrails building up in the ground and whatnot, and how it was affecting the growth of heirloom varieties of vegetables and fruits.
Yes, and now Monsanto and others are coming out with aluminum-resistant seeds.
But it's not just in the chemtrails, which we know they're spraying aluminum dioxide and barium salts.
It's in the fertilizers, many of the industrial fertilizers, being sprayed on the crops.
That's what's also killing the soil.
Pretty much a full-time force to deal with in-state emergencies, comprised of like 25% full-time individuals.
Yeah, that's Brigade Homeland they announced two and a half years ago in Army Times.
Now they've got eight regions with ten sub-directorate regions under FEMA with the military to engage in all forms of law enforcement.
Yeah, it's just getting crazy.
Cameras everywhere.
And remember, they were building this up decades ago, and in their own white paper, saying it was for the design collapse.
And so, this has all been premeditated.
And the average person in the military, even at colonel level, you know, is compartmentalized and doesn't see all of this.
But if you show them the information, like my film Police Day 2000, Police Day 2 The Takeover, made over a decade ago, people will then click in and say, wow, I already knew all of this, I just didn't put the pieces together.
I've got about five year films, and so far I've put out about 400 copies so far, which isn't a lot, but it's a part.
Yes it is.
Yes it is.
The act of resistance, handing out one film, is a gift of information, and it's that first step that matters.
Yes it does.
Anything else on your mind, Justin?
Uh, that's the only thing I can think of.
Thank you very much for taking my call, sir.
Thank you, Justin.
Good to hear from you.
Let's go ahead and talk to Daniel in Washington, D.C.
You're on the air.
Hey there, Alex.
How you doing?
Thank you so much for taking my call.
How are you?
I'm doing all right.
Very good.
I just wanted to, uh, first of all, I just wanted to, you know, thank you.
You know, I
No, that's it.
I mean, all I've ever done is point out that people already intrinsically knew, as I said 30 seconds ago, they just hadn't put the pieces together.
And I think when callers call in and say, thank you, Alex, thank you, thank you, I always make the point, don't thank me.
This is self-preservation.
I mean, this is pure evil, scientifically crafted dehumanization we're dealing with.
I think really the statement is, I care about you intrinsically and we are brothers and sisters in liberty, in loving the truth, in carrying the fire of hope and honor and love in our hearts.
And so I think instead of saying you appreciate me, I appreciate you and we love the truth and so we are spiritual brothers.
And so I understand callers always want to thank me because they want to say, I appreciate you.
Well, no, I appreciate you.
We are together.
We are soulmates in eternity.
All of us are part of a brotherhood and a sisterhood and sons of liberty here.
And so I think that's really why, even though I asked callers not to thank me, everyone does it because they're wanting to say, I am with you.
Well, I am with you as well.
We are together in history.
United we stand.
Well, I wanted to bring up just a couple of things.
I'm on Facebook like a lot of other folks, and I was just looking at some of your pages, and I just get so tired and so frustrated.
There are so many people that are on these comments and on these message boards, and
Don't want him to touch on or whatever, then go ahead and write an article or make up a blog.
And pretty much, you know, just do what you want to do.
If all you're going to do is go into his message boards and stuff and bad mouth him, you're not being really productive.
I would never go to Glenn Beck's message board or something like that or some Neolib message board and bad mouth whoever put it together.
I would go on there and raise issues that I'd want raised up.
You know what I mean?
So I just think that's crazy.
Well it is extremely important and everything you've said has been extremely well focused.
Anything else Daniel?
Anything else sir?
Uh, uh, no, no, well, concerning the secret team, I just want to say really quick, I thought it was incredible.
My father, he came in and he saw it and he was like, well, what is this, another conspiracy book?
I said, no, I kind of consider it a history book rather, but okay, yeah, for the sake of argument.
He's like, well, you know, I think he's like basically called Colonel Proudy a snitch or what have you.
And then so I let him make his point and I came back after the fact and said, well, you know what?
Let me ask you a quick question and tell me the truth.
Would you still have said the same thing if Colonel Prouty had written this book, but instead of critiquing the CIA and what he calls the secret team, he had been supporting it.
Would you still say the same thing?
He thought about it for a minute and then he said, no, I wouldn't say the same thing.
And I just, I laughed.
I just think it's so incredible.
We need to shake ourselves out of this silly apathy that we're in.
Daniel, I appreciate your call.
Let me speak to your father, who I'm sure is a wonderful person, and because he is a good patriotic American.
And he's done good work, it sounds like, in the government.
He takes that as an insult to hear about Fletcher Prouty, the head of Black Ops, the liaison between the Pentagon and the CIA and the White House.
He takes that as an insult against himself.
And that's why compartmentalization is so dangerous, is that people that work in the system
are shielded and are kept in a little bubble and are generally told they're doing something for one reason when really it's not being done for A, it's being done for B and they don't want their image of America to be tarnished and they're really playing a mind game with themselves where if they think that they just say everything's okay then that makes it okay and that's not the case.
There were tens of thousands of German officers
Who spoke out or rose up against Hitler.
And a lot of them were Nazis.
A lot of them were anti-semitic and had been pro-Hitler.
But in the last two years of the war, Germany had been bombed into oblivion.
Millions of German soldiers were dead.
A lot of their families were dead.
And they said, this guy is going to destroy Germany.
Now a lot of them had fought against him early on because they had seen what was coming from 100 miles away.
And pastors and so many others.
You know, were they traitors?
Were the German officers that tried to get rid of Hitler?
I mean, were they traitors?
See, the government of Germany wasn't Hitler, though he made it to be the government.
The government was the people under their republic, but they lost their Weimar Republic.
They lost it to corruption and apathy and to depression.
You know, depressions most of the time lead to a worse form of tyranny than what was there beforehand.
That's why the globalists are putting us into this depression, and then they're going to offer their solutions.
Bernanke and others are.
Which is more control for them.
Here it is today.
Obama poised to sign sweeping financial overhaul.
But since you mentioned the fact that the
Folks on the internet spend more time attacking Alex Jones than they do attacking the government and criticizing it.
They spend, I mean, large portions of people.
It's one of the biggest memes on the internet.
And it's actually helped me.
I guess God says no weapon formed against us will prosper.
And I didn't understand this, you know, 15 years ago.
I understand it now.
But they attack me for a lot of reasons.
I mean, really, it's a perfect storm.
But I would say 95% of it is not government produced.
But if you have a plastic explosive, say 100 pounds of it, and you stick a tiny trigger cap in it that runs to the electrical timer, it is a tiny electrical charge that causes that 100 pounds of plastic explosives that, you know, can destroy much of a city block.
It is a tiny blasting cap that ignites that.
And so the government is on record.
And this is what Cass Sunstein, this is what got released a year ago.
He'd written it two years ago advising Harvard and Chicago Business School.
He's now in the White House regulations are.
We've written articles about it, but it's also even been in the mainstream news.
But he said we need to go out and pose as conspiracy theorists.
And he defines that as anybody that criticizes the government.
That's a mind control term itself.
Oh, you don't trust the government, you don't trust BP, you don't trust powerful people.
Our founding fathers said don't trust the system, keep the government small, have separation of powers or you will get tyranny.
But they call what Thomas Jefferson said basically a conspiracy theory.
It's a stereotype, a one-liner, something they just throw out to not have a debate with you, to try to minimize you.
But Sunstein says this isn't working anymore.
He said, we've got to go out and cause infighting with these groups.
We've got to go out and attack their effective leaders, discrediting them.
Well, what happened with COINTELPRO in the 60s with the anti-war movement?
They'd send people in to get everybody infighting with each other.
And so it's a very small government trigger.
And then you've got the troll society, the troll culture online.
It's a coward culture.
And they've done corporate studies about even employees will send threatening emails to their bosses or vice versa.
But they won't say it in person, but in email, people tend to really say what they think.
It's kind of like a drunk man, you know, tells no lies.
And so these people just go wild, and then it's a radicalization process of competing with each other to, you know, bring up more and more crazy things.
And so instead of the conspiracy culture being about government documents and opposing the foreign banks, those are big targets that people don't feel like they're worthy to resist.
But it's easy to look at Alex Jones and say, well, that guy's had some success.
That must be a fraud.
Look what these people are saying about themselves.
They're saying they have no respect in themselves.
They're saying they can't believe there's somebody real out there resisting.
Well, I mean, look how many people we've woke up.
Look at how we're the driving engine of the global awakening.
There's a lot of factors there, but we're the biggest.
Of hundreds of factors, we're the biggest.
There's a lot of fish in the pond of resistance, but we're the biggest.
And so, I always admired people that could do things better than I could, or who were eloquent, or who were beautiful.
I never have really had a lot of envy or jealousy, and I didn't really realize that most people, a lot of people, are driven by that, and most losers are.
They feel sorry for themselves,
And so the kind of conspiracy theory culture, it attracts good patriots, researchers, people that understand what's happening, people who can see over the horizon historically, people who have a sixth and a seventh or an eighth sense, as some would say.
But it also attracts people who are just angry and who want to blame somebody for something.
And so,
There's a lot of jealousy.
They have a simple term for it.
It's called haters.
I almost cringe when a Willie Nelson or a Charlie Sheen calls me now and wants to come on the show, or Jesse Ventura tells me, hey, I want to come on and go public for 9-11 Truth two and a half years ago.
Because then I used to, I thought that would wake people up because they care about celebrity.
Now I realize it just makes them get more jealous.
So I've been contacted by a lot of big celebrities lately, and I haven't even asked them to come on.
I'm just like, because I realize we need to build the archetype up of the individual, the auto mechanic, the police officer, the school teacher, the artist, the little man standing up, because that really is where the power is.
And I learn more and more about human traits and the way people behave.
And I realize that a lot of people also just, at a subconscious level, they envy my courage, they envy my intellect, they envy my will, they envy my success, and the fact that I work harder than anybody else.
I mean, God gave me a lot of great gifts, and they all work together for the glory of God's creation, and for God, and so I'm committed.
But yeah, stay focused on issues.
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The question is, where should the American people draw their line in the sand?
What have we got?
A republic or a monarchy?
A republic.
It's based on a constitution which protects minority rights.
Not democracy, not mob rule.
Two wolves and a sheep voting on what's for dinner.
So they think they own our land?
They think they own our water?
Our education?
Our money?
We have to define who we are and what we will tolerate.
Somebody's gonna ask you what you did during the Patriot Uprising.
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One other reason it's so popular to attack this radio show by the mainstream media, the government, corporations, is because, you know, if one head tries to pop up above the others, it's fun to try to knock it back down.
You ever gone fishing for crabs?
Must have been 15 years ago, an old patriot, you know, said, well, you know why there's so much infighting.
You know why, you know, the system is promoting infighting and pushing it to keep us all down.
It's a form of divide and conquer.
But more than that, here we're going crab fishing.
And yeah, throw out a piece of bacon or whatever.
The crab's greedy.
You drag him in, you scoop him up with a shovel, you throw him in a bucket.
And if the crabs work together,
Like army ants, they could form a human chain or an ant chain or a crab chain and get out of the crab bucket.
But when the crabs will all leave each other alone till the biggest crab goes over and starts trying to climb out and crabs will come over and grab him by the legs and try to pull him back down.
And I thought that was a good, all the terms not parable or good analogy.
What's the best term to describe that?
And that's why the system tells us torture and secret arrest and murder and killing is good.
That's why they teach people when somebody else fails, you get ahead.
When in truth, a rising tide raises all ships.
A lowering tide lowers all ships.
The truth is, if you talk to most people, they say, yeah, even people that attack me, they say, Alex Jones won't be up, but he's bad.
See, they don't understand what Christ said about judge a tree by its fruits.
But it doesn't bother me.
I've gained more wisdom over the years, and I know that that is a symptom of our success against the New World Order.
But I look at all the good people out there who have discernment and understand what's going on and how they are ignoring the disinformation and how they're moving forward because these minions and these fellow travelers of evil and weakness, they're just frustrated and feel powerless and it makes their ego feel good to be able to ignore all of my work and just say, you know, I, the troll, am good.
Alex Jones is bad.
I feel sorry for those people.
But they do win when we divert from all the information we have and warning people about the poison and the food and the water and how it's done by design and how we can say no to these products and no to these vaccines.
If we just stay focused on warning people, I want to warn new people.
I'm not here to talk to the choir.
When I do talk to the choir, like I've been doing the last 10 minutes, it is only
To get you to look inward and realize how you can do a better job.
And so, the caller from D.C.
brought up those points.
I thought they were very, very central and extremely informative.
And Obama's done it.
Just minutes ago, he signed the sweeping financial overhaul in the law.
It's not just Alex Jones saying this.
It's Ron Paul and Judge Andrew Napolitano and many others have analyzed the bill.
And it expands the Federal Reserve dictatorship by several orders.
It is just incredibly bad news, but it's the beginning of their end, because now they're identified as the ruling elite.
Not their puppet Obama, not their puppet George W. Bush, or their puppet Mitt Romney, or Sarah Palin, or any of these people.
They're bought and paid for by the globalists that make up the false left-right paradigm.
The controllers in their own writings have been pointing out we're in trouble because the people now are looking at the real shadow government.
It's now in the news about Top Secret America and the 850 plus thousand highest level security level private corporate spies that we've talked so much about.
This is a private corporate takeover.
They've gone in, paid off the government to have the government give them government power so they can then go in and take over.
So the sky's the limit.
Now listen, I want to go through your calls quickly.
These calls are all profound though.
So I'm going to go to Frank, Jeremy, Walt, Robert, Kirby and others.
When we start in the second hour, then I got a bunch of news coming up.
Stay with us.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
The question is, where should the American people draw their line in the sand?
What have we got?
A republic or a monarchy?
A republic.
It's based on a constitution which protects minority rights.
Not democracy, not mob rule.
Two wolves and a sheep voting on what's for dinner.
So they think they own our land?
They think they own our water?
Our education?
Our money?
We have to define who we are and what we will tolerate.
Somebody's gonna ask you what you did during the Patriot Uprising.
We have the facts.
We have the Constitution.
We have the Bill of Rights.
We have common law.
Knowledge is power, ladies and gentlemen.
And I'm so excited to be able to offer you Don't Tread on Me.
Rise of the Republic.
Tyranny is upon us, but liberty and the sleeping giant that is the American people is rising.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Okay, coming up at the bottom of the hour, got a huge news blitz coming up.
Obama has signed the sweeping financial overhaul bill into law, giving the Federal Reserve even more power over the complete economy.
They create the crisis, offer the solution.
False flag cyber attack could take down the internet.
I want to get into this, our top story today, and a lot of other key information that's coming up.
But let's go to your phone calls right now.
Frank in Wisconsin.
You're on the air, Frank.
Yeah, hey Alex.
I appreciate you taking my call.
I listen to you all the time.
We're up here in what they call God's country.
There's so much I'd love to talk to you about, but I just really want to tell you the great job you're doing.
Well, I appreciate you and I appreciate all you getting the word out about what's really happening in this world.
There's an unprecedented awakening taking place.
I'm trying.
I go out and I put up flyers on bulletin boards telling people, you know, they need to listen to Alex Jones and InfoWars and wake up to what's really going on here in our world.
Sometimes as fast as I put them up, though, they're taken down.
And it's like, you know, are these people, you know, what's wrong with, you know, society?
They need really to wake up.
Well, they don't want to be reminded about the bad things that are happening.
They think if they just procrastinate and ignore it, everything's going to be all right.
But it doesn't take a majority to fix society.
It takes a highly motivated, focused, tireless minority.
And our minority is much bigger per capita than what it was in the 1770s.
So we're going to win this if we just persevere.
By the sheer force of numbers and the fact that we have right on our side.
Hey, I'm hoping.
I'm praying all the time.
We're here in God's country.
I used to live in Florida and one of the reasons I moved up here, I thought it was a safe place to have my family.
It's clean.
We have the world's largest concentration of fresh water here.
It's uh... but you know it's they're they're everywhere just uh... wasn't that long ago talking to a friend of mine and uh... as tell me the uh...
The FBI was going into some of the tattoo parlors and wanting names of people that are getting certain types of tattoos.
Oh no, we've got the flyers they give them at gun shops, tattoo parlors everywhere.
If somebody's missing a finger, which a lot of farmers are, if somebody's got burns on their hands, which most farmers do, that I've known, then they must be terrorists.
This entire anti-terror apparatus is for we the people.
I really do appreciate your call.
I saw a story last Friday.
It was in my stack.
Will you guys reprint it?
It dealt with federal government creating fund to buy more land.
And just the other night, I saw Louie Gohmert on C-SPAN back there in the kitchen, in the coffee room here at the office.
And he had a map up of western states.
Over 90% of Nevada federal.
Over 80% of Utah federal.
Many of those states are over 70%, some even higher.
And he was showing just little bitty slivers that are not federal, and then most of that is state.
And so the Feds now have passed a new tax and a new multi-billion dollar a year fund to go force people to sell their property to them.
And if you fly in an airplane, you see how much land there is.
Humans have this hallucination, this false perception, this... What do they call those pictures you hang on the wall?
Pictures where it's got a hidden image that you can't see?
Yeah, those magic eye pictures, or it's a...
Visual illusion.
Where we all live in cities, 90% of us in growing, it's almost above 90%, and so we see the cars, the people, the lines, and we think, oh my gosh, there's too many people.
But I mean, you just drive in any direction outside your town or city, and you'll see most of the farms aren't even being tilled.
The federal government pays the farmers not to grow food.
Meanwhile, I was looking at some statistics the other night.
In fact, pull that up, too.
I want to double-check those.
Africa, just 30 years ago, was almost 800 million, and now it's 500 million?
They've gotten rid of a couple hundred million of the Africans?
I mean, the population reduction's going on, ladies and gentlemen.
The Arabs, the Muslims, won't let the globalists in to abort and poison their food.
A lot of the Asians won't.
Latin America won't, so their numbers are up.
But the globalists run Africa, the colonial powers, and they're murdering those people.
And some folks will say, well, there are too many people.
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What we've got here is failure to communicate.
Some men you just can't reach.
So you get what we had here last week, which is the way he wants it.
Well, he gets it.
I don't like it any more than you do.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones.
The Clear Act!
Of another federal land grab, U.S.
Representative Louie Gohmert addressed Congress to report the Natural Resource Committee's passage of H.R.
3534, the Consolidated Land, Energy, and Aquatic Resources Act, or CLEAR Act.
I don't know.
And was introduced in 2009.
Louie Gohmert said the bill contains plans for the federal government to acquire land.
See Gohmert's remarks here.
So this is a Cassandra Anderson of GreatInfoWars.com writer's report.
And then she has a link to the video that was up actually today.
This is up today on InfoWars.com.
So I'd seen this.
I'd seen him talking about this a few days ago.
But here it is today.
I tell you, our great writers are on top of it.
We've got a story dealing with this.
And it is to buy more land, and it's got video of Gohmert showing the federal maps.
And then what isn't federal, most of it's state.
Of course, the biggest state in the country that has the most private land is Texas, and they're trying to change that here.
Most of the land is private or state, not federal.
And if it's federal, it means it's corporate.
We've been taken over by these interests.
Okay, let's go quickly now through your calls, because I've got to just... I'm looking at all these stacks of incredibly important news coming up.
And some eugenics news I want to go over.
Let's go ahead and talk to Jeremy in California.
You're on the air.
Hey, um, I just, uh, I was going to call you about something else that's a pressing story of the day.
It seems like in the mainstream media, but, um, I was diverted a little bit by your comments and by the, uh, maybe one or two callers ago.
Um, you know, Alex, it is okay to question you.
It's okay to, to give you a critique.
Is it not?
Well, yeah, we didn't screen your call.
You're on air, Jeremy.
Right, I understand that.
But, you know, kind of around 10 minutes to the hour, you made it sound like you're doing the Lord's work.
And that you're almost like, you know, what you mock occasionally of being of the Lord.
And it was just, you know, it's okay.
You make mistakes, Alex.
Yeah, but Jeremy, it's not okay, a popular lie, to say that we have fake phone calls and screened phone calls.
I mean, that was my little example there.
And maybe you missed the whole point of what I was saying.
I'm not the one raising your taxes.
I'm not the one putting poison in your food and water.
I'm not the one trying to launch a war against Iran.
I'm here trying to get people to realize our country has been taken over by offshore corporations.
And so my point was, so much of people's time
And I'm not saying that some criticism isn't warranted.
Nobody's perfect.
I make mistakes all the time and own up to them.
I try to be a good person.
I try to be accurate.
My issue is we have bigger fish to fry than just talking about Alex Jones all day.
And talking about doing the Lord's work, I am a Christian.
I do believe we have a spirit.
And I do believe standing up against abortion and wars and torture and secret arrest is the Lord's work.
And when I make fun of some preacher,
Saying it's the Lord's work, like some of them have said, to kill Palestinian babies.
That's who I'm making fun of.
So, you know, I didn't say I was doing the Lord's work.
I think this work is important, and I guess you could call the work of standing up against evil the Lord's work.
And I did talk about being able to judge between good and evil being essential.
But, I mean, do you have any other news or anything you want to discuss, Jeremy?
And you know what, Alex?
Thank you for, one,
uh... letting me engage you on that and to keeping me on to talk about what i originally called about it we don't have to thank me sir i want your phone calls i mean i know but you know a lot of people when you call you know and disagree man there's people out there that just freak out i mean i've heard clips of glenn beck just go off but anyway well look i've gone off on people last night i got angry because i was reading some comments on prison planet dot com
I think?
But the term Obama deception was erased.
The term Obama censor was erased.
The term, separately, the term Top Secret America was number nine.
And I noticed that my term...
Monday and the term Monday was a Google spies I noticed that it disappeared from number one and that top secret America disappeared from number nine completely so my issue is Google is gaming and manipulating the the the the
Most popular search terms.
We have demonstrated it.
And people are like, oh no, your term can just move up and down.
Well, that's not what I said.
It didn't move from number 1 to number 200.
It moved from number 1 to 0.
Does not exist.
I was sent emails yesterday and it frustrates me for their own ignorance.
I can't believe how willfully dumb they are saying that we took down the Obama deception or saying it was never even down.
It said removed by user.
The user, the director account, did not take it down.
It was already number one.
Why would we take it down if it was number one?
And then, A, anybody who has a YouTube account knows you cannot remove your own video and then put it back up.
That's a 100% rule.
This is the second time we've only ever seen it.
So I get frustrated at people's criticism of me because 95% of the time it's unfounded baloney.
You know, I get sick of people telling me that I work for the Vatican when I'm not a Catholic, and my family was on the Mayflower, and my family, the Ayers family, helped raise Colonel Travis's son, and helped found Texas.
I don't bash Catholics, but I'm as Protestant as they get.
It doesn't get any more purebred pilgrim than me.
I'm a pilgrim, baby, on both sides of my family.
It doesn't get any more pure.
It's frustrating to be told I work for Israel,
And I'm an Israeli citizen, when I have no connections to Israel, and my wife doesn't.
I'm tired of the fact that we're going to hell in a handbasket, and cancer rates are exploding, and sterility is exploding, and we know the flu shot was killing people, and we know Gardasil is killing people, and folks like some mindless simple thing, they can repeat like parrots, over and over again.
That's what I'm frustrated at.
So I don't...
I'm frustrated because we don't have much time, sir.
We don't have much time.
And what was your point, Jeremy?
What was your point?
Because I'm not going to be able to get to the other calls.
I've got this news.
I've got to get to those.
Thank you.
And one quick little footnote to what you just said about Google.
Don't forget, man, they park their jets on NASA's facilities, so we know who they're working for.
Oh, no, I'm lying.
Google's not involved with the CIA and the government.
Look, I said this five years ago, and now it's mainstream news.
I know what I'm talking about.
I mean, that's what I'm trying to... Yes, exactly!
But people are saying Google isn't involved in spying.
They're not censoring people.
And then people tell me, well, don't be on Google.
Google is the Internet now.
They're trying to take the whole web over.
I'm on the main battlefield.
But, Alex, I wanted to get your opinion and comments.
If you could tell us what you know about Andrew Breitbart.
I think that there is, just like you did with the machete thing earlier,
There's an ongoing racial divide and conquer thing going on here and I believe that Andrew Breitbart, this guy Malik Shabazz that Fox News has put out, I believe he's a paid contributor of theirs because he's not anywhere else on cable news.
I think that there's definitely an organized effort here, and if you know anything about Breitbart, it's time to expose this creep for who he is.
Okay, what I know about Breitbart is that he has a big news website, and that he's done work with Matt Drudge before, and all I can do is say Matt Drudge is exposing world government and the New World Order.
And Brett Barth did expose the Black Panther saying kill the crackers.
Now they're saying that the tape was edited and my guys have watched it this morning.
I haven't had time to watch it.
But in fact, who was that?
Matt Ryan called me this morning or IM me and told me that that lady went on to say that she decided not to discriminate against him because he was white.
She decided to be better than that and that the farmers
Wife went on TV, and I did read about this on MSNBC, and said that, no, that lady helped him.
So, obviously, the Republicans, going back to Willie Horton, use race.
And, obviously, Mecha and LaRosa use race.
And, obviously, the NAACP uses race, because we're tribal creatures and it's very powerful.
You know, I think it's self-destructive that I even have spent time attacking Glenn Beck.
I mean, at least Glenn Beck's talking about the world government.
I mean, there are bigger fish to fry than Brett Barth and Glenn Beck and all of these people.
I mean, look, Obama signed sweeping financial overhaul into law.
This is the Federal Reserve completely taking over society.
It's almost like even responding to racism feeds into it.
I was thinking about this driving in to work this morning.
I was going to talk about it at the bottom of the hour.
I think I'll just do it at the bottom of the hour.
But I had this epiphany about race and about how all this works.
And I'm going to write a note.
In fact, remind me guys to cover that when we come to the bottom of the hour.
Let's talk to Walt in Pennsylvania.
Walt, you're on the air.
Hey, God bless you, brother.
I'm not going to say thank you because I know it.
Makes you angry, but you got some big gahonies.
It doesn't make me angry, it makes me feel weird.
Well, you know what though?
You know what?
You're a true American.
You have the courage and the guts to stand up and say what's right and not worry about
Well, I love you too, brother.
What's on your mind, Walt?
Stay there.
I'm gonna come back to you.
We gotta go to break.
I went to you too close to the break.
We'll come back to Walt in Pennsylvania.
...and jam in some others, but just finishing up on Corexit.
Corexit was used for the Exxon Valdez.
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Most of them are dead.
And, I mean, if it dissolves oil, and the body is collagen-oil based, this is not good for your tissues.
It's akin to Agent Orange, basically.
And they now say they've used 40 plus million gallons of it in the Gulf.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big news blitz coming up and we got gas dealing with this engineered depression coming up in the third hour.
Walt, you were getting into the dispersant chemicals and how they emit 40 plus million gallons used in the Gulf.
Far worse than the crude oil itself.
Go ahead.
You know, I mean, seriously, we got the EPA with the Environmental Protection Agency.
I have a clip of Obama saying there's no health problems in the Gulf.
He said it again last week.
Everything's fine.
You notice you didn't see Michelle Obama standing in the water when she was down there last week, did you?
She was standing on the beach, not in the water.
Well, they admit that Corexit is eating the boats.
Especially the ones that are made out of fiberglass.
It's eating right through them.
It's eating right through them.
But the thing is, you know, nobody, none of the main media is even covering this, but the whole idea of Corexit 9500
It's to hide the oil.
It's to push it down into the ocean so that nobody can see it.
And so it can't be cleaned up.
No, they should, exactly.
It's diabolical what they're doing and they're using their own money to buy the Corexit from one of their own subsidiaries.
So they're basically making money on the cleanup.
Nelco, which by the way,
I can't remember this guy's name.
I think it's Finkstein or something like that.
But he is also big buddies with Geithner and Summers.
You know, I mean, this is all a scam.
We're being poisoned and people are... I don't know... Well, somebody ought to tell those workers there's no amount of money worth dying.
And to be down there cleaning up the oil that's coming in mixed with this Corexit is insane.
And they should stop using it and they should give them respirators.
But what's been happening for two months?
They won't let them wear respirators because then they'd have to admit that it's toxic fumes.
So just like on 9-11, they told the firefighters and people, don't wear masks, you don't need it.
So out of sight, out of mind, they just wave a magic wand and say, asbestos is good for you, pulverized glass and concrete and mercury is good, and these deadly dispersants, it's not the only one being used, it's good for you.
And there's no problem, and Obama has said repeatedly, there's no health problems, and everything's good.
I appreciate your call, Walt.
On the other end of that, I've seen maps.
The people have been sending me in the last month that show the United States with a black line drawn from northern Mexico all the way up to Maine, and it's saying, you better evacuate.
And when the hurricanes come, the oil probably will get blown into shore, and there may need to be some evacuations a few miles in.
I can't see the oil going further than that.
There will be some fumes.
Just to draw an arbitrary line when weather systems are going to take that stuff all over the place, and it's going to disperse it, and Lord knows it's not going to be good for anybody.
But there's already so much poison in the food and water and everything else.
They already, you know, test all these nuclear weapons.
They already use DU that circles the globe in the jet stream.
I mean, that's why all these fake environmentalists, they say,
Cut all of our carbon output, but move it to China with no controls, then that increases the carbon, if carbon dioxide is so deadly.
But they know it's not.
They use that as a red herring to not worry about real environmental issues.
That's coming up in the next segment.
But let's jam in another call here.
Robert in Montana.
You got about two minutes.
Go ahead, sir.
Hey Alex, thanks for having me on.
Thanks for calling.
Hey, uh, first of all, I just, I know you don't like to be thanked that much, but I just have to say thanks to, for you to help shave my sheep's wool with your clippers of truth, I call it.
Well, I appreciate that.
It's not that I don't like being thanked, it's just everybody does it and then the whole show turns into that.
Yeah, well, okay, but quickly, I have a, a militia demonization alert for you.
Um, uh, you know, I don't watch TV a whole lot anymore, but I, I,
I do watch the show Leverage on TNT.
I've been watching.
I noticed the commercial for next Sunday's episode is all about militias.
I haven't seen the episode yet, but the commercial really makes it look like the militias are some hillbillies.
And they're really violent people and stuff like that.
They had a militia movie where it was basically a talk show host who acted just like me, who was the bad guy and who was a terrorist.
And that's just all over the culture.
Yes, they're telling you homeschooling bad, owning guns bad, being a patriot bad, being in a militia bad.
I mean, it's admittedly paid for by the government.
And one other quick thing, Alex.
I just want to let people know that free screening
I haven't decided which movie yet.
I bought one of those inflatable theater screens and I have about 10 acres of land at a tap and I'm gonna do a free drive-in movie night.
And I just wanted to know which movie would you recommend to maybe show first to really get people's attention to come back and watch some of the other ones?
Eh, follow the Republic, Obama deception, Endgame.
Those are probably the films I would show for a first-time person.
And put a website up.
Do it over and over again.
You'll get bigger and bigger crowds.
That's another great idea you just came up with here on air.
God bless you.
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Waging war on corruption.
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And lastly, and very briefly, you know the system doesn't want you to see the Obama deception fall the Republic.
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I want to thank all of you for your support.
But get the film, make copies, get it out to everyone.
I want to get into eugenics briefly here because in the last year I've been told by so many people to read the book The Road.
I didn't know it was a Pulitzer Prize winning book.
I didn't know that he'd written No Country for Old Men and All the Beautiful Horses and so many other powerful novels that I've seen turned into films.
But No Country for Old Men is nothing compared to The Road.
I've really thought about it.
It's probably the most powerful film I've ever seen because it only tells us things we already know.
But it does it in just a stunning way, and I bought the novel.
I'm going to read it if I have time coming up this weekend.
And no, they're not advertising here.
I'm just saying the road with Viggo Mortensen, Robert Duvall, and others is, well, not even fear of the new world order really gives me nightmares.
I have disquieting dreams, but this is giving me good nightmares, nightmares I need to have.
Very disquieting.
I've shot a special video yesterday that's going to go up at about 3 p.m.
Central today at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
It will have the road in the title.
I haven't figured out the title yet.
They're completing editing it and adding video clips and documents to it.
But I think it'll explain why I've been talking about the road.
But this morning I thought to myself, I better do some research on the road.
Because it does have one thing in it that's a problem.
But still, this is powerful art.
And so I'm talking about it.
There's been a sudden disastrous event.
And in the trailer for the film, much of what's in the trailer is not even in the film.
It shows, you know, newscasting, the end of civilization, everything's collapsing, sudden temperature increase, collapse of the atmosphere.
In fact, will you guys search that term that we, I mentioned it last week, but it was a NASA report about
massive collapse of the atmosphere and then when the sun cooled off in the last decade and stopped having sunspots which are just visual evidence of Coriolis sun flares, solar flares, that the atmosphere, the upper atmosphere collapsed to the greatest extent it's ever collapsed in the hundred years they've been studying it.
And so basically this film deals with a partial collapse of the atmosphere
And in the video I shot yesterday, I hadn't read the novel yet, I talked about roasting children on spits.
That is not in the film, but it turns out that's in the novel.
I was reading reviews of it online, but it does deal with cannibalism and the worst and best in humanity, love versus hate.
But I learned that globalist George Mambayat
has been promoting the film as a way to scare people into giving into global carbon taxes and regulations.
He actually promoted the novel when it won the Pulitzer Prize in 2007 and then was made into a film in the two years after that and was released last October.
And the film is very multifaceted.
It turns out the writer
Cormac McCarthy and of course something as powerful would have a connection to that.
And I learned this after shooting the video.
Turns out this guy has had Annenberg funding, Rockefeller Foundation funding, but they fund thousands of novelists and that's how they control culture.
Because they understand that's a way to steer society.
He doesn't do a lot of interviews, and so before I judge the author, I'm going to try to get in contact with him.
And it turns out he's involved with this science fusion center in New Mexico.
And when I talked about the film having so many archetypal, multi-layered messages,
Then I, doing research for several hours this morning, I discovered that's exactly what this guy's into.
So, that's why the film freaked me out so badly, is because it's everything I've already foreseen, and the system is implanting... In fact, my instincts were right last week when I'd first seen it.
I was on Man Cow, and he asked me if I'd seen the road.
He said that it had disturbed him.
And I said, yes, I believe they're planting these messages.
in the population preparing us for mass die off and mass death.
And so this is really a addendum I'm doing live right now to the 10 minute video that we're going to be posting about the road today.
And I admire the art.
I admire the understanding.
I admire the beauty.
That is magnified by all of the ugliness.
The ugliness is not beautiful.
The beauty of the love, the family, the pro-Second Amendment message in it is very, very strong.
The self-sufficiency message is very, very strong.
And I associate these two quotes with the film.
Adversity makes men and prosperity makes monsters, Victor Hugo.
Courage and perseverance have a magical talisman before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish into air.
John Quincy Adams.
And we have these ancestral, instinctive memories of asteroids hitting the Earth and supervolcanoes going off.
And now NASA admits that they were wrong previously.
Shoemaker-Levy, the comet decades ago that broke into many pieces and hit Saturn, blowing holes in the planet and the gas giant bigger than the Earth.
studying uh... with uh... radioactive dating the different isotopes they know that many of the giant crater sites that are pot marking the surface of the planet uh... and the ocean floor happen more often than ten twenty thirty million years like scientists had previously thought uh... let me look at the surface of the moon
The face of the man on the moon is giant mega, you know, meteor craters.
So we know that mass catastrophe and collapse is happening every few hundred thousand years, and that's conservative.
The science points towards every 50,000 years, maybe every 10,000.
And so as a species, we instinctively know that disaster is always right around the corner, and that
And that life is transient, that this Earth is always changing.
The only constant is change.
That the Earth is being struck by giant meteorites, there are supervolcanoes, huge fault lines being changed, tectonic forces.
We know that war comes and kills millions of people, sometimes hundreds of millions.
We know that famine and starvation and disease and that
Peaceful times, times of milk and honey are very, very rare in the human experience.
And so that's why this film resonates.
And I wrote some notes.
You know, speak to deep human truths here.
There are other forms of social death.
If you see an 18-wheeler carrying a bunch of cannibals in a collapsed society like Rwanda, coming over the hill to hack you up with machetes and eat you,
You know that threat.
That's a hundred percent.
That's not creeping death.
That's a full frontal assault.
When you see a dam break and a hundred feet of fast-moving water coming towards you, you know that's a threat.
But the globalists are scientific in their system of control, and they admit that they're bringing in a form of creeping soft kill, slow death, where they genetically modify the food to sterilize you and add chemicals to the cleaning products and to the foods.
And silicone to many of the fast foods and prepared foods and processed foods.
And that the sperm counts dropped by over 80%.
And that infertility is exploding.
And cancers are up several thousand percentiles on every major front.
And that this is designed.
I mean, I have the globalist textbooks.
We've shown you many of them here, like Ecoscience, written by the White House Science Czar.
So I wanted to speak directly
To the people that are bathing our culture in films like Eli, and The Road, and others.
All these constant 2012 movies, meteor movies, viral release movies like I Am Legend, which is a remake of The Omega Man, and The Last Man on Earth, and others, with Vincent Price.
This is being done to introduce this idea so that we will accept it when it happens.
And we've had our federal government, since the 40s, building the biggest underground complexes in the world.
They admit they're the biggest, but they're secret.
With decades of food supplies and nuclear power plants underground and Adam and Eve repopulation centers and huge seed banks all over the world funded by the Rockefellers and the UN and Rothschilds on record.
I mean, this is mainstream news.
And they say, oh, in case there's a total collapse.
Well, I mean, I want to give you the big secret here, the biggest secret.
They are planning a moonraker scenario.
The man that wrote Moonraker was, of course, a member of OSS and then MI6.
He was a spy chief, Mr. Fleming.
And in Moonraker, you have a globalist, who is the richest man in the world, a robber baron, and he releases a biological weapon, or attempts to, to kill everyone on Earth, and he and his elite, the eugenics elite, the genetic elite, are going to stay off-world for two years, because the bioweapon is meant to run its course, and then
Retrograde and break down into something harmless and they're going to come back and re-people the earth.
This goes back to Plato and his Republic saying we need to round up all the poor, kill them and then only breathe with the elite because we're smarter and better and we're going to control the future and humanity's crushing the breast of Mother Earth.
This is the ultimate jealousy, the ultimate form of cannibalism.
This is the ultimate form of controlling technology.
And hoarding information, the ultimate form of selfishness.
And I want to say to the Rockefeller Foundation and to others,
that you are psychopaths and you are control freaks and all of your history shows that and you funded all the major wars the last ninety plus years since world war one and you've done all of this on record to bring in your world government and you hand out nuclear weapons to north korea and to pakistan our own government's done that and you know that you're releasing salmon that have just been approved that in major university studies cause a total extinction within forty generations of the natural salmon
And these salmon themselves are a chimera-cross species.
You're on a power trip.
You believe you control reality.
You believe that you're going to destroy the Earth so that we are all forced to die.
You are committing us to this.
You're going to go into your underground bunkers and then re-emerge, you believe, and then eradicate all the GMO and replant.
I mean, they actually state this.
They have all these shows on Discovery Channel, you know, the world after man, romanticizing how great it's going to be.
I mean, you see it.
And how we shouldn't have even one child now, and how there should be taxes on having children, and how humans are evil.
We see this everywhere.
And so, if you're really concerned about the environment, if you're really concerned about what's happening in our world, many of you mainline, lower-level environmentalists are good people.
And I noticed a lot of the old environmentalists that helped grab land from people here in Austin with the SOS, they're now not part of it.
They've woken up and they're fighting fluoridation of water, GMO food, things like that.
I mean, that's the big issue that's hurting this planet.
All the new viruses and genetically modified mosquitos they're releasing.
Now, that was in BBC two days ago.
And all of this is the real threat.
And fish infusion weapons.
And neutron weapons.
And antimatter weapons that the Air Force admits they've developed, but it's highly classified.
They just admit they've developed it.
And the Hadron Superconducting Super Collider.
You know, their own scientists admit it could cause a strangelet, a singularity, a black hole.
And they wouldn't know, the particle would sink to the center of the Earth, and then start replicating, start sucking in energy, and then by the time they even felt the earthquake happen, one second later we'll all be dead.
And I'm not saying that's going to happen, but the point is you've got thousands of these experiments going on, pell-mell, as the globalists rush for advanced technologies to extend life.
They believe eternal.
I'm not saying that's real.
I'm saying they think they're going to get it.
This is all they talk about.
It's a power trip of how their gods and everybody else are a bunch of dumb people.
And they are organizing a global collapse that'll make our world look like Leningrad.
Where the people survived for several years on cannibalism.
I mean, this is what they want to set up.
This is what they want to push.
And so, the film is profound.
I don't know if that was the goal of this film, because it has a lot of other good messages in it.
But I'm telling you, this is something profound that people need to see.
It is a masterwork of masterwork.
And I got a video coming out in a couple hours where I break it all down in more detail at InfoWars.com.
Stay with us.
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Hi, this is Alex Jones.
Did you know that the global elite are now storing non-hybrid seeds in secret storage vaults near the Arctic Circle?
Did you know that in a real meltdown, non-hybrid seeds can become more valuable than silver or gold?
It's true.
Seeds have outperformed even gold and silver before in this country.
And it's possible they could even happen again.
So our friends at Solutions from Science have put together the perfect mix of non-hybrid seeds.
They call it a Survival Seed Bank.
And it can produce an endless supply of nutrient-dense food for you and your family.
And here's the best part.
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And you actually get enough seeds to plant a full acre crisis garden.
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Remember, in a real crisis, non-hybrid seeds are the ultimate barter item.
This is Alex Jones for survivalseedbank.com.
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There's the headline on screen for PrisonPlanet.tv viewers from NASA.gov.
A puzzling collapse of Earth's upper atmosphere.
A record collapse.
In 2008, 2009 and NASA says that the sun put off a lot less radiation for the years before that and that's what caused it.
So it's not going to be carbon dioxide that plants breathe that makes the atmosphere collapse like the road says.
Paying taxes to Al Gore so you can have bigger palaces isn't going to do that.
And again, that's my message to the establishment, fake environmentalists who are just eugenicists, and then their kind of outer...
acolytes in the church of dehumanization is that what the elite, what the controllers are doing is endangering the earth with their mega-death weapons, with their genetic engineering, with their open-air planting and release of genetically modified organisms, goats that are part spider, fish that are part roach, corn that is part roach, grasshopper, tomatoes that are part roach.
Roach is one of their favorites because they've got the genome for it.
I mean, you can't make this stuff up.
Please don't laugh at me.
Just search the term spider goats or salmon genes in corn, insect genes in salmon.
I mean, they know what they're doing.
They talk about themselves like they're gods and how they're rewriting everything and how the third world populations don't deserve to live.
And then you research, they're targeting Western populations even more, saying don't have kids, it's bad.
And you look at Mexico City with 30 million people, most of them living in cardboard boxes.
Every day they have snow that is human feces.
They call it, uh, I'm not going to use the slang term for it.
I'm not kidding.
There's storms of brown human waste raining down and they say, well, we got to reduce population.
But if they industrialize them,
If they educated them, that would happen.
But instead, the globalists in the Royal Commission on Population in 1949, they have a new one out this year, say we're not going to allow these countries to industrialize because that will make them a rival to us.
We're going to let their population be a bomb.
And by the way, it's a perception issue.
90% of the Western world and other industrialized countries live in cities.
You can fly on an airplane for hours and not see any human civilization.
The way we're concentrated is bad for us in this toxic environment.
But outside of that, it's not as toxic.
And the globalists could care less about it.
And here you have all the mainline, quote, liberals, like Margaret Sanger, who got awards from Hitler, gave awards to Hitler, being pushed as good and loving.
And they play all these race issues to bring down Western countries so they can control them.
But meanwhile, they want the people in Mexico dead.
See, I'm supposedly the racist because I don't want the Mexicans dead.
I want to wake them up like everybody else and have them have a free, vibrant, uplifted society.
I know that if they're not doing well, I'm not going to do well.
I care about humans.
I have empathy.
I have that fire burning in my heart for the destiny of humanity.
But the globalists are just cold-bloodedly poisoning everybody, testing their soft-kill weapons,
And targeting Western populations that have a 1.3 replacement rate.
For every two adults, a replacement rate of 1.3.
The West is dying.
It's the death of the West.
And the globalists are destroying the environment by design, rewriting it, saying there is no such thing as a mutation.
I had an IBM person tell me this.
They said there's no such thing as a mutation because humans are natural.
So anything we do, even if we do it with technology, is evolution.
And so it's evolutionary that we're going to rewrite everything.
I don't think so.
If you don't give us a global government to reduce your numbers, when the aim of the global government is mass extermination.
So it's really a riddle in all these films when they show you mass extinction.
Because that is the aim of the environmental movement.
They're not trying to stop that.
That's their aim.
That's their stated aim.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, it's hour number three.
We're going to talk about the design depression.
It's being engineered with some special guests coming up after the break.
I wanted to get into this top story today.
It's up on prisonplanet.com.
We want to make this the top search term on the web again, and then I'm going to give this a rest for a while.
I want to commend all of you that have made the last four search terms, number one.
It's false flag cyber.
Or false flag cyber attack, but shorter is better.
False flag cyber.
And when you make this number one, which I have no doubt you will, God bless you, then they will be led to this article by Steve Watson.
False flag cyber attack.
Could take down the internet, billion dollar cyber security industry at the forefront of top secret America complex.
And Google's also censoring the term, top secret America.
It was in the top ten, they removed that.
And that's just because it's in the Washington Post and a bunch of papers.
So they're not just censoring our terms.
We have to come up with new ones before they censor them.
And then by them censoring them, it shows the censorship.
False flag cyber attack could take down the internet.
Search term, false flag cyber.
An increasing clamor to restrict and control the internet on behalf of the government, the Pentagon and intelligence community, and their private corporate arms could result in a staged cyber attack being used as justification.
And they're saying the attack's coming.
We're going to shut the web down as you know it when it happens.
For your own good, of course.
As they already build the takeover hubs.
Over recent months we have seen great increase in media coverage of inflated fears over a possible electronic Pearl Harbor event with reports claiming that the U.S.
could be failed within 15 minutes.
Then we had to attack Iraq because they had an EMP weapon to knock out everything in 45 minutes.
Vastly overhyped and in some cases completely asinine, claims that the power grids and other key infrastructure such as rail networks and water sources are wired up to public internet have permitted such false coverage.
It's not true.
Threats against computer networks in the United States are grossly exaggerated.
DIA reports issued by the Defense Science Board and the Center for Strategic International Studies
...are usually richer in vivid metaphor, and that's from a mainstream news article, which fears of digital Pearl Harbor and cyber-Katrinas than in functional, factual foundation, writes a major news publication, a respected researcher and blogger who writes on the political effects of the Internet.
They go on to write that much of the data on the suspect's exposed cyber threat are gathered by ultra-secretive government agencies, which need to justify their own existence, and cybersecurity companies, which derive commercial benefits from popular anxiety and allows them to consolidate and control the infrastructure of the web.
When the Cybersecurity Act was introduced by Senator John Rockefeller, Jay Rockefeller, who said he'd be better off if we never had the internet, was invented.
We had similar claims about the threat of cyber attacks.
Quote adding, would it have been better off if we never invented the internet?
Rockefeller legislation gives the president the ability to declare a cyber emergency and shut down or limit internet traffic in any critical information network in the interest of national security.
And it's now been admitted this year that last year the CDC almost had the internet completely shut down and rerouted to the CDC.
Obama almost did it as a test.
Because the flu was such a threat, you could only get their info.
That's because myself and others were on the web, countering that it was a total fraud.
It's now come out in the EU Commission and the British Medical Journal that it was a complete lie and a fraud to sell vaccines.
Dangerous vaccines.
But they almost did it last year.
And it goes on, uh, the Rockefeller legislation gives the president the ability to declare a cybersecurity emergency and shut down or limit internet traffic in any critical information network in the interest of the national security.
The bill does not define a critical information network or cybersecurity emergency.
But it says that anybody with over 100 ISP members will be under federal control.
That definition would be left to the president according to Mother Jones' report.
Provisions of the bill would allow the federal government via the DHS and NSA to tap into any digital aspect of every citizen's information, which they're already doing without a warrant.
This report is so important.
I only read one page of it.
It's lengthy.
It's key.
You want to save the web, get this out to everybody.
False flag cyber attack.
Could take down the internet.
Just search the term false flag cyber.
Search the term false flag cyber.
This is your mission if you choose to accept it.
I salute you all for making our last four search terms number one on the web.
This is Alex Jones with 5 good reasons you should consider buying a solar power generator.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We are live, ladies and gentlemen, and for the next 52 minutes, we're joined by Robert DiNasi, who produced a lot of big films, like Flight Plan with Jodie Foster.
And, of course, Kevin Costner.
We got Brian Kraft, another writer-director, involved with a lot of important work.
They wanted to interview me about two years ago.
For a film called The Fall of America.
It's nine discs.
They have a tenth disc.
When you order it, the website is fallofamerica.net.
We'll put that up on screen for everybody.
But they set out to make a film about something completely different.
But in their research, every expert they talked to, not just myself or Dr. Paul Craig Roberts and countless others, told them that a collapse was coming.
So they were making this long before the collapse began.
And it's now been out for about a year.
And it is a survival guide how to protect you, your loved ones from financial Armageddon, government tyranny, the destruction of the middle class, and the end of freedom.
What if, in the fictional movie The Road, people around the country had seen an important compendium, a survival guide like The Fall of America and the Western World?
Gentlemen, it's good to have you on with us.
Fire out your website for folks.
Thanks for having us back, Alex.
Always good to hear your voice.
The website is www.thefallofamerica.net.
That's thefallofamerica.net, and that's where they can get the 10-hour DVD box set called The Fall of America in the Western World.
Well, it's an incredible compendium of information.
Tell folks before we get into how you made the film and the journey of discovery it took you on, and where you see this country and the world right now, as they admit now we're going into a depression, and some of the folks that are in the film, gentlemen.
Well, it was, you know, when Bob and James Padula, our other partner, when we started out to make this film pre-economic collapse,
We were just setting out to make a movie on what it would like to be living in a post 9-11 world.
We went and talked to as many experts and notables as we could get to talk to us.
And these are, you know, everyone from yourself, Alex Jones, to the father of Reaganomics, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, to NYU professor Mark Crispin Miller.
We spoke to Doug McIntyre, the historian, the eminent
Economist Doug Casey.
We spoke to these notables, Naomi Wolf, and we were interviewing them, just asking them about, hey, what would it be like to live in a post-9-11 world?
And one word or one phrase kept coming up as we were interviewing people, and that was, hey, you guys know America is not going to collapse.
It's in the process of collapsing.
Now, again, these are notable experts.
On the economy.
On government.
And when they said this, we said, well, what do you mean?
It's in the process of collapsing.
And I'll never forget it.
The eminent economist, Doug Casey, who's also a supporter of Ron Paul, he looked at us and said, oh, we're in inning three of a nine-inning greater depression.
He said, look around.
Now, this was before the economic collapse.
Since then, we've seen things that I think are, and I think your audience and viewers and yourself would agree are unprecedented, Alex.
Bank failure, Wall Street collapse, the socialist takeover of the American private sector,
And this is not, by the way, just in America.
We don't have enough time to go into what's happening everywhere.
But let's see what's happening in Spain, Portugal, and Greece.
And so anyway, we looked, and we listened, and we realized, oh my gosh, America is in any two or three of a collapse.
And it's our duty as patriots, as Americans, and as just good people who care about ourselves and our family,
It's our duty to create a survival guide.
And so that's what we did with The Fall of America and The Western World.
It's more than just a documentary, Alex.
It's really a 10-disc survival guide with over 150 actionable tips that people can do, starting today.
You know, starting right now.
Because we only have a 2- to 3-year window, I believe.
It is that.
To get our house in order.
By the house, I mean, there's things we need to be doing.
Questions we need to be asking ourselves.
People we need to be talking to.
Not to least of what who we are.
We need to be talking to our families, our friends, our pastors, our rabbis, our preachers.
Because just a few years ago, most of them would laugh at us.
Now they're not laughing.
Now they're listening.
And especially when you can show them a compendium documentary like this, where you guys made the film and then it all started to come true because you were talking to the leading minds, the leading experts.
When you get the compendium, that's right.
It's really very affordable.
We tried our best to keep it as low as possible.
It's $79.99, which is about $7 or $8 per disc, but also there's literature in there.
We also invite people.
So yeah, it's a very respectable price.
We would invite people, though, to go to our website.
Let's get real, folks.
This is 2010.
We're not living in 1998 or 1988 anymore.
This isn't fear-mongering.
This is truth-mongering.
This is a reality check.
It's 2010.
You've lived through, we've all lived through things we thought would never be possible.
Let's start with 9-11, right?
Then let's talk about bank failures.
Let's talk about the largest Wall Street failure in the history of our country.
The socialist bailout, right?
The further destruction of our dollar.
Well, they now admit in the Secret America report in the Washington Post that 854,000 private corporate spies with the highest security level.
What's scary is this is a designed corporate takeover.
Just like bankers want the family farm to go bankrupt, they don't want the loan back, they want the property.
This is being done by design, but if we're aware of it,
It's going to lessen how bad it gets, A, and B, if people are educated, we can then bring these culprits to justice.
And your film also covers that.
Yeah, let's go to Robert D'Anozzi.
I've been talking to Brian, correct?
Because I recognize your voices.
You know, you hit the nail on the head when you talk about corporations.
When we set out to make this 9-DVD series, when it became that, we all looked at each other and we talked about how we had friends and family, you know, kind, intelligent, caring people, but they were so caught within the false paradigm of the conservative-liberal split and so forth, that trying to introduce the larger picture to them was like trying to extract them from a hall of mirrors.
You know, everywhere they turn, everything is explained away within the dominant propaganda system.
And that's really why we set out to make this.
How can we cut through that and give people a larger perspective?
Because anytime we would introduce something, or you talk to your friends and family, a lot of your listeners know this.
People go, oh, you're a conspiracy theorist, or you're a gloom and doomer, or whatever the case may be.
Well, you know, one of the things that we try to do with this project is introduce a new language that you can use to talk to your friends and family.
You know, most people don't argue the point that the same elite who sit on the boards of directors and run major corporations are the same elite that sit in key government positions and run our political universe.
So why would you expect the elite who run multinational corporations to want to run a government any differently?
And what do corporations want?
They want no borders.
They want to be above the law.
They don't want to be subject to court.
They want powerless workers who work cheap.
And they don't want democracy in the workplace.
They want constant surveillance.
They want private security and private intelligence.
And so when you start to look at it that way, the things around us start to make a lot more sense, and that's why we made this.
And Robert, your film crystallizes that perfectly, and now there's no more denying the New World Order is a private global corporate government above the law that then passes laws to extract our wealth and enslave us, and they openly say they're doing this, and that's what your film covers.
Exactly, and you know, I saw the propaganda machine at work.
It's just a great example.
I had seen, this was about 2007, right when we got underway with this, and I saw a fund manager on CNBC, and he actually mentioned the Amaro as a coming currency.
And that caught traction, and it kind of went viral, and people started talking about it, and it was a search term.
And I told my dad, I said, see dad, there is this thing called the Amaro.
There will be a North American currency to replace our dollar.
And not a week later, a full-page hit piece in the Boston Globe, connecting the idea of the Amaro to conspiracy fears and, you know, apocalyptic anxiety.
And now it's all over the news that they have a new cashless global currency called the SDR, and we're going to be forced to pay carbon taxes to fund these private bankers.
Now the world government's not being denied.
That's right.
And Alex, you bring up a good point.
This is Brian again.
You bring up a great point.
Fighting these people.
And I would say the best way to fight someone first is to make sure that your house is in order.
How are you going to fight someone if you don't have food on your table?
How are you going to fight someone if you don't have the means to protect yourself at home or your family?
You're not just going to not be able to fight them politically, you're going to be dependent on them.
That's right.
Which is what they want.
So our film really, The Fall of America, really is about becoming self-reliant.
It's about getting off the grid.
It's about asking tough questions of yourself and your family.
What would you do, for example, if the power grid failed?
What would you do if there were no food on the supermarket shelves?
What would you do if martial law happened?
What would you do if we have further passage of draconian laws?
Stay there.
Stay there.
I want to come back and continue with Mr. Kraft and Mr. Denaze because, you know, my wife and I, we've been getting ready for years.
And now we understand that this isn't just a option or a probability that there's going to be a total collapse.
We're hoping that there's some small chance that it isn't going to be a total collapse.
So, I mean, I believe everything I'm saying here, folks, and so do these filmmakers.
We'll be right back.
Hi, this is Alex Jones.
Did you know that the global elite are now storing non-hybrid seeds in secret storage vaults near the Arctic Circle?
Did you know that in a real meltdown, non-hybrid seeds can become more valuable than silver or gold?
It's true, seeds have outperformed even gold and silver before in this country, and it's possible they could even happen again.
So our friends at Solutions from Science have put together the perfect mix of non-hybrid seeds.
They call it a survival seed bank, and it can produce an endless supply of nutrient-dense food for you and your family.
And here's the best part.
These seeds have not been genetically modified in any way.
And you actually get enough seeds to plant a full acre crisis garden.
So visit them today at survivalseedbank.com.
That's survivalseedbank.com.
Or give them a call at 877-327-0365.
That's 877-327-0365.
Remember, in a real crisis, non-hybrid seeds are the ultimate barter item.
This is Alex Jones for survivalseedbank.com.
The Fall of America and the Western World is an all-new 10-hour documentary and survival guide rolled into one.
In this film, you will see the reasons why our government is failing and what you can do to prepare.
Featuring Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, Joseph Farah, David Icke, Naomi Wolf, G. Edward Griffin, Doug McIntyre, Mark Crispin Miller, Mickey Z, Doug Casey, David McElhaney, and myself, Alex Jones.
Protect yourself and get the tools you need to protect your family from these difficult times.
The Fall of America and the Western World at www.thefallofamerica.net or click on the banners at infowars.com and prisonplanet.com.
Again, that website's www.thefallofamerica.net or call 800-655-1577.
Prepare yourself and the ones you love today.
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Robert DiNasi and Brian Kraft are our guests.
Both accomplished filmmakers in their own right.
Thefallofamerica.net is the website.
If you want to call,
And, uh, order the, uh, ten-part film.
It's nine parts with an extra tenth part they've added.
It's 800-655-1577.
Again, 800-655-1577.
You can also get it online.
And, uh, it's important to support filmmakers out there.
that are really getting into hardcore issues.
And the more patriots, the more lovers of truth that transcend left, right, race, all this stuff, the more lovers of truth that are prepared and informed, the better chance we've got of surviving through this.
Gentlemen, you were trying to finish up a point.
Mr. Kraft, you were getting into that we don't want to be dependent on these people.
And the first step in fighting back is being self-sufficient.
The first step in fighting back is getting your own house in order.
Look, I'm assuming that people who listen to your program, Alex, are, in part at least, awake.
If you're listening to this program, you know you're listening for a reason.
You're partly awake.
However, I can't tell you how many people I know, even though you're a wake one, who still say things to me like,
It can't happen here in America.
Come on.
And the reason they say that is because they've never known any different.
They have roads to get to their office with or to get to the beach with or whatever.
To the baseball diamond with.
There's food in the supermarket.
There's gas in their tank.
And they say things to me like it can't happen here in America.
Alex, I'd like to get your thoughts.
Can it happen here in America?
Well, the answer is it is happening.
Look at Mexico.
It's been poor, but it's completely collapsing.
Look at Greece.
Look at Spain.
Look at how they're talking about taking the pension funds.
They've created 1.5 quadrillion.
The Washington Post says 600 trillion, but it doesn't matter at that point.
Whether it's 600 trillion or 1.5 quadrillion, they have created a black hole of debt that is designed to wreck society.
The global controllers want a post-industrial society.
They want a collapse, so they can reorganize things.
And, I mean, that's what Time Magazine said last week was, people are going to be so poor they won't be able to afford to have children, and that's a good thing for the environment.
This is a diabolical plan.
It is happening here, by design.
That's my answer.
And it's a good answer, and the reality is, if you believe that, then the very next set of questions that a discerning, intelligent Alex Jones listener should be asking himself or herself is the following.
What would you do if the power failed?
What would you do if you turned your sink on and there'd be no tap water?
And let me interrupt and then have you continue and then go back to Mr. Dinozzi, but I'm Alex Jones.
I'm supposedly on top of all this.
I know it's real, and I've made more preparations than most, but I haven't made a lot of the preparations I need to.
I'm looking at my wife going, we've got to move to the country.
She's like, yes, we've got to get out of here.
But I'm so busy in the daily grind of fighting the New World Order, I haven't done half of what I should have.
So the point is, it's time for people to stop procrastinating.
And a great place, a focal point, is to watch the
How many hours long is your film?
It's over 10 hours with the bonus disc that we give away.
Yeah, so, so, I mean, for the next 10 days, folks, watch an hour every night, write notes, they've got a booklet to do that in, and create your own plan.
You know, focus, make it important.
I want my listeners to be prepared regardless of what happens, and a great place to start is thefallofamerica.net.
That's right.
And, you know, don't be overwhelmed.
That's the other message I would say.
Don't be overwhelmed.
It is going to be a lot of work.
And it may take you the next year.
Of, you know, maybe a couple hours a day to get this done.
But you have to get it done.
Let me ask you this.
What choice do you have if you believe in what is talked about on the Alex Jones program?
The answer is you don't have a choice.
Let me ask you this.
Let me ask you this.
Why until 40 years ago or so did every rural household, my grandparents, you name it,
That you went to.
They were canning.
They had food for almost a year.
They were prepared for collapse because they'd lived through the depression.
But before that, their grandparents had lived through even more.
Every culture has always put away things and been prepared.
That's common sense because they were living closer to the field, closer to reality.
They'd been through this before.
And I'll assure you, our great-grandkids and our grandkids, they're going to be more prepared than us because they're going to go through this.
It's that we've been so fat, dumb, and happy and inserted into this matrix and this, what Robert was talking about, this full spectrum of false information, this propaganda universe, that we are just ripe for the slaughter.
And that's why all the economists we talk to call it the greatest depression, because all the evidence shows it's going to be the worst ever, because we are so dependent.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
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The question is, where should the American people draw their line in the sand?
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A republic.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
There is a war on for your mind.
Thank you so much for joining us today on this Wednesday, the 21st day of July, 2010.
You know, I was thinking during the break
I think?
We'll be out there one at one time to respond to crime.
I think of the Oakland police chief two weeks ago saying we're not going to respond to burglary, robbery, people being poisoned by design, arson.
We're not going to respond.
So the bigger the government gets, the more taxes we pay, it all goes to interest of the bankers.
And this is the road warrior type collapse I keep talking about that the globalists have designed.
This is their stated goal.
Finishing up the points you were making, Brian Crath.
We're going to go back to Robert D'Anozzi and get some of his take on what's happening with society.
But that point I just raised there.
I mean, I see these headlines daily.
I know what happens in other countries.
We are collapsing into a third world situation.
Most nations live very close to a road warrior type scenario.
Much of Africa is like the movie The Road.
You know, I think it's very clear to most who listen to you that we are truthfully in the final phase of the meltdown.
I mean, I said last time I was on your show, we're in inning three of a nine inning greater depression.
And I don't think, but even saying that, Alex, I don't know that people still can grasp what that means.
And so I think it's important to paint a picture for people, sort of a visual picture for people, so they can realize that this is not only serious, but that they must act now.
And so I ask people who contact me and ask for suggestions.
We've received thousands of emails, by the way.
So people aren't waking up.
I ask people to ask themselves the simplest of questions.
And those questions start with, what would you do if the power grid failed?
What would you do if you turned on your tap and no water came out?
Or if the government tripled the price.
That's actually what the IMF and World Bank do.
There you go.
What would you do if there was a collapse of law and order, and you were truly out there fending for yourself?
What would you do if you woke up and gas was $12 a gallon, or there was no- someone had siphoned the gas out of your tank?
What would you do if there were mass migrations out of the city?
What would you do if the dollar collapsed?
How much food
Does the average American have in their cupboard enough for what, Alex?
A week or two weeks to feed their family?
That's not enough!
And so, we're trying to get the word out.
Look, here's what we want people to do.
If you have ears to hear and eyes to see, and you truly call yourself a truth seeker, a patriot, an American, someone who really wants to see the world that our founders, or the country that our founders intended,
Then just do this.
Go to the website, thefallofamerica.net.
Watch the trailer.
Download the free gold report that's right there on the homepage.
Tell 10 to 15 of your friends about the trailer.
Watch it with them.
If you can afford it, it's not expensive.
Buy the film and discuss.
That's all.
Do that one thing.
Discuss and watch the trailer and the film.
Let's start there.
I think your audience, who does this, when they go and they read through the voluminous amount of information on the website, will see the truth and wake up and start preparing to survive this thing.
Well, I mean there is a small chance that the bankers could back off, but I've talked to so many economists and I've studied so much history.
And they've stated over and over again, this is mathematically impossible to get out of unless we arrest the Federal Reserve heads.
Unless, and that's what the film The Secret of Oz covers, is monetary solutions to extricate ourselves out of this.
I mean, if we had good people running things, we could fix this and get out of it.
I mean, if we'd elected Ron Paul and they hadn't assassinated him, if he got elected and he was able to do things, we would be able to reverse things.
But he has said it would still be really tough.
But the fact is, the globalists have got the accelerator all the way down to the metal, and this is the direction they want to go, order out of chaos.
And so, we're trying to wake people up, so that as we go into this crisis, the controllers can't spin things even into more power for them.
In fact, look at this today.
Obama signs the financial overhaul.
I think?
And insurance companies, that's why the Texas Banking Association has come out and exposed them and criticized it, and said it's a fraud.
But they create the banking crisis, the made-off type scam, then their solution is more power.
This is just the evidence.
They're not backing off.
They've committed so many crimes, they're now committed all or nothing.
They're all in.
And I wanted to get Robert DiNasi's comments on what Mr. Kraft and I have been talking about.
I couldn't agree more, Alex.
I mean, look, here's the thing.
The Federal Reserve, having given the private banks the right to lend us our own currency at interest, and inflation, has been historically the greatest wealth transfer scam ever concocted by anybody.
It takes our value, our wealth that we produce, as middle class Americans, and transfers it into the hands of the elite.
That's what it's for.
I'm a little less optimistic than David Ron Paul that the dollar could be saved.
One, because they have no incentive to save it.
The whole point for them is to print more and more and more, because every time they lend us more, we owe them more interest.
So, that's not going to happen, unless we revert it back to the gold standard, which brings me back to Brian's comment on being prepared.
I think so.
You know, never mind the water not turning on tomorrow morning.
I mean, we all woke up to 9-11.
Can you imagine waking up to a financial 9-11?
You turn on your TV, the market's collapsed.
You're told that, you know, your dollars are no longer currency.
They're going to have to be exchanged for something else.
That is very, very real.
And that was the thing that I was very concerned with when we started this film.
Um, you know, I had a, I had a dream that's kind of funny way back just when we were first getting going and in this dream I woke up and I was like, oh, I didn't do anything.
It was too late.
You know, and there were sort of military vehicles rolling down the street and we were being told on loudspeakers that we had to report to our local Liberty Center to get our freedom number.
No, I've been, I've been having those dreams for 20 years before I was even awake.
Well, you know, the thing is, it's, you know, what we're trying to do with this, I really sort of caught on to the power of, you know, disseminating information in grassroots ways.
When I was on the set of Flightplan, of all things, I had made a film previously, years ago, and I brought a couple of copies down to the set.
I gave them to a few of my friends on the crew.
And, you know, our star, Jodie Foster, she happened to be sitting there, and I never in a million years thought she'd ask me for one, but she did.
And that was on a Friday.
Monday morning, her assistant called me down to her trailer and I went in and she said, this was amazing, I need 10 more in a box, please, I need to give them to all my friends.
And I said, this is something I want to do more of.
Well, I mean, they have the Emergency Centers Act, which is to build FEMA camps.
They've already built them.
It's like they have the Cybersecurity Act after they've already built it.
They have the Real ID Act, 15 years after they've already put it into place, federalizing our IDs with biometrics.
They have built the FEMA centers.
They are your sports stadiums.
They are the old military bases.
And they're already, I always said they are going to, now they are advertising them as your local emergency community center.
The old mall here off I-35.
Got taken over by FEMA two years ago.
And they come over and tell you to get out of there if you try to videotape them.
I mean, this is a designed implosion of society, and I just hope folks will go get the film, The Fall of America, at thefallofamerica.net, because I really do want people to get prepared, and that's why I agreed to be in your film.
Let's list one more time for folks, everybody that's in this.
It's a very eclectic group, but they're all basically saying the same thing.
Very eclectic mix of notable experts, Alex, that normally agree on very little, if anything at all, but do agree that America is in sort of a stage two or any three of a collapse.
So we have Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, who's the father of Reaganomics,
We have Naomi Wolf, the New York Times best-selling author.
Of course, she normally probably doesn't agree with much that Mr. Roberts says.
Alex Jones, Professor Mark Christian Miller, Head of Media Studies at NYU.
We have Mickey Z, a left-winger, who probably doesn't agree with anything that the notable G. Edward Griffin, a libertarian, believes.
We have constitutionalists,
And journalist Joseph Farah, the eminent economist Douglas Casey, who's an anarchist, is in the film.
Biblical scholar Ken Kline, who talks about how this relates to Christianity and Judaism.
Author David Icke, historian Doug McIntyre, and economist David McIlvain.
There's also some literature that comes with the film that
Not available elsewhere.
Written by the survivalist and martial law expert David Black.
So those are the people that are in the film, Alex.
It's just incredible.
And again, folks, I suggest you watch this in a 10-day period, an hour a night.
Write notes.
Think about it.
That's what I've been doing.
Get the nine DVDs and the extra bonus DVD all together in one package at thefallofamerica.net.
And I want to give people that toll-free number one more time in case they missed it.
Because the last time you were on, Brian, I got calls later at the office saying, you know, where's the number?
I missed it.
I, you know, I want to get this documentary.
The system, though, is scared.
That's why they're engaged in a power grab.
That's why they openly want to take over the Internet.
That's why they openly want to shut down what we're doing.
Because what the globalists are engaged in is so outrageously unconstitutional.
And it's so illegal on its face that if we just speak up and say no to them, they're going to collapse.
Guys, what's your view on that?
Instead of us collapsing, let's use the collapse to bring them down.
That's absolutely right.
But to do that, we have to be secure in our persons and effects.
We cannot get out there and help them to self-implode if we're hungry.
You can't do it.
If your child's at home, breathing, or is perspiring because you can't turn on the air, or is sick, or has the flu, or if someone's trying to loot your house, we can absolutely use this opportunity, Alex, to help them sort of kill off themselves with this implosion.
But we have to be secure first.
Well, I couldn't agree with you more, and the good news is we've seen 18 million plus guns sold in the last year and a half.
That's doubling the previous record, and that's only accelerating.
And so the real lace in the hole is the fact that the American people are so armed.
That doesn't mean we're out looking for an armed revolution or looking for a shootout with thugs or looters, but
You look at the states where people have more guns, they have lower crime because the criminals know they're not safe.
That's why they all move to Chicago or New York, where the victims have been disarmed, where it's happy hunting.
And so the film gets into self-defense and a lot more.
Again, I want to go back with both of you about your journey.
You set out to make a film about the post-9-11 America and how things had changed.
What was it like for you as you talked to all these experts, many of them which didn't even know each other, and they were telling you basically the same thing?
Well, Alex, if I may, what was most intriguing about this was that you have people from all across the spectrum.
Left, right, conservative, liberal, secular, religious.
And for everything they disagreed on, what was fascinating, and I think what makes the fall of America and the Western world
I don't know.
I don't know.
So, that was what we were, we were finding this common ground, and we said, okay, wait a minute, even though these people are vastly, vastly different, in some ways, there's so much overlap, they're all saying the same thing, and it can't be dismissed as a liberal thing, or a conservative thing, or a, you know, a conspiracy thing.
What effect has the film had on your family, some of them that, uh, might have been scoffing at you earlier?
Well, you know, they were scoffing at us when we were making the film.
Uh, you know, again, saying, oh,
Gloom and Doomer and everything's fine and that's conspiracy and it can't happen here and all that stuff.
But through the process of making the film, slowly but surely, things that we told them were going to come about, like gold going from $700 an ounce to $1,200 an ounce, like, you know, the mortgage crisis, the subprime, you know, explosion.
Uh... bank collapse.
Things that I talked about, that we had written into this film, that people thought were impossible, were unfolding before their eyes.
And so that gave us a lot more credibility.
Well, that's what's happened with my broadcast, is that I'm just going off the history, the research, the issues, the facts.
Doesn't mean I'm a hundred percent right, but overall we've been going in the exact direction of society and predicting it long before.
And so now I've got to contend
With the fact that people really do listen to what I say and I've tried to bring the quality of my information, it's always been good, to an even higher level because of the responsibility of the effect that I have and that my listeners have with this information in my films.
But one thing that, you know, seeing this collapse coming and now entering the first stages of it has done is it's helped me realize and focus on what's really important in my life.
You know, petty issues, and I've never been a very worldly person, but, you know, still worldly to a certain extent.
I'm a lot less worldly than I was even five years ago, or even a year ago, or a month ago.
It's really a focusing of the soul, of the psyche, of the mind, especially when you have children, to realize, if you've studied history, just how dangerous things can get, and to know that we are going there.
It's incredible.
You know, Alex, you bring up a good point.
On my own personal journey to get my own house in order, because prior to starting this, I said something was wrong, like I think most of your listeners, but I didn't know what was wrong and I didn't know what to do about it once I, you know, defined it.
But I gotta say, since I've been on this journey of getting my own house in order, you know, I'm starting to feel better about myself.
As a spiritual being, having a human experience, I mean, I feel better about... because I feel more comfortable.
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Ryan Kraft and Robert D'Anazio are our guests.
We've got about five minutes left with them.
He just really hit on the point.
People talk about how they feel empty.
They don't feel empowered by sex, by money, by earthly power.
But they always feel empowered in history when they're helping poor children, or helping the sick, or risking their lives to run into a burning building to help others.
People are instinctively aware of the fact that much of the world they see is a false reality.
It's disinformation, it's propaganda, it's lies.
And when you start tuning into the real world, and realizing that the solution is facing just how bad things are, so you can protect all the good things that are in the world, it is an enlightenment that happens.
It is an acceleration of understanding.
And you begin to really tune into the secrets of the world.
And creation, the mysteries of the world.
And I think that's what... Brian, is that what you were starting to get into?
That's exactly where I'm going.
Many of us realize that this isn't any way to live at all.
This isn't fun.
Life doesn't have to be, you know, neurotic and paranoid and we don't have to be so angry and there's something very wrong with the way in which we've been forced into unconsciousness.
As Jim Morrison says, you know, we are unconscious.
But when we wake up, as scary as it is, as scary as it is to wake up and embrace the moment of now and start becoming a spiritual person, having a human experience instead of the other way around, when we realize who we are,
We do become enlightened, and without getting too esoteric, really what the film is trying to say is, this stuff can be fun.
It's fun to take control of your life.
Yes, exactly, to take control of your destiny.
Folks, this is a lengthy, well-produced film that has so much great information.
The Fall of America, thefallofamerica.net to get the 10-part DVD set, 800-655-1577.
Similar things that are out there on issues that don't even matter cost twice as much, 800-655-1577, 800-655-1577 or
In closing comments, Robert DiNasi.
First, I would just encourage everybody to go check out the website for two reasons.
One, because Brian has done a great job at making a nine-minute trailer which will introduce you to all of the guests in the 9BBB series and what their perspectives are.
You really get a sense for what the content is and how it'll help you.
But also, which we didn't mention earlier, Doug Casey in our film was kind enough to make available to us
Very simple 12-page report which is downloadable to anyone who visits the site as a gift.
You don't have to sign up for anything, enter your name or anything.
It's just the three easiest ways to buy and own gold.
Most people still don't own gold because they're afraid, they don't know how to do it.
This makes it very simple.
Download it, share the link with your friends.
Absolutely, absolutely.
Well gentlemen, I look forward to talking to you again and I'm glad that for a lot of people your film is almost like prophecy because it was made two years ago and it's evergreen.
It's even more important and pertinent today for everybody out there and I want to commend you for coming on the show and for making the film and I'm glad that you interviewed me for The Fall of America.
Thefallofamerica.net or 800-655-1577.
Gentlemen, God bless you.
Well, that was a powerful broadcast today, ladies and gentlemen.
You know, we do three hours now, not four, because I'm getting some time to do the TV show now.
But earlier this week, we did do the show into the fourth hour, and we'll be doing that more in the future.
And I'm working on a Chemtrail film and so much more right now.
But I do believe we're going into a collapse.
If we expose these bankers, we might be able to reverse it.
But either way, it's going to be rough.
If you do want to find out about gold specifically, I'd give Minus Resources a call.
They have great literature as well.
Or MinusResources.com.
And don't forget the Genesis Network website.
It's GCNLive.com.
That's the letter G. C. N. Live.com.
And of course, our websites are Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Great job to the crew.
Powerful broadcast coming up tomorrow and on Friday.
And back live Sunday, 4 to 6 p.m.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure