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Name: 20100706_Tue_Alex
Air Date: July 6, 2010
2262 lines.
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Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
We're live at PrisonPlanet.tv simulcasting the last three hours of the radio show, In Living Color, at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Mike Rivero joining us from Hawaii via video Skype here in just a moment.
Thank you for joining us.
We'll talk about a host of issues with him.
But here's a report.
warships cause anger in Costa Rica.
This is all over the Latin American news, all over the European news, but very little news here in the United States.
Costa Rica has allowed 46 U.S.
warships, 7,000 Marines to enter the country despite objections by the opposition parties which describe the move as illegal.
Costa Rican opposition parties denounced the decision of legislative assembly describing it as illegal in violation of national sovereignty.
And it goes on that they're going to be engaged basically in combat operations fighting drug traffickers.
That means people that haven't laundered their money through the U.S.
Now let's dovetail that with some background.
Christina Farrars, if I'm pronouncing that correctly,
Give me a document cam shot.
I want to show people an image of this steely-eyed, wicked woman.
And there's the lady that's going to help worldwide bring total tyranny in and put taxes on what humans exhale.
And then if you notice, her father was President José Ferrer.
of Costa Rica abolished the military of Costa Rica after the victory of the Civil War that year because he didn't want to have a group to overthrow him in a ceremony in the main government facility.
And it goes on to talk about how they got rid of their military.
I mean, this is insane, ladies and gentlemen.
Our country has been taken over by foreign corporations.
We are being overthrown, just like a third world country, and looted and robbed.
And we must stand up and say no to it.
Now, going to Mike Rivero, joining us.
Of course, he runs WhatReallyHappened.com.
We just joined us.
I'm Alex Jones from InfoWars.com.
We are going to have him with us for at least the rest of this hour and we're also going to have open phones throughout the hour on any subject you want to raise.
Mike can comment on it but he joins us once a month.
I wanted to get his take
out of the gates on the entire history of the oil spill and the fact that every day I turn the news on and it's admitted that still the feds are blocking the skimmer ships, the feds are blocking the states and BP from rock jetties, sand jetties,
And Obama's approval rating has fallen even further, and of course that's his job, to be built up as a messianic savior, then to be destroyed, and a new puppet comes in, but why does the establishment want that oil to come ashore when the hurricane season kicks in here in the next month?
Mike, what's your take on this?
I'm not so sure that they want the oil to come ashore so much as we're dealing with governmental arrogance and I'd like to call this disaster America's Chernobyl and if you go back and you look at the Soviet Union's response when the reactor blew up for the first
Several weeks there.
They kept saying, no, no, we got it taken care of.
We don't need any help.
It was seen as a political negative to admit the situation was so out of control that they needed help from other countries.
There is another aspect in that if you look at the specific methodologies that are being chosen to deal with this catastrophe, all of them are based on BP's desire to somehow corral up the oil
And be able to resell it.
That's why they're not bringing in the microbes.
That's why they're not bringing in foreign skimmers that might wind up taking the oil back to their foreign home ports.
We're seeing the use of this Corexit, which is not really dispersant.
It lowers the oil in the water to get it out of sight.
We know the company that makes that is partly owned by Goldman Sachs, so it's all being driven by money and greed in an attempt to minimize the losses and somehow salvage the oil for resale.
And the rest of it is just saving face.
There have been so many things that were done wrong during this whole operation.
I think one of the reasons they don't want any outsiders coming in from anywhere is that once the outsiders see how bad things are, it's going to go public around the world just how completely this was messed up from day one.
Well, Mike, I agree with you that the bureaucracy, not just of government, but of BP, slows everything down because everything BP does has to be about some business partner or subsidiary like Goldman Sachs, where just a year ago
The chairman of Goldman Sachs, as you know, but for some out there that may not, was also the head of BP.
So these are Siamese twins we're talking about.
And BP, it's come out, is paying its subsidiaries to do the cleanup.
So they're saying, oh, we've spent $3 billion here.
We're good to go.
Take the quote profits of that 20 billion and use it to pay for the cleanup and then in the process it is going to make the disaster much worse and this really does show criminal negligence by Obama and by BP but I think it goes further than that I mean not letting
uh... the counties in the cities in the states and i and i'm but i don't have to go over the instances of this everybody seen on the news just last night i watch anderson cooper and they had reporters there with a giant mountains of rock that are there to block up the estuaries and save you know for those who don't know louisiana is like a maze of of rivers and marshes and illiterate tens of thousands of square miles
of that.
They're not allowed to protect it.
And it says that even on CNN admits Obama is blocking it.
So the only way to look at this is that they do want it to be as bad as possible.
Or I guess you're saying that you just think they're completely oblivious.
Well, I think they're partly oblivious, but there is another agenda behind here, because over the weekend there was an announcement that the Environmental Protection Agency was forcing a whole bunch of Texas refineries to refile their environmental impact paperwork.
There'd been this program in place for about 16 years, under which the refineries were operating.
And the EPA just cancelled it.
So now all the refineries have to halt operations while they go through that whole paperwork process of getting a new license to operate.
Now remember, just before the Deepwater Horizon exploded, the Obama administration was handing out waivers and exemptions for EPA requirements to all those gulf drilling platforms.
So, there's one theory going on here that Obama is using this disaster to trigger an oil crisis and an oil price crisis as a means of blackmailing his cap and credit tax through Congress and through the American people.
I mean, today you're seeing the headlines.
They're talking about, oh, there's a heat wave in New England and it's not just hot, it's dangerous.
They're trying to scare us back into that cap and credit tax situation because without that new tax,
The federal government is running out of money.
And so I think it's just like the way Obama is using the immigration crisis in Arizona to push through his amnesty program.
I think he's trying to use the oil disaster and the refinery shutdowns to blackmail Congress into going along with his carbon cap and credit tax program.
Well, there's no doubt, Mike, that you're absolutely right.
In fact, I dovetailed that with Senator Kyle three weeks ago in a speech saying, and we played it here, that he was in a private meeting with Obama and said, we're getting thousands of dead here on the U.S.
Mexico has collapsed.
The illegals are past Tucson.
It's literally wild, wild west.
They're putting up signs saying the public can't go down certain highways or into national parks.
And Obama said, yes, I know the crisis is good.
I'm not going to fix the problem down there or allow the states to fix it themselves until I've gotten my amnesty passed.
So there you see a great window into the mindset of these people of not letting a good crisis go to waste.
As Rahm Emanuel said, and you have BP giving the suspicious orders that their own engineers told them would make the well.
uh... come in early and and cause a spill you now have them blocking the aid effort for right up to eighty days now uh... in just a day or two you've got all that going on and you've got obama saying cap-and-trade will fix this give me a carbon tax uh... which what is it new tax have to do with any of this and you've got select top oil companies from the associated press article in two thousand when they sued and got the uh... inter-corporate
minutes uh... from uh... nineteen ninety five and ninety six where the big ten oil companies met and said there's all these miners that are cutting in you know all these minor oil companies are cutting in our operations
I think?
Created the cap-and-trade tax in 95 with Ken Lay and Enron, and Bill Clinton and Al Gore.
We know they're the top globalist funding cap-and-trade worldwide.
We know they've invested tens of billions in it.
We know they're subsidiaries of Goldman Sachs.
So absolutely, if you look at this, there's no other way to come away, but this is a crisis they're at least using to bring this in.
But Mike, expanding on that,
Do you think the evidence leans towards them actually blowing the oil well?
No, I actually do not.
I know they would like the public to think that, because if there's some unknown and unknowable saboteur or terrorist that blew up the well, then British Petroleum is off the financial hook for all the damage it caused, and the Obama administration is off the hook for the negligence of allowing the MMS to just sit there surfing internet porn on their office computers, while British Petroleum was just out there engaging in all this reckless behavior.
There is one other aspect we need to look at, and this may account for a lot of the secrecy that we're seeing around the BP disaster.
And that is, we're hearing some reports that the Obama administration, as a quid pro quo for all those waivers, pushed British Petroleum to bring in the wells sooner to offset a potential loss during the attack on Iran.
Well, we know they've been racing to drill new wells in the Gulf and on shore in the last year.
Stay there.
Come back and elaborate on that and where you think this well spill's going.
Then we'll talk about Iran and a lot more with Mike Rivero and, of course, then your phone calls.
Key information straight ahead.
Stay with us.
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Okay, let's go back to Mike Rivero.
Mike, you got cut off by the break.
Go back into that point, because when I've studied globalist operations, they always hit on multi-fronts, and some of these have been declassified, and so we know that they have discussions about, this'll be good to jack up oil prices, it'll be a good distraction when we hit Iran, it'll be a good way to pass the cap-and-trade tax, it'll be a good way to get more power into FEMA,
And to shut down more industry in the United States for globalism.
Let's go ahead and go with it.
But we do know that two months before, BP gave orders to Anadarko and Halliburton, and that their own engineers said, this will cause the well to blow.
And it did start leaking two months before, and there's been a cover-up of that.
So regardless, BP gave orders, BP gave orders that they were told would cause it to blow up.
Go ahead.
Yeah, basically, it's been known long before the actual explosion of the Deepwater Horizon that they were encountering problems because they were drilling down deeper and into areas of far greater pressure than the technologies designed to deal with.
A lot of what BP's using in the Gulf dates back to the 1970s.
They haven't been upgrading their equipment because with that $75 million cap,
On damages, there was no financial incentive to invest in putting newer safety equipment like acoustic decouplers, acoustic shutoffs and things like that.
But what we're hearing from certain sources is that even though they were experiencing problems, the pressure to keep going and to try and reach that oil was actually coming from the administration as the quid pro quo for all the EPA waivers and exemptions that were being handed out.
And the story that we're getting is that the Obama administration wanted that huge reservoir of oil in the Gulf on tap and ready to deliver because when they attack Iran, and by the way, Netanyahu's on TV right now screaming about why you Americans have to go kill Iran for us, it's going to disrupt oil traffic through the Strait of Hormuz.
And the Obama administration wanted that Gulf oil online to be able to go to all the other allies around the world and say, don't worry about the disruption to your oil flow.
We've got it covered from the Gulf of Mexico.
You can come get all of your oil from British Petroleum, while the Mideast oil fields are unavailable.
And that's why, even though they were running into difficulties,
The pressure to keep going and keep going and keep going was there, and now we've had the blow-up, and we know that ever since the Deepwater Horizon explosion, the administration continues to hand out these exemptions and waivers and permits for more of these deepwater gulf drilling operations to continue.
I think this whole thing about
Blocking the drilling and then overturned by the court was political theater to make Obama look like he cared about the environment to the American people ahead of the elections.
But the reality is the drilling is continuing and they're still obviously moving to an attack on Iran.
Well, let me go back.
Something that backs up your view on that is that we know Obama, out of 3,000 plus wells in the Gulf, we've looked the number up, it's over 3,000,
I don't know.
Two and four billion gallons of oil is in that well so it's basically 99% still full 70 plus days in and so they did know this was a mega mega find and that does make sense to you know to get that oil supply ready
I don't know.
A hundred and fifty million gallons or more towards landfall.
I mean, if the media is hysterical over the small amounts that have come to shore, what's going to happen when that hits?
I think it absolutely is the worst environmental disaster in the history of the world.
I don't think there's a thing they can do about it.
We are continually getting reports from citizen investigators who are defying the heavy fines and Class D felony that BP has put out there for anybody daring to use a camera to show the extent of the spill.
And we're finding out that what BP is doing is just putting new sand on the beach.
They're not cleaning up the oil.
They're not cleaning up the contamination.
They're just putting new sand over it and taking a picture to say, see, it's all better.
But every time the waves come in and wash the sand away, the oil is coming up again.
They don't know how to deal with this thing.
You know what?
You know what?
Stay there.
Let's talk about felonies if you try to videotape in America.
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Okay, my friends, we are back live here on the radio.
We're also simulcasting at PrisonPlanet.tv and Living Video Color.
Joining us from Hawaii is Mike Rivera.
We're going to your phone calls coming up here in about 10 minutes on a host of subjects.
Mike's a very well-versed and intelligent fellow, and you can get his perspective and my perspective or give us your perspective on any of the subjects you raise.
Now, continuing here with the point you were trying to get at as we went to break concerning BP and where you see this crisis going, calling it the America's Chernobyl.
One of our guests this week compared it to the Dust Bowl.
uh... that we saw uh... in the nineteen twenties that uh... populated california with oklahomans and texans and people from kansas i mean definitely idea of the oil spill uh... welding give us your take on it
Well, you're absolutely right.
In the economic and sociological sense, this is a new dust bowl.
The Gulf Coast states, every one of them has been contaminated with oil.
And it's important to remember that the danger and the risk is far beyond the tar balls and the brown sludge that you can see.
Because along with those contaminants,
There are chemicals coming out of the well in large volume that are invisible, that are dissolved in the water, including methane, hydrogen sulfide, even arsenic is coming out of that well.
And that's a tasteless, odorless, colorless material dissolved in water.
So when you see these tourism boards and the governor of Florida standing out there and pointing at the clean water and saying, see it's safe to swim in, that's not absolutely a given.
You don't know that without laboratory tests.
But the bottom line is, the economy of the Gulf Coast states is absolutely destroyed.
Even the $20 billion that they're talking about having for compensation claims is a drop in the bucket to deal with that kind of damage.
We're getting reports that the claim centers for British Petroleum are very hard to find and still have unlisted phone numbers.
They're just putting so many roadblocks in the way.
We're finding out now that all those people who volunteered their boats to go out and try and clean up the spill and the wildlife, the bottoms of their fiberglass boats are being etched through by the correxent dispersant and the oil itself.
There's no plans to compensate these boat owners for the loss of their boats and their livelihood along...
Those issues?
It's just a huge disaster and BP can't handle it.
MSNBC is once again trying to bring up the idea of maybe nuking the wellhead.
Nobody's really sure what effect that would have, whether it would really stop it or just make the matter that much worse.
You were mentioning in the last segment how
British Petroleum is owned by the Queen of England and I find it rather interesting she's in New York today for just five hours.
That's a heck of a flight two ways to spend just five hours in New York and I know there's an overt reason for her to be there to address the United Nations.
But I kind of wonder if maybe she isn't talking to some of the local British petroleum people about how they're going to deal with this mess.
Because I don't see any way that they've got to stop it.
The well casing is destroyed.
The drill pipe is destroyed.
We know there's a subsurface blowout about a thousand feet down that's beginning to seep up through fissures in the ocean floor.
It's just, it's just, it's out of control.
I don't think they've got the resources to stop it.
But their government, I mean, they've got to be able to wave a magic wand and save us all.
And we saw the government not let people leave New Orleans.
We saw the government not bring them food and water but come for their guns.
Can you imagine what they're going to try if those hundreds of millions of gallons of oil
Starts coming into shore, and we've only seen a tiny fraction of the oil actually hit shore, and that's been devastating.
I mean, this is going to be like Armageddon if those hundreds of millions of gallons hit.
And I'm already seeing video footage.
Kurt Nimmo wrote a story about it at Infowars.com.
Troops patrolling Florida.
There's troops and BP people already stomping around bossing Floridians laying out in the sun around.
I mean, what is having a bunch of troops with guns bossing people around going to do?
I mean, this is going to be hellish.
And then the feds are such control freaks.
We'll only give the cleanup contracts to BP subsidiaries so they make money off of it.
They're hell-bent on making money out of this crisis and so I guess just the Gulf won't be inhabitable for four or five years until the oil rots away and by then it'll be a ghost town and it just won't matter because the elite doesn't care and they'll just put a new puppet in because they don't care if we throw out their puppets.
It's the corporate government that we can't ever get rid of.
Well, it's going to be longer than four or five years.
I mean, if you go up to Prince William Sound, where the Exxon Valdez ran aground, there is still oil up there.
They cleaned off what you can see on the surface, but if you dig a hole in the edge of the waterline or you pick up some rocks, it's still there.
And all those cleanup workers who clean up after the Exxon Valdez, they're all dead and they died of these illnesses that you get from exposure to these very toxic chemicals.
And now we've got BP down there in the Gulf telling their cleanup workers they are not allowed to wear respirators or gloves because it looks bad in the press cameras.
We've got CNN reporting they're being told they can get no closer than 65 feet to any of the oiled wildlife or the booms or the beaches.
They're trying to basically...
They're more concerned about how this looks than by the actual damage being done to the environment.
And as I said before, we're getting reports from some of our readers that British Petroleum just shows up with a truck of sand, spreads it along the beach to cover the oil, declare it clean, and then they leave.
And of course, the next time the tide comes in... Well, no, I mean, Mike, Mike, that's confirmed.
That's why they've run off CBS, CNN, ABC, Fox, local newspapers, people that live there, because that's what they do.
They are coming in and dumping sand on it.
On record.
I mean, that's on record.
And then I've got the press reports here where BP is on record with the feds and they have the head of the Coast Guard threatening federal felonies on anyone that videotapes him and they claim it's only
So many hundred feet.
But time and time again, it's reporters who are a quarter mile away.
Then BP orders cops to chase them down and arrest them.
I mean, I've got all the press reports and videos right here.
I mean, it's just in America.
I've got Anderson Cooper on video announcing, quote, the First Amendment is dead in America, which is actually true.
But why are they just?
It seems like they're trying to break our will.
Well, I think what it is is they're afraid that if the American people were forced to confront the totality of the disaster and how badly it has affected all of us, not just the people in the Gulf Coast states, but it's destroying the entire economy.
It's just, you know, the Gulf Coast fishing zones are pretty much shut down.
Now it's coming up the Atlantic seaboard.
We're going to be looking at famine and starvation here in the United States because we are very dependent
on those coastal fishing waters and they're being shut down because of all this contamination and it's all going to come back the american people are so angry with the government right now this could be the final straw justice chair noble was that last big step before the collapse of the soviet union and i said i don't know that's a good point showed that
Despite all their fancy uniforms and the big red square parades, that the government was basically weak and pathetic, but only good at putting on a show.
And then now Bloomberg reports 46 states bankrupt or on the verge of bankruptcy.
USA Today today expect lots of government layoffs at state, local level.
I literally see more than 10 articles a day without even looking, Mike, and I know you see them because you're a newshound.
Where they are laying off more than half the cops.
More than half the firemen.
Where whole counties are announcing, we're never going to fix another pothole.
But then meanwhile, in one county they said, well we'll have 44 cops left.
We're getting rid of more than half.
And the 44 that are left are only allowed to write tickets and raise money and run the jail.
And there'll be one deputy per shift who's actually on patrol to help you.
Or three a day.
I mean, this is treason!
And how do they have these counties and cities under mine control where they've raised taxes and openly say all the money must go to interest to bankers because the central banks came in and sold derivatives to the cities?
I mean, this is literally a road warrior scenario.
I saw footage last week in Detroit.
of armed men with assault rifles guarding the unloading of trucks in Michigan at a grocery store.
I mean, it is literally already road warrior in many areas.
I mean, the Southwest is collapsing.
The illegal aliens and the drug dealers know it's collapsed.
They're just taking over.
I mean, this country is in a hell of a
I mean, we're going to hell in a handbasket here.
We certainly are.
I mean, a story this last week that shocked me, here on the island of Oahu, just down at the bottom of this hill that I'm living on, there is a 50, that's 5-0, acre campsite of homeless people in tents.
Thousands of people.
Living right along the North Shore of Pearl Harbor.
I knew we had a homeless problem.
I had no idea it was that bad.
It came to national attention when Dog the Bounty Hunter went through there and put it all up on national TV.
And everybody is shocked to see the scale of the homeless problem here on the island of Oahu in Hawaii.
And it's that way everywhere.
It's just an ugly situation.
The country's shutting down.
And the part that annoys me is Barack Obama could stop this overnight.
Because he's got the authority to issue government-issued currency the way Abraham Lincoln did, the way John F. Kennedy did, the way this country was started.
And, you know, remove our dependency and enslavement to the private bankers.
Well, I'm not for socialism.
Great point, Mike.
I'm not for socialism.
But if we're going to give $28 trillion, and that number is seven months old.
That number is from January of this year, Bloomberg.
If we're going to give $28 trillion to bankers who don't even deserve it and who are criminal, I mean, if they just gave everybody $30,000, and that's basically everybody's debt is what, $36,000 out of this bailout, if they just gave us all $36,000, that would actually supercharge the economy.
Instead, they're raising taxes, which is like coming up to a man who's having a heart attack and slitting his wrist.
I mean, it's going to kill us.
Yeah, it absolutely is.
I mean, the bottom line is, if they had given that money, that bailout and tarp money to the American people, we wouldn't have a foreclosure crisis because people would be making their mortgage payments, people would be investing in small businesses, they'd be buying American cars.
Everything that has gone wrong with this country is because the money is moving in the wrong direction.
Now, I'm not a socialist either, but what we have right now is fascism.
Which is where profits are kept private and the losses are socialized across all the people.
And that's what's going on in this country.
That's what all the tarp and the bailout.
It's not communism.
It's not socialism.
It is fascism.
And that's, it's destroying the country.
Well, people better make a decision right now than we're going to phone calls.
You better make a decision.
This is real.
What is starting to unfold now is going to dwarf the Great Depression.
It is going to dwarf World War III.
It is going to dwarf it all.
The New World Order is moving on every front right now to bring in a cascading
mode of crisis after crisis and then they're gonna manage those crises into greater crises and they believe it's going to catapult them into total control and and the White House is on record saying this this is the order out of chaos new world order management system is order out of chaos okay that's latin for order out of chaos and
This is real.
This isn't a drill.
It isn't a game.
So all you yuppies and all you cops and all the bureaucrats and all the FBI agents and all of you people out there that have been smug in the system and that think you're safe, you are not safe.
You are killing the goose that lays the golden eggs.
This system that's coming into fruition is hellish.
Mike, let me ask this question and we're going to calls.
Why do you think
They've gone after two years of denying we're in a depression, when by every classic indicator of a depression, we were in one.
Three quarters of no growth.
Massive unemployment.
You've got inflation in products, but deflation in Main Street and in what people are being paid.
And that's, again, unnatural, even in Keynesian economics, for those that don't know.
Only a rigged system can do that.
Dow repeats Great Depression pattern.
Chart shows.
We reported this a year ago.
Here it is, CNBC.
Here's another one.
I've got a whole stack of headlines here, where all these mainstream newspapers are reporting.
Here they are.
Happy 4th of July.
America needs it.
The Great Republic is in a perilous state, politically and economically.
Here's London Telegraph.
With the US trapped in depression, this really is starting to feel like 1932.
Ambrose Evans Pritchard.
You know, the New York Times, the Third Depression.
This is just the articles that we're laying around here.
They've suddenly shifted and are admitting we're going into a depression.
So, first they're denying we're even in a second recession.
We never left the first recession.
It started between six to four years ago, depending on how you look at it, with the real numbers.
We've been in a depression for at least two years.
Now they skip denying we're in a recession, going right into depression.
Why are they doing that?
Well, they've been trying to avoid the word depression because of the negative connotation.
And you need to understand that the word depression was used back during 1929 to avoid using the word crash.
So they're always looking for a new word.
We don't want to call it what it was before because people have got negative connotations.
It's all about perception management.
Can't call it a crash, so we'll call it a depression.
Don't want to call it a depression, so we'll call it a recession.
Don't want to call it a recession, so we'll call it a shrunk.
Can't call it a shrunk anymore, we'll call it a Fisbin.
This is all about propagandizing the people.
I mean, earlier today, there was this story out there saying, you know, time to buy back into the stock market.
They're heading to record highs, and it's an absolutely ridiculous statement, but they're just trying to rah-rah the people into thinking things are going to be okay,
Give us a little more time.
Don't tar and feather the politicians.
It's all going to work out.
And I think the American people have woken up to the fact that that is definitely not going to be the case because the Dow is definitely headed back down again, despite the early morning shove and rah-rah.
And the bottom line is the government has created this huge credibility crisis where nobody is going to believe them any longer.
They're just looking for a new word, a new sales pitch, a new branding that they can put on the government to convince the people to go along with it a little bit longer.
And I think we're approaching the breaking point.
I know I'm at my breaking point.
When the Washington Post admits it's $600 trillion conservatively in made-up derivatives, I mean, how many times is that above our $14 trillion entire GDP every year?
This is a black hole where more debt is created than actual currency.
It's designed by these private banking families to take over our society.
We have our own IMF, World Bank, White Papers admitting it, and all I'm doing is stating that
A, derivatives will destroy us.
I said this ten years ago when Economist I Trust laid it out.
It was common sense.
B, all I'm doing is laying out the facts, and they're saying that I'm the traitor, Mike.
You're the traitor.
We're supposed to just say, yes, Wall Street is God, raise the taxes, carbon taxes.
No, taxes in big government and derivative counterfeit crap is the problem.
Not us saying, stop these bankers.
We're not the reason this is happening.
If people would have listened to us and Ron Paul, this wouldn't be going on right now.
Well, you're absolutely true about that.
I mean, the major impetus for the war of independence in this country was to free ourselves from the manipulations of the Bank of England.
And I know our schools talk about the Tea Act and the Stamp Act, but it was the Currency Act where King George III forbade the states from printing their own currency and demanded that they borrow currency from the Bank of England at interest, the same situation we have in the Federal Reserve.
That's what produced the anger that supported the American Revolution.
And we're back in the same mess we were in
Before the Declaration of Independence was signed.
That's right.
I've read scores of books on the revolution and it was all about money manipulation, all about mercantilism, the globalism of their age, all about fat cats with unfair trade advantages.
It was not about tea and tea taxes.
There was one protest that dealt with that.
The Boston Tea Party.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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I'm gonna keep Mike Rivera with us a little bit into the next hour, if he can do it.
Brad, Pastor Al, Mike, Tim, we're going to get to all of you now.
And then coming up, illegal immigration costs U.S.
$113 billion a year, study finds, and here's another one, feds to file lawsuit over Arizona immigration law.
The state is literally on the verge of collapsing in many areas, totally lawless, and the government is involved in treason.
Trying to block the state from saying if we pull somebody over drunk driving and they don't have a driver's license and they're an illegal alien, we'll take them to jail.
Again, they're not a schmuck citizen meant to be fed on.
They are an illegal alien meant to drive down the wages.
It's part of globalism.
Brad in California, you're on the air with Mike Rivera.
Go ahead.
Alright, hello gentlemen.
I have two questions.
I'll address my more important one first.
I have been researching just recently this Reverend James D. Manning's case against Columbia University and Obama, and I can't really find that much information about it, although I know he won the case, and it will be going probably to the Supreme Court shortly, and it proved that Obama's not a citizen.
Brad, Brad, that was a citizen's court.
That was a citizen's court, which I think are good to kind of illustrate issues, but it wasn't an official court.
Uh, okay.
And then everybody's asking me about it and, uh, anything else, Brad?
Yeah, um, my second thing was I was wondering if you guys know about, uh, genetically modified, uh, plants with, uh, vaccines and drugs in them coming out.
Yeah, they're called pharmacological crops, and a lot of the GMO crops you already eat really are pharmacological crops.
They just didn't tell you.
And we've got all the government documents on that in the upcoming film.
It's incredible.
Thanks for the call, Brad.
Interesting points.
Mike Rivera, your comment on Manning's trial that he had of Obama, Barry Sitaro, and then on the GMO.
Well, uh, this issue of Obama's eligibility to be president, I think it's a distraction to get people to argue back and forth about his birth certificate instead of looking at the real issues about, uh, well, for me, the number one issue is Americans got attacked in international waters and Obama did nothing about it, and now he's making buddy-buddy with Netanyahu.
I think that's far more important than the story of his birth certificate.
What do you make of Turkey saying, and Turkey's a big ally of Israel, uh, even sells them weapons, uh, in fact, vice versa,
Turkey's saying, if you don't apologize for that, we are going to break off ties with you.
And Israel says we're not going to apologize.
I mean, they could at least say, OK, we could have done that a little bit better.
And we'll, you know, I mean, that's called detente.
But no.
Well, first of all, congratulations to Turkey.
And if Obama was a real president of the American people, he should have started off this meeting with Netanyahu by saying, item number one is an apology to America for attacking our people.
And short of such an apology, the meeting is over.
Thank you very much.
And there are no more checks being signed for Israel this month.
And that's what should have been done.
But then it would come out that Obama is a cocaine addict.
Is involved in other things with mafia bosses in Chicago.
All right, Mike.
Stay there, Mike.
I'm going to hold you over if you can do it and continue with phone calls.
Pastor, Al, Mike, Tim and others, your calls are straight ahead with Mike.
And of course, I'm Alex Jones, InfoWars.com.
Stay with us.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
Listen up, folks.
This is important.
Alex Jones here.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We've reached the waypoint in broadcast.
Mike will be leaving us here in about 15 minutes.
I will continue with calls and a big news blitz coming up on the economy, the oil spill, the situation with Iran.
We're going to take a few more calls.
I'm going to get Mike's take, because he really does do a lot of research on this, on whether or not they're going to be hitting Iran.
They've got an Israeli, a U.S.
There's a Dutch flotilla of all countries making its way to the Gulf.
Open saber-rattling, open talk of a preemptive strike on Iran and on intensifying economic blockades of the country that are acts of war.
We'll talk about that.
But, Pastor in Ohio, Pastor, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Alex, I, uh, first of all want to say thank you for taking on the people that you've been taking on as far as, uh, that have their products listed on your internet site.
We've been using that, uh, Silver Lungs thing now.
And not only just us, but people in our church.
And I can tell you that nobody has had as much as even a common cold since last October.
I mean, things are just awesome.
The other thing is, is I talked to you when you was interviewing Lindsey Williams.
And I was sharing with the thing, because I, before I got called into the ministry, I was a petroleum engineer.
I worked for Halliburton, and I worked for B.J.
Hughes both, and they both do offshore cementing and everything else.
And I knew, and I was even saying then, that this was, that oil rig disaster down there was not an accident.
And back in February,
Uh, before that even happened, they, Halliburton, when they cemented that pipe in, they even said then that the cement job wasn't any good for plain simple reason.
They hit, uh, gas pockets and oil pockets, which compromised the pipe being cemented in correctly.
Well, they could have went in and redone that, but they didn't.
And they went ahead and drilled through the plug and went on down.
In a hurry.
Now, the other thing is, is this.
I, you know, I even said back then the main thing is that we're going to have to worry about is the gas is coming out of that.
And also said that it was like a reservoir sitting on top of a volcano and I still stick to that.
And the other, uh, one thing I want to point out is they're keeping everybody out of that gulf.
No pictures, no flyovers, no nothing.
And just from when you just look at the situation as far as the, what's going, you know, if you know anything about oil and gas,
Drilling and such.
One of the things that can actually happen, when they went in there and pumped that mud down there to try to shut that well off, it went out through, they busted the pipe and it went out through there and cracked the seafloor.
Well, I still say, and I'll stand by this, the next thing that's probably going to happen is that pipe's going to come out of the ground.
And when that pipe starts coming out of the ground, there's no way of controlling that whatsoever.
No, I hear you, Pastor.
I appreciate your info.
Mike, I mean, it appears it's already, for a month and a half, it's already broken through the pipe and it's ruptured and they've got stuff 20 miles away coming up out of the ground.
Yeah, there's no question.
They used a very cheap well casing.
It's been pounded on by gravel and grit and rocks coming up out of that well for the last 70 plus days.
We knew that even before the Deepwater Horizon explosion, the drill was bringing up pieces of hard rubber from the safety equipment.
They'd accidentally drilled their own safety gear.
That's why they knew that there was that valve about a thousand feet down under the floor of the Gulf of Mexico that was damaged and that's why the top kill operation failed.
And all they did was pump oil and mud out into the strata around the well casing.
But the well casing is destroyed, the drill pipe is destroyed, apparently sections of it were blown out completely during the initial methane kick.
And that's another reason why they couldn't get the blowout preventer to work, is all the debris that's shoved up inside it from down below.
And what happens when the Gulf heats up this summer?
Is it starting to do and all that methane gets released?
The methane is the biggest problem because if there are more of these methane kicks, there are no safety systems whatsoever to deal with new methane explosions coming up out of that pipe.
Alright, well let's come back and talk about that and then more calls and we'll also talk more about Iran with Mike Rivera, WhatReallyHappened.com is his website.
Our websites are PrisonPlanet.tv and InfoWars.com.
Stay with us.
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Okay, my friends.
For the rest of this segment, we're talking with Mike Rivero and taking your calls.
I will then continue with calls.
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Okay, going back to Mike Rivera.
Mike, I want to go to at least Al, Mike, Tim, and Joe, but you got cut off by a break earlier.
Finish up the point.
That you were trying to make about Iran and where you see that going.
I mean, this seems like a repeat of the exact propaganda we saw with Iraq in the lead up to the invasion seven years ago.
They just replaced the last letter in Iraq
They've removed the Q and put an N in.
I mean, it's the same thing.
They've got nukes.
They've got WMDs.
They're going to kill us.
And that would also be the perfect distraction for the banking takeover, the police state, the depression we see here domestically.
Yeah, absolutely.
There are a lot of people who see a major war as their best solution.
Right now, Obama and the Democrats are getting ready to run in November with the economy on their heads, the inability to change it, the unwillingness to change it.
They're definitely dealing with the aftermath of the flotilla accident.
It's all bad news and I think the conventional wisdom is that because the United States was able to get out of the crash of 1907 with World War I, the crash of 1929 with World War II, here we are in the crash of 2007 and look how many countries we've invaded and are getting ready to invade if
We get a new war going in the Korean Peninsula.
By definition, that's a two-front war, and that makes it a world war.
They're rushing us into World War III because they can't think of anything better to do.
Well said, and what really concerns me, what indicates that they are planning to go to war, not just their open statements that they are, but what indicates that this is more than just saber-rattling, is that we see all these White House officials and Republican leaders openly talking about arresting citizens
Because the Pentagon wants them arrested, or U.S.
citizens being killed, and how the list is now in the hundreds.
No judge, no jury.
You're not just tortured, you're hunted down and killed.
And now the open announcements of plans to start censoring the Internet, and to start shutting down free speech.
I mean, they're openly saying Obama has a kill switch.
They're openly saying they want to restrict, quote, conspiracy theories.
Which is anything that criticizes the corrupt system.
And so, they're getting it all lined up and ready.
And people need to know, again, this is not a game.
This is really happening.
Well they're already doing it with their own TSA people and I guess they kind of got tired of all their employees reading on the internet how badly TSA is annoying people and messing people up and certainly they destroyed tourism here in Hawaii.
So already the TSA is blocking their own internal networks from seeing websites like yours and mine or anything controversial or conspiratorial.
So the idea is the government is now trying to protect their own people from seeing what's really going on with the country in order to try and hang on to that loyalty.
A little bit longer.
And Infowars.com, PrisonPlanet.com are blocked on the continent of Europe in many of the quote government Wi-Fi systems.
They are blocked all over England.
We've listed the systems.
We've done screenshots of it because two of my writers are in London and they've written articles about it.
And now they're basically saying, the FCC is saying, we're going to give you free broadband
But anybody else who offers broadband is going to be under FCC control, and we're going to block what sites you can see.
And the FCC, as you know Mike, two weeks ago came out and brazenly stated, this was in mainstream news, this is not just us saying this, that...
You're going to have software that basically acts as a black box on your TV, which is digital, and on your computer, that blocks what you can see, so it acts as a gatekeeper, but also surveils what you're doing.
I mean, again, even Alex Jones, you know, Mr. Anti-New World Order.
I'm shocked that we're actually at this precipice now, that they're actually announcing it.
It's just brazen, naked, authoritarian, anti-American, Stalinistic crap.
Well, they have to announce it because everybody sees that it's happening.
What they're trying to do is convince everybody that it's for their own good, that they really ought not to be looking at these alternative news sites, because after all, trust the government, trust the corporate media, they would never lie to you.
They're really fighting a losing battle here.
And again, the historical perspective I like to use is Gutenberg and his movable type printing press.
If you look at how the established power structure reacted to that,
You will see exactly the same reactions today against the blogs and the internet.
And in the long run, it has to fail.
In fact, I saw another Telegraph article today.
Separately, I saw another U.S.
newspaper report that
Look, the corporate media is dying.
The government is falling apart.
They're trying to block the Internet.
It's not going to work.
I mean, the minute they try to come in and block the Drudge Report and Infowars.com and what really happened, then that just makes all of us have a form of solidarity and basically stick together.
And it radicalizes even, quote, more mainline type media like Drudge Report.
I mean, look at the Drudge Report now.
It reads many days like PrisonPlanet.com.
I mean, it is anti-New World Order.
It admits the world government.
It links to all the globalists making these admissions.
It admits the globalists are trying to overthrow the country, that they're overthrowing the Internet.
And now I'm seeing more, quote, mainline or transitional media
Basically being radicalized as the White House would call it and just telling the truth and so I think
I think it's too little too late.
I don't think they can put Humpty Dumpty back together again.
I absolutely agree here and we've got a saying on a coffee cup around here, the fastest way to bring down a dictatorship is to force them to act like one where everybody can see it.
And on the day that they try and shut down portions of the internet to protect the American people, I think that's going to be when the American people really wake up and realize we're living in the 21st century version of Nazi Germany.
What did you think of, I don't know if you saw it, you probably did, there were a bunch of British news and European Union newspapers that reported in the last few days, we covered it yesterday, I'm going to get back into it in the next hour because I didn't spend enough time on it.
Where they go, oh yeah, there are microphones everywhere in the street lamps hidden and we are listening to you.
Well, I remember 11 years ago them putting the microphones in an Austin and saying that they were gunshot detectors, but they've never used them for that.
And then, I went and search-engined, I remember it was like Dogpile at the time in 99, Google wasn't even around, I went and did an AltaVista or whatever search, and there was the company bragging that it's, we can listen to people at 200 yards away, and then send it through the software for keywords, and here are those very same companies,
But the difference is now the government and the media are saying, okay, we are listening to you and analyzing your key words.
I mean, that is right out of 1984 where he's hiding in the woods having sex with his girlfriend and Big Brother's got the woods miked.
I mean, this is, this is incredible.
Well, you know, I remember it wasn't that long ago when people who were saying, you know, they can listen to you over your cell phone.
That's the reason it's got a speakerphone mode is so that they can justify having a microphone that can hear the entire room.
And people are saying that's nonsense.
Now you've got the FBI admitting that, yeah, that's built into the cell phone system.
They can turn on the microphone in your cell phone.
You're carrying your own tracking and listening.
Even when it's off, even when it's off, and then people have to remove the battery.
You can't remove it with iPhones.
That's exactly true.
If you really want security, you have to walk away from your phone, or you have to put it in a box that blocks all radio signals.
By the way, we do have a sponsor that has those LED shielding, and that's the way to go, because if you've got your cell phone by electrical equipment, every minute or two you hear a beep through your speaker system, and we went and looked it up, that is the GPS system pinging it to check your location.
So they are able to basically listen to you, possibly even watch you through the cameras.
It's set up to be that way.
The government is obviously terrified of the American people.
They're trying to figure out some way they can squeeze the last few pennies out of our pockets without triggering a revolution.
Frankly, my readers and I are somewhat amazed that it hasn't started yet.
But Mike, my concern is, and I want to hold you over for one more segment to take calls, my concern is, is that
They want a revolution.
They want it to be violent, because we're winning it with the hearts and minds.
And if enough people wake up and realize just how illegitimate this system is, it'll fall on its own.
That's my thought about this as well.
That the U.S.
is going to go the way of the U.S.S.R., and more and more people are beginning to write and contemplate that the U.S.
is headed for a Soviet-style breakup, and I do think it's inevitable.
Mike Rivero is our guest.
We'll do one more segment.
I'm going to get to everybody coming up here, but we're going to go quickly to your calls.
Al, Mike, Tim, Joe, John, and others who are patiently listening.
This is such important information.
We are at a historical crossroads.
I mean, the destiny of humanity, to a great extent, is being decided right now.
This is Alex Jones with five good reasons you should consider buying a solar power generator.
Number one, new climate legislation could easily double or triple your electric bill.
Number two, our new energy czar wants to control how much power your electric company allows you to have.
It's true.
Number 2.
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Number 3.
In some areas of the country, the power grid is dangerously overloaded.
And now new socialist legislation is only compounding the problem.
Number 4.
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Number 5.
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Al in Delaware.
What's on your mind today, Al?
Hey, how you doing, Alex?
Good, sir.
I've been trying to get to you for a couple weeks.
I've got a couple of questions for you.
One, do you feel as though Obama has been cultivated for this for the last 25 years?
Oh, there's no doubt, absolutely.
His entire family was involved in foundations that are even above U.S.
And there's no doubt he's got intelligence ties, and he's been groomed for this.
They tried to sell him as a messianic leader, but it didn't work.
But that's fine.
They're just as happy to destroy him and give us another messianic leader.
Mike Rivera, what's your take on that?
Yeah, absolutely.
With the rare exception of people like Ron Paul, pretty much everybody offered to us on the voting menu every election is cultivated, trained, groomed and manufactured from the ground up.
There are very few real genuine candidates, like I said, Ron Paul being the exception.
Yeah, they've been compromised so many times.
I mean, this guy came from the Chicago machine.
He was publicly incubated in the heart of the most hardcore mafia organization there with communist bombers and slumlords and mafiadons.
I mean, just, he is hardcore mafia.
And he apparently holds the record for largest political campaign contributions from British Petroleum.
And basically, he's absolutely not a president of the United States of America.
He has turned his back on the American people, sending money all over the world, and we've got homelessness here.
He's not doing any of the things that would be necessary to turn this economy around.
It's almost like they want the U.S.
to collapse, because then they can pick up the pieces and put it in their pocket.
And he's expanding wars.
Caller, you had one other point you wanted to make?
Do you guys believe that we are in crisis mode before these midterm elections come and do you think this man will have the audacity to actually suspend the elections and possibly use the southern states and the Gulf as a, as a, we know they're turning it into a tar pit.
Come on.
And do you believe that with the Queen coming here, was she signing documents?
We're buddy-buddy with China.
We're buddy-buddy with Russia.
Is this the tipping point and should we start preparing for crisis mode in America before the elections?
Well, I'm going to answer that in more detail in the next segment because I'm actually getting into that.
But you should always prepare for crises because what government has shown us is it can't and it won't protect us.
We've got to protect ourselves.
But yes, I see this confluence, all these different factors coming together where
I literally catch my breath sometimes now and am just shocked to my core that I can intellectually see it, but also in my gut, in my spirit, I can feel the disturbance.
To use a Star Wars line, you know, the last time I felt the disturbance in the Force was in the presence of my old master.
Let's get a comment from Mike Rivera on that.
Yeah, absolutely.
I think more and more people are just realizing on a gut level, even if they can't analyze it, even if they can't intellectualize it, in their gut they know something is really changing about this country and how it's run and how it's organized.
And again,
I think it's because of shows like yours, Alex, and websites like both of ours, that we've panicked the New World Orderists into this last desperate push to try and achieve their agenda.
Because I think, left to themselves, they would have preferred a more leisurely transition that didn't call as much attention to themselves.
But I think they realize that if they're not able to make it happen now, that the whole thing is going to fall flat on their face.
And these guys are confident, they're smart, they work hard, they've studied tyranny, they admit they've studied it, and they're not accustomed to losing, and they're very bold.
And so, everything we do now, gathering our forces, illuminating these enemies, exposing them as the tyrants, not their Obama puppet or their Republican puppets,
That is key because if people think the battle's joined right now, they haven't seen anything yet.
This is only going to get crazier from here on out and it is every person you reach out to now is going to be a game changer, is going to be a deciding element
In this unfolding situation.
Al, I appreciate your call.
And we'll come back and take more calls.
We're going to let Mike go now.
But Mike, I appreciate you joining us.
But do you concur with me?
Or do you agree?
You said it.
You can feel it in your gut.
Yeah, absolutely.
We're in a period of tremendous change.
And what you said before, the best thing that any of us can do is speak out publicly, because then you give courage to other people to speak out publicly.
And the illusion that those of us who know there's a problem is a minority, that gets destroyed.
And America stands up and says, yeah, something's gone really, really wrong with this country.
Yeah, Ron Paul said it over and over again from studying history.
I concur that the danger point is when they go into their period of globalist takeover, their artificial change, the danger point for us is not being pre-positioned with an alternative to defeat them and letting them use the crisis to bring in another level of tyranny.
So it's a danger point for them and us.
We've got to be in there now.
History is in a flux vortex basically right now.
Mike, great hearing from you.
Thanks for joining us.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
This is Alex Jones with 5 good reasons you should consider buying a solar power generator.
Number 1.
New climate legislation could easily double or triple your electric bill.
Number 2.
Our new energy czar wants to control how much power your electric company allows you to have.
It's true.
Total government control of electricity in the name of smart grid technology is coming.
Number 3.
In some areas of the country, the power grid is dangerously overloaded.
And now, new socialist legislation is only compounding the problem.
Number 4.
Dangerous weather is always a threat to local grids.
Every year, thousands of families lose their power from weather-related outages.
Number 5.
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You may be arrested and or subject to other police actions.
Tyranny is here.
The grim future foretold in 1984 has become reality.
It really says that the state is God.
The United States is now recognized globally as one of the most oppressive police states on Earth.
This film conclusively proves the existence of a secret network of FEMA camps now being expanded nationwide.
This documentary exposes how the continuity of government program has established an all-powerful shadow state.
Police State 4 chronicles the sickening depth to which our republic has fallen.
Prepare to enter the secretive world of emergency dictatorship.
Body scanners, sound cameras, citizen spies, stage terror and cameras on every street corner.
It's only the beginning of the New World Order's hellish plan.
The police state isn't coming.
It's here.
Secure your copy today at InfoWars.com or see it online in the highest quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Okay, we've got an hour and 27 minutes left in broadcast.
I've got a bunch of audio and video clips I want to play next hour and break down.
First, I wanted to just run through some of the headlines.
Look at this.
Turkey wants Israeli apology.
Israel rejects demand.
That's out of Reuters.
And whether you're pro-Israel or anti-Israel or whatever,
Yeah, you know, Turkey had some of its citizens on board.
It was a Turkish ship.
And they just want some kind of half-hearted, face-saving apology to say it could have been handled a little better.
And Israel won't do that.
Very arrogant.
And that's a huge escalation.
And Netanyahu, of course, met with Obama today, trying to push the U.S.
to launch an attack on Iran.
Either way you slice it,
This is going to be used as a political diversion for the banking takeover that's happening here domestically.
Meanwhile, look at the federal government.
One of the few things the federal government is supposed to do under the Constitution is issue the currency and credit.
They don't do that.
Private banks do.
And it's protect our borders.
They don't do that.
Illegal immigration costs the U.S.
$113 billion a year of study fines.
That's out of Fox News, folks.
It's far worse than that.
We'll be going over that more later.
Also, there is another report today here out of the Associated Press that feds defile lawsuit over Arizona immigration law.
And, you know, this was a rumor a month ago, and now it's not a rumor.
And it was a rumor two weeks ago that Obama's talking about signing an executive order to legalize illegals, and now White House is starting to put out some releases saying, well, we're looking at an executive order to basically order ICE to leave people alone inside the U.S., which is another act of treason.
There's no other country in the world that just
Has completely open borders.
And also the San Francisco Chronicle.
This is the San Francisco Chronicle.
This is Yobi Benjamin wrote this.
And we have the clips.
We don't have time to play it.
Fox, CNN, you name it.
It's all up on InfoWars and Present Planet if you want to go watch the full clips.
With Anderson Cooper and other CNN hosts saying, yes, there's a form of martial law in the Gulf.
And yes, there's no First Amendment.
And yes, it's a felony.
I mean, look at this headline.
BP and Coast Guard bans all media access to spill.
This happened Monday.
Boom cleanup sites and workers.
Under threat of federal felony, National Incident Commander Thad Allen has banned all media access to boom operation sites and cleanup sites.
Now, before they even had this, quote, ban.
And this is a, this is a order by the Coast Guard, by an admiral.
This is martial law.
Allen's orders effectively bans all media, print, television, radio, internet, bloggers.
And it just goes on.
And then here's CNN's Anderson Cooper reveals full media restrictions and access by Coast Guard.
And that video, they tell you the First Amendment is now dead.
They are just throwing this in our face here.
And now tar balls are hitting Texas as of yesterday.
And these are gigantic, huge tar balls.
Because that oil comes out of the ground 5,000 feet under.
It's freezing cold down there.
And it congeals.
And some people are saying, well, tar balls are always hitting the Texas coast.
I don't know.
The oil industry has been pretty clean the last decade.
I go down to the beach a lot.
Galveston, Port Aransas, you name it, you rarely see tar balls.
And these tar balls are gigantic.
And it probably did come from the oil spill, but who knows.
But don't worry, Tony Blair, the globalist who killed Magna Carta and the British rights, Tony Blair has been tapped to take over chairman of Crisis Hit BP.
Don't worry, Tony Blair to the rescue.
And then we have a detailed article up on PrisonPlanet.com by Paul Watson.
Despite rumors, officials insist no Gulf evacuation plan yet.
But what happens when 150 plus million gallons gets blown in by the hurricanes?
And we do have a CFR member in the Washington Post saying he believes 20 million will be evacuated.
And so, very, very serious situation on that front.
And then separately, USA Today expect lots of government layoffs at state, local level, but not federal.
Their pay's going up and their numbers are growing.
And the police are becoming federalized everywhere.
Here's CNBC.
Dow repeats Great Depression pattern.
Here is another one.
With U.S.
trapped in depression, this really is starting to feel like 1932.
London Telegraph.
So, the establishment has engineered this depression, but now they're admitting that it's a depression and offering you their solutions.
Folks, you cannot
depend on government to protect yourself with looming war with iran that could lead to world war three with the gulf oil coming in uh... with all of this happening with the depression we're in with almost everyone i know being laid off or having their pay cut this is serious business and that's why i wanted to bring the owner of the j michael stevens group efoodsdirect.com up for the rest of this segment
Because the time of screwing around is over.
You need firearms, you need food, you need water filters, and the place to get your storable food is efoodsdirect.com.
And because they make it new every month, it's non-GMO, non-hybrid, they've got a lot of different variants, ready-to-eat, gourmet meals, they've got the raw base stuff, it's everything you need, one-stop shop, free shipping, so all the money that you put into the food
This has been done by design.
I wanted to bring up Steve Schenck because he's doing a July 4th special that runs through July 14th.
Free shipping on storable food is a giant discount, folks, because shipping is one of the main costs because it is bulky.
Steve Schenck, thanks for coming on with us.
Well Alex, all that you've just been summarizing here for your listeners is just way beyond the pale of what I'd ever expect that we'd see in the United States of America, but you're absolutely right on.
And as this whole mess develops, it becomes more and more incumbent on every individual to look to their own independence and their own freedom.
And the first great dependency, obviously, you and I have talked about it hundreds and hundreds of times, is the fact that the greatest dependency and the greatest step that anybody can take is to make sure they've got food to get through this thing.
And now something else has just raised its absolutely ugly head.
We've got hundreds of people calling us wanting to put in food for their evacuation because notwithstanding the fact that we're getting news media coverage that says there might be one, the people that are living in the middle of this thing, Alex, know that they are going to have to get out.
And one of the things that was brought up by several of these folks
And that's what prompted this free shipping, this 10 days of free shipping, and this is huge, is the fact that people are saying, you know, Steve, we need food to evacuate.
We need these quick two-week packs or whatever that we order.
And if there aren't mass evacuations in your area, or if by a miracle none of this ever happens, as the media starts hyping it, then you've got food insurance you can eat.
But, I mean, look at the facts here.
Hundreds of millions of gallons dumped in the Gulf, over 150 million conservatively.
They're not letting people clean it up.
I mean, I have seen CNN admit that almost everyone, over 95% of people that worked on the Exxon Valdez are dead.
The average life expectancy is 51 when it's over 75 for somebody who isn't around the benzene and the heavy metals and the off-gassing.
And BP won't even let their own employees wear masks because then they'd have to admit it was toxic and now
They're not letting the media cover it.
A state of martial law now exists in the Gulf, and so I was calling people fear mongers a month ago that were saying this, but now I've got to say, okay, this is starting to get a lot of validity here.
Just another reason for people to stop counting on the government and to get storable food today.
Well, the thing, Alex, that people aren't thinking of, and this
This has been brought to our attention in the last two weeks just tremendously.
We've got people calling in and they're saying, hey, we need a small supply ship to where we are, but we've got to get, you know, we're planning with relatives or whoever, wherever we're planning to evacuate to, those people can't feed us.
And if it's going to be a couple hundred miles away or a couple thousand miles away, it doesn't matter.
What we're having are double orders.
People are ordering a small amount to get them evacuated, and then they're ordering for their destination point.
That doubles the shipping that people have to have, and so we had a board meeting last week and decided the thing that we had to do is we've got to help somehow.
Now you know from working with us before that we've got more of a better quality food for less money than anything else people can do, but we have decided that for these 10 days, folks must get in their immediate supply, but the big supply that they need to have is at their destination location, and we're covering shipping to both places.
Well Steve, you've been doing this for decades and decades.
There are people that claim
And, uh, you know, quite frankly, that's very immoral.
I feel good promoting you.
I know this is fresh, new, non-GMO, non-hybrid.
I know you've got the widest selection.
I know you're the best.
And just in these uncertain times...
It's a no-brainer.
I mean, my reason for having storable food, and really increasing the amount three years ago, and so tripling the amount of food I'd previously bought from you, so everyone in my family has a three-year supply, my attic and garage just jam-packed full of it, my reason for doing that was the Depression.
Because I know that during the Depression, 90% of people were rural, but still, major universities report that over seven million people in that decade
I don't
That we're going to fall apart if we ever have a depression.
So when I bought a bunch of food three years ago, it was because I saw a 20-30% chance of depression.
Now we're at 70-80% of a total crash, and the mainstream media is saying we're going to have one, and I'm not going to be dependent on Barry Sitaro, aka Barack Obama.
I'm not going to be dependent on the UN.
These bankers want me to be dependent on them.
That's why I got storable food, and that's why I researched it and bought from you and found that it was good, so I went and approached you to be a sponsor, and that's why you're our sponsor.
And there's a lot of other, I don't want to name names, but some of the same people that have sponsors that shell gold and a franc's 360 bucks and Midas has it for 250.
Some of those same talk show hosts have food crowds that sell stuff for twice what you sell it for, and I just want to put people in the direction of someone I know is good, and that I trust, and I have confidence in.
So Steve, tell folks about some of the food packages you've got, and people have another, you know, ten days or so, or nine days, to take advantage of free shipping, which is just an amazing discount.
Well, the basic units are always there, the dehydrated foods that last, you know, the 20 years and all of this, and that people can cook from scratch, and it virtually is the mainstay that people are putting in.
But this new, new traversal line that we've got, which are all recipes put together, very literally the one
A one-year supply for one adult will still fit in one cubic yard of space.
Not only the nation struggling with what probably about 36 to 38 percent of our population right now goes to the grocery store.
And has to decide whether they're going to pay their bills or buy food.
We've got so many people on food stamps that they say it's something like coming up on 60 million.
Well, it was 40, then 45.
They project within another year it could be 60 million.
And of course, we know the government plays down numbers.
They say unemployment has gone down from 10 to 9.4 when all the private groups say it's above 23 percentage points.
So you can't believe anything that comes out of the government.
But I mean, we're talking about, what, 20 percent?
of the United States on food stamps.
I mean, this is insane.
Again, ladies and gentlemen, the media has been trying to cover it up, but there are giant tent cities from Texas to California out to Hawaii.
Ladies and gentlemen, I hope you never have to use this food, and then if five years from now this doesn't happen, you can eat your investment and it tastes really good.
But unfortunately, I think you're going to end up having to use this.
And look, it's way past time to get storable food.
You don't want to wait until the collapse is completely evident and then it's going to be hard to get food.
It's getting harder and harder with the prices going up that Steve talked about a few years ago.
We're now seeing it with staples going up.
It's been hard for Steve to keep prices down.
This is really a mission with Steve.
I mean, he's doing this because he believes in it.
Just like I believe in what I'm doing.
Steve, again, give folks the number and the website so they can check this out and not screw around anymore.
Okay, the phone number for those who can't get up and do the internet thing is 800-409-5633.
That's 800-409-5633.
And that's free shipping on all of the eFoodsDirect products, the prepared ones as well as the long-term storables.
We're good to go.
Uh, but please make sure on efoodsdirect.com when you do your calculations, not only have food shipped to yourself if you are in danger of a possible evacuation, but make sure that you get an evacuation route, find a destination for you to land your family, agree with those people that they can accept you and have
And have another batch of food, your large batch of food that you're going to have to survive on, shipped to that destination.
We'll pay both shippings, the one to your present location to get out of Dodge, and then for your final location, we'll handle all shipping on all eFoods Direct products for the next 10 days.
My concern is that even if the oil doesn't blow into shore, which it's forecast to do with the hurricane season starting and Obama openly blocking any cleanup effort, is that they'll just use it as an excuse to make people evacuate from areas to set that precedent.
I mean, this is their
This is their methodology.
I've learned what they do.
And now we have these quotes from Obama and Emmanuel about using crises.
I mean, it's terrorism.
And folks, I believe in self-sufficiency.
I believe in rugged individualism.
I believe you need firearms.
I mean, how many sheriffs have come out in the last year and said, buy guns, we're having to lay off more than half the sheriff's department, crime is exploding.
I mean, you know, it's common sense.
Buy food, buy guns, be ready.
This is High Quality Food, eFoodsDirect.com.
We're gonna come back, final comments with him.
Stay with us.
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Subject to other police action.
Tyranny is here.
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This film conclusively proves the existence of a secret network of FEMA camps, now being expanded nationwide.
This documentary exposes how the continuity of government program has established an all-powerful shadow state.
Police State 4 chronicles the sickening depth to which our republic has fallen.
Prepare to enter the secretive world of emergency dictatorship.
Body scanners, sound cameras, citizen spies, stage terror and cameras on every street corner.
It's only the beginning of the New World Order's hellish plan.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Steve Schenck leaves us here in just a few minutes.
This is what I'm gonna do.
I'm gonna take call after call for the first 30 minutes of the next hour.
Then I've got a few video and audio clips and a bunch of news I want to at least hit on briefly.
And I will keep to that schedule.
Everybody that's been holding, we'll be getting to you in the next hour starts here in about five minutes.
We'll kind of do radio graffiti.
We're good.
Steve Shank from the J. Michael Stevens Group.
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800-409-5633 or efoodsdirect.com.
You know, I love the ad that Steve had me cut for this a few days ago when I called him and I said, I think this is serious.
You know, I'd really like to, you know, warn people to get food.
He was already a sponsor, but I said, we need to really expand this.
And he said, I agree with you.
You know, I said, look, this is about independence.
Fourth of July is coming up.
And Steve said, yes, this is how people declare their independence.
It's a lifestyle change.
You know, it's not just having guns or having a garden or talking to your neighbors or going to your state house and speaking out.
It's all of that together.
It's not being dependent on the system and realizing the government can't and won't take care of you.
And it's a hard thing to make the decision, you know, to face the fact that
America's in deep trouble.
I mean, it's scary.
But around my dinner table, this is all we talk about.
I mean, I believe the things I'm saying.
I was here a decade ago telling you derivatives would be sold to the counties and cities and states to bankrupt us because I'd seen what the same banks had done worldwide.
And now this is happening today.
This isn't a joke, folks.
And the fact that we do have guns and some of us do live on farms, that's one of the few reasons they haven't tried to overthrow us like Cambodia.
But it looks like they're going to go ahead and try it.
And because some of us are self-sufficient, because patriots are self-sufficient, we've got a chance of beating these people.
Now, we want to keep this peaceful.
But this could turn into a Red Dawn scenario.
I mean, I'm not going to lie to you, folks.
I mean, this government is really evil.
I mean, we've seen the Nazis, we've seen the Soviets.
This is it.
Well Alex, there's just one thought that I'd like to leave you with.
If these potentially controlled areas, if people in these potentially controlled areas,
Like this oil spill area is obviously a potentially and in fact controlled area.
If these folks don't get out under their own power, the option is just like with Katrina, a gathering center.
And a gathering center, this is a FEMA camp my friend, and so what we're offering is shipping
Usually runs anywhere between 17 and 20 percent of the cost of the food.
We're absorbing this.
We're taking it.
We're covering it.
In fact, if people will concentrate on realizing what we're saying right now, the facts that you've been trying to tell them,
If they don't get out of these potentially controlled areas into safe havens and have their own food there, their guns won't do them any good because they'll be in those gathering centers.
Well, that's what's crazy is they went to the high and dry safe areas and made people go to the sports center and then wouldn't let people walk out on the high and dry highways.
You know, the point is the oil may not even come into shore.
It may not even be a crisis.
It probably is going to be, but they could just say evacuate.
And send in troops to take your guns, because they want to dominate us.
They want to set that precedent.
Give eFoodsDirect a call for free shipping for the next 10 days.
eFoodsDirect.com or 800-409-5633.
Thank you so much, Steve.
Take care, Alex.
You bet.
Alright, we'll be right back with the final hour.
Your call, straight ahead.
Stay with us.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today!
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Alright, here's the deal.
The toll-free number to join us is 800-259-9231.
I'm going to take calls for the entire first half hour, then I'm going to news blitz, and then go back into your calls.
If we're going to get to callers, each caller's got to keep it short.
Mike in Louisiana, you're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
Thank you, Alex.
I want to let you know my next phone call after you will be to eFoods Direct to get some, uh, food.
And, uh,
What I've got here is some hard evidence that I've collected on the oil spill.
Are you there?
Yes sir, I'm listening.
Got 60 hours worth of film.
I've got hard evidence of them
Doing nighttime spraying with planes with the lights out over the shoreline, bleaching the beaches.
That is so huge.
And again, everybody keeps telling me to go to the Gulf, and I didn't see a reason why.
Now that they're blocking the First Amendment and doing this, so they're spraying chemicals.
No wonder they don't want people there.
You're saying you've got footage of them doing this at nighttime?
And got samples of the spray.
Well, sir, you need to get that uploaded.
Most talk shows will say, get me that footage.
No, no, no.
You need to get that uploaded to YouTube right now.
I got it.
It's there.
And I got eyewitnesses to it.
When did you shoot this?
When did this happen?
Approximately 10 days ago.
OK, have you put it up on the web yet?
I'm getting it right now.
I don't have the film in my possession.
I've seen it.
I'm going to get it today.
I'm uploading it today.
Do you have a YouTube channel?
No, I don't.
Okay, what I'm going to do is I'm going to put you on hold, and the minute you get that... Again, I said I'm going to give each caller a minute, and it's incredible stuff like this.
Mike, where are you in Louisiana, roughly?
I'm right in the city.
I'm right in the city.
So you're in New Orleans?
Okay, and you've seen footage of them nighttime spraying and bleaching the beaches?
I've got evidence of a lie witness on film.
Who has witnessed the nighttime spraying and we have samples of the and film of the bleach on the beach.
Uh, where things were bleached.
You can see if you roll over a boom where it's bleached on one side and it's just ordinary on the other.
Wow, can you imagine, uh, that, and we know they've sprayed a million and a half gallons of that, uh, toxic chemical that is eating the boats and is a carcinogen.
The same thing they use in the Exxon Valdez that killed almost everybody involved.
Can you imagine why they're blocking all the media and acting so suspicious?
And can you imagine the health effects of them spraying this on the beach?
I mean, if this is true?
Yeah, but you have no idea what's going on down here.
And it's worse than anything I've been hearing reported so far.
Well, tell us.
Tell us what's going on.
Well, it's just hardcore.
Everything is shut down.
I mean, now you can't even go down there with a camera.
Nunzinger has said, well yes, oh yes, come on down if you want to, I'll take you there.
That's partially true.
You're going to go through checkpoints, you're going to get harassed, and now they will come up and arrest you if you even act like you're going towards the booms.
The evidence I have, though, is real.
There's one other thing I just want to shamelessly promote.
I am probably the only
I'm a conspiracy nut cartoonist.
I'm published.
I'm reaching 50,000 people in a local publication here.
And I get a lot of my material from your show.
And I'm reaching a lot of people.
That's awesome.
You've told us about it before.
What, it's a weekly favor?
It's a monthly, it's New Orleans Levy.
We don't hold anything back.
That's our motto.
Well listen, why don't you send me some online versions of some of your cartoons and we'll post them and put links to you if you've got an online version.
But we'll put you on hold.
Stay in contact with us.
We'll give you an internal email.
Let us know as soon as the video's up.
That's for you today, sir.
All right, thank you.
Well, I want to see that.
We'll put him on hold and get his info, guys.
We're going to go to Tim, Joe, John, Bobby, and others.
I tell you, I mean, I guess I can go down there and get arrested, but everybody... I mean, they're on CNN saying you're not allowed to videotape the dead dolphins or anything, or they'll arrest you.
Since when was the power of the press dead in America?
And we've got this illegal alien, Barry Sitaro up there, just getting away with murder and blocking the relief effort.
Listen up, folks.
This is important.
Alex Jones here.
Now you can get free shipping on the storable, easy-to-fix, delicious food from efoodsdirect.com from July 4th through July 14th.
We have looming evacuations in the Southeast, unemployment insurance running out, and predictions of huge inflation.
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When you order from eFoodsDirect.com from July 4th through July 14th, every dollar you spend will buy the food and eFoodsDirect will pay for the shipping in the continental United States.
This is Alex Jones wishing you and your family true independence this 4th of July.
With great food and free shipping through July 14th from efoodsdirect.com.
You can order on the website efoodsdirect.com or simply call 800-409-5633.
That's 800-409-5633 or on the web at efoodsdirect.com forward slash ship free.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We are experiencing the greatest acceleration of technological development in human history.
And there's good things happening as a result of that, but there's also a lot of bad.
And we have a very corrupt, predatory elite who admittedly is using scientific forms of control to manipulate humanity.
And the general public has been sucked into a malaise of sports and Hollywood garbage, distracting them from the real things that are happening in the world.
This radio broadcast is here to get the public to think about real issues.
We've got wide open phones right now.
I'm going to news blitz and go over a lot of key information coming up at the bottom of the hour, like the lights are going out.
Hey Alex!
First I'd like to say happy belated Independence Day to one of the most prominent, truthful patriots that I know.
I really appreciate everything that you've shared with me.
I have one speaking point and also an article I'd like to share with you.
Let me get it all out here.
Me and my girlfriend wanted to make the fourth kind of a special thing, so we chose to
Take some action and be an advocate.
So we went out, I actually made a t-shirt that resembles the American flag.
It simply says that Uncle Sam wants you to believe the insane idea that if you give up all your rights and freedoms, they can't protect you.
Your rights and your freedom are your only protection.
We each were wearing one of those t-shirts.
Then I made up a little flyer that just says we're curious about how many people
And again, that's not going to save the world in and of itself, but your act of resistance and your act of caring, that will awaken the sleeping giant that is America.
I want to tell you something, Alex.
You would not believe how positive the response was.
A lot of people are awake, Alex.
This is working.
You would not believe.
I couldn't call it anything less than remarkable.
People were thanking us for being out there handing out the Bill of Rights.
I printed, I printed in triplicate 30 of your movies and was passing them out with a copy of the Bill of Rights.
And, uh, the little pamphlet that we had also says that we feel that, uh, being at 4th of July, that we think it's our civic duty to pass out the Bill of Rights in a related video.
That's what the 4th is about!
It's not about hamburgers and beer, as much fun as that is, and I did that, and it's not about fireworks and, you know, going out to the lake or whatever.
We're celebrating our liberties, but we're losing our liberties.
The Fourth is about that Bill of Rights.
It is about that Constitution.
And look, it's not perfect, but it's under attack by the globalists because it is like holy water to a vampire, and that's why they want to eradicate it.
Tim, I said I gotta move quick.
Real fast.
We brought our video equipment with us, and we really only got one person that would really allow us to videotape them.
Accepting the Bill of Rights and the video, and somehow my video got screwed up.
Anyway... Well, you should have just videoed it.
Jim, I gotta jump.
Good job.
I appreciate it.
I mean, look, it's a public place.
There's no perception of privacy.
You can just... The key is, walk around and just do what you want.
Okay, and then if somebody has a problem, just say, yeah, don't worry, pal, home movie.
Okay, but good job, Tim, keep it up, very exciting.
And there are millions of Tims out there making copies of The Obama Deception, Fall of the Republic, Truth Rising, Camp FEMA, The Money Man, you know, all the, not just my films, other films, getting them out to people.
It's so exciting.
Joe in Chicago.
Joe, you're on the air.
Yes, Alex.
From last Thursday, there was a public communique issued by the Foreign and Colonial Office, Charles Street, London.
It had to do with Great Britain expanding its influence in the world.
It was given by the Secretary of State, William Hague.
He's headed in the Grand Locarno Room.
He said that they're going to expand their influence in the United States with an ambitious foreign policy, maximal influence in the world, so that they can, in effect, recolonize.
And they also said that they're going to spread the English language in China, Brazil, and culture.
Let me stop you for just a minute.
Specifically, what are you talking about?
Who did what?
The British Secretary of State, William Hague.
Yeah, he was saying he was at a meeting where?
No, he issued a public declaration of imperialism.
How they're going to re-imperialize.
This was in the Financial Times Deutschland.
The German Financial Times?
Okay, well send me the article.
Send it to ShowTipsAndInfoWars.com.
I mean, it is the British Empire model that's running the globe.
Not the British people themselves.
They've just paid for it, and so that's interesting information.
John in Ohio, thanks for holding her on the air.
Yeah, before I get to my point about how the United States and Israel are trying to provoke an attack against Iran, a country that has zero nuclear weapons, by these two countries that have thousands... Now wait a minute, they said Saddam had them, it must be true!
Yeah, that's the kind of lies that, you know, fool me once, fool me twice, you can fool me a hundred times, I guess, with some people in this country, with the same lies, exact same lies, but before I get to that... Well, it's fun to be scared of brown people, and
Well, okay, I'll get straight to that, because I think that the real key here is Israel and the whitewash and the influence that Israel has within the media, within the government, the Senate, the Congress, through both Republican and Democratic administrations, dual citizens, agents of Israel like Rahm Emanuel, Richard Perle, Wolfowitz, and the Bush administration.
You have, I think, the military-industrial complex of the United States, which is the vicious dog.
And then you've got Israel, which is the rabid dog.
And I think that rabid dog has gained so much ability to infect our own
Already inclined to warmongers within the military-industrial complex.
That is really dangerous, and I think that the whitewashing... Well, have you ever seen dogs?
Or like coyotes?
I've been deer hunting before and watched coyotes.
When they're hunting, they'll yip and yap at each other and jump around and get each other excited.
And it's kind of like you can tell your dog, wanna go for a walk?
Wanna go for a walk?
Alright, get him, get him!
And yes, they're like exciting each other.
It's a radicalization process.
Yes, and I believe that whitewashing is real at this time.
And I have a bone to pick with you here, because Kiglo is patting on the wrist for a murderous massacre on the high seas, as I feel you did, and bringing on immediately afterwards, after Michael Rivero, this voice in the wilderness amongst this polluted tsunami of pro-Israeli whitewash of this massacre of these aid workers, that you thought you had to go out and get a Zionist apologist
The very next day.
And I also feel that you're whitewash of Rand Paul, who is an obsequious brown-noser of Israel at this very dangerous time, calling for all of these sanctions against Iran.
Listen, listen, listen.
John, the reason you were able to get on is because we don't censor calls A, and B, I've told callers they can have one minute, and everybody's getting about two or three, and that's why a bunch of callers aren't going to get on today.
So it's a catch-22.
I've got to cut you off.
I'm going to get to others and I've got to cut myself off in the defense of myself.
So I just really won't defend myself.
I appreciate your call.
But you got to rant that out for two minutes.
I had a former Mossad
To blame everything on Israel and to demonize Israel all day and to just literally say that if you've got mold on your bread, when you open up your cupboard, Israel did it.
Like a little guy with a yarmulke on at night, like a gremlin, came out and peed on your bread or something.
I'm sorry to use that analogy, but I'm just sick of it.
I have seen the Israel bashing crowd, if they're trying to win friends and influence enemies, they're not very good at it.
Because they lie, they exaggerate, they twist, about me!
Quite frankly, I don't like what Israel's doing.
Quite frankly, I don't like the Israeli lobby manipulating our policies.
I don't like foreign aid to Israel or anybody else for that matter.
I don't want to have war with Iran.
I'm critical of the wars.
I've been critical before they started.
I'm not like the Republican leadership now, just now becoming anti-war because it's popular.
So, I mean, it's not enough that I'm anti-war.
It's not enough that I'm against attacking Iran.
I mean, you know, I've got to be Bobby Fischer or whatever and start wearing a Nazi armband.
I'm not going to do it.
Okay, I know that all governments are corrupt and out of control, some more than others.
And I blame corrupt governments and global mafias, not individuals.
And so, you know, no one's going to bully me into making my whole show about bashing Israel.
I could care less if a bunch of federally financed Nazis and people keeps coming out there, a bunch of feds attack me.
They want to radicalize the patriot movement so it doesn't have a big tent.
So that when you talk about anti-globalism, it's like anti-black or anti-Jew.
I'm not going to do that.
I want everybody to make the decision for themselves whether they're for liberty or whether they're for tyranny.
And so I don't care how much stuff the anti-Israel crowd makes up about me.
I'm going to continue to criticize Israel when they do things that are wrong.
And I'm going to continue to criticize Saudi Arabia when they do things that are wrong, or England, or anybody else.
I mean, a year ago I reported Israel was killing Palestinians and taking their organs.
And now Israel's had to admit that's the case.
I got attacked when I did it because I knew it was true.
But then I go on and add other governments are killing people, taking their organs, including the U.S.
And then that Jew haters don't like that because only Jews can steal organs.
Only Jews, they say.
We'll be right back.
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Listen up, folks.
This is important.
Alex Jones here.
Now you can get free shipping on the storable, easy-to-fix, delicious food from efoodsdirect.com from July 4th through July 14th.
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This is Alex Jones wishing you and your family true independence this 4th of July with great food and free shipping through July 14th from eFoodsDirect.com.
You can order on the website eFoodsDirect.com or simply call 800
You know, I don't want to digress, because I want to go to your phone calls.
Bobby, John, Ann, Matt.
We'll at least get to those before I get into the news and the video clubs.
But time is running out here, but we have articles today on Infowars.com that we wrote critical of what Israel's doing.
Here's one.
Israel suspected in bogus claim Iran developing nuclear trigger.
And the Sunday Times is out putting this info out, and Israel's been caught before putting out exaggerated and dubious claims.
There we are.
Every day.
I mean, I've got people that work for me paid to, you know, go out and research things and come out with the truth.
Just like our government.
But at the same time, I'm not here saying, see, see, I'm good, I'm bashing Israel, I don't care what you think of me.
I mean, I'm sick of the peer pressure to worship Israel, and I'm equally as sick of the peer pressure to attack Israel.
I look at the facts, and I report what it is.
Okay, and I try to look at both sides.
I mean, I get emails saying, you've had all these guests on with different views on the oil spill.
That's what I do!
I had a bunch of different guests on with different perspective on the whole flu thing.
I mean, I don't have all the answers.
I'm trying to figure this out.
It's just, I want it said that
I cover what I want to cover, and it doesn't bother me when people lie about me and, you know, make stuff up and sit there and, like, I'm even more anti-Jew than you are.
You know, I think Jews should all be killed, you know.
Some people say and are like, that's not enough.
You know, I watch these Nazi groups and anti-Israel groups.
I mean, they're just a bunch of scum.
They all fight with each other and lie, and just because you make something up doesn't mean it's true.
And most of you are led by FBI agents like Hal Turner.
Who I told you 10 years ago was an FBI agent, and it turned out he was!
Because I could tell he was!
They want to radicalize everybody.
They want to have people bashing Israel.
And then Israel gets to control its people more when they get persecuted.
How do you think this works?
That's why the media comes out and says, men and men are killing illegal aliens and want them all dead.
It's not true, but then that makes the illegal aliens team up with the government more.
I mean, I understand how this stuff works, folks.
I'm pretty smart.
And I'm surprised other people aren't smart and can't see how it's working.
I want to be able to criticize Israel when it's doing something wrong from a credible standpoint.
Not, I see these Nazi sites with people dressed up in weird Jewish outfits making fun of them or they'll photoshop my head onto a fat guy's body next to a fat woman at a Jewish wedding and say it's me and have all these big articles, how it's the proof and I mean, it's a joke!
It's a joke!
These are discredited, pathetic people!
And so many weak-minded idiots get caught by that.
But you know what?
Not everybody's going to make it.
Not everybody's intelligent.
Not everybody's sophisticated.
An over-driving reason I get attacked a lot is there's COINTELPRO funding it.
There's a lot of mentally ill people.
But there's also people who are just jealous.
They're jealous.
They're not fighting tyranny because they really care about humanity and liberty and freedom.
They're fighting tyranny because they want to be leaders or hot shots.
And you are failures and you're not big shots because you want to be a big shot.
I am, you know, the biggest guy in the fight against the New World Order, except for Ron Paul, but I'm a lot more hardcore because I can be.
I'm not a congressman.
Because I tell it like it is.
I've got a real track record.
Our predictions have almost all come true.
We've looked at history.
We've done hard work.
I've made 25 plus films.
I've produced three other films.
I've written a book.
Published another book.
We bust our butt.
We get a lot of work done.
And it's good!
I'm here saying they're putting cameras up with microphones listening to you and running it through NSA keyword software.
That's now mainstream news.
I was reading federal funding packages 11 years ago about it.
I was reading federal grants about it.
I told you 15 years ago they're taking your baby's blood at birth for a bioweapons lab.
Now it's admitted.
I told you they're designing GMO crops to sterilize you.
Now it's mainstream news.
I've got a Fox News report here admitting that the chemicals in plastics are sterilizing men.
And it's by design.
You know, I got a CNN report admitting they, in Chicken McNuggets, they put a plastic in it, which just so happens to reduce fertility.
I mean, you know what?
Let's say I am the devil.
Let's say I'm the worst guy in the world, which I'm not.
But all of us are fallen creatures.
What are you going to do about poisoning your food and water?
What are you going to do about World War III that I'm opposing?
What are you going to do about that oil coming in towards shore with these hurricanes?
You're going to sit there and Photoshop my head on a fat man.
Knock yourself out!
You're a loser!
You're a failure!
You're a joke!
You don't like a real man!
You don't like somebody who uses their real name!
You don't like somebody who's out in the open!
You don't like somebody who doesn't hate black people and doesn't hate Mexicans and doesn't hate Jews!
Now I'll say this, when you got racist Jewish groups and Mexican groups and black groups that don't like Whitey, I stand up and say they're a bunch of racist trash as well, being manipulated by the globalists who play all these groups off against each other.
So get it straight.
Okay, you want to be the big man?
You think it's easy to take shots at Alex Jones?
I love it!
Because I am successful in great part because of all your lies and your propaganda because you have sent all the hundreds of thousands of you out there that attack me have sent people to me and they find out who I really am.
Thank you!
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Okay, we are live, ladies and gentlemen.
We've only got about 27 minutes left in broadcast transmission on the radio and at PrisonBlinded.tv.
Thank you for joining us.
Let's try to run through some of the phone calls quickly here now.
Let's talk to Bobby Lee in Texas quickly.
Bobby Lee, go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
You know, the state of Arizona, they could put an end to the persecution, threats, and intimidation by the Obama administration.
Uh, that lady over there, she's got more cojones than 80% of the men in this country.
All she has to do is get her representatives from her state and the adjoining border states to file, um, impeachment charges against Obama for treason.
And those people who don't want to go along with it, you have a perfect example of who you want to kick out.
And throw out of office.
Because it would not only bring to light to the rest of the people of the country.
I speak to a lot of people.
I tell them what's going on on the border.
And they don't believe it.
The news media has blacked it all out.
This would bring it all out in the open, you know.
And it would also give an indication of those particular representatives who don't give a dang about our country and want to see it go down in tubes.
And you get rid of all of them.
No, it's a good point.
In fact, I'm going to shoot a YouTube video today as an emergency release just dealing with the treason issue of his impending executive order and his lawsuit to try to block Arizona from protecting itself.
I mean, Arizona, 80 to 100 miles in, a third of the state, many areas are now off limits to the citizens.
I mean, Mexico is a failed state.
This isn't a game.
I mean, for all these trendies and fake liberals and people out there,
Mexico controls its borders.
Every other nation does.
Especially when you're bordering a collapsing third-world country that's very nationalistic and very anti-America because it's lost wars with this country.
I mean, that's just a fact.
The facts are the facts.
And we've got to defend ourselves.
But we've got this treacherous federal government that's globalist and it wants global government and it wants to bankrupt the country because then we collapse under federal control.
It is treason!
You know, most of the people have no idea that the Mexican military is running interference for the drug lords as far as 10, 20 miles up inside with also not only the armored personnel carriers, but the helicopters and everything else.
And Bobby, that's all over Texas news, it's all over Arizona news, but it's not national news.
It is insane.
They have troops coming miles and miles over the border on major highways and actually robbing police at gunpoint and telling them, you don't come on this road or you're dead.
We are giving up parts of our states to Mexico and the globalists and the traitors in Washington love it because they want to bring down America as much as they want to bring down Iran.
Any country that's been sovereign must be destroyed.
I appreciate your call.
It's unbelievable.
Let's go ahead and talk to, let me see, John in Washington.
You're on the air, John.
Hi Alex, I just wanted to let you know I spoke with some friends of mine down on the Gulf Coast.
I ran a fish camp down there in Grand Bay for some time and had a crabbing business.
I met a lot of people in the industry and we're still in touch.
I just spoke with actually two different ones, one from Grand Bay.
They were down south and west
of where the oil leak is.
They said that there are huge mats of floating, rotting fish down there and that occasionally bursts of bubbles, foamy bubbles, will come to the surface and that the gas odor is so heavy and so strong they're afraid that it's going to cause their boat to ignite.
And they finally got into the slip, into the bay, to come home.
And there were personnel there.
They didn't say if they were National Guard or whatever or Coast Guard, but they said that they took his thousand dollar camera.
He had a bunch of pictures for me and they took his camera from him.
Well, that's on record that they're vandalizing the cameras and they do that basically everywhere now because they've hired a bunch of thugs.
The police should be refusing.
I mean, the captain should have said, you know, the feds don't have jurisdiction to, like, stop people coming on their boats and taking their cameras.
I mean, it's just... but see...
We're a nation of cowards now, and I'm sorry.
It's cowardice that these policing people follow these dirtbag orders, and they're going to follow other dirtbag orders, but everybody that this has happened to, everybody that this has happened to,
Has got to go to YouTube and other channels and upload their eyewitness reports so that there's a record because I, you know, I get these calls, but I specifically want to hear those people specifically who've been violated.
In fact, write to us at ShowTipsAtInfoWars.com.
Got any photos, video, eyewitness accounts?
We'll try to get it up, but don't wait for us.
You get it up.
And get it out there, because these people need to file complaints.
They need to contact the mainstream media.
We need to continue to expose this.
But, you know, for a month they've been denying they're arresting people and taking cameras and blocking media.
Now, they say, you know what, the Coast Guard says 10 miles inland, basically martial law, felonies if you tape us.
I mean, this is tyranny.
This is the Soviet Union.
And they're blocking the relief because they want that oil to come in so they can screw up things even more.
This is a treasonous government.
They want to wreck America.
That's their stated UN goal.
And people better realize the government is a pack of crooks.
And they're training their low-level dogs how to rape us.
I'm sorry, go ahead.
Well, my friend said that things are so bad in their opinion
They say it's going to be a very short period of time until people start to die.
They said that they know people that are really sick right now.
They're supplying up, and if they can get out of the bay, they're headed to Argentina.
And then I called friends in Orlando, Florida.
Uh, that I also know, and they basically confirmed what, uh, my other friend in Grand Bay said, and they said that they even saw a couple of small whales out there floating and rotting.
No, no, over a month ago, there's dead sperm whales all over the place, and again, I get emails from the idiot public saying there's no sperm whales in the Gulf of Mexico, and I mean, how dumb are people?
Like, I would just make that up, or...
I mean, I've seen sperm whales in the Gulf of Mexico.
They're there.
You can Google sperm whales Gulf of Mexico Caribbean.
They're a tropical stinking whale.
Well, nobody ever went broke betting on the ignorance of the American public, so I'll let you go and have a good one.
Thanks a lot.
Hey, I appreciate your call.
Yeah, that's, I know, it's almost like a willful ignorance.
It's like, if they hear the truth, they rebuke it, and if they hear a lie, they run over and grab it.
I was down at the beach a month and a half ago, and these people were sitting there mumbling, and I was walking back on the beach at night,
And it had just gotten dark.
I've been jogging and I was like 15 feet from him and it was like four adults and four females, or three adults, three females.
And they saw me and they said, are you trying to pick my pocket?
And I kind of laughed.
I was like 50 feet away.
And I said, yeah, I'm just going for a jog.
And then, well, you're not jogging.
And I guess they were kind of big guys.
They were maybe looking for trouble.
I can tell.
In fact, there it is.
Florida oil spill disaster threatens Gulf of Mexico's sperm whales with extinction.
Yep, there's a photo of a dead sperm whale.
Well, I don't show them that.
Side issue.
The point is, is that, is that, so I tried to be friendly, and I said, yeah, I ran down to the jetty.
You ought to check it out tomorrow.
There's green sea turtles and dolphins, and they're just everywhere.
I mean, every time I go down to that Port Aransas jetty, there's just dolphins and turtles everywhere.
Anybody who goes there, you can see it for yourself.
Not for long when that oil comes in.
And the woman just said, heh heh heh heh, there's only dolphins in cold water.
There's no dolphins here.
And then I started laughing going, yeah, and I guess they were like monkeys or something.
They were white yuppies, but I mean, they were like monkeys, like a troop of gorillas or baboons or apes or something.
And it was the fact that they were so cowardly and domesticated deep down inside that a man on the beach 15 feet away from them right after sunset was scary.
And then, kind of like monkeys, because I startled them I guess, they kind of together hooped and hollered and let me know that I was scum and that I was a liar about dolphins.
I mean, this is domesticated scum!
These are people who are just... I mean, I'm a Texan.
People always... British...
Media comes, French media, Japanese, Russian.
They always say, we've been in Texas for a week.
Everyone's so nice here.
Everyone's so friendly.
And I'm not bashing my fellow Americans, because there's people nice all over.
But I mean, I was brought up to be nice and friendly and not look for trouble.
And let me tell you something, it's a wake-up call when you're walking along through New York City and you go, officer, can you please tell me where this street is?
Do I look like a phone book to you?
I mean, you know, I mean, I guess that's what we are as America.
It's a bunch of surly, stupid trash.
And I've had enough of it.
OK, I'm nobody's slave and I'm not putting up with it anymore.
All right.
And all you parasites and the rest of you just better get out of my way because I'm here trying to wake up as many people as I can.
To stand up against you, because I know you're criminals, I know you're trash, and I know you're a bunch of child molesters on top of it.
And it's my job to expose you, scum, and then you're going to show everybody, even the people that are blind out there, just how evil you are, and in the end, you're going to go down.
All right, I'm ranting.
I said I'd cover news.
I'm just out of control today.
Who's up next here?
All right, I'm giving each person one minute, because I've got to hit some news.
Annie in New York, go ahead.
I'm awake, Alex.
Just a few things about the Gulf Coast.
I don't know if you saw the Raw Story.
The headline was Marine Biologist Claims U.S.
Coast Guard Involved in Corexit Spraying.
And so that goes along with what the man from New Orleans was saying about
They're spraying it, that BP has purchased more than a third of the world's supply of Corexit, and is in the process of mass-producing it in Shetland, Texas.
The other thing, there was a guest on George Norie last night, the first hour, Earth Changes Something Media, but he said he's been down in that area, and that the people, he went to the gate like twice, but didn't go through it, implying, couldn't say it, that people down in that area are so fed up
They are ready to explode.
And then the last point, because I know you've got other callers, Steve, your guy from eFoods, my sister lives in East Texas, like 240 miles from the Gulf.
And I said to her, even if that stuff doesn't get to you, you're going to have people bolting when the stuff hits the fan.
So I sent her a seven-day responder.
Hang in there, Alex.
God bless you, ma'am.
I appreciate you.
My reason for having this horrible food is not the oil.
Even though more and more it looks like it could be a big problem.
My issue is the depression.
I mean, my issue is, I'll go back to it.
90% of people were rural in the Great Depression.
Now 90% are urban.
10% of our population lives on the land.
Half of them are self-sufficient.
So out of 100 percentage points, 5% are self-sufficient.
That's the university studies I've seen.
Can you imagine
What's gonna happen?
I mean, there's already just homeless people just all over the place where I live.
They're just... And they're not the drunk or schizophrenic type let out of a mental institution, the types you normally see.
I mean, I'm starting to see a lot of people that... It makes me angry.
I just... Makes me angry.
Let's go ahead and talk to Matt in New York.
Matt, go ahead.
Oh, I agree.
Yeah, these investments are funding tyranny.
Hey, I've been saying that for over 10 years and being laughed at.
I've told people, the bankers are going to take your pensions.
The same banks that run America have done this in every other country.
And the yuppies would just laugh at me because they just are born to lose.
They're born to get hurt.
They love being scammed.
I don't understand.
They love it.
Their religion is being loser suckers.
Oh, absolutely.
We need to fund the business of freedom with a massive and ongoing fundraising campaign via something that's sort of an action committee that builds a stream of recurring contributions on a weekly, monthly, and annual basis to fund that freedom.
So, you know, this way freedom is fully restored.
And, you know, we're working on a plan to mobilize the people to create, you know, a business plan.
Tell me about your plan, Matt.
Well, you know, what it comes down to is, uh, you know, what we need to do is we need to start, uh, creating a fundraiser.
An ongoing one.
You know, the stuff you've been doing is great with the, uh, the money bombs and the short-term blast, but what we need to do is we need to get people to buy into freedom just as they do their phony 401k's.
No, no, I agree.
People have to invest in putting their time in.
If you won't go knock on 20 doors tonight to warn them about the New World Order and get past feeling weird, what are you going to do as the tyranny gets worse?
It's the fact that we won't get in the streets.
It's the fact that we won't get in the state houses.
And we won't get aggressive.
And we won't call into all the talk shows and put out newsletters.
And every person doing their little bit is the reason we've got the globalists coming down on us.
Now people are getting moving, so the government's trying to come in to censor the internet.
We've got to have plan B for that.
I appreciate your call.
Very exciting, Matt.
Let's talk to Mike in Mass.
Go ahead, Mike.
How you doing, Alex?
Good, sir.
I tuned in a little late, so I'm sorry if I'm being redundant, but I wanted to know, what did you think of Andrew Napolitano's conversation with Geraldo and his characterization of the G20 protesters?
I didn't see Andrew Napolitano talk to Geraldo.
What did he say?
It was just a real fluff piece, I thought.
You should check it out.
He kind of let Haralda off the hook, never pinned Haralda down on his interview with the Marines.
And then he was saying that the G20 protesters were wrong, because these were crazies that were looking for more government handouts.
Well, there were a bunch of socialists and communists, and the media only pointed their cameras at them, so I haven't seen what Napolitano said, so I can't speak to it.
I just know he's the best thing on Fox.
But, yeah, no, send me that clip.
I'd like to see it.
Thank you.
God bless you.
Thank you, sir.
You know, I said I'd get to all this news, and then here I am taking your calls.
That's it for calls.
I'm sorry, I've got to at least hit the headlines at the end of this segment and the next, but Marty and Michael and Michelle and others, call me back tomorrow, 11 a.m.
Central, 12 noon Eastern, and we'll discuss it.
I mean, here's just some of the headlines I've got.
Look at this Fox News report.
Now, people say, well, that's Fox News.
When I read a mainstream article, I can judge whether it's true or not because I already have the base background knowledge.
And so the media more and more, I mean I was watching Fox News last week and they were admitting that Prozac causes heart disease and heart attacks and cardiovascular problems and brain damage.
Now they knew that in 1981 during the trials.
So I already knew when I was watching Fox News last week that what they were saying was true.
But the question is why are they saying it?
Because the mainstream media has lost all credibility and the mainstream media just to stay in the game.
To even be relevant, has to admit all this now.
I mean, I knew ten years ago, just like you knew, many of you longer, that globally they standardized, and government would subsidize, and oil companies would subsidize, of thousands of different formulas of plastic, the one formula that leaches an estrogen mimicker that sterilizes men.
And here's Fox News admitting in this article, deadly chemical found in baby bottles banned in Maryland, later in the article they admit it's reducing men's fertility.
This is part of a UN slash eugenics program.
I have the documents.
But I mean it's now admitted!
This is amazing!
Stay with us.
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What have we got?
A republic or a monarchy?
A republic.
It's based on a constitution which protects minority rights.
Not democracy, not mob rule.
Two wolves and a sheep voting on what's for dinner.
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They think they own our water?
Our education?
Our money?
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Particularly two different subtypes are sterilizing and feminizing men and hyper-feminizing women and are really linked to breast cancer, sterility, you name it.
But listen how Fox News makes a joke about this.
Deadly chemical found in baby bottles banned in Maryland.
Men around the world were delighted to have a new excuse to avoid shopping after a deadly chemical.
I mean...
And it's only serious articles where the media makes a joke out of it.
It's not just Fox that does this.
Men around the world were delighted to have a new excuse to avoid shopping after a deadly chemical... Oh, a deadly chemical!
Oh, it's so funny!
...in printed receipts was linked to impotency.
Oh, so the ink that you're handling is sterilizing you.
It's just everywhere.
But it's more serious side effects were highlighted Thursday as a ban on the substance came into effect in Maryland.
Maryland was the fourth U.S.
state to ban the chemical bisphenol A, commonly known as BPA, which is linked to early puberty, childhood obesity, autism, reproductive problems, breast cancer, and other medical issues.
I mean, I've been talking about this for 15 years since I got on air, and I get emails every time I do going, shut up, kook, wear your tinfoil hat.
You people emailing me?
I mean, you like messing your kids up?
You like just laughing at me when I have scientist on?
You think it's funny that the eight major food crops, soybeans, corn, the list goes on, that are filler foods, are designed to sterilize your butt and give your butt cancer in all the major studies?
Those are pharmacological crops.
That wasn't done on accident.
And now they're coming out with hundreds of crops.
From beets, to sugar peas, to everything.
Over a hundred.
You won't be able to escape it.
Over 80% of the corn you eat in this country is GMO.
Honeybees eat it and die dead in a hammer.
Monsanto GMO corn linked to organ failure study reveals.
The guys just found that in five seconds.
I don't know how they do that so fast.
Folks, this isn't a game.
And I'm not even going to get to all the rest of the news.
I got to a lot of it today, and I'll try to do a better job tomorrow.
It's just, I'm a regular guy who cares about people, just wants to have a good life, and wants my children to grow up free.
And I've got all these government textbooks and documents, 60, 70, 80 years ago, right through to today, where they talk about, we're going to add stuff to the water that cumulatively sterilizes and reduces life expectancy.
Well, we'll be able to hide it by, you know, not teaching it in the medical schools, but it's key that our people be in the top positions over those institutions.
And I'm reading this stuff, and I'm making films showing you the documents, and UN documents about it, I mean... And I gotta have goon-head stupid cops laugh at me at protests.
There's the kook, you Austin cops!
There's the kook, Alex!
You know, you fool, I'm not your enemy.
I want you to have a good life too, but you know what?
It's not funny.
And I'm not just calling you a fool, I'm calling everybody else a fool.
This foolish, silly culture, where everything's a joke, this is not a joke.
This stuff is in the juice, in little paper juice packs, is lined with this plastic.
And the water bottles you buy is lined with it.
And if you try to not drink that and drink tap water, they're putting hundreds of deadly chemicals in that.
By design.
Don't you understand?
Don't you get it?
Don't you understand?
We're all in this together.
This is only a few thousand scientists that are aware of all this information who are consciously supporting it.
The rest of us simply have to face up to how bad it is and get conscious about it and then get focused to remove it.
And we're having a lot of successes and they're getting really mad.
That's why Bill Gates is coming out with mosquitoes that are loaded with viruses that bite you.
Uh, with fake pollen that's released from aircraft, that has vaccines that go through the skin and the nasal cavity.
Uh, everything they're doing is about covertly hitting you and hitting you hard, and these little smiley-faced devils think you're too stupid to wake up and fight them.
The choice is up to you.
Great job, crew.
Retransmission starts now.
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