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Name: 20100630_Wed_Alex
Air Date: June 30, 2010
1649 lines.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, my friends, we've reached the halfway point in this transmission.
It is Wednesday, the 30th day of June, 2010.
Charlie Veitch, a journalist, political activist, filmmaker, was arrested once.
The Toronto Star, CBC Television are reporting.
Uh, that it was a non-existent law.
The police were quoting a law saying you can't film, uh, you know, you can't not give us your ID, uh, it's a new emergency power, and they arrested him and 600 others, but he's the one person that's on video with them quoting the fake law.
It hit national news the last three days that it was a fake law.
The last two days, and so they went and found videos on YouTube of him joking, going, yes, I'm British Intel, here to stage, you know, provocateur events so you can attack the protesters, like you did two and a half years ago, talking about a real case that happened.
And so, the police have charged him, even though he's saying, of course I'm being absurdist, and this is all, you know, absurdist film I'm making.
He's illustrating, he'll also say, I love the tyranny!
It's so much fun!
It's so good!
All of us, we need more Big Brother!
And of course, I've done that from time to time as well, being sarcastic.
We've got people at the courthouse.
They're having a hearing.
He's either going to be charged and be allowed to leave the country, or if he pleads innocent, they're going to try to keep him.
So as soon as we know something, it could happen in five minutes, it could happen in 30 minutes.
Dan Dix is going into the hearing right now.
They're going to have a press conference.
There's a bunch of national media there.
CBC, CTV, newspapers.
I mean, just a giant throng.
He was telling us on air and then off air elaborated.
So he's dealing with that and we'll find out what's going on.
But the good news is there's the press is still reporting on this.
Now, separately, multiple women, including journalists, are reporting that police were threatening, I'll rape you.
They were strip searching them over and over again and that they were also putting their fingers
I don't want to get into it, but it constitutes rape if you use an object to do that.
I hope this isn't true, but how many times have we heard about cops with toilet plungers and the rest of it?
I mean, this just shows how sadistic and evil these governments have gotten.
And you have snatch and grabs, men in plain clothes in black vans grabbing people, putting bags over their heads to terrorize the public.
At the G20 last year in Pittsburgh, they were putting bags over people's heads.
Rob, do witness this.
I mean, snatching and grabbing and putting bags over your heads.
It's meant to terrorize you.
And the police now admit the black uniforms, the beating on the shields, it's all a PSYOP.
And then who are they protecting?
1.2 billion?
The bankers.
The international bankers.
The establishment.
Why is this going on?
We're going to go to break, and I'm going to directly go to Laura, Tim, John, Joe, and others that are holding.
I'm going to get to John in London, John in Texas, and others.
I'm going to go directly to your calls until about the bottom of the hour, and then I'm going to, in a controlled fashion,
Because I tend to just go off in rabbit trails, going into so much detail, cover the latest on the oil spill, the latest on Iran, that's probably the most important.
But in tandem with that, porting the end of the dollar, total collapse being designed, a new global currency run by private banks that you pay carbon taxes to them as a global tax.
That is CNN.
Dollars should be replaced, as International Standard UN report says.
What have I been telling you for a decade they would do?
Because I read their own documents.
They are now announcing it publicly.
World government paying your taxes to private bankers, a new global currency.
And that's all we had left in America was our dollar.
And that, of course, dovetails with the New York Times, the Third Depression.
RBS tells clients, prepare for a monster money printing by the Federal Reserve.
Banks financing Mexico gangs and the biggest drug cartels admitted.
That's Bloomberg.
And the banks run the narcotics.
I mean, they launder all the money.
The government created the illegal drug trade box.
Part of the congressional record.
It's just all coming up.
This is going to be a jam-packed transmission.
We've got more info on Elena Kagan saying that she wouldn't stop the government from telling you what you're allowed to eat and when you're going to eat it.
I mean, I'm entering the twilight zone.
I know you are as well.
This is an authoritarian takeover.
We're fighting.
They're hitting us on every angle.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Okay, we're back live, eight minutes into the third hour.
Simulcast of a syndicated radio transmission at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The quickening is upon us.
Everything is accelerating.
Everything is just getting more intense.
Kurt Nimmo the other day, he's
Visiting here in the office from New Mexico, he said, the news just gets crazier and crazier every day, every week.
And I said, yeah.
He said, when is it going to slow down?
And I said, never.
There's almost 7 billion people in the world.
The elites of the planet are competing with each other.
A world government's being established.
There are more people on the Internet communicating.
There's more news and information.
So both
Both more news is actually happening, more things are happening because there's more people, but also there's more people to report on what's happening, so we also know more of what's going on.
And there's also more disinformation, and then more accurate information, and then more confusion.
It is just going to get crazier and crazier and crazier, and it's all coming at once.
The global banking implosion by design, the attack on Iran being geared up, the staged oil spill, the blocking of the aid vessels, the takeover of the banking system domestically, and they're billing it as a reform, when even the Washington Post admitted unlimited power to the Federal Reserve, 600 trillion in derivatives, they can take over any financial institution or anything that affects, that's in the bill,
The financial system.
I mean, it's just, you are dictator bankers!
Thank you for robbing us!
And you've got Asia's corrupt, Latin America's corrupt, the Arabs are corrupt, Israel's corrupt, China's corrupt, the Russians are corrupt, I mean, it's evil in high places, and everything's getting more and more corrupt as other nations get more corrupt, then other nations trump them with more dirty tactics.
And it's just, the world is going to hell in a handbasket.
I know you know that.
And that's why good people have to get involved and really try to warn others and say no to evil, no to corruption, and offer the alternative to a despotic, evil society.
Because things are only going to get worse before they get better, historically.
We know that.
Philosophically, we understand that as a law of nature.
But we have to have that alternative built and ready and demonstrated so people understand as things get worse, here's the alternative.
Or here's a group of alternatives.
Alright, I said I'd go to your calls.
We're going to go to them and then all the news.
It's all coming up.
Laura in Iowa, and then John in London.
Laura, you're on the air.
Hi Alex, I want to let you know that I am extremely serious about hearing about the female reporters
Being threatened of rape or being raped.
I am a highly respected, high-ranking mixed martial artist.
I'm an Oath Keeper.
I'm also a TV reporter for In Your Face Television Network.
And this is extremely disturbing news.
In my martial arts school, there are goons coming in, like the police are coming in to be trained in mixed martial arts.
And who do you think they're going to use this stuff on?
The American people.
This extremely
It infuriates me.
I am shaking.
I am so mad at these people for doing to these women and the reporters, beating the children.
Well, good cops should be mad too because all these videos of them tasering bedroom women and these videos of them beating up little kids and the videos of cops raping women, this is all coming out.
And the establishment wants a war between the people and the police.
They want us at each other's throats.
We've got to somehow have these people rebuked so that we don't go into this self-fulfilling prophecy of an us-against-them system.
And I would also recommend for all your viewers listening right now to join a mixed martial arts school, not a taekwondo academy, not a boxing academy, but a mixed martial arts.
Because when they corner you in jail for speaking your free amendment right, to have free speech, and if they're cornering you and they say they're going to rape you, hurt you, kill you,
That at least you have a chance to defend yourself when you're unarmed?
Well, ma'am, that's called terrorism.
I mean, according to their definition now, if a cop is raping your five-year-old daughter, you're not allowed to defend yourself.
That's an act of terrorism.
It's an act of love by the government to rape children and women and others.
And I'm not joking.
This happened at Abu Ghraib, and they call them patriots.
They rape children with flashlights dripping with battery acid.
That's in the Army report, the General Togumba report.
And I'm not kidding.
You can't make this stuff up.
uh... and uh... they are going to try to protect them and sadly we tried to defend yourself in one of the government rape rooms they would then kill you and then claim you were a terrorist uh... look how many people are dying in TSA custody or dying in Canadian TSA custody but i do agree mixed martial arts are good because i guess it teaches you moves uh... you know to be able to subdue people uh... in the ground game or whatever they call it uh... and uh... not have to uh...
The problem is so many people then end up trying to rely just on their mixed martial arts instead of just explosively defending themselves.
But it is important to know how to punch somebody in the throat.
It is important to know how to mainly just get some on the ground and stomp on their head.
I mean, it's the quickest way to deal with somebody.
But I mean, you can't talk about that with cops.
You need to teach
We need to teach our daughters and our mothers and our wives that when the government wants to rape them, to say, thank you God, please rape me.
Oh, I love you.
No, I'm being sarcastic, Laura.
It's just that the level of government worship has gotten so sick.
That now it's terrorism for you to even say that you would defend yourself if an officer was trying to rape you.
Now, the common law in the United States says that if a cop outside of their duty and outside of their jurisdiction, say, tries to kill you, you have a right to defend yourself.
And there's been a lot of cases of that, but they're trying to change the perception that
I see court cases every day in the news where cops are beating someone with a billy club so they raise their arm just to block the blow.
That is assault.
You are to say, please break my jaw for no reason.
Please, I worship you.
You are my king.
You are my lord.
You are the government.
I appreciate your call.
John in London, you are on the air.
I hope you don't talk about defending yourself.
I hope you don't say that the Jews in Germany, when they were being run into pits to be shot in the back of the head, should have defended themselves.
Of course, that's what I believe, but I'm a terrorist.
Go ahead.
Alex, can you hear me?
Yes, I can.
If you wrote a letter about the New World Order, and you persuaded some of your celebrity supporters to sign it, surely that letter could be used to wake up Middle America within days.
I don't know.
People really don't listen to what Hollywood people say.
And I've met a lot of Hollywood people.
I've been told by a lot of high-power people they admire what I'm doing, but they're scared.
And I've had a few big Hollywood people on the show, but then a lot of times they get so much heat.
I mean, Willie Nelson came on and talked about 9-11 being an inside job, and he got death threats all over the place, until his family just said, please, will you not have him on anymore?
Dad really likes you.
And he likes coming on, he'll come on if you ask him, but we're getting death threats and we're scared, so I haven't bugged Willie to come on in a year and a half, because of the death threats.
Charlie Sheen got demonized and set up and lied about when he went public.
Jesse Ventura's been demonized and lied about.
And I know a lot of other people, even bigger than Willie Nelson, if you can believe that, bigger than Charlie Sheen, there's not many, bigger than Jesse Ventura that know, and they're not going to go public.
Just because I've had dinner with somebody,
Or had a phone conversation with somebody, or been in a meeting with someone, and they've confided, you know, hey, off the record, I really agree with you, and I know we're in danger, and, you know, thanks for what you're doing, and we'll, and I'll say, well, have you ever thought about going public?
They'd just destroy me, and, you know, uh, you know, we're working on things, maybe someday, uh, so, so, uh, you know, I mean, I can't hardly persuade my wife on what color drapes I want in the house.
So, I mean, it's not like I'm all powerful here or something.
Well, if you wrote it, I'm sure that some of them could be persuaded to sign it, and they would have safety in numbers as well, wouldn't they?
Well, now, that's been discussed behind the scenes, and I've actually tried what you're talking about, and the people just chickened out and said no.
I was thinking it would be like Charlie Sheen's letter to the President, but giving the full picture.
Well, you know, Charlie Sheen is not an angel.
None of us are.
And it's because he is a maverick and an original person.
And the things the media talks about are exaggerated in a very small part of who he is.
I know him very well.
We're really good friends.
Spent a lot of time with him.
But look at what they did to him.
And then he was told, people involved with a production to make a movie
About 9-11, we're told, a high-powered producer was called and told, your children aren't going to be safe if you do this.
They were called by a military officer.
In fact, they were called by a general.
And they were told, your children are not safe if you do this.
I'm just here to give you a warning.
I'm not threatening your kids, but your kids are going to be targets.
And then you saw Bill O'Reilly get on the news and say, Charlie Sheen, you're not going to make it.
Something bad's going to happen to you.
Just like a mobster, he said, you understand me, son?
You don't make this movie.
I mean, and even other news said, my God, it was like a mafia threat.
And then I said I couldn't talk about it because I was asked not to talk about it.
Mark Cuban separately was going to fund a theatrical release of a, you know, loose change, big budget film.
And then the FTC, Federal Trade Commission, called him and emailed him.
This came out in the New York Times and said, listen, we're going to prosecute you if you don't drop this film.
And Mark Cuban did drop it.
He just said, listen, I just put out controversial stuff and I'm not going to do this.
And they still indicted him.
This came out in the New York Times a year after I couldn't talk about it.
I just said he was threatened.
This was in the New York Times.
And they indicted him for something like $400,000 trade, which the guy's worth like $5 billion, $6 billion.
It was nothing.
He didn't even... It was an auto trade.
They claimed it was insider trading.
I mean, even when he backed off, they said, doesn't matter, indict him.
And he said, I'm not going to plead guilty to this.
I didn't do this.
And so...
I mean, Ron Paul is now being investigated by the Federal Elections Commission.
He says that he is being attacked, and this is persecution.
The story is up on PrisonPlanet.com and Infowars.com.
I mean, Ron Paul, who is as pure as the driven snow.
I mean, he is as close to a saint as you can get.
Works 17 hours a day.
He is the real McCoy.
And he is now under massive federal attack.
I haven't even gotten to that yet today.
I get death threats.
I mean, I...
Ladies and gentlemen, this isn't a game.
But I understand your point, John.
We need scientists and Nobel laureates and people in the establishment to get past their fear and come out.
They can't stop us all.
But they do try to destroy people so that they are scared.
And when they indicted Mark Cuban, that sent a message through Hollywood.
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I mean, ladies and gentlemen, it was in the New York Times that the Federal Trade Commission sent an email, a copy of it, Mark Cuban released it at his trial, and called him and said, you're putting out that 9-11 movie.
We're going to throw your butt in prison.
I mean, that's what goes on in this country.
That's how criminal these people are.
And now they're going after Ron Paul.
That's coming up.
And Ron Paul's scheduled to be on the show tomorrow.
He was set up before this came out, but this is perfect timing.
And he says in his press release that's up on PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com that this is an attack.
They are totally above board.
All their filings are on record.
And they are
We're getting donations at Campaign for Liberty.
They're running candidates all over the country that are winning in the primaries.
They are the real Tea Party.
And here comes the mafia, the Chicago mob.
You know, Mayor Daley's saying, you don't get to, you Americans don't get to have guns and you don't get to elect who you want.
Because I'm the mob boss.
Is that clear there?
That Ron Paul ain't gonna do nothing.
This is our country now.
The banks is in here and they're taking over.
Okay, that's enough.
I'm going to shut up now.
Let's go ahead and talk to Tim in Jersey.
Tim, you're on the air.
Hey, Alex.
I just wanted to first say, great job on the opening in Anthony's show.
That probably got out to a lot of people.
Yeah, they had millions and millions of listeners.
Thank you.
Yes, it was very well done.
But I wanted to say, I did attend CG20 Summit.
I was able to get across the border.
I had to lie.
Anyway, I was there Sunday, and I attended a protest.
It was completely peaceful, and we ended up marching, and I ended up in the Queen and Spadina 10, that they literally came and surrounded on all four streets and started marching and had, like, innocent pedestrians
They had penned us in for four hours in the rain with never any warning to disperse.
Luckily, my friend and I, we, um, I convinced them that some of the cops on the front line, I talked to them.
Some of them were like, yes, we are riot police.
We are trained to stay here.
We can't do anything.
I'm like, so you're just following orders.
But then luckily a cop medic in the back, somehow she's,
Well, I mean, there's video of them beating up little kids, beating up London Guardian reporters, and now the reporters are saying that they were threatening to rape them and were.
Putting their fingers inside the women, it's just unbelievable.
And you know what?
My gut tells me it's all true.
The reporters that are saying this look very credible, sound very credible.
And, uh... I mean, I just can't believe there are men that are like that.
I mean, what are men doing strip-searching women to begin with?
In fact, did you guys find that video I asked for earlier?
Women strip-searched by police?
If you go to YouTube, there's a bunch of them, but there's one where she's just screaming and screaming and they're just grabbing her breast and grabbing her.
It's extremely powerful.
It's extremely powerful.
But this is all part of the humiliation.
We know where this goes.
We know when you militarize police, they then see the public as their enemy.
They begin waging war against us.
Tim, I appreciate your call.
Let's go to Joe in Texas.
You're on the air, Joe.
Hello, Alex.
Hey, buddy.
Hey Alex, I just called sir, I know the subject is on the G20.
No, it's on everything!
Well, Alex, I know how you document everything, brother, and I just had an article real quick that has a dude on the gun sales,
Gunsmith, as I talked to you before, that there's an article here that just states quickly, some in law enforcement continue to fill a pen.
Sheriff Dave Medlin in Overland County, Texas, has stated that ammunition availability continues to be a problem.
He says, I am still seeing ammo shortages from the retail stores in the Amarillo area.
And I'm having difficulty replacing my existing stock on training and duty ammo.
Oh yeah, because the government's buying up most of the ammo.
They're not allowing foreign ammo in.
And there are ammo shortages everywhere.
And ammo's more than doubled in the last year and a half.
But that's the good news.
Because it's not just the shortages from manufacturing or the military buying it.
The citizens are buying it up.
Last time I checked, 18 million guns have been sold since Obama's in.
I'm sure it's got to be 20 million by now.
And so, uh, what do you make of this, uh, Joe?
Uh, well, I'm, I'm, I believe exactly because, and this was, I've, uh, had numerous students comment to me that their departments have been forced to limit the amounts they can order.
Certainly if cops in Texas are complaining about ammo supply manufacturers, I'm not completely caught up with the man.
Stay there, let's finish up, John, and, and, and get to the crux of what you're saying.
Sounds important.
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Number 4.
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Number 5.
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Well, the disturbing video that we showed you last night might not be the only video that was shot in this controversial case.
The investigator Tom Meyer has more tonight with part two of his exclusive investigation.
Why did you decide to talk with me?
I don't want this to happen.
To somebody else.
Greg Steffi and his wife Hope are suing the Stark County Sheriff, accusing deputies of using excessive and outrageous force.
An allegation the Sheriff denies.
But Steffi says this video, shot by deputies and obtained by Channel 3 News, speaks for itself.
This case got started with a call to 911 for help.
Greg's wife was injured when a cousin assaulted her.
When she had someone call the Stark County Sheriff, her troubles got worse.
A lot worse.
They say a deputy was confused when he arrived at the location where the attack occurred.
They say he began treating the injured Steffi not as the victim, but as the troublemaker.
He proceeded to pick her up off the ground and slam her onto the ground.
Women were reportedly being raped by the Toronto Police.
That was in the news today.
A giant armada of U.S.
and Israeli ships was openly saying they may nuke Iran.
That's what I read in the news today.
I read in the news today that a congressional delegation is being blocked from being able to go down and see what's happening in the Gulf.
Why don't they just ignore Obama and do what they want?
He can't tell them that.
The government says I have to have permission to breathe, so I'm going to stop breathing.
And you turn purple and die because the government said so.
I mean, the government says I've got to pay a carbon tax to breathe.
They're actually doing that now.
So I better do it.
Since when do we let these arrogant packs of criminals who dress in fancy suits sit up there and tell us we're all scum and that we're their property?
Let's go back now to the calls because I'm about to get into a bunch of news here.
Let's finish these calls quick.
Joe in Texas, you're saying, I guess from what you say, you're training police.
That's the gist of what I got, and they're all telling you they're having ammo shortages.
Go ahead.
Yes sir, and they're saying that certainly the cops in Texas are forced to limit the amounts they can order, or rather the amount, or complaining about the ammo supply.
Manufacturers have not completely caught up to demand.
And I do feel like you, Alex, from what I've listened to you and learned and spread the word to my family and their friends,
We're good to go.
That's what the Violence Policy Center and others have said.
They said we're going to shut down the gun industry by suing them and by prosecuting them and the ammo and now Schwarzenegger got the law passed where all guns sold in California must stamp a number on the shell casing when you pull the trigger and then that will make
Basically, gun manufacturers won't be able to make guns because there's a very expensive patent for it that are just sold in California.
I mean, they're destroying our Second Amendment.
Look, Sotomayor swore that she would uphold the Second Amendment and believed it was an individual right just, what, six, eight months ago.
And then she voted to ban guns in the ruling that came down Monday, but thank God she was overruled.
She called for a complete gun ban, four to nine, you know, four to five out of the nine
But in the majority decision, it now says, well, the government can still restrict under law.
So it's not really a complete victory.
In fact, I see it as an overall defeat.
But very, very suspicious, Joe.
I appreciate your call.
I know this, ammo is at least double what it was in the past and I go in and try to buy regular cartridges and they don't have them at a lot of places and then they'll be sold out at a local gun shop so I'll go to Academy and they won't have what I need so I'll
I think I remember, I think it was under Clinton.
I was reading in the paper that the
That the Army ammunition plants that they used to make, the government made the ammunition for the Army, they were shutting them all down.
Yes, and there were a few left under Bush, and then Obama shut them completely down.
And they don't allow us to import ammo.
They stopped letting the Army sell its brass to reloaders, big companies.
So that increased prices.
Go ahead.
Most of the ammunition I've seen for sale is all coming from Russia.
Yeah, there were giant stockpiles brought in in the 80s and 90s, and they may have changed the regulation, but for a while, Obama, because it was outside of law, he was just using regulations, was stopping ammo and foreign guns from coming in.
Hell, they're seizing airsoft plastic BB guns now, that are coming in to the West Coast.
Yeah, I know.
You know, Alex, what I wanted to really talk about was, you know, the World War II generation is almost gone.
I'm a baby boomer.
I was born in 49.
I'm 60 years old now.
When we're gone, nobody in this country is going to realize the freedoms we used to have.
They're going to think that what's going on today has always been normal, you know?
The reason I'm talking about this is about that kid that went to school with a toy soldier on his hat, you know, and they kicked him out.
Well, when I was in elementary school in the 1950s, we always took toy soldiers to school.
We used to take toy guns to school and play Cowboys and Indians out on the playground.
We used to take Jackknives to school, Boy Scout Jackknives, and nothing was ever said about it.
My dad took his shotgun to school, and he was in a pretty big rural school, and put it in his locker.
They would ride on the school buses with .22s and shotguns.
They never had school shootings.
We were not a domesticated, castrated,
And when the United States went to war, people were in deep trouble.
Because in Europe, they hadn't had guns for hundreds of years and didn't know how to use them.
Even if they'd been trained, they just weren't as good as people like Audie Murphy from Texas.
And that culture is dying.
I mean, just in New York, they had shooting clubs.
In Manhattan, they had shooting clubs for the young people.
They are killing that culture, they are creating domesticated slaves, and they're doing a great job of it.
And the point you make, I see articles every few weeks.
about child brings army man to school arrested child brings uh... toys star wars gun it was less than two inches long over that one a couple months ago uh... and and the new one he had an army man on his hat yesterday you know and and so they were freaking out and the images the government's got all these guns they're armed to the teeth that you know they can be you kill you whenever they want but you can't even have the image of a gun and i see reports constantly about
Junior high students who will write an essay.
And it'll have zombies or wars.
I mean, I wrote those in English class and got A+.
And they arrest them.
Even though it's a fictitious school in another country, in one case, with zombies.
And I actually got an A plus for a zombie story in middle school.
I remember getting that.
And the teacher picked me out to read it before the class and thought it was a great story.
And because, you know, your kids see these zombie movies on TV and you write an article about it.
And so it's thought crime.
And if you want to know how they phase it in generationally, if you think what you see on TV and the culture is domesticated and enslaved,
John, if you actually see now what's in the schools, it is like the Twilight Zone, 1984.
Any other points, John?
Yeah, well, when I was in high school in the early 60s, we didn't have such a thing as school police.
I'd never seen a cop in school.
And, uh, one time somebody sent off a cherry bomb in school.
You know, it used to be a big firecracker.
And they got mad about it and went on to Intercom and said everybody caught with a firecracker and be kicked out of school.
But they didn't call the cops.
They didn't call the ATF.
And if the guy would have got caught, he'd have got kicked out for three days.
And then your mother and dad had to come get you back in.
But that was it.
No, he would have been probably taken out and made to run, but that's cruel and unusual.
See, they always restrict regular training and discipline that'll make us be upright, and then once we're out of control, then they totally enslave us.
I mean, you know, the children's movie Pinocchio explains it all.
The way the system wants you to be corrupt so they can compromise you, and they would have been run around the football field until they threw up, then they would have been given pops, then they would have been sent home for three days, and then their parents would have whooped their butt.
Well, one more thing before I go, Alex.
Talking about guns.
I remember going with my dad to a pawn shop back in about 1959.
He wanted to buy a deer rifle.
He went in there and he picked out the gun he wanted.
He put the money on the counter, walked out, and that was it.
If you wanted a deer rifle or a gun, you could send a check in the mail and they'd deliver it right to your house.
To Sears Roebuck, I hear you, John.
My son's reading a book, A Boy and the Big Bear or something.
It's published 1954.
And the whole thing is the six-year-old kid out hunting bears with his rifle and then he finds a baby bear and decides not to kill it and then raises it and then has trouble with it.
But the point is, yeah.
That was an award-winning book.
It says it won the National Award for Schools and was put in schools nationwide in 1954.
And now, I mean, this book is like completely alien.
They want us domesticated.
Then they have select paramilitary guilds where you're allowed to be macho and allowed to be manly, but it's a false distortion of a bunch of soft weaklings in commando outfits beating up women.
I mean, I've seen these cops, folks, and they are pathetic.
I mean, they're just weak.
You look in their eyes.
A real warrior, somebody who's really strong, wants to fight other warriors.
I mean, it's just totally sick.
It's really a bunch of limp-wristed people in big fancy battle outfits, and they just love cornering a woman and beating the hell out of her.
And I'm not saying all police are like that.
You can tell a
You know, a cop, I mean, it seems like the bigger and the tougher and the meaner the cop is, the nicer they are.
It's always these, I hate to say it, it's like these liberal cops.
They're just, women cops, and I'm not saying all women cops, but you know, I've just, I've noticed it.
They got something to prove, they're scared, they're, they're cowards, they're domesticated.
I mean, if you're not really strong and you don't want to protect people, you shouldn't be a cop.
And if you like to abuse people, you don't need to be a cop.
But instead, they want the sicko abusers.
They want the people that have problems.
They want the people that are wimps.
They don't want people that are peacemakers, that are peace officers, who are negotiators.
I hate to use a popular culture example, but was Matt Dillon out just... because that's a good example of a... I've actually read the histories of a good sheriff.
I mean it's it's a little overblown and you know he was in a lot more you know in the fictitious gun smoke than a sheriff really would be.
But in some cases there were some sheriffs that were in that type of action.
But the issue is he was out walking softly carrying a big stick not looking for trouble, being friendly, knew how to negotiate with people, but that if he had to be rough he would be.
That's what you're supposed to have in a lawman.
Not just some arrogant
We're good to go.
I mean, you shouldn't be a cop if you can't handle... Oh, an old lady got smart-mouthed with me!
If you can't handle the heat, get out of the kitchen!
I mean, it's a bunch of... Look, these are all spoiled, rotten kids, who mommy gave them everything, and they were bullies in school, and now they're a cop, and everybody's got to bow down to them.
I'm not doing it, okay?
I'm done.
I know thugs when I see it, I know cowards when I see it, and I've had enough.
Let me see, we got Micah, New Orleans, Kathy, George, Ronnie, and many others.
The toll-free number to join us is 800-259-9231, and I'll get to more of your calls, come up in an hour.
An hour is only 14 minutes away.
I need to go ahead and get into all the news, and I almost want to cut up these pieces I do live here on air, and then post it on PrisonPlanet.tv as vignettes.
You know, as separate thoughts, so that it's not just caught in the wider stream of calls and guests and my ramblings, because the information I'm about to cover here is just of import that is so great, it's even mind-blowing to me, somebody who just constantly studies this information.
But let me go ahead and just note here, this is extremely important.
I'm about to go through news, and this is extremely, extremely important information that you are about to hear.
Dollars should be replaced as international standard, UN report says, and if the guys give me a document cam shot, I will show you this article for prisonplanet.tv viewers.
The dollar is an unreliable international currency and should be replaced by a more stable system.
The United Nations
Department of Economic and Social Affairs said in a report released Tuesday.
So this is a CIA, OSS, Pentagon created system in 1945 to dissolve other nations and bring them under the corporate governance.
And here we are, 60 years later, 60 plus years later, and they're saying, dissolve our currency.
Now remember, this is a creation of our traitorous government.
The use of the dollar for international trade came under increasing scrutiny when the U.S.
economy fell into recession.
The dollar has proven not to be a stable store of value, which is a requisite for a stable reserve currency, the report said.
Many countries, in Asia in particular, have been building up massive dollar reserves.
As a result, those countries' currencies have become
undervalued, decreasing their ability to import goods from abroad.
The World Economic and Social Survey 2010 is supporting a proposal long advocated by the International Monetary Fund to create a standardized international system for liquidity transfer.
Now, what is the G20 calling for?
What is Geithner calling for?
What is Goldman Sachs calling for?
What are the real corporate spies?
They're not Russkies, they're not Chai-coms, they're corporate spies!
And it's almost like we're Native Americans and these corporate spies are smallpox.
We have no immunity to them.
All we're worried about is, you know, foreign enemies wearing turbans.
And so we can't see it.
Now, decades ago, the globalists said they would do this.
They would first destroy and debase our currency, use the devaluation of it to fund their planetary regime.
They would then implode the dollar and create a global reserve currency owned and run by private banking consortium.
The elite banks.
And now they've got the Financial Reform Act, which the Washington Post admits fully takes over our banks.
That is real banks down the street from you.
As the Texas Banking Association said two months ago, this is a global corporate banking takeover of real banks that is taking place right now.
So it's a global consolidation.
And as they called for it, the Copenhagen Treaty last year.
For the environment, they wanted an SDR and global carbon tax.
Now for the oil spill, they want the carbon tax.
For every reason under the sun, they need this, they say.
And they go on to say, under this proposal, countries would no longer have to buy up foreign currencies.
They would simply have special drawing rights, or SDRs, from the IMF and World Bank.
And it would be a basket of currencies.
So what that means is, the yen, the yuan, the euro, the dollar, they will all be
Pegged and set to whatever level that the private central banks tell them to be at.
So they won't be a unified value.
This will allow the mega banks to also currency speculate however they want.
Insider trade however they want.
Their main shareholder being Goldman Sachs and JPMorgan Chase.
Globally that's the top two.
And always behind every new evil.
Whether it's oil spills or banker bailouts or selling people derivatives they know we're going to implode.
When we come back, I'm going to finish up with this key news.
Because here they are now.
Here they are, out in the open.
Global governance, SDRs, the end of the dollar, the dollar's not good.
The very banks that took over our country and did this to the dollar are now saying, oh, it's not reliable, we've got a new system, so they can rape you even better.
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The Rockefellers, on record, created the League of Nations.
They created the United Nations.
They have always openly called for a world corporate government for the administrative convenience of international bankers.
That's a quote by David Rockefeller.
In his memoirs, New York Times, he's made similar statements.
So, out in the open, they got our country in debt.
They had a private Federal Reserve takeover.
For every dollar you use or get paid at your job, debt is created for there to just be a dollar in the system.
They have money machines.
They're able to buy up the world.
Now they've destroyed our system.
Through that, they consolidate power, we eat the Ponzi scheme, we pay the tens of trillions of dollars, the Greeks lose their islands, the Greeks lose their roads, we lose our infrastructure, our ports, our taxes go up, and then now the bankers create a new bubble that is SDRs.
above the nation state and you will pay carbon taxes on everything you do to directly to private banks.
They are now even above the nations that they're dissolving.
Now that is high treason.
That is who this country is threatened by.
That's who sold us out to China and used China to de-industrialize this country.
This is the group that has set up the SPP trying to get rid of our borders.
The group that got rid of Europe's borders and got rid of their due process and their sovereignty.
It's amazing.
This is a private, corporate, hostile takeover of America.
And then meanwhile, the news is leaving our borders wide open.
But the top story is 11 Russian spies that were so deadly they could have brought down America.
Of course Russia has spies.
Of course they're spies.
And it's important that they be exposed.
But this is the top news story that Russia reportedly had 11 spies in this country when we have corporations that are foreign, that openly call for world government, that openly are establishing a world banking structure that we will pay taxes to, that have bought off our politicians and give them campaign contributions in plain view.
Foreign corporate spies that own and run banks bigger than any one government
Through fraud, they've gotten this power, and they are there making cash payments to the President and the members of Congress.
And not telling Congress, when Congress asks over and over again, where are the trillions of dollars?
The Congressman asked the head of the Fed, the head of the Treasury, the head of the New York Fed, and they say, I'm not going to tell you.
And now under the reform
They announced that, oh, this will fix the big bankers that did all of this and that set up the derivatives.
The very Federal Reserve that represents these elite banks, it will now have unlimited power in financial regulation over anything that affects the economy.
I mean, that's in the Washington Post.
I read the bill.
That's my analysis.
That's Judge Andrew Napolitano's analysis.
That's Ron Paul's analysis.
But here's the Washington Post admitting it.
Oh, we'll show the bankers.
We'll give them a world government to punish them.
And we'll pay taxes directly to them.
And we'll give them power over all the other financial institutions so they can consolidate them.
That will sure show them.
And when they come into Toronto, the police will
Ban free speech with no law, snatch and grab children off the streets and women, and threaten to rape women and rape women.
Oh, I mean, this is actually happening.
This is what's really going on.
I'm going to come back in the next hour, continue to cover news.
We've got Chuck Baldwin coming on in the last 30 minutes to talk about Ron Paul and how the feds are now trying to investigate Ron Paul and his organizations.
I mean, this is a tyranny.
They may try to lock Ron Paul in prison.
They may grab me and slam my butt in prison.
I mean, this is a hardcore takeover by these people.
This isn't a game.
We've done three hours of transmission, and I haven't plugged a book, a video, a sponsor, nothing.
If you believe in what we're doing and want to defend the Republic, you need to buy the books, buy the videos, buy the t-shirts at InfoWars.com.
That supports our operation.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We are now into the fourth and final hour.
Political prisoner Charlie Veach, arrested twice in the G20, will be joining us.
There's now press reports of police threatening to rape women in the jail cells, reporters, and of women being raped by jail guards slash police.
It's now openly being announced days after the G20 bankers met and extracted 1.2 billion out of the slaves for their security.
And of course, there'll be interest paid to the bankers on that 1.2 billion as well.
It's just so good for them because we buy every scam put before us.
I'm just surprised they actually sent Madoff to prison.
I mean, he's one of their top ringleaders.
Just a bunch of Kenley Madoffs and I guess they're going to take everything over just because we're idiots.
A dollar should be replaced as international standard.
UN report says a SDR run by the IMF and World Bank and again we will pay a tax to it to fund the operation.
That's CNN.
Here's another one.
New York Times now admitting we're in a depression.
The third depression.
Here's one on the London Telegraph.
RBF tells clients prepare for monster money printing by the Federal Reserve before they get rid of the dollar.
You'll still have it, kind of like they have currency in Zimbabwe or the peso in Mexico.
This is a plan.
They do this over and over again in other countries.
They're going to totally run up the dollar and totally inflate it, destroying all your savings.
It's over.
If we let them complete this operation, I mean, they are hacking America up.
America's already got machete wounds all over it, blood just spilling out, and we might be able to save the country.
But, you know what?
It feels too good to go down, doesn't it?
There's kind of a deep-seated sickness in America.
We killed 50 million babies, and the average subconscious mind is so powerful, it wants to die.
The average American wants to fail and just wants to wallow into maggots and just implode.
I mean, consciously people don't want that, but subconsciously there's a self-loathing, a self-hate, kind of like people want to fail.
They don't have a stand-up-and-fight attitude anymore.
A large portion of the public.
Now, if any of you want to save your families and save the society and not go into pure bondage, we have to ignore the 30-40% that just love tyranny.
And we have to ignore the other 30% or so that suck their thumbs.
And the other 30% of us that know what's going on, we're just going to have to stand up, be leaders, and take the society back.
But RBS tells clients to prepare for monster money printing by the Federal Reserve.
As recovery starts to stall in the U.S.
and Europe, with echoes of the mid-1931, bond experts are once again dusting off a speech by Ben Bernanke giving eight years ago as a freshman governor of the Federal Reserve, where he talked about how they'd hyperinflate the dollar.
Now, you noticed two years ago when they were getting ready for the banker bailout, banker takeover, I told you that by 2002 the stimulus would run out, that that was really a wealth transfer to the central banks, and that it would only make things worse.
And now we're here.
And that they were lying about the unemployment numbers and lying about inflation.
And now that they've suckered you good, they're getting ready to sucker you again and say,
We've got a reform package.
Oh, but Senator Byrd died.
He was the vote we needed.
Oh, don't worry.
And they're all over the news.
Will the banks get punished for what they did?
The American people demand.
They've got all these housewives and, you know, six-pack guys on the news.
What do you think, Mr. Johnson, Mr. Jones?
What do you think, Mr. Brown?
Well, I tell ya, I just want these banks to be brought to justice.
It's not fair.
And I'm glad Obama's in there about to bring these banks to justice with this new bank tax and that he's gonna get the Federal Reserve in there, the federal government.
Federal Reserve is not the federal government, but in there to
To take action against these banks after what they did, and they cut back to Anderson Cooper.
Yeah, it is good to see something being done.
Anderson, admittedly, CIA Cooper.
I mean, but the good news is these globalists are running out of gas.
Yeah, they're in control, but they're revealing themselves in the takeover.
And they're losing all their viewers and all their credibility.
I mean, that Washington Post article,
Last Friday, that I've covered so much here, where it said, yeah, it's 600 trillion in derivatives, and yeah, the Federal Reserve's going to be giving total power over everything.
That'll teach the banks.
I mean, it's like saying, we're going to let Hitler in 1935 just be planetary ruler, and that'll keep him under control.
We're going to fix the illegal alien problem by just legalizing them all.
I mean, that's what they do.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents The Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
The top story on the Drudge Report today is a Politico article where members of Congress, Republican members, are not allowed to go to the Gulf and look at the damage.
And the Democrats are allowed to and are having paid trips.
Oil spill visits get partisan and they are not allowed to go visit.
So not only are the citizens not allowed to go visit, but everybody else is not allowed to visit.
And you've got international waters out there, Taiwanese, Dutch, Norwegian, others.
One Taiwanese ship can scoop up 500,000 barrels a day.
That is an incredible number.
That's the Associated Press reporting that.
And Obama is still blocking it.
But now, because the pressure is so high, they're saying, these hurricanes are going to blow all this oil in.
Why won't you?
Why, for 70-plus days, have you been blocking countries from helping?
You want this to be worse, so you can get your carbon tax.
He's saying, OK, in the next month,
I'm going to have lawyers look at it, and if these companies can jump through all these hoops that are impossible, then I'll let foreign governments do this.
They've agreed to let 12 foreign governments or corporations help.
But BP is in international waters.
Why is BP in international waters than on our shores, telling media and governors and congresspeople what they can do?
Why is BP controlling the medical care people are supposedly getting?
Why is BP telling their employees and contractors they can't wear masks?
Just like the firefighters and police were told, you can't wear masks because the 9-11 dust is not bad for you.
And if you do wear that, we'll have to admit it's bad.
So just go ahead and breathe it and die later and we're not going to fund you by the way, you schmuck.
You chump.
I mean, these corporate people know we're gullible.
They know we're sedate.
They know we lay down and follow orders.
And that's a recipe for enslavement.
A recipe for ruination.
So it's time, my friends, it's time to start getting angry.
It's time to start getting serious.
gulf uh... states because then that wouldn't create too many waves but now because it's turned up towards texas and it is creating six to ten foot swells uh... the uh... buoys are showing and the uh... noah is reporting the national weather association and it's blowing huge swells in and that oil is accelerating because most of the oil is out to sea it's now accelerating towards louisiana mississippi and florida
And then, if a hurricane comes in later, more from the east towards Texas, it's going to blow it into Texas and Mexico.
But right now, it's coming up towards the Texas-Mexico border, became a hurricane overnight, and is blowing it more towards where the currents are going.
But it keeps leaking, it keeps leaking, it keeps leaking, and Obama just says it could be years.
This is a new way of life, but if you'll let him pass a carbon tax, then he might let the ships in.
Just like he told Senator Kyle, if you'll pass amnesty, then I might secure the border.
But I've got to keep that border violent so I can lie to the public and tell them that amnesty will fix it.
And there will still be narcotics being brought in.
So, Hurricane Alex turns towards the Gulf of Mexico.
Rick Perry declares state of emergency in Texas.
So, I'm bracing here in Austin for the... I've looked at the science, especially the dispersant.
And then the off-gassing chemicals that are released from oil.
Yes, oil doesn't get picked up and mixed with water and go into the atmosphere, but the byproducts and the benzene and the heavy metals can get mixed with water.
That's why you can have muddy rain.
That's why you can have fish rain or toads rain.
When a tornado, a waterspout, a tornado in the ocean or a lake sucks them up,
I've seen, I grew up in Dallas and I'd look out at Lake Ray Hubbard and you'd see tornadoes on, on, you know, tearing up houses and tearing, I only saw this a few times, it's incredibly beautiful, but also devastating.
And you'd see them tearing up houses, tearing up trees, and the tornado would be brown, full of junk and dirt.
Then it would hit Lake Ray Hubbard, I'd be watching this from our house on the hill, looking down, and it would hit and they'd turn into water spouts and turn blue.
They would be brown or black full of, you know, leaves and dirt and grass and parts of buildings.
And then they just come across from raw lead.
I was in Rockwall watching and those and those tornadoes would hit and they just turned blue.
They turned blue as they sucked up the water.
I'm not saying the houses being destroyed was beautiful, but the water spouts were beautiful.
It's the same thing.
And it's not just that waterspouts are all over the Gulf.
I mean, I've been on a cruise in the Gulf and seen waterspouts, one after the other, that stood on the deck of the ship as they came over us.
They weren't the tornadic type, they were the smaller waterspouts.
But seeing now, I'm digressing off into meteorology and earth changes.
The issue here is that, yes,
The byproducts and the toxic chemicals and the dispersants they're using.
In fact, Google the amount of dispersant used in the Gulf, because I keep getting my numbers crossed.
It's like I said, that Taiwanese trawler did 50,000 barrels, but it was 500,000 barrels.
The mine just can't get around this stuff.
And I want to say they said 200,000 gallons
of this had been used of the super deadly dispersant.
They've got planes flying over spring and I looked up that dispersant and did some research and it is true that that dispersant goes right up into the rain.
So I'm looking forward I guess to all the dispersant.
Louisiana, Mississippi is already enjoying dispersant raining down on them.
And now the Washington Post, now the EPA is talking about gulf evacuations.
They're not saying how big.
So this is going from bad to worse.
Hurricane Alex turns towards Mexico, Texas coast.
And they knew they could have gone in with those big ships and scooped up almost all the oil.
They've really developed the science since then, but since they blocked it and used a spurs instead, it's going to be a bigger disaster and maybe cataclysmic.
Or the response to it may be cataclysmic.
The martial law they're gearing up for.
Hurricane Alex turns towards Mexico, Texas coast.
BP access to medical care.
Controls access to medical care for Gulf oil cleanup workers, denying that they're sick.
That's what they always do.
A bunch of them have died.
Hundreds and hundreds are in the hospital.
Medical doctors are saying their lungs are full of toxic chemicals.
They're going into cardiac arrest.
Alright, from the Deepwater Horizons, it says that surface disbursement used, it's always worse than I say, 1.3 million gallons of that deadly chemical.
1.3 million gallons.
That's from the Associated Press.
That's directly from the BP's own site.
And another type that they're using, subsea, they're putting into the ocean, 576,000 gallons.
Total dispersant used 1,606,000 gallons.
Holy mackerel!
I mean, let the crude oil come in and let the states clean it up.
Let the ships come in and get it before it comes in.
Don't spray 1.6 million gallons of stuff that'll literally eat the skin off your body.
They're reporting that stuff is eating boats.
It's so strong, that's in mainstream news, that it's eating the boats.
You know what, I'm gonna be honest with you.
I'm not having my kids breathe in this.
And if this stuff blows into Austin,
I'm gonna have to go to Montana or something.
What happens if 20 million people are evacuated?
I mean, they had less than 300,000 or so evacuated out of New Orleans, and Austin was a circus.
Houston was a circus.
Almost bankrupted the cities paying for it.
What is gonna happen here?
I can't believe that terrorist Obama has done this.
And I've been calling him a terrorist for two weeks, on record calling for criminal indictments, blocking the states and counties and cities.
And blocking international aid, and many others are saying that, so now he's saying, well, I'll look.
I'm going to let the lawyers start building a plan.
It'll take a month or so, maybe.
By then, more hurricanes will come in.
I mean, this guy's a terrorist.
And let me tell you something.
Jindal and Barbar Barber and all those other governors and Crist,
That's a cop-out saying the Feds say we can't put berms up.
The Feds say, hey, you have a responsibility when treason is going on, and the Feds have no jurisdiction on your state ground and in those estuaries.
You go out there and you tell that Coast Guard, get out of your way!
I mean, it's like anybody in a uniform is now God, as long as that illegal alien, Barry Sitaro, tells him so.
This is definitely a false flag.
There is no doubt it's a false flag against America to bankrupt us, to have a big distraction going into the election.
This morning I woke up at like 3.30am and it just hit me.
I said, of course, it's not just a smoke screen for the Iran attack.
It's not just a smoke screen to get the carbon tax through in a pretext.
It's also for the elections, where it's going to be so insane, building up into November, that people won't remember government health care takeover, they won't remember the gun grabbing, they won't remember all the lies, all the torture.
It'll just be complete bedlam if this continues.
I mean, if they let... Let's search the latest total oil spill.
Total oil in the Gulf.
They keep lying about it, so it's always worse than what they say.
Charlie Veitch is supposed to get out soon.
He says he's going to give us the exclusive first report.
We've also got Chuck Baldwin scheduled and the Ron Paul persecution that's now going on.
I mean, look, everybody's always showing up.
They go after Alex Jones, Ron Paul and others.
Look out.
And look at how they're demonizing us in the media.
Look at the hoax that they've been putting out.
News continues.
Look at this little jewel.
Give me a document cam shot on that.
Just in miscellaneous.
How long have I told you if John McCain picks somebody, they're bad?
I don't care if Sarah Palin poses with an AR-15.
That doesn't cut it.
You don't see Ron Paul posing with AR-15s, but he defends them.
He's the real deal.
You don't wave guns around, folks.
You don't wave a gun around and fool me.
Palin goes rogue against Tea Party candidates.
Human Events, big conservative publication, admits that she's sabotaging Tea Party, true Tea Party Ron Paul people nationwide.
Well, that's her job.
And that's, uh, that woodchuck from Arkansas' job.
He's as fake as a $3 bill, though he's a slick talker, one of the slickest I've heard.
And, uh, same thing with Mitt Romney and all these guys.
And they admit she's anti-Tea Party, anti-Patriot, mainline Republican.
She'll give you Mitt Romney if she has her druthers.
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Bloomberg Markets Magazine senior writer Michael Smith discusses the use of Wachovia Corp., Bank of America Group and other banks.
Five Mexican drug cartels launder its funds in the magazine's August 2010 issue.
Smith reports that Wells Fargo, which bought Wachovia in 2008, admitted in court that its unit failed to monitor and report suspected money laundering by narcotics traffickers.
Yeah, uh, you know, some poor guy sells an old car and gets $2,000.
I saw this case in Austin.
And the IRS comes and grabs their bank account because they report it.
Well, the bank shows you deposit about 800 bucks every two weeks as a construction worker, and suddenly there was $2,000 extra in there, so the fraud unit called the government.
Again, they're rat snitches worse than East Germany.
We just accept total surveillance, and then up front, everything we do is reported to the feds, and under this new regulation reform, the big crime banks don't just take over all the other banks and get unlimited money.
Literally, unlimited, whatever they want.
Just ten times worse than the bailout of a year and a half ago.
A hundred times.
In fact, it's unlimited.
It's infinity worse.
It's just unlimited.
There's no words to describe it.
But then meanwhile, oh, billions of dollars, sorry.
We didn't know it was Mexican drug cartels, jeepers, weepers.
And it just goes on and on.
No, no, no.
The cops are going to kick down your door looking for one balloon of heroin.
Meanwhile, the Pentagon admits they're growing almost all the opium in the world in Afghanistan.
Over 90% is produced there and our government grows it, ships it out directly to your whore daughter's veins.
Your daughter's a whore because they tricked her and sold it to her and got her addicted.
Your son's dead because the government shipped heroin in and advertised it in movies like it was cool.
They bring the drugs in.
The big central banks are the equivalent of foreign spies destroying America.
And I talked about this some in the first hour.
You got these big global banks openly lobbying to get rid of the dollar and have a new UN-run, world government SDR, where the banks make the profits and we pay taxes to them.
That's CNN today!
CNN, dollar should replace as international standard, UN report says by SDRs, and it's the whole carbon tax plan.
Now, is that treason?
Is that espionage?
Hitler couldn't conquer us, Stalin, Napoleon, whoever, couldn't conquer England, couldn't conquer America, but now we're conquered by these private bankers.
Who have screwed everything up by design and gotten us deep in debt, building their empire, and now they say, don't worry, we've got a plan, we're going to take over even more.
And meanwhile, look out, Iran wants to nuke you.
Look out, there's Muslim terrorists everywhere.
Meanwhile, the illegal aliens are pouring across, there's thousands dead.
Obama says, you know, that he's going to leave the border open.
So that people get terrorized into accepting amnesty.
And meanwhile, the media is, oh my god, the beautiful redhead was a Russian spy, deep cover, oh my gosh, they were surveilling us, they were actually spies, 11 of them!
What do you expect?
The Chinese back under Clinton had over 3,000 front companies.
Laurel, Hughes, Missile Secrets, Communists, Chinese, Generals in the White House, Commerce Secretary was going to go public, Ron Brown, they murdered him, Air Force Colonel who did the autopsy, said everybody on board had been shot in the head, they had special forces on board, shoot everybody, blow the door, hi-lo, he-lo, out of there.
Classic tactic, but side issue.
You've got spies running all over America.
America is a giant joke, wide open to British, Israeli, Chinese, spies, and anybody else.
Why is Russia the one group that when they have spies, the globalists go ape?
Well, because the globalists made a deal.
They put Lenin in.
Stalin went sideways.
They made deals later.
But the Soviet Union was set up by U.S.
and British intelligence, and that's now been declassified.
Mao was put in.
Mao continued the deal.
The Chinese have never broken their deal with the bankers.
When I say the US, I mean the bankers that hijacked us.
Russia has broken those deals, and Russia's involved in all sorts of evil as well.
Any big government is, that's the problem.
But the point is, they're getting ready to attack Iran.
They know Russia's been selling them weapons.
They already started 888 with the Russians and tried to start World War III.
That's now been declassified.
That's been in major newspapers the last two months.
And so they're just, this is a way to kick off, oh my gosh, the Russkies.
And notice they've got Angelina Jolie, who's a CFR member, coming out with that new movie.
I've seen it in movies.
What's it called, Salt?
And she's supposedly a government agent, but they have a Russian defector and he goes, I know who the spy is.
It's you.
And then she pulls off her wig and she's the sexy Russian.
Just like they had all these sneak attack movies where America sneak attacked on TV and in the theaters right before 9-11.
I mean, look, they made that movie to kick off the new Cold War.
That's it.
I mean, period.
And, you know, I made the point of prosecute these spies.
And obviously they're spies.
Husband and wife teams with fake names.
Yeah, they're spies.
Folks, the Iranians have guaranteed gut sleeper cells here in the U.S.
that the globalists won't have to stage terror attacks when they attack them.
Iran will strike back.
And then that's what the globalists want.
Just like they blew the oil well, they're blocking the recovery.
They want the Iranians to attack so they can take your rights.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
We've only got about 27 minutes left in worldwide broadcast.
I may have to go into overdrive, which will be internet, InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.tv streams only.
Him, Charlie Veitch, who's scheduled to get out of the Toronto prison.
He was arrested a second time.
Big international scandal, huge news across Canada.
They charged him with a crime that didn't exist, and the police chief lied and said there was a crime of videotaping and being within 5 meters of a security fence.
And then they went ahead and arrested him at the airport for something else to cover their hind ends.
They're going after Ron Paul.
And Chuck Baldwin's here to talk about it.
This is up on Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
We'll throw that up on screen right now.
FEC, Federal Elections Commission, attempts to shut down Campaign for Liberty.
In Ron Paul's own words, this is a direct attack.
They have been extremely transparent.
It is a political PAC like CPAC or APAC or any of the other PACs.
And the Republicans can have PACs.
Israel can have PACs.
The British can have PACs.
BP can have a PAC.
Political Action Committee.
Anybody can have it.
General Electric can have one.
But you can't have one.
You, a true American, you want the Bill of Rights and Constitution restored.
This is an unprecedented attack.
We're going to cover that here in just a moment.
We've got Ron Paul already scheduled tomorrow.
So this will be perfect timing with him on with us in the last 30 minutes as Chuck Baldwin
Of course, the Constitution Party candidate for president in 2008 just did a fabulous job, demonized by the Mayak Report as a terrorist, as Ron Paul was and Bob Barr.
But before we go to him,
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Uh, Genetic Roulette, detailing how GMO food is meant to sterilize you.
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And again, this is all how you also fund the radio show, the news websites, everything we do.
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Be sure to ask about the specials and free videos and combos we have when you call 888-253-3139, 888-253-3139, or PO Box 19549, Austin, Texas, 78760.
All right, without further ado, I want to put back up on screen for people.
We've all got to stand together or hang separate, as the founding fathers said over and over again.
And this is a very strongly worded letter from Ron Paul, who normally, even if he's talking about an incredibly dangerous situation, like war with Iran, chooses his words very carefully.
But he says this is meritless, but could seriously disrupt their growing program to take America back.
Uh, they go on in the letter by Congressman Ron Paul to say they are attacking us because we are succeeding in changing Washington.
Uh, and they are attacking us and attack us they have.
I'm writing you this letter today not to scare you or to cry wolf.
I'm writing it to let you know that our success and its price
Ladies and gentlemen, the big central banks can engage in robberies publicly, they can launder drug money, the marines can publicly be ordered to grow the opium in Afghanistan, which they don't like doing.
Evil is right out in the open now.
But Obama can try to appoint a lady who's anti-gun, anti-free speech.
He can have all of his major czars calling for shutting down freedom on the internet.
She can write thesis about socialist revolutions and how beautiful they are and how she can make them succeed.
I mean, these people, everything they're doing is treason and criminal.
I mean, and I don't just use that term.
There is no other word.
This is a group of violent revolutionaries like Lenin and Trotsky.
We are in as great a danger now
As the people of Russia were in 1916.
Or the people of Germany in 1933.
I mean, I'm not kidding.
They already want to arrest Ron Paul, myself, Chuck Baldwin.
They're brainwashing cops about us.
And I want to go to Chuck Baldwin now.
I appreciate him holding while I went over this.
This is unprecedented, Chuck.
What's your take on it?
Well, I just became aware of it today, as a matter of fact, and the letter I'm talking about from, I think it really was written by John Tate, who heads up Ron's campaign for liberty.
And you're right, this is unprecedented.
I can't imagine that they would have, you know, used this kind of action against any of the groups that you just mentioned in your monologue there.
It's obviously a politically motivated
Scandalous kind of activity that's being performed by the Obama administration here.
Well, I mean, we can't just sit here and let these crooks try to persecute Ron Paul.
I mean, we as citizens are allowed to form a political movement within the Republican Party to try to elect members of Congress and mayors and senators and governors that will just support the Bill of Rights and Constitution.
But these revolutionary terrorists, they know we're trying to save America and trying to stop their revolution.
And so they're coming for us.
Yeah, I think the thing that they're going after, and this is what I think the listeners need to understand, what they're going after is shining the light on the voting records and the records of others, the bureaucrats in Washington, D.C., and that's what the Campaign for Liberty does.
They're excellent about, you know, informing the American people as to who supports what or who opposes what, whatever the case may be, keeping people informed as to what the representatives and senators are doing.
I think that's what has really energized the ire of the Obama administration.
You've got to remember... Well, you're right.
They have auto calls that are better than anybody's.
They've got auto emails.
They've got people that call you.
And they're really helping defeat a lot of legislation that's anti-American and globalist.
You're right.
And they can also look at the graph.
They just see the Patriot movement, with the Ron Paul being one of the centerpieces of the jewel in the crown, energizing.
They can see our growth curve.
And that's what Cass Sunstein says.
He says, we've got to shut the web down.
We've got to shut down these conspiracy theorists, these people that don't believe in global warming, these people that believe in a new world order, these people that believe in a global government.
I mean, that's in CNN today, a global government with SDRs.
They can't allow us to have any speech because we've got the truth.
Well, that's exactly right.
And I think, Alex, what you have said there, I think, is exactly the thinking that's behind it.
Also, take into account the Disclose Act that just passed the House of Representatives, which unfortunately the NRA even refused to oppose because they got an exemption.
So you get an exemption if you are somebody like the NRA and a few other select
Uh, particular lobbying groups, but everybody else, you know, like GOA, which I really think is the greatest, uh, proponent for the Second Amendment today, as far as political action groups are concerned, and Lawyer Pratt and those guys, you know, everyone else will be, uh, not allowed to put up the voting records and to challenge the incumbents on their records within, uh, I think it's 120 days before an election.
Now let's think about that.
They're saying that American citizens and organizations
You cannot tell the public a voting record.
Think of how Twilight Zone, all of this is getting.
I mean, they know what they're doing is unpopular and illegal and unconstitutional and treacherous and treasonous, literally.
And they are, and I saw the Wall Street Journal headline, NRA sells out America.
And even the Wall Street Journal admitted, I mean, this legislation is right out of Soviet Russia.
Right, and you know, the Lord said that men love darkness rather than light when their deeds are evil.
And that's what we've got going on.
We've got a bunch of evil that's going on, and they don't want the light of day.
The internet puts the light of day on it.
You know, talk radio puts the light of day on it.
Ron Paul's campaign for liberty puts the light of day on it.
And that's what they're doing.
They're trying to cover the light so that they can continue to operate in darkness.
Do you ever scratch yourself, pinch yourself?
I know I do all the time.
I mean, it's one thing to intellectually, years ago, know that the globalists were planning this because we had their own documents.
They've been public about it.
But to see them actually doing it, government hijacking of health care and actually cutting the care to people, trying to launch new wars, trying to pass laws to secretly arrest citizens for no reason, openly saying they're going to take over the Internet, coming out with serious
criminal investigations of Campaign for Liberty, when Campaign for Liberty is totally transparent, I mean, and now trying to block the American people from being able to know how someone voted.
I mean, these guys, they really are criminals!
Well, and not only that, I think that they feel that the momentum has been in their favor over the last several years, and it has, quite frankly.
And I think they're trying to seize the moment.
I think they're a little nervous about the Tea Party movement.
I think they're a little nervous about the state sovereignty.
I think that's what we see going on here.
And I think we're in a fight and we just have to make up our minds and we're not going to roll over and play dead and we're not going to let these people steal our country.
I mean, Kagan admits she's a socialist, and then Chris Matthews praises in his book and publicly Saul Alensky and Lenin, but then if you say the government's socialist, he says you're a racist.
I mean, these people know exactly what they're doing.
I want to look at the audience who's watching on PrisonPlanet.tv and listening via AMFM shortwave satellite XM, later on YouTube, at PrisonPlanet.tv later, however you're watching, I want to look at you and I want to say something.
They've got national TV specials coming out demonizing Chuck Baldwin, Ron Paul, and myself.
They've got Pentagon and other government reports, state police, federal dossiers.
The Canadian police have them on us saying we're the enemy.
Just little old Pastor Chuck Baldwin, little old talk show host Alex Jones, little old Dr. Ron Paul.
Why are they scared?
They're scared because we know
Who they are.
We can see who they are.
And they can see us exponentially reaching new people and the public waking up.
And as the darkness falls, they want to confiscate our candles.
Because our little lights are getting brighter and brighter.
Not because we're getting brighter, but because the darkness is falling.
They want to shut the web down.
They want to stop free speech.
The curtain's falling now.
You have got to use the internet and videos and books and materials and donate and spread the word like your life depends on it and like the country's life depends on it now.
We do not have time because the information you have and that we have and all of us have together is so powerful.
That they, before were humorous filled and just trying to demonize us and ignore us, now they just want to shut us off.
And it's because they're hemorrhaging to death.
They have gambled to go for it all, and we can grab victory, you know, out of the jaws of defeat, or victory from the jaws of defeat, now.
But please, appreciate these shows, appreciate the websites, appreciate the info now, because
Chuck, can you make it any simpler than I am or boil it down?
I think you're doing a pretty good job, Alex.
You're exactly right.
The American people have got to decide what they want for their children and for their future.
If they are just willing to have the shackles put around their necks,
And glibly go on into slavery and tyranny, let their children be raised in a tyrannical state, well then so be it.
Make your choice.
But for people that love freedom and love liberty and really do want their children to grow up in a land of freedom, it's going to be up to us right now to fight for it, as you said.
And I think that we've got to spend our money according to our convictions.
We've got to support those individuals and those institutions that are out on the front lines.
We can't do it by ourselves.
None of us are able to do it by ourselves.
None of us are independently wealthy.
All of us are scratching for survival when it comes to paying the bills.
And if people out there are going to have an impact on their country, they've got to dig down and they've got to support those institutions and those people that are on the front lines fighting for their freedom.
And if we're not willing to do that, Alex, quite frankly, then it's
It's gone.
I mean, we're to the point now where this thing is getting close to the curtain coming down.
And I know you know that, and I know a lot of your listeners know that, but I've just got to say that.
We are getting close.
I mean, this thing is escalating exponentially in a way that I, quite frankly, am a little surprised at.
I mean, I knew it was going to grow.
I knew it was going to escalate.
I had no idea it was going to be this fast.
And let's face it, this is not just Barack Obama.
We had the same thing going on with Bush, same thing going on with Clinton.
But now it's at rocket power.
I mean, I agree with you, though.
I'm amazed at how fast it's moving.
And you've got Sarah Palin now out.
In human events, targeting real Tea Party candidates, you've got targeting Ron Paul type candidates, even though she endorsed Rand, she's showing her colors there.
The whole system is getting more and more desperate, but now is the time to throw it all on the line, folks.
Now is the time to come to the aid of your country.
America's never been perfect, but it's a Christian nation, it's been the best in the world, the wealthiest because of the blessings of liberty that God gave us because we did do the right thing.
And that engine of freedom is dying, and the choice is being made now.
You better be at your city councils, your county commissioners, your water districts talking about this.
You better be at the statehouse.
You better be calling to talk radio.
You had better not wait to start an organization.
You better get out there now and point at this tyranny for what it is, and point out this is illegal and wrong, and we had better point out
That it is both parties, like Chuck Baldwin said, but under Obama, Chuck, hasn't it gone into overdrive?
Oh yeah, definitely.
It's gone into overdrive, no doubt about it.
But that's because the foundation was already laid.
I mean, I predicted this back in the Bush years.
I said that, you know, if Obama's elected, he is just going to expedite everything that's already been laid and put in place.
I mean, Bush just laid the table for him.
And of course, Clinton did before that.
And now that he's got the Congress, he being Obama, he's got the Congress, they're able to implement these things that they were put in place back during the Bush years.
But it's just exploding.
You know, you've got the oil thing, which is such a distraction to other things that are going on.
I mean, this is not a serious thing down here.
I live on the Gulf Coast.
We're dealing with what's going on down here with that, you know, up close and personal.
So I know what's going on.
But there are some other things that are happening that the American people are not seeing and the national news media is not telling us.
Things that you talk about all the time on your show, Alex.
And if the American people don't rise up now to resist,
In the spirit of resistance, Thomas Jefferson talked about... Stay there!
Come back and tell us about the spirit of resistance and the issues the oil spill is overshadowing.
Chuck Baldwin's our guest.
Stay with us.
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Chuck Bolden, we got a headline up at PrisonPlanet.com.
Obama wants the oil spill crisis to get worse.
He's been under massive pressure to let the oil skimmers in.
Now he says he might in the next month.
Because the hurricanes are already there to blow in more oil.
Give us your brief take on that, given the whole history of it.
I was talking to her in the break, you think they're sabotage.
I think Obama and the administration knew about the problems that the BP well had as early as January and February of this year.
I think they deliberately did nothing in order to exacerbate the problem.
I personally believe, at least the list is put this way, I suspect sabotage.
I suspect that Halliburton and the Bush-Clinton crime cabal
Uh, is behind a lot of this.
BP is going to go bankrupt over this.
And it's not an accident that it was a BP oil well that was targeted because there is a major rift going on right now between the higher level officials in Great Britain and the Bush-Clinton
Well, obviously they want to use it to pass the cap and trade energy monstrosity, but I think what it's overlooking is, Alex, there's
There's probably six trillion dollars, and I know we throw these numbers around and nobody can calculate that high, but we're talking about six trillion dollars that's hanging around out there that the British government, or I should say the British bankers, believe has been stolen from them.
And whenever this well went up and all the pressure now that's placed upon BP and probably going to go bankrupt,
And what that's going to do throughout Britain and Europe, I believe this was a signal by the people that stole that money to say, leave us alone.
There are things here going on, Alex, that I believe that are so criminal, that are so evil, that are so sinister, that the American people know nothing about.
And the American media especially is not going to tell us anything that we need to know.
But there are things going on behind the scenes here.
That this oil well is a diversion, or maybe we could even say a warning.
Well, I mean, take the Federal Reserve reorganization that even the Washington Post admits gives them unlimited power over all financial institutions and things that affect the economy.
In Andrew Napolitano's words, this is a total seizure of the economy.
So the Federal Reserve engineers the banking collapse, now they get even more power.
I mean, it's all happening right now.
Bird dying has sabotaged that, at least for the next few weeks.
That's actually a gift from God.
I'm not glad he's dead, but that screwed up the passage of it.
But, I mean, this is amazing.
It's all happening at once.
It is, and it's all happening, I think, in a coordinated effort.
I do not believe that these things are isolated instances.
I just don't believe that.
These things are too big, they are too coincidental, and the ramifications are too monstrous to suggest
That this is not something but a design behind it.
And I think that's exactly what's going on.
And I think it's all related to some of what I'm talking about here today.
Some of the things that you're talking about.
Obviously, they're not going to ever let a crisis go without using it.
Chuck Baldwin, author.
The presidential candidate and so much more.
Give us your website.
Yeah, thanks a lot, Alex.
It's ChuckBaldwinLive.com ChuckBaldwinLive.com ChuckBaldwinLive.com.
Ours are InfoWars.com.
I break down everything that happened in retransmission.
Chuck Baldwin will talk to you again soon.
We've got Ron Paul on tomorrow.
Pray for Ron Paul.
Pray for all of us.
The enemy is coming out to persecute us.
That story's up on PrisonPlanet.com.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
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I think so.