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Name: 20100629_Tue_Alex
Air Date: June 29, 2010
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Okay, I'm going to continue with your phone calls.
We've got two guests coming up in the last hour.
Constitutional lawyer, scholar Larry Becraft to talk about the makeup of the Supreme Court and Elena Kagan, aka the Penguin.
So, I was wrong yesterday to call her a demonic pelican.
It's a demonic penguin.
In fact, later on in this, we'll show you an image of the Batman movie penguin character, and I'm asking you, is this not Elena Kagan?
But, it's wrong to make fun of her for how she looks.
It's her actions.
We've got a clip of her talking about the banning of books.
So, that is coming up, and we're also going to talk to
Member of the Icelandic Parliament who's the spokesperson for WikiLeaks members who are in hiding being hunted by the Pentagon.
Yes, what a strange world we live in.
But I do want to go back to your phone calls.
While we're talking, because we are now simulcasting live at PrisonPlanet.tv, I'm going to just show you some of the videos without audio of your PrisonPlanet.tv viewer.
If you're a radio listener, you can go to PrisonPlanet.com and read the article Steve Watson did about it, about activists being grabbed by
Plainclothes goons and thrown into vans and they're just pulling up and grabbing and beating people up for no reason and throwing them into unmarked vans and speeding away to set the precedent to have private security goons out arresting you and Canada passed a secret emergency law to allow this.
Of course, no law was passed in Pittsburgh, but they just did it.
And there's video of them singing Canada O Canada and being run over by the police, including a London Guardian reporter who was beaten.
They were told, I'm beating you because someone burned cars two days ago.
Yes, that's on record.
I'm beating you.
Because someone did that, and black vans grabbing people as part of a PSYOP.
I mean, this is all part of training everyone, police and everyone else, that now unmarked vans grab you and you go bye-bye, just as Lieberman and McCain have bills introduced with the headlines, citizens to be secretly arrested, no court, no due process, enhanced interrogation issue used.
You just disappear into a black hole forever.
Instead of the song about school's out forever.
No more pencils, no more teachers.
Now it's the Constitution and freedom's out forever.
No more private property, no more Second Amendment.
Tyranny's here forever.
Unless we let him get away with this.
By the way, everybody's emailing me going, Alex, the headline says that the Supreme Court extends Second Amendment rights, but then the footnote is, but for the first time the high court ruled there could be restrictions under law.
You ever notice politicians say, I believe the Second Amendment accepted prescribed by law?
That's why the gun grabber groups have hailed it.
Because now, yeah, in places like Chicago, they may let you get a permit if you jump through a hundred hoops.
But nationwide now they can pass unconstitutional laws restricting and violating what's happening in Texas, Arizona, and Vermont.
Okay, I'm done.
Let's go to your calls.
Who's up next here?
Dave in Arizona?
Dave, you're on the air.
Hi Alex, thank you for taking my call.
Good, sir.
Good to have you here.
Thanks for calling.
Are you familiar with the World Peace Project?
It rings a bell somewhere.
Okay, well, the World Peace Project has done studies all over the world.
They've done a study in Washington, D.C.
in 1993, where collectively a group of people got together and they prayed to reduce violent crime, and they reduced violent crime by 23% in the District of Columbia in that year, in 1993.
They have decades of scientific research that show that this worked, that this
Well, there are major, even atheistic studies they've done where they found attitudes around plants seem to have an effect, music has an effect, and there's certainly a lot going on in the universe we don't understand.
Now, what I would suggest, Jesus said that in John 14, 12, that we would be able to do greater things than he did, but he has to go to the Father.
So, we're in that time where
We, collectively, will be able to do greater things than Christ did through His power.
And what I would suggest is that since the Bible asks us to pray unceasingly, that I would ask everyone to start praying for the disruption of weapons in the hands of tyrants immediately.
That means disrupt their computers, disrupt their communications, disrupt their electronics,
Disrupt their ammunition.
Disrupt their vehicles.
When they try to snatch someone off the street and throw them in the car, hey, four flat tires or the electronics doesn't work.
I'm telling you that this is going to work.
This is what we're going to have to do, Alex.
And if this is going to work, guaranteed, because the scriptures say it will work.
Well, I'll just leave it in God's court.
I'm going to stand up physically, you know, in the info war, on this plane of existence, and warn people, and put myself in harm's way, and do whatever I can to try to point out what's happening.
But I do pray that God gives us divine intervention and providence, and that tyranny be confused, and that tyrants fail, and that God's will be done upon them.
And I'm asking God
And of course, history shows you need to ask God to come in.
You need to ask for the help.
And I think that is an important prayer to put out there.
George Washington did it, and I'm doing it today.
And I appreciate your call, Dave.
Very interesting, very profound thought there.
For those that just joined us, back at the start of the show an hour ago, an hour and 39 minutes ago, I said I want to hear profound statements today from callers.
I'd like to hear what you believe is profound.
What you believe the world is really all about.
I know this, what we pray for, what we dream about is what our mind then imagines and then what we manifest.
In 1900, Max Planck, as I started the show talking about, the German physicist envisioned nuclear quantum and atoms and splitting the atom.
And by 1918, he'd written complex equations on it.
And by 1934, other physicists had already written out nuclear reactors.
They never split the atom yet.
And then by 1939, they split the atom, and you know the rest is history.
That's what the human mind can do.
We envisioned airplanes 300 years ago.
We have them.
We envision spacecraft, we have them.
We've envisioned particle accelerators, we have them.
We envision black holes with mathematics, the satellite telescopes have found them.
I mean, the human mind is unbelievably powerful.
That's why the globalists are always telling you you're weak, you're pathetic, you don't have any power.
Because they are adept at power, they understand the power, they're tuned into the secrets of the world, that it's handed down by their societies over millennium.
They know things that, you know, I don't know, and all I do is research this, but from the outside,
And the information I know I can barely deal with and barely understand.
Imagine these people, but they've made the decision to use all this knowledge to totally dominate society and their fellow man.
I'm saying use knowledge to empower humanity and to believe in humanity, not to dumb humanity down.
But I've always wanted to give, I've always wanted to create.
These people are twisted and they use their knowledge for evil.
Everett in Florida, you're on the air Everett.
Yes, thank you, Alex.
You make a lot of great films.
All the pieces of the puzzle are out there.
The truth is out there.
But if I may humbly and respectfully make this observation... Yeah, go ahead.
My observation is that if you tell people the air, the food, the water, their minds are being poisoned and bankers and New World Order and all that stuff,
It isn't immediately tangible to them.
They don't see how it directly affects them right now.
But I believe if you make the one film that will sell more than Avatar, if you make it, you being the person to make it, you'll be able to cut off the root of the New World Order's existence and supply, which is the source of their plans to enslave us.
I believe that if you make a film exposing the individual income tax,
That is tangible.
And it is undeniable.
Well, you know, that was a lost opportunity.
Aaron Russo called me over and over again.
And I had such a small staff at the time.
For some reason, I didn't even contact him back.
He tried for a year to interview me for his film, Freedom to Fascism.
But I still promoted it once it came out.
And that was a lost opportunity to be in that film.
I've exposed the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report 12 years ago with a film, and I guess I could make a documentary about the income tax, but I think America Freedom to Fascism's done a pretty good job at that.
Yes, but I think more detail needs to be shown, like the truth of it.
And as a matter of fact, in less than probably 20 seconds, I can start people down the rabbit hole if you'll allow me just 20 seconds to show something.
Thank you.
If everybody out there will go get a copy of the Internal Revenue Code or go to their accountant or their attorney and ask them for a copy of the Internal Revenue Code, turn to the back of it, which will have blue pages called the topical index, and look at liability for tax.
Under L, obviously.
You'll see all the taxes that there's a legal liability for.
Gift tax, railroad taxes, tobacco taxes, etc.
You will not see individual income tax.
Because there is no lawful liability for it.
It's not listed.
Well, I mean, I have to tell people that there's a lot of fake remedies that are put out there by patriot people that aren't a silver bullet to get you out of the income tax.
I'm not saying that the income tax is legitimate.
It's not.
It's a complete fraud.
It's a hoax.
It's on record in the book.
The law, whatever it was, they went to all 44 states.
That were in existence in 1913 when they got the 17th Amendment and the income tax.
And the majority of the states that they said ratified it, their own annals show they didn't ratify it.
So it was a hoax.
Most states weren't in session but every two years.
And it just got announced and falsely ratified.
The two-thirds of the states did not do it, not even a third did it.
And we built our whole country without it.
We've now had it 97 years, and look what it's done to us.
But it wasn't even popular or used widely until the mid-fifties.
When they passed the income tax, it was such a small tax that it was only on people making over a million dollars a year, and very few were doing that.
And so the elites themselves were the ones that pushed it, and they had loopholes where they didn't have to pay it.
And yes, it all goes to interest on the debt, interest to the Federal Reserve, to Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, and others.
The big six banks, of course, are JP Morgan Chase, Goldman Sachs, Citibank, Wells Fargo, Bank of America, and what's the other one?
It'll pop in my head in a minute.
I mean, those are the Federal Reserve shareholding banks.
And so it's a very important point you've raised.
And it's a complete fraud.
And now we're about to have a new banker tax, the carbon tax, that is to be paid directly to the international organization and combine.
So I appreciate your call.
And I do need to make a film on that subject.
I appreciate it.
OK, let's go ahead now and talk to Brian in Pennsylvania.
You're on the air.
Alex, how's it going?
Good, sir.
You know, you're asking for profound statements today.
I just want to
You know, try to add on to that and then add a little story about the X-Tec spill after that if there's time.
Yeah, go ahead.
Um, I just want to give a shout out to that guy in his tomato garden right now, because that is, you know, that's what you're supposed to be doing in life.
Find peace outside.
Find peace with yourself.
You know, that's all that we're here for.
Um, but anyway, I figuratively woke up, as you would call it, a few months ago.
Um, I used to,
You know, find pleasure in watching our, you know, our military triumph different places in the world.
I used to think that, you know, we're spreading justice, we're doing this, we're doing that.
And that was you winning the victory.
You were having the triumph.
It's almost as if, you know, it becomes an extension of your soul.
It's sickening.
It's like you're out there and you're defeating these defenseless people that are like,
You know, they have no concerns with us.
We're there to change their perception on culture.
Kids fighting tanks with rocks are dirtbag roaches who are cowards, and the people in tanks running them over are heroes.
That's exactly right.
It's very perverted, and I hope that, you know, nobody can tell you to see this, and for me, you know, discredit me if it must be, but, you know, I had a psychedelic experience, and after that, it was the equivalent of having a
A bucket of cold water bumped on me while I was in bed.
Well, on record, the CIA in the 1940s and 50s with LSD, the owners of Time Life Books were big LSD heads, very wealthy.
The East Coast elite, Skull and Bones, was taking it.
This has all been released.
And they decided this is something that's good to give the general public.
to bring them into our new order.
But then they decided in the studies that this is backfiring on us, and so banned this substance.
But the CIA admittedly delivered, in the early 60s and on, pure LSD to campuses all over the country.
They told professors that were CIA, give this to your students.
And they then put out the ingredients, the recipe for LSD,
And then by 1970, and there's been reports on this, you can pull them up, the government said, what have you done?
This is actually backfiring.
Get them off this stuff.
And hallucinogens are very dangerous.
I'm not telling people to go out and take them.
But somebody who's under heavy mind control...
And they did have some studies in the 60s, people who'd been abused.
Sometimes it helped them, you know, get out of those paradigms of fear that they were in.
I mean, it can really remake you.
The problem is most hallucinogens out there now are just toxic waste that they call hallucinogens because the basic precursor drugs or chemicals you need to make them are so controlled that they have to
Mix a lot of other ingredients in to be able to get the molecular structure, and then there's a lot of excess heavy metals and grignard reagents and toxins and chemicals in there.
You know, it's the same thing with many drugs.
These street drugs are very dirty, so no one should take hallucinogens.
But from my research and what I've seen and studied, is that an altered state can, with someone who's been conditioned, break their conditioning.
It could just as easily put you deeper into the conditioning, or make you have a psychotic break and eat your fingers or jump off a cliff.
Now most people that take LSD today are taking a weak version of it, and they're not taking a lot of it, and so it's more like speed.
But if you take real LSD, I've read from the research studies that have been done, that yes, it can certainly open up
I mean, that's what the Bible talks about.
The sorcerers, you know, they would take drugs that would, you know, open them up.
And the Bible says that's dangerous and bad, so I go with that.
But, yes, certainly can do that.
I appreciate your call.
Very, very dangerous, though.
Real high-powered hallucinogens, where you see pink elephants and things, or Puff the Magic Dragon, are extremely dangerous.
Let's go ahead and take another phone call here.
Let's talk to... Who's up first here?
Annie in Indiana.
You're on the air, Annie.
Yes, Alex.
I've called several times before.
I'm a Texan in exile in Indiana.
Thank you.
It's amazing that some of us are like you are going through reviewing our lives now that we're getting close to the end times of the purpose of life.
Um, in the 60s I was a radical.
I did civil rights work, NAACP, uh, demonstrated against the war.
My heroes were Bob Dylan and Joan Baez.
Um, in 74 I became a Christian and I started becoming a serious Bible student.
I asked the Lord if he would let me live to see the end times.
I would consider it the greatest gift and I'd like to tell people be careful what you pray for because you may get it.
Well, I mean, certainly things are getting wild.
I mean, they're trying to gear up for World War III.
They're purposely letting the oil spill come in via the hurricanes, blocking relief efforts.
They are poisoning the food and water.
And it's just a fact.
You know, it shocks people.
Stay there.
Finish up with what you had to say, Annie.
We come back.
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Alright, I said I was going to get to this Kagan situation before our guest comes on.
We've got five minutes now, five minutes in that first little segment before a member of Icelandic Parliament joins us.
So I'm going to get to the Kagan here in a moment, but going back to Annie.
I am a Christian, and I believe in God and the devil.
I believe in these forces in the universe.
I've experienced it, and I know there's providence.
But I don't believe in what the man-made church has said.
That's why I'm not part of any, you know, Protestant or Catholic or, you know, any organization.
I am someone who follows Christ, okay?
And I can feel God.
I mean, I can literally feel the energy source.
I have a relationship, okay?
And I've had experiences I won't get into on air in my life that are just unbelievable.
I mean, I don't need to take LSD to, you know, hook up with God.
And, I mean, I'm tied into the universe.
And we all are.
I'm not saying I'm special here.
It's just I've had experiences that are private experiences that are mine.
And I'm just going to leave it at that.
I mean, I've literally
I don't
The global system, everything they do is about limiting your consciousness, limiting your view, limiting your horizon, where it's a shrunken view of the world you have, down to just a tiny little pinpoint of whatever information they're feeding you.
That's what they want.
They want you with blinders on.
But, I see a very destructive force in the church in the last 150 years, with the Schofield Bible and things that came after it, where they say it's the end of the world, Christians are to just bunker in their houses and wait for the end of the world, and the worst things get, that's better because Jesus is coming.
If you really read the Old Testament, New Testament, it's all about fighting evil, standing up against corruption, standing up for innocence, widows and orphans and children, and standing up against the kings of the earth and the corrupt priests who are always there working with the system to limit your relationship with creation, your relationship with God.
So all I'm trying to get people to do is to think for themselves and to realize that is God going to let somebody into Valhalla, into heaven, who knew there was evil going on, but copped out and ran and hid?
I'm not saying you're doing that.
You sound like a great lady, Annie.
They could fire up the Hadron Collider next month and destroy the whole Earth.
They admit the mathematic equations show that that's a small possibility.
Just like mathematical equations in 1900 showed they could build atomic bombs and nuclear reactors.
And it could happen.
Genetic engineering could get out of control next week.
And this could happen.
I mean, yes, the globalists are moving headlong towards things that statistically say we're going to have mass calamities and possibly total destruction.
I mean, never before has man had powers to be able to turn the sea into something that's dead, or to be able to burn up a third of the earth, or kill a third of the people, or for the Antichrist to be seen worldwide at once by everyone on the planet.
You know, through the air, communicating his image projected worldwide and in the temple.
I mean, yes, it's heavy stuff.
It's not Nostradamus' vague baloney.
It's very specific.
But regardless of what's coming and what's happening, is God going to like somebody who knows it's going on, who doesn't have courage, who doesn't speak up?
Finish your point quickly, because I've got to go to break and come back with the next hour, Annie.
Anything else you want to add?
This is where the Lord had told me to speak about standing up for the voiceless, the widows, the orphans, and the unborn.
Oh, really?
Is that what you were going to say?
That's what I was going to say.
You stole my thunder.
And I wanted to say... Can I hold?
Well, I'll tell you what.
Stay there because I don't want to cut you off again.
Stay there.
We're going to come back.
But make your point.
Because I can tell you're breaking up there a little bit.
Choking up a little bit.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
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You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Man, we're two hours in.
I haven't even played this Helena Kagan before the Supreme Court clip about, yes, the government can ban books.
We do have that on the books, but we're not going to do it right now.
And I've now got her thesis, The Final Conflict, Socialism in New York City, why the socialists couldn't take over, but why they should and how socialism's good.
Remember they blocked Hillary's thesis and it got released last year and she praises Lenin in it.
I mean, Lennon was a mass murderer.
So we're going to be covering that coming up with Larry Becraft.
But, Annie, finishing up your point about God and the state of the world and the end times.
Go ahead.
Well, since my radical days of protesting in the 60s, I've told myself to pick your battles, and if you're going to go down, make sure it counts for something.
But reviewing my life and the purpose of life, you were saying I've come to see in my old age that that's just a cowardly excuse for not standing up.
And I'd like to tell young people,
Stand up every chance you get and scream your head off at any injustice.
Don't tell yourself to be quiet.
Pick your battles and wait because the chance may not come again.
And I want to say I'm so proud of the young Chinese in Tiananmen Square and the young people in Canada recently for standing up.
We old people should have done it a long time ago and they wouldn't have to if we had done our job.
Take care.
We're going to go to more calls coming up, but I want to play this now, and I'll play it again towards the end of the hour and fully get into it.
I meant to last hour, so I want to play it now.
Here it is.
Kagan's Own Words.
It's fine if the law bans books, because government won't really enforce it.
And before we play it, here's the Reading Eagle article.
This has also been in the Associated Press that Bruce Schor sent an email to Senator Jim Bunning of Kentucky.
He saw him on C-SPAN and was angered when Bunning complained that, gosh, he had missed the Kentucky-South Carolina basketball game because he had to be in Congress to debate an unemployment benefits bill.
I was livid.
I was just livid.
Recall the 51-year-old Shore.
I'm on unemployment, so it affects me.
And in the indictment from the grand jury, this is the part that got him arrested and charged with felonies.
Are you all insane?
No checks equal no food for me.
Do you get it?
And for calling them insane, he violated the subsection of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
uh... and the uh... subsection is communication act nineteen thirty four subsection that says sure did utilize a telecommunications device that is a computer whether or not communication ensued without disclosing his identity and with the intent to annoy, abuse, threaten or harass any person who received the communication and in the indictment it says he annoyed so annoying see oh it'd been on the book
If Congress could say no TV and radio ads,
Could it also say, no newspaper ads, no campaign biographies?
The government's view is that although 441B does cover full-length books, that there would be a quite good as-applied challenge to any attempt to apply 441B in that context.
And I should say that the FEC has never applied 441B in that context.
So for 60 years, a book has never been at issue.
What happened to the overbreadth doctrine?
I mean, I thought our doctrine in the First Amendment is if you write it too broadly...
We're not going to pare it back to the point where it's constitutional.
If it's overbroad, it's invalid.
What happened to that?
I don't think that it would be substantially overbroad, Justice Scalia, if I tell you that the FEC has never applied this statute to a book.
To say that it doesn't apply to books is to take off, you know, essentially nothing.
That's enough!
That's enough!
We'll play it in its entirety, unedited, near the end of the hour, but you hear the spin.
Well, I'm not going to remove the part that we can man books, because we never decided to do that.
But we're going to keep that power, though, because we like it.
We're thugs.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Okay, this is breaking exclusive information.
We are eight minutes into the third hour today.
Or Gita Jones-Dottir who led the charge in the Icelandic Parliament to say no to the Goldman Sachs looting of our country.
They've successfully seized Greece after selling them derivatives.
They've also got it through their Parliament to create a media haven for internet freedom.
We'll talk about that weather.
They just had a conference in Europe dealing with the persecution of free speech.
I just covered mainstream news in the US where they're arresting people that send emails to senators who annoy them.
You get charged with felonies.
So that is going on.
But Birgitta Jones-Dottir joins us and we're really honored to have her.
She's a member of the Icelandic Parliament for the Movement Party Group Chairperson and we really appreciate her coming on.
She's on the Foreign Affairs Committee, Environmental Committee, EU Application Committee, Truth Commission Committee and the NATO Committee.
Birgitta Jones-Dottir,
Became a member in 2009 and is now a worldwide leader known for standing up for freedom.
Also, when she was on with us last year for the first time, I noticed that Julian Assange, if I'm pronouncing that right, the founder of WikiLeaks, was in the background.
Jaren was pointing out, I think the WikiLeaks founder is in her house.
Yeah, there he is.
And then now of course he's internationally sought.
The Pentagon admits they have a task force out.
The Pentagon paper Daniel Ellsberg told MSNBC that he had a hit team out trying to kill him and that he believes there may be a Pentagon hit team out that's been declassified with the Pentagon papers trying to go after the WikiLeaks founder and he put out an email two weeks ago saying she is now basically his spokesman and so we're
Well it's good to be back.
Okay, I mean, let's go through this, your relationship to WikiLeaks, who Julian is for those that... I mean, he's the guy on television in the black suit with the red tie and the blonde platinum hair, folks, the founder of WikiLeaks.
I mean, how this saga has been unfolding.
Give us basically a boil-down and then let's start wherever you'd like.
Okay, well, Leaky Leaks became instantly famous in Iceland in August last year when there was an injunction on a story that they had actually leaked.
It was an injunction on our national television not to broadcast the news about the leak.
It was a loan book from one of the big banks.
So instead of saying nothing, the broadcaster decided to put a picture of the website on the TV and the URL, and said that he knew all about it there.
So they became instantly known here, and very well thought of.
In December, I was invited to speak at a conference about freedom, and Vicky Likud there also, here at the Reykjavik University.
And they were introducing or discussing an idea about a press haven, or sort of taking the idea behind tax payments.
I hate to bug you but your Skype was down today or we couldn't connect to Iceland and your cell phone is is is I can hear you but I've got to really focus.
Can you try putting the receiver closer to your mouth?
John that's better isn't it?
Yeah keep going.
I approached them and said, you know, coming from the background of being a writer, journalist, activist and one of the pioneers in bringing the internet to Iceland, I approached them and I said, let's do this, because I understood the scope of it and I understood that every day these basic rights that we sort of take for granted when it comes to freedom of information, freedom of expression and speech, are being carefully
Eroded from us.
And like in the UK they have used, and in Europe in general, they have used the anti-terrorist act to chip away this freedom at such a pace that people don't really realise how much of these freedoms have been taken away from us.
And now they've started with all these filtering, using child pornography filters as the reason for filtering out all sorts of stuff, including WikiLeaks.
Well, large wireless networks all over Europe block InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Paul Watson's written stories about that and they admit in Australia, their Chinese net style censorship program, for those who just joined us, admittedly will use government software to track what you're looking at and blocking things from pro-life groups to environmental groups to local dentists.
Uh, in Australia, and we now know that they have the Cyber Security Act to do the same thing here in the United States, and the FCC says you'll have a black box at the ISP and in your home, so this is really happening.
It has to be stopped, because if we don't have access to information, how in the world are both the general public and legislators going to be able to take enlightened decisions based on reality?
I mean, just like what's happening in the UK is that they have passed all these super injunctions, meaning that journalists cannot tell that they can't tell the story.
And I think this is very serious.
Yeah, they call that a D-Notice in England, for those that don't know.
You may see a cop murder someone, and they'll just issue a D-Notice.
They're issuing a lot more of them now.
And similarly, here in the U.S., cops will say you can't videotape what they're doing a hundred yards away, and they'll arrest you even though there's no law.
They claim it's wiretapping when there's no perception of privacy.
So there's a real tyranny here against the new media and the old media.
is in trouble and losing its viewers and readers so it's teaming up with government and corrupt corporations in a perfect storm and openly selling to shut down the true internet.
Yep, well we have to fight this on all fronts and the Atlantic Modern Media Initiative, this proposal that they managed to pass to the parliament with the unanimous vote on June 16th, even the government backed it, is an attempt to
To sort of put the foot down and also to create a dialogue about what is really going on when it comes to new media.
Because most of the media is moving on to the internet and if we don't deal with the reality and deal with all these weak laws or the fact that so many of these legislations are being
Yeah, if we don't stand up now, it's going to be just like radio 80 years ago, when governments took that over and restricted the band.
For those that don't know, there's a much wider band, there should be much more community involvement, but with the internet, there's an unlimited spectrum of space and they're artificially, openly saying, I mean, White House science czar, White House regulations czar, Cass Sunstein openly says he wants to restrict free speech.
Well, I really encourage everybody that cares about these things to start the dialogue.
I've been actually amazed by the reaction that I've got to this proposal just as I felt it in February.
And this idea could spread, just like your idea to have free zones for true internet freedom versus everybody becoming like China.
You're offering the alternative of everybody becoming like Iceland, just like you're an example of standing up against the bankers.
Well, it's easy to change the Icelandic Modern Media Initiative, the IMA, into the International Modern Media Initiative.
So I think, I am offering this, Iceland can be the icebreaker.
We can pass this, or I'm suggesting, or tasking the government to change 13 different laws and 4 different ministries.
Uh, once we put all that in place, and there's a particularly very, very important aspect of this as well, and that is we are bringing together all the best legislation from around the world in order to create this safe haven for
Well, Brigida, respectfully, I want to give you the floor and have you get into that positive thing, but you've got a lot of courage.
And let's just get it on record here that Daniel Ellsberg, very well respected, said there were hit teams issued to kill him.
He thinks you guys are in physical danger with WikiLeaks.
You are the spokesman right now for Julian Assange, and he is being hunted.
He just put out an email today through you.
And through others that he is going back into complete hiding.
And they are, the Pentagon says he is being hunted by them.
And he's about to release all this.
Can we talk about that first?
About your role in releasing the copter murder video?
We'll play some of that in the background.
And then give us any idea on what it is he's about to release that's got the Pentagon so scared.
I mean, they've arrested the military officer that released this and are still holding him with no lawyers right now.
Well, just to clarify, Julian Assange, I just acted as a spokesperson for him while he was in hiding in Australia.
He has appeared now, he appeared in Brussels last week when we both were attending a seminar at the European Parliament discussing freedom of expression in Europe.
So if people want to get hold of him, they can just do that directly.
Well, we've been trying to get a hold of him and he's emailed us back a few times.
Can you put in a good word to him to get him to come on this show?
Yeah, absolutely.
But, you know, I really, I don't feel that I'm in imminent danger or, you know, the reason why Julian has been undercover is just being, you know, using common sense and being cautious.
We don't want to make it easy for the bastard.
I think you said the wrong words.
But um...
I think it will shake the world, the next stuff that comes out of WikiLeaks.
I also want to stress that when it comes to Brad Manning, the US soldier that is in detention in Kuwait and has been in detention for four weeks without being charged, there's a complete catch-22 when it comes to getting him past the lawyers.
He has a military lawyer appointed to him.
He can't get the lawyers that Wikileaks has been assigned for him because he has to ask for it, but he can't.
Nobody can give him the information that these lawyers have appointed for him.
We've got to go to break.
This is incredible info, but you say the next information will shake the world.
Are you implying it's much bigger than the Copter massacre?
Alright, stay there, stay there.
I'm on the edge of my seat here.
And the Pentagon says it's thousands of documents and videos, so... Lord knows what treasure trove you guys have got, and, uh... Anything to end these wars as soon as possible.
I think you underestimate how much danger you're in, though.
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And the explanation he used was that he was understood that it was not safe for him to come to this country.
He left and then later he explained now when the Bradley Manning arrest was announced he said now you understand why I didn't come.
I thought it's I think it's worth mentioning a very new and ominous development in our country.
I think he would not be safe even physically entirely wherever he is.
We have, after all, for the first time that I ever, perhaps in any democratic country, we have a president who has announced that he feels he has the right to use special operations operatives against anyone abroad that he thinks is associated with terrorism, that he suspects of it.
Julian Assange is who Daniel Ellsberg was talking about there on MSNBC.
And for the last two, three weeks, the spokesman he designated is Birgitta Jones D'Atiere, the prestigious and very effective member of the Icelandic Parliament.
This is a short segment, long segment coming up.
Plenty of time for her to break everything down.
We were able to get her via video Skype.
We'll see how long that holds.
Okay, sorry you got cut off by the break.
Briefly, the point you were trying to make about this shaking the world, the new information, can you give us any idea when it's coming out or why he hasn't released it yet?
Because, I mean, they're arresting people, they're tracking people down.
I mean, this is dangerous.
Well, first of all, I want to stress that there is no proof that links Manning to Wikileaks.
There is only this log from Adrian Leimo that looks like he is an FBI spook.
So, you know, I can't verify if Wikileaks has access to the documents that is claimed Manning leaked.
I mean, we don't even know if Manning exists.
But, you know, there will be releases very soon.
There are some technical problems and so forth, so... We just, or, you know, Wikileaks just wants to make sure to release it in a proper fashion so it gets the attention it deserves.
But from what you say, it sounds like we're getting very, very close to this political bomb dropping.
I certainly hope so.
I can't wait myself.
But you know what it is.
You said it's going to shake the world.
Uh, yeah.
I know what it is.
Can you give us any hint?
We've seen reports that it deals with Echelon spying, that it's also more massacre videos, uh, drones, killing people in Afghanistan.
Uh, wrong?
Uh, some of that will be released soon, yes.
Say that again, I'm sorry.
Some of that will probably be released soon, but, you know, I have not been able to get hold of Junior for a while, or other WikiLeaks people.
Oh, so you're saying, hold on, let me get this straight, you're saying there's lots of stuff coming out.
So we got some drones killing people, we've got some NSA spying info, are you saying it's not just one thing, it's a whole bunch of things?
Well, WikiLeaks gets submitted, you know, original documents every day, lots of them.
So, uh, I'm not sure, you know, how the process is going to be, and I can't really answer for exactly what is going to be released, but there is certainly a lot of documents being submitted to Wikileaks, uh, every day, every week, every month, every year.
So, uh... Well, Birgitta, I've got to say it!
It has to be, and it's very important, because what Wikileaks aims to do with every document is to verify if it is the real deal or not.
Well, Brigida, I've got to say, I mean, you are like an Amazon goddess here.
I mean, you are like Wonder Woman.
I mean, with all the incredible... You're beating the banks.
You got laws passed for an internet-free zone where there's true freedom of the press.
You're in there in WikiLeaks, just devastating the New World Order.
I tell you, I really admire you.
I just want to say that right now.
Well, thank you.
I'm just doing my best to help co-create a reality that I want to live in.
And I think that it is something every individual should try to do and aspire to do.
Well, you are changing reality and it shows what a go-getter can do.
Could you have imagined two years ago when you first got active that you would have individually had this much success working with others?
Absolutely not.
I'm not in my wildest dreams.
I never aspired to be a politician, just to get that clear.
And I think that it is time for ordinary activists to get into places of power to do maximum influence both inside and outside establishments.
And it is very important to work closely with grassroots groups because
And not shape it into a political, traditional political parties, but to really create a bridge between ordinary people and the institutes that shape the laws that affect our lives.
Well, we're going to have a break.
Long segment coming up.
And, you know, I can sit here and throw questions out all day, but I do want to get into the law that Iceland has passed, what that means for the rest of the world, how we can duplicate that, more of the attacks on free speech and the press, and anything else you think is important.
On the other side, not just Alex Jones asking his questions, Birgitta Jones-Dottir is our guest, member of the Icelandic Parliament, one of the premier leaders for freedom of the press, and for stopping the banking cartel, and for sovereignty of nations.
And she's instrumental in also keeping her country out of the Euro.
I mean, she is having a great effect.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
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We are part of a New World Order.
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The New World Order really is a tool for addressing a new world of possibilities.
It means all the world under their control.
The United Nations would take over America.
The Trilateral Commission would control the world.
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So it's going to be an inner ruling elite and then everyone else.
And I got news for you.
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Back to Birgitta Jones-Dottier and this long segment that we're getting into.
The new Supreme Court nominee, the opposite of Birgitta Jones-Dottier, the opposite of Thomas Jefferson or George Washington, openly believes that the government can, quote, disappear, that's a quote, any speech they don't like, and that the government can have legislation on the books or regulations to ban books.
So we're going to be talking about that in the next hour.
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So if you want to get them, now is the time.
And it's also important to support organizations in your area or if you're in Iceland to support Birgitta Jones Dottie Ur and to spread the word about what she's doing.
Enough of me, Birgitta, continuing here on other issues or recapping things that you think are important for people to know about worldwide that just tuned in.
Yeah, well, I have to say I had a very interesting week last week because I was invited to go to the European Parliament to speak about freedom of expression in Europe.
It was an organisation inside the EU Parliament called ALTE, which is sort of our
Collaboration between liberals and democrats.
And it's amazing to hear how bad the situation is in Europe because Europe always claims to be, just like the United States, the cradle of democracy.
And at the same time people are forgetting what the foundations of democracy is.
And that is basically freedom of information.
Freedom of speech and freedom of expression.
If we don't have that, we have no freedom.
And one thing that I have also figured out from just working as a legislator is that parliaments increasingly, from the parliaments that I have been looking at and the Icelandic one,
have given away their power to create laws into the hands of the ministries and who creates the laws in the ministries is the lawyers.
So basically our free world has been taken over by lawyers and I find that to be a little bit disturbing.
And I find it to be extremely important that parliaments reclaim their powers as well because parliaments are supposed to be this bridge between or reflection of the people that they are representing.
And it is important that we do not have only professional politicians running the show.
It is very important that ordinary people have a chance to reflect in a real way the people that they are supposed to be representing.
Anyway, I met also, about ten days ago, Bill Still.
He was here in Iceland.
I don't know if you know who he is, but he created the Money Musters some years ago.
And I have the honor of being in a segment that comes along with his newest film.
He was talking a lot about, like very many other people that have come to Iceland or gotten in touch with me, about an alternative monetary system.
And I think that is very, very important.
It has to be the next step that we do is to find ways to have a completely different monetary system than we live with today.
I find the fractional reserve banking system basically to be criminal.
The way the entire financial world is run is criminal.
But we have to find solutions that are
More in tune with reality, so we don't have these endless bubbles blowing over our worlds and sucking out the last riches that we have.
And to briefly boil that down, yes I know about the Money Masters director, we actually carry that three hour film at InfoWars.com that was put out over a decade ago as the preeminent work exposing the fractional reserve banking system that is mathematically designed to create more debt than you can physically pay back
And within a generation, the bankers get incredible power while the bubble's expanding, and then when it implodes, they fully enslave you.
That's what's happened to Africa, Latin America, and poor areas of Asia.
It's on record that the IMF and World Bank have done this, and now they're doing it to Greece.
What is it like for you to see Greece
Iceland says no.
It turns out the banks admit Iceland didn't really owe all this money.
Most of the debt was their debt.
They were making you pay it.
And that 600 plus islands, their roads, their infrastructure is being individually sold back to the banking and brokerage firm owners who are buying the islands from the Greek government with money they stole from the Greek people.
I mean, this is incredible.
It is really incredible and I really feel for the Greek people.
I've been collaborating a little bit with some people in Greece and managed to get together.
There's an international organization called the PAC.
at dot org, that have been fighting, you know, the IMF and introducing such systems as support and tax and so forth.
But we are not, we have not been saved in essence.
Because what the government did, is that they put in the newest contract with the IMF, because we are all having our third review, they put in that we would actually pay back
And that we would compensate reasonable taxes, which is totally against what the nation voted for.
Okay, so see, I've missed this.
Last time I checked, you've been in a year-long fight.
You had said, no, we're not going to pay these tens of billions of dollars that we don't owe to banks that sold derivatives.
We're not going to have public groups pay private debt.
And so the Parliament passed that and you're now saying the bureaucracy is circumventing the will of the people and the government.
Well the government, no no no, the government actually said, or the Atlantic Finance Minister and the head of the central bank signed the latest sort of site or the latest contract with the IMF.
What the nation did actually vetoed what the parliament had passed as the new contract about ISIS.
Um, last, uh, when was it, in January?
Or March?
It's been so eventful this year.
Anyway, so, uh, we are by far not saved, and I am sending out, us today, I am sending out, right here, right now, an SOS to help us get out of
We're good.
Thank you.
We're good to go.
We're not safe yet, so we need all the help we can get.
I mean, this is such a huge story.
Is there anything else you can tell us or just in one statement without me interrupting, break down your part in that saga?
I mean, so we can understand how you guys release things or how you're involved with WikiLeaks, how the famous
Baghdad massacre footage from 2007 got released a few months ago showing them shooting the van full of kids, killing the Reuters reporter, and then laughing about it.
And we'll play some of that video in the background while you're speaking.
I mean, can you talk about your involvement in that video?
Well, I started to work with a couple of people from WikiLeaks, Julian Assange and Daniel Smith, in relation to, you know, I asked them to help me and other organizations here in Iceland to, because they have such incredible insight into where laws are weak and where laws are strong when it comes to information and protection of sources and whistleblowers and so forth.
So I started to work with them
And we had probably around 10 people from different parts of the world working with us, legal experts and so forth, when it comes to legislation in this regard.
So, during that period, it was quite an intense work period, March, April, or March,
I saw the Iraqi video and I decided to help with that in any which way I could during my Easter holiday from the Parliament.
Because, you know, I am one of these people that helped organize protests against this war before it became a reality.
And knowing how war is, I know there's always
I don't know.
And just this general ambience in the video, the complete disrespect for the people that have just killed or were about to kill.
Yeah, even if you're going to kill somebody, you should be reverent about it.
This childlike... I mean, I saw videos of the G20 protesters singing, Oh Canada, Oh Canada, and police beating men, women, and children.
And I saw the comments going, yeah, beat them hippies.
I mean,
Again, they're fighting against the corrupt banks that are robbing us, but even if they are hippies, what's wrong with that?
Why would you support an injustice?
Why do people feel like they're winners when they kill some kids or beat some women?
I mean, this is sick!
It is very sick.
And I think one of the beautiful elements of this entire story with the Iraqi video is that we did send a journalist, an investigative journalist, one of our best here in Iceland to Balta to fast check to check if he could find witnesses and the children and so forth.
And he indeed did find the children who had been very seriously wounded.
Ethan, I forgot his last name, one of the soldiers that actually discovered the children and was running with them to the hospital.
That's where the ground forces show up and save the children who are bleeding to death.
And then they tell the helicopters you shot kids, and the helicopter guys start basically laughing about it, showing the difference.
They're up dehumanizing themselves, dehumanizing those they're killing, but the actual ground troops, they're actually there seeing the carnage, and they haven't lost their humanity.
But this, in particular this soldier who was carrying the children, he has done some incredibly courageous acts and he's with another soldier written an apology to the families that, you know, for example to the children and the mother who lost their husband, she lost her husband and they lost their father and I think one of the reasons the children were saved was that, you know, the father's body after it had been killed shielded them.
So, in a sense, and it was so important also for the families of the Reuters staff to finally hear the truth, and I find it so important that we remember that this is just one video.
How many more incidents are there like this?
This is not just one freak incident.
There is another segment in this video if you watch the roll cut.
We can see them blasting off a house, or a big department building.
And there is this guy just walking along the pavement, and they have him, they see him, and there's still fire at the house.
They have no respect for life.
And there were so many families in that house.
That's important to humanize these people because when the army is used against us here in the United States we want to be seen as human and they are training the military
To take on the American people.
In fact, here's an article today.
Check military to help National Guard establish chemical warfare unit in Texas.
And I've been to these drills.
These foreign troops are actually training to take on the American people.
They'll have a decontamination drill in front of the media for outward consumption.
But the real drills are to take on the American people.
And we're going to premiere next week the video from Chicago of foreign troops trying to take on
The American people.
So it's Iraqis today, it's us tomorrow.
But you said something interesting, Birgitta Jones, Dr. Ear, member of the Icelandic Parliament and who helped leak some of the WikiLeaks information, videos.
You were saying that the army
No, I'm just saying that, you know, I personally don't have any proof for that.
So I don't want to assume that it is indeed him or somebody else.
But I mean, let's say it is him.
I mean, Daniel Ellsberg didn't get in trouble, or they tried to, for releasing stuff that showed the government was lying and knew that the Vietnam War was lost, but was a moneymaker.
I mean, if the people that released the photos of Abu Ghraib torture, they didn't go to prison, the people that did the torture did.
This is, many human rights experts have pointed out, Obama seems to be expanding persecution of whistleblowers that have always been protected.
Well, I think, you know, if indeed this is Bradley Manning that leaked the Iraqi video, I think he is a hero, and he just behaved like a hero.
And I think it is very disturbing to find out what is actually occurring under Obama, because I think a lot of people were hoping that he would be entirely
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Well, an award-winning documentary filmmaker is going to have a new film about the murder of Pat Tillman.
It's going to air in theaters around the country and then on television, probably HBO.
McChrystal, by the way, was the guy who engaged in that cover-up of the murder of Pat Tillman.
He was going to whistle-blow about opium production and the war being a fraud, and they weren't going to let their biggest poster boy do that, so they killed him better than a hammer.
He was shot at a distance, and they came up on him and shot him at near point-blank range three times in the head.
And an army coroner came out and said he was murdered.
All the evidence showed murder.
So they're not going to cover this up, and that's at GCNlive.com by Paul Joseph Watson.
The letters G-C-N live.
That's the network website.
It's a prisonplanet.com article, but the best place to find it's at GCNlive.com.
New big screen documentary exposes Pat Tillman.
Cover-up, very very important.
And Birgitta Jones-Dotyera is with us.
She's a champion of liberty, really is.
And you know, she's saying, oh, I'm not in danger.
Oh, you know, the head of WikiLeaks, he's not in danger.
Well, Ellsberg says he is in danger.
You know, he's saying that Julian Assange is in danger.
And I tend to agree.
And so please, I know you want to get it out perfect and have journalists all over vet the videos and documents you have first.
But if it came from the Pentagon,
I would just put it all out there and say, folks, you decide what you think of this.
This is too dangerous.
We're handing the ball off.
But that's my advice.
And I'm not trying to scare you, you're a member of Parliament.
But I told the D.C.
I said, you need to release everything you know about those clients, and she didn't do it, and they murdered her.
And I talked to her apartment manager.
She said, yeah, men were following her.
She was going to see her mom.
She thought they were trying to kill her.
And then they did a fake note.
I even compared the note.
I even got the suicide note, compared it to her lease agreement that was sent to me by the manager of the condos.
He was friends with her.
She lived there for a decade and they killed her.
I'm not trying to scare you, I'm just telling you, these people don't play games.
And I know you know that, but just you're not bulletproof.
We love you, and ideas are bulletproof, but you're not bulletproof, and he's not bulletproof.
Either don't release it and say, okay, I'm not gonna release it, or get that info out now, because they are hunting Julian Assange.
Go ahead.
Well, I just want to stress that this information will be out as soon as possible.
And you're never going to commit suicide?
And Julian would never commit suicide?
But I think, you know, we're being cautious.
I mean, in particular him and other victims, volunteers.
But I also, I find that
It has to be very important that people go to the WikiLeaks.org website and read all the other material that is already available there.
There's an incredible goldmine of information that has been coming through the site for more than two years, or three years.
Go and educate yourself.
I think that's very important.
And there's also lots of... if people want to familiarize themselves with the image proposal, there's a very comprehensive website with information about what this will actually do at immi.is.
I will do so.
Well, I just want to stress and please ask people if they have horror stories from the IMF, please share it with me.
I'm hoping that we can put together a documentary about how the IMF really works.
So please share this information if you have it.
Well, you're awesome.
You're getting laws passed.
You're getting documents out.
You're making films.
You are doing everything you can for human liberty.
And because of your spirit and people like you, Birgitta Jones-Dottier, humanity and my children have a shot at a good future.
We salute you.
God bless you.
We'll be back.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Okay, we got Larry Becraft and the balance of the hour coming up after the 8 after.
I know we got loaded phones, and I've done a pretty good job lately of getting to some of your phone calls.
But right now, let's jam in as many calls as we can.
I'm trying to pull up my call list right now.
I'm going to try to get in as many as I can, so just a minute or two from each person before we get our guest on about Elena Kagan and the ongoing nightmare Supreme Court nomination that's going on right now.
So we'll break down who this woman really is and what she really stands for.
We've got her college thesis here about socialism.
You want to be Hillary Clinton or you want to be a Supreme Court Justice, you got to be a commie.
Because that's all Goldman Sachs bankroll.
She's also a Goldman Sachs partner.
Of course the banks want you to be a communist.
You give them all your money, they give you a machine gun in the face.
Hi, I'm Elena Kagan.
And I'm Mrs. Penguin.
Let's go ahead and talk to Joe in Hawaii.
You're on the air, Joe.
Hey, Alex Jones, you've been doing a great job.
I commend you for that.
Well, I try my best.
I just wanted to mention to you, you talked about how people that were born in the 70s were on a database, and I wanted to comment on that.
They like to use two decades, I guess, because it's kind of like there's a lot of bias
And, you know, and... All I know is the facts.
In a worldwide program in almost every industrialized country, starting in 1972-73, all blood was taken from babies at birth, and they told them, oh, it's a blood test, honey, and it was sent to the Pentagon for bioweapons research, mainly.
And now that's all declassified.
I got the secret documents 15 years ago.
People wouldn't believe it.
Go ahead.
Well, anyways, so I think that that's
You know, I've been fighting this for quite some time.
I wrote a letter to Dan Rather back in 1989 and he didn't reply back to me.
Well, I would imagine he gets a lot of mail.
Okay, but anyways, the reason that I've noticed, like on TV and so forth, there's a lot of bias on certain
Well, they're always playing class off, race off, what time frame you came from.
It's all about categorizing things so they can divide and conquer us, instead of, I'm into liberty, I'm into freedom, I'm against tyranny, because almost everyone is for liberty.
So they try to confuse us and have us go off of, I've got a mohawk, well I wear a cowboy hat.
All these little niches and little fake terms we attach to ourselves.
I'm not saying it's bad if you wear a cowboy hat or have a mohawk, I don't care.
People see some of my crew and some are conservative looking, some are preppy looking, some look like hippies, some look like punk rockers.
You know, I don't care what you look like, it's the content of your actions that I care about.
I have found though
Statistically, sometimes people into certain types of genres and things are into self-destructive things and I stay away from them.
But I appreciate your call, Joe.
I appreciate that.
Let's go ahead and talk to Josh in California.
You're on the air.
Hi, Alex.
Hey, buddy.
Hey, you know, I was wondering, I've noticed recently every time I've seen an oil spill on television anywhere, like the Exxon Valdez, a number of them, they've always been
And I've noticed that there's a lot of red in all of this, and they haven't really explained that.
But I was curious if you had heard anything about that.
Most of what you're seeing, in fact I saw this on CBS, I saw it on ABC, I meant to do a YouTube about it a month ago, they would show crews picking up oil and it wasn't oil, it was seaweed.
A couple months ago, it started coming in, it comes in in the spring and it's there all summer.
On the South
We're good to go.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Well, joining us for the next 52 minutes is Larry Becraft, constitutional attorney based in Huntsville, Alabama, who specializes in criminal defense cases, primarily in federal income tax.
And he's won a lot of cases in the highest courts of the land.
He's a real patriot constitutional lawyer.
That's why we like to have him on.
In fact, we should have him on a lot more than we've had him on.
Just time flies when you're fighting tyranny and having fun.
And we'll give you his website on screen for PrisonPlanet.tv viewers as well and have him verbally give it out to radio listeners coming up.
Now he sent us something I hadn't seen.
I've seen some of her law papers, I've seen decisions and
Positions she put out as Solicitor General.
I had seen how she lobbied in White House minutes For radical political agenda.
She's anti Second Amendment.
She's made statements like if the government doesn't like speech we can disappear it We've got the diversities are in the White House saying we'd have censorship like Hugo Chavez of Venezuela I've seen
Cass Sunstein of course say put a tax on it first the internet and alternative news then start arresting people that's now been proposed by the FCC and made national news even the Associated Press.
I mean this is really happening to to start the taxing to start the black boxes that decide what you can get the prior restraint of information.
So it's all going on and but I wanted to get him on last week about Kagan coming out but he's separately this morning
Send us her thesis, the conclusions, lengthy, and I've only read part of it, but he's read the whole hundred page document.
The final conflict.
The globalists always call it the final revolution, the final conflict.
Socialism in New York City, 1900 to 1933, and just scanning over it,
I said to Becraft, is this how the socialist wonderful dream failed when the progressives tried to take over?
And he said, yes.
So we're going to get him to go over the lowlights of this.
And of course, last year we got Hillary's thesis that had been sealed.
How great Lenin was.
How great... I mean, these people are monsters.
They are revolutionaries overthrowing our republic.
They want to silence you.
They want to make you a ward of the state.
But I wanted to first, with Larry Becraft, get his take, and he has heard it, I asked him, of Kagan's own words.
It's fine if the law bans books, because government won't really enforce it.
This is her, before the Supreme Court, as the Solicitor General, and the Supreme Court saying, well this statute that's being challenged in a court case, we're saying it should be changed.
Not even a statute, it's a regulation, because it doesn't matter if it hasn't been used.
This says the government can ban books preemptively, and so we want it thrown out.
And she says, no, if it hasn't been used, we're not going to voluntarily change it in the federal agencies, because it doesn't matter, because she wants to keep that power there.
And I don't know what you legally call this, but the justices, you know, got angry with her and did reverse her.
But here's an article, Nat Hentoff, Philadelphia man indicted for using right to free speech, and I read this earlier in the show, but I want to reread it because it's so important.
This has been all over the news, but the news is reporting it as if it's a good thing.
Bruce Shore,
He lost his job.
He saw Senator Jim Bunning on C-SPAN, on Washington Journal, talking about how he didn't want to have to go debate unemployment benefits because he wanted to go to a baseball game.
And that made the man livid because he was on unemployment.
So he sent an email saying, are you all insane?
That's quote, no checks equal no food for me.
Do you get it?
And then it goes on how the grand jury indicted him, the FBI arrested him, and U.S.
Marshals came and got him, and they quoted in the indictment by the grand jury the language in the Communications Act of 1934 as amended and updated and including electronic messages of the Telecommunications Act of 96, and it said he did utilize the device
Uh, to abuse, threaten, or harass any person who received the communication.
And so they're now saying, well, calling them crazy, or asking if you're insane, is now an act of, uh, of, um, again, what's the key term they use here?
Of, of...
Trying to find it.
Of annoyance.
Annoyance will put you in prison.
Now, if that isn't the essence of tyranny, I don't know what is.
So I wanted to dovetail that with Kagan's asinine statement of, well, just because it's on the books and we haven't used it, let's leave it there.
Let's get Larry Becraft's take on that.
Larry, thank you for joining us.
It's a pleasure, Alex.
How you doing?
Break down what you think of this before I play the short clip.
You mean Kagan?
Yes, Kagan's arguing that we can have a law on the books to ban books.
This gets back around to, if you remember when Sotomayor was going through her confirmation hearings, you know, she was asked questions about the Second Amendment.
And, you know, she seemed to acknowledge, you know, what, gee, you know, it means what it says, you know, I'm not going to be an advocate on the court that's going to do something different.
And yet, yesterday, when that decision came out, guess where Sotomayor is?
She's in the minority.
She's against it.
Yeah, she said, I support the Chicago total gun ban, just like the Attorney General, just like Obama as a senator.
I mean, they're a pack of liars.
Kagan has an agenda, and her agenda is revealed.
One of the two things that I haven't had access to are some University of Chicago Law Review articles that she wrote.
She wrote one in 1993, and she wrote one in 1996.
The first one is entitled, Regulation of Hate Speech and Pornography, and the second one in 1996, Private Speech, Public Purpose, the Role of Governmental Motive in the First Amendment Doctrine.
Now, if you take a look at, you know, all the cases dealing with the First Amendment, take into consideration what the First Amendment says, Congress will make no law.
And then take a look at the decisions, and, you know, the Court's pretty strong in upholding First Amendment rights and saying... Yeah, her opinion in these law reviews is ass-backwards.
But unfortunately, she has an agenda.
And the agenda is to move away and bring in a new criteria for judging rights under the First Amendment.
You know, right now, the way the Supreme Court will look at it is, here's speech, somebody said it, and it's government abridging it, stopping the speech.
She wants to come along, and if you read these two long-read articles that she's written, her objective is to, well, let's bring in a new format here for analysis of it.
And government can regulate speech if government has
That's a good motive.
And the quote is, if we're stopping discrimination, prior constraint is okay, we can disappear the speech.
I think that's one of the reasons why she's being promoted to the court.
Yeah, they said, my God, this woman ought to be in running Nazi Germany or Soviet Russia.
In fact, you say you have those papers.
I've read them before on air, but do you have those actual quotes in front of you?
Well, I don't have those quotes.
I've got some quotes that I pulled up, you know, for the purposes of the show.
Like in the 1993 Law Review article, you know, she stated, the question I pose is whether there are any ways to achieve at least some of the goals of, you know, Anna Pornography and Anna H.
I've seen that quote.
Like the First Amendment's a hurdle you gotta get over, and boy isn't she a genius because she's gonna figure out... I mean Thomas Jefferson had these quotes about, you know, let's not have people in there in the future that twist the meaning of things.
Let's be very clear, and it is very clear.
Well that's exactly what her purpose is, is to change the meaning, make it more confusing, to totally stand it on its head.
Now the 96 Law Review article she wrote, you know, she's bringing in a new concept and you'll find that, you know, Law Review articles written by, you know, the pointy headed people like Elena Kagan, you know, the whole purpose is to begin to change the philosophy of things.
And, you know, in this particular article, she's bringing in the idea that, well, you know, we ought to look at the First Amendment from the perspective of, you know, does the government have a good motive?
And, you know, if the government has a motive in suppressing a certain speech and it's, you know, it's beneficial and it's a good motive, that plays a role in whether or not we can squelch free speech.
And so you can see, if she gets on the court,
First of all, you know, she's going to begin the corrosion of what we have to understand today in the way of our First Amendment rights.
That's her whole purpose for getting on the court.
Would you agree or disagree?
She's a big friend of Cass Sunstein.
She mentions him in this 1996... Well, he's the one that brought her into Harvard and of course she's a former Goldman Sachs member and he menses no words.
He says, I want to arrest people.
We've read his quotes.
No, I mean, I agree with you totally.
I've read the same law papers that you've read.
I just want to get your view on it.
It's just that it gets more and more incredible how brazen they are.
I mean, this woman
She's not suited.
She's never tried a case.
She's never been a judge.
She's a millionaire.
So I guess the fact... Alex, don't forget that.
Yeah, so she's rich, so it's okay.
Hey, Alex, let's get back to before she wrote in 1981.
You know, she was a student at Princeton, and she had to write a thesis.
So she sat out, and you know that somebody... but listen, let's go back to the days when you and I were that age, you know, early 20s.
Has your mindset really changed since you were 20, 21?
Yes, I was pro-Second Amendment, pro-property rights, patriotic American, and my parents passed on what I can now look back in hindsight, the proper view, the only view, pro-liberty, true freedom, true individualism, and it's only become more seasoned and more intense.
Well, she's from the same mold.
She has gone down through the same process.
She was socialistic.
She wouldn't sit down and write 130 pages about the history of socialism in a 20-year period at the first part of the 20th century, 1901 through about 1919, 1920.
She writes a history of, you know, why the socialistic movement in New York, you know, got rolling and, you know, how it had to go through a bunch of battles and, you know, how it waned and, you know, didn't have any influence.
When you sit down and read what she wrote in her thesis, you can tell she's not someone that is against communism.
She is somebody that throws in all the little places, you know, the glories of socialism.
She loves it.
Stay there, stay there.
You've got the thesis, and I haven't seen anybody cover this, so I'm glad you ferreted this out.
Larry Becraft, constitutional lawyer.
Hello, this is Alex Jones with some important questions.
If you're going into a battle and they give you a rifle and a sidearm, how much ammunition do you want?
My answer would be all I can get.
In the battle for freedom and the lives of your loved ones, food is your only ammunition.
How much do you want?
When do you want it?
Now or after the battle starts?
When will you need it?
Can you buy it without proper identification?
Will there be any food?
Will it make your children sick?
If there's a quarantine and you can't feed yourself, will you go to the gathering center and be immunized?
You wipe out all these problems if you have
We're good to go.
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You're subject to other police action.
Tyranny is here.
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This documentary exposes how the continuity of government program has established an all-powerful shadow state.
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Larry Becraft, constitutional lawyer, is our guest.
We're looking at the confirmation of
Elena Kagan, will she be confirmed?
Republicans are leaning towards, at least the leadership's saying they're going to confirm her.
You had four of the nine, that's a good point Larry made out of the gates, who said, we believe in total gun bans in America, it's not an individual right, yesterday.
And the way I read that decision is, but we'll talk about this in the next segment with him, is that, oh, you got a right, but we can regulate it down to nothing.
And so this is the first time the Supreme Court, from my knowledge, has ruled that they have a right to start restricting.
So I see it as a big defeat.
Overall, kind of like the last ruling, said, well, we can regulate and restrict them.
You just can't be a total restriction.
But we'll get Larry Becraft's take on that coming up later.
Larry, getting back into her thesis, here it is, conclusion to the thesis, as she's basically just talking about why the poor socialists didn't completely take America down, like they were able to in the Soviet Russia.
Please continue.
Well, Alex, I think her conclusion... You know, this is a lady that wrote about, for 130 plus pages in her thesis, the glories of socialism.
She examined a 20-year period.
It shows to me she's studying exactly what she likes.
Now, the conclusion is a very good demonstration of how she feels.
Could I read the very last paragraph of the conclusion of her thesis?
Oh no, read all the quotes you want directly.
Through its own internal feuding, then, the Socialist Party exhausted itself forever and further reduced labor radicalism in New York to the position of marginality and insignificance from which it has never recovered.
The story is a sad, but also chastening one for those who, more than a half a century after socialism's decline, still wish to change America.
Radicals have often succumbed to the devastating bane of sectarianism.
It is easier, after all, to fight one's fellows than it is to battle an entrenched and powerful foe.
Yet if the history of local New York shows anything,
It is that American radicals cannot afford to become their own worst enemies.
In unity lies their only hope.
She penned these words.
She wants the forces of socialism that were battling each other back in the early part of the 20th century... Well, they're a pack of parasites.
They can never... ...in that battle to unite and become America's radicals.
And of course they can't ever work together.
They're a bunch of parasites, a bunch of vampires, and vampires can't feed on vampires.
But the big banks literally finance these monsters because they socialize working people's wealth and then give it to themselves.
And the poor working people that got conned into socialism, they end up in a work camp.
Did you see her yesterday and today, the way... I've never seen somebody in a confirmation hearing
Uh, for the cabinet, for the military, scowl and act crazed.
She is so arrogant.
I mean, did you see that?
Well, I heard your comments yesterday, you know, and only because of what you said yesterday did last night, I watched on the boob tube, some coverage of it.
And I agree 100% with what you had to say.
She was scowling.
I mean, you know, she's scary to look at.
What more do you need to say, Alex?
Well, I mean, yeah, I see people that aren't the classic attractive all the time, but if they have a jovial, nice attitude, I find them attractive.
I mean, it's almost like a light bulb in somebody.
If it's a nice light, they look nice.
It could be an old fat man, doesn't matter.
But if somebody's evil, I mean, when I look at her,
I was getting upset yesterday.
They had her on the TV set.
There's a TV set.
In fact, guys, show them the document cam.
There's a television set in here in the control room, in the broadcast studio, and I was looking at her, and it was just flipping me out that this maggot, this anti-Second Amendment, anti-free speech monster, that my children will live under this witch, and just the power-tripping, arrogant scowl, it was driving me into a rage, Larry.
People, you know, with that type of internal make-up, that internal make-up shows through not only their personality, but their physical features.
So, you know, you weren't looking at somebody that was concealed.
You got to see actually who she was, and that's scary.
Well, that's another great point, Larry.
I'll continue.
We're going to break here in a moment, but continue with any other quotes out of the thesis.
I mean, that was... In fact, re-read that.
That was so telling.
Well, let me read the beginning of it.
In our own times, a coherent socialist movement is nowhere to be found in the United States.
Americans are more likely to speak of a golden past than of a golden future, of capitalism's glories than of socialism's greatness.
Conformity overrides dissent.
The desire to conserve has overwhelmed the urge to alter.
Such as state affairs cries out for an explanation.
She gives the explanation why in a society by no means perfect has a radical party never attained the status of a major political forum.
But now they have with Obama, and you've got, in his book he wrote, and on TV, he says he loves Saul Alinsky, that's Chris Matthews, he loves communism, but then if you even call government healthcare socialism, Chris Matthews calls you a racist.
He knows what he's doing.
He's using race card to bully you into submitting to his murderous takeover.
These people are parasite criminals who want your guns.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Alright, I've been interrupting Becraft as I always do in my banter.
So I want him to go back through her treatise, through her thesis, through some of her other quotes here in a moment, and then I want to play the audio of her before the Supreme Court as the Solicitor General, where she talks about banning books.
And says, well, we don't have to get that off the books because we're not, we haven't ever used it.
Well, then why wouldn't you get rid of it?
The Supreme Court justices Scalia and others basically scoriate her on that subject.
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All right, going back to Larry Becraft.
Larry, start over again.
I mean, just say you've got five minutes, closing statements to the jury.
About Elena Kagan, and you're trying to stop her, and people are calling Congress right now, and they're calling the media, and they're trying to sneak her through.
The Republicans are playing possum on this.
I mean, they're letting it go through.
You got five minutes to address the world.
What would you say to them about hair Elena Kagan?
She grew up a socialist.
She had a radical brother that introduced her to a philosophy that was socialism.
She investigated that and found that the radical way of life was to her liking.
Now that radical way of life is just like everybody that's in favor of communism.
Communism is nothing more than a raw power click at the top of society.
They want to steal from the rest of everybody else.
So they go through this brainwashing program to the effect that says, well, you have no rights.
You don't even have the right to property.
And once you get a populist that's brainwashed like that, the ruling elite can take whatever they want.
And they can do with everybody whatever they please.
That is the ideas that Elena Kagan loves.
She loved it so much, rather than when she was in school at Princeton, wanting to graduate and confronting the task of writing a thesis.
You know, somebody that's going to write a thesis is going to pick a topic that they know they're going to have to investigate, and they're going to do something, they're going to write about something that they like.
I think?
You come to the real conclusion that this lady has died in the world of socialism, and if she wrote that at the age of 21, 22, 23, you know that somebody like that hasn't changed their outlook on the world.
She still really believes in that philosophy, and the only thing that's changed is she has matured, and her ideas along the same line have only become more profound.
That is Elena Kagan.
And of course, you know, most people, you know, I'm a red-blooded American man just like you, and we can take a look at certain women and certain men and make a determination as to their sexual propensities.
And that's of course what Elena Kagan likes.
So not only is she coming from this socialistic background, the legal scholar that she is, and let me just tell you Alex... Well even CBS News said that she was a lesbian, and I mean, the point is if she is one, why not be honest about it?
Well, I'm not saying anything about it, but I just don't traffic with those types of people.
Well, I mean, my issue is that you live in the wrong world.
Exactly, but when she was in the Clinton administration, she tried to make all her decisions according to that.
Well, if you take a look at where she... she has that agenda!
That is an agenda of a minority here in America.
That is not an agenda that is looking out for the best interests of everybody as a whole.
She is in there to pursue her own and protect her own special interests.
And if you read her 93 and 96 Law Review articles that she wrote for the University of Chicago Law Review, that is exactly what she wants to do.
It's all she talks about.
She's obsessed with it.
Instead of cutting my taxes and leaving my private property alone and letting me raise my kids, she wants to come in and brainwash me and my family.
She's obsessed with this issue.
That's all she cares about.
And her and Sonia Sotomayor, I guess, can, you know, go fishing together.
Well, what more can I say, Alex?
You just finished it off.
I'm sorry, go ahead.
No, no, no, that's good.
How about the gun issue?
Yeah, oh yeah.
Let's get into that.
You know, two years ago, right about now, we had the Heller decision came out.
Now, I followed the Heller decision as it went up because a good friend of mine, Dane von Reichenbergart, with the U.S.
Bill of Rights Foundation in Washington, D.C., his landlord was Dick Heller!
And he's the guy that set up the whole Heller case!
And when they went through, when they created the factual foundation that would enable them to go to court and litigate the gun ban, you know, Dane is the one that set all that up.
You ought to get him on the show!
But, you know, I followed all the steps going up through the courts, you know, on the Heller case, because, you know, I talked to Dane.
Well, gee, where are things going on with it right now?
And it also resulted in something beneficial.
And that demonstrates that, you know, one of the things the Freedom Movement doesn't do, you know, we have a lot of people just kind of running around, they don't, you know, don't know where to go or what to do.
Here's an illustration of something that was successful.
They sat down and planned a legal course of litigation, and they carefully planned it, and went all the way to the Supreme Court, and guess what?
We got the Heller decision.
Now the same thing with the McDonald's case, you know, they made a very careful litigation strategy that has resulted in another favorable, you know, to a degree favorable decision.
And I certainly concur with you about what the court is indicating, the limits of the police power.
And that's something I want to talk about and mention here in the closing moments of the show.
I see where the gun rights battle is going to go.
I think we're going to have to shift over to, you know, while we were dealing with the Second Amendment, and really the Second Amendment, if it's going to be incorporated into the 14th Amendment and made applicable to the states, you know, the Second Amendment, in my view, is not as powerful as a lot of the state constitutional provisions in the same respect.
So you're saying we've got to use the state constitutions against these cities and counties that are out of control?
Absolutely, but the reason why they've got to do it up in Chicago is you don't have a constitutional provision in the Illinois Constitution.
But let me read to you the Alabama Constitution, and you will see that this provision is, in my view, and I think you'll agree, that it's stronger than the Second Amendment.
It says that every citizen has a right to bear arms in defense of himself and the state.
Now that doesn't have any relationship to the militia.
And it also talks about, you have the right to bear arms in defense of yourself.
Now the Texas Constitution is almost identical, except there's an acknowledgment of this thing known as the police power, and I'm going to discuss the police power in just a second.
But the Texas Constitution says every citizen shall have the right to keep and bear arms in the lawful defense of himself or the state.
But the legislature shall have power, by law, to regulate the wearing of arms.
With a view to prevent crime.
Now, you know, that second phrase right there after the semicolon, you know, but the legislature's not in power.
You know, that's an acknowledgment, that's a real good discretion.
You know, when a lawyer looks at that and says, ah, you know, that's based on the police power of the state.
Now, the police power of the state is something that the patriot movement doesn't know anything about, the freedom movement.
And it's something that we need to really understand to reach the scope of the police power of the state.
And when we sit down and study that subject matter,
You'll reach the conclusion that the limits, here is one of the limits of the power of the state, the police power of the state, and the state cannot prevent.
There is no lawful authority for government to stop the people from doing something beneficial for themselves.
The police power of the state extends to those things that protect the health, safety, and welfare of the state.
For an activity that would harm the health, welfare, or safety of the people, you can enact laws.
But then again, there's a whole lot of stupid laws.
And they're always using the welfare clause to basically enslave us, just like they use federally the commerce clause.
But here's how I read the decision as a layman, and I will defer to you as a very successful constitutional law scholar and constitutional lawyer.
But I understand that the suits were good, the reasons for the suits were good, the NRA in both briefings went in and added their own amicus brief that they add on to it that basically agreed, we say you can restrict guns under the law, you just can't say there's an
Outright ban here and of course the head of Gunners of America has agreed that overall it can be seen as positive that they didn't just outright say you have no right to a second amendment turn all your guns in but four of the nine did say that in both cases but now
I heard Violence Policy Center and Handgun Control Incorporated on TV and on radio both saying, oh, this is great for us.
Sure, it says you might have some right under law if the city so chooses, basically, to let you jump to the red tape to allow some people to have guns in some cases.
But we're now going to use this in other areas to state that we do have this.
You have a Second Amendment.
Uh, except when abridged by law.
So they see it as the first time the Supreme Court, in my knowledge, is saying, yeah, you got a Second Amendment, and that Second Amendment's a right for us to write a bunch of red tape and make it almost impossible.
Well, that's certainly the thrust of the decision itself.
That here you have a right, and there's a police power regulation that can control that right.
What I am saying in response to that, hear me out, let me ask you this, Alex.
Can the government pass a law that if a citizen is attacked by a burglar,
No, they cannot restrain you from a right you already have.
That's why we have the right of citizen's arrest, which they're trying to eradicate, because it shows inherent in us, you know, as the top of the food chain in the governmental system, a government for and by we the people.
Now, they have tried to pass laws like that in Chicago, and they're now trying to prosecute people, and England does it, and it shows the government wants the monopoly of force, like the mafia, where you've got to go to them to get your insurance, and then they don't provide it, and the courts have ruled that police have no liability to protect you, so I believe that they do not have a right to do that, and the courts have shown that.
Well, the reason I'm bringing this up is to offer, you know, a new groundwork, a new way of thinking, you know, to change everybody's mindset, to start thinking about, you know, a different way of looking at your rights.
And if the state simply does not have the right to enact a law that would prevent you from defending yourself when you're attacked by, you know, some criminal,
If they don't have that power, then where do they have the power to come along and say you can't use arms in defense of yourself?
Because the limits of the state government, the government can't harm the people.
Anytime that the government comes along and
No, no, I totally agree with you.
You're absolutely right, and that's a key point you brought up here.
You know, every statistic shows, back in the 60s, people were trying to be trendy.
It was almost 50-50 pro-gun rights, anti-gun rights.
Now the polls I see are in the 70s or higher.
The momentum's shifting.
All the liberals I know are out literally buying guns.
They've broken their conditioning.
The gun culture is back.
And is really growing.
And I think they're horrified and desperately going for everything right now.
And I think in their miscalculation, in their attempt to really get us down on the ground, that they're going to reveal themselves and that we are going to beat these people.
I can feel it.
I can see it.
What do you see, Larry Becraft?
Well, you know, here's what happened in the last couple of years.
You know, I've been involved with the organized freedom movement for more than 30 years.
I met Trevor Saucy back in 1979, Alex, and I've been with the organized freedom movement ever since.
I've seen the good, the bad, and the ugly of the freedom movement.
But the movement has grown, and then it's been attacked, and it's, you know, people have fallen out, and, you know, gone all the way.
But what has changed, and I really want to tell you that I believe Ron Paul really started it,
It was a catalyst for the final illusion that we're alone to show us just how powerful we are.
Absolutely, and then I think that was critical in bringing about the Tea Parties.
And yes, I would like to think, and I really do think, that we are on the cusp of reasserting our power and moving forward.
But we've got to do it in a very careful, organized way.
And we've got to never stop, and we've got to realize it's life and death.
I want to play a clip of a congressman, uh, Congressman King, talking about Obama's birth certificate.
As we go to break, we're going to come back and play the Kagan clip of her saying, yes, the government can have laws on the books to ban books.
But here's the, uh, here's the birth certificate issue coming up.
For their $44,000, that's their share of the national debt.
Little baby with ink on their foot, stamped right there on the birth certificate.
There's one in this country we haven't seen, but the footprint on those we have seen, those little babies, all Uncle Sam, $44,000.
You know, regardless of whether he was born in Hawaii or not, it tends, the way they're acting, it looks like Kenya and his grandmother does say it.
We know he was an Indonesian citizen, and we know that he had to give up his citizenship to do that, and we know his real name is Barry Sitaro.
What are we doing having a president who we can't even figure out his real name?
I mean, I think that was done by design to set a precedent.
Hey Alex, you know what?
The President is part of the enactment of laws.
Congress comes along and passes laws.
It doesn't become a law, you know, unless there's an overriding of a veto or he doesn't take any action.
But he signs off and around this legislation.
And by his signature on legislation, it becomes a law.
The thing we ultimately can prove, and I believe that Barry Sortero is not an American citizen,
That then becomes an unconstitutional act and it has an effect upon every bit of legislation at the federal level.
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Tropical Storm Alex is forecast to become a hurricane in the next day and to make landfall in the next day and a half.
It is going to push a lot of oil out of the Gulf, that's out in the middle of the Gulf, into the Gulf states in the U.S.
and Obama is doing everything he can to block the response of this.
This is high treason.
This is terrorism.
He's on record blocking oil skimming ships.
One that's from Taiwan that can get 500,000 gallons a day.
I mean, this is amazing.
And it's all being blocked so that it's the biggest disaster possible so we can get the carbon tax.
Don't let a good crisis go to waste.
This is high treason.
We'll be covering it more tomorrow.
Laurie Beecraft's our guest, but I wanted to play this from the Supreme Court with Elena Kagan, a Solicitor General before them, arguing that the government can have it on the books, that they can ban books.
Here it is.
If Congress could say no
The government's view is that although 441B does cover full-length books, that there would be a quite good as-applied challenge.
Uh, to any attempt to apply 441B in that context.
And I should say that the FEC has never applied 441B in that context.
So, for 60 years, a book has never been at issue.
What happened to the overbreadth doctrine?
I mean, I thought our doctrine in the Fourth Amendment is if you write it too broadly,
We're not going to pare it back to the point where it's constitutional.
If it's overbroad, it's invalid.
What happened to that?
I don't think that it would be substantially overbroad, Justice Scalia, if I tell you that the FEC has never applied this statute to a book.
To say that it doesn't apply to books is to take off, you know, essentially nothing.
We don't put our First Amendment rights in the hands of FEC bureaucrats.
Well, what if the particular movie involved here had not been distributed?
And of course, you know the federal government tried to stop a movie about Hillary Clinton that was critical of her, and they did stop it, saying that it criticized her so it was bad.
That's what campaign finance reform is.
Restrict our free speech, let offshore corporations get even more money.
Here's Bloomberg.
Banks finalizing Mexico.
Banks financing Mexico gangs admitted in Wells Fargo deal, we'll cover this more tomorrow.
Bank of America, Wachovia, others just laundering drug money knowingly.
Well, of course, that's why they keep drugs illegal, to keep the price up.
But, I mean, Larry Becraft, they're now moving into books.
They're now moving into speech.
And, you know, here she is saying the bureaucrats should be able to decide if you can write a book or not.
I mean, this woman's a monster.
I don't disagree with you at all, but you know what she's saying there when you... She has the mindset.
She sat down and wrote two, you know, two law review articles that are similar in nature with the same philosophy.
You know that that philosophy embeds, you know, it's the heart of the court.
She says I get to decide.
She says I'm a good person in her law review and I'll decide.
You can trust me with the power.
Why would you trust a bureaucrat with anything?
Well, this is insane!
In our system of government, we trust no one with power that's unconstitutional.
You got that on the... hit the nail on the head.
Hey, we've got to get the word out on Elena Kagan.
I don't know whether we're going to have any impact, but, you know, let me just tell you, everything that you've done, Alex, is going to... is quantum leaps in the direction we need to go, and I want to thank you for that.
Well, Larry Beecraft, I want to thank you and I'll have you back very, very soon to cover more of these issues.
God bless you.
Just search the term, what, Beecraft Briefs, and that'll find your website for folks that want to check it out.
We'll talk to you again very soon.
Everybody should call time.
Thank you, Larry.
Take care.
We need to call Congress.
We need to call governors and have them call Congress.
We need to call the media and say, is this the new precedent?
I mean, a little monster socialist who believes you can ban books and who believes they can, quote, disappear speech and who doesn't believe in the Second Amendment.
I mean, we almost lost our Second Amendment by one vote yesterday.
See you back live tomorrow.
Good job, crew.
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