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Name: 20100622_Tue_Alex
Air Date: June 22, 2010
1637 lines.
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He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, we've now reached the halfway point in this Tuesday transmission.
We're simulcasting the radio show in living color at PrisonPlanet.tv.
It is Tuesday, the 22nd day of June 2010.
I'm taking your calls and covering news for the next 30 minutes.
Then, a great researcher, author...
Very astute historian, because I've done a lot of research and I learn a lot from Alan Watt.
But so much of the time when he's talking, I know the exact quotes, the history, what he's researched.
He's just one of the most amazing brains we talk to.
That's coming up in 30 minutes.
And I can just tell you, he's bonafide.
His information is dead-on and very deep, very piercing, and so we'll always have thought-provoking banter back and forth and your phone calls when he joins us.
If you just joined us yourself, this is out of the Associated Press.
Judge blocks Gulf offshore drilling moratorium.
A federal judge in New Orleans has blocked a six-month moratorium on new deep-water drilling projects that was imposed in response to the massive oil spill.
This is a breaking news update.
The man in charge of the $20 million fund to compensate people whose livelihoods have been ruined by the Gulf, a Mexico oil spill, has headed back Tuesday to talk to officials about the claims process.
So that was just a little blurb there at the top of the AP in a separate article.
Continuing, Louisiana police pull over activists at behest of BP.
We'll tell you more about this.
And Google facing criminal charges in the U.S.
as now as many as 20 states line up with criminal indictments for their illegal NSA spying at the behest of the NSA.
They are the NSA.
And we've all told you that years ago.
They're watching you off the cameras on your computer at home, folks.
They even admit that.
They hide in plain view.
That's a psych warfare technique.
State Attorney Generals are waking up and going, this is illegal.
You've got vans driving around capturing everyone's digital traffic illegally?
That's wiretapping.
Side issue.
That's coming up.
The Iran situation.
But right now, let's go to your calls.
Tony in Illinois.
Tony, you're on the air.
How you doing, Alex?
I just got two comments for you.
You know, if you go to Arizona, be very careful because the Mexican cartels,
And they're going to be on some crazy stuff.
I live in Chicago and people are just killing each other over being able to sell a little bit of crack.
Yeah, I read there were 50 plus murders over the weekend in Chicago.
In fact, guys, Google 54 murders Chicago.
I think it was murders or it may have been violent incidents.
I saw that headline.
Go ahead, sir.
And my other comment is, I'm part of We Are Change Chicago and we're going to be the taste of Chicago.
The whole entire thing, handing out DVDs, pegging out flyers, telling people the truth.
Trying to wake up the American citizens to what is happening in our world right now.
Because there's a lot of people that are asleep that don't know.
Like, the building I live in, I wear my Barrett Chautau shirt and I live around a bunch of yuppies.
They just look at me, you know.
Well, they're the type of people that would go watch LeBron James, you know, and 4,000 people for an appreciation event that he barely even showed up to.
That's what's valuable to them.
So, as I said, move on as you're doing to people that do care.
The yuppie-type folks or the trendies, they're never going to be a factor in history.
They don't want to be a factor.
What else is on your mind?
Um, I pray for you every night, Alex.
You, your family, your staff, for God to watch over you and take care of you and bless you as you're giving the information that needs to be heard.
The media doesn't say none of this stuff.
They're scared, you know?
They don't want to talk about this stuff.
Well, or they say it, but they spin it!
Yeah, that's true.
That's true.
You're right, a lot of times they lie, but I'm also... People say, well, why are you reading mainstream news if it's all bull?
Well, here's an example.
California license plates may go digital.
Image ad blaring license plates.
NBC News.
Well, this is them telling you a Big Brother system is good.
And I'm going to take their propaganda and point out how it's bad.
Before I read the article, and I saw this last night on Infowars.com, a link to it, I immediately knew what it was going to say before I read it.
Not that I'm smart, I know the enemy.
I knew it would later in the article say it was going to be government propaganda messages, not just ads.
And sure enough, tattle on your neighbor, spy on your neighbor, kids tattle on your parents, your license plates will now be telescreens.
They helped to create a new world order.
We are part of a new world order.
A new world order based upon collective action.
Invisible Empire is a damning indictment of the globalists through their own words and documents.
The New World Order really is a tool for addressing a new world of possibilities.
It means all the world under their control.
The United Nations would take over America.
The Trilateral Commission would control the world.
Invisible Empire chronicles how men of power and influence have worked in stealth for centuries to establish an oppressive world government.
I believe first of all that we now need nothing short of a world constitution for the global financial system.
Global governance with the establishment of the G20.
So it's going to be an inner ruling elite and then everyone else.
And I got news for you.
You're everyone else.
Invisible Empire.
Secure your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com.
Or watch it online in the highest quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Hello, this is Alex Jones with some important questions.
If you're going into a battle and they give you a rifle and a sidearm, how much ammunition do you want?
My answer would be all I can get.
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You wipe out all these problems if you have a good food supply.
Food is your ammunition to fight for your freedom and your life.
How much will you need?
We don't know.
How much do you want?
All you can get.
I'm Alex Jones.
We're good to go.
The question is, where should the American people draw their line in the sand?
What have we got?
A republic or a monarchy?
A republic.
It's based on a constitution which protects minority rights.
Not democracy, not mob rule.
Two wolves and a sheep voting on what's for dinner.
So they think they own our land?
They think they own our water?
Our education?
Our money?
We have to define who we are and what we will tolerate.
Somebody's gonna ask you what you did during the Patriot Uprising.
You have been warned.
We have the facts.
We have the Constitution.
We have the Bill of Rights.
We have common law.
Knowledge is power, ladies and gentlemen.
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This Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
All right, my friends.
We are continuing with your phone calls.
Let's talk to Helen in Canada.
You're on the air, Helen.
Hi, Alex.
There's definitely a war on for our minds and it's been going on for a long time.
In Canada, in my province where I live, just last week when I attended our school board meeting where I'm allowed to speak for three minutes,
And now the board of trustees which has been a long time.
They're just puppets.
And it's all controlled by either the province or probably by the feds and beyond.
Well let me just add, this happened twice in the last two years, where the parliament didn't vote the way the Queen wanted on taxes and regulations, and on open borders, unlimited immigration, and the Queen
Had her Governor General activate and just take control.
And the media kept it real quiet.
It was in a few newspapers.
And of course, just a few months before that, I'd been on a CBC radio show with them laughing at me, saying, the Governor General will never trump our Parliament here.
Because I was talking about him doing it previously in Australia.
And then it happened right after that.
And since then, I've been on national CBC radio.
And the host has had to admit, yes, we're totally run by the Queen.
See, the Queen
One of her sons owns the biggest publishing and TV production company that puts out almost all of the main scandal rags.
And they report on themselves how they're pathetic and stupid and have no money.
But it's this cute little thing that the British like to have, kind of for tourism.
Okay, and it's a total psyop.
And of course her real money's a state secret.
Show is it a state secret, Queen Beatrix, her cousin, over in the Netherlands.
So, I mean literally she runs this country now, she runs Canada, she runs, and again I was watching Sherlock Holmes.
The new Sherlock Holmes, and it's all what really is going on.
Satanists are running things.
All the top British Lords that are in the government, not the General Lords, but the top British Lords are Satanists.
They're into Luciferianism, and they've secretly taken America back over, and they orchestrated the Civil War in the U.S.
to break America up, but Sherlock Holmes stops them.
Well, it's actually on record the British finance the South.
And put troops in the north, and I'm not saying I'm for the north, folks.
Nobody was a winner here.
They were manipulating both sides.
That's the point.
We're always taught to believe one side or the other.
And here they are just throwing real history in our face in a Hollywood movie.
Just amazing.
But that is the reality.
We have been taken over by British intelligence, and that's what the CFR is.
Go ahead.
Oh, in addition to this, there's a little article in the paper that says Pope begs for forgiveness for child sex abuse.
So this is Club of Rome, and the response was inherently problematic because of the church's ancient, unhealthy, monoclerical structures.
So that substantiates what you have just said.
Well, it's incredible.
That's amazing.
I mean, any type of society or organization that doesn't let men get married, you're going to end up having men having sex with men.
I mean, look at historically with sailors and pirates, no matter whatever it was, Asian pirates, Anglo pirates, there ended up being a lot of that going on.
And I mean, and then you've got these men over kids.
What's going to happen?
I mean, it's terrible and it needs to be exposed.
I appreciate your call.
Let's go ahead and talk to Gabriel in New York.
Gabriel, you're on the air.
Hello, Alex Jones.
It's Gabriel from New York.
I've called him before.
I have two important things I want to talk about with regards to Memorial Day.
It just passed on the 4th of July.
That's coming up.
I'm the caller who sent him the pictures of the machine guns at the beach.
This year, they weren't as visible from the reports I got from We Are Change Hempstead and also We Are Change New York, remember?
There were snipers on the rooftops from multiple eyewitnesses.
Unfortunately, there's no photos of that, but they were there on the rooftops.
And as an activist point, what I did was I printed up a hundred Oathkeeper flyers and I handed them out to all the military guys in my town, and a lot of people were very receptive to that, and a few even came back to me and said, thank you.
Well, good job, but let me illustrate something here, and I need to get your photos.
Kentucky Derby, Super Bowl, high school football, high school basketball, baseball, small events, you know, in the middle of rural areas even, they will have snipers on roofs, they will have checkpoints, they'll have regular Army or National Guard there, and they act like everybody's a suspect terrorist, and then you get their internal training manuals, who are they looking for?
Gun owners, conservatives, libertarians, especially veterans.
This is all on record for those that just joined us.
MIAC Report, Homeland Security.
We broke that last year, but we'd covered that for years with separate documents.
It just happened to become national news, finally, so people understood.
Meanwhile, 80 to 100 miles into Arizona, mass murders, houses being burned, the police saying we've lost control, drug dealers, illegal aliens.
In fact, roll some of that video from the news of just illegals climbing over everything, cars, shootouts, dead bodies.
I mean, this is bedlam.
Plots to blow up a dam in South Texas, that's a WOAI television, and the Houston Chronicle.
I mean, just total lawless bedlam.
But meanwhile, no police, no military, and the dominant news says it's not a problem.
And then Senator Kyle says he's in a meeting with Obama last month, and Obama said, I'm going to leave the borders open and we want this crime.
We're holding the people hostage.
This is Senator Kyle.
We're letting the crisis develop, was Obama's words, so we can pass immigration reform.
I mean, this is an admission of false flag terror.
This is so huge.
Anything else, Gabriel?
Of course, actually, I still have a few things I want to bring up for the 4th of July coming up.
I have an idea.
Short-term achievements for long-term solutions.
That's a campaign slogan I'm working on.
I'm giving a call out to every We Are Change chapter, to everybody in general,
This 4th of July, pick up as many pocket constitutions as you possibly can, Citizens Rule books, which, you know, you can pick up at InfoWars or wherever, and let's get them out to the people.
And every 4th of July, we need to start giving out constitutions to people.
We need to level the playing field to allow people to know their rights.
How are we going to have a discussion with people if they don't even know what their rights are to begin with, to even know they're having their rights taken away?
And that's something that we all need to start doing every 4th of July and every election period, right before the election takes place.
Well said, well said.
Gabriel, good to hear from you.
Keep it up.
Let's talk to Jason in Texas.
Jason, you're on the air.
Yeah, Alex, I'm a Special Operations veteran, post-9-11, and after I got out of Spec Ops, I actually stepped over into security contracting.
Before I did, I actually viewed
A lot of your documentaries and stuff, and when I went over, actually, when I went through the training, I spoke to a lot of guys who were, you know, ex-special ops, and they were all going over for security contracting, specifically just for the money, because the money's good and the economy was bad.
And a lot of these guys are aware, but when I went over, I let a lot of guys see these documentaries.
I let them see Endgame, Bohemian Grove.
All of these videos that you have constructed, Terrastorm, and before, I worked over there for, you know, in Iraq for approximately two years, and before I'd left, I mean I had your videos out at approximately maybe 30 guys, and these guys completely had changed
But do you know why they changed?
I want to hold you over to interrupt.
They changed because they already knew what I was telling them.
They're not stupid.
People already subconsciously, spiritually, and intellectually already have all the pieces, and nothing makes sense from mainstream media.
Then when you actually start looking at globalist documents, the globalists all openly talk about what they're doing to each other.
And they think we're so stupid, their miscalculation is their battle plan is public.
This is naked what we're facing.
But that's the same intel I get and I see on the street.
I can't tell you how many times I have Fort Hood troops who are in Austin eating dinner and see me on the street or something when I'm out.
And I've even had a colonel run over and say, look, don't say my name on air, but a lot of us are awake at Fort Hood and just huge amounts of troops
Are aware and awake.
That's why the system is wanting to shift to gangbangers, foreigners, because there's then that language gap.
But the word is, my videos are all over the place because of people like you.
Please continue.
Yeah, no.
I mean, exactly what you said right now.
And a lot of the tools that I was able to show them, you know, documents that were declassified.
The stuff that you talk about, I was able to pull up on PDFs and actually show them these declassified
And for me, you know, it was a risk because obviously we work with security clearances and all that kind of stuff.
And so, you know, I went out on a limb and the people's mindset, just like you said, they are, they do have a weird feeling about things.
And then when they receive the information, it only confirms that.
So in like chow halls and stuff, we'd be sitting there and initially everybody would be watching Fox News just gobbling it up like, you know, grits.
And then by the end of it, before I'd left this last year,
I had, you know, the guys that I had been there for the last two years, they were analyzing the propaganda.
They were able to see it.
They were discerning it.
Exactly, and then once you show somebody, we don't tell people what to think.
Once you show them there's an agenda, then the propaganda only irritates and motivates resistance.
That's what I found.
And we're going to kick these people's butts.
That's why they're blowing oil wells and about to start a new war and trying to bankrupt us, because we're going to beat them if we decide we're going to beat them.
I mean I hope people realize that we're going to beat this new world order and kick them out of America and save this country and get a reprieve like none of us got.
Our biggest problem is they've taught the Christian churches that it's the end of the world, that it's a foregone conclusion, and that we are meant to lose.
Look, let's say I'm going to lose next week.
I'm not joining evil.
I'm not giving in to this.
I'm going to fight these people no matter what it is.
So, fine.
Jesus is coming back next month.
I'm going to fight the New World Order until the minute he arrives.
Anything else you want to add, caller?
No, Alex.
Thanks a lot.
Just keep it up, man.
You're awesome.
Jason, God bless you.
You're awesome.
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They helped to create a New World Order.
We are part of a New World Order.
A New World Order based upon collective action.
Invisible Empire is a damning indictment of the globalists through their own words and documents.
The New World Order really is a tool for addressing a new world of possibilities.
It means all the world under their control.
The United Nations would take over America.
The Trilateral Commission would control the world.
Invisible Empire chronicles how men of power and influence have worked in stealth for centuries to establish an oppressive world government.
I believe first of all that we now need nothing short of a world constitution for the global financial system.
Global governance with the establishment of the G20.
So it's going to be an inner ruling elite and then everyone else.
And I got news for you.
You're everyone else.
Invisible Empire.
Secure your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com.
Or watch it online in the highest quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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You know, it's not hype to say we're waking up the military and the police.
And I know if we reach out to them, we can wake them up.
Most of them are good men and women.
And I tend to do harm sometimes when I fly off the handle and start foaming at the mouth about police and military.
When I see them engaging in treason... You know, I got this AP video.
Did you guys see the video I sent you of the old woman and they go kill her little dog in her house?
And then the cops are defending themselves?
Her grandson hadn't lived there in 12 years.
He's 28 years old now.
That's one of the last known addresses they've got.
They show up with a warrant.
And she comes to the door and she says, let me put my dog in the bathroom.
And she puts the dog in the bathroom.
And it's a little dog.
I don't even know what type it is.
They never say on the news.
It's like some little mutt.
I mean, there it is.
Very vicious.
They put it in the bathroom and the cops went in the bathroom and it growled at them so they shot it.
That is standard procedure.
They call it dog-killing detail.
Meanwhile, in the name of stopping drugs, the government literally ships the majority of them on record now.
They won't stop what's happening on our borders where it's just total bedlam.
Because there's people shooting back, folks.
I mean, since when did Americans become so cowardly?
If you're going to have
A law about drugs?
What are you doing trying to bust some guy who may have a quarter ounce of marijuana?
Why aren't you going after the people that are bringing tons of cocaine in?
I'm done talking about it.
See, I start talking about how I don't want to be angry at the police and military, but then I get angry just thinking about it.
But it's the leadership, it's the policies, it's how they've been directed.
I mean, look at this article.
This is Mother Jones.
We've already seen reports of this in the news.
Louisiana police pull over activists at behest of BP.
Everyone knows how the BP is...
Still blocking press access to the oil spill sites, even though they're not supposed to anymore.
Yeah, that's on record.
The police have been told, by the way, that that's illegal.
Just to have some private contractor just claim no one can be on a beach?
I've been blathering about it for weeks, and it's been all over three days since four contractors wouldn't let me through the Ponte Ox Marina outside of Louisiana.
And though as of June 16th the federal government has been saying helicopters could fly reporters as low as 1,500 feet around spill sites, on June 17th I was on a helicopter that was prohibited from flying below 3,000 feet and whose pilot was uh... flipped silent birds as the military guys coming over the radio and hassling him about being in the area
At all.
So some type of electronic bird flipping.
I don't know that communication or nomenclature.
But Louisiana State Police pulling over a video camera wielding private citizen because the head of BP security wanted to ask him some questions is a whole other level of alarming.
Yeah, folks, I'm consulting on Ventura's TV show right now.
I am making my own film on eugenics and chemtrails right now.
I am doing radio interviews every day.
I'm not complaining, I just really don't have time to go to Louisiana.
And then not be here on the radio!
I mean, do you not want me to be here?
I guess I could try to take some digital gear and do the show from there, but then I'm sitting there four hours a day.
I guess that's the answer.
In fact, just go ahead now and get, speed order the, because we've got one that's in the rack, but a Comrex unit that's portable.
Then I gotta find hotels that...
Don't have phone lines or digital lines that put gates on it, because we've hooked them up before, and then the hotel firewall won't let you connect.
I mean, I'm not complaining, it's just a nightmare.
You're sitting there for an hour or two trying to get connected to the network, then maybe it's not a good connection, maybe it's breaking up sometimes.
I mean, the Skype connection we have to England is phenomenal.
It sounds like broadcast radio.
That's why we're having Paul Watson on.
Of course, now he's moving to another city in England.
But his girlfriend's getting her PhD in another city, but watch, I bet his Skype doesn't work well from the new location.
But I was like, finally, I've got somebody who can fill in for me who's intelligent and sounds great.
So we'll see how long that lasts.
But I'm already digressing here.
It's just I read stuff like this.
I want to go directly to where this happened.
Oh, you want to ask me questions, officer?
Yeah, I've noticed when you cowl, though, the cops, like, think it's normal.
It's like, you're pulling me over with a video camera because BP wants to know?
I'm here to cover this.
Haven't you heard the big international scandal that all these reporters were forced off beaches by police under BP orders and that you've been told and been told even by the president and the governors not to do this?
What is your name?
And if I get a hothead cop on roids, he'll probably just kill me right there.
I mean, you know, Lord knows I'm an evil American who wants to be able to go tell people what's happening at the Gulf.
And who wants to bring BP to justice.
Isn't that what you want?
I mean, how do they get cops to act like this?
What planet do they find these lunatics on?
Wake up!
Now, I know a lot of cops are cool, and maybe they're scared for their jobs and want to follow these orders, but that doesn't cut it, man.
You know how many sacrifices I've made to not compromise?
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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A 62-year-old grandmother...
Marietta Robinson says officers showed up with a search warrant for drugs in relation to her 28-year-old grandson, and she left them in her house under one condition.
I asked his permission.
May I put my dog in the bathroom or in the backyard?
He said, go ahead and put her in the bathroom.
We're not going to hurt her.
But Wrinkles was killed anyway after an officer opened the bathroom door.
Police say the dog attacked an officer.
Robinson says officers even used her water cooler after killing her dog.
Robinson says the shooting never had to happen because her grandson hasn't lived in her home for 12 years.
Couldn't he come in here because he hasn't lived here so long?
My dog don't know my grandson.
We looked through the whole incident.
Police are investigating to see if any policies were violated.
They can't bring me my dog back.
I don't want no apology.
They need to be fired and get somebody on the job that know what they're doing.
Robinson says police told her they found bags with drug residue inside.
She says they're fortune cookie wrappers.
Mayra Lopez, The Associated Press.
Hey, you gotta love it.
Some old woman, grandson, hadn't lived there in 12 years.
They found some fortune cookie wrappers.
I've seen them SWAT team a Patriot, because they have an American flag or Gadsden flag sticker on their car.
I got a clip of this from Road to Tyranny.
From the news choppers, and the police then tell them, yes, we found a pipe bomb.
And then they show jumper cables, and it came out in court, and they had to drop the case.
The fellow's name was Farrell Montgomery.
Uh, out in Arizona.
So they pull over somebody who's got an American flag on their car, a Don't Tread On Me sticker.
I mean, they're gonna get beaten.
They tasered him, let the police dog, while he was on the ground, being tasered, bite him.
He didn't resist.
He got out with his hands up.
And then they said, oh, we better frame him.
See, police.
Why do you act like this?
Why have you been trained to hate Americans?
They're like attack dogs that have been trained, if they see an American or a patriot, they're bad.
And the Southern Poverty Law Center, ADL, has taught them this.
Now, a lot of cops are waking up, but a lot of them aren't.
And we now have this incredible video from Senator Kyle up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
I want to play that one more time before we go to Alan White, because that's the first
issue I want to raise with him.
Do we have that video, Senator Kyle, ready?
And in that Senator Kyle video, and the audio's not too good, but it's video at a town hall, he clearly says, I was in a closed-door meeting with Obama, he says, I kicked everybody out, and he said, well,
I didn't kick out General Jones.
He's the head of national security, but I asked him to leave.
And I said, Obama, why are you doing this?
And Obama said, we need to continue the crisis down there so people will give us immigration reform, which means total amnesty.
Then they just legalize all the illegals.
And then the feds claim they're going to secure the borders.
And that's what they've been telling the states for the last five years.
That's really the Bush policy, which is the CFR policy.
So you've got the border completely collapsing.
Mexico is a failed state.
All these murders.
Sheriffs calling for help, saying they're being attacked, they're being killed.
80 to 100 miles into Arizona, past Tucson.
You can't go in the national parks as the illegals have just taken it over as drug corridors.
All of this is going on.
So, they have a crisis and can say, look at the problem.
We need amnesty to fix it.
So let's go ahead and play that clip.
I'll tell you why.
I met with the President in the Oval Office, just the two of us.
I kicked the rest of the people out.
I asked them if they would leave.
I'm sorry.
And we had a discussion about it.
Well, one was General Jones, the National Security Advisor, and I didn't come up.
But, anyway.
Here's what the President said.
The problem is, he said, if we secure the border,
Then you all won't have any reason to support Comprehensive Immigration Reform.
In other words, they're calling it hostage.
They don't want to secure the border unless and until it is combined with Comprehensive Immigration Reform.
And then he goes on from there.
Why is this important?
It's another admission of problem-reaction-solution.
Thousands are dead on the U.S.
Twenty-plus thousand on the Mexican side.
Most of it on the Texas-Arizona border.
Some on the California-New Mexico.
And, I mean, that is derelution of duty.
That is aiding and abetting murder and lawlessness and chaos.
But this is the entire modus operandi of the globalist.
So we go now to Alan Watt for the balance of the radio broadcast the next hour and twenty minutes, twenty-two minutes.
Alan Watt is a long-term researcher into the causative forces behind major changes in historical development, and I found his research is spot-on.
His background is that of a
Renaissance man with a background in three professions, plus having various books published in religion, philosophy, poetry, mainly under pseudonyms.
For much of his life, he has been heavily involved in the music industry, songwriter, singer, performer, involved in folk music, blues, pop, rock, even classical.
Also known for his session guitar work, he has played with some of the best well-known artists and groups.
Born in Scotland, he watched the
Subtleties of politics and the media as they guided the population of the UK covertly into the European amalgamation.
He has been warning the North American people for some years now that the same process of amalgamation is being carried out.
With historical documentation he shows how cultures are created and altered by those in control, also to lead the people like sheep into the next pasture, the next phase.
Learn the true esoteric meanings of mystery religions from one who knows.
And of course, his website is CousinOfTheMatrix.com.
And he's a big part of our new film, Fall of the Republic, available on DVD at InfoWars.com.
And he is in the upcoming Chemtrails slash Eugenics.
Masterpiece that I've been really making the last three years since Endgame in the background, and we've now decided to release it in October.
And so he's also gonna be part of that.
But he is with us today, and we're gonna be taking your calls continually into the next hour.
But Alan, so much is going on.
I want to talk to you about Tavistock Institute, one of the premier mind control organizations, how the media works, your take on the BP oil spill, the fact that they're more and more admitting the chem trailing is going on, but hiding it in plain view.
The fact that the police and military are waking up, how you see the system trying to keep them under their brainwashing control, what the next phase of the economic collapse is, so much to discuss today.
But out of the gates, you heard me play the clip of the cops come to the house, kill the small dog.
It's an act of dominance, just like naked body scanners are an act of dominance.
Even if the police are unconscious, this is why they've been given this training.
And the illustration, though, of Obama saying openly to a senator, we're using this crisis, all this crime and murder that's going on, by contesting some of the private cartels not laundering their money through U.S.
banks, knowing it would cause the crisis.
We covered this five years ago.
We're using that crisis to bring in our North American Union.
And this is an amazing admission.
Alan, what?
Yeah, it's common, too, that so many of them
Hillary Clinton said the same thing, too, a while back.
We'll use this crisis.
You find the members of the Council on Foreign Relations saying the same thing.
Never let a good crisis go to waste, because there is an agenda.
And the agenda must go forth regardless.
They will use anything at all, including of course this spill in the Gulf as well.
They're using that to get their sustainable development and carbon tax agendas through as well.
So these guys literally will use every crisis that comes along.
And if they can't find one, they'll make one.
Alan, let's go into that first because I haven't talked to you in a few months on air.
I interviewed you right before the oil spill.
Break down what you think is happening there and what they plan to get out of it for the viewers and listeners.
Well, this New World Order, this phase we're going through now, apart from the amalgamations of whole continents together, and remember the NAFTA, the North American Free Trade Agreement, is still rushing ahead.
It still has to have one more signature put on by the President and the Prime Ministers of Canada and Mexico, and that's legally binding.
That's the fifth legal agreement.
So, that's on the go.
We also have the Sustainable Development, which is the whole way to control the world, really rushing forward.
In Britain, for instance, and other countries, the past laws already, the European Union past laws,
That come 2018 to 2020 all homes built must be sustainable and they're going to start finding those homes which are not thermal approved and all the rest of it.
This is neo-feudalism.
This is total serfdom to literally engage in siege as they state to cut off our energy, our calories so we cannot have children and we are total creatures of the states while the elite like Al Gore live in their giant mansions and are exempt from all the rules.
And they're using every environmental reason to push it ahead.
Now, they set up the carbon tax phenomenon quite a few years back.
They're already trading carbon tax.
Well, look at how for 20 years in the U.S.
they try to restrict farmers and ranchers from building new barns.
Supposedly, if there's ever a puddle during the year, they call it a wetland.
I mean, we know their intent.
These are vicious, vicious criminals.
Yeah, they do believe that they have the right
As an elite, to recreate the world in the image they say should be made in, and the democracy is too cumbersome to get their agendas through, so they must destroy democracy.
And they do so by bringing new regulations, new laws, and new rules.
We adapt into them step by step by acquiescing to them.
And that becomes the new law, the new way of living.
And we're doing it all the time, incrementally.
And they make it sexy.
They finance top Hollywood people in the last decade going to these zero footprint spas and resorts, which is fine.
I mean, that would be interesting, but that's to sell it to where then when you're made to do it, it's okay with you.
And they admit this is to destroy our society.
They've made it quite plain in their own writings, in their communiques with each other.
We've got the top environmentalists coming out now saying that democracy has to be put on hold now for the environmental crisis and for the crisis with the food shortages coming and all this kind of stuff.
And by the way, they are bringing on food shortages because they have put so many farmers out of business really since World War II.
That's right.
Now the UN, again to back you up, the UN
We're good to go.
Yes, and they've already jacked up the prices of food twice already in the last few years, to what it was.
And people don't really notice, they again adjust incrementally, step by step, into this new system.
And five agri-food businesses have been given the power of controlling the entire food supply of the planet.
So it's quite easy to bring on a crisis, it's easy to bring on rationing, which they will do by the way.
That is to bring us into the new system.
See, we're supposed to serve the new system.
As you say, it's a feudal system.
Carl Quigley said that it's to be a new feudal system with the CEOs being the new feudal overlords in collusion with government.
And it's to be a scientifically run society, not something that's debated on emotions.
And that's what the New World Order is, basically.
Wells wrote about it back in the 1920s in his own book.
He called it a modern utopia.
He said gradually, he says rather than kill off all those who are unfit and the ones with the lower IQs, the lower classes who will no longer be required in a post-industrial society, he says we shall simply sterilize them and allow them to die off gradually, peacefully.
So, this is the ongoing agenda.
We've been going through it for over a hundred years now.
And people don't know that.
They think they're born into a system which must be normal on the basis that it exists.
But nothing is further from the truth.
It's not normal.
It's a planned society.
We get no peace.
If you notice, not one single generation has been allowed any kind of peace.
Probably not for a long time.
And if they're not getting you economic wars and depressions and recessions and layoffs, they're giving you actual physical wars and sometimes both combined.
This is their technique.
It's order out of chaos.
They create the chaos and they get their way.
No sooner had the Berlin Wall gone down
Well, Alan,
Suddenly, when you read the news, it's just everywhere.
Oh, we've got to reduce the world population.
We can only have one child.
Suddenly, Peter Singers in the New York Times, who calls humans a disease and a cancer, saying, maybe we're the last generation.
That was the headline.
Maybe no children should be the law.
And again, it's sold in MTV and the colleges as cool and fun.
They're selling people pure death.
And there's this attitude where they train the yuppies that feel like they're part of the establishment to giggle and laugh about their enslavement, believing that because they laugh and giggle about it and have smart mouth comments about it that somehow they're part of it.
What do you call that phenomenon?
Because I've always noticed it and haven't heard really anybody else talk about it.
I was listening to Michael Savage last week and I heard him spend about twenty minutes when I was driving home ranting about how
They hate life, they hate money, they hate wealth in anybody's hands but themselves.
They giggle, they laugh, how they're, he called them curly haired, you know, coke bottle, you know, highly intelligent deviants.
They're almost nihilist, or like low-key saboteurs.
Even the minions that serve the system know enough of the evil, but they almost cheerlead it, and they hate beauty, and they love macabre disease.
What are these creatures?
What you've got is an institutionalized, sadomasochistic society.
And this is well proven with scientific studies on dictators and all those who follow and obey the dictators.
At the Nuremberg trial, for instance, they found out that all of the officers immediately around Adolf Hitler still adored him up until their deaths.
They thought he was a god, pretty well.
And in a ranking system of authority, the psychopath admires the one with more power above them and despises the lesser beneath them.
So he's a sadistic to the one beneath them.
And you have a deviant sadomasochistic system in operation today with everything that comes from deviancy, including into the perversions of the sexual area too.
That's rampant today.
It's taught today, in fact, as a new normal.
Winning is normal now.
Defeating people.
If you're defeated, there's no such thing as well done.
You did your best.
They literally despise you.
They hate you.
They want to destroy you.
And if you grovel to them for help, they will destroy you.
That is the system we're in.
You've got a generation raised on power.
All a youngster will see today is the video games with the biggest monster beating all the rest and that's what he admires.
When he grows up he wants to be on the winning team.
All he sees are the cops and all the cop movies with authority, machine guns.
I don't know.
They show them the archetypal torturing beast and say, this is the new hero.
This is the male model.
Not a loving, caring, intelligent male who fights if they have to, but is an inventor and a teacher and someone who has depth.
No, they're teaching the young males, be a mindless idiot.
Be a thug.
You will have power.
We'll be back with Al Monwant.
Stay with us.
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Alright, your calls are coming up in the next hour.
I think the reason this radio show has been so successful is the guests, the information, the analysis, the films, the news websites.
But also, I am frantic.
I've always telegraphed a sense of urgency because I'm genuinely feeling it.
And with Alan Watt and many others I respect, of course I can feel it in my gut and see it
Intellectually as well said the quickening is now here a few years ago.
You're going to see an acceleration.
It's one thing to psychologically and intellectually coldly understand we're going into the big plunge, but it's another thing to actually now be living it and experiencing it going down this slide as it accelerates.
Alan Watt, getting more into the oil spill and what you believe is behind that, and now where all of this is going to go, what your intel is on Iran.
They're openly saying they're going to attack it now, just brazenly hiding it in plain view.
Go over that for us.
Well, we know that the attack on Iran is a continuation of the same policy of the Project for a New American Century.
They listed the countries they wanted to attack.
When they were in collusion with Israel, starting with, they said Afghanistan for the States, then Iraq, and followed by Iran, and then Syria.
They have never veered off this agenda.
And the Israeli papers have actually printed this many times over the same sequence.
So that's an ongoing policy regardless of the changes of house.
And as Jefferson said, when you see the same policies going through, even though the House of Congress has changed with a new party, he said then, no, then, that you're under tyranny.
Well, we've been seeing the same policies for many, many Houses changes, and the same policies go ahead, regardless, into the scientific socialism, as I said, where experts will guide our every move, everything that we do, even if we're born.
And that's what it's all about.
The Gulf idea, they need a catastrophe.
They needed a catastrophe.
Same as the 9-11, the New American Century said, we need something on the scale of Pearl Harbor to motivate the American public behind a war.
And bang, down go the towers and we're off to war.
They needed something because the people were not falling for the global warming scam.
There was too much exposed about their fake statistics and so on.
They weren't going for those carbon taxes at the Copenhagen meeting, and so they needed something of a crisis to push it through, and bingo!
You get this spill in the Gulf, and sure enough, they're using this as an excuse to start limiting energy and so on.
They've just put £300 extra taxes on every air flight going out of Britain.
To make up, supposedly, for the coming energy shortages.
As they see it, this is all part of the same thing.
Yeah, how does a tax make up for that?
I mean, how does a tax make up?
And, of course, that was part of the Copenhagen Treaty, is this new global authority with carbon taxes on flights.
And Obama is saying, we've got to pass the carbon bill.
You know, this tax will fix it.
And then all the evidence is they've been blocking the relief.
The people on the well were given orders by BP.
That they said would cause this spill to happen?
I mean, this is... More and more, they're doing everything in plain view.
Why do you think we've had them come out and admit that the CIA is putting out fake bin Laden videos in the Washington Post, in the spy talk column, which is an official CIA... I mean, the Washington Post is admittedly CIA-run, and that's the spy column about...
Spooks every week.
They admitted that there.
They come right out on Fox and admit, yes, we grow the opium.
Why, Alan, when we come back, are they just suddenly admitting everything?
I mean, it's just incredible.
Alan Watt, hold next hour with us, final hour, and your phone calls.
Dan, Al, Aaron, Monica, JD, about 15 minutes to the next hour, we'll start taking your phone calls.
I talked to Jack McClam, Opposition Jack McClam,
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
This is Alex Jones with five good reasons you should consider buying a solar power generator.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Cardinemo's got a story up on Infowars.com and GCNlive.com.
Iran attack moves forward.
Iran permitted the U.S.
and Israel to score a propaganda victory Monday when it refused to allow two International Atomic Energy Agency inspectors entry into the country for an inspection of its nuclear program.
And it's now being used by the former head of Mossad to call for a preemptive strike with nukes on Iran.
That's what the rest of the Israeli government's calling for.
And the U.S.
slash Israeli fleet is now off the coast of Iran.
And Israeli papers are saying that they're preparing to start boarding Iranian ships and stopping goods going into the country, which is an act of war.
So this could flare up today, a week from now, or a year from now.
But it's definitely on the front burner.
And this is so serious, but going back to Alan Watt, we'll talk more about that throughout the hour, researcher, author, Alan Watt.
Alan, I was asking you the question of why are they so out in the open now?
I mean, they've really shifted from admitting things more and more a few years ago, but spinning it to just, yeah, the CIA fakes fake bin Laden videos in the Washington Post.
Yeah, the government's growing the opium and shipping it in.
What's the big deal?
I mean, what is that tactic, Alan Watt?
Part of it is a tactic of
The creation of apathy within the general populace.
When you're changing or shifting gears from one system to another and you're destroying all the old and you're increasing prices, you've got massive unemployment rates, all of that kind of stuff.
You give them a kind of schizoid society, again through all media, where on the one hand you turn on the television and things seem quite normal.
There's your favorite old shows and everything's okay.
And then you hear your schizophrenic news mixed with Hollywood and so on.
So all the horror that you're seeing as the drones hit the wrong villages in Pakistan, kill people, is mixed up with the latest boob job in some Hollywood bimbo.
Everything becomes surrealistic and at the same time they hammer you with a new system, ideas that subconsciously penetrate you that you're going into or you are into a new system and there's nothing you can do about it.
It's a creation of apathy mixed up with surrealism.
It's a scientific technique actually, intense, very advanced psychological warfare on a grand scale and it's done through repetition.
We've been going through it for quite a few
It's learned helplessness.
It's confusing people.
Never in an old tribal situation 5,000 years ago would you see happy bimbos cut into children dying.
And so it's not normal.
And so they're literally searing our neurons and programming us where we're a bunch of gibbering idiots and just can't even respond to real human activity as they reduce the language down where it's impossible now
I mean, I see people at grocery stores, in the mall, on the street, even well-to-do people who literally cannot hold a conversation.
I mean, they have been turned into suboid slaves.
They have, it's linguistic minimalism, so you cannot express ideas of even frustration, never mind, let's get ready for a revolution, and Orwell went through that whole technique very well indeed.
You cannot express a thought to another person, or a coherent idea or a plan, and therefore nothing can come against those who are ruling you.
It's very advanced psychological warfare, but Bertrand Russell and others said we have to create apathy amongst the public during this phase,
That's what you've got to an extent as a form of apathy.
It makes people feel powerless.
What can you do is the only thing that they can possibly say.
What can you do?
Oh well.
And everyone again is tied into a system as we're trained to like little animals to work for this thing called money that keeps becoming more and more diluted like water.
I think?
That's right, that's the secret.
They get you roped into the casino, they get you roped into Wall Street, they get you roped into the pension, roped into Social Security, roped into the system, on your smaller and smaller island, like Howard Beale says, just leave us alone in our living rooms.
Let me have my toaster and my steel-belted radials, and I'll leave you alone.
Well, I'm not going to leave you alone!
I'm a human being!
My life has value!
I don't know what all the answers are.
I just know first you've got to get mad.
You've got to break your conditioning.
You've got to see how they've incrementally lowered us into this morass of evil and dehumanization.
You've got to break your conditioning and awaken out of it.
Stay with us.
Another police action.
Tyranny is here.
The grim future foretold in 1984 has become reality.
It really says that the state is God.
The United States is now recognized globally as one of the most oppressive police states on Earth.
This film conclusively proves the existence of a secret network of FEMA camps now being expanded nationwide.
This documentary exposes how the continuity of government program has established an all-powerful shadow state.
Police State 4 chronicles the sickening depth to which our republic has fallen.
Prepare to enter the secretive world of emergency dictatorship.
Body scanners, sound cannons, citizen spies, stage terror, and cameras on every street corner.
It's only the beginning of the New World Order's hellish plan.
The police state isn't coming.
It's here.
Secure your copy today at InfoWars.com or see it online in the highest quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are back live again.
Thank you so much for joining us today.
Alan Watt, author, researcher, is our guest.
Coming to TheMatrix.com is his website.
Our websites are InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
And we were discussing before the break the mind control.
The way that they have Geraldo Rivera with the Marine Corps Colonel admitting that our forces helped grow the opium.
And CIA aircraft are constantly caught with cocaine and heroin on board, and it's an open secret and came out in congressional hearings, the government ships the drugs in.
But now they just come out and admit they're growing it.
And they come out and admit the CIA is putting out fake bin Laden videos.
And they use the exact same replay of propaganda about Iran having nukes, just like Iraq supposedly did.
And it comes out that Rahm Emanuel in mainstream NBC was getting kickbacks with Blagojevich and that BP was paying illegally for his apartment.
And no one gets in trouble!
And it's just setting the precedent that, yes, it's just like a pimp breaks a prostitute.
He gets her, he beats her up.
They have that HBO special about pimps and they say, what do you pay your whores?
I pay her nothing.
And she likes it.
Maybe I give her some fried chicken every once in a while.
And there was a case we talked about in that same documentary where the prostitute's been hit by a car, she's almost dead, and her mother's there, going, oh my baby, my baby, and the pimp comes in all arrogantly, and she says, oh baby, I'm gonna get back up for you, I'm gonna get back off the, out of this, out of this bed, I'm gonna make you that money, baby, I'm gonna do everything I can for you, and he's like, that's right, you better!
And the woman just grovels.
And I don't know what it is about the psyche, but many women, you know, they like the bad guy in high school.
I didn't know to a certain extent I was seen as the bad guy, but the point is, is that really the bad guy.
And there's an expanded significance to that today, where there's just a, yeah, we took trillions, Congress, the Federal Reserve says, we're not going to tell you where it is.
And it comes out in the Chicago Tribune that Dyncor and Halliburton have been caught running giant child kidnapping rings, and nobody gets in trouble.
And it comes out that all of this is happening.
It's part of getting the public used to a form of lawlessness across the board in society.
It's easier to control a society in a feudalistic fashion.
Um, when the big boys come in with the black goons, the black fat goons and soldiers, um, it's easy to control them when they're already living in a, uh, apparently a corrupt society where you give payoffs for everything and anything that you actually need even to, to basically survive day to day.
In other words, there's no law and order on the bottom level, technically, and society itself becomes corrupted.
They have to become corrupted to survive.
And as corrupt globalists, their carbon taxes that they admit will be on families, won't be allowed to live in a home by themselves, everything will be dormitories.
There'll be a one-child policy.
They're now announcing it.
If you can have a factory, a business, a job, everything is up to government and then it can selectively enforce it.
And then it's the new superclass where, hey honey, you want to be able to have a job?
You want to be able to have a hamburger stand?
You look pretty good.
You've got to serve my troops.
This is what bondage means.
It does, and also, as I say, they need this Gulf tragedy to bring in the carbon taxes.
They've already been trading them, as I say, for four or five years in the EU.
The European Parliament gave out millions of dollars, or euros worth, of free carbon credits for them to trade.
They're already making profits off them.
Lord Rothschild's, with Al Gore, his bank in Switzerland has been agreed
That's where all the carbon taxes for the entire world has to go through.
They're not going to back off, you understand.
They've set this up for the last few years, and everything counts on it.
So they need to, and they will make whatever it takes to happen, to get it ran through until we're living in utter poverty and pain.
It's also a substitute, too, for consumerism.
You'll find that everything that you earn will be getting paid back in fees and taxes, and there'll be very little left to live on at the bottom, and that's a substitute for a consumerist society.
That's definitely part of their agenda.
And they admit that that's their agenda, is to bankrupt everyone.
But the good news is, as you said, their carbon tax is in trouble, their wars are in trouble, their agenda on every front is in trouble, and that's why the FCC in the US has now announced the Australian-style plan, a black box in the home that both spies on you and regulates what you can watch.
I didn't even expect for them to come out this bold, this early, and to actually have it in newspapers in the US.
Almost as an aside, yeah, we're going to track everything you're doing, and yeah, Google's driving around to the NSA listening to everything you do illegally, and that's just the way it is, and yeah, we're going to start shutting down freedom of speech in America, and yeah, we're going to bring the Fairness Doctrine back to talk radio.
They are really desperate.
This shows
Because from what I've studied, they believe we wouldn't wake up this much.
They believe they could use the web, that we'd only care about LeBron James and football and basketball and Tiger Woods, and we wouldn't use the web as a tool against them.
Now they see that we have used it, and as Jay Rockefeller said in his Senate hearing, we would have been better never inventing the Internet.
So they've clearly made the decision to start shutting it off, and it appears they're going with a bold, quick way to do it.
I don't see that going well for them, Alan.
It depends.
It hangs really on the U.S.
See, most countries I've gone through
Generations of financial depression, like Britain for instance.
Also, they've been overrun by immigrants by design.
Tony Blair's aide admitted that in the newspapers.
Tony Blair said that he was going to open the gates of immigration so wide in Britain, with the most diverse cultures, that any semblance of a British identity would be lost and could never be regained forever.
That has happened there.
So people are apathetic
Many of the immigrants came from countries where there is no democracy as such and they accept a new totalitarian regime where you do what you're told quite naturally.
That's what they're trying to do in the States as well right now.
So it depends on how many people within the United States still has enough gumption to stand up and literally by any and all means say no we're not going to be your servants and your serfs.
Uh, and, uh, and do something about it.
It's coming down to that.
If it doesn't happen, um, then you will go into an even more apathetic state as everyone scrapes to get by to live and survive.
And people become more afraid to even speak about anything that's happening.
Well, here's an example of that.
The New York Daily News is reporting what sheriffs have told us for five years.
Mexican drug cartels threaten to harm US police officers who bust drug shipments while off-duty.
They're already killing cops all over.
And so, we knew five years ago from our sources in the DEA and others,
That they were training Los Zetas to start killing American cops, and that the New World Order was going to use Mexican muscle to start running Mafia tactics, and because there's the language barrier, the average American would allow this to creep up on them, and now this has been done, and here it is in the New York Daily News.
I mean, we are really going under a total Mafia government.
Yeah, and it is a style like that.
You also have a terrible problem, too.
As society gets more and more degraded and they lose their morality, they lose their ability to have a common idea of the rights and wrongs within that society.
You have a massive problem with cops on the take in all the big cities.
But if you won't take the take, they threaten to kill your family.
And the feds are covering this up and funded this.
The CIA is running this.
This is the death of America.
It is, actually, it is.
And as I say, the US is the only country left, in fact, the only country that had an idea of personal freedoms and liberties and so on.
No other countries had that.
So it all hinges on what happens within America.
If they succumb to it quietly, then it's all over.
If they make a real ruckus about it and become very adamant and staunch and firm,
I think?
They've announced that under the carbon tax, no matter how much money you've got, you're going to have to have the ration cards, and then the black market controlled by the government.
I mean, it is just racket on top of racket on top of racket with the set goal of bankrupting everyone, and then they just feed us the culture-killing sludge that's on TV to turn us all into monkeys.
Yes, and also too, and this rationing that's coming along, they already have a form of this for the wealthy elite themselves and those who get into politics.
You get access to the true natural food and organically grown food that doesn't even come in contact with the sprayed skies, the chemtrails.
They get access to this and so the goody two-shoes ones will get access to the better rationing.
The rest of us will die off with the Monsanto GMO and heavily toxically sprayed stuff.
So that's part of the agenda is to take down society and the numbers within our societies.
And then meanwhile, every day, new major government, industry, university, medical center reports, every GMO food has the side effect, no, that's the main effect, of sterilizing, hurting the rats within three generations.
They're totally sterile, hair growing out of their mouths, deformed.
We see fetal birth weights way down.
Fetal birth rates are way up in the United States.
The honeybees are dying from it.
It's working like a charm.
I mean, this is the most psychopathic nightmare system.
And the public's defenseless, because all they care about is football, baseball, Hollywood gossip, and drinking their sodium fluoride.
And those of us that are awake are being listed as terrorists.
And the borders are imploding.
I mean, it is just... And now they're getting ready for World War III.
Your phone call's coming up next with Alan Watts.
Stay with us.
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Daddy, I'm cold!
There once was a land where the people were very, very free.
Energy was cheap, and prosperity filled the land.
This made some grown-ups very angry, and they wanted to take away our freedoms.
So they created a mythical crisis saying, CO2 was bad, even though CO2 is what we breathe and it makes the plants grow.
In fact, nothing would be green without CO2.
And they scared all the children by saying that people doing ordinary things were killing the planet.
So they passed a very nasty bill called Cap-and-Trade, so they could tax us for everything we do, like keeping our houses warm and driving cars.
And that's why we can't afford to keep the house any warmer, honey.
Why did they do all this, Daddy?
To stop global warming, honey.
But they really did it because they want to kill that little girl.
They don't want her to be born in their own words.
This is eugenics.
This is about the globalist controlling society.
Some folks took a government-paid-for, high-budget ad that says that bunny rabbits and dogs will drown and die, that they air in Australia, and they made a spoof of what it really means.
Alan Watt,
Again, you understand that this is an incremental scientific dictatorship in their own words, but a lot of times you're a bit pessimistic.
Speaking of solutions before we go to calls, I do see us having a fighting chance.
I mean, I really am seeing a massive awakening happening right now, and I think that's why Zbigniew Brzezinski, as you know, about five weeks ago gave a speech to the CFR in Canada, where you live, and basically said for the first time in history the whole world is awake to us and our world government's in trouble.
And that's what their internal documents show.
I mean, I don't think they're invincible.
What do you think?
They're not invincible.
It's the will of the people.
It's at stake here.
And the problem is, and this is sort of discussed at the top themselves in their own books, they work out everything under a warfare strategy.
And they've said that if those who are still making enough money to get by and so on, if they aren't making enough money, they will not join the rest at the bottom.
So they're hoping to really segregate society from the haves and the have-nots as they push it further and further.
And bring up taxes, and extra taxes, and even value-added taxes.
Britain, by the way, has just put up their value-added tax at 20% on every purchase.
So they're hoping to do the same thing in America.
So those who can keep affording it until it hurts them, they'll tend to neglect those beneath them who are really hurting.
And then the poor will become more vicious and start attacking the middle class, so the middle class will instinctively then kind of team up with the elite, at least in their own minds, when it's the elite that orchestrated the entire program to begin with.
That's right.
And what has to happen is therefore, is that everyone has to have a quick education, that it doesn't matter what class you think you belong to, and how well you think that you're doing at the moment, they're going to take the whole system down gradually until you're all serfs, and they get it wrong to everybody in the end.
Because there's to be no middle class whatsoever left after this agenda is through.
They've said that in all the writings from Karl Marx right up through the whole issue of international affairs, no middle class will be allowed.
This new scientific society, the only replacement for a middle class will be a scientific elite.
And that's what we have already.
Look who Obama's appointed on all these different panels.
There's more appointees than any previous government.
And these guys are all the old hardline scientific socialist type communists that have been helping to write depopulation programs for years.
Oh, there's never been an administration this packed.
I mean, they're all saying no Second Amendment, global extermination, one-child policies, eugenics, no free speech.
I mean, they're in a group of authoritarian, goblin-like...
Pot-bellied, jowled, little, human-hating trash!
And also what the U.S.
and everybody else has to do is to kick off all these people, all these appointees, all these NGO groups that are now appointed to governments.
We did not elect them.
They have no say over our lives.
And therefore they have to be kicked out completely, and government has to be taught.
And you know this, Alex.
Government's going to, one way or another,
One way or another, government has to be taught, re-taught, that they serve the people.
Well, notice it's not public servant.
It's official.
It's authority.
And the media cremently calls them officials and bows down to them and gets the government press releases and with relish repeats the lies and bows to government.
Everything's the opposite of what liberty is.
Just bowing and groveling to the petty signants of power.
That's right.
This is a strange society where the public servants earn more than maybe a thousand families combined each.
So there's something wrong here.
And let's get back to serving the people.
They've never served the people in other countries in the U.S.
You were the only country with a chance
And I think people have to regain that very, very quickly.
And as I say, by one means or another, because we know the agenda.
They've told us the agenda.
They know what's in store.
Yeah, they're already poisoning the food, the water.
Most of us are dead already with the soft kill weapons.
Stay there, Ellen Want.
We're going directly to calls when we come back.
Key information straight ahead.
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Alright, we're going back to Alan Watt here in just a minute.
By the way, everything we're talking about is in hundreds of government textbooks, policy reports.
That's the frustration is the globalists said a hundred years ago they were going to build a global socialist system to bankrupt everyone and make us all dependent on a scientific elite to then carry out the eugenics extermination of the general public.
And that's what they're going to do and they're already poisoning you in the food and water.
Some people send me emails and say we live longer than we did a hundred years ago.
Depending on the period around thirty percent sometimes even higher fifty percent
I mean, in between those gradients, people died by the age of five to six to seven.
A lot of kids died in the first six months.
You had a lot of infant mortality.
So they averaged that in and say, oh, the average person lived to be, say, 43 years old in 1860.
Well, that's not true.
If you made it past the age of 10, the average person lived into their early 80s.
And if you look at infant mortality, they now admit that America has the lowest infant mortality, that is the highest rate of children dying, the highest infant mortality in the world, of any industrialized world, country.
And I'm trying to hurry here, and I start babbling whenever I do that, because I've got Alan Watt in your calls, but let me just take my time on this for a moment.
There's different statistics from each year gleaned in different counties and cities and uh... they've gone back and looked at this but here's a layman's way of explaining it.
We have family cemeteries in East Texas that we visited uh... and you will see Jones, Johnsons, Browns depending on what cemetery we're visiting and uh... thirty percent or more you know every two or three graves it's a
year-old child, two-year-old child, one-month-old child, child stillbirth, a lot of the graves are children.
So when you look at that, then you look at Russia.
Their life expectancy is going way down.
The United States is going way down.
We are being poisoned.
We are being killed.
This is happening.
So I'm done talking about that.
I'm going to tell you about a few of the sponsors that made today's radio broadcast possible.
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Okay, going back to Alan Watt and your phone calls.
Alan, I want to go to these calls, but then at the last few minutes of the show, any other points that you think are important that are on the front burner in Alan Watt's interesting and informative world?
And, you know, closing out the broadcast, but right now let's go to Dan in Colorado.
Dan, you're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Hi Alex.
I'm a long time listener.
First time caller.
Been listening to you for about seven years.
Hope you'll give me a minute here to go ahead and try to correct a wrong.
I believe you're a
Phenomenal person that has a great amount of knowledge, but one thing you said today that just bothered me so bad, it was worth waiting the hour and 20 minutes to be able to say something.
This business about the Catholic clergy not allowing men to be married for most men having sex with men is bull.
The reality of it is, from Associated Press,
Let me be clear.
I'm not involved in Catholic bashing here and I get criticized because I don't Catholic bash.
It's a very popular thing to do and the media promotes it.
I know there's been debates in the Catholic Church, and just from my study of different navies and other groups, it seems to me you've got a bunch of men together and they can't ever be with a woman, that you're statistically going to have some problems there.
But I was taking calls, I understand you've been holding before Alan Watt,
But people just obsess over this stuff.
The lady called in and says a bit about the Catholic Church, so I just threw in there that there is epidemic levels of child molestation going on all over the place.
We talk about Congress and these congressmen and how in powerful positions this is going on everywhere.
And I don't think that can be denied, Dan.
Alex, are you going to allow me to speak?
Well, I mean, you're on the air, sir.
I just responded.
You had a chance... Hold on, I'll put him on hold.
You just allowed me... I mean, I allowed you to make your statement, which was a whole thought, and then I countered, and it seemed it made you really mad that I came back with my point about how child molestation is epidemic in power systems.
And I'm going to get Alan Watts' take on that in a moment, but go ahead, Dan.
Or you can respect me enough to go ahead and want me to purchase your product.
No, no, put him on hold.
Put him on hold.
He's mad, see?
And he's gonna pick a fight with me because he doesn't like what I said earlier about how there's... I mean, obviously, the Pope, I mean, if he's infallible, he said that it was wrong and he apologized.
I mean, I'm not...
I mean, we don't really even get into these issues because it's already well known.
But you're angry, Dan.
If you want to put out your opinion or set me straight, go ahead.
But if you're so enraged because I'm giving my opinion, then there's no point, Dan.
Now, let's try one more time.
Go ahead, Dan.
I'm enraged because you're talking over me.
That's why I'm enraged.
You interrupt.
Okay, put them on hold again.
We're going to continue this.
We're going to continue this, Dan.
This is how, this is how this works.
See, I don't sit there like these old fogey radio shows that nobody listens to where one guy talks for an hour and nobody interjects.
People like hearing back and forth.
That's normal unless you've got, you know, Alzheimer's.
What I'm saying to you, sir, is that you made your counterpoint to me
And then I made my counterpoint back, and you're calling that an interruption.
I'm going to give you one more chance to not repeat that I'm interrupting, and tell me your view.
My view is you got it all wrong.
If you don't know who Bella Dot is, a real school of darkness, a Catholic communist agent, the one that infiltrated the Catholic Church with over 1,000 men, also testified in front of Congress, clear back in the 30s and the 40s.
If you don't know about that, you don't know what's going on as far as the battle within the Catholic Church.
Sir, I'm not a Catholic, so I don't know a lot about it.
I've got Catholic friends.
They seem like good people that are out there, you know, standing up against abortion and things.
Catholics are some of the best people I've met.
My whole thing is I'm non-partisan, I'm non-denominational.
I don't weigh in to all these religious infighting.
That's a tool of the globalists, and I do know that they
That the communists and others said they would infiltrate all of the clergy to take them over and corrupt them.
And I am aware of that.
And actually we have talked about that here on the show.
So listen, Dan, why don't you write an article?
And send it to Infowars.com with your points, and if it's well written and sourced, we'll post it.
We have people that give us different views, write an op-ed piece, send it to writers at Infowars.com.
I appreciate your call.
I'm sorry, Alan, to digress for three minutes on that, but I mean, I just, the guys really wound up.
Do you have any comments to that?
Yeah, it's divide and conquer.
It's quite right that the Catholic Church was heavily infiltrated
Malachi Martin came out and said that there was, in the hierarchy and going up and downwards, there was a group of homosexual priests there who covered for each other and were up to many other things which were definitely not Catholic whatsoever.
It's a bureaucracy at the top and it's infiltrated and it's gone its own direction.
And since Vatican I and Vatican II, technically, they've helped to destroy what was left of the Church.
We've got to understand that everything that was an institution that gave values to people has been destroyed over the last hundred years.
And what was left even of the Protestant religions, I can't even relate to them anymore.
Because they're almost like TV evangelists with feel-good attitudes and never look at evil and just be happy.
Everything has been destroyed along with the morality that goes with it and society has been debased to its bottom level.
The deviancy in society is rampant through all society now.
Look at what they're watching on television.
And I don't watch TV, but if I tune in once every six months to a year, I feel like I've come back from an alien planet and how far it's gone.
That's right, because they incrementally make it wilder and more sick and more mentally ill and just nonsensical.
The cartoons are meant to screw the kids up and confuse them, so they'll be rudderless.
And if you don't watch a lot of TV, then when you come back to it, it is just laced with propaganda, no matter what you're watching.
I challenge people, you know,
Stop drinking tap water and then six months later taste how horrible it tastes.
I challenge people to not watch TV for six months and then go back to it and you will witness the programming.
Go ahead, Alan.
Well, even in much music television for the youngsters is simulated sex.
I mean, it's almost, they're almost naked now.
As well as taking the rest of their rags off, whatever they're wearing, because that's what you're seeing on television.
That's the message to the young, that anything goes.
Remember, too, they said that they're going to make children obsessed with sex, even before puberty.
And when they could do that, those children would never bond with a mate for life.
It would not happen.
We're good to go.
And they all write books about it.
They all state it over and over again.
And again, I don't want to digress with Dan.
It's just, to me, it's a complete divide-and-conquer distraction.
All I simply said was is that I couldn't imagine not being married and having kids.
And so that was the point I was throwing out there.
Let's go ahead and talk to Al in Texas.
Al, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Good afternoon, Alex.
It's a pleasure to be with you.
God bless you.
I know it's gotta be stressful, you know, your job, and I can't even imagine the stress level that you're in, man.
Well, we do what we gotta do, but thank you, sir.
Any questions for Alan Wanner?
Well, statements, really.
I'd like to let the people of Southeast Texas know that we have got to use our own printers and ink to print up the Constitution, the Bill of Rights.
We have got to get it out to as
As many people as possible.
These documents themselves are really the most important things we have.
And if people don't read them, if people don't understand them, then they have themselves to blame for what happens in the coming years.
We are presently trying to organize a walk along the Mississippi River.
Well, not along the river literally, but we're trying to get a bunch of copies of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights
to give a handout to people and show them the true documents and let them know what's really going on.
They need to understand that these documents are law.
This is what our nation is supposed to abide by.
That's why we put free ones in with all the orders at InfoWars.com.
Al, I appreciate your call.
Aaron in Texas.
You're on the air.
Does anybody have a question for Alan Watt?
Yeah, I was actually wanting to touch on the subject earlier about the mind control and about, you know, I've been noticing it a lot on the television with Connect a Million Minds.
I know Time Warner is the one who's putting it on the air, but I don't know if you've seen that commercial at all?
No, what is it?
I don't watch very much TV.
What is it?
It's an after-school care for children.
Oh, kids shows are just 100% brainwashing, yeah.
Yeah, it's a program that you put your children in.
I've just seen it popping up recently.
It basically just talks about
Science and technology and how to progress your children's lives, basically.
Well, I've seen PBS shows, everyone.
I've tuned in with kids about how great it is to take vaccine shots.
Alan Watt talking about children's programming.
That's really bizarre when you watch it.
It is bizarre, but it's always been that way, really, since the 60s onwards.
Now, people realize that scriptwriters are paid by governments.
To write cartoons with messages in it to do with environment and many, many other topics, preparing them for the life that they will grow up into, which will be entirely different from their parents.
So they're being programmed that everything that they will experience in their life is normal.
And when it comes along, they're pre-programmed for it from kindergarten up.
But the cartoons, it's amazing.
You know, almost every author in Canada that writes novels lives on a grant from the government.
Because we're socialists here, you see.
Same in Britain.
And they must write in all the politically correct updates and messages for... Well, that's what my dad pointed out.
He said he's always seen propaganda in science fiction and novels, but he says now almost every book he buys randomly that's a bestseller is about how patriots are bad and gun owners are bad and drugging people is good and world government is good.
I mean, we're just swimming in brainwashing, which is the prima facie evidence of a tyranny.
It's tyranny, but it is to be a scientifically elitist-driven society.
They say that we're post-democratic now.
Democracy is too cumbersome.
It's too many conflicting parties.
Therefore, it's out the window.
Regardless of the semblance they still give you for party opposition, it's really just an act.
We're post-democratic.
They're all on board with it.
It's just an act for the public.
That's all they are.
That's all politics is now.
Well said, Alan.
Let's jam in.
Let's jam in one more, hurrying towards the end.
Monica in California, you're on the air.
Hi Alex.
Hi, what's on your mind?
Yes, I just want to say that I pray for you and your family every day.
Thank you.
And I've been getting upset a little bit.
Everybody's been giving you kind of a hard time about the Gulf.
And I think you're doing an excellent job covering it.
Well, one guy called in and said, I've never covered the gulf.
It was a, it was a, and he said everyone was upset.
It was a, it was a mass hoax.
It's a attempted petty programming to say, everyone's mad at you.
One caller said that, and then that becomes a self
I think so.
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The question is, where should the American people draw their line in the sand?
What have we got?
A republic or a monarchy?
A republic.
It's based on a constitution which protects minority rights.
Not democracy, not mob rule.
Two wolves and a sheep voting on what's for dinner.
So they think they own our land?
They think they own our water?
Our education?
Our money?
We have to define who we are and what we will tolerate.
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Alan Watt has a lot of great material and information.
His website CuttingTheMatrix.com.
One word, of course, our sites are InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.tv.
We're going to rebroadcast in about five minutes and if you're listening on the internet streams in the first hour I covered the situation with Mexico just completely collapsing and border state sheriffs begging for help.
They're under siege.
Plots to blow up dams in Texas by the Los Zetas CIA controlled groups.
This is the destabilization, the controlled chaos takedown of America.
I wanted to jam in a few final calls though with Ellen Watt.
Always great to have Ellen on with us.
Monica, thank you for saying that you appreciate our work, but anything else on your mind?
Yes, I was watching TV the other day and something kind of alarmed me.
Dr. Oz had a program saying how you can protect your family from anthrax.
And I want to tell the American people that, you know, we have little time.
And it's not fun to fight tyranny.
That's right.
They had anthrax attacks months before it even happened.
And that's why on 9-11 I said they're going to launch an anthrax attack.
And three weeks later we found out they'd already launched it.
They pre-programmed.
And when you know, it's incredibly obvious.
Is that what you're getting at, Monica?
And they're also pushing for adults to get this new DPT shot.
So that's something that should be alarmed to the American people and look it's not fun to fight tyranny but we need to get off our butts and stop depending on Ron Paul and Alex Jones because you guys do a great job.
And you guys give a lot of your family time up to do what you do, and it's greatly appreciated.
Well, we appreciate you, but I'm not going to have a family in the future, and I'm not going to be able to have grandchildren if we don't turn this around now.
I mean, I don't think people understand that I use the parallel or the analogy of those old movies where you're trapped in the chamber and the water's pouring in, and if you don't figure out the combination, you're going to drown very, very quickly.
Alan, any other key points you want to make?
Yeah, this G8 to G20 are going on now in Toronto.
At the top of the list, of course, is the Gulf mess, and out of it will come the debate to do with the carbon taxes, energy conservation.
We've already got smart meters put across Canada like crazy, just throwing them in there.
These things have to communicate directly to the electric masters, or whoever they happen to be, by two methods, broadband and FM.
And the purpose, according to them, in Britain, is that they can then cut you off any time they wish to when you've exceeded your allocated quota.
Oh, that's already being done in California!
And now the license plates are going to flash government, homeland security messages and brainwashing.
All the license plates nationwide, starting in California, will be little telescreen brainwashing messages.
Alan Watt, have you seen that article?
I haven't seen that one.
No, that's interesting.
California license plates may go digital.
And it says, image ad-blaring license plates.
And it goes on amber alerts and government messages.
So now you're a slave advertising government propaganda.
But going back to what you said, notice how Copenhagen and every other meeting they have, they've got to have a carbon tax for the G20.
And now they'll have this new meeting and claim they just have this idea for the exact same global carbon tax treaty which will fund the private central banks.
They never change their tactics and their agenda.
When they make a plan, doesn't matter what comes, they will run it through one way or another.
But what's interesting too is that Canada, most Canadians don't even know it, they're using Canadian taxpayers' money to build big, giant, can-do, that's Canadian company, can-do nuclear reactors in China right now.
And we're paying for it from Canada because China, under the agreement to gas, is still a third world country, believe it or not.
We can't even get them to repair our old ones here.
That's right.
You can't have new coal plants there because of carbon taxes, but I saw that in your news, but you're paying for nuke reactors in China to run factories.
Well said, Alan Wan.
Alan, we'll talk to you again soon.
Alan, of course, is in our film, Fall of the Republic.
Thank you so much for your amazing insight.
Thanks for having me on, Alex.
Thank you.
Great job with the crew.
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The question is, where should the American people draw their line in the sand?