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Name: 20100607_Mon_Alex
Air Date: June 7, 2010
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Well, my friends, you don't want to miss the last hour today and tomorrow.
It'll be Paul Watson's maiden voyage from England, co-hosting the show.
I'm gonna throw him in the deep end and let him do the last hour live by himself.
Of course, Watson is a veteran news reporter for a decade.
And I've been a guest on countless syndicated radio broadcasts, including this one.
So it's not really throwing him in the deep end.
But I do want to see what he does by himself covering news.
And I've really given him no guidance.
We'll see what he thinks is important, what he covers, what he goes over.
And he may even take some calls.
Now, I also want to continue with open phones today, in this hour and the next, ahead of
Uh, his red coat excellency, uh, coming on in the, uh, last hour today.
And we do have people popping in, also from Bilderberg 2010, like Paul Dornanew coming up here in just a few minutes, uh, because, uh, our last reports were on Friday.
We got Tucker coming on in a couple days.
He's flying back today from, uh, Sigis, Spain.
I think?
So I don't know how many articles there are.
I know you Google the term Bilderberg, and you put it in different search functions, and it's hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of articles that you just see right there on the surface.
So there's a complete implosion of their operation.
The problem is they're going to try to launch a war with Iran as a political distraction, and that comes directly from the Bilderberg group's sources.
People say, oh, well, you know, what are your sources?
Well, in media we can't give you our sources, but they have a lot of secretaries, they have a lot of
Financial planners, they have a lot of people that work with them.
There's also guests, and there's senatorial aides, and people like that.
Okay, I mean, look at the track record of the info Tucker's gotten.
It's gold.
Jim Tucker's for real.
Look at how many predictions he's made that have happened, unfortunately, via the info he got from Bilderberg.
We wish that they weren't in power.
We wish that they didn't have, not complete control, but they're able to steer and twist world events, in many cases, the way they want.
Until now, they're having more and more failures.
Because you are taking action and we are revealing them.
And the people that say we're kooks because there's a world government run by bankers, they look like lying kooks now.
The people that say fluoride's good for you, or mercury's good for you, or vaccines are good, people are now reading the vaccine inserts and finding out they're being lied to.
And they can have shows for kids like squid billies, where fluoride's good for you and your toothless hillbillies if you don't drink it.
That's only going to wake adults up.
It's over!
It's over if we just take action.
Yes, the globalists are going to stage terror.
Yes, they're going to try to shut down the internet.
Yes, they're going to bring in police states.
But at least the battle's joined, and we know they're not invincible.
And we've shown people they're not invincible, and if we just take action, it's over.
It's over if you get up off your butts.
If we all collectively get off our enormous butts and do something, we can change history here for the better.
The other alternative is degradation and slavery of a high-tech version we've never seen before.
Let me tell you, it ain't pretty.
Now here's the deal.
Gold is up almost $20 today.
The bankers about an hour ago tried to drive it down.
It failed.
It's at an all-time high today right now.
An hour ago they tried to drive it down.
It's come out in congressional hearings that JP Morgan especially is trying to fix the gold price, but they're failing because Europe is basically sold out of gold.
They're reporting their mints are sold out.
The pawn shops are sold out.
Premiums are exploding.
And I wanted to briefly bring Ted Andersen up before we go to Paul Dornanoo joining us from Romania, because Ted, you've got some other news headlines for us on the economy.
Bloomberg's reporting with their chart yesterday that made international news, that within just a few years, our GDP will be less, our gross domestic product, everything we make, will be less than the debt.
So, the bankers set up Fractional Reserve Banking, so it's physically impossible to ever pay it back.
It's made up.
We either say no to the fraud, or we're done for.
And as long as we get that message out so people have an alternative, we can bring these people down.
But I wanted to bring Ted Anderson up.
31 years in the gold and silver business, 14 years with Midas Resources, or maybe even longer.
And here he is joining us today.
Ted, thanks for coming on.
Yeah, hey, thanks for having me up, Alex.
And the way you said it is exactly right.
There was a sell-off this morning, but all those losses were erased immediately, and now we're about $10 away from the all-time peak for gold.
In the U.S.
dollar, I should say.
It's already the all-time peak in Europe.
Yeah, it's already in the all-time pick in Europe.
We've seen $12.41 already today, and currently right now trading at $12.40.
I mean, Reuters is writing about it.
I've seen the article in Bloomberg.
The Hindu has a big article on gold and how the people in India are buying gold, especially jewelry and bars.
My wholesalers are out there in Europe right now trying to buy
Franks, and they're trying to buy the British Sovereign, and they're just not getting enough material.
It's really getting tight out there.
And like you said, you've been around for 30 years, and so when you're having trouble getting it, I mean, it's running out everywhere else.
It is.
I can tell you right now, 30 years ago, I could have bought bags of junk silver, and silver was running up over $50 an ounce.
And there was no shortage.
Right now, we're sitting in a position where it's hard to, you know, you have a hard time buying Krugerrands and Maple Leafs.
I mean, the Krugerrand, the South African government turned up their production, and they're making it, you know, an increased 25% over their last high.
And that shows that we have a fixed market, because when, you know, say in Venezuela, when they fix the price of milk, and they claim that it's in U.S.
You know, $3 per gallon, but you can't find it anywhere.
So there's a black market where it's $8 a gallon.
That's price fixing.
So they say gold is $1,239, up $19.30 today, but in reality it's sold out and there's giant premiums.
So the market is showing that gold is really closer to $1,500 an ounce right now, but Ted Anderson, being the free marketeer that he is, and the patriot,
He bought gold and silver when it was over $100 lower, and he's still selling it to you, but he's almost sold out of everything, and then the price will go up, so do not screw around.
Ted, explain this to people and give folks today's offers.
Sure, I will.
Right now the Walking Liberty half is still at $9.75.
That was the same exact price we talked about last week.
The only coin that's edged up a little bit here is that Frank.
And my traders are saying that this coin has to be up in the $2.70 range.
And I said, no, we're not going to do that.
We picked him up to $2.65.
But I got to tell you, there's so much pressure on that market.
Right now I'm hoping, I'm hoping to get a good supply of the British Sovereign again.
We've sold just a
A ton of those things.
And the people that bought them are sitting on nice profits now.
You know, they really are sitting with nice... Well, let's tell folks the coins you do have, though, Ted.
Well, the ones that we have right now is going to be the Frank, and you get that one with the Forecaster, a full-year subscription to Bob Chapman's newsletter, at $265 a coin.
But if somebody wants more than one coin, they can still get the $265 apiece.
Yes, they can.
They can buy as many as they want at this particular time, but I can't say that that's always going to occur.
Because the Europeans are the ones that are buying the gold coins right now, and this is a European coin.
I import them.
You know, I have to deal with the competition of that market, and the premiums are starting to rise, just like you said earlier.
Premiums on U.S.
Eagles went up by $100 an ounce here just a couple years ago, when Hank Paulson and George Bush was calling for, you know, for the TARP bailout.
I mean, that's what's going on in Europe right now, and it's not going to stop in Europe.
It's coming right back home here to the United States, and we're going to have problems just like that.
And if people haven't...
Come to their senses and decided to buy gold for their portfolio.
I don't know how I can help them.
I mean, Alex, I just need to tell you that $265 for a franc is going to look like a really, really good price later on because the market is moving away from that.
And even though it's at a discounted price today, you know, you've got to realize that people are sitting in the stock market, the bonds,
If you have an IRA put away and you think that you're going to have something in the future, it's under attack.
The United States dollar is not going to hold value as the Federal Reserve System turns on the printing presses and cranks out the debt machine and puts us in such hock.
I mean, there's just no way that the United States dollar is going to fare well in that kind of an economy.
You know, that environment.
Ted, tell folks about some of the other coins that you do have in plentiful supply.
How are you doing on those silver half dollars?
The silver half dollars are there.
You can buy as many as you want right now.
I shouldn't say that because I don't know exactly what, you know, how many people will place orders on, but they are available right now.
The junk silvers are a great buy.
I was able to reduce the price on $20 Liberties even though the price went up in the gold market.
You know, almost a 40-point fluctuation today to $1,518 apiece.
We have U.S.
I mean, there are many different coins that you can be buying in on and getting some good quantity in.
But you know what?
When this stuff comes from Europe and starts landing in the United States, this crisis that we're dealing with, it's not going to be pretty, Alex.
All this stuff is going to go up.
The premiums are going to have to rise because there's such demand right now.
Yeah, I don't know how to say it any more clear than that.
I mean, I'm not saying that gold can't fluctuate in price and be, you know, right now it's $1,240.
It might reach a point of $1,220 again.
But we hit that support level of $1,200 and the bankers tried to push it back down into that $1,180 range and they lost that battle.
It went shooting up to $1,240.
And this is happening in the summer when it's normally, historically, very low.
Don't procrastinate, folks.
The Broeckles will be there until later this evening.
And Ted has had to go up a little bit on the francs.
Still one of the best deals out there.
Those silver dollars, you cannot beat that.
Tell them it's the Alex Jones Radio Special.
Take advantage of these low prices.
Ted, I really want to thank you for coming on with us today.
Yeah, thanks for having me up.
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Alright, I apologize for having him hold while I was ranting, talking to Ted.
He is Paul Dornanoo.
He visited with us a few years ago in Istanbul, Turkey.
He's from Romania.
He shot great video and took great photos that we used in Endgame, Blueprint for Global Enslavement.
of course.
Hi Alex, good to be back.
Good to have you here.
We're going to have you for this segment and the next.
The website's info, c-o-n dot r-o, infocon dot r-o.
Incredible photos and videos and research up on your journal, your online journal.
But what else did you witness before you left on Sunday to go back to Romania?
A. B. The Guardian reported, and we've got Skelton coming on later,
Yes Alex, I've heard about the arrests and detaining people.
From what I know, there were some people, some guys that tried to climb on the hills and in the forest to try taking closer pictures.
And I've managed to see some of those pictures online.
I haven't tried this year, you know, because last year we have had problems with police in Greece.
They've been detained twice in Greece.
We actually haven't tried to do anything stupid this year, but...
We only stayed at the entrance of the hotel where basically we were able to make dozens of pictures with attendees coming out and coming in to the Dolce Hotel.
And among these people, I can name, for example, the head of Daimler, my AG, Daimler Chrysler, my company, Dieter Zetsch, or whatever it's spelled, and another one, the chief of Airbus, Tom Anderson.
Those are two new names that we managed to take pictures of.
And I think you saw the video in which a guy, probably, not sure who he is, from a fiat company, waved the V sign on us.
So, I even said, whose victory is that?
Ours or their victory?
I think you saw that video.
Well, what do you think of the Bloomberg reporting that, okay, there is a big cabal, there is a world government, I'm going to read over some of this in the next hour, and you can't blame the public for being into conspiracies because it looks like it's real, and that the Federal Reserve told Bloomberg that Bernanke wasn't there, though people reported seeing him there, and I've seen the media lie before in 2008 and say that Bernanke wasn't there, even though I saw him with my eyeballs at three feet away as he drove in, and we got video,
Yes, for certain.
There were people that have been reported to be in there, even right now, I guess.
But they are not on the final list that we are seeing.
And they have a website right now and I think they are forced to go public and try to minimize the use them as being a private meeting, like a private company, which is not the fact.
So, uh, what they're trying to do is right now, you know, to try to hide the presence of some people that, uh, even I photographed a couple of people that are not on that list.
And that's why I was thinking, is this list genuine or not?
Because the list is certainly not complete.
Well, that's another great point that you bring up, that some of the people aren't attending this year, but you're seeing people who are attending that aren't on the list, and now we're seeing it all over the European press, we're seeing it all over the U.S.
press, and the word from the inside is, from Skelton and from Tucker, is they are dejected, they know that their carbon tax is in trouble, they know that their entire agenda is being revealed.
Yes, they are scared.
I can say for certain they are scared.
And that's why I was actually wondering if it's our victory or their victory.
That's why that guy showed us the sign.
For example, I was telling you earlier that
Stay there, stay there.
We're going to ask a few more questions in the next segment of Paul Dornanew.
Joining us from Romania, Bilderberg 2010.
This is very exciting news.
Stay with us.
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Coming up at about 8 after in the second segment in the next hour for one segment.
We're going to be joined by Mark Anderson of American Free Press.
The intel he got Friday, Saturday, and Sunday at Bilderberg.
Squeezed some more key info out of that reporter.
Appreciate him joining us.
And then Charlie Skelton, who's been a wealth of info, the London Guardian.
The aftermath, he did get detained again this year after we talked to him Friday.
So breaking news on that front.
Because folks, Bilderberg Group is as high level as it gets.
It's a component of Club of 300.
It's a component of Club of Rome, the Committee of 300.
It's a component of the Trilateral Commission.
Very highest level.
And they are in trouble.
They are upset.
They know the whole world's waking up to them.
Look at the news headlines.
Look at the resistance.
Look at how Obama, their savior, that they wanted to sell world government with, is falling apart.
The people are really waking up.
This is so exciting.
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Now is the time to be reaching out and getting the word out, ladies and gentlemen.
So get the films at Infowars.com or call toll free 888-253-3139.
Go ahead.
Yes, Alex, I just wanted to bring this up because Sunday there was no media coverage at all compared to the previous days where you had, you know, three, four, five even TV stations doing live broadcasts right from there.
Sunday there was no press.
There were just only a few people there doing pictures and taking videos.
And I'm not sure what, uh, what happened, but, uh, I expect, uh, Bilderbergers have, uh, started now to put pressure on the local media from Spain not to broadcast anything.
Well, they have something called geo-filtering with videos and articles, and I know Google's doing it.
They will not allow any articles that we write to go through the Google News system, though all our others are accepted immediately.
And our video won't list under Google News when we talk about Bill Gates.
So the name Bill Gates has a hold on it.
And it came out today that BP is paying Google and Yahoo to block out negative searches on them.
So we're really getting a 21st century example of censorship.
They did not want it out that Bill Gates was in attendance.
That's my point.
They're trying to cover this as much as possible, even if the big damage has been done already.
I think that's our victory in the end.
We managed to expose them as much as possible.
Whereas other people in the past didn't care about Bilderberg, they now started to find out and question it.
Even the Bilderberg was exposed in the European Parliament, which is a great thing to happen to date.
Oh, it's incredible.
I mean, it is not a complete implosion, but a serious blow.
And if we press the issue, it could be a death blow.
Now, the apparatus of world government is already in place, so it will continue to move forward.
But we are certainly slowing it down.
I mean, as one Bilderberg group member said, we're about whipped, according to Tucker, that's from an inside source, on the global warming tax.
I mean, they are in so much trouble right now, and I just can't express to people how exciting this is, because we're now addressing the actual controllers, not their front puppets that normally take all the heat for them.
Well, Paul Dornanew, I want to thank you for joining us today.
We look forward to talking to you again in the future.
Con.ro is your excellent website.
God bless you, my friend.
Thank you, Sir Alex.
You bet.
Great job there, independent journalist out there.
It's those type of fellows that are going to save the human race.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, we're gonna continue with some phone calls in this hour.
Bunch of other news I need to at least briefly head on.
Big news blitz in the last hour.
Paul Watson's gonna be sitting in today and tomorrow in the last hour.
Right now, let's go back to your phone calls.
Who's up next here, John?
Eric in New York, then Mr. Nobody.
Everybody's a somebody, Mr. Nobody.
Eric in New York, you're on the air.
Hey Alex, this is Eric.
Thank you.
I'm a big fan of yours.
I know exactly what you're talking about with this scum.
Well, I'm not saying police and military are all scum.
I'm saying the people running it and trying to overturn the republic are scum.
Oh yeah, I mean, I used to be a vet.
Well, I am a vet, of course.
But I went down to New York City to visit my grandmother.
And I'm at the Port Authority with my army shirt.
And I was reading your pocket constitution that I received from you guys, and I noticed there was like a battalion of troops just running around the Port Authority in full battle gear, just... Oh yeah, I've seen them in New York with loaded 45s and M16s, all to acclimate the public.
Oh yeah, and then I see them and they took my pocket constitution and they just threw it in the trash.
And told me to keep moving.
I said, hey, listen, you know, you can't just do that.
I mean, I have video police at a checkpoint find a pop constitution and begin to breathe heavy and get scared like they found a hundred foot cobra with red eyes.
And, uh, they do get scared.
I mean, it's like a vampire seeing a silver cross.
It's like, ah,
I mean it's... I'm surprised they don't burst into flame.
You like hold a pocket constitution up and they're like... But I mean are you serious?
They actually grabbed your pocket constitution away?
Oh yeah, they just took it.
I was in New York and there were troops with 45s across the street and they saw me with a camera and they start cussing and they run across the street going... I mean this is on video in Endgame.
And they come running across the street and get in my face, and I went ahead and bowed up to them, and I said, you're a traitor, get out of my face, and they backed off.
I found if you grovel, then they start thinking it's normal.
Yeah, that's a terrorist.
He's got a constitution.
So, I mean, why did they grab your constitution?
I mean, they thought that was threatening?
They, I don't know what they were thinking, but they thought, you know, I don't know what they thought, you know?
You know, what are you doing with that?
And I said, you know,
Well, they've been trained by the ADL and Southern Poverty Law Center well.
Hey, pretty soon they see an American flag they'll flip out.
I mean, look at San Francisco.
You can't even have an American flag flying.
I mean, that's just a... I mean, you know, they see a pocket Constitution... I mean, if an American flag scares these people, what do you think a Constitution does?
They told me it was like... They told me I read too much, and that's one of those extremist books.
I'm like, what?
So this really happened?
Well, I believe you.
I've seen some more things.
I appreciate the call.
And maybe they're right.
Maybe he is evil in America with a pocket Constitution.
The Constitution?
Folks, I can play you video of FEMA training demonizing the Constitution, and I can play you video in Road to Tyranny from the squad car of the police at a warrantless checkpoint.
Searching cars, and they find a... anything with the word Patriot.
They find a videotape.
This was ten years ago, nine years ago.
They find a VHS tape of Patriot games with Harrison Ford, and they get scared.
It's got an American flag on it.
I'm not kidding!
And then they find the pocket constitution and they're going, oh my god, I can't believe it.
She's one of them.
They're going, what are we going to do with this?
I don't know.
Is she allowed to have it?
I don't think so.
Good lord, we got one of them.
We got paraphernalia.
These are quotes.
I ought to play that.
They're just like, I got one of the people that loves America.
What are we going to do?
Our boss told us about these.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
All right, my friends, he is still in
We're good to go.
And that they said that, well, that's why our welfare state is too big.
We need to make the public so poor they can't afford to even come to these events.
See, that's why they want to bankrupt society.
So you're so poor, you're literally starving to death so the Bilderberg Group can fly around above you in their jet aircraft like they're God.
It's in Bloomberg, it's all over US news, it's all over foreign news.
I have to say this is the biggest rout in Bilderberg history.
Jim Tucker agreed when he was on Friday.
He's already flying back to the US.
He's going to be on for a full report later in the week.
Our final report on Bilderberg until next year.
We also have the fact that
Bill Gates was there, other people were there.
The news is reporting, Bloomberg is reporting that Bernanke didn't show up, but our intel is that he was there.
I know Bernanke was there in 2006 and 2008, of course, Chairman of the Federal Reserve.
But the bad news is, the majority of them for the first time are greenlighting an attack on Iran.
That doesn't mean it's 100%, but it's all going in that direction.
And, of course, Tucker in 2002 said the attack won't be in 2002, when the media was saying it would be, including the Washington Post.
He said Donald Graham, the publisher, was there.
It's going to be March of 2003.
He said that over a year before.
He was correct.
And so the fact that Iran is green-lighted is very, very scary.
To give us the latest developments and go over those points I just made is Mark Anderson of AmericanFreePress.net.
Mark, thanks for coming on with us.
You're welcome, Alex.
It's been a very interesting last 24 hours in particular.
The route that you're talking about, I believe you mean how they were kind of smoked out of here in a way.
The understanding from talking to the hotel repeatedly, badgering them for press conferences, badgering them for information, not letting up one bit, was that you couldn't get in there publicly in the Dolce Hotel until today at noon.
Well, they were gone out of here yesterday evening.
And the meeting was really supposed to last until this morning.
Traditionally, according to my colleague Jim Tucker, they always have their Monday breakfast before they depart.
I think they were the last man standing, the last Bilderberg out of here was probably maybe 9 p.m.
last night.
And I talked to a lot of different people.
Was that Etienne D'Avignon?
I'm sorry?
Who was the last to leave?
Oh, I don't know specifically.
I just know that it seems that all the publicity just kind of made them turn tail and run a little bit.
Maybe not in a fleeing fashion.
I'm not going to say they fled, but I think it just got a little too inhospitable
Well, by route, their entire agenda's in trouble.
They're now all over the newspapers worldwide.
The Drudge Report every day.
Bloomberg's going, OK, there is a global government.
OK, this is suspicious.
You know, where were you, Bernanke?
Obama's their puppet.
That's in the news.
Tucker said that they... Bilderberg sources told him that one Bilderberg group member said, we're about whipped on climate change taxes.
But their race on the whole is starting World War III.
Well, what you said about Iran certainly rings pretty true.
Just how close they are to that is very difficult to say.
Bill Gates' appearance here brought about some confirmation that he was here under one guise, but his actual reason for being here was to try and sell Zapatero, the Spanish prime minister who gave the opening address, like most nationals do that host the meetings, try and sell him on the green tax, I think otherwise known as the carbon tax.
And that could drastically drive up energy costs and lead to this impoverishment you were referring to.
Exactly, and we know Greece was the first to adopt the green jobs that take two jobs for every new job, and even the Spanish leaders have said that was the coup de grace that killed their economy.
Yeah, so it seems Bill Gates used a disingenuous excuse to get here just to generally counsel the PM on the economy, but it was specifically about that tax.
Barcelona, June 5th, Saturday, 1,000 anti-Israeli marchers on the flotilla thing, but 200 anti-Bilderberg marchers joined them.
1,200 people in the center of Barcelona.
Absolutely amazing.
What about Jim's intel?
I know you went with him.
Anything else that he said about the fact that one of the Bilderberg members said we're about whipped on the carbon tax?
Well, I don't know about that one.
I would be less than honest if I could answer that one, if I tried to answer that definitively.
All I know is Gates was here to discuss it, but where they went on that, I don't know.
I think part of the situation where it seems they really had to
We're good to go.
Supposedly the Spanish taxpayers don't have to pick all that up.
It's reimbursed.
That's just the miscellaneous matters.
But everything's just kind of coming together plank by plank here.
But the real story here, and in the brief time we have, is that the media attention was so great that I think they really had to kind of abbreviate everything and get on out of here.
They know they're not welcome.
It's an inhospitable place, perhaps anywhere they'll go now.
I think that the bottom line is that the news doesn't remain a flash in the pan or doesn't be too sporadic, but becomes long-term, sustained coverage of what they're doing.
And that's a critical point for independent media.
Well yeah, Paul Dornanew of Romania brought this up.
He said that he's talked to Dutch and others that say they've been to the steering committees that only have 20-30 members of Bilderberg.
We know Bilderberg does have those steering committee hearings.
Sometimes they have them at trilateral commission meetings.
The good news is we now see people going to the trilateral meetings, the CFR meetings, all of the sub-meetings.
Yes, yes, that's right, and the former Spanish PM spoke to the Chicago Council on Global Affairs that I covered, and he said some things that kind of laid some hints for here, and that was back in April, and he's Aznar, Jose Aznar, I don't remember his full name.
Um, but he had said some things about, um, that they might have to back off on trying to dictate to all the European nations every last thread of their existence.
I think they're sensing that, um, that maybe they're going to have to, uh, soften their, soften their steps a little bit.
But, um, it's hard.
You know, they, these people speak in codes, you know, uh, one level for public consumption and then speak in another level for their own brethren.
Uh, so it's really a kind of a translation job when, when these global
Let's start talking.
Well, I noticed that Saturday and Sunday I saw reports of more nations support sanctions or blockade on Iran.
So we saw the drumbeat for war with Iran intensify after Bilderberg.
Here's one out of the Canadian news, Globe and Mail.
Canada wins key fight against bank tax.
Canada has won a key fight in its high-profile international campaign against the global bank tax.
So countries have to win fights.
Just to have their sovereignty.
So Canada's won a key fight in its high-profile international campaign against a global tax as G20 Finance Minister Saturday approved a plan that allows countries to manage an issue as they see fit.
Isn't it nice that the G20 will allow
Us to have our own affairs, Mr. Anderson?
Yeah, that's the thing among the Spanish citizenry here and among the shopkeepers.
That's what they, above and beyond the secrecy of Bilderberg and what are they doing in our country and what's going on, they kind of sense this condescension.
There they are at the Hotel Dolce up on the ivory tower hill looking down upon the city.
You know, the metaphor is unmistakable and they sense that there's this
This, you know, all kind of papering over of their sovereignty and to sort of override their local control.
Even the local governor, I'm told by a pretty good source, Spain has like eight provinces.
One of them is Catalonia, where I'm at.
And that governor or president of this province also was reportedly at Bilderberg.
And so this is a local that should be fighting this breach of sovereignty who instead is going to the meeting.
We've only got about two minutes left with Mark Anderson of AmericanFreePress.net.
Any other key intel that's come out of the meeting?
Well, a lot of things are still falling into place.
As I say, they kind of turntailed and run Iran.
I think that we're pretty square on the Iran thing being a high priority.
They keep trying to say that a country with not a single operational nuclear weapon is a nuclear threat.
When other nations, Israel on up, have plenty, then you have the economic thing, the carbon green tax that could hurt any country and its consumers.
And, you know, right on down the list with their IMF as the world treasury, you know, there was the big marches, all the awareness going on.
I mentioned the Barcelona... What about arrest and people being detained?
That came out in The Guardian that that did happen on Friday and Saturday.
Well, from what I saw, and I gotta say it was a little bit limited because I was partially in the field, partially at headquarters, if you will.
I didn't see a lot of that and I didn't hear a lot of it.
I think it was relatively brief and relatively limited.
So a lot more limited than Greece where they went hog wild last year?
Yeah, these police were pretty restrained.
Oh, there is another thing.
The police union Catalonia is registering a fairly major complaint.
They issued a press release.
They disagree with police being used in this manner to cover an elite group like this.
This is in the actual press release of the Catalonian police union.
Hold on, this is huge news.
I know you've got to get packed and fly out of there, but I may have to hold you a few minutes.
This is, the police are finally saying, plus the whole country is going bankrupt, that we don't want to be protecting these globalists?
Well, they might not have used the word globalist, but they said, the way they call it around here is Club Bilderberg.
That's the common reference in Europe.
It's just sort of like, we don't believe this sort of thing is the police's job with so many officers working
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I wish a buck was still silver.
It was back when the country was... Well, uh, Mark Anderson's there.
He says it's in the local CJEZ News, uh, in Catalonia, that the police have filed a complaint.
Uh, flesh that out some more, because that's, that's big news.
We need to get an article out and get that up on the Drugs Report.
I don't know the full nature of it.
It's in Spanish, but the basic thing is the police union of the Catalonian region, one of seven or eight regions that comprise Spain, just said pretty straightforward, maybe nothing, you know, earth-shattering, that they just don't think that this is a judicious use of police resources to guard this, you know, upper-scale group meeting at a hotel.
Yeah, why don't they hire their own security for the hotel?
And then they call the police if you trespass.
You know, that would make sense now, wouldn't it?
They kind of usurp the town, they block streets, they make it difficult for the average Joe and Josephine to go have breakfast, lunch, or dinner.
I finally did this morning, nice and early at 8 o'clock, to see if there was a Build-A-Burger passed out in the corner or something.
Did you dig through the trash?
You know, that's the vital goodies.
Yeah, I opened the trash and there was Henry Kissinger.
You know, his arm sticking out or something, but no such macabre luck was upon me.
But at any rate, that's what's going on with the police, the union, they're not liking it.
They got out of here, the police actually relaxed their security.
I was told 11 o'clock last night, local time, was when the last police security left.
We're good to go.
One notable thing before I sign off, Alex, is that this is only the second time Bilderberg's ever met in Spain.
The last time was 1989, and this is the first time in their entire history that Spanish media has done this.
Well, it's incredible.
I've seen press reports of a decade ago of national censorship over any mention of Bilderberg.
They're very strong in Spain, because it is old world.
Alright, we'll fire out the number for people if they want to get a hard copy of the weekly newspaper, American Free Press.
It's excellent.
It's 888-699-NEWS.
That's 888-699-NEWS.
You can ask for like a special Bilderberg edition from this year and past years or ask for the 16 weeks for 1776 ongoing trial subscription or go to AmericanFreePress.net.
That's AmericanFreePress.net and that's
Well, I appreciate you and appreciate your courage and certainly we've got to pat each other on the back.
We're having more and more success against these people and as soon as you get back I want to get you and Jim on together.
Thank you so much, Mr. Anderson.
You have a great evening.
All right.
We're going to get a quick pop-in for about 10 minutes with Charlie Skelton, then I'm going to cover some other news, take a few calls in the next segment.
But we are...
Two hours and 30 minutes into this transmission, I do want to remind listeners to also support this broadcast.
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I read the news today, oh boy, about a lucky man who made the grade.
And though the news was rather sad,
Man, I tell you, Drudge Report just absolutely loves us now.
We've had three links in the last three days.
We've got two up there at the Drudge Report over on the right-hand side, DrudgeReport.com.
I mean, every time he links, we get like a million extra hits, viewers, visits.
It's amazing.
It says, stop the New World Order.
And he's got the great Charlie Skelton articles from London Guardian, the biggest newspaper in Europe and England.
Bilderberg 2010, between the sword and the wall.
Protestors being detained, searched, grilled.
And then final list of participants.
And then we posted just a few paragraphs of a Bloomberg article with the excised subsection.
It's a long article.
Fed denies Bernanke attends Bilderberg.
Now, when you actually go to the article, it says Goldman Sachs may explain PPT's vanishing act, Caroline Baum.
And they say, where's the Plunge Protection Team?
Why aren't they propping up?
Where's the Federal Reserve rigging markets?
And then you read down into the article and it's like, maybe people are upset there's a world government.
Maybe there's something to this.
Maybe they are destroying the economy by design.
Maybe it's all true!
Now, where's Bernanke?
Bloomberg called and he's in Europe, but they won't say he was at Bilderberg.
I mean, this is a rout of these people, because you've got all these Wall Street people going, hey, prop up my stock market!
I know it's all rigged, so rig it!
You don't understand, it's rigged to rob you.
So, I mean, we're going to talk to Charlie Skelton for the rest of the hour here in just a moment, and then Paul Watson's coming up to sit in in the last hour.
Oh, this is because I think he's a great talk show host.
I think he's a great political brain, and I'm going to start making Watson do weekly reports, if you really want to know.
Watson's been working with me for eight years.
Fabulous work over at PrisonPlanet.com, so he'll be sitting in the last hour today and tomorrow.
I want to tell you about a few sponsors, though, before we go any further.
But guys, will you get Watson on during the next break?
I must talk to him during the next break, so just have him on immediately.
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All right, enough of my ranting.
Jim Tucker, who has never steered us wrong, does have Bilderberg Group sources.
Secretaries, assistants, financial planners, bankers.
I'm going to leave it at that.
Plus, he snuck in and been shot at and stolen the trash many times.
You know, stolen their minutes, which have later been confirmed.
He says they are almost completely unanimous green-lighting an Iran attack.
That doesn't mean it's going to happen, but they need the political diversion.
He also says it is a rout.
They are panicking.
A lot of them didn't attend.
That dovetails with what Charlie Skelton said days before that he was there when he and his wife were kicked out.
The last day, seeing Bilderberg head organizers, minions, with the top, you know, director badges, talking about, the dangerous rabble, the Alex Jones is bullhorning us, did they attack?
Heavens no, but that's what you get with a welfare state.
They're able to have money to protest.
They believe you having any job is a welfare state.
They believe they own the planet.
Uh, and so their global carbon tax is in trouble.
They're being routed.
They're not getting their global tax.
Uh, a bunch of countries are saying no to the banking tax.
But they are stealing tens of trillions and destroying our economy.
So, so, they're crushing us.
They're still winning, but at least we're not in a coma, sucking our thumb, dreaming about angels, while the New Old Orders
Sucking at our carotid arteries with our blood spraying all over their face.
You know, they're not having an orgy in our blood.
We're at least waking up and trying to pull the succubus vampire off of our neck.
Charlie Skelton, London Guardian reporter, thank you for joining us, sir.
Thank you.
Excuse me while I just pull this succubus vampire off my neck.
That's better.
Thank you.
Well, you have been near quite a nest of them hanging upside down by their clawed toes.
Is that what succubi do?
Yes, they do.
They sit on your chest.
You know what they do.
I've been near enough.
You're a literary man.
You understand the succubus, succubi, succubus.
The male and the female of the succubi clan.
But seriously, you've been near the brain of the New World Order beast.
A lot has happened.
You have the floor hair skeleton.
Well, talking of the brain of the Bilderberg beast, we have just been looking through our photographs now and we are a little bit behind.
We've had a rather difficult technical day, I would say.
It's taken me all of today to fail to file ten amazing photographs to the Guardian.
We've got many more.
Yeah, you weren't able to get us photos through.
Honestly, I don't quite know what's happening.
We feel a little bit cursed today.
I don't know if anyone else has had technical problems.
Let me tell you, when I was at Bilderberg 2008, my phone kept messing up and then I called my wife and talked to her and then they called her back and said what I had just talked to her about and it was the Bilderberg boys.
We had people here that their GPS didn't work, they turned up in town and it just suddenly stopped.
But anyway, who knows?
Enough speculation, let's turn to fact.
And we were very lucky to have had an extremely brave and resourceful photographer by the pseudonym of Kiro Sabor, who has been up in the hills
And he got so close to the exiting Bilderbergers that he said he could hear them speaking.
He said he could have reached out and touched the policeman.
And we have got some pretty extraordinary photographs.
Too bad we didn't have a shotgun microphone where you could have picked up what they were saying.
Well, the funny thing is it makes a mockery of the idea that the
The security has anything to do with protection, because this is a guy, he's never picked up a camera before in his life, let alone a gun.
You know, he's a builder.
And he crept through the undergrowth and sat there for the best part of 12 hours, snapping photographs.
So, yeah, it's not about protecting them from, in inverted commas, terrorists, or some kind of terrifying threat of rabble.
It's about keeping the press away and the people ignorant.
But you know that.
And, um, yeah, so we've just been looking at our photographs there, just literally turned to a photograph just now, and, um, there in the shadows after a little bit, we tweaked a little bit the bit of the photograph, and, uh, yeah, we saw a rather interesting fellow there, which I'll tell you about later, but we could tell you some of the names I can confirm.
No, no, tell me now!
So you got Bernanke, and they're lying and saying he wasn't there?
We haven't got him, but we have got, uh,
We've got the nastiest man alive.
Perhaps we've got Mr. Kissinger.
Oh my gosh.
Now, were you... He's a war criminal in Spain.
So, brave lad to have come here and braved the possibility... Oh, that's right!
He's been indicted as a war criminal and Herr Kissinger scurried in!
Yeah, there's been a lot of speculation that he wouldn't show because, you know, why would you come to a country that has an arrest warrant out for you for war crimes?
Which I think is the case.
I say that.
I think I'd be told that's the case.
That's something he... No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no
What about Bill Gates?
Did we see Mr. Eugenics?
I've not, but I have seen his Chief Research Officer, Craig Mundy.
We've got some lovely photographs of Craig.
So, Microsoft, were they in force this year?
I think, I believe Monday Goes has been before a few times, but so yeah, anyway, so... Well, you know, their whole new business model is forced inoculations and weather control, and so we know they were there pressing Spain to go ahead with the carbon tax.
I'm sorry, I said, no, terrible.
Obviously, I mean, it's just awful.
And I was just thinking to myself, how extraordinarily strategized in such a manner.
And in fact, you get... Yeah, we have the CEO of the biggest technology company on television saying he will control our weather.
I mean, this is like a bad B movie where you have the crazy guy, I'm taking over the earth, I will control the weather.
What is that?
Sorry, I wasn't aware of that.
Oh yeah, Bill Gates has got weather control systems, chemtrailing, geoengineering is what they call it.
I wish they could behave a little bit less like James Bond baddies.
I mean, this year they were swept into an underground car park because they didn't want, you know, the few of us who were here to photograph them.
I get really embarrassed.
We keep seeing them sort of huddling down on the floor of limousines and holding handbags and newspapers to their faces and I'm thinking, is that what you do if you've just been meeting in order to try and make a better world?
I don't think it is.
I think if I'd just been spending four days strategizing for the good of mankind, I'd sort of be walking out of there thinking, hey, I might get a few pats on the back.
But they crawl out and they slide out.
Do you know what?
My overarching emotion of this particular Bilderberg, last was probably fear.
This has been absolute embarrassment and I just find the whole thing poignant.
From the point of view of this, I just look at them and I go, really?
Come on!
That is not really how you behave as an adult.
Well, they know they're setting up world government, usurping liberty and sovereignty, so of course they creep around and behave like rodents scurrying around in the dark of night from the bright lights of publicity.
As David Rockefeller said in 1991, they couldn't have built this world government with the bright lights of publicity, and so they're like vampires.
The lights of publicity ignites them.
That's why I'm using the vampire metaphor.
Now, Mr. Skelton, I have the American Free Press writer on, Mark Anderson.
He said that it's in the local Spanish news that the police union of the Catalonia State Police are filing a complaint about being forced to guard these people.
Oh yeah, and I reported in my last report that the head of the local police here in Sitges, I don't know if I've told you this, my brain is a little bit muddied after four days of madness, but they arrested a couple of guys on the hill, they took them into the
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
Thank you.
He'd been speaking to the police and he said this with great conviction, but obviously this is third hand from a chauffeur, so you know, take it with however many grains of salt as you want, but he said that the cost of the security alone for the conference was 10 million euros.
Now, I don't know if that's the case.
Oh, it was 900 and something million with the G20 last year here in the US.
How do you spend $900 million?
I say that, we're hosting the Olympics for $13 billion or however much it is, so yeah, I shouldn't ask stupid questions.
Yeah, well, in fact guys, I want to be sure, pull that article up, it was $900 million spent on G20 security.
I believe that's for all their past meetings in the last year, but I want to be, that $900 million number was there.
I know it was above $90 million, yeah.
Because I'm not adding a zero.
We're going to check that right now, but Mr. Skelton, what else happened?
Uh, what else happened?
Uh, well, we've, uh, we've been handing out our t-shirts, which has been, it's been very positive, by the way.
I'd like to say the main thing that's happened is it's been a really, a really warm, positive experience for I think everyone who's been here, that we had some people that came as a result of your broadcast, we've had some people that, a few people that came because of what I wrote last year, um, some people that have just started reading about this kind of thing, and a lot of young people, a lot of very excited, interested, concerned people, and we just had a really good time, and in a sense,
It sounds like you shouldn't have a good time at a place like this, and last year I had such a ghastly, dystopian, awful time, which drove me half mad as I was chased around Athens.
But this year, it's been, you know, sitting up late into the night with a bunch of great people talking about things, and seeing a great increase in numbers of people who've come from all across the world to this event to bear witness to it, and most importantly of all, a great, a huge increase in press.
I mean, genuinely, just
It is properly a breakthrough.
I was speaking to a Spanish guy just the other day who'd come and he was helping us.
He was helping us translate some leaflets into Spanish and he was just saying, you know, I was speaking to my dad.
They were talking about it on the, he said, oh, they're just talking about it now on the radio, one of the main radio stations in Spain.
Everyone's talking about it.
The chauffeur I was talking to said, yeah, everyone's talking about it.
He said, I don't know if it's because the people in the hotel are talking, but everyone's talking about Bilderberg.
You just feel like everyone's talking about it.
I say something and it's so incredible, Charlie Skelton, I can't even believe it.
I said 900 million.
Excuse me.
That's what the security at the Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania cost.
The Toronto Globe reports, and I put into the search engine G20 security cost,
One billion dollars is what it's going to cost.
It says the cost of security for the summit is expected to increase five-fold over estimates and reach one billion.
That's extraordinary.
I do, I do.
I mean, why not just 10 billion?
Why not 100 billion?
I mean, when you're making up numbers like that, why not just screw us for a little bit more?
But I mean, you get 20 bankers who are the real presidents, the real rulers, they show up, they lock down Pittsburgh, they lock down whole cities in Canada, they bring in 50,000 cops, and literally it costs a billion dollars.
I mean... To be fair, a billion dollars isn't worth what it used to be.
Yeah, but, I mean, that's probably, a billion dollars is the whole budget of the city of Austin every year.
It's just, it's just awful.
Charlie, stay there.
Let's collect our thoughts and any other key intel you've got, you're always so awesome to come on with us.
People can read your amazing reports at the London Guardian.
Just Google the name Charlie Skelton, you'll get it all.
We'll be right back, stay with us.
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I'm literally gibbering like a schoolgirl.
I'm just twittering about.
And I mean that by twittering in the post-cyber-twitter way.
With the fact that every intel source we've got says the whole globalist agenda's in trouble, it's falling apart.
That doesn't mean they're not dominating us, they aren't in control of us, but the world, as Obregdon Brzezinski said three weeks ago, is now awake to their agenda.
And the people are now getting faith that we can turn the tide against these people.
And it's that understanding of who the true elite are that is our salvation against corruption.
Going back to Charlie Skelton and the time we have left with him, and Paul Watson joining us via video Skype is coming up.
Charlie, I can only commend you and your journey of awakening, and so much has happened, so much is going on.
You did report, though, that there were people being detained and arrested.
What happened on that front?
Well, look, I have to repeat.
It was, it started a little bit but it just tailed off and it was, everyone I've spoken to and that includes the few people that were arrested and the ones that were tended to be, you know, 30 yards away from the hotel with a long lens.
No one had a problem and I didn't, one of the things I, no one had a big problem.
One of the things I should say is that the guys that were arrested and taken to the Chief of Police who told them that he had mined them, you know, he looked at their footage and he just handed it back.
He handed the camera back and didn't delete his footage.
You know, so that's,
It's a different kind of experience.
I'm not saying that police forces the world over aren't brutal sometimes, but this year we've had a very good and positive experience with the police.
It's hard to pick, there's so many different positives to draw from Bilderberg 2010.
One of them, and perhaps you could argue the most important, is a good relationship with the police.
Because if that relationship falls over, then it all falls over for us.
Well, it certainly does.
Other key points I haven't asked.
Other important pieces of intel.
Can you give us any foreshadowing of what's coming up in your final Bilderberg 2010 report for The Guardian?
Yeah, I can.
Apart from some more pictures, we've got a game called, which your listeners may enjoy playing, called Spot the Delegate.
Because there's a few there that we do know, but we're not letting on.
There's quite a few delegates that we can recognize from their particular lanyards.
What's the headline on that Spot the Bilderberg delegate?
Alright, in your blog.
So it's not up yet?
It's not up yet, but it's going up as soon as you get those emails to The Guardian, the biggest newspaper in Europe.
Okay, now, lastly, what about your mock press conference?
That's a good way to point out how ridiculous this is.
Okay, I'm just going to backtrack very slightly, very quickly, and say, you know, another amazing thing, I just looked at The Guardian website page where it says the most viewed pages on the website, and
One of my reports about Bilderberg was the second most well-read, most-reviewed report on The Guardian in the last 24 hours.
And that's the whole newspaper.
And, you know, that's just extraordinary to think that that amount of traffic, that amount of forwarding around... Because The Guardian is numero uno.
It's the number one, from what I've read, English paper in Europe and England.
Well, it's that or the Times of London, and from what I've read, The Guardian has a bigger readership.
Yeah, no, I mean, online, certainly, and, you know, these days that's perhaps the most important place to be.
But yeah, in terms of the press conference we held, you know, it was a little bit of a stunt, but actually it turned into quite a useful thing.
We were staying at a caravan park, we set up a press office in our hut, Bungalow 19,
We started handing out lanyards, and we started handing out information, and showing photographs of delegates.
You know, if you spot these guys, let us know.
And basically, you know, a bit of background on Bilderberg.
And, you know, we essentially were making the point that if... I'll tell you what, Charlie, we're back in one minute.
Do three more minutes with us.
I want you to be able to finish.
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One of my crew speaks fluent Spanish and Portuguese, being from Brazil, and he did go to the Spanish newspapers and did confirm it's all over the place.
Police deployment cost 600,000 euros, and multiple police agencies and the conclave of CJEZ and others complained and said they should have their own security and called us if there was a problem.
We don't like guarding these people and bankrupting.
And the police just had their pay cut all over the nation.
So that's going on.
Here is the actual Spanish, publico.es, one of the big papers over there.
And it's, I can't speak Spanish, but it's el despalingo politico cuesta 600,000 euros.
Did I butcher that well?
You like that Spanish?
Hey, Phil, Philbert, come on in here and you read the headline in Spanish to folks on the mic over there.
We'll get you to read the Spanish headline.
Charlie Skelton, we were talking during the break, you said that there's overall a feeling by all the media that this was a major breakthrough this year.
Can you finish up with that and what happened with your little press conference?
The press conference was just a bit of fun, but a point of fun, because if they're not going to handle their press, we'll handle it for them.
But I'd like to say, in terms of the good feeling, and in terms of the positive feeling that people have drawn from this, it's hard for me to tell your listeners what to do, Alex, but what I would like them to do, if they've ever thought about having a worthwhile holiday,
And if they've ever thought about coming to a perfectly extraordinary event and meeting some amazing people and doing something that's important and sometimes exciting, sometimes frightening, but just a significant thing, then I would say
When we find out, whoever finds out, when Bilderberg 2011 comes along and where it is, you know, find a little bit of extra cash.
If you can't go club together, send one person.
Come along and join in with everyone.
I agree.
By the way, that's why they've announced that they want government to only allow essential travel.
I mean, they want to lock us down in a neo-feudal state.
Here's the headline in Spanish from Spain.
Go ahead.
We gotta turn his mic on, guys.
Go ahead, now.
Yeah, I don't think his mic's on.
But, well, it doesn't matter.
Screaming across the room, everybody can hear it in Spanish.
Go ahead, Phil.
All right.
Hey, thanks a lot, bro.
Hey, that's exciting, Charlie, that the police are awake.
Well, I wouldn't say that, but I mean, sympathetic, and some have said, you know, I'm reading books about this, you know, people, yes, there is, you know, there's an awakening happening.
Well, I say that.
I really think so.
I think so.
Yeah, I mean, that doesn't mean they're all awake.
But compared to what it was, this is an awakening.
Well, we commend you.
We can't wait to see your spot.
The delegate there on The Guardian, number one or number two story on the site.
I would imagine all your stories together in the aggregate are the biggest story right now on The Guardian.
Thank you so much, Charlie Skelton.
God bless you, my friend.
Thank you, Alex.
Amazing job from him.
What a great idea to everybody to go to the next Bilderberg meeting.
Instead of having a few hundred people, how about a few hundred thousand telling the rulers of the planet that they have gotten their power through ill-gotten gain and that we are taking our liberty back from these globalists that are using communism to take control of our lives.
Now going to Paul Watson who will host the balance of the transmission.
Joining us via video Skype for PrisonPlanet.tv members and radio listeners is Paul Joseph Watson.
Paul, what's coming up in the next 55 minutes after we come back?
Well Alex, we've got a huge new Bilderberg story.
I'm very excited about this one.
I think it's probably, in terms of
Not coming from leaks that journalists have got out of Bilderberg, but directly from Bilderberg members themselves.
I think it's probably the biggest story, certainly of this year, and it's going to answer a lot of debunkers who have attempted to claim that Bilderberg has no power and no influence over world events.
All right, so you've got some new breaking news.
I haven't even heard this yet.
Did it just go up on PrisonPlanet.com?
It's going up straight after the show.
Oh, so you're not even done yet.
You're going to be riding it during the breaks.
I've written the article, but it's going up as soon as I get off the air.
Well, you need to, Darren, in the next break put it up, Watson.
Have you?
Alright, Paul Joseph Watson hosting the show, his maiden voyage.
Thanks for joining us.
Straight ahead.
We'll be right back.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Hello folks, and welcome to the final hour of the Alex Jones Show.
My name is Paul Joseph Watson, editor and writer for PrisonPlanet.com.
Alex is away working on his upcoming documentary, so the final 50 or so minutes of the show, I'll be sitting in for Alex.
And we've got huge breaking Bilderberg news.
The debunkers have been out in the past few days in the London Telegraph and on Russia Today.
Lying and claiming that Bilderberg has no power, these 200 or so elitists from the pinnacle of their respective establishments, from academia, from the media, from government, from corporations, from the banking system, they say that basically these 200 people get together and they just discuss tiddlywinks or something, they just talk about the weather.
You have debunkers claiming that Bilderberg wields no power over global affairs.
Well, that's been proven completely inaccurate with a new story that's going up on PrisonPlanet.com within the next half an hour or so.
And it's a big admission from a Bilderberg member on what really happens at Bilderberg and exactly how much power and influence the Bilderberg group does wield over current affairs.
This comes from a Belgian radio station.
It's a mainstream Belgian radio station.
And they were interviewing former NATO Secretary and two-time Bilderberg attendee, Willy Klaas.
Now, this guy was a former top minister in Belgium.
As I said, he was NATO Secretary General from 1994 to 1995.
Um, and he gave an interview on a mainstream Belgium radio station, and this was also reported on by the Belgian news website, uh, zonnewind.be.
And we've got the translation of the quotes in this article that's coming up on prisonplanet.com.
And, uh, Willy Klaas told the host that
Bilderberg does indeed decide policy for the coming year.
That's a translated quote.
Bilderberg does indeed decide policy for the coming year.
And he would obviously be in a position to know, because he's been to Bilderberg on two separate occasions, and he was the 8th Secretary General of NATO.
He was a bigwig, and he was also a top Foreign Affairs Minister for Belgium.
Now, why is this important that a current and former NATO Secretary, a current Bilderberg member, Willy Klaas, admits that Bilderberg decides global policy?
Well, because over the last few days you've had both the London Telegraph, a guy called Chip Belay, who appeared on Russia Today, and we're going to play that clip in a minute, claim that Bilderberg has no power over global affairs whatsoever and the meeting has no significance at all.
Now, we can go through the leaks that emerge out of Bilderberg meetings that are got by journalists there on the scene, but really the golden nugget is the fact that a Bilderberg member admits that they do set global policy.
And Klaas said during this radio interview, quote, at first he said that
Each Bilderberg guest is given around 10 minutes of talk time in which they compile their presentation to fellow Bilderberg members at the conference.
And then he said, quote, the participants are then obviously considered to use this report in setting their policies in environments which they affect.
And that's the direct translation of what he said.
The participants are considered to use this report, so they use the report that the Bilderberg organizers have written up from their 10-minute speech, and then each individual Bilderberg member is mandated to enact that policy within their respective member nation.
So this undemocratic, unelected, secretive elite
does formulate the consensus which goes directly to forming policy in major western and worldwide countries.
This was sent to us by a Dutch-speaking reader, who's a Belgian, and he confirms that the translation is accurate.
And we've got the translation of his quotes in this article that's coming up.
And it represents a solid confirmation of basically everything that we've seen come out of Bilderberg in recent years, whereby the leaks of what is to happen in global policy, in terms of the economy, the environment,
War and other sectors of global policy play out over the next 12 months.
We documented this many times with the oil prices, the 2002 Bilderberg meeting which delayed the invasion of Iraq until 2003.
And many other areas which we'll go on to explore in detail later.
So this is a confirmation from a Bilderberg member that the group sets policy in a completely undemocratic and illegal manner behind closed doors, behind a steel ring of security.
And this completely confounds the claims of people like Chip Belay, who appeared on Russia Today a couple of days ago, to claim that the notion that the Bildberg Group had any power over global affairs was a fairy tale, a myth, expounded by mainly racist and anti-Semites.
And we're going to go to this clip now and then analyse the propaganda in a minute.
So we play this clip of Chip Belay on Russia Today now.
We're joined by Chip Bolle, an investigative journalist and sceptic, indeed as he is, of the Bilderberg conspiracy theorists.
Mr. Bolle, evening to you.
Well, as we saw there, the gathering's been held in Spain this year, a country that's, of course, no stranger to the tough economic times of late.
As we just heard in that report, even worries could go the same way as Greece down the financial plughole.
Is that the type of story, the type of thing that's going to be topping the agenda of the Bilderberg meeting over the last two days?
Even tonight, of course, as we heard, the euro's trading at a four-year low.
People have every right to be angry at financial networks and they have every right to demand accountability.
But this idea that the Bilderberger Group is a secret elite force that controls the world economy and is building a new world order is a giant pot of spoiled borscht made from rotten beets.
These claims go back to the late 1700s.
There are a lot of malarkey.
There are 15 or 20 other similar groups that have secret meetings.
Most meetings between corporate leaders and government officials are secret.
The press is not invited to them.
This is a hoax carried out by people who believe in an elaborate fairy tale about how power is exercised in the world.
Well hang on Chip, if you were to put your PR advisor's hat on tonight, don't you think there's anything remotely sinister about this annual meeting?
But no matter that it goes on every year, we don't know what's contained in it.
It's not really great PR, is it?
To shroud themselves with all this secrecy and tight security is bound to breed conspiracy theories.
Why is the group so camera shy then?
Well, look, of course you're right.
From a PR perspective, it's idiotic to have secret meetings with secret guest lists and a secret agenda.
So, of course that encourages conspiracy theories, but you also have the Trilateral Commission, you have the Council on Foreign Relations, you have the Club of Rome.
You have dozens of dozens of these elite formations, and yes, they talk over policy, but the organization itself has no power.
Powerful people with huge security apparatus show up at these hotels, and of course they lock down the hotels.
You know, I'm an investigative reporter.
I'm annoying.
I try and sneak into meetings, and of course security keeps me out.
This fantastic set of allegations is a stage play for the reporters.
Yes, but these, as you just said yourself, are powerful people with a lot of world influence.
Surely they're going to take back to their respective camps some of what they've talked about at said meeting.
And that is going to have an effect on the global scene, isn't it?
And that effect will be covered by the media of dozens and dozens of nations.
And the policies that are formulated don't hold any power within the nation.
The people who go to the meeting, there's only like two or three people from each country.
They go back to their country and say, hey, I heard this at the Bilderberg meeting, what do you think?
And the National Assembly or the powerful people say,
I think it's a lot of malarkey.
Take it back and shove it someplace.
So, this idea that this is a plot that is carried out to 30 or 40 countries and implemented is baloney!
How can you be so sure about what you're saying here?
Because it's such a secretive organiser, such a secret organisation, such a secretive group indeed, how can you be so sure about that?
And if it has no influence, what's the point of it all?
Well, of course these people have influence, and they want to talk about how to expand their power, and we should object to the way powerful and rich people manipulate the world economy to their benefit.
I have no problem with that.
But how am I so sure?
These same allocations were made in the late 1790s against the Illuminati, then the Freemasons, then the Jesuits, then the Jewish bankers in the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, from Russia, an apocalyptic conspiracy theory about Jewish bankers.
I don't
Anti-semitic, neo-fascist, conspiracy theorist in the world, Willis Cardo.
So yes, I've investigated both sides of this question and I'm quite sure of what I'm saying.
Now that was Chip Burley, who works for a group called the Political Research Associates, which is funded, if you go to Sourcewatch and check out who bankrolls this organisation that pays his way, by, you guessed it, the Ford Foundation.
Now the Ford Foundation, as we'll explain after the break, is expert in bankrolling these attacks on so-called conspiracy theories, and will analyse the propaganda that you just heard after this break.
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It's the Alex Jones Show, with me, Paul Joseph Watson, sitting in for Alex for this final segment.
And you just heard an interview with Chip Belay on Russia Today.
Now, Chip Belay is somebody who makes a career out of, quote, debunking conspiracy theories.
He works for a group called the Political Research Associates, who
Just by coincidence, are funded by the Ford Foundation, which is an attack dog which transnational elitists use on a regular basis to demonize any criticism of their agenda for a global government as extremist and anti-semitic, which is
A little bit rich, given the history of Henry Ford and the Ford Foundation with funding the Nazi war machine and Hitler giving awards to Henry Ford.
And now the Ford Foundation is attacking people like Alex Jones and Prison Planet for saying that the Bilderberg Group has any power over world events as an anti-Semitic conspiracy theory.
A little bit rich there from Chip Bulley.
But he said in the Russia Today interview that
Anyone who believes Bildberg has any influence over world affairs and is working towards a new world order is, quote, a lot of malarkey and a hoax carried out by people who believe in an elaborate fairy tale about how power is executed in the world.
Well, I'm afraid Mr. Chip Bolle and also Ian Hollingshead of the London Telegraph, who authored an article a couple of days ago, basically dismissing any notion that Bilderberg has power.
Those two individuals are going to have to get out a very big plate, put their words on it and start eating because the big breaking Bilderberg news today is going to go up on Prison Planet in the next break and its former NATO Secretary General admits Bilderberg sets global policy.
And this is Willy Klass, a two-time Bilderberg attendee, who told a Belgian radio station that each Bilderberg member gives a ten-minute presentation, after which a report of that presentation is formalized by Bilderberg organizers.
And then Bilderberg members in each individual country are mandated to implement that policy, that consensus, on a global scale.
So, the fact that Bilderberg does set policy at its annual secret meetings has now been admitted by no less than an actual Bilderberg member.
Now, in the clip you just heard, Belay contradicts himself several times, but he basically tries to make out that
Builderberg members take what they've heard from Bilderberg, then go back to their host countries, and even if they raise the issues that were discussed at Bilderberg, quote, more powerful people then tell them to go and shove it, and that's a direct quote from Chip Villay.
Now that's quite interesting because the Prime Minister of Spain, his Secretary General and the Queen of Spain attended this past weekend's meeting in Sitges just outside Barcelona.
So, if according to Chip Berlay that
You know, more powerful people than the Prime Minister and the Queen of Spain tell them to shove what they heard at Bilderberg, then Bolle is attempting to weave a bigger conspiracy theory than he dismisses us for supposedly concocting and claiming that Bilderberg has power.
Now of course,
In reality, Belay knows that the most powerful people in the world do attend Bilderberg, and that it is at Bilderberg where that consensus for how global events are going to unfold over the next 12 months is agreed upon.
And that's now being admitted by former NATO Secretary General Willy Klaas, a two-time Bilderberg attendee.
Now, merely on the face of it, the claim that Bilderberg does not have an influence on policy is patently ridiculous.
I make the comparison of if you had 200 MLB officials attending a secret meeting for four days in America.
Would this have an impact on the future of baseball if 200 Major League Baseball officials attended a secret meeting and talked about baseball?
I wonder.
But that's essentially what Berlay and Ian Holling said of the London Telegraph are trying to convince us of, that top CEOs like Bill Gates of Microsoft and Eric Schmidt of Google, top bankers like Marcus Agius of Barclays and Peter Sutherland of Goldman Sachs,
Don't meet with national presidents, prime ministers, big newspaper owners, members of the European Parliament, um, and members of the US government to talk about anything important, that they just get together for four days to talk about tiddlywinks, which is a, on the face of it, completely absurd.
And we'll continue to explore this after the break on the Alex Jones Show.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Tyranny is here.
The grim future foretold in 1984 has become reality.
It really says that the state is God.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
This is Paul Joseph Watson sitting in for Alex Jones while he works on his upcoming documentary film.
Now before the break we were talking about the debunkers who have been out in force over the past few days trying to portray Bilderberg as this group of irrelevant old men that have no influence over global policy.
And we played a clip from Russia Today with the Ford Foundation operative
Chip Belay saying that anyone who claims Bilderberg has any power over modern contemporary events believes in a fairy tale and is also probably a closet racist.
Now, this completely contradicts the latest news that's going to go up on PrisonPlanet.com shortly, with this top NATO Secretary General and two-time Bilderberg attendee, Willy Klaas, former Minister for Belgium, who said that, indeed, Bilderberg do set global policy, that each member gives a speech for 10 minutes, a report of that speech is compiled, and then each Bilderberg member is mandated to enact those policies in terms of
War, the environment, oil prices, global government in their own host countries.
Now, people like Boullée and Ian Hollingshead of the Telegraph use bluff and slimy semantics to imply that just because no treaties or laws are signed and sealed at Bilderberg that the group itself has no power.
But the fact that Bilderberg does set the agenda, sets the global consensus, from a whole gamut of policy areas, as I said, from oil to the environment to the economy, is not only being confirmed by Willy Klass, as I just mentioned, but in March of last year, no less than Etienne d'Avignon, the chairman of the Bilderberg Group,
said in an interview with the EU Observer, now in a separate interview he told the BBC that we have no power over global events, we don't set policy, but he was caught out in an interview with the EU Observer in which he said that
Um, the Bilderberg Group, quote, helped create the euro in the 1990s.
Now, we know that the foundation for the EU and ultimately the euro single currency were initially laid out by Bilderberg in the mid-50s and Wikileaks got the documents, and these were also acquired by the BBC, um, from the 1955 meeting, the Bilderberg meeting which took place in West Germany.
In which Bilderberg members talk about the agenda for a European Common Market and a single European currency.
Now bear in mind that...
The Euro itself was not even discussed by the European Union until 1992 with the Maastricht Treaty.
So, debunkers could claim that the idea of a continental European system of trade was floating around in the mid-fifties, which it was, but to claim that the Bilderberg Group
Um, simply by means of it being a contemporary political idea, uh, in the 50s, uh, decided to pursue the euro is completely...
Incorrect, because the Euro did not start being included in policy debates until the early 90s, the 1992 Maastricht Treaty, and then it was only implemented about eight years later.
So, we've got NATO Secretary Generals, we've got the very chairman of the Bilderberg Group, Etienne d'Avignon, saying that we do craft policy, we do send our members back to their nation states, and they create
major areas of continental unions like the European Union and like the euro single currency itself.
Now these 1955 documents detail explicit plans to
They create not only a euro single currency, they also detail the fact that it could only be created after the central political authority of the European Union is in place, which is what happened with the Treaty of Rome, which was signed in 1957.
So Bilderberg made it clear in their own documents, and this was a year after Bilderberg was founded,
in 1955 that they wanted a European Union and on top of that they wanted a euro single currency.
That's Bilderberg creating policy.
That's Bilderberg having a direct influence over world events.
And of course
It's not only with Europe that Bilderberg have had a major impact on crafting policy that we see unfold in the short term over the next 12 months, which is what routinely happens, and then a decades-long agenda, which is how the European Union and the EU unfolded.
In 2002 Bilderberg meeting which took place in France, you'll remember at the time that the invasion of Iraq was basically a certainty and that everybody thought that the attack would take place that summer in 2002.
Jim Tucker got his sources in the 2002 Bilderberg meeting to leak the information that Bilderberg had expressed their desire for the attack on Iran to be delayed until March of the following year, 2003, which is exactly what happened.
Another example of Bilderberg setting the policy and then it playing out in the real world within 12 months.
In addition, 2006 Bilderberg meeting, which is the one that Alex Jones attended in Ottawa, Canada.
We got it out from our sources within Bilderberg that the US housing market would be allowed to inflate into a bubble before it was cruelly popped.
And that's exactly what transpired in the 18 months after that meeting in 2006.
Likewise, 2008 Bilderberg meeting in Chantilly, Virginia.
We learned that Bilderberg was setting the stage for a financial calamity, that they were preparing for a major economic collapse, and we reported it at the time at prisonplanet.com, and you can go back in the archives and see those reports.
And they said that basically there was going to be a worldwide financial implosion, and the elitists took this as a message to reposition their assets, get out of the market,
Lo and behold, a few months later, in 2008 September, Lehman Brothers collapsed and it marks the beginning of the economic recession, which is now threatening to double dip and turn into an economic depression with the collapse of the Euro, which is obviously what Bilderberg have been talking about at their meeting just outside Barcelona.
Not only do Bildberg have a direct input on crafting the policy of the nation states that the members represent, but they habitually flex their muscles in selecting not only Prime Ministers and Presidents, obviously Bill Clinton and Tony Blair are two of the primary examples of that, but also even down to the level of running mates.
Um, Barack Obama's running mate, and obviously now the Vice President, Joe Beden, was selected by Bilderberg luminary James A. Johnson shortly before Obama took office.
Likewise, John Kerry, at the time when John Kerry was about to announce
That he was running for president in 2004.
Of course, that was the staged skull and bones election between Kerry and Bush.
It was widely expected that Dick Gephardt would secure the position of Kerry's running mate and indeed the New York Post reported at the time that Dick Gephardt had been chosen to be Kerry's number two and that stickers were being placed on the campaign vehicles for John Kerry right up until the last minute
Which is when the 2004 Bilderberg Conference took place in Stresa, Italy, at which John Edwards gave a glowing speech about global government and how we need a new world order.
And the Bilderberg members even broke house rules to rise to their feet and applaud Kerry for this big speech on how we all need to centralise the world into an authoritarian global government.
As a result of that, despite the fact that the stickers were already being placed on the campaign vehicles for Kerry Gephardt, it was subsequently announced and United Press International reported on this.
They said that Edwards was the surprise choice and that his selection was solely down to the fact that he gave this glowing speech at Bilderberg.
So again, another example of how Bildberg acts in a kingmaker capacity and directly selects not only presidential candidates, but even their running mates.
Which is what happened in 2004 with John Kerry.
Again, completely contradicts the notion that people who believe Bildberg have power believe in fairy tales.
Complete bunkum, as we've seen from Chip Belay and Ian Hollingshead of The Telegraph.
Um, 2008, Pedro Santana Lopez and José Socrates, Portuguese ministers, attended the 2004 meeting, also in Italy.
It was reported on in 2008 by a Portuguese newspaper.
Both of them went on to become Prime Minister of Portugal, both after attending a meeting at Bilderberg.
Now that's not to say that everybody in political office who attends Bilderberg is going to go on and become Prime Minister.
They have to acquiesce.
They have to appease what globalists, what the Bilderberg steering committee, Rockefeller, Brzezinski, Davignon, they have to like what they hear from these potential Prime Ministers and Presidents if they are to be selected.
Rick Perry
I don't know.
I don't know.
These candidates often go on to be selected for political office, not elected by the people.
Another example of how Bilderberg is anti-democratic and authoritarian and does set policy as has now been admitted by a Bilderberg member and former NATO Secretary General Willy Klaas along with Etienne D'Avignon who said that Bilderberg created the euro.
Not only is it in selecting political candidates and steering the economic policy of the globe that Bilderberg has its hand in the cookie jar, so to speak.
The classic example is oil prices.
Before oil went up to $150 a barrel, which occurred in 2008, bear in mind that a few years previously it was down at $30 odd a barrel.
In 2008 it went up to $150, which is exactly what Kissinger and Rockefeller and the Bilderberg members called for during the 2005 Bilderberg meeting which took place in Germany.
So, they called for oil prices to be accelerated rapidly, which is exactly what happened in 2008.
And then, after 2008, Bildberg called for oil prices to be depressed once again.
I don't
dramatically to $150 a barrel and Williams then later appeared on the Alex Jones Show and predicted the oil was set to fall back down to the $50 a barrel level which it did in 2009.
So again another solid concrete example of Bilderberg calling for a policy to be enacted by
The members that attend, bear in mind that routinely the CEOs of major oil companies, BP, Dutch Royal Shell, attend Bilderberg meetings.
Every year Dutch Royal Shell is represented at Bilderberg.
They control the capacity at which oil is refined.
So they can create artificial scarcity when they want oil prices to go up, and they can create an abundance of oil when they want oil prices to go down.
Of course, also it's impacted by what the dollar's doing in certain economic conditions, but primarily
They followed the orders of their Bilderberg masters.
Kissinger wanted the oil prices up, they went up, Kissinger wanted them back down again a couple of years later, and they went down.
So again, another concrete example of Bilderberg formulating the policy, communicating it to the invitees who attend the conference, and then within 12 months it plays out in the real world.
Another example of how Bilderberg does have power and its members do exercise it aggressively in their host nations.
Now of course, with regard to Iran, Bilderberg all along has been sceptical of an attack on Iran.
In 2008,
They said that it wasn't the right time to launch military airstrikes on the country and this kind of dovish theme has followed in Bilderberg meetings throughout history because they're mainly dominated by the European socialist contingent who prefer to get their world government by
Little steps rather than massive advances.
But for the first time in 2010, according to Jim Tucker and his sources from inside Bilderberg, they now overwhelmingly support an attack on Iran in 2010.
So, I mean, we're at the most significant danger of that happening now over the last 12 months because history has shown us that if Bilderberg call for something, they usually get it.
And it's happened with many different policy areas before, and one can only hope that it doesn't happen again.
But, according to Tucker, now the majority of Bilderberg members want the attack on Iran.
So, you know, watch out.
But, as we can see from what I've just documented in the list that I've just provided of concrete examples of Bilderberg having a direct impact on global policy, people like Boullée and Hollingshead have been proven completely wrong in their claims that Bilderberg has no influence whatsoever.
So, I've got a lot of explaining to do.
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Global elite are in crisis.
They're furious at being exposed.
They want Americans disarmed, destitute and disengaged from caring about who is really running their lives in a completely illegal and undemocratic manner from behind closed doors.
Now, Bilderberg and the march towards world government is an open conspiracy.
It cannot continue in a veiled form.
They have to put it out there in the open.
But in doing so, they run the risk of the resistance to the agenda growing in leaps and bounds.
On a regular basis, which is exactly what's happening with the Bilderberg group, who are experiencing protests in growing numbers year by year, increasing media attention year by year, and they're upset about it.
They're furious.
We had the conversation overheard by the London Guardian journalist Charlie Skelton, who said that Bilderberg organises
were incensed at the fact that they were bullhorned in 2006 by Alex Jones and that protesters still have an income, that's a direct quote, an income that enables them to travel to Bilderberg meetings on a yearly basis to protest the dirty deeds being done behind closed doors by these globalists who
Their own Bilderberg members now admit, set policy.
Bilderberg sets policy, it's admitted.
It's no longer up for debate.
Etienne Davignon admitted that Bilderberg created the euro.
Now, NATO Secretary General, former NATO Secretary General, Willy Klaas, two-time Bilderberg member, former Foreign Affairs Minister for Belgium, admits on a Belgian radio station, Bilderberg does set policy.
They mandate their members to follow a report that's compiled from each member's presentation and then, to the best of their ability, set it as policy in each of their nations.
So there's no debate on it anymore.
Chip Boulay, Ian Hollingstead, all these debunkers who have attempted to claim that
People who think that powerful people might get together and scheme in an anti-democratic way to increase their power are looney tunes.
Well, that's completely been proven inaccurate.
And these people have a lot of explaining to do because you can no longer excuse them by using ignorance.
I mean, this stuff's out in the open.
Either they're really shoddy researchers or they're being paid to lie by the organizations that fund them, like the Ford Foundation that funds the group that Chip Belay works for.
So we know Bilderberg now is an open conspiracy.
We know that their agenda is a post-industrial revolution.
They want higher unemployment, high taxes.
They want to implement fascist austerity measures which are coming to the United States within seven years according to the latest GDP to National Debt Ratio reports which show that
The USA is going to be in exactly the same situation as Greece in roughly seven years.
So will we see the kind of riots on the streets that we saw in Greece and continue to happen around the world?
A lot of people are predicting that we will see that.
Don't forget that in the 70s in the United Kingdom, tax was at 98% for people earning over 20,000.
So, there's going to be a lot of strife to come and it just remains to be seen how far they will push this fascist austerity agenda and how the American people will react.
But for sure, the globalists are in crisis.
The American people are rising in revolt against it.
And that, as Alex Jones said in his video the other day, has the globalists running scared.
And patriots should be popping champagne cups in recognition of what we've achieved.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
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