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Name: 20100527_Thu_Alex
Air Date: May 27, 2010
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
It is Thursday, the 27th day of May, 2010.
Thank you so much for joining us.
We're into the second hour.
We're now simulcasting the last three hours at PrisonPlanet.tv.
I want to say great job to my crew here.
They just do a better and better job.
We couldn't do it without them.
And, of course, you, the listeners, AM and FM affiliates, sponsors, and all of our supporters.
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts quit doing his twice a week column and said he wanted to take some time off, but I knew, a fighter for liberty, I knew he wasn't going away.
So I called him up a few months ago and I said, look, you can take some time for yourself, you're not going anywhere.
Somebody that loves liberty can't control themselves.
And so it's good to have him, but he has cut back on what he's been doing, but it's great to have him with us and I was glad to get an email from him.
Pointing out, hey, look at how there's all this evidence that our government, now been declassified knowingly, many times has left POWs behind.
Not just in Vietnam, not just Korea, but World War II.
What does this say about the mindset of the elite?
And so he wanted to come on and talk about that.
We're always honored to have him.
But we'll cover about 20-30 minutes on that.
Then I want to pick his brain because he is the father of Reaganomics.
He is one of the top ten living economists according to Forbes and other major publications.
He's won some of the biggest honors from the French, US, British government.
He is a best-selling author, former editor of the Wall Street Journal.
So I want to get into North Korea.
I ran with him.
I want to get into the economy.
I mean, they're openly talking about worldwide meltdown now all over the news.
And of course, he talked about this years ago via the derivatives and everything.
So we're going to talk about it all with Dr. Paul Craig Roberts in the next hour.
Doc, it's good to have you here with us.
Hi, Alex.
You look good there via Skype video feed.
Well, thank you.
So much is going on, so much is happening, but we're going to go to break in a few minutes.
But get into this whole POW situation and your research on that.
Well, you know, it's not my research.
It's Sidney Schoenberg, the Pulitzer Prize winning New York Times reporter and editor.
He has proven beyond all doubt and presents all the evidence that American prisoners of war were left behind in Vietnam.
So that's the scandal.
The second scandal is that every administration since Richard Nixon's has continued to cover up.
And the third scandal is that despite his high standing in journalism and all the prizes and the Pulitzer Prize and his high post at the New York Times, he was never allowed to write the story.
And so it only came out in an out-of-the-way publication a year or two ago, about two years ago.
Yeah, we actually interviewed the folks involved at the time.
In fact, I think I even interviewed him.
In fact, let's get him back on.
Or some of the families involved.
But the issue is, when I say your research, I'm saying you're writing about this now.
Your research into how this ties in to the mindset of the ruling class.
Yes, I think that now that we have definite proof from a very credible source, Sidney Schoenberg, that the United States government conducted a conspiracy since the 1970s to hide the fact that they abandoned American prisons of war to the North Vietnamese
This is now proven.
This might make Americans wonder if other so-called conspiracy theories are also true, such as the theory that 9-11 was an inside job or a false flag operation.
It might make people wonder if the Warren Commission's account of Kennedy's assassination was just another cover-up.
The same for Robert Kennedy's assassination.
Well, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, stay there.
When we come back, let's go through this Pulitzer Prize winner's piece, recap it, go through the piece, and then let's expand into the mindset of an establishment why they would do such a thing.
We'll be right back with Dr. Paul Craig Roberts.
Stay with us.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
You call it synchronicity, serendipity, I don't know, but back on Monday and Tuesday, I talked quite a bit about the fact that it was actually declassified.
That 20 plus thousand, 21 and a half thousand or so US troops that were in Eastern European Nazi held POW camps and German camps were grabbed by Stalin.
The US and England wanted to be buddies with Stalin.
They divided up Eastern Europe and he was a thug and kept them for intelligence purposes and they just let him keep them.
And a few years ago, that actually even came out in Russian newspapers.
You know, old Americans, World War II vets, 80-plus years old, still alive in Russia.
And it's been confirmed with Korea, it's been confirmed with Vietnam.
We've had the families on, they've had congressional hearings that the media doesn't cover.
They've had National Press Club meetings.
But then when I got an email a few days ago from Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, father of Reaganomics, former head of Policy Department of Treasury under Reagan, former Wall Street Journal editor,
Pointing out that he was going to write an article dealing with the fact that if it's a Pulitzer Prize winning New York Times editor for years isn't allowed to publish in a mainstream publication his research that's ironclad that this is all confirmed.
I mean, it's ridiculous how confirmed it is.
It's like confirming that Mount St.
Helens blew up in the early 1980s.
It's a fact.
It happened.
Or that, you know, the first creature in space was a dog from Russia.
It's a fact.
And, you know, the angle... And, of course, Roberts wasn't listening to me.
He separately put two and two together, because we're all having these same understandings that if they'll leave our troops to die, or if they'll... It's like Doug Rocky I've had on.
He was the head of the DU program for more than a decade.
He wrote the handbooks for the Pentagon in the 80s.
They knew DU would kill anybody, collectively, that breathed it.
And they just, in the mid-90s, changed the rules and said it's now good for you, no problem, and the State Department says it's a conspiracy theory on their website if you say it's bad.
I mean, they absolutely know, you breathe this, the particulate, the radiation, it's gonna kill you.
I mean, it's gonna, you know, it may take a few years, but you're dead.
Now they just say it's good for you.
This shows you the mindset, and I liken it, and we're going to Dr. Roberts, but I want to make this point, to chess being invented three and a half thousand years ago in northern India and what's Iran today.
They debate who invented it, but it came from that area.
And in it you have the gambit, the sacrifice of a pawn.
That's a good move early on, you know, in basic chess.
I'm not a good chess player, but I play some.
Sacrificing a pawn.
And it's a special forces tactic in the books.
It's taught at West Point.
Send in, you know, 20 guys.
First to go, last to know.
They're going to get wiped out, but that's going to bring in the enemy into the gorge.
That will then reveal their positions.
And you can then wipe out the larger force.
And the argument is, you lose 20 men, but you save thousands in the battle by losing the 20 men.
So that's why they stage 9-11.
That's why they say, so what, 21,000 U.S.
troops, give them to Stalin.
That's why they say, you know, hundreds and hundreds of U.S.
troops, it was thousands, most of them dead, you know, let them be slaves, let them be tortured to death for 30 years in Vietnam.
It's the gambit.
And that's the beginning of evil.
That's why Special Forces people, before they graduate, they are given, for Delta Force level, they're given one night to read the prints by Machiavelli and then to write a paper.
And if they say, I believe the end justifies the means, they go, you're the man we're looking for, you're now recruited.
If they say, no, I won't kill children, this is now in an Army manual, declassified last year, what was leaked by WikiLeaks from 2004, where it talks about staging false flag terror attacks, one of the favorites is to kill children, blame it on a foreign enemy.
Captains and above, and black ops are now taught this, and the argument is, well, we're fighting commies or we're fighting Muslims, they're going to kill more children if we don't kill a few, you know, for the overall good.
And that's kind of the straight razor, you know, statement in Apocalypse Now, where Colonel Kurtz is talking about what he's had to do to win.
And so this is the mindset of, you know, unjustifies the means.
Now I'm going to shut up and have Dr. Paul Craig Roberts go over, you know, this two-year-old information.
The Nation Institute reported it.
McCain and the POW cover-up.
And this was written by a Pulitzer Prize winner, but completely a news blackout in the U.S.
Dr. Roberts, thanks for holding while I did that back story.
You've got the floor.
Well, let's first tell your listeners where they can read the account.
It's now, it came out yesterday in the American Conservative, and so you'll have an account by the publisher of the magazine, you'll have an account by Schrandberg of why he was unable to tell the story, and then you have the story itself and the
And the evidence.
He presents all the evidence.
And then they have a few people discussing the story.
Now, it's also, I think, this morning, it was all put up on antiwar.com.
And I'm sure you'll have it up on your site.
So that people can see that what was branded a conspiracy theory for several decades,
By the government, by the media, by all the mainstream, the establishment, they got rid of the POW issue by calling it a conspiracy theory.
It's now been proven beyond all doubt that the conspiracy theory was true.
The POWs were abandoned and there was a cover-up by the United States government that continues to this day.
It's just like
The cover-up of the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty.
This was said to have been some kind of an accident, a mistaken identity of the ship, and that's been covered up ever since the 1960s.
So we do have government cover-ups, a government that commits great acts of evil.
I mean, what's more despicable than abandoning your own POWs?
And they could have got the POWs back.
All they had to do
was to pay ransom.
The North Koreans held back half of the prisoners, about 600 of them, in order to collect reparations for all the bombing the Americans had done to North Vietnam.
And so they were willing to give the prisoners back if we would pay three or four billion dollars in ransom.
And of course, by that time,
Nixon was too weak to deliver the money.
Watergate was consuming him.
And once a lie gets in place...
It can't be undone.
It wasn't possible for the next president to say, hey look, we can get, they do have our prisoners and we can get them back for a little bit of money.
So once a lie is in place, everyone ends up defending it.
Even the Reagan administration ended up defending the claim that all the prisoners were back.
So here we see a government that lies through its teeth
about its prisoners that it abandoned and could have gotten back for very little money.
So why do we believe the government tells us the truth about anything?
And why do we think the media
would possibly serve the people by delivering the truth when they prevented Schramberg from ever publishing his account.
I mean, he had to sit on this account for years and years until finally it got out in some out-of-the-way place.
And now it's become news thanks to Ron Unce.
Unce, the publisher of the American Conservative, who's making an issue out of it.
And of course you've made an issue out of it.
And so what I think might be hopeful about it is that it makes people see if the government will lie about this, they'll lie about 9-11.
They'll lie about Kennedy's assassination.
In fact, they lie about everything, don't they, Alex?
They lie about the unemployment rate.
They lie about the inflation rate.
They lie about the bank bailout.
What does the government not lie about?
Well, here's another example.
I mean, I had a congressman on more than 10 years ago from Virginia who was upset.
About six years ago, I had a member of the Australian Parliament on who was upset.
It was in the Australian news.
They were saying there's a secret UN database of all our kids' blood.
The government's been taking the blood since 1971, 72.
It was a worldwide program in Western countries.
And they put it in a database and I would have these people on and read the documents and listeners wouldn't believe me.
Now it's all over the news.
Oh, guess what?
The Pentagon's got your blood if you're 38 years old or younger.
That's how criminal this group is.
And how this national security state basically does whatever they want, then imagine that, Dr. Roberts, for 38 years, from Australia to Canada, from England to the US, they take our blood to put it in a government database, and now they announce, guess what?
We're going to have a global DNA database and we already have your blood.
I mean, it's just, it's just everything is a conspiracy, basically.
It does look that way, doesn't it, Alex?
It does, I mean, it's incredible.
But, see, the one advantage of this conspiracy now has been blown wide open.
And, therefore, it may help make people aware that the other conspiracies are true, too.
Well, exactly.
Expanding on that briefly, I mean, your point is well taken, and it's central.
It's not just that they did this, it's the 30 years of cover-ups and not letting Pulitzer Prize winners ride on it, and now that story
is as big as the P.O.W.
story that you have a giant group of people in media and government who would work together to leave a bunch of men to die!
I mean, it's just, why?
And, of course, the same people are doing the same thing now.
They're leading us deeper into wars, deeper into confrontation with nuclear-armed powers.
The evil is loose, as you said.
Evil is loose in the United States.
It's got an iron grip on the government.
And probably on government at most levels in most places.
So it is a very serious situation and it remains to be seen if the people wake up or enough of them wake up.
And if they do, whether they have the capability of doing anything about it or whether they are just going to be pawns that are continued to be sacrificed so that a very small group of elites who control the government can achieve some agenda of their own.
Well, sir, let's continue and talk about how big this story is and how important it may be.
Go over some of the sections.
Antiwar.com's probably got 15 articles about it and documents.
The Nation Institute has them.
The American Conservative has it.
We're getting it all up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Stay there, sir.
I'm glad you contacted us about this.
Thank you.
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Alexander Cockburn, a former L.A.
Times senior writer, he's got an article out today on anti-war saying sometimes conspiracy theories are true.
Look, they just call it a conspiracy theory when you say that they're lying.
I mean, it wasn't a conspiracy theory in 1964 when people started saying, our ships weren't attacked, that was staged, Gulf of Tonkin.
It was in the San Diego newspaper.
We've gone and gotten the microfilm that sailors came back and said, we weren't attacked, it's all a lie.
It was in the newspaper, but then it becomes a rumor.
Oh, I heard it was staged.
Well, see, now it's declassified.
After 40 plus years, on the anniversary of it, in 2004, 40 plus, I guess that's the...
Yeah, 40 anniversary.
They declassify that they staged it.
Going back to Dr. Paul Craig Roberts.
As you said, though, the fact that you have such a huge cover-up shows that they've got a lot of willing people that will be part of this evil.
Talk about that, Dr. Roberts, but also, why would they want to lie and not get our troops back?
Okay, those are all good questions.
First, let me say that one of the many important contributions Schranberg makes is he shows how the government lies.
He shows the technique, how they do it, how they get rid of conclusive evidence.
And so that itself is very revealing and your listeners should read just to see how the government goes about bearing
The truth.
We got plenty of time.
Boil it down.
Well, the specific examples are given by Schoenberg, and it's best for them to read.
Now, to get to your questions, interestingly enough, there were two American defense secretaries, James Schlesinger, who was actually one of my graduate professors in economics, and Melvin Laird.
Who both testified under oath to Congress that men were left behind.
So even when two defense secretaries, and of course Melvin Laird was the Secretary of Defense during the Nixon period when the Vietnam War was wound down, so he certainly would know, and Schlesinger came not long after.
So we have
Two defense secretaries who did testify to Congress that men were left behind, but Congress didn't want to hear it.
They didn't want to do anything about it.
And there are a number of defense secretaries, as Schoenberg shows, who come into office who just immediately take up the lie.
Because their notion is
It's my career, I'm serving my career, and I'm not going to go against whatever the line is.
And who cares if men are still rotting and being used as slaves, which has been confirmed.
There's some still alive, being worked to death as slaves, and these fat, lazy, evil congressmen, just they're pigs.
Pigs, they're the scum of the earth.
In fact, the United States government is the scum of the earth.
The worst people in the country are in the government.
They're not the criminals out there.
They're not even the terrorists.
The worst people are in the government.
And that is another reason, I think, that Schoenberg's story is so explosive.
Because Americans don't want to come to grips with that.
It's too much of a demand on their emotional strength and their intellectual strength.
And so it's something that people want to keep under the covers.
I think the reason the lie got started was that the Washington Post was doing a job on Nixon with Watergate.
He was trying to wind down the war while Watergate was devouring him.
And so he just didn't have any clout.
He couldn't deliver the money to get the prisoners back.
And so he had to say we had them all back.
The war's over and we have everybody back.
He couldn't say, hey, the war's over and we've left all these people because he would be blamed, not the Washington Post, not those two reporters, Bernstein and Woodward, not the Congress.
He would be blamed and he was already in terrible hot water about Watergate.
So he said, we have everybody back.
Well, once the lie is in place,
How do you get the lie out of place?
Because by now everyone's committed to it.
The Congress is committed to it.
The media is committed to it.
Everyone is committed to the lie.
It's just like 9-11.
Look how much evidence has come out after the 9-11 Commission report, which proves that the whole thing was
Totally different than... You've just hit on the key there!
I just had another epiphany, that's right!
They have a mass hoax, they tell you what the story is, then everyone commits, and the average American says, I'm not going to believe I'm being lied to, because if this is a lie, everything's a lie, and once they've got you, I guess by degrees, you become part of the evil, and now we're just a huge culture of lies.
Dr. Roberts, long segment coming up, this was a short segment.
Continue breaking down this central point that you just made.
I mean, it's like getting your arm caught in a sausage machine.
It's just sucking us all in.
And now we have to, you know, go along with every lie.
Because our government isn't bad.
They're good.
And that allows the evil to grow.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Okay, we're going back to Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, and while we're on the subject of almost everything the government and the big corporations that control it says is a lie, until we're just swimming in an ether of lies.
And then anyone who discovers we're being lied to, from the source documents, from the witnesses, is called a conspiracy theorist.
I want to bring up the fact that the Washington Post three days ago just came out in a headline about Saddam and a fake movie saying he was gay by the CIA, that they did make a video, a fake Bin Laden video.
What an incredible admission.
Or now they're suddenly everywhere admitting, okay, the troops helped grow the opium, because if we don't grow it, Al Qaeda will get it.
So now they're just spinning everything, but admitting everything.
So we'll talk to them about that, the economy.
And a lot more, but I'm really glad he's out there promoting the fact that this huge cover-up of the Pulitzer Prize-winning report by a New York Times editor, with all of the absolute proof, you've got to go read the reports, of the fact that they... I mean, this is total proof.
The government knowingly blocked it, knowingly shut it down, knowingly kept the public from knowing.
I mean, this is confirmed, just like Gulf of Tonkin, or so many other things, Operation Ajax, you name it.
Before we go back to Dr. Roberts, here's a book, The Secret Team.
This is the book the CIA doesn't want you to read by L. Fletcher Prouty, Colonel, U.S.
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Okay, speaking of material, you may be fully awake, audience.
Your friends, your family, your neighbors aren't.
They know we're in trouble.
Now the time is ripe to educate people.
Before we get back into this story, Dr. Roberts, tell folks about your new book, because that is extremely informative.
Well, that's how the economy was lost.
That book explains how the elite destroyed the middle class jobs in order to further enrich themselves, and how they have dismantled the ladders of upward mobility, stopping the ability of people to rise in order to
Put themselves in permanent control at the top and the other 99% of the population in poverty at the bottom.
That's what the book shows.
It shows how the end of the American middle class and the end of an opportunity society.
Now Alex, let's get back to the story because you know one of the things
That people always say when they're confronted with evidence that the government has lied or something, they would say, well, if there had been a real conspiracy, somebody would have talked.
But of course, they always do talk.
As I said earlier, two United States Secretaries of Defense talked and said in sworn testimony that people were left behind.
Reagan's National Security Advisor talked.
A leader of a Delta team, which twice was organized to go rescue the prisoners, only to be called off both times, has talked.
All sorts of people have talked, so it doesn't do any good to talk.
In the case of 9-11, we know, and have said so many times, there were over a hundred first responders who were in the towers.
Firemen, policemen, building maintenance people.
Well, Doc, as you say, I've interviewed police and firemen who we saw on the CNN video saying they're gonna blow it up, get it back.
They weren't involved, they were just told get back.
And Silverstein says we gave the order to pull it and watch it come down, and now a Fox News pundit
Last month came out and said, yeah, I was there.
We were talking about blowing it up with silver steam, but we decided not to because it fell on its own.
I mean, this is hidden in plain view.
They're just counting on us to not be able to handle the full horror.
Well, the point is, it doesn't do any good if somebody talks because it remains a conspiracy.
Now, as for the cover-up, you know, obviously the Pentagon and the military are very interested in the cover-up because how many people would join up the military if they expected to have to fight if they knew the government would abandon them if they were captured?
I mean, what kind of morale would the Army have, and the Marines, for example, and the Special Forces?
Would they be all these gung-ho people out there if they were aware of the fact that if they get captured, they may simply be abandoned?
And that when the war's over, they won't be repatriated, they'll just be left in the enemy's hands.
So this is the reason for the cover-up, you see.
There are many reasons affecting all parties.
And what is also amazing is that the two chief celebrities who were prisoners of war, John McCain and John Kerry,
Well, Kerry wasn't a prisoner of war, but he was controversial about Vietnam getting the Silver Star.
So we have these two, and they're both instrumental in the cover-up.
Both of them have done everything possible to prevent the truth from coming out, and not only that, but to lock up all the documents that reveal the truth.
So, and McCain, of course, is notorious for browbeating all the witnesses, including the POW families.
And Kerry went along with changes in the law that simply put, locked away somewhere forever, all the documents that prove the prisoners were abandoned.
You can see the extent of the corruption and the evil.
There's John McCain on the right.
There's John Kerry on the left.
It's the Republicans.
It's the Democrats.
It's all the presidential appointees, with the exception of those two secretaries of defense and Reagan's National Security Advisor.
Doc, Doc, Doc, is somebody approaching with a vacuum cleaner?
No, uh-uh.
This is a system of corruption.
They like to get the entire government, different power structures, involved in a huge cover-up because then later it can also be used to blackmail.
And that's what special forces commanders and many others that we've talked to who've worked on this have said is that the North Vietnamese are blackmailing the federal government to this day because the federal government made that
That's right.
And anybody in the American government that talks is simply out of the government.
They go from being a high official to a nobody.
So this is how the government gets away with these lies.
And of course the American people, or so many of them, are just gullible.
They're just terribly gullible.
And they have this sort of faith and trust in government that Americans didn't used to have.
I blame that on Franklin Roosevelt.
Who, in the Great Depression, trying to rally people, gave them the idea, which they've had ever since, that the government is their protector.
And it's going to put a chicken in every pot.
Yeah, and keep them safe, you see.
And as we've talked about many times on your program,
This was the line of the Bush-Cheney regime that, oh, we're going to take away all your civil liberties and destroy the Constitution in order to make you safe.
And people just are gullible and they fall for it.
And so it's not really hard for government to pull off things like 9-11 because all it has to do is give some kind of explanation and people believe it.
They don't say, hey, the government did this.
That's not their first thought.
It never enters their head.
It's always, oh, some tiny group of Muslims who can't even fly airplanes.
They didn't.
But, you know, perhaps, to repeat myself, the fact that this story is now getting out and getting some attention about the POWs
Because that really touches at the heart of American patriotism, doesn't it?
I mean, that really touches the flag wavers, the people who want to kill them over there before they come over here.
It really cuts to the very heart of the most conservative people, the people who are most willing to go to war to achieve whatever the government says.
If it turns out that the government has actually abandoned its own soldiers,
Then it could possibly shake some of those people.
It could possibly cause more skepticism among the public, and it could lead to the unraveling of other massive lies and conspiracies.
Well, Dr. Paul Roberts, let me expand on that, because from my research, and I mean it's on record this happened,
There was over 20,000 U.S.
troops in German POW camps that were grabbed by the Russians.
And by then, Roosevelt had died, and Harry Truman said, Stalin's our ally, and basically we're not going to get in a fight with him.
They gave him half of Eastern Europe, they gave him half of Germany.
That's the thing that made
And now documents have come out on this.
That's what caused Patton to have a complete conniption fit.
And so they killed him.
And so this has been a policy for a while that troops are just expendable animals, as Henry Kissinger said.
And so this goes back even to the greatest generation.
And I would challenge all these Pulitzer Prize winning people to go look into that, because that's hidden in plain view as well.
Yes, I think you're right.
The people, you know, Frederick Boniak in his book, The Road to Serfdom, he has a chapter, Why the Worst Always Get on Top.
And that goes not just for totalitarian systems, but for democracies.
The worst rise to the top.
And we certainly have the worst people in the country in Washington.
That's where the worst people are.
And these kinds of people don't have compunction.
They don't have shame.
They're not moral.
They have ruthless agendas that feature themselves.
And that is why democracy itself is no protection from a ruthless government.
Well, that's why you've got to have the republic where the minority as well as the majority is protected.
And I've done a general research of history.
I don't claim to be a historian, but I read history books almost every day as my entertainment.
That's how I actually got informed as an adolescent and a teenager was because I happened to pick up history as a form of entertainment, not knowing I was educating myself on the way the world works.
But really starting our founding fathers, they weren't perfect, but there was Western expansion.
They wanted to be left alone by the bigger mafia, the Crown, to build their own little systems.
And so they created a system to restrain the avarice of King Rats, of the strongmen,
And that's why this country produced half the world's wealth, only 4% of the population.
So, one of the few times in history, the flower of the Renaissance, and now watching that being drugged down and being used as the engine of world tyranny, it's very frustrating.
Yes, it is very frustrating.
But if we can just keep making people aware that every American government since Nixon
has covered up the abandonment of american prisoners of war you know we have this definitely proved in the case of vietnam and may well be proved in the case of the world war two prisons
This should help bring the sort of most gullible flag-waving patrons to some realization that the government isn't trustworthy and it doesn't look after anyone's interests, not even the soldiers.
are out there giving up their lives and limbs.
That's exactly right.
I don't know why anyone who was aware would have anything to do with the military.
I don't know why anyone would join.
I can't understand why the students at West Point and Annapolis and the Air Force Academy just don't get up en masse and walk out.
Because they're going to be betrayed too.
Or they're going to be used for evil and then betrayed.
And even if you don't want to be, you're forced to go along with it or your career is destroyed.
But that's my point, that there's a systematic evil throughout history.
We see Hitler killing his brown shirts that brought him to power.
We see things that happen in every society.
It's like a tropism.
It's a pathology in corrupt elites that they
Their greatest glee is hanging their own attack dogs out to dry.
Because if I was one of these evil people, but I guess I'm not evil so I can't understand it, I would at least defend my henchmen and my servants to have that servant group, my praetorian.
But no, they treat their praetorian like toilet paper.
That's right.
Because they learned from the Romans that the praetorian can take over the ruler.
So Stalin ends up killing his own heads of his secret police and his own colleagues in the Politburo because they know that no one has any integrity or morality and that they're all fair game for one another.
So whoever strikes first and gets rid of the others is the survivor.
And that's how the system ends up eating itself.
But of course, we don't really care if the evil people eat each other up.
What we're worried about is how they're destroying the rest of us who are not among their ranks.
And this is the fact that the American people need to wake up to and that you keep telling them about every day.
Well, that's another issue.
I mean, I've seen your transformation and research the last five, six years we've been talking to you, from saying they're just a bunch of nuts, a bunch of crooks, they don't know what they're doing, to saying, no, this is clearly by design, because all the evidence shows it is.
I want to briefly talk about the economy with you and all these headlines.
Is Europe heading for a meltdown?
Just on and on and on, what's happening worldwide.
Where this agenda is going and also about them just openly announcing that they make fake Bin Laden videos.
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We're good to go.
Alright, with us until five after, the first little segment of the next hour is Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, then high-level CIA analyst, the man who briefed Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush every morning, key, quote, CIA White House focal officer.
That's what Fletcher Prouty did between the Pentagon and the CIA.
Key person on what's happening in North Korea and Iran, joining us for the last 52 minutes of the next hour.
Doc, for people watching on PrisonPlanet.tv, I'm going to give them a document cam shot of this.
For radio listeners, the headline is, CIA Unit's Wacky Idea Depicts Saddam Hussein as Gay.
And it's spy talk, Jeff Stein, you know, a little propagandist.
But in the seventh paragraph,
They just let it slip out.
The agency actually did make a video purporting to show Osama Bin Laden and his cronies sitting around a campfire swinging bottles of liquor and savoring their conquests with boys.
One of the former CIA officers recalled chuckling at the memory.
The actors were drawn from some of the darker-skinned employees, he said.
Now, I asked Dr. Roberts during the break, because I knew the answer, but I wanted to get his take just to see if he concurred.
Why are they doing this, Doc?
Why are they admitting they're growing
Well, I think, Alex, what they're doing, they're showing us that they have immunity.
Uh, that they can do whatever they want.
They can do it openly.
And they can lie to us openly.
And they can tell us that they commit crimes.
And yet, they don't suffer any consequences.
I think they're getting us accustomed and used to the fact that they can do whatever they want and even admit it!
and that uh... we just have to sort of uh... not notice and accept the fact that they are unaccountable and can do whatever they want so i think you know it just makes you accept the culture of lies and it makes the people realize that they're powerless here's the government that lies to us and then admits it lies to us and then goes on and lies to us some more and then admits it some more
And it's just kind of a way of showing the people that they don't count.
I'll expand on that, though.
There was a city employee, John Villarreal, who went to Huntsville for three years.
And I confirmed this city employee was stealing money and trying to shut down AXS TV four years ago, five years ago now.
So I secretly recorded him, put private investigators on him, because that's where I started out.
I wasn't doing a show there anymore, but I wanted to keep it alive.
And he came to me
I didn't have a camera rolling.
I was coming out of the bathroom at the telecommunications commission downtown.
He was waiting for me in the hall and I had my camera guy inside for the commission.
And he walked over and he shoved me in the chest.
And he said, you bet I stole the money and I'm going to kill you and you're never going to stop me.
And I said, that's a threat.
I'm going to send your ass to prison.
Excuse my French, folks.
And I did send him to prison.
So it's also kind of a bravado they do, like, yeah, we made the fake tapes.
Yeah, you know, we did it all.
So what?
And so I don't think they're invincible.
And there is a wake up call happening.
But I'm afraid they're going to start wars, Dr. Roberts, as the smokescreen for what they're doing.
Well, I'm certainly going to start more wars.
There's no doubt about that.
Let's just hope they don't get a nuclear war going with Russia.
Well, we know Cheney, now it's come out, really did want to start a war with them and his whole 888 thing.
Well, that's been the whole neocon line for years.
They've wanted a nuclear war with Russia.
That's part of the bravado, yeah.
Well, let's talk briefly about the economy.
Yeah, let's do that.
One minute break.
We're going to come back in five minutes with you.
But again, we're here laughing about it.
It's gallows humor.
Because they just, it's tough.
You know, we want nuclear war.
It's fun.
Because they've got all the women, all the whores, all the money.
These guys are like Hitler, who would sit there watching Warsaw burn.
You know, he would get up on the front line and watch from five miles away, just because he liked watching buildings burn.
He liked watching Stuka's drop bombs.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
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Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Okay, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts is our guest.
Best-selling author, syndicated columnist.
Father of Economics, we got about four and a half minutes.
The economy, the meltdown accelerating.
The Goldman Sachs emails where they knew that the economy was going to implode.
They set up the derivative scam.
We have them red-handed.
Sir, where is this going?
Well, Alex, I think what we have is another criminal elite in charge of the financial sector.
They're in charge of the Treasury, the Federal Reserve, and, of course, the New York Investment Banks and the hedge funds.
Now, think about this for a minute.
Allegedly, the euro is collapsing because of the Greek debt.
Now, that makes no sense whatsoever.
Greece is a small country.
It's debts could not possibly be a threat to the euro.
So, but we hear about this constantly over and over and over and over.
And so it's propaganda coming out of the hedge funds.
They're making a killing on it.
If you can make the world think the euro is going to collapse, you can make all kind of money shorting the euro.
And it's the same crowd of crooks that sold the derivatives.
And that sold junk with AAA investment ratings on it.
And so that's what they're now doing.
This whole thing about the euro is a scam run by the hedge funds.
And they're getting rich off of it.
Look, the most indebted country in the world is Japan.
And the second most indebted country is the United States.
They're far worse conditions than Europe.
And yet, it's Europe that's in the news.
And the euro is collapsing against the dollar.
Why should anything collapse against the dollar?
The dollar has massive trade deficits, massive budget deficits.
They're unclosable.
The government is indebted up to over its head.
The population is indebted.
It's a far worse situation than in Europe, and yet it's the euro.
So what it really is, it's a play of the New York Investment Banks and the hedge funds against the euro.
And they're getting rich off of it, just like they got rich off of derivatives.
Yeah, they looted us two years ago, and now they're looting Europe, and they're just like a group of carrion crows that fly around eating the flesh off our bones.
And the media doesn't ever explain it.
They just provide the free propaganda that keeps the money running into the hedge funds and the New York investment banks.
A manual of British Naval War College documents on pirate accounts from the 16th, 17th, 1800s.
And the way this elite behaves is kind of like pirates, where they just wildly wouldn't even pull the corks off whiskey bottles.
They would just hack the tops off and just drink it down.
So there's a method to the madness, Doctor, but overall do you agree that they're just complete out-of-control lunatics?
Yes, and in fact I would even say pirates had more honor.
So they're worse than pirates.
And nothing is being done about it.
You notice the regulation of the financial system, nothing happens.
Or it's all watered down, or it's turned into something that enables them to plunder more.
Yeah, now they're going to take over all the little banks and track every purchase we make.
That's right.
uh... you'll see uh... massive uh... financial concentration which is probably another reason for all this trouble that's probably what they're trying to do is to get rid of the uh... of the large number of banks and just a few large ones you know it's it's the same thing they did to the media when they concentrated it in the hands of a few job firms so
But nobody is going to tell the people.
The Congress isn't going to hold those kind of hearings, and the press is not going to do any investigation.
Well, Doc, good job on reporting on the huge breaking news of the POW cover-up, completely confirmed by a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist.
We'll talk to you again soon, Lord willing.
Thanks for spending time with us.
Glad to be with you, Alex.
It's always informative, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts.
Ray McGovern, coming up.
We'll be right back.
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Hi, this is Alex Jones.
Did you know that the global elite are now storing non-hybrid seeds in secret storage vaults near the Arctic Circle?
Did you know that in a real meltdown, non-hybrid seeds can become more valuable than silver or gold?
It's true.
Seeds have outperformed even gold and silver before in this country, and it's possible they could even happen again.
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That's 877-327-0365.
Remember, in a real crisis, non-hybrid seeds are the ultimate barter item.
This is Alex Jones for SurvivalSeedBank.com.
He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Okay, he joins us to talk about a host of issues.
What's happening on the Korean Peninsula, which could lead to nuclear war.
I mean, that's all over the headlines.
Israel's saying they may go into Iran sooner rather than later.
That's back on the front burner.
You know, is there a Fox Fallon to stop it?
What will Admiral Mullen do?
You've got this global financial meltdown happening.
You notice world wars always start during a major global meltdown.
There's a method to this madness.
I also want to ask him later about CIA units' wacky idea to pick Saddam as gay.
That's not the issue.
Buried in the Washington Post article, they quote the CIA officers as
Producing fake Bin Laden videos.
Now, people have looked at the video of the fat Bin Laden and admitted it's fake.
They've had linguists listen to it.
It's not him, not the dialect.
They've done voice print.
These tapes are basically all fake or old tapes of him re-edited.
I want to ask Ray McGovern about that.
We're going to get into, suddenly, New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, Fox News, Geraldo Rivera with the Marine Corps commander.
We're here helping the Afghans grow the opium.
We have to or al-Qaeda will get the opium.
I mean, folks, they're really coming out in the open.
Yeah, we put out fake Bin Laden tapes.
Yeah, we're growing the smack.
Yeah, yeah, we left the POWs.
Pulitzer Prize winning reports are now getting a lot of news on that front.
So we'll talk about it all.
Raymond Government was in Vietnam, by the way.
So we're going to cover it all in the next hour with him today.
Ray McGovern is an activist who writes and lectures all over the country.
He's co-founder of Veterans Intelligence Professionals for Sanity, and we really appreciate him joining us.
He was one of the chief CIA briefers for Reagan and Bush Sr., and that's a key position in a focal point position where you have Pentagon liaison to CIA, you have CIA liaison to White House.
These focal officers like
Fletcher Prouty and the Secret Team, again, have unique perspective on wide-ranging analysis and how it ties in, not just specialists.
So they can draw on all the specialists, and so that's why it's such an important lens to have him on with us.
So I've thrown out there, sir, what I want to cover with you in the next 50 minutes.
You've got the floor with what, of that cornucopia, you think is most important in your breakdown on what we're facing.
Alex, thanks.
First, just to make sure the record is correct, I don't want to pull a bloomin' ball from Connecticut here.
I didn't serve actually in Vietnam.
I was an Army Infantry Intelligence Officer from 62 to 64, before Vietnam really started.
And while I was going on, I was the Principal Analyst at the CIA for Soviet policy toward Vietnam.
So I learned quite a bit about it, but I never set foot in the country.
With respect to what's going on here, the most important thing that's happening today is that David Obie, Chair of Appropriations in the House, is letting some lipstick go on the $33 billion appropriation for escalating war in Afghanistan.
And that lipstick is $23 billion for teachers so that they don't lose their jobs.
Obi knows better.
What he's done here is bowed to the Washington establishment that want to continue this war.
It looks very much as though what he will report out of his committee this evening is a bill that includes $23 billion for teachers to keep the schools going and $33 billion for Afghanistan to keep that feckless war going and more and more people being killed.
It's just, really, I was a former admirer of David Obie, and so I wrote him a memorandum that has appeared already on AfterDowningStreet.com.
I guess it's now called WarIsACrime.org.
And you can see that he's being completely disingenuous, because as recently as two months ago, he told a TV interviewer that, ah, this Afghanistan adventure, it's a fool's errand.
But if we're going to do it, we have to pay for it.
You know, we have to fully fund it.
Now, what kind of logic does that make, Alex?
It's a fool's errand, but if we're going to do it, we've got to fund it.
Well, Ray McGovern, let me throw this out at you, and then you can expand on your concern with what's happening in Afghanistan expanding into Pakistan.
But in layman's terms, I'm somebody who sits there and studies it for years, and so I want your perspective, and correct me if I'm wrong, you've got all these pipelines going through there, trillions in the aggregate of oil, hundreds of billions in no-bid contract black holes, so the defense lobby likes it, the oil lobby likes it,
Israel likes it because, you know, that gets the U.S.
more firmly burrowed into the Middle East and Central Asia.
So that lobby likes it.
But more importantly, 500 billion a year, 91% now, it was a lot lower, of the opium pouring out into Russia, into Asia, kind of a replay of the Boxer Rebellion, Part 2.
And now our troops are admittedly over there, quote, protecting the poppy fields.
And so I think you've got, at least the contractors it's coming out, that's what Sybil Edmonds said pre-911, shipping the opium into Turkey, you name it.
And so it's really about narcotics.
And so people look at the policy and say, why are we there?
Well, we're really there because Black Ops likes 500 billion dollars.
Well, that's part of it, Alex, to be sure.
The other part is a more kind of geopolitical adventure here.
Imperialism is not dead.
If you look at Afghanistan, you'll see that it's strategically located in the same neighborhood as China, as Iran, as Russia really, Turkey, Iraq.
It's right there in the middle of things.
And so the way the empire looks at things is, well, we've got to be in there firstest with the mostest.
Even if it's mostly an attempt to deny the Chinese or the Russians or the Indians or whomever from getting in there before we were.
Now, what makes Afghanistan strategic?
Well, one of the things that makes it strategic is that it lies directly beneath a country called Turkmenistan, which used to be part of the Soviet Union, and Turkmenistan has in it
Natural gas deposits worth all the oil under the sands of Iraq.
Now, the problem is, Chevron's in there, a lot of the oil companies are in there, natural gas companies, but you can't get it here from there, okay?
You gotta do a pipeline, and you can't have that pipeline go to Russia, you have to have it go south, and guess what?
The next country is Afghanistan, and then Pakistan, and then a little slice of India, and at the terminal of this projected pipeline, all the studies were done and was ready to go, guess what?
Enron was supposed to be the person marketing that natural gas, so the whole thing is as corrupt as can be.
The Taliban visited Houston, Texas when Governor George Bush expressed interest in what was going on there with this pipeline.
Our ambassador to Afghanistan and later to Iraq, Khalid Zard, was one of the people involved in this, and so was Karzai.
Yeah, he was the Unicol executive.
So that's part of it.
Now I'm not saying that's the whole thing.
The whole thing, the whole ball of wax involves the strategic location and what needs to happen here Alex, in my view, is pretty simple.
There's a finite amount of oil, there's a finite amount of natural gas in this world
Now, if we're going to try to seize it all or seize control of it, then Iraq can be looked on as simply the first resource war of the 21st century.
What we have to do is what my four-year-old grandson learns in nursery school.
I went up and I asked his teacher, what do you expect to teach these kids?
And she said, oh, that's simple.
We teach them that they have to learn to share.
Figure out how to share it.
And jointly develop it.
Instead, I mean, we go back to 53.
That's what caused the whole Iran thing, as you know.
Mohammed Mosaddegh said, we're going to keep 25% of our own money to American oil companies and British oil companies.
And they said, no, we get everything.
We overthrow you using the Muslim extremists.
I mean, it's the same story every time.
That's right.
Well, that was a company called BP, actually, which I think has been in the news lately.
You get a corrupt
I don't think so.
And the people of the world, the simple people like you and me, Alex, have a real, real problem.
And it's the same thing over and over again.
I think, well, what was BP called?
Anglo-American Oil?
Yeah, that's what they call themselves.
But BP is a direct descendant.
No, exactly.
I mean, it's the same company.
You're absolutely right in that Dutch partnership.
But, I mean, it's the same players over and over again.
Well, it's just that they are so powerful.
And here's Obama, you know.
He was asked just a half hour ago at his press conference, you know, do you feel a little funny about that decision you made two weeks before the oil blowup in the Gulf, when you said that, yeah, we have to drill offshore, and these companies, you know, have reduced the dangers greatly.
And he said, well, I still think we have to drill offshore, but my mistake was taking the word of the companies.
Well, for Pete's sake, of course they take the word of the companies.
Look at the people that they had in the Interior Department, people who are still there, taking bribes and everything else from the oil companies.
The system is corrupt.
What Obama should have done is come in, got rid of all those people, given them jobs in the library if he couldn't fire them, and get some real, real control over these precious resources, despite the avarice and the desire of people like BP to control this important resource.
Okay, Ray McGovern, stay there.
Let's come back and get your breakdown of where you see Afghanistan and Pakistan going, and then to the West, what your intel is from all your sources.
Is it green light to go into Iran?
Who will hit U.S.
operation with Israel?
Israel goes it alone.
We'll talk about that and a lot more, plus the North Korea situation.
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I can't wait to get into North Korea and see what Ray McGovern thinks about that.
All I see is headlines everywhere about possible nuclear war and shelling Seoul and the disputed areas with the ships and China's in Bloomberg saying we may shield North Korea and the Pentagon saying they're ready for war.
The war was never terminated.
It's been a ceasefire for 50 plus years.
Going back to Ray McGovern, this is a short segment, long segment coming up.
When I interrupted you earlier with some other questions about why they're there, where do you see Afghanistan going?
I mean, two weeks ago, they said a thousand drones are being dispatched for Pakistan and Afghanistan, and that now they don't have to identify somebody before they kill them.
Just if you look like you're a terrorist, kind of like those kids in Baghdad in the minivan looked like terrorists, and reporters with cameras look like terrorists.
I mean, this sounds like an incredible escalation.
It sounds like LBJ in 1966.
Well, funny you should mention that, Alex, because I was thinking of this wonderful new airplane, aircraft, that had been developed around then.
It was called a B-52.
And, you know, that was going to solve all our problems in Vietnam.
What we're going to do is bomb the hell out of the Ho Chi Minh Trail.
And LBJ came to us, intelligence types, and said, uh, these, uh, blue suited generals are telling me this will do it.
Now, what do you think?
Now, we suppressed the laugh.
You know, having known about the effect of aircraft in World War II and knowing that it simply increases the resistance of populations like the Vietnamese, and we waited two days and then we gave them an estimate.
We used to do national intelligence estimates.
Now they're not done very much anymore.
And we told the president, look, Mr. President,
Ho Chi Minh is not the kind of person who's going to give up under how many B-52s or how heavy the bombs they drop.
And besides, Mr. President, you should be aware that the Ho Chi Minh Trail doesn't look anything like, ooh, I-81 or I-95 or the George Washington Memorial Parkway.
You can't even see it from the air in many respects.
It's about 181 trails, Mr. President.
Ain't no way that B-52s are going to do the job.
Now, we were right, of course, but the corollary there is the president doesn't have to heed intelligence.
He just didn't want to lose a war.
And so I said, well, let's try these blue-sided, these blue-suited guys.
You know, they might be right.
And so we tried it and we know the answer.
Now, similarly, here we are over Afghanistan.
We have this new weapon.
Which, most people don't realize, Alex, and I knew about this when it was being developed, it was developed for a specific purpose, and that purpose only, and that was to give us a hovering capability where we could monitor developments on the ground more than two times a day, two times a day being when the satellites would pass over these areas, okay?
Now, we got this thing developed, it worked beautifully, and then it was shown to some general in the Pentagon, and he said,
I want to see the tank!
I want to destroy the tank!
Put some missiles on that bird!
Therefore, you get predators, you get reapers with Hellfire missiles, and you get an awful lot of disenchantment and hostility out of the people in Pakistan in particular that are being bombed to hell by these things.
It's looked on as a very cowardly thing.
That's right, at a primitive level, having like Terminator machines out of the sky bombing you, and it's literally 22 year old zit-faced kids in trailers, thousands of miles away, in a video game setup, and go ahead, you got a wedding, we think
Well, some guy's got a gun in there.
Everybody's got guns in those countries.
I mean, it's a tribal, you know, red-blooded type area.
And they, you know, they kill a hundred innocent people.
Now you've created a thousand enemies because their entire family and every cousin they've got who may have loved America back in the 80s, they're ready to kill.
They're ready to trade their life to kill Americans.
And so the idea is pump more Americans in.
That's exactly right.
And, you know, people have asked me, these Hellfire missiles, are they accurate?
And I say, well, yeah, they are.
They're extremely accurate.
They're more accurate than anything we've had up until now.
But the question is, how do you identify the targets?
Now, you know, you can really tell what a militant is from 30,000 feet, can't you?
Give me a break.
You can really find out who the Taliban and the al-Qaeda types are by asking their neighbors who have these, asking people's neighbors who have unsatisfied grudges against them.
The targets are the name of the game, and if you get targets,
From people who have grudges, or from 22-year-olds looking from 30,000 feet up, you've got a real problem.
What really tells, what I find really telling, Alex, is these Reapers and these Predators, interesting the labels they give these aircraft, they're controlled by these young NCOs out at Creech Air Force Base near Las Vegas,
Stay there, sir.
We got a break.
Long segment.
We'll go back to Creek Air Force Base and talk about the Predators and drones with Ray McGovern, CIA analyst, a briefer to the presidents.
Very honored to have him here with us today.
He's got a new article out.
We'll put that on screen as well.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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We're going back to Ray McGovern here in a moment to get into the Predator drones and where he sees Afghanistan and Pakistan going.
And basically, he says they're repeating the same things that happened in Vietnam, but now they have fancier, fancier weaponry.
We'll go back to him in just a moment.
We're going to get into North Korea with him and the situation with Iran, which to me is even scarier, the whole Iran situation.
A quagmire is one thing, and it can get a lot of troops killed and waste a lot of money, but war with Iran, in my layman research, looks even worse.
So we'll discuss that in a moment with our guest.
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Okay, Ray, I've been adding my points.
You got cut off by the break.
You were getting into, they're out in Nevada.
It's one of the main command centers.
I've seen it on the news.
People in trailers and he's like,
It showed one of the young men, he goes, I love video games!
Now I control the Predator!
And it showed him sitting there and they're going, OK, you've got clearance.
Hit him.
Go ahead and give it to him.
And I mean, just, it's so bizarre to see this.
Break it down for us.
Well, let me put it this way.
The chaplains out there at Creech Air Force Base, they're working overtime.
Because some of these young fellas have a conscience.
They do their work during the day.
They go home and have dinner with their families.
And they think, hmm.
The wife says, well, how did things go at work today?
They can't quite say, well, we killed, you know, we shot Hellfire missiles at 30 groups and we're not real sure.
So, long story short, these chaplains are actually being visited regularly by these poor NCOs who are ordered to do this kind of thing and have it on their conscience, to their credit.
The other guys, now the other guys, the ones in Langley, Virginia, who are working for the CIA, they're the ones that have the joysticks there, and they're the ones that fly over Pakistan.
Well, because we're literally, or at least technically not at war with Pakistan, so it has to be the CIA.
It can't be the Air Force.
Well, it's the same sort of thing.
People who identify these targets, either from people who may have grievances
It is an indication of a lack of leadership in the military of our country, as well as on the political side, because you can't win a war this way.
All you can do is alienate the affections of people.
And what I keep telling people is that in Pakistan, if you take the population of Pakistan, 165, 170 million, okay?
That's 40 million more.
And the population of Afghanistan, Iran, and Iraq put together.
Besides, of course, Pakistan has nuclear weapons.
Now, which, I would ask you, which country should be the most important not to alienate the population in?
Well, sir, we've seen Pakistani leaders, and we've got an article up on InfoWars.com that's got the newscast and even ABC News, with Pakistani leaders saying, look, your government is running a lot of the Taliban and Al Qaeda, and they're using it to destabilize our country, and you know, and that's what Hamid Ghul, who I
He was bizarrely contacted by a year and a half ago when he came on this show, and it made national news when he did, and he said that they're killing these tribal groups to actually get them up in arms, and that's what Gerald Salenta, the Trends Forecaster, says.
He says, look, the U.S.
government isn't going to have to stage terror attacks as a pretext to get the American people to give their liberty up.
You kill enough Pakistanis who are tribal, they're going to come over here and they're going to blow stuff up.
Well, we've seen the effects of that, haven't we?
You know, when Bush said we have to kill them over there before they come here, well, you know, that was ridiculous in the extreme.
What we need to do is figure out what's really going on in those countries, why they hate us.
It ain't because of our democracy or our freedom.
Now, with respect to the Pakistanis,
You can see U.S.
high-level pronouncements say, we're working on the Pakistanis to show them, to demonstrate that their greatest threat is not from India.
No, no.
It's from these insurgents, these militants, these people that are in the tribal areas, right?
Well, give me a break.
There's no kind of rhetoric or logic that is going to persuade the Pakistanis that their main enemy isn't India.
Of course it is.
And so why do they keep feeding the Taliban?
Why do they keep making it difficult for the U.S.
to end the job there?
Because they see an advantage in keeping the pot boiling in Afghanistan.
They don't want an Indian-dominated government.
I don't
And the worst news, of course, is that our congressional people, even the good ones like Dave Obie, have now caved again, and it looks like there will be an escalation to the tune of $33 billion, and that will buy many more months of killing and war.
People can go to Common Dreams website and others and read your new article.
Give folks that title again one more time, Ray.
Well, it's a letter to David Obie, who is the head of appropriations.
It's a memo that says, look, you know, you called Afghanistan a fool's errand.
And then you said,
Yeah, but we have to fund it.
That doesn't make any logical sense, Dave.
What's really going on here, and what's really going on here, is he's out of there in January.
He wants to not alienate the affections of the Washington establishment, and he's letting go to the House.
A bill that will include enough lipstick, namely the $23 billion for teachers, so that the $33 billion for Afghanistan war will go through.
That is unconscionable.
He knows better than that.
And he can call me an idiot liberal, or that's what he calls some of my friends, but what I'm telling him is that he's in terrible disappointment because he should have stood his ground and not confessed to being, quote, bone tired.
And again, Ray, this has nothing to do with liberal-conservative.
It's right and wrong.
Obama is expanding the wars.
Bush expanded it.
This is the policy of the establishment.
But just briefly, because I want to get into Iran and then North Korea and the time we've got left with you.
I'm picking your brain.
We appreciate the time.
And of course, you just come on out of the goodness of your heart to do it.
I wish you had a book or something we could promote for folks to get your word out.
Even more, but hopefully that's coming in the future, but over the years you've been so gracious, is my point.
What is the exit strategy?
Is the exit strategy never leave like Germany or Japan or South Korea?
I mean, is the exit strategy quagmire?
Well, I asked Hanid Zade, our former ambassador in Afghanistan, he's actually an Afghan.
I asked him at a RAND conference two months ago, I said, you know, you don't say much about the oil pipeline anymore or the natural gas pipeline to Afghanistan.
Where does that stand?
You were in on that from the beginning.
And he thought for a second and he said,
Well, you know, with all the violence and all the fighting there along the pipeline route, we can't possibly build it right now.
I wasn't allowed a follow-up, but my follow-up was going to be, oh, so that's why we're there, to put down the violence, to get the Taliban out of there, and then clear a path for the oil and gas pipeline.
Is that it, Ambassador Khalilzad?
So, you know, it's a strategic sort of thing where the U.S.
will not act in any other way than as an empire.
And you need to have a little bit of humility because we're not going to be able to call the shots in that part of the world anymore.
The mindset of these tribal groups, these Pashtuns and others in Afghanistan and in areas of Pakistan, because from my layman research and what every other analyst going back 400 years, people who fought there, have said is, the more you kill them, the more they fight, just like Americans used to be.
I mean, you know, what happened with the British here?
I mean, that's what any red-blooded group is going to do.
They're not going to stop fighting.
You know, they're not drinking fluoride and watching I Love Lucy.
They're not fat, dumb, happy Americans.
Well, I'd rather be, you know, back in 1776.
I sure would rather have been an insurgent rather than a, you know, cooperator with the Tories.
In a word, there are these strange people in Afghanistan.
They're in tribes mostly.
And they have this strange resistance to invaders coming into the country.
And they have the benefit of these huge mountains and very vulnerable valleys.
And so, going back 2,500 years, Alex, to Alexander the Great,
Who is the first of about seven big countries trying to conquer Afghanistan.
They've been able to, the tribal leaders have been able to block that.
And what I tell people is, you know why they call Alexander the Great?
Well, they call him the Great because he was sensible enough to look at the height of those mountains, to look at the casualties he was already taking on his flanks from these, quote,
We're good to go.
Oh boy, so what?
We're going to be there in five years still.
It's just never going to end.
A meat grinder they feed troops into, and out of it comes oil pipelines and opium.
Well, I'm hopeful that the American people, you know, if they listen to people like us, finally, I think, I have a basic faith in the American people.
They're good sense, and I think there's a limit to what they will tolerate.
The big challenge, of course, Alex, and the reason I come on your show and applaud what you're doing is that you're one of the few people that tell it like it is.
You're not under the fawning corporate media, and that's what we need.
We need people to listen and then act.
And I think action is necessary right now.
Well, again, for those who just joined us, I'm not heaping laurels on you, sir, but people need to know you've been right.
A full year and a half before it came out with Cy Hirsch and New Yorker Magazine, it was confirmed that Cheney wanted to paint up patrol boats blue and have Navy SEALs attack our own ships, and that was confirmed.
Bush, of all people, said, no, we're not doing that.
But it just shows the mental level.
You came on air and said, well, if I was Cheney and Bush, they'll probably paint up some ships like Iranians.
This is on record on the show and attack our ships.
And later I said, did you have inside intel?
You just said no.
That's how these people work.
And now I want to shift gears and ask the difference between Cheney and Bush and Obama.
It's now come out.
I have it here in my stack.
Washington Post, CNN, Business Insider.
Cheney had gotten his way.
We would have gone to war with Russia.
And it's basically admitted in Ron Asmus' new book, you know, who was inside these meetings, that, yeah, NATO was part of it.
They launched the attack.
You know, back through Georgia, against South Ossetia on 888, and that Cheney wanted to go ahead and have nuclear war.
I mean, that really shows these are completely unstable people, like Curtis LeMay or somebody.
And so, that mindset, has that carried over into Obama?
Because when I see him out there, at least at some levels, supporting Israel and Netanyahu, saying they may hit Iran, can you speak to the mindset in the Pentagon?
Is any of this Cheney stuff left there?
Versus what's going on in the White House now, and then how that posture, the posture you believe from your research is there, how that's going to affect what goes on in Iran and now North Korea.
Well, Iran, I think, is the most pressing issue.
It's the one that the President has most difficulty with because the pressure from what is called the Likud lobby, how the people call it, the Israel lobby, is immense.
And that's been demonstrated recently by a whole string of events.
Dennis Blair, a former four-star admiral who headed up the national intelligence setup in our country, was canned last week.
Well, there were a bunch of misadventures with not catching potential terrorists, but the basic reason, in my view, that he was canned was that he had the temerity, 15 months ago, to appoint a person to be the chief analyst in our government, the chief intelligence analyst, a person named Chas Freeman,
Who made the very bad mistake of saying publicly that he thought Palestinians also had rights as human beings in addition to Israelis.
Now, what happened was he was appointed by Dennis Blair.
This is not a cabinet appointment.
This is within his own little purview, head of the National Intelligence Council, Chas Freeman.
He was appointed in the morning and he had lunch with David Broder of the Post.
And David said, aren't you expecting a lot of opposition?
And Freeman said, nah, it's going to sail through.
Then Blair got up saying about the appointment and saying he was a terrific person.
By 5 o'clock in the afternoon.
Senator Chuck Schumer, Senator Lieberman from Connecticut, had gotten to Rahm Emanuel in the White House and said, we can't have this guy.
He's too unbiased.
He doesn't react with knee-jerk solidity to the interests of Israel.
And so Blair had to go back to Freeman and say, you know, I'm going to have to ask you to ask me to withhold your nominee, to reverse your appointment.
It wasn't like a nomination.
He had been appointed.
So he served as national intelligence director for eight hours.
OK, now that is unprecedented.
I've seen a lot of stuff in my 50 years in Washington, but never before have I seen the Israel lobby or any other lobby derail an appointment that had already been made
In the bowels of the intelligence community.
Now, to the extent... So you're saying Israel's got pull that our government doesn't even have?
Well, that seems to be the case.
I had hoped it would be different with Obama, but it's not.
Now, the other thing that's really important is this.
We broached an agreement to Iran.
Which would have resulted in about 70% of their low-enriched uranium being shipped out of the country for reprocessing for their medical reactor.
That was October of last year.
That didn't work out.
Partly because of insurgents in Iran funded by the US, Israel, and Pakistan.
Ray, I'm sorry.
We got a break.
Stay there.
I'll see if I can twist your arm to stay five into the next hour so we have at least ten minutes of air time to finish up on Iran and briefly North Korea.
Stay with us.
Happy to.
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A republic.
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Two wolves and a sheep voting on what's for dinner.
So they think they own our land?
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We're scheduled later in the next hour to have the runner-up in Miss USA pageant.
She lost because she was against Arizona having a state copy of the federal law.
It's exactly a copy of the federal law.
So she's going to be popping in with us.
Ray McGovern is with us for this segment and the next.
We really appreciate his time.
Here's some other news.
We had Congressman Ron Paul on yesterday.
Ron Paul said inside sources told him Fed is panicking at mass awakening.
And if Ron Paul says you can bank it, that's up on GCNlive.com, the article.
by Paul Joseph Watson.
That's GCNlive.com.
Okay, Ray, we've only got about four minutes here, five minutes to the next segment.
Again, very thankful for your time.
You were finishing up with the situation with Iran.
Netanyahu says they may strike.
Talking to folks in intelligence, out of intelligence, with your ear to the ground, is it on the front burner again?
And what's the time frame?
And then, C, what will happen if we do attack?
Well, to address your last point first, Alex, it would be a catastrophe if we and or the Israelis attacked Iran.
Among other things, they have the option of closing the Strait of Hormuz.
Thank you.
The situation right now is highly interesting.
The bottom line is that the Israel lobby has shown its power once again.
And, now get this, this is the important conclusion, at least from my analysis.
Neither Israel nor the United States is terribly worried about a nuclear weapon in Iran.
If they were,
They would have welcomed this new tripartite deal between Brazil, Turkey, and Iran, which provides for half, fully half, of the low-enriched uranium to go out of country into Turkey.
Now, that's the uranium that would have to be refined to a higher degree to make a bomb.
So, if half of Iran's uranium is going out of country for a whole year, wouldn't you think that the Israelis and the U.S.
would be happy about that?
Yeah, Iran is buckling.
I mean, every time, going back, as you know, five years, they try to be friendly, they get slapped down.
Well, what happened, as soon as this deal was announced, Hillary Clinton got up and said, no, no, no, we're not going to go that route.
That's naive.
What we're going to do is sanctions in the UN, and we're persuaded the Russians and the Chinese, and we're going to just get these guys.
Well, you know, that's really interesting, because you know what?
The President of the United States encouraged
So we're about to break, but to interrupt, correct me if I'm wrong, basically it's showing there's a fight going on inside the Obama administration, and that they were trying to do something reasonable, but somebody else has come in and said, uh-uh.
That is incredible!
It really is.
And you won't find it in the New York Times, will you?
But that's the text of the President's letter to Brazil.
And Hillary Clinton and the other neocons, and those particularly susceptible to influence from the Likud lobby, have put the kibosh on what should be a very, very favorable, very encouraging development, namely for Iran to ship half of its uranium out of country.
So we're coming back with only five more minutes.
Just fast when we come back, what's the game plan then?
The game plan is regime change.
That's what they care about.
And anything that will make Ahmadinejad look more reasonable, or make Iran look better, they're against, because they don't care about the uranium, they care about regime change.
We'll talk about North Korea coming up.
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Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
We got the runner-up for Miss USA on who lost because she
It's for states' rights.
She's going to be joining us in the next segment.
Ray McGovern, you've got the floor.
Former CIA top analyst to the president.
You wanted to finish up with the neocons admitting it's not about nukes in Iran, and then briefly, the situation on the Korean peninsula.
I think the most recent very clear indication of what bothers the neocons and the Israel lobby is in Tom Friedman's.
He's a very much pro-Israel fellow.
His op-ed in the New York Times yesterday
He's got a couple of lies in it.
He says experts say that they still have enough uranium to do a nuclear weapon.
That's wrong.
The intelligence community does not say that.
He also suggests that the Iranian facilities are not under U.N.
That's wrong.
What makes it clear is he's not interested in the uranium.
He's interested in regime change, and he finishes up with that appeal.
So, what we need to realize here is that this whole thing is easily explainable.
Why the U.S.
and why the Israelis would not welcome the shipping out of half of Iran's uranium for reprocessing elsewhere is because they don't care about that.
They care about regime change, and what they're trying to do is get that to happen largely through a lot of covert action, support of disparate groups within Iran, now openly acknowledged by the New York Times.
I think so.
Five senior Iranian Revolutionary Guards generals, and that's what put the kibosh on the last deal.
Now, it's interesting to see that The New York Times is advertising the same kind of activity now.
We'll see how hard Israel and the United States tries to put the kibosh on this deal, which really should go through and would obviate the necessity.
So they're moving us towards war, doing everything they can to sabotage a peace process, and this will go down in history either way.
Alright, two minutes left, sir.
North Korea.
Well, you know, Alex, it's really interesting, because we don't have the whole story on what happened.
It looks pretty sure that a North Korean torpedo did hit this South Korean ship, but the details have not been released.
They may give it to the Russians and the Chinese, but not to us.
The problem is that there's an armistice, there's not a peace agreement, and there are disputed territories.
There are North Korean and South Korean fishermen fighting over crabs every year, and this is the season.
And there are South Korean ships and North Korean ships, both killed or sunk in 1999.
I think so.
Should Hillary Clinton use the same language used by Dean Acheson back in 1950, that this is, quote, unprovoked aggression, end quote?
It may be a provocation, it may be retaliation, we just don't know yet.
But we know Kim Jong-il looks like a scarecrow, looks like death warmed over, so anytime we could see a collapse of the regime, and who knows how that'll go, so it's another powder keg.
That's exactly right.
No one really knows what's going on within that country, and so it's really hard to guess as to what the motivation might have been, other than the normal sort of jousting, the normal trying to head off ships from the other country.
Well, that's good news to hear that you're not as concerned about North Korea as the media has been hyping it to be.
So we'll continue to watch that.
I appreciate you coming on to cover what's happening all over the planet and the geopolitical breakdown.
And I look forward to talking to Ray McGovern, a retired former senior CIA analyst, to the President.
God bless you, sir.
Thank you.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, I'm very excited about our next guest, and we are going to open the phones up for her.
A lot of supporters out there.
Miss Oklahoma, a runner-up in Miss USA, and the media reported she would have won if she'd have been against states' rights.
She'll be joining us coming up.
We'll be right back in fullwars.com.
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Arizona's new immigration statute authorizes law enforcement authorities to check the citizenship of anyone they believe may be in the country illegally.
Now listen to the question before you boo.
Critics say this may amount to racial profiling.
Do you think that this should be mandated by the state or by the federal government?
I'm a huge believer in states' rights.
I think that's what's so wonderful about America.
So I think it's perfectly fine for Arizona to create that law.
And I am against illegal immigration, but I'm also against racial profiling.
So I see both sides in this issue.
Thank you all very much.
Beauty pageants.
I don't watch a lot of television, but when I am watching the news and I see highlights of it, I'm obviously red-blooded, so my eyes are trained like a wolf looking at a, you know, a... But the issue here is that I happened to be up here while this was live, turned on the television, and saw all the ladies come out.
And I remember looking at Morgan Elizabeth Woollard, Miss Oklahoma, and thinking, well, she certainly stands out.
Because it's more than just looks.
She's obviously beautiful.
I could tell she was intelligent.
She had that spark about her.
And it's great to see her so informed about the Bill of Rights and Constitution and Ninth and Tenth Amendment versus Miss Teen South Carolina, who literally didn't even know what planet she was on.
We'll play that clip coming up later.
But I didn't know I was watching controversy when I happened to, you know, watch 30 minutes of it that evening because I didn't continue to watch to see the final judging and then I discovered and the news reported she may have lost because she didn't answer that politically correct.
You heard the
The judge asked about the Arizona law and he said, well wait, don't boo yet.
And then she got this big standing ovation that I would say was five, six, seven times louder than the boos.
And we'll play it again coming up just to have it on record.
Thank you very much.
Thank you for having me.
Again, Ms.
Oklahoma on the line with us.
Let's go back to the pageant a week and a half ago.
What happened there?
Anything that happened behind the scenes?
Break it down for us.
The behind the scenes?
Well, what do you mean?
We're there two and a half weeks before the actual telecast.
And so, there are a lot of behind the scenes to this.
Exactly, that's what I meant.
I mean, because all we see is the limited cuts.
I mean, did somebody say something to you after you answered that way?
Or did you ever get word like, ooh, that was a screw-up, you should have called for world government, or you should have called for us turning our guns in?
Well, I mean, they don't speak to you at all afterward about, you know, how you answered your question, but I think afterward, of course, the media definitely brought that to my attention and were wondering, simply from the scoring, you know, I was actually ahead the entire competition until then, and of course, having judges in the entertainment industry, which is predominantly liberal, they do question whether it hurt my chances or not.
Yeah, that's a key statistics that Fox News did cover, and Miss Oklahoma named first runner-up in Miss USA pageant after answering immigration question.
You were way ahead until that point.
I mean, where there's smoke, there's fire.
And I don't... I mean, I talked to you earlier, you don't want to be somebody who's a sword loser, but if you were ahead and then suddenly you got behind, I mean, that is suspicious.
Yeah, I mean, I guess so.
With me, I just kind of have to have a positive perspective and, you know, when you work so hard for something, the last thing you want to think of is the way you answered your question, is what did you win.
And so, I just choose not to flagellate my mind with anything condemning like that and, you know, not be a sore loser or victimize myself, but rise above it and be happy for Rima and just move on to the next chapter of my life.
Well, she is obviously intelligent and lovely as well, but I think you are the clear winner.
And again, the entire time, thank you, you were ahead until you didn't answer the thing politically correct.
And, you know, the issue is, tell us about the rules, because I'm not an expert on this.
In fact, I'm ignorant on this subject.
Is it political?
Do the judges tell you, if I don't agree with your politics, I'm going to vote against you?
Because, you know, we need to know if it is rigged.
I mean, I understand you don't want to go there, but this is quite an issue.
Well, I don't think the USDA system is quite as transparent with their judging criteria and how the whole process goes.
But I believe once you get to the top five, or I think even through 15, 10 to 5, they erase the scores entirely and it starts all over again.
And so once you do make top five and answer a question, you have a final look and I believe they rank you after that.
And so, you know, it could be they liked her personality better.
I don't know.
You know, all I can say is I did my best, and I'm proud of my answer.
I have no regrets.
People ask me all the time if I would have voted it differently.
No, I do believe in states' rights, and I think I took a stance, but I did it diplomatically.
Well, you certainly did.
Very diplomatic.
You could be an ambassador for the U.S.
in the future.
I mean, you answered it perfectly.
Well, that was my hope of becoming a USA.
To be an ambassador for my country.
Dad just was not on the cards for me, and I was blessed to even compete for such a prestigious title, so first runner-up is quite the honor.
Well, you know, I'm really proud of you and so are my listeners.
We got a lot of fan mail for you here at the office.
People just calling in and emails just when we played the clip saying, wow, this is wonderful, especially in Oklahoma, your home state, where you are, Miss Oklahoma, because people appreciated you not going with the politically correct answer.
Because that's what really is valuable, is telling the truth, standing up for what you believe in.
And so, you know, that made you the winner overall when it came to defending this republic.
Thank you very much.
Give us your take on states' rights and the Arizona issue because you only had a few seconds to talk about it then.
Now you've got more time.
And that's what makes it even more difficult, I think.
You know, this is such a hot-button issue that is on our TVs, you know, 20 hours of the day, and I have 20 seconds to sum it up.
That is not the easiest thing in the world.
And I think I'd also like to clarify, which I don't think a lot of people realize, is they didn't ask me whether I was for or against the law.
They asked me whether I felt it should be, you know, state or federal.
And I firmly believe in states' rights.
I think a state should be allowed to mandate rules and regulations as they see fit.
I love that we can put power in the hands of the people, and I fully support that.
Well, on top of it, Napolitano, the head of Homeland Security, last week in congressional testimony, being questioned by John McCain, said, I haven't read the Arizona bill.
Yes, that's correct.
Oh, you saw that?
I did, yes.
I mean, how can then she condemn it if she hasn't read it?
Because I have read it.
I read it here on air.
It is identical to the federal law.
He hasn't read it as well, I believe.
Who did you say hasn't read it?
Attorney General Eric Holder.
Yes, yes, you're right.
He admits it.
So what's your take on them commenting on something they haven't read?
Well, I certainly think that's an issue.
I think, you know, before you believe in something,
If you're formally against something, you should know what all that bill entails and what is within it.
So, I think that is certainly an issue.
Well, listen, while you're here on air, we've got you till about 45 after.
We're appreciative of the time.
Anything else you want to set the record straight on?
We're talking to Miss Oklahoma.
She got second place runner-up in Miss USA.
She was ahead the entire time until she didn't sell America out on national television.
But again, she's being a good sport.
Well, you know, if I think there was one thing that I could set the record straight with, it would just be that I'm one who does not want to victimize myself.
I think a lot of promos in the media are saying
Miss Oklahoma lost her crown because of what she said, and you know, truthfully, yes, it was a gullible question, and it was doomed for a polarizing answer, but I really don't want to victimize myself.
Miss USA wasn't a do-or-die situation for me.
It would have been an incredible honor to represent the USA system and Donald Trump and my country, but
You know, that didn't work out for me, and being scholastically and professionally active, I know that I have great things coming in life regardless, and so I just want people to know I'm not bitter, I am not a victim, and that I'm going to do good things with my life regardless of the crown.
Well, I honor that, and I know my listeners do, so you're being a great sport about it.
But I want to be clear.
I think people who do think that that question was wrong and do think that you were penalized, I think in future, the fans of Miss USA should put their input in about the transparency of the judging rules so that the young ladies know what they're going into.
Now, you're very young.
I mean, you're in a, what, a sophomore or junior in college?
A junior in college.
I'm 21 years old.
And so you can continue to be part of pageants.
This isn't your last rodeo.
Well, yes and no.
The USA System, it goes on to Miss Universe, and because of that, it's the most prestigious pageant in the world.
And so, I've kind of already competed as far up as I can go.
And so if I wanted to compete, there are other
There's Miss World, there's Miss International, and there's of course Miss America, who has the talent portion.
And so, you know, I'm open-minded to that, but I think at this point in my life, I'm ready to move on and pursue my career and finish my education and that kind of thing.
I don't completely shut it out, but at this moment in time I don't think I'll be competing
Well, that's great.
I mean, you're very well balanced.
You've got a larger universe out there than just these beauty pageants, but it is great to have Miss Oklahoma with us.
We'll talk about her worldview and what she's planning in her career next when we get back.
Stay with us.
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What have we got?
A republic or a monarchy?
A republic.
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Hello, this is Alex Jones with some important questions.
If you're going into a battle and they give you a rifle and a sidearm, how much ammunition do you want?
My answer would be all I can get.
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You wipe out all these problems if you have a good food supply.
Recent polls have shown a fifth of Americans can't locate the U.S.
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Why do you think this is?
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Americans are unable to do so because some people out there in our nation don't have that and I believe that our education, like such a
Thank you Miss South Carolina.
It is refreshing to have Miss Oklahoma on with us and runner-up for Miss USA.
Well, you know, I'm not one to judge anyone, so all I can say is
God bless her and it's, you know, it's not easy being up there in front of millions of people and lights in your face, you know, and possibly becoming a potential YouTube moment.
There's a lot going through your brain, so you gotta give her some credit for at least putting herself out there and, you know, doing her best, right?
Hey, at least she got in the arena.
I'm just saying, comparing her to you, it is night and day.
Now, during the break, I brought up Carrie Prejean, if I'm pronouncing that right.
I vaguely remember last year, the big controversy, where she said, my parents brought me up to be pro-family, and marriage is an institution that deals with that.
And you said, wow.
I get asked about a lot of that, and you told me privately your views on it, but it's such a hot issue, so putting it as nicely as you can, I mean, you were explaining the parallel of even if you basically were dissed for answering the question the way you were, you don't want to be seen as basically running with it or milking it?
Well, you know, I think a lot of people
have been comparing me to Carrie Prejean or saying I'm the next Carrie Prejean because it is kind of ironic.
You know, she gets the gay marriage question, I get the legal immigration question.
We both gave fairly conservative answers, are pretty blondes, then end up first in a rep, right?
Um, so there are definitely some comparisons there, but I just didn't want to victimize myself.
I felt she kind of melts her time in the media
Just for being controversial and I just didn't want people to see me as the same or victimize me or anything along those lines if that makes sense.
But I mean every year now it's about politics, people losing who are the runner-ups because they have conservative or constitutional or traditional values.
I think Donald Trump needs to get the politics out of this because the message to people is
You know, if you don't have the right political view, it's not how talented or how beautiful or how dynamic you are.
You know, this is political correctness.
And I think, frankly, I think it was political correctness.
I mean, I think the Lebanese woman is bombshell beautiful.
But I don't think she was in the top five.
I mean, I happened to, again, just catch about 20 minutes of it.
It was pure torture, of course, while I was drinking coffee after my Sunday show.
But I mean, I'm sorry.
I don't think she's second place.
I saw you out there on that runway, and let me tell you, it was like my eyes were on springs.
I hope my wife's not listening.
I'm sorry, but no, I mean, seriously.
I mean, I thought you were the most beautiful.
You popped out there.
That's the reason you were in the leadership role.
And if you'd have said, I'm against Arizona, I love open borders, I love world government, I love crime, it would have been bong, bong, bong, you know, jackpot, you're the winner.
I'm sorry, they stole it from you.
You know, again, I would hope that's not the case, but you're actually correct, actually.
Rima, while she is stunningly beautiful, if you average some evening gown, I think she was actually in seventh place.
And so, you know, winning, I'm so proud of her, and I think it's awesome that she's Arab American, and I think that's, you know, a great, neat thing for our country, but
It is a little disappointing for me, you know, when you want something so badly and...
So close, but so far.
But again, I'm doing okay, I'm not bitter, and I'm just excited for what's next in my life.
I mean, come on!
Come on!
Rima, honestly, she's got the funniest, goofiest personality, and I really think that she just won him over in her interview, because she's just such a relatable... Miss Oklahoma, stay there.
One more segment with you.
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Your chance to talk to Miss Oklahoma runner-up in Miss USA.
Morgan Elizabeth Woollard is our guest for another segment.
I've got some final news I want to hit on the financial front with world markets collapsing all over the place in the last segment today.
Again, thank you for joining us, radio listeners.
I want to go to calls, but I also want to talk about you and the future.
I mean, you're intelligent, you're smart, you're a constitutionalist, you're for states' rights.
You've been punished for standing up for your rights, even if you won't stand up for yourself.
But I think that's, in a way, admirable, that you're not being a spoiled sport.
But it's not a spoiled sport if you weren't cheated.
Again, discretion is the greater valor, I guess they say.
But where are you planning to go from here?
I was telling you during the break, you ought to write a book about this and interweave in there your political views.
Well, that's a loaded question.
Oh my goodness, so much to say there.
I have been incredibly blessed with being given numerous options from here.
You know, the Miss USA pageant, just the exposure itself is a blessing, especially if you want to be in the media.
And so I'm very thankful for all the opportunities that have come my way because of this pageant.
I'm already getting offers, you know, within the broadcasting world, modeling world, acting world.
We're good to go.
Well, let me just inject this.
There's a lot of anchors on television like Peter Jennings that don't have degrees.
And I would strike while the iron's hot.
You can always go back to college, but right now you're smart, you're talented, you're well-spoken, you're beautiful.
I would get into the media and I would take every opportunity you've got right now.
Because I'm not bashing college and education, that's fine and dandy.
It's just that Bill Gates, Rush Limbaugh, if you look at the statistics, over 90% of the top CEOs, media people, you name it, didn't go to college or quit college because they were already go-getters.
By 20 years old, halfway into college, they already had opportunities.
Same thing with me.
I was 21, I had about another year and a half of college left, I'd already gone and gotten a radio show locally, and I was sayonara.
But again, I'm just saying, strike while the iron's hot.
Strike while you're in the spotlight.
Because you could argue, due to that controversial question and your controversial answer for some, you almost got more attention than the lady that won Miss USA.
So at the end of the day, it doesn't matter if they stole the crown from you, because you still win!
Yes, you know, it really is a win-win situation.
I'm incredibly blessed, and I'm, again, so grateful for all these opportunities.
So, you're getting a lot of offers right now.
Acting, TV, you name it.
Just dive in with both feet.
You name it.
You know, I think the hardest part is just figuring out which route to take.
Because, of course, you want to do what's best for you.
You want to do what's best for your future.
And take the bull by the horn and, you know, make the right decision.
And I think that's the
Well, let me give you some advice.
Don't sign anything.
Try a lot of different things.
Because Hollywood TV, it's full of a lot of flim flamers, a lot of talkers.
But just, you know, I would go with the big companies or established companies who can give you bonafide money at the bottom.
Because they'll sit there and string you along to see where your career's going.
So, I mean, again, I would just hit the ground running and try a lot of things out.
And that's why I'm warning you.
Because most people won't do this.
College, especially when you're already being launched and propelled, you can always go back into the college.
You can't always get this advantage you've got right now.
You can't always get the present back.
And that's kind of another position I'm in, in regards to being in between a rock and a hard place.
Because both of my parents are within the medical field, and they're all about
Education, education, education.
And so, for me, I just need to find a place or relocate to a place that I can pursue both at once.
That's the way to do it.
That you need to take advantage of things while they're hot and, you know, when they're in front of you, you gotta grab them, otherwise life might, you know, pass you by.
When things are hot in front of you, you gotta grab them.
That's a good quote from Miss Oklahoma.
So you could go to Chicago, New York, L.A., places like that and... Sorry, go ahead.
I was just agreeing.
Well, listen...
Well, before we go to Eric, Chris, Mike and others with Miss Oklahoma, the Patriot, who we just love to death, give us some of your other views on the Second Amendment.
Have you heard all these world leaders calling for global government and that we need to have the private central banks running things?
What's your view on Ron Paul?
I think Ron Paul is a wonderful man and I agree with him on a lot of stances.
I've always been a bit of a constitutionalist myself.
And I believe in limited government and liberty and rule of law and all those wonderful things in America.
Self-government, self-governance, that kind of thing.
Well, that's wonderful.
Again, while we've got you here, where would you like to see our republic going?
Have you heard them talk on the news about forming this world government?
World government?
By that, do you mean giving the government more power?
Well, you've got Ban Ki-moon, the Secretary General of the UN, Herman Van Rompuy, the head of the EU, the outgoing Prime Minister of England, Gordon Brown, Al Gore.
The heads of the G20 are calling for a global government to set worldwide taxes.
And I was just asking if you were concerned about that.
I'm definitely concerned about that.
I've always been for limited government.
Being able to be your own keeper and having self-government and, you know, making something of yourself and not relying too much on the government for that.
And so, I'm definitely against big government in the world.
Well, I tell ya, I wish you were Miss USA.
Somebody to really represent our country.
But you are representing our country.
Thank you.
And people just appreciate that you didn't sell out your values.
I mean, you had to know, though, when he asked the question, that... I mean, did it run through your head?
Well, if I give the politically correct answer, he's gonna like that?
Or are you just such a patriot that there wasn't even a question?
Well, truthfully, in that moment in time, you don't have time to think.
You just go with what you know.
And, you know, I know who I am.
I know what I believe and why I believe it.
And with that said, it was easy for me to answer.
I didn't have to think twice about it because that's who I am and that's how I was raised and, you know, I stood firm in that.
Well, that's why people admire you, not just for your beauty or the electric presence, but the mind that powers it all.
So exciting.
Miss Oklahoma, Morgan Elizabeth Woollard is our guest.
We're now going to go to a few phone calls.
Let's talk to Eric in Oklahoma, your home state.
You're on with Miss Oklahoma.
Hi, Alex.
It's really good to talk to you.
It's been years since I've talked to you, actually.
Uh, my cousin was Miss America, Chantel Smith, in 87, and she is just a beautiful girl, and Morgan, you're just another one.
You just represent Oklahoma wonderfully, and I'm very, very proud of you, and that's basically all I had to say.
Just proud to see Oklahoma girls just doing so well.
Thank you, sir, very much.
I appreciate that.
Miss USA has never had
I was hoping to make history there.
I was only a few short points off, but I was so proud to represent our state.
Well, that's right.
You lost the pageant, but you kept your integrity, and that's what matters at the end of the day, and you'll be rewarded.
God will open bigger doors for you, because you didn't sell out.
That's what's always happened with me.
I've been fired, you name it, before for not compromising, and it's just every time I do the right thing, it's just doors open up everywhere.
Specific questions for our guests.
Chris in Indiana, you're on the air with Miss Oklahoma.
Thank you, Megan, Alex, for taking my call.
First, your answer was outstanding.
I mean, a beauty pageant is beyond just beauty and body.
It's mind and soul.
And you scored 10s on all of them.
So thank you.
Thank you for being a good patriot.
Proud to be an American.
21, in college, what is your opinion or what are you seeing as far as the increased police state?
Yeah, what do you think of the Patriot Act being used against U.S.
They've got legislation introduced where citizens can be secretly arrested.
We're seeing in universities, I don't know about Oklahoma, but more and more censorship of libertarian or conservative political viewpoints.
Thanks for the call, Chris.
Let's get her take on that question.
I'm sorry, what exactly are you asking me?
Well, I mean, what do you think about the loss of liberty?
The erosion of the Bill of Rights?
Warrantless wiretapping?
Are you concerned about that?
Well, I think that kind of goes along with what we were speaking about earlier.
It's giving the government too much power.
And, you know, I don't want our freedoms to be taken away.
I don't want our liberty to be taken away.
I think those things
is exactly what makes America, America.
And just being able to govern yourself and, you know, not having, like I said, the government controlling too many aspects of our lives, I definitely think there's a point where they need to step back and give us our freedom again.
Absolutely, and we've got to step up and take them back.
Did you hear of the debate with Lou Dobbs and others about the North American Union, SPP, NAFTA superhighways, all these toll roads going in that the money then goes to foreign corporations in Spain and Europe?
I mean, A, have you heard of that?
B, what's your take on it?
I've not heard too much about that to be honest, especially if it's recent.
Being in Vegas for Miss USA for three weeks, we kind of live in a fishbowl.
So I haven't been able to be watching the news as often as I normally do.
But as far as foreign nations go, I do think we need to become less dependent on them.
Let's take a call from Micah, New Orleans.
You're on the air with a runner-up in Miss USA, who said she's for states' rights.
Go ahead.
It's an honor.
Miss Willard, I want to first congratulate your parents on raising a woman that is an inspiration in every manner and every way possible.
Thank you, sir.
You should be... Oklahoma should be proud.
America should be proud, and you will be number one in our hearts and our minds forever.
Yeah, I want to say this.
I've got two great little blonde-haired daughters, and I hope they grow up to be as, you know, passionate and informed about our country.
I know they will be, as Miss Oklahoma.
Go ahead.
I have no doubt, Alex, that your children are going to be firecrackers.
Miss Willard, do you have any brothers and sisters?
Yes, sir.
I have two older sisters.
That's even more of a reason to congratulate your parents.
And I would ask this, how do you feel about dating older men?
All right.
I appreciate the call.
Let me throw this out there, though.
Are you looking forward to, you know, after you've gotten into your career, getting hitched and having some kids?
Oh, absolutely.
I'm a big believer in family and I'm looking forward to that day.
I don't know when that day will be, but I definitely am someone who wants to have a wonderful family and children and, you know, just a great American family.
Well, it's been great having you here, and we appreciate your courage.
Did we ever find that clip, guys, of Carrie Prejean, however you pronounce it?
We didn't find that, because I heard it all over the news last year.
You can probably use YouTube, Carrie Prejean's
You're exactly right.
I mean, are you critical of the lady who did milk it somewhat?
Well, for me, I think... I wouldn't say critical.
Definitely not of her answer.
This is America.
And in the First Amendment, we have freedom of speech.
And so she had every right to speak her beliefs.
And so I back her up fully with that.
In mine, but I do feel that she kind of took it and ran with it and kind of overexposed herself to the media, I guess.
And may have put a bad taste in people's mouth?
Yeah, maybe so.
So your problem isn't what she said.
Oh, not at all.
It's the fact that she did say, I was cheated, I was cheated.
I think, yeah, I think you should be humble in your loss and, you know, just realize that everything happens for a reason and to
As much as it stings sometimes, just to know that greater things are in store and just look forward to what God has next for your life.
It's all in God's hands.
Well, we appreciate you joining us.
We've got about a minute left.
Anything else that you forgot to add?
I don't think so.
Just, you know, how grateful I am for the overwhelming support I've received.
Everyone has been
Absolutely incredible, not just from the state of Oklahoma, but my entire country and even people all over the world just showered with love and support and people backing me up from all over the place and so I'm so grateful and I really am just honored and humbled.
Well, that is my final question.
Going back, you know, you hear on the video, the audio, and it sounded like five, six, seven times the cheering that there was the booing.
You could barely hear the booing, but you were there.
I mean, was the cheering for you a lot more overwhelming than the booing?
Oh, without a doubt.
I think it tripled the booing.
As soon as I said I'm a firm believer in state strides and I love that about my country, everyone just
Overflowed with you know clapping and cheering and I think the majority of the people there were in agreement with me on that statement.
Well, all I can say is incredible, and it has been great having you on the broadcast, and I know that there's quite a few websites that have your info up, but I'm not going to try to give you advice for your career, but I would get a basic website up quickly that's yours, just so you get directed, you know, just so you get contacted directly by the media outlets and others that are out there.
So we look forward to talking to Morgan Elizabeth Woolard again in the future.
Thank you for being so nice and spending so much time with us today.
Thank you for having me and thank you everyone for listening and tuning in.
I appreciate it.
God bless you.
What a great patriot.
What a darling.
And the real winner of Miss USA.
Obviously cheated.
I had the entire time until the end when she didn't bow down to the La Reconquista and the New World Order and the Infisora.
But look, I just spent 50 minutes with her because
People wanted to have her on, and she stood up for what she believed in, and we've got a lot of other hardcore subjects that I covered in the first hour of the show.
I'm going to cover some financial news when we come back to the last segment that's very important.
But good job to Jaren and the rest of the crew for getting her on the show.
Interesting interview.
And I'll tell you, the crew liked this guest.
It's better than CIA analyst and economist and things.
Of course, I have to be quite frank with you.
Those are my favorite type of guests, because I like to get people thinking, but you know what?
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
We'll be right back, ladies and gentlemen.
Stay with us.
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They helped to create a new world order.
We are part of a new world order.
A new world order based upon collective action.
Invisible Empire is a damning indictment of the globalists through their own words and documents.
The New World Order really is a tool for addressing a new world of possibilities.
It means all the world under their control.
The United Nations would take over America.
The Trilateral Commission would control the world.
Invisible Empire chronicles how men of power and influence have worked in stealth for centuries to establish an oppressive world government.
I believe, first of all, that we now need nothing short of a world constitution for the global financial system.
Global governance with the establishment of the G20.
So it's going to be an inner ruling elite and then everyone else.
And I got news for you.
You're everyone else.
Invisible Empire.
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Oh yeah!
It is the final segment, ladies and gentlemen!
Is Europe heading for a meltdown?
This is out of the London Telegraph.
It's up on GCNlive.com.
The financial crisis is worse than the subprime crash of 2008 because the sums are so much bigger and governments that are in dire straits.
This is all part of the plan as we laid out over a decade ago.
We have the IMF World Bank Takeover Plan.
Here's another one.
money supply plunges at 1930's pace as Obama eyes fresh stimulus.
The money supply is being contracted, ladies and gentlemen.
That is out of the London Telegraph as well.
Here's the Financial Times.
Debt crisis is dark cloud over Europe.
Another key article, Ron Paul, inside source told me Fed is panicking at mass awakenings.
GCNlive.com, Paul Watson article.
Ron Paul, along with us yesterday, you can watch both those videos at GCNlive.com, our interview with Ron Paul.
So the good news is we're identifying the enemy.
They know we're aware of what they're doing, but they're just imploding the entire economy.
What did Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, former head of the Treasury, Wall Street Journal editor, father of Reaganomics, he said evil
Has been turned loose.
The government is completely evil.
You got a few good people in the government, but the system is run by evil.
And look, you'll wake up to that or it's over.
Now, I'm not going to attack Glenn Beck and the whole media frenzy about what he sells gold for.
Because some of that stuff's collectible, and it's good to have a mix.
But non-collectible, semi-numismatic, the news reported $360 for a franc, and that was three months ago.
When, when, uh, you know, gold was down by like a hundred bucks.
Ted has franks at a hundred and, I mean, two hundred and fifty something.
It's like a hundred bucks less than what, you know, big gold companies are selling it, because he bought it when it was lower.
He's selling it to you when it's higher at the low price.
So when I tell you that I get the daily sheets on this, when we do a gold offer, he's making three or four, maybe five dollars different days on these franks, on these sovereigns, maybe six dollars that are quarter ounce.
And that's at the old amount.
When he bought it when it was low, he's still selling it to you.
You cannot get better deals from my research.
Maybe they're there, you know, maybe a leprechaun's got a golden pot or something.
But Ted, I wanted to bring you up briefly with a few news headlines on the economy, and then not just the Franks.
That everybody else is selling for over $300.
You got them for $250 something, but not for long, because they are selling out gold way up today.
Tell folks about the coins, the offers, the toll-free number, because I believe in this.
I buy my gold from you, because you've got the best deals.
Now, normally, people pay a little more with you.
It's still a great deal.
These specials on this show, you've got to tell them, when you call Alejandro Jones, that's me, sent you.
Ted Anderson.
Yeah, I'm with you right here, Alex.
I can tell you right now, British sovereigns, I had to stop issuing them.
I can't sell them right now because my European sources can't get them to me because the Europeans are buying them all up.
There's not enough supply right now for me to be able to say I have those.
But the francs are available, and I still have them at $256.68, and I still am buying a full year subscription to the International Forecaster if you only buy one.
I need to say it right now.
I mean, gold is up.
Everything's strong.
The Europeans are buying gold.
They typically don't do it.
They're not the kind of people that buy gold.
People are screwballs!
You cannot...
Two hundred and fifty-something bucks for a fifth of an ounce gold coin that's got the numismatic, you know, some collector value, not a lot.
The point is, that's bullion or below bullion because, and Ted, you are running out.
You're out of the sovereigns.
I didn't know that.
Don't screw around, folks.
I've been telling you seven years to buy gold back when it was $280 an ounce.
Now it's $1,200 and something.
Don't screw around.
Is it a perfect investment?
Nothing is.
Nothing's 100% guaranteed.
It's the best thing out there from my research.
This is what I buy.
Ted, real fast, what are some of the other coins you got screaming deals on?
Well, we've got Eagles, we've got $10 Liberties, $20 Liberties.
We've got a whole line of different things.
Silver's at a good buy.
We've got some walking Liberty halves.
Just call us at 800-686-2237.
You'll find out.
Thank you.
Great job, crew.
We've got Ray McGovern.
Everybody coming up.
Retransmission starts now.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
Hello, this is Alex Jones with some important questions.
If you're going into a battle and they give you a rifle and a sidearm, how much ammunition do you want?
My answer would be all I can get in the battle for freedom.