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Name: 20100524_Mon_Alex
Air Date: May 24, 2010
1630 lines.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Yeah, the Shanghai Cooperative Organization between Russia and China
...is openly drilling to go into southern and northern Korea.
The whole world is gearing up for fireworks on every front.
It's all happening now.
Just like in the lead up to World War I and World War II.
And it's not just Alex Jones saying this.
Any geopolitical strategist who's worth ten cents of salt can tell that we better buckle up
Buckle up, because you ain't seen nothing yet.
The world is going into controlled, orchestrated chaos.
But John in Texas, I think you answered your question with the statement you made.
Yes, they're gearing up for what appears to be an engineered regional conflict, but done in multiple regions of the planet, engineered, controlled World War III, to bring in the global government.
I was in the infantry in Vietnam in 1970, and we were fighting the Chinese by proxy.
We were killing Chinese advisors that were leading the NVA patrols when I was over there.
And I think they wanted to engineer the destruction of our fire base, fire base Ripcord.
It was totally, you know, annihilated.
And you've seen how they behaved in the Korean War.
They burned our prisoners of war alive in their Trojan Reservoir.
They overran medical teams and burned all the prisoners alive, and they backed the Khyber Rouge.
And you've seen how they treat their people at Tiananmen Square.
If they were to ever get into this country or whatever, I know how they'd behave.
Oh, this country's for sale.
The globalists 30 years ago had made the decision to have Europe be their new western command base, but their eastern command base is China.
And according to the globalists, and you now see that in the headlines, America is gone.
You won't recognize America.
They're letting you know.
We raped you.
We stole everything.
Now we're going to totally get rid of you.
and uh... it's just in any of the average cop says i don't care i'm going out of the ship least i get the boston slaves and so we're just gonna sink unless we wake up to help a static we aren't admit were slaves and only by admitting how pathetic we are can we ever get our past freedom and glory back uh... but uh... no china is the model it's the chinese century that mean the chinese people but it means that their slave masters
Because they've got the best slave system, have been chosen as the apple of the New World Order's eye.
I appreciate your call, John.
Let's talk to Matt in Indiana.
You're on the air.
Mr. Jones.
Hey, buddy.
I think it's no coincidence leading up to the oil rig thing, we had all those coal mine disasters, and I think it's almost a silver bullet, but to decriminalize and legalize hemp would re-industrialize
I mean, it really would, because it's better than cotton, it's better than polyester, it's a miracle product.
But you know what?
People would rather have asbestos in their house, and they'd rather have polyester, and they'd rather have petrochemicals.
So you know what?
Again, George Washington grew it, and the Constitution's written on it, but it's evil, okay?
I'd like to give a little rundown of the police state, city that I live in, Evansville, Indiana, home of the Liberty Dollar.
Since 94, the GROTC was military recruiting in the schools, cameras on the buses, Indiana has a secure ID, we got two chains of gas stations here scanning IDs for cigarettes.
We got facial recognition cameras at the airport and the license branches.
Now, I've always found Indiana is top of the food chain in police state.
Every time evil pops up, it's Indiana.
And see, Indiana's got great folks.
Going back over 20 years, they did an analysis and found that Indiana was just full of great people.
Just like Idaho or Utah or Texas.
Wherever they know there's good Americans, they move the grid in.
We have an Indiana Department of Homeland Security Mobile Command Center parked on a street here in Evansville, Indiana.
Oh, making sure of the slaves?
You're milk cows, man.
When they're done using you up for milk, they're gonna slit your throat.
And they've got devil dog troops ready to kill you and ask for seconds.
It's good to butcher America!
They helped to create a New World Order.
We are part of a New World Order.
A New World Order based upon collective action.
Invisible Empire is a damning indictment of the globalists through their own words and documents.
The New World Order really is a tool for addressing a new world of possibilities.
It means all the world under their control.
The United Nations would take over America.
The Trilateral Commission would control the world.
Invisible Empire chronicles how men of power and influence have worked in stealth for centuries to establish an oppressive world government.
I believe first of all that we now need nothing short of a world constitution for the global financial system.
Global governance with the establishment of the G20.
So it's going to be an inner ruling elite and then everyone else.
And I got news for you.
You're everyone else.
Invisible Empire.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We're live, ladies and gentlemen.
Travelcasting, the syndicated radio broadcast at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Thank you for joining us.
I'm going to cover a bunch of news right now until later in the hour, then we'll open the phones back up at 1-800-259-9231 for everyone that is patiently holding around the country and the world who is tuned in.
Before I get into the political realignment happening here in the United States and in other parts of the globe, before I get into the economy, I want to cover North Korea.
Because it all integrates together.
It was Lenin, Vladimir Lenin, who said that there are times in history when more happens in a week than happen in a year.
And when more happens in a year than happen in the previous hundred years.
And we are definitely in that time frame right now, but because of the convergence of technological developments, population, communication, and high-powered military hardware,
and other factors all combining together now you're not going to see a decade of rapid change and accelerated change by orders of magnitude you're going to see from here on out a quickening with all the benefits and dangers of high technology life extension
The issue is, though, the ruling global elite, from their own statements and white papers, the ruling global elite that are in control of society right now,
Have disdain for the general public.
They think of you as scum and trash.
They don't even want to dumb you down or enslave you further.
They want to set up a global police state so they can then exterminate you.
And this is their stated goal.
We've covered it ad nauseum with my film, Endgame, Blueprint for Global Enslavement, and other documentaries.
And we've read their publications and quotes here on air over and over and over again.
And so if you're a new viewer or listener and you're laughing about this, you better do a little research.
Say at whatistheendgame.com or endgamethemovie.com and read the full bibliography for the two and a half hour film and check all the facts and claims for yourself.
You might want to read Ecoscience written by the White House Science Czar.
1,100 pages.
You might want to read the 900 pages of Tragedy and Hope.
You might want to read The Secret Team by Colonel L. Fletcher Prouty.
Now back in print, by the way, available at InfoWars.com.
Of course, Ecoscience and Tragedy and Hope are written by top globalists from their perspective of how they've got to have a planetary dictatorship to then kill you, to do it as humanely as possible, sterilize you with the fluoride, but that's not enough.
You can read the head Pentagon liaison, and they don't deny this, it's on record, between the Pentagon and black ops, Bay of Pigs, you name it, where he details
Everything that Joseph McCarthy said was true.
Everything and more.
Of course, the Russians in the last decade have declassified their McCarthy files, and you've seen the headline in the New York Times, McCarthy was right!
But now it's quaint and funny.
Kind of like a decade ago, time sure flies, I was watching History Channel, and they had the 90-plus year old former CIA Section Chief on from 1949, who was over China, and also into China, not just China proper, but also over Vietnam.
And he bragged and said, yes, we put Mao Zedong in power, we didn't like Chiang Kai-shek, but we couldn't tell the public that at the time because communism was unpopular.
Now, I literally almost fell out of my chair.
Just like when I heard BBC admit our government grows and ships out the opium out of Afghanistan last year.
I almost ran off the road listening to XM.
Because I already knew this, but to hear them, to hear Kermit Roosevelt six, seven years ago on NPR, it was a tape after he died,
He died in 99, CIA commander, 53, was Schwarzkopf's daddy, overthrown Iran.
Bragging that they staged terror attacks and used radical Muslims to overthrow Mohammad Mosaddegh.
Again, I already know all of this, but to hear him brag about it.
Knowing that the public's so dumbed down and so pathetic that they can now have Geraldo Rivera go on Fox and talk to Marine Corps commanders with the troops gathered around going, you're growing the opium here.
Tell us why.
Well, we have to grow it or Al-Qaeda will get it.
So we gotta help the farmers grow it and ship it out.
We don't cover conspiracy theories here on this show, ladies and gentlemen.
99% of the time.
We get into numerology and the occult and how the elite are obsessed with it, yes.
But only because that's what they're into.
It's all conspiracy, no theory.
But reading, re-reading The Secret Team, because Jesse Ventura recommended I re-read it.
He had just read it and was blown away by it.
Paradigm shifting for him.
Then I told Ventura, off-air, I said, now you gotta read Tragedy and Hope.
You know, don't just read somebody on the inside who was against it.
Read somebody from the inside who was for it.
What does this have to do with North Korea?
There were several meetings with Roosevelt and Churchill that they had at the end of World War II and then
After Roosevelt died, meetings with Stalin and, of course, Harry Truman.
And those were public meetings that they announced each time months after it had happened.
And he talks about in there how the Soviets, who had been our ally during World War II, the West said, how do we set up a police state domestically?
How do you set up a police state?
You need an enemy.
And they said, well, we'll demonize you, you demonize us.
We'll cover your atrocities, you'll cover ours.
And then we'll have proxy wars with each other, so we don't ever have to nuke each other.
And we'll take half of a country, and you take the other half.
You take half of Korea, we take the other half.
Half of Vietnam, the other half.
We take half of Europe, which they divided Germany in half, of course, and took over half of Eastern Europe.
We'll divide it all in half with you.
And that, at first, was even public.
And it was all staged.
Every stinking bit of it.
Oh, it's not staged when you're in a foxhole, you know, fighting communists.
But it's staged when you're in the upper command and you're not allowed to bomb actual factories in the North.
And of course it got declassified two weeks ago that the U.S.
wanted to nuke China with Russia.
In fact, reprint me that London Guardian article.
The headline was, Russia wanted to nuke China.
And then you read that, well, the U.S.
two years before had wanted to nuke them as part of their deal with the Communists because China wasn't following their agreements that had been made when the U.S.
put Mao into power.
So there is some infighting going on.
From time to time.
There's no honor among thieves with these people.
So they're always double-checking each other.
It's like the final round of Risk, or multi-dimensional, multi-level chess.
They're not just playing with two colors.
It's more like five or six big factions with sub-factions all in there cheating each other.
Now what did McCarthy said?
McCarthy had said there were communists everywhere taking over America.
Look at us 50 years later.
The big government runs everything.
They tell you what size your lightbulb can be, what type of toilet you can have, where your kids can, you know, just everything's controlled now.
But it's communism by the banks.
They take your money and then give it to themselves through the government.
But as soon as Joseph McCarthy, and if you understand this, you understand everything, as soon as Joseph McCarthy realized
And went public and said, I've discovered the communist conspiracy is run by the Pentagon.
And they said, excuse me, you're saying that the commies in Russia have infiltrated the Pentagon.
And he said, no!
I mean, go read his speeches!
He said, no, the Pentagon is the communist!
That's who runs the whole thing!
Well, who had set up the UN in 45?
Who had set up the tank and tractor factories with General Motors and Ford?
Who gave Russia the weapons and the oil and the raw materials to then ship it to North Korea and ship it to Northern Vietnam?
And to ship it into Cuba?
Because again, the U.S.
gets to take part of a country.
Again, it goes back to World War II.
What did Hitler do?
He made a secret deal with Stalin.
This is now declassified in public.
The Nazi-slash-Soviet pact.
They made a deal to where Hitler said he was protecting Poland from the Russians, and the Russians were protecting the other part of Poland from the Nazis.
And so they came in and divided the country of Poland.
I mean, if you want to defeat the New World Order, folks, you've got to understand their master strategic planning.
And why they're so hard to beat.
And stop thinking black versus white, Christian versus Muslim, you know, two-dimensional game of checkers.
This is chess, but at multi-level.
It's like playing ten chess games at once, folks, with millions of different factors coming in.
And so as soon as McCarthy realized that the communist conspiracy was run by Wall Street,
He was no longer useful.
Oh, he was very useful letting the feds take over Hollywood and create a right-wing backlash that they could push a police state with as part of this dialectic.
But as soon as he figured out the real takeover, he was out of there in a New York minute.
We'll be right back.
Hi, this is Alex Jones.
Did you know that the global elite are now storing non-hybrid seeds in secret storage vaults near the Arctic Circle?
Did you know that in a real meltdown, non-hybrid seeds could become more valuable than silver or gold?
It's true, seeds have outperformed even gold and silver before in this country, and it's possible they could even happen again.
So our friends at Solutions from Science have put together the perfect mix of non-hybrid seeds.
They call it a survival seed bank and it can produce an endless supply of nutrient-dense food for you and your family.
And here's the best part.
These seeds have not been genetically modified in any way.
And you actually get enough seeds to plant a full acre crisis garden.
So visit them today at survivalseedbank.com.
That's survivalseedbank.com or give them a call at 877-327-0365.
That's 877-327-0365.
In a real crisis, non-hybrid seeds are the ultimate barter item.
This is Alex Jones for SurvivalSeedBank.com.
They helped to create a New World Order.
We are part of a New World Order.
A New World Order based upon collective action.
Invisible Empire is a damning indictment of the globalists through their own words and documents.
The New World Order really is a tool for addressing a new world of possibilities.
It means all the world under their control.
The United Nations would take over America.
The Trilateral Commission would control the world.
Invisible Empire chronicles how men of power and influence have worked in stealth for centuries to establish an oppressive world government.
I believe, first of all, that we now need nothing short of a world constitution for the global financial system.
Global governance with the establishment of the G20.
So it's going to be an inner ruling elite and then everyone else.
And I got news for you.
You're everyone else.
Invisible Empire.
Secure your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or watch it online in the highest quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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Okay, so that was quite a bit of preface in the last segment before I get into North Korea.
Fast forwarding to 1995-96, the head of ABB, the Swiss nuclear power plant company, is Donald Rumsfeld, a key gopher for the globalists.
I mean, he's the guy that gets DU approved for our troops to use.
He's the guy that gets Aspartame approved.
He's the guy that gets Prozac approved.
I mean, he is the key man on so many levels.
He gets, what was it, six?
We can pull up the article.
In fact, I don't want to go off memory.
Google nuclear reactors to North Korea, Donald Rumsfeld, ABB.
But multiple reactors are sent, and they're the type that you can actually create A-bombs with the material.
And the media was like, why?
Why did the Swiss sell them this?
Why did the U.S.
government stand by?
Why did our government and Israel help, on record, give AQ Khan Laboratories, from the late 80s through the mid-90s, the components to not just make hydrogen bombs or A-bombs, but to have medium-range and long-range delivery systems.
There it is.
There's ABB's website.
ABB to deliver systems equipped to North Korean nuclear plants.
There's their press release.
Good job, guys.
Donald Rumsfeld.
Ran that.
And he's always the head of the company for like six months.
He'll step in and get aspartame approved.
Chemical weapon feces from bacteria.
You can't make this stuff up.
He'll step in and get Prozac approved as the head of the company.
He'll step in and get Terminator seeds approved.
He'll step in and get the bioweapons of Saddam in 84.
He'll step in and get the reactors transferred.
Brzezinski's a similar high-level globalist.
So is Kissinger.
But the issue here is... In fact, here's another headline today.
Dealing with Israel.
London Guardian giving nukes to South Africa.
Why was Israel involved with the U.S.
and England creating the Mujahideen to fight the Russians?
They've always run these Muslim extremists.
And again, you'll have the top terror controllers, who are Muslim leaders, who are global double and triple agents, who literally have Muslim extremists working for them, who really think they're fighting for Allah out doing this.
So the guy they bust in the street, he's a real Muslim terrorist.
But he doesn't know he's working for Mossad.
Or MI6?
In fact, I've got another stack of mainstream articles here today.
Headline, Terror Inquest May Probe MI5 Role, BBC.
MI5 Faces Probe Over July 7 Bombings.
MI5 Faces Probe Over 7-7 and Their Role in It.
How long have we told you that that's an inside job?
And the families have demanded this investigation on the cover-up.
And you go to the evidence.
The government ran those attacks on 7-7.
And had some idiots they'd hired to take part in a drill, who they blew up.
One guy got away, so they shot him up at Canary Wharf.
That was on the news!
But, I'm digressing.
Here it is.
London Telegraph.
USSR planned nuclear attack on China in 1969, but buried in the declassification from the Chinese and Russian archives is that the US had had a secret deal with the Russians against China.
And that Nixon was mad that two years before, Russia hadn't agreed to launch a sneak attack on China when they wanted to.
And so by then, Nixon already made a deal with China to menace Russia.
So this back and forth is always going on behind the scenes.
But it is on record now that our government put Mao Zedong in who killed between 64 and 82 million people.
The Chinese government says 82 million.
Our government says 84 million.
After 84 million, who's counting?
Well, each one's a human being.
How many sports stadiums filled with 100,000 people is that to give you an image of the humanity disappearing?
And David Rockefeller writing books about how great Mao is, and editorials in the New York Times praising communism?
Why would one of the richest men in the world be praising communism?
Well, read his stinking column!
He tells you why!
Okay, I'm gonna settle down.
The issue is with all of that backdrop and our government helping transfer nuclear weapons fissile material to North Korea, why would our government do that?
Because they don't want Japan and South Korea living in peace.
Because they won't need our bases there if they're not being menaced from the North.
Japan won't need our bases if
The North Korean dictator every year or so isn't shooting ICBMs over their country that land a few miles off their coast, threatening to nuke them.
We'll explain this when we come back, then get into the political realignment worldwide, a bunch of economic news, a smattering of other key info, and then your phone calls and a guest coming up.
But this is important, so I'm going over the backstory first.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Hi, this is Alex Jones.
Did you know that the global elite are now storing non-hybrid seeds in secret storage vaults near the Arctic Circle?
Did you know that in a real meltdown, non-hybrid seeds can become more valuable than silver or gold?
It's true, seeds have outperformed even gold and silver before in this country, and it's possible that could even happen again.
So our friends at Solutions from Science have put together the perfect mix of non-hybrid seeds.
They call it a Survival Seed Bank.
And it can produce an endless supply of nutrient-dense food for you and your family.
And here's the best part.
These seeds have not been genetically modified in any way.
And you actually get enough seeds to plant a full acre crisis garden.
So visit them today at SurvivalSeedBank.com.
That's SurvivalSeedBank.com.
Or give them a call at 877-327-0365.
That's 877-327-0365.
Remember, in a real crisis, non-hybrid seeds are the ultimate barter item.
This is Alex Jones for survivalseedbank.com.
Hello, this is Alex Jones with some important questions.
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Again, that number 1-800-409-5633.
Hi, this is Alex Jones.
Did you know that the global elite are now storing non-hybrid seeds in secret storage vaults near the Arctic Circle?
Did you know that in a real meltdown, non-hybrid seeds can become more valuable than silver or gold?
It's true.
Seeds have outperformed even gold and silver before in this country, and it's possible that could even happen again.
So our friends at Solutions from Science have put together the perfect mix of non-hybrid seeds.
They call it a survival seed bank.
And it can produce an endless supply of nutrient-dense food for you and your family.
And here's the best part.
These seeds have not been genetically modified in any way.
And you actually get enough seeds to plant a full acre crisis garden.
So visit them today at survivalseedbank.com.
That's survivalseedbank.com.
Or give them a call at 877-327-0365.
That's 877-327-0365.
Remember, in a real crisis, non-hybrid seeds are the ultimate barter item.
This is Alex Jones for survivalseedbank.com.
This is the end Beautiful friend This is the end
So what's outrageous about all this is, they know you're naive, but not just naive, gullible.
You don't want to believe the government's growing the opium and the cocaine, the coca, and controlling who can ship it in.
You don't want to believe DynCorp's been caught in Halliburton running giant child kidnapping rings.
Even when it comes out in the Houston Chronicle and the Chicago Tribune, nobody gets in trouble.
You don't want to believe that the government funded the Communist and Hitler before that, even though it's declassified in public.
You don't want to believe that our government put the North Koreans in power and put Ho Chi Minh, who was admittedly OSS, in power and worked with the OSS during World War II.
You don't want to admit it because it's so diabolical.
But it's all on record.
And now, because of the information age, they go, OK, yeah, we put the commies in power.
Yeah, we're growing opium.
Yeah, we got CIA aircraft.
We fly people out that are to be tortured.
We fly cocaine in.
And they have congressional hearings.
You know, the CIA solicitor general saying, we did bring all the coke in, and we did do it, but we're sorry now.
And so of course they're in the news saying they're getting ready to take more of your pension funds.
Of course they're going to come out and say, we want to put lithium in the water to make you behave yourself on Fox News.
They're just going to come right out and say, you're not going to admit you're in a nightmare.
See, once you buy into corruption and rationalize it by increments, pretty soon those increments add up to really big things you're accepting.
Of course 9-11 is staged!
Of course!
I mean, what idiot looks at the facts and doesn't know it?
Not just the evidence, look at how within 15 minutes of the attack happening, this is a new world order, everything's changed, we've got to attack Iraq, we've got to take all your rights away, and blah blah blah.
The same talking points everywhere.
And then it goes on and on how the U.S.
troops were already masked to invade the month before.
Bush had already signed the launch order.
They announced building 7 had fallen exactly how it did fall right before it fell.
On and on and on.
None of us are safe while this continues.
You know how bold these people are?
They could have killed Kennedy who had health problems with poison in his drink.
They could have killed any of these people.
No, they wanted to blow his head off in plain view of hundreds of people and dozens of police, with everyone seeing the men behind the grassy knoll firing.
They did that as a public execution at high noon to let you know, we run things now.
Look, at the end of World War II, 22,000, this is on record,
So don't live in denial.
22,000 U.S.
troops had been captured in German camps by the Russians.
And the Russians just kept them as slave labor and intel.
And our government
Didn't want to have a PR problem, they just said, keep them!
22,000 troops don't mean jack diddly squat.
Now, if 22,000 troops don't mean jack diddly squat for the people that ran our government in 1945, who do you think's running things now?
Because the way corruption works is it always gets worse until it's brought fully to heel.
What do you think's going to happen, ladies and gentlemen?
Do you think any of you are safe?
See, that's the big mind trick.
That's the big game.
Is that people think they're safe by cowering and by going along with corruption.
They think the safe path is not speaking up, not popping your head up above, you know, the grass, just going along to get along.
When you have a nation of castrated, gilded, dumb men
Because they're more than just cowards.
They're dumb.
Because only a fool thinks you give in to corruption and you somehow get ahead.
No, you become a slave.
And your children become a slave.
And you lose your hopes and your dreams and your future.
And I've said this many times, I'll say it again, you're only alive once, folks.
Now is only now.
And the crossroads we're at.
Going into the future, you're not going to be able to make the right decision later.
You're not going to be able to turn back and wish that when the Republic was on its knees, but still had a fighting chance of getting on its feet.
If we can just get the country on its feet, and right now it's trying to get up.
The Sleeping Giant's awake, and it hadn't walked in decades, and it's trying to get up, trying to get out there.
In therapy, and take a few steps, and every one of us have to give our blood, our sweat, our tears, our soul, our spirit, our very energy.
And by give your soul to it, commit to liberty and freedom.
Give your soul to God.
If you give your soul to God, you're not going to be able to control yourself.
All you out there that think you're Christian or think you're on the side of the light, look, if you're not fighting evil, come on.
Faith without works is dead.
I'm not afraid of dying, I'm not afraid of being destroyed, I'm not afraid of being demonized, I'm not afraid of being tortured, I'm not afraid of them making stuff up about me in the media, coming out and saying Lord knows what.
I'm only afraid of failing.
That's why a lot of days I hate myself.
Because I'll be watching a previous show and I'll think, I should have explained that better, or I said that date wrong.
It doesn't matter.
We can't get caught up in the fact that we're not perfect and we don't have all the answers.
We know the globalists are consciously against free humanity and must be dealt with.
And you notice that
Everything's quickening.
Everything's getting more accelerated.
Everything's getting more intense by the millisecond.
And that's because everything is starting to come to a head right now.
Just like before World War I and World War II, which we now know were orchestrated by the British Empire.
And the modern British Empire is the Anglo-American New World Order slash
You know, Israeli power arm.
It's all merged, one big group.
You can't say which head of the Hydra runs the Hydra, because it's all part of the same creature.
One head of the Hydra is just as guilty as the other head of the Hydra.
And the Hydra will destroy people who aren't good.
It'll destroy people who are good.
The point is, it's the big Hydra.
It's the big dragon.
It's the big monster.
But it'll saddle up beside some other petty tyranny and say, look, I'm better than that tyranny, join me the dragon.
That's its trick.
To the point of it created the Nazis, it created the Soviets, it created all of these enemies, so it could menace you with those enemies, so it could have its war.
I mean, it goes back to the Rothschilds and others funding both sides of any war.
That way they always win!
And then it's elementary to understand that
Kim Jong-il is a pea in a pod with the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds and the Dutch royalty and the British royalty and these elites.
He wears a jumpsuit.
He's got cameras watching people.
He's got slave camps.
He's what the globalists want.
They let men and women together one day a year to breed.
They take the babies away the way you take eggs away from a chicken.
There's no such thing as family there.
They are the model.
And that's why our government gave them weapons systems, and that's why our government gave them nukes.
And because they like them.
The globalists don't like Iran.
They're pro-family and they got their own problems.
But they're pro-family, they're pro-sovereignty, they're pro-free market, and they hate the New World Order, folks.
You know, you don't have people taking people's kids and raising them in government brainwashing camps.
They've got their own form of tribal brainwashing, but everybody does.
I mean, the issue is, we know why they're going up against Iran, okay?
Because once they've got that country, they've got from Turkey all the way to Pakistan, they've got that whole area controlled to continue their operations.
And so now, notice as the world goes into financial collapse, as we go into this crisis,
And the government starts demonizing domestic groups ahead of staged terror attacks here to be blamed on us.
Simultaneously, North Korea launches torpedo attacks on ships in international waters.
Starts threatening to attack the South.
That forces the South Korean government that have been talking about making U.S.
forces go home, suddenly have to talk about war.
They never had a peace treaty.
There's just been a ceasefire for 50-plus years.
And we are now right up to the point of open World War III starting with Iran, with North Korea, with Pakistan who has nukes, and you look at all three cases, Pakistan giving nukes by the West, North Korea giving nukes by the West, Iran not giving nukes by the West.
Nowhere near to getting a nuke.
They're being picked off because they don't have nukes, and because they have not been chosen to menace their neighbors.
Because Iran hasn't made a deal with the globalists.
And if you go back and really study the history, not only did the Persians, under Mohammed Mosaddegh, who was secular, kick out the Muslim extremists the British and CIA had brought in,
But he was going to use the oil money for the Iranian people and become a first world nation.
Now once he got kicked out, the Shah started double-crossing him, as Tarpley talked about, in the late 70s.
So they plan to bring in their CIA-controlled Ayatollah Khomeini into the country.
And that's why they had arms for hostages deals and all that stuff you saw, and then they double-crossed the West again.
It's on record they brought the Ayatollah Khomeini in.
It's on record they supported him.
This is how this stuff works.
And in hindsight, it's all on record.
So that's why they hate Iran so much, is they've double-crossed him repeatedly.
And so,
We've said it over and over again, the globalists have to have a war.
They are politically in so much trouble now, the only way they're going to kickstart their global government and their banking takeover is to create crises that make us as humans gather around.
You go back 3,000 years ago, let's say where Berlin is today in Germania,
And you may not like, you know, your Chief Hrothgar, or whatever his name is, or your Chief Alaric, you know, whatever vandal or Visigoth name he's got, and he may do bad things to you, but when the neighboring tribe comes pouring up over the hill and across the
across the valley and starts coming across the river you're gonna forget how much you don't like Rothgard and you're gonna mount up and get ready for war to defend your family and it's the same thing they understand human psychology as much of a civilization as we've built we are still just tribal creatures and the globalists understand psychology and they know how to manipulate us and they understand these tricks
And so if you've just won World War II with the Soviets, and the Soviets are fully U.S.
funded, on record, 1970, funded by the U.S.
and British government, on record, to overthrow the Tsar.
What are you going to do?
You've just divided Europe up with the Soviets and you go, how do we invade more countries?
This is great.
How do we now have an empire?
Well, we act like we're opposing each other and we have proxy wars all over the planet.
You take half, we take half.
That's what me and Hitler did, Stalin said.
This is on record now.
Yeah, we'll do that.
Sounds great.
And if our government would just ride off 22,000 U.S.
tribs because it was easy, or would just openly talk about committing half of Europe over to Soviet tyranny, the Soviets had already killed at least 40 million people up until that time, your life means nothing here in America.
The only issue is you have a history of guns, a history of the Second Amendment.
And that's why they said, well, we've launched this Soviet takeover operation worldwide.
What are we going to do?
The American people have got all these guns.
Well, they'll give up most of their rights in the name of fighting communists, while we incrementally set up wealth redistribution and get them domesticated.
Later, this is all in the RAND Corporation documents, Club of Rome documents, CFR documents, you know, the merger.
We had Bilderberg Group documents, what the Tucker got a year and a half before the Berlin Wall was brought down.
That was all staged.
And they said that we'll get them to give their rights up in the name of fighting communists.
But then at the key point, we'll say communism doesn't exist when we actually set up communism here domestically, and we're just going to merge all these countries together.
Then we'll use the US, Europe, and China to mop up the rest of the planet.
But things don't always go the way the New World Order wants.
The Russians are as crooked as a barrel of snakes, but they're old corruption, old evil.
And they want to survive.
They have a Russian identity.
They still have a culture.
They're paying their people for over a decade to have babies, because they've lost over 30 million of their people through eugenics.
They're openly talking about the New World Order, and they want their own system.
And if you look at the splits, and Brzezinski talks about this,
China is more allied with Europe and the US.
Russia is that wild card.
And it's still engaged with the globalists.
It's still interfacing.
But going back over the last decade, Vladimir Putin arrested all the oligarchs.
Every time they got arrested, it turned out they were CIA fronts or Rothschild fronts.
That was in the news.
You know, he would seize a company and it would turn out, oh, it doesn't matter, the assets are already in Europe.
They're already in England.
And so those are all the different power blocks out there.
And there may be a deal later with the Russians to double-cross China again.
I mean, there's no honor amongst these people.
And so now, we stand at the precipice.
military told, get ready.
In Korean standoff, Obama orders commanders to prepare to deter further aggression with military operations.
South Korea threatens war if North Korea makes one more provocation.
They've said if you enter our territorial waters, our airspace, our territory, we will respond militarily.
So, this could start any time.
And notice, right as the banks are in trouble, right as the global government is being formed, right as they're out in the open, suddenly, we've got to attack Iran.
Suddenly, North Korea is out there engaging provocations.
And publicly stating provocations.
I mean, this isn't a false flag all the evidence shows on North Korea because this is their posture.
This is what they want.
And there's no doubt Kim Jong-il is liaisoning
Through the Chinese, and this is all a rigged game.
This is all a ruse to threaten South Korea, to keep U.S.
forces there, and they may even have a military exchange!
The war may start again!
And you know, there won't be an instant decapitation.
They've done the analysis.
They know the North Koreans want to get out of the slavery.
No, there won't be a nuking of the Capitol.
There won't be a wiping out of the troops on the front lines.
No, they'll just keep them there because they like North Korea.
They like how Kim Jong-il gets things done.
They like people being total dehumanized slaves.
People running our government liked killing 22,000 of our own vets.
They hate you.
They hate America.
They hate freedom.
They want to make you domesticated animals.
So they're getting ready to really stage some big events.
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We're subject to other police action.
Tyranny is here.
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It really says that the state is God.
The United States is now recognized globally as one of the most oppressive police states on Earth.
This film conclusively proves the existence of a secret network of FEMA camps, now being expanded nationwide.
This documentary exposes how the continuity of government program has established an all-powerful shadow state.
Police State 4 chronicles the sickening depth to which our republic has fallen.
Prepare to enter the secretive world of emergency dictatorship.
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It's only the beginning of the New World Order's hellish plan.
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I think so.
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Invisible Empire, New World Order Defined.
And of course, Don't Tread on Me, dealing with a way to take the country back at the state level.
Okay, I meant to get into the massive political awakening and realignment that's happened.
And that's why the globalists have to launch World War III.
That's why they've got to start giant crises.
Because Merkel has lost the parliamentary elections.
They have those in phases in Germany.
So next time there's an election, she's going to be out of office.
Sarkozy lost his parliamentary elections.
It's barely hanging on.
Gordon Brown lost, and is now gone.
A new puppet's in.
In Hawaii, the first Republican elected to the Congress.
in twenty plus years in obama's district uh... you see uh... this the kennedy seat being lost in massachusetts you see rand paul trouncing the neocon candidate
In Kentucky, you see the same thing with an anti-establishment Democrat beating Specter in the primary.
Same thing, anti-establishment Democrat coming from nowhere, trouncing the establishment Democrat in Colorado over the weekend.
People just go in and say, okay, who's the media telling me I should vote for?
I'm going to vote for the opposite person.
And that really threatens the system.
That threatens the shadow government.
Because they got a bunch of puppets in Congress that'll do whatever they're told.
So all over the world, people are resisting these governments that have become vassals, or tools, or minions of the offshore banks.
What did Brzezinski talk about last week to the CFR?
For the first time in history, the entire world is awake to our world government.
We have never been in a crisis this great.
They are fully aware of us and our operations.
This makes it very hard for us to continue the expansion of global governance.
That's basically what he says.
And so, what do they do?
They don't play games.
I mean, they grow opium and... ship it into the country publicly.
They ship the cocaine in publicly.
They don't care!
Shut up!
So some of you know we bring it in!
You pathetic scum!
Soon we'll have world government in place.
We eliminate you all!
I mean, I mean, you know, the... These guys are very... They love it!
They love to get up and publicly tell us what they're going to do to us, yeah!
They enjoy it!
Well, I think more of people.
I think we're men.
I think we're going to wake up to all their tricks and their games.
Yeah, we weren't paying attention before, but we are now.
And so I'm going to tell you right now, folks, since the end of the official war with North Korea, we've never been in more danger on the peninsula.
And we've never had a bigger danger with Iran.
Or staged terror attacks.
You know, the globalists are going to start wars and stage terror attacks to go after all their enemies.
And you see all the preconditioning leading up to domestic terror attacks.
Pro-gun groups are working with Al-Qaeda.
I know, isn't that horrible?
Those darn gun owners working with Al-Qaeda.
We better get rid of the Second Amendment.
Yeah, I'm not about to let Al-Qaeda do that to me.
Yeah, those darn ranchers and farmers won't give their land up.
They're American Al Qaeda too!
We gotta stomp them!
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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Waging War on Corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, we're back live.
We're now into our number four.
We have a guest coming up.
I will intersperse some financial news and some treason news coming up during this interview.
Very important treason news coming up.
But right now, let's jam a few more phone calls in here.
Up next is Michael in Colorado.
Thanks for holding her on the air.
Hey, Alex.
Yes, sir.
To do with what you were saying, like how they
Put things in front of our face before they execute the attack.
Like last year, I was watching Discovery and it was a show about like ice ages, right?
So they get to this thing where they have all these scientists talking about the ice age and how they're actually talking about how there's an ice age coming instead of global warming, but that's not the point.
They were working on these satellites, right?
With these reflectors.
And they were saying that with like four or five of these lights pointed at one spot,
Well, I know this.
Now the UN is saying they're worried about global freezing and we're supposed to forget about all their fake global warming and they're teaching school kids we must stabilize the climate.
The climate is always unstable.
I mean they're even trying to blame volcanoes on global warming now.
I mean I joked about that a few weeks ago about the Iceland volcano.
They're now in the news saying, oh yes, thawing glaciers reduced pressure on the volcano.
That has nothing to do with it.
And, by the way, glaciers worldwide in the last three years have been getting bigger!
So, I mean, they say the Haitian earthquake was caused by global warming.
They say the Chilean earthquake was caused by it.
Because they know the public is kind of halfway paying attention.
And, oh, you better pay Al Gore, but meanwhile, Al Gore says he believes that the sea levels are going to rise in the next ten years and flood all the major cities.
He's bought two mansions on waterfront property.
It's just made-up fraud!
You've got this big, demonic, fat, lying piece of trash that told us NAFTA and GATT was going to be the greatest thing since sliced bread, and then he's up there saying, buy, pay him money,
And he will save you from raising water.
I mean, he's literally just a complete joke.
I appreciate your call.
Again, how did Naptune Gatt turn out for you, folks?
Well, remember, he was the one pushing that.
He was the big spearhead on that.
He loves conning people.
He enjoys robbing you.
Al Gore is a piece of trash.
Chris in Boston, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
How you doing, man?
Doing alright.
I hope you hear the word thank you enough every day, every week, because you're certainly doing a lot for our country.
Well, I appreciate you, buddy.
I'm just trying to save my family.
Go ahead.
Me too.
I have a 10-year-old son, so I hear that.
I'm a musician, actually a conservative libertarian musician living in Boston, so you can see how that works out for me here in liberal Boston.
Actually, Bob Chapman sent you a song that I wrote called Freedom.
I was on a radio program with him.
I'm not sure if you heard the song at all.
You know, it does ring a bell.
I mean, I've heard so much good music, I'll have to go pull it up.
Is it on YouTube?
Yeah, it's on YouTube, and if you can look up, I think April 28th, Bob sent you the email with the YouTube link.
But I wanted to, you know, if you ever want to use that song for any of your movies, free of charge, I just want to be part of the cause, and you know... What's the name of this song on YouTube?
It's called Freedom.
Probably a lot of stuff under freedom.
Yeah, I just had to look up Chris Ross, freedom.
Okay, good, we'll check it out.
By the way, I looked up American Spectator and I had the quote, I'm not sure if anyone... What, by Rand Paul?
Yeah, give us the quote.
He basically just said, as a United States Senator, I would never vote to condemn Israel for defending herself.
And that's it.
Well, yeah, and I mean, if Israel gets attacked, then they have a right to defend themselves.
So how is that?
You've got the left media, you've got the right-wing media.
They're all establishment incumbents attacking Rand Paul.
What does that tell you about him?
I mean, when you've got the entire fake political spectrum attacking him, you know he's good.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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Thank you.
Tyranny is here.
The grim future foretold in 1984 has become reality.
It really says that the state is God.
The United States is now recognized globally as one of the most oppressive police states on Earth.
This film conclusively proves the existence of a secret network of FEMA camps, now being expanded nationwide.
This documentary exposes how the continuity of government program has established an all-powerful shadow state.
Police State 4 chronicles the sickening depth to which our republic has fallen.
Prepare to enter the secretive world of emergency dictatorship.
Body scanners, sound cannons, citizen spies, stage terror and cameras on every street corner.
It's only the beginning of the New World Order's hellish plan.
The police state isn't coming.
It's here.
Secure your copy today at InfoWars.com or see it online in the highest quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Christopher C. Horner is our guest for the rest of the hour.
He serves as a senior fellow at CEI, Competitive Enterprise Institute.
He's an attorney in Washington, D.C.
Horner is representative of CEI.
As well as scientist and members of the U.S.
House and Senate on matters of environmental policy in the federal courts, including the Supreme Court.
He has written on numerous topics and publications, ranging from law reviews to legal and industrial trade journals, to print and online opinion pages, and is the author of the two bestselling books, Red Hot Lies
How global warming alarmists use threats, fraud, and deception to keep you misinformed.
Greenpeace has repeatedly targeted Mr. Horner by stealing his garbage on a weekly basis, issuing press releases announcing with whom he dines, and including him in various other hysterical publications.
Of course, they're funded by big central banks.
They have a fleet bigger than major governments' fleets.
They want your property.
They want to guilt you into handing everything over to the elite.
His new book is Power Grab, How Obama's Green Policies Will Steal Your Freedom and Bankrupt America.
Again, new book, Power Grab, How Obama's Green Policies Will Steal Your Freedom and Bankrupt America.
My issue here is rhetoric cannot describe how bad they are.
I mean, you watch Audi commercials like Green Police, that's actually what they're doing in Europe and what they have planned here.
This has nothing to do with the environment.
It's a bunch of control freaks running your life, controlling every facet of it.
They know global warming's a fraud.
They've already moved on to other scaremongering.
And they're not going to stop.
And they've said, even if the Senate won't pass this legislation, they don't care.
They're going to have the executive branch implement it.
So, if they are successful, it's over.
And look at how they cowed and beat Republicans into submission, because this is what the establishment wants.
Look at how BP's been one of their biggest funders of global carbon taxes.
A new derivative scam.
So Christopher C. Horner, author of Power Grab, that just came out, CEI.org is the website.
It's good to have you here with us, sir.
Thank you, Alex.
So much is going on.
Let's get into, since we had you on two or three months ago, what's happened with the power grab, the fake environmental movement, and what new heads the Hydra has sprouted, and where all this is going.
Okay, so about 11 months ago, the House passed this cap-and-trade bill.
It was about 1,300 pages long, and they
Obviously did not read the bill.
They snuck in 300 more pages of buying votes at 3 a.m.
the morning of the vote.
And folks declared it dead in the Senate.
And then something strange happened.
People did get upset, and they had recently been talking about drill here, drill now, and we're sitting on the world's largest energy reserves, and the real national security issue is refusing to tap your domestic energy resources.
We won't pass an energy rationing scheme, right?
Well, about two and a half weeks ago, three weeks ago, Harry Reid, the Senate Majority Leader, openly said to Washington Papers, Politico, and I think The Hill,
I think?
Well, this would entail the jurisdiction of almost every Senate committee.
Now, pause and stop.
Because it impacts almost every aspect of your life, including the Senate Finance Committee, which writes the tax law.
It's the biggest tax increase in our history, and so on.
Reid said, therefore, obviously the poor dears would just get confused, he's going to write the bill.
And he began bringing in constituencies, and that means not your listeners by the way, it means even the Chamber, and API, and green pressure groups.
And he asked them, what do you need in order to support this bill?
And he asked the Chamber of Commerce and the American Petroleum Institute, what do you need to not run those television ads?
Because both groups raised a lot of money to run ads, educating voters on this energy tax, unless it gave them what they want.
And so far it appears they probably got what they want, which is essentially a gas tax on top of the light switch tax to funnel money to projects.
And now they're claiming, I've heard them on the news, oh, there's a new bill in the Senate to fund the cleanup in the Gulf.
How convenient that this BP spill happened when they're one of the biggest pushers of the carbon tax.
And how convenient they wouldn't put the booms in early in Louisiana and Mississippi and Florida and are letting the oil come in.
Oh, I'm afraid they have to have their taxes now.
Let me tell you something.
I was in the room with BP.
I sat in for a gentleman named Ken Lay.
Thirteen years ago this month, I was, as I've discussed with you, very briefly, I was the Director of Federal Government Relations for a company called Enron.
And my number one priority, I was told, after I took the job, was to get a global warming treaty and a domestic cap and trade scheme.
And the company they developed it with was BP, and they had set up this market with Goldman Sachs.
This does fit very conveniently.
Look, I understand how it fits into the narrative today, but you have to understand, I was the crazy guy on the street corner muttering about this for about
Six years before anybody... Oh, wait a second!
I got it!
It's called rent-seeking.
These businesses trying to make money the old-fashioned way by having their buddies in government agree to take some of their power in return for a guaranteed opposition to competition and a wealth transfer from you and me to them.
So they bought all these uneconomic industries like Enron had the world's largest windmill company they bought on the cheap.
It's now called GE Wind.
Well, I mean, here's an example.
BP will pay a billion dollar fine.
They've already made that in increased oil prices.
And then, now they'll get more liability protection from government.
Their competition won't be able to drill in the Gulf.
It's just like FEMA got more power by screwing up what happened in Katrina.
Well, I'll tell you this.
It's pretty clear that, well, in the public record, that the Green Groups actually, with whom I met, by the way, that same day, in the same room,
They were groups like Union of Concerned Scientists and National Resources Defense Council.
They were Baptist and bootlegger coalitions.
The green groups after the BP, after the well exploded, the green groups were shrieking to the White House, don't you dare burn that oil off.
And they screamed about consequences of burning, igniting the oil before it got too well mixed.
As I said, actually, on a TV show, I think that night, or within a few days, you have to understand something.
I could be as irresponsible as a lot of people were about Bush, and just say, look, the administration, which, by the way, was BP's favorite political candidate over 20 years, as you know, the administration was just taking orders from its Green Group buddies, and they want this to be as bad as it can possibly be, because the damage, while real, is temporary.
The tragedy was the 11 men who lost their lives.
But this is a White House that says never let a good crisis go to waste.
They even engineer crises like claiming a global catastrophe from global warming.
And the Greens, of course, have never made money hand over fist like they have.
And for those that don't know, and for those that don't know, if they would have ignited this within hours, there would be almost zero problem.
Almost all of it would have burned off at the source.
Carbon dioxide would have been put into the atmosphere, you know, much smaller than a volcano.
Would have literally had almost no effect if they would have done what the old-timers did and set that sucker on fire until they figured out a plan to cap it.
And now we know why 35 days later the White House has done everything they can to block this because now they're going to get their carbon taxes that Paul Volcker demands we must have to pay Goldman Sachs their bonuses.
Now they're going to get it.
Let me tell you, okay, so we know what
BP actually did engineer this, and the Greens are biting them as you knew they would.
BP and Enron were in on this from the beginning.
Again, I was in the room.
There's no point denying it.
The Greens did tell the White House, don't burn it off.
We just know the White House said, don't burn it off.
It probably is a coincidence that they weren't taking their marching orders from the Greens.
But, we know BP has been pushing an agenda that John Kerry said, even after the spill.
Ironically, he said, I've been working with these companies, BP and Shell, to write this law.
He said this, it's again in the public domain, so Harry Reid said I'm going to suspend the committee process like with health care.
John Kerry said I'm not going to call this Bill Capitrade because I don't know what Capitrade means.
Yes he does, and it has Capitrade in it, he just said it's mean if you call it that because of course, there's a memo I talk about in Powergraph written by Stanley Greenberg who was Bill Clinton's pollster.
He conducted some polling, and he said to his client, who are Democratic politicians, you have to do two things.
Stop saying cap-and-trade and global warming, and start calling it something else, and then it might work.
Don't change your agenda, just call the agenda something else.
Yeah, he calls it our deteriorating atmosphere!
Well, he said, here are the catchphrases that I've polled well.
Green jobs and clean energy.
So John Kerry said, I don't want to call it cap-and-trade, I don't know what cap-and-trade means.
It's a jobs and national security bill, clean energy, of course it is here.
Joe Lieberman said, oh, I don't want to call it cap and trade because you remember the artist formerly known as Prince?
Well, this is now called pollution emission.
He said that.
This is now called the pollution emission reduction credits or something.
He won't say cap and trade.
Lindsey Graham said two weeks ago, oh, this isn't a global warming bill because global warming no longer exists as a reason to pass legislation.
It's still the same bill.
He still said he'd vote for it.
He just took his name.
He said, I won't be a sponsor because I'll get in all sorts of trouble with my constituents, but I'll still support it.
But it's no longer the reason that it's always been.
The point of all this is where I begin with the book.
Nobody says cap and trade would detectably impact the climate.
I repeat, nobody says the temperature after cap and trade would be any different than it otherwise was going to be.
It's not about the temperature.
It was offered in the name of the temperature.
Of course it's about deciding who can have industry, who can have businesses, and taxing the hell out of us.
And in fact, here's what I do.
I begin by pointing out, we know it's not about the climate, so what's it about?
Well, it turns out it's about power.
It turns out that it is about... They can't trust you with your various freedoms that they never thought they could trust you with anyway.
And I've got quotes in here that are out there that, for some reason, nobody's running with.
Carol Browner gave it.
She's the energy and climate czar who had a phony position, that position, created for her because she could never achieve Senate confirmation and she would cause great political havoc, of course, having been a commissioner for the Socialist International, if Obama tried to get her confirmed.
She was put into this phony position to lord over Cabinet officials and she gave an interview to U.S.
News in March of last year in which she said,
It's their objective to get to the point where the electric utilities hold back power from you, so that you'll still be able to cool your home, just not as much as you would like.
Meaning what, Alex?
As much as they would like!
They're admitting it!
Stay there, this is incredible.
Let's come back and talk about the control freak Panopticon.
And Texas, I already had it put into my office.
I couldn't say no.
California, they're gonna remote control your thermostat.
They're gonna run everything and surveil you.
We'll be back with our guest.
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All right, Chris Horner's new book is coming.
I'll tell you how to get that before he leaves.
It's very important info, but all his books are best sellers, so you'll see it all over the place.
And again, I research this constantly.
Everything he's saying is on record.
He's bringing up Carol Browner.
He's going to go over more of these, like, we'll control your thermostat.
We'll run your life.
We're your God.
What about Elena Kagan?
Over and over again saying, if we don't like your speech, it's banned.
Or Cass Sunstein, or we're gonna get your guns, or the White House science czar, we're gonna put stuff in the water to sterilize you.
I mean, folks, I don't just say this, I have their white papers.
Here's Elena Kagan, University of Chicago Law Review.
I mean, I've got
I've got the White House Science Czar's own textbook right here.
These people, these people are in league with Hitler and Stalin.
And I don't say that for rhetoric.
Let me go back to my guest.
Chris, you started reading her quotes.
It's just, it's like a bad dream.
I mean, how can these people be such dirtbags, so obviously evil, and such a threat to everybody?
I mean, most people I know with money are fleeing the country.
Go ahead.
Well, they have this utopian vision, dystopian, yes, but this idea that they will organize society.
What changes is their vehicle.
What's the excuse?
What's the latest victim that has to be rescued from the horrors of individual liberty?
And it was, of course, the worker, and the worker threw off those shackles, so it became the environment, which can't speak back.
Wealthier is healthier.
They have to know this, but they really hate wealth.
It's just the excuse, the latest excuse.
Freedom brings wealth, so they attack your freedom.
How badly?
Well, alright, the President has given some speeches that in isolation just seem weird.
He said, of course, under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity prices would necessarily skyrocket.
He said he would use it to bankrupt industries he didn't like.
His quote was, coal, you know, natural gas, whatever the industries.
Then he admitted it would be passed on to the consumer and he said,
And this will also raise billions of dollars.
Well, in the book I detail how I used FOIA to get Treasury documents that say, there was a memo written six days after Obama was elected, in which they said, uh, he wants to do this, here's what we can do.
And under the justification paragraph, they wrote, uh, revenues.
This will raise, quote, possibly up to several percentage points of GDP, parentheses, i.e.,
I'm good to go.
But they don't just want to steal your money, they want to steal your freedoms.
He gave another speech in which he said that you can't eat what you want, drive what you want, or put your thermostat where you want.
The specific quote was, we can't eat as much as we want, drive our SUVs, and keep our thermostats at 72 degrees at all times, and expect that other countries are just going to say, okay.
Well, I didn't ask, okay?
But B,
What is the President of the United States doing obsessing about how much I can eat, what I can drive, and where I can put my thermostat?
Well, he's also plotting against other countries and invoking hatred of us, just like he had Calderon here last week saying, ban all our semi-automatic rifles and handguns.
This is the Socialist Internationale.
This is their mode.
Well, sovereignty is not a big thing to them.
They do believe that one way to skin this cat is through... Global governance is not the same as a global government, though the global governance crowd would of course love that.
I'm just saying, he's a big proponent of global governance.
What I'd like to do, if we can stay when I come back, is talk about the way they want to control your thermostat.
And you're not going to believe the documents that someone slipped me.
But he, the Guardian in the UK, Old Red herself,
...reported that the Obama administration was briefing European diplomats before Copenhagen that failed... Thank goodness.
Oh yeah, no, no.
They're gonna tax you for any amount and then they say in peak times they're gonna control it.
That's actually... They're announcing that in California.
Start getting into it right now.
Well, okay, well, they want to use these things called smart meters.
Smart meters put the meat on the bones of what Carol Browner said when she said, we want to get to a system whereby the utility holds back power from you.
Why would a utility hold back power from you?
They're in the business of selling you power.
Because there's physical scarcity, which this crowd is arranging, as I detail in the book, and because they've got a requirement that they hold back power from you.
So the state is going to use the utility according to the energies are to decide, she said, you'll still be able to cool your home
It's not as much as you would like, which means just as much as they would like.
Well, it turns out, the Assistant Secretary of Energy for Energy Efficiency, a woman who was Al Gore's CEO before she took this job, making $325,000 a year as a Green Pressure Group CEO.
She divested herself of utility stocks because, of course, the appearances would be terrible if she didn't.
But someone slipped me her financial disclosure documents, and guess what?
She held on to a half million dollars in a smart meter company.
How about that?
Assistant Secretary of Energy for Energy Efficiency in charge of getting the smart meter mandate in that Carol Browner says is the way that you can't control your thermostat, the state will.
And we've got a woman who held on to between $265,000 and $550,000 of Smart Meter Company stock in addition to another green cut jobs company, her husband's.
It's incredible.
Stay there.
This is why I get angry.
And you should be angry too.
They're openly saying they're going to decide what temp your house is.
Naked body scanners aren't enough.
All their taxes aren't enough.
Nothing is enough for these people.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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We're going back to Christopher Horner right now.
New book, Power Grab, Obama's Green Policies Will Steal Your Freedom and Bankrupt America.
But Matt Ryan for years, who's one of the TV slash radio board ops and producers, he worked at Austin Energy.
And of course, he's talked about the meetings where they'd point out that the illegal aliens wouldn't pay their power bill.
The city just said, let them have free power.
I've talked to Austin Cops.
They're ordered to let them go, DWI.
That's a separate issue, though.
But I walked out during the break and I said, well, the city didn't ask us here in our business.
They came and stuck the new smart thermostat on last year.
And in the brochure it said, well, since your thermostat was free, businesses don't have an option, you know, free, taxpayer paid for it, we may turn your heat down in the winter, or your cool, you know, up in the summer, if we're having problems supplying power.
Now that was the old Enron scam, where they got caught to create artificial scarcity, where they were showing congressmen and the state legislature fake computer trades on computers.
They were just making up the price, and their internal studies showed if we double or triple prices, or even turn power off, that creates the perception that it's scarce.
And now they're doing it with the water, with power.
This green movement is about raping you.
But I briefly wanted Matt Ryan here on air, I mean, plus we can dig up the Austin Energy contract, says it.
I mean, I'd read this, but he goes, no, you're absolutely correct.
Austin already has this.
They already control this building's thermostat.
I am under these criminals' control.
Matt Ryan, tell folks.
These programmable thermostats are one of the green initiatives sponsored by Austin Energy.
You call them up.
They'll give you a free thermostat, a programmable thermostat.
It'll work for you 24-7 around the clock, except during what they call peak usage times, which
is a time period usually in the afternoon when they say okay well there's a lot of people turning their ACs on they can turn yours off and they will turn yours off for usually about 15 minutes during a day when they they feel that they're having peak usage and that's in the federal legislation to even control what what goes in air conditioners just like your cell phone since 96 tracks you in real time they're designing the big brother grid but I want to tell you with this business we don't have a choice
They are our lord.
They are our king.
I can't tell you how many times I got a call from an apartment tenant saying, why did y'all come out here and put this in?
I do not want this meter in here.
And it's their landlord that said, oh, programmable thermostats, that's a perk.
We'll give it to all of our tenants.
And whether they like it or not, and believe me, they would complain, they got an all-energy thermostat.
I want to have you back and talk about this more in the future.
I want to go back to Christopher Horner, but thank you for coming in and telling us.
So Christopher Horner, here we are.
I mean, I'm already under these people's control, and if they can naked body scan my kids to fly, if they can control the temperature in my office, I mean, literally, this is worse than the Soviet Union.
What they're talking about is squeezing you at both ends.
They're trying to ration the physical supply, create physical scarcity where there should not be any.
Remember, the United States sits on the world's largest energy reserves.
We don't have physical scarcity that would lead to this sort of, in essence, micro brownout.
But you're going to get to the larger point of brownouts, because we're following the UK's path of saying, no coal, no nuclear, we'll just build offshore wind farms someday, and then you're going to see them obsessing about the fact that when they get to the Olympics, they're actually not going to have the electricity.
But what you've got here is, Browner is saying things like, okay, this is not just the smart meters that will tell us when you're using your energy.
What, I guess as Kathy's always also invested in, with this company Landis & Gear, a Swiss smart mirror company, half a million dollars worth of stock, and just wait until she succeeds in getting those mandated in one of the biggest markets in the world.
They're talking about also getting to the point, like Matt was discussing, whereby they can say, I'm sorry, you've been running your dishwasher too often, wrong time of day, closed washer, sorry.
Carol Browner sold it in this interview to U.S.
News as a savings to the consumer, and I just want your listeners to know they're saving a fortune in India right now, in Haiti, and all over the world by not using energy.
But we live in the richest country in the world, sitting on top of the world's largest energy resources, but that means we have freedom, and they don't like it.
Dan Jones, the communist self-avowed communist radical, he said, this is a quote, also in the book, among many others, the green economy will start off as a small subset and we will push it and push it and push it until it becomes the engine for, wait for it,
Transforming the whole society.
Yes, he said that.
It always comes down to, this is the vehicle for doing to this terribly flawed transgressor of America that they have to fundamentally transform.
This is the vehicle.
This is the excuse.
Your freedoms are simply nothing you can be trusted with.
And then meanwhile, Enron, and of course you briefly worked for them for about a month and you quit and exposed it all on record and valiantly so, they wrote the cap-and-trade carbon tax fraud, literally made off level.
Going back to California, they tried the same scam there, and in their memos it said, we turn their power off, then they perceive it's more valuable, they'll put up with a triple price increase.
Ha ha ha, we're raping these schmucks.
I mean, so you've got the big money, it's just not free market money, who wants this government monopoly.
I think that's the key to defeat these little green devils, is to expose that they could care less about the environment.
This is all a way just to run everybody's lives.
Yes, the temperature at the cabin tray will be, according to everybody,
Whatever it would have been.
So we know it's not about that.
It's an excuse.
And the point is, the President comes out there, and this is another quote, he said, some of America's biggest companies support this by way of saying, so it must be a good idea.
Of course, that's usually his position, right?
No one's ever asked publicly, okay, but why?
Why is GE, which has Enron's old windmills, which nobody wants unless you mandate and heavily subsidize them,
Why is the gas... Did you know the gas industry is actually running these ads calling for more windmills?
Because more windmills simply mean more gas.
You can't really dial a coal plant up and down to meet the
Oh yeah, they know the wind doesn't work, doesn't transfer the power.
They love it.
Exactly, the gas refining companies, they love it.
They go, sure idiots, get rid of coal.
Shut down what produces 51% of our power.
Shut down our competition.
We love it!
Well, you're right about creating artificial scarcity, and the seeming paradox of it, and business is pushing the idea of scarcity, but you also pointed out why businesses can benefit from scarcity.
Now what I did in the book is I pointed out this is by no means, and it's obviously the world's second oldest profession, but this is also a very long history in the U.S., and there are left-wingers
Who point out that the history of the progressive movement was the corporate tie-ups to keep competition out, to lock in a nice livelihood for themselves with their buddies in government.
And this is absolutely reminiscent of that for reasons I go into.
And again, it started with the railroads and then various other industries.
We've now got it with something extremely important to your lives and your family's lives and our national security and your family's security, and that is energy.
They're seeking to script
Dangerous scarcity.
In the name of a bogeyman that keeps changing and now it's national security.
But then they'll be the savior with your energy allotment of your poor.
Once they make you poor, now you're dependent on them and you'll vote.
You want power in the winter, old lady?
Vote to ban the Second Amendment.
Well, I'll tell you this.
This is a very big tent, probably for a lot of reasons.
There's a strange thing going on when you look at why are the population zealots so supportive of this?
Why are the fallen communists so supportive?
The persistent communists, the Greens, the Reds, the pro-tax, the anti-development.
There is a very broad coalition here that I want to
I want folks to think about this.
Why is this extremely disparate group, along with some of, as the President said, America's biggest companies, pushing something?
You're not at the table to get essentially screwed.
They're negotiating you out of the deal, but at your expense.
All of them have this agenda in common.
And the why is, again, the point of the book.
This is a vehicle.
For their long-held wish list of organizing society.
And there will be trade-offs, yes, involved, and your life will be very different.
And when they orchestrate collapse, on one level or another, it's true, they rush in with more state as the solution.
Now, the President is lecturing Spain to cut it out right now, because he doesn't want them to drag us down, be the next Greece, and drag us down with them, because he's got a fundamental transformation to impose here.
But last week, in a Spanish newspaper, La Gazeta, there was a full-paged
I saw that, so here's the deal.
Their globalization, their command destruction, their neo-feudalism has been too good at destroying things and so it's blowing up in their face before they get all the vice grips in place.
I have to say that when the state controls power, the state controls an awful lot.
And what this agenda does is transfer basic energy use and production and transmission, all these decisions from individuals, producers and consumers to the state.
And when you do that, you are giving up an awful lot of your liberties.
Now, I married a European.
She's from a country where they have a joke, at least they're still laughing for now, that it's a good thing we don't have all the cars we pay for.
Where would we put them?
What they mean by that in Denmark is
Through the Special Assessment and the VAT, they have doubled the price of cars there in order to force scarcity upon the public, because it's a wealthy country and they would have all these cars.
Oh no!
The statists didn't care for that.
And so what they did is they, in effect, doubled the price of a vehicle to force the population out of automobility.
Now, when you start letting go of automobility, pretty soon you'll find yourself letting go of control of very basic decisions like
The temp, as you pointed out.
Now when you let go of things like this, please don't be surprised when you wake up one morning and there's an awful lot more that's just gone.
Well, no.
I mean, the social engineers admit that they want to have one-child policy, that they want to decide what we're going to be when we grow up.
They're literally organizing all of human society in a nightmarish way.
I mean, we know when people try to organize things, you know, from top down, it always is a disaster.
But they want to wreck things.
And that's my next question to you, because you're, you know, an insider who really studies this.
Every incumbent, whether Republican or Democrat, is being thrown out of office.
Whether it's Specter, whether it's what just happened with the congressional seat in Hawaii, whether it's Massachusetts, it doesn't matter.
I've never seen such a realignment against the establishment.
So they've really, you know, Obama was the fake revolution against Bush.
Now people realize, my God, Obama is the real takeover.
And so people are really, I mean, Zbigniew Brzezinski last week said, our global governance is in trouble.
He said, the people have finally woken up worldwide to us.
We're now in trouble.
I don't know if you saw that speech.
But they admit they're in trouble.
How do you see them striking back?
I mean, because from every way I slice this, we are now really at the make it or break it crossroads.
Well, there is a real push, and again, I was in the room in The Hague in November 2000 when Jacques Chirac gave his speech calling Kyoto the global warming treaty that covered 35 industrial titans like Iceland, Luxembourg, Belgium, Slovenia, Slovakia, but not China, India, Mexico, Brazil, and so on.
I was in the room with some members of Congress and a few other Americans who were the only ones surprised when Jacques Chirac, who at the time was the President of France, said Kyoto was the first component of an authentic global government.
Jim Sensenbrenner is a Wisconsin Republican who marched outside and held an impromptu press conference, but I stood there watching the left-wing press swearing at him.
The Guardian reporter was swearing bollocks at him.
As Sensenbrenner said, if you want to keep us out of something, call it global governance.
Well, I said the Guardian noted that Obama's diplomats were telling EU diplomats there may be a delay on Kyoto II in the United States because he's considering something called a Congressional Executive Agreement.
That was, uh, I heard you mention NAFTA before.
NAFTA is precedent.
It's never been tried, the constitutionality of this.
It did not get to this.
But the issue of Congress waiving Article 2, Section 2 ratification, uh, advice and consent, the two-thirds ratification.
NAFTA was a treaty between three countries that Congress just said is not a treaty.
And they granted something called Fast Track Authority, which is a suggestion of what should be in it, and a promise to give it an up or down, no amendment, no filibuster, 50 plus 1 vote in both houses.
Now, if you do this, and the administration apparently is telling Europeans, we may have to try this because we're going to call Kyoto 2 not a treaty,
You're going to have a problem because it's then left up to the courts, and you know how activist they've become.
But what you're talking about is you have one bite at the apple.
Don't trust the courts.
You saw campaign finance.
Oh, don't worry, the court will fix it.
Don't trust them.
What you have to do is block it at the granting of fast track for Kyoto 2.
They won't call it Kyoto 2.
They're going to call it Johannesburg because that's where the World Environment Summit is in 2012.
They're actually going to try to get Kyoto 2 according to
Lefty advisors to Obama, like this fella Nigel Purvis, who's counseling him, just declared this next key global warming treaty not a treaty.
It's got all... it quacks, flies, and does everything odious like a duck.
But if you get Congress to say it's not a treaty, and the only difference is it means no two-thirds ratification, well, that's your one bite at the apple.
The courts aren't going to help you, is my guess.
And you have a 50 plus 1 requirement, and it would take
You know, you see incumbents being thrown out, but I just don't know, given the way, you know, you didn't see the Democrats... So they're going to come at us with a violation of the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, treason, like this article.
Top official says Feds may not process illegals.
referred from Arizona.
So, you know, citizens have no rights, but if illegal aliens get arrested, we won't pick them up.
So it's the same thing here.
The federal government doesn't care what we say or who we elect or what we do.
They're just going to do it because they're God.
Expanding on that, and, you know, trying to see where you see this going, what about the Republicans?
I mean, you know, they've got a big hand in allowing this to happen as well.
You've got a problem.
Right now, for example, this week, we're supposed to have a vote.
It just requires 51 or 50 votes, not 60, saying EPA does not have the authority to do this through the back door.
This, of course, came through the courts.
It was a 5-4 decision.
We lost.
I represented the skeptic scientist in this case.
The Supreme Court ruled 5-4 in Massachusetts versus EPA, saying EPA has the authority, does not have to, but has the authority to treat exhalation as pollution.
Well, there's a resolution by Senator Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, and she's saying EPA does not... Congress is allowed to vote veto major rules within 60 days.
And she's saying no.
The problem is it has 41 co-sponsors, three Democrats, and that means three Republicans have said no.
They're from the Northeast, to no surprise, Scott Brown and the ladies from Maine.
Now, Scott Brown, during the campaign, said, climate change is, we all know this, what I don't want to do is something as big as what EPA is proposing or cap and trade without getting to the bottom of the scientific scandals.
Well, I assure you we've not gotten to the bottom of the scientific scandals.
I submitted a Freedom of Information Act request to the University of Virginia on Friday.
I'm not sure how far we'll get, but we will litigate it.
We're suing NASA probably this week for our own climate gate.
We're pushing this.
But right now we've already got three Republicans in the Senate who have not co-sponsored a bill to say EPA will not do this to the back door.
Instead, the world's greatest deliberative body, why, we shall deliberate on what will be the biggest intervention in our economy and our history.
And you have three Republicans not just co-sponsoring this thing?
You need to shut down the business of the Senate if the administration tries to do this through the back door.
And three Republicans have not codified it.
Is that why they're so scared of Rand Paul?
Because he gave that speech saying, we're not going to let you use fake environmentalism to shut our economy down?
I'm sure he troubles some by pointing some things out.
I was told by the Spanish green jobs professor, Dr. Calzada, in an email that ran Paul in one of his acceptance speeches, pointed out that there's a new steel mill in Kentucky, the North American Stainless Plant, with 175 workers.
I write about this in my book, Power Grab, in which those steel workers are jobs that are sent from Spain because of cap and trade and green jobs schemes.
The CEO was very clear.
He said, you can make windmills out of steel, but you can't make steel using windmills.
I'm paraphrasing.
But, uh, Rand Paul pointed this out, and I don't think people in Washington like to hear the idea that the state is not responsible for economic growth.
Yeah, I mean, the grass grows, uh, you know, the sky is blue, the sun comes up in the morning because... because Barack Obama reads off a teleprompter.
Stay there.
Final segment with our guest, uh, the new book, I've got to read it, Power Grab, How Obama's Green Policies Will Steal Your Freedom and Bankrupt America.
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Christopher Horner, author, researcher, litigator, Supreme Court, advisor to Congress, new book, Power Grab.
Don't forget our new video we're carrying, Don't Tread on Me, Rise of the Republic, states' rights movement, difference between a democracy and a republic, available at InfoWars.com or you can watch it online at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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So you've got big mega-corporations in bed with government to create monopolies.
As John D. Rockefeller I said, competition is a sin.
And this will destroy our free market system that's made this nation so great.
It has nothing to do with the environment.
Chris, we were talking during the break.
You pled, you know, many times before the Supreme Court.
The arrogance level, though, I mean, I don't see Republicans opposing Elena Kagan, who is like Joe Stalin in drag or something.
And then I was talking to you about what's happening with BP and, you know, it just seems like it's a lawlessness.
But give us your take on that in closing.
Well, what we said before going out last time was the idea to many elected officials that Washington is not responsible for economic growth is anathema here.
So somebody like Rand Paul, who's going to come up and say those things,
Uh, it's going to be a troublemaker and isolated.
You've got companies like BP who choose.
Remember, their favorite politician in the last two decades was Barack Obama, a guy who swore to cause your listeners' energy prices to skyrocket.
BP had no problem with that.
Obama swore he had no problem with high gas prices.
He just said they shouldn't go up too fast for the obvious reason.
People will start calling for
Uh, policies that will allow us greater access to the greatest energy reserves in the world.
Now, a couple of months after I left Enron in 97, there was an Oval Office meeting, August 4th, 1997, Sir John Brown of BP and Ken Lay from Enron, with the President of the United States and the Vice President Al Gore.
And on August 1st, 1997, a Friday, in preparation for the Monday Oval Office meeting, there was a briefing memo written for Ken Lay, which is available online at masterresource.org.
You can find it.
In it, they say, okay, the unanimous Senate, I mean, the context was a week or so before the Senate had unanimously said, don't go to Kyoto and do this.
So these two fellows, Ken Lay and John Brown of BP, go into the Oval Office and they say, ignore that Senate.
You got to go to Kyoto and you got to do it.
And here's what it has to be.
And since obviously we know who won that one.
There's a memo also available at Master Resource.
And I discussed it in my book from Ken Lay's Kyoto advisor from Kyoto.
Five months later, saying this treaty is exactly what we've been lobbying for.
So the unanimous Senate gets ignored when they say, look, you know, we go along with a lot, but not this.
Not what Jacques Chirac calls global governance.
Not an obvious wealth transfer.
Not obviously rationing energy here.
How has the Senate changed, though?
I mean, they can see that everything Obama's doing is political suicide, and still it looks like they'll be able to pass it.
I mean, are they all bought off?
Are they blackmailed?
What's going on?
Well, Lindsey Graham's gotten so much pushback.
He was the test case, and now the folks in South Carolina aren't happy with him.
And so he says he'll vote for it, but he won't be a co-sponsor.
Look, progress.
I know, as Cap Weinberger said about detente, if this is progress, we can't afford much more progress.
But you start setting some examples here.
When Democrats are running as anti-capitrators, as happened in the Pennsylvania race in which they succeeded, when Scott Brown wins Massachusetts, saying in Cambridge,
No, no, no.
You don't do this until you get to the bottom of what stinks.
Of course, we don't know where he's going to vote on this thing.
You are turning a very big ship of status and trying to steal your liberty.
But read that book and listen to what they're saying.
No, no, I agree with you.
I mean, we're having victories that they're having to bait and switch now and aren't calling it cap and trade.
Christopher Horner, thank you for coming on with us.
The book is Power Grab in stores all over.
We'll talk to you again soon.
Thanks, Alex.
You bet.
I'm out of time.
Retransmission starts now, ladies and gentlemen.
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