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Name: 20100521_Fri_Alex
Air Date: May 21, 2010
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We are back.
It is the Alex Jones Show.
I am Jason Vermas sitting in.
We're going to have Paul Joseph Watson up in just a moment, but on the line with me is Alex Jones.
Hey, uh, yeah, Watson's coming up with key news and info.
I'm taking off today, and, uh, Jason, the reason you're getting so many crazy calls is what I've tried to explain to you.
We don't screen phone calls unless it's on a particular subject, and we say we want callers on that subject, so people take advantage of that.
That's why I'm pretty much moving to topic-based calls and specific issues, because, uh, we re- we now reach so many millions of people that the haters are the ones that are always gonna call in, uh, first.
And what that does is then distort what we're covering.
You know, they're going to call in about chupacabras, they're going to call in about space beams, they're going to call in about, you know, saying we're racist, whatever, to throw us off the issue.
And that's why we mainly just focus on guests and then callers on certain topics.
But the last guy on the whole machete film for stations that just joined us, Robert Rodriguez, is now giving an Ain't It Cool News interview.
And it's spun very well, but in the middle of the article he goes ahead and says, you know what?
I have cut a lot of the film out now because it is too real to reality and it's going to be on the DVD extra because it could cause some problems.
And we do have the script and it is a race war film and does paint Hispanics as savages and as white people as a bunch of racists.
It was Hispanic members of his crew that were concerned.
We called the Texas Film Commission.
They said they're funding it.
I live here in Austin, okay, and I've met Rodriguez.
You know, I'm friends with the people in the Film Commission.
I know all about it, and I know he is the darling.
They have different tiers of funding.
That's why when they were going to produce Wake Up, it's coming out this year, a big film, it didn't get the funding because the state commission said no.
So it's disingenuous to call in and say everyone gets funding.
This is getting multi-tiers of funding, not just tax breaks.
And I now, Rob Duda, this out, San Antonio Express News and other newspapers from last year, where the head of the Texas Film Commission admitted that they were massively funding and supporting with all sorts of funds and location and
I don't
The Governor's statement saying, well, we haven't decided whether to fund it.
We'll decide that at the end.
And we went and showed how that's a lie.
They begin authorizing funding at the beginning.
And so, no, they refuse fully 30 plus percent, according to the Associated Press, of Film Commission money in Texas.
So to say that everybody gets it is a lie and is disingenuous.
And again, you lose
You fail, caller.
We're not the ones being disingenuous.
You're the one that's either ignorant or being disingenuous.
And, you know, quite frankly, I don't want to influence this film.
I was contacted by people that were concerned.
And if you go read his new Ain't It Cool News interview I'm going to be covering this Sunday, he admits that he's now going to cut these parts and put it in the DVD extra.
Because it is too real to life.
This film has race war in it, at a time when this country is on its edge, and at a time we have the Mexican president telling us to ban semi-automatic rifles, and telling us to open our borders up, and the president is a traitor, saying that we don't have borders anymore in America.
I mean, give me a break.
America is being swallowed by the New World Order.
By globalist offshore, we've all got to come together against this and expose this situation.
And Jason, you're doing a great job.
Paul Watson is coming up.
Then, of course, Bob Chapman.
And I'll be back live Sunday, 4 to 6 p.m., right before you do your Sunday three hours, Jason.
Thank you so much, Alex.
We're going to come back.
We're going to talk about Rand Paul's victory and the vicious media attacks against him with Paul Joseph Watson and so much more.
It's the Alex Jones Show only at Infowars.com and streaming live at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We are back.
It is the Alex Jones Show.
I am Jason Burmess sitting in.
We have Paul Joseph Watson on hold.
We're going to go to him about Rand Paul's victory and now the vicious media attacks in just a moment.
We also have Tommy Inscollin who I briefly want to go to about the seven attacks, but just finishing up on the machete point.
Okay, in my hands, and hopefully we're going to go to the document camp for PrisonPlanet.TV viewers, I have Rodriguez with the guy signing his incentives program.
Look, here's the incentives bill signing.
Robert Rodriguez reveals his next project as film incentives bill signing.
He is the model!
Machete was the model!
For this program.
And if you don't believe me, here's the other headline out of San Antonio News.
Austin was also the site of the production for Robert Rodriguez's directed movie, Machete.
The project was announced shortly after the film, Incentives Were Creative.
It was announced right after these film, Incentives Were Creative.
And Hudgens, the head of it, said the announcement was symbolic for the incentive program.
So again, he is the model.
There is no debating.
We're not being disingenuous.
I understand it's about the bottom line, but we're not distorting anything, sir.
So let's go back to Tommy in Scotland very, very quickly.
And you talked to Peter Power.
We played the clip in the last hour of Peter Power's talking about the drills that visor consultants were running for private organizations of the same exact train stations blowing up and buses blowing up at the same exact time.
Go ahead, Tommy.
Yeah, when I spoke to him, I was trying to get another interview with him, but when I did that a few weeks ago, and he said, oh, you're a bit late, are you not?
I said, excuse me?
He said, well, it was five years ago.
And then I said, well, look, it's just that I've got certain concerns.
He said, oh, you're not one of these mad conspiracy theorists.
I said, look, I'm a journalist.
And then later on he questioned me and I was asking him a few more things.
He said, you know, I'm getting really worried, I don't think you really are a journalist.
I said, well look, I've got my own website, I say, in alternative media, and I've got my own radio station, and I quizzed him on it.
And I said, well can you tell me?
He said, because it's one hell of a coincidence that you could be pulling off drills at the same time.
When, you know, these things happened.
And he said, well, look, do you think I would seriously have anything to do with these attacks and then go on the mainstream media and tell them about it?
And I said to him, well, of course, because it gives you the perfect cover, because the people that you're dealing with or you were with that day, they could come out later on.
And then it looks a whole lot worse, because look at his background.
He worked for Scotland Yard.
He's on the inside.
He's part of the Illegitimate Illuminati.
So he's part of the inside job that happened on that day.
And real questions should be answered.
Tommy, let me stop you and hopefully you can call into my Sunday show and maybe we can do a half an hour on it.
I should schedule that.
So maybe we can have you on my Sunday show so we can discuss it.
Because this is the headline out of The Guardian today.
July 7th inquest to investigate role of MI5 and police.
I now want to go to Paul Joseph Watts.
We may discuss this later.
Paul, I really want to start off with the media attacks.
Now that Rand Paul has won, and it looks like he's going to take that Senate seat, now he's against civil rights, now he's a racist.
Let's talk about it.
Yeah, well, it's kind of all summed up by a Politico article headline, which I read yesterday, called Activist Seize Control of Politics.
And that describes how establishment office holders in these recent elections are basically being ejected in a kind of retching convulsion at the status quo, you know, as this popular sentiment continues to rise.
Now, the establishment is in a blind, complete stupor and panic about what to do over Rand Paul's success.
Even though, you know, he's not even Senator yet, he's still got to beat his Democratic opponent, Jack Conway, in November.
But now we see Rand Paul being feathered and tarred about ten times more, about a hundred times more, than Elaine Kagan.
I mean, on the one hand you have Kagan, who, you know, her every view on the Second Amendment, free speech, you know, her office argued to ban books, ban political pamphlets,
She wants Americans held without trial, detained without trial.
Her every view is completely abhorrent to the U.S.
Constitution, and yet the corporate media is giving her such a soft ride compared to Rand Paul, who goes on MSNBC with Rachel Maddow a couple of days ago.
He intellectually disagrees with one out of the ten titles of the Civil Rights Act about preventing the government from regulating the First Amendment's private businesses.
He's not saying he's going to revoke the Civil Rights Act, as the debunkers have all claimed.
So, Maddow tried to back him into a corner for 20 minutes on this issue, and then the day after,
Just about the entire corporate media, and today the LA Times, from page purely devoted to attacking Rand Paul, and of course followed by all the neo-lib George Soros blogs, launch into him and try to insinuate that Rand Paul is some kind of Klan member because he holds a position which, as an article we posted about half an hour ago on PrisonPlanet.com proved,
is the mainstream libertarian position on the Civil Rights Act.
They've interviewed professors and top scholars at universities who have all said that Rand Paul's position is part of a mainstream libertarian viewpoint on this issue.
So you've got that going on.
MSNBC yesterday aired no less than eight different segments with guests
Such as, uh, Jesse Jackson, James Clyburn, and all these Democratic operatives.
Eight different segments, all attacking Ron Paul.
Not one person did the interview who defended Ron Paul or was even neutral.
But, the fact is that all these smear tactics are not having much success because, as we've posted also on prisonpointer.com, Rasmussen reports the big polling agency,
That Rand Paul is 25 points ahead of his Democratic Parliament Jack Conway in this early stage.
Obviously there's still many months to go until the November election but he's 25 points ahead even in the aftermath of all these racist smears.
So it proves once again that the establishment media and their operatives are coming out with this stuff from a
Kind of virtual reality bubble.
They still think that by launching these attacks, this race baiting can have such a massive impact.
And the fact is that it's not having the same impact that it would have done several years ago because people are aware of how these people operate.
And they did similar things to his father while he was running for president saying, you know, he hated Martin Luther King Jr.
and they pointed to a couple newsletters that other people had written and his father was a racist and now Rand Paul is a racist.
Let me read what Jack Conway, his Senate opponent, had to say in the LA Times.
Promoting a narrow and rigid ideology and has repeatedly rejected a fundamental provision of the Civil Rights Act.
No matter how he tries to spin to the contrary, the fact that Paul's ideology has dangerous consequences for who?
Working families, veterans, students, the disabled, and those without a voice in the halls of power.
It seems to me we're the ones without a voice in the halls of power because our Congress and our Senate no longer represent the people.
We do not have a government for and by the people.
We do not have checks and balances in our system and we certainly don't have a lot of people
No, and that's why the establishment hates his guts.
And I mean, the quote you just read from Conway is, you know, it echoes the rhetoric coming out.
People are basically insinuating that Rand Paul wants to create restaurants where black people aren't allowed in them.
They're saying he wants to throw out the Civil Rights Act and reinforce segregation, which of course is complete and utter baloney.
If anyone tried to set up a business or a restaurant that wouldn't serve black people, it'd get picketed, shut down, and
You know, people wouldn't patronize it in an instant.
So, the attacks are completely made up, but the fact that they're being echoed across every corporate media rag just shows you how desperate they are to smear Ron Paul.
And you can tell that this was contrived because in the very hours after his victory, his crushing victory over the neocon stooge that ran against him,
They tried to attack Ron Paul because he held his victory celebration in a country club.
And they said that this was some kind of racist, elitist thing to do.
So, right from the very start they were trying to contrive race-baiting and attack him on these racial angles.
The country club thing was pathetic.
It didn't work.
So now you had Maddow try and push him into a corner on this civil rights thing, and despite the fact that Ron Rand Paul has eloquently defended his position, which again is backed up by mainstream Libertarians, the Libertarian icon, the late Harry Brown, held the same position.
You have Ron Rand Paul eloquently defending himself, but they're still going with it.
But just like the country club, Mia, I think it'll wash away very quickly.
But what I find
Amazingly hypocritical is the fact that this originated from Rachel Maddow of MSNBC.
And this is a woman who 80% of her paycheck comes from the owners of NBC Universal, General Electric.
Who's primary business activity is manufacturing bombs to be dropped on brown people in the Middle East and the Third World.
So she's paid by a contractor whose business is to slaughter brown people and yet Rand Paul is a big racist because he thinks government shouldn't stick its nose into private business.
A little bit hypocritical there I might say.
I would say so as well, and unfortunately the establishment media over at MSNBC, it was okay to criticize the war when it was under the Bush administration, and it was okay to point out all these infractions in civil liberties and our privacy and our freedom, but now that Barack Obama's in, it's okay to be in the Middle East, and we need to attack anybody who may oppose democratic power, Paul.
Well, that's right.
I mean, you see it from every angle.
I mean, Olbermann is terrible now.
He was really good when Bush was in power, but as soon as Obama got in, as we predicted before what happened, they just switched straight away, and they stopped supporting whoever's in power.
We'll be back after this.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Jason Burmess, sitting in with Paul Joseph Watson.
Go check us out at InfoWars.com and streaming live at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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We are back!
It's the Alex Jones Show.
I am Jason Bermas, sitting in for Alex Jones.
We have Paul Joseph Watson on the line.
We're going to go back to him in just a moment, but I want to thank some of our great sponsors that make this show today possible.
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Indeed he did.
The people who started to criticise him, they were called racist for using the word socialism.
So they only choose to racefate when it suits their cause.
And you're right, I mean it's everywhere.
The LA Times Trump page, like you said, MSNBC, no less than eight different segments yesterday on it all attacking him.
And also
The Obama campaign group Organizing for America has sent out a mass email saying that Rand Paul supports segregation and that this should cause a quote massive public outcry which then
It provoked Rand Paul to have to issue a statement saying he doesn't want to repeal the Civil Rights Act just because he intellectually disagrees with the scope of one out of the ten titles of it.
I mean, it's ridiculous.
It's transparently a contrived attack and I'm sure that once this comes to light, as it already is being brought to light, that they'll move on to something else and they've already
He floated that with this David Korn character, which I'm sure that you've come across in the course of your 9-11 research.
And this is an ultimate neoliberal establishment insider who, at every major juncture, acts as an apologist for the establishment.
He denied that there was any warning prior to 9-11 about pre-attack intelligence, something which has been proven in triplicate.
You know, he attacked Gary Webb for exposing CIA drug running.
He poses as a liberal, and yet he's a neocon light.
He's a statist.
Again, he supports whoever's in power and what they do.
So now he's come out with this article out of the nation saying that basically Rand Paul's paranoid, delusional, and dangerous because he's made some appearances on the Alex Jones Show.
And because
Like, six of the ten actual 9-11 commissioners, we talk about, you know, 9-11 being a cover-up.
Which supposedly, in Corn's world view, which is about five or six years past its sell-by date, makes Rand Paul, this paranoid nutcase conspiracy theorist, unfit to be a senator.
Well, we know that's absolutely unbelievable.
You look at the evidence.
They're running drills of planes being hijacked and driven into buildings at the same exact time, just like the 7-7 bombings.
And again, the inquest into the 7-7 bombings is now going to look at the MI5 role.
Expect a whitewash.
The bottom line is, the establishment out there has about
Six months to really try to discredit Rand Paul with their vicious attacks, with their lies, in conjunction with their voting machine fraud.
I mean, they better get the Diebold systems in there quick, or this guy may be a senator from Kentucky before they can blink an eye.
So they're really going to work hard, Paul, over the next five to six months.
I think they're going to keep pounding the pavement, pounding the pavement.
I think so.
Waiting fervently for that act.
So when we come back, it's the Alex Jones Show.
We're going to play the clip of Wolf Blitzer basically saying, you're guilty, you don't like civil rights, you're bad, aren't you Rand Paul?
And Rand Paul handles himself impeccably.
We've got Paul Joseph Watson on the line.
It's the Alex Jones Show only at InfoWars.com and streaming via TV live at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Before you slip into... We are back.
It is the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Jason Burmas sitting in.
We're with Paul Joseph Watson.
We're going to be going to a clip of Wolf Blitzer grilling Rand Paul, guilty until proven innocent, of course, when you're part of the establishment media about his racism and he doesn't like civil rights.
But first I want to tell you about my latest and greatest film, Invisible Empire, a new world order to find folks
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Global government.
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Alright, I am going to go to this clip right now.
Here is Blitzer going after Rand Paul, towing the establishment line.
I want to give you a chance to explain because there's a lot of confusion right now about precisely where you stand.
I'll ask you a simple question.
If you had been a member of the Senate or the House back in 1964, would you have voted yay or nay for the Civil Rights Act?
I would have voted yes.
So why is there all this confusion emerging right now?
Give me your analysis because you've had to issue a statement today.
There have been interviews on NPR yesterday and MSNBC.
Tell us what's going on.
Well, first of all, if I thought I was supposed to get a honeymoon, when does my honeymoon start, you know, after my victory?
No such thing in politics, Dr. Paul.
No such thing.
I think you're right.
I think what troubles me is that the news cycle's gotten out of control.
I mean, for several hours on a major news network yesterday, they reported repeatedly that I was for repealing the Civil Rights Act.
That is not only not true, never been my position, but is an out-and-out lie, and they repeated it all day long.
It started with my Democrat opponent asserting this, but has never been my position.
You support that, because the argument was made that you support the Civil Rights Act in terms of federal, in terms of government responsibilities, there should be no racism or segregation, but if there's a private club or a restaurant where they don't want to serve African Americans, as abhorrent as that is, you think that they have a, you suggested, correct me if I'm wrong, they would have a right to do that.
Well, what I did suggest was that it was a stain on the history of the South and of our country that, you know, we desegregated in 1840 in Boston.
William Lloyd Garrison was up there with Frederick Douglass being thrown off trains and going through what happened in the 1960s in 1840 in Boston.
So I think it is a stain on our history and something that I am sad for and something that, if I had been alive at the time, would hope that I would have been there marching with Martin Luther King.
One of our biggest county coordinators was there with Martin Luther King, attended the rallies in D.C., and considers himself to be a civil rights activist, and he takes it as a personal insult that people will say that our movement doesn't believe in civil rights.
But I just want to be precise on this, Dr. Pollack, I just want to be precise.
Did Woolworth, the department store, have a right at their lunch counters to segregate blacks and whites?
I think that there was an overriding problem in the South, so big that it did require federal intervention in the 60s.
And it stemmed from things that I said, you know, had been going on really 120 years too long, and the southern states weren't correcting it, and I think there was a need for federal intervention.
Alright, so you've clarified, you would have voted yay, you would have voted yes, in favor of the 1964 Civil Rights Act.
Would you also have voted for the Americans with Disabilities Act?
Well, I have some questions about it.
I mean, the one question that comes to mind, to my thinking is, let's say you have a local office and you have a two-story office and one of your workers is handicapped, should you not be allowed maybe to offer them an office on the first floor?
Or should you be forced to put in a $100,000 elevator?
I think that sounds like common sense that you should be allowed maybe to give them a first floor office.
I think sometimes when we have a federal solution, we make it one size fits all and that we recognize the problem, which I do also, of someone who's handicapped, but then we don't take into consideration at all the business owner or the property owner.
So I think it's a balancing act.
And I'd have to look at that legislation to see how they balanced it.
But my understanding is that small business owners were often forced to put in elevators.
And I think you ought to at least be given the choice of can you provide an opportunity without maybe having to pay for an elevator.
So the answer is you don't know for sure if you would have voted yes or no on that Americans for Disabilities Act.
Yeah, I mean, I'd have to look at it and see.
I think it's a balancing act, and I am in favor of trying to have the workplace open.
My office is open to the handicapped.
We try very hard, but you know, it's been open to the handicapped for decades.
So, you know, it doesn't always take government for people to do the right thing.
Sometimes government has to step in in extraordinary circumstances.
But I think a lot of times that the private world can step up and do the right things, or we can find local solutions over federal solutions.
So it's not always whether you oppose something, it's about where the solution should arrive, whether it arrives at the federal government or the local government.
I do think, though, that there is a big civil rights issue out there, and I think the Democrats avoid it, and that's school choice.
I think the biggest thing holding down our inner-city communities is a lack of good education, and I say give them a choice, let them choose to go to a school anywhere in the city or outside the city, and so I think school choice is the civil rights issue of our era, and many people are saying that.
There he is, Rand Paul, taking the grilling from Wolf Blitzer and really breaking it down.
Paul, your thoughts?
Well, people like Wolf Blitzer know that to forward an intellectual argument about something like the Civil Rights Act would take hours.
You know, it's an academic debate.
He knows that he's got three or four minutes on there, and that in Wolf Blitzer's case, he needs to dumb it down.
And the overall implication that they're trying to heap on Rand Paul is that he hates black people.
He's going to repeal the Civil Rights Act.
He's gonna discriminate against minorities and disabled people.
And that's what they want to put out there.
I mean, you can go and read the fathers of the libertarian movement and professors in universities today who carefully explain where Rand Paul is coming from on this.
But they know that the majority of people watching a three or four minute CNN news segment aren't going to do that.
So they boil it down, they dumb it down, and they throw it out as a sneer.
And that's exactly what's happened over the past few days.
Well, exactly, and I mean...
He's got nothing to defend himself against.
That's what Ron Paul said and it's exactly right because this has been contrived by the corporate media.
They tried it with, you know, calling him a racist country club elitist just because he had his victory celebration there.
That didn't work.
So now they're going at it from this angle and the corporate media has lost most of its credibility.
These kind of smears don't work anymore, which is what they need to understand.
Which is why they're flip-flopping from one to another.
And now, it seems to have moved on to this... Rand Paul went on the Alex Jones Show a few times, and that supposedly makes him evil now.
So, it looks like they're gonna try and run with that one next, but again... It's like... It's like flogging a dead horse!
Rand Paul and his father Ron Paul have repeatedly said that a significant amount of their supporters are Alex Jones listeners, or at least they're familiar and embrace the same ideals and the information that Alex talks about every day on his show.
So to try and, you know, undermine Rand Paul's support base by associating him with Alex Jones and the information that Alex Jones puts out, when most of Rand Paul's supporters
To have similar beliefs is just completely asinine and it won't work.
It'll fall flat on its face.
Well, absolutely, but that won't stop them from trying.
I want to shift gears and talk a little bit about what's happening with Google.
This one is out of The Guardian.
Google keeps Street View UK Wi-Fi data as privacy group seeks legal action.
If you were listening on Wednesday, I stood in for Alex for about an hour and went over the fact that Google, over the past several years, they're not saying how many years, were using their Street View camera devices, their little cars there,
To take all the wireless data and store it.
Oh, they were taking open source information and storing it in their data mining operation.
But then they said it was an accident, Paul.
It was all accidental.
But anybody who knows anything about computers knows to take information and to store it requires hardware and software.
And I've had people email me and say,
Those are just cameras on the top of the car.
Yeah, they're cameras, but they're also admitting to data mining.
So this article right here, a Google Street View car on Coronation Street.
It's not clear whether the Rover's return has Wi-Fi.
Of course it does.
Google is to retain data captured from the UK wireless home networks for carrying out its Street View mapping until it receives more specific instructions from the UK Information Commissioner
It's said today.
But if you were listening on Wednesday, they said they told them to destroy the data immediately.
They're not going to do so.
Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act, RIPA, for unlawful interception of users' data and the group may try to go to the police to investigate the situation.
It absolutely should be a criminal investigation into why Google is taking everybody's information without their permission.
Google is already facing criminal investigations in Germany over its capture of the data from open Wi-Fi networks.
I don't know.
That means there cannot be any threat of prosecution to those countries as any evidence for the court case is unavailable.
So they saw that they might be prosecuted in those countries and apparently dumped the data.
In a statement released on Friday the company said, following requests from the Irish, Danish and Austrian data protection authorities we can confirm that we have deleted payload data identified as coming in from those countries.
They're also saying that they got rid of their Belgium, France, Italy, Spain, Germany, Switzerland and Czech Republic information.
Notice the United States
Isn't there?
And if you read the headline yesterday, it was the CEO, Eric Schmidt, who we have in Visible Empire, talking about a new world order saying no harm, no foul, as if this is a basketball game.
No, it's a data mining issue.
And I'm going to close it with this.
German prosecutors have requested access to one of the hard drives used in the data gathering, though Google has so far refused.
See, they won't tell you what they're taking.
Paul, what's your view on this?
And why isn't this a huge story in the
It isn't a huge story because Google's reputation as a respecter of privacy, which of course is a misnomer, they worked with, it was announced in 2008, more than two years ago, that Google was working with the CIA to gather intelligence inside the US.
You know that Google was founded with the aid of CIA money.
So of course Google is a mass depository of data about Americans and about anyone that uses it.
And the government's going to use that data and the government's working with Google to use that data.
It's like Facebook.
Again, it's just a mass government depository.
Anyone who still has a Facebook profile that they keep any personal information whatsoever on is out of their mind.
You had the instant messages come out last week.
Um, from the founder and CEO of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, where he's talking to someone about people on Facebook, people using Facebook, and he said, quote, I have over 4,000 emails, pictures, addresses, SNF, and this is just after it started, and his friend responds, what?
How did you manage that one?
Zuckerberg, people just submitted it.
I don't know why.
They trust me.
Dumb effers.
So that's the CEO and founder of Facebook laughing about and swearing at people who submit their personal information, which he now has control of.
And now we learn that, again, like Google, Facebook is openly working with the CIA, with all this information about people's personal lives right at their fingertips.
It's going to create a system where they can really database and profile people on another level and then sell those databases and profiles to private companies so you won't even have to go on Facebook to see the little ad on the side.
They're going to match your IP address with your Facebook account and you'll literally go to any search engine or website and you'll see those type of
I don't
Well, exactly.
And it's not just a privacy issue.
It's a harassment issue.
As we're moving towards this minority report style world where advertising and promotional media becomes more and more invasive, you know, now they have magazines that play videos when you're opening and reading just a standard magazine.
They have systems whereby if you drive by certain
Places on the highway where they have transmitters, they can sense what radio station you're listening to and display ads based on those tastes in music or preferences.
When you list the bands that you like on your Facebook page, targeted advertising based on that information that you submitted is then directed towards you.
So it's not just a question of your personal life being exposed and being known.
It's the harassment that will follow as a result of this minority report style invasive advertising, which will all run off the information that you gave them in the first place.
And it's not just that.
Years ago, the FBI announced they would be trolling MySpace and Facebook with fake profiles to basically entrap people.
For instance, I remember the story last year at a high school prom party in New Jersey.
They had some just police officers
Infiltrate one of the groups, say, hey, this is where the party's going to be.
And they went and busted a post-prom party via Facebook.
People need to realize this is already in use by law enforcement.
Well, exactly.
I mean, it's no surprise because the entire Internet was an NSA database.
That's how it began.
And it hasn't really changed from that in 2010.
So, people need to be more aware than ever about personal information.
I still find it amazing that people will post photographs of their own children and, you know, photographs of their own personal life completely openly on the internet for everyone in the world to view.
I mean, if they value their privacy so little, then, you know, they shouldn't be surprised when all these scandals emerged about
It's the Alex Jones Show.
I am Jason Burmas sitting in.
We're going to come back with one final segment with Paul Joseph Watson of PrisonPlanet.com.
We're streaming live over at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.tv.
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Paul, before you go, I want to get your take on Calderon earlier in the week getting in front of the White House lawn with President Barack Obama denouncing the Arizona law.
President Barack Obama getting up there saying, well I think the law has the potential
Yeah, I wrote an article this morning about Congressman McClintock's response to what Calderon said and how he was cheered on by the Democrats in Congress.
And he basically quoted President Teddy Roosevelt from about a hundred years ago on how immigration was originally defined and how immigrants should emigrate into the United States and how it should be done.
And the full quotes in the article and Teddy Roosevelt basically said, we only have room for one flag, the American flag, we only have room for one language and that is the English language.
And yet, we were forced to witness a few days ago, Michelle Obama, the first lady, who visited a school in New Hampshire, dancing around with these children, a Mexican flag inside a US school, while the children told her about how their parents were illegal aliens.
So I find it absolutely abhorrent that you've got these
radical racial liberation theology people who are hyped up with this La Raza coming into the U.S.
illegally, flying the Mexican flag, tearing down the U.S.
flag, and now even you have students on campuses getting kicked off wearing t-shirts with the American flag on, and it's completely 180 to what the original
I don't know.
Um, so an unelected dictator lecturing the United States Congress and the American people about their own domestic laws and then going further and attacking the Second Amendment and calling for the assault weapons ban to be reinstated.
Um, and McClintock called it an outrage and that's exactly what it is.
Absolutely an outrage and to go back to what Michelle Obama did they are playing on the dumbed down masses heartstrings by showing you this cute little girl and my mommy says we don't have papers does that mean I'm going to get taken away and then Michelle Obama says don't worry sweetie that's one of the things we have to fix and we're going to fix that don't worry I was blown away and you're seeing this all over the news.
But then look at what happens if you don't have papers in Mexico.
You know, you get thrown in jail.
I mean, just look at the picture at the top of my article today.
People who visit Mexico say, and we quoted another one who was a resident of Arizona in the article yesterday, that basically you can't travel for 20 minutes without getting stopped and searched by goons in military outfits with guns.
So that's how
Mexico treats visitors to Mexico, whereas, you know, you just walk straight across the border into the United States and you can get a welfare, you can get a job, you can get all these civil rights.
And just for enforcing an immigration policy that's already on the books in Arizona, suddenly, you know, everybody's in outrage about it.
And again, it's a contrived media spectacle.
The key thing about it is,
According to all the polls that I linked to on in the article yesterday, the majority of Hispanic, African-Americans and Asian-Americans support enforcing the current immigration laws that are on the books.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
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You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We are back!
It's the Alex Jones Show.
I am Jason Burmess sitting and Paul Joseph Watson just left us and we've got Bob Chapman online.
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Alright, we're joined by Bob Chapman and I have a couple of questions for Bob myself.
I was only able to scan over the news for about an hour.
Today I was out of town last night.
So there are a couple headlines that I'd like to go over including
This one right here, FDIC problem banks at 775, a total of 775 banks or one-tenth of all U.S.
banks were on the FDIC's list of problem institutions in the first quarter as bad loans in the commercial real estate market weighed on bank balance sheets.
And it's probably much worse than that, but of course, the one-tenth, the 10% they're talking about are the smaller banks that will be consolidated,
Consolidated into the big boys, what's your take, Bob?
Well, first of all, the figure's over 2,000.
The real figure.
I know that because I have somebody who attends those meetings who leaks the stuff to me.
Second of all, there's 2,000 banks that the Comptroller of the Currencies Office has their employees in, and they're actually running the banks.
And eventually, all of those banks will probably go under.
72 banks officially have gone under this year, but they don't count
How many branches they had, and many of them have 50 or 300 or whatever it is, branches.
So it's been fairly extensive as far as job loss is concerned.
And I think that there's a good possibility that two to three hundred will go under this year.
It's hard to tell which way they're going to go on it as far as whether they're going to have some merges.
And very often they don't even announce the merges.
The FDIC probably has about 90 billion dollars, including the three years that the banks have paid ahead on their dues.
That probably will last them until the end of the year, maybe into the first quarter of next year.
And they're going to be broke again.
And so it's not very good.
But those are the numbers on that.
So what are we going to see?
More revolving bailouts once this comes out?
Once we have a couple banks go under?
Some more consolidation of power?
People say the FDIC is broke and needs more help?
Well, under the bill that was just passed in the Senate, which must go to conference in the House, the Federal Reserve, instead of being audited like they should be, is going to have one audit, and it's going to be restricted to just one certain area, and that's it.
And so what they're doing is throwing the public a bone.
Within that bill, the FDIC is supposed to take over the control of the currency, the FDIC, the SEC, the CFTC, and a new group called Consumer something or other to protect consumers.
And then they also have
Another group that they've formed under that.
Hold right there, Bob.
We're going to come back to you on the other side.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
We're going to go over this new Senate bill that passed 59 to 39 just yesterday with Bob Chapman of the internationalforecaster.com.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
We are back!
It's the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Jason Bermas, sitting in.
We've got Bob Chapman on the line.
I want to read some of this article.
Senate passes financial reform bill.
Vote represents a major policy victory for President Obama.
And I was out of town last night, so I was kind of late coming in.
I didn't get to see this until last minute.
Bob's going to break down what this bill is really about, but let me read the first paragraph for you.
Prodded by national anger at Wall Street, the Senate and the Senate on, or I'm sorry,
The Senate on Thursday passed the most far-reaching restraints on big banks since the Great Depression.
In its broad sweep, the massive bill would touch Wall Street CEOs for the first time, home buyers, high-flying traders, and small-town lenders.
And again, it passed 59 to 39.
But Bob, what does this really mean?
It makes a monopoly out of the Federal Reserve, a private corporation.
And it will include, as I pointed out earlier, really escape from audit for all intents and purposes, and the absorption of the control of the currency, and the FDIC, the SEC, the CFTC, and this new Consumer Protection Agency, and a stability board that they'll have, or something to that effect.
And also they want reporting on derivatives that are trading over the counter market to be transparent like other kinds of derivatives that are now traded on exchanges and have been since 1972.
Wall Street doesn't like that.
They didn't say anything and there was no discussion about the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and their problems.
And a possible takeover or something to be done with them.
They discussed Glass-Steagall reintroduction and that went by the wayside.
Now let's talk about Glass-Steagall for a moment.
What would have happened if they had reintroduced Glass-Steagall in your opinion?
I think it would have solved a great many of the problems that we have today.
It was probably one of the most brilliant pieces of legislation at the right time, 1931.
And it stood up all those years.
And what it is, essentially, is a wall between the banks and the brokerage firms and the insurance companies.
They used to be all together and they had trusts and things like that.
And when the market went down in the 30s, it was a disaster because of the concentration and the interconnectivity of these banks with one another and the brokerage houses and all of that.
And that's why they broke them up.
And they wanted to do that again.
They also wanted to address the too-big-to-fail.
They didn't do anything about that.
And the people in the House are very disturbed that H.R.
1207, which was the House bill, 326 members voted for it, that was decimated in the Senate committee.
And so this bill is not going to easily go through the House.
Whether there's a lot of Democrats in there or not.
And because some of the Democrats are fiscally conservative.
And so we haven't heard the end of this yet, but I want to add something here that you didn't expect.
And that is, on May 6, we saw the market drop a thousand points.
And I explained in the forecaster why that happened.
And it was these black box traders
Using the algorithms and hedge funds that deliberately knocked the market down.
And they were trying to tell the Senate, if you don't do what we want you to do, we're going to destroy this market.
Now, they've done it again in the last five or six days because they wanted to, again, get the Senate to do as little as possible about the things that the Senate was supposed to do and what Wall Street and banking didn't want.
Now it's going to the House.
And that's why you see what you're seeing going on.
They're rigging the market.
Let me stop you right there.
We've got Alex Jones on the line to throw in his two cents.
Yeah, how could I miss a day with Bob Chapman?
And I was just listening to the show.
They've got to pass this in the House.
This isn't just Alex Jones or Bob Chapman telling you this.
This has been in the Associated Press.
But they're reporting it like it's a good thing.
In the bill, it allows the federal government
To live time track every credit card purchase, everything you're doing in your bank account, you know, before they could just randomly dial in or have the bank spy on you.
This is now everything you do transparent to the government.
And it gives all these Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan regulators that are in all the regulation positions the power to come in and take over regional banks, local banks, healthy banks.
And that's why the head of the Texas Banking Association a month ago
Basically, you know, wrote a big editorial saying this is a takeover of healthy banks that aren't involved in the derivatives.
So what Bob said is absolutely right.
This is an expansion, a monopoly of the Federal Reserve offshore power.
This is what the bankers always do.
They create the crisis.
And then they sell something to the public that, oh, this will get the big bankers, this will... Just like 1913 takeover was passed as a supposed way to bring the bankers
To justice when when they were the ones that were engineering it so it's problem reaction solution We've got to beat this in the house It's just a giant power grab and so I want Bob to speak to that and I'm gonna let you guys go But also about to talk about what's happening in the global markets right now and what he sees with the serious chance of a financial meltdown Robini and others are saying is
At least a 20% drop in the next month on the stock market.
Fobbers saying a 90% chance China's going to implode, which will bring us down.
I mean, these are crazy times to be alive.
And Jason, great job.
Bob Chapman, good hearing it.
Go ahead and you guys take back over.
We had Senator Tom Harkin discussing this legislation.
Now, he voted for it, and then he said, but I wish we could have gotten the proposal to reinstate the Glass-Steagall Act through.
Is he being genuine, or is he really just playing both sides of the field, do you think, Bob?
Ah, that's hard for me to say.
That's a subjective answer, but knowing he's a politician, he's playing both sides.
And, you know, he did one thing and says another.
You know, watch what they do, not what they say.
But just generally speaking, I think we're on our way, and this is a side note, with the elections that are being held, the primaries particularly, are very positive in our direction.
And I just hope in November that people stampede to the polls and vote out every incumbent, with the exception of a handful.
And if we can do that, we get a shot within the system of changing things and changing them dramatically.
If that doesn't happen, it's not going to be easy.
Getting back to the financial experience that we're going through right now, most people won't come out.
And say what I and Max Keiser in particular say, because we've both been market people, so to speak, for many years.
And the truth about what these people are up to, and it is amazing that the power and the pressure that Wall Street and banking are bringing upon the Senate, you saw they did virtually nothing.
And they're going to try to apply the same pressure to the House.
And they're telling these people in the House, you see the market?
You want it a couple of thousand points lower?
We'll put it there.
If you don't, we'll do what we do.
It's extortion.
And you think they're just going to continue to do this again and again and again?
I mean, where's the endgame?
When is enough power enough?
As Alex talked about, this is yet more consolidation of power for the Federal Reserve.
We saw that consolidation of power over a year ago at the G20, when all of a sudden the Federal Reserve, the SEC were under the IMF and World Bank.
I mean, how much further can they take this, Bob?
Well, they're going to take it as far as they can because they want a one world dictatorial government.
They want to enslave everybody, and they've wanted to do this for a thousand years.
And so they're going to keep on doing it, and that's why if we can go in and take over Congress, so to speak, for the people, instead of these vested interests, then we can stop them from doing what they're doing.
I mean, flash trading, which is front-running,
Has always been illegal and the SEC stands there and allows 17 major firms with black boxes with algorithms to beat the public to death in nanosecond trading right in the New York Stock Exchange.
It's incredible.
Second of all, they allow naked shorting and it's illegal, but they still do it.
And derivatives
Or a disaster waiting to happen.
There shouldn't be any derivatives unless they're on a listed exchange.
There shouldn't be the ChaiX exchange, which most of you have never even heard of, which is doing these deep... I forget what they call them.
I write about it all the time, but I can't remember.
Deep pools, as they're called.
And they don't report to anybody.
I mean, this is incredible.
They're trading billions of dollars of shares every day in these dark pools and nobody knows what they're doing.
Well, I think that's why it's so important that we need to get ourselves into a position where we can take care of ourselves financially if the stock market completely dies, if the dollar is devalued further.
On the other side, I want to talk about China revaluation would hurt U.S.
World Banks, and that is the, I believe, chief economist of the World Bank actually admitting if they revalue China's currency, it's going to hurt us big time.
I want to get your take
I think?
segment, but it is completely incredible to me the way the media spins the passages of these bills.
Oh, they're going after the banksters.
We're getting hard on Wall Street when in fact all they're doing is consolidating power into a world dictatorial banker-run government.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Jason Bermas sitting in.
Bob Chapman on the line.
We'll be back after this.
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I think so.
The question is, where should the American people draw their line in the sand?
What have we got?
A republic or a monarchy?
A republic.
It's based on a constitution which protects minority rights.
Not democracy, not mob rule.
Two wolves and a sheep voting on what's for dinner.
So they think they own our land?
They think they own our water?
Our education?
Our money?
We have to define who we are and what we will tolerate.
Somebody's going to ask you what you did during the Patriot Uprising.
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This is Alex Jones for survivalseedbank.com.
He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We are back live.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
I am Jason Verma sitting in.
We've got Bob Chapman on the line.
And before I get into China revaluation would hurt U.S., World Bank's Lin, that's the chief economist for the World Bank, actually admitting if they revalue China's currency, it is going to hurt us here.
I want to talk about solutions and how people can really protect themselves from this very faltering economy.
Some of the other headlines out there are Dow dips below 10,000 points today.
And I'm sorry, it's stocks wobble after Dow dips below 10,000.
Europe's debt woes raise concerns that global recovery could still be far away.
And remember we were already supposed to have this global recovery and oh the recession is over but now it's a double-dip recession and we dare not talk depression.
Bob, how can people protect themselves?
Well, I think the most important thing is your job.
And most people in the families today that are employed have the wife and the husband working, and you should diligently try your best to keep your job.
And in the meantime, you should see to having freeze-dried and dehydrated food because if you lose your job, at least you can eat.
And if there's emergencies, you'll have them on hand.
A water filter, if eventually we have
I don't think so.
Out of the commodity market, because most people don't, really shouldn't be there unless they're professionals.
Because 95% of the people who go into the foreign exchange market and the commodity market lose money.
And you should only have in the bank three years supply of operating funds, three months supply of operating funds for a business, six months.
You should have no CDs.
I don't know.
Why don't you tell people about some of the great deals over at Midas Resources right now?
Well, Midas has been offering off and on a special where if you purchase one French or Swiss franc, usually the coin,
The last price I think I got was $256.62, something like that.
And if you buy that coin, you get a free one-year subscription to the International Forecaster, either by email or surface mail.
And it's the best deal I've ever heard of.
Ted pays me for the publication, and so this is a real deal.
And a lot of people are taking advantage of it, and I think if you don't, I think you should start changing yourself.
This publication tells you everything that you need to know every week.
Well, not quite everything.
Alex tells you the rest.
But anyway, it's a great offering, and you should take advantage of it.
Do you have a phone number there for them?
Yeah, I sure do.
It's 1-800-686-2237.
They haven't, even though the markets have come down.
I'm telling my subscribers the correction I think is almost over in the gold and silver area.
Because I'm seeing short covering starting yesterday.
I'm seeing more of it today.
My gold's down about $11 right now and the gold stocks are either even or up a little or down a little.
And that's an indication you've got on a short term and intermediate term probably a sold out market.
But that market was attacked.
In the same way the other markets were.
I mean, they couldn't have gold going up while they had the market going down.
So they bopped it for the last few days.
Another thing is the long gold options expire on Tuesday.
And the writers of those options, the commercials, which are banks, they don't want them, the options to expire in the money.
And so they're knocking the market down too.
So it'll be over by Tuesday.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
I am Jason Burmess sitting in.
We're sitting with Bob Chapman.
Go check out Midas Resources at 1-800-686-2237.
We'll be back after this.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
The question is, where should the American people draw their line in the sand?
What have we got?
A republic or a monarchy?
A republic.
It's based on a constitution which protects minority rights.
Not democracy, not mob rule.
Two wolves and a sheep voting on what's for dinner.
So they think they own our land?
They think they own our water?
Our education?
Our money?
We have to define who we are and what we will tolerate.
Somebody's gonna ask you what you did during the Patriot Uprising.
We have the facts.
We have the Constitution.
We have the Bill of Rights.
We have common law.
Knowledge is power, ladies and gentlemen.
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We are back at the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Jason Verma sitting in.
We're talking to Bob Chapman of TheInternationalForecaster.com.
And we're going to take your calls on the topic of the economy.
No chupacabras, no spacemen, no Johnny Nonsense.
Let's keep it to topic.
But before that, I want to get your take on the Chief Economist for the World Bank.
Lin, Justin Yifu Lin, saying that if they revalue China's currency, it's going to hurt this country.
And we've known this, but let's talk about the implications if it's actually done.
Well, since the mid-1990s, the preferred method of keeping down inflation in the United States has been the importation of goods from other countries, but particularly from China.
I mean, you go in the store, virtually everything Indian is made in China.
And the slave labor countries were able to deliver cheaper products and they all suppress the value of their currencies.
No matter what they say, that's what they were up to.
And that's where I believe we need tariffs and goods and services like we used to have in order to set a level playing field if they want to do business in the United States.
But the point here
Is that the Chinese currency is way undervalued.
If they raise it, the exports to the United States will be more expensive.
And that's coming at a time when the dollar is expensive and the dollar shouldn't be trading where it's at.
Whether the euro should be where it's at is up to debate.
But the point is the dollar
Doesn't deserve to be as strong as it is on the USDX index.
It just went from 74 up to 85 in a four month period, which is really insanity.
And that means that the balance of payments deficit in the United States is going to skyrocket because they're not going to be able to sell very easily in foreign countries because their currency has gone up in value.
So you put the two of them together,
And the United States is going to pay dearly for a revaluation or a stronger Chinese currency.
Now what are we talking about here?
I mean, how much of our dollars purchasing power is going to be lost?
Are we going to see things raised by 25%, 30% perhaps double in price in this country?
No, I don't think so.
I would say 5 to 10%.
So it'll be gradual.
They'll hit us up for 5 to 10 percent right now and then maybe 5 to 10 percent.
Well, I don't think they really don't want to do that.
Because they would rather imprison the slaves and try to make them work for the same amount of money or less and keep the market.
That's really what they're all about.
It's a command economy, it's a communist economy, and it's a totalitarian economy, which everybody seems to forget.
I mean, these are the people that we used to chase all over the world and spy on and kill them.
And we don't do that anymore.
We play ball with them.
I mean, what insanity.
But anyway, China has got terrible problems.
They have a stock market that's fallen 25% since last September, which incidentally we predicted on this program.
And the housing market is a bubble that's about to blow up.
And they still have 30 million unemployed.
The only thing I can see that's good that's happened in China is people are taking their foreign exchange and they're trading it in for gold and silver.
However, the working conditions in China are completely deplorable.
Go check out Walmart, the high cost, the low prices, just to see that.
But we also have new death at iPhone factory as Chinese worker becomes eighth fatality this year.
And they always keep this hush-hush.
They say the people that die are often committing suicide.
But just a month ago, we ran the story in which Microsoft's subsidiary company there, everybody was asleep.
There was about
I don't know.
I just can't tell you how deplorable it is there.
And then you have people promoting China like it's the best thing since breakfast, Bob.
And like you said, we've been trading with them now openly for 20 plus years and really encouraging this behavior.
That's right.
And so what does it say about our government?
I think we could call it corporate is fascist.
It's just two types of socialism and they seem to be getting along fine.
As long as it lines the pockets of the wealthy transnational conglomerates and the members of Congress and the elites who give orders to our government and most governments in the world.
Yeah, and I briefly cover this in my latest film, Invisible Empire, A New World Order Defined, when I'm going over the Bush senior era of a quote-unquote New World Order.
We go to a Senate hearing where Joe Biden, Chris Dodd, and others are asking James Baker about China and its role in what?
Oh, the New World Order, because that's what George Bush was talking about.
He was talking about China's role in the New World Order, and James Baker says, look,
This is a nation we're going to have to work with because of their size and because of their economy.
We just don't have a choice.
We're going to go to some calls for Bob Chapman of the International Forecaster.com right now.
Ron in Illinois.
Ron, you're on the line.
Hey, how's it going guys?
Invisible Empire, awesome film.
Just wanted to throw that out there for you guys.
Thank you.
Before I get into my question for Bob, I wanted to also say for any of you guys out there in Florida, there's a guy by the name of Bruce Ray Riggs.
You can find him at 30 Uncle Sam.
He's running for Senate.
Good constitutionalist guy.
You should check him out.
Bob, my question is, do you guys, do you know of any rumors circling around about the possibility of, you know, with everybody finding out about what the Federal Reserve's doing and wanting to end the Fed, that there could be a shift into a possible split paradigm, like something under, like a corporate treasury under the government itself, and then just shifting power into
What's called the United States Treasury, only a corporate body of it.
I haven't heard that.
I don't think they're attempting to do that as far as I know.
Although it would be something that they would consider, I would think.
One of the things that I didn't mention today is my sources in New York City tell me that a class action suit, one of many, is coming against JPMorgan Chase for rigging the silver market.
And, uh, that ought to be quite interesting, uh, because that's exactly what they've been doing.
And I think the defense is going to be, uh, we did it for the U.S.
government under the Working Group for Financial Markets.
And, uh, uh, maybe they'll get off the hook on it, but they're going to have to stop it.
So it's going to be a big plus for us.
And there are an awful lot of other lawsuits against them and other, uh, big firms, uh, of different kinds, uh, related to fraud.
Alright, let's go to our next caller, Chris in Florida.
You're on the line with Bob Chapman.
Oh yeah, Jason, you're talking about the iPad where they're not accepting cash anymore and I wanted to run this by Bob and have another question.
There's the tender of payment governed under the Uniform Commercial Code 3-603 so that
It seems to specify there under paragraph 2 that if you do tender payment and they refuse that tender, then your obligation is discharged.
And perhaps that could be a way that we could use to preserve our right to pay cash.
Now, the definition of lawful money I noticed recently was repealed back in January 2009.
It was in Title 12, Section 152 that says that the terms lawful money and lawful money of the United States shall be construed to mean a gold and silver coin of the United States.
And I was wondering if Bob had any news on that because it seems like it had something to do with the FDR's replacing lawful money.
Well, I think they'd like to do that, but I don't, under the circumstances in the world right now, I don't see anybody accepting anything that doesn't have some goal backing.
And the SDRs have no goal backing.
They tried them in the late 60s, they didn't work.
They've been trying them again recently, they're never going to work.
The only thing I can see that's workable is a G20 has a meeting, they index all the currencies into a giant index,
I don't think so.
Before I go to Chris in Boston, Bob, I want to get your take on the fact that Apple is refusing cash for their iPad, saying it's for security reasons.
So in order to buy one of these devices, you have to have a credit or debit card further, you know, promoting this cashless society control grid.
Of course.
And the idea is don't buy their products.
I'm with you 110%.
And I am a big fan of Apple computers.
If that's the game they want to play, we'll play it.
Don't anybody buy them.
And maybe they might get the message.
Hey Jason, how are ya?
What's up?
And by the way, folks, I just got this handed to me by Rob Do.
Believe it or not, Apple changes its tune.
It will now accept cash for the iPad at the Apple Store.
So I guess the uprising of the past two or three days of us reporting on this has now caused really an incitement.
And yes, now they are going to take cash.
And that's the kind of thing we have to do.
We have to force these people to take cash when they say no, because when they can turn down a legal tender, they can do just about anything they want.
Go ahead, Chris.
How are you doing, Jason?
First of all, thank you to you and Alex for all you guys do.
All your movies, everything you guys are doing are great.
Bob, how are you doing?
This is Chris.
I was on the Ralph Evans Show with you from Boston a couple weeks ago.
Well, no, it's Watertown, isn't it?
Yeah, but basically Boston, right?
Maybe Vermont next?
Yeah, exactly.
Too bad for our Bruins, but who cares about sports anyway?
My question, Bob, recently I had a chance to come up with some bonus money from work.
Initially I was thinking about buying a gold coin or two, but when you think of everything going down, I mean, how much sense does it make to
To buy gold coins if it's going to collapse as bad as it seems.
I mean, it is silver bearish.
Where else are you going to go with your money that's safe?
Go ahead Chris.
I agree with you.
It might fall a little bit.
Oh, it might be manipulated.
The bottom line is it's a hard currency and it has intrinsic value for thousands of years.
Appreciate the call.
Gotta jump.
George in Connecticut, I believe.
George, you're on the line.
So, a sort of similar question, but not quite exactly the same.
I'm wondering, I mean, you can't put everything into gold bullion.
Is there any fund that has a combination of bullion and maybe barrack gold or gold mines and things like that?
But I have a back-end question about that flash trading.
How can we hit them with some sort of RICO Act or something like this?
Because this is criminal.
If they finally are being hit from all sides, maybe not just in this country, but in other countries with similar laws, maybe we can stop them doing this and then stop this up in the tracks, basically.
But going back to my original question, is there anything beyond... Well, I would say this, before Bob answers the second part as part of the original question, and maybe there's some other funds out there too, I say silver.
Yeah, yeah.
Midas also has gold in IRAs.
But silver, for instance, you know, I can get the coin that says $20 on it.
That's an ounce.
I can get the one that says $10 on it.
That's half an ounce.
That could be used in any kind of daily trading as a $10 bill, a $20 bill.
So have a few thousand in that, Bob.
Well, as far as the SEC and their non-execution of the rules, it's simple.
You file a class action federal suit.
That leaves everything out.
And when you have hundreds of thousands of people filing this suit, or maybe a multiplicity of suits, they have to answer.
That's number one.
That's the way to go after them, to stop them.
And that's what is happening to JPMorgan Chase right now.
They're going after them, class action for rigging silver.
As far as the fund is concerned, you don't have to do that.
You buy gold and silver, bullion and coins.
If you want stocks, all you have to do is email me.
I'll tell you what to buy.
It doesn't cost you anything.
And I've been doing this for over 50 years, and I used to be the largest gold source stockbroker in the world.
All right, let's go to our next caller, Don in New York.
Don, you're on the line.
Hey, how are you?
Two things, actually.
First, I just wanted to make the example right off the bat before my question.
You know, I applied for a
For a mortgage from JPMorgan Chase and everything went through, everything was fine.
And then they started getting into some very, very personal questions.
They wanted a copy of my divorce agreement.
They asked me, you know, personal questions.
And I said, you have, there's absolutely no bearing.
On my personal life, you know, what happened with my family or whatever, that has anything to do with the bank, you know, with a mortgage.
And then, uh, and then I was denied.
So, you know, I think they're crooks, but I don't know.
Well, they're data collectors and they don't want to make the loans.
Well, that, that's probably right.
Uh, the question is, the data that they collect is being turned over to the United States government and they get a dossier on you just like they have everybody else.
Yeah, they're going crazy in my area, too, with the... I actually live in a suburb of Manhattan in New Jersey, and they're going crazy with the census, too, asking ridiculous questions.
You know, even if you filled in the paperwork, oh, we just want to double-check, you know, and they're going door-to-door.
The financial question I had for you was, you know, everybody... I understand that gold is probably your best bet if you can
Get money together and invest in something.
With the devaluation of currency, how does that relate to people who have debt?
You know, like if you own a mortgage and it devalues, is that a good thing?
Is that a bad thing?
What can possibly happen?
Well, it's a bad thing because logically you would say if you owe $100,000 and the dollar is devalued by two-thirds and so you would only have to pay back $32,500 on a $100,000 loan.
Well, the government is not interested in that.
They're interested in breaking you.
They want everybody financially and economically on their knees
So they're going to tell you, you're going to pay the old mortgage back.
I don't know how you're going to do it, but do it.
If you don't, we own your house.
All right.
Let's take one more caller before the break.
Eddie in New Hampshire, quickly.
Yes, sir.
Good afternoon.
I just had a quick question.
Bob, a couple of weeks ago, I heard you mention that you believe at some point that the stock market could go down as low as $2,500 to $3,000.
I just want to... $2,800 to $3,200 is the number, but that's close enough.
If you had to guess, do you believe that decline is going to be gradual, or do you expect one major event to just set the clock?
I think it'll be gradual because of the ability of the United States government through the Working Group on Financial Markets to manipulate the market.
We're going to come back after this.
It's the Alex Jones Show final segment with Bob Chapman.
Infowars.com and streaming live at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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We are back!
It's the Alex Jones Show.
I am Jason Verhulst, sitting in for Alex Jones.
We're joined by Bob Chapman.
We've got Alex coming up in the next hour.
Bob's going to hang over till the 5 after marker with us.
And you were just finishing up how you don't think that the stock market collapse, and you said it could collapse to 2800 to 3500 points, will be a gradual one, Bob.
Well, probably.
What is gradual?
We might have it drop three or four thousand points and rally and then go down again and so on.
It's hard to say.
Nobody can predict that, but it is going lower.
And there's a lot of reasons why.
I mean, part of the reason for the whole world economy to be in the state it's in is because it was planned that way.
And if you can accept that, you can see why they want the market down eventually.
And that's because they want to destroy
Yes, sir.
Gentlemen, good afternoon.
First of all, I want to say congratulations on being more relevant and focused every day, bringing us the most concise boil down of all the information we're not finding anywhere else.
And also, obviously, Bob Chapman is a great example of all of the informed and really insightful people who we need to be listening to right now.
First of all, I want to give a shout out to Justin or whatever was his name yesterday.
That was the most refreshing thing to hear, that call.
All right, thank you so much, sir.
Let's go to Ricky in Florida.
Ricky, you're on the line.
Yeah, hi, my name is Richard Keen.
I'm a narrator for the movie about naked short selling called Stark Shark.
And I had a question.
As far as Goldman Sachs, the FBI put out a report about Sergei Lenikoff.
Transferring a thousand secret codes and files to a German website?
Is there some kind of connection to Germany?
I really don't know because, you know, right after that happened, we got no further information.
Bob, to be honest, I don't even know what this is.
Could you go over basically what the caller's talking about here quickly?
Because I'm not sure what the topic is.
Well, the caller said that a gentleman
Work for Goldman Sachs.
Stop working for them.
And before he did that, these algorithms which he created, he transferred it to a German company.
And Goldman was saying, well, you can't do that and we're bringing criminal charges against you rather than civil.
And the FBI came and picked him up and then he was released and we heard nothing further about it, which tells me probably
Goldman didn't have a case, otherwise we would have heard about it.
Alright, let's go to our next caller, Jeff in Michigan.
Jeff, you're on the line.
Hey guys, how are you doing?
I wanted to see if you, Bob, if you agree with my interpretation of the situation.
I believe that we can best find a solution to what situation we're in by studying the root
I agree with the previous caller talking about the UCC law and how a debt, if refused, should be discharged.
Because the pivot point for me is House Joint Resolution 192.
Because when you take away gold and silver as money, you take away the Constitution.
It's a contract.
It's one piece.
You can't just take away a section of the Constitution and expect the rest to be there.
When they set aside the Constitution, took away gold and silver as money, they took away legitimate government as well, and legitimate law.
All law now is commerce.
I started learning about this because of that movie you were in, Jason, Hijacking Humanity.
Hijacking Humanity, Paul Verge.
Great film.
We're going to come back, get Bob Chabot's take, and continue to take your calls.
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Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
We are back live.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
I am Jason Burmas sitting in.
We've got Bob Chapman on the line.
Alex coming up at the 8 after.
Let's continue to take your calls.
I believe we're on Jeff in Michigan.
Jeff, you're online.
Or do we just go to Jeff?
Yeah, I was talking about the House Joint Resolution 192 and the removal of money, lawful money, and how it removes the Constitution.
Let's get Bob's take on that.
Bob, are we ever going to reinstitute a gold or silver standard?
Is that what we need?
The privately owned Fed and Congress don't care what the law says.
You heard what the last president said about
And he used expletives to describe the Constitution.
They don't care.
They're members of the Illuminati.
They think they are the masters of the universe.
And they will break every single law.
And they'll continue to do so until we stop them.
And that's what throwing everybody out of Congress is all about.
But don't worry, Jim Cramer will tell you that the Bavarian Illuminati and Goldman Sachs and the Queen of England aren't all that bad, Bob.
I know that.
And he gets paid to do that.
I don't get paid to do anything.
Let's jam in a couple more callers.
Seth in California.
Seth, you're on the line.
Hey, first off, I want to say, Jason, Invisible Empire was awesome.
Oh, thank you.
Thank you.
I just had a quick question about a couple of days ago.
It came out that Goldman Sachs, Bank of America, JP Morgan and Citigroup made money.
They made profit every single day of the first quarter on the stock market.
And I haven't heard too much about it.
It came out of Bloomberg, but why isn't there... I'll answer that for you.
I was a professional trader for 25 years.
I own my own firm.
And if you can make trades where you're right 55% of the time, you're really a big winner.
So in order to have a net at the end of every day for four major banks for three months,
Is absolutely impossible.
They had to be running on inside information.
And they are doing everything that they want to do at these major banking institutions.
Used to be called brokerage houses too.
And I'll tell you why.
I just got a letter today from a friend of mine who attends the Fed meetings.
And he says that by the end of the year, maybe as early as November, that the banking system is going to come down.
And he says that they believe that all of the banks will be wrapped up in those five or six major banks in the United States, and they will control everything from a banking viewpoint.
And that's what they're after.
The internationalforecaster.com is the website, or you can call Midas Resources at 1-800-686-2237 and get their latest and greatest deals on gold and silver.
Final caller, Blue in Tennessee.
Blue, you're on the line.
Hello, thank you gentlemen.
One of my big questions, what about the possibility of collecting copper for those of us that do not have enough money to invest in silver and gold?
Well, the government, if you collect pennies, the government says that it's illegal to destroy them.
But if you go out and collect copper, you've got to remember that it's a commodity, and it can range anywhere from $62 a pound to $4.20 a pound.
So there's a risk factor in there, and if we eventually have a deflationary depression, the value of commodities would eventually fall.
And Bob, let me say this.
I refuse to believe that anybody out there can't get involved in silver.
If you go to McDonald's, you're going to spend more money on feeding.
yourself and your wife and your kid on a few value meals than you would on one silver ounce coin.
That's the reality.
Anybody can get into silver, Bob.
I just don't believe it.
Well, you're right.
And it's much easier than copper, that's for sure.
Yeah, I mean, copper is $62 by the pound at the best.
Is that a joke?
Can you even imagine it?
Folks, we had a great show.
We got Alex Jones coming up in about five minutes.
Some of the things we couldn't cover.
Obama's top intelligence advisor resigns.
Again, Apple has changed their tune.
They're now accepting cash for the iPad.
You can go check out our latest 7-7 story over at PrisonPlanet.com.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
I was Jason Burmess, sitting
We're in!
Thank you so much!
Hi folks, this is Alex Jones and I want to tell you about the Silver Lungs Generator.
Now you can produce pure and endless colloidal silver and deliver the solution directly into the bloodstream by breathing the solution