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Name: 20100518_Tue_Alex
Air Date: May 18, 2010
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We're now simulcasting the last two hours here live at PrisonPlanet.tv for PrisonPlanet.tv viewers.
The last hour and a half or so I've spent most of the time talking to military about the fact that they're being trained.
To carry out domestic operations, gun confiscation.
I will continue with your phone calls.
We have several guests coming up as well.
Edwin Vieira will be joining us, constitutional law scholar, to talk about states' rights and the movement against tyranny.
Also coming up, Napolitano hasn't reviewed in detail the Arizona immigration law she criticized.
She admitted in an interview she hasn't even read it.
Well, I have read the bill, and it says after police make first contact, if they have probable cause, a suspicion, like may I see your driver's license?
I don't have one.
Well, are you a U.S.
That's a crime.
But illegals are even more above the law than that.
In fact, let's just go ahead and play the clip right now.
Here it is.
If I might ask, have you had a chance to review the new law that was passed by the state of Arizona?
I have not reviewed it in detail.
I certainly know of it, Senator.
So you're not prepared to make a judgment on it?
Senator, that is not a law.
Let me just say this.
As you know and are well aware, that's not the kind of law I would have signed.
And for what reason?
Well, because I believe that it's a bad law enforcement law.
I believe it mandates and requires local law enforcement or puts them in a position many do not want to be placed in.
When I was dealing with laws of that ilk, most of the law enforcement organizations in Arizona at that time were opposed to such legislation.
Think about this.
When I had the Austin Police Chief in a year and a half ago or so, the first time I interviewed him, and I talked about Austin being a sanctuary city, 800 plus in the nation, over 800.
And I said, why don't you arrest illegal aliens for drunk driving?
Why don't you arrest illegal aliens for committing crimes?
Why don't you arrest illegal aliens?
And he said, well then they wouldn't trust us to call us when they need us.
I mean, it's on record that illegals have more rights than citizens.
We've had illegal aliens call into the show and admit that they're basically above the law.
Or if they do get arrested, it's a $10, maybe $50 fine.
I mean, it's all over the news that four or five times the same illegal alien, whether it's in Dallas, Texas or Tucson, Arizona, I've seen cases in California, where over and over again they drunk drive and hit people and the police don't even arrest them on the scene because the courts know there's no money in that person and the system wants them released.
And so, oh, it puts law enforcement in a bad position to have to enforce the law.
Heaven forbid they're not just out there writing speeding tickets, and not out there providing security for government buildings for non-existent threats.
God forbid cops actually go after criminals.
And look, a lot of hard-working people come up here from Mexico.
And Mexico has collapsed, it's in trouble.
But if you've got a lifeboat and the other ship's just sunk, and you've already taken more people on your boat than is safe, if you just take unlimited, your boat will sink as well.
But statistically, many people fleeing justice from all over the world, not just Mexico.
Mexico is the biggest nation immigrating.
They come here.
Serial killers, murderers, arsonists, rapists.
And time and time again, they just get away with murder.
And so the question is, why are they getting away with murder?
And it's because the system wants them here.
They want unlimited numbers of them here.
Because as long as they're given welfare, and as long as the nanny state big government poses as their friend, statistically, in over 90% of the cases, you can pull up the national numbers, they vote for anti-gun legislation,
Globalist legislation, quote, free government health care, and I've got numbers here today I'm going to cover after I get into some more of the news, where in Texas hundreds and hundreds of physicians are quitting and thousands are talking about it.
And I see these articles every two or three days from Florida or Texas or California
Where the state boards are complaining that doctors are just saying, you know what, I'm 55, I'm not going to work another 10 years.
I've already got to buy all this liability, malpractice insurance.
Most doctors do not make that much money.
And by the way, they have to go to, on average, eight years of school, instead of the average person, professional, four years of school.
They have to
Especially trauma surgeons.
I mean, it's stressful doing heart surgery, folks.
It's stressful doing brain surgery.
It is stressful having a child come in who's been in a car wreck, whose head's smashed in, and then watching that child redline and die.
So, we need to pay doctors a lot of money.
And the media has lied about this and implied that doctors are the reason health care costs have gone up.
I've looked at the numbers.
Thirty years ago, doctors were making, on average, almost double what they're making now.
Okay, now there are some specialists and, you know, plastic surgeons and some special, you know, top cancer people, you know, who might be making a million dollars a year.
But most doctors are making under a hundred thousand dollars a year.
Under $100,000.
In fact, Google the term average MD salary in the U.S.
I saw it last year.
I believe it was $97,000, but I'm not going off my memory.
Oh, let's imagine you got a half million dollars, in many cases, for all your college and medical school bills.
Half million dollars.
And so it's going to take you, if you're making $97,000, what, a decade or two to pay that off?
I mean, I know lots of medical doctors now who are living in an okay little house or an okay apartment.
I mean, I know people who were both husband and wife are doctors, Harvard graduates, and they're living in a $300,000 house.
I mean, that's a cracker box in Austin.
Austin's one of the more expensive places in Texas.
But look, don't worry.
They're just quitting.
They're leaving.
They're done.
And others en masse are saying, I'm not accepting Medicare and Medicaid anymore.
I'm not accepting Medicare because part of the health care bill they say is a 22% cut across the board of Medicare.
And that's in the AP today.
But some doctors
Some specialists, it's less than 22, but many others, it's more than 50%.
So you do a procedure and you don't even get paid the money that'll pay the nurses and yourself and the anesthesiologist.
And you notice it's mainly Medicare people who are older who need the heart surgeries.
So I was reading in the article today about how
Heart surgeons and people that deal with the vascular system are one of the biggest groups just saying I'm done.
They're either quitting or they're saying I'm not accepting Medicare.
Well Ron Paul, you know, wasn't accepting it.
Twenty-five years ago, when he was practicing medicine, because of this.
But he did have low rates.
So, if you don't have government and big corporations and insurance companies in the middle, stealing the money and investing it in derivatives, if you don't have all of that getting in the way, and you've got true free market in your health care, you have the best in the world and the least expensive in the world.
But also, Big Pharma is also involved in the health care bill.
Mandating that, oh, you don't get a knee surgery with your insurance.
No, we now mandate you just get drugs or a cortisone steroid shot.
So, well, I've already gotten into the subject.
Let me try to find it here in my stack.
Sometimes it's just quicker just to reprint the article.
But it was, I mean, I'm sure you've seen it.
It's been all over the news that doctors are just quitting everywhere or refusing to take Medicare.
Here it is.
This is the Houston Chronicle.
I have an AP article as well in the stack.
Texas doctors opting out of Medicare at alarming rate.
And I've never really seen national stories with the national numbers.
I guess those haven't been compiled yet, but I've seen it in Michigan, New York, Florida, Texas, all over.
Here's an example.
Everywhere I go, doctors tell me how they just want to quit.
I was talking to a doctor who's far from retirement, and he was discussing how he's an emergency room, emergency medicine MD, and how in the last couple years, and I'd also seen this in the news, they've started, as a way to harass doctors, they're the doctors, not the bureaucrats, having people at hospitals fill out customer satisfaction forms.
And I was telling this doctor about my dad, who's a dentist, and he says, beautiful women will come in and say, pull my tooth, it hurts.
Nothing's wrong with their tooth.
They want a bottle of painkillers.
So they're ready to have their tooth pulled out, and he'll say no, and they'll get mad and make harassing phone calls and try to make complaints.
And the doctor said, absolutely.
He said, doctors are on the verge of quitting everywhere, because since this went in in the last two years, it is just incredible.
He said, I'll be in there with a dying child from a car wreck.
No, they're dying.
And the person will bust in and say, I want my drugs, and they'll go look in the database or call the hospital across town and find out two hours ago they were given 45, you know, hydrocodones or whatever those pain pills are.
And then I kind of felt guilty of the time I was down at the emergency room on a Sunday.
I basically cut my finger off.
It was dangling.
And I was watching Illegal Aliens saying they had stomachaches and stuff going ahead of me.
I was being patient.
I was worried they wouldn't be able to fix my finger and it is numb to this day.
And I kind of got up there but I was very cold and I said, listen.
Listen, you need to do this.
And then the lady was honest.
We're waiting for a surgeon to get here, sir.
We don't have anybody with that expertise right now.
Then the lady showed up and she was a fan of the show and brought me back and said, I know you don't want to take a tetanus shot and I don't like vaccines either, but this is really one you need.
You cut this on the side of a barge.
It's the exact kind of thing.
And I just said, I don't care.
I waive liability verbally in front of all of you.
Sew it up.
And so she spent about 20 minutes with just
You know, with that iodine substance, just scrubbing it and going over and getting in the cracks.
And she did a good job and sewed it up, and I'm very appreciative of that.
But I was feeling guilty.
It kind of gave me another perspective of where he said one time there was a dying child, and this person bust in screaming, demanding drugs.
That person should be
I'm not for police brutality, but those drug heads need to have their teeth knocked in.
So, I mean, the doctors are just under siege, ladies and gentlemen.
They have the most stressful job there is.
And we're going to lose them!
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We pulled up the average doctor's pay.
It's $137,000 a year.
I'd say $97,000.
But regardless, I mean, that is not that much money considering what the education costs, the intelligence level it takes to make it through medical school.
They could be making a lot more money in other industries.
And they're always getting the blame for everything.
And so they're just saying, I'm going to do something else.
I'm done.
And so the best health care system in the world is collapsing now.
And that's the government plan.
They know it's going to screw the system up.
And then they'll fully wreck it.
And we'll have total government health care.
And then they'll be able to decide what type of care you get, how long you're allowed to live.
It's just like New York State.
Bans midwives home births.
You will have your baby at the government facility.
You will have a CPS visit when your baby's born.
If you have trouble suckling the baby, which is totally normal in the first day or two because the baby's learning, they're calling that abuse and taking your children.
This is a scientific tyranny where they make everyone a criminal, but them, the criminals.
You know, people think, well, we can turn the tide against this.
The Republicans are going to get into office.
Well, actually, the numbers show that incumbents are being thrown out, Republicans and Democrats.
The problem is the media is making Newt Gingrich, as I predicted last year, the leader of the resistance.
The political leader, and he's in Politico today, Gingrich forecast Obama loss.
He believes that the Republicans will take the House and the Senate in the November elections, and that he's going to run for president in 2012.
This is a guy who's written books calling for world government, who wants a global carbon tax,
This guy is a sack of garbage.
Oh, he's pro-war!
And so if you consider that to be conservative, I guess you should vote for him.
And enjoy your carbon taxes and everything else.
Newt Gingrich, I mean, give me a break.
I got news for you, Newt.
Just like John McCain and others, you are being exposed, and you are not going to win.
Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich gives President Obama only a 20% chance of being re-elected.
I agree with that.
And says he might be the one to give Obama the boot.
That's right, Gingrich, who this week published a book called To Save America.
Oh, yes, Newt.
Globalist, Bilderberg attendee.
Stopping Obama's secular socialist machine.
Well, I mean, Bush tripled the size of government.
I mean, you're all for secret arrest and tyranny.
I mean, you ought to love Obama.
So with Republicans like Newt Gingrich, who needs Hugo Chavez?
Newt Gingrich is a singularly nasty, disgusting, un-American piece of trash.
And he's even worse because he's always parading around like he's this big libertarian conservative.
I just can't stand his arrogance and all the propaganda he pushes.
And I'm so sick of John McCain and Mitt Romney and all these other people.
Folks, if you vote for Mitt Romney, if you vote for Newt Gingrich, if you vote for any of these people, you deserve what you get.
But remember, it doesn't matter who becomes President.
That's hard to capture.
But Obama got over a billion bucks to get elected.
They're talking about more money in the next election.
But close to two billion spent total on the election.
Even more if you count outside, you know, PACs and people and special interest running ads.
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We've got a lot of active duty military and folks holding that wanted to comment on what we were covering last hour.
The fact that the military is being trained for gun confiscation, it's in the news, but that more and more military is saying no and going public and saying I'm not going to be part of this.
This is unconstitutional.
So that's coming up with Ed, Bud, Preston and others that are holding.
I've got several big news
Blitzes that I want to cover as well, like Woody Allen.
It would be good if Obama could be a dictator.
Remember Bush?
Things would be a heck of a lot easier if this was a dictatorship, just so long as I'm the dictator.
Blanche Flower.
Europe could break up.
Another bailout inevitable.
These stories are all up at GCNlive.com.
So a whole bunch of key news coming up here after I take some more of your phone calls.
We do have Dr. Edwin Vieira on the state of the Constitution, the true role of the militia, and programs and plans he has to take back the states at the state level.
So solutions coming up in the fourth hour.
But I appreciate her coming on.
He relayed an email to her and she got it to us, and so I called
He is lawyer, David Hammer's lawyer, Jesse Trinidou, and talked to his paralegals and confirmed that she's been a key Oklahoma City researcher who got in with Jesse Trinidou to get the signed affidavit from Terry Nichols, one of the co-conspirators on the Oklahoma City bombing.
That yes, McVeigh was a government operative and told him he was an operative.
Then we separately have police, military, other testimony.
We've gotten secret federal documents that Trinidad has sued in federal court to be released, where the head of the FBI anti-terror force was in Oklahoma City and lied about it and was intimately involved.
I've interviewed people that survived.
in the office building fifteen years ago like Jane Graham I'm just recapping this who saw McVeigh and military operatives in there as maintenance people planning gray sticks of butter she thought they were working on the telephones I mean it goes on and on this was a government operation so even get in Oklahoma City almost does it disservice to just briefly talk about it but that's all the time we have today now
Mr. Hammer hadn't been allowed to do interviews, which, when I have the federal court rulings, is unconstitutional, for 11 years.
The last interview he did was with the L.A.
And of course he talked and was with McVeigh for years before they even built the Terre Haute Indiana Federal Execution Center.
He was at the previous federal facility where they were holding him before that and McVeigh told him all this.
He's written two books on the subject.
Margaret Roberts, a journalist who wrote the preface for Hammer's 2004 book, Secrets Worth Dying For, Timothy McVeigh,
and the Oklahoma City bombing.
We were contacted by him and so I talked to the law office and others and they marched into Hammer and we have his whole account now he's been put on lockdown in solitary confinement.
They took away his phone privileges where he's allowed to call
That's why you didn't hear the background noise of this is a correctional facility because it was his private legal call, but he was able to get through to us on that system.
And this really fell in our lap.
I mean, I knew about Hammer, and I knew about the Oklahoma City information, and I knew that he'd done an interview a few weeks before on Anti-War Radio, which is a pretty big website.
And I checked into it and there's nothing illegal about interviewing him.
In fact, what they're doing is illegal under the First Amendment.
I mean, I don't want to be arrested and disappear into a black hole, and I can't ever get out to the media.
But they did come and grab him, and he is freeing for his life, and they told him they wanted to take him to an unscheduled, middle-of-the-night medical exam, but he refused.
And you do have control over yourself in medical issues.
It's one of the few rights you still have on death row.
And I'm not saying David Hammer's a perfect person, but his whole story matches with the stuff we already have, the info we already have in Triplicate.
Plus, he is on death row for, you know, basically...
Killing somebody in a fight in prison.
I'm not saying that's good.
That's bad.
He was in prison for something else and then went on death row for murder in prison.
So, very, very serious information.
But we have this new development and it's up on InfoWars.com.
Key Oklahoma bombing witness denied access to attorney's fears for his life by Kurt Nemo.
And then it has the full letter.
uh... in here uh... by david hammer but right now we're gonna go to uh... margaret roberts who's been a key researcher involved in this for years uh... margaret to have you with us thank you alex it's good to be here i wish it was under other circumstances absolutely i know how are they keeping him uh... from talking to the media even though courts are ruling they can do this well i think what happens is you know in theory
These inmates are allowed to have interviews, but every time somebody specifically, some reporter or producer specifically requests an interview with Hammer, it's denied.
So it's, you know, time and time again, he has not been able to speak to the media.
Now just recapping briefly Hammer's case, I do that for us because you've been an integral part of the research, and then currently flesh out what's in his letter about the type of persecution he's going through for the information he's put out here, because the feds told him if you won't write this book about McVeigh being a US government agent,
And saying that they were going to stage his death, which is what two separate reporters said at the time.
He was still breathing when McVeigh was brought out, when he was executed.
I mean, he doesn't have any motive to be doing this, except that he is telling the truth.
Yeah, I think he really doesn't have a motive.
You see Hammer say, you know, I'm going to die in prison.
And actually, Alex, the reason I agreed to write the preface, I actually wrote the preface for this new book, Deadly Secrets.
And the reason I did that was that as a journalist, you know, I knew very well that credibility was going to be the issue for David Hammer.
And I've been following your
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
I was a producer for America's Most Wanted and in 2005 started looking into this Oklahoma City bombing from the fugitive aspect, John Doe number two.
I know you've covered and covered this.
That's when I ran into Jesse Trinidou and David Hammers.
Interviews with Timothy McVeigh and the possibility that Jesse Trinidou's brother, Kenneth, who was a mysterious prison suicide in quotation marks, that he may have been linked to the bombing.
So that's how I became involved in this research.
And through it, now for several years, have watched as Jesse Trinidou and David Hammer have collaborated, and then David, you know, has been off on his own path, and find it very impressive what David has synthesized from his own researches, conducted from, of all places, his cell in death row,
Um, as well as covering what Jesse's done, what the excellent investigative reporter J.D.
Cass did too.
And through this period, Alex, Hammer
Has been volunteering to step forward and tell his story.
I noticed that one of your writers to the website this morning was commenting on the demeanor, the tenor of Hammer's presentation to you in that excellent hour-long interview you did last week.
The human voice tells a lot about credibility.
That's all Hammer has ever asked to do, is to step forward and tell his story.
But the FBI has fought tooth and nail all the way up to federal appellate courts to shut Hammer up.
And I think any reasonable mind would have to ask, 15 years after the fact, why is that so important that you not allow a man to tell a story?
Well, even more than that, certainly there's a cover-up going on, and they're fighting very hard to continue it.
But everything he's been saying, years later, with Jesse Trinidad's lawsuits, comes out in federal documents, comes out in major
Newspapers, it comes out that the feds were basically running Elohim City, that there were warnings, that the head of the FBI anti-terrorism group was there the week before, in the day of the event, and lied about it.
He wasn't in Dallas.
The list goes on and on.
And this was a government operation, separate from anything Hammer says.
It's just incredible, the amount of evidence.
From all of your research, what's the bottom line on Oklahoma City?
Well, you know, every reporter, every journalist always has a working theory.
I, and which is subject to change, the more you learn, the more you know.
But I think a very important dot that Hammer connects, and by the way, if I may share for your listeners, this book is only available one place, the website for the publisher, www.authorhouse.com.
That's the only place you can read this book.
My working theory, based upon my own research and watching what Hammer and Jesse Trinidou have developed, and I think this is the dot that Hammer connects, a very important one, Alex, is the use of criminals as informants.
Reporting directly to federal law enforcement.
I think that's going to be a major element of this story once the whole story is told.
As Hammer points out, most, virtually all, of the members of this Aryan Republican Army bank robbery gang that Timothy McVeigh fingered as his
On the ground support squad in Oklahoma City on April 19 virtually every one of them at one time or another before during or after the Oklahoma City bombing was functioning as
A criminal informant to federal law enforcement.
Well, we know the feds do this everywhere.
They'll have a convicted arsonist, child molester, bank robber, and then they'll be used in court against people who don't even have a criminal record.
So here's the government saying, don't listen to David Hammer, he's a convict on death row, but then listen to all of our
Criminal informants that we're using, and then when their clean criminal informant, Howell, was inside Elohim City and came out and said they're getting ready to blow up the federal building, they indicted her just to shut her up because one agency didn't know what the other agency was doing.
But finishing up with that, we need to talk about Mr. Hammer, what we know about him now being basically punished, and his letter that made it out.
Have we heard anything else from him?
Actually, yes.
I'm happy to say, Alex, that this morning I have had another email from Hammer.
He remains extremely concerned about what is to come.
Obviously, this disciplinary procedure will go forward.
How heavy it's going to be is unknown so far.
As you know in the
We're good to go.
Uh, if this makes sense to people out there, he is representing this story in the continuing research effort.
You know, he was encouraging people to be in touch with the prison.
If I may say, if I may add, Alex, one of the amazing
Well, not so amazing to me as I come out of the America's Most Wanted enterprise, which I worked for for some years.
The information that is starting to surface through, you know, your listeners.
We've had, you know, very interesting emails, factual informational emails.
Um, just continuing to add, you know, clues and leads to this.
This is what could be the tipping point of this entire investigation.
Is that if, as David Hammer has shaken the tree here to bring information in, and as you have
You know, had the courage to, you know, get on the air and really give this a hearing.
Let's solve this.
You know, that's basically what Hammer says in his book.
Let's solve this.
And there are more very important moments just down the horizon.
And one of them is Jesse Trinidad's fight over these surveillance tapes and why is the FBI
Again, fighting tooth and nail to keep these pictures secret.
You asked me what is my theory.
I think the videotape that the FBI is still holding is going to show us pictures of people who were with Timothy McVeigh on the morning of 4-19-95.
And I think those pictures will be revelatory as to the potential, you know, government involvement in some way or other here.
But for 15 years they've been declaring national security on all those different videotapes.
But we do have the witnesses that day and the days before who did see McVeigh all over the building, in the ATF offices, you name it.
I mean, these are credible people who are on record that worked there and who saw him.
Yes, I think all of this goes exactly back to that, and to your listeners who are kind of shouting, don't listen to David Hammer, I would just say remember that, you know, more than a dozen honest witnesses in Oklahoma and Kansas swore they saw John Doe No.
2 with Timothy McVeigh.
And who was that man?
Just incredible.
You know, I want to get you back for a full hour in the near future to really go over Oklahoma City from your perspective, because we can't just do it just as... I'd be so glad to do that, and I was so... It was a tremendous interview you did, Alex.
You brought... You know, this was the fight to keep this silent, and you brought this story out, and people did hear David Hammer in his own words, and I thought he was persuasive.
No, so did my family and friends that heard it.
But again, if you've really researched the info, you know how persuasive, because he was saying a lot of these things before it ever even came out.
And a lot of this has now been confirmed through the lawsuits of Jesse Trinidad in the federal court.
Margaret Roberts, is there a website or some personal site folks can visit of yours?
Please visit www.deadly-secrets.com.
And there is a box for information.
More than anything, David Hammer would say, were he able to be here to say it himself, is
Somebody out there knows who was behind the Oklahoma City bombing.
If anybody that's listening has any fragment of information first-hand about that, particularly those of you in Oklahoma City, please go to the website.
Please be in touch.
We are not going to stop.
We are going to solve this case.
Well, God bless you, ma'am.
I look forward to talking to you again.
We appreciate your years of tireless effort.
You've gotten so much information out from Terry Nichols and others, Margaret Roberts.
We'll talk to you again very soon.
Thank you, Alex.
Keep up the good work.
You bet.
You too.
We're gonna come back, take your phone calls.
Folks in Japan.
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Dr. Edwin Vieira is coming up in the second segment of the next hour.
But right now, I appreciate the military folks holding the phones.
They're now just completely open on any subject you'd like to discuss at 800-259-9231.
But we're going to go to Preston in Japan, active duty, Ed in Louisiana, and Bud, Howard, Steve, and others.
But Preston in Japan, you're on the air, sir.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
I think you're Alex.
Hi, just Military Police and I just wanted to call and comment on the open phone lines you had today.
You know, I see a pattern emerging that I've had actually for the past few months.
You know, we have training days where I'm at about twice every month and one of the things is that at the beginning of the training day, beginning of the training period,
The very first thing they always breeze over is martial law, and the difference between qualified and absolute martial law, and also the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth Amendments, and the Apache Kalapatas Act, and some of the Crimes Act.
And, um, you know, we get it beaten into us.
And, um, you know, from what my own experience, I've been in the military, you know, for almost four years.
Um, I've never,
Been trained to confiscate weapons.
You know, except for in instances where it's a search, a legally authorized search.
But they said that in New Orleans.
They said, we say it's legal, go get their guns.
And I agree with you on that.
Yes, that's true, but also going along with your point, I don't believe the military will actually confiscate weapons willingly.
I mean, I'm not a member of Oath Keepers, but I do support them, and I will keep my oath to the Constitution.
I will not confiscate weapons.
Well, that's good news, sir.
What about other members of your unit?
What's their view on average?
What percent would you dead reckon have your view versus the other view, A?
And then B, how do they describe martial law to you?
Well, you know, I don't think that many members of my unit personally will actually follow an order to confiscate weapons because they recognize, you know, every American has a Second Amendment right.
And if they were in that position, they wouldn't want their weapons confiscated either, you know.
I mean, the military in general, you know, I will agree that there are those that are hard chargers and will follow whatever orders they're given.
But, you know, with the branch of service, we're almost taught to question orders.
Sure, well that's the catch-22 with police and military.
They know guns aren't the boogeyman the media says they are, so you've got these global communists basically trying to demonize guns, but the military knows all about guns, and they love guns, and they're not going to buy it.
That's right.
That's right.
So, personally, I don't just see the military coming in and confiscating weapons.
But, you know, I agree with your comment, which you said earlier, that they, um, some will follow orders, most will question orders.
I, personally, I won't confiscate any weapons.
I don't think any members of my unit would do the same thing.
Okay, so what are they saying, though, now that they're suddenly telling you about martial law?
Well, this has just been an emerging pattern that I've seen over the past, uh, six or seven months.
And, um, you know,
When they talk about martial law, it's always going to be the difference between qualified and absolute martial law.
Give us that definition.
Well, qualified martial law is where there's a national emergency or natural disaster, like Katrina for example.
The local court system was still in place and still had authority.
The military basically just came in to assist.
Back up, what's the other type of martial law?
It's absolute martial law.
It's where the military takes control, essentially, over the court system, over the police, and has final authority and say over just about everything.
And are you being trained for that?
I wouldn't say we are, but we... Stay there!
Stay there!
One minute!
Stay there!
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Well, this is extremely ominous.
Not only do we have all the mainstream news articles and I've interviewed the colonels involved with open gun confiscation drills in places like Iowa.
Not only do we have all these czars in the White House and the new Supreme Court nominee calling for an end of free speech, secret arrest of citizens by the Pentagon.
This is conditioning.
Preston calls in from Japan, and we know this is confirmed under NORTHCOM.
They admit they're training for open martial law, absolute martial law, under infrastructure protection, continuity of government, COG, but suddenly the last seven months, and he's been in for four years, and he's in Japan, they're teaching him
You know, the baby martial law, where they just help in an emergency versus total takeover of society.
But again, now they're training them for both types.
Finish up your statement on that.
I mean, does that creep you out, Preston, that suddenly they're teaching you about full bore martial law?
Well, I won't say it creeps me out, because I first learned about all this in boot camp.
And, I mean, most military members always talk about this in boot camp.
But, you know, depending on their job, what they do, they don't necessarily go over the tour of duty as much as they like the police do, like we do.
So, but I have noticed, like I said, noticed an increasing trend that, you know, it's just like the nail hitting on the head continually over and over again.
And it's being, I wouldn't say beaten into us, but we're reminded of it, you know, at least twice a month.
And we have been taught in how to help implement that and what our positions would be.
And are they saying under total martial law that they're going to go after the guns?
Because in the drills that they're having, they are, you know, cordoning neighborhoods and going door-to-door.
And we have Schenectady, New York mayor.
We have the disgraced Governor Blagojevich last year, before he got kicked out, saying, I want the National Guard here to confiscate guns.
I mean, you know, Marines running checkpoints looking for drunk drivers.
I mean, they're certainly acclimating right now.
Yes, they are.
I'll agree with that.
But as far as my unit goes, we are not being actively taught how to confiscate weapons, and I've never been.
In the past four years of my entire military career, I've never been taught how to confiscate weapons, except for a lawful search.
So I can definitely see how there is ramping up for all the services.
And I talked to other services and their military police units.
I have several friends with them.
And you know, it's the same with them too.
They're having the same kind of ramp up.
Well, I talked to my cousin and he said they're even training
you know the mechanics uh... in riot control in the national guard now uh... and uh... you know he's always been in the military regular army and now he's a regular army liaison to the national guard anyone really talk about it uh... but
He just shakes his head.
He just says, I'm not, you know, because he's an officer, he just says, Alex, you have no idea.
And so I think that's where you really see it is in the, is these units that are crossover, big army, national guard in the States.
You're right.
And you know, we do have, uh, something called auxiliary security forces.
They, uh, they have their normal military jobs, whether they're the mechanic or, uh, they work on aircraft or they work on tanks or whatever the deal may be.
And they will come in and augment and supplement us from time to time.
And they receive the same training as well.
Well, we're running out of time and I appreciate your call, but just to throw this last question in, I mean, are you guys having discussions of why this is suddenly happening?
I mean, I would guess it's about the financial collapse or, I mean, what do the guys think is going on?
You know, most of the guys are completely oblivious to really what goes on.
with politics or anything that goes on with the news.
Most of them just want to get their paycheck and have their weekend.
But like I said, most of them are good guys.
I don't really see any of them going in and confiscating any weapons.
Unless the right-wing terrorists blow up a bunch of cities, then we're going to have to.
See, that's how they're setting it up.
Well, excellent information, Preston.
We appreciate you.
God bless.
All right, we got Ed in Louisiana, former military, Bud in Georgia, Katrina, which just got some key info.
I'm going to get to you while Eben Vieira is with us.
Stay there, everybody.
We'll be right back with key info from the film Don't Tread on Me, Rise of the Republic.
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Big Brother.
Well, for the balance of this radio broadcast, the next 52 minutes, Dr. Edwin Vieira joins us
And we're going to be talking about the Bill of Rights, the Constitution, this imperial federal government, the open, unprecedented assaults on the core of the Bill of Rights, the preparations for martial law in this country with Dr. Edwin Vieira.
So we're going to get to Bud and Ed and others who are military to comment on the type of training they've been given or comments they have on the military saying no to this.
Oath Keepers has now got an interview with a sergeant who was involved in Katrina and he said that upwards of half or even more, but he saw about half of them, say we're not going to be in formation saying we're not taking part in gun confiscation.
And that really shut the whole thing down.
Though they had ABC News and CBS and Fox running around with teams of military, regular army that were doing it.
We played those videos last hour.
But Dr. Edwin Vieira holds four degrees from Harvard, Harvard College, A.M.
and Ph.D., Harvard Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, J.D.
Harvard Law School, and he's won cases at the Supreme Court.
If I tried to read his bio, it would get me going forever.
But his most recent work on money and banking is the two-volume pieces of eight, Monetary Powers and Disabilities, United States Constitution.
And you can read his great articles at newswithviews.com.
We'll tell you more about his books and materials.
I believe he's written another book since then, and he's also started a movement to really take back the states, and he's a big part of the film I consulted on, that I'm also in, Don't Tread on Me, Rise of the Republic.
You want solutions?
The difference between a republic and a democracy, the Ninth and Tenth Amendment, the Second Amendment, the militias, the power of the sheriff, Sheriff Maxson here, Don't Tread on Me, Rise of the Republic, available at InfoWars.com and we've been authorized to post it for the first time ever on the web, since it was just released yesterday on DVD at PrisonPlanet.tv and that will be up this evening for PrisonPlanet.tv members.
Dr. Edwin Vieira, before we get into the Supreme Court and what's happening there, you were on hold listening to that MP officer talking about suddenly they're being trained about the different types of martial law.
What's that sound like to you?
Well, this goes back a fair ways, Alex, of course, because they've been anticipating for a long time, based on what they understand to be the inherent instability of this monetary and banking system that we're going to be in.
For a great deal of economic chaos, if you will.
Not simply crisis, but chaos.
And that will obviously lead to social dislocations, political unrest.
I mean, imagine things like the Watts riots or the Los Angeles riots.
Most people are familiar with that in recent history.
Or what happened in Argentina is a good example.
At the turn of the 20th century, they had a couple of events like that earlier.
I think that's what the powers that be are looking towards, and they probably don't believe, I certainly don't believe that they're capable of finessing the difficulties they're having with the Federal Reserve currency and the debt level of the federal government, so forth and so on.
So they're anticipating this will happen.
They know that they don't have
Enough, as the expression goes, boots on the ground within the local and state police forces.
So this means they have to turn to the National Guard, the regular army, to try and maintain their version of social order.
And that's where the whole concept of martial law comes in, and of course the training that follows from that.
And of course, your deep research in papers and books you've written on it have been seminal roadmaps.
Ron Paul has quoted them as seminal roadmaps in his research, that if they wanted real homeland security, it would spring from the state and the county and would be the bonafide militia of 1789.
Well, if you go to the Constitution and you look for the word security, where do you find it?
The only place it exists is in the Second Amendment, a well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state.
And it's not just security for security's sake.
It's security for this concept called a free state, which is what the entire Constitution is intended to uphold.
And that's certainly not what most people today, myself, would call a martial law.
It's something entirely different.
And it's tied to this institution called a well-regulated militia.
And if you want to know what that is, you put yourself back in the context of the Founding Fathers, most of whom, if they were, the Founding Fathers by definition being males, most of whom had served or were then members of various state militias that trace back their history into the 1600s.
You can find all of the principles for the organization of a well-regulated militia in just hundreds of these statutes that were passed.
In the 13 colonies of an independent states prior to the ratification of the Constitution.
And to interrupt, the Democrats especially, but also Republicans argue, no, that means well regulated military, but it says
The people, I mean there in the Second Amendment it says the people, the rights of the people.
I mean clearly it's a hundred percent defined as this militia for our security is the people.
And of course if everybody's got guns and knows how to use them, most people aren't criminals, you're going to have a very free and safe society and a polite society.
Of course, the Second Amendment in a sense is redundant there because if you look
At these malicious statutes which define what those people considered to be a well-regulated militia.
What do those militias consist of?
Well at the time it was every able-bodied free man from 16 to 55 or 60 when you became too old to function anymore.
Now of course they had slaves and the women were not legally emancipated so it was limited at that time to men.
We might have a slight change in that composition.
But the idea was it was the organization of the entire community.
We're supposed to have a self-governing republic in each one of the states, a republican form of government, and a self-governing community involves everyone participating to some degree, literally having a duty to participate in the governmental structure.
As the Constitution tells us in the Second Amendment, the key element to maintaining this free state, this republican form of government, is what?
A well-regulated militia, which consists of whom?
The people!
So this whole idea that the National Guard is the militia or somehow the army or whatever... I mean, all you have to do is read the Constitution and see that the provisions dealing with the Army and the Navy are separate from the provisions dealing with the militia.
They're two different entities.
They know exactly what they're doing.
Now let's shift gears, sir, and pick your powerful brain on these issues.
One of the leading constitutional scholars out there, Dr. Eben Vieira, joins us right now, if you just tuned in.
Just, I want to get your take on the overall atmosphere, if you're shocked by it, because I was expecting this, but still, it's one thing to know it's coming, but to see it happen, the violent belligerence act that clearly states, you know, in the text, we've shown it here probably a hundred times the last two months, it's very close to passing.
Where it says if the Army or the Justice Department wants you, you disappear for even any intelligence purpose, and only an act of Congress can even discover where you are.
You've got Cass Sunstein saying we can shut down free speech, tax free speech, make people carry what information we want in their newspapers or websites.
You've got Elena Kagan, and I've got the quotes, basically saying we can ban any speech we want, we can go after the Second Amendment.
I mean, these people
They're running around saying, we'll put you on a secret list with no fly, no buy, you can't own guns.
They've got Republicans supporting that.
The end of habeas corpus.
I mean, it's just, it's just, the Supreme Court just ruled, you know, no rights for detainees, indefinite detention.
I mean, it's just, for me, as a layman, but somebody who studied the Bill of Rights, Constitution, and history, is this not the most Orwellian system we could imagine?
I think Stalinist is actually the word for it.
I suppose it's Orwellian in the sense that Orwell wrote fiction, and we're looking at something which is so extraordinarily difficult to believe that it could even happen at all, let alone that it's happening so quickly.
If you look at the rise of the police state mechanism, 9-11, the Patriot Act, the Military Commissions Act, and now there's various things that you're talking about.
Well, how long has this been?
A decade?
How quickly has this country degenerated?
And the amazing thing to me is the uniformity of opinion among Democrats, Republicans, in the court system, in the media, the orchestration of this.
Is what really, I shouldn't say shocks me, but it just surprises me how well the wheels have been greased to move this forward at a very rapid speed, much faster than I certainly would have predicted, but I think it's primarily because the economic system is deteriorating much faster than most of us would have predicted.
Well said.
I mean, when I really lay in bed and I'm thinking about this, I ask myself, how do I hear a UT law professor saying the health care bill's constitutional on local radio, and out of his mouth next he says, stripping us of habeas corpus is good, and the guy was supposedly a liberal.
I mean, this guy isn't a liberal.
He's not a conservative.
He's a tyrant.
He's a danger to us all.
And it's the consistency among these people on both sides of the so-called political spectrum, once again proving that the political spectrum that they present to us is essentially fictional.
It's there for another purpose.
It doesn't really represent a dichotomy in the views of the people on that side of the yellow line, if you will.
They all have essentially the same view, which to use, I think, the correct word is basically totalitarian.
They're going to tell us what to do and to hell with us, basically.
They don't intend to listen to us.
We are supposed to listen to them.
And everything that's coming out of that's amazing.
Cass Sunstein is a good example.
It's coming out of Harvard Law School, because I attended Harvard.
It was a pretty liberal place, even in my day.
And it's become quite a bit more liberal since then.
That was back in the 1970s.
And here's a professor at Harvard Law School who is blatantly promoting the suppression of political speech.
It's incredible!
And broad!
He didn't just pick out the Nazis to set the precedent, he said, arrest someone if they say anthropogenic global warming is a fraud!
That's right!
How far does this go?
Well, it goes to the Stalinist point that if you say essentially anything that's against the regime, the NKVD will show up at 3 o'clock in the morning and you'll disappear into the gulag!
And now I turn CNN on and they've got Lieberman and McCain going, we want to be able to secretly arrest you!
And strip you of your citizenship.
Alright, let's take that next step, right?
Strip you of your citizenship.
So that now, theoretically, all sorts of rights disappear.
Simply as a consequence of that.
Now, of course, if people want to be stripped of citizenship, I think that's unconstitutional as a principle.
But if you were to accept that principle, it would strike me that the first people on that list would be these public officials who have violated their oath to the Constitution of the United States.
Well, they do work for the foreign powers of the banking cartel.
Dr. Edwin Vieira, our amazing guest, will be right back after this quick break to continue and talk about Elena Kagan.
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Next segment, we're going to Bud with one of his military stories out of Katrina.
Father Edwin Vieira is with us for the rest of the hour.
Elena Kagan, I mean, what is this psychological tactic where they just throw everything in our face?
Are they trying to break our will, doctor?
Because here she is, never even been a judge.
She was never a lawyer.
She was never a litigator, for instance, but she has very little experience in the court system.
But then the papers we do have from the University of Chicago Law Review and others, I mean, this is Stalinistic!
She's a chip off the old Cass Sunstein block.
Give us your breakdown on Elena Kagan.
Well, I think that's exactly it.
There's a certain mentality there that's expressed in what she's written.
The interesting little vignette that came to me, she was a law clerk at the Supreme Court for Justice Blackmun, and a case came up involving a sub-Second Amendment question.
And she wrote a little memo to him saying that the case shouldn't, that the case shouldn't be granted, that the Supreme Court shouldn't hear it, because she was not sympathetic to the issue.
And I thought, well, that's an amazing attitude.
Whether or not an individual law clerk or a justice is sympathetic, personally sympathetic, to a constitutional question, decides whether these questions are going to be heard, well, that would strike me as really a disqualification in terms of their psychological propensities, if you will.
Well, let me...
Well, again, just watching Supreme Court nominations over the decades, that's the number one thing, that they're impartial, and that they're going to follow the Constitution.
But here she is admitting, oh, I decide cases on what I believe in, and we know she's a gun grabber, and so that memo right there, she should be disqualified.
I think that's the attitude of the now Justice Sotomayor as well.
I mean, she would express the opinion that, well, judges make law.
What does that mean when you're in a constitutional context?
I take it that means that she thinks that she can make or unmake different provisions of the Constitution, which is clearly contrary to the whole theory of constitutional jurisprudence.
Well, why even have a Congress?
Why even have a President if the Supreme Court can do everything for us?
Well, that's right.
They've become the super legislature, in fact, superior to Congress because they can write constitutional decisions that, according to them, control what Congress can do.
They put themselves in a fantastic position, in fact superior to the people because of the people, to change the Constitution.
We have to go through the rather involved process under Article 5 of getting all of those three quarters of the states, through their legislatures or conventions, to agree to some constitutional change.
Whereas in the Supreme Court, five votes out of nine does it.
Plus, if they say the Constitution is whatever they say it is, it doesn't matter if we pass an amendment.
They would just basically exercise a veto.
Yeah, that's exactly right.
They may tell us what our amendment means and it may be something quite different from what we thought it meant.
But let's go back to this psychological question.
The hubris or the arrogance.
Why would they bring somebody forward who is the worst candidate that I've ever seen in history for the Supreme Court?
I mean, she has no qualifications.
Well, number one, she's going to be there for a very long time.
They want their kind of person there, so she fits.
And she fits from the point of view of ideology.
And maybe also it's to show us that they can get away with anything they want to.
In very brazen fashion, because she is relatively outspoken in terms of the ideological proclivities.
She had all of that up.
But I think the real reason was she's someone who's going to be there quite a long time and she fits the ideological mold perfectly.
And she's apparently perfectly willing to exercise that ideology no matter what the Constitution may say.
But doesn't this just further discredit the court?
Uh, well, yes, I guess it does, but you tell me whether the court hasn't already been discredited beyond salvation at this point in time.
I mean, I spent years litigating cases in the Supreme Court before Sotomayor or Kagan came on the court, and I learned a long time ago that we were not going to restore the constitutional foundations of this republic through the Supreme Court of the United States.
So what do we do?
Have the constitutional crisis that's happened before, as you know, where the Congress, because it controls the money, starts really exercising power, and what, cuts the money off to them?
I mean, what do you do?
Well, I think we have to go through the states, number one, because there has to be a legislative solution here, and not a judicial solution.
As a practical matter, it's just too difficult to bring.
I don't think so.
I think you will end up with a constitutional crisis.
You're going to come up to a situation where some significant number of states are taking one route, and Congress, perhaps backed by some of the other states, are taking another route, and the people are going to have to weigh in on one side or the other, and we can just keep our fingers crossed it'll be on the right side.
I agree.
This was a short segment, long segment coming up.
He writes for NewsWithViews.com.
He's got a lot of great books.
We'll tell you about some of those, how you can get them and educate yourself before he leaves us.
And he's also, I think, one of the most powerful presenters in Don't Tread on Me, Rise of the Republic, available on DVD at InfoWars.com.
And you will see it first on the web this afternoon, coming up in a few hours, at PrisonPlanet.tv.
We'll be right back.
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We got a long way to go and a short time to get there, ladies and gentlemen.
I've got a bunch of questions on states' rights, how to take this country back,
Alex, are you there?
I am a retired person from a very large delivery company that drives brown trucks and I was assigned to help clean up
My company's property at the hurricane.
And in doing so, I was there two weeks.
In doing so, I don't think people really understand what martial law is.
There was the regular army, not reserves, regular army patrolling the streets.
We had to, we could not go to our area until
After daylight, we had to be off the area by 6 a.m.
or 6 p.m.
We were escorted to the area where we were cleaning up.
And during that time, they were constantly walking the streets, monitoring everything.
And we were told when we left our building, which was about 60 miles away,
The only thing we could have in our pockets, they gave us a lunch to take with us.
The only thing we could have in our pockets were our driver's license and our DOT card, which was required by the government.
Patrolling the area, we were in there to salvage our vehicles and things like that.
But while we were in there,
You know, you start seeing these regular troops on a regular basis walking their routes, and I was approached by one.
As a matter of fact, I got my picture made with four of them in full combat.
I had my picture made and I still have that.
I was approached by one, came up to me and said, if I see anybody that looks like he's going to be looting,
Or looks like he might have a weapon to come and get him that he wanted me to come get him personally that he wanted to take him out that they had orders to take anybody out that was looting or had a weapon
And then they went and confiscated citizens' guns who were high and dry.
We've had military call in that talked about witnessing the police with chains ripping the doors off jewelry stores and dragging safes out.
Did you see, and it was also on the news, the police looting Walmart.
Did you see any of that?
No, I'm sorry I didn't see that.
I'm glad you didn't see it.
Well, God bless you, sir.
I appreciate that call.
For those who just joined us, those are some leftover callers from previous hour when we were taking calls from people that witnessed what martial law is like.
Going back to Dr. Edwin Vieira, shifting gears, I wanted to ask you this question.
During the break, I was saying, why are they so bold?
Why are they moving so fast?
And you said they're running out of time.
Recap that in your own words, because you've got some faith.
You think people are waking up.
Well, this economic machine that they're running out of the Federal Reserve is like a car with square wheels, Alex.
You drive a car with square wheels long enough, there'll be a lot of...
Damage to the front end, damage to the differential, damage to the transmission.
And at some stage, that car is going to fall apart.
Do you know that?
You just don't know exactly when, but as it's shaking itself to pieces, at a certain stage, you say, well, it's not going to be very much longer.
I think that's what they're looking at.
They recognize they can't really be sure they can keep this system under control, so they have to get as much control of us into place as possible in the shortest length of time, because they don't know exactly when the crisis is going to hit.
Uh, now the difficulty for them, however, is that their technique has always been the boiling of the frog story, right?
If you drop the frog into the hot pan of boiling water, the frog leaps out, literally, before it even gets into the water, whereas if you put the frog into cool water, and then, and, the frog will not notice what's happening and eventually be boiled.
They're heating up the pan now at an increasingly rapid rate, and I think the
Numbers are waking up to the fact that they're being boiled.
And it's only a matter of a very short length of time when enough of them start to jump out of that pan.
I think we're seeing that.
The Tea Party movement, we're seeing that, of course, from what you're doing in educating people all over the country.
It's becoming more and more apparent that the blinders are being stripped off the eyes of the average American.
And he can see who's who and what's what, and now it's simply a matter of getting him to understand what needs to be done to deal with these problems that he recognizes are there, finally recognizes are there.
Break it down.
Where we're going, what individuals can do, what communities can do.
Let's say you're the general trying to direct people on the best course of action to take the Republic back from these people via the states, as well as the federal government.
What is the proper role of the states and the people under the 9th and 10th Amendment?
Of course, you've covered it, don't tread on me.
How do we legally and lawfully block and then checkmate this criminal takeover?
Well, I think, number one, we have to get control of our local economies, because if the economy goes down in general, the average man is going to be in a desperate situation.
He's going to be willing to take direction from higher-up authorities, from central government, from martial law figures, or the man on the white horse type syndrome.
And the economy is the thing that really is the linchpin here.
And we have the opportunity to do that, but it's going to require action at the state level, and action at the state level directed towards what?
Towards providing the foundation for any sound economy, which is a sound currency system.
We don't have that now.
Our problem is centrally located in the Federal Reserve System.
We wouldn't have all of these difficulties today, at least not to the degree that we have them, if that system-oriented operation hadn't been in operation since before World War I.
So we need to take action at the state level to bring in an alternative currency, and we see that already happening, at least in the sense that various state legislators are putting in bills to that effect.
There's one this year in Georgia and South Carolina.
There was one last year in Indiana and Montana.
I think Colorado had one.
People in Oklahoma are talking about it.
So I think it's a matter of folks at the grassroots
Making the contacts with state legislators that they think have a true constitutionalist bent, number one, and some understanding of the economics of the situation, saying, look, we need you to take a strong look at this kind of legislation.
We can, in fact, we have the constitutional authority
Actually, the Supreme Court already ruled on this particular question, ruled on this particular question in the late 1800s, whether a state could institute and use an alternative currency and not be required to use the currency that Congress had emitted at that time was the Lincoln Greenbacks, the irredeemable Lincoln Greenbacks.
So, we even have the Supreme Court on our side on this one, besides the Tenth Amendment and the Ninth Amendment.
So that's number one.
Because if you have the alternative currency in place, then that state is not going to suffer the full ravages of economic dislocations when this...
The banking system comes down, as I am fairly confident it will.
And I think the key here is you're saying we've got to start getting this in place now, and as Ron Paul and others have said, we have to identify the private central banks as the problem, so they can't use the crisis they've created to slingshot them into an even greater position of power.
Yeah, that's exactly right.
We have to be in the position of saying in our states, we have an alternative currency system in place now, we don't need you or your solution to the problem that you caused.
You can take your paper money, and you can eat it if you want.
We no longer need that.
We don't need something from the IMF.
We don't need something from the Bank of International Settlements.
However, they intend to set this up on a global scale.
Because we have adopted a speculatively sound and constitutional currency.
That's step number one.
But step number two, then, has to be the organization within each state
And that's why they've raced to make us so domesticated, where people see someone knifed and stabbed to death, they're so lazy, they don't even call the police, much less help the person themselves.
That's right, the Kitty Genovese Syndrome.
Remember that story?
The poor woman that was screaming in New York City and people were looking out their windows but nobody did anything?
And she was, I think she was knifed to death.
Alright, exactly that attitude.
So we have to turn that around completely and bring people back into what the Constitution tells us is the necessary mode of total community organization.
Now once you put those two things together,
The alternative currency and the revitalized constitutional militia structure.
Again, I'm talking about the militia under the U.S.
Constitution, not some kind of private organization.
Once you have those two, that state will be exercising the two key powers of government, as all political philosophy tells us.
The power of the purse, the power of the money, and the power of the sword.
Homeland Security, the militia, whatever term you want to use.
Those are the keys because you will not have state sovereignty and you certainly will not have populist sovereignty until those two powers have been returned to the states and directly to the people.
If you have a proper alternative currency,
Which is based upon gold and silver, so it's tied directly into the marketplace.
Then the people will have direct control over that.
And if you have the militia, which is composed of the people as a whole, all of them armed and organized and disciplined and trained in some way, then you will have that level of state sovereignty directly controlled by the people.
And when the people control those two levels of state sovereignty, you have true self-government.
And we're where the founding fathers expected us to be, hoped that we would be, and gave us the tools to get there.
Alright, let me ask you then a constitutional law question, and I want to be specific.
When I criticize ragtag militias, I'm not criticizing the men, the women, the people that see the threat, the people that are forming their own local communities, you know, unorganized.
I think that's good.
The problem is the Feds have been caught going in, trying to radicalize, making them act like clowns, provocateuring them to then demonize the overall idea of a militia.
The real militia, and explain it in actual constitutional terms, would be
If we took over our counties and cities, and then we're the people, and then we, the voters, decide how it's set up, and we're not paying all these federal taxes, we're levying the taxes locally, we're making the decisions, we actually are in control of the police, we're in control of the juries, the grand juries, we run things.
But to do that, we've got to be involved.
But going out behind the cabin with your neighbor,
And saying we're preparing to take on the New World Order, that's fine to defend yourself from criminals or whatever, or even if you head to a tyrannical government.
But to offensively take the nation back, it needs to be the county sheriffs, the county commissioners, the city council.
We need to have this message and take over the government and run our flag up.
That's the official way to do it.
That's what the founders did, the 13 colonies, the government representatives.
They went together, they got together.
And it was legitimate, it was real.
Instead you have the Republic of Texas, not all the groups, but saying, I'm the president.
You had ten, you know, eight different groups saying they were all the president.
It was clownish.
That's exactly right.
The key to this is to obtain legal authority under our constitutional structure.
There is a way to do that.
You can look back through history all the way into the earliest colonial times.
You can see what that structure was.
We can do it now, it's a matter of ultimately, it's a matter of passing a statute.
The thing could probably be done at a county level, or the town level, or whatever, but it would have only, obviously, limited authority within that jurisdiction.
But those could be models for the state.
That's right, obviously.
We're good to go.
You know what the militia are called?
The militia of the several states.
They are state institutions.
And they always were.
They were broken down internally by towns or counties.
Yeah, what matters is they're accountable to the people, instead of the feds coming in and controlling the local system.
That's right, because they are the people!
You see, you have perfect transparency, you have perfect accountability.
Because these institutions are self-governing institutions composed of the people themselves!
That's what I... It always amazes me how difficult it seems to be to get this idea across to the average American.
If you want self-government, then you have to start exercising or participating yourself in self-government.
Self-government is not a spectator sport.
Yeah, you can't abdicate and, quote, hire professionals, because in every case in history, the professionals are going to come in and rob you.
That's right.
They're going to become the governors, and you're going to become the subjects.
That's the rule of history, the rule of political philosophy.
I mean, every time you look at that kind of a system, it moves in the direction of centralized control and the people lower down in the pyramid, there's always pyramidal structures, the people lower down in the pyramid have less and less control.
Our constitutional pyramid works exactly the other way.
Sovereignty is at the bottom and less and less authority is delegated to the top.
But, for sovereignty to exist, sovereignty has to be exercised.
People cannot claim to be sovereigns unless they take sovereign actions.
Unless they perform sovereign functions.
Otherwise, they're going to be subjects.
That's right.
I mean, if you want to bake a cake, you've got to make it.
That's right.
You've got to be the cook.
You've got to mix the ingredients, follow the recipe, take those steps, and then be responsible for the outcome.
Let me ask you this question.
No other country except maybe Switzerland, the Netherlands for a time, has been able to do what we've created here.
And I really researched our founders.
I mean, they were some of the most exceptional men in history in such a large concentration of exceptional... I mean, that's why the King of England, King George III, whenever
George Washington refused kingship here in the U.S.
He said he's the greatest man in the world today because no one really in history had refused the Caesar power when it was offered.
So I just don't know.
We're so wrecked societally.
We're so decadent and lazy.
There's a lot of good people.
And in a republic, it doesn't matter if 80% are a bunch of sloths.
I guess it's up to us to go take over the system and be the sovereigns.
But if the mass isn't involved, it'll kind of degenerate back into the same thing.
I mean, are we up to this beautiful republic?
Do we even deserve it?
Well, we have to be, because we have no choice.
The only choice is to give up and let those people who are far worse than we are, the New World Orderites, win!
And damn it, I don't intend to let them do that!
No, no, I agree with you, I just... We have no choice, Alex!
I think we'll find enough people.
You know, 11 is a very small amount of a loaf, right?
The yeast is just a tiny amount, and it moves the entire mass of flour.
We will find that 5% or 10% and then the great mass of people, most of whom I think in this country are people of goodwill and basic common sense.
You know, they may not have been educated as well as they should have been in this public school system.
You can go all down this list of horribles that we have.
But basically I think they're of sound mind and good disposition.
And when they are shown
By a proper leadership group, the right way to go, they will go along.
Oh, I agree with you.
They've never been shown what true freedom is.
They've just been kind of in this ether.
A fish doesn't know it's in the water.
That's right.
And they have the good sense to know which way to jump.
I mean, the fish knows, has the good sense to know which way to jump.
Not back onto the sand, but into the water, right?
If he's given the opportunity, it's given the opportunity.
And I think exactly the same is true of the average American.
When the right leaders come along and show them the correct alternatives, they will adopt those alternatives.
Well, I study history.
I mean, just a hundred years ago, people jealously guarded their freedom and knew it was important.
We've got to get that same mistrust of government back.
We've got to cut the size of it.
Stay there, doctor.
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The question is, where should the American people draw their line in the sand?
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A republic or a monarchy?
A republic.
It's based on a constitution which protects minority rights.
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A little knowledge makes starvation impossible.
Final segment with Dr. Edwin Vieira.
We'll be back live tomorrow, 11 a.m.
Central, 12 noon Eastern.
He's in the film, Don't Tread on Me, Rise of the Republic, that has a lot of these great constitutional ideas ingrained in it.
Very important to relearn the Bill of Rights and Constitution and to get this information out to everyone you know.
Available at InfoWars.com.
It's up to you.
First, we've got to educate the people.
We've got to take action.
We've got to get it done.
But the road to hell is paved with good intentions, but it's far past that.
I talked about this 14 years ago, now it's mainstream news, that all babies at birth for 30 plus years, 37, 38 years, in all the Western nations have had their blood taken for a global DNA database.
Now there's debate in Congress right now, this is a
KTSM News Channel, this Katie Law, where everybody who basically gets arrested will have DNA taken.
And a judge just ruled in Texas they're taking blood illegally without warrants for DWI's.
They're having the police do it, and the police say they don't care, they're going to continue it.
A judge in Texas said that these toll road cameras and speed cameras aren't constitutional because there's not an officer involved.
The police don't stop.
I mean, there's just a real lawlessness we're seeing from government.
You know, that particular aspect of lawlessness, this growing level of police state, really brutality that's involved, not simply they're fated to abide by court decisions or statutes or whatever, but actually brutalizing the people.
If you revitalize the militia in a particular state, all of those police departments, sheriff's departments, state police, what have you,
Would become subsets of the militia structure.
And then they would be subject to discipline by the citizens in their own local communities.
And I can guarantee you that within about a week after that had happened, all of that behavior would stop.
Because the consequences to any particular police officer would be so horrendous that they wouldn't do it.
And the media always frames this like that would persecute police.
No, then the good cops would be put into positions of power instead of the bad ones being elevated.
Now they're kicking the good cops out.
Yeah, the bad ones would be weeded out very quickly.
They'd be weeded out either because they'd be caught and disciplined and expelled or because they'd take a look at the situation and wouldn't want to take the risk and they'd try to find another job, you know, to go to Starbucks and serve coffee or what have you.
There's the difficulty.
You know, many years ago, I remember in New York City, when Lindsey was the mayor of New York City, there were complaints from the black community about the way the city police were dealing with those people, and it's very discriminatory and high-handed.
They didn't use the term police state, but that's what they were talking about, police state fashion.
And they wanted to set up, I think they did end up setting up a citizen's review board
Well, that's essentially how a militia would operate as a huge citizen's review board because all of these uniformed militia members who were in the subset of the militia called the local police or the state police or what have you would now have to answer on a regular basis to the members of their own local militia companies and be subject to some kind of militia discipline
If they had misbehaved in the performance of their duties as the uniformed service.
Well we've got to go this way because it makes the public become independent and rugged again.
What we're supposed to be instead of a bunch of cowards.
I've told the story of a woman choking in a restaurant and no one was helping her and I had to push people aside to do the Heimlich as they like parrot said call 9-1-1 call 9-1-1 she would have been dead by the time they got there and it was I was weird because I saved the lady
I mean, we have just become domesticated.
Dr. Edwin Vieira writes for Newsreviews.com.
Quickly, tell us about a few of the books you've written and how people can get them.
Well, the latest one on the militia is called Constitutional Homeland Security.
That's available on Amazon.
I have another one, an earlier book, Imperial Judiciary, which deals with the problem of judicial supremacy, which we talked about earlier.
That's also available on Amazon.
And there's also on Amazon the Heritage Research Institute.
You may be arrested and or subject to other police