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Name: 20100513_Thu_Alex
Air Date: May 13, 2010
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We are an hour and a half into this live Thursday edition, the 13th day of May 2010.
Coming up in Ireland, in Greece, in many other nations like Iceland, they are now arresting the bankers.
They're talking about actually going after the real criminals.
Here's a headline from French news agency.
Bankers jailed, sued as Iceland seeks culprits for crisis.
Here's France 24, National TV.
Greek demonstrators say plutocracy should pay for the crisis.
The bankers and the banks fund communism and socialism to consolidate the public's wealth.
Communism is always funded by big money.
It's not what you think it is.
And we have a situation all over the world, but especially now here in the U.S.
Where people like Barack Obama, was Ford Foundation, Carnegie Endowment funded, to go in and create racial division, create race cults, and to organize it around religion, to make it part of the church.
And going back to Cinco de Mayo last week, I was sent
We're good to go.
Groups of Hispanics with machetes, you know, killing the evil white racists.
They deserve it.
It shows, you know, attempted assassination of politicians.
All of this going on.
And I came out and really did a mild critique of it, saying I'm worried this could trigger race war, because you've already got illegal groups and their supporters burning down buildings, knocking windows out in Santa Cruz, attacking police in Arizona.
American flags being pulled down at government buildings.
Mexican flags being run up.
Mexican students who see themselves as Mexican nationals, other Hispanic students wearing American flags in San Francisco were told, go home, you can't wear an old Navy shirt.
Hispanics over the years have contacted me and said they're called porchos, coconuts, all these racist terms by other Hispanics, if they aren't racist and hate white people, if they're free market, if they're not communist.
This is all government funded.
On record?
Well, it was much worse than I thought.
Raw Story wrote an article implying there isn't even a movie coming out in September, and then saying we can't even find the trailer, like we were making this up is what is implied in the first few paragraphs of the article, which is insane.
It's been all over the news.
uh... and but that's the psych warfare they just say you're not telling the truth there's no new world order the bankers aren't robbing you you know the government health care plan is in a ripoff and if you say it you're a racist they just inject it you're like i don't like a ham sandwich you're a racist i don't want banker bailouts you're a racist it's just it's used as a weapon of control and after i play this new ten minute video where we break down the script and of course that's the big news
I got the script Tuesday.
I read it Tuesday.
Shot a video Tuesday night.
Aaron Dykes did a great job putting it together yesterday.
We posted it this morning.
It's up at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Leaked machete script confirms race war plot.
But it's worse than that!
The whole thing is meant to enrage Hispanics and make Hispanics feel like they've got to be anti-white, pro-gang member,
types or they're not good hispanics and there's a port show played by steven seagal that means a rotten fruit or or uncle tom who steven seagal and he gets killed by machete no one can stand against him and there's evil white racist murdering hispanics crucifying catholic priest in churches overturning altars desecrating mary desecrating i mean this is meant to do this is off the chart i mean this is mind control
I have never seen anything like this.
In fact, here's the script right here.
Machete by Robert Rodriguez.
And I'm going to give you a document cam shot coming up and I'm going to go over this.
But every time the white racist, because all whites are basically racist, so they frame them as deserving to die.
It begins with Minutemen murdering people on the border and showing the murdered illegal aliens as Christ figures on a cross, so it's blasphemous.
And then by the end of the movie they bow and kneel and pray to Machete and he just literally comes out of the sky and kills Minutemen and that's how the movie ends.
So what's going to happen is, this is manipulating people's religious beliefs, which is what the Ford Foundation has done.
This is pure liberation theology.
I've talked to now several Hollywood people who've seen the film, and they say, it's worse than what I covered last week.
Well, yeah, all we have is the trailer.
And I now have the script, but I wanted to go to Matthew Medina, who's a good friend of mine.
We are Change San Antonio.
They expose 9-11 as an inside job.
They expose fake wars.
They expose communism as a globalist operation.
They're not left or right.
They're just telling the truth.
And, of course, Matthew Medina, if you want to see him, he introduced me in Austin to the 9-11 Scholars event.
And this is meant to the Hispanics that contacted me who work for Rodriguez.
Because I saw the trailer last Wednesday or Thursday, got contacted Friday.
Two people separately, who are Hispanic, who worked on it, they said, we're really scared of this.
We can't tell you what's in it because of agreements we've signed.
But you're right on track.
And quote, we're worried about a backlash against Hispanics.
Because it shows, in fact,
It shows Machete with two machetes, blood all over him.
The Texas Capitol basically on fire with smoke in the background.
And he's got the machetes and it says he's a savage who must kill.
And so it's like, and the good guys are gang members, and they go into the armory and kill the militia people.
And so now, being in a militia is racist.
Now wanting to be for the Second Amendment is racist.
This is pure ADL, pure Southern Poverty Law Center garbage.
But I wanted Matthew Medina, because he called in, to be able just to recap, because we just went live on TV as well, to recap just trying to hand out 9-11 truth DVDs.
the the communist groups run up and say you are racist so any political speech that doesn't agree with world government is racist and of course they call him a coconut uh... but that's acceptable uh... of course uh... and and and again there's a coconut in this film steven seagal but he gets what he deserves and machete says how dare you sell out your race and he kills him so you know the message is kill the porchos, kill the coconuts, kill the gringos this is political correctness ladies and gentlemen
But, Matthew Medina of We Are Change San Antonio, recap what you were covering.
Yeah, We Are Change San Antonio, down here, we are always on the streets, and we have been for two years now, handing out hundreds of DVDs a month, so we are always on the streets, ground level, street level, dealing with the people.
Here in San Antonio, there is a good relationship between Hispanics and all races, but, however, the young people and the people who want to be activists in San Antonio lean towards
We're good.
And a group of people starts yelling at us across the street, hey!
And they're cussing at us.
It's like you're saying, they're really mad as if we're treasonous.
Hey, you're blah blah blah racist!
And we're like, what?
So I start speaking to the medics when they cross the street, and it's like, okay, they want to speak.
No, they don't want to speak rationally.
They wanted to, oh, you're racist, you're against Mexicans, yada yada.
And here we are, the majority of us, we're Hispanic Americans, you know?
And she's calling us racist, and we're trying to explain to her
And you know, I know I'm dealing with a communist here, so I say, hey, are you for the corporations funding the ideology of storming and revolution?
She's like, corporations don't fund that!
And then she got really mad, and then she starts calling me a coconut, and saying I'm giving in to the white man, and she's just getting really, you know, angry at me, and then as I turn around, she actually throws a punch at me.
I mean, she is pumped up, she is fired up, the social engineers... And by the way, we have this video, it's on YouTube, but we can't play it because of her cussing.
But for folks that want to see the video, tell folks the title.
The title is, this is in quotations, Infowars is racist, unquote, dash Rockefeller-funded activist.
And you know, I advise caution watching it, don't watch it around any young people.
Yes, this is what we deal with in San Antonio.
You also have the cops letting the communists hand out stuff by the Alamo on the street corner, but they always come over and tell you not to hand stuff out.
Oh boy, that is a great topic, Alex, because that is true.
And just recently, this foundation funded organization had a big rally, I want to say March.
They had huge banners, I saw pictures on the internet, because I keep an eye on what's going on here, and they had huge banners, bunch of people, megaphone, going, same area, the side of the Alamo, and a month later, we're in that same area, we got an Architects and Engineers banner on the floor, getting ready to hold it up, don't even have it up yet, and we get approached by Park Police, oh no, you can't have that.
Uh, can you have that?
And we're like, yeah, we can.
No, you can't.
It's some double-famed trick.
You know, he was all about Jedi mind tricks, trying to entrap us, trying to legally get us in trouble.
And then he comes over and gets in your face and tries to intimidate you and then says, what's your problem?
And trying to start a fight with you.
Oh yeah, well, that was, what, there is that, this has actually happened three times in the last month here, Alex.
We're being targeted.
You can't wake up the people about the global... Oh no, no, no, exactly.
It's okay to attack police in Arizona.
It's okay to burn buildings down.
It's okay to hand out communist material, because that's what the police, you know, they understand that's part of the team.
But you...
Are not allowed to go out and warn people peacefully.
And that's because you are effective, Matthew Medina.
And more people need to join your organization.
You need to get on AXS TV more.
You need to give people the alternative between the controlled right wing and the controlled left wing that's all foundation run.
I'm going to play this video, but I really appreciate you being on with us.
We've got to get you up here to Austin to be in studio with us.
Sounds great, Alex.
Keep up the great work.
We've got to warn the masses and encourage all Hispanic listeners to get out there in Spanish and English.
We've got to warn the Hispanic community because it's a setup.
They're going to make us look bad just by a minority of Hispanics getting violent.
So we have to be on this 100%.
And I thank you, Alex, for giving this coverage because it is a legitimate concern that we deal with here in San Antonio.
God bless you.
I appreciate your call.
Yeah, look, it's simple.
Hitler tried to use radical Muslims to control the Middle East during World War II, and you know he was in North Africa with Rommel.
That is, the German military was there.
And in other areas, not just North Africa.
And after that, the British and the U.S.
went in and radicalized the Muslims.
They'd actually done this with Lawrence of Arabia as well.
Before World War II.
And it came out in government documents that we've covered and put in films that they said, we can't have first world Arab nations.
We got to radicalize them and let radical Muslims overthrow these governments.
And then in 53, they used radical Muslims to overthrow Mohammed Mosaddegh.
Well, it's the same thing.
They are going in and the colleges and high schools with federal and CIA and Ford Foundation funding on record and
Trying to make Hispanics racist, trying to make them hate white people, because they don't want us getting together against the New World Order.
And that's what films like Machete are all about.
Now again, see, I told you so.
We got the script.
Rob Dew, a fellow from Hollywood that we know, has been by here, and I'm just going to leave it at that.
Confirm that he's seen the film.
It's worse than what we said, but I have the script confirming it.
And I have another Hollywood source said, yes, I've seen it.
It's off the charts.
I'm just going to leave it at that.
But here is the script.
We've got screenshots of it in this video up on InfoWars.com.
Leaked machete script confirms race war plot.
And this is meant to make whites get scared of Hispanics, and it's meant to have Hispanics feel intimidated with this new cult hero who is literally Jesus at the end.
He is God.
Machete is God.
And the religion is murdering white people.
And the white people all deserve it.
They're trying to kill Hispanic children.
They're crucifying Catholic priests who are also Jesus, basically.
I mean, it is
There will be violence from this, there will be attacks, and the media will try to cover it up, and I guess that's what Rodriguez wants.
This is, and put out by Fox, of course, this is a mind control operation.
Here it is.
This is Machete.
With a special Cinco de Mayo message.
To Arizona!
On Cinco de Mayo, I was sent a trailer for the new film Machete, produced by Austin filmmaker Robert Rodriguez, titled Machete.
And white people are evil demons.
They deserve to die.
They're all racist.
And armies of Hispanics have to hack up the gringos with machetes.
That's the Latin American symbol of peasant uprising.
In the U.S.
and Europe, it's pitchforks.
And I didn't know what to think of it.
And then I got separately contacted by two different members of Robert Rodriguez's crew who are Hispanic.
And they said, look, we're afraid of a major backlash.
Against Hispanic Americans.
This is really bad.
And I said, well, what's in it?
They said, well, what you see in the trailer and more.
It's off the chart.
By the time I went and tried to look at the trailer again, Fox, 20th Century Fox, was pulling it.
It had 3 million views.
They pulled it.
They had put it out.
The New York Post had attacked it.
Fox News had attacked it.
I don't know.
Everything that's in this trailer is paralleled by illegal alien groups torching a restaurant, attacking 20-plus businesses, knocking out windows in Santa Cruz, attacking police in Phoenix, Arizona, saying we'll use our pickaxes, we'll use our yard tools, you know, to go after you.
We will take off our shovels and our pickaxes, we will use them against you!
Believe that!
And so I simply pointed out that this is going to create division.
This is a serious problem.
And then publications like Raw Story made jokes about it and implied that the film isn't even real when it's on IMDb and been announced.
That's the level of denial.
Since then, I receive the latest script of Machete by Robert Rodriguez.
It's far worse than what we had previously thought.
White people are racist scum that run around murdering Mexicans everywhere, killing them.
It all parallels what the media is hyping.
If you're against government health care, you're a racist.
If you're against big government, you're a racist.
It's a tool, a weapon.
But it uses religious iconography.
And it shows white people desecrating Catholic churches and crucifying Catholic priests.
It has machete with illegal aliens worshipping him as Christ and that he will save them.
It creates a racial jihad or a cult movement.
It is unspeakable.
We have the script.
And this is all funded by 20th Century Fox because they know it's going to make a lot of money.
And Robert Rodriguez thinks this is going to be explosive and that it's some radical thing for him to do.
And all of this dovetail, speeches all over the country of professors saying the gringos are evil, plan of San Diego, kill all whites, school teachers giving speeches saying the frail white people are scared, we are communists, we're going to get them.
These frail racist white people want to keep us out of this country.
This is not just about Mexico, this is about a global struggle against imperialism and capitalism.
At the forefront of the revolutionary movement is the Raza.
We see ourselves, all of us here, as the northern front of a Latin American revolutionary movement.
Films are always at the forefront of propaganda.
In Hitler's Germany, in our own country.
And this film paints whites as all.
We're gonna go to break.
We're gonna come back, finish up with this new video we posted.
We have the script.
I'm gonna go over some of the script, make some other important points.
Then I'm gonna open the phones up specifically for Hispanics that want to comment about this.
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Alright, let's go back to my breakdown of the leaked machete script confirms race war plot.
We've now confirmed that the Texas Film Commission, the state of Texas, funded this.
They wouldn't allow a film about Waco to get any funding because that would make Texas look bad.
But making Texas the scene of a race war is supposedly good.
That's being added to Aaron Dykes' article right now on InfoWars.com.
Here's more of our breakdown.
Films are always at the forefront of propaganda.
In Hitler's Germany, in our own country.
And this film paints whites as all a bunch of murdering racists that are trying to kill Hispanic children and murder Catholic priests and crucify them.
It is unspeakably evil.
And so you're getting the first look at the script, machete, right here.
And people are so concerned in the production of this that I'm getting all the information.
This is Hispanics that are concerned about this.
It is just so incredible.
And in it, it has a false flag attack where racist whites hire a Mexican to try to kill the senator so that they can have a pretext to attack Hispanics.
And you've got all these, you know, devout Catholics that are going to watch this and watch the gringo desecrating the church and crucifying Catholic priests.
I read this script and we called the number and it is the official script.
This is the equivalent of a Hispanic birth of a nation.
The famous pro-Klan film that took the Ku Klux Klan from a few thousand members to two million members.
And so imagine a film where black people are scripted as terrorist scum and trash.
Imagine a film where Hispanics are put in that light.
As a white person, I am insulted.
And they say that anybody who's for border control, which every other nation has, Mexico is some of the most draconian, or anybody that is for sovereignty is a racist piece of trash.
This is the mass mental illness that has created situations like California, where in San Francisco, Hispanic students can't wear American flag shirts because it's seen as insulting.
Where school kids can't draw pictures of American flags now.
That's on mainstream news because it's seen as racist.
This is a cult formation.
This is a mind control operation.
And you'll see when this comes out in September, unless they edit it or change it, I mean, this is unspeakable.
Robert Rodriguez admits now he's going to make a whole series of machete films.
He's creating a cult following for a racial hero.
We have the script.
And everything that's in the trailer is here.
And more.
And it's worse than I could even imagine.
We have video clips in Arizona where the woman says, we will rise up with the implements where we clean your toilets and do your yards with pickaxes.
We will get you.
That's actually in the script.
They say in the script that they're using the tools of their slavery, their mops, their hoes, their pickaxes to kill the gringo.
This is all part of this liberation theology archetype that we actually see at rallies.
All of this merging with reality.
Yeah, there's a border crisis.
Yes, Mexico's had 20-plus thousand people killed in their drug war.
Yes, Mexico's collapsing.
White ranchers in Arizona and Texas are being murdered.
Police are being killed.
But none of that's in the film.
No, the narco-terrorists state that Rodriguez glorifies a once upon a time in Mexico, where the CIA's our hero.
All of this is supposedly validated, and you go through it over and over and over again.
They use the racist term wetback, being spoken by white people, framing white people as just running around boiling with hatred of Hispanics.
I just wish we could live in peace, but we can't live in peace with people like Robert Rodriguez, funded by the federal government and big foundations to create division.
Then they have the employee of the Senator setting up the Federali to commit the assassination of the gringo Senator who wants to control the borders.
And Machete agrees.
Yes, I want to kill this gringo for this money.
And it goes on.
He says, for the good of both our peoples, our new senator must die.
And for that, I will pay you $150,000 in cash.
Throngs of people are gathered to hear the senator's speech.
The citizen militia, led by Vaughn Kerry, carries a sign of support for McLaughlin and other anti-immigration slogans.
They wear caps marked FREEDOM FORCE.
There is a freedom force.
I'm part of it.
Freedom force is about auditing... Alright folks, we'll be right back to continue to break this down.
Stay with us and your phone calls.
We'll be back.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
I'm spending a lot of time on the film Machete because the trailer invokes race war.
We now have the script.
I've talked to Hollywood insiders that have seen it.
It is 100% race war.
It creates a new racial religion that whites are bad and desecrate Catholic churches.
I mean, it is mind control.
And it demonizes anybody that calls themselves Freedom Force, which is a group to audit the fellow deserved.
It makes it to where Hispanics feel like they can't join pro-gun groups.
It'll create a backlash against Hispanics.
It does so many things, and I want to hear from Hispanic callers at 1-800-259-9231.
On the other side of this break, 1-800-259-9231 is the toll-free number.
to join us to discuss this and I've got a host of just tons of other economic issues, Supreme Court issues, it's all coming up.
Let's finish up the 10 minute breakdown video that I put together with Aaron Dykes and it's posted on InfoWars.com.
Leaked machete script confirms race war plot and here's the key.
We have now confirmed, a emailer pointed this out, and I already know Rodriguez's all his films are funded by the State Film Commission with big tax exemption and money.
His studios at the old Robert Mueller Airport are paid for by taxpayer money, City of Austin and State of Texas.
They're now funding this, but they wouldn't fund a film about the Waco Massacre.
Saying that would put Texas in a bad light, but showing Texas as a bunch of racist, evil people, that's okay.
So there needs to be a state-level investigation.
And remember,
The Fox that's putting this out has pulled the trailer.
So the whole film's in crisis right now, and it should be, because this is seriously going to invoke violence.
There's almost no doubt of that.
Here's the end of the video.
Throngs of people are gathered to hear the Senator's speech.
The Citizen Militia, led by Vaughn Kerry, carries a sign of support for McLaughlin and other anti-immigration slogans.
They wear caps marked FREEDOM FORCE.
There is a Freedom Force.
I'm part of it.
Freedom Force is about auditing the Federal Reserve, kicking the IMF and World Bank out of the U.S.
It's founded by G. Edward Griffin.
State Senator McLaughlin is once again under investigation for his ties to extremist militia organization in the capital city.
All of this shot in Austin, Texas, at the Capitol.
All of this merging with reality, blurring the lines.
And as I said over and over again, every white person that talks in the film hates Hispanics, calls them racial names over and over again.
They repeat the same thing.
That wetbacks must be dealt with, and Minutemen are murdering and slaughtering Hispanics, which is totally made up.
The one grain of truth in this film, Machete, is that government stages terror attacks against themselves.
They talk about Senator McLaughlin, since the assassination attempt, his approval ratings are up.
He's not being investigated for being part of an illegal Second Amendment group anymore.
There's no way Rodriguez wrote this.
This is a psy-op straight out of hell that's meant to drive a wedge between Hispanic and white Americans.
And they have evocative scene after evocative scene where poor, pathetic, innocent illegals are cornered by minute men that murder them in cold blood.
And then it says in the script, they cornered the last illegal.
He's lit in the spotlight like Christ on the cross.
And he's murdered.
Not only do white people from start to finish spew racism at Hispanics.
That's a straw man.
They hire actors to say horrible things about Hispanics to make Whitey the devil.
This is like a Hitler film or something demonizing people he wanted to go after.
They actually made films like that.
But it's religious.
Machete who runs around killing the Greengos and killing Border Patrol and killing Minutemen who go down and defend the border.
It shows Minutemen murdering innocent Hispanics.
And the film ends with him murdering white people, evil people who deserved it.
They were going to kill Hispanic children.
It describes an innocent illegal trying to get to a water station.
A bullet brings one of them down and the others scramble for safety.
But there's someone out there shooting at them.
Say a prayer to El Machete to protect you.
They light a candle and say a prayer.
A young illegal opens eyes.
There's a glass candle in his hands.
But no one else is around instead of Christ or the Virgin on the candle.
It is a silhouette of Machete.
Over and over again, they pray and they project crosses on him.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
Okay, coming up at 40 after, I'm getting into the economy, what's happening with the Supreme Court.
We have a guest coming up in the next hour, syndicated radio talk show host, Mr. Redding, Rob Redding.
But, in the 10 minute video Aaron put together, he did an incredible job.
We can't even have all of the stuff in the script in there.
There's just too much.
Here's page 85 of the draft that was used to make the film Machete.
Okay, you're seeing this for the first time.
There's a family of illegals crossing the border in the desert, sees a water station up ahead.
They make it for it, opening it up and drinking heavily from the water supply.
A bullet brings one of them down, as the others scramble for safety.
But there's someone out there shooting at them.
Now in reality, I have four mainstream news articles about coyotes robbing them, drug dealers robbing them, death, destruction, mass murder, whites being killed everywhere, their homes being burned down, but also
Hispanic illegals being killed.
Never a word from the La Reconquista Mecha movement.
They've had a bunch of the leaders of this movement caught in Austin being being coyotes because they're caught beating up the people they're shipping in.
They're caught bringing in drugs.
All of that's kept real quiet though, just this incredibly corrupt gangbanger drug dealer culture that's dominating Mexico and now dominating the Southwest.
But no, no, no, that's not the problem.
Ranchers being overrun and killed would invite people in on the weekends with binoculars to set up hidden cameras and call police.
Oh, you don't do that because we're going to make movies about you where you're murderers, where you're killing everybody, where you're racist, where if you're part of a Second Amendment group you're evil.
Throughout the whole movie it cuts to white people murdering Mexicans and attacking them and killing them and the whites deserve what they get.
Continuing, all of this taxpayer paid for.
We've now confirmed that.
I already knew this about Austin.
I already knew this about Rodriguez.
But we looked it up.
It's correct.
I'm going to cover that in a moment.
A family of illegals crossing the border into the desert see a water station up ahead.
They make for it, opening it up and drinking heavily from the water supply.
A bullet brings one of them down and the others scramble for safety.
But there's someone out there shooting at them.
The mother hushes the younger ones, the children.
Oh my gosh, the white people, they're so evil, they're going to kill the children.
They've already crucified Catholic priests, attacked churches, murdered people in mass, but now they want to kill the children.
They're going to kill the children.
And this is a message to Arizona.
Remember, this is a political message.
Say a prayer to El Machete to protect you.
The younger ones start to pray.
A jeep patrols the area and we see it as a Minuteman taking photos.
Pot shots at the illegals.
I had a Freudian slip.
They actually take photos, but a jeep patrols the area and we see Minutemen taking pot shots at the illegals.
So they're just running them down, chasing them down, committing this evil crime.
Did you get them?
I don't know.
They're like brown jackrabbits.
Always these racial statements.
Let's see if they'll show their little white tails.
Flicks on a high-powered light by the side mirrors of the Jeep.
The light is on long enough to illuminate a machete blade coming straight for them.
Holy bleep!
His words gurgle in his throat as his head is severed from his body.
The second... This is 90 pages of this, by the way.
Just whites being cut down, slaughtered.
White goes to commit the murder of children, the murder of priests.
Evil white devil!
Just pure evil.
His words gurgle in his throat as his head is severed from his body.
Second Minuteman freaks and makes a run for it, but that white devil doesn't make it far, don't worry.
And when this movie comes out, there'll be a gringo outside the theater.
And it'll fight.
Literally hit Larian.
The evil white devil stumbles in the dark, into the dust, scrambles, but can't get to his feet as he sees the outline of the dark figure above him.
Young illegal prayers continue as the machete comes down on the second amendment.
It's just religious, murdering the white devil.
Sounds of struggle, slaughtered in silence.
Light a candle, say a prayer.
Young illegal opens his eyes.
There's a glass candle in his hands, but no one else around.
Instead of Christ or the Virgin on the candle, it is a silhouette of machete.
He is God.
That's my note I wrote there.
He is our Lord and Savior.
The racial, messianic leader who will destroy the white devils and bring communism.
And it's got road warrior vehicles barreled towards the armory.
Oh yeah, they take down the military, don't worry.
Machete dismounts, his army behind him.
Men and men and Mexicanos of all walks of life, janitors, gardeners, laborers, gangbangers, etc.
fight it out in the armory.
Fighting it out with implements of their trade, knives, hidden mops, weed whackers, etc.
See, that's a saying.
We will use our pickaxes.
We will use the... You know, you're exploiting us.
Well, Mexico's totally collapsed.
You've never had freedom.
And so now I guess if I ever do go to a Mexican food restaurant that's got Mexican flags, I'm exploiting them by giving them money?
Or if I ever did hire somebody to mow my yard?
I better not!
Because they think I'm exploiting them!
I mean, I've got to be murdered!
I mean, I'm evil!
Which is exactly what this is meant to do.
And it just goes on and on and on.
Let's finish the end clip and then I'm going to your phone calls.
This is the end of the ten minute video we have up at InfoWars.com, PrisonPlanet.com.
Leaked machete script confirms race war.
And here's the key.
We got this a few hours ago.
We've confirmed it.
Aaron's added this to the article.
Annie's writing another blurb.
We've got to call the state of Texas, the Film Commission, Rick Perry's office.
We need to get the funding at the state level stripped out of the Film Commission if they do not stop this, because he's going to make more of these Birth of a Nation, Hispanic Ku Klux Klan films that will, just like the Klan went from a few thousand to millions with Birth of a Nation, this is going to cause the birth of the machete murder nation.
That is what it is designed to do.
I've studied Germany, I've studied the U.S., I've studied the culture in Mexico.
Heavily religious, this is making it a religion.
Come on in, Jaron, you want to give me something?
Got more info for me?
Okay, thank you.
Okay, continuing.
Alex, thought you didn't know it last summer, the Texas Film Commission
A wing in the governor's office, which is confirmed, used your tax dollars to help finance Robert Rodriguez's racist, tirade machete.
The film was given incentives, which are paid for by our tax dollars, to film here in Texas, which is confirmed.
They admit they filmed it at the Capitol.
They also filmed on state properties throughout Travis County, including on the Capitol lawn.
The film is racist, yes, but there's also a whole slew of scenes involving extreme sex violence.
The Robert De Niro character plays a Texas senator who hurts Mexicans along the border for fun.
Yeah, that's what the state of Texas funds.
What was it?
Was that not the reason the Film Commission, and I remember this, didn't give the film Waco any money?
As it portrayed Texas officials and the state in a bad light?
Yet the slime bag from Chicano, Bob Huggins, used those Illinois Politico ways to slide this one under the radar, giving our money to racist Rodriguez to create his race riot film.
That's Chicago.
The slime bag's Chicago.
I don't know what that is.
I've confirmed the Film Commission funded it.
I've confirmed it was filmed at the Capitol.
And it continues.
You can file a public information request with the governor's office to get information out of slimy Bill Huggins and the Texas Film Commission.
Please keep my... It goes on.
We will... They use millions of our tax dollars to give these Hollywood types jobs.
Are they not rich already?
So there is that information.
I mean, this is so sick, folks, and this is meant to cause a backlash.
This is meant to have people at each other's throats.
Let's go ahead and finish the clip.
Here it is.
But there's someone out there shooting at them.
Say a prayer to El Machete to protect you.
They light a candle and say a prayer.
Young, illegal, opens eyes.
There's a glass candle in his hands.
But no one else is around instead of Christ or the Virgin on the candle.
It is a silhouette of machete.
Over and over again, they pray and they project crosses on him.
He is the race consciousness Christ.
Instead of the Virgin Mary, it's him.
Oh, machete!
They're creating a new icon, like Guadalupe Hidalgo.
Again, they're using racial warfare to divide this country as a tool of control, and Robert Rodriguez has been used as a dupe in this.
Or he's a government operative.
There is no doubt.
Since I got the script, it is far worse than I can even possibly imagine.
Okay, ladies and gentlemen, we'll come back with your calls.
I want you to be polite when you call or write letters or fax, but I would particularly like Hispanic Americans, if you agree with this film, then call him.
If you disagree, call him.
And, you know, explain to Robert Rodriguez that we're fully aware of what's going on.
We're fully aware the Texas Film Commission and taxpayers had to pay for this piece of race warfare garbage.
You can write him a letter at 4900, that's 4,900, Old Manor, O-L-D-M-A-N-O-R Road.
That's over by the private airport they gave him to run all this with taxpayer money.
Oh, City of Austin pays for it, too.
4900 Old Manor Road, Austin, Texas, 78723.
The phone number is 512-334-7777.
The fax is 512-391-1529.
Again, the number, 512-334-7777, or 512-391-1529.
And I'm going to your calls directly when we come back, and I appreciate everybody holding, but I just want to say this.
I want to live in peace.
But I can't sit here and have it imply that anybody who's for sovereignty or the Second Amendment or who is white wants to murder Catholic priests, burn churches, and kill Hispanic children.
It's a lie.
And it's a slander.
And it's not just a movie.
They said it's a message for Arizona.
It is political.
It was shot at the Capitol to blur the lines.
And that's why Hispanics have contacted me, who worked on it, because they're upset and they know it's going to create division, it's going to create segregation, it is going to create fear, and it puts Latinos, Hispanics, in a bad light as well.
This is, this makes black exploitation films, that were also quite racist, look like a walk in the park.
I mean, this is, and it's got Robert De Niro, everybody else in it,
Paul Rodriguez, let him know what you think and then start calling Rick Perry, start calling your state legislators.
We need an investigation of this because they're going to make five more of these.
Five more of these to form a race cult to totally warp the minds of Hispanics.
We'll be back.
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Alright, coming up, I'm getting into the Supreme Court nominee.
Worse than we had previously thought.
Totally anti-free speech, anti-gun.
And they've got another vacancy coming up in the next few months, Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
I'm getting into the economy, global news, but I've spent a lot of time on this.
This is a key part of the New World Order takeover program.
I appreciate Adam, Michael, Tony, Louis, Truth Patriot, and others, Chris and others for holding while I had to go over all of that, but I wanted to have it on record.
Let's go quickly to your calls now.
Adam in Utah, you're on the air.
Hey Alex.
Hey buddy.
Yeah, I'm just calling, well first off, thanks for taking my call, but
I'm just calling to share an experience I had with the METCHA group at the University of Utah.
I am Hispanic American, but before I even get into that, I just want to say that I first learned about your website, InfoWars.com, by I think it was We Are Change People.
They were on campus at the University of Utah, two of them, about a year ago, handing out
Copies of DVD copies of The Loose Change and Charlie Sheen's 20 Questions to the President.
Remember, I took one of their papers and I was looking at the... And there was nothing about race in there and Charlie Sheen's Hispanic.
Yeah, exactly.
Carlos Estevez is his real name, but again, go ahead.
Yeah, but the only point I'm getting with that is that that's how I learned about Infowars.com
It was one of the links on the sheet of paper, one of the copies, and, you know, it woke me up.
Everything makes a lot more sense, you know, I think, clearer, and so on and so forth.
Well, anyways, about two years ago when I started going to the University of Utah, you know, I lived in Utah my entire life.
I went to grade school, secondary school.
I'm Hispanic, so, you know, I'm obviously minority.
If anyone has a grievance, it's me.
But, you know, I try not to be a bad person.
You know, you've got to root out, oh, hate out of your heart.
But anyways, you know, one day when my classes were over, I was walking around campus looking for something to eat.
And I figured, hey, if I go to one of those student commons, multicultural centers, they always have free coffee and donuts.
And so I went to it.
I looked around and that's where like these, I don't know, the lady, the Metcha lady, a middle-aged woman, she introduced me to the other people there and then, you know, I took a seat on the beanbag chair.
You know, I was enjoying it but, you know, then I started looking at their brochures, Metcha.
I've never heard of these things before, Chicano.
I briefly heard of that but, you know, I never really cared.
And then I was reading their literature and it showed the, what is it, the Western United States... Ozzed Lawn.
Yeah, you've got groups all over the universe saying he's government-funded to try to make the U.S.
Why on earth would we want that?
That's what I was thinking.
I was like, are these people serious?
La Raza this, La Raza that.
I mean, it's good to be aware of
Sure, but I mean the point is this is revolutionary.
So, so bottom line, what do you think of the Robert Rodriguez script that we now have?
I think it is absolutely unnecessarily inflammatory.
I mean, this is probably one of the worst times something like this could come out.
Do you think this should be taxpayer, do you think this should be taxpayer financed?
Uh, no.
They just have a political message to it.
But notice everything they're doing.
Well, God bless you.
I appreciate your call, Adam.
And again, that's why I hate even having to talk about this.
But this is going on underground everywhere.
Now it's being pushed out in the open by the government, by the media.
Why do they want this?
Because they don't want us going against the bankers.
They want us fighting with each other.
Michael in Texas, you're on the air.
Hi, thanks for taking my call.
I just wanted to say that someone I know is actually
Attack with machetes at a party over an incident with beer.
Like there were random people that came up to him and I guess they didn't bring their own beer and they thought that his American beer was obviously worth it.
Obviously he didn't give it to them but it ended with just an argument there.
But as he left the party like six guys jumped him and he
Ended up getting a few hundred stitches to his arms and his hands over that incident.
Now was it Hispanics attacking Hispanics or whites attacking whites?
I mean, what was the racial nature of it?
Or wasn't racial just machete?
Well no, it was like a Hispanic, like I'm a Hispanic, it's just Hispanics just mostly speak English and... Attacking each other?
No, but the people that are attacking them were like the gang bangers, the Mexicans that come over the border kind of thing.
They show up uninvited at parties, but then if you kick them out, they come back with groups of people with bats and machetes, and they occasionally do show up at parties.
And they can't get in trouble, because nobody knows what their name is.
Anything else you'd like to add, Michael?
Well, just about that.
For the past few years, they've had a lot of these portable surveillance towers, if you can comment on that.
You said... Stay there, your phone was cutting out.
You said surveillance towers?
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We're going straight back to your calls, then into economic news, Supreme Court news,
Israel primed for war with Iran.
Netanyahu deputy tells Reuters.
Russia warns U.S.
against unilateral Iran sanctions.
Afghan war costs now outpace Iraq.
Seymour Hersh says U.S.
troops executing prisoners in Afghanistan.
They have secret prisons for the torture.
But listen, if you're not for killing Muslims, you must be a racist.
If you have any political view now.
This is total mind control.
We're going back to your calls here in just a second.
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Hey, what's going on, Alex?
Thanks for taking my call.
I called the Troublemaker Studios before I called here, and I told them that, what are you doing?
You know what I'm saying?
You're going to have a lot of innocent Mexicans' bloods put on your hands.
A lot of immigrants that come here, they're good people, but there's a majority that are criminals.
And I was talking like, how are you going to portray a murderer as Jesus Christ?
I was like, don't you believe in Jesus Christ?
And the guy was just like, well, thanks for your comment.
He hung up on me.
But I'm going to call her every day, two times a day.
I don't want this film to be made.
And my nation's race is named, you know what I'm saying?
He does, you know, they don't pray to Mary, they don't pray to Jesus, they pray to machete now.
I mean, can you imagine being a white person?
They're making a movie where conservative whites are murdering Hispanic children.
Can you imagine what that's going to do?
Oh man, it's going to cause like, I told them there's going to be so much blood on your hands.
How are you doing this, you know?
I date a white woman, you know what I'm saying?
And we have a very good relationship.
A lot of my friends are white.
Well, I mean, look, I'm a white guy, and I'll tell you right now, okay?
I didn't grow up calling Mexicans names.
I didn't grow up being tossed up by my parents.
A lot of my friends were Hispanic, and I tell Mecha people this, and they go, sure you do, whitey.
I mean, they're just, they're literally Brown Ku Klux Klan, and the issue is the media and the corporate, the state of Texas funded this, we've discovered, wants this message for all of us to hate each other.
I mean, it's so obvious.
I know you should make some of your films in Spanish because I'm part of We Are Change Chicago and we're going to hit the taste of Chicago for the summer and pass out DVDs and I know there's going to be a lot of immigrants there.
They're in English.
They won't understand it.
Well, here's the problem.
We barely have the money to get our films out, but almost every one of my films, if you Google, say, Endgame Spanish, Obama Deception Spanish, they are on YouTube.
I just, I mean, I looked at cheap places.
It's like $10,000 to have one language done.
We ain't got the money, man!
I mean, I've welcomed people to take the DVD, put it in German, put it in Chinese, put it in... and people have done that.
But, you know, just do it.
I mean, we're a small operation.
I mean, a lot of days I'm the one carrying the trash out of here.
I'm not Robert Rodriguez or Robert De Niro, funded by the federal government.
But absolutely we want to reach out to every... that's what makes me so mad, is that... is that...
And then I've got to come out against this, and some people aren't sophisticated enough out there to understand even what I'm saying.
You see what I'm trying to get at, Tony?
Yeah, yeah, because I try to pass this film out to some people.
I give them my copies of films to watch, and they tell me, I don't really understand it.
I'm like, you know, some of them are teachers, and they're like, they really don't understand it.
I'm like, well, how can I understand this?
I can understand it.
That's because they've never been in the real paradigm.
They've never been in reality that both parties are bought and paid for, that they're dividing us, they're manipulating us.
Tony, God bless you.
And, uh, yeah, most of the films are on YouTube and Google, uh, in other languages, at least they have subtitles.
And, uh, you know, folks, we can't do it all.
If you want it in Russian, if you want it in Chinese, if you want it in Japanese, make a version, put it on the web.
You know, my films are not copyright, uh,
As long as you give them out free.
Because if I said, you can have the copyright, then I could lose the copyright.
I've been told by copyright lawyers.
But it's all available.
Look, we take the hard stands.
If 9-11's an inside job, I don't care if it's popular to come out day one and say it's an inside job.
I do it.
I don't care what the issue is.
I cover it.
I talk about it.
I'm about justice.
I'm about telling the truth.
I'm about being honest about who I am.
And, I mean, I don't want to come out against Robert Rodriguez.
I mean, I live here.
You know, I mean, I've been putting two pretty big Hollywood films without even asking about Rick Linklater, you know, who's a good friend of mine and part of the Texas Film Commission and involved.
You know, I mean, I've been approached before by other filmmakers and said, come cast for this role.
And if it's not a political role where I can talk about freedom and shattering the left-right paradigm and exposing the phony drug war, like I do in Scanner Darkly, and
Waking Life, I don't do it.
And by the way, who put me in both those films?
Not just Rick Linklater, a great Hispanic American, good friend of mine, Tommy Pallotta, who's one of my best friends, and I wish he still lived in Austin.
And you know what?
You know...
Tommy now has a baby.
The lady he had the baby with is white.
Again, everybody wants to live in peace together, but that's not going to happen with films like this.
You can't just say, well, this is just an art project.
Not when you say it's a message for Arizona.
Not when you've got white people trying to murder Mexican kids and murdering priests.
And again, it's malicious, it's gun owner groups.
The message is to Hispanics, you can't join a pro-gun group.
The system is scared to death that blacks and Hispanics are part of Tea Parties, and they are.
That's why day one they've said the Tea Parties are racist and hate people when they don't.
And groups have been caught, the Democratic Party's been caught sending people out dressed up like Nazis at Tea Parties to discredit.
This is a setup!
And I'm gonna give you Troublemaker Studios number again, I guess they think it's real funny over there.
You let them know.
Everybody needs to start calling the Texas Film Commission.
In fact, give me the number of the Texas Film Commission, please.
We need to call the state legislature.
In fact, let's look up...
What state board funds the Texas Film Commissions?
That'd be Arts and Humanities.
We need to call the chairman of the Arts and Humanities Committee of the House and Senate.
I mean, it's up to you folks.
You take action, you call the news... What about all the newspapers saying this is a loving, good movie and great?
All these newspapers saying Machete's so good and not telling you what's in it.
Then Fox puts out the trailer, there's a backlash, and they pull it.
Well, the film's even worse!
What's gonna happen when this comes out?
Troublemaker Studios.
Everybody call.
Fax 512-391-1529.
Send them nice faxes explaining how foundations fund this for division.
I mean, I wonder if he's seen Birth of a Nation.
I wonder if Robert Rodriguez knows that the Klan was less than 100,000 people until this movie was put out in 1915.
By D.F.
And it shows black people persecuting whites, and then the whites go and murder them.
And the Klan went to over 2 million people within a year of this coming out.
That's what this is, folks.
This is a Ku Klux Klan movie.
I'll give you the Texas Film Commission number.
We'll continue with your calls.
Phone 512-463-9200.
Or fax 512-463-4114.
Because they plan on making at least five more of these films.
And let's make... We have the officer Rick Perry.
Oh, so the Film Commission is under Rick Perry, the little pimp of the media.
So you call Rick Perry right now and you let him know this is now an election issue, that he's funding a race war movie.
512-463-4114, 512-463-9200.
And what do we do here?
You know, they had that bill where the CPS comes into every newborn baby.
And does a review with the parents to see if they can take them.
And he got over 10,000 phone calls from this show and he vetoed it when he was going to sign it.
I stand up for little kids not being grabbed.
I stand up against corruption, period!
I don't care what people say or what they do.
But the good news is every Hispanic caller and email I've gotten has said they are sick of being called coconuts and porchos and racist names because they want to be able to own their own house and own their own car and not be slaves to a communist system because they want their Second Amendment.
Because they want their sovereignty.
Because they're tired of being robbed by illegal aliens.
They're tired of their kids being picked on by them.
Because, folks, the illegal aliens have a license to kill in this country.
I'm going to shut up and go to your phone calls.
Let's talk to Truth Patriot in New Jersey.
Thanks for holding Truth Patriot.
Go ahead.
How's it going, Alex?
I'm a ten-year listener of yours.
Like you said, you call 9-11 like you see it, CPS.
You are basically the life raft.
And America is sinking, and you're our only hope, honestly.
You're the only voice out there that is not controlled opposition like Glenn Beck, and maybe the only other person I would agree with would be Judge Napolitano.
But see, I hate to even have you say that because it makes me feel like crap, because I don't do that good of a job, but it's sick!
Why am I the best there is?
Great job, Alex.
You know, you put out Police State 4 and Invisible Empire.
I bought both of those on DVD.
I'm a PrisonPlanet.TV member, and if you're not one, you need to subscribe.
It's like 15 cents a day.
Let's support the operation.
And honestly, Alex, I wish that you sold autographed DVDs, because I would like to buy those for collector's items.
I even have your original VHS copy of America Destroyed by Design for all you new listeners.
Alex Jones,
I've been telling you the truth.
I've known for at least 10 years.
I'm a highly educated Hispanic high school teacher.
And I just want to get into my points.
He has the best guests on, like Gerald Solente, Judge Napolitano, Bob Chapman, Jesse Ventura, Ron Paul, Tarpley Griffin, Cindy Sheehan, and Alex.
You don't give yourself enough credit.
But let me get into now some of the points I wanted to make about mob psychology.
What directly relates into what you're talking about.
Which is mass mind control.
I wish I'd have brought Mob Psychology up.
That's it.
They've learned how when people get in a group think, the thinking process switches off.
It's literal mind control.
Sorry, go ahead.
Yeah, exactly.
I'm a high school teacher, like I said.
And as you know, across the country, they're doing massive layoffs with teachers.
Our students wanted to do something about it.
So at first, they did something called the sit-in.
And out of the thousand kids in my high school,
Only maybe 50 kids did the sit-in.
And I was looking at it from a psychological point of view.
It's because most of the 1,000 kids are not fully educated, and it also required additional work.
For them to sit in means they had to stay after school.
It required extra work.
So it wasn't very successful.
But two days later, they did a walkout.
And that was much more successful.
Now, again, I'm watching this from a psychological point of view.
The walkout was much more successful, even though lots of the kids didn't really know the reasons for the walkout, didn't know the politics.
Everybody got behind it because it's something all the kids want to do anyway.
They all want to leave school.
So, almost every kid left school because, you know, the protest was designed to get everybody aboard.
Now, I kind of wanted to tie that little pilot program in
to what's really going on now with things like Ron Paul he's really Ron Paul wants to abolish the Federal Reserve and he's trying to do things like HR 1207 he's trying to uh... let me see here with uh... well audit the Fed now and then you got Bernie Sanders now trying to like you know do a bait and switch at the last second well we're really not going to be able to audit the Fed um... Ron Paul wants to abolish the 16th amendment you know the IRS which is unconstitutional
And I see right now what's going on is that they're doing this to kind of appease the Tea Party.
The controlled opposition like Glenn Beck.
Here's basically my big idea, Alex, and I really want you to think about this.
It's a peaceful revolution.
Alex Jones has never called for violence, and this is a peaceful revolution right here.
I suggest that on July 4th, the 4th of July, 2011, every American stops paying their mortgage, we stop paying our car payments, we stop paying our credit cards.
We are fueling the bankers that are enslaving us.
I suggest that we have a movement where we stop fueling the empire.
If we all stop doing this, first thing we need to do is make sure we have a two-year food supply, we need two years of water, and we need to have some medicine and things like that.
We need to be self-sufficient for two years.
Well, let me say this.
Let me say this.
This is what Iceland and others have done, and it's successful.
Similar things.
And if we don't do something like this, the banks are just gonna
Get rid of all the basic services, teachers, potholes.
That's the plan.
That's the New Jersey austerity.
But then the money, all the money basically then just goes to the banks.
And then they scapegoat the Greek workers.
They scapegoat mortgage holders.
They scapegoat teachers.
Again, it's a scapegoat.
The money's basically worthless.
We're not on a gold standard anymore.
We're kind of on a fiat oil standard.
I believe right now what we need to do is stop paying our mortgages.
They cannot foreclose everybody's house.
They cannot repo everybody's car.
And if we stop paying our credit cards, the money's worthless anyway.
So there will be a peaceful revolution as long as we've got people like Oath Keepers and we raise the collective consciousness of the public.
Everybody will get aboard this flight like that model I gave you of the walkout.
Most people won't get in on a sit-in because it requires extra work.
But everybody will get in on behind not paying their mortgage.
Everybody understands this banking system is a fraud.
Everybody understands we're getting raped by the bankers.
Therefore, everybody... No, it's a great idea.
It's just how to have the media power to coordinate it, get enough people to do it, because that would bring the bankers to their knees.
But in closing, what do you think of the information in Machete?
I mean, do you not agree?
I mean, do you agree that that's going to cause a backlash against Hispanics and that's what it's designed to do?
Well, yeah, I think you're covering this, you know, extremely well.
And if it wasn't for a watchdog like yourself,
I think they would be able to come through with this and it would create, you know, more divide and conquer, more race wars between Hispanics and Americans.
And that's what they want us to do, is to end fights.
What we need to do is stay united and not let things like machete and all their countless amounts of divide and conquer techniques that they try to do.
Blacks against whites, Hispanics against whites, Arizonans against Mexicans.
They try this over and over and over and over again and it's not going to work because we've got people like you.
You know, exploiting their divide-and-conquer techniques.
Machete at this over-the-top... God bless you!
We gotta go to break.
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You'll be glad you did.
Folks, I probably shouldn't even have spent the last two hours or three hours covering this.
I live in Texas.
I live in peace with everybody.
I like everybody, and I'm sick of it.
We're going to continue with Chris, Paul, Ralph, and a few others on this subject.
Rob Redding on a host of issues is joining us, but he wanted to come on about the
The whole open border situation in Arizona.
Rob Redding coming up, a syndicated radio host here on Genesis.
He's also a station manager, one of the stations we're on.
And so he is coming up at the 8 after.
You know, I keep waking up in the middle of the night because when I'm awake
I'm all geared up and macho, consciously, but then when I wake up in the middle of the night, like, my God, the banks are stealing trillions.
They're going to raise taxes on everybody.
They're going to take everything we've got.
They're setting up a police state.
All of this is really happening.
Gold went up to $1,240.
It's right there, right now.
We've been right about everything.
I wish I wasn't right.
They're coming out with vaccines that brain damage you by design to make you behave yourself.
That's mainstream news.
I haven't even gotten into that.
Kagan is absolutely anti-Second Amendment and free speech to be the new Supreme Court Justice.
I mean, they're going for it!
And they plan to have us all fighting with each other and killing each other and all I want is freedom!
That's all I want!
But I wanted to bring Ted up for this segment and part of the next because
I hate to say, see, I told you so again, when gold was $280 an ounce six, seven years ago, and then $400, and $500, and $600, and $700, and $800, and $900, $1,000, $1,100, $1,200, $1,240.
I mean, it's insane.
It also supports the network, though not much, because Ted's so competitive.
But he is running out again, and it keeps going up, and he still bought gold when it was, what, $70, $80 less than it is now an ounce.
He can pass those savings on to you, but not for long, because even mainstream news is now saying $3,000 an ounce gold, because the printing presses are on high.
This is a guarantee they've destroyed America.
We may be able to fix it and rebuild something,
But we'll be too busy killing each other in a race war, I guess.
What about our children?
What about our children living in peace together?
Ted Anderson, I wanted to bring you up here just to give people today's gold offer and talk about what's happening.
Gold has now gone through its all-time record high and is holding there.
This is incredible.
It sure is, Alex.
I mean, yesterday we seen gold, during the middle of the trading day, run all the way up to $1,290.60.
It was 40 cents away from hitting $1,250 an ounce.
It closed at its high that it's never seen before.
Right now it's holding that number.
Right now it's trading at about $1,235 an ounce.
And I gotta tell you, Alex, the European people are just scared out of their...
And it just, you know, I mean, how many countries do we have to carry when we can't even carry ourselves?
I mean, the United States... Mexico's collapsing, Iceland's collapsing, Portugal, Italy, Greece, everything's collapsing, and everything's got to go to the bankers, and they're all over the news today, Ted, saying the good times are over.
We're going to cut all your services, but taxes are going to go up.
But look, at least people can protect themselves with gold and silver.
It's not perfect, but it's the best thing out there.
Tell folks the coin's fast.
We're about to go to break.
Give them the numbers.
Sure, but the best coin right now is the Frank at $256.68.
We do do the full forecaster for a full year for you, and that's $159 for the subscription.
That puts that coin at $97.68.
You're buying gold at $488.40 an ounce.
I don't think there's any... No, there isn't.
There's nobody out there that's even selling the coin for $256.68.
That coin is so far discounted, and when you consider the fact that it's $488.40 an ounce, you're not going to buy gold for less than that out there.
Gold's over $1,200 an ounce right now.
Let me give folks the number 800-686-2237.
I'm Alex Jones.
This is the GCN Radio Network.
Ted, stay there.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
In March, Alex Jones announced that eFoods Direct was putting together a high-volume, pre-production order of the new Quick Fix meals.
By waiting for production and shipping of their orders, families were able to receive one free item for every three that they bought.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Ted Anderson is our guest.
Rob Redding, a great syndicated radio host here on Genesis, also the station manager we happen to be on, is coming up to talk about a host of issues and to continue with your phone calls.
But Ted, I mean this is a no-brainer.
Back when
I mean, you guys send me the daily coin offers, and I see it, and it'll be a fifth of an ounce, say, European franc, and it'll be two, three, four, five dollar markup depending what day it is.
I happen to know your markup on a two hundred and say fifty dollar coin is three, four dollars.
I've asked you how you even operate.
Then on top of that,
You sell bullion, collector coins, you name it.
You buy them when the market's down, and then you sell it when the market is up at the original price.
And I know I keep explaining that to people, but folks are not going to find better deals.
What about the half-ounce silver coins you've got that you bought when silver was at $15, but of course you had to pay the premium to get them, and then now it's right up there at $19-something, almost $20.
I mean, tell folks about that offer.
Yeah, sure.
It's the Walking Liberty Half right now.
I'm selling that coin at $9.75.
And that coin right now is trading at $11 plus out there in the marketplace.
So that is just a fabulous buy as well.
You know what else I have?
I have the British Sovereign at $332.12.
I've been checking my competitors' sites.
They're out of them.
I accumulated these things when the price was lower.
I guess I'm really lucky I locked into what I did.
Yeah, that's another issue.
They admit in Europe, especially in Austria, they're running out of gold or have run out.
They're putting in gold vending machines in Europe, Asia, and the Middle East.
People are really starting to discover gold.
And when the yuppies finally discover it, it's over.
Well, that's right, because there's not enough above-ground supply to go around.
You replayed that interview that you had with the GATA guy, and that's what he was talking about.
The above-ground supply of gold is not enough to meet the demand right now, and that's why we're seeing the price go up.
There just is simply not enough coins to go around, let alone a coin that was made previous to the 1940s.
You know, that British Sovereign goes all the way back into the 1800s, so do the Franks.
There's a finite supply of them out there.
I don't know if you understand what that means.
It just means that they're never going to be manufactured again, ever.
So what I'm dealing with is something that was manufactured in the 1800s and the early 1900s.
A lot of people like to buy these coins because they talk about exemptions from confiscation, this type of thing.
I just like to get small pieces of gold in your hand.
In this particular case, I'm selling it for less than half the value of the spot price of gold.
So I don't know how in the world I can make this easier for people to buy gold.
I need people to get into gold coins.
So do you.
And of course your purchases help the network.
And support the broadcast of the Alex Jones Show.
But isn't that what we want to do in the first place?
Yeah, we're not funded by the federal government, the Ford Foundation, and the Texas Film Commission.
We're funded by you buying the books, the videos, supporting the sponsors, and getting the gold.
Plus, I've shopped around.
Ted is the best.
That's why he's getting so big in his 30 years in business.
That's why when others are running out, because suppliers don't trust him, Ted can get it because he has the highest rating of the Better Business Bureau.
Even reputable coin dealers don't usually have that because people always complain.
Ted has the highest rating you can get.
Give him a call.
800-686-2237, ladies and gentlemen, for gold and your silver needs.
Now is the time to get involved.
They've got a bunch of other coins in gold and silver, but a lot of it in small amounts because they're running out.
Ask about it, and you get the big discount when you say, I heard it on the Alex Jones Show.
It is a Ted Anderson, Alex Jones special.
And we also have an article...
Up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com by Paul Watson that talks about 3,000, says gold could explode to 3,000 as confidence in currencies collapses.
And the only way you can get this special deal on an online offer, because the prices are higher, at MidasResources.com, you link through to the special page we've got at the bottom.
You can get these same radio deals via this offer.
at PrisonPlanet.com.
Gold could explode to $3,000 as confidence in currencies collapse.
Key article and the link at the bottom.
Don't procrastinate.
Brokers will be there till midnight tonight.
Ted Anderson, thank you so much.
Yeah, thanks a lot, Alex.
You bet.
Rob Redding, syndicated radio talk show host.
Great radio presence.
He'll be joining us and your phone calls.
Chris, Paul, Ralph and others.
Stay with us.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents The Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Well, we've got 52 minutes left in radio transmission.
I'll be taking calls on the same subject.
The racist film Machete by Robert Rodriguez.
It's basically a race war film.
We have the script coming out in September.
Racist film Machete produced with taxpayer funds.
We're going to talk about the Arizona situation, the border situation, how this is threatening to really cause tension in the country.
And where the situation is going.
Mexico literally collapsing.
Many of the criminals of the country pouring across, but many also hard-working people who've had their economy destroyed by NAFTA and GATT.
Where is all this going?
It's reddingnewsreview.com.
He's got a syndicated radio show on Genesis.
I always enjoy it when I'm able to tune into it.
He also is a program director at KMLB 540 AM in Monroe, Louisiana.
And they've been picking us up for four or five months.
They've already seen some ratings increases on my show.
So that's exciting.
A lot of new stations.
We're gaining about two or three a week right now, which is a fast growth rate for us.
So we want folks to also tune in to 540 AM in Monroe, Louisiana.
Thanks for having me.
Most of my listeners probably know who you are and tune in.
Your show is one of the most popular here on the network.
But the type of talk radio you do and where you see this country going?
Well, the type of talk radio I do, first of all, let me just say thank you again for having me on.
I really appreciate it.
You're one of the most important voices in radio.
Congratulations on a Radio Inc.
I was showing my boss the other day, the owner of the radio station, that this show is definitely growing by leaps and bounds.
I look for you to be at, what, five or six hundred affiliates before it's all over with after having that cover.
I don't know about that, but okay.
Well, people see the light of day.
I think that they're starting to understand that there is definitely something afoot in Washington, D.C., and it's corrupt, and it needs to be addressed, and this show does just that.
Well, thank you.
The type of show that I do is I'm an independent.
I do, I guess, radio from an independent perspective.
We share a lot of the same views in that I believe that government is corrupt.
I believe that the Republicans and Democrats are duping us and that they need to be exposed and that's what the show seeks to do.
It's called Reading News Review and the website ReadingNewsReview.com.
Well, I always enjoy the show, not just because of your commentary and energy and intelligence, but also the guests you have on.
So, I mean, you're a program director and you produce your show, and you're kind of in the same place I'm at, having to do a lot of work.
Yeah, absolutely.
And, you know, it's a lot of work, but it's important work that you are doing and that I think that I'm doing, because, you know, you could always say that, you know,
I've got products and things like that that I sell, but I also have products that I give away.
I give away just as many books as I sell.
It's probably more books than I sell.
I know you supply your audience daily with your radio show and get little reward from it, but you also have lots of YouTube videos that I've watched and I think are very compelling.
I don't agree with all the elements, but I do believe that your heart is in the right place and that you ultimately stand for the same thing I stand for, and that's truth.
Well, Rob Redding, let's get your take on the hottest issue right now in the United States, or if you disagree, I mean, maybe it's the war with Iran or the economy imploding, but what I hear on talk radio, in the newspapers, what I hear people talking about on the street is the fact that Mexico is collapsing, that there are people here who do not want our borders controlled, and both political parties basically want to drive down the wages, they want to have
Uh, you know, basically, uh, groups in this nation that they can exploit.
Uh, but either way you look at it, it looks to me like it's starting to really deteriorate and come to a head.
What's your view on the Arizona situation?
Well, I believe that this is a situation where, uh, clearly there's some issues of race here.
But however, this is identity politics, smash mouth identity politics that the Democrats are playing.
They would not be concerned about these people in this state, uh, being, uh,
I think
Of different groups, whether it be blacks, whether it be gays, whether it be Jews, or whatever, is a hodgepodge of different people.
And this is identity politics, where they're trying to bring these 500,000 people, these illegals, people that are illegally here from the moment they stepped into the country, are illegally here, have committed a crime into the Democratic Party.
And that's what's going on here.
And I've been saying on my radio program, and I'm serious about this, we need to lock every single individual that comes across the border up
And put them in jail.
Don't deport them for them to come back over.
Put them in jail.
That's what I'm talking about.
Because the reverse of that is, they would rather us carry national ID cards in our own country, so they can mark us, so they can track us, okay?
The government
People that are here legally, that were born here, raised here, like you and I, carry these cards so they know exactly what we are, what we're doing, and God knows what else, to be in our own country, and that's ridiculous!
These people are legally here!
Well, Rob Redding, that's a point I've made, and I'm glad you bring that up.
They have a hundred mile deep zone around the whole country with border patrol checkpoints,
Where citizens, the YouTube videos are famous, Pastor Anderson and others, get beat up for asking questions.
Black, Hispanic, white.
If you're a citizen, you're a piece of trash.
We have all over the news where illegals get let go for no driver's license, no insurance, drunk driving.
The judges just let them go.
The railroad serial killer killed a bunch of people, continued to be released.
They're undocumented and then it's a bait and switch.
Bushes and now
The Democratic Party, Obama's, President Obama's legislation is the same thing.
Citizens have to have an ID to work.
We're all tracked.
But then they're still going to selectively leave all the illegals alone.
I mean, I want to be a first class citizen.
And as a citizen, I'm not.
I'm at the bottom of the totem pole.
Why do you think that's going on?
I think it's going on because, again, they want to, in terms of identity politics, with what we're seeing with the Democrats, they're trying to bring these people into the fold.
And I don't understand it because I was having a conversation with someone who's fairly independent, who said to me, he said, these guys are largely conservative on most issues.
The only issue that they even agree with the Democrats on is the fact that they should be able to break the law and stay in the country illegally.
These people have no
Um, have been known to be a little lethargic about, uh, supporting the Democratic Party.
However, now they are, and so we're seeing them clamoring to, to, to, to help them stay in the country illegally, and that's just wrong.
It's wrong as hell.
If these people come into this country illegally, they have committed a crime.
They should be held accountable, just like everybody else.
Brothers in the hood are getting locked up for less, so if that's the case, then if you come across the border illegally, you have to be
We're good to go.
That's thousands of miles away, and we don't have a history of wars with those countries.
So many of these illegal aliens that are up here right now are trying to intimidate Hispanic Americans to join their race movement, their La Raza, their Mecha movement.
I've had Hispanic caller after caller call in.
We're going to go to some more of those folks here in a moment.
I have one guy that disagrees, so he'll go to the head of the line, the first caller in three shows I've done on this who actually disagrees.
So please stay there, Gilbert, I believe is the name.
Yes, it's Gilbert.
Think about this.
The news hid this, but I finally saw it in one local NBC News story out of San Francisco over the weekend.
Of the five kids that that school sent home for wearing American flag shirts, three of them were Hispanic.
And it turned out that two of them just so happened to be wearing shirts that had American flags.
I mean, we've all got those.
They sell them everywhere.
At Old Navy, they're like five bucks.
My little kids have got them.
We wear them on the Fourth of July.
I mean, I don't mean to threaten anybody when I put out a picnic table that's got red, white, and blue on Fourth of July to eat barbecue.
I mean, I'm not evil here.
And it was so threatening
to the illegal group that was in that school that they demanded they be thrown out of school and they were thrown out of school.
That's the issue, is that so many of these people coming in, you know, really don't like the United States because Mexico lost that war.
And you're right.
And Alex, you shouldn't have to sit up there and say what race they are, what ethnicity or whatever, because it doesn't make a difference.
I go by America's independent voice.
Look, this country has sinned, it's fallen short, but it needs to be held accountable for striving to be the great nation that it should be.
And so that's why I say I'm America's independent voice.
Yes, I know about slavery.
Yes, I know about civil rights.
Yes, I know about Jim Crow and all of that.
We overcame all of that stuff and we're still overcoming.
But the point is, is this.
They're American citizens.
They're entitled to wear the flag if they so choose.
And when do people that come here illegally, who have committed a crime, see that's what people forget.
People want to say all illegals are criminals.
I'm not saying that just because people want to say that they come here committing crimes.
I'm saying by the act of coming here without documentation, you are an illegal citizen.
So when do you dictate to me, the American citizen, what I can wear, when I can wear it, and how long I can wear it?
That's preposterous.
It's incredible, and it just gets worse and worse.
I want to go to Gilbert, who disagrees, Chris and Paul, because they've been holding for a long time.
When we come back in this next short segment, we're going to continue with our guest, but you'll get a chance to not just talk to Alex Jones, but Rob Redding of ReddingNewsReview.com.
Excellent syndicated broadcast.
I suggest our affiliates out there look at picking it up.
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And thank you for mentioning the Radio Inc., Rob.
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In March, Alex Jones announced that eFoods Direct was putting together a
I think so.
We're good to go.
Alright, Rob Redding is our guest and radio host.
Let's talk to Gilbert in Texas who says he disagrees.
Gilbert, go ahead, sir.
Gilbert in Texas, go ahead.
Yeah, I think I wanted to say that this is a little overblown.
I think the movie's terrific.
I think it's a fictional movie and I think people know to distinguish between fiction and reality and we're not that stupid to
To go out there and do exactly what a movie tells us to do, or implies us to do.
Well Gilbert, Gilbert, Fox put out the trailer and they said this is a message to Arizona, and then it cuts to people with sniper rifles at politicians shot at the Capitol, and it has white people running around like a bunch of racists killing Hispanics.
The point is, is that this is taxpayer funded, we've now discovered as well.
Well let me tell you, as a supporter of immigrants, and I'm not for open borders, but
I don't know.
And spend a couple of years, or whatever, I don't know how long, and leave his family here, which is something that's out of the question.
Sir, if we just let everybody in, if we didn't have this big welfare system, it might work.
The country is going bankrupt.
Have you seen California laying all these people off, totally falling apart?
But the immigrants are the hardest working.
Let me get a comment from Rob Redding on this, Rob.
What kind of weed are you smoking?
I don't understand.
I mean, if you say the immigrants are the hardest working population, they are taking jobs away from individuals that were already in line.
Even people that immigrated legally.
I have tons of people that call into my show that immigrated here legally that say, these folks are jumping in front of us and unemploying us.
They came here legally.
Well, let me tell you something.
You can make the case for Walmart and any other corporation over-competing for jobs and taking away jobs and businesses from everyone.
You can make that case for anything.
Don't change the issue.
You're the one saying that immigrants are good for America.
I'm not saying immigrants are bad.
I'm saying illegals are bad.
And as far as your friend goes, it's not our fault that he's illegally here.
His parents should have done what they should have done in taking care of that paperwork.
So, you know what?
I'm crying no tears here for this guy having to go back and handle his business.
Well, that's an opinion, it's not a fact.
Listen, let me expand on this, sir.
Are you denying that they have 800 plus sanctuary cities where citizens are arrested for drunk driving and not having insurance and ticketed, but illegals aren't?
You know, that's the truth.
Let me tell you, the problem is the government.
It isn't the people that are the immigrants.
They didn't make that law.
What do you mean?
Vicente Fox came to Austin
Came to Austin and gave money five years ago and gave awards to the state, to the city, and to Wells Fargo for allowing them to have rights that citizens don't have, sir.
Listen, what about all the illegals that are running around saying this is Mexico?
Spain had it, France had it, Russia had California.
I mean, they don't say they have a claim.
I mean, it was the United States, Mexico attacked
You know, who cares about what those people say?
You know, that's just a small portion of the population.
I mean, I'm a Latino, and I don't say that.
I don't care who owns this country.
As long as I'm free and I can do whatever I want, who cares?
Who cares what the minute men say?
Well, you say you think it's a great movie.
Have you seen Machete?
I've seen the trailer.
It looks terrific.
And I've seen his other movies, and they're absolutely entertaining.
So I'm looking forward to seeing it.
Gilbert, are you here legally?
Uh, no, but if I wasn't, I would be proud to be here illegally, because there's nothing wrong with looking for liberty.
Any human being that looks for liberty, power to them.
I don't think liberty should be only allowed for... You can't just take liberty, sir.
You can't take liberty hostage, and that's what these people are doing.
Well, you know, so be it.
So be it.
I'm not going to let some illegals hijack liberty, sir.
I'm not going to do it.
And you know what?
I'm not going to stay in a country where I'm a slave, an economic slave.
I'm not going to stay in a country where I might get killed.
And I'm not going to stay in a country like that.
No one's killing you.
No one's enslaving you.
He's talking about Mexico.
I'm talking about Mexico.
And I would escape at any time and I don't care what anybody says.
And you know what?
I'm a supporter of the 9-11 movement.
I'm a supporter of a false flag.
I believe the government does false flags.
But you know what?
I can't disagree more with you guys on this issue.
And I think I have a right to.
Well, sir, sir, sir, we just had you on air.
We went to you first.
I mean, my whole issue is there's 600 million people in Latin America.
There's over 6 billion globally that all want to come here.
We can't have 6 billion people here.
I mean, we're the most open country in the world.
I mean, Mexico has their most draconian border control after North Korea.
They admit that.
They grab Guatemalan immigrants and, you know, in Mexico they treat natives horribly.
I'm just sick of Mexico telling America how bad it is.
Rob Redding's our guest.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
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Rob Redding is our guest.
I want to go to Chris, Paul, Ian, Ivan, Joe, and others for you on this subject, but this is the perfect divide and conquer for the Ford Foundation and the government, where you bring in tens of millions of people and they just say, look, I'll come here if I want.
People come here, there's ads in the newspaper in Mexico, this has been in the news, saying, come here, when your water breaks, have your baby, you can stay, you won't go on welfare, the baby's paid for.
They're telling teachers and highway patrol people they've got to work five days a week and be paid for four.
They're laying off half the cops in many towns, in Ohio, California, you name it.
Everything's collapsing, the nation's bankrupt, and
Kids wear American flags in school and have to leave because it's upsetting.
And then he says, oh no, that's not the view.
And I think this movie Machete is wonderful when I've got the script and it is off the charts horrible.
Mr. Redding, break this down for us, your view on it.
I think that what we're seeing here is exactly what you just said.
This is a tragedy in motion, and there are people that are racing toward the flames.
Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, what we're seeing in terms of, and the only reason why I'm thinking clearly here is because I'm an independent.
I'm off the political party plantation.
I'm not a Republican.
I'm not a Democrat.
I'm not even a partisan independent.
I'm a non-conformist independent.
I can see this for what it is.
I don't care about the Republicans getting more votes.
I don't care about the Democrats getting more votes, or the Libertarians, or anyone else.
I'm not aligning with any right, left, center coalition on this thing, either for or against.
I am going rogue here, I guess, for a better way to put it, and just saying, look, this is wrong.
To have these people imported as the quote-unquote new slaves within this whole economic structure that these people are trying to build here and we see it being built before our eyes on their backs and unemploying people that have been in line first that are American citizens and not lock these people up is dead wrong!
It is, Rob.
It is dead wrong.
Let's go ahead and talk to Chris in Texas.
We just talked to Chris.
Who's up next, John?
Chris in Texas is.
We had an earlier Chris.
Chris, go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
I want to thank you, man.
First-time caller, long-time listener.
I am just blown away.
Downright furious.
I mean, from this Robert Rodriguez film, I once, and I will say, used to be a fan to his.
I enjoyed some of his earlier shows, but as a Hispanic American, you know, as a Hispanic in America, I literally just had to step down from that and just say, it's not right.
I mean, as Hispanics, you know, that live here in America, people have, they have to, and I'm talking about them specifically, have to sit back and say, listen,
We're Americans first.
We were born here.
We had loved ones and family members die in wars in this country to give us the right to live here and to sit there and join arms with groups that believe in this
Mexico rising, it's ludicrous, and it's a slap in the face of everybody who's fought, whether you're Hispanic... And Mexico's not rising, it's not the example.
I mean, it never had a 1776.
I mean, I wish...
Have you seen the video of that communist school teacher saying, look, these racist white people don't really dislike us because we're brown.
They don't like us because we're communist.
And well, that's actually true.
Imagine having a bunch of foreigners saying we love communism.
And let me tell you, that's a big percentage of these people because the universities and schools teach it.
I mean, I mean, I'm not for turning my guns in.
And most of these immigrant groups, when they vote, they end up voting for big government and gun control.
He demonizes it, Alex.
What Robert Rodriguez and people and Hispanics don't understand is
They are going to demonize good, tax-paying, voting Hispanics that live in America that, you know, like myself, who married a white woman who's having a child.
You know what?
There's nothing wrong with embracing your heritage and your ancestors, but there's something wrong with not embracing who you are as an American and having the pride in what you are.
My son will speak Spanish, but he will learn American first.
He will learn English first.
You know, our son will embrace that, but you know Alex, when I saw that teacher, that college teacher sitting there talking, that hate, that communist, that socialistic, it broke my heart as a Hispanic, because right then and there when people see this,
They're just too ignorant and dumb to sit there and debate.
Well, Chris, that's why I saw this on Cinco de Mayo last week.
I was going to play it, but I was like, man, I don't want to give in to the division because even countering it may cause that.
And I was thinking about not even covering it because there's so much other stuff to cover.
And then I got contacted by two Hispanic members of Rodriguez's crew saying, look, have you seen the trailer?
It's worse than that.
And then I got
the uh... script and i i can't even when you read this script i mean it is just and i don't want to spoil the whole film so i'm not going to release the whole script and it is it is a free speech issue and i could probably release it but i'm not going to we've shown certain sections of it so we can prove what we're saying i can't believe it and i appreciate your call chris comments on that rob running
Well, I haven't seen the Rodriguez movie or trailer, so I'm kind of jumping in on this, but I can say this, that, you know, to demonize groups that carry guns and say that they're supremacists or what have you is an overgeneralization.
I've never been for gun control in this country.
I believe that we should have the right to carry, we should defend our country, and those things are important, but just to blatantly
I think?
Well, plus we're being told we've got to give all our rights up because terrorists are going to kill us.
And then the border's basically wide open and they use illegal alien labor to build the 50 miles of the 200 mile fence they never finished.
I mean, it's a joke.
Let's talk to Paul in Texas.
You're on the air with Rob Redding.
Go ahead.
Hello, Alex.
I've been listening to you concerning this Robert Rodriguez movie.
And you have to keep in mind that
I don't
People going around after watching American History X and committing the same acts of violence that they see there, you know?
In American History X, the white supremacist is the bad guy.
This isn't done that way.
Whites are attacking churches, crucifying Catholic priests,
trying to murder hispanic children murdering hispanics in cold blood they shoot at the capitol they put out a trailer saying uh... you know this is a message to arizona that's why fox is now pull the trailer they realize that that was then mixed in with reality and
Believe me, once you see this movie, when it comes out, because I haven't seen the film, but I've got the script, which is the film, this is not like a black exploitation film or something that has a little bit of this in it.
And this is free speech.
He can do this.
My only issue is, I'm constantly hearing how Tea Parties are all racist and they want to kill everybody, and 99% of that's made up in a lie.
Okay, and if you're against government health care, you're a racist.
Or if you're against the Banker Bailout, you're a racist.
When that's injecting the racial issue... Look, I'm a 36-year-old white guy, okay?
I grew up in Dallas, Texas.
I will assure you, I hardly ever heard anything racial.
Nothing from my parents.
Nothing, deer hunting with rednecks.
Nothing from
I mean, the only time I heard it was from other groups and it was meant like a joke, you know, to me.
So, I don't understand it because, believe me, all I ever hear about is how white people have this big secret, you know, operation of racism, and yeah, there's some toothless Klan members out there running around, and half the time you do the research, it's federally funded, like Hal Turner, who was always attacking me.
I don't even know what to say, but I appreciate your call.
Comments on that, Rob Redding.
Well, there definitely exists in America racism, and that's definitely an issue.
People that say that the Tea Party movement is all racial, obviously it's an overgeneralization.
However, let me just say, I was at a Tea Party gathering where they were protesting on Tax Day in Seattle, and I felt like I was at a Klan rally.
I'm not going to lie.
I felt very uncomfortable.
There were black people there, but they were watching on the outskirts.
I decided to go in and mingle with the crowd.
It's just the number of white people that we're seeing that oppose the president.
It's the signs that some of the signs that they were carrying on Barack Obama felt Klan-like.
So, I mean, it's easy.
It makes it easy for the Democrats, because remember, I'm not one.
I'm an independent.
It makes it easy for the Democrats to tar these people and say, you know what?
All of these people are racist.
But isn't that also a self-fulfilling prophecy that from day one the media said it was racist and so black people then don't feel comfortable going?
Might be.
I mean, that's why I made it a point to go into the rally and to see for myself how I would be received.
No one spoke to me.
No one said hello.
I said hello to several people.
Some people just looked at me like, you're out of place.
What are you doing here?
Well, that's bad news.
I hadn't seen much evidence of that, but certainly there's a lot of different variants of Tea Party.
There's Republican Tea Party Nation.
There's the Ron Paul type Tea Parties that I assure you black folks are welcome at.
And look, I have no doubt that there is racism in some areas of the Republican Party, and there are white people out there that are racist.
I mean, I'll be honest, I like northerners, but I've been up to New York in places a lot, and that's when I really first in my life
I mean look, it does exist.
Some of it's being overplayed by these political parties.
And that's exactly what we're seeing here on the immigration issue.
So I think that, you know, again, some of it in terms of tea parties and in terms of what we're seeing in terms of opposition to the president.
I have a concern, though I will say, about Barack Obama being called a socialist.
Every charismatic black guy that we see that comes into power, and I've been saying this over and over again,
Yeah, but they did call Hillary a socialist, too.
I mean, look how big the government's getting.
But it's more like fascism, because it's all going to the banks.
He's continued that destructive fascist policy that we've seen from George Bush.
You can attack Barack Obama on sheer policy.
You don't have to name-call.
You can just say the fact that only 1% of the stimulus is going to black firms when 5% exist out there.
You can say he lied to the black farmers and be completely right and say, why are you guys supporting this guy?
I mean, he's supposed to be black like you, but he doesn't act like you.
The whole point is he's not, he's not catching quote-unquote your back here and he's not speaking to the issues that you're concerned about.
He says he's not going to do anything about black unemployment.
He says he's not, he's not particularly concerned.
He says this, these are the new highs that we're seeing.
We shouldn't be too concerned in terms of unemployment altogether in general.
The point is, is that the guy's not doing what he said he was going to do and that's where you nail him.
You don't have to nail him and say he's a socialist.
You don't have to nail him and name-call or paint him as some jigaboo on a big poster.
All you have to do is say he is not doing what he said he was going to do and he's continuing to give money to corporate crooks just like George Bush did.
Well, that's my issue, is Republicans who like George Bush should love Obama.
Continuing the Patriot Act, secret torture, new wars, banker bailouts, the insurance companies wrote the health care plan.
I've pointed out it's not really socialism, it's just piracy.
It's robbery.
But, you know, the Republican Party loves to play that thing.
They're fighting socialism and they're against big government when we see the government grow just as fast under Republicans.
So I agree with you there.
Strategic ambiguity, that's what it is.
Strategic ambiguity, that's a good term.
Yeah, where you can never really get them nailed down.
That's right, because if you just say he's a socialist, they get on this whole big bandwagon, therefore you put them right back into that Republican tent, and that's when you've got them, and they're going again in the Republican sphere, and putting another Republican in office so they can continue this farce that we're seeing over and over again.
It's just recycling.
Good point.
Ivan in Texas, you're on the air with Rob Rudding, go ahead.
Hey, how are y'all doing?
We're doing good, thank you.
Hey, uh, yeah, I woke up a long time ago, back when I was in high school.
I stopped believing in the whole Republican-Democrat thing.
And I realized that it was, what it was really all about, was just a Hegelian system.
It's the state is supreme, and the individual really has no rights.
The individual only exists to serve the state.
Well, they only let you exist in your group, and then your group's got a government-anointed leader who gets the airtime, who gets put on the news, and then that leader makes it all about your group instead of about your rights as a human.
Yeah, exactly.
It's collectivism.
And, uh, all I wanted to say is I basically called because that, uh, the caller you had on earlier, he said that, uh, all the people you see working are all Mexicans as well.
The only reason that is is because they're willing to settle for lower wages.
As more of them come in and take up more of the jobs, it's going to lower wages for everybody.
And, you know, if it keeps going the way it's going, eventually the economy's going to collapse and everybody's going to be poor.
And that's the reason why Americans are trying to, we're trying to fix our country, which is what the Mexicans should be doing.
They should be going back to Mexico and fix our country.
Well, that's another issue.
The U.S.
is used as a steam valve for revolution, for crime.
Mexico needs to become free.
If it was given a true private property free market system, it would be just as wealthy as the United States, perhaps more so.
And, you know, that's the issue is they want to get out of Mexico, they want to say this is Mexico, but then they don't want to embrace America, a lot of them.
And, you know, that guy said, well, I'm all for America, but, you know, he thinks the film Machete's great, but he hadn't seen the film.
Well, I've read the script.
And I've talked to filmmakers that have seen the film now, and I have, you know, it's worse than I can even describe.
Comments on what Ivan was just saying.
Mr. Redding?
Well, I agree with him, and I agree with you again.
You know, it's disturbing anytime you have anybody that's trying to stoke emotion, stoke fear, and that's what it sounds like this movie is doing.
There are enough issues that are real, true race issues,
In this country that we should be concerned about.
I don't believe people being here illegally and defending quote-unquote their rights when they have none under our Constitution.
How could they?
They're not here illegally.
We should be concerned about them.
Very well said.
I mean, it's simple.
I mean, it's like special rights for these people.
Someone said to me the other day, the Constitution... I was like, why are you talking about the Constitution?
These folks don't fall under it!
They're not American citizens!
Meanwhile, the Congress is trying to take the rights of citizens.
If they think you might be a terrorist, you don't get a due process and can be disappeared, but nobody's worried about that.
Or naked body scanners for all Americans, whether you're, you know, babies or whatever color they are, they're gonna be put through naked body scanners.
Yeah, this is ridiculous.
This whole scanning and watching individuals and being able to see their entire body, what's under their clothing.
It's lewd.
And they're talking about, well nobody's going to see these images.
Well, they are going to see these images and they can archive these images.
They're lying through their teeth.
And I don't know who they think they're fooling.
And that's why you're one of the most dangerous voices in America.
And that's the reason why I put you on KMLB.
Because you're telling the truth, Alex.
And I'm telling you.
People are starting to wake up.
Keep doing what you're doing.
You're going to see more stations at your show.
Well, thank you.
God bless you.
Let's go ahead and talk to Joe in Wisconsin.
You're on the air with Rob Redding.
Go ahead.
Hi, how you doing?
Reagan and Bush are, you know, when they were in office, they had some rich friends.
Owned Walmart, big corporations, big factories.
They wanted Mexican labor.
Oh, yeah!
Let me tell you something.
Our politicians have sold us out as a country, as a people, for the lust of greed, to satisfy their selfish power lust to rule and control the earth.
Our forefathers sacrificed our liability and our freedom was in vain due because of these monsters that are the Bilderbergs and the politicians who obey them.
The politicians do not want to recognize the Constitution.
They pretend, you know, it's just toilet paper.
I bet, bottom dollar, your show is monitored by the CIA and other government agencies for pointing out all this.
The head of the, you know, snake, the evil,
That wants to inflict tyranny on us, is the Bilderberg members.
I hear you Joe, good points.
More Straight Ahead with Rob Redding, stay with us.
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Mr. Rob Redding is our guest, reddingnewsreview.com.
Really appreciate him joining us today, syndicated radio broadcaster.
Look, when I saw the machete trailer, when I see these students getting up and professors saying, aha, we're going to get the gringos, they're scum, I know that's not the majority of Hispanics.
Listen to all the Hispanic callers.
I go have events here in Austin or places or L.A.
and half the people are Hispanic.
I mean, I don't want to be fighting with people.
I'm sick of it.
And, you know, the Democratic Party was for slavery at the time it was there.
Then they were the party that fought it, and that's good.
Later, you know, segregation and all that.
And now, most of the time, they're just invoking it politically to go after their enemies.
But so are the Republicans with, you know, ads they run about convicts and things.
Rob, do you see us coming out of this, or do you see it getting worse?
I see us coming, well first of all, Barack Obama scared the hell out of me, and he still does.
And when he was elected, people said, oh great, you know, because people had already started to get so disillusioned with George Bush and government, and I thought that was a great thing.
Not government, but politics and partisans.
And I talk about this in my book, Hired Hatred.
The point is this, when I saw Barack Obama, this charismatic black guy, come up through the ranks, I was completely infuriated.
And the reason why is because he's been able to corral people back into identity politics
Back into the Democratic fold, and it starts all over again.
I am looking for an implosion in political parties, looking for the fact that we need to get back to good government.
We need to understand what George Washington said a long time ago when he was the first president, that political parties are divisive.
We've divided ourselves within race, we've divided ourselves within family, husband against wife, son against
Brother, it's just one of those things, you know, father against son, it's one of those things we have to get back to good government and what Barack Obama has done is set us back and put us back under this tent and now we're starting to see a division where the Republicans are playing race politics against him.
It's just an ongoing cycle.
So for us to answer the question, to get out of this, we have to have more shows like yours,
More shows like mine that expose these people for what they are.
They are playing us against each other, and until we recognize that, until we stop it, will we ever come out of this.
We have to get back to good government, we have to get back to policymaking, and calling a spade a spade.
If these people are here illegally, let's deal with that, but let's not
Pat somebody on the back that's done wrong and say, you're right, you're wrong as hell!
The truth is the truth.
That's the one thing that I agree with you on.
You've said over and over on this show, I am for the truth.
And that's what I believe.
The same thing you do.
Well, I apologize to all the other callers that we don't have time to get to, but Dan in Virginia and many others, you'll be able to get back on live tomorrow on the Friday edition.
And we appreciate our guest, Rob Redding of Redding Review.
Tell us about your website a little bit.
Reading News Review is a website I started eight years ago back in Atlanta when I did my talk show because people were literally upset with me for reading the Atlanta Journal and Constitution.
They called it the Atlanta Urinal and Constipation.
So I started Reading News Review and it's been online.
It'll be nine years old in March.
The show is named after it, Reading News Review, the show which is heard on GCN and on XM and other stations.
Across the country on Sundays from 7 p.m.
to 10 p.m.
Well, you've got a great broadcast.
You ought to do five days a week.
I would love to.
It was great being on with you.
I look forward to coming on your show.
Oh, I'd love to have you on this Sunday.
This Sunday I'll be on talking about a host of issues with all the perverts and stuff in the Republican Party and how they're being sexually blackmailed.
We'll be talking about that and more on your show this Sunday.
Rob Redding, great having you here.
Thank you and congratulations to you again on Radio Inc.
Thank you so much, sir.
Well, that's it for this broadcast.
Great job to the crew.
And I'll be back live tomorrow, 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m.
on The Economy and on these brain-eating vaccines and so much more.
We have some very informative guests joining us as well.
Great job to the crew.
I want to thank all the listeners and supporters out there.
God bless you, ladies and gentlemen.
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