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Name: 20100420_Tue_Alex
Air Date: April 20, 2010
1733 lines.
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Shut up and sit down!
Let me talk to the next person.
Let me talk to the next person.
Here's the deal.
These guys are going to ask a question.
At the end of this, you're going to look at these guys' mouths, and you're going to leave your question to them.
You can have a chance to ask.
Oh, do it!
Please do it!
Please do it!
I am not resisting!
I am not resisting!
I am not resisting what they're telling me.
I work with this man, sir.
I also work with this man.
I am with Austin Copwatch.
This is Aaron Dykes.
Sir, you need to let me in here.
I'm with Austin Top Watch.
We have an issue here, sir.
I need to speak with a supervisor now.
Okay, so this is a First Amendment issue.
Remember under Bush, they would have town hall meetings when they were open to the public, but they would make you sign a pledge not to ask mean questions or that you agreed with Bush or Cheney.
They would also go into parking lots and find anti-war bumper stickers and follow people in and arrest them.
That was all over the news.
Now what happened is, they had said that Karl Rove was going to give a speech at UT last night to a packed ballroom of over 500 people that was open to the public and free, no stipulations, and that he was going to have a question and answer.
And the same thing that happened to me back in 98 with Bush when he was governor.
They said they were going to have a press conference.
The media was all there.
He gave a speech and they said no press conference.
And at the end of his speech, I said, Governor, you know, isn't it the CFR, the New World Order, that's destroying America?
Don't you want to fight that?
And they had me basically kidnapped for an hour.
They said I was arrested, drugged me out, put me in a car, drove me around.
Now, they detained quite a few people.
And no one disrupted.
And Aaron was there.
Aaron didn't get out of jail until about four this morning.
You can correct me if I'm wrong.
I don't
Aaron was quiet throughout the whole speech.
He said, thank you, and he was done.
And before he said that, he said, we weren't going to take questions, but I've got some prepared written on cue cards.
Lord knows where they came from.
Probably fake questions.
So they said no questions, and they said, well, I'm going to answer some questions on cue cards.
But they hadn't handed these out.
This hadn't been public.
Aaron, after he says thank you, and is about to be asked questions off cue cards, Aaron brings up some important issues about the Downing Street memo, White House memo, that are declassified the last four years and publicly admit that the White House premeditatedly lied about WMDs.
They weren't wrong, they didn't get it wrong, they knew they were lying.
They even talked about, in the White House memo, shooting down a U.S.
aircraft or getting it shot down or a U.N.
aircraft to blame it on Saddam.
That's the Times of London Associated Press.
But the general public doesn't know this.
It never became a big nightly news item.
And so Aaron went down there, Rob Doo went down there, Rob Jacobson went down there.
I've been doing radio, TV interviews, and quite frankly, after four hours every day, that's why I don't go to many of these events.
I'm just exhausted.
But the guys wanted to go.
I didn't say go.
I said, do you want to go?
And they said, yes.
I said, don't get arrested.
But then they came up and grabbed Aaron.
And started saying, resisting, resisting.
And that's coming up on some of the audio.
And then, Aaron's gotta get some sleep today, but I guess tomorrow he'll be able to upload the whole thing unedited to YouTube for people.
Because again, it's easy to grab audio off something.
We could just play it raw, right off the chip, couldn't we?
Yeah, it's right over there, so.
Well, then why are we just gonna do audio?
The way they have it set up, I'm not sure.
Oh, so we can do both?
I mean, see, the problem is I'm all doing the live radio shows.
We're just having a debate about this right now, because you guys had said we had the audio up, so we can play the video too.
Do we have it cued up to the point?
Go out and have a meeting with them about that, because I want to find out exactly what we're going to do, and then we'll find out.
I'm going to cover news.
And we'll get Aaron's story here in just a moment, but it's better to just play it live since we're at PrisonPlanet.tv than wait until Aaron goes and takes a nap and then does it.
But InfoWars journalist arrested, hailed for asking Karl Rove a question during UT appearance.
And it says Aaron waited until it was question time, and rather than sit through the pre-selected controlled media questions, Aaron wanted to know about the Downing Street Memo.
And so, Rob Jacobson stood up and shouted in agreement with Aaron.
They then separately grabbed him.
They were going to arrest him.
So Aaron was in the University of Texas detainment area, in the offices with the police.
I talked to him after he got out, and they were coming over to Aaron saying, we're going to charge you with resisting.
So that's why it's in our article that they were going to charge him with resisting.
They ended up charging him with something else, because Aaron pointed out, this is all on video, you're not going to get away with this.
And so Aaron, we're going to play this video, unedited, for the first time, I haven't even seen this, from your camera, what happened, but break down what happened last night.
Roe was such a pernicious liar and manipulator of public truth and he just staged the whole thing making comments about how this is his free speech and not the liberals and then only after someone interrupts does he finally say yes there will be questions after they said there will be none but he says they will be from pre-written cards that are only for Democrats or Republicans and you line up
And my question didn't fit into the category.
I'm not a Republican.
I'm not a Democrat.
And so the free speech was a fraud.
They announced that they would be warning people for disrupting.
They acknowledged that there were disruptors because there was Code Pink and other groups spread throughout the thing.
I was persecuted for reasons I don't fully understand.
As soon as I outburst, they grabbed me by the elbow without warning.
They were there in like five seconds.
Yeah, they were surrounding me, and as soon as they got the chance, they grabbed me by the elbow, jerked me back, and I heard the cops saying, stop resisting arrest.
Is he resisting arrest?
He's not resisting arrest.
And so I had to defend myself out in the public and say, no, I'm not resisting arrest.
I'm not resisting arrest.
And the rest is on video.
They dragged me back, and I was simply trying to ask Karl Rove a question, which I continued to do.
You know, getting you guys out of jail at what, about four in the morning?
And there was another fella from We Are Change that we bailed out.
But here it is out of News 8 Austin yesterday morning before Karl Rove spoke.
And it says, former White House Deputy Chief of Staff Karl Rove will give a lecture at the University of Texas Monday.
Rove is expected to talk about his time at the White House as former President Bush's top political advisor.
Rove will also share his...
Analysis of key issues the nation faces currently, including health care, the economy, and protection of individual liberties.
And I have a separate article about the George W. Bush Center in Dallas calling for defending internet freedom and having a big conference yesterday.
So they are now the freedom fighters.
They passed the Patriot Act, they write White House memos about torturing children in front of their parents, burying people alive, killing them, raping them is good.
They start cyber security that lets the feds take over the web.
Obama's continuing that.
Everyone agrees it's draconian.
I mean, even CNET News calls it the end of the free internet.
They're the ones that engineered this.
Obama's taken the baton in this relay race, and then he's at UT, according to this,
Doing a national tour about freedom of speech, and then here they are doing this to you.
I haven't had a chance to see his speech yet.
I mean, did he talk about freedom of speech?
Oh yeah, and he makes jokes about it, and talks about how he's never allowed to speak.
He's the one with the microphone, knowing that there's no microphone set up for audience questions, and he's not really interacting with the audience.
There is no free speech if you don't like Karl Rove at an event.
You can hold a sign, he doesn't care.
He's been confronted over and over, at least a dozen times that I've seen.
He seems to enjoy it.
He laughs at them.
He sticks his face in the window and makes, you know, piggy faces.
And he's disgusting.
He's a war criminal.
The blood is on his hands, but he's frankly not in touch with that.
But that's not going to keep us from resisting that.
Well he got caught, it's now admitted they had to release him, setting up the Alabama governor.
Just lying and having an ex-con lie and put him in jail.
And it turned out he made all the orders.
I mean, this is a hardcore evil person.
It's a total joke.
They did nothing but shred the Constitution and now that Obama's in power...
They'll make issue of freedom of speech.
Well, they're going to ride back to power because, I mean, he was the guy that brought Rick Perry up in to politics and George Bush.
I mean, he was the kingmaker for both.
And he's the one telling Perry to say, Texas will secede.
We're fighting the new world order now.
I got to go to the Bilderberg Group in 10 minutes.
Yeah, I mean, Rove tracks back to so much Dirty Laundry, but the bottom line point is he didn't allow anyone to speak and it's just a travesty, really.
Now, when I talked to Aaron after they'd arrested... I mean, when I talked to...
Rob Jacobson, after they'd arrested you, they were saying they were going to charge you, he said, when you were in the cell with him before they moved you to the Travis County Jail, that they were going to charge you with resisting?
In fact, I overheard some of the cops talking about how the other people wouldn't be charged, they would be sent home.
But not this one.
And I didn't really catch on what their specific reasons were, but they clearly singled me out in the filing room and put me in handcuffs.
Jacobson was not in handcuffs.
Some of the other protesters, who I didn't know personally, were not in handcuffs.
I was singled out, as was the other guy who was arrested.
I know you spent last night with this We Are Change guy.
We bailed him out, but we've since forgotten his name.
I know you didn't get any sleep last night, but we'll get an article filed tomorrow with all the names and what happened.
Yeah, exactly.
It'll pop in your head in a minute.
Yeah, yeah.
Oh, you remember it now?
His name is Jeff Owens, so I got to know him.
He's actually a war veteran, and he said he was there to speak out against civil rights, and he wasn't concerned about getting arrested.
Oh, I wasn't clear, because right before we went live, you said, I need to run out and check his name.
I've forgotten, so it just popped in your head.
I did forget his name a couple times last night.
OK, I was trying to be clear.
So, I mean, tell us about what happened to him.
It's a long night in jail and there's so many confusing questions and all kinds of rigmarole and like they ask these framing questions.
Are you going to commit suicide?
And all kinds of questions with strange edges to him.
But he had a very same processing as me.
He had the same charge, the same bond fee, and he was in the cell right next to me.
And you've been charged with?
I've been charged with disrupting a public event, I believe.
Alright, let's go ahead and start rolling this video.
This is from last night.
I haven't even seen this.
Aaron hasn't even really seen this.
We just loaded it into the computer.
We shot these on small flip phones, or flip cameras, we call them flip phones, because those were easy to sneak in because they were saying no filming, right?
Yeah, I mean, they're totally draconian.
And this is one of those things put on by the Republican Party.
They snicker at everyone who's in opposition.
But this is at a state university, supposedly open to the public, but you don't bring your video cameras.
It's open, but they control every parameter.
And if you speak out, you're arrested and dragged out.
And Karl Rove lied.
Rove lied and said you'll be warned three times.
Yeah, well, they made a point.
They acknowledged there will be disruptors and there's various viewpoints.
And so the police came up and they announced they would warn people three times, then arrest them.
And then when someone does disrupt, they have a speaker to stand up for Roeb and say, we ask that you stop speaking just so they can talk over him, you see, so that their question can't be heard.
And so Karl Rove takes a break and they say, we ask that you stop speaking, you'll be removed from the university.
I've seen this at the Petraeus speeches and other Rove speeches.
It's really a control tactic.
And let's be clear, he was done with his speech and they were saying, we're now going to go to these cue cards.
Yeah, I mean his speech was so boring I didn't think it would be worthwhile to interrupt it.
The only reason I did interrupt at all is because there was no free speech.
You had to be a pre-written cue card, Republican or Democrat, I'm not that.
But yes, I waited until he said thank you, indicating the end of his speech after he wrapped it up and said, you know, Obama's not so bad after all since he continues that war.
Those wars, rather.
Oh yeah, he gives Obama credit.
He says, you can see, even though it's not what he campaigned on, it's reflected in the polls.
People love that he's continuing the war, basically is the essence of it.
Yeah, he has the lowest approval rating of any president in a year and a half in.
As long as he continues the war, he's not so bad.
I mean, Karl Rove is such a duplicitous liar.
Let's go ahead and go to this video.
Here it is.
You talk about free speech, but I'm not a Democrat or a Republican!
Take my question!
You're a liar!
The Iraq War, the blood is on your hands!
Don't grab me!
Don't touch me!
We're tired of your skull and bones narco-trafficking!
Get your hands off me!
Get your hands off me!
I am not resisting!
I am not resisting!
I am not resisting!
I am not resisting.
I am not resisting.
If you want me to leave the building, that is fine.
I'm more than happy to leave the building.
I'm not resisting arrest.
Sir, I have a right to free speech.
You have no reason to arrest me.
Why am I being arrested?
You are under arrest.
What is the reason?
Disruption of a lawful assembly.
Are you going to read my Miranda rights?
I'm not asking you incriminating questions.
How long did this go until they turned the camera off?
Once they did the initial handcuffing.
Keep rolling in here.
Going into the dungeon.
I'm not going to like it if I see you personally for violating my rights of free speech.
Here's all the other criminals.
I think that was Jacobson for one second.
Oh, so that's when it got turned off.
I guess so, yeah.
They grabbed it away from you?
They took it from me when they put me in cuffs, so.
And there's Rob in there.
Oh man, I tell ya.
I mean, they were silencing free speech very skillfully.
Rove is skillful.
I mean, I wish I could come off articulately.
He knows how to handle all these questions.
He's an old Watergate dirty trickster.
That's when he... And he tripled the size of government.
He supported the assault weapons ban.
He got Bush to support carbon taxes.
And the Republicans are just a bunch of idiots.
They wonder why they're losing their country.
They wonder why everything's falling apart.
They go in there, these milquetoast, weak-looking people, and just look up at him like a dog looks at its master, just lovingly.
Oh, we love you, Rove.
We love criminality.
We love it all.
We love Bohemian Grove.
We love the gay orgies.
It's conservative.
It's sick.
It's not our everyday point, but the way they control politics on college campuses, you know, is the embryo of the weak party system we have today that makes things so bad.
Well, Karl Rove, you know, he likes all those midnight visits that came out in the news.
You know, that's neither here nor there, I guess.
It's all just a big, but he's conservative, though.
That's good.
And, you know, it's good that Newt Gingrich is supporting carbon taxes.
You're some kind of commie.
You're against taxes, boy.
It's sick.
I mean, we know how the Constitution should put us, but we're not there.
Anything else, Aaron, you'd like to add about this fiasco?
It was a long night.
I'm glad it's over.
I really didn't want to get arrested, but sometimes it has to be done.
Well, I mean, in the old days, I guess I've got to start going to these, I would get up and, you know, ask questions of Reno and other people and Barry McCaffrey and others, and they didn't arrest me.
I'll say one thing about Rove.
I've been through a lot of hairy confrontations working for you over the years.
This is the first time I've been arrested formally in cuffs with charges.
Bilderberg would be the second.
And you've had armed security guards of the Federal Reserve a half mile away come to a city park and tell you to turn a camera off or they're going to arrest you for handling their guns.
Oh yeah, we've been through some adventures.
That's the world out there.
Someone has to stand up, Alex.
We weren't born to be in some prostrate position.
At some point, someone has to stand up.
I wish it was someone more articulate than me.
But I thought you worked for a right-wing pro-war guy, the liberal media says.
But we're out asking questions against the war, which the Democrats don't do anymore.
You notice now, it's their war, and they like it, and they like the torture, and they've just shut up.
Aaron Dykes, good job.
Go home and get some sleep, buddy.
Thanks, man.
Great job.
All right, we'll be back with more news, and we've got Dr. Bob Bowman coming up.
Stay with us.
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Hi, this is Alex Jones.
Did you know that the global elite are now storing non-hybrid seeds in secret storage vaults near the Arctic Circle?
Did you know that in a real meltdown, non-hybrid seeds can become more valuable than silver or gold?
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In a real crisis, non-hybrid seeds are the ultimate barter item.
This is Alex Jones for survivalseedbank.com.
It's sundown on the Union.
Dr. Bob Bowman is coming up inside the Secret of Star Wars program.
As much as he can tell us legally and lawfully, we'll talk about a host of other issues with him as well.
We've got an Oklahoma City bombing survivor who's saying it's an inside job joining us in the last 30 minutes of the transmission.
You better get that through your head.
This world is ruled by violence.
We need to start being honest about that.
I wanted to say one other thing about this.
I mean, I guess I was arrested for asking Bush a question in a press conference.
But this has now happened to Aaron.
It's happening to more and more people.
And that's why they've hired provocateurs to dress up as anarchists since Seattle in 99 to attack police and others.
And it's come out in every case it was staged to then scare other Americans from going out and demonstrating because you're met by police in riot gear beating their shields and firing tear gas, pepper spray, and rubber bullets at you.
Famous video in Miami of peaceful people with signs being shot with rubber bullets and going through the sign and blooding their face.
And then the cops after the event videotaping their after action.
Hey, did you see how funny it was when we shot through that sign and shot that lady in the face?
Ah ha ha!
It's going to be very funny, cops, when the bankers take your pension fund, too.
You think you're a big shark?
You think you're the big fish on the block?
You think your bosses care about you?
When they're done with you, they'll flush you down the toilet, just like they're flushing this republic down the toilet.
But I want to thank everyone that called the jail.
When we got down there to the jail last night, they said it'll be 24 hours until he even sees a judge.
This is like at 10 o'clock at night.
And then they got a bunch of phone calls down there, and they did tell Aaron they got phone calls, so the We Are Change fellow and Aaron were released.
They were released.
And so that's good news.
One other tidbit here.
We are premiering Police State 4 The Rise of FEMA tomorrow at 3 p.m.
Central when the radio show ends.
At PrisonPlanet.tv.
And the DVDs are shipping today.
They were shipping yesterday.
Most of you will get them today, tomorrow, or the next day.
Who ordered them?
The high quality DVD with the expanded extras.
I want to thank all of you that are supporting us, but more importantly, have viewing parties, show it to your friends and family, and also help us get this new concentration camps in America.
Alex Jones calls on all patriots to expose growing evil.
A very important 8 minute, 56 second video with a sneak peek in the middle from the film.
Just a minute and a half of the film to give you an idea of what's in the documentary.
This is up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com and on the Alex Jones YouTube channel.
Please make this go viral.
We want to push this onto the front page of YouTube so it gets a half million hits.
Or close to it, like our little iPad video we did last week.
Well on its way to a half million.
Right up there getting close to 300,000 right now.
So please, get this.
Concentration Camps in America.
Alex Jones calls on all patriots to expose growing evil.
Please post this on your website, your blog, your Facebook.
Please get this out to everyone you know.
ASAP and let's make sure it's on all our Facebooks and let's Twitter this baby out.
We can do that also on our system.
This is the best of the trailers and sneak peeks we put out.
8 minutes 56 seconds up on InfoWars.com right now.
Please order the DVD with the expanded extras and the highest quality.
Please make copies.
Please air it on AXS TV.
Please get it out.
You can also call toll-free 888-253-3139.
Or you can write to me, Alex Jones, at P.O.
Box 19549, Austin, Texas 78760.
All right, we're reaching the halfway point in the radio broadcast.
Dr. Bob Bowman joins us coming up, and then an Oklahoma City bombing survivor who says it was an inside job and saw McVeigh and the government inside wiring the building.
We'll be right back.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
Hi, this is Alex Jones.
Did you know that the global elite are now storing non-hybrid seeds in secret storage vaults near the Arctic Circle?
Did you know that in a real meltdown, non-hybrid seeds can become more valuable than silver or gold?
It's true.
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Or give them a call at 877-327-0365.
That's 877-327-0365.
Remember, in a real crisis, non-hybrid seeds are the ultimate barter item.
This is Alex Jones for survivalseedbank.com.
Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Okay, Dr. Bob Bowman thought he would be to his home by now, but he's not.
He's on the road in his RV, driving his RV across the country.
We've interviewed Willie Nelson from his bus before, going down the roads.
We'll see how this goes, but he's going to be to a parking spot in about 20 minutes, so we're honored to have him.
Robert Bowman is a former director of the Advanced Space Program Development for the U.S.
Air Force and the Ford and Carter administrations, and a former U.S.
Air Force Lieutenant Colonel.
With 101 combat missions over Vietnam, he holds a Ph.D.
in aeronautics and nuclear engineering.
And despite his involvement in the space program and defense, he emerged as an early public critic of the Strategic Defense Initiative, SDI, a.k.a.
Star Wars, during the Reagan administration.
He's also a critic of George W. Bush's administration's national missile system.
And he's a 9-11 researcher, truther,
He's a great man, and we're honored to have him on with us.
We're going to talk first, before he gets parked, about the latest 9-11 truth, about the talk of Iran supposedly having a nuke, and they're going to nuke us.
The government now saying Homeland Security's number one threat is the American people.
I mean, we knew this was really being set up in the shadows, but now it's out in the open.
The draconian Orwellian system we're sliding into.
We're going to discuss this first with Dr. Bob Bowman, then we're going to get into Star Wars.
How advanced it was, what he can talk about that's been declassified or leaked that he's allowed to discuss, versus what he projects they've got today.
Dr. Bob Bowman, good to have you here with us.
Good to be back.
Thanks, Alex.
There is so much going on, so much happening, but before we got a break, what do you think of 15 months into Barack Obama's administration?
What do you think of him?
Well, of course...
Like so many, I'm very disappointed, particularly with the expansion of the war in Afghanistan and extending it into Pakistan and even talking now, he hasn't, but others talking about the possibility of going into Iran and the new justifications of that based on this supposed Pentagon
determination that gee whiz they might have not only nuclear weapons but intercontinental ballistic missiles by 2015 if they get enough foreign help.
I think that's a bunch of baloney myself.
Ballistic missiles are an extremely advanced high technology project and there are very few countries in the world that can pull that off.
And some of them have been trying for decades, like North Korea, without success.
I think this is just another justification doing for what a minority in the Pentagon want to do, and whether they're doing it because
The Israelis want to do it, or they're doing it for some other dumb reason, I don't know.
But with our military already overextended and depleted and demoralized, it would be a horrendous mistake.
Iran is much stronger militarily, a much larger country than Iraq.
I mean, it would be, I think, the end of the United States as we know it.
Well, sir, I heard Fox News last night on the radio saying Iran now has intercontinental ballistic long-range missiles and we've got to go in.
And it's all over the news today, just like they said Iraq had nukes or WMDs.
I mean, this is a replay of 2003, is it not?
Of course it is, and it's total malarkey.
Well, stay there, sir.
We're going to come right back and get into this disaster for the United States.
We've got the Russian president saying it could be the beginning of World War III.
We're going to talk about it all on the other side with Dr. Bob Bowman.
And we'll discuss homeland security now, saying they're worried about Iran nuking us with a suitcase nuke and working with domestic groups.
Homeland security's got to be used on the right-wingers now.
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We're going to go inside the Secret of Star Wars program.
It's really a preemptive offensive sneak attack weapons system with Dr. Bob Bowman, the former head of the Star Wars program.
He joins us as he hurtles down the highway in his RV.
Robert Bowman is a former director of the Advanced Space Program Development for the U.S.
Air Force, holds a Ph.D.
in aeronautics and nuclear engineering, flew 101 combat missions over Vietnam, bombing missions.
And he joins us today, and we really appreciate him coming on.
For stations that just joined us, some people that just joined us, we were talking about the new hype to go into Iran.
They're changing the last letter of Iraq, the Q,
And putting an N on it to make Iran.
And they're saying they've got secret nuclear technology nobody else has got with no proof to make enriched uranium, weapons-grade uranium without centrifuges.
They're saying they've got ICBMs that can hit us now.
The Pentagon says maybe in five years.
North Korea is much more advanced.
You can't ever get them off the ground.
They blow up almost every time.
You just ride on the pad.
Sometimes they go up a few thousand feet.
I mean, even our own government, the 50s, 60s, and 70s had large portions of their ICBMs when they were being tested blowing up or blowing up before they left the atmosphere.
But oh no, and they've got magnetic pulse weapons, the news says, that can destroy all electronics.
Here's Reuters, Iran missile may be able to hit U.S.
Here's another one, Times of London, Pentagon chiefs raise threat of attack as Iran taunts U.S.
with missile display.
So we can show our weapons, but they can't.
And here's another one, Al-Qaeda chief in Iraq, captured, killed, never actually existed, recaptured, now killed again.
They've announced over and over again they kill these Al-Qaeda guys and never retract the last guy they killed, even though they claim they kill them again.
And then here's another one over here, where they're claiming that Fox News is claiming that
I'm looking for my article, just printed again, a Fox News headline, Osama Bin Laden has a Facebook, and then it admits to the next line it's not even him.
So anybody could create a Facebook, say they're threatening us as Osama Bin Laden, and it always turns out it's fake, but that's the proof that they're going to kill us if we don't give all our rights up.
And as it went to break, Dr. Bowman, you were saying this is all a fraud, and that this could basically end the United States.
Go through that scenario for us.
Well, we're being lied to again, as you know, about all this stuff about Iran, as justification for the war that a few people want to get us into, as if we didn't have enough illegal corporate wars of aggression right now.
And if we take on Iran, which is
Much bigger and more powerful than Iraq was, and we're still bogged down in Iraq.
Where are we going to get the military for that?
Our military is already overextended with what they've got on their plate.
And, of course, what is Russia going to do?
What is China going to do?
And are we just
Would we be taking on much more than we can handle?
And I believe we've already got more than we can handle.
And we've got to get out of where we are.
And absolutely no attack on Iran.
It would be another false attack based on lies.
And I don't think they're going to do it because
Most of the people surrounding Obama are neocons, well they're trilateral commission, they're globalists, but most of them are not neocons, and I think they're a little more rational than Cheney and his minions pulling George W. Bush's strings.
So, and the people in the Pentagon now,
Are more rational than Rumsfeld and some of the generals he had working for him.
So I don't see them succeeding in pulling this off, even with this massive campaign of lies.
But, you know, I'm going to work very hard to prevent it.
And I'll probably have to put out another open letter to the Pentagon, just like I did
Uh, in 2007, to keep Cheney from attacking Iran then, I'm gonna have to do it again.
Alright, let me stop you there.
Doctor, let me stop you there and we'll go over some of what you said in your letter, and they did listen to you.
We had Fox Fallon refuse in 2008 to launch an attack on Iran then, so they've had a lot of people resign that basically stopped Cheney, and how that ties into 888.
For those that don't know, the Times of London and other publications have now talked to diplomats and others
We're good to go.
Three days into it, because they were landing more NATO forces in Georgian capital, and said, we may have to have a nuclear war with you.
And so this shows the megalomania, and it appears with Gates and others that we still have the Cheney people in there, and they're replaying all the same propaganda that we saw before Oklahoma City, before 9-11,
and before
Again, Dr. Bowman, couldn't they stage a false flag terror attack in the United States to blame it on Iran?
I mean, isn't that their only card?
It appears they're going forward with this, and absent a huge false flag, or a nuke going off in Paris, who knows what, staged by the military-industrial complex, how are they going to get this, and is that a danger?
Well, I think you're exactly right.
The only way they would succeed in getting a war
against Iran is another false flag attack like 9-11, blaming it on Iran.
And, you know, back a couple years ago when that B-52 flew from Minot to Barksdale, as far as I know, there's still possibly one nuclear weapon missing from that bomber.
If the neocons have that, then they could use it in a false flag attack on Iran, claiming that Iran smuggled it in in a suitcase.
They can't simulate an intercontinental ballistic missile attack on the United States.
Too complicated.
Everybody would know where it came from.
And they can't get an ICBM and a launch pad for it to Iran.
So I think you're right.
A false flag attack is the only way they're going to pull this off.
And the thing is that the 9-11 Truth Movement is extremely valuable because we're continually letting them know that we're watching.
And if they try something else like they did in 9-11, they've got to know that we're watching and we're liable to catch them red-handed, and that'll be the end of them.
And so, that's one of the great values of 9-11 Truth.
It is deterring them from this kind of thing.
But I know there are some crazies there who would like to try it anyway.
Well, let's take the Minot, Dakota situation where they flew them down to Louisiana.
And again, the reports are there is a missing nuke.
I mean, this was in the news.
This happened.
And then more than a dozen of the people who were at the bases who blew the whistle committed suicide or died within a week, which adds another layer of evidence that this was an attempt
To smuggle a nuke out of the chain of custody with the military.
And again, for those who don't understand what me and Dr. Bob Bowman are getting at here, you have to put your mind in the mind, put yourself in the mind of the globalists, of the controllers, to realize how they're doing all of this.
And they'll never get away with an Iran attack without staging an event.
And then now FEMA, these secret documents,
Got leaked.
FEMA admits they're real, but is ordering websites to remove them.
That in May, they were going to have multiple simulated improvised nuclear device detonations in different parts of the U.S.
Clearly, we know they've used drills in the past to smokescreen their real operations.
Why are drills so important in and around terror attacks?
We saw it on 7-7.
We saw it on 9-11.
We see it over and over again.
Dr. Bob Bowman, why is that so important?
Well, it confuses people who are trying to defend against something.
The exercises going on on 9-11, of course, kept a lot of our interceptors away from protecting the Northeast Corridor and also confused the radar and the controllers and
Made it much easier for Cheney or whoever to get away with their stand down order.
And they get to bootleg the actual attack through the drill funding.
And if other good elements of the government, 99% not involved, catch them in the act, they can just say it's part of a drill.
Yeah, yeah.
Which of course is the true story of Valkyrie.
The Germans used a government drill program as an attempt to reverse engineer it and overthrow Hitler but that failed.
Dr. Bob Bowman, we're going to break and come back and continue to discuss false flag terrorism and your concern and time frames and how you think we can stop this.
I agree with you that it is essential, that it is vital that 9-11 Truth continue to expand.
We've also seen preparatory demonization of 9-11 Truth, claiming we're going to stage terror attack by CNN, MSNBC and Fox News the last three months.
As a preparatory event so that they can try to discredit us or maybe even claim we're involved when the attacks take place.
All of it's on the table.
They're clearly moving in this direction very rapidly.
Dr. Bob Bowman's our guest.
We'll give you his website on the other side.
Stay with us.
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Dr. Bob Bowman, former head of the Star Wars program, is our guest.
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He exposed SDI prominently as a offensive sneak attack weapon.
We're going to be talking about that with him.
And I want him to go as far as he can legally with when he was there in the 70s and early 80s just how advanced these systems were.
Uh, and now they're more and more admitting they have these space planes and that the NASA program we see is just a vestigial front.
Uh, that the real program is almost entirely Pentagon and military.
Uh, Dr. Bob Bowman, I mean, amazing information you were just discussing.
The fact that you agree with my analysis, they are hyping false flag nuke attacks, saying it's the number one threat.
Uh, Obama said that on...
Last Friday at the big D.C.
summit, they're now saying domestic groups are going to attack.
Bill Clinton's saying domestic groups are going to attack, that the Tea Parties and people should shut up about the banking bailout, or we're going to cause a terror attack.
I mean, I've seen this over and over again.
In my gut, there's no doubt they're moving with domestic attacks to blame it on domestic groups, blowing up federal buildings, and seriously considering detonating a nuke and saying Iran smuggled it in.
I think you're exactly right, Alex.
They're doing all this stuff and they're trying to
Make domestic groups, in other words, we the people, the enemy.
And, you know, like we've said before, we must be winning.
Because as Gandhi said, first they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they attack you, then you win.
We must be winning because they're already to be attacking the space.
You're absolutely right, Doctor.
Going back to 888 briefly, then we're going to come back and get into what's happening with the economy and Star Wars and other issues you'd like to discuss, and how we can reach out to the Pentagon.
888, the bottom line on what happened there, and what type of window does that give us into the psyche and into the war planning of the people running our government?
Well, first, tell me what you mean by 888.
888, the situation in 2008, the operations by Georgia against South Ossetia.
Oh, right, right.
Well, we know that that was orchestrated by elements of the United States and as a provocation to Russia.
Russia came in to protect its people, but it, I think, exercised admirable restraint by not going all the way and taking over Georgia.
But what does that say about the psyche of Dick Cheney, that it's now come out in mainstream news that he wanted to go ahead and have a nuclear war with Russia?
Well, he's the same kind of megalomaniac, evil genius that Kurt LeMay was at the time of the Cuban Missile Crisis.
I mean, when JFK and Khrushchev were able to defuse the Cuban Missile Crisis, General Kurt LeMay was absolutely incensed.
He says, we lost!
Because he wanted that to result in a nuclear war.
In fact, the maker of Dr. Strangelove, Stanley Kubrick, said that General Jack T. Ripper's character is Curtis LeMay.
Of course.
And to those of us who knew LeMay, it was obvious when we watched the movie.
How did you awaken?
We're going to break, but I want you to talk about this when we come back, but go ahead and start.
I mean, you're on 101 Combat Missions, Vietnam, you know, Warhawk, you get in the highest levels of the Pentagon.
What woke you up to all this?
Well, it was really being sort of on the inside when the crazies first got
We're good to go.
You know, I told them they were absolutely crazy, and I didn't go to any more of their meetings, and I started fighting them in public.
All right, stay there, Dr. Bowman.
When we come back, I want you to start over and continue.
Let's get into Star Wars right now.
We'll be right back with Dr. Bob Bowman.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones, only on the GCN Radio Network.
ThePatriots.us is Dr. Bob Bowman's website.
ThePatriots.us and valuable information up on the side.
He'll be with us.
For a half hour into the next hour, then we have an eyewitness from the Alfred P. Murrow building, Jane Graham, who saw McVeigh and other feds inside planting the bombs.
She was told, oh, those gray sticks of butter are just for repair.
They're just putting some wires in the different maintenance areas for everyone's safety.
She rode on the elevator with McVeigh.
And this is just one of many witnesses we've interviewed before, but since the feds are getting ready to do this again, we're here on air going back over it.
So we're going to be talking about that with Jane Graham coming up in T-minus one hour.
Okay, Dr. Bob Bowman, you were hurtling down the road in your RV.
You've now gotten to your stop for the night, so we've got you settled here.
We appreciate you coming on on short notice.
And we really appreciate you coming on, because I know you've had a lot of health problems lately and your information is so precious.
It was good to get to see you at that 9-11 Truth event a month or so ago here in Austin, Texas.
And we appreciate, again, your tireless effort to warn people, much of the time at your own expense.
Okay, I'm going to stop now.
Go back to what you said as we went to break about when you really woke up to this global criminal
Network, because we know that Rumsfeld came right out of the L.L.
Lemonsir crew years after he left.
I mean, he's been there forever.
The youngest and then the oldest Secretary of Defense.
He sat at the feet of these cold warriors who wrote up Operation Northwoods.
Of course, the plan to stage 9-11 style attacks.
So you were getting up to Star Wars and what it was really designed for.
Then we'll talk about the real space program that's military versus the kind of tinker toy front that the public knows as NASA.
Dr. Bob Bowman, you've got the floor.
Okay, Alex.
Well, yes, I found out firsthand that these crazies were planning on using my Star Wars program as part of a
First strike against the Soviet Union.
And so I started opposing them on that.
And pretty soon, of course, I found I had less freedom of speech in industry than I've had in the military.
So before long, I was out of industry and unemployed.
And I have been in that position now for 28 years.
When I started fighting Reagan and his crowd, General Danny Graham and the crazy George Keegan and Senator Malcolm Wallop and Edward Teller and Dick Cheney and whatnot, and the ones that didn't die off, like Teller and Danny Graham, the ones that didn't die off came right back with George W. Bush.
But what they did back then in 1982 and 1983, they got Reagan, who had not a clue what he was doing, and I don't think George W. Bush did either.
They were useful idiots to these global criminals.
And they got Reagan to sign a defense guidance document in 1982, which did
Two important things.
One, on the larger scale, it ended our policy of using the military to prevent a nuclear war, and we went from a policy of war prevention to one of war fighting.
And in that document, written of course by Richard Perle, part of the Cheney crowd,
In that document, he ordered the Department of Defense to prepare to fight and win a protracted nuclear war.
Now, that's chilling.
And that was leaked to the press by my old friend Bob Scheer, who used to be with the Los Angeles Times.
And eventually, of course, because he was a good, honest reporter, he got himself fired.
He leaked that defense guidance document.
And there were many of us, I think, at the time who said, well, you know, when we went into the military, it was to protect the people of this country by preventing a nuclear war, not going out and fighting an aggressive nuclear war.
So we wouldn't have any part of that kind of policy.
The second thing that that defense guidance document did was to order the Department of Defense to deploy Star Wars weapons in space as soon as possible.
And the document assigned those weapons two missions.
The first mission was to destroy opposing satellites and seize total military control of space.
The second mission was to destroy targets on the surface of the Earth from space without warning.
There wasn't a word in that document about shooting down ballistic missiles.
That whole peace shield garbage was a total myth for consumption by the American people who would never have approved Star Wars weapons for offensive purposes.
And now we've gotten another bird's eye view into their mindset with Cheney having Georgia on 8-8-8.
Two years ago, two and a half years ago, launched that sneak attack, and we've seen Iraq, we've seen Afghanistan, they now want to go into Iran.
We see this doctrine in the PNAC documents from 2000, where they say, we need new Pearl Harbor events, we need terror attacks to get the American people to go out there and wage these wars of empire.
But this isn't even an empire for the American people, it's an empire we pay for.
It's an empire for these big mega banks
And corporations.
Please continue with the Star Wars program.
But let's start at the beginning.
Because it's now declassified, it's now public, it's now admitted.
We heard that Ronald Reagan
Launched Star Wars in 81.
But then now we've gotten the Bohemian Grove documents that they released to Santa Rosa State University, Bohemian Grove did, that in 79, before he was even president, they were there talking about the program that the Air Force had that you ran, that they were going to weaponize.
So that's now been released, and the San Francisco Chronicles reported on it as well.
And so what was that program when you ran it?
How advanced was it?
Well, I retired in 1978, and the program had been going on actually since 1962.
At that time, they called it Bambi.
Which stands for Ballistic Missile Boost Intercept.
Isn't it lovely the way they take our weapon systems and give them a nice, cuddly name like Bambi?
And when the Soviets, for a while, were working on a similar system, they dubbed it the Killer Satellite.
So, anyway, that's just, you know, a little trivia.
But at that time, in the mid-1970s,
We were working on several pieces of it.
Most of what we were working on was toward a system of laser battle stations.
And these laser battle stations were being developed in bits and pieces.
We had a contract with TRW for the laser itself, chemical laser.
We had a contract with Kodak and with Perkin Elmer
To build a 50-foot diameter actively cooled mirror which could reflect the laser beam to its target without burning up.
We were developing the Pointer Tracker System and the Fault Tolerance Spaceborne Computer with Raytheon.
And we had system studies to put it all together with Lockheed.
That's a little of what we were doing with laser battle stations.
We were also, and by the way, in our studies, and we also had some other organizations doing studies for us, Aerospace Corporation and RAND Corporation, on the military effectiveness of these things, and the RAND Corporation study concluded that before a system of laser battle stations got good enough to be
Uh, effective against ballistic missiles, they would be powerful enough to incinerate cities in minutes, causing the kind of firestorms that consumed Dresden and Hamburg and Osaka in World War II.
We also were looking at, uh, kinetic energy tail vehicles.
Uh, the kinds of things that, uh, later became brilliant pebbles, uh, smart rocks first, then brilliant pebbles, and then rods from God.
Where you take a few pounds of metal, properly shaped, fired at the Earth from space, and it impacts like a meteorite, and at least in theory, is capable of destroying hardened military targets like missile silos and command bunkers.
Totally without warning.
That would be DU.
That would be DU, correct, Doctor?
That was what?
Uh, those, uh, those meteor gun weapons, would that be DU, depleted uranium?
Yeah, and I never said that at the time, uh,
But yes, they're a combination of titanium and depleted uranium.
A titanium shell with a depleted uranium interior and guided by GPS.
And I never revealed those details at the time, but a couple years later I was debating one of the General Abramson's colonels in the Strategic Defense Initiative Organization.
And I started talking about the pure offensive purposes of Star Wars weapons.
And in his rebuttal, he said, you know very well that those titanium cones fired at the Earth from space and directed by GPS, that program doesn't exist.
And he said, well, I said, well, that's interesting because you just revealed classified details that I've never talked about and certainly didn't mention in my talk.
So obviously the program does exist.
And so since then, I've been able to tell more details.
Now, when we talked, you said you're also allowed to reveal that it's robotic space planes.
And, you know, you've been out of this for a long time.
But, I mean, from what I've talked to people at NASA here in Texas, people who were on the original Apollo program and beyond, and some of them we've had on air.
And, you know, these are guys you can watch the NASA film footage, and there they are on mission control.
They say that more than 90% of NASA, which is run by the Pentagon and by the President, is military, and that basically Wernher von Braun drew up the space shuttle in the 30s, it's a 1960s, 70s, 80s technology, and that the space program we see is really a facade for a larger black-op system, and that the militarization of space is just off the charts right now.
I mean, what can you speak to along those lines?
Right, well, space has been militarized for a very long time.
Most of the stuff up there are military satellites of one kind or another, either reconnaissance satellites or military communications satellites and various other things.
The weapons themselves may not be up there, but the gun sites are up there and all the rest of it.
Uh, the whole military command and control system is space-based.
So, uh, my task, really, uh, when Reagan was trying to do all this stuff was not to keep space from being militarized, as it already was, but to keep it from being weaponized.
Because that's the line we simply did not want to cross.
We understood that when we put weapons in space that, uh,
Uh, you know, and particularly if they were the kind of stuff like Star Wars weapons with the kind of offensive capabilities they represented, that the Soviet Union would have, uh, no choice but to start shooting them down as fast as we put them up.
And of course, that was a task that was fairly simple.
The, uh, these space-based weapons are extremely vulnerable.
Uh, after all, they follow fixed orbits.
So you always know in advance exactly where they're going to be at any given time.
The mirrors that we were designing could be destroyed by such exotic anti-satellite weapons as a bucket of sand or a thimble full of sewing machine oil.
Uh, I always told the government, look, these things are never going to have any defensive value because of their enormous vulnerability.
They will be totally useless to an innocent party sitting back trying to defend himself because all the opposing side will do will be to knock out, uh, critical elements in the system first and then launch their missiles.
And even if you made these things,
So that they could, in fact, shoot down ballistic missiles, which they couldn't do at that time.
They would be useless because they'd be put out of operation before the missiles were fired.
And I thought that was a pretty good argument.
I also pointed out that having these Star Wars weapons on both sides is the ultimate military lunacy because it rewards whoever shoots first.
And what we had at that point in the 70s was a stable nuclear balance because whoever fired first lost the war.
And the new technology changed that.
Doctor, let's go back.
We've got plenty of time to continue, but while we've got you, I want to go back.
What can you tell us about the robotic space planes?
Uh, not very much.
I mean, if you take a design roughly based on the shuttle and you eliminate all the, uh, uh, people from it and all the life support systems and all the oxygen and all the food and, and all the piss tubes and all, you know, all of that kind of stuff and make it robotic with, uh,
So you can only hypothetically talk to us about what's going on because that's classified.
Well, now NASA admits they have been developing space planes and the Pentagon admits, you know, like the B-1 bomber, the B-2 bomber were secret for many, many years with the stealth bomber for 20 years before they rolled it out.
I mean, can you talk about how big the military NASA is versus the public NASA?
Shorter answer to that is I don't know anymore.
Uh, because, uh, all of my people on the inside that I used to get fed all the information, uh, uh, from, uh, all my old ex-students and people who used to work for me that used to, uh, uh, cue me in, they've all died or re- or retired and disappeared.
So, I really don't have recent information.
Alright, Doc, stay there.
We're gonna talk about, uh,
X-ray lasers and more when we get back on the other side of this break.
Stay with us.
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All right.
Pienso que un sueño parecido no volverá más.
Dr. Bob Bowman is our guest.
We appreciate him joining us today.
We're going to open the phones up for Dr. Bob Bowman coming up in the next half hour.
The toll-free number to join us is 1-800-259-9231.
You can call in about 9-11 Truth, about the Star Wars program,
About the attack on Iran, whatever you wish to ask Dr. Bowman, 1-800-259-9231.
Doc, I was interrupting as we went to break, bringing up x-ray lasers, other weapons systems, and you said you can speak to x-ray lasers.
The way I saw the news describe them, one system is a nuke detonates, and there's these rods in space, that sounds pretty dangerous to the rest of the satellites and things, and then fires just incredibly high-powered
That is the original design of Edward Teller in the early 1970s.
There were several underground nuclear blasts.
And he worked on it.
That we're designed to test this to see if they could actually get an X-ray laser to work when pumped by a nuclear explosion.
And they never were able to get it to work.
And I lectured on this extensively in the early 1980s.
Uh, when Teller was still pushing it, uh, and had gone public with it, and it, uh, it is really a crazy Rube Goldberg scheme, and is supposed to pump these beams of x-rays out these tubes in the, uh, tiny fraction of a second before the whole thing evaporates because of the nuclear explosion.
And those beams of x-rays have to be extremely accurately pointed because they have to be pointed at where the ballistic missiles will be when the x-ray beam gets there.
And from hundreds or perhaps even thousands of miles away.
We were never able to get the pointing of those long, wimpy rods accurate enough to do any good.
We were never able to get the x-rays to actually laze.
There were a whole raft of things that were just totally ridiculous, and the early SDI
Just threw that whole system away completely because it was so ludicrous.
What about neutron bombs from space?
Well, sure.
I mean, you can send anything down to Earth from space, and if you guide it with GPS or something else, you can do a lot of damage.
Of course, neutron bombs
Uh, are basically people killers where the kind of bombs from space that, uh, we studied, uh, didn't need any explosive whatsoever.
Uh, you know, just the impact of the, uh, uh, heavy titanium clad depleted uranium rod, uh,
It would, like a meteorite, do the damage without any explosive whatsoever.
And that's mainly a decapitation weapon, correct?
That would be good for taking out world leaders?
World leaders and command bunkers and missile silos.
Hour number two with Dr. Bob Bowman.
Straight ahead, right here, on the GCN Radio Network, back in 70 seconds.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Well, it's already the fourth and final hour.
Thank you so much for joining us.
Dr. Bob Bowman is our guest today, former head of the Star Wars program, 101 combat missions over Vietnam.
He is a PhD in aeronautics and nuclear engineering.
And we're always honored to have him, and we'll put his website up on screen for PrisonPlanet.tv viewers.
For radio listeners, it is ThePatriots.us.
ThePatriots, with an S, .us.
Linked up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Before we get back into Star Wars, we appreciate your time today, and take some phone calls.
You alluded to the fact that you believe we're winning.
And I remember talking to you six, seven, eight years ago, and you were a little more pessimistic, if memory serves.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but why do you say those that want liberty and freedom and peace are starting to win?
Well, and in that, I include we 9-11 truthers, because they are demonizing us.
They're attacking us.
It makes a world of difference.
It's sort of like in my congressional race, and I'm sure you remember that one.
And at first, the seven-term incumbent Republican tried to ignore me, and then they came out ridiculing me as a 9-11 truth wacko, and it was only in the end
Uh, when they got really scared that they put out enormous amounts of money onto slick brochures attacking me on every conceivable front and, you know, my name all over the place, uh, with them attacking me.
And that was pure desperation.
And of course, the exit polls seemed to indicate that I won that general election by 12 points, but the electronic touchscreen voting machines had it turned around.
Obviously, their own polls showed that they were behind, and so in their desperation, they attacked me.
Well, the same thing is happening to us patriots and 9-11 truthers today.
They tried just ignoring us, and that worked for a while, but not for too long.
And then they started, tried ridiculing us with all those hit pieces, National Geographic and Popular Mechanics and all that stuff.
And that didn't shut us up.
And we're starting to make headway into the mainstream media.
And now they're just outright attacking us and saying that we are potential terrorists
And that, you know, we ought to be gunned down or locked up.
And for those that have missed it... So I think we're winning.
For those that have missed it, they're really saying that now.
I mean, we're the non-violent, peaceful people exposing false flag terror that's been declassified in hundreds of cases.
Not just by our government, but others.
And they're everywhere now saying that we want to assassinate Obama.
I mean, Glenn Beck just pulls this out of the air.
Then you have that very suspicious Pentagon event that happens after this crescendo of demonization.
Yeah, well, you know, the people who are accusing us of those kind of things, it's a matter of projection, because if there's anybody that wants those kind of actions taken, it's them, not us.
And personally, I'm disappointed with Obama, but I would much rather have him in there than George W. Bush, and I would
In particular, Dick Cheney.
And I'd much rather have him in there, frankly, than Joe Biden.
So, no.
I put my body on the line to protect Barack Obama because he may not be doing what we need, but he at least hasn't done as bad as has been done in the past.
So you don't think he's completely mentally ill like Cheney?
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Every day, sometimes multiple times daily, Newsweek, Time Magazine, London Guardian, New York Times,
Write articles saying I'm calling for violence when all we've ever done is called for peace and non-violence.
PBS is here today.
Nightline just called.
They want to do an entire 8-minute profile on Alex Jones only.
It is very creepy because I never intended 14, 15 years ago when I started getting on air to have had this big of an effect and to have learned as much as I've learned.
But it's a testament to all of you out there what you can do if you take action.
But I don't like to talk about myself, but I do get some concern and try to analyze this.
Dr. Bob Bowman, what does it sound like to you that they're demonizing all of us now, claiming we're for violence, but specifically singling me out?
I mean, you've been doing this longer than I have.
Do you have any advice for me?
Well, I'd say to keep doing what you're doing and be just as public as you can, because the more in the public eye you are, the less they can do to you.
The people who get picked off are usually the ones that very few people have heard of.
And so I'd say just
Keep out there in the public eye and give them a black eye.
Keep doing it, Alex.
That's all I gotta say.
But why are they coming after me so much?
I mean, I mean... You're effective.
You're effective.
That's why.
You know, I committed to this just like you committed to telling the truth and
I've passed the point of no return a long time ago, but it is creepy to have the eye of the beast looking at you.
Oh yeah.
You know, I'd like to talk about, we've talked a lot about the past, I'd like to talk a little bit about the present and the near future because I'd like to talk a little about our plans for how to take back the country and
Okay, we're gonna do that.
And we'll also have you back, because you're a treasure, Dr. Bob Bowman.
But, you know, the old saying, when you're over the target, you're getting the flak, like when you had SAM missiles getting shot at you in Vietnam.
But while we've got you picking your brain, we talked during a break.
About CERN, if you think it's a danger, you gave me your answer.
We also talked about, and you said you were aware of it, that the Air Force has talked about, they're trying to develop antimatter weapons.
I mean, isn't that dangerous?
I mean, even the testing of those.
Talk about CERN versus antimatter weapons.
Okay, well, CERN, the equivalent of Brookhaven cyclotron,
In the corner of Switzerland and France there, the European version.
CERN, I've been there, I've been through it and looked at their operations.
I don't see anything nefarious about it.
Scientific knowledge can always be used for good or evil, and all too often evil, and they're producing new scientific knowledge.
They're also playing around a little bit with the collisions between matter and antimatter and that theoretically can put out an awful lot of energy and it is dangerous and the experiments have to be extremely carefully controlled.
Now as far as taking antimatter and weaponizing it, I have never heard of any
Uh, effort which has been anywhere near successful in making weapons out of this stuff.
Uh, it's too hard to produce, too hard to contain.
Uh, I don't see anything of that kind in the foreseeable future.
But it is dangerous from the physicists I've read, mainline physicists, that the Pentagon admits they are playing with it and trying to isolate it.
I mean, couldn't that create potentially some type of chain reaction?
Yes, it is dangerous.
And there are a lot of things that are going on that are dangerous that I have been opposed to from the beginning, like HAARP up in Alaska.
And I've been up there to that facility.
I think it's extremely dangerous to dump huge amounts of money, I mean, of energy.
It's money to the people who sell them the gas that they're turning into energy.
Dumping all that energy into the stratosphere is extremely dangerous.
They're talking about weather modification, they're talking about mind control, they're talking about all sorts of weird things.
They don't really know what they're doing and it could have very negative consequences that they don't know how to control.
So I have been against the HAARP facility from the beginning.
Well here's a quick question, here's a quick example.
Four years ago in the interviews on YouTube and Google everywhere, just Alex Jones interviews head of HAARP, we had the private PhD director, but the military runs it, and when I was contacted by HAARP and they said, you want to clear up rumors, we'll have the director on.
I was contacted.
And so, then comes the day to get him on for an hour-long interview, and I've got some colonel bossing me around during the breaks, and they've got the line under their control fading him down several times.
Then he starts talking about, we have a lot of fun, he's like a mad scientist.
We can even, you know, ignite the atmosphere some nights and create artificial Aurora Borealis.
Then they turn him down, gripe at him during the break.
I mean, this was bizarre.
But I mean, it was really the director of HAARP we had on.
Why would they contact me to come on, and then why would he then start talking about igniting the atmosphere?
This didn't sound too safe.
Yeah, well, uh... They, I guess, figured that the colonels could control him.
But, you know, when scientists start talking about their stuff, they just start blabbing a lot of times.
And, uh...
Sure, that's what happened.
But we're trying to infiltrate the Congress.
We're trying to get rid of almost all the incumbents in 2008.
We had about 30 members of our organization, the Patriots, run for Congress around the country, but they all ran as Greens or Libertarians or Independents or Right-ins, and of course nobody got elected.
So we're taking a different tack this time.
We're having each of our chapters groom people within the chapter to run
Well, Bob, let me do this.
Let me do this, because I promised to go to calls, and you've been very gracious with your time.
How about when the interview ends, we pick a date when you're going to be at your home next week, and we have you on for a full hour about your program to get true patriots elected to Congress.
People can find out at your website as well.
How about you come on for a full hour just on solutions next week?
Okay, let's set that up, because I want to go to calls now.
We've only got four minutes in this segment, a short five-minute segment, before we let you go at the bottom of the hour.
I promise to.
But give out your website one more time, where you've got more of this battle plan up there.
Yeah, stoppatriots.us, and there's information there on what you can do to help.
We desperately need money.
We're about a million and a half dollars in debt.
And I'm on the hook for it personally.
We desperately need some contributions and you can do that through the net.
The other thing is I've just published a book called A Populist Vision for America.
And one of the chapters in that book is all about what individual citizens can do.
So anybody who wants that book can request it.
So get on the website.
And next week, we'll spend an hour on solutions and the book with Dr. Bob Bowman.
So we'll set you up for that as soon as the radio interview ends.
Let's talk to Mark in California.
Mark, you're on the air with Dr. Bob Bowman.
Go ahead.
Thank you very much, Alex.
Hi, Doctor.
How are you doing?
My first question was about 9-11.
In your experience, what has been
Um, the best way of communicating, you know, uh, the 9-11 truth to friends, family members, other people that are close to you that, you know, you respect very much, but that are otherwise ignorant to the truth or are subjected to the propaganda machine and have not yet realized what's really going on.
That's a great question, Mark.
Thank you.
Dr. Bob Bowman.
On my website, I have a three-minute video
Uh, I call the smoking gun video.
It's all about World Trade Center 7.
I use it with friends and family, and I use it when I lobby in Congress, because you can't get a congressman to sit down for two hours and watch news change or something, but you can get him to sit down for three minutes.
And in three minutes,
They see the BBC broadcast World Trade Center 7 collapsing before it did, they see Larry Silverstein talking about pulling it, and they see the building come down from about 12 different views.
An apparent controlled demolition of an intact building with no visible fire.
If that doesn't convince them that the whole Bush
And I would add the caveat, you have six of the ten commissioners saying it's a fraud and a cover-up.
I have AP and Raw Story here revealed Ashcroft Tenant Rumsfeld warned 9-11 Commission about line it should not cross and told them don't investigate the attacks themselves.
And as a former intercept pilot, I think that's some of the most convincing information when you've given your speeches in the past explaining that you were once an intercept pilot and they stood down.
Absolutely they did.
Hijacked airliners did not fly around for an hour and 40 minutes without being intercepted.
And that day, 9-11, uh, was I was watching things unfold.
I just kept saying, where are the interceptor?
You know, it's, uh, so I knew we were being lied to from day one.
And we got to do something about it.
Thing is, 9-11 is extremely important because all the evils that are going on are being blamed on it.
So we need 9-11 truth, because without it, all the evils will continue no matter which way we turn.
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Final segment with Dr. Bob Bowman.
We have a Oklahoma City survivor.
Says she saw McVeigh and the black op teams in there planting the bombs.
So that is coming up.
It's right after the anniversary of that federal operation in 1995.
They're getting ready for another one.
Let's talk to Jim in Missouri.
Go ahead, you're on the air.
Quick question for Dr. Bob Bowman, Jim.
Hey Alex, you always seem to amaze me.
Don't worry about it.
Truth will prevail.
Hey Bowman, I got a couple questions and you can touch on what you want to touch on.
What's the deal with the TR3 platforms, the H3 mining on the moon?
And why, if you know anything, why do we have so many battleships over in the Gulf of Aden?
Okay, well, the first two, I don't have any answer for.
We can't mine the moon until we get back there, and that's going to be a while, it looks like.
The battleships, unfortunately, there's a lot of stuff in place.
I understand including bunker buster bombs on Diego Garcia in preparation for an all-out attack on Iran which I hope never comes and I'm going to do everything I can to prevent.
And they've been reporting that we've shipped the missile casings so the Israelis can put small nukes I guess they call it the mega bunker buster to use against Iran and they say oh this is the friendly nuke we're allowed to use this preemptively.
How far do you know that as far as we've done any reverse engineering?
Jim, he doesn't get into all the conspiracy theory stuff.
He actually headed up Star Wars.
We're talking about what's going on out there and what he can talk about that isn't classified.
Might have the wrong show there.
George in Connecticut.
George, you're on the air.
Hi there.
Dr. Bowman, I just want to give you a little bit of insight on the Star Wars thing.
My mother was a double agent in Germany, undercover during World War II, and she saw the first laser, operational laser weapons being shooted down, Allied flying things, or other type of weapons, because she was well-connected, and she basically debriefed
Some of the scientists at Perpin and Elmer in Norwalk, Connecticut.
And actually, as a kid, I saw some of the original pictures of some of these weapons when they were still classified, six months away from being declassified, and was invited to a scientific seminar.
All right, George, that's interesting.
You ought to call in sometime.
What about advanced weapons platforms?
And we know the Nazis had the jets first, and now I've seen mainstream articles claiming they had primitive A-bombs.
Did you ever run into any of that?
Well, I know they have the jet.
I don't know about any A-bombs.
Lasers, yeah.
We have much more effective and powerful lasers now.
But again, it depends on what you want to do with it.
And you can knock aircraft down.
You can do a bunch of stuff from space.
But there's a lot of things that you still can't do with them.
What's more effective, from your knowledge, the space-based or those big DC-10s with the big chemical lasers mounted on them, so air-to-ground or air-to-air anti-missile?
Again, it depends on what you want to do.
If you're trying to shoot down a missile, which is what they advertise these things for, doing it with a 747 or any of those things is absolutely crazy.
Because they themselves are so vulnerable.
Any country or group that has the technology to send a missile against the United States would certainly have the technology to shoot down a 747.
And you do that first.
It's just like in the old days.
What they're advertising as being defensive is ridiculous because of vulnerability.
I mean, clearly, these airborne lasers are meant for assassinations and offensive operations and killing personnel.
Sure, they won't admit that, but of course they are.
Alright, well, Dr. Bob Bowman, it's been an amazing interview, and your phone's breaking up a bit, so we're going to let you go, but we're going to get you set up to come on for a full hour to talk about your new book next week, here on the radio broadcast with us.
Thank you for spending so much time with us.
Thank you, Alex.
We'll see you.
Again, we'll have him with us next week on a landline, ladies and gentlemen.
But I wanted to get him on as soon as possible.
Dr. Bowman has been in and out of the hospital with cancer.
He's going to be with doctors throughout part of this week.
And he's a tough guy.
And he was here last year for an interview that we put in Fall of the Republic.
My latest documentary film, and he did a couple hours on the radio, did the interviews, and then you could just tell he was drained when he got back in his RV and drove off.
Such a great guy, and tough.
Tough, because he doesn't feel too well, so be sure and support him.
Tireless fighter for freedom.
Okay, we've got a very informative
Lady who survived the Oklahoma City bombing attack 15 years ago, joining us on the other side of this quick break.
Don't forget, Police State 4 The Rise of FEMA premieres tomorrow at PrisonPlanet.tv.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
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We have Jane Graham's affidavit.
We've interviewed the former foreman of the Oklahoma City Grand Jury.
We've interviewed police officers.
We have a very clear picture of what happened that day.
A very clear picture.
And in fact, Jane, if memory serves, I've interviewed her in years.
I remember that she even saw some of the people that she saw working in the building planting gray sticks of butter with wires, who had federal passes as maintenance people, on some of the news footage.
And I've talked to other witnesses that said they saw those men in there.
And then on the news, after the bomb had gone off, they'd say, well, that's him.
Well, that's him.
John Doe number two, Iraqis involved, all protected by the U.S.
Jane Graham is a ninth-floor survivor of the Murrow Federal Building bombing in Oklahoma City in 1995.
She's made a video affidavit after she watched the video cover-up in Oklahoma.
In that video, she recognized seeing two men who were caught on camera walking hurriedly away from the building after the bombing, holding walkie-talkies.
She says that she had noticed these men in the building prior to the bombing wearing General Services Administration maintenance uniforms that she did not recognize GSA employees.
And we have her affidavit up on InfoWars.com.
Now there's a new article out by Red Dirt Report, a great outfit out of Oklahoma, and it boils down, again, she's one of scores of survivors and witnesses that basically tell the same story.
And now you have Terry Nichols saying, in a sworn federal affidavit, that McVeigh was a black op operator.
You have McVeigh separately saying, one day it'll come out, the government did this.
The ATF, 30 seconds after the bombing, in full bomb gear, telling medics, patch me up, I was on the 9th floor.
She was on the 9th floor.
It was almost completely destroyed.
While Oklahoma and the rest of the world respectfully remember the 168 people who died in the bombing of the Alvar P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, one survivor of April 1995 blast, Jane Graham, wants her questions about what really happened that day answered once and for all.
Graham, a native of Chicago, was working for HUD office on the ninth floor of the Murrah Building that morning, told Red Dirt Report that there were a lot of strange things going on in the weeks leading up to the bombing, things that she shared numerous times with federal agents, things she felt were ignored,
This including the presence of maintenance workers who do not recognize military people in the parking garage and more unusual activity.
But one of the key figures, the bomber himself, Tim McVeigh, was spotted in the federal building on a number of occasions and by multiple witnesses, I would add.
It was a couple of weeks before the bombing.
I had seen McVeigh in the building prior to the bombing around the first week of April.
McVeigh, Graham said, rode up the elevator while she was heading to her office on that morning.
And we have the former head of Air Force Weapons Development saying the building was blown out and on in.
And you have the seismographs and the blast points.
I mean, it just goes on and on.
Hoppy Heidelberg, the grand juror foreman, being threatened by the FBI and cops being killed who spoke out.
I mean, it's unbelievable.
And I'm going to have her back up in the next few weeks for a full hour.
She's very gracious.
But I hate to even cover this without going over all the evidence.
Let me just read a few more lines and we're going to her.
Uh, she said, McVeigh was in military fatigues.
I looked at him and said, hi, and he simply looked straight ahead.
He got off the sixth floor.
I turned to someone else in the elevator and said, well, he's certainly not very friendly.
Another time, Graham said, he was in the elevator again and got off on the ninth floor where the Secret Service and BATF offices were located.
Another unusual event, Graham recalled, was on Friday, April 14th, 95.
She had parked in the Murrah parking garage and she noticed three men standing together on the south side of the parking area.
One of the men was holding what looked like floor plans.
She said at first she thought about the recent phone problems that had been plugging the building and problems with gas fumes in the area.
I watched them carefully, Graham said.
They were standing behind a green light station wagon like an old country
Squire wagon.
It was filthy and I couldn't see the plate on it.
As she watched the three men, one of whom was wearing dark clothing and two wearing short sleeves and jeans, one of the men held a stack or a roll of what appeared to be telephone wire.
And then we'll have her
Finish up with what she was told, and she talked to other people, military personnel, people that said they were FBI, people she'd not seen before.
It just goes on and on.
People approached her, identified themselves as FBI, wanted to know about the men.
I mean, it just goes on and on.
And Jane Graham, on record, has been all over national TV.
She was up there on the ninth floor.
She's one of the survivors.
And Jane Graham, we appreciate your courage, and you're speaking out again, and it's good to have you on with us.
Thank you very much for having me.
Yes, go ahead.
No, no, no, you go ahead.
I mean, millions are listening.
Tell folks what really happened.
Well, I think you've covered a lot of it, but going back to, I'll try and keep it, the most important part was the Friday before when I saw the men down below.
I was asked about the three men, and I did tell them that they wanted to know what I thought they were, and I said, well, I would take the man in charge, being a surveyor, and military.
I said that was the first two things that came to my mind when I saw them, and I gave them a visualizing the size of
I don't know.
And the third gentleman was tall, very, very nice looking man.
Dark hair.
His hair came right to his collar.
He had very dark eyes, dark hair.
He wore a black cowboy hat with a silver trim on the hat.
And he had black jeans, black boots, black shirt.
And I really got a good look at him.
He turned away from me and went to the north wall and was having a cigarette.
And he did not want me to watch him.
Yes, and that was who I identified later on.
I also identified one of the men when I was finally shown some pictures, not by the FBI, not by the police, but through a private investigator who was giving me, and I identified Gary Hunt as one of the gentlemen that I saw in the building
Uh, the hallway past GSA because that is an outside door there to the, uh, outside of the building on the, uh, east, east end, I mean the west end of the building.
So, um, uh, I was very much aware of them and then I was going to go upstairs and, um, and I thought it was odd that they came down the stairwell and as I said they were going quite quickly and I was talking to somebody else
About the fact that I had seen some maintenance men, you know, some outside maintenance men.
And it wasn't just right after that when I was waiting at the elevator, a gentleman came up to me and said he was talking to some others and he said, I'm from the FBI and someone told me that you have seen two maintenance men.
And I said,
No, I didn't.
And of course, at that time I was thinking whether they were talking about the elevator, which we've had a problem with, or the phone company.
And it wasn't registering to me at all about associating them with the two GSA draft maintenance men.
And it was only later on, after I saw a video and saw the two of those men, I realized this is the men that they were referring to, who somebody obviously had told them, I assume it was the men that I passed, that I had seen them.
Um, so that, I think in that in itself probably saved my life at that point because Terry Yankee had seen so much and he was killed.
A lot of people were murdered because of what they saw or what they wrote or what they did.
Yeah, let me stop you there.
Terrence Yegge was cop of the year that year.
He went in, local Oklahoma City cop, saved a bunch of people.
And the last person he talked to was his partner.
He'd hidden evidence of it being an inside job in a storage locker outside town.
He'd been told to get off the case by his superiors.
And the last phone call to his partner said, I'm being tailed by feds.
And then he was found murdered and tortured.
That's right.
That is correct, and I did go.
I wrote a letter to Stephen Jones.
I wrote a letter to the FBI.
I wrote one to my doctor and another person, and I told them exactly what I saw.
I gave them descriptions of the man.
I gave them what they were wearing, everything I could about them and what had occurred, and I never did hear
We're good to go.
Thank you.
Deal with this as far as from the legal aspect of the government and for review and so forth.
And he said, well, there were only like, I think, three men that, you know, deal with a lot of these issues.
And that really, you know, there wasn't anything that they could do.
And I wanted, I tried to see the congressmen and senators from the state of Oklahoma.
None of them would see me or talk to me.
And the only person that would talk to me was
Uh, was James Traficant.
And I did meet in his office, I met his assistant, and at that time he had requested from GSA all of their files.
And, um, the FBI had come to him and told him that they wanted to go through all of the files that he had to, um,
I don't know.
You know, we're going to get you over there.
We've got to get down to Oklahoma City, this is on the 16th, and cover this up, or it's over for us.
And we can even pull those emails up, I've read them on air.
And so that clearly shows they were going into Congressman's office and saying, you shut your mouth.
There's so much to talk to you about, Jane Graham.
Expanding on this, what about your run-ins with Tim McVeigh in the weeks before the Alfred P. Murrow building was blown out from under you?
Yes, yes.
He was there.
He was there a number of times going up.
As I said, he went to the 6th floor.
I think he even went to the 5th floor and certainly the 9th floor.
He had gone up there
And I really thought that he was with the military units there and going in to report.
Or up on the ninth floor, they had ATF and other operations up there.
And I thought, well, whatever he's doing, he's new and he's just reporting in to whatever he needed to do.
And the comment I made about his not talking was the fact that
Uh, everybody in that building would always be very, um, pleasant and always friendly and, hi, how are you?
You know, regardless, if you didn't know them, they spoke, and he absolutely would just look straight ahead.
Totally military.
And also, one of the things most people do not know is that, um, uh, the
The bomb squad had parked across in the church parking lot that morning and had their dogs out.
And one of the postal workers, a friend of mine that went with me to Washington several times, she had seen them now.
She was told her job was threatened.
She was told, do not discuss this with anybody.
She went to the union in regards to that issue, and that was taken care of relatively quickly.
But it was important because when I went up to the seventh floor, I ran into Trish Nix, who was killed in the bombing, and she said, have you seen the bomb squad?
And I said, no, I haven't.
And she said, well, they've been in the building.
So I knew right then that there was something going on.
And of course, like I said earlier, two weeks before that, when I was in the coffee shop, I was sitting in a booth and right next to me on the other booth was another lady talking to a friend of hers, telling her that she had called a friend who worked at the FBI office at 5010 Place and that
Her, uh, this friend had received a fax stating that there was going to be a bombing in the federal building, and I was very, and that, not to, and she gave it to her supervisor, and he said, don't worry about it, we know about it already.
And I was concerned because my, at that time, daughter-in-law had been working at Baliance, which is in 50 Penn Place, and I said, oh my God, surely, when I came home, I said, surely they're not, um, not going to try and bomb 50 Penn Place, of course that's where FBI was.
And I thought, all those people, you know, they have nothing to do with the government.
Well, Jane, let me back you up on this, because some of this has come out in newspapers, but I have an employee whose dad was working in a federal building in Dallas, and they got that fax the day before that a federal building was going to be blown up.
Uh, and then I know someone separately who was working at a federal building at the time on the West Coast who remembers those faxes coming in.
And it's even come out in the news that there were some warnings.
Uh, but you've got McVeigh in the building, you've got all these guys running around.
Going back from some of your earlier video testimony, and I haven't seen it in years, but am I correct in saying you didn't just see wiring?
You saw gray sticks of butter?
I, I, I didn't know what it was at the time.
I just, I saw it looked like putty.
And I thought, uh, I didn't know what it was until someone told me, oh no, that's C4.
That's what that looks like.
Now who had the blocks of gray putty?
Those were the two, that was the man that was with the gentleman who was holding the plans in the building.
And so you're walking by these guys and you've never seen these maintenance crews, but they're there with wires and gray putty?
No, no, no.
Not the two maintenance men.
This is separate?
These other three men were entirely different men.
I would have bet money on the two being military.
Absolutely military.
The other one who I later identified was Strathmire.
But those three were different than, than, uh... Okay, hold on.
We've got a final segment.
It's clear we're gonna have to get you up again and really debrief you on all this.
You've told the story and it's been proven to be accurate.
You have other eyewitnesses, those that haven't died.
And the big issue is they're replaying the same propaganda again.
Who do you think's behind it?
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Well, here's the headline.
Murrow bombing survivors says feds involved in blast that killed 168 in 1995.
I was talking to Jane Graham during the break and I said, do you see the same propaganda Clinton's saying?
And it's chilling.
I hope there didn't have to be a terror attack to make the Tea Party shut up.
Where do you see this going?
And what she said was chilling.
But finish up.
So it was Strassmeier and the other two guys in the garage you saw with the gray sticks of putty or butter.
Now, specifically, where do you think this is all going?
Who do you think from the evidence was behind this?
There are several things.
First of all, the ATF that morning, and I think people need to understand, that morning, before the bombing, there were two men dressed with ATF Ray Jackets on talking to a third gentleman outside in front of the Murrow building that morning.
And I then found out you don't wear those unless there's something going down where they need to be recognizable immediately.
That's one.
Strathmire and the other two gentlemen that were in the garage the Friday before, yes, what I saw them have, I was told that what they thought was the putty was in fact actually what I gave a description of, and I was told that's C4.
What I am saying is that if anyone goes back in history, history repeats itself always, but governments always, one of the things they have done, they go in and they take care of creating an incident, creating a bombing or whatever, in order to come back in and fix it so that
Whatever has happened, they've got a solution of how they're going to fix the problem, whether it be they're going to say, well, the terrorists did it.
We now have to have additional protection.
We need to blame it on the militia.
We need to blame it on—we need to have a Patriot Act.
We need gun control.
They've always got an agenda to take away rights.
And to sell it to the public in mass as, we're protecting you, we're the good guys, we're taking care of you, we're protecting you.
And I'm saying that this was done, they can claim, they can claim that they had no part in it because
I'm good.
Get Strathmore out of the country with his luggage, with everything.
A straight shot through was told by, I understand from others, they were told, do not go through his luggage.
Just give him a free pass to go back to Germany.
There were other people who were involved and money that came from the Islam countries and involved.
So, they could go from a very technical, big, big organization and having other people do their work through FBI, CIA, and then say, well, we don't know anything about it.
Absolutely, Jane.
Jane, Oklahoma City bombing survivor, we're out of time.
In closing, though,
Are you concerned seeing the same buildup of propaganda claiming domestic groups are going to attack again?
The government's doing unpopular things.
They need to play the part of the victim again.
I see pre-programming for another Oklahoma City.
Do you agree?
I think they will do something.
I really believe that it's not a bombing.
I think it's going to be something
We're good to go.
Jane Graham, we're going to interview you again in the near future for a full hour.
God bless you.
Let me say bye to you at the end of the show.
Great job, crew.
God bless you all.
Police State 4 premieres tomorrow.
America's number one source for independent talk radio for over a decade.