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Name: 20100401_Thu_Alex
Air Date: April 1, 2010
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We're in hour number two, Wayne Madsen, the Wayne Madsen Report.
He is our guest, worked for the National Security Agency.
We're always honored to have Lane Madsen on with us.
He's written for some of the largest publications in the country.
He, of course, has appeared on ABC News, NBC, CBS, PBS, CNN, BBC, Al Jazeera, MSNBC, and as I said,
He also is a U.S.
Naval officer, managed one of the first computer security programs for the U.S.
He subsequently worked for the National Security Agency, the Naval Data Automation Command, Department of State, RCA Corporation, and Computer Science Corporation.
Madsen was a senior fellow for the Electronic Privacy Information Center, EPIC, and a privacy public advocacy organization.
We've got him on about WikiLeaks, his investigation into what WikiLeaks really is, and are they under attack like we've been hearing?
We're also going to talk about the railway bombings.
We're going to get into a host of issues.
Also, this health care looting that the health care lobbying arms actually got past.
The right wing won't tell people this is just a bailout like the banking bailout.
And the left is acting like this is a free handout.
So it's even worse than what the critics of Obamacare are actually saying.
So we'll talk about that with Wayne.
He always has breaking news for us.
Wayne Madsen, good to have you here with us.
Good to be with you, Alex.
So much is happening.
Let's get into WikiLeaks first.
Well, certainly it seems like this WikiLeaks is not what it appears to be.
They're claiming they're under some surveillance, an operation led by the U.S.
government and Icelandic authorities.
The Icelandic government, which has been battered severely by the likes of Soros and his hedge funds and Goldman Sachs and all these other criminal elements in the banking industry.
Probably the last thing they needed was WikiLeaks showing up.
To push this bill to turn Iceland into this haven for journalists and whistleblowers and leakers of every stripe.
There's an old saying, if it's too good to be true, it probably is, and certainly this looks like this is a red herring.
This whole operation in Iceland looks like it's intended to find a safe harbor for people to leak.
Uh, corporate information that can be damaging to competitors, especially competitors to Mr. Soros and Goldman Sachs.
Well, I've noticed that some of these leaks are selective, but some of it has been extremely damaging to the system.
I mean, I think, I've researched WikiLeaks, I think a lot of people involved in it are very good, but certainly government could use this to leak things that it wants out.
Well, certainly in the case of an old Swiss banking investment group called Julius Baer, which was founded in the 19th century, was one of the most secretive and most stable Swiss financial institutions.
WikiLeaks started leaking customer data from them.
However, Wikileaks began in 06, but leaks from Julius Baer actually started in 2002, so there was this time frame where someone else was leaking that information, and Wikileaks seemed to have glommed onto it.
Anyway, what was leaked was people who had accounts in the Cayman Islands.
Now, the U.S., all this information was turned over to Carl Levin and Robert Morgenthau, the DA up in Manhattan, and they started yelling and screaming about tax evaders.
But many of these people were not even U.S.
They were residents of Hong Kong, Singapore, and other jurisdictions where offshore accounts are perfectly legal.
So it looked like this was basically an attempt to weaken Julius Baer because right after the WikiLeaks publication, Baer's stock dropped 60%.
They were then subject to a hostile takeover bid by Goldman Sachs.
And their CEO was found dead.
They said a suicide, but nobody seems to know why Alex Widmer, a widower with three kids, 52 years of age, was found dead in Switzerland.
We'll get more into WikiLeaks straight ahead and get into a host of other absolutely key issues.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back after this quick break.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Wayne Madsen covers national security issues for national and international publications.
WayneMadsenReport.com is his website.
I'm Alex Jones.
Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.tv are our websites.
We're going back to him on a host of issues.
Is the attack on Iran back on the front burner with the CIA now saying they do have nukes or can make nukes?
This is like 2003, Groundhog Day with Iraq all over again.
We'll get into some interesting tidbits of knowledge he has on the train bombings over in Moscow and other bombing today in a separate area of the Russian Federation.
But before we go back to Wayne Madsen,
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Okay, going back to Wayne Madsen.
Wayne, I really respect your analysis.
Because I've been following you for more than a decade.
A decade ago, I didn't know what to think.
I mean, a lot of your stuff turned out to be true.
Other parts of it I couldn't confirm until years later when I really got even more respect for you.
And I can't think of when I've seen you be wrong.
Because knowledge takes decades to gain.
It isn't just having a decent brain or doing research.
You've got to learn who to trust.
You've got to learn who's accurate.
You've got to learn who has a unique perspective on things that's revealing.
And I didn't know today when I said, what's new?
What's important?
What's big?
We don't do pre-interviews.
You bring up WikiLeaks.
I mean, I've tried to support them when they've been under attack.
I've seen them blocked in different nations.
I don't think the people that I know from there that I've talked to over the years are bad, but I do agree that they can be fed things that the establishment wants to be out.
That can happen to any journalist or group, and I think the Army manuals they put out about false flag terror, the CIA manuals about how they're going to lie to the public, and they came out just last week and how they count on our apathy.
I mean, I read that CIA document, which they admit is real, that the CIA is angry, and
That was over a year old.
We saw those talking points used in our media.
So, when you say that you've seen some places where you think it's being used to go after globalist enemies, I tend to think that's going to be done with any journalistic endeavor.
But, I mean, go further.
Specifically, do you think it's totally run by Anglo-American interest, or are you saying it's being used?
Because I see it do so much good.
I think it's used.
I mean, it's also important to point out that some of the exposés that they've had, that information was already basically available in open source.
But the thing with Iceland and their attempt to move into this information mecca has a lot to do with George Soros shorting the Icelandic krona, which led, of course, to the banking collapse in that country.
So you're saying they want a base to selectively get around privacy laws and leak info?
Right, and also use it to blackmail people and extort money and hurt competitors and basically... Well we know the New York Post, page 6, we know the New York Post, page 6, has been caught doing that.
Is there any evidence WikiLeaks is doing that?
Well, certainly what we're seeing is sort of a confluence between WikiLeaks and the person who I think represents the major gatekeeper of the left is George Soros.
I think his counterpart on the right is Rupert Murdoch.
I think these guys, when they get together, must
We're good to go.
There's links between his Open Society Institute and WikiLeaks.
You know, this is all under the guise of do-gooder type operations where freedom of information, freedom of the press, but when you peel back that onion, you find something that stinks pretty much like an onion.
Well, I respect your opinion and we'll certainly see more of that come out.
In fact, you mentioned that the head of Cryptome.org that I respect, that he left WikiLeaks a few years ago and says it is an operation.
Yeah, John Young, who actually has published first-time information on Cryptome.org.
I know John, and he says, you know, if he gets it, it gets published, and he's been harassed an awful lot.
I mean, they canceled his internet service with his server, and John Young left in 2007 the board of WikiLeaks and charged it with a CIA front.
Well, let's hope that's not the case and they're just being used at certain levels.
But what do you do as a journalist?
Because I think about that when state police send me the MIAC report and then someone saying they were a federal marshal sent me the Homeland Security report.
I mean, morally, I had a responsibility to put that out.
I called the FBI.
I called MIAC.
I confirmed it was real.
They got mad when they found out I had it.
Because you can catch these guys off guard and they'll tell the truth.
When you read the code number out, then you start getting paranoid thinking, was I fed that?
Why would they want that out?
I guess that's what cloak and dagger is, is it just turns into a labyrinth.
Right, and I basically do a triage.
There's information I get, which I look at the stores for what it is.
I say, well, this is good.
This is a keeper.
Then there's stuff that, frankly, at first glance is totally out there where the buses don't run.
I immediately discount that.
That's basically a dead issue.
And then there's, you know, the in-between.
You're not really sure.
You'll take a look at it, and that kind of goes into the, sort of, let's see where this one goes, sort of the pending file.
So it's a triage situation.
You know, I've been schnookered in the past on some things, but I think it's all based on your sources, and if you trust them, and you know who they're basically tied up with.
So you can spot a red herring the minute you see one.
Almost all the info I've been given has turned out to be accurate.
The clergy response teams, government documents on the Pentagon surveilling yours truly.
I want to get into Russia with you and the situation over there, Wayne.
We really appreciate your time.
But separately, you may not be aware of it, but Fox News in two articles in the last two days is basically implying I'm a terrorist in their terrorist section.
The Southern Poverty Law Center is saying I'm calling for violence basically when I'm not.
They're really coming after me right now.
Why do you think London Guardian, Time Magazine, you name it, right now are specifically singling Alex Jones out and lying and saying that I'm promoting violence?
What do you think that's about?
Well, I think it's part of this whole thing where we're talking about WikiLeaks.
We're in a new phase of warfare.
It's called information warfare, information operations, using information against people.
And in the case of Fox News, I mean, I used to go on Fox quite a bit, and then I caught them, not only me, but some other people that appeared on Fox where they took
We're good to go.
You know, use it as a, sort of like a, to make fun of you.
And this is what Fox has been caught doing before.
Fox isn't a news organization.
They're a propaganda outfit.
Rupert Murdoch knows full well what he's running over there, and so does Roger Ailes.
I don't even say Fox is an annex to the Republican Party because
The minute the Republicans serve their interests, they're going to toss them aside.
Fox serves, I think, as the major controller and corraller of people on the right.
As I mentioned earlier, George Soros represents on the left.
And of course, there's those in between.
You know, you've got the New York Times and you've got, you know, of course, Murdoch has his newspapers in London, the Times of London.
And he has the Wall Street Journal, but that's what I'm asking you.
Why do you think they're now branding Alex Jones as someone calling for violence?
Are they angry that I'm telling all my listeners not to be violent?
Because it looks like right now they're trying to create the perception that there's about to be this grassroots violence so they can clamp down on parts of the Tea Party they don't control.
They're trying to eliminate the competition, I think.
The fact is, there's now news sources available over the web and through YouTube and whatnot that is hurting their bottom line, and that they like nothing more than to eliminate that type of competition.
And they'll use any sort of entree to do that, you know, say somebody's a terrorist, that then people might be, you know, be worried about.
Yeah, I forgot to add, they called Homeland Security on me.
That's in the article.
Well, again, I think there's a lot of symbiosis between Fox News and agencies of the government.
Look how they've leaked propaganda.
They've hyped things up.
It was Fox that helped us get in this disaster in Iraq, and now they're hyping up Afghanistan.
And now they're pushing white al-Qaeda.
Now they're pushing white al-Qaeda.
Right, exactly.
Alright, stay there.
Let's get into Russia when we come back.
WayneMadsenReport.com is an excellent website.
Our sites are InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.tv.
Moving quick with Wayne Madsen.
We'll be right back after these short messages.
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Wayne will be with us about five minutes into the next segment.
Then I'm going to shift gears into a host of other important news, like Federal Judge finds NSA wiretaps were illegal.
In fact, we'll ask Wayne about that coming up in the next segment briefly.
But right now, Russia, Wayne.
We know the Tsar staged terror attacks.
We know the NKVD, the KGB has done it.
A lot of evidence points towards Russian intelligence in the late 90s.
But you're saying that this points towards Georgia targeting the FSB in the bombings we've seen.
Break it down.
Well, we've got this guy who's the head of what they call the Caucuses, Mujahideen.
His name is Duko Umarov.
He's claimed responsibility.
He also claimed responsibility for the bombing of the express train last November from Moscow to St.
Petersburg, which killed, amongst others, some high-level officials of the Russian government.
I would note that what was interesting is that Nikolai Petrushev, who is the former head of the FSB and now on the Russian National Security Council, along with President Medvedev, Prime Minister Putin, Foreign Minister Lavrov, he pointed to the Georgian security services
In an interview with the Russian newspaper Kommersant, and stated that their information, their intelligence shows that Georgian special security officers are dealing with members of the Northern Caucuses, Mujahideen, and it was also interesting that on March 21st, the government of Mikhail Saakashvili in Georgia, now he was put in by George Soros,
We're good to go.
I mean, what Petrashev said, the former head of the FSB,
It looks like he's right on the money here.
Who basically is controlling Georgia?
Well, that would be a replay of the 1980s when they founded al-Qaeda and Mujahideen to menace the Russian underbelly a little bit further east.
And we know that they launched a few weeks ago that hoax broadcast saying Russia had invaded again when Russia never invaded.
That's how dumb they think we are in the West.
So what is the point?
Of carrying the shout.
I mean, how does that hurt Putin?
It hurts Putin because he knows he still has a problem.
It hurts him with the people of Russia because if you can't guarantee someone's security when they're going to work on the metro, you're going to start to lose support.
Now, that's exactly what Putin's enemies, these exiled Russian tycoons, want to do.
He nabbed one of them.
He nabbed Mikhail Kotorkovsky, who was a guest of the Russian government in Siberia.
But escaping from Russia were people like Boris Berezovsky, the former media magnate.
He travels between Britain and Israel on his Israeli and British passports.
He's got safe haven.
He and others, and these people work through people like Saakashvili in Georgia to undermine Putin.
Now, they used to also use Yushchenko, the president of Ukraine, but he's out of power now, and now there's a much friendlier president in Ukraine, so Putin is at least eliminated.
He has a base, but he still has
Uh, he still has Tbilisi and Georgia as a base that's used for all this type of propaganda.
And maybe, with what Petrochev said, terrorist activities directed against the heart of Russia and Moscow and some of the other rest of republics, like the 12 policemen who were killed in suicide bombings in Dagestan, which is part of this whole northern caucuses.
But explain this to me.
How does it help the British to stage 7-7 bombing subways to have police state crackdown?
Blair's numbers actually went up.
It was meant to boost flagging support for the Iraq war in 2005.
We know our government has been caught red-handed.
It's now been declassified and released in federal affidavits that the leader of the Mumbai attacks, as you said almost two years ago, was a U.S.
You talked about U.S.
agents with the GPS.
That now came out this week.
So, explain how it doesn't help Putin.
Well, what it does to Putin, it undermines his credibility.
This is what the neocon operation is.
They're trying to drive a wedge between Prime Minister Putin and President Dmitry Medvedev.
Alright, we're gonna come back.
Did these bombings coincide with Russia announcing new cooperative alliances with China?
And why is China's rhetoric rising now?
What is the U.S.
doing to anger them?
We'll be right back.
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What is the state of the world right now?
More and more talk.
A replay of 2003 saying now Iran does have nukes.
We've got to go in.
Is there really a split between Obama and Benjamin Netanyahu?
Where is all this going?
Well, I do think there's a split between Obama, Netanyahu, but we do know now that there's information coming out of the administration questioning the loyalties of some people in the Obama administration, particularly Dennis Ross, who holds the Middle East portfolio for the National Security Council.
But I think he's emblematic of another problem.
People in the Obama administration like Rahm Emanuel and certainly Dennis Ross and others.
What country are they actually loyal to?
Who do they support?
Do they support President Obama or do they support Netanyahu or one of his coalition partners like Labor?
Uh, for example, which is very pro-war, by the way.
There's nothing much left about the left in labor.
But certainly what we're seeing now is now an attempt to
Put more sanctions on Iran through the United Nations, and now there's a report that China is coming around, but I would note that there's now a report that the U.S.
may declare China a currency manipulator in the next Treasury report due on April 15th.
And if that's the case, we could be looking at a trade war with China, which holds a lot of our debt.
And, you know, how's that going to help the situation?
We've also had the thing with Google and China, but I think this is all part of a bigger picture about impending national industrial policy that the Obama administration is creating and may be pushing very soon.
Flesh that out.
What you mean by that?
Well, I think what we saw with the Toyota and the Honda in Japan was part of this to make GM or Government Motors, which the government basically owns, much more lucrative at the expense of the Japanese than we had the thing with China.
With Google, we have this
We're good to go.
Shifting gears, Wayne Madsen, is this good news?
New York Times federal judge finds NSA wiretaps were illegal?
It is good.
Judge Vaughn Walker, of course, basically he declared the terrorist surveillance program and what was known at NSA as the Stellar Wind.
This is what I was told by people inside Justice and the NSA.
They knew it was illegal.
They knew that the NSA was breaking the law by conducting this.
Now we have a federal judge ruling it, in fact, was illegal.
The interesting thing is now, well, Eric Holder and Obama
We're good to go.
Wayne, I know you've got to go catch a plane here.
We've only got a few minutes left with you.
On another subject, we do see some of the so-called left finally waking up and speaking out against Obama.
But is that because they want to try to keep some credibility with the grassroots?
Obama hiring more lobbyists than anybody, expanding wars, continuing torture, secret arrest, Patriot Act, signing statements.
The list goes on and on with what he's done.
The left finding out that Dennis Kucinich, before he flip-flopped, was telling the truth.
This is a K Street lobbying takeover by the bank-owned insurance companies, cutting Medicare-Medicaid while raising taxes, lowering the standard of care.
They had a Meet the Press special where they admitted, yes, there are death panels, this will lower costs.
I mean, just bizarre.
And we have Naomi Wolf, the Rhodes Scholar, coming out and saying, yeah, Obama's bad, we're marching into fascism.
What do you see happening there?
Well, I think people on the left are figuring out that they were sold a bill of goods with Mr. Hope and Mr. Change.
We got no Hope and nothing changed.
And basically, that's what people are waking up to.
Many people look at the Obama administration as nothing more than the third term of George W. Bush.
Look at the policies.
There's not much change there.
It's just a different
I don't know where he's gonna get his support.
I think so.
Well, in my opinion, I think that's one of the flip-flops he did that was actually good, because the Russians and Chinese announced they're going to start drilling in those areas, and so now the oil companies are saying, you know, we've got our, you know, oligopoly here, but if they're going to get it, we might as well get it.
I mean, isn't that really what that's about?
When you look at his base, the people who supported him, these people aren't going to be around for him come the next election because they feel like they've been snookered by the guy.
And I think the political impact of that is he's going to have at least one, maybe two, challengers from the left in the Democratic primary in 12th.
Alright, last question.
Wayne Madsen, waymadsenreport.com.
Who do you see?
Because you're there in Washington every day.
You're there at the press club every week.
What's the word on who the Republicans are planning to run?
The word I'm getting from inside Republican sources is a General Petraeus slash Mitt Romney ticket.
It could be interchangeable.
Versus a Palin-Rick Perry ticket.
Those are some of the main Republican contenders.
Give us what you're hearing there on the Hill about that.
And who are some of the Democratic challengers to Obama?
Well certainly Mitt Romney was at the press club a few weeks ago.
According to everyone I talked to, Democrats and Republicans, he looks like he's got it.
He's the favored person for 12.
Now the others, Palin and all, I think they
You know, they're interesting, they get the clips on TV, but I think it's Romney.
It's Romney's to lose, unless we find out he's been visiting some sort of a bondage lesbian club in West Hollywood.
I think it's his to lose.
On the Democratic side, I see some potential troubles for... Hold on, I thought that was one of Steele's aides.
You're saying Mitt Romney's going to that?
Something like that would sink him if we were to find out.
Right now, I think Romney's the clear winner in this.
The only thing that could sink Mitt Romney would be to find out he was at one of those clubs, but I certainly know he seems to be pretty squeaky clean.
Why is that getting news that some Republican staffer's going there?
I mean, does that anger the Republican pedophile leadership that they found a Republican who likes women?
Well, I think what it does is it's angering the fundamentalist Christians who put money into them.
I see that Tony Perkins now has washed his hands of the GOP over that.
I see the party itself kind of self-destructing, but I think Romney's got it.
And on the left, I would look at the guy who's on the outside of the Obama administration, who was very critical over the healthcare thing.
I think we may not have heard the last from Howard Bean.
I think he could be potentially a challenger to Obama from the left.
Okay, well, Wayne Madsen, thank you so much for spending time with us.
You bet.
Wayne Madsen.
Again, if you just joined us...
I've got a lot of news I want to go over here today.
Like Federal Judge Finds NSA Wiretaps Illegal, FCC Advisor Advocates State-Run Propaganda Megaphone to Counter Alternative Media.
That's a quote.
You heard me.
State-run media here in the U.S.
New York Times Columnist Death Panels Will Save a Lot of Money, Paul Krugman Tells Roundtable Economists Agree It's Going to be Major.
Oh yeah, the government decides what health care you're going to be getting.
And I meant to get to this on Tuesday, so I'm going to cover this.
Coming up in the next hour after we take some more calls, the K Street Hustling of Obamacare, a great breakdown from Revolt of the Plebes.
And I've got some other articles here that dovetail with it.
One from the Tea Party, 365, Inside Washington, Lobbyist, Healthcare Heavyweights Visit White House Early and Often.
Who's really behind this healthcare bill?
Because we know who's behind it.
We know it's a banker robbery through the insurance companies and brings in eugenics care.
We know that.
But the controlled right wing is just saying, oh, it's socialism, let's not give poor people free health care, this raises taxes too much.
And that is true to a certain extent.
But morally, it lets the Democrats pose as if they're good guys.
You bet we gave poor people some care.
No, it doesn't cover pre-existing conditions.
And if you're going to have socialism, at least deliver it.
But see, it never gets delivered, because powerful interests create socialism to steal the middle class wealth.
So that is coming up, and we're going to go to James, Philip, Alan, Paul, Mona, and others.
I mentioned this in the first hour.
I want to get to it now.
08 race worker held in damage to Colorado Democratic HQ.
We've mentioned this in the last week.
Staging attacks before.
We've got other articles about the Democrats painting swastikas on their buildings.
They've been caught doing this over and over again.
It's a form of false flag staged event.
And Kurt Nimmo's written an article about this.
I think it's a great article.
I would change the headline to Democrats Caught in False Flag Race Attack.
But he wrote the headline, Video Proves Tea Party Activists Did Not Spit on Dim.
Well, it's more than that.
They lied and said that they came out with police who were going to arrest the guy, but they decided not to.
That's all on video.
That's made up.
No one was yelling the N-word.
No one was saying, we're going to kill you.
No one was spitting on them.
It's all on video from multiple angles.
And the black congressional caucus decided to not use the tunnel from their office building over to the Capitol.
They decided to walk through the group to then put out this false report.
And they're still all over the news announcing this lie.
And this is a great little piece that's posted in our article.
It's also at the Ripple Effect Studios.
Capitol Hill Conspiracy Filmmaker Dissects Congressman Spitting Incident.
And so both these articles are linked and posted up at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
But this is another false flag, false report.
Here it is.
Okay, now that's a one-minute raw video of the people screaming, kill the bill, not kill members of the black congressional caucus.
They're yelling, they're not spitting, and the black congressman comes over and says he's spitting in his face.
They're not yelling the n-word.
Now, I just showed you a raw clip.
We're going to
Play part of this clip and then come back from break and play the rest of it.
Here is the piece, Capitol Hill Conspiracy.
Here it is.
On Saturday, March 20th, citizens gathered outside the United States Capitol to protest the impending health care bill.
Until January 2009, protesters had been reminded time and again that dissent was patriotic.
In the age of Obama, however, protest was no longer patriotic.
It was now, well, racist.
To prove it, a group of black Democrats chose to avoid the tunnel and walk right through the protesters to the Capitol.
Equal opportunity in their protest, the citizens booed the black congressmen as lustily as they had booed the white ones.
But that was it.
As the congressmen made their way to the Capitol, nothing happened.
There was no violence, no threats of violence, not even any profanity.
If there were any racial slurs, no one seems to have heard them.
I didn't hear the slurs, said House Whip James Clyburn, who walked with the group.
How could he?
Not one of the many videos shot that day recorded any.
They did record, however, hundreds of people expressing their dissent against a bill that the majority of Americans deeply opposed.
Many, like the man in black shirt and white cap on the left, shouted, kill the bill!
A distracted congressman, Emanuel Cleaver, passed right in front of the man and apparently caught some flying spray.
Unhappy, Kleber jabbed his finger in the man's face.
That night, all hell broke loose, and the streets erupted in riot and flame.
Oh, excuse us.
This is recent footage from Berkeley, where left-wing students and union members tried to burn down the house of the school's chancellor.
Didn't see that on CNN?
Much less newsworthy was the protest in front of the Capitol.
Except that Congressman Cleaver was still mad about the flying spittle.
So he brought a policeman out to find the alleged spitter.
Cleaver's office immediately sent out a release saying that the man had been arrested but that the saintly Cleaver declined to press charges.
But it was not true.
Said the Capitol Police, there were no elements of a crime and the individual was not able to be positively identified.
The video supports the police.
All right, we're going to back up this great investigative piece, and I want to, in the next few days, try to get this documentary news producer on.
This is real journalism.
Because it's on record that they had arrested someone spitting and yelling the N-word to a black congressman, and that is still reported by MSNBC and CNN every day.
They are invoking racism.
They are invoking racial division.
They are lying and saying there's no black people.
Even though you watch that footage, there's black people all over the place that don't want the IRS taking more of their paycheck and who don't want death panels.
They've seen how big government helps them.
52% of blacks in this country are never born.
They're murdered.
And the establishment wants to keep blacks under their control in their Democratic Party, Senator Byrd, Ku Klux Klan plantation, so they can kill them and use their death panels against them.
That's the truth.
They're a bunch of eugenicists like Margaret Sanger.
We'll be right back.
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By the way, when I say the Democratic Party wants to kill black people, the leadership of it, you go back to the 20s, 30s, and 40s with Margaret Sanger and the Rockefellers.
We have their publications.
They set all this up.
They kill over half the black people that would have been born in America.
And it's time for black people to realize the Republicans aren't going to save you and neither are the Democrats.
But these racist controllers aren't going to come at you as a Ku Klux Klan group.
They're going to fund the white supremacist, the Klan groups, and then they're going to act like they're opposing them and they're fighting them.
They want you on the plantation, the reservation.
They want white people, Hispanics, Asians.
It doesn't matter.
They want to run our lives.
And a lot of black folks are figuring this out.
So the media runs this giant hoax
Saying, well, if the whole Tea Party isn't racist, their heart is.
And they run these hoaxes saying on the House floor and outside this happened.
And those black congressmen chose to go out in amongst those groups, to go and put press releases out, and to lie and say that man was arrested.
And to lie and say they were screaming the N-word.
To lie to make white people and black people be at each other's throats.
That is so low down.
That is low down.
And the constituents need to understand that, that they use race politics to control you, while the black leaders build more abortuaries in your neighborhood.
Let's complete the clip.
So we brought a policeman out to find the alleged spitter.
Cleaver's office immediately sent out a release, saying that the man had been arrested, but that the St.
Louis Cleaver declined to press charges.
But it was not true.
Said the Capitol Police, there were no elements of a crime and the individual was not able to be positively identified.
The video supports the police.
No matter, on the word of Cleaver alone, the McClatchy Papers ran with this absurdly false and inflammatory headline that very afternoon.
The McClatchy-owned Kansas City star, Cleaver's hometown paper, would soon add, quote, some Tea Party supporter spat on Cleaver Saturday on Capitol Hill because the U.S.
Congressman is black.
The agitprop was working.
Two nights later, after a mindless media firestorm, MSNBC's inimitable Keith Olbermann summed up the Democrats' takeaway message.
Quote, if racism is not the whole of the Tea Party, it is in its heart.
As Nikolai Lenin once coldly noted, a lie told often enough becomes the truth.
But that was before the Internet.
Despite the offer of a $10,000 reward, no one has been able to produce evidence of a single racial slur.
Please spread the word and put this lie to bed.
Well said.
Well done.
For over a week, there's been a $10,000 reward from the tens of thousands of people out there, the hundreds and hundreds, probably thousands of cameras.
Most people have cameras now.
Their iPhones are cameras.
Their cell phones are cameras.
No N-word.
Though we've caught people at San Antonio Tea Parties who we know are Democratic Party operatives with racist signs before, but then they've been caught so they're beginning to back off.
But it is more than outrageous to engage in this type of behavior.
And the McClatchy headline, he didn't read it on air, he just showed it, said, Congressman called in word by Tea Partiers.
No retraction.
Know nothing, running the inflammatory word.
Spelling it out for everybody to incite racial tension so they can maintain control of the black voting bloc.
And they've got the Hispanic voting bloc.
They're trying to get into race politics.
Oh, this group doesn't want your taxes raised because they don't like you.
This group doesn't want illegals to get free health care, not because they don't want the country to go bankrupt, but because they don't like you.
Not because they don't want to pay more taxes.
They don't like you.
These are limousine liberal race pimps.
America's number one source for independent talk radio for over a decade.
We are the GCN Radio Network.
Hi, this is Alex Jones.
Did you know that the global elite are now storing non-hybrid seeds in secret storage vaults near the Arctic Circle?
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This is Alex Jones for survivalseedbank.com.
Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We are back live, halfway point in the broadcast.
We've been simulcasting at PrisonPlanet.tv since the beginning of the last hour.
I want to go to your phone calls now until the bottom of the hour and then I'm going to go over a host of just incredibly important news on a plethora of key issues.
As we analyze the state of the world, as we attempt to get the population informed about what's going on on our planet.
Right now, let's go to Phillip in Kansas.
You're on the air.
Yeah, how are you doing, Alex?
I'm doing pretty good, Phillip.
Yeah, I haven't talked to you since I was a guest on your show last year, promoting Begging for Billionaires.
Ah, yes.
Yeah, I'd like to come back on as a guest, because I've got a lot of news.
But the thing about Cleaver,
I have a lot of dope on Cleaver, because many years ago when they were doing the interoperable hub at Rishikabar Air Base, Cleaver had bought land right outside the air base called 40 Acres and a Mule.
It was Cleaver and Archie Welch, and the track basically comes around.
So they would take all the property to expand the tracks for the Intermodal Hub.
Well, we went to the feds with this.
Of course, the feds didn't do anything.
And right now, you're an activist filmmaker.
We've interviewed you before in studio.
You're talking about the congressman lying and saying people were screaming N-word and he was spit on.
Yeah, and you know, when he was mayor,
You know, there was rumor there was a videotape, which has never been found... Hold on, I don't want to put rumors out.
But, I mean, this is... Cleaver's been known as, you know, being corrupt and lying, because when he was mayor he lied.
I've got video tape of him lying when he was mayor.
Well, we have no doubt, we have no doubt that he lied and said he was called the N-word and spit on, and so he needs to be held accountable for that.
I mean, he is race-baiting because the government is scared to death of black people and white people coming together against tyranny.
The other question I have is, you know, Fox News and everybody coming against you,
Yeah, I'm not a lawyer or anything.
Why don't you go after them for slander?
I mean, you know, they called the cops on you illegally.
Don't you have grounds for slander?
And also, the state of Kansas is something you may want to look into.
Kansas has a criminal slander statute, which my ex-political partner was nabbed by the mayor of Wyandotte County.
And what that is, is they prosecute you, you go to prison, and you pay a huge fine.
Alright, well, Phillip, I appreciate your call.
Look, I'm one of the few people who's actually had to sue folks before when they've slandered me or defamed me in a premeditated fashion.
There has to be malice of forethought, knowing you're lying, trying to hurt somebody.
And there's certainly hundreds of people and groups I could sue, but if I spent all my time, money, and energy suing people,
I wouldn't be able to make films, I wouldn't be able to reach out to people, I wouldn't be able to run the websites, I wouldn't be able to do what we're doing, building the new studio.
And most people on the internet and on radio know that everything that's said about me is a lie.
I mean, it's just, they're always making up new and more ridiculous things.
And so many lies have been told, just none of it has any effect anymore.
But I have to publicly counter Fox because they say they called, and we showed the article yesterday, several articles written about it at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com, and I put a YouTube video out about it last night, and they said they called Homeland Security on us for comments, and they implied that we were behind it on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com, and then we pointed out that
They're the ones really calling for violence on Fox Television and in their comments.
So they're hypocrites and they're trolling our site trying to get us in trouble.
What does that say?
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How much will you need?
We don't know.
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I'm Alex Jones.
We're good.
Hi, this is Alex Jones.
Did you know that the global elite are now storing non-hybrid seeds in secret storage vaults near the Arctic Circle?
Did you know that in a real meltdown, non-hybrid seeds could become more valuable than silver or gold?
It's true.
Seeds have outperformed even gold and silver before in this country, and it's possible they could even happen again.
So our friends at Solutions from Science have put together the perfect mix of non-hybrid seeds.
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And here's the best part.
These seeds have not been genetically modified in any way, and you actually get enough seeds to plant a full acre crisis garden.
So visit them today at survivalseedbank.com.
That's survivalseedbank.com.
Or give them a call at 877-327-0365.
That's 877-327-0365.
Remember, in a real crisis, non-hybrid seeds are the ultimate barter item.
This is Alex Jones for survivalseedbank.com.
He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
Coming up at the bottom of the hour, I'm going to go over this key article, the K Street hustling of Obamacare, how the insurance companies really wrote this scam.
You get that information out, we'll be able to repeal this.
It's the truth.
But you let the left and the Republicans lie about what this really is,
It's going to stay in place.
That is coming up.
All right, I want to run through your calls quickly now.
1-800-259-9231 is the toll-free number to join us on air.
Let's go ahead and talk to Allen in Texas.
Alex, I found out about you about two weeks ago and kind of feel like you're Morpheus and I'm Neo and you gave me the little red pill.
And it's getting pretty heavy stuff here.
And I guess the question is, you know, as a newbie in this, it's, you know, I said kind of heavy.
I'm trying to figure out what, is there any website or any direction for, you know, financially and things of that nature?
You know, I know I want to get my money out of my 401k from, but, you know, I know you were talking about IRAs and pension funds and them trying to take that over.
Gold IRAs and such.
I mean, do those appear safe, or are we better just...
Well, I mean, let's be clear.
I don't give financial advice.
I tell people what I'm thinking, and I have different financial experts from different perspectives on, so people can make up their own mind.
Bloomberg, WorldNetDaily, they're all reporting on what the White House is saying, and they're now pressuring public and private pension funds.
The federal regulators get what they want, but people are scared of them.
To invest in quote, fail banks.
And I know there are gold IRAs and many of those have performed better than other type of IRAs and 401Ks and things that are made up of different investments and mutual funds or stocks and bonds or a mix of those.
And I think diversification is always the answer.
I mean, that's a tried and true tactic.
And I think people should be in a lot of different things if you have
Enough money to be in a wide-spectrum investment portfolio.
But I would rather physically hold gold and silver than have a gold IRA.
I know Ted Anderson promotes some good gold IRAs, and if you think the system's safe and that they're not going to take it, the point is you'd want to invest in some of those because they have been performing, in many cases, much better than other IRAs.
But again, that's up to you to make that decision, Alan.
I completely understand, but, you know, it's just finding directions to go, and I understand you're not a financial planner, but anyway, I appreciate it.
It's pretty heavy stuff, and I appreciate your help, and keep up the good work.
Alan, good to have you on board, and I should have asked Alan how he found the show.
Please pay it forward.
If you are listening on local AM and FM, tell your friends and family, neighbors, people at grocery stores, hey, tune in, Alex Jones is on, or he's on in an hour, or he's on tomorrow, key information.
Send friends and family the free link on InfoWars.com to download the iPhone app that has five stars.
There's very few iPhone apps that have five stars.
Upwards of a thousand ratings now, five stars.
You may not have an iPhone, but your friends, your family, your neighbors do.
Anybody can listen off the audio link, streams in different formats at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com, but the iPhone app lets you take it on the road.
We have the Flycast free app.
We have links to that as well for any type of cell phone out there.
It's all there, and so it's good to hear that you've gone down the rabbit hole and are really starting to see the matrix.
Let's go ahead and go to Paul in New York.
Paul, you're on the air.
Hi Alex, how are you?
Good, go ahead.
Good talking with you.
Well, I've been a fan for quite a while, and thanks for everything that you're doing.
I wanted to... No, I've been... You know, I have an aunt that I debate things with a lot.
She's a big Obama fan.
I take it you're a new listener, Paul.
I mean, are you asking me if I've ever questioned the official story of 9-11?
Oh no, I'm sorry, I'm not questioning that.
I know that you have.
I'm an old listener.
I've been listening for about a year now.
But I'm wondering if you're aware of that debunked website, because she sent me that.
I was never aware of that before.
All right, Paul.
Paul, I appreciate your call.
There are hundreds of government-funded
So-called independent groups, and this came out in Cass Sunstein's Chicago Law School reports, he's now the White House Regulations Czar, and he said we must get groups that look independent to go out and attack 9-11 Truth.
I mean, NIST has given six different reasons that Building 7 fell, and has had to go back over each one.
The way Popular Mechanics debunked 9-11 Truth
Was by saying that only one aircraft had been intercepted by NORAD in the year before, when it was 160 plus.
They just lie!
They say that the Tower 1 and 2 were hollow inside and had no supports.
I mean, it's just ridiculous levels of disinformation.
I would just move on from your aunt.
People who want to be willfully ignorant, people who want to be raped by the government, people who say his name isn't Barry Sitaro, they're not going to be woken up.
And the media always makes it about how he's being attacked by Republicans, he's being attacked, he's bad, he's bad, he's bad.
The leadership of both parties are all in it together.
It's all staged.
They just share power and occasionally fight with each other over the levers of power.
And so I would reach out to people that are waking up and people that do care.
I would move on from your aunt and don't waste your time.
Let her be ignorant.
Let her love Obama.
If you want to wake her up to Obama, I would give her the Obama Deception on DVD.
You don't have to even buy the high quality DVD at InfoWars.com.
You can just go to Google or any search engine and type in the Obama Deception.
There's thousands of copies of it online for free.
The top link, in fact, let's do this live on air.
Go to Google, live on screen, and type in the Obama deception, and the top link is a link to a director's channel on YouTube where the whole two-hour film is there for free and decent quality.
It's in a lot better quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
And you can be a member and support us and watch the live TV show and get better quality podcasts and all of that, but I don't care.
I mean, it just took them five seconds, and he lied about signing statements, he lied about lobbyists, he lied about everything!
And he's lying about what the healthcare bill really does.
It doesn't cover pre-existing conditions, it cuts Medicare and Medicaid, it's a robbery.
Even from her liberal perspective, she needs to understand that's a lie.
But you can't wake the dead.
And you know what?
But at least she's engaging you and trying to counter what you're saying.
So don't let it get you down if you can't wake some people up.
Mona in Texas.
You're on the air.
Good afternoon, Alex.
How are you?
I'm OK.
I have a quick comment and a question.
My family personally has suffered at the infiltration of CPS family courts and other paid henchmen in our life.
My 30-year-old daughter committed suicide on 11-10-2005 after a five-year war with a very corrupt CPS and family court system.
Now, as of late, the former Georgia Senator Nancy Schaefer and her husband Bruce were found dead last Friday, as you know.
As we all know, Nancy Schaefer was a true crusader against the raft that CPS and the family court system causes innocent families.
I've watched many of your videos.
Was Nancy scheduled to be a future guest again on your show, and did Nancy also try to reach you with great urgency to no avail?
I just would like to know, what is your take on all this, and why you didn't return her calls?
Thank you.
Well, I mean, I guess I'm bad.
I mean, at the end of the day, everything's my fault.
I'm evil, that's why.
No, I mean, let's be serious.
We get hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of phone calls, thousands of emails a day, and I've been trying to get Red Beckman on for the last week, and he doesn't have an answering machine, so it just rings and rings and he may be out of town.
So, if something ever happened to Red Beckman, it's not that I'm bad and did something to him, it's that we were unable to get him on the show.
I'm saying hypothetically.
Yes, Rob Dew came in and said, you know, in the last few months, she called a few times and said she had some, you know, new developments, interesting information.
And I think I'm probably wandering around with two phones on my head and, you know, trying to get the air conditioning fixed or whatever's going on around here.
I'm like, yeah, yeah, let's get her back on.
Then it falls through the cracks.
See, I'm non-omnipresent.
I'm not God.
But we've had her on the show several times, but I guess I'm bad.
I mean, I apologize.
It's my fault.
Maybe I killed her.
Okay, we're gonna go ahead and let that lady go.
Thank you.
I appreciate your call.
But, coming up in the next hour, we have William Fain.
I don't
If there's a cloudy day, the internet blames me for it.
That's COINTELPRO and jealousy.
If somebody slips on a banana peel...
I caused it.
I mean, if somebody in New Zealand slips on a banana peel and they fall down, they go, ah, Alex Jones!
I'm going to write a blog about this.
And so it's just a completely mentally ill distraction, as usual, from reality that's going on here.
But I'll come back and continue with your phone calls.
I'm going to get into health care and a bunch of other really important news straight ahead on the other side of this break.
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Let's continue with your phone calls.
Dave in New York, you're on the air, go ahead.
Hi Alex.
You said at one time that the students from the University of Arizona got 30,000 DVDs out of yours?
I would consider them the Freedom College of the year 2009.
And I wonder who's going to be the Freedom College of the year 2010.
I think 30,000 could be done, outdone, and I think that
We're coming up on Easter break.
By next Christmas break, you could be announcing who got the most DVDs out.
And it could even go further.
I kind of think the computer geeks got an edge over the jocks, but hey, if they promote your stuff and get it out, and who has more to lose, they do at the moment.
I've led a good three quarters of a life, you a good half-life.
They're just starting, and they have to have something to live for.
All right, Dave, I appreciate your call.
Travis in Illinois, you're on the air.
Hello, sir.
I just wanted to mention real quick, I noticed on the iPhone app post, a lot of people were mentioning that they wanted something for the Motorola Droid.
If they download Droid Live, it's a free app, they can listen to your show live or rebroadcast.
Tell us the name of that app again.
It's Droid, D-O-R-D-R-O-I-D, Live, L-I-V-E, and then Lite is the free version.
And then what do they do?
Just go click on links on my website that have the regular stream or how does that work?
No, they just go into the app and then they can click on the search button and type in Alex Jones.
The first link is your live feed or rebroadcast.
Well, that's good news, Travis.
I know that there's basically free apps for every phone out there to be able to stream our show.
It's just that people then have to search it to find it.
That's why making our own apps that specifically go to our page and give people links to the podcast and the live streams and the retransmitted streams makes it easy.
But yes, there's Flycast.
There's a whole bunch of other systems out there where basically anybody with a cell phone can listen to the show.
Thanks for the info.
Anything else?
That's it.
Thank you.
Thank you so much, Travis.
Yeah, people should send us links to all the apps that have worked well for them, and we'll start putting them in the Listen Live page.
Let's talk to Brandon in Indiana.
You're on the air, Brandon.
Alex, good to hear from you.
Hey, I just wanted to make this real short, but I just wanted to say that you've really lit a fire in me, and the spirit of 1776 resonates in me.
I actually work for a video store that's closing.
I won't say who it is, but if you watch the news you've probably got a good idea.
I've been showing your films in here on a daily basis.
You wouldn't believe how many people stop and watch the films.
How, you know, it really resonates in them too.
They're just scared to come out and say it.
You got it, brother.
I've played Obama Deception, Father Public, pretty much every film that you have.
I'm always letting them out to people and making copies.
Actually, me and my boss woke him up to the fact that he was a Glenn Beck fan.
I had to stray him away from that NWO shield.
We're coming together and we're going to start a podcast.
We're really going to hit this hard because it's going to take more people like us, more people like you, and congressmen like Ron Paul to step up.
And not be afraid of really what the truth is and stand for firm beliefs.
We've got the truth.
They've got the lies.
If all of us just start getting involved and waking others up in a peaceful fashion and exposing the corruption in our government, it is going to come down.
God bless you.
Anything else?
That's it, man.
God bless you.
Thank you.
I like that can-do, take-action spirit.
Let's jam in one more call.
Cameron in Tennessee.
Go ahead.
Hey man, what's going on?
It's good to be talking to you finally.
I've been listening to your show here for a little while, and I started off by answering the 9-11 stuff and ended up running into everything else you talked about.
The reason I was calling you is we haven't really been bothered by too much of what's going on, because I wouldn't consider us to be in a very hot spot for any kind of federal activity, but here lately we've had some weird stuff going on.
They put on a TV broadcast that we need to start registering our phone numbers in a countywide and statewide registration, and they put it in there for emergency purposes.
I didn't think nothing about it.
I thought it was kind of a dumb idea.
I didn't really want to know what my number was.
Well, this is all part of the standard federalization of everything.
And sure, it all has the dual use of emergency services, but in the government documents, it also has the dual use of tracking, tracing, and controlling you.
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Okay, I want to go through a big news blitz, and then back to your phone calls.
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I love hearing the callers, but I may institute call screening, not for your content, but for your phone quality.
With these headsets, and these cell phones, and these speaker phones.
I mean, I'm sitting here listening to you with an earpiece.
Because headphones are making me start to have hearing loss.
And I literally, a third of the time, cannot understand what the callers are even saying.
Or I'm making out bits and pieces.
And so, I'm going to institute this right now, from now until eternity.
That either has to be a landline or a clear cell phone where we can hear you.
It doesn't have to be great quality, but if we can't understand you, you can still be on the show, you just gotta get to a landline, you gotta get to a phone where we can understand you.
Because, I mean, it's unbelievable.
We always go to the extreme, though.
It's like the message board.
For two years, InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com, hundreds of thousands of people have posted comments, probably even more.
It's ridiculous.
What is it?
Tens of thousands a month or more.
And COINTELPRO went in and posted threats, and we got Secret Service, FBI visits, Fox News reporting us to Homeland Security, AP articles, Wired Magazine stories implying we're doing it, and that it's my fault.
Now, I see death threats and stuff all over YouTube, all over Fox Nation.
That's okay.
They don't get government visits.
They don't get demonized.
We do.
I can no longer do it.
And the problem is with this system where you've got to log in, it's actually weighing down the server.
So I'm getting to the point where we have to get rid of comments altogether.
And that's just because they're trying to set us up and destroy us with this.
It's very easy.
They're COINTELPRO again, lying on InfoWars, lying on Prison Planet.
They lie about everything, saying you've got to give your real name.
No, you don't.
You've got to create a username and your email that then, just like any other message board or comments on any other newspaper,
It then sends you an email.
And in that way, when somebody's posting death threats or whatever, we can delete them and it's a little bit easier to keep the death threats and all the rest of it off of InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Everybody else makes you register, and there's a reason.
Because it gets out of control.
So, that's going on from here on into eternity.
At InfoWars, at Present Planet, it's made the quality of the comments rise, the trolling has gone way down, and it's made it more manageable for us to be able to provide people a platform to have discussions and debates, and to discuss the articles.
There's another point I wanted to make about that, too, that just slipped my mind.
Oh, I mean, we'd also had tens of thousands, no exaggeration, of emails and comments saying, I can't let my children on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com because there's cussing everywhere.
And so we put software in, or a plug-in in, where if somebody tries to say F-U, it cuts off the C-K.
Or if somebody tries to say, you know, the S-word, you see S-T.
And look, it's over.
Any cussing, you're deleted.
You come back and cuss with a new email, you're deleted.
This is not a place like a bar room to sit around or a U.S.
Navy ship where you're in the canteen talking like sailors.
Because we try to just say have a free-for-all and people just go crazy.
It's my website.
You can do what you want with your website.
And the spam is over too.
People just don't make comments.
They just plug their websites over and over.
That's over.
We're going to delete you for that.
That's the same thing with the calls.
From now on, John, and also when we take phone calls on our system, if somebody's phone line doesn't sound clear, if you're having trouble, I mean, here's the benchmark.
If you're having trouble hearing what a caller says, they don't go on air.
What do you think about that?
Say that again?
I said they're over here with FEMA shit and there's a lot of... Can you hear what I'm saying, Alex?
And I guess this all falls on me.
I don't know why I didn't institute this earlier with the phone calls.
But I know why.
I've been on talk radio 14 years ago.
14 years ago, 90% of the calls you got were landlines and they were clear.
And now it's just Skype and Internet and cell phone and... I mean it sounds like you're talking to someone... And I just can't understand it.
Enough on that.
I've got all this news to cover.
I'll admit this though.
I need a vacation, man.
I have been so tired lately.
I've got a fighting spirit to fight tyranny.
But I just constantly think about this stuff.
I constantly research.
And then I get up here on air with all these piles of clear evil, clear tyranny.
And I'm glad we're waking people up.
I'm glad we're having a big effect.
But it should be a lot bigger.
We shouldn't have to argue with people that tyranny is upon us.
Of course tyranny is upon us.
Of course society is out of control.
Of course we have a big problem.
All right, I just spent about six minutes babbling.
I've got a bunch of news I want to get to here.
Where's my news out of the CBC that I barely mentioned at the end of the show about pills with antennas on them so the government can make sure you're taking your medication?
Oh, I'll find it.
Here it is.
Pill with antennae ensures patients take meds.
This makes me tired.
I mean, I don't even want to get into all the ramifications of this.
And I know there's going to be all these idiots out there that say, that's good.
And then I know about how they're setting it up where mainline apartments now are saying the refrigerators watch what you eat, what you do, and track you for the government.
I mean, it's like a bad dream, and I just want to wake up from it.
It is a bad dream.
By the way, guys, there's a new video we just put out this morning where I expose Fox News trying to frame me.
I want to play that at the start of the next hour.
We have it now?
We do have it now?
Yeah, cue it up.
Cue it up.
I want to play that right now.
I want to play that right now, then I'll go into all this news.
Because I think a lot of what's tiring me out is the realization that we've been right about all of this.
And that it's so real and that I am, I am right.
I mean, every day I wish I'm wrong.
Every day I wish this wasn't true.
Every day I wish we could change things.
Do we have it?
Well, I think I say it all here.
This is important.
This is news.
And the reason I'm talking about it is we're being targeted.
And just like they're going after the Internet and wanting to shut down free speech, we are under attack.
We are being targeted.
And the weird thing is I'm not even really freaked out by it.
It makes me tired.
It makes me resigned.
It just makes me feel sorry for my fellow man and how much scum there is out there.
Let's go ahead and roll this.
Things are starting to really get crazy.
I mean, even I can't believe what's happening.
We've had the London Guardian, Time Magazine, Newsweek, the New York Times, hundreds of other establishment publications, TV networks, CNN, all calling me saying, are you causing the violence in America?
No, I'm not causing the violence in America.
What's causing the people of this country to get upset and angry is articles like this out of Businessweek.
Failed banks may get pension fund backing as FDIC seeks cash.
And it says federal regulators are basically pressuring private and public pension funds.
The pension funds of police, the pension funds of unions, firefighters, teachers, to invest to prop up failed banks.
That's the type of news that I cover on my syndicated radio show and at Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Or when it comes out in mainstream news that the Mumbai attacks were run by a U.S.
government agent and it's in a federal affidavit, I cover it.
When the controlled media on the left and the right are not talking about how insurance companies actually wrote the health care bill and that it cuts Medicare and Medicaid and makes people buy insurance from the insurance companies and that it's true fascism, the left won't talk about that and the right won't talk about that.
I will.
I will point out that it's a bailout to the insurance companies.
A robbery.
And that's why the radio show and the websites are so popular, because it's just common sense.
We don't work for the left, we don't work for the right.
We work for the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and freedom.
Now, that said, I want to tell Fox News something.
I don't want to be your enemy.
I know you've got a lot of federal operatives working for you.
I know Glenn Beck is there to co-opt the Tea Parties with Sarah Palin and basically control populism and
redirected into the Republican Party but I can't put up with this anymore Fox News two stories yesterday from Fox News in the terrorism section this is where the news about terrorism is implying that my website is supporting and promoting
Threats against the IRS, threats against the government, you name it.
And they craftily talk about articles on my website and then mention that people in the articles, but not in the articles, it's actually in the comments, are talking about violence against the IRS, violence against the government, violence against Obama.
What's important here, the key here is, in one of the Fox News articles in the terrorism section, Fox News says they were on Infowars.com and that they saw threats to the government so that they called Homeland Security.
In fact, that's in this article, Military Husband Probed for Allegedly Posting Threats on Radical Website.
And then it says, the action was taken after FoxNews.com inquired about the online comment.
There's another article here.
Feds investigate death threats to IRS employees after health bill approved.
These were both on March 30th.
Two separate articles.
I spent five minutes this morning when I saw these stories going to Fox Nation and their other websites that have comments and there was talk about killing people, about the Marines attacking the government, about killing Obama.
Another Fox pundit was making jokes about killing Obama on Fox TV.
We have that video posted in this article by Paul Joseph Watson at PrisonPlanet.com.
Fox News calls for Obama to be killed
We have always spoken out against violence and we have the Southern Poverty Law Center, we have the ADL, we have all these other organizations saying that I'm calling for killing police and that I'm causing police to be killed.
We've seen this talking point the last year with no evidence.
We've always called for non-violence like Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King talked about.
So they're clearly trying to propagandize and manipulate police and the IRS and others to audit us, to arrest us.
We've had the Secret Service here repeatedly in the last few months.
We've had the FBI here.
We're getting subpoenas over this.
All because Fox News and others, we've now discovered Fox has been doing this for several months, are culling through hundreds of thousands of comments.
We get several million visitors per website a week.
calling the police on us and then we go to Fox Nation and there is stuff many times more violent and actual threats against the president and that's all being ignored.
So this is so hypocritical.
Fox News sees InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com and what I do on the radio as a threat because they're posing as the opposition of the New World Order.
They're posing as the alternative media.
They have more viewers than all the major cable news channels combined.
And I'm this separate radio talk show host and filmmaker who maybe has one-tenth, maybe, of their viewers and listenership, but I am the greatest threat to what they're doing.
And so they're coming after me.
Fox News.
I know a bunch of you working there are psychopaths and sociopaths, but I'm a human being.
I have a family.
I'm not calling the FBI and Homeland Security on you.
I'm not even asking my viewers right now and my listeners to go file criminal complaints and reports against you for what's on your websites.
You're not guilty for commenters on Fox Nation calling for the death of the President or the death of illegal aliens.
You are somewhat guilty for your pundants, joking about killing Obama and tying it into Osama Bin Laden.
I mean, that is over the top.
And so you are there inciting all this violence and then blaming me.
That is wrong.
You can't do this.
It's wrong.
And I'm just sick of Glenn Beck attacking Ron Paul over the years.
I'm sick of you demonizing true patriots, true conservatives, true libertarians.
We broke the Mayak Report.
We broke the Homeland Security Report, where the federal government's main target is conservatives and libertarians in this country.
And I know you're upset about that.
I know that you want to pose as a twisted form of Alex Jones and Ron Paul.
But it's not going to work.
I'm here to tell you that the people are seeing through what you're doing.
We're calling for none of this.
We're decrying it.
We're exposing the fact that this militia was infiltrated by feds and that they provocateured them.
We're exposing that the Mumbai massacre was run by a U.S.
federal agent.
We're exposing the fact that mainstream media pushed the hoaxes of WMDs in Iraq and now Iran.
We're trying to save our country.
And what are you doing?
You're trying to sick the IRS
All right, folks.
And you can watch the rest of the video up at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Fox frames Alex Jones as instigator of violent web comments.
That video is up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
And it's very, very serious.
But these people are ruthless psychopaths.
Not everyone that works there.
But you see the Southern Poverty Law Center, all of them, putting out the same thing.
Really trying to sick the IRS and Homeland Security on me.
Thinking the IRS and Homeland Security are complete idiots.
And we better get that Alex Jones!
He's saying kill us!
Everything in this New World Order is about manipulation of people.
Everything in this New World Order is about
We're good to go.
You'll have your own perspective, but for heaven's sakes, admit there's an agenda there and start learning how this agenda operates.
We're going to come back, start getting into more of this key news on health care and a lot more.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
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We are part of a New World Order.
A New World Order based upon collective action.
Invisible Empire is a damning indictment of the globalists through their own words and documents.
The New World Order really is a tool for addressing a new world of possibilities.
It means all the world under their control.
The United Nations would take over America.
The Trilateral Commission would control the world.
Invisible Empire chronicles how men of power and influence have worked in stealth for centuries to establish an oppressive world government.
I believe first of all that we now need nothing short of a world constitution for the global financial system.
Global governance with the establishment of the G20.
So it's going to be an inner ruling elite and then everyone else.
And I got news for you.
You're everyone else.
Invisible Empire.
Secure your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or watch it online in the highest quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Did you know that there are tiny hidden radio transmitters, also known as RFID chips, in millions of passports, credit cards, and licenses?
In the current state of the economy, it's no surprise that identity theft has increased.
With current technology, thieves can purchase a simple device online that allows them to steal your credit card number and other personal information by scanning your wallet or purse.
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We're good.
There's a gun and ammunition just inside the doorway.
Use it only in emergency.
What I'm going to do is I'm going to start the next hour and get into this health care situation and go over the lobbyists that were involved and who actually funded it, because that'll take a while.
Then your calls, and in the last 20 minutes or so we have a guest who was one of the last people to talk to Nancy Schaefer before her and her husband died or were killed a week and a half ago.
I think it looks very suspicious.
We talked to this fellow a few days ago and he said, yeah, it does look suspicious.
Now he's saying, well, he's talked to investigators.
He doesn't know.
But regardless, it's the smoking gun info he has and the last work that Nancy Schaefer was working on exposing the CPS in her state.
So that is coming up very important information.
And he says it's smoking gun info.
And when she was calling here, she wasn't desperate.
She was just like, I've got some new big developments, some important developments.
And I just wish it wouldn't have fallen through the cracks.
We had her on several times.
We want all this info on.
This is what we expose.
This is what we do.
Here's some of the other news, and again, I've got, give me a document cam shot guys, a wide shot.
This is only, all of this is four days of news.
And I read and scanned over all of this.
And it's virgin when I'm reading it for the first time, and it's an effect mentally I have, it's a problem, that then once I've already covered it myself, the first time I'm interested in it, the second time it just makes me sick.
You can think a lot faster than you can talk.
There's so many elements to each one of these stories, it almost does a disservice to just mention each story and to not then go into the different facets of it.
To give people the full background and how it ties into the larger control grid.
Here's one out of the CBC television, Canadian broadcasting system.
A pill with antennae ensures patients take meds.
They're always wanting to force people to take their meds or, oh, you want to have welfare?
You got to go to a government psychiatrist and, oh, guess what?
More than half the time, they say you're mentally ill.
We'll give you government money, but we want you on drugs, which is then a kickback to the drug makers.
Taxpayers got to pay for it.
It gets you into the system.
They can now list you as mentally ill, take your rights that way.
They want to get you in the
In the mental health system, in the welfare system, in the criminal justice system, in the debt system, they want to reduce you to the level of a pauper.
But see, that's only one facet.
Then there's the whole facet of medical tyranny, forcing you to have microchips with antennas in your body.
And I've talked to high-level government operatives who are too scared to come on air.
One of them was getting ready to and then got threatened.
His phone was tapped.
About how Singapore... Well, I'm not even supposed to get into it.
And then you tell people you're not going to talk about something because it's off record.
The point is, why do you think they want you to take the H1N1 so badly?
They do have nanotech microchips.
They do have microscopic microchips.
They are injecting the population with microchips.
They are putting poison in the water.
They are taking babies' blood at birth.
And for a Pentagon eugenics database, I told you that more than 12 years ago, now it's mainstream news.
I told you four years ago, they're giving you free laptops at school to watch you at home, now it's admitted.
It's so incredible!
Why do we have to have this happen?
What's wrong with the sheep that they don't get more upset and carry their weight?
Alright, I'm going to finish up with this when we get back.
It's just disgusting.
And then all these other articles on the police state front, the medical tyranny front, everything else that's happening.
We'll be right back and we'll get to Nathan, Bob, Keith, Michael, John and many others.
I'm Alex Jones.
This is the GCN Radio Network.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
It is already the fourth and final hour of this April 1st, 2010 edition.
We're going to look at oddities in the Nancy Schaefer so-called suicide case.
Former state senator, head of the Eagle Forum in Georgia, exposing government, child kidnapping rings run by the CPS, bounties on certain types of children.
She was brutally gunned down in the back.
Her husband shot in the chest.
People who do not normally commit suicide that way.
Her family has said on record they don't believe they committed suicide.
This is getting very, very suspicious.
That's coming up in about 30 minutes.
I want to get into some other facets of the health care bill.
World Net Daily is reporting that Krugman
Admitted on one of the national TV programs that the death panels will, will save money.
And that's what this does.
It allows the federal government to lower the standard of care, cut Medicare and Medicaid, and the insurance companies wrote the legislation.
That is coming up in the next segment.
But getting back to this article I started mentioning at the end of the last hour, pill with antenna ensures patients take meds.
US researchers have engineered a pill that can alert patients and medical professionals that has been inserted with the help of a digestible microchip and tiny antenna.
And I've seen studies where they've got genetically engineered corn and other food to sterilize people, where they've got other food that has tiny nanotech RFID chips in it, developed to be put in vaccines.
But here it is in CBC.
If you've ever been plagued by temporary amnesia, oh, and forgot whether or not you took your medication, take heart.
researchers have engineered a pill that will jog your memory.
Take heart.
You know, you shouldn't write it down if you took it.
You shouldn't keep that by the medication.
No, you need to digest a pill that lodges in your intestines and tracks everything you do.
The pill, designed by Engineers University of Florida, is embedded with a tiny non-toxic microchip, an antenna, that can be digested.
When it is ingested, it emits a signal that is picked up by a small electronic device carried or worn by the patient.
That device in turn signals a cell phone or laptop letting patient or medical professionals know the pill has been taken.
So you're a political dissident.
They've grabbed you.
They've thrown you in a loony bin.
You're cheeking the pills and getting rid of them.
I've seen famous cases, even in the New York Times, they reported where they grabbed what doctors sell, that dentist that was exposing government corruption with Medicare and Medicaid.
They've held him for 10 years, drugging him before trial in a prison.
Oh, you want to try to not take the drugs?
We're going to put a pill in you, a microchip in you, that tracks everything you are doing.
Look at England.
Same things are happening here in the U.S.
They're trying to create laws to make everybody a criminal so they can get you in the system.
Pet shop owner faced 1,000 pound or $1,500 fine and told to wear an electronic tag for selling a goldfish to a boy age 14.
Under a law to stop abusive animals, you've got to be 16 or older to be able to buy any type of animal from a pet shop.
So, not just alcohol and cigarettes, but now it's everything.
Police accused of trespass after burglaring 50 homes to show owners how insecure they are.
They have zoning laws here in the U.S.
where they come in your house without asking, especially in Illinois.
I mean, it just gets crazier and crazier.
When it comes to fighting crime, a certain understanding of the criminal mind is essential.
But the police have been criticized for their attempts to prevent a spat of house thefts by committing the burglaries themselves.
See, training you that they come in your house without a warrant.
And they have Magna Carta in England, but they're setting the precedent.
Officers have been entering private homes through open windows or unlocked doors, supposedly as a warning to residents about a lack of security.
Of course, the public's disarmed, so there's no danger to the police.
Once inside, officers pick up any valuables and items they see, such as iPods and purses, and leave them in a swag bag for the owner to find.
How many cops have been caught all over the world stealing and robbing?
The cops are just doing this to set the precedent to come in your house, steal whatever goodies they want.
Here's another one.
School apologized that her pupils were frog-marched to be fingerprinted so they could eat at the cafeteria.
It is all coming up after this quick break.
And New York Times columnist, debt panels will save a lot of money.
Paul Krugman tells Roundtable Economist.
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They helped to create a New World Order.
We are part of a New World Order.
A New World Order based upon collective action.
Invisible Empire is a damning indictment of the globalists through their own words and documents.
The New World Order really is a tool for addressing a new world of possibilities.
It means all the world under their control.
The United Nations would take over America.
The Trilateral Commission would control the world.
Invisible Empire chronicles how men of power and influence have worked in stealth for centuries to establish an oppressive world government.
I believe first of all that we now need nothing short of a world constitution for the global financial system.
Global governance with the establishment of the G20.
So it's going to be an inner ruling elite and then everyone else.
And I got news for you.
You're everyone else.
Invisible Empire.
Secure your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or watch it online in the highest quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Hi, this is Alex Jones.
Did you know that the global elite are now storing non-hybrid seeds in secret storage vaults near the Arctic Circle?
Did you know that in a real meltdown, non-hybrid seeds could become more valuable than silver or gold?
It's true.
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Big Brother!
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We are live, ladies and gentlemen, and we're building our TV studio next door.
We have 7,000 square feet here.
We got 7,000 square feet next door.
They are probably 70 yards away, but you may hear banging during this hour.
We never had that as a sound effect in the background.
I don't know if you can hear it right now, but they're driving metal studs into the ground in the studio, and I'm trying to rush them.
The city held us up for six months with permits, and so I've told them, just continue.
If it gets too bad, we'll just, I guess, take off a few days or something, because nothing can stop us putting this studio in.
So an added level of radio theater.
Oh, I hear it starting up again.
Talk about trying to not be distracted while you're doing something.
Can you guys hear that on air?
You can't hear it?
Well, that's fine then.
It's louder than 4th of July for me, but this must be a good microphone setup we have.
Okay, well then I'll try to focus with the banging in the background.
Alright, look, here's the problem with covering healthcare, it's like any other issue.
It's so bad, I can't even find the proper words to cover how evil it is.
And now that we've had a week and a half to go over the full final version, it's amazing even me, and I expect a lot out of these tyrants.
It takes a lot to surprise me.
Tom Daschle three years ago wrote a book, we've read the passages, saying we need to get more like Europeans who just understand after 60 you have a duty to die.
And they have this comparative care, they have these bio
Ethicists that sit over the hospitals under federal control and they decide if you get health care.
And as you get older, they begin rationing the care.
And that is in the bill.
And AP reported, of course, that, oh, it was an oversight, but it's law now.
Children and others with pre-existing conditions, you don't get coverage.
The insurance companies don't have to give it to you.
And then you go on Medicare, Medicaid, and the taxpayer pays for it.
But then you get a lower standard of care.
That's how they cut Medicare, cut Medicaid, lower the standard of care, but raise taxes.
It's nothing but a tax increase for government and a boondoggle payoff to the insurance companies.
I'm going to get into that coming up next.
But we've got the YouTube video itself posted up at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
WorldNetDaily has an article about it as well that's excellent.
New York Times columnist, death panels will save a lot of money.
That's a quote.
Paul Krugman tells Roundtable Economist, agree, it's going to be major.
And their argument is, hey, these panels are going to cut what tests you get, what surgeries you get, just like in Europe or just like the VA.
The one case we have of government-run health care, it's a nightmare.
I was talking to a lady this morning from England.
And she was telling me just how the health service is absolutely horrible.
But you talk to Americans who've been told the lie, those that support socialist healthcare, they're like, oh, it's great, everything's free in England.
Yeah, waiting a month on a gurney, that was in the news last week, and dying a month, a month, not being given any healthcare, 18 months for cancer surgeries that are almost 100% operable, if you get it within a few months, oh no, you wait over a year and a half, you die.
So I wanted to go ahead and play the New York Times economic columnist, Paul Krugman, says the so-called death panels established by President Obama's trillion-dollar nationalized health care plan will end up saving a lot of money for the government, but he's operating under the false left-right paradigm, saying...
Well, wait a minute, Republicans, you're saying this is going to cost too much money, but if these death panels cut the amount that's spent, which they will, then that cuts spending.
No, that's not how this works.
The insurance companies get the lower standard of care for everybody, they get to force 30 million plus people to get insurance, and the government gets to raise all these new taxes on people and save money.
So, more money goes to the banks and insurance companies in interest on the debt, you get less care, you get less service.
So he knows people are watching at home and he tries to manipulate them by saying, well wait a minute, if this cuts, if this cuts cost, how is this driving up the deficit?
But they admit it costs more money, they admit it raises all these taxes, they admit it brings in more money, but does lower cost, because you're being robbed.
And I'm going to go over the insurance companies that were behind this in a moment, but right now, let's go ahead and play Paul Krugman on ABC News Program This Week.
Here it is.
Well, the advisory panel, which has the ability to make more or less binding judgments on, say, this particular expensive treatment actually doesn't do any good medically, and so we're not going to pay for it, that is actually going to save quite a lot of money.
We don't know how much yet.
The CBO gives it very little credit, but most of the healthcare economists I talk to think that it's going to be a really major cost saving.
There you go.
A cost savings, and they admit over $40 billion a year cuts in Medicare and Medicaid, and they're not just all the new federal taxes and taxes on health care savings accounts and everything else, but they make the states come up with money for Medicare and Medicaid.
They make them contribute to it, completely unconstitutional.
I told you how three months ago I was in an airport.
I already knew this.
I already read it other places.
But there was the head of the health care insurance lobby saying, hey, we wrote this bill.
And if you put a public option in it, which I'm not for, by the way, because it'll always get stolen, it's wrong to take people's money for somebody else, it's wrong for the government to make you buy something, but it's even worse than stealing money to help people, because they're not even doing it for that.
Of course they're not.
Did the Soviets steal people's money and labor to help them?
Did Hitler, the National Socialist, do it?
Did Mao Zedong?
No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
That's the point.
You're always going to get cheated.
But there they were saying, if you do try to actually cover people with pre-existing conditions, we're pulling out.
We're for this if it makes people come buy our goods.
If it makes them buy our service and lets us lower quality.
And that's why in the last week and a half, all the major health insurance company stocks are up, and it's been leading the stock market up in the last week and a half, and that was all over AP, Bloomberg, you name it.
There's your evidence for all you stupid liberals who really believe the nanny state cares about you, and the government loves you, and boy, you got the rich guys, you got the middle class, you know, you're going to get your free giveaway now because you want to be a lazy parasite.
Or because you're so taxed, and so regulated, you can't make ends meet because of big government.
Destroying our economy, and ruining the best healthcare in the world.
Some people aren't lazy, they are being cheated.
And the illegals are bankrupting, and it goes on and on.
But a great article by Revolt of the Plebes, we've got it up on InfoWars.com, The K Street Hustlin' of Obamacare.
And it says, ooh snap, looks like we've been right along.
All the K Street money pumped into the House and Senate has been overwhelmingly one-sided in favor of Obama's horrendous new health care legislation.
Go figure.
According to a new study released over the weekend by the Center for Public Policy, a non-partisan public interest think tank in D.C., it is estimated that a record $120 million was spent lobbying for the health reform.
In addition to direct lobbying, some of the top firms also rewarded members of Congress with campaign contributions through political action committees and individual lobbying donations.
The largest of these firms, Patton Boggs LLP, contributed more than $55,000 almost exclusively to Democrats.
Patton Boggs represents Bristol-Myers Squibb, one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the nation and the eighth largest corporation in the United States.
On January 21st, 2010, Patton Boggs was one of several big-name health insurance, pharmacological, and hospital lobbying organizations who all
Whose top executives got together to throw a fundraiser for Massachusetts Senatorial candidate Martha Coakley in hopes of landing her the Democratic seat at the crucial 60th vote needed to pass the health care takeover bill.
The other top firms that participated, along with a list of companies they represent, are as follows.
And it goes on for page, after page, after page, after page.
And you can go, also in a link here, to the Center for Public Policy and look.
Over 94% of all lobbying health care and insurance money, and the guy behind Obama more than anybody else, Berkshire Hathaway Insurance Company, Mogul, they are all there pushing this.
Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, you name it.
The biggest fortunes are made by controlling government contracts.
Even Ross Perot, who bashes big government, made almost all his money with EDS and other companies with government contracts.
That is how this works.
And they list it.
Capitol Hill strategies.
Amgen, the nation's largest biotech firm.
Bio, a multi-million dollar biotech firm.
Merck, largest pharmaceutical company in the world.
Pharmaceutical researchers and manufacturers of America.
It's the whole association.
A trade group representing pharmacological and biotechnology companies.
Grover Park Group, Blue Cross, a federated 39 health insurance organizations.
Blue Cross Blue Shield.
Pfizer, a pharmacological company ranking number one in sales in the world.
Doberstein Group, Norvitis, the pharmacological company, ranking number one in revenues and all three in sales, and it goes through all that.
Moleman, Vogel, Castigetti, Humana, the fourth largest health insurance company in the United States, Abbott Laboratories, multi-billion dollar pharmaceuticals healthcare company.
Healthcare wrote it!
And they're the ones that got government involved the last 35-40 years that jacked up prices and raped you.
Hey, you got it right!
The insurance companies are cheating you and raping you.
And they're going to get you a lot worse now.
And then you'll go,
I want more government!
I didn't get my free lollipop!
And they'll go, that's okay, rob everybody else, and we'll make sure you end up getting some money down the road.
I voted for even more government and I didn't get it!
Vote for more and you might.
Meanwhile, they're militarizing the police to suppress real Americans who aren't stupid and realize what's happening.
General Electric was behind it.
Elmdorf Strategies, United Health Group.
Heather Podesta and Partners.
Eli Lilly.
On and on and on and on.
94% of all the lobbying money from the top 20 companies for the healthcare rape-off.
But you don't hear Rush Limbaugh telling you that.
He tells you the insurance companies are good.
We'll be right back.
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I hear the neocon fake conservative talk show host like a tree full of parrots every day.
Saying that the insurance companies aren't making that much money.
It's free market.
They're allowed to make money.
How dare these communists not want to make money.
It's the American way.
The big insurance companies by and large lobby the government to make you pay for more and more overpriced health care to give other people supposedly free health care so they get your tax money.
They lobbied for the stinking bill and it is a hoax.
That all over the news they keep saying insurance companies were against this.
If the stinking, moron, collectivist grassroots could have been shown the facts of how the insurance companies wrote this, it would have never gone through.
So on the left they lie to people saying, oh don't worry, you're getting free health care and you're not.
If this doesn't kill our economy, nothing will.
Along with the carbon taxes and all the rest of it.
And then the right-wingers get up there and act like the insurance companies are against this when they know full well they were.
And their subsidiaries are the very same usual suspects, private central banks that are doing all of this.
So I challenge everyone to get the article.
Again, we have it up at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com or just go to Revolt of the Plebes or go directly to the Center for Public Policy to read their report.
And you can see from the hard numbers what money was donated, who lobbied.
94% of the insurance and health insurance and biotech and big pharma money went
Directly to Congress to support and push this through.
And they campaigned, and had fundraisers, and did everything they could to ensure its passage, and they got it passed.
And I talk to the average person on the street or I get emails going, how dare you, you stinking piece of filth?
Working for the insurance companies, Jones.
We know you're getting money from them.
We know you're fighting this health care bill because you want little old ladies to die and you don't want children to get health care.
What type of monster are you?
What type of trash are you?
We're gonna get you if it's the last thing we do!
Obama's gonna save us!
He cares about us!
He wants to help us!
He's so good!
I love Obama!
I love you!
You love being conned.
You love being idiots.
You love being morons.
And I don't hate you.
I'm just sick of it.
I'm disgusted with your willful moron behavior.
Now, I'm done talking about the Democrats.
Let me talk to conservatives out there.
You want things to really change?
Get up off your fat butts and actually research the real issues in this country.
Discover for yourself the facts.
That you've been trained that all corporations are good, all banks are good, there should be no regulation, no one should investigate the banks or insurance companies, and they're perfect and everything's wonderful.
But then meanwhile, you don't like big government and corporate welfare.
When Bush tripled the size of government, expanded government welfare.
Sure, Obama's gone even further, but there's no lesser of two evils here.
The Republicans are out of power, the Democrats have the votes to pass it, so they made the political calculation at the leadership level.
Some of the rank and file are good, and are moral, and are constitutionalist, like Ron Paul and a few others.
Michelle Bachman, Gohmert.
They aren't perfect, some of them.
By the way, Ron Paul's on Monday.
A lot of key news.
It's just so obvious and I get these emails every day and these calls and explain it to me.
How do I explain it to my mother?
How do I explain it to my father?
How do I explain it to my son?
To my daughter?
To my neighbor?
To my boss?
To my employees?
How do you explain it?
The stinking insurance companies wrote the bill.
Big mega corporations are piratical.
They are criminal.
They are not free market.
They have taken control of our government.
You Republicans don't like the Bill of Rights being violated the Constitution for this health care bill, but you like secret torture?
You like the Patriot Act?
You like arrest without warrant?
Indefinite detainment?
Don't you understand this Homeland Security legislation and all the accompanying legislation was written to suppress you?
We have the government documents that prove it.
MIAC and Homeland Security and others.
Don't you understand you're being conned?
You're being manipulated?
Don't you understand that the big neocon talk show host, none of them will tell you the truth that the insurance companies wrote this bill?
If you go to the stinking, low-level, dumbed-down liberals and explain that to them, you will be able to wake them up.
But you are a bunch of stinking idiots as well.
Stop being stinking idiots.
Stop being morons.
Stop being conned.
Stop being manipulated.
Stop being fools.
Get informed.
You're not going to ever beat this government takeover, IRS takeover of healthcare by saying you want to take free healthcare away from people.
You will only beat it by addressing it for what it is, a giant looting, a robbery, more than a bailout to the banks and insurance companies, and the government's going to run our lives.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
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Well, a few months ago, head of the Eagle Forum in Georgia, former state senator Nancy Schaefer called one of my producers a few times, and he mentioned, he said, Nancy Schaefer wants to talk to you.
And I get piles of these, and then didn't get her on.
And now she's dead.
But I'm just looking for the truth of what happened.
It sounds suspicious to be shot in your back and then the husband shoots himself in the chest.
Most people commit suicide by shooting themselves in the head.
But regardless of that, and we'll talk some about that with William Fain, who some of Nancy Schaefer's friends told us about.
He's making a documentary about this.
He had talked to Ms.
Schaefer 48 hours before she died.
He had talked to her husband, and very soon, in the next few weeks, he's going to be releasing this video.
And I know CPS hunts children.
I know they get bounties for, say, a blonde-haired, blue-eyed child, that they have operatives in daycares, in public schools, everywhere to take your children.
I know they lie on reports.
I know the federal government gives them bounties for the number of kids they're supposed to get.
I know a lot of them have gone to prison for this.
up in Georgia had been on last year and said she was really tracking down and had the evidence of them having bounties to grab completely, you know, innocent families' children away from them.
And under the family court set up over a hundred years ago in England, the last 90 years in the U.S., it's a eugenics court, a racial hygiene court.
They would take your kids and sterilize them if you were poor.
No judge, no jury, they just did it.
Well, not a real judge on a real jury, they had just a judge.
And so I want to stick to what we can prove here, the investigation, the last things that she was working on, and so I can find out what all this incredible information was she wanted to discuss on the air.
And so joining us is William Fain from Georgia.
William, specifically though, because you said you wanted to clear some things up, Rob, do talk to you.
Monday, and you said, yeah, I do have some suspicions.
But then since then, it's three days later, you now are saying some of those are allayed.
So you've got the floor on that issue first about her death, dual suicide, whatever it is, murder.
Because, well, go over that for folks and then let's get into what you and her were working on.
First of all, I'm from Tennessee and you can just call me Wilkie.
Okay, but you're working on this in Georgia.
I'm sorry, go ahead.
I'm working on it in Georgia.
Basically, when I first got reported to me, I got the report within minutes before the investigator had gotten there because of my contacts.
And the first report did make me feel very suspicious.
I had a lot of the same feelings that I see posted on the internet, that it was an assassination.
Because the first report I got was Nancy's been shot and she's dead, Wilkie.
And I said, well, you're going to find Bear, which is Bruce, close by.
I don't know.
It's kind of starting to make me feel that it was not an assassination, and throughout the weekend, the information poured in, and then by Monday morning, when Rob called me, I said, yes, I was suspicious at the beginning, now I'm not, and then after having a face-to-face meeting with several people, and seeing what the information is, I have 100% no doubt that it was murder-suicide, and it was not a suicide pact.
Nancy did not know what was going to happen.
I'm convinced of that.
Oh my God.
I'm convinced it had been planned for some time, a couple weeks in advance.
And I believe anybody with any neutrality in this that would look at it would see, come to the same conclusion.
So, I want to say that.
Okay, well how did you get into battling the CPS?
How did you meet Nancy Schafer?
Well, Nancy had heard about me through a mutual friend.
I travel the country helping families out that have their children taken between making movies.
And I said, I'm going to dedicate two years to it.
I'm going to stop making movies.
Well, my friend calls me up and says, this lady named Nancy Schaefer, this has been a year ago, wants to meet with you.
So I went to meet with Nancy and she gave me all this information.
And she said, I've got the smoking gun and she just gave me a ton of stuff.
And I said, we've got to be friends.
And when I checked it all out, I said, Nancy, you're telling me that pigs could fly.
And I'm telling you, pigs don't have wings.
Some of this can't be true.
About 70% of it proved to be absolutely 100% true.
Some of the rest of it was people just kind of going their way with their message.
Let me just add though, from your bio, you're a credible, well-known person.
We're not just talking to a random yahoo here.
You came highly recommended from Nancy Schaefer's friends.
You've owned three race teams with NASCAR, started a sports magazine, also a radio talk show host about NASCAR-related efforts.
So you're a successful guy who's really set aside a lot of his time to fight the abuses of CPS.
Go ahead.
Well, you hit on the subject at first when you said family court.
My first movie was A Father's Rights.
It's in 17 countries.
It's about family court.
That's what happened to me.
In fact, we should have you up separately just about that.
You have really stood up for families' rights.
I mean, you've got a long track record.
This is what I fight for nationwide.
I've got cases that I helped out across the country.
And Nancy gave me the leads.
She would call me up and say there's this family down in Florida that D-FAX took their kids while they're here.
They're scared to come back into Georgia.
What can we do?
I can now release some of the information that she didn't want released up until this past week.
But on the 30th of this past month, the day before the funeral, I traveled down to Blairsville, Georgia, and myself, a Florida attorney in Tennessee, filed a lawsuit against D-FAX
And a gentleman by the name of Lee Cochran.
Lee Cochran, uh, some of the people that's listening to your show is going to recognize his name.
Nancy had been tracking him down for several years and could not find him.
He was accused of molesting, uh, 13, 15-year-old girls that were in foster care.
He was a de-fax caseworker.
Suddenly he disappeared and nobody could find him.
So when Nancy said, Brookie, can you find him?
I found him four weeks later just south of Dallas and Texas.
He's now about to be served.
He's going to have to answer for what he did.
So Nancy was about to announce that.
We had to keep it under wraps because we had hidden cameras and we had me down there, kind of in harm's way, looking for this guy.
So we now are going to expose that system and D-PAC just got sued for this.
This little girl, who's now 23, is going to make a great witness.
We actually waited until her birthday to file it.
So, Nancy, that was her number one case.
But isn't that suspicious that you're finally honing in on these people and suddenly they both get killed?
Well, it's not.
I can tell you from experience that the cases that Nancy, the attorneys would call me in and Nancy would call me in, and the turmoil and the horror that we see every day, it's just, you go to bed at night and you see demons.
We hardly ever get any good news.
And Nancy had really been weighing on her.
And last Saturday before all this happened, the Saturday prior to her death, we were filming in Atlanta.
And I set aside a day, I said, bring all your families in.
And some of the families found out I was going to be there, and they flew in from Texas and Montana to spend 30 minutes with me.
And Nancy sat right there beside me, and we listened to every one of them, filmed them.
And I took a break, and I walked outside, and Bruce,
Pulled me off the side like he always does, and we were drinking a bottle of water, and he said, you know how important this is to her that you've done this?
Yeah, I do.
And he said these words, and I didn't catch on at that point.
He said, no matter what, Wilkie, you get this out there.
Don't you let anybody or anything stop you.
I said, I'm not going to, Bear.
And he said, that's what Nancy wants.
So I went back inside, not even thinking anything.
Bear often encourages us to finish.
Uh, we wrapped up that day at about 7 o'clock that night.
Uh, I talked with Nancy and then, uh, and actually had dinner with them.
Everybody that knew him said he was a great guy.
Are you saying... He is.
To be clear, you're saying Nancy, from talking to investigators, didn't know he was going to shoot her in the back?
She had no clue.
It's not just from talking to investigators.
But if he's a nice guy, why does he kill his wife?
Well, you fast forward to Wednesday prior to this, we got a big court hearing.
And it went bad for the family.
And so I called everybody to gather in a room.
We're good to go.
But their finances, without me getting into it, was the main reason.
There's a story about cancer.
Bruce had cancer several years ago.
His health had been a little bit failing, but Nancy had never said again that it was cancer again, just that his health was failing.
But in my opinion, and this is my opinion from what I've seen, is they lost money in bank stocks or whatever they had their money invested in.
And I don't think she knew to the degree of how bad it was.
I think it was being kept from her.
That's my opinion from what I've seen.
And he just kind of took matters into his own hands because of the stuff that she goes through on a daily basis.
He made a decision that he should have discussed with her.
And I can promise you that Nancy Schaefer... You're saying he was watching her so tore up watching these pedophiles having their way with the kids and the government not being able to be stopped that she was so depressed and they were broke that he just said I'm gonna get her out of this right now?
Well, I'm not going to use the word depressed or broke.
I am going to say that this job is hard on you.
And it's a 24-hour stay.
There's nights you don't sleep.
But me and Nancy, when you talk about it, this was her life.
If you were around Nancy, this is what she talked about.
How do we help this family?
How do we help this family?
Well, because it was her life, let's leave that now.
And I still think it should be investigated.
But I know you're an incredible guy.
I've seen all the great work you've done.
Shifting gears in the last minutes we've got left here.
We've got about 15 minutes left.
We've got a break coming up.
She had called us the last few months.
We're busy.
I'm busy.
I hadn't called her back because I'm constantly covering CPS from other angles.
We'd had her on a few times.
Powerful info.
She had said she was getting into pure evidence of bounties with CPS taking certain kids that these groups wanted.
And you're saying you've got smoking gun evidence without getting into names because the film's going to be released soon.
You say you've got high-powered lawyers trying to stop you and everything else, but what had you guys discovered?
What was all this smoking gun info?
Without getting into names, I'll give you just a few details.
The way we look at these CPS is their standards, and what I've got is I've got an insider, number one, behind a sheet, who explains how they get these kids, and you're right.
I don't call it a bounty.
You can call it what you want.
The federal government does give money to these people as they adopt them out.
State of Georgia does get money for that.
We all know that.
This D-Fax worker, case worker, explained exactly how they do it.
She's on camera.
You're going to hear it out of her own mouth.
And then we switch to a case that is going to be so horrific where D-Fax took a child from one family and then gave it back to them.
It had to be money involved.
There's no other way around it.
Somebody had to pay somebody off.
And when you see it, no one under 18 is going to be able to watch it.
It's horrific footage.
Tell us what we're going to see.
You're going to see a two-and-a-half-year-old child, and I don't know the political correct term for the word, uh, uh, like a mongoloid person, I don't know the correct term, excuse me.
Uh, the mother is... Down syndrome.
Down syndrome.
I'm sorry if I offended somebody.
No, no, no, the elites are obsessed with those, but go ahead.
The Down syndrome mother, it was returned, the child had been returned to the grandmother.
And they live in a shack that the Clampetts would live in, and the grandmother orders from the court, which CPS was this.
Don't let your 26-year-old son, who's a registered sexual predator in the state of Georgia, around this child.
He cannot spend the night there.
Don't let your husband, the grandfather, around him, because he's been arrested for incest.
Don't let the Down Syndrome mother around him, because she doesn't even know what she's doing, and in court she testified she had sex with her father.
We're going to cut from that document and you're going to see this mother pulling this two and a half year old kid away from a cattle barn sale, 11 o'clock at night, and in front of everybody she drops her pants, urinates, pulls him up, it's all over, she picks the child up as she's hitting him, she's actually hitting him, sits him on the lap of the 26 year old sexual predator, he turns the child's face toward him and pull on the mouth, kisses him, then takes him outside the building for a good 10 or 15 minutes.
As the mother is picking bugs from her hair and eating them.
It's all on film.
D-Fax knows this for a fact.
They've seen it and will not go back and get that kid.
And yet, right down the road, one county over, they just this past few months ago, see the six month old white blue eyed baby girl falsified the document by saying there's no blood relatives, there's no grandparents.
You have the grandparents with the warrant taking care of the child in the hospital every day.
Beautiful home.