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Name: 20100331_Wed_Alex
Air Date: March 31, 2010
1550 lines.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Thank you for joining us.
We have reached the halfway point in this syndicated broadcast today.
I'm going to cover
A host of very important news stories now.
Coming up in 30 minutes, we're joined by Alex Newman of JBS.org, John Birch Society Magazine newspaper.
Mumbai terrorist was U.S.
And of course that comes from the affidavit.
Remember those terror attacks almost two years ago?
Blamed on Pakistan, we told you at the time.
It was US-Israeli and British intel.
That even came out in Indian papers at the time.
The head of counter-terrorism in India was assassinated, was killed the day of these attacks.
And he had been saying it was British-US-Israeli run.
That's why that was originally there.
In fact, will you guys call Watson and have him send all the articles that Kurt and Watson wrote almost two years ago on that?
Because I want to have all the names and I can highlight it.
The name of the counter-terrorism head.
Of course, they kept his butt good.
He was there trying to stop it.
But he couldn't go up against CIA, Mossad, MI6.
I mean, you can't go up against their Muslim terror forces.
I mean, they just continue to devastate everywhere.
They attack the Russians, they attack 9-11, they attack everybody.
Train bombings, everything.
Sometimes they've got real Muslim nuts working for them.
Usually it's just totally staged.
All you can do is expose them.
But we've got the affidavit.
In fact, you printed me both copies.
Printed in two pieces.
Oh, here it is.
Here's the first piece.
No, this is the indictment of the militia patsies.
I'll find it.
So, we're going to be covering all of this.
Also, I've mentioned it, but I want to get into it briefly again and explain why this is happening into the next phase.
Fox News Trolls InfoWars Comments reports Alex Jones to authorities, writes two front page articles on FoxNews.com yesterday, saying that I am a terrorist, basically.
And that we're calling for violence and that we're associated with commenters that are doing it.
Well, Paul Watson in about five minutes found Fox News correspondents calling for Obama to be killed.
Found people all over their articles and comments calling for Obama to be killed, something we're saying we're against.
And I've noticed Glenn Beck's been saying 9-11 truthers are going to try to kill the President.
I know he copies my show and twists everything we do.
And I know that from inside Fox, because we have freedom lovers everywhere.
But now it's clear they're trying to set me up while they themselves push the violence.
So this is really going to a whole nother level.
With CNN doing investigations on me, supposedly creating some attack piece that was going to air Friday and then last night, with all these other big national publications attacking us 24-7, this is very, very, very serious what's going on.
So we're going to be breaking all of that down as well.
The headline up at PrisonPlanet.com, perhaps Fox should check into its own website for violent comments.
And Derek Einkauf, one of the sales guys, he went and looked on Fox site and found even more death threats and violence.
And then he was on there today saying, look, you shouldn't call for violence.
And they said, look, we'll kill you too.
That's kind of like Mike Reagan could say, kill all 9-11 truthers, kill Mark Dice, I'll pay for the bullets, I'll meet you.
There's a bounty on their head.
The FBI said he's allowed to say kill people.
He's allowed to say kill Mark Dice.
We're getting together a bunch of screenshots to link up in the article.
And Watson's changed the headline at my suggestion.
Fox News calls for Obama to be killed while framing Alex Jones for instigating violence.
And look, I'm not looking to fight with the controlled corporate press.
When they write two big articles, put it in the terror section, and basically say I'm inciting terrorism, and then meanwhile they're the ones actually doing it, this is just too rich.
This is just too much.
It's absurdist.
And we're going to expose it straight ahead.
But first, the militias.
Then the frame up of all of the true conservatives and libertarians in this country.
You want to know what's going to happen?
We'll tell you.
Hi, this is Alex Jones.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We're back live, now eight minutes into the third hour.
We have two guests coming up and continuing with your phone calls.
Give me a document cam shot right here, please.
Thank you.
Here is the indictment of the Hatari militia in Michigan.
Looks like there were only really seven members of this, most of them family members.
Their brother has been on CNN, who lives in San Antonio, Texas, south of where I sit, saying, look, he made a board game about fighting different enemies.
They did all sorts of different scenarios.
And it's the same thing as when the
Military trains with the Boy Scouts to quote, take on disgruntled veterans.
New York Times, here's that article, Scouts train to fight terrorists and more.
First line, taking out a disgruntled Iraq war veteran.
That'd be like saying the Boy Scouts should be charged, the Explorer Scouts, for trying to kill veterans.
And I've seen this over and over again.
This is how the feds have always been able to set people up.
I've seen it over and over and over again.
In Texas, in Michigan, in Florida, in Alabama, in California, in Nevada, in Arizona, in Oregon, in Washington State.
They have a handbook.
They give their informants and agents.
And they go in and say, we ought to do a drill in case the local police get taken over by the UN.
We ought to go scout out the police department.
And then they go and they take video of it and they come back and have a meeting and the Fed generally is the leader of the group by then because he's buying them guns and food and you know they love him and it may take him two, three years to get their trust and boy they just love Bubba or whatever his name is.
He's really a Southern Poverty Law Center trainee or he's an FBI agent.
And then he says, we need to train to look at how we'd run an ambush like in the movie Red Dawn.
We act like a car's broke down and when the cop pulls up, we kill him.
Right, Bill?
Right, Jenny?
Right, Tom?
I guess so.
I guess so, Bubba.
Is that what we do?
That's right.
Now let me hear your plan.
Tell me how you would do that in this simulation.
It's just a simulation, mind you, and they're recording the whole thing.
And then one of the younger ones says, yeah, and then when the feds come to be part of the funeral, we'd have IEDs out there and we'd blow them up.
Oh, that's a good idea.
You sure are smart now.
I had Pale Horse on, one of the people arrested, and they're saying there's members in the group now.
I told you this.
Monday, I told you again, Tuesday, and then the Wall Street Journal, I hadn't read it until last night, came out and said, yeah, there was an informant and someone else in the group who's been arrested, but they're going to let him go.
I told you, they always stage.
It's like the Mumbai thing.
The leader was U.S.
They're saying, well, we've got him and we're going to probably let him go or look at him off with some lenience.
That's only because it came out he was a fed.
And looking at these photographs, let's look at these photographs.
Now, I've learned, I mean, this guy, obviously, dumber than a box of rocks, the leader.
His son, dumber than a box of rocks.
I mean, these people all look like, and I'm not trying to be mean, like they may be missing chromosomes.
This guy, this guy, this guy, joke.
This guy, we're going to get into him later, and I'm still doing investigations.
Thomas William Flitek.
We need to look very closely, because I've seen informants, I mean, I've had guys that look just like this.
Try to set me, I mean, they look, I mean, this guy, this guy right here.
Look, he doesn't even look too concerned there.
These people are all wide-eyed.
You can tell they're not too pleased about what's going on.
Not in a jail uniform, as you notice.
They said they had basically a staged arrest of one of their operatives inside.
Now, we'll see if I'm right about this, but I mean, I had Pale Horse on, Sickles, in August of 17th going, if you're not a fed, somebody's handling you and telling you to dress like that and use a voice changer.
This comes right out of the ADL, what you're doing.
And he needs to be looked at as well.
We'll get him up on screen.
Pull Sickles up.
You talk about a setup.
So there's an FBI agent, there's an informant, and there's someone inside the group that's working with them as an informant and they're going to be let go.
Is it the guy not in a jail uniform here?
Is it Sickles?
And when he was on the show, I played this... I played it, what, yesterday?
Or was it Monday?
I played the August 17th show.
Now, looking at this, when he was on the show, I said, they're going to try to get you to drill to case out a police station.
And they're going to try to set you up that you're planning to attack police stations.
Because they want to get the cops all hating militia, or anyone that's into the Second Amendment or Tea Parties.
So they always try to get militia to target police stations.
They try to get the black group, the young Christians, down in Florida to do it.
I mean, it's always the same story.
They get the cops all into this paranoid, delusional culture.
I also told you Monday and Tuesday that this is always the same.
They psychologically profile weak-minded, scared...
Groups who are weak-minded, who can then be tricked into wargaming, who can be tricked into scenarios so the feds can sell it as if it was a real attack plan.
Now of course it's coming out it wasn't a real attack plan, but it's like every other case.
You'll hear about it for a month and then a month later all the information comes out, but it's even coming out within a few days this time, that it wasn't real.
It was in their heads and seen as part of a wargaming scenario.
And that the date they had to go down to City Hall was for a protest, not for a plan to kill police officers.
But that doesn't matter now.
And this coincides with all of this demonization in the media of patriots, of conservatives, of libertarians, of Tea Parties.
As the government's done all these illegal unconstitutional things, as people are getting angry,
with the government, and rightfully so, and politically so, they want to now stage more violent attacks and more fake arrests to kind of prep people's minds for spectacular attacks mixed in with some smaller attacks in the next few months as a pretext to fully roll out homeland security against the American people.
Here is the Sun Times.
Undercover agent, witness provided intelligence on alleged Christian militia member.
And it says it was another militia that initially reported.
Some of the big militias in Michigan are completely fed, Ron.
And then again, they go out and interface and decide, run by agents, who's good to set up.
An unidentified cooperating witness helped provide intelligence to a federal grand jury about at least one of the alleged members of the group.
Thomas Petak, who delivers steel drums for a Southside company.
And this isn't clear whether Thomas Petak is the one who provided the info or the info was provided on him.
The person pictured therein is the person known as Cooperating Witness, an undercover FBI agent, to be the person who participated in the criminal
Violations contained in the indictment.
The government filing in the case reads, referring to photos of PTAC shown to the grand jury.
And so the way this is written, Jaren, you're the one that just brought this to me.
I saw it this morning.
They're saying there it's PTAC, right?
Yeah, it's not clear.
I wonder, again, it's either PTAC or it's Sickles are the two I've identified.
As I just said, you just brought this in.
And it's not clear, it's vague here, but was it Sickles reporting on PTAC?
The filing was made to correct PTAC's middle name, which it says was mistakenly entered, as Edward said of William, on his arrest warrant and indictment.
Oh man, I mean, I was, I'm not even going to get into it, it's just they're constantly trying to set me up.
When I was in Denver for the DNC, I constantly had people coming up going, oh Alex, I'm a big fan.
Do you want some guns when you're out demonstrating to be safe?
I'm like, no, I don't want guns.
So they could say, Alex Jones had a concealed gun.
He was planning to get Obama.
I mean, it was just over and over again, people coming up.
I'd be at an event or I'd be somewhere and it was always a cop or informant type.
Hey, you want some guns to protect yourself?
It's just, and then, and then these feds will just run off and just lie about you.
Because I have experienced them doing this.
I have experienced
You're standing there at a fence to watch the military do a takeover drill at a municipal airport, and a guy comes out of the bushes and says, you asked me to light this on fire!
And I'm like, stop it!
I mean, folks, I've been there over and over and over and over again, and last time I was remembering all the other times it happened.
And to be on the news, Alex Jones tried to burn down the forest to hurt the military.
He's a domestic terrorist!
And so a lot of these Michigans are fed founded and fed run, just like the white supremacist groups.
And they're there to try to radicalize and make militias look stupid and so they can go out and set people up to create the illusion that there's all these terrorist groups out there.
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There is no doubt that my predictions of the last year, and my intensifying predictions, that I was sure of it in the last three and a half months, that there would be staged attacks on IRS buildings, military facilities, and on police barracks.
It is now all unfolding, it's all fed run, all federally controlled.
This Sickles character, we'll get a document cam shot for folks on that or put him on screen for PrisonPlanet.tv viewers, is the prime suspect as the informant inside.
We know there is an informant within this group of eight people, probably more.
And he's the guy making videos with a scary voice changer, with a guy dressed up as a gas-masked, festooned thug behind him, right out of Central Casting.
Looks just like something Adam Gadon would produce.
And, you know, he may not be the informant, but I'm just telling you my gut.
It's one of these two, just from knowing some of their histories.
I've interviewed this guy.
And I told him, if you're not a Fed, you're walking right into a nightmare.
Nancy Schaefer on a separate issue over the weekend was shot in the back and her husband shot in the chest.
They were not planning suicide.
The husband had had some mild cancer and was fine.
They were Christians.
They were exposing child trafficking.
She was a former state senator, head of the Eagle Forum.
And she had been calling us the last few months saying, I got big breaking news.
And we get so overwhelmed that I hadn't called her back to have her back on.
I had meant to.
She was clearly murdered, and we just talked to a documentary filmmaker who talked to her 48 hours before, and shot all these interviews with her, and she was planning to meet with him, everything was fine.
Another political murder, because Atlanta is a major child trafficking operation, and she was exposing CPS running.
I would advise everyone who was working with her, get everything, all the video, all the audio, all whatever she discovered out absolutely immediately or you may commit suicide.
It's big money for the pedophile guilds that run America and feed on our children.
And they don't want to be kept away from the children.
How many CPS heads, how many Child Protective Services people, how many anti-pedophile police have been caught running the pedophile ops?
They're pedophiles.
A large percentage of them are the most disgusting demons you could ever imagine.
Others just like the cash.
God, these people.
There's no end to the curse that's on this country.
We are a cursed nation now.
We were a blessed nation.
You kill 50 million babies, God removes his protection from your nation.
And even if you don't believe in God, I mean, what kind of country kills 50 million of its own babies?
For convenience sake.
And doesn't think other dehumanizing things are going to happen.
For more than a decade, new doctors don't give a Hippocratic oath to do no harm.
The feds have taken over health care.
In fact, I promised to go over that.
I have here in my stack a big breakdown.
Oh look, there's a suicide note of financial troubles.
I tell you, this is so disgusting.
Just like there was a suicide note that wasn't in the same handwriting from the D.C.
madam, and she told her landlord two days before I'm being followed, they may try to kill me.
No, it's not that she was supplying hookers to the Pentagon and the White House and Congress.
No, she committed suicide too, and so did Gary Webb that exposed CIA drug dealing.
Oh, there's just no end to these people.
But here's the big issue.
We are moving in to Oklahoma City bombing too.
We are rapidly moving in to this time period right now.
We are moving into this period very, very quickly.
And I'm begging folks out there to get the word out now about false flag and staged terror.
Provocateured, self-inflicted wounds.
To demonize the American people and fully sick homeland security on the American people.
Remember it was Sky Television and Fox News four years ago that began programming people that white Al-Qaeda was everywhere and was going to kill you.
And they showed white guys standing up posing as terrorists from England.
And then we went and pulled up the original video.
It was a government training video of mock terrorists.
They know what they are doing.
And they're going to do this so they can rob the American people and take your pension funds.
And so they can demonize any opposition to what they're doing and play the part of victims.
You think the government lying about congressman getting called the n-word on the floor and on video?
There's no tape?
It's a lie?
Or the Democrats attacking their own office?
Denver Post?
That's confirmed?
If you think they're going to stop there,
You got another thing coming.
I have experienced, myself, my crew, Luke Radowski and others, with the government trying to set us up with weapons and bombs and arson.
It's on video.
In Pittsburgh, it's on video.
In New York, with Luke Radowski.
They are so criminal, they will frame you on video and don't even care.
That's how evil this government is.
Do you understand?
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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We've had Alex Newman on before from the Copenhagen Global Government Carbon Tax Summit with William F. Jasper of the New American Magazine.
He writes for JBS.org.
We've got a story linked up at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Mumbai terrorist was U.S.
agent is the headline.
We're going to give you a document cam shot of that.
We also have the indictment
Here, ladies and gentlemen, we're admitting he was a U.S.
government agent.
And I want to go back to those attacks for the next 25 minutes or so.
Then we have the former head of the FBI Crime Lab, Dr. Frederick Whitehurst, scheduled to talk about government frame-ups.
Just so you know that it's standard operating procedure at the FBI Crime Lab, local police departments.
It's the exception when they're not framing people.
It's the exception.
Okay, so you understand how they're framing this militia group, and that's now coming out and is basically admitted.
We're only three days into this.
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And lastly, don't forget, I've got two new films coming out at InfoWars.com on PrisonPlanet.tv in the month of April.
On the 15th at PrisonPlanet.tv it premieres.
You can pre-order the DVD to have it in the highest quality and support us.
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Go watch the trailers, read about the film, amazing, groundbreaking documentary.
And then of course, Police State 4, The Rise of FEMA.
Haven't made a Police State film in close to eight years.
This covers the FEMA camps, the executive orders, the COG, the shadow government,
The martial law, the sound cannons being used on citizens, the G-20, false flag terror, Hardin, Montana, Glenn Beck's cover-up of this information, both DVDs available at InfoWars.com.
And we have a brand new t-shirt in, it says Barry Sitaro at the top, big picture of the man known as Barack H. Obama, and on the back it says InfoWars.com.
And people will say,
Well, who's Barry Sitaro?
That's Obama.
You can explain.
No, he really is an Indonesian citizen and eligible under federal law to be president.
Forget the birth certificate, and there's clear evidence that that's real.
You know, that he doesn't have a birth certificate, that it's just a fake receipt.
Point is, this is a great way to get the word out about Barry Sitaro.
Mumbai terrorist was U.S.
Now, I saw this this morning.
And then I saw the link to the affidavit where it talks about Hedley, who was this son of a U.S.
diplomat, classic spy kids.
We knew that the so-called shooters had PCP-LSD at levels that would kill some people and their bodies.
All the videos are just whacked out of their mind, classic mind control.
We knew the U.S.
government was jamming signals.
I mean, this came out.
Here's our articles.
From over a year ago.
December 7, 2008.
Arrests provide more evidence.
India, Israel, and U.S.
behind Mumbai attacks.
It goes through the head of Indian intelligence who was killed that day, days before, saying these are staged attacks coming.
He was there to try to stop it.
Mumbai terrorists were aided by Indian authorities.
We have links to mainstream news and all these articles.
Media forced to backtrack on Al-Qaeda linked to Mumbai attacks.
Mumbai attacks blamed on Al-Qaeda as pretext for U.S.
military response in Pakistan.
So, and this came out in major papers in Europe a year and a half ago.
But now it is a huge firestorm in Europe and in Asia and in the subcontinent because imagine hotels, shopping malls, people running around just waving machine guns and hand grenades, killing people, flipped out of their minds on psychotropic drugs.
We now go to Alex Newman to break down these latest developments.
Thanks for coming on with us.
What's just been going on?
You know, we didn't have you up.
I apologize.
We didn't have you up.
Go ahead and start over.
Oh, no problem.
Thanks for having me, Alex.
So, basically, what's going on now, what I was just writing about, is that this terrorist, this supposed terrorist, also a quote-unquote former government agent, just reached a plea deal with the U.S.
government, which is going to do a lot of things.
One of the most important of them is that it's going to be keeping all of his links to intelligence agencies, American and Pakistani, classified.
So, basically, we're never really going to get to find out what happened here, or what did happen.
And same thing with the Fort Hood shooter.
Excuse me, go ahead.
Oh, no problem.
It's just really ridiculous.
And the Indians are furious about it.
The American press hasn't really given it too much coverage.
Actually, almost nothing.
The New York Times had one piece by a letter from India or something like that that alluded to his connection to the CIA.
But I mean, this is huge news, and it's really unfortunate that we're not going to get to know what happened.
And just imagine the Indians, you know?
Some guys run around murdering hundreds of people, and suddenly they don't even get to know what happened.
Could you imagine if that happened in America?
If some foreign terrorist came and started shooting up one of our cities, and then one of their governments was shielding that person?
Well, that actually came out two weeks ago in the Associated Press.
ACLU got the documents where the 9-11 Commission was ordered not to investigate the attacks by the White House.
So, I mean, there's always a cover up here, and it's always U.S., Israeli, and British intelligence every time running everything.
It is.
It's just such a pattern.
Every time one of these things happens, you always have the government trying to hide things.
I mean, if there's nothing to hide, why are they acting so suspicious about it?
It's just obvious that something strange is going on here.
Well, let's talk about this David Coleman Headley.
And this is in the affidavit.
This is in the news.
intelligence agent.
Yeah, it started back in the late 90s.
He got busted trafficking heroin, so the DEA convinced him that he should be a secret agent for them in Pakistan.
So he went over there, and during the time that he was working for them, or close to it, he started training with a terrorist group in Pakistan called the Lashkar-e-Taiba, which is a well-known Pakistani intelligence
I mean, it's no question.
They helped found it.
They helped operate it.
And, you know, prominent Indians have been coming out and saying that the former, the top counterintelligence chief of the Indian Security Services has said it.
The former Indian ambassador to Pakistan has said it.
What's going on here is the government was in some capacity involved in this, and they had to have known about it at the very least.
And there's probably more to it than that.
And with this plea agreement that he just got, we're never going to get to know, unfortunately.
It's just a travesty what's going on here.
PCP, LFD, I mean, we don't even know if this is supposedly the people.
They could have had just some nuts separately who were hallucinating, and then black ops shoot some of the people.
That's what witnesses said they were seeing.
The former head, well, at the time, the head of anti-terror forces, he gets killed in the attacks.
He was coming out saying that Western intelligence had infiltrated and was going to stage this attack.
He was there to try to stop it.
He got killed.
A replay of John O'Neill back on 9-11, the FBI head of counter-terrorism, being killed.
And so this just goes on and on and on.
But the motives here are certain factions in Pakistan that want the U.S.
to come in, stage an attack against India as a pretext for U.S.
forces to be brought into Pakistan.
And, you know, like you said, Headley was crucial to this operation.
Like you said, he gathered GPS coordinates for the team to land there.
He was conducting surveillance, and he was key to this entire operation.
And so now it comes out that he's a government agent, and everything's going to be classified.
So something incredibly suspicious is going on, and the people really need to start asking the government what is going on here.
I mean, and the Indians, too, are just outraged that this could happen.
Well let's go over more of this guy's past and what type of government agent he was and now they're talking about basically giving him a lower sentence or something and that they're protecting him under national security.
Yeah, well, in his plea agreement, I mean, for this crime, obviously, he could have gotten the death sentence, and with this plea agreement, he might not even serve a life sentence in prison.
So, I mean, this is clearly some kind of cover-up, some kind of protection going on for this guy, and the U.S.
is actually bound by treaty to hand him over to Indian authority, so we're actually not fulfilling our obligation in order to cover up the trail of this guy.
And so some people have been saying that, you know, maybe they just made a huge mistake and their agent went totally rogue and out of control, and now they're trying to cover that up.
But the thing is, we're not ever going to know, because it's all classified now.
So, you know, it would seem like if it was just an innocent mistake, there wouldn't be this whole brouhaha trying to cover it up.
It would seem that they would just admit they made a mistake.
Everybody makes mistakes from time to time.
And, you know, just come clean.
But that's not what we're seeing at all, unfortunately.
And it's the same in every single case.
I wish the terrorism was just small, lone groups.
That's a lot less scary than knowing the people running our government are manufacturing these attacks to start wars and take our freedoms.
Yeah, that's for sure.
We'll continue going over some of the other important facets of your detailed article.
Okay, well we have here the
Ambassador who served in Pakistan, his name is M.K.
Bhadrakumar, and he points out that the L.E.T.
is closely affiliated with the Pakistan Inter-Services Intelligence, their equivalent of the CIA, and it's basically impossible that this operation would have gone on without the knowledge of the Pakistani government.
And the connections between the CIA and the ISI, the Pakistan version of the CIA, are well known.
They've been working with each other for a long time, funding each other.
We're good to go.
I don't know.
Well, right after this happened, we were able to get Hamid Gul on the radio show, the former head of Pakistani intelligence, and he said that this was purely a U.S.-Israeli Indian operation as a pretext to start invasions and drone attacks, and that did then indeed happen.
So that might be a good radio interview for you to pull up and listen to for further research.
Yeah, absolutely.
I appreciate that, Alex.
And yeah, and a lot of Indian journalists have been saying that this was aided and abetted by the Indian intelligence services.
Some have accused the Israeli intelligence services as well of involvement.
And Pakistan's fingerprint is pretty much undeniable at this point.
He was training with the LEP, it's well known, it's admitted.
And the LEP is essentially a terrorist group that's run by the Pakistani government, with, of course, all of its links to the American government.
And then all these governments use these attacks as pretext to clamp down on their own populations.
Steal money, steal freedom.
Oh, the terrorists are going to get you if you don't give up your rights and give up your money.
And then what do we get?
More terrorism.
I mean, it can't be incompetent.
This guy who got on the airplane, the underwear bomber, obviously he had help from some well-dressed man.
How did he get on an airplane without a passport?
And then the State Department admits after a month and a half of denying it, okay, a U.S.
intelligence agency, unnamed, told us to help him get on the plane and give him a visa.
And it's the same story, and it says it now with these militias!
They had informants in there running the whole thing.
Radicalizing people, getting them to say stupid things, accidentally things that they don't mean, and yeah, then going in and arresting them and playing the soundbites on the afternoon media so that everybody knows that they need to give up their rights and their freedom.
It's just pathetic.
Well, why did the John Birch Society write on this?
I mean, I like the JBS, but I found it's, I don't want to say timid, but very, very careful.
I mean, even when there was evidence of Oklahoma City being an inside job for a long time, then they did some seminal research on it.
They didn't for a long time report on the inconsistencies of 9-11, because I guess they didn't want to have people discredit them, but it does seem that the JBS is really getting a lot more hardcore now.
We had McManus in last year, and he said that, you know, there might have been some operatives inside trying to suppress what you guys were doing, but that the JBS is going in the right direction now.
No, the JBS is a great organization, and they always are really careful with what they publish.
They always want to make sure the facts are 100% accurate before going forward with anything, and so I respect that.
I received the tip on this from Dennis Bernhardt, who's the editor of the JBS website.
And, you know, when something can be verified, backed up, then, you know, they go for it.
And so, I think the JBS is really a great organization in terms of helping to educate Americans, not just on the principles, but also, you know, the news of what's going on.
The New American Magazine, too, is part of the JBS, and I think they really do a great job of trying to get to the truth and publishing accurate information, you know?
Oh, I do as well.
It's just that I've seen them get more aggressive.
Because I've seen times when the evidence is there, and they still don't go there because they're being careful.
But now I'm seeing them really come into the 21st century, which is great because so much of us, so many of us out there woke up and are informed because of the work of the John Birch Society over the last 50 years.
And you know, the media, they really love to jump on every little thing.
The New American Magazine and the John Birch Society, I think they're really cautious in what they say and make sure 100% for sure that it's accurate and truthful before going forward with it, because as with any effective organization promoting freedom and so forth, the media will immediately seize and pounce on any minor inaccuracy and try to discredit everything, and that's certainly not something that they would want.
So, I think they used a good strategy and I'm really happy to be working with them and helping to educate Americans.
Well, absolutely.
There were two big Fox News articles yesterday in the terror section basically saying that I'm a radical calling for violence and that there are people on my website and they implied it was articles calling for violence when it was comments.
We then went to Fox News and found their pundits and their contributors calling for violence and their commenters calling for it.
So the headline is, Fox News calls for Obama to be killed while framing Alex Jones for instigating violence.
I mean, this is getting really creepy to have the Southern Poverty Law Center, ADL, Time Magazine, Newsweek, George Soros publications, Neocon publications, all coming out against me because we are really exposing these creatures for what they are.
And it means the issues we're covering here are
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ADP, the nation's biggest payroll company that literally tens of thousands of companies use to do their payroll, says U.S.
companies unexpectedly cut payrolls in the month of March.
Massive job losses.
But don't worry, they got carbon taxes to shut down your businesses, home inspections, new taxes at every level.
They're announcing Bloomberg failed banks may get pension fund backing as FDIC seeks cash, ordering pension funds to dump their money in.
It makes my head spin, the robbery that's going on right now, and how people are becoming dependent on the government.
Alex Newman, again with this key article from JBS.org, Mumbai terror attack was U.S.
We have another headline I'm going to put up from a few months ago about the underwear bomber.
Underwear bomber, the sharp-dressed man who aided underwear bomber on the flight 5-2
253 was U.S.
government agent.
Again, sharp-dressed man who aided underwear bomber on the flight.
253 was U.S.
government agent.
And it's U.S.
government agents every time leading the groups, telling them to carry out violence.
Here's another one.
NBC Today.
Synagogue bomb suspects.
The feds put us up to it.
I think I had that Times of London headline that was similar saying, you know, these informants and these stings are maybe illegal, but they want the illusion there are these terrorists everywhere.
But then meanwhile, when you've got the illegal aliens killing cops, killing ranchers, burning their houses down from Texas to California, lawmakers demand administration deploy National Guard, Border Patrol after killing.
Lawmakers from Arizona and New Mexico are ratcheting up their demands.
The Obama administration deployed hundreds of National Guard dribs at border patrol agents at the Mexican border after the killing of a prominent Southeast Arizona rancher.
He had helped illegal aliens that were dying in the desert, but he'd also criticized the open border.
Well, he's been murdered now.
That's how the government down there does things.
Going back and closing to Alex Newman, I'm glad you're reporting on this in the U.S.
This is a big story, and I know you're on it.
Other points you'd like to add about all this evidence of terrorism being staged?
Yeah, well, I mean, what it really goes to show is that this war on terror is really a scam.
I mean, if they need to go around radicalizing people, getting people to say stupid things, using their agents to work in terror camps, what it shows you is that really a lot of this stuff wouldn't be happening without the government involvement.
So, it really is a scam to take our freedom and take our money.
Sure, they probably commit some dupes from time to time that, you know, they're going to go meet Allah if they go blow themselves up.
I'm sure there's plenty of people that actually believe what they're doing is, you know, for whatever cause they think they're working for.
But all these government fingerprints all over everything, what it shows is that it's a scam and that this stuff wouldn't be happening if it wasn't for them.
I mean, the American people really need to start waking up.
Your listeners, I really hope they go out and talk to all their friends and their family.
And, you know, tell people to just go on the Internet.
Start Googling stuff.
Find the articles.
Find the information.
It's out there.
A lot of it's even reported from time to time in the mainstream press.
They don't highlight it and show the importance of it as it needs to be.
I just hope that people will start waking up and start holding the government accountable so that they stop this stuff.
You know, if the U.S.
government would be obeying the Constitution, we wouldn't have these problems.
If they would stop meddling in foreign countries, if they would stop hiring terrorists and double agents and triple agents and doing all kinds of things that the American government really has no business doing, the Americans would be a lot safer, we'd be a lot richer, and we wouldn't have to be giving up all our rights for this stuff.
I really appreciate the work you're doing, Alex, and I really want people to start waking up now.
Well, Alex, we appreciate you.
Folks can read your articles at JBS.org.
Do you have your own private website?
No, I don't actually, no.
Alright, well we appreciate you spending time with us.
We'll continue to follow all your great reports on the Copenhagen takeover.
Are you going to be in Mexico City for their next attempted global government takeover this year?
Uh, not sure.
We've talked about it.
I used to live in Mexico City, and so we'll see what happens, but I'm sure we'll let you guys know, huh?
All right, thank you very much.
We'll be right back with Dr. Frederick Weinher.
Stay with us.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Coming up, we've got Dr. Frederick Whitehurst, the FBI's most famous, successful whistleblower, former head of the FBI Crime Lab.
Because I wanted to talk to him about the culture at the FBI.
Because I just constantly see confirmed news articles where they just frame anybody and everybody and shut people up and it's creeping me out.
Because we've got the Southern Poverty Law Center, ADL, Fox News now writing articles saying I'm calling for violence and I'm evil and I'm not.
All we've ever talked about is not having violence.
And I've had people showing up at events saying hey let's kill cops and
I've been covering military drills and had people just pop out of the bushes and start setting fire to things, trying to say I did it.
I mean, I've had them try to set me up over and over again.
Military intelligence, it came out in the news last year that Ron Paul and myself were surveilled by the Pentagon illegally.
That was even in the Baltimore Sun.
And I'm a syndicated radio host.
I'm a constitutionalist.
I'm a libertarian.
There's an article every day in the New York Times, London Guardian, Fox News.
I mean, there's an article every day saying I'm violent and that I want terrorism.
And so, that's not the... A few weeks ago when I wanted to get Dr. Frederick Whitehurst on, that wasn't my main reason for getting him on, but I wanted to ask him his advice as a whistleblower and somebody they tried to persecute.
We're going to break here in a moment, but we're going to go to him right now here.
Dr. Frederick Whitehurst, America's first successful FBI whistleblower, forced to the president.
Well, glad to be here, sir.
What can I do for you?
Well, I want to talk about your case when we come back from break and then all the other cases of major police departments.
I know you've seen the stories.
Houston Police Department, Dallas Police Department, just where I live in Texas, caught just framing people in an industrial scale and whether the culture is getting more corrupt or if there's been any good things that have happened.
And then I want to ask you your advice because I myself literally have provocateurs now jumping out at grocery stores.
But we're going to break in a moment, but tell us about your current activities and your forensic justice project.
Well, when I was at the FBI and we were trying to bring to the attention of the Department of Justice there were issues in the crime lab, we realized first of all we needed to stop it, then we needed to fix it, then we needed to find out who got hurt.
And finding out who got hurt
Um, is a big part of the picture that in our country we seem to want to ignore.
That means there could be tens of thousands of incarcerated individuals who were, uh, I don't know whether the word is framed, but were accused by faulty science, by faulty crime lab work product.
Those people need to know.
They need to know the Department of Justice has gone about this by saying, well, let's ask the prosecutors if it was material, whatever.
And I don't think that's the proper way.
I think if you've been treated unfairly by your government, you are part of that government and you should be given the courtesy of somebody coming to you and saying,
By the way, this stuff was flawed.
If you wish to proceed with it, you know, here's the way to do it.
All right.
Stay there, Doctor.
That was a brief segment.
We're going to come right back and give you the floor to start over and then to break all of this down.
It's so important.
And what you did back in the late 1990s was one of the first big chinks in the armor to let sunlight in on this.
Dr. Frederick Whitehurst is our guest.
We're very, very honored to have him today.
We'll be right back after this quick break.
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They helped to create a New World Order.
We are part of a New World Order.
A New World Order based upon collective action.
Invisible Empire is a damning indictment of the globalists through their own words and documents.
The New World Order really is a tool for addressing a new world of possibilities.
It means all the world under their control.
The United Nations would take over America.
The Trilateral Commission would control the world.
Invisible Empire chronicles how men of power and influence have worked in stealth for centuries to establish an oppressive world government.
I believe first of all that we now need nothing short of a world constitution for the global financial system.
Global governance with the establishment of the G20.
So it's going to be an inner ruling elite and then everyone else.
And I got news for you.
You're everyone else.
Invisible Empire.
Secure your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or watch it online in the highest quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
That's right, deep behind the propaganda lines, attempting to wake the people up, attempting
To get the population to listen to George Washington and Thomas Jefferson and Thomas Paine and others' words, love your country, fear your government, or you will get tyranny.
Now, for the rest of the hour, Dr. Frederick Whitehurst is our guest.
I interviewed him several times.
More than a decade ago, he is one of the most famous whistleblowers in U.S.
history, perhaps the most famous in the more modern times.
I think?
We're good.
I don't know.
Well, you were talking about are things getting worse or getting better, and I think they're getting a lot better.
I think, because we have instantaneous knowledge now.
We're connected through the internet and there's nothing anybody can do about it.
And we can research on our own, from our living rooms, our bedrooms, our offices, even our cars.
We can be at the beach and find out that, for instance, an article just came out while I was waiting for this show here.
The Nebraska CSI chief has been found guilty of planting evidence.
We know about those things now, and that's really healthy.
When a government controls the knowledge base, then that becomes dangerous, because their inferences may not be proper inferences.
We, as a people, govern this nation.
That's what our goal is.
It may, at times, we vary from it.
But, sir, I think that with instantaneous knowledge, then, we all can take part in
Juries, we can all take part in who we elect.
We can say, I'm not sure about this.
About two weeks ago, three weeks ago, we had a guy in North Carolina before the North Carolina Innocence Commission.
His name is Dwayne Deaver.
I told him 18 years ago during trial of this man, it was before the commission, there were two tests that decided whether it was blood in the evidence, and one of them said yes and the other one said no, and he only reported the yes.
And it has shaken up this state to think that a man in our crime laboratory, a lowly state employee, can put a guy in jail forever.
Just unilaterally decide, well, I'm not going to report the stuff that would hurt the prosecutor's case.
We found that out instantaneously.
This wasn't in some court 500 miles from you or whatever.
It's all over the news, all over the place.
And so I think it's really, things are getting better.
A lot better because
Um, you know, I could talk to you and you're going out to a lot of audience.
I'm in North Carolina.
I think you're in Texas, aren't you, sir?
So, um, people's questions can be answered just by going to Google.
And, uh, are we getting better?
We're getting better at the lightning speed, in my opinion.
Some of it's frightening because the paradigms that have been in place for so long, you know, let's trust J Edgar Hoover's agents.
They're beyond investigation.
They used to tell me when I was in the FBI, we're the investigators, nobody will investigate us.
Well, by golly, all of us, anybody, grade school kid, can investigate any of these things and look at, don't just accept.
So, are we moving ahead?
We're moving really fast ahead.
Are we scared by what we're seeing right now?
Yeah, but in the long run, it's going to be healthy.
Well here's an example.
I have the indictment and the affidavits for the head of the Mumbai terror attacks and it's a U.S.
government agent.
I have NBC here with the FBI
Literally commanding and setting up and running the latest Muslim terror group that was going to bomb a synagogue.
We have these groups infiltrating militias and the leaders are the ones who are government informants or agents provocateur-ing this.
And it's just case after case after case.
And then I myself have had people who it turned out were feds
Try to set me up for things.
I'm trying to understand from your perspective as the former head of the FBI Crime Lab Forensics Division, how did you awaken?
How did you start seeing the corruption?
Why did you speak up?
What percentage, as a dead reckoning guesstimation, of police departments or FBI agents or their workers, what percentage
For whatever reason, just love framing people.
Because we now know, because of DNA evidence and other issues, in some states a third of the people or more are completely innocent.
And we know that the biggest industry now in this nation is prisons.
And there's this incentive to just build, build, build and put more people in prison.
And as you said, the paradigm is shifting as the population begins to discover that something is rotten in the state of our republic.
Well, you know, if I'd respond to that, first of all, I don't personally believe that most law enforcement officers are bad.
I'm a very strong supporter of law enforcement.
And I said, sir, law enforcement.
I don't support law enforcement officers that go outside, that cross the thin blue line and tarnish their badge.
I just don't.
I understand from being inside what the pressures are.
When we have an Oklahoma City go up and we see bodies of little children being dragged out, we call for revenge.
That call for revenge directs our politicians, and that's what they are, they're politicians, to move forward with an agenda that we will at all costs, da-da-da-da-da.
Well, that vengeance drags at the foundation of our justice system.
We want to know what happened.
We want to know who really did it.
Unfortunately, in any enterprise such as law enforcement, where somebody who gives the right answer to the right question at the right time gets the right job and there's no oversight, as a friend of mine and I were saying recently, we all know what floats to the top in a septic tank.
And that, frankly, is what, without proper oversight, can float to the top in a law enforcement agency or a government agency.
People that are willing to do whatever it takes, without any moral compass, go to the top.
They control who then floats to the top with them.
The problem you have in law enforcement is the kind of, in my opinion, let's take the FBI.
The FBI is cram-packed full of very, very good people.
And those that remain as law enforcement officers instead of managers and rear echelon folks, those people, they see what's going on, and they will respond.
They respond either as, you know, going to the media under the table, which I think is inappropriate.
They respond by going forward through the system.
For your listeners that don't know right now, there is a move to gut the Whistleblower Protection Act.
We're good to go.
The structure of that bill, which came through the White House by the way, a White House which when it was running for election said, we're going to strengthen whistleblower protection.
That bill would put the FBI in a totally uncontrolled situation.
Their own law enforcement officers who would do something about those issues would be shut down.
The FBI would be allowed...
Because FBI agents, who they tried to stop, came out because they're that kind of people.
You know, I knew doggone well I might catch a bullet when I was in the FBI for the stuff I was saying.
I mean, it was terrifying for me and my family.
And where would the bullet have come from?
I don't know.
But every one of those people said, I'll take a bullet.
I'll lose my career.
I'll lose my life's work.
I may be put in a nut house.
I may be arrested.
I may be whatever.
But that's not happening from field agents.
That's not happening from FBI agents.
It's happening from criminals who are loose in the FBI.
And that is not the major percentage of them, but I can, in my experience, sir, most of those are top managers at the FBI that have managed, through lack of a moral compass, to move to the top and spread that kind of criminal activity where they want to, but they get stopped.
If Senate Bill 372 goes through, FBI agents, I guarantee you they'll find another way to stop that criminal activity.
They just will.
If they're not allowed to be protected as whistleblowers, then they'll just fall on their swords.
They're that kind of people.
So when you say, you know, law enforcement's run amok, I think what's happening is because of the information
Uh, that we can get to now when somebody does run amok.
Tulia, Texas, for instance.
Who ever heard of that?
You know, I lived in Texas one time, but I never heard of that place until, by golly, it was shown up that half the town had been put in jail by a bunch of crooked cops.
That kind of information makes us think twice when we as jurors or as voters go to the poll.
I mean, it just does.
Stay there.
I want to get into, in a nutshell, your story, sir, so people can understand what you went through, and then talk about some of the successes that you've seen, but also some of the defeats, and what this does to the whole criminal justice system, as we have this loss of innocence, and we all discover together that all of this crap has floated to the top.
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You know, the government says, let's take the rights of these Muslims, but then that sets the precedent for everybody else.
They've got the Enemy Belligerent Act that says U.S.
citizens can be grabbed by the military and held indefinitely and enhanced interrogation can be used.
You know, I don't like O.J.
I think he's a nutty guy, but he clearly did get framed with the blood, with the, uh,
Agent in it that is meant to preserve the blood and of course we're talking to the mystery witness from the OJ Simpson trial right now.
This is a short segment, long segment coming up.
We've got him the rest of the hour, Dr. Frederick Whitehurst.
But I wanted to go back to the beginning.
What happened at the FBI crime lab?
Why were you forced to take that risk as you said?
There could have been a bullet with your name on it.
Why did you go through all that hell to get the Whistleblower Protection Act through, and now they're coming back with SB 372 to try to reverse that?
Well, the day I walked through the door of the laboratory, which was, I think it was June the 16th, 1986, it was obvious to me it wasn't a forensic crime lab.
It wasn't an analytical laboratory.
It was a filthy, big site.
And there were no protocols.
Uh, there was no cleanliness.
When you're trying to find material that you can't see with your eye, you don't know whether it came from the crime lab or the crime scene.
Um, my initial approach to it was to just clean it up.
If people are not going to clean it up, well, I'll clean it up.
Um, I saw some things in the lab that, that bothered me.
We do in any organization, I'm sure people working with you or me would, would question some of our judgment.
But I didn't, I didn't say, you know, scream my head off.
I said, there's a system here to work this out.
I took these issues over a period of six, seven years, up through the chain of command, step by step by step, and at every chain, at every point.
Uh, somebody said to me, well, I know there's issues, however, it's not your cross to bear.
Okay, well, it is my cross to bear.
First of all, I'm an American citizen.
You know, the way I say it is, I am an American.
That's important to me.
Therefore, it is my cross to bear.
But, um, let's see what the management will do about it.
They never would do anything about it.
We were required by Executive Order 12674 to report fraud, waste, abuse, and corruption to the appropriate authority.
The big word there is appropriate.
If I tell you there's a problem here and you blow me off, you're no longer appropriate.
I did that all the way up to and including the President's office.
I mean, over to the White House.
There was no appropriate authority within the U.S.
Department of Justice and the executive branch at all to address the issues I brought forward.
There was no appropriate authority.
And so finally, through the U.S.
Congress and the Inspector General's office, we took the issues to the American people.
And by golly, the American people are the appropriate authority.
If we don't like what's going on, we don't need to pick up arms.
We have mechanisms.
It's very costly to use those mechanisms.
They will send you to the shrink, just like out of the old Soviet Union.
Oh, well, he's a troubled man.
They'll take you from your office in one place and put you in another.
They'll harass your wife.
They snide comments, give you bad performance appraisals.
Well, it never happened to me, but it happened to a number of my colleagues.
All of those kinds of things that say, wow, these people are not going to address the problem.
They're going to try and shut it down.
You know, when the President of the United States has refused to require the U.S.
Department of Justice and the FBI to obey federal law, Federal Whistleblower Act, they just never obeyed it.
They just, well, it doesn't apply to us.
That means those people consider themselves above the law, and in this country, no one is above the law.
No one.
And we see this system everywhere where 800 plus cities are sanctuary cities where illegal aliens here in Austin can drunk drive and kill people and they get released but citizens get the book thrown at them because politically the government wants more illegals here for whatever reason.
I mean that's just another example.
Now from your experience
What percentage of Crime Lab people thought somebody was guilty, and so they planted the evidence, like with what happened with O.J.
Simpson with the LAPD, and then, and I know it's not an exact number, versus what percentage were just sloppy and didn't care?
Well, you know, there's another percentage, sir, and that's the people who work very, very hard and really do care.
What happens in the Crime Lab is,
They've got the data, and back when I was involved with this system, and I still am, but gradually we've come out of it, they're stuck with this issue.
The issue is, well, the guy's probably guilty of something.
If I report this stuff, I'm going to lose my job.
So what's more important, my family or my oath of office and my nation?
And that's a hard decision to make when the President of the United States himself doesn't care.
Doesn't care.
I mean, you know, what do you do?
Well, you finally have to find an answer within yourself.
This is my country.
I am an American.
And I'm not going to tolerate this.
Stay there stay there a long segment coming up.
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Dr. Frederick Weiners, FBI Crime Lab whistleblower, is our guest.
Going right back to him.
So there's these three or four groups.
I mean, there's people who mean well, and you were telling me during the break, but are fed fake evidence.
There's some in there that actually frame people or make the decision.
There's others that are just lazy.
There's others that want attention.
It's just that with all these city crime labs, it comes out that they are just framing people en masse.
And we'll talk about some of those cases as well, but I tend to agree with you that things are actually getting better.
It just looks like things are worse because now we're lancing the wound.
We're seeing the pus.
Yes, sir.
I mean, to be like if you're at a serial killer's back 40 and you dig up the 25 bodies, things aren't getting worse.
You've actually stopped the serial killer.
You've got him in custody now.
It just looks like it's getting worse because you've now discovered the crime.
You got it.
You know, they call them crime labs sometimes because the crime is in the lab.
But, you know, the labs are frankly completely, absolutely overwhelmed, overworked.
When you're just reading an article during the break about San Francisco Crime Lab, they're doing 7,000 cases or, you know, each exam.
There's no way you could do science that fast, period.
You know, what's amazing to me in San Francisco is that Taos itself is one of the most progressive think tanks, if you will, in the country.
I'm not sure about that because I'm from North Carolina, but that kind of thing that's going on in San Francisco has been happening for years, and we've brought it to the attention of those folks out there, and judges don't do anything about it, courts don't do anything about it, defense attorneys are overwhelmed, the lab's overwhelmed, and well, okay,
Um, if what happens in crime labs happened in clinical laboratories, there'd be bodies all over the place, but there'd also be lawsuits.
You know, these people have immunity from lawsuit.
If a doctor carried out his business like crime labs carry on their business, um, he wouldn't be a doctor very long.
So this, this state immunity
That you've got in the crime labs as well as no audit function.
There's no outside audit function at all.
You know, you'll be told the American Society of Crime Laboratory Directors audits these labs.
My goodness.
They've been auditing these labs for years.
Nothing's happened.
That's just a good old boy network.
So you've got a human enterprise that has no oversight.
No oversight at all, sir.
And on top of that, the oversight system that's opposed to work, which is the court system, is completely overwhelmed.
We don't arrest people all over this country for all kinds of things.
We're successfully doing it.
As you mentioned, we have the largest per capita prison population in the world.
There's just a point at which the system breaks, and it breaks pretty quickly under this kind of overload.
The bad people in the system relieve the stress of the overload by just lying, by doing something very often called dry labbing.
Dry labbing means you didn't even conduct the analysis.
You simply took a chart out of a drawer and labeled it as if it came from the analysis and go on to the next case.
You've got an overloaded system without any outside oversight.
It's easy to institute that oversight, but the government doesn't allow it to happen.
Our government, your listeners, do not allow the laboratories in the state of Texas to be audited by independent audit functions.
When there's a problem, the government decides who's going to audit your labs.
That's crazy.
I'm saying that the government officials, law enforcement, not some entity... Here's an example.
Clinical laboratories have to answer to the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Act of 1991.
It takes
More oversight to determine you have a sore throat than to execute you, sir.
You can be executed because of a crime laboratory that has no oversight at all but a doctor going into your throat to determine if you have a sore throat as a paperwork trail that he's very well aware could take away his license to practice.
So we have a system out of control.
Until the people decide, and this falls right back in the seat of
Of your listeners, sir.
Until they decide this is not going to happen, I am not going to be threatened by this.
Let's just put it in place.
Oh, it's going to cost some money.
Here in North Carolina, we put daylilies in the middle of our highways.
Down there in Texas, you put bluebonnets.
Let's put a few less bluebonnets and let's get auditors, not crime laboratory people, auditors, in to look at those labs.
Well, is that going to happen?
It's not going to happen unless the people that are in Texas and the United States decide enough is enough.
All right, Dr. Whitehurst, let's bring this down to the bottom line.
Every major police department I've ever even randomly googled has had big scandals with their crime labs, and that's with most states having almost no oversight.
It's the same thing as the National Security Act of 47.
We're good to go.
I don't
That's why nine times out of ten, you get a tyranny, not a free society.
Freedom is a precious jewel that Thomas Jefferson said, even if you defend it, you're probably going to lose it.
And so we know that these crime labs, by and large, are a fraud.
There's this crisis of confidence.
As we learn that there's all this fraud, and instead of crime labs now, they're moving to new quackery that makes lie detector tests that have been proven to be a fraud, pale in significance.
They have fake brain scanners, they have all these other systems that supposedly show if you're really guilty and have been proven to be frauds, quackery.
We have all these fake informants lying about people, setting people up, being caught over and over again.
Lying for money.
We have police in all these scandals admitting that they lied on the stand and that it's condoned.
So there is this culture of corruption from the top going down throughout the system.
And you say the people have to fix it.
We know we have the biggest prison population in the world.
It's ballooning everywhere.
What do we do then if the system is just rotting from the head down and there's just so much corruption?
Well, you know, I might add to that the safest place for a serial criminal in the United States is in a crime laboratory.
He can get away with it again and again and again and he has, there's no oversight and he's immune from prosecution.
And you can, you can count on your left hand the number of these folks that have been prosecuted.
You know, if you put a man away for 18 years with a lie, then by golly, he ought to go take his place and finish out his term.
And your retirement check ought to go into helping the country pay that man what he owed.
But what is the solution?
We've got a society here where the solution is.
It's at the polls.
You know, I'm a child of the 60s.
I'm 62 years old now.
And I remember people became involved.
We weren't attached to an iPhone and an iPod and a whatever computer screen.
We got up and we saw what was going on around us.
And we raised our voices.
I'm not saying raise your gun.
I do not believe in that kind of revolution.
I was in Vietnam for three years, and I don't want that happening in my country.
But we have the ability here.
Nobody killed me yet.
You know, in some countries, that'd be amazing.
I'd have been dead 20 years ago.
Nobody shot me.
Now, they made life miserable for me and my family and people around me that supported what I was saying.
But we weren't killed.
You have the right to come forward and do something to collect the data.
One of the things Forensic Justice Project does, sir, is we're tracking all the victim defendants.
I'm not saying defendants or victims.
I'm saying victim defendants of the individuals that were pointed out in the investigation of the FBI crime lab.
That's a really neat project.
In most of our states, we have open records.
Citizen groups
Can take the iPod out of their ear and petition the government for the names of every case that bad guys ever worked.
And then go find those people, find out if they're in prison, if they've been executed, and we can do that passing the information around all over the country.
And we will launch, and have launched, an army doing that.
When one man goes to jail, sir, he has a family and he has friends, and if they know he's innocent, and they see the system do that to him, they do respond.
They just don't throw their hands up.
And we've already won the first stage of the battle.
We've gone from 20 years ago, the average person saying, no way the police ever frame anybody, to the population in polls know they frame whoever they want, whenever they want, and it's causing people
You know what?
I think I was on the inside of the FBI and I saw the stuff.
And I saw how sick people were.
At the things that were going on from voucher fraud to time and attendance sheet fraud to, you know, you go to court and there's a whole crew there and one of the guys is obviously lying and, you know, they're sick about it.
They're sick about it.
But, sir, you know, the structure we have right now forces those people, those good people, to decide between their family security or their oath of office.
And that's a dilemma we shouldn't put in their hands.
They should know that when they come forward with valid, documented proof, that that guy who did what he did will not be protected by his, you know, his, what do you call him in the bureau, his juice man, not be protected by his management structure, will be tried in a court of law as a criminal, a serial criminal, and sent to prison.
No immunity.
You lied under oath.
You lied under oath, you're going away.
You altered evidence, you're going away.
There's a man I've been tracking since 1989.
That's 21 years now, sir.
And collecting information on.
It's well known he lied in the trial of a federal judge.
Well documented.
It was documented four years after he did it.
The FBI covered it up for nine more years.
They then admitted it, but said the issue was too stale, they wouldn't revisit it.
The man retired before retirement.
We're good.
They're doing everything they can to stop us from it.
I'm 62.
I've probably got another 20 good years.
So the answer is we have to pick a criminal and hound them and bring them to justice and with the internet we can... that's what I've always said.
If you're a politician, you don't need to hound them.
A citizen's hounding is, what you need is just to collect the data.
Collect the data, and as a citizen group, it's a fascinating thing.
Any bit of data, by the way, I've got, I'll give away to anybody.
Well, doctor, when I say hound, I mean a hound just keeps tracking and never stops.
Yes, sir.
That's what I mean by hounding.
I don't mean... An old terrapin.
You just go after them.
You bite onto that.
You don't denigrate.
You do not slander.
You just collect the data.
And I've got six, seven thousand FBI files under Freedom of Information Act now.
I've only processed about one-fifth of those.
And the stuff that's coming out of those files is phenomenal.
You need to remember why you're doing this.
Just because one man lied in a trial does not make the defendant innocent or guilty.
It means one man lied, and that defendant, a fellow citizen, no matter what he was accused of doing, deserves the right to a fair trial.
This is America, sir.
He deserves the right to a fair trial, and if the government won't give it to him, the elected government, the appointed government, then the government called the people, and we are the government of this country, can give it to him.
Let's shift gears for a moment.
Here's the New York Times.
DNA evidence can be fabricated science to show.
They also admit that the police know how to take your prints, create a silicon copy, and plant them wherever they want.
I've been warning the public about this for a decade.
It's now becoming
That's right.
So sir, it's not the science.
It is the scientist that we must concern ourselves with.
And anyone, anyone that is accused should audit that work product.
That's an extremely expensive process.
Extremely to audit that work product.
But, you know, this lady at the San Francisco lab has been there 29 years.
I know I was in a trial hearing about three, four years ago in which her word
Well, I'm not going to let that go.
You know, that thing of educating, and let's put it out on the mainstream, here's where we've won, sir.
When I first joined the FBI in 1982, there was no media denigration at all of the FBI.
Now, if you see a movie they're in, they're the clowns.
Their reputation in the FBI has been soiled by those people.
By those people that crossed the blue line and tarnished their badge, it's been soiled.
And the FBI didn't take care of it, so the FBI has this horrible public relations deal to overcome.
But the American people know it through their culture.
You know there's a show on television called Dexter.
He's a serial criminal.
He works in the crime lab.
Well, where do you think that idea came from?
It came from... It's almost daily in the news that a crime lab has had trouble.
I think we need to be careful that we don't trash every crime lab technician out there.
We just need to question their work product very closely.
We need to keep them honest and we know there's a major problem here and it's important when you've got a big military industrial complex owning and building more prisons and they want to cram us all in them.
It's a life-and-death situation that we point out to people that these groups can't be trusted and we've got to keep them honest.
Why should we trust them?
A scientist does not trust the work of another scientist.
He always questions it.
That's science.
Look at Al Gore.
Look at Al Gore saying you cannot question the global warming hypothesis.
And it turns out, hundreds of universities under U.N.
control, working together in a concerted fraud.
You know, that's one of these, the kids now say, duh.
I mean, I can't imagine anybody trusting Al Gore.
I frankly can't.
You know, I better not get started on that.
No, no, let's get started on it.
I mean, it's... I'm a Ph.D.
chemist, okay?
I mean, I've got a degree in chemistry besides having a law degree, okay?
And I looked at what that man was doing and I said, oh my gosh, this is in the White House.
Come on.
What an absolute buffoon he was.
Well, we're not even describing it as buffoonery.
I mean, oh my goodness.
And so what do we have?
We've got this...
Now we don't know whether there's global warming or not, sir.
We really don't know, because you know there's some good scientists out there that believe it, but there's some frauds out there that are pushing it like Y2K.
You remember the Y2K thing?
I do remember.
Stay there, Doc.
Final segment with Dr. Frederick Wyatt Hearst, also a lawyer, former FBI agent.
He headed up the forensic area of the FBI Crime Lab.
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I mean, they're just really going criminal here.
They're telling us torturing people's children is a way to get Al Qaeda to talk.
They're trying to warp our minds.
And Dr. Frederick Whitehurst, one of the top guys at the FBI crime lab who blew the whistle back in the late 90s, early 90s, what was it, 1996, doctor?
Well, actually, the whistleblowing, if you'll call it that, started in about 1992 and went
Sure, but I just remember seeing it peaking there in the mid-90s.
Yes, that's correct.
I was talking to you during the break, and I was saying, the government knows they're losing all credibility.
They're trying to recruit criminals, not just in the upper ranks, but mid and even lower.
They're trying to perfect a tyranny.
They don't intend on fixing any of this, because they don't think it's broken.
They want to go with a full authoritarian takeover.
And you said, absolutely, that's what I see happening.
Can you speak to that?
I think what's happening there is they are not going to address these issues.
They're going to bully people that bring them forward.
You know, if we're willing to just go day-to-day and let things happen, they're going to bully people that are bringing these things forward.
And I believe that.
If you're up top, then you're going to lose your cushy job because it turns out that your laboratory is a mess or that you're the problem or whatever.
That's what I went through with the FBI labs.
And so, what you end up with is criminals essentially moving up to the top.
They had an oath of office.
That's a sacred oath.
I don't know what people do when they raise their right hand and take an oath of office.
Some of them are probably swatting at flies.
I wasn't swatting at flies.
I had an oath of office.
And by the way, I won't give it up just because they let me go.
I'm not giving it up.
I'm not an FBI agent, but I am an American.
And so, what happens?
They're above the law.
They can do anything and get away with it.
And they do anything and get away with it.
They've got the control over how to put the information out or think they do.
This internet thing is beautiful because we can talk to each other.
I don't see massive conspiracies.
I just see a lot of people that shouldn't be in control in our nation are in control.
And you know, as I said to you before, that Senate Bill 372 is an example.
If you read it, it's an appalling example of what they want to do.
They want to get control over good law enforcement officers, good FBI agents, good government employees, and shut them down.
Anybody that would propose that is showing his stripes for what he is.
The fact that that would get even into consideration in the U.S.
Senate is crazy.
They're talking about shutting down any oversight, any oversight whatsoever of the FBI.
And that's SB 372.
And in closing, I've studied history.
I'm sure you've studied it.
Lawyer, FBI agent, scientist, chemist.
In every case, once people give in to a little corruption, then it's a little more.
Then worse criminals get in.
More ruthless get in.
And it always just gets worse and worse until it's Hitler or Mao Zedong.
And we're racing towards that now.
I don't think people understand this is do or die.
This is an all or nothing exercise for the evil people.
And it's an all-or-nothing exercise for the good guys.
Well, I think I agree with you, but when we say all-or-nothing, sir, we're talking about lawful disobedience of this.
Lawfully saying, no, I am not talking about militia, and I am not talking about violence.
I'm talking about the tools that we have in our society being used effectively to let people who get up off of the armchair and just say, I'm not going to let this happen.
I absolutely agree with you.
Folks can visit whistleblowers.org, find out more about under Frederick Whitehurst and other great people that are standing up against tyranny.
Doc, great having you on with us.
Thank you.
Thank you, sir.
Retransmission starts now at infowars.com.
Great job with the crew.
Pray for us.
We pray for you.
God bless.
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One major world crisis away from having a totalitarian type.