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Name: 20100330_Tue_Alex
Air Date: March 30, 2010
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Okay, I'm gonna go to Kevin, Tim, Chris, and others.
Specifically, if you're in a militia, or you have intel and live in one of the states where this has happened, or if someone's ever tried to provocateur or set you up for your political activities.
But on a separate issue, last Friday, CNN called me.
By the way, we are simulcasting now at PrisonPlanet.tv in the last two and a half hours of the show.
Last Friday, CNN called towards the end of the show and said, we want to put you live on tonight.
By the time I got off air, it was, oh, we want you to come down in an hour and do a taping via satellite from a satellite uplink office down by the Capitol.
Evil American gun owners are everywhere.
We've got to have naked body scanners on the streets.
Oh my God, the militia is so deadly.
Meanwhile, the Mexican mafia is killing hundreds of people every few days in the U.S., thousands every few weeks.
It's thousands every few weeks now in Mexico.
That's not a problem, an actual real threat.
No, it's this imaginary fake militia that they provocateured and created to then demonize the idea of an armed citizenry.
So all of this is coming together.
I'm the big enemy of all these TV networks now and newspapers and magazines, London Guardian, New York Times, Time Magazine, Newsweek.
I'm calling for violence.
Of course none of it's true.
I'm saying don't be violent and I'm exposing how much of this is provocateured and I'm exposing false flag terror and how they're building up for a repeat of 1995 this April.
All the indicators are there.
And you've seen I've been right this far.
If we get the word out, we might be able to blow their operations.
That's why they're mad.
And yes, I'm in danger, folks.
I mean, 11 years ago, I had them trying to set me up.
Somebody just shows up on there with a video camera and they start lighting fires, saying I did it.
And I'm like stomping on it.
So this is real, okay?
I live in the real world.
You're not tuned into entertainment.
You're not tuned into somebody who's here just to be a big radio host.
Okay, I'm putting my life on the line here to warn you because you are the target if they're able to bring this system in.
It's like Hitler beta tested stuff on Jews and a few other unpopular minorities, but really it was for everybody.
So they're beta testing this right now on Muslims, on gun owners, on conservatives, on libertarians.
They tell conservatives we're doing it to stop Muslims.
They tell the liberals we're doing this to stop the evil gun owners, but the main target of this is the American conservative or libertarian or gun owner.
We know the Democrats have been caught in Denver and other areas attacking their own offices.
That's the Denver Post.
Almost all of this is provocateured or completely staged.
Now, I go on CNN, you know, it's a taped interview, and I taped it because I didn't want them to take me out of context, and I said in the YouTube video from Friday,
I said, I don't even know if they're going to air this.
They said they were, but in my experience, they've interviewed me before, they don't air it.
And then the spin machine went into the conspiracy theory that I staged this and I wasn't interviewed by CNN.
Like, I care about being interviewed by CNN, folks.
I'm on BBC, Russia Today, Fox.
I mean, I've been on CNN, I don't know, probably 10 times over the years.
It does nothing.
No traffic to the website.
They always take it out of context.
It's the mouse that roared.
Their top shows have a million viewers.
Most of their shows have 200,000.
A big radio show in Chicago has more than the average CNN show.
Rush Limbaugh's got 10 million a day.
No, I was interviewed by CNN.
But it's so pathetic that people would, when I made it clear that they taped it, I don't know if they're going to air it, but I'm showing you what I said to them.
I'm showing you what really gets said.
And then, but it doesn't matter, anything and everything I do gets attacked.
But I thought I'd do this because I wanted to call him anyways, and I've gotten busy and didn't do it yesterday.
I want to call the CNN producer that called me right now live on air.
We'll see if she answers.
If not, we'll try back later.
And I'm going to ask, you said that was going to air that night.
Is it going to air?
And then you can later call Justine Redmond if you won't.
I mean, if she won't tell us what's going on, you're welcome to call her.
So go ahead and call Justine Redmond, CNN producer, right now live on air.
And I also told people the name of the production company, the Satellite Uplink facility.
What's the name of it again?
Rayguy Productions?
Rayguy Productions in Austin.
4 o'clock Friday.
Hey, is this Justine Redmond?
It is.
Hey, listen, this is Alex Jones.
I just needed to get this on record because some people were saying I wasn't even really interviewed by CNN.
We're live right now.
You guys did interview me Friday, correct?
We did.
And how come you didn't air it?
I think we had some breaking news that night and had to change the show around, but we're hoping we can air it tonight.
Oh, really?
And of the 15-minute interview, what about 30 seconds?
I haven't timed it out.
It's a pretty long story by our standard.
But I mean, how long am I in the piece?
I'd have to go and check.
Well, I appreciate you talking to us.
Just one more question.
Did you guys get tipped off by the Feds about the militia raids coming up?
Is that why you interviewed me Friday?
So you could have me involved in that?
No, absolutely not.
Did you guys enjoy the interview?
Yes, it was very interesting.
Thank you.
Well, have you seen the YouTube posting?
Because I shot video of my questions and my answers.
No, I haven't.
I mean, we don't have the questions on tape, we just shot it with a little camera flip phone, but my response is because I wanted people to actually see what I had to say and not out of context.
Great, no I haven't seen it.
So this is probably going to air tonight on Anderson Cooper?
It's looking that way at the moment.
As you know, live broadcasts can change very quickly, but that's the plan so far.
Yeah, Friday night I guess you guys doubled down and did what, 30 minutes on Sarah Palin?
Did we?
Is she as big a ratings getter as Anderson swimming around with sharks?
I don't know about that.
Hey, what was Joe's full name, the guy that interviewed me?
He's our correspondent, Joe John.
Well, I wanted to be clear because I got cut off right there at the end when I was saying protect ourselves from CNN scum.
I meant particularly those that helped promote the WMD hoax with the Bush administration in 2002-2003.
I wasn't saying you're all bad or evil.
I was just getting upset by the question over and over again, you know, are you causing the violence?
Do you feel guilty for this?
That was of, I mean, you can imagine all I call for is nonviolence here.
And so I've kind of gotten to the point where it's a pet peeve, kind of rubs me the wrong way when that happens.
Well we have to ask you the question to give you the chance to state your position.
So we're just trying to be fair and get your statement and story.
Let me guess, the point about if redcoats come marching up your street firing at you, you have a right to defend yourself, is that what's going to be on the news tonight?
Um, no, that actually isn't one of the parts we used.
It was pretty close.
I think we used part of that answer, but not that, um... Oh, you used the Malcolm X part?
No, I think the part about, um... Oh, I mean, you're catching me without a script in front of me, and of course Friday seems like a long way away.
I shouldn't try and
I mean, just in a generality, we're just curious here.
Well, then the best thing I can do is suggest you watch the show tonight.
Well, hey, you'll probably get some higher ratings because I've got several million listeners.
So, I saw some web comments that people were contacting CNN.
Just to be clear though, you're a CNN producer, and I did not hoax the fact that you guys interviewed me.
Absolutely not.
We came to you and wanted to interview you for our story.
Alright, well, so you think it's going to air tonight, and let me guess, I'll be mixed in with the Beverly Hillbillies that the feds set up up there in Michigan.
Not in this piece, no.
Oh, really?
Wow, well I'm... So is this just mainly about the Tea Parties then?
No, it's really about you and various members of Congress.
And of course, the bottom line there is, I guess you guys are setting the parameters of debate, saying, you know, does it add credence to the radicals that congressmen come on this radio show?
Is this dangerous?
I mean, are you guys kind of like the grand gatekeepers that are gonna... Because I've seen other pieces on Fox and CNN where they've attacked Gohmert and others for coming on my show.
You did contact Gohmert and Ron Paul for this piece, didn't you?
Yes, Ron Paul, we saw him briefly and he said he didn't have time to talk to us about it.
And what was it?
Why are you going on the radical Alex Jones Show?
Is that what you were asking?
No, I don't think that's quite how we put it.
But no, I don't think we're trying to set any parameters.
I think actually our story, what we're trying to do is ask the question about what the parameters should be.
You know though, Justine, this could be all staged as well.
Maybe you're not really a CNN producer.
Sometimes I wake up and I can't quite believe it myself.
Well, you know, here's what's going on.
I'll let you go because I know you're busy.
See, I've been successful at waking people up because I do cover what I can prove, and my track record of predictions has been very accurate.
Did you know that I actually interviewed one of the leaders of the militia, Pale Horse?
His real name is Sickles.
Did you know?
In fact, I'm looking for that.
No, I didn't know that.
Yeah, it's up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Well, it was back on August 17th of last year.
In fact, guys, will you pull up Kurt Nemo's story about that, the strange case of Sickles?
I predicted, I said, you guys are probably going to be set up with a fake intel gathering operation against a police station.
And the reason I knew that is that's what the Feds always do, is they go in and radicalize militias and actually provocateur them.
I mean, are you familiar with 1993 when the Feds cooked the bomb, trained the driver in the World Trade Center bombing?
I'm familiar with the World Trade Center bombing, yes.
But I mean the New York Times article and the released audio tapes of a federal informant, Ahmad Salam, being ordered to build a real bomb and let it go forward?
Not so sure I'm familiar with that.
Well, here's the article, just in case you want to go pull the interview we did with Christopher Sickles.
Are you familiar with his name?
Well, he's supposedly one of the people rounded up in these militia, and he's the Pale Horse.
And of all the 400 plus militia groups, I said on air, I believe there's operatives in this group, maybe even the pale horse, and that they're going to be set up and that they will target police because that's what the feds want, is to create a perception that police are being targeted.
So that they can then swing the Homeland Security apparatus around on the American people and say, oh look, the MIAC and Homeland Security reports, they're coming true.
Well, it's coming true because this is being manufactured.
Like Texas Monthly reported in 1998.
Did you ever read that article about how they created a fake Klan group to try to get them to carry out terror attacks?
The FBI?
No, I don't think I saw that article.
Okay, well listen, you've been very, very kind.
What time in the show is this going to air or we don't know?
Just 9 o'clock Central, 10 o'clock Eastern?
That's right, yeah.
And I wish I could guarantee that it will air because it's already been held up just because that's the nature of live news.
But fingers crossed it'll be on tonight.
If it doesn't air tonight, then it's not going to air?
No, I wouldn't say that.
Okay, well listen, thank you for speaking with us, and I appreciate Justine Redmond for talking to us from CNN.
Alright, thank you.
Take care.
Okay, there you go ladies, and now it will just deepen.
They'll say, that was not CNN, that's his wife!
Because that's the conspiracy theorist.
I'm Bill Hicks.
I'm a reptoid.
I work for the Vatican.
I work for Israel.
I'm a Scientologist.
No, I'm none of those things.
I'm a red-blooded American and a Texan who's defending my republic.
Okay, I got Peter Del Scott come up and I said I'd take your calls.
You know, I knew CNN probably wouldn't air it.
And it remains to be seen if they will.
So I thought, we're in a hurry.
Most of the other guys had to leave.
It was Friday.
They wanted to go cash their checks.
And Craig, who's not really one of our camera guys, I said, can you come with me?
And he said, yeah, yeah.
I've got to go engineer for a band tonight.
He does that.
Hard time.
He's a great engineer.
Sound engineer.
And so, uh, not his best camera work for a Friday, but he's like 15 feet away with a camera zoomed in.
It's really hard because they shake.
I mean, I'm a pretty good camera guy and it's hard.
The point is, so we just thought we'd shoot it and show you, you know, at least it wouldn't be a waste of time driving downtown.
And then that gets spun by COINTELPRO and operas because they don't want people to have a debate about the issues I put forward in that CNN interview.
It's got over 200,000 views in the three different versions of the video I've seen just on YouTube alone.
Let's go ahead and talk to... Who's a militia member here?
All right, we'll go to Kevin in Boston, then we're going to go to Tim in Michigan.
He's got intel from the ground.
Chris, Scotty, Dan, and others.
Kevin, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Thank you for taking my call, Alex.
When you asked for a call for a militia, I just wanted to point out Section 13 of the U.S.
Code Title 10
Is entitled, Militia Composition and its Classes.
No, no, 18 to 45, and I know it's federal law that we're all in the militia, and that's why they're creating these ridiculous militias to make us look stupid.
Well, that's it, but I don't want to make fun of, you know, I trust your investigation into these things, that's what you do.
I don't want to, you know, call anyone else ridiculous, because I know that they can defame all of us.
They're very effective at that, and I don't know who to believe and what to believe other than my own personal experience.
Yeah, but I've interviewed members of this militia, and out of the 400 groups, I said, Red Alert!
Dangerous group!
Being shut up!
I mean... I'm not trying to identify with them.
I just think, you know, I worry about my own actions and my own things, so I'm not disagreeing with you, and I'm not affiliated with them in any way.
I mean, I post on awrm.org, and I would encourage people that are interested
In the concept of the militia, not to go join any group, but to study leaderless resistance and to read the National Militia Standards, which can be found on awrm.org.
Yes, I've had a provocateur attempt, I believe.
I haven't proven that.
I don't have the resources that you have to look at.
I just disassociated and got myself out of a situation.
But they're out there, and that's why it's much more effective.
You know, things are going very well for us.
There's 14 million guns sold in America, 14 billion rounds of ammunition in this past year.
People need to better, you know, we are non-violent.
These are, you know, only for defensive purposes.
And what people really need to be doing is just doing what they're doing, getting the word out, waking everyone else up, being prepared by storing food for emergencies.
It could be Katrina.
It could be some of the floods we're experiencing up here in the Northeast right now.
Being independent-minded is not a bad thing.
We're not evil.
And, you know, I just watched on Irish Catholic, I just watched the movie Michael Collins about the Irish Easter uprising that was just on again.
And, you know, at the end of the movie, it seems sad if you're from Irish, if you're Irish Catholic and you're sympathetic to the Easter uprising when first Michael Boland is killed and then Michael Collins is killed and they're on opposite ends of a civil war.
But then as it closes, you remember
That look, they achieved their goal of a free republic and they made peace with England and ended a lot of the violence.
We know this, if we don't stand up, tyrants will take over every time and have their way with us.
God bless you.
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We're good to go.
I think?
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We've got a new t-shirt destined to be a bestseller.
Look, Obama is a front man, a figurehead.
They want to build him up and tear him down.
But they want to tear him down later.
We need to tear him down now so their agenda stalls.
His real name is Barry Sotero.
He became a national citizen of Indonesia.
He was adopted.
You then can't be natural born once you've given up your citizenship and come back.
His real name is Barry Sitaro.
Regardless of the birth certificate, and there's a lot of evidence that he was born in Kenya, he's not eligible to be president.
Now we have a new t-shirt with a big picture of Barry Sitaro, and it says, where is the birth certificate?
Under it.
That's on the front.
On the back, InfoWars.com.
And people are going to stop you everywhere and say, Barry Sotero.
And go, yeah, that's his real name.
Didn't you know he even has a fake name?
It's almost like the birth certificate is a distraction from this Indonesian citizenship.
That's 100% confirmed.
Boy, if the government wasn't mad at me before, they're really going to be mad now.
Hey, at the point of no return a long time ago.
Full steam ahead.
What about that CNN call?
The guys were all laughing at that.
I can't believe these idiots were saying I faked a CNN interview.
I made clear it was a taped interview.
I don't know if they're going to air it.
You heard her saying they don't know if they will.
I don't know what that phone call will do.
I don't even care about being their stupid piece tonight.
But now I want it to air for all these idiots running around saying it's fake, it's not real!
Okay, that's enough of me ranting.
You can get that new t-shirt and the two new films we've got out.
Police State 4, The Rise of FEMA.
Look, everybody wants to know if FEMA cams are real, the COG, the martial law.
This film proves it.
Two hours, 20 plus minutes.
Police State 4, The Rise of FEMA.
Incredibly powerful.
Get it.
Give it to everybody you know so they understand what's happening.
We document the false flag terror, the provocateurs, how they tried to set up my crew as terrorists in Pittsburgh.
I mean, this is standard procedure.
And they'll do it to you unless we expose them.
It's like they've been caught framing people with fake DNA evidence now.
They're trying to sell you that DNA is a great thing.
No, it's not.
DNA evidence.
Let's go to Tim in Michigan.
Thanks for holding her on the air, Tim.
Hey, Alex.
Hey, buddy.
Hey, how you doing?
Hey, listen, I'd like to first thank you for waking me up, although sometimes I don't know if I want to bless you or curse you.
Because of, you know, I realize this stuff's real and, you know, I don't want to say I'm paranoid, but let's just say that I've been a 9-11 truther since about 6-7 years ago when I started doing research on this.
I was actually handed a DVD by some people that were 9-11 truthers in Florida.
And that's how I kind of got turned on in the whole thing, and did my own research.
Nobody put anything in my head.
I went and researched this myself, and like many others, I'm thoroughly convinced that, and now know that everything that you're telling us is basically for, you know, watch out for your own back, because this stuff's for real.
Now, this started Sunday.
I've actually talked to Michigan militia people.
And I got a link off of one of your websites that went right to Michigan Militia Radio, and just out of curiosity, I clicked on the hyperlink.
And I started listening, and this is... I don't know how you want to do this, but I've actually kind of numerically categorized my information that I wanted to feed to you, so do you want me to
Just dump it all out, or do you want to... Well, you're in Michigan.
Just tell us.
Go ahead, sir.
Well, this is what I found out from right here, and I live in Macomb County, which is maybe a 45-minute drive from where this all happened.
Okay, so anyway, which radio is broadcasting that somebody blogged on their website
Stay there.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We've now reached the halfway point in this worldwide broadcast.
We're going to shift gears into a host of key issues here in a moment.
In fact, will you guys print me for the Peter Del Scott interview, the two links I sent you yesterday?
Headline, NATO says no to Russian plan to eradicate poppies, Reuters.
Or it's a similar headline, I need that again.
And I sent you another one.
Oh, it's in the bio book.
Okay, good.
Yeah, NATO rejects Russian call for Afghan poppy spring.
I sent you a couple other mainstream articles, too, where they just admit our government won't get rid of the poppies, and it's up over 12-fold the amount being shipped out of the country to Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Asia, and the United States.
Upwards of 90% of opium slash heroin production coming out of there.
Okay, Tim, real fast.
So, this was a wake that they raided, people are saying on the internet.
I mean, specifically being there in Michigan, what other info do you have?
Anyway, what happened is, well, I talked to one of the guys, I was actually on one of their broadcasts last night, and later that day, it was still Sunday, right, the FBI had told
Somebody at one of the, it's claiming to be Fox blog on their website, that the reason these people were arrested were for making and selling pipe bombs.
Now if these were sealed documents, and this was still Sunday, when this blog showed up on their website, if these were sealed documents, and this was Sunday, and they were to be open until Monday, okay, how did this blog end up on their website?
I've seen, I've seen, I've seen on police footage, Ferrell Montgomery was one of the cases out in Phoenix.
They got jumper cables out on the news from his RV and said, look, pipe bombs.
They will say a can of gasoline is a pipe bomb.
They will say a toothbrush is a pipe bomb.
They will say a canary is a pipe bomb.
They will say an Easter Bunny is a pipe bomb.
And, you know, they'll just walk in your house, pick up a telephone and go,
This pipe bomb.
See this?
This kills police.
People have to understand, the police frame people out of hand.
And that is very suspicious.
And I had seen reports of that, that this was known a day before the indictment was even released.
But, you know, that can happen.
We need to track down who exactly put this on the blog.
Right, right.
And then something about our local news.
Now, check this out, and I quote.
Local news are saying, of course, that just like you said, they plan to kill cops and then they were going to raid the funeral processions and attack more cops.
And I quote, she said, with weapons of mass destruction.
No, no, that's in the affidavit.
See, now a gun is a weapon of mass destruction.
First it was nukes, but now that they need to invade countries that they have guns, I guess a .22 handgun is a nuke now.
And oh yes, they know the public's dumbed down, so it's just militias, kill cops, WMDs.
They wanted to attack a funeral possession, but you're saying that these people were all together at a wake, and that's what the cops actually raided?
Yes, it was a wake.
One of their fellow comrades, call him what you will, had passed away, and they were gathered there at a wake.
Now, I've got some other stuff that's going to really blow you out of your shoes here.
They physically, yesterday, were skating back.
I don't know.
They specifically called it a detention hearing, which is probably nothing more than preparation for us to get used to that kind of terminology, I would imagine, from what I can see what they're trying to do.
Oh, they've got the belligerent act racing through the House and Senate where U.S.
citizens can be grabbed.
For any intelligence purposes and never be seen again, an enhanced interrogation can be used.
Again, they sold the American people that the police state was for Al-Qaeda.
Now you're going to learn, no, it's for gun owners.
It's for you!
We'll be right back with Peter Del Scott.
Stay with us.
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That's survivalseedbank.com.
Or give them a call at 877-327-0365.
That's 877-327-0365.
Remember, in a real crisis, non-hybrid seeds are the ultimate barter item.
This is Alex Jones for survivalseedbank.com.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
By the way, you know, I plugged this at the end of the last hour.
I'm going to plug it again right now.
We've got a t-shirt that I believe is destined to be one of the hottest sellers ever.
Barry Sotaro, where is the birth certificate?
It's got a picture, his official presidential photo.
With the name Barry Sitaro, his real name, and under it wears the birth certificate on the back of the white t-shirt.
You can be a walking, talking billboard.
People say, Barry Sitaro?
Yeah, that's his real name.
Don't believe me?
Just go Google it and you'll see mainstream news.
London Telegraph, Associated Press, but they would deny this during the campaign.
He is actually an Indonesian citizen, gave up his US citizenship, was adopted, that means he's ineligible to be president, obviously he's born in Kenya, the evidence is overwhelming, but you can't 100% prove that.
You can 100% prove federal law
That you cannot have a dual citizenship with Indonesia.
At the time he did that, he is not eligible to be President of the United States.
And it's illegal to be passing the government takeover of healthcare.
It's illegal to be expanding the Patriot Act.
All of this, to hire nothing but lobbyists.
But if you can get Al Capone on insurance or tax evasion, why not get this Al Capone for the fact that he's really Barry Sotero?
And everybody needs to get this shirt and wear it at the Tea Party events.
It'll be very, very popular, let me tell you.
All right, I'm going to stop here in just a moment.
We may have had a time zone issue with Peter Dale Scott.
But it's not a big deal.
We'll get him on the next few days, or you probably think he's on next hour.
Webster Tarpley's on.
I want to get him on about this malicious situation.
I have no idea what his opinion is.
I disrespect his opinion.
Doesn't mean I'll totally agree with what he has to say.
I don't know what he's going to say, because I'm the real expert on this subject.
I mean, I really have studied it and been in the middle of it for 14 years.
But he'll probably see it as a provocateur and false flag event.
Because I know he'll see some of the same indicators I've seen.
I want to get his take on the Moscow situation.
I mean, Paul Watson wrote an article saying, well, FSB's been tied to staging events, attacks against themselves before.
This could be Russia.
Tarpley may have a different view.
I don't know, but Dr. Tarpley, we always enjoy his analysis.
And so, we'll get his take on that coming up.
But right now, let's continue with your phone calls.
Let's talk to Chris in Jersey.
You're on the air, Chris.
I've gone out.
I'm a first-time caller.
I've been listening to you since back in 2000 when I was stationed at Fort Hood, Texas.
I used to listen to you on shortwave, and I used to, like, listen to you whenever I was in an active-duty military stationed over there, and now I live in Jersey.
I'm a schoolteacher.
I'm a military veteran, and it's an honor to talk to you, Alex.
Well, it's an honor to talk to you.
Let me ask you this question.
Let me ask this question.
Well, make your point, and I want to ask you, if you've been a longtime listener, I mean, have we not, I'm not bragging, I want people to take this serious, what we're doing here.
Have we not called everything as it happens before it happens?
Oh, for sure.
And again, here's my point.
There's no doubt that you are on the money with your analysis because you know exactly what they're doing.
And you are not full of, you know what, you are precise.
You know that CNN call you just did with their producer?
They're doing a piece on you.
So I guarantee you that they recorded that phone call and they're going to be using clips of that phone call that you made because the whole point is to kind of like, um, denounce you or to make you look irrational or irrelevant.
So I guarantee that phone call that you use is also going to appear on the piece.
So it's going to be almost impossible for anybody to deny that you staged that PNM piece whenever they also use your phone call that you did on air today.
But just be aware of that, Alex, that they're definitely going to be using that phone call.
I'd watch out for that.
And here's the final point I want to make.
You know, I thought about that while it was happening, but I mean, that's OK.
It's more important in case we don't air it that people...
But then people won't even care.
They'll say that isn't a real phone call.
It's like they say Genesis is owned by some Saudi Arabian.
Anybody could go look at the corporate documents of Genesis Communications in Minnesota.
It's owned by Ted Anderson.
But they don't care.
They just make stuff up.
And so, I probably shouldn't even have responded, but I thought it was fun.
And it's informative radio to call up and, you know, talk to the CNN people.
My degree is in psychology, and just my quick analysis there is I think you put too much credibility into what people that don't believe you say.
Don't worry about what they're saying and them denouncing you and you having to prove yourself to them.
You know that you're in the right.
You know that you're strong.
Stop wasting your energy and your time on these nutty people, conspiracy theorists, which leads me to my last point, that language is the parameters of our subconscious ego.
They have already defined the words terrorist, conspiracy theory, and words like that.
They already got those terms.
I think that we need a new term.
And this is a million-dollar term, Alex.
And I know you kind of struggle to define yourself when they ask you.
You kind of say, I'm a constitutional conservative libertarian.
But I think that the term that we need to start using is truth patriot.
How can you not be for the truth?
And it also kind of plays off on the fact that mainstream media spins things and they sell us on disinfo.
So to be the truth patriot also highlights what the mainstream media is doing the opposite of, and also brings to the fact that they divide and conquer us, that we're patriotic to the truth, not to one party.
We know about the left-right paradigm, that we are truthful or patriotic to the truth.
What do you think about that?
Well, I've made a similar point many times.
I'm a freedom lover, and I'm into the truth, and I don't sit here and look at a news article and say, how should I cover this?
What will people like?
I just tell the truth.
I just break down my knowledge, the research I've done, my larger understanding in context with whatever legislation we're covering or whatever news event we're covering.
And that's all I've got is the fact that I am someone who has integrity.
Go ahead.
JFK piece, you know.
I've been doing a lot of investigation into JFK, and I think that's really a turning point, where the New World Order made their run for America.
So, you know, I wanted to get an update on that from you.
And finally, the last thing I have for you is 9-11 is a powerful number.
9-11 is the number that we call because we need help.
A number we call for safety because we can't provide safety for ourselves.
It's an S.O.S.
It's an S.O.S.
call and it has double meaning.
The government's saying, this is our number.
We did this.
But it's hidden in plain view.
But for the weak minded it's, oh 9-11 you call us.
This is when the government takes over.
And they were on TV within minutes of the attack saying, the world has changed.
We're going to take your rights away.
This is the new world order.
It was all scripted.
Go ahead.
And I said in 1991, George Bush mentioned the New World Order, 2001 on 9-11, the attack happened, so just beware.
They like the number 9-11 in 10-year increments, so, you know, we're coming up to 2011.
I'd watch out for 9-11, 2011.
You know, I'm just saying that that's their pattern, and I picked up on that pattern, and they used the term 9-11.
But, you know, just to leave you on this note, Alex, don't put so much energy into the people that are denouncing you, and don't have to prove yourself to them.
You know you're strong, you know that you're telling the truth, and stick with that, Alex.
I've been listening to you for ten years, and you're wasting too much energy.
These people are holding you down.
You need to step it up, and you need to keep strong, and you are the man, alright?
Do not listen to these people trying to denounce you, and don't lower yourself to their level.
You are the true patriot.
God bless you, Chris, and so are all our great listeners that are out there taking action.
I don't spend much time
I don't even spend much time paying attention to people that are attacking me and lying about me.
But if... This is the thought process that went into calling CNN back on air.
They interview me Friday.
They say it's airing that night.
It doesn't air.
And so I'm out there during a break and I think, you know, I ought to call them.
But then I go, oh, that's not much time to talk during a break.
To find out if it's ever going to air, why don't I just do it on air?
And then I think, yeah, I'm definitely going to do that, because it'll be funny for all the people that are saying I made up that I was interviewed by CNN.
So that's the thought process that went into it.
But I think it's important sometimes to cover COINTELPRO and how people try to pull real leaders down.
Because when I'm being attacked, they're not attacking Alex Jones to get at Alex Jones.
They know I'm not going to stop.
They know my psychological makeup.
They are doing that so new people that we've woken up, that you've woken up, start investigating and just see all the crud and all the disinformation and all the propaganda and then just get disillusioned.
And so, but it is a distraction.
I mean, when callers call in, you know, here and
Alex, I know you're a good guy, or you need to answer this question.
That's all a distraction at the end of the day, because I'm not running the government, I'm not running the country, regardless of whether I'm a good guy or a bad guy, and I'm a good guy.
It's a distraction from, they're openly announcing they're going to take the public and private pension funds and give it to the private banks and take your money.
They're openly announcing they want to launch new wars.
Fox News.
Military husband probed for allegedly posting threats on radical websites.
The man writing under the name ACA posted a comment last week in response to a story on the expanding role of the IRS under the new health care law.
The story was posted on Infowars.com, which is operated by conservative talk show host Alex Jones.
So they imply there that I posted this guy's story.
And this guy was calling up here yesterday going, look, I work for military security.
My wife's a nurse.
The FBI and Secret Service are here tearing through everything.
I didn't post this stuff.
And I'm like, well, buddy?
You know?
And the comments we saw were pretty tame compared to some of the things.
And it was posting his address and where he lived.
He probably is being set up.
But see, this is all being done so they can associate it with me and associate it with my website.
What is this, like the fifth or sixth time this has happened?
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There is always hundreds of thousands of comments, conservatively, a day, on YouTube, Google, Yahoo, and thousands of other sites, calling for violence and naming names.
And we have a few moderators that, if they see anything violent,
They erase it.
And this guy called up the office yesterday, and he talked to one of the customer service people, and they said he works for NSA, but they misunderstood.
When I talked to him, he worked for base security, he said, or I didn't talk to some of the other guys, didn't they relate it?
And he was saying, this isn't me.
I'm not the one that did this.
Will you send me the IP addresses?
And my customers heard, people said no.
We don't share IP addresses.
But we went and looked it up and it was a wireless card out of Kansas.
And I don't know if this is his wireless card or not.
He's saying he's being set up.
Why would he go post threats and then put his address and name and where he is on InfoWars.com?
And this happened over the weekend.
And you read this Fox News piece, it basically implies it's all my fault.
And here's another one.
The Hotari Militia, Michigan Militia, Lone Wolves and Alex Jones New World Order.
And it basically says it's all my fault.
Here is Fox News.
Military husband probed for allegedly posting threats on radical website.
Radical website.
I mean, the demonization is in just full swing.
And they just go picking through this stuff, finding anything they can to then imply... And again, that's the talking point from the ADL and Southern Poverty Law Center for a year now.
And now there's a special about me, right on time, on Anderson Cooper tonight.
But you heard the producer saying it probably is going to air, they don't know.
I mean, CNN is making specials about Alex Jones?
And I'll tell you, we're as clean as a whistle around here, but these people don't care.
They already tried to set my cameraman up as terrorist last year in Pittsburgh for just walking up saying, hi, can we talk to your spokesperson please about the troops on the streets?
Yeah, go over there and wait.
And they get a car, pulls up, they say leave, and the car follows them and the police come and say they're terrorists.
The base says you ran.
You were sneaking around the fence.
Military husband probed for allegedly posting threats on radical website Fox News.
And why are they coming after me trying to discredit me right now?
Because they know that I know they're getting ready to stage a bunch of terror attacks to be blamed on the Tea Party.
And all you Tea Party people
You better get ready for this and when it happens you better come out and explain it's false flag.
I know Michael Savage understands it.
That's why for almost a year I've been playing his prediction that dovetails with mine.
In fact, cue that back up for the next segment.
The husband of a military service woman living on a Tennessee naval base is under investigation for posting threatening comments on a radical right-wing website foxnews.com has learned.
The husband of a military servicewoman living in a Tennessee naval base is under investigation for posting threatening comments on a radical right-wing website.
FoxNews.com has learned.
Investigators with the Naval Criminal Investigative Services have seized the man's shotgun and taken it into the armory at the Naval Support Activity Mid-South based in Middleton, Tennessee.
The firearm will be stored there while the agency's probe
Well, he's saying he didn't do this, and who would go say their name and their address?
Looks like a frame-up on the surface, doesn't it?
The man, and now the article just says he's guilty.
He's denying it, they don't say that here, and then they just say he did it.
This is the new journalism.
The man writing under the name ACA posted a comment last week in response to a story on the expanding role of IRS under the new health care law.
The story was posted on InfoWars.com.
So that implies for the weak-minded that I posted his story, not that it's a comment.
Which is operated by conservative talk show host Alex Jones.
Not constitutionalist, not truth teller.
When I was bashing Bush, I was a commie.
Now I'm bashing Obama, I'm a right-winger.
No, I'm a truth teller.
We just tell the truth.
In response to comments made by a poster who questioned others' comments and commitment to violence against government workers, ACA wrote,
Then I will.
I hereby threaten you with violence.
They even use the legalese to get somebody in trouble.
That's the benchmark.
So he says, I declare that I will, I have by their end, threaten you with violence.
If you come to my door a dress removed, because that was in the post, see if I'm joking.
And as for you, Ben, what does it look like you're living in right now?
Ivan, go buy a gun.
Get some practice in.
I'm going to finish up with this because it gets really bad here.
I shouldn't laugh about all this, but it's like gallows humor.
It's insane.
It's totally insane what is going on.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Hello, this is Alex Jones with some important questions.
If you're going into a battle and they give you a rifle and a sidearm, how much ammunition do you want?
My answer would be all I can get.
In the battle for freedom and the lives of your loved ones, food is your only ammunition.
How much do you want?
When do you want it?
Now or after the battle starts?
When will you need it?
Can you buy it without proper identification?
Will there be any food?
Will it make your children sick?
If there's a quarantine and you can't feed yourself, will you go to the gathering center and be immunized?
You wipe out all these problems if you have a good food supply.
Food is your ammunition to fight for your freedom and your life.
How much will you need?
We don't know.
How much do you want?
All you can get.
I'm Alex Jones.
I think.
Hi, this is Alex Jones.
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Remember, in a real crisis, non-hybrid seeds are the ultimate barter item.
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I'm the enemy!
Who are you?
What side are you on?
God says you were neither hot nor cold, you were lukewarm, so I spit you out of my mouth.
There's nothing worse.
The people who don't choose a side in history.
In their own destiny.
I choose the truth.
I choose righteousness.
I choose honor.
And the enemy hates that.
So all they ever try to do is to make us feel powerless.
To make us feel pathetic, but it doesn't work because the people are finding their power.
They're finding their strength.
They're rising up.
They're saying no to tyranny.
Alright, I want to continue with your phone calls.
Tarpley coming up.
Got a bunch of other news.
I haven't even gotten to yet.
It's exhausting to even look at it.
I mean, look at these headlines.
Police criticized for staging mock burglaries.
No, they actually come into your house and
Police accused of trespass after burgling 50 homes to show owners how insecure they are.
It's all part of training you.
You have no rights.
School apologizes after pupils were frog-marched to be fingerprinted so they could eat in the canteen and the school lunch.
Well, hell, they take kids' blood at birth without asking.
They're medicalizing the police now with checkpoints and blood draws.
They have an executive order on the books to take your blood to get a driver's license.
Body scanners, brain scanners, and mobile trucks.
They're just training you that police stick needles in you.
This is hardcore scientific tyranny.
I want to tell you about a few sponsors that have made today's radio show possible, and then we will get back into this Fox News report and then your phone calls.
I mean, it's every 30 minutes or something there's some new mainstream article attacking me and tying me into violent people.
This is getting insane here.
The weird thing is I'm so relaxed.
I'm usually all fired up and angry and everything and I'm just like very calm.
I guess because I know what's going to happen.
It's like I'm outside of it.
More and more I like get outside of things.
Speaking of Michael Savage, he's on screen right now.
Let's go ahead and play a clip of Michael Savage here.
This was almost a year ago, he made this prediction.
Here it is.
Another prediction.
I predict that very soon, Obama will create a crisis along the lines of the Reichstag fire.
I don't know what form it will take, but I believe that once the minions are seen for what they are,
Rahm Emanuel and his gang will set off a Reichstag fire in this country of some kind, and they will recall the military dictatorship of Lincoln and Stanton during the Civil War, when civilian suspects were arrested without warrant.
I will tell you as I sit here, I fear that every night as I go to sleep.
I put nothing past these agitators who have suddenly seized control of the most powerful economy and the most powerful military on Earth.
No, my friends, I am losing a great deal of sleep every night because I do see this happening right before my eyes.
Again, I will repeat what I just said.
Mark it down.
I again tell you that there will be the equivalent of a crisis on the order of the Reichstag fire.
I don't know where it will occur.
I don't know how it will occur.
I don't know what form it will take.
But during this crisis that will be triggered by the Democrats around Obama, the gang that surrounds Obama, they will bring up Lincoln.
They will recall the military dictatorship of Lincoln in other terms during the Civil War, and they will do what Lincoln did, and they will arrest civilians without warrant in the name of saving the economy or saving the government from a right-wing takeover.
Mark my words, you could put that down.
They have the legislation introduced to do just that.
We've been covering the last few weeks.
The reason I play that clip every few weeks here is because he understands the model of the federal takeover.
He understands what they've been positioning for, what they've been setting up.
The centers to be detained as enemy belligerents, Paul Joseph Watson.
You can go read the bill.
You can also read Atlantic Monthly.
We have a link to Atlantic Monthly's article saying exactly what we had to say about it.
This is not just PrisonPlanet.com saying this.
It's not just Judge Andrew Napolitano last Friday.
This says, for any intelligence purpose or any such matters that the President considers appropriate, the military can secretly arrest you, use enhanced detention and interrogation, that means torture, in the Enemy Belligerent Interrogation, Detention, and Prosecution Act of 2010.
And they're going to have all these staged militia busts, and more attacks on IRS buildings, just building up the next few months, more and more, and congressmen getting shot at or shot, and schools being attacked, and bombings.
Look in Greece, how a woman and a child got bombed, or people in a Moscow tube.
It's always the citizens being attacked, because the government are the terrorists.
And this bill says that no one, no court, no one will even ever have to know you've been secretly arrested unless an act of Congress is passed.
So, yes, they're really considering
Everything they've been building towards in the last 20 years in this nation.
And what is on the horizon?
What's now right down the street?
What's just a few feet away from us, it's getting closer?
Taking all the pension funds, devaluing the currency, bank holidays, all being announced mainstream news now.
They're demonizing the real militia by promoting cartoon-type militias.
Separately, all over the country, they are recruiting, through the sheriffs, federal minion locals with .50 cals and armored vehicles.
So the government is going out and getting its own counterfeit of the militia, an evil militia, to quote, take on protesters with .50 caliber rifles, just to shoot you.
Well, Kurt Nemo wrote about that a month ago.
In fact, I don't remember the headline.
Will you call Kurt?
He linked to several mainstream newspapers and TV stations in Louisiana and I've seen some other states where it said, oh, they're training with 50 calibers to mow down protesters.
So, oh, I mean, the British in 1776, they have their counterfeit militia, their counterfeit
The more things change, the more they stay the same.
And this is so real, what's happening.
This is a criminal revolution by offshore banks taking over the country and looting and robbing and raising taxes and sucking the money out of everybody.
We're going into bondage.
And the system is going to stage events to make them look like the protectors.
It's very elementary.
And then we've seen how they've done it over and over again, not just here in the U.S., but worldwide.
We have army manuals that are declassified on how to stage events, how to commit massacres, or how to foil fake massacres, get the locals to support you.
Police, you are so manipulated by the feds.
Feds, you're manipulated by your bosses.
Alright, let me tell you about a few of the sponsors, then I'm going to continue here.
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Okay, I don't even really have the energy to read this Fox News hit piece on me.
And there's a CNN special they're now saying is going to air tonight.
And you heard me.
I said, what's this piece about?
She goes, oh, it's about you.
You know, I laugh about that, but it's gallows humor.
It's not it's not fun.
Yeah, here it is.
Louisiana cops playing for an end-of-the-world scenario.
Police in Louisiana, Bashir, Paris are training for an end-of-the-world scenario, according to the Shreveport Times.
The program is dubbed Operation Exodus, inspired in part by the book of Exodus in the Bible.
And it goes on to talk about .50 caliber machine guns being issued to the new special citizen anti-riot group.
Police volunteers will have access to .50 caliber machine gun to put down looters and rioters.
Oh God, help me.
And none of us had to go along with this.
The police and military didn't have to.
But you just have weak brains, a lot of you.
The citizens are even more weak-minded.
I just... I mean, why do I see it all?
Why can't I predict everything they're gonna do years before, months before, with total precision?
Because it's simple!
I'm not even upset.
I'm more tired.
You just want to think more of humanity.
You want to think more of the police.
You want to think more of the military.
You want to think more of people in government.
You want to think more of the people at CNN.
You want to think more of the people at Fox.
But they enjoy it.
They feel like they're part of a winning team.
And they're the big glitzy media in the government.
And they can set up and destroy whoever they want.
They're just evil.
Evil is being selfish.
And not caring who you hurt.
And enjoying manipulating people, enjoying lying to people.
I, for one, want it to just stop.
Tyranny isn't cute, it's not fun, it's not cool.
And all of you fools that have joined up for this thing, you have no idea what your controllers have in store for you, or what the controllers are already doing to us.
They really do poison the water supply.
They really do genetically engineer the crops to give you cancer.
They really do put cancer viruses in all the major vaccines.
I mean, I was going through news from last week here, and I was reading all these articles about cancer viruses and pig cancer viruses and the shots for the kids and... It was mainstream news.
Who comes up with this stuff?
And I'm bad because I don't...
It's the weight of the knowledge.
Because I know 99% of people taking part in this don't understand the big picture.
And if you did, if you knew, you would not be part of this.
And I can't imagine... But I can imagine, and that's the problem.
At one level I can't imagine, another I can.
The mindset of the controllers.
They know everything I know and more.
The master controllers.
They see what they're doing.
They've designed it.
And because they know that information, they also know humans' true potential.
And I can't imagine
Myself being in the mindset of wanting to dumb people down, wanting to hurt people, wanting to mutate humanity, wanting to be part of all of this.
And so what they do is,
Somebody kills a cop, they blame it on me, proving that person hated me.
Or they set up a group and they try to tie him in with Alex Jones.
Or they set up this guy in Tennessee and post his address and name on my comment board on my website and then try to tie it in in the news, calling it a radical website of Alex Jones.
It says both posts have been removed by the PSYC.
Earlier this month, of course the cops gave him this information.
Earlier this month, or it was given to the Southern Poverty Law Center, or ADL, and that was given to Fox.
Earlier this month, the ACA posted a series of comments in which he talked about killing police officers and other law enforcement officers.
And see, they never say that this guy is guilty until proven innocent.
But that's what they're doing here.
This is guilty until proven innocent, not innocent until proven guilty.
They're now saying he's guilty.
They just say he did it, even though they never say he's admitted to doing it.
In one, he claimed to keep an AR-15 assault rifle by his door and loaded a 12-gauge shotgun nearby, and he said he'd like to use both to kill police.
The Naval-based spokesman said only one weapon, the shotgun, was removed from the man's home.
ACA has also praised the actions of Joe Stack, the anti-tax Texan, who last month crashed a small plane into an Austin building that houses the IRS office, killing one of the workers.
ACA said in one online post that Stack didn't have enough explosives on board the plane.
In another post, he implored others to target Transportation Secretary Administration employees.
And in an earlier post, he wrote, TSA, truly stupid a-holes.
The guy that lived next to me worked for them, and I made his life a living hell until he moved.
One Monday morning, NCIS agents and base security located ACA at the address, that was yesterday, and privately owned on-base housing unit that he posted in a recent comment on Infowars.com.
He admitted to posting the comment, said base spokesman David Crenshaw.
The man's name was not revealed.
But see, I've had base security people lie about my employees before, so I don't... And this guy called here saying he hadn't done this, so I don't know what's true.
Based on the statements, the installation commanding officer requested the resident surrender any weapons to the base security for safekeeping until the investigation could be completed.
The resident was cooperative and compliant with the request.
The Naval Criminal Investigative Services and the installation security team are conducting an investigation, and the statements determine if there is any criminal wrongdoing.
The action was taken after FoxNews.com inquired about the online comment.
I hadn't read the whole article, they just gave this to me.
Fox News is on my website!
Probably Glen Beck's people looking for stuff to talk... Oh my God!
Fox News!
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Yeah, they came in during the break about 20 minutes ago.
The break before last and gave us, I mean, I hadn't had a chance to read the whole thing yet.
It's a long article.
And it says, this action was taken after FoxNews.com inquired about the online comments.
So, there are literally millions of violent and threatening comments.
I mean, you go to YouTube, they're just everywhere.
I'm gonna come to your house and kill you.
I'm gonna do this.
Somebody needs to go after Obama.
Somebody needs to do this.
But, CNN, Fox, all of them, Southern Poverty Law Center, ADL, they just climb over the site, reporting this to the feds,
So that they can then have pieces implying I have a radical bad website.
I'll guarantee you we can go search databases of Fox News and Fox Nation comment boards and find stuff.
It's just insane!
Until you understand they're trying to set us up and create this idea that Alex Jones is violent and bad and has to be brought down and has to be dealt with.
Even though he's a civilian, the man is living on a military base, making him a subject of rules on that base.
The commanding officer has the authority to take any weapons that are on the base, whether they belong to a member of the military or a civilian, and store them at the armory.
For the same reason, the NCIS has the authority to arrest him.
The man who has not been charged will be permitted to check his shotgun out of the armory, but he will be monitored while doing so, Crenshaw said.
NCIS said the base security force will continue to monitor the man as they conduct the investigation.
This isn't even proper English.
They will continue to monitor the man as they conducts their investigation.
Thus far, Crenshaw said it appeared to investigators that the man had not violated any law.
Well, that sounds like a setup then.
Threatening violence is taken very seriously, but it's not necessarily a legal act.
There's freedom of speech, Crenshaw said, adding that investigators would step in if they sensed the man was going to take action and that his online rants were more than just blather.
Crenshaw said he did not know if Madman, the commenter who replied to ACA's post, was being sought by investigators.
Well, everybody has enjoyed the comment sections of InfoWars and Prison Planet, but we've tried to not go to a registration system, but we've got to just now go to a strong registration system.
But we tried it once and then they just put fake emails and fake names and fake IPs in.
To do all this, and they're trying a lot of other stuff too.
They call into the show and say, you know, basically, you're a coward, you need to call for violence, Alex.
Trying to manipulate me into that.
I genuinely believe violence is not the answer.
And I've always explained that.
Information is the answer.
The system stages violent acts over and over again.
As a pretext to demonize legitimate constitutional debate.
We're winning in all the polls.
The people are really waking up.
That's why the system is going to stage terror attacks and blame them on the Patriot, the Conservative, the Libertarian, the Second Amendment groups, the Tea Parties.
And yours truly, number one, I'm the big enemy.
I'm not controlled opposition like Glenn Beck.
I'm real.
The system knows that.
And we have educated tens of millions of people, and we're exponentially growing, and they know that.
But I should be glad they're just trying to demonize me, because that's probably the extent of it.
They know if they kill me or set me up, that'll be too obvious.
But who knows?
But regardless, I know I've done this to wake people up and try to save my beloved country.
My forefathers did a lot more, so I'm honored.
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
It's already the fourth and final hour.
We're going to have a lot of other important news I haven't gotten to yet.
We will cover in this hour, like biometric scans for traffic stops.
James Lovelock, humans are too stupid to prevent climate change.
That's the founder of the Gaia.
World Population Reduction Movement.
You're just too stupid.
He's the expert up on the mountain.
We got Webster Tarpley coming up in the next segment to talk about a host of issues, including the situation with the militia.
Arrest all over the country and the situation over in Russia with the subway bombings.
We'll get Dr. Tarpley's take on all that.
Let's take a few calls right now.
We'll continue with calls throughout the hour.
Jeff in Hawaii, you're on the air.
Hey Alex.
Hey buddy.
Jeff in Kauai.
How are you doing today?
I'm doing a broadcast.
You want some?
While I was calling, did you check out the head...
Headline on Drudge today?
You should go to it.
It's all about them putting machine guns in the subways in New York now.
Oh yeah, I saw that.
They've got cops in black uniforms and armor with machine guns everywhere searching people.
It's part of the acclamation for full military occupation.
Yeah, it's just like your video's police state.
I mean, when I saw that, I was like, I was blown away.
Well, that's been going on for a long time.
That's the New York Post.
We'll put that headline back up there for PrisonPlanet.tv viewers.
Rail cops go great guns.
And, again, government stages the events, then they put police in stormtrooper outfits everywhere to sell the message, tyranny keeps you safe.
But really, they're just getting ready to take the pension funds, so they want to be ready to clamp down on everybody.
And if anybody gets angry at them taking your pension fund, well, you're a terrorist!
Yeah, it just seems like anybody that stands up to the government, they've basically labeled you as a terrorist, right?
That's what they're doing to me right now.
I appreciate your call, Jeff.
Good to hear from you.
Ken in Michigan, you're on the air.
Yes, sir.
Hey, Alex.
Can you believe they're calling us hatreds now?
Hatreds, yes.
Well, we do hate tyranny, so I guess it's true, and they hate freedom.
Oh, man.
At least we're not traitors, you know?
Not treasonous scum.
That's all I gotta say.
Well, what they are is criminals.
I mean, no one can deny that criminals run the government and are robbing everything that isn't nailed down.
So see through on the news, it's not even funny.
I can't.
I mean, I was in the NGRL PC in high school.
I know their playbook.
I know how they work.
What's on your mind, Ken?
I was just, uh, you know, these CNN, you know, media whores trying to blow you up on the news there.
They don't let them get to you, dude.
No, no, that's not what's getting to me, Ken.
I'm not thinking about myself.
It's the next phase, the staged terror attacks that government is going to stage and has been staging to blame on Americans that are standing up against the New World Order.
That's the issue.
They got CIA guys confessing on YouTube about them FEMA camps.
Getting ready to put Christians and
You know, and they're in Patriots, Gassers.
Ken, I appreciate your call.
I appreciate your call.
We're going to come back with Webster Tarp with him.
We'll go to Casey, Brandon, Daniel and others.
I will.
Also, go over some of the good news happening worldwide.
The carbon tax is being overturned or not passing all over Europe and major nations like France.
So people are definitely waking up.
But we're going to look at the establishment's next move in their playbook.
To bring in hardcore tyranny here inside the United States on the other side of this quick break, I'm Alex Jones, N4Wars.com.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Webster Griffin Tarpley, a doctor of history and economics.
He features, of course, every week or two here on the radio show as one of our analysts.
He's also in my film, Fall of the Republic and the Obama Deception.
And he's done some of the most hardcore, in-depth research out there.
I really respect his opinion.
Now, look.
I know that Russian intelligence services have staged false flag events before.
The British do it, the Israelis do it, the U.S.
does it.
This is a tool of government.
And Paul Watson wrote an article saying, Moscow Metro Blast.
Another FSB inside job.
And then Watson looks at the fact that in 99 police caught
FSB planting bombs in a fourth apartment building.
Three had been blown up.
Now, Tarpley would say this is some type of triple, double-cross, false flag by the West.
And he's got quotes from Putin saying similar things.
But I look at 99.
Putin wasn't probably going to win as the vice president of Yeltsin.
But then saying the Chechens had attacked, giving him a pretext as vice president to lead a popular war.
But Tarpley and I have argued back and forth about this.
I'm only looking for the truth.
And I know that Tarpley's looking for the truth on this, but I know that the West got behind Putin.
And Medvedev, and others, and said, oh yes, clearly the Al-Qaeda groups have attacked you, and now they've got troops in the subways, and here in the U.S.
and England, and they're really hyping this up.
We also have all these militias getting set up, clearly set-ups all over the country, and mainstream media trying to tie me into it, just all over the place, CNN, Fox.
They're really coming after us right now.
I want to ask Tarpley why we're so much in the crosshairs.
Clearly this is an attempt to demonize any populist or true constitutionalist movement in the Tea Parties and make them fully run by the Republicans.
And I was talking to Tarpley about that during the break.
He agreed on that front.
And I see April to be a big month of staged events.
You've got the insurance companies taking over health care.
I don't know.
With these things going back now decades, right, the Chechen and related Caucasus, North Caucasus terror groups, and there are about a dozen very small nationalities, ethnic groups there, it's called the Ethnic Labyrinth of the North Caucasus.
Chechnya, Dagestan, the Circassians, the Gabardino-Balkaria, tiny little entities.
It's the most diverse area in the world in that sense.
And it's been an area of conflict for centuries, really.
It was the border between the Turkish Empire and the Russian Empire.
So, the CIA and British support for Chechen terrorism is just notorious, right?
The leader of the Chechen terrorists was this guy, Basayev, who was trained in a CIA camp in Afghanistan, and this is just well known.
So, the suspect is—the suspicion always goes directly
To the U.S.
and the British.
Putin said back in 2001 that if you want to join the Chechen terror organization, you can go to London, and there's a place where pretty much openly they do recruiting for that, right, in the middle of Londonistan.
So, the question is, why now, right?
There was this attack last November on the Moscow to St.
Petersburg Express, right, the Dniepski super train that they have, and that killed about 30 people.
Now, the Russians have tracked down and killed the person that they say is responsible for that, and that was wrapped up at the beginning of March, about a month ago now.
So, in the meantime, though, what's the big picture?
Remember, the goal of the U.S.
is to split Russia from China, right?
To drive a wedge between Russia and China and foment conflict there.
They're also interested in being friends with Russia.
We just have this new nuclear arms treaty, right?
The so-called START treaty between Russia and the United States.
Nobody really knows the details yet, but it's going to be signed soon, and then presumably we'll see it.
We're good to go.
The anger and resentment on the part of the Anglo-Americans against Russia would be this.
We just had the meeting of Putin, now the Russian Prime Minister, with this guy Xi, his name is.
It's written X-I.
He's the Vice President of China.
And he's going to become the president of China, at least he's the heir apparent.
When the Chinese Party Congress meets in the fall of 2012, this guy Xi, again with X-I, is going to become the president, if all goes according to what is thought.
So this idea is already important, that Putin is cementing a permanent alliance of Russia with China, right?
That's the elementary thing for anybody in the world to be able to resist the Anglo-Americans.
The other thing is Ukraine, right?
Ukraine, we had this big color revolution staged by this big new Brzezinski, NATO intelligence, and so forth.
And they took over the government with a puppet regime in the fall of 2004.
And that puppet regime is now completely gone.
The puppet president, Yushchenko, is out.
The puppet prime minister, Tymoshenko, is out.
And the guy you have in there now is Yanukovych, and he's more or less a reasonable Ukrainian, right?
Not a slave of Moscow, not a slave of NATO or the European Union, but a Ukrainian.
And that is not enough, however, for the NATO side.
The other thing then is what the Russians are doing in Iran.
In Iran, the color revolution there never got off the ground.
It seems to have just about disappeared completely.
Let me stop you for a moment as we continue to go around the different geopolitical regions here, Webster.
This is the issue.
And we know that a lot of the different Chechen
And Muslim minority groups and in some areas, majority groups in that entire area.
We know the West has been funding them since during the Cold War.
Of course, you go further east over into Afghanistan and those areas, they were publicly funded as Mujahideen and these great saviors.
So we know that's going on, but answer me this.
Why would the West want to start bombing Putin
When he is running for the presidency, when an elementary school student who understands this would know that terror attacks against a
Government official who can then lead a war against it would sweep him to power if the establishment knew that Putin was going to arrest and kick all these Anglo-American Rothschild type bankers out of the country.
And then fast forwarding after you answer that, how does this hurt Putin?
And Medvedev, how does that hurt them when this will clearly allow them to crack down, expand operations, and play the part of strongmen protecting the Russian bear's cubs?
I mean, I'm trying to understand the key bono here.
Who benefits?
Just remember now that there is a strategy of the US and the British, which was published in a somewhat diluted form in the London Economist back in August, September of 2004, how you split Russia, in other words, break up the whole Russian Federation,
Starting from these places in the North Caucasus and the South Caucasus, because you've got Georgia there, you've got Armenia, you've got Azerbaijan, but then in the North Caucasus you've got this array of a dozen others.
And the idea is that if you can get an endless civil war in this area, this can then spread to other smaller units of the Russian Federation.
In other words, the non-ethnic Russian parts of the Russian Federation.
Because the Russian Federation is a big multinational state, right?
It's got all sorts of different
We're good to go.
In a certain way, you could say, well, this makes Putin look bad.
Maybe in the secret councils of the Kremlin, people come forward and say, hey, Putin, you're not doing a very good job.
And the hope, I think, is that the Anglo-Americans, once again, to drive a wedge—in this case, a wedge between Putin and Medvedev, so that Putin looks bad and Medvedev, who is a relatively untested figure by comparison to Putin—we don't know, really, how Medvedev responds
We're good to go.
Just concerning Iran, the color revolution there is failing, and it's failing with Russian help.
Russian help, now, very specific.
The Russians have started, once again, building the Bushehr nuclear reactor, and one of the big goals of the U.S., the British, and the Israelis is to prevent
This Boucher nuclear reactor from ever going online.
Finally, and this gets us into Europe, you have this South Stream pipeline.
There are two competing pipelines there in the, sort of, from the Black Sea over to Southern Europe.
One of them is the South Stream, that's the Russian plan, and that has the support of Turkey, which again, London and Washington don't like, and above all of Italy, and that's Berlusconi.
Berlusconi is the biggest ally of Putin in Western Europe, and you see what happened to him, right?
He got hit with this heavy, super heavy paperweight back in December.
Well, Berlusconi has just won the Italian regional election, so the huge international campaign against Berlusconi has also flopped.
So if you look at the Anglo-Americans, they failed in Ukraine, they're going nowhere with Iran, their plan for a color revolution, the violet revolution in Italy, is also going nowhere, and Putin is making, he's building bridges to China and building this pipeline.
So I think that's sort of an area you can see all of the reasons that there's rage in London and Washington against Moscow.
And this attempted bombing of the FSB headquarters from below from the subway.
Let's talk about where the globalists are going next.
And then I want to talk about the fact that I am being demonized big time by the media right now.
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We're good.
Look, it's elementary.
I started seeing them a year ago demonize the Tea Parties, gun owners, conservatives, libertarians...
Mainline conservatives who don't want to be looted by the banks.
This is the largest contingent out there that's middle America that threatens the banking takeover.
Now we have Bloomberg announcing that federal regulators are basically ordering government, police, fire, school teacher pension funds, private pension funds.
They're telling them to quote, invest in failed banking institutions.
They're saying that your money markets won't be insured.
They're definitely getting ready for a full financial controlled implosion.
And I'm... Webster, I want to get into this now, then we'll come back and look at the big picture of where they're going on the world stage.
But, you know, I've got all these articles here.
CNN's doing a piece on me tonight.
You know, am I causing violence?
Am I dangerous?
Military Husband Probe for Allegedly Posting Threats on Radical Website.
Fox News.
It implies it's my fault.
There's another headline where it says Alex Jones is causing all this.
We've got all sorts of dirty tricks going on Webster that I don't want to get into on air.
The point is London Guardian saying I'm the center of this anti-government black hole.
I'm dangerous.
Southern Poverty Law Center putting reports out every week.
They say next month's issue is going to have me in the cover story.
So, A, why do you, and I'm talking about protecting myself.
I mean, I really want your opinion.
It's not like, oh, look, I'm in the media.
No, I mean, this is not fun.
It's like having Hitler in 1939 giving speeches against you and you live in Berlin.
I mean, it's creepy.
But you've been fighting these people for 40 years.
But not just the attack on Alex Jones.
Clearly, these militia raids were set up, I predicted last year, with one of the militia members who was on.
I said, I think you're a fraud, I think you're probably a government agent.
I said, let me guess, you guys are training to attack the police station?
And I said, if that's going on, that's the feds, because I've seen this.
Over and over again for so many reasons.
They want to get the police hating the citizens.
They say they want to attack a funeral possession.
They think of the worst things they can think of.
And I've had the military and police try to frame my cameraman in New York and at the G20 when they're just peacefully, nicely trying to interview him, Webster.
The point is, why do you think they're coming after me in particular, and how is all this fear-mongering about militias?
I mean, we know in 95 the Fed staged the Oklahoma City bombing.
Go ahead.
Well, on Broadway they say a knock is a boost, meaning that if you come under attack, this indicates that you're effective.
So if we have an attack from somebody like Anderson Cooper, and as you pointed out, Anderson Cooper is this former CIA recruit, CIA trainee, and of course he's a Vanderbilt.
He is the poor little rich boy who is the son of Gloria Vanderbilt, the heiress to this
We're good to go.
The mass media, and this is a good example.
So, this is coming from the intelligence agents.
I guess you can say, after this last weekend here with the Tea Party and the peace marchers coming to Washington, there's a huge hysteria of the Wall Street-controlled media, and they've decided to take, I think, really minor incidents that occurred at the Capitol and make that into some kind of avalanche of
Well, let's talk about that when we come back, but specifically, why are they choosing me?
More and more, it's emerging that I am going to be the chief devil, that I'm being put on display, and they keep lying and saying I'm calling for violence, which is the opposite.
Are they angry that I'm trying to stop violence?
Absolutely, and this is just outrageous lying by them, because there's never been the breadth or any insinuation of this.
This is absolutely fantastic, and they know it.
And notice, as far as I can see, Anderson Cooper doesn't say, he doesn't accuse you directly.
He does it through this sort of innuendo, right?
Do you do this?
Asking questions, right?
Is it true that you beat your wife?
This is the lowdown.
Well, they say all this violence is happening.
Many people say that you're influencing this.
What do you say to that?
Many producers at CNN with CIA credentials say that.
Well, this is ridiculous.
Well, stay there.
Let's come back and talk about how you think I should respond and how others should.
And then, for those that don't know what happened at the Capitol over the weekend, because we're not the only ones being demonized here, but it is creepy.
I mean, that creepy, creepy, creepy Vanderbilt CIA operative up there.
These people just make me sick.
I mean, is there no end to their evil?
We're on the march.
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We are picking Webster Tarpley's brain on a host of important issues.
Why are they choosing to demonize the Tea Parties?
I mean, I see the Republicans coming in and setting the parameters of what the Tea Parties...
Should be in their image pro-war, pro-patriot act, torture, police state, and the Republicans, well they might save us in a few years if we vote them into power.
That way the power structure stays intact.
They then can split off any of the radicals as they see them and demonize them, set them up, arrest them.
Why do you see them going after me?
Just to demonize my name?
Or is this a preparatory phase before some type of setup?
I would say it has to do with the crisis in the political system after the passage of this Obamacare.
It's because you are one of the leading public figures who is able to escape this rigid ideological dichotomy, this so-called left-right split.
That is to say, there's a convergence of elements that are considered conservative with elements that are left-wing that could become the basis for challenging the Democratic and Republican parties.
We're good.
Raises your taxes, lowers the standards of care.
This doesn't have your public option.
Now the left wakes up and you show the right wing that.
I've noticed Limbaugh and others always say the insurance companies are good.
They were against this.
So it shatters that deception and brings the people together in a populist movement against the bankers.
And I continue to call for going after the banking structure, not going after just puppets like Obama.
Exactly, and I think there's a sense that the time for this may be ripe.
If you look at the response in the left wing of the Democratic Party, so to speak, to this betrayal on the healthcare, you see that, you know, Congressman Kucinich folded, he voted for it, the progressive caucus, they all voted for it.
For Obama, of course, they were all terrorized by Rahm Emanuel and that machine operating out of the White House.
If you look, though, at this blog called Fire Dog Lake, written by Jane Hampshire, who was, I guess, a somewhat reluctant supporter of Obama back in 2008, she comes on saying that if you look at the Obama health plan, it is close to the dictionary definition of fascism.
In other words, the fascist corporate state.
Now, I think on that basis,
You could say the time may be ripe for a convergence of political forces outside the Democratic and Republican parties that would be anti-war, anti-dictatorship, anti-Wall Street, anti-Federal Reserve.
And I think that's a convergence that is now possible.
I would just say that would then have to become not just anti, but also in favor of something, and specifically this.
We're now in a world economic depression.
If we look back to the 1930s, in the most general terms, we went from depression to dictatorship, in Germany especially, but also elsewhere, and then we had a world war.
So what we've got to do is to prevent this depression from going on and on and turning into a dictatorship.
Because I would always argue that the motion in favor of totalitarian and authoritarian police state measures
It's always coming ultimately from the fact that the economy is collapsing and the ruling elite is trying to respond to this.
And clearly they've been setting up for this for decades.
This is premeditated, but that's the next issue.
And we'll talk about some solutions, Webster.
I know you have your opinion on those.
My question here for you though is,
The system is ignoring any reforms that would actually fix the country and then there wouldn't be a need for a dictatorship from their view.
But they want this austerity.
The Federal Reserve heads are out pushing it.
They want to make us poppers so we're more easily managed.
They brag about it.
They talk about it.
Their whole eugenics, you know, fake environmental movement.
And that's in big trouble.
And so I think this acceleration of authoritarian systems that were already growing and in place
Is an act of desperation.
Clearly that's happening.
All the poll numbers on every issue show that.
And this dictatorship of these plutocrats is now coming out.
But the system doesn't care.
And I see trial balloons in the Wall Street Journal, in Bloomberg, in WorldNetDaily.
They're admitting, okay, the regulators that have control over these pension funds with federal power, they're saying, invest in bad banks.
They're not saying invest in some great government program.
They're saying, you will prop up the banks.
And so where do you see that going?
Well, the people who are told to do this have to say no, and above all the people that are stakeholders, meaning the people whose money is involved have got to say no.
I would say the single most important question right now is the anti-Wall Street, because I think that's the universal common denominator that just about everybody can share, and there's no political force that embodies this.
There's nobody willing to take it on.
I went to see the Tea Party here at Capitol Hill ten days ago.
And what you find is that the Tea Party, I think, has been purged.
What you find there are people who are, quite frankly, Republicans.
They sit there, they listen to Republican members of the Congress and Republican operatives and Republican think tankers from, you know, all different Republican lobbying institutions and whatever.
And then when you talk to the people in the Tea Party, it's actually funny.
A lot of them are retired military, and most of them have a government pension, and they have either Veterans TRICARE or they have Veterans Administration pensions, and you get the idea that they're there saying, I have my piece of the federal budget, I don't want anybody else to get a piece for themselves at my expense.
So, the thing is that Palin said the Republican Party ought to absorb
The Tea Party.
Well, that's what they're trying to do.
I would not say that the Tea Party is only demonized.
They're also giving huge, huge publicity.
Because I think the... Yeah, but that's double-edged.
Because then they appoint the Republicanized, Republicanoid Tea Party.
They take it over, but then separately in the left-right paradigm, they then also make it the polar opposite.
So it's the savior to some, the devil to others, but again, it's within a controlled system.
Absolutely controlled.
And remember, I think the big problem on the horizon is this General Petraeus and Mitt Romney.
General Petraeus for President.
If General Petraeus comes out for President, he'll immediately get what's left of the Tea Party, which again are mostly retired military.
This was the overwhelming majority of the group.
And then Romney, with his best-selling book and his ideas about austerity, Romney is now intervening in the senatorial race in Utah.
Supporting Bennett, who's under fire, right?
The Republican senator.
And saying, Bennett voted for the bailout.
The bailout was a good thing.
We had to give the money to the banks.
Support Bennett because he stood by the banks when the going got tough.
So you get the idea.
This would become a Wall Street dictatorship.
Well, that's why we see the Republicans going after Rand Paul in Kentucky, who looks like he's going to win, letting the head of elections run for Senate and run his own election.
I mean, just unprecedented.
And you've got Palin supporting John McCain, who was pro-bailout.
So clearly, I guess that's why I'm being targeted, because I don't want the banks to fully suck this country dry.
Yes, and certainly Palin, of course, was pro-Bailout herself.
She was directly involved.
So I think that the position that you occupy in this spectrum is you defy this splitting, the wedge issues, essentially, because that's what they are.
You're above the wedge issues and you're offering
A critique of this entire false flag terrorism, this hysteria, the crude provocations that are dished up now every week or every month.
We've got a new false flag terror event, completely fictitious.
The thing I would say though is the people that are in your audience have got to ask themselves,
How long can this depression go on?
How many more years of depression?
How many more years of 15, 20 million people without jobs, 25 million, real unemployment probably 20%, maybe 25% if it's really bad.
How long can you go on with this and still keep
The institutions of representative government.
You know, 80 years ago today, 80 years ago, on 30th of March 1930 in Germany, we had the coming of Heinrich Bluming, who was an austerity dictator.
He's the kind of thing that's being prepared in the state of New York, and indeed what Obama will turn into next year according to the current scenarios.
Once you get this kind of austerity going on, right, everything is cut, your pension is taken away, all the social spending is looted.
I mean, look at Obama's health plan.
It loots $500 billion out of Medicare, it loots Medicaid, it loots TRICARE, it loots everything to give bigger and better bailouts, in this case, to insurance companies.
At this point, though, we have to have a recovery program.
In other words, a positive program.
What to do?
In other words, what do you stand for?
Obviously, the anti-war, anti-dictatorship, anti-Wall Street, anti-Federal Reserve.
But then, some kind of a plan, at least the basic outline, how do you get out of a depression?
Because the trick with a depression is, you don't get out of it automatically.
There's no cycle.
There's nothing that's going to lift you out of it.
You have to change policies to get out of it, and history teaches that can't be simply cutting everything.
Because the more you cut these budgets,
The more, you're going to have a bigger deficit in the coming year because if you go to New Jersey, right, the Governor of Christy of New Jersey is firing all the public workers.
That's just great.
All of those people right now are paying taxes.
Once they're fired, they're not paying taxes anymore.
They're demanding unemployment benefits.
But that always happens.
First they communalize the wealth, they get everybody addicted to it, then they remove all the services, the taxes go up, and whatever's left goes to the banks.
And I want to get into that in just a moment, Webster, but before we run out of time here, you talked about how the Republicans have come in in a bullish manner, taking over the Tea Parties.
Here's a clip.
From a libertarian over the weekend at a Palin rally, what this was in Phoenix, and all the guy does is stand up and say, you're pro-war, you were pro-banker bailout, that's what the newspaper reported, the TV only caught the part where they tackle him, and Tea Partiers tackle him, are jumping on his head, and the police run over, and
Basically assault him and help the people that are going after him.
And then they drag him out and arrest him.
So, you know, the same thing happened to me back in 98 when I asked George Bush a question at the end of a speech at a press conference.
They didn't like it.
So they drug me out and arrested me and then later released me.
But I mean, this is the liberty.
This is the freedom of the Tea Partiers.
Here it is.
All right.
And it just continues from the news with screaming, this is from ABC 15, continue playing it.
What is your guys' problem?
You're a jewish, that's our problem!
I hate Obama!
I don't like Obama!
I'm a libertarian!
I'm supporting America!
What is your guys' issue?
Sir, any thoughts about even speaking out at a rally that you clearly know are McCain-impaling people, they're here for a statewide race.
Why use this opportunity to try to say anything?
I'm trying to save America.
I like America.
I like Americans.
I just don't like John McCain.
And what happened in there once you started speaking out?
What's your name?
Sir, what's your name?
You have no right to ask me for my name.
This is a public event.
I have my rights.
I don't like Obama.
I don't like McCain.
I like Ron Paul.
And what was your plan?
I have family in the war.
They know it's corrupt.
I have a cousin that moved to Canada.
He went to an open public event at a big school auditorium.
He goes in.
He's not a liberal.
He's not a conservative.
He is a patriot.
He's a Ron Paul type supporter.
And in America, the other citizens don't want to hear him stand up and say, you know, you're pro-war, you were for the bailout, and that's what was reported he said.
So they tackle him and are jumping up and down on him, assaulting him, and the police come over and say, this is good.
Let us help you jump on his head.
Let's drag him out.
And the reporter's acting like, what did you think you were going to get out of this?
This is living in a tyranny.
Where the public is sick mentally.
You know, like, don't taser me, bro.
The guy a few years ago wasn't even resisting.
He's going, why are you doing this?
You know, Kerry was even letting him finish.
Let him finish his question.
They're like, no!
And now you're on the ground.
We're going to taser you three times.
And you watch him getting off on it.
This is fascism.
This is tyranny.
Just to watch the sickness of these people.
So if this is a solution to Obama, it's more of the same, Webster Tarpley.
I think it's very interesting.
The line in the Tea Party between the authentic and honest people and the ones that are of no use for anything is the honest ones will all say, I'm against the Republican Party, I'm against the Democratic Party, I reject both.
This is the beginning of wisdom.
But what I found on Capitol Hill ten days ago, in this demonstration right before the health bill was rammed through, was that most of them would say, well, I'm for the Republicans, I'm much closer to the Republicans, I'm not interested in third parties, and so forth.
So I think that's what it is.
On the left side, though, the people out there who really gave Obama his victory in the primaries
They're very, very angry because of the escalation in Afghanistan.
You've got this health bill, which... But Webster, let's go back.
I mean, let's go back, though, here.
What about the brown shirt image of a public rally?
The guy gets up, and what they would call heckles, and so they basically beat him up, and then he still gets arrested.
This is the essence of 1938 brown shirts.
Yeah, it's outrageous, obviously, and there's no place for this.
What is missing is an organized force that is a third party or something leading to a third party that would have an economic recovery program as well as these points about no to the war, defend civil liberties, defend obvious democratic rights.
Stop this Wall Street domination and seize and nationalize the Federal Reserve and rip that out of the hands of Wall Street.
What I'm trying to point to is right now, the public disgust with both parties is extremely strong.
And I would say there are people in the ruling elite who say, well, anybody who's prominent, like yourself, could become a pole of rallying.
Let's talk about where the country's going economically.
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You know what's frustrating?
I have never sold out to the New World Order.
And I did it because I wanted to be honest.
I wanted to stand up against their evil.
I understood that historically, if my children and their progeny are going to have any future, I have to do this.
But you don't just get shot out of the media and demonized and not be as successful reaching people if you don't play ball.
Then sometimes they come and put you in prison and kill you.
But then that just illustrates even more why we have to beat these people.
And the good news is they're in trouble on every front.
And a lot of people in the system who are in denial about the level of authoritarian system we're going into, it's a big wake-up call.
It's just time for people to stop going along with this, and for people in government to start saying no.
I mean, school kids being watched at home off school-issued laptops, torture, secret arrest, legislation to secretly arrest U.S.
citizens and torture them.
I mean, you can't make this stuff up, and it's like a bad dream.
I can't believe people aren't waking up even faster, but the good news is
There is an awakening taking place.
The question is, will it be hard enough, fast enough?
Webster Tarpley, where do you see the economy going?
There's no doubt it's now a double-dip recession, a new stupid term.
We're really in a depression.
The globalists are in trouble on every front, but they don't seem to care, Webster.
Oh, I think they care very much.
We've had Iceland voting 92% to say no to the bankers of London and Amsterdam.
We have the Greek labor movement staging two general strikes.
We had a general strike in Italy, too, on top of that.
And we've got the hundred campuses in the United States blowing up over this issue of
Drastic increases in the tuition at state colleges from California to New York City.
And the system knows it's only going to get worse, so what's their plan to try to block this?
When I say they don't care, they do care, but they're committed to their program and they know they're pushing people to the boiling point.
Our program is budget cuts that kill people.
What you say, the repressive side of the current regime, it's clear.
But that goes together with what they're taking away from you.
They're taking away your economic rights.
They want to deprive you of whatever pension, healthcare, job, unemployment benefits and so forth that you have.
The tremendous pressure right now is
We have the states across the U.S.
and the larger municipalities have a combined deficit of $400 billion.
So what you see is Christie in New Jersey, McDonald in Virginia, Schwarzenegger, the Democrat governor in Illinois, Ryan.
Austerity, cuts, fire state workers, reduce the salaries of state workers if you can, gouge, chisel, and ultimately that will kill people.
That actually leads to greater losses of human life than the kind of police state violence.
Where's Obama in a year?
Well Obama next year, see at the end of this, we've reached the end of the stimulus phase.
Now we're supposed to have now the, we're going to go back to deficit reduction.
So Obama is transitioning into his role.
He thinks that he can be the austerity dictator and of course that's very hard because of the way his base is set up.
But in 2011, Obama's gonna come on the scene, probably with the Republican Congress in at least one house, and he's gonna say, I will get the budget back in balance.
I will make the cuts.
And the way that he does it is by union busting.
Remember when Reagan busted the air traffic controllers?
Obama is busting the teachers' union right now.
All right, Webster, we're out of time.
Hope to have you back very soon.
You've got four books.
We sell them all at Infowars.com.
Two books on Obama and a lot more.
We really appreciate you spending time with us.
See you soon, Alex.
You bet.
Man, these are times that try men's souls.
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