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Name: 20100312_Fri_Alex
Air Date: March 12, 2010
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
It is Friday, the 12th day of March 2010.
We've just completed an hour of live radio broadcast.
We're now simulcasting the second, third, and fourth hour today live at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Governor Jesse Ventura is coming up in the next hour.
And we have another guest in studio who's fighting the naked body scanners, a constitutional lawyer.
In this hour, we're going to cover a host of issues.
The taxing grid that's going to tax your food, your light bulbs, salt, sugar, your home energy.
We're going to talk about what's happening in Greece, the banks accelerating their global implosion with Bob Chapman, and a lot more here in just a moment.
But before I go any further,
I want to remind listeners that coming up April 15th, when we go to pay the Federal Reserve their bounty, their ransom, that we're going to launch, in defiance to their tyranny, exposing the shadow government, Invisible Empire, a new award defined by Jason Bermas, 18 months in the making, an excellent new film.
Destined to wake up a lot of people.
That will premiere at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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All my films in high quality, Paul Watson's book, my book, the live TV show, PrisonPlanet.TV, and a week after that, the 21st of April, we're going to premiere Police State 4, The Rise of FEMA, my latest documentary.
So two new films next month to premiere at PrisonPlanet.TV.
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Six years, six years up and running that we've had PrisonPlanet.tv coming up early next April, or in less than a month.
So again, I want to encourage everybody to become PrisonPlanet.tv subscribers.
And again, you're awake, you know what's going on.
But your friends, your family, your neighbors don't.
And people are more receptive to the truth now than they have ever been, ladies and gentlemen.
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Bob Chapman with key information.
Straight ahead.
Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As they're finishing off this agenda, they'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us
Tim Geithner?
They're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care and right now in Washington DC we have seen a fall of the Republic.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
It is Friday, ladies and gentlemen, syndicated radio transmission.
I am your host, Alex Jones, waging war on corruption, crashing the lives and disinformation.
Every Friday, Bob Chapman normally joins us in the third hour.
He's in the second hour today because Ventura's coming on with us in the next hour.
We're going to cover a host of issues.
We are simulcasting the radio show in living color and multimedia at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Bob Chapman, of course, worked in Army Intelligence.
He then became one of the biggest private silver and gold brokers in the country.
Lived in South Africa, France, Germany, you name it.
He then had the biggest newsletter up until the 1990s.
He retired for a while and came back with the International Forecaster.
And he joins us for the next 51 minutes.
Bob, good to have you here with us.
Well, thank you.
Very nice to be back again this week.
And lots to talk about, as we well know.
I want to get into the economy with you.
I want to get into all these hundreds of new taxes on food, on salt, on sugar, on fattening foods.
I want to get into where you see the banks going with all this, the immigration reform, which means a national ID card to work for the American people, but the illegals are basically all legalized and given this system.
I want to get into a host of issues, but I want to ask you, Bob, what's most important on your radar right now?
Well, I think we're seeing very desperate moves by the U.S.
Treasury and the Federal Reserve because of the ongoing, almost every week now, auctions of U.S.
Treasuries as well as agency securities.
The agency securities being Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Ginnie Mae, and FHA.
And last year, 80% of that paper was bought by the Federal Reserve, which creates money out of thin air.
But that said, this week they had a 10-year auction, a bill auction, which is shorter-term paper, under a year.
And they also are having a 30-year auction this week.
And every time those auctions come up, the Fed and the Treasury go into the market and they try to knock gold and silver down, and they also attack the shares as well.
And it's becoming so obvious that even mainline writers are starting to talk about it, and analysts and economists, the activity of the Fed and the Treasury in the markets.
And so I think that's very important, because if they weren't in there, the situation would be totally different.
We also are seeing the same thing in the stock market as it levitates again in the high ten thousands You know if they weren't in there the market would be lower We've had a lot of business news this week pertaining to the Giveaway or lending of money tax for your money to Wall Street and banking and the
Uh, the bankruptcy of Lehman, which turns out that, um, the president of, uh, former president of Lehman Brothers was lying, of course, and he says he wasn't, but he was lying.
And, uh, and at the same time, we know now that
In order to take over Lehman, JP Morgan Chase and Goldman Sachs cut off their lines of credit and started a run on the company.
And that's actually what you said several months before that even began here on air a couple years ago that this was a staged event and now it's in
And that's a good summation.
And we haven't seen the end of that, nor have we seen the end of the hijinks that are going on.
And that's why it's so important that in this pending bill in the Senate, that H.R.
1207, which was passed in the House, which is part of that bill now, is not stripped out.
Because we've got to show the public what the Federal Reserve has been doing all these years.
And we have to do away with it.
We can call it the Fed Reserve, but it will belong to the U.S.
Treasury and be staffed by Treasury people that are answerable.
The people at the Fed are not answerable to anything.
And we've got to stop the revolving door between Wall Street and banking and Washington.
There's qualified people all over the country who can fill the shoes of those people in the Treasury Department, etc.
They don't have a monopoly on brainpower.
Two years ago, right around this time, a few months before the banker bailout, the controlled financial terrorism they engaged in to get Congress to go along with giving them even more power, we began to see more PR about how great the Federal Reserve was, how they're going to save us, how they love us.
Now the Federal Reserve admits they've recruited tens of thousands of executives and professors to go out and propagandize to rotary clubs, city councils,
Community organizations.
We see stories like this one today out of the Wall Street Journal.
Economists credit Fed for alleviating crisis, went on record.
They're the ones that engineered it.
And so the Feds, through this crisis, are now calling for more power, the Federal Reserve, instead of getting in trouble as they should.
So this is really a big battle.
And on top of that, we see Strauss-Kahn, the head of the IMF, saying, look, we can't pass Copenhagen, so we're going to do what Gordon Brown said at the G20.
We are going to just go ahead and levy taxes through the executive at the wellhead on oil and on other energy systems and pay it to the IMF and World Bank, who will then not even say where the money went.
I mean, this is really getting transparent.
Yeah, it's total arrogance.
They just don't care.
We're going to do what we want to do because we run the world, and you don't.
And how you stop them is you get rid of most of the people in Congress in November, and then we can go after all these things.
There's a whole litany of things in which I don't have to repeat your no, and so doesn't the audience.
It's so key for us to kick all those people out.
Very, very important.
Uh, the things that Wall Street are doing and banking is doing, along with the Federal Reserve and the Treasury Department, they're not going to get away with it.
They're not going to take it out of the markets themselves.
My point is, Bob, as you and Ron Paul and myself and many others have said in the last decade, when the bankers bring us to this global crisis, which in all their documents they say they plan to do, we're now here, to then scare the world into accepting a bank of the world, a world government, a world constitution, run by the banks, now being openly proposed by all the global leaders, Ban Ki-moon, Herman Van Rompuy, Gordon Brown, Al Gore, Barack Obama, all of them,
Never, ever been more right.
And you know, the other night I was on WVON in Chicago, which is one of the largest, if not the largest, black radio station in America.
And questions came in, and I was absolutely floored at the knowledge that these callers had.
And three of the women who called in all wanted to discuss the Illuminati.
I wouldn't have ever thought in my wildest dreams that the penetration of the things that we've been doing have reached that level.
The world is waking up.
I hope we have enough time to wake up enough people and we do the right things to stop these people at the pass.
Bob, I want to get back into the economy when we come back, and then a host of other issues.
Healthcare, taxes, immigration reform, i.e.
total open borders, North American Union.
That's what this bill does.
And why they want a worker ID card for all citizens, but then the illegals are selectively left alone.
But separately, we're seeing massive, coordinated, intensifying
Demonization of 9-11 truth.
They're scared of the 1,100 architects and engineers going public saying it's an inside job.
They're scared of the poll numbers showing more people are waking up.
They're scared of the fact that the number one Yahoo search in the last decade is basically 9-11 conspiracies.
They're scared of this conspiracy culture taking over.
That's really just people becoming informed.
The system knows they're losing control.
And they are on the run, and we're going to run them right out the end of the pier.
How do you see that unfolding, though?
This is going to be a tough road.
It's always a tough road.
And that's when the tough get going.
And we just got to keep on getting the message out of what these people are doing.
It's just dissemination and info war of the truth.
And that's all we need.
And, you know, it will make sense to people who
Have never thought about things in the way that we're explaining them now.
And giving them the proof as to who's doing what to whom.
And we'll get there.
And they know that.
And they're terrified.
Because they know this time, they're going down with the ship.
They reached for the world, but in the process began their destruction.
We're going to break, but I want to start getting into this now.
How big of a deal is it for freedom that Iceland had a referendum last weekend, 93% voting, saying we will not pay privately for these debts that the banks came in and fraudulently set up?
It's stupendous, especially coming from essentially a European country.
And I've been to Iceland several times, and I didn't spend a lot of time there.
But they're typically Nordic people.
And right is right, wrong is wrong.
It's very simple to them.
And they didn't create the debt.
The people who had the banks did that.
They were the ones that went under, not the public.
And now Greece is into several months of rioting and strikes.
AP reported the entire air system is at a standstill.
Doesn't look like it's going too well for the bankers.
Will they be able to do what they've done in Latin America and other countries?
We'll be right back with Bob Chapman.
Stay with us.
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We'll take some tweet questions for Jesse Ventura coming up later in the broadcast.
Send them to twitter.com forward slash TheRealAlexJones.
Going back to Bob Chapman.
Bob, when we get up here every week, we tell people the future of the world's destiny.
Is being set up right now.
We're not joking around with people.
We've had this predatory banking system in control of the US for close to 100 years.
They've been in control of Europe for over 200.
I just can't
Telegraph the listeners out there, especially new listeners, how dire the situation is.
And yes, it's positive that people are waking up, but if we could only educate people fully on just how serious it is, and just how corrupt this elite is, I know we could beat it even faster.
Because the globalists aren't going to go down without a fight.
What do you see them doing in the next few years to try to successfully launch the open takeover by world government?
Well, you're seeing the beginnings of it in a big way with the anti-campaign, the 9-11 Truths, terrorists and mad people and things like that.
And they're going to continue that propaganda barrage.
People like us are going to come, you and I and others, are going to come under tremendous pressure.
They'll do everything they can to keep us from getting the message out.
But the propaganda machine is being cranked up, and it's going to go full bore.
And we have to meet it head-on with the truth, and that's what we're doing.
Your videos and tapes, the things you do, are extraordinarily important.
You're reaching millions and millions of people all over the world.
I have a publication, but I don't have that ability like you do.
It's very, very important that you continue to do what you're doing because you have to be the spearhead of meeting the enemy because you've got the equipment to do it and the knowledge and the following as well to continue to do what you're doing.
And so I think that's the most important factor is challenging them and going ahead, coming up with new ideas and telling the public, beat on the door of Congress.
And in the process, throw the old guys and gals out and put new people in.
Now, you talked several years ago, actually 10 years ago, you wrote about what happened in Europe.
You picked Greece to go first.
And it's come out in the news now that they knew this was going to happen.
It was all engineered.
EU wants answers on Wall Street role and Greek debt.
EU observer today.
So we know their battle plan going into the future
What chain of events do you see happening?
What nations will go under next as snacks to the bankers, and when will they try to fully pull the U.S.
We know they started the process in 2008, but when do they plan to fully decapitate the republic?
Well, I've spoken on the program here before about this, and I think what they're going to do, there are 19 nations on the edge of bankruptcy.
Iceland is probably the leader of the pack and that includes the United States and Great Britain and I think by the end of next year they will try to bring about a meeting which will allow all of the players nations to devalue their currencies simultaneously and default on debt and there'll be ratios with they'll
Use it.
They've already figured out how they're going to do it.
And I think that's the way that they will finally try to bring the world, and particularly the United States and Western Europe, to its knees.
And because that will usher in a deflationary depression.
And this is what I think that they're planning.
The tip of the iceberg has been Iceland and Greece.
And then you have all the other underlying players, and they're going to bring them all down together, I think.
And because that's more acceptable to people.
If you pick off Greece or Iceland or any other country, one at a time, there's great consternation among the people who are within that country.
And you're seeing that in Greece with the riots, et cetera, and the stoppages, and that's going to continue indefinitely.
They really don't want that, so they'll shut them up by saying, oh, here's your austerity measures, we're going to give you some credit, and they'll keep them subdued for a year, two years, on their planning schedule.
Okay, Bob, stay there.
Let's come back and finish up with that, and then how the banks have done this in the third world over and over again, and in the first world in some cases.
What the tax system will look like under this if they're successful.
What percentage of GDP will go to debt to the criminal bankers.
Stay with us.
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We're good to go.
Ladies and gentlemen, we're going to take a few calls for Bob Chapman.
Specific questions on the economy or the New World Order's activities.
He can speak on a wide range of subjects.
His website is theinternationalforecaster.com.
Our websites, of course, are infowars.com and prisonplanet.tv.
Okay, Bob, continuing where you got cut off about what you see the big central banks doing, then I want to talk about their plan.
We know what their plan is, and it's literally taxes on light bulbs, taxes on salt, taxes on all food, which a bunch of states are already passing laws to do.
Very draconian.
The head of the IMF saying, literally, that we will pay them money and they won't say where it went.
Just like Congress asking the Federal Reserve, where's the money?
And they say, we're not going to tell you.
I mean, this is so incredibly transparent that it's illegal.
It's like the Senate saying, we don't need the House to pass our version.
For the first 230 years of the nation, it was illegal.
It is illegal.
But they're saying they'll just go ahead and pass it out of the Senate now over to Obama because they can't get the House Democrats to go along with the Senate version.
I mean, that's illegal.
And my whole point is this is so lawless, Bob, having school districts everywhere admit they're giving the kids free laptops that taxpayers paid for and then watching them in their bedrooms and their parents.
I mean, that's a no-brainer.
But then you and I are called conspiracy theorists.
Not that the media doesn't admit that's happening, but we're conspiracy theorists for not liking it.
Having an opinion against corruption, or an opinion for common sense, or an opinion for liberty, is persona non grata.
And I just don't see it working.
It's so asinine, Bob.
Yeah, but you know, desperate people do desperate things.
And again, harking back to what we were talking about earlier,
If we can get a new Congress, so to speak, and a Senate that we can deal with, that is not totally in the back pocket of these very wealthy people on Wall Street and these bankers, we can get rid of Patriot Act 1 and 2, the Federal Reserve, campaign contributions, lobbying, executive orders, and the list goes on.
We get a shot at it.
And it's our only shot, and we have to.
During this period of time between now and the beginning of November, we have to have an all-out war on getting that message out to the people of the world, never mind America.
I mean, we've got hundreds of new subscribers coming in from everywhere!
I mean, I'm even getting checks from the Bank of China!
Anyway, that's what we gotta do!
So the Chinese government is reading your newsletter.
Well, you know, the last two bestseller books, the number one and number two bestselling the last year running, are books about the New World Order and the private Federal Reserve in China.
That's terrific.
So, I mean, that's what I'm saying, Bob.
You're exploding.
We're exploding.
Everybody else talking about the New World Order is exploding.
And that brings the next subject,
People can't believe it because it's so un-American, but they're openly saying, I have a new article today, oh, this Jihad Jane got radicalized on the internet, and they have the Pentagon before Congress in the last part of the Hill article saying, we need to do something about this upstream to shut down this stuff on the internet.
But then when you look at it, as Wired Magazine reports, they're targeting the American people in free speech.
They're not going after their CIA jihadist.
That's right.
And that's part of the overall plan to bring people to their knees.
Shut them up.
Call them a terrorist.
People don't want to do things that aren't acceptable.
People are decent human beings in America.
95% of them.
The other 5% are in jail.
And they deserve to be there.
Most of them.
And so, that's part of the plan.
I mean, nothing is going to be left unturned.
They're going to try everything they can.
They can't get a value-added tax, a VAT, in the United States, and they know that.
So, what they're doing is what you pointed out just a few minutes ago, is they're going to tax this, that, and the other thing, the money's going to flow to the UN or the IMF, and there'll be no
Reporting a responsibility of what went there and how it was spent.
And they admit there'll be no reporting.
I mean, this is incredible.
Just like the Fed.
They say, how dare you ask us what we're doing?
It's a state secret.
Bob, I want to hit a bunch of other subjects and then go to calls here with you.
Explain as an economist and researcher your view on this, but
They always do bait-and-switches, and they tried the last four times with immigration reform in 2000 and what, four, five, six, seven, and eight, to legalize all the illegal aliens.
It would fix illegal immigration, because it would just make them all legal, and then give them a national ID card.
Now, under the REAL ID Act, our local state driver's licenses are already federally standardized, so when the media has headlines in the news the last few days,
Here's one, National Worker ID Proposed Incomprehensive Immigration Bill, and it says that citizens will have to have a federal ID and be in good standing when all employers swipe it with their taxes and everything, or it's like a no-fly list.
You won't be able to have a job, and it's written for citizens, and then the illegals will just be legalized if they choose
And be given the card, but they're selling it like, oh, this will fix illegal immigration.
Explain to people, because they're moving into shutdown garage sales, bazaars, swap meets, without a law.
They're having federal regulators show up with million-dollar fines.
In fact, that's Fox News.
Again, it's all unbelievable.
The globalists want this worker ID.
Explain why.
Because I want to be able to track every single financial transaction that's made, including your source of income and how you sell it, save it, or spend it, and then what you save or what your investments are, because they believe that everything that you have belongs to them.
And there's nothing short of that.
And so they want to be able to be in a position
Let's say I work at a meat packing plant in Kansas City and I am very vocal about all these things that the government's doing that I disagree with.
Your card doesn't work anymore.
And they're saying that that's what they're going to do.
I mean, we go back a decade ago when the Department of Commerce said they want to tax everything that they say isn't good for you.
And they sell it as, oh, the health care costs are too high.
We're going to run your life.
We're going to tax French fries, ice cream, beef, salt, soft drinks, then all sugar drinks, then orange juice.
And we're going to go in and raid businesses that don't take your information and your data, and through the National ID card, they're going to make you swipe the card to track what you're eating, what you're doing.
I mean, they're now admitting that this is the plan.
I want to play a clip from New York television where they're openly saying they're going to tell restaurants what they can and can't serve.
And then if you add any salt, and then I have another article where
All over the country, people buy their liquor license, they pay the liquor tax, they pay the tax on the alcohol, it's totally legal, and they're using a 1933 law, and they SWAT team raid them and seize the money and all the alcohol, and this is happening all over the country.
Again, citizens doing nothing wrong with ancient laws that weren't ever even enforced, no one even knows about, are being SWAT teamed.
But meanwhile, the illegal aliens are above the law, and they're going to give you a $1,000 fine if they think, and they're going to have inspectors that test it, that you've added salt to your food.
Here it is.
It's yet another assault on salt.
A bill introduced by Brooklyn Assemblyman Felix Ortiz would ban the use of salt in every dish, in every drink, on every plate, in every restaurant, in every single part of New York State.
Diners would still be able to add salt to their food on their own once it gets to the table.
Violators of this proposed legislation would be hit with a $1,000 fine for each salty dish.
Ortiz says the ban's designed to save lives.
He says it would save billions of dollars in health care costs.
Critics argue the restaurant business would suffer, and a total ban on salt may be impractical given how much food arrives in the state with salt already included.
Now, Bob, again, this sets the precedent where government regulators decide what chefs can do.
I mean, this is a level worse than 1984.
They're getting right down to brass tacks.
There's no question about that.
They want to control everybody and everything.
And as you said, this is the excuse they're giving.
It's not good for you.
And all of the items that you mentioned are not good for you.
So we have to regulate them.
And in that process, we're going to regulate how the food companies produce the food to go to the restaurant or go to your table at home, what's going to be in it, and whether you can have it or not.
It's endless.
And by the way, people out there have trouble believing that this could actually happen.
If they can, and it passed in the stimulus bill, I don't know how they're going to enforce it, taxes on soft drinks.
If they are able to do this, of course they're going to be able to regulate vitamins and minerals.
What many countries in Europe and now Canada have announced that
Without even having a law in Canada they announced two weeks ago, you just can't have over-the-counter vitamins and minerals now.
We're just not allowing it.
I mean, this is so draconian.
Well, the amaryllis, I have a wrong pronunciation on that, but anyway, that has been going on for the last 18-20 years, and I've been reporting on it.
Yeah, Codex Alimentarius.
And what they want to do through that, of course, is take away all the vitamins, minerals, and herbs from the counter, from the dispensers, and they will all, like they are in Europe to some extent, they will all become items by prescription.
And it's so that the medical companies
And the doctors make more money, but more importantly, all of those things will then only be produced by pharmaceutical companies, because they'll have to be pharmaceutical-grade, of course, and they will make a lot of money.
And that's a tremendous market worldwide presently, and they want to steal it all.
Now let's expand on that briefly and then go to calls.
This gives the SWAT teams, this gives the police something else to be illegal and contraband.
I've seen articles where they raid aloe vera fields, saying it could get you high.
Where they're... I mean, here's philly.com.
Beer raid flap coming to a head, hearing ordered.
Faced with anger, confusion, disbelief from beer drinkers and the beer industry, Pennsylvania lawmakers are pressing for an explanation of a recent state police raids on bars and distributors over allegedly unregistered brands.
And it says they paid the tax, it was legal,
But there was a 1933 Prohibition era law saying that they had to pay a fee for each beer they served, but it wasn't enforced since Prohibition, but they never got rid of it.
But the point is, they raided them with armed police in SWAT team raids and seized everything.
I mean, it's just this passing all these laws or enforcing laws that aren't constitutional to harass people.
It's terrorism.
Terrifying the people.
It's not terrorists that we have running around the country that are citizens.
It's terrorists that are in Washington and in law enforcement and in other agencies of government.
They're the terrorists.
And we've got to turn the tables on them.
We have to make people understand that they are deliberately being terrorized to be brought into submission
So they will believe that one world government is the only solution.
Well, I mean, look.
Government is growing like a cancer.
People are losing their freedoms everywhere.
The same regulations are being put in worldwide by these big corporations.
And the countries are going bankrupt and government's answer is to grow even faster.
It's all coming to a head.
Let's talk to Phyllis in Pennsylvania.
You're on the air with Bob Chapman.
I have a question.
I've been reading on the internet a little bit and I found a new word.
It's called technocracy.
And apparently from technocracy it looks as though we're going to go into a position where we're going to have actually a dictator and a dictator and there will be no money.
It'll be actually, everything will be dictated by science and technology, and so therefore... Yes, it's called a scientific dictatorship, or a technocracy, where they control all the means of production, all the food, everything is tracked, and then the technocrats say in every report, once they've got this in place, they're going to scientifically play people off against each other, cut back the resources, start new wars, to exterminate 80% of us.
Bob Chapman.
I think if you go back and look at Foreign Affairs, which is the literary house organ of the Council on Foreign Relations.
And go back 50 years, and they talk about their technocracy.
They talk about all the things that Alex and I talk about, only we looked at and we read that years and years ago.
And people are now discovering technocracy as a word, as a way of doing things, as a way of control.
Zbigniew Brzezinski has written multiple books between two ages, how they're going to enslave us, how they're going to dumb us down, how they're going to have one-child policies, how they set up the modern communist Chinese system.
They all brag about it.
And exactly.
They've written hundreds of books.
Patriots have read them and said, look, the world leaders say they're going to build this.
We warned you and got called conspiracy theorists because the media was counting on you to not go look into what we were saying.
All Bob and I were doing was going off what they swore and they swear to do this to us, Bob.
And and the extension of that is all of these things that we're talking about.
They all fit in to a mosaic.
Which, to the people who are doing these things, ends up being world government.
So, each one of these things is a cog, and technocracy is one of them.
You might call it the overriding idea of what will bring about their world government.
Yeah, it's the control grid.
Phyllis, anything else?
Yeah, this?
And how does this new federal ID system fit into this?
Well, it makes you use that to buy and sell and work.
It's like there's a no-fly list, there'll be a no-work list, a no-buy list, a no-gun-buy list.
This is all being publicly proposed.
They admit this is going to control every facet of your life.
They want to get rid of silver and gold because that is a black market, i.e.
something they don't control.
Bob Chapman.
And it's been that way for 6,000 years.
Gold and silver
They're not attached to a debt.
I mean, used to owning private property was like gold or silver, but now they have a property tax so you don't really owe it.
That gold, they don't have a property tax on.
And that's why they're in the markets today, trying to control it, and they are not going to be successful.
Phyllis, the body scanners, the laptops watching your kids, it's all the technocracy scientifically designed.
They're on record.
The poison they put in your water to sterilize you and brain damage you and give you cancer, on record.
Everything they do, the forced inoculations they're trying to push through, it's a technocracy.
They are playing God.
We'll be right back with Bob Shapman.
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We are back live.
Bob got cut off by the break there.
Bottom line, a technocracy is a scientific dictatorship by definition.
The elites in thousands of white papers, hundreds of books, public UN meetings say they're building it.
People say, oh, it's a loving technocracy.
No, it's designed to enslave and ultimately kill you.
And that's the whole issue.
Bob Chapman.
There's too many people in this world, as far as they're concerned, and they want to whittle it down to about 20 or 30 percent of what's here right now.
And not only will they use selective breeding, people will be told who can marry, to whom they'll marry, how many children they can have, and then the next step will be how they are to be educated.
They will be tested, and it will be shown that their proclivities are in certain areas, and that's, of course, a study that they'll take.
And then once they go through university, which will be state sponsored, they'll be told where they're going to work.
And again, the whole cycle starts all over again.
And this truly is what they were looking for.
And this has been common knowledge for a long, long time, except we were not able to get the word out, you know, back in the 60s and 70s and 80s, because we didn't have the equipment we've got today.
But they built what we told people they were going to build, so our credibility is very high.
Now we're telling folks what the next phase is, and anybody can go research this for themselves.
We're all in this together, folks.
John in Florida, you're on the air with Bob Chapman.
Go ahead.
Go ahead, John.
Thank you both for all you do for the citizens of the world, for that matter, much less the citizens of the United States.
A couple questions.
Bob indicated in late last year a discussion he had with a banker regarding devaluation and a new currency.
And I guess if you could take a wild guess in terms of when devaluation would happen, and if in fact that does happen, would your loan amount that you have out be reduced proportionally or
Do they just don't even change that?
Well, first of all, I have said that there was a possibility that late this year, and of course I was speaking from last year, but late this year, or by the end of this coming year, which would be 2011, that there was a good chance that the FDIC might not be functioning, and there was a good chance that there would be an official dollar devaluation.
And I still believe that's so.
And these are conversations that were kicked around at Federal Reserve meetings.
And now we see open discussion in the news about devaluation.
We see Citibank talking about, under federal regulations, seven days holding your money even after it's deposited.
And in the bank, we see them saying your different types of bank accounts, like money markets, won't be insured.
We're hearing about the government taking over private pension funds and then only giving you part of it back.
They're clearly moving in this direction.
And the answer to the part of your question, logic says that
If you've got one new dollar for three old ones, then your debt perhaps would be reduced, say, from $100,000 to $32,500.
That's logic.
We don't expect that Washington or banking or the people who control things from behind the scenes are going to allow that to happen.
Because if you look at the other side of it, with a devaluation, if everybody is forced to meet the
We're out of time.
God bless you.
Thanks for joining us.
We'll be right back with the one, the only, Jesse Ventura.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
I tell ya, it is always great to hear his voice.
And he's with us for the next hour and 15 minutes.
An extended, in-depth interview with former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura, movie star, wrestler, mayor, best-selling author.
You know, I bought 3,000 of his book.
We've already sold 1,000 of them.
And I got a call from the salesman from Skyhorse.
They said, you better order some now, because we just sold out.
They've sold out.
Now, there's some in stores, but those are selling out quick.
They're rushing to print more.
We've got them at Infowars.com.
And let me tell you,
This is a scary book, because I've done the research, it's all accurate, and I've never seen somebody of Ventura's caliber go this far.
We had Dick Russell on two days ago.
Part of the book's being censored by the Huffington Post.
We'll talk about that.
Fourth on Amazon, in the top ten of all the other nonfiction charts.
This is very, very exciting.
It shows the hunger people have for alternative information.
So for the next hour and 15 minutes, Jesse Ventura, back in the States.
Good to have you with us.
Great to be here, Alex.
Man, there is so much going on.
Before I ask a bunch of questions, what is tippity-top on the mind of Jesse Ventura?
Well, nothing really, you know.
It was kind of a culture shock for me because when I lived down in Mexico, you know, I could walk some days three miles on the beach and never see another human and I'd jump on a plane and land right in the heart of Manhattan.
That's a culture shock.
Oh, I will tell you one fun story, Alex, before we get to the serious stuff.
I didn't watch television from December 31st till this Sunday, and I did that on purpose just to flush my brain out a little.
But, uh, I was playing golf.
I think so.
Left my cart, threw my clubs in, I drove my hour and a half home down the dirt roads over the hill, rushed home where my wife Carrie and my dog were, with a tsunami coming, got in the house, grabbed my surfboard, headed to the beach, sat out there and waited Alex, and nothing happened!
Yeah, for those that don't know, surfers love to go to the tsunamis.
Everybody else is running the other way, you're running towards it.
Well, hey, when in a lifetime do you get a chance to surf a tsunami?
Jesse Ventura, well maybe someday you'll get to surf a tsunami.
Well, just as long as it's not too big.
You know, I was watching videos online of surfers surfing tsunamis.
I mean, some of those things are 100 feet tall.
Well, you know, Laird Hamilton is the greatest big wave surfer in the world.
And I read his book, and I'll tell you one thing that's interesting.
Laird said that when he ever does these TV shows and radio, they always introduce him as fearless.
And Laird said that's the equivalent of calling me an idiot.
He said, every big wave I ride, I experience fear.
But he said, I'm a person who can take that fear and channel it into performance.
And there are people that are capable of doing that.
But I found it interesting when he said that, that calling me fearless is like calling me an idiot.
It's fear that keeps us on our toes.
We're going to go to break, Governor.
But again, I am so excited that this book is number four, and I'm sure it's going to hit number one by next week on Amazon and everywhere else.
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Jesse the Mind Ventura.
I'm gonna ask him when we get back, is he worried about the globalists coming after him?
Is he worried?
Because I was talking to his co-author Dick Russell about all the people he interviewed for the JFK assassination that got murdered.
Jesse Ventura, we'll be right back.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Let me tell you, Ventura is so recharged.
Being with him in person, I've never met anybody that has as much energy.
It's not a put-on, it's just a...
I heard about this a few weeks ago, but was told not to talk about it from some of the folks involved with the show, but Jesse can now tell you, because the emails, the Twitters coming in are asking me, is Jesse Ventura's top rated on TruTV, beat out all the news networks but Fox, out of the gates, that's unheard of, conspiracy theory, Jesse Ventura, is your show coming back to television and when?
Yes it is.
They've, uh, TruTV with the grant, let's give them credit because what they're doing shows a lot of courage.
Uh, TruTV has re-upped for at least eight and possibly ten more shows.
We're starting to put things together now.
We will probably actually ramp up and begin shooting around June.
Man, that is exciting, Governor.
Well, I'm kind of excited over it.
My son Tyrell now will be a field producer.
He's gotten a nice big boost in position because they like his work.
And so, you know, things are going forward more as soon as June comes, probably.
And a lot of people are emailing asking, will Mr. Jones be involved?
Well, you know, Alex, you're such a fountain of information.
I don't think that there's any way on eight to ten conspiracies that you wouldn't have some great knowledge or know where to send us places to get knowledge.
So I'm certain that you'll have a role in the second season.
Man, you're a sweetheart, Governor Ventura.
Now, you were telling me off air, you guys have got it, what, pared down to about 20, but they're talking about 8, 10, 12 episodes.
Well, they're talking, they said 8 for sure and possibly 10.
Possibly 10.
Any sneak peeks on some of the things that are in the hopper being looked at right now?
No, Alex, I won't go that far because I'd hate to see... See, a battle will happen, it always does, between what I want to do and what TruTV wants to do.
But contrary to the Democrats and Republicans, we will reach a compromise and the show will go on the air.
But we'll have to fight those battles, because I'm certain there'll be some.
Certainly don't tip your hand.
People asked me, they said, how can mainstream television put on a truly objective program?
And I said, I know Governor Ventura well.
He's a man of his word.
He's going to produce this truthfully and follow the facts wherever they lead.
And then it basically just won't air.
If he has to compromise and it came out and people were stunned.
This is trailblazing.
Nothing like this has ever been on national television.
I mean, I want listeners to realize this was a true first.
Governor Ventura, how were you able to get something done that no one before had ever done?
Well, I guess you'd have to put that like this, Alex.
How was I able to defeat the Democrats and Republicans and become the governor of Minnesota and only raise $300,000 to do it?
Perseverance, smarts, will?
It's just ideas and passion and that.
Again, I can't really fully answer it, because like I said, when we first thought we could do this show, I told my crew, I had a gentleman's bet with them, and I said,
We're going to do all these and we'll all get paid, but I said, I believe at the 11th hour they're going to pull the plug on this thing and it'll never see the light of day.
Well, I'm happy to say I lost that bet because, as I said, TruTV showed great courage and they aired them all and they didn't edit them and they did nothing because we did them all out in California and sent them all to them and we got them ready to go and they got on board and did it.
I just spoke to Mark Juras, who's the head of TruTV, and this guy's beside himself so excited to do another 8 to 10.
Wow, well yeah.
Their number one hit show almost beating Fox.
I mean, you talk about royal flush here.
And I talked to Braverman when you were back in Mexico, hyping one of the last shows on air.
For those that don't know, one of the fellas involved.
And he said, Alex, you wouldn't believe the big stars that are contacting us.
And I went through some of the names because I know some of them.
And he goes, wow, yeah, that's some of them.
But he said,
He described it as, Hollywood wants to keep it in the left-right paradigm, Jesse Ventura is shattering that left-right paradigm, the media calls questioning anything the government does a conspiracy theory that's outside that left-right orthodoxy, and that there's a war inside Hollywood and the media, where most of the big names we know and see even in news, not just in entertainment,
No about the New World Order.
No about eugenics.
No about population reduction.
No about what's happening.
And they don't want to be put in the left-right box.
But Braverman said there is big Hollywood pressure from people like Steven Spielberg.
to keep it left right and and because as Hollywood goes so goes the rest of the world and now they just can't put this label on people that are questioning the official story and who have government documents I mean every time you go on TV they say you're just a conspiracy theorist or you know you're making this up and you point out no I'm not I'm going off things like Operation Northwoods I mean here's Operation Northwoods
The actual document right here.
We got ABC News, U.S.
government plan to terrorize and stage fake terror attacks.
What can you say about the huge paradigm shift that's happening and the type of feedback you're getting from Hollywood?
Well, I haven't really been to Hollywood.
As I said, Alex, I flew from Mexico straight to New York, and I'll go to Los Angeles Sunday, and I'll be there through Wednesday.
So, you know, I'll probably get a better feel for it when I get out there, and I really wouldn't want to speculate.
As I said, I haven't had any contact.
Dog the Bounty Hunter's got one out, and I don't care if Dog beats me or not.
I kind of like Dog.
He's kind of an interesting guy.
But here's the one.
We're beating the crap out of Karl Rove's book.
And that's the guy I want to beat.
I want this book to beat Karl Rove.
Because Karl Rove's book, I haven't read it yet, but a friend of mine read it, and he told me that the book is trying to rewrite history.
Oh yeah, saying basically that Saddam had WMDs and things.
You know, you said you'd like to waterboard Cheney.
What about Rove?
You know, I actually saw Rove when I did the Today Show.
Matt Lauer introduced him right before my segment and I was standing there and I just stood back and kept watching him.
But I will give Rove one bit of credit.
He has lost a great deal of weight.
Well, I guess that is credit for him, but he is such a wicked person.
Well, he sure wasn't to me.
He came almost running over to me to shake my hand, so I don't know what that was all about.
Well, he knows you're a big political contender, but as Tyrell said, you want to do the TV show and some more books, but you're leaning towards riding off into the sunset?
I hope that's not the case.
Well, you know, I'll tell you what actually happened, and you can thank Dick Russell for this.
In my last book, Don't Start the Revolution Without Me, you remember I wrote that last chapter as fiction?
You know, where I made the run for the president with Robert Kennedy Jr.
and I get shot and all that stuff?
Well, I was going to end it right there.
I was going to die in the end of that book, and I was never going to do anything public again.
I was going to destroy Jesse Ventura.
I created him.
I think so.
Oh, wait a minute.
Are you starting to maybe think about 2012?
Oh, no, no, no, no.
I just mean it's still considered to be in the public.
No, Alex, I have no desire at this time to run for public office at all.
I think that in many ways I can be as much or more effective in what I'm doing right now.
That's right, you can go off and cogitate, kind of in the mountains like a prophet, and then occasionally come back to the Wicked City and enlighten us.
Well, and then what's good about it, Alex, is I can come up here and stir everything up and all this stuff, and then I can run back to Mexico and leave you with all the collateral damage.
Well, I mean, I probably shouldn't bring stuff up on air without asking you, but I don't want to give you more work to do, but may we ever see Jesse Ventura sitting in the Alex Jones broadcast seat for me?
Well, it could be.
You know, like I said, you need a vacation.
So, you know, maybe if you want to take a vacation sometime, I won't promise anything, but if you want to take a vacation sometime, I might sit there, but the people left understand something.
It'll be different.
I don't have all the knowledge that you have.
Oh, yes you do.
No, I don't.
You have a lot of different knowledge I don't have.
I have some knowledge you don't have.
Well, okay, and together we'll make a whole, I guess.
Are you kidding, Jesse?
That's such a great idea.
I hope you do it.
So much is going on, so much is happening.
I want to put the call out again for people to buy the book, not just to beat Karl Rove.
Your show being number one on TruTV, one of the top shows on cable for a new show is unheard of.
The fact that your books are bestsellers, that this one's a bestseller.
I mean, this is really the alternative media and alternative views starting to supplant the mainstream media.
The new numbers came out last month that now the alternative media together is bigger than the mainstream media.
So I think we see these dinosaurs
Well, I'm not sure about that, or maybe it's the fact that even better, maybe this country is starting to wake up.
You know, maybe this country is starting to, people are starting to get finally frustrated enough.
With the media that we have, and the status quo that's going on, and has been for years and years, that hopefully we're accomplishing that.
Because, you know, one thing, I don't agree with them totally, because of some of the people in it, but I actually like the idea that the Tea Party's out there stirring it up too.
We're going to break.
I want to come back and ask you that big question that Dick Russell brought up quite a bit.
All the people he knows that have been killed who exposed this stuff, and why you made the decision to be so bold.
Because folks, when I say this book is hardcore, we'll go over some of the chapters later.
We'll also open the phones up.
And I've got a big list of handwritten questions I wrote up that I want to ask Ventura all over the map.
Like, the word is he's already shot a video film for the Wachowski brothers.
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I think so.
Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda,
They'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
I have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
For the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation, the criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty and on its ashes constructing world government.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
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Jesse Ventura needs no introduction.
He is our guest.
Thank you for joining us.
Governor, we've seen massive demonization and censorship of 9-11 Truth.
I've never seen such a blitz.
But now we have 1,100 architects and engineers going public, saying inside job.
The evidence is coming out.
It looks like we've got the establishment on the defense right now.
Well, you know, Alex, that's a great lead-in because, you know, usually we're on the defense.
And I think it's time we go on the offense.
What I'd like to do, as you know, the Huffington Post censored... Arianna Huffington had been on my case for about two years to contribute to the Huffington Post.
So I did my first article, and then I followed it up with my second one, and of course they censored it.
They had it on for an hour and then pulled it.
What I'd like to appeal, to go on the offense, to all your listeners, email the Huffington Post and demand to know why Jesse Ventura was censored on the Huffington Post.
And I really would like to appeal to all your listeners to do that.
Let's go on the offense and stick it to them.
The Huffington Post requested that I write an article for them about a year ago.
We sent it to them.
They said, make changes.
And I just said, forget it.
You asked for this.
And you were nice enough to write two articles for them.
And they took the first one about government drug dealing, but posted your 9-11 article about Building 7 for about an hour and then pulled it.
It's just amazing.
Yeah, and so, you know, again, I know what your listeners are like out there.
They're very loyal to you, Alex.
And so, send those emails to the Huffington Post and send a barrage of them.
Imagine if they got 100,000 or more emails demanding to know why Jesse Ventura was censored from the Huffington Post.
Well, I think more than that, we need to vote by buying the book and not let them censor it.
And we also, if you want to get serious, go after their sponsors because they might just like the traffic from emails overall and think they're getting attention out of it.
But, I mean, that's a good idea.
There's got to be some other way to punish these people.
How about folks go get the article that we reposted at InfoWars.com.
In fact, print it for me so I have the title.
What was the title, Jesse?
People can find it all over the web and then that way we can email it out to all the media.
I think that's the best way to really protest this is to make sure that's in everybody's email inbox.
Well, on the top it says, Huffington Post, Jesse Ventura, Article 2, American, and in parentheses, American conspiracies, and the title is, What Really Happened on September the 11th.
What really happened on- Huffington Title, What Really Happened on September 11th.
What Really Happened on September 11th, Jesse Ventura, search that, find the article that was censored, it's all over the web now, and get it out to even more people.
But you know what, Jesse?
I think them censoring it only backfired on them.
Well, I'm hoping so.
We can make it backfire on him.
I think so, too.
And I'll tell you this.
I won't ever write for him again.
I mean, they come to you and then they censor it.
Getting back to what Dick Russell was saying two days ago, he was, for those that don't know, a top JFK researcher, several best-selling books.
He was talking about all these witnesses he would interview who they would then murder, and we know how many people that the establishment has assassinated, and you really are coming out bold now.
Do you want to say on record that Jesse Ventura will never commit suicide?
Yes, I'll say on the record, absolutely.
Jesse Ventura will never, ever commit suicide.
And I second that.
I will never commit suicide.
I had the D.C.
Madam on air say that three months before they killed her, and I had been talking for a month before they killed Gary Webb, the Pulitzer Prize winner on CIA drug dealing, that they'd been breaking into his house, and he was getting ready to come on the show when his new book came out, and they shotgunned him twice in the head, and the police said, Jesse, it's very normal to shoot yourself twice in the head.
As a trained Navy SEAL, is that poppycock?
That's about the only answer I could give you, Alex, is to burst out laughing.
It is ridiculous.
Come on, man.
The only way you could shoot yourself twice in the head is if you missed with the first one.
I know, it's incredible.
They just think we're so stupid.
Well, you know, Alex, that's how they survive, is an apathetic public.
You know, a public that doesn't want to be involved, a public that doesn't want to pay attention, and that's what's wrong with so much of America today.
Everybody looks around in their little tiny world, and they think, well, everywhere I see, everything is good, and as long as it doesn't upset what I can see, I'm not going to get involved.
And the thing is, in our country, you should get involved.
If you don't get involved, a bunch of crooks will take over.
That's right.
You know, if you don't hold government's feet to the fire, you will get bad government.
We're going to break.
Long segment coming up with Governor Jesse Ventura.
He's with us 15 minutes or so into the next hour.
Precious time with just an incredible personality.
Somebody for liberty and freedom.
Somebody out there standing up for all of our rights.
Governor Jesse Ventura.
Here's the censored article.
Huffington Post sends Ventura article to the memory hole up at Infowars.com with his article underneath it.
Get it.
Get it out to everyone.
We'll be right back.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda, that we're pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us
Tim Geithner?
They're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care and right now in Washington D.C.
we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv
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We are back live with Governor Jesse Ventura, multi-time best-selling author.
His book, number four on Amazon, available at InfoWars.com.
We're going to go through the book and talk about some of the chapters here in a moment.
I want to get into some other questions first.
Here's the National Post's big Canadian paper today.
Flu shots futile.
Government study finds that it didn't even protect people and the shot was dangerous.
This is directly for the document cam, folks watching at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Food and Drug Administration, recall FDA.gov.
See that, folks?
They're recalling all the vaccine.
A month ago, we had the head of the EU 47-nation member panel on, a doctor, saying it was dangerous and bad and hurting people.
Governor, you've been proven right again.
Why did you instinctually come out against the flu shot?
Well, just exactly what you said.
I never got a flu shot.
I refused to get that flu shot.
And I don't know.
I never touched the flu.
So why would I need a shot to prevent it?
Now I'm not saying I couldn't catch the flu.
I certainly, I guess, could.
But I don't know.
It just doesn't, you know, with all the bad stuff that they can stick in those things, I don't need that stuff in my body.
I want to get into the book in a moment, but I've got a lot of questions that I wanted to raise to you.
Getting back to the media attacks, how they're bouncing off of you.
I mean, you're being attacked by Fox News, radio, other TV networks.
You go on these shows, they try to criticize you, and then you just completely take the air out of their sails, laying out the facts.
It's almost like we're fighting paper tigers, and we're beginning to see that these people aren't invincible.
Well, and the thing is, most of them have never done any research other than soundbite television and what they send to them over a teleprompter, you know, to read a couple soundbites.
Like, did you happen to catch me on The View?
It was incredibly powerful.
Well, the thing was, I was amazed.
Barbara Walters was my main adversary.
And I found that funny because she says to me,
You're telling me they would intentionally kill 3,000 people, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
And I said, Barbara, I'll give you another example.
The Gulf of Tonkin incident never happened.
They killed 58,000 of my generation in Vietnam, and who knows, maybe a million Vietnamese.
Bill O'Reilly called you a pinhead last night.
I mean, this is a guy with his past that I don't think really has any credibility.
This is the second time now he's called me a pinhead.
What did he call me a pinhead for?
Well, you know, I ran into O'Reilly at Fox, and boy, he sure doesn't do that to me when he's face-to-face with me, because Bill O'Reilly's afraid to have me on his show because I don't cower to him.
And I'll tell you, I'll give your listeners a good lie from Bill O'Reilly.
He had Ted Turner on once, and I don't know, Ted looked like he was really out of it when he was on there because he didn't seem sharp.
And O'Reilly made the statement that the killing fields in Cambodia were caused because we left Vietnam too soon.
The first thing is, we weren't at war technically in Cambodia or Laos.
We were at war in Vietnam.
And the killing fields were caused because Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger secretly carpet bombed the country into the Stone Age.
That's how come the Camry Rouge was able to come down and do that ethnic cleansing.
So you've got Bill O'Reilly all the time rewriting history, and I confronted him with that in the Fox lobby, and he wouldn't say anything.
And I said, O'Reilly, I first said to him, when were you in Vietnam?
And he couldn't, you know, of course, he's never been in Vietnam, or if he was in Vietnam, it was probably recently.
You know, he wasn't back in there when the war were going on, so how would he know what the hell went on over there?
Well, Zbigniew Brzezinski, who was running that, as you know, advising Nixon and others, he wrote a book two years ago, Bragging, and people can pull the quotes up, where he said, we funded the Khmer Rouge against the Communists, and that the U.S.
government gave them $4 billion.
So, it was actually our criminal government that didn't just carpet bomb the government so that the Khmer Rouge could come in, they financed the Khmer Rouge to do it.
You know, on that note and that thought, have you read the book by Colonel Fletcher Cloudy?
Yes, I have.
Well, isn't that interesting when he talks about what happened at the end of World War II with that meeting that took place between Chiang Kai-shek, Stalin, Churchill, and Roosevelt, where they literally laid out what was going to happen to world from that point on.
They said all wars after World War II would be fought in third world countries.
They would be fought with the military having no direct objective to achieve victory in the war.
Now isn't that exactly what's happened since World War II with every war since?
Sure, it's these phantom menace covert wars just meant to destabilize the third world so they can't ever industrially develop to threaten the West and that's actually in the British Royal Commission plan 1949.
Yeah, and you know, it's just amazing to read about Prouty's book and everything he said when you look at history has come to pass.
Absolutely, and he clearly put out the evidence that the military-industrial complex killed Kennedy.
I mean, that's another example.
They can laugh at you and I and call us conspiracy terrorists when we have all the facts, but over 90% of Americans now, in major polls, believe the government's lying about Kennedy.
So, again... Well, not only that, I saw that one, I think it was a CBS-Supper or other poll, where people said it's now a majority of the people that don't believe the government's told us the truth about 9-11.
I saw an Angus and Reed New York Times poll four years ago in 2006 where 84% want a new investigation and believe they're being lied to.
So 84% of us are kooks, 84% of us are bad.
You did an episode on mind control.
It's been declassified.
They do have these candidates.
They're always in psychiatric care, and they always disappear for a few weeks or a few months.
This Bedell guy has all the earmarks, and the reason I predicted in the last three months that they were going to have 9-11 truthers stage some type of terror attack is there was no history of 9-11 truthers ever being violent or doing anything wrong.
You have the majority of the public waking up to this, and I saw Glenn Beck
Bill O'Reilly, Chris Matthews and others with a talking point the last three months saying 9-11 truth, Argonne Estates, terror attacks, mark my words.
Now, how would they out of the blue just say this if they weren't prepping people and then you have Bedell and the whole thing is very suspicious.
His parents warned him, he was under psychiatric care, he disappeared for months.
Governor, your take on what happened with the Pentagon shooting.
Well, yeah, that's exactly it.
I thought I was going crazy, because when that happened, my first reaction was, oh my god, a Manchurian candidate.
And then I had to stop myself and go, I must be getting in too deep into this stuff.
But lo and behold, I probably am not.
You know, Alex, I've got to ask you a question here.
Sometimes this stuff gets so overwhelming to me that I really, and I gotta tell you honestly, there's certain times I start to question myself on this.
How do you stay away from falling into that syndrome?
Well, what you do is, you just look at the evidence, you analyze it, and if it isn't a staged event, the evidence will come out to that.
If it is a staged event, you will see the earmarks.
I mean, here's an example.
Christmas Day, we'd forgotten eggs, I was driving around looking for a place that was open, my wife sent me out to get eggs, and I'm listening to the radio, and they announce there's been an underwear bombing on a flight from Amsterdam to Detroit.
I go in, buy the eggs, come back out, and they're already got shirt off on Fox News Radio, who by the way makes a bunch of money off of it.
We're good.
Argued with him, basically had a security clearance, got him on the plane without ID.
So then I said, this is a week into it, I had Haskell on, I said, okay, you ought to interview him for the show, it's amazing.
His wife saw it, other witnesses.
Then the FBI showed up and basically threatened him, called him a liar in the media.
Then other witnesses came out about the sharp-dressed man.
Then Haskell said, once they were put into the customs, the dog ran over and alerted this other man, who previously it looked like had been with the bomber.
And his bag had a bomb.
They said, get out, there's a bomb.
They arrested the guy.
The FBI lied and said, we arrested no one.
Then a month later, they had to admit, we did arrest somebody.
It's national security.
And here's the Detroit News.
Undersecretary of the State Department, Kennedy, Patrick F. Kennedy, said that an unnamed U.S.
intelligence agency, this is on screen right now, true, a terror suspect kept visa to avoid tipping off larger investigation.
And then when you read it, it says they were ordered to let him get on the plane and waive his visa.
So, boom!
Same thing with the Fort Hood shooter.
They wanted the busting, they were ordered for two years to leave him alone.
Same thing with all of these events.
So, once you know how they do it, and once you see them really promote something and push it,
And I don't want to waste... I mean, we want to hear from you instead of me ranting, but it was the same story with the Joe Stack flying into the IRS building.
All the same story, Jesse.
Well, that clears it up a little bit.
But I mean, my point is, I went on air in the week after that happened, and I said, no, it may just be a lone Muslim nut.
But then, in every case,
It's like the 9-11 hijackers I've had the head of the U.S.
Embassy in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia on.
They were ordered, even though they were on a terror list, to let them in, and the CIA called and said, they work for us, this is part of national security.
That's on record too!
How do you find all this stuff, Alex?
Well, I've become completely obsessed and addicted to researching it.
And, you know, I saw Springman, the head of the embassy, in the Toronto Star the month after 9-11.
I interviewed him then.
I've interviewed him many other times since then.
I had him on a month ago and he said clearly the underwear bomber's the same deal.
And he was the head of the embassy.
Interesting stuff.
You know how criminals work, though.
They do things in a pathological way, meaning over and over again, so it's... Well, and the other thing is, too, if it works one time, it'll work again.
I mean, take Northwoods.
Kennedy says no in 63, but then what do they do a year later at Tonkin?
What do they do a few years later in 67 with the Liberty?
I mean, they do the same thing over and over again.
What is Northwoods, right here in my hand, folks, what does Operation Northwoods say they'll do?
They'll bomb D.C., bomb Miami, graze troops at U.S.
bases, wound them, grazing troops!
What did we see at the Pentagon?
Exactly what you said.
And who sat at the feet of L.L.
Who set up the Continental Government Plan under Nixon but Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld?
Well then I loved that thing in 92 when they were part of that think tank.
You know, where they did the submarine experiment or whatever.
It was Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Cheney, the whole thing.
And the question was, how do we keep the United States the sole superpower now with the fall of the Soviet Union?
And they go through this litany of everything, and then in the end, it's got the summary.
To implement everything we've recommended will take many, many, many years, unless a Pearl Harbor type of event were to occur.
And they said 3,000 dead, like Pearl Harbor.
What happened on 9-11?
It's incredible.
But see, that's the problem.
You hit on something key here.
Most of the so-called conspiracy theorists do just say everything's a conspiracy without evidence, and so I'm a conspiracy, you're a conspiracy, Ron Paul's a conspiracy, with no evidence, ignoring the fruit of what we do.
But that's not really the public's fault.
If the government has been caught lying more than they tell the truth, and there's a total loss of confidence, then there's just going to be a loss of confidence in everything.
What do we do about that?
You know how I counter that, Alex?
I got that again today.
Where they said, are you a conspiracy theorist?
And I looked at, Alan Combs asked me that.
And I looked back at him, so Alan, the government's a conspiracy theorist, too.
They've never proved anything.
I said, look at all the murders that took place in the 60s and early 70s.
All those assassinations.
Martin Luther King, you know, Bobby Kennedy, Jack Kennedy.
There was never a trial
For any of these guys.
Notice how there's never a trial for any of these assassins that happen.
Well, we know under COINTELPRO that got declassified in 77 that the FBI would stage events, stage crimes, and blame it on people.
We know Obama's regulations are.
Cass Sunstein wrote a big policy paper saying infiltrate 9-11 Truth and commit acts of violence so we can put them in jail.
Yeah, I couldn't believe when I read that about that guy from Harvard that wrote that paper saying that the 9-11 truthers and all this stuff, that they should be put under surveillance and all this other stuff.
Because we question our government?
I have to sit and think that all the founding fathers of this country have got to be turning over in their graves right now.
They are.
We're going to skip this break coming up with Jesse Ventura.
He'll be with us into the next hour.
I want to start getting into the book here in just a moment, chapter by chapter, because believe me, folks, when I tell you you need to get this book, when I was sent an advance copy, I didn't carry Ventura's last book, because when I did call to get it, it was sold out.
I got involved early because I want people to read this.
I mean, this is just
Incredible information, but let's bring up a few other issues.
We know Secretary of Defense Cohen in 97 told the Army Times, we have earthquake weapons, we have weather weapons, so do other governments.
A lot of that's been declassified.
The new White House science czar says they are geoengineering the earth, manipulating the weather right now.
That'd be a great episode because it's all pretty much admitted, but we could go deeper into it.
Well, we kind of did that with HAARP.
And that's where I'm going.
With the Chile earthquake and with the, and this is even on CNN, and with the Haiti earthquake, they reported the sky had like an aurora borealis even during the day in the minutes before the earthquake.
And I'm not saying these were staged, but if the government admits they have these systems, I mean, do we at least investigate it?
Yeah, it's very interesting.
They did that.
It was the same thing in Indonesia, too, when they had the huge tsunami there.
There was no indication of it.
There was no earthquake before it.
And I remember when I was doing my show, of course, Alex, not you, but Alex on the show, who's always the cynic, he said to me, Governor, are you trying to say that they would intentionally kill all these people for no reason?
And I said, Alex, I'm not saying that, but I'm saying they could just be testing this thing out.
And maybe when they test it out, this is the result, what do you think?
They're going to come back then and say, oops?
Some mathematicians, we posted this on InfoWars and Prison Planet a few weeks ago, have looked at the frequency of mega earthquakes, these big earthquakes, eight and above, and it's mathematically getting very suspicious that they keep hitting right in population centers.
Yeah, that is pretty interesting.
But then again, of course, I'm playing the devil's advocate, Alex, not necessarily big, but, you know, we've always had earthquakes, even before we had the technology, so it may not be fair to attribute every earthquake to them.
Oh no, I totally agree with you.
I mean, I think these are probably just natural.
But if the government admits they have this, then you've got to start looking into it.
I mean, we are in the 21st century.
And you know what's interesting about it, too, was that treaty that everybody signed years ago saying that they would not use if anyone developed the capability to control the weather, that it could not be used in a situation of war and all that.
But I suppose they view it as, well, we're not at war.
Well, that's another great point that you just made, and let's get into something that's a little bit more fun and not so hardcore, but also interesting.
I heard months ago that you'd been involved in a secret film project.
We now know what it is.
What more can you tell us about your project with the Wachowski brothers, of course, of Matrix and V for Vendetta fame?
I'll tell you what.
That was the most bizarre movie shoot I've ever been on in my life.
I have no idea what the end result of this movie will be.
I haven't got a clue.
And I'll tell you why.
These guys, they're way out there, but they're great people, I'll tell you that.
But these guys are on another level when it comes to creativity.
Alex, what they did to me, here was my role.
They brought me in and I spent an hour and a half... Here's what I do know.
The movie will take place a hundred years in the future.
So I come in and they do an hour and a half makeup job on me to where they put me in almost like a wetsuit type thing.
They gave me multi-colored dreadlocks all the way down to the middle of my back and my shoulders.
I get a big huge Fu Manchu type goatee beard with the beads in it and all that stuff.
And then they gave me in the center of my forehead almost, it looked like almost a third eye.
And here was my part.
I didn't have to memorize the line.
Lonovikowski sat across from me and simply, all they wanted to do was ask me questions about how I felt about the war in Iraq and the whole Bush-Cheney thing and all of that stuff, and they allowed me to just vent.
But the way I looked, did you ever see John Travolta, what he looked like?
And it was a bomb of a movie, but that thing, Battlefield Earth?
Oh yes, I saw it.
That's about what I looked like, even more bizarre.
And so I'm sitting there looking this bizarre, talking about things that are a passion to me right now, and just allowed to free wheel.
So, I'm going to be very, very interested.
I can't wait to see what in the hell this movie's about.
And I'll get us back to the Huffington Post for a moment.
Ariana Huffington was next.
And they had her decked out.
She looked like the Queen of Sheba or Cleopatra.
And I assume they did the same thing with her.
Now, was there blue screen behind you or did they tell you anything else about?
Well, no.
I did it.
There wasn't any blue screen or anything, but then they took me in another room and they did that modern technology where they have you face all different four directions and do all that stuff with your body to where they can actually recreate you without you being there.
Yeah, so they're going to insert the virtual reality version of Jesse Ventura into whatever dreamscape they want.
I can't wait for this film to come out because it was the most bizarre shoot that I've ever been on in my life.
The only shoot that could at all compare to it was when I did that episode on the X-Files.
Jose Chung from Outer Space, which I might add, by all the X-Files crazy people that watch that, I shouldn't call them crazy, but all the, you know, the passion people that watch the X-Files and all that, it made, that one made it into, I think, the top 10 X-Files of all time.
But this shoot was, the X-Files were strange, but this shoot beat the X-Files by 10.
No idea whatsoever.
Like I said, I don't even know what the whole script is.
You know, I went there.
I did what they asked me to do.
I was happy to do so.
It was a great experience that day.
They're super professional.
They're great people and I have great respect for them.
Were they secretive about it?
Uh, yeah.
I'd say they were because you never saw a script.
They just told me what they wanted me to do.
They just put me into the wardrobe.
They made me up look like, like I said, John Travolta on Battlefield Earth, almost.
And then I just sat there.
You know, and it was so funny, Alex, because when I got into talking about it, and I think I achieved what they want, I completely forgot about what I looked like.
And I'm sure that's what they wanted out of it.
Well, certainly if it's criticizing the Iraq War, it's going to be powerful.
I guess it's probably going to be like android, you know, robotic humans a hundred years from now with some history of what happened in our times.
I would imagine.
Alex, that's exactly what it is, basically.
It's them assessing and analyzing what happened now.
So it's gonna be like a history of what happened in our times.
Only a hundred years from now it's strange people like what you'll see what I look like.
And it'll probably, I'm just guessing, we'll see if I'm right in a year or two whenever this comes out, it will probably then morph into the future and then a fictional future, kind of the Wachowski brothers guessing what human development and merger with the machines like Ray Kurzweil talks about happening.
Could be.
Your guess is as good as mine.
Well, we're going to find out as soon as this movie comes out, and I guess you don't know what a tentative name is, either.
All I did, it was a one-day shoot.
They did what they called a favorite nations contract.
That's where, when you, oh, who else?
Oh, they had Salman Rushdie, too.
I didn't see him.
I saw, I'm trying to recall the list of all the people they got, but Salman Rushdie's going to be in it.
No, that's what happened with Scanner Darkly that I was in.
I basically got paid the same thing as Keanu Reeves or Woody Harrelson or Winona Ryder.
And it was the same thing in Waking Life.
Rick Linklater just said, I want you to rant about the left-right paradigm.
And then I drove around for a few hours and that basically was edited down into the film.
So that sounds pretty exciting.
Oh yeah.
I'm going to be real interested to see this film.
Jesse, we're going to come back.
We got two more segments with you.
I want to start in-depth getting into the book.
Already a bestseller, folks.
Only been out, what, four or five days?
Came out Monday.
It's March 12th.
Came out March 8th.
American Conspiracies with Governor Jesse Ventura.
We'll go through these hardcore chapters and more straight ahead.
Stay with us.
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I'm good.
I tell you, Jesse Ventura, he is the real deal.
He said, I'm going to produce this show the way I want, I'm going to find out the truth.
He believed global warming was real, found out it was a fraud, admitted he was wrong.
He didn't really believe Manchurian candidates were real, went to the research, it was there.
I mean, the global death plot, the global extermination plan, and now the show is picked back up.
It'll be back on, I guess, in the next year or so.
Looking to start shooting again coming up in the middle of the summer.
We've only got this segment and one more with Jesse Ventura.
And Jesse, let's walk through the book here.
I'm going to get a document cam shot for PrisonPlanet.tv viewers.
I don't want to say...
What is your favorite chapter, but what chapter do you think is the most hardcore or the most frightening?
Hardcore or the most frightening?
Well, to me, in our modern times, you know, naturally 9-11.
Because that's what set the table for everything that's going on right now.
Now, for in my lifetime, I think it was the assassination of Jack Kennedy because I believe when they could take out our president, it gave them great courage to do anything they wanted.
Take out our president and get away with it.
That gave them great courage that if you could kill the president and get away with it, you could get away with anything.
I mean, if they could kill him in plain view as a message to those that are informed that, hey, this is a dictatorship of the CIA, what do you think?
Well, you may not have seen it.
About a month ago, Ron Paul gave a speech and said, there's been a coup in America, the CIA ships in the drugs, and they run America.
Well, I don't know if they run America, but they damn sure do the drug business, because that's how they're able to do the clandestine things that they can do without having to report it to the Congress.
See, the Congress allocates all the money.
But if they can get money from an outside source, well, then they're not responsible to Congress, so then they become rogues or cowboys out there, and they can literally do any type of operation they want without clearing it with anything.
Is this... What book are you most proud of?
Creative-wise, I'm most proud of Don't Start the Revolution Without Me, but excitement, interest-wise, I like this one the best because this one is not about Jesse Ventura.
You know, my first three books were all about me.
And so this is the first book I've done where I'm not the focus of the book.
The focus of the book is The Fourteen Conspiracies, so it's a new level of my writing now, along with Dick, of going to something that doesn't necessarily mean it's about Jesse Ventura, that it's about something else.
And folks, you may think you know it all, but you'll learn something of this book.
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Buy the book, read it, then give it to a family member or somebody at work.
Wake somebody up, because the people are ready to be awakened now.
Jesse, can you feel the awakening taking place?
Well, yeah, I really am, and I can feel it in many, many ways, and I'll give you two easy ways.
Every time I fly to Chicago or here, I get recognized, and all the people in Illinois come up to me and say, hey, we need you to be our governor.
Because, of course, the last two governors they've had, Governor Ryan and the other guy, are going to jail, you know?
Now I'm in New York.
You can't believe all the New Yorkers in Manhattan begging me to move to New York and become their governor.
What I feel happening right now, Alex, is a true grassroots movement of total disgust and untrust with our government, which hurts me.
It really does, because I love this country.
And to watch the people who are now... Why should they be put in a position to where they can't have respect, and they can't have credibility, and they can't have trust in their elected officials?
Governor, stay there.
Let's come back and finish up with that thought.
Then I'm going to ask you about the naked body scanners.
Will you let them record your naked body or that of your wife or children?
All Americans have to ask that question.
We'll be right back with Jesse Venter.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Coming up for the balance of the hour after Governor Ventura leaves us at the end of this segment, we've got a constitutional lawyer who got the policy changed at the Denver County courthouse where they were naked body scanning even children.
Now Homeland Security, we played a video from Homeland Security two days ago here on air if you missed it.
It's in the archives at PrisonPlanet.tv where they're going to have mobile naked body scanner trucks.
And you can't make this up, brain scanners.
Here's French News Agency.
Brain scan can read people's thoughts.
Total quackery, folks.
And they ask you, are you a terrorist?
When you go in a football stadium, you go in a rock concert.
These are going to be everywhere.
Governor Ventura, you're forced to fly a lot when you're shooting your top TV show or when you're traveling, promoting books.
What are you going to do when they try to force you through a naked body scanner?
Well, first of all, Alex, I've been through a lot.
Oh my gosh.
Because I set the beepers off.
Well, the way it happened to me was, I was late for a flight out of Denver, and I wanted to get on the plane to get home, and they told me that if I went through that, I could make the plane faster because I wouldn't have to set a beeper off to where they could then have to sit there and wait to be wanded.
So, just simply to speed the process up, I went through one.
But I think they're utterly absurd for the most part.
But I mean, what are you going to do when you've got to get on a plane or use a plane if it's required to do it?
I mean, what's going to happen to all of us then?
I don't know.
I understand that, but hurting our families through it, going through it to get into a ball game, this is clearly just meant to dominate us, to break our will, to make us submit.
Well, yeah, and it's all about control.
It's all about violating your rights.
I mean, let's look at it now.
They've shredded the Fourth Amendment.
I read a book down in Mexico where every one of our emails and every one of our phone calls in this country can be, you know, has to pass through the government.
Well, that's another subject I wanted to raise.
Wired Magazine headline, Cybersecurity, the end of the open internet, and Cass Sunstein at the White House and others, they're saying they want fines, fees, taxes on quote, conspiracy theories, so taxes on ideas, or maybe it should be made illegal, and the Pentagon is openly taking the internet over.
Oh yeah, no, I knew that that would happen because, you know, because the Internet was the one thing they didn't have control over.
And for a while, and you know, and so they, I knew absolutely that they couldn't let some rogue thing out there because where do you get your real information?
Now let's be honest, there's a lot of BS on the Internet.
You gotta sift your way through it.
You don't know whether it's true or false all the time.
But that's free speech!
But the Internet is truly the only place where you can learn anything real.
But as angry as people are, and as fast as the Awakening's happening, every time they try to censor InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or your Huffington Post article, it only makes people want to find out what the censorship is all about.
And I'll make one last appeal that you say it.
Hey, all them Alex Jones listeners out there, email that damn Huffington Post and ask why they censored me.
Did you see the articles?
And it isn't just Philadelphia.
It's all over the country.
Taxpayers pay for laptops.
They give them to the kids at the schools.
And the principals are watching the kids in their bedrooms, even at home.
And how do we learn about this?
The principals are going on TV, bragging about it, like it's a good thing.
Oh yeah, I saw that.
You know, Alex, we gotta wake them up, man.
You know, people need to understand that this is supposed to be the country of freedom.
This is not East Germany.
This is not behind the Iron Curtain.
But we're heading that way.
It just seems that since there are so many countries in the world where that type of behavior does happen, and it seems that we're going in that direction rather than heading in the direction of freedom.
His book, Jesse Ventura, American Conspiracies, only out five days already in the top ten bestseller list.
Get it discounted with a free film.
Nobody's offering that at InfoWars.com or by calling toll free 888-253-3139.
Governor, continuing here,
With the book.
But I have one final question overall.
You've always questioned the system ever since you learned about JFK, you said 30 years ago, started researching it.
But what has it been like for you?
A transformation really going down the rabbit hole, really going into the matrix, really immersing yourself in what they call the conspiracy culture or the culture of simply asking questions.
Well, I don't mind it because when I got done being governor, you know, you get kind of bored after that job and you gotta, you know, I'm young enough to where I need to focus on something else.
And now I'm focusing on this, and the thing that I like about it is the fact that it's reality.
You know, you're not dealing with what Tom Clancy writes or what Vince Flynn writes, where they write a great espionage book, but it's all fiction and it's the product of their imagination.
It's fun to get into things where you can deal with and read about names, where you can put that name to a face.
And I find that very intriguing and entertaining to me when I can do that.
That's right.
I mean, truth, they've always said, is a lot stranger than fiction.
And reality is so much more complex and real.
And it's just so empowering to actually be informed and be on a journey of knowledge, instead of just watching a television with a bunch of mindless sitcoms all day.
Although, wait a minute now.
I do like The Young and the Restless.
Oh, man!
I know, I always read that about you.
You are certainly a character.
You are something else.
What do you think your dad would think?
Highly decorated World War II veteran, looking down from heaven or from wherever, and seeing what his son has done.
I mean, what an amazing life.
I mean, you've had one of the most interesting lives out there.
Well, you know, I will tell you this, Alex.
The major regret of my life is the fact that when I won governor, both my mother and father weren't there to see it.
You know, and there's nothing I can do.
But get this, my mother predicted it.
Not that I would win governor, but in the last weekend before my mom passed on and we knew what was going to happen, many friends and that came over and all that to talk to her.
And they told me, she didn't do it in front of me, but she said to them, you keep an eye on him because he's going to do something very big.
And this was back in 1995.
All I had been was a suburban mayor.
I was doing talk radio then.
How did my mother know what was in store for me?
Because you hadn't even thought of running for governor then.
No, that was the farthest thing from my mind.
I had been a mayor.
I was successful.
But I wanted to go back to the private sector again, which is where I was at at that time.
But how did my mom, could she say that the last 48 hours of her life?
Well, the time always goes by very quick with Jesse Ventura.
We've only got about four minutes left.
Fourteen chapters in the book expose the fake loan nuts, the big money plot to overthrow FDR, Bush's grandfather, the Nazi plan, Bush Sr.'
's dad, the Kennedy assassination, the assassination of Malcolm X.
Dr. Martin Luther King assassination, the assassination of Robert Kennedy, Watergate revisited, the CIA's war against Nixon, the Jonestown massacre, October surprise, the first stolen election, your government dealing drugs, the stolen elections 2004 and almost 08, what really happened on September 11th, the Wall Street conspiracy and the secret plan to end American democracy.
Let's talk about 13 and 14 here and why people should get the book.
Wall Street conspiracy, briefly, and then the secret plan to end American democracy, shadow government.
Well, you know, they are what they are.
You know, the Wall Street conspiracy, to me, is an attempt to monopolize for Goldman Sachs.
They let Lehman Brothers fall on their face, and yet we prop up Goldman Sachs.
And isn't it interesting that every Treasury Secretary we've had in how many administrations now has come out of Goldman Sachs?
Almost every one.
Literally, in the last 30, 40 years, every one of them.
You're telling me that they got the market cornered on smartness?
The guy running the Greece collapse ten years ago and today is Goldman Sachs.
You know, and so, and as far as taking away our democracy, well, you see that right now happening.
I mean, the shredding of our Constitution, the shredding of our Bill of Rights, the suspension of habeas corpus, and I will say this, those things are the things that have me most upset about President Obama, and of course the Patriot Act.
Why haven't those things been repealed?
He reauthorized it!
The Democrats supposedly, they got both houses, they got the president, and yet they're not touching it.
So it shows you clearly that there is no difference between the Democrats and Republicans.
They all have the same thing in mind.
And that's the real revolution, is taking the states back, third parties, it's starting to happen.
But Obama's created a coffee party to control the left, the Republicans are taking over the Tea Party.
What do you think of the Tea Parties?
Well, the Tea Party, you know, I'll say this, Alex.
I like it when new parties show up.
Because I may not agree with them necessarily, but as long as they show up, that still gives us more choices than two.
We could be on Coke and Pepsi.
And so, my big criticism of the Tea Party is that, first of all, they're not grassroots.
They're being highly funded.
And second of all is the fact that, uh, where were they if they're supposed to be a Tea Party and a constitutional protector against taxes and all this stuff?
Well, where were they when Bush was in office shredding the Fourth Amendment and, uh, suspending habeas corpus?
Absolutely, and Obama's continuing the signing statements, the executive orders, all of it showing us that the same big money interests own the entire paradigm.
Governor, I know you're going to be headed back to Mexico in the next few weeks.
I look forward to seeing you with the TV show when you get back.
I look forward to hanging out with you and the crew, and I just want to thank you for taking me along in this great journey, and it's just been wonderful working with you, and I look forward to all the great, great things you're going to do in the future, sir.
First of all, Alex, I joined you on the journey because you were on the journey before I was.
I know, but you're helping.
I mean, you're bringing it to a new level, and we just... You've got a great spirit.
You're a good man, and we love you.
Governor Jesse Ventura.
Get the new book.
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We love you!
Well, got a long way to go and a short time to get there.
Eastbound and down.
The American people and the people of the world are waking up to the new world order.
This has been one hell of a Friday edition.
I'll be back live Sunday 4 to 6 p.m.
Sun, never mind them breaks.
Let it all hang out because we got a run to make.
We're not shipping a bunch of beer in an 18-wheeler.
We're bringing liberty and freedom and the Constitution.
Well, a few months ago, I was amazed to see video of constitutional lawyer, very successful counselor, Gary Fielder, going into the county where Denver's at and saying no to the naked body scanner.
And he got the policy changed because it violates child porn laws.
18 and under, they don't scan you.
People can now be patted down if they want because, you know, we're the evil prisoners.
He couldn't even practice law there without doing this.
I think so.
So when I heard that this gentleman was coming here to Austin, Texas, I wanted to get him in studio.
So Gary Filder, it's great to have you here with us.
Alex, thank you so much.
What a wonderful place you have here.
You don't really realize how great of an operation it is until you get here and get to walk around a little bit.
You've really done a wonderful job.
Well, it's not that.
It's cozy, but we just expanded.
We're building a TV studio, but thank you.
This is a short segment.
I'm going to try to shut up here and get into the fight against the naked body scanners.
I've been really not promoting it.
$15,000 in prizes.
We need to get a banner up on InfoWars and Prison Planet.
I asked for that.
We need to get the guys to do that.
I know they're busy about the contest to expose the naked body scanners, but what you're doing is legal and you're traveling the country, but you're also talking about the overall attack on our Bill of Rights and Constitution from the unique perspective as a constitutional lawyer.
So break down the naked body scanners and everything else that's happening.
Well, the naked body scanner story started when I went down to a local county, Douglas County, and I had protested a couple of other times and had been just completely searched, as I detailed on your show.
So there just came a point where there had to be a breaking point, where I wasn't going to go through the scanner and I wasn't going to be touched.
I just got a call a couple of days ago from an Oath Keeper on the plane
On the tarmac at San Francisco, outraged at what he had just gone through.
He refused the scanner, and just like we talked about, they ran their hands up and down his legs.
They grabbed your genitals.
They grabbed your wife's genitals.
They ran his fingers through his hair, and he was on the phone talking to me, outraged at what he had to go through.
There was no third option of a metal detector, a wand.
And clearly it's harassment.
There's no legitimate reason for it.
Name one instance where an American got on a plane and flew it into a building.
Name one instance where, you know, a guy went down to the commercial airline and did anything other than try to get on to a plane.
So it's an issue where people are just going to have to stand up for their rights.
And I heard you talking to Mr. Ventura.
At first, you're going to have to be searched.
Do not go through that body scanner.
That's an absolute degradation of your rights.
The idea of having a naked picture of me stored on a hard drive is repugnant enough to actually have to go through the... And a month ago they said it was going to be voluntary.
Now they're saying, oh, maybe it will be mandatory.
Well, there's going to have to be an alternative.
We got to thinking about it back in Denver.
It's not just about getting on a plane.
What if you get on a plane and then you can't get back?
What about your family?
What about your business waiting for you?
What if you get stranded because you just stand up for your constitutional rights?
So we all know where this is going.
This is going to the federal court.
They're going to have to decide this.
They're going to have to decide this on the issue of privacy.
And so there's a lot of cases that have come out in favor of reproductive rights and things like that, which sort of interweave a right to privacy into our Constitution, which some of us have objected to over time.
We're going to have to use that same case law
And put it over into a right to privacy connected with a right to travel.
And a presumption of innocence.
You know, they sell it like, oh, we don't discriminate.
Everyone is tracked and traced.
But then, in reality, that gets rid of any type of probable cause or due process where, oh, you have rights to have no rights.
You have rights to have no rights.
Now, this is why I'm so excited about the issue of sovereignty.
Because in order to look somebody in the eye and say no, in order to say, hey, I'd rather not do that.
Whether it be acting like a monkey on the side of the road at the direction of a police officer, whether it be completely having your body touched or having your naked body photographed, at some point you've got to be able to square up and say, no sir, I'd really rather not do that.
And that requires the consciousness of a sovereign.
Not the consciousness of a slave that says, you know, no, no, I don't want to do that, I'm scared.
The consciousness of a sovereign that stands up and says, no, sir, there's going to have to be another option.
And they're always pushing the boundaries.
Now they say suicide bombers may have fake breast implants.
We need to x-ray you.
And this system already
That gives you some radiation, but even more.
We're going to come back and talk about the event you've got coming up in Austin, how folks can go to that.
We're going to talk about a lot more and continue to talk about the Bill of Rights and Constitution.
And now they want mobile, well they have them, mobile 18-wheelers where they're going to herd you and your family at checkpoints through these and take your blood.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda,
They'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
For the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation, the criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty and on its ashes constructing world government.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today, it seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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Now going back to Gary Fielder.
Gary, continuing, my issue here is it's not just this active submission, it's this pointlessness.
They helped the underwear bomber get on the plane, that's now admitted, but they bury it in footnotes in the news.
Now they have, have you seen the video of these big mobile trucks?
No, I haven't.
In fact, we played that, what, Tuesday.
Try to pull that up just while he's talking.
Show the mobile trucks with body scanners, brain scanners.
Here's AFP today.
Brain scans can read people's thoughts.
You know, as a lawyer, it took decades to prove that the lie detectors were quackery.
It was just a way to send innocent people to prison.
This is even worse.
So this, as bad as it sounds, this is only the beginning, these body scanners.
Please continue.
Well, again, it comes down to having, first of all, enough intestinal fortitude to say no.
But when you say no, then what's going to happen?
It sort of shifts the burden, if you will.
And I don't want to put anybody in danger.
Nobody wants to get their arm twisted up their back or arrested.
But when you're at an airport and you're just simply standing up for your right to privacy, the next issue becomes the alternative.
They're going to have to give an alternative to children.
That's set in stone.
The British government said that.
So if you're going to run 16 and 17-year-old young men and women through, well why can't an old 46-year-old like me go in that line and just have to put up with the search?
I'll do that twice.
But at some point, the federal court's going to have to issue that.
Or your state court.
I don't think the state court will have jurisdiction over TSA, so ultimately it's going to have to wind up in a federal court.
And we've got to buck this or they're going to put it in everywhere, like the courthouse.
Well, this has to be nipped in the bud now.
And you had success.
Well, I had success in the courthouse because it was a little bit different because you had to go to court.
Witnesses were subpoenaed to court.
Lawyers were on the docket to be there.
There's always this issue of, well, just don't get on the plane.
Take a plane.
Drive your car.
That kind of goes against the right to travel, but they want to use their ability to reasonably regulate.
So all of those different issues are going to clash.
So now's the time to do it.
Now's the time to get in to federal court and get this issue litigated.
Now what does that mean?
That means waiting.
That means being patient.
That means picking the perfect plaintiff.
That means trying to get it into the jurisdiction that you think is going to be most favorable.
Not just filing some injunction tomorrow down at your local courthouse.
So this is going to have to be a sophisticated fight.
That's what it's going to have to be.
But it needs to be done now before they're all installed.
I went through Denver International Airport two weeks ago and they had two lines.
One with the scanner, one without.
It was about 50-50, so I got to choose.
So they're just trying to integrate them in so that the next time I go down there, there's going to be two.
But there's going to have to be a third line for some reasonable alternative.
So the real issue is, what is the reasonable alternative?
I think I could convince a federal judge that having your body touched is just as bad as having your body photographed.
Well, there's also the angle separately to go after Chertoff who made the orders for these billions of dollars of machines when he was the head of Homeland Security and now makes money from it.
There's more than one way to skin a cat as well.
Well, it's not just a matter of inconvenience.
We've all been grossly
Just trying to get onto a plane.
So we just stand there and take that for an hour and a half.
This is seriously about touching your body or taking a photograph of your naked body.
I think that's about as invasive as you can get.
Other than extracting bodily fluid, we're right at it.
Well, they do that in Texas now.
They take blood without warrants at checkpoints.
First it was these fake warrants they would swear out for everybody.
Now it's just, legislature said, yeah, the no more Fourth Amendment.
Well, you know, people come up to me as a criminal lawyer and they always ask about DUI, what should I do when I get pulled over.
And, you know, I don't give that advice of crack the windshield, you know, slip your driver's license.
I don't say that.
I say, roll down your window, be pleasant, be nice, but be short.
You don't need to speak to the government.
You don't need to get out of your vehicle.
You need to show them your documentation and ask to move forward.
At every level, you have to check that officer.
Otherwise, you're going to be out of that car, you're going to be in front of headlights, jumping around on one foot, and spinning around... Well, the way to stop the DUI checkpoints is on the Fourth Amendment, obviously, but on top of that, the illegal aliens in 800-plus cities are given a free pass.
That's discriminatory.
That's a whole different issue that's really hitting Denver hard because a local person whose child was unfortunately killed at a Baskin Robbins has just sued the city and county of Denver, I believe the state of Colorado, and a couple of different agencies for continuously giving this particular gentleman who was driving pass after pass after pass on habitual traffic offender tickets, driving under revocation, but they just give him a pass, so sure enough... Let me guess, he was an illegal?
In Austin, I've talked to the county officials.
They say they're allowed to run people over and they're let go.
I mean, it's God level.
A cop can't be drunk driving and kill somebody.
This is, I mean, literally, I ought to change my name to, like, you know, Juan Gonzalez and just be God.
It's sent a shiver through the spine of every police officer and every police chief and every politician who now has to deal with this issue.
And so I'm not encouraging lawsuits, but I am.
As much as we badmouth the federal court, that's why it's down the street.
Well, we have to bring force to bear on people that are violating our rights.
You're not going to find the remedy in state court.
You're going to have to go to the federal court and file either injunctions, declaratory actions, lawsuits.
I mean, if someone touches me, I consider that a harm.
Well, Gary Filder, I'm asking a lot of questions here, and we're running out of time, and this is a great interview with you.
I want to have you back.
But the time we've got left, the 20 minutes we've got left, give us the website, tell us about the event.
I'm told you've got a new DVD out.
Tell us about all that.
Okay, I'm working on a DVD that's coming out hopefully in August.
I'm traveling the western side of the country giving seminars on sovereignty.
Part of the problem that I see is that we carry around with us the consciousness of a slave.
And it's not our fault.
We were just brought up like that.
We've capitulated.
We're like a whore who has a pimp beating her up.
And we've been brainwashed.
That TV is just pounding us every day and commercials and all of the media that we see through newspapers, books.
So the subconscious gets bombarded with a lot of information.
To think of yourself as a sovereign is one thing.
To know legally
That you're a sovereign is another.
So what I make, I outline a seven hour argument with a 200 page handout that absolutely outlines that your forefathers, Mr. Jones, they settled this country.
They spilled their blood.
They fought in the Revolutionary War and they formed this nation and they were declared sovereigns.
And they were mental giants, celebrated the world over.
We're going to do what they've set up.
We're not going to follow this tyranny.
Their posterity is you.
Their posterity is me.
So when I start talking about sovereignty, everybody always wants to talk about, whoa, that makes me better, or that makes me more immune.
It's not about that anymore.
It's the responsibility that a sovereign has.
It's the duty that a sovereign has.
I'm missing a volleyball game tonight.
I don't want to miss that volleyball game, but as a sovereign, it's my duty.
You've got to do what you've got to do.
And it's that sense of duty.
I mean, it's not like it's even work.
Once you're possessed by the animating spirit of liberty, as Thomas Jefferson said, with a fire of liberty in your mind, and then it spreads.
Tell us about the event coming up in Austin.
Okay, I'm at the AT&T Event Center tomorrow.
Check-in is at 8.30.
The seminar lasts from 9 to 4.
There's breaks in the morning and there's a break in the afternoon and lunch.
The AT&T Event Center is at, I believe, the bottom of the tower by the water fountain down there.
We've got a room set up for 65, and so it's a PowerPoint presentation with moving video and a handout.
Uh-oh, you shouldn't have come on the show.
You're going to turn away $500.
People should still try to get in.
Well, I do charge tuition of $100, which a lot of people criticize, but it does cost me a lot of money.
Hey, you had to pay to drive here.
You had to pay to fly here.
You know what?
That's an enemy conditioning operation.
You shouldn't sell a Jesse Ventura book.
You shouldn't produce films and have your own operation.
How are we ever going to fund ourselves when the government uses our own tax money to enslave us?
No, people need to spend more money.
They need to support everybody.
That's what my show is, is a platform for people like you.
Well, I really appreciate it.
Just to get a flavor of what it will be like, there's a free video called Gig is Up.
It's on my website, gigisup.net, and that kind of gives you an idea of where we're going with this.
So this starts when in the morning?
The check-in is at 8.30, and the seminar starts at 9, but I typically don't get going until about 9, 10, or 9.15.
So come by, and everybody that's been to the seminars, I've given one in Denver, Omaha, and L.A., have come out of there feeling an entirely different way.
They walk out of there with their shoulders pinned back thinking, all right, I'm going to find out about my family history.
Yeah, that's right.
People think that it's our position to be slaves and to be tasered and beat up and in scream debt and for people to be rude to us, that government's God and their paychecks go up, our paychecks go down.
That's not the case.
Okay, in the 15 minutes we've got left, let's launch into your legal arguments against the naked body scanners and other unconstitutional issues and where you see this society going.
Well, the hard thing to get in federal court is standing.
You can't just go into federal court and say, hey, your honor, I want these body scanners out of the airport.
I want them out of the courthouse.
Well, you have to have harm.
There has to be a remedy because you've suffered a violation of either your constitutional rights or your personal body.
I think having to involuntarily be subject to a search when I've done absolutely nothing wrong
And the 9th Circuit just ruled two weeks ago, the police can break in your house without a warrant with no presumption, no probable cause.
I mean, this is insane.
Now, I'm not saying I'm going to be the one to do it.
But I'm just saying, if I were to be a plaintiff, what would be my legal status?
My legal status would be of a sovereign.
I wouldn't come to the court as a, you know, lowly citizen begging for mercy.
I'd walk in there as a sovereign and say, Your Honor, I need redress.
I need remedy.
I need to get on a plane every now and then for my business, or it's going to be harmed.
Because rights aren't given, they're demanded.
They're taken.
Well, they've been bestowed upon us by our Creator, and they're inalienable.
And that's what we have to stand upon.
And that's not a document, fancy, handwritten thing that you hang on the wall.
If you go to the statutes at large, Volume 1, Page 1 is the Declaration of Independence.
It's as good a law as any law you're going to find.
It's the Supreme Law, so I'm here, I'm a federal judge, you've been forced to go through a naked body scanner, or they've groped you because you wouldn't.
What do you say to me?
If you're the judge, I'm going to say, Your Honor, thank you very much for hearing my case.
We need redress here.
Because, number one, I have a right to travel.
That's an inalienable right.
That doesn't have to be listed in the Bill of Rights.
I have a right to travel.
I have a right to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures.
Now, whoever is on the other side is going to say, well, this is reasonable.
And that's what I'm going to say.
Show me an instance.
I know some people take their Cessnas and that very unfortunate event you had here in your town about a month ago.
I'm talking about a commercial airline.
We go to get on a plane to conduct business or to visit family.
We don't go to blow things up.
They have methods in place which have worked for decades, and every time they haven't worked, it hasn't been one of us.
It hasn't been a person who's born here, raised here, understands it's here.
It's always been someone that doesn't necessarily connect with this country.
And who's always above the law, like the illegals, killing everybody.
But there's just this, there's this
Effort to squeeze us down with everybody else.
Show us to not show favoritism.
I want favoritism.
I'm a sovereign of this country, and I want favoritism.
I've got my American passport.
I've got my driver's license.
I've submitted to a lot of the things that I don't necessarily... And that's the fake liberalism, is that like citizens are trash, everybody else is God.
I don't understand.
Government's God, illegals are God.
I just flew out of the country to Italy about five months ago.
I was welcomed.
The gentleman asked me one question, stamped my passport and said, have a nice day.
I try to get back into my own country and it's a four-hour process of disrobing, opening all of your luggage, being questioned.
And that's why our tourism is dying.
Because people don't want to come here.
They know a police state.
And so you always ask the question, what's the real underlying policy?
Is the underlying policy really to stop a citizen from committing a terrorist act on a plane?
The real policy, as you've exposed, is to get us used to being treated like sheep.
To get us used to being herded into a line and forced to put our hands up and our head down and photograph.
Look at public schools!
They do that everywhere!
So there always has to be an alternative to degradation.
That has to be reasonable, too.
What's wrong with the wand?
I disrobe, I take my belt off, I take my shoes off, I take my jacket off, I've got four buckets.
All acts of submission.
And then ultimately, though, I still have to be completely padded down without problems.
And I see him at the airport grabbing people's testicles.
They've never done that to me yet, but I'm going to say, get your hands off that!
I'm not going to let him get close anymore.
Now, if I get shut down on a plane, I don't know what's going to happen.
I'm going to miss a vacation.
I'm going to be really upset.
I'm going to miss a business meeting and have damage.
But at some point, someone's going to have to go to the federal court.
Now, this is a problem that I've had, because I approach all my topics from a legal perspective.
As sovereigns, we've set up our state and federal governments to have shared power.
We need the judicial branch to start stepping up.
I'm not here to criticize judges, but they need to step up.
They're part of this fight.
They're part of this movement, if you want to know.
And they're getting promoted for being political whores.
The citizens need to put pressure on them in the elections.
They're pressurized to just treat everybody the same.
They're pressurized to just get everybody through.
I go to court every day, all day, Alex.
Every day, all day.
And I see that the pressure
We're good.
The real people who have the sovereignty in their blood.
Now, that includes everybody.
I'm not being exclusive here.
I'm just saying, if you're part of this country, then you hold the power in your blood.
Well, let's make a deal.
Let's just say we're above the law like the illegals.
No, no.
I mean, that's unconstitutional, but I mean, that's what we're talking about here.
Well, you know, people ask me all the time when I start talking about sovereignty.
People say, well, do you mean a sovereign can drive down the road 100 miles an hour?
And my response is, a sovereign's not going to drive down the road 100 miles an hour.
Besides, that endangers others.
That endangers others, of course.
So, what I'm asking regular people, and I use that word people particularly,
is to understand that it's not just uh... glorified to be a king or queen it holds enormous duty it holds enormous responsibility and despite the fact that we want to go watch football and we wanna raise our kids in a in a fashion that we were this powerful sovereign we better act like it we now have a call to arms that may not mean
Guns and rifles, but whatever a person can do to get involved in the next city council race, next DA's race.
And we're not going to save the world individually or with one action, but it's that spirit of action.
In your community.
Teaching your children.
Having a neighborhood session or meetup.
Joining We Are Change.
Whatever it takes to just exercise your sovereignty.
And in the end, it's about mass consciousness and information.
Because our biggest weapon is the dissemination of information.
Gary Fielder, stay there.
Final segment.
Key information.
Straight ahead.
Stay with us.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
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As we're finishing off this agenda...
That we're pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
For the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation, the criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty and on its ashes constructing world government.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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Constitutional lawyer Gary Fielder is our guest.
Final segment, retransmission with Bob Chapman, Jesse Ventura, and of course, yours truly coming up on the InfoWars.com streams and on great AM and FM's everywhere.
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That's activism right there.
You see the police in all their royal uniforms, the government, the judges, they're telling you they're special.
They're dressing like kings.
They're wearing epaulets and jewels and signets of their power.
But in America, the power flows from the people.
We have to relearn that.
Gary, we've got four minutes left.
Other key points you want to make.
And if folks can't make a seminar tomorrow in Austin, they can look on his website for other places he's having the seminars.
Let's go ahead.
Alright, thank you very much Alex.
Just a couple of final thoughts.
From my opinion, it's unquestionable that after the Declaration of Independence, the people of the states were sovereign in each state constitution.
When we signed the Treaty of Paris with Ben Franklin, John Jay, and John Adams, the sovereignty of King George III was bestowed upon the states.
And so, you know, we often think of each state being sovereign.
But as the Constitution was drafted in a case very early on when John Jay
Who signed the Treaty of Paris was the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.
He issued a ruling in Chisholm v. Georgia that said, although the Treaty of Paris bestowed the sovereignty onto the quote-unquote states, the states are the people.
So even our states don't hold the quote-unquote sovereignty.
We do.
And that's a fact.
I mean, we don't have a king here.
We don't have a king, state, or federal.
And it's in our blood.
So when we look at the Constitution and we look at the Preamble, it's we the people
To ourselves and our posterity.
So I'm not trying to limit sovereignty or who is in the people.
But clearly, however you define the term posterity, if our relatives were on the land, we don't have to worry about who's sovereign and who's not sovereign.
We definitely are.
So instead of arguing about, you know, who's better or who's worse, I'm simply suggesting that if you know from tracing your family heritage that your family was on the land and they helped build this country, they were bestowed by the king.
They have direct title.
Direct title.
So it's not an exclusive game, it's an inclusive game.
But if you were bestowed with that sovereignty, then you're going to have to miss some of those football games.
You're going to have to miss some of those movies.
It's time.
It's time now.
Everybody's getting called up.
History is happening now.
It's men at men time.
It's men at women time.
And make no mistake about it, even the Supreme Court cases, which came up through the 18th century, were inclusive of women.
Now, there are other issues that have to be resolved with regard to sovereignty, but that's on a more technical basis.
We're never going to have you back for an hour on the phone, just on sovereignty.
You wanted to talk about Obama briefly.
Just briefly, because part of the sovereignty is knowing who you are.
And in the process of knowing who you are, you read a couple of cases about what the term, quote-unquote, citizen of the United States means, and what the term natural-born citizen means.
At the very limit, a natural-born citizen is one who has at least
Both parents as United States citizens.
Both parents could be naturalized.
Both parents could be recent immigrants.
But a natural born citizen is one born on the land.
So let's forget about the birth certificate.
Let's forget about the Hawaii thing.
And concede that.
With two parents.
That's right.
We shouldn't have a president whose both parents weren't born here.
At least both parents have to be naturalized or themselves natural born.
So with all due respect to Mr. Obama.
He can't be the President of the United States because his father was a British citizen.
Gary, you're a constitutional expert.
I want to have you back on on that subject and your overview for a full hour over the phone in the next few weeks.
That sounds really good, Alex, and thank you so much.
In fact, the producers are out there.
Before you leave us, we'll set it up.
8.30 tomorrow, sign-in time at the, what is it, AT&T?
AT&T Event Center at the University of Texas.
My proud alma mater, 1987.
And find out your website one more time.
Giggisup.net and LegalStatusRUs.com.
Gary, great having you in us.
Thank you.
Rave on, Alex.
Rave on.
Thank you.
You bet.
Great job, crew.
Retransmission starts now.
Have a great weekend.
I'm gonna go in there and fight the New World Order.
Two new films coming up.
And one of them's already pre-selling at InfoWars.com.
Invisible Empire.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
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