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Name: 20100225_Thu_Alex
Air Date: Feb. 25, 2010
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Political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We are live now eight minutes into the second hour on this 25th day of February 2010.
It is Thursday.
Websites are InfoWars.com and PrisonPanda.com.
For the rest of the hour, we are joined by Attorney Philip J. Berg, a former Deputy Attorney General of Pennsylvania, former candidate for governor of the U.S.
Senate in Democratic primaries, former chair of the Democratic Party in Montgomery County, former member of the Democratic State Committee, an attorney with offices in Montgomery County, PA, and an active practice in Philadelphia, PA.
Phil is a paid live member of the NAACP and voluntary fire police for 27 years.
His website is Obamacrimes.com.
And we've had Jerome Corsi on about this day one, a year and a half ago, two years ago now, but the first person to really research this, because he was concerned about it, back when it was in the Democratic primaries, I guess almost two years ago, or two years ago, yeah, almost two years ago, was Phil Byrd.
And he just asked the question.
I mean, we know this guy's name was Barry Sitaro.
We know he lived in foreign countries.
We know he went to Madrasas.
We're not saying that's a bad thing to go to Madrasas.
The point is, the media would say it's a wild conspiracy theory.
His name wasn't Barry Sitaro.
Then they sealed all his records.
No, his name was Barry Sitaro.
That's now admitted.
The point is they're lying about things that are admitted.
Then we got a certificate of a birth certificate.
But more and more, and this is what I've always focused on, it's the fake names.
And it's being adopted in Indonesia because there's only a few countries, like England and Israel and a few others, where you can have dual citizenship and still be allowed to be a U.S.
citizen, much less the president.
Now Glenn Beck is attacking Berg every week.
And again, I'm tired of going after Glenn Beck.
It's just, he was in the news saying global warming was real in USA Today, Sunday, on the weekend edition.
I've seen him put Phil Berg next to Van Jones and then next to Debra Medina and say all these people are bad.
I mean, just incredible behavior.
So that tells me they're desperate if now mainline talk show host, not just Beck, but other big Republicans are attacking Phil Berg.
In my experience, Phil Berg is somebody who wants the truth.
Yes, he called for an investigation of 9-11 and the deadly dust, just like six of the ten commissioner members did.
So he gets demonized for that.
And they say, oh, well, he was supporting Hillary's why he did this.
This is Beck.
No, he did this because he was concerned with the Democratic Party.
He's a Democrat.
And I now, from the preponderance of evidence, it's 60-40.
It's leaning towards him really not being eligible.
And then you get into the math of it.
And I know there's big new developments, but I want Phil for new listeners and people that aren't really understanding this and have just seen the media's kind of boil down, deceptive boil down of what's happening and who birthers are, to talk to the father of the birther movement.
You know, recap the history of this.
But they are acting very, very suspicious now.
They're getting desperate.
Beck says 5% of conservatives are birthers.
I've seen polls of 57% of registered Republicans questioning his birth.
In fact, search engine that for folks for the TV audience.
Majority of conservatives question Obama's birth certificate.
I've seen that headline everywhere.
I mean, here's one, LA Times today.
Arizona House panel approves bill requiring presidential candidates to show birth certificates.
Nearly half of the Arizona legislator wants to force President Barack Obama to show his birth certificate to state officials if he runs for re-election.
A state house committee on Tuesday approved the measure, sponsored 40 of the state's 90 legislatures.
It would require the presidential candidates who want to appear on the ballot in Arizona to submit documents proving that they meet the requirements to be president.
And it goes on, Bill requiring citizenship proof for president contenders pass his house committee.
And it passed in a 6-1 vote.
So 6-1.
So it's a deception to say 5% of America are truthers and 5% are birthers, and to say birthers are dangerous bad people.
That's a Glenn Beck quote.
I mean, that's political suicide.
I think that hurt him more, and why he's lost 12% of his audience, according to Nielsen, in the last three weeks, than just demonizing and setting up Deborah Medina in Texas.
I believe he lost a lot of his viewers over the birther issue.
Now, I'm going to shut up.
I've kind of laid some of the background and groundwork here.
Phil Berg wants to talk about the absolute proof that he is an Indonesian citizen.
His name's Barry Sitaro.
So his name's even fake.
Folks, that's confirmed.
The president has an alias.
And it's one thing if you're a talk radio host and have an alias or a movie star or something.
My name's really Alex Jones.
But a lot of times when people do have aliases, I know some here locally, it's because they have criminal histories.
And again, his records are all sealed.
To break it all down is Attorney Phil Berg.
Phil, thanks for being here with us.
Alex, a pleasure to be on with you again, and you have great listeners out there, and I think we're really getting to Obama.
Significant for everyone, and first off, real quick, my background.
Lifelong Democrat, candidate for Governor of the United States Senate, one of the Democratic primaries in Pennsylvania, and many others, which you can find out on my website, obamacrimes.com.
Lifelong Democrat, and also, then they throw at me, I'm a racist.
Well, I happen to be taking a place from the NAACP, so I'm not a racist.
I just believe we should have, you know, equal rights in this country.
The rights given to us through our Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, and the Bill of Rights.
And what we have here is, real quick, is everyone knows that Arnold Schwarzenegger, people have talked about him running for president for the last 10 or 15 years, and he constantly says, then, amend the Constitution, because he admits he's from Austria, and he admits he doesn't fulfill the requirement.
The requirements for president under our U.S.
Constitution are simple.
Number one, you're 35 years of age.
Number two, you live in this country for 14 years.
And number three, you be a natural-born citizen.
Um, Arnold Schwarzenegger acknowledges he's not.
Obama doesn't say anything directly, but by not saying it, he's walking all over the Constitution.
He's saying, I don't care about the Constitution.
As Alexie just said, all his record is sealed.
We really know nothing about this individual.
It's really outrageous that here we are, 13 months after he's sworn into office, that we still don't know anything.
But this is significant, and I think we're making headway.
I'll tell you why.
First off, Nixon went down, everyone.
Not on the Watergate break-in.
He went down on the cover-up.
But we now have Obama in office 13 months, and it's a cover-up.
I put out a press release two weeks ago calling for a birth certificate march on Washington.
We don't have a date yet.
As soon as we set the date, we'll have it on our website.
Alex, I'll call you so we can talk about it on air.
But significant was the next day was the National Prayer Breakfast.
We're good to go.
And I'm sure I said it on your show before, but I'll reiterate.
When all is said and done, Barack Obama—actually, his real name is Barry Sotoro, we'll go into that—Michelle Obama, Howard Dean, the former head of the Democratic National Committee, other officials of the Democratic National Committee, senior campaign officials, and now senior administration officials who know that he's a phony and a fraud, should be brought into our criminal justice system and should be tried.
Those convicted should go to jail.
And Obama should go to jail, and also he should be deported.
The reason I'm mentioning that is, and I'm going to be putting out a press release shortly on this, I drafted it months ago, but the timing's right.
What we need is a deep throat.
We need a deep throat regarding Obama, because that's what broke it with the Watergate.
And I think it's going to happen because we're now, with him saying, don't question my citizenship,
And Glenn Beck now going to town.
I don't know about this week.
Last week I know he spoke about me three days.
He had my picture up on his blackboard.
I tried to confront him this.
I couldn't get to him this past Saturday.
I was in Washington, D.C.
at the CPAC Convention 210, which is basically all the conservatives in the country.
He was a keynote speaker at the end, but I couldn't get to him.
I gave something to one of his days.
I'm sure he won't respond.
I challenge him on your show right here.
Well, Demi, did you see the video where he pointed at you and said, these people hate America?
I don't know.
Yeah, notice Beck keeps saying, that's what he does, he puts your picture up and Van Jones and then points in your direction and says, these people hate America, these birthers, these truthers, they want to hurt you President, don't let them be in your administration, they'll kill you.
Now he's said that literally scores of times, so he's invoking this idea of violence, very dangerous.
It is dangerous, and if you can get me the actual clips on that, because if he said that, I'm going to ask for a retraction, and if he won't retract it, I'm going to sue him, because that's what's dangerous right now.
If everyone's looked at what I've been doing, this is now my 19th month doing this.
I've always called for peaceful revolution.
I've called for doing this through the legal system, and since the legal system is so slow, we're going to have this birth certificate march on Washington, probably late May, early June, and we're getting a fabulous response all across this country, because
We're good to go.
And she said, I registered my nephew for school.
At the end of the registration, my nephew said to the principal, can I ask you a question?
The principal said, sure.
And he said, how come I had to show my birth certificate to register for school, but Obama didn't have to show it to become president?
And that says it all when a 13-year-old can identify with... And then they lie and say he's shown his birth certificate.
He hasn't.
Well, no, he hasn't.
And you get people who look like fools, like Chris Matthews shaking a piece of paper saying this is his birth certificate.
No one has seen the birth certificate.
What people have seen is not even a for real document because at the bottom of the document it says if there's any alteration it's invalid.
What people have seen is a certification of live birth, which was even forged.
That was put on their campaign website.
Alright, stay there, stay there Phil.
I want to come back and recap though and get into the Indonesian situation, the Barry Sotero, who this guy really is.
Because the birth certificate is only part of it.
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You know they're scared when they've got Republicans attacking the birthings.
And you've got legislatures passing, or in the process of passing, laws, and the states do run the federal government, saying, you want to be on the ballot here, you've got to show your birth certificate.
Now, let's shift gears to the key here, and it's the fact that his real name is Barry Sotero, he became an Indonesian citizen, he got adopted by a foreign family, and you talk about this, and the mainstream media says that's a lie, when that's on record, Phil Berg.
The key really, you know, the bloggers on the internet, they try to say that it's all birth certificates and everything.
We fight back and forth.
But we raised the issue, then we shifted it.
The issue really is, everyone out there, the fact that he was adopted or even acknowledged in Indonesia.
In his books, he's sort of bound by certain things.
Number one in one of his books, he says he found his birth certificate.
So it's a baloney that he can't produce it.
The reason he can't produce it will show that he was born in Kenya.
But the second thing in his book, he says his parents had been divorced.
He says, my stepfather, Lolo Sotoro, returned to Indonesia before my mother and I. Well, that's significant, because in the 1960s, Indonesia was at war.
The only ones who could go to school there were those that were natural of Indonesia.
He became natural because he was adopted or acknowledged.
We have his school record on our website.
His school record indicates his name is Barry Sotoro, S-O-E-T-O-R-O.
His nationality is Indonesian, and his religion is Islam.
Ladies and gentlemen, if he hasn't legally changed his name, his name is his adopted name, Barry Sotoro.
That is his name.
And that's what it was in college, and that's why it's all sealed.
That's right.
That's why he's doing it.
Well, I also think he's sealed his records because I think it will show he applied for and received foreign aid.
Obama is the biggest hoax in the history of our country in over 230 years.
He's a phony.
He's a fraud.
I'm not mentioning words here.
I've been saying this, and I need the American support behind me.
Well, let me just throw this in.
Before we go to break in a long segment, time to flesh this out.
He says he's going to sign executive orders on the carbon taxes, doesn't care what the Congress says.
They stonewalled ClimateGate, said it didn't exist.
That blew up in their face.
I mean, it shows this is the most lying administration we've ever seen.
Worse than Nixon, worse than Clinton, worse than Bush.
He said, no lobbyists.
All he hired was lobbyists.
He said, not going to expand wars, expanded the wars.
He said, no signing statements, went back on that.
I mean, this guy is continuing and expanding torture.
I mean, this guy is a complete and total fraud.
And from your deep research, lay it out, looking at this, what is Obama's real story?
Well, his real story, he's a phony.
I mean, he does not, he's not constitutionally qualified.
And the fact is, Alex, the reason he's doing the legislation he's doing, and the reason his cabinet, think about it for a minute.
I think the higher-ups in this country, the power brokers, the money people, said, we know Phil Berg and others are right.
Do you want to be president?
You've got to play ball our way.
Think about the cabinet he has.
It's not the cabinet he ran on.
He talks about change.
Look about the legislation he's pushing.
Is that the candidate of change?
I think he's being blackmailed internally, and I'm waiting to see what happens when China and Iran get these documents, because I'm sure they're out there.
We're in a really, really bad situation because of Obama.
He is a fraud.
One of my lawsuits is, I believe he's not only not natural born, he's not naturalized, but he's an illegal alien, and therefore one of my lawsuits deals with the fact that he should not have been a U.S.
Senator, and therefore the salary and benefit and expenses should be returned to the U.S.
Treasury of about $1 million.
More important, though, because he's a usurper or fraud, all the laws he's passing, as far as I am concerned, are void or voidable.
I mean, we're really in a constitutional mess at this point.
And, you know, some people are saying,
And that's the whole point.
They release other presidents' records.
They're being very secretive.
And then he's got all this family that's here illegally, too, and living in slums.
He doesn't even help them.
I mean, he's really trashy.
Well, that's his aunt up in Boston who's still trying to fight immigration.
She's an illegal alien.
And he doesn't get near her because he's an illegal alien.
An illegal alien president.
Well, we know Barack Obama's a fake name.
I mean, we know he was an Indonesian citizen.
It's on his school records.
The records we do have, they're not denying those are real.
They just don't want to talk about it.
And you're right, they're blackmailing him and totally controlling him.
More coming up.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones, only on the GCN Radio Network.
Phil Berg, attorney, is our guest.
He is the father of what you'd call the birther movement that is gaining steam at the state level, nationally.
We know Obama's name is fake.
We know he lived all over the world.
Very, very suspicious.
We know he sealed all his school records.
I mean, this, no one's ever done this.
This is very suspicious.
We're going to go back to Phil Berg here in a moment.
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Thank you.
For a while, and just let you roll with this whole saga, because we have a lot of new listeners, a lot of people just heard the media demonize birthers.
Again, why this is so important, the whole Indonesia situation, and then we're going to open the phones up.
Only on the birther issue, folks, for Phil Berg, 1-800-259-9231.
Phil Berg.
Thank you, Alan.
Ladies and gentlemen, this issue is so important because there's nothing more important than our U.S.
When I was contacted by an individual to do this, I checked into it and I proceeded.
One thing I said from the first day I filed the first lawsuit, which is August 21st, 2008, which is like 19 months ago, I said, if I am wrong, Obama, prove me wrong.
Show me all the documentation, certified from the source, and I will withdraw my lawsuit.
Nothing like that has forthcoming.
Nothing he has produced.
Nothing they keep referring to the same document that they produced as a birth certificate.
What they produced, certificate of live birth, has no significance.
It doesn't have what a birth certificate has.
It does not have the baby's weight.
It does not have the baby's length.
It does not have the hospital name.
It does not have the doctor's name and the doctor's signature.
This is what's on a long-form birth certificate, which I've now received hundreds of them since we put out the announcement.
We're asking people to fax or email or mail them to us for our birth certificate, March from Washington, which will be in late May or June.
But more significant than the birth certificate issue, because people keep arguing, you know, well, Chris Massie said he saw it, and Glenn, or Riley said he saw it, and I think both of them have backed off on those statements.
But more significant is the fact that he was adopted or acknowledged in Indonesia.
And I'll tell you why, because I had an argument the other day with an immigration attorney.
I raised the question so people could identify with this.
I said, what happens about the children that are being adopted here in the United States from Haiti?
I don't know.
His parents divorced.
His mother remarried.
He goes to Indonesia.
We have his school record, which says his name is Barry Sotoro.
And as Alex said a little while ago, when he was first in Occidental, people knew him as Barry.
That's his name.
That's his legal name.
Therefore, unless he has legally changed his name, his name is Barry Sotoro.
You know, many of you out there have adopted children or know someone that has adopted a child.
They take your family last name.
Now, significant is the fact is when he came back at age 10,
Thank you.
But we believe he didn't go through there.
He went back on his Indonesia passport, and therefore he's an illegal alien.
Therefore, he cannot be a U.S.
Now, significant with this, on the school record, which is posted on our website from Indonesia, his name is Barry Sotoro.
His nationality is Indonesia.
His religion is Islam.
You know, he's having you believe he was never a Muslim.
Well, Islam is Muslim.
And after he got sworn into office, now he's, like, basically catering to the Muslims.
You know, during the campaign, he could not use his middle name of Hussein.
When he was sworn in, he becomes Barack Hussein Obama.
Then he went to Egypt, and said, I have the same religion as you, and spoke Arabic from the Quran better than many people in the country.
They were shocked by it, and just incredible.
And then also, Alex, if you recall, he mentioned about the United States.
The United States, he said, has the largest Muslim population in the world.
I mean, he—and then he goes apologizing around the world for the United States' actions in the past.
And then he bows down to the Saudi king.
No president of the United States has ever bowed down to anyone.
He bows down—there's a question if he kissed his ring—also the Saudi king.
And then when he's in Japan, he bowed down to the Japanese emperor.
And then they lie and say he's dropping things, but we have the video where he clearly bows to everybody, and it gets worse because we know that his real name is Barry Sotaro, we know we have a president who's using an alias, we know that he was adopted, and the media's not even denying that, they just don't even cover it.
I mean, this is so huge.
Well, a great point in which you brought up, and your listeners can compare it to, look what they did to Sarah Palin during the last six weeks of the campaign.
The reporters in droves went to Alaska, went under every stone behind every door, asked her all kinds of questions.
Now think back what they did with Obama.
They've never asked him anything.
If they properly vetted Obama, he would never have been nominated, let alone be elected president.
It's really, and I was interviewed by the New York Times, and I said, I wish I could sue the national media, including the New York Times, for not properly vetting Obama.
They even have the good stuff.
They printed that.
They printed it even still in the New York Times, because it's a disgrace.
But the problem is, and I laughed about it two years ago when Bush questioned Russia about Putin with a free press.
We don't have a free press in this country.
Most of the press in this country is now owned by three or four major corporations.
We're good to go.
I think so.
I'm doing this for about 305 or maybe there's 308 million people in this country that deserve to know the truth.
I'm doing this for our forefathers who wrote these fantastic documents which countries around the world have tried to copy and duplicate.
Most have not.
And I'm also doing this, Alex, for the 1.6 million men and women who have died in battle.
Let's expand.
Let's expand on that.
For two weeks, for two weeks when the climate gate emails came out, the media wouldn't cover it.
Then for another week or two, they said it wasn't real.
Then they were forced to say, OK, it's real.
And now they admit it's all been a giant fraud, basically.
And so we see this stonewalling by Obama also saying there's no way our health care can fail.
It will pass.
It's like this Borg.
You will be assimilated.
Resistance is a futile statement.
And it's the same thing on the birther issue.
It is hurting him.
I know there's a cover-up.
I know he hasn't released the real birth certificate.
I know he's blocking all the school records.
I know he's blocking his records when he came back to Hawaii, separate from the birth certificate.
Why would they be covering all this up if there wasn't something there?
It's a fact they're covering it up, listeners.
It's a fact
They haven't shown the real birth certificate, only the certificate of live birth.
It's a fact, a fact, a fact, and it's not going to go away.
And if we're 13 months into his presidency, then he's got the lowest approval rating of any president one year in in history, and plunging even faster, and he's breaking just every record.
This is devastating him, whether he likes it or not, and stalling their entire agenda, which I think is a great thing regardless.
But now I'm getting to the point where
It really does, to me, look like that he's not a citizen.
Oh, absolutely.
Up to now, there's been even higher, but the latest figures I had are 1.6 million.
People say it's 1.7 or 2 million.
For your listeners out there, Obama has spent at least 1.6 million fighting my three lawsuits and the 50 other lawsuits that came about.
You don't spend that kind of money, you don't spend that kind of money unless you're really hiding something.
And he's hiding.
He's hiding because he's a phony and a fraud.
I really think, and I don't know what your list is, I think he's being blackmailed internally.
And what happens when Iran gets this?
What happens when China gets this?
What happens when Cuba gets this?
I think he's put our country in a dangerous, dangerous position.
Not only what, and on top of that, what he's doing, but you know, I could go on forever what he's doing, but I'm concerned with Eric Holder.
One of my cases, the case where I say he's an illegal alien and shouldn't be a U.S.
Senator, we have one of the issues.
We just filed our appeal to the D.C.
Circuit Court of Appeals.
If there ever was a conflict of interest, ladies and gentlemen, let me set it forth real quick.
I think so.
What I would do is I would file this action on behalf of the United States of America and as the relator.
They call the person filing it relator, R-E-L-A-T-O-R, and then also then versus Jane and John Doe from next door.
Well, Jane and John Doe are not served.
The Justice Department is served.
The U.S.
Attorney is served.
And they have 60 days to review the case.
So let's equate that, put up what I did.
I filed this against Obama, so Obama's not served.
Let me be clear, in layman's terms, the government
I think so.
I understand.
They're defending the cases, what you're saying.
Listen, I know you're very busy, but I want to be able to take a lot of calls, but I want you to also have time to speak.
Can you stay with us about 15 minutes in the next hour?
As long as you want me.
I'll stay two days.
I'll stay a week with you.
You're great.
Well, we're going to then let you finish up, and then we're going to take calls for 30 minutes into the next hour, because I want to hear the different angles and points that listeners will bring up on this front.
But shifting gears again, I want to get this question out there.
What do you think of the Arizona House passing it out of committee 6-1, and now it looks like right at half,
I don't know.
I think it's fabulous.
It just shows that the issue I started, and Alex, I don't care who crosses the finish line with it.
I'm glad I'm out there and I'm going to stay with this issue.
I think it's fabulous.
A congressman, I don't have his name from Florida, introduced legislation in the House of Representatives in Washington to the same effect that as of 2012, any presidential candidate has to show that they're constitutionally qualified.
Only about 7 to 10 other Republicans joined in that action, no Democrats.
Now why haven't the Democrats joined?
Because the Democrats know he's a phony.
But this is great, since Washington's not doing Arizona, that's fabulous, and I hope other states do do that.
And I think it's—they're realizing that the Constitution—I mean, stop and think, everyone out there.
We have such great things in this country.
And why do we have it?
We have it because we fought to defend this.
We had a fight with England to form our country.
You know, people have died defending this Constitution.
And we have this fraud, this phony of Obama coming up there, the biggest hoax in our history.
It's wrong, everyone out there.
Well, let me stop you again.
Let's say he really was born in Hawaii.
Why is he covering it up?
But let's go further.
He was adopted and became an Indonesian citizen.
That's on record.
And then he tried to lie about that, even though it's in his book.
And now I've seen him in a few speeches.
We played it a few months ago.
Maybe we can pull it up.
In fact, try to YouTube.
Obama refers to himself as Barry.
He's even joked around and called himself Barry Sitaro, as if he's trying to inoculate people to this fact because he knows it's coming out.
Oh, absolutely.
I think we're really getting to him.
I think it just shows.
I mean, again, why would you spend... What are you doing?
But the significant part is he's adopted in Indonesia.
Once he's adopted in Indonesia, even if he was born in Hawaii, he would lose his natural-born status.
They had him arrested!
They put him on house arrest!
They wouldn't let him go talk to the village where Obama was born!
Right, and we have on our website, we have the step-grandmother, Sarah Obama, in Swahili.
We have the translation stating she was in the hospital when he was born in Mombasa, Kenya.
Now, at the end of the tape, there's some kids you all know know Hawaii.
She stated, definitely, she was in the hospital when he was born.
That's more significant than anything they've produced.
They've produced one thing, that document, which is a phony.
Then they keep saying, well, there were two newspaper articles saying he was born.
I'm in Pennsylvania.
My children live in other states.
When my grandchildren were born, I put announcements in here in my local paper that I have a new grandchild.
That doesn't mean he was born there.
That doesn't mean my children are born here.
They're not.
They're born elsewhere.
And that's their strongest argument.
Well, what do you think?
His mother planned ahead.
He was going to run for president.
That's why she put it in the newspaper.
No, I think the mother really wanted him to be a U.S.
citizen, but the word is he was in Kenya and she couldn't fly back because she was too pregnant.
Well, that's exactly what a mother would do.
She would come back and try to dummy it up.
Even if she had no idea he was going to run for president, she'd want him to be a U.S.
Because, especially then and even now, even though right now I think we're in troubled waters because of the many things Obama's doing, people fight to get to the United States because we have freedoms.
I mean, the sad part is, ladies and gentlemen listening to this, we take for granted some of these freedoms you have in this country.
And you shouldn't.
I remember with me and my children going through a train over in Europe a number of years ago, and we were stopped because we took a train through, at that time, Czechoslovakia.
And we didn't have the correct papers for that.
The conductor, thank God, hid me and my children.
If not, there were armed guards came on that thing and checking with people to take them off.
You don't realize what freedoms you have here.
I mean, what we're talking about here today, Alex, on your show, you couldn't be doing this in Russia.
You couldn't be doing this in Iraq.
If they set the precedent to have an illegal alien as president, we're screwed.
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Pienso que un sueño parasito no volverá más.
Alright, we're going to your calls for Attorney Phil Byrd.
This is the guy who two years ago saw some of this documentation and said, I'm going to investigate.
Deputy Attorney General, previously in this state, run for governor, member of the NAACP, prominent member, what I believe on their board.
They're in that state and
They've said every horrible thing in the world about him.
He's racist, all this crud.
And even Obama being African is a fraud.
African as in not Arab.
Of course, there are Arab Africans.
He's 6% African. 6%.
He's 44% Arab, 50% Anglo-Saxon.
I don't care what color he is.
The point is, that's a distraction.
It's just like when you say you don't want socialist healthcare, which it wasn't even that.
It was an insurance company scam.
Even Howard Dean said that now in Dennis Kucinich.
That's why it's dead in the water.
Even when that came out, Chris Matthews and Carlos Watson and others said, this is racism.
It's racism.
Racism to say I don't want health care.
So they're playing the race card and it's totally blown up in their face.
It's not working.
I want to go to your phone calls and we've got Mr. Berg for another 30 minutes of the next hour.
So plenty of time for him to get into any other subjects.
But support what he's doing because he's got a lot of courage.
I talked to him off air.
They haven't killed him or set him up because that will just elevate everything he's doing.
We'll talk about that before he leaves.
But let's talk to Julio in Illinois.
Julio, thanks for holding.
You're on the air with Attorney Phil Berg.
Go ahead.
Alex Jones, how are you this afternoon?
Phil Berg, I commend you for what you're doing.
God bless you.
I will have you in my prayers, sir.
You are unbelievable for what you are doing, exposing the fraud known as Barry Fitoro, sir.
Thank you very much.
You're very welcome.
My question is, first off, I took an African American Studies class.
Two years ago, or last year, here in college in Macomb, Illinois, and we saw the biography, the channel biography on Barry Fitoro, and they said, growing up, that his nickname was Barry.
I do remember that, and I just saw right now on TV, for Comcast cable people, On Demand, you can look it up, they have his biography there.
But my question, you're talking about a march in Washington, D.C.
Hold on, hold on!
That's a great point.
Much of his own cabinet has been caught in tax trouble, doesn't pay their taxes.
It's just a lawless group of criminals, and you were going to say something about Mr. Beck.
Yeah, Benedict Arnold, uh, you know, him, you know, Chris Matthews, all these scum, you guys are right.
They're setting us up for something because they continue, now recently on TV, talking about birthers, talking about 9-11 truth movement, and how, you know, we're going to assassinate the president.
We all need to be peaceful in this info war fight.
Yeah, Julio, Julio, tell him.
You've seen that yourself.
We've played it here.
Phil isn't even aware of this.
Tell him what you've seen back do.
Glenn Beck on his radio program said that, you know, 9-11 truthers, he was talking about Van Jones, are going to infiltrate the White House, are already in the White House, and are going to assassinate the President, that we need to have the President in our prayers.
And then another TV show, he said birthers too now.
Yeah, he had you on his stupid little 4th grade chalkboard, you, he had Debra Medina, Miss Flip-Flopper, who, you know, I'm shocked that that happened, but, you know, he had all these people, he had Van Jones on his board, you know, this is, uh, what is this?
Alright, Julio, Julio, thank you.
We're gonna come back in 70 seconds with a third hour, have Phil Bird respond to what he just heard briefly, then we're gonna quickly, because I want to get a lot of callers in, and Julio had great points, but that burned up five minutes.
We're going to go to Matt, David, John, Nick, and others so we can get to others and bring up different issues and so Phil Berg can respond.
His time is very important, so I want to just ask the question and have him respond.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Attorney Phil Berg, founder of the birther movement, is our guest.
I'm going to have him in the next segment briefly recap some states that carry the second half of the show, why the birther issue is so important.
We're taking calls at the bottom of the hour when he leaves us.
Then Lindsey Williams with more inside info directly from the highest levels of the global power structure on what they're planning with the dollar and the economy.
Phil Berg, you heard Julio's points.
Quick comments on that before we go to more calls.
Well, I think it's disgusting that Beck tries to associate me with these other people and tries to tie me in that I hate America.
I don't hate America.
I do this because I love America.
And I'm going to challenge Beck.
He won't do it.
I'm going to challenge him to a debate.
He's got the nerve to put me up there and talk about me.
But I'm going to challenge him to a debate.
He probably won't do it.
But it's wrong what he's doing and wrong making me connotations.
And by the way, at these town halls, as you know, for a year now,
Republican and Democrats will say no, he's an American citizen, and literally the whole room starts screaming at him, even at Democrat events.
People are sick of this, and Obamacrimes.com is your website.
I've seen it on TV, I've heard it, where he puts you up there next to the weathermen and others, and says these people hate America, they're dangerous.
Folks, send those videos, because there's millions of listeners, you can find them.
I have a small staff, I've seen it.
I don't have time to go dig it out.
It would take maybe 10 hours to dig through hundreds of shows.
Send it all to Phil Berg.
Help him so he has the info, but also support obamacrimes.com.
Let's go to Matt in Ohio.
Matt, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey Alex.
Hi Phil.
I may be way out in left field here, but what do you think the chances are that the puppet masters, the people that pull Obama's strings and the higher ups in government
I don't know.
You're saying that could be the false flag, it would cause riots, all sorts of problems.
Phil, your take on it?
Well, you know, I'm going to demand, when we get him out of office, that we're going to do it.
We're going to demand, we'll hold a news conference, I'm going to call the top politicians in this country and the religious leaders and say, you plan to cause riots in the streets and damage property and injure and kill people, why?
The only person responsible for this is Barack Obama.
No, I don't think they're going to let it out.
I think what's going to happen is the American public is going to demand it.
I think about 20 million people know about this.
Help me raise the public awareness to 100 million people.
We will force him out of office because this is outrageous what he is doing.
Well, it's just like ClimateGate in the first month when they said it wasn't real, and now it blew up in their face and they've all admitted they're liars.
It's the same thing.
They're stonewalling.
The truth can't be stopped.
We know he's an Indonesian citizen.
We know his real name is Barry Sitaro.
That's enough right there under law, because he can't be a natural... Explain that to people, Phil.
Well, once he's adopted there, he becomes a natural of Indonesia.
And therefore, when he came back, according to our immigration laws, he would only become naturalized.
But someone did what's called a FOIA request—Freedom of Information request—to send me a copy.
They asked for a copy of Obama's birth certificate.
They came back, and they never had one.
Now, they didn't check for Barry Santoro, but I think he never had one.
I think he traveled on his Indonesia passport.
That's why at age 20, he went to—he stopped in Indonesia on his way to Pakistan to renew his passport.
Let's be clear.
Let's be clear on this.
His real name's Barry Sitaro on record.
Coming up, we've got him calling into a radio show in D.C., calling himself Barry.
That's coming up.
His name is Barry Sitaro.
Folks, do you realize they're freezing all his documents, all his records.
They're covering something up.
That's even worse than him really being an Indonesian citizen.
We have an Indonesian citizen as our president, and once you, even if he had been a US citizen before, he'd have to waive that citizenship to become a citizen of Indonesia.
I mean, if I wanted to go waive my citizenship to become a Swiss citizen,
I would have to waive my U.S.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We have the father of the birther movement, Attorney Phil Berg.
Obamacrimes.com with us.
Former Deputy Attorney General in his state.
Member of the NAACP, Democrat, who during the primaries began to investigate Obama.
He's on record, his real name is Barry Zetero, a citizen of Indonesia.
That's the only record we can get.
He admits that, but says it's no big deal.
And the media never covers that.
They just say, we've shown the birth certificate, these people are lying.
Why has Obama sealed all of his school records?
Because the real name is Barry Sitaro and a lot of people are coming forward saying he was called Barry Sitaro then and that he was getting foreign aid.
Now, we're going to go back to your calls, David, John, Nick, Ronald, and others.
Questions for Phil Berg only on the subject of the Bertha issue and where his court cases are going.
But here's the Associated Press.
Phil, go ahead.
I just want to say something because many people say, well, a parent can't renounce, you know, give up their children's rights.
Well, that's true to a point.
But if Obama wanted to do that between the ages of 18 and 21, he would have had to renounce his Indonesia citizenship and reaffirm any citizenship that he did have for the United States.
There's no evidence he did that either.
He sealed all those records.
The college, everything.
Let's play this clip.
Just like everybody else, Barry from D.C.
called Virginia Governor Tim Kaine's radio show to complain about traffic.
But Barry from D.C.
was really President Barack Obama, who, surprise, came with a prank call just like everybody else.
Barry from D.C.
Now, here is Obama.
This is Associated Press.
About a couple months ago, this was December 22nd, 2009, last year, calling in, using his real name.
Here it is.
Governor, let's get back to the phones and let some callers.
We have Barry from D.C.
is calling.
Go ahead, Barry.
Well, Governor Kaine, this is actually the President of the United States calling.
I have questions about traffic in Northern Virginia.
But rather than go there, I just wanted to say how proud we are of your service.
As Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia, and just wish you and the family all the best for the Christmas season.
And it goes on.
That's AP News right there.
AP Video.
So it's a big joke to him to use his real name, isn't it, Phil?
Yeah, it really is.
But when he does it and acknowledges it, it just reinforces the words I've been using, that he's a fraud and he's a phony.
You notice the Secret Service isn't coming after me because I'm talking the truth.
He's a fraud.
He's the biggest hoax in the history of our country, ladies and gentlemen.
We must stop it.
Well, it gets worse.
I could play video from Vermont and from Missouri, where they had police go on the news and say, if you criticize Obama and say he's not a Christian or say he wasn't born here, we're going to arrest you.
Did you ever see that video?
Never heard about it, but it sounded familiar.
I'd like to see that one.
In fact, as Aaron the Headline, I think it's something like Thought Police in Missouri.
But the point is, no, that was on TV.
I mean, they were on TV saying, we will arrest you.
So that shows the mindset.
And it turned out the Obama campaign was having local Democrat police and sheriffs and prosecutors come out and threaten people.
I mean, this is, look, Jerome Corsi got the documents, the emails from Obama when he was in the Senate to his cousin, Odinga.
Threatening to, and saying, cause riots.
So you lost the election, cause riots, and they'll give you a position in the government, and they did.
Not only causing riots, what they did is they caused riots.
They set fire to churches with people alive.
They burned down churches.
They burned people alive.
I mean, that's a bad point.
And Obama told them to do it!
Right, and Obama raised a million dollars for them during that time, and then by doing all that, they forced Odinga to be given a position in the government.
Yeah, before they just had President, what, they made a prime ministership for him?
I mean, because they were burning everything down and Obama told him in the email, burn it!
I mean, this guy's a terrorist!
There's no doubt about it.
Let's take another call here.
David Main, you're on the air, David.
Yes, gentlemen, I have a comment and a question.
Good job, Phil.
Thank you, David.
I will refer to our president from here on as President Soturro, and I recommend that
Anybody else do the same, and when people ask you, you know, what is that all about, then explain to them everything that you've laid out.
Now my question is a constitutional crisis question.
If it's found out, if we can prove that he's illegitimate, and I believe he is, then every executive order, every bill he's signed, every treaty, every foreign agreement is invalid.
What happens then if it's, say, three years into the presidency, and this all comes out, and he has to leave?
It's no doubt about it.
It's pointless to argue anymore.
Well, everything he's done is bad, so that sounds great.
Yeah, David, that's why I don't want to wait three years.
I want to get it this year.
That's why I want the people to join with me when we have the announcement in March.
Because he is a phony.
Everything he did has done is void or avoidable.
It's really disgraceful.
And we are in a constitutional crisis because
And it would take another whole show.
I can't go into the whole thing about who would become president.
He used to vote, I don't know about the amendment, he used to vote separate for president and vice president.
He voted now jointly for them.
So therefore, I don't believe Biden would become, because it was a fraudulent ticket, does it go back to January 8th, the joint session of Congress, when Congress violated their duty, because their duty was to count the votes, electoral college votes for a qualified person.
So does it go back there?
Because if one member of the House, one member of the Senate had given a written objection, they would have gone to a separate House and Senate to discuss the issue.
And if they didn't agree, they would have nominated whoever they wanted for President and Vice President.
But because they didn't do their job, does it go back to December 15th, when all the electors met in the state capitals of the various states?
I hear you.
We gotta move quick.
David, I appreciate your call.
Speaking about threats, it came out in major newspapers last year.
That there's 25 people on Obama's hit list, and of course, I'm number 24 on there, and it said that Bertha Gribbs and yourself are also on the list, and there is no doubt that they've got an enemies list.
People need to be praying for all of us.
Alright, okay.
Yes, please pray for me, everyone out there.
Absolutely, and also spread the word.
So you don't know when the march is going to be yet?
Well no, we're working on that.
As soon as I have a date I'll call you back and we'll have it up on our website and we'll tell you when we get on your show and spread the word.
But the initial reaction and response from people is phenomenal.
People want to do something because it's something they can do and everyone of your listeners can identify with the birth certificate issue.
One other thing, the people that Obama associated with,
I'm not saying this is a good thing, but I understand why it's been done.
In the old days, if you weren't 3, 4, or 5th generation, you couldn't be FBI or Secret Service, because it was important that you not be a spy, because when the Constitution was ratified, for those that don't know,
They had cases of Austria sending its people, members of its government, its ruling class and royalty, in to Poland and other countries to try to get elected and take over those nations.
And so this has always been an old problem.
And this guy, I mean, his real name is Barry Sitaro.
How is he our president?
As you say, the Indonesia thing is bona fide 100%.
That right there disqualifies him.
Forget the birth certificate.
Yep, absolutely.
And we're running an ad on that this next week at the paper, Washington Times.
And we're going to be doing other ads across the country.
If we, the more money we raise, we'll spread the word.
We must spread the word around the country.
And we want to march on Washington like we never saw.
Alright, let's talk to John in Maine.
John, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Please tell how
His collegiate records are being sealed, or were sealed, his adult records.
How does that operate?
So I can show Mom.
Well, the reason, I'll move to the first one that came out.
I believe his college records were sealed for one reason.
It's to show he applied for and received foreign aid.
No, no, no.
He's asking how were they sealed.
How were they sealed?
An executive order he signed the day that he was sworn into office.
So the first thing on his mind when he got sworn in and had that executive power was to keep his record secret.
Because he doesn't want us to... We know nothing about him.
We haven't seen one thing from him.
John, does that answer your question?
Yes, do you know the number of that executive order?
No, I don't.
So I should show my mom.
Hey guys, search engine Obama signs executive order sealing records.
I remember that in the news on January 22nd.
Obama signs executive order sealing records.
Thanks for the call, John.
Let's talk to Nick in Colorado.
Nick, you're on the air.
Hey, I just was wondering if we know that the shadow government basically put Obama into his position.
My question is, why do you think that they didn't put somebody in there that could produce the documents or just, you know, produce documents for him since they have that kind of power?
I'll answer the question.
They knew he was slick and a darling.
They could blackmail him and control him with the information with him being compromised.
And they love to violate our Constitution and sovereignty.
Like Obama became the first, I'm going to play this later, did you guys cue it up?
In fall of the Republic, we have him becoming the first U.S.
President to coach,
Yes, it does violate the Constitution, and I think they put him up because when I got the phone call, you've got to think about this, ladies and gentlemen, the phone call I got was, they said, Phil, you're the only attorney in the country we know with brass you-know-what that would sue Obama.
And that was an honor I took here, but since then other attorneys have joined suit.
But it's very rare you're going to find someone that wants to challenge the president or someone of that stature.
And I did it because I think there's nothing more important than our Constitution.
And there's very few of us that will do something like that.
And again, I meant to have it queued up from Fall of the Republic.
We did like five minutes in the film.
I'll play it before the show ends today after you leave us.
Specifically on him.
And CNN said he's now president of the world.
He has to swear the UN oath.
And we give the subsection of the Constitution where it says you can't do that.
I mean, this is outrageous.
And anything he does to the national media is not anything detrimental.
The national media does not cover it.
We're going to jam in.
Nick, Ronald, Bob and John's quick questions, quick answers from Phil Berg, Obamacrimes.com.
I'm Alex Jones.
Our websites are InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.tv.
Find out all about Obama in my film, Fall of the Republic, on DVD.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
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Tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
For the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation, the criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty and on its ashes constructing world government.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today, it seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
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I think so.
Lindsey Williams is coming up, but when we start the next segment, I'm going to play about four minutes from Fall of the Republic, where I break down Obama becoming the head of the U.N.
And I'll give you the chapter and verse, the Constitution, where it's treason.
Ronald in New Jersey, you're on the air with Phil Berg.
Go ahead.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Berg, Alex, thank you very much.
Just to be quick.
I have a question that I've been trying to get a good answer to for about a year.
I agree with everything you said.
I think that there's ample evidence that there is no birth certificate.
But even if there was, even if Obama was born in Hawaii, just by virtue of the fact that his father was never an American, and had he lived, could very well be ruling Kenya, doesn't that in itself contradict what was intended by the founders?
I don't believe so, and that's an argument other attorneys have come forth with.
I don't believe so because we keep changing the definition of natural born.
For this reason, if husband and wife, wife and a girlfriend are traveling any place in the world and a child is born, if both are U.S.
So we've got him right there!
We have them all over the place.
The guys are fraud.
The guys are phony.
His real name's Barry Sitaro.
Bob in Texas.
Bob, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
I have two quick comments.
A comment for Mr. Berg was that back before the election, I was able to get through
Your phone's really bad.
Do you have a question?
No, that's just a comment.
Alright, Bob, thank you.
Well, now Fox is going after you, Great Guns, with the birther thing.
I mean, it's incredible, folks.
I mean, that is wrong.
Phil Berg, even if he was wrong, has a right to ask these questions.
This is outrageous that Glenn Beck's doing that.
And I don't want to attack Glenn Beck, but I'm sick of him.
Okay, let's talk to John in Wisconsin.
John, you're on the air with Phil Berg.
Go ahead.
Yeah, that's too far back.
I mean, if he's related to the Mayflower, then I'm related to Obama on both sides of my family.
Yeah, that's true, too.
That's probably too far back, but contact me.
We'll see what we can do.
Thank you.
Alright, sir.
Thanks for the call.
Let's talk to George in Connecticut.
You're on the air with Phil Burr.
Go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
I know you're a hard man to get through to four times, but anyway, the main point is both you guys should try to sue through the English court for them trying to slam to you, whatever, especially for you with the financial times, because
You don't even have to prove that they slandered you.
They have to prove that they innocently, or they were innocent of not slandering you.
And then being they do Murdoch papers and magazines and institutions, guaranteed they're rebroadcast there.
You can sue their pants off and own them and then use their own money to kick their ass all over the world.
Alright, George, it's a good point.
You have been slandered by the Murdoch papers in England.
I've seen it, and I have as well.
What about that?
Interesting point.
I'm swamped with the Obama thing, but we'll have to consider that for you and me, Alex.
We could do something to get the money out of these people.
But I'm more concerned right now with using my efforts to out Obama or Barrister Toro, and we'll worry about... Yeah, that's the big fish.
That's the big fish we've got to fry.
Jamming in, one more call.
Chris in Maryland, you're on the air.
Hey, guys.
Hey, fellas.
It's my understanding, maybe you can correct me if I'm wrong, but I had a discussion with my dad, but the real issue isn't your Hannity's and your Glenn Beck's.
Isn't the real problem the progressives that are taking over our nation?
Absolutely, but the problem is Beck supported the banker bailout.
Beck says global warming's real now.
We've discredited the fake liberals.
I'm attacking anybody who's unconstitutional, but I mean, what's your point there?
The fact is, is that the progressives, and I believe maybe 100% of the Democrats and the majority of the Republicans together, are all progressive and destroying the Constitution.
They're after the Constitution.
Alright, listen, I gotta let you go, because that's not really a question on this issue.
Phil Berg, we got Lindsey Williams coming up, and I'm gonna get him to hold a few minutes.
I'm sure he's fine, because we've got an hour and a half with him coming up.
I want to come back and take some calls.
One guy disagrees, Ted in North Carolina.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda, they'll be pulling the rug from underneath the Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us
Tim Geithner?
They're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care and right now in Washington D.C.
we have seen a fall of the republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv
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Okay, I'm going to play about a four or five minute clip from my film Fall of Republic on a separate issue of treason.
I mean, he should be impeached right now for this alone.
This is absolute fact that you're about to hear.
But, I want to go to a call that disagrees, because I didn't see them there on hold.
Ted in North Carolina disagrees, I guess with the whole birth certificate issue, or him being Barry Sitaro.
So go ahead, Ted.
What I disagree with is you're telling us this is the big fish who's the foreign usurper, and we've got dozens of members in Congress and the Senate that are dual citizens of another country.
And they've already acted on that to start some wars that we shouldn't have been in.
And you've got this disgraced lawyer on who's been fined $10,000 and had to do hours of ethics classes for illegal malpractice.
Well, I don't know what you're talking about.
Alex, I'll comment on that.
You know, I have had hundreds of cases since I was admitted to practice in 1970, which is 39 years ago.
And one case, we admit, we screwed up on.
I'm not perfect, okay, out there.
And I think it's fine, okay?
But that's not the point.
The point is here, and the point of when you mention members of Congress dual citizenship, that's a different situation.
Because that's not the person running for president or the server that is president.
Well let me stop you.
Ted, I appreciate your call, but let me say this.
We're dealing with Barack Obama who is starting all these new wars.
Phil Berg's been anti-war the entire time.
I know doctors, dentists, lawyers.
There isn't a doctor or a dentist that I know who hasn't had somebody try some malpractice thing on them.
That happens to any lawyer who's been a deputy attorney general or anybody else.
And so to sit there and say, you know, that Phil Berg was disciplined once.
I mean, all the real lawyers I know are constantly getting disciplined.
So for you to... I mean, see, this is a red herring.
We're talking about Barack Obama, his real name being Barry Sitaro, and this guy calls in talking about Israel.
You know, I was talking about Israel and all the problem with Rahm Emanuel and being in the Israeli military last week.
I mean, we cover all this stuff and then people get even madder because that's not the only subject that we cover, Phil Berg.
I mean, Phil, would you be for a dual citizen of Israel or any other country being president?
So there you go!
Again, it's a red herring.
Let's talk to Andy in New Jersey.
Andy, you're on the air.
Yes, thank you, Alex.
Both of you gentlemen definitely bleed red, white, and blue, and that's why I listen to you.
And as far as Mr. Berg, I've been hearing him on TV or radio, and I know he's never waffled, and he sticks to his story.
That man is powerful, and Alex, he paid you a nice compliment because a man of his stature
I definitely want to get his word out through you because you're the John Paul Jones of this country right now.
Now, the reason why I call, I believe this country has received its biggest terrorist attack short of a nuclear bomb the day Obama got, pardon me, the day the financiers of Barry Sotoro got him into this office.
He's clearly a terrorist bomb in this country as we speak right now.
Mr. Berg?
Well, I can't disagree with you.
I mean, listen, if he's not a phony, then what's he doing here?
He's definitely a Muslim.
He's apologized to the United States.
He's out there bowing to the Saudi king, bowing to the Japanese emperor.
You know, this is sending our country in the wrong direction at a time we've cleaned it up by a peaceful revolution.
And you know what, Alex?
You've helped me, with your passion for this, and you're a very intelligent man, you've helped me to connect the dots on this.
So without taking any more time, I want to hear the other listeners.
Thank you both so much.
You bet.
Thank you.
I've got to let Phil Berg go because we have our other guest, Lindsey Williams, with breaking news coming up.
In fact, I need to have his bio.
Here it is.
And I'm going to go ahead and play a clip from Fall of the Republic here about what we know.
100% bona fide confirmed.
President of the world, Barack Obama.
You talk about treason.
Here it is.
And we know his real name is Barry Sotero.
Obamacrimes.com is Phil Berg's excellent website.
We appreciate his courage.
And Phil, thank you for joining us today.
My pleasure.
I'll be glad to be back anytime you want me.
God bless you.
Thank you.
I've just got to say, the one guy that disagreed with him, I put him to the head of the line when his call came in, and it wasn't about the birth certificate, or Indonesia, or Barry Sitaro, or any of it.
It was about Israelis.
Okay, Obama is full of Israelis in his cabinet.
I mean, it's just craziness.
There's so many issues we cover here on this show.
Now, here is a clip from the two-hour, 25-minute film, Fall of the Republic.
Get it on DVD at Infowars.com.
The people are ready to be woken up.
Order the DVD, make copies, get it out to people.
Here it is.
The finance heads of the 20 industrialized nations met again in late September of 2009 at the G20 Summit in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
At that meeting, ministers called for an end to the dollar as the world reserve currency.
They also called for a strengthening of global governance and called for a new world order
While the bankers were busy carving up the world at the G20 Summit, Barack Obama was in New York City at the United Nations because he's got a new job to chair the United Nations Security Council, the most powerful position in the world government body.
President Obama does what no other U.S.
president ever has.
President Obama presided over the U.N.'
's most powerful body.
That would be the Security Council.
6,191st meeting of the Security Council.
For a couple of hours, you could say Mr. Obama was president of the world.
It is the story of a world that understands that no difference or division is worth destroying.
All that we have built in my own country, it has brought Democrats and Republican leaders together.
Leaders like George Shultz, Bill Perry, Henry Kissinger, and Sam Nunn, who are with us here today.
Barack Obama is the first president to hold two posts simultaneously.
And there's a good reason for that.
It's illegal.
Article 1, Section 9 of the Constitution forbids
Any U.S.
President from serving any foreign government or institution.
He swears an oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.
But now Barack Obama has sworn allegiance to the global government and the United Nations that he heads up.
Let that sink in real good.
Barack Obama now heads the United Nations Security Council.
You cannot serve two masters, and Obama isn't.
He's selling out the last vestiges of sovereignty that this country had.
This, ladies and gentlemen, is the destruction of our nation, and it's also high treason.
Obama's lies are obvious and out in the open.
He hides in plain sight.
And from the moment he took office, his lies have only increased.
Despite the fact that his ratings have dramatically dropped since election day, from the mid-80s to the low 40s, a large portion of Americans still gullibly hang on his every word.
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All right, we are live, ladies and gentlemen, and for the balance of the radio broadcast, the next hour and 19 minutes, we are joined by Lindsey Williams.
Now, Lindsey Williams was a pastor.
He got to be part of the board meetings of three big oil companies.
He wrote a book 20-plus years ago about how there was enough oil to run the whole country for hundreds of years in Alaska.
That's now come out in Congress.
Everything he said has been proven accurate.
Bilderberg Group 2008 in Chantilly, Obama and Hillary were there.
Had Secret Service drive by and aim machine guns at me.
We have video of that.
And later it was confirmed that they were at that meeting.
They said there they were going to jack up oil prices.
We just kind of moved on from there.
From Jim Tucker and Daniel Esselin's sources inside.
Separately, a former CEO of a top five oil company that Lindsey's been friends with,
When Lindsey's video presentation on Google and YouTube was the number one video off and on for a year, tens of millions of views, they called him up and said, you're basically going to get killed if you don't shut up about how we've got plenty of oil.
But he said, you can't tell people this.
Oil's going to go up to $150 a barrel.
And then it was about $65.
It did in that next year, and then went down as the fellow said it would, now going back up.
And so much more.
And I, from years ago interviewing Lindsey and reading this book, I actually know who this executive is, but sources in the media, we don't talk about it.
The point is, he's talked to the fella again, and we're gonna go over
Thank you Alex for allowing me the privilege of being on your show today because yesterday, Wednesday, the 24th,
Of this month of February, I was on the phone with the elitist, who over the years has given me so much information, and in the course of our conversation, I was so startled by what he told me that the elitist have in store for every American this year, 2010.
I immediately called up Jerry, your producer, and I said, please, Alex's audience needs to know this.
It's so important.
So this is the first time... The very next day, you'd let me be on your show.
So this is the first time this info is being revealed?
Yes, this is the first show that I have given his conversation on yesterday, just yesterday with.
I've been on nobody else's show since then, and this gentleman is making things so startling, I said I've got to tell people as fast as I can.
Okay, let's break it down and then we'll go back through each point in detail.
Okay, first of all, let me tell you, I'll give them to you, as you said, and break them down.
First of all, he said, how much the dollar is going to change in value in the next 12 months, 2010?
He said that 30 to 50 percent, and he elaborated it, went on.
Second thing he talked about is Dubai City compared to Dubai World.
Oh, he said, Chaplin, make a distinction between the two, because he said,
Dubai World's default on $80 billion.
He said it has literally, because they are the number one promoter of derivatives in the world today, it has caused the entire world banking system to be on the verge of collapse.
Then, he went on to talk about gasoline prices.
Crude oil, compared to where prices are going to go in relation to the dollar.
I was amazed.
He almost laughed at me on the phone when I asked one particular question.
He talked about the elections in November.
Oh my goodness.
He was very emphatic about it.
And Alex, I'm still standing here dumbfounded over what he said about Israel invading Hamas, and he knew it before it ever happened.
I mean, these elitists plan everything.
Then he went into Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Yemen, and had some very definite words about this.
And Alex, before we take these one by one, please, let me say to your audience, folks,
I lived with the elite of the world for three years time.
I have kept in touch with them over the past 35 years.
Every time they have told me something, it has happened exactly as they say it.
Folks, I want you to believe everything that Alex Jones says on his programs.
He is right.
He's trying his best to tell you things that are difficult to believe sometimes.
Believe it.
He's telling you the truth.
I know it from first-hand experience by living with these people and talking with them over these years.
And folks, I just wish to goodness I could come in your home right now and sit down and tell you, believe every single word you're hearing on the Alex Jones Show every day.
And listen.
Listen every day.
Don't miss a day.
Because if you do, you're going to miss something important.
Well, Lindsey, let's break this down.
Let's break this down.
We have Citibank and other banks saying they'll hold your money for seven days.
They're openly talking about devaluing the currency.
Fox News even has the report from the government saying they may have a run.
That's up on PrisonPlanet.com today on the article Paul Watson wrote.
We have the Feds announcing that they won't insure money markets, which is most people's savings.
We see Greece falling, Spain on the verge of falling, Iceland being robbed by these people.
We see them moving.
We're starting to see commodities go up.
And two weeks ago, the News of Australia reported a secret banker meeting with the 24 central bank heads.
Discussing unified, concerted global currency devaluation.
Is that, when you talk about banking and the dollar going down, specifically what did he say on point number one about a 30 to 50 percent devaluation in the next 12 months?
Alex, what you have just said to your audience, every single bit of it is the truth.
It all fits in with what this gentleman had to say to me.
Keep in mind that these people think in a completely different world and realm than what the average American thinks, and we're going to have to think in the mentality of the elite, the thought patterns of the elite, and that's the reason I've written two books to try to explain their thought patterns now.
Let me begin in a way that the average person can understand.
Everybody wants to know the future.
I don't care who they are.
Even you and I, Alex, would like to know the future.
And this is probably the only reason I keep in touch with these people.
I don't like talking with them.
Believe me, it's not pleasant.
Did you call him or did he call you?
I called him because I wanted to know what's going on in 2010.
Now he's got to know you're talking to the public.
Oh, he knows exactly why I was calling.
First of all, I called to find out how he went through his operation.
Keep in mind, this gentleman is 87 years of age.
He is very feeble.
Yeah, when he called you a year and a half ago, or two years ago, he almost died.
Yes, and as a result, he said to me the other day, Alex, this is amazing.
He said to me on the phone, he said, Chaplain Williams, I'm too old to care.
Please tell them everything.
I mean, Alex, can you imagine having the privilege of telling everything that the insiders of the elite have to... Okay, let me begin so that the average person can understand it.
Let's go to the future.
What you are hearing on Alex Jones Show, what you're hearing me say today, it didn't come from a fortune teller, a palm reader, it didn't come from the Zodiac, or the horoscope, or tea leaves.
This came directly from an elitist himself, whom I talked with on the phone on yesterday, and these are the people who control the world.
I'm going to begin with the necessities of life.
I know we just left a plow into what's happening in the G7 and all that sort of thing, but let me go down to the simple part so that the average person can understand it.
And here it is.
Now, I know this sounds quite different because you've got to understand that the elite don't think like we think.
There will be no shortage of food and water.
Now, I've got to clarify this.
You will not be able to buy it.
I mean, the methodology of the elite are so astounding.
The grocery store shelves will be full in 2010, in 2011, 2012, but you're going to go hungry!
We're good to go.
You see, there are some encouraging notes in this whole thing in talking with these people, even though there are many negative notes.
He went on to say the reason that you'll go hungry is because you're going to lose 30 to 50 percent of the value of your currency in the next 12 months' time.
It's already planned.
They're going to do it by a number of methods, which he mentioned.
Stay there.
We've got to go to break.
We're going to come back and go through point one.
And there's five or six big key points that he brought up to you.
People laughed at Lindsey when we had $60, $40 a barrel oil and went up to $150.
Exactly as he said, this is directly from a former oil company CEO.
We'll be right back.
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Alright, going back to Pastor Lindsey Williams.
He worked in the oil fields and was invited in to the board meetings with these top oil executives, and who wrote several best-selling books on the subject, is in contact with one key individual who's very close to death's doorstep, whistling past the cemetery.
So he's just bragging about all the things they're doing, and it meshes very accurately with our sources inside Bilderberg Group.
And what Lindsey's talked about has come true over and over again.
Unfortunately, we wish this information was not accurate.
Okay, you were going into the dollar losing 30 to 50 percent in the next 12 months.
Alex, I must give God all the glory at this point and state that by the providence of God is the only reason I'm on your show today, and by the providence of God is the only reason that I, a little insignificant unknown missionary out in the bush of Alaska, was allowed to sit on the board meetings of the elite of the world for a three-year period.
Therefore, what you hear today, it will happen.
Folks out there in the listening audience, please believe me.
At least as far as this elitist believes.
I mean, I mean, things might, but go ahead.
Start breaking it down.
Yeah, let's break it down 30 to 50%.
He said you're going to lose in the value of your currency in the next 12 months.
That means that they literally are going to go into your bank account and withdraw.
He said it'll be the bottom, the very least, that you're going to lose in 30% of the purchasing power of your currency.
The Federal Reserve note, he said you probably will lose 50% and this is within 12 months.
Ten people.
I'm giving you what's going to happen this year.
Back, as you remember, about four or five months ago, we talked about a two-year timeline that they have.
I'm talking about today, 12-month period, you will lose probably 50%.
That means they're going into your bank account, your savings account, your IRA, and by the methods that they have planned, they will literally withdraw 50%
Of the purchasing power of your currency.
Therefore, as I said a moment ago, there will be plenty of food and water on the grocery store shelves, but you will not be able to buy it.
Okay, let's go to the next item.
Crude oil.
I know all of you want to know where the price of gasoline is going, but I've got to explain it the way he put it.
And he talked about this in depth on yesterday on the phone, by the way.
Please, listen, audience.
On Wednesday, yesterday, the 24th, I was on the phone with this gentleman.
He said, crude oil prices, as you remember, they went down from $147 to $50.
They've come back up now.
And I said to him on the phone, I almost called his name, I said to him on the phone, it's back up to about between $70 and $80 a barrel.
I said, where is it going?
These people have
Let me stop you.
It was in yesterday's news that crude oil is actually lower but we're paying $3 a gallon on average so that they're scamming us.
Go ahead.
Yeah, and the way he explained it is, he said, Chaplain, crude oil prices are still exactly where I told you they were going to go.
He said, I told you they were going to $50 a barrel.
He said, that's in relation to, folks, please try to think in terms of the elite here.
He said that is in terms of the purchasing power of the dollar.
At the time that I told you it was going to happen, he said six months ago the purchasing power of the dollar was $50 a barrel.
That's what they were getting.
But he said yet it takes Saudi Arabia $80 a barrel to maintain their infrastructure.
He said they're losing money every day.
And it's all, here's a prediction.
Folks, watch it.
You saw Dubai go down.
It was over the Thanksgiving holidays.
They said 80, let's see, $80 billion worth of securities.
They said we can't pay on them.
Here's the prediction.
You are going to see one OPEC oil-producing country after the other default on their obligations to the World Bank.
Stay there.
Gotta break.
Fourth hour coming up.
70 seconds away.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
All right, Lindsey Williams talking to this former top five oil company CEO executive.
Given a staggeringly accurate information in the past.
He is our guest.
Your calls are coming up at the 20 after.
Specifically for Lindsey Williams.
I've got some other news I'm going to be smattering into this hour on other subjects as well.
French husbands may be tagged.
Men seen as likely to be violent towards their wives could be forced to wear an electronic tag.
Under law being debated by the French Parliament.
Guilty until proven innocent.
Everyone must be tagged.
Men who've never even been in trouble.
England, you have to have cameras in your home when you have a new child the first few months to make sure you're not an abuser.
Going back to Lindsey Williams.
See, we're talking about OPEC country after OPEC country going belly up.
We see Western European countries going belly up.
And it even comes out in the mainstream news, the big central banks that own the oil companies are engineering this by design.
They're not even hiding it.
And Gordon Brown says, out of this crisis, Herman Van Rompuy just said it again yesterday, head of the EU, they will set up world government.
Paul Watson has an article about this today at PrisonPlanet.com.
Continue, sir, breaking down the predictions.
This is all planned.
Every bit of it has already been decided behind closed doors.
You are not going to change it.
You may as well adjust your lifestyle according to it.
And the only thing that is going to alter this is divine intervention, which I don't see at this point.
But if it did, it'd probably be our only hope.
Now, I'm giving you some signs today.
I hope you're writing these down.
Please take a pencil and a piece of paper and write this one down.
Here is the first one that this gentleman gave me.
Watch crude oil prices and you will know the progression of the elite.
Now, let me try to explain.
Because he had just sarcastically said to me, No, Chaplain, the price of crude oil is not $80 a barrel, it's $50 a barrel.
And I said,
Please try to explain.
Alex, you know, I am so glad that you have had Dr. Stan Monteith on your program.
And I'm so glad that he verified to you that he actually talked with this individual back about five to six years ago before I was no longer allowed to give out any names.
No, I know.
He does that.
I mean, Dr. Monteith really ferrets things.
He's always checking up on me to make sure.
But yes, I've talked to him.
He's talked to the guy.
I know his name.
Lindsey, we know this guy's a high-powered guy, and we know he's telling you this, and we know it's turned out accurate in the past.
Now, let's continue here.
Dollar loses 30 to 50 next 12 months.
A whole bunch of big banks in the Middle East go under.
OPEC countries go under.
Did he give you the order of this?
I mean, read your notes to us.
Yes, here it is.
Watch crude oil.
This is it.
This is the sign that was given to me.
And you watch it.
And please understand the depth of this.
Watch crude oil prices and you will know the progression of the elite.
And here's the way he explained it.
He said, yes, we are going to allow the OPEC oil producing countries of the world to have in purchasing power related to the deterioration of the American dollar
Please notice my word.
I'm doing it very carefully, trying to get it exactly like you said it.
Watch the deterioration of the dollar, and they will allow the OPEC oil-producing countries of the world to have $50 in purchasing power as related to the American dollar six months ago, when he told me that they were going to keep it at $50 a barrel.
And then he said to me,
He said, Chaplain, whether the world likes it or not, gasoline is still priced in dollars.
Now, Alex, you will remember that they tried to put together a basket of currencies to begin to trade oil in.
They were not successful in accomplishing it.
And this gentleman said to me, he said, Chaplain, whether they like it or not, oil is still priced in dollars.
And he said, we are going to give the oil producing countries of the world the purchasing power of $50.
Now, that means then, if you see the price of crude oil go to $70 or $80 a barrel, you know the progression of the deterioration of the American dollar in accordance with what the elite are doing at that particular time.
Well of course!
As gold and oil go up, you know they're killing the dollar.
Yes, you see gold go up.
Gold didn't go up in price.
The thing that went down in value was the purchasing power of the dollar.
Alright, stay there.
Stay there.
We've got a break again.
Let's go into Israel, not Hamas is responsible.
What does that mean?
Afghanistan, Pakistan and Yemen.
Is a distraction.
Everything he told you on the other side, we're going to race through it and then take phone calls so callers can get their questions in and get different perspectives from you from different angles.
Lindsey Williams is our guest.
We'll also tell you about his videos and books coming up.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Lindsey Williams is our guest.
This is key information.
We're going over what this high-level elite has told him the globalists are planning in the next 12 months into early 2011, but starting now.
Okay, Lindsey, let's continue now.
Did he say specifically what countries in the OPEC nations we're going to go down first?
He did not.
He merely said, watch it.
And you're going to see the same thing happen that you saw happen with Dubai, because they will not be able to meet their obligations, merely because they are receiving less than what is necessary for them to take care of their infrastructure.
And Venezuela's almost going bankrupt, and you said two years ago they were going to do this to really cause them problems.
Well, I have to relate back to this, Alec, but bear with me here for a second.
You'll remember back about a year and a half ago when I was on your show, and at the same time, you had on that particular day a man who was going to give you a market report.
And I made the statement that the price of crude oil was going down $50 a barrel.
He didn't say anything.
Yeah, let's be specific.
When it was $50 a barrel, he said it would go to $150 in the next year.
That happened.
Then you said they're going to drive it down to $50, now that he told you to bankrupt the OPEC nations, and now that's happening.
Yes, it's happening exactly like he said.
Now he said, watch the price of gasoline at the gas pump, and folks, this is what you need to prepare for for the next 12 months' time, is because related to the depreciation of the American dollar, which they already have it planned,
To withdraw the value of the American dollar's purchasing power by 30 to 50 percent, more likely 50 percent, that means that if the OPEC or producing countries still receive only $50 a barrel for their oil and purchasing power of the American dollar, you are going to be paying at the gas pump, more than likely, 50 percent more than what you're paying right now within the next 12 months' time.
All right, continuing, what's going on with Israel?
What did he tell you about war?
I was amazed.
I'm going to go into something even more startling than that first, if I may, Alex.
And you stop me if I say something that might be a little bit too much.
I was amazed at this man.
And he knew it all the time.
He said Israel sent that Mossad into other countries outside of Israel.
They had forged passports, everything was secretive, and they went after some leaders of Hamas.
And assassinated him.
You know, when this man was telling me this, I was sitting here almost with my mouth open saying, wait a minute.
I didn't ask him this.
I said, you knew about this before it happened?
He did.
He knew every bit of this was going to happen.
Listen folks, I say this for this reason.
I'm not going to go into this anymore because this could really get me in trouble.
But every single thing that you are hearing this individual talk about
Lindsey, I understand that.
Listen, no, go ahead and spill it all.
I mean, tell us, what did he say about the Israeli hit squads?
That's in the news now.
What did he say?
Yeah, well Israel did it.
And they did it with forged passports from the Mossad, their secretive organization.
And they went in and got their Moss person.
I mean, can we not even get...
Uh, a man in Afghanistan, the America as big as we are, we can't even take care of some people.
Well, specifically though, I mean, why was he telling you this?
Was this just a side issue?
It was just kind of a side issue, as if to say, hey, I knew about it all the time.
Okay, well go through the rest of your notes.
Go through the rest of your notes.
I mean, what else, what else did he say we should know?
Okay, let's go into Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Yemen, because this is very important.
Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, I said, what should we look at there?
What should we consider?
And these are his exact words.
He said, it's nothing but a sabre rally.
He said, don't pay any attention to it.
Then, we went into why this is even out there right now.
Folks, please understand, Afghanistan produces 87% of the world's opium crop.
Uh, in any given year.
That means that more than 90% of the heroin in Great Britain and the world comes from Afghanistan and banks in the world.
World banks now.
Not just American banks, banks all over the world.
In transfer of funds from the opium trade alone in any given day, transfer more money than any other one product on the face of this earth.
And that means that they're making literally billions of dollars off of opium trade transfer of funds.
And really, when we went into Afghanistan, we didn't do anything in the world but go in there to protect the bankers' interest.
And then one of the biggest pipelines in the world goes across Afghanistan.
Now do you wonder why we're in Afghanistan?
What did he say?
Okay, so he was telling you this.
Lindsey Williams, what did he say this was a distraction from?
He said this was a distraction from some major issues, whatever they wanted to be at that particular time.
He didn't mention the distraction, but it definitely distracted him.
Did he say anything about Iran?
Did he say anything about Iran?
More positively.
I mean, he's very firm about Iran.
He said there is not going to be any war with Iran right now.
He said, Chaplain, don't be concerned about it.
Sleep well at night.
Those are my words.
Those are not his.
You don't have to be worried about it.
It'll be a year to a year and a half before there is war with Iran.
Now, folks, you've got to remember... Wait a minute.
He said they are... Hold on.
He said they are going to attack in a year and a half?
He said there will be more in the Middle East somewhere a little after a year and a half from now.
But he said we don't want war with Iran right now.
And he said the only way that war with Iran right now is going to take place is if Israel starts it.
He was very firm about this.
So that would be right before a year and a half would be going into the election.
They may start a war then.
Oh, it very well could take place.
In fact, he said positively, war is planned.
I mean, there's no question, but there's a drawing board.
Lindsey, millions of people are listening.
Tell us what else on your notes he said is going to happen in the next year.
Well, he said, first of all, there's going to be some major upsets in the elections.
Of course, that's nothing new.
You all knew that.
I've got to go to Dubai and Dubai World.
He spent a lengthy period of time in the course of our conversation on the derivatives.
And, oh my goodness, very few people even know what a derivative is.
I know you've covered it on your program, but the average American, even some businessmen don't.
He said, Chaplain,
Distinguished between Dubai City and Dubai World, because he had told me back a year and a half ago that Dubai City was going to become a ghost town.
In fact, Alex, I appeared on your show and made the statement that Dubai City would become a ghost town and that there would be some major problems over there financially.
I was laughed at.
People thought I was crazy.
They said you shouldn't say things like this.
Now, he comes along and says, Chaplin, distinguish between Dubai City and Dubai World.
Now, many of you will remember back about four or five years ago during the Bush administration, Dubai World, not Dubai City, but Dubai World tried to take over the management of all of our port facilities in America.
Yeah, over 40 of them.
Back over the Thanksgiving holidays, he said it has jeopardized the entire world's banking system, and the average person has not the slightest idea how close to default the whole world's banking system is because of Dubai World, whose tentacles literally reach into every nation on the face of this earth with all of their financial involvement.
He said, watch Dubai World, and he said you're going to see some major things.
Then is when he went into
The fact that you're going to see some other OPEC law-producing countries, now that includes more than just the Middle East.
That includes Nigeria, that includes Mexico, that includes all.
I mean, this brings up a whole different world.
And all these countries that are all producing, that are a part of the OPEC arm, he said you're going to see one after the other have financial problems through the same thing that Dubai World did.
And let me add this.
This is a PrisonPlanet.com headline right now and it quotes mainstream news articles.
Prominent investor pound could collapse within weeks.
British currency is on the brink according to billionaire financier Jim Rogers.
And we know, it's even coming out in the European Parliament, that Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase and others are engineering this total global meltdown.
They robbed us so they'd be flushing cash a year and a half ago with the banker bailout.
Now they're moving into phase two.
Did he talk about the bankers and where we go after a year?
He only talked about the fact that, you see, everything really revolves around crude oil.
It's the standard currency of the world.
And whenever crude oil prices go and stay about where they're doing right now, between $7.00 and $8.00, which is $50.00 worth of purchasing power, but yet it takes Saudi Arabia $80.00 in purchasing power of the American dollar to even be able to maintain their infrastructure.
What he's basically saying is, this whole thing is going to collapse like a dominoes
Uh, and he said, you just be ready for the fact that one after the other are going to bite the dust as Dubai World did.
So, basically, everything that you've been saying on your program is exactly what's taking place.
Now, let me go into the next item.
He went into health care, and I think it's probably because of the fact that he's 87 years of age that he did this.
But I'll just make his statement.
I wish he had elaborated more.
He said, the health care bill is not a health care bill.
I mean, I was amazed.
I'm still sitting here dumbfounded.
He said the health care bill is total government takeover.
And I said, what do you mean?
He said, read the fine print.
And I said, what do you mean?
And he said, the health care bill, basically in a nutshell, is gun confiscation, is euthanasia, is electronic chip control.
I mean, there's so much involved in this health care bill.
I'm so glad that people are rising up and saying we are going to go along with this, Alex.
All right, Lindsey, incredible information.
We're going to take calls on the other side of this break.
The toll-free number to join us is 1-800-259-9231.
As Ron Paul, myself, and many others have said, ahead of the globalists and their controlled financial collapse we've been talking about for over a decade,
We have to get the word out about how they are behind it and they are the people that need to be brought to justice.
If we don't identify them as the enemy to the public, they'll have the collapse and use it to take over, instead of the collapse being used to bring them to justice and get our planet back.
Stay with us.
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Lindsay Williams, our guest, for the rest of the hour.
We appreciate him breaking this here.
I have full confidence that he's telling us the truth.
Dr. Stan Monteith's actually called and talked to this former oil company CEO.
We know the info's turned out to be very accurate in the past.
I wish it wasn't accurate.
Hopefully, to get the word out about what these people are doing, we can stop this.
But I don't know.
Let's go ahead and talk to Jim in New York.
You're on the air with Pastor Lindsay Williams.
Sorry Alex, this is Pastor Williams.
Hi Jim.
Hi, how are you?
I don't want to be controversial, but I have a problem with something that you said at the beginning of the show.
Alex said he asked you about, had you talked about with anybody else about the situation.
And it's just not true that you didn't, because I heard you on Dr. Stan over a month ago.
No, no, that was a separate interview.
This is another phone call.
No, it was exactly what he's saying today.
No, no, he called me.
You're not listening.
He called me a month ago and said he'd talk to him again, and it was some similar info, but he talked to him again yesterday.
Lindsey, you want to comment to this?
That's exactly right, and the information that I received on yesterday, I am backing up some of it with the things that he said a month ago, because in order to understand the things he said yesterday, I have to know what he said.
Yeah, Jim, we went back to two years ago, and to a year ago, too, and I'm sorry if that got confusing, but no, I know Lindsey called me a month ago, and I meant to get him on, it just fell through the cracks, but no, he called us yesterday and talked to him again.
I mean, look, Dr. Monteith has talked to this guy.
Lindsay, before all this happened, years ago, wrote books about it.
This guy's name is in there.
We're not just saying his name.
Look, Jim, here's my question.
Did oil go up to 150 like Lindsay said it would?
That sounded crazy.
It happened.
Did it go back down like he said?
Now, the guy was wrong about saying that the elite wouldn't let Obama in.
And Lindsay's talked about that.
Anything else, Jim?
No, Alex.
Okay, I appreciate that.
You know, maybe I'm misunderstanding this, but basically what he's saying today is what he said on Monteith a month ago.
Anybody go to Radio Liberty and listen to it and see the date.
It's not a problem.
Massad, all of these things are brand new that he had never mentioned to me before.
Hello, how are you doing Alex?
I wanted to thank Lindsey Williams.
Because some of the information that he had mentioned, you know, a couple years ago about the oil going up.
I had talked to some of my friends and family members and, you know, mentioned that I had heard that.
And, you know, they didn't believe it, of course, until it actually happened a couple years ago.
And then had to open their eyes and let them see that there are things behind the scenes that are going on that a lot of us have no idea about and we don't get to see it on the news.
Most of us don't have insider friends that can give us that kind of information, so I just wanted to thank Lindsay for kind of getting the word out about stuff like that.
Thank you so much.
And by the way, please believe all the other things that Alex is saying on his show day by day.
Because every bit of this dovetails together in understanding the total program of the elite.
I want to be clear on this.
Well, I appreciate that, Ryan.
We're going to talk to Malcolm and others here in a moment.
But going back to Jim, and I think Jim's a nice guy.
I'm not saying he's wrong or even bad.
It's just that Lindsey
Everything he wrote in his Energy Non-Crisis 20-something years ago has now come out in Congress and been proven accurate.
Where he said the oil was at in massive amounts has come out to be accurate.
I've known Lindsey, been interviewing Lindsey for 13 years.
I remember interviewing him when I was on one radio station.
Might have been 14 years ago.
I mean, Lindsey's told the truth, and yeah, he's mixing all the different interviews or talks he's done together, and he's talked about a lot of new stuff here, dealing with Israel and the rest of it, and he is talking to this guy, and Dr. Monteith's called the guy up and talked to him himself, and so, regardless,
We know this stuff is coming true and happening, and we can see what Lindsey's talking about in the headlines of the news right now.
And Bilderberg Group sources are confirming the same thing.
Let's jam in another call here.
Let's talk to Malcolm in Texas.
Malcolm, you're on the air.
Hi, Alex.
Hi, Lindsey.
How y'all doing?
Hi, Alex.
I just want to say, Lindsey, thank you for doing what you're doing.
That takes a lot of guts.
My question regards gold and silver seizures possible in the coming years because it's possible that we're going to have new fiat currencies replace the dollar and maybe other currencies.
I think Bob Chapman and... We know what happened in 33.
Anything is possible with these crooks.
Yes, this gentleman did deal with this in a former conversation that we had about a month ago, and he said to me, he said, Chaplain, the currency of the elite is gold and silver.
He said... Stay there!
Stay there!
We've got a break.
We've got a break.
Malcolm, Pastor Williams, stay there.
We'll come back to both of you to flesh this out.
On the other side, Pastor Lindsey Williams is our guest.
My websites are InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
For the latest, most important news, check them out daily.
They're updated about 20 times a piece every day.
Stay with us.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
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As we're finishing off this agenda,
We're pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
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I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
For the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation, the criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty and on its ashes constructing world government.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We're going back to Lindsey Williams here in just a moment and your phone calls to the end of the transmission.
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Going back to Lindsey Williams and Malcolm in Texas, what did he tell you about gold and possible confiscation or anything like that?
He has talked about gold at length, and one of the things he said was, it's the currency of the elite, and he said, therefore, it's not going to be bothered.
Now, you can take that at face value, I think, in the fact that there's not going to be any confiscation of gold and silver, because they aren't going to touch the one thing that they trust.
And he made it very plain.
He said, I'm going to quote his exact words, and Alex and our caller in, please understand that the only way that I can understand the elite is sometimes to go back to things that these people have said in the past.
So you out in the listening audience, don't get upset just merely because I relate to something that this person said in the past.
You've got to put all this together as one big jigsaw puzzle.
Sure, sure.
He said don't trust any financial instrument that is written on paper.
Whether it be a key bill, a Federal Reserve note, a retirement account, a bond, even bonds issued by the Treasury.
The derivatives have diseased it all.
Thank you, Malcolm.
Carl in Texas, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey, guys.
Yes, sir.
Oh, thank God.
Lindsey, I want to thank you.
I cannot thank you enough for what
Before I ask my questions, I even wrote everything out.
I believe that out of many documentaries that I've watched in the last year, and I'm talking many, many that your newest three DVD set that you put out a few months ago is just flat out amazing.
Anyone that has not yet viewed this DVD set is doing a disservice to themselves and their loved ones.
I found a link that Lindsey or someone else had provided on a particular website that you can actually watch it online or even download a downgraded version of it because he just wants the information out there.
Guys, watch it!
Carl, I hear you and I appreciate your call.
We're going to tell you about the books and DVDs that Lindsey's offering before he leaves us.
But expanding on this, Daryl Rundis.
Yeah, almost two years ago, whenever you first came on about the $150 a barrel oil, he believed you.
He went and bet on it in the markets and told me it was just a ton of money he made.
So he wanted to thank you.
Darrell Rundis wanted me to thank you for that.
So he believed in you enough to bet on what you were doing.
I don't know if this elitist you're talking to could ever be wrong or if the elite could change what they're doing.
But I know you talked to him.
I know this is what they believe is going on.
Let's talk to Robert in Texas.
Robert, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
I'm not going to take up much of your time.
I just wanted to let you know, Alex, that I got that Glenn Beck video up on the Funkmaster 5 channel.
It's under Beck Betrayed.
If you want to search for it on YouTube, Beck Betrayed.
I watched the video.
Are you calling in?
Anything else?
No, that's it.
Thank you, sir.
Thank you, Robert.
Taylor in Oregon.
You're on the air with Lindsey Williams.
Go ahead.
Oh, hey.
I want to express some concerns about Congress' ability to only say no for so long.
Within this week,
Um, pretty critical information I've been seeing in the media.
We got the $85 billion bipartisan draft bill now that, you know, was stalled, the 154 bill that was stalled back in December.
And then with the whole body scanners stalling in the House of Representatives.
And now they want to censor the internet and we can clearly see them gearing up for police state.
Is that what you're saying?
Yeah, absolutely.
And I kind of wanted to get Lindsey's comments on that.
Yeah, clearly, worldwide, they're setting up a police state knowing people are going to get angry as things implode.
Yeah, this gentleman has let me know in no uncertain terms all of the details that surround all of this.
But for him to actually answer a question about the police state, he's never been willing to.
But he's given me everything all the way around it.
In fact, when he talked about the health care bill, he was talking about the chip that they can put into a hypodermic needle by way of the vaccination they're going to give you.
And he said every bit of this is in the health care bill.
That is actually in there.
They talk about implantable chips in the bill.
Let's talk to Mike in North Carolina.
Any questions for Lindsey Williams?
Hey Alex, I just want to know about the buildup in Yemen, and I want to know if he's heard anything about these rumors of the Stargate down there, anything like that?
Yeah, I would imagine he hadn't heard anything about that, but I appreciate your call.
He was saying earlier that the whole Yemen thing is a distraction.
Really, to me, it's a civil war down there, and the U.S.
and Saudis are in there trying to take control of the situation.
Also, to control the port of Aden, and the U.S.
and Israel are talking about taking over the oil-filled areas in southern Iran, then they would control about a third of the oil on the planet.
Now, the Strait of Hormuz, as most of you recognize, one supertanker down in the Strait of Hormuz would cut off 40% of the world's oil, and you would see the price of gasoline gas pump go to $10 to $12 a gallon overnight, and our military would be drastically hindered.
So, Alex, I think you've covered it quite well.
Al in Texas, you're on the air with Lindsey Williams.
Go ahead.
Yeah, how are you doing, Mr. Williams?
I had the pleasure of listening to you on Matrix News Network when I lived in Aurora, Illinois.
I do live in Conroe, Texas now.
And you had touched on the health care bill earlier, and it's interesting that the caller, a few callers behind me or in front of me had mentioned the RFID chip implanted by Needle.
I, in fact, was in Larrigate State Jail in Beaumont, Texas.
And interestingly enough, you were forced to have vaccinations and have blood drawn three vials.
By the way, we're getting reports everywhere of people in jail for unpaid tickets are having blood taken, being injected, they're taking blood from babies at birth illegally.
I mean, this is insane.
Yes, sir.
And it's very, very odd that now a stud finder picks up something in my left arm where they did pick up the blood, where they did take the blood.
And interesting, Mr. Jones, I've just become a listener to your show in the past week.
I placed an order through your store, and just in the past few minutes, in fact, and this is no lie,
A military helicopter did fly above my house in Conroe, and there is the same white suburban that has been driving by my house five times in the past ten minutes.
Well, I appreciate your call, Al, but you wouldn't order it and they come fly a helicopter over.
There's military helicopters flying around everywhere, and they do have systems that can look right through your walls.
That's been in the news, but I mean, I think just completely giving in to paranoia is not the way to go.
I've got a lot of folks home from work today.
Let's go ahead and talk to Nick in Colorado.
Nick, you're on the air.
Hey, I just had a question for you and Mr. Williams about the Iran war.
Now you predicted about three to six months, maybe something like that happening, but Lindsey Williams saying it wouldn't be until about a year.
Well, if Lindsey's saying a year and a half, then maybe they may do it.
Tarpley thinks it's on the front burner again.
Israel's talking about it.
It's clearly being debated right now.
I don't think the establishment knows what they're going to do at this time yet.
Yes, a year and a half ago you remember that we had our warship sitting over there in the Gulf, Persian Gulf.
We had everything ready, Marines, Air Force, Army, everybody was ready.
I was even saying on radio talk shows, we're going to have a confrontation with Iran.
This gentleman told me on the phone, you will not have a confrontation with Iran in the next two years.
I came back on radio shows.
All over the country said that.
I was laughed at.
It's gone by for a year and a half.
We still haven't had one.
The gentleman now is saying to me that the elite have it planned a year and a half from now.
That's all I can go on.
And they've been right for 35 years, so I'm hoping I can sleep better at night based on the fact of what he said.
All right, Nick.
Thank you.
Joe in North Carolina.
Next question for Lindsey Williams.
Hey Alex, this is Joe in North Carolina, man.
Good to talk to you.
Good to talk to you.
Hey, quick question.
I've been listening to you guys for about a year, and if there were maybe two points that you could make to kind of wake me up just a little bit more, what would you say?
Well, if any two points would wake you up, I would say number one would be the fact that he said there's not going to be any shortages on the grocery store shelves, but yet you will probably go hungry because you won't have the money to buy it.
They will devalue the dollar by 30 to 50 percent in the next 12 months.
Then, his comparison with crude oil and the one on Dubai world.
Please, those are probably the most important things right now.
All right, Phil, thank you.
Let's talk to Michael in Mississippi.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
Hey, Pastor William.
Hi, Michael.
I had a question.
Yes, sir.
The last time you talked, this last time, Pastor, but the time before that you had talked to this gentleman, you had mentioned it was maybe online on one of the talk shows or maybe on your DVD, but you mentioned specifically something about a connection between specifically 2012, the Mayan calendar,
And I got the videos, and I listened, and I never heard anything about that specifically.
Could you tell me about that?
You probably have the wrong set of videos.
Because I've received so much material from this man within the past six months, we have done two different sets of videos.
There are three videos in each one.
The latest set probably is the one that I went into that, and basically what he said to me was, he said, the dollar will be dead.
These are his exact words.
The dollar will be dead by 2012.
I said that is the same date that the Mayan calendar has some things that will probably be happening, and we went into that more in our latest DVD set, which we'll talk about a little bit later.
Yes, Michael, thank you.
Phil in Jersey.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yes, how you doing?
I wanted to know if there was any Achilles heel that he indicated that these people have that might be a way that we could organize and take them down before they take us down.
You sure can, and I am so glad you asked that.
Oh my goodness, thank you so much.
When I lived with the elite, I found there's only one thing that scares them to death.
That's the masses of people waking up and learning the truth.
And that's what Alex Jones is all about.
He tells them.
He tells it straight.
And they are scared to death of you waking up.
As a result, I mentioned, I think when I was on the Alex Jones Show last,
That they have extended their timeline because you gave them $2.5 trillion back in the last two months of the Bush administration, and they do not want you to wake up.
They're scared to death.
In fact, that's the reason that they all... I asked him this.
Oh, thank you for bringing this up.
I asked him, I said, why are you going to diminish the dollar by 50% this year?
He doesn't want you to wake up.
He wants you to keep on like a frog boiling in the pot, and instead of completely collapsing the dollar overnight, they are not going to do that, by the way.
This is a prediction.
They are not going to collapse the dollar overnight.
Well, that's what the G20 has said.
It will be 30-50% in 2012.
The G20 has said publicly, coordinated devaluation.
Alright, thank you.
Thank you, Phil.
Good question.
Richie in Georgia.
Richie, you're on the air.
Alex, hey guys.
How are you doing?
God bless you.
I just want to appreciate, say we appreciate everything that you've been teaching us, waking us up.
And just real quick, I know that the news is happening.
There's so much ammunition in their gun that they're shooting at us right now.
I've been trying to get in the paper and let them know about the possible assassination attempts and Paul Craig Roberts' interview.
I've been relaying that to my local community here, but I really wanted to get the word out to the Christians across the nation.
Uh, to, uh, form a something other than the Tea Party because the Tea Party's being infiltrated.
Uh, is there any way that we could possibly do an interview sometime so that the people would, you know, I'd have some credibility to reach out to those people and us try to, uh, you know, come up with a grassroots movement, uh, you know, twice a year?
Do an interview where?
Well I was wondering if maybe we could do that sometime.
To get the word out.
On what?
What type of interview?
Well, you made it a point that the Tea Party is being infiltrated, and I think we need a truly independent movement, and I think if we reach out to all the Christians in the country and all the churches, I feel like I can network with those people and really... Well, listen, I hear you and I appreciate your call.
Look, man, I'm trying to keep my lights on and just run my operation.
I'm not all powerful, but just...
You don't have to save the world by yourself, sir, and have some big complex thing I'm involved with, and you wake up every church.
Try waking up one church.
You say, have credibility with them.
Make copies of my films.
Give them to people.
By the way, we've been given an exclusive article.
He sent it to us and said, this is directly to you, not even through his syndicated column.
Paul Craig Roberts this morning sent it to us, asked us to post it.
It's the road to Armageddon.
And it's a key article about 9-11 truth, World War III, and a lot more.
Very powerful that Dr. Roberts sent us.
It's up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com right now.
The Road to Armageddon.
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts.
We're going to break here in a few minutes.
We're going to come back with final calls and questions for Lindsey Williams at 1-800-259-9231.
Please give him quick questions he can answer in this limited time we have with him.
We'll probably have him back soon.
You've made so many books and DVDs.
Before you'd write a book maybe every ten years.
Or a DVD every five, six years.
You're really churning it out because so much is happening now and this guy's telling you so much.
Give people the toll free number to call and get some of the DVD packages and books.
Alex, we are re-editing.
Please notice my wording carefully as a result of what the former caller said.
We have re-edited this weekend, and we will have ready to ship to you on Monday morning everything that I have been told by this elitist in this conversation on yesterday.
I plead with you for the sake of your dinner table and your friends, my DVDs are not copywritten.
Copy them, get them out all you can.
The number is 888-799.
That's fine.
Give folks the number.
Give people the number.
The number is 888-799-6111, or go to prophecyclub.com on the web, P-R-O-P-H-E-C-Y-C-L-U-B.com, and you'll see it all listed there.
The number one more time for folks that may have missed it.
One, one, one.
And if anybody has a financial problem, please, I have told our operators not to turn anybody down.
Ask for the economy offer if you're having any financial trouble.
I know a lot of people in America having financial problems.
All right, we've got to go to break, Lindsey.
Got to go to break.
Final segment calls straight ahead, ladies and gentlemen, here on the GCN Radio Network.
We'll be right back.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda,
We're pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
For the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation, the criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty and on its ashes constructing world government.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com.
Or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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That's right.
We're good.
Final segment, we have Phil Byrd of the latest information on the birther issues.
Devastating info in the second hour today.
You can subscribe, of course, to the free podcast.
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Lindsey Williams, our guest.
Who's up next here, John?
Robert in Mississippi.
Thanks for holding her on the air with Lindsey Williams.
Go ahead.
Yes, I'd like to know about renters.
I know in Nazi Germany that after the war, since the cost of food was so high, that they'll rent more.
What can we expect the price of renting to be?
Because a lot of people rent in this country.
Yes, there is a 50% decline in the purchasing power of the dollar within 12 months.
He said it positively will happen.
It's already planned.
They know how they're going to do it.
So that means then that your renting prices are going to have to go up accordingly.
And also, Max Keiser talks about this.
This is a class of slumlord owners.
And I mean, you know, big expensive flats, cheap homes, whatever.
With everybody, large portions getting turned out of their houses now because of the mortgage problems.
You will see the paradox of rent properties going up just from that alone.
And they'll turn around and rent you your house back after they repossess it from you.
And you've got to see the portion in our DVD that talks about what do the elite have to gain by all of this in order to understand.
And it's total control.
Let's look real fast.
I'm going to get more calls in.
Margie in Florida.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yes, hi both of y'all.
Margie, producer for Your Mind The Radio.
Listen, I've got a question.
Last time Lindsey was on the show, he said that it was probably going to be two years until they started shutting down the alternative news or something like that.
Yeah, you were saying they'd go after the media last, but now Obama and others are talking about they took Krypton down yesterday just getting rid of websites.
Uh, yes, but I was told that the last thing that will be touched, or maybe we are in the last phase, I'm not quite sure.
But yeah, I can only go by what the gentleman told me, and he said that one of the last things that will be touched will be the media such as Alex Jones.
But mainly he was talking about Neocon Talk Radio, wasn't it?
Because you said his quote was, we like what we're doing with our media, so we don't want to set the precedent.
Yeah, well they know good and well that if they touch you, Alex, that they're going to have to touch the national media also and start censoring them.
Well, they don't want them to censor, so they're going to let you along until the very last.
Marjorie, thank you for that.
Tim in Kentucky, last caller.
Sorry to the others.
Tim, you're on the air.
Thanks for taking my call, Alex.
Pastor Williams, my question is,
Will we see any more stimulus packages being passed this year?
Is this how they're going to devalue the dollar, or did he give you some other type of indication of how they're going to do it?
He did not mention stimulus packages, and I didn't think to ask him.
And, uh, Alex, if you ever have any questions you want me to ask this man, just pass them on to me, I will.
But he did say that they positively have a method of devaluing it 30 to 50 percent within, uh, 20 years.
I want you to ask him, as soon as you can,
What are they going to do to get the guns out of the people's hands?
This isn't like Argentina or Nigeria where most people are disarmed.
What is going to happen with a huge armed population?
Lindsey, great job.
Thanks for your info.
Appreciate you bringing it to this show.
We'll talk to you again soon.
There goes Lindsey Williams.
You bet.
Thank you, sir.
As I said, Phil Burke was an hour into the show.
Unbelievable interview.
We know that Obama is a foreign citizen.
Regardless of the birth certificate, that's coming up.
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