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Name: 20100223_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Feb. 23, 2010
2636 lines.
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We're live, ladies and gentlemen, simulcasting at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Coming up later in the hour, we're going to have Rob Dew, who knew Joe Stack.
He played in some bands with him.
So did Joe Ely and many others in Austin.
We're going to be going over some breaking news and information here on air that's very important that points directly at false flag terror and recapping the other evidence for that case.
I'm still not sure, but breaking information coming up on that front.
We've been researching this the last three days since we first saw the information.
In other news, look at this ABC News of Australia, one of their big national TV networks, the Australian Broadcasting System.
ABC News, give folks a document cam shot.
Kangaroos poisoned by fluoride.
The Environmental Protection Authority says fluoride from Alcoa's aluminum smelter at Portland is making kangaroos sick.
Well, why not just put it in the water supply?
Oh, that's what you do.
It's the byproduct from the purification process of aluminum manufacturing and the byproduct of fertilizer manufacturing.
And you just dump it in our water.
That and over 150 chemicals on average.
Some systems get over 300.
The EPA admits this, but oh, the public just laughs about it.
Ha ha ha.
Dr. Strangelove, Stanley Kubrick made a joke about that.
Well, here it is.
And all over the country.
It's been known for decades and decades that a lot of farms and ranches that butt up on towns and cities that get municipal water for their cows and horses stop giving it to them and have to dig wells because cows and horses are so susceptible.
And see, fluoride builds up.
It doesn't leave the body.
It sticks.
It goes to your organs and bones and it ends up killing the horses and cows.
We're good to go.
It's so diabolical that all of this is going on.
Now, I haven't confirmed this yet, and I'm going to try to go find the audio of it.
Well, it says the audio's here.
I was given this during the break.
And so, guys, will you cue this up where they say they have audio in this article?
The headline is, and we'll get this linked up on Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com, Deborah Medina agrees that 9-11 truthers' beliefs are despicable.
And she was on this particular radio show that fills in for Rush Limbaugh out of Dallas, Mark Davis, who's attacked me routinely and lied about me.
He said I said kill Michelle Malkin, even after the Denver Post and others retracted and said other people that were with Malkin were screaming it to set me up.
He still went ahead with that in the Dallas Morning News, and the Dallas Morning News then retracted the story.
But he never retracted.
He still says it on air.
And we have the transcript of it.
You know, my issue is what Debra Medina said about people have a right to investigate and a right to question.
Just like six of the ten 9-11 commissioners have said.
I've said, hey, it's her right to not come out on 9-11 truth or to believe that it could be an inside job.
But Debra Medina can't play politics here now that she's given good answers, because I've seen other speeches on TV where she said a lot of people have questions.
We don't know what happened in separate interviews.
And it's very concerning, if this is true, to see a flip-flop after she's made repeated statements for a new investigation, similar to what Palin has said, to then come out and say, I agree, it's despicable.
Do you guys have the audio yet?
Let's go ahead and play the clip right now.
Well, indeed so.
My assertion is it would have been over by now, would have been over in a day, if after the Beck thing you'd have said, boy, I'm sorry, I messed up.
I should have identified this 9-11 truth or movement as the despicable, paranoid cult that they are.
What a horrible, hateful belief to have in your head that 9-11 was an inside job.
Why didn't you do that?
Yeah, I agree with you, Mark.
You know, I laughed it off whenever he said I was a truther because I thought it was so absurd.
And I should have just said, no, absolutely I'm not a truther.
I think it's abundantly clear I'm not a truther.
You know, those things happen to us, and we pick up, say, should have done that better, move on, and that's what we've done.
Then there's just one other thing that's left, because not being a truther is great.
I'm thinking, of course you're not, of course you're not.
But sometimes the wisdom is defined by knowing whom to praise and whom to, quite frankly, condemn.
Someone walking around with the belief that America would do this to its own people, that President Bush and those around him would slaughter our own citizens in order to justify war is a despicable thing to believe.
And if that's it, you want to be on record as agreeing with that.
Look, I'll say this right here and right now.
Rick Perry is bad news.
Kay Bailey Hutchinson's a Bilderberg Group member, not just an attendee.
This is very disturbing.
Very, very disturbing.
If she wanted to come out day one and want to control our borders, get rid of property taxes...
Um, stand up for sovereignty, send a message nationwide for true Constitutionalists to get elected to the Republican Party, to state office.
That would be fine.
But what is bad about this is, she said a lot of people have questions, they have a right to their opinion.
We need to investigate this.
I mean, she's done TV and radio interviews countless times since then, saying, look, people have a right.
And she said it at speeches.
So for one audience, she's saying one thing.
And for another audience, she's saying another thing.
And I'm going to withdraw my support for Debra Medina in this election if I don't hear an apology and a clarification on this.
Because she needs to explain herself for him to sit there and say we're despicable, we're horrible, we're evil.
Really, I just showed you a new declassified State Department document from the State Department history site where Bobby Kennedy wanted to blow up the U.S.
Embassy in Honduras to blame it on
Foreign governments.
Operation Northwood.
It's declassified.
They staged the Gulf of Tonkin.
It's in an army field manual.
They give captains and black ops how to stage terror attacks.
I mean, governments do this.
And now MSNBC is demonizing
MSNBC is demonizing in a big, big way, along with the New York Post and others, the firefighters, police and medical workers saying it's a despicable conspiracy theory and they just want money, that they're sick from asbestos and concrete and pulverized glass.
When all the major medical facilities have done CAT scans, their lungs are just full of it.
Now that's a despicable conspiracy theory.
I mean, we have the former head of the U.S.
Embassy visa section on to tell you on record that those guys from Saudi Arabia, Mohammed Adda and others, were led in by the CIA and protected.
We have Stephen Butler, the head of the Defense Language School, on record saying Mohammed Adda and others were trained at their base.
That's Associated Press.
I'm not supposed to be... It's despicable that I'm aware of a history of government-sponsored terror, and I'm a horrible person, and 84% of Americans in an Angus and Reed New York Times poll question the official story and want a new investigation, and 6 of the 10 commissioners, and Mr. Farmer, the head of the commission, and Homeland Security Director Ridge writes a best-selling book last year saying they would issue fake terror alerts for political gain.
That's a form of terrorism.
Under the Patriot Act, it's an act of terror to put out a fake terror call.
Again, I like Lou Dobbs because I disagree with him on the drug war and a few issues, but he's the same today, yesterday, tomorrow.
And I agree with him on NAFTA and GATT and the New World Order and sovereignty.
Michael Savage isn't perfect, but he's the same ten years ago, he's the same today.
He's saying Obama may stage terror attacks in America, but he says he will.
We know the underwear bombing was.
It's on record the government got him on the plane in Amsterdam.
That's confirmed!
And the FBI lied about it at first.
I'm not supposed to question that?
I'm despicable?
To all my family listening in Dallas to the number one talk station, I'm despicable?
You agree that I'm bad?
Deborah Medina is part of the in-the-Fed people.
She knows full well, I never even brought up 9-11 truth with her, she knows full well that a large part of her grassroots supporters that launched her campaign were 9-11 troopers.
Now we go to the subject of Ron Paul.
Ron Paul will get up on national TV and say, I'm worried about stage provocations.
He will say, governments do stage crises.
He talked about, he's worried about a Gulf of Tonkin to get us into war with Iran.
He says he doesn't believe 9-11's an inside job, and that's his right!
But he's never flip-flopped, and when he's been asked, are you against these despicable people, all over TV, he says, no, they're not despicable, they have a right to ask questions.
Debra Medina doesn't have to be a carbon copy of what we are.
But the establishment and their internal memos, at the White House currently, Cass Sunstein and others, are deadly afraid of 9-11 truth.
Because people start thinking about who stages crises.
Fake global warming.
That's a fake terror attack.
Sea levels will rise, showing kids, you know, animals drowning, whole cities underwater, everybody's gonna die, the penguins are gonna die.
Polar bears are gonna die?
That's a form of staged terror.
Telling you you're gonna die of the flu if you don't take a dangerous vaccine.
And lying to you, not telling you it has mercury in it.
Or it can cause neurological disorders.
That's a form of fake terror!
People start getting this and it was declassified that Cheney wanted to stage a Gulf of Tonkin two years ago.
It was declassified that a year before that, three years ago, he wanted to stage a terror attack to blame it on Iran.
That's MSNBC.
That's New Yorker Magazine.
That's Cy Hirsch.
I mean, I'm despicable.
Now, look, I'm not going to put a lot of energy into this, but I'm sure people say, oh, how dare you, so I probably will.
I'll just get Debra Medina and all these conversations and all these speeches she's given since the incident three weeks ago with Glenn Beck, two and a half weeks ago, and I'll show her after saying there's a lot of questions, people have a right, and then I'll show her saying it's despicable.
I don't like flip-flopping.
I want people to do what they say.
And at this point, we can't believe anything she says if she gets in office, if she'll flip-flop like this.
Hey, she's gonna find out who's really supporting her, and that she better watch it!
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The smoking gun heard round the... To Austin, welcome gubernatorial candidate Debra Medina.
Hey Debra, how are you?
It is nice to have you.
Let's do two things.
Let's take a couple minutes and wrap up the 9-11 thing, and then I want you to get to what you want to talk about for these remaining weeks of the campaign.
Nine days, I think.
Well, indeed so.
My assertion is it would have been over by now, would have been over in a day, if after the Beck thing you'd have said, boy, I'm sorry, I messed up.
I should have identified this 9-11 truther movement as the despicable, paranoid cult that they are.
What a horrible, hateful belief to have in your head that 9-11 was an inside job.
Why didn't you do that?
Yeah, I agree with you, Mark.
You know, I laughed it off whenever he said I was a truther because I thought it was so absurd.
And I should have just said, no, absolutely I'm not a truther.
I think it's abundantly clear I'm not a truther.
You know, those things happen to us, and we pick up, say, should have done that better, move on, and that's what we've done.
Then there's just one other thing that's left, because not being a truther is great.
I'm thinking, of course you're not, of course you're not.
But sometimes the wisdom is defined by knowing whom to praise and whom to, quite frankly, condemn.
Someone walking around with the belief that America would do this to its own people, that President Bush and those around him would slaughter our own citizens in order to justify war is a despicable thing to believe.
And if that's it, you want to be on record as agreeing with that.
Agreed, yeah.
I was thinking in terms of a commission report.
Not in terms of what, you know, individuals are out there doing, and the commission report, I think, is the thing that I was getting back to.
None of which, as you indicate, has a direct impact on what's going on in Texas right now, with the exception of, we ought to be concerned about terrorism and what's coming across our southern border.
We haven't addressed that issue, and we really need to be focused on that.
You know, I don't have time to track Glenn back.
Sarah Palin, much less Debra Medina, and watch everything you're doing.
But I've seen three or four video clips of her in speeches after the Glenn Beck situation, saying people have a right, people have questions, they have a right to question with what our government's done in the past.
We don't know what happened, you know, what happened with that building falling.
And then now she goes on a show.
I mean, this is the one thing I won't put up with, folks, is duplicity, is flip-flopping.
And I tell you what, you know, early on they asked for our support, we got our listeners to donate money, get them off the ground.
You know, it's like Ron Paul in 2007.
He said on air, half their early support when he was running for president the first six months was from this show.
And Ron Paul comes on, he's been attacked on TV for doing it, he never stabs me in the back.
But I'll tell you this, this is very upsetting.
You know, and you notice after she even denied us, after she even threw us under the bus, notice he came back at her and said, yes, but it's the decision-making process of a leader.
You should have answered that right, right away.
He's still attacking her.
He's a Clear Channel radio host.
They gave, the head of Clear Channel gave a half million bucks to Perry.
They're not gonna be your friend, lady.
What this means is, if she gets into office,
Maybe it's better to just keep Perry in.
Because everybody hates him more, and the government gets more discredited, and we have fought back his NAFTA highways and his Gardasil.
Maybe it's better to have a lame duck Perry in there.
People just get angry.
Instead of putting a supposed patriot in, who will then flip-flop any time there's heat, or any time the neocon stage an event, and then we, the patriot movement, gets blamed.
You know, that's my problem with Glenn Beck posing as us.
That's my problem.
It's because then when he gets discredited, which he's meant to do by design, we get discredited.
I've had it, and I just can't hold back anymore.
It's like with the Traficant interview.
I knew what he was going to say.
I had him on.
I can't hold back what's going on in this country anymore.
Life's too short.
I woke up at 1.50 in the morning last night and couldn't go back to sleep, just saying, Alex, you've got to go all the way on all the issues.
Traficant certainly isn't perfect, but he's for real, and he doesn't flip-flop, and he stood up for people on taxes, and I just can't handle it anymore.
I can't handle politicians.
And Debra Medina is a nurse, she's a good lady, been a good lady, and I don't know who her political advisors are.
There's been a shake-up in her campaign, some of the old people aren't there anymore, and I don't know who's advising her, but she's already lost the 9-11 hater crowd.
The neocons already did a job on you.
Glenn Beck already put your picture up next to Van Jones and said, these people hate America last Thursday.
Pointing at you!
You're not gonna get idiots that don't see through Glenn Beck back.
You had to stand on principle and say, look, I agree people should be allowed to ask for an investigation.
But no.
We are despicable.
You have attacked us, Deborah Medina.
You have attacked me!
So I don't want to hear I'm attacking you.
You drew blood on us.
You attacked us.
You drew first blood.
That's the way it is.
I think everybody should call her campaign and email her and tell her where her support comes from and tell her you want an apology right now.
Glenn Beck lost a half million viewers when I went after him in the last two weeks defending your sorry butt.
What do you think's going to happen now when I come after you?
Show her the power we've got!
I'm sick of traitors!
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
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We're good to go.
Okay, we've been looking for five minutes here at PrisonPlanet.tv and the radio show.
We've been looking for five minutes for Deborah Medina after the Glenn Beck interview saying people have a right to ask how those towers fell.
This is why I'm angry.
We put everything behind somebody, we support them from obscurity, and then they go on a big syndicated radio show and throw us under the bus saying we're despicable.
Now, is this Debra Medina despicable?
This is two days after the Glenn Beck fiasco two weeks ago.
Here she is.
Here it is.
People are asking questions.
I think the questions that I've heard asked are how those buildings fell.
And I'm not the engineer to know that.
And I think those are good, relevant questions to ask.
That's not, that's not saying our government was involved.
I don't know that I think our government was involved.
I think there are questions that need to be asked.
We need to elect people who are natural born citizens according to our Constitution.
Alright, there you go.
There you go.
I mean, I'm not putting up with this anymore, okay?
I want that clear.
I'm not putting up with it.
She did the bad thing.
You understand that?
And we can't pull our punches.
We need people elected that do what they say they're going to do.
I wasn't mad at her when she said, I'm not a 9-11 truther, but I support people's right in America to ask questions about how those buildings fell.
Then, a couple weeks later, there's a new Debra Medina.
And she's saying we're despicable.
Now, let's show Debra Medina and whoever's gotten in control of her campaign, because I know there's been a big shakeup there, let's show her who her real supporters are and were.
You make your decision what you're going to do about this, but let me give you their number.
It's 877-WE-TEXANS or 877-938-3926.
You call them today, you call them tomorrow, and you tell them what you think about this.
I'll hand it to the one Democrat candidate, that billionaire hair care product guy, Farouk Shami.
He's come out and said it looks like an inside job to him.
I don't like him on a lot of his other policies, but at least the guy's got guts!
And guts is enough!
We can't compromise our values.
Again, if she'd have come out and said she didn't believe 9-11 Truth, I never asked her that when she was here.
Don't you think I knew that would have made major headlines for my show if I would have asked her about 9-11 Truth?
You hear me ask Ron Paul about 9-11 Truth when he's here?
I try to support them.
Ron Paul, though, always gives a tip of his hat to everybody on the show and says, I'm worried about staged events.
I'm worried about staged crises.
I'm worried about a Gulf of Tonkin with Iran.
Ron Paul will get up and say the CIA's bringing in the drugs and has had a coup of this country.
I'll say this about you, Debra Medina.
You're inexperienced and new, and that's the only reason I'm not even more angry.
And I saw this, I read it, I heard the audio, and I got angry.
As a lot of other people are getting angry.
Because if she'll flip-flop like this, why not just have Kay Bailey Hutchinson or Rick Perry?
Give me a document cam shot on this.
Or the non-toll line.
You can call and spend some of your own money.
I guess you already sent her enough.
You tell me what her office said with all the little expert politicos in there.
But you notice, she threw us under the bus, and that Mark Davis slimeball still said, yeah, but my second point is, you answered that wrong, and it shows you don't have the wisdom.
You don't have the leadership.
They're not going to support you, lady.
All you had was your integrity.
That's all anybody's got in this world.
And you have started to sacrifice that, and this is despicable.
We're not despicable.
What you did is despicable, Debra Medina.
Contact MedinaForTexas.com is the email.
Press at MedinaForTexas.com.
Just unbelievable, ladies and gentlemen.
Absolutely unbelievable.
And the media is going to spin this, and they're going to say, well,
I don't want to take my YouTube videos down off our site, where I made that video saying exposed Sarah Palin calling for an investigation.
We were trying to get that out to everybody and support her.
I'm just, it's just a dirty taste in my mouth to commit to somebody, to trust somebody, and to see this type of attack on us!
I can barely even do this radio show now, I'm so angry!
It's disgusting.
Makes me sick!
Look at this Examiner.com article.
Look, give me a close shot of this.
Deborah Medina agrees that 9-11 truth-tellers' beliefs are despicable.
We're despicable!
I'm despicable going on the air 2001 and losing 70 plus percent of my stations because I wouldn't shut up and I told the truth.
I'm despicable with the death threats and the stalkers and the attacks.
I'm despicable when I read the State Department document Monday, yesterday on the air, declassified at the State Department, how the government wanted to stage terror attacks against Latin American countries as a pretext for war, blowing up US embassies.
What, I'm not supposed to read Northwood's ABC News?
I'm not supposed to know what's going on?
I'm just supposed to shut up?
That means if she gets political heat, they must not be worried now if she gets elected.
That means if she ever gets any political heat, she'll just flip-flop!
Cue up that tape again of the news.
That was what?
Houston TV.
She said the same thing on Dallas.
I've seen like five of these.
We just found this.
Send your clips you've seen to ShowTipsAndInfoWars.com.
After the fact, before she got this shake-up and new advisors a week ago,
She was saying, well, the towers did fall strangely.
I think people have a right to know.
And six of the ten 9-11 commissioners have a serious question.
So yeah, we need a new investigation.
I think people, it's reasonable to ask that.
Not now!
No, sir!
No, sir!
Just like I'm supposed to support Glenn Beck when he's saying global warming is real.
In USA Today.
Or when he's calling for value-added taxes.
Or when he's saying Ron Paul supporters are basically terrorists.
And I get these idiot Glenn Beck supporters email me and say, I've never seen that, I want proof.
Well, go to my website and do a search on it for Glenn Beck.
Attacks Ron Paul, or Glenn Beck calls for taxes.
Look, I can't tie your stinking shoelaces for you, you fools!
If you want to be bamboozled and shanghaied and scammed and bushwhacked, then go ahead, be an idiot.
Not me, okay?
I'm nobody's sucker!
I'm nobody's property?
I'm nobody's dupe?
You understand that?
You know, the guy showed me this, and I wasn't going to say anything, and all the time I restrain myself, but I just cannot restrain something this disgusting, this despicable.
Call us despicable.
The shoe fits?
Wear it!
We have got a hellish government using the cameras in school computers they give the kids to watch them, and it's admitted.
We have a government... I mean, look at the type of news I have here in front of me.
Bayer pesticide banned over threat to honeybees.
Kidney damage in 12% of Chinese children exposed to melamine-containing dairy products.
Science Daily.
Meanwhile, a year and a half ago, it was killing, making kids sick.
Here, EPA, FDA, FDA said, melamine's no longer bad for you.
Now, that's big news, folks.
Here's a slate story, the chemist war, how the U.S.
government killed at least 10,000 people by poisoning liquor to kill people during prohibition.
I mean, this is your stinking government.
This is who they are.
This is who they are.
We're not the radicals.
It's the criminals running government that are radical.
Where's the kangaroo story out of ABC News?
Look at this.
The kangaroos drink the water that humans are drinking and they die.
Ask any farmer or rancher who's been in a drought and given municipal water to cows and horses.
It kills them within a year.
They get sick within a few months.
You're drinking this stuff!
This isn't time to be cowards.
It isn't time to mince words.
It isn't time to back off!
You think this is a game we're playing?
This is war!
This is info war!
This is for real!
I'm for real!
And that's why we're the number one alternative radio show and websites on the planet because people that have discernment and know how to see the fruit, they know!
And I'm staring down the barrel of a gun doing what I'm doing.
I'm going up against a freight train going 100 miles an hour.
What are you doing to defend freedom?
What are you doing?
No more compromise with baloney!
Kangaroos poisoned by fluoride!
The Environment Protection Authority says fluoride from Alcola's aluminum smelter at Portland is making kangaroos sick!
The EPA's Bruce Dawson, they have the same agency over there, says the fluoride is being absorbed by the nearby vegetation, which is then being eaten by the kangaroos.
They now spray, in the last three years on most food crops, fluoride as a pesticide.
Oh, it kills bugs!
Then it goes through the different plants' membranes, precipitates out, and then you eat it!
He says the fluoride poisons the kangaroos and makes lesions grow on their bones, which renders them lame.
Once kangaroos have restricted movement, it has significant impact on their welfare, so this is something that needs to be managed and avoided.
Yeah, have you noticed in the major studies over a 300% increase in different degenerative diseases of the bones and arthritis since they've been fluoridating since the late 40s?
Oh, I don't even know what to do anymore.
I don't even know what to say anymore.
You know, I know why people, some people out there, and the government plays off of this.
Cass Sunstein talks about it in his White House memos, how to get patriots and anti-globalists fighting with each other.
I know why some people out there don't trust me because, hell, most of the time you can't trust anybody.
You can't trust
It just makes me sick!
You know who I trust?
I trust you, the listeners.
I trust you, the grassroots.
I trust you, the people that make this country run and work.
The good, hard-working people that are standing up against the New World Order.
And we've come so far, and there are good men and women running for office all over this country that will not compromise, and that's why the globalists and their own internal memos are scared.
This is a big deal that Debra Medina's done.
It's a big deal.
And it makes me sick.
It actually makes me sick.
I mean, I feel nauseous right now and I rarely, rarely get that upset.
I've never betrayed anybody who's worked with me or been around me.
I've always been steadfast.
I've always been true.
I've always been an honorable person.
And it took me 26, 27 years of my life, even when I was aware, politically active, I was probably 26, 27 until I learned you can't trust most people.
I thought everybody was like me growing up.
Honorable, strong, yes, angry, yes, aggressive, yes, violent, but real.
I'll tell you, the listeners, this.
You know you're good.
You know you out there listening.
You know your heart is right.
So you be the leader.
You step up.
We need you.
Take action!
I want to get into this story now.
And there's so many facets to it.
Over a decade ago, I told you that webcams were being remotely accessed.
Over 10 years ago, I told you that scientific Atlantic cable boxes with the audio sensor, the microphone, were being used.
That everything you do on complex digital cable boxes, basically all the cable boxes that are out there now, they've phased them in, are tracking everything you're doing, watching you.
That's now all admitted.
Your cell phone's tracking you, watching you.
It's all mainstream news.
And they just condition you and condition you.
I mean, I remember 12, 13 years ago reading Pentagon documents, how they planned to microchip the whole population, how they were going to sell it under the guise of security.
Under the guise of VIP getting into better clubs and facilities.
Now they're going to sell it in the guise of helping Alzheimer's patients, prisoners.
And people would laugh at me because they hadn't heard it yet.
Oh, microchips under our skin.
Yeah, right.
Now here we are 10, 11 years later and it's just, oh yeah, all sorts of governments are making their politicians take them and having their Attorney General's office in Mexico.
Everybody get chips and yeah, okay, so what?
Tell me something I hadn't heard.
We've all been conditioned to accept it.
And now,
Google comes out four years ago, says, we're going to watch you and listen to you with the webcams, don't even ask.
Don't say you weren't warned.
The head of Google, Schmidt, says, hey, don't do something on your computer you're ashamed of.
And then it comes out in Philadelphia that the principal just thinks it's normal.
He's out in the open.
He's out in front of everybody.
Running around saying that, yo, I saw you, Billy, at home doing something you weren't supposed to in your bedroom last night.
They're like, what?
And the parents are still somewhat normal and not brainwashed.
They go, wait, you're watching us at home off the computer we paid for that the school gave us, in quotes?
We're going to sue you.
And the principal went, well, I mean, it's only for your safety.
OK, we, you know, we do access these remotely, but it's only for security purposes to make sure the laptop wasn't stolen.
And they go, wait a minute, this laptop wasn't stolen.
And then Steve Watson found a frontline video clip we're going to play after the break from a year ago.
And if you think this is out of context, you can link through on the PBS link we've got to the entire piece.
The frontline piece is on their site for free, PBS.
How great it is that they're sitting there watching the kids on their laptops at school and they don't even know.
Just remote accessing.
And they've got cameras in school bathrooms, school showers.
It's come out in South Carolina and Tennessee and California and Michigan that the law enforcement in other states is accessing it.
Just perverts!
And they think you'll go along with anything authority says, so we're authority.
We're now going to watch you at home.
Yes, we're going to watch your daughters and sons in the showers at the school.
And because they rolled it out and brainwashed the school and the parents submitted in that test, a visiting basketball team of girls is there, sees a camera in the shower, panics and runs out.
Parents are cussing, screaming in the parking lot after the basketball game.
You know, the visiting team taking a shower.
That was normal.
What's going on?
I mean, if you found a hidden camera in your house, would you get upset?
If your neighbor did it, you'd get upset.
But if government did it, you'd probably say, well, I guess we're the government.
If somebody came to your door and knocked on it and said, we want to put a camera in your house, just for your safety, is that alright?
Oh, sure.
No, you'd say, get out of here, pervert.
But the government does it, and corporations do it without asking, and it's like, well, I guess it's alright.
And this Frontline piece reports it like it's good!
See, that's the whole issue.
I mean, next, am I a radical because I don't want laptop computers and regular computers in my house watching and listening to me?
Because I don't want a microchip?
Because I know how to read ABC News talking about Operation Northwood's U.S.
government plan to stage terror?
Truth is truth!
Is truth!
That's all I've got's the truth!
That's my precious possession, and I will not sell it out for anybody!
Not Debra Medina!
Hi, this is Alex Jones.
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We the people grow cotton, weave fabric, engrave ink, embed strips and fibers to protect from counterfeit, and carting to a private bank, having it led back at interest, forcing taxes to service debt.
This capitalism?
Or was Jefferson correct when stating a central bank issuing the public currency is a greater menace to the liberties of the people than a standing army?
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That's 800-686-2237.
Since approximately 9 a.m.
today central, giant snowflakes the size of quarters and silver dollars are falling.
Our cars in the parking lot are covered with two inches of snow.
It is pouring out of the sky.
This in February, where you hardly ever in the last 50 plus years, I've looked at the record, have snow south of Dallas.
And it's rare to have it in Dallas.
I mean, it is just coming down.
This is your global warming.
But you notice what all of the weak-minded people have done.
All the Republicans and others until Climategate came out, many of them, uh, Newt Gingrich,
John McCain, Bill O'Reilly, all running around saying global warming is real, we've got to do something.
And a lot of them, Schwarzenegger, they're still saying it.
They're still saying it.
Because the globalists have invested hundreds of billions of dollars in this takeover of the economy, not just taxes.
Now, coming up in about 10 minutes, the second segment of the next hour, we're going to have Rob Dube, who's been working on this and investigating it.
Paul Watson's written an article on this.
I saw this over the weekend.
I actually originally saw this Friday and got so busy to investigate.
Then I saw it again on...
Sunday, and I meant to cover it yesterday, but we did more investigation.
I wanted to double-check it, and one of the original blogs we first saw it on was the Of Goats and Men blog, and their info was very accurate.
Great job.
We have a detailed breakdown of all this now at PrisonPlanet.com.
This article just went up.
Joe stacks intriguing connections with defense contractors and intelligence agencies.
And then I've got all my other articles, and I asked you to reprint them because I cleaned my desk off, about Joe Stack's daughter saying it doesn't sound like his letter.
All the quote, strange coincidences that happened with the fire trucks and the emergency managers from all over Travis County were there with scores of firemen and trucks and equipment right next door to the building and the FBI was already out there.
I mean, this is important.
And now you've got Geithner coming and posing in front of the building yesterday.
I even got into that video coming up in the next hour and audio for radio listeners of the press conference with Geithner.
It wasn't even a press conference.
They wouldn't let our guys in or try to keep them out, but I sent three different teams.
Two teams got in.
They only caught one of the decoy teams at a public press conference out on the front of the building, but the Secret Service said, no, you're not in America.
Get out of here.
So the video of all that, and Geithner getting asked one tough question from Aaron Dykes, but it showed up nowhere in the media, that is coming up.
But him posing as a victim, and up there worshipping the illegal IRS, and trying to paint the Tea Party movement as a bunch of killers.
This is the type of stuff that's going on, and this thing looks more and more like a staged inside job.
A lot of people are so angry, they're saying, good job, stack.
The government wants that to happen, and we need to investigate this.
They want violence.
We don't want that, ladies and gentlemen.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
This is just video from outside the office just minutes ago.
Massive snow pouring down on us.
Look at this giant snowball I just went out and got in Austin, Texas.
This is global warming.
Jaren, what are you doing in studio here?
Nothing, man.
I'm just hanging out.
Oh really?
What's that you have in your hand there?
Wait, stop!
Oh my gosh, man.
Al Gore was right!
Al Gore was right!
You gotta have some fun.
Oh my gosh.
Man, there's more water in that than I thought.
Goodness gracious.
Okay, it's ruining my news articles.
I don't know what we're doing here.
Jaren comes in here and throws a snowball at me.
Oh boy.
Absolutely amazing.
Oh boy.
Yes, snow pouring down.
I got you good, didn't I, Jaren?
If you just tuned in, people out there will misrepresent it, but the facts are the facts of why I am very upset with Debra Medina.
Running for Texas Governor.
From obscurity, it was really Patriot Tea Party and 9-11 Truth groups, because people that are awake a lot of times are 9-11 Truth, and they admit a lot of the Tea Party and 9-11 Truth people, including a lot of Ron Paul supporters, supported her and never asked her to get in 9-11 Truth.
Then she said she supports a new investigation.
She said it a bunch after the Glenn Beck interview, clarifying herself.
We played that clip.
And now she says that we're, quote, despicable bad people on a Dallas radio station, the guy that fills in for Rush Limbaugh.
And, uh, Mark Davis.
And I'm angry about it.
And that's the way it is.
It's Debra Medina that attacked all the 9-11 truthers in Texas, calling us despicable.
And it's the flip-flopping.
It's the fact that she gives all these interviews after Beck, clarifying that you have that queued up.
Well, you queue up the clip, there's a bunch of them, of her on TV two days after the Glenn Beck situation.
This is on Houston TV, said the same thing on Dallas.
Here it is, this is the flip-flopping.
She'll do this on any other issue.
She needs to pledge she'll never flip-flop again once she comes out with something.
Here it is.
That makes us all wonder, well, what's happening back there?
The same is true with the birth certificate thing.
I think it's healthy that people are asking questions.
I think the questions that I've heard asked are how those buildings fell.
And I'm not the engineer to know that, and I think those are good, relevant questions to ask.
So I didn't attack her when she went on Beck's show and said, well, I'm not really a 9-11 truther, but I support people's right to call for an investigation.
And then she went further, and I thought, wow, under all this heat, she's a really good lady.
Now, if she apologizes and says, I had advisors and I was confused, it's still bad.
I mean, it's bad.
And I'm about my integrity.
I don't just invest in Obama and then he gets in and sells out what he said he would do and then I support him.
Or I support Bush, which I never did either one, hypothetically, and then he gets in and goes back on his promises and I go, well, I feel like a winner because I've already supported and I won't admit I'm wrong.
When I support somebody and they flip-flop like this on such a key issue and viciously call 9-11 truthers despicable,
For questioning the official story, that makes me very angry.
Because you hear Alex Jones on one radio show, it's going to be the same as Alex Jones on another radio show.
What do I like about Ron Paul?
You hear him one place, you hear him another, it's the same.
Not like Rick Perry, something different everywhere, or Barack Obama.
You know, Barack Obama, I think, has broken all records online.
On everything!
Am I just supposed to just accept that?
Oh, I like Barack Obama now!
I think that's great!
Alright, I'm not going to talk about this much more.
I've got a bunch of other subjects I want to get to, including big developments.
Joe Stack's intriguing connections with defense contractors, intelligence agencies, with Rob Dew.
Let's get him in here.
He's in there in his studio.
Let's get him in here.
Get him set up right now.
We'll be right back, ladies and gentlemen.
Stay with us.
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Hello, this is Alex Jones with some important questions.
If you're going into a battle and they give you a rifle and a sidearm, how much ammunition do you want?
My answer would be all I can get.
In the battle for freedom and the lives of your loved ones, food is your only ammunition.
How much do you want?
When do you want it?
Now or after the battle starts?
When will you need it?
Can you buy it without proper identification?
Will there be any food?
Will it make your children sick?
If there's a quarantine and you can't feed yourself, will you go to the gathering center and be immunized?
You wipe out all these problems if you have a good food supply.
Food is your ammunition to fight for your freedom and your life.
How much will you need?
We don't know.
How much do you want?
All you can get.
I'm Alex Jones.
I think.
This is Alex Jones and I want to tell you about the Ecola Blue Atmospheric Water Generator.
It produces pure drinking water right from the humidity in the air.
No, this isn't science fiction, it's very real.
I know because I use one every day in my own home.
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Because you know exactly where your water comes from with Ecola Blue, you'll know what's in your cup.
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Get your family off the grid today by ordering your own Ecola Blue Atmospheric Water Generator for your home or business.
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Order now and claim your water independence today by calling a Coloblue at 1-800-691-6043.
That's 1-800-691-6043.
Or visit a Coloblue on the web at www.ecoloble.com today.
He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Well, in studio with us is Rob Dew.
He knew Joe Stack off and on when Rob would fill in for bands that Stack was part of.
Played the guitar and played the keyboard.
Played for Joe Ely and many other big musicians.
And he's in studio with us with some big breaking news.
But on the Debra Medina issue, you don't understand.
We have Debra Medina big signs on our cars out in the parking lot.
Your van's got giant placards on the side.
And listen, it's not just that she flip-flopped, and after the Glenn Beck interview, did a bunch of TV interviews saying, I agree there should be a new investigation, how those towers fell, the intelligence, the 9-11 Commission.
Then to just say 9-11 truth is despicable.
That's an attack!
She's done something very, very bad here, and it makes me lose my trust in her, and it's very hurtful that that's going on.
I mean, does that hurt your feelings?
Yeah, I agree.
You know, she didn't have to directly answer her opinions, but she could say people have the right to their own opinion, and that should be the end of it.
We live in America.
It's a free country.
And, you know, she could have said it that way instead of trying to side with him.
And I think she's just trying to play politics.
Exactly, which we don't want!
That's the whole point is it's straight talk and we're going to get the truth.
And the point is then even after she does this and throws us under the bus repeatedly, calls us despicable over and over again.
Then he says, well still, you said it wrong and answered it wrong, which shows you're not a good leader.
They're not going to like her.
This is going to hurt her bad.
Not just with us, this is going to hurt her bad across the board.
Because that's what people like Ron Paul, is because he is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow, and he's been proven right.
I've been interviewing him for 14 years, and he said on air without me asking, half of his support in the first part of the presidential campaign was from this show!
We raised him millions of dollars!
You know what I think with this?
I think this was a test to see if they could control her.
Use the press to kind of snipe at her from different angles and see how she would fold.
And they're like, oh, she'll work with us, no problem.
We just have to attack her enough and she'll fold under pressure instead of just standing up.
Because there's plenty of people out there that would agree with her.
Yeah, yeah, that's the issue.
If she would have said 9-11 Truth Despicable Day 1, I would have said, well, I can still support her because she says she'll do the taxes, and she says she'll control the border, and she says she'll have, you know, like, Vermont-style open carry.
But, because at least we know she was better.
Now, she may not do those things.
Now, she may completely do a 180.
It's all open.
That's the issue.
That's why this is so bad.
And, uh,
It's a betrayal.
We're going to give it a few days before we rip all the signs down, though.
I'm going to see what they say.
We'll see what she says.
She's definitely going to hear this broadcast.
Folks, if you support what she did, give her a call and let her know you really appreciate her flip-flopping and saying that we're horrible, despicable people.
Of course, the media, she's a fool.
We learned about this because the mainstream media has already gotten this and is saying, oh look, she flip-flopped.
They've got five different TV newscasts she was on after the Beck thing saying, I agree with the new investigation, how the towers fell.
Now she says it's despicable.
They're going to eat her alive for this.
Who is advising this woman?
Well, she did just have a shake-up, so it'll be interesting to see who's taken over since then.
That's right.
It's all new people when we call over there.
And boy, I tell you what, I don't know what advice they're giving her, but it's cockeyed.
I mean, it's not good advice.
And all I've got's my integrity, and I ain't selling it for nobody!
You understand, I'm not going to sit here and just shut my mouth and go along with this!
The advisors are almost as important as the person you're putting in office.
I mean, look at the people who are behind Obama.
You know?
He's got Kissinger, he's got Zygmunt Brzezinski working with him.
I mean, that's what you gotta look at.
Who's behind the person, too?
Well, this is more than suspicious.
Let me give you our number.
That's 877-938-3926.
Ask her if she's going to flip-flop on the taxes.
Ask her if she's going to flip-flop on the guns.
Ask her if she's going to flip-flop on the NAPTA highways.
Ask her!
If we want somebody to talk out of both sides of their mouth, we've got Rick Perry, don't we?
Yeah, and he's got better hair.
877-938-3926, 877-938-3926, or 979-532-5651, or email them at contact at medinafortexas.com.
And hey, make your own YouTube videos!
Let her know!
You sent her money, you knocked on doors, you did all of this?
Man, this is sick!
I'm driving around with signs on my car, you know?
And this is, uh... Whether she believes in 9-11 or not isn't a make-it-or-break-it issue.
That wasn't the issue!
It's the flip-flopping.
Is she going to do this on every other issue that she's coming out claiming that she's with us on?
Now we have to dig into her history because we can't take her at face value anymore.
Well, she pledged on this show that everything she said was the way it was going to be.
I shook her hand right where you're sitting.
Yeah, I mean, we're going to see.
We'll see how she responds to this.
You know, let's give her a fair shot and let her come back on the show and see what she says then.
Now it seems to be open game.
Now we can talk about 9-11 since everybody else is talking about it.
You know?
I want to get that Democrat candidate on.
Let's see if he backs off.
He hasn't backed off.
And he's silly and ignorant, but he's got guts and guts is enough.
Mr. Shammy, is that who you're talking about?
Mr. Shammy, yeah.
Holy mackerel.
I don't even know what to say anymore.
I'm just... I mean, I am in a tailspin over this, I tell you.
An absolute tailspin, dude.
Okay, let's shift gears.
Let's go over the backstory first before we get into the new info.
Because I keep saying there's going to be a false flag in Austin against a government installation to be blamed on the tea parties.
How many times have I been saying that in the last three months?
I can't even count.
It's been over and over again.
On air, off air.
Because I can strategically see what they're going to do.
And, uh, then you, it's admitted KXAN and the statesman and the fire department met, fire department from all over Travis County and Austin, at an emergency meeting next door.
The parking lot next door, and witnesses say this on the news, oh, you don't have witnesses, now it's confirmed.
Oh, it's confirmed.
It's like the underwear bomber when the shirt-sharp-dressed man got him on with no passport, now it's confirmed, the government ordered him let on.
Okay, it's confirmed!
Put it in your pipe and smoke it.
We're right again.
And then his daughter says it doesn't sound like a snote, his wife says it doesn't sound anything like him, he hasn't flown the plane in months and months and months, and there's a bunch of other evidence that feeds into this.
Then it turns out the IRS was having another meeting in another part of a separate building, which they'd never done.
So they were mainly out of their offices, just like the Pentagon.
And now we have the latest news.
It took us three or four days to research it.
Joe Stack's intriguing connections with defense contractors, intelligence agencies.
Go over that for folks, Rob.
All right.
So we'll go... We'll get a document camera roving, guys.
Over here.
This was found... This was searched under the Williamson Central Appraisal District.
You could look up the owner of the hangar.
at Georgetown Airport.
This is owned by Joe Stack and John Podolak.
And when you look up John Podolak, he's connected to a company called L3.
And then he was, let's see, he became a manager at the Department of Homeland Security.
And I'm looking for the exact quote where it says, he's going to oversee transition of the team's anti-missile system to commercial applications.
This is from the L3 website.
And this is the government.
Wait a minute, an anti-missile system is on board the aircraft?
And that's tied into what Bush said about remote control on the plane where the government can even control it?
It's part of the CAP system, which is the Commercial Airline Protection System.
And that company also works on remote control aircraft?
Systems mm-hmm.
Oh my god, and they're also they could have just had a voice morpher play him over the radio They can get a recording of anybody's voice put in a computer And then type in whatever they want the voice to then say it even passes voice print analysis He takes off wait till you hear we have or maybe he well the witnesses said there was no one in the plane go ahead Well, and then you look at l3 was also connected to 9-eleven they actually had
Let's see, let's go to this article here.
Supposedly, they were getting investigated by the SEC for the unusual stock put options in relation to 9-11, and an L3 consultant to the NSA apparently watched a live feed of the first plane hitting the tower.
And apparently there was no video except for those one guys on the ground.
Yeah, it's L3 tied into insider trading betting against American and United at record levels.
And Buzzy Crongaard, Executive Director of the CIA.
Now, that's the partner, according to the Williamson County
Appraisal District.
Appraisal District.
The guy owned half the plane who's an L3 specialist.
He owns the hangar, not the plane.
It doesn't say he owns the hangar.
The hangar.
The plane is housed in.
So there's probably another plane in there, but he obviously has access to where the plane is, if nothing else.
And it also mentions other places Stack worked for.
Teledyne was a prime contractor for the Global Hawk and L3 supplied its communication systems.
Global Hawk's remote control drone!
Oh man, I mean, this just gets worse and worse by the minute.
He was working on it.
I tell you, my gut tells me inside job, my gut's never wrong.
And you've been saying it, and we had a heated discussion back in the, uh... Me screaming at Burmese, yeah.
Well, yeah, you were screaming at everybody.
You said you knew this was an inside job, and you know, I had my doubts.
Oh, was that Friday night?
Yeah, and I had my doubts, and now you look at this stuff, and it's just... By the way, I'm not normally screaming in the coffee room, am I?
No, normally you're looking for coffee.
Well, Burmas cornered me and was arguing.
Well, he was saying the jury's still out in his mind.
And you were telling him, you know it's an inside job.
Back to this lucky coincidence.
Of course, that was off record.
I'm saying, oh, I'm open-minded because I'm looking at the evidence.
Sure, yeah, and we're all looking at the evidence.
I want to believe this is not an inside job.
But it is.
And so FlightAware and FlightWise are two web applications that people can go online and look at flight records of like small personal aircraft.
And here it doesn't show the last date of his aircraft taking off and landing was Thursday, August 6, 2009.
And we cross-referenced that with his plane.
Um, which under here it says, it gives you the name of the plane and then the owner, Joseph Stack.
So we cross-referenced that.
I called the, oh sorry guys, I didn't, my bad, here I'll turn it this way.
No, you're showing folks a document Cam, it's fine, go ahead.
And um, so you look at that and so the plane hasn't apparently been flown since August.
You would think that would have been updated that day.
It will be interesting to see what happens with that.
I called the airport, nobody answered.
I left a message and I'm going to call them back to see if they keep their own personal flight manifest there and see if there actually is a manifest.
Now, there was talk in this KXAN piece that I was listening to because they played some of the audio of Joe's last words.
We went and checked the actual FAA original recording, it's different.
Right, so there's a group out there that records the scanners and puts it up online.
Send that to Watson to add to his article.
Okay, I will.
And we actually have, I put it together and I played the KXAN piece and then what the scanners picked up and then I slowed down what he says off the scanner.
Alright, alright.
We're gonna come back, play that and recap this and then open the phones up.
Folks, this is big.
This is big.
But it's despicable that we're looking into it.
It's despicable, dude.
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Okay, we're back live.
Rob Dew here in studio with us.
A ton of other important news coming up in the next segment.
That attempted political suppression and intimidation of Kevin Moose's new film that I consulted on, that I also appear in.
That's coming up next hour.
Rob Dube.
Okay, briefly, for those who just joined us, recapping, you have a company involved in the Global Hawk remote controlling of planes.
You have the person that owns the hangar is tied in and works for Homeland Security at L3.
You have people saying the emergency crews were all there on the spot.
Turns out from all over Austin, we're
Masked, told to have a drill there that morning.
You have the IRS people mainly out of the building and another building in the complex having a meeting.
You have witnesses saying nobody was in the plane.
Joe Stack's probably been fed to fish, ground up or fed to the hogs.
You got his daughter saying it doesn't sound like his letter.
The government's trying to start a revolution.
It wants people to get violent.
Yeah, we'll go over all that.
And so back to over here, if you look at the document cam, we've got Joe.
You don't have to have the document, Ken, because it makes you lean away from the mic.
Just take the material and read it over here.
Well, they both co-own this hangar.
And you look up who John Podolak is.
And back in 2004, he was hired by Homeland Security to be part of their Infrared Countermeasure Program Manager for its Department of Homeland Security Counterman PADS, Man Portable Air Defense System Initiative.
And so he comes from a long line of companies, including L3, which has, you know, all kind of Defense Department connections with
With, you know, Global Hawk satellites, the Global Hawk drones, and, you know, air-controlled systems, essentially.
So there's a connection there that, you know, it's a deep government connection.
It's not, you know, I don't know how this, how it works, you know, if you own the hangar.
It's remote control aircraft expert.
Owns the hangar, which may be a coincidence, but you add everything else in, it needs to be ferreted out and investigated.
What about this audio clip we're about to play?
Okay, so the audio clip comes from KXAN News, and they played supposedly his last words, which were, thank you, over.
But actually, from the scan recordings, he says, I'm definitely checking out.
So you have that being manipulated, and we're going to play it.
I have the KXAN version, then I have the other version from the scans, and then I play the other version from the scans slowed down, and then I play the KXAN version slowed down, so you can really hear what he's saying.
All right, let's start rolling it now.
Here it is.
Air traffic control recordings suggest there was nothing out of the ordinary.
His final words.
Okay, so that's different versions of that.
Now, also it's important, remember on 9-11 there were fake phone calls and the FBI has now confirmed that the Solicitor General's wife did not call him, that the calls were not made, that the air phones weren't making calls, that the cell phones couldn't make calls at that height, and the phone records show it didn't happen.
They could record Alex Jones off the radio,
We're off the phone.
They have a computer program 20 years ago.
This is publicly available, where you can record it, then type in what you want the voice to say, and then it will create the fake audio.
And so, this is very, very suspicious.
They have a very dumbed-down program like that on Macintoshes, where you can type in what you want it to say, and it'll say it in a computer-generated voice.
And if you think the government doesn't have something, you know, 50 times more powerful than that, you know, you're kidding.
No, no, no, no.
They have a program that'll do that.
Oh, yeah.
And it just gets weirder and weirder.
Back to where the firefighters were.
The firefighters were meeting for the first time ever at this empty parking lot across the highway from maybe 200, 250 yards from where this plane hit.
Well, it's also another coincidence.
And it was from all over Travis County, the first time they've done that.
It was all over from Travis County.
This is the first time they met at this location.
And the first time they brought real fire trucks, which is they normally don't.
Lake Travis brought out its fire engine.
And typically, they don't use fire engines in these exercises.
But, you know, they say Lake Travis had just received new trucks and they wanted to show them off.
That's trucks.
And so, I mean, yeah, it says trucks, and then there it says truck, and then it says they have new trucks.
So, um, very interesting there.
And multiple witnesses said they saw no pilot.
Comes right over the highway, people are looking, there's nobody in the cockpit.
It was actually the same witness, too, that saw the firetrucks when they said, do you have anything else you want to add?
She goes, well, I think it was amazing that the firetrucks were just right over there doing an exercise.
She also mentions in another interview, she said she was close enough to see the plane, and she goes, but I didn't see the pilot.
She said she was close enough to see inside the plane, but she did not see a pilot.
We need to get all that to Watson to add it and beef up this article.
Joe stacks intriguing connections with defense contractors, intelligence agencies.
It's up on PrisonPlanet.com right now.
He's going to add all that information.
Then we'll put a doppelganger up on InfoWars.com.
Anything else, Rob?
Stay there.
We'll come right back.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As they're finishing off this agenda, they'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us
Tim Geithner?
They're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Joe Stack attacks.
None of the story adds up.
It looks just like the underwear bomber.
They may have just gotten rid of this poor guy.
Multiple witnesses, video clips I've seen, said there was nobody in the cockpit.
They could see inside the plane.
People up inside apartment complexes looking down.
And the family says it doesn't look like his letter.
But the government says so, so it must be true.
His daughter from his first marriage, Samantha Dawn Bell, she said, and I quote, it's not him, the letter itself sounds like it's coming from a different person.
So that's what she says about the letter, and it's buried in this article about the IRS worker who was killed in the crash.
It's, you know, buried down at the bottom.
And one other thing, in this KXAN news broadcast, they were talking about, well, how could a small engine like that create such a big fire, or a small plane, you know, with 40 gallons of fuel, create such a big fire like that?
And they said, well, he apparently removed seats, and then there's a fuel drum missing.
Well, I can tell you one thing.
Those planes are very small.
I actually talked to a pilot out at the press conference yesterday and I said, you know, they were talking about how he might have taken this oil drum and put it on the plane.
They said, you can't, you have to crawl on the wing and then there's a little bitty door on the passenger side to get into this plane.
He said, there's no way you could fit.
Look, the whole story stinks to high heaven.
It came across at the perfect time to make the IRS look like victims.
Geithner came into the press conference speaking of the devil.
We have Aaron's video, don't we?
Let's get Aaron Dyksten here now and shift gears to the press conference yesterday with Geithner, the Treasury Secretary, the little crook, here in Austin.
Great job, Rob Dew.
Thank you.
And we're going to continue to break this down in the article at PrisonPlanet.com, Joe Stack's intriguing connections with defense contractors and intelligence agencies.
Go any further here today, I wanted to take just a moment out here with all of the listeners and remind folks that this radio show is funded by you, the people.
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Let's bring Aaron Dice in here.
Again, it's not just that you support us.
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Coming up on the year anniversary in March of one year of the Obama Deception.
I mean, that's happening everywhere, and I salute you, I thank you, I appreciate you.
Give me a document cam shot on this, guys.
This is the Austin American Statesman today.
Front page.
There is nothing in here about
Two questions that were asked.
Aaron got into the press conference.
He asked a question.
The IRS commissioner gave him a, if looks could kill, stare.
I don't know.
And you're about to see video of this.
Now, I sent three teams knowing they would discriminate against us in our First Amendment.
It is illegal.
It's a civil rights violation.
I don't have time to go sue them over this.
Point is, we're going to expose them.
You've seen footage from D.C., footage from Kansas City of myself, Aaron, and others a half mile away from the Federal Reserve at a city park videotaping.
They get in their cars, security guards with guns, off their jurisdiction, drive down and say, I'm going to arrest you if you don't leave.
Okay, we've got footage coming up in England, all over the place.
A British guy was out filming the Santa Claus parade, outside his house.
They come up, these women, cops, and say, we're putting you in a terror database, and they arrested him.
They're telling mainstream media, news cameras, they're arresting people with news cameras in England.
They surveil you, they naked body scan you, they have the laptops in England and the U.S.
and Australia, watching the kids.
That's now confirmed.
I'm going to play that clip in a moment.
I promised to, I forgot to earlier, for the PrisonPlanet.tv viewers from Frontline.
All of this is going on and they just come up to Rob Jacobson and Jason Bermas and say, who are you with?
We're with InfoWars.com.
Get out of here.
You're not allowed to be here.
You're not on the approved list.
There was no list.
They just called the press conference.
Kicked him out, made him get several hundred yards away.
Wouldn't even let him be on the side of the street, off the property.
And kept harassing him, but Aaron kept his mouth shut by himself.
uh... we also had uh... rob do and jason douglas there and that is a compilation of that footage
Rob Jacobson, Burmas, down the street, and then footage up close.
Aaron, we're going to play this clip in a moment, but go ahead and break down what happened there.
Yeah, this was one of the most tightly controlled media events I've ever been a part of.
Am I coming through?
You're good.
Go ahead.
Start over.
It's one of the most tightly controlled media events I've ever been a part of or witnessed.
I had to infiltrate just to uphold my free speech, basically, and ask a question of one of these gods who just can't be approached ever.
And who doesn't pay his taxes.
Oh, of course not.
But there he is with the IRS commissioner.
But yeah, they had literal media gatekeepers who kept swinging these gates and they would check off this phony list, which was really just all the ABC channels that you see on TV.
It was all the regular network people.
They had called them earlier.
Treasury put out a memo saying no one who doesn't sign up by noon is allowed in.
And they put it out at 1230.
Yeah, the story didn't hit the wire until around noon or one.
So there's virtually no chance for anyone to make it unless they got a call from their station, like all these ABC, you know, KI, whatever.
And they're not reporters.
All they do is take a statement and then regurgitate it.
They're repeaters.
Yeah, they're scripted.
They're parents.
Yeah, they're phony TV anchors.
They use fake voices.
They don't report real news.
They have talking points.
It's known.
It's like, have you talked to the families?
The pain!
The poor IRS!
That's all it was.
And that's what it is with all these reporters, but even amongst the ten or so stations, they didn't even trust that.
That's how controlled this event was.
They selected two reporters that they knew they could rely on to have questions, and the guy screening with the list, we caught him on tape talking to them about, we're going to go to you with the question.
How long is this video you put together?
It's ten minutes total.
It's got some clips at the beginning.
Alright, I'm going to skip this break coming up.
It's a network break.
That's our break.
Stations shouldn't be playing over this.
Okay, so we're going to skip the network break to play this, and then I'm going to come back to Aaron to comment on it.
But for radio listeners who will get part of it from the audio, fill them in briefly on the video so that they get an idea of what we're playing.
World premiere here for the PrisonPlanet.tv viewers.
Well, we have a few clips just for background of Geithner lying and fudgeting in front of Congress, refusing to tell them where the money went, just like Bernanke.
But you see Jason Bermas and Rob Jacobson being told they're not allowed to express their freedom of speech and that their freedom of speech is somehow 100 yards down the road.
The audio is a little bad because they had the press conference on the side of the major highway.
But you have Geithner and you have the IRS Commissioner Shulman come out and make their phony statements about how they grieve for this dead IRS guy, which is a tragedy.
But what they're doing is they're proving more evidence of false flag.
They're sucking this up as victims.
The Feds bombed Oklahoma City, that's confirmed.
Oh yeah, and they've done almost every event.
If this is a real event, it's one of the first that we've seen pushed through the media.
It's another big government solution.
An IRS guy and a looting Treasury Secretary.
What was the stare down like?
Oh, the stare down.
Yeah, as soon as I blurted out what talk about the real number, the 23 trillion, the IRS commissioner stared at me like he wanted me dead.
And I hope he's not the kind of guy to follow up on that.
Well, you're a true patriot in the spirit of 1776.
Let's go to the video.
Aaron, I didn't tell him to do this.
I told him yesterday.
I said, go home, do it later tomorrow.
Aaron hasn't slept.
Aaron is literally one of the best guys I've got.
He's like a Clydesdale.
He's just incredible stamina in the fight against the globalists because he doesn't like them.
And that's the engine here, is our wish for justice, our desire for honor to be restored.
Let's go ahead and go to this video.
Will you tell the American people
To whom you lent $2.2 trillion of their dollars.
And who got the money?
Hundreds and hundreds of banks.
Any bank that has access to the U.S.
Federal Reserve's discounts.
Tell us who they are.
Do you think it's consistent with the spirit of that provision in the Constitution for a group like the FMOC to hand out a half a trillion dollars to foreigners without any action by this Congress?
Congress approved it in the Federal Reserve Act.
Some of the world's top central bankers are gathering in Sydney for two days of secret talks on the fragile global economy.
Delegates from banks in Europe, Asia and the U.S.
will attend the meeting amid tight security.
I take a look at section 1204 of the legislation you've proposed and can only describe it as tarp on steroids.
When we passed the tarp bill, we limited
the administration to 700 billion dollars section 1204
I have an amendment to this section saying it's limited to a trillion dollars.
Is the Treasury going to oppose that, or are they going to support it?
Congressman, it's important to make people understand... Mr. Senator, I've asked you a simple question.
I have very limited time.
Would you support it or oppose it, and then let me move on to the next question.
I would not support proposals that would put this country in the position we were in
In 2007 and 8, where we did not have the ability to act to protect The key thing then is that the executive branch have the power to commit not just 700 billion, but a trillion or more without having to have Congress be involved at the time of the crisis.
No, that is not a, that is not, it would not be a fair description of our strategy.
What we'll do is move into the grassy area right here.
That's as close as we can get.
What outlets are you with?
I'm with the Statesman.
KLBJ, okay.
I don't see you on my list.
Well, we didn't pre-register.
Yeah, you would have had to have pre-registered.
Who are you guys with?
We were sent the advisory.
He didn't say anything.
Yeah, he's with me.
You would have had to have registered before noon.
I mean, is it going to be a big issue?
Let me check the advisory, because I talked to the press secretary.
What were your names again?
My name's Jason Burmas.
With InfoWars?
Yeah, I don't have you on my list here.
Okay, hey everybody.
We're going to set up for the ones that I have registered on this list.
We can set up on the grassy area, but I'm going to have to verify your outlet.
And who are you with?
I'm with Kansas J5 News.
I'm with the Rocker 2.
And who are you with?
I'm with the Rocker 2.
And who are you with?
I'm with the Rocker 2.
How are you?
Good to see you.
Are we gonna be able to get to get in?
I don't have you on my list, guys.
I'll have to leave you here for now and get back to you.
I mean, we have a bigger audience in this place, man.
How are we going to know if he's before the press conference?
We have a bigger audience.
Are you just staving us off?
Your censorship is going to be broadcast.
Alright, Rob.
I'll get back to you.
Everybody else is over there, except for us, man.
Come on.
I have registered media.
So are you telling me we're not going to get him now?
I'll get back to you.
Well, are you going to tell me before the actual press conference starts?
They'll start at 3.30, it's like 3.25.
We'll try to get him.
Oh, come on, man.
All right, so we're clear in the street.
Since you guys are not on his list, all right, what we're going to do is put you over into a public viewing area where the general public is allowed to gather.
How far is that going to be?
That's going to be over there where those cones are.
Apparently you are not on his list.
That's because we didn't hear about it until after 12 o'clock.
We waited out for two hours to get stonewalled.
I mean, come on, we have an audience of millions of people.
I understand.
We have the right to cover this event.
I know, man.
I know you do, and if we're not telling you, you don't have the right to cover the event.
Well, by putting it over there, you're kind of angling us.
What we're doing is we are making a general public viewing area.
Since this is an invited thing, these people were invited to attend the press conference or whatever it is we want to call it.
Isn't this a public official that's attending it?
He's a public official, but it's a private event.
We're members of the public?
It's a private event, though.
Public will be allowed over there.
That's all I can tell you guys.
I apologize, I'm not trying to push you around, I'm not trying to convene you, but that's the way it's going to be for everyone's safety, okay?
I have my range.
They were media.
They were media, not just the public.
I mean, here I am on two radio stations you can hear in Austin, 1330 and 590 AM.
And I can't even send reporters.
And they were letting anybody in there, local blogs, you name it.
It was InfoWars.com.
Only our two reporters.
We're kicked out.
And here he's showing video of how the two key reporters were vetted and chosen.
Bring Aaron in here.
That was key.
Aaron, watching that, because I haven't even seen this yet.
This is the first time I'm seeing it.
Am I correct in saying they selected the reporters that would be allowed to ask questions?
That's absolutely correct.
They were totally selected.
No one was really allowed to ask questions.
I know you just got an article up on InfoWars.com about this.
Do you point that out?
Oh yeah.
I mean, this is totally staged!
What's the headline?
Stage press conference?
Secretary Geithner and I came today to mourn the loss of one of our colleagues, honor our colleagues who survived through the plane crash.
What a weasel, Geithner.
Men and women of the IRS serve their country every day with pride, raising money it takes to fund our schools and our military and our national defense.
I'm incredibly proud of them.
I want to thank the first responders who came to the scene from Austin.
I want to thank all the people from across the country who gave their well-wishes to the agency.
The people who came?
The first responders were already there!
It was a senseless act.
And the people of the IRS are incredibly strong.
They're going to continue to serve their country and the nation's taxpayers.
Continue to serve the bankers.
With the most dignity and respect.
All the people from across the country who gave their well wishes to the agency.
The real cost of the bailout is $23 billion.
I just want to say too, join the commission in saying, uh, how proud we are that we're gonna get arrested.
We came to show them our respect and support.
We just spent an hour with the men and women who worked in that building.
Back it up again, I messed up the best part.
That's my little bit of directing on this video.
The commissioner looks at Aaron with pure hatred, like daggers, and he cuts in a little short clip of They Live, where I got one that can see.
And that's literally what happened here.
Go ahead and play it.
The real cost of the bailout is $24,000.
Hold on, hold on, just a second.
I just want to say to join the commissioners saying how proud we are of the men and women of the IRS working to serve their country.
We came to show them our respect and support.
I've got one that can see!
We just spent an hour with the men and women who worked in that building.
Listen to them talk about their colleague who died.
What a great leader, inspirational leader he was.
We listened to the stories they told about evacuating this building in three minutes.
All the lives they saved by working together to help their colleagues get out of this as quickly as possible.
And we heard them talk about their great pride in working for
The IRS in helping the country do what the country needs to do.
Look at that crowd.
I was able to reach them a letter from the President, which the White House is putting out.
That was the question I really wanted to ask.
Now I gave you three questions.
A letter of support.
Once you weren't allowed to ask questions, then people started realizing the bailout is a good question.
They started asking it, and they kept ignoring it.
And then he just shut the press conference down.
Then the commissioners switched from staring just at me and started batting around.
Who are all these people?
How many are here?
How many are infiltrators?
Uh, at this time of tragedy.
Sir, did you meet with the Hunter family?
We both know... We need to post this video to the live show on the Jones Channel on YouTube, ManAtPrisonPlanet.TV, because this is one that has commentary.
Go ahead.
It's like on a DVD where it has commentary.
Here we go.
It's a little like that, yeah.
Just a terrible tragedy for her and her family and friends.
Sir, the real cause of the bailout is 23 trillion.
We're looking at the spectrum of voters out here.
Somebody else asked about 23 Trail.
Everyone has different emotions about this.
And look at all the goons, the secret service there to intimidate the public.
So these bankers can rob everything.
This is a criminal government.
Those are criminals you're looking at.
Everybody's scared.
Oh no, he'll audit me.
Yeah, then I'll personally sue him!
For political intimidation.
That happened under Nixon.
He's supposed to be brought to justice.
Yeah, yeah, you're taking your respect for every American.
You slimebag.
Yeah, you're going to investigate the inside job.
Back it up a little.
This is, this is, this is huge.
This is, this is huge news.
I didn't know that this was all on here, Aaron.
It was totally scripted.
They, they picked two reporters, headline, Geithner stages press conference in Austin.
They totally scripted.
That is big news.
I mean, I mean, when Cheney was staging town halls, it was big news.
I mean, this is how the news works, staged.
It was staged beginning to end just for those sound bites so they could play them on the news.
And that's all the event was.
It was a total photo op.
It was scheduled for 20 minutes, though, but they went about 5.
That shows that they aborted.
Geithner just turns away and the other guy turns.
And everybody looks surprised.
We're getting 23 trillion questions.
Congress, though, when they haul that criminal in, go, why don't you pay your taxes if they're supposedly so good?
Where's the 23 trillion?
He says, I will not tell you, and he's under criminal investigation for where that money went.
But to them, when they see the public, it's just like looking at a piece of scum.
I mean, they won't even address Congress.
I've got one that can see!
I mean, they're just laughing Congress' face.
I've seen all the videos.
I know you have, too.
It doesn't matter what they ask.
Well, this is huge news.
I hope everybody gets it from InfoWars.com.
What's the headline on the article?
Let's punch it up from InfoWars.com.
Let's go there from PrisonPlanet.tv and RadioListers.
Let's punch it up on screen so I can give them the actual headline of Aaron Dykes' excellent
Uh, article here that he, again, hasn't slept in more than 24 hours, uh, to, uh, bring you this.
I don't know, what, you probably got up at about 8 yesterday morning, so it's more than 24.
I just stayed up.
I can't let Guyda run with the news.
I, yeah, I didn't, I knew it was so controlled, it made me angry.
And Burmas, who never gets mad when they harass people, he was angry too.
Everyone was angry about all the control.
Burmy was mad.
I just can't take it.
Burmy put the big boy pants on.
Uh, you know.
Varmus did a great job, so did everybody.
Controlled Geithner press conference shuts out InfoWars, censors real questions.
I would change control to stage.
Tell Paul, yourself, I am the editor here.
Excellent article, great video, but will you please add staged or rigged?
It was a staged press conference.
Well, let's call the InfoWars staged and on Prison Planet rigged.
That way sometimes Google will censor, but if we have two different doppelganger headlines, it gets through their system.
Oh, the little name, InsideSecret.
Anyways, let's go ahead and get that out, ladies and gentlemen.
You have done well.
Alright, thank you.
Do what must be done, Lord Dykes.
Alright, man, that is awesome.
We're going to expose that weasel.
If the hair lives the Admiral, ladies and gentlemen.
If the water doesn't rise over Bear Creek.
Look at Snake.
We're out of here.
Back that up to right at the point where they start going, 23 trillion, 23 trillion, where's the money?
That's a good question!
Where's the cash?
Why do we get to ask questions?
Why is it staged?
Let's get out of here.
It's like the villain at the end of a movie as their base is blowing up.
They jump in their escape pod and say, we're out of here!
I'll get you next time!
It's like Megatron and the silly 1980s Transformers show every time.
Let's flee, Starscream!
Or that's actually a Starscream voice.
Megatron, let's get out of here!
You notice the voice of Starscream is the voice of Cobra Commander?
Let's see, I can do both of them.
Yeah, the same person does the voices for both.
Megatron, we're being defeated!
Fourth hour, straight ahead, ladies and gentlemen.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
All right, it is the fourth and final hour.
You know, we sell American Drug War 1, American Drug War 2, How We Won the West.
They're excellent films.
I consulted on both.
I'm a big part of How We Won the West, Part 2 of American Drug War.
But, you know, it exposes government drug dealing, everything that's happening.
How they're attacking states' rights.
How they're blocking medical marijuana.
And I'm not a pot smoker.
I don't particularly like it.
I have smoked it before.
In high school and college sometimes.
You know, girlfriends are like, come on, come on, before we go in the movie.
And I'm like, God, I wish I hadn't smoked that.
But the point is, it's a freedom issue.
And I have another article here from Slate.
The chemist war.
More than 10,000 Americans were poisoned by the government who would secretly spike illegal alcohol with deadly poison.
And the government brags they spray Paraquat on marijuana.
This is the drug war.
The bigger it gets, the more drugs are on the streets.
The big banks that the Federal Reserve controls launder the money.
I'm done with it.
That's coming up, because after Kevin Booth premiered this film in L.A., they raided most of the people that were at the meeting, who were legal, lawful marijuana dispensaries.
This is Obama's change.
So, this is a suppressed film.
I do not want you to have How We Won the West available at Infowars.com, discounted, out of the gates.
Now, I played the audio of this at the start of the show, but I want to put the video here for PrisonPlanet.tv viewers as well.
This is in an article that was written by Steve Watson about how the controversy over naked body scanners explodes.
There's criminal investigations by the FBI.
The federal government paid for these laptops nationwide to go out.
The schools access them, watch the kids at school, out of school.
And we found a frontline piece from a year ago where they show them watching people, the children, in live time and laughing about it.
No comment about Big Brother, no nothing.
They're just teaching the new generation to fully accept this.
Now remember, Google and others announced four years ago they're using your computer to watch you and listen to you.
They use computers for keywords to do it.
This is public.
This is public.
So let's go ahead and play this video.
Go ahead.
So I click and there's an observe button and it brings up their screen.
The school's assistant principal spends part of each day remotely monitoring what the kids are doing on their laptops.
We have a photo booth.
He can see them, but they can't see him.
These kids are goofing off, taking pictures of themselves in class.
So wait, do all the kids have the cameras on?
Six and seven pretty have cameras.
A lot of kids are just on it to check their hair, do their makeup.
They just use it like it's a mirror.
I always like to mess with them and take a picture.
Nine times out of ten, they duck out of the way.
And then they shut down and they get right back to work.
So, I can see he's got a few things going on here.
He's got the photo booth program open.
He's got his social studies project open.
School email open.
You know, I think the kids know what is expected of them, but they also want to do all their other things.
That's what I see a lot of, is the multitasking.
But I was doing my work too.
Most of the adults at the school actually seemed pretty sanguine about the kids being so easily distracted.
You learn something new every day.
So they're all relaxed.
They're only concerned that the kids may screw around on their computers, not that they're watching the kids.
And then to mess with them, he takes a picture of them, and they see it flash on the screen to let them know they're being watched, and the little girl gets out of the way.
Now, here they're just rolling it out.
But it's come out in Philadelphia and other cities.
The kids go home and the school admits they turn it on and watch them at home.
After all, it's the government's computer.
We gave it to you free.
Taxpayers didn't pay for that.
The kids now think it's normal to have their computer watching them.
And all new computers have the built-in on the screen.
At the top of the screen.
School cams, cases explode as feds initiate probe.
School spy cam case explodes as feds initiate probe.
Got a bunch of videos, article, get this out to everyone you know who's in denial about this.
Adults, iPhone users, people using any cell phones with cameras.
You can't even take the batteries off most of the new cell phones.
You're being watched, you're being controlled.
Why do we then still have a free iPhone app?
We go into the matrix to wake people up out of the matrix.
We're coming through your iPhone right now to tens of thousands of iPhone listeners with a free app, warning you about it through the devilish device.
That's grabbing victory from the jaws of defeat.
Hello, this is Alex Jones with some important questions.
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It was the summer of 2009.
People were losing their jobs, and the value of our homes were dwindling before our very eyes.
In California, state workers were being given IOUs in lieu of paychecks.
And yet, through all the hellishness, one fledgling industry was not only surviving, it was booming.
A lot of people think it's strange that marijuana, which has had this shadow over it for so long, is now being sold at storefronts in California.
What's happened is, as many people in the culture haven't used marijuana, they found out that Reefer Madness and other such propaganda films were just that, propaganda.
Cannabis, even very potent cannabis, is a remarkably safe medicine.
We don't hear the horror stories with medical cannabis that we do with prescription drugs.
More patients are going to realize that they have a viable medication, and the rest of the states are going to slowly turn this way.
Even though California and other states have legalized marijuana, we've seen a massive increase in smash-and-grab raids.
There's continued outrage today following a DEA raid on a medicinal marijuana clinic.
Several law enforcement agencies raided the dispensaries in Culver City in West Los Angeles.
There needs to be a dispensary called Organica here, and as you can see behind me, the place is just really only a shell right now.
Sorry guys, we're closed right now.
We know this is all about you making something that's naturally occurring illegal so you can create artificial scarcity and jack up the prices.
Obama doesn't have that much power as we're seeing now.
I am Hale, a free woman.
The drug dealing banks own and control many of the private prisons that hapless drug users are incarcerated in.
There's an inflection point that when we get over 3.2% of the population incarcerated, it actually increases crime.
This is risky, but I don't see any other strategy.
I'm going to go down for it then.
I'm sick of what they're doing to people.
This is wrong.
The big kahuna is international control.
Codex Alimentarius is a global compact being agreed to by the United Nations, the Fortune 500, and governments on a planetary scale.
They want to criminalize over-the-counter sale of vitamin C, fish oil,
Colloidal silver, aloe vera.
They want to make these controlled substances.
That's why they're fighting to keep marijuana illegal.
Prohibition drives the price up on everything.
How Weed Won the West is an indictment of the phony drug war and exposes how the government and big banks are bringing in the majority of hard narcotics and how they want to keep marijuana illegal as a pretext to pack the prisons with non-violent offenders.
In this film you'll see drug dealers who don't want the government to decriminalize.
I'm not in favor of no dispensaries.
I want everybody to come to me.
You want to bring down the New World Order, expose the phony drug war, end marijuana prohibition, decriminalize it.
How Weed Won the West is awesome.
I consulted on it.
I'm in it.
You can pre-order How Weed Won the West today and it ships out
From my offices on February 15, 2010 at InfoWars.com.
We're discounting it out of the gates, ladies and gentlemen.
And you can get American Drug War half price or follow the public half price when you order at InfoWars.com.
How we won the West.
It's powerful.
It will absolutely expose the fraud that is the drug war.
Because we were taught all throughout history to fight for that right.
We're Americans.
That's what we're supposed to do.
I want to be clear.
Alcohol is abused.
Marijuana is abused.
Prozac's a bad period.
But the government pushes all those other drugs.
Everybody knows that during Prohibition, the Mafia more than quadrupled in size.
The police got more corrupted.
Alcohol prices went way up.
Alcohol use tripled.
These are all official government numbers.
And the Mafia didn't have alcohol to be illegal anymore.
So they made marijuana and cocaine and heroin that you could buy at any local drugstore.
And people knew that losers used that stuff.
Now marijuana is literally a wonder plant when it comes to glaucoma and cancer and I mean it's ridiculous.
But the point is, they need to continue the drug war, and now they want to make it vitamins.
Canada's already announcing they're going to arrest people that sell over-the-counter vitamins in Canada.
That was in the Toronto Star two weeks ago.
This is really going on.
This is Codex Alimentarius.
The globalists know this creates crime.
It empowers criminal groups at the highest and lowest levels.
That's why I'm for decriminalization.
But the film is about states' rights, government drug dealing, everything.
I really wasn't going to talk about this film much more.
We sell it, I'm in it, it's on the website, it's excellent, but this is what happened.
I had, of course, Tommy Chong on the show, of Cheech and Chong, top comedian, one of the top comedians in the country, on the show to talk about AKA Tommy Chong.
And the film was getting no attention.
They weren't even selling very many copies of it.
They printed a few thousand.
I had him on and the feds raided the private separate filmmakers and stole the copies and later it got dropped in court.
That made the film go mega huge.
It went on Showtime and then HBO and sold hundreds of thousands of copies.
That's how stupid they are because the film exposes how they got people hired inside Tommy Chong's business that sold pipes
For tobacco, marijuana, whatever.
His right.
His son selling it.
They tried for four years, hundreds of times, was it 400 plus times, to put orders into this one county where marijuana pipes are illegal in the U.S.
And finally, they got one of their people to mail it out.
They put Tommy Chong in jail for several years as a big stunt.
Now, Kevin Booze is going to break this down.
We're going to go to some of the victims of this.
Kevin Booth had a big showing at a dispensary in their back parking lot.
Hundreds of people were there.
The feds were there marking down names.
They raided a bunch of dispensaries that night, the next day, and told them because of the film.
They are scared of this documentary.
And again, even if you don't believe in decriminalization, and you think the drug war is great and the government shipping it in is wonderful, don't you believe in the First Amendment?
You just saw Geithner not letting people in a press conference on the side of the highway in America.
They want this film shut down.
Now, the good news is a lot of the DVDs have already shipped out, and I don't know if they're stupid enough to try to raid Kevin, the filmmaker, but this is on the distributors all over.
The point is, this was a major attack.
Kevin Booth, director, maker of the award-winning, aired on Showtime, you name it.
Their top-rated show, by the way, I saw that in the news, their number one show, number one on demand as well for more than a year, was American Drug War.
This film is much more hardcore.
And that's why they're so scared.
His film barely gets into government drug dealing.
It's just how the drug war hurts everybody.
This one does.
And, Kevin, I'm a little concerned about this.
Break down what happened that night and in the aftermath.
Well, basically, I mean, the screening went quite well.
I mean, Craig is also on the line who can testify to some of this.
Yes, Craig Rubin.
And we're going to tell folks about him in just a moment.
Go ahead.
Yeah, he's more familiar with some of the locals in the Narkson area, but, you know,
The owner, Jeff Joseph, who has been busted over and over again, and if everybody remembers a famous picture that circulated on the internet over a year ago about Blackwater raiding a marijuana dispensary, that was him.
That's what happened to him.
And let's be clear, these are legal under state law, it's like a Target store, it's right there, and the feds keep coming in and raiding, and now under Obama, it's getting even worse.
Exactly, and then what happened was just a few days after the screening, they came and arrested him and just took him away.
Now they've been arresting, or they've been raiding other dispensaries, but this is the only two people to ever get arrested and do jail time are Craig and Jeff, who are in the film.
And they're literally throwing the book at Jeff.
I just spoke to his sister this morning.
It was in all the newspapers that he was under $350,000 bail.
It's now been raised to $520,000 bail.
Yeah, I should add, Jeff Joseph was going to be on today, but they've arrested him.
Exactly, yeah.
He's sitting in the Twin Tower in downtown LA.
It's probably one of the most hellish places on earth.
He has 24 felonies against him, including money laundering and just a whole list of
Just crazy things that had nothing to do with them, like being charged, because they're saying that somebody was passing out flyers promoting the dispensary, and one of these flyers made it to some kid at some school, and so basically in court yesterday... Oh, it's for the children, oh!
Yeah, just kept bringing up this one thing about how this one child... Well, I would bring out how they push Prozac and Ritalin in that school.
No, exactly.
It's amazing.
It's amazing.
Okay, well we're about to go to break.
Let's go to Craig Rubin.
And Craig, briefly, you have a long bio.
Tell us a little bit about yourself and break down what's happening here.
Well, I was at the screening the other night, and some of the agents that were there actually left sweating because we were there.
But, you know, I've been involved with medical marijuana.
I play the owner of the medical marijuana club on the show Weeds, and we really portrayed it in kind of a negative way.
And my wife and I are Bible believers.
We have seven kids, so we opened a medical marijuana club at the church, trying to reach people who use medical marijuana with the word.
And I was sentenced to four years and eight months in prison, and now I was arrested—and then I got permission from the judge to do it again and the probation department, and then I was arrested again on October 22nd of 2009.
I go to trial starting on this Thursday, the 25th of February, and I'm facing 12 years now for selling one gram of pot to an officer who came in as a qualified patient with a doctor's note and a valid California ID.
Which is state law.
I mean, let's be clear.
You're following the law.
And I have a permit to sell medical marijuana from the city.
I have permission from a judge, from the probation department.
This is just like Austin with the ATF shutting down the gun show with no law.
Well, and they're going after... I've known Jeff for 20 years.
He's been, like me, someone who's been interested in hemp.
We both had stores where we sold hemp clothes before medical marijuana became... Which has no THC in it.
Yeah, had none of it, but we didn't get in trouble for that, but we've been activists, and so we've been people who speak out, and what's going on is the government is taking over this industry.
Lots of medical marijuana clubs are run by police officers or government agents, and that guy from Blackwater is actually a DEA agent.
He just happened to be wearing a Blackwater shirt during that raid, but he was a DEA agent, and we got his name when he raided my temple back in 2006.
Well, this is incredible.
I mean, it's like Seattle.
Something like half the bars are owned by cops.
They go sell each other drugs in the bathroom of nice bars and restaurants, and then they own and run it.
I mean, just total parasites.
Now, outside the law, coming in federally, and at the state, prosecuting you guys.
And they don't want this film scene, folks.
They went crazy.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda,
We're pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
Tremendous influence on our president and Congress and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
Fall of the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation.
The criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty and on its ashes constructing world governments.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
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We're talking to Craig Rubin and Kevin Booth, joining us from Los Angeles.
Let's go back to that night.
I mean, Kevin, you were telling me they raided a bunch of the dispensaries that attended.
These are legal under state law.
The state's coming in and saying, okay, there's 500 or so of these in the city of 10 million people.
Now we're going to allow you to have 150 and it'll all be certified groups.
And it's openly detectives and cops and retired FBI agents.
I mean, I guess they were the drug dealers before.
And so, okay, if they're going to legalize it, only we can run it.
I mean, this is mafia government.
There's so many issues here, Craig Rubin and Kevin Booth.
Well, I mean, it's just, it's working on so many levels.
By the way, it's a thousand dispensaries, and now they're saying that they're going to bring it down to 70.
So, well, who gets to decide which of those, you know, in other words... Okay, so the numbers have changed, because the news said in L.A.
Times it was like 500 dispensaries.
They want to cut it down to 150.
It's even worse than that?
There's 1,000 in the city of L.A., 1,400 in L.A.
And they're trying to cut it down to only 70.
And this is when we have a vacancy rate in our commercial properties of over 15%.
I mean, they're complaining that, oh, these places are everywhere, and yet every one of these places has a well-lit parking lot, they have security guards out front, you know, and these are some of the only income in some of these bad neighborhoods.
And what they're doing is they're putting down these ridiculous
Zoning things, saying like, oh, if you're, what, a thousand feet from a school or a thousand feet from a neighborhood, by which, if you're familiar with Los Angeles... A thousand, well, I think they've lowered that to 500 feet from a residential area.
But every one of them, practically, is near 500 feet of a residential area.
We're in a city.
Yeah, I mean, if you're familiar with L.A., every single commercial building is within 500 feet of a residential structure, so it's impossible.
It's a joke.
And so basically, the people of California, the people of L.A., everybody has voted on what they want, and yet they keep doing this.
And what's interesting right now is how it kind of keeps shifting back and forth from the feds to the locals to whatever.
And so it's the D.A.
that's bringing these charges on Jeff right now.
He's sitting in jail now until March 4th in his next hearing.
I mean, he could be going away for some serious time.
And I spent seven days in that county jail and it is torture.
You'd think we treat our prisoners in Iraq poorly.
I didn't eat for seven days.
I lost a lot of weight.
I didn't even go to the bathroom for seven days.
It was so disgusting.
Thank God I speak fluent Spanish.
You know, but I was really, and I'm sure Jeff is, one of the only middle-aged white guys in there.
It's pretty much all black and brown people, and it's really disgusting.
Ron Paul is right.
The CIA has committed a coup in our country, and they're really evildoers, and they're the real drug dealers.
By the way, cue that Ron Paul.
We actually had the original great guy send it to us at Campaign for Liberty.
He's in the government, ships in the drugs.
They've been caught literally thousands of times, not hundreds, thousands.
And we've had a coup over our nation.
But the most important thing you just said, Craig, because I've seen this in other areas,
I've seen dry counties in Texas where only the retired cop who pays his friends off is allowed to run a bar where it's a club.
Anybody else gets shut down.
I guess it's the same thing here.
You're saying police own their own dispensaries and of course those don't get touched.
Yeah, but I'm not sure they're like retired police.
I think they're doing operations to catch the vendors when people come in to sell medical marijuana, and they also find out who's using medical marijuana, and the police run medical marijuana clubs, so the absolute cheapest pot around, and it's usually a little dried out as if they're stealing it from people like Jeff and myself, and then reselling it.
I was about to say, it's also on the news that the police go and grab money and drugs and don't even file it now.
They just openly keep it.
I mean, we're as bad as Mexico.
Well, that happened in my first situation.
Brett Bogue, who is also in the movie, came into my temple, and I wrote him a check, and he actually—I have him on video arriving with the police.
That's why, I mean, I think this movie, they do want you to watch it.
It's partly financed by, I believe, the CIA, and Kevin can talk about that.
But these guys are actually selling the pot.
I wrote him a check for the pot.
They gave me the pot, and then they came and seized the pot, and they kept the money from the cash check.
I'm not there in L.A.
I don't even know who these people are that you're talking about.
The guy in the movie.
He's got like a whole commercial in the middle of the movie where it builds his credibility as I've won the Cannabis Cup and won this and he works for the government and he's one of the guys creating the genetics.
You know, he's created the genetics for Grape-Ape, Kaya Kush, Bubba Kush, Sour Grape.
Wait a minute, wait a minute.
How do you know he works for the government?
Because I have it on video.
When I got arrested in the first case, I've known this guy for years and years and years.
Kevin can tell you all about him.
Well, let's continue to talk about the film, ladies and gentlemen, which is just incredible information.
We'll be right back, ladies and gentlemen, on the other side of this quick break.
It sounds like stuff is just crazy there in Los Angeles.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda,
We're pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
For the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation, the criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty and on its ashes constructing world government.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today, it seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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Issue of this campaign, if the mass media would get a hold of it and do something about it, but they're covering it up.
And that is the, you were talking about the government involvement in drugs.
There have been government investigations, there have been private investigations, and we've interviewed a lot of people, ex-CIA people, who have talked about the CIA involvement in drug operations for many decades.
It's public knowledge, though once again the media are not saying anything about it.
That Oliver North and his people involved with the Contras have been running drug operations, cocaine primarily, bringing it back into the United States.
And there are other investigations which show that George Bush's office, Donald Gregg particularly, and the people he was working with, have been supervising an enormous drug operation
Which, once again, was sending illegal arms down to the Contras and elsewhere, and bringing cocaine and other types of drugs back into the United States.
But the Democrats aren't talking about this.
Are the Libertarians talking about this?
And did they put this into the framework of the drug law situation that you're talking about?
We talk about it a whole lot.
Of course, we always have the trouble of getting the attention that we think it deserves.
There have been a few Democrats that have talked about it.
Senator Kerry's office has done some work on it.
He's done a lot of the investigation.
And I think he's on to something.
And I think we've gotten some other information too, of course, that the CIA has given Noriega over the years $200,000 a year.
Sure, yes.
And they kept feeding him money, even when Bush was the head of the CIA.
I think George Bush is deep into it, well over his head.
Somebody asked me once if I thought George Bush knew about as much what was going on as Ronald Reagan.
I think George Bush knew a lot more about what was happening in the CIA, because I think Reagan was probably more removed from that just by his own personality.
That's Ron Paul back in the 1980s.
In Austin, Texas, with Alternative Views.
When I got to Austin in the early 90s, I would watch the show and learn quite a bit.
That show was very formative.
I didn't know until later.
Tommy Pallotta, in the early 90s, no, even before that, because he was in Slacker in the early 90s with Rick Linklater, I guess right around that time, I haven't talked to Tommy yet, but I believe he was involved in that very interview and production.
I remember him talking about meeting Ron Paul in conjunction with that show.
But let's go ahead now, and we're queuing up another clip, the one I actually wanted, but that was a good clip too, of what happened just about a month ago with Ron Paul and the Campaign for Liberty.
This is why I love Ron Paul.
He's the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow, exposing the CIA coup over America.
You decriminalize drugs.
It is a major blow.
This is how they get into our lives with their informants, their police state.
Here it is.
I mean, but they're almost like they lived in a different world.
The military's down, the morale is down, the money isn't there.
They're going looking for a couple more wars to fight!
It makes no sense whatsoever.
But no, we don't have to worry about the military anymore because there's been a coup.
Have you heard?
It's the CIA coup.
The CIA runs everything!
They run the military.
They're the ones who are over there lobbing missiles and bombs on these countries.
It's not even the military that does that.
The CIA runs this.
And, of course, the CIA has never been as secretive as the Federal Reserve.
And yet, think of the harm that they have done since they were established since World War II.
They are a government unto themselves.
They're in businesses.
They're in drug businesses.
And, uh, and they take on different kinds of people.
We need to take out the CIA.
Ron Paul, Canberra for Liberty, about a month ago.
Now here's the issue.
I don't use drugs except for caffeine and tobacco occasionally.
And I've even pretty much quit drinking.
The point is, is that I know that they're even keeping it from cancer patients and glaucoma patients and the hundreds of other medical uses.
I know that
As our guest was just saying, I don't know about the particular cases, but that you have all these dispensaries, some government runs, some government ops behind it.
I mean, it's a mess when the state legalized legal dispensaries if a medical doctor says you can use this.
And the reason the UN and Codex Alimentarius, and that's what I consulted on in the film when Kevin came to interview me, is about the fact that they want to have aloe vera.
They've had a write on aloe vera.
Plantation saying it's evil.
Fish oil.
They want to make you, in fact, pull up that Toronto Star about government puts out new rules for pharmacies about over-the-counter vitamins and minerals, saying it's outlawed.
You know, not even a law, they just say it.
That's why this is so serious.
This gives the government the excuse to have informants and secret police and all of this.
And now the government wants to control the dispensaries and cut it down from thousands, they're saying, to only 70 or whatever it is in Los Angeles so they control it.
If they can't,
Keep it illegal so they can control it and get higher prices.
They'll restrict the number of stores to keep the prices high.
I mean, this is really a monopoly being set up, isn't it, Craig Rubin?
What do you think about what Obama's done?
Looks to me like he's gone back on his promises.
Obama has gone back on his promises, and one of my volunteers, Richard Costaldo, was a victim from Columbine.
He's in a wheelchair, and he testified in front of the L.A.
City Council that when he first came to L.A., he was paying $85 for 3.5 grams of marijuana, and he was finally getting it down to $40, excuse me, for an eighth.
Now he's getting it down to $40 an eighth because there's such a proliferation of clubs.
And I believe marijuana is really the key to defeating the New World Order because it's really all about globalization and being forced to get your resources from around the world.
And it takes the profit out of it.
It takes the profit out of it, which cuts out the CIA.
By having pot illegal, we can't grow industrial hemp.
Henry Ford built a car out of hemp that ran on hemp fuel.
The body, like the Corvette, was a fiberglass and hemp body that was ten times stronger than steel.
We don't need to go all around the world to get our resources.
We can grow food locally, make our clothes locally, our medicines, and marijuana is really the key to defeating the New World Order.
Kevin, again, it's important for people to see how Weed won the West.
I mean, I think the most important sections of the government drug dealing in the film.
Tell folks more about, I mean, you spent years making how Weed won the West.
Yeah, I mean, this has been a long labor of love and something where I had to just do more than infiltrate the society.
I had to kind of, you know, merge in with these people.
And it's...
It's just been a long labor of love, and one of the things I wanted to talk about is, you know, I go through, and when you've been posting video clips on YouTube and stuff, it's like, only one out of every couple hundred responses is negative, and I keep seeing this one same negative response towards you being a part of this film, Alex, and that is people saying, I can't believe Alex is falling for this.
You know, the New World Order wants everybody to be stoned.
Yeah, go ahead and be a big stoner and lose your freedoms, etc., etc.
Those are the people that I'd like to address.
And by saying that, you know, it's all just a matter of what works best for you.
And the fact that we're allowing the government to outlaw a plant is the very basic... But Kevin, it's more serious than that!
When they outlawed alcohol, the amount of alcohol getting drunk tripled at least, and it corrupted all the police and empowered the mafia!
I mean, the point is, the point is if they made alcohol illegal, you'd have people robbing, stealing, and killing to get it and get the money to get it!
I don't like alcohol, and it kills hundreds of thousands a year.
Marijuana doesn't.
That's my whole point, is this is hypocritical.
The government produced films like Reef or Madness saying you murder people when you smoke it.
Maybe you sit there and eat a half gallon of Dutch ice cream.
I mean, sure, some people are lazy to begin with.
Marijuana will make them lazy.
Some people aren't.
That's not even my issue.
My issue is the government is shipping in the hard drugs.
I'm sick of it all.
You take away their profit by decriminalizing.
I've been involved since I was a kid.
I've been involved with the hemp movement since I was 12 years old.
I used to go down to the beach on the bus and work at the hemp booth.
And what's going on is the CIA and government are taking over the marijuana industry and they're trying to get the genetics so they can sell them to a Monsanto or a Philip Morris or one of these big corporations.
And that's where I see the real key of how the New World Order is trying to infiltrate their way into the marijuana industry.
Big tobacco companies are buying up the key marijuana growing areas and they are, it looks like, getting ready to come out with the super weed that is really, really strong and then knocking everybody else out.
So they know, since most Americans have smoked pot and know it's a joke to have it illegal, they're, that I know, are coming in and trying to dominate the key varieties.
So, okay, if we can't have it illegal, we'll just have it as a cartel.
Well, I believe that's what's going on, and they were involved in the Amsterdam growing, and what they're specifically, the government's role, is to develop the genetics to then hand over, using taxpayers' money, and then they hand over those genetics eventually, either to themselves as they retire, or to large corporations, and then get their big retirement for having dealt drugs for the government for years.
That's my opinion.
Kevin, you researched that for the film.
What do you think of what he just said?
You know, there's a lot of different conspiracy theories going on there.
It's hard to know what all is true and what's not true.
I mean, another big theory is that the government is also engaged in trying to put things into the genetics of marijuana seeds to make it so they'll stop being able to breathe.
I mean, you've obviously heard of that, Craig, right?
Well, that's a Terminator seed that they're trying to do with any plant, so that you'd have to go back every single season to the seed provider to get your genetics to be able to farm any product.
But I don't think they put that in.
The one thing I can say about marijuana, and a lot of people that don't understand, I mean, a lot of people make fun of the term medical marijuana, and all I know is that when I was younger, you know, and I tried smoking marijuana, it was the cheap, you know, what we call Mexican dirt weed with all the sticks and seeds in it.
Well, that's right!
And, to be clear, I haven't started smoking marijuana because of this, but when Joe Rogan was in town, he invited me out to dinner, to buy me dinner.
And, I mean, I don't care, folks.
I drink a beer here and there, and I haven't smoked pot probably in 15, 20 years.
I guess it was in high school 18 years ago, college 17, so maybe 17 years.
And he said, smoke this.
And I smoked one hit of it, and was literally, I was like, what is this?
Because I had more energy, I was more awake, and then he explained to me that there's marijuana varieties that wake you up, and everyone's always known this, and the main crud stuff out of Mexico is what makes you tired and lazy and have the munchies.
And so the government's known this all along, and 80 years ago got really scared of this.
Uh, and so I guess a few months ago, I mean, I smoked one hit of marijuana, and it was totally different from the stuff I'd smoked a few times in college and high school that made me feel groggy and stupid.
And so, again, I literally did it as an experiment.
I mean, I did it as an experiment.
And, uh, it was very interesting.
Go ahead.
No, and that's exactly what the government doesn't want you to try, because also you can grow that stuff yourself.
You don't need to get it from Mexico.
You don't need to get it off the black market.
You don't even have to buy it from a dispenser if you don't want.
Um, and that's really what the ball comes down to.
Well, all the studies show that type of marijuana literally does work with depression.
I mean, Prozac, on the insert, makes you kill yourself and get more depressed and is a deadly chemical that rots your brain and your liver.
On record.
Same thing with... Something that's interesting about being in and around all these, like, large marijuana events.
This weekend, they just had the hemp con at the LA Convention Center.
There's hundreds of thousands of people here.
It's like the most mellow, even keel group.
Everybody is so friendly and focused and it's just so different than any other kind of like drug culture or alcohol culture.
I mean, go to a, and I'm not putting down Oktoberfest.
I mean, we've got a place in Fredericksburg.
I love, you know, but you know, these kinds of things like say Oktoberfest where everybody gets bombed and you've got fistfights breaking out.
Well... I mean, I literally... Yeah.
I think that part of the problem with the United States, and the reason that the liberty movement is growing so rapidly, is that there's this big spiritual deficiency.
And one of the reasons people come to marijuana, the marijuana culture, or medical marijuana, is because they feel a part of something bigger than themselves, and they feel a part of that 420 culture.
And, you know, I personally believe in the Bible.
But I believe that marijuana is something that makes people feel part of a community and helps fill that need.
And that when they're using it and they don't seem sick, but they're using it for medical reasons, that it's really a spiritual deficiency that people are suffering from.
Alright, listen, I'm out of time.
I'm out of time, guys.
I've got to cover another key issue, but we'll talk to you again soon.
How Weed the One, the West, really Part 2 of American Drug War, available at InfoWars.com or by calling 888-253-3139.
Investigate it for yourself.
I think overall,
Thank you Alex.
Thank you.
Go ahead, Kevin.
Anybody out there who doesn't think it should be legalized is that whether it's legal or not, you're not stopping anybody from trying it, okay?
Marijuana has been and will always be available.
By making it taboo, all the studies show it becomes avant-garde and trendy and more people use it.
Okay, I appreciate it.
It's really something for our economy as well.
Guys, I gotta jump.
Thank you.
I appreciate you both coming on with us.
I want to talk about Debra Medina here at the end of the show.
We're going to skip this final break.
This is a network break.
We're skipping it.
They came up to me during the first hour of the show and gave me this Examiner article.
Debra Medina agrees that 9-11 truthers' beliefs are despicable.
And I'm familiar with the writer, L.A.
County Libertarian Examiner reporter.
I know he's done some good reports in the past.
They confirmed that it was audio of her on one of my big enemies, who's lied about me, this Mark Davis, that she was on there.
And I told you when I came out and said I'm very upset with Ebra Medina,
And most of the calls, 95% of the calls we're getting are very supportive and understand because they heard what I actually said.
Other people are going to misconstrue what I've said about Debra Medina.
It isn't that she's not a 9-11 truther.
That's not why I'm mad at her.
I never asked her about it when she's been on the phone and in the studio.
Because I know it wasn't one of her issues at State of Texas.
It's that when she went on Glenn Beck, they set her up.
I'd had people in her campaign going, oh, help us get on Glenn Beck.
I said, he's gonna attack you.
They didn't listen.
They never listen.
Everybody's just got everything figured out, but me.
And he set her up and went after her, and she said, quote, the real underlying question here, though, is whether or not people have the right to question the government.
I think the fact that the people are even asking questions on this level gets to the incredible disrust career politicians have fostered.
And I said, hey, she's not a 9-11 truther, but she supports the investigation.
I think she's great.
It's a Texas issue.
Because she hadn't flip-flopped.
The issue is the flip-flopping.
She goes on Mark Davis' show.
Yesterday, this is the number one talk show in Dallas.
He fills in for Rush Limbaugh.
It's syndicated in some markets, according to what I've read.
He's lied about me in the past.
Said I said, kill Michelle Malkin, even when major newspapers retracted and said somebody behind me yelled it.
Tried to set me up.
They were with Malkin.
That was another setup.
I get set up at these rallies, folks, and they shoot video a certain way to deceive you.
But that came out.
And then she went on Dallas, Houston TV, five different TV stations.
We played the clip earlier and said, I think the way those towers fall is very suspicious.
And I said, wow, she's like a 9-11 truther.
Wow, I like her even more.
Wow, she's not retracting.
Then they had a shakeup in her campaign last week.
Some people got replaced.
Suddenly things started changing and I noticed it and I was going, man, I got a bad feeling here.
Then she came out on Mark Davis' radio show to six million people potentially in Dallas and surrounding areas, covers half the state.
She went on this big show and he said, these are despicable people, they're horrible, they're evil, they're bad.
She said, I totally agree, it's ridiculous, it's horrible.
It's the total 180 flip-flop.
That's the issue.
It's not about 9-11 truth.
It's that I was thrown under the bus.
You were thrown under the bus.
And I'm sick of it.
Now, my question to Debra Medina is, if she'll come on, that's fine.
I'm sure they'll chicken out.
I don't care.
The truth's all that matters.
I don't throw my weight and my listeners' weight behind something and then get double-crossed and not come back at it.
You understand that?
I stuck up for Ron Paul when he didn't go public for 9-11 Truth and says he doesn't believe that and said, great, that's always been in his opinion, fine.
He exposes other admitted forms of government-sponsored terror.
He's real.
I don't know if she got bad advice or what she did, but will she go back and not be for controlling the border or for open carry or for property taxes?
I want to know!
This is supposedly this maverick, this person who will 100% tell you the truth, and what she said yesterday, she'll say tomorrow.
And I did get a few emails, people saying, you know Alex, Texas freedom is more important than this.
And Texas freedom?
As if I should go, yeah, okay, throw us under the bus, yeah, totally change what you said, and then I become complicit in that?
I don't do that!
You understand that, ladies and gentlemen?
I'm the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow.
Occasionally I make a mistake, and I'll admit that.
But, you notice Mark Davis, we're going to play the clip coming up here in a moment.
You notice, after she throws herself and us under the bus, she didn't know she was throwing herself under it.
He says, well, there's a second point on this, you know, just because you said you weren't cleared or didn't know what you were talking about, that shows you don't have leadership because you didn't know what was going on and didn't know the issues.
So, see, they're just going to attack her more.
Don't you understand that?
I mean, when she came out and went further for 9-11 Truth, not just saying a new investigation is reasonable, but
Oh yes!
In fact, I'll play that clip first of her two days after going back.
There's five different clips of this.
She went on Houston, Dallas TV, you name it, and said, I think people have a right for an investigation.
I think the towers falling was very suspicious.
And then, so she's saying she's despicable.
Because most 9-11 truthers, she's saying we're despicable.
Most 9-11 truthers don't know exactly what happened.
They just know the official stories of fraud and a lie.
Here is the video clip of her two days after going back on television saying that she thinks it's reasonable to question.
Here it is.
I think the questions that I've heard asked are how those buildings fell.
And I'm not the engineer to know that, and I think those are good, relevant questions to ask.
That's not, that's not saying our government was involved.
I don't know that I think our government was involved.
I think there are questions that need to be asked.
We need to elect people who are natural-born citizens according to our Constitution.
Okay, and there's even more before that.
The point is, it's interview after interview after interview, and on Glenn Beck, she said the real underlying question here, though, is whether this is a statement on our website or not people have the right to question our government.
I think the fact that people are even asking questions on this level gets to the incredible distress career politicians have fostered.
So, I'm like, yeah.
Then, she goes on a big radio show and says we're basically despicable.
Let's go ahead and play that clip from Mark Davis.
It is nice to have you.
Let's do two things.
Let's take a couple minutes and wrap up the 9-11 thing, and then I want you to get to what you want to talk about for these remaining weeks of the campaign.
Nine days, I think.
Well, indeed so.
My assertion is it would have been over by now, would have been over in a day, if after the Beck thing you'd have said, boy, I'm sorry, I messed up.
I should have identified this 9-11 truther movement as the despicable, paranoid cult that they are.
What a horrible, hateful belief to have in your head that 9-11 was an inside job.
Why didn't you do that?
Yeah, I agree with you, Mark.
You know, I laughed it off whenever he said I was a truther because I thought it was so absurd and I should have just said no.
A despicable, horrible cult.
Back it up to her answer.
I want people to hear that.
This is unedited.
Despicable, horrible cult.
Oh, I agree, Mark.
I agree.
They're a despicable, horrible cult.
Weeks before, after Glenn Beck, oh, I think the way those buildings fell, I have questions.
Now we're a despicable, horrible cult, and I agree.
And that I'm bad.
Alex Jones is bad for actually being steadfast.
And seeing a flip-flop like this and getting angry.
I want you to call Medina.
Their lines have been busy.
And I want you to get through.
Yeah, we Texans aren't double talkers and flip floppers and side crab walkers.
Or contact at medinafortexas.com.
This isn't about 9-11 truth.
This is about flip flopping.
Glenn Beck now says he believes in global warming now that it's collapsing, trying to save it.
He says he wants value-added taxes.
He says he wants the Patriot.
He says he's for the banker bailout.
That's what we're talking about is a bunch of double-talking people!
I've had it with double-talk!
I agree with you, Mark.
You know, I laughed it off whenever he said I was a truther because I thought it was so absurd and I should have just said no, absolutely I'm not a truther.
I think it's abundantly clear I'm not a truther.
You know, those things happen to us, and we pick up, say, should have done that better, move on, and that's what we've done.
Then there's just one other thing that's left, because not being a truther is great.
I'm thinking, of course you're not, of course you're not.
But sometimes the wisdom is defined by knowing whom to praise and whom to, quite frankly, condemn.
Someone walking around with the belief that America would do this to its own people, that President Bush and those around him would slaughter our own citizens in order to justify war is a despicable thing to believe.
And if that's it, you want to be on record as agreeing with that.
Agreed, yeah.
I was thinking in terms of a commission report.
Not in terms of what, you know, individuals are out there doing.
And the commission report, I think, is the thing that I was getting back to.
None of which, as you indicate, has a direct impact on what's going on in Texas right now.
We ought to be concerned about terrorism and what's coming across our southern border.
We haven't addressed that issue, and we really need to be focused on that.
We've, of course, been out talking about how important border security is.
Alright, that's enough.
We won't have time to play the rest of it.
Radio show is over.
The video clips are up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com if you want to see them in their entirety.
I mean, this is unbelievable, and I'm not putting up with it.
I don't know.
She can retract it if she wants or clarify it.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Great job, Drew.
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This is Alex Jones.