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Name: 20100217_Wed_Alex
Air Date: Feb. 17, 2010
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We are live, ladies and gentlemen, one hour into this Wednesday, 17th day of February, 2010.
Worldwide broadcast on the AMFM, Global Shortwave Satellite, number one show on the internet according to Alexis.
Shoutcasts and other gauges.
Thank you for joining us for the next hour.
Lord Christopher Monckton.
The third Viscount of Moncton and Brinsley, a journalist, a researcher, a scientist, a consultant, one of the top advisors to Margaret Thatcher.
We're very honored to have him.
He just got back from a whirlwind tour of Australia with devastating effect on the fraud there.
Rudd collapsing as the global warming fraud continues to fall in on itself.
Huge developments.
We're going to cover
More than 30 ClimateGate-level scandals that have come out, each overshadowing the next, or the last.
We're also going to cover their counter-strike plans, as Schwarzenegger and others said at Copenhagen, when it was clear it was dead.
They're going to take over the cities and states.
Austin faces $2.6 billion in the next three years in taxes on energy alone, according to Austin Energy and the mayor.
They're set, later this month or early next month, to vote it through.
The U.N.
is involved here locally.
So we're going to look at it all today, also criminal prosecutions of these frauds.
Phil Jones, one of the headmasters at collating the fraudulent data, admitting now that Lord Monckton is right.
Since 1995, no warming.
So we're going to go to break here in a moment, but for the next hour, Lord Christopher Monckton
To chronicle and break down, as no one else can, the leading expert, in my educated opinion, on the full scope of this attempted revolution to bring society under neo-feudalistic serfdom.
Sir, thank you for joining us.
Well, Alex, what a wonderful introduction.
I just can't wait to hear what I'm going to say.
We've got about two and a half minutes before we go to break.
Just give us a brief overview of what you're going to be covering.
Well I think the first thing we've got to do is to say that the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, that's the UN's climate panel which has produced four major reports on the climate saying we're all doomed, is now effectively dead.
There have been so many revelations over recent weeks of its failure to do the science properly, of it deliberately including false and alarming data with the intention, and the declared intention, of influencing government
It's all over for the IPCC.
Nobody is going to take it seriously ever again.
I think that's the main point.
But then you're quite right.
As you said in your introduction, the problem we've now got is that even though national governments are now beginning to realise they can't go on getting away with this because it isn't a vote winner,
Local administrations still bullied by the hugely well-funded environmental lobby groups like Greenpeace, which as far as I know has a fleet of ships larger than the British Navy.
Goodness knows where it gets the money from to run them.
But I saw one of their huge ships parked up in Copenhagen with propaganda slogans painted all over it.
These organisations are very active at local and state level and what we're going to need to do eventually is at government level simply ban any spending on global warming related matters because this scare is now officially dead.
I want you again today to address the criminal activities, criminal investigations, your continued challenge for Al Gore to debate you.
I have it out of the Dallas Morning News today.
The state of Texas is moving to block Austin and other cities that have literally been paid off
by these organizations to seize the infrastructure and levy taxes.
I mean, the $2.6 billion, and that's Austin Energy, is bigger per year over the three years than the entire current taxing system.
I mean, talk about a power grab!
It is outrageous what's going on, and the only way to do that is to stop it from the top down.
That's right.
So that eventually everybody realizes that this money-making game, at the expense chiefly of the working taxpayer, it's your blue-collar guy, the guy on whose back, on whose sweater is brow, the rest of us live so comfortably, it's he who is going to get marmalized and clobbered.
Stay there, Lord Monckton.
Gotta break.
Hello, this is Alex Jones with some important questions.
If you're going into a battle and they give you a rifle and a sidearm, how much ammunition do you want?
My answer would be all I can get.
In the battle for freedom and the lives of your loved ones, food is your only ammunition.
How much do you want?
When do you want it?
Now or after the battle starts?
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You wipe out all these problems if you have a good food supply.
Food is your ammunition to fight for your freedom and your life.
How much will you need?
We don't know.
How much do you want?
All you can get.
I'm Alex Jones.
I want all of you good guys to live to fight another day.
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This is Alex Jones and I want to tell you about the Ecola Blue Atmospheric Water Generator that produces pure drinking water right from the humidity in the air.
No, this isn't science fiction, it's very real.
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Because you know exactly where your water comes from with Ecola Blue, you'll know what's in your cup.
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Generate your own pure water from the humidity in the air.
This system is free of chemicals and uses a multi-stage filtration system, including reverse osmosis, carbon filters, and ultraviolet lights.
Order now and claim your water independence today by calling a Coloblue at 1-800-691-6043.
That's 1-800-691-6043.
Or visit a Coloblue on the web at www.ecoloble.com today.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We are live.
Lord Christopher Monckton is our guest.
We'll put his website.
It is invaluable research to understand this criminal group internationally seeking to really bring in a form of slavery.
Scienceandpublicpolicy.org, ladies and gentlemen.
We're going to cover a whole host of issues as Lord Monckton briefs us on the open collapse of the carbon tax area of the fake green movement.
But first, sir,
And of course they're regrouping, we'll talk about that.
Tell us about the success of your trip in Australia.
I, every day, tuned in to video clips of you on radio and TV, in debates, packed houses everywhere, hands down, trouncing the opposition, and you could see in their eyes, no longer that arrogant false aplomb, that chutzpah, now they look like beaten men.
They are in galloping retreat.
It was very interesting.
I mean, I arrived in Australia.
Nobody there had heard of me, but there was a really good PR guy who came to see me the day I landed.
He said, right, we've laid on a program for you to start going into studios.
The moment that began,
Then I was rushing from studio to studio, got massive coverage on all the major channels, all the major newspapers, even the left-wing ones couldn't resist having a go at me, as it were.
Then on our first speaker meeting, which was in the largest ballroom in Sydney, which seats a thousand people, we were absolutely full.
People had began queuing at 10 in the morning.
For a meeting that began at 5.30 in the afternoon.
And they were queuing down three floors of the hotel, right round the grand staircase, and out into the street outside.
We had to turn several hundred people away, unfortunately.
Absolutely extraordinary interest.
And this happened all over Australia.
We went to the working class district of Newcastle in the Hunter Valley, which is a coal mining area, and we had a small room booked in the town hall.
We had to abandon that and go into the main town hall building itself, which seats 1,000.
Then we had to open the gallery, which seats another few hundred.
And even then we had to turn people away.
Same thing happened in Brisbane.
We had a debate there, which I think the other side reckoned we won it by a country mile.
Then we had a meeting at the Irish Club there.
They had never seen so many people in that club as they saw that day.
700 of them jammed into the room.
Then we went up to Noosa, where the Deputy Leader of the Opposition in Parliament turned up to hear me.
And he ended up outside, not being able to get in, along with 250 people, because that too was packed out.
So I had an impromptu meeting at the car park to cope with them.
Then we went down to Melbourne, same thing, absolutely packed out, a ballroom seating 1,000, absolutely full.
Then we went up to Canberra and the press club could only seat 300 and we turned at least as many as that away.
Then we went down to Adelaide, same thing happened there, we had an overflow room, that was full as well, we had to go and speak in both rooms.
Then we went up to
...where they had to lay on, not only an overflow room, but an overflow meeting the following day because 2,000 people wanted to hear me speak.
And as we went around Australia, the crowds got bigger and also got younger.
More and more younger people beginning to come to hear the truth about the climate.
So a quite extraordinary, overwhelming response, as a result of which I got to meet the leader of the opposition, Tony Abbott, who, if you remember, won office
As leader of the opposition over Malcolm Turnbull, his rival who had previously supported Australia's attempt to have a carbon trading sort of cap and tax scheme like that which the Democrats in America want.
And Turnbull was defeated by his own party.
And Tony Abbott, who is sceptical about climate change, has taken over the first politician to win office because he doesn't believe this.
So it was a very good time we had in Australia.
Very, very receptive audiences.
500 mentions of the tour in the media, both print and electronic.
And according to the people who invited me there, two retired engineers from Newstead who organised the whole thing and paid for it out of their own pockets, fortunately.
We made the money back by the huge crowd that turned up all paying their $20 to hear me talk.
But it was an astonishing event.
They said that this has actually changed the opinion in Australia.
Now, why has it done that?
Not because I'm a brilliant speaker, but because people were absolutely desperate.
To hear the other side of the story, which they couldn't get in the mainstream news media.
Because the mainstream news media won't even give you the facts.
They won't even tell you.
That global warming over the last 15 years hasn't been happening in any statistically significant sense.
That has now, at last, been publicly admitted by Phil Jones, who's the head of the now deposed and disgraced head of the Climate Research Unit at the University of East Anglia.
He's been chucked out because he was caught trying to suppress and tamper with and hide and even destroy scientific data.
And the Climategate emails that got released by a whistleblower that have been all around the web did for him.
But he was then interviewed by a sympathetic BBC interviewer who nevertheless got in touch with me first and said, what questions should I ask?
And I said, one thing you should ask is whether there has been any statistically significant global warming for the last 15 years.
And Phil Jones, albeit through gritted teeth, had to admit what he had never before ever publicly said, that yes, I've been right all along, there hasn't been any statistically significant global warming for 15 long years, a decade and a half.
I mean, that is the most extraordinary admission.
I think so.
The fact that they don't happen to fit their chosen storyline about the alarming, dreadful, supposed global warming problem, they are not doing their readers any favour.
They've now got to start at least giving the facts.
Whatever opinions they may like to have is another matter, but they must now do their job and give us the proper, unbiased, scientific facts.
Because if they don't,
Then, as I said many times, because everywhere I went I was asked this question, what about the mainstream media?
I said it's quite simple.
If they go on refusing to give you the facts, and you have to turn to Alex Jones and the electronic, you know, the radio shock jock and the internet to get your news because the mainstream television and newspapers won't give you the facts,
And they are going bust.
And they are going bust.
I mean, the points you make raise so many other issues, but the bottom line is you are a brilliant speaker because you've done the research, you've been right for 20 years, you recognize more than 20 years ago the danger of this criminal
I think
We see the global battle against this fraud.
Every time we do stand up and take action, we have success.
And nothing succeeds like success.
And so now that we have lost this feeling of helplessness, and we now have the true spirit of empowerment, the route is
intensifying and they've recognized that they're bald-faced denying and stonewalling and ignoring climate gate for two weeks entirely and Newsweek saying it's a conspiracy theory climate gate didn't even happen this is only further destroying them Lord Monckton as you know so how do you see this shaking out now how do you see them counter striking they haven't spent as you know hundreds of billions of dollars financing this takeover to go quietly in
No, I think that's very well put.
They're going to want to make sure that having invested all this time and effort, and of course it's not their money they've spent, it's your money they've spent, it's the taxpayer's money they've spent on furthering this scare.
Of course they're going to want to get their dividend in the way of closing down the Western economies, but I don't think that's now going to happen.
I think that financial recession hasn't helped them.
It began really, the rot, when the financial recession set in and people began thinking, you know, do we really believe this climate stuff because it's going to be very expensive if we do.
And then came climate change, then came the cold northern hemisphere, winter.
In fact, interestingly, the January temperatures worldwide were the highest
Since satellite records began 32 years ago, because there's an El Nino going on, so sea temperatures are very much higher than they would normally be.
And interestingly, we think that that may be caused by undersea volcanic activity in the Eastern Pacific.
Nothing whatever to do with global warming caused by us.
So gradually all these facts about how the climate really works are beginning to come out, and the media can no longer suppress them.
And so what I think the usual suspects are going to do now is they're going to realise that trying to maintain these endless scare stories about the climate when the climate simply isn't warming as they had predicted that it would is not going to work.
So what they're going to do instead, I think, is to go quiet for a bit.
And they'll beaver away at local level rather than at national level, because at national level we are watching and we will stop them.
And you've got wonderful organisations like Fox News.
Now, how has that done so well?
It's done well because it does give you on this and on so many other subjects the facts.
That the mainstream news media otherwise wouldn't give, because they've become so politicised.
They're all effectively Marxist, or totalitarian anyway, in the way they look at things.
And Fox News is simply saying, well, we will give the facts.
And so half, just about half now, of the entire television news audience watches Fox News, because otherwise it won't get the facts.
And Lord Monson?
They've just been reading, for instance, a remarkably stupid piece in the Salt Lake Tribute, which is an extreme left-wing paper, which absolutely hates the conservative Republican administration there, which has, as you may know, passed a resolution saying global warming is nonsense and we're not going to spend any more money on it.
And that the Utah State Legislature has been the first to break ranks and say we're not having any more of this nonsense.
And the local newspaper is absolutely furious.
And so it rang up a scientist and got a quote, every single point of which was a lie.
So I wrote to the reporter concerned and said, what on earth do you think you're doing?
Why don't you ask this so-called scientist whether he has qualifications in climatology, paleoclimatology, physics, chemistry, mathematics?
I don't know.
And these local news media and these local administrations are definitely a pain, and they're going to have to be dealt with, and dealt with very firmly.
The way we've done this in the past in the United Kingdom, where you get a tough-minded, conservatively-minded government in office, is actually to circumscribe their powers so that they are forbidden to spend money on things like global warming.
You actually have to tell them that is outwith their powers to do that.
And if you do that, I know it's harder in the States to do that than it is in the UK, but you can nevertheless constrain quite a bit what they spend the money on.
And the other thing is that now that the people are beginning to realise what rubbish this all is, and how much it's going to cost them, and in particular that it's going to cost working people because they spend a bigger proportion on electricity and gasoline than everybody else.
They are the ones that are going to get hurt by this.
It doesn't matter what Henry Waxman or Ed Markey say about how they're going to compensate them.
The fact is, if they compensate them, then their bill won't make any difference to carbon emissions.
If they don't compensate them, then it's their own voters that are going to lose.
Either way, an ETS is just madness.
Any kind of emissions trading scheme, cap and trade, call it what you like, is now doomed.
I think?
Then people will leave and already there's a kind of wagon train no longer heading west heading east back out of California with businesses getting out of California because California hates business and in the end
Yes, and?
Continuing along that line and understanding that they're going to come back at us, the state of Texas has announced they are moving to pass laws against cities because you can't have cities operating outside state laws.
The cities and counties are chartered by the state and under its constitution.
And we have everybody, literally millions, moving every few years out of California, mainly to Texas.
That's why the UN lobbyists are here in Austin.
This is the big battleground.
They're trying to hurry and pass it this month or next month.
They were going to pass it in about six months.
They're in a hurry.
And I agree with you.
They're now saying, OK, you win.
It's not real.
Go back to sleep.
You won.
Because they know now that when they give us a fight back, that we know we're winning.
So that only energizes the people to take action.
So they're going to play possum.
And they're going to call it green jobs.
Now, they've always done that to a certain extent, but they now have almost 100% shifted out of saying global warming.
We've got to save you.
Sky is falling, too.
The economy is dead.
Only a green job will save you.
But in Australia, in Canada, in Spain, as you know, police, sir, I'd like you to break it down and give people the actual numbers.
Green jobs cost on average two jobs for every job you create.
It costs hundreds of thousands of dollars to fund each low-paying green job and it doesn't work.
It's a boondoggle to their friends and Al Gore and others that own large stakes in the select green companies that the county, cities and states are forced with the federal money to purchase these systems from.
That's exactly right, and of course what you're talking about there, that two jobs destroyed for every one created, that's what's known as the Friedman Factor.
He won the Nobel Prize for Economics.
Pointing out that if the state, the taxpayer, is made to pay to create a job, every job that's created will destroy two jobs in the private sector.
And that's why you have to keep the public sector small.
And, of course, this green jobs argument is just another socialistic or communistic or totalitarian way of expanding the state-funded, publicly funded jobs.
And destroying the private sector as they go.
And of course Democrats are always willing to do that because they know that most corporations don't vote Democrat, they don't like to contribute to the Democrat, and therefore they would rather shut down corporate America because they think they will gain political advantage by doing it.
They don't care if they drive your nation bankrupt.
And of course, green jobs, as I said in front of the Energy and Commerce Committee of Congress and the Ways and Means Committee, I said the same thing to both of them.
I said, green jobs are the new unemployment.
If you want to create unemployment, the fastest way to do it is for taxpayers to be made to subsidize these boondoggles, as you have so rightly called them.
There is no economic basis for wind farms, nor is there an environmental basis.
He gives incredible power to the government to give their friends and families and others the money and we have Obama, we have Pachari for those that don't know, the former or current head of the IPCC and others all openly making Al Gore masses of money off of this and specifically not only that Nobel Prize winning paper
On the fact that government destroys jobs for every job it creates, it kills at least two.
We know in Spain, this is in Bloomberg, their own government admits every green job destroyed two jobs and cost additional money on top of that and we have England shutting down its steelworks paying to move it to Pechari's own steelworks that he owns.
I mean this is
I mean, let's just give you, take that Redcar Steelworks thing.
There was a report about that, at last.
On BBC television today, they've been almost sullenly silent about it.
And they mentioned it today.
And did they mention that this was because Europe has an emissions trading scheme and carbon cap and trade and India doesn't?
And that's why the Indian Steelworks that owns the Redcar Steelworks is moving it to India.
And that Indian Steelworks is the one that employs Pachauri.
None of that was made plain.
They just said it was world economic factor.
That we're causing, you know, world economic slowdown was causing that.
It still works, the show.
It wasn't!
It was that we've got cap and trade and India hasn't.
And our jobs are being exported to India, where precisely the same steel work is going to be built, employing precisely the same number of people.
So there will be absolutely no benefit to the planet whatsoever, but quite unnecessarily, we will have destroyed 1,700 British jobs.
And none of the major political parties has said sorry to these
But the good news is, all over the country,
People are recognizing what this is.
Of course, the provision they've now passed in Utah, we have him coming up in the next hour, the state rep that actually introduced the bill, and he has rightfully said this is a eugenics operation, this is a population reduction move, this is a plan to de-industrialize the West.
All he's doing is quoting from the UN, quoting from the very people that set this up.
Quoting from Maurice Strong, who said 25 years ago that he was setting up the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change as an intergovernmental rather than a scientific panel, precisely so that it could be transmogrified into a world government one day.
That's what he said.
Jacques Chirac.
He said some years ago that he wanted the world government to come out of the U.S.
Lord Monckton, stay there.
We gotta break.
Let's come back and cover world government and all the other scandals with Climategate.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
This is Alex Jones with five good reasons you should consider buying a solar power generator.
Number one.
New climate legislation could easily double or triple your electric bill.
Number two.
Our new energy czar wants to control how much power your electric company allows you to have.
It's true.
Total government control of electricity in the name of smart grid technology is coming.
Number 3.
In some areas of the country, the power grid is dangerously overloaded.
And now, new socialist legislation is only compounding the problem.
Number 4.
Dangerous weather is always a threat to local grids.
Every year, thousands of families lose their power from weather-related outages.
Number 5.
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Hello, this is Alex Jones with some important questions.
If you're going into a battle and they give you a rifle and a sidearm, how much ammunition do you want?
My answer would be all I can get.
In the battle for freedom and the lives of your loved ones, food is your only ammunition.
How much do you want?
When do you want it?
Now or after the battle starts?
When will you need it?
Can you buy it without proper identification?
Will there be any food?
Will it make your children sick?
There's a quarantine and you can't feed yourself.
Will you go to the gathering center and be immunized?
You wipe out all these problems if you have a good food supply.
Food is your ammunition to fight for your freedom and your life.
How much will you need?
We don't know.
How much do you want?
All you can get.
I'm Alex Jones.
I want all of you good guys to live to fight another day.
Call 1-800-409-5633 or check it out on the web at efoodsdirect.com.
Again that number 1-800-409-5633.
This is Alex Jones, and I want to tell you about the Ecola Blue Atmospheric Water Generator.
It produces pure drinking water right from the humidity in the air.
No, this isn't science fiction, it's very real.
I know because I use one every day in my own home.
And it's available right now to you.
Because you know exactly where your water comes from with Ecola Blue, you'll know what's in your cup.
Clean, great tasting water without all the pollutants.
Get your family off the grid today by ordering your own Ecola Blue Atmospheric Water Generator for your home or business.
Their best seller, the Ecola Blue 28, produces up to 7 gallons of water every day.
The Ecola Blue 28 is easy to use and economical.
Generate your own pure water from the humidity in the air.
This system is free of chemicals and uses a multi-stage filtration system, including reverse osmosis, carbon filters, and ultraviolet lights.
Order now and claim your water independence today by calling a Coloblue at 1-800-691-6043.
That's 1-800-691-6043.
Or visit a Coloblue on the web at www.ecoloble.com today.
Scienceandpublicpolicy.org is his website.
Our websites, of course, are infowars.com and prisonplanet.com.
My film, Fall of the Republic, and The Obama Deception, detail from their own documents, the UN's own admissions.
White House officials, how they want to destroy our industrial base.
They think we eat too much, we have swimming pools, too many cars, too many children.
These are control freaks.
Lord Monckton is a champion of freedom who's been fighting these people for more than two decades and now it is paying off big time because of his steadfastness, his dogged determination and many others.
Sir, you got cut off by the break.
You were getting into all these world leaders calling for global governance and saying the keystone, the cornerstone of this, is the phony environmental movement.
Yes, that's right.
These people have been using the environmental movement as a way of advancing political objectives that have nothing whatsoever to do with the environment.
We're dealing with a Marxist who piled out of the Berlin Wall and into the environmental movement, and a very great friend of ours, Eric Ellington, who was one of the founders of Greenpeace, who sadly died just two days ago.
He left Greenpeace shortly after he founded it, because so many of these people had come in and taken the organisation over.
For purposes that had nothing whatever to do with protecting the environment and were all about achieving political objectives that were bitterly and wickedly hostile to the interests of the West.
So this has really been a very, very sad business that the genuine environmental movement has been almost entirely captured now by people who hate the West
And who hate success, who hate industry, who hate humanity, who rightly said before the break, they're there to try to get humanity to be killed in its billions.
They would like to reduce the population, some of them have said, to just 1 billion instead of the 7 billion it's coming up to at the moment.
They say that any more than that and we're encroaching too much on the planet.
And they're prepared to use the most draconian methods, including starvation, to achieve their end.
And that, of course, is what has happened as a direct result of the global warming scare.
Because there are millions starving in the third world now.
Millions more than would otherwise have been starving.
Because the biofuel scam into which all the foolish governments of the world galloped in the name of saving the planet.
I think?
And by the way, this is not rhetoric.
I mean, these are admitted facts.
They want to starve people.
They want to control the wealth.
They want to set up a planetary tyranny.
Expanding on that,
You, of course, have called out Al Gore many times.
I would like you to do that again today.
You've called for criminal investigations.
These guys years ago in major papers called for your arrest, called for the death penalty for people that are climate deniers.
Cass Sunstein at the White House.
Says he wants to make it illegal.
I don't know if you've seen that paper.
It only came out in the last month that he wrote a year and a half ago for the Chicago Law School.
I mean, they have truly committed the crimes to carry out this fraud.
So can you speak to that area?
And then secondarily,
Giant events have taken place, each one bigger than the last, of new frauds, new cooking the books and the thermostat records.
I know you know about that, but can you chronicle some of the Glacier Gates and other things that are coming out now on a daily basis?
The Met Office... Well, it is an absolutely extraordinary story, what we're getting.
And let's just look at the latest of them, which you probably haven't even heard of yourself because it's so new.
The UN's climate panel has underestimated the growth in Antarctic sea ice over the last 30 years by 50%.
They've been concentrating on saying, oh, but look how the Arctic sea ice has been diminishing.
Well, it has, but the Antarctic sea ice has been increasing almost as much.
And yet you'd never know it.
Hold on, hold on, hold your horses.
I don't mean to interrupt.
This is new.
Police, sir, tell us where we find this, the admission.
This is huge.
Yes, I mean this is yet another error that's been found.
And you'll find a very good detailed explanation of this at whatsupwiththat.com, which I expect you know quite well.
It's a very good website by Anthony Watts.
W-A-T-T-S, up with that, or one word, dot com.
And his lead story at the moment is on what he calls IPCC Gate du Jour, Antarctic sea ice increase underestimated by 50 percent.
He's got the graph.
He's shown you how they've bent it.
He's got a detailed description of
We're good.
Some of the other errors that have come to light will start with the one that I spotted when the 2007 Fourth Assessment Report of the UN Climate Panel, the IPCC, came out.
Now that, they've done four of these big assessment reports, that's the most recent one.
On the day it came out, I saw that the bureaucrats had put in a graph, a table of figures rather, that hadn't been in the original document.
And so, I protested and said, by the way, this doesn't even add up to within a factor of two of the total you've put at the bottom of this new table.
And also, you've multiplied by ten the observed contributions to sea level rise of not only the Greenland, but also the Antarctic land-based ice sheets.
And on the piece of paper, it's all wrong.
And on the piece of paper, it's all wrong.
A 10-year-old in math class could tell it was a fraud.
I mean, they're so shoddy.
I mean, take Glacier Gate from the Himalayas.
Where they used a mountaineering student's photos and a cell phone call saying, looks like the ice is disappearing, as their scientific proof.
That's right, and they didn't bother to talk to Professor Pat of the Indian Geological Survey, who's kept me briefed on the Himalayan glaciers for years.
And he has said all along, and he's now been proven right, that there's absolutely no basis for the idea that all that ice will be gone in 25 years.
He says there's no danger of it going anywhere.
We're good to go.
It's yet another deliberate lie.
It's like Al Gore saying sea levels are going to rise imminently by 20 feet.
And we know he knows that's a lie because he buys himself a condo feet from the ocean at Fisherman's Wharf the same year he's making the film in which he tells the lie.
It's that kind of thing where we're now catching them out not only telling the lies but pretty much admitting
And that's key!
Uh, even two or three Celsius of warming, which we aren't going to see, but even if we did, it would be highly beneficial to African agriculture.
It would lead to a further increase... Schwarzenegger says they're going to lose... Schwarzenegger says they're going to lose all the grapes for wine in California.
Just asinine lies.
Well, actually they are, because they've lost them to frost a couple of years running.
They've had exceptional frost in California.
It's been very bad for all the grapes and the fruit crops generally down there.
The orange crops have been damaged as well.
You know, the citrus crops had a hard time there.
But that's because of global cooling, not because of global warming.
Then we had the story about the Amazon rainforest.
40% they said were going to disappear because of global warming.
That turned out to be made up by a campaigner for the World Wide Fund for Nature, another of the wretched environmental groups run by communists, funded by communist governments overseas.
They have sovereign wealth, the like of which you and I will never see.
66% of Holland would be underwater, when in fact only 26% of it is below sea level.
Then they said that there was going to be damage from extreme weather events.
Now they've had to admit that there's no basis for that whatsoever.
Then they said there were going to be more hurricanes because of global warming, and they were warned by the resignation of one of the lead authors of that chapter that they mustn't go on saying that.
They went on saying it anyway.
Now that's been turned out to have been written by a journalist from a Marxist newspaper in Britain, not by a scientist.
And day after day, new revelations come out.
I confronted Pachauri with another one of these in Copenhagen, because the headline graph in the entire 2007 assessment report of the UN was a graph showing that the rate of increase in temperatures
Yes, I think so.
So we know it's a natural cycle?
Alright, now that brings me to my next question.
The fraud goes on forever, and the UN, the media, the spammers that come on our websites, they repeat the same thing.
You are liars, we have thousands of peer-reviewed studies, but then all those studies are based on UN-collected and private environmental group-collected data.
That every time you spot-check it is a premeditated fraud, not an error.
And they've spent hundreds of billions globally, as you know, pushing this Lord Mocton.
And so my question to you is...
Doesn't there need to be criminal charges on thousands of people and hundreds of organizations if we're truly going to route these people?
Justice be done!
May the heavens fall!
I think all we need to do is to pick on one or two who have plainly overstepped the line.
Because remember that fraud, like any serious imprisonable criminal offense, is one which has, quite rightly, a very high standard of proof.
You have to be able to prove that the person committing the fraud was either grossly negligent and therefore looked the other way when he was cheating people, or was deliberately cheating them.
And unless you can prove one of those two things, and prove that what he did involved other people in losses, and prove that what he did involved him in gaining at their expense.
If you can't prove all that, you can't prove a fraud.
So what I would do is I would pick out, for instance,
Let's take him as an example.
Now, he is a trustee of a charity in the United Kingdom called TERI-Europe.
That's the Tatar Industries Energy Research Institute for Europe.
Now, Tatar Industries, just to get this clear, they are the people who
closed down the steelworks at Redcar, costing 1,700 of our workers their jobs over the next three months.
That's who Qatar Industries are.
They have a charity in the United Kingdom called TERI-Europe.
It is registered with our Charity Commission, which requires it to file accurate accounts every year.
Now, for the last three years, it hasn't filed any accounts because it has made declarations to the Charity Commission
that it received in each of those years less than £10,000 sterling in income.
However, I found on a government website a statement saying that that particular charity had been paid £30,000 in just one of those three years in income to do a particular job for the government, and that income was not disclosed to the Charity Commission.
And on further investigation, it turns out that several hundred thousand pounds of income each year has not been declared.
And they've therefore got away with hiding from the charity commission where it is that they're getting their money from.
They're getting it, in fact, largely from British government taxpayer sources.
So, sir, you're saying then it's like getting Al Capone on tax evasion.
Let me throw out a few other names then.
First of all, that means Pachauri, whose job as a trustee is to file accurate accounts, is now going to face criminal prosecution in the United Kingdom for false accounting, which is a serious, imprisonable criminal offence.
He has been dodging his obligation as a trustee, and two English trustees
...have now got themselves reclassified as not being trustees, so as to leave him alone in the frame.
And they, the police, are now going to go after them, too, for trying to get themselves reclassified as not being trustees.
It's a very, very murky business, this.
And what we're now doing, we're looking at the financial vested interest of several of the scientists, and Al Gore types, and businessmen, and politicians, who are advocating this stuff.
And we're finding, wherever we look,
That they have financial links with organised crime, financial links with huge corporations that are making money out of carbon trading and banks and so forth.
Al Gore was on the board of Lehman Brothers.
They were trying to corner the market in carbon trading.
They were so busy doing that they didn't look to their main business and they deservedly went bust.
But these people, there are links everywhere to huge financial vested interests and a great deal of criminal activity.
If you look, for instance, at the European carbon trading scheme that's been running for several years, a recent report by the European Court of Auditors shows that 90% of all transactions
So you have the people...
Okay, so we go after Pachauri, we go after Gore.
What about somebody like Phil Jones, who gets all these millions of dollars or pounds in research funding, the head facility, and we have the emails where he's hiding the decline?
I mean, that's... Well, the first thing that happened there is that the Information Commissioner's Office, which I asked to look into Jones' activities, first of all, failed to reply to my letter at all.
I'm going to have to sue them to make them do their job and answer my letter.
Um, but they then issued a public statement saying that the law prevented them from prosecuting Jones because he would have had to have been done within six months of the offence first being drawn to their attention.
Well, in fact, they got the law wrong, but they still decided they're not going to do anything about it.
And I think what we're going to find
Okay, Lord Monckton, we've got one more quick segment.
An hour goes by so fast with you.
I've got a bunch of other key questions.
Stay with us.
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Well, it's our final segment with Lord Christopher Monkton.
We have a state representative who just got a law rammed through saying no to the global warming takeover.
Texas is doing the same thing.
That's all coming up.
Lord Monckton, let's talk about how this is going to end, how this plays out.
But first I want to throw the caveat out.
I know a lot of your Tories in England are still going along with the environmental fraud.
The NFL is pushing it here in the US.
We see Newt Gingrich doing it.
Rupert Murdoch, other than Fox, on his entertainment shows, brags that they implant messages about the green economy and global warming being real.
So you say,
You say that we're winning this, and I agree with you.
My problem is, if we don't keep the battle hot and real and focused, it'll just kind of fade away, and they'll just regroup and come back.
But how do you see this successfully ending?
There's always a danger of that, but I think we can now hope that because their activities have actually been criminal, we can just land one or two prosecutions.
Pachauri, for instance, is going to be prosecuted.
Because the accounts were plainly not correctly filed.
He plainly knew as a trustee that he had a job to make sure the accounts were right.
He didn't do that job.
He was, at best, negligent, at worst, deliberately fraudulent.
Either way, it's a serious, imprisonable criminal offence, and he is going to be prosecuted, even if I have to prosecute him myself.
And I know the public authorities here, because there's so much in the pockets of the governing class, won't lift a finger against any of these people, however much they commit fraud.
But I am not going to tolerate it, and there are many others here who are not going to tolerate it.
So whether they like it or not, these people who have lorded it over,
And have corruptly taken money from the pockets of the poor to pay for their own thousand dollar suits, which is what Pachauri usually wears, and their lavish lifestyles in the smartest suburbs of Delhi.
That is now going to come to an end.
I think so.
And to interrupt, everything you've predicted has come true so far.
I mean, I really hope this is going to happen.
How do we make sure this happens?
We make sure it happens by looking out for any other activities that are fraudulent, by environmental groups telling lies about the climate and profiting by doing so.
All of that is fraudulent, all of that is prosecutable.
Indeed, under the RICO statute in the United States, some of these environmental groups could be shut down because they've been lying systematically for years and years and years.
And destroying people's businesses!
They've been hurting people too!
They have indeed, and they've been endangering people by stopping new co-fired power stations from being built, by stopping new nuclear power stations from being built, by protesting every time people wanted a new power station.
Jobs are already being lost.
They're a mafia you've got to buy protection from.
They also get to choose who they're going to mess with, who they're not.
And I think just one or two of those people taken to court and prosecuted for criminal fraud by workers who've lost their jobs in that aluminum smelter that closed down recently in the States because it could no longer buy electricity because the grid is running out.
Those people have a good case to take these greenies to court.
And all you've got to do is land a couple of them in prison and the rest will run for cover.
And more importantly, the people who are now credulously paying the money
We'll stop paying them any, because they are just fraudsters.
So you're saying, Lord Monckton, we haven't even begun to see the routing of these people, because they were so bold, they've committed so many crimes, that this could discredit collectivism even worse than it did in the Soviet Union?
I think that's exactly what's going to happen.
I think the left, by nailing their colors to the mast of this particular rapidly thinking ship,
Lord Monckton, we're out of time!
We're out of time!
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, the state of Texas is saying they're going to move to block the federal government coming in with tens of billions of dollars a year in carbon taxes, home inspections.
Folks, it's in the federal bill, and Obama says he can't get it passed, he's going to do it through executive order.
It's in the federal bill that if they do a home inspection and you don't make the changes they want, and they recommend and tell you the company's a list that you've got to use,
They then, under federal zoning, kick you out of your home and take it.
I mean, this is all covered in my film, Fall of the Republic.
It's all covered.
So we're going to be breaking that down in the next 30-40 minutes with our guest.
Here it is, Salt Lake City Tribune.
Utah Senate asserts states' rights.
They've also passed a ruling.
I mean, there's just so much happening.
We're good.
You know, he's making all this stuff up.
No, he's quoting what the head climatologist for NASA said in a book, that they want to destroy industrial society.
What Maury Strong, head of the UN program said.
What Ted Turner, Jacques Cousteau, what they all say this is about.
This isn't just about controlling industry and the insider fat cats getting rich.
It's about that, but a lot more.
So we're going to go to break in a moment and come back with our guest, Mike Noel, Utah State Representative, 73rd District.
This is a great guy.
And the fight is going to be at the state level.
All over the country, even in unlikely places like New York and California, people at the state level, people in the state houses are saying no, no, no.
China, India, Mexico, and hundreds, it's over 160 other third world and developing nations, they don't have to make any cuts on their emissions.
Even if you believe these emissions are deadly, how moving them from the U.S., where they're a lot cleaner,
To China and India, when it's all one planet, and all the studies show boosting the amount, how does that save the Earth?
Well, we know from all the scientific evidence, and the inside UN emails, and the 30-plus scandals in the last two months, it's more than 30 now, it's all systematic fraud, as you just heard Lord Christopher Monckton in the last hour cover in detail.
This is so important, ladies and gentlemen.
This is the number one fight we've got because, yeah, the government wants to seize healthcare and run your life and tax you and cut your Medicare and Medicaid and raise taxes.
That's in the bill.
And, yeah, they want to give you flu shots that are known to be dangerous, don't even help you with the flu.
That's a government study today.
And, yeah, they want to try to seize the highways and give them to foreign corporations to run toll roads.
Yes, all that's going on.
But the center of their agenda, the jewel in the crown, is this phony environmentalism.
So we're going to be talking about that coming up.
Then in about 40 minutes when our guest leaves us, which is again a microcosm example of what you can do at your state level and what is happening, we'll look to the tea parties in Texas with Ron Paul and Deborah Medina.
And myself at high level Republican meetings at the RNC.
We have an insider, a national figure, but I can't tell you who it is.
Saying that the RNC, what we already knew, hates real conservatives, hates real constitutionalists.
They're big fat cats.
Newt Gingrich wants the global tax and the global warming.
The Arizona Senator John McCain.
They are coming after the real patriots.
They're going to use the phony right, because nobody trusts the fake left,
The establishment left to try to come in and corral us at the state level.
But with representatives like Mike Knoll, they're not going to get away with it.
So it's all coming up with our guest straight ahead.
We'll be right back.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Utah State Representative Mike Noel is our guest, representative for the 73rd District.
He led the charge to get the resolution passed, saying this state will not go along with the fraud of man-made global warming and all the crippling taxes.
That they want to foist on us.
Same things now moving along in Texas, Oklahoma.
You've got a whole bunch of Attorney Generals lining up saying no.
Here are some of the headlines.
Lawmaker climate change has to ruse to control population.
Here's another one.
Utah Senate asserts states' rights.
Senate president advises lawmakers to choose which measure can be best be defended in court.
I mean, liberty is on the march.
Here's another one.
Texas to challenge U.S.
greenhouse gas rules.
That's out of Reuters.
Texas sues EPA to block tailpipe emissions limits.
It just goes on and on and on.
Texas joins Florida lawsuit challenging EPA carbon ruling.
America is already in a depression.
Do you know what this is going to do financially?
And it's all based on a fraud by internationalists.
Going now to Representative Noel.
Sir, thank you so much for spending time with us today.
Thank you, Alex, for having me.
I appreciate it.
You know, reading text of what you said in the House and statements you've given, sounds like you're a pretty informed guy.
How did you find out about what was really behind the fake green movement?
I do have a biology background, a master's in zoology, but I raise cows and I farm hay.
Photosynthetic process and the fact that carbon dioxide is absolutely needed for being able to grow my hay and that we are actually in a carbon deficit right now.
With more carbon, we're at about 380 parts per million, we could actually produce more food and feed more people in the world.
So, it just didn't make sense and as I looked into it,
We're good to go.
Well, let's talk about it!
Yeah, I mean, let's talk about Holdren.
I happen to have Ecoscience right here.
He says a planetary police state to carry out massive population reduction, the forced drugging of water to reduce fertility and to sterilize.
I mean, this is a monstrous control freak.
And so you're saying you were aware of Holdren early on.
Please continue.
Yeah, I was.
I went to Berkeley.
Paul Ehrlich and Ann Ehrlich were teachers at Stanford, and Holdren was a co-author of that book, Population, Resources, and Environment, along with, you know, you remember the population bomb.
It was a big issue back in the 60s, and many of the statements that Holdren has made
I don't think so.
Really show the real intent of this man and many in this administration from the top level down, all these czars that have put in from Van Jones to the individual that runs the education department and his background.
It's almost unbelievable that these are the people running our country.
I forget who it was that said that when an individual comes face-to-face with such a monstrous conspiracy, they have trouble even believing it, even when these individuals write books about what they plan, but you have Eric Pionka at UT saying killed 90% of the population, you have Ted Turner saying it, you have the UN saying reduced by 80%, you have literally thousands of these individuals, UN Biological Diversity Assessment, Henry Kissinger's PDD, and his different
Uh, programs, State Department memorandum 200.
I mean, this is their religion, and you say you went to school in and around these people, so you certainly had a front row seat to it.
They did, and you know, it is their religion.
It's the religion of environmentalism.
It's worship of the creations rather than the creator.
It's like the Druads of old.
They do believe in that.
And you know, if you look at it, Alex, they actually have already allowed some of these policies to be implemented.
The whole issue with DDT.
And by the way, Representative Noel, you're not just saying that.
These are the real numbers from malaria removing the DDT.
Yeah, absolutely.
And even, you know, they'll try to back this up.
I remember as a young kid, my dad was a military officer.
We lived in Virginia.
I used to run behind the trucks when they sprayed the DDT.
And to get rid of the mosquitoes.
And it's not harmful.
It's not something that would kill you.
And it was used to control one of the worst diseases out there on the planet.
We're good to go.
It's a movement from liberty, as Mark Levin said, to tyranny.
It's absolutely a taking of your rights, your individual rights.
It's allowing the government to get in every single facet of your life.
And they admit that's their plan, while Pachauri and Gore and Obama and Newt Gingrich get stinking rich, and that leads me to another problem we face here.
Then I want to talk about the actual resolutions and what the Senate's doing for states' rights, the resolution you helped author and get through, saying we're aware of this fraud, the state says no.
How this is really our frontline battle against these people.
Climategate, how they're now being routed, and where you see these weasels going next.
But before we get into that, we have the owner of Fox News, Rupert Murdoch, I don't know if you've seen this, put out an eight minute video bragging, showing all the stuff they put in their
They're fiction entertainment shows pushing man-made global warming and how we're all going to die if we don't do this.
We've got the NFL pushing it, all the big corporations.
We've got John McCain.
I mean, even two years ago, Sarah Palin, and now she isn't, was saying, oh, I think it's real.
You know, all these top Republicans involved, I mean, I'm glad now they're backing off of it somewhat, but we've gone from the fact that they bullied basically most people into accepting this to it blowing up in their face.
My only problem is we need criminal prosecutions.
We need to route this whole thing and put it to bed once and for all or like cancer.
You know, if you've got metastasized cancer in 10 or 12 areas and you only remove 8 or 9, you're still going to die.
We've got to remove all of this cancer and hunt these criminals down through the law and bring them to justice.
How many billions and billions of dollars of the taxpayers' money have we wasted on this pseudoscience?
How much money?
You know, in order to get a grant at any major university, all you have to do is find some kind of a nexus.
We're good to go.
By buying into this and not wanting to take the heat.
You can't believe the heat that I've taken over the last five years on this issue of a total idiot cowboy down in southern Utah that wouldn't know a carbon dioxide molecule if he saw one.
Those types of statements have been made about me, so it takes courage and determination to stand up.
I don't know.
Uh, and your soda pop and something that plants need, people start to realize the debate.
We just had a debate this morning, just an hour ago, Alex, on the House floor, where someone was bringing a bill to talk about air pollution.
One of the Democrats on the other side, it was a feel-good type resolution that we need to stop hiding in our cars because of the danger and the problems with smog.
And we got a lot here in Salt Lake Valley.
I got up and I amended the bill to take out the words greenhouse gases and CO2, and again, tried to educate the body.
These are not pollutants in a sense like the EPA has said with the endangerment findings and what you mentioned earlier that many of these states are now suing the EPA to take that off the list of a pollutant.
So it takes a long time to educate people, both Republicans and both Democrats and both Independents and Tea Party people.
They need to be educated as to what the real issues are.
The real issues go down to one thing.
And when I get up here on the air, Representative Noel, and I say we're winning, and people are really waking up,
Well, that's not hype, and I want to get your take on it if you're seeing the same thing, but I want to be clear.
This isn't business as usual.
This doesn't mean phony Republicans go into Congress and give us more big government and a lighter version of what Obama's doing.
This is the spirit of 1776.
We have had enough of big government, control freaks, all the taxes, the police state.
America is truly having a realignment back to the basics.
I absolutely agree with that.
We're seeing in what better state than Utah, one of the most conservative states in the country, even our Democratic side of the aisle are very, very conservative and support me on many, many of these issues, and we are seeing a resurgence.
You know, it's not that the public is unintelligent.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
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As we're finishing off this agenda,
We're pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
Tremendous influence on our president and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
For the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation, the criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty and on its ashes constructing world government.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today, it seems like nobody does care.
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Representative Mike Knoll from Utah leading the charge in his corner of the country against tyranny.
We'll be with us till about 45 after.
I will do a critique tomorrow on air and break down this cover story I'm in in Texas Monthly.
I didn't cover what the New York Times had to say about me.
I didn't really get much into the two Newsweek hit pieces in the last week.
The fact that Rick Perry told a super high-powered public figure that called me to warn me yesterday or this morning actually, tried to get hold of me yesterday, talked to him this morning.
Talked to the person this morning, excuse me, didn't say it was a man or woman, that the Republicans are going to come after me.
I mean, Karl Rove, they don't like it.
They don't want to really get America back.
Obama, that came out in the newspaper six months ago, I'm on the top 25 enemies list.
Now I'm on the Republican enemy list.
Because I've had enough of big government.
And this Texas Monthly thing, I mean, it is a cover story.
Look at this.
Cover story.
I mean, this is insane, man.
They are really coming after us.
And I've scanned over it.
It's got a lot of distortions in it already.
It's not the worst hit piece I've seen, though.
Okay, I don't want to talk about myself.
It's just this thing is... But again, this is only an indicator of how far we've all come.
The fact that people don't believe the mainstream media anymore and alternative media is just on fire, continuing Representative Noel on that subject of just the incredible awakening.
It is absolutely amazing.
I mean, that's probably the greatest thing that's happened in America in the last 10 years is the ability of the everyday citizen to be able to access the news without filtering through the mainstream or the drive-by media or the lamestream media, those types of media that, for some reason, they have an agenda.
We have the same situation here in Utah.
We're good to go.
But I think it's more, Representative Noel, when you get attacked by corporate, mainline, big government media, that is then a seal of approval on you.
I appreciate that.
I do have a lot of friends that are in manufacturing that recognize how critical it is to not pass a cap-and-trade bill because they recognize it's going to be a cost of jobs in Utah.
So maybe Utah, we are somewhat isolated here.
I still talk to a lot of the people in the industry there.
We are a very, very conservative state.
We did not really support
I agree with you.
The people are the ones that need to step up, and there is absolutely a revolution because they can get the facts themselves, because they can go to the media, because they can go to the Internet, and they can get different information, and they can get the truth out.
We're seeing this resurgence, and they see their fear out there that they're losing their freedoms, that they are losing their freedoms, and this contrived so-called
I think so.
Thank you.
I may even come to Utah to interview him and try to videotape some of that.
Maybe I can work with you on that.
We're figuring out exactly where I'm going to hook up with him when he's in the U.S.
But again, to be clear about what I was saying earlier, when the mainstream media attacks someone now, they don't realize how discredited they are.
They're starting to get an idea.
They don't understand that when they attack somebody, then the public automatically, whether it's right or not, tends to support whoever's being attacked because the system is so discredited.
I mean, if all these newspapers are attacking Mike Noel, or Ron Paul, or Alex Jones, or Deborah Medina, or other people like that, then we must be on to something.
I want to talk about the resolution itself and a lot more straight ahead with our guests on the front lines and the fight for liberty.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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We have only begun to fight against the New World Order.
Against the big global corporations that are not free market, but openly seek to set up a planetary dictatorship so they can consolidate power.
Their foot soldiers are a bunch of eugenics population control freaks and the facts are out and momentum is shifting towards free humanity and shattering the political
False paradigms.
We have Representative Mike Noel, 73rd District of Utah.
Sir, I've been asking my questions.
I mean, I want to get into the state's rights resolution there as well, and how that's happening in other parts of the country, and the resolution that you've helped get through.
And tell us exactly, I mean, I've got a copy of it, but break down why you felt this was necessary and what this resolution means.
I'm going to
The issues that are coming out, some of the information you put on your program with Phil Jones and Michael Mann, the hockey stick, the fact that there was no accountability for the medieval warming period, a lot of those things that we have now come to find out.
The data that's been suppressed, the work by Phil Jones and others to suppress peer review information, a normal process in scientific
We're good to go.
I don't think there's a one of a kind.
Hold on, let me stop you.
Let me stop you.
But I mean, but it's not that they're errors or they're incorrect.
They knew it was a lot warmer in the medieval period and there were grapes in northern England.
They knew 9,000 years ago at the start of the Bronze Age that the Earth's temperature on average was eight degrees higher.
They know all this.
This is premeditated fraud.
The ClimateGate emails show us that.
Yes, that's true.
That's those that control the data.
But what's happened, unfortunately, because of the billions of dollars that has gone out to universities and scientists across the country in government grants, individuals that wanted to tap in that money supply have taken for granted the information that Phil Jones, the IPCC, the AR4 reports, and all those reports,
We're good to go.
How in the world can you come in, they call the people like Roy Simmons and others that come out against this, and they say they're fringe scientists, they're basically wackos, they don't know what they're talking about.
Those are the ones that have the courage and the integrity to research it out on their own, take the information and come up with information that is correct for the public.
So it's a scary thing that a group of individuals can work together.
We're good.
You're absolutely right.
Now, the reason I have you on, the main reason, is because of your courage to get this resolution in, to get it passed, but also because the battle is the state level.
Obama was in the New York Times for those that missed it last Friday, has announced he will do signing statements, executive orders,
And he'll even just order bureaucracies to levy the carbon taxes, the cap-and-trade, the home inspections, everything that's in the Senate bill that passed the House that he now can't get through, and that's in the New York Times today.
They say basically it's dead.
Now they may be playing possum, as Lord Monckton said, and they are meeting again later this year in Mexico to try to get it at a treaty level, but the Third World found out it was basically doubling the taxes on them, so they pulled out.
So as people realize this fraud is so diabolical, it's...
Basically a dead dog, but they're not stopping.
Schwarzenegger has said, and I'm witnessing it here in Austin where I live, that they're getting the governors and city councils together with this international money.
And Austin Energy announced two weeks ago a 2.6, they said this, 2.6 billion dollar tax over the next three years on energy.
Each year, that's bigger than the entire budget of the city.
I mean, they just calmly announced the biggest tax increase, dwarfing everything, and it looks like Austin's going to do it.
I mean, they're that criminal.
What do we do?
Well, I guess the answer is the state legislature.
All the cities and all the municipalities are an instrumentality of the state legislature.
The state legislature needs to act and not allow them to implement those taxes.
That would never happen in Utah.
We would not allow the cities to do that.
We control what their taxing authority is, and to put that kind of a tax on would not be allowed by the state legislature in Utah, a strong conservative state.
So we've got to fight back in that direction.
Remember now, Miss Alex, there's going to be winner states and there's going to be loser states.
Some of the winner states are going to be California and Massachusetts.
Interesting, Boxer and Kerry are supporting the bill in the Senate, the Waxman-Markey bill, and Markey from Massachusetts and Waxman from California.
Both those states will gain because they have carbon offsets that they can sell.
So, it's a transfer of wealth not only within the United States, but then it would be a transfer of wealth, as we know, internationally to third world countries, massive transfer of wealth.
So, there are some things here that are absolutely
Every citizen needs to look into.
The people really know that by 2014, the incandescent light bulb is going to be outlawed in the United States.
They know that laws on the books is going to come to play at that time.
I mean, when are people going to wake up to that?
They're going to wake up in the morning and, hey, your light bulb, you can't go down to the store and buy an incandescent light bulb.
You've got to buy a mercury light bulb.
I mean, this is the kind of crazy things people don't know about.
And again, it starts with something reasonable on the surface like DDT, then it's the toilet you can have, the washing machine you can have, and now they're talking about criminal penalties for selling old-fashioned light bulbs.
They admit the new ones have mercury in them, they're toxic, they give you headaches in major studies, they're total crud, and if they can set the precedent to say what kind of light bulb you can have, they can do anything.
You're absolutely right, which is what we call the administrative state that we're in.
And I think we need to sunset every single independent federal agency every single year subject to Congress approving them.
I think that's what needs to happen.
We need to educate the public.
We need to limit the Supreme Court's review power.
We need to limit these tax exemptions to the environmental organizations that are not nonpartisan charitable foundations.
These guys are pushing the agenda all over the board.
They've got statutory authority to go and get free money from the government.
We're paying the environmentalists to sue the federal government, and they use that money to sue us to shut down regulatory authority with the Threatened Endangered Species Act, with the Clean Air Act, with all the acts that they have.
If you want to know what it's like living in a totalitarian regime with the federal government involved, Utah is two-thirds federally controlled in our state.
That's why we have some of the lowest per capita expenditures on our school children, because we don't get tax base off these federal lands.
We should have had those lands turned over to the states at inception during the Enabling Act, but we didn't.
That's another bill that we're trying to push is get back control of our state so that we can pay our bills.
I'm a big supporter of repealing the 17th Amendment.
Get these senators, this elite club of 100 senators,
That's not taught in school, so explain to people.
The same year we got the private federal reserve dictatorship, they had to have their new funding mechanism, the income tax.
The bankers just buffed Lotus again with that whole stage deal.
They want a new value-added or sales tax that Beck and O'Reilly are pushing because they're the conservatives we can trust.
Stacked on top so so the next phase of these people and that same year they gave us the 17th amendment and I've had scholars on that show it wasn't ratified many of the states they claim and so expanding from that folks don't know that states Previous to 1913 the 17th amendment the elected legislature talk about your state reps having power They then selected voted for the two senators who were creatures of the state because it was all about
Right, it exactly was, and it goes through the whole concept of federalism.
People don't understand that doesn't mean the federal government is in control.
That means the federal government has certain duties and responsibilities.
The state government has certain duties.
The local governments have duties.
When we took away that authority for the legislature to have direct control of the election of senators, we took away a huge power block.
I think.
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
A rural legislator that is a people's legislator, because I don't get paid to do my job.
I get a very minimal amount of money to be here for 45 days.
We are required to balance our budget, which we do every single year.
We can't go out of here with an unbalanced budget.
We can't be in a structural deficit.
We've got to make sure that the ongoing revenues are going to be there.
If they're not, we have to cut revenue, we have to cut programs, or we have to increase revenue.
We don't want to increase taxes, so we cut programs.
The federal government won't do that.
We are in a serious situation in this country.
My 16 grandkids are going to have a very, very tough time when they try to make a living with having this huge burden of Social Security and the taxation that we put upon us with this debt.
It really sickens me what we've done to our kids and our grandkids.
It's almost like we don't care about the next generation.
You talk about environmentalists, what about this huge economic debt we're putting on our children?
That's absolutely wrong, Alex.
It's absolutely wrong.
Absolutely, Representative Noel.
Please give listeners your website.
We've got it up on screen for people watching us at PrisonPlanet.tv, but I want people to come learn more about what you're doing to get the Utah Resolution, both on states' rights and on the environmental fraudsters, and hopefully use your blueprint in their sector of the republic.
I appreciate that.
I'm at MikeNoel.com.
It tells a little bit about me there.
It's a little bit old, but you can email me at MikeNoel at Knab.net.
So go to MikeNoel.com or MikeNoel at Knab.net.
I don't have anybody working for me full-time.
When I answer back, it's me writing back to you, so be patient.
It may take me a few days to do it.
Well, we need to fix that.
We need to fix that.
We've got massive listeners in Utah.
We need somebody to get in there and help you because people can poke around and find the resolution.
They can poke around on the Statehouse website and find it.
But we need to get those resolutions up on your site.
Okay, we'll do it.
We'll get that, we'll get that down.
I can help you, I can give you, my administrative assistant, Jeff Peterson, we can get that out, and you can contact Jeff, and he helps me during the session.
He's a student up here at one of the colleges, a good young man, and he'll help me, can help do that.
But again, I'm trying to get through this session.
We're about four weeks into it.
We've got 45 days.
We're trying to balance the budget.
We're not going to raise taxes on anything.
If I have a way with it, I think we're going to be able to get through this by cutting programs and just like the people are doing out across the country, Alex, they're tightening their belts, they're cutting the waste, and we need to do that.
It's too bad back in D.C.
we couldn't see that.
Well that's what's crazy is the only real jobs getting created are government jobs or government funded jobs and every study shows every government job costs two jobs in the real world.
I mean this country's going into a depression and government's growing like a case of lymphoma cancer.
Yeah, and that's why the people in Washington, D.C.
come and they go, what's the problem?
Things are happy back here.
The lobbyists are getting taken care of and all the government jobs and everybody's happy.
And you get out in the hinterland and out in real America and you find out that it's not a 10% unemployment, it's more like a 17 to 20% unemployment.
People have given up looking for jobs.
We could, in fact, this is a push I want.
People to understand.
We have got more resources, fossil fuel resources, in this country to run our country for several hundred years.
We can convert coal through the syngas process and through the old Fischer-Trump process that the South Africans did, which Hitler did at the end of World War II.
He converted it and ran his armies on it.
We can convert coal to gasoline.
We've got tar sands.
We've got a process, hydro-gasification, that we can take any carbon-based material and make fuel out of it.
But the bankers like a monopoly, so that's why they shut down all the oil and gas.
Well, Clinton shut down all that clean burning coal, mainly in Utah, thus doubling the price of the Chinese coal, making them tens of billions.
Mr. Noel, Representative Noel, thank you for spending time with us, sir.
Thanks so much, Alex.
You hang in there and keep doing the good work.
Thanks a lot.
Appreciate it.
Thank you.
God bless you.
Okay, now shifting gears to the last hour and 12 minutes.
I'm going to open the phones up, coming up in the next hour, specifically on the big bombshell breaking news today.
But I have these other guests on.
This is an important fight.
Deals with states' rights.
Deals with the solution-based broadcast we have of taking our states back, educating the people about the Bill of Rights, Constitution, Declaration of Independence, and who their globalist enemies are.
But I'm going to recap our top stories today about Perry, coming after Ron Paul, myself, and Medina.
The inside info.
Also, Sarah Palin, the 9-11 truther, what this means for Medina, I would imagine you already know.
This is all coming up, but before I go to break, I haven't even plugged any of my books or videos or anything we carry that funds us, and I've done 2 hours and 49 minutes.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
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As we're finishing off this agenda,
We're pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
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I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
For the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation, the criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty and on its ashes constructing world government.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
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We're good.
We are back live.
Top story today.
PrisonPlanet.com, InfoWars.com.
We have twin top stories for you.
We're going to open the phones up with your response, your take on these two stories only.
I want to keep it focused on the states' rights rebellion against the New World Order.
Foreign offshore banks have publicly come in and taken over our federal government.
They're using it to rob and loot us.
It's like they're robbing Greece and all these other nations right now.
It's all over the newspapers.
This is the enemy.
And that's why the establishment's coming after us.
And they're counting on the Republicans, the mainline neocons, to pose as revolutionaries against the tyranny.
They've taken on our political coloration to try to get reelected and the key battleground state being watched nationwide by the New York Times, Politico, Newsweek, you name it.
Is Texas, because if Medina can get elected, it is going to send shockwaves across the country, get many others to run on the Campaign for Liberty constitutionalist type platform, which is so popular with the left and the right as we shadow the paradigm.
Here are the two top stories.
Sarah Palin, 9-1-1 Truth or Controversy, makes hypocrite of Glenn Beck.
She said she supports, in October of 2008, a new investigation.
We have a video up there explaining why this is so important.
And I reach out to listeners and viewers.
I say, look, it's up to you.
If you contact national, local media, especially Texas TV and radio and print, and get them to go, wait a minute, you attacked Medina when Beck said, what do you think of 9-11 truth?
Would you get rid of somebody in your campaign if you found out they were part of it?
She said, well, people have a right to their own opinion in America.
That's nothing compared to the Democrat candidate who said it could be an inside job.
That's his right to say, and I agree with him.
But meanwhile, Palin's saying, oh yes, I want a new investigation of it.
This is the darling of these people.
I mean, he says Palin, according to Beck, shouldn't be allowed to be near the President.
She might try to kill Obama.
Because he says that on last night's show and a week ago and on his TV program that 9-11 truthers want to kill Obama with no evidence.
I mean, this is insane!
And they're setting that false flag up.
I saw more articles today where Biden's worried about terrorist attacking and all this stuff.
Breaking Sarah Palin 9-11 Truth or Controversy makes hypocrite of Glenn Beck.
If you get this out to everyone, the media will cover it.
We'll be tracking this the next few days and say, look, you attacked Debra Medina in a clear staged event.
The Dallas Morning News caught Perry people in the same IP addresses posting and making wild
Conspiracy statements and racist claims and other things and saying they were with Medina.
This is a Karl Rove operation.
I was already telling my writers this yesterday.
I was sure of it.
I saw Beck getting positioned the last month to go after.
They're running three neocons as Tea Party people against Ron Paul.
And then I get the incredible high-powered phone call last night.
Missed it.
Connected this morning.
I won't say they're a media pundit.
I won't say they're a high-powered politician.
I won't say who they are.
I won't say if they're male or female, but they were at an event with Perry in the Green Room with several high-powered people, and he talked directly to Perry.
And who did Perry talk about as the big enemy, and who's, quote, under his skin?
Three names in this order.
Deborah Medina, Alex Jones, Ron Paul.
Because she represents the states' rights liberation movement.
Ron Paul, the overarching
Omni Budsman, or Dean of Liberty, and of course the Info Warrior, the person that has the activist audience that is the best in the world.
We see clearly their operations, their political operations.
We can decode them.
We have been right in the past, and so people respect our opinions.
And so they are moving against us.
And we have an article about that.
Republican dirty tricks machine targeting grassroots constitutionalists.
This is an exclusive at PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com.
Your call straight ahead.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
This is Alex Jones with five good reasons you should consider buying a solar power generator.
Number one.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
I made a video last night that was posted in the early morning hours titled, Sarah Palin 9-1-1 Truth or Controversy Explodes, that Aaron Dykes put together.
He stayed up until 2.30 in the morning to get it done.
It is going viral right now.
It is posted at the Alex Jones YouTube channel.
It is posted in the article titled, Sarah Palin 9-1-1 Truth or Controversy Makes Hypocrite of Glenn Beck.
We need this to have 100,000 views by tomorrow.
We need you to send it out to everyone you know.
Now, a few of the troll commenters in there are saying, why is Alex saying this potentially could be one of the most important stories he's ever covered?
Well, let me see.
I said back in January when we got secret government documents from the Bureau of Cemeteries in
New York State had an emergency manager on from Indiana and other key witnesses that the feds were saying, the flu is coming, millions will die, get ready for martial law.
Now I came on air and I said, I don't know if martial law is going to happen, but they're certainly gearing up for it and saying they're going to use flu to do it.
And then it came out, we discredited it, they backed off, they tried forced inoculation in New York and Massachusetts.
That's martial law.
You know, Texas Monthly has an article saying Jones said we'd be under martial law.
No, I didn't.
No, I didn't.
I said that they were going to try it, and I said months before they launched that operation.
That's why I said that could be one of the most important stories.
We only have a few of these a year.
I told you when ClimateGate broke, we were the first to slam it out there that this could devastate them, that this could bring them down, that this could expose their entire agenda because it's the heart of their takeover.
Now look what it's done!
And look, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know this, but these disinfo operatives don't want people reading these articles and watching these videos to know that when I tell you something has the potential to annihilate the New World Order or to bring us a big step closer to that point,
That I don't just say that for hype.
Now in case you don't understand, some of you out there, why the Sarah Palin, 9-11 truther comments are so big.
Glenn Beck has spent the last two nights attacking Debra Medina as the number one enemy and saying she's a dangerous infiltrator and must be stopped.
He spent all last week doing it too.
Chris Matthews did it, following the exact same talking points last night.
Guess what Bill O'Reilly led his show with?
This is big!
You don't understand political strategy!
You don't know how these people work!
They know it's key!
Rick Perry's talking about how I am in his top three enemies!
I'm on the White House enemies list!
Because I've studied this!
I know how it works!
This is important!
But if the trolls and people have their way, it won't be important.
It'll get glazed over.
We've got 48 hours before they clamp down on this story to get it out there.
We're sneak attacking them right now.
If Debra Medina gets elected, if she wins the primary, she'll beat the Democrats hand down.
Just her getting this many percentage points is already making everybody foul around the country on a Ron Paul, true constitutional type bandwagon.
It's already devastating them.
It'll take time though.
These things don't happen in five minutes like you pull up and get a McDonald's Happy Meal.
It's like Force 10 from Navarone.
When they blow up the dam, it takes 10 minutes for it to start cracking.
Now you see, Climategate, the whole dam's collapsing.
We got other dams to blow here.
I'm in there with the explosives in the Infowar.
I know it'll bring them down.
You understand that?
I know what I'm talking about.
The reason it's so important is not just that Sarah Palin made some 9-11 truth comments, but that they are demonizing Medina with that, and if we go, well wait a minute, Sarah Palin's saying it, it will reverse itself and make people pile on even more to Debra Medina while hurting the fake neocon Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, Sarah Palin, Bill O'Reilly.
Bill O'Reilly that says raising taxes is good, NAFTA and GATT are good.
Global warming's real.
I mean, if these are conservatives, I mean, I guess Stalin was then.
I guess Mao.
I guess Che Guevara is... I mean, why don't you conservatives out there, you mainline idiot... I've seen the Glenn Beck crowds at his little theater events.
Talk about a soft group of ninny cowards.
Those aren't conservatives.
Those are idiots.
Glenn Beck's designed for soft, weak, pathetic people to follow him.
Everything he does... Folks, I saw his TV show last night, The 8 Minutes, when he attacked...
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
I was ranting so hard, they forgot to go to break.
Hey, put that Texas Monthly cover story back up.
Look at this.
It says, the swine flu vaccines will lead to martial law.
That's coming out of a speaker in the city ceiling.
No, if it was accurate, it would say, Jones, three months before the flu showed up in Mexico, in the wrong season, in the wrong hemisphere, and top scientists said it was manufactured, said the government is telling police departments there's going to be martial law and cemeteries that are under state regulations in major states.
And I gave you and posted the actual interviews with the emergency managers and people and
What was Aaron Dyke's article?
Preparation for Mass Graves Confirmed?
Pull it up for people.
Aaron Dyke's.
I mean, pull that article up.
Bureau of Cemeteries, with the names and phone numbers.
And I said, I don't know if they're going to kill millions, but they killed millions of Iraqis.
Who knows what they'll do?
And so we were ahead of it.
That's why they hate us.
Because when the police are being told, get ready for martial law for flu, we take it serious.
But no, Texas Monthly says that I said we were going to have martial law.
This is the predictable stuff.
I haven't read the whole article yet.
It's flattering in some ways.
It doesn't say I'm an evil person.
They admit that I really believe this and I'm right about some things.
But, you know, they try to go on and say, but Alex Jones saying that the
The eugenics movement today, or the environmental movement today, or Planned Parenthood of today, even though they were involved in eugenics 50, 60 years ago, that's like saying the Democratic Party today is involved with the Ku Klux Klan, because the Ku Klux Klan were the leaders of the Democratic Party in the 1860s.
Well, no, actually, Robert Byrd was a grand dragon.
He's a Democrat senator right now.
No, I'm talking about books written by the White House science czar calling for exterminating the population.
We just had a state rep on who was fully aware of it and went to school with these people.
We're talking about current statements like two months ago at Copenhagen when the UN called for a global one-child policy.
That was in the Associated Press!
It's just all baloney.
Because they can't believe this is happening.
In fact, the article opens up with Alex Jones says the whole global warming movement's a fraud.
He did that interview before ClimateGate.
Oh man, look.
Nate Blakeslee that wrote the Texas Monthly article.
Really broke and drove the Tulia story about police planting drugs on folks, and I interviewed him years ago.
And he wrote positive articles about Ron Paul, like the elephant in the room, how he's the only real Republican.
So he's not a bad guy, he just doesn't know.
It's like his wife works for City of Austin Water Supply, at least according to, I never asked him about it, but I saw it on her own blog.
I saw a newspaper interview he did, actually, talking about her, and he didn't believe me that 90 plus percent of the EPA scientists
Had written an open letter twice to, from their union, saying, we didn't know fluoride was hundreds of deadly chemicals, they just call fluoride, and the type of fluoride you're putting in precipitates out in the body and causes cancer.
He didn't believe all that, so actually sent it to him, and he called up and said, wow, this is actually true.
I didn't know that.
I guess his water treatment, wastewater wife doesn't know that?
Maybe she's the 10% of people in this business that don't know about it?
They just don't know.
They just don't understand how real all this is.
Alright, I'm digressing.
I said I was going to go to your phone calls.
I was ranting intensely.
Let me spell it out to people at a third grade level.
Not that my audience is dumb.
The general listener is smarter than I am.
I've really found that.
I don't have some high and mighty view of myself, but studying this I have gotten a few understandings that people don't have.
If they're trying to kill the Debra Medina campaign for her saying, I support people's right to have whatever view they want about 9-11.
The average poll in the US, over 50%, believe it's an inside job.
Six of the ten 9-11 commissioners say it's a cover-up, want a new investigation.
And then, oh my God, this woman, last night, we have the video clip up in the article about this.
Sarah Palin, 911 Truth or Controversy, makes hypocrite of Glenn Beck.
We have the clip, it's eight and a half minutes long.
I may play part of it later if I have time.
I can't play Beck without stopping and countering him because everything is a distortion or lie.
I've never seen someone that lies this much.
It's like everything that comes out of his mouth is a distortion.
The first thing he does is says the New York Times has written a vicious hit piece against the Tea Parties saying they're violent.
And he goes, oh I thought you said they were a bunch of pathetic geriatrics on walkers.
And he makes the point of they have hundreds of thousands of people at some of these rallies and not one window gets busted out.
So he endears the Tea Party.
I'm defending you against the New York Times.
And then he goes,
There's only 10% of people in the country that believe in 9-11 truth.
That's 5%.
Half the 10%.
The other 5% are birthers.
These 10% on the right and left are dangerous and bad and infiltrators and want to kill the president.
He knows that in major polls over 60% of registered Republicans question the birth certificate issue.
He knows in polls it's well over 50% on average.
Some are 84, some are 36.
But over 50 on average.
He knows that!
He lies and says 5% of the country are 9-11 truthers and 5% are birthers.
And he does this left-right paradigm thing again.
And then he says, what we need to do is stop the birthers
We need to stop the truthers, we need to stop the DNC and the RNC.
And he does this criminal tell where he kind of, when he says RNC, the guy's completely run by Roger Ailes, the former head RNC strategist.
I mean, it's just ridiculous.
It's all lies.
I was watching it last night, the YouTube, and I was stopping it every five seconds, just digesting it.
Everything was lies, except for the very first thing he said about the New York Times.
It was all true.
He spent 30 seconds, maybe a minute, on truth.
That's a worm on a hook.
That's a real worm.
A bass could live off that.
That's good for the bass's tummy.
We're the bass.
He threads the hook, gets that plump nightcrawler on there, drops it into us, but 90% of it was lies after that.
That's the hook and the string and the rod and the reel and the New World Order on the other end of it.
Bringing in old Glenn Beck.
Bringing in Glenn Beck.
Bringing in all his slaves.
Bringing them in Glenn Beck.
And usually by the fourth hour I get kind of scatterbrained.
It's just
How can Bill O'Reilly be calling for value-added taxes and sales taxes to pay the bankers?
How can they be saying global warming's real?
Palin, O'Reilly, McCain?
How can Beck be supporting all the different bailouts?
He'll have Ron Paul on and ten minutes after make fun of him and call him a kook!
Over and over again!
I hate Chris Matthews!
He's a scumbag, a poverty pimp, he creates racism, he creates division, but at least that scumbag is consistent.
No, he lies a lot.
But Beck, but now Matthews is so scared, the establishment is so scared, Matthews was word for word, Watson has a new article out on this, what Beck said last night.
Didn't Matthews come on at the same time as Beck?
Look that up.
I mean, they're on the same time with the same attack on Debra Medina.
O'Reilly and Matthews come on at the same time.
So you've got all three of these guys the same night leading with attacks on Debra Medina.
What else don't you people need to get?
We're in a fight with these people over the states, over one of our best, most positive avenues for a solution.
We can take our state houses back.
It's already starting to happen.
We've got to take them back even faster.
And so if we can show that they're hypocrites and that they only made a big deal out of Debra Medina's mild 9-11 truth statement, mild compared to Sarah Palin, mild compared to the Democrat candidate.
What's his name?
I've trouble pronouncing.
I have to have it in front of me.
The Palestinian American running as the Democrat.
Farouk Shami, the Democrat.
Seems like a pretty nice guy.
The point is, is he's a gun grabber and for big governments.
He may be a nice guy, but stay the hell away from me, pal.
Stay away from my guns, my land, not your property.
You have a jewel like Deborah Medina.
She's just a figurehead though.
A great lady, smart, but a figurehead for all of us.
It's like Ron Paul said he's a figurehead or a focal point for our anger and what we understand and what's going on.
So, if you can point out that Sarah Palin said more 9-11 truth and she's Beck and Perry's darling and throw that back in their face, the media, though it's somewhat controlled, they won't get their orders quick enough.
If it gets out in the next two days, if they don't get their orders to not cover it, this will blow up.
Do we have the power to counter the disinfo of Beck, to throw this back in his face?
Can we do that?
And then leave the charge for states' rights.
If we lose this round, we get smarter each time.
She got a lot of points.
A lot of people are running now because of her success around the country.
It's still a win.
But it's just like I told you back in November with the ClimateGate documents.
We've gotten the Death Star plans.
The Bothans got them to us.
We've got to mount the X-Wing attack now, folks.
And you don't have to actually fly into a Death Star.
You've got to just call Radio TV, email everybody, send this video, this article everywhere, point out Beck's hypocrisy.
Other radio hosts, TV hosts, you don't have to give us credit for breaking this story a year and a half ago or even putting this out now.
Do it yourselves.
Say it's your story.
I don't care.
Just get this story out to everyone now.
A lot of websites take my name off stuff and use it themselves.
Go ahead.
I'm trying to save the country, not be little stooges like you.
We'll be right back.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda,
They'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
For the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation, the criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty and on its ashes constructing world government.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com.
Or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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We love you!
Yeah, down in Texas!
There's a big fight going on.
Not just the nation, the world is watching.
They're trying to sink Debra Medina with 9-11 truth statements.
Like, she's dead!
It's over politically for her.
Polls don't show that.
You take Sarah Palin calling for more 9-11 truth than Medina has, this is going to blow up big time in their face.
Let's go to your phone calls.
But I'm asking you, the listeners, to get these articles at InfoWars.com about Perry listing myself, Medina, Paul as the number one enemies.
This is from the RNC at the top.
They are threatened by this.
Get the article about Sarah Palin, the 9-11 truther.
Get it out to everybody.
Get these videos out to the media.
Get it out to everyone.
Rusty in Iowa, then Captain Briggs, Blake, Derek, Kevin, and others.
Rusty, you're on the air.
Nice to be here, Alex.
Thanks for doing what you do every day.
Thank you.
What's on your mind?
Well, you're talking about states' rights and stuff like that.
Well, I work in a call center for AT&T, so I'm surrounded by a lot of people every day.
And the other day,
We're good to go.
Rusty, I appreciate your call, but let me say this.
3% started the Revolutionary War, 5% won it.
Less than 20% fought us, the rest sat out.
Glenn Beck and Newsweek and all these people are targeted to the dumbed-down mainline America.
Dumbed-down leftist, dumbed-down right-wing people.
We don't need all them.
Move on.
Okay, I know there's a lot of dumbed-down people, but look at the awakening happening.
Look at how people laughed at you a year ago, two years ago, five years ago, when you said global warming wasn't real.
But look how it's all falling apart now.
It takes time to destroy the enemy.
Captain Briggs in Illinois, you're on the air.
Hey brother, great to hear y'all, keepin' the word goin' on out there to everybody that needs it.
Just wanna let you know I'm on my way, I'll be takin' off at midnight, drivin' from North Central Illinois back to Central Texas.
I'm bringin' my vote back for Debra Medina to be the next governor of the great Republic of Texas.
I'm bringin' my dollars down to the Austin Gun Show this weekend, I hope to see y'all there.
And third off, I wanna put my school-trained, field-tested, psychological operations officer hat on for you for a moment.
And say, you're right on point with what Glenn Beck was trying to do with his little kindergarten cop antics there, breaking down how everything's supposed to be rolling out as far as the left-right paradigm.
You're spot-on, brother.
That's all I can say.
Looking forward to seeing you all this weekend, and I would challenge every other person.
If I can drive from north-central Illinois to central Texas, I challenge everybody else there in Bell County, around Fort Hood, Colleen, Copper's Cove, Parker Heights,
Get off your tail feathers, get on down to the voting booth, and cast your vote for Debra Medina.
Well, Captain, Captain, I mean, if we have the neocons internally, and then you can see it on television attacking Debra Medina, how important, how big is this?
See, they understand this will lead to a total states' rights rebellion that they're already losing.
This will be a major victory.
They are running scared.
That's why it's so important to show that Sarah Palin said more 9-11 truth than Medina because they're using the attack on 9-11 truth to get at her.
I mean, do you agree with me that this is devastating if we get the media to cover it?
And if you go to my Facebook account, I'm on your friend's page there as well, but I've been extracting as much as I can using a little share button from InfoWars.com.
To throw all these articles on my Facebook account.
Some of the people, and I've got contacts all around, are looking at it.
For the most part, it's pretty positive, the word that's getting out.
And I challenge everybody else to share that word as much as possible.
I hear you, Captain Briggs.
And again, what do you do, folks?
You don't just have to call the media.
Other people will get into the media.
If you put these two articles written by Paul Watson, the one about Perry saying we're the number one enemy,
The one with Sarah Palin, the 9-11 truther, with the videos embedded and all the facts.
Put it on your MySpace, your Twitter, your Facebook.
Fax it to radio stations, TV stations.
Call into radio stations.
Call the Dallas Morning News, the Austin American Statesman.
Call, especially in Texas, because then all these people that said, well, I won't go for Medina now because they said she can't win and, you know, I'm not a 9-11 truther.
I'm just a conservative that wants to cut taxes and control our border.
That's great, we want their votes.
So, you've got to show them, wait, Palin agrees!
Maybe that should be the headline.
Sarah Palin agrees with Debra Medina.
And I've got to say this, Palin is not as bad as these other guys.
I mean, she did, actually, two nights ago, defend Palin.
Palin defended Debra Medina on Fox when O'Reilly wanted her to attack her.
Who knows about Sarah Palin?
Maybe she really is a 9-11 truther.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
This is Alex Jones with five good reasons you should consider buying a solar power generator.
Number one.
New climate legislation could easily double or triple your electric bill.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda,
We're pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
I have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
For the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation, the criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty and on its ashes constructing world government.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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Okay, I'm going to try to accelerate through your calls.
Blake, Derek, Kevin, Rob.
Specifically, do people realize the magnitude of all of the major talk show hosts, not just on Fox, but on MSNBC?
We're getting more videos sent to us by the hour of the other shows all attacking Debra Medina, saying, do not vote for her.
She can't win.
She's a kook.
She's bad.
She was asked, will you fire an employee if they're a 9-11 truther?
She said, well, people have a right to their own opinion.
But, you know, I don't think it was an inside job.
She doesn't have to totally agree with me.
She wants to cut taxes.
She wants to control our borders.
She wants to get rid of the unconstitutional gun laws and nullify federal laws.
She has the most mild statement compared to Sarah Palin or the Democrat governor candidate, and they go crazy and make a big deal out of nothing, like Howard Dean's roar.
Not that I'm saying Howard Dean was good, but he was kind of the outside candidate, so they made a big much-do-about-nothing thing about him.
So that the ringer, George W. Bush's cousin,
John Kerry could take a dive.
And he clearly did win.
So did Al Gore.
I'm not saying it would be good if they got elected.
The point is who the establishment wants gets elected.
John McCain and Sarah Palin were ringers.
So I'm going to go to your calls here in just a moment.
Do you realize how important all of this is?
And the fact that they're now saying,
That, oh, we better not vote for Deborah Medina because of the 9-11 truth statement.
How this will blow up in their face if you get it out to everyone.
It's at PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com right now and so are the videos breaking it down.
Get it out to everyone.
I could do it right now.
I could call the statesman on air.
I could call KI and Austin for you and show you how it's done.
I mean, it's easy.
Call them.
Say, I want your email.
Did you know that Sarah Palin made 9-11 truth comments and it was no big deal that people are demonizing Medina?
Isn't that a big story?
That the big advisor and big supporter of Perry is supposedly a 9-11 truther by the yardstick that Glenn Beck uses?
They will run with it!
I'll be surprised if it isn't in the news by tomorrow if you do your job.
I've done mine.
Please, take action.
I'm going to your calls in T-minus five minutes.
I wanted to bring Ted Anderson up because gold has run up again today.
It was $1,050 a week ago.
It's $1,020 something.
So it's up over $70 right now.
And Ted has a deal.
His deals just get better and better.
He's just so competitive.
He's never offered this before until about a month ago here.
You get a frank at the $1,050 level, when it's at $1,120 right now announced, and then you get a $159 free yearly newsletter, either digital twice a week or hard copy, what is it, twice a month, mailed to your door, the International Forecaster.
It's 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70 pages thick.
It's always different, but it's always beefy.
You may know all about the New World Order, but Bob Chapman's got some key info on the economy, and it's a great way to wake people up.
You can get that free, ordering one franc.
The deal on the franc is already insanely good, but Ted, before we give people the number and tell them how they can get that and some of the gold and silver offers today that also support this network, on the tiny profit you make on these type of deals, I guess there's really no profit in this one,
It's a lost leader.
What do you think about the Medina situation and the Sarah Palin situation and the neocons internally?
Ted actually knows who the source is saying that I am the number one enemy in Texas, along with Ron Paul and Medina.
I can tell you right now, Alex, what Beck did to Medina, you know, looks like child's play as far as I'm concerned.
I mean, Medina is a credible source, and I think that's where the fear is here, is that Medina has a real shot at knocking Perry off.
You know, I don't know if Perry is going to have a lot of, you know, what kind of fight he's going to have with the Democrat candidate, but Medina actually is offering the people of the state of Texas what they want.
And they've been wanting this for so long, they're so thirsty for it.
That they're willing to go just about anywhere for it, and it's your listening audience and you, Alex Jones, who happens to be the one, the craw in the foot of Perry.
He is being hammered by your listeners, and when you say something, people follow it and do it.
Thank God they do, because the state of Texas has the
You know, the option of possibly having some real politicians.
I mean, thank God you have Ron Paul down there.
If you get Debra Medina and Ron Paul in the same state, man, that's a power to reckon with.
Well, Ted, I don't know how much you want to say, but this high-powered, not going to say government official, not going to say media, but it's a household name.
They tried to get a hold of me yesterday.
They got a hold of you, and then
I've made the connection today, but, I mean, when I have this story written by Watson about this super high-powered person in a private meeting with Perry, and he's worried.
He's saying, Alex Jones, Debra Medina, Ron Paul, I mean, the RNC neocons are scared to death of us because this has national import.
I mean, we are the main enemies on their radar.
You sure are.
You were named specifically
As being one of the influences that could lose Perry his seat as the governor of Texas.
And I don't know how, or how much better of a compliment that you could have, but then to have Perry himself, out of his own lips, say this.
And that's where it came from.
This is Perry's words.
And I can tell you right now, Alex, they're keeping a close eye on you, and I suppose they darn well should be, because you're speaking the truth.
And you're giving the people what they want, and that's... Well, let me add something here.
My... Well, I'm not going to tell the whole story, but there's a lot of high-power political people here in Austin.
And I talked to one of these old ladies, who's a family friend of my dad, who... It was actually in the paper.
They were having this little impromptu meeting with less than 30 women with Bill Clinton three years ago in Austin.
Spends a lot of time here.
He actually ran some campaigns in Texas before he was governor.
And they said, what do you think of Alex Jones of InfoWars?
And Bill Clinton said, he's one of the most important people in the media in the world.
Specifically about Alex Jones, the conspiracy theorist.
Now, why is Bill Clinton, privately to high-powered Democrats, saying I'm one of the most important people in the media in the world three years ago?
Why is Rick Perry saying Republicans are worried?
We gotta get these people.
Deborah Medina, Ron Paul, Alex Jones.
Not just about his campaign, but overall.
Because, and again, I'm not bragging about this, folks.
It's scary.
And I'm not perfect.
The point is, we are real.
People resonate with it.
I don't think listeners understand, we don't hype up how many people we really reach.
I mean, Ted, it's scary.
I can get off a plane in England, in Canada, in Roatan, Central America, and I can't walk 30 feet now without people running out of shops up to me.
We're much bigger than Glenn Beck globally.
Not in the U.S., but it's all grassroots because, Ted, it's incredible what we've built here, and I hope they don't kill me or set me up, because Karl Rove is a dangerous person.
Well, you're right about that.
And so you're going to have to watch your back, and so is, you know, we're all going to have to watch our back.
But I mean, that's the main thing, Alex, is that we are reaching a lot of people.
And you look at the traffic of Infowars.com or PrisonPlanet.com, and you compare it to even RushLimbaugh.com, and they're dwarfed by you.
I mean, I was trying to get you on
Oh boy, I tell you, Salem Radio Network, they have a lot of 50,000 watt stations.
And here I am trying to pay them money so they pick up your Sunday show so we can get into more markets and have a bigger effect.
And the response to me from them was, is they said, well, we don't like Alex's position on 9-11.
And I just, I wrote him back, I said, you have got to be kidding me.
You know, that is something that happened way back then, and all you're doing is questioning the findings of the 9-11 Commission, and that's enough for them to keep you off of their station?
Well, I've been called over the years and had meetings with many of the top radio executives in the country.
And they all, I mean, they told me 10 years ago, they said, you'll be bigger than Limbaugh.
They wanted to groom me to be the new Glenn Beck.
And I said, no way.
And they said, no more fellow reserve, no more new world order, no more black helicopters.
Now it's no more 9-11.
Look, I've been told, and it's done in confidence, so I don't talk about it.
That's how you keep sources.
I've been told, recant on this and I'll get a $50 million contract.
I will do it my way and tell the truth.
But then it's bad if I drive a decent Dodge car or live in a house that's safe.
Again, again, again.
I own things.
Things don't own me.
And I'm doing it my way, telling the truth, just like you are, Ted.
But I want to go to the calls.
I'm not going to keep any more, Ted.
Tell people the gold offer.
Give them the number.
Well, like you said, the frank is the very best thing at $249.61 because I'm buying a full year subscription to Bob's newsletter, The International Forecaster.
Education is the key factor here, and that's why I'm doing it.
So I would suggest that you give us a call for that, but we do have the British Sovereign, we have Walking Liberty halves, we have Lakota Nation rounds, Montana Silver rounds, we have a whole long line of stuff that I bought when gold was at $1,050 an ounce.
And we've seen 1,125 today to give you an example of what's going on.
So if you are interested, call us at 1-800-686-2237.
Again, it's 1-800-686-2237.
And Alex, I just need to say it because this is so important to me that I just want to thank everybody that's been so supportive because that's what's making the difference.
It's not necessarily you.
It's not necessarily me.
It's the people behind us that make this work.
Get the frank and then get the free newsletter.
You can't bill... I mean, it's the best deal you've ever offered.
Thank you, Ted.
Yeah, thanks, Alex.
All right, I'm gonna jam in as many calls as possible now.
Blake in Texas.
You're on the air.
Alex, hey, do you think your source might come public?
Because, based on some of the stuff I'm seeing, I think they may need to.
What does that mean?
Well, okay, Glenn Beck, since his deal, you know he's lost 500,000 viewers since his little attack on Medina?
Yes, I saw that.
I meant to have Watson or Kurt post that.
In fact, I saw that last night.
What was the source on that?
The Nielsen?
It's just actually TV writings by the guy or something like that.
And then also, if you go on his Facebook page, it's all people just railing, just going, you know, we know you're against the tarp bill out.
They're posting sources.
They're posting your articles.
They're calling Glenn Beck a Benedict Arnold.
If you listen to his radio show,
That's all, I mean, everyone calling in is just going, Glenn Beck, you're a coward, you know, we know what you are, we know what you did to Medina.
I think that their first little attack, their first strike didn't work.
It didn't work completely.
It's kind of like a glancing blow.
Somebody with a sword tries to chop your head off, and you kind of block with your shield, but the sword hacks through the wood of the shield and cuts into your arm.
I mean, it wasn't good.
But if we point out that he's a hypocrite, and that he set it up and spun it, and that Palin said even more, it will destroy this Goliath.
But the point about Beck is, yes, I know he's in deep trouble.
That's because the power of this show and the power of Ron Paul and the power of Texas and the rest of the country.
That's why they even brought in Chris Matthews as their backup, saying he was right.
See, they're in panic mode, not because if she gets elected as governor.
That's not even that powerful of a position in Texas.
Because we had some Civil War corrupt governors that were installed, so the state weakened the governorship.
But as a bully pulpit, she'll be able to lead things through the legislature.
It's the message it sends to states' rights people nationwide, and getting Ron Paul-type people to run, and like George Washington winning a battle at Trenton, it buoys morale.
But when you say they may have to come out, that's like people saying, give me your source on this or that.
Ted got a call.
I got the call.
Famous, well-known person inside this whole thing.
And they told us what we already knew as the manifestation.
But if our source is able to come out, then someday they will.
You lose sources if you tell people who your sources are.
But anything else, Blake?
No, that's it.
Thank you.
God bless you.
We need a headline on that.
Beck loses 500,000 viewers.
I mean, I can't keep track of all this.
He's got 4 million on average.
One of the best in cable for cable news.
And he loses 500,000.
What is that?
10% of his audience?
Or a little more than 10%?
That'd be 12, 13%?
Do the dividing for me, guys.
I'm public school educated.
It took me a while here with paper.
What does 500,000 divide out of 4 million, Ash?
Will you guys want to give me the numbers?
Hold that up for me.
Let's go ahead and talk to Derek.
Derek in Wisconsin.
You're on the air.
Hi Alex.
It's very awesome to talk with you.
I'm very proud of what you do for this country.
I thank you very well.
First time caller, I just want to say that I've been listening to your program for probably three weeks now.
I was a definite Obama follower.
I danced when he was elected.
I'll just give you an idea of where I was at that point.
Because of Bush, I held Obama on a short lease and I just watched him and I was finding anything to help me understand what was going on and then I saw the Obama deception and that changed pretty much everything for me.
And that's what we're here for, to expose puppets.
Obama, Beck, any of them.
Well, here's the deal.
I noticed you haven't talked about this on the show today and I want to point this out to everyone listening.
I usually go to mainstream news sites and look for news stories that kind of blow my mind and CNN.com, one of their video things right on their front page today, cyber attacks is US ready question mark.
I watched the video and it had
Home, Department of Homeland Security Leader, Treasury Secretary, Secretary of State.
Yeah, no, no, they're saying they're gonna tax, they're gonna tax the internet in the name of saving it from cyber attacks.
Send us the video.
Gotta jump here.
Thank you, Derek.
Kevin in Utah, you're on the air.
Yeah, I'm here.
Go ahead.
Uh, Alex, I've been listening to you for quite a while.
I woke up in 1985, but I need to, uh,
Let everybody know that Glenn Beck is a wolf in sheep's clothing.
For the Mormon people, which I am one, the best sources of news is Joel Skousen, Ken Bauer, and Jack Burnett.
But Glenn Beck's got it coming.
And Skousen, who's a relative of the guy that wrote, what, The Naked Capitalist?
The Naked Communist.
He's spoken out against Beck as a wolf in sheep's clothing.
Yes, definitely.
He was here in
He lives in Orem, Utah.
I live in Spanish Fork, south of him.
But the situation is that he was trying to get the campaign of Ron Paul up here in Utah, and it was quite hard with the Deseret News and all of our media.
But I just want to tell him that Glenn Beck is a wolf in sheep's clothing, and the time's going to come when he's going to get in real trouble.
Alright, I appreciate your call.
Let's jam in one more.
Rob in California, go ahead.
Alex, how's it going?
I have a couple quick comments and a question for you.
At this point, there should be some coordination between you, Dr. Stanley Monteith, and others to do interviews as much as you can with
Well, I mean, Medina loves me and thinks I'm great.
I would have her on more.
Her campaign people would rather put her on an internet show with five listeners.
And maybe that's a good strategy, but she is going to be on Sunday in between some things she's doing.
We would have her on more.
We're here supporting her as much as we can, believe me.
But I'll come back and let you finish up your statement on the other side.
We'll be right back, ladies and gentlemen.
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They don't want to see us
There's a six and a half page cover story in Texas Monthly.
It's millions of readers.
It's the biggest magazine in Texas.
It's taken all over the world.
And Jaron read it, and his vote is it's a pretty positive article.
I've scanned over it.
It's got some little snipes, but it's better than most.
It's better than most.
And hell, that Dan Winters listed as one of the top five photographers in the world is a fan?
And I got invited out to his little photography studio.
And we're going to get him in studio coming up the next month.
And I mean, it was the photos in here.
They're coming after me, folks.
They're identifying.
Says Alex Jones.
Can't say that, can he?
And you open it up to the page three where it lists all the top stories.
Look at that.
We're half.
No, no.
Two thirds the page.
I mean that is crazy.
And he's like the only photographer I've ever seen who actually captured what I really look like.
It's not that I'm not photogenic, it's just cameras make me look different than what I look like in the mirror.
These photos actually look like me.
That's, when I look at that, that's what I see in the mirror every day.
And then I look at myself on TV, that's not what I look like.
It's weird.
Not that I look bad, it's just that, you know, in person, the ladies have a little bit of trouble.
I'm just screwing around, folks, trying to have some fun here.
I'm actually extremely exhausted a lot of days now, because I went to bed late at night and got up at 4 a.m.
and I kind of spent out in the last hour.
Sometimes I think about getting rid of the fourth hour.
Because it just kills me.
And then I hear the fourth hour rebroadcast and it's not as good as the other hours.
Except when we have big guests on.
Maybe I should just lean on the callers.
But I'm a guy who can do ten hours and never take a call.
Okay, I'm going to shut up now.
Who was that just now letting finish up?
Rob, real fast, what was your other point?
Well, maybe it's time for you to consider having a
A red phone that Beck and O'Reilly and Hannity can call into since they want to be representative truthers.
Well, that's pretty close to who called me!
I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it's crazy.
I am a little bit excited today because this is dangerous what we're doing, and I appreciate your call, but we are really hurting them.
We can fight these people.
We have power, thanks to God's good grace.
We can stand up like our founding fathers.
You have to believe in that.
Dave in Canada, you're on the air, go ahead.
He just dropped.
Phil in New York, you're on the air.
Hello, Alex.
It's the first time I've called you.
Welcome, sir.
I've been a fan of yours for two years now.
And between you and Joyce, I don't even listen to my television anymore.
Well, good to have you on board.
What's going on?
I just wanted to bring up a couple things.
I had a chance to, first thing, Glenn Beck used to be a fan of his, but he got sick.
And then when he came back, he started talking different.
So, I'm not upset with Glenn Beck, but if you disappear for a few months and get sick and start calling back, talking funny,
I won't be mad at you, I just realized that somebody got your grandkids fingernails.
Actually, it was declassified that that was what the main MKUltra program was built around, was grabbing prominent people, electro-shocking them, torturing them for even a month, and
Then, most people will do whatever they're told after that.
It erases their memory.
They then reprogram them.
And they did that to Ronald Reagan after they shot him, no doubt.
And Beck did get a lot worse after he got grabbed.
I mean, after he got sick.
Almost died, he said.
I imagine something's happened there that, uh, that, uh, but we know what happened.
If anybody is a candidate for mind control, it is Glenn Beck.
That guy is incredible.
Folks, we have articles at InfoWars.com.
Thanks for the call, Dave.
That will devastate.
That wasn't Dave, that was Phil.
We have information that will devastate the globalists.
Inside info, key info on Sarah Palin, the 9-11 truther, at InfoWars.com, PrisonPlanet.com.
Get it out to everybody.
I cover it in the first hour in detail.
Second wind coming up right now.
We'll be right back at InfoWars.com.
We're getting a free podcast.
Oh, we're fighting tyranny.
It's so much fun.
I love it.
Good job, crew.