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Name: 20100208_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Feb. 8, 2010
2357 lines.
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I don't know.
I don't really want to talk about body care and people getting out of their jobs.
I'm really out of order on all of this.
I know, but I'm not.
And if I could get this job off of you, I would get this job off of you.
Well, I don't mind a deputy contract, but I heard it's not, and I think it was once before.
Like I said, you have two choices, sir.
You know what?
I'm just saying, I'm a professional.
I'm a lawyer.
We are simulcasting at PrisonPlanet.tv the last two hours and 52 minutes of this radio broadcast.
The audio was shot by a little hidden camera that didn't have the best audio, but it's subtitled and it's up at InfoWars.com.
We covered this a few weeks ago.
To our horror, we learned that they're not just putting naked body scanners that record your genitals.
Even the Washington Post admits, top government scientists admit, that these body scanners do cause cancer, do damage your DNA.
That's mainstream news.
It's an act of submission, an act of humiliation.
They also get a biometric 360 scan of your body, which they then store so they have passive body scanners, they admit this, that can then scan through your clothes and tell who you are at a distance, similar to a face scan.
Remember I told you 14 years ago that they're taking all babies' blood at birth, now for 37 years, in every western nation under a U.N.
Now CNN came out this weekend and said, yes, your baby's DNA is taken for law enforcement and for genetic engineering research.
I already had the internal documents.
But now it's mainstream news.
So they're recording your naked body, they're lying about it, in your face.
And they're saying they're going to go in shopping malls, courthouses.
They're going in quite a few courthouses right now.
You go to check legal records.
You go to check deeds on a piece of property you're going to buy or somebody you're suing.
You go to court watch.
You go as a lawyer, as your right to access to the courts.
They told a practicing constitutional lawyer and criminal lawyer well known in the community
They're in the county around Denver.
They told him, you can't come in.
That's on the video.
And we're not even, you know, not even doing a pat-down.
And they're now saying, you know what, we're not doing pat-downs in the airports.
We are just going to do this to everybody.
This is the way it is.
We've got Gary Fielder on with us.
He's a criminal lawyer of 20 years, as well as constitutional lawyer.
He's conducted over 300 jury trials, appeared in federal district court, and has argued before the Colorado Court of Appeals and Supreme Court.
After graduation from the University of Texas at Austin, Mr. Fielder earned his Juris Doctorate at the University of San Diego in 1990.
Mr. Fielder was born in Austin, Texas.
We're proud of him for that, and grew up in Eagle River, Alaska, and now lives in Denver, Colorado.
Currently, Mr. Fielder
Uh, is on a eight Western state tour with regard to sovereignty, the people's right first, the people's first right and last stand.
And he's with us for about 40 minutes.
Then I'm getting into the Tea Parties and some Sarah Palin video clips, which are very scary.
She, uh, the Republicans with Tea Party Nation are fooling the public.
That's a new corporate RNC operation.
We're going to be talking about that.
You thought Obama was bad, and we're against him?
Get ready for Sarah Palin, who says she would declare war and attack Iran now, and that Obama should do it to save his presidency.
So, that is all coming up.
But, uh, Counselor Gary Fielder, thank you so much for joining us.
Alex, thank you.
I appreciate being on your show.
Well, it's great having you here with us today.
Tell us about this.
I mean, here's the Denver Channel right here.
I'll get a document cam shot.
Quarter million dollar machine takes 3D images.
No, it takes shots of your naked body.
It is the biometric scanner.
Tell us when you first learned of this and I guess now you're not allowed to practice in court.
Are you filing a lawsuit?
Your access to the courts have been violated because you won't give up your privacy.
Tell us about it.
Well, it started about 10 months ago when they first put that machine in, and it was in the Denver Post, and of course it was on your news site.
And I just learned from your radio show, you know, the dangers of going through the scanner and just the privacy invasion.
So I went down there fully expecting a reasonable alternative.
And this was probably two months before the video was shot.
I went down there, it was very nice.
I've been practicing.
In the area for 20 years, and I probably have one active case at all times in Douglas County.
So I go in there and I'm loading my stuff onto the conveyor belt, and I just say, hey, I really don't want to do the scanner, just like I said in the video.
Very nice, very professional.
Is there some other alternative?
And the private security guard said, yes, the sheriff's deputy will be out shortly.
And I said, OK, fine.
So I had a seat, waited for about five minutes.
Sheriff's deputy comes out, and he says, well, the only alternative is the body search.
Which I thought was a quick pat down and move on.
I stood up.
He proceeded to then do a full body search.
Tight hands around both legs.
Touched my crotch on the way up.
On the left leg.
On the way up.
On the right leg.
Tight around my arms.
Turn around.
Put his hands inside my jacket.
Up and down my back.
Rubbed my neck.
Hands across the shoulders.
And about halfway through I start talking, I say, you know, this is really embarrassing for me.
Why are you doing this?
Is this absolutely necessary?
Be quiet.
Sit down and take your shoes off.
I said, sir, this is really embarrassing.
I don't know why I'm having to go through this.
Take your shoes off.
So I put up with it and I did it.
And I tried to speak with the judge about it.
No one really, you know, just passed the buck.
Three weeks went by and I had to go down there again and I just dreaded it.
I absolutely dreaded it.
So I went in, the same thing.
I said, hey, can I just have, you know, I just, don't you have a wand or something?
You know, I mean, I've been, you know, coming to court hours forever.
So a sheriff's deputy will be right out.
This time they come out and it's the full thing again, except this time they're waiting for me.
He ran his fingers through my hair.
He said, open your mouth with a little small flashlight.
He pulls out of his pocket.
I said, sir, I'm not opening my mouth.
And then I just started talking loudly.
This is an absolute degradation of my right as a human being, as a man standing here on this earth.
What are you people doing?
And it was the same thing.
Sit down, shut up, take your shoes off.
And so that was it.
The next time I came out, I just said, hey, I'm not going through that scanner.
You're not touching me.
So get one of your wands, get somebody out here that knows what they're doing, because I don't come to court to be touched by law enforcement, and I don't come to have a naked picture taken of my body.
So they just turned me down, they turned me away.
And I thought, well I'm going to get grieved by my client, I'm going to get found in contempt by the judge.
And it was really embarrassing.
So the guys at Colorado We Are Change found out about it, and they asked me to film it.
So at first I was very hesitant because I didn't want the publicity, I didn't want the situation, but I realized that if somebody doesn't do something, that it was just going to continue.
So that was a real court date.
It was actually the resetting of the court date that they had denied me about two weeks previous.
And you saw it.
I was very nice.
I just wanted to be wanted.
I just wanted to do something reasonable other than go through the scanner.
And I was turned away again.
So at that point I was very seriously contemplating filing for an injunction in the federal court.
But I think the light bulb went off.
That they can't, first of all, they can't do this to minors.
It's a felony to take a nude photo of a minor.
So they changed their policy with regard to minors.
Now then they couldn't very well touch minors like they touched me.
And so they started wanting minors.
And so that was it.
Then after that,
It was, hold on, if you're going to want minors, you know, you're going to want me.
And so I went down there about, I'd say, three or four months after the video was shot, and, you know, they did the wanting procedure, and then I was okay with that.
So I've been allowed to go back to Douglas County.
But the issue here is, and of course I want you to flesh out what you think the main issues are.
Clearly, they intensified the next body search to make it more harassing, touching your genitals through your pants, rubbing their hands through your hair.
Your well-known, respected lawyer has practiced there for years.
They knew.
Exactly what they were doing, and their argument is, well, a couple times a year somebody comes in their courthouse and shoots people.
Well, they could wait outside for the judge in the parking lot.
Are we going to put naked body scanners at random checkpoints?
The answer is yes.
Are we going to put them in shopping malls?
Because everywhere has to be safe for the criminal government.
God forbid you just have the judge be armed and have some armed police in there.
That's not enough for them.
As the government gets more predatory, it has to force us to submit to all their different forms and levels of tyranny.
But the good news here is, you confronted them, you showed it was illegal, what they were doing, and they had to back off.
Now, we need to get minors, who were forced to be scanned through that, to start the subpoena process.
They will destroy the hard drives to show the child porn they produced.
We need to go ahead and get those men indicted.
I think it's a misdemeanor to unknowingly take a naked photograph of an adult.
I've received some emails lately because of this.
Well look, Counselor, they're arresting people for taking photos of their five-year-olds in bikinis now.
Bikinis aren't legal.
So, all these TSA people and everybody at these courthouses doing this are now child pornographers.
I want them indicted for felonies!
I don't think there's any doubt about it.
I just, I couldn't believe it having to go through it.
And it would be very difficult if you were going to visit a relative or have an important business meeting to not get on an airplane.
But we have to do it.
We have to write letters to the airlines, we have to write letters to our mayors, our sheriffs, our governors.
I only thought that it was a privacy affair.
I've since been advised of the radiation involvement, the manipulation of your DNA,
And for a person that flies regularly or goes to courthouses regularly, you're talking about getting a CAT scan a week, getting a chest X-ray a week.
Yes, sir, and it's getting worse.
Now, as I predicted two months ago with the crotch bomber that's now come out on stage, they're now saying Islamist women are going to have breast implants, so now they want actual X-rays.
Stay there.
It just blows me away.
We commend
Your courage.
We commend what you're doing.
And if more people were red-blooded like you, we'd stop this.
Well, we'll talk more about it and where we go from here.
Gary Fielder, criminal lawyer for 20 years, constitutional lawyer, standing up against Big Brother, against these thugs who tried to intimidate him, who tried to physically intimidate him.
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If you're watching PrisonPlanet.TV, you can see it right now, if not, just search the term, does Soldier have child porn or innocent pictures of niece?
And then the news reports it's pictures of his niece that he didn't even ask for in a bathing suit in a pool.
And they said, we don't care.
And you see these cases now, they had one in Arizona last year, where it was a two-year-old and a three-year-old in their towels.
And they were crouched together, you know, hugging each other.
You go to jail.
They take your kids.
Life's over.
But the government records your child's genitals.
UK headlines say it violates child porn laws.
Same thing here.
They don't care.
It's like Animal Farm.
You know, two legs good, four legs bad.
At first the pigs say, look at the humans.
You know, two legs are bad, four legs good.
Then the pigs kick the humans out, have a revolution, move in.
And they start saying, well, two legs are good and so are four legs.
And then finally, two legs good, four legs bad, and the pigs walk around like humans.
And it's the same thing here.
It's like the illegal aliens are above the law and get to have DWIs and not get arrested or get in trouble.
But citizens do.
Well, the police get to break the law.
This is a sick joke.
Going back to Gary Fielder, attorney at law, who stood up against this.
Sounds like you had some victory against them.
What do they do when you show up now?
Well, you know, I don't think that anyone down there has seen the video, and I certainly haven't advertised it.
At least, you know, to my friends in the profession, I just sort of try to go underneath the radar, if you will.
But the last time I was down there, I think something has happened.
Because the last time I was down there, I mean, the private security guard, he came around the corner with that wand, and he was saying, yes, sir, and thank you, sir, and this will just take a second, sir.
And he wanted me at about 30 seconds and said, have a nice day, sir.
And he let me in through the side door, and I said, well, thank you, and I just went to court.
So, you know, I think that people are finally really in mass, starting to wake up, and they just had enough.
They just had enough.
And so it's changed a little bit, but I'm not claiming victory, because every time I do go down there, as I exercise the option, I just see person after person after person after person going through that scanner, and it just makes me sad.
It just makes me sad.
Because I think it's the, you know, they're trying to sort of get us used to all this, so that when we go to the airport, we don't think twice about it.
And that's real pressure.
When you want to get on an airplane,
You just feel like you have to comply, and I say no.
I'm not going through whatever, under any circumstances in my life.
Well, what they're doing is they're setting the precedent in these special federal security zones.
Now they admit they have Viper teams and TSA on the streets of Boston, New York, Houston, Dallas, Los Angeles, wanding people.
People go to Mardi Gras.
Folks go to New Year's Eve celebrations.
The police are randomly searching people.
We're being inducted into a police state worse than China.
Well, I've been practicing law since 1990 and I've witnessed it.
I saw it.
It happened in front of my eye.
And I'm very saddened about it.
And I must say that when it first happened and, you know, the guys from We Are Change were helping me.
We did some research.
$250,000 for that instrument.
We did some research with regard to incidents in courthouses.
The only incidents we could find in any courthouses in Colorado over the last 20 years was one judge chasing another judge through the parking lot with a shotgun and an officer who had gotten a gun.
People don't bring guns to court.
People don't bring knives to court.
People go to court to conduct business.
And that's what they're there for.
And of course they'll have that one story of a bundle of cocaine being found on, you know, a lawyer who had a hard weekend.
Well, Mr. Fielder, it's more than that.
I mean, take France.
They said they had 154 cases of husbands and wives killing each other.
So now, if you yell at your wife or husband, you're arrested.
They're using it, you know, one time somebody shoots somebody, so no more Second Amendment.
One time somebody beats somebody over the head with a baseball bat, so you gotta get a license for a baseball bat.
They are using this to turn us all into prisoners.
And it doesn't make us a safer society.
It is the hunger of this growing criminal government to literally turn everything into a prison.
Look at the public schools.
Our children are being trained to be prisoners.
Well, like I say, I live it, I see it, I put up with it to some degree.
I've had spenders put on all my pants because I got sick of taking my belt off every single day.
Four or five times a day.
I just think that's a degradation.
I think as a human being I ought to be allowed to cinch my pants up with a leather belt
And, uh, and walk through a metal detector and be able to conduct business without having to disrobe, be touched, be delayed, and just that.
And to have access to the courts, and it's only getting worse.
And an airport, or a shopping mall, wherever I want to go.
Stay there.
We're going to come right back and discuss how we need to set the precedent in Colorado and the few other states that are putting these in to stop it before it's on every street corner, which they're now setting up in England.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
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As they're finishing off this agenda, they'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
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Tim Geithner?
They're arsonists!
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Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at Infowars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Gary Fielder is our guest attorney-in-law in Colorado.
He's also on a speaking tour right now.
And we really appreciate him joining us today and fighting back against tyranny.
Again, why did one guy stand up and change the policy where they don't record minors by pointing out it was illegal, which it is?
Why did one guy make it where they just want you?
I mean, obviously you can tell if somebody's got a gun to keep the precious little judges safe.
Maybe once a year, somebody gets into a courtroom and blows away a judge?
And there's tens of thousands of court hearings going on, conservatively?
More than that, there's over 10,000 counties in the U.S., and every county's having
Dozens and dozens of hearings every day, and that's just county court, state court, federal court, all these other new kangaroo administrative law courts they've created.
And they say they want naked body scanners everywhere.
But remember, as I told you 14 years ago, I went over the documents, they take your baby's blood at birth and keep it in a UN database.
Now it's mainstream news, but CNN goes, yes, it is for research, but it may save lives.
Obviously, when they say it's a mandated state health department, not a law, but mandated.
I mean, I've had three children, and I've sat there and said, no, you can't take their blood.
The nurse gets mad and goes, it's the law.
And I go, no, it isn't the law, lady.
I happen to know what it is.
They just push us and push us and push us and push us.
It's the same thing.
They're recording your body.
The government admits it radiates you.
It's equivalent of an x-ray.
Not as bad as a chest x-ray, but close.
And now they want actual x-rayers.
There's no end to them domesticating you.
Squatting on you, spitting in your face.
They had Super Bowl ads that are coming up by Audi.
I will never buy an Audi.
I will boycott Audi.
Eco cops arresting people for taking hot baths.
Now you think that's a joke?
They're training school kids to write fake tickets to their parents and saying it will be arrestable.
And they arrest somebody for throwing a battery away in the trash.
Most states already have laws where if you accidentally do do that, you go to prison.
They mean business, folks, and that's to acclimate you.
This is all dog training.
This is what they're doing.
Now, going back to our guest, who I really appreciate joining us.
Is there any websites, Gary, we can visit?
Are there any places we can find out more?
I guess We Are Change Colorado's got the videos up.
Other points you'd like to make about this?
As you said, we've got a lot of airline executives coming out and saying they're against this, but we've got to press them to say no.
We've got some major airports saying no.
It comes out with clear evidence the underwear bombing was staged.
That's coming up next hour with a former embassy head who exposed all this.
Other points you'd like to make, sir?
Just a couple.
The website is gigisup.net and that just has basic information about the situation and a little bit of information about the speaking engagements that I've been asked to conduct.
But I think the big thing is for everyone to really understand their rights.
Really do the research, do the reading, and be very professional.
I know that these police officers are just doing their job, but when you get pulled over, when you get in a situation, follow the lead of the peaceful crowd who are standing up for their rights in the most professional way.
Use the word, sir.
Look them in the eye.
Don't let them pull any of their tactics with body position, the tone of their voice.
How they stand straight on you, square your shoulders right up, look them right in the eye and say, no sir, I'd rather not.
I just don't think that the... And you should add, if they're being rude, hey, you're a public servant, I've treated you with respect, you treat me with respect.
That's the word you have to use over and over.
I'm one of the people, I pay your salary, and I would really appreciate it if you would continue
Treat me with the same level of respect that I'm treating you.
Yeah, this groveling to the government has almost encouraged them like it's the natural order of things.
The only real possession we've got is our liberties, our freedoms, and property rights.
And it's all under assault!
It's all being dismantled, folks!
And there's self-interest involved, too.
The public side has no recognition, at least they're pretending not to recognize, how much pressure they're putting on the private side.
And the private side is squealing, but the public side just keeps marching along.
They get paid every month.
Their pensions are funded.
Their health care is funded.
Their checks are being cashed right away.
It's just like lung cancer, not listening.
It thinks it's winning.
It's growing.
It's got plenty of blood.
Shut the hell up.
I'm doing what I want.
And I think in the end, the self-interest is knowing that if they don't support the system, somehow they're not going to be able to take advantage of that retirement program.
Five years away, or ten years away, or one year away.
Well, they're going to do what Venezuela and everybody else have done.
They're going to cut all the COPS funding as well, and the judges and all these people that enforce.
We know how this is done.
We know that they're already making California government people work a day a week free, because the government, the only thing growing is the government.
The only thing growing is the government.
And so the regular public servant is as scared as I am.
They're as scared as you are.
So they're acting out of self-interest to try to keep the system proper.
That's right.
The more corrupt they get, the more heat they get.
And they go, we've got to get even rougher on them to get them in line, make them submit.
We've got to, through the threat continuum, get control of the situation.
You don't have control of the situation.
Foreign banks are using you to carry out their robbery.
It's like a ratchet.
It goes one direction.
They only know one language.
Turn it up.
Turn it up.
Turn it up.
Turn it up.
More years in prison.
More tickets.
I've never seen so many police officers on the street with radar guns.
And now they're passing cell phone laws as an excuse.
Let me bring this up to you.
I've confirmed, it's been in the news, that a sheriff will arrest a van full of 14 illegals in one case.
He brings them to ICE, they say, we're not going to pick them up.
Even if they do, this was in Associated Press, the feds come and give them green cards and jobs.
Working for the feds.
I mean, the feds want all these foreigners working for them.
This is like their foreign army.
Here in Austin, three years ago, I pulled up to the office at night, and one of my, it was a contractor, IT guy, was in handcuffs.
And I walk over and the cops bow up and freak out and go, it's Alex Jones!
Hey Alex, I'm a fan of the show!
A black cop, white cop.
And I'm going, okay, you're a fan of the show.
Why are you arresting him?
Well, his license is expired.
We saw him turn in here.
It looked suspicious.
I go, no, we've got an internet problem.
I called him to get him up here.
I'm having to pay him a lot of money to be here at 9 o'clock at night.
And, you know, well-lit area right here.
Then the cop starts going, I don't care.
I'm out of here in six months.
I got this great band.
And I go, oh, you were playing in New York.
I go, were the cops rude to you?
He goes, yeah.
I asked the cop for directions.
He screamed at me and said, do I look like a telephone book?
And he said, and I explained to him I was a cop.
And then he apologized.
I was saying, it's only OK because you're another fellow God.
And then as they took him away to jail, they admitted, they said, yeah, if he was an illegal, we're told that we don't even give them fines.
So they're just let go.
We get in trouble.
And I've seen that in the news and then last night I was, I'm not going to say county or city, I was talking to a clerk with the courts and they told me what I've already seen in the news and we're in Amnesty Sanctuary City, 800 plus cities are, Denver is as well, and they said 60 plus percent of the arrests in Austin for crime
Five years probation if you've had two beers, don't have a driver's license, you're arrested, fees, fines, I mean... Car towed if you don't have proper insurance or registration.
Car towed.
And then you never get it back.
You never get it back.
So my question is to you, are you seeing that in Denver?
And what are the legal ramifications of this level of discrimination?
Well, Denver auctioned off 7,500 vehicles just last year, 2009.
That's approximately 70 a day people are losing their cars to parking tickets or, you know, no registration or whatever it may be.
And I thought it was just exclusive to Denver because you were at the DNC, you saw what's happening here.
But I've been talking to people in my hometown of Alaska.
It's happening there.
It's happening in Maine.
It's happening in Washington, Oregon, Texas.
It's happening everywhere.
So far out of control that the only way to do it is to either submit, which is unfortunate, get a driver's license, make sure everything's in line, make sure your cracked windshield's fixed immediately, or fight back.
And so I'm just sort of choosing a middle path of sovereignty.
I'm being very careful in the battles that I choose.
But ultimately, I'll give you a good example.
There's a young man here that we're going to file a federal lawsuit.
He was coming home from a 9-11 architects and engineers conference.
Hadn't had a drop to drink, but they saw the bumper stickers, and he was very nice.
They racked him up on DUI, running a red light, failed his signal.
We went to a jury trial and won.
In the meantime, they had auctioned off his car.
And, you know, in the end, one of the remedies has been federal court.
Well, worse than that... ...for your rights is to actually stand up and say, hey, I'm taking the city and county on.
You've got to file lawsuits.
What other way are you going to be able to stand up for your rights and try to bring this to something?
Well, worse than that, I remember articles out of New Jersey and D.C.
One was actually USA Today.
In fact, Google this, or SmartPage it, or any search engine this.
Police caught stealing cars in D.C.
And in uniform, they pull up to McDonald's parking lot
In a local TV investigation, hook up to a nice car and just steal it.
The cops openly run chop shops.
So, we're getting very close to purely open, 100% criminal government, where they pull over the woman, single mother, two, three kids.
She's working two jobs, and they give her a bunch of fines.
She can't afford the insurance anymore.
She's paying for the illegal aliens in the city.
They impound her car.
She can't pay the $1,000 to get it out.
They sell it.
Now she's completely destitute.
Now CPS comes and takes her kids.
Or she's on welfare the way they want.
I mean, they are literally hunting us.
And as the economy implodes and falls apart, they're just cops every mile.
And they, literally, the illegals are gods.
I mean, I know you're a sanctuary city.
Are people noticing the discrimination where they are just completely left alone and allowed to rob and steal and do whatever they want?
There's no money to be made off them.
That's just the bottom line.
There's no other way to say it.
There's no money to be made.
The only money to be made is off a citizen who's got a job and who will actually show up and actually pay the fine.
What about citizens starting to drive cars and then going in court watching?
Well, I'm not, you know, aware of anybody that can take the system on.
I've, um, anyone who's ever gone to federal court with a client who's got black eyes, broken legs, I mean, you can have a client pretty well beat up, and to actually succeed with a 1983 action, it's going to take two years of litigation, about $30,000 or $40,000 in costs, and even then, you'll be lucky to settle that case, much less get a jury verdict.
They fight these tooth and nail.
They get the big downtown lawyers to come in.
And of course, you know, the paternal order of police are all over these cases.
It's tough.
Because this is the racket.
I mean, they've got the environmental laws, the property tax, the CPS, and the public are literally like cows they bring into slaughterhouses.
And they're not going to let cows on their field revolt.
They're going to walk up to that cow with a...
With a piece of PVC pipe, or with a stun gun, with a cattle prod, and let us know, hey!
This isn't America, you're our slave now!
Well, you got two rights left.
You got a right to an attorney, and I know that's tough, but you've also got a right to a jury trial.
And those are basically your only two left.
And so when you get in the pinch, you gotta exercise those two rights.
I will say this, the gentleman who had gotten the DUI, because he was part of the Colorado We Are Changed, of course they videotaped everything.
So we had him on videotape, no slurred speech, no bloodshot, watery eyes.
He hadn't had a drop to drink.
And so, we make a joke here in Denver, we got to play 9-11 truth videos in front of the jury, and they found him not guilty in about 30 minutes.
So, you know, all the jurors are shaking their head up and down, you know.
So, it's a tough... But I bet the cop didn't get in trouble.
I bet those cops are being promoted right now to the top.
Not even a... It was just another case.
It was just another day.
It was just another verdict.
I feel for these young prosecutors.
I don't feel like they know what they're doing.
They think they're doing their job.
They get up in court and say, we represent the people.
I'm Jim Smith for the people.
I almost laugh out loud every morning when I hear that.
These district attorneys, with all due respect, I'm a lawyer, I can't badmouth other professionals, but they no more represent the people than the man on the moon.
Well, here's the issue.
I have great police send me documents, videos, material.
So you got the good cops who are doing it by the book, and then now they're being hounded out everywhere by just... I won't even go downtown Austin anymore because it's like shaved head, roid head, crazy cops.
And I'm like, man, these guys look like they should be in the pen, but instead they're here and they look at you like you are a rabbit and they are a wolf.
I don't understand why mayors aren't standing up.
I don't understand why sheriffs aren't standing up.
This is not good for commerce.
Commerce depends upon a free flow.
It depends upon good energy.
It depends upon people's desire to spend.
The head of the U.N.
program, they've all said they want the end of the industrialized society.
The banks have printed up more money, Counselor, than there is real items.
They don't want us, they don't want commerce anymore.
Do you understand?
They're only using commerce to destroy what's left.
Well, I started waking up about five years ago and I fought it.
I fought it hard, mentally, for two or three years.
And I don't think anyone who's got five senses
I don't know anyone who's even the least bit educated that can deny that everything you've said has come to pass.
As harsh as it is, as hard to believe it is, I remember Dr. Paul Craig Roberts saying in ten years we'll be a third world nation.
I laughed out loud.
I don't laugh anymore.
Well, the Germans couldn't believe it would happen.
The Russians, folks, this is the norm.
The norm is living in a jackboot-thug society.
Give us your website again, Gary.
Gary Fielder, gigasup.net.
People can see the videos there, find out more about what you're doing.
If you ever come through Austin, we'd love to have you in studio and look at the success you've had standing up.
We had more good counselors, good attorneys like yourself, but this is a process.
I do see a lot of lawyers waking up.
I talked to a former judge who's my lawyer.
High-powered, you know, famous judge here in Austin.
And he said, it's all true, Alex.
I didn't believe you, you know, 10 years ago.
Thought you were a kook.
It's all true.
Arne Saavedra takes blood without warrant in Austin.
Gary, thank you for coming on with us.
Thank you.
I'll be at the University of Texas on March 18th.
Stay there.
Stay there, then.
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We've got Michael Springman joining us for about 40 minutes.
We're talking about the underwear bomber.
He was the chief of the visa section in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
Working for the State Department and wouldn't let the hijackers back into the U.S.
and was told let them in and later he found out they were being CIA protected.
Same thing with the underwear bomber.
This time the Justice Department admits they ordered him to be allowed on the plane and then some smart-dressed man, probably a government agent, and they're now admitting somebody did get him on the plane without ID.
They had naked body scanners there, but they always bring their guy.
The shoe bomber was the same.
They find mentally ill people, tell them it's part of a drill, and set them up.
It's like Groundhog Day.
This happens over, it happened in Miami, it happened in Toronto, with the ammonium nitrate and the black radicals, and it was mentally retarded street kids, and they didn't even have bombs, and it was an army that was going to destroy America.
Going back to our guest, Gary Fielder, finishing up, you say you're going to be speaking at UT when?
I'm going to be there March 18th at the AT&T Event Center.
It's just right down at the bottom of the
Let me guess, who's having you in?
Brave New Books?
Oh no, I'm just self-funding it.
I'm glad you're doing that because Brave New Books has had some great speakers there at that center.
But, well, that's great that you're doing that, sir.
I'm really excited about it.
I'm going to be in Creighton this Saturday.
Creighton Law School.
This Saturday, Omaha.
Whittier Law School in Costa Mesa, California on February 20th.
And I'm doing this in association with another organization.
Their website is called Legal Status R Us.
And it's just to essentially educate people through a full-day seminar about their rights as a sovereign person, and exclusive to this country, because sovereignty is in the people.
Well, Gary, let's do this.
Let me put you on hold now, and let's get you in here the day before you were at the event.
Okay, we'll get you in studio.
Put Gary on hold, get his info, please, gentlemen.
Thank you to the great crew.
We're going to come back with Springman right at the start of the next hour.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
J. Michael Springman is our guest for the next 40 minutes or so.
Then I'm getting into Sarah Palin chillingly on Fox News saying she wants to declare war on Iran and attack them.
These are quotes.
And endorsing Rick Perry.
I mean, if this is who's taking over the Tea Party, look out.
Then I'm going to get into massive Internet censorship being announced by the White House, the U.N.
and others.
We're now being censored more and more all over the world.
That's coming up.
But J. Michael Springman worked for the U.S.
government for 20 years with the Foreign Service and Consulate.
He went public with the story of his involvement at large scale, exposing a CIA operation that brought hundreds of people from the Middle East to the U.S., issuing them passports and
And then later he talked to the CIA and State Department and they said no, it was part of a secret program bringing him into the U.S.
It was a terror cover and that was then in Newsweek, everywhere else, that Atta and others were trained at U.S.
bases in the U.S.
And so joining us is Michael J. Springman, Esquire, the former chief of the visa section in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, an attorney with 20 years in the U.S.
Foreign Service, 20 plus years.
Good to have you on with us, Michael Springman.
Hi, I'm Mike Springman.
I'm glad to be here.
I appreciate the invitation to speak to your audience again.
Now, just recap.
We're going to break here in a few minutes.
Long segment coming up.
Recap exactly what happened with some of the 9-11 hijackers that you tried to block from getting into the country and what's currently happening today with the underwear bomber.
We'll discuss that.
I have problems with the folks who were part of the 9-11 attack.
I have been in Jeddah between 1987 and 1989 at the CIA's consulate, where I had people I would routinely reject for a visa to come to the United States because they could not prove they had any ties either to Saudi Arabia or their own country that were sufficiently strong to compel them to return.
I think so.
And I kept rejecting them.
And the Consul General, who worked for the Central Intelligence Agency, and the Paul Arbitrate, who was a CIA case officer assigned to the Commercial Section, and the guy who... Andy Weber, who worked in the Consular Section part-time, also worked for the agency, and they kept saying, these people need to go to the United States, we need to give them visas, and could not or would not tell me why.
I routinely rejected them, and I was told, if you want to keep your job, you will give them a visa.
It wasn't until I was out of the Foreign Service that I learned from Joe Trento and a couple of other people that what was really going on was these people were being recruited for the Afghan war against the Soviets, and they were being brought to the United States for training, or for rewards, or for debriefings, or whatever.
And they went back to Afghanistan, skilled in how to blow things up and shoot things down.
I think, after some reflection and looking at the news over the last couple of years, that these people form the cadre of organizations and groups to destabilize any government the United States particularly likes.
This is an Islamicist terror brigade, but to be specific, this is in the lead-up in the few years right before 9-11.
And I've seen the news reports, even in the Wall Street Journal, in the late 90s of these sprawling terror training camps where they're training these people, and then they end up attacking us.
Stay there, we'll be right back.
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I'm Alex Jones.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Okay, to flesh all this out,
He was the head of the visa section of the Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, U.S.
He discovered after he got out of the foreign service that they were creating kind of this Islamic brigade to attack and destabilize any country they wanted.
That's his words.
Then it was the same Jeddah, Saudi Arabia embassy that gave the passports, or the visas, excuse me, to the 15 supposed 9-11 hijackers.
Now in your own words, Mr. Springman, walk through this and why it's so important.
When I was there in Jeddah between 1987 and 1989, there was this constant flow of people who wanted visas and could not explain why they were going to the United States, and could not explain what was going to compel them to return to Jeddah or their own country when they were done.
And I routinely blocked them, and I was pressured and pressured and pressured.
I raised hell.
I filed Freedom of Information Act requests, I complained to the Bureau of Consular Affairs in Washington, I complained to the Embassy in Riyadh, and basically was ignored.
Then, when I saw that
15 of the 19 alleged attackers flying airplanes into buildings in the United States had gotten their visas from JETA, which I think was reported in the Los Angeles Times.
I started to raise hell again.
I went to the FBI and said, I know what was going on.
This is how it was happening.
This was a CIA operation of some 20 Americans.
Only three that I knew of, including myself, worked for the Department of State.
The rest worked for the CIA or the NSA, the National Security Agency.
And it just went into a black hole.
I talked to a career consular officer with a lot more time in the system than I had, and he told me that the CIA had done this before, and it looked like the Indians were back off the reservation, and he had thought that the people at State had reined them in and put them back on.
Obviously not.
The amazing thing was that
This went on and went on and went on.
I have been told by Selena Castillo, a former Drug Enforcement Agency official, that it was routine for the CIA to put its people into a stack of
The CIA simply ran the whole show.
I had made a mistake in not keeping copies of all the pieces I had denied.
I had had a folder with me and had left it there in Jeddah, and I learned later that it had been destroyed by person or persons unknown.
I could never find out who did this.
Journalists have asked me repeatedly, well, you know, who were these people?
We'd love to have seen those applications.
And I'd say, sorry, I can't do it.
And I never did know where they went once they went to the United States.
That's something I've not been able to find out either.
Well, let's get down to brass tacks here.
They use these Muslim brigades trained by our government.
Brzezinski's now written two books saying that they created these groups.
Al-Qaeda was the computer program.
I don't know.
And so all of this is going on.
They then use the Muslim extremists to menace Iraq.
Saddam gave speeches about how they work for the US.
I'm not saying Saddam was a good guy.
They're now using the same Wahhabis to attack Iran.
Bush in 2007 put out a
White House Directive admitting they were using four different groups, three of them Wahhabis, one of them Kurds, against the Iranians.
So that's on record.
They used some of these groups out of Albania against Kosovo and the Serbs.
And then they let them into the U.S.
to use them against their number one enemy, the American people.
The offshore military industrial complex wants to put naked body scanners in and have the Patriot Act and we get the internal Homeland Security and we get the internal MIAC report saying Homeland Security and NORTHCOM are really for gun owning, conservatives, libertarians, and anti-war activists, just anybody.
And so this whole, now again, I'm not saying that
I'm not asking you specifically what you think about the statement I just made.
That's clearly what this is.
I mean, these guys are a foreign brigade, kind of like the Islamicist Foreign Legion that works for the big banks, and they were let in, and whatever happened, they were involved and we were attacked.
And then I get the secret Homeland Security documents, and day one, it's all about the American people, and I have the Boston Globe, Ridge accused Bush White House of political use of terror alert system.
I mean, Mr. Springman, I know you're just technically telling the facts, but what does this look like to you?
Well, it looks like either a coup or a planned coup, and basically it's a march towards dictatorship and a national security state.
The government really needs to create a climate of fear in Washington and throughout the country.
And my friends tell me, educated, traveled friends, it's succeeding.
They want to be secure.
They want to be safe.
They don't want to fly to foreign countries because who knows what will happen there.
And it's just absolutely astonishing to me.
Oh my God.
So, again, in your own words, please flesh this out, as, you know, a well-respected 20-year State Department high-level, you basically were concurring.
You've got this foreign brigade the CIA created.
They bring them in here and they attack us, even according to their official story.
You've got
Colonel Stephen Butler, head of Monterey Defense Language, saying, I don't know what happened on 9-11, but Mohammed Adda and others were in my school a year before.
Something is going on.
And we have, I mean, it's right there in front of us.
They brought these guys in to attack us or be the decoys or the dummies or whatever happened.
We know they brought them in, we know they protected them, and we know they're using it to take our rights.
I mean, bottom line, inside job.
Yeah, it's much like, as I said, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation when I was interviewed, must be nine years ago now, that, you know, it looked to me like this was done deliberately.
All it cost was 3,000 odd lives in New York City and in Washington.
And look what they get out of it.
They get a war against all of the Arabs and Muslims in the world.
They get American bases around the world.
I mean, the American bases today stand at close to 1,000.
There are American soldiers in, I can't say every country in the world, but an awful lot of them.
And they're out there, and they're antagonizing the locals with their presence, with their actions, like in Okinawa, they're continually raping women and picking fights.
We're our own worst enemy, but they want this.
They want wars because wars are very good at creating markets for weapons and bombs and things that are used up.
It isn't something that you buy a car and you sell a car and you make this and you make that.
You can only have so many washing machines, but you can drop an infinite number of bombs because you're continually making them in factories.
And tax the American people to pay for it.
Oh, exactly.
So, where do we go from here?
Obama's continuing secret arrest, torture, expanding wars.
We have the underwear bomber, the Washington Post, the Wall Street Journal, BBC, New York Times.
In the week before the Christmas Day underwear bombing, all reported thousands of U.S.
troops and advisors in Yemen.
Launching a new war, then right on time, the underwear bomber does this, and then I interview lawyers on board the aircraft and others.
Some smart-dressed man brings him on, argues with security people, but was able to prevail.
Obviously a government agent.
The underwear bomber on the plane, the FBI lies about that, now admits that happened.
That's ABC News, but buried the article.
The Detroit News reports once they get off in Detroit, another man, the dog's alert on his bag, they grab him, say they have a bomb, get out.
The FBI lies and says that didn't happen, but then now confirms it did.
And then the Justice Department, and this is in the Detroit News here in my stack,
The Justice Department buried an article in the Detroit News, terror suspect caped visa to avoid tipping off larger investigation.
They have the, uh, Kennedy said in testimony before the House Committee on Homeland Security, Patrick F. Kennedy, Undersecretary for Management of the State Department.
They said we had to let him on the plane, and we had to give him the visa because we didn't want to tip off Al Qaeda.
I mean, how obvious does this get?
I mean, it's like Richard Reed, the shoe bomber.
I mean, he's going to blow up the plane, but he doesn't do it in the washroom.
He tries to send fire to his shoe in the cabin.
People don't question this.
They accept whatever the government tells them.
How do you get the American people to go along with an evil empire?
You stage terror attacks.
That's what Hitler did.
The bring of the Reichstag.
My God, Mr. Springman, what are we going to do?
I mean, it's never ending.
And it gets increasingly harder to throw them out.
I mean, what we need is a real second party, but we have the Democrats and Republicans united in forcing their soldiers into unwilling countries all around the world.
Well, I apologize to you, you know, Jason Burma's interview for Fabled Enemies has been out for a year and a half.
It's an excellent film, and I hadn't even sent you a copy, so before you leave us, I'll get your address and send you one.
People can find out more and see Mr. Springman present this information in Fabled Enemies.
It wasn't fun for me.
I want to come back and talk to you about where you see all this going and other tidbits of info you've got for us.
It was hard for me to read the Rand Corporation and Pentagon White Papers and see the Pentagon saying, here's Bin Laden, he's about to get you when he attacks you.
America's going to change.
And I saw this in the six months before 9-11 and I said, they're probably about to stage an attack using their CIA asset, Bin Laden, which was admitted CIA.
They're probably going to attack the World Trade Center because the feds cooked the bomb, trained the driver.
They told Ahmad Salam, the security agent from Egypt, that they were setting him up.
Then they told him we're gonna let the bombing go forward.
He intelligently knew they were setting him up, recorded him.
That was in the New York Times.
So I knew they were getting ready for this.
So it wasn't easy for me to go on air.
Before 9-11 and say they're gonna do it and then the day of it, but I mean, what am I supposed to do here?
I'm not stupid.
I know how governments operate and I have to tell the truth and I hope the American people realize you're the target of the police state that comes out of this.
I know it's fun to hate foreign brown people, but you're the target of this.
We'll be right back with Mr. Springman.
Amazing interview.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
The government is clearly getting ready to launch fake cyber attacks on the internet in the name of shutting it down as it's now known.
They're openly announcing this.
White House,
Regulations are Cass Sunstein says they want to shut down free speech.
That's coming up after Mr. Springman leaves us, but I do want to ask him that and some other questions.
But, sir, I remember seeing an LA Times article and another Washington Post article, this is actually covered in my film Road to Tyranny, where it's not just Islamists out of Saudi Arabia or Afghanistan they're using against all these different countries, including us.
But, that the Pentagon and other private corporate networks, the Israelis and others, the British, and we know the British have been caught as well, the Israelis admit they created, quote, fake Al-Qaeda groups, that's Jerusalem Post, every time there was about to be a peace deal.
3,400 and then another 1,500 or so under Clinton, but the first 3,000 under Bush, they brought Iraqi Republican Guard in.
And then they were involved, and I've interviewed the local police, it was on the local news, with McVeigh on the Oklahoma City bombing.
I mean, talking to former colleagues and others, do we have any idea how many of these terrorists they brought in?
Not really.
I've been asked that a couple of times, and the best that I could estimate during the year and a half or so I was in Jeddah was that there were maybe a couple of hundred people whose visa applications I challenged and who I rejected during the required interview.
In actual fact, as Joe Trento, the journalist, asked me, he said, well, what happens if
Somebody comes to you with a clean passport and a believable cover story.
Would you issue the visa?
And I said, yes.
And there was one instance where the CIA base chief, Eric Qualcomb Bush, who's retired now and living in Findlay, Ohio, he came to me and said, Mike, wink, wink, I've got a guy for you.
Wink, wink, nudge, nudge.
He's been to the States before.
He's one of our people.
We want to bring him over and we want to talk to him in Washington.
You know, he's going to come to you, make it look good.
Well, the guy, he was an Iranian who ran a rug shop.
And he'd been to the States, had visas, was going to check on his network of outlets in the United States and deal with shipping issues and sales and things like that.
And I issued a visa.
And I said, well, gee, why did this guy have to come to me?
And say, you know, we want you to issue this.
When the guy had a legitimate reason for going to the United States and had been there before and then had a legitimate business going on in Saudi Arabia.
And I thought, well, you know, geez, you know, what's the story with these people?
All these people I rejected, if they had come to me beforehand like they did with the Iranian guy, and said, Mike, we're doing this thing in the States, we want you to
To take care of these guys, and they'd given me some hints as to what was going on.
I was dumb enough at the time to have issued the visas without question.
There was a political officer who really worked for the CIA as the case officer in the clandestine service, Karen Sassahara.
He wanted me to issue a visa to a Somali guy, and he had no reason for going to the United States.
He was a refugee in Saudi Arabia.
He was unemployed in Saudi Arabia.
And I kept rejecting the guy, so she went to the chief of the visa section and said, you know, I want this guy, and the guy gave him the visa.
And when I asked Justice Stevens about this, who is the chief of the section, and whom I wonder about, he said, oh, well, it was national security reasons we had to give him the visa.
Well, again, we see this repeated like Groundhog Day over and over again.
The father of the underwear bomber, others specifically saying he's at training camps, he's probably going to attack, don't let him in.
And then they said, oh, we just screwed up.
And then it turned out they ordered him to be allowed to fly here.
And who can be smart dressed and get someone through security without a passport?
You can't do it.
I was in Germany and I had a diplomatic passport and my daughter came to visit.
I wanted to go past security and take her to the airplane and they wouldn't let me.
So this is, you know, the fix was in on this thing.
Why are they doing it?
I mean, you talk about empire.
I mean, break it down for people.
Well, you need to create fear.
You know, Americans, as Barry Zwicker, the Canadian journalist, and Ian Woods, the other Canadian journalist, have written, that Americans don't believe the government would lie to them.
Americans don't believe that their government would engage in terrorist activities, either at home or abroad.
And yet you look at this, and somebody like Afia Siddiqui, the Pakistani woman, the mother of three small children who had been educated in the hard sciences in the United States, she somehow is kidnapped on the way to the airport in Pakistan, hauled off to an American camp somewhere, and she had the opportunity of trying to get loose and somehow managed to shoot a couple of Americans, nobody seems to know how, and she's dragged to the United States and convicted of shooting American soldiers in Afghanistan.
And when I had sent an email to her a couple of years ago asking her to give herself up to the FBI who were looking for her... Hold on!
Stay there!
Stay there!
Let's hear about this.
Come straight ahead.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Everybody knows that the day's unloaded.
Everybody rolls with their fingers crossed.
Everybody knows the war is over.
Everybody knows the good guy's lost.
We're back live, final segment, with our guest.
We really appreciate J. Michael Springman joining us.
J. Michael Springman, Esquire, the former chief of the Visa Section in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, and an attorney with 20 years in the U.S.
Foreign Service.
Continuing here, sir, you were trying to tell the story of this particular lady.
Yes, go ahead.
She was a Pakistani, as I mentioned before the break, that she had been abducted in Pakistan and put into American camps, or a series of camps.
Ended up being tried in New York for shooting Americans in Afghanistan.
You know, they didn't convict her of being the al-Qaeda gun model that they claimed she was.
The FBI was on TV in the Washington area for hour after hour on this, ranting and raving about how she's public enemy number one, without explaining how it was that she could do all these things with three small children under the age of five.
I don't know.
I couldn't access any of my emails, I could not send and receive emails, and the government was reading the emails that were in my personal account and in the office account, violating attorney-client privilege.
All because you wanted to find out how some woman broke out of a torture facility and kills a bunch of people.
Obviously, they just whacked some folks they wanted to get rid of.
She's got all these little kids, but she now suddenly is as deadly as Osama Bin Laden.
That's right.
I mean, it was amazing.
They harassed her family.
They banged on their doors at 10 o'clock at night.
They tried to break down the doors where they were staying in the United States.
It was absolutely amazing what these people got away with.
Well, let's talk about Sybil Edmonds.
She was able to, as you know, get into court so she could break her gag order.
She went and told the Congressional Commission, the 9-11 Commission Bush appointed, all these things in secret.
She's now been able to say them publicly.
She, for those that don't know, was an FBI translator taking NSA intercepts, and she said it was child kidnapping, sex trafficking, guns, drugs, weapons, al-Qaeda, working for the CIA,
Up till the day of 9-11.
In coordination.
I mean, this is now in court.
I mean, it's incredible.
I mean, Al-Qaeda is an Islamist brigade that works for... I want you to comment on 7-Elevens and then talk about who is this network from your research.
I mean, is it one government?
Or from my research, U.S., British, Israelis together?
Break it down.
Okay, you know, as best as I can, I've met Sabel a couple of times.
The Washington-based journalist Wayne Madsen had talked about her reasons for raising hell with the FBI about what was going on in Turkey, and he said that she'd uncovered an Israeli-Turkish-U.S.
intelligence operation.
And Sabella is extremely competent, she's very capable, she's very well educated, and she was waited as a translator at the FBI.
But, you know, I can believe this.
I really think that the U.S.
and the British and the Israelis are all in this together, because I've been told by Wayne, again, the journalist, I've read Noam Chomsky's stuff, you know, something like 10% of the Israeli military force is in Turkey, and that apparently is a code word for being in northern Iraq, trying to separate the northern oil-bearing region from the south.
And whatever they can do to weaken Iraq, they're happy to do it.
And the British, they were caught a couple of times trying to destabilize Iraq.
They were in fact arrested.
Some of their soldiers were arrested from the Special Air Service, the special operations branch of the British Armed Forces, with bomb-making equipment.
And the Iraqis wanted to know what was going on.
And then the British sent a couple of tanks to break them out of jail.
Well, to be specific, they were dressed up with fake turbans and beards, running around shooting at police and others, posing as Islamic extremists.
And I had Ray McGovern, a high-level CIA, for those that don't know, advisor to Ronald Reagan and George Bush Sr., and he said day one when it happened, and months later it came out he was right.
He said from sources in Iraq, they blew up the Golden Mosque, what, in 2005, to get the
Shiites and Sunnis killing each other.
I mean this is the British great game of divide and conquer.
And then how many times at the Finsbury Mosque and these other mosques has it turned out that MI6 Muslim operators are running the terror groups?
I mean, in Iraq, for example, the Muslims and both branches of Islam, the Shiites and the Sunni, and the Christians all coexisted relatively peacefully.
And it wasn't until the American invasion, and they were working together to resist the American occupation, that suddenly there began to be fights and explosions and assassinations amongst the various groups.
And then once you start them killing each other, then it's real.
And this is a... You keep going.
It's vendetta.
And now they're going to play this game here to fully enslave the American people.
We have their internal documents.
What do we do about this?
Well, I tell you, there isn't a whole lot to do unless you get people out in the street and demand a revolution.
And that's going to be kind of hard because the government has the tanks and the atomic bombs and the people don't.
But, you know, you keep electing these idiots to Congress who lay down and happily accept whatever the government tells them to do.
And they support it.
They vote more money.
Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid keep saying, oh, we don't want wars going on all around the world, but they never stop and say, no more money for blood.
Well, by the way, when I get up here and I say that we interviewed Steak Knife, who was later killed, and all these other British Special Forces operatives who were commanding over 80% of the real IRA carrying out bombings.
They would literally kneecap their underlings if they wouldn't go shoot police and bomb buildings.
That was used to stay in Northern Ireland for three decades.
That's now been in major British papers.
And then they killed a bunch of people that spoke out.
I mean, this isn't a game we're talking about here.
We have the Israelis in the Jerusalem Post, in UPI, in AP, in 2003.
We can pull these articles up right now.
Israel created fake Al-Qaeda.
And then their excuse is, well, we created Hamas to counterbalance Hezbollah, and now we created fake Al-Qaeda groups.
Who they then have bombed things as a pretext to continue the wars and the enslavement.
I mean, this is not just us saying this.
This is a fact and that's why Cass Sunstein, the White House regulations czar, has written all these white papers that are public now saying
9-11 Truth is our number one enemy.
We've got to infiltrate them, arrest them, shut them down.
We also see Glenn Beck saying it's the number one enemy and claiming 9-11 Truth wants to kill.
This was three weeks ago.
We played the clip.
Kill Obama!
No evidence just made up.
Why, if 9-11 Truth is so silly and stupid, why in congressional hearings and everywhere else are they saying we're so dangerous?
Well, because they question the received wisdom of the government's viewpoint.
They say there's something not right here.
Sometimes they perhaps go to the extremes and then they get focused on nitpicking details.
But by and large, the thrust of the 9-11 truth people is, we don't accept your lies.
We want a real investigation.
And of course, that doesn't happen.
It's very frustrating.
Morris Berman wrote an excellent book called Dark Ages America in which he goes into great detail about how the United States is collapsing and there's no way out of it.
It really is collapsing, and people in government... How do they get CIA and MI6 and Israeli intelligence, and Edmunds said it was also Pakistani was involved, and Saudi Arabian.
Altogether, how do they get the average CIA officer to be involved killing 3,000 Americans?
Well, I know the answer, but I want to get your take on it.
Go ahead.
Well, my view is that a large part of the CIA simply has no moral compass.
They have no backbone.
They do whatever they were told to do and they don't question it.
I read Valerie Plame's book and it was just absolutely amazing how she went through all of this and accepted whatever she was told to do and, you know, flaxed for, you know, a stronger intelligence service.
And it's outrageous that, you know, we have
That's it.
It's the power trip, it's the sex, it's the money, it's the drugs, but more importantly, they've got a lot of ideologues.
You know, we can't forget in this whole thing, Christian Zionists.
And for those that don't know, that's separate from Israel.
You've got Christians like, and she at least manipulates this point, I don't think she really believes it, the beauty queen Sarah Palin, who says we've got to basically cause World War III to make Jesus come back.
And they hate Muslims so much that the argument is, you don't understand how dangerous these billion, 100 million Muslims are.
If we don't stage these events, we won't get the backbone we need to go out and beat these people.
But then meanwhile, the same government brings in record numbers of them.
If they're so bad, why are they doing that?
So I want you to comment on this.
Expanding on that, their argument of, well, I mean, that goes back to generals 2,000, 3,000 years ago would say, send in 500 cavalry to lead out the main enemy force of 5,000.
We know our cavalry, this small contingent, will be wiped out, but that's sacrificing a pawn in a chess game.
And so the rationale is, hey, we kill 3,000, but we save America.
But that's another con game, even if you were Machiavellian and bought into this, because that's not really what they're even doing.
Well, the thing with the Arabs and the Muslims is that in most of the world, their countries are very poor, and they're fixated on trying to stay alive and get enough to eat and get enough to drink.
And I don't really think that they're interested in world revolution or killing every American citizen in the United States.
The Muslims I've met are remarkably pleasant.
Solid pillars of the community, but the Americans demonized them, and by their attacks around the world, they're pushing them steadily to the radical side, saying, well, you know, these people are killing us, these good Christians who believe in Jesus and the Ten Commandments, including the one about thou shalt not kill, they're by and large trying to destroy us and our way of life.
But it's worse than that.
As you know, you're an educated man, but for those that may not, my film Terror Storm covers it.
The Muslims want to be secular.
They invented most of the math we have.
Our alphabet is Arabic.
I mean, the Arabs are so bad, folks.
This is Arabic writing right here.
I mean, this is the ancient alphabet.
And what we use, or we use in Roman numerals, the point is, is that
They, over and over again, in Egypt, in Saudi Arabia, in Iran, everywhere, use radical Muslims to overthrow secular governments because they don't want first world nations that can have an equal standing.
And this is a tool of literal imperialism, of neo-colonialism.
The United States supports repressing right-wing regimes in Egypt and in Saudi Arabia, for example.
It's the United States that creates a situation in which there are two million or more internally displaced Iraqis, another two million or more refugees, mostly in the Middle East, and then refuses to let the people who work for the American government in Iraq come to the United States.
And the two that make it here, they're giving the back of Uncle Sam's hand.
I mean, it's fear.
As long as you're afraid of something and you're terrified of something, you'll do anything to save yourself from the evil enemy.
And it's absolutely astonishing.
I had a German peace activist once tell me that he could see Gandhi standing up to the British in India doing a peaceful non-violent revolution, but he said that he was convinced that if they tried this in the Nazi period, Adolf would have them all killed.
So you're right.
Repression, you can do anything you want because you have power and you simply want to kill people.
And if you do so, you have the upper hand.
Well, for those that don't know, the Czars stayed in power for over 400 years staging terror attacks.
They did it every week and they'd arrest everybody and arrest their own police and say they did it.
I don't know.
This is on WikiLeaks.
The government admits it's real and says they want to prosecute whoever released it.
Teaches army captains how to stage terror attacks.
I mean, my God, they're training armies of terrorists.
I mean, there are army captains listening right now who were trained how to stage terror.
I mean, is that how you win?
And what are you fighting for?
America's being destroyed.
They keep arguing that America is the city on the hill, it's the last great hope of the world, it's this, it's that, and the other thing, and all I can see is that the Constitution doesn't exist, the principles on which the country was founded have been rejected by the government, and they simply want to stay in power and we'll do anything and say anything to keep things going the way they are.
But the world is waking up.
The average American is starting to wake up, but not fast enough.
But the world's a lot more awake than our average Super Bowl-watching potato head.
Yeah, unfortunately.
But it's absolutely amazing.
It's absolutely terrifying.
It's absolutely depressing.
Go ahead.
The Americans, you know, you have a peace demonstration, and you have more people in a snowball fight in DuPont Circle than you do in a demonstration about justice for Palestine, or for ending the war in Iraq, or anything else.
And, you know, you have a couple hundred people, whereas a snowball fight can have a couple thousand.
And then still a crazy cop shows up and waves a gun at him.
Did you see that?
Yeah, I saw that.
And it's the good old D.C., the state of confusion.
Canada, two years ago, everywhere, the police dress up like anarchists to beat people up on the news to demonize all protesters.
You know what, Mr. Spring, we had you for a full hour, but I was going to have a little bit shorter.
Let's do five more minutes on any other tidbits or thoughts you haven't made here on the record to several million people that are listening.
Any websites you want to fire out.
I guess all we can do is tell the truth, lay it out, and it is having some success, but not fast enough.
We'll be right back with Mike Springman.
Stay with us.
I'm Alex Jones.
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Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com.
Or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
There's several top PrisonPlanet.com articles, how Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com are getting censored all over the world by big ISPs.
Another one, think the government is corrupt?
You may face 10 years in jail.
The Subversive Activities Registration Act, that's coming up.
I'm also going to break down Sarah Palin's
Really funny Farm-level statements at the Tea Party.
Calling for open war with Iran.
I mean, this woman.
You think Bush is bad, you get Obama.
You think he's bad, you get Palin.
I mean, it just gets worse and worse.
You are the target, all you well-meaning rednecks out there, of the police state, of Homeland Security.
Don't you get it?
I hope everybody will realize this is a life and death situation.
This film, Fabled Enemies, is one of the best 9-11 films out there.
The most detailed, the facts, what you can prove.
Michael J. Springman, Cynthia McKinney, Mike Rivero, Bo Dietl, Barry Jennings, are they clearly whacked?
Joe Biden.
Terror Storm.
History of government-sponsored terror.
Get the DVDs at InfoWars.com today.
Don't wait.
You may know all about this.
Your friends, your family, your neighbors don't.
If we don't expose government-sponsored terror, they're going to keep using it.
The good news is they wrote three white papers last week.
Neocons did that to Obama, saying, go to war with Iran.
You need a crisis.
We have the famous four members or five members.
Former generals from the Pentagon meeting with Rumsfeld, the TV advisors saying, God, we need another 9-11.
We have neocons writing editorials.
They're in trouble.
In the four minutes we've got left with our guest, J. Michael Springman.
Mike, closing points, facts you haven't talked about, things you want the audience to know.
I guess the one fact that people ought to look at is that the Department of State, the agency that's charged with formulating and conducting American foreign policy, is controlled by the intelligence services.
Depending on who you talk to, and I've talked to a former CIA station chief and a fellow whose last assignment was the Inspector General's office, somewhere between one-third to one-half or more
Of the people who say they are State Department officials really work for the CIA or NSA or something else.
And I would suggest maybe besides your own websites, people look at Op-Ed News, Jason Leopold's Public Record, Michelle Chossudovsky's globalresearch.ca up in Canada, and Barry Zwicker and
We get Wayne on several times a month.
He's scheduled to be on later in the week.
You know, the facts are out there, and I think overall there is an awakening taking place.
People now have it in their vernacular.
False flag, inside job, self-inflicted wound, Reichstag event.
I mean, are you overall somewhat positive that at least people are waking up, or do you disagree?
Yes and no.
I mean, some people are starting to wake up, the people who are a bit more progressive and who have a sense of history, but by and large, the great mass of the American people are happy with things as they are.
Because it's a fun fairy tale to hear that the Islamic boogeyman is going to get you if you don't go to the naked body scanner.
The only problem is the radical Muslim works for CIA.
Yeah, I mean the people have done studies about Iraq and terrorism and things like this and when they say, remember Pearl Harbor, Americans who were interviewed would say, oh yeah, we don't care what we do to those Iraqis or whoever the brand of terrorist of the day is.
We're happy when bad things happen to them.
When you talk about historical events, such as what happened in Poland or maybe in Nazi Germany, then people start to think, well maybe it isn't a good thing to declare, as the President did, that we have the right to kill any American citizen if we consider him to be a terrorist.
Well, we really appreciate you spending time with us.
Headed up the Visa section in Jeddah.
Helped expose a lot of key things with 9-11.
Mr. Springman, thank you for spending time with us.
Have a great week.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Okay, we are now into the fourth and final hour on this Monday, the eighth day of February 2010.
This is going to be a jam-packed final hour with key information.
Here's what I want to do.
I want to get into environmental brainwashing ads, then Sarah Palin hijacking the Tea Party movement,
Then I want to get more into the cyber security bill that passed and the internet censorship that's happening.
And the last 30 minutes have time to open the phones up.
They're not open yet.
So we are live, ladies and gentlemen.
Thank you for joining us.
We've also been simulcasting the second, third, and now the fourth hour live for PrisonPlanet.tv viewers.
Not just radio listeners, but PrisonPlanet.tv viewers as well.
Look, to even try to cover this, it almost does a disservice just to briefly cover it.
I understand psychological warfare.
I understand programming.
Because I'm a victim of it.
We all are.
But in the public schools all over the world, they teach the kids to be climate cops.
And they give them little red shirts and little uniforms, and they have them go home and write tickets to mommy and daddy, and mommy and daddy say, how cute.
Yes, I'm not supposed to brush my teeth with the sink running, or take a hot bath, or people need to be arrested if they get caught accidentally throwing a battery away in the trash.
Meanwhile, all the real environmental crises, toxic waste dumping, genetic engineering, open air,
Planting of pharmacological crops, that's not a problem.
And people see this ad and they think it's a joke.
This is what is currently planned.
In fact, I have a clip in Fall of the Republic where it shows them in the same uniforms.
They even got climate cop uniforms from New York State.
It's almost the exact same uniform.
Swarming people.
Images of cops swarming people everywhere.
Remember during the Grammys?
They showed one of the big pop singers with men in black uniforms and black helmets marching, and everybody was cheering them.
They're making it glamorous.
Eight years running, the number one style is camouflage.
You know, it's this mindset.
Now, when you see this in every case, they do mean to arrest you for this.
And then they know people are mad at cops, so they even go after a cop at the end.
Here is the Audi brainwashing.
And if they're able to do this, you won't be able to have a car, the business, the factory, whatever.
This is so they can tax you and shut you down.
And then they have all these videos where you need to be arrested if you have plastic bags, and that's not enough.
You better take your own cloth bags.
This is about setting the precedent.
They tell you what to do, how to do, anything that you... anything you engage in in your life.
It's just total control.
A new religion of control.
Here it is.
Okay, so it's 3708, paper or plastic?
That's the magic word.
Green police.
You picked the wrong day to mess with the ecosystem, plastic boy.
Hit pause, back that up.
See, in England and now in the U.S.
I mean, just Google.
Bin police.
Police checking people's bins.
Neighbors trained to do it.
And you get arrested now in England if you put something in the wrong bin.
Not even a battery.
You throw a banana peel in the wrong thing, you go to jail or get a ticket.
And so they're showing you this image.
Everything in this is really starting.
Really going on.
The images of hundreds of officers running in your home.
No warrants.
A light shining through your window.
Regular guys that ask for plastic being slammed on the counter.
All normal activity is now to be illegal.
You are the slave.
It isn't enough to take your house and your kids.
You're going to a work camp.
And all the scum, all the lazy filth, all the control freaks, are now going to be your new Green Police of the Animal I.D.
Primus Society.
They're going to turn loose all the yuppie scum, all the filth.
They're all arming themselves against you right now.
We'll come back with the rest of it.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As they're finishing off this agenda, they'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us
Tim Geithner?
They're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care and right now in Washington D.C.
we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv
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So, everything you see in this Audi commercial is really happening in reality.
And on the YouTube channel of Audi, they say the Green Police hit the streets on the 7th.
It's a huge ad campaign.
It started yesterday with the Super Bowl in actual Green Police uniforms.
All over the world, it's white with green.
It's all coordinated.
They have green police TV shows where they actually go after people in Australia, in England.
It's now happening here.
Again, Fall of the Republic covers it, where they're training the kids to tattle on their parents for things that aren't even crimes.
They're creating the perception that this is illegal and you're going to jail.
Let's continue.
And this is all about wealth envy.
Notice most of the homes are upper middle class or extremely wealthy big mansions.
So this is also targeting people sitting there with their Taco Bell in their tiny apartment with roaches everywhere.
CPS was just there that day trying to take their kids.
They're hating people with wealth and so now it shows the rich arrogant yuppies, they're all going to jail.
Again, this is the idea.
Just being swarmed by officers everywhere, and this is what they're really setting up.
Arrested for possession of an incandescent light bulb.
What do you guys think about plastic bottles now?
The water setting is at 105.
You got a TDI here?
Clean diesel.
You're good to go, sir.
See, they're saying, we're suppressing you, we're oppressing you.
Back that up ten seconds.
But if you're driving an Audi, you're going to be okay.
Submit, do what we say, and you're going to be safe.
There's a huge checkpoint.
The police are randomly searching everyone on a highway.
This is going on with Army and Marine Corps troops right now all over the country.
Mainstream news.
But it's for DWIs.
Oh, the Marines are here to stop drinking.
You're not for drinking.
Oh, the police are taking blood without warrants.
It's okay.
But you've got an Audi.
You're gonna be okay.
You got a TDI here?
Clean diesel.
You're good to go, sir.
See, he gets to go by the whole checkpoint.
He's a good slave.
Now, they know most of the audience is mad at police.
Don't worry, this was all psychological warfare, pure.
Pure, highest level brainwashing.
Every second of this.
And would it cost them $3 million to air it?
I'm told they aired it multiple times during the Super Bowl.
And it's airing everywhere now, and there's a bunch of other ads.
And it's cops sitting there going, you will not use plastic bags or I will arrest you!
This is the globalist system of control.
But they don't care about real environmental crises.
No, no, no, no, no, no.
The Green Police won't be out at Monsanto planting fields where they have pharmacological crops growing that are spreading.
That doesn't matter.
No, no, no.
They're going to be coming after you.
They're not going to be out at the Hadron Superconducting Super Collider that they admit could blow the planet in two.
Now here's at the end to make you feel good about the police state.
This is high-tech propaganda where they double back.
Here it is.
Good afternoon, officers.
Are those foam cups you're drinking from?
Can you please step out of the car and put them on the hood?
And the message is, the green police are over the regular cops.
Back that up and pause it.
And it's also an old cop.
The green police, you notice, are all young.
They're the new young people.
This is their country now.
They've got guns.
They run things.
And all these environmental police, they've got their own SWAT teams.
They're arming them.
They come over to the old cop in the old blue uniform.
And they say, is that a styrofoam cup?
Get out of the car!
Get out of the car!
Back it up and play it again.
Back it up some more.
Go ahead and play it.
Good afternoon, officers.
Are those foam cups you're drinking from?
Can we please step out of the car and put them on the hood?
Step out of the car, put it on the hood, boy.
Now, that is all high-tech programming for the sheep out there, ladies and gentlemen.
And they don't care if the Congress won't pass their green tyranny takeover.
They don't care.
They're just doing it at the state level.
And they've got all these little sub-pieces from the larger commercial that are longer, where they're busting in people's houses, where they're arresting people, where they're doing this.
This is real.
You're being acclimated.
You're being conditioned.
You're being prepared.
And I can't keep track of it all anymore.
I mean, I got up this morning and saw a raw story.
And then I went and actually read the Subversive Activities Registration Act.
We're good to go.
As a supposed subversive group, as the MYAC and Homeland Security reports do, gun owners, returning veterans, libertarians, get us out of the UN-ers, in the FED-ers, you will go register yourself for a five dollar fee.
See, they can't... See, the headlines are terrorists must register, but they would arrest a terrorist.
Then when you actually read it, it's anybody that criticizes the government and they get you on a tax issue.
It's like they passed the first gun laws under taxes.
They say,
We're going to...
Give you 10 years in prison, $25,000 fine, if you don't come register yourself as a subversive.
And it doesn't even matter if you don't think you're a subversive, we're going to put you in jail for 10 years.
Let me go over this article here.
Think government is corrupt?
You may face 10 years in jail.
See, just like Cass Sunstein at the White House said, arrest people who criticize the government.
Folks, they are really trying.
This is in Virginia.
And they've tried to pass similar laws in Rhode Island and in Washington State.
But this passed.
Subversives who think government is corrupt and should be controlled by the people face 10 years in prison, $25,000 fine if they fail to register with the South Carolina.
This is South Carolina, but it's also going in Virginia.
And another chilling example of how free speech and dissent is being criminalized in America.
The State Subversive Activities Registration Act is now official on the books and mandates that every member of the subversive organization or organization subject to foreign control.
Every foreign agent and every person who advocates, teaches, advises, or practices the duty, necessity, or propriety of controlling... Did you hear that?
Conducting, seizing, or overthrowing the government of the United States.
You say Declaration of Independence, we the people, and this particular one's in South Carolina, you say we the people should control this, you're a terrorist.
Guys, go to the article, and I want to click on the Subversive Activities Registration Act, I want them to actually see the document.
It's not the Virginia one, that hasn't passed yet, this is the South Carolina one.
Shall register with the Secretary of State.
Hitler said all Jews, all gypsies, all Seventh-day Adventists, all Jehovah's Witnesses, well those were unpopular minority groups, but then it was everybody.
You must register.
And then under a $5 tax, then they charge you for tax avoidance as if you even know what's going on.
There's the South Carolina
Blow that up for people.
Print that for me too.
And then also, click on the form you've got to fill out.
The State Subversive Activities Registration Act.
I read every member of a subversive organization, organization, or organization, notice, subject to foreign control, every foreign asset, agent, so they mix in foreign agents, and every person, see separately, because they say in the news, wants to stop foreign terrorists, no, every person who advocates, teaches, advises, or practices the duty, necessity, or propriety, saying it's good to do, of controlling, comma, new thought, conducting, comma,
Seizing or overthrowing the government of the United States shall register with the Secretary of State.
So you believe that we should control our government as the American people and it's our government that shouldn't be run by foreign banks?
You're a terrorist.
Remember all you good old boys who love hating foreigners because they're brown-skinned.
And all the other cowardly people out there.
9-11 is not for them.
It's all designed for you to come after you.
Of course, the right to overthrow a government that has become corrupt, abusive, and completely unrepresentative of its electorate is enshrined in the Declaration of Independence.
That's how America came to be a republic in the first place.
Advocating or teaching that the people should not control the government via their elected representatives is a basic function of democracy itself, or of our republic.
But this law effectively makes it a terrorist offense.
Remember Senator Menendez's bill in Oregon?
That said, if you protest 25 years in a forced labor camp...
Now I'm going to read the terrorism right now.
This is now terrorism in South Carolina and other states set to pass this.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain and amiable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.
That whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it, and to institute new government.
Laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form as to them shall seem most likely to affect their safety and happiness, states the Declaration of Independence.
Under the sweeping terms of the law, members of the tax protest organizations, the Tea Parting Movement and the State's Rights Movement based in South Carolina are all domestic terrorists if they fail to register their dissent with the authorities.
I mean, this just gets worse and worse.
We're going to finish up with this, get into Palin, get into cybersecurity.
I may not have time to get the calls, but we don't have too many guests tomorrow.
But I mean, Cass Sunstein at the White House says they're going to ban free speech.
They're shutting info wars down all over the world to different ISPs.
This is happening.
We have an illegitimate criminal government, and they know it.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda,
That we're pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
Tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
For the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation, the criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty and on its ashes constructing world government.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com.
Or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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Ladies and gentlemen, I want everybody to sit back and understand what's happening.
They want to give you life in prison, 25 years, commuted if you agree to forced labor, in Oregon, if you protest in any way.
Just says if you protest.
They wanted to ban criticizing the government four years ago in Rhode Island.
That was in the Providence Journal.
It was on the local TV station.
And it almost passed until the public had a rally against it.
Now South Carolina and other states, South Carolina has passed it, other states are on the verge of passing it, that if you wish to control the government by acts of political protest, anything, and that if you even believe it's proper that the people should control the government, that's how this reads, you are a terrorist and then no one ever tells you, and they come and say you've been designated an extremist,
You're gonna get 10 years in prison, $25,000 fine.
This is PrisonPlanet.com headline right now.
This needs to get out to everybody.
I mean, this is an outrageous government.
Under the sweeping terms of the law, members of tax protest organizations, the Tea Party movement, and the state's rights movement based in South Carolina are all domestic terrorists if they fail to register their dissent with the authorities, the authorities, the bosses.
You come register yourself, like registering a firearm, or it's over.
This is because you do have a lawless criminal government.
The people are standing up going, we're going to take our government back.
We're going to have the states declare sovereignty, 10th Amendment, Declaration of Independence.
No, you're not!
Listen, we got weapons.
We've built camps.
We're gonna take everything you got.
We're gonna turn the eco-police loose on you.
You're a slave, got it?
It is important to stress that the notion that law somehow only applies to Islamic terrorists is completely at odds with the fact that federal and state authorities now consider the main terror threat to be from informed American citizens exercising their constitutional rights in opposition to big government agenda they are being subjected to.
And we have a link to the MIAC report and other state reports.
As we saw with the MIAC report and a plethora of other similar training manuals which are leaked over the last decade,
Police are being trained that libertarians, gun owners, Ron Paul supporters, and anyone who is mildly political is a domestic extremist and a potential terrorist.
These people are the real target of the subversive list in South Carolina.
The infamous Phoenix Federal Bureau of Investigation manual, and we have that there, produced in association with the Joint Terrorism Task Force, listed, quote, defenders of the U.S.
Constitution and lone individuals, quote, as terrorists.
Will anyone in South Carolina who defends the Constitution
The very bedrock of what America stands for have to register with authorities unless they want to be locked up for a decade.
Of course, since nobody is going to register as a subversive, the South Carolina authorities, their failure to comply with the regulation, will later be used against them as a means of eliciting criminal charges and represents a clear end run around the First Amendment.
The government isn't going to just come out with all guns blazing and ban free speech.
They're simply going to make anyone who refuses to register for permission a criminal for failing to adhere to the
Separate mandate.
Just like people in places such as New York and Chicago were told that they had to get a license to purchase a gun, at first the process was a mere inconvenience, but now the licensing process means they will have to jump through 200 flaming hooves, and the Second Amendment has effectively been outlawed in these cities.
They won't hesitate to pull the same tricks with the First Amendment, and it's already happening.
Free speech zones, all of it.
With calls to license Internet users and force them to get government permission to run a website.
And folks, I have this stack, this stack, this stack, this stack, this stack.
I haven't even gotten to five, six stacks here of all mind-blowing insanity.
All of it!
I mean, look at it!
I'm drowning in it!
I mean, I'm drowning in it.
It's total tyranny.
It happens.
It's the majority of the time you fall into tyranny and all you schmoes out there that think it's cute and funny.
You know, you voted for Obama.
You're part of the winning team.
You voted for Bush.
You're part of the winning team.
You like Palin.
You're part of the winning team.
You have no idea the type of trouble you're in.
It's time to get a crash course in reality.
It's time to grow up.
It's time to stop.
Being stupid and realize we're all in this together and we're all in deep trouble together.
I got stacks of news where they know that these new GMO corns are hurting people.
They got corn that sterilizes you by design, corn that's got genetic material from HIV in it.
They've got
It's obvious what's going on here.
You just heard the former head of the major embassy telling you the government brings in terrorists and is staging the terror attacks.
I mean, we're not in Kansas anymore.
All of you idiots that work for the government, that's taking over like a cancer, you are a cancer.
Don't you get it?
Don't you understand it?
Republicans are gonna make it bigger, Obama's gonna make it bigger, because they work for banks that want us in debt.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda,
They'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
Fall of the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation, the criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty and on its ashes constructing world government.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com.
Or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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Man thinks, cause he rules it up, he can do it as he please.
So they're airing these TV ads all over the United States saying the green police are going to arrest you if you use bags, period, if you use styrofoam cups, if you don't put the right compost in the right trash can with bossy cops in everybody's faces.
But everything they put in these ads is currently going on.
And everything is a PSYOP.
These are ads for Audi.
This is their takeover plan.
This is the way they're going to get in your life and make you all criminals.
And decide what you can do and what you can spend and what kind of business you can have.
Meanwhile, China, India, Mexico and a hundred plus other, it's like a hundred and sixty plus other countries have to make zero cuts.
You think you've lost your job so far?
Get ready!
And it's not going to stop until you wake up.
Let's play some of these Green Police ads that are running.
Here's the full ad where they're harassing the cops.
Here it is.
Good afternoon, officers.
It's obvious you have an emissions problem here.
Hey, are those Styrofoam cups you're drinking from?
Tell me, please step out of the car and put them on the hood.
Is this some kind of joke or something?
What are you talking about?
Get some backup at 6th and lead them.
I got a compost infraction.
Today's your lucky day, gentlemen.
Green has never felt so right.
You won't go to jail with the Green Police if you buy an Audi.
Everybody should call Audi dealers today.
If you own an Audi, tell them, I'm never owning one of your cars, and I'm going to tell people not to own your cars if you keep this brainwashing up.
Now, and there's literally got to be 20 of these.
I didn't count them.
It's just page after page.
They say the Green Police hit the street February 7th, Super Bowl.
And it's now all over TV everywhere.
The brainwashing.
But notice with the god-like cops, they back off.
And notice the cops say, is this a joke?
And the guy says, I need backup.
See, he's above the cops.
And notice, they're driving a Ford.
He's driving an Audi.
They're scum.
Let's go back to another clip of the Green Police.
Just randomly pick one.
Play another one of their ads.
What are you, trying to be funny?
You bring your own reusable bag.
You're not doing so hot.
Which bin does a banana peel go in?
Black, blue, or green?
This is how they train the cops to treat us.
You're here to pay us money!
You're here to be our slaves.
You're here to lick our boots.
That's what America's about.
And we're the Green Police, and we got your kids, and we're brainwashing them in school right now to come home and boss you around.
You understand?
This is the new Soviet America, scum.
We're the Green Police.
You got it?
There's another clip where he says you shouldn't even have bags, period.
Play another one.
On a lighter note, Andy the Anteater took part today in a Green Police Highway roadblock.
Apparently this little fella uses his big sense of smell to sniff out environmental contraband.
He was instrumental in sniffing out 300 pounds of styrofoam in one party supply truck.
That's all for now.
Back to you.
Green has never felt so right.
The green police, the checkpoints, and normally they just have troops and checkpoints for real at the Super Bowl.
See, everything is a conditioning program.
And it goes on and on and on with cops screaming at families and screaming at children.
And all these control freaks, they couldn't get a job at McDonald's.
They couldn't get a job sweeping up the park.
They couldn't, no.
They're going to run your life.
And they're going to suck your money out and billy club you upside the head.
And nobody's going to care because this is America.
And we're going to go bomb some innocent countries too.
And you're going to like that.
If you go to their YouTube channel, the Green Police YouTube channel for Audie, it's just unlimited.
Those are just a few of the ones I sent you this morning.
But just put the original Green Police ad back up for a minute.
You know, the fool when they ran on the Super Bowl that shows swarms of police going in everyone's houses, checkpoints everywhere, everyone going to jail, people being slammed on counters.
You know, the message is, it's normal for cops just to slam a nice guy on the counter who's buying something at the store.
This is what you deserve.
This is what you get, scum.
And this is really going on.
This is really starting to happen.
I have video of the Green Police really doing this.
In fall of the republic.
Now the good news is, we have exposed these frauds.
We have exposed, look oh it's bad to take a hot bath, look they're arresting this guy.
Look at the checkpoint.
You're good to go, you're a scumbag.
You drive a scumbag Audi.
You know, my parents like Audis, and I've heard they have a lot of engine problems, just from people.
And thank God I told my parents, don't buy an Audi.
Thank God.
I mean, what a degenerate, filthy company.
Look, we're not your property, we're not part of your green cult, we're not your slaves.
Do you got it?
We don't need your stinking EU, New World Order run car.
Makes me sick!
And now for Sarah Palin.
We'll be doing more on her in the next few days.
Sarah Palin.
Was chosen by Henry Kissinger to be the running mate of John McCain.
John McCain is a pro-government bailout, pro-New World Order, anti-gun candidate.
That's all you need to know about Sarah Palin.
And bottom line, they are using her to take over the Tea Party movement.
I mean, some people a few months ago were in denial about this with Glenn Beck and Fox Nation and Roger Ailes and Sarah Palin.
Now they've totally bait-and-switched it and they call it Tea Party Nation.
And they have these events and they say, attacking Iran, declaring war, body scanners, we don't need any constitution, we need a president, not a constitutional lawyer, as if Obama isn't continuing torture, secret arrest, wars, police state, banker bailout, there's no difference.
They give him left cover.
They all work for the same people.
And then Sarah Palin endorses
Republican governor of Texas against Deborah Medina, who's rising in the polls, who is a true Tea Partier from three years ago, who isn't in the fetter, who is a Ron Paul, dyed-in-the-wool constitutionalist.
She comes down to Texas and endorses him.
Rick Perry, who is for the toll roads, the banker bailout, everything.
Bilderberg group attendee, Kay Bailey Hutchinson is a steering committee member.
I mean, these are globalists.
Who still give speeches saying they were against it when they voted for it.
She voted for it.
She voted for the banker bailout.
The banker takeover.
Is it business as usual when Perry has been in office for nine years?
Rick Perry has been in office right at nine years in Texas.
He's a consummate insider.
And back in January of 2009, Rick Perry, you can go to YouTube and watch it, just type in Rick Perry booed at Tea Party.
Senator Cornyn booed at Tea Party.
They were booed by the Tea Parties when they first tried to come in and take over.
Booed, the whole crowd booing them at the Capitol.
Same thing nationwide.
The people knew, no, we don't want Obama and we don't want you either.
But Beck had these big spectacles like flypaper, roach motels, roaches go in, they don't go out, Palin, the little cutie cake, Miss Alaska, just total airhead puppet, and they advertise them, put them all over national TV and co-opt them.
And then now you don't want war?
You don't want torture?
You don't want an investigation?
You want an investigation of 9-11?
Get out of the Tea Party!
We're for the Patriot Act, and naked body scanners, and torture, and checkpoints, and more wars!
And the banker bailout!
That's what we're for!
And if you don't support Rick Perry, you're bad.
Now, I want to play her endorsing Rick Perry over Deborah Medina.
If she would have endorsed Deborah Medina, I'd have said she's real.
This is a big indicator of that.
But no, she endorsed Rick Perry.
Ladies and gentlemen, here it is.
I know that three years is an eternity in politics.
Guys, hit pause.
That's the Fox clip.
We're going to play Rick Perry.
Okay, just to be clear, I'm going to start over.
She is endorsing Rick Perry.
Here she is endorsing Rick Perry yesterday in Houston.
Texas and Alaska are a lot alike.
We have some really sweet connections.
We are both full of independent, pioneering, spirited people and big, wide-open spaces.
We're loving our outdoors, loving that hunting and that fishing and great energy producers.
Lots of connections there.
Many of us in both of our states, we will proudly cling to our guns and religion.
But in both of our states, we certainly love the patriots who serve us in uniform and served us in the past.
And I would like to ask those of you who have served this great country in uniform in the past or serving today, raise your hand.
We're going to salute you.
We honor you.
We love you, United States military.
Love you guys.
Right on.
We thank you.
In our states, you know, we also pretty much want the same things.
That's a good job in our own hometown, and safety and security for our loved ones.
And we just want a smaller, smarter government that'll kind of get out of our way and let the private sector grow and thrive and prosper.
Remember George Bush saying this in 2000?
It's pretty simple.
You've heard this before.
And no one understands that better than my good friend Rick Perry, and Texas is lucky to have him.
Now Governor Perry and I, we have known each other for some years now.
Alright, then she goes on to say, send a message to Washington elect Rick Perry.
A message that we've all been conned, we're a bunch of idiots down here, and we like George Bush style lies about don't get involved in other countries, cut the size of government and triple the size of it.
You're being robbed.
And they send in this floozy, this tart, to sit there and sell you on this.
Now, here's the really bone-chilling part of what she had to say.
Here's the quote on Fox News.
This is a quote.
Say he decided, talking about Obama, say he decided to declare war on Iran.
Or decided, really, to come out and do whatever he could to support Israel.
Which I would like him to do.
So that would support it.
Let's declare war on Iran.
I mean, Israel is one of the biggest controllers of the White House.
Rahm Emanuel is an Ergon Israeli military man.
I mean, it's a complete joke.
But they give him left cover saying he doesn't support Israel.
Say he decided to declare war on Iran, or decided really to come out and do whatever he could to support Israel, which I would like him to do.
Palin told Fox News' Chris Wallace Sunday.
She went on.
That changes the dynamics in what we can assume is going to happen between now and three years.
And this is what the neocons have all been saying.
They said in three editorials last week, remember, attack Iran, save your presidency, attack Iran.
I mean, it's all about having a crisis, being a war god, being a war president.
It's all a giant fraud.
When our government overthrew Iran in 1953, was using Muslim extremists, overthrew them over and over again, set up torture camps over there.
Iran has put out olive branch after olive branch, and the media never even reports on it.
They want a new war.
Let's go to her on Fox News, wanting to start World War III.
I know that three years is an eternity in politics, but how hard do you think President Obama will be to defeat in 2012?
It depends on a few things.
Say he played, and I got this from Buchanan reading one of his columns the other day, say he played the war card.
Say he decided to declare war on Iran or decided to really come out and do whatever he could to support Israel, which I would like him to do.
That changes the dynamics in what we can assume is going to happen between now and three years.
Because I think if the election were today, I do not think Obama would be re-elected.
But three years from now, things could change if on the national security front... You're not suggesting that he would cynically play the war card.
I'm not suggesting that.
I'm saying if he did, things would dramatically change if he decided to toughen up and do all that he can to secure our nation.
Duplicitous she is.
She says, if he declared war, which I think he should do, and supported Israel, which I think he should do, and if he played the war card,
And then he goes, well, you're not saying that.
She goes, no, I'm saying he should toughen up.
She's saying that.
They're writing editorials.
She gets the most hardcore neocon talking points.
They roll the tart out.
They roll the milf out for everyone in the world to sit there salivating at this disgusting grandma.
And everyone is supposed to just fall down and start worshipping her.
You've got someone telling you they want World War III.
And I guess it's what you want.
You want the Super Bowl instead of your property.
You want Sarah Palin and Dancing with the Stars instead of your Bill of Rights and your Constitution and to run your own life.
You Republican idiots.
You're laughing at Obama's bad fortunes?
I told you he was going to plunge.
I came out day one against him.
I came out against Clinton.
I came out against Bush.
They're all puppets.
Can't you get this elementary thing through your stinking brains and save America?
Bush and Obama are identical on every major issue.
Don't you understand that?
Cass Sunstein running the White House is a top neocon who wants to ban free speech in America.
Can't you get it through your head?
Obama has continued the torture, the Patriot Act, all of it, that is designed for you, the people, of this country.
We have the Internal Homeland Security reports, we have the MIAC report, the whole thing, NORTHCOM, the Army, it's all set up for we, the people.
It is all set up for the American people.
It is for us.
And I know most of my great audience knows that.
But you better get the word out to these bed-wetting Republicans.
These chicken-neck, cowardly pieces of trash that go to these hotel banquets and sit around talking about Nuke and Brown people and feeling tough and giggle and smirk about big government.
Real libertarian conservative constitutionalist would want Debra Medina for the Texas governor to send a message all across the states that we're putting real constitutionalists in who will defend our borders and who will abolish the anti-gun laws and who will get rid of the property tax.
But no!
We gotta have Rick Perry, who every new job he's added in Texas has been in government, who gave us the new business tax, which is really a state income tax, and who gave us all these new taxes.
That's who she says is good!
And the RNC and Steele and the rest of them, set up against Obama, they look pretty good from a Republican view.
Just like Obama looks good from a Democratic view.
That's how they keep Republicans and Democrats on the reservation as moron, idiot slaves.
You like being chumped?
You like being conned?
You like being gamed?
Well, you are gonna be gamed.
They're not even started raping you yet!
You're gonna love it!
Hi, neighbor.
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Who am I?
Someone who cares.
Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda...
They'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
Fall of the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation, the criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty and on its ashes constructing world government.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today, it seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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Okay, ladies and gentlemen, I could go on.
We will tomorrow more.
I meant to get into the cybersecurity bill.
They passed in the House last week.
We've got to beat it in the Senate.
Openly for censorship.
Youth brigades to be on the Internet.
I mean, you can't make this up.
Infowars.com, PrisonPlanet.com being shut down by ISPs all over the world.
The White House calling for more censorship.
But the elite's job is to have a phony like Obama maneuver the controlled left, and to have a phony like Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin maneuver the phony right wing.
The establishment morons.
I think the word is waterhead, but the point is, I'm sorry, I mean, that's what they are.
They love being idiots.
When are you going to wake up and stop being fools?
Now, notice he tells you how great you are.
Oh, Texas, you're so good.
Word is from Glenn Beck, you're just walking on water.
Yeah, we just spent eight years fighting Perry tooth and nail with every major road being a toll road, with the Spanish company hijacking it and totally illegal.
They won't even show the legislature the agreement.
The legislature's told, shut up!
And she's like, you're gonna win.
You're gonna elect Rick Perry to send a message to Washington.
We're conning this scum.
Let us manipulate Americans.
We're gonna beat them.
And you're going to be that much worse three years from now.
Obama's a puppet.
Sarah Palin's a puppet.
They're all pieces of trash.
Stop it.
Stop being idiots.
Here's Sarah Palin.
It's so sickening how she compliments you as she slits your throat and the blood just gushes out.
Here it is.
You know what, too?
Across the country, across the country, the word is out about Texas.
I don't know if any of you caught recently, just a couple of days ago, the Glenn Beck Show.
The word is out!
That's why I'm down here to game you!
The word's out!
You might be waking up!
I'm down here to screw you!
Let's go back to her!
Holy moly!
Holy moly!
God, that action!
This segment was on the different states and how everybody's doing and according to Glenn Beck and all these researchers, jeez, you guys are just walking on water.
The way things are going in Texas!
You gotta catch his episode on that because he recognized, so many people are recognizing that Texas is open for business and companies and people, they're moving here.
They keep moving here because they know that Governor Perry gets it.
Head pause.
Not for long!
Not for long with all the three new taxes he got passed!
He can put the video back up, though.
I want to show Perry there on the side.
I mean, this is a sick joke!
This is a guy that ran the hoax, saying it's the law, you gotta take Gardasil shots, when they knew it was killing people that took it!
They knew in the studies it was killing a big percentage of people that took it, giving them autoimmune diseases, so he comes out and lies and says it's the law, you've got to take it.
I mean, a con artist.
A con artist with a fake Texas accent.
I'm just so sick of all these people.
Is there no end to the fraud?
And then in five years,
People will finally wake up to the Republicans when they've been in office for two years.
And then they'll give us a Democrat and, Oh Alex, this Democrat's different.
Believe me, this one's different.
I promise.
Give Obama a chance.
Oh, give Palin a chance.
She's a good.
Give Perry a chance.
And end.
The next couple years I'll have to hear about giving her a chance, and all of them a chance, and then a few years after that I'll hear about giving Democrats a chance, on and on and on.
And every time there's real candidates about to take the states back, they'll send in their little media whore, Sarah Palin, to sit up there and scam everybody.
If she would have endorsed Debra Medina, she would win the governorship.
It would cause a revolution.
But she's not real, so she won't.
She's here to hold down the fort for the establishment.
Texas has 25 million people.
It's over a $100 billion deal in the next decade just on the raping us with the new taxes.
The greenhouse taxes, all of it.
Oh, it makes me sick.
Retransmission starts now.
Get into the whole censorship of InfoWars.
Free podcast.
Great job.
Hello, this is Alex Jones with some important questions.
If you're going into a battle and they give you a rifle and a sidearm, how much ammunition do you want?
My answer would be all I can get.
In the battle for freedom and the lives of your loved ones, food is your only ammunition.
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