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Name: 20100204_Thu_Alex
Air Date: Feb. 4, 2010
1724 lines.
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Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen.
For the last 30 minutes, Red Beckman has been on with us.
He'll be with us halfway into the next hour.
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I'm not risking my life, I'm not fighting 14, 15, some days 18 hours a day, some days 24 hours a day, against the globalists because I think I'm going to lose.
These people are dangerous killers, they run the planet, they do whatever they want, but history shows tyrants always reach too far.
I wouldn't be fighting them and risking my life if I didn't know they
Could be beaten.
I know they can be beaten.
I know they will be beaten.
And if you listen to my show ten years ago, it was a lot more negative than it is now.
I said if we don't wake people up, if we don't educate people about the true architecture of world government, if we don't educate them as the controlled banking collapse comes, we have the IMF and World Bank documents, we know what they've done in every other country,
We know what they've done in England in 1815 with the Rothschilds.
If we don't do this, and if we don't educate the military and police that they're expendable and being used and brainwashed, then these people are going to win.
But I started waging war 16 years ago against the tyranny, 14 years ago on air, Red Beckman back in the early 1950s, and it takes time.
And that's the number one message.
Now going back to Red Beckman and then your phone calls and a lot of other issues,
Red, I was asking you the question of the enemy's counter-operations.
I mean, I am shocked by how out in the open they are now.
I guess that's hubris or false arrogance or a face they're putting on because their internal documents from Cass Sunstein, the Congress, the UN, stuff they don't widely publicize but that is publicly available.
They say they're in deep danger.
They are freaking out.
Saying we've got to go with shutting down web, arresting people that criticize government.
We've got to go to a hot tyranny, not a cold incremental tyranny.
Which is good, because the cold incremental tyranny is hard to beat.
Because it sneaks around, like Cicero said.
Well, you know, I think that so much of this is
Uh, the Spin Masters, of course.
Uh, they're just paid.
These are people that are paid to come up with all this stuff.
I think that they're in a state of terror.
Uh, they're looking for a place to hide.
Uh, they're, uh, you know, everything is going backwards for them.
They're not getting the job done.
They're not getting the guns.
They're not going to get the guns.
I mean, they might get what comes out the end of the barrel of the gun, but they're not going to get the gun itself.
And I think that, you know, 911, they were able to
I, you know, fooled the American people initially into thinking it was those foreigners, those aliens, that had pulled us off taking control of those planes and flying into the World Trade Center.
How many Americans today are there that still believe that?
Very, very, very few.
And what we have is we've got hundreds of people
All over this nation that are trying to put the pieces together.
They're collecting the evidence.
And I would dare say that there's some people out there that pull that off.
They're right here in this country.
They've got an escape hatch.
They'll fly to some other country or something when it gets too hot, but they're still here.
But I would dare say they kind of rub their necks once in a while and I wonder if they kind of feel that rope settling around their neck.
Because if they take another, do another dirty trick like they did 9-1-1, I'll tell you there's going to be some people that are going to get rounded up.
And they're going to be prosecuted for treason and the whole works, and they're going to end up hanging from a gallow someplace, because the American people are not going to sit still for any more of their false flags.
It's not going to happen.
And I think that what we've got going on in Iraq and Afghanistan right now, I think that the military, they're
They're doing some thinking on their own.
They're not depending on Obama to give them a sense of direction.
I think they are getting along with the Iraqi people like they have never done.
They're getting along with the Afghans.
If you're reading between the lines, and even not always between the lines, we're getting a different picture coming from both Afghanistan and Iraq, because I think our military
I think we've got some people in there that have enough smarts to recognize that we cannot finance all these wars out there, such as we've been doing.
Well, the attempt is to bankrupt the nation, it's to bankrupt the states, to the bankers, who made all this money out of fiat thin air, and want to bankrupt us, just like a local bank wants to bankrupt the farmer, they want the land.
But I'll tell you,
Uh, it's coming to an end and coming very, very rapidly.
Uh, much faster than I would have ever, uh, thought that it could happen.
Uh, because I see it happening.
Uh, well, the last time I was on your show, several months ago, I, you know, uh, you, you put my address on there and we said, anybody that sends a $5 bill, we'll send them a copy of that little book, Walls on Our Minds.
We sent out hundreds of them.
We had never... I've done hundreds of talk shows, and I have never...
Never had the response that we had from that show.
We were on, I was on for at least an hour I think, but we got a tremendous response.
Which is another indicator of how large the radio show's gotten, but how active the people are and how hungry they are for information.
I read so much other stuff is going on and
I even had the head of the American Legion on speaking out against it.
But then they spin it and say the troops are angry.
They say Obama isn't waging enough wars.
They say Obama isn't giving them the surge they need, which is total false reality.
The troops know we're going bankrupt.
They know it's a fraud.
They know it's a lie.
They don't want to be there.
But the media creates this fake spin that Obama's a liberal against the war when he's actually expanding it.
It's just, what do you call an entire envelopment of lies, where just everything is a lie, wrapped in a lie, stacked in a lie, packaged in another lie.
It just isn't working anymore.
Everything they do, the people see right through it.
Take the hoax of Obama.
People have woken up to him faster than any other puppet.
Yeah, well, you know, 9-1-1, how many people are investigating?
All the little things that happened with 9-1-1, and they're getting a picture of what happened.
And it has to be making some people very, very nervous.
And, of course, the same goes for Oklahoma City.
We know that was an inside job.
And there's people, after all these years, people are still putting the pieces together.
I think that there is a possibility of another false flag operation, but I gotta assure you of one thing, that if there's a false flag operation, they're not going to be able to call it anything else, right from the beginning, because the American people now have their eyes wide open.
That's right, we've taken- And their ears are open.
You know, I used to say that-
People just didn't listen to what we were saying back there 20, 30 years ago.
But I said, when we have an economic holocaust hit us in this country, their hearing will get better.
And that's what's happened.
People are listening to what Alex Jones is saying.
They're listening to what Red Beckman has said, and they're reading the books.
Of course, you know me.
I've always been an optimist.
I've always said, we're going to pull this thing out.
And I'm still convinced of it, and more convinced than I've ever been in all these years because of what I have seen.
You know, you get Tea Party people by the millions out there, and this is something we need to do, and that is
I encourage all these Tea Party organizations across the country.
Now, I was on a talk show here a couple weeks ago and the fellow said, he was from Colorado, he said there's 16 separate Tea Party groups in the state of Colorado that he knew of.
Now, we want to encourage all these small groups around the country.
Whether they're Sheriff Mac people, whether they're Tea Party people or Oath Keepers, they need to keep their local organization autonomous.
Don't come up with something, a top-heavy organization like the NRA.
The NRA, the National Rifle Association, we don't know what they're going to do about Hansen.
Well, Red, let me jump in here for a minute.
They've sent in Glenn Beck, who is as phony as a $3 bill, and Sarah Palin, McCain's minion, that's all you need to know, to take it over.
But the good news is, we're actually going into the larger organization they're trying to create and using that to educate good Americans who are seeking
After the truth, and they're pulling their hair out because they're trying to co-opt us.
Instead, we're co-opting their attempted co-opt, and they're panicking.
So I want you to comment on that, but then going back to false flag, look at how Kurt Haskell, his wife, and all these other witnesses on the plane, it turns out are 9-11 truthers.
And so they recognize the other bomber, the government helping get him on the plane in Amsterdam.
They stood their ground against the FBI.
And two weeks after, three weeks after, the FBI had to come out and say, okay, we ordered the State Department to let him on the plane.
We were watching him and protecting him, just like 9-11.
Hegelian dialectic.
And now, the general public does understand that, and we've got polls of over 90% in Gallup.
It was 75 six months ago, wanting to abolish or audit the Fed.
I mean, folks, when I tell you, now again, they're coming down on us, we're in the war, they're attacking us, we're in deep trouble, they're passing laws everywhere to tax food now, which only tyrants do.
I mean, we're in bad shape, but at least we know we're being attacked.
At least we're not in a coma.
At least we're finding our legs.
And anybody who's been in a fight knows, once you start swinging, you're not worried about it.
And America is starting to swing.
And the world is starting to swing.
And they're discovering the enemy is not the puppet politicians, it's the stinking central bankers.
It's the New World Order.
Underwear bomber, and then also the attempted co-opting of the Tea Parties.
Well, you know, the underwear... Excuse me.
Get some water.
The underwear bomber, this proves what I'm saying, that people are now very much alert.
When something like this happens, they are immediately right in there, getting the clues.
You know, us people out here, we can unravel their schemes.
They're conspiracies.
That's what it is.
They call us conspirators.
They are the conspiracy.
We now have their handbook.
It's just a new ballgame from what it was five years ago.
It's a game changer.
It's just absolutely amazing.
And a thrill.
A real thrill for me.
But just because we've got the ball doesn't mean we've won the game.
That's true, but we're going to win it.
And by now, if they don't know we're going to win it, they're not near as smart as they thought they were.
Well, Red, I've never heard you this positive.
You're really excited.
Well, I just, you know, I'm on the phone a great deal, talking to people all over this country.
And I just get such a fantastic response.
My books are, you know, I wrote Born Again Republic in 1980, the fall of 1980.
That book is still in print.
And, of course, my last book, Why the Militia.
Boy, I'll tell you, people read that and they say, there is a primer that every patriot needs to read.
Uh, and of course, walls in our minds.
It'll go on forever.
And, uh, I joke about it, and I say, uh, I'm 81, but, uh, and I'm not gonna last forever, but I'm gonna kick butt after I'm gone.
Ha ha ha!
That's the great part about it, isn't it?
Once you've told the truth, once you've told the truth, it always stands.
Yeah, well, I'll tell ya, uh, it's, you know,
It is such an exciting thing.
When you talk to people that in the past they wouldn't listen to you, they wouldn't pay attention to you, now they're coming and saying, hey, you told us that this was going to happen and we didn't believe you, but it's here.
Well that's the other big one.
I want to come back and talk to you about that and then get into some other issues and take calls.
Red Beckman joining us is that you didn't just get it partly right.
Ron Paul didn't just get it partly right.
I didn't just get it partly right.
I mean we, because we saw what the same group of crooks did all over the world in different countries, we told people exactly what they were going to do and the power of it then coming true
It's amazing.
The final illusion to fall is that we're the minority.
No, we are the majority.
I mean, I even got yuppie neighbors that were laughing at me two years ago.
They're not laughing now.
They're saying, what do I do?
Because the world government's been openly announced.
We'll be right back.
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I think so.
Red Beckman is our guest.
He founded the Fully Informed Jury Association.
Red, I want to come back in the start of the next hour and start taking some phone calls and reading some Twitter questions for you.
But the first thing I wanted to get into now is encapsulate the three votes that Americans have, contrary to what they've been indoctrinated with, only having the ballot box.
Yes, with our vote on Election Day,
I, you know, we went to the polls and we ended up, we weren't voting for somebody we wanted, we voted against somebody.
Almost invariably in my lifetime, that's what happened.
And so our vote on election day was stolen because George Bush Senior, of course, he said, read my lips, no new taxes.
And he got elected, and of course he violated his campaign promise.
Well, as far as I'm concerned, he stole every vote that people gave him to get him in there.
And so, over the years, it has become so obvious, and of course, some say that as many as 65% of the American people don't even go to vote anymore because it's a waste of time, and it doesn't count.
The Founders, they looked back in history under Magna Carta and England, and they recognized that the grand jury was a key factor in maintaining an honest and a government that was, you know, clean and had integrity and all of that.
They recognized also that the power of the jury
A 12-person jury, if you have one person on that jury that know how much power they have and they protect their own power, they can hang that jury.
And of course, in many, many cases, we've had many cases where one person on the jury knew about their power and they educate the other 11 when they're in deliberations.
But the judges discriminate against people that know their rights and try to keep them off, so people have got to keep their mouths shut until they're seated, and this is a key underbelly of the enemy to go out and educate people about the power of the jury, the grand jury, and then of course there's the fourth way to vote, the cartridge box, but we don't want to do that.
We want that cartridge box available.
It needs to be available at all times.
That détente, I like that word.
Because it fits our situation.
When we come back, I want to tell you a story about Eustace Mullins and something that happened back about 1984.
And I think that people just do not realize how close we were.
To being taken over by the New World Order.
Well, I'm sure that the people and the hundreds of people that got that the last time I was on, they need another book because they've already given that book or lost track of it.
It went someplace.
This time, anybody that will send a $10 bill, money order is good of course, but we'll send them a copy of Walls on Our Minds and also a copy of the book Why the Militia.
When they read my books,
They don't want to read them just once.
They want to read them several times, and of course, to order those two books, all they have to do is write to Red Beckman at P.O.
Box 61, Carrolls, and that's C-A-R-R-O-L-L-S, Carrolls, Washington, 98609.
That's the zip code.
Alright, we've got a break.
We'll give it out again before you leave.
And I want to talk about why the militia?
What is the real role of the militia?
What is the militia?
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
He wrote the book, Delilah, that never was.
Traveled all over the country to the state houses proving that the 16th Amendment to give us the income tax was never properly ratified.
He founded the Fully Informed Jury Association.
It's in all 50 states and it's just an incredible work.
And I may try to twist his arm to stay with us till the 50 after coming up because it's always great to have Red Beckman on and I do want to get to your calls as promised.
But Eustace Mullins
People loved interviewing him and they got him out on a speaking tour.
He had a stroke, was brought back to Texas, died Tuesday, and Red knew him really well.
You were going to tell a story about Eustace Mullins.
Go ahead.
It was about 1984 and I was a speaker and Eustace was a speaker and Congressman Ron Paul was a speaker.
At an investors conference in the Caesars Palace, the big casino in Las Vegas.
And the conference didn't start until Monday.
And a lot of people had checked in, including myself.
We checked in on Sunday afternoon.
And the people that organized this, they called me after I was checked in.
They called and said, Red, we've got about 800 people that are already registered here.
And the management of the casino had said that the big ballroom was empty.
And if we wanted to put together an impromptu meeting,
Uh, in there on Sunday evening, he said, uh, they can have it free of charge.
And so, uh, they said, uh, Red, if you will go over there and set that up and you can emcee and, uh, you can take 20 minutes.
And, uh, and of course, uh, Eustis Mullins was there and give him 20 minutes and give Ron Paul 20 minutes.
And so we did.
And we had a really, uh, a real good crowd there.
And I took the 20 minutes, and well, I think I had Congressman Ron Paul went first, I think, and then Eustace Mullins, and then I took it, and I opened it up for questions.
And Eustace Mullins had talked about the New World Order.
1984, there weren't many people talking about New World Order.
They didn't know what it was.
And so a lady asked from the audience, she asked Eustace Mullins, she said, when do you think this is going to happen, that the New World Order will take over?
And Eustace says, oh, it's already happened.
This is about 1984.
And if you will look back at our history that we have made since that time,
You can see the footprint of the Rothschilds and the Federal Reserve Bank and all.
You can see them in everything that has happened.
America has been turned into a pure engine of the New World Order.
And Eustace Mullins understood that.
He had identified it.
Well, I think it's important to recognize they took over as revolutionaries.
We're restorationists kicking the hijackers out.
Yeah, well, there's one thing that we need to stress, too, Alex.
We have people in the Ron Paul revolution and the Tea Party people and all, and they're talking about we're into the second American revolution.
The second American revolution started when the ink wasn't even dry when the founders signed the Constitution.
Explain that to people.
Yeah, absolutely.
When we come back and we're going to calls, stay there.
We got a break again, Red Beckman.
And we'll get out that address again to get the two books for $10 before you leave us.
Obviously, our websites are InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.tv, JonesReport.com and InfoWars.net.
And be sure and check out the online video bookstore apparel department to get your Come and Take It InfoWars.com shirt.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Well, Red Beckman is just going to be with us for the rest of the hour, and I want to start getting to your phone calls with our guest.
But, Red, you were trying to make a point
As we went to break about the fact that we're calling this the Second American Revolution.
I say the answer to 1984 is the spirit of 1776.
But in truth, we are the restorationists.
We are the lawful government.
We're the good guys.
A bunch of offshore banks robbing us of trillions of dollars and setting up a police state.
They're the bad guys.
They're the revolutionaries.
Go ahead.
Well, if we're in a revolution, it's the third.
A revolution which is going to restore our lawful government in this country.
Because the second American Revolution started right in the very beginning because we had some of those people back there in that generation who also thought that they were smart enough to where they could rule and the rest of us would be their servants.
And so through subversion, and it comes down, you can trace it all the way down through our history.
The Civil War was an absolute atrocity that was perpetrated by some of these
So-called very wise people, smart people.
Well it's on record that the Rothschilds and the British, I mean it's mainline history, manipulated both sides to have the war.
There wasn't a good side or a bad side.
It was all manipulated to try to break the country up.
And you can see it then, and of course as you come down through history, you can see that tremendous influx of
Of European, West European immigrants coming into this country, starting about 1880 for sure, and continuing on until about 1910 or 1920.
30-some-odd million, they figure, came.
And of course, they didn't learn the language that quick.
They learned it, and they became great Americans.
But they were so easily manipulated.
And of course, like I said earlier, we got the income tax and the 17th Amendment, of course, and we got the Federal Reserve Bank in 1913.
That's right, most of the first Americans really wanted to get away from tyranny.
It doesn't mean they were angels or perfect, but they were pretty street smart, wise, and sly.
But you get a bunch of people, say, from Germany, hard-working, great people, they were property of their local lord.
You had the Hessians who were military slaves.
You know, they don't teach that in school because supposedly only blacks were indentured servants or slaves, complete fraud.
You had other people from Poland.
People from France, where they were under Napoleonic law of the government is God.
And so they got here and didn't understand.
And now we've got people from Mexico and Asia and other places with no history of freedom.
And, Red, have you noticed the government's hiring all these illegals to be the military and the police and to be the CPS workers?
And it's all according to their plan.
And here's the thing that I have said.
I've had so many people call me over the years and just so concerned.
They say, oh, they're going to bring in the foreign troops.
And there might be a certain amount of that.
But, you see, that's where we reach these people, these foreign troops, when they come in.
And they are going to be absolutely amazed at what we have in this country.
Yeah, well, the thing is,
We have to inform those people, and they'll come over and they'll be on our side.
In fact, that happened in the Revolutionary War.
I know you know this, but tell folks about the Germans defecting en masse to our side.
Oh, there was a tremendous number of them.
They were the English, of course.
They hired the Hessians.
They were German troops.
And of course, they're the ones that were the victims of George Washington and the famous crossing of the Delaware River.
I think it was the Delaware, if I remember right.
It was Trenton, yes, it was Trenton.
And of course, I just think that it doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure out how corrupt our government is.
And as long as we're able to speak, and as long as we have our written materials out there and such, the whole world is watching us now.
They're watching us very close.
And I think that we've got more people out there in the other countries of the world that are cheering us on.
They're all for us.
They recognize that we have something here that they would all like to have.
They don't like the central banks.
The central banks are in trouble all over this world today.
And so, you know, the Euro isn't doing all that great.
The dollar, the only thing that's holding up the dollar at this point is the fact that the Euro's having a problem.
Well, Red, think how far we've come.
Where 20 years ago the media said Rothschilds don't exist.
Trilateral Commission doesn't exist.
We're not joking.
Bilderberg Group doesn't exist.
The Federal Reserve isn't private.
And now they go, OK, it's all real.
What's the big deal?
I want to go to phone calls.
But coming up, I want to get into your book, Why the Militia, with an encapsulation of what the militia really is.
How do you stop infiltration, provocateur, false flag setups.
Oh, anytime.
Okay, we're going to go to Brian, Nick, Trevor, Mark, Karen, Kenneth, and others.
James, well James just hung up.
Brian in Canada, you're on the air with Red Beckman, go ahead.
Yeah, hi, I'm not in Canada, I'm actually in China.
Okay, go ahead sir.
Well that's close enough, I mean, I misread it.
The next caller is from Canada, but you're calling from China, go ahead.
I just want to say that all of your sites have been banned here in China.
I can't access any of them.
And the only way I can access it is with a special program that, you know, deals with the proxy.
I don't know if you know that.
I don't know if you knew that at all.
Yeah, I know InfoWars and Prison Planet off and on get banned.
Do you know about InfoWars.net, JonesReport.com, ObamaDeception.net?
Are those all banned too?
I haven't checked them out, but I checked Prison Planet and Infowars.
They're definitely banned.
Well, that's why... Why don't you take a screenshot of how it's banned and email it, if you can even get it out of the country.
What do you think of the announcements of the Italian, the Australian, the British and the UN that they want worldwide Chinese-style censorship?
Well, I'm actually an Australian myself, and I heard that, you know, Clinton is...
You know, asking for free internet, but at the same time, they're censoring it.
I mean, you know, in England, you know, everything is logged and kept for over a year or something like that.
Also, the so-called free government broadband for the public, that the public pays for, it's not free.
Well, it wasn't that long ago, actually.
It wasn't that long ago at all.
You know, my father thinks that it's...
You know, they're trying to pick a fight with China, they want a world war, then they want a... You know, I worked my father up to this, 9-11, and he said for years, you know, that I was just, you know, just crazy, but after I showed him some videos, he's... And yeah, he's pretty full on about it too now.
So you're working in China, and you can't go to InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com?
That's right, only with a proxy changer.
That's the only way.
Well, yeah, I can if I use the proxy changer.
I've just kept your number in my Skype, and I'm calling from Skype, so that's what I'm doing now.
Sorry, go ahead.
No, no, it's fine.
Well, I mean, hold on a second, Brian, because I want Red to be able to comment, and then you can come back and comment as well.
I don't want you to go yet.
Red, separate issue.
Is this the globalist panicking that not just China, but the UN itself, Bill Gates, the Obama administration, Cass Sunstein say they are going to, quote, ban criticism of the government on the web?
I mean, they're openly saying it, and it's in a few newspapers, but not that big of a deal, I guess.
You know, it's kind of a compliment.
When they talk about that, you know that we're very, very effective.
They're concerned because people, we've got the truth and they've got the lie.
And the lie always comes in second when the truth is there, when the truth is exposed.
When they talk about doing something about the Internet, it tells you how worried they are about the truth that's coming out.
They're scared to death.
We need to find out if our auxiliary sites are down, if people can't get to those as well in China.
Anything else, Brian, from China?
No, I'll just find out how many sites have been banned, and I'll send you an email on your side, because I can't get there with the proxy changer, so I'll just let you know, you know, after I check it out.
God bless you, Brian.
Sorry I said from Canada.
And send it to Paul Watson and Curt Nemo.
God bless you.
Be right back with Red Beckman.
More your phone calls.
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Red Beckman is our guest.
Coming up, I'm gonna get him to break down the militia, the history of it, why he wrote the book, why the militia.
But right now, we're going back to your calls.
Nick in North Carolina, you're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Hey, Alex and Red.
I have a question in regard to lawful government.
Red, do Americans still have a true de jure government or a criminal de facto offshore banking cartel posing as our government called the United States of America?
Well, the government that we have in Washington, D.C., it is not the government that we had
When the Constitution, it isn't the government that was created by the Constitution.
And of course, I don't get into that too much because it is a very evil system the way it is today.
But you see, I say we the people have to take the blame for it.
And that's where we have to start making the correction.
It is we the people who let this bunch of outlaws get control of our system.
And we are the ones that have to take it back if we want to be free.
If we want liberty and freedom, we're going to have to take our power back.
You know, they taught us about the separation of powers in our high school government classes.
And they talked about the separation of powers between the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of government.
They never said a word about the power of the individual.
They didn't say anything about my power that I have and your power.
They told us that the legislative and executive branch and the judicial branch, they were to jealously guard their powers as
Well, you and I, we were never taught how to jealously protect our powers as individuals.
The Supreme Court ruling, as I read it, says that offshore private corporations can give unlimited money, but still individuals are barred down to $3,000 per candidate.
And so what they've done is they've bound the individual while unleashing the tyrannical foreign corporations.
So, again, more signs of their desperation.
You know, I think that that's great that the Supreme Court made that ruling because it got a lot of people's attention.
And that's what we need is people that all of a sudden they get hit with something like this and they say, my goodness, how could this happen?
And so they start searching and they start listening to Alex Jones and others and they get an education.
And of course, the Tea Party people and the power out there amongst the people on our side, you know, that understand where we're at.
The power that they have is so fabulous if they use it properly.
And that is, you see, they've got to start identifying all of the 435 members of the
They have to run for re-election or somebody else will take their seat in the Congress.
What we need to do is identify, in each legislative district, we have to identify the incumbent.
Is he a Karl Marx Democrat or is he a Karl Marx Republican?
You see Karl Marx Democrats and Karl Marx Republicans are easy to identify because they want gun control.
And let me go further here.
The spin with this ruling is, oh, the government, McCain-Feingold, wouldn't let a corporation fund a Hillary movie.
Now, they would have limitedly said, yeah, corporations can make their own movies.
They didn't say that.
They said, OK, unlimited for the corporations, but the citizens are bound.
Again, that shows how the Tea Parties are even fooled by this, at least currently, some of them.
Thinking, oh, this was a free speech move.
Again, it's more deception.
But I appreciate your call, Nick.
We're going to try to hurry through calls now.
Mark, Karen, Kenneth, Kaleo in Hawaii, and others.
Straight ahead, long segment coming up.
Red Beckman with us until the end of the hour.
Got to have him up more often than once a year.
Well, also, before he leaves, let's give you that address.
Ten bucks, two bucks, delivered to you.
He's basically sending them to you at cost.
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I got a big news blitz coming up in the next hour, continuing with your phone calls, and we're going to briefly look at Agent Orange.
I know most people know it's deadly, but the fact is the government knew day one it was deadly, and tried to block funding to the military veterans and their families, just like they're doing with DU.
Another message to the enforcers of the fact that the system could care less about you, and we better all stick together against the New World Order.
Your calls coming up, and why the militia with Red Beckman.
Before I do that,
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My address is Red Beckman.
At P.O.
Box 61, Carroll's, C-A-R-R-O-L-L-S, Carroll's, Washington.
And the zip here is 98609.
And anybody will send a $10.
The last time I was on, we sold the little book, Walls and the Mines, and I'm sure everybody that got that book
I could use another one.
So we'll send you a copy of that and we'll send you a copy of Why the Militia, which is a considerably larger book.
And we'll pay the postage and the whole work.
So that's a special deal for Alex and his show.
Well, you're a sweetheart, Red.
Now, I want to pick your brain about the militia, I mean, for myself and for everybody else, because I constantly, and we're going to take calls and then get to that, I constantly, when MSNBC is here, or Atlantic Monthly is here, or Texas Monthly, or the Dallas Morning News, or whoever it is, they say, what about militias?
Are you for that?
And I say, well, it's in the Constitution.
It's in the Bill of Rights.
It's what the Posse is.
It's what civil defense is.
And I try to explain to them, but the government provocateurs groups to demonize it.
And I try to break that down, but I want to get your take on why the militia and how important it is coming up.
But right now, let's hurry through calls.
Mark in Georgia, you're on the air with Red Beckman.
God bless you, sir.
Ever in our prayers.
Can you hear me OK?
Yes, I can.
Item one, I would like to see about.
I understand you get annoyed about people who want you to do more like you haven't given your hat and your coat and everything to this.
Because I would like to see about getting a crew of volunteers to help you deal with all the massive emails you get.
I'd like to see about helping, getting people together to say, we'd like to help you sort through all this massive amount of incoming information and help you answer all the questions that people are asking.
What I'd like to see, let me very briefly outline a video production I'd like to have called We The Jury.
Where we have, it's just like Pilgrim's Progress, you can tell the characters by their names.
Pat Riott, go figure, he's Patriot.
And he's dying of depleted uranium.
And because you have a character that looks a lot like Lon Horiuchi in Go Who?
The guy who murdered Sarah Weaver at Ruby Ridge.
And Pat's writing to everyone, nobody's doing anything.
And Pat takes actions that will suffice to say would not be called for in a lawful government that was doing what was right.
But then if that were the case, then Lon would never have dared murder Sarah Weaver.
Hold on just a minute, Mark.
I'm going to put you on hold for a minute.
Here's the deal.
It isn't that I don't like people giving me ideas, and it isn't that I don't like people telling me I need to do this or do that.
It's that, you know, take...
People like Ron Pauls ask me to come speak at big events and I just don't have the time because I can electronically reach 10 times as many people in the time it would take to drive to Houston.
And then when I do show up at events, they have provocateurs that try to stir stuff up and create a distraction.
I mean, it's literally by the book.
So maybe I should be out at more events because the system doesn't like it.
You know, there have been, like, let's see, Jordan Maxwell keeps begging me to come make a film with his material.
I'd love to.
I can't even get my own films done.
Again, we're lean and mean, and I'm not saying you're bad, Mark, but if I let 20 people in my office, guaranteed five of them will be feds, and they'd be trying to put me in prison within hours.
And again, I don't talk a lot about this, but we're under attack.
I mean, any comments on your experiences dealing with provocateurs and stuff?
Well, I've been able to identify a number of them over the years.
And they're not too hard to spot after a bit.
They'll try to ingratiate themselves with you in one thing or another.
They may even spend some money for books and things like that.
They will invariably end up trying to tell you and get you motivated to do something that would be a violation of law.
And so if you have somebody come in and try to be nicey-nice, and the first thing you know they're telling you that you ought to do this or do that.
Or they use the credibility of being within your operation to go tell people you're talking bad about them when you're not, just to start infighting.
Well, they're there, and of course, having all of these thousands of different organizations
Uh, you know, in Montana, I still have a footprint there and I told the people there, I said, every organization have a different, pick a different name.
And, uh, and one of them, uh, they call themselves Montana, uh, uh, oh my goodness.
Uh, a senior moment, uh, from Ann Ryan's book, uh, Atlas Shrugged.
They call themselves Montana Shrugged.
And they have hundreds of people in their organization.
They're all put together or connected electronically.
And what a name.
Montana Shrugged.
And then they're connected to other groups, and it's a headless system to where the enemy can't defeat it.
But Mark, write up your ideas, send it to us at InfoWars.com.
It would be great to be able to go through all the tips, all the stuff we miss, all the things we do.
It's just that I also want to encourage listeners to not wish you could work for me, or wish you could work with us, or wish you could.
You're out there as leaders.
Start your own organization.
If you believe in our information, post it, share it.
Again, we're about getting you to take action, not for us to then go do more.
Because I really physically can't do much more, except work smarter and launch new electronic operations against the enemy to spread our information more.
And it's you, the listeners, that make that so effective.
Let's go to Karen in Oregon.
Karen, you're on the air.
Thank you very much for all you do for the Patriot Movement.
The other day I was listening to you and Mike Rivero mentioned the national strike.
Well, I am helping to put that together and our goals are no global government, restore our constitution, individual sovereignty, state sovereignty, limited federal government,
No more voting machines or taxation without representation.
What we are trying to do here is unite all of the fractionated groups all across this great country and have them get on the freedom train and totally, economically withdraw and support this national strike April 15th through April 18th.
Can you endorse this?
Well, I have endorsed.
I've said people on the 15th should not just have a strike against the New World Order.
They should call the local media and tell them a strike's being organized in Austin or Dallas or New York or Portland or wherever it is.
And have everybody call in to talk radio, send letters to the editor, have protests on that day as well.
And we don't need to have one big centralized, organized hub.
But yes, I do support a national demonstration and strike
On the 15th through the 18th.
I think people have just been saying the 15th, but whatever.
Red Beckman, I appreciate your call, Karen.
Red Beckman.
Yes, I think that that is going to be a landmark in American history.
I think it's going to happen.
I think it's going to be big, big, big.
And I was just looking through
The book, Why the Militia, and I had some comments in here about the press, and we were talking about the Supreme Court decision letting corporations spend money for campaigns.
Well, you know, they're going to be wasting their money, because people are not very dependent anymore on major media.
And I had a comment, two or three of them here, when I had a chapter on the media.
I said, if you believe without question what you see and hear coming from major media, you are an exhibit proving that propaganda and lies can inflict serious brain damage.
And then another one, major media personalities lie for a living.
Seven-figure incomes can cause a person to misplace his conscience.
And then one, most of the millions spent during political campaigns end up in the pockets of the media.
The media get the money and the people get a choice between two evils.
Those days are over for the big money to come in and buy an election.
Because the newspapers, the media, the television media and such,
They're panicking because the newspapers, how many newspapers have gone bankrupt?
And you're going to hear about major media, TV and such, that they're going to be going bankrupt too.
And people don't, they're just not relying on those media for their information.
And so, let them corporations, those foreign corporations come in and spend their money with the media, and we'll just thumb our nose at the media.
Well that's right, and I appreciate your call, ma'am.
The globalists are dead on arrival.
They're going to get their world government, but it's going to die the day it's finally established.
Because humanity doesn't want to be slaves.
And they want to use poverty and degradation to control us, but it's just not going to work forever.
And the mainstream media isn't just dying because of the internet.
They are clearly dying in all the polls and studies, because people know they're a pack of spinning, twisting, deceiving liars.
Let's go back to the phone calls.
Let's talk to Kenneth in Texas.
Kenneth, go ahead.
Hi Alex, thank you for taking my call.
I know you're trying to get to a lot of calls, so I'll go ahead and make this brief.
I heard y'all talking earlier about how the Germans were defecting during the Revolutionary War, I believe it was.
And I wanted to highlight back in the late 90s when members of the NWL were defecting,
I think we should kind of get a movement like that going again by bringing back the NWO Wolfpack where Kevin Nash and Lex Luger and all of them left the NWO.
I appreciate your call.
That's very funny.
He's talking about, I guess, Hulk Hogan or something.
Let's go ahead now and talk to Kaleo, I believe, or K-Lo from Hawaii.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Aloha, Alex.
Listen, I want you to know that you've been a great blessing for us here in Hawaii.
Indirectly, you've also been a great blessing for the Hawaiian sovereignty movement because the Hawaiian sovereignty movement, we've been fighting the New World Order since 1893, since the overthrow of the Hawaiian Kingdom by British and American businessmen.
They came and just killed your leaders and took over.
Pretty much, they actually overthrew Markey with gunboat diplomacy, and actually America was supposed to be the
I don't know.
I don't know.
We had the Joker shirts, and we kind of hid them underneath all of our shirts.
As he was pulling into his complex, you know, he was smiling, and we opened up his shirts, and you saw it, and you could see his face just drop.
You could tell he was really kind of, he was a little rattled by it.
Yeah, this is somebody you can't run a scam on.
Stay there, because I want you to be able to continue to comment, but Red, I mean, look how fast the hoax of Obama has imploded.
I mean, this is really shaking the system up.
In some respects, Obama's the best thing that's happened to our country in a long while.
From Hawaii, anything else, sir?
Is it Kaleo?
How do I pronounce your name?
It's Kaleo.
Okay, great.
Go ahead, sir.
Yeah, so, you know, and when he thought, you know, this is his home state, so, you know, seeing that people in his home state are hip to the deception and the lie of the New World Order, and then we realize that he's a puppet, I think it had a real rattling effect on him, because I think he comes to light to try to get away, get away from all of that.
And when he comes back here and he's confronted with that same reality, it's almost a look in the mirror, you know?
Oh, it's very important just to let the globalists know that we're aware of them and don't like them.
Because they get off on the fact that they're conning us.
That's absolutely right.
But I just want you to know, you know, I was turned on.
We have a radio station here.
I'd really love to get your radio station streamed in here.
We've been working a lot of productions through
Local TV, actually public TV.
A lot of your programs we've been airing on what they call Olelo, which is the speak or talk television.
And a friend of mine has a producer, and he's been hearing a lot of your stuff.
Well, tell him I said thank him.
What's the radio station?
It's called Olelo.
It's a TV station.
We've been airing your DVDs on that.
Got it.
You're awesome.
God bless you.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda...
They'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
I have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
For the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation, the criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty and on its ashes constructing world government.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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Big News Blitz coming up in the next hour.
Red Beckman is our guest.
I saw a story last week where Walgreens wouldn't develop photos of a man's gun collection for his insurance.
You're supposed to take photos of your stereo, computer, stuff like that, guns.
Just the image of a gun is now evil.
With all the violence on TV, video games, police, that's all okay.
But citizens with guns, or the image of guns, they're trying to make it so taboo, but it's not working.
This is New York Daily News.
Timoney fumes after his son, Patrick Nine, his dad's a cop, is busted for bringing a two-inch long toy gun, a plastic GI Joe gun for the GI Joe figure, and they're talking about kicking him out of school, arresting him, all this stuff.
But the good news is people aren't buying into this mind control, just like they've demonized the militia.
Red Beckman, you wrote Why the Militia.
Explain to people what the militia really is.
Is the people being armed and able to defend themselves from an oppressive government.
I was just looking through the book here and I had a comment.
Why the militia?
And I said, for the same reasons we had in 1775.
You remember the history of how the
The British General in Boston ordered the troops to go out to Lexington and confiscate the powder and the shot that the patriots were collecting, anticipating a war or a revolution, whatever.
And there's where the shot was fired, heard around the world.
The same reasons.
We've got the same reasons today that we had then.
And I'll tell you,
If you're not, if you haven't gotten yourself armed, my advice to you is do it and be part of this tremendous operation that we've got going in this country to restore our lawful government.
And this detente, if they hit us, we're going to be equipped to hit them back.
And we're going to hit them back a lot harder than they hit us, so they better not be playing games with their false flags and all of that, because they don't know when they're going to go just a little too far and trigger this reaction like we had in Concord Square back there on April 19th of 1775.
And clearly, clearly that spirit is there because there's a lot of people that have a sense of desperation, they're sick of it, and they are ready, and I'm telling the establishment
But the book, Why the Militia, explains how
We can avoid having to go to that kind of effort to restore awful government.
It brings out very strong the grand jury and the pettit jury, the trial jury, and how they are to function.
It talks about the Federal Reserve Bank, and by the way, when have you heard anybody talking
About what happens to the Federal Reserve if we could abolish the Federal Reserve and if the assets of the Federal Reserve was restored to the Treasury of the United States.
Stop right there, Red.
I'm going to twist your arm for five more because you brought that up.
I want you to be able to flesh that out because remember what has happened in Iceland.
They were telling the country they owed five times their entire wealth to the Bank of England and the Federal Reserve when they had run the scam on record to rob them.
And when the public finally said no, the banks went, oh look, we actually have the assets to pay this off.
Stay there.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Breaking news, ladies and gentlemen, into hour number four.
Mark Dice, another devastating coup against the New World Order on one of the number one TV stations in California, reaching millions of people.
A devastating guerrilla warfare info attack.
And everybody can do what Mark Dice is doing, ladies and gentlemen.
He will teach us.
He knows what he's doing.
It's like I can teach you something, he can teach you something, you can teach me something.
Red Beckman can teach us so much.
All of us!
I'm just an average guy from Dallas, Texas, who's red-blooded and loves freedom, and I found out about the New World Order and their own quotes and their plan, and I said, I'm not going to be a slave.
And let me tell you something, if I thought I fought hard,
Eight years ago, when I had my first child with my wife, I began to fight even harder and fully commit myself.
I mean, I thought I was fighting hard before.
Now I'm fighting for their life.
I don't really care about my life.
When you've been fighting this long and this hard and been persecuted like I have, Red Beckman's had his house bulldozed and he never even talks about all the persecution he's gone through.
You get to the point where you don't even care.
All that matters is justice.
Red Beckman, finishing up here, because you keep intriguing me, you were pointing out what would happen under the Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports and the double set of books.
The bankers are fabulously wealthy.
They have more wealth than all the nations combined.
If we take their fraudulent wealth, that would fix all of our problems and put dividend bank accounts for everybody.
That's how much wealth they've stolen!
Well, let me say this.
There's very few people
That have understood this.
I explained this to our friend who just passed away back about 20 years ago, and he hadn't really comprehended this.
And he used to have written the book, The Secret of the Federal Reserve, back in the early 50s.
But he hadn't really connected all the dots back in the 80s, after Nixon deregulated gold
Gold mining just blossomed and exploded worldwide.
And where was all that gold going?
It wasn't being bought by Joe Sixpack because he didn't have enough money to buy it.
It was being bought up by the Federal Reserve Bank with those $100 bills.
That they were going to the U.S.
printing press, the printing office, and they were buying $100 bills at that time.
In 1984, I'm thinking of, that year in particular, they were buying $100 bills for 2.6 cents apiece.
How much gold would you have bought if you could have bought $100 bills for 2.6 cents apiece?
Where is all that gold?
They use it to manipulate and drive down the gold market.
We're going to find out where it's at.
I'm so sure that this is coming.
It's past my time when I can work on it that much, but I'll tell you, there are people out there that are working on this.
Very, very good quality people that are working on this.
And when we find all that gold,
And there's thousands of tons of it.
And it is going to be ours.
And that's got to worry the system.
That's got to worry the system to know there's all these millions of investigators crawling over everything they're doing.
They're sticking their nose into everything.
And, you know, I can sit on the sidelines now and I'm the cheering section.
And I'll be cheering him on, and so we're going to find out where is all that wealth.
And I think there's enough to just absolutely restore this country back to its position where it belongs as the freest, most free people on the face of the earth.
Red, we're out of time.
How's your health, my friend?
You sound great.
Well, I'm surviving, and as long as I can keep stimulated as I am, I think I'll be pretty hard to knock down.
So, it's not been good, but for 81, I'm doing quite well.
You're still kicking?
You bet.
Let me say bye to you.
I'm gonna kick butt after I'm gone.
What a man.
Let me say bye to you during the break.
Mark Dice coming up.
Major coup against the enemy operation.
Stay with us.
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Hello, this is Alex Jones with some important questions.
If you're going into a battle and they give you a rifle and a sidearm, how much ammunition do you want?
My answer would be all I can get.
In the battle for freedom and the lives of your loved ones, food is your only ammunition.
How much do you want?
When do you want it?
Now or after the battle starts?
When will you need it?
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Will there be any food?
Will it make your children sick?
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You wipe out all these problems if you have a good food supply.
Food is your ammunition to fight for your freedom and your life.
How much will you need?
We don't know.
How much do you want?
All you can get.
I'm Alex Jones.
I think.
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We're good to go.
That's right!
72 hours away, everyone is excited.
Well, almost everyone.
Let's check into the Sports Lodge.
Live from the Jack in the Box studio, it's the Sports Lodge with Roger Lodge.
All right, Roger, I understand you have a very special guest, and somewhat controversial too, huh?
Yeah, this is going to be interesting.
My guest, Mark Dice, has a lot of interesting views on a lot of different things.
But this morning, we are focusing on one thing and one thing only.
Our guest, Mark Dice, says we should boycott the Super Bowl.
Mr. Dice, good morning, sir.
Good morning, and I would rather have us focus on something other than the Super Bowl.
When we have a society that knows and cares more about sports than they do about events that actually affect their lives, I think that's a problem.
So I want to take this opportunity to urge people to boycott the Super Bowl, to turn it off, to read a book.
And we can learn about some of the serious issues that affect us, the Bilderberg Group, the Federal Reserve.
Maybe if we got as excited about politics and yelled and screamed as loud as we do for sports, then maybe we could prevent the scumbags in Washington D.C.
from flushing this country down the toilet.
Let me ask you this, what about the fact that on Sunday I'm going to sit around with my family, my three children, 21, 3, and 5.
We're going to sit around, we're going to enjoy a nice meal, and we're going to enjoy a good, healthy competition between two teams that have worked very hard to get there.
The Saints have a lot to play for here for the city of New Orleans.
What do you say to people like myself who say this is a wonderful opportunity
I think it's a wonderful opportunity for people to educate their families about the Bilderberg Group, about the certain political issues.
Maybe you should watch a documentary film by Alex Jones.
Watch Fall of the Republic or The Obama Deception and get involved.
Instead of yelling and screaming about some people chasing a ball on a grass field, how about we yell and scream about the politicians selling our country out?
What about to what about to what this does for the economy and how many millions of dollars this generates with you know just a you know in Miami never mind you know all the people ordering pizzas and doing whatever this is great for the economy.
I don't think it offsets the damage that Obama and his criminal
I don't think that I'm a fan of President Bush.
Bush as a war criminal should be in prison too.
Wait a second, wait a second.
Let me get back to what we're talking about.
Let me make one more point.
Let me make a point, Mark.
Let me ask you this.
When I'm watching a sporting event with my five-year-old and my three-year-old, and on a first down, the Colts get three yards.
You need ten yards
To get a first down.
And my five-year-old says to me, well they got three yards daddy.
They need seven more yards for a first down.
There's a little education here involved as well.
And I don't think there's anything wrong with watching a good healthy athletic event.
If you use it right with your family, I think it's a really good thing Marvin.
Well, I think sports is really the opiate of the masses and contributes to the downfall of the country.
So I urge everybody to boycott the Super Bowl.
Go to MarkDice.com and watch some of my educational videos or the other works and read a book!
Turn the television off!
I disagree, Mr. Dice!
I disagree!
Everybody rolls with their fingers crossed.
Everybody knows the war is over.
Everybody knows the good guy's lost.
Everybody knows.
You know, we didn't plan that bumper music.
Everybody knows that Dice is loaded.
We've got Mark Dice on the line with us.
Again, Mark Dice goes out, he puts a YouTube video up saying the Super Bowl is over, the Super Bowl is off.
Everybody goes and flocks to it.
Super Bowl is cancelled, I believe is the actual name of the video.
I'm going from memory here.
Mark can correct me.
And then he gets on KLA-TV.
I mean, we're talking about guaranteed hundreds of thousands watching.
KLA-Radio, hundreds of thousands listening.
It goes viral on the web.
Millions of people start thinking, wait, why am I only caring about sports as the country falls apart?
Sure, if we had George Washington for president and we weren't
You know, 14-plus trillion dollars in debt just from last year alone, and we didn't have... The new jobless numbers were 400,000, now they've adjusted them to 800-plus thousand.
That's Bloomberg, a link up on InfoWars.com right now.
I mean, sure, if everything was fine, it'd be okay to only care about a football game, but this is our new god that we've given our freedom up for, and I tell you, Mark, they started panicking when you started bringing up real issues.
They didn't know what they were getting into when they had me on, because I think they just anticipated somebody was going to just talk about how important we should read some history, and I don't think that they knew exactly what they were getting into.
And you could hear them cut me off as soon as I started criticizing Obama.
But you continue to game them.
I mean, how many stunts like this have you pulled, every one of them with more and more devastating effect?
Oh, just one after the other.
I mean, you string them all together and it seems like it's this incredible success.
Sometimes it's few and far between that I'll have something hit this big.
But just look at what this does.
I mean, this can reach... There were half a billion, hundreds of thousands of people.
There's millions of people in Los Angeles.
And now you've got more media calling you, so it's a snowball.
Yeah, this was also, my clip, my video rant was shown on a Denver CBS affiliate.
I posted that on YouTube, they filed a copyright infringement claim and emailed me and they've all pulled all copies of that video.
But it's getting out, they wanted people to link to their copies streaming from their website.
It's getting out.
And I also want to just urge everybody, you know, in the next few days, the Super Bowl is going to be the hot topic, so if you're going to get sucked into that, try to use this as an angle to really make people think about what it is that they're focusing on.
I agree.
In fact, Mark, I'm going to talk about your video and do one tonight that I'm going to have go mega-viral, pointing out that America's dying
Why do you only care about this football game?
And some people won't listen now, but a couple years later when things are even worse, they're gonna remember and start getting their head screwed on straight.
Well, I think a lot of the people are going to maybe feel this sort of peer pressure that they have to sort of be interested and involved in the Super Bowl and the festivities this weekend.
And so I think we can provide an environment for them to feel safe in resisting that and giving them some ammunition that they can... Or how about sending people to Super Bowl parties with Obama, Deception, Fall of the Republic, or your new book?
Yeah, and if you're going to have to watch the game, why don't you bring the DVDs and then afterwards, when everybody's nice and lit up, you can just have them watch Ball of the Republic or The Obama Deception.
You've got a captive audience right there.
Hey, you're like, come on baby, come back to the apartment and watch Obama Deception.
It's very conducive, but yeah, and this is how it's done.
You know, I got some footage from, I'm going to post later, of me kind of behind the scenes, and then a teleproducer came up and told me I can't videotape there, but I'm just going to show, break the illusion, and most people think that Los Angeles and Hollywood LA is just this beautiful Disneyland, but I got footage of behind the scenes of this television studio.
It's really nothing, but the green room is the area where people go and sit
People know this where you sit and kind of wait before you're a guest on a show, and I would imagine that most people think that, you know, a green room at a Los Angeles television station is going to be this luxurious area, but just wait until you see the video footage that I post of the green room, just to shatter this illusion of this multi-million dollar propaganda machine.
Well, Mark, you continue to kick butt hundreds and hundreds of thousands of views with your video of the majority of people in San Diego saying, ban free speech, arrest anybody that disagrees with Obama.
Cass Sunstein, his regulations czar, is writing white papers on it, and now they're openly announcing that Google is spying on everybody for the NSA in the name of keeping us safe.
And we've got all these governments from Italy to Australia putting net censorship in that dwarfs even China, and we've got Time Magazine calling for an internet ID to even be able to get online worse than China.
Yeah, and this is not news to us, but now it's front page on the Drudge Report that the NSA is working with Google.
So, I mean, once again, everything that we've been saying... That's right, I had that CIA guy steal on, what, five years ago about how Google's really a CIA front.
Well, and again, just gives more credibility to you, to others, and so, you know, I just want to stress again, let's use Super Bowl Sunday.
People are going to be going out and buying new TVs today and tomorrow and Saturday, so why don't we maybe pick it outside of some electronic stores and just really use this as an opportunity to
Truth Jam, as I call it, the culture jam to use the system, you know, against itself.
So, just have fun.
Because imagine no one's ever gone out front of a sports bar and protested that it's a gladiatorial diversion.
What if 2,000 years ago people would have gone and protested in front of the Roman Coliseum saying,
This is a distraction.
This is where you're trained to dehumanize your fellow humans, where your neighbor's being killed one week, you're being killed the next week.
This is where you're dehumanized, where you're taught to enjoy seeing your fellow man torn down.
This is a false religion, an idol from real issues and real tribal energies of warfare that are meant to stand up for your family.
How about protesting the biggest sports bars?
I'm not even protesting him.
Just being there, pointing out to folks a real war is going on.
Yeah, you know, when people bring a megaphone into a sports bar, just be careful.
You know, you're gonna have a lot of angry, drunk football fans.
But it is a sad state of affairs when these football stars are held up as heroes.
You know, it's like they saved a bunch of children from a burning building, you know, the day after the Super Bowl.
Yeah, crackhead, drug addict.
In fact, here's one.
National Labor Committee.
Women paid 10 cents to sew $80 Peyton Manning jerseys for NFL and Reebok.
You know, since when are our colors not George Washington, Declaration of Independence, and semi-automatic rifles?
Since when did the jersey of an American not be freedom and liberty and Ron Paul in 1776?
Since when did it become a bunch of addled, brain-damaged, drug addict, steroid head, with pimples all over their faces and backs, wallowing around with crack whores?
It's very sad, and again, I understand some people can be football fans, but it just really shows the state of America.
When people are more interested in that, just imagine what we could do if we got 60,000 people instead of going to a stadium, if we were to surround the White House on one weekend.
No, no, no.
That's why the U.N.
and others say, and even back in Roman times they wrote, they give you these sports stadiums and hype up sports so you'll be distracted under their tyranny.
And again, I see friends, family catching their breath watching football.
We need that same excitement for liberty.
That's what's so sick.
They're scientifically using it, Mark.
Yep, well, we're doing it.
We're changing minds, you know, one mind at a time.
So everybody get out there.
It's another opportunity to bring these issues to the forefront of power to the resistance and shattering the multi-million dollar propaganda machine.
Well, Mark, I appreciate the plugs for the Obama Deception Fall the Republic on the show as well.
Stay there.
I want to talk a little bit more before our next guest comes up.
Well, I guess troops dying to D.U.
and Agent Orange isn't a big deal.
We only care about Peyton Manning.
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As we're finishing off this agenda...
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Fall of the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation, the criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty and on its ashes constructing world government.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
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The Super Bowl has been cancelled is the name of his video.
It was going towards number one on YouTube until they started manipulating it and they clearly do that.
It doesn't matter.
I meant to cut some Monday or so when we posted it on InfoWars and time got away from me because it's a great idea and I imitate a lot of what Mark does and he certainly learned some from me.
That's what we all do together and so I'm going to make several videos tonight that we need to go mega viral because you'll get football heads who aren't even thinking about this information
To actually question, hey you're losing your job, the CPS is trying to take your kids, society is falling apart.
Do you know the history of mega stadium sports?
Sports itself are a great thing for young people, but when it becomes these big mega spectacles, it's just like...
Gambling or the lottery or anything, it's a sick joke.
Mark Dice, we've got about four minutes left with you, my friend.
I appreciate you contacting us and letting us know that this video is out.
It's awesome.
They're all up at markdice.com.
In fact, where's a copy of his new book?
We're selling his new book as well.
You can't put down any of Mark's books.
They're all available at infowars.com.
But Mark, again, some people say, oh, you just don't like football.
Why did you decide to do this?
Well, because it's just, it's true.
I mean, it's sad when Americans care more about worthless issues like that, and it's such, it's not even that okay.
I understand people can have their entertainment, but it's such an obsession, and that the football game, especially the Super Bowl, is built up to such a level.
And then also, too, I knew that the media was going to grab this story and run with it, because since everybody loves the Super Bowl, I mean, what kind of a person would boycott the Super Bowl?
That's an interesting story.
And so that's the story that I fed.
To the Los Angeles station, and they grabbed it and ran with it, and it is an interesting story, but I don't think... And you're using their propaganda against them.
You're reaching sport zombies, who are literally zombies, don't even know what planet they're on, through their own brainwashing.
You're waking them up to real issues.
Look, I know how the media works, and if I want to be a scumbag, I could be one of them, but instead I want to use their system against the system, and so that's kind of the artwork that I've sort of
We're good to go.
But as soon as you brought up real issues, they cut you off?
I don't know if they'll have me back again ever.
Yeah, but there's a lot of other big media outlets that you can infiltrate.
And again, other people can do similar things to what you're doing.
It may not be on national TV or big Los Angeles TV, but I mean, look at the Joker poster contest.
And we're getting ready.
I know I'm behind.
I've just been so busy to watch the naked body scanner contest.
I mean, that was literally on hundreds of TV stations, hundreds of newspapers, Japan, Germany, England, the U.S., Argentina, L.A.
TV, Chicago TV, Austin TV, Dallas TV, little TV stations, big TV stations, all because listeners went out and put up Obama posters saying fascist or socialist.
Pick your poison, we had both.
I mean, it's command and control.
And they would freak out and say, ban it, ban it!
So people would put more up, and they finally just shut up.
But that was devastating.
And we can pull these stunts on the enemy all day, and teach other people how to do it.
Well, that's why your audience and the movement is really just growing bigger and bigger.
There's certain key times when it just wakes people up, and I'm sure that there's going to be so many people now that are thinking, wait a minute, why do I really care and get all excited about this?
And I kind of feel like I'm a fish out of water sometimes.
I had dinner with some friends and friends of friends the other day, and the first thing that these people asked me when I sat down is, Colts or Saints?
And I just couldn't take it.
I mean, people at gas stations, people on the street, cults are saints.
We don't talk about how do we get together and defeat this corrupt government.
How do we get our country back?
How do we save our jobs?
How do we get our education system fixed?
How do we?
No, it's like cults are saints, cults are saints.
This is at the heart of what's wrong with our country.
America isn't about worshipping a bunch of crackheads.
It isn't about worshipping a bunch of roid heads.
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Colts or Saints.
Colts or Saints.
Polly got a cracker.
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I think so.
Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda...
That we're pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
I have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
For the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation, the criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty and on its ashes constructing world government.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today, it seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
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We're back live, ladies and gentlemen.
Informative guests tomorrow, 11 to 3 Central, 12 noon to 4 p.m.
Coming up in the rebroadcast on the AM and FM dial, Global Shortwave, Internet Satellite, free podcast at InfoWars.com.
And on the restreams, we had Red Beckman on, Patriot icon for more than two hours.
He'll definitely want to stay with us for that retransmission.
Look, I know that most people know that Agent Orange is deadly.
But it's now been declassified and I have one of those recently declassified secret documents, Department of Veterans Affairs.
This is Admiral E.R.
Zumwalt, Jr.
I'd seen this but it was brought back to my attention and the fact that
Monsanto, the folks that bring us all the GMO food that have natural pesticides in it so the bugs can't eat it, then we eat it, the studies show it kills the rats, has organ failure, and we're eating this?
They know that this is happening.
Why are they doing it?
And you go back to Agent Orange, you know, I had some family, great, loving, wonderful family, Vietnam veteran, helicopter pilot.
No history of any child deformities on either side of the family.
And they had their wonderful firstborn son, clearly from Agent Orange, all the classic things.
He died when he was a few years old.
And you look at the numbers of doubling, tripling, quadrupling, and even more in southern Serbia, in Kosovo, in
I don't
A toxic waste, certain forms of toxic waste.
You don't believe me?
Just in fact, guys, Google aspartame manufacturing process.
You'll be on university sites.
And so a genetically engineered bacteria defecates and then that's the toxic poison you drink that tastes so sweet.
Kind of like another great example is, you know, your cat or dog will drink antifreeze.
Very sweet.
The GMO.
They've now got their SmartStack corn.
It's going to be the biggest crop planted this year, replacing all their other main crops of corn that has six pesticides in it and two other traits, eight genetic traits total.
But we go back to Agent Orange.
They knew day one this was dioxin.
They knew day one, and I have the report here, that it was massively more toxic than arsenic.
In fact, I highlighted one copy of the report.
Is this the one we highlighted?
Because I wanted to go over some of those areas.
And this is what the Army knew all along.
But they won't even give the vets the treatment they need.
What does this tell you about the mindset of the elite that we have?
What does this tell you about their mindset?
I mean, this tells you everything you need to know.
Linda K. May is an RN.
She's worked with Dr. Doug Rockey.
She came highly recommended from him.
And she is an expert on toxic chemicals.
She's worked in... I tried to go over all the things she's done.
State of Illinois Hazardous Materials Advisory Board Certification, Fire Marshal, Site Manager, Hazardous Materials Site Manager, Department of Veterans Affairs, Hospital Safety, Fire Protection, University of Illinois, Department of Family Medicine, St.
Louis University School of Medicine, Multidisciplinary Certificate in Geriatrics.
It goes on.
Thank you.
I just kind of recapped some of the things with Monsanto, but specifically with Agent Orange, there's been some new articles in the Chicago Tribune.
Agent Orange, lethal legacy for U.S., a record of neglect.
I mean, it's more than that.
Poisonous defoliants still exact toll on U.S.
and Vietnam.
Break down your research into Agent Orange.
I have a number of years of research in toxic chemicals and their health effects.
The last four years I've been doing research not only in black mold but Agent Orange.
Agent Orange has a biomarker which can be tested for in a urine sample.
The most important thing that would be of note is the U.S.
Army Medical Research at Fort Dedrick, Maryland, as well as the CDC, all agree you cannot test for this toxin in any blood sample.
You can only test for it in urine.
And that's done through DNA-PCR.
The research has shown that it's been there for a lot of years.
Basically, we all know if you go before a judge and you're caught driving under the influence or using drugs, the judge will say, I want a urine sample.
It's unequivocal court proof.
The test exists and has existed and is available now publicly, where you can literally pee in a jar.
I'm good.
Specifically attached to Chapter 34, and in that chapter, all of the research was done on U.S.
military subjects.
As you know, when you're in the military, basically, you know, if they ask you to give a sample, you don't have a choice.
You give a sample.
But a lot of times, they weren't told why, but they may have served in an area where the toxin was present, and based on this research, they were able to determine that.
What's important is the Department of Veterans Affairs was given a report
By Admiral Dunwalt Sr.
regarding the issue of Agent Orange, and he was requested to do so, I believe at White House request, and that report was not released from declassification until a few years ago.
But the problem was it was never published in the United States.
It's been available in Canada, but nowhere in the United States was it found available, and that's how you
And reading this report, they know how deadly this is.
I mean, describe what Agent Orange really is, and Agent Blue, and what it does.
All the other substances that are harmful, is Agent Orange basically had an orange stripe on the barrel.
Back in the late 60s and 70s, when a chemical was found to be really, really hazardous, the rule was you had to put it in a barrel and pay to bury it somewhere for a thousand years.
What the U.S.
government did, and the chemical companies liked, was the U.S.
government said, okay, we'll make half of each barrel dioxin, call it Agent Orange,
I don't know.
So each barrel had not only a herbicide, a pesticide, a dioxin, they added the neurotoxin to give it a biomarker so that we knew it was our chemical.
And then the U.S.
Department of Defense said, we'll pay you Dow and all these other chemicals, and we'll get rid of your chemicals for you instead of you having to pay to bury it in the U.S.
Now, let's expand on that.
They put a neurotoxin in that attacks animals and people's brains, knowing what they were doing.
I mean, this is all done on purpose.
Well, I have explained it publicly.
There was a neurotoxin in there.
Neurotoxins, as you know, are put in pesticides, herbicides, and others to kill rodents.
They put enough quantity in that it wasn't just little four-legged, two-ounce rodents.
This was big rodents, two-legged, several hundred pounds.
Well, bottom line, ma'am, have you seen the White House Science Czar's own book where he says, basically, kill us like rodents?
I mean, this is not being done by accident.
You know, they tell the guys it's a herbicide, a defoliant, and really they're putting, you know, neurotoxin.
I mean, for those that don't know, that's what a cobra has.
They're putting cobra venom in here, basically.
Synthetic cobra venom to attack humans.
What in the world is going on?
And then they don't give the troops any medical care.
Well, I thought it was even more as they didn't tell the truth.
The truth about what they had.
And in this report, it identifies that it was not diluted.
And it was used off the books by those people in the brown water navy and the blue water navy at full strength.
And then in other things, and Admiral Zumwalt says that he knew it and authorized to use, and that it wasn't recorded, but that those men would be given the same medical care whether or not they had proof of it being used, because they had guaranteed that.
Now can you talk about Zumwalt, because I know there's about to be a bunch of big media coming out on this, and I don't want to hurt that in any way, but I mean you've been doing deep investigation, I mean how much can you tell us about Zumwalt, because you just don't have the document.
Uh, what I can say about this is, I've done my research and literature, but I do know and have met the family.
They are grateful that the truth is coming out.
As you know, Admiral Zumwalt's son served in the Navy and died of Agent Orange, and Admiral Zumwalt Sr.
wrote this document knowing the truth about it and wanting the truth to be out there, but was told that it was classified and that he could not speak.
I do know that the family has suffered with the loss of family members due to the exposure, as everyone is probably aware there are Navy families.
Everyone in his family did serve in combat areas at one time or another.
And they have suffered the revenge of Agent Orange.
Well, this has hurt my family.
This has hurt my family as well and probably most families listening.
But again, people only care about the Super Bowl.
They'll get mad if the Colts lose or if the Saints lose.
This is the mental illness.
Everyone I know has had somebody hurt or killed or formed children from this garbage who was in Vietnam while it was being used.
Well, I can't answer that.
I know that, you know, the chemical safety laws weren't put into effect until the 70s.
But it is very apparent that Admiral Zumwalt was aware of it and he regretted signing the order to use it as a pesticide herbicide and it cut deeply personally for him.
I can say in one section, you know, just to verify it says, a major source of exposure for ground forces were from non-recorded uses by Groundwater and Bluewater Navy in addition to the flyovers by ranch hands.
This document is quite broad and specific and basically gives people benefits they've sought for 30 to 40 years.
Linda, you're not on a speakerphone, are you?
No, I'm not.
Yeah, it's just a little bit echoey.
Try to get a little bit closer to the receiver for me.
You know, I'm definitely going to have to have you back up in the near future, because you've got so much knowledge, so much research, and come so highly recommended by Dr. Doug Rockey.
I mean, we have the scandal of this happening, and similar things being used today, and DU and all of this, but I guess the larger issue is, according to the research I've done, but correct me if I'm wrong, they're still trying to deny treatment, deny payments to families dealing with Agent Orange.
Yes, they are.
And this document very clearly shows where there was a deliberate attempt to ensure that people were denied coverage from the exposure.
That's the important point of the document, is this document
You know why they put the human nerve killer, the neurotoxin, in it?
I mean, they say it was a marker, so they would know it was theirs?
I mean, what does that mean?
And you said it rates, you know, meant to kill humans.
I mean, you know, killing 200-pound rats.
In other words, with different countries involved in a war, you want to biomark your substance to know it's your poison versus somebody else's.
It's like a marker on a bullet.
And so this particular thing was put in there, I suspect, with the term of being a marker because they had identified it as a marker in 1943 when it was found at the University of Chicago.
But, they put larger quantities in knowing that it would become a nerve toxin and would go straight to the larger animals and rodents versus the smaller animals.
And knowing our troops, knowing our troops were going to ingest it.
They knew it was going to get hit.
So, for whatever reason, McNamara and then others after him knew our troops were getting hit with super weapons grade neurotoxin on top of the dioxin.
Very nice people.
From your research into this, what are the effects of the neurotoxin, the dioxin, and the other chemicals?
What it essentially does in those exposed is the toxin embeds itself inside the cellular DNA.
And at that level, it is passed on in body fluid and sperm
So that when husbands and wives go home, they pass it on to their unborn children, and those defects are passed on to other great-grandchildren, etc.
So you basically, it's the take-home poison to the greater population.
And it wrecks DNA, and most of the time you end up having a miscarriage instead of a deformed baby, so it's also a sterilant.
I'm not specifically
Saying that, what I'm saying is it embeds itself in the cellular DNA and wreaks havoc from that point on.
And they admit that in this report.
I mean, reading this report, this is from the military.
Yes, it is.
It's admitted, and it's admitted that not only does it kill your children, it kills your grandchildren and any other member of your family that comes in contact with it.
Because it breaks up the DNA, which, which, and I've seen major studies, in fact, Google this, human DNA mutating faster.
And it's scientists baffled at human DNA suddenly mutating.
My God, these people are out of control.
Well, it's been known for a number of years, and it was identified in government reports, as in this one, to the Secretary of the Department of Veterans Affairs, and it would give people benefits that they'd earned in the military, knowing that they would be quite ill and probably would die within a few years from their exposures.
Well, I've been studying Monsanto.
It turns out they knew in the 50s and 60s that this dioxin-based stuff was deadly, and they were burying it all over the country.
So, why do you think Monsanto and other chemical companies don't care?
One of the paragraphs is very important to the document, and it's on my page 35.
It says, strangely, the deception, fraud, and political interference is characterized government-sponsored
Basically, I don't think Admiral Zumwalt was giving all the facts when he ordered this to be used to kill the weeds and the fauna that were, you know, hiding people that were shooting at them.
I don't think he knew it didn't become available to people until after it was being used over there.
So, I mean, the government, he had the facts, and the drug company and the chemical companies also helped him do that.
Yeah, I'm reading here from the Admiral's own secret report here about the shameful deception, fraud, and political interference that has characterized government-sponsored studies on the health.
We're going to come back and talk about what we can do to try to
Help people and de-use.
Got a 40-something million year total half-life till it... And they're using that all over the place.
Pretty soon they might put it in the water and say it's like fluoride, good for your teeth.
I mean, there's no end to what these people will do.
They might say shooting yourself in the head is good, you know?
We'll be right back with our guest.
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We're good to go!
Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda,
They'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
I have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
For the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation, the criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty and on its ashes constructing world government.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today, it seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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We're good to go.
We're back live, ladies and gentlemen.
Our guest is Linda K. May, RN, in-depth researcher working with Dr. Doug Rocky and others for 30 years.
We know that Iraq is now suing the U.S.
for using DU.
It's confirmed it's causing mass deformities, illnesses, and deaths.
What about Vietnam?
What about communities in the U.S.
that have this Agent Orange and other dioxin all over the place?
I mean, from reading the reports, the health effects are still continuing.
Yes, there are.
As you know, the toxin stays in the water and the food for 700 years, and Admiral Zumwalt talked about the fact that migration of the toxin into the river channels and the food chain of Vietnam, and that's why they have such a large problem with birth defects and pregnancy and other issues.
The water there is still contaminated with the toxin.
And these companies and the military have just gotten away with it.
I understand that the courts have ruled that the statute of limitations is out of order.
So if you knowingly poison people, there's a statute of limitations?
I thought there's no statute of limitations on murder.
Again, that's an issue I haven't delved into.
I'm just well aware of what is going on in the country.
No, no, I mean, I know you're right about that.
I mean, I know you're right about them saying, hey, you know, no big deal.
But you've also researched other chemicals and things that are being used currently.
Yes, I have.
And the same issue is true there, too.
They do stay around for thousands of years, and they affect the population to come unborn.
But they're telling us carbon dioxide is what has to be regulated and stopped.
Plants breathe it.
But, hey, Agent Orange, DU, 40 billion year, you know, until it's not radioactive, what is it, 45 billion years?
700 years for Agent Orange, A-OK.
But you know what?
We've got to put a tax on your can of beans or on a beefsteak.
I mean, this is a big, sick joke.
What are the websites we can visit?
What can we do?
I know there's a lot of media coming out on this now, thanks to your work and others, but what else can we do to expose this and fight this?
What I asked your people to do was to put up this article on your website and make it available, and then I would ask them to ensure that they let others know that they are entitled to benefits, and then, you know, let your congressman know that the documents do exist out there and that it's time to act.
And not use toxins to affect, you know, our great-grandchildren should they be born later on.
Well, that's the thing about conservative veterans and people who've had their children deformed or have cancer.
The VA tells them, oh, you don't get any benefits.
No, under law, you're supposed to.
We are going to post this Department of Veterans Affairs, now declassified, secret document.
And we're also going to put a link up to the Chicago Tribune's latest on this.
I know more is coming out, but we'll leave it at that for now.
Thank you so much for the great work that you're doing, Linda May.
God bless you.
Thank you.
Take care.
You know, I've been trying to go back into issues like Aspartame, Agent Orange, DU, so that you can then understand that this is an agenda.
Just like the genetically modified crops.
They know it's killing you and causing organ failure and leukemia in all their studies.
And they are pushing it and pushing it hard.
Most other countries have banned it.
The U.S.
pushes it for the school lunch programs, everything.
This is eugenics.
This is the orderly extermination of our population.
Adding a deadly neurotoxin to eat your brain.
They know what they're doing.
They hate the police.
They hate the military.
They know when you're 20 and young and dumb, you're gonna serve them.
But they know when you're 40, you're gonna wake up.
So they want you to be so weak and so poisoned and dying that you can't stand up against them.
Red Beckman coming up in the retransmission on the Infowars.com restreams right now.
Just go to Infowars.com, click on the live stream link, or you can go up to the free podcast and download it.
Please keep spreading the word about the show.
We can expose the globalist crimes, we'll bring them to justice, and that's starting to happen, but we got a long way to go, but we are getting traction.
Great job, crew.
See you back live tomorrow, 11 a.m.
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