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Name: 20100201_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Feb. 1, 2010
1523 lines.
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
For the balance of the hour, a man who has a very busy schedule, Mark Moreno, will be our guest.
He served for three years as Senior Advisor and Speechwriter and Climate Researcher for U.S.
Senator James Inhofe.
Republican Oklahoma managed the award-winning communications operations of the GOP side of the EP.
He joined the Senate Environmental and Public Works Committee as the Majority Communications Director in 2006.
After a decade in his work as a journalist, documentary maker, radio host, and national television correspondent at Climate Depot, it really is the number one website exposing the attempted takeover of society by big central banks through their rent-a-mob group of communist land grabbers.
I want to look at what happened at ClimateGate and the more than 10 huge scandals that have come out since then, each one dwarfing and complementing ClimateGate.
Systemic, total, premeditated fraud.
The UN knows man isn't hurting the environment with carbon dioxide.
They want global government.
They want global taxes.
They've said it.
Now, a key article was written at PrisonPlanet.com on Friday.
I'm asking all listeners to get this out to everybody in your city, your county.
Because every major city has these crooks working inside of it.
Cap and trade scam to be enforced at state level.
That's the headline at PrisonPlanet.com.
Individuals and businesses in Austin and a plethora of other states and cities to be taxed for emissions on life-giving gas carbon dioxide.
Now, don't believe me as we go to Mark Moreno.
Here is
Solveclimate.com, going carbon neutral, Austin rocks.
And they've got the UN in here praising Austin as the biggest cuts in North America.
Worse than what they've already put in in Canada.
Okay, taxes on natural gas, taxes on gas, fuel, taxes on your home, home inspections, brainwashing your kids, huge boondoggles like Spain, 700 plus thousand dollars per new green job they create, costing 2.2 jobs.
Here's KLBJ 590 linking to the Austin City Council later if I have time I'll play some of this video with the head of Austin Energy saying he wants it but saying it's good a 2.6 billion dollar tax in the first three years this is implemented.
2.6 billion on Austin electricity payers.
You cannot make up this level of evil.
Here's another one.
Energy plan comes to city council as legislature plans reviews.
Because the city can't just do whatever it wants and violate state law.
Austin Energy unveils carbon calculator at Expo that Austinites will be forced to use.
Austin American statesmen.
So I wanted to set that up because, yeah, we beat them at the treaty level, but Gordon Brown and Obama said, we don't care, we'll just have our EPAs say it's a toxic waste and start taxing it.
The UN's here in Austin, they have open meetings with the UN.
They're grabbing ranchers and farmers' property with S.O.S., not letting them build on it, using the New London Kilo decision.
Then later, literally former mayors own banks and take control of the property and become multi-millionaires overnight.
I mean, it is... I'm living in the Soviet Union.
I mean, they are crawling all over us.
They hired some special forces black-op commander, the statesman said, to run the program.
I mean, they got spooks running it, because this is about billions of dollars per big city.
Mark Moreno, thank you for joining us.
Thank you Alex, happy to be here, and I think I have a reason why the UN Climate Panel has been so inept.
If you'll allow me to read a line here.
Sure, go ahead.
He was overcome by lust and began to feel Sanji's body caressing her voluptuous breasts.
Oh, I'm sorry, that is what the Climate Chief of the United Nations has been spending his spare time writing, and that is one of the reasons they've missed
All of these basic scandals that have been boiling right underneath him.
He's been writing what the U.K.
papers are calling a smutty novel.
This is Dr. Rajendra Pachauri, who now U.K.
papers, lead authors of the U.N., are all asking for his resignation.
And they are worried because the people who you just mentioned, some of this globalist agenda, the global governance agenda,
Having these scandals come out on the heels of climate change—these are all new scandals, by the way—is going to destroy their international agenda.
It's going to destroy the domestic agenda.
And this is what they've been plotting for for decades.
This was a poker game.
They did all in.
All their chips were in.
They forgot every other environmentalist who rode this one out to achieve, you know, sort of a statist control and global governance, and now they're being forced
For those that don't know, he looks like Osama Bin Laden's older brother.
This book he wrote, Alex, is about a man in his late 60s, climate expert, betting a bunch of young women.
And that's exactly what Pachari is.
So now we may have a hint at what he did with his Nobel Prize winning prestige that he shared with Al Gore when this won the award.
And by the way, Australian papers, others are now calling for rescinding the Nobel Peace Prize, the Nobel Award to this UN climate panel.
Well, Mark, I want to go over Pachari Gate, Santer Gate, Glacier Gate, Rainforest Gate.
We have just tons of new emails, the fake temperature readings.
I mean, literally, scandal after scandal, red-handed fraud, as, of course, you have the oil-for-food scammer now hiding in China.
from indictment.
We have Maury Strong openly saying they want to destroy industrialized society.
They want to destroy the middle class.
I mean, is this the beginning of a full route?
Let's go over all the scandals, but then get into the empire striking back.
They are still taking over the cities.
I mean, they are.
I mean, that's the thing.
There's a built-in inertia, like an energy even after something's dead.
There can still be an energy, but the chicken still runs around immediately after its head's cut off.
And so what's happened is they've had decades to lay the landmines, to lay the traps, to lay the strategy.
And they have everything from Endangered Species Act to Supreme Court rulings to the EPA declaring, you know, CO2—we exhale from our own mouth—essentially declaring human beings toxic.
They have a favorable ruling there where the EPA could regulate it.
They have all sorts of international treaties they can do.
They have now Obama setting up a carbon registry in America.
And, of course, they have the climate bill lying in wait.
They have a host—and you were mentioning or alluding to some—all across, whether it's the state of California, whether it's cities.
Regulations coming out of our ears, and we have the stoppage of coal plants and carbon-based energy.
The most obscene thing, Alex, that has happened here is President Barack Obama, a man of color.
I need to say that to remind your listeners, because apparently people like Chris Matthews, you know, that's all they see.
But I assume most people aren't like Chris Matthews, who we have to forget.
You know, Obama gives a great speech, suddenly he forgets he's black, and he might think he's white for a moment.
What Obama has done, most shocking, he's now supporting limiting development in the poverty-stricken third world.
Obama's administration is telling the World Bank, not that we're any fans necessarily of the World Bank, but don't fund coal-fired plants in developing countries due to global warming fears.
In other words, what little good
Any international body could ever have would be to help infrastructure and to help bring running water, electricity, to people living at the bare level of necessities, to bring modern civilization.
President Obama, and this is condemning the majority of people of color, 1.6 billion people, he's condemning people of color to a continued life of back-breaking poverty.
And by the way, Mark,
Mark, you're not just saying that.
They fooled the third world to sign on to the treaty saying we're going to tax America and Europe and England and Australia and give you the money.
Then they actually got the Copenhagen Treaty.
Then it said they had to make, right at, double the cuts.
It was just shy of double the cuts we do.
Every major statistician who studied this
Says it would make tens of millions more on top of the 15 million kids that starve to death each year.
Starve to death?
If you industrialize the third world, every study shows they will then stop having as many children like Japan, the US, England, and everybody else has done.
In fact, start having negative overall population growth.
The US has a negative growth except for those moving in.
They know all of this.
It's a pure tool of control and it's a death sentence.
China builds three new giant coal-powered plants a week.
We're not building any new ones for those that are being shut down.
By the way, the farce on China, and you'll hear the left, whether it's New York Times, Tom Friedman, they'll be gloating about China, how they don't have all the democracy restrictions that we do, and how we're going to be left behind because they're investing all this, and the new green technologies, and wind and solar, and they're going to be advanced, and we're going to leave us in the dust.
My response to that is if China wants to piss away all their money on failed alternative energy technology years before it's ever ready for mass production, let them!
Doesn't mean we need to follow suit.
But they're not doing it!
They built a few railroads.
They're actually going with all the old technology.
They are, but they have a front up where they're investing in alternative energies, and everyone's saying, oh, we need to be more like China.
We had Tom Friedman actually lamenting that the U.S.
and democracies couldn't do with China.
He's looking for a benevolent dictator, essentially, the New York Times columnist, because he wants to get these things rammed through.
Mark, you just hit on something.
The Chinese called for a global one-child policy at Copenhagen.
Every global policy report I read, like this book, Ecoscience, by John P. Holdren, White House Science Czar, says we need a police state like China to carry out forced sterilization.
Well, yeah, I mean, they're enamored with it.
But it gets worse.
NASA's lead scientist, you probably covered this on your program, James Hansen, has now endorsed a book which calls for, quote, ridding the world of industrial civilization.
And I'm not making this up.
That's why at Climate Depot I put, is it time for
But that's what they all say!
That's what Pachari says, it's what Maury Strong say, that's almost a complete, I read his quote in his book, that is almost word for word what Maury Strong says.
Yeah, and not only that, but even Pichari, you mentioned, he's at the point now where they're talking about a level of global governance where you're not going to be able to have ice water in restaurants.
I mean, you have the head of the UN chief writing smutty novels at the same time telling the Western world that they can't have ice water in restaurants because we have to save the planet.
Meanwhile, he's telling the news services that he lives at 30,000 feet.
He has a car and driver chauffeuring him.
Stay there, Mark.
Stay there, Mark.
Folks, this is the ultimate green tyranny.
The ultimate tyranny.
It's taking over your towns and cities.
Kick these crooks out.
They're parasites.
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Every move they make,
Every word they say, we're watching them and proving their fraud.
Mark Moreno, ClimateDepot.com is our guest.
We're going to open the phones up for our guests, your questions, one of the leading experts on these criminals and how to fight them.
Mark, this is a short segment, so I want you to be able to run through all the news scandals, then let's get into
The fact that it's not just a chicken with their head cut off.
I guess it's partially cut off.
I mean, $2.6 billion in taxes in three years in Austin.
They're not stopping.
They're just going around the Senate.
They're using the EPA.
They're not stopping.
Yeah, it's a very good point.
And perhaps I am too much of a cheerleader for the death of this.
I'm actually just about to post a clip of a shot of a casket with roses being thrown on.
The problem is, you're making a very good point.
Liberalism doesn't die when you chop its head off.
It's going to come back.
It's like a hydra.
You know, all these multiple heads and limbs just keep coming back.
But I think what's going to happen is the global warming movement, as we know it, is done.
I actually did a piece about two or three weeks ago now about time for the next EcoScare.
They're already test marketing the next EcoScare.
The UN chief himself, when he's not writing smut, is actually saying that there's a larger problem with global warming, and that's sustainable development.
Al Gore's producer, Laurie David, is worried about plastic waste.
The UK Green Party is out worried about
They're worried about the whole new eco thing about lots of oxygen, that man-made emissions are creating an oxygen crisis.
They're saying it's more alarming than global warming.
We have people worried about nitrous oxide, otherwise known as laughing gas, which is again used in fertilizing, which is part of our agricultural production.
It's all based on, all these new eco scares are based
On limiting human freedom, limiting human development, and controlling population, and giving government more power in order to, quote, save us.
So I think global warming may be damaged beyond repair in terms of an issue to sell.
And we have Democratic Agricultural Chairman Peterson now came out and admitted that he will now vote no on the climate bill if it comes back up, because he went back home and was laughed at and ridiculed and mocked.
So it's become politically untenable.
But you're right, there's so many regulations in place.
We're good to go.
Well I agree with you if we press the issue but there was a New York Times article almost a year ago back in February of 2009 and it talked about the PR firms with the White House already saying we've got to move away from saying warming to change.
Any change is abnormal.
Basically the seasons and that the ocean is turning to acid and
The key term are deteriorating atmosphere.
And so they already were starting to hedge their bet and move to a new fraud a year ago.
They were, and they have been.
In fact, you have UN scientists, Professor Lateef, raising the specter of possible global cooling for decades.
You have peer-reviewed studies saying no warming for three decades.
A new peer-reviewed study came out in December last year, warning of 50 years of global cooling.
What they've found, it's just untenable to say CO2 drives temperature.
There's hundreds, thousands of factors influencing the global climate.
CO2 is but a trace essential gas in the atmosphere.
It could never have had the properties or abilities that they claimed it did.
And now even the warmest are admitting it.
A new study by one of the lead UN authors, Susan Solomon, is showing that water vapor may have actually suppressed temperatures over the last decade.
They're all scratching their heads.
The models didn't predict it.
They never foresaw this.
Yet Susan Solomon is out there telling people that we need to think of CO2, something we exhale from our mouth, akin to nuclear waste.
I'm glad you're here.
Young girls turning to prostitution on man-made global warming.
So imagine you have a generation of Africans being raised that anything bad that happens to them, drought, floods, hurricanes, your daughter becomes a hooker, is because of the West's wealth and their emissions.
I saw that, Mark!
It's a perfect science, Alex, and they're being exposed right now.
But it's even worse than that.
First it was Danny Glover saying Haiti happened because of global warming.
Then last week I saw the UN saying it.
Yeah, I mean, they've tried it.
That's why the leading scientists are now calling it climate astrology.
Whether the ice caps warm, melt, expand, freeze, whether you have floods, droughts, hurricanes, whether you have record cold, blizzards, everything's consistent with global warming.
You can't falsify the theory.
Hence, it's become no more scientific than your daily horoscope in the newspaper.
It is a joke.
It is a laughing stock.
At my website today, I have this Indian magazine that has a headline, We've Been Had.
Global warming, the quote, hottest hoax in the world, a pack of lies.
Stay there.
Stay there.
We're going to come right back, long segment, to talk about how we fight this, because they're not going away.
They're not backing off.
Mark Moreno, ClimateDepot.com.
I'm Alex Jones.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As they're finishing off this agenda, they'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us
Tim Geithner?
They're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care and right now in Washington D.C.
we have seen a fall of the Republic.
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And so when I hear about another UN chief in his own book and NASA chiefs and others, you know, saying we need to destroy industrialized society, they don't really want to destroy it.
They want to own it and control it and shut down their competition.
They're monopoly men.
Now, going back to Mark Moreno of Climate Depot.
Mark, you're one of the leading experts out there.
You've been fighting this for decades.
But I'm going to tell you point blank.
You keep saying they're idiots, they're fools, they're always caught being wrong.
If you read all the emails and Bill Santer and all of them, they admit that it was made up.
They know it's a joke.
The Club of Rome knows it's a joke.
They want to teach humans to be guilty, that we're bad, so the mother government can run our lives.
I mean, sure, their followers are a bunch of well-meaning idiots who are wrong, and it's like astrology, but for the leadership,
There's nothing, you know, to do with Mumbo Jumbo.
They know it's a fraud.
I mean, do you agree with that statement?
Oh, absolutely.
I mean, they knew this.
This was a house of cards from the very beginning in 1988.
When they came out with this, the UN got involved.
It was a political organization masquerading as a scientific organization.
As early as 1996, you mentioned Ben Santer.
They were altering the document, violating their own internal rules to put in key phrases saying that mankind is responsible for global warming.
They did whatever it took.
And then they invented the hockey stick.
They actually had scientists
Conspiring behind the scenes that we had to, quote, get rid of the Medieval Warm Period, unquote, because you couldn't explain unprecedented warmth when the Medieval Warm Period was clearly warmer than today when we didn't have SUVs.
So they got rid of the Medieval Warm Period.
And then they went through, and then even when that was debunked, they quietly essentially downplayed it or almost removed it from the 2007 U.N.
report, showing that there was no Medieval Warm Period, that we were unprecedented.
But essentially, if you go back to Timothy Wirth, the former senator from Colorado, he said even if we're wrong on the science, we're doing right by policy.
So you know from the beginning, and that was back in 1988 when the UN was founded, the UN Climate Panel was founded, you know from the beginning that it was never about the science.
It was all about
Trying to scare people to whatever means possible to get the policy objectives they wanted done.
And the policy objectives have been the same, whether it's global cooling, man-made global cooling in the 70s, they thought our emissions were causing global dimming, and thus, you know, cooling the Earth.
And we had Newsweek actually saying climatologists were pessimistic that we could act fast enough, you know, to stave off disaster.
They were warning of floods, droughts.
It's literally plug and play.
Whatever eco-catastrophe of the day,
It's always the same.
Well, there's going to be floods, droughts, severe storms.
We're going to have worse hurricanes.
It's going to be horrible.
And by the way, Mark, by the way, you're not even pressing the issue.
I mean, it's worse than what you're even saying is you're in a hurry here.
Pachari comes out last week and says, yeah, we put out fake data.
I read his quote on air.
I'm paraphrasing it now.
Yeah, we put out some fake data on the Himalayas based on a cell phone call and a graduate paper some student wrote, a mountaineer student.
But you know what?
We wanted to scare people so that they would do something because we want to save you.
And I can't tell you how many reporters have sat across from me and said, OK, it's a fraud, but don't we need to get away from oil?
Isn't it all?
That's kind of like Dan Rather, if you remember the National Guard documents and George Bush
Oh yeah, sure, the documents are a fraud, but the information was probably true.
So what's the big deal?
Who cares if it was a fake document?
It must be true, because we all believe it.
And that's what you found in the ClimateGate email.
They were actually talking about, I can't prove it, but the medieval warm period couldn't have, must not have been as cold as, must not have been as warm as today.
And they said they made it happen.
They couldn't prove it scientifically, but in their gut they knew they had to prove it.
I mean, he was interviewed by Jesse Ventura.
That's when that finally broke.
We'd always known it.
He said, yeah, we took out five scientists in our own report in 96 that told the UN man is not causing warming.
And he just admits it.
I mean, that's his biggest climate gate right there.
And, you know, so it's not a mistake.
It's not just some data that was separate they altered.
I mean, now it's come out with the thermostats all over the world.
The UN document came out two months ago.
Joe DiLeo, a meteorologist from the Weather Channel, American Meteorological Society, and Anthony Watts from What's Up With That, a website, have shown that the U.S.
government, to use a kind word, is massaging the temperature data that we're warming by.
To use other words, I mean, this is outright data manipulation all for a political end.
And it's being done, coordinated.
That UN document two months ago, how they, over a decade ago, coordinated with major universities.
This has been, from the beginning, it's been an agenda-driven science.
They had to come up.
They actually meet, and they'll actually get together.
We had John Christie, a U.N.
scientist, who said he was at the last—I think it was the 2001 U.N.
climate report—and he said that all the U.N.
lead authors are sitting around a table conspiring how to make the report so alarming that the U.S.
would have to endorse the U.N.-Kyoto Climate Treaty.
This isn't science!
I mean, I've been fed hook, line, and sticker by the media that this was somehow a scientific process.
This was the gold standard process.
This was a fraud.
A Princeton physicist just came out and said ClimateGate reveals it as fraud, pure and simple.
And that's what's in my headline up here now.
It's fraud.
The headline is the climate change fraud from this Indian newspaper.
Around the world, people are catching on, and people are getting angry.
You mentioned the Himalayan thing.
Well, the scientists responsible for having that information in there that was completely unvetted, wild information that it was going to melt in a few decades, which is laughable, admitted that it was left in there because they wanted to pressure policymakers to act on global warming.
That's scientific fraud!
In a previous day, we would have trials.
People would be losing their jobs, their tenure, their professorship.
It would be public scandal.
And we're still not at that point.
The U.S.
media has completely ignored this.
The U.K.
media deserves medals right now, and the Indian media deserves medals.
But the mainstream media in the U.S.
is almost—they haven't done a few Climategate stories.
And kudos to Katie Couric, whoever thought we'd be saying that at CBS Evening News.
She's actually done at least two good reports.
But that's because it's imploding on them and now they understand that they're being fully discredited so they're desperate and that signals that it really is in deep trouble because they're doing this.
But shifting gears Mark and then I want to go to calls.
Shifting gears here.
If you have tens of billions of dollars in Europe, in the U.S., given to universities, given to the U.N., given to organizations, in fraud, you have them lying and scaring people to get money to then push an agenda.
Is this not racketeering?
Is it not fraud?
Is it not criminal?
What is the state of criminal investigations and can we have that because in England they have appointed a leading pro-man-made global warming fearmonger as the quote independent head of the whitewash commission.
Not only in England, but at Penn State University, it's a bunch of, from the reports I'm seeing, it's a bunch of people who are either alumni or tied with the university who aren't going to want the university tied to scandal in their investigation of Michael Hockey Stickman.
So that's a problem, because you can't have a university investigate itself.
You can't have a fellow traveler, if you will, investigate another fellow traveler.
You're not going to get... That's why I think these investigations are ultimately meaningless.
This is in the battle of public opinion, Alex.
And as of October of last year, Halloween, more Americans believed in haunted houses than man-made global warming.
So we are winning!
And from the state houses to the cities, to the Congress, they are being mocked and ridiculed now.
And I just think it's going to be harder and harder for anyone to enact this because global warming, the entire movement has been exposed as fraudulent from the UN down.
You even have New York Times reporter Andrew Repkin
Well, they were organizing and running the fraud, but again, shifting gears here, if you go back five, six, seven years ago,
You and many others are being attacked by these different fraudulent scientists.
There's talk of arresting climate deniers, treason charges for Lord Monckton.
Now you've been vindicated in a royal flush, not just in spades.
If they were freaking out and panicking six, seven years ago, we now learn, I wonder what the internal state of these crooks is right now.
Well, it's interesting.
I mean, right now, you have the lead scientist of the UN turning on Pachari.
Now, keep in mind, Pachari, the head, you know, for your audience to remember, the smart peddler, was a, you know, the Nobel Prize winner, the media darling for years.
And he, his entire identity is this job.
In fact, this Indian magazine, which is where Pachari's from, says, quote, Pachari, his degree in training is in railroad engineering.
This man was educated to make railroads run from point A to B. He will not—I cannot see him voluntarily resigning.
He's going to have to be forced out.
But what they're going to do—they're already talking about a new organization.
They're talking about moving it over to the EU.
They're basically going to acknowledge that the climate panel was deeply flawed.
Pachauri is going to probably be booted out.
And they're going to turn this over to some other international body, probably the Economic Forum or
You know, some branch of the EU and Europe, and then they're going to try to go forward.
They're going to institute a whole series of high-minded reforms.
But guess what?
Beneath it, it's probably going to be the same core scientists.
What this really exposed, and the reason I've been putting pictures of the Wizard of Oz at Climate Depot, is this was probably only 40 to 50, 60 scientists at the core of it.
There's only 52, 53 scientists who authored the media summary for policymakers.
Those are the core activists.
Of that, only 60 scientists signed off on the idea that man-made emissions cause global warming.
Well, since those reports have come out, there have been an abundance of studies throwing cold water all over, and UN scientists now eating crow, talking about water vapor, talking about coming global cooling predictions.
So the movement has to reinvent itself in some way.
Alright, Mark, let me say this.
I think it's mortally wounded.
I think they're going to find a new EcoScare.
I think they're going to have to, or at least some hybrid of this.
Well, what they're doing in Austin and other cities is they just call it jobs creation and green jobs, and say we're going to put a big tax on you, and the whole pretext was over the man-made global warming, but now they're just not using that term.
But going back, and then we're going to phone calls, Mark Moreno of Climate Depot right now is our guest.
Looking at this, they don't care.
Obama doesn't care.
He says he's going to have the EPA go ahead and implement it.
Europe is doing this.
Gordon Brown said they're going to have the
The IMF and World Bank start collecting the climate data, the carbon footprint data.
The cities are already doing it.
So don't we need Congress to have hearings and drag the oil company CEOs who've been supporting this, Dutch Rochelle, BP, to drag Al Gorin who's making money off the windmill companies and off of the carbon trading?
Don't we need to have criminal investigation hearings to
Put these guys up on the stand and show them for the crooks they are.
Wouldn't that be the true death blow?
And really finger them for the crooks they are?
Well Alex, here's the problem with that.
I agree.
I mean, you have, this is essentially huge elements, if not outright racketeering.
You have Al Gore lobbying Congress.
We're good.
Yes, Congress passes a mandate.
So Al Gore's got a personal financial interest.
Congress would go nuts if this were, you know, the bankers, it would go nuts if this were car auto executives.
But because they're greenies, they're left alone.
But here's the scary part.
You would think that Wall Street would have been dragged in and prosecuted.
I mean, a few people went down.
But what was Congress's reaction to the scandal on Wall Street?
Bail out.
The biggest thing we have to fear in the throes of victory here is that Congress may come out and bail out the global warming movement.
And I'm not sure exactly what form that could take, but there's going to be... They're going to do it at the city level.
...a collapse of the carbon market.
So you don't know that... It's the perversion, the way these things work.
When you least expect it, they're going to end up getting propped up somehow.
Well, Mark, here's how they're propping them up.
And I mean, I've been watching them closely.
Schwarzenegger said this the last day of Copenhagen with the Governor and Mayor's Conference.
They're going with the EPA at the federal level, because they can't get the Senate to do it, basically strong-arm the cities into doing it, and the cities will fund these private companies, and that's where the big fight is.
Let's go to some phone calls.
Laura in Texas, you're on the air with Mark Moreno.
Go ahead.
Hello, Alex.
I remember when you'd say, you know, once they lie, they have to lie again and again.
Well, uh, this is Blake and Lies in Rolling Stone Magazine saying you idiots eat the planet's worst enemies.
Yeah, it came out January 21st of 2010 and it's absolutely ridiculous.
Yeah, this is just, that's just sort of the bathroom humor for Rolling Stone.
They did, I think it was 16 profiles.
I was number six on the list of the climate idiots.
They're called climate killers.
You know, Rolling Stone, it's just a, it's a pure entertainment.
It's something to keep on your coffee table and laugh.
But the fact is, the fact that they're doing an issue like that shows they know that they're
Well, they can't do this anymore.
I mean, they sit up there as the big mommy, the big daddy, and they tell us what's real and they tell us what isn't.
They're discredited.
It doesn't work anymore.
When the mainstream media writes hit pieces about me, we only get more listeners.
Because 90% of the public goes, Alex Jones or Mark Moreno must be good if the mainstream media is going after him.
I mean, it's a badge of honor.
When you look across what's happened in the last year as this started collapsing, talking point memo, a big talking point for MSNBC and the talk radio of the left, they had a big post saying, isn't it time to start executing global warming skeptics?
This is a group of crooks!
And again, thank God they've been exposed.
I don't know how any politician in America could vote for a global warming bill in any state, even in Massachusetts at this point.
We had Scott Brown... I hear you.
Let's jam in another call.
Thanks, Laura.
Great point.
Pete in Michigan.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
I got a couple of questions for the guy sitting there with you, and I wanted to tell you something... Mark Moreno, ClimateDepot.com.
Go ahead.
Okay, real quick, I just wanted to say, on some of the websites and different things, people are saying that there's going to be solar flares in 2012 and total destruction of the Earth.
Well, that's NASA saying mega flare to hit the Earth then, and I assure you, your SUV has nothing to do with it.
Yeah, well, they're saying that the government's going into these bunkers.
Well, that kind of conflicts with things.
Why would they rob us blind if we're all going to be dead anyways?
But the question for your climate guy is, I was wondering, I had a theory
I know climate, the heat rising and all that's a bunch of crap, but is it possible that us as humans using up all of our different resources here on Earth, that we are altering the density of the Earth, plus or minus?
...thus changing the orbit of the Earth because of its effects... Alright, we're going to come back and get the... I've asked scientists about this.
The amount of human activity is negligible compared to other natural processes like volcanoes and other things.
But we'll get Mark Moreno's take on that.
But don't worry, if you pay a tax to Al Gore, you buy an indulgence, a carbon indulgence from him, like you'd buy from the Pope 500 years ago.
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You heard Mark Moreno quote the NASA scientist about how we've got to destroy industrial society.
This is the rewilding project.
It's the UN.
It's the endgame.
Mark, what about that question about humans mining things and then destabilizing the earth?
Go ahead.
You know, I mean, exactly what you just said, Alex.
I mean, first of all, the Earth is a majority ocean, that's the number one.
And for human activity to do that, they had a study about five or six years ago, even on a land-based thing, the Earth was still 40, some 40 or more percent in total wilderness of all surface, land-based surface activity, I believe, on the Earth.
So it's not, people have this image that we've literally paved the entire Earth.
That's not the case.
And I don't think there's any way we could affect the wobble.
I have not seen any studies on that.
That sounds like, you know, wild speculation.
Let's go to John in West Virginia.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey, hello.
Go ahead, sir.
Oh yeah, so I was just at work the other day.
There were really nice people came in and he was a science teacher at a local high school.
And I asked him, well, they teach kids in school about global warming.
He said, well, not really much, but, you know, he said he had a buddy that actually worked with the university that took core samples and this and that.
And I asked him, I said, he said it was kind of, he said it was shrinking, but not much.
And I said, well, what time of the year was it when they did it?
And he kind of looked at me funny.
And then I asked him if he'd heard about all the emails from the IPCC discrediting, you know, how did that, you know, discredit scientists.
And he said, you know, he was unaware.
And I said, well, you can, you know, get on YouTube or Google it.
And there's all kinds of, you know, news coverage about it.
John, I appreciate your call.
We've got to move quick.
Another example of the almost complete media blackout so far here in the U.S.
Yeah, it really is, and they won't be able to get away with that for long.
Again, people listen to talk radio, people read the internet, people are reading opinion columns, some of the cable news is covering this.
Not much though, even Fox News has not been covering this.
Why aren't Republicans having hearings about this?
I don't know.
That's a very good question.
This should be, I mean, this is, you know, this also affects, this, because the UNIPCC Climate Panel has now been discredited, the EPA basis for declaring CO2 a pollutant is now completely bogus, because it relies heavily on the UNIPCC scientists
This is the key to their whole program.
One more call.
DJ in Illinois.
You're on the air with Mark Moreno.
Go ahead.
Mark, I'm glad to hear you.
I think that they are making a very critical move, a very strategic move
And it has been done so quietly, most of the folks don't even know what's going on.
It is called the Upper Mississippi River International Port District Act in Illinois.
Look at Illinois.
Yeah, that's like NAFTA superhighways.
80 plus percent of our ports are now far and run.
Mark Moreno comments on that.
Well, that's all part of the, you know, the globalist agenda.
And, you know, people just need to step back.
People praising China, people thinking that a global government can bring... And just remember that throughout history, governments have been the most violent institutions, barred none.
And anyone who wants, you know, and the bigger the government, the more repressive and the less easy to control.
So when you get to a level where you're talking about, you know, either the EU or global
All the British are calling for your carbon ration!
They're calling for the carbon rations.
DJ, I'm sorry, we're out of time.
That was a great point you brought up.
I mean, these people are control freaks.
And national sovereignty is a firewall against tyranny.
Imagine if there had been a global government and Hitler would have taken it over, or Stalin.
Our website's Infowars.com.
Mark, keep it up.
We appreciate you.
Call for Congress to have hearings on this, my friend.
Alright, thank you very much, Alex.
You know, this is far from over, but it is joyful to watch this collapse at the moment.
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Here we are, ladies and gentlemen.
Hour number four.
Halftime has flown past us.
Thank you so much for joining us.
I want to have Neil and Al and a few others on the whole climate situation be able to continue to comment.
They were taking over the locals, the federals, and at the international level.
With their total control of our lives.
They're still having the executive branch in Europe, in England, the U.S., Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and other nations, Japan, do it.
They don't care what the diet says in Japan.
They don't care what the Parliament says in England.
They don't care what the U.S.
Senate says here in the U.S.
They don't care.
They're not stopping.
They don't care.
Yes, we have the tools to expose the frauds.
Yes, it's all a lie.
Yes, they want to destroy industrial civilization.
These are hard-core villains.
They exist.
They're real.
They're on record.
Now, coming up, I want to get into the Iran situation.
I want to get into the latest with Kurt Haskell and what happened there.
Sharp-dressed man who aided underwear bomber in the flight 253 was U.S.
government agent.
I want to go over that, but right now let's go back to some of the phone calls.
Let's talk to Al in Florida.
Al, you're on the air.
Hello, Mr. Jones.
I have two questions for you.
The first one is, do you know what a fluorocarbon footprint is?
What's a floral carbon footprint?
They're talking about a spectrum of gases that they believe contribute to man-made global warming.
And that's the footprint, carbon footprint, right?
That's a spectrum term I've seen them use.
Yeah, because I got a bill knocked on my door from the Florida Energy Conservation Advisors providing free home energy conservation
Yeah, what they're doing is without the enabling legislation, and some states have already passed it as law, they put
Smart thermostats in and they say they're going to turn your thermostat on or off.
They're going to decide how hot or cold your house is.
That's mainstream news.
Austin is getting these stinking things.
Our office got one about four months ago.
They don't ask.
They come and put it on outside so the government could turn my heat down or up or whatever they wanted to do.
And they're doing Austin wants to make you have audits to be able to sell your house.
And then they can raise the level of the audit over the years like the income tax started out at 1 percent and you know now it's 40 percent.
So, yes, that's these home inspections.
And do not, it's the same thing with the animal ID, premises ID.
It's not law, it's a regulation.
But when you fill that form out, you waive all your rights on your property.
And my second question is this.
You, the eugenicists, these elitists, these people who want to control population,
And be beyond one child population, but eliminate 80% of us.
Is it the great persecution that John in Revelation talked about in the Bible?
The greatest persecution mankind has ever seen?
That God himself has to put an end to it or no life would be left?
Is that the same thing?
It sure fits the bill, doesn't it?
It sure do.
I appreciate your call, Al.
Cass, John, Jarrah, others, we're gonna get to your calls, but I need to news blitz when we get back, and I will.
And we'll also get into some economic news coming up as well.
The toll-free number to join us on air is 1-800-259-9231.
Our websites are PrisonPlanet.tv and InfoWars.com.
Don't forget InfoWars.net has a lot of exclusive news on it as well.
JonesReport.com, WhatIsTheEndGame.com, FallTheRepublic.com, The Obama Deception,
The list goes on and on.
All the sites are excellent.
Check them out today.
We'll be right back on the other side of this quick break to break down a ton of absolutely vital news.
Stay with us.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
We are back live.
South Africa, Israel, Japan, they've all developed nuclear weapons.
Iran has been overthrown several times by the British in the U.S.
in the last century alone.
Bush put out a White House press release in 2007 admitting that four different terrorist organizations, three of them Al-Qaeda run.
Remember, that's who fights the Iranians.
Who are Shiite, is the Al-Qaeda backed groups out of Saudi Arabia, that they were trying to destabilize the country.
They've been conducting terror bombings, trying to get riots going.
Again, I'm no fan of what the Iranian regime does.
I'm against big government.
I know historically that 99% of the time, government is bad.
Government is out of control.
Government is wrong.
Government is abusive.
The bigger the government, the more abusive it is.
But the facts are, Iran is not expanding.
Iran is not attacking anybody.
They do fund some groups in Lebanon.
They tend to have tit-for-tat responses with Israel.
They're not friends with Israel.
They have said they want to destroy the regime that's there.
And that's misquoted as saying they want to kill everybody that's there.
But the point is, if we attack Iran, they're going to shut the Strait of Hormuz.
They're going to fire their tens of thousands of sunburned missiles at our fleets.
They're going to spill over into Iraq.
They have a defense pact with Russia and China, and they've got 66 million people, not 23 million, and they are statistically, historically, a lot better military power than Iraq, and it is going to be hellish.
All because the globalists want to start a new war as a political distraction and link up with Iraq they control, with Georgia they can control, going from the west to the east, Georgia
Turkey, Iraq, then you've got Pakistan, Afghanistan that the U.S.
is in.
They want Iran to link up for empire in Pax Americana in that part of the world.
Oil prices will conservatively triple.
Most estimates are even higher.
They're talking about $500 a barrel oil, not $70.
So that's more than a quadrupling.
The list goes on and on and on.
What will happen?
What will develop?
What will unfold if that takes place?
And you see the underwear bombing, clearly a staged event.
You see the fear-mongering associated with that.
You see the naked body scanners going in.
You see the White House in speeches saying, get ready for Al-Qaeda to hit us.
Obama signing a police state martial law executive order dealing with biological attack.
They're clearly engaged in a preparatory phase to get the people ready for a supposed terror attack against U.S.
interests or in the U.S.
or against the British as a pretext to go in.
Remember the White House memo.
Remember Downing Street memos.
This was in the Times of London.
The White House admitted that they told Tony Blair we want to get a U.S.
aircraft flying low, shot down to blame it on Iraq.
That they knew there were no WMDs.
Governor Ridge admits they created fake terror alerts for political gain.
This is what they do.
And they do this over and over and over again.
So it's important for people to read all the mainstream news articles
I'll get a document cam for PrisonPlanet.tv viewers here.
The type of hype that's going on, and not just hype or saber-rattling, the actual military build-up in and around that area that is accelerating.
China, Iran spur U.S.
to develop anti-sea battle plan.
military is drawing up a new air-sea battle plan in response to threats such as China's persistent military buildup in Iran's possession of advanced weapons.
According to the Pentagon's latest strategy review, the Air Force and Navy are seeking more effective ways of ensuring continued access to Western Pacific and to counter potential threats to American bases and personnel.
Continuing, U.S.
raises stakes in Iran by sending ships and missiles.
London Guardian, Pentagon says Patriot shield will deter strike on American allies in the Gulf.
Now remember, three years ago, the Pentagon released their attack plan, two different plans.
One was three months, thousands of sorties, that is fighter-bomber missions.
Blowing up their entire infrastructure, power plants, water plants, military bases, seaports, roads, bridges, television, media, government, infrastructure.
Just absolute crime against humanity.
Leveling Iran.
Iran will launch real terror attacks all over the world.
The government will then use those attacks to take citizens' rights.
We're the real target of Homeland Security and Northcom.
You won't have to have staged terror attacks, because terror in many cases is anybody resisting.
If a cop tries to break your head open with a billy club and you raise your arm to block it, and they break your arm, they charge you with assault.
You've seen that on the news how many times?
Well, if Iran raises its arm to block a blow from a billy club, that will be called terrorism.
So this is the type of situation that we are talking about here.
And so these defensive systems are not defensive.
That's so if Iran fires its 12,000 or whatever the newest number is, sunburn missiles that go a couple hundred miles at the fleet.
Remember they tried to order Fox Phelan to
They had a CENTCOM to put the fleet within range of those.
He refused.
Then they had the staged deal where they had Navy SEALs saying, we're Iranians, we're going to blow you up.
Then later it came out that had been staged.
Fox Fallon said, I'm not going to be part of this and resigned.
So they clearly want to start this up.
A Patriot missile.
Systems are being put in.
Tensions between the US and Iran heightened dramatically today with the disclosure that Barack Obama is deploying a missile shield to protect American allies in the Gulf from attack by Tehran.
They do that before the war.
Did it in 1991, 1990-91, did it in 2002-2003.
The U.S.
is dispatching Patriot defense missiles to four countries, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Iran, and Kuwait, and keeping two ships in the Gulf capable of shooting down Iranian missiles.
Washington is also helping Saudi Arabia develop a force to protect its oil installations.
American officials said the move is aimed at deterring an attack by Iran and reassuring Gulf states fearful that Tehran might react to sanctions by striking U.S.
allies in the region.
Love how they're spinning this.
Remember, oh, we've got to go in against Saddam.
He may attack.
Washington is also seeking to discourage Israel from striking against Iran by demonstrating the U.S.
is preparing to contend any threat and contain any threat.
The developments come as Obama's attempts to emphasize diplomacy over confrontation dealing with Iran, but that's not what they're doing.
In contrast, the Bush administration's approach have failed to persuade Tehran to open its nuclear installations to international controls.
Iran did have all its installations open, then they said they couldn't have peaceful reactors that have no weapons use.
Then Iran, six months before they opened a new enrichment center, announced it, as they're supposed to, and the media did a big hoax
Saying that they had kept the facility secret.
It's all hoaxes, ladies and gentlemen.
Here's another one.
deploys land and sea-based missile shield in the Gulf to deter attack from Iran.
So the spin here is that they are about to attack.
Separately, the army knew into the early 1990s in their own manual said DU will destroy your lungs, destroy your testicles, destroy your ovaries, destroy your body, destroy your fertility, cause massive deformities in children.
They doubled, tripled, quadrupled and more.
And they've used it all over Iraq.
They want to use it in Iran.
They're talking about using actual nukes in Iran.
Iraq to sue U.S.
Britain over depleted uranium bombs and I would add munitions.
Iraq's Ministry of Human Rights will file a lawsuit against Britain and the U.S.
over the use of depleted uranium bombs in Iraq.
A Iraqi minister said, Iraq's Minister of Human Rights told
The Assad newspaper that lawsuits will be launched based on reports from the Iraqi ministers of science and the environment.
According to reports, during the first year of the U.S.
and British invasion of Iraq, both countries used depleted uranium bombs.
They used munitions for tanks as well.
According to the Iraq military experts, the U.S.
and Britain bombed the country with nearly 2,000 tons of depleted uranium bombs during the early years of the war.
It's more than that.
Atomic radiation has increased the number of babies, both with defects.
In the southern province of Iraq.
Yeah, Basra is really bad.
Iraqi doctors say that they have been struggling to cope with the rise in the number of cancer cases, especially in cities subjugated to heavy U.S.-British bombardment.
The high rate of birth defects and cancer cases will move in the coming years to the central and northern provinces of Iraq since the radiation may penetrate the soil and water by air.
The ministry will seek compensation with the victims of the bombs.
And what about our troops?
What about the troops?
They would bomb Iraqi bases, and then move our troops into the bases they had attacked with the A-10 Warthogs, the Abrams tanks, with their sabot rounds, with their other missiles and munitions they used, and then they would move them in to the facilities that were doused and dosed and peppered with this stuff, and the troops come home and have deformed children and die, and that's just too bad!
Because, see, the government claims they care about the military.
They claim they care about the troops.
They always wrap themselves in the flag and wrap themselves in the valor of our troops.
But then flush them down the toilet when they get sick or die.
And that's what's happening politically.
Now, scarily, because this is from Press TV, which is Iranian television, directly from the horse's mouth, Iran will deliver telling blow to global powers on February 11th, the day of the Islamic Revolution.
Iranian President Mahmoud Najid said the nation will deliver a harsh blow to the global arrogance on this year's anniversary of the Islamic Revolution.
The Islamic Revolution opened a window to liberty for the human race, which was trapped in the dead ends of materialism, Ahmadinejad said during a cabinet meeting Sunday.
If the Islamic Revolution had not occurred, liberalism and Marxism would have crushed all dignity and their power-seeking and money-grubbing claws.
Nothing would have remained of human spiritual principles, he added.
Ahmadinejad said that in the three decades of its history, the Islamic Republic had inspired some great developments in the world.
The Iranian president made the remarks at the 31st anniversary of the Islamic Revolution approaches.
Iranians are expected to pour into the streets February 11th to celebrate the occasion of public rallies across the country, as they have done annually over the past three decades.
What does strike a blow mean?
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda...
We're pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
For the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation, the criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty and on its ashes constructing world government.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com.
Or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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Here's what we're gonna do.
In the next segment, I'm going to take some of your phone calls, then I'm going to get into this top story.
The sharp-dressed man who aided the underwear bomber on the flight 253 was a U.S.
government agent.
This is in the Detroit newspapers, Detroit TV, but they just report it like it's no big deal buried in the bottom.
Just like ABC News last Thursday,
Actually, Wednesday.
We didn't know about it until Thursday.
Reported, oh yeah, there was a second man arrested.
And there was someone who helped him get on the plane.
Oh yeah, and the government did want him to get on the plane and helped him.
So, we have them.
But I wanted to go to Ted Anderson.
He hadn't been on with us in about three weeks.
Gold is going back up again right now.
But Ted bought when it went lower.
He has it at the lower price while it's up.
You've got the bankers buying up any gold they can get.
You've got them trying to devalue it at the same time.
But as they globally, in a coordinated effort, devalue all currency simultaneously, commodities are only going to go up.
And I bought gold at $300 an ounce or less.
I haven't sold it with it above $1,100.
Because it's my insurance against inflation, against depression.
It's my backup.
I don't trust stocks and bonds and things like that.
I don't own any stocks or bonds.
I believe people should get into gold and silver, ladies and gentlemen.
And no matter what gold does in the near future, races up, goes down.
All the economic data and all the economic experts we interview here, all these different economists, believe gold is only going up in the future because they're devaluing the currencies.
Ted Anderson, good to have you up with us.
Hey, it's always a pleasure to be up with you, Alex, and it's nice to be back for sure.
Gold is going up.
It's up, well, it's been up $30 today.
It's backed off a little bit.
It's now up $25.
It's a good run going on right now.
Barack Obama announced his budget.
There's a $1.56 trillion deficit coming to this country.
And that's just going to drive the production of money right up through the roof, and the country can't afford its bills as it is.
I don't know how he's going to do it, but obviously people in the markets don't believe it's going to work because gold's going up and the dollar's going down.
So yeah, right now at this particular time, all my stuff is priced at $1,078, and gold is up in the $1,100 range now, as high as $1,107 already today.
And by the way, somewhere in my stack, I'm digging around for it.
I think it's an AP article where Obama says bad news coming on the economy.
So they keep saying how great the economy is, but the truth is the joblessness accelerating, the factory shuts down, shutdowns are accelerating.
I mean, it's just getting more and more serious by the minute.
We're heading right into an economic meltdown with the commercial real estate market.
We're going to be hitting that head this summer or maybe this fall.
It's going to be very tough on the banks.
I just don't know how the U.S.
economy is going to make it through all this.
That's right.
Now they're saying they want another...
Banker bailout or looting event.
The 28 trillion they pumped in hasn't stopped the economy from imploding.
Reuters, White House to paint grim fiscal picture.
There's Reuters.
I mean, that's the reality.
And they're lying.
I wonder why they lie out of one side of their mouth, but then tell the truth out of the other side of their mouth, Ted.
Yeah, it's hard to say what's going on up there in Washington, D.C.
and what the media's ideas and what they want to put out there is, but I can tell you right now, the United States dollar is under attack, not only just here domestically by our President and Congress, but also across the nation.
I mean, India again right now.
Is trying to figure out how to get around their tax rules so they can start buying gold without having to pay their own little income tax that they have to do over there.
Well, Dr. Paul Craig-Romberts on this radio show two months ago said that when the carry trade reversed in money manipulation, currency manipulation, that it would come back into the U.S.
and for a few months the dollar would go back up.
That happened.
Now it's starting to fall back down again.
Yeah, that's exactly what's going on today.
And like I said, a $30 increase in gold today.
And, you know, I priced my things this morning based upon gold at $1,078.
So if you're looking at getting into the gold market, now's a great time to do it.
For a little bit there, Alex, I was thinking, huh, maybe we'll have a little bit of a setback.
We can relax.
Maybe the economy won't melt down as quick as we thought.
Obviously, that's not the case.
Ted, the numbers 800-686-2237.
Real fast, throw out some of the coin offers you've got.
Well, the best deal that I have right now is I'm offering a franc for $2.55 and I give people a subscription for a full year to the International Forecaster.
That sells for $179.
We give it away for free.
I think that that's a great way to get into gold.
They are $255.36 normally.
I mean, at $1,078 gold, those prices have gone up since.
British Sovereign's at $316.
So you're getting a great deal on the frank and getting a hundred plus dollar value with International Forecaster.
I guess that's the hard copy?
Yeah, that actually, you can take it hard, or you can take it email, same price.
Wow, that's, that's, that, I've never heard a deal, you've never offered that deal that I've heard on air.
Ted, tell us a little bit more about the International Forecaster, a deal you're offering when we come back.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda,
We're pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
For the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation, the criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty and on its ashes constructing world government.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com.
Or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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We're out here, it's fine!
So, Ted, to get this straight, your offering, if somebody buys a Frank coin, and I've actually seen your markups on those, it's $3 to $5.
It's what you're making.
You know, people say, I saw Ted Anderson's corporate filings.
They made $8 million last year.
Yes, with a 5% markup.
I guess some special coins have like a 10% markup.
I mean, what other business has markups that low?
But you've got gold up 30 bucks today.
He's selling you gold with a 5% markup.
Or 3 or 5.
I haven't seen the latest sheet.
I get sent the actual Midas Resources purchase sheets.
And so, with markup added, this is way lower than you can buy this coin anywhere else, and you're getting a free international forecaster, either digital, twice a week, or hard copy, mailed to you.
Ted, again, how much does the international forecaster cost?
It's $159 a year.
That's what the subscription rate is.
So that's, I mean, that's more than half the cost of the franc itself.
It is.
Actually, the people that buy the franc at this time, I mean,
There is no markup on this.
There's a markdown.
I lose money.
For the person who was saying that my $8 million sales, whatever that one year was, is a bad thing.
I don't know why anybody would think that's bad.
$8 million in people's hands for gold.
I think that's good.
But anyways, nonetheless, it's... No, no, Ted, I wish you made $8 million profit because we'd be on more radio stations and better systems and more employees.
I mean, if you made $8 million one year, profit, what is that, like $300,000, $400,000, $500,000?
Well, yeah, I mean, it would be a real high number, and I've never made $8 million yet.
But people do publish some funny numbers, I've got to tell you.
I had Texas Monthly asking me, and I said, I don't know what Ted Anderson makes, that's why I'm asking you.
Yeah, well, you know, last year I lost a little bit of money.
By the time I was done buying all those ads for the creature from Jekyll Island and Follow the Republic,
I don't
I mean, Alex, you've been with me long enough to know.
But we're not communists, too, so I actually wish you'd make some money, Ted.
Well, I have to, because if I don't, I'm in danger of having to shut down the operation, and I know that nobody wants that.
800-686-2237, folks.
How much is the coin again?
Well, the coin currently right now is $255.36.
Now, if you think about that for a minute, if you subtract $159
Off of that $255.36, I don't have a calculator, I didn't do the math, but you're obviously getting a gold coin for way, way, way less than spot gold once you consider the discount for that newsletter.
You're getting that coin for $104.
Yep, that's right.
And it's a fifth of an ounce of gold, so 104 multiplied, we'll just take 100 by 4, that's $400.
I guess you get to buy gold for $400 an ounce once again.
Try doing that anywhere else.
800-686-2237 or MidasResources.com.
Ted, thank you for coming on with us today.
Yeah, thanks for having me up, Alex.
You bet.
Take care.
Again, Ted Anderson, ladies and gentlemen.
Joining us here on the air today.
Okay, I promised to go to your phone calls, but I also have two other stacks of news I've got to get to.
So I'm going to go to your calls.
And we've got 14 minutes left or 13 minutes left.
No, we have longer than that.
We have to do math now.
We've got 23 minutes left in the radio broadcast today.
So I'm now going to go back to your phone calls.
Who's up next here, John?
Cass in British Columbia, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hi Alex, brilliant show today.
I have a quick question for you.
CBC or CNN had a short blurb indicating that Haitians are being offered free land if they relocate to Africa.
Do you have any ideas what that might be about?
Well here, let me search engine that.
Let me see.
Haitians being offered free land to move to Africa.
And there it is.
Print that for me.
It says, Senegal offers land to Haitians.
Senegal's president says he will offer free land
And I'm reading from way across the room, representation, reparation.
I'm trying to read this from like 10 feet away on a tiny screen.
The people affected by the earthquake in Haiti.
So I guess that's true.
President Wade said Haitians were sons and daughters of Africa since Haiti was founded by slaves, including some thought to be from Senegal.
So that's a nice offer from him.
You don't think that has anything to do, I was kind of thinking that with the valuables that they were sort of trying to get in exodus so that they could go in after their resources a little bit easier.
Well there's not a lot of valuables in Haiti.
I mean they'd be forested.
Sorry, I had thought in some of the reports they indicated that there might be oil and some gold.
But I don't know if Senegal would be getting that, but I mean, who knows?
No, no.
You just informed me of this, so I don't know.
What do you think?
Well, I sort of thought that in one of the reports I read, it had indicated that the U.S.
and Canada has
Has major holdings in Haiti so I sort of thought with the way things go that it would be quite convenient if some of the people left.
And gave up their land to the corporations.
That was just my sense on it and I just wondered what you thought about it because you're usually pretty right on.
Well, thank you, Cash.
I don't know enough about it to be able to comment.
That's my answer.
But the West and the globalists already control Haiti.
A very small percentage of people actually own the land.
Most of the people are in compact cities at or near starvation level.
Uh, and so I think this is probably just a nice offer from Senegal, but I don't know.
Uh, I can't really comment because I don't know.
Uh, but I can do some research and give you my opinion, but thank you.
Interesting point.
Jarrah in California.
You're on the air.
Hi Alex.
Hey, I've dubbed you America's Archangel Alex.
Well, that's sweet of you.
I try to be an angel.
I can be a little devil sometimes too.
You're like John Travolta in that movie, Michael.
I think that what they've done here now, I watch shadow government with the data grab on our medical records, and they've got our financial records with the IRS, and Google's got our internet activity, and they've got our shopping purchases.
And they all share it?
Right in the cell phone conversations now.
So now that they've got our medical records, and we know what that's going to be like if you look at Diebold voting machines.
Information with your nude body, in every minute detail, will dictate the recipe, a designed recipe, for slow kill.
Well no, that's actually, that's actually admitted, Jaren, I appreciate your call.
That's admitted to a certain extent.
The biometric 360 scan they get of your body, they then admit is used by cameras attached to your name later.
You go to the airport, they know your name, they record you.
They save that biometric data.
They can make a biometric imprint off your thumb, your finger, your hand, your face, your eyes, your retina.
Now it's your whole body.
So even if you're wearing a hat, they can shoot through your clothes with it.
And off any part of your body, get that digital algorithm.
So yes, that's a big part of it.
Let's go ahead and talk to Carl in Kentucky.
Carl, you're on the air.
Yeah, Alex, I just wanted to make a quick statement.
Doesn't this global warming fraud just blow their excuse for chemtrailing us?
And also, what do you feel is the probability rate of them actually, the elite, creating a controlled nuclear war and it getting out of control?
Each point is excellent.
We have the White House science czar and others admitting that they've been
Spraying the atmosphere to manipulate the weather.
They admit they have hurricane systems with aircraft they can create.
That's all declassified.
But you talk about it, you get laughed at.
It just shows the amazing ignorance of the general public.
But we're trying to educate them.
That was your first point.
And I believe they can create environmental disasters with their systems as a pretext to sell their global warming.
As for controlled nuclear wars, they now say they can have controlled nuclear wars.
The Pentagon
Change its policy three years ago to preemptive nuclear strikes, saying they're going to use an arsenal of smaller weapons that are ground-penetrating.
But ground-penetrating, instead of airburst, create a lot more radiation than just the airburst.
And so just basic understanding of nuclear weapons, it flies in the face of that.
A weapon that detonates on the ground combines with all of the surrounding metals to create other highly radioactive and very toxic isotopes.
And so for them to say we have a clean way of nuking Iran or other countries is asinine.
I appreciate your call, Carl.
Good points.
Lauren in Minnesota, you're on the air.
Go ahead, Lauren.
Hi Alex, Prison Planet TV member here.
Thank you.
Just a quick call to action from the Minnesota Sovereignty Project made by a Vietnam veteran.
On Thursday, February 4th, 10 a.m., south entrance to the state office building across Wright Street from Sears.
We the people will be assembling to exercise our First Amendment rights.
Encourage state reps to support our constitutional options as provided in the 10th Amendment to the Constitution.
Join us.
Thank you.
Alright, thank you so much, Lauren.
Ben in California, you're on the air.
I just have a couple of questions.
One, Mike Ruppert is one of the leading people in the 9-11 Truth movement, yet he's also promoting peak oil endlessly with his movie Collapse.
I wonder what you think of that.
In your movie, Endgame, you mentioned that Peak Oil was a fraud.
The second relates to this so-called debunking website called ConspiracyScience.com.
It's a step above the others.
This guy is kind of just going out of his way to attack you and your movies.
He gives huge reviews of them.
Um, would be very convincing if you haven't been awake for a long time.
So, it will bite you back in the future, I believe, if you don't address it.
It's called conspiracy science.
No, no, no.
Sir, sir, when you address things that are baloney and only make some worse, I appreciate your call.
People constantly make stuff up about me.
They constantly lie.
They constantly edit videos together to try to make me look stupid, and I'm not really worried about it.
This isn't about Alex Jones.
This is about waking people up and getting them to think.
And I'm not aware of the second issue you brought up, reviews of my movies.
My movies are what the globalists have said, what they're actually doing.
Fall of the Republic is in their own words.
And so...
People attack it, of course they're going to attack it.
My films have been seen hundreds of millions of times conservatively for free online.
We are leading the revolution against tyranny.
So of course we're going to be attacked from every side.
And if I spent all day responding to stuff that people say about me, this would not be a popular radio show.
People tune in here to hear information, to hear news coverage, to hear my analysis, to hear the guests we bring on, to hear
What threats we think are important, or how we're rallying people against corruption.
If people get lied to and set back in their development, that's the fault of the liars, not the fault of me.
Now, on the subject of Mike Rupert, I have nothing to say.
I have nothing to say about him.
He has called for population reduction.
And he's pretty well... I just have nothing to say.
I mean, it's just a non-issue.
We're exposing the global warming fraud.
It's a joke.
It's imploded.
We're exposing the artificial scarcity folks that are trying to cut off the resources.
There's more oil, more natural gas been discovered than we can ever even use.
It's a joke there's so much.
And so, I don't really get into personalities unless it's somebody like Glenn Beck.
Look, Michael Savage comes out.
In fact, cue up that clip we played yesterday where he was talking about the ear gun.
The first clip.
The first clip we played yesterday where he's talking about the Reichstag and the ear gun and how Emmanuel's dad was one of the top terrorists and how he says that he believes Emmanuel will stage terror attacks.
It was the first clip you played yesterday.
I mean, you know, I want to give people credit.
When they come out and tell the truth.
I don't want to be enemies with Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, or any of these guys.
But Glenn Beck has taken over the Tea Party, and he is neutralizing the opposition to the New World Order, and I know he's attacked us in the past, and I know he's bad news.
In fact, let's go to break with Michael Savage telling it like it is.
Here it is.
Right now what we have is a dictatorship run by a gang.
It's a gang under Obama, although I think he's the front man.
I think that soon they're going to realize that he's more intelligent than they originally thought and they're going to find out that they're going to be left out in the cold.
But that's going to take a little while before the Rahm Emanuel gang realizes that Obama has outsmarted them and he's not just their front man.
I made a prediction on the show yesterday that I'll repeat right now so that you can mark it down.
Savage predicts
A Reichstag fire-like event sometime within the next year or two in America that will have been conducted by the government and blamed upon subversive elements in order to permit a dictatorship, a naked dictatorship to emerge in this country.
If you think I'm making this up, you're right, I'm making it up.
But I'm not making it up out of whole cloth, I'm making it up out of historical cloth.
Rahm Emanuel is a very devious man.
Rahm Emanuel has deep roots going back to dictatorial inclinations.
You want me to open that one up?
Would you like to discuss Rahm Emanuel and who he is?
And what his background is and his father's background?
His father was a member of the Irgun in the early days of Israel, which I think is quite ironic when you think about it.
Here you have the most anti-Israel administration in modern American history, perhaps since Eisenhower,
And the Chief of Staff's name is Rahm Emanuel, he is from Israel, and his father fought with Meir Begin in the Irgun in the early days of the foundation of Israel.
Some would call, some would term the Irgun a terrorist organization.
They did horrible things.
They blew up the King David Hotel, killing British soldiers.
If they had any opponents within their own party, meaning Jews against Jews, they took the men that they caught, who they didn't approve, and they put their hands on the top of doors,
And they closed doors on their fingers and broke their fingers.
They were not nice guys.
They were powerful, brutal, bloodthirsty revolutionaries.
That's who created Israel.
And that's how every country on earth has been created.
Basically by tough guys who are killers.
There's not a country on earth that's been created by nice men.
So let's not make this an exception.
So now Rahm Emanuel grows up in the home of a Jewish revolutionary in Israel.
And now he is the Chief of Staff to the President of the United States, who happens to stab Israel in the back as one of his first acts.
And then he goes into how they're going to stage terror attacks.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda,
That we're pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
Tremendous influence on our President and Congress.
And they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
Fall of the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation.
The criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty and on its ashes constructing world government.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com.
Or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Thomas Jefferson once said, when the people fear their government, there is tyranny.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty.
Our God-given right to life and liberty and the right to determine what is best for our lives and our family's health are in jeopardy if we the people
We're good to go.
We're good.
Another issue here.
I got on the toll road to drive to Dallas to go interview Dave Mustaine of Megadeth a few months ago, and you don't pay cash anymore.
You don't even have to get a little transponder.
They just scan your license plate and send you a $20.80 bill.
Now, Texas taxpayers paid for that toll road, that I-30 toll road, saying it'd be a loop around Austin, but they just put a toll road on it.
But the point is, that's what the license plate reading cameras are doing.
That's the science.
And they want to put them around every major city, including Austin, on all the major roads.
What is it?
10 roads in Austin, and tax you everywhere you go.
I was on the road for about 10 miles and got a $20.80 bill.
Alexander Jones!
My license plate number.
In fact, let me just scratch out my license plate number and I'll show people this.
Here, zoom in on this with the document cam for PrisonPlanet.tv viewers.
MSB, a private corporation, PO Box 16777-Austin, Texas, 78761.
Got the toll free number there for them.
The vehicle shown below, and then it goes into what I did and where I drove and what I did.
And non-payment.
Look, $20.80 right there.
That's Big Brother, ladies and gentlemen.
That's the control grid.
And Schwarzenegger wants to make it where all roads in California are taxed.
This is the fake green economy.
This is the scam.
The Napa Superhighway is grabbing our roads, giving them to bankers, giving them to globalists.
This is the scam.
This is the fraud.
This is what they're doing to us.
This is what we're fighting.
And the services get cut that government gives you.
The services they do give you are a nightmare, and the taxes go up and up and up and up and up on interest of the debt, or just flat-out looting, where we pay to build the roads, they take existing roads or new roads and slap toll roads on it, and even when the legislature votes it down, it continues.
There's no way to stop these criminals.
Until we stand up and take our state back and start prosecuting them.
But at first they had, where you had to pay cash or get a tag, but literally the news reported most people wouldn't do it and just ran it.
So they said, don't worry, we'll just put the license plate readers in.
And they just send you a bill and track where you're driving and what you're doing, and they already have these license plate readers up on every major highway and little roads in the middle of nowhere.
They are tracking everywhere you go and what you do.
This is Big Brother, and I meant to get to this today and I just didn't.
But tomorrow I will.
Senate burglary, CIA, domestic black op team arrested.
Burma's covered that some last night.
The underwear bomber.
The government now says, oh, we let him get on the plane, and it told him to go ahead and give them the visa and material so we'd know, and then they lied about somebody else with a bomb on the plane, and they lied about the sharp-dressed man, and they admit that they let him get on the plane, so obviously that guy works for them.
It's hidden in plain view.
Such a big deal.
I covered it a lot Sunday, but I'm going to cover it more tomorrow, and tomorrow we've got jam-packed with extremely informative guests.
I've got one particular guest that's set for tomorrow, but it's so big, I'm not going to say anything until they're here.
I'll just leave it at that for everyone.
And in closing, I just want to ask listeners to research the information we have, to support us, buy the books and videos at InfoWars.com, but more importantly, tell your email list, your MySpace, your Facebook, your Twitter, about the free podcast.
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This is an information war.
The globalists are moving to start curtailing the Internet.
We need to use it now like we're not going to have it in the future, but also fight for its continued future and freedom.
Free transmission starts now.
Great job, crew.
See you all back live tomorrow at 11 a.m.