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Name: 20100128_Thu_Alex
Air Date: Jan. 28, 2010
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Mark Dice, joining us for the rest of the hour, dealing with the First Amendment.
You just heard Dr. Francis Boyle, who knows Cass Sunstein, talking about how this guy wants to destroy the First Amendment.
They're openly announcing cyber security, homeland security, taking over the web.
Openly saying they may start curtailing free speech.
Well, Mark Dice went out and talked to a bunch of people on the street, and the majority of them read the petition.
And said, yes, indeed, in San Diego, we want to ban free speech and criticism of Obama.
But they don't think they're going to lose their free speech.
Free speech is for everybody.
So I want to go out to break, and we're going to come back with Mark Dice with part of this 10-minute video.
We'll play the rest later, but we'll talk to Mark Dice about these incredible developments coming up after this quick break.
But here is the opening part of Mark Dice's video in San Diego.
I'm Mark Dice, and this is a petition to repeal the First Amendment to the Constitution.
You may be saying that nobody's going to sign this, but I would be willing to bet differently.
Mission, please?
What is it for?
It's to repeal the First Amendment and the New World Order.
Stop hate speech.
You know, we want to really just kind of re... kind of look at that issue again, and you know, I mean, people are
Disagreeing with the President.
I mean, I'm gonna stop that.
Hey, can you sign our petition quick?
To stop hate speech.
Hate speech?
Stop the hate speech.
Get these people to stop, you know, saying mean things and disrespectful.
Disrespectful things.
And start with, you know, repealing the First Amendment and just kind of re-looking at that again.
You know, we really need that in the New World Order, in today's society.
You know?
I agree with you on that.
Can we just quick sign our petition?
We're trying to repeal the First Amendment to the Constitution.
It's part of the New World Order.
You know, people are abusing things and saying really mean things about the President and this hate speech.
So this will stop that.
Actually, I'd feel more comfortable if I went on and researched it online a little bit more.
Well, we're citizens against the First Amendment, catfa.org.
I'm going to look on catfa.org.
What would make you feel comfortable signing it?
Just sitting down and looking at more information that's available online.
Are you familiar with the evils of the First Amendment?
How horrible it is and how outdated such an idea is?
No, no.
It's why I'd feel more comfortable just looking online and kind of researching it myself.
We won't spam you or anything.
Oh, I know.
I know.
But I like to make sure I know exactly what I'm signing.
Just like, you know, it just makes me feel comfortable knowing.
Just to make sure.
So I'm not just signing it.
You know, I want to sign things that I believe in as well.
So you'll know why we need to get rid of the First Amendment.
I like it.
That makes sense.
We'll be back.
We just want to stop the hate speech.
This would be just a quick, quick thing to stop the, you know, the hateful things and it'll help to legislate, you know, the things that people say that they disagree with, you know, against the government and the Bilderberg Group and just a signature and a birthdate will be fine.
No phone number.
Sounds like a good thing.
You know, I mean, in today's New World Order, we don't need these idiots, you know, disagreeing with the President.
Oh, you gotta sign it, too.
I don't, uh, disagree.
So you read this?
You're okay with that?
I'm okay.
Alright, thanks.
Repeal the First Amendment.
Stop hate speech and negative speech.
Just a signature would be good.
What is it for?
What's hate speech?
Well, it's hate speech when you say hateful and mean things.
Go to CAFTA, CAFTA.org.
It's just to support the repeal of the First Amendment.
This is Alex Jones and I want to tell you about the Ecola Blue Atmospheric Water Generator.
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This is Alex Jones with five good reasons you should consider buying a solar power generator.
Number one, new climate legislation could easily double or triple your electric bill.
Number two, our new energy czar wants to control how much power your electric company allows you to have.
It's true.
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Number 3.
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Number 4.
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Hello, this is Alex Jones with some important questions.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show, because there's a war on for your mind.
Well, he's got a new book out.
He's Mark Dice.
And we, by the way, are offering it at InfoWars.com.
He is in our film, Truth Rising.
Burmas interviewed him as one of the main experts in his upcoming film, Invisible Empire.
And if you want to know how activism is done, writing books, running a website, going out with street actions, going out to universities, bullhorning, showing how ignorant the public is to tyranny, Mark Dice does it as good as it's done.
And we can all learn something from Mark Dice and his new book, The New World Order, Fact and Fiction, available at Infowars.com, along with the other three books that Mark has authored and published.
I guess that's four books now of memory serves that we offer that Mark Dice has put out.
One he republished, three he's written.
And so he is, he is with us today for the Balance of the Hour.
For stations who just joined us, I did that first segment playing some of the people he talked to.
The vast majority that he talked to would read a petition, a fake petition,
Saying, I want to ban free speech, I want to ban criticizing Obama and anyone that opposes the New World Order.
We'll actually read that petition here on air today.
But Mark Dice of The Resistance, it's good to have you with us.
The Resistance Manifesto, The Illuminati Facts and Fiction, The New World Order.
Facts and fiction are the books and he's had two different versions of Resistance Manifesto and MarkDice.com of course is the website.
Our websites are InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.tv and make no mistake we are on the
Cutting edge, the front lines of resistance to this new world order.
Mark, I tell you, I have never seen anything as stunningly powerful as what you did out there showing how those people would sign a petition to ban the First Amendment.
Yeah, and you know, a lot of people think that I've just cherry-picked a lot of these people.
I left almost everybody in there that we talked to.
One, I edited out and I didn't show because I burst out laughing as soon as I started talking to them about the petition.
I just couldn't contain myself.
No, you read it to him, and that one guy says, I agree.
No, no, they read it.
Listen, see, that's the denial.
They're in denial about the flu being a hoax, man-made global warming being a hoax, the WMDs being a hoax, 9-11 being a hoax, the banker bailout is a hoax.
I mean, people just can't believe that stuff is going on even when it's admitted.
No, and even the one guy at the very end that stopped signing it as soon as I mentioned it would repeal the First Amendment.
I warmed him up by saying it would help to stop the hate speech.
He starts signing it, and I'm just coming up with the most ridiculous stuff I can think of off the top of my head.
And I can see you fighting back laughing every time.
I mean, it's so ridiculous.
Yeah, and you know, I'm stumbling over my words and I had to dumb myself down because I just couldn't believe, I was trying to think of the most ridiculous things that I could think of, and I just kept saying them.
The one guy at the end, I finally said, I said, what this would do is repeal the First Amendment.
He stops his pen right in the track, but he scratches his name off.
I don't
It was a complete lie.
And then one lady says she doesn't want to get rid of free speech, but she does want to get rid of the Second Amendment.
Well, I almost convinced her to change her mind, because you could see her just mindlessly, like a bobblehead, just nodding and agreeing with me when I'm making these phony sales pitches as to why we should repeal this.
And I think the only reason why she didn't do it is because I noticed this later, that she was wearing, I believe it's a shirt from a local Christian church.
And so she's probably a right-wing person, doesn't like Obama, and so when I started saying that it would stop criticism of Obama, I don't think she liked that very much.
So, you know, if it would have been somebody else, a different president, perhaps she would have signed it.
But none of these people, it shows that they're so brain-dead that half of them don't even know what the First Amendment was.
They didn't even ask me, what is the First Amendment?
Why would you want to do that?
And then they wanted the support.
Speech just to stop people from saying mean things.
We can't have people saying mean things.
It's completely absurd.
I mean, I can't believe it.
And I can't believe that the video hasn't gone more viral than it is.
But as we know, the mainstream media wants to keep people dumbed down, so they can't be showing people just how lost society really is.
Maybe this is only California, but this is in a pretty affluent neighborhood.
This isn't a place where
The average home, I think the minimum home is $500,000 to $600,000 minimum.
I mean some tiny little shack in the middle of nowhere, $500,000.
This is a nice educated area.
I mean, I can't imagine if I would have done this inland where I live.
Who do you think the scariest one was?
I mean, I think that middle-aged kind of hippie guy, he was the scariest because he really read it.
He said, I agree, we need to shut them down.
It says in bold print, repeal the First Amendment, and then at the end of the video, I read the text, just a short little three sentence text, that says that we need to stop people from criticizing Obama, they're holding him back from creating the New World Order, and those kinds of protections aren't needed in today's society.
And he read through it, he put his finger, you can see him reading it line by line, and that's why there was a little bit of dead air there, and he actually read it.
And then I made sure.
I said, you read this, right?
You're okay with that?
He said, I don't disagree with that.
It's unbelievable.
Because it's Obama.
He's a fake liberal caught up in that false paradigm.
So yeah, let's ban these right-wingers.
But we heard the same thing from Michael Savage and Michael Reagan.
When Michael Reagan said, murder Mark Dice, I'll give you the gun, the ammo, I'll pay you to murder him.
I mean, it wasn't a more clear solicitation of murder.
And the FBI said, that's okay.
You know, that's all right.
He's allowed to say, kill Mark Dice.
So we see the same thing
More than half the public that's ready to ban free speech in the United States.
I mean, that shows you the type of brainwashing and all the MTV specials and the college and high school education where all they talk about is hate, hate, hate, hate, hate, hate.
And now we have Obama, cybersecurity chief, resigning, saying the Pentagon's taking it over.
Obama comes out and says, I may have to shut down free speech on the Web.
Cass Sunstein, as regulations are that implements all this, says they're going to do it.
Italy is.
In mainstream news announcing you've got to register to be able to write anything on the internet with the government, pre-approve it with them.
Banning websites extra-judicially in Australia.
They say we're taking the Chinese model.
Bill Gates, head of Microsoft, says he likes what China's doing.
Doesn't have a problem with it.
Helped design the system for him.
He's now running the NSA takeover system.
They are really coming after our Second Amendment.
Now the hate crime law passed, that federalizes local police, creates special thought police commissars to track what people are saying.
The MIAC Homeland Security reports say gun owners, conservatives, libertarians, returning veterans, that we're the real target of Homeland Security.
Provocateurs are out at every Tea Party, sound cannons at G20.
I mean, they are really coming after us.
This is actually going on in other countries as well.
In my new book, there's an example of a woman in Britain who wrote a letter to her city council expressing her displeasure that a gay pride parade was going to be going through her neighborhood and two police officers showed up at her house and threatened to arrest her.
There's a guy in Canada that put out an ad in the newspaper quoting some Bible verses and he was actually fined.
He had to pay four people who complained $1,500 each because they felt that it incited hatred.
And they're now calling in Europe and in the United States to make it illegal to deny man-made climate change.
I mean, they're openly announcing it.
When Google recently revealed a blogger's name, this woman had a blog about the New York social scene, and she called one particular supermodel a skank.
You know, not exactly the worst word in the world.
And this woman sued Google, and they revealed the woman blogger's name, and now she's being sued for millions of dollars for defamation for calling this woman a name that you hear on the playground every day at school.
But I mean, I think, I don't know the actual street definition or urban definition of skank, but doesn't that just mean like somebody who dresses scantily like a slut?
I think so.
I mean, it's not one of the, you know, seven dirty words that's not allowed on television.
It's certainly not a popular word, but it's not very, you know, defaming, I think.
Well, I don't even know about that case, but, I mean, more and more we see this happening.
I remember six years ago, I interviewed Robin Page, BBC TV host of One Man and His Dog.
He just goes to different small towns and eats their food and drinks their beer, and he walks around with a TV camera.
And he was at a rural affairs meeting where they're shutting down hunting and other community events.
And he said, look, we the rural people deserve the same rights as Muslims and homosexuals.
And they arrested him saying the word homosexual was hateful.
Well, you were mentioning earlier about the Pentagon paying bloggers and doing fake news, and that's just, as many people know, an extension of the original Operation Mockingbird program, which was exposed in the 70s in a congressional hearing, where back then they were paying $250 million to high-level reporters and editors in every major form of media.
I think so.
We already have that happening.
People take our stories and then change the article and they take my show and edit it together.
And, I mean, there's definite, they tried to have COINTELPRO firebomb Brave New Books, reportedly, connected to the Palestinian that was murdered, and to setting up the people at the RNC in Minnesota, the same group here in Austin.
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The, you know, the hateful things, and they'll have to legislate, you know, the things that people say that they disagree with, you know, against the government, and the Bilderberg Group, and just a signature, and a birthday will be fine, no phone number.
Sounds like a good thing.
You know, I mean, in today's New World Order, we don't need these idiots, you know, disagreeing with the President.
Oh, you gotta sign it, too.
I don't disagree.
So you read this?
You're okay with that?
I'm okay.
Alright, thanks.
Repeal the First Amendment.
Stop hate speech and negative speech.
Just a signature would be good.
What is it for?
What's hate speech?
Well, it's hate speech, when you say hateful and mean things.
Go to CAFTA, CAFTA.org.
It's just to support the, you know, the repeal of the First Amendment.
Beautiful day.
Say hi!
You know, I mean, in today's society, we don't need... I mean, who are the people to say that they don't agree with the president anymore, you know?
And he knows what's best.
We'll play some more before Mark leaves us, but looking at these two young women with this toddler, they have no idea the type of bondage that they're bringing their family into, and they just hear, we're going to be nice, we're going to ban mean people saying mean things, we're going to get rid of the First Amendment, and they're there signing it, and they mean well.
I'm sure that they're really nice people, they just have no conception of what it is to live in a free country, Mark.
And again, even if some of these people
I think so.
Because they're intimidated.
And it's not like I'm meeting them in some dark alley somewhere, so they're going to just sign it and say, oh, yes, I agree, so they can get away from me.
This is on a public street on a beach outside of a shopping mall.
These people have no backbone, no brain.
And you know what?
What I'm hoping with this is that people that will see this video that is going viral that perhaps don't know much about the First Amendment or freedom of speech or anything will then find the rabbit hole.
And that's what I try to do with my work, is I touch on a wide variety of issues.
I'm good.
I criticize these pop culture icons.
I've been somewhat successful getting into these celebrity gossip columns, making criticisms about certain things that celebrities are doing.
I believe the criticisms.
I think what they're doing is horrible, and the statements I make are valid, but the larger picture, you know this, much of the audience knows this, is to then point people down the road so they can find out about the New World Order, and they can become involved and realize I'm trying to steer them away
Well, it's simple.
If we don't educate the public that they were never taught about freedom and the Bill of Rights and the Constitution, the Second Amendment, the First, the Tenth, we're going to lose it.
And so it is a life-and-death scenario, not just for this Republic, but for our way of life, for freedom, for private property, for our entire future, to go out and to show people just how ignorant they really are.
And to understand that they better start learning as much about the Bill of Rights and Constitution as they do about the Colts and the Saints coming up in eight, nine days at the Super Bowl.
They had better have a crash course in freedom fast, because all of the job losses.
I mean, Austin's one of the wealthiest cities in the country, one of the least hit by the depression we're going into.
All over.
Uh, we went to the baby store the other day and almost all the shops around it in a middle class area of Austin were shut down.
Uh, across the street from my house is a strip shopping center, a middle class area.
They're all shutting down.
I mean, the majority.
It's scaring me.
I won't be able to go to the pharmacy across the street.
I won't be able to go get a pizza.
I won't be able to go to the cleaners.
I won't be able to
To go eat Chinese food?
I mean, it's just all shutting down.
America is dying, and the media is telling us, oh, everything's fine.
The economy's on the upswing.
I mean, it's just hoax after hoax after hoax, Mark.
And that's why I, you know, with my last two books, the reason the subtitle is Facts and Fiction is because I take all of this information about the New World Order and separate it and really look at what are the sources, what's the source of this, what's the credibility of that source, where's this coming from, what's an allegation, a distortion, an exaggeration, a complete fabrication, because
They're trying to muddy the system, is trying to muddy the waters, as we've been discussing, so that people get confused when they're, you know, you're an expert, a lot of this audience is very familiar with this material, but new people will get easily confused with phony information.
We could get into Hal Turner's Amaro hoaxes, and so that's why I've
Yeah, let's talk about agent provocateurs, COINTELPRO and how they manipulate, especially newbies to any political movement, how it says in the COINTELPRO, in fact, print me that encyclopedia printout again on COINTELPRO, what their job is, what they try to do.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Ladies and gentlemen, is it getting better?
I get tied down here.
Or do you feel the same?
Making films.
Writing books, doing YouTube videos, doing 4 hours of radio a day, 2, 3, 4 hours of research.
Sometimes I don't sleep till 2, 3, 4 in the morning.
Sometimes I do 6, 7, 8 hours of research.
Reading government documents.
Knowing that we're accurate.
Knowing that we have so much proof.
It's incredible.
Studying history.
Experiencing things.
I have experienced
Come on and try to start fights and break up the activists and just make stuff up about me.
They understand human psychology.
I remember being at Waco, building a memorial chapel there and people coming in and threatening me and doing something later, reading their names years later as FBI informants.
On December 8th, Aaron Dykes wrote an article off of NPR report and other media reports.
Well, the Imam called me
But we had him on air when that Palestinian activist got all gut up and slit open and basically skinned, his arms tied, his legs tied, thrown into Lake Austin, thrown into the river.
They call it the river, the Colorado they've damned up, Lake Austin.
And the police said it was a suicide.
And I talked to the imam, they said it certainly wasn't a suicide.
And then to learn that the admitted FBI informant
We're good to go.
But see, that's what the feds do.
They go and call for violence and call for criminal activity and get everybody in fighting to run everyone off.
That's what they do, and they make up elaborate lies.
I mean, I remember a decade ago, Hal Turner, people constantly emailing me, this guy's attacking you on his radio show, this guy's writing about you, this guy's going after you, this guy's saying you're a Zionist agent, and I'm like, Zionist agent?
I mean, I'm a Baptist, I go to a Methodist church, that's where my parents go.
I mean, I'm an American.
And then I learned that a known Israeli diamond dealer brags about it, put out the story.
I work for the Vatican.
I mean, just completely made up.
And when you experience this, it's not for Alex Jones.
In a sick way, like P.T.
Barnum said, just spell my name right.
Most publicity is pretty darn good, except it's meant to turn people off who are awakening, so they only infight with each other.
And I remember all the COINTELPRO that was running against We Are Change in New York, when it was first set up, when I first was supporting it, getting Luke on the air, he was by himself.
And then he started getting a few supporters that came to help him, and they were trying to plant bombs on him.
We got the video of that.
They were trying to say he was a terrorist.
We know you're not a terrorist, but we're going to set you up.
It's all covered in Truth Rising.
I remember when German Talus, a great member of We Are Change, was protesting Laura Bush, and out of an alleyway comes a man with a girl in a wheelchair ramming him and hitting him, and all the witnesses saw it.
But the bookstore wouldn't give up the surveillance tape, and they took him to court.
He was going to go to prison for years with felonies.
And we supported him financially.
It went to trial, and the Secret Service wouldn't lie.
The APD did.
The Secret Service said, no, none of that's true.
They attacked him.
And then the New York Post had to print a retraction.
That was an attempted setup.
That's what COINTELPRO does.
It was an attempted setup of Luke over and over again.
This is what they try to do.
And we called out Hal Turner a decade ago only because he was attacking us.
And we were very brief.
We just said, no one is allowed to threaten federal judges.
No one is allowed to call for violence every day unless they're a fed.
And the guy was hooked in with Sean Hannity and the neocons.
We know Hannity is literally a CIA asset.
It's come out CNN, Washington Post is CIA.
And now it's come out in federal court and the FBI is on record and the U.S.
He is the highest level FBI agent there is.
They said national security level FBI agent, not a
Inform it.
It's hard to believe until you've been doing this 14 years and it's been confirmed over and over and over and over again that this is the case.
I wanted to read to you COINTELPRO and an acronym for counterintelligence program was a series of covert often illegal projects conducted by the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation aimed at investigating and disrupting dissonant political organizations in the United States.
He's covered operations from its inception.
However, formal COINTELPRO operations took place between 56 and 71.
The FBI statement motivation at the time was protecting national security.
They're now saying covering up AIG is national security.
Preventing violence and maintaining the existing social and political order.
According to FBI records, 85% of COINTELPRO resources were expended on infiltrating, disrupting, marginalizing, and or subverting groups suspected of being subversive.
And then you read into this, let me find the area where it says it, that they would go into non-violent civil rights movement, including Martin Luther King and others, and it says the American Indian movement and other civil rights groups, a broad range of organizations, New Left, including Students for Democratic Society, the National Lawyers Guild, on and on and on, anyone against the Vietnam War, and even in individual student demonstrations with no group affiliation.
And then it talks about how, in the thousands of pages of documents, how they would do this is, and it's literally a textbook, and most of the people that are part of it don't even know, they're being led by a psychological warfare expert, and the Pentagon declassified a few years ago their 2004 manual for the third world.
Anybody who's a leader, they say, they're making money, because they don't want activists to ever get any capital to build anything real.
Uh, you ought to be the leader.
Or that person wants to take over what you're doing.
Or go protest them at their protest.
Or split off.
And then it says in here, they have them go in...
And call for violence to then run off the reasonable members.
That's what Cass Sunstein calls for in a new document, a year and a half old, and he's now in the White House and set to be the next Supreme Court Justice when Stephen leaves at the end of the year.
As he said, we will go into their groups, we covered this a few weeks ago, and we will pose as conspiracy theorists, we will pose as anti-government, anti-Fellow Reserve, anti-global warming people.
Educate people and then that gets people more paranoid about going out, speaking out, being involved.
Going back to Mark Dice, Mark getting into Hal Turner.
We called him out over a decade ago, you've been calling him out in the last three years.
Everything he put out was a hoax.
Go ahead.
Hal Turner is a very fascinating case because, yes, he's called for violence against people, and now he's been arrested for making these threats in June of 2009.
By the state!
And the feds are defending him.
Go ahead.
Yeah, so his lawyer openly stated and admitted in court that he was an agent provocateur, taught by the agency.
There's a quote from his lawyer, Michael Orozco,
His job was to basically publish information which would cause other parties to act in a manner which would lead to their arrest.
Now, him urging violence is one thing.
I mean, obviously, it wasn't to lead to their arrest.
It was, he was to urge people to commit violent acts to then demonize certain groups.
But what's very interesting about Hal Turner is that in 2008, he published photos of what he claimed were the Amero coins.
We're good to go.
Yeah, so he goes on to say that he has a real Amaro coin.
Yeah, we put up an article saying, look, it's a replica coin.
Yeah, yeah.
So he goes out and his video climbed to the top hundreds of thousands of views.
It was number one on Google Video's top 100 list when they were doing the top 100 videos on Google Video.
So he goes out, the people spread the video around, look, the Omero's out, and then later on people start to realize that it was a hoax.
And so he's already admitted to be on the payroll for the feds as an agent provocateur to urge violence and
Have you seen the new court records?
That was the older ones.
New ones came out with a U.S.
attorney and FBI saying he was an agent.
Yeah, yeah.
But what he does, this is really ingenious on his handler's part, is to create this stir.
Everybody started emailing this video around and his article from his website where he claimed to have this, that they're coming, we're sending the Ameros to China, they're not going to drop the dollar.
So everybody starts to say, oh yeah, look, it's coming true, and then it comes out, people start looking, oh no, it was a hoax, Hal Turner's a fraud, it was a replica.
So what that does is then people start to dismiss the idea when they're talking, people like us, people like Alex that are talking about, oh, there's a barrel coming, there's global currency.
Then the whole role of Hal Turner and his hoax is to then get people to think, oh no, I heard about that, that was a hoax, you know, don't worry about that.
And then to take it to the next level,
A few months after his video showing his fake Amero coin, he then posted pictures of what he claimed to be the paper Amero currency.
So he's just continuing to recycle this same hoax every few months to try to spread it around there to create this disinformation.
We're good to go.
And so, thankfully, he's been arrested for making these claims of wanting to kill people.
But it's absurd that his lawyer says, oh, well, he was just, you know, posting threats to urge people to commit acts so they could be arrested.
No, he was committing, he was posting these things so the people would actually commit crimes, because the FBI's not going to know what kind of psycho's going to read his blog post and the people's addresses that he would post on his website and go and harm these people.
And the intention is not to find these people.
Well, you're absolutely right.
In fact, there was a new hoax.
UN Gold Hoax muddies the waters of real move towards global currency.
That was, what, a month and a half ago?
Let me see the date on that article they just put on screen.
They have more of those.
I mean, there's whole constellations of groups who don't make mistakes.
Everybody does that.
But they knowingly
And we've also identified who's COINTELPRO.
We've even looked into some of the corporate documents, into some of the alternative little fake radio networks that are out there, who their only job is attacking and lying about myself mainly, because they know I'm one of the biggest bonafide real things, attacking Ron Paul, attacking myself, making up things.
And they always just put out wild disinfo.
You know, Alex Jones is owned by the Saudi Arabians.
Alex Jones is owned by the Brothmans.
Alex Jones is owned by the Scientologists.
And the same people will be saying I'm owned by all of it.
I mean, obviously that's not true, even if you believe I was by one of those groups.
All of them?
You know, the Jews, the Vatican, the Scientologists, the Saudis, the Hebrew Elves, the, you know, ABC owns Genesis.
Because of many satellites we've leased.
Any radio owner will be laughing.
You have to lease a satellite if you want to have a gardening show or anything else.
You know, a feed of thousands on it.
It's like $5,000 a month.
It's like getting Roadrunner at your house.
So they also take kernels of things.
But it's important to expose this so other people spend their time and energy, other people listening or watching,
They know they're good, so don't spend your time infighting with each other.
Spend your time... You know, the mark of a provocateur is they always want to attack any real leaders.
They always want to break up real groups.
They always want to call for violence.
They always want to spread disinfo.
They don't want you to go out and be your own leader.
They don't want you to go out and wake people up.
They just want to... I mean, why do they have riot police?
I think?
To try to disrupt it, and then they say you are the disruptor.
So that's how you can always tell the COINTELPRO and the useful idiots that they've got working for them, Mark.
You know, I've launched a program to help to try to reach out to the mainstream audience and some of Hannity's listeners, Glenn Beck's listeners, I mean a lot of them are just well-to-do, trying to find the truth and don't see these people for what they are.
So I'm launching a program, details are at markdice.com, where if you simply call in to one of these top five shows, they're listed on my site, which ones?
Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, Michael Savage, Rush Limbaugh, and Mark Levin, just because he's friends with Sean Hannity, not that he's a popular host.
You just simply call into one of these hosts and mention one of my YouTube videos, mention the title of one of my books, basically just plug something that I'm doing, email me the day of the show that you call the hour, and then I will send you a free copy of the Illuminati Facts and Fiction for free.
I pay the shipping and handling, it's a free book.
And then I also, in the quick article,
And if we can get millions of our activist listeners to start doing this, it will devastate them.
You know, it's come out the White House is doing all these fake letters to the editor.
Of course they are!
Well, we're just getting real citizens who are angry to really let their voice be heard.
If there wasn't power in letters to the editor, if there wasn't power in calling into radio talk shows, they wouldn't be faking it themselves.
Yeah, and that's why they have the call screeners to make sure that your question or your comment is going to be on par with what the host believes.
And if it's counter to what the host believes, sometimes they'll let the caller onto the call.
You've got to, if it's a fake right-wing show, you've got to call in and act like a dumb liberal to get on.
That's the way.
Yeah, you have to either subscribe to their ideology or act like a complete moron so they can ridicule you.
And this is all detailed in the quick article on how you can get on the show, how to bypass the screener.
And so I just hope everybody checks it out.
And just imagine if we can get multiple calls into all these shows every day for the next month or two, how bad is Sean Hannity going to squirm?
And then when people start hearing about these issues or start hearing about certain things, certain videos, certain books,
People are going to Google it.
Thousands of people are going to Google it.
I'll do you one better, Mark.
I'll give everybody a hundred dollars who can get in on Sean Hannity or Rush Limbaugh and send me the audio clip.
A hundred bucks.
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We're good to go.
Folks, remember, the most effective activist tool we've got is sending people the podcast, the MP3s of this radio show, on particular topics that are hot and important to people.
The banker bailout, the Copenhagen scam, the flu scam, the police state, the naked body scanners, the gun grabbing.
But nothing is more effective than films.
And my documentaries, Mark was just telling me this during the break, complimenting me, but I mean it really is true.
We've gone to a whole new level.
There's nothing better in the fight against the New World Order than fall of the republic, Obama deception.
That's why the mainstream media is calling me up with hit pieces and other things, and other pieces coming out.
I don't know if they're hit pieces, but we'll find out.
That's why MSNBC's here interviewing me, because they're getting scared.
And they always bring up fall of the republic, Obama deception, and say they're devastatingly popular.
Number one on the streams, number one on the YouTube and Google, number one on the BitTorrents, number one on the...
Number one on every gauge.
Number one on internet talk radio.
And we're on satellite, shortwave, AM and FM.
Number one alternative website, InfoWars.com.
Number two alternative website, PrisonPlanet.com.
And we're a platform for real activists.
I've been burned some, but I've learned who's real.
And Mark Dice is real.
Ron Paul's real.
Many others are real.
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And we just got these books.
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Factoid, jam-packed, this is a great thing for the coffee table, or to give to your neighbor, or give to your boss.
Get it at InfoWars.com or MarkDice.com.
But Mark, getting back to your point, and of course, I imitate your great ideas, you've imitated some of mine.
That's what we do.
We're all in the fight.
I love your idea.
I announced these contests two weeks ago.
I still need to write them up.
I've been procrastinating.
The Naked Body Scanner protest.
I'm going to get that up by tomorrow.
I'm trying to write those up today to get them posted so we can launch the contest.
But I want to say a hundred bucks to anybody who calls into Limbaugh.
Or Hannity, or Glenn Beck.
With me, it's those three shows.
And a hundred bucks if you send me the MP3 file of you, date, time, when you did it.
We'll post it, get it up.
A hundred bucks.
And I'll say I'll do the first twenty.
So that's $2,000.
That's all I can afford with these other contests coming up.
Now, you're giving out 100 books free, which is a $20 value apiece.
It doesn't matter.
It's just a fun exercise of getting the word out.
And you're right.
They tend to bleep you out when you say InfoWars.com or MarkDice.com.
It's best to say, what do you think of the Obama deception?
What do you think of the Resistance Manifesto, the book?
What do you think of Endgame?
What do you think of Fall of the Republic?
And again, on MarkDice.com, you've got the contest up there, you've got, you are the master of this, calling it Talk Radio, you've been doing this for many years now, and people should go print that off, shouldn't they?
And do it.
Yeah, it's very simple, and I know, you know, money's tight, and it's exciting.
It'll be a thrill to actually be able to speak to one of these scumbags and to speak to millions of their listeners.
And then you can get a free book, and then just the details are there.
It's very simple, and I'll take care of getting the audio and everything.
So just go through and read the few paragraphs.
That's what we do.
Now see, I can't take care of the audio, so people, that's why my prize is a little bigger.
You gotta send it to us.
And now I say a hundred copies, you know, it could take, who knows how long it'll take.
As long as this banner's still up on markdice.com, it's going to be good.
And if this works, I mean, I might just do it indefinitely.
I don't know.
So as long as the banner's up there or, you know, if you call in, you know, and you're the 101st or the 105th, I mean, I'm still going to send you your book as long as it's not, you know, a year after I pull the contest, which who knows?
I might just keep it up indefinitely.
Well, regardless, it gets people into the mindset and the idea of calling in and countering these shows.
Alright, we'll be right back.
I want to talk about Glenn Beck with you for five minutes.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
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Waging war on corruption.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Briefly, Mark Dice, I never even asked you this question.
You just told me during the break that I'm the guy that woke you up.
And Luke Rodowski, and literally 80% of the other great people out there taking action.
I am so blessed.
And, it's... What I've always pushed for is to get a Mark Dice or a Luke Rodowski or the countless others to go out and be their own leaders.
And it's funny, I was already thinking that, and Mark brought up that very point to me.
Mark, go ahead.
Yeah, I mean, a lot of people, I get these emails now from people that want to work with me, and I have friends of friends that I knew from years ago that, you know, they wanted to all do, you know, let's work on a project together, I want to contribute, I have ideas, and I know that Alex gets this all the time, and I just want to say that you don't need to come and work with us, you know, and Alex was pivotal in waking me to 9-11, I mean, I found
I think so.
I just did my own thing.
I got my own style.
Some of our issues and our styles and our tactics overlap a little bit.
But it's that true diversity and that true lone wolf operation the globalists can't stop.
And let me warn you, for listeners, and I'm sure Mark already knows this, the first batch of people that show up wanting to help you,
They're operatives or they're crooks.
The next wave is you cannot hire people that ask for jobs.
50% of the time they are literal COINTELPRO.
You've got to put a Craigslist ad in from a computer separate from your office because they'll track that and send their people to that ad.
You've got to hire totally separate people or they will burn your operation down.
Go ahead.
People email me all the time that live in my area, in my community, and then they say, oh, hey, let's organize something.
Let's work together.
I'll be your cameraman.
I'm not going to work with these people.
It's just I have my own personal crew of people in my inner circle that I trust, that I know, that work with me because we're friends, not because I'm on some pedestal for them.
You don't need me.
I mean, look at what I've done.
I've done my own thing.
And then because it's effective, Alex helps me and uses his platform to help me to... And you help me?
Yeah, to be exposed to other people.
And so you don't need to come and work for Alex Jones.
You don't need to come and do any work with me.
You don't need me at your group to be involved in a project that you're working on.
You can do your own thing.
And that's what I've done.
And then Alex recognizes it.
What about groups that then say you've got to join with them?
Or they're your boss.
That's even worse.
Yeah, there's so many different issues out there.
I mean, everybody is just simultaneously attacking from different angles, focusing on their issue.
We have the Second Amendment people.
We have the Close the Border organizations.
We have all these different organizations.
And so, you know, we can't cut ourselves too thin, so you do what you're passionate about.
And then we can all, it's just a whole...
Yeah, don't use it as an excuse to not get involved because you can't come work for Alex Jones or Mark Dice.
Start your own operation.
Get involved.
Small things.
It moves mountains.
60 seconds on Glenn Beck.
The bottom line, your view on Glenn Beck.
Complete COINTELPRO agent.
Very slick.
Now he's trying to dub himself as a documentary filmmaker.
That's the latest.
He had his producers put together a little piece last week, and so now he's trying to basically copy what Alex is doing.
But as to spreading disinformation, he hates 9-11 troopers.
For everybody out there that likes Glenn Beck, understand he hates 9-11 victims' families for asking questions.
He thinks that we're dangerous.
Yeah, I mean, there's no doubt he's Benedict Arnold, and again, I have to tell the truth about things.
It's not good, overall, for my radio career to sit there and attack Glenn Beck all the time, but I have to do it.
I mean, I could join with the neocons and be the ultimate superstar, and they've
I've had offers in the past from big groups.
I just can't do it.
I'm not Benedict Arnold.
I'm the real deal.
So is Mark Dice.
Mark, God bless you.
Wonderful having you.
Everybody should get your new book, The New World Order, available at InfoWars.com.
Mark, we'll talk to you again very soon, my friend.
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Hello, this is Alex Jones with some important questions.
If you're going into a battle and they give you a rifle and a sidearm, how much ammunition do you want?
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How much will you need?
We don't know.
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All you can get.
I'm Alex Jones.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Okay, for one segment, we have Darwin Bedecker.
And while the gun show was still going on, what is it, two Sundays ago now,
Two Sundays and four days ago, a good caller called in and told me that they had made them put up these signs saying you can't have private sales of firearms.
And we read on air the law that private sales are legal all over the country, but a few states where they've passed unconstitutional laws.
We still haven't found out how they ran the Saxon off, but we know they did run it off.
They thought Darwin Bedecker at the Austin Gun Show was the old group they'd run off.
So we know that.
And we just simply wanted to investigate and find out who was who.
Who the bad guys are, who the good guys are.
And to set the record straight, and I believe Darwin, he's on the inside of this, this former police officer, who was the head of the events center, had nothing to do and actually did defend in the meeting and elsewhere and was not playing good cop, bad cop.
Give us his name again to remind us.
They didn't have you up yet.
Say it again.
It's Andrew Burkell.
Burkell, that's right.
And so he really did try to keep the gun show where it had been for almost two decades.
He definitely fought for us inside the meeting.
Well, that's good.
Now, moving on from there, we have the good news.
We have the good news.
It was a great success.
I'd say 80% of the folks came out to the demonstration, with several other groups there.
I don't get permits for protests in Austin, because you don't need permits, and that sets a very bad precedent.
But there were several other groups out there.
Overall, it was very, very, very successful rally.
I'd say over 300 people there total.
Front page of the Statesman.
I didn't see it, but I was told by family.
And there's now a state investigation going on.
Governor Rick Perry says he's looking into it.
Overall, Darwin, I think this has been a pretty good success fighting back against these people.
Yeah, absolutely.
I mean, we definitely got the word out and created a lot of buzz and let a lot of people that didn't know what was going on see how their inside government is working and treating them.
So overall, it was a great success.
Absolutely, and we have some more good news.
You got news yesterday and called us that you were able to get another good center where you'd previously had some gun shows before they ran off the SACS at this time in South Austin and coming up next month it is on.
Yes, sir.
February 20th and 21st, the third weekend of February, we'll be back at the Target building which is exit 228.
Now, I want everybody to come out to this, to make sure that they don't, because financially, as you said, you only run two shows, it was devastating, but you have gotten quite a bit of support now, and small donations at the TexasGunShow.net, but we need to ensure that there is a gun show in Central Texas now that they've
Yeah, no, I'm not afraid of it happening on this one because, I mean, we got them on tape saying, you know, if it happens again, it's definitely...
It's definitely racketeering in what you said.
So, no, I'm not worried about them coming over there and making a big stink at the next show because they know over there the person that decides what goes on is me.
So, they know they're barking up the wrong tree.
They can't strong-arm somebody into forcing us out like they did last time.
I think it's smart to do what a lot of other gun shows have done, and you may have already been doing this, but just have a one-page printout sheet for private sellers who have it on their back or at a table that, without the government involved, that's fine, but ask for a Texas ID and ask them if they're a felon.
But it turns out that I met the fella at the demonstration, he seemed like a good guy, he seemed genuine in what he was saying, and this is what witnesses told me separately,
That they kept sending illegals up to him saying, I don't have a driver's license, sell me a gun.
And he said no, even though he legally could under private seller.
He was going the extra mile.
And then they brought somebody in with a fake ID.
Well, they said it was fake, took him outside, threatened to arrest him and said, don't you feel bad?
He said, no, I didn't do anything wrong.
And they let him go.
Then they told the media there had been an arrest.
This was a hoax.
Yeah, and they did it.
They did it just so they could go back to H-E-B and say, see, even though it was a different promoter, nothing's changed.
We still had an arrest in the parking lot.
That's exactly why they did that on Saturday.
I think the only unsolved mystery here, I mean, we know they ran Sachs at out, who were great folks, been there since I was in high school and college, so we're talking 17, 18 years.
I mean, I was in high school 18 years ago.
I can't believe I'm getting that old.
I've been out of high school as long as I was in school and since I was born.
But I'm getting to be an old dog now, 36 next week.
Saxon, we've tried to contact them.
They're a lot bigger.
They probably just want to move on.
But they need to defend the Second Amendment.
And we need to... Well, I mean, specifically, Darwin, they thought you were the Saxon.
What did they say to you as the Saxon?
Well, the reason they thought we were the Saxons is because we filled in the same weekend, and there was no month that skipped where there wasn't a show.
So when they invited us to the meeting, obviously they thought we were the Saxons, but when they started reading off all the different incidences that had happened, they all happened at the other show.
And then that's when I told them, well, you're reading off something that doesn't even pertain to me.
And they were like, what?
Well, we were the gun show where all this stuff that happened, all these different incidents that happened, which wasn't true because we'd only been there three shows.
But Darwin, it was far worse than that.
And again, this isn't just about Texas or the Second Amendment or the Justice Department.
Now, the news now admits basically called for this from the APD, so this is Obama.
There's the issue of media lying and saying it's the law, you gotta have paperwork, what's the big deal?
Yeah, no, it's upsetting because they just basically make rules as they go along and they feel because they believe it that it's true and you can't get farther from the truth.
Well, I'm going to be down there both days off and on.
Maybe we can even do a live broadcast from there Sunday, but the issue is we're going to be there.
You've authorized us to be inside.
I think so.
It's just, it's so amazing to see the things they do.
I mean, they ran fake stings on you.
You're now experiencing the long arm of the dirty law, and that they really do do this, and they really do lie, and they really do twist and make you and I the bad guy, Darwin.
So it's very important for everybody to come out to this event.
You know, people should rent tables.
I'll get a table.
We'll have our books and videos there.
I'll be there signing books, signing videos.
And when I'm not there, I'll have my crew there.
And you might want to tell the cops, because you say the cops without warrants just always, the detectives and BATF just walk in the back door like they own the place.
Are you going to put them on notice that that's your business?
They've got to ask permission before they enter?
I mean, I'll put it... I'll do a formal announcement.
I'll write them a letter saying that, you know, if they want to come in, they've got to have a warrant with them.
Now, you're going to rent some police officers, though, to be at the front.
Yeah, absolutely.
Because we need good officers there.
Again, we're not saying the police are bad.
I kind of went wild when cops were laughing at us and flipping us off and taking photos of people in the windows.
But those were thug cops that wanted to come to the window and make fun of us.
Some of them weren't thugs.
They were agreeing with us.
And my dad went around with copies of the law.
I didn't even know he'd come, but he left.
But he talked to a whole bunch of police who were down the street watching us and they would say, look, we know.
And they would hold their blackberry with the lawn and say, I was just reading it.
Yes, we know.
We know this is wrong.
Thank you.
So the good news is Austin police are upset about this.
I've had phone calls from four of them.
I don't know.
I mean, watching those detectives in the press conferences, they didn't look like evil people.
They looked like they really thought they were doing good because the feds came in and told them to do this.
Yeah, I didn't get it.
I didn't get a sense that, you know, they were evil people.
I just got a sense that they didn't stand up for what truly is right.
They had an order, they took it, and they followed through on it thinking they were doing a good job.
I mean, that's their downfall, you know, not following their true order, which is right.
Well, again, texasgunshows.net, and that's coming up, your Austin show.
Tell us about both your upcoming shows and the dates and the location here in Austin.
Yeah, well, our next coming show is going to be February 20th and 21st.
And like I said, it's going to be at the old Super Target building on William Cannon.
The William Cannon exit is exit 228 off of 35.
There's more than enough room I can accommodate.
Whoever wants to show up, there's 115,000 square feet there.
So, I mean, whoever hears this and wants to show up, we've got more than enough room for you.
Just give us a call at 210-872-7469 or you can reserve your table now on the web at www.texasgunshows.net and I appreciate everybody that's donated.
All right, let me say bye to you during the break and we'll obviously have you back up before this event, but we're winning the war here, folks.
We'll be right back.
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Kurt Haskell absolutely vindicated in quadruplicate the lawyer with his wife flying back from Amsterdam Christmas Day with the underwear bomber.
They now admit we did arrest a supposed terrorist.
We won't say what we did with him.
We were tracking someone.
Why did they lie about that and everything else?
The smart-dressed man?
This is big because they're relaunching their Al Qaeda is going to get us garbage.
He did that in the State of the Union last night.
That's coming up for about 30 minutes to the next hour.
Then the last 30 minutes, Deborah Medina going into the big debate tomorrow night.
This has national implications just as big.
That's what we saw with Brown, potentially, in Massachusetts.
That's why this is so important for the national audience.
She is an in-the-fed, died-in-the-wool, Ron Paul, Alex Jones, patriot-supporting, you know, absolutely wonderful.
In fact, I had Debra Medina invite me down to Ron Paul events.
I got invited down by the Ron Paul folks to his last event in the Fed, and I just couldn't go.
I didn't go.
I need to get involved more in events.
I need to come out to more events.
We're so tied down here with the electronic media, where I can reach millions of people every day.
I haven't plugged this, and I like the trailer that was made, but it doesn't even really capture how powerful the film is, so we're going to make another trailer.
I consulted on it.
This film was five years in the making.
It's how weed won the West.
Now, I've told everybody, I don't smoke marijuana.
I don't like marijuana.
I have smoked it in high school, here and there, and in college, or, you know, had a girlfriend, hey, smoke this.
But I know it has more medical uses than any plant we've ever seen.
I know they banned regular hemp that has no THC, that's better than cotton, that can be grown anywhere in the U.S., really hurt our farmers.
I know this was done by the big chemical companies.
That's on record.
They had just had Prohibition end.
They couldn't make money for the mafia and the corrupt police off alcohol anymore, so all they had was gambling and prostitution, so they went into narcotics.
And they started with marijuana, and then they banned everything else, which they shouldn't be readily available.
Heroin and cocaine are horrible, unless you've got a broken leg or something, or they're doing eye surgery with cocaine, they use that to do something with the nerves, I've read, and obviously opiates, if you've broken your back, you know, they shoot you up with them.
But the point is, marijuana is amazing.
Do people abuse it?
Potheads that are jellyfish out there?
But the issue is that it has so many medical uses and 14 states have said the feds have no jurisdiction.
Just like Montana said, you have no jurisdiction over us manufacturing our own guns.
And now other states like Tennessee and others are moving to do that.
This is how we get state freedom back over our commerce.
And in California,
The feds are still trying to shut it down.
Obama is exposed in this film as the fraud he is.
We exposed the government drug dealing.
I'm the main presenter in it.
Kevin Booth made it.
Of course, his last big film aired on Showtime, won all these big awards.
I was working with Kevin on this five years ago.
He shelved it.
He came back in the last year.
And the trailer's up on Infowars.com.
It's on the shopping cart at the Yahoo shopping cart.
How Weed Won the West.
It is pre-orders.
But it ships coming up the 15th.
Two-hour documentary film.
A lot of extras.
And this is a documentary that will really wake up the young people.
The reason it's important is the pothead movement.
is pretty much what runs the cannabis movement.
When it's a lot bigger than that.
This explains to them, and it shows drug dealers, saying, I don't want drugs legalized.
Well, of course the drug dealers don't.
And of course the banks don't.
And of course the alcohol and cigarette producers are some of the biggest contributors to keep it illegal.
They don't want... Folks, if you decriminalize, not legalize, decriminalize drugs,
In some of Europe's done this drug use goes way down, it gets cleaner, it doesn't get cut with poison, the person isn't breaking into your house for your jewelry and stereo and computer, your iPod, because they want to get some more drugs.
It becomes dirt cheap, it becomes an illness, it becomes a disease.
It gets cut by over 50% in the countries that have done this.
So, you want to stop the CIA and their narcotics trafficking.
You want to stop the New World Order.
CIA is always crashing airplanes full of cocaine.
That's covered in the film.
And you can get it at InfoWars.com.
You can get some of my films like Obama Deception, Fall of the Republic, Half Price.
You can get American Drug War, Half Price, When You Order It.
And we're going to be the first people to have it.
We're manufacturing it right now.
I mean, I'm actually involved paying for the manufacturing of it.
I'm that much in this film.
I asked Kevin not to be in the credits because he really did the work on the film.
I just did the consulting and other things.
But the point is, we're manufacturing it.
And so it's being made right now.
We'll get it in.
Week and a half.
Pre-order now.
We're going to ship it out the 15th.
InfoWars.com to get How Weed Won the West.
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InfoWars.com or call toll free 888-253-3139 or write to me P.O.
Box 19549 Austin, Texas 78760.
Need to get this film.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
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Hello, this is Alex Jones with some important questions.
If you're going into a battle and they give you a rifle and a sidearm, how much ammunition do you want?
My answer would be all I can get.
In the battle for freedom and the lives of your loved ones, food is your only ammunition.
How much do you want?
When do you want it?
Now or after the battle starts?
When will you need it?
Can you buy it without proper identification?
Will there be any food?
Will it make your children sick?
If there's a quarantine and you can't feed yourself, will you go to the gathering center and be immunized?
You wipe out all these problems if you have a good food supply.
Food is your ammunition to fight for your freedom and your life.
How much will you need?
We don't know.
How much do you want?
All you can get.
I'm Alex Jones.
I want all of you good guys to live to fight another day.
Kurt Haskell coming up.
CNN, Associated Press, you name it.
Authorities were watching different Nigerian on Christmas Day flight.
First they denied they were watching anybody.
First they denied they arrested anybody.
What a whitewash headline, though.
It should be, FBI caught lie number seven.
Totally vindicating Kurt Haskell.
The underwear bombing situation in Debra Medina in the last 30 minutes.
Joining us, surging in the polls.
But I wanted to get Matt Ryan in here.
We've got a bunch of new things with PrisonPlanet.tv, a bunch of new things with the websites we're adding that we're not going to talk about until it's done in the next, what, two weeks.
But I have hired some more people up here just for social networking, just for videos, just for other things we're going to be offering for free.
And we're actually going to be really, instead of just having a couple Twitter accounts with 10,000 members or whatever, or fan Facebooks with 30,000, 20,000, 10,000 members, which are great, we are going to take an active role on Facebook, an active role on Twitter, an active role in a bunch of other ways.
That's nothing compared to what we're about to launch.
Well, we're finally getting a lot of stuff done around here, and people have been overwhelmed.
We've got a great crew, and Matt, you've been instrumental in really helping us get a lot of other things going.
But tell folks about the two original Twitter accounts that we never really interact on.
We're going to start interacting on all three accounts.
We're going to start taking questions.
By the way, later,
I must implement again.
I know there's like a thousand plus phone calls on the comment line.
Let's just go through those.
I want to play a bunch of those tomorrow.
I want to make sure we re-implement that.
We've got to make ourselves do that because people really enjoyed that content and those questions.
But tell folks about the three new Twitter accounts.
First are the two that have been existing for a little while.
They've been through InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
The first one is Twitter.com slash InfoWarsStories.
All one word.
And that has been basically a feed of all the stories as they are posted to InfoWars in real time.
So you can get up to date on the latest information on that site.
Also, PrisonPlanet.
That's Twitter.com slash PrisonPlanet.
And that's been put into place, and that's on Twitter right now, for Prison Planet articles that have been going up.
But the latest one that I'm very excited about is Twitter.com slash RealAlexJones.
And that is your personal Twitter account where you will be interacting directly with the fans of the show.
Keeping people up to date on what's going on behind the scenes?
And what'll be great is if I'm going on Coast to Coast AM, or I'm going on TalkSport in England, or I'm going on a little local show, I can tell people the web address to listen online, and I'll just fire it out.
It's so easy for me.
I'm always texting my friends and my wife and people.
I can just text them and send it out.
I know this has been around for a while, I'm just so busy, but this is something I actually will be doing.
Absolutely, and the best thing about it is you have a real-time interaction with Alex as he's doing the show.
So they can give me information.
He's got the Twitter feed for mentions and all of his friends, anybody that he follows back, are up here on his screen.
He can see it 24-7.
In fact, we should have people
In fact, I just sent the Twitter out about Debra Medina coming on, and then we can actually maybe take a few questions off of here for Debra Medina.
I'll be busy on the show, but you can print them off for me?
Will do.
And this is a real way where you can communicate directly with your audience, and the audience can communicate with Alex.
Let them know what's going on.
If you see an article that is important and you want us to cover, send it to us on Twitter.
Let us know.
Direct message.
Do an at sign and send it out to the world, and we'll make sure it's mentioned.
Now again, so they go where?
Twitter at Real Alex Jones and then they can send a question for Debra Medina.
They can send a question there.
Just do at Real Alex Jones and your question for Debra Medina.
Make sure they get printed out.
Alex can also see them on his screen here.
And we'll make sure that questions are asked directly from you, the Twitter users.
And this is a brand new account.
Brand new.
It's one day old.
Right now it has three followers.
No one has heard about it.
This is the first time anyone has mentioned this account publicly.
Give the full address out.
It is twitter.com slash realalexjones.
Because there's a lot of other Alex Joneses on there.
And this one will be the real deal.
He'll have direct access to this account.
This is his account.
And he'll be posting off of it himself.
And I've already posted quite a bit of stuff up there.
I know that during the break, right after we got off the phone with Darren Bedecker and you found out that the show's back on, just sent a post off about that one.
Well, what's great about this is, and again, all this stuff comes out, and sometimes we're ahead of the curve on technology, a lot of times we're behind the curve.
I'm so busy trudging through things.
I kind of just saw this as a way to send out our stories to people.
If I'm at a water park with my kids and I see a jet airplane crash, or I see cops beat somebody up, or I see something interesting, or if I'm in a bad spot even, once this gets hundreds of thousands of members, I can boom Twitter and I'm here!
Exactly, in real time.
So we can have a real-time communication directly with you, the audience, and it's going to be a big thing.
All right, and we're going to commit to this and actually use it and actually do it.
Well, Matt Ryan, you're kicking butt.
We appreciate you.
Thank you.
Take care, buddy.
All right, I've got a bunch of news that I want to go over here today that we really haven't gotten to yet.
And then, as I said, we got Kurt Haskell and Debra Medina coming up in the next hour.
But you can send those questions.
You can send questions to Kurt Haskell.
In fact, I'll ask two questions you send for Kurt Haskell.
And boy, there's a bunch of them coming up there.
Says, you man, you are my hero.
The real Alex Jones, finally.
Talk to the man directly.
Is this Alex Jones, the real deal?
Scroll down a little bit.
I scroll down.
It's here on my screen.
I'm so used to them controlling the screens.
Well, that's great.
They're just pouring in.
Again, I miss a lot of things.
I mean, I wasn't really understanding... See, because I'm not a webmaster, I'm not a person who's really good with computers, but I know how to text, I know how to send email, I know how to do things, and this is just so easy.
Now I just go to my Twitter account on my iPhone, and... Man, I just wish this thing had, like, automatic uploads of video.
Because then I could be driving down the road,
Or, you know, in a parking lot, shoot a video, and then upload it right away.
Because I always want to rant and rave.
And then, you know, there's this process of taking the video back to the office and uploading it.
But our intention is to put out more media, more issues, more facts, more points.
And that's what we're doing here.
Boy, it doesn't have three members anymore.
That thing is just exploding.
How many do you think we'll have by tomorrow?
You think 5,000?
Well, we'll see what happens with that.
You know, we tried the InfoWars network just with a little social network system, but people ran their own scripts and stuff.
Not that they're bad, it just kept crashing our servers.
I've since bought a lot bigger servers and CDNs and systems.
We are designing and really spending a lot of money and time on a real social networking system.
And where you can have meet-up type things.
People want to meet for relationships.
Patriots want to get together.
People want to
I mean, obviously it's going to be infiltrated and stuff.
So I've got to hire a couple people just to try to watch over that.
But we're going to launch big social networking website very, very soon.
I mean, I've been wanting to do this for three, four years, but I've just now got into big enough building, big enough space.
I've talked to the accountants.
I've looked at the money we've got, and I'm just going to dump what we got into this and into the TV studio we're building over there.
It's crawling along, but it seems to be going a little bit quicker now.
Okay, that's just some of what's going on here at InfoWars.
Getting more than one a second right now.
If we keep getting one a second to our new Twitter account, I wonder what it'll end up being.
That's funny.
Oh, man.
We haven't even begun to fight, ladies and gentlemen.
We haven't even begun to resist the new world order.
Let's get into something sad right now.
The facts are the facts.
And so, we cover them.
And, I've told the story many times of when I was 15, going to driver's education, and my dad was a dentist, also did oral surgery in some hospitals, and he wasn't a conspiracy theory type guy, he didn't talk much trash about the government, he just talked about the way things were,
And he said, son, don't sign the organ donor card.
And he said, the word is from doctors and surgeons I know that a lot of hospitals, if you come in hurt, but easy to revive, you know, not that hurt, they will let you die to get your organs because they could get hundreds of thousands of dollars then.
Now it's about a half million.
And the hospital and the doctors end up getting part of that money.
And I mean, I didn't believe it when he told me I couldn't believe it because I was young and naive.
But then I remember probably five years later in college, now living in Austin, going over visiting my grandparents.
I went most Sundays to eat dinner with my grandfather and grandmother.
And I remember watching 60 Minutes with my grandfather, because he watched it every week, and they had a whole show about Chicago and other cities, hospitals killing people for their organs, and it went on and on and on and on, and the media doesn't really ever cover that.
I've only seen a few reports confirmed of that, but they'll always cover, if you don't sign the organ donor card, they don't care, they still take your corneas or your eyes.
And Cass Sunstein says even if you don't want it, they're going to take your organs.
And we know China takes people's political dissidents' organs.
We know they sell them on the world market.
We know people have been killed by gangster groups to have their organs taken.
But Israel really was caught with its pants down.
Israel, if you'll remember about six months ago, it came out in Dutch and German prestigious newspapers.
And one came out in Sweden as well saying, we've confirmed with doctors in Israel that they will go out and kill a Palestinian and they'll drag him off and the soldiers get the money, part of the money, and they got him right there in a field hospital and fly the organs out.
Just like China.
And then different Haiti activists said, watch out, about a week and a half ago, watch out, Israel's there, and the word is they're taking people's organs.
My issue here is, Israel is not prasada non grata.
They are not off limits to criticize and go after.
But also to criticize because I don't say the center of all evil on the planet is in Israel.
The center of evil on the planet is in our own hearts and minds.
Every group of people has evil psychopaths and they all team up and work together.
But Israel really does arrogantly attack anybody that criticizes them and uses the anti-Semitic remark.
Then it came out, in fact, since I mentioned this, when you print me the AP and Reuters, Israel admits they did take organs.
And then they finally got caught and a bunch of their doctors came out and said, no, they are taking people's organs.
They are.
And folks, if you can get a half million dollars for the liver, the two kidneys, the lungs, and other things they take, the eyes, you better believe
That governments are in there doing it.
And you better believe that could be going on.
And Paul Watson wrote an article last week that says activists say this, we don't know.
But, because Israel's been caught doing this, it's like if the Chinese were there and people were accusing them, we'd go, well, the Chinese do this, I mean, you know.
And it's not going to stop if we don't expose them.
Oh, don't criticize the Chinese.
I mean, I remember back when Bill Clinton was caught selling missile secrets, missile cone systems, MIRV technology.
Which is key.
You don't just send up one ICBM with one warhead.
When it comes back into orbit, or back into the atmosphere, it pops off and shoots off five or six dummies, and five or six depending on the MIRV system.
That particular thing had 12 MIRVs, real warheads.
It's got missiles inside the missile that shoot off in different directions, so that even if you've got particle beams, or anti-missile missiles, or
Railgun sabot systems that still you can't stop all the nukes.
Clinton gave that.
I remember CNN saying it's racist to criticize China and what they're doing with the missile secrets.
It's wrong to be doing this.
Anytime somebody does that, I'm not going to go along with it.
Doctor admits Israel pathologist harvest organs without consent.
That's the London Guardian.
There's an AP's even stronger.
Israel has admitted pathologist harvested organs from dead Palestinians and others without the consent of their families.
The practice, it said, ended in the 1990s.
It has emerged at this weekend.
Well, we first exposed that the US and Israel
We're doing this because of the doctor's reports in Iraq, the photos, and photos even released by the Pentagon clearly show they've done quick surgeries where they slice them open here, here, and here, open it up for fast entry.
Carve out the breastbone, pop it open, and just get the goodies fast.
And insanguinate the blood.
And sell that.
I mean, they just suck humans dry like we're a cantaloupe.
And it's clear that contractors, the Pentagon, and Israel, and I covered this in Martial Law.
In the extras.
We made a mini-film.
A little ten minute film about it.
We covered this in 2005.
Why do I go over all this?
When we come back after the break, traffickers targeting Haitian children, human organs, the Prime Minister says.
The Prime Minister.
Trafficking of children and human organs is occurring.
This is CNN.
In the aftermath of the earthquake that devastated parts of Haiti, killed more than 150,000 people, and left many children orphans, Haitian Prime Minister Jean-Max Bell-Arrive said last night, there is organ trafficking for children and other persons also, because they need all types of organs.
He said an exclusive interview with CNN's Christina Amanpour.
Well, why didn't she ask who's doing it?
He did not give specifics, but asked Amanpour if there was trafficking of children.
But when asked by Amanpour if there was trafficking of children, Bella Reeve said, the reports I receive say yes.
So, the first reports was it was Israel doing it.
Now I'm here exposing this, and I've been exposing it since 2005.
The COINTELPRO will then say if other countries are doing it.
Oh, how dare you say the Chinese are doing it?
No, only Jews can do something evil.
See, that's how the COINTELPRO operatives work and that's how it's not fair.
No, we're here exposing.
We're here covering it.
We're here talking about it.
My whole point is government is evil across the board.
We've got to cut its size.
We've got to have more transparency.
We've got to get up off of our fat butts and get involved and start exposing these people.
We have to educate the population.
You want the solution?
Look in the mirror.
Letters to the editor.
Call in the talk radio.
Go visit your congressman.
Visit your statehouse.
Start your own rally.
Start your own organization.
Start your own blog.
Start your own Twitter.
You can sign up with our Twitter at twitter.com forward slash realalexjones.
Is that the correct address?
Okay, I got it right.
I'm learning how.
So, uh, guys, there's so many of those, though.
Can you- hundreds of comments coming in.
Can you print me the specific questions for Deborah Medina and Kurt Haskell, then?
Okay, we're gonna come back with this horrible organ situation.
You just have to get down to how evil government is.
And the things they'll do, the types of horrible- I mean, the UN, everywhere they go, runs child kidnapping rings, organ harvesting, you name it.
Our government does it.
The hospitals do it.
There are evil people everywhere.
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Okay, here is the Prime Minister of Haiti talking about organ theft going on in the country.
Let's go ahead and go to that clip.
Let me talk about the children.
The children, tens of thousands of them, maybe hundreds of thousands, have been separated from their families, many of them.
Families dead, families lost, families moved out.
What is being done to corral these children, to register them, to make sure no further harm comes to them?
It's one of the biggest problems that we have and this morning during the coordination meeting with the international community addressed the question of the adoption because I have a lot of petitions for that but they have to be very prudent because there is a lot of cautious
Because there is a lot of traffic in that area.
You mean illegal child trafficking?
Yeah, even if it seems to be legal, but a lot of organizations, they come and say there were children on the streets, we are going to bring them to the States, and we have already reports of a lot of trafficking, even of organ trafficking.
Of organ trafficking?
Now, already.
Of the victims of the earthquake?
Do you know that for sure?
Yeah, I know that for sure, and it was discussed in Montreal during the conference.
And do you know for sure that children are being trafficked now?
There is children trafficking for children and other persons also because they need all types of organs.
No, but I mean live children.
Are they being trafficked now?
The report I received, yes.
Well, there you have it from the Prime Minister of Haiti.
Now, here's the issue.
What do you think the CPS does?
They're above the law.
They swear out fake reports.
They do whatever they want.
They've been caught five to seven times more often in pedophilia, in abuse of children than any other group.
The most dangerous place for your child to be is in government custody, statistically.
That's from the Justice Department themselves.
And it's the same thing in Europe.
Same thing in Russia.
Where do you think perverts go?
Now, are there some good social workers?
Are there some good truancy officers?
But statistically, this is the group that has to be watched.
Just like government and aid groups in there shipping those kids out of the country.
And I would imagine if she pressed, they're probably grabbing the kids and taking their organs.
But she didn't elaborate on that, and CNN should continue to cover this.
But in my experience, CNN doesn't report on Chinese organ harvesting.
They don't report on the Israelis' organ harvesting.
They don't report on any of this illegal activity.
And it's so macabre, it's hard for the average person to believe.
But to psychopaths and to greedy people,
Human beings are like a clutch of apples, or tomatoes, or squash, or bananas, or a side of beef.
The New World Order doesn't even think of us as human.
The New World Order could care less about us, and we need to realize that the government is full of people at the top that are ruthless, power-grasping sociopaths and psychopaths, and under them there's a bunch of well-meaning, we're the government, we're the boss, we know what's best on the right and the left.
You had all those fake right-wingers call for banning free speech of the liberals under Bush.
Now we see the Democrats and their supporters and people in the White House calling for restricting free speech.
You see Obama continuing free speech zones just like Bush did.
The whole country's a free speech zone.
The whole world's a free speech zone.
This is what they're doing and they're doing this by design in a premeditated fashion.
But the establishment cannot defeat us
If we just continue to resist them, continue to resist them, continue to resist them.
Kurt Hassel, coming up.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Deborah Medina coming up in 30 minutes.
Her campaign for governor being watched around the nation just as Massachusetts was watched with Mr. Brown unseating that what they thought was invincible Kennedy seat.
She's coming up in 30 minutes.
Over the next 20 minutes, and then that short segment in between, I'm going to cover news, we have Kurt Haskell, attorney-at-law with his wife.
They're flying back from Amsterdam, Christmas Day.
They see a sharp-dressed man bring the underwear bomber through security, doesn't have a passport, he gets him on board the plane.
Other witnesses say someone's videotaping him from seats behind the whole time, framed on him.
Then during the bombing, FBI says that tape doesn't exist, sharp-dressed man doesn't exist.
And they said that Kurt Haskell didn't see another man where the drug dog, the bomb dog, once they got to
Once they got to Detroit, the bomb dog runs over, they've got him in the customs, runs over to this guy's bag, they bring him over, bring him behind closed doors, the FBI says, obviously for your safety, everybody get out of here.
They get him out, and the FBI comes to Haskell's office, you didn't see that, that didn't happen, no, that's not going on, we're not going to talk about it.
They told the media it wasn't going on, they changed their story five, six, seven times, I lost track after six.
Kurt's been following it closely.
He survived all this.
And then all these witnesses came out on TV and said, no, Kurt Haskell's right.
We saw that happen.
He's not lying.
He's not lying about any of it.
Well, now, Sunday it came out, what, five days ago, six days ago.
Thanks Alex, and thanks for having me back.
You bet, brother.
Not only that, but I don't know if you caught the ABC News article that came out over the weekend.
There were a couple sentences snuck in the bottom of this article about female suicide bombers.
I don't know if you caught this.
No, no, tell us!
I'll read it to you, word for word.
Federal agents also tell ABC News they're attempting to identify a man who passenger said helped Abdul Mutallab change planes for Detroit when he landed in Amsterdam from Lagos, Nigeria.
Authorities had initially discounted the passenger accounts, but the agents say there is a growing belief the man may have played a role to make sure Abdulmutallab did not get cold feet.
Oh my God!
You've been vindicated by them on that!
But obviously they think the trail's cold now.
They have all the surveillance footage.
They knew you were telling the truth.
They were involved in a cover-up.
Kurt, this is huge!
Well that, you know, that was my take on it, but unfortunately for ABC News, they buried it in the bottom of a seemingly unrelated article about female suicide bombers heading here from Yemen.
What's the headline?
What's the headline on that?
What's the headline?
The headline is, alert, colon, female suicide bombers may be heading here from Yemen.
It's from Saturday, abcnews.com.
I've got it.
I've got it.
Here it is.
Excuse me, I've got it.
Unbelievable, Kurt.
That was my thought, too.
My thought was, okay, why is this not front-page news everywhere, number one?
Number two, why are you burying at the bottom of this article?
Number three, why did you initially discount my story to begin with?
It's not like I'm not credible here.
And of course they had COINTELPRO posing as the Patriot movement attacking you.
All the usual suspects.
I mean, it never ends, Kurt.
And when you add the fact that there was coordinated lies and stories being told about you, despite all the other witnesses, and you add how they were already getting in Yemen, that's now confirmed.
Washington Post, they were planning to already launch a bigger attack, 2,000 troops there.
Relaunching the naked body scanners.
Everything comes together, stage, stage, stage.
But I know, well we'll get your take on that and recap the bombshells you just dropped.
I mean, I literally was coughing in amazement because I knew this confirmed everything you were saying and then even more is confirmed about this guy helping him get on the plane in Amsterdam.
They clearly knew that and the biggest issue when I come back, the key straight ahead.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Kurt Haskell is our guest, and I wanted to get him on all week because CNN reported, okay, there was a second person we pulled off, we arrested.
The bomb dog did go over.
Other witnesses confirmed that when the government denied it.
Now I have the ABC News article that just at the bottom says, oh yeah, in fact we'll read the quotes again, just says, oh yeah, we are looking at somebody that helped him get on a plane.
Now here is the key issue.
That no one is pointing out, except Kurt and myself and a few others, but no mainstream media.
Who is a person without a passport who gets people through security and on planes?
Who can do that?
Amsterdam had naked body scanners before this happened.
I mean, they have some of the highest security in Europe.
How on earth
Uh, was this able to take place?
This should be headlines everywhere.
How did this person, this supposed terrorist, is able to get through security?
I mean, somebody who's shepherding terrorists on the planes.
I mean, this should be a three alarm emergency with them questioning everyone at that airport day one, but for over a month, Kurt, they've been saying that you were wrong!
Yeah, and you know, they've had this surveillance video all along, and they knew I was right all along.
That's the big question.
Why haven't they admitted I was right and come out and shown the video of this man and asked us to identify him?
By the way, notice what they're still not admitting to.
The part of my story that says someone helped him on the plane, posing him as being from Sudan and getting him on without a passport.
They're still not admitting that part of my story.
Why not?
Well, the fact that government would cover this up from day one is more evidence they're behind it.
The fact that they were already in Yemen getting ready to launch public attacks on Yemen.
The fact that they were getting ready to promote the naked body scanners going in worldwide, including courthouses.
Within minutes of the attack, they were saying, don't worry, the scanners are coming.
We just got them because of this.
Turns out they ordered them a year before.
I mean, you can see this is an entirely concerted effort, and you told me privately off air.
I don't know if you want to talk about that, what you thought the FBI was doing in your office and the way they behaved.
No, I don't really want to talk about anything we talked about off the air.
Okay, okay.
You know, I don't really know who's behind it or why it's being covered up.
I mean, people can make their own
Judgment calls on that.
All I know is that, you know, the official story has been not truthful since the start, and now it's coming out bit by bit, vindicating myself and showing that, in fact, I have been telling the truth all along.
Well, you were on an airplane and almost got killed with your wife.
You're just telling the truth, and much of your story has been confirmed by the other passengers.
You know, and, you know, we're
Don't lose track of the point, too, that we're victims here from not only Abdul Mutallab, but now from our own government.
I mean, we're both attorneys.
We have our own business.
Our livelihood depends on our reputation in the community.
And here we have our own federal government basically coming out and calling us liars all over the press.
We're not too happy about it.
Well, you're a lawyer.
I don't know if this is your specialty, but, I mean, isn't this defamation?
Don't you have a suit?
It's not my area of specialty.
It's something I'm going to look into whether I have a case or not.
I don't know.
I have retained an attorney to handle a civil suit.
Not a defamation suit, but I'm letting him handle that and I don't really want to get into any more detail.
Oh, so that's breaking... The case hasn't been filed yet.
Is this breaking news right now?
I've told a couple other reporters that I've hired an attorney and the case will be filed shortly.
But that's really the extent of the details I can give at this time because I'm letting my attorney handle the cause of action when it will be filed.
And you can't tell us, I mean is it against the Aviation Administration, FBI?
I'm letting him decide who he wants to take action against.
I'm leaving everything up to him because I'm not a civil attorney, I'm a divorced attorney and a bankruptcy attorney.
Those are his areas of specialty and not mine.
I understand the law is so complex, specializing is the only way to go.
Well, I mean, recapping this, Kurt, I mean, this is blowing me away that we're talking
This came out January 22nd in both CNN and ABC, two separate bombshells.
I only knew about the CNN because it's buried in here, and the ABC it's buried in the article.
And that's pretty big news that somebody can get past security and that supposed terrorists run the airport now.
I don't know that I would say that, but it's certainly suspicious why they're covering it up.
And you know one other thing?
Alex, I read another article, and I can't remember where this was, but it was in the past few days, saying when Mutzalab was still in first class, being arrested by the police, he kept telling them that there was another bomb on board.
Again, this backs up my story that another man was arrested after he landed with a bomb at the carry-on bag.
That doesn't appear in the news anywhere that I know of, you know, up until I read the story a couple days ago.
And Mutzalab is pleading not guilty.
I don't know anything about that.
I don't know how he could be found not guilty.
I mean, you saw that headline that he pled not guilty, didn't you?
Yeah, but that's the typical stance you take when you want to make a plea deal, so I'm really not surprised at that.
Well, my whole issue is studying black ops.
This is classic.
In case after case,
Even one day in September about the Munich bombing and the Olympics.
At the end, they have the former head of German intelligence just go, oh by the way, to free the Palestinian terrorist, we staged a hijacking of our own aircraft to exchange.
I mean, they just admit false flag terror.
At the end of the film narrated by Michael Douglas.
I mean, it won an Academy Award.
They just put it out there at the end like it's no big deal.
I've seen this so many times, it makes my head spin.
The guy probably, he acted like a mental deficient, everybody said that.
His dad's saying, you know, he's gonna attack, he's at these training bases, stop him, he doesn't get on the terror list.
There's other people on board videotaping.
He says there's another guy with a bomb.
They cover up all these different facets and angles.
Somebody gets him through security.
I believe from past operations the only thing that fits as a Sherlock Holmes here is he was told he was taking part in a drill and that's why we're videotaping and it's okay young man.
And whatever they put in his pants, he didn't know what it was going to do.
We know when 7-7, they hired some of the guys to be part of drills.
There was a drill of the exact same location, exact same time, exact same place being attacked.
That's 20-something Trector Gillian.
We had an actuary done on it.
One out of 20-something Trector Gillian.
I forget the exact numbers.
One out of 23 Trector Gillian.
That's trillions of times all the grains of sand in all the world, and it's just nearing infinity.
But I know, Kurt, you like to stick to the facts, being vindicated, vindicated, vindicated, vindicated, but this is stinking to high heaven.
Well, you're right.
You know, I can't draw any conclusions from it, but you're right, it does stink.
Wouldn't it make more sense for the FBI to have come out and said, look, we're investigating Mr. Haskell's claims, we'll let you know after we've taken a look at them.
That's not what they did.
They came out and said, basically, I'm a liar, refused to show me the video.
To me, they should have shown me the video from the start so I could identify this man and taken the investigation from there.
They didn't do that either.
Why not?
And, you know, there was another article, Alex, I think it was from January 18th in the New York Times, where it's indicated that government officials had wiretaps in Yemen
And they found out that someone named Umar Farouk would be attacking the U.S., and I believe it even named a day on Christmas Day this year.
Now, why isn't that coming out more in the public?
And if you had this information, why wasn't he stopped?
How did he get on our flight?
I don't know.
Something doesn't make sense here.
Well, Kurt, take care of yourself and your wife.
Be safe.
Incredible bombshells.
We'll get reports up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
There's so many government hoaxes and cover-ups.
I'm like somebody in a batting cage with 15 batting machines shooting balls at me, and I don't even know where to swing now.
My head is spinning.
But we appreciate your courage and your observance of what was happening.
The fact that you were so observant.
In the last three minutes, we've got left.
Anything else you think you should add?
Just one other thing that happened since I was on your show last time.
I got an email from a Dutch woman confirming my account of the sharp-dressed man.
She couldn't identify him, but she did indicate Abdulmutallab.
Was in the area that I stated and was escorted to the desk with, uh, you know, by another person, but she couldn't identify him.
But she is the only other person to come out and verify my claim of what happened before we got on the plane.
And to me, you know, that made me feel vindicated even more that someone else saw what I did because I didn't think anyone else did to that point.
But she's afraid to come out in the public because of the, you know, the backlash that has happened to me.
I did get an email from her and I called her back and discussed it with her personally and she does seem very credible to me.
Well, they stage these backlashes against anybody who is taking action and telling the truth.
And you've been vindicated just over and over and over again.
But we will get some reports up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com with all these huge new developments that you just dropped on us because it's always worse than I even know.
Now, give us your blog.
Yeah, my blog is MyLastNameHaskell, H-A-S-K-E-L-L.
I believe we have.
We're continually putting updates on the pace.
I think everything I said in the show today you can go back on the blog and read.
Kurt Haskell, great job my friend.
God bless you.
We'll talk to you again soon.
Anytime Alex.
Thanks for having me.
Thanks for coming on.
There goes Kurt Haskell.
We'll be right back with a brief news blitz and then Debra Medina scheduled to be live on air with us one day ahead of the historic gubernatorial debate.
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When the government fears the people, there is liberty.
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We're good to go.
Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda...
We're pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
For the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation, the criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty and on its ashes constructing world government.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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Man, I just did a four minute interview on Dallas Radio.
This is starting to be an everyday occurrence where I'm like during the breaks on radio shows.
I did Russia Today last night on the Davos Bilderberg group situation going on.
You know, they say no rest for the wicked, but I don't feel very wicked.
I feel like a pretty good guy.
I'm like, there's no rest, because I morally have to take every, almost every opportunity I've got to expose these people.
On the news front, we do have Debra Medina coming up, and I know she's very busy, so let's try to call her about 28 after.
I want to try to get her on as early as possible when we come back, because I want to talk to her during the break so I can find out exactly what she thinks is most important for me to bring up.
And I do have, with our new Twitter account, now we have the InfoWars News Feed Twitter, InfoWars Stories.
We have the Prison Plant.
That's the name of the Twitter.
You know, Twitter, www.twitter.com.
I don't think so.
To actually use this, and for me to use it at night, and for me to, you know, really, really get involved with it, and really, because I'm beginning to realize the power of it.
That's why the CIA, the evidence shows, and the State Department admits they fund it and they give Twitter special treatment, because the government wants to use this, like in Iran, because they can coordinate and get flash mobs going and do what they want.
So we need to invade Twitter.
Which we've already done, obviously, with all the other fan accounts.
But we need to invade Twitter, because if we really use it for what it's meant to do, but back against the New World Order, I mean, I can be, when we have 50,000, 100,000 members in a few months, I could be at a protest, or at a news story, or I could be somewhere doing an interview, and if we get in trouble or something's happening, I could fire a Twitter route, and we've got so many listeners that there'll be people down the block that can respond with video cameras.
And also I'm going to have my staff, which they're doing now, looking at the Twitter, giving us stories, giving us ideas, giving us information.
So the Real Alex Jones.
So again, ladies and... Absolutely.
Well, come in here and give them the full address, okay?
It's twitter.com forward slash Real Alex Jones.
Twitter.com forward slash Real Alex Jones.
And I'll have that committed to memory very, very soon.
You were going to say something else, Matt Ryan?
Yes, just mentioning basically during the break, we've got a lot of things going on.
I'll give you kind of a behind-the-scenes look at what goes into the show.
I know a lot of stuff goes on during the commercials a lot of people don't get to see, so this Twitter is a way you can kind of find out what's going on during this crazy show sometimes.
But it's twitter.com slash real Alex Jones.
Also, if you wanted to keep up with the stories, also going out on InfoWars.com, PrisonPlanet.com, it's twitter.com slash InfoWarsStories for InfoWars.
And for Prison Planet, it's twitter.com slash PrisonPlanet.
Okay, thank you so much.
I just plug it on Dallas Radio too, so.
Oh boy.
I'll tell you.
I wanted to point something out.
Ford isn't a perfect corporation, to say the least.
But they're the only company that didn't take banker bailout money.
The only big one.
And they're the only one still actually building plants on a routine basis here in the U.S.
Remember, billions and billions of the over $50 billion total paid out to several big automakers
Billions of that went to move whole plants to Brazil, Eastern Europe, Russia, and China.
That's the New World Order.
Just like Pujari, the head of the IPCC, a multi-hundred million dollar deal that he profited from, he owns it, part of it, to move steel mills from England to India.
The same system.
See, that's what globalism is.
It's not just taxing you.
It's that they get to decide who gets to operate, who gets to have a business, who gets to survive.
And these are multinational global corporations.
But I tell you, Ford earns $2.7 billion in 2009.
They ended up making money without being part of the scam.
If there's any U.S.
automaker left, if there's any automaker that's got any patriotism, it's Ford.
And I don't drive or own a Ford.
I've got a Chrysler.
But, uh, good news there.
We'll be right back with Debra Medina.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As they're finishing off this agenda, they'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us
Tim Geithner?
They're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at Infowars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda,
We're pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
I have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
For the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation, the criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty and on its ashes constructing world government.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com.
Or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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We're good to go.
Alright, she's doing back-to-back-to-back interviews.
She's going to join us Sunday at 5.30 on the Sunday edition to give us in hindsight what happened at the debate coming up tomorrow night.
Deborah Medina running for the Republican primary that's coming up very, very soon.
Uh, we put pressure on him, our great listeners, other people across the state.
She's an in the fetter, uh, and she's running against Kay Belly Hutchinson, and of course, good old Rick Perry.
We need her, she's surging in the polls.
Deborah, give us a report from inside the campaign, what's happening.
Well, we're doing debate prep today.
I got into Dallas this morning, and the team is here.
We're working to make sure our numbers and our data are good.
I think that that was one of the things that I've heard since the debate is, boy, you would answer a question.
I'm able to answer those questions because I made the commitment to Texans that I was preparing to be our governor.
We're good to go.
The tax dollars that we're taking from moms and dads and business people across the state of Texas.
We're using them frugally.
We're using them wisely.
We're going to use them transparently and we're going to demand excellence in government service.
I am looking forward to an opportunity to share that vision.
Talk with Texans tomorrow night at 7 o'clock.
Well, I told the story of my grandmother.
My mom was driving her to physical therapy last week and she said, who are you going to vote for?
And she said, Medina.
Because I like her straight talk and the fact that you are calling for getting rid of the property tax, you are calling for true freedom in this state.
But I got a Twitter message from a
What are you going to do against the federal takeover of the states?
I think?
I'm good.
The puppet on the end of the strings of Washington, D.C., dancing whatever tune Washington decides to whistle today.
We are going to make sure that Texas is regulating Texas and not Washington, D.C.
Those two things happen through the executive branch of the government, and then if we work closely with the legislature, we should see them not just passing sovereignty resolutions that have the equivalent of saying, you know, dirt's wet and the sky's blue.
But passing law that has teeth in it to stop this overreach, this illegal federal action.
These things are not federal laws.
They're unconstitutional.
They do not rise to the level of law.
They are illegal federal action.
They need to be stopped by state legislatures.
Texas ought to be leading on that front.
What would your position be?
There's open calls from Congress for Geithner to resign for criminal indictments.
The Federal Reserve does come into Texas.
What they do does affect Texas.
We could have a state investigation.
Ron Paul has said that that could be one of the places against the banks and others would be grand juries.
As governor, would you call for investigations of the private banking cartel?
Now, shifting gears in the time we have with you, obviously you've seen the media make the point, the parallel, that just like Brown took that Democratic seat in Massachusetts, the people of Texas are sick of big government, fake Republicans like Hutchinson, and of course Perry, and that you surging in the polls
Even if you don't win, you have a good chance people get behind you right now and spread the word that this is a message to other libertarians, constitutionalists, in the fetters, true, you know, true constitutionalists, that this race has national import, just like the situation in Massachusetts.
It absolutely has national import.
Alex, we've got a lot of work to do.
This is about more than just, you know, showing up somewhere at a rally.
You've got to go vote.
Oh yeah, I voted when in fact they did not vote.
Please, please make a list of people that you know that are supporting this campaign, and then go to your courthouse during the early voting period and look to see if those people have voted or not.
And if they haven't voted, call them, make sure they get to the poll.
We have got to vote.
When we vote, we're going to win this race.
We're not going to cause a runoff.
We are going to win this
Well, Perry won the primary before with 500,000 votes.
I mean, we've got a couple million Ron Paul supporters and true patriots in Texas.
Tell Folks Election Day, Debra.
Tell Folks Election Day.
I think so.
I don't know.
Alright, moving quickly because we've only got about 6-7 minutes left with you, Debra Medina, and we'll have you back Sunday at 5.30 Central for the aftermath of the debate.
But obviously, I'm sure you've heard about the old Austin Gun Show, got shut down with no law, and the police just went on the news and said,
You can't have private sales and basically intimidated H-E-B to shut it down.
They've gotten a new center, the Target Center.
Perry said that if the feds try to shut that down, it will be harassment.
What about the harassment, the racketeering that just happened, the violation of the Tenth Amendment?
As governor, what would you do when the city of Austin and the B-A-T-F-E, the A-T-F, try to shut down legal lawful gun shows?
I think when you have a governor who sets the tone and reminds us that this is a republic, we follow law and hold our elected officials and our agencies accountable to following that law.
You wouldn't have that kind of thing happening in the first place.
This is not a democracy.
We don't operate under popular public opinion.
We follow the law, and when the law is not followed in Texas, it doesn't matter whether it's the first time.
I mean, we shouldn't have to wait for it to be the 500th time that the law was broken, and that's essentially what the governor said.
We'll let them get away with it this time.
If they do it again, we'll get after them then.
Are we going to follow the law or are we not going to follow the law?
Set laws that are just and proper and then follow those laws.
I have, as you know, advocated less restriction on the sale of guns, not more.
It's a shame that the governor, who professes to be a Second Amendment guy,
Doesn't stand up for gun sales in Texas.
Deborah Medina running for governor in the Republican primary.
Get out there and vote for her.
She's coming up in just a few weeks in early voting.
I have another Twitter question here that came into the Real Alex Jones Twitter account.
Tommy Daniels Jr.
asked a question for Deborah Medina.
What is your position on the campaign for open carry of firearms in Texas?
I think that it's another diversion for us.
We should not have to have law.
What do we not understand about shall not be infringed?
Let's remove the restrictions to gun ownership and gun possession.
Make sure that people are able to buy a gun, learn to use it, and keep it with them without
We're good to go.
Shouldn't have to be jumping through hoops.
Shouldn't have to have special legislation to open carry.
Shouldn't have to take a CHL class.
Ought to be able to buy that gun and keep... Well, we already have open carry.
The police will just arrest you without a law.
Just like you can't put a rifle in your gun rack, they'll arrest you.
There's no law.
They're lawless.
One last Twitter question from Jay Long.
He asks, would you please ask Debra what she's doing, going to do, about the superhighway plans in Texas if elected?
There won't be a Superhighway, certainly in the way that it's been proposed, either as the Trans-Texas Corridor, the Port-du-Plains Highway, the North American Supercorridor by any other name.
It is an abuse of private property in Texas.
It is a dismantling of our sovereignty as a nation and as a state.
It is an allegiance and an alliance with the North American Union and other One World Order agendas.
It is bad for Texas.
We've got to have an audit of TxDOT.
We've got to have studies of transportation from independent people, not people aligned with this big transportation machine.
We've got to have transparency with the use of tax dollars.
We're almost out of time.
We've only got two minutes, Debra, because you've got to go.
But I'd just love for you to be our governor.
You are so good.
You are so right.
I mean, it reminds me that TechScot told the legislature you can't audit us and see our books with foreign companies in Spain like Centra and Zachary of Australia.
But in closing, in the two minutes we've got left with you, I've got two questions for you.
Well, one statement.
I think you should go on the attack, as you did, but really forcefully, and say, Texas has a choice.
If you want more of the same, or true freedom, go with Debra Medina.
Please be even more aggressive.
People are ready for you to do it.
That's my advice.
You know, really, we need a big bomb, politically, to go off in their face in the info war.
A, how are you going after Perry?
K-baby, and then secondarily, how do we support you going in to next month with the early voting and then into the election at the end of the month?
On their record and on their failure to articulate a plan to restore freedom and prosperity for Texas, and you're absolutely right.
I'm hitting both hard.
We're drawing votes from both camps.
We're drawing votes from all over Texas.
We're going to continue to do that.
We need elbow grease, shoe leather, and dollars if you can help us with any of those things.
Prayer cover is great.
You know, any of the four and all that you can apply to this campaign, we have a real opportunity here.
We're good to go.
The freedom that those kids in Tenement Square died for.
We can win in Texas.
Elbow grease, shoe leather, dollars, prayer cover.
Let's get it done.
And regardless, resistance is victory.
You're out there injecting real issues into the debate at the state level like Ron Paul did nationally and internationally.
Standing up, we win.
Now look at the banks about to get audited.
Look at the private Federal Reserve on the run.
Look at the flu hoax exposed.
Look at the carbon tax in Copenhagen falling apart.
The whole New World Order is out in the open now and the peasants are getting their pitchforks, Deborah.
All right, we'll talk to you.
I'm going to hand you over to my producer right before you go.
Debra, we'll talk to you Sunday during the 4 to 6 p.m.
Thank you for joining us on Sunday.
Perfect, thank you.
And good luck tomorrow night.
Everybody pray for her.
Very, very exciting that that is going on and happening.
And look, I got your Twitter questions in.
Uh, and starting tomorrow, I kind of forgot about it for a few weeks.
We're calling, the problem is we forgot for a few weeks, and then there's over a thousand phone calls in the comment line.
We're going to continue to play some of those on the show, so definitely look forward to that.
But again, one minute comment line where you can go in and make your quick comment.
Problem is we have to wade through people that go in there and make like 30, 40, 50 a day, and that's most of the...
There's probably 300 people that called, but 20 or 30 of them left like 100 messages, so it's crazy.
Oh, man.
I mean, having this much grassroots support, having these many tens of millions of listeners in the aggregate, millions that tune in every week, we look at the numbers for PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com, there were over 5 million different IP addresses that came into InfoWars.com the last month.
5 million.
Just over 4 million for Prison Planet.
That's 5 million different people.
At one, 4 million on the other.
InfoWars had over 50 million page views.
That's not hits, folks.
A hit, they trick you with that number.
That's every graphic or whatever on the page, you know.
5 people visit your site, you get 100 hits.
No, no.
We're talking about
Devastating amounts of traffic against the New World Order.
I mean, everything we write, everything we post, everything we do just has huge effect.
And believe me, I know the responsibility of that, and I'm not perfect, and I'm trying to step up to the plate in this position we're in.
Just remember, though, there's a lot of dirty tricks, a lot of dirty tricks getting run against myself, Debra Medina, Ron Paul, everybody else, because we're on the right side of history.
Because we're telling the truth.
Because we're getting involved.
I want to come back with a really serious News Blitz at the very end of the show.
Very, very serious News Blitz.
But before I do that, I also want to encourage everybody to support us.
We have Shadow Government that is really a hot video.
I saw it.
We only carry what I think is the best.
It's got Daniel Estelin.
It's got...
You know, so many others.
G. Edward Griffin's in it.
It's got Catherine Albrecht and so many others.
And it really exposes the New World Order, the Cashless Society tracking grid, the RFID.
Obviously, follow the Republic.
This is the film to shatter the left-right paradigm, to wake up fake right-wingers, left-wingers, to really know who the enemy is, the big offshore banks, the carbon tax fraud.
It's all in here.
Obviously, the Obama deception.
And there's a new video I consulted on that exposes the drug war, the government drug dealing.
It's a lot more hardcore than American Drug War.
That just exposes how immoral it is and how it puts money into the drugs by making them illegal and makes more people use them.
This is a hardcore film that Kevin Booth has made and it ships the 15th of next month, in 17 days.
It's being mass manufactured right now.
I'm paying for it to be manufactured.
I'm actually the one manufacturing it.
So how weed won the West
And it explains how it's a state's rights issue, how the government's caught dealing the drugs, how they don't want people to have medical access to it, but how this is really setting the precedent for states' rights.
Because if the states can decide their own marijuana laws, you want to ban it, want to legalize it, want to decriminalize it, that's the people of the state.
They elect the legislature.
It's the law.
But now other states are saying, well, we'll have our own manufacturing of guns.
Montana and now others.
Or, you know, we'll have our own gun laws.
Some states are saying, we're just going to ignore your federal gun laws because that's what the Constitution says.
This is the rebellion at the state level.
Pre-order how we'd won the West.
Absolutely amazing documentary available at InfoWars.com right now, and the trailer's up on the Alex Jones channel at YouTube.
Or just Google how we won the West trailer, Alex Jones.
We'll be right back on the other side of this quick break with a key news bulletin.
Stay with us.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
That we're pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
For the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation, the criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty and on its ashes constructing world government.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today, it seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com.
Or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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I was sittin' in traffic, listenin' to the radio.
George Strait was sank, seashores of old Mexico.
We are back live, ladies and gentlemen.
Final segment, News Blitz.
Gag order on David Kelly Records could be lifted.
London Guardian.
Remember, they suicided him.
The police walked up.
Five men in black uniforms ran away.
There was no blood from his slit wrist.
No dissolved pills.
They killed him.
Then after that happened, they covered it up and put a 70-year gag order, but all these doctors and lawyers are suing and demanding it be opened, and they're saying, okay, we may do that.
Obama likely to rebrand climate bill.
Just like they've got a new banker looting robbery bill, they falsely branded it as a bailout.
They weren't in trouble, it was just more thieving.
Now they're going to call it a jobs bill.
Despite the obituaries being written for Senate passage of the cap and trade bill this year, President Obama is expected to reiterate his call for comprehensive clean energy, but it's not clean energy, it's a tax.
And climate change legislation, and to rebrand it as part of his job creation agenda.
So that's going on.
Continuing here, mad scientists want to stimulate volcanoes to block sun.
Because the Earth is too hot when the Earth has been getting colder for at least a decade.
And that's a normal cycle.
Paul Joseph Watson, key article there.
Continuing the Mail newspaper, Climategate scandal, scientists broke the law by hiding data from government skeptics.
Researchers at the University of East Anglia breached the Freedom of Information Act by refusing to comply with requests for the data and the emails show they colluded.
That's the big crime I told you a couple months ago and now it's coming out.
It's obvious what crimes are.
How they brag, we've talked to the government, we're going to suppress it illegally.
So that is continuing.
Compulsory PIRV scanners upset everyone.
The European Union Court of Human Rights is going to love this.
The debate over the use of scanners in the UK airports is rapidly turning into a knockabout farce as the Equity and Human Rights Commission takes a firm stand on some people's right to privacy, while government disrespects everyone's right and prepares to hand over loads more.
When it doesn't essentially lose the argument at the European Court.
And they're saying you will not be allowed to refuse the naked body scanner if you fly in or out of England.
So that'll be a big boycott of that country going on on that front.
Ron Paul tells Neil Cavuto the government wants inflation devaluation of the dollar.
And he talks about why they want to do that.
We have that video up at a key article at InfoWars.net by Steve Watson.
This is a very important article.
Ron Paul agrees they're doing this by design.
Well, of course they are.
Pentagon calls for Office of Strategic Deception from Raw Story, and then it gets into how they admit how they're specifically lying internationally and domestically through the media and blogs and putting out this information.
Wired Magazine is also reporting on that.
In the first hour, I cover little Timmy Geithner and how much trouble he's in, open talk of criminal indictments and demands on the dais that he resign.
So again, more good news there.
But again, the new rule orders here, they're oppressing us, but people are waking up and getting angry at all their criminal activity.
It's our job to just say, no, I'm not going along with your criminal activity.
So that is just some of what we covered.
I'll play more of his State of the Union tomorrow and more of the grilling of Paulson.
We didn't even get to that and what that swindler did.
Call them out for what they are.
Like I do and follow the Republican Obama deception.
Now mainstream accepted because the facts are the facts.
Well, that was an incredible show today.
Let me tell you what's coming up in the rebroadcast and at the free podcast you can subscribe to in the listen page of InfoWars.com.
Mark Dice, Darwin Bedecker, Kurt Haskell, Deborah Medina, all coming up in the retransmission.
We'll see you back here live tomorrow at 11 a.m.
Central Standard Time.
Get out there and take on the New World Order.
God bless you all.
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