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Name: 20100121_Thu_Alex
Air Date: Jan. 21, 2010
1555 lines.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
We are back live, ladies and gentlemen.
We are simulcasting this radio show at PrisonPlanet.TV.
Alright, coming up, I want to go over the fact that big government, the New World Order agenda, is imploding.
On every front.
But they still control the government, the bureaucracy, most of the planet.
They're not going to go away.
They're not going to stop unless we force them to go away, unless we force them to stop.
But, there is a huge awakening happening.
There is a lot of positive things going on.
The state Senator Brown getting elected to the U.S.
Senate is a very positive message to big government.
There's a lot of news I want to cover coming up at the bottom of the hour in about 23 minutes from now.
But I want to go back to your calls now.
I want to try to start over.
We had a rough start with Randy in Florida with me trying to understand exactly what he was getting at.
There's an article from Truth Alliance.
You can't both support the troops and the Constitution.
And I actually agree with that because the media has miscast
Supporting troops.
Hitler said that.
He said you've got to support my war against the U.S.
and against England and against France and Russia or you don't support the troops.
I have mainstream news articles where as soon as the troops are done serving they go to their barracks in Iraq and Afghanistan
And in one case, the guy's stepdaughter, they mailed him a picture of her that was on their Facebook, of her in a bathing suit.
And they said, a bathing suit is child pornography.
This is ABC News, and he's being court-martialed for it.
So they love persecuting the troops.
They love going after them.
Obama tried to cut their health care last year, and he wanted to make the troops pay for their own health care through getting their own insurance.
Making the troops serve two, three, four tours is not supporting the troops.
Starting all these new wars is not supporting them.
Congress never declared war since World War II.
Not in Vietnam, not in Desert Storm 1, in none of these events.
Was war declared?
Congress said, well, for WMDs in Iraq, for nukes, you do have this limited mandate to remove the weapons, which you didn't have.
So I'm trying to understand what Randy is getting at.
Randy, do you agree?
Do you disagree?
I mean, for me, it's the definition of supporting the troops.
It's not supporting the troops, sending them into preemptive illegal wars or having
Military people in offices in D.C.
controlling predator drones, dropping bombs on weddings in Pakistan.
So, I mean, what are you getting at here?
What I'm saying is that the Constitution requires a declaration of war, and as you said, it hasn't been done since World War II.
And so, any order to deploy to these wars is unconstitutional and unlawful, and even more so, importantly, it's immoral.
And our soldiers should refuse that if they're going to take their oath seriously, and that includes the members of this Oath Keepers website, which as far as I'm concerned is felony because many of the members on that site are active duty military, serving in, or have served in Iraq and Afghanistan, yet they claim they're keeping their oath when they engage in unlawful and unconstitutional activity.
It can't be done.
Well, particularly the Oath Keepers are saying we're going to follow the Declaration of Independence, Constitution, and they're trying to educate people that don't confiscate guns in the U.S.
if you're ordered, and things like that.
I mean, I think overall they're very positive.
That's why Chris Matthews and others are viciously attacking them.
But I appreciate your call, Randy.
Glad you called.
Let me give you this article right here.
This is out of W...
GN Radio, but it's also, I saw an ABC News article about it, Galesburg.
An Illinois National Guard soldier in Afghanistan has been charged by the U.S.
Army with possessing child pornography over pictures of a young relative his mother says she's sinning.
He didn't even take the picture.
But what's crazy about this is that the photo that the news showed
is several photos of a little girl running around in the yard playing with a water hose and in one of them it shows the back of the bathing suit and that the army put the report out saying because part of her lower butt is shown this is child porn and folks I see articles now they're mainstream news we saw the ABC News cover that big case in Arizona last year
Where it didn't even show the little girl's bodies.
One was two, one was three.
They got out of the bathtub, they had towels around them, and their mom took a photo.
Every parent has done that.
Plus, you got two, three, four kids.
You know, the littler ones, you stick them in the bathtub together while they play with rubber duckies and boats or whatever.
The government's now got cases saying kids together in a bathtub is some type of sexual assault on the two children.
Meanwhile, the government's full of all these degenerate pedophiles.
They're constantly getting caught.
Most of your top CPS people are always being busted.
They're five to seven times more likely, depending on the federal government report, to be pedophiles or abusers in government.
And they're saying a photo of two little girls, one with a towel around her, another with a towel around her, with them beside each other, they said that was having them engaged in sexual activity.
Because they were
You know, huddled with towels out of the bath.
See, now they're going to take your kids for wearing bathing suits at the swimming pool.
And you'll say, but it's a bathing suit.
And they'll say, we have SWAT teams.
Now, we'll ban your gun show even if it's legal.
You know, oh, an old man was cleaning his gun in his garage in Everside.
He had 12 guns and a couple thousand rounds of ammo.
That's an arsenal.
There's no law against it.
It isn't an arsenal.
There's no law.
You still go to prison.
I mean, they send people to prison every day for not even committing crimes.
They just make up other... Folks, we... It just came home to me again yesterday.
Again, just how criminal and illegitimate this government is.
Because Matt Ryan, who works in our office, worked at the city in the gas and electric customer service line.
And he said upwards of 90% or more.
In fact, he said they never pay.
He said 10% of the time, and they had huge meetings about this, the illegals pay the first bill of the $250 to get their power and gas turned on.
And then, three months later, when they turn their power off, another person calls with another consulate matricula that are fake IDs.
The Mexican consulate gives them to anybody.
I can go get one.
There's been investigative reports on it.
And then they just never pay.
They only pay when they first get it turned on or get it turned back on.
And then that's passed on.
But then an old lady who's $10 down on her bill, they turn their power off.
And you've seen those reports of them freezing to death or burning up to death in the summer all over the country.
I mean, I saw this winner every two or three days.
In fact, let's just Google it live on air.
Man dies in home.
Man freezes to death in home after power turned off.
I mean, you'll just see hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of reports where this is happening.
And so there's so many facets to this.
The illegal aliens all over.
There's more than 800 sanctuary cities.
And I've had R. Day survey the police chief of Austin.
He said, Alex, we have to do this.
We have to know who these people are so we can protect them when there's a problem.
That doesn't stop illegals from calling if there's a problem at their home.
You know, this isn't some sanctuary where there's a commission of a crime.
And so if you call with a crime or a problem, they don't arrest you or deport you.
See, that's how they started sanctuaries 20 years ago.
Now, we're going to hire illegal aliens for the police force.
That's Associated Press.
We're going to say you can have everything without an ID card.
You can have a bank account.
You can have a housing loan.
But citizens have to show three IDs to get power or gas.
And the minute you don't pay, you're in trouble.
I talked to one of my old family friends, who is the manager of some of the biggest apartment complexes in Austin.
And it was like four years ago, she got called up to the Christmas corporate party in Dallas for one of the... I mean, I'll let you know the company.
It's the one whose executive got indicted and then his car blew up and his body burned up, staged his death last year.
And they called him in and they said, the federal government is secretly subsidizing us.
You're to tell no one, this is with hundreds of their top managers in the auditorium, illegals are allowed to be 10 to a one-person apartment.
If citizens even have a grandmother visiting for a week, kick them out with the one-person occupancy rule.
Illegals are above the law.
And Aaron Dykes, Rob Jacobson, you know, are in moderately low-priced apartments nearby.
They're not bad apartments.
They're pretty nice.
The illegals have chickens running around, sides of beef hanging up, mariachi bands literally playing till 5 in the morning.
They are God.
The police won't come.
No one will stop them.
Drunk driving.
They are not arrested.
No ID.
I've had Austin police admit it to me.
They are literally gods.
Literally gods.
Because the government wants them here to drive down wages, to bankrupt the society, and to become a political force to pull the lever for gun control and open borders and higher taxes.
It is a lawless government.
They won't follow the state or federal law.
They won't follow the drunk driving laws.
The police don't enforce.
But citizens, you take a photo of your five-year-old daughter in a bathing suit at the pool,
And you take it to Walmart or some other place, they've been told, get me a SWAT team bringing the pedophile units.
And here come the pot-bellied, here come the pot-bellied CPS, and they're ready for your kids that night, they're going to enjoy themselves.
Texas Commission on Youth, giant rape rooms, every facility raping kids.
Giant pedophile guild, they look at those kids in a bathing suit, and they go, take them, I want them right now.
They're going to be mine.
And that's who they are, and they run everything, and they've got the automatic weapons, and they rule.
That's the end of it.
And they're going to take your bank accounts, they're going to take everything else you've got, because they feel like it.
You have a lawless criminal government.
There's no law against this gun show, we don't care, we're shutting it down.
There's a law against illegal drunk driving, we're not enforcing.
Because we're your criminal government, and we rule you, and we decide what to do.
More calls straight ahead.
But it says the picture shows a child in a swimsuit playing in a wading pool.
And it says in one photo, part of the girl's hip can be seen.
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Austin News at noon, we're covering some breaking news out of the Texas State Capitol.
Shots fired at the Texas State Capitol.
No injuries reported immediately, but they do say one person is in custody.
That's your live picture right now from the downtown tower cam.
Footsteps to the Capitol there.
They're reporting six DPS cars responded to that area, and legislative offices told to lock their doors and stay inside.
We have Angie Woodring on the phone now, a witness that was at the Capitol when this allegedly occurred.
Angie, are you there?
Yes, sir.
Good afternoon.
Can you tell us what happened?
Well, yeah.
We were, we had just been inside the Capitol building, had just walked over to the Visitor Center to look around.
We walked out of the Visitor Center and suddenly heard five or six distinctive shots and saw security rush a gentleman on the front of the State Capitol set and then tell everybody to get away and people were running and
They were not letting anybody in or out now, and then about five minutes after we saw the security officers, there was a gentleman on the front bench.
Well, shots fired at the Texas Capitol, just a few miles from where I am.
I'm dispatching some camera crews down there right now.
I'm gonna need to...
Clear the phone lines.
I apologize to those patiently holding.
You'll be able to call back in and get to the front of the line.
Tessa, Larry, Matt, Bob, write their names down and they'll be able to call back in after I open the phones up specifically for any eyewitnesses that are our listeners or anyone at the Capitol.
I know a lot of legislative aides are listeners.
I know a lot of our listeners work downtown in and around the Capitol.
The bombing of the governor's mansion was clearly a staged event.
All the evidence in hindsight, we weren't sure at the time, points towards that.
I've told you I believe a false flag.
I said this, what, three weeks ago.
When it came out that federal agents were trying to provocateur people into firebombing Brave New Books, trying to connect it into 9-11 truthers.
Then groups connected into those same organizations.
The media tried to say that they were involved in firebombing the governor's mansion.
And did they get some mentally ill person to go do this?
God only knows.
Or is it just a crazy person?
Thank God no one was injured.
No one was injured.
Shots fired at Texas Capitol.
Austin, Texas.
Texas State Police said one person is in custody after gunshots were fired on the south steps of the Texas Capitol.
They're going to use this to pass anti-gun bills.
You just watch.
Luckily, no injuries are reported.
More than a half dozen Texas Department of Public Safety cars descended on the Capitol Thursday.
Yeah, they're already there.
Afternoon, and officers toting rifles surrounded the building.
The officers were in the process of securing the Capitol's third floor around noon.
said Tristan Lessisher, police communications operator.
The building is in lockdown and the suspect is in custody.
DPS spokesman Lisa Block said a witness said he heard at least four shots fired.
This is now all over the national media.
I've told you look for false flag attacks.
We told you the flu thing was fake.
That's now admitted mainstream media.
A giant fear-mongering, federalization, UN globalization, profit drill.
We've told you so many of these events are staged.
We don't know about this one at this time.
But the first report came out about 52 minutes ago.
And the latest report came out about 15 minutes ago from KXAN.
So we're continuing to monitor that situation.
Shots fired at the Texas Capitol building.
Remember when somebody drove a gasoline truck into the California building, California State House?
You didn't really ever hear much about that because it looked like it was a real event.
If this is staged, they'll hype it to the stars.
But 1-800-259-9231.
If we don't get any eyewitnesses, we're going to hold the lines open for Tessa, Larry, Matt, Bob, and others that were patiently holding.
It'll only take a few dozen of these type of events to try to scare government into going along with the police state.
Just like an underwear bomber has been used to say everybody's got a naked body scan to fly and all the courthouses are going to get it.
A real attack, that's not going to stop somebody from going up against the Capitol or a courthouse.
It'll just stop somebody from sneaking one in.
Everybody can't be treated as if they're guilty and lose their Second Amendment because there's a few nuts out there.
And with so many of these events,
It is staged, but they're also forcing the population, more and more people, into this mindset.
We can also take local calls.
Specifically, for people who are eyewitnesses to this situation.
We'll be right back after the break.
Stay with us.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
We are lining up some eyewitnesses that are calling into the local line about what they saw at the
Capitol shots fired at Texas Capitol building.
Texas State Police said one person in custody after gunshots were fired on the south steps of the Texas Capitol.
Luckily, no injuries are reported.
That sounds so staged, folks.
More than half a dozen Texas Department of Public Safety cars descended on the Capitol Thursday afternoon as officers toting rifles surrounded the building.
The officers were in the process of securing the Capitol's third floor.
And it goes on.
The building is in lockdown as the suspect is in custody.
DPS spokeswoman Lisa Block said a witness said he heard at least four shots fired.
And so, again, we've had a lot of people call in.
We're trying to find out exactly who is actually a witness right now.
I have all this other news that I want to go over.
No one called into the Genesis line, so those callers who we hung up on to open the phone lines, we are now going to open the phones back up for the folks that were already on hold to call back in.
Please give them a chance, folks, and you can try to call in.
Guys, you've got a photo of the person being arrested just a little while ago, and it looks like drug out of the Capitol.
Looks like APD is helping the state police carry him.
Five officers helping carry him out.
Can you blow that up so we can see the individual's face?
Continue blowing it up.
Continue blowing it up.
I can't tell if it's a white male or a Hispanic male.
Looks like it's a white male with a tan.
I don't know guys, that look like a white or Hispanic person to you.
Give me your judgment.
Looks like a white guy, doesn't it?
About like a carpenter.
He's got a deep, deep tan.
White t-shirt.
Military-style haircut.
My God.
They're gonna have a heyday with this against our Second Amendment.
No matter what they pull, no matter what they do, don't let them get your guns, folks.
They want to make us live like Chicago or people in New York.
We have got to stand against this together.
Those calls that came in to the local line, were any of them eyewitnesses?
Okay, we're going to leave.
This is what we're going to do.
I forgot we had our own phone system.
We're going to have our phone system open here in my studio for any eyewitnesses or for calls specifically from Austin on the Capitol.
And again, I want to punch up on screen that the number for locals to call is 512-646-1776.
If you want to talk about the Capitol situation and for listeners generally across the country,
This got me sidetracked.
I wanted to go over a news blitz right now, but I'm just going to continue with your calls, because in the next hour I'm going to get into more of the news we haven't covered yet.
I mean, I've alluded to a lot of it, but I don't want to really drill into some of it.
Let's go to calls right now.
Rob in Hawaii, you're on the air.
Thanks for taking my call.
Thanks for calling.
What's on your mind?
Um, well, first I wanted to thank you for how you ended your show yesterday, like, stressing a peaceful resistance.
Um, because myself, I'm a former Marine, and I could tell you 13 years ago, my company commander was going around asking our platoon if we would raise weapons or disarm our own brothers, flat out.
This was 13 years ago.
Yeah, that's standard procedure.
The military now trains to take on the American people.
Go ahead.
Oh, absolutely.
Um, so what I was going to say, like, people need to understand, any sort of armed or violent
Revolutionary system just feeds right in.
That's what they want.
That way, that justifies them to go overboard.
So I really appreciate that you were stressing it yesterday.
And if you could, I have two quick questions for you.
One, have you ever considered running for political office?
For about a week one time I ran for Republican State House because nobody was running against the Democrat.
When I saw the rules and the campaign rules and I just couldn't stomach going out and trying to raise the money.
And I really, I was talked into it and my gut was I can do more outside the system than I can in the system educating people.
Right, I understand that fully.
Okay, my second question is back on yesterday you were talking about 9-11 Truth.
When Charlie Sheen released that video message to the President, it really inspired me to go research how many other celebrities have spoken out, because I wanted to make myself a few YouTube videos.
And I ended up finding so many footage of so many celebrities, it just blows my mind.
So I was wondering if there's any way you or someone you know could kind of organize all the groups, like architects and engineers, all the celebrities, and just get everybody together and just bring this to the public already.
Well, trying to get celebrities, I mean, if a celebrity's at an event or a benefit, and somebody walks over and says, what do you think about 9-11?
They'll say, inside job.
But once you call them to really go out on this show, or really get together for a big stand, then their managers and others start threatening them.
The media took the bait with Charlie Sheen.
He knew this would happen.
He knew because of all his past, they would end up attacking him, but then that would bring the issues up.
So Charlie Sheen was perfect because that's one of the few celebrities they would actually cover because they thought they could discredit it because of some of his past.
It actually blew up in their face.
But, I mean, again, I'm just trying to organize
Building my new studio, making films.
I have limited staff, limited funds.
You know, I had to pull people off key projects just to send them down to the Capitol.
We don't, you know, we can't just spontaneously create like God can.
You know, we're not just here just doing things and making things, but I appreciate your call.
We do what we can, Rob, and I appreciate it.
Let's talk to Joe in Texas.
Joe, you're on the air.
Hey, hi, Alex.
How are you, sir?
Pretty good.
Alex, I was calling about, I was around Austin, just a kid, when they had the tower shootings there.
My stepdad was with the Air Force, and I remember that distinctly, and it's just coincidental about the gun show.
And then I also wanted to tell you, you can check on, if you check, I think it was Wednesday night or Tuesday night of this week, our local news, San Antone had raided a guy's house.
The guy had
Uh, was in a uniform, military uniform, and he came out throwing, like, cocktails, mulled-beer cocktails kind of thing, and he was airing on Ken's 5.
And, uh, I know that this is, uh, you know, going after, it's just all tying in, Alex.
And, uh, I was wanting to find out about the, I'm also the gunsmith that had talked to you once before, but I wanted to find out about the San Antone, that they had canceled the San Antone.
No, they don't have Art Acevedo, I guess.
He hasn't spoken out against it, so I guess he's for it.
They don't have a police chief that just says, I don't care if there's not a law.
You know, we're going to tell the landlord not to do this and shut it down.
They already ran off the old person that had been there for close to 20 years, Saxit.
But as far as I know, Saxit and others are still having their shows in San Antonio.
I actually looked that up in the last few days, but I appreciate your call, sir.
Look, I don't remember the exact day I did it, but when Aaron Dykes gets back, I sent him down with a camera to the Capitol.
It was the day he wrote the article.
That guy's pulling up.
That's how I can find the date.
I forget the exact headline.
FBI informant planned to attack Firebomb Brave New Books, I think.
Brave New Books, bookstore that sells my books and videos.
One of my fans set it up.
They have speakers all the time that speak there.
It's very successful.
He, this guy who was a federal informant, he was buddies, it was December 8th, he was buddies, print me the article then, thanks.
He was buddies with the Palestinian that committed suicide by slitting his throat, gutting himself, tying his hands and feet and throwing himself in the river.
They said that was a suicide, APD.
That gives you an idea of our police here now.
And he was hanging out with him.
He tried to get activists, according to their reports, and he now admits he was FBI, to firebomb Brave New Books.
This is right at the time that there was the firebombing of the Capitol.
I mean, of the governor's mansion by the Capitol.
And it was on December 8th and December 9th, both those days, I said on air.
So go to the archives, folks.
I don't have the staff.
Pull it for yourself.
Put it on YouTube.
We'll post it.
Where I said, they're getting ready.
I don't know how I always know this.
I don't throw out a lot of predictions.
Maybe one a month or something.
They're going to stage some big flu hype in January.
I can see them getting ready.
They're going to attack the Capitol or something.
Here in Texas, they're going to try to set us up.
It's not even like I'm psychic.
It's like I just can tell from their operations and I study them as like a lay criminologist so much that I know what they're going to do.
And I got a bad feeling.
I got a really, really, really, really, really, really bad feeling.
Here's the article.
FBI informant who stung RNC 2008 anarchist connected to firebomb plot on Brave New Books and suicided Palestinian activist Raed Hamad.
And it was when this article came out, give me a document cam shot on that, thank you, for PrisonPlanet.tv viewers, it was when all this came out that
The pieces came together and I just... There was some other stuff happening behind the scenes too.
We had people showing up at the office going, I work at the Governor's Mansion.
I work at the Capitol.
They're going to think it's me.
I want to leave you with this big box of stuff.
And then my guys walked out and looked and they were off-duty...
Uh, unmarked police cars, and people walking around like it was some big bus, like they wanted to get him in my office with this box, and they called me, because I was gone.
No, it was when I was on the radio.
This happened, and then when I ran out of the radio, this is at our old office, they said, did we do the right thing?
And I said, hell yeah, you did the right thing.
Do not take anything.
It was a big box, and they were smart enough to walk out front and see the cops, and it was going to be on the news.
Alex Jones, he did it!
But luckily, we have a containment operation to keep these infiltrators out.
They're constantly trying to get in.
We had to move just because of it.
No one is allowed at this office.
Never, if you know our address, come to our door.
You will be screamed at.
Not because you're bad, but because you could be an operative.
I mean, folks, I live in a James Bond situation, and I'm not James Bond.
So, we have that going on.
We talked to Lisa Blount, the spokeswoman for the Capitol State Police.
It's a separate, special unit.
Pretty nice guys.
Most of them are listeners to the show when I'm down there.
They tell me about the show, but 24-year-old male from Houston.
We need to get this out because this is not yet in the other news.
This is breaking.
We just got this from her three minutes ago.
24-year-old male from Houston fired several shots on the south steps of the Capitol.
No reported injuries, including the gunman.
She would not say, she said she did not know what direction he shot.
Did he fire in the air?
Did he fire down Congress Avenue?
Did he fire into the granite steps?
Was it blanks?
Is this some... Folks, if they... If it turns out this guy's ever been in psychiatric care of the government, or was in the army, that's where they do the brainwashing, or was protected and already made threats, or... They can also threaten your family to get you to do this.
There's an intelligence operation we've proven going on down there to provocateur.
Now, I don't know if this is a nut or not, but I'm telling you, I predicted a staged attack on the governor's mansion or Capitol.
I remember that from memory.
I don't know how I do it.
And there's nothing really, there's nothing really new here.
Again, Texas State Capitol, shots fired, at least four shots.
Oh, you need this right here?
You bet.
Yeah, give it to Kurt Nemo.
Thank you.
DPS shots fired at State Capitol, Austin Chronicle, Houston Chronicle, excuse me.
Jim Magid, visiting from New York, said he was inside the building on the first floor and people started rushing to the south entrance.
Prompted by a reaction of two troopers.
He said the man next to her said he heard four or five pops.
When Magid, or however you pronounce his name, got outside, she saw about 25 officers surrounding a man lying on the ground on his side in a fetal position.
His officers held him down.
He was not resisting arrest.
She said she heard one of the troopers say there might be another person on the building's third floor.
Folks, this sounds completely staged.
This guy's got a gun and he's shooting it and they didn't shoot him?
You come in my office or my area and you're shooting a gun?
You are deader than a doornail.
And that's how the police are trained.
They should have killed this guy.
But if he shot the shots, laid the gun down, he's either a lunatic looking for attention or this was staged.
And more and more, this is looking staged.
I don't know if it was staged.
We'll certainly learn more as this unfolds.
I don't know.
A witness told Statesman that six shots were fired in rapid succession.
That's Fox News.
Were heard at noon.
State employees are standing on the grounds as authorities secure the Capitol building.
Thought they were peace officers.
Man, I don't know what to say about this, I'll tell ya.
Joe in Texas, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Okay, I'm out of control.
Larry in Texas.
Go ahead, Larry.
Hello, Alex.
Hey, buddy.
Hey, I got some ballistic information that might save somebody's life if...
If they own a 223.
Back in 82, I was at the sheriff's office waiting to go on patrol and I was thumbing through a law magazine and the article was about the ineffectiveness of the M-16 at a roadblock.
So my partner was expecting his new delivery of a M-16, a semi-automatic version.
And I finished the article, I passed it across the desk and said, hey, you might want to get your money back after you read this.
So he read it and said, ah, that ain't nothing about that.
So I, uh, anticipated, uh, this.
So I contacted the tow driver, asked him if he had a vehicle he could sacrifice.
So, uh, he got his new gun in and we went out there and, uh, he had a clip of a full metal jacket and a clip of hollow point.
And the three tests that we'd done according to article was put a cardboard target behind the steering wheel.
Stand 10 steps in front of the vehicle and open up on it.
So, uh, he raised up, cut loose with five rounds.
We went up and looked.
And all it does is just, you could do more damage with a daisy red rider, just chips of windshield.
So he tried it with the hollow points, same results.
Second test was, uh, shooting through the side door.
Um, put the target there sideways, uh, between the seat and the door panel.
And it punches really nice holes in the side door.
But the shrapnel that came out the other side was like taking a piece of rice and cutting it lengthwise in about four or five pieces.
30 odd 6, 308, 3030 would shoot right through the washing machine, all four layers.
The outer layer, the inner layer, the next inner layer, and the outer layer.
And most of the .223s wouldn't even make it all the way through, but if they did, it was just a little bit of shrapnel, because the bullet turns, it's very small, it's a .22 caliber.
Uh, as you know.
And, uh, it's like you shoot 2-2-2 or 2-2-3 through that.
And, uh, it is really not a very good round.
Unless it hits flesh.
It's very devastating when it actually hits flesh.
Stay there, we'll come back and see where we're going with this.
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The Atlanta Journal-Constitution talked to witnesses.
Republican Senator Dan Patrick wrote on his Twitter page that he wasn't in the office but his staff called security and told him this.
An individual came into my Austin Senate office today acting strangely.
Staff called security moments later.
Shots fired on Capitol steps, he wrote.
So it looks like he came in.
Something happened.
He ran out.
Maybe he didn't want the police to arrest him and he shot it at the ground or something.
We're only speculating.
Why didn't they kill him?
Somebody comes around my office and starts shooting a gun, trying to hurt people.
I'm not gonna talk to him.
I'm gonna kill him.
I mean, I would expect the police to draw down and shoot him.
Don't talk to him.
See, people always defend police when they shoot somebody who's unarmed in the back.
But then they get on police if they shoot somebody who's already got a gun.
Look, you got a gun and you're already shooting it?
I don't think anybody should wait.
You just need to shoot.
You know, I always see these cases where somebody breaks into business and the person says, hands up.
I'm not going to say hands up if you've broken in.
I'm just going to shoot you.
And that's what the law says I should do.
It goes on from there.
This is terrible.
Going back to Larry in Texas, he's a sheriff's deputy, warning people about how ineffective 223 is.
It's fired from the M16, AR-15, Ruger range rifles, the list goes on and on.
But separately from that, I've tested it myself, I know you're right.
People do need a heavier round.
Why does our military use the .223?
Because they did studies with the Colt, the original M16, and found that when it hits, it changes directions.
I've shot deer with a .223.
And as long as you shoot them 100 yards or closer, the bullet doesn't even generally come out, but it goes all over.
I don't like it because it messes up a lot of meat.
But I've shot deer with .223s and they always drop immediately, whereas I shoot them with a .30-06 or .308, they tend to run 10-15 feet.
They got a big hole blown in them on the other side.
And the meat's a lot cleaner.
But the .223, man, it just goes in.
That bullet goes through bones, everything else breaks into pieces.
Same thing when you shoot a vehicle.
So I agree with you, it's not good for roadblocks.
But Shepard, from that, what do you think of this Capitol situation?
It sounds suspicious.
I mean, what would you do if you were a Capitol State Police officer and somebody's shooting a gun, waving it around?
I mean, how did he survive this?
Without even being shot?
I couldn't answer that.
It's too bad they didn't take them out.
But doesn't it sound suspicious that they wouldn't?
I mean, normal procedure of somebody shooting a gun is you shoot them.
Oh yeah, neutralize.
Back to the last test we done with the 223 was if someone was in the brush and you were returning fire at someone hiding in the brush and we set the target behind the waist-high brush and
Left the head portion, showing where you could gauge 12 inches blowing and be able to shoot.
None of the rounds made it through the brush, so if someone's in the weeds with the ghillie suit on, shooting at you, you're going to have a hard time trying to return with the .223.
One other thing I want to pass on to you about RFID.
I was listening to a computer show, a guy that helps you with your computer, and someone called in about the RFID.
And he said that there's a YouTube, I don't have a computer, he said there's a YouTube video that shows a situation where these new passports had RFID chip in them and they're coded by... Yeah, and the guy drives around San Francisco stealing people's passports.
This was a garbage can that had a bomb in it and numerous people were walking by it, but as soon as an American went by it, it blowed up.
Yeah, RFID are super bad.
Really good points.
Yeah, it's... That is a really good point.
You've got the passport on you.
It knows who you are.
It detonates.
Really good point.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda, we're pulling the rug from underneath the Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We've got photos taken from on top of an office building across the street as the reported alleged shooter was apprehended by police.
I find it very suspicious.
In fact, where's my fact sheets?
24-year-old, right?
Can I have that?
Yeah, 24-year-old male from Houston.
We called the state police and got this information.
This isn't even out in the media yet.
This is from the spokeswoman, Lisa Block.
I mean, I find it very suspicious that you've got a guy on the steps of the Capitol, crawling with armed state police, waving a gun around, shooting it, and they didn't shoot him.
And that, I guess they then said, freeze while he's shooting a gun, and then he put it down and they didn't shoot him?
I mean, the cops half the time go and shoot homeowners.
They're so trigger happy when they're investigating something.
And I mean, I'm not saying they're bad when they do that, but there's a lot of accidents that happen.
I know the DPS is supposedly better trained than a lot of police departments, but I don't understand how somebody is running around shooting five to six shots, they're now saying, and no one shoots him.
The scenario I start thinking about now, according to the state senator who said he was in his office,
He was acting strangely left and then they heard shots.
So he's acting strangely.
Maybe he had a concealed carry.
You're not supposed to have that in the Capitol.
They start grabbing on him.
It looks like a Glock.
There's an image of the state police and the state police wouldn't hold their own firearm, plus it's not with a state police carry.
It looks like a small Glock or one of the knockoffs of the plastic gun.
You know, the Capitol doesn't have metal detectors in it.
You know they're just going to stick them in there as if that'll do anything.
I bet they're going to put naked body scanners in there and I bet this whole thing is a DPS intelligence operation.
But I don't know that.
But DPS was marked as the worst in the country under COINTELPRO, staging fake terror attacks and keeping lists on citizens.
And they still do it.
But that came out in the 80s and they got barred from it.
Blow up that photo for PrisonPlanet.tv viewers and send these photos over to Curt Nemo.
Now that's the shot, a better face shot of the alleged perpetrator.
Let's blow that up first.
And then the other photo is
of the gun.
Blow it up some more.
Let's blow it right up to his face so everybody can see it.
Where did you guys get these so people can go look at them for themselves?
This is KXAN.
Blow it up some more.
Yep, that looks like a white male.
Crew cut, hair cut, white t-shirt, blue jeans.
You got DPS there with a bike cop.
Okay, go to the other photo.
Now, blow that up.
Look at that firearm.
That is a Glock.
Or one of the similar, there's so many now that imitate the Glock.
That is one of the smaller little snub-nosed, semi-automatic, black, composite, call them plastic, they're really composite firearms.
That's what that is.
And it looks like the chamber is open.
So the slide, the top of the firearm,
Let's go back to that.
It's open.
See how it's sticking out further past the handle?
And the police officer is holding it by the barrel.
That's not how he would hold his own firearm.
It'd be in his hand.
And I believe he does have a... He does have a... Yeah, he's got a shotgun in his right hand.
A black semi-auto shotgun.
He's got a riot shotgun in one hand, and I'll guarantee you that officer's not going to be holding a firearm that way, unless he had just grabbed it up off the ground.
And these photos, they report, were just seconds after they apprehended him.
Did he fire the shots to scare people and then put it back in his belt buckle and then run?
That's the only way they wouldn't have killed him if it isn't, or at least shot him, if this wasn't staged.
See, we're trying to work the different angles of this.
Could it be suspicious?
Or could it be just a lunatic?
But I'll guarantee you this.
There aren't any police on the planet where somebody's on the steps of the Capitol
With a gun firing shots, they're not going to sit there and say, drop the gun, drop the gun.
They're going to shoot them.
We'll be right back.
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Exposing tyranny since 1991.
He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, let's go through these calls that are up on the board right now, and then I'm gonna get to all the other news we haven't covered yet.
And believe me, there's a lot of it.
Tessa in Texas, you're on the air, welcome.
Hey Alex, how you doing today?
I guess okay.
Oh man, I tell you, this is scary.
Yes, thank you.
Yeah, it's just scary what's going on at the Capitol right now.
Oh, it certainly is.
It certainly is.
I mean, it is.
What do you think of what's happening?
Talk about something else that went down at the Capitol on January 16th.
The nullification rally and the events that ensued after that.
Which I caught on film and it's up on my YouTube channel.
Tell folks about the rally.
Tell them what happened.
Okay, well, I had come there just to support nullification.
And I had no idea that there would be so many Deborah Medina supporters there.
I mean, it made up basically the entire crowd.
And supposedly, they were under the impression that she was going to speak that day.
And near the end of the rally, the crowd started getting a little bit boisterous about it, and were saying, where's Deborah?
Why isn't she allowed to speak?
Well, she never got to get up there and speak.
So, what I filmed was, um,
It was just a slight confrontation.
It was really more of a discussion, but it was kind of a, you know, just an argument between one of the Medina supporters wondering why she wasn't allowed to speak,
And then, uh, one of the people that was putting the rally on, and then I also interviewed... Well, ma'am, you've got to fill people in.
Deborah Medina is one of the Republican candidates for governor.
She's surging in the polls against Rick Perry.
I mean, she's coming from way behind Rick Perry and Kay Bailey Hutchinson.
Tell people what the nullification rally was for.
You know, let people know.
Yeah, and anyway, so... Nullification of what?
Nullification of the health care bill.
But really, I mean, any bill that could come, you know, the Congress passes that... And Debra Medina was there and wasn't allowed to speak?
She was there, and wasn't on the invited list from all the research that I've been able to do.
I know she wasn't on the list officially,
But what I think was there was a miscommunication between the person that had the permit and then the people that were putting on the rally.
Supposedly, I've got to look up the code.
Well, that's in the past.
We can move forward now.
What else is on your mind?
So anyway, you know, basically I just interviewed a lot of people just wondering why she wasn't allowed to speak at the rally.
And the people wanted her and she wasn't allowed to speak.
And so now articles are coming out.
There's a blog up on WordPress, and the author is Sybil West, and she's basically saying that Debra Medina supporters are thugs.
I appreciate your call, ma'am.
I appreciate your call.
I mean, look, Debra Medina, every time I turn on the talk radio, they're talking about the governor's race.
Almost everyone calls in supporting her for governor.
And so, you know, getting into little fights with other Republicans and people, it really goes nowhere.
People listening in Japan right now don't really know what we're talking about.
Johnny in Alabama.
Johnny, you're on the air.
Oh, hey, Alex.
I haven't been listening to you very long.
I'm waking up.
Obama's are talking about people getting thinner, talking about fat people, people overweight, kids overweight.
And I wonder if you have any information about the government taking human fat and turning it into biodiesel.
No, I know in the movie Fight Club they take human fat and turn it into designer soap because melted down fat from murdered Chinese political dissidents is put into some of the more fancy cosmetics around the world, but no I don't know anything about turning human fat into biodiesel, Johnny.
I was just wondering.
I'll tell you, that's off the wall, Johnny, but I appreciate it.
Very interesting thought there for the day.
Valerie in Oklahoma, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
I'm in Tulsa, land where the slave can't be trusted to have their own garden.
That's right.
Your mayor says that's evil.
That's right.
You might grow marijuana, so we need to restrict you being able to have a garden.
You can't let prisoners have their own gardens.
Well, the reason for my call today, I wanted to tell you that I listened to a little bit of Glenn Beck this morning, and as if we needed any more proof that he's trying to become you, he said that he's going into the documentary filmmaking business.
You're joking.
No, I'm not.
Second hour, about the first, it was the first half of the second hour.
And he said, I can't really say much about it, but it's going to be really big.
Well, good for him.
It'll be in theaters.
He'll be bigger than Michael Moore.
It'll be a fake right-wing view of the world, like what we have with Michael Moore giving you a left-wing rebel view.
And that's just how they operate.
But the truth will continue to smash their propaganda.
That's right.
I'm so glad that you're going to go after him.
I agree with you 100 percent.
I think he is just an absolute
He's just a demon.
Well, every time I tune in, and I didn't do it this morning, I turned it on driving into work, and I just, I can't listen.
I had to turn it off because of just how disingenuous and manipulative he is and how obvious it is to me.
It's hard to listen to.
And we'll just see what happens.
But no!
Left-right paradigm.
I mean, he literally
When I listen, it's like, oh my gosh, he's expropriated so much of what we do, and then always, days after we cover something, he then covers it, but then puts his spin on it, and to watch my work turned into what he's doing with it, but you know what?
In the end, it'll just turn out good, because he will wake up a mainstream audience, they'll then find out what's going on, and they'll find out the full story.
But I appreciate your call.
We're getting a lot of emails like this.
My feeling is that this shooting at the Texas State Building this morning is a direct staged event in response to the closing of the gun show.
You watch.
He will have gotten his weapon at the gun show.
See ya.
We gotta close the gun shows.
Keep them up.
D. Francis.
I don't know.
It may be that he was some concealed carry guy who came in and said something threatening at the Senator's office.
They said he was acting strangely.
And then they tried to grab him and it's a semi-auto and it went off or something.
I mean, who knows?
We don't know yet.
We'll find out soon.
We'll have articles at Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com that break that down.
Let's go ahead and talk to Peter in Canada.
Peter, you're on the air.
Hey Alex, nice to talk to you.
Good to talk to you.
I've got two questions on two different issues here.
The first one is Debra Medina.
I heard her speak on the debate last week and I was quite impressed.
Are you going to have her on your show?
Yeah, she's in here.
When next week?
She's in studio next week.
I know one day.
Okay, I'll be waiting to listen to that one.
Another one, I've been listening to you for about a year now, and I agree with about 95% of what you say, but one thing, on peak oil, the U.S.
is in Iraq seemingly for the oil, and now they're in Afghanistan, Pakistan to block pipelines to China.
Why would they be doing that if peak oil was a hoax and all made up?
Well, that's a very easy way to answer that.
It's confirmed that there's more oil discovered, proven reserves, in Alaska than there is in Saudi Arabia.
On one area, one small field, there is enough to run the country for another 50 years, but they will not allow those pipelines to be brought in because it's artificial scarcity.
There's too much oil, there's too much natural gas, and so if they don't shut down large sectors of the Gulf of Mexico and Alaska and other areas,
Then, they won't be able to have their huge profits.
They don't want China and other countries to have their own cheap oil.
They want them to have to buy it from Western oil companies.
And so, it's just like De Beers.
You know, if there's so many diamonds in the world, why are they so expensive?
Because De Beers, owned by the Oppenheimers and others, a big consortium, they have a world diamond monopoly.
That's a fact, sir.
And so they're trying to make sure that they can make oil more scarce.
Oil in Alaska is proven.
Where can I go to see this proof?
It's so voluminous, it's completely insane that they've only allowed one small area there on the West Slope to be opened, a few other areas.
The oil companies admit they could build more than 10 pipelines the size of the one they have that already supplies, what is it, 14% of U.S.
needs on the West Coast.
The rest of it sold that they pumped to the Japanese and Chinese.
I mean, it's just common knowledge.
It's admitted everywhere.
There's an oil field, 640 square miles, right off of Louisiana and Mississippi, that's just everywhere you drill, you hit oil.
I mean, everywhere you drill, you hit oil, sir, in that area.
Getting back to Deborah Medina, do you think she has a chance at winning that governorship?
If the mainstream media covered her more and said she could win, yes.
And she is rising in the polls.
And other patriots, other people out there need to run at their different state levels for similar positions.
It's showing people, just like what we just saw in Massachusetts, that if you start early enough, you can basically beat any big incumbent.
People aren't just mad at Democrats.
They're mad at incumbents.
Well, I'm trying to spread the word on the forums.
Calling from Canada, I really can't vote, but I hope her all the best.
Thank you, Peter.
I appreciate your call.
By the way, we have her in here the 26th, so that is it this week.
It's next week, and she's been in studio with us.
Okay, previously, a few months ago.
Let's go ahead.
It's our supporters, just like with Ron Paul, that are really energizing her, along with many others.
Let's go ahead and talk to Ray in Colorado.
Ray, you're on the air.
Hi, Alex.
How are you?
So I just wanted to give this quote out for your listeners.
It pretty much has to do with the fear tactics the government is using against us and all the false flag attacks.
And it just is perfect when I found it.
Those who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.
Benjamin Franklin.
Yeah, and I just thought it would be really good for you listeners, you know, to hear that.
Well, that's how tyranny works.
Somebody might do something illegal with guns, we've got to ban all your guns.
Some parent might abuse their child, we've got to ban parents raising their kids.
Somebody might shout at their spouse and a fight might get started, so we're going to arrest you if you shout at each other.
Meanwhile, the government's mass murdering, poisoning our food, poisoning our water.
They think we're animals, they want to get rid of us.
Anything else, Sub?
Well, I'm just saying that I'm a nanny and I work for, you know...
We're good to go!
We're good to go!
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda...
They'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
For the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation, the criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty and on its ashes constructing world government.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com.
Or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Ron Paul, ladies and gentlemen, article up at Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
He says abolish the CIA.
He said we need to get rid of it.
We need to take it out.
In fact, what's the actual, actual quote?
You know what, let's just play Ron Paul's quote again right now, instead of me just sitting here.
And paraphrasing it, this is Ron Paul this week at the Campaign for Liberty, one of the regional rallies, and here he is saying, we need to abolish and get rid of the CIA.
They've had a coup over our government, and they have.
Republicans and Democrats come and go, but the CIA stays in power.
It's the shadow government.
It's a big part of the shadow government.
He goes on to say, get rid of it.
This is courage.
Here's Ron Paul.
I mean, but they're almost like they live in a different world.
The military's down, the morale is down, the money is in the air, they're going looking for a couple more wars to fight!
It makes no sense whatsoever.
But no, we don't have to worry about the military anymore, because there's been a coup, have you heard?
It's the CIA coup.
The CIA runs everything.
They run the military.
They're the ones who are over there lobbing missiles and bombs on these countries.
Is that not powerful?
That's Congressman Ron Paul.
You can go watch the video at PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com.
In fact, I'm trying to give you the exact headline.
It's lost somewhere.
Here in my stack if you want to go watch that video.
My guys are writing so many articles and posting so much that here it is, Ron Paul, the CIA runs everything.
That's a quote from Ron Paul and you can watch that video and you can read the article that Kurt Nemo put together.
And then we fished out another clip from documentary filmmakers here in Austin, Texas that Tommy Pallotta worked on in the late 1980s interviewing Ron Paul where he's talking about the CIA drug dealing and George Bush Sr.
drug dealing.
Now that's powerful info.
And you notice the media knew about these clips during the campaign.
They didn't want to go after Ron Paul on that because the CIA
A solicitor inspector general found in 1996 that they were running in most of the narcotics into the country.
This is an open secret.
Just like it's an open secret that illegal aliens are above the law.
Did you know that all over the country, in almost every major city, over 800 cities, illegals don't get DWIs.
They don't get speeding tickets.
They don't get arrested for not having a driver's license.
Citizens do.
And I talked to some of the Hispanic lobbying groups and they say, well that's okay.
Everybody else gets arrested but illegals.
You're a racist if you are for you having the same rights.
I mean, America is a joke, ladies and gentlemen.
The Austin Police Department can shut down a legal gun show because they say so without a law, but illegal aliens are above the law.
This is a sick joke.
This is a sick joke.
And the government set the precedent, they're now giving matriculas out, not just to Mexicans.
The Mexican government pioneered this, and made payoffs to people illegally in government to do it.
Now all these other countries, Poland's issuing their own card, Russia's doing it, Venezuela, Nicaragua, El Salvador, they're all issuing them.
So, you don't have any rights if you're a citizen, but you don't just have rights, you're above the law if you're a foreigner.
Because the government wants to give welfare and grease the skids for foreigners to come here to make them a political weapon against the Republic.
To remove the middle class and to bankrupt the nation for the banks.
The country is imploding into tyranny.
It's falling apart.
And again, I was talking to one of my employees who formerly, a few years ago, worked at the city of Austin in gas and power, and he said more than 90% of the illegals don't pay their bills.
And they just have another illegal come in six months later when they get their gas turned off and start a new matricula card.
And they're ordered, you will give them free power.
You will give them free gas.
This is what we've been told to do.
And again, just the illustration of how lawless government is.
How lawless they've become.
We're going to come back, blitz through a bunch of news, and then go to your phone calls.
Again, I'm Alex Jones, your host.
We're here live Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m.
Central Standard Time.
And then we come back, of course, Sundays 4 to 6 p.m.
And we just continue to expose the tyranny.
If we do that, the New World Order will fall.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda,
They'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
For the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation, the criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty and on its ashes constructing world government.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today, it seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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I did tune into Glenn Beck for about a minute this morning, and I had to turn it off.
I just couldn't listen to his voice, and I was getting a cell phone call in my car.
And I did hear him making fun of, uh, of, uh, you know, the Democrats' big documentary filmmaker, and saying, uh, we'll see.
How the maker of Fahrenheit 9-11, Michael Moore, likes what I'm going to do.
And the caller said he says he's going to make documentaries now.
That may not be copying me, but him using all my terms and then twisting it around is.
And remember a year ago, Fox launched this website.
Fox Nation that just looks just like PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com and runs the same kind of news.
See, they want the Patriot Libertarian audience, but they don't want it for their main Fox audience.
And so, there was an InfoWars.com article about how Fox launches a clone.
In fact, post that article if you can, the original article that we wrote about that.
That's the type of information.
Fox launches Infowars.com clone website attempt to cannibalize the Patriot movement.
And that was written back in April of 2009.
And they've now taken over much of the Patriot movement and are misdirecting it into pro-war, pro-Patriot act, new taxes as the answer to Obama.
And again, that's why we've got to counter him.
I've kind of ignored it.
I've tried to be somewhat friendly.
They've tried to do olive branches and Fox has plugged us a lot and had me on Napolitano's show and done a few little things like that.
But I just, I just don't want to be invited to the party.
I mean, it just makes me sick even thinking about it.
I don't want to be on Fox News.
I don't want to be with them.
I don't want to go say the Muslims want to kill us, give up all your rights, Al Qaeda's going to get you.
I just, I don't even want to do this anymore.
I'm just sick of it.
And yes, Glenn Beck is going to make, quote, underground documentaries, of course he is.
They know my films are devastating them.
They're exposing the left-right paradigm.
That's why it's so important that all of you get Fall of the Republic and The Obama Deception and make copies of the DVD and never stop giving them out because it exposes them all.
You could show Fall of the Republic or The Obama Deception to a liberal or a conservative and it breaks their paradigm and the game's over.
And if we could get this out to everybody, that would indeed happen.
Now a lot of people were excited today to hear that the Supreme Court had ruled against the First Amendment violations that are involved in the McCain-Feingold campaign finance reform of now eight years ago.
I'm actually looking for my articles.
I had a whole bunch of them here.
Here it is.
Supreme Court removes limits on corporate labor donations to campaigns.
And I read the ruling.
All it does is take the restrictions off of labor unions and big corporations to give money six weeks before an election.
But it left the changes in there where citizens are limited how much private money they can give.
And so
The original restriction doubled the amount of money corporations could give, but put limits on how close to a campaign they could do it.
Now, and I've got to read the full ruling, I tried to this morning, scanned over it, but there's no mention anywhere here.
And obviously it was unconstitutional to say Hillary the movie couldn't even show in theaters before an election, back during the election.
Courts tried to rule that.
I mean, obviously, you can make a documentary about Hillary Clinton as free speech and show it, and no campaign rule can do that.
So the good news is, it threw that out, but it's left, and no one's talking about that, the restrictions on, I can only give, what is it, $3,000 to Ron Paul and then I'm done?
As an individual?
So, but I guess individuals need to sue now, so that they give their rights to give.
Because now if labor unions and corporations can give unlimited, but citizens can't, we're in trouble.
So it's good in that it defends some of the First Amendment, but it's unequal.
It's like Obama's health care plan saying certain states and labor unions are exempt from the taxes on health care plans.
I mean, you can't do that.
Just like Obama said, if you're a Democratic contributor, you get to keep your 90-year-old or 70-year-old, in some of the cases, car dealership.
But if you're not, we're taking it because the government runs GM.
I mean, that really happened.
I mean, this is so lawless.
I just can't believe that this is all going on and that these people are actually getting away with this.
I'm going to get into some of the other good news I've got here, but I'm going to be quite frank with you.
I let my desk get messy.
I need to clean it off tonight because the desk has just got the last week's news on it.
Give me a shot on that camera so folks can see this, or maybe a document cam shot.
I mean, I'm just wading in information.
I'm actually drowning in it.
This is one week of news.
Last Sunday I came in here and cleaned off my desk.
And every one of these stories is just a nightmare of evil.
A nightmare of government corruption.
I am going to take a few days off.
Every once in a while I get really tired.
I get emotionally spent.
I'm freaked out about all the work we've done and now Glenn Beck's just taking it all over.
I'm freaked out about him shutting down the gun show without a law and laughing about it.
But I should be positive.
I mean, so much is coming out.
People are actually reading what the White House czars are saying.
They're actually
TSA nominee Eroll Southers withdraws.
President Obama's nominee to head the Transportation Security Administration withdrew consideration on Wednesday saying his nomination was obstructed by political ideology.
Eroll Southers had faced fierce opposition from Republicans ever since news surfaced that he may have misled Congress about an incident in the late 80s involving a background check of the boyfriend of his ex-wife.
I mean, yeah, they use these databases to harass people.
But the real reason he got in trouble is he gave video interviews saying the number one enemy of America is Christians, and that's the number one terror threat.
We played that in the last few weeks.
So, you know, the good news is this guy won't have access to your wife's naked body.
I mean, he likes access to data illegally, so God knows what he'll do with the naked body scanners.
Here's Bec Perrott's White House Information Czar talking points, Kurt Nemo.
That's a key story, you need to read that.
H1N1 swine flu hoax falls apart at the seams.
It's openly coming out that it's a criminal operation, that they're doing a criminal inquiry in the EU.
Let me read some of this.
Here's an article from Steve Watson about it on Tuesday.
And then there's another great article we got up at InfoWars.com by Mike Adams of Natural News.
International hearings begin on falsified swine flu pandemic.
The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, a 47-member body encompassing democratically elected members of the Parliament, has begun hearings to investigate whether H1N1 swine flu pandemic was falsified or exaggerated in an attempt to profit the vaccine sales.
And then it's got the director of it saying it was all hype, it was a lie, it was a fraud, the vaccine is dangerous.
I mean, it sounds like Alex Jones runs that Council of Europe.
In order to promote their
Patented drugs and vaccines against flu and pharmaceutical companies influence scientists and official agencies responsible for public health standards to alarm governments worldwide and make them squander tight health resources for insufficient vaccine strategies and needless expose millions of healthy people to the risk of an unknown amount of side effects
Who's reporting this?
The EU Health Board out of Strasbourg?
Who else is reporting this?
Fox News.
Associated Press.
Washington Post.
I mean, look at this.
I like Mike Adams' articles.
They're like InfoWars articles.
He's gracious to let us post them in full.
But NaturalNews.com's the main site.
Because just every paragraph is multiple links to all the mainstream news and documents and drug inserts.
And I mean, here it is.
Washington Post.
Fox News.
So, I mean, when you give somebody these articles by Steve Watson or by Mike Adams... Let's get Mike Adams on next week.
Let's get him on to talk about this in hindsight.
So when somebody says, how dare you?
You gotta take the shot!
You should be arrested if you don't take the shot.
You should be sued if you don't take it, like Dr. Dina Dell said.
That guy gets up there on the radio every time I hear him, because he comes on before me on the weekend on KLBJ.
I listen to him.
And he says there are no side effects, it's all a lie.
You need to be arrested if you don't take it.
Well, I mean, here it is admitted.
I mean, the British and German and other governments, they wouldn't even take it themselves.
It does brain damage you.
It does cause neurological disorders.
It does cause Guillain-Barre.
It does do all of this.
It does, in many cases, reduce fertility or outright sterilize you.
It does cause autoimmune disorders.
It's a fact, folks.
We just told you the truth.
Like I told you the truth about Obama.
Like I tell you the truth about Glenn Beck.
I mean, I do the research.
This is all I do.
I'm obsessed with it too much.
And I think about the fact that they were still able to shut down so many people.
I think about the fact they were still able to con so many people.
I think about the fact that so many women, and I know you printed it again, but you printed it for me, I can't find it in the stack, all the mainstream news articles about all the unexpected miscarriages from the shot.
That's being talked about in the investigation.
And notice in the major EU investigation, because their doctors aren't corrupt bureaucrats, I'm sure they'll all be fired now,
They're talking about the campaign of 2005-2006.
They did tests up until 2008 where more than 30% of the people that took the experimental bird flu shot would die.
That's London Telegraph.
I mean, they're giving 100 homeless people the shot and 31 are dying.
The government knows it!
They know the Monsanto corn causes massive liver failure and kidney failure.
They know these other GMO crops are designed to sterilize you.
Why do I even have to get up here and explain this to people?
Why do I get called a conspiracy theorist when all I do is the research?
Why do I have to be enemies with the police?
You're just like me.
You put your pants on one leg at a time.
You've got children.
These varieties of potatoes, tomatoes, and corn, and soybeans, and wheat that are GMO, they are specifically going in there and changing the chemical composition to sterilize you, to brain damage you, to give you cancer, to make your organs fail.
I know that's scary.
I know that's hard to believe.
Please investigate.
I don't expect you to believe me.
I don't expect you to believe me, but for God's sakes, at least check into what I've told you, please.
I'm freaked out by Barack Obama and all his cult followers.
I am freaked out by Glenn Beck taking over our tea parties that Ron Paul started.
I'm freaked out by everything we do gets like alchemy.
They turned the gold into crap.
And I just wish that Glenn Beck would not be a sniveling little trader.
He knows what he's doing.
Folks, you've got to tell Glenn Beck we are not going to have a national sales tax and we know the feds don't plan to replace the income tax with it.
I've told you this for over 10 years.
They were planning this.
It's all now happening.
They're trying everything right now.
We gotta stop the Republicans, man.
They are now coming into power.
You watch.
They are going to say we've got to have taxes to pay these bankers off.
They're pushing new taxing systems and anybody that does that is your enemy.
We don't owe this money.
It's a fraud to these offshore banks.
Stop worrying about Obama and Republicans and Sarah Palin.
They're all puppets.
Start talking about the real power structure, the CIA and the Federal Reserve that Ron Paul's telling you about.
It's simple.
If somebody supports more wars and fake Patriot Act, they're an enemy!
If somebody supports more taxes, they're an enemy!
And I'm telling you, the only threat from Obama is a massive stage terror attack.
And because of 9-11 truth, exposing government-sponsored terrorism, he may not be able to carry it out!
They're in there with their tacticians and their theoreticians and their sociologists and their anthropologists and their people that crack the numbers and track the population, and they're trying to gauge how to beat us taking our country back right now.
And I'm telling you, at the heart of it is Glenn Beck!
And I'm shaken by the responsibility.
I'm sick of the responsibility.
And I'm sick of sniveling reporters coming to my office to interview me.
They always do the same thing.
I'm sick of weak people selling out to tyranny.
I'm sick of weak-minded people that just go along with the system.
Who buy into the left-right paradigm, who are either dumb leftists or moron mainline conservatives.
There's nothing conservative about Roger Ailes, Glenn Beck, and the Republican leadership.
Stop being a bunch of simpletons.
We can beat these people.
I have produced the weapons in the Infowar that will destroy them.
If you don't get co-opted by Glenn Beck and all his warmongering and, you know, Lotus Glenn Beck saying Al-Qaeda's gonna nuke us.
Just like Obama is.
Just like Cass Sunstein is.
Folks, they're on the same page in reality.
We're on the edge here, ladies and gentlemen.
The enemy is like a cornered rat.
And if Glenn Beck is unable to fully co-opt our movement, it's over for the New World Order.
I mean, we're that close, ladies and gentlemen, in this process to beating him.
So get Fall of the Republic, get the Obama deception, get DVD burners, get the free copies on YouTube, email them to everybody you know, post them on your website.
It is vital because those films will expose the left-right paradigm.
They will expose who the real enemy is so people stop worrying about Republicans and Democrats and realize it's the bankers that have to be dealt with and the CIA.
Stay with us.
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I think so.
Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda...
That we're pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
I have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
For the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation, the criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty and on its ashes constructing world government.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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Some of the best news we've had in a long time.
Bigger news than Scott Brown winning in Massachusetts.
Financial Times of London, U.N.
abandons climate change deadline.
The timetable to reach a global deal to tackle climate change lay in tatters on Wednesday after the United Nations waived the first deadline of the process laid out by last month's fractious Copenhagen summit.
So see, they tried to say, even though nobody signed on, the US, England, and the EU say, we're still going to have countries sign on individually with arm-twisting
We're going to go ahead and start raising the taxes to fund this new IMF World Bank run system that will categorize all the world's carbon footprints.
That is now falling apart.
I mean, it is in burning, ruined, incinerated tatters, crashing and burning right now.
Yav Deboer, the UN's senior climate change official, admitted the deadline had in effect been shelled.
And it goes into how they're just annihilated.
Again, the people know that carbon dioxide that plants breathe is an evil.
They know the government wants a new tax.
They know the new government to be set up on a planetary scale is a private banking consortium.
The problem is, they just want open government power.
We already have the same central banks running our countries.
They just wanted a new, more intensified scam, where they actually have the government power, not just through government have the power.
So we've got to defeat that.
But everybody should celebrate this upcoming weekend.
You know, toast your iced tea or whatever when you're at dinner.
That we did it.
We shot down Copenhagen.
We shot down Coakley.
We are shooting down the government health care bill.
It is very close to being defeated.
Democrats are saying they're not going to vote for it now.
But the Republicans are saying, oh, we'll do a compromise.
Just get rid of abortion.
So, you better concentrate on those Republicans, the few that voted for it, and the, quote, conservative Democrats, and say no.
Healthcare isn't broken.
You got 25 million people that are uninsured through charity care.
They already get care.
That's another lie, as Ron Paul has said.
It's all a fraud!
A video editor six years ago, self-employed,
He had to have a surgery.
Austin told him, go ahead and die.
I told him, here's the real rules on charity care.
And he ended up getting a $20-something thousand dollar surgery.
And everything got fixed for free!
The illegal aliens all get it!
They just don't want you knowing.
That's a little goody that's reserved to the illegal aliens.
My dad does about 30% of his dental care charity.
When you go to medical school, they tell you, you're going to do 30% of your health care as charity.
You understand?
But see, doctors have had their own power taken away by HMOs, by health care companies who don't want that.
They want to take it from taxpayers and do it.
Little kids that need heart surgery don't go without it.
It's all a lie.
But it is the illegal aliens bankrupting our system.
Because they come here, they have anchor babies, they get on four or five different welfare checks, their baby's a U.S.
citizen and it's over, and citizens get in trouble.
If we do that, they should get in trouble, and that's one of the biggest issues.
There was a bunch of other news I didn't get to.
Retransmission starts now at a powerful first hour.
Covered a lot of key news we haven't gotten to in this hour.
And we'll be back tomorrow, of course, 11 a.m.
and back Sunday, 4 to 6 p.m.
We'll know more tomorrow online at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Our sites are the number one and number two.
BiggerThanGlenbeck, BiggerThanRushLimbaugh.com.
Alternative websites.
But the enemy's really turning the heat up to take over our movement.
Tell everybody you know about InfoWars.com and the free podcast.
Continue to get our stories out to everybody.
The grassroots is in a struggle against the neocons to save the republic.
They want to hijack us and slit our throats.
Great job, crew.
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This is Alex Jones and I want to tell you about the Ecola Blue Atmospheric Water Generator.