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Name: 20100119_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Jan. 19, 2010
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome to the halfway point in this Tuesday, the 19th day of January, 2010 edition.
We'll be simulcasting the last two hours of the show here live at PrisonPlanet.TV for TV viewers and members of PrisonPlanet.TV.
Thank you so much for joining us.
Alright, I've got a bunch of financial news.
I haven't even gotten into what's happening.
Uh, with this huge election coming up today in Massachusetts, how important that is.
These are Democrats revolting against Obama, showing he has broken all his promises and they're very upset about it.
The problem is the Republicans, if we don't fully get them in line, will do the same thing when they get into power in the next few years.
So we're going to be discussing that coming up in the next hour in great detail.
Please stay with us for that.
And we'll continue with Open Phones in this hour on a host of issues, though we've got Jews of Preservation of Firearms ownership founder Aaron Zellman coming on in 30 minutes.
Now, for the next 20 minutes or so, we are joined by Darwin Bedecker.
The Austin Police, under color of law, ran out the Saks at Gun and Knife Show that had been here since I was in college, we're talking 16 years ago at least, out of the Crockett Center.
But Davy Crockett's evil, so they've rechanged his name to the Market Center.
It's an old Walmart building.
Walmart owns it.
H-E-B has the general lease on it, big grocery store chain here in Texas.
They called him last week, doing his first show here in Austin, taking over from the sax that they'd run out.
Didn't tell him that.
Called him as if he was the saxon and said, look, we got all this dirt on you, you know, things that have gone on in your show, and we're going to shut you down if you don't tell people there's no private sale of guns, which is legal and lawful in most states.
Just like at a garage sale or anything else.
And he said,
Well, I'm not the Saxon.
They didn't even know that, the VATF and the Austin Police.
And they said, well, and they had the HEB people there, and they said, look, we're just going to shut this down if you don't tell your tenant to do this.
Color of law, completely illegal.
HEB buckled.
HEB's already getting a lot of protest calls.
They think we've given their number out or going after them.
They've called up and griped at Darwin.
We haven't done that yet, HEB, but we may.
Since you're already accusing us of it, and since you did buckle to this, but the real issue is the police department, the VATF, and Obama clearly gave this order, and that's one of the headlines up at...
Tennessee follows Texas in banning private gun sales.
They're moving to do that there.
This is coordinated by the White House.
Texas gun show organizer targeted by ATF makes his case on the Alex Jones Show.
And the key article from today, Obama administration shuts down oldest gun show in Central Texas.
And Kurt referred to the previous articles that had all the proof of that.
People said, oh, where's the proof?
It's all right there.
We have some people in denial saying this hasn't even happened.
Of course, that's COINTELPRO going on out there.
No, this did happen.
The BATF ran this.
It is going on.
But there have been big new developments.
They just went ahead and pressured HEB to completely just say, no more gun shows, period, in that building.
It's over, Austin.
The place you've gone for close to 20 years at least to have gun shows, it's over.
They also had a staged arrest where they arrested some guy and then released him there on the spot and let him back in.
It looks staged, at least by the police.
And that's why HEB is saying, well, after the arrest, which wasn't an arrest, it's just over.
It's over.
It's over.
And so they can do this with other businesses.
They can do this with your rights.
No law, no regulation.
They are God.
At least if we let them become God.
And so joining us is Darwin Bedecker.
Darwin, thanks for coming on.
We're about to go to break, but when did HEB call you?
They actually called me, a lady called me today and wanted to know why.
I created all this, you know, they said they're having a threat of boycott against H-E-B.
That's like if a woman gets raped, you know, it's like why were you walking out of work at eight o'clock at night, lady?
I mean, that's the same, that's the same, or somebody gets mugged, or somebody gets robbed.
You're the person that's been basically ruined by this, but no, you are the bad one!
You are bad!
How dare you not lick boots properly!
We'll be right back.
Darwin, stay there.
Hello, this is Alex Jones with some important questions.
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My answer would be all I can get.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Darwin Bedecker is standing up!
He came in to take over a gun show in Austin that had been here for more than 15 years.
They didn't tell him they'd run that group out.
They didn't even know they'd run them out.
And they said, you're not going to allow private sales, which is a big part of his business, which is totally legal.
They threatened the leaseholder, HEB, and told him to make him do this.
Mr. Bedecker posted the sign, but then got a petition going to the State Attorney General.
Then the police put pressure on HEB to just end all gun shows at that location.
They told him, no more gun shows, not just you.
It's over.
It's over.
And I guess they'll harass anybody else that tries to get another location.
Now, local TV stations are going to interview the police, and there's no debating the facts.
We need to make sure KVUE and others don't spin this.
The article is Obama administration shuts down oldest gun show in Central Texas, and they are the ones that ran this.
The BATFE, the ATF, is the subdivision of that.
Alcohol, tobacco, firearms, and explosives.
Police under the direction of ATF told the event, Bedecker, he would be required to follow their recommendations or they would close down his event.
Bedecker said he was told, you do what we say or we shut you down.
He said the ultimatum was recorded by police and ATF.
So the news needs to now demand that video.
Because, well, no, let's let them lie to the media first and then get the video through subpoena.
Or they'll say it malfunctioned.
Mr. Bedecker indicated enforcing the ATF recommendations would destroy his business.
He said he would not issue a public notice unless it indicated the so-called recommendations were issued by the Austin Police and ATF.
And the ATF said, yes, that's good, do that.
And this has now happened.
And so he decided to stand up.
So HEB called him this morning and said, it's over.
Now, Austin Police, this is illegal.
What the ATF did violates, there's no statutes to do this, no statutory authority.
It's clearly racketeering, it's clearly corruption, it's clearly they've damaged him financially, it's clearly color of law, civil rights violation.
I mean, they have really done it.
But if they get away with it, the precedent is set.
And what they do is they set up stings and fake things, they harass gun shops and gun
Yes sir, I got a call from Andrew, the manager of the North Austin Event Center yesterday.
And he said that he got a phone call from H-E-B saying that our shows were over.
So due to the arrest this past Saturday that they couldn't afford to allow us to have the shows in there.
Which wasn't arrest.
They just put a guy in handcuffs.
Now the number's 20 minutes and let him go and he went back into the show.
So now it's a matter of, you know, trying to convince H-E-B to either, you know, allow us to have a show in there.
So you capitulate to the arm-twisting, post it, but then stand up and say we're going to do a petition to the Attorney General because local governments can't just make up imaginary things without laws.
Now, you got a call from HEB this morning.
Tell us who called you.
Yeah, it was a lady named Natalie.
She called from ATB there in Austin and wanted to know why.
She said that what she heard was, I told, I said that ATB agreed to do stings, agreed with the Austin PD and the ATF to do stings in my gun show, which is absolutely not true.
I would never agree to such a thing.
And she said that people are wanting to start a, you know, an anti-ATB
You know, uh, what do you call it?
What's the word I'm looking for?
And she asked me why I would do that, and I said it was about me.
And then I said it was the representative that you sent, that H.E.B.
sent to this meeting, saying that, uh, basically when he folded, he looked at me, and he was the only one there with power or authority to allow me not to have a show, that I had to follow these recommendations or there'd be no show.
I go, that's...
That was on him and his choice, and that's why this stuff is happening to H-E-B.
It has nothing to do with me.
And she said, well, we would at least appreciate a phone call or something like that before you went on the radio.
And I told her, well, I would appreciate a phone call or a heads up before they invited me into a meeting the day before.
But see how they're making it that you're bad?
I'm surprised they don't just say it's a conspiracy theory and the gun show never even existed.
And you know, Grandpa says there used to be a gun show there and the kids laugh and say, Grandpa says people used to own guns!
You know, that's the attitude that they have.
They shut down your business, they unlawfully come in, order H-E-B to do this.
You were at the meeting.
I know, and that's what I tried to explain to her.
I said, if you listen to the interview that I had with you yesterday, never once did I say H-E-B was the bad guy.
And neither did I, but here's the issue.
They can't say the police are wrong.
They can't say it's wrong that they just came in like thugs and made all this up and made your leaseholder.
I mean, you know what happens if I go to a business and talk to a leaseholder and make them lose their lease?
I can be sued up one side and down the other.
What other businesses will the police come in and take over?
I'll tell you, in Seattle it's a major scandal that in some areas of the city, more than half of the bars are owned by police, because they would go in and run stings of selling their own agent drugs, and then asset forfeiture sees the bar or restaurant, and then keep it for themselves.
I mean, this is a... I guess we're going the Chicago-Seattle model.
Yeah, well the good news out of all this is since the show yesterday I've received tons of emails, you know, people saying that they couldn't make it to the show but they would support us anyway.
You know, even if they bought complimentary tickets or something online just to show their support.
I mean, that's a good feeling knowing that there's so many people out there that... And you're going to try to get into another venue, but let's not talk about that right now or the cops will run and try to defame you and destroy you there.
I mean, they're getting deeper into trouble.
And if I know these Austin police, they're going to savagely attack now.
I mean, I could be raided any minute with setups or whatever, because they are the mafia.
They rule.
End of the story.
Uh, but, but, I mean, these people are dangerous, but, I mean, they're lawless, but, but continue.
Well, yeah, and basically I tried to, I tried to explain to her, she said that it was, it was unfair for me to, uh, have a boycott set up against H-E-B because... So she wouldn't even listen to you?
You explained to her, but still, you are the bad one!
Not the police starting all this, not the feds ordering it, you are the bad one as the victim.
Because she cannot say the government's bad because it is God.
Yeah, and I try to, she goes, well, normally I have these meetings face-to-face, and I told her I'd be more than willing to set up a meeting with her face-to-face, but I wouldn't be there alone this time, like the first meeting I had.
So that's basically where it ended.
Well, what's the answer here?
I mean, should we have people, I guess, contact the main line for HEB, the toll-free number?
I think the best course of action would be to get in contact
We're good to go.
Well, do you understand it's illegal for police outside of the law to come into people's businesses and get them shut down with their leaseholders?
This is a serious mafia crime they've committed.
But to them, they just think it's funny.
Yeah, they think they're doing something right, I guess, on their end.
Yeah, because they can't get the legislature to pass a law, so they'll just shut it down because they're God.
And you know, the ironic thing is that the arrests they have made at other gun shows, they've made those arrests because there was a gun show going on.
Because they actually knew where the people would be, unlike if there was no show, they'd be behind them in an alley somewhere and they'd have no idea where it was going on.
And gun shows have been over backwards where the cops don't even ask, they just wander into the back door, do whatever they want.
Not good enough.
Mission completed, gun show shut down after close to 20 years.
I mean, is H-E-B making noises about letting you do your show?
Well, no.
We got off the phone.
I told her I would meet with them.
But I think I'm under the understanding that if enough people call them,
Again, it's like Nazi Germany.
They said, well then everybody's complaining about Jewish neighborhoods.
We've got to relocate you.
You know, the German people don't like you here.
That was the excuse.
You know, neighborhoods a mile from here, they get scared seeing people in parking lots, constant 911 calls, because people drive by and see people walking into a gun show with a giant gun show sign.
And there's so many people that moved in here from the few cities that have banned guns that they think it's illegal.
So because a bunch of idiots don't know about the Second Amendment, we have to end the Second Amendment because idiots are scared of it.
And she told me on the phone, she goes, when did H-E-B become anti-gun?
I said as soon as you sent somebody to a meeting that crumbled under the pressure from the APD and ATF and then had us kick out because of it.
Well, it's the ATF and the police are the real culprits.
I'm not even making HEB because they're not the villain here.
They're just the wimps.
But at the same time, them trying to say you are the villain, now they start to become the villain when you're the victim.
And it's clear that this is a precedent-setting case to let the feds and the police behind closed doors shut down gun shows with no law, no nothing.
This is outrageous.
I think the best course of action would be to have everybody call Brett Baker at H-E-B so he can see just how many people do want to have the show there.
Here's the number.
And you can also go to heb.com, email them there, and let them know that for the next few months, if they don't reinstate this in the Second Amendment and freedom and the right to contract, and if they give in to illegal, unlawful racketeering by the feds, that you're not going to buy food there.
Let them know.
We'll be right back.
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Folks, this is thuggism.
This is illegal.
This is fraud.
And it's time to let the government, the B-A-T-F-E, the alcohol, tobacco and firearms people, know they're not our kings.
And of course they're trying to make the gun show they destroyed and shut down illegally, the bad guy, when they're the victim.
Now the good news here is, Darwin, Bedecker, is that you got called from the local ABC News affiliate, and who knows what their newscast will be, but what did they tell you when you talked to them?
The lady's name was Noelle Newton, she was real nice, and she basically just wanted to hear
Uh, my side of the story because of course they've heard a bunch of rumors and I told her that, you know, I'll just tell her the facts and I basically went through and recapped exactly what happened.
Now, in my experience, they don't know the law.
Did you explain to her that there's no law here and they just did this?
I told her, I told her what, what they had me do was, was, uh, unlawful.
Uh, but it was only under the pressure of me losing the show completely the day before
We were supposed to start.
Yeah, they threatened you with massive financial harm and harm to your reputation if you didn't.
That's extortion.
That's terrorism.
That's an act of financial terrorism.
What did she say?
She said, well, basically, after the whole interview, she, you know, appreciated me having the interview with her.
And she said, well, it sounds like you didn't willingly go along with this.
And I said, absolutely not.
It was only after the pressure of, you know, the demise of my business is why I did it.
And now the police can't say they're wrong under federal orders and so they're just gonna keep saying you're bad and probably stonewall and...
You know, watch out when you're in this town, but the, I know a lot of officers are upset by this, but the people running this, I want to hear Arne Seveda say this was wrong, and come out against this.
We don't know if he's behind this yet, but I'm trying to find out right now, but his department is guaranteed involved in something wrong, and if he tries to spin this, I don't know how he's going to do it.
There's no doubt in my mind, though, the BATF recommended the notice, ordered it, was running it, was in control, and that this is the Obama administration doing this.
Do you mind if I give you a scenario on what the ATF agent himself told me?
I could do real quick because it's... Sure.
Not only is it disturbing, but I don't think it's lawful either.
I gave him the notice.
I gave him a scenario.
My grandfather leaves me a Colt pistol in his will, and I have a prior domestic charge against me, so I can't own that gun.
So I take it to the gun show and I try to sell it to do the right thing, to do the legal thing.
And now by trying to follow their recommendations, say I have to take that gun and I have to take it to a dealer and have them put it in his books and do a background search on a person that wants to buy it at the show.
Now say that person doesn't pass the background check and I want my gun back, the one my grandfather left me at a will.
Now by law, I have to do paperwork
On the gun that was left to me in my will, to get my own gun back.
And I told him, now what would happen since I had the previous charge against me?
I'm not going to pass the background check.
Then what happens to the gun?
And the ATF officer himself looked straight at me and said, Darwin, well, one way around that is you could have the dealer do the background check on the person that wants to buy it before he logs it into his book.
And I'm like, and I was totally stunned.
I'm like, so basically what you want me to do is basically break a law just to appease your recommendation.
And he goes, well, I'm not telling you you need to do that, but that would be one way to get around that scenario.
Well, let me expand on this.
That was the Sheriff Mack case and others.
They regularly, when a woman files for divorce or even a man now, they get a restraining order and then they say you can't own a gun when there's a restraining order.
They say yelling at your wife or husband now is violence.
That's a misdemeanor.
That's unconstitutional.
The 68 Gun Control Act is for felonies.
So that's more bull where the agency's just declared powers that weren't there.
Do you understand that?
I mean, when he told me that was a scenario to try to follow his recommendations, I basically just had to turn around and I said thank you and I walked off.
When does KVUE say this is going to air?
They say they're going to try to talk to the detectives?
Well, they said they were going to interview with the police department shortly.
She didn't tell me when it was going to air or not.
I don't know what time it's going to air, but she said that they were on their way down there.
And did you explain to her that it was a fake arrest?
It was a staged deal?
That's what I told her in the interview.
I go, it wasn't even a real arrest because they let the gentleman go 45 minutes
Well, they got mad by you not letting them abuse you in secret and putting out the petition for the State Attorney General.
But see, now that they've just shut down the gun show, there's not the problem next month of them trying to force it again and the state coming in and blocking them.
They can just shut down the gun show, kill our Second Amendment right to firearms and private sales, and then sit behind closed doors like Chicago Mafia and just rub their hands together.
I actually had an email from a VFW right out of Austin saying we could use their building, but it was just too small.
But I appreciate people actually standing up and saying, you know, you can use our facility to do this.
Well, the gun show's been there for close to 20 years that I know of.
I've been going there for 16, 17.
I don't know, since like 1992.
So about 18 years.
That's where everybody goes.
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Ladies and gentlemen, the federal government is taking over all the states.
They're engaged in total unconstitutional behavior.
The White House is announcing they are going to start censoring the web.
They're ahead of regulation.
Cass Sunstein is saying it.
Italy is banning free speech on the web.
That's mainstream news.
Australia is doing it.
The New World Order is moving fast and hard against free people everywhere.
But it's illegitimate, it's illegal, it's tyranny.
Past generations faced Mussolini, Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, and others.
We're facing our own criminal governments.
This is how history works.
You know, I have an online video bookstore.
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The point is...
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Now, we've got
Haiti, and that's coming up next hour.
We've got the key election in Massachusetts today and what that means.
Democrats revolting against Ted Kennedy's seat, showing how angry people are at Obama.
That's why they're sprinting to the finish line.
He knows he's got the lowest approval rating of any president one year in in history.
They know they're hated.
That's why they want open amnesty for the open borders to overrun us and further bankrupt us.
That's why they want to pass all these gun bills they've got in Congress.
That's why they want to extra-judicially say no buy, no fly, put gun owners on a no-fly list.
That's why the BATF is shutting down gun shops, gun shows, harassing everybody.
Nickel and diamond, don't cross a T, dot an I, shut you down.
That's why they're stinging and doing fake setups and fake arrests and arresting people and SWAT teaming people for arsenals, which aren't even illegal, you know, having more than 10 guns.
They are coming after your guns right now at the regulatory and state level.
And covertly in Texas, they've now shut down the gun show that's been here for close to 20 years.
They ran out the last operator.
The new one came in.
They said, you'll tell people no private sales here or we're going to shut you down.
They went to the landlord and got it shut down today.
No more gun show where it's been for close to 20 years.
I say close since since college, 16, 17, 18, 1992.
I have been going to that gun show.
They went outside the courts, outside the law, and said no more gun show and HEB, the big food chain that owns that warehouse building.
It's over.
Unless we stand up and say no.
And we've got...
The owner of the Texas Gun Show, Darwin Bedecker, online with us, and I want him to pop in in this next 25 minutes.
We've got with Aaron Zellman, founder of the most hardcore, true, strong Second Amendment group, Jews of Preservation of Firearms Ownership.
The big group, of course, is Gun Owners of America.
They both work together.
The NRA, at the leadership level, is a shill op.
That's been proven.
They supported the 68 Gun Control Act, you name it.
Aaron Zellman,
I've got reports here in Tennessee trying to ban gun shows, all these other states.
Obama is clearly behind this and we have our headline on this here.
Obama administration shuts down oldest gun show in Central Texas.
Now you're a real expert on this more than I because you only focus on this issue.
Am I right in saying this is a new level of tyranny to shut down a gun show and is racketeering?
Actually, it's an old level of tyranny.
In other words, the government, for the last 100 years, if you think about every genocide that's happened in the last 100 years, they've all been preceded by gun control schemes.
So there's nothing new.
I mean, Obama has gone to the same dictator school as all the other clowns have, and all the other murderers, you know, the Pol Pots, the Stalins, the Hitlers.
And he's learned, he's learned very well.
Well, this was Hitler's specialty, studying Hitler.
He would, you know, the first five or six years in power, he did it all outside the law with just thugs.
Well, let's just say that and the ATF criminals.
Or I have a name, I call them Obama's bastards.
And I think people need to give us some very serious thought as to what these people are really all about.
Well, seeing this case confirmed now, the local news is covering it, I mean, the police just come in secretly and just shut you down?
No law, no nothing?
Well, it's because the people have tolerated it.
I mean, the chief of police of that police force needs to have his life changed dramatically.
His personal life has become very public.
But that's been very effective here in Milwaukee.
They've got a chief up here, his name is Ed Flynn, who can't keep his zippers zipped.
I remember when there was an internal city operation stealing old people's homes that were on lucrative property.
Well, I'm not condemning the police.
I'm just talking about the Chief of Police.
The Chief of Police is no longer a peace officer.
He's become a politician.
Who can easily be bribed by other politicians.
Well, looking at this case specifically, I've had some constitutional law scholars on, I've researched it.
I mean, this is blatantly illegal to have secret police running around getting people's leases pulled and threatening them and stuff.
Well, I think that there's an act of desperation going on in America and I think that some of these folks who are trying to destroy America fear for their own safety.
And they fear that they're going to fail at their goal to bring America under their heel.
There's no other excuse for what's going on.
And as we all know, the history of gun control has made it very possible for dictators to target people they don't like and then ultimately murder them.
But there's one other thing I would suggest that people do.
You know, we have a free film on our website, Alex, it's called No Guns for Negroes.
And I think that it shows that it's a documentary about the racist roots of America's gun control laws.
I think people need to start showing the racism that is so perverse throughout the federal government, especially the ATF.
People need to see these jack buddha thugs as a bunch of damn racists.
Well, the federal government operates as if blacks aren't allowed to own guns.
I mean, with knock and talk going on in Texas and everywhere else where they come and knock and want to inspect your guns with no warrant, no probable cause, door to door.
But in black areas of the country, it's been on the news, they just force their way in.
Well, you see, but you have to understand something.
This film covers about 100 years ago in Georgia where the U.S.
military was going door-to-door taking guns from blacks.
That's being talked about today in America.
So that's why I encourage people to watch this film because it will give them a history lesson that they can share with others and give all the other gun owners in Texas a good poke in the ribs and tell them to wake up as to what's going on.
The one thing a government fears is an armed citizenry that's ready to rebel.
Or else they wouldn't be so darn concerned about gun control.
So again, if I can encourage people to come watch the free film, No Guns for Negroes at JPFO.org, and you're certainly free to put it on your site if you want, Alex.
In other words, we need to get people watching this and learning more about the racist roots of America's gun control laws, the danger of gun control, and also that film shows, it gives more details about the
I want you to tell... No we do!
Well, there's no longer any denial.
We have most of the czars in the White House.
We have the Attorney General arguing in federal court in D.C.
a year and a half ago that he believes in a total abolition of Second Amendment ownership.
And then they tried this double game of saying, we don't want your guns.
We don't want your guns.
We just want to legally restrict them, which means total ban.
Now they've got all the bills introduced.
And I agree with you, though.
They're getting desperate because the national polls show
Well again, I think we need to make personal lives very public for those people who have a hand in this.
I want you to talk to the gun show operator, who's now, they've just totally cancelled it.
They just say, sorry, it's over, the police say, the BATF says, they're God, and why they're so bold.
But briefly, you have great little comic books for kids that explain the Second Amendment, and you tell the story in there, people can look up, of Athens, Tennessee, the Battle of Athens.
Yes, it's funny you bring that up.
It seems like a lot of people want to forget it, but I don't.
Right after World War II, American veterans who had been living in Tennessee before they went into the war came back to Athens, Tennessee, which is in McMinn County, Tennessee.
And their families had been writing to them about the jackbooted thugs who had become the political machine, who were destroying people's freedom, who were locking people up on false charges, who were denying the vote to people.
The veterans decided to get together and they started their own political party called the G.I.
And the G.I.
Party challenged the existing political machine.
And it was quite a day for voting because the political machine went in and stole the ballot boxes, even shot a poll watcher in trying to tell the people, we're going to have fair elections.
You can't trust the G.I.
It turns out the criminals from the political machine held up in the sheriff's jail, and what ensued after that was the G.I.
party getting together other G.I.s who had experience in explosives, blowing the door off the jail.
An eight-hour shootout with the sheriff and his thugs, same thing as your police chief and his thugs.
They all surrendered, and finally the G.I.
Party took over the political system, and they brought some justice back to McMinn County, to Athens, Tennessee.
The entire story of the Battle of Athens, Tennessee is on our website at JPFO.org, and there's not only our article, but other articles that appear in other publications.
And notice when people stood up, the state didn't come in and arrest them, because it was a citizen's arrest of an unlawful criminal government.
Well, in fact, the criminal politicians called the governor asking him to send in the National Guard, and the governor informed him he wasn't about to send in the National Guard to shoot it out with veterans who had just returned from World War II.
So they did, the government told them, the governor said, sorry guys, you're on your own here.
And they were booted out of office.
And of course the G.I.
Party took over.
But that's why this country was once free, because men who weren't looking for trouble wouldn't let their children be slaves.
How have we gotten this attitude of being slaves?
I mean, how did we turn into this?
Well, I'm not sure I have the total answer, Alex, but a lot of it has to do with people just getting fat, dumb, and happy, and not paying attention to the lack of knowledge that should be distributed in the public school system.
And we've raised two generations of people who really don't appreciate the history of America and the blood and guts that's been spilled to make America, America.
We also have people who have become, again, fat, dumb, and happy, and they want the government to do things for them.
And every time you give that much power to the government, the government destroys freedom because the government fears freedom.
Aaron Zellman, I want to shift gears and talk to Darwin Vettiker, who operates the show and is now in his livelihood destroyed just because the police say so and the BATF and Obama say so.
Any comments or advice you've got for Darwin, who's online with us right now?
Well, Darwin, I think that you've got to stand tall.
You've got to really tell others about the situation.
You've got to create a grassroots fire.
You know, Obama calls us bitter clingers because we cling to our Bibles, which is
I mean, moral and our guns.
Well, that's really your freedom.
Your freedom of religion, your freedom of speech, your freedom to defend yourself.
Of course we cling to it.
It's all we've got left in America.
Well, I think those are the three things that are worth fighting for.
And I think that, you know, as we say at JPFO, the time has come in America for people to decide if they are willing to live by God's law, where human beings are commanded to defend their lives and help others,
Or, if we're now ready to die, from man's law, and have no freedom at all.
But that's what George Washington said... In God's law, and man's law.
Well, that's what George... Still is thought amongst people.
Well, that's what George Washington said over and over again.
He said, look, this is tyranny.
I'm not going to live on my knees as a slave.
Well, apparently you've got some folks in Texas and gun owners throughout America that don't seem to give a damn.
So you've got to find out why.
Well people are hopping mad.
Going back to Darwin.
Darwin, you're seeing huge grassroots anger right now, aren't you?
I mean, the flood of emails that we've gotten in, you know, in the last 24 hours is astounding.
Everything from, you know, we support you to we'll drive from Nebraska to come to your next show.
I mean, the support is definitely out there.
And I just, you know, I hope people keep on spending that kind of money.
But now there's no show.
See, first they said, no private sales of guns or we'll shut your show down.
And now they just say it's just shut down.
I mean, that is so illegal to have the police go tell the landlord, don't put them in there for no reason.
Yeah, I think what you've got to do is make sure that the powers that kind of be where you think you were going to get.
Aaron, what were you saying?
Well, I didn't mean to interrupt, but I think that at this point, you've got to find some gun owners who are going to stand tall and go pay the mayor a visit.
Tell them that we have to get rid of this police chief before sunset today.
He will no longer be tolerated, and neither will you, mayor.
He's outgunned by sunset today.
But you've got to get lots of gun owners knocking on the mayor's door.
You've got to go beyond the chief of police, and you've got to make it very clear that anybody, by the way, who's promoting the secessionist movement in Texas, if they're not behind this effort, shame on them.
Stay there.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
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I know police chief Art Acevedo.
He's one of the few police chiefs that actually comes and sits in the studio.
It normally takes about a month to get him in here.
I wanted to get him in here about laws about texting or even looking at your cell phone.
You get a $500 fine.
Not about safety, about money, but that's a legislature issue, not him.
And so I am going to give him the benefit of the doubt.
Because he may not have known that the BATF and the Special Gun Unit were having the detectives do this.
It's a big department.
But if he defends this, or doesn't do something about this, we do have a major problem politically.
And people should be at the City Council regardless.
There needs to be an investigation, and not by the Police Department.
Because this is outrageous.
I mean, the police can come and just...
You know, paint something on your front door of your business and say, nobody can shop here anymore.
That is effectively what happened here.
And I have to use the Nazi Germany analogy because the Soviets did the same thing.
And we have to resist what they're doing.
Going back to Darwin Bedecker and Aaron Zellman of JPFO.org.
Gentlemen, other points?
Other things you'd like to add to this, Darwin?
Other things you want to air or say on air, Aaron Zellman?
Well, I think that again, you know, we have to find some serious gun owners in the state of Texas who are going to stay known to this.
They're going to stand tall.
The emails are fine.
It's nice to have some encouragement, but boots on the ground really makes the difference.
Yeah, we need people to go to their city council people's office and say, I want a meeting with you.
We need the state attorney general, who I'm told is already looking into this, to come down to Austin and say, look, you know, cities can't, folks, if you don't follow the state law, which they've broken here, and you get cities where boss hogs make themselves king.
I mean, this, we've seen this over and over again, Aaron Zellman.
Well, yes, we have.
And it's been a nasty result.
So I think that it's important that, again, that people realize that, you know, that you just can't tolerate this type of evil, because it's just like a cancer.
It spreads.
The whole Obama administration, their whole agenda,
Well, that's what I'm saying.
This is Obama, admitted.
We found out he's doing this all over the country, covertly sending feds in to shut down gun shows illegally.
I mean, Obama and the government, the federal government, they are the real criminals.
Well, I think that's another reason why people should be using our free film, No Guns for Negroes, because we have to show what a fraud and a hypocrite the man is.
You know, we have to show that he will sell out his own people, so he certainly doesn't give a damn about anybody else.
People have to see this guy for what he really is.
We will post No Guns for Negroes, the history of racism and gun control on Infowars.com.
Guys, send it to Kurt.
Let's get that up.
And of course, JPFO.org.
Going back to Darwin.
Darwin, people are also now calling for a boycott of HEB.
They're saying, how dare you even complain?
We hadn't blamed HEB for this.
I mean, do you think HEB should be held accountable as well?
I think definitely the gentleman they sent to the meeting should be held accountable for his action.
The only thing I would like to say is if we're not able to get a show back in the same building that we've always been in, if anybody out there knows of any facility where we can have a show in February, we've got to find someplace to have a show because if we don't, they win.
I'm to the point where I'm not going to allow that to happen.
I have a quick question, guys.
What about the sheriff?
What role is the sheriff playing in all of this?
We've tried to get good sheriffs in, like Raymond Frank and others.
I mean, why is the sheriff allowing this?
I mean, people are supposed to come to the sheriff, right?
To do something like this?
They're in his county?
I mean, the sheriff needs to have his personal life made very public.
And we need to find out what's really going on here.
Because something really stinks.
Darwin Bedecker, we'll talk to you as this develops and unfolds.
I appreciate you spending time with us.
We're standing right beside you.
I appreciate you and your band and your group of people helping me out with this.
You bet.
Thank you.
We're going to come back in five more minutes with Erin Zellman.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
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You know, I hope that Austin Police Chief Arne Seveda isn't behind this.
He claims he's a conservative.
He grew up in Communist Cuba.
He's from Los Angeles, Highway Patrol.
I just wish we could have a Texan for our police chief, but I guess they won't do the types of things that the feds want.
But we do need people to go to texasgunshows.net if you're constitutional lawyers, if you want to help file lawsuits on the BATF, on the Austin Police Department, on others, because this is a small family gun show.
The big gun show pulled out.
They were harassed after more than 15 years and run out of Austin.
He took it over not knowing what he was walking into.
And they said, look, you get out of town by sunset, boy, we run this town.
Texans don't get guns.
Our California boss is here.
He rules now.
I hope that's not the case.
I hope we're not being run by Fidel Castro here.
In the four minutes we've got left with Aaron Zellman, Aaron, the good news is this is a huge story.
The news is now covering it today in Austin.
People are upset.
People couldn't believe it at first.
When we first broke this on Sunday and then Monday, they thought we were making it up.
Now it's admitted to be real.
People are shocked.
Americans are just so shocked by the level of tyranny.
Like the Obama administration cast Sunstein saying they're going to restrict free speech and take over the web.
Or that we have no right to own guns.
I think people have trouble believing this is really happening.
Well, they better get over the trouble part.
They better believe.
Because this is what the Obama administration has brought to America.
That is pure tyranny.
A hatred for freedom.
You have to wonder just who he's
He's a puppet on a string and he's pulling the strings with this guy.
You really have to start asking some deep questions about this.
Well, it's so unconstitutional to have the feds come in and then engage in not just unconstitutional, but illegal activities like this.
I mean, this is illegal.
Well, the one interesting thing that I'd like people to follow is that, you know, there is the McDonald v. Chicago case.
Arguments are supposed to start March 2nd at the Supreme Court.
And where that would just about abolish all local gun control laws.
If it's passed.
And so I would encourage people to follow that case.
And on our website we do have a brief that JPFO filed.
An amicus curie brief that people... Briefly tell folks about that case.
Well briefly, it's about the city of Chicago.
There's an elderly man there named McDonald.
He lives in a high-crime area.
He wanted to own a handgun to defend his life.
The city of Chicago said, no, you can't do that.
They've been saying no to people for a long time about the ownership of handguns.
So the case found its way to the Supreme Court.
And so now the Supreme Court's going to be asked to see if the Second Amendment also has the protection of the Fourteenth Amendment to make sure that people have the right to defend their lives.
Sounds silly.
But that's what this case is about.
The people have a right, don't gun, to defend their lives.
How about we take the police guns in Chicago?
Oh no!
They've got to protect themselves, but we can't protect ourselves.
Well, that's pretty much what it boils down to.
That's why this case is very important.
They're going to have to encourage people to come to our website, JPFO.org, and they can read the case.
They can download the file and share it with others.
But people need to start paying real close attention to this case.
The Obama Administration is absolutely opposed to it.
It'll take power away from those who hate the Second Amendment.
Aaron Zellman, in closing, with about 45 seconds.
It does seem to me, though, that we are starting to gain ground and that they are panicked.
Do you agree?
Oh, I think absolutely.
I mean, if you look at some of the people who have been going to these Tea Parties, they're going to be people from all walks of life.
Even people who previously voted for Obama.
This has got them concerned.
Even though there's problems going on within the Tea Party, I understand that.
But people from all walks of life are saying, wait a minute.
This is not what I want in my government.
I don't want to lose my freedom.
I don't want more taxes.
I don't want restrictions on my rights.
That's probably why gun sales are roaring away.
Record highs.
JPM phone.
People don't intend to give those guns back to the government.
That's not their intention.
That's not why they're buying them.
Stay there.
I've got one more question.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As they're finishing off this agenda, they'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us
Tim Geithner?
They're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today, it seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Hi, neighbor.
They say the road to hell is paved with good intentions.
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We would intend to have plenty of food so the relief organizations could care for those unable to care for themselves.
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Who am I?
Someone who cares.
From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
All right, I'm going to get more into Haiti.
First, I'm going to cover the amazing Senate battle.
Heads of the finish line in Massachusetts.
And you look at this, Aaron Zellman, this is a real indicator that a seat that's never gone to a Republican, Ted Kennedy's seat, and even the brainwashed people in that state have finally woken up and are about to vote for a supposedly somewhat more pro-gun Republican.
This is a true rebuke of Obama, but he doesn't care.
He's running to the finish line.
But I wanted to talk to you about the fact that
The federal government and NORTHCOM and Homeland Security, in those MIAC reports and Homeland Security reports that we got that we released last year, that the police gave us, say their number one enemy is gun owners.
And that Homeland Security is set up for veterans, libertarians, constitutionalists, people that aren't going to go along with this.
And, you know, the government is hell-bent on getting our guns one way or the other, and it is coming to a confrontation.
And let's not forget, our country started
There were a lot of taxes and corruption and problems, but it finally started at Lexington and Concord when the Redcoats came to take the guns.
And unfortunately, for the people that try to enforce this, I think they take our restraint as weakness.
They don't understand there's a lot of veterans and people that are just hoping they don't have to, but they are ready.
And this is really coming to a head, Aaron Zellman.
What goes around comes around.
And we're around.
Back to where we started when we were dealing with the British.
I would like to draw people's attention to something.
Maybe this will be a wake-up call to all of your listeners.
But we ran a poll on our website about, will the U.S.
military confiscate guns from the American people?
The results were astounding, and so were the comments.
Almost 2,000 people voted.
We have over 63 long comments from both veterans and non-veterans and active duty people.
And let me just give you some numbers.
This should shock people.
Only 7% of the people who voted said that the government would not shoot Americans to take their gun.
21% said the government would absolutely use the military.
We're good to go.
The world is right now, or America is right now, for Americans.
We're an endangered species in our own country.
If the Abominoids have their way.
Now, specifically, the reason people know the government will confiscate guns, take Katrina.
The military comes in, the FBI commands the operation, they block the food aid, they block the police and others from Texas, and volunteers that came to help.
And then the first mission was, go into all the high and dry wealthiest areas, put men in handcuffs, and take their guns like they were criminals, with guns in their own house.
That was illegal, and they never gave most of those guns back.
Even when a federal court said, give them back, they said, we want your guns.
I mean, they really want our guns.
Well, absolutely.
Again, you know, every dictator has learned that if you have an armed citizenry, you're not going to be able to accomplish your goal.
I mean, this is a simple assault.
And all these dictators over the last 100 years who disarmed people and then murdered them, known as genocide.
They've all insisted that people must be disarmed first.
And then what do the Abominoids have in mind for America?
Why are Americans an endangered species in their own country?
I mean, what is afoot?
What is being planned?
I think every one of your listeners better start asking some questions very loudly and demanding answers.
If they can't get an answer from somebody, then why is that person allowed to stay in a position of authority?
Well, we've gotten answers.
I can't believe how the Attorney General, Obama, every one of his major czars we look at, get up on camera and say, there is no Second Amendment right, we are going to get your guns, they've introduced the bills, but then they try this psy-op of saying, we don't want your guns, to make everybody stand down.
But it's obviously not working.
We're a year and a half into the greatest gun sales the country's ever seen, people are snatching it all up, and saying... Well, that's scaring the daylights out of them, Alex.
Absolutely scaring them.
And they're fearful, because they know that they're going to get caught, and their crimes are going to become public, and they're really scared.
They're really running scared.
So I would encourage the American people to educate others about the evils of gun control, and also, you know, don't stop buying guns and ammunition.
Aaron, in closing, let me ask you this question, because when you come on a few times a year and are gracious to spend your time with us, and I just love your organization and support it, I get emails asking me to ask you a question, and I've actually seen you write about it and speak about it a few other times.
Why do we see the Israel lobby
And so many Jewish members of Congress, being some of the most vehement anti-gun people, when they know what Stalin and Hitler and others did, and they know what happened, and they all have their own private bodyguards,
Why do we see that from both Republican and Democrat Jewish leaders so often?
Republicans being middle of the road or Democrats being vehemently anti-Second Amendment, pro-victim disarmament.
Why is that going on?
Well, I'm not sure I have the total answer, but there's a couple things that I can certainly highlight for you.
Jewish members of Congress who do support gun control
Are not very Jewish, for starters.
People have to understand that.
Jewish law demands that Jews are commanded by the Almighty to defend their lives and to defend the lives of those who are under attack.
You can't very well defend someone's life, I mean, defend someone's life, and your own life, if you don't have the tools to do so.
So Jews who pretend to be Jews are the ones who usually are supporting gun control schemes.
That's point number one.
Number two, I think that many of the alleged Jews in Congress who are supporting gun control schemes really don't understand the Bill of Rights.
They don't appreciate America.
And they're probably more concerned about being invited to cocktail parties than they are about preserving freedom in America.
And it's also a lot of big city urban areas.
I've noticed people from cities are generally so scared of guns.
I had a British interviewer from Chris Matthews here Sunday, and I have a .357 Magnum.
It's actually right over here that I have to protect myself if anybody ever comes into the office.
And she started crying and looked scared and panicked in the middle of the interview, or near the end, and I said, what's wrong?
And she said, is that a gun?
And I said, well, yeah, I mean, we don't have police here.
If somebody, people kill talk show hosts all the time or threaten them.
Well, you know what you need to do with that woman is, we have an article on our website written by a psychiatrist, it's called Raging Against Self-Defense.
And she points out the mental health problems that gun prohibitionists have.
And so again, I don't mean to sound so commercial with all these things on our site that are free.
But people should come read the article, Raging Against Self-Defense Issues.
No, no, people should visit the site.
But expanding on that, literally she's looking in my eyes, talking to me.
I see her look over.
And then she, like a little girl who's seen a monster, started going, uh, uh, uh, and tears came into her eyes, and she went, uh, and was like, is that a gun?
And was panicking and shaking.
And I said to her, but you feel safe when you see police with guns, don't you?
And she said, well, part of her problem, Alex, may very well be, as we point out in this testimony, raging against self-defense, is that she may not trust herself to own a gun because she may have so much inner hatred towards people that she doesn't trust you to own a gun.
These are some of the problems that gun prohibitionists try to mask and try to take our guns from us.
But it's so alien to this human common sense.
I have an office.
A few of my guys have concealed carries.
They don't need that in Texas, but they've got them.
I invite them.
It's just in their fanny packs.
And it's never an issue year after year because we're just regular normal people.
But if anybody ever busted in here, they're dead.
I mean, we're going to defend ourselves.
Well, you're a gun owner.
That makes you regular normal for the most part.
Gun prohibitionists are not normal.
They have some mental health issues.
Not because we're in a big city or out in a coulee someplace.
I mean, mental health issues are mental health issues, and a lot of gun prohibitionists do have these mental health issues.
Well, they really do.
I mean, it is irrational and crazy, and I've seen it repeatedly when people will see a... I had a carpet cleaner at my house, and I had a shotgun up in a case on the wall, and he saw it and panicked and said he couldn't clean my house, and ran off and called the police on me, but the police didn't... I mean, these people are crazy!
Well, they are.
I mean, they have some issues that we're not going to solve real quickly.
They need some serious psychological counseling.
And you just have to realize that's why they're so dangerous.
I would have bet the Obama administration is made up of people with very serious mental health issues.
Well that's true, but why do they then love SWAT teams with guns?
Like somebody who loves freedom is threatened by that.
Because they may have mental health issues, but they lust for power and the police are their power arm.
They can use the police to reach out and to destroy those they fear.
Very well said, Aaron Zellman.
We love your organization and the great work you do with Gun Owners of America, JPFO.org.
We'll talk to you again in the near future, and your website is a treasure trove of facts to deprogram people.
The good news is, most liberals I know are no longer liberals, they're patriots, and they're all buying guns and training and loving it, and have broken their fear, and once they go out and shoot, they laugh at their previous fear.
You're saying that too, aren't you?
They learn the fun of a gun.
And they learned that self-defense is a very good idea, and that being a coward is not a good idea.
It is so satisfying that I've got firearms.
I'm not afraid.
I can't imagine not being armed and that being castrated and weak.
I mean, I'm here, I'm armed, I'm red-blooded like my ancestors, and I'm not a slave.
Aaron Zellman, we appreciate you, fellow patriot.
Look forward to talking to you again in the near future.
Be well, Alex.
Take care.
We'll be right back.
I'm gonna play a clip from New Orleans with them confiscating guns using the army.
Then I'm getting into the election in Massachusetts.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
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As we're finishing off this agenda...
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And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
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Okay, coming up, I'm going to get into all the other news we haven't even covered yet, but this Second Amendment issue is central.
The government can't get our guns through unconstitutional laws, so they just do it by hook and by crook.
That is tyranny.
That is illegal, and what's happened in Austin is criminal on so many fronts.
It's an open and shut case, and the people are fighting.
Now, I want to remind you, and there's a bunch of these video clips.
This is ABC News.
Uh, from back during Katrina, 2005, September 8, 2005, and notice the propaganda.
They talk about getting people evacuated.
They got a lot tougher.
So they introduce it like that, then they say, oh, and they do this non-violently, and then they show them slamming people on the ground.
Going in to high and dry areas, which they admit, I mean, these are some of the most famous areas of the city.
They were looting them.
I mean, we're talking huge palace-like houses.
People are there guarding their property.
A lot of them have generators.
No water, no nothing.
They just put them in handcuffs, take their guns, and they stole them.
And then notice the reporter that did this got his face blown off in Iraq, fighting for tyranny.
Again, that's a fact, folks.
So, ABC News, here it is.
This is what they want.
Any chance they get, they're coming for your guns.
Here it is.
That includes New Orleans, where today authorities stepped up their efforts to empty the city.
Bob Woodruff is there again tonight with an extraordinary human drama unfolding.
That's true, Elizabeth, and good evening from New Orleans.
Here the police and the National Guard find themselves in a very difficult position tonight to try to carry out an order to force people from the city without actually using force.
Today in New Orleans, they got a lot tougher on the holdouts.
Not only the flooded areas, but New Orleans' driest and wealthiest neighborhoods, too.
The police and National Guard going street by street, house to house.
They say there are no orders to use force, just strong persuasion.
Sometimes entering open houses with guns drawn.
That's the military.
Instructions to disarm anyone inside.
That happened today in this wealthy neighborhood where homeowners had armed themselves to protect their mansions.
Residents were handcuffed on the ground.
In the end, police took their weapons but let them stay in their homes.
Back it up a few seconds.
Imagine, I mean these are famous, we're talking 10, 20, 30, 40 million dollar houses.
Wealthy people with generators.
The military didn't bring food to the people of the Superdome.
They came for their guns and they took them and they stole them.
And they used U.S.
Army to do it under FBI command.
Now that's your criminal government.
Continue with it.
...protect their mansions.
Residents were handcuffed on the ground.
In the end, police took their weapons but let them stay in their homes.
They were a little bit threatened because our weapons were bigger than their weapons.
For many of the police and guard troops, it is an uncomfortable job to do this in an American city.
This guard unit occupied a church, using it as a base camp.
They had to leave a note because they could not get hold of the pastor to get permission.
It is, it is surreal.
That's garrisoning troops.
You never expect to do this in your own country.
Chris Montgomery says he'd rather be in Iraq than patrolling American neighborhoods.
Walking up and down these streets, you don't want to think about the stuff that you're gonna have to do.
Somebody pops around the corner, and you shoot an American.
You shoot an American.
Give me that gun or you're dead.
But we don't use force, we just shoot you.
Notice that double thing.
We shoot you, we kill you, we put you in handcuffs, we slam you down on the ground.
When you come to your front door, in all the videos of old women, I don't want to leave my cats and dogs.
Come here, lady!
Slam her head, take her gun.
You don't have guns in America.
We rule you!
And the troops will follow the orders to take the guns.
If not, they'll court-martial them and line them up.
And most of the military is illegal aliens and foreigners now anyways.
We have to come to grips with what America has turned into.
The government is illegitimate and criminal.
If they were confiscating guns any chance they could under Bush, what are they going to do now under Obama?
And we'll hold them.
We'll probably defeat them.
We'll slow them down.
We've been having some victories.
People say, I thought Obama was coming for the guns.
That'll be the COINTELPRO in a couple years.
Yeah, but we're going to stop them.
And then you, paid by the feds, are going to run around saying, it never happened.
No, they don't want our guns.
They didn't take guns in Katrina.
Oh, it's sick.
OK, we're going to go to break.
I'm going to come back and get into what's happening in a bunch of other news, including Massachusetts.
There's just so much more to cover.
But we're the good guys.
We're the people following the law, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights.
The government is nothing but a receivership body, the muscle for foreign banks to rob you.
It's very simple.
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The empire's on the run.
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As we're finishing off this agenda,
We're pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
For the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation, the criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty and on its ashes constructing world government.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
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That's 12 noon to 4 p.m.
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Central Standard Time.
Thank you so much for joining us.
I'm going to hit a couple news stories here, then we're going to Larry Pratt, the real constitutional expert.
I asked him here in the break, I said, what do you think of this Austin case?
He said, racketeering.
And they have one of the most high-powered legal teams out there.
We're going to tell you what he's looking at doing, coming up in just a moment.
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Amazing Senate battle.
Heads of the finish line.
We've talked about this some.
You have this Ted Kennedy seat that supposedly nobody could get.
Key Senator position.
You have Democrats in the House leaving or saying they're going to leave their party.
At the state level, they're leaving.
This isn't just a realignment, like people mad at Bush for some bad stuff he did.
Trying to put Obama in to change it.
He's now betrayed them.
He's got the lowest approval rating of any president one year in, ever.
And it's the one year anniversary in two days of his year in office.
And to have this most powerful Democratic position in the country, the strongest, most powerful Senate seat, I mean the most ironclad, supposedly, that they had.
It looks like it's going to go to Scott Brown right now, unless they have election fraud.
And this Martha Coakley is in deep trouble.
And this is a message.
I mean, the Democrats on their open borders, they're gun grabbing, they're lies, they're continuing the Patriot Act, they're gun controlled.
They are in deep trouble, and Larry Pratt's been involved in this race, so I first want to get his take on what's happening there.
Larry Pratt, the head of Gun Owners of America, the only big national, and there's some other small groups that are great like JPFO, but this is the only real national group that actually defeats gun legislation against the Second Amendment.
Good to have you here, Larry.
Thank you so much.
It is good to be with you.
Yeah, this race is really a barn burner.
It's something that seems like Brown is probably winning, and it also very much looks as if Coakley is doing her best to lose.
Nothing goes right for this poor woman.
Her husband is a retired Cambridge, Massachusetts police officer.
His union voted overwhelmingly to support Brown.
It doesn't look like it's going to go well for her tonight, and if the margin for Brown were sufficient,
Over five points, I would imagine.
That's probably pushing it beyond where they can steal it and not cause further outrage.
So we've endorsed Brown, not because we know he's not going to be John Wayne, but because he has made one of the two central issues of his campaign that he will vote against socialized medicine.
And since that is bad, bad news for all Americans, including gun owners, well,
Better a crooked stick if that's all we have with a rabid dog coming at our throat.
So that's where we are, and I think it will signal that Democrats in other places, and also if we do our jobs right, Republicans in name only, the so-called RINOs, they all should go.
We start in the primaries this year, get rid of the RINOs,
We've endorsed, for example, Patrick Hughes in the Illinois race.
Mark Kirk is a very liberal.
He's like Didi Scosafava, that New York very liberal assemblywoman in that special U.S.
House race last year.
We need to target the anti-gun people, the socialists, the big government people, and get rid of them.
And the early voting has already begun in the Illinois primary.
So people ought to go to Patrick Hughes.
Sorry, I don't have the top of my head, but it's not a biggie.
They know the race.
And what about Debra Medina running for Republican here in Texas?
She's going to have a tougher climb than some of the others, but she's obviously the most liberty-minded of the candidates.
And at least Hutchison did a disastrous job, I'm told, in the debate.
She got pressed on things and she just didn't want to, couldn't answer.
That woman is really bad news.
Yeah, that's my problem.
As bad as Rick Perry is, I mean, I guess we're going to find out in the primary, but he's better than Kay Bailey Hutchinson, Bilderberg chairwoman.
And not only that, she is one nasty woman.
The things that one hears about her from the staff
It's like Cruella de Vil in that movie, the 101 Dalmatians.
This female representation of evil.
Just nasty all the time.
And so hopefully the voters are going to see that this lady needs to be humiliated.
First in this primary, and then let's go get her in the primary.
I guess she's up for her re-election to the Senate in a couple of years.
But we're seeing things turn, and I think we have a shot.
You know, the Republican establishment tried to pull it off with Charlie Crist, the governor of Florida, a big, big liberal, Arlen Specter of the South, and the former Speaker of the House, Marco Rubio, has come out of nowhere, didn't have nearly the money that Crist had, didn't have any of that establishment backing, and he's already pulled even with them.
I think he's probably ahead.
The Republican Party is absolutely rejecting this notion that, oh well, we need to have a Moderates so we can raise the money and win.
No, Moderates are what have been making the Republicans losers.
Because they desert the Republican principles.
Well, look at every poll.
Gallup, 91% don't want open borders.
Major polls, over 75% to 80% don't want more gun control, want less.
I mean, on every issue, if Republicans were actually Constitutionalists, there wouldn't be a Democrat in existence.
The Democrats are unpopular.
They're only put in power because Bush tripled government, launched all these illegal wars.
Now, in the time we've got left, Larry Pratt,
This is very exciting.
You're saying you're seeing a major sea change, a rebellion against the big government tyranny.
Shifting gears though, the Austin...
And H-E-B said you better put up the notice.
So the owner of the gun show, of the franchise, he puts it up, but has a petition to the governor and the attorney general to come stop this.
It's not a law, just color of law.
And so the police we now know have called H-E-B and others.
They called him this morning and said, look, you fought this.
No gun show.
There'll never be another gun show there again.
There won't be another gun show in Austin.
You know, under this police department, under the BATF, Austin's a test case.
There aren't any gun shows.
Get out by sundown.
I mean, this is racketeering, civil rights violation, violates the Commerce Clause.
It's color of law.
The key word, I think, under federal law is racketeering.
What they have done is a criminal conspiracy, a racketeering offense.
And especially since the BATF was involved directly,
That means you could trigger the federal law without anything else, you know, and you mentioned a lot of other good possibilities, but this one is a tough one because it means that you are in a much more difficult position in court.
It was designed to go after the mafia, then they expanded it to go after pro-lifers.
No reason why sauce for the goose can't be sauce for the gander.
So we're taking a look at that, but you know, to just take a step back,
I had made one mistake about Obama.
I thought he was a slipperier character.
I thought he was going to push his legislative agenda only as far as he could get away with it, so as not to stir us up the way he has done, as a matter of fact.
No, he's like Joe Stalin.
I mean, he's going great guns.
He's rushing us.
And that's probably the best thing that could have happened, because had it been a continuation of the decades-long inching toward socialism,
I doubt that enough of us would have become aware of what is happening, but he's done it.
Now, what I thought he was going to do right away was to use the instrumentality of agencies like the BATF to legislate without going through the Congress, making stuff up just like you've reported just now what happened in Austin
Is the bureaucrats just making up the law as they go?
And that means, yeah, that's going to draw attention, that gets people excited, but there's a little bit of distance between a bureaucrat who's there before, during, and after Obama's in office, and Obama himself.
There's a little bit of a disconnect, and I would have thought that they'd be doing this from day one, and especially going after one of his favorite enemies, the gun owner.
But here it is, better late than never, I guess, in Obama's view.
And so they're coming with the bureaucracy to raise havoc.
And this is an expansion of things such as happened to Olofsson, such as happened to various manufacturers that can't get licensing for products because of the arbitrariness of the Bureau.
This is the kind of more overt
Very, very exciting to know that they're putting everything they can on the fire to try to burn up the Constitution, but it's really only backfiring on them.
I agree with you.
The great danger is, unless it's chutzpah or bravado or whatever it is, or hubris,
I mean, maybe they're right.
Maybe they're going to get away with it.
I mean, or are they just that ham-fisted?
I think it is the latter.
I really think they believe their own propaganda that they are right.
Anybody else is evil.
That the people actually, when this stuff is crammed down our throat, will say, oh, that wasn't mud after all.
That really tastes good.
I think to a certain extent they really believe it.
They also feel
Evidently, a sense of urgency.
They know that they're not going to have their, and they knew going in, that they weren't going to have their supermajority, but for this session of the Congress, this term of the Congress, these two years.
And so they're going for the gold while they can get away with it.
And evidently, they don't really think they'll be defeated.
And even if they are, well, devil take the hindmost, they're going to grab the power while they can.
What they're not counting on is that they have become, in a sense, the president has fulfilled one of his campaign promises.
He has brought us together.
In Massachusetts, for example, a Democrat mayor of Quincy, it's a blue-collar industrial town, people work for a living there, and they're union-oriented, and they vote Democrat.
He's been a Democrat there for six terms, whatever term is, at least two years, and he came out and endorsed Brown on the basis of the
Obamacare proposals.
They don't want socialism.
Which is so outrageous.
I mean, we read the bills months ago.
People couldn't believe us.
I would read the bills, the House and Senate version, and listeners thought I was lying when it said five years in jail, quarter million dollar fines, taking money out of your paycheck, taxing your health plans, which aren't Cadillac.
I mean, a lot of families do spend, you know, $12,000 a year or whatever.
I mean, this is
Cutting Medicare and Medicaid and raising taxes?
I mean, this is a rip-off!
I agree with the observation that was made that when we see things like the mayor of Quincy doing what he did, it may well represent a realignment once again of, call them the Reagan Democrats, people who are not
Philosophically conservative, but they have an economic interest in being left alone, and that's going to coincide with a Republican if the Republican is perceived as working to leave them alone.
It's pretty simple politics.
Exactly, and in getting away from rhinos, because the Republicans know
If it took only six or seven months for Obama to get the lowest approval rating in history for a president in the first year, if a Republican doesn't immediately deliver and start slashing anti-gun laws in big government, they're going to be out instantly.
And so it's not just a realignment towards conservatism, it's a realignment of libertarian constitutionalists completely away.
I mean, the pendulum is swinging away from big government.
If the Republicans were to gain control of the House, there's a number of things that they could do even with President Hussein still in the White House.
They could, for example, take the BATF budget and they could say none of these funds may be used to enforce gun show actions or whatever would be the most
Technically correct legal language, but you get the drift.
And you will investigate guns after a crime is committed?
You will not go harass old ladies?
You make them follow a published...
list of procedures, which they don't do.
They don't publish.
And so they keep changing from one trial to the next as to what was the determining factor, blah, blah, blah.
None of these funds can be used for that.
And so the trick would be, don't do it the way Newt Gingrich did back in 95, where you play chicken with a whole federal government budget.
Now, some of us probably wouldn't mind if it all went down, but you don't say, OK, we're just not going to raise the debt limit, and that means you have to shut the government down.
Well, politically that just isn't going to fly.
But you can, if you get to work right away, you could send a budget for the Treasury Department with the amputations in there that you want for BATF, well actually they're under justice now, excuse me, but a Justice Department budget chopped up here, there, but you know, leaving it essentially intact, just a lot of fingers and arms and legs missing.
He can either veto it himself, in which case the ball's in his court, and who cares if the Justice Department gets shut down, or he'll accept the amputations.
The problem is the BATF will just go firebomb another church to scare everybody into giving them funds.
Well, you know, you can only have one Waco at a time, and as a lot of folks have said, probably won't be for free the next time either.
And what's happening at the state level is also encouraging.
The governor of Virginia, who's right of center, but he's no fighter.
First thing he did when he got elected was say...
DOA if socialized medicine passes in Washington.
Not in my state.
And now we've got first 14 and then 18 state attorney generals saying this is not just weights and measures.
It's unconstitutional because of the socialism.
But you can't selectively enforce certain rules on certain states.
This thing is dead even if they pass it and it looks like they may not even get that done.
Larry Pratt up there on Capitol Hill.
I want to get your final take on that when we come back.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda,
That we're pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
Fall of the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation.
The criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty and on its ashes constructing world government.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
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Folks, everything the government scammers and the offshore banks touch turns to dust.
They've got the power, but they're destroying themselves in the process.
It's kind of like you've got a pickup truck driving through a boulder field.
You might make it to the other side, but your car is going to be totaled by the other end.
Look at this InfoWars.com article from Steve Watson.
We'll be covering this at the start of the show tomorrow.
International hearings begin on falsified swine flu pandemic by the EU, proving it was all a fraud to make money and a dangerous vaccine.
Greatest medical scandal of the century to come under scrutiny.
That's a quote by the head of the EU group.
Here's another one.
Ron Paul.
Use Geithner to impeach Obama.
Like I said with Ron Paul a week ago on air.
Use this to bring them all down.
Ron Paul's coming out.
I mean, folks like Ceausescu or any of these thugs falling.
Well, America is mad, and the media tries to not let you know how awake people are, but they are awake!
And the Republicans and Democrats can't scam us anymore with this bait-and-switch, with whatever party's out of power, acts like they're populist and constitutionalist until they get in power.
I'm telling you, if you get the word out and fight hard, we've got a 70% chance of beating these people.
Larry Pratt, do you agree with that statement?
I do, Alex.
And right now, even with the lousy set of cards we have in the Congress, this socialized medical push does not have to happen.
There's enough of those stew-packed Democrats, to use a term, the pro-lifers that are insisting on their language that's in the House version that is not in the Senate version,
That the option of just accepting the Senate version is not all that likely in the House.
And they're less likely to get turned.
And a lot of times, let's face it, a blue dog is simply a liberal Democrat that hasn't voted yet.
So this is another hoax, because you will be assimilated, no way to stop us.
No, yeah, you can't win, we win, you lose.
This is inevitable, it's going to happen soon.
Well, it's going to be happening soon since what, last February?
It obviously, as a mantra, doesn't mean it's true.
So, I don't see it coming through the House.
If the House agrees to something that might be acceptable to the Senate, when it comes back to the Senate for their actual approval, it comes back in the form, parliamentarily, as a new bill.
And all of the possibilities for filibuster are waiting for it all over again.
And they've already had a mass exodus.
The Democratic Party's bleeding out.
A lot of them want this to end and fail so they can move on.
They know people are going to remember in a few months, come election time, if this passes, they are all politically dead.
I'm taking the next boat back to Japan.
Well, we're going to find out tomorrow if Brown wins.
We've got to pray for that.
As the founder said, we need gridlock in Washington, not the skids greased, especially right now with Obama, who I've got to say is now officially the worst president in U.S.
I thought Bush or Clinton might have been that, but there's no doubt this guy is an absolute authoritarian, an absolute anti-American, absolutely dangerous.
I agree with Michael Savage.
He may stage terror attacks.
He may do anything, we've got to stop him.
In closing, Larry Pratt, Gun Owners of America, more than ever needs people's support.
Gunowners.org, tell folks how to support.
Gunowners.org, you can become a member there, and if you just want to find out what we're doing, go to gunowners.org, sign up for our email alerts, and that'll keep you posted on what's happening and what you can do to fight them in Washington.
Larry Pratt, great job, God bless you, have a great New Year in 2010.
Same to you.
In closing, I want to thank our sponsor of the day, Ecolablue.com, the high-quality atmospheric water generator that produces seven to eight gallons a day right out of the air.
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Thank you for listening to GCN.
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My answer would be all I can get.
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