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Name: 20100113_Wed_Alex
Air Date: Jan. 13, 2010
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Coming up in the next hour, we have a member of the Icelandic Parliament who's leading the charge against not letting the British government, through banking fraud, take over their nation.
This is economic criminal conquest.
They've used anti-terror laws to seize the bank accounts of the entire nation.
Now, this is just unbelievably outrageous.
That's coming up.
And Catherine Austin Fitz, the hour after that.
We're simulcasting three hours of the four-hour radio show today, visually, as we do every day, at PrisonPlanet.tv for all the PrisonPlanet.tv viewers out there tuning in.
We are simulcasting now.
For the rest of the hour,
Tyrell Ventura, son of Jesse Ventura.
He's a filmmaker in his own right.
Also is involved in a lot of other media production.
He is an associate producer on the show, did a lot of the research.
He's the guy that first primed the pump with his dad four or five years ago, about 9-11.
And then when I first met Jesse Ventura four years ago and gave him Terror Storm and some other films about government-sponsored terror, he said, yeah, my son's introduced me to this.
And so that helped break the ice and get him further informed about what was happening, leading us today to the number one news show on TruTV, record ratings for a new show, Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura.
And so very, very exciting.
We'll talk about his favorite last six episodes, this final episode of the first season.
It'll be internal politics if it doesn't get picked up for another even longer season.
Again, incredibly successful.
Even the major trade publications are reporting that.
Record ratings.
How did this get on air?
So many facets to discuss with Tyrell Ventura.
Then we'll also get the inside scoop on does he think his dad will run for president in 2012 and what that might look like.
But that's coming up later in the interview.
We'll also open the phones up some for your specific questions about the show Conspiracy Theory on TruTV.
The final episode of the seven-part series airing tonight 9 p.m.
Well, it's happy to be here, man.
Thank you for all the help you've given us in the production of the show and for coming on and giving Jesse a good format to use, you know, voice his opinion.
Well, I want to thank you for including me in the show.
I want to thank your father, the producer, the creator, for keeping his word and really having this be a fair, fact-finding show where Jesse really goes out.
I mean, what you're seeing is what happens.
This is real.
And to be part of something real and trailblazing on TV, this is groundbreaking.
I love the fact that we are, you know, so many shows you watch like the History Channel, National Geographic, and all that, they immediately go to the kind of government-sponsored sense of history, and it was kind of nice, refreshing for all of us to work on a show that's, you know, let's give all these other ideas a chance.
Let's not follow the status quo and let's go and find things that no one's talking about in mainstream media and put them on TV.
A lot of credit for TruTV for having the guts and the fun to stand behind this and put us on the air.
Tyrell, I don't know how you did it.
Your father, Jesse Ventura, had a bet going that it wouldn't air.
He was glad to be proven wrong with the production staff.
I mean, you guys put incredible amounts of work and research, and this was a big gamble for you guys to do this, and it's been successful, so I commend you.
Thank you, thank you.
But yeah, we had a great production staff.
We worked tirelessly all summer and fall to put this thing together.
It took a long time and a lot of convincing and a lot of different edits and a lot of that to get the show the way it is now.
And we're all happy with it.
We couldn't be happier with the ratings and everything else.
We've got the fan mail coming in.
Thank you for everyone for believing in the show and watching it.
It's been a wild ride to get this stuff on the air.
It feels good to finally have it out there.
Tyrell Ventura, stay there.
We're coming right back.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda, we're pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us
Tim Geithner?
They're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care and right now in Washington D.C.
we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv
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Do you believe everything you've been told?
Ever feel like you're being watched?
Do you think the government is concealing vital information?
I've heard things that'll blow your mind.
Now, one man has the guts to seek the truth.
I've been a governor, a fighter, a Navy SEAL.
Jesse Ventura is not afraid to take on the institutions he was once a part of.
This is what they don't want me to see.
And this Wednesday, the team heads north to investigate secrets in the Arctic tundra.
What are they hiding up there in Alaska?
The project is called HAARP.
Its function?
What do you think they're doing down there?
They tell us we're up here studying the Northern Lights.
You don't study the Northern Lights for 25 years.
Come on.
What type of offensive weapon does HAARP have the potential to be?
Not only, you know, can they manipulate weather, but the idea of knocking aircraft out of the sky and leaving no residual damage.
But in order for Jesse to find the truth, he must see it for himself.
What you're saying to me is scary.
Just over the ridge, it comes into view.
There it is.
It's huge.
You have a lot of antennas there.
Now that Jesse and his team have seen the facility with their own eyes, it's time for them to confront the people that run it head-on.
Now you did formally call them.
We called this facility.
We called the Air Force directly.
The installation is open to the public.
But no one is allowed in.
And just as the former governor approaches the gate, he's stopped.
Come on, man.
I'm a Navy SEAL.
When I get denied something, I do the opposite of getting intimidated.
I get angry.
Jesse is about to walk right on through, when suddenly...
Hold on a second, guys.
I got a problem.
The camera equipment begins to fail.
The crew suspects they are being targeted with powerful radio waves.
This is more than unclassified.
That's bull****.
You won't believe what happens next.
Find out on Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura.
Premieres Wednesday at 10, only on TruTV.
Now, that was the first episode.
The last episode in the first series is airing tonight.
Tyrell Ventura, one of the associate producers, researchers, camera guy.
I mean, working so hard on this project because he's the guy that woke his dad up.
He's a conspiracy theorist.
Those of us that question the official story are called that.
Tyrell, tell us about the episode coming up tonight.
Tonight we've got 2012, and we've kind of started with all the rumblings of the whole plastic calendar and all that, but then as we kind of were, you know, we were kind of at first like, uh, sounds a little hocus-pocus, but then we started kind of like looking in, you know, to the idea that, okay, what if, you know, some major catastrophe is on the horizon and the powerful elite know about it, and, you know, will they let, you know, would your government let the people know about it ahead of time, or would they just set out to protect themselves?
Yeah, I think so.
Talking to you and your father and some of the other researchers early on, you guys thought that a lot of what we're hearing about 2012 is baloney, and clearly there's a lot of hype, a thousand different, you know, views and ideas about what's coming up with 2012.
But then, after you guys did your investigation, I don't want to give away too much for tonight, you got convinced that, well, the government and rich people clearly think something's going on, and they are getting ready.
Exactly, exactly.
And I've talked to numerous friends of mine in like Big Oil and things like that, you know, like acquaintances I have out here living in Los Angeles who are kind of around a lot of power and money, especially in the film industry.
And if you ask them, you talk to some of those guys and they'll tell you about like, oh yeah, you know, I might have a compound built here and that kind of thing.
And you're kind of like,
But for what purpose?
And it's like, well, to keep us protected, but then, you know, they'll never follow through the chain of thought of, well, why?
What do you know that I don't know?
And that's what this episode's kind of about.
I mean, it's not specifically that the world's going to end in 2012, but if a catastrophic event were to face the world, you know, who's going to get protected?
Not you or me.
You know, they're not going to... I don't think they'd care about protecting us.
I think they'd care more about, you know, protecting their own power and influence.
Well, exactly.
In Switzerland, they have well-appointed facilities with food and water underground for their entire population for at least two years.
Russia has it for their entire population for at least a year.
Other nations have this, but growing up in Dallas, they designate the underground car garages as nuclear fallout shelters, but our government has spent more than all these other governments combined on its own secret bases and underground facilities, and the public isn't even allowed to know about it.
The public...
You guys set out to investigate these modern issues that the media calls conspiracy theories
And on issue after issue, you actually find out the real truth and come to the same perspective that I've got from deep research.
And that is what is so amazing because, you know, I don't want to overstate my role.
I was just one consultant of many.
You guys had always found the truth by the time you checked with me and said, what is your view on this?
Our view is this.
And I was always amazed by the fact that you guys came to really
In-depth, well-calculated spectrum analysis of what's going on.
You know, it's just being able to kind of, you know, look at the news as a whole, and you do the research, and, you know, with a lot of respect to Rahim and Holly, our other two associate producers, you know, they were fantastic.
You can kind of see them on the show at the table, and then, you know, all the investigative team.
You know, once you start reading the news, but reading through the news, and then looking at the, you know, sequence of events and stories and things like that, and then going out and finding the right people to talk to, the people that are voicing a dissenting opinion, rather than a popular opinion.
Uh, you can start finding a lot of facts.
It doesn't take that much.
I mean, any person at home can, you know, with a few mouse clicks, can start learning the truth.
And, you know, if they start telling their friends, then you get a nice, steamroll effect, and then that's when you can get the system to crack, and hopefully, you know, bring it back to what it should be.
And not a, you know, ruling class versus poor class.
Well, I agree with you.
I agree with you.
And it's just very...
It was great working on the show.
I mean, there was things I didn't know about, and I tried to pride myself with keeping ahead of what, you know, peering through the news and knowing what the truth is.
And there were things that we discovered that I didn't even know about, you know, from the menstruating candidates and how deep that went.
That sounds like hocus pocus, but completely real, you know, to the 2012 stuff.
You know, it was fascinating to work on the show.
What is your favorite episode of The 7, Tyrell?
My favorite episode probably of The 7 would be probably 9-11, just because that was the kind of one that me and my dad, you know, that I was able to bring to my dad and kind of open his eyes up to, so I've always kind of had a, hate to say this, but warm place, you know, for uncovering the facts of that, of what really happened that day.
I just feel, obviously, we weren't told what happened that day, and a lot of questions still need to be answered.
And that was a fun one, just to see Dad really sink his teeth into something that is a pet project of his, and to finally see it put on the air, and to see the pride that he had that he was able to get a show like that on the air.
Great episode.
And they're all fun.
They all have moments of just
You know, fantastic candidness and great stories and great interviews and things like that, which is all you could ask for if you're trying to put together a television show.
Well, we don't know yet if it's going to be picked up again, but talking to your father and others, I mean, with the type of top rating success it's gotten for the channel, something's going on if Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura doesn't get picked up for a second larger season.
Well, you never know.
I mean, we hit the Bilderbergs pretty hard, and if they own all the pieces, you never know.
But, no, ratings are good, and, you know, the key isn't that thing I want to tell you.
If you're fans of the show and you believe in the show, you know, don't be afraid to write True TV and let them know you want to see a second season.
You know, I can give you their address right here, and, you know, write into them, let them know, they read their mail, they listen to the viewers, they want to know what you want.
Sure, give the address to True TV for folks.
Uh, it's uh, TruTV, T-R-U-T-V, uh, at 600 3rd Avenue, New York, New York, 10016.
And uh, you know, right in, or go online, they got a great website, you know, trutv.com, they actually have a, uh, uh, under the contact list, you can go right on there, and uh, and... But they really pay attention...
But they really pay attention to physical letters.
Sure, you can go online to truetv.com and send them emails, and that's important, but physically writing a letter.
And keep this show on the air.
You know, we love Jesse, we love this show.
If you believe in the show, then write him and let him know.
But I don't know, we'll find out.
Last episode's tonight, hopefully it gets some good ratings tonight, and go out with a bang, and then we'll see what happens.
Tyrell separately guaranteed this will be big on DVD.
I hope you guys make a three disc set and it needs to be in stores.
Is there a movement towards getting a DVD of the show out?
I'm sure there will be.
I mean, I can't wait.
We haven't talked about it quite yet because we're just kind of finishing up with the season.
I'm sure in the next few months that discussion will come up.
I can't wait for people.
I mean, there was a lot of stuff.
You only get an hour to tell each story, which is actually about 45 minutes in TV time.
You know, there's a lot of stuff we had to put on the editing floor that we wished we could put in, but had to take out.
So hopefully in the DVD set, maybe we can include some of that.
And also, man, I just, you know, the more people that I have in their hand, the more people that share it and, you know, learn the truth, the better.
And plus, this is groundbreaking.
Hollywood, as Michael Breverman said on this show, is run by an old guard.
They want to keep it in the left-right paradigm.
Michael is really a smart guy.
He understands all this.
And this is groundbreaking.
If this is successful, which it has been,
It's a
Against the controlled paradigm going on in Hollywood right now, and you guys are, and of course me involved as well, are right in the middle of it.
This is so wonderful that this has turned out this good, this professional, this true to the reality, and it's just such a good thing, Tyrell.
We're gonna come back, talk more about the show, your dad, and a lot more.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda...
They'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
Fall of the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation, the criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty and on its ashes constructing world government.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today, it seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com.
Or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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Tyrell Ventura, filmmaker, researcher, son of Jesse Ventura.
He's the guy that woke his father up.
We are excited to have him with us today, talking about the final episode of the first season of Conspiracy Theory.
With Jesse Ventura, the last show premieres tonight, 9 p.m.
Central, 10 p.m.
Eastern on TruTV.
Getting more into tonight's episode, I mean, as much as you're allowed to tell the public, give people an idea of why they want to tune in tonight, Tyrell.
Tonight, because you're going to find out just how the government, you know, could prepare for potential disaster and leave you, you know, above ground.
I mean, that's kind of where we want to work this episode.
It's fascinating to begin and see that, you know, in every emergency situation, you know, in all the government, you know, in all their files, you know, and in their, what's the word, the power structure, you know, keeping the power structure in place takes priority to the citizenry.
And it's very frightening to think about that.
And that's where we get into this episode.
We also, you know, uncover some massive underground facilities and other such places right underneath your nose.
And it's a fun episode, you know, watching Jesse go bunker busting.
And we'll leave it at that.
Believe me, I think this is one of the strongest episodes.
What episode really is your favorite?
Like I said, probably 9-11.
And global warming was interesting, too, because I'd never, you know, I always assumed that the global warming was real.
And like we say in the show, we were not debating the science of whether it's real or not.
We just are debating our ideas that are being presented.
Yeah, personally, my favorite episode is the global warming because you just destroyed them.
You have Ben Santer.
I mean, that made newspaper news that he admitted, the head of the UN program, that they took out five scientists who in the report said, man, it's not causing global warming, and the UN knew that ten years ago, on top of ClimateGate, that is as big as the emails.
Oh, it's fantastic.
I mean, the timing of that episode and what was going on in the world at that moment was, I could have been more
Couldn't have been better.
You know, it was just one of those great moments in time where you're on top of a story as another facet of the story breaks.
And I won't, you know, I was very critical, like, overwhelming.
Come on, guys, really?
Like, and then, you know, as
More research we did, the more I was convinced that, yeah, there's definitely something sneaky going on there.
And hopefully, the more people you get talking about these issues, the more we can try to change it.
I mean, that's the whole point of doing shows like this, to get you talking, get you aware of what's going on around you, not just being spoon-fed everything you see on television.
I didn't really open my dad's eyes up to the world of conspiracy theory.
He definitely did that when he took me to see the movie JFK when I was a little kid.
I was like 10, 11 years old.
So he definitely opened it up to that.
I was able to kind of open his eyes up to the 9-11 because, you know, like all of us were kind of
Shocked and had our head in the sand to a certain degree after that had happened.
And at first, he was real hesitant to buy in with it.
I just kept saying, just watch the blues change.
Watch this.
It raises enough questions, it'll make you think about it.
And then that kind of got him rolling on 9-11 and then opened up.
You know, really, that got him rolling and ended up creating this show to a certain extent because it kind of opened his mind up to other vast conspiracies, you know, the other conspiracies out there beyond just JFK.
Well sure Tyrell but I mean talking to your dad the last time he was down here in Austin with me for a few days I mean he said he knew about JFK he knew about some of the things but that you had brought him so many books and evidence and material and then I'd given him material and then all of that that he went down to Mexico and spent months and months reading and watching it all and doing research and then he really had this
I think so.
Even when we think we know what's going on, even when we think we're aware of the New World Order and the shadow government, it just gets more and more crazy.
And this microcosm of the underground bases, how there's this giant archipelago of underground bases and continuity of government facilities that are even on record to exist.
Imagine what we don't know exists, and the general public has no idea all this is going on beneath them.
I know, and they have no idea that most of their taxpayers are paying for all of it.
Most of their tax money is paying for all of it.
You know, I mean, you want to know what you're buying.
I mean, they're taking your money to do all this and to run these regimes that do this.
Not to mention, you know, the selling of drugs.
Not to mention the CIA selling of drugs on the inner city streets and all of that.
I mean, you know, they're totally abusing you.
I mean, it's no different than when the feudal lords were abusing the serfs, you know, back in the 1300s.
Stay there, Tyrell!
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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We don't know.
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All you can get.
I'm Alex Jones.
We're good.
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Alex, we always hear the term New World Order.
What is that?
The New World Order is the establishment's catch-all phrase for all these groups and organizations.
Everything we've talked about.
It's the name of their agenda, the global elite's vision for the planet.
It is a hellish prison planet controlled by them against a defenseless public.
How come this isn't exposed?
They did report on it.
The Council on Foreign Relations now goes on C-SPAN.
I mean, it's incredible!
Now, more and more, they just come right out with the fact that they're setting up.
Okay, here's the deal.
We've got Tyrell Ventura, part of the production team, associate producer, camera guy, researcher on conspiracy theory.
The last episode, 2012, the underground bunker program,
That is coming up tonight, 9 p.m.
Central, 10 p.m.
Believe me, you want to tune in and watch it the hour before they will re-air last week's show, which Jesse thinks is the most wild one, and that's the Manchurian candidate program that we know is real.
Now, is every person out there saying they're a Manchurian candidate real?
But that's going to re-air tonight, 8 o'clock Central, leading into the new episode.
But we have callers for the guest only, questions about Jesse Ventura, questions about the series, questions about the production of Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura.
Tyrell Ventura is here giving us a different perspective, a different angle.
On the production, 1-800-259-9231, 1-800-259-9231.
Tyrell, I want to get into your dad and politics, but before we do that, I've been asking the questions here.
Any other points or ideas?
You were getting into government drug dealing, how many times they've been caught, CIA aircraft crashing full of cocaine, and you got cut off by break.
Any more statements on that, or anything else you want to...
The thing I want to say, too, is don't, like, I, you know, I read the talkback section on the Facebook page for the Conspiracy Theory show, you know, for our show and, like, all of that, and, you know, I've gotten a lot of mail, you know, to the, to the company and to the production office, you know, of people, you know, telling us, look, I've uncovered this or I've found that, and, you know, and we do take that seriously.
I mean, if we do get picked up for a second season, we need materials.
So if you're, you know, if you have anything out there that you've uncovered or you think of, you know, don't be afraid to send it to us, you know.
You know, interviewing people out there and finding the truth of stories is what's going to help us.
And if you've got a little nugget of information about something that maybe you yourself are afraid to bring to public, you know, we can.
We can do that.
If we get picked up, you know, that's why you've got to watch a show and write to TruTV and, you know, get us picked up for a second season so we can keep telling the truth on, you know, we've got Alex doing it on the radio and on DVDs, and if we can keep doing it on TV, you know, that creates the ground to fall, and hopefully you can change the world that way.
Well, there's no doubt that there's a huge awakening taking place, and you guys were already aware of that, but producing the show, being out there on the street, really plunging with both feet into the alternative media and bringing it to mainstream media, building that bridge.
This is unprecedented, trailblazing, avant-garde event that we've all witnessed, and I've just been honored to be involved in it.
What has it been like truly immersing yourself in this, Tyrell?
Well, I mean, it's like you say, your head starts spinning after a while, and it's tough sometimes to, you know, decipher, you know, which person's telling you the truth, which person isn't, you know, whose side should you take in this, you know, who's got the most information on any subject that's going to fit right for the show and the style of show and the editing.
I mean, it was a tough, long thing to put together, you know, I mean, you're out there
You know, interviewing people, sending Jesse up to Alaska, going all over the place, and the government's not being helpful at all.
It was a fun shoot to do.
I worked with great people all around, and Jesse had a great time doing it.
Yeah, your head starts spinning after a while, because you get so...
You know, inundated with information.
You just kind of got to pick the best ones you got right there and go with them.
I mean, we had so much more information on each of these subjects that we could put in that we only have an hour, you know, to talk about.
So you kind of got to just grab the best things you can and hope for the best, you know.
I haven't talked to your dad the last three weeks since he left to get down to Mexico.
Talking to him over email down there.
He was super excited when I talked to him three weeks ago.
Is he even more excited now that the ratings have just continued?
Oh, of course he's excited.
I mean, now we're just kind of all waiting to see and hope we get picked up.
But yeah, he loves the show and is very happy with it.
You know, and you know, a lot of, like I say, a lot of love to TruTV.
They never once, you know, really stepped in and said, no, you can't talk about this, or yes, you can.
You know, I mean, they were very hands-off.
You know, I mean, you know, and they're a very good, very good company to work for.
Same with H&M Productions, which is the production company that put it together.
You know, great people to work for, and like I say, very hands-off, surprisingly.
I was expecting,
You know, the worst.
When you get into media conglomerates and their own Mike Turner and all that, you never know what you're going to get into, but they were fantastic to work with.
Well, I was involved in a big production for Discovery Channel with the director who did some kind of Monster Brothers Keeper and a lot of other top documentary films.
I mean, the very top of the genre.
And he said, I've never seen this in 20 plus years of filmmaking.
The whole show was done.
Executives came in and said, we're not doing this anti-New World Order stuff.
3.4 million dollar budget killed the entire program.
And I've seen that over and over again where the system does do this, but talking to your dad and other people in the production, they say that his personality, his gravitas, his research, you know, proving it.
You know, he told TruTV, you know, I'm going in to just find the truth.
I have an open mind.
He found the truth.
It's our perspective because we are telling the truth.
And it is the first national television show that actually comes from the reality perspective
And so how do you think this got on air?
The executives up there have the guts to say, you know, let's take a gamble on this and let's take a chance.
But there's an audience out there for this, which we've found that there is.
And also, I think, you know, we probably got in under the radar a little bit.
You know, Jesse hadn't really been on the public eye for a while, and I think we flipped it by him.
In terms of, you know, the media elite and the powers that be, I think we kind of flipped this one by him.
But, you know, the great thing about Hollywood and television and all of that is
As much as they will push an agenda, they still love money.
And TV, it's advertising dollars.
So, you know, like we say, the more people that watch the show, the more people that want it on the air and want this kind of information out there, you know, you've got to write in and tell them to pick this up for the second season.
Because they'll follow money before they'll follow... if greed comes first.
There is no doubt that if you put this on primetime CBS, ABC, NBC, or Fox, that this would be a number one show.
And I know there's been some discussion down the road.
I mean, we need to get another season on cable, but this needs to go to primetime television.
Now, I don't think the powers that be are going to let that happen.
Oh, who knows?
I mean, that primetime television is so locked into, you know, sitcoms that mean nothing and everything else, but, you know, and then, you know, murder investigation stories that aren't true.
You know, that's the great thing about being, you know, on true TV and working with them is, you know, we're dealing, like it says, we're not, you know, we're dealing with not reality, but actuality, you know, and it's been a great network to work for.
This is a real Perry Mason.
I mean, you guys go out into a real investigation.
Yeah, we're not, you know, we're not CSI out there pretending, you know, fake dead bodies.
These are real issues we're dealing with.
And, you know, real people we're interviewing.
You know, and that's what's so fun about the show is, you know, going in to play that meeting, you know, meeting a man who says he's a Manchurian candidate.
You know, I shook his hand, I talked to him, and I don't know if he's telling the truth or not, but I can tell you this is that he believes in what he's saying.
Well, we know those programs are real.
And we know he had the car wreck and suddenly remembered all of this, and that's exactly in the real cases how this has happened.
I mean, CIA officers like Olson died in these mind control programs.
I mean, this is declassified.
Oh yeah, yeah.
But to get out there and meet those people.
I hope.
I can't wait for another season because there's a lot of other stories out there that we weren't able to get this time around.
Like I say, get good ratings tonight and everything else and we'll have a lot of fun next year.
Tyrell, give people the address of the different websites that you run in association with the Conspiracy Theory Show.
Contact info, contact for TruTV, some of the places people can interface with you and send you information.
Yeah, they can, I mean, you can definitely send mail to TruTV, which is at 600 3rd Avenue, New York, New York 10016.
I check on the Conspiracy Theory of Jesse Ventura at Facebook.com, you know, go on there and then, you know, post things on there.
I definitely read all the talkback stuff in there.
You know, so go on to the TruTV website, right through there, and then, you know, just voice your opinion and be heard.
Okay, shifting gears.
I can't take friend requests from everybody though.
So if you're on Facebook, that's my private page.
Don't send me all the friend requests.
I know, it's a deluge.
Shifting gears, I have congressmen on, I have political analysts on every week, I have top reporters on, people that really understand politics, the political landscape.
The Republicans have no credibility, the Democrats have no credibility, no matter who we put into office.
Governments get bigger.
The wars get bigger.
Our freedoms get attacked.
The banks are looting us.
The Democrats and Republicans in all the major polls don't want the government takeover of health care.
They found out it's not free health care.
No such animal.
It's a boondoggle to the insurance companies.
Even Howard Dean, head of the Democratic Party, is saying that.
So people are really angry.
And every time I talk to political strategists, they see no one
Out there with the name recognition or who has the dark horse history and the populist backing to run for president except for Ron Paul and Jesse Ventura and some people say Ron Paul almost 75.
I don't
It just gets better and better like fine wine as he politically grows.
He's a real guy.
He keeps his word.
He doesn't want special interest.
He can't be bought off.
The media has demonized him for that.
He was against the war right when it first happened, when many others were for it and then later said they were against it.
He's been right on so many issues.
I disagree with him on a few, but everybody disagrees with each other.
Nobody agrees 100%.
But all these experts, and myself included, think
I know he wants to have his own life.
He said, Alex, when you get the age I am, that time becomes the most valuable thing, not money, not fame.
He said, I just want to do the right thing.
I'm torn between being politically involved with all the nastiness and having to be around all the crooks in Washington.
You know, if I do do it, I would purely do it if the people are ready and want a true revolution back to the Constitution.
You know, these are the private discussions we've had.
We've had some on air.
Can you tell us as much as you can about what your dad's really thinking, what he's doing?
He's gotta know that he's being looked at to run for president and that he's needed.
Tyrell Ventura.
You know, he does know that, and he does, you know, hear the people out there on those numerous websites and things, you know, asking, you know, Jesse, you're running 2012, and, you know, with Egypt, and that kind of thing.
You know, I can tell you this.
My father's a big believer in fate.
And if fate opens his door and says, you know, looks like it puts him in a position where he's going to run for president, he might.
But ultimately, I don't think that's on his mind right now.
He's not, he's not shown me anything behind closed doors that said that he's got his sights set on the presidency.
If anything, he wants to surf more and then continue to work on the television show.
But, you know, it's a strange, funny world we live in, and you never know what can happen.
But as of right now, no, he doesn't have any political ambitions right now, except for just waking people up and continuing to be a voice of independence and a voice of revolution.
Well that's what he's told me, and people always ask me to run for office, and the reason I've said I will probably never do it, is that I can be pure here.
Nobody's telling me what to say, I can do whatever I want, I can tell the truth, I can feel good when I go to bed at night, and politics itself is inherently corrupting, inherently is about compromise, and your dad knows he can write
He can do books, he can do TV and radio interviews, he can have a hit TV show telling the truth, trailblazing, and that he wants to be from the grassroots part of the revolution against tyranny with the people as a foot soldier, as a commando, as a Navy SEAL.
That's what he sees as that front line general out there, you know, on the front lines in the fight.
You know what it is, Alex, is that one of the greatest experiences he ever had in his life was teaching political science at Harvard.
You know, and they had him come out there for a semester at Harvard and was able to teach all these young kids about third-party politics and about 9-11 and about JFK and things like that.
And he was able to really, you know, kind of
Those are the people that are going to change the world.
And I think my dad's kind of getting to a point in his life now where he would rather inspire the person who is going to change the world rather than change the world.
He's taken it pretty far now.
He's gone from governor and everything else.
But I think as he gets up there, he wants to surf more.
He kind of wants to pass the reins on.
You know, hopefully, you know, there's someone out there who will have that charisma and will have that third-party know-how to, you know, take this country back for us.
But it starts with all of us.
It doesn't take one person.
You can't put your faith in just one person.
Tyrell, I want to hold you five minutes in the next hour, if you can, so we have two short segments to be able to take calls.
You can do that, can't you?
Okay, great.
We're going to come back and go to Noel, Mark, Rose, Ron, Tim, and others for Tyrell Ventura, specifically on the show, or Jesse Ventura, or on Tyrell.
But I just want to say this here as we go to break.
Studying the Founding Fathers.
They weren't perfect, they were men, but they had good hearts, and they were intelligent, and they truly wanted liberty.
George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, those are icons, those are my idols.
Really getting to know your dad and studying now in hindsight what he's done in his life and knowing that he doesn't want to be president.
He doesn't want the power.
He doesn't want to have the attention and be at all the big dinners.
He just wants freedom.
That's just like George Washington who, you know,
Turned in his command.
They wanted him to be king.
He said no.
And then they basically drafted him to run for president.
And all he wanted to do was get back to Mount Vernon.
He wanted to leave New York and go back to where Washington DC is today, his farm.
And so that's exactly why we need your dad to run for president.
Because I've genuinely looked into his eyes.
He doesn't want to do it because he doesn't want to be around all that corrupt slime.
And he just wants to be a common person.
But then he wants to run because he knows he wants to put real issues out.
Imagine all these scumbag politicians.
They would kill their children to be president.
And that's why we don't want them to be president.
Ron Paul doesn't want to run for president.
I've talked to him privately.
But he fights tirelessly because of duty.
Your dad doesn't want to be president, but he does want to stop the New World Order.
Yes, of course.
You couldn't have said it better.
He just wants to continue his fight and to open people's minds up and to get people thinking.
Thinking of third party.
Don't fall into the left or the right.
Be your own person.
Be an independent thinker.
Study the founding fathers.
Learn what they created here in this great, great country we have.
You know, and then don't let it fall into the hands of the ruthless and the corrupt.
Well, your dad really does, with all of his colorful history and all the great things he's done as a trailblazer, the fact that he doesn't want power, the fact that he just wants to be on a lonely seashore by himself reading books, that's why he needs to be president or somebody like Ron Paul, instead of Sarah Palin and the Democrats and the Republicans, all these painted trolleys and trumpets who want power.
That's the people we don't want in government.
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We're going to have her via video Skype link coming up at the 8 after in the next hour for the rest of the hour.
Member of the Icelandic Parliament fighting the banker takeover over there.
Very, very exciting.
We've got this segment and the next with Tyrell Ventura and I'm going to your calls.
But Tyrell, during the break you made a statement that was not conclusive but closer to conclusive.
So finish up that statement about your dad.
Well, essentially I'm going to say this, like, you know, you ask me if I'm going to run for president in 2012 and things like that, and I say, you know, right now I would say I'm probably 85% sure that he's not going to run for president.
However, you know, his life has been so dynamic and strange that, you know, you never can say never with him.
So, you know, who knows?
You know, he told me that we have the Conspiracy Theory Show on and we're getting great ratings.
I said, like, oh no way, they never put it on.
But they did.
He told me he was going to run for governor and when I said no way, but he did.
So you never know.
You never know with him.
But as of right now, it doesn't look like he's running.
But, you know, never say never.
There you go, ladies and gentlemen.
Jesse wants to ride off into the sunset with his TV show and tell the younger generation, take your country back.
But, he might still run for president.
Noel, in Ohio, you're on the air with Tyrell Ventura.
Alex, Tyrell, pleasure to talk to you.
A little nervous, sorry.
I've been reading the Grilling News Network's book, True Lies, and you're mentioned in it.
And I thought it would be a good idea for maybe a second season show to do a show on the depleted uranium that we're giving the troops as ammunition.
That is a great subject because the Army's own manuals admit it.
That's a fantastic subject.
I just saw a piece about that the other day that was devastating.
You know, what's happening over there from using those in weaponry and things like that.
Why are we?
You know, there's no reason for us to use depleted uranium in weapons.
Well, it's a toxic waste, just like fluoride's a toxic waste, so they put it in the water.
It's a toxic waste from spent fuel rods at nuke plants, so they put it into weaponry when the Army's own manuals in the 80s said, this will kill you deader than a hammer if you breathe it.
Now they say, oh no, it's good for you.
No, that's just typical.
It's the corporation trying to get rid of its toxic waste so they figure out we can sell it to the military.
They have good use for it.
And then they always wrap themselves in the flag, but they could really care less about these troops.
Oh, of course not.
They don't care, no.
It's sad when you see these young kids going over there, my generation and younger, going over to Iraq on their fourth, fifth, sixth tour now, if not eighth.
You know, being used completely as corporate pawns.
You know, it's terrible.
No, anything else?
Noel's gone.
Mark in Oregon, quickly, go ahead.
Morning, Alex and Tyrell.
I want to congratulate you both on your very successful expose of evil here.
And the dark side.
I'd like to make a quick comment and ask a question.
I think your dad, Tyrell, and Ron Paul,
Interchangeably on the ticket.
I don't know which would be vice president or president, but that would certainly gather in a lot of people between the independent type of voter as well as the Republican voter and perhaps quite a few Democrats.
Something to think about.
At any rate, I wanted to ask you Tyrell, do you have any knowledge of
Turner Broadcasting, Ted Turner's conglomerate, actually having ownership or a large interest in the TruTV network.
I don't have knowledge of that.
He doesn't have a controlling interest.
He's now out of the decision-making process in those companies.
Yeah, I think it's just called Turner Broadcasting just because that's the name of it.
Yeah, I mean, he's been out of the decision-making process for five, six years.
But it doesn't matter, it's globalist above... globalists still run it.
That's a big question.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
I have thought long and hard about why this show was allowed on air, how the show is from our perspective and proves the government's doing all this evil stuff.
Because that's what Ventura found.
And why is it on air?
They know they've got to mix a little bit of this in.
They can't just fully ignore it.
It's gotten too big.
Too many people know.
So they put it on TruTV.
And also, they know it's very popular, so they'll make money.
They think so little of you, it's just right out in the open.
But I think they've miscalculated.
It's also titrating the dose.
It's like people that are around cobras.
They take small amounts of the venom until they get immune to it.
And the elite are slowly, kind of like they've admitted world government now.
But I think they've miscalculated.
I mean, it's hurting them worse to ignore it all, because then people say, well, why are they hiding it?
I think they're just trying to put it right out in the open.
Tyrell, you think that's a good assessment?
Oh, I think it's that and also, yeah, I think that, you know, they kind of feel that, you know, we'll let them talk about this and have this little corner and, you know, they're never going to be a threat to us.
But yeah, the more people are talking about it, the more people are exposed to the truth, you know, that will get that ball rolling and take our liberty back, take our country back, you know, and stop programs like, you know, mentoring and Canada programs.
I'm going to try to... Absolutely.
I'm going to try to jam in some quick calls.
Quick question for Tyrell Ventura.
Rose in Montana, you're on the air.
Hi Alex and Tyrell, first time caller.
Alex, I want to thank you very much because without your tireless efforts, I don't think any of this would be possible.
And for the first time in three years since I became awake, I'm starting to feel hopeful.
Because, you know, you just keep pummeling, pummeling, pummeling.
We now are having victory.
Look at Copenhagen, setting up world government going down in flames.
We're having victory on every level.
I agree.
You know, like I said, the more people talking about it, the more, you know, programs like Alex is listening to, shows like are watched, and the more you get that piece of truth out there and let people hang on to it, you know, or at least just defend a different opinion.
And even if you don't believe anything that we're saying, at least just listen so you have different opinions in your life.
Momentum is shifting towards liberty.
Freedom is on the rise.
Tyranny's been rising for a long time.
Now liberty is rising.
Thank you very much for that, because without your tireless efforts and those who have followed you, this would not be possible.
Yesterday was the first day that I felt really hopeful when your program on what was going on with TARP and AIG and European media bursting loose on H1N1.
Okay, and I thank you so much, because I don't think true TV would be possible without your work.
That's right.
The head of the EU Health Council has said it was all a fraud, dangerous vaccine to make money.
Again, we've been purely vindicated.
Tyrell, so much is coming out now.
The government's being just absolutely discredited.
Oh yeah.
I mean, you can find the truth in every news article they put out illustrating their end or what they want you to believe.
You can find an alternate viewpoint.
And like I said, even if you don't believe every alternate viewpoint you come across, you have to leave yourself open.
It shouldn't just be a right or left debate.
You know, you can't just be spoon-fed your whole life.
It's okay to be a free thinker, even if you're proven wrong.
You can have a great theory or a great, you know, good book.
We've tracked down many conspiracies that ended up being dead ends or facts that ended up being untrue, so we had to move in a different direction.
But that's the nature of investigation, the nature of good public discourse, you know, is being able to have all sorts of viewpoints presented.
Well said, Tyrell Ventura.
Great job on the show.
And I want to be clear.
It's you, the audience.
It's you, the people, getting the word out at the grassroots that deserve all the credit for the awakening that's happening.
I'm only a small part of that.
Tyrell's a small part.
Ventura's a small part.
But all of us together is extremely powerful.
Tyrell, hope to see you in Minnesota or out in Los Angeles or come to Austin soon.
Hope the show gets picked up again so I can work with you some more.
We love what you're doing.
Tell your dad I said hi.
Surf's up!
Good girl.
Hello, this is Alex Jones with some important questions.
If you're going into a battle and they give you a rifle and a sidearm, how much ammunition do you want?
My answer would be all I can get.
In the battle for freedom and the lives of your loved ones, food is your only ammunition.
How much do you want?
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How much will you need?
We don't know.
How much do you want?
All you can get.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
She's a member of Iceland's parliament.
She's also the chairman of her party.
She's been involved in Friends of Tibet.
She's been involved all over the world fighting tyranny.
Her bio is lengthy.
Her name is Birgitta Jones-Dottir.
We're daughter of Jones, and we are very honored to have her joining us via video Skype from the capital of Iceland.
She is with us for the next 52 minutes, and we really appreciate her coming on in her busy schedule.
We'll give you the party's website and a lot more information.
Here is the London Guardian.
Britain's anti-terror laws being deployed for all sorts of ends, as Iceland has just discovered.
They declared the country basically terrorist, stole many of their bank accounts.
They want the country to pay private debts for derivatives to Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, Bank of England and others.
And the country, just like third world nations have been taken over, is being taken over by offshore banks.
The people are saying no.
Now the banks are backing off saying, well maybe we had assets we didn't tell you about and you don't owe that much.
It's all made up.
If they can win their fight there, it will send a domino effect throughout Eastern Europe, Asia, Latin America, the United States.
This debt is created through fraud.
We also have Bankstergate with Tim Geithner, open discussions of him being indicted for fraud, getting money for himself and others out of bailout money, and ordering the government to cover that up at AIG.
And so we'll get her take on BanksterGate as well.
But we are very honored to have Birgitta Jones-Dottir on with us.
Thank you so much for coming on.
Well, thanks for having me.
However, I have to correct one thing about the banks.
The bank that we are supposed to be covering was a privately run bank by Icelanders.
But it made the investments in the derivatives.
Yes, of course.
So we were basically conned.
The entire nation was conned.
And the thing is that the Brits and the Dutch, they want us to pay back with huge interest.
So they're actually making money off us, money that never reached Iceland.
And most Icelanders had never heard of these accounts before everything collapsed.
And they put the anti-terrorist law on us, almost like guinea pigs, because they had not tried to use that particular Terror Act law.
And instead of putting it on the bank in the beginning, which was privately owned, they put it on Iceland.
And actually, during our incredible system, almost entire system collapse, when all the big banks collapsed, they decided to put the Terrorist Act on us, so we were very close to not having food in Iceland.
Now, start at the beginning, for people that don't understand what's happening and why this is so important globally, with what happened in Iceland, the chain of events, and now the incredible fight you and others are leading against the banking cartel, literally turning your country into a vassal state through economic fraudulent conquest.
Well, it all happened a few years ago.
All the big banks were actually government-owned, or the people owned them.
And we had a conservative party run Iceland for 18 years, and during that period they basically privatized everything the people owned, including the banks, a few years ago.
And they sold the banks relatively cheaply to friends and allies.
Now, today,
In Iceland, there's been, what, almost a year of protest and people taking over government buildings and saying no.
And a key vote is coming up by the people of Iceland on whether or not you're going to capitulate to this fraud.
Can you walk us through that?
Just around the time when, you know, the banking system collapsed, protests started.
People were actually quite shocked because they had been conned.
And we wanted to get the government out of office.
Which is impossible by legislation.
So we had the soft revolution driving the government away.
And then when we got a new government, which apparently is just like the old one, unfortunately, with all their secrecy and bowing to the IMF.
Which, you know, I really think that we need to get a plan B to get rid of.
There's been an ongoing protest and it's growing bigger and bigger again because people are very unhappy with the way the new government is handling things even though it is the first left-wing government in the history of Iceland.
Because you can't run left-wing politics with the IMF controlling the national budget.
And we've been, you know, in the Parliament.
I just got fresh into Parliament.
You know, I'm not really a politician by heart.
And our movement, we were created out of all the different grassroots that popped up after the collapse.
And we got, just in eight weeks, more than 7% of the vote.
And we didn't have any money, no big money people behind us.
Just a relentless effort of ordinary people who wanted to build a bridge between Parliament and the people.
So, you know, when we got into Parliament the Iceland dilemma landed in our lap.
And we found out that they wanted to pass this huge burden on the nation without even the parliamentarians seeing the contract between Iceland and the Dutch and the British government.
So the fight started there and fortunately the contract was leaked and that has been a great blessing for us that so much of the material they wanted to hide from us and the nation has been leaked on sites like Wikileaks and into the media in Iceland.
However, we passed, we managed to change the contract this summer, which was actually totally unique and a new way also for other nations that are suffering from, you know, spending all their national budget, all their GDP on dispaying interest of foreign debt.
So in the
The changes on the bill we managed to put in that we would never pay more than we could handle.
And of course the British and the Dutch did not like that and they demanded that we would actually change Icelandic law in order for them to accept it.
And our government decided to listen to them.
Unbelievable that they pushed another bill through with
There was a question if they would actually manage to get majority vote or not.
And when they passed it during that time, which was by force, the nation got up to its feet and 23% of the nation signed the petition asking the President of Iceland, who is the last person to sign all law, to not sign this law and let the nation vote on it.
So this is the first time in Icelandic history since we voted on becoming a sovereign state when we got out of the Danish colonialism in 1944.
So it's truly historical and I really hope that we will have the courage to vote no to this out of courage but not, yes, out of fear.
Because of course there is a great spin and that is why it is so important for the Icelandic people to feel the support of the people of the world who are fed up with bailing out the bankers.
We're talking to Birgitta Jones-Dottir, a member of the Icelandic Parliament.
She is also the chairman of her new party that is rising to power there, as people see that they're actually standing up for the population, against fraud, the population.
Has been on the edge of near revolt.
We've played those videos here of people taking over banks, government buildings, you know, mainline, families, middle class, wealthy people, working class, because literally the country was imploded by design.
Food wasn't even coming in.
They export and import in a lot of their food.
Just just absolutely hellish.
So I want to go over the fact that some news reports have said five times your GDP that the bank went into with derivative scams.
Some have said 10 times GDP.
You're saying five times GDP.
And I mean the actual bondage, the financial enslavement to these people and that they were doing it all in secret, just like our banker takeover in October of 2008 was done in secret.
And everything else is done in secret by these banks that form the shadow government.
So can you speak to
Well, what the previous government managed to do was to create a law that allowed the banks to maintain complete secrecy of, like, you know, their
Their loan books and so forth.
Even if now all the banks, especially the bank that controls the iSave accounts, is now, you know, taken over by the government, we, the parliamentarians can't, and not even the Minister of Finance has seen what is supposed to be the bond or the assets that are supposed to cover iSave.
And I've asked for it from day one since last summer, officially and unofficially, and they've just stayed within the state, the liquidity committees.
However, I think people are awakening to the fact they're starting to demand more, which they didn't.
And I think one of the good things about this difficult situation
Which means, you know, there's a lot of people moving away from Iceland.
There's a wave of... There's a huge brain drain already happening.
And we used to be the fifth richest nation in the world.
And now we're ranked among the fourth most likely nation to go bankrupt, to go into debt moratorium.
And, you know, we had very little poverty here and there was a very little gap between the rich and the poor.
However, that all changed with the new billionaires that basically got everything given on a silver platter and are now responsible for the reason why we're here, but their assets have not been frozen yet.
Birgitta, stay there.
We're going to come right back to you after this break.
But this is the story.
This is what the IMF, the World Bank, does in countries all over the world.
They're done destroying the third world.
They're now moving in to loot the first world, one of the most wealthy nations on earth, overnight becoming poor.
And they're saying, no, this debt is a fraud.
This is a scam.
You bankers ran off with the money.
We don't owe you more money.
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Birgitta Jones-Dottir, member of the Icelandic Parliament, leading the charge against the banker takeover.
Americans are losing their jobs or having their pay cut, their savings are being destroyed.
We're going through the same process as Main Street dies, as everything is fed into the big banks.
But they tell Americans, oh, we've got a great economy.
So we're in the same boat as Iceland.
Going back to our guest, Birgitta, looking at this and the fraud they're engaged in, go over the con for people, the type of fraud these banks are engaged in, and then tie that in with the spin they're putting out to counter you and other Icelanders that are refusing to become slaves.
Well, I guess the con started
Relatively sneakily, you know, because they were sort of passing loans between the banks with nothing really behind it.
They were making all these fancy bundles and stuff like that.
And I honestly don't have the English terms for it.
But then in the end, when they were truly becoming desperate for cash, they started to call on elderly people and immigrants, asking them to move their savings to high-risk accounts, saying that there were no risk accounts.
And telling them that, you know, even though it had better interest, it would be still
Completely safe for them to save the money there.
And then they basically rinsed out all that money into God knows what.
Probably it's all resting in Tortola Islands or something like that.
The spin that's happening right now with the Icelandic government and the media, it's almost shocking.
It feels like they are
You know, somehow working with the Dutch and the British in order to make us submit to their fear-mongering because one of the mantras they had in Parliament when they were forcing this bill through was that Iceland would become completely isolated.
We would become Cuba of the North
So finance?
Financial terrorism.
We had the same thing here in October of 2008.
They said, you will have martial law, you will have a collapsed economy, give us unlimited power, and then now there's talk of criminal charges against Geithner and others.
I mean, they're committing crimes.
It's the same people that robbed us, robbed you.
Why not have the people of Iceland swear out warrants and arrest these bankers that engaged in fraud?
That will end their propaganda immediately when the people openly see them in irons.
Yeah, that's what everybody's waiting for.
There is actually, I'm on a committee that has just been founded to go through the, there is a truth commission report coming out early next month.
And everybody's waiting in anticipation about what is going to be in that report.
I hope that both politicians who were sleeping or openly engaged in this scam
And allowing all the institutions to be laid down or thwarted with new legislation.
And the criminals that stole the money and actually the guys that owned Lunchbunky, the iSave host, have been openly, you know, associated with the Russian mafia.
So we're dealing with very big elements here and that is why I think that
The people in Iceland need more than anything to feel that we're not alone in the world.
That the people of the world, more than anything, are behind us.
And I'm starting an international petition where the only thing people need to do is just to say that they support us in this quest for freedom from this tyranny and blackmail.
And they've also been using the EU because what the new government did was to apply for membership of the European Union.
Despite the fact that the majority of the nation is not willing to join it.
And one, people have to bear in mind that even though we're very few, there are 320,000 people living on the island.
The island is the same size as Kentucky.
We have incredible resources.
And we are located very strategically for warfare.
That's why we had an American base here for, you know, since the Second World War until recently.
And since the Cold War stopped, then we became redundant as a location to the great joy of many.
But however, the north pathway for ships to travel from Asia to this part of the world in a much shorter and quicker way is opening.
All right, stay there.
Stay there.
Member of Parliament from Iceland leading the fight against the bankers.
A bellwether test case.
They're set to vote very soon on whether they're going to let the bankers continue their raping.
The bankers are now cornered in the London Guardian reports.
They're now saying, oh, guess what?
You don't owe as much money as we said.
The bank has all these assets.
We're going to talk about that when we come back.
Iceland is standing up.
We're on the march.
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Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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And I want to open the phones up for our guest specifically on BankerGate if you specifically have questions for our guest.
On what's happening in Iceland, what's happening in Europe, what's happening here in the U.S., on how they stood up to the bankers, how they're starting to defeat them.
The toll-free number to join us today on this Wednesday, the 13th day of January 2010, is 1-800-259-9231, 800-259-9231.
And joining us via video Skype from the capital of Iceland is the Member of Parliament and the Chairman of her party,
That is really getting more and more seats and more popularity as the people stand up and find their legs against the bankers.
Birgitta Jones-Dottier, again, is our guest.
As we went to break, I was asking the question,
For people that just joined us, now that it looks like Iceland's gonna vote against paying this fraudulent debt to the bankers that have already robbed you, they just want more now, now they go, oh, suddenly we found all these assets in the bank, looks like you don't owe us, even though it's fraudulent, owe us as much as we thought, so now they're backing off, going, okay, we won't destroy you, we won't embargo you, we won't put blockades up, we won't destroy your nation after we already robbed it, if you just pay us a third of what we wanted.
So again, we're showing that these guys are paper tigers, straw men, if you'll just stand up and fight them.
And leading that fight, we are so honored to have you, and we salute you because we're all in this fight together.
Please continue.
Okay, I just want to clarify one thing, that the people that are really leading this fight are the people of Iceland.
Yeah, but I mean, you come up in all the major newspapers around the world, and of anybody, you really are the figurehead, and a quite well-spoken one as well.
So, I mean, it's your face there on the front of the ship.
Well, in some aspects, but however, it's been a lot of people working on this and so I don't want to take all the credit for it.
One thing that we should also bear in mind when it comes to the Icelandic Saga, the Ice Age Saga and the entire collapse, is that I actually met with John Perkins last year, just before I got elected into Parliament, and I asked him, you know, what should we do to get rid of the IMF?
And he told me that the most important thing we could do, and I think the same applies to you in the States and all over the world, is that you are the creator of your reality.
And if you want changes, you are going to have to do something.
And, you know, obviously we were hit by an economic hitman.
I don't know who it is or if there were many, but it is blatantly obvious.
And it was very interesting how Iceland, when we were actually doing really well, they decided to go into the biggest construction, constructing a huge dam.
In order to give Alcoa dirt cheap energy that nobody knows the price of.
And that's one of the battles, is just to find out how cheap they're getting the energy.
And the policy of the government that was previously, and the government that was previous to that, was basically to sell Iceland's energy
They're cheap.
They were basically pimping Iceland.
If you were reading, if you would read some of the proposals on getting all the aluminum smelters into Iceland, which is by the way one of the last pristine nature in Europe, you would be shocked.
So there are many aspects to this saga and we're just in the beginning of understanding
How deep it goes and it will be very interesting to see who are the corrupt people and if the nation has the guts to have them punished in one way or another for how they have sold out our country.
And the interesting thing as well is that when the British decided to use the Terrorist Act on Iceland, very similar to how the Chinese took over Tibet, the Tibetans didn't have any army, they had a few people with guns that were hunters, Icelanders don't have any army or military and our cops don't even carry guns.
So, you know, it's probably the least threatening nation in the world to being passed on side by side to Al-Qaeda and Zimbabwe and North Korea.
So, but the thing, the lesson to be learned for the rest of the people in the world is that we are the first one to be hit.
You could be next.
The establishment is now moving on to gobbling up First World nations.
They're doing the same process here.
So this key vote coming up, I mean, is Iceland going to be able to not just stop the bankers from robbing you, but actually arrest some of these criminals or at least put arrest warrants out for them and signify that they are the criminals, they are the bad guys?
I mean, that will destroy them in the PR war if they're rightfully indicted for fraud.
Yeah, like some of them actually still owe the media, the main media, and they're still allowed to own it.
It's unbelievable.
But I think that we will have another, I mean, there is a huge wave of anger brewing again among the nation.
And if the president would not have allowed us to give us this responsibility of voting on this particular bill,
There would have been another revolution and this time I fear it would have been more violent.
The other one was relatively soft.
But if the bankers and the people that are responsible for where we are at now are not going to get punished and put into jail or, you know, I would like to see them expelled from Iceland forever and ever, then we will have another revolution on our hands.
Well, I mean, what do you call people in thousands of demonstrations, hundreds, every day, taking over government buildings, protesting in the streets, saying no, no, no?
I've seen polls in Iceland where the vast majority are upset and saying they're not going to be part of it.
Can you give us some of those numbers?
Well, when we started protesting, you know, I come from that sort of grassroots level where I've organized protests and been part of protests for a long time in Iceland.
We were just a handful of us in the beginning.
There were actually more foreign media than us.
However, it gradually grew into thousands of people.
And because the numbers you would get in the Icelandic media would be always according to what the police estimated, because the media couldn't bother to go and count it, we only got accurate numbers when the foreign media came and counted the protesters, and it was thousands and thousands of people in some of the big protests.
And then when we had the soft revolution that in the end drove the government away, I don't know, there were people protesting day and night and it was in the middle of winter here, it was really cold.
I had a friend that got pneumonia from standing outside and they were doing this
Uh, they, you know, they got all these drummers and all these people that were banging on pots and pans and were sort of similar to the revolution in Argentina.
The Pots and Pans revolution and that is what it was called in Iceland.
It was extremely noisy and it was driving the people in the Parliament crazy.
So maybe it was the noise that got them to resign, I don't know.
But it was getting quite violent.
There was a huge Christmas tree outside Parliament that the Norwegians always give us every Christmas.
And they took that and burned it down.
This sort of protest has not been happening in Iceland since we joined NATO.
Yeah, when the people started burning stuff down, the government started backing off.
Yes, absolutely.
And also the police was attacked, and they actually didn't have enough mace.
They were running out of mace, so they started to use tear gas.
And the moral is, when people actually finally get mad and take action, nothing, no amount of SWAT teams, no amount of garbage can stop them.
And people always forget, in revolution, the power of fire.
And I'm not saying that's something that needs to go on here, but I mean, look,
A true revolutionary force cannot be stopped when it's got right on its side.
And so now they're backing off.
Also, people took over some buildings too, didn't they?
Well, they did not take over the Parliament or anything like that.
They did get into the National Treasury, but they didn't take it over.
They were just inside?
Yes, they were just inside.
I guess the media spun it and called it a takeover, just like for months they wouldn't even show your protest, or they'd show the corner of a small group and say, these five people are out here, and then if they would have panned the camera, which YouTube showed, tens of thousands, that's how they minimized that.
We've had events here in Austin with two, three thousand people.
The news will come shoot the back of the crowd or a corner and only show five or six people.
Yeah, that's so typical and I've actually, you know, been following what's going on in the States and seeing that, you know, the news that are not really broadcasted in the main media and
It's an entirely different situation.
I mean, there are pretty grim things happening in the states right now.
Exactly, and they're trying to make the opposition right-wing, controlled by Glenn Beck and the Republicans, so that they can get back into power and continue the fraud, just like Obama continued the fraud.
But the truth is, the Tea Parties are really libertarian and grassroots.
Yeah, I've been actually following them because we're also working on this level that we think left and right is redundant and that what we really need to focus on are the issues and our causes.
And our movement, for example, does not define itself as left or right.
Our main objective is to bring more power to the people or the power that they rightfully own back to them.
So what's gonna happen?
What's gonna happen?
I mean, I know you can't tell the future, but right now, the banks are starting to back off and saying, okay, you don't owe us as much money.
I mean, they should go to jail, much less not...
Well, I think it's not really in the hands of the banks anymore.
It is in the hands of the British and the Dutch and the Icelandic governments.
And that is the big problem.
It is being driven through the financial ministries of these countries instead of taking it as what it is.
It is a foreign affairs issue.
Well, why can't your parliament march in and take over the Treasury?
There's nothing in the Treasury.
No, but I'm saying not let... I mean you're saying the bureaucracy is still making the decisions, but you're the boss.
You're the people's representative.
I mean...
Well, the thing is, you know, the petition and the fact that we get to vote on it, I really hope that they will not take that away from us.
They can take the voting from us by pulling back the bill.
But I really think it is extremely important that we have this national referendum because it will set an example for that the people can again call for national referendum if a certain percentage of the nation calls for it.
And that's coming up soon?
Yes, it's set for around 27th of February.
So we'll see what happens in the meantime.
I'm part of, since I'm acting chairman right now for the movement, I get to go to all the heads of state meetings and so forth.
And we're trying to form a sort of a joint approach to this, which I think is very important that the politicians who are supposed to be representing the nation come out with a strong message.
That we, you know, are not going to take this as it is today.
Because I feel it is, more than anything, a blackmail.
And especially, you know, because the British and the Dutch have also been saying that if we don't do what they say, our application to the EU is not going to happen.
But why would you want to be part of the EU and go under all their taxes and control?
Well, I don't want to do it, especially because I'm in the committee that deals with the application and I've seen what sort of thing the European Union is.
Oh, tell us what the European Union, as a Member of Parliament, seeing the application.
Tell folks what it does.
I mean, that's like saying, give us all your power or we won't beat you in the head with a hammer.
Don't you want to be beaten in the head with a hammer?
We're going to take away you being beaten in the head with a hammer if you don't do what we say.
You know, I mean, it's ridiculous.
It's like if you don't do what we say, we're not going to make you eat 20 pounds of rotten meat.
Well, it's a very strange organization, which is probably the heaven of bureaucrats.
The heaven of bureaucrats, yes!
But the Social Democrats, who are the biggest party now, it's been their dream for a long time to join the European Union, so they put in the application.
And they had sold the nation.
That was another con.
They sold the nation that, oh, in order for us to see, you know, what the European Union has to offer to us, we have to apply.
But they did not tell us that it actually is an integrational process.
And in the meanwhile, you know, while we're really suffering from this financial collapse, we're spending so much money on this particular application, whereas you could get all the information about the deal without applying.
Amazing, absolutely.
I mean, the EU is completely undemocratic.
The bureaucrats will take you over.
If you started saying you agreed with them, and if you voted for it, you'd suddenly have some $500,000, $300,000 lavish job in Brussels.
They're exempt from most of the taxes they levy on the countries.
I mean, that's the mark of corruption, is when the government is exempt from the laws the people are under.
I totally agree.
I don't think, you know, in any way if, you know, I were for the EU, this is not the right time to go and apply for membership because, you know, we're on our knees and that is not a good space to negotiate at all for a good deal.
But if the banks still take over and loot you guys, the public's gonna rise up again.
Certainly your populations learn the lesson that standing up's the answer.
Absolutely, and I really, really hope that by, you know, if we can get support from people from around the world who are fed up with the same sort of, you know, responsibilities they're given by the bankers, but basically, you know, they're basically erasing the middle class.
That's what they're doing.
Every time you get a house, you own a house, or you have savings, they suck it up when their bubbles burst.
So we need to do this together.
We do.
We're doing it together.
Final segment coming up.
We may twist your arm, do five more minutes after that so we can take calls.
Scott, Fred, Alex, Rick, stay there.
You'll get to talk to the member of Iceland's parliament straight ahead.
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Yeah, sometimes Satan comes as a man of peace!
That's what the bankers are!
Birgitta Jones-Dottier, chairman of her party in Iceland, member of parliament.
She's with us for another five minutes in the next hour.
Then we are joined by Katherine Austin-Fitz.
You do not want to miss that on BankerGate.
This is the big issue that affects everybody.
And she was Assistant Secretary of Housing and Federal Housing Commissioner in the first Bush administration.
Always powerful interview.
That's coming up.
But right now, let's go to your phone calls for our guests.
Scott, you're on the air from Texas with our guests.
Go ahead, Scott.
Hi, Birgitte.
Back during the banking crisis when it hit the news here,
Ron Paul was interviewed and asked his opinion of what we should do.
And of course he said, let the banks fail.
And then they asked Dr. Paul, well, what does Congress think we should do?
And Dr. Paul said, Congress doesn't have a clue.
Do you have the same frustration in Iceland that, would you say, is the same level that Dr. Paul has here of the ignorance, just plain old ignorance, that exists in the body of lawmakers?
Thank you for this question.
I think it's actually been quite shocking to see the level of ignorance and lack of being able to see the whole picture.
And I remember I went to Parliament when they passed the emergency law.
I was just
And then the expert bankers from the Treasury prance in and use a bunch of fancy language and tell them what to do.
It's time to arrest these people!
One good thing about this entire economical collapse in Iceland, I don't know how it is in the States, is that people have actually educated themselves a lot about what real economy is.
Yes, it is waking people up.
That's been the good byproduct.
So I have a tendency to try to look into, you know, what can we learn from it and are there any positive elements in the particular situation?
And I think there is a lot of good positive elements in this.
For me it is a dream come true to see the Atlantic wake up to realize that they can actually be the change makers in their own world.
Yes, real change, not fake Obama change.
Thank you, Scott.
Good question.
Fred in Ohio.
Your question to the lawmaker from Iceland.
Yes, my question to your guest, Alex, is how can we, the American people, support your fight in
I saw in your fight for sovereignty and what supplies might be needed.
Well I'd say this, email their media, letters to the editor, call people you know in Iceland, spread the news, the articles that our guest Jones Dotier writes.
What else can they do to support your fight against the New World Order?
We're setting up a site that is going to be up in about a week called... I'm just reading out the site address.
It's not ready yet.
There's going to be probably something on it tomorrow.
It's SaveThePeopleOfIceland.com.
And I think more than anything the Icelandic people need to feel that they are supported by you guys who are listening to this and who have been reading my... Yes, SaveThePeopleOfIceland.com.
What great questions.
Anything else, Fred?
No, that's it.
Thank you.
We're going to come back and talk to Alex and Rick and a few others.
One-minute break.
Final five minutes with Birgitta Jones-Dottir.
I'm Alex Jones.
Worldwide, the people rising against the International Banking Crime Syndicate.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Here we are, already into hour number four.
Catherine Austin Fitts coming up at T-minus seven minutes.
Let's go right back to the calls for our guest, member of Iceland's parliament.
It's real leadership, the chairman of her party, against the banker takeover.
They got a good chance of beating them.
The bankers are already starting to fold and saying, okay, you don't have to be total slaves.
We'll let you keep a couple of Icelandic dollars.
Let's go to Alex in Georgia.
You're on the air with our guest Birgitta Jones-Dottir.
Go ahead.
Hey, Birgitta, I had a question that might be a little redundant from the last caller, but you mentioned something about an international online petition.
Is that still in the works, or is that something that could be at the website?
Yes, I'm actually putting it together, and I haven't had time to finish it off today, but it is going to be on this website, SaveThePeopleOfIceland.com.
And I guess the only thing that we're asking is that people just put their name there, that they support us in this battle.
Well, Iceland is the very front line of the bankers trying to rape and rob the first world.
We've got to stop them there, and we've got a good chance.
Anything else, Alex?
That said, just wondering where I can help out and support the cause.
Thank you for caring.
Birgitta, what else can we do to help Iceland?
Just spread the word and if you find any, if you happen to stumble across any information that might help us get the IMF out of Iceland, use services like Wikileaks because we feel that this is
A much bigger problem than just Iceland's problem.
You know, like they said, experts in the European...
Law has said that it is actually a question if we have any legal responsibility in it.
It is a big legal question.
So, you know... You don't!
You have bankers that engaged in fraud.
The instruments sold to them by Goldman Sachs and others in the Bank of England are fraud.
They're using anti-terror laws to try to grab people's accounts.
They're threatening embargoes against your nation.
This is terrorism.
This is blackmail that must be defeated.
We can't let them devour your nation.
Absolutely true.
And like I said, this might just be the beginning.
We might be the first first world country to suffer from this sort of attack.
Well, we see Greece saying no.
We see other nations saying no.
We identify these frauds for what they are and let the banks fail.
The people don't owe this debt.
Thank you so much, Alex.
Rick in California, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yeah, thanks Alex for taking the call.
Real quick, I see a lot on the media, I watch a lot, I listen to you guys, I listen to a lot of other news sources.
The key thing I just was curious about is that you have a lot of these people now that are pushing for credit unions as like the new way to kind of help the economy or help feed the banks in some way, shape, or form of putting a run on the major banks.
But isn't that kind of like the tail wagging the dog type scenario?
Well, whatever you can do to decentralize, to get out of the big banks, to support local, it's all part of a process of learning and awakening to these parasites.
Yeah, I totally agree.
Actually, one of the first things that I did during the collapse of the banks was to see if there were any banks in Iceland that had not been, you know, over-investing or, you know, part of this big scam.
And there were actually two
The only way to change anything is to change your own ways.
Absolutely, and I'm trying to do that as well.
We have an operation that's international, so we do have some money in several big banks, but we're trying to move it into smaller banks, but that's a great idea.
Thank you so much, Rick.
I wish we could go to Randy and others, but we can't.
We could talk to Catherine Austin Fitz coming up, if you'd like.
Birgitta Jones-Dottir, member of the Icelandic Parliament.
We'll certainly have you back up as things unfold in this key battleground sector that you're in.
And we thank God that great people like yourself have been risen up to the fore in this key juncture in human society.
So we appreciate your fight for liberty and justice and the truth.
And we are with the people of Iceland against this tyranny.
God bless you.
God bless you.
Thank you.
We'll talk to you again soon.
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Who am I?
Someone who cares.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Solari.com is her website.
Our websites are InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
She's Katherine Austin Fitz.
I was talking to Birgitta Jones-Dottier, leading the charge to beat the banks in Iceland, not tooting my horn, an example of what you, the activists, have done.
A few months ago, she got a copy of The Obama Deception, and she already knew a lot, but that helped, you know, give her even more info.
And so another example of how The Obama Deception, Follow the Republic, the type of effect these films are having all over the world.
Every few days, I get newspapers calling up saying, these films have been seen tens of millions of times for free online.
How much money are you making on those free views?
And I say, nothing!
I don't want money.
I want freedom.
I see every person we wake up like a diamond in my hand.
I'm into defeating tyranny.
I mean, again, it's a hierarchy of needs.
I own stuff, but stuff doesn't own me.
I'm into truth and justice and liberty.
I know that's not corny.
I know that's real.
I want my children to live in a free society.
My son and my daughters.
I want my grandchildren, who aren't even born yet, to live in a free society.
They won't even be able to have children under the one-child policy if the globalists are successful.
Now, Catherine Austen Fitch has an amazing bio.
She has managed more than $25 billion of transactions and invested today in his letter portfolio strategy for $300 billion of financial assets and liabilities.
She was also the number two person at the Department of Housing, Assistant Secretary of Housing.
The commissioner of the first Bush administration and it just goes on and on and on the things that she's done again Assistant Secretary of Housing Federal Housing Commissioner in the first Bush administration of President Hamilton Securities Group Washington DC Investment Bank super high-powered lady in the system coming out and exposing it and she's talked about the crimes committed by Geithner and other people and you have Geithner at the New York Fed that runs policy for the Fed you have
Paulson at the time at Treasury, the former head of Goldman Sachs, Geithner formerly of Goldman Sachs, giving themselves a hundred cents on the dollar for made-up derivatives they made that the public had no, you know, contractual agreement to pay for to them.
You have them also ordering AIG to make it secret.
And now that's continued on, and that clearly, according to Judge Napolitano and many others, is a federal crime.
But somebody who really understands this is Katherine Austin Fitts, so we're going to talk about Bankstergate or Bankergate.
I don't want to call it just Timmy Geithnergate.
Tiny Timgate, because he's just one of these people.
It goes to Larry Summers, it goes to Robert Rubin, it goes to Ben Bernanke, it goes to everybody that got rid of the Glass-Steagall Act.
So joining us is a true bonafide expert in all of this, Katherine Austin-Fitz.
Great to have you on with us.
Alex, it's always a privilege and a pleasure.
You know what I would love to tell everybody about is how important this Geithner story is.
You know, it kind of seems like a big sort of inside baseball squabble, but I really want everyone to understand what's at the heart of this.
Now, I want to use a metaphor.
Let's pretend you have a neighbor.
I don't know.
For zero percent, and then you have to, you know, use your savings or borrow your money or take another loan on your house.
Well, it doesn't take long to figure that he's going to, you know, if this keeps going on, he's going to be able to buy up everything in town, right?
And that's what this is about, is we've got two classes of players.
We've got a Federal Reserve Bank that's saying, we reserve the right to provide low-cost, if not free, cost of capital, and even now gifts.
You know, so instead of him borrowing money at 1%, they just give him the money so he can buy, you know, all the houses up in the neighborhood.
And what we're talking is a backdoor financial mechanism that allows a small group of people to basically buy up and take control of everything because they have, you know, low cost to free money, whereas everybody else has to pay, you know,
I think so.
We're good to go.
But the people who are the best dirty players, then, you know, for a financial person, this can go no place good.
It can never work, because instead of allocating capital based to, you know, who's productive, we're allocating capital to who's the best dirty player with the most inside pull.
You know, it's kind of devolved into, you know, the schoolyard in Lord of the Rings or something.
You know, in Animal Farm.
This is the financial version of Animal Farm, and that's what this is about.
Because we've seen, you know, since the beginning of the Republic, until two years ago, in all the wars, Alex, in all the programs, in all the government waste, in all the government spending, we've built up $12 trillion of debt.
And then, in a year and a half,
This administration has lent or given as a gift $12 trillion to Wall Street and the financial firms.
And that is, can you imagine, that is an amount equivalent to all the money we've ever borrowed since the beginning of the republic.
It's incredible.
It's a financial coup d'etat.
And that's what it's about, and the power of this thing is, are we going to create a level playing field, or are we not?
Because if we're going to rig, if we've got a Secretary of the Treasury who's going to rig the game, you know, in visible, secretive ways, and one of the magical things here is, and I've got to give him a lot of credit, is Bloomberg has brought a lawsuit, they won in the first round in August, for Freedom of Information Act against the Federal Reserve.
Um, brought a lawsuit and won in the first round in August, and the Fed has now appealed.
It's in the Court of Appeals, and the Fed is saying, we need the ability to lend an insider group of firms $2 trillion, which is part of the $12 trillion, and not tell you who got it and on what terms.
And we don't have to provide that under freedom of information law.
It's just, it's an arrogance which takes your breath away.
And they're setting the precedent to do even more in the future.
And you talk about a rigged game where they get the free money and now it's just given to them.
They then use that money as weapons to buy off states, buy media, buy infrastructure, blow out third world countries, now blow out first world nations.
And they have their people in both parties, as you know, in all the major regulatory positions
And I think that's why they're so arrogant now, is they're going for broke.
The big question is, and I want to get into how we can push to get Geithner indicted or a special prosecutor or something like that, but the big question is, where are they headed if we don't stop them?
Because they have the incentive to shut off money to Main Street so it's destitute, so they can come in and buy it up for pennies on the dollar.
Right, and that's what they're doing.
I mean, the reports now, if you look at the commercial real estate market, we haven't begun to see all the falls in the commercial real estate market.
Um, you know, they're talking about buying things at 50% or less of, you know, the market height.
And this is what I saw as Assistant Secretary of Housing.
I came in as Assistant Secretary of Housing in 1989, and at the time FHA was the largest property owner because of our foreclosures.
And then the RTC got created to handle the dispositions of the S&L.
And we started to auction off.
My secretary was on the board of the RTC, and so I was involved.
And we were taking in massive amounts of property, and the fraud, Alex, was off the charts.
You know, you'd get a portfolio that says, there are 10 mortgages on this block in Detroit, and you'd go there, and there were no houses there.
So the fraud was off the charts.
But what happened is, when the first bids came in, no one knew if the bids would work.
And I looked at the first three bids and I said, oh my God, the people buying this are buying at 10 cents on the dollar what their syndicate sold two years ago for, you know, 200% of market value.
So it was a pump and dump.
And they were going to make, you know, they were going to triple, quadruple the money they'd made selling out at the high.
So this is a scam.
And I think part of what may be different this time is you now have something you didn't have in 1989.
You know, we didn't have the internet.
We didn't have, you know, Alex Jones.
We didn't have all these different ways of communicating and seeing how monstrous the game was.
And the fraud is much bigger.
Oh, the fraud is so much bigger because they played the game.
You know, the black budget game happened in the real estate market, in the mortgage market in the 80s, but it didn't happen in the securities market.
And the other thing that didn't happen, Alex, was we didn't have what's called the Plunge Protection Team.
If you look at the market manipulation done by Treasury and the Fed as a matter of policy, we didn't have that.
You know, a firm like Goldman Sachs or the firms involved in this squabble now with Geithner, you know, they didn't begin to have the opportunities to trade on inside information that now exists.
You know, you've read the stories of front-running or naked short-selling.
You know, all these things have been documented, and I think, you know, when I first, I live in Hickory Valley, Tennessee, and when I first moved here in 1999, saying, that's it, I want out of Washington and Wall Street, they've gone nuts.
People here could not fathom the extent of the corruption, but what I see happening, which is so exciting, your story about the Obama deception is a great example, is people are beginning to realize, you know, this thing is not an adult
You know, we're not watching a group of adults.
We're watching a group of people who've been getting away with it for so long that they are no longer connected to reality.
And the rest of us are seeing, you know, if a bunch of psychopaths can finance at 0%, and you and I are subject to not only the constraints of the market, but the regulations and costs they load and pile onto us, then there's no way out.
It's a little bit, Curtis Mayfield had a great song called New World Order Reset.
He said there's one way in and no way out.
And that's what Geithner is giving us financially.
He's giving us a financial... And they're hoping NORTHCOM can protect them from us.
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Is it finishing off this agenda?
They'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
I have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
Fall of the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation.
The criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty and on its ashes constructing world government.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
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Obviously, ladies and gentlemen, they're trying to ram through government health care.
The Democrats have now actually read it and discovered it's another bailout, another scam to the insurance companies owned by the banks.
I want to get Catherine Austin Fitts' take on that.
Also, they're now reporting hundreds of thousands dead in Haiti from the earthquake.
Hundreds of thousands dead.
I mean, they're talking about all Americans being naked body scanned and recorded, all courthouses having naked body scanners.
They're going in all over the country.
I found out two years ago, a year and a half ago, Denver already had it.
I'm kind of all over the map here.
It's just crazy.
Earthquakes kill hundreds of thousands, but we've all got to go through naked body scanners because somebody might blow an airplane up.
Oh, men and women are fighting in France.
150 plus people kill each other a year.
Ban arguing or ban marriage outright.
That's the mindset of these tyrants and how they're selling us on tyranny.
They could care less about you and your safety.
I've got a law enforcement article here where SWAT says options for multiple shooter tactics says we've got to get rid of posse commentatus and put the army on the streets.
Catherine, I'm all over the map here.
It's just... No, no, no, no.
You know, because you're dealing... You know, you see the... It's like the Pillsbury Doughboy.
You squeeze one place, it pops out another.
And what you're seeing is the lockdown across the board, and it's, you know, it's coming in in every direction.
And, you know, whether it's the economic insanity and sort of the two-class system, or it's the, you know, what they're doing is they're rolling out all sorts of different controls, because they know when people figure out that our retirement system has been basically moved offshore and now there's nothing to, you know,
To keep the commitments, people are going to get upset, and by that time they plan to have the food system and the healthcare system and all these different systems under lockdown.
To me, one of the scariest ones you haven't brought up yet, Alex, is the idea of sending over a million Americans around to collect all sorts of data on all of us.
I'm sure you've had... Have you ever had Edwin Black on the show to...
To describe how the Nazis put together their original databases.
Yes, he wrote the book on IBM.
And yes, the census people are now telling people to tell them about their stocks and bonds and what type of toilet they have.
And now TSA is just downloading a large percentage of people's computers without warrants and just saying we're keeping it.
I mean, it's just wall-to-wall evil.
Meanwhile, Geithner and others, who is most to blame in the crime, in the criminal acts, from your expert view?
How do we get Geithner indicted?
I mean, there's open talk of it happening.
Okay, well, here, I think lots of pressure brought on, you know, this is a time when calls to Congress can make it very, and calls to the White House can make it very uncomfortable for the White House to not make a change here.
But at the heart of this matter, if you really want to make a significant shift, what we're going to have to do is work at the state and local level, and let me describe why.
Have you seen the Governor of Arizona's State of the State address yet?
No, I haven't.
Okay, it's fabulous.
She just came out and she said, and this is on healthcare, she said there are 14 Attorney Generals around the country, State Attorney Generals.
Now working together to prepare, you know, real 10th Amendment arguments to stop the implementation of this health care reform.
And if my Attorney General won't join them, I will.
And where this is all going to come down, it's going to come down to 10th Amendment and where we can get a governor, an attorney general, and a majority of the sheriff in a jurisdiction.
Because you know, Alex, the sheriff is the most powerful
Uh, you know, I mean, the Sheriff's Office is more powerful than the military.
So, you know, but where we can align the Attorney General, the Governor, and the majority of the Sheriffs in the jurisdiction, that's what's going to happen.
Because the only thing that's going to stop this is when you say no.
And when they say that, when they declare the 10th Amendment, that's when we're going to have to have an argument about the cash flows.
Because you can't keep sending money to Washington
If Washington keeps using it to break the law.
And it's not just Washington.
We have international banks running Washington.
I mean, we don't have our government.
Congress is not in control.
And so, you know, it's almost like we're at a party.
Everybody's drunk.
Everybody's stoned.
Everything's out of control.
Where do you build the power to say no?
And ultimately, what you're going to have to do is you're going to need a combination of two things.
A group of leadership, and it's going to come down to Governor, Attorney General, and sheriffs in a play.
And either sheriff to show up and break up the party.
Well, one, they're going to have to say no, but they're going to have to do something else, because what the federal government has been doing to prevent them from saying no is trying to get them to be financially dependent.
And of course, the worst things get the economy, you know, we're in a downward spiral, and so we've got to reverse the economic spiral at the same time that you take a strong legal stand.
And that's going to come down to the cash flows.
And for years what I've said is, and you can do this if you get a Tenth Amendment movement in place, what I've said is, we ought to assert a common law right of offset for any money that's been wasted, spent, or is missing by criminal means.
Alright, Catherine, not to interrupt, a long segment coming up.
We've got a break.
We're going to come back and I want you to roll through this.
And a lot more.
Stay with us.
We'll also look into this new year, what you see happening with the economy versus the media spin.
Stay with us.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda,
We're pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
Fall of the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation, the criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty and on its ashes constructing world government.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com.
Or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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Catherine Austin Fitts is our gracious guest, a very busy lady, spending time with us today.
We appreciate her coming on.
Okay, you got cut off by the break.
And you were getting into where all this is going, what these people are doing, the police state grid they're setting up, the magnitude of Bankstergate, and you very astutely, people said, well wait, Obama's been in office less than a year.
Right at a year next week.
How can she say this administration for a year and a half?
But all of my expert guests said that the last six months or so of Bush's reign, the power was fully given over to the Federal Reserve, to the banks, and that you had total fusion and coordination between the Bush bankers and the Obama bankers.
This is completely bipartisan.
You know, this is people who believe in freedom against people who don't.
And it's got nothing to do with those kind of party lines.
So this is totally bipartisan, and in fact, if you look at the people who've stayed between the Clinton administration and the Bush administration, or then held over between the Bush administration, at a deeper level, it's the same team.
So this is not two-party system, it's the party of just us.
Now, the opportunity again, Alex, is if in those states where we have alignment between the governor, the attorney general, and the majority of the sheriffs, and you can take a legal stand, then the question is how do you re-engineer the cash flows so that the federal government and the Federal Reserve don't pull the rug out from under?
And so there has to be an economic plan that has to deal with all the money we're sending to Washington and all the money we're getting back, and the reality is
I think they're very powerful legal arguments that say, at a state or local level, you can assert common law right of offset for all the money that's been stolen, all the money that's missing, escrow federal taxes, and say, you know something, don't send any money, we'll pay our own stuff here, and literally take control of the cash flows.
But what it's going to mean is, in a lot of different industries, we're going to have to start behaving in very productive ways.
One of the ways that the money has worked is the banksters are allowed to get away with murder because we get a lot of subsidies and we've allowed to, you know, we've allowed ourselves to get very unproductive.
So we have, for example, we have a whole local medical community and the infrastructure in every one of our places in state that is used to very, you know, it's got a very high cost infrastructure.
So we're all going to have to organize and change
And the biggest one is we now have, you know, say I live in a county, the war on drugs is our biggest business.
It's our biggest industry.
And we don't have enough people to farm, because everybody's too busy dealing or growing drugs.
So, you know, we're going to have to change the local level, and we're going to have to get very, very productive.
Now, if we're willing to do that, we can absolutely turn around the, you know, the economic spiral, because it's small business that creates jobs, and at some point,
Prisons and drug dealing is not something that makes a nation great.
The parasite economy is killing the host.
It is now eating through a great deal of muscle and we have another year or two or three to make this change, but if we don't make it in a year or two or three, then we will have gone across into the abyss.
So, we have a period now, and it's all going to come down to the state and local governments, whether we can get a turn.
And my guess is, in some places you can, and some you can't.
You and I are both speaking.
I'm in Tennessee, you're in Texas.
We're in states where the governors have played a leadership role in the 10th Amendment, and there are a lot of sheriffs, and there's a lot of infrastructure.
And this is not impossible.
I mean, we have more and more states, 30 plus, moving towards Tenth Amendment declarations.
The media spins that like it's secession or something.
It's not.
It's declaring Tenth and Ninth Amendment.
And we have those success stories and leaders at the state level that will speak out and will be bold.
We can then catapult that movement also into Washington and accurately assess the criminals
That we're facing, and so we do see some bright things happening.
What we've seen up until now is every time you start to see at the state and local level, people start to really stand up and lead.
That way they get bought off.
You know, the bankers are willing to throw an awful lot of money to buy a leader off.
Or their girlfriend.
You know, they play the control file, they play the dirty trick, they play the entrapment.
You know, there's all sorts of positive incentives and negative games they can play.
And I think the question is, is there a way we can communicate and organize locally so that they can't?
Because if you look at all the different laws that are happening right now, health care, food safety is a big one, census, all these things, we are across the constitutional line.
And the important thing I want to make, really the important point everybody needs to get in their spirit is, these are the things that are destroying the economy.
I mean, when you, it's like taking a horse or taking a boxer.
And tying his hands and tying his legs and then putting him in the ring.
He's going to lose.
So when you make this many rules and you overlay this much expense on small business, you kill the heart of the economy.
And so all of this stuff is what's killing the economy.
You turn that around and you can unleash incredible wealth.
Let me give you a perfect example.
Do you know who is the number one provider of services to the food stamp program in this
Yes, it's Offshore Central Banks.
It's JPMorgan Chase, and they outsource the data servicing to India, which means in Tennessee, which is one of the states where they provide the services, we now have 20% of our population on food stamps, okay?
So, more than a million people on food stamps, and those people, many of them get unemployment checks or welfare checks.
They get food stamps.
And they sit around and we pay them not to work.
Meantime, we have Bocu, beautiful farmland.
You know, the farmers can't find labor.
Everybody's too busy, you know, dealing drugs or, you know, being on whatever government subsidy.
And we've got the big agribusiness moving down into Latin America, controlling the agriculture, you know, shipping the food in.
It's highly processed.
It makes us sick.
That's part of the healthcare problem.
And so, and JPMorgan Chase is doing the servicing work, and the theory is that we can pay somebody in India or in Latin America to do something that the people who are getting those food stamps could do here, and it's cheaper to pay them not to work and then pay somebody else in Latin America to do the farming, and somebody in Asia to do the data servicing, and that's just not true.
The numbers don't add up.
And that's why, if the state and local players can sit down and say,
Okay, how can we re-engineer this, move all those jobs back to our state, do this on an economic basis?
Where is the opportunity to create lots more cash flows into the local small businesses, lots more equity, lots more skills, lots more knowledge?
You know, it's all there, but you're going to have to deal with, okay, we can't let the Feds have control because they're literally draining our lifeblood.
It's like a vampire.
Well, I think the number one mission is to continue to point out there are criminals out in the open who won't say where trillions of dollars went, and then we find out it went to them personally, and they ordered the holding companies that they laundered the money through, like AIG, to not, in federal filings, tell the feds or the public that the very bankers running policy and government were the ones that were getting the money.
I mean, a five-year-old can understand
That basic fraud, and the fact that we do hear talk of indictment on MSNBC, and we do even see Ed Schultz saying, man, Obama's really bad.
What about the Obama hoax?
I mean, obviously, it's all dog and pony show.
Obviously, eight years of Bush, people figure out he's a fraud, the new savior.
He's just meant to con people long enough for them to get their agenda through.
Then, Glenn Beck's organizing the right wing to get Republicans back in.
The reality is the change we're talking about.
No, I know, but we need to discredit Washington is what I'm saying, so that people will accept the states taking back over.
And so there's got to be a fundamental economic change bottom-up.
Okay, here's an example.
In Austin, they spend $170 million on the buses that 1% of Austin uses, and they spend $70 million on the roads.
I mean, Austin is run by, they're not liberals, they're a bunch of criminals that openly rob and steal everything, steal property.
I mean, everywhere I go, it's just crooks running everything.
Right, and you know why?
Because we have created a financial mechanism
That would allow us to borrow massive amounts of money globally, and so we've had massive amounts of money, and as long as the criminals could engineer that subsidy, this could keep going and they could offer more money at cheaper prices, and we've been willing to go along with that.
Now, do you remember my red button story?
Yes, but I'll recap it.
Okay, so I was giving a speech to a group of people called Spiritual Frontiers Foundation.
They have a conference once a year to talk about how we can evolve our society spiritually.
Very committed, dedicated people.
I'm in the middle of the speech and explaining that the Department of Justice in 1999 had told a reporter I was working with that the U.S.
economy launders $500 billion to a trillion dollars a year of all dirty money.
So, not just narcotics trafficking, but illegal gambling, tax evasion, financial fraud, everything.
Okay, now with the financial fraud, it's much bigger.
But at that time, $500 billion to a trillion.
So I said to this wonderfully spiritual-evolved audience, if you could push a red button to stop all hard narcotics trafficking in your community, your neighborhood, your country tomorrow, thus offending the people who control all this money, who here would push the button?
Out of 100 people, only one would push the button.
I said, why would you not push the button?
They said, we don't want our mutual funds to go down.
We don't want our government checks to stop.
But see, that's the scam.
Justice be done.
May the heavens fall.
I mean, all of these parasitic systems cost more than they make, and they're wrong.
And so, what it's going to come down to is, we've seen the Fed monetize the whole treasury and mortgage market last year.
And so, obviously, you can't keep monetizing at this rate.
And so now the day has come where the bell is ringing and saying, we can't get free money forever anymore, so something's got to give and we've got to change.
And those changes are going to happen, Alex, in the places where our governors, our attorney generals, and our sheriffs can come together, assert 10th Amendment right, and now we're all going to have to support them in re-engineering the economic flows.
But when it comes out the other side of the sausage maker, we're all going to have to be a lot more productive.
Well, it is true that half the population is on some form of government dole, or payment, or job, and the government's only getting more aggressive, more parasitic, more militarized.
And what the cops and the bureaucrats don't understand is, the bankers have already moved offshore.
They're literally, for three years, been buying homes offshore.
They believe they're probably going to lose control, but they've already run off with a bag of money.
And that's why this guy,
I think it is very, very important.
I said in my year-end wrap-up, which I called the year of the giant vampire squid, the wonderful story from Rolling Stone, declared Goldman Sachs the giant vampire squid.
Basically what these guys did, Alex, in the 90s and early 2000s, they moved trillions of dollars out of the country, a lot of it illegal.
To do that, they issued massive fraudulent securities and derivatives, and what this bailout did was
It refinanced them out of the fraud, and so they have pulled off not only the financial coup d'état, but pushing the liabilities for the fraudulent securities they issued to do it back onto the taxpayers.
And they're, you know, they're basically, they're pulling their train out of the station and leaving us to grapple.
And they're moving their base of operations to China and openly bad-mouthing America and saying it's not a good place to invest to further depress it so they can buy everything up.
The door is not completely shut.
The Geithner, a Geithner investigation and indictment, because we now have, remember we have Geithner saying, oh, you know, I proposed a deal where
I didn't give Goldman Sachs 100 cents on the dollar, and they said they were fully hedged, so they didn't care, and they'd rather see it default, and they'd pick it up on the other side.
And we now have the Goldman CEO and Chairman saying, in testimony today, well, wait a minute, you know, nobody offered me that deal.
So one of them has got to be lying.
So we now have pitted the Secretary of the Treasury and the Chairman of Goldman Sachs, and one has got to be lying.
So if you can turn this into, you know, testimony under oath investigation,
You know, you can still open a door and unravel this whole thing.
So it is not, you know, it's never, it's never, since I'm a big woman, I hate to say it, it's never over until the fat lady thinks, but it's never over until the fat lady thinks.
So I think that, I think your hammering on the Geithner and a possible Geithner indictment is very, very important, because let me tell you, it is inconceivable to me that there is, that Geithner is not criminally liable for what's happened.
Well, we have to pierce this veil of infallibility and potpourri, or whatever you want to call it, where the elites just stumble around in fancy suits with SWAT teams around them saying, I will rob this, I will rob that.
Everyone just bows down to them.
And the image of these criminals being indicted or in trouble, like Watergate, but these crimes are a trillion times that, literally.
Could bring them down, just like Copenhagen went down.
The whole Copenhagen thing went down in flames.
The banks wanting to leverage a new Ponzi scheme on global carbon tax.
I mean, on every front, they're in trouble.
Well, do the math.
On that one trade, Geithner gave Goldman Sachs $10 billion.
Now, if the average American taxpayer pays $100,000 lifetime, $100,000 of federal taxes in a lifetime, say,
How much is $10 billion divided by $100,000?
That's how many people are going to work their whole life for that one giveaway by Timmy Geithner.
In other words, don't think of it as $10 billion.
Think of it as—we've got to do the math—think of it as that many lives.
It's slavery.
I mean, it's literally slavery.
Let me do the math.
And it sets the precedent for even—if we don't stop them now,
They're setting up new bubbles, new scams, new frauds.
Right, so if I'm not mistaken, 100,000 people are going to work their entire life to pay the taxes for Geithner to do that.
You know, and it's not just, here's the thing Alex, it's not just Americans, it's people all over the world, because people all over the world are being forced to buy Treasury securities.
You know, it's a global taxation system.
They buy Treasury securities, the Treasuries go down 5-10% a year, and so they get drained, just like communities all over America are being drained.
It's global, it's not just in America.
And so, you know, here, I mean, people are giving up luxuries, you know, or now necessities to play this game.
But, you know, people are losing their lives all over the world because of this drain.
So it's not just when you give away $10 billion, you know, say it costs you to give away 100,000 tax lives in America.
But you're literally giving away lives, you know, around the world.
So it's a slavery, it's a slavery system engineered through financial means, and it's highly invisible, but I think we're beginning to understand it.
It is a high-tech slavery.
We're going to come back and get into more solutions with Catherine Austin Fitts of Solari.com.
I agree with her.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda...
That we're pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
For the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation, the criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty and on its ashes constructing world government.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com.
Or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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Just incredible, incisive info on the economy.
Catherine Austin Fitz, where do you see gold going?
Even though they've been trying to drive it down, it's going back up now.
Well, I think we're in a long-term bull market for what I call tangibles, real things.
Throughout history, through investment history, Alex, you go through periods where financial assets perform much better than tangibles, and then tangibles perform much better than financial assets.
But what's happening is the investor, Jimmy Rogers, somebody asked him whether he believes in peak oil.
He said, forget peak oil, let's peak everything.
And, you know, the fundamental economics of the planet is we have 6 billion people and growing, and there's only so much real stuff, whether it's space metals or precious metals, commodities.
So we're absolutely in a long-term bull market.
And when you have all this inflation and paper scams, people always run back for real assets.
Right, and that's, you know, if you look at the one currency that people recognize, not because anybody requires them to or not because the government has it, the law,
But the currency that is liquid and recognized all around the world is gold and silver.
And so I think what you're seeing is a lot of, you know, we've printed all this paper, whether it's Treasury securities or derivatives or other kinds of fiat currencies, and, you know, and now people are saying, well, you know, what can I hold that's real?
And not only that, what can I hold that's real that I can put in my pocket and take with me?
So I think we're in a long-term bull market for precious metals.
I don't think it's a, you know, it's a magic bullet.
You know, you can't, it's not food, it's not water, you know, so it's no magic bullet.
It's very volatile.
But it's got to be part of your portfolio.
You know, this is definitely an asset that people should understand and consider.
I'm loathe to say it should be in everybody's portfolio because everybody's different, you know, and so there's unique, you know, it's unique for everybody.
It's extremely volatile, so it's something that you
Before you tiptoe into this, it's something you really, really want to learn, and we have some great audio seminars.
Of course, on the Solera Report, we do one a month on precious metals, so there's a lot of good information if you want to learn more.
Well, Catherine, I appreciate you spending time with us.
Even if we don't get Geithner indicted and they're talking about it and they're having congressional hearings about it, we can at least politically convict them and politically crucify them because they deserve it.
And just openly in the court of public opinion, explain these are a bunch of swindlers, so as they try to carry out more scams in the future, people don't buy into it.
It's so important, Alex, that everyone understand
That we're looking at a group of people who really have gone across the line and are not going to come back.
These are not responsible leaders that we can look to.
These are people who are across the line in something that is really, if it keeps going, is going to kill many of us.
Well, that's it.
I mean, they have already stolen tens of trillions, robbed, committed crimes openly.
Why not commit a million more crimes?
And they're wrecking society to do it.
Order out of chaos.
Catherine Austin Fitz, thank you so much for spending time with us.
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Hello, this is Alex Jones with some important questions.
If you're going into a battle,