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Name: 20091231_Thu_Alex
Air Date: Dec. 31, 2009
1365 lines.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
You know, it doesn't mean that Tala Tech, Tala-Com is doing anything wrong, but it is important to keep our eyes on foreign-owned corporate governments and groups, whether it be the Chinese, the Israelis, anybody.
And I did look up Tala-Tech,
And it's leaders in design, development, production of military, industrial, commercial, communications equipment.
And that's just another example of how our country, our military, everything is dependent on foreign lands.
The opposite of what George Washington said we should do.
But I was asking the police officer calling in from Florida.
A lot of the officers are waking up.
He told me off air a lot of the people that have been in a while are and are concerned.
And he was giving me some of the terms they have for the people that aren't awake.
So, anything else you want to add about the mindset of the police you work with, the awakening that's happening, Chris, from Florida?
Well, I think police in general, you know, they're... I will tell you this, the guys that are older that have been doing this maybe 10 years and longer, or a lot, their mindset, than the ones that are just coming in.
The ones that come in, I mean, I gotta be honest with you, man, they're stupid.
They don't know what's going on.
They hire them right out of college.
They don't even know how they graduated college, you know, and stuff.
They can't even function on the street.
And the guys who can speak for themselves are the ones that are, you know, they're not going to go along with any kind of programs that are just going to be against our civil rights.
But I just found it interesting that this company is owned by the Israelis, and they're supposedly manufacturing a part of the building, missile guidance systems.
You know, and another thing, the security guard, he said the people they bring in to work and manufacture some of the spook items are making them call them eggheads, and they're only allowed in portions of the building.
So the issue is, the police officer you talked to, and you've now checked the area out, he got a bad feeling.
What I'm getting is, it had the feeling of a spook compound.
Right, and this officer is on board.
We've been discussing this stuff for, I don't know, two or three years now.
And he's very well aware.
On board, again, means awake to what's going on.
Yeah, it's just a little term we made up.
And that's a good term.
And then what do you call the police that love the system?
Uh, bootlickers.
I like to describe them as guys that live on their knees instead of on their feet.
You know, and they don't do anything the administration wants.
Sure, everyone has bootleggers.
Building and what's going on there is very important in the United States.
He said during the economic collapse, Tosh, you wouldn't have to worry about it.
They would try to keep it up.
And, I mean, I really don't know what it is.
It definitely looks like some kind of communications receiving facility.
And, you know, the way they have the air ducts and the air conditioners, they definitely were trying to cool something down.
And they probably did have a manufacturing facility in there.
The whole place, all the windows are tinted out.
The few windows that they have, everything else was, there was just, you know, there was no way to look inside.
I got pictures, I can send them to you.
Alright, keep up the fight man.
Listen, the Pentagon spends more money in 2009, the numbers just came in, saw this in the news last week, than all 50 states combined, all their budgets.
The banks have stolen, latest Bloomberg numbers are out, 27 plus trillion.
So we now have the numbers, and more may come in later, it always comes in a few months late, but so far, 27
I forget the points.
It was $23.7 trillion.
And then $4.5 trillion.
It's over $27 trillion.
The point is, is that it's just massive.
I mean, it's numbers you can't even get your mind around.
We're being robbed right now.
Okay, for the rest of the hour, maybe a little bit in the next hour, we're very honored to have Webster Griffin Tarpley, who is a doctorate in history.
He also is a degreed economist.
And the author of the unauthorized biography of George Herbert Walker Bush, two unauthorized biographies of Barack Obama.
Well, one's an unauthorized biography and the other's an analysis.
And he joins us now to talk about what happened in 2009, what's coming up in 2010, but also the underwear bomber.
And the FBI now being caught lying, saying they didn't detain anybody else, they didn't find a bomb, saying no one brought this guy onto the plane.
Now that's been confirmed that someone did, but they won't say who.
They won't release the videotapes from Amsterdam.
How we saw the preconditioning last month that Yemen had to be hit.
Now this happens, oh it came out of Yemen, we gotta hit Yemen.
The whole geopolitical strategy, what this signals.
We knew that Obama would start launching false flags.
I had predicted aircraft bombings, attempted bombings, flu hype in January.
I was proven right, because I saw the preconditioning.
But Tarpley is, again, a real expert on this, so we'll get his predictions and his view on what's happening.
In a little bit of the next hour, I want to get his take on, well, the healthcare.
Even the liberals are waking up.
This is a giant rip-off to the insurance companies.
Higher taxes, less benefits.
Webster Tarpley, it's good to have you here as we close out 2009.
Thank you very much, Alex.
Happy New Year to you and to all the listeners.
What did you think of that police officer calling in talking about an intelligence nest?
Yeah, I think that's Converse Infosystems.
Isn't that one of them?
Anyway, I think we've written that up in the 9-11 that they were able to monitor most U.S.
telephone conversations.
And now we learn a month ago that all of the text messages, phone messages, everything was just recorded from 9-11 and now they're releasing it.
The government and its private subsidiaries are just recording everything.
We're so free, Webster.
Well, that's across the National Security Agency.
But maybe just to take a look now at the world strategic picture, because I think we have a very ominous pattern.
I look for 2010 to be a very tempestuous time.
Let's start with the kickoff, the underwear bomber, and then let's take your time.
Go into all of it.
All right, well, I think it's obvious.
I'm sure it's obvious to you.
This is a controlled Patsy, and we have this same pattern that we've seen again and again.
We have these individuals that have very limited mental equipment, but nevertheless, they're able to work miracles.
They can do things that a normal person would never be able to do.
You'd be arrested, you'd be questioned, you'd be searched, you'd be stopped in some way, rounded up.
But, no, in this case we have Omar Farouk Mutalab, the son of this rich, elitist, oligarch banker from Nigeria, and he can do all these amazing things.
His own father goes to the U.S.
Embassy in Lagos, Nigeria, denounces him as a possible terrorist, somebody who is probably at a camp of some kind in Yemen.
And this is shared by the State Department and the CIA right off the bat, and that seems to be sometime in about mid-November.
And, nevertheless, that's not enough to have his visa taken away.
He's got a U.S.
multiple-entry visa, which he's allowed to keep.
And, of course, you know, you can have a stamp in the passport, but if they change it in the computer, then when you try to... And he's traveling all over Italy, all over Africa.
He's in countries illegally.
He gets out of countries.
He's disheveled.
Looks like he's drugged, stumbling around.
I mean, this is classic.
So, he is able, then, to
I don't know.
Nigeria to Detroit, and he buys it—somebody buys it in Ghana, $2,800 in cash, one way in cash.
That would normally get you searched or something quite serious right there.
And he then reenters Nigeria illegally.
That doesn't seem to have any effect.
And then we have this famous story of the well-dressed Indian who accompanies him.
And to me, this suggests that he is a mental deficient.
He's in the same class with Richard Reed.
He's mentally retarded in some way.
And you could, of course, he could get a degree at University College London with the help of MI5, or maybe his father made a large contribution to University College London.
That stuff happens all the time.
Uh, so he's able then to, uh, to, uh, get into the, uh, he gets from one plane to another thanks to this Patsy-minder, uh, Patsy-chaperone or Patsy-monitor, the rich, well-dressed Indian who makes an odd couple with him, and that guy delivers him to the gate and says that he doesn't have a passport, and I'd be interested to see, is there a passport?
Won't the FBI please show us?
A passport, if there is one, and then we find...
Oh yes, I think it's beyond suspicious.
It's a clear case of a Patsy.
So he's a controlled asset.
And of course it's not a matter of failure to connect the dots.
We're hearing all about the unconnected dots.
This is the desired outcome.
We're dealing with the rogue network.
We're dealing with the same people that brought you, again, the Gulf of Tonkin incident, the Kennedy assassination, Iran-Contra 9-11.
Nobody's ever laid a glove on them.
And the Rogue Network can't help themselves.
We're going to break, we're going to come back and cover it.
They can't help themselves as they pre-positioned troops in Yemen the last two months, as they begin the hype a week ago that it's got to be hit, and then right on time the Patsy bombing comes, and then right on time they hype it like it's the end of the world throughout the weekend.
I mean, this...
So when we come back, finish up with the Rogue Network and what this signifies, the new operations they're launching.
Dr. Webster Tarpeley is our guest.
By the way, we sell all four of his books that are in print.
He's got a bunch of other books on European history and the rest of it you can find.
Scholarly treatises.
Thank you, Webster, for the one you sent me in French for my wife.
Well, there's a part of it in English if you take a look.
I saw the part from you, yes, but she reads French, so that's good.
We'll be right back.
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda,
They'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
I have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
Fall of the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation, the criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty and on its ashes constructing world government.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today, it seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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All right, I got a lot of stuff I want to talk about with Webster Tarr from the end.
Take your phone calls.
The final radio show of 2009.
2009 has a very long beard.
He's very old.
In a new year, a babe will be dumped out into the world at midnight tonight in your time zone.
Okay, Webster, without me interrupting, there's just so much evidence.
You're talking about rogue networks, all the fingerprints, the classic MO, the signature, the wavelength, the smell, the red-handedness, then the media hype, the motive, the new initiative.
Oh, we've all got to have body scanners.
We've all, I mean, just so many initiatives they're launching with this.
It's just like with the flu inoculations.
We saw that hype, and now we have the memos that it was all hype.
Clearly a staged event.
What is the goal?
Well, the rogue network, of course, is a private network that cuts across the various agencies and executive departments of the U.S.
and other governments.
The big British role is quite big.
So it's the City of London and Wall Street controlling this network with their ideas of strategy.
Let me just point out a couple of other things here.
We're told that this alleged bomber, Nicker Bomber, whatever they call him,
Uh, he was in contact with this character, al-Laki, in Yemen.
And of course, this al-Laki, I call him al-Laki the CIA lackey.
Al-Laki the lackey.
And remember, he's a CIA lackey.
He's a double agent, a triple agent if you want.
He is used as a kind of beacon to recruit patsies across the world, and they can only ship-dip somebody like Major Hassan.
If they want to say, you're linked to Al-Qaeda, they just have you exchange a few emails with this al-Laki, and that's what he's good for, right?
He goes back to 9-11 and Hani Hanjour and Toronto.
He's like Hal Turner was to the white supremacist who I said for a decade was FBI and now it's Chicago Tribune Associated Press that he's FBI deep cover controlling everything.
I mean, obviously he was FBI.
Same thing with a Lockheed.
Right, exactly.
So this guy, he's a U.S.
agent under whatever layers of garb that he's got.
The other thing is, how was this young patsy Omar Farouk Muttalib, how was he radicalized?
And I think we're getting
Some pretty good indications that it's this Brixton Mosque, Finsbury Mosque, Axis in London, the school for patsies, the British patsies.
Which by the way, six months ago, I remember it, you predicted we'd see plane bombings out of that mosque.
Yeah, well, again, this is not so hard to do.
Remember, Richard Reid, Richard Reid, mentally retarded vagrant who was sleeping on the floor of Brixton Mosque, I think, or Finsbury, one of the others, one of the other, he was given the same PETN explosive by somebody, so that's what this Omar Farouk
We're good.
Then this gets us into the big picture.
Saudi Arabia is, of course, a crucial pillar of the Anglo-American world empire.
And we've had—we've seen in the course of this year strong what we can call centripetal tendencies, in other words, desire by various people in Saudi Arabia to get out from under this U.S.
And the form that it took around August, I think, was Prince Bandar, of all people—Bandar Bush, yes.
Changing his strategic orientation and becoming the great friend of Putin and Russia, trying to bring in Russia, and I would think China, to try to redress the balance and gain some national independence for Saudi Arabia, not to be tied to the U.S., especially at a time when the U.S.
is undoubtedly preparing some kind of a people power coup or velvet revolution inside Saudi Arabia.
And so where's Bandar?
Oh, from the Godfather.
You won't see him no more.
He's now been disappeared.
He's under house arrest, or maybe you know more, but I haven't seen anything about him since about August.
But there is a big fight about the royal succession, and that is very prominent in Middle East news organs.
Now, Yemen.
The short thing on Yemen is this is a very, very poor country, and they had a whole colonial history with the British, right?
Aden, back in the 60s, was a big colonial, anti-British guerrilla warfare going on.
Right now, though, it's a government.
We're good to go.
The U.S.
is busily building up Al-Qaeda.
Al-Qaeda, the CIA Muslim Legion, is being actively built up by the U.S.
inside Yemen to make that civil war much worse and to get the Saudis and the Iranians at each other's throats, maybe at war, in Yemen.
All right, let's talk about where you think that's going, the wider geopolitical reasons for this, in the grand strategy.
Let's go into the mind of Zbigniew Brzezinski when we get back.
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Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As they're finishing off this agenda, they'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
We're getting ready to close out the year.
It's my last live transmission.
It's December 31st, 2009 on this Thursday edition.
Webster Tarpley is our guest.
You know, we had
Kurt Haskell back on.
One of the eyewitnesses and other eyewitnesses are confirming another man was pulled off the plane.
Bob-sniffing dogs went up to it.
The FBI said, we got to get you out of here.
There may be a bomb.
Then they lied and said that it never happened.
Here's the headline from MichiganLive.com, the big news site in Michigan.
Flight 253 out.
Authorities are lying about terror attack.
And of course, people accuse us of sensationalism.
That's what the headline says for mainstream news.
The article Paul Watson wrote about it had a very, very tame headline.
In fact, I have it here in my stack.
But we have eyewitnesses saying this is open lying going on.
And that's the kind of headlines we need at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
The establishment tries to intimidate alternative news people into watering down what we say, watering down what we do, into mediating facts.
Facts are facts.
You can have your own opinions, but you can't have your own facts.
And Watson and everybody are doing a great job.
It's just that the mainstream media realizes the bombshell nature of those interviews we did the last few days.
I don't think we do.
I don't think the listeners do.
I don't think people understand this is really a staged event in front of us with a Patsy.
There's no other way to see it.
And I don't think people realize just how big this is, what's being kicked off.
I don't think people realize just how serious this is, what's being set off, what's being launched.
Webster Tarpley breaking down the larger geopolitical ramifications.
A lot of analysts saying this could be the beginning of World War III.
Open talk.
Hopefully it's not the case.
More saber-rattling about striking Iran.
Israel saying they may strike Iran.
Iran saying they'll strike back.
What that will do.
What do you think the globalists are testing?
What are the Anglo-American establishment doing right now?
Where do you see this going?
This talk about going into Africa, Somalia, Sudan.
Not just Aden and Yemen.
Well, first of all, I would say the use of Yemen—Yemen is the place where you play Saudi Arabia against Iran, and I think this is what has changed compared to Bush.
In other words, the Obama administration knows that they're too weak to do these attacks, so they've got to get other people to do them.
They want to attack Pakistan?
They know they can't attack Pakistan.
They've got to use Pashtunistan and Balochistan and get a rebellion going inside Pakistan with Yemen.
It's the civil war going on.
The U.S., before the eyes of the world, is massively building up Al-Qaeda.
And the way they're doing it is by transferring people from Guantanamo, right?
It's now all over the news that the number two man of Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, a complete U.S.
creation, is actually somebody who was in Guantanamo.
And we can see from Iranian press TV
That they accused the U.S.
of transferring terrorist fighters from all over, from Bagram in Afghanistan, from all the prisons and all the black sites that they have across the Middle East.
Those are now being massed in Yemen to create an al-Qaeda striking force inside Yemen that can be used to make this civil war worse, right?
We're good to go.
I do not see an attack on Iran, and I'll tell you why.
The approach to Iran is essentially what I've been saying, is to get Iran fighting Saudi Arabia.
Now this is sort of the pattern... No, Webster, I've got to stop you.
I mean, remember almost two years ago, you said they're going to play Saudi Arabia off against Iran in proxy wars.
You said they're going to try to overthrow Iran internally.
And exactly what you said happened.
That's why we have you on so much.
I mean, you're one of the only people in the world who actually gets it.
And it's not that TV pundits don't get it.
They're always talking nonsense because the public is fed on a diet of nonsense.
You've read Brzezinski's books.
You understand the geopolitical strategy of the Anglo-American establishment.
Explain to people how you knew this two years ago.
Well, part of it is just from reading these books, and part of it is just from having observed them for—it seems like about 40 or 50 years by now, since I was a child.
But, look, concerning this Yemen business, that's one approach to getting Iran into trouble.
Remember that when the US and the British foment the rebellion of Balochistan, that will carve up not just Pakistan but also Iran.
So there's another approach.
Let's also remember that they've got this thing in Arabistan, the oil area of Iran, has an Arab population and that's where we have this
I think so.
If anybody bombs Iran, it's an open secret that the Pasteran Revolutionary Guards will simply exterminate all the leaders of this so-called opposition.
Mousavi, Rafsanjani, Khatami, this entire crew, they'll all be found floating in the river.
So I don't see any attack on Iran as long as they can keep this people power coup, velvet revolution, post-modern coup thing going inside Iran.
I think that's Iran.
Now, Pakistan is a different story.
Pakistan, you've got the massive escalation of the drone attacks.
You've got bombs going off.
Inside Pakistan, remember, it's Balochistan and Pashtunistan that are supposed to rebel.
And in the past couple of weeks, they added another aspect of it, which is to play Shiites against Sunnis.
Pakistan is largely Sunni, but there's a significant Shiite minority.
And we just had a bomb go off in Karachi, which was targeting these Shiites to get them riled up.
So in this case you'd be breaking up Iran according to four ethnic groups, Balochistan, Pashtunistan, Punjab and Sindh, plus along this Sunni Shiite line.
And by the way, on every point you make you have giant reams of documents, evidence and history.
Let's not forget
2004, uh, repeatedly 2005, 2006, British, US, and Israeli contractors, and regular military, special air services out of England, are caught in multiple events, dressed up,
As Sunnis running around killing Shiites and U.S.
and British forces, British got caught doing it.
Even Ray McGovern, former chief CIA analyst to Ronald Reagan, George Bush Sr., came on the show and said, I believe the bombing of the Golden Mosque was U.S.
It came out a month later.
They evacuate the neighborhood, U.S.
Army pulls up, goes in and blows the mosque up in front of everyone, and then blames it on another Muslim group to get the Shiites and Sunnis killing each other.
So this is just done out in the open.
This is standard procedure.
Al-Qaeda is the CIA Arab Legion.
It's now expanded to be the CIA Muslim Legion.
Al-Qaeda in Iraq was created by General McChrystal.
When he needed it, there had to be an al-Qaeda in Iraq for propaganda needs, but also to prevent the Iraqi population from uniting against the invaders and the occupiers.
And now we've got the new one, AQAP, al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, which is another completely fake organization.
Interesting story happened to me.
I was on the radio with Algeria yesterday, the Algerian radio in Algiers.
And they pointed out that there had been a statement from Bin Laden, about which I don't really know anything, I wonder if you do, that Bin Laden had put out a statement attacking Iran and Hezbollah, the Shiite group there in Lebanon with Sheikh Nasrallah, the people who basically defeated the Israelis.
Back in 2006.
This would be very, very interesting to look into.
There's always been this idea of playing the Arabs—Arabs and Sunnis, you might say—against Iranians and Shiites.
Iranians, Persians, Shiites.
That's one approach to the Middle East, and that would be a typical Brzezinski approach.
It's also interesting.
Bin Laden's family is supposedly—at least some of them—are being held prisoner in Tehran.
When they fled out of Afghanistan, so the story goes, right after 9-11, some of them went into Iran, and they were seized, and they were put under house arrest, some of them allegedly in the Saudi embassy.
So you see, there's a hostility between al-Qaeda, which the Iranians have always called a CIA operation,
Uh, and, uh, and the, and the Iranian government.
Now, the bigger picture, what I see going on is the tendency of the world to get out of control of the U.S.
and the British.
In other words, the empire is in a big, a big crisis, and it's, people are attempting to free themselves from this yoke.
Just a couple of examples.
My reading of the Copenhagen conference is that this was torpedoed by a joint operation, whether planned or unplanned, by Russia and China.
In other words, the best account I can see is that those emails from the University of Anglia Climate Research Unit were first uploaded by a server in Thailand.
We're good to go.
Russia, China, Sudan defeated the Anglo-Americans and the European Union in the Copenhagen Conference.
Now, further along the line, in these countries, you've got strong political signs of people who want to free themselves.
That would be Italy, Japan, and Saudi Arabia, which we've mentioned to some extent.
The Italian case is an interesting one.
Why is Berlusconi targeted?
Berlusconi is targeted because he's a close friend of Putin.
He's involved with the South Stream oil pipeline, which involves Russia, Turkey, Italy.
The French seem to be buying into this to some extent.
Other countries in the Balkans are interested in it.
So Berlusconi gets hit in the face by this massive, heavy object there a couple of weeks before Christmas.
In Japan, you've got the Hatoyama
I think so.
I don't know.
It's interesting that in the past couple of weeks we've had a series of attacks on leading world governments.
The Pope is tackled on New Year's Eve.
It could have been an assassination attempt.
Chirac, the former president of France, who led the opposition in the world against Bush's Iraq War, is indicted.
Berlusconi, hit in the face by this object.
In Pakistan, the president and the whole cabinet have had their immunity lifted, so that the president is fearing this guy Zardari, he fears criminal charges.
The defense minister is told that he's not allowed to leave the country, and the interior minister, the police minister, is going to be subjected to an indictment.
So you can see, there's an interesting pattern of things going on.
So if you look across the world, you see resistance to London and New York coming from Russia, China, Sudan, Italy, Japan, Saudi Arabia, and, of course, the usual suspects, Pakistan and Iran.
Who is organizing that resistance, or is that just happening organically?
I think some of it's organized.
Some of it's organized, some of it is simply ad hoc on the basis of individualism.
Do you think it's Russian intelligence behind it?
No, I think part of it is just it's a structural aspect of the world.
Things are breaking up, right?
We've just had the crisis of the whole Anglo-American banking system.
The degree of coordination, well, the degree of coordination between Berlusconi and Putin is total.
That's for sure.
There's no doubt about that one.
Bandar, friend of Putin, once again.
Japan, that's a little bit less clear to me.
We now have Putin coming out announcing we're going to produce even more deadly nukes since you're still encircling us.
So that means that Obama three months ago saying, I'm not going to put the missiles in.
We knew that was a classic fraud.
He always says one thing, does another.
So we're seeing the world shift right now in what I see globally as a portent of World War III.
I mean, if war starts in a couple more places, won't that be the makings of a world war?
Well, it doesn't have to become a world war.
I would compare it to Germany looking at Great Britain, or Great Britain looking at Germany before 1914.
In other words, the British are sitting there, you know, bankrupt, rather decadent, the empire running out of steam, and they see this rising industrial power of Germany, which has got all kinds of problems, but nevertheless they have a lot of economic growth.
And the British basically say, well, if we have a peace race with them, we'll lose it.
The only way we can deal with them is to encircle them and have a war.
And I think you've got to remember, the Wall Street people respond to the collapse of their financial structures.
When you have a world depression, when you have a world financial collapse like this, the response of London and Wall Street is to go berserk.
They go bonkers.
And they look around for these desperate, crazy plans.
We're good to go.
Clearly they're desperate to create a world crisis, to unify political support, and to jack up commodities.
They're going to do it.
And I totally agree.
England, the Milner Group, they said we ought to finance rabble-rousers to take over Germany.
We ought to fund the Soviets to threaten them.
Well, I mean, that came after World War I. We ought to kill their leaders to get them to physically attack us.
I mean, we're going to see those same types of things now.
Let me just also—what you point to with Putin is very important.
The U.S.
and Russia are renegotiating a renewal of the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty of 1991.
It was signed under Bush the Elder and Gorbachev.
This expired on the 5th of December.
And all during the last couple of weeks, the word was coming from the State Department, well, it's just a few more little things we have to clear up.
Don't worry, we'll get to it.
But then Putin comes out and says, wait a minute.
If you're going to have a defensive shield of anti-ballistic missiles, and you're going to deploy those in the Mediterranean and elsewhere, we cannot discuss offensive weapons apart from defensive weapons.
We've got to put it all back together.
So it looks like Putin is blocking
Whatever, you know, ideas have been developed for a deal.
There will be no deal until Putin's demands are met.
So, that's quite a checkmate for Obama.
Well, he said they're going to come out with a new Super Topol.
And the quote is here because, quote, the U.S.
thinks it can do whatever it wants.
We'll be right back.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda,
That we're pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
I have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
Fall of the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation.
The criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty and on its ashes constructing world government.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
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Okay Webster, you've talked about what's going on in the world.
It's absolutely spot-on from my own research.
Always amazing to see you predict things so far out in the future.
So let's look into the future.
What do you see happening in the next year?
We're good to go.
Obama, I put out some interviews—by the way, people can see all this or hear it at tarpley.net.
I finally got my website upgraded, so if you haven't seen it, the upgrades went up just a little bit before Christmas, so if people haven't looked at it, please do take a look, tarpley.net.
The idea being, the comparison of Obama to Woodrow Wilson, a pedant, an elitist, a professor,
Woodrow Wilson ran for president in 1916.
He was, of course, a Morgan puppet.
He had been put into office by J.P.
Morgan, who got rid of William Howard Taft to open the way for Woodrow Wilson.
This is where we get the Federal Reserve System and a whole lot of other bad things.
And he ran on this week—he kept us out of war, right?
Don't get into World War I. So he wins the election in 1916 and then turns around.
As soon as he's back in office, within a month, he wants to declare war on Germany, which he does do.
And then he passes the Espionage Act and the Sedition Act and throws a couple of thousand people in jail.
It's light years, orders of magnitude beyond Bush-Cheney.
The worst civil liberties.
We're good.
Obama is now losing his base.
The black community, the people over at the Black Agenda Report in particular, are up in arms and they're gaining in influence because the black unemployment is sky high and Obama refuses to do anything.
The greens, of course, are unhappy because Obama was checkmated in Copenhagen.
The anti-war people, in particular, are becoming more and more active.
Very good demonstration here on the 12th of December with Kucinich, Gravel, McKinney, and Ralph Nader.
And the left has now found out that the health care plan is a giant robbery, has nothing to do with their precious socialism.
Let me just mention, there's going to be a demonstration specifically against the CIA drones in Afghanistan and Pakistan at Langley, at the CIA headquarters, I think, the 16th of January.
That's Cindy Sheehan and Cynthia McKinney and their group of the Peace of the Action, P-E-A-C-E, Peace of the Action.
So what's going to happen?
I mean, we know Obama, but he's just a little puppet front man.
Right, okay.
I'm not really too worried about what he's doing.
By the way, in terms of attacks on governments, right, along with the Pope getting tackled, Chirac getting indicted, Berlusconi getting smashed in the face, look at what happened to Obama.
Two people led into the White House.
Two separate incidents where people waltzed right in.
It's a way for the rogue network to say to Obama, follow orders because we can get you anytime.
You think that's what the message is?
I think that was the message of those two adventurers who came into the state dinner with animal hand cream.
All right, but Webster, in the little bit of time we've got left, specifically, what do you see with the economy, what do you see with the military next year?
Stay with us.
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All right, Webster's going to leave us in about 15 minutes and we'll get to the calls that are holding.
There's so many other issues I want to get into.
I want to go over the decade of tyranny.
No doubt, in modern history, the last decade has been an incredible time of corruption.
And yes, I know technically the decade isn't over for another year, but the media started the millennium in 2000.
They started the new century in 2000.
That's like starting
10 at 9 or 21 at 20.
But the point is, the last 10 years has been an incredible time of tyranny, but also a big time of awakening as the global banking empire...
All right, Webster, what do you see happening on the military front?
I mean, you said war, war, war, through proxies, through destabilization campaigns, through funding rebel groups.
What do you see domestically happening?
Where do you see all this going as they try to tell us we've had a jobless recovery?
What do you see happening?
Well, let me cite a couple of predictions coming from others that I think are probably worthy of being considered.
Remember the old Able Danger group in the D.I.A.?
We had this Colonel Anthony Schaefer.
Remember this?
This was Congressman Kurt Weldon, Republican of Pennsylvania, brought out this guy, Colonel Schaefer, and started to talk about Able Danger.
And the idea was, of course, that they had identified ATA and company well before 9-11, but they had these Post-It Notes saying, don't tell the FBI or don't tell anybody.
About this guy.
My view has always been that Able Danger were not hunting for terrorists.
They were supervising terrorists.
In other words, they were patsy minders, patsy monitors, patsy chaperones.
They were making sure that Atta and company kept within the bounds of what they were supposed to do, right?
That they attacked, you know, when and what was wanted.
Anyway, Colonel Schaefer
Was on the Jerry Doyle radio talk show yesterday, disguised as sort of a moderate reactionary to Neocon.
And Colonel Schaefer basically said, well, you know, we haven't connected the dots again, right?
We don't connect the dots.
The agencies don't talk to each other.
It's all bureaucracy.
The usual nonsense, right?
To hide the obvious fact that these are protected patsies.
Punish us with more power and funds, and get rid of your whole Bill of Rights, slit your wrist, feed the blood directly into our mouths, and maybe we'll save you from the deadly underwear bomber.
So Colonel Schaefer says, I don't think we'll ever wake up until a 10 kiloton bomb goes off in an American city.
So that's his view of the years ahead.
I would also add, it doesn't have to necessarily be in the U.S.
There are some signs that might suggest someplace else.
Of course, Europe is always a big
We're good.
As you say, the absurdity of the bureaucratic position is basically the more we fail, the more power we demand.
And I would suggest the following.
Janet Napolitano, alias totalitariano, alias incompetano, she should be fired, or she should quit.
We don't know whether she's incompetent or whether she's complicit.
And we don't want to wait to find out.
We want to get her out.
Hillary Clinton at the State Department failed to pull the visa for this guy.
Should be fired or made to quit.
Leanne Panetta at the CIA should be fired or made to quit because... But instead we reward failure because they're really not failing.
They pulled off a great false flag.
Let me finish my list.
Dennis Blair, the intelligence czar, the head of the National Counterterrorism Center that couldn't get this patsy's name onto the no-fly list.
Fire him.
James Jones, the head of the National Security Council, the overall responsible for all this stuff.
No, no, we'll punish him with more power.
Stay there.
I have one other.
Go ahead.
That's John Brennan, Obama's in-house White House security advisor.
Fire him, too.
No, no, no, no.
We'll teach him.
We'll give him more power.
Because they really did a great job.
And we're not going to fire him for more drugs being on the street.
That's their job.
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Here's a headline out of Reuters.
You have no idea this is even true.
Afghan attacks kills seven CIA employees, five Canadians, and the CIA Panetta says that there are plenty of people here who are capable and willing to make sure these people will be avenged.
Like all the weddings you bomb, to kill one person you'll kill 50, 60, 100 plus innocent people?
In a country you don't have a declaration of war against with drones?
In our own country they're arresting U.S.
citizens and holding them for years without charging them because they might have known al-Qaeda?
We talked about this yesterday with Dr. Paul Greg Roberts.
I mean, we've got about as many rights in this country as somebody did under Stalin.
They're just not out arresting the general public en masse without due process yet.
But we're moving towards that.
And again, Webster, what is the real war about in Afghanistan?
Who are the real players?
We know opium production went from all-time lows to now upwards of 90% of opium production.
A 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 time, depending on the number, increase.
The world's flooded with opium.
I mean, is this just a war against any little tribal holdouts that try to sell their own smack, thus cutting into the bank's laundering largesse?
No, it's a war against Pakistan, above all.
Pakistan, 160 million people, nuclear weapons, strong ally of China, economic partner of China, has to be destroyed.
The importance of Pakistan is... But why did the West help give them the nukes, then, for A.Q.
It's all... You know, these imperialists weave a complicated web once they get started.
But here's the idea.
Think of Pakistan as Pipeline-istan.
Pipeline-istan goes from Iran... No, I mean, you hold Central Asia.
As Brzezinski said, you can project power everywhere.
But I'm talking about economically right now.
Isn't the $500 billion in smack leveraged to $5 trillion a year quite a juicy plum?
It is, but this is not the main object, as far as I can see.
The object is to prevent pipelines from being built from the Iranian oil and natural gas fields across Pakistan, over the Himalayas, near K2, up there, and into China.
This would then give China a guaranteed overland route
For oil, gas, and other things that would go along with it.
Rail links and other things.
Tanker port at Guadalajara.
Which would then project their power into the region and not British.
And the magnetism of the Chinese economic dynamism would then begin to really weaken the U.S.-British position in the Middle East.
And you'd find people like Saudi Arabia looking to China rather than London.
But again, when we hear British-American, that doesn't mean the average Brit or American's interest.
We pay for the private corporate empire.
We get nothing out of this.
Right, it means the City of London Banks and the Wall Street Banks, the usual suspects.
Here's the idea though, the two ethnic groups that happen to be goaded into rebellion, the Pashtuns are on both sides of this border.
So we're in Afghanistan to make sure there's a bigger rebellion in Pakistan to spread rebellion then into all the surrounding countries and then overthrow them and spread it into the next endlessly.
Right, so the Pashtuns are going to be occupied and antagonized on
We're good.
Thank you.
We're good to go.
That now with Obama, we have the new axis of evil, right?
The Bush axis of evil was Iraq, Iran, and North Korea, way back when.
The new axis of evil is now Afghanistan, Pakistan, understood as one thing, Somalia, and Yemen.
So we're back to that.
All right, here's the big question.
How is this going to unfold the next year?
What is the goal of the Anglo-American global establishment versus what you think they're going to get?
And then what is their other goals around the world?
How are things going for them?
Well, I think the dominant mood in Wall Street and London is desperation.
You saw that this large Austrian bank, Hupo Alpe Adria, went bankrupt, 40 billion euros.
And now you've got this entire group of countries on the verge of sovereign default.
In other words, state bankruptcy.
It's the so-called pigs group.
We're good to go.
The euro, because of these complications, the euro is collapsing faster than the dollar, so the dollar has had a little bit of a reprieve in terms of the value of the dollar, right?
The euro has been going down, and that has kind of masked the weakness of the dollar.
But of course, we know over here, we've got the commercial real estate crisis, those, you know, a trillion or more or less a trillion dollars of commercial real estate leases and other things that come up, and a lot of that will go into default.
So that's going to be another burden on the banking system.
Maybe people notice General Motors Acceptance Corporation, GMAC, just got another $3-4 billion bailout.
And of course, what that involves is DITECH funding, right?
DITECH funding is, or was, GMAC, and they went way into derivatives, and that's what you've got.
So the buildup, you know, we're about...
What, a month since Dubai blew.
And in the month since Dubai, you can see that the rhythm of bank bankruptcies, bank failures, and just general financial turbulence across the world, that has all increased.
So, I think the depression will get worse.
The main goal of the U.S.
and the British is to block the peaceful economic development of everybody else.
Russia says, let's have the North Stream Pipeline down the Baltic.
I think so.
About what, 600 miles?
But we're not allowed to have that here because we have these Malthusian post-industrialists who openly say they want carbon taxes to put us into the Stone Age so they can make us more manageable.
They want everyone living in mud huts with loincloths but themselves up in their high-tech palaces.
I mean, these are the worst, most greedy control freaks ever known.
Right, and I would suggest we need a stimulus.
I mean, the U.S.
economy is going to need massive stimulus, but let's make it a real stimulus.
Take that Chinese train, which can go, I think it's about 200 miles an hour, thereabouts.
We could do better than that.
We could get up to 300, maybe 400 miles an hour.
With Maglev, but we could build a New York to San Francisco transcontinental Maglev that would really compete with... No, instead the globalists want to harass people into not traveling.
That's the problem.
They want us living in slums while they live in palaces, literally walking on platinum paved streets.
Right, and that of course then poses the question of some kind of independent political organization.
If you look at what's happening, the leftists generally were completely duped by Obama in 2007-2008, and I'm afraid the people going to the Tea Party rallies
That's right.
You defeat the New World Order by the banks ruling everything, and we've got to attack some more brown people.
That's how you really rebel, and Obama's not attacking enough countries, and we need more body scanners.
And just a year ago it was, yay, anti-New World Order!
Down with the private Federal Reserve, now it's, give the bankers more power!
Body scan me!
I'm conservative!
Yes, and you can see, again, if the Tea Party management had been honest, you would have had Puma Democrats, you could have had conservative Democrats who were anti-Obama, you could have had this entire Ron Paul area of opinion, libertarians, people like this.
You could have had some anti-war people.
Why not?
But no, automatically, they've got to be warmongers and pro-Federal Reserve and essentially, you know, follow the Republican congressional leadership.
So, a lot of the people who go to the Tea Parties tell themselves that this is not controlled by the Republican Party, but in reality, it seems to be pretty much controlled.
Well, Webster, in closing, I want you to have a great 2010.
Do you not agree with me, though?
I want to see if you do.
I have no idea.
If the worm is turning, the pendulum is beginning to stop and go back in our direction towards liberty, freedom.
It's always darkest before the dawn, but I really do see that there is a mass awakening, and even if they try to hijack
The resistance that works for a shorter and shorter periods now and that the jig really is up and that we are on the edge of a massive change and that all of us being involved now can really have a chance in shaping the future destiny of humanity.
Yes, I would agree with that.
I mean, certainly, if you look just at this narrow question of false flag terrorism, this is wearing very thin.
In other words, I think for a lot of people, the idea that the famous now Umar Farooq Muttalib, that this character is somebody on a mission, he is a protective patsy.
We've got scores of mainstream news articles now saying why is the government lying.
Here's the thing, what you see again with the Obama campaign in one way and now the takeover of the Tea Parties by the Republicans, if you don't have some independent form of organization, you will fall prey and you will be used
I agree.
Webster, great job.
We will see you next year, my friend.
Well, you know what?
Come back and talk about Petraeus.
That's important.
Happy New Year to all.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda...
They'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
I have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
For the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation, the criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty and on its ashes constructing world government.
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All right, I'm going to have to move quick because I said I was going to get into Jesse Ventura's new TV show.
It's the most incredible episode I've ever seen.
I'm still trying to digest it.
Most incredible episode.
That's coming up.
World population reduction, the Malthusian eugenics, mindset of the world's ruling elite.
Tarpley as a historian can back that up as well.
Got some clips of that coming up.
I said I would do the decade of tyranny in review.
We're going to do that.
But Webster dropped this bombshell.
About how, in the off-year elections next year, and then two years out from that, three years, yeah, you're going to get exactly a general betray-us, not betray-us, total globalist neocon built up as this fake hero, along with a Mitt Romney.
And remember, they represent the people that staged the big 9-11 attacks.
They're gonna come in and there will be such conservative mainline rebellion against Obama and his communist colorations, which are just foundation fronts.
You know, Hillary's as communist as, as, as, as, as... I mean, it's a complete joke.
And all of this is going on, and yes, you think Obama's bad, it's gonna accelerate under the next right-wing person, who's not gonna be right-wing at all.
They're gonna be a globalist.
Webster, finish up with that.
Well, again, the challenge is that if we don't want to be used by somebody, you've got to have some form of independent organization and some form of economic program.
All the leftists are run by the foundations.
All the right-wingers are run by the big foundations.
You have, you know, Scilla and Charybdis, right?
The two things you want to avoid.
In other words, this Milton Friedman economics on the one side, and Malthusianism on the other.
The green, extreme ecological global warming.
But now, it's likely that the Democrats will lose at least one House of Congress, maybe both, in 2010.
And then Betras comes in, they stage a nuke attack, military dictatorships set up.
We know the Pentagon's been selling that forever.
Right, so the idea is that divided government would be a blessing.
In other words, that's the one remedy in this system.
We need gridlock, we need divided government.
Let them fight each other to a standstill.
But then for 2012, the Republicans, I don't think any of these existing Republicans
Well, no, not Hitler.
Well, Hitler was a military.
Wait, wait, wait, wait.
Not quite, not quite.
You're not there yet because there's no mass movement yet.
It would be growing.
The difference would be von Hindenburg.
Von Hindenburg is the hero of World War I, more or less.
And he becomes the president of the Weimar Republic, and it's under his leadership that you get this extreme austerity.
You get, in the case of von Hindenburg, the Bruning government, right, of 1930 to 1932, where they take away your unemployment insurance just at the moment when you have the highest unemployment that there's ever been.
So von Hindenburg, I think, would be—this would be what Petraeus would do.
And then the dimension beyond that gets us to something more like an actual Nazi movement, right?
With all the overtones that would probably have here in terms of white supremacy and all sorts of other stuff, right?
Violence in the streets, right?
Assault sections, storm-up tylons.
Well now, I mean, it's just like Petraeus.
Would be able to attack conservatives and libertarians, and they would say, oh, I'm turning my guns in, it's to the general, he's conservative, mmm.
And it's just like, with left cover, Obama can start new wars, cut people's healthcare, and be praised as a loving commie.
I mean, I would see under Petraeus them, I mean, we know that Tommy Franks was on the payroll to go around and give speeches saying, gee, I don't like it, but it's what we need, one more big terror attack, military dictatorship is what the people want.
So we know that's what they've been selling, and yeah, Petraeus is just an absolute weasel demon.
So I think that Petraeus, and then of course Mitt Romney.
Mitt Romney, the hedge fund hyena, the asset stripper, the agent of Wall Street, who would take the economic side of it.
And this would be a government that would not really lean on the Republican Party, which I think is in the process of disintegrating.
It would be a government that would lean more explicitly on the Army.
Uh, and military.
The police force.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Hello, this is Alex Jones with some important questions.
If you're going into a battle and they give you a rifle and a sidearm, how much ammunition do you want?
My answer would be all I can get.
In the battle for freedom and the lives of your loved ones, food is your only ammunition.
How much do you want?
When do you want it?
Now or after the battle starts?
When will you need it?
Can you buy it without proper identification?
Will there be any food?
Will it make your children sick?
If there's a
Quarantine and you can't feed yourself.
Will you go to the gathering center and be immunized?
You wipe out all these problems if you have a good food supply.
Food is your ammunition to fight for your freedom and your life.
How much will you need?
We don't know.
How much do you want?
All you can get.
I'm Alex Jones.
I think so.
The illusion created by the power elite is a lie that covers even the food they want you to eat.
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Hard to believe it is the last 26 minutes
of radio that I'll be doing in 2009.
I had quite the rant in the first hour, that's coming up in the rebroadcast if you missed it, where I laid out the cost and what we really face as a society.
Alright, I want to get a little bit more into Jesse Ventura's Conspiracy Theory TV show because it continues to amaze me what they're letting on television and I still haven't gotten my mind around how this is on TV.
Last night was so groundbreaking.
They've exposed the whole Big Brother system, that global warming's a plan to shut down society and to rob the population for world government.
Completely our side of the story, which is the truth.
Last night's How the Elite are Poisoning Your Food, Your Water, Your Vaccines.
Uh, again, I recommended Estelin, I recommended Dr. Monteith, I also recommended, uh, Labo.
I'm surprised she came up to the U.S.
because she really did leave the U.S.
She really thought this year was going to be the year.
I saw it more as a drill with the vaccines to get everybody ready to go under federal control.
And, of course, they're debilitating things in the vaccines.
That way people don't rise up and rebel.
Because Jesse's like, well, if you do this, everybody starts dropping dead.
They'll get mad.
Not if it's soft kill.
Not if it causes something debilitating that takes time.
I thought it was a great program, but what was perfect was the global warming.
But this is just so incredible to have this on air.
It makes my head spin.
That's coming up.
I want to go over the Decade of Tyranny, an article by Alex Jones, Steve Watson, and Paul Watson.
There's been a loss of basic freedoms, has spurred a mass awakening.
Next decade will be defined by the restoration of our liberties.
Yeah, more than that, I think it's going to be defined by the Great Awakening, and in the next decade will be the decision on the true future of humanity.
But during the first nine years of the new millennium, we have been witness to a rapid erosion of freedom.
Our basic liberties have been systematically deteriorating and diluted by a vast expansion of coordinated global tyranny.
The decade is not over yet.
There is still another year to go.
However, given the mainstream media is obsessively compiling its own decades list, we felt it necessary to draw up our own
And highlight the major events that have shaped the world we now live in and the future we face.
It's just been a decade of lies where they say the decade's over when there's a whole other year coming up.
It's like they started the century a year early, the millennium a year early, the decade a year early.
It's a joke!
It is important to stress the fact that while we have indeed experienced a decade of tyranny, we have also seen a mass awakening, an expansion of knowledge, an exponential increase in opposition to the agenda we have come to know as the New World Order.
Here is a chronological order following PrisonPlanet.com's defining moments of the decade.
Of course, there have been countless others.
Sunday and into next week, we'll talk about what you think the biggest stories
Both over-reported, under-reported were, and what you think will happen in the next decade.
That's coming up next week.
9-1-1 was a precursor for everything that followed during the decade of tyranny.
The immediate invasion of Afghanistan saw the U.S.
go to war without formal declaration.
The passage of the USA Patriot Act overnight, with members of Congress not even being afforded time to read it, paved the way for a decade of freedom-stripping government legislation that had nothing to do with even fighting the imaginary terror.
The expansion of the phony war on terror as justification for big government, a domestic police state, and an interventionist foreign policy also stemmed directly from 9-11.
We've now discovered under Homeland Security, the MIAC reports, and others that say this real system was set up for the American people.
They know they're criminal.
They know they're a bunch of crooks taking over.
Over the past decade, we have ceaselessly exposed the lies behind 9-11.
We have seen the 9-11 Truth Movement blossom from efforts by a select few individuals, myself who kicked it all off, to encompass the work of thousands, if not millions.
Well, there is no doubt 9-11 is the decade of tyranny's defining moment.
Exposing the truth behind it has also led to an equally influential awakening that is still ongoing.
I would say accelerating.
2002, the creation of the Department of Homeland Security.
The fallout of 9-11 led to the realignment of power in the U.S.
with the shadow government stepping out of the open and implementing elements of a long-term agenda to subvert constitutional freedom and bring the states under total federal control.
After the passage of the Patriot Act in late 2001, the next major step towards tyranny came with the expansion of federal government through the creation of DHS.
The DHS has played the role of the domestic police state enforcer agency, encompassing every major law enforcement agency in the nation and 30 plus other federal agencies under one single office.
Now being handed over to international inter-poll control and under the Israelis as well.
With multiple subsequent reports and video productions fingering the American people as potential terrorists, the Orwellian-titled agency has proven to be
And proven it had nothing to do with security and everything to do with limiting the freedoms of the people all over the country and securing the banking takeover that was to come.
2003 invasion of Iraq, the move to start the dominoes for World War III.
In March of 2003, the invasion of Iraq was a war based on a mountain of lies and deceit.
And yet, at the time, the public swallowed the propaganda with wanton bloodlust
The constant invocation of the link between 9-11 and Saddam Hussein was repeatedly debunked before the war even began and after the invasion, but of course the war was set.
The invasion was an illegal attack based on a wholly contrived pretext and the war was not approved by Congress.
This set of
Precedent for unconstitutional global preemptive strikes in the name of the war on terror.
Conservative estimates put the death toll and the result of the invasion around 655,000, but this number is far higher when the previous year's sanctions are taken into account.
Upon U.S.
occupation of the country, Iraq was turned into one giant gulag with hundreds of thousands detained and held in internment camps for the most menial offenses.
The real number is about a million and a half dead.
The occupation of Iraq provided the opportunity to build hundreds of military bases to be used to launch pad for future preemptive wars in the key geopolitical region of the Middle East.
The Abu Ghraib prison abuse scandal.
Of course, also came out the Army's own report admitting children were raped in front of their parents at other camps.
People were tortured to death for fake confessions.
It was also meant to test U.S.
forces and find people who liked torture who could be moved then to be commanders of black sites all over the world.
Now rendition has been expanded under Obama, I would add.
Of course, all the famous things that happened there.
Hurricane Katrina fallout where FEMA ordered a stand down and that no aid be delivered so that FEMA could then claim that they'd screwed up and needed even more unlimited power and control and funding.
And so that's really what went on there with Katrina.
We had the liquid bomb scams of 2006, which led to tighter restrictions on airlines.
Now we've had the underwear bomber to be used as the same.
Now the TSA announces they're going on the streets, the buses, the trains of America.
Federalizing your police, training you that you have less rights than someone in Stalinist Russia.
2007, the rise of the Ron Paul revolution, the rise of the resistance.
People begin to learn the Federal Reserve is the real government and is truly running the society.
Two thousand and eight.
The bankers carry out the banking heist.
The central banks that own the U.S.
government set the course for the most egregious looting of American public in history with the passage of the TARP bailout legislation.
Of course, we could have the Animal I.D.
Premises I.D.
Act taking over the farms, the ranches, the threat integration centers being set up.
The bailout merely increased the severity of the financial downturn and allowed the same elite to exploit the crisis in the pretext of centralizing control of the world economic system and creating a new world order and a single global currency under the SDRs.
Henry Paulson, with the chief architect of the bailout and the man who committed the financial terrorism by threatening Congress with martial law and food riots, give folks a close shot of this, that they didn't pass the initial TARP package, brazenly pocketed $200 million in Goldman Sachs profits tax-free for himself.
While handing out billions in ill-gotten gains to bankster buddies after he pulled Abate & Switch by changing the entire focus of the bailout from buying up toxic debt to giving money directly to financial institutions.
Over $24 trillion.
Watson has a low number.
It's $23.7 trillion and then another $4.5 trillion.
Acceleration of world government in 2009.
2009 represents the year that the agenda for world government was both openly announced and the acceleration of its implementation reached breakneck speed as globalists exploited both the engineered financial crisis and the contrived global warming scam to move to finalize total dictatorial control over the planet.
In October, New York Times editorial, We Can Do It,
Van Kiem Moon wrote that the efforts to impose restrictions on CO2 emissions must include an equitable global governance structure.
The new EU President, Herman Van Rompuy, said at a December press conference that the Copenhagen conference was the first step towards global government and management of our planet.
Similarly, Al Gore in a speech earlier this year
So that attempts to regulate CO2 emissions would be driven through global governance and global agreements.
Although it failed to ram through a large portion of the global government agenda, the Copenhagen Agreement laid out the foundation for the introduction of a global transaction tax to be paid to private banks.
But again, it was a huge victory, the equivalent of Washington at Trenton, when we defeated the main conference.
And when those emails got leaked.
So, major victory.
Showing people we can have victories.
Ahead, we see the decade of freedom.
The battle between tyranny and freedom is a long-term game of brinksmanship.
However, as we move into 2010, we are reaching a critical time in modern history.
Humanity must decide whether to engage in battle for freedom or accept the future under the rule of tyranny.
And it's got a bibliography at the bottom of all the documentation.
And I kind of hurried through that.
I'm not a very good news reader.
Three and a half hours into the show, I get a bit tired, but... We'll have your decade of tyranny in review, but also your decade of awakening.
Next week, a lot of open phones and some other very informative guests.
I'm going to try to review last night's show with Ventura.
I noticed when I took calls, almost every call brought up the TV show.
And callers brought up how almost every call on C-SPAN is talking about the New World Order, staged terror, left-right paradigm, awakening.
I mean, it's... The globalists are going to strike back, though.
I really do think they're going to nuke cities.
They're going to do... I mean, you thought 9-11 was big.
This underwear bomber stuff is just a test.
Folks, we better expose these terrorists, we better expose these foreign bankers, or it's just... And all of you fools serving the system, you better grow up.
I mean, this is... I mean, we've got Hillary Clinton's own treatise where she admits she loves communism and covertly taking over the government.
The bankers fund the communists.
They tell you when they rob you at gunpoint and put you in a labor camp that it's for the people.
It's slavery.
It has nothing to do with that, you foolish leftists.
And all you right-wingers that think war and tyranny and checkpoints are conservative, wake up, morons!
You're controlled by the left-right paradigm.
And if you don't wake up now and say no to all of this, corporatism, crony capitalism, monopoly capitalism, the police state, big government, corporate welfare, all of it, and if you leftists don't figure out that any big government program is going to be a rip-off,
Don't you understand that?
Of course the banker bailout was a rip-off.
Of course the health care plan they haven't passed yet is a rip-off.
Of course the left is freaking out now.
You thought you were gonna get to rob some rich people.
The rich people wrote the stinking thing.
They run the government.
They're gonna be taking more out of your blue-collar paycheck, you fool!
How is this being allowed to air?
Because everybody's waking up to the New World Order, they put it in an entertainment format, and the establishment just thinks it'll further condition people.
That's even what Ventura thinks.
But it's waking people up, you have an open discussion of world government, an open discussion of how they plan to exterminate you.
I can't believe this aired last night.
Again, I recommended Monti, all the major people interviewed here.
I knew they were preparing for martial law earlier in the year, but we always stop them from fully implementing.
So they got their vaccine, billions made.
They're fear-mongering through.
We knew they were getting ready for flu hype in January.
I went on there and said, look for something big with the flu.
I don't know if it's going to be as big as the feds are teaching local counties.
They're saying millions dead per state.
That's probably bull.
But what is in the vaccine we've proven does debilitate people as part of a soft kill program and does debilitate you over time.
That's the only part I disagree with is with Dr. Labo.
She says, oh yes, it'll kill a bunch of people in the open.
There'll be a rebellion.
And I told her on air months ago, I said, no, you watch.
It's going to be debilitating over a long period of time.
Sure, some will die and some have and some will get sick.
So that's the only part of the show I don't like.
But overall, she did a great job in it as well.
But I think that's the one that I recommended.
Dr. Monteith, I recommended.
I was the main consultant on this show.
It's just a great program and I'm really honored to be involved with it.
Let's go to one of the clips now.
Go ahead and roll this clip.
Alex Jones is a leading conspiracy expert and Bilderberg foe.
Ladies and gentlemen, we're here in Canada today to stand up against the Bilderberg group that is attempting to get rid of the sovereignty of the United States.
And he's definitely made his presence known at the Bilderberg meetings.
We're not your slaves!
We don't belong to you!
Your New World Order will fall!
Jones adds a terrifying twist to the investigation.
Alex, why are we meeting here?
Because the information I want to talk to you about is important, and I wanted to talk to you privately.
Well, this is certainly private.
What do you got for me?
The big kahuna.
Which is?
It's the science of controlling populations and controlling information and becoming the mapmakers of the mind.
They lay out, through the culture, through their different media arms, the system and the direction they want to go.
So basically, the Bilderberg Group meeting is like a massive mafia commission meeting.
They're already running their different enterprises.
They're now meeting once a year to make major decisions or to tweak or change their overall program.
So it's basically like the Godfather.
The big scene in The Godfather where all the leaders of the families were brought together.
There was a problem and they solved it that day if we go to the movies.
That's exactly.
They operate by covert means and the policy is a planetary government to carry out the extermination, the murder of at least 80% of the world's population.
And they're on record saying they're doing it.
They're so arrogant, they think the public's too stupid to find out what they're doing.
They want you dead, Governor.
It is the elite trying to get a hedge on the future.
Total control freaks wanting to control mankind's destiny and only let their blood and their elite families go forward into the future with the life extension technologies.
Jones is only the latest authority to say the elitists want to get the population down to a so-called manageable level.
He's the first to give a hint of how they might do it.
That's the debate happening right now while we sit here talking.
Are they gonna go with soft kill in the water, or do they go ahead and go with the hardcore mega death, mega kill, and kill four and a half billion people at least?
This is way more urgent than I even thought.
I talked to Alex Jones, and he told me one of the main objectives of the Bilderbergs, get this, depopulation of the world.
They're cutting down the masses.
And how does he say they're going to do it?
All right.
We'll be right back.
Remain in your houses.
The President of the United States has declared martial law under Executive Order 11004.
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Will they pull the trigger this time?
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You must remain in your houses until your bracelets are scanned.
Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda,
They'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
I have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
For the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation, the criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty and on its ashes constructing world government.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com.
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I just want to promise the listeners that in the next year, you're going to see an even greater commitment from me to be more focused, more professional, more serious, more effective against the New World Order.
That's not saying we haven't done a great job in the last year.
I want to salute my crew for the fabulous job they've done.
And I want to salute all of you, the listeners,
For spreading the word about the radio show, the free podcast, the films, everything.
We are having a great effect.
You're not going to defeat this tyranny overnight.
But we are becoming the mainstream.
And the system is in trouble and everyone worldwide is sick of the offshore corporations robbing everyone.
And so they're setting up a U.N.
with a world government and a world army to make everyone do what they want so they can carry out illegitimate crimes against us and sterilize us.
And people aren't putting up with it.
That's why suddenly there's magazines and articles everywhere I go.
Oh, everyone's getting sterilized.
We don't know why.
It's so wonderful.
Oh, the fertility's falling.
It's so good.
Oh, one-child policies.
Even if you can have a kid, we should tax you if you do.
Not unless you have more than one!
This stuff's real, people!
And if you've been in denial out there and laughed at us five years ago talking about world government, you've now heard it on the news.
There's no more time to suck your thumb and play games.
Look at Monteith talking to them on the Ventura Show.
Here's a clip.
It's all up on InfoWars.com if you want to watch the whole thing.
Here it is.
Now one of those sources has summoned the governor.
Alex Jones says he knows how they plan to depopulate.
Alex, you sounded urgent.
There's an entire agenda afoot to force the population to undergo different type of medical treatments, namely vaccines.
We're seeing a medical tyranny being set up, not just in the United States, but worldwide under the UN and the World Health Organization.
Who's behind all this?
The Bilderberg Group.
They want a planetary dictatorship so they can carry out their forced depopulation agenda.
And they want to do it through the medical system.
And that's why vaccines are so important.
We know that many of these vaccines turn out to have serious adverse reactions.
That this is being done by design.
They kill you slowly over time.
That's why they're called soft kill.
And I've got an insider I think you should really talk to.
Dr. Rima Labo.
Okay, so that's a little forte.
There's a lot of these clips.
Here's another random clip.
Let's go to clip three.
I think this is Monteith, but whatever.
You can watch it on TruTV.
It'll re-air next week before the latest episode.
8 p.m., channel... at 10 p.m.
Eastern, 9 p.m.
Central, whatever your channel is.
And here's another clip.
Just go ahead and play it then.
We're almost... Doctor, how can you say this stuff?
Let me tell you a story.
In 2003, I had a patient in my drug-free medical practice who was a head of state.
And one day, she said, you know, it's almost time for the great culling to begin.
The what?
That's what I said.
The what?
She said the great culling.
When you thin the herd.
I said what are you talking about?
She said it's almost time for the useless eaters.
To be cold.
And she said, those are the people who are consuming our non-renewable natural resources.
I said, who are the people who make this decision?
She said, we, the aristocrats.
This person you talk to, you're bound because you're a physician and there's the relationship that you can't talk.
Is this person a member of the Bilderbergs?
She is not Queen Beatrice.
She is not the Queen of England.
She is not Henry Kissinger.
But she certainly presented herself as a member of that power elite and she certainly was a head of state.
The Bilderbergers are much talked about.
Folks, we're out of time.
Happy New Year.
Let's stand up for humanity.
Let's wake up.
Let's take action.
Retransmission starts now.
See you 2010.
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