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Name: 20091222_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Dec. 22, 2009
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, an extremely important broadcast lined up today, on this Thursday, the 17th day of December, 2009.
We're going to be live here for the next four hours, simulcasting the entire four hours of radio at PrisonPlanet.TV.
We are live right now.
Okay, we do have the episode posted up on YouTube, for as long as it's there, linked on PrisonPlanet.com.
Of the three shows, I think it's the best.
I thought the 9-11 piece was the best until I had a chance to see this in its entirety.
I'd seen pieces of it as a consultant, as you can see in the credits for the TruTV television show.
It's the highest rated new show they've ever had, and it held its ratings, which they never do.
Very, very rare.
Usually a premiere has the highest ratings, or a season finale.
But it's holding at record ratings for TruTV.
And very, very exciting.
Jesse Ventura, I can only salute him.
This has never before been done.
This is an anti-New World Order show that exposes Maury Strong, the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, their plan to rob everybody, their plan to set up a dictatorship.
They aired last week a 9-11 piece that exposed the FBI hiding the air traffic boxes, the data recorders from the planes.
I mean, it's incredible that this is airing.
So I'm going to play a few minutes of this, come back with Lord Christopher Monckton with his report from Copenhagen, the latest on what's happening with the public formation of world government.
But here's a short clip from the hour-long special that aired last night, 10 o'clock Eastern, on TruTV, the number one show they've got, Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura.
Time to get the answers.
Jesse Ventura sets off alone for a meeting with the man he calls his wild card.
Alex Jones inhabits the conspiracy world as few others.
He's an expert of world renown.
He knows the players.
He knows the connections, the whistleblowers, and the operatives.
Most important, he knows the history.
Alex, good to see you again.
Thanks for meeting me here.
Governor, good to see you.
I believe I may have the information you're looking for.
Alex, how do we get to Maurice Strong?
He's very hard to get to.
He rarely does interviews.
He jet sets all over the planet.
He's a man without a country.
He's a major front man for the United Nations.
He's been a high-level UN official.
He also works closely with the Rockefeller family.
And he is the person behind the call for all these different global taxes.
The way you get to him is with somebody who 25 years ago worked very close with him, and that's George Hunt.
George Hunt.
He is the consummate insider.
He was there at the beginning, at the embryonic formation of this phony environmental movement that intends to take over the entire planet's resources and set up a form of tyranny.
So you're telling me that George Hunt is the key?
He can put the jigsaw puzzle together on this whole global warming thing?
He's our man on the inside.
And you can set up this meeting with George Hunt?
Jesse, I will have George Hunt here for you, in this warehouse, same time, same place tomorrow, if you can meet with him.
He can explain the entire agenda, the move towards world government, the takeover of resources by megacorporations and the shadowy families that control them.
All of it ties together.
These are the people that are behind the European Union and the Euro.
I'll meet with him, Alex.
Thanks for doing it.
Thank you, and I'll be here tomorrow.
Thank you.
You bet.
George Hunt had better be here, and he'd better have the goods.
Coming up, he shows up alright.
The man who makes a direct link between the global warming scare and a plot to rule the world.
Their aims are to create an anxiety about the ecology and global warming and so on.
They're going to use it to take over the world.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is groundbreaking.
Nothing like this has ever aired on television.
I was talking to one of the producers of it and they can't believe that it's being allowed to be aired.
This is groundbreaking.
Lord Christopher Monckton was also in this global warming special.
He's live with us from Copenhagen.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Well, I am really shaken by how powerful Jesse Ventura's Global Warming Special was on TruTV.
Top ratings, the top show they've got on the channel.
That they start out with an open mind and conclude by the end that it's a global government fraud.
They get Ben Santer to admit that he altered UN documents.
See, Climategate is only the latest in what Lord Monckton and others for over a decade have been exposing.
Systematic fraud.
And I just can't believe they allowed this to air.
I was talking to Michael Braverman
Uh, who is the producer of the show, Jesse Ventura's manager last night.
He called me, and he said, I can't believe they're allowing us to air this.
I can't believe that they let us come out with the 9-11 information, with the HAARP information, now this.
But it shows that there's a major power struggle going on right now, and a lot of people in the establishment don't want to go into this world dictatorship.
So, major shake-ups happening right now, but I am stunned that this aired.
Lord Christopher Monckton is a big part of the hour-long special.
He hasn't seen it yet, but he joins us for the rest of the hour from Copenhagen, Denmark.
Now into week number two.
Obama and others to speak tomorrow.
The big grand finale.
It ends early next week.
And so joining us from Copenhagen to give us a report on the state of this global government establishment declaration of tyranny.
It looks like it's in trouble, but he's the real expert and is on the ground and can tell us that and what their strategy, what their plan B is going to be.
I have a good idea, but I want to get it directly from Christopher Monckton.
Sir, thank you so much for joining us.
Well, Alex, it's a real pleasure to be with you again.
Thank you.
Give us your report on what you've witnessed in the last week and a half and the state of this event.
You're there.
Well, the first thing is, it's been very like a Nuremberg rally.
The people who come to these things are very nearly all of one mind only.
As a very senior senator from Australia said to me today, this morning, as we were trying to get into the conference, and neither he, a senator from Australia, nor I, a member of the House of Lords in Britain,
Nor be it without a seat or a vote.
Neither of us could get into the conference today because they were excluding everybody except the delegates and a tiny, tiny token handful of outside observers and we, whom they had on their blacklist because we disagreed with what they're trying to do there, were not allowed in.
But what has been going on over the last 10 days is they've been trying to see whether they can get a binding treaty
And more or less at the outset they realised they would have to abandon that.
Because it would never pass the U.S.
If they call it a treaty, it requires two-thirds of the U.S.
Senate to vote for it.
And there are just too many blue-dog Democrats, as well as sensible Republicans, who will not vote for the destruction of the U.S.
Constitution, for the establishment of a world government, for the bankrupting of the United States, for the destruction of working people's jobs right across the industries of the U.S., all of which will become unprofitable if anything like the original draft treaty had gone through.
The word government has now been dropped from the treaty.
Unfortunately, all of the principles of all of the structures, the democratic structures, I say undemocratic structures I should say, of bureaucracy that they're going to put in place, these
700 separate new bureaucracies all interlocking with the Secretariat of the Conference of States Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.
These are the new entities that they're going to bring into being to create this world government.
Those are still in the draft and Ban Ki-moon
He's clearly expecting, he's the head of the UN, he's clearly expecting that part of the treaty to go through because he is saying we're going to have to set up a structure of global governance just to handle, yet this is actually what he admitted yesterday, the enormous amount of money which we are going to be getting from the countries of the West once this agreement goes through at Copenhagen.
So, they are expecting to get this through.
So all the reports you see about how the parties are fatally deadlocked, China has walked out, the African countries have walked out, everybody's complaining that the Danish government's handling of it, the Danish government says that it can no longer broker an agreement, all of these things are the traditional window dressing.
We'll try to disarm those of us who don't want any of this to succeed, because we would rather like to preserve.
So they're playing dead.
They're playing possum.
They're acting like they've been defeated.
But you're giving us the dreadful news, Lord Christopher Monckton is, that you believe they will sign this agreement that really is a treaty, but on the surface isn't.
If he tries to do that, he will be impeached.
The great thing about the United States Constitution is that it does not allow the president to rule on his own.
It's very clear that there are three branches of the legislature.
There are the two houses of Congress and there is the executive branch, the president and his cabinet.
And he cannot rule on his own.
If he tries, he will be impeached.
In fact, already there are those in the Republican camp
We're beginning to look at the constitutional implications of some of the things the President has been saying.
He had better tread very carefully indeed, or he will be out of office and in prison before he knows it.
There are constitutional constraints which, thank God, may yet save not only America but the rest of the world from what you rightly describe as a tyranny.
That is what they had intended.
And it was I who first revealed this when I got the first draft of this dreadful treaty and revealed its contents to the world in a speech in Minnesota, which has now been seen by 4 million people on YouTube.
And there's no doubt that this has woken people up to what is really intended here.
And yes, Sir Maurice Strong, whom you mentioned in your introduction, he said 25 years ago
That he was intending to turn the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change into a world government.
To that end, he didn't set it up as a scientific body, but as a political body.
That was his original intention, and he has stuck to that throughout.
He also mentioned Ben Santa, whose various fraudulent attempts to tamper with the scientific reports of the UN I have been exposing over the years.
It was Santa who, on his own, rewrote
The 1995 UN report on the climate, which had been submitted by, you know, a thousand scientists.
They'd agreed the text.
The bureaucrats were furious that the scientists had said there is no indication of any human influence on global temperatures.
They said it five times.
They said it clearly.
They said we don't know when such an effect will ever be discernible.
Lord Monckton, for those that don't know, go back.
In the Jesse Ventura special, but for years, you've been exposing Ben Santer.
Tell people who he is at the UN, the direct deputy, the minion of Maurice Strong, people that don't know who Maurice Strong is.
And he's now in this TV show, Ben Santer, admitting that he did excise that out.
So another huge climate gate.
I mean, what is new to the public is new.
This may be old news to people who've been researching it like you, but this is a whole other climate gate directly from the UN, where they're engaged in fraud.
That is exactly it.
What we have clearly got here in this 1995 episode, which Sir John Horton, who was chairman of the UN at the time, of the Climate Panel at the time, tried to deny had ever happened.
He said he was unaware of any rewriting.
He in fact knew perfectly well that this had been done, because he and others at the UN have later said, oh but this was entirely within the UN's procedures.
One man,
could rewrite the UN's report and say exactly the opposite of what the scientists said, because that was what the bureaucrats wanted.
They didn't want the scientists to say there wasn't a problem, otherwise this UN climate panel would be closed down and there'd be no world government.
So they got Santa to rewrite it, and he's now admitted on television that that is what he did.
I believe it's the first time he has admitted it, but I had the proof long ago that he's done this.
I've been saying so.
In fact, I've done a tour of European Parliament in which I have revealed exactly which bits of the 1995 report he did rewrite.
And so now it is much better known than it was that this had gone on.
And of course, he is one of the climate case emailers.
He's intimately connected with the people who
I think so, yes.
The 1990 UN report had shown a graph showing that the medieval war period was 1 or 2 degrees Celsius warmer than today.
That's 3 or 4 Fahrenheit.
And by 2001, they'd swept that away.
It's the same team connected to Ben Santa by these emails at Climate Case who had done that.
And then in the 2007 report, they produced a bogus graph
Pretending that the rate of increase in temperatures over the past 150 years has itself been accelerating ever more rapidly as you come closer to the present.
Now that graph was bogus, and it was in fact fraudulent.
And I saw Rajendra Pachauri, the chairman of the IPCC, at a lecture at the University of Copenhagen two nights ago, using that bogus graph, which he knew was bogus.
And so I stood up at the end of his lecture and I gave him a letter, which I had written to him, explaining why this graph was bogus.
And I said to him, this graph is a fraud.
You are participating in a fraud by using material of this kind, which has long been discredited.
And the fact that you're still using it is an extremely serious matter.
And he was very upset, and he said, oh, but you know, to use the word fraud, that's a very unparliamentary word, you shouldn't use it.
But he had absolutely no way of answering the point I had made.
Lord Christopher Monckton is our guest.
I want to, in layman's terms, sir, go over the state of the attempt at world government at getting 190 nations lined up to sign on to a private UN slash World Bank IMF dictatorship where we pay Maury Strong and Al Gore and David Rockefeller for carbon credits.
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I was talking to Lord Monckton during the break about some of the things I want to cover in the time we have left with him in this hour.
How they're trying to implement this global government takeover by stealth right now.
Schwarzenegger says they're going to take over counties, cities, and states.
That's already going on.
But then I said I also want to talk about how I keep seeing UN police assault or grab reporters that ask questions, even accredited reporters.
And live on Fox News, the maker of Al Gore, Not Evil, Just Wrong, which is really a whitewash, by the way.
He is pure evil.
He's a fraud.
He's a would-be slave master.
That guy got hit in the head by a bottle.
I mean, they are really attacking people.
And Lord Monckton told me he was assaulted by a police officer, knocked to the ground, and had the attention of a medic.
So, Lord Monckton, you described it.
Luckily, I brought up the point of the assaults of people that don't follow the new Hitlerian religion, but tell us what happened to yourself and others.
Well, I was with Senator Steve Fielding from Australia and other members of the group from the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow, which is a sensible environmental pressure group, and we were all accredited members of this conference.
We were entitled to go into the conference.
However, yesterday and again today, we were turned away by the UN on the flimsiest grounds.
Because there had been a demonstration by members of other non-governmental organisations totally unconnected with us.
Demonstrations, in fact, in a completely opposite direction from us.
But they therefore decided they would exclude everyone, even those whom they had invited, as they had us, and accredited to this conference.
So when it was plain that we weren't going to be allowed in, the police said, would you please leave?
And they began manhandling me.
So I said, I put my hand in my pocket.
First thing you should do, I was trained in this by the John Ambulance years ago, if the police start to get cratchy, as they do.
This is the Danish police under orders from the UN.
That's the way it works.
The new world government is already taking shape.
They manhandled me physically.
And I said, you will take your hand off.
And they then did, and the policeman said, you know, you're a very unpleasant man.
I said, no, I'm just not used to being manhandled, and please don't do it.
And I went where he wanted me to go, turned my back on him and began to walk away, and he hit me very hard from behind, knocking me to the ground and knocking me out.
Excuse me, excuse me, sir.
A member of the House of Lords, the third Viscount of Moncton and Brentley, and you're being assaulted by UN-controlled thugs attacked from behind.
Again, no one is safe from this tyranny.
No, that's right.
It was a very disfiguring episode.
And I had done nothing to provoke this, except to say, please, don't manhandle me.
There was no need for that.
We were on our way.
So he knocked you out?
I mean, you were knocked unconscious?
And then, apparently, I'm told, because I was then out for, I don't know, I don't know how long I was out for, but anyway, when I came around, there were lots of concerned faces standing around.
And apparently, while I'd been knocked out, so my friends who were around me, one of them kindly cradling my head to stop it being banging on the ground again,
Uh, they were saying, oh yes, he's just making it up.
He's just faking it.
Anyway, the, the, kindly, the, the excellent equivalent of John Ambulance, the, the Danish volunteer ambulance man, came and took me away and looked, looked after me in their ambulance for 20 minutes and put a blanket on me and warmed me up and gave me some water to drink and checked my pulse and made sure I was coherent and all right again.
Um, they were very, very good and I made a wee donation to their,
Well, that's right.
He was a police officer who, I think, let's be fair to them, they were under pressure from the very nasty goons who are the UN Police Force, the Danish police.
I don't
Didn't know where to turn.
In the end, he just decided he would take a swipe at me and unfortunately knocked me to the ground and knocked me out.
Did he hit you with a billy club in the head, sir?
No, no, no, no.
It was just... I mean, he had a glove and he pushed me a little too hard in the back.
And not be flying.
So let's not try to overstate this.
It was a pretty minor incident.
But if you did that to him, you'd be up on attempted murder charges.
I would be locked up for assaulting a police officer.
No doubt about it at all.
And I'd be sent home in disgrace and never learned back in Denmark again.
He will get off stop three and possibly be given a promotion.
That's the way it now is.
So I do feel some sympathy for him.
He was under a lot of pressure from them, and of course we have been trying to get into the conference, but he was under a certain amount of pressure.
All right, Lord Monckton, stay there.
I want to get into all the other areas to cover in a long segment coming up.
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Well, I had to squeeze the information out of Lord Mocton.
He's too gentlemanly to really tell you what happened to him, but he's caught up and really, really got thrashed to the ground bad.
And he is filing a complaint through someone he knows in the Danish Parliament.
And we need to not forgive police when they assault us from behind, because if this is allowed to continue, next they'll be snatching and grabbing us like what happened at the G20 a few months ago, where uniformed military were snatching and grabbing peaceful protesters off the streets.
Lord Monckton, I know you don't want to spend too much more time on this,
But finishing up, any other comments about how you were assaulted and how the UN... I mean, I've seen countless videos of accredited reporters, if they ask about Climategate, armed UN police drag them away.
The climate cultist on the streets, if anyone
I mean, video after video, we have multiple videos posted on Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com today, where people are being interviewed and they say, well, I question man-made climate change.
I think climate gain is important.
Bottles and rocks and apples begin hitting them in the face and hissing, attacking.
I mean, these are authoritarian thugs, not just the police, not just the UN.
I mean, the acolytes of this, when you talk about Nuremberg electric
The U.S.
government, the federal government, at the state and city level to implement this global governance grid.
He says global governance and planetary transformation.
Is this not sedition by Schwarzenegger saying he will come into our nation as a usurper and bypass the Senate?
Well, I think we're covering quite a lot of ground there, starting off with, I think, what was put into perspective as a relatively small incident.
I mean, OK, yes, I'm a peer of the realm, but I know policemen shouldn't be going around bashing people in the back.
But I think the poor guy hadn't realized that he sort of overdid it a bit.
He hadn't intended to knock me to the ground.
It was just unfortunate that I was in a particular position where when he hit me, I tripped over and fell flat on my face.
I don't think he meant it.
I do think he should have, having been warned not to put his hands on me, he shouldn't have done that.
And I think in due course he will be disciplined and probably put down a rank for a year or two to remind him that you don't treat people that way.
So let's not over-magnify that.
And I do feel a lot of sympathy for the Danish police in that they are clearly being under orders from these very, very nasty flinty-faced
We're good to go.
For the events we've seen, you know, the Dailies Police laying in, not just to our side, to be clear, but also to demonstrators from the other side with truncheons.
I mean, they've been bashing them.
And that's also been shown on television worldwide.
And it has led me and others to comment that perhaps the Danes and the U.S.
don't quite understand what being in a democracy is all about.
So moving on from that, then to Schwarzenegger.
And him saying that this is such a pressing problem that he's going to circumvent the government, I don't think he'll get away with that.
He too could find himself impeached if he tries to go against the US Constitution.
The Constitution is there, and we now see what an important document it is, regarded by Obama and his people, and they sent it to an election campaign as a piece of paper that is now an obstacle to what the left wishes to achieve internationally.
And Schwarzenegger, although he's nominally a Republican, is clearly more and more identifying himself with the, effectively, and I'm going to use the word, the communist left that are now running America, and much else in the world.
And I think what we have to do is to say that if anybody breaks the law in the way that Schwarzenegger is supposed to, then however high a senior they may be in their local area, they will be taken to task and taken, if necessary, to court for that.
Well, I don't think that he's going to get away with that.
I think that mere rodomontade of the sort you get at these conferences.
They overstate everything to the nth degree.
Much of the UN has been doing all along about the climate.
And so we shouldn't get too excited by that.
If he tries to do anything of that kind, he will get stopped eventually because... Well, yes sir, but I mean...
Lord Monckton, here's a quick example.
He couldn't get the Legislature of California to pass taxes on all televisions and ban them above 40 inches, saying he's the Gropenfuhrer, the Groupfuhrer, he's going to decide as the Gowliner what type of TV you can have.
So he just ordered the California Department of Energy to do it by fiat.
He is calling for a summit of mayors, and the U.N.
had a summit of mayors there, to have the cities levy the taxes.
A bunch of other U.S.
cities are doing this.
I know some of the governments in England, I mean, in the United States, and it's the same all over the Western world, for those that don't know, you have the federal government, you have the state governments, and cities and counties and local municipalities are chartered
Right, and you're quite right, and the way to do that
...is to make sure that any state or local organisation that oversteps its powers is taken to court under the ultraviris rule.
That means anything that is beyond your powers.
Ultraviris, that's the court phrase.
You aren't allowed to do that.
And it is not permissible for local administrations to levy federal taxes.
So if they try to start playing that game, all it takes is one good bit to take them to court, to the federal court, and say, look, this is not allowed, is it?
The federal court will look at it and say, no, it isn't.
And they will impose whatever penalties are necessary, whatever orders of the court are necessary, to stop the local administration doing this.
So you do still have a constitution in the United States that basically works.
And if anyone, like the EPA or local government or state government, try to overtop the rights of the US legislature to make and unmake the laws that you elected them to make and unmake, then you will be defending your democracy if you take them to court and say, we will not have this imposed upon us.
We are doing this in the UK all the time because we recently had our local government trying to impose some damn full tax on us.
Uh, and they said they had the right to do this under some European directive or another.
And we said, no, you don't have the right to do that to us, and we are not paying.
And if you try to make us pay, we will take you to court.
And they were so frightened that they said, OK, we'll leave you alone.
So clearly, when you stand up and fight to this illegal strategy, they fold.
But the question is, will we stand and fight?
Now, I want to get into strategy.
In layman's terms, you're probably the leading expert in the world, not just on the science from studying it and interviewing all the scientists, but on how their fraud works, how their organization works, how their propaganda works, how their bureaucracy, their takeover by stealth works.
Specifically, Lord Christopher Monckton, joining us live in the final days, the climax of the summit tomorrow into next week.
Specifically, you're saying that they are going to get an agreement, it's going to be a stealth agreement.
Explain that to us, and what you expect to happen tomorrow with Obama, and what we can do understanding their cloaked attack profile.
The first thing they will do, and the one thing that I think they were always going to succeed in doing at this conference, is to agree to establish what it will be delicately called the Institutional Framework.
Now that is a code word for world government.
They're no longer calling it world government because they tried that, I spotted it, I publicised it, the world went, ah, we're not having that.
And so they've beaten off using the word, but they're going to keep the structure.
They're going to use this conference, the agreement that they will reach here, to set up the institutional framework, which means in effect the world government, and they're going to take from the Western countries the very large financial resources required to do that.
That's the one thing they are definitely going to succeed in doing here, and they will announce that as a victory in itself, and they will be right, because that is the one and only single aim of this entire global warming nonsense.
It is to establish the mechanism, the structure, and above all, the funding for a world government.
And that is what they're going to get agreement for.
And they will disguise it by saying we're setting up a $10 billion fund or a $100 billion fund for adaptation to climate change in third world countries.
But actually, this money will almost all be gobbled up by the international bureaucracy.
And because of the way that governments now hide from their people how it is they're spending,
We've got the people's money and exactly how much is going to international organisations.
When I had a question put down in the House of Lords about how much Britain has given to the UN's climate panel over the years, the answer I got was, we do not have this information.
Well of course they have the information, but they're not going to tell us.
And the difficulty will be in finding out what they are actually doing.
But if they declare that they are going to do this and they don't have the constitutional authority
Absolutely, Lord Monson!
Anything that comes out in just the form of an executive agreement will be something which you can overthrow and defeat and say no to, even though the Supreme Court will bend over backwards to do what Obama wants.
In the end, it does have to uphold the Constitution, and it can't, I think, countenance the circumvention of the Constitution by the Executive Agreement Procedure on a treaty with such major financial and political implications as this.
Lord Christopher Monckton, again, sorry to be interrupting, but I want to move into some other areas and get your expertise on them.
I want to play a short clip.
This is a story up on PrisonPlanet.com, Infowars.net.
Steve Watson out of the UK wrote it.
Rothschild talks about the difficulty of global government's agenda at Copenhagen.
So he talks about the difficulty of selling this.
So I want to play the clip and then ask you
Lord Monckton, why did they deny world government for so long when it was in their own documents, then they came out in the last couple months and admitted, okay, it's global government, run by private groups, and then now they're retreating from that but still pushing the agenda.
It appears on the surface that they are really beginning to show real signs of stress and that this is a mortal wound that ClimateGate
Is literally hemorrhaging all of their support.
But here is the short clip.
It's past the point of talking.
We know historically that the global governance agenda to these issues is very hard to try and, with all the best intentions, is very hard to actually activate.
We're seeing that right now.
We're seeing a lot of fragmentation going on in Copenhagen, a lot of different agendas pulling in different directions.
And I think what we really need to see is people on the ground starting to actually act upon the low-hanging fruit and start to try and move on the solutions that we have at hand.
Okay, so that's the headline.
Rothschild rues difficulty of advancing global governance agenda at Copenhagen.
That was on Bloomberg Television.
Lord Monckton.
Yeah, I think he's right.
I think they are finding it difficult.
Because they got caught out.
You see, let's remember how they hid this treaty with the word government in it.
What they did was they put it on the website of the Conference of the States Party for the Framework Convention on Climate Change.
But they called it a note by the Secretariat.
And it was only a vigilant friend of mine who realised it was too large.
It's just a note by the Secretariat.
Too big a file.
He opened it and found this treaty buried at the back of the note.
186 pages at the back of a two-page note.
And there, in it, when I read it, was this business in Annex 1, paragraph 36-38, about a world government that was going to take over all the financial and other markets.
There'd be no such thing as a free market anymore.
Lavish taxation, etc, etc.
Huge powers.
Never had any government worldwide had such powers as this was going to have.
And they got caught out.
They had hoped they could leave it there, and then when they got this through at Copenhagen and people started objecting, saying, we hadn't realised it meant this, they would have said, but it was on our website all the time.
That was the cheesy game they were trying to play, and they didn't get away with it.
Because it was publicised and because, particularly in the United States, people stood up and got in touch with their legislators and said, we are not having this.
This treaty shall not pass.
It became really impossible for them to get away with it in the way that they had originally hoped.
They still hope that by making it an agreement, by taking out the word government, but by leaving in all the institutional framework, which is what they're now calling the world government,
We just lost our
guest, so we will reconnect with him as soon as we can.
That actually sounded like a power outage to me.
We'll get Lord Monckton back on the line with us.
I'm having a lot of phone troubles lately.
But think about it, world government is now out in the open and they go on international Bloomberg TV and say, oh yes, people don't like our global governance, so we've got to go with the low-lying fruit.
And what is the low-lying fruit?
We're going to ask Lord Monckton that question now.
Sir, can you hear me again?
Yes, I can.
Loud and clear.
Okay, well, the miracle of technology, we're talking to you in Europe, we're here in the United States.
What is the low-lying fruit he's talking about?
Is that what you're discussing of how they're going to do this by stealth, through the bureaucracy, and through just getting national governments to just give tax money to this body like they've been doing in the past?
That's right.
What they'll do is they'll start with the institutional framework, this is the world government structure, because that doesn't require any agreement about how much the Western countries will pay towards the poor countries, how much money the poor countries will get, how much CO2 emissions Western countries will have to reduce, ditto, ditto.
All of that difficult stuff.
They won't do.
They will do the easy bit.
And the easy bit, bureaucratically, is always to agree to set up a bureaucracy.
All bureaucracies are very good at setting up new bureaucracies.
So that's what he means by low-hanging fruit.
He means, let's set up the world government.
And that's what they're going to do, and I think that's the one outcome which is more or less guaranteed from tomorrow's final to get in.
And this conference is actually due to end tomorrow.
It will in fact go into an all-night session.
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Well, Lord Christopher Monckton has been very, very gracious to be with us.
He has another interview coming up.
He'll be with us five minutes into the next hour.
So, specifically, the talks are in trouble.
They are somewhat of a failure, but you're saying they will get their structure of global government, and that is a great defeat to Liberty, but we then need to oppose it.
You're saying, really, the final day is tomorrow.
It may go into Saturday.
Lord Monckton, explain that to us.
Yes, tomorrow is the final full day of the conference, and the way the script for these things usually works, as I said earlier, we've had the leaked document by the Danish government at the beginning, that's part of the standard script.
We've had the delegations walking out, first the Africans, then the Chinese, that's part of the standard script.
Then we've had the demonstrations with the function-wielding police, that happened earlier this week, that's part of the script.
Then we have
The endless news that it's all going to be a complete failure and nothing will be agreed to at all, that's part of the standard script.
Then we will get, and you heard it here first, the all-night session at the end during which Obama calls them all together and says, come on, Cap, we've got to go the last mile, we've got to get the agreement.
And what they will agree at the end of the all-night session when they come out with their stubbly chins and their
They will agree on the one thing which is what the UN has wanted all along and Maurice Strong has wanted all along.
They will agree on what is being called the institutional framework, but which is actually these interlocking bureaucracies, very expensive and very powerful, that will constitute the world government.
Once they've got the bureaucracies in place,
They will gradually, by successive treaties and agreements down the years, transfer more and more power to the bureaucracy.
So the key thing they've got to achieve here, and if they don't achieve it here they never will, is to get this bureaucracy in place.
That is what they're going to agree to.
But if they can't get the United States Senate to sign on, then how do they get it through?
I guess they just continue by stealth, death by a thousand cuts, just like EU expansion was built.
They'll do it, first of all, with all the countries that do agree.
And then the United States will find herself isolated.
That'll be the game.
And under huge pressure on Obama to conform.
He will then try to find ways of covertly funding this, and he finds that he can't do that because I think the Republicans in the Senate in particular have woken up to the dangers now, and they're going to fight it if he tries anything unconstitutional.
Um, but eventually the hope will be that if you put the bureaucracy there, you get all the other nations to start funding it, eventually you will get a U.S.
administration that will just get too tired of resisting it and will eventually decide... So we need to get on the offensive and start removing their bureaucracy.
So overall, is ClimateGate, is this year's Copenhagen, what the U.N.
called the most important meeting ever, is this a defeat for them?
A setback?
I mean, as a general, in 60 seconds, to the troops, Lord Monckton, what is our situation?
What is your report, your briefing to us?
What is the state of our fight?
My briefing to you is this.
World government is coming because the leaders of the West have given up.
They no longer care about democracy.
They no longer care about the truth about the climate.
They are willing to go along with this world government because they see roles for themselves in that world government in exactly the same way as the leaders of the EU did.
And we saw them squabbling just a few weeks ago over who was going to become the first permanent president of this ghastly dictatorial entity because they were going to get more power as president of the EU without ever having to face an election.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNLive.com today!
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
It is Tuesday, the 8th day of December 2009.
We're going to be live here for the next four hours.
Lord Christopher Monckton will be joining us from day two of the Copenhagen World Government Establishment Summit that is going on.
We'll be covering all the latest developments with the climate gate fraud and another huge development today.
Copenhagen Climate Summit in disarray after Danish techs leak.
They told the third world they were going to be given all this money from the global taxes.
Turns out it's all going to go to private central banks.
That was in the treaty!
That's what the big banks have been saying they were going to set up for at least 20 years.
But this is new news to the world.
Now the summit's in even more trouble because the third world is finding out it's a screw job to shut down their industry.
They were sold by the same IMF and World Bank that have been robbing them for more than half a century that this was going to empower them and that this was going to be a new tax on the West.
No, it's actually a tax by Western banks on them and on the people of the West.
This is a huge new development.
Also investigative journalist at the London Telegraph.
Climategate, Barack Obama's rule by EPA decree is a coup d'etat against Congress made in Britain.
That is the headline.
Governor Jesse Ventura, fresh off the premiere of his television show last Wednesday, to record all-time ratings on True TV, formerly Court TV, will be joining us to talk about a host of issues until the bottom of the hour.
Then Lord Christopher Monckton coming up in the second hour today from Copenhagen, Denmark.
So you'll definitely want to stay with us.
For that, this is going to be extremely informative and I'm lining up a bunch of other reporters to be on with us this week and next week in the two-week long summit, or roughly two weeks, was a 13-day long summit being held in Copenhagen, Denmark.
So that is all coming up today as well.
Also more on Senate Leader Harry Reid comparing opponents of health care reform to supporters of slavery.
You don't like socialist government?
You're a racist.
It's the n-word.
Has nothing to do with it.
They just inject that in there.
When this is actually government slavery making you buy insurance, making you have more money taken out of your taxes, for this whole eugenics soft kill program that is modern healthcare, and with a 41 billion dollar cut a year in Medicare alone,
That the Democrats have stripped out of Medicaid and Medicare, even more than $41 billion total.
Just $41 billion with Medicare alone.
So they're the ones actually raising taxes, cutting services, while meanwhile invoking race cards and slavery.
Again, they're race pimps.
They use race as a tool of division.
We're going to be breaking that down today as well.
Also, I've gotten some emails of people in denial.
We have confirmed that around the country, gun shops, Walmart,
Gun shows are demanding social security numbers and ID cards that they scan or record to get into gun shows.
And some gun shows are just getting the last four digits.
Yes, that is really going on and we're investigating that as well.
Very, very serious because it's being done outside of the law.
It's being done literally just as a form of intimidation by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms.
And now explosives, they're always changing their name as they run around the nation basically intimidating people.
But when we get back from break, Governor Jesse Ventura.
We'll be on with us to talk about the huge success of his number one TV show number one on true TV Part 2 airing 10 p.m.
Eastern Tomorrow night on true TV.
We'll talk about the upcoming episodes as well and a lot more his last interview
He's doing it with us before he leaves to Mexico for a few weeks of surfing.
I bet he wishes he was in Hawaii.
They're recording record waves there right now.
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Former Minnesota governor, movie star, top wrestler, best-selling author, XFL and NFL commentator, and so much more.
Governor Jesse Ventura with us until the bottom of the hour.
Lord Christopher Monckton joining us coming up 52 minutes from now from the Copenhagen Global Government Summit.
But I wanted to get the governor on and luckily I caught him because this is his last interview.
He is leaving
Uh, in the next 24 hours to Mexico for a few months of surfing.
And so we are certainly honored to have him on with us.
Governor Ventura, good to have you here.
Good morning, Alex.
So, so this is your swan song before you escape to Mexico.
Actually, I'm not leaving within the next 24, but I would tell you it will be within the next week.
Okay, because I talked to your wife and she thought you were leaving.
Well, I don't know.
Maybe she's going to pack me up and we'll be out of here tonight.
I don't know.
That was last Friday.
They're usually in charge.
Boy, I tell you, you have been busy.
Well, congratulations on the television show being the highest rated new show in true TV history.
Massive viewership.
Well, it did well, you know, considering all the options out there, Alex, and that there's, you know, literally hundreds of stations that a viewer has to choose from.
They couldn't be happier, I couldn't be happier, and I want to thank your listeners on that, because they're certainly a part of it now.
The key now is to keep the momentum rolling, and hopefully the show will grow.
Hopefully word of mouth will get out there, and there is a buzz, believe it.
Or not.
And hopefully the show will continue to grow in viewership.
And that way it'll pretty much force their hand.
They'll have to renew for more.
And then we can continue our investigations and continue enlightening the public and asking the questions.
Can we get definitive answers?
Not always.
Because naturally we can't put anyone under oath and threaten them with perjury or subpoena anybody.
But we certainly can pose the question and continue to
So did you lose the bet?
I mean, you betted that the show wouldn't air with your crew, or your crew...
I thought at the 11th hour someone would come in and pull the plug on this project.
They have not.
The first one aired, of course, on Harp last week.
Tomorrow night should be on the infamous 9-11.
And, you know, again, I defend myself by saying this.
I went out and spoke to three different people who were all at the site when it happened, and within that day, the other gentlemen spent 256 consecutive days there working.
All of these interviews I do with these people tell a far different story than what the government told us.
Now, you then ask yourself the question, who do you want to believe?
Do you want to believe the government bureaucracy and the bureaucrats in Washington that weren't there?
Or do you want to believe three people who were hands-on, two of them surviving the attack, and the other one starting that very day to spend 256 consecutive days at the site?
Who do you want to believe?
Well, I'll unequivocally state that I believe the people I talk to.
And I don't want to tip the show off completely, so that's why I'm kind of talking in generalities and not naming names.
Sure, well I've got a large idea of, I mean I know the inside baseball and I think people are going to be amazed when they see this tomorrow night.
A lot of people couldn't believe this would go on mainstream television.
They couldn't believe that you would go on and do the Harp Special
And that it would be basically all from our perspective, our point of view, because the other side was so secretive and, you know, covered up what was really going on.
People are really amazed.
This is a watershed event to have the pro-conspiracy view shown.
But as you said, you just went out and searched for the truth.
And you've shared with me your view on what you think the most powerful
Well, I'll tell you this.
The scariest of the seven episodes, in my opinion, is 2012.
And I'll leave it at that.
That's the scariest one.
The most bizarre one, in my opinion, and again, this is just my opinion, is the Manchurian Candidate episode.
You know, Alex, throwing everything aside, the shows are going to be very entertaining, they're going to be informative, and if people even choose not to believe them, they certainly will be frightened by the shows, because if they are true, it is frightening.
That's what the great thing was about doing these shows.
And again, I'm amazed that they're on the air, but you know, maybe they just think that I don't have the credibility anymore.
Maybe they just think that it'll be meaningless.
But the other reason I'm glad they're on the air is a hundred years from now,
I hope that people, when they look back and study about now, will realize that not all of us believed what the government said on things.
Not all of us were of the same opinion as their official story.
And I think that's very important because to every story there's going to be multiple sides to it.
And those multiple sides need to be heard.
And fortunately now we've got it on the record.
If these seven shows air, there will at least be some type of something on the record, pretty predominantly, that indicates that not everybody believed the status quo.
Well, just to be clear, I have had a chance to
Discover what is contained in tomorrow night's 9-11 show and I this is the one episode that I Personally thought would probably not air and it still hasn't aired.
We'll see what Obviously transpires tomorrow at 10 p.m.
Eastern 9 p.m central but clearly I know a lot of people in the production crew and I know talking to you and others I mean I
The 9-11 show, I think, is the strongest and is extremely groundbreaking and powerful.
The information that is going to be aired for the first time in a fair way on national television.
Well, you know, I've seen it and I stand by everything we did on it.
I'm proud of the fact that we did it.
You know, I'm of the believer that dissension is the greatest form of patriotism.
I say that as often as I can.
Because, you know, I'm a sucker for honesty and I'm a sucker for the truth.
And I try to turn over everything I can to learn it when I think that there's something suspicious.
You know, bottom line for me, Alex, is this.
We're a country that runs by the rule of law, or at least we're supposed to.
And if you follow that rule of law, you have to follow it when it's convenient as well as when it's inconvenient.
And I question the fact that why, how can we convict someone before we've even indicted them?
It runs contrary to everything this country stands for, yet people are accepting this, and what I'm saying is, Osama Bin Laden, why has he never been indicted for 9-11?
Why haven't the government convened a grand jury, presented evidence enough to the grand jury, which is us citizens,
For us to bring down an indictment.
It happened eight years ago.
Why hasn't that procedure been followed in our rule of law?
It's like the other day I was watching these hearings where that Senator Graham was grilling Holder, the Attorney General.
And he asked Holder, he said, if hypothetically you caught Bin Laden tomorrow, would you read him Miranda?
And here the Attorney General hems and haws.
I would have looked at that Senator and said, absolutely you read Miranda.
It's the rule of the land.
It's our laws.
You can't just ignore the law because you choose to.
And then I would have looked at that Senator Graham and said, well Senator, is it you who decides who Miranda gets read to?
Come on!
That's the rule of our land!
Charles Manson got Miranda read to it, Alex!
Well, you've also made the point in national television interviews that six of the ten commissioners say the 9-11 investigation was a fraud, a cover-up.
Farmer, the head lawyer, has got a book coming out saying it was all a criminal cover-up, that the Pentagon was lying, that they agreed day one to lie to the public.
I mean, you've got to have your head screwed on backwards to not call for a true independent investigation and to have the media call us kooks for simply listening to what the 9-11 Commission is saying.
That's a fraud.
And then we have Khalid Sheikh Mohammed held for eight years.
They threatened to torture his kids.
He confessed to everything but killing Kennedy and Lincoln.
He confessed to bombing buildings that weren't built till three years after he was already arrested.
Well, Alex, I don't know about that.
I'm not that deep into that knowledge, but I'll take your word on it.
You know, well, exactly.
And you start looking at this evidence and analyzing it, and it just doesn't add up.
And yet, we're attacked.
We're told we're unpatriotic.
Because what?
We question?
And what's interesting, and I will say this about the 9-11 show, bear in mind the show starts off with me meeting a 9-11 person who lost her daughter, who was pregnant with their grandchild.
Oh, it's powerful.
And she's appealing to me to seek the truth.
Well, I'll tell you what, that's good enough for me.
That one mother who appealed to me is good enough for me to go out and ask some questions.
Alex, before you let me go, bring me back.
I want to give one comment on the global warming.
Oh, yeah.
Absolutely, sir.
We've got you to the bottom of the hour.
Stay there.
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Anything else is just a copycat.
Well, I'm twisting his arm.
There's so much to talk about.
Stay a little bit in the next segment with us.
And then we've got Lord Monton coming on today.
There must be some kind of way out of here from frozen Minnesota to the beaches of Mexico, Governor Ventura.
Well, I'll be getting out of here.
I gotta go clear my head out for a while.
Alex, I don't know how you do it day in and day out.
I'm heading down there and right now all I can think about is
We're good to go.
Americans have been basted in tyranny until they don't even recognize corruption.
Lord Monckton was on Russian television talking about how, in many respects, they're more democratic than England now.
Shifting gears into Climategate, because that's something you wanted to comment on, you do have a global warming
I think?
But you have an insider with Maury Strong who worked for him and with him.
This is extremely powerful.
But the latest on ClimateGate, where they confirm their internal emails from the head UN Climate Center, fixing the numbers, hiding the fact that for nine years the Earth's actually been cooling.
Well, you know, the thing that really got my antenna to go up was their solution, cap and trade.
This is nothing but a shell game, and Alex, even worse than that, here's what it is.
We right now pay taxes to our local government, we pay taxes to our state government, and we pay taxes to our national government.
This, for the first time ever, will be a tax to a world government.
A world tax.
That is ridiculous, I think.
You know, that we're now going to face taxation from a world entity and that part of it is unacceptable to me, top to bottom.
And the fact that this cap and trade, it does nothing to solve the problem.
We all will admit that pollution is bad.
We'll all admit that the less we pollute this planet, the better it is.
But when the solution that they come up with does not do anything to solve the pollution problem, that tells me that there's a fraud involved, and that the real reason is to make money for people.
That's really what got me over the top was the fact that this cap and trade is nothing but a shell game.
Polluters can still pollute at the same level.
All they have to do is buy their way out of it, and they're called neutral.
Well, that's absurd.
And it's ridiculous, and it's just a way for people to profit.
Well it is!
You know, you got popular mechanics tells the public, oh yeah, it could happen easy.
You got other scientists that say it's a bunch of crap.
And I personally can't figure out how it could fall at the speed of gravity.
It defies basic physics.
And you're a demolition expert.
Anyway, so I'm not going to get into the argument of the scientific end of it.
I'll get into the political end of it, which this cap and trade is pure bull.
Top to bottom.
It does nothing to solve the problem, and that's what we're going to have rammed down our throat at this conference?
Well, that clearly tells me that the problem can't be that important to begin with, if they won't even seek out a solution that would attempt to cure it.
Well Governor, there's lots of real pollution like toxic waste, overfishing, but carbon dioxide, I mean the amount that humans put out, we exhale carbon dioxide, the EPA is listing it as a toxic waste, it's what plants live off of, they then put off
And if we allow this to happen, then we deserve what we did, Alex.
Governor Jesse Ventura, he'll do five, six more minutes with us on the other side on some other key issues and Lord Christopher Monckton coming up.
But tomorrow night, the most powerful 9-11 information ever on mainstream television, 10 p.m.
Eastern, 9 p.m.
Central, Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda, they'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us
Tim Geithner?
They're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care and right now in Washington DC we have seen a fall of the Republic.
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Alright, final segment with Governor Jesse Ventura.
By the way, we've been simulcasting since the start of the show at PrisonPlanet.tv for viewers there.
And my new film, Fall of the Republic, ladies and gentlemen, has an hour in the two hours 24 minutes on the whole climate fraud, how the banks are setting up a private global corporate government from their own documents.
That's now mainstream news today, but in a film I released a month and a half ago, Fall of the Republic, available at InfoWars.com.
Governor Jesse Ventura, I want to finish up with ClimateGate and then finally ask you, what are you most upset about?
What are you most outraged with currently?
But with ClimateGate, how do we have the UN investigate it when they're behind it?
How do we have the British government investigate when they're behind it?
How do we have the federal government investigate when they want this new taxation control grid over all human activity?
Well, you know, it simply comes back to the fact that we have to protest.
We have to let our elected officials know that this is unacceptable.
And people have to stand up for what they believe.
And in the country now, ultimately, can you prevail?
There's no guarantee of that.
But certainly, I would hope our country still has the freedom
That people are allowed to persist on an opposite viewpoint and not be, you know, attempted to be destroyed just because they think something's different than the status quo says it is.
So if you're outraged over global warming and you're outraged over cap and trade, let your congressmen and senators know that.
Because the biggest thing you can do is to make a phone call or write a letter to them.
Trust me.
Always remember, these guys' ultimate goal is to be re-elected.
They're there to serve themselves, they're not there to serve us.
Career politicians, it's just what it's called, it's their career.
Well, they're not going to jeopardize their careers.
And if there's enough outrage voiced by the public, they will then listen.
If there's no outrage, trust me, you're going to get it rammed down your throat.
If there's no threat to their careers, they will do whatever well they damn please.
Well, that's a good point.
It's in the news today in the Washington Post and Washington Times that senior Democratic leaders like Senator Webb warn Obama on taking action in Copenhagen saying, look,
This is red-handed fraud.
They know the Earth's getting cooler.
They admit it's just a taxing power grab.
More documents are leaking out.
The system is bleeding out right now.
This is now being called the greatest scientific fraud in modern history, and there's been many scientific frauds.
And the Democrats are now panicking, saying, look, you better abandon this.
And now the third world countries got the secret documents today that it's really a tax on them to stop their development when they were promised Western money.
See, they tell the third world, oh, you're going to get to rob the West.
And then when really it's the big banks planning to rob them.
So this whole thing is sinking.
Well, I hope that it does.
You know, if it don't, like I said, the best thing people to do is be vocal and active.
Take that time.
Write that letter.
Make that phone call.
But let me also say this.
Be civil with your phone calls.
No personal insults.
No personal attacks.
State your business.
State what you feel and how you feel they should react to that.
But don't dig yourself into a hole by insulting anyone.
That's the worst thing you can do when you make contact with an elected official, is throw an assault at them.
You don't want to do that.
But you can still be firm in your viewpoint.
Now, Alex, moving ahead,
I'll tell you what's outraging me right now.
The war in Afghanistan.
And the fact that we're going to put 30,000 of our troops in there and increase it.
All while this country feels no pain.
If we're going to go to these two wars, then it's time to implement a war tax to pay for them.
Imagine what we're doing, Alex.
We're not overly sending our young men and women over there to die.
We're going to make it so when they come home, they'll get to pay for it for the rest of their lives.
Because this generation doesn't have the courage enough to either stand up and get out of these wars, or at least damn well pay for them.
If we're gonna fight them.
I also am outraged that a draft is not being reinstituted immediately.
You've got guys that have been over there for five, six, and seven tours of duty.
That's inhumane.
They need relief.
Implement the draft and you will see the wars not get bigger, you will see them come to an end.
Because when little Johnny who doesn't want to go gets drafted and a year later comes home in a body bag, that has a powerful influence on the neighborhood.
Trust me.
So you agree with Congressman Rangel that the way to end wars is to have a draft and my problem with that is the new draft, the National Compulsory Service Act,
And the National Service Act, they have two different bills, the government's going to be able to decide who gets to stay and who gets to go.
And they're going to build a domestic army where they'll get to be basically little Nazi brown shirt thugs spying on their neighbors.
And so all the Politico kids, like George W. Bush,
Before we jump to those conclusions, let's see that nobody has the courage to bring the draft back in the first place.
That's not going to happen.
Are you kidding me?
Are you angry at Obama?
I mean, has he really gone back?
I'm angry that he would escalate that war over there after he told us he was getting us out.
Because I'm an advocate of the true patriot right now is to bring... You know, I wish I had it in front of me, the letter that my son sent to me on Veterans Day.
Talking about how we have to be diligent, how we've dropped the ball, because it's our job as the civilians to protect our military.
And we have not done a good job on that.
And what I mean by that is, we're to protect them.
They're not to go out there and fight unless there's a direct national interest to us.
And this stuff about fighting terrorism by going over and invading countries and occupying the countries with our military, that is going to do nothing to stop terrorism.
It's like tap and trade.
In fact, it's going to create more terrorists.
Because if you occupy a nation, they're going to hate you.
They don't love you?
Imagine for a minute if Hugo Chavez, with all his money, bought some land by Palm Springs and put the Venezuelan Army in there.
How would we feel about that?
Not too good, would we?
Well, how could we go around the world and have our bases in 178 foreign countries?
And yet, we're supposed to pay for all this.
We're not even paying for these wars.
We're gonna make the very children that fight the wars come back and spend the rest of their lives paying for them also.
I think that's pretty pathetic and we ought to be ashamed of ourselves.
Well, in closing, the television show premiered last week to record ratings for TruTV, the number one news show in their history, and part two on 9-11 tomorrow night, 10 p.m.
Eastern, 9 p.m.
In closing, Governor Ventura, watching you as governor,
A maverick, a true rebel, a revolutionary, was very refreshing.
Watching the media demonize you and attack you and try to set you up was painful, but you were a statesman.
You left after one term.
And to see you grow and just get better and better and more informed and more libertarian, more anti-globalist,
And to now see your TV show be a huge hit, I certainly hope it gets picked up for a second season, but as you've said many times off-air, you don't know until it's picked up, but it certainly should be.
And everybody needs to do their job to spread the word about the show, but we salute your spirit of liberty, and as Mark Twain said, in the beginning, a patriot is a scarce man, hated, feared, and scorned.
But in the end, the timid join him.
Because then it costs nothing to be a patriot.
And so, a lot of timid people are joining the ranks, thanks to your leadership, Ron Paul's leadership, and so many others.
And Governor, have a well-earned, extended hiatus in Mexico, and surf's up, have fun.
Thank you, Alex, and keep up the good work, man.
I don't know how you do it day in and day out, but keep talking, and keep disrupting the system, because it's the American way.
We'll do it, and I want to... Between all of us, we won't let the country die.
Thanks Alex, have a great winter.
You too, take care.
Alright, there goes Governor Jesse Ventura.
Did I do the Mark Twain quote right?
I did it right on CNN.
In the beginning, a patriot is a scarce man, hated and feared and scorned.
But in time, the timid join him, because then it costs nothing to be a patriot.
Did I say it right the first time?
Yeah, in time that Tim would join him, because then it costs nothing to be a patriot.
And Jesse Ventura is the real deal.
He's not perfect.
I'm not perfect.
None of us are perfect.
But let me tell you, I know what's in this production piece.
I've seen large segments of it.
And I've, because last time I was out in L.A.
a month ago, they were still editing it.
So I haven't seen the finished product.
And it's powerful.
I mean, this is not Michael Moore banging on doors.
This is Jesse Ventura doing it, and I believe Luke Hradowski's in there, too.
We are changed.
I mean, certainly in the footage I've seen, they are.
I don't know if they're going to be in the finished thing that's done and airing tomorrow, and who knows what Time Warner's doing with their hands in there, but the establishment
I've had reporters the last few weeks ask me, you know, why they think this Jesse Ventura show is actually going on air from our perspective.
And it's really because the establishment has lost all credibility, they're losing viewers, they know that the general public wants to know about the New World Order, and I think by putting it on TruTV as entertainment, they know it'll get ratings and they just think that, well, the public's already awake, the UN's admitting world government,
Why deny this anymore?
And I think that's what's happening here.
You know, I have been pitched so many television shows.
I have been asked to fly to New York, asked to fly to LA.
I have been involved in TV shows.
I have shot pilots with huge production companies and then seen it not air.
Seen it not air.
And so, when Ventura's people are asking me to be a consultant on this, and also be in, I'm the only person that appears in multiple episodes.
Four or five, they're still editing some of them.
So, coming up in the next two weeks, you should see episodes I appear in.
Some of them I'm a large part of, other parts, just a consultant, and you see me introducing Jesse to people.
It's just good to see it get on air.
It's like the Wall Street Journal came here and was going to do a cover story on me, and I said, this will never be printed.
If this is not a hit piece, this will not be printed.
Then I said, did you find what you were wanting?
Did you find the dirt you wanted?
And no, not really.
You know, you don't come in here and open a closet door and 45 skeletons fall out on the floor.
Things have to be invented about us, and it really can't be done.
Because you judge a tree by its fruits.
I mean, how many people have we woken up to the New World Order?
How many times have we been attacked by mainstream and alternative media and even government entities?
A lot.
That's why I always challenge listeners.
Don't get caught up in the infighting, the COINTELPRO, the disinformation.
You know you're good.
You know you're a patriot.
You know you're awake and aware.
And so instead of ninnying and spending all your time debating different radio hosts or filmmakers or patriot leaders, chief among them myself, spend your time warning people about the carbon tax.
Spend your time warning people about state victim disarmament gun control bills and federal victim disarmament bills and treaty, the gun control treaty with the U.N.
Obama says he's going to sign next year, or blanket open borders and amnesty that will bring in the North American Union and further bankrupt us.
Or forced inoculations and how dangerous the vaccines are, warning people about the history of vaccines and the mercury and the cancer viruses.
We're going to come back with the winner of the Berlin Film Festival a few years ago.
This is just par for the course.
of the type of short films that are shown to little kids, teenagers, college students.
The whole cover of YouTube is our future is being decided, that Copenhagen, almost every video on the front page is pro-global government, pro-tax links.
I want to launch an initiative today.
I got Texas Monthly here interviewing me for what they say is probably going to maybe be a cover story.
But I'm going to try to do several YouTube videos today.
That are really about Copenhagen and all the fraud that's come out there in the latest on ClimateGate.
But I also want to do one calling for people in the next week and a half while Copenhagen's going on, the establishment of world government, they're calling it the most important meeting in history, the Declaration of World Government.
I'm calling on everybody to make their own YouTube videos.
I don't care if you're not eloquent, or if you are eloquent, or if you're mediocre.
Just get up there, point out issues.
We need thousands of videos flooding YouTube.
YouTube has more video views than all other video sites combined.
Sure, it's controlled.
Sure, it's manipulated.
Sure, it's bad in many respects.
But it's where the fight is!
With a Schmidt character that owns it, pushing world government and promoting tyranny.
We need to take YouTube over and counter their propaganda and make videos about how they're engaged in a bunch of propaganda.
Because they're whining and screaming and yelling, all the controlled corporate press and the Fortune 500.
They're all redoubling.
I mean, I've been watching the news and I can't believe how
Mindless and base and ridiculously off the chart.
If I was going to make a science fiction movie about a science fiction dark satire movie about the ultimate propaganda state, I would just go point cameras at Copenhagen and show that in the movie.
I mean, they got giant billboards with little girls saying, please, I don't want to drown.
And images of polar bears saying they're all dying.
They're almost extinct.
When they've gone from 10,000 in the Arctic areas to over 45,000.
Their numbers are exploding like cockroaches.
And they're showing films at Copenhagen that tell school children they're all gonna die.
I mean, this is ridiculous.
This is ridiculous.
And this video coming up
Shows humans as a disease spreading across the globe and then blasting off in rocket ships to infest the galaxy as a disease.
No, we're not a disease.
Jesse Ventura is not a disease.
Ron Paul's not a disease.
Martin Luther King's not a disease.
Leonardo da Vinci's not a disease.
We are an incredible species who can produce amazing art, and passion, and love, and honor, and creativity, and ideas.
And the globalists know that, and they want to have a control over society and control over information to dumb us down.
So they can control future, so they can control the destiny of humanity.
We have to wrest control over the future of humanity from these people and let humanity really make the decision what we want to do from there.
That's why I don't like football and petty stuff because it's issues of no significance that don't matter as we're on this planet hurtling through intergalactic space.
That's what really matters.
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Ah, Earth.
Healthy, strong, and full of life.
But wait, what's that you've got there?
It looks like you've got a case on the humans.
To be a healthy Earth, all of your elements must be in equilibrium.
However, these parasites slaughter all other forms of life.
Guzzle your natural resources.
Who knows what's next?
Earth is just the start.
Oh, they're killing the whole universe, the whole solar system.
You've got the globalist parasites with their hookers and caviar and jets and limos saying carbon dioxide's bad.
It's not.
It's what plants live off of.
You've got them running around lying to the public when
Carbon dioxide is a tiny part of the atmosphere to begin with, and the UN admits it's a fraction of a fraction of a fraction that we actually put off, and that it's a good thing.
But that doesn't matter.
We're parasites, and the global government wants to get rid of us.
This is what they show schoolchildren.
This is what's being pushed on everyone.
This is what the Fortune 500 is behind.
This is what they're promoting 24-7.
We've got another clip coming up later where they're teaching everybody, oh, we're going to track your car and track everywhere you go and track your carbon footprint and tax you to save the earth.
It's a big brother takeover.
It's a global government, private corporate takeover.
And we have huge new developments in ClimateGate.
We're going to be talking about later in the next hour with Lord Christopher Monckton.
So you definitely
Want to stay with us for that today.
And then after Lord Monckton leaves us, we are going to open the phones up in the third and fourth hour and cover all of this news and information.
And yes, we're simulcasting the entire four-hour radio show at PrisonPlanet.tv.
And I did want to encourage listeners, every month of December, for every year we've had PrisonPlanet.tv coming up on six years,
I don't think so.
And so instead of being $5.95 a month, it comes out to $3 something.
And that pays for our bandwidth, pays for our IT people, pays for the cameras, the videos, the travel, making the films.
And I want to thank all the PrisonPlanet.TV members.
We have upgraded it.
It has super fast servers.
All of my films, my book, Paul Watson's book, the live radio show is simulcast with the documents, the videos, the photos, the guest in studio, when you're a PrisonPlanet.TV member.
And if you can't watch it live every day,
We archive higher quality audio archives at PrisonPlanet.TV, commercial free.
We also have the archive of the live TV show that we simulcast there for your listening and viewing convenience.
Just so much more that we're adding to PrisonPlanet.TV.
PrisonPlanet.tv and you can share your passcode.
Six computers simultaneously can log on with the same passcode.
So give yourself the gift of a PrisonPlanet.tv membership and then you can give it to one of your family members.
Just explain to them not to share it with too many or it'll lock them out while people are logged on.
It won't do it permanently.
Uh, and so you can give yourself the gift of PrisonPlanet.tv, download the films, burn them to disk, give them to people, follow the Republic, Endgame, Terror Storm, The Obama Deception, uh, all my films, all 24 of my films, TV shows going back for years, extras, special extras from the films that only are for PrisonPlanet.tv members.
Give yourself the gift of PrisonPlanet.tv, and then share the passcode, username passcode, give it to your friends and family, PrisonPlanet.tv.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We're now into hour number two, coming up in 30 minutes.
Nigel Farage, European Union Member of Parliament of England.
The head of the British Independence Party.
That is coming up.
Outspoken critic of the New World Order.
Right now I'm continuing to take your phone calls here today.
You know, we were talking about in the last hour how public school children, private school students as well, have BATF, the Department of Energy, the Department of Labor, the U.S.
Census, local power companies.
In fact, in England, they run the climate cops.
One of the biggest power companies trains them how to spy on their parents, how their parents are bad.
Al Gore teaches the kids to rebuke your parents.
The state's taking your kids away from you.
And you love it!
You think that's, you've been cowed, you've been taught that the government and uniforms are God and you're a slave and, you know, that you have to pay taxes for the air you breathe.
But every week I see an article like this one where they say in art class, draw a picture of your father.
So they draw a picture of their dad who's in the army, they get arrested.
And I've seen multiple cases where it's the last day of school,
And it's always the valedictorian or the salutatorian, and it's always a woman for some reason, always a girl.
And they buy a cake for their teacher, and they have a few friends after school.
And there's two cases of this I've seen, I've had them both on.
And the security guards know what to look for.
They come in and say, oh, you got a cake.
Did you bring a tablecloth and stuff?
Yeah, it's right here in this bag.
And you pull out the little Dixie Cup box of knives, spoons, forks.
And they arrest you for the knives.
I mean, they're looking for a slave.
They're looking for somebody to hurt.
They're looking for somebody to get in a grid.
But in this case, they were asked to draw a Christmas picture.
And the boy drew a picture of Jesus on the cross.
That's what he'd seen at church, and they suspended him, and are now having him do psychological evaluation saying it's violent.
And all it is is a picture of Jesus on the cross.
Because he goes to church.
And they don't care!
The school's not apologizing, that's the way it is!
Because it's a crime to draw a picture of Jesus.
See, separation of church and state now means you don't talk about God.
That's why at schools all over the country, kids will have a Bible in their bag, they'll throw it away and freak out like it's pornography.
Separation of church and state was a letter by a founder to a newspaper.
It's not in there.
But the issue is, you don't have government running religion.
Not, you don't have religion anywhere in the society.
But the point is, this is just Soviet Union.
I don't think in the Soviet Union they expelled kids for drawing a picture of a kid on a cross.
I mean, this is the hatred of Christians.
And you've got to remember Trotsky was the main guy that killed millions of Christians in Russia and blew up their churches, and in Ukraine, and then he got kicked out and came to the U.S.
and his top lieutenant was William Crystal's father.
I mean, that's a fact.
That the neocons are actually just nation wreckers.
These are revolutionaries.
And they've got Homeland Security in place.
They've got the National Police Force in place.
Homeland Security's top, the number one threat, the number one evil, is conservatives, gun owners, libertarians, patriots.
And they want to set up a Russian-style purge of landowners and people.
And they run Obama.
And it's all a big joke to them.
I mean, it's funny.
It's funny that this is their country now, and they're going to try to run a purge.
It has nothing to do with Soviets.
Now they call themselves right-wingers.
They're just thugs.
They know how to get into government, take it over, and start killing.
They've done a super good job in China, and in Russia, and in Cuba, everywhere else.
The same financial interest actually funded Hitler.
We'll be right back, ladies and gentlemen.
But Massachusetts boys suspended over Jesus on cross, self-portrait.
You don't do that in the land of the free and home of the brave.
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Hello, this is Alex Jones with some important questions.
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Because there's a war on for your mind.
Yeah, that's the freedom of the new America.
You get caught with a plastic knife in your lunchbox, you go to jail, you draw a picture of your dad,
They tell you to draw a picture for Christmas, you get suspended and psychological testing ordered because it was seen as bizarre by them to draw a picture of Jesus on the cross.
You can see the photo up at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Mass boy suspended over Jesus on cross self-portrait.
The 8-year-old special needs student, boy they just batter those kids.
That's somebody they probably hit with a bunch of mercury in their shots.
The 8-year-old special needs student near Boston will be changing schools after being suspended and given a psychological evaluation for a Christmas drawing of himself as Jesus on the cross.
But it's not himself, he just said that to spin it.
The boy drew the stick figure, Crucifixion, after his teacher at Max Ham Elementary School asked her class to produce pictures that reminded them of the holidays.
The Christ figure had X's for eyes, and the boy wrote his name above that.
Well, what child watching TV wouldn't see stuff like that?
That alarmed the teacher, considered it a violent drawing, and the boy was suspended in order to be evaluated.
At his parents' expense.
I mean, think of all the violent video games the culture says just give your kids.
All the violence on TV.
But then the minute... I mean, I've seen no exaggeration more than 50 times.
I mean, it's got... I'm just guesstimating.
Probably a hundred.
You've seen it over and over again, where... You'll have some 14-year-old, no criminal record on the football team in one case.
Was for creative writing in the sophomore year in high school.
writes a story about zombies attacking a fictitious high school and his parents reported him and the school commended them and he was arrested and has now been charged facing all these years in prison for planning an attack on the school and the police are on record saying well we I mean folks for fiction articles they arrest you now well that's zero tolerance
You always hear, we found out about a plan to bomb the school.
Then you find out it's always some essay written.
See, do as we say, not as we do.
Put all this violence and stuff out in the culture.
All the new top video games, you rape and kill prostitutes for money, or you walk into airports and run false flags, killing U.S.
citizens to blame it on your enemies.
You know, people fantasizing they're the government staging terror.
I mean, I know multiple top games right now you do that, like Call of Duty and others.
I can show you the video of it.
Russian stage false flags, the American stage false flags.
Of course, the real Army manual, 2004, teaches Army captains how to stage terror attacks.
I mean, they're teaching captains how to stage terror attacks, and then the video games teach them how to do it, too.
But God forbid you draw a picture of Jesus, baby, you're going to jail.
You're going to jail.
You're getting kicked out of school.
You're getting a psychological evaluation.
This is the secret police grid in America.
With all of our psychological minders.
See, they start political correctness with something that sounds reasonable.
Don't deny that Hitler was bad and killed a bunch of people, or we'll arrest you.
Don't use the N-word, or we'll arrest you.
And then next it's, don't deny global warming's man-made, or we'll arrest you.
They're calling for Lord Monckton, in the London Guardian, to be arrested and executed.
Anyone who questions in a press conference is arrested or detained.
You have press credentials at a UN event?
You go up and ask about Climategate?
Men with guns run up and drag you out.
Oh, that's freedom!
We've been trained to be slaves!
We have to rediscover what freedom is!
Let me just tell you, in a free society, half the billboards driving down the highway aren't government admonishments bossing you around, setting the precedent that they're the bosses and you're the criminals.
I mean, you go watch a movie like Running Man, released in 1984, and every other billboard is a government announcement.
And announcements about how to turn family members in.
Now I turn on Austin News and see Austin Police Department ads enrolling children with credit cards that get 200 bucks when you turn in a family member.
I'm living in the Running Man!
We're only one step away from Ben Richards going to his brother's apartment and saying, where is my brother?
Well, after you got arrested, Mr. Richards, he complained, so he got permanently detained.
That means killed.
And Ben Richards looks up in shock.
Now they're starting the snatching grabs of citizens.
They have created giant cadres of criminal CIA officers and private contractors who think it's funny to grab citizens off the street, put a bag over their head, or come in your house at night and drag you off and you're never seen again.
They like torturing people.
They like hacking fingers off with hatchets.
You know, Chuck Norris made movies like Delta Force, where the Muslims put drills into our troops' legs.
Did you know, actually, the CIA manual, they use drills on people?
That's what they do?
Oh, but it's bad when the Muslims use drills fictitiously, but when our government uses drills, it's good.
Jeffrey Dahmer used drills on people.
But it's bad when he does it, but not bad when the CIA does it.
We have a bankrupt moral government.
It's morally bankrupt.
It's rotten.
Rotten to its very maggot-filled core.
And the sooner we wake up to that, the better!
Now, you think $23.7 trillion, that's a four-month-old number, it's probably over $30 trillion, following the graph, but $23.7 trillion stolen is bad.
When they start gutting the dollar, which is already beginning, but when they devalue it by two-thirds, that's probably what they're going to get, at least half.
In just the next year or so, that's currently what they're doing.
The standard of living, you'll have less jobs, lower pay, but things will cost more.
An inflationary depression.
The worst thing there is!
They didn't have that during the Great Depression, it was just a depression.
There wasn't inflation, it was actual deflation.
Hyper-stag-inflation is what I call it.
Stagnation with inflation.
Now, we could go after the bankers.
We could expose them as the criminals.
And that's what I keep pointing out.
Bypass the Republicans and Democrats.
Point out the source of the dictatorship, the source of the fraud.
Bernanke, Paulson, Summers, Rubin.
That's why you see all the news now just saying Bernanke is God.
Bernanke will save you.
He's man of the year.
He kept you from having a depression.
He loves you.
Meanwhile, they set the policies and have told the world to go ahead and devalue the dollar.
The decision was made in the last three G20 meetings.
Here is the Times of London today.
I have another London Telegraph article.
Also have an AP article on this.
Gulf Petro powers to launch currency in latest threat to dollar hegemony.
The Arab states of the Gulf region have agreed to launch a single currency modeled on the euro, hoping to blaze a trail towards a Pan-American monetary union swelling to the ancient borders
And then it goes into one of the Turkish Imams, Ottoman Empire.
So they want the whole system from Turkey into Afghanistan to have this new currency.
The Gulf Monetary Union Pact has come into effect, said Kuwait's Finance Minister, Mustafa al-Shamali, speaking at the Gulf Cooperation Summit Council at GCC Summit in Kuwait.
The move will give the hyper-rich club of oil exporters a
Petro currency of their own, greatly increasing their influence.
Folks, that is the end of the dollar.
Because you got about half the fuel in the world being bought from these guys.
A little more than half.
And they're saying, we're not going to take your stinking dollars.
You got to transfer your euros, your dollars, whatever the case is, into our petrodollar.
And the dollar's been the petrodollar.
That's it.
I'm going to cover this more coming up in the next segment before Nigel Farage joins us from England.
But I wanted to bring Ted Anderson up.
Ted, this is it.
This is the end of the dollar, guaranteed.
They're launching it.
This is the end.
There may be some big currency wars.
Some type of North American currency may come roaring back later.
That's how they'll sell it.
But regardless,
For the average American, you think you're in bad financial straits, you will get at least twice as bad now because of this, and this will start hitting in the next 12 months.
Ted Anderson.
Yeah, I was looking at the same article this morning, Alex, and they say it right here.
dollar has failed, and we need to de-link ourselves from the U.S.
It says the U.S.
That's why the Arabs are trying to get away from it.
And they're saying you gotta buy oil from us in this.
The dollar's dead.
So that's the end of the dollar.
It really is.
This is it.
It was the last reason why countries like China had to have U.S.
dollars as reserves, because they needed to use it to buy energy.
Meanwhile, everybody's hearing about how great Bernanke is, how evil Tiger Woods is, and we're hearing about
Obama's wife's latest dress.
Because, Ted, that's what really matters.
You know, will the Cowboys win next Sunday?
Ted, not the total destruction of our future, Ted.
No, you're right about that, Alex.
And gold is running up today.
It went up to $1,140, and it's been a strong market in gold.
And here we are, back on that bandwagon again.
As you said a week ago, when it plunged, and Bob Chapman and others have predicted the correction, that it would go down maybe $100, maybe more, and then surge right back up, and the New Year go past it.
And to explain it, people had positions, they were dumping it and profit-taking, they'd been short gold, a bunch of central banks went in to try to drive it down, but it's like a beach ball.
They can only hold it down so long, and the longer they hold it down, the more explosively it comes up.
You're right about that, and that's what's going on right now.
The dollar is taking a hit again today.
There was a lot of propping up of the dollar that occurred here in the last week, week and a half.
Gold did take a dive down to about $1,116.
It's jumping right back up again.
The market is becoming bullish.
I mean, I just, I had a great opportunity to accumulate things at lower prices.
I think we should talk about that.
Yeah, folks, get your pens and paper ready so you can check these deals for yourself and see how good they are quickly.
I'm going to get more into this article, or group of articles, as they dump the dollar.
As the dollar dies, as the World Reserve currency
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That's right!
Originally, we the people have entrusted government to be the guardians of currency, to ensure purity, content, weights and measures of gold and silver coins citizens would use for commerce.
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Before you slip into unconsciousness
We're going live at PrisonPlanet.tv at the start of the next segment.
Ted Anderson, fire out the gold and silver you've got.
Did you have any left from the really low price from a month or so ago when gold made its dip?
Or is the new lower prices you've got from the latest dip despite the fact that, I don't know, gold's up 30-something bucks the last two days?
When gold shot up to $1,240 an ounce, we pretty well sold out of that stuff that we had down there at that $1,050 range.
Right now I'm working at about $1,116, which obviously is a good buy when we're looking at $1,140 an ounce today.
Franks right now are at $260.
They were just up to $266 here just a short time ago.
I was able to drop the price accordingly because of that.
The British Sovereigns right now at $322 are going to cost closer to $328.
The Montana Silver Coins!
I mean, we're watching the dollar right now, and like you said, oil separating from the US dollar means that there's going to be a tremendous weakness in the dollar because there's a lot of countries that are sitting on reserves, and they're going to be needing to sell to get out onto another currency in order to buy this energy now.
Absolutely, Ted.
I mean, I just hope that people do get involved in gold and silver, because there's not much more you can do to defend yourself against the bankers and how they've purposefully set up the fall of the dollar.
Again, they ran the dollar up, they printed tens of trillions of it, and issued it, issued debt on its back on the taxpayers.
Now they're announcing that they're just going to devalue it, and then on top of the devaluation, that Americans are going to have to have a value-added tax and a sales tax, and they're having all the fake conservatives and neocons
And fake libertarians like Beck and O'Reilly say that it's conservative to have tax hikes.
Instead of just saying, no, the government tripled under Bush, quadrupled the first year under Obama, we need to reduce the size of government.
No, instead, they're just gonna basically hold you by your ankles and shake every dime out of your pocket.
And now is the time to get into gold and silver.
Ted, throw out the offer.
Tell folks the gold and silver that you've got and just how good a deal it is, because I've seen the numbers.
Yeah, the francs currently right now are at $2.60.
British Sovereign's at $3.22.
Montana Silver Coins, I mean, I'm looking at $18 silver now.
It's poking into that level.
That's going to be back up there at that $22 level.
Get involved in this market, man.
If you've been sitting on the sideline because you think gold was too high at that $1,200 level, right now you're getting that opportunity to buy it at about $100 less.
And I just, I have to tell you, I think it's a great time to be doing it.
And you should be doing it before we hit the New Year here, because like you say, the Christmas time happens to be a lull for gold, historically.
January happens to be a time where it all bounces back up again.
And I have no expectation that it's going to go the other direction, not at this point, not with what's going on in the global economy.
Ted buys it when it's low, sells it for low when it's high.
That's his free market system.
It's like getting in a time machine and going back and buying gold when it was less.
Same thing with silver.
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Ted, thank you so much for joining us.
Yeah, thanks for having me up, Alex.
You bet.
We're gonna go to break, come back, and the last two and a half hours of the radio show we're gonna simulcast in living color
Via television at PrisonPlanet.TV, Nigel Farage is joining us from the United Kingdom straight ahead, an outspoken critic of EU tyranny.
Stay with us.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
The illusion created by the power elite is a lie that covers even the food they want you to eat.
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Of the Irish saying no to the Lisbon Treaty, you had rammed that treaty through the British Parliament and you've done it breaking a specific... You see, I said you were popular.
You did it breaking a specific mesto pledge that you would give the British people a referendum on the Constitutional Treaty.
Shame on you, Prime Minister, for doing that.
You have devalued democracy in our country.
You have devalued the trust that voters have got in you as a British Prime Minister.
But of course we know the reason why.
The reason why is that we would have voted no.
You said in your speech that none but those on the extremes oppose European Union.
Well that may be right amongst professional career politicians, but a clear majority of the British people want us to have friendship and free trade with the European Union, but do not want to be members of this political union.
You cannot, you cannot continue against public opinion to build this European Union.
If you do it against the will of the people, you are storing up enormous social and political problems for the future.
Please, please, let the peoples of Europe decide their destiny.
Don't have it done in parliaments like this and parliaments like Westminster.
It won't work.
And as far as the economy is concerned, you've told us that somehow you're the economic guru.
You're the man that can save the world.
Well, I remember very well your first big act as Chancellor when you sold 400 metric tons of gold on the world's exchanges at $275 an ounce.
At today's valuation, that would be $10 billion higher.
But it isn't just the fact you got it wrong, because we can all get it wrong.
It was the fact that you announced in advance how much you were going to sell, and on what day you were going to sell it.
It was an error so basic that the average A-level economic student, even in these educationally devalued times, wouldn't have done.
To add to that, you've destroyed our private pension system.
You took away from the Bank of England its ability to regulate the banks and gave it to the tick-box bureaucrats at the FSA in Canary Wharf.
And we haven't heard an apology.
Your government has apologised for the Amritsar massacre.
You've apologised for slavery.
You've apologised for virtually everything.
Will you please apologise for what you did as British Chancellor?
And then perhaps we might just listen to you.
Well, that's Nigel Farage.
Member of the European Union Parliament from England.
Also, the head of the UK Independence Party, one of the fastest growing parties in the UK, he just resigned from that position so he can run against someone in higher office.
He'll explain to us all the intricacies of that.
But we're very, very excited to have Mr. Farage on with us.
Thank you for joining us.
Thank you very much indeed.
The website is UKIP.org, or UK Independence Party.
For Americans that don't know who you are, a lot of folks know who Lord Monckton is and others, and you have a lot of fans here as well for standing up against EU corruption and tyranny.
In a nutshell, tell us about yourself, about the UK Independence Party, and why you've resigned as the head of your party to intensify the fight.
I was in business.
I left school, I went straight into the city of London, and I was going about a fairly normal life.
You know, I played four-handicap golf, I went to the local pub on Sunday lunchtimes, I had children growing up at school, I was running a business in the city, and to all intents and purposes, I wasn't involved in politics on a day-to-day basis at all.
But in the early 1990s, I saw a disastrous attempt by the British government, with no opposition at all, to peg the level of sterling against the Deutsche Mark.
It was called the exchange rate mechanism, and I predicted that it would go badly wrong, and sure enough, it did.
And then I realised that this was part of a bigger project.
A project that the British political elite were engaged in, along with the elites from the other European countries, and that was to take something that we've been told was a common market, a European economic community, but actually, surreptitiously, and without ever telling the truth or giving anyone a say, to turn that into a political union.
The day I realised that, whether it was Labour or Conservative, it made no difference because they're high commands,
We're all sold by this idea of a new supranational form of European government.
I thought I can't live with this anymore.
I thought I've got to get involved in politics, and so I did.
And so about 12 of us sat in a room in the early-mid 1990s, and we formed the UK Independence Party.
And our battle is, you know, we want to be friends with our European neighbours.
We want to trade with them.
We want to cooperate with them.
We're quite happy for people from Paris to work in London and vice versa.
What we don't want
is for the situation we have whereby 75% of our laws that are made every year are made in foreign institutions and so through the 90s this became kind of a crusade for me I guess and in the end I was elected to the European Parliament in 1999 we were still then a very small party but the things that we've been saying are now really hitting home with the British public and in the European elections this year in June
UKIP, UK Independence Party, came second across the entire United Kingdom.
So that's, you know, a fantastic rate of progress.
We've got the British public with us.
We're educating them.
They're coming on side with our point of view.
The difficulty is, I find myself now leading the opposition group in the European Parliament.
I've got 33 MEPs from several different countries who've got the same opinion.
So I am the voice of opposition inside this European Parliament.
But I was also having a run
We're good to go.
And that is that the Speaker of the House of Commons, and any of you that watch Prime Minister's Question Time, you know the great Punch and Judy show that we have in Westminster once a week, will see that the guy in the chair who's the Speaker, well the new guy we've got, I consider wholly unsuitable, and in previous times he was always re-elected unopposed, but I'm now taking him on and I'm fighting him for his Westminster seat in the next General Election.
So you are boldly taking action and you've been very successful in business previously.
You did great in college.
You had a successful business career.
You were forced to go into this extremely eloquent.
You absolutely just have devastated Van Rompuy and Gordon Brown in the European Parliament.
The papers in Europe really are singling you out as the leading force energizing people from across Europe that know that the European Union has become dictatorial.
If nations vote to get out of it, they just expand it.
They've lied in England.
For those that don't know, please enlighten our audience.
Saying that the British people would get to vote on whether or not they went under EU control, but that's being done by stealth, just like the United States is being brought into the European Union's sway through agreements and through the North American Union agreement of the SPP.
We have the SPP documents where they talk about this being done by stealth.
We have the Club of Rome documents.
We have the EU documents.
We have Von
Rumpui now saying it's a global government?
I mean, this really is a group of would-be dictators, and so your fight on the continent against this is so important when we have UK polls of over 80% don't want to be part of the EU, but still England is being sucked by this octopus in.
Break this down for us, European Union Member of Parliament Nigel Farage.
Yeah, I mean, what's happening in the European Union is not happening in isolation.
We have a political class across the world that are basically aiming for a form of global governance.
You know, if you don't believe me, look at what's happening as we speak in Copenhagen.
I mean, what's happening there is governments are sitting round a table trying to sign us up to treaties on a very, very questionable concept of global warming caused by CO2 emissions.
But if they get these deals, in theory, you know, we're bound for the next 20 or 30 years and it doesn't matter who we vote for.
And my take on this
Is that the real battle that is going on in the Western world right now, it's a battle of democracy versus bureaucracy.
And the bureaucrats and our arrogant politicians at the moment have got the upper hand.
But where we're starting to win, we're starting to win with public opinion.
And in the end, you know, they can push these things as far as they like, but in the end, public opinion will tear all of this down.
And frankly, as far as I'm concerned, the sooner the better.
And I'm doing this, and I'm saying these things, and yet I'm being singled out by the European media because there's virtually nobody else in elected politics from Britain that has actually got the courage to stand up and say it.
And, you know, people sidle up to me in lifts and in restaurants
You know, fellow MEPs and MPs and say, oh, well, Nigel, you know, we're very pleased that you've got the courage to stand up and say these things because we agree with you.
Well, they might agree with us, but they're not saying it.
So I'm going to go on fighting these people and I believe that I'm going to go on winning the battle for public opinion, not just in Britain, but right across Europe too.
And I hope, act as a bit of a warning to you guys in the States as well, that this same phenomenon may well be starting to engulf you.
Oh, it absolutely is.
Two years ago, Judicial Watch, a public interest law firm, sued and got all this because they wouldn't release it through four-year, but they finally did.
Bush in 2005 signed a treaty saying we're already part of an American Union with this private corporate board running things, but our national media will not talk about it.
It's kind of like in 2007, the European Union celebrated 50 years, but I thought it wasn't founded until 2000.
So you have this European Union by stealth through an economic agreement,
And then now they admit it's a union and the same thing's happening here, but you spoke about...
A huge awakening taking place.
You spoke about the fact that if we just point out what illegitimate tyrants these people are, that they will fall.
And you talk about people thanking you as if you can go out and do it alone.
We have the moral high ground.
We have the law on our side.
We have history on our side.
The problem is the bureaucracy has all the big banks and the big money that want to set up their own private global corporate government behind them.
So speak specifically
Yeah, I mean, what they do of course, and it's a well-established technique,
They try and use any crisis.
Now, whether it's a real crisis, or whether it's a crisis of their invention, they use the crisis to extend the argument for a loss of democracy, a loss of freedom of the individual, and the increase in global governance.
And I can think of two very good examples of this.
The first, of course, is the so-called War on Terror.
Thank you.
Judicial safeguards that we've enjoyed in Britain are now being thrown out of the window in the name of, you know, the War on Terror.
And they're being used against non-terrorists?
And they're being used?
Well, of course.
I mean, this is what happens, isn't it?
You know, this is what happens, is that once governments, once police forces, once they have these extra powers, they of course then use them in any way that they see fit.
And I'm afraid that the result of this now nine-year nearly War on Terror
We're good to go.
It's happening with global warming.
And I mean, Al Gore, I mean, you know, God help us.
Here's a man who lost the presidential election, who has now gone on to make many millions himself.
And this shouldn't be forgotten, you know.
He's made many millions himself out of this scaremongering, frankly.
Absolute scaremongering over whether CO2 emissions, as he says, are inextricably leading to temperatures going up.
Now, of course, the fact that we know that temperatures have not gone up, they've actually now gone down since 1998 or 2002, depending where you set the bar, is irrelevant.
So now they've changed it to weather changes, climate, any changes are natural.
Well, that's right, and you know, they were hooked on global warming.
They say global warming less now because it's cooling, but you know, any time there's a hurricane, any time there's a flood, any time anything happens, we're told, this is because of CO2 emissions.
And we have the amazing situation with Copenhagen where, you know, we may or may not be signing up to some new ridiculous deal over the next few weeks.
I mean, we've just, just give an example of how mad this is.
We've just seen
Britain's oldest steelworks, up in a place called Middlesbrough in the northeast of England, that steelworks announced last week that it's closing down.
In doing so, the parent company, an Indian firm called Tata,
We'll be given 600 million pounds worth of carbon credits, right, for closing down that plant.
And then what will happen is all of that production will shift across to India, who of course have no intention of lifting any of this stuff.
I mean, in the name!
In the name of fighting against carbon emissions, we're actually literally exporting jobs from our country to countries like India, which clearly makes no sense at all.
And we've got a situation where we're going to be signed up to treaties, which means that we can't change these agreements by how we vote at future elections.
Now, the whole
The whole principle of democracy.
You know, whatever level it's at.
Or sovereignty.
I mean, sovereignty is all about not being dominated by some foreign offshore corporation, British East India Company, or empire.
But, Member of Parliament, Member of European Parliament, I want you to get into this key point here in just a moment.
But I don't want to just run over the key fact you just laid out as we go to break here.
You just pointed out, not only are they paying hundreds of thousands of pounds, hundreds of thousands if not millions of dollars, to shut a steel mill down in the UK and jobs,
But, when they go to India, there'll be zero emissions controls, so even if you believe carbon dioxide is this murderous toxic waste chemical weapon, even if you believe that fraud and polar bears can't swim and all the rest of it, and penguins are drowning, the most incredible aquatic birds there are, the ice caps are getting bigger, even if you believe all that, this will produce more CO2 under the UN's plan is what you're saying.
Absolutely, and you know, the other big response in Europe to this is we are building tens of thousands of these ludicrous windmills, yeah?
Right across Europe, and we're told this is wonderful, this will be a wonderful source of renewable energy.
Now I'm not against the concept of renewable energy, but I'll tell you this, in Germany they've built 19,000 wind turbines,
But not a single coal, oil or gas-fired power station has closed down because in the depths of winter, when a big anti-cyclone sits over northern Europe, not a single one of those 19,000 wind turbines moves round and produces any electricity.
Even if cutting carbon emissions was vital to the environment, the way we're going about it is mad, bad and wrong.
Well, it's wet.
We're going to break.
We'll come back and finish the point I interrupted you on, but it's not... A windmill's fine on your house because you don't have power loss down the lines.
I have family that works in different power stations here in Texas.
You lose tons of power down line.
You have to have incredible power just to get it to places.
The power's too low for windmills to let you transfer it and transport it, so you lose most of it.
It's very wasteful.
We'll be right back.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda...
They'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
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For the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation, the criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty and on its ashes constructing world government.
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And the Congress is saying,
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We're good.
He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Nigel Farage is a member of the European Union Parliament, hailing from England.
And he is now running for the Parliament as well in England.
We've got him for another 35 minutes with us.
We really appreciate him joining us.
He's a very busy man.
Okay, sir, I interrupted you when you were getting on to the point about the fact that this is dictatorial, and then I wanted to ask you, are we beginning to get headway?
Are we winning?
And being around these European Union members for close to a decade, I mean, they're openly on television saying dictatorial world government.
What do they say behind the scenes?
Go ahead, Mr. Farage.
Let's just consider what the concept democracy is.
Now, there's an old saying, an old Westminster saying, and I'm going back now to the English Civil War in the 17th century, right?
And the whole point about electing people to our House of Commons, to our Parliament in Westminster, was that no Parliament may bind its successor, alright?
Now that may be old-fashioned English, but what it actually means
There's nothing in a proper democratic parliament, there is nothing that one government or one parliament does that cannot be undone by any successive government or parliament, right?
That's why we have elections for goodness sake!
Now the whole point about European Union, for example, is we currently face a mass of regulations that are going to do severe damage to the City of London, to our financial services sector, where I spent 20 years of my working life.
And once those regulations have gone through, it won't matter a damn whether David Cameron becomes the Prime Minister, or Gordon Brown gets re-elected, because there's nothing we can do as voters in Britain to change those European laws.
So that is an absolute, total denial of democracy.
And it turns your Parliament into a vestigial, ceremonial dress of the European Union.
Yeah, the whole thing has become a complete charade, because 75% of our laws are made somewhere else, and that's before they got this new European Constitutional Treaty passed, and now we're told that even in areas like foreign policy, we can't do our own thing, we'll have to do it at a European level.
So it is literally, it is the death, being part of a European Union, this European Union, is the death of democracy.
I believe the very same principles apply to these agreements,
I think?
Then, by definition, you've broken that principle of no parliament may bind its successor.
Now, of course, we're always told that, you know, we have to operate together, we have to operate at a European level or a global level to deal with the CO2 crisis or the war on terror or whatever else it may be, but that is a complete denial of democracy.
And I've been fighting and making these points, and during the last few years,
We've had the French in a referendum say no.
We've had the Dutch in a referendum say no.
We've had the Irish in a referendum say no.
The British, of course, who were promised referendums all the way through, have just been denied them.
But as I start to make these arguments, I can see the fear in the eyes of the leaders of this European Union project.
I sit on the front bench of this Parliament.
I'm literally within feet
Of these people that are doing this to our democracy and I can see the fear in their eyes when I make these arguments because they know what I'm saying is right and their response to me has been truly extraordinary and there are clips that you could find on the EU Parliament website.
I've been called mentally ill.
Because of what I stand for.
Which, of course, is very reminiscent, isn't it?
Well, they've said you're a naked monkey up in a tree, and then when you try to defend yourself, you're told you can't name-call.
So it's like some Kafkaesque Soviet...
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Nigel Farage is our guest, UK member of the European Union Parliament, the leader of opposition to the New World Order in government in Europe.
This is The Man.
...who is eloquently every week standing up to these people.
Now they just turn his mic off, call him names, and then don't let him respond.
The United Nations all over Copenhagen has their armed police on the streets declaring it a UN zone.
At accredited press events, if you ask Al Gore or the IPCC head about Climategate, you are drug out at gunpoint.
I mean, these are authoritarians.
These are the children of Joe Stalin, of Mao Zedong, of Adolf Hitler.
And when I say that, I mean it.
I've watched them.
They want control and they want to squash all dissent.
Nigel Farage, you've been around them for nine years with these vipers.
How would you describe them?
And the result came out and two-thirds of the Dutch had said, no, we don't want this.
And I was with about 50 sceptics in the European Parliament, in the members bar, having a bit of a party, celebrating what I hoped would be the triumph of democracy over bureaucracy.
And at that moment, a German MEP, a guy called Mr. Leinan, walked past me.
And he'd be one of the authors of this constitution.
And I said to him, oh, Joe, I said, do you want to join us for a drink to celebrate democracy in the Netherlands?
And he looked at me, he said, no, I won't accept your drink.
He said, and anyway, you enjoy your little victory tonight.
He said, we have 50 different ways to win.
And it was chilling, because it just about summed it up.
There is literally nothing that will stop these people from achieving their goal.
They are fanatics.
You know, we got rid of Mussolini and Hitler.
We got rid of what was seen to be those extreme nationalisms.
Well, we've got a new one now, and it's called the European Union, and it's every bit as dangerous as those things that went before.
I was reading the Treaty of Rome, 1957, that really established the EU.
It states that by stealth.
And they talk about, oh, we've learned from Napoleon and Hitler not to do this militarily.
We're going to do this via bureaucracy and taxation and creeping.
This is a premeditated system funded by mega-rich that want monopolies, using communists as their henchmen who just want a piece
Of the middle class's pie.
I mean, this is a truly piratical group, from my study, who know they're criminal.
I mean, this is a very wicked group.
How many of them are just true acolytes who believe in collectivism, and how many of them are true pirates?
Well, that's always a tough one to answer, but I can tell you.
I mean, you know, we've had, for the last five years, one of the European commissioners, a man from Hungary, Mr. Kovacs,
Sir, can you start over?
Something cut out your phone line.
Go back to the Communist Commissars now in the EU.
Of the 27 EU commissioners that we have now, and these are the people with the real power in Europe, they're not elected, they're appointed, but these are the people who have the sole right to propose legislation that is effective in all our countries.
Six of those work directly
For the Soviet Communist regime before the war came down.
And that isn't going to improve particularly because we've got Mr. Von Rompuy who's going to take over as the European president.
But the new foreign minister that's taking over is a lady called Baroness Ashton from Britain.
And from 1980 to 82, she was the treasurer of the campaign for nuclear disarmament in Britain, a campaign that wanted us to unilaterally disarm, and an organization that would directly have received the funds from the Communist Party of Great Britain.
Stay there!
Stay there, Nigel Farage, I'm a member of Parliament.
We have that clip of where you confront them coming up, we'll go right...
Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As they're finishing off this agenda, they'll be pulling the rug from underneath the Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care and right now in Washington D.C.
we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv
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I thought this was going to be a big proud moment.
I mean it's taken you eight and a half years of bullying, of lying, of ignoring democratic referendums.
Eight and a half years it's taken you to get this treaty through and on the 1st of December you will have it.
And of course the architect of all of this, Giscard, wanted from this constitutional treaty for the European Union to have a big global voice.
But I'm afraid the leaders have suffered from a collective loss of nerve.
They've decided that they want their faces to be up on the global stage, not somebody from the European Union, and so we've got appointed a couple of political pygmies.
The Kissinger question of who to call in Europe hasn't really been answered, has it?
I guess the answer can only be Mr Barroso, because he's the only one that anybody in the world has ever heard of, and is probably the big winner out of these posts.
No wonder, sir, you look so happy this morning.
And we have a new President of Europe!
Herman Van Rompuy.
Doesn't exactly trip off the tongue, does it?
I can't see him stopping the traffic in Beijing or Washington.
I doubt anybody in Brussels would even recognize who he is.
And yet, he's going to be paid a salary that is bigger than Obama's, which tells you all you need to know about this European political class and how they look after themselves.
But at least he's an elected politician, unlike Baroness Cathy Ashton, who really is the true representation of the modern-day political class.
In some ways, she's ideal, isn't she?
She's never had a proper job, and she's never been elected to anything in her life.
So I guess she's perfect for this European Union.
Excuse me, Mr Farage.
I would like to put down your postages.
You made your presentation.
It's enough for us.
Calm down, chaps.
Calm down, chaps.
Okay, please continue.
Calm down.
But, I mean, she's never been elected to anything and no one knows who she is.
Even the Prime Minister was talking about Baroness Ashdown as opposed to Ashton.
I mean, no one has ever heard of her.
She's even less well known than Herman Van Rompuy.
I mean, that takes some doing, doesn't it?
She's risen without trace.
She's part of this post-democratic age.
She married well.
She married an advisor and a friend and supporter of Tony Blair and got put in the House of Lords.
When she was in the House of Lords, she was given one big job.
And the job was to get the Lisbon Treaty through the House of Lords.
And to do so, pretending, pretending that it was entirely different to the EU Constitution.
So she's good at keeping a straight face.
And she vigorously crushed any attempt in the House of Lords for the British people... There you go!
He's about five feet from her, telling her to her face.
Then the current head, the sitting chair of the EU, shuts him down, tells him to shut up.
And then turns his mic off and cuts to the head of the Poland delegation.
To call him a bare-butted monkey.
30 minutes of it.
It's a classic exchange.
I mean, OK, you know, my tone may be somewhat cutting or biting or sarcastic, but I didn't say anything that wasn't 100% true.
And I didn't use language that was abusive or wrong or foul.
I merely pointed out that Mr. von Rompuy was a bureaucrat and that Baroness Ashton had had these very worrying links, in my opinion, with the campaign for nuclear disarmament, which was being funded by the Soviets.
Yeah, we can hear lots of chanting but we can't make it out.
I mean, were they just hissing and cussing?
Yeah, they shout and they scream and all the rest of it, but I mean, I guess all that you, you know, what you really get from the microphone is me, but no, they're always very abusive towards me.
But it's perfectly okay for them to say that I'm mentally ill.
It's perfectly okay for them to call me a monkey.
It's fine for them to say that if people support Mr Farage, it will open the door to fascism.
I mean, they can... There is no term of abuse
That these people will not sink to, to battle against those of us that are arguing for democracy and are arguing for people to have their own voice and to say what they want to say.
And in fact, after that exchange, I was called up to meet the President of the Parliament at five o'clock that night.
And it reminded me of being in trouble at school and having to go and see the headmaster, you know, and you wait outside the study.
And I went in and I said, look,
I said, there's nothing I said or did here that could be deemed to be unparliamentary or wrong in any way at all, was there, Mr. President?
And he said, well, you called them pygmies.
And I had trouble not laughing and wetting myself.
I said, but surely, you know, to call people pygmies, I mean, I said, they're not exactly giants, are they?
I said, in future, I'll call them Lilliputians if that makes you happy.
You know, when it came to it, there was nothing they could say.
I am not abusive, I am not foul-mouthed, I am not rude, and I am 100% factual.
And it reminds me, Alex, of a time five years ago, when I revealed to the Parliament that the French Commissioner had in fact been convicted of embezzlement in the year 2000.
And I revealed this to the Parliament.
Well, it was like a hand grenade had gone off.
They all stood up and they abused me and point of order after point of order was made.
The Parliament was told, wasn't it terrible that Mr Farage would behave like this?
Somebody else said I'd behave like a football hooligan, which I took real exception to.
I was told by the then President of the Parliament that I should withdraw my statement so that it could be expunged from the record.
Or face the full legal ramifications of what I'd just done.
I mean, and of course, nothing happened, because it was entirely true.
The bloke had been convicted of embezzlement.
But this is what you're up against here.
You know, continually, they throw the abuse at us, and we fight back with facts.
European Union Member of Parliament from the UK, Nigel Farage, is our guest.
I want to skip ahead in the 30 minutes that this went on to just one of the people on mic where he's telling you you're not allowed to criticize them, but then he doesn't tell her she's wrong for calling you a monkey.
The taller you climb up the tree, the more your butt is exposed.
Here is the clip from the commissar from Poland.
Here it is.
Save their integrity, personal integrity.
And Mr. Farage, I'd like to say something, Hungarian quotation for you.
It's good that you are here, because if the monkey goes up to the tree, it's better seen how red is his popo.
What can you say?
They can call me what they like, I don't care.
They can call me what they like.
If they think they're really helping their cause by just throwing continual abuse at me, they're wrong.
They're doing it because they're frightened.
And what they're frightened of is that the majority of people in Britain and France and Germany and right across Europe, the vast majority of them, want to live in democratic nation-states.
They do not want this to be... Absolutely.
I mean, the statements you're making... I mean, you're clearly in the right.
All of us for liberty and sovereignty and true free republics, representative democracy.
We're in the right.
They're in the wrong.
And for decades, when we would try to cover the plan for the European Union to go global,
When we would read official UN documents calling for global government, global governance, the media would call us kooks and nuts trying to keep people from having a real debate.
But now that their system's out in the open, it's actually backfired on them because hundreds of millions of people have learned about the New World Order, were told it didn't exist.
Well, they're admitting it exists, but saying it's good, and you talk about the fear in their eyes.
I'm seeing that here.
And they beg us.
They go, please don't talk about how we're tyrants.
Please don't talk about how we're undemocratic.
Please don't talk about how we're robbing people and want socialism.
Please, please, please, because people will think you're a kook.
No, they're begging us not to stand up against them.
Your comments on that?
Well, we've got to stand up and fight.
There's a fantastic quotation from a guy called Burke, who was an English philosopher, and he wrote, and again it's 17th century stuff, but often these old principles remain good, and he wrote that all it takes for evil to prosper
It's for good men to do nothing.
And I would put it to you, Alex, and I would put it to your audience, that what is actually happening in terms of democracy and sovereignty around the Western world is nothing short of evil.
And it's our duty to stand up and fight for this.
You know, those that went before us in previous generations, you know, they had to fight it out in muddy trenches in northern France, and in many cases give up their lives
Well, I don't want to take away from World War II veterans and people, amazing folks, but I've read a lot of psychology perspective on this and sometimes it's harder to morally stand up
Against a political system, when the political system is advertising itself as the only orthodoxy, sometimes moral courage is harder than when you know people are shooting at you and everybody's on your side, on your side, and they're on their side, and you're fighting.
That's a lot cleaner and more focused, and you know what you're dealing with.
Dealing with the duplicity of, you know, as you said, this German member of the EU said, look, we'll just beat you 50 underhanded ways.
I mean, it's the fact that it's a covert operation that we're countering.
And so what can people do in the UK?
Because you talked about your party just exploding.
How do folks get behind the UK Independence Party?
How do people, from your own perspective, become leaders against the New World Order?
Against this global group of tyrants who are networked on a planetary scale?
From your experience, what can people do in Texas?
And in England, and in Germany, and all over the world.
Well, at the end of the day, however much our democracies have been devalued, and they have, and however much our freedoms have been taken away from us, which they have, but still, at the end of the day, we do have a system where the people that have the power to commit these things have to be voted in by us.
So the ultimate power, short of rioting, you know, I hope it won't get to that, but the ultimate power that we have
Over the political class is the ability to get rid of them, is the ability for them to lose their positions.
And, you know, that's why, OK, it's taken time.
These things don't happen overnight.
And your point of view... And that is a perfectly good point.
But increasingly, what we're finding in England is that people are gaining the confidence and are feeling
They've got to speak out, not just because it's a moral duty, but also because, you know, anyone that's got children and grandchildren can surely see the lessons of history.
And the lessons of history are clear.
If you force people, as we're doing in Europe,
To live in a different state, under a different form of government, over which they have no effective control, that is a recipe in the future, not for peace, but for civil disorder, and possibly even for war.
So we are beginning to see people showing the courage, breaking out of their normal tribal party political lines, and they'll come a point.
There'll come a point where UKIP becomes so big that something will give in our political system.
But it's having the willingness to take away from those politicians the one thing they need, which is your vote at election time.
Well that's a great point, and then obviously every man and woman listening to your voice across the globe, we're on satellites, shortwave, internet, AM and FM stations all over North America, needs to understand that none of us are going to save the world overnight.
It's everybody doing a little bit to educate someone, to explain to them about the unelected tyranny of this global corporate system that's been set up, and to understand that, as you pointed out,
Yes, they've got to get mobilized.
And your point is right, that really successful revolutions
Happen and real real momentum happens by many tens of thousands of little things happening and you know It's people talking to each other at the golf club or in the local bar or wherever they go and meet people Or you know over Sunday lunch with the family It's lots of little conversations that develop momentum and make a real difference, and I'm absolutely convinced of that I'm also convinced that
That across the Western world, there has never been less confidence in our traditional career politicians.
So I think the mood is ripe for it.
And I think that people are beginning to realise that this stuff is now affecting them directly.
I mean, look, whatever they sign up to in Copenhagen next week affects every man and woman in England and in the USA, because what they're going to do is they're going to tax us more and continue to export our jobs to India and places like that.
So I think this stuff is beginning to hit home.
I think it's why we're beginning to win the argument.
But I mean, hey, there's no room for complacency.
We've got a long, long way to go yet.
They can't win unless we just sit down and shut up, because they always create the crisis or use a crisis to get more power.
The crisis gets worse, then they use that to get more power.
If we just point out that they are the main progenitors of our deindustrialization,
Uh, the dependency, the welfare, uh, the open borders, all the problems.
There's no way they can stand if we just stand up like the little boy saying the emperor is wearing no clothes.
In closing, in the last five, six minutes we have left, and we're very appreciative in your busy schedule, sir.
Specifically with the Copenhagen Greenhouse Gas Initiative.
It looks like this agreement's falling through, but they will agree to meet again in Mexico City.
And Obama has said, I don't care if Senate won't ratify, I'm going to implement through the bureaucracy.
Same thing, Gordon Brown and Tony Blair.
I remember very well when Obama was elected.
I'm afraid.
And it was seen in England like the second coming of the Lord, you know, all the media, wasn't it wonderful, and I was on a big TV show, and I was asked my opinion, and I said I was very concerned about many of the things that Obama stood for, and I was somewhat vilified at the time for that, but I think Obama's response to Copenhagen, I think Obama's attitude, you know, towards your own
Parliamentary bodies is quite extraordinary and I think this marks Obama out to be frankly and I don't come on this show to offend Americans but I honestly think that Obama is a very dangerous man.
Who doesn't really, truly believe in democracy.
And I would have thought that if this is how he's going to behave, as American President, that it is your duty as Americans if you believe in democracy, and if you believe as I believe in the principle that, you know, no Parliament may bind its successor, and that the job of Parliament is to hold the Executive, in your case the President, to account.
But you've got to jolly well make sure that he doesn't get re-elected for a second term.
It's just as simple as that.
In the three and a half minutes we've got left, sir, I just want to encourage people to go to UKIP.org, UKindependenceparty.org, and learn a lot more, and certainly set up our own sovereignty groups outside of the Republicans, because just as Mr. Farris talks about both the big parties, Labour and Tories, being controlled over in England, our two parties are controlled.
Obviously, things are moving quicker right now under Obama than they would have under a Republican administration.
But regardless, it's Tweedledee and Tweedledum.
Everybody needs to mobilize, as Lord Mockton's talked about, a worldwide freedom party in every nation saying, we want sovereignty, we want free market.
We don't want to be run by a bunch of bureaucrats.
In closing, sir, any other points you'd like to make, any other information you'd like to relay about EU expansion?
One question I had, I saw press reports about multiple nations are threatening to pull out of the EU, so the EU is collapsing even as it tyrannically expands its Lebensraum.
Yeah, I mean, just at the very point where they get their constitutional treaty through, where they get their president, where they get their foreign minister, where they get total power over the member states, even at this very point, it's becoming clear that the electorates of the member states don't want it.
It's becoming clear that countries like Greece and Ireland, which mistakenly joined the monetary system and took the euro as their currency, now find themselves in an impossible position and with nothing to do.
And I would just say this.
You know, if you look through history,
There is no example of any free people willingly giving up the right to govern itself.
And yet what has happened to us in England is we have been betrayed by Labour and Conservative politicians successively over the last 40 years to the point where our Parliament has become nothing more than a charade.
And I will go on fighting and I will go on standing up because I believe that the best people to govern Britain are the British people themselves
I want my four kids to grow up in a country that they can call their own.
And I believe this is a great historic battle and we are going to win this battle.
Well, sir, obviously you're all over radio and TV in the UK.
You don't need much of our help, but we do have a large internet audience and satellite audience in the UK.
Specifically, there's a lot of folks probably never got involved in politics, but they're now.
How can people help you get elected to the UK Parliament?
If they want to help me,
In any way they can, go to UKIP.org, go to our website, register with us, and say to yourself, say to yourself that you're going to give a little bit, just a little bit, of your time and money to fight to get the independence, the sovereignty, the self-respect and pride of the United Kingdom back.
As I said earlier, the sacrifice I'm asking you to make is of nothing compared with that your grandfathers and great-grandfathers had to make in two world wars.
We're doing this because it's right.
We're doing this because we've been led
Well, it was Cicero who said that, to paraphrase, the enemy that comes to your gate openly with their banners is not the real threat, it's the traitor within.
Uh, who knows your language, who knows your customs.
And so again, whereas machine guns firing at our ancestors was, you know, a terrible thing and they were very noble to fight, it's this creeping death that's so hard to deal with.
I think people should give a lot.
Because if we allow this scientific dictatorship, as the UN calls itself, and many of its documents, to continue to grow and put its police state grid in, they know people are going to revolt and resist.
They're racing to get their system in place to oppress the people.
And thanks to leaders like yourself, Nigel Farage, the UK member of the EU Parliament, we have a fighting chance because we know you there in Airstrip One are on the front lines against Europe
Who is setting up this planetary world government, this dictatorship.
So again, UKIP.org.
Let me say bye to you during the break.
We'll let you go, sir.
But thank you very much for spending time with us.
Thank you.
Not at all.
Not at all.
Extremely powerful.
Get behind this fight as we're allied against the New World Order.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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Okay, I know we have John, Cynthia, Roger, John, and others.
Oh, and I forgot to add, Alan Watt of Cutting Through the Matrix is going to be joining us in the next hour.
We're going to set him up for a full two hours early in the new year.
I'm a little tripped out right now, to use the 80s term.
I'm trippin', as the guys would say, over a big national TV host says they're coming.
I talked to them yesterday, talked to their producer, coming here to interview me face-to-face.
Having a lot of globalists come through the office lately.
And they have finally recognized that I am creeping through Mordor with the ring towards, well, through Sirith Ungol and towards Mount Doom itself.
I've always enjoyed... I've never really liked being on national TV or never liked really having them figure it out.
I mean, I know their operatives already know it, their assessors know it, but we're actually getting the attention of all the old men and the old globalists now.
They're like, I want you to go find that boy's Achilles heel and destroy him!
But it doesn't work anymore.
When the national media attacks me, no matter how bad it is, people know the media is a bunch of lying, corrupt thugs, and so it'll be good.
But they can't help it.
They don't understand.
They're like shooting a gun at me that's empty.
They're like, die, die, die!
Pulling the trigger, and it's not working!
I'm going, you're out of bullets there.
You know, I'd be scared of the national media coming out and saying I was good.
If they were really smart, that's how they'd defeat me.
They would just come out and say, oh Alex Jones is good, oh yes, and then try to co-opt the message.
They're smart.
They're doing that with Glenn Beck.
They create a clown who for most people comes off as disingenuous and sneaky and like some kind of pervert.
I mean, if I look at Glenn Beck, that's what he comes off as.
Like, if I had a neighbor like that,
I tell my kids, hey, when you're playing in people's front yards, if he's in the garage working on his car, don't, don't, don't go.
That's creepy.
That neighbor's creepy.
I don't want, well, why, daddy?
He just looks creepy.
If he's offering you soda pop, you know, I'm sorry.
I'm not saying Lindbeck's like that.
I just, he comes off as, well, I mean, he's always like, on his show, he's like,
Always trying to act non-threatening and sweet, and he's the teacher he's going to show you.
And I'm like, ladies and gentlemen, look out for that guy.
That's all.
I mean, where is your discernment?
Alright, I'm now digressing.
And I have all this news to cover.
But see, they don't know how to deal with me, because I got all my problems.
I'm not perfect.
I'm a little bit hickish, a little bit hillbilly-ish, all that.
But I'm real.
And they don't know how to deal with that.
They don't know how to deal with somebody they can't buy off, who doesn't really have any skeletons in my closet.
What, I eat too much and like beer?
Don't even do that anymore?
I mean, there's really nothing.
And they may manufacture stuff, but I'm not worried.
I'll be like, use it, say whatever you want about me.
I'll use the attention to exposure a bunch of frauds.
I mean, I'm so committed, all they can do is plant drugs on me or kill me.
And that's not going to work either, because then everybody will go, my gosh, it is for real!
And the other good news about all this is, is that we've reached so many people in the system
That a lot of police, a lot of military, a lot of FBI people, a lot of federal marshals, they know we're telling the truth.
They heard us talk 10, 15, 20 years ago, 30 years ago, they laughed at us.
Now they've seen it all come true and they're going, okay, okay, I'm listening.
Because they're not criminals, they're like the general public.
They were kind of mesmerized or eased into corruption incrementally.
And now that the corruption's really clear, it's honorable.
Now that it's finally clear, they're going, whoa, whoa, whoa, as long as you turn back and don't consciously be part of evil.
If you did some stuff that was bad in the past, but didn't know you were being bad, it's not bad.
All of us have done stuff that was wrong.
I mean, I was like a devil or something when I was 18, 19, 20 years old, man.
I mean, I like to get in fights.
I like people to start fights with me so I can beat them up.
You know, I mean, I did all sorts of... I mean, I wasn't classically... you wouldn't think of it as bad.
I think of it as bad today.
I mean, you know, I... I liked women quite a bit.
I mean, you know, that's why I can't sit here and be a hypocrite about other people.
I mean, Rush Limbaugh gets caught taking painkillers.
He really did have back surgery.
That stuff's highly addictive.
The medical system knew when they were prescribing synthetic heroin to people that 90 plus percent of people that took it were going to get addicted.
I don't judge Russ Limbaugh because he got addicted to drugs, but I do judge him because he says put people who were caught with cocaine or heroin in prison the first offense for 10 years.
The whole time he was bombed out of his brain
I've talked to people who worked with him in radio.
Huge pot smoker.
I mean, he sits up there, he likes to drink, he likes marijuana, he likes pills.
And then none of that's good, Limbaugh.
But I'm not up here judging you.
I never had problems with marijuana.
I never had problems with pills like you.
But I could imagine how that could happen.
I don't sit up here on my Ohio horse going, look at Rush Limbaugh.
He got caught taking a hundred Oxycontins a day.
A hundred.
That would kill like eight horses.
He had such a tolerance from eating so many of them over the last decade.
My problem with Rush Limbaugh is that he still gets up there and says, throw the key away with people that are caught with illegal drugs.
You're taking an over-the-counter drug, a prescription drug, but from behind the prescription counter that you got from a pharmacy, that is, the molecule is even more addictive than heroin.
And you want to throw a heroine or crackhead in jail, but you don't want to go to jail.
See, I'm sick of hypocrisy.
And see, I've never been a hypocrite about anything I've done.
And I sit here and think about how they're going to come at me, angles they might, and you know what?
They're going to build straw men.
They're going to make stuff up because that's what they've always done with COINTELPRO.
There's nothing they can do to me short of setting me up or killing me.
There is nothing they can do.
Any way they cut it, any angle they go at me, it blows up in their face.
So they're gonna make stuff up.
That's the only angle they've got.
And they've made so much stuff up about everybody else that no one even believes it!
That's what's great about all the COINTELPRO lies about me.
One, crazier than the last.
Always more insane.
Always based in lies.
Enough about Alex Jones, it's just, to get this phone call, they've been calling me for weeks, finally got a hold of us, and to be talking to a huge national television host, who wants to come down here and do a profile on me, and they have newspapers in here every other day, big magazines, I mean, they finally are paying attention.
I'm having some gallows humor here.
I mean, this is what I've asked for,
I wanted to change the world.
You've helped me do it.
Together with listeners.
And now here we are.
We're really going to the next level.
I asked for it.
So, I'm ready.
I'm ready.
It's kind of like a few times when I was growing up and I'd see some big bully beating up some little kid.
The guy would be, you know, twice my size.
I'd walk up and say, buddy, you better stop doing that.
And I knew what I was in for when I did that.
I knew this guy was going to turn around and start pounding on me.
But I would just go past the fear, step in, punch him under, cut in the nose.
Their whole nose would just tear off with blood spraying out everywhere.
Or maybe they got me down.
Maybe they started pounding my head in.
You just gotta get good old boy gut up and roll them over and just start gouging their eyes out.
You gotta do what it takes and it's the same thing politically.
I came up with the New World Order and I slapped them upside the head and I said, why don't you stop picking on all those kids you CPS and you kidnap.
Why don't you stop all that corruption you're doing?
They turned around to me, this little bitty guy, and you know what?
They smashed me flat in a pancake.
The blood that comes out of me, the blood of patriots and tyrants, will only make the Tree of Liberty grow.
I just win any way you cut it.
The only way to really win in life is to do the right thing, ladies and gentlemen.
The only way to truly win in life is to do the right thing.
You're not going to be fulfilled.
You're not going to be happy.
Your life is not going to be
One-tenth as good as it could be until you start fighting corruption.
I mean, the stupid Young Turks Show, millions of viewers a week on YouTube, where they play the part of the middle-of-the-road, laughing, joking newscast, did an attack piece on me, saying, what's Alex so upset about CPS?
What is that?
Why is he angry at the CPS?
What is that?
How could
Five-year newscasters.
Been around for five years.
They have a show on XM Sirius, too.
How could they not know what CPS is?
How could they think I was a weirdo for getting angry?
Knowing that over a million kids a year are taken without due process by the Child Protective Services nationwide under a UN program, and that the CPS is five times more likely in Europe at seven times to abuse children than any other group.
I mean, do the young Turks not know about CNN four years ago?
3,500 kids missing in Florida and they found a bunch of them dead that had been in CPS custody.
They rape these kids and then kill them.
You don't think raping and killing kids is a big deal?
No, no, you do think it's a big deal.
You just are so ignorant, you don't know what CPS is.
And you take a clip out of context of me getting angry about children being abused.
What's wrong with you?
What type of person doesn't get angry at children being raped by big fat government pedophiles?
What type of person is so screwed up that they don't know this stuff's going on?
What type of person doesn't get angry at that?
What is your problem?
You are the people that are screwed up!
You are the people that don't get upset by tyranny!
You don't get upset by Bush having secret arrest teams that snatch and grab and torture people, and then now they're putting them on trial after 5, 6, 7, 8 years of torture, depending on the case?
That doesn't freak you out?
Having tyrannical government doesn't scare you?
The only real monsters in this world, folks,
Outside of man are things like great white sharks and grizzly bears.
And what do they kill?
10, 15, 20 people a year?
But you're scared of them.
When you're out in the woods in Colorado, you're walking around, you know, and thinking, man, there's grizzly bears around here.
Full-grown men are scared of grizzly bears, because you're supposed to be.
But you're not scared of criminal big government that killed 200 million people in the 20th century conservatively?
The number one cause of unnatural death?
And you tell me I'm a weirdo because my instincts are tuned up?
And I know how dangerous big government is, and I know it's taken over, and I know what it does, and I'm here screaming, telling my fellow homo sapiens sapiens, I'm like a chimpanzee in a tree, jumping up and down, warning other chimpanzees when I see a big cat coming through the woods.
I'm like a bird that sees a cat coming up to eat some of the other birds, and I flap my wings and fly off.
I'm the weirdo?
Because I'm sitting in the tree going... I mean, don't you understand anthropology, sociology?
Don't you understand that I'm up here going, My God, they're building FEMA camps!
They're brainwashing the public!
They're training your kids to spy on you!
They're launching all these wars!
They admit they torture people's kids in front of them to get answers!
The police nationwide are using pain compliance torture to get answers out of people.
Federal courts have ruled they can do it!
See, I'm a homo sapien sapien, so I sit here with words warning you.
A chimpanzee can't talk, so they just go... You understand that?
See, I'm normal.
You're not normal.
I'm out at a boat dock somewhere, and I see a family swimming around by boat docks, and I see a water moccasin?
I go, hey, watch out, there's a snake over here!
Am I the weirdo, or are you the weirdo?
Somebody that thinks the world's all this funny, happy football, and Christmas shopping, and everything's cute, and everybody acts trendy, because the television through the social art typing tells you the cool guy's stupid and doesn't care, and makes jokes and everything, and you imprint on that like a baby duck?
I did the imprint on television and the fake image of a stupid male.
They teach everybody, be stupid, be vapid, be shallow, don't be decisive, don't take action, don't rally people, don't get upset.
That's what human beings do, that's what men do, you fools, you castrated cowards!
But you've been so domesticated, so castrated from birth, set in front of the TV set, to rot in your crap-filled diapers, that when you see somebody trying to be a man, trying, doesn't mean I got all the answers, doesn't mean I'm perfect, but trying to be a man, trying to be a warrior for humanity, you get shocked by that!
You should look in the mirror and be shocked by what you are!
I'm done talking to you, scum.
And you are, you're scum.
And we're all once scum in our lives until we get woken up and take action.
I was once dumb as dirt.
You don't have to be dumb as dirt!
You don't have to think tyranny's cute and funny!
I'm gonna come back, Jim, a few calls in, and then Alan Watts coming up, and we'll go over all the news with him.
Yeah, I shouldn't get upset about the Arabs announcing they're fully dumping the dollar.
Oh, you'll be upset when your standard of living falls, jackass.
See, I got upset about real things.
I don't care if the Cowboys lose.
I do care about the dollar dying.
Whose head's screwed on straight?
Mine or yours?
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Alan Watts coming up.
Let's talk to Paul in Texas.
Thanks for holding, Paul.
Hey, Alex.
Hey, buddy.
I'm Debra Medina's coordinator here in Austin and Travis County.
And, uh, man, I've been trying to get ahold of Chuck Norris, and I was just wondering if you knew if he had any plans on endorsing or if he's talked about anybody in the governor's race.
And if not, man, how can we get him on board with Debra?
It seems like it's not right.
Well, Paul, I appreciate your call.
You know, we've had Debra in.
We like her for governor, and we've supported her.
And I've gotten calls at home from people saying, you know, get Chuck Norris on the phone with her.
It's not like I just called Chuck Norris up and said, hey, Chuck, get over here and do this.
I mean, I can do that with like Charlie Sheen and a few other people I know really well.
But Chuck's been a listener for more than a decade.
He likes the show.
He knows a lot more than he's letting on.
He's starting to show people how much he knows.
But maybe a few years down the road, I can call myself good buddies with Chuck Norris.
But, you know, these people all like me because I don't bug them.
I don't bug celebrities.
I don't ask them for stuff.
I don't hassle them.
Let's go ahead and talk to John in New York.
John, you're on the air.
How you doing there, Alex?
Hey, buddy.
Yeah, this is John here with We Are Change Hamburg, New York, a new chapter in the fight against tyranny.
Well done.
I just wanted to bring a point to you, you know, let you know that we just started up here in Western New York.
That kind of thing.
Today I went to Miss Nancy, what's the doctor's name?
You know the doctor there that came up with a good slogan, just get your damn shot?
Yeah, well we went to her blog today and we posted a paper that we released on Facebook not long ago called the Pandemic Hopes.
Essentially what it is, is it's a paper that pretty much looks at the statistics as they're posted to
Today's date.
Yeah, this flu is killing about 20% of what the regular flu does this far into the year.
There's now indictments coming down in Europe of EU members, UN members, where the scientists are all making money off the hype.
It is a pack of criminals.
But it doesn't stop there.
They're adding chemicals to the vaccines.
Appreciate the call, John.
It's worse than that.
You're paying them to get Alzheimer's and cancer.
And to be sterilized.
Cynthia in New Jersey, go ahead.
It's a privilege.
Oh, hi.
I wanted to tell you that I called Time Magazine today because of Ben Bernanke being named Man of the Year, and nobody there wanted to talk to me, but I did leave several messages.
I just felt that I wanted them to know that we know that they gave the prize to the man who caused this whole economic
Uh, collapse.
Well, let's say one of the top lieutenants of Summers and Rubin and others that set it up under Clinton and worked it under Bush.
It's all, yes, one of the king criminals.
It's like giving Adolf Hitler an award for fighting Nazis.
But I just wanted them to know that we know and they're not fooling anyone.
Don't subscribe to them!
You know, I literally don't.
I mean, I'm just saying, Time Magazine is a joke.
Newsweek's even worse!
Every issue I see talks about how great killing old people is.
I mean, it's like a Twilight Zone episode.
Since when did just everything turn to psycholand?
Everything is upside down.
You know, Obama gets the Nobel Prize for warmongering.
So, also, to the other caller, the woman who's
Yeah, here in Austin, and we confirmed it, we pulled it up, the corporations give the schools money to make the kids write dossiers on their parents.
Go ahead.
Yes, well, my son's 26, but when he was 18 and he had his last checkup with the pediatrician, my husband called and said, do not give him the hepatitis vaccination.
And they tried to give it to him.
He went in there by himself because he was 18 years old and I waited for him in the waiting room.
I couldn't believe that they tried to give him the vaccination when my husband had called ahead and said, do not give him that vaccination.
There's a bounty, absolutely, there's a bounty on getting that soft kill weapon in there.
Of course, the doctor doesn't care.
He just wants to go to the golf course and have sex with his mistress.
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