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Name: 20091221_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Dec. 21, 2009
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We have now reached the second half of our radio broadcast.
We're simulcasting the next two hours at PrisonPlanet.tv.
You can watch us in living color and see all the documents and video clips.
Coming up, CNN
As the former head science advisor to Microsoft saying they need to terraform the planet to save us from global warming.
Turns out Bill Gates has got the big patents on that.
And we'll open the phones up as well.
James Dillingpole is a best-selling author.
He writes for the Daily Telegraph and the TV critic for The Spectator.
JamesDillingpole.com is his website, and he's one of the leading people out there exposing the fraud of man-made global warming.
Absolutely spot-on, as they say over in England, and I say cheers to him with Christmas coming up.
In the last four minutes, we've got left in this segment
Chronicling Climategate, that was only one blip that got a bunch of attention.
We've had Ben Santer with the fraud at the UN.
We've had Al Gore lying about carbon dioxide going up simultaneously with temperature.
Chronicle some of the fraud of these people.
Yeah, well one of the great defences offered by the warmists is that Climategate was an unimportant affair involving a few insignificant scientists at just one obscure establishment in the boggy fenlands of eastern England and it doesn't matter.
The fact is that Climategate, what it did was confirm what a select band of brave scientists and bloggers and people have been saying all along, which is that the
The whole system is rotten to the core.
Now, these scientists exposed in the ClimateGate emails just also happen to be the small cabal of scientists who write the IPCC's papers on global warming.
These guys are the lead authors.
You know, one of the big names that keeps cropping up in those emails is Michael Mann.
And Michael Mann is the American scientist
Who invented the infamous hockey stick curve.
That was the one, the great big curve that Al Gore, in An Inconvenient Truth, he shows this grasp of how global temperatures are rising and he has to mount on this kind of crane lifting device because the curve is so steep upwards that only with this crane can he rise to point it out and everyone in the audience laughed.
The fact is that this graph, which was invented by Michael Mann to show how dramatically the world is heating up, has been
been proved wrong not once but twice by these two heroic scientists called McIntyre and McKittrick.
And McIntyre and McKittrick have been on the case of the warmists for a very long time and they've been using their, one of them's an economist the other is a statistician, and what they've been doing is using their skills to analyse all the data that has been used by these warmist scientists and they've proved
Beyond doubt that these guys are cooking the books.
They are fiddling with the... And they called it a fraud and then the emails came out confirming exactly what they were saying with the fraudsters talking about them and how they had to suppress this information.
That's exactly right.
And it is fraud because what these scientists have been doing is
We're good to go.
Those emails not only show them cooking the books, but they also show them bullying the opposition into silence, trying to ensure that any journals that want to give work to dissenting scientists, that they don't do so.
And if they try to do so, they want to get them shut down.
Now this is completely wrong.
This is not how science advances.
Well, unfortunately, James Dillingpole, we are out of time.
Thank you for spending so much time with us.
Then there's the other frauds, like polar bears are all dying when their numbers are way up, saying they can't swim to school children.
I mean, the frauds go on and on, and the key here is, they know it's a fraud.
It's part of their agenda.
Have a great Christmas, and thank you for spending so much time with us.
Happy Christmas, Alex.
Thanks a lot.
You bet.
Take care.
There he goes, ladies and gentlemen.
We're going to come back and get into the rest of the story.
Their power grab, where they openly say they want to terraform the planet.
Then your phone calls and what's happening with the healthcare power grab.
Stay with us.
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I think.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Obama Nation Care cleared its biggest hurdle in the Senate.
It has one more hurdle, the full vote, coming up, they're saying, in the next three to four days.
Then it goes to conference between the House and Senate.
If it can get to conference, it has a 90% chance, and that's a dead reckoning.
No one's sure.
All right.
Senator says White House foes of health care bill are birthers, right-wingers, militias, Aryan groups.
And that's what the MIAC and Homeland Security report says.
It says if you don't like the Federal Reserve ripping you off, if you don't like Obama spending more money in the last year or less than all presidents before him combined, you are a danger to the country.
And so that is coming up.
Look, I want to just play, there's two parts, we're just going to play the first part from YouTube, of CNN and former Microsoft head talk of geoengineering the planet, part one of two, and Farid
Zachariah talks with the former Chief Technology Officer of Microsoft, and they talk about how easy it is to put up these giant blimps up into the upper atmosphere, putting out sulfur dioxide to negate the effects of carbon dioxide.
Now, out in the open, they're talking about geoengineering terraforming.
The issue is, they're already using this.
They've already got weather modification blimps up.
In fact, I printed it last night and meant to give it to you this morning when I was here at like 10.
The headline was, to find one of the articles, was UFO over Salt Lake.
And it's a giant blimp.
These blimps are on record flying around spraying the atmosphere and surveilling people.
I have the Washington Post, New York Times, six, seven years ago when they announced they were putting these blimps up for multiple reasons.
But then the local news, they call the Air Force and say, what is this?
They go, we don't know.
So the locals go, it's a flying saucer.
Same thing over Russia.
You can see the propellers on the thing.
They use propellers even on the most high-tech blimps.
You can see the blisters of solar panels on the sides to power it.
These are unmanned giant blimps that stay up for years.
So they announce they deploy them, then make it classified, and the public's like, Martians!
It's surveillance and weather modification blimps.
And I go on shows like Man Cow, nationally syndicated, and he makes fun of me, saying it doesn't exist, even though I give him the articles.
I'm the crazy man.
I'm the crazy man in psychology today, believing in this.
Because I... In fact, just Google for everybody on TV right now.
After you do UFO over Salt Lake, I printed it last night, it should be in the printer.
Jared's got the video.
Google this.
Homeland Security launches blimps.
You'll get MSNBC.
Homeland Security launches blimps.
And you'll see a giant blimp being launched over DC, rising up in the photo from MSNBC.
And literally hundreds of other... So, six, seven, eight years ago, they announced all this.
Now the blimps are everywhere, and people are in Dallas, and people are in Salt Lake, and people are in Moscow going, Aliens!
There it is.
UAV Satellites, Blimps, Homeland Security.
That's from Homeland Security Newswire.
Raytheon, Blimp, Ideal for Surveillance, Cruise Missions, Detection.
So you guys found a bunch of them.
But the point is, all of this is going on.
Add Source MSNBC after it or Newsweek.
Oh, you found MSNBC.
Super Blimps!
That's not the same article.
Eyes in the sky for Homeland Security.
Scroll down.
They may have just taken the photo off.
There's a bunch of them is my point.
So... And they do this.
They announce a world government, then they say it doesn't exist.
You're a kook if you talk about it.
They announce... In 1992, a scientist won a Nobel Prize.
Or was it 93?
We've covered this.
I'm doing research the last few years on chemtrails for a film I'm making.
Sulfur dioxide, barium salts, aluminum dioxide, and it disperses it into the atmosphere.
And so by 95, they launched tests.
And suddenly people went, I never saw a condensation trail last more than a minute or two.
That thing's been up there for five hours.
It's turning into a cloud bank.
Well, what's going on?
And then the White House Science Czar comes out in his first speech to an AP meeting.
There it is.
Eyes in the sky for Homeland Security.
The exact photo I told you about.
That's from 2005.
Homeland Security blimps and look at it over the Washington Monument.
Blow that up for folks, please.
But then I go on national radio shows and get made fun of.
The public wants to believe it's flying saucers.
In fact, since I'm already covering this, let's go ahead and, uh, I sent you several clips from ABC News and others where they're going, is it flying saucers?
You know, is it aliens?
And they got these things over Moscow.
Now, when you watch the CNN piece, they show giant V-shaped blimps.
And those are the really big ones that go up to 100,000 feet or higher and just hover around in circles.
And it's so high up, you've got to have a telescope to look at them.
I mean, literally, if I had the time, they've got one over Dallas, it looks at all of Texas.
I could drive up there on a clear day, scan around with it with a filter, because it's white, you've got to see it behind the background, with like a brown filter.
I took astronomy in school and I own a couple telescopes.
The point is, and I could look around and find them.
And I could put it on the news and people would think it was a giant alien craft.
But notice, it's the same thing they just saw over Moscow was one of the blimps taking off.
And of course the Russians have them.
But the really high-tech ones are V-shaped.
And CNN shows these in the piece coming up.
But first...
That's one of the more primitive design ones of Homeland Security right there on screen.
I sent you a bunch of clips.
Just show one of the local news clips of Salt Lake City where they think, you know, the government won't say what it is, but is it aliens or is it a secret craft?
It's a blimp!
It's a blimp!
It's a blimp!
I'm not the conspiracy theorist.
I have the facts.
Why does the public believe it's aliens instead of a blimp?
Here it is.
Giant UFO over Salt Lake.
This is one of the shorter clips.
You can go watch longer ones.
Go ahead and turn it up.
What's hovering over Salt Lake City?
Is it a rocket?
A blimp?
A strange object seen in the skies has residents scratching their heads.
The craft floated overhead for several minutes before disappearing.
Salt Lake air traffic controllers said their radar didn't pick up anything and they have no knowledge of the craft.
Yeah, see, that's the issue.
I mean, you look, it's a blimp with tail fins, looks like the Hennenberg.
It's got propellers on it.
I mean, this would be like if the Red Baron landed a biplane, a red biplane, in front of your house.
And the news came and showed it and said, we don't know what this craft is.
It'd be like if a 777 landed at George W. Bush or H.W.
Bush Airport in Houston and everyone ran on the tarmac saying, we don't know what this is.
See, they treat you like you're morons.
And there's longer, there's like a nine minute ABC newscast where they marvel and the government won't say what it is and maybe it's a UFO and the government said they didn't see anything.
They treat you like children.
And just tell you it doesn't exist and you're seeing things when giant blimps are flying around.
Now, I looked into this story from a few years ago, and I looked into the Dallas stories, and clearly they have military bases there, they are launching blimps.
And they're only seen when they launch, because when they go up to 100 to 120,000 feet, they are tiny.
And people with telescopes, there's literally hundreds of videos online, where people with telescopes run around freaking out thinking they've found UFOs.
And people with powerful telescopes, privately owned, keep seeing giant craft orbiting the Earth.
And you look at the photos of them, it's giant space stations!
90 plus percent of the space program in the U.S.
and Russia has always been military.
They've got space planes.
I mean, you really think Virgin Galactic of Virgin Atlantic is the only group that has space planes?
A private airline company has a couple spaceships and they launch missions into space for tourists, but the government doesn't have a space plane and NASA can't get one off the ground.
Give me a break.
Werner Von Braun in the 20s and 30s drew up the space shuttle in Germany when he was the head of the German and the Hitlerian program in the 30s.
He was the head of NASA's program.
That is an ancient tinker toy that you are shown.
The reason they go with blimps is because they're so inexpensive.
It's much cheaper to have surveillance blisters, infrared scanners, and face scanners, and license plate readers, and weather modification packages.
On record!
On record!
Now when we come back...
They talk about chemtrail blimps.
Chemtrail blimps with the former Chief Technology Officer of Microsoft about geoengineering from CNN.
We're just going to come back, go right into this clip, then we'll go out to break.
I'll come back on the other side of the bottom of the hour and comment on this.
The full video is linked at InfoWars.com.
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But I just can't see the world coming together to reduce CO2 emissions to the levels that will actually stop it.
I can't see China or India doing it, which in and of itself would doom the project.
And I really can't see Western countries making the kinds of drastic changes that would be required to cut CO2 emissions.
And if we did, there are still lots of CO2 up in the atmosphere right now, and it will cause global warming anyway.
All of which made me want to know, are there other approaches?
Are there other strategies we might pursue?
In that spirit, and in the wake of the Copenhagen Summit, here is a fascinating conversation, a fascinating set of ideas, concrete ideas, to solve the problem of global warming and energy without going down the Copenhagen-Kyoto route, or in addition to going down the Copenhagen-Kyoto route.
Nathan Myhrvold, you've been looking into the issue of global warming.
And you've brought all your expertise.
I mean, you're a trained physicist.
You spent years as the Chief Technology Officer at Microsoft.
So you understand the science, the economics.
What is it that you think when you look at what is going on, what was going on in Copenhagen?
Here's the real problem, or one of the many aspects of the problem.
When you emit CO2, a good fraction of it
At least 20%, maybe even a little more, will stay for thousands of years.
So, it's not like it goes up and then it can go away after a little bit.
As we continue to emit CO2, it continues to make the problem worse, and then even if we stopped cold turkey, it'll be there for a long period of time.
If you wanted a problem that was almost perfectly designed to be difficult for us to grapple with, this would be it.
Because the cost is very high, the solution is going to require a lot of sacrifice, but the benefit is diffuse and global and way out in the future.
And that's the kind of problem humans are bad at.
And that's why you have a fundamental problem with the idea, the whole approach of limiting carbon emissions as the solution to global warming.
I think that you have to be an incredible optimist, or you have to believe that it's not a severe problem, to think that that's the only solution we should investigate right now.
Okay, this building has fire extinguishers and a fire system, but it's probably unlikely there'll be a fire today.
It's a low probability event, but it's important enough that we really have to have all of this infrastructure and alarms and firemen that will race up here and so forth.
Okay, we're going to come back and play the rest of it, but I want to just counter what you just heard.
For people watching at PrisonPlanet.tv, on the screen, when they introduce him, they say, a new plan to save the world.
So, they're now going from saying, the oceans may rise by a few inches,
And a few polar bears might die, which is an extreme fraud, to putting out the visual idea, the asinine statement, that the planet may be destroyed.
Ambitious plan to save the planet.
On screen, they're saying, we are saving the planet.
And then the Microsoft, former head of technology, says, but we have a plan.
And when we come back, we're going to play that where they show these giant blimps to spray sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere.
Now, how can the globalists, the UN, the United States, Britain, go and put up these blimps at the North and South Pole, as he says they're going to do, without asking the rest of the world?
Also, what are these chemtrail devices, these aerosol devices, really going to do?
He talks about tipping points.
That's what the father of weather weapons, meteorologist Ben Livingston, who flooded Vietnam during the war, who created hurricanes, weakened hurricanes, now declassified, came on this show and explained to you.
That it's tipping points they can manipulate.
We already know there's a giant covert weather modification program that John P. Holder in the White House Science Czar now admits was just a test that they're now going operational.
So see, they now have to introduce it to you.
Now, what they don't tell you up front is that Bill Gates, and let's search this during the break and show people when we come back, owns patents on hurricane-killing
We're good to go.
And so the globalists are going to play God.
They're going to control your weather.
HAARP, I've had the director of HAARP on, admitting that they can ignite the atmosphere with HAARP.
Then during the break, the Air Force came on the line, griped at him and said, don't talk about that.
John Harmon heard that.
The guy running the show up in Minnesota.
I'm down here in Austin.
I thought I'd get John on to talk about that.
I always talk about having him talk about it, but we should have him on.
But the issue is, there is weather modification going on.
We're gonna come back and finish up with this.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As they're finishing off this agenda, they'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Up on screen for PrisonPlanet.tv viewers, you can read the headline, USA Today, Hurricane Calming Technology.
Bill Gates has a plan.
And then you find out he has all these weather control patents, because he's a government consortium front.
A shadow government front, they give him all the patents they had decades ago.
Everything he talks about, everything they have on these patents, is at least 30 years old.
The Stanford Research Institute for the Navy Weapons Laboratory.
Had patents for doing exactly what they talk about here in 1967.
That's now been declassified as of four years ago.
And I saw a story where the name Ben Livingston was in there as the father of weather weapons, how they flooded Vietnam when there were no clouds that were going to create them, how in the 40s he was the first guy to fly into typhoons that
Are over 50 miles an hour in some cases even faster 200 miles an hour total
Again, in the Pacific, the hurricanes get even more powerful.
They call them typhoons.
He flew into those.
I mean, this guy's amazing.
And we have that video interview, by the way, with him.
He came to Austin at PrisonPlanet.TV.
They had all of this.
And so now they're introducing it to you.
Oh, we can put blimps up.
Oh, we've been testing with aircraft spraying.
Oh, this is a giant program in full swing.
And we know they're already manipulating the weather.
And the issue is they could create horrible
Catastrophic weather events with this.
That's on record and then tell you it's natural and scare everyone into submitting to global government.
This is literally the elite playing God.
That's what they're doing.
That's what they want.
That's why the Pentagon calls it owning the weather.
And that's one of their declassified reports.
Just Google Pentagon report owning the weather in 2025.
They already own it, folks.
Here it is.
We're good to go.
We also don't know when we're going to get around to getting serious.
So it seems to me that we need to have a plan B. We need to have a way to buy ourselves some time if it starts getting serious quickly.
Now, what else could you do?
And the answer is a topic called geoengineering, which says, can we directly try to intervene?
So, to use an analogy, we all know we're supposed to eat right and exercise a lot.
And if we did that, we would, a lot of heart disease, diabetes, tons of other diseases, we'd be better off.
Turns out that's hard for people to do.
And as a result, you also have interventions that you would do, like heart surgery, that you might do to get a stent put in or to have a bypass operation.
Because if you neglect the problem long enough, that's what you have to do.
Well, the equivalent of that surgery in this case
Our means to directly intervene.
Now one approach is to take the CO2 and suck it out of the atmosphere.
Now how do you do that?
We return actually to Benjamin Franklin.
In 1783 there's a volcano called Laki in Iceland.
I've been there to visit it.
That erupted.
Causing a tremendous winter in 1784 in the Northern Hemisphere.
So Benjamin Franklin gives a paper.
He says it was a volcano.
Well, we know today through lots of... How did he figure that out?
He has a great, it's a wonderful thing, I wish I had the text to read here because it's in this sort of quaint English of that era, where he says that it blocked the many rays of the sun.
And so far as we know today, Ben was right!
And we know this because in 1991, Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines exploded.
There's been lots of volcanoes since then, but a very large volcano that's got a tremendous amount of power will put a lot of gases and particles into the very upper atmosphere, the stratosphere.
Mount Pinatubo did.
It caused global temperatures to drop by about one degree Fahrenheit for about a year, year and a half afterwards.
Now, that's interesting because that's about the amount of global warming that we have today.
So if you could just have a Mount Pinatubo every year?
A Mount Pinatubo on demand would do it.
And what is it doing?
What is the chemical process?
It's spewing sulfur dioxide into the upper atmosphere.
Why is that?
When you have small aerosol particles, light will scatter off of them.
That scattering is why, one range of that scattering is why the sky is blue.
Another range of that scattering is why milk is white, actually.
So it turns out sulfur dioxide is very good at scattering light.
And if you have sulfur dioxide, it's what gives the rotten egg smell in part, or that in hydrogen sulfides, at Yellowstone or other places you have geysers.
Enough of those particles will scatter light.
If you had a system for delivering sulfur dioxide into the upper atmosphere, you could easily dim the sun by 1% and even do it in a way that wouldn't be visible.
So how do you pump sulfur dioxide into the upper atmosphere on demand?
The first things that you think of, like, oh, let's load it into 747s and carry it up, are way too expensive.
So you need a cheap way to get a lot of stuff up there.
So we set out to invent something like that.
We've come up with, actually, a couple ways to do it.
But I'll tell you the simplest one, which is you run a hose to the sky.
It sounds nuts, but you take a hose, you suspend it on a series of balloons, helium balloons, you want to run it 25 kilometers up, because that takes you up into the stratosphere.
25 kilometer garden hose?
Now that's the interesting part.
If you go through a calculation of how much you need,
In our best scheme, it's like a fat garden hose.
The total amount of rate that you're pumping is about 30 gallons a minute.
That's less than a swimming pool pump.
So it's actually a very manageable sized problem once you come up with this idea that you put the stuff up there.
The best place to put it is in very high latitudes, that's very far north, or in the southern hemisphere, very far south.
So, northern Canada, Russia, someplace like that, that's up 60-70 degrees north.
So run one of these garden hoses at the North Pole, basically, one at the South Pole, turn them on every year, and you've solved the problem of global warming?
Well, we've done a series of computer simulations that tell us exactly that.
That one of these units at 60 to 70 north, with a set of assumptions about how you put the aerosol up there, would negate global warming as we have it today.
And, by putting it up there, it would particularly protect the Arctic.
And once you protect the Arctic, you shut off a bunch of these potential tipping point mechanisms.
Once you cool the Arctic, our simulations show that, in fact, you draw enough heat from the rest of the hemisphere that you bring the rest of the hemisphere into line, and you don't have any severe dislocations of the weather.
And it's worth pointing out, your stuff is all computer simulations, but of course so are the predictions that the IPCC model uses to predict very bad stuff happening, so if we believe those computer simulations, there's no reason to assume yours are wrong.
Well, I think, yes.
We use the same kind of computer simulations, the same sort of software, with the same sort of assumptions.
Now, neither one of them is perfect, but it gives us confidence, and at least as much confidence as we would have in the other directions.
Now, of course, before you really deploy it, you'd want to run some more simulations, and you'd want to do some small-scale experiments.
There's a lot of things to do to sort of responsibly build the full case.
But from what we can tell, this is an idea that has incredible promise.
Now, are people, are governments knocking on your doors?
So, uh, not so far.
And we will be back with Nathan Myhrvold more on global warming, the future of energy, and a way to power the whole world.
That's enough.
You can watch part two at Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com, or you can go directly to YouTube and pull the cliff up.
It's CNN, a former Microsoft head, talk of geoengineering the planet.
Okay, I wrote some notes during that, and I want to go over those notes, then we're going to give the number out and open the phones up and get into the government grab of healthcare.
And I'm not taking these in any particular order.
This is their way, through the fear of global warming, to not just tax you, but set up a global agreement for weather modification.
And there's actually a 1970s U.N.
treaty that the U.S.
and others signed onto on weather weapons.
So see, while they've been telling you none of this existed, now being declassified incrementally, because they're getting ready to go public with it.
While they've been busy manipulating and testing all of this, they now tell you that they're just now getting around to testing.
So they want to set up a global weather bureau, and Bill Gates has been given.
All of the secret technologies, because which now declassified five years ago, four and a half years ago, for sulfur dioxide from aircraft, sulfur dioxide from blimps.
We have the documents.
Associated Press, you name it, reported on it.
I just said, oh look, there's Ben Livingston.
They say he's the main inventor.
Call him up.
Yeah, we control hurricanes.
It was all certified.
I don't know why they let these hurricanes do what they did.
I've talked to other meteorologists and experts.
They go, yeah, these hurricanes like Katrina don't act like hurricanes normally do.
You got double eyes in some of them, strange behavior, aircraft seen spraying while this is going on.
They can strengthen them or weaken them.
So you have a global weather bureau they openly want to set up.
Bill Gates has now said this.
We predicted they would do this years ago because we know how they operate.
We have enough info.
We understand their program.
They create the crisis, whether real or manufactured, they offer the solution.
It goes on.
Again, they sell it all with climate fear.
The public thinks, well, if they're going to put blimps up in the upper atmosphere and aircraft and spray us, why, it must be real if the government's doing this.
It's a giant corporate boondoggle, a new global weather bureau that we'll spend hundreds of billions a year on.
Already going on secretly, now being declassified.
It takes global agreements to get this set up, which is what they want, globalization.
It can also cover what they're doing and cover all their weather weapon programs that are happening.
NASA reported three years ago that the Earth in the last decade has become 20% darker than in the 100 years it was accurately measured before that.
Because there's all this new hazy cloud cover formed by the chemtrails.
That's just the low-altitude aerosol spraying.
When I use chemtrail, that's the colloquial common term for it.
They have literally thousands of documents that he classified this year, where Department of Energy, Department of the Army, Department of the Air Force, they're just all out spraying globally.
And it's all black budget and secret how much they're spending.
It's a giant program, manipulating the weather.
The Earth is now 20% darker at least.
I mean, we're living in the middle of Buck Rogers, folks, but the general public doesn't understand it.
He says, yes, we'll use the same software that we've used for the global warming models.
All centralized, fraud-driven, by United Nations groups.
So, more scams.
You'll never know what they're really doing.
It's a cover for their weather weapons and weather manipulation.
And then they say, oh, well, we'll test this on a small scale.
They've already been testing on a giant scale with HAARP, and that's just one location.
They've got them in Europe on record, smaller stations all over the country, where the Pentagon admits they're testing it and ionizing the atmosphere along with the barium salts, aluminum dioxide, sulfur dioxide they're projecting.
When he said these things reflect back into space, that's only a small part of it.
They also form nuclei for clouds.
That's the main driver, according to the climatologist we've interviewed here.
It's the nuclei.
The potash, other things that we put into the atmosphere form nuclei.
Smokestacks, forest fires.
But even more importantly, space dust.
Micrometeors coming in by the millions every day.
That's a conservative estimate.
Those are breaking up in the atmosphere, forming nuclei that water particles freeze onto in the upper atmosphere, becoming larger, micro-hail.
Then, as it comes into the lower atmosphere, it heats back up, creating water vapor that you know as clouds.
You understanding this?
So when they say test on a small scale, there's no way to test these technologies on a small scale and know what it's going to do in the giant Terra scale, or planetary geo-scale.
So, test on the small scale.
What a fraud!
They're already testing on a giant scale.
You just weren't supposed to know about it.
Now they're going public with it!
Namely because they want to publicly use it and since 1995, researchers, meteorologists, scientists, people have gone up in aircraft behind the chemtrails.
They said it's barium salts, aluminum dioxide, sulfur dioxide.
It's being dispersed in jet fuel.
We've done studies.
You could clearly do this and have it disperse the nuclei.
Then John P. Holdren, White House Science Czar, who also wrote the book Ecoscience, calling for putting stuff in the water to sterilize you and your family, and he wants a planetary government, read his own book, he comes out and says, yeah, we got jets that are going to spray the clouds and create clouds to protect you from global warming.
Three years ago, government-approved textbooks nationwide in public schools, two of them came out for 7th and 8th graders, used all over the country, where they teach the kids the government is spraying trails to create sunscreen to protect you.
So see, they're teaching the kids, it's like Time Magazine for kids, in two different issues.
One five years ago, one three years ago, that I know of.
I was sent this.
They have Time Magazine free for kids in school.
Federal government pays for it.
And it says, your parents don't understand the future.
They're old-fashioned, but you're cool.
You're gonna take a microchip that you're gonna buy and sell with.
And then no one will be able to take your identity.
See, they're teaching your kids they're chemtrailing.
They're teaching your kids that microchips are good.
They're teaching your kids global warming's real.
And to come home and rebuke you.
That's on the news now.
We told you about it before it was on the news.
It's a total scientific dictatorship.
They're manipulating the weather.
They're manipulating our genetics.
I haven't even gotten to this yet.
Last night, we're up here working late on a film.
I order for the office a couple Papa John's pizzas.
And I don't consider it total junk food, but it certainly is fattening.
And the pizzas come in and I'm putting pepper.
I love pepper.
I'm dumping a whole packet of pepper.
On my pizza.
And I read the label.
And it says, crushed red peppers treated with radiation.
Zoom in on this for me.
Crushed red peppers treated with radiation.
And you're going, what does that have to do with chemtrailing?
What does that have to do with genetic engineering?
Ladies and gentlemen, I can't describe to you the information I know that is publicly available and mainstream news.
I can't begin to even... I mean, look, I mentioned last night how five years ago, in 2004, the EPA approved spraying live viruses on most meat.
And people don't believe me.
Here's New York Times.
Agency approves first use of viruses as food additive.
Live viruses.
Here is ABC News.
Viral meat spray.
Advancing food safety.
I have newscasts where they say mercury is good for your children's brains and that melamine is good for babies when it kills people.
The government says that they want to put lithium in your water.
The government admittedly puts over 150 chemicals in your water already that cause cancer and sterilize you.
Ladies and gentlemen, ladies and gentlemen, do you understand what's going on?
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Look, I covered geoengineering, manipulations of the weather by a private global government in a concise fashion in the last 40 minutes or so.
What I want to do, dealing with the poisoning of the food, the water,
I want to do that in a concise 10-minute fashion towards the end of the show.
I want to go ahead and give the number out now and get into government takeover of healthcare that's looking more and more like a nightmare reality and take your phone calls.
The toll-free number to join us on air is 1-800-259-9231.
And we will get you up and on the air.
And then I'm going to get into the irradiation of your meat, your food, your vegetables, even the pepper you put on your pizza.
I want to get on to viruses being sprayed on all the major meat products.
Exactly what this means.
What's being put in your water.
The discussions of putting Prozac, lithium, and statins in your water.
I mean, ladies and gentlemen, they're just coming out in the open with everything right now.
This is real, and people need to be aware of this.
So that is coming up in the next hour.
But again, 1-800-259-9231.
We'll get you up and on the air.
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Again, we're going to start the fourth and final hour.
Man, these shows!
Go by quick.
We're going to start that hour.
I'm going to take phone calls.
I'm going to get some into the health care takeover and the latest on that front.
And then I'm going to get into what's being done to your food and water.
Just how far along this is and how it's being done by design.
Now the average business or company owner, they're not part of it.
It's all done compartmentalized.
Okay, it's all done by a centralized system.
So we're going to break that down coming up towards the end of the show in the last 15 minutes.
But first, your phone calls and a news blitz straight ahead in the fourth and final hour.
Stay with me.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Okay, I'm on a phone blitz.
I always try to do this, but the calls always bring up some interesting info.
We get stuck on one caller for 20 minutes.
Each caller, you got one minute.
Mark in Oregon, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Season's greetings, Alex.
Hey, buddy.
Alex, I'd like to truly wish you and yours and all of us the very best New Year for our families and for our fight against this evil.
Alex, I'd like to harken back just with two quick comments here that you could comment on for me, please.
To your conversation with Mr. Braverman in the beginning of the program, Alex, when I think of Hollywood, I think of tremendous publicity value on a great scale of magnitude.
If the numerous world-famous Hollywood stars who are opposed to the New World Order agenda will come out publicly, it would, not counting your worthy self, it would be the most devastating blow to New World Order implementation that has yet occurred.
I'd like to ask all of you good people in Hollywood to please come forward and assist the cause of truth in all of humanity's very survival.
Mark, I hear you and I appreciate your call.
For those that don't know, Michael Braverman, one of the executive producers on Conspiracy Theory, was on with us today.
I'm a consultant on the show.
It's groundbreaking this got on the air.
And he talked about the old fake left establishment doesn't want any New World Order info on TV
Or on television.
Or on movies.
Cable, broadcast TV, whatever the case is.
And how this show, from our perspective, the true perspective, is groundbreaking.
And I've talked to Braverman a lot, but he never brought up the fact that Bruce Willis, Brad Pitt, Woody Harrelson, and I threw those names out and he went, yeah, that's the names.
How did you know that?
I told you folks, you can't believe.
Bruce Willis?
I mean, you heard, because I was never going to bring it up on air.
Because it was private info, but Rick Linklater felt like doing it, so he did, because nobody told him to keep it on the lowdown.
That Bruce Willis has been in Austin making a movie with, that was three years ago, with my good friend Rick Linklater.
And this is like Hollywood, Texas.
Next to Canada, this is one of the biggest areas in the world for making films.
New Zealand's another place, Australia.
But it's inexpensive to make films there, so a lot of Hollywood stars come through.
And they hear my radio show, they see my Axis TV show years ago.
But in this case, Rick Linklater gave a bunch of my films to Bruce Willis.
And Bruce had a complete awakening to the left-right paradigm.
And there's some other behind-the-scenes stuff I'm not going to get into as it was private.
But then, whenever, this is just one case example, then whenever Rick Linklater talked about Bruce Willis' awakening from my films, because Rick's a big fan of the show and gave him a bunch of my films, at the time Terror Storm and Martial Law,
That Bruce said, now I understand how both parties are controlled.
We talked about that.
Michelle Malkin came out and said, it's impossible, it can't be true.
But she didn't call Brizuela, she just said it can't be true.
Then Bruce, a few months later, gave an interview to Vanity Fair and he said, the same people that killed Kennedy run America.
They control both parties.
I've had an awakening to the New World Order.
Now, I didn't even bug Rick.
Or Bruce to try to stay in contact with Bruce Willis and try to push it.
If Bruce Willis wants to find out how to get a hold of me and wants to come on, he can.
Because I'm going to wake up the general public.
And I can't count on things that may or may not happen.
Charlie Sheen called me up out of the blue.
I never talked to him.
And said, I want to go public.
And, you know, I sit there and talk to Keanu Reeves, Woody Harrelson, a lot of other people over the years.
And, you know, they're all into this info.
They order my videos when they come out.
I talk to them every once in a while and they go, yeah, I'll come on sometime, but I'm not sure.
Because they know that the establishment will try to hurt their careers.
As long as you want to be a fake leftist, it's fine, or be a right-winger like Tom Selleck, it's fine.
But the point is, all the old socialists are dying off in Hollywood, and I'm telling you, 80% or more of Hollywood is anti-New World Order.
This is all they talk about, all they're into.
The awakening's accelerating, and the globalists are in trouble there!
Because the big studios are losing control of their people.
And that's what's happening.
And it's very exciting.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Okay, let's go ahead and go to your calls.
Julio in Illinois, you're on the air.
Alex Jones, good afternoon, Freedom Fighter.
I was watching Bloomberg News about 20 minutes ago.
They said the Copenhagen deal kind of fell short, which is great news.
And then last night at 12.17 Central Time, I saw the scum known as the United States Senators, almost 60 of them on the Democratic side, with the audacity to pass this bill at midnight.
That's my comment.
My question to you, sir, is
I mentioned it on Jason Berman's show last night, but I think for you, I think you guys need to bring on the air constitutional lawyers to see if we can, as freedom fighters, get set to press charges on the puppet master known as Barack Hussein Obama.
We clearly know that he violated the Logan Act by being president of the world at the UN, and every bill he signed from then on, including receiving the Nobel Peace Prize without the consent of Congress, everything he's done after... Yeah, that's a cash payment by a foreign group!
So after he's done all that, everything he's done after the U.N.
meeting in New York City has been impeachable offenses against the Constitution, against the law.
And what they're doing is, what Nixon did right on up to Obama now, is they set the precedent to violate the Constitution and get away with it.
There's a guy, Mark Levin.
He's from New York.
He's a great constitutional lawyer.
He's a freedom fighter.
He goes after his people.
You need to get on some constitutional lawyers so we can get rid of these puppet masters.
Yeah, but Mark Levin is also a neocon.
He's pro-war.
Oh, that's not good then.
Never mind about him.
No, I mean, that's okay.
I'm just saying, you know, you've got the right wing all right now, kind of as the patriots.
But remember what happens once they get in power.
We need to remove both leaderships, because they're all rotten to the core.
But I tell you, this Obama has taken it to new levels.
I appreciate your points, Julio, though.
Well said.
Let's talk to Randy in Florida.
Randy, you're on the air.
Alex, how are you doing?
First time caller, long time listener.
You guys are the president of the planet, and there's awards for everything you guys are doing.
You there?
Yes, sir.
I haven't heard anything about it, but over here in Central Florida, I'm in Point Siena, and man, I'll tell you what, it's less than every ten minutes you've seen a plane flying over, and they're laying out vast amounts of chemtrails here.
It's easy to fit it out to the, you know, the storms that are headed up north.
We're getting in the skies after several hours.
You start seeing a little...
It kind of looks like a rainbow in the sky, but they're laying flat.
Yeah, it's chemicals.
You have planes at 3, 4, 5,000 feet in hot weather.
It's not ice crystals.
And they're spraying chemicals.
And now the White House admits it's been a long-term secret program.
They mixed it in with the jet fuel.
The pilots don't even know.
They're coming in on their regular runs, and it's darkening the atmosphere.
And I just played CNN last hour with the former head of Microsoft admitting that they own the patents.
They're going to do it globally.
Well, I've been taking pictures of this over the last several days.
I'm going to send them in.
I'm also going to put them up on a website.
Also, I'd like to, you know, say something to the people.
You know, this morning I'm watching Senator Barrasso and others speaking on, you know, the issues, how they're so unbalanced, and the differences between the right and the left, and billions of new, you know, new taxations, and the government openly admitting it's got no control.
You know, the President's basically willing to sign any bill into order, you know, to play.
And that, you know, we completely lost any sign of control or any reasoning.
No, I hear you.
I hear you, Randy.
I hear you and I appreciate your call.
Look, Bush tripled the size of government.
Obama promised to cut government and spent more than Bush, Clinton, Bush's daddy, Ronald Reagan, Jimmy Carter, Gerald Ford, Nixon,
All the way back to George Washington.
That's a fact.
A $4 trillion deficit and counting in 2009.
That's just the deficit now, not all the obligations.
And government health care, and more wars, and more taxes, and carbon taxes.
It is a mass looting, Randy.
It is criminal government snatching and stealing everything that's even nailed down.
They're taking the kitchen sink.
They're pulling up the tile.
They're ripping out the wood paneling.
They are robbing us blind.
They are taking everything.
And leaving a police state behind as a rear guard action to protect themselves.
Let's go ahead and talk to Tony in Illinois.
Tony, go ahead.
Hey Alex, it's great to talk to you.
You know, it's funny, you were mentioning about you're on ManCow.
You know, I'm from the Chicagoland area, so I have a list of them.
We obviously know who he is.
And when I heard you on there, I knew right away you were a fair shot in there.
But I told you, you held your own, you did great.
Well no, I mean, I've been on, let me just make this point before you go on.
I've been on ManCow's show.
Probably 50, 60, 70, maybe 100 times.
I mean, I'm on there almost every week.
They ask me to come on for 10, 15 minutes, I do it.
And he's invited me up there, and he's invited me to events, and he's nice.
It's just that he still, when I talk about the White House science czar, he gives a press conference and says, we're terraforming the planet, we're manipulating the weather.
And they have their guys on CNN, he still laughs at me, because, I mean, it's like mainstream media tells me there's no new world order being set up, when I have a giant stack of mainstream news articles here in front of me today, where they're calling for global government!
I mean, that was the point I was making.
Yeah, and you know what, Stuart?
If you look at it, you know, you listen to the radio, and even, you know, talk show hosts, there's a left and a right,
And they both argue against each other, and they've gotten the American people so against each other, because they argue the left or the right side, that they're not seeing what's in the middle.
Like, you know, you're in the middle, I'm in the middle, and we're seeing what's going on here.
And they even give you a fake middle.
Fake middle means you're a socialist instead of a communist.
You know, the Republicans are the socialists, the Democrats are the communists.
It's all command and control.
I'm not in the left, right, or middle.
I'm outside their fake paradigm.
I'm anti-corruption.
Yeah, exactly.
Anti-corruption, pro-constitution.
Let's get this country back on track, which sometimes seems like it's an impossible feat, but if we keep up the good fight, I believe we should overcome this.
And hopefully, you know, we keep spreading the word.
Your word, my word.
And try to keep everyone as informed as possible.
When you come on and you give your
I hear you and I appreciate your call.
Let's go ahead and talk to Trent in Canada.
Trent, you're on the air.
You know, with the establishment coming forward and stating that they're doing the spraying, how is it that we don't know for sure that they're the ones that are responsible for this alleged climate change or whatever is happening that they figure is wrong?
That's what I'm pointing out.
A lot of the stuff that's happening in the States right now is a lot of stuff that happened in Canada back in the 80s, you know, with the GST being put in and gun registration happening.
You know, I think it's a matter of having the U.S.
equalize with Canada for this North American Union.
Yeah, that's what globalization is.
That's what they say is taking Americans and Canadians and British rights so we can be like all the other countries that live under tyranny.
Are they planning to have this also be equalized like with the European Union?
Yes, in fact, it's in my film, Endgame, Blueprint for Global Enslavement, now out for three years.
We show a press conference with Merkel and Barroso of the EU, Angela Merkel, the head of Germany and the head of the EU at the time, Barroso.
And Bush says, we have integrated North America through the SPP, we are now signing a treaty for Atlantic integration with Europe and North American Union.
I mean, they have press conferences saying we've already merged, and the public doesn't even know because nobody but Lou Dobbs would cover it, and now they've run Lou Dobbs out.
Well, that's all I wanted to point out, so thanks a lot, and the best to you.
Trent, thank you so much.
Great points.
Mike in Vermont disagrees.
Mike, go ahead.
Yeah, hey Alex.
This is Mike from Vermont.
I disagree with you on the chemtrail comment you made regarding the being the fuel being contaminated with whatever and that the pilots don't know what they're doing, you know, don't realize it.
I disagree with that because up here, I mean, I watch him turn it on and off at will.
Uh, U-turns, X's, these... No, there are some special craft, big white craft, and they've been photographed in Arizona, where there's hundreds of them out at military bases, highly secure, fences many miles back, people have got to get up on mountains with telephoto lenses, and they're just taking off and landing, 24-7, and they've got bases everywhere.
So yes, you have special chemtrail planes that are chemically spraying, and the Department of Energy admits that.
The details are classified, but I'm saying evidence says they're adding lower amounts of it to general jet fuel.
Go ahead.
Oh, okay.
Uh, yeah.
In that case, yeah, I agree.
But, uh, yeah, but these guys, you know, I say they know exactly what they're doing.
They mess the sky up every day.
I mean, it's a daily thing.
Folks, think back pre-1995 to those big blue skies that you had almost all the time when there weren't clouds.
Now it's always a ratty haze.
Every day I walk out in Austin at like 4,000 feet, it's a haze drifting down made up of the chemtrails.
Exactly, exactly.
Well, that's about it, Alex.
That's the only thing I thought.
I didn't realize what you were.
Yeah, I might have misunderstood it.
I hear you and I appreciate your call.
That's my problem, is that if I'm going to take calls and go over subjects, I've always got 100, 200, 300, 400, 500 times the evidence and facets and info.
It's like when you hear the term fluoride,
That is a catch-all term under federal law for over 150 chemicals put in water on average.
They have authorization to put over 300 in.
And all of them are associated with infertility in men and women, with cancer, with bone fractures, with bone cancer.
There are thousands of government studies admitting that just sodium fluoride in water doubles
Men's chances of bone cancer.
People don't believe me.
I'll do it live on TV right now, simulcasting on radio.
Google fluoride bone cancer.
When we come back from break, I'll show you mainstream studies.
That's just one thing.
They know it's sterilizing you.
They know it makes you passive.
That's why your sperm counts down.
They know irradiating food destroys its food value.
They know spraying live viruses on most of the meat you eat is deadly.
That's all coming up.
I'm going to cover it from Mainstream News.
Folks, we're so far gone.
We're so deep into it.
We've been incrementally taught to accept this, and now they've been covertly doing it for decades.
Now they're saying, oh, we're going to put lithium and Prozac in your water to make you happy.
Oh, we are sterilizing you in the water.
Oh, we are irradiating your food.
Oh, we are spraying viruses on your beef.
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The preacher man says it's the end of time.
In the Mississippi River she's a-goin' dry.
The interest is up and the stock market's down and you're only getting mugged if you go downtown.
I live back in the woods, you see.
A woman and the kids and the dogs and me.
I got a shotgun a rifle and a four-wheel drive and a country boy.
I wish everybody a great Christmas Eve and Christmas coming up.
I want to thank you for joining us today.
I'm going to go to more of your phone calls and I'm going to get into the latest on health care.
The White House is saying you're a Nazi.
That's the Washington Times.
That you're really a racist if you're against health care.
If you call Obama a socialist, you're a racist.
They're invoking race to divide people.
But right now, let's go to Randall in Mississippi.
Randall, thanks for holding.
Hello Alex, this is my first time calling and I want to say I appreciate your work and your passion.
I'm going to let the New World Order know that I hate their guts and I haven't been drinking their fluoridated water for the last two decades I've been living in the country.
So I'm not passive.
And I'm not dumbed down.
I'm spreading the word, man.
Let me add a point here before you go on.
Every week or so, I see articles in Australia, England, Europe, the U.S., or even small towns.
We're talking, the one I saw last week was a town of less than 10,000 people.
Where the federal government spent hundreds of thousands of dollars in lobbying and gave them over a half million dollars just to put in the system to fluoridate the water.
It's not because they care about your teeth, folks.
Go ahead.
And I want to let you know it comes at a price to spread the word because there's this thing called gang stalking.
If your listeners don't know what it is, Google it.
And that's what's been happening to me for the last two and a half years.
I've been harassed 24-7.
And I don't care.
That's the price you gotta pay.
Well, Randall, good to hear from you.
I appreciate your call.
Joe in Pennsylvania.
Joe, you're on the air.
That's the price you gotta pay.
Turn the radio off, buddy.
Okay, we'll come back to Joe in a minute.
Eric in Pennsylvania, you're on the air.
Hey Alex, nice to talk to you.
I think that with all the chemtrails and everything, I think they're trying to like accelerate an ice age.
What do you think of that?
John P. Holdren, the White House science czar, believed we were going to have an ice age in the 70s.
And we are, the evidence shows, tipping towards, we're at the end of a 12,000 year warming cycle.
And they know the main ice age, the glacial periods, come every 12,000 years, we've been in an interglacial period.
And all of the chemtrail spraying does cool the earth.
And the earth has been cooling for nine years.
And they know that.
So yes.
I mean, there's no telling what they're doing.
They just admit they've had a long-term, global, secret weather modification program going on.
That's what's wrong with shadow national security government.
We don't know what the truth is.
These people have unlimited funding.
They do whatever they want.
They're playing God.
Another thing, you talked about what they do with the food.
I work in the restaurant industry.
In the fryer oil, they put silicone in it.
It's called dimethylpolysilazine.
It's silicone, like what they use in breast implants.
And when you heat it up to about 300 degrees, it turns into formaldehyde, which is cancer-causing.
Let me stop you for a minute.
I've read about the special ingredients in a lot of French fry oil, being carcinogens.
You're telling me
Because the stuff they put in breast implants is poisonous.
You're telling me that's in the fryer grease?
And they actually put it in the cheese.
If you just type in Pizza Hut in silicone, there's an article on wrench.com about how Pizza Hut puts it in their cheese.
Well, I've got to read that because that's a questionable source, but I will check into that for myself.
I appreciate it.
That is just amazing, amazing information.
I mean, I don't doubt it, but I have to look at that for myself.
I mean, who knows?
In fact, where did it go?
I had my Papa John's pepper.
I was putting on my cheese pizza and it says crushed red peppers treated with radiation.
I'm going to cover that after I come back and talk to John in PA, John in Florida, Michael in California and a few others.
Then I'm going to briefly get into the latest on health care and then I'm going to spend a few minutes on how they're poisoning us.
Just hit a few of the key points on that front today.
We're going to break right now.
I want to remind listeners I'm a documentary filmmaker.
You can see all my films in super high quality and watch the live TV simulcast of the radio show at PrisonPlanet.tv and it's not too late as a Christmas gift to give friends and family PrisonPlanet.tv memberships.
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I think so.
I'm here live Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m.
That's 12 noon to 4 p.m.
I return with an abbreviated transmission every Sunday 4 to 6 p.m.
Central Standard Time.
Thank you so much for joining us.
What I'm gonna do first is go ahead and just get into a small snapshot.
It's many times worse than I can even describe of what's in your water, what's in your food, what's happening.
Then I'm going to briefly hit the latest on health care and then talk to John, Michael, Dan, Michael, George and others that are patiently holding.
For over a hundred years, the eugenicists out of England, the U.S.
and Germany, Hitler was only one brand of it, have been setting up health departments, secretly taking DNA samples from babies for the last 37 years.
That's now been declassified and been in the news.
They wrote literally hundreds of government white papers we've covered here in the 50s where they said we want to put chemicals in the water to reduce fertility, to sterilize people, and to dumb people down, and to reduce their life expectancy.
And all over the country, drugs have been found in reservoirs.
At levels, in some cases, hundreds of times what they could be from sewage runoff.
They've been found in mountain reservoirs, this has been in the Associated Press, where it's original water, original rainwater, original glacier water, original mountain snow runoff.
There is no sewage involved, it's original source water, and there's Prozac and birth control and other things in it.
Now, the U.S.
government's proposed putting Prozac in the water.
Serotonin reuptake inhibitor type drugs.
We've played those news clips.
The Japanese government's been considering it.
They've now been pushing putting lithium in the water, which is an anti-psychotic.
And talking about how natural it is, and how it's no big deal, and how it helps end suicide.
They're talking about putting anti-cholesterol statins in the water.
It's now coming out.
Statins don't really mess with your cholesterol too much.
That most cholesterol's good, and that it's causing liver problems.
And that's mainstream news.
So, because myself and others have been exposing what they're putting in the water, what GMO foods doing, from the real science, because all of this has been coming out, they're going from denying they're putting things in our water, to coming out and saying, lead in toys is good.
Melamine isn't bad for kids, even though it kills them, and causes kidney failure.
Mercury in shots actually helps your brain, doesn't harm it.
Yeah, we are looking at putting stuff in your water.
And they're radiating more and more food, they're spraying live viruses on food.
I want to go over all these mainstream media sources, where they throw it in your face.
But first off, to give you an idea about how prolific this is, last night, we're up here late,
I order a couple of Papa John's pizzas for the office after my Sunday show.
We're up here working on a film.
Actually, two films.
I'm working on my film.
Jason Burmese is working on his.
And I say, I'll order some pizzas.
I'm putting red pepper on my pizza.
And after I've already eaten a couple of pieces of cheese pizza, I look down and it says, crushed red peppers by Papa John's.
Crushed red peppers treated with radiation.
And then it's got a symbol of a flower.
Oh, radiation's a flower!
I'm gonna lay this here on the table, on the broadcast desk, so the document cam can zoom right in on that for everyone watching.
Crushed red peppers treated with radiation.
I wish I had an unused package so I could show it where I don't have the corner ripped off like I do there.
But is there no way to focus a little bit better?
I guess crushed red peppers treated with radiation.
Now, they tried to get a radiation of food passed in the 50s.
They had all this
Nuclear weapons waste, high power radioactive material.
They don't mix actual radiation granules or radioactive substances in.
They run food for just a few seconds through high power radiation beams.
It would kill you deader than a hammer if you were in the radiation.
And it kills bacteria, it kills other things.
And this is so the food companies, scientists and the government wouldn't let them do it until they approved radiation eight years ago.
Because the studies all over the world showed it destroyed the value of the food.
It killed the living enzymes in there, the ring structures, the cofactors.
They did rat studies with it.
Big problems.
But this is crushed red pepper.
Why irradiate it?
And most of the meat you're eating has been irradiated.
A lot of the vegetables you're eating have been irradiated.
This is only the tip of the iceberg.
The GMO tomatoes and corn that they've mixed animal and insect in with, cross-species genetic engineering.
They've crossed pigs and humans.
They've crossed spiders and goats to create body armor.
They won't believe me.
Search engine, spider goats.
CBS News Associated Press.
Let's show them a photo of a part spider, part goat for body armor production.
Just anything you can imagine is going on.
They've released fish in the open sea that are part insect, part plant.
It gives rise to super viruses.
It gives rise to super mutations in bacteria.
This is the true environmental threat.
Now, here's an article from the Associated Press, August 19, 2006.
This was approved in 2005.
Agency approves first use of viruses as food additive.
A mix of bacteria-killing viruses may be sprayed on cold cuts.
Wieners and sausages, it was actually approved for all meat, to combat common microbes that kill hundreds of people a year, federal officials ruled Friday.
The Food and Drug Administration approved it as a food additive.
Now, they grow these in giant viral tanks off of meat.
And in that, those products, is the regular viruses and bacteria that were associated with it, and the mutations occur.
So they're not just spraying these viruses.
Now, they said, well, you naturally have these viruses in your guts, but this is, depending on which mixture, over a thousand, in some cases over 10,000 times more of these viruses than naturally occur in your gut.
It's kind of like, uh, uh, Monsanto has a form of corn.
That bugs won't eat because it has a naturally occurring fungus that grows that will kill bugs.
But it's over a thousand times again stronger than the regular fungus and it grows inside the corn and then you eat it.
That's one big reason a lot of honeybees are dying.
German universities have done the studies and found they have the genetically modified corn that has this natural pesticide in it in their tiny digestive tracts.
Because unlike other animals, bees will still get the pollen, then they go die.
That's why they have the growth maps of where this is being grown in the U.S.
and Europe, where the bees are dying.
In some cases, more than 80%.
On average, we've lost half our bees in the U.S., half in Europe.
So, that's going on.
So, agency approves first use of viruses as food additive.
In case you don't believe that, because I tell people this is going on, they don't believe it.
Viral meat spray advancing food safety.
ABC News.
Says the food aisles don't seem very safe these days.
There are still no firm answers as to what caused the coli breakout.
Well, see, this allows them now, when chicken and beef and poultry and pork has feces on it from the cows and pigs they slaughter and bacteria growing, they spray it down with bleach and try to clean it.
Instead, they just leave it dirty and spray the viruses on it.
So it allows them to feed you dirty, contaminated meat.
The problem is most food poisoning is caused by the excrement, the secretions of the bacteria.
Their defecation is toxic.
And that's the main toxin that gets you sick.
So see they just try to clean off the feces, the bacteria feces and the animals own feces and blood from when they get hit in the head with a gas powered hammer and blood spraying out everywhere and they come in with giant razor blade cutters and slit its throat, start hacking big old pieces off and it's rolling around and feces everywhere and they're just slobbing that through and they take it in with big basters and just spray viruses all over it, breading big old giant tanks.
And they're feeding cows worldwide rotten, ground up, dead animals from the vet.
That's come out in mainstream news.
They take your dead animals, grind them up and awful, the dead cows and sheep and everything else, and feed rotten meat to cows when they're not even meant to eat meat.
Pry on, crystals then grow and get into the meat.
You then eat it.
They go to your brain, start growing, because they're meant to grow in dead flesh.
Now they've got 25-year-olds getting Alzheimer's from it.
That's really mad cow in America.
This is what you're feeding your family, and this is eugenics.
The Globalists stated they were going to develop soft-kill weapons, so they can give you something that makes you sick, debilitates you, and kills you in 10, 15, 20 years, and then the doctors aren't told how to diagnose it, and they don't know what's happening.
Folks, there's thousands of these issues I could go over.
And I've interviewed top scientists, many of them making two, three, four million dollars a year, holding patents.
They would feed, in one case in England, in the early 90s, GMO potatoes to rats.
They would become sterilized.
They would have their life expectancy cut in half.
They would have mutations after birth, which is very rare.
I mean, literally, like,
A horror movie.
And then the scientists would go and say, we can't put this on the market.
It's sterilizing.
And they were told, shut up.
Shut up.
We're putting it on the market.
They know it's sterilizing you.
And all these CEOs and all these bankers, most of them aren't in on the larger program.
They're eating it too.
This is hurting all of us.
If you're a bureaucrat, if you're an FBI agent, if you're a cop, if you're a CPS worker, you're an enforcer for this system.
Did you get the memo not to drink the 150 plus chemicals on average, in some cases over 300, they put from fertilizer manufacturing and aluminum manufacturing, aluminum production, purification, they take that toxic waste
Mercury, lead, arsenic, hundreds of other chemicals, sodium fluoride, all these different acid complexes of fluoride, and they dump it in your water.
It attacks your brain, your glands, calcifies in your bones, attacks fertility.
Oh look, spider goats start work on Wonder Web.
Uh, what is that out of?
Is that out of, uh, the, uh, looks like the London Telegraph.
Yeah, it is.
I recognize all the papers.
That's the London Telegraph.
See, spider goats.
Folks, we're in Buck Rogers, but it's a nightmare system.
We're being slowly killed, slowly exterminated, and the, you know, the people in pizza chains are told by their distributor, hey, we've got some low-price irradiated stuff here for you, and they just put it on the shelves.
They ship it to your, to your house.
They deliver it to you to where you can't even get a packet of pepper.
Now that hasn't been irradiated, losing its food value.
And that's bare minimum.
What does irradiation do according to Marcola.com, a very trusted medical doctor source?
Because it increases the shelf life of the food, it is used in large, centralized facilities.
Irradiation encourages globalization and consolidation of food production, distribution, and retailing industries, and allows you to be fed food that isn't as fresh.
Research dating the 1950s has revealed a wide range of problems with animals that ate irradiated food, including premature death and a rare form of cancer, reproductive dysfunction, chromosomal abnormal
Abnormalities, liver damage, low weight gain, and vitamin deficiencies.
And then they have all this sourced.
A full medical source from the government's own document.
Show them the sourcing on that.
Irradiation destroys vitamins, essential fatty acids, and other nutrients in foods, sometimes significantly.
I mean, it just goes on and on.
The process destroys 80% of vitamin A in eggs, but the FDA nonetheless legalized irradiation of these products.
Goes on.
There's all the sources.
Absolute fact.
So, again, I'm only giving you a very tiny fraction of this.
Let's now play a clip from MSNBC Hardball with their CNBC co-host coming on, the Info Girl, the Info Babe, telling you, hey, what's wrong with lead in toys?
Here it is.
I think people should be careful what they wish for on China.
You know, if China were to revalue its currency, or China is to start making, say, toys that don't have lead in them, or food that isn't poisonous... Could you get a little closer to the camera?
Mike, what is it?
Is it... Come on in closer.
No, come in closer.
Their costs of production are going to go up, and that means prices at Walmart here in the United States are going to go up, too.
Could you get a little closer to the camera?
Yeah, the particular clip they found, I appreciate it.
That's not the right clip.
That's some joke clip.
I know we wrote an article at PrisonPlanet.com that is Matthews and he did say come in closer and then she goes on to say we've got to go ahead and have the poison toys but then as a joke put that clip back in.
Let's do another search on that or ask Watson.
I want the original unedited clip for people.
Okay, here's another clip.
This is CBS News in Austin, but this went out nationwide.
It's what they call a news package.
The news is satellited to them with a script.
The local news readers read it.
But this went out nationwide on all CBS TV channels, telling you that a government study tells you that mercury is good for your brain when it's the most deadly heavy metal attacking brain cells.
Here it is.
Here's tonight's medical headlines with medical watch reporter Seema Mather.
Mercury-containing vaccines may help not harm kids, according to two new studies in the journal Pediatrics.
There have been widespread concerns that mercury-based preservatives in vaccines might impair the neurological development of children.
These new studies suggest that the opposite, that the preservatives may actually be associated with improved behavior and mental performance.
Okay, now here is Fox News telling you how great it is that Japan is looking at lithium in the water.
And again, this is already all going on.
You're now being told how great it is because the alternative media is exposing it.
So they're saying, yeah, we're doing weather modification.
Yeah, we're setting up a world government.
Yeah, we're putting stuff in your water.
You're now being, yeah, we're listening to your cell phones by law with a system that can track you and listen to you even when the phone's turned off.
Yeah, it's all happening.
Here it is.
It's 8.32 now with only two weeks left of 2009.
We're taking a look back at some of the most interesting health care discoveries of the past year.
Joining us is Fox 9 medical expert Dr. Aracel Giorgio to talk about it.
Good morning.
Good morning.
First, the U.S.
has been adding a fluoride to its public water supply for decades as a course to prevent tooth decay.
Well, now researchers from Japan are suggesting that we add lithium.
Back it up a few seconds.
Notice that she says, eh, we put fluoride in, eh, we put stuff in table salt, eh, lithium.
You're being sold on this.
I mean, this is, imagine 50 years ago, a science fiction movie, where they're putting stuff in your water and food.
Well, they did write a science fiction book in 1932, Brave New World, where they do drug you.
And Aldous Huxley, who wrote it, his brother was a head eugenicist, he gave a 1962 speech at Berkeley saying, this is actually our plan, we are doing this, my book is non-fiction.
Finish the clip.
Well, now researchers from Japan are suggesting that we add lithium.
So, why is that?
Well, they're actually not suggesting it, but they're certainly looking into it.
Lithium is a medication that, in prescription doses, treats mood disorders in people with bipolar disorder or manic-depressive illness.
And what these researchers found in Japan is that lithium is present in trace amounts in the normal water supply in some communities.
And in those communities, they have a lower suicide rate.
And so they're really investigating whether trace amounts of lithium... And they have lower sex drive, and are obese, and have brain damage.
...enough to really, in a positive way, without having the bad effects... Oh, a positive way!
...to really affect the mood and decrease the suicide rate.
Very interesting concept.
You know, it's the same reason why we put iodine in salt, fluoride in water.
There's many different examples of... Alright, so there you are.
It goes on and on, how great it is, and how wonderful it is, and how we need it.
And we did find the unedited clip on YouTube of the MSNBC host.
It's a CNBC host on MSNBC with Chris Matthews.
And he's sitting there and she's talking about how great it is to do this.
You're being sold that poison is good.
You're being told mercury is good for you.
You're being told irradiation is good for you.
You're being told GMO crops is good for you.
As all these new diseases pop up, as all this illness takes place, they get to kill you off early before you get Social Security, suck your savings out in medical care.
The average doctor has no idea this is happening.
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Today seems like nobody does care.
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I want listeners to really let this sink in.
Think about it.
Think about it long and hard.
If the founding fathers discovered that the government was putting toxins in the water to brain damage them and make them more docile and pliable, would they get angry?
Would your grandfather or your great-grandfather get violently angry if they were radiating food that destroys the food value and feeding it to his kids or grandkids?
Would they get angry if hundreds of chemicals were being put in their water?
Would they be angry if viruses were being sprayed on their meat?
The reason you're not angry, and the reason you're not like your grandparents or their parents, is because for at least 60 years, toxic chemicals have been put in your food and water.
I have Times of London articles where the British and Australian government would ship rice with toxic sedatives on them and sterilants to Asia.
This has been going on forever.
You have a scientific dictatorship that does whatever it wants, whenever it wants to you.
The denial is over.
And because we've been exposing them, they know you're docile, they know you're partially drugged.
You can still fight through it.
Get yourself cleaned up.
Then you'll feel your normal anger.
Come back.
That anger is to motivate you to get yourself out of a bad situation.
And so now they're going, that's right.
That's right.
Prozac in the water.
Statins in the water.
That's right.
We're irradiating your food.
That's right.
We're spraying viruses on it.
That's right.
We're feeding you GMO crops that sterilize everything that's fed it.
That's right.
That's right.
Mercury is good for your baby.
And I'm running out of time, but if you search engine the term, FDA says melamine not harmful, then you read the article.
In fact, do that real fast.
FDA says melamine not harmful.
Remember a couple years ago, all the Chinese plastic and food was killing people and making them sick?
So the FDA just came out and said, we're just going to say it's not bad for you.
What will they say next?
Jumping off a 500 foot cliff and it isn't bad for you?
They think you're stupid.
Are you?
I meant to get into health care.
Senate health bill passes major test health plans on collision course in the House.
Washington Times reports Senate, White House foes of health care are birthers, right-wingers, and Aryan groups.
So this is a way to demonize anybody.
You don't want government-run health care.
A big insurance company scam.
Oh yeah, the big banks are behind this.
That's on record.
Their stocks are way up.
Even the socialists don't want it now.
They're finding out it's a scam on them.
It's a rip-off.
You have a banker bailout, it's a rip-off.
You have global warming taxes, it's a rip-off.
You have government health care, it's a rip-off.
Everything's a rip-off!
Everything's to consolidate wealth and power.
Please warn everybody you know about this.
Please reach out to your friends and family.
Tell them about the free podcast at InfoWars.com.
They can get it off the listen page.
Listen to how they want, when they want, or the local AM and FM, or XM, or however you're listening to us.
Tell people how to listen, because we're the show that covers the facts and is really waking people up.
Doesn't mean I'm perfect, but we're doing the best job we can.
I want to thank the crew and tell them great job.
Before I have one final point, I want to tell you about a few of the sponsors that made today's show possible.
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Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
This is Alex Jones with five good reasons you should consider buying a solar power generator.
Number one, new climate legislation could easily double or triple your electric bill.
Number two, our new energy czar wants to control how much power your electric