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Name: 20091215_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Dec. 15, 2009
2069 lines.
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Just inside the doorway Use it only in emergency Better you should pray to God The Father and the Spirit Will guide you and protect you from up here
I'm bellying up for the bar here.
I'm trying to get focused.
And trying to cover all this incredible news.
That is just so amazing.
What I'm going to do now, because I got a little bit behind today like I always do, is I'm going to go to your phone calls.
And I'm going to try to take a lot of them.
And the questions are always incredibly important, so then I tend to never get to your calls.
We are simulcasting this radio show right now at PrisonPlanet.tv for PrisonPlanet.tv members.
Don't forget, I've done this the last six years running.
Every Christmas, we give you five months free at PrisonPlanet.tv.
It's more than five months.
It comes out to five and a half months.
When you sign up for a year, you get five and a half months free.
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It comes out to like $3.00.
$3.25, I think, when you get the year discount per month.
And you get the live TV show slash radio show.
You get better archives of the radio, better archives of the TV.
All my films in super high quality.
My book, Paul Watson's book.
By the way, my book is just now going out of print.
Watson's is already out of print.
Never to be back in print.
At least we don't intend to.
Because my office used to be so messy.
I don't have the original
Original computer files, they're somewhere around here to reprint them.
Plus, I don't have the money to reprint a book.
Because after a book's been out a while, it really doesn't sell very good anymore.
The point is, is that there's a lot of stuff at PrisonPlanet.tv.
And when you get a 15-cent-a-day membership, it's even less when you sign up during Christmas.
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So you can give yourself a gift of PrisonPlanet.tv and then create a username and passcode and give it to your friends, your family, couple of your neighbors.
The chances that six of them will log on simultaneously is...
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And you can go to PrisonPlanet.tv and just start burning Fall of the Republic, Endgame, Terror Storm, Truth Rising, The Obama Deception to disc and giving it to people.
We've also got specials running through Christmas of where you get Fall of the Republic or The Obama Deception.
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Those deals only last as long as the supplies last and we are running out of the Joker t-shirts.
And so as we run out of different versions of the Joker t-shirt, we've added some other t-shirts up there.
So no matter what your size is, you can get the free t-shirts at InfoWars.com.
Coming up after calls, again I'm gonna get to these video clips of UN censorship.
I'm going to get to the latest on ClimateGate and the global government establishment.
The good news is Copenhagen is in deep trouble.
It's falling apart even better than I thought it would.
So, the Death Star's explosion is a little bit prettier from a distance than I even thought it would be.
You know, seeing the real thing is just... It's like seeing a beautiful woman on television.
It's not like seeing one in person where you can smell them.
You know what I mean?
Watching the New World Order blow a gasket.
They're down, but they're not out.
But let me tell you, watching them bleed in the ditch is certainly quite a feast for the eyes.
Craig Sadler is just having a field day laughing in there.
That's good.
What's so funny?
Well, you know it.
You know women are God's gift to the planet.
I mean, why not just admit we like women?
Oh, oh, oh, like, start getting into that.
Why not just have some fun here?
Oh, the blessings are so good.
All right, that's enough.
That's enough, ladies and gentlemen.
I said I'm taking your phone calls.
I start thinking about Copenhagen on fire and burning.
I do tend to get a little... well, I'm having endorphins flow right now.
Just like your Super Bowl team wins, you've been a fan of...
Say the Patriots for a decade and they won the Super Bowl, you get all excited?
That's your primitive synapses firing.
It's fooled your body to believe your tribe has just had some victory over an enemy army that was going to kill you and drag your women and children off.
And so, you just won the battle.
You're feeling good.
But it's not real.
It's over something that doesn't matter.
But I start having victory chills.
I'm having them right now.
My hair is even standing out.
My French Bulldog, when it gets excited, the rough sticks out.
I'm actually, my hair is actually standing up on end with excitement.
Because I can taste victory.
I can just feel the New World Order having its power sapped and drained.
Oh, it's still powerful, but I liken it to 2001 space.
Odyssey, when the commander's gotten into the crawl space and he's turning the HAL 9000 off, and it's going, I'm afraid, Dave.
I'm afraid.
And he's just focused, just turning it off.
It takes a long time to defeat the New World Order.
Just like it took them a long time to get their system going.
But it's like a big sandcastle they've built.
They spent weeks building it, but now a high tide's coming in.
And washing it out, they're like piling sand up as fast as they can, and it doesn't matter!
The tide's coming in on them!
Oh, excuse me.
There's a lot of bad stuff happening too, but... Man, when we start having big victories, I'm gonna break down the big victory, but, um... Alright, Annie, Hartwell, Lynn, Brandon, Curtis, I'm out of control.
I'm going to you in a moment.
The last caller called in, and with hushed reverence, he said, Alex, do you mind if I speak to you about Knights of Malta?
And it's almost like the Monty Python when they jump out and they go, the Spanish Inquisition!
In fact, can you pull that up on YouTube?
Monty Python, the Spanish Inquisition.
It's not like it's the... Spanish Inquisition!
But, yes, I know Lord Monckton's the Lord.
And he's a member of a whole bunch of fraternal organizations.
And he is a hereditary peer.
He's Scottish.
And he's always had an anti-socialism, anti-New World Order, anti-global government bent.
He's anti-European Union.
Yes, he is a Catholic, but there's different branches of the Catholics.
The Catholic Church is involved, Rome is, big time with pushing the European Union.
That is true.
And the Dutch Prince Bernhard and Joseph Redinger and others were involved with the Jesuits and are involved trying to set up that empire.
And the Catholic Church is right up there, part of the pyramid.
I've talked about it forever.
They say he will never discuss it, he will never talk about it.
It doesn't matter.
You judge a tree by its fruits.
It's like Glenn Beck.
I would love to support Glenn Beck.
But the guy says we need to have value-added taxes and there are no FEMA camps and Ron Paul's bad.
And then his supporters call me and go, I never heard him say that.
Well, you must not be paying attention then.
All I hear is good stuff out of Lord Monckton's mouth.
And he's there covering it.
And we get him on and talk about it.
And he writes devastatingly accurate.
There it is over here.
Detailed reports about what's happening.
The fruit off this tree is good.
If Lord Monckton was an apple tree, it's like a honeycrisp.
You know those big juicy apples?
I mean, Lord Monckton is like, oh man, this is really good!
This guy has done a lot of good work in his life fighting tyranny.
And so you judge a tree by its fruits.
I mean, look.
The biggest thing is people think that everyone in every system is evil.
And I've always talked about compartmentalization.
Saul of Tarsus was a Sanhedrin enforcer for the Jewish religious hardcore Sadducees and Pharisees.
And he would go around killing people all over Greece and all over Turkey and all over
Rome and all over Italy and all over Judea.
I mean, he was like Darth Vader, folks.
Hunting people down and killing them.
But then he woke up and had a revelation.
And you're going to see that powerful people from inside the structure are who we want to stand up.
What is...
G. Edward Griffin talk about all the time.
We have to sell our idea of liberty and freedom and a lot of these people in the system aren't active or they don't understand the big picture.
And as they wake up and get educated, we're going to wake them up.
Instead, everybody, like half the people out there, obsess over
Is the planet really run by aliens?
Is it really run by Jews?
Is it really run by Catholics?
Is it really run by the Illuminati?
Is it really run by... And if I could say anything to you, I only go off what I can prove.
And the Protestant leadership, the Catholic leadership, the Jewish leadership,
The Turkish leadership, the German leadership, the Japanese leadership, they all think the same.
We're the elites over our group.
We keep our groups in fear of the outside to give us power.
We feed off our groups.
We always give them an outside threat so they let us abuse them.
And we're social engineers who believe that we have a right to rule people.
And that's who the globalists are.
They use scientific systems of control to dominate populations.
And so you have a bunch of different pyramids coming up together at that tip top.
And so it isn't a Jewish conspiracy.
It isn't a Catholic conspiracy.
It isn't a Protestant conspiracy.
It isn't a Muslim conspiracy.
It isn't an atheist conspiracy.
It is a
It is a power group conspiracy.
It is a scientific dictatorship of people that know how humans operate and who have set up scientific systems of control.
That's the bottom line.
And so, you must oppose their systems, their global taxes, their global regulations, their federalization of your local police.
But if you go to a city council meeting and start talking about Jews, or start talking about Catholics, or start talking about Muslims, everybody has been trained that that's divide and conquer.
They're not going to listen to what you say.
That's why the feds infiltrate groups and try to get them to be singular issue.
So you can be divided.
This is their ball game.
And then once you're divided, they can threaten other groups with you and actually build up their power over here, and then no one's ever covering the big picture.
I mean... Supernatural powers are attributed to the
I mean, they're just all secret agents of the Vatican, running around in black robes at night, and people superimpose my head on Catholic priest robes and say I'm this top assassin.
I mean, it's just completely made up, folks.
I'm not Catholic.
I'm nothing against Catholics.
My family are famous Protestants.
Captain Jones of the Mayflower.
On my dad's side.
On my mother's side.
Two of the people on the Mayflower.
Direct descendants.
My family involved in founding Texas.
William Ayers came in with a shipload of Bibles, sold everything he owned in New York because the Catholics were making people pledge to be Catholics to get land grants in Texas, and the Protestants were upset.
I mean, I come from famous Protestants, folks, as pure a pedigree as it gets.
And then some Israeli operative group that wants to get patriots fighting with each other says, I work for the Vatican.
And then other weak-minded people just say it to sell books and stuff.
And I don't care about being attacked.
It only makes me bigger.
And people actually come check me out and find out who I really am.
So in the bigger plan, God's plan, people attacking me actually only helps us.
But in the globalist plan, it's meant to get all of you in fighting so that you never activate as a leader and go out and warn people and take action on real issues.
It's meant
To keep you chasing your tail, so that you don't go, this is about me, Tom Jones, or Bill Smith, or Zach Johnson, or whatever your name is, standing up as John Doe or Susie Q, and going out and picking an issue and taking action.
It is the conspiracy theory baloney.
I don't cover conspiracy theories here, folks.
I cover the real information.
Day in, day out.
Okay, let's go to your calls.
I'm done.
Now, see, no matter how good the calls are and how important the questions are, I just can't do calls like that.
Let's see if we can.
We've never succeeded in taking call after call.
But let's see if we can succeed.
Annie in North Carolina, you're on the air.
Hi, yes.
I was just wondering about the census that's coming up next year.
Is it something that we should do?
Or advise people to do?
Well, ma'am, that's your option if you want to do it, but it's a violation of the Fifth Amendment to make you incriminate yourself, to answer dozens and dozens and dozens of questions, depending on which form you get.
They randomly send out longer forms.
It's not their business if you own guns or what your stocks and bonds are or how big a flush toilet your toilet is.
I don't fill the census out, and when the young punk bangs on my door and threatens me, I tell him, get off my property, they're trespassing.
I don't open the door for census takers.
They're banker, slave, grocers, there to see what their slave's doing.
And they're training you to answer questions you don't have to answer.
But is it not held secret for 72 years?
I'm just laughing because, no ma'am.
The federal government admits they share all the census data with whoever they want.
Perfect, thank you.
Yeah, thank you.
And then the people that come to your door will just lie.
I mean, most of them don't even know what planet they're on or how many continents there are.
They think polar bears can't swim.
I mean, that's how dumb the public is, is Al Gorkin telling them polar bears can't swim and the sun has nothing to do with heating the planet.
I mean, and people are probably tuning in right now going, well yeah, the news says it doesn't.
Mercury's good for you, melamine's good for children, and the sun doesn't heat the earth, and penguins and polar bears can't swim.
I mean, why is it hard to figure this out?
I mean, I'm here saying, don't drink mercury.
But is it true you're a Vatican assassin?
You guys ever find the clip of the Spanish Inquisition?
We'll come back with that.
The Spanish Inquisition!
Dun, dun, dun!
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I don't know, Mr. Wentworth just told me to come in here and say that there was trouble at the mill, that's all!
I didn't expect a kind of Spanish Inquisition!
Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!
Our chief weapon is surprise.
Surprise and fear.
Fear and surprise are two weapons.
Our fear and surprise and ruthless efficiency are three weapons.
Our fear and surprise and ruthless efficiency and an almost fanatical devotion to the Pope are four.
Amongst our weapons... Amongst our weaponry are such elements as fear... I'll come in again.
I didn't expect a kind of Spanish Inquisition.
Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!
Amongst our weaponry are such diverse elements as fear, surprise, ruthless vigilante, and almost fanatical devotion to the Pope in a nice red uniform.
Oh, damn it!
I can't say it.
You have to say it.
You have to say the bit about our chief weapons.
That was funny.
Okay, uh... Hartwell in Louisiana.
You're on the air.
Alex, it's been over two years since I've talked with you, and I'm calling you today to thank you for letting me make copies of your videos.
I have a DVD burner that burned four at one time.
I made many copies of all of your videos that I have, and I have all of them.
And I want you to know that I give them away.
I never accept a donation.
So once again, thank you, and may God protect you.
Well thank you and let me just say I want to thank you for making copies of the film.
That's why we make them available.
And we want people to also certainly support themselves in what they're doing.
In the past I even told people to take donations.
The problem is they then start selling them and then telling me I can't even sell my own films.
I never expected what some people would do.
I just want you to know that I can't do what you're doing, but I'll do whatever I can.
Okay, let's talk to Len in Oklahoma.
Len, go ahead.
Yeah, hi Alex.
I just wondered, did you happen to catch the speech that Dana Rohrabacher gave last week on the floor of the House of Representatives, where he called out the globalists and talked about global government?
I actually sat and watched the whole thing last week.
How long was it?
How long was it?
How long was it?
Uh, 30, maybe 45 minutes.
I watched it.
Yes, I did.
I did see a short clip of it.
You know, used to that would have been, wow, somebody's admitting world government.
Now everybody's admitting it, even the guy that Chuck Norris likes, the former governor, is coming out and talking about it.
And yes, I did see a short clip of it.
Tell us about it.
Well it was interesting because during the course of the speech he laid out this whole global warming fraud and he talked about the global cooling of the 1970s and how the alarm bells were being rung at that time.
He talked about his family and two or three different times he flat out said, Americans wake up.
And he did this on the floor of the House of Representatives, right on C-SPAN, and I fell out of my chair.
I couldn't believe what I was hearing.
Guys, go to YouTube and type in, Dana Rohrbacher talks about New World Order.
I need that anyways.
I need Aaron to get that.
It's about a 30, maybe a 45-minute speech, and I believe... No, no, I actually saw a clip a few days ago.
That's the problem, is I spend all these hours researching, and then I get up here on air, and it's like piles every day, and I'm like, how do I even start?
But see, that's why I love taking calls.
You brought it up.
I didn't have time to watch the whole speech, but yeah, that's the good news, is we can now actually have real discussions about what's really happening.
Very exciting.
Thank you, Lynn.
Brandon, Curtis, Francis, Josh, and others.
We'll be right back, ladies and gentlemen, with the start of the third and fourth hours.
And coming up, I'm going to get into U.N.
censorship in Copenhagen and a lot more.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, it's Alex Jones.
When the sun doesn't contribute to climate change, the sunspots cycle.
When the sunspots go down, that's the big
Storms ejecting fireballs thousands of times the size of the Earth could fit over a million planet Earths inside the Sun.
And the United Nations is in the news today saying, no, the Sun has nothing to do with our climate.
And polar bears can't swim, too.
I mean, ladies and gentlemen, these people think you're idiots.
They think you are morons.
They think you are the biggest fools ever to walk the green earth.
Alright, I'm going to continue with phone calls in a little bit of the next segment.
I'm going to get into UN goons, silenced journalists who questions Gore on ClimateGate, carbon billionaire refuses to correct the record on statements regarding CRU emails.
That's the latest PrisonPlanet.com article by Steve Watson and Paul Watson.
Can you guys print that for me?
Thank you.
Then I'll run through the latest on Climategate and a bunch of other news here that we haven't even gotten to yet on the war front, the economy front.
But right now, let's go back to your calls.
Let's talk to Brandon in Utah.
Brandon, you're on the air.
Hello, Mr. Jones.
Hey, buddy.
I was just wondering if you have reported on British Court issues arrest warrant for Zipney Livney, Israeli foreign minister for war crimes.
Uh, if that's news to you or not.
No, it is news.
In fact, say the headline again.
British Court Issues Arrest Warrant for Zippy Livni, Israeli Foreign Minister for War Crimes.
And, uh, yeah, I just watched a little video from, I think it was from BBC.
Somebody on MySpace sent it to me.
So, just thought maybe you might want to react to that if it's actually going to go through because I think that, um, uh,
Bush and Cheney have also been issued warrants as well, but whatever.
I don't think anything's going to come up about that.
Well, we'll look it up.
British court issues arrest warrant.
What was the rest of the headline?
For war crimes.
Israeli foreign minister for war crimes.
Alright, we'll pull that up.
No, no, I was not aware of that.
Definitely lying about WMDs going into Iraq.
Killing over a million people conservatively, according to the British Lancet Journal, which is non-partisan.
Even the neocons admit that.
War crimes have been committed.
And when predator drones blow up apartment buildings,
Whether it be the Israeli forces or the U.S.
forces doing it, and kill, in some cases, hundreds of innocent people.
That is terrorism.
Just like if the Muslims do it, it's terrorism.
And I'm just tired of unequal justice.
In fact, you're right, sir, there's the Times of London, Israeli fury over British war crimes warrant for Tsepi Levini, I hope I'm pronouncing that right,
In fact, here's the article.
Guys, how would I pronounce that?
Is that right?
Sounds good?
So, there have been these British warrants issued before by mid-level and low-level courts, and they've always been squashed.
So, we'll see what happens with that.
I've always told people this is going to turn into a sideshow.
Israel is being built up as the boogeyman.
It's very popular to do it.
President Carter does it, and Israel certainly engages in its share of bad behavior and crimes.
But researching the New World Order, at its heart, there's something more there.
There's something deeper there.
So we'll see what happens on that front, but I do think it's good.
It's good that these big modern militaries that are bombing and attacking people living in caveman-level existences needs to stop.
So I wonder if they'll be issued war crimes charges against Bush and Cheney.
Because boy, do they deserve it.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Hello, this is Alex Jones with some important questions.
If you're going into a battle and they give you a rifle and a sidearm, how much ammunition do you want?
My answer would be all I can get.
In the battle for freedom and the lives of your loved ones, food is your only ammunition.
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How much will you need?
We don't know.
How much do you want?
All you can get.
I'm Alex Jones.
We're good to go.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
The last caller brought up a headline
We're good.
Well Israel, I mean the government of England doesn't control its courts if they're impartial.
It has emerged that a London court issued a warrant at the weekend for alleged war crimes committed last winter's Gaza offensive, and then rescinded it when it became clear that Giuseppe Levini was not on British soil.
So, there you have it.
Okay, let me, like I said, I would finish up with the news.
Hey Alex, how are you?
I just want to say thank you for the things that you've done.
I saw Endgame about a year ago on the internet and ever since then I've been doing my studying and researching and I appreciate everything you're doing.
God bless you.
Thank you.
I just want to ask, is Codex Alimentary going to go into effect on December 31st of this year?
People for 20 years have been saying it's going into effect every year.
It's going into effect in increments.
Like a glacier grows.
The UN has these big consortium meetings.
Governments and private corporations sign agreements to go back and try to restrict minerals, vitamins, and other things to the public.
And yes, they've agreed to try to implement
Massive restrictions on all vitamins and minerals to make them prescription.
Big drug companies are now coming out with their prescription versions of vitamin E and vitamin B and fish oil.
And they have tried to raid alternative health places.
They are trying to shut them down.
They are trying to restrict.
And it's a process, but it's kind of like seven years ago Bush signed, and Republicans went along with him and passed,
The so-called campaign finance reform, which increased the money corporations could give, but restricted individuals.
So the public was told, though, this is going to stop.
And that law states that six weeks before an election, I can't talk about politics as a radio host.
I can't have a pro-gun group on, an anti-gun group on.
I can't have a politician on.
But everyone just ignores it.
It's clearly unconstitutional and a fraud.
It's like if the government passed a law today saying murder your firstborn, like many ancient cultures would do, as a test of power over the slaves.
Or when the slaves bred too much, they would routinely kill children.
I mean, that's what governments do.
That's what eugenics says.
The public just hasn't figured out the more things change, the more they stay the same.
And so, you know, that's basically what's happening here.
Anything else?
Well, I live in Indianapolis and they just recently put up that, uh, systems where if a firearm gets shot, they, um, they'll ping it and find out exactly where it's at and what type of weapon it is and it's going to cost our city like $3 million or $4 million.
Yeah, it's total quackery.
Austin put that in in 1998, but they've never busted anyone for discharging a firearm with the gun detection system.
What it is is shotgun microphones on cameras.
And then you'll find that's hooked into your local threat integration center where they're openly merging it with the regular army and CIA.
This is all public now.
I've got the RAND Corporation report on it.
Here it is right here.
Total federalization of all police.
And just a fraud.
But I'll tell you, Indiana is way ahead of the times.
Indiana was the first state, almost 20 years ago, to put in license plate reading cameras.
Did you know that for more than 15 years, everywhere you go is tracked in Indiana?
Yeah, I know.
It's bad everywhere downtown and anywhere.
You can see it all, all the cameras.
It's really bad here.
And one last thing I wanted to say, have you kind of noticed that the new Alcantara spokesman, the American Adam Gadon,
Well, of course!
I mean, we've written countless articles about it.
Yeah, he, he, he... Laden's dead.
Do you believe he is?
Uh, your phone cut out.
Say that again?
I believe Bin Laden is dead.
Oh, sure, sure.
No, no, we've... Adam is... Yeah, look, yeah.
I gotta move on, Curtis.
I appreciate your call.
I really do.
Um... Adam Gadon hated Arabs so much.
He's Jewish.
He hated Arabs so much that he was arrested beating them up outside Mosque.
I mean, this guy was a super mega Zionist.
His grandfather was one of the founders of the ADL, one of their board members.
And he gets up there and apologizes that Al Qaeda is killing innocent people.
I mean, he's been caught when they uploaded the Intel Center, openly run by former heads of black ops from CIA.
That's on record.
The Intel Center uploads Gadahn videos and other videos in the same video layer as the Intel Center's bug, the Intel Center's graphics.
It is, they are producing it.
I mean, they were caught red-handed.
We've blown their videos up here.
They've had video experts for Wired Magazine and others look at it.
But you can blow up video layers if you've got a computer and look at it.
And it's done on the same layer, the same generation.
The pixel shapes change per generation and per encode.
I don't know how to get into all the technicals for you.
The point is, it's clearer than fingerprints.
And the CIA thinks it's funny they get a young Jewish Mossad guy up there and he wears a turban and says, I will get you America.
We're going to kill you.
Give up all your rights.
I mean, give me a break.
I mean, I just can't handle it anymore.
He's almost laughing when he's talking.
It's such a bad actor.
But he's doing important work for the New World Order.
Let's talk to
Because remember, this isn't about Muslims, even if you hate Muslims.
Homeland Security is for gun owners, conservatives, libertarians.
Remember that.
We have the official Homeland Security internal documents.
It's all about you.
You're the slave.
You're the property of the bankers.
They know they're committing crimes.
They know you're going to resist it.
So the Pentagon's watching, okay?
They're there to make sure the crime continues.
That doesn't mean our military's bad.
It means those running it are running it for those aims, period.
Our military's been hijacked.
Just like when Hitler hijacked the German military.
And you better grow up and admit that.
But yeah, having the ADL heads' grandsons run around, it's just so rude.
And the media never talks about it, but it's admitted if you drill in.
I mean, it's a fact.
Let's talk to Francis in Canada.
Francis, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
Yes, sir.
I was wondering if you could help me confirm or deny a rumor I've been looking into about your favorite human being, George Soros.
And what I'm hearing is that early in his career, during World War II, he was pushing forged British pounds for the SS.
He was a collaborator with the SS.
And also, that he was turning in his fellow Jews to the Nazis in exchange for SS gold.
Yeah, that's what Bob Chapman... I need to have him flesh that out.
He's not on the next few weeks because of the holidays, but when he gets back in the first of the year, or he may be on before then, I can ask him to elaborate.
I know that Soros is a arch criminal, posing as a liberal.
And I know that Madeleine Albright's dad robbed people for the Soviets in Czechoslovakia and was a war criminal.
And I know that John Shelley Cashvely, who was the former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, I know his dad was the head Nazi in Poland.
And so I do know that huge fortunes were made by some European Jews, books have been written on this, off robbing other Jews and working with the Nazis.
And there's been actually some books written by, one of them's a famous, we ought to get him on, he's a Jewish professor in New York City.
He went and actually got the documents where some Zionist groups wouldn't let Jews get out to England or the U.S., they would make them pay millions to the Zionist groups, and they'd split it with the Nazis, and only let them go to Palestine.
And you see that with any of these type groups.
The leadership of all these hereditary or religious groups is always feeding on their members.
Feeding on them.
And it's just, it's horrible.
It's just absolutely horrible.
I mean, it makes Madoff and what he did to Jewish Cribs look tame.
But I don't have any proof of that.
I haven't fleshed that out.
But I believe Bob.
I mean, Bob's always pretty accurate here.
What do you think?
Well, apparently the British tried to extradite him right after the war for pushing their forged British pounds from Israel.
Yeah, what's your source?
I mean, you're asking me, I'm asking you.
Well, I'm looking on the internet.
I've been researching this on the internet.
And apparently the British tried to extradite him from Israel, like around 1948, when it was just created.
And a young Golda Meir, who was Minister of Justice, denied the British the right to extradite him.
Yeah, well you don't want to persecute a real Nazi if you find one.
Only fake ones for the public consumption.
Just like with Al-Qaeda, I don't arrest real Al-Qaeda, I arrest a 14-year-old, torture them for 8 years and have them confessed to crimes they publicly couldn't have committed.
Crimes that were committed after they were incarcerated.
But specifically, did you find that in a mainstream article?
Or did you find a document?
Because just because somebody says something on the internet doesn't mean it's true.
Well, that's what I was trying to get you to... Yeah, I don't know.
I'll have to look into that more.
I'll have to look into that more.
Next time Bob's on, I'll... We need to... Let's email Bob and remind him he's not on the next two Fridays when he's back.
We need to make sure he has an email that we want to talk about that.
People want to know the proof in the pudding on that subject.
Thank you, caller.
Larry, Ash, Paul, I'll take those three calls and I'm getting the news and video clips.
Stay with us.
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I wish a buck was still silver.
It was back when the country was strong.
We've got a new story up on PrisonPlanet.com.
Chuck Norris says Obama should be impeached if he tries to enforce Copenhagen Agreement.
Actor and political activist warns that globalists want to bankrupt America and kill the dollar.
It is a high-powered, hardcore interview with Chuck Norris we did live yesterday.
This story can wake up a lot of mainline Republicans.
Get it out to everybody.
Every mind you unlock is a victory.
Remember, none of us have to beat the globalists overnight by ourselves.
It's all of us doing a little bit every day, resisting, that's going to beat these people.
Look at how we're fighting man-made global climate change, proving it's a fraud.
They've gone from arrogantly looking like they couldn't be stopped to blowing up, crashing and burning in front of us.
When we get frenzied like a wolf pack and go after these people on issues, we cannot be beaten.
Let's go ahead and talk to Larry in Texas.
Larry, you're on the air.
Hi, Alex.
Hey, buddy.
I'm sorry, I've been out of pocket.
I don't know if you covered this or not.
The latest New London, Connecticut news about a week ago.
Where they're stealing everybody's private property?
Well, they, uh...
They don't even want the property they stole now.
Yeah, that was in my stack last week.
I meant to get to it.
It's literally too painful.
See, I read this stuff once, and then it's like going and visiting a dead relative's grave.
I don't really like doing it.
It's like, yeah, they just said, we'll take your property even if we don't use it.
We have SWAT teams.
They love to murder.
Yeah, they interviewed the ex-mayor.
He sounded pretty glum, and one of the homeowners standing in the field where his house used to stand.
Well, they would do stuff like, the town is so criminal that they would, this is hundreds of homes, whatever, 300, they would rev, because we had all the families on, rev bulldozers at midnight and threaten them.
And then the town got the courts to, people didn't really read the Supreme Court ruling.
The Supreme Court didn't just say private interest can have your land.
They said we don't have to pay you, and you can be made to pay lawyer fees if you don't immediately just give it up.
So they come after you, you fight back, you've got to pay lawyer fees, on top of having your half-million-dollar, three-story, Victorian, middle-class home.
I mean, they've always been persecuting poor people.
But I mean, this was, you know, middle-class area.
And they just said, we'll take what we want and we're not going to pay you.
And the Supreme Court ruled that money can be given by lobbying groups to city councils, county commissioners, state houses.
Bribery is now legal to pay to take your land.
How do you like that?
Great to be American.
Hey, our county here bumps up against Louisiana and we get the Louisiana news only and Barksdale
Air Force Base.
Plane landed with missing nuke.
Two missing nukes?
The base commander that raised the stink, they ran him off and replaced him with the commander from North Dakota.
That's right.
And nine people involved with loading him, who are witnesses, all committed suicide.
Or were murdered.
And that was clearly a deal where they were trying to switch nukes out and claim Al Qaeda got them.
But thank God people blew the whistle.
But next time they'll have the right people in place to make sure that nuke goes off in America.
One last thing, you think people, when you tell them the truth, our fellow citizens, they may not understand it, but if you gave it to them in a sarcastic way, for instance, to start a chapter like the East Texas chapter of boot lickers of America, and you know... Yeah, we worship cameras, we worship forced inoculations, we hate due process, and we burn constitutions.
If we can
Do like the ice cream joint and get 32 flavors of boot polish.
You can ask people, what's their flavor?
That's all I got for you today.
That is smart.
Now that's a smart... Of course, it wouldn't really be bootlickers, but make, like, a fake online ad.
Bootlickers of America.
And you can have, like, the 31 flavors.
Like, take my kids.
I love it.
Raise my taxes for bankers.
I love handing in my guns.
I want to live like a slave in Chicago with the highest crime rate.
Poison my water.
I love brain damaging my children.
And then with a picture of a person drinking poison water.
Cops running checkpoints.
I love killing freedom.
I love being a traitor.
I love tyranny.
Yeah, you can come up with 31 flavors pretty easy.
Oh God, help me.
These are always crazy shows when I sit here just taking calls.
More calls and the video clips in the news straight ahead.
Right here on the one, the only GCN Radio Network.
Please stay with us as we continue to chronicle the fall of our republic into the scientific dictatorship.
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I read the news today, oh boy.
I want to play some video clips and cover Climategate, the latest developments on that right now.
Then we're going to go back to Ash, Paul, Roger, and others.
The toll-free number to join us on air is 1-800-259-9231.
And the first clip I'm going to be playing in a little while, guys, is the first time the journalist is at the U.N.
conference in Copenhagen Friday, and he simply wants to ask a question.
He gets up to the microphone, and they flip out on him and start taking his camera away and telling other camera people don't tape this at a press conference.
Now, Al Gore got questioned by the same reporter, he starts running from him, and the police grab the guy's microphone cable and unplug it.
I mean, the UN, they openly want to shut down free speech worldwide.
This is an authoritarian criminal group.
I mean, they laud the communist Chinese system.
They want you to live under a one-child policy.
They want you bankrupt in their own statements.
What is it about this?
I'm just so sick of these people.
I just want to arrest them.
They have committed crimes.
They have called to commit bigger conspiracies.
Maury Strong stole billions himself in the UN food for oil program and made sure they never got the food because he stole the money.
I mean, this is a murdering piece of trash.
Alright, I'm not going to start ranting.
See, the minute I start thinking about these articles, steam starts coming out of my ears.
But I want to comment on Tiger Woods first.
When I say we're receiving hundreds of emails, we receive thousands and thousands a day.
I'm receiving hundreds asking me what I think about Tiger Woods.
And so I'll tell you what I think about Tiger Woods here in just a moment.
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Okay, thank you to those sponsors.
All right, there has been a new event.
And I've talked to countless reporters, we've played videos of George Soros, openly funded groups, Rockefeller, UN funded groups, come to the little climate change skeptics meetings that aren't funded by BP and Exxon and Mobil and Dutch Rochelle and Amoco, and they just take over the events.
They take over the microphones, they yell, they scream, they take over the media, the police never stop them.
But the UN is just this private criminal holding group, and it just does whatever it wants.
And so, they have IPCC meetings that are open to the public.
All right.
The head of the IPCC's climate division says, well, because of the moral standing or the political views of the people that leaked the emails, I'm not going to discuss them.
And plus, they're private.
No, they were ordered to be released through FOIA requests, which they successfully blocked.
These are the intergovernmental and inter-university emails where they're fixing the numbers, hiding the decline, and involved in persecuting other scientists.
But notice this big U.N.
thug, this big ninny.
Never seen a U.N.
policeman that... I mean, they're all this ninny type.
They're all like demonic Al Gore's, man-bear pigs.
And they always... I keep getting emails, what's a man-bear pig?
It's a South Park episode where he makes up, been out for two years, where Al Gore comes to town to scare everybody to give him money, saying there's a creature that's half man, half bear, and half pig.
It's 150%.
And it's killing everyone.
It's just all made up.
The point is global warming is as real as a man-bear-pig or blood-drinking toads from Planet Pop-Tart landing and sucking your brains out through a curlicue straw.
It isn't real.
But you try to confront ManBearPig or any of his minions, this is what happens.
This is accredited media at a press conference, up at the microphone.
Here it is.
We'll get to the new clip.
Here it is.
What do you think of the behavior of Professor Phil Jones in asking colleagues to delete emails and the destruction of publicly funded data that was gathered by public funds?
I don't know what he asked, what he said.
Alright, hit pause.
Back it up a few seconds.
But this woman comes over and starts grabbing at his microphone with this very angry look.
Like, give me that!
I've been told to shut this down!
And then he won't give it to her, so she scurries off and gets the guy with the uniform.
Now, if you don't think that woman won't send police to take your second-born child under the carbon credit tax, now being proposed by governments worldwide and by the IPCC and the UN,
If you don't think the security guard won't come in your house and take your guns.
This is like the Pharaoh Ramses demanding all the firstborn children.
Every major culture from the Aztecs to the Egyptians to the Babylonians would demand that people sacrifice their children.
And it was always the lower class.
The upper class said there's too many of these people.
Kill them!
And it's also an act of submission.
Give me your child.
And 2,300 years ago, in the time of Plato, they would have wars with each other between the Greek states and write
Letters to each other about, yes, there's too many of our people and too many of yours.
Let's have a war.
And then like a chess game, they would sit back and watch the war.
Ah, excellent shot.
It's all just entertainment.
It's all staged.
It was staged 2,300 years ago.
It's staged now.
Just start the clip from the start since I interrupted it.
But first, first the info babe comes over.
And then the next guy comes over.
Go ahead and roll it.
What do you think of the behavior of Professor Phil Jones in asking colleagues to delete emails and the destruction of publicly funded data that was gathered by public funds?
I don't know what he asked, what he said.
I don't make comments on redacted emails presented to me by people whose values I don't trust.
They were not redacted, liar!
I would have to see the whole thing, so I cannot very well comment.
What I can say is that private communications that people have between each other certainly are not public documents.
That woman's got a brain the size of a walnut.
You're backing up again.
I'm interrupting.
Back it up until Walnut Brain comes over.
Now Walnut Brain really believes she's saving the world.
And then another Walnut Brain, the male UN police.
These are UN police with guns.
And Article 29 and 30 of the UN Charter of Declaration of Human Rights says you have no rights.
And the UN, everywhere they go, rapes and murders and kills and runs giant child raping rings.
I mean, it's mainly a pedophile guild.
I mean, you can't make that up.
Everywhere they go, they run around snatching everyone's kids.
I could show you the UN roasting a five-year-old over a fire after they've been raped.
That's an America destroyed by design.
Shows a little boy all bloody and dead.
And the UN smiling with his dead body.
Or it shows him roasting another little kid to death.
Let me tell you, they want to kill you and your family.
Where do you think pedophile killers go?
They go join the UN!
Anyways, we don't know.
This guy is just a thug who wants to violate free speech by accredited media.
But let's go back to the UN.
Here it is.
What I can say is that private communications that people have between each other certainly are not public documents.
But the university has confirmed they are accurate.
Everybody says privately.
Well, no, let me... I agree, we'll make it short.
Here we go!
Can I shut that off for a second, please?
So, they kicked him out and wouldn't let him film.
That is a UN goon, obviously from New York, all the way over in another country, in Copenhagen, Denmark, with accredited press, at a press conference, asking their question.
At their allotted time.
Well, he can't get a question answered there.
This fella's the filmmaker that made Not Evil, Just Wrong, which, pure evil, and wrong, should be the name of the, uh, I mean, Al Gore's a eugenicist.
But you in Goon Silence journalist who questions Gore on ClimateGate and for TV viewers, for radio listeners, I'm going to play the audio.
He's just trying to talk to Al Gore and the security guards go at the microphone and the camera and rip the cords out.
And this has happened to us.
Security guards and police are trained to go after the cameras.
Hey, their face scanning cameras on us are great.
But our cameras on them, that's bad.
Because again, we are their property.
They don't want a T-bone steak at the grocery store when they walk in to feed on something, jumping off the shelf and hitting them in the face.
You're there to supply them!
What is a slave doing with a camera on me?
I think so little of you, slave.
I'm gonna tell you polar bears can't swim, and the sun doesn't cause climate change.
I'm gonna tell you penguins are drowning.
Because you're idiots.
Now lay there, steak, and let me cook your butt and eat you.
I got men with guns here that say I rule you.
You're gonna lay down and you're gonna take it.
You understand that, boy?
Land of the coward, home of the slaves!
Lay down and take it!
I got pot-bellied men with weapons!
And the force to use them!
And a cowardly public ready for to be raped!
Let's go to Al Gore.
Here it is.
Again, this is the journalist asking Al Gore some inconvenient questions about Climategate.
You've repeatedly said the oldest Climategate email is 10 years old.
It's actually two months.
Will you correct the record?
Excuse me, we're not doing interviews right now.
Mr. Gore.
Mr. Gore, will you correct the record?
Excuse me, we're not doing interviews right now.
We're not doing interviews right now.
The UN gets the microphone.
UN Security pulls the cable from his microphone.
Michael Ears.
And this is what they did to my microphone.
It seems you're not allowed to ask inconvenient questions of Al Gore.
I really should have gone to this.
I really, I need to stop.
I've got the radio to do.
Can you imagine what would happen if we were in the middle of that circus?
I mean, it would have been.
And those UN guys are all really a piece of work.
There's nothing more dangerous than a leftist with a gun.
Because they're not leftists.
These are Nazis posing as liberals.
And the sooner you people figure that out, the better off you're going to be.
On the subject of other UN information, inconvenient truth for Al Gore as his North Pole sums don't add up.
It turns out, remember Al Gore three years ago said that by 2009, the summer, that the entire Arctic and Antarctic ice caps would be melted?
Unfortunately, they grew by 24% according to NASA.
But see, it doesn't stop Al Gore, again yesterday in a press conference, well not a press conference, a closed door meeting with only select members of the UN, a press briefing, showing video of the Arctic melting in the summer.
That'd be like if I lived in Wisconsin and I went out and showed my house December 15th covered with snow and said, look, it was once cold.
And I show them July 4th, 2010 and say, look, now it's green grass.
It's global warming.
Yeah, because the earth's tilted towards the sun.
We're orbiting a giant nuclear furnace.
But Al Gore, three years ago, said it could be completely melted.
It's actually gotten bigger.
Bigger than it was three years ago.
Because not only does it get bigger in the winter, smaller in the summer, there's cycles.
And this has all been recorded by Arctic Expeditions.
You know, one year an Arctic Explorer goes up,
And then it gets cold and traps him 200 miles in.
And they say, oh, the last expedition 10 years ago, this didn't happen.
Because it fluctuates.
I mean, it's even more asinine to say that polar bears can't swim.
But worse than that is to say that climate change is abnormal.
Think how dumb they think you are.
Climate change!
Climate change.
There were times in British history where every year major rivers froze.
Now it hasn't happened in a century.
But there were times before that when it didn't freeze at all either.
They have records of all of this.
It fluctuates.
But again, they tell your school kids that penguins can't swim in their grounding.
That's what you let them do.
These criminals, they know what they're doing.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda...
That we're pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
For the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation, the criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty and on its ashes constructing world government.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today, it seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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Get up!
Stand up!
So, Al Gore came out again and said, look, five to seven years, there's not going to be any ice caps.
And then the actual scientist that he quotes came out and said, well, that's not actually right.
I'm saying it could potentially maybe happen, but certainly not a 75% chance like Al Gore says.
I mean, these guys said we were going to all freeze to death in 1974 and that we had to build and pay global taxes to build giant carbon dioxide factories to terraform the earth.
I mean, they just keep making up lie after lie, but notice every lie positions them as the saviors of the earth.
They will save you.
Just pay them the tax money.
The good news is, we had a big guest on yesterday, who's a high-powered lawyer, works with Congress, and he did break the news here that he's already started litigation, but he didn't want to give details.
I don't know if this is that litigation, but there's a lot of litigation against these different universities and government bodies in the emails, openly engaged in fraud.
The British have been caught destroying the evidence now.
But they said, don't worry, we have the value-added, integrated data that we made up.
They immediately destroyed the data.
What does that tell you when somebody destroys the data when they get caught?
It's like the police come in your house and you're like flushing cocaine down the toilet.
Or let's say you've been killing little kids.
You're like throwing their body parts in a furnace as the cops come in.
Pouring gasoline on it.
I mean, just caught red-handed.
It's even worse trying to destroy the evidence.
So now the Department of Energy's had to send a litigation hold notice.
Regarding CRU to employees asking to preserve documents saying do not shred documents.
The Department of Energy has received a litigation hold notice from the U.S.
Department of Energy General Counsel and the DOE Office of Inspector General.
This is due to lawsuits being filed and congressional requests regarding the Climate Research Unit at the University of East Anglia in England.
Accordingly, they are requesting that SRNS's, SRR's, this is happening in the U.S.
too, not just England, and other site contractors locate and preserve all documents, records, data, correspondence, notes, and other materials, whether official or unofficial, original or duplicative, drafts or final versions, partial or complete.
And this includes PDFs, PDAs, Palm Pilots, Blackberries, computers, telephone logs, internet usage files, emails, system manuals, network access information.
It goes on and on.
Folks, it looks like they're not going to get Copenhagen, but they're going to try to do it by stealth, as Lord Monton and others have said.
I want to break that down when we come back, but this is better than we thought.
Because if there's no tentative agreement, Obama has nothing to sign.
So what they'll do is they're going to sign an agreement to agree to meet in Mexico City next year, like our expert guest said yesterday.
And that's now come out today.
And he is still going to instruct the EPA to say that carbon dioxide is a deadly poison.
And they're going to go ahead and implement the tax.
We've got to fight it.
We've got to make the Senate and the House do their job.
The states have to say no.
If we'll just get up off our butts.
I mean, if a bully comes over and starts punching us and we lay there, we know he's gonna win.
But if we just attack the bully, if he's bigger than us in the Info War, pick up a rock, slam it upside their head.
I mean that figuratively.
I mean, you know, do whatever you got to.
Pick up a stick.
I mean, we got the Info War.
Let's get nasty with these people.
Let's take them on.
Let's discredit these criminals.
They're scumbag degenerate filth that will be defeated.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
All right, here's the deal.
I want to continue with phone calls, and then I want to get into internet censorship in the United States, Canada, England, Australia.
The Western world is starting to outdo China.
I mean, it's really happening.
I want to get into some economic news.
There's a bunch of stuff I haven't gotten to.
I have some other video clips I want to play, but I want to continue taking your calls.
Ash, Paul, Roger, Adam, Bern, Joe and others.
Toll free number to join us 1-800-259-9231.
But finishing up with ClimateGate.
We do have the initiative.
They are on the run.
They've been caught in fraud over and over and over and over again.
And they always just say, there's a consensus, no one disagrees.
And just move on.
But now, the fact that they're lying on purpose has been exposed.
The Third World got the leaked text last week.
I told you that was a big deal.
I mean, it's like jumping in front of a train's a big deal.
I mean, I'm not that smart.
When they keep the treaty secret,
They plan to keep it secret until Thursday so they can ram it through with Obama there.
I mean, imagine how these governments operate.
Oh, the treaty's secret.
We can't let you see it.
And then they leak it and it says the third world has to make right at double the cuts and it's meant to shut them off so the IMF and World Bank can take over and totally control them.
Then we'll have a banking dictatorship.
The UN will have no power.
Private banks will rule the planet.
I mean, it's just so openly certified corruption.
Certified tyranny.
And of course the third world was suckered and told, oh yeah, you're going to get all of America's money.
You're going to get all of Europe and Japan's money.
Yes, the same IMF and World Bank that have always been robbing you blind.
They're going to suddenly give you all this money because George Soros promises, because he's a nice man.
And these gullible fools, all paid off by Soros and the UN, I guess they weren't fools, showed up thinking they were about to get a bunch of money and they were told, actually, we're going to kill most of the people in your country.
15 million starve to death every year.
Just our ethanol scam taking the food production for gasoline, that, that made 10 million more starve to death.
This will be a hundred fold that.
How's that sound?
And the people were like,
Even though you bought us off, you want to kill most our people?
Yes, we do.
And have a one-child policy.
How does that sound?
Well, gee, already most our people know you spike the vaccines and kill them!
We're gonna get overthrown if we try this!
I mean, literally, the Africans were crying on TV over it.
And our media would spin it and go, the Africans want America to make bigger cuts because America flooded the ocean and made Africa flood.
I mean, literally, they're on the news saying Africa's flooding.
I mean, it's just... The UN's own report says we've had the least amount of natural disasters per capita in the last decade.
Well, where is that Reuters article?
I've got it here in the stack.
Let me give you the exact headline.
I forget the exact number.
It's big oil behind climate scam.
Doesn't matter, I'll find it.
Hey, you guys, I printed off that article about the U.N.
Oh, it doesn't matter.
About the U.N.
says, the last decade's one of the least violent
I'll find it in a minute.
African states in climate talks boycott.
Deadlock threatens Copenhagen climate deal.
That's back today.
Climate treaty.
We create new global agencies to transfer money and technology from U.S.
and other developed countries to third world.
You mean to the IMF and World Bank.
Polar ice may vanish.
Here it is.
Natural disasters at decade low.
There you go.
In 2009 UN report, Reuters.
So it's a decade low this year.
And some of that other news.
But the point here is, is that they are in big trouble.
But they're not going to stop.
These are criminals.
They want to run your life.
And they are brainwashing your kids, they run your local schools, they run everything.
You've got to go to your city councils, go to your school boards and say, stop teaching this fraud.
Stop teaching my kid your one-child policy.
Stop your brainwashing.
You degenerate control freaks!
Get out of my life, you parasites!
We're gonna come back, take a bunch of calls, get into the big push now, not just for government-run healthcare, which looks like it may pass, but for a bunch of new taxes!
This is Alex Jones with five good reasons you should consider buying a solar power generator.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As they're finishing off this agenda, they'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, let's blast through your phone calls right now and I'm going to get into more of what's developing across our planet as we desperately fight the private global corporate takeover known as the New World Order.
Before I do that, I am famous for saying I'm going to cover something and then not doing it.
I know, because I move off to something else.
But I said I would talk about Tiger Woods.
So let me just talk about Tiger Woods right now.
Two, three weeks ago, when he first had the wreck, everybody called me wanting me to talk about it.
Why should I care if somebody at one o'clock in the morning has a wreck by their house and if their wife was attacking him?
That's par for the course.
I mean, welcome to decadent America.
They're worth a billion bucks and they're not happy.
And, uh, you know, if it comes out that Tiger Woods is running giant child kidnapping rings with Dyncor and Halliburton, then I'll become concerned.
I mean, yes, he liked racy women, and he liked a lot of them.
And what he did, I'm sure, isn't good for his wife and children, and it's not good.
But, uh, compared to Halliburton and Dyncor, on congressional record, running giant child kidnapping rings.
On record!
Chicago Tribune, Associated Press,
Big UN groups caught in Asia, in Africa, in Latin America, in Eastern Europe, in Central Europe, running giant sex slave rings, kidnapping children, using UN aircraft to fly them out all over the world.
But see, no, we can't talk about that.
We've got to talk about Tiger Woods with 30-year-old hookers.
We can't talk about offshore banks that have stolen over 23 trillion dollars in the last year from us.
We can't talk about how they're setting up a value-added tax and national federally administered sales tax to track everything we buy, sell, and do with new bureaucracies and new taxing authorities that'll make the IRS look like choir boys.
We can't talk about what's really in the Copenhagen Treaty, open world government, or how Obama's declaring himself an emperor, a dictator, saying if Congress won't pass the sign over of power to the UN, he'll just implement it.
We can't talk about how
Rand Corporation's done a report calling for the new Homeland Security Divisions, the 379,000 troops, to augment all local police departments and that local police will form auxiliaries of the new National Police Force run by the Pentagon.
I've read all 130 plus pages in the 50-something page addendum.
I suggest you go read, let me get a close shot of this please, gentlemen,
A stability police force for the United States.
Justification and options for creating U.S.
I mean, this is a death squad manual.
It's got the force setups for the federal police.
And by the way, this has already been set up.
They're just now announcing it.
Here's a medium stability police force unit.
Here's a small stability police force.
This is the federal officer that's over your small town.
You've got a small town of 500 people.
Well, this is the group that's going to run your life.
They're going to run carbon taxes.
They've got special forces operatives getting in place.
In the paper in Austin, black ops run this.
These people, you are going to be slaves, folks.
And they mean business.
Here's another one.
Medium stability police force.
Ooh, look at that.
This is for a bigger city.
This is the federal police commander over your police department.
Pentagon openly taking over your police departments.
I mean, that is worse than Red China.
Red China doesn't even allow that.
What do you think they're being set up for?
It happens everywhere.
When this is set up, they're going to take your farms and ranches, they're going to take your children, they're going to take everything you've got, and they always do it by, well, you've got this environmental fee on your property, you can't pay it, Bob.
And most people, alright, I'll give you the property, alright, alright.
But if you hold up, they're just going to call up the police force and they're going to come by and murder your butt.
You pay for the military, they're there to attack the enemy, and that enemy's you.
You read the MIAC report, you read the Homeland Security report, I got those reports since the late 90s and nobody listened to me.
Now when I cover them, they get national attention.
Your military isn't your military.
I've talked to so much family in the Army.
I've got a lot of family in the Army, and I've talked to other people, and they're all mad.
I mean, I know people that are in supply and logistics, and people that are in over-repair, and they've all been training for three years for riot control domestically.
Long before they dropped the hammer on the banking situation, it's been reported by Bloomberg and Squibb's Howard News Service that it was all staged, all designed, and they're going to keep killing the economy, and they're going to stage riots, and you're going to beg to have the army on the streets, and they'll restore order, and then they'll never leave.
And it'll just be, where'd Bob go?
Bob wouldn't leave his house.
They sent a robot in and killed him.
And they'll be like a 12-year-old walking by with their armband, literally giving them armbands, with the Explorer Scouts now.
They'll be like, that's already happening, adults are already... Just, oh man, the worst part is going to be the 12, 13, 14-year-old punks on power trips.
I mean, it's going to be really hard getting bossed around by them.
But that's what America is!
We are the ultimate rotten cow being fed on by carrion.
Being fed on by carrion turkeys.
That's what they call the buzzards around here.
Turkey buzzard.
I just can't believe our country's this easy to rob.
I mean, this is a completely criminal, illegal, unconstitutional operation.
Has nothing to do with the stupid al-Qaeda boogeyman you were all taught to fear.
It's for you and your guns and your house by a bunch of criminals.
We really are a nation of just cowards.
The cops are going to go along.
The military is going to go along.
The general public is going to go along.
Obama will get a bunch of it set up.
Then a Republican will come in.
He'll continue it.
Suddenly Republicans will love the police state.
Democrats didn't like war.
Now they love it.
War is peace.
Oh, give him a peace prize.
We have to admit how pathetic we are.
You know, every few years I get to piggin' out and drinkin' whiskey and smokin' cigarettes, and I've gotta finally admit to myself, after a month or two of it, when I gained 20 pounds doin' it, that this may feel good, buddy, but you gotta stop it.
You can't go eat big ribeye steaks and drink a bottle of whiskey.
The point is, and I've gotta realize it's bad and not do it, and I fall back sometimes, but I quit.
I've gone five, six years before without drinking or smoking or eating like a pig.
But the point is, is that when I start working too much, it's a crutch I fall back on.
It's a big anxiety relief.
You can be worried about the world and worried about what you're doing and go in and drink a couple beers and eat a big steak, you're not worried about it anymore.
I'm pretty pathetic.
And when I start getting pathetic, I've got to admit I'm pathetic.
You as a country have to do that too, folks.
I mean, we have to admit, we are a steaming pile of horse poo.
I mean, we really are a joke.
By the way, I've been corrected.
For a decade, I've been saying 50 million abortions.
Of course, it's 60 million now.
When you pull up number of abortions in U.S., latest numbers, I think it's 60 mil, but I want to be precise about that.
I mean, look, if we're so lazy that we kill our own babies... I mean, even if you're for birth control, don't be lazy.
Get regular birth control.
Don't go in and have dangerous procedures for yourself and kill a kid because you were too lazy and now you don't want to raise the kid because television told you kids are horrible when you're not living until you've got children.
Heaven sounds like living on some deserted jungle tropical island with like 50 children.
Let me tell you, all you stupid yuppies and all you people that never had kids, you think you're all selfish and your life's all about you, you're not happy.
Or you may think you're happy, you don't know how good it is having children.
You don't know how magic they are and how much you understand about humanity once you have them.
And sure, in modern society, they're a pain in the butt.
And they get programmed by the society to act up.
And they're rebellious.
They're little people.
But that's part of life.
You're meant to be part of the life cycle.
It's like you see butterflies mating.
I mean, you're meant to live on this planet, hurtling through space.
You're meant to have children.
You're meant to love and struggle and have a life.
And you've been taught that death is good and life is bad.
And so now they think you're so weak-minded, so shallow, so open to suggestion, that they can write articles in Newsweek and Time Magazine saying, let's just kill old people.
Hey, yuppies, you'll have more money if we start whacking grandma.
And the yuppies are like, hell yeah, kill old people.
Their life's not worth anything.
The Bioethics Board said so, and then pretty soon it's, hey, let's just kill this kid, they're a little bit handicapped.
Hey, let's have a law.
That if a kid's got any genetic problems, or the government says they've got a genetic problem, too aggressive, that you can't have kids.
Eh, let's go ahead and have Chinese-style net censorship in Australia and the U.S.
Both governments now proposing it.
Australia's going ahead with it.
Eh, what's wrong with having secret prisons?
Hell, what's wrong with torture?
Now that Hitler guy, he was bad when he did it, but when we do it, man, it's gonna be mom and apple pie.
It's gonna be really great.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda...
They'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
I have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
For the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation, the criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty and on its ashes constructing world government.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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Okay, let's rush through some calls, and then I do want to get into a whole area of news we haven't covered yet.
Ash in Texas, thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
Hey Alex, how are you doing?
Hey, thanks for taking my call.
Appreciate everything you're doing.
I'm up here in Dallas, and you know these chemtrails up here, I don't know what it's like in Austin, but I'm sure it's the same, it's just unbelievable daily, how they're just dosing us with Tic-Tac-Toe boards every day in Dallas.
I mean, is that the same thing down in Austin?
Yeah, all the chemtrail deniers really have a problem, because our scientists came out for decades, since it started in the mid-90s, and said, this is barium salts aluminum dioxide, it appears to be a weather modification program, but it also has toxic effects on all life, especially mammals.
And then John P. Holdren came out and said, headline, in his first press conference, first thing he talked about was, we've been secretly terraforming the Earth to save you from global warming, and we're now going to go from a test, which is giant,
I don't know.
Uh, geoengineering.
Calls for geoengineering.
He gave an AP press conference at AP headquarters in DC.
And so, yes, we have sent out researchers.
We have shot chemtrail info.
We are incorporating that into the next film.
It's just there's so much.
They've now declassified it.
But it's kind of like they declassify global government, admit they're setting it up, but still the public doesn't know it exists.
I don't know how to explain that.
It's like telling children Santa Claus exists, they believe it, but then you tell them that a Mack truck in the highway may kill them, they don't believe it.
It's like the general public believes in fairy tales that polar bears can't swim and that the sun doesn't heat the earth, but then they'll believe baloney, but they won't believe the truth.
The other day, Alex, they were spraying heavy duty.
I called the Sheriff's Department.
I'm sitting here looking at chemtrails right now in Dallas.
But I called the Sheriff's Department and asked them, you know, what is this?
And they looked at me and said, well, it's contrails.
I said, no, it's not.
I said, look at it.
It's tic-tac-toe boarding.
He looked at it for a minute and he said, you know, you're right.
He said, we don't have any jurisdiction over that.
He said, but you need to call the FAA.
So I called the FAA yesterday.
Called them both in San Antonio and over here in Fort Worth.
I recorded the conversations.
We're good to go.
There's more than one array.
They've got six in Europe, a couple in Russia, some in China, and several in the U.S.
and Canada.
That Alaskan facility is not the only one.
Well, you know, when I was in Spain this last summer, Alex, down in Andalusia, down there in the southern Spain, here comes a plane way up there, about 40,000 feet, spewing chemtrails.
I mean, it's not a, you know, there's a big difference between a contrail like when you and I grew up here.
No, a condensation trail we all grew up watching, stays there for a few seconds or a few minutes, it forms high up.
Now, they're low, they stay all day, they turn into cloud banks, and then lo and behold, they just pulled up CBS News.
They have this high altitude aerial spraying campaign where they admit, they're quote, folks, we have a global government that does whatever it wants in secret with unlimited funds.
Heaven only knows what these nuts are up to.
I mean, do you understand?
Yeah, I mean, I totally agree with you there.
One other thing I want to say is I've waited a little while to talk to you and I've been dying to talk to you.
No, no, we won't be able to get to other people if we don't.
See how that works.
But that's how it works.
That's why you hailed is because I do give people time.
Go ahead.
On 9-11, one other thing, they're going to have this fake trial in New York.
The info I have from their investigation is Khalid Sheikh Mohammed is dead.
Is that true?
Well, no.
They said they bombed and killed him 16 times, is the article Paul Watson wrote last year.
So they claim they killed him a bunch before... Because they practice lies.
They set the precedent to say ridiculous things.
Like they killed the number 3 in Al-Qaeda more than 20 times now.
And then they captured him.
They admit they tortured his children, threatened his family.
And he confessed to bombing buildings that didn't exist for four years after he was incarcerated.
And it's just all a complete joke.
It's like they said they killed Chemical Ali five times.
Well, sir, who knows?
That's my whole point.
There's a giant secret program spraying deadly chemicals on us.
They now admit they're doing it and no one cares.
Hooray Cowboys!
I love Alzheimer's!
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
I told you last week to tune in this week if we'd have a big guest.
It doesn't stop with Chuck Norris.
Just gonna leave it at that.
We got other really informative
First time visiting guest later in the week.
Including one tomorrow at 1130.
30 minutes into the show.
1130 Central.
So I'm certainly excited about that.
Not quite as excited I am about the Luby's cafeteria food they just brought in though.
I'm in a hokey mood today.
Quite a carbon footprint, though, with that evil steak.
Nothing like a cafeteria chop steak for you, huh?
Yeah, Craig just gave a Eugenics quote.
He said, if we kill off all the grannies, we could get through Luby's quicker.
No, Luby's wouldn't have that niche market of grannies, and so those of us that like granny food won't be able to get it occasionally, twice a year when we want it.
You see, that's what the eugenicists think.
They think if they wipe out certain ecosystems of human activity, that that will leave more for them.
It actually creates less.
We need 50 billion people to export giant space cities, deep space.
Oh my God, the vision of humanity.
We would just widen it.
It's just unstoppable.
Where is the race consciousness of humanity itself to people, the stars, that pioneering spirit?
If you took transplants,
From the 1700s and 1800s from the United States and train them and brought them up today, we would already be on distant Pluto with giant star cruisers on their way to the nearest habitable planets.
Now, the globalists have already sent their probes out.
They've got a lot of suppressed secret technology.
They have that spirit, but it's twisted.
They want us to forget about the real technology, forget about real issues, forget about the wonderment of the universe around us, and walk into gas stations with our hair sticking up and grab a case and sit there with the guy behind the counter and go, I hope the cowboys do it again today.
They ain't been doing too good.
I was sitting there in a line.
I'm trying to get my wife and I some coffee.
She's out in the car with the kids.
As five adult men in front of me at this little gas station in our neighborhood.
And they didn't care about the cowboys.
The guy behind the counter didn't care.
It was just what men do.
And they walk up and put their beer down.
That's what's manly.
And they sit back and talk about the cowboys and the people.
And I'm not saying you're bad if you like the cowboys, but give me a break!
The country's overrun with criminals!
Men should be feverishly running around at city council and warning their neighbors and acting like men and saying, we've got to do something!
We've got to rally!
We've got to warn the people!
You should be doing what I do!
I'm actually normal!
You are abnormal!
And I'd walk, and I'd watch the guy behind the counter.
He was totally bored up.
He understands it's like the greeting, the pleasantry, is, yes, cowboys!
He was a foreigner.
Mm-hmm, cowboys!
They would all have a cowboy discussion.
By the way, did the Cowboys win Sunday?
I mean, this is what really matters.
You don't think so.
I think I'm going to throw up.
I mean, I really do.
I mean, I just get me out of here.
You have a scientific dictatorship on record poisoning your water supply and saying they're doing it to brain damage you and sterilize you.
They're openly been caught putting cancer viruses on the vaccines on purpose to sterilize you.
They are spraying you with aluminum dioxide on purpose.
And all you care about is the Cowboys.
They lost.
To San Diego.
That's the Chargers?
I can show off that I know these things?
I can't believe it.
Alright, that's enough.
I can't spend ten minutes with the next caller, but I do want to hear from everybody.
Paul in Canada, you're on the air, go ahead.
Hi there.
Hey, just to be quick, just a couple points.
I have a long-time friend, he has a girlfriend who has an immediate family member in the RCMP, and the guy's probably like 20, 21 years old.
And, you know, when he's in training, he'll tell my friend, oh, I just can't wait to get in there and rough people up, and, you know, spying people and stuff like that.
And they love him in there.
They let him go on and get his own car within the first couple weeks or month.
And this is really the mentality of the people here in Canada that are signing up, you know,
No, no, real men would be embarrassed of talking and acting like that.
And no, I mean, they look for unstable video game players who were failed jocks, who weren't really popular but wanted to be, and
Who were bullies who finally got stood up to.
And they say, I'm getting a badge and gun, then nobody can stand up against me.
And I know there are good police out there.
They send us information and they don't like the bad cops.
But the system wants the bad cops.
Let me tell you, I was in Canada, got off the airplane.
They said, the guy had a French accent.
He said, come with me, Mr. Jones.
And they just relish laughing at me and screaming at me and I thought, man, I couldn't imagine being such a coward and such a petty person that I would enjoy exercising power over people all day for no reason.
I mean, I'm really an aggressive person, and I have to hold back in not being aggressive with people.
But no, these people... And it's embarrassing when I have to exercise power.
I don't like it.
I have a natural governor there.
And so, yeah, no, it's... They're there to bang our heads and squeeze us and let us know.
I mean, the Royal Mounted Police have been caught repeatedly.
In mainstream news, just like I just said, you could pull up CBS News, and they've been admitting they're chemtrailing us, so they pulled it up.
You can pull up Toronto Star, you name it.
Royal Mounted Police, let me just think of the exact headline of one of them.
Royal Mounted Police admit staging event with officers.
Royal Mounted Police admit their officers involved in scuffle.
And they just have them attack their own cops.
And then they step aside, and the criminal police know it's staged.
They just want to attack the families that are out there protesting.
And so they have a fake fight, and they go, all right, we framed them, we're terrorists, let's attack free speech now.
And they just, ahhh!
It seems the weaker the person, the more they love beating women, old ladies.
Uh, Portland, Oregon, repeatedly, they love to go out to rallies and attack babies in baby carriages.
And then scream, you bleepin' bleeper, you shouldn't bring a baby to a, to a, a vent.
Like they'll, they'll spray your kid with the gas, and then they'll billy club you for it.
Makin' them spray the kid.
And hey, don't worry.
There it is, Canadian police caught attempting to stage riots.
That was the original Prison Planet, but see if there's a link, because of course we reported it, local activists exposed it, we reported it, then the police admitted it.
Click on there and see.
And so it takes a special kind of person to go out and stage events so you can attack
Protestors, real protestors, a lot of them wearing suits.
Oh, you don't want a North American Union?
We got a bunch of goons that are terrorists and we're going to set you up so we can physically attack you.
Anything else?
Basically, I just wanted to shed some light.
Do you know who Mark Emery is?
It rings a little bit of a bell.
Okay, basically he's from Vancouver, Canada.
He runs a marijuana seed operation, basically, and he would sell seeds.
Canadian government is totally fine.
They took his tax money, no problem.
He was sending seeds to the U.S.
That was the biggest market.
The DEA raided him in 2005.
They're now on a big thing to actually add him to the states right now.
He was in remand.
Yes, yes, I do.
Paul, I appreciate your call.
I am aware of how...
They couldn't shut down marijuana, and it was its own underground industry, and the globalists want the money and the power, and they want you using their illegal drugs.
You know, the drugs they control in certain regions, opiates and cocaine, and then their Prozac and other stuff they make.
The Ritalin.
And so they tricked everybody in 14 states and said, oh, we're going to decriminalize, set up your dispensaries, and now they're saying, yeah,
We're going to let you have, you know, one dispensary for every 20 square miles now.
So, they're using regulation as a way to shutting it down.
It's like they're using regulation to shut down the Second Amendment outside the law.
And hey, good for them.
Good for the cops.
Hey, take your vaccines, drink plenty of fluoride.
I morally would say, though, don't give it to your kids.
Well, you know, maybe that's a blessing for you to give it to your kids.
Maybe that's what you want.
I mean, okay, hey, you got power.
Hey, don't let me get in the way of all your fun, what you're helping conjure up right now.
You want this, you got it.
Anything you want, you got it.
Anything you need, you got it.
Oh, baby.
Every time I think about you, oh my sweetie pie.
Your black ski mask, your camera, your prison cams.
You're so tough when you beat a young lady in the head.
Or release a police dog on an old woman.
Anything you want, you got it.
You're criminal thugs for offshore bankers, baby.
That's some bad singing on purpose there.
Every time I think about it, I'm bored.
Old women come out with bags out of a store, and there's police going, no one on the streets of Pittsburgh!
And you're like, officer, I'm just shopping.
Shut up!
Police dog!
God, I hate America!
I mean, these are literal pet demons they're releasing on us.
And all of you yuppies just can't wait to be just rampaged over.
You love it!
You love being weak scums, so you're gonna get what you want now.
I'm actually just sick of my stomach by and all, so I gotta make a sick joke out of it all.
You want slavery, you got it.
Oh my God.
That was bad, wasn't it, Craig?
Was that my worst thing ever?
Oh, man.
No, actually, we're not in a police state.
Everything's fine, folks.
Hey, Glenn Beck's got a plan to fix it.
Value-added tax and sales tax.
That'll teach the liberals.
We're going to show them.
Adam, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Thanks for taking my call.
Quick question.
Is there a website, a one-stop shop I can go to, to dig up these declassified articles?
I talk to a lot of people, and it's really hard to talk to them about what's going on today, but I can say, well, these are eugenicists, and I explain what eugenics is, and then I can rattle off.
I mean, you're the king.
You're like the Van Imp of
Of conspiracy theories, you can say section, article 45, you know, reads da-da-da-da.
So is there a one-stop shop I can go to to dig up all this information, not just on eugenics, but all like Tuskegee Project, da-da-da-da, da-da-da.
I mean, the list can go on to tell these people, hey, look, this is what they've done in the past.
This is their fruits.
You know, look at the fruits of their labor.
Who's saying they're not doing it right now?
Well, hold on.
I mean, you can give them scores of articles about one-child policy being proposed at the Copenhagen event and world government being proposed.
There's whatistheendgame.com.
It's an online bibliography for the film, so everything in the film is covered there.
But, I mean, what person doesn't know about Tuskegee?
I mean, I think we should keep educating people, because now they're really ready to listen.
But, I mean, people ask for documentation.
It's all over the place.
I mean, what specifically?
I mean, the Department of Energy admits they radiated 4,300 plus American children, many of them to death, in secret tests, declassified in the 80s.
They admit that 34 states passed laws for forced sterilization.
I mean, the film Endgame is a testament.
It has all the documents and articles and things there.
You can give people that film.
I mean, what are they asking for?
Well, in particular, it's just, I admire that you can rattle off all these, you know, things and sources.
Yeah, but they can rattle off Dallas Cowboys scores.
Anybody can do what I do.
I've just been into this.
I just don't have a lot of time to research all that.
Well, they better make the time.
Well, I'm just saying for myself.
I mean, I would like to have a one-stop shop.
What's that website again?
Okay, thank you so much.
I really appreciate your time.
Hey, thank you, Adam.
I appreciate your call putting up with me.
Because, I mean, believe me.
Look, that's the whole, that's the big joke here.
Is I'm actually a sane person.
And I decided that a government admittedly poisoning my water supply was more important than knowing about the cowboys.
Call me a kook, you know.
Oh, there's a planetary world government that wants to set up a police state so you can, uh... If my daughters ever try to have children kill their second-born babies, oh, that's being proposed publicly?
Oh, I better get up off my fat butt and do something.
They're like, I don't know man, you're some kind of weirdo!
Pretty wild!
Just get me out of here!
I mean, how do I shut this off?
How do I... I... I'm gonna shut up.
Byrne in Canada.
You're on the air.
Welcome, Byrne.
Hey, Alex.
Hey, pal.
Hey, I just want to bring you up to speed what's happening in British Columbia, Canada.
We've been paying the carbon tax for over a year now on our hydro and our natural gas.
And our little premier there, Mr. Gordon Puke Campbell, has gone to Copenhagen with Mr. Harper with his checkbook.
He went to, I think, the Bank of England here a couple years ago and borrowed a whole whack of cash for our Olympics.
And, you know, the Bank of Canada just can't come up with the money, I guess.
You know, it's to the point now where they're double.
And remember, he was going to be the conservative, and he spoke out against Bilderberg, and now he's completely run by them.
Oh, yeah.
Yeah, he's a big-time Freemason in the whole nine yards.
You know, he got busted in Hawaii for drinking and driving, and everybody looked the other way, and, you know, his mug shot, he's smiling and snickering a little puke.
But, yeah, just to let you know,
You know, we're already been paying this carbon tax here for a year, and I don't know where's it going.
You know, is he just sending it over there?
Is it collecting interest anywhere?
Well, I remember three years ago, Canada passed it, but it had that staggered thing where it was started in a year and a half.
So you've had it for a year and a half, and they're saying they're going to expand it.
It's an open-ended mandate.
And I would have guests on, and they would say, there's no carbon tax in Canada.
You're a liar!
See how they denied it right up until it was too late?
I mean, they just, it's all a military handbook they use.
I appreciate your call.
I mean, these people are just a pack of scum criminals.
What does it take for people to get it?
And they're arming against us with paramilitary police!
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I'll be back tomorrow.
Cover a lot more news and information.
It was a 35 minute speech, roughly, on the floor of the House.
Congressman Dana Rohrabacher, who we interviewed about 10 years ago.
We ought to get Rohrabacher back on.
Talking about the global government.
And the title of this clip, we just searched it, was Congressman Rohrabacher channels Alex Jones.
So here's a short clip of that.
Copenhagen may well lay the foundations for the future that the globalists who are pushing this agenda envision for us.
What the Copenhagen crowd would mandate
And can be traced back to that same alliance between our domestic radical environmentalists and a globalist elite.
This unholy alliance has already had an impact.
A few decades ago, the Global Radical Environmental Alliance
The Globalist Radical Environmental Alliance latched on to an apocalyptic theory to justify their power grab.
This is a product of a radical environmentalist globalist coalition.
This is about centralizing power into the hands of global government.
That's what Kyoto and Copenhagen are all about.
That's what the Radical Environmentalist and Globalist Alliance is all about.
Wake up America!
We still have time to turn this around.
We must fight the globalist clique that is trying to shackle future generations of Americans to a burden of economy-killing debt.
They are chains that will be hard to break, but we must have the strength and the commitment to do so.
We will not give up our freedom.
Now, ThinkProgress put that clip out.
That's George Soros funded.
I've looked him up.
It's one of his publications.
Like, that's discrediting Rohrabacher.
I mean, you've got Ban Ki-moon, Van Rompuy, all the heads of it saying global government.
The Stinkin' Treaty says global governance.
Al Gore says global governance.
And they keep playing along, like, we want global government, we're going to take over one-child policy.
But none of it exists, and you're a crazy kook if you talk about it.
I mean, it's like they are the arbiters of reality.
But see, people aren't listening to them anymore.
You know, this might have worked 10 years ago to tell people there were no chemtrails or no New World Order.
But you can't have the White House Science Czar go, actually, since my days at Harvard, I've been involved in a secret terraforming project on planet Earth called geoengineering to stop the global warming.
We're now going from the testing phase to the operational phase.
I mean, you can pull up the YouTube of him in an AP press conference saying it!
They're spraying you!
Then the stupid cops don't care!
They love it!
They love their kids being retarded.
I mean, I... I know a lot of cops are waking up.
Look... Police, I talk a lot about you because you're going to be used to enforce all this.
And you're destroying yourselves as well.
And I just... I'm telling you the truth.
The world government's real.
We have to stand up against it.
We have to say no.
I'm out of time.
I apologize to Joe and Brian and Paul and Chris.
If you call back tomorrow, I'll put you ahead of the line.
We do have some really big guests up tomorrow as well.
I wanted to just add here that it is Christmas time and your purchases of books and videos and materiel supports my operation here.
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The beginning of the show starts over right now.
If you missed any of it at InfoWars.com.
Great job, crew.
See you back tomorrow, 11 a.m.