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Name: 20091214_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Dec. 14, 2009
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Okay, we are simulcasting at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Chuck Norris just called in.
We're lining him up to go live with him.
Thank you so much for joining us.
We have several guests joining us from Copenhagen, Denmark.
Several reporters, one a reporter, one a scientist, to be breaking down the fraud of man-made global warming.
Obviously not just the ClimateGate emails where the head UN scientist are engaged in premeditated fraud covering up the decline of temperatures in the last nine years.
Temperatures stopped heating up 15 years ago, started dropping nine years ago.
We'll be covering that coming up in the next hour.
We're also going to get into the fact that Ron Paul said here last Friday that he believes the Obama takeover of health care to make even more Americans dependent on the government
Quarter million dollar fines, five years in prison if you don't get insurance.
He believes as it stands it will pass, but by one vote.
So we better put pressure on Lieberman and let him know that if he doesn't vote against this, somehow the whole nation is going to target him to not be re-elected.
But for the next 30 minutes, we are joined by Chuck Norris.
He really doesn't need any introduction, though I will give him one here today.
He's a martial arts expert, probably the most famous martial arts person in the world.
Joined the Air Force after high school.
During his service, he went to South Korea, where he began his training in martial arts and Tang Soo Do.
He returned to Los Angeles in 62 and opened a karate school catering to such celebrities as Steve McQueen.
Thanks Alex, it's a pleasure to be on your show.
Good to have you here with us.
We're about to go to break, but I want to come back and talk about Copenhagen, Obama healthcare, all these proposals for new taxes, but what's got Chuck Norris most fired up right now?
The healthcare has me most fired up right now, because they're just going in the wrong direction.
And after we come back from the commercial, I can kind of give you an idea of how I think we should work on the healthcare issue.
So you're more concerned about health care than even Copenhagen?
I don't think they're ever going to get together.
You know, I can't see all these nations working together.
I don't see China or India or any of them, you know, cooperating on trying to cut down green gas emissions.
You know, the thing is, we have to, you know, we have to lead by example, Alex.
You know, we the United States have to lead by example.
You know, we should use the stimulus money to develop alternative sources of energy.
Let's us here in our own country get our bed in order.
Instead of putting garbage and dumps in the ocean, how about developing a way to use it for fuel?
You know, we're polluting our oceans, you know, and we're polluting our dumps, you know, we're filling all these gases up in these dumps.
Why not figure out a way to make... People have already found ways of turning garbage into fuel, but the government won't pursue it and help make it a reality.
You know, we could use alternative sources of energy.
We can then develop fuel-efficient cars.
You know, we don't need cars that can do 140 miles an hour on the road.
How about developing a fuel-efficient car with a maximum speed of 70?
You know, we have to leave, by example, and other countries will follow, Alex.
You know, if they see we're serious about cleaning up the planet, you know, by doing these type of things, you know, cleaning up our own house, and cleaning up alternative sources, and finding alternative ways to use fuel and eliminate this cap and trade baloney.
Well, let's talk about that.
Chuck Norris, the legend, can certainly say the legend, on the line with us.
Ladies and gentlemen, we'll be right back.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
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I think it's incumbent upon all of us
Tim Geithner?
They're arsonists!
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We've got Chuck Norris with us until the bottom of the hour.
We are live on the 14th day of December 2009 on this Monday.
A bunch of subjects.
We're going to go over government takeover of health care, climate gate,
Well, kickstartkids.org is our organization where we teach the martial arts in the inner city middle schools.
I started this 17 years ago, Alex, and currently we have 6,500 kids in our program.
We have graduated over 60,000 kids over the last 17 years, and most of these kids are going on to college and becoming successful in their own right.
And they would tell you, if they ever talked to you, that the Kickstart program is what saved them from going to prison or possibly being killed, because it got them out of gangs.
See, the thing is, to be in our program, you no longer have to, you cannot be in gangs.
And, you know, most of the kids are... You know, in fact, we have a school in Pflugerville, right near you.
You know where Pflugerville is, right?
And, anyway, Pflugerville called and said, we see how successful your program is, and we would like to implement it as a community program in Pflugerville.
So, the community got together, opened up two schools in Pflugerville, paying for it themselves.
And it was so successful the first year that they opened up three more schools.
So we have a total of five, all five middle schools in Pflugerville.
And that's kind of where we're heading with our program is getting a community involved.
And like I say, we have kids.
I had one young Hispanic boy got a full scholarship to MIT.
You know, a lot of our kids have graduated from high school, about like Victorian.
Because once they start believing in themselves, Alex, then the world's the limit for them.
They can do anything they want to do, and it's been proven with our program.
You know, the martial arts is a great tool.
It turned my life around, Alex.
I was an insecure, non-athletic kid when I got involved in the martial arts when I went to Korea, and it just turned my whole life around.
It raised my self-esteem and instilled that discipline and respect that I was lacking at that time.
So I know it does work, and like I say, that's my goal, and that's my wife, Gina, and my wife's passion is to
Well, it's beautiful what you're doing.
And also, you've got the official Chuck Norris Fact Book.
A new edition out on that.
A perfect stocking stuffer.
Available all over.
Better Bookstores everywhere and at Amazon.com.
And also, I know a lot of the books and products you sell, you end up giving a lot of the proceeds also to Kickstart.
Well, all the proceeds from anything I do outside my entertainment world.
Go straight to our Kickstart Foundation.
You know, funny about this fact thing, this started about four years ago.
I started getting these facts on my email, you know, a few of them, and I'm reading them, and I'm thinking, hey, I said these are funny, you know?
But not expecting them to go anywhere.
Then all of a sudden the college kids picked up on the facts, and it became a phenomenon in the universities and colleges.
Then it filtered down to the high schools and the middle schools, and then it went global.
Then it started going all over the world, then the military picked up on it, and I got a call from the commander in Iraq, and he said, Chuck, these Chuck Norris facts are driving me crazy over here.
All the troops want you to come over and visit with them.
So, you know, I did two trips to Iraq.
Chuck, do us a favor, give us some Chuck Norris facts.
Well, you know, Chuck Norris was bit by a cobra, and after five excruciating days, the cobra died.
In fact, that's one of the first ones in the book.
I have the facts in the book, and then I tell stories behind it.
The story on that particular fact is that when I was filming Walker, Texas Ranger, I was doing a scene on the set with a rattlesnake, and the thing bit me.
I tell the story of how I picked him up the first time, and I got him good.
Second time I tried and he nailed me and what went on after that.
So it's some pretty interesting stories that follow the fact there.
Like you say, it's a good Christmas talk type book.
Chuck, please give us a few more Chuck Norris facts from the man.
Well, they wanted to put Chuck Norris on Mount Rushmore, but the granite wasn't tough enough for his beard.
Oh, it's unbelievable.
In fact, you know, when I'm writing these, Alex, you know, my eight-year-old twins are coming up as I'm trying to find them.
There's 600,000 facts out there.
So I'm trying to find 101 of my favorite facts.
So I'm looking through all these facts, trying to find the ones that I think are the funniest.
What's your favorite?
Oh, golly.
Actually, my favorite one is one that my son, my eight-year-old son, came up with.
He says, you know, Chuck Norris eats bullets for breakfast.
Watch out when he burps.
Do you know who started the Chuck Norris Facts?
Some college kid.
Some college kid back East.
But he just started a few of them.
What's the one about water?
Because everywhere I go I hear people doing Chuck Norris Facts.
I know!
When I was in Iraq shaking hands with these troops, I shook hands with 27.
And they'd walk up to me and say, they'd tell me a Chuck Norris fact, and they'd start laughing.
And then they said, what's your favorite?
And I'm thinking, golly, I don't know.
So when I got back home, I said, maybe I should write, you know, put one out that kind of comes up with my favorite ones.
Because, you know, after writing Black Belt Patriotism, and now I've got the addition to that book coming out next month.
Uh, you know, it's nice to write a book where you can kind of laugh about it rather than dealing with all this.
Well, I definitely want to get you on next month and maybe I can twist your arm for an extended interview because we're running out of time.
We've only got 15 minutes left.
Chuck Norris is our guest, but I'm very excited about that second book.
I love the last one, The Black Belt Patriotism.
Now, Chuck, moving quick here.
Specifically, government-run health care.
They want us to be dependent.
Medicare, Medicaid cuts.
$41 billion out of Medicare alone.
But they're going to put more people in Medicare.
And it looks like it's going to pass.
Ron Paul was on this Friday.
He said, unfortunately, it looks like it's probably going to pass.
Well, let it pass.
And then, believe me, everyone that puts their mark on that health care bill, we've got to get them out of office next year.
You know, that's going to be my campaign.
You know, I write weekly articles for WorldNetDaily, and I'm going to be hammering these guys.
I'm going to be going after each and every one of them that passed this health care bill.
Just think about this, Alex.
You know, let's fix what is broken, okay?
20% of the health care bill is broken.
But leave the 80% alone.
You know, 80% of the people are happy with their health care.
You know, I'm happy with mine.
So let's work on the 20% that isn't working.
You know, rather than tearing it down, it reminds me,
Like, if you have a flat on your car, right?
But you decide to change all the tires and maybe put in a new motor, whether you need it or not.
See, I believe that's what the government's thinking here.
Well, worse than that, they're going to take the motor out and fire machine gun bullets into it because it has a flat.
You know, and the thing is, you know, it's not going to work.
It's not going to work.
And there's going to be a lot of hurting people because of this.
And that's where my heart goes out.
My heart goes out to the people that, you know,
You know, and the thing is I think the biggest mistake government made
It's using all this stimulus money to shore up AIG, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, banks, cars, and all this stuff here.
They should have been using all that stimulus money to shore up small business so they can begin hiring back their employees.
Our country survives on 80% of small business.
You know, 80% of our economy.
So why in the world isn't the government, and of course Obama's talking about it now, a year later, well I've got to help small business.
Why didn't he start that months and months ago?
Let me throw this out at you Chuck Norris.
Sorry to interrupt, we just have limited time.
If Ron Paul runs for president in the next year and a half, are you going to support him?
Are you thinking about supporting him?
I love Ron Paul, but I have to be honest with you.
I would like to have a younger president.
You know, when you get in your 70s, you know, and I'm pushing 70, you know, it's a tough grind.
I would rather find someone like Ron Paul who can lead our country.
And I'm really still a Mike Huckabee fan.
I really still believe that Mike Huckabee is the man to lead our country.
And that's kind of the general consensus of the people in America.
And I would love to have Ron Paul in a very prominent position.
In Washington.
What kind of position, like Treasury Secretary?
Yeah, something like that.
Something, because he's an honest man.
You know, here's one of my favorite facts, also.
If America's not a democracy, it's a Chuck Tater ship.
And if that were true, Alex, I would go to Washington, I would line up every member of Congress, and I'd have Ron Paul, who I think is the most honest politician in Congress,
I don't know.
Chuck Norris is our guest.
Chuck, shifting out of healthcare, obviously I agree with you, it's very unpopular in the polls, it's unconstitutional, the federal government's not supposed to be involved in healthcare, and we need to have recalls of these people, and we need to repeal it if they do pass it.
Oh yeah, absolutely.
You know, the thing is, it's going to be a very trying three more years with the Obama administration.
I can, you know, this is just the tip of the iceberg with healthcare.
This is just the beginning.
If they pass this, then it's going to embolden them to pass a lot of other very devastating bills such as cap and trade and a lot of the other things that's going to really negatively affect our country.
Chuck Norris, since you brought that up,
I have the headline here, EPA Threatens Command and Control, Economy to Push Climate Change Agenda, and that was in Associated Press.
Another headline was Obama Threatens Command and Control.
He's saying if the Senate doesn't ratify Copenhagen, which openly establishes global government according to the head of the UN, Ban Ki-moon,
Then he will order the bureaucracy to supersede Congress.
That is a high crime.
Ron Paul said last Friday.
That clearly is an impeachable offense.
If Obama does implement Copenhagen without congressional approval, what do you think should be done?
I think that the Congress should impeach Obama.
You know, they have the right to.
You know, they can impeach him.
This is not an Obama dictatorship, is it?
No, it isn't.
But that's what he really wants.
He's not concerned about 2012.
By 2012, he wants to be able to be a lifetime member of the presidency.
Or have us in an emergency so bad that it's like Roosevelt, he just stays on.
Well, that's what they're doing.
I know their game plan.
It's all a con game.
They're just trying to make our country so dependent on government.
That he can do whatever he wants to do to our country.
I can see what he's doing here.
And if we, the people, don't stand up and say enough is enough, and we're going to vote, you know, like you say, Congress is now impotent.
You know, Obama and his dars, and Rahm Emanuel, and George Soros, the other one running our country.
And it's a sad situation right now.
That's what's incredible.
George Soros will go before Congress and bad mouth the banks when he is the biggest one involved in 1999 lobbying to get Clinton to change the rules and it's his crew in there running the show right now.
Believe me, that's why they want a one world government because they want a one world bank and George Soros will be running that one world bank.
Chuck Norris is our guest.
We've got about 10 minutes left with him.
I want to play you two short clips.
This is Herman Van Rompuy, the new head of the EU, calling for global government on BBC.
Next is Al Gore.
Here is Van Rompuy.
Our countries.
2009 is also the first year of global governance with the establishment of the G20 in the middle of the financial crisis.
The climate conference in Copenhagen
Here's another step towards the global management of our planet.
But it is the awareness itself
The thing is, right now, Al Gore has become a multi-zillionaire because of this con game about global warming.
You know, the thing is, you ought to look outside my ranch right now.
I'm freezing to death right now.
It sure isn't warm right now here at the ranch.
But the thing is, I think it's a global con game that Al Gore has initiated.
And I'm sure he's probably in cahoots with George Soros and a lot of those people with the power and the money.
And it's made him probably a billionaire by now.
And the thing is, but a billion's not enough.
Once they get a little, they want a lot, and then they want it all.
And that's what Al Gore, George Soros, Barack Obama, that's what they want.
They want total control over the world, and especially on the United States of America.
And it's heading in that direction, Alex.
Believe me, it's heading in that direction.
And if we don't do something about it, if the people don't rise up, we're going to have a revolution in our country.
We're good to go.
And how to use condoms properly.
They're going to put you in jail.
Well Chuck, in 2000 I covered Fisgate.
When it first broke, that they were taking 14 year olds to a dorm with beds.
And I had stations got angry when I played the audio tapes.
This person is now the school czar, teaching 14 year olds, even if it was heterosexual, it's pedophilia.
It doesn't matter what, heterosexual, homosexual.
The thing is, that's too young to be a... Well, why are they allowed to engage, basically, in pedophilia?
Oh, golly.
I don't know why they are.
You know, I mean, it's sickening.
It's absolutely sickening.
And that's what they want.
They want a free society where anything goes.
I mean, George Soros, he loves that.
He wants a free society in our country.
And I really believe he's the power behind it all, and I really believe that
That's the direction they're going, is having America as a free society, and that you can do pedophilia, you can do whatever you want, which will be okay.
There's not going to be a crime about it.
Well yeah, NAMBLA is an official part of the U.N.
They're a non-governmental organization.
That's the North American Man-Boy Love Association.
I don't hate any of the groups out there for their sexual preference or whatever, but I do hate NAMBLA.
I do hate NAMBLA going after children.
Sorry, go ahead.
I do too.
I have a lot of friends that are homosexuals, gays, and that's not the concern of mine.
If that's their lifestyle, fine.
But going after people's kids?
Yeah, going after people's kids, that's a whole different animal.
And God forbid anyone ever come after my children, I would spend the rest of my life in jail because I would pulverize them.
Chuck Norris, you, and any good parent would, you brought up during the break what you're really upset about.
I said, what's most concerning?
You talked about California's trying to pass laws to restrict homeschooling.
Germany arrests you if you won't send your children to their indoctrination.
Yeah, they've actually pulled children out of homeschool.
They're trying to keep you from having homeschool there in Germany.
And I've read blogs where parents have gone to jail because they would not let their kids go to a public school.
And learn about, you know, homosexuality and free sex, you know, and how to do it.
I mean, what's our world coming to, Alex?
It's so depressing, you know, to see the decadence that's going on, not only in our country, but all over the world.
But whatever happened to innocence, just leaving kids alone to have a good time and not turn them into adults, or not turn them into perverts?
Look at this.
At 12 years of age.
Guys, punch up Maury Strong.
I want people to see that quote.
You talked about how they want to destroy our society.
Maury Strong, the head of the UN Environment Program, involved with the Oil for Food Program, he's now been indicted.
He's in trouble.
He said, isn't the only hope for the planet that the industrial civilizations collapse?
Isn't it our responsibility to bring that about?
He said that in 92 at the UN.
He said carbon taxes are to destroy the economy.
They want to bankrupt the economy and make us dependent on them.
And that's everything you're fighting against, Chuck.
And that's what's so exciting.
That's what they want to do here.
They want to bankrupt our economy here in the United States and then come with the universal coin, universal money, international money.
Chuck, in closing, let me ask you this.
I've had a lot of national media here the last week, and I play them clips of the head of the EU, head of the UN calling for global government, Al Gore, I give them the treaty, the Copenhagen Treaty that states global government, a 2% tax on everything, which they're now promoting, Pelosi and others are, all these other taxes, and they tell me it doesn't exist.
That's a mind game, isn't it, where they just... It's all a mind game, Alex.
It's all a mind game.
You know, they're saying, well, we want to help the poor countries.
We have poor people in our own country.
You know, a lot of our kids are inner-city kids.
You know, they won't have a Christmas this year because they have no money.
And the thing is, why aren't we helping the poor in our own country?
And helping them be able to enjoy the luxuries of what we have in this country.
This is what irritates the economy.
It's all the money we send overseas, trying to help them out, and they don't even appreciate it.
Let's give it to the people in our own country.
Well, I agree, Chuck Norris, but... But, Chuck, it's worse.
The eugenicists, the White House science czar, they say the carbon taxes are about starving the third world.
These carbon cuts in the treaty will just kill millions of starvation a year, conservatively.
Well, you know, I just believe charity begins at home.
I just hope the people see what is going on and just not sit home and say, well, whatever happens will happen.
It's not the way it should be.
I'm very concerned about it.
It's almost like, if you do it, I'll do it.
No, you do it first, and then I'll do it.
You know, it's like... Nobody... Everybody wants... No one will step up unless someone else does.
But I really believe that we, the United States, have to start leading by example.
We do, we do.
Chuck Norris.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Hello, this is Alex Jones with some important questions.
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We don't know.
How much do you want?
All you can get.
I'm Alex Jones.
We're good to go.
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Okay, finishing up with the legend Chuck Norris.
There's few people we can say really are a legend.
The best-selling book is the official Chuck Norris fact book.
You can get it for $12.99 at Amazon.com or even less.
Great stocking stuffer.
And all the proceeds of that go to a really good cause.
And that, of course, is the Kickstart
I think so.
Obama, you talk about him wanting a dictatorship.
Clearly, they are setting one up.
Clearly, he's setting up a domestic police force he's called for.
You talk about revolution.
How do we get the people to stand up and say no so it doesn't get to that point?
Well, the thing is, right now, leadership in our country is very scarce.
You know, I think two leaders that I look up to is Ron Paul and Mike Huckabee.
You know, and Mike Huckabee has a voice now on Fox, and it's really showing because the polls are saying that he is by far the leading candidate for the Republican ticket in 2012.
I really think, you know, being with Mike Huckabee for five months campaigning for him,
I saw him as a man of integrity and honesty and really a very intelligent man.
And he, you know, on that tour he never had a teleprompter.
He never had anything.
He talked right from his heart, Alex.
And that was very impressive.
I saw the media confronting him with that made-up thing about that nut that the parole board said let out.
And he was just so slick talking.
Yeah, the thing is, I mean, as he explained, that was ten years ago.
Uh, the kid was 16 years old, and all he committed was burglary.
You know?
He didn't, he didn't assault anyone, he didn't kill anyone.
It was strictly a burglary.
Well, it does show the media is scared of Huckabee, that's why they... Oh, they're scared of him.
They're scared of him.
And, uh, you know, but the guy did fall between the cracks because those judges in Washington let him out after he'd committed those heinous crimes.
And that was where the failure was in Washington.
Well, Chuck, we're going to let you go because I know you've got a newspaper interview coming up.
But on the subject of Huckabee, he has been coming out now and talking about the New World Order.
He said it's a bad thing.
And I think it's becoming more acceptable now to tell the truth about the U.N.
and the globalists and George Soros thanks to you and others speaking out.
But I have no doubt that we're going to defeat the New World Order having Chuck Norris on our side.
Well, we're going to survive three more years, Alex.
And then we're going to have Mike Huckabee as President and Ron Paul as Secretary of the Treasury.
And that way we'll keep things honest in our country.
Thank you so much, Chuck Norris, for joining us.
We'll talk to you next year.
Okay, buddy.
God bless.
Okay, there goes Chuck Norris.
Take care, sir.
Well, that was a fun interview with Chuck Norris.
What about a Huckabee-Ron Paul ticket?
Look, Huckabee's not perfect, but compared to George Bush and Barack Obama, my gosh, anything's good!
Oh, my gosh.
You know, I'm just glad that Chuck Norris is going around speaking out against the New World Order.
He's going on national TV, and when Sean Hannity said, oh, well, Ron Paul's a kook, Ron Paul's a nut, he said, well, good, I'm a nut, too.
I like him.
You know, he didn't betray him.
Wasn't a doubting Thomas.
He didn't throw Ron Paul under the bus.
Chuck Norris has come a long way waking up to the New World Order.
Just like Jesse Ventura has come a long way.
Talking to Chuck Norris, he talked about how over 10 years ago he heard my show and liked it in Texas.
Chuck knows a lot more than he's letting on.
I'll tell you that.
He's certainly coming along, not just in his knowledge, but what he's willing to talk about.
But he certainly does like Mike Huckabee.
So, that was an interesting interview with him.
You know, I was about to ask him about Glenn Beck, who he goes on his show and is friendly with.
Glenn Beck, calling for a value-added tax.
Glenn Beck, calling for a value-added tax.
That's exactly what the Copenhagen Global Government Treaty that will be paid directly to the IMF and World Bank.
We now have the treaty.
It's on record, Associated Press, London Guardian, that IMF World Bank will run the treaty and so developing countries boycott UN climate talks because the UN is to lose its power.
The UN never had any power.
It was always a front for banks.
It was a debating society to get all the third world countries together so they could be bought off and paid off.
Guys, will you pull up again the clip of Bill O'Reilly
This is Bill O'Reilly and Glenn Beck talking about how they want national sales taxes and value-added taxes.
Over a decade, I've told you, because I read the official government plans, the Council on Foreign Relations publications, you're going to have a national sales tax that is graduated.
So it's fair.
Some will be exempt.
But there's going to be fraud with people buying black market.
So you're going to have to thumbprint and swipe a card to buy and sell.
That will also be your carbon tax credit.
I've told you that for more than a decade.
Because I'm reading directly from the CFR and Rand Corporation and others plans.
I haven't.
Forgotten more than I know.
Forgotten more than most people know.
It's that I've... I read this Rand Corporation plan about federalizing all police and putting federal death squads on the streets.
And ten years from now, it will just be knowledge that I have.
And I'll have to reach back into my memory to even remember where I got it.
They write about what's already been covertly set up here.
But the issue here is, people ask why I don't like Glenn Beck.
Because the establishment is keeping their friends close, their enemies closer.
At key points, Beck attacks Ron Paul.
At key points, he says there are no FEMA camps.
At key points, he says the MIAC, Homeland Security, reports saying veterans and gun owners are terrorists.
Might be reasonable.
At key points, he gets your confidence and then he sabotages.
And when I saw Nancy Pelosi last week,
Many see VAT option as cure for runaway deficits.
Give me a close shot of this, please.
This is the Gainesville Sun, and you can look up all these other Republicans and Democrats saying, oh yes, the way to get us out of this deficit is more taxes.
The average federal employee's money's gone up.
The government tripled under Bush, has more than tripled in the first year under Obama.
They want to destroy the economy.
As Chuck Norris just said, I have their own documents.
I just read to you what Maury Strong said.
But here's Nancy Pelosi calling for it.
Now in this seven minute clip, I don't have time to play the whole thing.
You can go watch it at InfoWars.com if you want.
And the article Kurt Nemo wrote, Beck O'Reilly called for more taxation.
They start talking about, oh, the liberals don't like you.
Oh, I'm proposing taxes.
Oh, I wonder why the liberals had you on ABC.
And it's all about the celebrity of Beck and how much these two egomaniacs on TV together.
And I just can't understand how they completely sell their souls out for money and power.
There's nothing wrong with money and power if you got it through telling the truth, doing the right thing, and not being an evil person.
But it's not what...
You're supposed to worship and do anything for.
I mean, Glenn Beck and O'Reilly with the words they use and the terms they use about tightening our belts and discipline.
Discipline is giving the government more taxes.
Officially setting up a federal and value-added tax over everything.
Federal inspectors in more of your lives.
Two more IRS's.
And then, I said last week, I said, watch, you're gonna watch value-added and sales taxes proposed during a financial crisis in the next year.
And because I read it in the treaty.
What you read in a U.N.
treaty is what happens, Jack.
Even if the Senate doesn't ratify it, by fiat, they will pass all the tax laws to get in line with it, all the laws piecemeal to get like an erector set or Legos.
They will put it all together in pieces,
And what is in the treaty?
A value-added tax of 2%.
What did Lord Monckton tell you last week?
What did I read out of the treaty here on air?
Here it is.
Here's the treaty.
What does it have?
A 2% flat tax on all air travel.
A 30% tax on all coal.
A 2% value-added right off the top of the GDP.
It's all in the Framework Convention on Climate Change, which is a convention, like the Continental Convention, like the Constitution.
This is their global government total takeover.
They've built the platform, they've got the rocket fueled, they're launching the rocket.
They're launching the New World Order right now.
The greatest time to ever be alive, folks, because these people are eugenicists.
They want to cut your resources off so they can socially engineer you and take your kids.
Chuck Norris has finally gotten it.
He understands it's about taking your kids.
It's about the state ending the family.
Folks, the Illuminati during the French Revolution, this is on record, tried to go to a 10-day work week.
10 days out of the week.
What was it like?
Nine months out of the year.
They tried to abolish the family.
It failed.
China tried that.
These people are the same group, ladies and gentlemen.
It's real.
You better wake up.
They mean business.
You expect me to talk?
No, Mr. Bond, I expect you to die.
They want you dead.
You understand that?
They want your family broken up.
That's why they give men ridiculous expectations, women ridiculous expectations.
Everybody thinks they're supposed to be a movie star.
Everybody feels inadequate because they never became movie stars.
Madison Avenue first makes you feel weak.
And insecure than they can sell you with what will supposedly fulfill you.
When the truth is, I've been in big movies with big movie stars.
The truth is, I've hung out with people you wouldn't believe.
The truth is, I've seen things you wouldn't believe.
The truth is, because I took action against the New World Order, and most people were too timid to do it, it's taken me to very high mountains.
I've been taken up to the mountain and offered great power by the system.
But because I was offered the great power, I realized it was crap!
It meant nothing!
It means nothing!
Money means something if your car isn't running and you can't feed your family.
It's very important up to that point.
Once you're comfortable... Let me tell everybody out there...
The yuppies who think they need more, more, more, that they'd be fulfilled if they had the newest iPod, or if they had the newest car, it means nothing.
What matters is that you're an honorable person, and that you help other people, and that you understand you're part of the species and part of a continuum.
And that there's evil that has to be faced.
That's what will fulfill you.
You're not fulfilled because you aren't tuned into reality.
Your subconscious mind is hundreds of times more powerful than your conscious mind.
Your subconscious mind knows everything that's going on.
Everyone is a genius, but they can't focus it through their conscious lens.
Hundreds of times stronger.
You don't have access to that.
You haven't trained yourself to have access to discernment, to understanding.
And so your subconscious mind is telling you, I'm not happy.
I don't like this.
You may be in a $5 million mansion.
You may have the hottest 25-year-old trophy wife prancing in on her high heels shoes.
You're not happy.
You know why you're not happy?
Why isn't Tiger Woods happy?
Why aren't all these sports people and movie stars not happy?
Because they're not truly serving humanity.
Now the globalists know how to create counterfeits of serving.
For the carbon tax, let's help the third world with all the well-meaning hippies, when it's actually meant to kill the third world.
Of course you hide killing the third world, starving them out under siege.
By saying, that's warfare!
The opposite of what it really is.
You're killing them, you say you're saving them.
To get all the well-meaning people to serve them.
And that's the true essence of evil, is getting good to serve you.
Get sophisticated, get serious.
I've said enough.
I'm ranting.
Just listen.
I don't hate Glenn Beck.
When I assess him, he looks like a completely mentally ill person.
He looks completely screwed up.
His eyes, he looks completely weak, completely powerless, very effeminate, but not that effeminate is bad in a woman.
It's that male effeminate behavior.
He just reeks disingenuousness.
And, my God, how can people not see this man as a complete fraud?
Not just by his wreaking evil.
I mean, he is like a horrible goblin that sits on the left knee of Satan.
I mean, he just comes off... My God, how can people not... I mean, say that with Bill O'Reilly.
I mean, just an absolutely evil, swollen up, worldly person.
Having discernment, it's like radar beams.
I can just look right through them.
And I don't know how other people can't see this.
And yes, I see how weak and bad I am.
Don't worry.
But we're all weak and bad.
We're also all incredibly strong and wondrous.
It's that I can see in me what's bad.
And I'm ashamed of it.
These guys, their greatest possession is their worldliness.
And here he is!
In a false, they know the mind likes to have a choice, so they give you a choice, sales tax or value-added.
Then they talk about liberals persecuting him after.
So people sit there conservative, feeling like they're part of a club with O'Reilly and Beck.
I mean, and they're like egomaniacs sparring with each other over, oh, you're stealing my stuff, when it's on record that Beck takes what we do and then tries to mimic it, only to fool the public that's waking up.
I mean, it's just horrible.
Here is Glenn Beck calling for taxes.
Fox News commentator Glenn Beck, chosen by Barbara Walters as one of the most fascinating people in 2009.
I mean, how is this news?
You're not kidding.
With us, Mr. Fascination himself, Glenn Beck.
What's not fascinating about me?
We'll get to that in a moment, and it's a travesty of a mockery of a sham, as we all know.
That's a serious question.
Last night, I know you watch the Factor every night.
So you can steal material.
Oh my gosh.
And I said that economically, we can bring the country back, but you have to do some discipline.
You have to freeze spending.
You have to have a national sales tax.
Oh yeah, hit pause.
What did you think about it?
Oh yeah, they're gonna freeze spending.
And cows jump over the moon.
Bush tripled it, Obama more than quadrupled in the first eight months.
Eight months in, he's spent more money than all presidents before him back to George Washington.
Folks, they've decided to bring the country down, to rape it dry.
Do you get that?
All that's going to be left is SWAT teams as a rearguard action.
Do you understand?
Listen, back it up a little.
People say I edited it.
He's asked, oh, I want a national sales tax.
And then Beck says, oh, no, I want a value-added tax.
I mean, ladies and gentlemen, not just raising taxes, they want tracking taxes.
They want IRS and Homeland Security in all your businesses.
You think the IRS is bad?
A national sales tax is a million times worse.
Oh, but it's been sold for 20 years by fake conservative groups as a replacement for the income tax.
They're not getting rid of the income tax.
They're going to give you a carbon tax sales tax to track everything you're doing, fools.
This is the carbon tax.
And a value added on the GDP.
It's in the treaty!
I don't care if Neil Bortz on their payroll for 10 years has taught you to love it every day.
I'm gonna come back and play the clip.
It's the watching you get conned.
It's the watching you get manipulated.
Why are you so gullible?
This isn't hard to figure out.
What's so wrong with stupid liberals?
What's so wrong with stupid conservatives?
You're not conservative, you're not liberal.
You're Kool-Aid drinking, mainstream media morons.
Wake up, man!
There isn't any more time!
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So, if you want a national sales tax and a value-added tax, notice all you conservatives got fooled for the last decade, plus being taught, we gotta have a sales tax, fair tax, flat tax!
And I would explain to you on air, no, they're going to bait and switch during an economic crisis and give you those taxes on top of the income tax.
And it's going to be a national carbon tax.
And it's going to track everywhere you go and what you do.
Shut up, communist!
I like being conned!
And now, oh, your two icons, Bill O'Reilly, Bill O, and Glenn B,
Baby Beeb, he's up there, he's gonna save you.
And then they go into how the liberals are attacking them.
See, let me tell you how you're conservative, you raise taxes.
Absolutely, that's incredibly conservative, Glenn.
Yeah, we shouldn't cut the government, it's doubling or more every year.
Yeah, no, let's just raise taxes!
Well, of course they are!
That's their job, is to be absurd.
Glenn Beck is meant to come off disingenuous and slimy to everyone out there, to demonize the patriot movement.
Again, with patriots like Glenn Beck, who needs Mao Zedong?
With libertarians like Glenn Beck, who needs Joseph Stalin?
Let's go ahead and go back to Beck and O'Reilly, just two of the slimiest fake pundits out there together.
I made some notes.
I actually agree with you.
Except, I believe it should be a VAT tax.
2% VAT.
Value-added tax.
No more than 2%.
What's the difference between a sales tax and a value-added tax?
A value-added tax goes through absolutely everything.
So it hits 2% on every piece.
You make a car, somebody's making the radio, 2%.
So it hits all the way along the line.
It's an extraordinary amount of money.
We'll always pass it on to the folks, which is why I like the sales tax better.
Well, hang on just a second.
But if you have a 2% VAT, you can pay things down awfully darn quickly.
That's right.
What I want is, this is the part of the notes, I want a 2% VAT, it goes directly to the deficit, no more than 10 years.
Directly to the deficit.
Just like 2% VAT, the Copenhagen
That goes directly to the deficit.
In fact, here's the PrisonPlanet.com article from last Friday before that was broadcast.
What's in the treaty?
2% tax, a value-added tax on the entire GDP.
You just watch!
That pass and that happened.
You just watched Glenn Beck openly in front of you propose what's in the treaty.
Just magically, just exactly what they're calling for.
You would never expect it and now you will fight for it.
Because Glenn Beck, the one you trust, the one that'll talk about the New World Order, told you so.
And he'll also tell you there's no FEMA camps even when it's in the Wall Street Journal and Houston Chronicle.
He'll tell you everything's fine and Ron Paul supporters are dangerous.
When Ron Paul has a chance of winning, then say he's best friends with Ron Paul later to get your confidence to make sure in 2011, 2012 Ron Paul gets sabotaged.
Benedict Arnold, the number one general of the war.
The most winningest general against the British.
And he was a British agent the entire time.
And let me tell you something.
If you don't know that Glenn Beck is knowingly New World Order, you need to have your head examined.
But there he is!
And O'Reilly, he's got the sales tax.
Don't worry.
Don't argue, boys.
We're gonna get both of them!
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Christopher Horner, who's been covering Copenhagen, will join us in the next segment to give us the latest on what's happening with the establishment of a planetary dictatorship.
He'll be with us for 30 minutes, then we're gonna open the phones up after he leaves us.
Phones aren't open quite yet.
Let's start your engines.
Hard to believe two hours has already passed.
These shows just blast past us.
Chuck Norris was on with us for about 35-40 minutes earlier in the last hour.
That was certainly interesting and informative.
He says Obama wants to be a dictator.
And a whole bunch of other amazing things that the state does want to take your children and does want to bankrupt your society by design.
Ron Paul said last Friday the healthcare bill is going to pass.
I tend to agree with him.
I wonder if I'll see some headlines at Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com on that front.
I've been really marveling over Glenn Beck.
And O'Reilly debating whether we need a national sales tax or value-added tax to pay off the bankers.
And he said, don't worry, every cent will go to pay down the debt.
That's right, none of it goes to you, the people that pay for the socialism, because it's not socialism, it's pure robbery.
You just pay massive taxes and they all go to offshore banks.
Well, you laughed at third-world countries.
Why shouldn't you live like someone in a third-world nation, raped and robbed by the IMF and World Bank?
That is now happening.
That is now happening right now, ladies and gentlemen.
Now, before I go any further, because it is the season, it is the season to wake somebody up and also support this radio show, we've got combo deals where you order one of my films, you can get another film free, like Endgame Blueprint for Global Enslavement, Reflections and Warnings with Aaron Russo.
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We'll be right back.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Christopher Horner, over a year ago, wrote the book, Red Hot Lies, How Global Warming Alarmists Use Threats, Fraud, and Deception to Keep You Misinformed.
See, this isn't new fraud, the climate gate.
It just confirms that it's conscious.
I mean, here's an example.
They'll show you the last 50 years of warming and have the hockey stick only showing a small part of it to make it look like it's going up.
But when you pull back, you find out it's hardly a rise compared to what's happened in previous centuries.
And they know this.
And they know polar bears can swim and they lie about that because they look cute and cuddly and they can scare kids saying that penguins can't swim.
And they've been caught in a lot of other fraud.
So we have the expert, who's been to six of these globalist, global government, global taxation meetings.
And he's Christopher Horner, Red Hot Lies, How Global Warming Alarm Issues Threats, Fraud, and Deception to Keep You Misinformed, Regnery, 2008.
And he also wrote The Politically Incorrect Guide to Global Warming, 2007, New York Times Best Seller.
So this is the kind of guy we like.
Somebody who was devastatingly accurate even before the latest information came out.
So we're going to talk about the constitutional crisis, we're going to talk about Obama saying
I don't care.
I'm going to ram this.
Even if Congress doesn't go with this treaty, I'm going to have the EPA order it.
I mean, as if he's Hitler or Joe Stalin.
We now have the internal treaty that says the third world actually has to make double the cuts, which will actually destroy their economy.
They suckered the third world into getting behind it, believing they were going to get some goodies.
Now they find out it's really about the IMF and World Bank further looting them.
So we'll get his take on that as well.
Christopher Horner, let's talk about what's currently happening and where you see this process going.
And then let's talk about the fraud of these individuals.
Well, on the international stage, Alex, it's going as expected.
They have kicked any treaty or something that might be a treaty into next year, and Copenhagen will result in an historic agreement to meet again in Mexico City next year, which is how these have all turned out year after year, which is why I've stopped going.
And this actually was supposed to be a treaty-producing conference, but months ago we realized it was not going to be so.
Where at least this is, we'll get a promise of billions, we don't know how much, the demand is over a hundred billion dollars a year just from us, and the offer on the table is something under ten billion a year from us, which is ten too many, they're even talking about three, to upgrade the infrastructures of countries to better compete with us.
As we fund that upgrade through forcing our energy users to buy ration coupons, or what they're calling allowances, to use fossil fuels, hydrocarbon energy here,
Further shackling our economies.
It's proceeding in the wrong direction, but at least it's going slowly.
Let me tell you what Mexico City is now.
The Copenhagen discussion that we had all this build-up for, has now been kicked into next December, November, in Mexico City.
November 8th is when it begins.
Imagine the build-up for this conference next year, when our elections are on November 2nd next year.
Which means every Senate race has to have both candidates answer the question, will you vote to ratify Kyoto 2?
Every single race has to confront that question.
Every single house race must have both candidates confront the question, would you vote up or down?
Tell EPA they can't do this on their own.
So we've got the international track.
It's being delayed.
We've got the domestic cap and trade that's being delayed.
That's good.
The more sunshine that gets on this stuff and disinfect it, the more people see it, the more outrage they get.
Well, Chris, let's not just glaze over the bombshell, because I should have asked.
You are one of the leading experts, not just on the fraud of man-made global warming, or change as they call it, when we've had climate change for four billion years.
You're one of the leading experts on the politics of this as well.
So, I mean, you've been fighting this for decades.
Specifically, you just said that Copenhagen is derailed.
What I'm saying is, you're going to see a lot of press releases.
You do every December.
It's going to be a historic agreement to meet again next year.
That's what every year has produced.
Every conference.
As I said, I went to a bunch of them and they became very tiresome.
They have my picture up on the wall as a climate criminal.
They have the hippies following me around with cameras and everything else, stealing my trash.
It really isn't worth going for them to emerge at the last hour with tears in their eyes, waving around a piece of paper declaring green peace in our time, and it's just a piece of paper admitting that they will do nothing more than agree to agree next year.
Now, that's a big deal because it makes it 2010, the year of Kyoto 2.
2010, the year of Capitrate.
There's no reason, except Republicans are very
Yeah, let's list them.
Let's list who's... We got Graham doing it.
We have out of office the globalist Newt Gingrich.
Who are the Republicans supporting this treason?
Well, there was this guy Mike Castle in Delaware who's now running for the Senate seat.
Then we've got, you can see a great town hall meeting where he gets his head handed to him by a bunch of Delawareans who do not, blue hands I guess is what you call them, I don't know what their name is, who did not care for this.
I mean it was a wonderful moment, the look in his eye.
He's had the easiest job in the world until they started paying attention and he voted for one too many tax increases, this being the biggest tax increase, cap and trade, in American history.
Then you've got this guy Mark Kirk who's running for the Senate to replace this Roland Burr as Barack Obama's old seat.
He's a Republican from the North Shore who said, well, I voted in favor of cap-and-trade because it satisfies the narrow parochial interests of my wealthy district, but I would vote to represent the whole state of Illinois.
Well, I can't respect that kind of dance.
That's just insulting and, you know, I don't know why that's any better than a liberal who's going to vote that way anyway.
So is he, apparently.
There were six other Republicans.
There's a guy, Leonard Lance in New Jersey, who put on his website, excuse me, some people put up on their website his constituent mail.
In which he boasts, oh hey, don't worry, this is actually a wealth transfer from most of the rest of the country to the coastal elites.
He said it moves money from Ohio and Pennsylvania and Missouri out to New Jersey and California.
It does.
So we've got people who, frankly, you know, I won't miss them.
Well, they're pirates, but there's also some other people in the Republican leadership supporting it.
Well, Lindsey Graham is the only, well, okay, here's our problem in the Republican Senate.
Lindsey Graham is, according to people in South Carolina, vying to be the Secretary of Defense because Robert Gates is on his way out.
And to do so, he's ingratiating himself with the Obama administration by pushing Kevin Trey as a bit of a proxy for John McCain, who even this time is not supporting it.
I say yet, but at least he's not supporting it.
So Graham's working with John Kerry and Joe Lieberman to find tripartisanship on this, but Graham brings no one with him.
And he's considering himself not even running for re-election.
As I understand it, could be wrong.
The guy I'm more upset about is Judd Gregg, who's done nothing publicly, but quietly, from Senate sources I understand, is making noises about wanting bipartisanship uber all of it.
It's more important that we find bipartisanship than what really is in the bill.
You know, we're seeing that... The country is plunging into a double-dip recession, into possible depression.
And we've got a globalist world government agreement according to Ban Ki-moon and Herman Van Rompuy, the head of the EU.
It openly gives 2% taxes on GDP, taxes to foreign banks, IMF World Bank to run it, a global UN authority over air travel.
This will annihilate our economy and we've got senators who are for it because it's a new tax.
Yeah, we've got people who really, they've been there too long.
Judge Gregg's retiring, and he's generally a decent, as far as these things go, member of the Senate, but he thinks that bipartisanship before he leaves is very important.
I disagree.
This is the biggest tax increase in American history.
The President said that the purpose of it was to cause your energy prices to, quote, necessarily skyrocket.
That's not a side effect they're working on.
It's the point.
He's admitted this.
Well what about Maurice Strong's quote in 1992 about it's our job to destroy the industrial society?
Maury Strong, you know, that was his fantasy of a novel character, but that's actually how he feels.
I've testified next to him in the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and you never know.
I mean, he's this very unassuming looking man who holds these terrible anti-population, anti-growth, anti-development views that are pervasive among the people pushing this energy rationing scheme.
Isn't this really all about eugenics at the bottom line?
A bunch of control freaks want to be able to decide literally what you eat and what you do and how many kids you have.
All about, no, but I will say this, the population zealots, the pro-state, the pro-tax, the anti-growth, the anti-development, anti-property rights, the persistent communists, the fallen communists, they're all on this.
So I can't say it's all about that.
The global governance types love it.
There's a bunch of rent-seekers, GE, Duke Energy, Exelon, they're all looking to pick your pockets in the name of
No, no, I understand there's a giant ship of pirates, but at its core, from my research, the rationale of the big elites supporting it is we've got to cut off people's energy.
I mean, look at the Communist Chinese last week saying, we'll sign on to this if you have a global one-child policy.
In fact, China even, I think it was a year, no, two years ago in Bangkok at one of these negotiations,
I think.
I don't know.
Oh, is that how you woke up, Christopher?
They told me that I was Director of Federal Government Relations for Enron for about three weeks, and they told me to do this, and I told them to do something else, and I reported ways.
But yeah, that was my eye-opening experience.
I wasn't aware that these things actually went on, believe it or not.
Wow, you're an amazing guest.
I'm really impressed.
I mean, when we get back, I want to talk about Red Hot Lies and how you pegged them as how the alarm issues threats, fraud, and deception to keep you misinformed.
I mean, you knew a year and a half ago when you were writing this, it's been out for a year, that this is a group who knowingly are engaged in fraud.
So let's look at the scientists themselves then.
You talk about GE and big banks and big corporations wanting it to pick pockets.
You talk about the UN wanting it.
You talk about the no-growthers, the eugenicists wanting it.
But who are these scientists then?
I mean, last week we got a UN document.
From years ago where they were directing the scientists to unify the fraud along collectivism.
Amazing to have Christopher Horner on with us.
I didn't read through his whole bio.
It's quite amazing.
And we'll be right back on the other side of this.
Quick break.
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Our guest is a pretty heavy hitter, big lawyer for Enron, testifies before Congress, best-selling author, Christopher Horner, red-hot lies, global warming alarmists, use threats, fraud, and deception to keep you misinformed.
He'll be with us till 50 after.
He was just telling me about...
I was discussing somebody who remained nameless who used to be with an oil company who's now
Pushing the global warming agenda, a very nice guy, I've debated him on several occasions, but very wrong on the issues, and I don't understand where he's coming from.
But anyway, he told me he met with one of the deep pockets for this, and you mentioned them, funding the alarmist activities, and that they said, you know, gore's killing us, and we've got to get around him.
And I told him, how do you get around the guy who's bragging he got $300 million from someone to rebrand global warming into climate crisis?
He really does radiate
A type of demonic nelliness.
I don't know how to describe it, but everyone I know just cringes when they see him on television.
Just the arrogant, almost lizard-like look on his face.
Here's the thing.
He, scripted, tries to navigate the waters of dishonesty with word choice and things like this.
He's clearly read the UK High Court opinion, which threw out every claim.
And then when he's unscripted, on the rare moment, he's challenged.
We're good to go.
I think he's a wonderful face for their movement.
I can't think of... I really thought he was the gift that keeps on giving.
Keep him out there.
Whoever gave him $300 million, and I don't know if you saw the 60 Minutes piece, but he's there, and Steve Kroft actually asked him when Gore was bragging about this $300 million he got.
And remember, Al Gore says, where you get your money dictates your motivations and your opinions.
And if you got a bunch of money from anybody, you sold out.
So I just want to know, since he's set the rules.
So Steve Kroft on 60 Minutes actually asks him, where'd you get it?
And Gore freezes.
And he freezes.
And Krofft just waits for an answer and his wife takes Al's arm and says, Al, I'll handle this.
Steve, we donated our Nobel Prize money and matched it.
And Krofft accepted that and moved on without realizing that left him $298.6 million short of $300 million.
And Gore has told us, who sees this as such a profitable investment to give you that kind of money?
We know it's Soros and we know it's
The guys at Kleiner Perkins, his venture capital partners, who sink their money in these white elephants.
That's right.
He'll give the chicken feed $500,000 prize or a million bucks from a book, but he's keeping the blood and gore consortium.
He's going to make the money.
He's keeping his stock in Occidental Petroleum.
He's keeping all the profits from the system he's setting up that he and people like
Well, the thing is, he gets away by saying, you know, I didn't know you were against capitalism and to believe that I'm doing this for money, you don't know me.
But it's true, he could be a true believer, except, like I say, occasionally he speaks in such careful language that he knows what he's talking about.
Well, why does he have a 20-room mansion if he really believes carbon dioxide is a nerve gas that is used to, you know, kill enemy troops?
I mean, if he really believes what plants breathe is like the most deadly VX nerve gas on Earth, why does he have a building emitting so much nerve gas?
That's actually not just positive to my mind.
There are people like him who may not, I mean, either, I understand, either Alex, he doesn't believe a word he says, which is possible, or he believes there are different rules for different people and he's special.
And I get the feeling he's one of those.
But he's got four of these joints, okay?
And he lives the way that he cannot, he cannot possibly believe that buying a carbon offset credit from planting trees, which is an accounting gimmick giving you 80 years of life if the tree lives that long,
I don't know.
Well, what about Ted Turner?
He has five kids, more houses than anybody else in America, I read in People Magazine.
Literally, something like 50-something houses, 20-something jets, yachts everywhere.
But he says, I should only be able to have one child.
These guys know they're frauds.
They just cold-bloodedly want our resources.
And they know we're well-meaning and may be conned and say, OK, I guess rape me.
Take everything I got if it's for the Earth.
Ted Turner's right.
That's right, you little...
Give me everything you got.
Stay there.
Long segment coming up with Christopher Horner.
We'll talk about the fraud he covers in his book, Red Hot Lies, how global warming alarm issues threats fraud deception to keep you misinformed.
We'll be right back.
I'm Alex Jones.
My websites are InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Stay with us.
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We are back live, ladies and gentlemen.
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Okay, Christopher, continuing.
One segment left with you.
I definitely want to have you back up soon.
Very impressive discussions.
You also talk about the harassment you've gone through with Greenpeace and other eugenicists.
But before we go there, let's go over their lies, their scientific fraud, the premeditated fact.
These aren't tree-hugging idiots who are just making mistakes.
They know what they're doing.
With this climate gate, you can tell by the effort being expended to diminish its importance.
This is more than a thousand emails, but it's not just the email.
It's computer code, annotations to the code, and documents.
The pointy heads are still going through to figure out what's in there.
They were not hackers stolen, as far as we can tell.
They were leaked by an apparent whistleblower.
They were not personal emails.
All of these things the media are telling you to distract you aren't true, because this is devastating.
What it does is it affirms in the principal's own words what I wrote in this stupid science tricks chapter of Red Hot Lies.
I named these guys by name, and I described what they were doing.
There are more, and there are more people involved here.
It's a fairly broad movement, but this is at the upper echelon of the highest compensated levels of climate science.
I think so.
It's a pretty good proxy for precipitation, but they're using it as a thermometer.
And then they put on thermometer measurements because the tree rings show a cooling.
Well, the thermometer measurements, which, as I show in Red Hot Lives, are increasingly taken over barbecue grills in Hopkinsville, Kentucky, Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport runway, when a Tucson parking lot, when he used to be out in the field.
I mean, they're playing games with the data as well out of NASA, which is why we've got a notice of intent to sue them, by the way.
Uh, and they're graphing A onto B in order to present the picture that they admit in their emails.
They need to be true.
They want to be true.
Has to be true.
Some of them say, we know it's true even though we can't see it.
And these are, these are the lead, this was an IPCC UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change lead author.
This guy named Kevin Trenberth said in two of the emails, it's a travesty that he can't find the global warming that he knows is there, because his heart tells him so, his computer models tell him so, but our lying eyes don't tell him so, and that's a travesty, he says.
We need to go out and get better measurements.
We have caught them, for example, this summer, our National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, which presently is in Copenhagen right now, with a big reception room.
With moving visuals, I read, about melting glaciers and so on.
You're paying for this.
This summer, in order to make its claims of temperatures going up, up, up, just slowly backed out of their calculations.
They dropped the satellite measures, measurements of the ocean temperatures.
Well, the oceans are cooling.
The computer models all say the oceans are warming.
The oceans cover two-thirds of the Earth's surface.
If you include ocean cooling, they've got a problem.
So what did they do?
They said, we know it's warming.
So there must be a bias that the satellite temperatures must be wrong.
There's something wrong with our observations.
Who are you going to believe, my computer model or your lying eyes?
And so on and so on and so on.
And I detail these tricks in Red Hot Lies.
The principals have now detailed them in their own words in these emails, computer codes, and so on, talking about tricks to hide the decline in temperature, putting in an all capitals that says, Insert Very Artificial Decline Here.
All sorts of other claims in which they're admitting they know exactly what they're doing.
They use the words fudge and so on, fudge factors for their data to get the desired results.
And now the controlled corporate media is teaching us, hide the decline, fudge, that doesn't mean what you think anymore.
That means save the polar bears.
And you've also got statements like, this is just horrible!
We can't account for the decline in temperatures!
How do we hide it?
I mean, it's so clear, and then they're persecuting other scientists, and working with government, colluding.
Oh, after I explained it to the government, they're not going to release it, now that they know what type of people these are.
One of the heads of the U.N.
propaganda got questioned by a filmmaker Friday in Copenhagen.
It's up on Infowars.com.
We'll play the video later, folks.
And it's a press conference.
He gets up to ask the question.
And the guy says, oh, I don't talk about things that come from people that are this immoral.
This comes from immoral people.
And these are private emails.
And he has armed, armed guard come in and start grabbing them and dragging them out.
I mean, these people are authoritarian, very authoritarian.
Let me tell you something.
I've got a chapter read, I quote these people all over the place, openly wistful about, oh, if we only had an enlightened totalitarian system like China, we could get this agenda in place.
The argument is now out in the open.
I believe it's Tom Friedman at the New York Times has been recently making it.
Oh, if only we had that system.
We need to suspend certain liberties, just certain liberties, and just for a little while, because democracy, they say, is getting in the way, and people who we have been unable to convince them to do what's in their own self-interest, we're going to have to make it happen somehow.
And I quote them throughout that chapter.
They really are getting
Unabashed about this, because no one's calling them on it, and instead, as you pointed out, the media are covering for them.
I mean, thrown in, full-out advocates, participants in the global warming industry.
They've always been sensationalists.
But this goes far beyond that, and I detail that in, in fact, the opening chapter.
So, none of what's come out recently are revelations.
They're all affirmations.
By the way, there was not one personal email that we can find so far, yet they assigned that to everything.
They say it all shows science as it should be, and yet it's just terrible that these things got out and so on.
But the good news is, Christopher Horner, the public isn't buying the Associated Press and CNN telling us nothing to see here, move along.
I mean, do you agree that this is devastating?
Because all the fraud and all the exposés were building, and through the grassroots the people were learning.
And people were seeing Fortune 500 get behind it, and really, a backlash was already there, and then now you're going to tax what plants breathe?
And Al Gore making all this money?
I mean, is this not devastating them?
I truly believe it is, and again, their reaction tells quite a lot, and the length to which the media are going to stop their agenda from taking water is instructive.
Now, what are we going to see?
Well, the president is talking about, in fact, The Guardian has reported this.
I wrote an article in the March issue of what's called Engage, which is the Federalist Society's publication, detailing what's called a congressional executive agreement.
Which we have plenty of.
For example, NAFTA is a treaty that we decided was the treaty, and therefore you waive the Constitution's Article 2, Section 2 requirement of two-thirds ratification.
Two-thirds ratification will never happen for this.
So what the President, according to the Guardian now, the Old Red herself, the Guardian, has reported that the administration is briefing European diplomats, as I've also written, to prepare them for the prospect that we must have, we need to write this in a way that
And then on top of it, he's saying if you don't ratify it, I'm still going to implement it.
Yeah, that we've got the EPA trying.
Now, that doesn't satisfy the wealth transfer, and it doesn't bind us internationally.
However, you still can't possibly get to bury that in these enormous spending bills now.
Lately, more debt on my kids than theirs.
And EPA's threatening to do this.
Just so you know, nobody wants to take ownership of this hot potato.
They were furious that Bush wouldn't start this rulemaking after we lost that Supreme Court case, that he kicked it into this administration.
Now recently EPA has declared CO2 as a dangerous human health environment, to which I first say, try living without it.
But now they're going to say, we'll issue this finding, and it's being published tomorrow in the Federal Register.
And then they're going to try something unlawful, which is to say, do sort of a half-arsed maneuver with it, so that the Green Groups then march into court, and they and the courts get assigned responsibility for this.
In other words, they won't go all the way in implementing it, but they know that the Green Groups, under the Clean Air Act,
Sure, sure.
I mean, it's criminal.
It's by stealth.
It's creeping, like a spider creeping up your bed at night to bite you.
Look at Schwarzenegger.
He couldn't get the legislature to put a tax on TVs or ban big ones, so he just did it under the California Energy Agency.
Look at what's happening in Washington State, where employers tax you now off how you drive and they have to collect the money.
I mean, they're already implementing this everywhere.
We know under UNESCO, they're brainwashing kids in public school.
I mean, this is a criminal cult of pirates.
How do we ever
Extricate ourselves from them?
How do we ever remove them?
Hopefully some type of criminal charges against these different scientists engaged in fraud?
I mean, is there anything we can do to this gang of boobies?
Well, CEI, Competitive Enterprise Institute that I'm associated with, has petitioned EPA to reopen their record on the basis of the scandal that's been exposed, or I say, affirmed.
There are people looking into what are called key cam issues, where you essentially sue on behalf of the king and recover the king's treasure, because again, there's an intent to the fraud on the face of these emails and in the annotated computer code.
People are looking at RICO actions against these individuals because fraud could trigger that, and so on.
Whether I know that, I don't know.
There are attempts to whitewash at the various universities involved right now.
I've got a notice of intent to sue NASA by the end of the year.
It'll be January before I get around to it.
If they don't cough up their equivalent of this data in these emails, because I've been denied for more than two years, and I finally had enough when this thing broke.
And so we're going to have to use the courts just like they do.
Now, if we get involved in this treaty, it has a provision that has a three-year cooling-off period for getting out.
Which is three years to generate all sorts of... You saw what they did to the U.S.
under Bush.
Three years of generating intense diplomatic and political pressure against America to stay in an energy rationing and wealth transfer scheme.
So, you can't get into this mess.
Now, let me tell you something.
There's a three-legged stool they're pushing.
It's the Kyoto scheme, which on its face was not binding, but our courts might just implement it.
But with the Law of the Sea Treaty, which has a tribunal, which we will have to implement,
Uh, their rulings here.
Um, and we are supposedly going to ratify Obama's first term in office, in fact, next year.
And then the International Criminal Court, which we're told we're going to re-sign the Rome Statute, the treaty creating the International Criminal Court.
Well, you get those three, as he planned, and you've got a real, real terrifying, I mean, a serious problem.
You've got a very difficult problem to manage as a matter of law because our courts are increasingly radicalized, as you know, but increasingly international.
And the swing vote on this issue, quite clearly, is Justice Kennedy.
And he's on record saying we need to find out what those nice Europeans think our Constitution says before we, uh, implement it ourselves.
So we've got a problem.
You don't get involved in the treaties, but- America is being swallowed by an unelected private offshore corporate government, the New World Order.
Well, let's just say there are people who have us in their sights.
And they see us coming.
Let me tell you something.
Do you think Obama politically can afford to walk away from Copenhagen without some piece of paper in hand, even though it's going to be a transfer of wealth from here to there, politically, knowing how politics works and his base in the media?
So India and China and the rest of the world see him coming.
They know when he goes over there on Friday, he has to give them whatever they want, because he cannot leave empty-handed from Copenhagen in an embarrassment twice in one year in his first year in office.
So they see him coming.
We have an amateur,
But an amateur with all the wrong instincts and a very dangerous agenda.
And therefore, let me just say this, we're going to be as active as we possibly can be through the courts here, through CPI, with whatever our resources will allow.
And I'm hoping some private entities will stand up for once and stop trying to cut a deal.
That's another big point you made.
All these big corporations, if they're not behind the swindling, they've said, OK, I'll join you, just don't rape me.
And that's what the EPA said last week, as you know.
They said, look, all you big corporations get in line or we're going to selectively enforce.
I mean, they're literally like a mobster beating up the little grocery store owner.
When are we going to grow a backbone to these parasites and say no?
It's even worse than window insurance.
What they were saying was tapping the cage and saying, you better pay me to protect you from my lunatic friend here.
Be ashamed that this thing got out of the cage.
But the problem is, they also said it that day later, we plan on doing both.
No matter what you pass in Congress, we plan on trying to do what we can down to the Clean Air Act anyway.
Let me tell you about a provision in these two cap and trade bills real quickly.
They're 500 pages different in size, okay?
They're not the same bill.
But they have one provision that was identically drafted and buried in both.
And the Senate bill is called Section 707.
And what it says is,
Every law, every law in the United States Code shall, not may, shall be implemented by the President as a CO2 suppression law, a carbon dioxide suppression global warming law.
It's a carbon dictatorship!
That's the Department of Agriculture and Interior permitting, that's the tax code, that's the Endangered Species Act, it's everything.
There's no certainty for sale and these suckers in business who keep saying, well I just need certainty, I need to buy peace, I'm gonna super peace.
Good luck buddy, you are selling us all out thinking you're getting yourself a deal and you are not.
Yeah, there's no making a deal with these vampires.
I mean, this is a greedy... I mean, folks, I'm not trying to demonize them.
I've studied them.
These are really hellish, horrible control freaks.
I mean, at the end of the day, they aren't gonna stop, are they?
They want full and total control in the name of global warming.
But hey, Alex, we're saving the planet.
What about the children?
You wouldn't want to kill children, would you?
I mean, they've practiced their routine.
The problem is, certainty is not for sale.
And I've got all these businesses, I've had at least two CEOs say to me, well, Chris, I just need certainty.
And they don't get it.
Read the bill.
I know it's 1,300 pages long, but somebody has to.
Read the bill.
Certainty is not for sale.
You cannot sue for peace with these people.
The day it goes into effect, you know what they want.
And let me leave you with this.
Did you know that nothing ever proposed cap-and-trade legislation, Kyoto, would, according to anybody, under any scenario or set of assumptions, detectively impact the climate?
So it is not reasonable to conclude it's about the climate.
It's only reasonable to conclude it's about what it would do.
And you know what it would do.
But it's not about what it wouldn't do.
That's just not logical.
We've got to have you back up just to break down the legislation quickly in the last minute we've got.
Do you think that they're going to be able to ram through the cap-and-trade, I mean not the treaty, but the cap-and-trade bill that's passed the House?
They're trying to shake people down, as you described, with EPA.
I don't think folks are buying it.
I think there's a chance we'll get a one-line, the EPA Clean Air Act as written shall not be implemented this way, but the Dems will fight that tooth and nail.
So the long answer is to add that to no, but it will not be without a struggle in the spring.
They're going to try to slip it in, because you don't pass the biggest tax increase in American history late in an even number, meaning election year.
I think so, because you can't tell people the sky constantly is falling when the beaches in the sky are just where we left them.
He's the author of Red Hot Lies, Global Warming, Alarm Issues, Threats, Fraud, Deception.
To keep you misinformed, he's Christopher Horner and a CEI, Competitive Enterprise Institute is the organization.
I look forward to talking to you again in the future.
Very impressive.
Thank you, Alex.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
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As we're finishing off this agenda...
They'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
I have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
For the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation, the criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty and on its ashes constructing world government.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com.
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I really should have introduced Christopher Horner better.
Horner has represented CEI as well as scientists and members of the U.S.
House and Senate on matters of environmental policy in the federal courts, including the Supreme Court.
And he writes for the U.S.
Law Review, you name it.
He really is a top lawyer on all this.
He was telling me off-air how the environmentalists attack his house and break into his stuff.
This is a devil cult, man.
They mean business.
They want your property and they want it now.
And they are a bunch of eugenicist killers.
And they never care about anything real on the environmental front.
They want your property.
George Soros is a vicious cutthroat.
So are the Rockefellers.
She started telling me about Rockefeller and about Shell and then we were coming out of break and we were going and I said, okay, we can talk about that.
And he goes, yeah, you can talk about it.
And then I heard him as I went live
Go ahead.
They're criminals.
They're frauds.
They're scammers.
They know it's a scam.
They don't care about the environment.
Don't you understand that?
These are cold-blooded people.
You heard him listing the quotes?
Every one of these people I ever read about is, oh, China's so great.
Oh, we run China.
They're running the global system.
Oh, they kill the forced abortions.
Oh, they kill the babies.
Oh my God, we need that here.
Oh, it's going to be so wonderful when we have it.
I mean, they're all over the news this week calling for a global one-child policy.
These people hate freedom.
They're dangerous.
You don't have to buy the DVD, Endgame.
You don't have to buy the DVD, Fall of the Republic.
But what you do have to do is go to YouTube and get the links to the films and send them to everybody you know every day and show co-workers.
But people don't appreciate, oh, here's a $200,000 film for free in one piece on YouTube on a director channel.
Eh, so what?
I don't want to watch that video.
They'll tend to watch a DVD in the fancy packaging with the nice extras and everything else.
And yes, your purchase also makes this radio show possible.
But we don't have time to screw around.
Both these films expose the fake environmental agenda like no other.
Both these videos follow the Republic, shows you how the big banks run the environmental scam, how they're bankrupting us, how they're bringing us into world government.
People are finally ready to see the truth.
This film gets into what they want to do once they got control.
All the stuff they've done so far, murdering little children just so they could test scientists to see, will U.S.
scientists radiate 4,300 children to death?
The answer is yes!
Yes, sir!
May we have some more to kill!
I mean, you know, you've got to get your mind around the level of bloodthirsty control freaks.
These people, you like drinking a cold bottle of ice-cold Coca-Cola.
Might not be good for you, but you pop the top and guzzle it down.
No, these guys like putting a little kid in the radiation chamber and murdering them.
And watching them bleed out their gums and flop around in pain for five days.
That's who we're dealing with!
They want to kill you and your family!
What does it take for me to get this through to your brains, ladies and gentlemen?
You're going to have to get primitive and fired up and angry.
You've got to use your intellectual understanding of the threat.
Booked in, how do you open up a can of whoop butt?
You get fired up.
I'm telling you.
The info war.
These people are ready to be brought down.
They're ready to be defeated.
If we can admit how evil they are.
The mind trick is, though, it's hard for people to believe this level of evil.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
I meant to go to phone calls today, but I never did it.
Because Christopher Horner was so powerful last hour.
Chuck Norris was on with us.
Never heard him get that hardcore in the second hour.
We got Dr. Niles Axel Morner.
He's been to Copenhagen and a bunch of these other events.
So that is coming up.
Will you guys get me a bigger bio on Dr. Niles Axel Morner?
Or some of the articles he's been in?
Thank you.
So that is coming up.
My head is just spinning right now.
I mean, to talk to a top corporate lawyer, a lawyer for Congress, and to hear him agreeing, yes, these people want to kill you.
That that's one of the main governing systems.
But he said that's not all, you know, they're communist and they're zero-growthers, but they're mainly just bankers who want your money.
I mean, to consciously know it's the Rockefellers and Soros, but to have this high-powered lawyer, you know, they're breaking it down.
And then to have articles like this out of New Scientist,
Brain scans reveal who will keep their promises.
And it talks about airports and parolees and everybody else having their brains scanned.
I mean, they already proved the government's lie detectors of fraud that sent tens of thousands of innocent people to prison and hundreds of innocent people to their death with lethal injection.
Electric chair, the gas chamber, and now they've just got new quack machines, where they show you a picture of a dead body, and if the area of your brain lights up that thinks it's similar, though I've read the studies, the actual studies, people have seen so many violent images on TV, most people already recognize something, or at first try to recognize it, and that area of the brain lights up, and they go, they show the stupid jury.
Oh look, the computer says that Tom Johnson here
Has seen this bank before and he robbed it So we got this guest coming up for about two segments and then I'm gonna hit some other news and jam your calls in I Can't believe they're gonna pass I Can't believe they're gonna pass government health care.
I mean They told you that
The banking bailout was to get rid of subprime mortgages and get the economy going.
And then the day after they passed it, they said, oh, we're keeping the money and not telling you where it went.
I mean, anything they pass is going to be a ripoff.
Do you understand that?
Any more government?
I mean, Obama spent more than all governments before him combined.
I thought Bush was bad-tripling the government.
And it's not that it's Obama, it's where we are!
The banks have hit the end of the rip-off scam, where they start stealing more in months than they stole in the previous hundred years.
We are now here.
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We'll be right back with our guest, who's been in Copenhagen for the global government.
Thieving Summit, the group of pirates meeting to plan their next heist of your evil carbon dioxide.
Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As they're finishing off this agenda, they'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
I have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us
Tim Geithner?
They're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care and right now in Washington D.C.
we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Well, we have a prestigious scientist, Dr. Niles Axel Morner, former head of the Paleo, Geophysics, and Geodynamics Department at Stockholm University, the head of the department.
He retired in 2005.
He is a critic of the IPCC, the hand-picked scientist, and the notion that the global sea level is rising.
Well, I'm no genius, but I look at randomly San Francisco sea levels that actually dropped the last three years.
But, you know, that's just the local meters.
I guess the U.N.
will have to fix those.
Hide the decline in the sea level?
He is a critic of the IPCC and the notion that the global sea level is rising.
And he currently spoke in the Copenhagen at the climate realist meeting.
And a lot of these events got disrupted by George Soros goons.
Meanwhile, if you were accredited press at the UN events, and we're going to show some of this video in the background without audio, and politely ask questions about Climategate, men with guns came and they drag you out.
So this is literally like the Soviet Union or Nazi Germany.
Doctor, thank you for joining us here.
Again, an expert on sea levels, the former head of your department before retiring.
It's an honor to have you.
Thank you very much.
Well, tell us a little bit about your scientific background.
You went to this meeting.
Why you're a critic of it?
What's really happening with our oceans?
Yes, first of all, I have been working on sea level for
Forty years, and I have written 190 peer-reviewed scientific papers, and I have given about 320 scientific lectures at main conferences, most of them as keynote speakers.
So I know the subject, and I even got the prize for what I have done in sea-level business.
So, what is the difference between me and IPCC and the others?
I am looking in the field.
I am looking at the observational facts.
The others are fiddling on their computers, playing, and they have something which they want to prove.
And then they try to do that.
I don't do that.
I just let nature tell me the facts.
And from that, I get a completely different story than they get.
Please continue, go ahead.
Yeah, so for example, I have spent six expeditions to the Maldives.
Maldives is a wonderful nation of 1,200 small islands.
None of them is higher than 2.5 meters above sea level.
So they are extremely vulnerable for storms and tsunamis, of course.
But the question is, is sea rising and will it really flood those islands so they will be wiped out, as IPCC says, in 50 or at the most 100 years?
And the answer is sure, absolutely from sheer field evidence, it's no.
Sea level is stable, has been completely stable in the last 30, maybe 50 years.
And I have in our group, which was really sea-level specialists, we have been running on exposed coasts, on swamps, on the lakes, in lagoons, all kinds of different environments and lots of islands, always with the same results.
And then a couple of times we have something which
Tells very objectively, for example, we had a wonderful tree standing nearly out in the water, and it has been there at least for for 50 years.
So we know that any slightest little rise in sea level would have wiped it out.
And for 50 years there has not been such sea level rise.
So this was evidence that three people may lie.
IPCC especially.
But doctor, how do you get around government officials in scuba gear signing agreements underwater?
I mean, all they engage in is frauds.
I mean, they say polar bears can't swim and are all dying when their numbers have more than tripled.
I mean, these people live, breathe, sleep fraud.
They are frauds.
I mean, sir, I'm no sea level expert, top scientist in the world like yourself.
You're a former head of a university on the subject, but I know how to go look at sea level records for Galveston, Texas, San Francisco, California.
I went and randomly did it.
They have exact measurements taken by the Coast Guard in the last hundred years from their weather stations.
As you know, you have these all over the world.
And it showed that in the last hundred years, it goes up a foot, down a foot, up a foot, down a foot, year after year.
It's pretty much constant, isn't it?
Yes, that's exactly the thing.
But the interesting thing with what we were doing in the Maldives, to return to that, that tree, which was an evidence, and I told the people there, look at your own tree.
You knew what happened when we were coming back to shoot a TV documentary in 2003.
The tree was down.
And I thought, wow, I was wrong.
The sea has taken it.
But then it was a little restaurant just beside which we used to sit and watch the tree because we liked the tree.
And we asked them, what happened with the tree?
They said, no, no, no, no.
It was not the sea.
It was a group of Australian scientists which
Who pulled it down by hand to destroy my evidence.
That is how far it sometimes goes.
So that's why I recently made a picture
Out of these things which were revealed in the emails from East Anglia University.
That is something which we now see like the tip of an iceberg above the sea level.
But beneath it, it's so much shabby things, which were enormous quantities.
And I gave you one of those.
That is the tree.
So the president of the Maldives,
He has gone out.
He has been standing in the water and he has had his cabinet under the water in order to
Yeah, he's been bought off.
So describe this tree again, I'm intrigued.
So it was a little rock outcrop, like we see in many areas.
It was a tree just a foot or so above, and so the outcropping was still there, but they came and knocked down the tree.
I mean, just absolutely vicious criminal creatures.
I wish the people at the restaurant would have videotaped these, these, these, these, these, these jacket-ons.
I was so happy that, that I got the right story.
And they, cause they had been upset because they also liked it.
And I know precisely, by the way, that it was a month or two before me, there was a group, and I know exactly which group it was, which visited the island.
And they went there in order to, so to say, contradict me.
But they couldn't do it.
You want to confront those?
They couldn't find anything which could change my story, but they could cut the tree, or pull down the tree.
So this is how things are going.
Then we have other areas like Tuvalu, which is an island in the Pacific, which is notorious because it's claimed that it's already in the process of being flooded.
And that was the nation which was supposed to sue United States because she
You were supposed to put up the maximum carbon dioxide.
Now they didn't do that because they didn't dare so.
The fact is there, that we have a measurement, the tide gauge, which has measured the sea level, the mean sea level for 30 years, and there is absolutely no rise.
Absolutely no rise.
Then the local people there, which is the, note what it is, it's the metrological observatory.
So it's friends of IPCC.
They, in their website, they take a photo of their observatory at high tide.
It's green grass in front.
And then they take the photo at extreme flooding.
And then it water is at the doorstep.
So they show a storm surge.
So they show it at low tide, knowing the public doesn't know their tides.
So those, if it is an accidental storm, of course it has nothing whatsoever to do with a rise in sea level.
It's just something which happens day up and on, which CEO Alvarez is going.
So Dr. let me bring this up.
We have the other, Vanuatu, which is another area where they said that people had to leave the country because it was flooded.
Again, tide gauges, the only thing we have, the only evidence is a tide gauge for 15 years.
And it's completely stable.
But that's what I'm... Doctor, that's what I'm bringing up.
And you went to Copenhagen.
What is it like to stand face-to-face with people that know it's a fraud who just want to set up a global tax?
I mean, they know it's a fraud, they know they're criminals.
Is it because they just want research money?
Or are they fellow... Unfortunately, our group had its own meeting.
And we could never face the other side.
That was a very sad thing because we wanted to face them but the other side didn't want to see us or hear about us.
It's very simple.
If you have what you believe is the truth behind it, it's easy to make correct and strong wording.
And the same, you nearly see in the face of people who say the right thing or have to put up a lie, because there's something in the eyes which you reveal what you are saying.
I was recently, months ago, I was in Bangladesh.
Bangladesh is the country of the world which is most vulnerable to floodings and cyclones and the monsoonal regime.
Alright, stay there doctor.
We've got to go to break.
Come back and tell us about that.
We have a top sea level expert.
I don't know if you'd call it hydrologist.
He just retired.
He was the head of Paleo, Geophysics and Geodynamics Department.
At Stockholm University, I guess he registers hydrology on a global scale, and he's exposing the criminals.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
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As we're finishing off this agenda...
That we're pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
For the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation, the criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty and on its ashes constructing world government.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com.
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We're good to go.
We're good.
This is Alex Jones with five good reasons you should consider buying a solar power generator.
Number one, new climate legislation could easily double or triple your electric bill.
Number two, our new energy czar wants to control how much power your electric company allows
I'm good.
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In 1913, close to 100 years ago, a fraud as big as the Copenhagen global government takeover happened to our nation.
A private group of banks paid off the government to give them the power to issue currency and credit.
And now, 97 years later, the very same group of banking families are setting up a global tax on all human activity.
We're talking to one of the world experts on sea levels,
Yes, Bangladesh.
That's a nation which is probably the most vulnerable to flooding disasters and cyclones, all in relation to the annual monsoonal changes.
So there we know, from year to year, the floods and its terrible loss of people.
IPCC have claimed with a rising sea level it will be so disastrous that maybe hundreds of thousands of people will be killed and also maybe one-fourth of the country will be simply wiped out.
Some have even said 90 percent.
So that is what they claim.
But what is the truth?
The truth is something completely different.
It's not at all rising.
They have built a dam over Ganges, so of course less fresh water is coming out.
That's the only simple reason why it's become more marine.
Another area has been more affected by floodings.
So what has happened there?
They have cut down the mangrove forest to give place for shrimp ponds.
And it was earlier 4,945 hectares of mangrove swamp.
Now it is 150 hectares.
And so now the water can speed up?
But instead of saying, ah, we have done something stupid, we shouldn't have done that, they say, ah, it's the global sea level rise and we cannot do anything and the West must pay us.
So I went out there
And it was very rapidly I found an area where it has been, it is a delta area.
The delta is usually built up right to the mean sea level.
So in this delta, first of all, it was covered by a forest, forest which is 50 years, maybe 100 years.
So it means that sea had not continued to rise because otherwise the forest would have been underwater and it's not.
So that is the first thing.
But nobody have thought of that.
Second, it was a huge, tremendous erosion.
A huge part of the coast was gone.
And you could see in the shore, a lot of tree trunks were sticking out.
Many people would say, ah, because they're tree trunks, it's a forest, it would be rising sea level.
But those were mangrove trees.
And you could see the horizontal root system, which tells you exactly that this
Where the mudflat was before the erosion.
And if you make that calculation, sea level has not risen a centimeter.
Maybe, maybe, maybe even gone a little... Yeah, so they cut down the mangroves to put in shrimp farms.
There was some floods and there was some erosion.
Yeah, but that was another place.
Where I was, it was right in the middle of the remaining mangrove forest, an island which was facing the whole of the Indian Ocean.
So that was severely eroded.
And all the other people, when they see erosion, they say, ah, sea level rise.
I could prove here by the trees again.
The tree doesn't lie.
The horizontal roots of the trees were 80 centimeters above the shore.
They showed you that the old mudflat was
90 centimeters above it, and that means exactly as in the forest.
So, she has not risen.
That's quite simple things, but it tells you remarkable things.
Even in Bangladesh, there is no... Well, Doctor, here's the issue.
We know it's all a fraud.
We know they want a global government.
I mean, when you do talk to other scientists, they keep saying the majority of scientists think the Earth is warming.
Even as they, I mean, that's another fraud, just like polar bears can't swim, right?
So, for example, we know that we have hundreds and hundreds, we have documents, thousands of people have signed, but the document which we sent in to Copenhagen,
It was 141 scientists working, working!
I'll tell you what, doctor, doctor, we gotta break again.
Do five more minutes with us on the other side.
Finish up about your letter.
Finish up with the work you're doing and why you think they're engaged in this fraud and how we can get the scientific method back before this fraud discredits science.
We'll be right back with our guest.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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This is Alex Jones with five good reasons you should consider buying a solar power generator.
Number one, new climate legislation could easily double or triple your electric bill.
Number two, our new energy czar wants to control how much power your electric company allows you to have.
It's true.
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Number 3.
In some areas of the country, the power grid is dangerously overloaded.
And now, new socialist legislation is only compounding the problem.
Number 4.
Dangerous weather is always a threat to local grids.
Every year, thousands of families lose their power from weather-related outages.
Number 5.
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Listen, when you read the founding documents,
of the modern environmentalist.
They're a bunch of eugenicists.
They want global one-child policies.
They want to control the world's resources.
They want a carbon dictatorship.
They know that humans, from the numbers I've seen, are like one, two thousandths of the amount every year of carbon dioxide.
I mean, it's ridiculous.
And we know it's been 20 times, 14 times, depending on the ice core samples in Earth's history.
It's a trace gas that we need!
And I don't know how many Nobel Prize winners and scientists I've got to interview here on the show to explain that to you.
It's a sick joke by George Soros and the Rockefellers and the UN to put a tax on carbon dioxide.
It's asinine.
They know carbon dioxide rises after temperatures go up.
They know the hockey stick's a fraud.
They know that they're only showing you a small part of the graph.
You pull back from the graph,
There's the medieval warm period.
There's the warm period 9,000 years ago during the Bronze Age.
That's why humans were able to develop and beef up our numbers.
The Ice Age is hard on life.
Ice Ages are hard on polar bears.
Their numbers go way down during the Ice Age.
The archaeologists have proven that.
And evidenced by the warming period the last 50 years, their numbers went up.
Now their numbers may actually go down because it's getting cool again.
Just like Mars ice caps.
We're getting smaller, now they're getting bigger again the last nine years.
Because the sun, as one of the big drivers, has cooled off.
It may get hotter, and it may get a lot hotter, it may get colder.
We don't know.
We're on a planet in deep space orbiting a sun.
People may tell you that's a conspiracy theorist.
We are on a planet, we do orbit a sun.
Carbon dioxide is not poison.
I promise you we're on a planet, not Al Gore's delusional world.
I promise you penguins can swim.
They're the best aquatic swimming bird out there.
I promise you polar bears hunt in the water.
They're not all dying.
It's all lies.
We are on a planet.
Polar bears can swim.
They're not dying.
Now going back to close with Dr. Niles Axel Morner.
Doctor is a top expert on this in your field.
Before he retired, the head of your university's two departments on this.
Stockholm University, very prestigious there in Sweden.
In closing, you've been giving us lots of scientific proof it's a fraud, but they don't care.
In your research, why are these criminals engaged in systematic fraud?
As the UN documents, not just ClimateGate last week revealed, the UN is hiring them to engage in collectivist fraud.
They want to rule the world.
But from your research, doing battle with these criminals, why are they doing this?
Yes, you said it, they want to control it.
And the thing is that the first IPCC report set, so to say, the train on the tracks.
And they have never changed anything.
Though the more we study, the more wrong they are.
But they only make this, this is a lobbying product.
In early days, we could sell shampoo or anything, and it was allowed to have lobbyists.
To promote it.
But in science, this has never been allowed.
Science should always be evaluated from scientific merits.
This time, this is no longer the case.
It has been totally left aside, and those lobbyists have been able to carry it all the way to the Copenhagen meeting.
And that is surprising and it's remarkable, and it's something which all forces have to work against.
There are too many scientists which knew far too well that this was not correct, but they choose to be silent because they didn't want to quarrel, they didn't want to take their time and so on, and they especially wanted to have their research grants going on.
That's what the emails show is that these are top scientists who persecute anyone that doesn't follow their dogma.
The last time we saw a fraud this big really had to be Hitler with a scientific fraud of eugenics.
Yes, that is a strong thing, but it's coming.
The essence is about the same.
It's a way of wanting to control the world, which is an autocratic movement.
They want to do that, and that's why they, to begin with, set up this intergovernmental panel.
Nothing should be intergovernmental.
I mean, no one should control
Tell us about your book.
Tell us about your book, Doctor, and tell us about any websites or anything you'd like to impart to the listeners.
I don't know.
This is a small booklet which I launched in 2007 and it's reprinted in 2009 and it's short.
It's a lot of
Pictures, very little text because people cannot read any longer.
They need to see the evidence.
It's a conspiracy theory that we can even read!
I mean, if the media will tell the public that polar bears can't swim when they spend most of their time, as you know, in the water hunting, I mean, yeah, no, no, pretty soon they'll say reading never existed.
But, I mean, most people don't even know we're on a planet, Doctor, so they think Al Gore gave birth to the Earth, but go ahead.
Yeah, but this is more like a joke.
It's so serious that, of course, things are so utterly wrong with it.
I am a scientist.
I must have respect for scientific way of working.
Then we have the media.
Far too much of the media has not taken their responsibility.
So many have just besonated out exactly the same thing without checking.
And, um... Yeah, I mean, it's a fad.
They catch him up in a fad, just like eugenics was the big fad.
It's a scientific matter.
It's also a moralic matter.
I mean, we have a long... We don't behave like that.
Lies should not be the normal thing... Sir, sir, I get emails every day.
I get emails every day where this guy was putting up posters
I don't know.
I think though, maybe the...
More and more are revealed of this, let us call it the iceberg of shame.
The little thing which is sticking up is the East Anglia and all those things which are beneath, more and more is revealed.
And from that, the facts must stop it.
That's the only thing.
I like facts.
I believe in facts.
But there is also
In a little thing I wrote recently, I quoted Shakespeare and Hamlet.
There is something rotten in the state of Denmark.
And what is rotten is just exactly what is now going on in Bella Center, where they have the meeting on climate.
Well said, sir.
So you've done a lot of writing and written a book.
Tell us where we can read your writings or get the book.
Probably a good time to make contact with me and then I should advise you and find the appropriate thing.
Sure, sure.
I mean, we have listeners in Sweden too.
We're the number one internet radio show.
We're also on AM and FM.
We are number one globally on the internet.
So, fire out your contact.
I mean, is there a public contact, doctor?
I have it in my email.
It's the best one.
Give us your email, sir.
Not N-U.
And do you put the umlaut for whatever over the O?
No, no, no.
You should know that.
Umlauts in German.
Okay, well this internet printout had it, yeah.
I don't know that, sir.
I can't keep track of all the... Are you kidding?
I'm from Texas.
Some say we don't even really speak English down here.
We live in caves.
I am authentic hillbilly.
No, I don't think so at all.
Because this is also another thing which is said that the scientists should do something about it.
The media should do something.
And then when we have all those wonderful, normal people which have something which is so important, and that is common sense.
Common sense, if they just use it, they will see that there is something rotten in the state of Denmark.
Okay, give us that email again one more time, sir.
Uh, Morner, M-O-R-N-E-R.
M, like my name.
And then, uh, at, N-P-O-J.
And you.
All right, sir.
Well, it's great talking to you.
I hope you haven't been persecuted too bad by these people.
They've got a lot of... Oh, you can bet I have been very much, but it doesn't work.
It doesn't work.
Oh, so they did persecute you?
In many ways, but I'm stronger.
Yeah, that only makes you want to fight harder, doesn't it?
They try and I get a little extra minute.
They get an extra minute, which they wouldn't have liked to have.
It's easy to talk about these things because I happen to know this subject.
And the others don't know it.
They are just fighting for something which they have... Well, what they really want is to move into our houses and control our children.
I mean, these really are the most... No, no, no.
They're a guild of control freaks.
No, no.
It's enough so much, yes.
And of course, if they set up this strong governmental thing, that will be very bad.
Well, Doctor, when I say they want our children, I'm sure you heard the Chinese delegation called for a global one-child policy, and so have newspapers all over the West.
Yes, in some way.
Yeah, very, very, very disgusting.
Well, thank you so much, Doctor.
It was great having you on with us.
Thank you, and all the people listening, please go on thinking.
Use your head and your whole heart, and then you will understand what is correct and what is not correct.
Well, I don't know how anyone couldn't just listen to Al Gore and know that guy's a liar.
I mean, if I saw that guy walking towards me in an alley, I'd run.
If I saw Al Gore at a used car lot and I was trying to buy a car, I would just like... I mean, he is quite a creature.
Thank you so much, sir.
All right, there he goes, ladies and gentlemen.
A character in his own right.
Okay, I'm gonna jam in some calls here at the end of the show.
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Terry on Ohio, then Adam, Demetrius, Jim, and others.
Terry, you're on the air.
Do you believe it's a conspiracy theory that polar bears can swim?
Yeah, yeah it is because I know they can swim.
You're definitely with Alcotta then, go ahead.
Well, I'm the pastor anyway that talked to you before.
I just got to share something.
Oh, you got us the secret FEMA documents two years before it was mainstream news that they've recruited most of the preachers secretly to train their flocks to hand in their guns.
Go ahead.
Well, while you're on that, I'd like to make a statement to that.
Any pastor, or reverend, or whatever name he wants to go by that leads his people, leads his flock, into a band of government, into concentration camps, or going into groups,
That pastor is going to be, he's murdering his people and he will be held accountable for that when he stands before God.
The other thing I wanted to tell you, we have been, the whole church, we've gotten together, we've sent letters out to our congressmen, Sherrod Brown, Jack Space, Voinovich, all of them.
And none of them will listen to anything we say.
No, all they do is hire more SWAT teams.
I mean, listen, you ought to read this Rand Corporation document.
They are openly federalizing all police.
They're going to have federal army-run hit teams.
Army police are going to rule America.
And it says, highly paramilitary.
Seek and destroy missions against the American people.
And it's coming out of the Pentagon.
The Pentagon is going to be in charge of all that.
I have read different ones on that, and you know, one of the things I wanted to tell you, Alex, you are getting out.
Last, just this past Friday, I was at the post office, had to mail some things, and there was, my guys had a long line in there, it was the main post office, people mailing Christmas packages.
There was a fella there, we got to talking, a young fella, got to talking about the economy, and I said, hey look, man, I said, fella, I said, haven't you been listening?
There's going to end up being a rebellion.
The economy's going to fall down through the bottom.
And he told me, well my brother's in the military, and he told me that munition factories are going full bore and that the economy's going to come up after the first of the year and how the army's getting all these cases after cases of different types of ammunition so people can go back to work.
I said, will you just stop and think of what you just said?
Do you realize why the Army and the military is getting all this ammunition?
And you know what?
That's all I really had to say because my guys, all up and down through that line, people started in on that young guy and said, don't you realize where we're at?
What's going on?
Don't you realize what our government's doing?
You know, they all sounded as if they've been listening to your program.
I loved it.
No, people just know the truth.
Pastor, good to hear from you.
I'm going to jam in Adam, Demetrius, Jim, and Michael if we can.
But your call's final segment right here on Genesis.
And then coming up, Chuck Norris live.
He talked about some hardcore stuff about President Obama and the New World Order.
Chuck Norris fighting the New World Order!
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
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As we're finishing off this agenda,
They'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
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I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
For the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation, the criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty and on its ashes constructing world government.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
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We've got more big guests, informative guests coming up this week.
Not just Ron Paul Friday, Chuck Norris today.
Let's go right back to your phone calls.
Adam in Missouri, or is that Montana?
You're on the air, Adam.
Go ahead.
Thanks, sir, for taking my call.
Just an off-the-wall question, and you don't get mad at me for asking, but I was just curious as how you quit smoking cigarettes.
How did you quit smoking cigarettes?
Well, I have quit and started many times, but I'm not smoking currently.
The main thing is I stay away from people who are smoking cigarettes, because a lot of people quit smoking and then say they never want them again.
Not me.
I mean, I'm thinking about a cigarette just a minute ago when I was drinking coffee.
You've got to stay away from alcohol and other people smoking cigarettes.
The two go hand in glove for me.
I mean, it's different.
You just think about
Your kids and how you don't want to die on them.
And you just decided, I mean, but my problem is I'll go six months without smoking and then I tend to go back on for a month or two.
And then I go, man, this gives me a headache.
I feel like crap.
And I go back off of it.
But I, I, I got to move quick here.
Anything else, sir?
Uh, no, I was just, uh, I quit with the electric cigarette from freesmokeless.com and I didn't know what you said.
Oh, it was a plug.
Well, that's good.
I'm glad that, I'm glad that helped you out.
Those folks sure spam my website hard.
Yes, how are you sir?
I just wanted to tell you that I've been listening to you for about two years and I've been
No, it's all in there.
It's ten times stronger than Nostradamus.
Nostradamus was all vague about everything.
It was pure baloney.
You read Revelation, a world government where everybody can watch the guy on television at once, and you've got to do it, or he kills you, and there's a mark on the face and the hand, and it describes just, like, giant wasp dropping bombs on people.
I mean, look at jet aircraft.
Look at helicopters.
I mean, it's pretty wild stuff.
It is, it is wild stuff.
I have actually visited the cave of, uh, the cave where the Book of Revelation was written, uh, in, uh, my parent's home country, which is originally Greece.
But, uh, what I want to ask you is how can I make a career out of exposing the New World Order?
I have a bachelor's degree in politics.
I've kind of been disillusioned by watching the Lemmings go on about their daily business every day, the shallowness of it all.
And I just don't want to... Alright, here's the deal, here's the deal.
Don't expect you're going to be able to make a living immediately.
Throw all your passion, work your regular job, then five hours a day, write blogs, get a video camera, make your own film, put it out, and then say, hey, if you like my film, buy a DVD.
If not, here it is on the web, and do it.
It took me years and years.
It took me
Actually, not that long.
It took me about four or five years to get self-sufficient.
And then it's just been incremental from there to expand, hire more people, expand the operation.
But just pick the issues you want to go out there and write a book, self-publish it, whatever.
And if you've got the insight and the ideas that people are into, you'll be effective.
I appreciate your call, Demetrius.
Jim in Illinois, last caller.
Sorry to Michael.
Go ahead, Jim.
Yeah, I just want to get the word out in case crap ever hits the fan up in Chicago, what might be part of the problem.
A while back I seen a Joe, a Bell Jetstar with spray booms sticking out of its sides, hovering over a police facility on the south side of Chicago.
That shouldn't be in this area.
And you could take it from there what that would be capable of doing.
I reported this to the police superintendent so it's on public record that it has been noticed.
Well, I mean, look, it was declassified ten years ago that every major city has helicopters in bays with knockout gas and nerve gas ready to just kill everybody or knock everybody out.
I mean, this government's criminal, folks.
God bless you.
Retransmission starts now.
Great job, crew.
Chuck Norris, coming up.
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