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Name: 20091210_Thu_Alex
Air Date: Dec. 10, 2009
1482 lines.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We are live, coming up in T-minus 40 minutes.
Lord Christopher Monckton will be joining us to deal with the story and the video that's up on PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com.
Brown shirt, youth corps invade Monckton's speech.
They didn't come up and ask questions like, we are changing the Tea Party's due of Al Gore, and then are drug off.
They took over and tried to shut the event down.
This is openly funded by George Soros and the Rockefeller Foundation.
Absolutely amazing.
That is coming up.
From Copenhagen, Patrick Henningsen will be popping in with us in the next segment, also reporting on what's happening there.
And here is the Financial Post, one of the biggest papers in Canada.
I see these articles every day in mainstream newspapers in the U.S., England, Europe, Canada, Australia, New Zealand.
Headline, the real inconvenient truth, the whole world needs to adopt China's one-child policy.
A planetary law such as China's one-child policy is the only way to reverse the disastrous global birth rate currently.
Now, that is what's behind all the phony environmentalism.
That's why they listed carbon dioxide that humans exhale as a toxic waste.
That's why the EPA is telling Congress, we're your boss, which is upside down.
But backwards.
And we are going to, quote, have a command and control system over you.
In fact, reprint me that article about command and control.
Thank you.
This will result in the deaths of more than a billion people in the first decade of these climate cuts.
Now we have the secret text, which The Guardian has reported is real, the UN is very upset, that they plan to double the taxes on the third world, not the first world.
That will result in more than a billion deaths.
The tiny cuts that were set up would result in a billion.
Fifteen million people starved to death a year conservatively.
This will bring that up to numbers that dwarf it.
I mean, this is murder!
You are murderers!
You patchouli-wearing, fake, liberal, brainwashed cult members who follow the religion of eugenics and go around preaching that humans are evil and parasites.
You are murderers!
And they sold the mindless left, the low-level idiots, that, oh, we're doing this to help the third world.
We'll give them our tax money from the West.
It's the opposite of that.
It is private banks taking all of our money and going in and saying, you've got to do this and that, or we won't give your governments money, and the governments keep the money.
Let's talk to Danny in Pennsylvania.
Danny, you're on the air.
Hey, Alex.
Thank you for taking my call.
I know time is short.
I just want to say you're an inspiration to us all and hopefully people will awake.
I have a quick question that I always wanted to ask you.
Is there footage, video footage, of the plane being shot down over Shanksville, Pennsylvania?
No, the state police reported F-16s and explosions, and the debris fill was eight and a half miles long, and all the local eyewitnesses said explosions in the air, and the tiny debris filled at Shanksville was just one engine in the ground.
My other question, currently who's more powerful, Henry Kissinger or Zabrinski?
Now I know Zabrinski helped put Obama in office, if not primarily in office.
Henry Kissinger.
Okay, that's interesting because doing research on him, he's actually wanted for war crimes, I believe, in other countries.
Is that correct?
Yes, and at this event, Maury Strong is also wanted for oil for food, robbing the money that was supposed to go to the Iraqi people for himself.
These are ultimate criminals.
Everywhere they go is starvation and death and murder.
And they all just liberal around going, I'm liberal, I'm liberal.
I'm the thinking man's thinking man.
I'm your eco-profit.
I'm so smart.
I invented the internet.
I invented the automobile.
I invented the wheel.
I'm Al Fraud Gore.
Appreciate your call, Danny.
Michael, Chris, Rick, Daniel and others.
Your calls are coming up and our first guest from Copenhagen today as we track the criminal activities of The Globalist.
Trying to contain my anger right now.
We'll be right back.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
We are live on this December 10th, Thursday edition.
G. Edward Griffin in studio coming up.
Lord Monckton coming up for a brief report on this Thursday edition.
Other guests as well, jam-packed.
We are simulcasting the radio show right now at PrisonPlanet.TV.
I wanted to get Patrick Henningsen, who was a mainline environmental activist involved trying to save the rainforest, and then he would try to go talk to these globalist organizations about, well, if we sell carbon credits, can we, you know, use this to buy up rainforest, which he was able to do, and they said, no, this isn't about that, it's about money.
And now in the Copenhagen Treaty, we learned two days ago that they plan on cutting double the emissions in the third world than in the first world, which will admittedly kill more than a billion people.
Billions and billions of people are on the edge of starvation, 15 plus million starve to death every year.
The globalist state in their own textbooks, they want to use starvation and war, State Department Memorandum 200 to do this.
All of you hippies and fake liberals and trendies, don't you notice all the oil companies are on the news financing the Hoppenhagen garbage?
Don't you notice that the NFL's behind it and all the media's behind it?
The IMF and World Bank, now it turns out will control all the money.
The big central banks that have raped the third world.
They've got all these fake, spray-painted, Hopenhagen signs up everywhere that are meant to look like grass roots all over Copenhagen.
To make it look like it's grass roots and from the people.
This is a global revolution against the people, and there's no more time for denial.
In all the UN documents, in all the plans, they state that once this grid's in place, they want a bankrupt, industrialized society to force you to only have one child.
Then they say they're going to phase that out next, and put taxes on even one child.
Financial Post of Canada today, we see these every day.
Ladies and gentlemen, I am knee-deep in the documentation.
These people are Nazis.
The real inconvenient truth, a planetary law such as China's one-child policy is the only way to reverse the disastrous global birth rate.
Then there's the whole fraud of that.
The UN's own numbers show that by 2022,
That the Earth's population will plane off at 8.2 to 8.7 billion, then it will start drastically falling.
If they ever allowed the third world to industrialize, even the British Royal Commission of 1949 said this, that would have caused a massive population reduction, even if you believe we're overpopulated.
Because in industrialized countries, on average, have a 1.3 population replacement.
Two parents, two baby boomers, have on average 1.3 children.
That number's even dropping faster in Italy and Japan.
Approaching one.
Not 1.3.
Many cities in Germany are half empty.
The West is collapsing.
Russia's lost 40 million of its people just through lack of replacement.
This is all happening.
This is all going on.
This is eugenics.
It's not about whales and buffaloes.
Please wake up!
Alright, I want to go to Patrick Henningsen.
We had him on yesterday, but we had to cut him short.
I wanted him to recap the story of how he's a real environmental activist that found out the truth, what he's seen in the last 24 hours in Copenhagen, Lord Monckton's talk being taken over by Brownshirts, and also plug some of his websites.
Good to have you here, Patrick.
It's good to be with you, Alex.
How are you doing?
You know, knowing that the cuts, look, it was going to kill a billion people with the moderate cuts in the third world.
Now those cuts are many times what they were.
This death sentence, and we're not just saying that, this is a guaranteed death sentence for tens of millions of people a year.
And I just want to make all the fake hippies that are supporting this go look at the death.
I want them to go see the dead skeletons of those little children.
I'm sorry, go ahead.
No, well, firstly, I know that the U.N.
spent, you know, tens and tens of thousands of dollars branding the Copenhagen Summit as Hopenhagen, but I won't take credit for this, but Christopher Monckton re-coined the conference the other day, and it's in our film, which is online, and I think we should call it Dopenhagen from here on out, because that's exactly what you're looking at.
Murder Hagen!
Slavery Hagen!
We spent the last couple days speaking to people from the developing world, scientists.
We're going to be speaking to the parliamentary members of Mozambique tomorrow to talk about how the whole Copenhagen Summit is really kind of a ruse.
They're using the developing world to get people, the left-wingers and the environmentalists and the activists,
I really feel sorry about the plight of people in Africa, but really, the developing world is the one who's going to get the short end of the stick.
Look, you've got to go to the African delegation and go, you know the IMF and World Bank have raped you by design, their documents have been public since 2002, how they do it by design.
They are going to get all this tax money and use it to further de-industrialize you.
That is in the treaty.
No, we spoke to, we went down to the pit of the beast, which was the
Outside of the summit, they have something called the Climate Forum, which is really where all this sort of anarchists and traditional left-wing activists that get important... Let's call them Nazi murderers, people that want to slaughter the third world, degenerate foundation, banker-funded, fake left-cover opposition, the absolute most dangerous people on Earth.
Go ahead.
No, granted, you're right, Alex.
You know, some of these are... there are provocateurs.
We're good to go.
About a couple of dozen people, a simple question, which is going to be in our film, which we're going to post online in the next couple of days.
If you had the choice, if you had $500 billion in your hands today, and you had the choice to either eliminate poverty in Africa and provide clean water for third world countries, or to combat climate change, which might happen in 100 or 50 or 200 years, 10 out of 10 of the people who are from Europe or America
They said, well, I think climate change is more important than, you know, saving lives today in Africa.
Because it's their religion!
I mean, that is in eco-science that, well, we're atheists, but people have got to have a religion.
We're going to make climate change a new religion.
Sure, and people were espousing this idea of a utopia where, well, you know, people, 200,000 people a year are dying because of climate change in Africa.
I don't know where these figures come from or how they, you know, sea levels are not rising.
Those numbers are as real as man-bear-pig.
Yeah, the Earth is not getting warmer.
I don't see how climate change is killing people in Africa.
Now, we spoke to Africans and every, almost every single African we spoke to said, no, I will take that $500 billion and I will eliminate poverty and provide clean water and lower infant mortality, eliminate malaria.
These are the priorities for us.
So, you know, this just pretty much tells the tale of the sort of divide we have.
It's a divide of reality, Alex.
Well, notice, that's the master stroke of the globalists.
It's always the opposite of what they say.
They go, oh, this is to free the third world, help the poor by cutting off all their energy.
But see, they only announced that, well, it came out from the secret document two days ago.
They were going to spring that at the last minute.
Are any of these fools understanding that cutting off the energy to the third world is not going to help them?
You know, it really comes down to, and it's really frustrating, you know, we're trying to interview people.
I have a nauseous feeling in my stomach, like, I can't really do this anymore.
There's nothing that we can really say to get people to really listen to the sort of the wider picture.
And, you know, it comes down to this.
It's not psychology, Alex.
I talk to any of these people one-on-one for any length of time.
I show them ClimateGate.
I talk about the IPC shortcomings.
I talk about the fact that there is a global decline in temperature.
You can actually get them to open their mind and they will come around.
But when you're talking to people briefly, talking to groups of people, the groups of people, the Nazis understood mass psychology really well.
Some of these same principles, you know, hope, change,
Well, Patrick, let me ask you this question.
It's been reported that the third world countries, the developing countries, are freaking out over the text of the treaty that states they have to make most of the cuts and that it's an IMF, World Bank, private system that's going to run it.
Do they understand that the previous smaller cuts were going to kill a billion people over the next decade?
Do they understand this is even more monstrous?
I mean, do these feel good, lazy, trust fund punks realize that they're having a hand in mass murder?
It's difficult.
You know, a lot of the people who are activists and who come to these events or who are sort of green warriors, as it were, they're really like holdouts from the Beat Generation, just a sort of updated version of it.
And, you know, what you're talking about, Alex, are facts.
You're talking about real documents.
You're reading the U.N.
Agenda 21.
These are things that are publicly available that everybody can go and see.
The types of people who are kind of going along with what I would term as a collectivist movement is really what it is.
It's wanting to get rid of, we need to get rid of intellectual property.
No more patents.
Everything needs to be free and open source and we need a green revolution.
But again, that's the candy coating of the fake left.
At the core, it's all one powerful private central bank that will own everything.
Absolutely, and I think that came out with the Danish text leaks is pretty much, they showed their true colors.
So is that hurting the conference?
I mean, is it in disarray?
I'm reading a lot of countries are saying they're not going to sign on now.
It is, it is.
We saw the early part of this morning when all the different countries were making their comments.
And all these small countries like Equatorial New Guinea and Mozambique, they don't have nearly the political clout that the United States or the European countries have, but they already see through what is probably... Good!
Stay there!
I want to come back, talk about what else is happening.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda,
They'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
I have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
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Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
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...to educate you about the single biggest threat to our planet.
You see, there is something out there which threatens our very existence, and may be the end to the human race as we know it.
What do you mean, the cave-in is over?
I'm afraid you have a much bigger problem than a cave-in.
What's that?
It is a creature which roams the Earth alone.
It is half-man,
And he will certainly exist.
Boys, there's no such thing as a ManBearPig.
I'm talking, of course, about ManBearPig.
Samuel ManBearPig, they're just children!
Oh my God!
ManBearPig screen active.
I've got you now, kid.
All right, ladies and gentlemen.
Played a little more of that clip than I wanted to.
For some of the older audience that don't know what South Park is, they had a whole episode making fun of Al Gore and his fear-mongering about the man-bear-pig.
Half man, half bear, half pig.
And it's as real as man-made global warming.
But it's not funny how many third-world people they're going to kill and how many middle-class people and poor people they're going to ruin here in the United States.
In closing, with Patrick Henningsen, filmmaker, you've already released some YouTube clips of interviews you've done.
Give us some of the names of those clips for folks that want to go find them.
You're making a short film about Copenhagen that's going to be out in the next few days.
Tell us about that, Patrick.
And I would guess you haven't been able to videotape the man-bear-pig, the mythical mermaid-type creature that Al Gore's been warning us about?
We've been looking for him all over Copenhagen, and we've spent most of our time trying to track down the man-bear-pig, but we haven't had any luck.
What we have discovered, though, is Al Gore is basically captain of a ship.
And what I can say to real green activists and real environmentalists is that you are on a Titanic, which is captained by Al Gore, and I advise people to get off that ship before you hit the iceberg of truth.
Because if you do, everybody's going to go down who's on that ship.
And it's bad for the science, the whole practice of science is under threat.
Real environment is under threat, along with all the other things that you've mentioned.
We're gonna have that in our film.
We've got a three-part film that's very educational, which we'll have up on YouTube tonight.
It'll be at 21stCenturyWireTV on YouTube, and we'll also hopefully have a link at 21stCenturyWire.com.
And then we're doing a more intensive film over the next week, which we need to spend time to hunker down.
Give that website out again slowly for people, because you're doing groundbreaking work.
It's www.21stcenturywire.com and on YouTube just go to 21stCenturyWireTV and you'll see some of the videos and there'll be some coming out, a few more coming out over the next few days.
But the big news in Copenhagen yesterday was Lisa Jackson from the EPA.
Thank you very much.
So it's basically a run around the democratic process saying that it doesn't matter if Congress and Senate pass the cap and trade bill.
We're going to regulate greenhouse gases anyway.
When they say greenhouse gases, they're not talking about really dangerous gases.
They're talking about carbon dioxide.
Look, look, look, look, if they were calling for an international agreement that wasn't a global taxation system to private banks that would demand study before they open their plant or release cross-species animals and plants, that's what's already causing rogue viruses and I mean that's what's really dangerous.
That's what can really mess up
Our planet, nanotech, getting loose.
I mean, that's what the real evidence shows is serious.
The superconducting supercollider, the megacyclotron, the Hadron Collider.
Their own scientists admit that that makes hydrogen bombs look like tinker toys and could destroy the planet.
You know, no control over anything real.
No control over overfishing.
I mean, there are some real environmental things.
The global government could care less about that.
You know, I found out Prince Bernhard, founder of the big environmental group, World Wildlife Fund, the Nazi, and founder of Bilderberg, he openly used his environmental front for elephant hunting and making money off Tusk.
He was caught doing that.
He would try to overthrow third world countries.
These guys are hardcore criminals.
We went down to the WWF World Wildlife Fund.
They've got a little camp down in the center of Copenhagen.
And who's sponsoring the World Wildlife Fund?
None other than Coca-Cola.
And Coca-Cola has done more to destroy environments than Third World and India.
No, it's incredible.
Look, look, look.
The big polluting corporations run this whole deal so they can tax us for air and then ignore all the real environmental crises.
Great job, Patrick Henningsen.
God bless you.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda, we're pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us
Tim Geithner?
They're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv
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We're good to go.
Well, in studio with us for the next hour is the one and only G. Edward Griffin, author of The Creature from Jekyll Island, filmmaker, fighting the globalists for more than 40 years.
He's here in Austin to give several speeches.
We'll tell you about that before he leaves us.
We apologize, we have to get Lord Monckton on with him for about 5-10 minutes.
It's the only time Lord Monckton can do it.
He was on with us for a full hour, or more than an hour, just the other day.
But there has been a new
New event where Brown Shirt Youth Corps from the Rockefeller Foundation and of course George Soros funded groups are admittedly with them came and took over his speech today.
Completely shut it down.
Didn't go like we are change and ask questions in the press conference and then drug out.
No, they just came and took over and no one can stop them because Lord Moncton doesn't have all the big, you know, oil company security people like Al Gore does.
Who owns, by the way, Occidental Petroleum and it's one of the biggest people cutting down the rain forest.
That's how this scam works, so that is coming up here in the next 10 minutes.
Lord Monckton should be joining us.
If not, he'll be in the next hour.
But G. Edward Griffin, I feel like I know you so well.
This is, I believe, the first time that we've met in person, unless my memory fails me.
It is great to have you sitting here in the flesh.
Well, thank you.
It's good to be here, Alex.
Yeah, we did meet once before.
In fact, I was on your show when you had the old facility.
That's right!
You were in studio before!
I don't know, I was having this déjà vu moment.
No, no, I just watch so much video, I get to where I can't tell anymore.
I apologize.
We have met.
It's good to be here.
Well met, my friend.
Yes, indeed.
And I really like your studio.
I understand you're doing so well in that.
It's so encouraging because while Earth seems to be falling apart, you're one of the bright hopes out there.
Well, we're small, but we're a fly on the end of the New World Order's beehive, but we're irritating them.
It's more like a mosquito.
Yeah, but we're injecting cyanide into their lives.
Hey, would you like to bow down to Al Gore, Newsweek, the Earth's prophet, the thinking man's thinking man?
Oh, how did they spell that?
I would have spelled it differently.
Well, how would you spell it?
With an S and a T.
It's amazing how the media can mytholize things like that.
I think Al Gore has lost his charm.
I think he's lost a lot of the aura of being infallible.
And of course he has a loyal following.
You can't beat that.
They'll follow him right over the edge of the earth if necessary.
I think most of the people were sort of in that gray middle zone, where they weren't sure whether there was global warming or not.
But since Al Gore was saying there was, they went with it.
Now they know that this whole Clamagate thing is blowing all of that apart.
So, I think progress is being made.
That's the bottom line.
G. Edward Griffin with us in studio.
Lord Monckton coming up to pop in in a little while with us.
The climate gate, and now the leaked Danish text, the actual treaty that the U.S.
and others wanted to sign, doubles, or right at doubles, the amount of taxes on the third world, and it's meant to destroy their development.
All these major newspapers, like the Financial Post, calling for quote,
I think it's very close to the heart.
Yeah, it's not only the control of the population and reproductive rates, but it's the control of all aspects of human endeavor.
And, you know, it's the old story.
Your listeners know it so well, Alex, that in order to convince the people of the world that they should give up their freedom and they should accept these draconian measures over their lives, you have to scare them.
You have to convince them that there's something very terrible going to happen, either terrorism or crime or drugs or overpopulation or whatever it is, a destruction of the planet, so that people will be so grateful when these politicians come along and propose various types of legislation that's going to take away their freedom.
But they say, don't worry about your freedom, we're going to save your life, we're going to save the planet.
You know, it's the old game.
It's been going on and on for almost a hundred years.
You know, reading the treaty, which I have here in front of me, the state global government, Van Rompuy, the head of the EU says it's world government, Ban Ki-moon, head of the UN, Secretary General writes editorials saying it's world government, they're announcing that the Copenhagen Global Treaty,
A tax on all financial transactions, a 2% tax on the GDP off the top, taxes on all fuel.
They admit this will devastate the third world and that they actually want to shut down their development, which will actually make them continue to have all these children.
All the studies show once you're industrialized, you start having less children than you did before and the replacement rate drops to 1.3 children instead of more than two children per group of adults.
Well, I think the mistake is made when the public gives credence to the motives of what these people are doing.
They're always saying they're going to control the birth rate in order to decrease the population explosion.
And supposedly, you know, this is for the benefit of mankind.
Are they going to control us in this way or that way?
It's always for the benefit of mankind.
It's for our own good, supposedly.
But in reality, we shouldn't give them credence for that, because that's never been their motive.
Their motive is really just raw control over human beings.
So, I don't think it makes much sense to listen to what these people are saying.
They're always distorting the truth.
So, what more can I say on that?
This is sort of like preaching to the choir here.
I think that your listeners certainly know that very well.
But what can I say in addition to that, that we have to really think about the master plan behind all of this.
And the master plan really has nothing to do with controlling the temperature or climate control or preventing overpopulation or none of that.
That's just smokescreen.
That's just propaganda to make us think that they're good guys and they're really looking out for us.
Well, the colonial, neo-colonial system of the IMF and World Bank coming in that you talk about so much, loaning our tax money at loan-sharking rates, where Nigeria gets a billion-dollar loan, and today they've paid over 60 billion back on that one billion.
The IMF and World Bank don't want to help the third world, and they've sold this, oh, global taxes on all carbon to save the third world, and they've told the liberals it's to help the Africans and the Latin Americans, when in truth, it will admittedly starve even more people.
Of course, that's what I'm saying.
You can't listen to what these people are saying their motives are.
They really want control.
That's what it's all about.
When will the American people wake up to the fact that these leaders, both national and international, have one thing in mind, and only one thing, and that's control over human beings.
That's the bottom line, and all this other talk is nonsense.
Tell us about what you're doing in Austin, and then I want to get into the treaty more, the establishment of world government, how long they've been working at this, and where you think they are in this plan.
Because it seems that they're trying to accelerate their program because so many people are waking up to them.
But I want to get your take on that.
But tell us about some of the events you're going to be holding here in Austin.
Well, I'm here, Alex, and thanks for asking me on that.
I'm here to do a seminar.
We call it a Crash Course on Money.
And just as the name suggests, it has two meanings for the word crash.
It's a crash course in the sense that it's condensed.
We do it all in one day.
9 a.m.
till 8 p.m.
It's all done.
So it's a crash course.
But also it's based on the recognition that we're in a crash economy.
And people particularly want to know not just about money, but how to protect the money they already have from being confiscated through inflation.
What kind of investments to make, if any, are good investments.
And, you know, how to get out of debt and all the various aspects of how to protect yourselves.
And also we'll be taking a look at the long term.
We're good to go.
During the break, I can get my assistant to give me the address and all that, but... Folks can also just go to your website.
Oh, that's the better way, yes.
Go right to realityzone.com, and when they get to the landing page, there'll be a big banner talking about the crash course.
Right, and we're going to talk about your event you've got coming up tonight in just a moment.
But we now turn in just a moment to Lord Christopher Monckton, and while he's speaking, we're going to show you some video without the audio.
I don't
I think so.
And we have the article here with the groups that are funded by Soros and the Rockefellers and others, and by the UN there, taking over, not letting him have a speech.
And of course, Monckton isn't funded by the powers that be, so he didn't have thugs there to beat everyone up and drag them off.
So they just took it over, showing how they're a group of jackboots.
And now we have the National Post calling for a planetary regime for one-child policy.
They admit cutting off the food will reduce population.
That is the goal.
So hence, these are Nazis.
Joining us is Lord Christopher Monckton.
Thank you for coming on today, sir.
Very good to be with you, Alex.
Well, this is outrageous.
Please tell us what these green shirts slash brown shirts did.
Well, we were having a meeting with Americans for Prosperity.
I'd been asked to come and give a speech about what was in the Copenhagen Agreement.
It's no longer a treaty now.
They've downgraded it to an agreement because they know they can't get a treaty through the Senate.
That's become very clear.
So the whole thing is being driven by your constitution, which still has enough force in it to stop them getting away with everything thereafter.
But anyway, I was briefing them on how this was going to be pushed through by Obama.
He was going to sign it in Copenhagen.
He was then going to put it before both houses of Congress, try and get it through by a simple majority.
He might even fail that now.
But as I was beginning to speak,
In walked, or rather up jumped, people who'd crept in and sat down quietly initially, and they began a kind of robotic Nazi chant.
It was just like the Hitler Youth.
And indeed, the whole air of this Copenhagen conference has the stink of a Nuremberg rally about it, just at the time when we had hoped that in Europe, in the world, that kind of sort of centralist propaganda and only one system of thought being permitted
Had been swept away forever.
Here it is re-emerging.
No longer red, white and black, but now green is the colour that you find on every banner trailing from a public building.
Green is the colour of the elaborate displays that the Nazis last used to have in all the main squares in Copenhagen.
And now we have exactly the same kind of Nazi displays, but this time advertising climate change as the big enemy.
Just as in the old days, it was Jews that were the big enemy.
Well, frankly, this has begun to upset many people.
We had a German person who was in our meeting.
He was almost in tears by the end.
He said, he said, I never thought that I would see this.
He said, I thought we were behind all that.
I thought we would never again see the Hitlerjugend on the march, indoctrinated by the party and only putting one point of view.
He was really, really, really upset.
And, of course, that's how terrifying it is for all of us who are here to see the robotic drill with which these people simply talk slogans.
None of them know any climate science.
None of them know any economics.
None of them understand policymaking.
All of them have been told that the harmless trace gas without which every piece of life, whether plant or animal, on this planet would be dead,
...is somehow a dangerous pollutant which is going to set the planet on fire.
It doesn't get more ludicrous or more sickeningly dangerous.
But, Lord Monckton, there is a sense of desperation by these people as more universities come out and are proven to be engaged in fraud via UN collusion, directing this.
And I would like you, in the last few minutes we have with you, to speak directly to the useful idiots, the same type that supported Lenin and Hitler and Mao, to understand that the climate cuts now in the treaty, the Danish text,
Let me quote from the UN itself, just for once.
There's a man called Herr Ziegler, who is the right-to-food rapporteur for the UN.
His job is to make sure that people are aware that there are folks starving around the world.
And he said two years ago that the biofuel scam was an outrage.
He said that to grow biofuels instead of growing food on agricultural land for people who need it, you grow biofuels instead for clunkers that don't, in the name of saving the planet.
What you're doing is causing mass starvation, food riots in a dozen countries of the world, millions dying not because of climate change happening,
But because of the sloganising and the policies of these rich people who are manipulating this for their own profit.
People dying now.
And Herr Ziegler said this.
He said, at a time when so many are starving around the world, to divert agricultural land from growing food to growing biofuels is, and this is his words, a crime against humanity.
Well said.
I'm going to skip this break.
We've only got a few minutes left with Lord Christopher Monckton.
I mean, how did this end with them taking over your event, vitriolically waving American flags, when this treaty will destroy U.S.
Even mainstream news is saying the EPA coup of telling Congress, if you don't ratify this, we will quote, and this is ABC News and Reuters, we will quote, have a command and control system over you.
How dare them flap American flags?
That is an outrage, I agree.
What happened was I simply went to the microphones which were directional so that I could still be heard in Pennsylvania and the other parts of the United States, all over the states, thousands of people linked in.
And the chanters could only be heard very distantly by them in the background.
And eventually the chanters realized we were just carrying on with the meeting anyway, and they weren't getting anywhere.
So in dribs and drabs they filed out and quickly, rapidly disappeared, no doubt to report on what they thought was their triumph.
I saw them again this morning at their stand inside the conference centre in the area where people could set up stands to say whatever they want to say.
And they came rushing up to me and they said, how dare you call us Hitler Youth?
Because German television had been there.
They had interviewed me and I had said, almost with tears in my eyes, these people have behaved like the Hitler Youth.
How dare you call us Hitler Youth?
They said.
One of them said, I'm a Jew.
How dare you call me Hitler Youth?
I said, if you ever again.
If you come in chanting moronic, robotic slogans and interrupt the right of free speech of others who happen to differ with you on a matter of public policy, then I will once again call you Hitler, you, for that is what you are.
Never has such behaviour been seen in Copenhagen since Hitler was in control of it.
And if you behave in that way, I will call it like I see it.
But aren't they Hitler Youth, sir?
Because these policies will result in mass starvation and death, and have already resulted in that.
That is the truth of the matter.
I think it's probably fair to say, of course it's very difficult to measure this, it's probably fair to say that more people have been killed
By the Green Movement, with this climate scam and the biofuels taking land out of agricultural production, doubling the price of food, pricing food out of the poor people's pockets.
They simply can't afford to buy the food.
They're living on mud pies made with real mud in Haiti, for heaven's sake.
And even they can't now afford the mud pies either, because they've doubled in price, thanks to the biofuel scare.
And so, yes, we are now probably seeing more deaths.
arising from the behavior of the Hitler Youth and, more sinisterly, the people who are behind them and paying for them and indoctrinating them.
Those are the ones we really need to track down and root out and shove in jail for the rest of their nasty little lives.
Because we are killing people probably in larger numbers now than Hitler did when he killed the Jews.
We're killing them of starvation because the West doesn't care about anything except some putative icicle dribbling somewhere in Greenland.
All of which is entirely within the natural variability of the climate, as we now know from the Climategate emails which expose the fraud that's been perpetrated by these scientists.
On the one hand, they're telling us only this week that this decade has been the warmest since records began 150 years ago, which admittedly is not particularly a surprising conclusion because we've had 300 years of global warming starting in 1695.
What they are saying privately, whatever they're saying publicly, privately they're saying, there has indeed been, as I've been saying on your program and elsewhere for many years, we've had global cooling for many years.
In fact, we've now had global cooling for nine full years.
They're admitting this privately in these emails.
A very recent one says exactly this.
And they're saying it's a travesty that we can't explain it.
I can explain it.
It's very simple.
CO2 doesn't have the warming effect.
You've been pretending it does.
You've been fooled by your own propaganda.
Time to go back, get out the abacus and the counting stones, and do your sums again, and throw away those big fancy Xbox 360 models, because they have been leading you astray.
And get back to real science and real measurement.
And you will find that the outgoing radiation from the Earth's surface is escaping to space, we've measured this just recently, just as much as it always was, which means that the greenhouse gases we're putting in the atmosphere are having hardly any effect on that outgoing radiation at all, therefore it isn't staying down here to cause warming.
QED, whatever is causing the warming, it certainly isn't CO2, except to a very, very tiny extent.
Lord Mocton, you gave us an hour earlier this week.
I know you're very busy.
I'm going to let you go.
We also have G. Edward Griffin here in studio with us.
But in closing, I'd like you to give us your website.
And then also, you sounded a bit pessimistic a few days ago.
Now you sound buoyed, saying that it looks like they're going to have to go the dictatorial, bureaucratic way around the Constitution because it
Even mainstream media is saying their fraud is imploding, especially with the Danish text of the treaty saying the Third World has to make right at double the cuts the West did, a bait-and-switch at the last minute.
So give us your website, please, sir.
And then in closing, please give us your report, a brief synopsis on things brightening a bit.
Or was I wrong in inferring that from what you said?
No, that's very good, because the website, first of all, is scienceandpublicpolicy.org, and I'm doing a more or less daily blog from the conference on scienceandpublicpolicy.org, so you can get all the details of what's in this treaty, all the small print.
It's all in there, because I'm giving quite detailed results on that.
The reason why I think I remain
Hopeful, apart from, you know, my religion which teaches us that we should always hope even in the darkest hour.
But also I think it is very clear from the shrill hysteria of the propaganda here that these people know, the ones who are peddling this here in Copenhagen, they know this is the last chance saloon, not for that planet which was saved 2,000 years ago and doesn't need to be saved again, but for them.
They know that if they can't get what they want,
I think so.
We're good.
East Anglia Constabulary so that they can report how they were manoeuvred, manipulated, had their papers tampered with, delayed publication, prevented publication so they couldn't put alternative views.
They had papers that should have been in the IPCC's reports suppressed so they weren't considered.
All of these games were going on and all of these in furtherance of what is now quite clearly the largest and worst financial fraud the world has ever seen.
So if they don't get what they want at Copenhagen,
They know they'll never get it later because the fraud prosecutions and investigations will have started.
If they do get what they want at Copenhagen, they won't be able to make it stick.
Too many people now have cottoned on to the fraud.
Too many people, ordinary people that is, people who are not in the governing class, the little guy rather than the big guy, the little guy has now woken up.
And if the little guy stands together with the other little guys and just says, boo, the big guys will run a mile.
Lord Christopher Monckton, then it's safe to say, with your astute political analysis of this, you've been at the heart of fighting this for more than two decades, that the heart of world government, as Ban Ki-moon and Van Rompuy and all of them have said, their global carbon tax dictatorship is hemorrhaging to death, and are you saying all the king's horses, all the king's men, if we the patriots for liberty continue to expose them, that all the king's horses, all the king's men can't put the lying fraud Al Gore back together?
That's right, I think Humpty Dumpty Gore is now in pieces on the floor, dribbling untidily.
The fact that he has had to lie even about the date of the Climategate emails, where he's trying to say that they were all at least 10 years old, when most of them weren't even, well I say some of them weren't even 10 days old.
Clearly, there is desperation there now.
The fact that this serial liar is lying yet again, and this time about the Climategate emails, shows how utterly incredible and useless a figure he has now become.
It's time for him to send back his Nobel Peace Prize.
It's time for Obama to send back his Nobel Peace Prize.
Because the people who should have won it, let's take Irene Sanchez.
Who was nominated for it the same year as Al Gore.
You know what she did when she was a kid?
She taught herself plumbing so that she could go into the German ghetto with her huge toolbox of plumbing tools and into the Warsaw ghetto where the Jews were.
And she would then take one Jewish child every day in the bottom, in the hidden false bottom, in her
Thank you for listening to GCN.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones, on the GCM Radio Network.
Well, we just did 15 minutes before Christopher Monkton, and I appreciate J. Everett Griffin happily letting him cut into his time.
Jim McGriffin will be with us another 40 minutes.
Then we have another guest from Copenhagen, Denmark.
Joining us, Tom Harris, engineer, executive director of the International Climate Science Coalition, a massive scientific group set up to counter the lies of the UN and the IPCC.
But, T-minus 40 minutes with Jim McGriffin.
Very exciting to hear from Lord Monckton about the victories we're having against the globalists.
And now, new world orders admitted everywhere.
Global governments admitted.
It's admitted the IMF, private secretive world bank, are to keep the money.
I mean, this is a rout of these criminals.
This message from Lord Monckton is most inspiring to me.
It isn't often that, you know, you can look at the daily news and come up with something that makes you feel good.
And I really enjoyed that, and I feel like doubling the effort today.
He's quite a warrior, isn't he?
And I don't know why I've never heard of him until recently.
I guess he's been doing that job over on the other side for quite a while.
He's always been traveling around.
It's just that it finally hit.
The internet age is here.
Plus, he was excusing him from being fraud ten years ago.
But quickly, before we get into meat and potatoes, you also have an event at Brave New Books tonight, right?
And that's just kind of a preview to the seminar on Saturday.
Also, I'll be answering a lot of questions.
Hope I'll be answering the questions anyway.
I'll be getting a lot of them, I know.
My intent is to do an update on The Creature from Jekyll Island, which is the title of the book on the Federal Reserve System, and put it into focus in terms of what's happening today in the economy.
People want to know, you know, how did the Federal Reserve do this?
What are they still doing?
What are the plans for the future?
I'll be talking about that tonight.
And that's at 7 o'clock?
7 o'clock, mm-hmm.
And that's down on Guadalupe Street at bravenewbooks.com, or people can find out all the details at one of your great websites.
It'll be realityzone.com.
And find out about the hotel event and how to get tickets to that for Saturday.
Yeah, that would be great.
It is not too late, folks, to get into that.
Right, we expect a good crowd, so the earlier the reservation is made, the better off it'll be.
Yeah, and you're powerful on the stage, and you're powerful in person, too, on my second time having you in studio, but you're really powerful up there giving a speech.
Well, thank you.
I enjoy doing it, and I have a message that I feel very passionate about, so I guess I just worry about the message and forget about the speech.
You know, every time you're on, I get all these emails from women who just love your voice.
Oh, really?
Why don't they send me the emails?
That's the way it works.
Oh, my goodness.
But getting into banking...
311 co-sponsors.
It's passed the House committee.
It looks like it's going to pass the House.
The Senate may block it, but that's putting off the inevitable.
People have finally gone past the left and right, the two parties, to the real power structure, the bankers, that you've been fighting for 40 years.
You're talking about the proposed bill to audit the Fed.
I'd like to comment on that.
I support that, of course, but I have some misgivings, which I'll mention for a moment and then come back to my support statement.
When I wrote the book, it was published in 1994, I had a little paragraph or two about the Audit the Fed bill, which in those days was routinely sponsored by Congressman Gonzalez.
And I commented then, I said, you know, we don't need to audit the Fed.
What we need to do is abolish the Fed.
And I complained then, I predicted then, that if we ever had a serious move to audit the Fed, that it probably would be an instrument by which politicians would make a big grandstand.
They would say, we're going to do something about this Federal Reserve.
We're going to audit the Fed.
When in fact, if they did an audit, I think they'll find that, for the most part, the Fed's not doing anything illegal.
It's a holding company.
It's a holding company.
It's a cartel.
It's doing what it's supposed to do.
And it would drag on for a couple of years while people had the false impression that something was being done.
Your attack is on the institution and the system itself.
The system itself.
And so I said, you know, do we need to audit the mafia?
Uh, we need to get, you know, get rid of the Mafia if we could.
And I feel the same thing is true with the Federal Reserve.
But it has been audits that brought down Al Capone, and that's Ron Paul's view, is that we'll put it out there.
His fight against him is identifying him as the enemy.
Some polls show 81% of Americans want to abolish it.
Well, now I come back to my opening statement.
Well, stay there, we got a break.
Come back with your positive point.
And then let's get more into ManBearPig.
Do you know about the ManBearPig?
No, tell me.
I'll tell you about Al Gore and the Man-Bear-Pig when we get back.
G. Edward Griffin is our guest in studio.
This is the one, the only GCN Radio Network.
I'm Alex Jones.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
No, G. Edward, the man-bear-pig is a South Park episode where they make fun of Al Gore for fear-mongering.
And he says there's a mythical creature in the woods that's going to kill the town if they don't give him a bunch of money.
And it's a half-man, half-bear, half-pig.
Which, of course, is 150%.
And it's just totally ridiculous.
Later we'll play a clip of that and we can find it on YouTube or elsewhere.
But getting into the positive part about auditing the Fed.
Yeah, I think it's a very positive thing, because for the first time, people are hearing about the Federal Reserve, and they're hearing about it in a way that causes them to think that maybe something's wrong.
You know, most people have never given a thought to this institution, and then when they do think about it, they think it's a great government agency of some kind.
So, now they're hearing, audit the Fed.
What does that mean?
Why does someone want to audit the Fed?
So, the reason I support it is because it's
Causing millions of Americans to realize that there's something fishy with the Federal Reserve System, and that's a big step forward.
I want to get back into the Federal Reserve, but obviously the big issue is the public announcement of world government, the public announcement that it is to be funded by taxes on everything, a UN Directorate over energy taxation, 2% tax off the top of all countries' GDP, a police grid over all air traffic, taxes on that, taxes on food, taxes on fuel.
Why do you think they're moving, throwing everything at us at once?
Well, two questions.
I think that the reason they're throwing everything at us at once now is because we're coming very close to the finish line.
I mean, there's much more to do, and they're just trying to tie it all up as quickly as possible, certainly within the next ten years, I would say.
So, it's come time to button everything down, and you can't kid about it anymore when you're, you know, trying to tie everything down.
You have to call it exactly what it is.
I don't know if they're accelerating their program, or whether it's just like a natural phenomenon when a candle burns brightly, it means it's about ready to burn out, you know?
So I think it's accelerated, but whether they planned it to be that way or not, I wouldn't have any way of knowing.
But why would they go from admitting that they're doing, I mean denying what they were doing, to admitting what they're doing?
I mean, doesn't that hurt them to say, there's no world government, there's no carbon tax plan, just two, three years ago, to, yeah, there's a world government, it's going to save Africans by cutting off their power.
Well, I think the answer to that, Alex, is that if they had said, yes, we're building world government, they'd said that three, four, five years ago, people would have been shocked.
They would have been outraged.
They would have said, who wants world government?
But now there is enough crisis going on in the world.
People are frightened of so many things that now they can say, yeah, there's world government and it's the solution.
To all of your problems, everybody.
So see how fortunate you are that we've got this masterful plan to save you?
So I think now they're talking about world government because finally they can present it as a so-called solution to all of the problems that are infecting the planet.
And in the Copenhagen Climate Summit, in disarray after Danish tech's leak of the official treaty that they want to get people to sign, they didn't mean to bring this out until the last few days.
Get the third world all thinking they were going to get to loot the West, because they're playing groups off against each other, and now they find out, oh, the IMF and World Bank will have all the power, not the UN, and this tax money will be doled out to you if you reduce your population and set up a global one-child policy.
Everything is coming out in the open.
People would laugh at Endgame three years ago.
They're not laughing now.
And so the IMF, World Bank, these are arms of the same private central banking system that we live under.
That's right, that has always been the source of the ultimate power.
Certainly here in the United States, people are beginning finally to understand that the power is with the banks, not with the government.
That the government supposedly was to control the banks, but we can see in the recent events in Washington when all of this money is created out of nothing.
And it goes to the banks and the congressmen dutifully vote for it without even understanding what the bills are.
They never ask any questions.
They never even read the bills.
They just dutifully vote for it.
I think anybody can see now that it's the banks that are running the show and not the government.
So, there will be no difference at the international level.
It is coming out in the open that the IMF and the World Bank will be the center of authority and power.
But the banks want to create a new global government structure because there's no Bill of Rights, there's no Constitution, there's no Declaration of Independence.
It's just pure, even the Guardian admits, secret world government run by private corporate interests.
It actually says that in the text and now the London Guardian
Is talking like, gee, Edward Griffin, this is incredible.
Yes, it is.
Well, the fact of the matter is, they do have documents that appear like they're the Bill of Rights.
I mean, they do have the Covenant on Human Rights that's published there at the United Nations.
They have conferences on it.
The United Nations Unanimous Declaration on Human Rights, 30 points, but in 29 and 30, all the rights given are privileges the UN can revoke.
Yes, and you don't have to wait until you get to the 29th and the 30th one.
Every one of them along the way says, for example, everyone has the right to freedom of speech, except as may be provided for by law.
Everyone has the right to employment, or the right to travel.
Everyone has the right to freedom of religion.
Everyone has all these rights, but in every condition, in every provision, they say except
As may be provided for by law, which means you've got these rights until they pass a law and take them away from you, which means you never had them in the first place.
Well said.
On the subject of the private Federal Reserve, the holding company, the private banks that own and control it, they have stolen trillions of dollars.
They won't say where it's gone.
How do you see this unfolding?
That's a tough question.
I'm taking a moment to think about it because I don't think the mechanisms are in place right now for the will of the people to have much effect.
The government of the United States is firmly in the hands of collectivists who are beholden to this financial global power.
And they care what the American voters think, but not as much as you might suspect that they do.
They don't care so much about people who write them letters as they do about people who write them checks.
And so I think when the public becomes upset by this and starts to demand change, as they're now doing, the politicians are maneuvering and thinking not in terms of how we're going to bring about the change, but how we continue doing exactly what we have been doing and to shut the public out of the debate and to just proceed in spite of the public opposition and concern.
So to answer your question, I see an increasing pressure for genuine rebellion.
In this country, which scares the dickens out of me because I don't think that would be a good thing.
And we've seen the elite preparing for that.
Preparing for it and I think hoping for it.
Because they know that if there is widespread civil violence, that will be the excuse they really want in order to clamp down with martial law.
That's why they've got Northcom in place.
Exactly, yeah.
So I worry a lot about that.
But you asked me the question, where do I think it's going?
I think that's probably where it's going to go.
And I hope we can reach enough people soon enough to prevent that from happening.
Obviously educating people is a big part of the solution and we're doing that.
But at the same time, as you've said, running for city council, county commissioner, school board, we need to start getting into the power structure at the grassroots and start moving into the federal government as well.
The globalists have the long view, that's why they've been successful.
We need to have the long view.
Speak to that and Freedom Force International.
Oh, thanks for that, Alex.
That is the mantra that I have been preaching for so many years.
Most Americans have a very short attention span and they have a very short view of the future.
And even those who are greatly concerned about what's happening in America today want a solution that they think will happen within the next election.
Can we do it by the next election?
And if we can't do it in the next election, they're not interested.
Well, I'm here to say it's not going to happen in the next election, or probably not even the one after that.
Because they give us a Bush, they give us an Obama, same policies, different rhetoric, and just the rope-a-dope continues.
As long as we're committed to this scam between the Republican and the Democrat party,
Which appears to be offering people a choice, when in fact it's not.
It's a rigged wrestling match.
As long as people buy into that Republican-Democrat nonsense, there is no hope of changing the system.
So, that's where education comes in, and it's also where the Freedom Force strategy comes in, where we want people who are aware of this to go into government, to try and become influential in their own government.
Instead of just standing on the outside of the halls of power, looking in,
And writing letters of complaint and petition.
We want them to organize and to run for office.
And then even if they're in low positions, they will gather support by the grassroots, be propelled into higher positions, they can leak documents, they can whistleblow, they can bully pulpit, they can sabotage globalist operations.
You have to be on the inside.
I think it's the only solution.
It's how our collectivist enemies took over this country.
They didn't attack from the outside.
They didn't send soldiers in wearing uniforms of a different color and different insignia.
They didn't use bombs and bayonets.
They took over the power centers of society one by one from right inside the country.
And that's the only way we can reverse this.
Roman historians talked about the enemy at the gates with their flag openly is not the threat, it's the enemy from within.
Yes, so true.
But we are the cure from within.
The cure is from within too.
So that's what Freedom Force is all about.
We have the long view of history.
We think that this can be turned around, but not by the next election.
So it's a kind of a pessimistic view and an optimistic view at the same time.
It's pessimistic in the sense that we'd all like to see a return to normalcy and prosperity and safety and all of that.
We'd like to see that happen real fast, but it's not going to happen real fast.
But the optimistic point is that if we lay the foundation today
If we get people to understand the basic principles of freedom, and if we get them organized and networked together so they can go into the power centers of society, including the political parties, but also the church organizations, the schools... That's what FEMA's doing.
They're doing what we should be doing, quietly taking over.
The UN document came out last week, where over a decade ago they took over the public schools locally, brainwashing the kids.
But it's not pessimistic.
It's honest.
What's pessimistic is people wanting an instant solution, a silver bullet.
It's got to happen today.
Resistance is victory.
The truth is victory.
Taking action.
I've been doing this 14 years.
You've been doing this 40 plus years.
And just the process of like a woodpecker, always attacking, always educating, always resisting.
Over time, it builds an exponential force that is unstoppable.
But people like, well, I went out and protested once, or I went to city council once, or I tried to run and didn't win once.
Well, so did Ron Paul.
It's all a process, and we have to realize that they're trying to bend our will.
We've got to push and bend right back, because it's when you don't give up and keep pushing that you're an unstoppable force.
G. Edward Griffin, stay with us.
We'll be right back.
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I think so.
We've got this segment and part of the next, and then we've got a guest joining us from Copenhagen in the last 20 minutes of this transmission.
G. Edward Griffin is in studio with us.
He's going to be speaking at Brave New Books tonight in Austin, Texas at 7 p.m., and then at the Courtyard Austin Downtown Convention Center, 300 East 4th Street.
Austin, Texas, 787-01-512-236-8008.
Saturday, December 12th.
The registration begins at 8.30 a.m.
because you don't need to go through the registration.
You can come at 8.30 for coffee and pastries or get there at 9.30 as Mr. Griffin starts his presentation at 9.45.
Don't want to miss that Saturday in Austin, Texas.
Okay, we're getting a long view of history.
I think these victories against the Federal Reserve, though, exposing them, their polling numbers going down to less than 20%, the environmentalists being unmasked as private corporate takeover artists, all of this is showing the people, though, that we can have victory.
I mean, I'm seeing the morale go up.
You know, being a public figure, I get off airplanes in Latin America, Canada, towns all over the U.S., and literally, cars stop as I walk down the street.
People everywhere.
And I'm just one guy.
And it's getting insane.
I mean, it's like I've got a major sitcom on television or something.
I mean, I'll be out with Charlie Sheen on the streets of Los Angeles, and people running up to him, they're running up to me.
I mean, it just, it's happening.
I mean, really, that's a sonar ping that, it's bigger than we think, G. Edward.
Well, I'm glad to hear that.
And, of course, the theme that I focus on is that the long view of history is very, very comforting, at least to someone at my age.
I don't know, a younger person.
I remember when I was a lot younger, I was in a bigger hurry than I am now.
But it's comforting to know that
You and I are putting in place principles and organizational structures and strategies that cannot be stamped out.
I don't care how strong the engines of tyranny are.
They cannot overpower the force of the knowledge and the principles that we're building right now.
And that is going to build through the next generation and I think the following generation after that.
Sounds like a far distance down the road, but it's not that far.
I think we're going to see this whole thing turn around within that length of period.
And that's very comforting.
I can go to bed at night and really sleep well thinking that I have a partner.
But they are racing to put the technocracy in place, but that we told the truth, had a testament of who the bad guys were, and what liberty could be, those seeds
Billions of them have been planted.
Millions have sprouted.
But tyranny is almost like water and sunlight to liberty.
When it comes in, for every action, there's an equal reaction.
I agree with that.
I guess we could say it's fortunate that we live in these tumultuous times, even though
It may be rather hectic for us.
Still, if we didn't have all the problems we have today, people would still be asleep.
They wouldn't be thinking about the ingredients of freedom.
They wouldn't be thinking about what it takes to be free.
They wouldn't be thinking about our heritage.
They wouldn't be thinking about economic issues.
That there was a choice, another option.
Yeah, because everything was comfortable.
Everything was easy, you know?
If we want to put in place something that's going to have this long view, we need a lot of help, a lot of support.
That means we need to wake up a lot of people.
So in that sense, this growing tyranny is our ally.
But we still have to stamp it out.
We're not going to let it grow, that's for sure.
And we have to make sure the enemy doesn't plant counterfeits out there to misdirect people.
The globalists are masters of creating infighting with people that don't like the system, and we need to really not spend time on that.
That's right.
Yeah, we know that they're doing that.
That's a favored strategy, and we've seen it all throughout history.
I know a little bit about the Federal Reserve System and the first time I came across that strategy in the economic field was in the evolution and the origin of the Federal Reserve.
The very people that conceived the Federal Reserve, then having got it proposed and an actual bill going before Congress, then they started to lead the opposition against it.
In such a way that it was bound to fail.
You see what I'm saying?
If you lead your own opposition, then you can make sure that it will fail.
Well, there was more to the trick, and I know you know this, but why don't you elaborate?
They came out and acted like they were the bankers and said, we don't want this.
Please don't throw me in the briar patch.
Yeah, they said, uh, this Federal Reserve bill is not good for business, it's not good for America, but they did this as bankers.
And they knew that when that story got into the news, people would say, hey, Maude, look at this, these big bankers don't like this Federal Reserve system very much, must be a good bill.
You know, they knew that that would be the reaction of the average person.
So they're clever, they're smart, they didn't get to be in the positions of power that they are by being stupid.
But we, on the other hand, can't be stupid either.
We must understand that people do that.
They do, uh, provide false leadership.
They do present, uh, false, uh, images out there, just deliberately to trick the, uh, the mind of the average... Absolutely.
Stay there.
Final segments for here.
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Tom Harris joining us in about eight minutes.
He's there at the Copenhagen World Government Summit.
I tell you, all this mainstream media that's still trying to say there's no world government, they look really stupid.
As the U.N.
and others openly announce it, they haven't quite gotten their propaganda together.
I think it's great.
But, G. Edward, in the last six, seven minutes we have with you, I want to give you the floor.
We were talking during the break, you said it is really coming to a head.
And I agree with the long view of history, they're not going to give up overnight, but
I've given the analogy of Climategate being the Death Star plans getting out, and now with their whole program in disarray, the Death Star's blown up.
But they're still Imperial Star Destroyers, the Empire's still occupying all our systems, they're still in all our nations, but it's shown the rebellion that if we can blow up one of their biggest operations in the Info War, we can destroy these people, we can defeat them with the truth.
That's so true, and what can I add to that except that the thought that's always on my mind is it's relatively easy for people to know what they don't want.
We can see this growing tyranny.
We can see the lies.
We can see the deceit.
We can see the increasing taxes.
We can see the devastation of our purchasing power, of our monetary unit.
We can see the dumbing down of the kids in school.
We can see all of these things, and we know we don't want that.
And so it's easy, relatively easy, to get people networked together and organized together.
We're going to fight this.
We're going to bring these people down.
I long to hear people talk about what are we going to replace it with.
I want to hear more.
Congress controlling our currency, cutting down the size of government, getting state sovereignty, getting rid of the government-run public schools, not making the superheroes be sports people or actors but being inventors again, getting back to a renaissance society.
Exactly, and also even deeper than that.
We could go and talk about political principles.
What is the proper function of the state?
What is the ideal system?
Where did our system go wrong, or did it go wrong?
These are the things that I want to hear more in the debate, and I recognize you have to mobilize people on the flashpoint, the anger point.
You know, this is what they don't like, but the reason I created Freedom Force, as you so well know, is because I wanted people to think about the political and ideological principles
The things that we should be building into the system after we recapture control of it and we have a chance to create a better system, what will it be?
What would it look like, you see?
And I always want people to learn and think about the differences between collectivism and individualism.
I want to hear those words used more often.
And we've got to educate people the horrors of collectivism.
We know this animal kills people, enslaves people.
Misery and pain is its children.
Yes, and what I want to see is for people to recognize that this is the same animal, whether it is in Nazi Germany or Red China, even today, or in Cuba, or if it's growing in the United States.
It's just the same animal.
So that's what I want to have people think about.
What is collectivism?
Because once you understand the principles of collectivism, you will not tolerate its growth, even in your own country.
Yes, I'm very optimistic about this rising tide of resistance to the growing tyranny, but now I think it's time for us to really focus on having people recognize on the positive things we want to replace it with.
And Freedom Force International does that.
Give us your family of websites.
Yeah, it is a family of websites.
The Freedom Force website is where we call it the think tank of our little world.
And that's freedomforceinternational.org.
A lot of material there to read and study.
The commercial site is Reality Zone.
That's where people can buy our audios and our videos and our books.
And that's realityzone.com.
Of course, we invite everybody to take our free weekly newsletter, and that's called The Unfiltered News, and they can get that simply by going to Reality Zone on the landing page, and they can see it.
A lot of great material.
You've been fighting this collectivist takeover for more than 40 years.
You're speaking tonight at Brave New Books in Austin, and Saturday at the Courtyard Austin downtown, 9.45 in the morning.
People should get there earlier than that, though.
G. Edward Griffin, thank you for coming in the studio with us.
Thank you, Alex.
It's always a pleasure to be here.
Keep it up.
I'll try.
You keep it up too.
You're a real tiger in the fight for liberty.
Had Lord Monckton on today.
You've been in studio.
This has been amazing.
Thank you, Judy Eber-Griffin.
Thank you.
Alright, ladies and gentlemen, I am extremely
Honored here today to have engineer Tom Harris, executive director of the International Climate Science Coalition, a massive scientific group set up to counter the IPCC science fraud.
It's been proven to be a premeditated fraud.
We don't just have the Climategate documents, we have the UN documents last week where they've been organizing the fraud together.
Yeah, that's great, Alan.
So much is going on.
In a nutshell, tell us about your group, your take on ClimateGate, the text of the Danish text of the treaty where the third world will actually have to make more cuts than the West, devastating them.
Lord Monckton talked about the millions that will kill a year.
Just look what the ethanol scam has done.
And where do you think this conference is going in light of all this evidence of fraud coming out?
Yeah, well, to start out with, the International Climate Science Coalition is the non-profit group of scientists who were not able to get into most of the UN activities.
Some of them actually were, but they disagreed with the UN.
We have with us about 60 scientists who are our advisors, and it was decided that we should actually ask the UN for some basic data.
Because, you know, one of the main concerns after ClimateGate was, if the temperature data is corrupted, how much else is?
And you know, we hear about extreme weather events increasing and all that sort of thing, but many of these scientists are actually experts in that field and they know that the extreme weather records were set in the 1800s and early 1900s when it comes to typhoons and hurricanes and things like that.
So instead of actually making the point to the UN that they're wrong, we thought, well look, if they're not sharing data on temperature, why can't we get them to share data on everything else?
So we sent an open letter to the Secretary General of the United Nations.
And it's interesting, the project actually started about a month ago before the CRU scandal, you know, the climate gate.
And at that time, you know, we were getting signature a day or something like that.
But after the scandal in England, we've been swamped with signatures.
We've been getting hundreds of signatures of leading scientists from around the world who are now saying, well, if that data was wrong and manipulated, we want to steal all the data.
So I went through the list and, you know, some of them are leading experts, but they're
Not necessarily climate experts, so I pulled out 150 of them, who actually are climate experts from 17 different countries, who are now demanding that the data be released in a whole range of fields.
And it's going to be very interesting to see what the UN do, because in some cases, like their polar bear scare, the data shows that the population has more than doubled since 1960, and that they've been around for about 70,000 years, during which time it was hotter than they're forecasting for the 21st century.
So it's going to be tough for the UN to answer our challenge.
Well, absolutely.
I'm sure you've been following that in New Zealand and Australia and Canada, NOAA, NASA, other universities are being caught fixing the data along with the IPCC, that the UN had this strategy, that people were already trying to get
Oh yeah, exactly.
And I think that if they do start to respond to our challenge,
You know, in a way it would be good because, from our point of view, it would be good because then we can find more of these flaws.
But the fact that the UN probably won't respond to our challenge is actually an admission of guilt.
Because if you think about it, this data was collected with public money.
It shouldn't have been 17 years of trying to get the data before a whistleblower, who is probably the cause of this, not a leaker, not a hacker.
It shouldn't have taken 17 years to get the basic data that was
Well, I mean, you talk about polar bears.
I have seen on television
They're teaching children that penguins are drowning when it's an aquatic bird that can barely walk and can't fly because it's meant to swim.
Polar bears, the greatest land-swimming animal, routinely swim over 100 miles, have been recorded to swim over 300.
They hunt on ice packs.
But just two weeks ago, Austin News said the polar bears are all dying, they're drowning.
They showed video of them floating on ice packs, where they're out killing seals in Beluga.
The fraud of the hockey stick, the fraud of carbon dioxide, simultaneously with temperature rise when it comes, as you know, hundreds of years after.
I mean, everything these people say, the oceans will turn into acid, acid rain.
In the 70s, Holdren said we had to put out giant terraforming factories to double CO2 or we'd be in an ice age by 2000.
I mean, the level of fraudulent quackery is just, this is clearly the greatest scientific fraud in history.
Can you comment on that and then what you're witnessing in Copenhagen?
Yeah, I think you're right.
I mean, obviously, there were big scientific frauds in history, like thinking the Earth was flat, and that six-sevenths of the Earth was covered with land.
There were lots of frauds, but I don't think any of them have cost the world as much as this one.
I mean, this one, they're talking about literally trillions of dollars.
You know, if OECD countries followed Kyoto, the cost that's estimated would be about a trillion dollars a year.
And that would mean that for one year's of Kyoto expenditure, they could actually fix the freshwater drinking problem in Africa virtually forever.
And right now, there's about 5 million people a year, mostly children, who die in Africa due to bad drinking water.
And that problem could be solved with one year's expenditure on Kyoto.
So independent of, you know, your politics, one of the points we're trying to make is that this is just a bad use of money.
So we're trying to expand the tent.
Not just for right-wing or center, but we're also trying to attract left-wingers, which we're slowly doing, because, you know, left, right or center, nobody wants to throw a trillion dollars a year down the drain, although sometimes I wonder.
But regardless, we're finding that one of the reasons we haven't been winning up to this point is because we only are attracting our traditional allies.
You know, people like yourself and others who think about the issues, but also people who generally tend to be a bit right of center.
But if we're going to win this debate, we have to get a lot more people on our side.
We have to make allies with people ordinarily.
Well, sir, I agree, but I mean, the way to reach out to the left, and I'm past the left-right paradigm.
I'm more of a libertarian.
I mean, even if the left, you just believe this would be a big money grab to help the third world, it has nothing to do with that.
It's an insider trading carbon derivative system developed by Ken Lay.
I mean, this is just a giant carnival scam.
One of the things that people forget is that there's a lot of investment firms who have invested billions of dollars.
I won't mention the names because I don't want to get sued, but the bottom line is, I said to one of the carbon brokers the other day, I said,
Such and such a company has bought a billion dollars worth of carbon credits.
Now, they don't need them.
They're just doing it on speculation.
So they want to see the climate scare continue.
And he said to me, oh, a billion dollars, that's nothing.
A lot of companies have invested a lot more than that.
And so what you're finding is that some organizations are actually helping fund scare movies.
For example, The 11th Hour by Leonardo DiCaprio, which is like a super Al Gore film.
It's even more exaggerated.
That's actually being funded in part by Swiss Re, which are one of the world's largest insurance companies.
And you have to say, well, why would they fund a climate scare video?
Well, of course, the answer is obvious.
If people think that there's massive climate problems coming, they're going to buy more insurance, they can raise the premiums.
And so what you're seeing is an enormous vested interest in actually keeping the scare alive.
And that's a scary thing, because how long can the scare continue if the data is wrong?
Well, it might continue for quite a long time if there's enough people funding it.
And that's basically what it comes down to, I think, is that there is billions to be made, even, you know, as some people say, hundreds of billions, if in fact the scare continues.
So if scientists laugh, you know, at the conference that we organized, or helped organize, they said, how long does it have to cool before politicians stop calling it global warming?
Well, actually, it might cool for a long time, and that's what many of the scientists are saying.
But the scare may continue anyways, because there's so much money behind it.
That's a good question.
You're talking to a lot of top, real, non-political climatologists.
And, you know, the sun, they say, is the main driver, but also this nuclei coming out of space.
There's a lot of other things going on.
It does appear that most of the climatologists we reach say, no, actually, it's a normal cooling trend.
What is the majority view with the scientists you're talking to?
Well, the majority view is that they don't know.
They have various theories.
It's kind of like a bell curve.
There's very few on the side that say, we are definitely not causing any climate change.
There's very few on the side that say that we're causing all of it.
It's more of a distribution in the middle where the vast majority of them say, well, we don't know.
The science is so immature.
You know, take clouds, for example.
Clouds are a hundred times more influential on climate than humans, all human activity combined.
And yet, it was only 10 years ago that we thought the net impact of clouds was to contribute to global warming because, of course, it's water vapor and that's a greenhouse gas.
But recently, they've found that, in fact, clouds are a net cooling agent because they reflect more of the sunlight into space than they actually trap in the atmosphere.
So, not only have they changed the magnitude of the cloud impact, which, as I say, is far more than humans, but they've even changed the sign.
So, the whole concept that the science is settled
I think so.
Don't understand.
Yeah, this is incredibly complex.
We're a giant planet hurtling through deep space orbiting a gigantic sun.
I mean, and they're saying that humans exhaling five and a half pounds or flatulence from bovine that have always been on the planet are deadly.
Oh, but a tax will save us.
I mean, a lot of this stuff is absurd.
And the sad thing is that many conservatives are who actually know it's wrong.
I don't know.
Once they got into power, their spin doctors clearly told them they could get more votes if they just changed their tune and said the same thing as Al Gore.
And so that's what they've done, and I'm really ashamed as a Canadian to have our government saying things they know very well are completely wrong.
We find that it's strange, but with the Liberal government before our current Conservative government, they would allow the occasional climate skeptic to come into committee hearings to testify.
But ever since this supposedly conservative government has come in, they've actually closed the door totally.
Oh yeah, look at Newt Gingrich, look at Arnold Schwarzenegger.
This is not a partisan issue.
It's an issue of people that want to regulate and control our economy and vertically integrate it.
Oh yeah, yeah.
And it's also an issue of a lack of courage on the part of many politicians who know that people like Senator Inhofe are right.
A lot of politicians know that.
I've talked to many of the MPs in Canada behind closed doors, and they know it's a scam, but they're afraid to say it.
And we need a lot more courage and leadership in our government.
Well, I agree with you, sir.
We're going to go to break and come back with a final segment on the other side, so please stay with us.
Tom Harris, Executive Director of the International Climate Science Coalition, is our guest.
We'll talk about what he's witnessing in Copenhagen and if the climate gate information is disturbing this globalist event.
We'll be right back.
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It may still have time, but we might still get by.
Every time I think about it, I want to cry.
The phones and the data that the kids give me.
Tom Harris, Executive Director of the International Climate Science Coalition, a massive scientific group set up to counter the IPCC.
We've only got about five minutes left right now, sir, and so I'd like to talk about what you're witnessing, what the mood is there, how Climategate is affecting the different 191 countries there, how the Danish text, doubling the cuts for the third world, resulting in just genocidal starvation, what the mood is there right now.
Well, I think you have to realize, first of all, that both India and China have stated off and on throughout the whole year that they have no intention of restricting their economic growth to cut carbon dioxide and greenhouse gases.
So I think the chances that they would have agreed to even a more benign treaty on their part were pretty slim to begin with.
And also in India, we're starting to see the growth of a lot of climate skepticism.
You know, many of the Indian glaciologists, for example, are completely rebutting the UN on Himalayan glaciers.
So in India, I had an interview today actually with an Indian journalist.
We're seeing the rise of climate skepticism like you've never seen it before.
And I think that what's going to happen is that with these increased demands on the third world, they're just going to turn the whole thing down flatly.
And this, you know, it's interesting because in the United States, I understand that
Even the Democrats are saying that without agreement from China and India, they're just simply not going to go ahead.
But that's the problem.
We have the AP headline, White House threatens command and control, says EPA will override Congress.
That is putting the cart before the horse.
That is tyranny.
Yeah, exactly.
But you know, I think that's pressure, a pressure tactic to try to get them to pass Kerry Boxer.
And it might succeed.
The trouble is, of course,
What do you do with all those cheap imports that are coming from countries that are fed to heck with greenhouse gas controls?
I mean, it's just a death sentence for the American economy.
As an engineer, let's say carbon dioxide is a deadly nerve gas.
It kills all plants and animals.
Polar bears can't swim.
Everyone's dying.
Pay all your money to Al Gore.
He will save you.
He's the eco-profit.
Let's say that's all true.
You only put carbon controls on the West, it moves to China, India, Mexico, where they have no controls.
Overall, the devil gas, the man-bear-pig gas, that's a South Park episode if you don't know, sir, increases, increases, then we're all dead!
I mean, it'll kill us!
Well, one of the craziest things is China passed the United States in net carbon dioxide emissions in 2007.
And even without these kinds of international agreements, even if they just allowed them to continue to grow, they're going to be double the United States within about 20 years.
So in fact, if you don't get them on side, the CO2 emissions for the world are going to virtually stay unchanged.
I mean, they're going to continue to rise, I should say.
But, you know, one of the important things to realize is that throughout the world, there's countries who are now starting behind closed doors.
Saudi Arabia did it actually in the UN meeting.
They're starting to look at the ClimateGate data and they're starting to say, this is actually a social engineering project more than it is environmental.
And we've heard within the Canadian government people telling me, look, it has nothing to do with environment anymore.
It's all politics.
Sir, you're a very influential man.
Let me just... I want to mail you a copy of my film, Endgame.
Sir, they admit at the UN this is eugenics.
They want to cut... Maury Strong, the head guy, says it's to destroy industrial society.
And we need to... I'm sorry, go ahead.
Yeah, Kyoto is the flagship of the world governance program.
I mean, you can see that very clearly.
If you control the world's CO2, you're controlling most of the world's energy.
And if you're controlling the world's energy, just as Russia demonstrated when they turned off the taps on the national natural gas supply to Europe, you basically control whoever is at the other end of the tap.
All right, reporting to us from Copenhagen, Tom Harris, climatescienceinternational.org.
Thank you, sir.
I look forward to having you back on again.
Right on.
Retransmission starts now.
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