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Name: 20091202_Wed_Alex
Air Date: Dec. 2, 2009
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome, ladies and gentlemen.
We are back.
It is the Alex Jones Show.
Alex is on assignment out in Dallas.
He may be calling in later in the program.
I am Jason Burmiss sitting in, and now we go to our latest guest, Gary Lachman, who's actually a musician turned writer.
He is one of the founding members of Blondie, one of the guitar players there.
His latest book is Politics and the Occult, The Right, the Left, and the Radically Unseen.
How are you today, Gary?
I'm fine.
How are you?
So why do you choose this subject matter?
Why do you start going into not only the occult, but politics and how they intertwine?
Well, it's something that I've been interested in for a while.
There were, well, there's quite a few books written about it, but mostly from the perspective of Hitler and the Nazis, rather.
To me, rather sensational sort of book.
And generally, the attitude towards it is that any sort of encounter between politics and the occult or mysticism or the esoteric tends to be on the far right of the spectrum.
And it tends to give esotericism or any interest in the occult or occultism a kind of bad
I think so.
We're good to go.
I don't know.
Well, before we get into the left, right, and their different flavors of the occult, you mentioned Hitler and the Nazis.
And Hitler really did believe that symbols like the SS logo and the swastika, which was really a sun symbol, which he adopted and put into a white, red, and black color scheme, did give his political power, or his political party power, as well as his, you know, warmongering.
Well, I mean, it's been around for quite some time.
It's an ancient symbol.
It goes back to Neolithic times.
There's cave paintings with it, and cave etchings.
And there's a long-standing myth that if it's turned in the clockwise direction, it's good, and if it's turned in the opposite, I forget which it is.
But it turns up going both ways.
I think so.
I don't think so.
There was a magazine called Astara, if I recall correctly, that was anti-Semitic, anti-Marxist, anti-Democratic, you know, pretty much anti-everything, except sort of white, conservative Viennese, you know, culture.
And it used a swastika as its symbol.
So it was something that was around.
I mean, you find it in a lot of different contexts, and in many ways it's
A sad thing that it's so completely associated with Hitler and the Nazis now that it's completely unredeemable.
I mean, that's what everybody that I know would associate the swastika with.
A lot of people don't understand it was used by Native Americans and many other cultures, again, as a sentence.
But when we come back, I want to discuss the right-wing flavor of the occult and then get into the left-wing flavor, but really how these people don't present themselves to the public as occultists and they really hide their true religion.
We'll be back after this.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Jason Burma, sitting in.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We are back live, ladies and gentlemen.
We're streaming on PrisonPlanet.tv and InfoWars.com, being broadcast with all our great affiliates across the nation.
Gary Lachman is our guest.
His book, Politics and the Occult, The Right, The Left, and the Radically Unseen.
We just discussed Hitler and the Nazis' use of the SS symbols, the swastika.
And their belief in the occult.
Let's take it to the United States.
Not only the United States, but kind of European leaders also go to places like the Bohemian Grove and really the white Anglo-Saxon crowd is recruited in colleges like Yale and others with groups like Book and Snake and of course the infamous Skull and Bones.
What have you, I mean,
You look at Bohemian Grove, they seem to have this owl as a mascot.
Some people interpret it as Moloch, others don't.
But they also have a Buddha or a Maitreya figure there.
They have Saint John of Maple Knock.
What do you think they're doing up there in the Grove?
Well, to tell you the truth, I know about Bohemian Grove.
I've read a bit about it, but I don't really cover it in the book.
So it's not really my patch.
So, to tell you the truth, I don't.
I haven't a slightest idea.
So would you consider that stuff, the right-wing aspect?
I mean, that's where, you know, Bush, his father go... Yeah, well, I mean, traditionally the right-wing aspect of politics and the occult is, it's linked to tradition.
And it's a response to the rise of the modern world, which mostly means the rise of democracy, or the rise of some form of socialism of left.
I think so.
The king, the queen, and all those people that are, you know, in a hierarchical, higher level than the common person.
And this was something that was completely feared by many traditional thinking people in Europe.
That's the area that I cover in the book mostly.
And again, as I said, this is a response.
Throughout the last few centuries, I started in the early 1600s with the appearance of, well, the non-appearance, actually, of a group called the Rosicrucians.
And they're an example of progressive, kind of what we would call sort of left occult political thinking.
But with the rise of the modern world, with the breakdown of the hierarchy, the loss of religion as a very strong element in society,
Uh, many groups reacted to that, and they reacted in a way that they saw
Different forms of esotericism, different forms of mysticism or cult thinking.
This was a place where that notion of tradition was still alive and it was still viable.
And so they sort of took elements from that.
And again, I don't really do conspiracy theories and I don't really do the kind of what's going on in the back room sort of thing.
I basically looked at history, upfront history that's available in books.
We're good.
I think so.
Um, so that's, you know, in many ways, you know, I don't know if that's what's going on in Bohemian Grove or, you know, Skull and Bones and all that sort of thing, but I wouldn't be surprised, although I would say it wouldn't necessarily be a religious one.
It would probably be more, you know, of an economic one, a financial one.
Well, what are some of these modern examples?
What are some of these modern examples, then, of what you consider the left and the occult?
Some of the organizations or the people?
Well, again, it's historical.
If you look at somebody like the Theosophy, the Theosophical Society, which was started in 1875 by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, this wild, eccentric Russian woman who, after a crazy life, packed with enough life for a dozen people, wound up in New York in 1875.
She herself wasn't so much directly involved in this, but her successor, a woman named Annie
Who was, in England, a major socialist.
She was a Fabian.
The Fabians were an early socialist think-tank, more or less, in late 19th, early 20th century England.
And Annie de Tromp was one of those.
She was for women's rights, she was for free love, she was for better working conditions, for working people.
There was a famous strike called the Match Girl Strike that she was involved in that she was put into jail for and all that.
She got involved in Theosophy and really threw herself into it.
And Theosophy, as you probably know, gets a great deal of its philosophies, ideas from India, from Indian thought, from the mystic East.
And so she went to India and she became actually, you know, hands-on involved in Indian independence.
Uh, you know, getting rid of the Raj, um, India, India for India.
And also, uh, involved with that was reintroducing to the Indian people a great deal of their heritage that had been, um, lost while they were under the British rule.
Things like, uh, the Bhagavad Gita, the Upanishads, all these great works of Indian Hindu mysticism and spirituality.
The Indian people of the time were more or less ignorant of those because they've been brought up under British rule, and she reintroduced that to them.
So there you have an example of someone, you know, working for the national identity of an indigenous people, which is a very progressive left sort of idea, and also their independence.
So again, this is something that was, you know, really
Uh, it was there.
It wasn't hidden.
It wasn't secret.
It was something that was, you know, right up front.
And that even fascinates me more because, I mean, I tend not to go down to conspiracy.
Uh, theory, really, because it's such a can of worms.
You know, once you open them up, once you open that door, there's lots of other doors to open, and I feel you can get lost in it, and you never quite arrive anywhere.
So, uh, I decided at the beginning that I'm not going to go that way, but I'm just going to show, you can trace in history where there have been, um, times when, uh, I keep saying it's called politics, but in many ways it's, you know, it's a religious, it's a spiritual, it's a politics that's motivated by,
We're good to go.
And in both sides of the fence, both the left and the right, there have been different groups who have tried to introduce that.
You know, there's people that say, like, you know, the States, the United States themselves.
I mean, I live in London now, but I grew up in the States.
You know, the Founding Fathers were all Masons, and there was a whole Masonic set of ideas that was involved in the origin of the States.
And there's even books written about how Washington, D.C.
is laid out according to these
It's true.
In the air, as it were.
I mean, I'm sure other books probably deal with the guys in the back room, you know, with the shape- But you keep saying conspir- Hold on, let me stop you for a second.
Let me stop you, because you keep saying conspiracy theories and people in the back room.
You know, I'm holding their own annals.
I can name the members.
I mean, they've taken pictures with the organization.
They're openly members.
People like Newt Gingrich, who propose themselves as Christian conservatives, are members of the occult.
I'm sure you've come across dozens, if not hundreds of names.
Well, don't you, wouldn't you consider, hold on, hold on, hold on.
Yeah, but wouldn't you consider a society that openly does rituals to their deity, an owl, and again this is inscribed in the... Well, as I said, and I basically said this when your producer got in touch with me, I said,
I don't do conspiracy theories.
Yeah, but you keep saying, hold on, you keep saying conspiracy theory.
Hold on, hold on.
You keep saying conspiracy theory, Gary.
You keep saying conspiracy theory.
I'm showing their pictures in their own books with their own words.
So where is the, well, where is the conspiracy theory in that?
I mean, you turned to, I don't know how that's different than you quoting Blaski.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, look, I'm not going to be shouting that to you.
You know, I'm giving up an evening to do this.
You know, I'm happy to watch the news.
The thing is that,
I don't know anything about it.
So you can ask me questions about them and I can't give you an intelligent answer.
But you're saying that all these people are openly occultists.
Well, I would be happy to read the book.
I'm sorry, I'm substituting on the show today and I just got thrown you... Yeah, but again, you're saying that all these people are out in the open.
Hold on, you're saying that all these people... But Gary, you're saying in your own words that all these people are out in the open when the very meaning of the term occult is hidden, is it not?
It's hidden, but it's hidden in the same way that, uh, you know, when the Earth passes between, um...
The rays of the sun and the moon.
The moon is eclipsed.
It's occluded.
So, I mean, you could take out any book on the history of theosophy, or any biography of Annie Besant, and you'll find this out about her.
Just like you can find out about someone like a fellow named Julius Evola, who was an Italian occultist and esotericist in the
He's out in the open.
I mean, these things are there.
Well, you know, I'm pretty well versed in people like Manly P. Hall that have written about this, Nicholas Rorick.
They are definitely out in the open, but I find more often than not, those involved in the modern occult are not.
So I want to get into what you think their endgame is after this.
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We are back at the Alex Jones Show.
I am Jason Bermas sitting in.
The websites are Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.tv.
Our guest is Gary Lockman.
He's the author of Politics and the Occult, The Right, The Left, and the Radically Unseen.
I guess I want to ask you, Gary, you keep talking about a progressive elite that are into the occult.
If they get their way, what does the world look like?
What are they working towards?
Well, there isn't a they.
It's not like there's one group.
Say, I give a variety of different examples of a more left-oriented or progressive interest in the occult that is linked up with politics.
And I gave you one there, Annie Vissant, who was... Yeah, but in the beginning you said...
It's a historical book.
It's about history.
I start in the 1600s.
I go up to, you know, just sort of... I mean, the last people I talk about are, you know, the Christian fundamentalists involved in the Left Behind series of books in the States that are big, you know, bestsellers and all that.
But, you know, if you look at something like early 20th century England,
We're good to go.
Ideas that would later become, you know, rediscovered in the 1960s, which when everybody thinks, you know, mysticism and yoga and, you know, a variety of different kinds of occult and esoteric practices were discovered.
I mean, people were doing those in the 19th century, they were doing them in the early 20th century.
But when they were doing it in the early 20th century, especially here in England where I'm living now, they were associated with these very progressive ideas, like free love was one of them.
White education, religious tolerance, social tolerance, a breakdown of the class system.
Those people involved, there wasn't one group who had an agenda to go and pursue in politics.
But if you go earlier, say in the late 18th century, which is sort of the heyday of Freemasonry,
Uh, when, um, especially in Central Europe and in German-speaking countries, you had, uh, this is, you know, with Illuminati come out of that time.
It's got nothing to do with the film with Tom Hanks.
But, um, you had famous people like Mozart and people like the German poet Goethe, and many other very influential thinkers and writers who were really involved in this platonic notion of, again, of religious tolerance.
I don't know.
And this kind of individual freedom and social tolerance, were they to spread, there would be a new age in Europe.
Now, unfortunately what happened is a lot of those ideas got fed into a lot of the radical groups involved at the beginning of the French Revolution.
And it went completely out the window, you know, it went from this fantastic dawn of a new age to, you know, to the terror when, you know, people were getting, you know, their heads chopped off left and right all over Paris.
And all their hopes were dashed.
They just kind of, people just turned into a nightmare.
And then out of it you get a new right-wing sort of masonic sensibility coming up as a reaction to sort of, you know, the
The terror, as a reaction to the revolutionary sensibility.
So, if I wanted to pocket it in two different ways, I would say the progressive people, you know, that have brought esoteric ideas into politics, they're trying, they want to, basically what they like to do is create the kind of socially, religious, gender-tolerant society that we give a lot of mouth, you know, we give a lot of lip service to these days, you know, the pluralistic
We only have about 90 seconds left, Gary.
In the beginning of the interview, you said that the left and the right seem to converge on this same idea.
Is this the one that you're talking about, basically?
No, no, no.
The left and the right, they come together because they both hate the modern world.
They both find the modern world...
But are they pushing for different things?
From the right point of view, it's a complete loss of tradition.
It's the leveling of society.
It's the whole loss of any kind of hierarchy.
It's the loss of any kind of order of rank, where anything goes.
And from the left position, it's the rise of capitalism.
It's the rise of laissez-faire.
It's the rise of basically every man out for himself.
Which, you know, and the duping of the masses through things like the culture industry and, you know, television and popular entertainment and all that sort of thing.
So both of them, both sides.
Gary, Gary, let me just stop you just for a second.
One last question, one last question.
I mean, thank you for your time.
Gary, are you an occultist?
No, I don't practice anything.
I'm a historian and a philosopher.
Okay, thank you very much.
The book is Politics and the Cult, The Right, the Left, and the Radically Unseen.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
We'll be back after this.
I'm Jason Bermas, PrisonPlanet.tv, InfoWars.com.
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This is the end.
We are back, streaming live over at PrisonPlan.TV and InfoWars.com.
I'm Jason Burma, sitting in for Alex Jones.
Alex out on assignment.
What a guest right there.
Gary Lachman.
I would have had him on for longer, but he kept cutting me off.
He wouldn't let me ask questions.
He was giving this self-righteous attitude that I was bringing up conspiracy theories.
Now, if we can get to the document cam, and I'll read this for the viewers over here.
I'd like them to see that this annul of the Bohemian Club that I got off of eBay,
Clearly states in its inscription right here, by the way, William Randolph Hearst, a member, just occult things all over his property, to our tutelary deity, can we not get the, there we go, the owl.
This book is a reverently and affectionately inscribed.
Their deity, please look at that.
Now you look through this book.
I'm just going to thumb through it really quick.
I'm going to try to find the Montezuma play where they actually do mock human sacrifices.
Now that's not the cremation of care ceremony.
This is separate.
This is, there's the old man in the tree.
See, they have rituals and they have quote-unquote plays.
That they do.
And remember, it's an all-male club, so they get dressed up.
Here it is right here.
They get dressed up in drag.
Now, what you see here is three separate gentlemen holding down a sacrifice as the high priest with the sun symbol on his head.
Notice that there.
And remember, this guy's talking about earth worship.
He's talking about sun worship.
But then he denies that anybody in the occult actually hides the fact that they are in the occult.
And he keeps talking about this modern progressive society.
I got news for you, folks.
When people are talking about a new age, that's globalization.
That's new world order.
And they always try to wrap it in, oh, it's going to be better for humanity, we're going to be more tolerant, we're going to be a better society.
No, what it really means is consolidation of power by psychopathic elitists.
They've been doing this for hundreds of years, if not thousands.
And, you know, the Theosophic Society.
You want to know about the Theosophic Society, folks?
This is what you do.
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Now, he admitted in the interview that, yes, Washington, D.C.
is laid out by the occult, by occultic symbols.
Yet most mainline Masons will still deny that to this day.
Now he admitted to it, but he thinks it's all a good thing.
And he's a philosopher apparently.
I wouldn't be surprised if he's taken part in what I would call pagan rituals.
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Go check out the trailer.
That one's due out February 12th.
I'm really excited about this picture.
That one is really the killer of this notion that these people are our friends, that they're trying to build a better society.
No, my movie exposes the fact that they are into the occult, that they do want one world government, that they do want to cull a massive percentage of us, that they do want to tax us for breathing with a carbon tax, that they have been doing this openly, openly,
In government documents, in books, in speeches, for well over a hundred years, Hitler talked about a new world order.
George Bush Sr.
talked about a new world order.
Gordon Brown and Tony Blair talk about a new world order.
All right, I said I'd take your calls.
Let's jump to the callers.
They've been home a long time.
Let's go to Randy in Georgia.
Randy, you're online.
Hi, Jason.
How are you doing?
I'm good.
Well, actually, I am 7 months pregnant, and I know Alex Jones said in Texas that the state kept the blood in the blood bank from the newborn.
So I decided to, you know, because I never read over the privacy practices and all those things, so I decided to read it this time.
I've been doing the research, like with Dr. Sherry Tenpenny and, you know, listening in about the vaccines and all those other things, so I really don't want to get my second child vaccinated.
So, um, but I was reading in the proxy practices, basically what they're saying is, um, that they have from A to 0, I mean A to 0, A to O in their policies, that they can send out your information without even your consent.
I just thought that was really funny and I called up to the hospital to see if I could get a waiver.
I got to run around like 8 times and still haven't been able to talk to anybody.
And I just thought that was pretty interesting.
Well, they do this across the board, Randy.
I mean, you look at Australia.
They had to come clean a couple years ago that they had been, you know, databasing everybody's DNA since the 70s.
You look at the police in this country.
You're supposed to give up your fingerprints, but if you're not convicted of anything, you're supposed to get those back.
Those are in a database somewhere.
They openly want to create a medical database under this
Health care bill.
They're coming for you and they will give you the runaround.
They don't want you to have any kind of personal privacy.
They want to take your humanity away from you.
I thank you for the call.
Let's jump to our next caller.
Let's go to Chris in Florida.
Chris, you're on the line.
Well, Jason, this climate gate being investigated by Penn State, it's one of those universities that's involved with the Department of Energy's Atmospheric Science Program.
Just Google that, and you'll see that they last updated it November 12th.
It says in the very first paragraph up top that their primary goal is the, quote, aerosol radiative forcing of the climate.
And so, and that's a quote, and so Penn State is among the universities involved in contracting with the Department of Energy.
So Chris, what are you saying?
You think that this Penn State investigation is going to be a show trial?
That in fact this investigation is going to be a whitewash and it's actually going to prove the opposite?
They're going to try to prove the opposite so they can maintain their funding and the global warming fraud?
Well, not if we keep these quackademics on the run.
I mean, it's great news that they're on their toes now and these witch hunters of humanity are in retreat.
But, you know, with this climate gate and the troop escalations and more war and murder, they're the ones who are threatening to make this world even more of a hell.
And, you know, it's like another, as they admit, another religion.
They're seeking to recruit those who are going to feel guilty for not obeying a penalty of burning, and their planet's going to be turned into hell, and that's what they'll do if they don't get their way.
So, you know, we've got them on the run right now, and that's the way we've got to keep them, exposing these facts, bringing the false left and false right to walk through these gates off the reservation, and maybe we'll accomplish something.
Absolutely, Chris.
We do have to keep them true to their word.
We have to demand not only an investigation, but a prosecution and then punishment as well.
I appreciate the phone call.
Let's go to Chris in Idaho.
Chris, you're on the line.
Hi, Jason.
I just want to say thanks.
I appreciate everything you and Alex are doing for the Freedom Front and we will win this fight.
I just wanted back to what your guest was talking about.
You know, you guys call it the occult and everything.
I mean, why don't you just say what these people are?
They're Luciferian worshippers, you know.
But that doesn't fit into his paradigm.
You know, he'll never mention that a lot of these quote-unquote paganists and these occultists, even though occult obviously means hidden knowledge, would have anything to do with Lucifer unless Lucifer is being portrayed as the light and knowledge.
And then maybe he would talk about it, but not as an entity that is encouraging people to do as thou wilt.
Well, uh, you know, I like what he said where, you know, people obviously don't like to talk about things that they don't know about.
So, you know, that's pretty open-minded.
But anyway, you know, there's, uh, I've done research on this, started with the NWO and the Illuminati and, you know, one world government, and it led me to the occult side.
And all that, and the Freemasons, and it's just confusing to anyone who tries to pick apart the pieces.
And you know, I encourage people to go check out the book called, which one is it?
We carry it here.
It's by John Robison, and it really tells an insider's view of the Illuminati.
He's an unapologetic Mason, but he sees this group infiltrating the Masonic lodges in Europe, and really
Blows the lid off of Weisshaupt and his sect of the Illuminati.
We carry it over here at Infowars.com.
Go check it out.
It's by John Robison.
I thank you for the call.
I want to shift gears for a moment here.
We'll go back to your calls in a moment.
We have Katherine Austin Fitz coming up in the final hour to discuss the economy, but I want to show these clips.
Off of the CBC's Fifth Estate, regarding really what was the fairest mainstream piece, the fairest mainstream piece for 9-11 truth yet, and then show you some documents further debunking people like Jimmy Meggs, Entertainment Weekly superstar turned Popular Mechanics editor.
Being proven wrong again and again and again and again.
So if we could start off with that clip where we have the two clips.
It starts at the one minute marker and then the eight minute marker.
We've got John Farmer admitting, admitting that the 9-11 Commission was a whitewash.
We've got Jimmy Meggs being called out on the fact that Air Defense does train for hijackings and much more.
So let's hit the clip.
Senior Counsel John Farmer established the timeline that day.
He says by misleading the public to hide incompetence on September 11th, the U.S.
government unwittingly triggered the truth movement.
I tell you where I have a degree of empathy, and that is, I think when you have a situation as we have here, where the official government version of what happened doesn't square with reality and leaves people scratching their heads, then people's minds run crazy.
Alright, let's stop it right there.
Varying degrees and then he starts saying how controlled demolition is not a possibility.
Now, let's focus on what he did just say.
He just said that the official government version of 9-11 does not square with reality.
Is it time for a new investigation yet?
Is it time for the mainstream media to stop slandering 9-11 truth yet, when John Farmer, the man who put together the timeline, admits it's a lie.
It's a whitewash.
We played segments of Fabled Enemies, my latest film on 9-11, on the Sunday show, where Max Cleland was forced to resign!
He had to resign because they wouldn't even let him see the documents.
This was a commissioner!
On the 9-11 report, he had to leave.
John Farmer admits it's a lie.
The two co-chairs, as they laugh, also in Fabled Enemies, Thomas Kean and Lee Hamilton, write a book together called Without Precedent, where they talk about indictments of the FBI and others, and they're joking about it!
It's hilarious!
Of course they lied to us!
Alright, let's go to this next clip in that one right there.
Can we hit that next clip?
This is the CBC.
Bob McEwen, who does a lot of journalism here in the United States, did a really fair piece called The Unofficial Story.
So check this out.
Cell phone or seat back phone.
He went back and forth.
But he... You guys are a minute off.
It's a minute before that.
It's 8 minutes.
Eight minutes.
Sorry about that, folks.
That right there, he's describing the Barbara Olson phone calls.
Now, what do we know about the Barbara Olson phone calls?
Barbara Olson was a commentator on CNN.
She supposedly called her husband, who was the Solicitor General at the time, twice from her cell phone, where she was the one that talked about hijackers with box cutters.
That's where the only information comes out.
So let's hit the clip.
Oh, okay.
Now, does he used to say that to his mother?
Probably not.
According to Doodney, it was a slip-up and clear proof the call wasn't from her son.
Have you been in touch with his mother?
Her name's Alice Hoagland.
And she says, in fact, that was one of the things that they would do on the phone.
Just kidding.
Because he was the up-and-coming young businessman.
And when he called her, she says, that's the way he sometimes introduced himself.
Well, that just means that they've done a better job.
But here, too, there are unanswered questions.
For instance, what's perhaps the most famous call that day?
From television commentator Barbara Olson on board American Flight 77, headed to the Pentagon, to her husband Ted Olson, then Solicitor General of the U.S.
He told CNN that she had called him that morning from Flight 77.
Call him twice.
Talk to him about a minute each time.
He was uncertain whether it was cell phone or seat back phone.
He went back and forth.
But he said she reported that there were hijackers on the planes and they were armed with knives and box cutters.
The only
Reported call that mentioned box cutters.
So that shows you how important these calls from Barbara Olson were.
Because everybody knows the hijackers had box cutters.
Alright, let's stop him right there.
You know, he looks at it and he says, well that's true.
That's true.
She never did make those calls.
In fact, play it right from there.
Show him right now.
Again, the FBI confirms those calls were never made.
Hit it.
Can we hit that spot?
Ted Olsen told the FBI his wife phoned twice that morning.
Calls lasting about a minute apiece.
But in a 9-11 court case, FBI evidence was that Barbara Olsen attempted just one phone call from Flight 77, which lasted zero seconds.
You've only got two choices.
Either Ted Olsen was duped by fake calls, or he just made it up.
He lied.
Either way,
The official story is based on a lie.
And thus far, we have been unable to get a single newspaper or magazine or TV station in the United States to report this, which the FBI reported in 2006.
Alright, let's pull that clip.
Now, the next point we're going to be making, we're going to show you Jim Meggs of Popular Mechanics.
All the quote-unquote debunkers, or those who refuse to look at 9-11 truth, always cite Popular Mechanics debunked that years ago.
It doesn't matter if I went on national radio and television.
And debated the Popular Mechanics guys on the 5th anniversary of 9-11.
Owned them for an hour.
Disproved their lies.
They're sticking to their stories.
They're going to continue with their propaganda.
In fact, I was supposed to be on later that day against them on Glenn Beck.
We'd been booked for over two weeks.
Of course, we got cancelled and Glenn Beck let Jim Meggs propagate his lies.
So let's go to this portion of the clip from the CBC with Popular Mechanics and Jim Meggs.
But nothing more daunting than 9-11.
And questions like, where was the Air Force?
It is hard for mere laymen to understand how the biggest, most extensive military in the world could not have got fighters in the air that morning faster than it did.
You know, it's really interesting.
The conspiracy theorists, one of the very common mistakes they make is what I call the myth of hyper-competence.
They've seen too many movies.
They have this idea that the minute a plane goes off course, three fighter jets are scrambled on its tail within seconds.
It doesn't actually work that way.
They're assuming that the air defenses were competent.
To fight this kind of threat?
They weren't.
They should have been better prepared for it.
They should have thought about it.
They should have trained for it.
But they do train for it.
That's all they train for.
Not for planes originating inside the U.S.
The air defense system was set up for outside threats.
Planes or missiles or other things coming in from overseas.
Alright, let's just stop him right there.
Bob McEwen should have stopped him and said, that is a lie.
In my hands, and hopefully you can zoom in on the document cam in the final moments of this segment, you can see clearly that on 10-21-2000 they had an inside hijacking.
It's right there.
Amalgam Virgo had an inside hijacking right there.
These aren't outside threats.
These originated in our country.
Yet another lie from Popular Mechanics.
It doesn't matter that they have the drill Amalgam Virgo with Bin Laden on the cover.
And they're running a suicide mission to ram that plane into the Capitol building.
We'll be back after this.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
Alex out on assignment.
I'm Jason Bermas.
PrisonPlanet.com InfoWars.net
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This is Alex Jones for survivalseedbank.com.
Finishing up on the 9-11 points, I just want to point out once again, as these guys almost five years ago now set out to quote-unquote debunk 9-11 truth, their lies are stale
And unproven!
We look at this document from Team 8 of the FBI, and you can clearly see that we drilled inside hijackings, hitting inside targets with suicide missions.
Then, on the day before 9-11, and the day before that, they're running hijackings out of New York City.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Jason Bermas, sitting in.
I also want to mention that if you don't think you were track-traced and data-based,
Prior to 9-11, prior to 9-11, how about Wikileaks releasing all sorts of pager and cell phone documents from text messages on...
From the morning of 9-11 itself, 3 a.m.
to 3 a.m., 24 hours of texts that again predate the supposed police state that was brought in via the Patriot Act, via the Military Commissions Act, via the lies and the pretext of 9-11.
Yet, somehow, all of these private emails, texts, and pager data are available.
How would that be possible without some kind of a tracking, tracing, and database system being set up before 9-11?
And now Congress may actually probe over this WikiLeaks release, because they know that it may hurt them.
All right, let's take a couple other callers.
Then we have Kathryn Austin Fitz on the program for an entire hour to discuss
The global economic meltdown.
I mean, it is here, full force, gold hitting record prices today.
Go to mitusresources.com right now before it's too late.
It's over $1,200 an ounce, folks.
Only 12 months ago, it sat around $800.
I urged my stepfather and my mother to get into gold.
I said, this is the one investment that you can count on.
All right, let's go to Stephen in Texas.
Stephen, you're online.
Yeah, hey, good afternoon, Jason.
Hey, aren't you basking in the global warming today?
Yeah, it's so warm here in Texas.
It's actually cooling off.
It's around 45, 50 degrees, so it's not, it's still quite a step up from New York.
But let's face it, Stephen, the documents show it.
They lied.
We have the lead scientists stepping down.
We have investigations going on at Penn State and a possible congressional investigation being proposed by James Inhofe.
Asking Barbara Boxer, who is a total globalist and an unapologetic, you know, climate change promoter.
We're the evil ones.
Let's see if she does it.
Let's see if she steps up to the plate.
What we need to do is focus on going after our state officials, our federal representatives, and saying we're not going to stand for it.
The lie has been exposed.
Yeah, I just wanted to follow up on what I called you about here on your show the other day, the Sunday evening.
I did have it confirmed, yeah, I was terminated by that one insurance company because of the email I sent to this customer about Obama.
You know, I don't know what that has to do with business, since I never said anything about business, but you know, that's the way it is.
The other thing is, remember I brought up about how the Federal Reserve Board and the U.S.
Treasury are overseeing the anti-money laundering laws?
Well, the thing is, this is tied into drug running.
Now think about this.
Who's the number one importer of drugs into the United States?
Unfortunately, it's our own shadow government apparatus as exposed in the Iran-Contra scandal, and as proven today, as we give Warlord and Karzai's brother millions of dollars over the last eight years to support the opium trade.
And yet here, the same shadow government is saying, we're going to go after the people that are running the drugs.
Yeah, right.
It's absolutely laughable, Steve, and I thank you for the call.
Again, we have Catherine Austin Fitz coming on.
I know a lot of you are excited out there.
We've got a lot of emails, a lot of phone calls asking her to come on to this program.
So we're going to break down the entire global economic market with her.
Over the next hour, we're going to talk Dubai, we're going to talk the dollar, we're going to talk gold.
And again, it's record numbers today.
It's the Alex Jones Show, InfoWars.com, PrisonPlanet.tv.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
We are back.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
Alex out on assignment in Dallas.
I'm Jason Burmess sitting in.
And we are now joined by Kathryn Austin-Fitz.
Oh no, we don't have her on yet?
She'll be on in just a moment.
She is the founder and managing member of Solari Investment Advisories LLC.
She is a former Assistant Secretary of Housing for the Federal Housing Commissioner under the first Bush administration.
She was the president of the Hamilton Securities Group Investment Bank and financial software developer and a Wall Street insider.
So we are going to get her take on the devaluing dollar, on gold hitting a record high, on what's really going on in Dubai.
And how this is going to affect us, not only in the United States, but globally.
How are you, Kaithryn?
Hi, I'm fine.
So let's just get right into it.
We're seeing record numbers for gold today.
The dollar continues to decline and we're talking bailouts in Dubai.
What does this all mean for us here at home?
Well, what it means is our expenses are going to rise and our income is going to fall.
It's that simple.
And we're going through a structural change economically as a society.
We have, for the last 15 to 20 years, moved abroad many of the high-paying manufacturing and other jobs, and done it in a way that significantly weakened the unions and anything that would protect the value of labor.
So we're watching
It's a fundamental shift between the value of labor and the value of capital worldwide.
And it's an integral part of the way that globalization is being achieved.
And so we're just at a round with Dubai as sort of the latest sort of crisis du jour related to what happens when you print lots and lots of financial paper.
Whether it's currency or bonds or debt securities.
But you don't build up an equivalent amount of real wealth in the real economy.
So we're watching a back and forth between all the paper that we've printed and the bubbles that we've engineered globally and the real economy.
And the precious metals is really just the real economy saying, hey, wait a minute.
We don't want your paper.
We're worth a lot more in terms of your paper.
Well, you just discussed briefly how this country has essentially been gutted from making anything.
We don't really have an industry that creates and exports anything.
In fact, I think our leading export at this point is garbage ideas and promises that really aren't there.
I mean, how did this happen?
How did we allow ourselves to stop manufacturing any physical materials whatsoever?
Well, in the 1990s, we implemented the GATT Uruguay Round and created in 1995 the WTO, the World Trade Organization, which radically changed the rules.
You know, it's like any game, when you blow a whistle and change all the rules, the whole game changes.
And what the World Trade Organization and the GATT Round said is, we are now free to move capital in and out of any place.
And basically shift jobs locally, globally, in a way where we can, you know, play labor off against each other around the world.
And that's happening at the same time when you're instituting lots of new powerful technology, because a lot of this is made possible by telecommunications and satellite technology and digital technology.
You're instituting it where it's possible to radically reduce the number of people you need
We're good to go.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
We'll be back after this with Katherine Austin-Fitz.
Hello, this is Alex Jones with some important questions.
If you're going into a battle and they give you a rifle and a sidearm, how much ammunition do you want?
My answer would be all I can get.
In the battle for freedom and the lives of your loved ones, food is your only ammunition.
How much do you want?
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Will you go to the gathering center and be immunized?
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How much will you need?
We don't know.
How much do you want?
All you can get.
I'm Alex Jones.
I think.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, welcome.
I am Jason Bermas, sitting in for Alex Jones, who's on assignment in Dallas.
We're with Kathryn Austin-Fitz, and you were talking about, really, the restructuring of the global economy and the economy here at home.
How do you feel the SDR, or Special Drawing Rights Unit, that the IMF is now really issuing fervently, fits into all that?
Is this the global currency that they plan to replace the dollar with?
Because there's all this talk that the dollar can no longer be the world reserve currency, and it would seem that although this hasn't taken a physical form yet, that may be the next step.
Well, there are a couple things happening at once, Jason.
The first is, there is tremendous tension between the financial
A really speculative economy in the real economy.
And if you look at the countries and the organizations trying to implement trade around the world, it's very painful to be trying to move bananas from here to there when the currency or securities you're operating with to manage a real business have become really a tool of financial speculation and economic warfare.
So we see tremendous demand.
I don't know.
So there's a demand for a global currency that's outside the global speculation system.
That's one.
Number two, there's no doubt there's a desire also to get off the dollar, because the dollar's in a long-term decline.
And what the dollar has become is, in one sense, is a form of global taxation to the balance sheets.
So countries around the world buy dollars, they go down in value, and literally it's a taxation system.
So, there's a real desire for something, one, that's global, that's two, that's outside of the speculation, and three, it's not going down in value.
And that's part of what you're seeing with the SDRs and the movement to a global currency.
But the other thing, what we're seeing is we're just seeing a desire for people to have something that's not going down, which is part of what's pushing the price of gold and silver and the precious metals up a lot in the last couple months.
So, what does the United States look like once the dollar is dumped as the world reserve currency?
Is this literally the death of the dollar and we would need some kind of other currency in the United States?
Would this trigger even a deeper depression?
I know that Obama's talking about a double-dip recession, which to me is just a semantical word game to say, hey, things aren't going to get any better.
They dare not use the term depression.
But if the dollar is taken away as the global reserve currency, does it survive?
And what happens here in the United States?
Well, I don't think we're going through a depression or recession.
I think we're going through, I call it a financial coup d'etat.
So I think what you're watching is a fundamental re-engineering of how the world is governed and it's intentional and it's planned.
Now, it happens in organic ways.
It's not as though it's perfectly scripted.
But we're going through a fundamental change, and the decision to basically reduce the middle class to a much lower income with much less political power lifestyle was an intentional decision made in the 90s.
And essentially what has happened is you have one or two generations in the United States have built up huge wealth over their lifetime and what we saw was that wealth transferred
Out of the economy and abroad during the 90s, sort of hidden behind the bubble.
But that's an intentional thing.
And so when we talk about this in terms of depression and recession, we're talking about business cycles.
And that's not really the traditional.
We're not watching a traditional business cycle.
We're watching a fundamental re-engineering of and centralization of economic and political control.
And it's very much global and very planned out.
Let me give you an example.
In London in 2002 to give a paper on, it's called The Myth of the Rule of Law, about sort of how the process of privatization was working here in the United States and how things were, you know, basically criminal enterprises being used to centralize all sorts of ownership and control and real estate into a relatively small group of
of people, and I gave the paper, and following me there was a former reporter from the Wall Street Journal giving a paper about the economic warfare in Russia during the 90s, and then followed by a wonderful reporter in London who gave one on Eastern Europe, and we were all in a state of shock because we realized it was the same companies, the same banks, same hedge funds,
Same defense contractors operating as syndicate in all three places.
We just didn't, you know, we hadn't seen the game because we thought it was just North America or Russia or Eastern Europe, and what we didn't see was there was a global process going on of buying up and controlling all sorts of land and real estate and enterprises, and was very much part of a process of economic warfare that was going on globally.
Well, when these elitists talk about redistribution of wealth, what they really mean is that their goal is to take the United States and take us from our first world nation status and delve us into this second world nation status as they consolidate power, as they gain more power.
And I see this system being implemented with this cap-and-trade scam and now being exposed in Climategate.
I mean, that's why they created these carbon markets and carbon prices.
I mean, the EU openly trades European Union.
This is about globalization and I think that this is the next step in this redistribution of how the global economy works.
Well, let's look at the challenge, you know, whether it's what I'll just call a metaphor for the people running the economy globally.
So, whether you're Mr. Global or whether you're
You know, you're Jason and Catherine and the people listening to this call.
The question is, how do we go from being a world where resources are very much used by the few and not by the many, and a world where we're having incredible sort of damage from growth in population to the environment on the planet.
How do we go to a world where we are living in alignment with each other and with the environment?
So how do we go from an unhealthy model to a much more healthy model?
And here's the challenge.
The question is, how do you incentivize people to do what's good for the environment and do what's much more equitable in terms of sharing of resources?
And there are positive systems you can use to do that, Jason.
The Solari model says, okay, why don't we finance the communities with equity, and then people can make money and get financial wealth from reducing consumption.
The notion that we need consumption to grow to get the stock market to go up is absurd.
That's the corporate model.
But in fact, if you finance places with equity, there's enormous financial incentives for all of us to dramatically reduce our consumption in a way that aligns us and our finances with
With the environment.
Cap and trade is a very different kind of system.
It's a taxation system.
And it says, you know, you can't trust people to do the right thing.
So rather than incentivize them with positive, what we're going to do is we're just going to make it very painful and expensive for them to not lower their footprint.
But we're going to do it in a way that one, gives us central control, and two, where we can game the system.
So I've always said, if you think
You know, that cap-and-trade would make derivatives look like it was something that Mother Teresa came up with.
Because what you're seeing in cap-and-trade is the worst polluters on the planet being given a get-out-of-jail-free card in exchange for making it much more expensive for the least polluting people.
So, for example, Democracy Now!
just had a great description about a month ago of General Motors.
Purchasing of carbon credits in Brazil and basically, you know, General Motors is free to pollute because the folks in Brazil can no longer hunt or do all sorts of things with land that they've been using for generations.
So you literally have a system that allows the most polluting to continue to pollute and get a get-out-of-jail-free card by making life miserable for the people who have the lowest footprint.
And exactly, even though they're going to buy these carbon credits, those fees, those costs, will then be implemented on the lower class by what they cost.
They'll just increase their price.
And in fact, now you're seeing around gas stations that if cap-and-trade is passed, yes, gas will go up 75 cents or a dollar.
And then the left cover is, oh, you must work for the oil industry, that's why you're against cap-and-trade, that's why you're against a carbon tax.
Yet, these headlines I have next to me,
Well, let's talk about what we need.
The first thing that we need, whether it's, you know, if you're the American people or you're in Latin America or any continent around the world, what we all need is transparency about what's going on, what ClimateGate shows,
Is that the quote-unquote science around the need to have any kind of system is bogus.
And, you know, it's very hard for most people to believe that the concept of global warming could get this far, and we have this kind of sort of bogus science going on.
And so the first thing that's needed, Jason, is transparency about where is climate change coming from?
Why and what are the things that we can do, you know, what does the human race control that we can change that can improve our circumstances for whatever reason?
And I think that, you know, I'm someone who spends a huge amount of time trying to understand what's happening and why.
And I still feel absolutely no confidence that I know why or can explain, you know, why climate change is happening, because I think I think there's so much disinformation
And it's a perfect example of how disinformation is used to bring about bad policy and control when what we need is a real honest conversation about what's going to happen and what can we do.
Well the bottom line is if the data said what they said it showed they wouldn't have destroyed it and they would have allowed it to be peer-reviewed unless
Except for, you know, they didn't.
And they had to fall into the dark abyss.
It's the Alex Jones Show, back after this.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda,
They'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
I have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
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And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
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She's called the current economic situation a financial coup d'etat.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Jason Burmess, sitting in.
I want to move on to what's going on in Copenhagen in just I think it's six or seven days it begins this Copenhagen treaty where one of the quote-unquote three pillars is global government and the term taxation and tax appears over a dozen times.
They're trying to get this cap-and-trade scheme
I mean all the way around so that we sign on to a treaty and of course the United States is the quote-unquote worst polluter so we're going to be hit the hardest.
What do you see coming out of this climate treaty, this meeting?
I don't know what's going to come out of Copenhagen because I think there's a real effort going on behind the scenes to make sure that the United States doesn't commit or commits as little as possible and we don't know how it's going to play out.
The question behind all of this really goes back to, are we going to have a democracy, or are we going to be part of a system where invisible forces control top-down through these unbelievably complex systems, a lot of which are being engineered by using the environmental issues in the environmental community.
I think in many respects they're unknowing about it.
You know, I don't know what's going to come out, Jason.
I think we just have to wait to see, but it's part of a long-term trend to try and engineer top-down control in a way that literally takes any kind of accountability out of the hands of the people who live in a place.
So if you live in a county in the United States, and the United States breaks down to just about 3,100 counties, who's in control in that county?
Is it the World Trade Organization?
Is it rules set in a place like Copenhagen?
Is it the federal government, or is it your local sheriff and town council?
And that's where the rubber's going to meet the road.
If you're a farmer, do you own and control the water on your property, or does somebody at the World Trade Organization determine what happens with it?
So where do you see all this going in the United States?
What are we going to look like in six months, in a year?
Is the dollar going to continue to decline?
Is gold going to continue to go up?
And then how can people really hedge their bets and protect themselves from this really economic takeover to the tune of an admitted over 27 trillion dollars in bailouts?
Well, the first thing you want to do is, you know,
I'm not a prophet, so there are many different things that can happen.
There are many different scenarios that can play out.
But the one thing we do know is that there are certain long-term trends, and what you want to do is make sure you align yourself with the long-term trends.
So, the first long-term trend is we're having a shift of resources out of financial assets and what I call sort of bubble economics and into real things.
And what that means is the average person, the average household, needs to demonetize.
So, for example, I once had a friend who was constantly complaining about how the yields in her stock market portfolio were falling and her water bill was going up.
And I said, well, this is really easy.
Why don't you just sell some stock and build a well?
And so that's a perfect example where
We put our money into corporate securities, and then we get a yield on our corporate securities, and then we go into the market and buy from those same corporations the goods and services that we need.
So we've been intermediated, and demonetization is really about saying, okay, where can I start investing my time and my resources so that I permanently lower my overhead, because it makes sense to go back to the way my grandparents did it.
The economics are changing because we're in a bull market for tangibles.
So, for example, the more I can reduce my dependency in terms of my energy, my food, you know, on unreliable players.
You want to get unreliable players out of your life.
So, one of the questions I always ask people is, who's your farmer, who's your banker, where's your money?
With genetically modified food, there's a reason we all want to start getting to know our farmers again and finding ways of maybe investing in farmland that help make sure you have a wonderful supply of food.
So demonetization about that.
The second thing is, where are you putting your money and how does that relate?
To making sure you're advantaged.
I always give the example of three women.
I was sitting with a group of three women who were very close friends, and I got them talking about how their money worked.
And what we discovered is that one had her money in a local bank that was sending their money into their correspondent bank in New York.
It was a large New York bank, and they were getting about 4% of the time on their money.
And when we come back, I'll finish the story.
Sounds good.
We're with Kathryn Austin Fitz.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Jason Burmess.
Sitting in.
Go check out all of our films, all of our programs over at Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.tv.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As they're finishing off this agenda, they'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us
Tim Geithner?
They're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care and right now in Washington D.C.
we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv
We are back live.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
We have Katherine Austin Fitz with us.
I'm Jason Burmess sitting.
And before we go back to her, I want to remind people that there are holiday specials up over at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.tv.
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Now, we left off with you, Catherine, talking about how you should really know your farmer, and then you were getting into how you should really know your banker.
Yes, absolutely.
So, these three women were sitting around, all good friends.
One had her money in a local bank that was shipping its money to the correspondent's large New York bank.
She was getting about 4% on her money at the time.
Yields were much higher.
The second woman had her 401k IRA.
Both 401K and IRA, and she had her money in the stock of the same New York bank.
And their third friend, and remember, I'm getting them talking about their money, it turns out their third friend was borrowing on her credit card.
She started a business using her credit card, and right after that, it was a credit card of the same New York bank.
The bank checked the rate up to 23%.
The first two women are making about 5%, and providing their capital, their life savings, to this bank.
And one of their best friends is borrowing it back at 23%.
Now, what's wrong with that picture?
Why do we need a bank thousands of miles away, or over a thousand miles away, to get in between three friends in a way that's raking off huge and hideous profits?
Well, that's an opportunity.
In fact, there was one website that got started, Prosper.com, which was set up to help people loan directly to each other.
And of course, you know the boys shut it down.
So, another question is, where is the opportunity to not be intermediated by the big institutions and find ways of making more money and keeping the cash flow in either our networks or our neighborhood?
Let's say we did everything, Jason.
We demonetized, we bought our generator, we started loaning.
Let's say we did everything we could do, just ourselves and our networks.
Then the question comes down to,
Okay, now how do we start taking political action?
In addition to who's your farmer and who's your banker, a very important question in the 2010 election is going to be, who's your sheriff?
Because, in fact, if you look at the legal construct upon which the republic was founded, the most powerful person in your county is not the President of the United States and is not even your governor.
It's the sheriff.
And literally, the federal government cannot do anything outside or against the Constitution.
If your sheriff says no, you may not.
They're the ultimate word within that jurisdiction.
And we're going to have Richard Mack, I don't know if you've ever had Richard Mack on InfoWars, but we're going to have Richard Mack, who's a retired sheriff in Arizona, has written a lot about this question and in fact took the federal government to court, went all the way to the Supreme Court and won.
He's going to be on the Solari Report in January.
I just cringe when I see people spend money and time on the presidential elections when they're completely ignoring who is their sheriff.
And their political representation in their own local area.
Well, I always tell people that they need to start locally and if they truly do want to change the system, perhaps it's time for them to run for city council or state senator or even a congressional spot.
But of course, the sheriff is a very, very powerful position and an electable one.
So if you don't like what's going on in your county, it's time for you to run for sheriff.
Well, but the other thing is, you know, the sheriffs can do an awful lot if people will support them.
And a lot of the politics comes down to the Fed throws a lot of money.
The more dependent we get on federal money, and the more the Feds control the cash flow locally, the more everybody won't support their sheriff in standing up.
And that's why it's got to be battled out in the cash flow.
The next place you need to go after who's your sheriff is to look at, okay, let's look at where the governmental money is going.
We're paying taxes, and that tax money is going someplace.
Is that money circulating into the businesses that create
Employment and opportunities for us that we, our neighbors, own.
And I just want to use an example of what's been happening, because if you look, if you dig in and you look at the federal, state, and local governmental flows, all resources, not just contracts or expenditures within a place, what you discover is there's enormous opportunity to lower the burden to taxpayers in a way that creates much more income locally for us.
And let me give you a perfect example.
I live in Tennessee.
We have about 20% of the population now on food stamps, a huge part of the federal flow through in the Tennessee state budget.
It's over a billion dollars now.
So 20% of the people on food stamps in a state where we have fabulous farmland, beautiful farmland that's just sitting not doing anything.
It turns out, Jason, that we are outsourcing the data servicing and customer support work
On the food stamp contract in Tennessee, it's true in Florida, other states, too.
Are you ready for this?
JPMorgan Chase in India.
Oh, how lovely.
Now, we have counties in Tennessee where we have 25% unemployment.
So the federal and state governments are paying people to not work and paying for their food stamps when they are also paying JPMorgan Chase to do jobs that these people could do.
Well, that's why those arguments never stand up that, oh, they don't want to take these jobs.
No, you're not offering them to people.
You're moving them overseas and making it impossible for them to do this work.
Well, in fact, data servicing jobs are wonderful jobs for many people.
If you are someone who has responsibilities for caring for children or for elderly parents or both, data servicing jobs can be beamed in, you know, you can beam them out to lots of different sites locally.
And they can be done in flexible hours, so you can get very high productivity with flexible hours in sites that are closer to home, even residential.
So, in fact, it doesn't make any sense to beam those jobs to India, because there is a way to do them here, which is enormously wonderful for a workforce that literally cannot get in a car and commute an hour into Nashville or Knoxville or, you know, Tampa or Orlando.
Because they have to take care of, and it's certainly much more economic for society to have them care for their family members than to try and institutionalize that.
So if you look at the fundamental economics, you'll see again and again, and I saw this, I served as the Assistant Secretary of Housing, and I would often see communities where we were spending $250,000 per unit to construct public housing,
When 50,000 would buy and rehab a single-family home.
So we were paying five times per unit of what we needed to.
And in fact, in the Clinton administration, I took that example.
In fact, it was New Orleans where this situation, the fact pattern, was just outrageous.
I had first seen it in Chicago.
I took it to the assistant of the person who ran that program at HUD.
And I said, look, if we just re-engineered the money, we could get five homes for the price of one.
The person turned bright red and looked at me and said, but how could we generate fees for our friends?
So, when there's a bubble going on, Jason, everybody's happy to generate fees for our friends.
You know, when you turn to people and say, your children can't have healthcare because there's not enough money, it's time to look at 50 years of accumulated fees for our friends and say, you know, maybe we need to re-engineer how things work.
We've had decades of computers and new technology, and yet the overhead costs of fundamental government projects have skyrocketed exponentially, and that's because we are subsidizing a huge infrastructure, the biggest piece of which is these big corporations, because you give a big corporation a government contract, and you drive their stock up.
You know, capital gains on stock market real estate is the primary source of political contribution.
And it starts, though, in your own county saying, okay, let me get control of my local representatives, whether it's my sheriff or town council or state representative, make sure we have excellent people in office, but then let's look at the money and let's look at where we're paying five times of what is needed, and where we cannot re-engineer the money.
We're going to open up the phone lines for Catherine Austin Fitz in just a moment, but first I want to get your take on gold being at a record high today.
Where is the roof on this thing?
Are we going to see it go up above $1,300, $1,400, maybe even hit $1,500?
Where do you see gold and precious metals going?
If you go back and you look at the high in 1980 before the current high, and you say, OK, you know, gold traded at $800 even above, but the close was $800.
So gold traded at $800 in 1980.
If we were going to say, OK, how much was that in inflation in just the dollars, because
Enormous inflation from 1980 until now, so it's over 30 years of inflation.
But in current dollars, what was that?
Depending on who calculates it and what series they use.
Do they use a government series or, for example, John William Shadow Stats has redone the government numbers.
So do we use the more reliable numbers like Jones for the CPI and the inflation?
What would $800 be in current dollars?
You get estimates of anywhere from $2,500 to $7,500.
And so what we're looking at today with a price of approximately $1,200 is something that is less than 50% of where the high was in 1980.
So on an inflation-adjusted basis, Jason, we're nowhere near the high.
That's number one.
Number two, the challenge we have with precious metals
Is that it's a very tiny market relative to the global stock or bond markets.
I mean, the global bond market is huge, and then you add derivatives.
So, if a tiny bit of money decides it wants to shift into precious metals, you're talking about enormous pressure to drive the price up.
Now, we've seen over the last 15 years real intervention by the central banks and government treasuries to drive and manage the price down.
That's really a way to protect the bond market and sort of the inflated values of global currencies, particularly the dollar.
More and more investors are beginning to understand that game.
One of the things that has always threatened the market was the overhang of gold that the IMF has said that it was willing to sell.
The IMF is beginning, instead of just threatening sales, they have approved sales.
But that overhang is going very quickly into central banks, which are snapping it up.
And if you say to yourself, look, if central banks and institutional investors and retail investors are going to start to move into this very, very thin market, it doesn't take much incremental change in percentage of market share to drive the price through the roof.
So, the long-term fundamentals on precious metals are very, very strong.
Number one.
And number two, it is very important to remember that this is an extremely political market and a very, you know, there's an economic war going on in the middle of this market.
So we're looking at prices that are extremely volatile.
And it's very important to recognize, yes, we have a long-term bull market.
My guess is that there is a great distance to go.
This has only just begun.
But you have to be very careful, because in the short term we're going to get wild swings, and it's important for a retail investor to not do anything in this market where they could get caught by those swings.
So before anybody sort of tiptoes into these waters, just make sure you understand what you've got going and be prepared to stick in it for the long haul.
Now, when does it end?
One of the things that could end all of this is when a new global currency
It goes into effect and it's really working.
And that will diminish the need for using precious metals as sort of a global currency.
This reflects not only that need, but the distrust that everybody has in government.
So we're really watching a deterioration in the quality of sovereign government credits worldwide.
So I think this goes on for a long time.
You just want to be really careful because we're talking about something
Thank you.
I don't
I don't know.
I don't know.
I'm just ignorant of the status of the lawsuit occasionally.
Like anybody, I'll read things on the internet, but I really
And I don't think that there's anything actually going on in regards to the Copenhagen Treaty due to that.
I thank you for the call, Betty.
Let's go to Chris in New Mexico.
Chris, you're on the line.
Thanks, Jason.
Hi, Catherine.
Hi, Jason.
No, that was Jason.
I'm Chris.
I'm sorry, Chris.
That's okay.
Chris, what do you got for us?
Catherine, nice to hear you in the daytime instead of the middle of the night.
Would you spend a few minutes talking about
One of the alternative currencies, you know, I think that's the only way that we're going to get out of this mess.
Something like along the lines of Ithaca Hours or, you know, some of the others that have been established.
And I know you know a little bit about that, so can you address that?
I think there are a number of ways that we can start to transact both locally and in our networks.
And the important thing to understand is it needs to be built
In a very granular way, which gives energy to the people in the short term within a community.
One of the challenges of community currencies is that if you organize them as a sort of new legal structure and make them complicated, they can be very expensive and time-consuming.
And I'm a believer in the just-do-it method.
And I would look at several things.
One is the idea of using your gold and silver coins as just a medium of exchange.
If you go to our website at solari.com, Franklin Sanders of the Money Changer and I have created a little application, which we're about to redevelop and roll out a new one in 2010, called the Gold and Silver Payment Calculator, and it allows you to translate back and forth between dollars
You know, let's say you want to pay somebody $100.
You can use the calculator to very quickly calculate in silver and gold coins what it would take to pay that amount.
So, the first thing, I'm going to suggest three things, but the first is just start using your gold and silver coins to transact.
Just do it.
Let's talk about those other two things on the other side.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Jason Bermas, sitting in.
Infowars.com, PrisonPlan.tv, and Catherine's website, Solari.com.
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When the government fears the people, there is liberty.
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We're good to go.
Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
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As we're finishing off this agenda...
They'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
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For the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation, the criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty and on its ashes constructing world government.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
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Today seems like nobody does care.
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Anything else is just a copycat.
Final segment of the Alex Jones Show.
He's out on assignment in Dallas.
I'm Jason Bermas, sitting in.
If you missed any of the program, remember, following the broadcast, the podcast is available at InfoWars.com.
Three great guests today, Jim O'Neill, Gary Lachman, Catherine Austin-Fitz, and of course, Alex Jones joined us for the better part of an hour.
Catherine, you were just talking about what currencies you could get into.
You said, you know, use your silver and gold coins as currencies, but you had two other points you wanted to make.
Sure, and this is the, you know, how do we start currencies?
By the Just Do It method.
The second is, there's a wonderful association called IRDA.
It's the International Association Related to Barter Networks.
In your community, it is likely that you already have a barter network set up that could use some support.
And there is a great deal that can be done through barter networks, both locally and their network globally.
So, you know, you can end up getting your
Your tour package to Scotland for the holidays through your local barter network.
So check out the IRTA website and find the local barter network or networks in your place and start to see if there aren't ways you can use it.
A lot of times you'll find businesses report as much as a 10% increase in sales that come about by their use of barter.
So there's a lot of opportunities, but we need to start, just build from the infrastructure that's there.
Finally, there's a real opportunity, as Chris said, to explore exchanging or trading or using hours, just using hours among neighbors and friends and businesses, but then going to a more formal system of trading our time and trading hours that makes an awful lot of sense to explore.
It starts with really talking to other people in your community, whether it's your neighbor or other small businesses, about how you can help each other save time or lower your expenses.
So it really starts with socializing and communication and just exploring the ideas.
If you can start to have more reciprocal relationships and connections, then you can move to a system of really trading hours, and there's lots of information on the website now.
I will say one of the most interesting statistics, Jason, is during the Great Depression, there were over 3,200 local currencies in America.
Do you think there'll be a revival in that?
3,100 counties.
So this is something that we're going to return and be doing this again.
And so it absolutely makes sense to spend time, but start with what you know, whether it's your gold and silver coins, barter networks in your community.
Just getting to know more people in your neighborhood and seeing where you can't trade time.
You know, just where I live in a very rural community, so we're always offering to help each other.
I'm going into town, what can I pick up for you?
Alright, final caller, Noel in Illinois.
You're on the air.
Yes, hi Jason.
Fable Enemies was unbelievable and I have a quick question in terms of the Climategate scandal.
Have any of you guys talked about, there's a
I have seen that document, Noel.
I have seen that document.
I have not discussed it on the program, but that's purely oversight.
The only thing about that document is it's not an actual email.
It was something that was being emailed to other people as kind of like this precursor, I guess, to the
Global Government.
They were going to try to get past in the Copenhagen Treaty.
Very pro-One World Government.
Very pro-New World Order.
But after all, that is where this all seems to be headed as they are trying to promote a global currency.
Catherine Austin Fitz's website is solari.com.
That's S-O-L-A-R-I.
If you missed any of the program, we got the podcast coming to you at infowars.com in just a few moments and the rebroadcast right after this.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Jason Bermas, sitting in.
Thank you all.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
Hello, this is Alex Jones with some important questions.
If you're going into a battle and they give you a rifle and a sidearm, how much ammunition do you want?
My answer would be all I can get.
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We don't know.
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Coast to coast, direct from Austin, you're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.