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Name: 20091122_Sun_Alex
Air Date: Nov. 22, 2009
1862 lines.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We're live, ladies and gentlemen.
Thank you so much for joining us on this Sunday, the 22nd edition
22nd day of November 2009 and we're going to be live here for the next two hours.
As I warned you, they have now passed the health care bill in the U.S.
Senate fully out of committee and they got the 60 votes needed to bring it up for full debate starting November 30th.
And if they could get the votes to bring it out for full debate and then passage, they've got the votes to pass it.
Mainline neocon media is telling conservatives and libertarians that we're going to beat this.
This is nothing more than World War I, the German speaker saying, the war is over, lay down your arms.
In 1915, in the middle of the war.
The war is joined.
They have a razor-thin margin.
A victory.
That's why they're telling you you've won.
So that you will stand down.
On the health care bill.
Same thing with the carbon tax.
They're going to pass the carbon tax either this year or early in session next year.
Same thing with the health care bill.
Same thing with open borders amnesty.
Same thing with their gun control bills.
That they've got 15 of them introduced, some of them out of committee.
The globalists are openly admitting they're making their moves right now.
We're going to be talking about that today.
Also, EU president says that Copenhagen will give them a global management, global governance, world government.
He says it all in an amazing clip we're going to play after this break.
The first year of global governance, as well as the first year of global management.
These are both quotes.
Global government management.
This is the new head of the EU government.
We're also going to get into the police state news.
People being arrested for their children playing in their backyards.
People being arrested for not paying tips when they get bad service.
It is all coming up.
Plus, there's a bunch of internet news, as you know, two weeks ago.
World Treaty on the Internet was leaked.
Obama's declared national security on it and refused to release it.
It's now been released.
And it talks about if you're caught file sharing, you're just banned from being on the Internet.
And to do that, they've got to have an ID system where everyone has to be ID'd to go on the Internet.
That's also used to track everywhere you go, what you do, and to create that digital profile.
So, ladies and gentlemen, just the news is off the charts as usual, but it's getting more and more intense as the tyranny and corruption just intensifies.
We're also going to have open phones today.
The toll-free number to join us, 888-201-2244.
I've thrown out a lot of important subjects here.
And I hope you'll want to talk about one or more of these, but you're welcome to call in about whatever you'd like.
The biggest piece of news broke at Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com back on Tuesday, but then it didn't get any attention.
Because it hadn't been confirmed whether or not the hack was accurate.
Whether it was a real hack.
And we pointed that out when we posted it.
That we don't know if this really happened.
But this is coming out in the hacker circles.
It appears to be accurate from high-level hackers we know.
It is confirmed.
The hackers, the good hackers, and most hackers are great people.
That's why the media demonizes them.
They're for freedom and liberty.
And they protect us a lot of the time.
And let us know what's coming before it happens.
They have done something so incredibly wonderful.
So incredibly good.
A major victory against the Empire.
Many Bothans died and suffered to bring you this information.
And we're going to cover it on the other side of this break.
This is a death blow to the New World Order.
The illusion created by the power elite is a lie that covers even the food they want you to eat.
Will you continue to be their profit center, buying their processed food that makes you sick?
Go to the doctor and buy their drugs?
You don't have to cooperate.
There is a solution.
Interhealth Botanicals, a company that my wife and I just love, have been providing products for the last five years that give you the perfect solution to this madness.
Try their Interfood with 20 organic ingredients full of dense nutrition that gives you the energy you need and will keep you well.
It even won the award for Best Superfood of 2009 from our friend Mike Adams, the health major.
I love their Nutri Cafe, great organic coffee infused with herbal extracts to boost your immune system.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Two thousand years ago, Jesus Christ had a term for it.
When you give people incredible information, and like pigs running around in the mud, they just trample over it.
Pearls before swine.
You throw a $100,000 string of black pearls out in front of a stampeding herd of wild hogs, they're going to stampede over those pearls, or diamonds, or rubies, or gold, or platinum.
I hope the information we're about to cover isn't trampled in the mud.
I hope every single listener of this important radio transmission
Sunday, November 22, 2009.
Takes notes.
Gets upset about this information.
Emails it to their entire email list.
Calls talk radio.
Writes letters to the editor.
I hope you go tonight while your neighbors are watching NFL football.
And bang on their door and say, look at this AP article, look at this Washington Post article, look at this Reuters article, look at this BBC article, and explain to them what's happening.
That's the way a real American, or anybody else for that matter worldwide, that loves truth and loves freedom would respond.
What am I talking about?
No, I'm not talking about the health care bill that's passed the House.
Now it's passed out of committee.
Going to go to full debate in the next few weeks.
They're probably going to pass it.
Socialize our health care.
Take over our lives.
Take more money out of our paychecks.
Give you quarter million dollar fines and five years in jail if you don't get the insurance.
That's bad enough and we're going to be discussing it.
No, I'm not talking about the secret world treaty that Obama declared national security on that is now on BBC and Boing Boing and other places.
Finally, it was leaked by hackers, yet again, doing a great job.
It's been leaked and the White House confirms it's a national security violation.
They're trying to hunt down who leaked it.
A total takeover of the internet, taxes on the internet, shutting down the web as we know.
If you ever file share, no judge, no jury, you're banned from ever using the internet.
Everyone is to be issued an ID number to use the internet so they can track everything you do and turn it off.
No, that's not the big news that I hope isn't pearls before swine.
All this other just off the charts insane news is not the top story.
Now I'm going to bring out these pearls.
I'm going to bring out these diamonds of information, so important to everyone.
I am going to bring this out, right now, live, on over 40 AM and FM's, it's over 60 on the weekday show, over 40 AM and FM stations, number one show on the internet streams, according to ShotKast and other rating services.
And I have respect for you, listening on WWCR, World Wide Shortwave, listening on satellite,
I have respect for all of our millions of listeners right now that you are going to get as upset about this and as focused as I am about the information I am about to give you.
And this information is so huge that I almost don't even want to cover it here in the first segment.
Not because of hype, but because it necessarily needs to be the finale.
We need to build up towards this.
We need to explain to people how important this is and give you the backstory, the history of it.
But because time is of the essence, I'm going to start getting into this right now.
But I'm going to beg listeners.
We're also simulcasting on internet television at PrisonPlanet.tv.
For members, take this video file, give it to everyone you know.
Call everyone you know, tell them to tune in.
Whether you're listening to us in Chicago, or Austin, Texas, or Florida, or San Francisco.
I want you to call everyone you know and tell them to tune in right now.
If you're listening in Knoxville, Tennessee, if you're listening in Kansas City on the AM and FM, you need to call everyone you know.
Because every day on this radio show, we bring out incredible bombshell information in legislation, in government documents, in alternative media, in mainstream media, in original research and reports we filed.
Think of how many national stories we've broken.
But this type of information, Tuesday, InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com,
From several major hacking services, white hat hackers, good guys.
And most hackers are white hat.
Either that or they're teenage kids screwing around, who haven't grown up yet.
Paul Watson, Curt Nemo posted it and it was unconfirmed.
And we said, this is unconfirmed.
We can't get a response from these universities, but we're trying to find out if this is true or not.
Thousands and thousands and thousands of internal correspondence between the United Nations and the main universities that they use to certify their IPC global warming information, where they say the earth is going to flood, all the major coastal cities are going to be underwater, the polar bears are going to die, the earth is heating, it's unnatural, carbon dioxide is a poison, it's not the sun causing it.
And the head professor for the UN, he is the main individual they use for all their data.
Of all these universities they have on their payroll, for five years he's refused to give Dr. Tim Ball, who's in my film Fall of the Republic, and other top climatologists, MIT climatologists, you name it, he has refused to give them his data saying it's proprietary.
Though it's being used to set up attacks on your house, your car, coal, everything.
Schwarzenegger banning TVs above 40 inches, taxing all the others.
I mean, total government control.
Thousands of new taxes.
One-child policies worldwide being called for.
Because humans exhale five and a half pounds on average a day, depending on your size, of your cardiovascular system, of carbon dioxide.
It's what plants breathe.
Then they release oxygen that animals, mammals, insects breathe.
Now, over 30,000 top scientists countered the 300 scientists that the UN had in the last two years, published papers saying it was a fraud, said this is a complete fraud, a takeover of the carbon cycle listing life and respiration as criminal.
This is a fraud.
They got fired.
They lost their jobs.
Over 90% of college and institutional private research is government-funded.
There has been a purge.
They have said it's like Holocaust denial to talk about it or to discuss it.
And Al Gore's major university sources have been caught faking buoy data on Arctic and Atlantic and Pacific temperatures, saying it was hotter than it really was.
And they always say it's an accident when they get caught.
They've been caught hundreds of times putting out fake data.
Ladies and gentlemen...
The universities that were hacked now admit they've been hacked.
It is confirmed.
There are criminal investigations of the hackers, which is wonderful because it only certifies this is real.
They admit it's real.
And the hackers got all the secret documents.
How they, how the big fake environmentalists admit it's all a lie, the earth is cooling, carbon dioxide's good for you, and these people knew it the whole time!
No, we already knew they knew!
We already knew they were grabbing ahold of industrial society.
We already have the UN Population Reports 1996 Biological Diversity Assessment saying it's a way to make humans the enemy, and the Club of Rome, and the Council on Foreign Relations reports.
We already have the Maury Strong 1992 Rio de Janeiro Earth Summit, the head of the UN Climate Program, saying this is a way to shut down human industrial capacity so we can control everybody.
But the hackers got all the secret documents!
It's in AP!
It's in Washington Post!
But they're reporting it like it's no big deal.
Oh, well, they got caught saying, hide data.
They got caught, and they kind of whitewashed it.
But the whitewash is completely devastating.
This is absolute nails in their coffin if we get this out.
Because the AP and the Reuters and all this is bad, but it's a whitewash.
We have the actual
Emails and documents and WikiLeaks has them.
Up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Paul Watson, Curt Nemo, now this is confirmed, have huge reports coming out tomorrow.
We have them!
We have these criminals!
Hey folks, this is Alex Jones, and I want to tell you about OxySilver, the world's most advanced silver hydrosol that Dr. Horowitz says can make risky vaccines and antibiotics avoidable.
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Hello, this is Alex Jones with some important questions.
If you're going into a battle and they give you a rifle and a sidearm, how much ammunition do you want?
My answer would be all I can get.
In the battle for freedom and the lives of your loved ones, food is your only ammunition.
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The illusion created by the power elite is a lie that covers even the food they want you to eat.
Will you continue to be their profit center, buying their processed food that makes you sick?
Go to the doctor and buy their drugs?
You don't have to cooperate.
There is a solution.
Inner Health Botanicals, a company that my wife and I just love, have been providing products for the last five years that give you the perfect solution to this madness.
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Coast to Coast.
Direct from Austin.
Oh yeah.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Let me at them!
OK, for radio listeners, we have caught the chief climatologist, the main research group
At a British university talking to all these other universities about how to demonize climate skeptics, other scientists going, well, wait, your data's fake.
That's not even important compared to the other news.
How to put out fake info and how to cover up the real data showing the earth has actually been cooling the last four years and that the sun is the major driver.
Now, the reason hackers hit this guy, and this particular university, is that he's the main one cited by the United Nations, saying the earth is heating and the oceans are going to rise and we're all basically dead if we don't pay a tax to Al Gore and the UN.
Separately, I have the new EU president announcing 2009 is the first year of global governance and global management, saying they're going to use the carbon tax to control the world.
What did Ban Ki-moon, three Sundays ago, say in the New York Times?
He's the UN Secretary General, in an article titled, We Can Do It.
He said global government, global governance will be financed and controlled through carbon taxes that will allow us to regulate and control all facets of world life and all resource management will go through these unelected corporations that control the UN.
This is the UN head saying this.
Who's the other UN head?
Head of the Security Council?
Barack Obama, no president has ever served as that.
The average American doesn't even know that's happening.
That's what we cover in my film, Fall of the Republic, available on DVD at InfoWars.com.
That's why that film is so important, because if they get this carbon tax legislation through,
At Copenhagen, in Europe, and in the U.S., it's over, folks.
Total control.
They're now trying to pass this in the next month, and it is a God's sin that these conscientious, white-hat hackers, who I bow to, I prostrate myself, I thank you, I hail you, oh, you are wonderful, oh my God, oh my God, this is so beautiful, what you've done.
Now, we started reporting on this Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, when it was only on the big hacking sites.
Now AP, Reuters, BBC, they're all confirming yes.
The Washington Post admits it but says nothing about the lying, nothing about how these head universities with the UN were all colluding and racketeering how to lie and how to persecute scientists and fire them and remove them who were criticizing him.
He wouldn't release his data.
For five years, he refused to release it when the UN was using it as an excuse to say carbon dioxide is deadly and is making the temperature rise.
Now, I'm going to read to you the AP article for PrisonPlanet.tv viewers.
Give them a screenshot right now.
For radio listeners, just Google the term or go to SmartPage.com and Google the term, search the term.
Hackers leak emails, stoke climate debate.
Now, even though the AP had to report on this, we need to push and make sure this becomes big nightly news everywhere.
Right in the middle of this big man-made climate change global tax push.
This headline should be, Hackers Release Emails Proving Global Warming a Fraud.
Because their emails, which we have up at Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com, they were posted earlier in the week, Paul Watson is reposting them, but even though I saw these, and even though they looked authentic and had seals and letterhead, we said, well, this is being reported, we don't know if it's true.
It's now confirmed!
The university's investigating, the British government's investigating, the U.S.
government, the U.N.
are saying, how dare these hackers?
This is illegal.
How dare them rob us?
They are not denying this.
This is admitted.
Let me say that again.
They are not denying this.
Now, Al Gore got caught this week by climatologists in Florida.
Got no attention on Monday.
Friday morning,
Paul Watson wrote an article at Prison Planet, our site's so big, it made national news, got picked up by scores of newspapers, Rush Limbaugh had it as his top headline all day, he sourced Prison Planet, where Al Gore photoshopped a NASA photo, and we got the NASA photo right next to it, and put hurricanes spinning the wrong direction, the U.S.
flooded, and he said, oh, this is what NASA says is gonna happen.
No, Al Gore has been caught fraudulently photoshopping.
That made national news Friday.
Okay, we are breaking through.
Everything we cover now becomes national news.
Ladies and gentlemen, there has been nothing we've ever done on the climate issue as important as what I'm about to read.
I'm going to read the AP whitewash, and this is devastating.
This is red-handed.
Now listen and listen carefully.
Give me a close shot of this for PrisonPlanet.TV viewers.
Hackers leak emails, Stoke Climate Debate, Associated Press, David Stranger.
Computer hackers have broken into a server at a well-respected climate change research center in Britain and posted hundreds of private emails and documents online, stoking debate over whether some scientists have overstated the case for man-made climate change.
Now that should say, the devastating emails admit a systematic...
Paul Watson, Curt Nimmo doing huge stories right now.
Now listen, the University of East Anglia, and what's important, that's the main university the UN cites, in eastern England, said in a statement Saturday that the hackers had entered the server and stolen data at its climate research unit, a leading global research center on climate change.
They're admitting this is their emails!
They all need to go to prison!
I mean, they're in here going, we gotta get this guy fired, we gotta go after this person, we gotta get their papers banned, we gotta run this guy out of business.
They're talking about ruining scientists' lives.
And I've met a lot of these scientists, interviewed them.
They're communists, they're socialists, they're conservatives.
They're just scientists.
They don't have a political axe.
They go,
The Earth's cooling, it's the sun, why are you saying carbon dioxide is bad?
Al Gore got caught two years ago showing that carbon dioxide goes up on that famous graph and then the temperatures go up.
But the real graph released by NASA and all these universities from ice core studies show that the temperature goes up and then carbon dioxide goes up in the next hundred years.
Because it releases carbon dioxide from the water, from the ice, and there's more plant life, more animal life, and it boosts the total amount.
The scientists that exposed gore lost their jobs.
It doesn't matter if gore is now retracted.
They persecute people.
They get people fired.
That's in these emails.
I'm gonna cover it.
It's just there's so many facets to this evil.
The University of East Anglia in Eastern England said in a statement Saturday that the hackers had entered the server and stolen data at its climate research unit, a leading, it is the leading, global research center on climate change.
The universe, this is AP, AP, AP!
The university said police are investigating the theft of the information but could not confirm.
And it goes on, more than a decade
...of correspondence between leading British and US scientists is included in about 1,000 emails and 3,000 documents posted on the websites following the security breach last week.
Some climate change skeptics and bloggers claim the information shows scientists have overstated the case of global warming and allege the documents contain proof that some researchers have attempted to manipulate data.
Yeah, and the police should be seizing all of these servers now before they erase it.
And then claim that it was never there and claim it's fake.
But they messed up.
They're admitting it's real and throwing a fit.
Just like the White House memo and the Downing Street memo where Bush and Blair are talking about staging events.
That is now confirmed to be real because of the criminal investigation and the White House admitted it.
We're going to come back and read the bombshell developments where they fake the data.
They know it's a fraud!
We'll be right back.
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This is Alex Jones with five good reasons you should consider buying a solar power generator.
Number one, new climate legislation could easily double or triple your electric bill.
Number two, our new energy czar wants to control how much power your electric company allows you to have.
It's true.
Total government control of electricity in the name of smart grid technology is coming.
Number 3.
In some areas of the country, the power grid is dangerously overloaded.
And now, new socialist legislation is only compounding the problem.
Number 4.
Dangerous weather is always a threat to local grids.
Every year, thousands of families lose their power from weather-related outages.
Number 5.
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Folks, I really believe in the solar power generators offered by Solutions from Science, one of my oldest sponsors.
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That's mysolarbackup.com.
Remember, the government doesn't own the sun, so go to mysolarbackup.com or call 1-877-327-0365.
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Again, it is here'swhatyoudo.net.
That's here'swhatyoudo.net.
One last time, it's here'swhatyoudo.net.
Coast to Coast, direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
I feel like I should be popping champagne right now.
I mean, can this get any more delicious for the truth and freedom and these criminals?
Last Thursday, the House voted
To go to a full vote to start debate in the next month to audit the private Federal Reserve.
The criminals that are pushing this global carbon tax.
The Federal Reserve's only one arm of a European private banking syndicate.
Here's U.S.
News & World Report.
Ron Paul Fed provision passes House Financial Services Committee.
I mean, where's the champagne?
I said Friday we should pop champagne.
That's it.
I'm buying champagne after the show.
I don't even really drink, but I mean, this is bubbly time.
In fact, we ought to send Burmess out before he does his show live so at the end of my show I can have a glass of champagne.
We'll get one bottle.
All of us in the crew will have one glass.
I mean, this, in fact, get me champagne.
I'm going to drink a glass of champagne on air.
Because we're not out of the woods, we haven't won the fight yet, but we're hitting on all cylinders.
Victory, victory, victory.
Rush Limbaugh comes out Friday, calls Al Gore a crook, admits it's all a scam by the New World Order to have global carbon taxes, covers our story about how Al Gore's photoshopping fake documents.
And now the Associated Press, Reuters, BBC, Washington Post, they're all having to report.
That the internal emails between the UN and the University of East Anglia, their main research body, the Climate Research Unit, the leading global research center on climate change, who've been accused of creating fake data, and over and over again it's been found that what they claim from global weather stations, that they're saying it's hotter than what
Scientists and other universities and research firms go to those other universities and actually get their temperature records.
And it's not what these universities, not just East Anglia, but others are saying.
See, they've been caught over and over again.
But now they can say, oh, we made a mistake.
No, now we have them where they're openly colluding, where they're openly manufacturing it.
In one leaked email, the Research Center's director, Phil Jones, writes to colleagues about graphs showing climate statistics of the last millennium.
He alludes to a technique used by fellow scientists to hide the decline.
That's a quote.
Hide the decline in recent global temperatures.
See, this is like all of those, remember a hundred years ago, Piltdown Man and all those other cases where they would find a pig jaw and put fake teeth in it?
And claim they'd found the missing link and they'd always get caught?
This is scientific fraud!
I mean, if it ever was!
We have these people!
Their entire New World Order plan rests on the global carbon tax, and they are bleeding to death in front of us!
I've never had champagne on air!
Get me champagne immediately!
Dom Perignon!
Let me give you my credit card.
Oh, it's Sunday.
We've got to go to the grocery store to get it.
Oh my God.
Get me a $150 bottle of Dom Perignon.
We're not drunks here.
There's six people here.
It'll be maybe half a glass for each of us.
It's like I just won the NASCAR or something, man.
I may spray that sucker all over the studio.
I may roll around crazy out in the grass after this.
I may strip my clothes off, light my hair on fire.
I mean, this is exciting!
We're going to audit the Federal Reserve, or we're going to die trying.
We're going to expose the bankers.
We're going to, oh man!
I mean, we're just having victory after these hackers.
I mean, oh my God, I love you.
Oh, the freedom, the liberty, the spirit of liberty rising across the world right now.
The spirit of 1776 rising to meet the spirit of 1984 in a great tectonic battle has only begun.
There's going to be a lot of rocky roads ahead, but I'm here to tell you, we're going to beat these criminals!
We're going to beat these people!
Man, I'm feeling good right now.
I mean, ladies and gentlemen, we need to learn to celebrate victories.
You get
Happy when a couple years ago UT and the quarterback in the last two seconds runs into the end zone.
And I was there with my family.
That was fun.
That was exciting.
That is at one one millionth as beating a group of criminal bankers who know it's a fraud and want to tax all our industries selectively.
Mexico, China, India, 160 other countries.
No cuts.
You think our economy's in bad shape right now?
They get this passed.
It's devastating to everybody.
I actually love my children.
I actually love my wife.
I actually hate criminals.
I love fighting them.
And I know if you'd find your fighting spirit, America, and people in England and Europe and Canada and all over the world, we could beat these people.
This is a private group of banks wanting to come in with a forced management system over the planet.
Let me read you again out of the Associated Press.
And you read the emails, they're even worse.
This is a whitewash.
And it's devastating.
This is coffin nails.
Phil Jones writes to colleagues about graphs showing climate statistics over the millennium.
He alludes to the technique used by a fellow scientist to hide the decline.
That's a quote.
Hide the decline in recent global temperatures.
Some evidence appears to show a halt in the rise of global temperatures at about 1960.
We better be glad we were in a warming trend because normally it's freezing cold.
Jones wrote that in compelling data he had just completed Mike's nature trick of adding in the real temps to each series of the 20 years from 1981 onwards and from 61 for Keith to hide the decline.
More emails!
I mean, this guy needs to be immediately raided!
But that won't happen because the government wants this.
Doesn't matter.
We're going to carry the ball.
You're going to carry the ball.
We're gonna get, and Paul Watson's doing an article right now, he's doing a blurb tonight, more throughout the next week.
We reported this three days ago, but now it's confirmed.
They are now admitting it.
It's kind of like when I got the MIAC and Homeland Security documents earlier this year saying the Homeland Security is really for the American people to take our private property, to arrest patriots, gun owners, veterans, conservatives, libertarians.
And even though I got it from two state police officers and a federal marshal,
They were so freaked out, I got it from multiple sources, and even though I called the FBI off the secret phone number on it, and they said, where did you get this?
Who gave it to you?
You're going to be investigated.
I mean, I knew it was real, and they flipped out on the phone.
It was like, watch, Commander!
Yes, this is Alex Jones.
Alex Jones, they even knew who I was when I called Homeland Security, baby.
They know who I am, because they know I defend the Republic, and they do the opposite.
That doesn't mean all of them are criminals, but the leaders of it are.
But I didn't come out and say it was real until a week after we broke it when it was AP, Reuters, Fox News, Nationwide, International News.
We weren't sure this was real five days ago.
It is now confirmed.
The use of the word trick by Jones has been seized on by skeptics.
What do you mean?
We have his email saying we're going to trick people and fake the data.
Hide the decline.
These are quotes who say his email offers proof of collusion between scientists and distorted evidence to support the assertion that human activity is influencing climate change.
Now, it's even worse.
Not only are they in there faking the data, which they've been caught over and over again, but they always say it's an accident.
They're in these emails.
I have separate mainstream articles quoting the emails.
We have the emails up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Not only do we have that, but we have them talking about how to persecute and get fired and remove and destroy scientists and scientific institutions that were proving their research a fraud.
See, hackers began to follow this guy.
White hat hackers.
And they noticed for five years he wouldn't release his source data.
And they've now hacked him.
This is just like...
Just like hackers got the White House memo and the Downing Street memos four years ago.
Remember those?
Where Bush is meeting in England and then at the White House with Tony Blair in two separate meetings saying we can fly jets, shoot them down, blame it on Saddam.
This is from 2002, 2003.
The two meetings, one 2002, one 2003.
The Downing Street memos, 2002, 2003, right before the March invasion.
And Bush is talking about how
They can stage a shoot-down and Tony Blair's not agreeing, and how to stage terror attacks, and that was then confirmed to be real?
This is just bigger and bigger!
This is so beautiful, so wonderful.
I'm gonna come back, finish up with this, get into the other global government news, as the new head of the EU openly announces world government!
No more denial!
We're going to come back and your calls the entire second hour.
Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As they're finishing off this agenda, they'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us
Tim Geithner?
They're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care and right now in Washington DC we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv
Hey folks, this is Alex Jones and I want to tell you about OxySilver, the world's most advanced silver hydrosol that Dr. Horowitz says can make risky vaccines and antibiotics avoidable.
You've heard Dr. Leonard Horowitz and others urge vaccination avoidance.
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OxySilver safely electrocutes pathogens.
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He also recommends Zeolife for blood cleansing and GI Flora Pro as a probiotic for intestinal immunity.
Help others and earn extra income.
I think so.
Hello, this is Alex Jones with some important questions.
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That's 1-800-691-6043.
Or visit a Coloblue on the web at www.ecoloble.com today.
Coast to coast, direct from Austin, you're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Oh yeah, baby!
Hope the New World Order hears our war drown!
We got the hackers!
We got the people out there getting the truth out!
We're gonna destroy your New World Order in the Info War, you bastards!
Escape from the Prison Planet!
Escape from the Prison Planet!
Come on!
It's a war on, ladies and gentlemen!
You didn't know that?
Bunch of criminal, made-off, Ken Lay types trying to take over our planet with their doom-and-gloom scams about carbon dioxide being a nerve weapon that plants breathe.
Get up!
Stand up!
Escape from the prison planet!
I'm ready!
We had Clutch on Friday, by the way.
Folks, sing in that top rock band.
Fighting the New World Order.
Man, I am fired up!
What'd you do coming in with that clutch?
That was the wrong thing to do right there.
Oh man, people think I'm joking around.
We got two bottles of Dom Perignon coming down here right now for the end of the show.
The end of the show, baby.
We're popping that to these hackers.
Man, you are beautiful.
You know that?
I love you.
Man, you're after my own heart.
It's feeling really good right now.
I was already telling you we ought to pop some champagne on the air when Ron Paul got his Audit the Fed bill to pass.
Two-thirds in the House going to full debate.
Man, we are really identifying the real enemy here.
And all you yuppies and people that make $100,000 or even a million a year who think you're part of the elite, you're not part of the elite.
They're going to nail you to the wall as well.
Come in and join the Patriots for the big win against the New World Order.
We're telling the truth.
We're the good guys.
We have a lot more fun than the criminal globalists.
We're laissez-faire, free market, truth tellers, we're winning!
1776, come on, what do you want?
You want to be part of 1776, the spirit of 1776, or the spirit of 1984?
What am I so excited about, ladies and gentlemen?
Ron Paul, by the way, is coming on in a couple weeks to talk about this.
He was on with us a week and a half ago.
Ron Paul.
Fed provision passes House Financial Services Committee.
News and World Report.
He has 311 sponsors in the House of Representatives.
The fellow Reserve hired the biggest lobbying firm to beat it and were defeated.
Oh, that didn't get me excited.
When I found out Thursday night they'd done that.
If that didn't get me excited.
Man, I fight these people 16, 17 hours a day a lot of the time.
All I do is wake up at 3am wanting to work.
I mean, I know they're crooks!
This is my whole life!
You yell and scream about your football team, women.
Folks, I yell and scream about saving my country, saving my republic, and we haven't saved it yet.
But let me tell you something.
Every blow we throw, every punch we put out there, lands right on the end of the New World Order's nose, and it's like Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer with blood spraying out both directions.
And let me tell you, ladies and gentlemen, if we just get
Fired up and get involved and shatter the left-right paradigm.
There's nothing can put the New World Order back together again.
Okay, I gotta settle down.
Boy, I'm feeling good right now.
I'm going into serious Southern Baptist Convention preaching right now.
Fire and brimstone as we throw those New World Order devils in there like roasted hot dogs.
Like I'm winning the Super Bowl here.
This is unbelievable.
Because I got my priorities straight, ladies and gentlemen.
In 14 years of fighting these people as hard as I can, I see everybody starting to wake up.
It's so good.
It's so exciting as the people learn that their destiny is to beat the New World Order.
You know, they told the Founding Fathers it was revelations and the end of the world and the lay down to King George III.
They didn't listen.
They told Europeans lay down to Hitler.
It was the end of the world.
People didn't listen and we beat them.
And we're gonna beat the Stalins and the Hitlers and the Mao's of the 21st century.
We're going to beat them together or we're gonna die trying.
Okay, I gotta get settled down here.
What am I so excited about?
Five days ago, we posted major hacking sites reporting that have always been credible in the past.
A lot of these are, you know, top computer people making a half million bucks a year that are doing this.
I don't know who did it, but I know some of the groups.
And let me tell you, these are hardcore people.
And let me tell you something, exposing fraud, the cops won't do it.
The FBI, MI5 won't do it.
The people are forced to do it.
It is so beautiful.
They hacked them.
It's an AP, Reuters, you name it.
All the internal emails with the UN and their major universities pushing the lie that carbon dioxide's a deadly poison and the Earth's gonna flood and that polar bears can't swim and all this stuff.
And it all came out that it was internally, they knew it was a fraud and were lying and faking the data.
And everybody kept going, well this data shows it's getting colder.
It was getting hotter.
We go on a natural cycle.
And, you know, look at Mars.
Its ice caps were getting smaller the last 40 years.
And suddenly they're getting bigger again.
And the whole solar system is getting cold again because the sun cooled off and is not putting off any major coronal ejections.
The sunflares.
You know them as sunspots.
They look like a spot through the telescope.
Anybody that's taken astronomy knows about this.
And I have all these climatologists on who lose their jobs, get fired, lose their research funding, and they're just telling the truth.
It's in here how to get people fired, how to make them lose their funding, how to get their institutions shut down, how to stop their papers from getting published.
It's all in here, caught, read, handed, you little bastards.
Excuse me, I'm not going to talk like that anymore.
Because that's mean to women.
Nothing wrong with people that didn't have a daddy.
I mean, there's nothing wrong with that.
They're far worse than that.
No, I'm serious.
Cockroaches serve a purpose.
It's not fair to call these people cockroaches.
Lying, larcenous, manipulative, control freaks that want to seize our entire society through scientific fraud.
That's what they are!
That's what you are!
A bunch of lying vipers!
And I'm calling you out!
And the people of the world are calling you out!
And we are exposing you.
So there's the AP and there's a lot of other exciting news.
The bad news is they passed it out of committee and it's going to the full floor for debate of the Senate and it looks like they're going to pass the government grabbing of health care.
But we can reverse that later and still try to beat it in the next month.
As bad as that is, it's nothing compared to a world government taxing mechanism.
You read the Club of Rome.
You read the U.N.
You read the State Department documents that I've made films about, written books about, and we post on my website.
But that isn't as good as having Al Gore, Gordon Brown, and all these other people.
Kevin, how are you saying you pronounce President Rompi?
This guy's a high-level Bilderberg group member.
Now openly in the legislature, the European Union Congress, Parliament, they are openly calling him out as a New World Order stooge.
And so now they're suddenly announcing everything in plain view, kind of like it's hidden in plain view, like it's no big deal.
Now, this is the BBC, this clips up on Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com, and Von Rumpy, they're translating for him.
But you can go to the official UN website, official EU website,
Related article, Bilderberg appointee Van Rompuy is first EU president of the expanded new all-powerful EU over their people, their governments have no power.
New EU president Rompuy announces 2009 as first year of global governance.
Now I'm going to play this clip where he admits global governance, global government, and that this world government structure is being set up, and then he goes on, you can read the transcript, to say carbon tax is what's going to fund it.
Just like three Sundays ago,
In an article titled, We Can Do It, Ban Ki-moon, Secretary General of the UN, he said word for word the same stuff.
Here it is!
No more denial!
World government's real!
They told you it didn't exist while they were building it!
Now they're springing it on you!
Here it is!
2009 is also the first year of global governance with the establishment of the G20 in the middle of the financial crisis.
The climate conference in Copenhagen
...is another step towards the global management of our planet.
Our mission, our presidency, is one of hope, supported by acts and by deeds.
Now you can go watch hours of this stuff.
And Gordon Brown admitting world... In fact, let's play Gordon Brown before we go to break.
I don't know if we'll have time for Al Gore and Bill Clinton and George Sr., but here is Al Gore.
We got Al Gore ready?
Here is Al Gore.
Gordon Brown.
Go to Gordon Brown.
These are not just a single collection of actions.
This is collective action.
People working together at their best.
I think a new world order is emerging and with it the foundations of a new and progressive era of international cooperation.
We have resolved that from today... He says it eight times in that little short speech.
We're going to come back, play more of these, break down what the world government is.
It isn't progressive.
It's a group of private central banks regulating every facet of your life and taxing everything you do.
And we're going to expose these would-be dictators who are trying to conquer our nation through corporate fraud.
On the other side, our two, and your phone calls, and a lot more!
The New World Order's dead on arrival!
It's coming down!
We shall prevail!
Stay with us!
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Coast to Coast.
Direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, I'm really excited, folks.
I'm not gonna lie to you.
So much good stuff has happened.
Let's go to some calls.
I'm going to get more into this news.
Play more clips coming up.
There's so much.
Auditing the Fed is getting closer and closer.
Emails are getting hacked.
The fake environmentalists just want to steal everybody's property.
And it's all fraud.
I mean, it's just good that people are learning they got power.
And that's the beginning of the end of the New World Order.
In the beginning, a patriot is a scarce man hated and feared and scorned.
But in time, when his cause succeeds, the timid join him, because then it costs nothing to be a patriot.
Mark Twain.
Love his sayings.
Let's go ahead and talk to Chris in Colorado.
Chris, you're on the air first caller on this illustrious day, my compadre.
How's it going?
What's on your mind, Chris?
Can you hear me?
Yes, I can!
I can hear you, Chris!
Can you hear me?
I can now, man!
I'm fired up!
You got me fired up, man!
I want to tell you congratulations on everything, man.
You're doing a great job.
Congratulations to you!
No, man.
Thank you for waking me up.
You are the muscle in the arm of the sinew that wields the sword.
I realize that now, man.
I do.
I've been awake for about three months, but let me tell you something.
If there's any elite listening to me out there, then Bloom-Tarrant's got another thing coming.
If they think they're going to take my freedoms from me and my family, my fellow patriots in this country, they've got something coming.
Because guess what?
I'm not going out without a fight.
And let me tell you, whoever's listening right now, you guys need to wake up, get with the program, and start fighting.
Get out and do something about this.
We have a country to defend, a family to defend.
Everything to lose and we have to do it now.
You have done well, Chris.
I'm glad you're fired up.
God bless you.
Billy Bob in Texas.
Billy Bob, you're on the air.
What do you say, sir?
Listen, am I getting fired up for no reason here?
Oh, Alex, you deserve this.
I mean, everybody deserves it, but I mean,
You do it day in and day out, and you keep pushing with everything that's in you.
You deserve this.
You deserve more than this.
I am happy for you.
It just tears me up almost.
Are you kidding?
Our children, the official government textbooks say they're going to take all our children and raise them in dormitories and have one-child policies.
This is just a chance at survival is why I'm so excited.
Oh listen, the very definition of exponential is absolutely off the doorstep and in the air.
I see it.
I feel it.
And I know you do too.
It's over for them.
I mean, it's like this.
They're in their ivory towers.
They can control what happens in their ivory towers because they have boots on the ground.
They do not
Uh, control what's happening out here because they're losing it.
They don't have boots on the ground out here.
There's enough of us out here to wee-wee on them and drown them.
But let me just say one thing.
It's very important.
That is a good analogy.
They could drown in our urine.
There's so many of us.
It's kind of a good idea.
There's no problem with that.
I would love it.
I will contribute.
But let me just say this, uh, that I have found
That you know, to get the word out and to get people to your website and to other very important websites, there's a real easy way to do this.
And I mean, it's so easy.
It's unbelievable.
Anytime you run into anybody that's in at Walmart or any place else that's selling something
You can start a conversation with them.
You can throw out websites.
It's so easy.
It's unbelievable.
Because they're in the mode to want to talk to you and you're actually going to sell them freedom.
It's a cakewalk.
It's an unbelievable cakewalk.
So I wanted to get that out there.
And it is.
It's just going day by day.
Yes, Billy Bob.
Good to hear from you.
God bless you.
Knowing we can beat these people.
Knowing we have the truth.
Knowing we're the good guys, even though they tell us we're the bad guys.
No, we're the good guys.
Black, white, old, young.
Everybody coming in for the win against the New World Order.
Hey folks, this is Alex Jones and I want to tell you about OxySilver, the world's most advanced silver hydrosol that Dr. Horowitz says can make risky vaccines and antibiotics avoidable.
You've heard Dr. Leonard Horowitz and others urge vaccination avoidance.
Instead, use vitamin CD and OxySilver along with ZeoLife for broad spectrum detoxification.
Using NASA science, OxySilver is nanosilver covalently bonded to water.
OxySilver safely electrocutes pathogens.
Oxygenates for faster healing, then delivers a 528 Hz frequency homeopathic-like energy that Dr. Horowitz proves is fundamental to life and recovering health.
He also recommends ZeoLife for blood cleansing and GI Flora Pro as a probiotic for intestinal immunity.
Help others and earn extra income!
Thank you.
From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
888-201-2244, 888-201-2244.
We're locally in Central Texas, 512-646-1776.
You happen to be listening to NewsRadio 590 KLBJ or 99.7 FM.
That's our local affiliate.
Great folks.
Okay, here's the deal.
We're going to go to your phone calls at those numbers, but I wanted to just one more time play the new EU president.
They've expanded it to full governance.
This is new EU president Herman Von Rumpy has proclaimed 2009 is the first year of global governance.
Knowing Rumpy's
Introductory speech.
As president on November 19th, he said, 2009 is also the first year of global governance with the establishment of the G20 in the middle of the financial crisis, which they engineered.
The climate conference in Copenhagen is another step towards the global management of our planet.
And then I'm going to play Gordon Brown and Al Gore saying the same thing.
The UN Secretary General three weeks ago in an editorial for the New York Times.
They told you none of this existed, told you it was a social taboo, to talk about it.
Don't talk about politics and religion.
New World Order doesn't exist.
Because all these old-timers, 50, 30, 20, 10, a year ago, were telling you all this.
You were told, doesn't exist, doesn't exist, doesn't exist.
Now, openly they're saying the carbon tax is to fund their world government.
And then we have AP reporting, five days after we reported it.
Hackers leak email stoked climate debate, AP, how they knowingly manufactured and lied about the data that carbon dioxide isn't bad, that the earth is actually cooling, not heating.
That it peaked in 1960, that it's a natural cycle, and how to destroy other scientists.
That's what's criminal.
How to destroy other scientists that did their own research and said this was a fraud.
This is so huge.
This is the taxing mechanism for the world government.
Let's play these clips and we're going to your calls.
Here is Von Rompey.
Herman Von Rompey, the new head of the EU dictatorship.
The countries can't even get out of it.
Here he is.
In and between our countries.
2009 is also the first year of global governance with the establishment of the G20 in the middle of the financial crisis.
The climate conference in Copenhagen is another step towards the global management of our planet.
Our mission, our presidency, is one of hope, supported by acts and by deeds.
Alright, now that's a BBC translation.
It's up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Now McClatchy's released the documents that the banks engineered the crisis to create a depression, then they gave themselves tens of trillions of dollars of tax money to get the government further in debt.
They take our money and buy up real assets.
The G20 is running the global government.
They say the IMF will be the bank of the world you pay your carbon taxes to.
This is just made up for Ken Lay.
Ken Lay, by the way, has come out in Congress.
He came up with a carbon tax plan in the mid-90s with Al Gore.
Al Gore sure didn't invent the internet, but he did invent this carbon scam with Ken Lay.
So, here we are exposing them as complete frauds.
That's why I'm so excited.
Here's Gordon Brown.
We are engaging in a deep process of reform and restructuring of our international financial system for now and for the future.
And we have maintained our commitment to help the world's poorest.
And we have put more money aside for that and also for a green recovery.
These are not just a single collection of actions.
This is collective action, people working together at their best.
I think the New World Order is emerging and with it the foundations of a new and progressive era of international cooperation.
The third world people know the IMF and World Bank have been caught.
That got leaked in 2002, BBC.
They're internal documents where they're bankrupting economies by design.
So he says, helping the poor.
The green recovery means shutting down all your industry that's left so only big banks can operate and control the governance system so they decide who can have a business.
Here is Al Gore talking about global governance while in England.
Awareness itself
That will drive the change, and one of the ways it will drive the change is through global governance and global agreements.
But the many business leaders who have been present here are among those taking leadership in other ways.
We talked, for example, about, we heard this morning about efficiency, and Jerry made that point very well.
We waste so much energy
That if we really put our minds to the implementation of a determined, focused, persistent, sustained effort to eliminate these wasteful practices, then we would not need the new power generation at anything like the levels that are now being discussed today.
Take the average coal-fired electricity generating plant in the United States today.
30% efficient.
So there's Al Gore talking about global governance.
Now, let's be clear here.
They're going to decide who can have energy.
They're going to decide who's wasteful.
They're going to decide what type of TV you can have and how much meat you can eat.
It's now mainstream news, AP Reuters, BBC, you name it, we can pull these up, that we'll all have global ID cards that our carbon credits are on.
I mean, this is total feudalism.
In fact, pull up the definition of feudalism and serfdom for me.
Print it off.
Definition of feudalism and serfdom.
And I know the definitions, but I want to give the exact
Definition, because in their own UN documents they say neo-feudalism, neo-serfdom.
In the United Nations Biological Diversity Assessment 1996, they say that.
And they say they're going to use carbon taxes to destroy industrial society.
Lords, vassals, and slaves.
Lords, vassals, and serfs.
Then it gives all the definitions.
That's a Wikipedia definition.
I want a Merriam-Webster's actual definition, not a full encyclopedia one.
I want to give them just the basic.
It's a political system ruled by hegemonic lords where the people are serfs or slaves.
Alright, I said I'm going to your calls here.
And I apologize to listeners, we got a new phone system and we gotta fix this.
It keeps dropping the callers.
We'll have 20 callers on it, it just drops them.
So if you get hung up on callback, 888-201-2244.
For the life of me, I can't figure it out around here.
Let's go to Mario in California.
Mario, you're on the air, sir.
Hey, thanks for taking my call, Alex.
What do you think about the news?
Go ahead.
Man, you got me pumped up.
For real, the news is great.
And, uh, you know, every day it seems to always get a little bit weirder, but a little bit cooler at the same time.
That's why, you know, I have to give it up to Ron Paul, man.
He's been in this fight for so long.
And to see the fruits of his labor coming to, um, you know, coming to blossom the way that it is is so cool, man.
Because, you know, I got to just kind of, when I watch old clippings of Ron Paul, I mean, back in the day, this guy was talking about,
Audit in the Fed 1971-1972 and here's the deal almost 30 years Ron Paul didn't win the presidency but he created a whole movement we created a movement together and it's like a 12 round or 10 round or 3 round boxing match we complain when in the first or second or third or fourth round he doesn't win but get some licks in
And then even when he almost wins in a round, people gripe at him.
No, he's in there as a competitor for the truth, kicking butt.
And we've got to have the long view of history.
We've got to know it's not going to be instant.
How many times have I preached about that?
A lot, hey, but as just a kind of a person just coming in and seeing, you know, me only seeing him run the first time, I was impressed.
If that was the first round, maybe I'm feeling good about the fight.
You know what I'm saying?
Seeing Ron Paul go through the assault that he had to in the election and still come out shining like he is right now is beautiful.
And by the way, he served one term in the mid-70s and got beaten and came back a decade plus later.
I mean, I've been on the air... Go ahead.
Now I'm able to look back and see those things, and I'm amazed by what he's doing.
Mario, God bless you.
Good to have you on board.
Lori, Dan, Julio, Steve.
Call for your number to join us.
888-201-2244 or 512-646-1776.
I'm Alex Jones.
This is the GCN Radio Network.
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Coast to coast, direct from Austin.
You are listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Oh, take me in.
Oh, I'm excited!
News & World Report Senate Financial House Financial Committee passes Ron Paul's bill.
It's going to the full floor.
Guaranteed to pass the full House to fully audit the private Federal Reserve.
The Fed's been fighting this.
They are so criminal.
They make Madoff look like a saint.
This is so exciting.
Hackers break into the UN University, East Anglia, Eastern England, their main, AP says, leading global research center on climate change, and expose that they know it's all a fraud, that it's not man-made, that carbon dioxide's good, that the Earth's actually been cooling because of the sun, going partially dormant compared to what it had been, and that it's all a fraud and how they persecuted all these scientists and got them fired.
I mean, this, in a sea battle,
Say we're fighting, you know, the Bismarck and we're British ships out here.
You know, here's the analogy.
Or we're fighting Admiral Yamamoto at the Battle of Midway.
I mean, this is Japanese carriers just boom, boom, blowing up.
I mean, this is a complete rout.
And I want you to know, the New World Order is not going to get on the news and tell you we're kicking their hind.
But I mean, this is exciting, and I'm on the deck of my aircraft carrier, and it's bobbing around, and we got planes landing and taking off, and we're torpedo bombing them, and I just see ships off of my spyglass blowing up, and I mean, I watch a big Japanese fleet command flagship carrier blow up, and I'm like, oh yeah!
Let's blow the rest of these suckers up!
And it's that understanding in the Info War.
That we can smash them.
We got the truth.
You know what kind of a weapon the truth is?
They give you a fake right-wing lie, a fake left-wing lie, and make you think that one or the other is right, and they confine the debate in this tiny area instead of the full spectrum outside the box.
Okay, I'm going to your calls.
Oh man, this is exciting.
Lori in Vermont, you're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Hey Alex, I love your show.
I like your most recent, The Fall of the Republic.
That was awesome.
It's my greatest film, and if people want to hurt the globalists, it covers the greenhouse gas tax, how it's a fraud, who the bankers are, how to beat them.
Sorry, go ahead.
No, and you have the perfect tone.
You're not too over the top for someone that's just new.
It's my calmest film.
This is the film to show people.
I noticed that there is a Friends of Hope and Hagen and it lists the 100 business co-owners spearheading it.
There's an article that's called... JPMorgan Chase.
I've seen it.
Goldman Sachs.
Bank of England.
Lord Rothschild.
They're all financing this Copenhagen scam.
Yeah, but if you go to Hopenhagen.org, it lists a lot of companies, and these are your print media, you know, so Wall Street Journal, you know, just so that people are aware.
Oh yeah, Rupert Murdoch admits he's financing the global carbon tax.
That's why he has Fox News get up and say, don't worry, it's not going to pass, posing as conservative, so you stand down.
And so, you know, when your loved ones go see a movie or they pick up a magazine, all this subliminal baloney stuff is going to be flipped into it about all this lies.
Well, it's not even subliminal.
Did you hear me two weeks ago when I played the video clip released by News Corp, where they go, this is all the messages we're planting for the carbon tax.
Man, it makes you sick when you see it's like 10 trillion dollars.
Well, I mean, I'm not just picking on Fox or News Corp.
The point is, even that group, the NFL, all the big groups, go to the airport.
Half of the billboards in the airport are for carbon taxes, and it's all banks and oil companies.
The oil companies are behind the carbon tax to shut down coal.
The insurance companies wrote the health bill, but the media says they're against it.
It's like the banks said they were against the income tax when they financed it in 1913 to pay debt to the Federal Reserve they financed.
Lori, you're awesome.
I gotta jump.
I gotta jump.
Let's go to Dan.
Dan in New Mexico.
You're awesome, Lori.
Dan, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
Isn't this just a great victory, man?
That is awesome.
Well, it's a big victory, but if we carry the ball and expose, and we're writing more articles at PrisonPlanet and InfoWars.com, if we carry the ball and get it out to everybody that, hey, it's a fraud.
You got caught.
If we announce our victory, then we've got them.
Go ahead.
Yeah, well, I've got permission from Aaron to take articles off the Inval Wars and print it in a little local run newspaper we got here, so... You don't have permission!
I'm begging you!
I'll wash your feet to put my articles in local papers!
Hell yeah, man, I owe you a big... You want me to kiss your ring?
I'll do it.
Good job!
Hey, I got a quick question for you.
It's a little off topic, but it's crazy.
I was told that there's a possibility that governors may be able to request firearms from the federal government to give to the citizens to arm themselves.
Have you heard anything about this?
Say that again?
The governors are able to request from the federal government firearms in order to arm the citizens.
That's under the second amendment and it's the states that are supposed to control the National Guard.
That wasn't fully federalized until 2007 with the John Warner Defense Authorization Act.
The states until 1913 when we got the income tax, the private fellow reserve, and the 17th amendment
The legislatures that we elect, they would vote and appoint senators.
The states completely run the feds.
And the Congress runs the executive.
But everything's backwards.
The executive runs the legislative.
And the feds run the states.
That is... Well, they got a term for it.
It's you-know-what backwards.
Yeah, that's it.
And I need your permission for something else.
Can I have permission to take your quote, the answer to 1984, 1776, and put that, have it made into a flag?
I will make another one for you and send it to you.
Sir, sir, this is a free country!
So I came up with the term, the answer to 1984 is 1776.
So I came up with the term, the left-right paradigm, shattering it.
So I came up with most of the terms being used by Beck and Limbaugh now.
Use it.
Enjoy it.
Defeat the New World Order.
Good to hear from you.
Let's go to Julio in Illinois.
Julio, you're on the air.
This is about defeating the globalists.
It's not about me getting credit.
Yeah, go ahead, Julio.
Alex, it's Julio, but that doesn't even matter.
Hey, you know what?
I can't read.
I'm public school edu... Actually, I'm looking at a computer monitor across the room.
Go ahead.
It's okay.
I want to say thank you for being an unbelievable freedom fighter and encouraging me, along with your films, to go out and tell everyone about what's going on and to be prepared.
I just want to thank you.
And I'm going to sound like a high school football coach.
I'm glad for this victory, but everyone, we need
No, this is a victory.
We need not be satisfied.
We need to go out and continue fighting the new world order.
I agree with you, but we're like a team.
We're like a team that never knew we won victories.
I'm letting people know, these are big, buddy.
Get going to a full vote when they've got the votes to audit the Fed.
The Senate will probably still gut it, but then everybody will say, why can't we audit the Fed?
The idea, the understanding that this is the shadow government is now in people's minds.
National polls
Gallup said 75% want to abolish your audit.
They had a Reuters poll with Zogby at 81%.
The beginning of the end is here.
Go ahead.
Quick question.
Number one, martial law, folks, is in the state of Illinois.
Friday, I was watching KHQA.
I don't know if you want to write this down.
It's a CBS affiliate.
They were showing a police standoff that took place for a couple of hours, and they showed a military tank truck with police sirens roaming through a small-town rural community in Illinois.
The TV company, again, is KHQA.
No, no, I appreciate your call.
Sir, they have regular Marines and Army nationwide taking over the threat integration centers.
They have a former special ops CIA commander running the local land grabbing in Austin.
They admitted it to the statesman and said, how great, the Pentagon's here to take our land.
I mean, it's just complete wall-to-wall criminality.
But we are identifying the enemy as they come in against us.
People finally know they're in a war, and knowing is half the battle.
This is Alex Jones with five good reasons you should consider buying a solar power generator.
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One last time, it's here'swhatyoudo.net.
Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As they're finishing off this agenda, they'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
I have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us
Tim Geithner?
They're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at Infowars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Coast to Coast, direct from Austin.
Oh yeah.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Direct from Central Texas.
Coming for you, Globalist!
We found our spinal cords again.
The sleeping giant that is America is rising!
And freedom burns in its eyes.
By the way, you guys got that clip I gave you of Obama saying that he was going to get the troops out immediately and end the war?
For all the moron Obama supporters, just like the moron George Bush supporters, these guys are all slick lawyers, they work for the very same banks, and they lie.
But they have the fake right wing come out and attack Obama and going, he's not sending enough troops to Afghanistan, he's only increased them by 80,000.
Oh yeah, 40,000 in the last six months, and then now another 40,000.
He's expanded torture, expanded secret arrests.
They're like, help Darryl Obama, allow there be a trial of these terrorists.
Khalid Sheikh Mohammed.
Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, they admittedly tortured his children.
He confessed to bombing buildings that weren't built until four years after he was incarcerated.
He's been in prison since 2004 in a torture camp.
Torture evidence isn't admissible.
So see, here's this fake trial with tortured patsies, tortured for seven and a half, eight years.
Instead of saying it's all a fraud, they give them fake right-wing cover.
He gets the left cover with the fake right-wing attacks to then have a fake trial.
Just like, oh, he's not pro-war enough.
This guy makes George Bush look like a peacenik.
Here is Obama lying.
She shattered the paradigm.
The tiny little area you've been kept in is a lie.
Let's go to that clip.
I will promise you this, that if we have not gotten our troops out by the time I am president, it is the first thing I will do.
I will get our troops home.
We will bring an end to this war.
You can take that to the bank.
That was October 27, 2007, when he first launched his campaign.
He gave hundreds of speeches saying that.
We cover that in my film, Fall of the Republic, the presidency of Barack H. Obama, and I explain how their tricks operate, how their tricks work.
But notice, notice that you're thinking, well, wait, he said 16 months, then he said 22.
No, that's how a liar works.
For about seven, eight months, from late 2007 into mid 2008,
Like he said immediately.
We can play those clips.
They're in Fall of the Republic.
You can go pull them up.
You saw him say it.
Then it was 10 months, 16 months, 20 months, 22 months.
Then, oh, 30 months.
Now, oh, never.
Whether you're for the war or not, this is a liar!
This is their tricks.
Let's go back to your calls.
And then in the last segment, I've never done this before, and I'm not even a drinking man myself, but it's like we just won the Indy 500, but for real.
With the audit, the Fed bill going to a full House vote the next month, probably going to pass.
They've got the votes right now.
They've got 311.
That's way more than a two-thirds majority.
It's going to pass.
By the way, my wife's got pneumonia.
I've got pneumonia, but I'm still here.
That's why I keep hacking and coughing.
I have trouble breathing.
But I'm here.
That's how important.
So we'll have a champagne toddy in the last segment.
That's how exciting this is.
And whether you're a cop, or an FBI agent, or a bureaucrat, or a doctor, or a lawyer, a school teacher, an auto mechanic, a farmer, a rancher, whatever you are, you're a human being.
And a lot of you have been sold on buying into the power structure like you're part of the system.
You're not part of the system.
The system is a fraud.
Wake up!
America and the free market and capitalism didn't go wrong.
This is a scam, a fraud, a piratical corrupt system that
Creates the crisis and then offers their own power, their expansion of power as the solution.
Stephen Michigan, you're on the air, go ahead.
Hi Alex, how are you doing this evening?
I am fired up, sir.
We're going to have a celebration next segment.
I'm fired up too.
The NWO, the Build-A-Boogers, Barack Obama, I think they just got a right cross from the chin from the Republic.
That's what I think.
Yeah, and look, we're not even winning the fight, but we're in the fight, and it's a stalemate.
We can win this thing if people get fired up, get angry, and get involved.
I am fired up.
Well, I was going to also say, David Icke's film, Global Spiritual Awakening, he said 2016.
I don't think it's going to take that long, Alex.
I don't really think it's going to take that long.
Yeah, that's not a film.
That's a PrisonPlanet.TV interview at PrisonPlanet.TV.
It's very powerful, isn't it?
Yes it is.
I don't think it's going to take that long though.
CBS News and others this week reported that it's devastatingly popular, and they're scared of it.
I'm on the White House enemies list, that's now mainstream news, because of Obama deception in this film.
Find out what's so powerful about Fall of the Republic and the Obama deception.
Get the DVDs at InfoWars.com.
Make copies, give them to everybody you know, because you could talk to somebody for 10 hours until you're purple in the face.
They watch this 2-hour, 24-minute film.
This is done very slickly, with the truth, very powerful.
Get Fall of the Republic.
Or watch it online at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Let's talk to David.
Or who's up next?
Chris in Kentucky.
Go ahead, Chris.
Hey, Alex.
I'm fired up, too, and I'm excited because I've met a lot of people this weekend about Audit the Fed, and I saw the Ron Paul 2012 sign on this truck.
Oh, yeah!
I forgot!
In 37 Fed locations, or 38 nationwide, I was invited to speak with Ron Paul in Houston.
I apologize, but I couldn't go.
I had to talk to millions here.
Plus I've gotten a little bit of a chest cold here.
But yes, people rallied against the private Fed nationwide.
Go ahead.
And I just want to say that you're absolutely right.
I'm burning copies of Fall of the Republic.
I'm going to get them to county commissioners, get them to the clerk's offices.
And once they see this, they'll know what the Fed is.
Because it's every, you know, they may be, you know, good people in government need to be educated.
And we can all do it if we all get involved and get out there and get busy, burn these copies, put them in mailboxes, put them on cars, just get busy.
And then we'll wake people up, because like you said, CBS News says they are scared.
We could defeat these people if we can keep going.
New Republic, Canwest, CBS News, Jerusalem Post, this week said Alex Jones is quote, incredibly popular.
His films are incredibly popular.
Tens of millions are watching them.
We are in trouble.
This guy is dangerous.
No, I'm not dangerous to you.
The truth is dangerous to them.
And they killed me and only make more people read what I'm doing and listen to what I'm saying.
We've got our fighting spirit back.
We can beat these people.
It's going to be a long, hard fight.
But if you're in the fight, you cannot lose.
David in New Jersey.
David, welcome.
Sir, I'm begging you.
Can I have, like, two minutes or so to talk?
I will not.
Fire weapons!
Fire weapons in the info war!
Fire weapons!
On thomas.loc.gov, if you type in HR3590, there's a note on it that says HR3590 is expected to be the vehicle for the Senate health care bill.
What's up with that?
That means that they're going to be adding things on.
If you think the 2,096 pages is bad, they've already added 100 and something last week.
It wasn't 2,000 a week ago.
If you think it's bad now, they're going to be adding goodies now.
Oh boy.
Uh, sir, there's another thing.
I... Me and another Prison Planet.com forum member created these PDF files.
About that.
And I was thinking of everybody printing them out and, uh, faxing them to the Senators.
I mean, can... I request that I talk to somebody or something that someone takes a look at the form, because...
Yes, why don't you write an article and send it to writers at Infowars.com, and I appreciate your call.
Let's talk to Ted in Texas.
Ted, you're on the air.
For a new contest.
Oh, you've got an idea for a new contest.
Go ahead.
Yes, I do.
I've been observing how much you've been having people with music on that represent different genres, different strata of culture, and what I think you should do is I think you should have a music video contest
We're good to go.
Okay, Ted, that's a great idea.
I talked to Charlie Sheen multiple times this weekend, together on the phone.
He judged the $14,000 contest.
He's going to be on live Tuesday, high noon.
We're going to be contacting tonight the winner, but they can't tell people the winner until Tuesday.
And so, yes, we're going to have more contests.
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We're going to pop some champagne for the Republican America.
Two giant victories in the last three or four days.
The House is going to pass the audit of the Fed bill.
They've got 311 sponsors.
It's gotten out of committee.
The Feds tried to stop it, tried to gut it.
They failed.
Even bigger than that, Associated Press, you name it, reporting hacked emails from the U.N.
and major universities faking all the climate data.
They know it's all a fraud.
This is really a death knell if we get the word out.
They're trying to have the Copenhagen meeting in three weeks.
They're trying to pass it in the House.
It was passed the House and the Senate in the next three weeks.
This is huge news, and I've got a lot of the crew in here.
This is how big a crew we have up here at night.
We've got Rob Dewey here doing some filmmaking, also helping.
Jason Bermas coming up.
We've got Ryan, we've got David, we've got Craig Sadler out there running the show.
This is so exciting.
I'm going to take a few final calls too.
Phil, Scott, and Chris, and maybe some others.
We have time, but be ready.
We're not winning the war yet, but we're winning some major battles.
And people need to learn, the globalists are not supermen, they're not invincible.
They're not supermen, but we're not weaklings either.
All of us can do amazing things, and the globalists know you can do amazing things.
That's why they're so scared of you.
So to the PrisonPlanet.tv viewers, the AM and FM audience, the Shortwave Satellite, all our sponsors, everybody, I salute you, I love you, and I want to thank you.
And this is for you.
Here, we'll try this.
Right there, baby.
Almost hit the camera there.
You know I'm a good shot.
Oh man, great job.
Have some of that for yourself.
One drink, we can have one drink, and then everybody's still working for three hours after this.
No drinks after this, though.
The next three hours, we're running Jason's show.
We've got to sober up around here.
Jason, you get one drink on air.
Jason's not a big drinker like me, but you know what?
Hey guys, tell me, I mean, you've seen how excited I was when I came in today, and Burmess ran up and was excited about it.
He recognized why I gave Burmess a show.
He recognizes what's important.
Rob Dew, everybody, tell the listeners what you think.
I had people email me this morning about this climate stuff that the hackers got.
And I mean, people that I know, they know I'm associated with the show, so they're excited too.
So I think this is a big victory here, and I'm definitely happy about it.
Hey, here's to freedom, liberty, the family, everything good, and defeating the globalist parasites, auditing the Fed.
I mean, here is to everybody who's been fighting all these years against our global savior that sold us on naphtha and GATT and says he invented the internet even though it was around 20 years before he, you know, voted on a Senate vote.
I mean, you know, Al Gore, the prophet, who now says it's a religion.
I mean, Burmese, what is this like for you?
Well, I think it's great.
You know, a lot of people still argue with me.
A lot of my leftist friends, the people who are... They're not leftists, they're stooges.
They're leftist presidents, a warmonger.
Left right's a fraud, go ahead.
Yeah, I mean, I saw a lot of these people beginning to wake up under the Bush administration because of the brazen foreign and domestic policies, but now they're all like, well, if we don't have global government, how will we be safe from global warming?
Yeah, they've gone from denying global government... What do you think about the new head of the EU announcing, world government, we're going to tax you?
And he says right here, global government tax.
That's London Telegraph.
Global tax.
No, it's not a shocker when you actually sit down and read the Copenhagen Climate Treaty and you see the word government appear over two dozen times and the word tax appear over a dozen times.
It's pretty evident what they're planning to do.
I mean, this is not... You know, H-E-B didn't have any Dom Perignon.
This is okay from France, but it's not that good.
It was still pretty expensive.
Burmas came back from the gas station with a $5.95 model.
Bring that in here.
And I said, no, go to H-E-B.
Get something a little bit better here for America.
But no, good job guys.
Thanks for going and getting it.
Ryan, you've been working here just a few weeks.
Come over to the mic.
Tell folks what you think about this whole situation.
This is no doubt the best day of my life, actually, because I get to celebrate a big victory.
I'm brand new to the crew.
This is one of the best shows I've seen.
Hands down, I get to be part of it.
I'm so excited.
And I know that we've got a lot more to go, but this is a huge step in the transition to defeating the New World Order and defeating global government.
We ain't drinking that.
Burmese, you can only want to kill your dog.
That's a joke, folks.
OK, listen, I mean, we're having victory, victory, and everybody's starting to wake up and all the polls show and people are shattering the left-right paradigm and both parties are scared.
I mean, we're part of the second American revolution against a global tyranny.
This is so, people need to recognize how important this time is, how serious it is.
And to all the program directors, to all the station managers and owners, thank you for putting me on.
A lot of big stations, I mean, you're here seeing the new affiliates coming every week, Rob.
You work on that, giving them to Genesis.
I mean, we're getting San Francisco, Chicago, I mean, we're getting huge.
It's in Europe, too.
I mean, people all over the world are... Yeah, but we're getting big affiliates.
I mean, it's a big thing for a station to put me on.
I mean, I mean, it's happening.
Because people are going, man, this guy said this 10 years ago.
All those thousands of radio interviews I did, people laughed at me.
Now it's all coming true.
I'm nobody special.
I just told the truth.
And you had the documents.
And I have the documents.
By the way, Paul Watson has reposted at the top of PrisonPlanet.com the thousands of internal emails from the U.N.
and these major universities about how they want to fire professors, persecute people, how to demonize them, how to fake documents, how to fake the climate, admitting it's all a fraud.
We've got to spread this everywhere, folks.
Yeah, that's going to be fun to go through, too, to read all that stuff and just see the lie after lie after lie.
Oh my God, AP's already found stuff that's just off the charts!
This is on PrisonPlanet.com.
This is not pearls before swine, and that's why I salute all of you.
Use this against the enemy, ladies and gentlemen, because we're in the fight of our lives.
I mean, I got death threats, you name it, going on here, and I'm just happy about it.
I don't even care.
Because you know what?
I'm really alive, and I'm fighting these people, and it feels good here.
You need some more?
Give me that bottle.
In fact, let's get Craig in here.
Craig, it doesn't matter if you're running the show.
You can leave it on the document cam shot and get in here.
Hold on.
Hide over there, because this time I'm going to try to hit the camera dead on.
Almost hit it that time.
Almost hit it that time.
Let me... Go to this camera.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I'll go right on it.
Yeah, baby!
All right!
Ooh, yeah!
Here, Craig, get you some of that, baby.
We are blowing up major enemy operations ships.
We blew the hell out of some capital ships.
Together, everybody out there did it.
Here's to the Republic!
Here's to the victory against the New World Order!
Here's to being on the side of goodness and not being lying scum!
Here's to all these decades, all the people that came before us, the, you know, just all the countless patriots, the Red Beckmans and the G. Edward Griffins and
And the Bill Bensons and just so many people.
I mean, they would arrest them.
They would beat them up.
They'd bulldoze their houses.
They'd shoot at them.
I mean, just Jim Tucker getting shot at.
I mean, everything.
Here's to me getting, you know, beaten on me saying, shut up about the New World Order in a parking lot.
You know, I mean, the real deal, folks.
That only verified it all to me 10, 11 years ago.
We are part of something real, gentlemen.
I mean, this is history.
And we're just, I mean, there's so many other victories we're having.
There's so many other victories, but we're just having more and more and more.
I just wanted to salute everybody.
I mean, this guy's got a 20-bedroom house.
He talks about how we're wasteful.
This guy's just a pimp who wants to train you to live without, so he can have more.
He's a degenerate control freak, Al Gore.
Cheers, man.
Hey, anybody else got a toast?
Barmus, give us a toast.
You know, I'd just like to toast all the crew over InfoWars and Prison Planet for day in, day out, bringing the truth, not only to the American populace, but the world populace out there, so that we can discover our humanity again and fight the globalists.
I just want to thank you again, Alex.
Oh, discovering humanity.
Cheers to that.
You want to say something, Craig?
What's it like working in here?
Oh, it's great being on the right side of history, as you always say.
You know what I mean?
You're going to get to a point in your life where you look back and you say, what kind of impact did I have?
And I think it's right to be good with yourself and, you know, be here.
Fight the fight.
Fight the good fight.
Release the documents.
I'm in.
I'm in.
And it's going to get worse before it gets better.
A final statement from you, Rob.
I wish Jacobson was here.
Back in college, I started reading about all this stuff because I knew stuff wasn't right.
And when I moved to Austin, I first heard you on the air back in 98.
And I'm like, man.
There's got to be something to this.
Other people are saying the same thing.
And then to see, once I started working for you many years later, just seeing all the people across, you know, the country and the world that contact me every day with information.
By the way, we don't hire zealots.
We purposefully hire people that aren't fans because we want them to see for themselves.
And I mean, I never even... You know who he was.
You put a Craigslist ad up when you were looking for... I didn't say who he was.
You did say Alex Jones.
You just said independent multimedia.
Well, we don't hire fans because then they can put infiltrators in.
Sure, but, you know, hopefully you've checked my background.
No, we know you're not an infiltrator.
But it feels really good to see this stuff really coming forward.
You know, back in the 90s, people really weren't talking about this.
It was all about, you know, Newt Gingrich and Bill Clinton fighting each other, you know, all these fake battles, and nobody was looking at the real issues about following the money and where it goes.
There were a few people out there, but now the awakening is really happening, you know,
It's incremental.
The world government's here.
There's no longer any denial.
See, if we'd have shut up and been intimidated a decade or 20 years ago, oh, don't talk about the New World Order, you're a kook, they would have won.
But we said, no, don't call, you can call me a kook if you want.
I've got your own documents.
I've got your own statements.
We can see you doing this.
We said they would get rid of the posse comitatus they now have.
And so because we were willing to be ridiculed, now as it all happens, we're being listened to.
And just like Hitler and Stalin and Mao, these guys are going to be dustbins of history.
I'm sorry to Eric, Sammy, Brandon, Brad, Phil, Scott, Chris, and others.
Call me back tomorrow during the weekday show, and I'll get you on.
Or stay on!
Jason, you can go, Tom.
We ought to just keep this rolling.
Jason Burmas is going to be on the internet streams and the MNFMs at Pick It Up.
The InfoWare with Jason Burmas coming up as this transmission ends.
Great job, crew!
Great job against the New World Order!
God bless you all!
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