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Name: 20091119_Thu_Alex
Air Date: Nov. 19, 2009
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We are simulcasting the second half of the syndicated radio transmission, as we do every day, live at PrisonPlanet.tv, here from our radio slash TV studios.
And yes, for viewers, you saw that right.
For radio listeners, you go to RushLimbaugh.com, of all places.
Top story on RushLimbaugh.com, Prison Planet.
With hurricanes at 30-year low, Gore turns to Photoshop.
And when you click on it, which we'll do live on air,
When you click on it, it takes you to an article written by Paul Joseph Watson today.
Now, Limbaugh's talked about us quite a few times, generally in a negative light.
We were criticizing George W. Bush as a Newell Order puppet.
And he's criticized us for believing there's a world government being set up.
But Limbaugh's got a problem.
Now the New York Times, the Associated Press, Financial Times, Reuters, Wall Street Journal, they're all announcing a private world government is being set up and they're going to fund the world government with carbon taxes.
Well, Limbaugh is right, and then he's against carbon taxes.
And so, thank you Rush Limbaugh.
Thank you for linking to the article.
It's a very strange feeling to start getting calls at about noon today from listeners that happen to hear Rush Limbaugh for large parts of the first hour of his show.
Read the article by Paul Joseph Watson from PrisonPlanet.com.
And that article, of course, is up at PrisonPlanet.com.
With hurricanes at 30-year low, Gore turns to Photoshop, photoshopping in photographs of more hurricanes.
And in fact, click on the article from PrisonPlanet.com.
We can scroll down and show people the photoshopped photos.
And Gore, of course, used fake graphs showing that after carbon dioxide is released in higher levels, that then the Earth warms.
He actually flipped the graphs.
When the official graphs came out in the months after his film, The Inconvenient Truth, it was pointed out that they had doctored the graphs.
All the major universities, all the major governments, it was a fraud.
When the earth gets warmer,
It releases more carbon dioxide out of the ocean, out of the ice pack.
There's more life, more plant life, more plankton, more photoplankton.
They release more oxygen, more carbon dioxide, that are the two life-giving gases.
Plants operate off carbon dioxide.
It's not a poison.
Barack Obama and the U.N.
have said that's a lie.
Believe me, plants do breathe it.
Plants do exist.
Not a conspiracy theory.
And Ban Ki-moon exists, the Secretary General of the U.N., calling for world government, two weeks ago in the New York Times, in an editorial published in papers all over the country and all over the world, but in the New York Times mainly, biggest paper in the world, and saying the carbon tax will fund the world government.
The carbon tax will fund the world government.
So, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, and many others are now being forced.
Hannity still won't do it.
He says none of it exists.
He says he wants to have microchips put in all children.
I have that clip in Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
He says all militias should be arrested.
I mean, Hannity is really a piece of work.
And he's really discrediting himself, not covering the real issues, and still running around denying that all of this is happening.
But, very, very strange.
To have Rush Limbaugh linked to, as his top story, and punch that back up for people.
His top story, and his top story on the radio today to 20 plus million listeners, was Prison Planet.
With hurricanes at 30 year low, Gore turns to Photoshop.
So no doubt that our stories go viral every day, but this will go mega-viral.
Not only is it on his highly-rated website, but it's on his number one-rated radio show.
I don't think we're out of the woods yet, though.
I know we're not, because Senator Inhofe is declaring victory, saying that there has been a defeat of the climate bill crowd when it's about to go to the full Senate.
And it doesn't matter because the states, like California, are implementing the carbon taxes regardless.
And the bureaucracies federally are implementing them regardless of whether Congress passes it or not.
We'll be right back after this quick break, right here on the GCN Radio Network.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Well, he wrote the definitive, unauthorized biography on George Herbert Walker Bush.
He's a doctorate of history, a doctorate in economics, and he's also a best-selling author of several books on Barack H. Obama.
And I was, Tarpley heard me talking about Rush Limbaugh's top story on the radio, top story at RushLimbaugh.com, being the PrisonPlanet.com article, why hurricanes, with hurricanes at 30 year low, Gore turns to Photoshop.
The king of cap and trade simply airbrushes them into his new book to create a more scary earth.
Tarpley, to give you an idea of how big Limbaugh is, Tarpley was listening to Limbaugh.
He heard some of it today.
Reportedly, this went on for a long time.
So he can tell us about that, and it's an interesting history lesson.
In why Limbaugh's doing this.
I asked Tarpley why he thought Limbaugh was doing it.
It concurred exactly with what I was about to tell Tarpley, but I wanted to see what he thought about political coloration.
Kind of like a hermit crab will pick up some, you know, different types of coral and actually plant it on its shell as camouflage.
Then we're going to get into the dollar, the crash that Tarpley's been predicting for over a decade.
By the way, we sell his book about the coming cataclysm that's excellent, definitive.
Then we're going to get into the latest geopolitical warmongering going on with us today.
Then Alan Combs coming up for a little bit of a discussion and lively debate next hour.
So stay with us today.
Webster, you've got the floor.
Let's get into the Limbaugh situation first.
Well, Rush Limbaugh is an, I would call him an agent of the Mount Pelerin Society, and specifically of one of the attendees of the Mount Pelerin Society, and that was William F. Buckley Jr., the right-wing
And if you remember when William F. Buckley, the National Review guy, died, Limbaugh was in mourning for several weeks, and he went into great detail about how Mr. Buckley made me what I am today, and he introduced me to Henry Kissinger, and he made me great, and so forth.
So, this is obviously a very dubious character.
Now, the problem that Limbaugh faces, if you've had the recent Tea Party march on September 12th, and then the slightly smaller one that took place recently, Limbaugh is concerned to keep that within the Republican Party.
A lot of people were calling Limbaugh and Hannity, for that matter, and saying, we want a third party, we're sick of both parties, the Republicans are just as bad as the Democrats, a plague on both your houses, let's build towards a third party.
And you could hear Limbaugh scrambling, saying, no, no, no, that's just another recipe to make the Democrats stronger.
So what do you say?
Hannity's saying the same thing every day on his TV show.
Stay with the Republicans!
So now they have to act like they're us to try to keep their people.
Yes, they've got to radicalize themselves.
And of course, in order to have a more radical and a more coherent analysis, where better to go than to you?
And therefore they bring this up.
So he's essentially tacking a little bit in a radical, anti-establishment, anti-globalist direction to get some street creds.
Because otherwise, a lot of these Tea Party people, listen to them and they say, what?
You're for free trade?
You're a warmonger?
You're supporting the Republicans?
You were a lapdog for Bush?
You discovered deficits with Obama?
But back in the day of Bush, it was Kanye telling us that deficits don't matter, that Reagan had proved that deficits don't matter.
So I think it's that.
It's a purely opportunistic, demagogic thing, but it's also a tribute to the fact that your influence is growing.
Webster, the dollar is plunging as you predicted.
I was eating when you were talking.
I'm here on TV with a mouthful of food.
Take me off there, guys.
Webster, you were predicting this a very long time ago.
Now the dollar has plunged to record lows.
Gold is exploding and soaring to new highs.
Will you explain to people what's happening and what this is going to do to them if we don't reverse the tide and take control of this political system?
Well, we just had Secretary Geithner, Tiny Tim, was testifying in the Congress today.
And what, of course, he has done, along with Summers and Volcker and Bernanke, is that they have kept the U.S.
interest rates at zero.
You can borrow if you're a bank, not a person like us.
We're good to go.
Indonesia, wherever it is, whatever emerging market is the hottest, you take it there and you speculate like mad.
But every time you do that, that puts a downward pressure on the dollar, because somebody's borrowing dollars and then selling them to get this other currency.
So the dollar goes down, down, down.
Now, there are other factors working, right?
The fact that they've put out this $24 trillion bailout from the Treasury, the Fed, and the FDIC, that's also playing a role.
We've now reached a very dangerous point.
There are two things that could happen.
One would be a dollar panic out there in the world.
That is, coming out of Kuala Lumpur or someplace in Africa or someplace in Latin America, somebody decides that they're a little bit heavy on dollars and they want to lighten up.
And that leads to some kind of a panic, or a military event could lead to a panic, or if Obama catches the flu, that could lead to a panic.
It has done so in the not-so-distant past.
But that's one way.
You could get a kind of panic coming out of the world.
The other thing is,
There are Treasury auctions.
Next week, there's going to be $118 billion of five- and seven-year Treasury paper put on the market.
Now, what happens if people don't buy those, if there are not bids enough for all of it, or above all, if the interest rate jumps way up?
And that turns out to be a disaster.
Now, that's not hypothetical.
That happened to the British back in March of this year.
The British had a gilt auction.
G-I-L-T, right?
The British Treasury paper.
And they couldn't sell all of it.
And people said at that point, well, does this mean that Great Britain is bankrupt?
So, the obvious way to get out of this would be to raise the interest rates, which Bernanke could do.
But, if he raises the interest rates to attract pot money back into the dollar,
In fact, he was under pressure, as you know, at a conference on Monday, and in a speech he said, look, I'm not worried about the dollar dropping, I'm worried about interest rates, and I'm going to keep them low.
They're doing that so they can continue the speculative carry trade, aren't they?
Yes, but of course he does have to worry about the dollar, and he really does, right?
He's talking through his hat, as these characters always do.
They're very concerned about the dollar, and they know that if the dollar keeps going, we might get into one of these irreversible mudslides, where it just starts going down, and there's nothing they can do to get out of it.
In other words, a worldwide dollar panic, and that would lead then to hyperinflation.
Yeah, tell people, boil it down in layman's terms.
We know the leadership we have.
We know they're not going to listen to your solutions.
So what is going to unfold, Webster?
Well, in terms of the hyperinflation, if the dollar goes down 20 or 30 percent, then remember, everything in this country is imported.
This is a de-industrialized rubble field of a post-industrial society that we have here.
So everything is imported.
And if the dollar goes down, that means the prices on all those imports go up.
So that gets you into the realm of hyperinflation.
Now here's what I think they're going to try to do.
The one way to get out of that bind, right, in other words, it's either going to be a 0% rate and the dollar goes down, down, down, or raise the interest rates and you collapse the stock market and you get a panic in a different way.
The only way out of that is some kind of outside event.
Now remember, 1973-74, we had a fake oil crisis, which was designed to soak up the dollars in the world and stabilize the dollar.
That was done by Kissinger with the Six-Day War.
Later on in 79, when Brzezinski brought down the Shah and installed Khomeini, we had another oil crisis.
So 73, 74, 79, I think that's somehow the model for what might occur right now.
In other words, you look at the... Wasn't the oil run-up, I mean, sorry to interrupt, but wasn't the oil run-up of a year and a half, two years ago, engineered as well to soak up dollars?
Yes, but of course that was the speculative activity of Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley.
In other words, that's the London I.C.E.
And they're trying to do that again, and the price of oil is indeed creeping up.
Maybe not today, but pretty much continuously.
The thing now is, Wall Street believes that if some shocking, spectacular event, right, a false flag, a Gulf of Tonkin, a war in some strategically critical area, or some kind of big scare, many types of things would do.
They think that there's the flight to safe haven, the flight to safety, and they believe still that if the world seems to be descending into chaos, hot money will fly to New York and that would then prop up the dollar in some at least short to medium term way.
And therefore, you have to look at what that might be.
Now, I was on Russia Today yesterday, and they're asking me about this bomb in Peshawar, Pakistan, a couple of weeks ago, where the Taliban, the Pakistani Taliban, are saying that they didn't do this, and that this was done by the U.S., the CIA, and specifically Blackwater.
And we had, a couple of weeks also, we had this Balochistan bomb, where the Iranians said that the CIA did that one, too.
So you look at Pakistan.
Pakistan is now pretty much in a full-scale
Civil War.
The Pakistani Army has been winning in South Waziristan, but I don't know if they're winning everywhere, and generally the level of fighting is increasing.
And you've got to remember that the Taliban in Pakistan are a pure proxy of the U.S.
They're run pretty much by the CIA, or they're directed and used, or an asset of the CIA.
So we have a funny situation in Pakistan.
The Chinese are supporting the central government in Islamabad, and the U.S.
is supporting
Any force that wants to wage civil war against the Pakistani government.
Now suppose the Taliban do what these neocons have been talking about for so many years.
They get their hands on some of those Pakistani nukes, whether they can use them or not.
That might be the kind of great fear, the shock out in the world that would do it.
Another possibility, there's a civil war going on in Yemen.
And in this civil war, the Iranians are on one side and the Saudis are on the other side.
The Iranians are backing a rebel group and the Saudis, I guess, are backing the government of Yemen, whatever that is.
And there have been clashes.
There have been also incidents on the water in the Persian Gulf, Arabian Gulf, where the Saudis and the Iranians have clashed.
Military tension or a military clash between Iran and Saudi Arabia.
That's big stuff because that's your oil.
That would pump hot money back to New York.
Stay there.
And we know Saudi Arabia is a client state of the U.S., England and Israel.
We'll look at that geopolitical potential and a lot more with Webster Tarpley as we chart the future.
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We are back live.
Webster Tarpley with us in this segment and the next.
Then I'm going to play a whole bunch of audio clips from listeners from the new comment line 512-646-4444 and try to quickly answer your questions or make my own statement or comment on your comments.
That is coming up.
And then Alan Combs.
I haven't even gotten into a bunch of the news today.
We've had so many informative guests.
Okay, short segment, Webster.
We know that Saudi Arabia has been funding the U.S.
and asking the U.S.
for a long time to attack Iran.
Why is Saudi Arabia after Iran?
Just because they want to be the dominant force in the region and Saudi Arabia wants to be the dominant force?
Why is there this long-standing?
Is it because one is a separate group of Islam, the majority group based out of Iran, and we've got
I don't know.
There was this thing called the Gulf Cooperation Council, which was Saudi Arabia and all the little Gulf Emirates, which had been British puppet states, and they were supporting Iraq against Iran.
So there's quite a bit of bad blood, and naturally the Saudis feel that Yemen is on their side of the Gulf, right, and therefore they should be the preponderant power, but the Iranians are interested in meddling.
Let me just ask you real quick.
Hold on.
What is the real relationship?
Is Saudi Arabia still a purely puppet state of Anglo-American oil, of the Anglo-American slash Dutch interest?
Or is it now, because you talked about that Russia trip, that there may be some shifting?
Yeah, there's this question of Prince Bandar.
What happened to Prince Bandar?
Where is he?
This is Bandar Bush.
For a long time he was considered to be the chief of the pro-US party.
This is the guy that spent 9-11 afternoon and evening with Bush in the White House.
But we had in August reports that Prince Bandar, now the head of the National Security Council, had attempted a coup d'etat in terms of at least the royal succession that had been placed under house arrest.
And then we went back and looked at what had Prince Bandar been doing lately, and it was meetings with Putin, trips to Russia, cooperation with Russia.
And all of that necessarily means is that Saudi Arabia wants to be balanced.
Not a complete puppet state and client state of the U.S., not locked in the deadly grip of Wall Street, but that they'd like to have other options.
Of course, that's what the Wall Street characters cannot accept.
So I think the internal situation of Saudi Arabia is worth looking at.
Here's the other thing.
The Hajj, right, the great Muslim pilgrimage, is coming now at the end of this month.
It's basically within the next
We're good to go.
Take control of the Kaaba, right, the central holy site of Islam, and start shooting.
And there was an armed confrontation that went on for the best part of a week or two.
And that's what you've got to think about.
What kind of an event like that, if you had a repetition of that November 1979 attack on Mecca, that I think would tend to shock the world, and people would wonder about the stability of Saudi Arabia, and a whole lot of dollars
We're good to go.
Now, what if that happens to the Saudis?
I think some of the Saudis realize they may be candidates for that, and therefore they may be thinking, let's try to get the Russians in here, or the Chinese, or somebody else, so that we have somebody to turn to if the Obama administration tries to foment a coup in this way.
Now, some of this is speculation, but maybe not so much.
If there was a coup attempt in August, there might be another one soon.
But bottom line, the establishment needs global crises.
They need to stage events.
Could that be staged terror here in the United States?
Could it be staged terror in Europe?
Could it be a new war with Russia, like we saw with 888?
I mean, are there other things you see on the horizon?
The doctrine currently, and this is what Brzezinski says, is the U.S.
cannot, cannot become directly militarily engaged.
So they want to use puppet kamikazes?
It's enough.
You've got to play the other countries one against the other.
That's why this idea of a conflict between Saudi Arabia and Iran over Yemen is such an attractive idea for these people.
We've also got to remember Obama is going to escalate the Afghan war very soon.
I want to remind people about that.
Interesting anti-war demonstration in Lafayette Park at the White House, Saturday, December 12th at 11 a.m.
If you're near Washington, stop by and protest.
All right, stay there, Webster.
I want to come back, finish up with that, get more into the economy with you, and I've got some other important areas.
I want to talk about cap-and-trade with Webster.
We're on the march.
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By the way, a program note here.
We have watched all the entries.
Even a few of the entries we haven't posted yet.
Charlie Sheen, in the last month as they began coming in, watches them every day.
Talked to Charlie at Link last night.
We are down to two or three winners for 20 Minutes with the President.
Spell it out, 20MinutesWithThePresident.com.
And we've got master lists posted at 20MinutesWithThePresident.com and InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
We've narrowed down some of the finalists, but those still may not be the winners, but they're up on InfoWars.com.
I'm gonna spend several hours tonight on the phone with Charlie Sheen.
He's judging, but he wants me to sit there with him and watch him at the same time with him.
We'll be like trying to click at the exact same moments we can be.
He'll be in his theater, his big theater, his house with YouTube up on the screen watching him.
And I'll be at home.
With the French Bulldog running around biting my ankles and the children running around like heathen.
But they're great.
But we're going to be trying to pick the winner tonight, but we'll announce it next Tuesday.
Charlie Sheen, 12 noon, next Tuesday, second hour of the show.
And we'll be breaking it all down and having the winner on.
But when we pick the winner, in the next few days, be ready for us to email you or contact your channel.
So we can have you on with Charlie.
There's going to be first place $14,000, second place $1,000, third place $500.
And Charlie's paying the $14,000 winner.
I'm paying the second and third place winner.
And I think Charlie's just going to pick all three.
We said he would pick the first person, but we'll just let Charlie pick them all.
But we've narrowed down first place to two different people.
And we're just having a lot of trouble choosing them.
And you reach millions of people.
And now they see the 20 key bullet points of 9-11 being an inside job.
Okay, going back to Webster Griffin Tarpley, best-selling author, doctor of history and economics.
Webster finishing up
Today with the geopolitical developments.
If they're not able to carry this new war in the Middle East through, what will they then turn to from your strategic over-the-horizon eagle-eye view?
A. B. Let's shift gears in closing into cap and trade and your deep research of that.
Well, I think the thing to look at is this wave of Islamophobia that we have.
We talked about this last time.
We have Major Hassan, the Fort Hood Patsy, and more stuff every day about what a patsy he is.
Just more details.
The concept is he's a patsy.
But remember, back in August, we had this guy Zazie between Queens and Denver.
He wanted to blow up New York.
He was this radical mosque in Flushing, Queens.
Now we've got the Khalid Sheikh Mohammed trial, right?
This psychotic Patsy and Faker and his confrere are going to go on trial in New York.
We've got the seizure of the so-called Iranian mosques, mosques that are accused of being the property of Bank Melli and the Alavi Foundation of Iran.
And there's one right down here in Potomac, Maryland.
It's a school, 150 or 200 kids go there.
And the feds are seizing it.
You've also got the new governor of Virginia, McDonnell.
He's a reactionary Republican, and he's owned by this guy Pat Robertson, the religious leader, if that's what we can call him.
And Pat Robertson has been making
Very incendiary statements that Islam is not a religion, it's a terrible social doctrine, and he takes it quite far.
You put all this together, we've got an orchestrated wave of Islamophobia.
Now, I don't think this is going in the direction that a neocon would like best.
I think it's going to be more of a Brzezinski-type direction.
I think Pakistan is likely to be the target, along with Afghanistan.
You could say a lot of this orchestration is to push Obama to finally stop dithering and make the commitment to a massive escalation in Afghanistan.
But nothing beyond that.
No new wars.
Those are the Iraq and Afghanistan role the U.S.
can handle.
Now, after that, well, ultimately there will be either a deflationary crash or a hyperinflationary event, and it seems to me that the hyperinflationary one is by far the most likely, given what most governments around the world are doing.
So that is more or less what Obama said yesterday, right?
He said that we could have a double-dip depression, or double-dip recession, in his terms.
So they're basically warning you now that we're no longer in the springtime of green shoots.
And by the way, over two years ago you said that on air.
You said we're going to have a big recession, going into depression, they're going to have a huge stimulus, say that everything's fine, and then as soon as they've spent that money they're going to come back again.
You were absolutely right, Webster.
Well, at this point, we have to look at what could the Federal Reserve do for them.
The Federal Reserve can't go much below zero, although in theory they could.
They could actually pay banks.
They could have negative interest rates where they pay banks to take the money and speculate with it.
The other thing is, in terms of getting another bailout, and I'm talking TARP, I'm talking the bailout to the Wall Street banks.
I don't see how this could be done politically at this time, given the terrible experiences that we've had.
So, you see there's a lot of pressure on the Federal Reserve.
There are two congressmen today demanding that Geithner should quit.
Two Republicans.
A couple of days ago, Congressman DeFazio of Oregon demanded that Geisler should also quit.
So I think the finance establishment, the Geisler-Bernanke group, and also with the campaign to audit them, which would be a useful step in itself.
All of this is coming around, and the Fed is really under fire.
You've also got some guy like Dodd, who's trying to win an election in Connecticut, thinks that he can look good by proposing to strip away a lot of the powers of the Fed.
Now, this is a very rotten thing that Dodd is doing, but it shows you that the climate is anti-Wall Street, and I think that's fundamental.
We've also got a lot of momentum around the Tobin tax, right, the 1% tax.
They're having Schwarzenegger announced in an extra legislative fashion.
Here's Associated Press today.
That power-hungry TVs will be banned from store shelves in California.
They're going to put taxes on other ones.
They're going to tax medical care.
They're going to tax anything with a carbon dioxide footprint.
Other states are adopting it through federal regulations that are outside of law.
They said health care wouldn't pass the House.
It did.
They're now saying cap-and-trade wouldn't pass the House.
It did.
They're still saying, Dianne Feinstein's still saying, in the next month, by mid-December, they're going to bring it out for a vote.
But then Inhofe and others are declaring the death of it.
I don't want to quote Mark Twain on a turn here, but rumors of my demise have been greatly exaggerated.
I mean, they're implementing it through the bureaucracy to begin with.
Europe's implementing it.
It's already happening.
I mean, certainly the momentum is shifting.
The fraud's coming out.
The polls show that the people aren't buying.
Bamboozled anymore.
Al Gore is being exposed for, you know, doctoring data and all this fraud.
But still, it's a great danger.
But you were saying when I first talked to you today, before you went live, that you do think it's in trouble.
Now the Copenhagen managers are now saying at the UN headquarters, as you know, on Monday, that, OK, we may not get it passed this year, kind of like the Lisbon Treaty.
Give us the bottom line, Webster, in about four minutes on Cap-and-Trade.
This is really also another imperative task for all of us, is to torpedo, to stop this Copenhagen conference.
This is a monstrosity.
There's nothing good about this.
This is not like healthcare, where there really is a problem and you really ought to do something, but the question is what.
In the case of global warming, it's a complete fraud.
The best thing is do absolutely nothing.
Therefore, we want gridlock.
Now, Obama is engaging in secret diplomacy.
I have a report that Obama had a secret meeting at the White House with a European diplomat who is prominent in the push for this global carbon dictatorship that they want to impose in Copenhagen.
I think it's this guy Boer, B-O-E-R.
He's the point manager of this entire thing, so secret meetings by Obama, and the idea is
That the Democratic leaders who are pushing this, Pelosi and Reid, are despairing that they can get this through the Congress before Copenhagen.
Their original scenario was the U.S.
would pass a lunatic, Malthusian, cap-and-trade monstrosity.
That would then be taken by Obama in person to Copenhagen, and he would beat the rest of the world over the head with this thing.
We in the U.S.
were backward under Bush, but now we're more Malthusian than anybody else.
And therefore you have to do the same thing.
That is failing, and I think that's what this secret diplomacy with Obama was about.
We also have Der Spiegel, right, the great German news magazine of the liberals, and they're saying Obama has fallen short.
He's really betrayed his promise to go with a binding cap-and-trade.
For the world at Copenhagen.
Now, part of it has to do with the fact the Chinese have said no, no, no, right?
Boo, sure.
And the Indians have said no.
There's even a fight between the Indian environmental minister is fighting with these crack
Quack scientists in the U.S.
about whether the glaciers in the Himalayas are shrinking or not, and the Indian guy says there's not any shrinkage that we can see, but the U.S.
quackademics are saying, oh no, it's a serious shrinkage of the glaciers and therefore that's global warming.
I think if the Indian front and the Chinese front can hold, you've also had this thing where the Africans walked out.
Of the Barcelona preparatory meeting, saying you guys have forgotten about Africa.
What they're really angling for, of course, is economic development aid, which they have to mask under the guise of carbon.
So, the big thing is that the U.S.
should not, not pass any cap-and-trade carbon monstrosity before Copenhagen.
And there's a pretty good chance that it will break up.
They'll have some kind of an interim accord.
Uh, and when they say, wait till next year, well, next year it's going to look different.
I think, uh, Obama will, uh, continue to subside, let us say, in U.S.
public opinion, and Obama's ability to deliver that, I think, is, is shrinking, so... Well, you're right, Webster.
That's what the...
That's what the founders said.
Gridlock is great.
Not a bad thing.
Like the media says they want to just ram their dictatorship of this oligarchy through.
But looking at that, the White House admits and the U.N.
admits and they all put out press releases saying, we're desperate.
We've got to get all this done now because our little princeling is crashing and burning.
People are finding out he's a fraud.
You know, they say it in political speech.
And I remember how astutely
You pointed out that Obama had 100 to 200 days maximum before the fact that he was the maximum puppet and a betrayer of everything he said he was going to do was exposed and so but he seems to be crashing and burning even faster than you or I would have thought or is that incorrect?
No, I think it's correct.
And I think, remember, as soon as he makes this Afghanistan decision, he's going to lose a whole area of support on his left flank.
Well, that's why he's been dithering and kind of, well, I'll announce $40,000 next week, but I won't really announce it.
December 12th, Lafayette Park protest.
Here's another one, though.
This mammogram question.
That group, this U.S.
board that put out this mammogram monstrosity, that is a death board.
That's a death panel.
Because they say women should not have mammograms until they're 50, and then every other year.
That has one name written all over it.
Peter Orsag.
Peter Orsag, the head of the Office of Management and Budget, has been waging a personal crusade against tests.
He hates mammograms, MRIs, CAT scans, nuclear stress tests, PSA.
You name the test, Orsag wants to take it away.
This is very concrete, and there's a lot of women who are, you know,
Well, Webster, Webster, that's the issue.
They set up these panels.
It's in the bill.
The author of the original bill, Daschle, wrote a book saying, if you're 60, you don't need eye surgery.
I mean, literally saying, we're going to ration your care.
And then on the other side of their mouth, they try to deny it.
And now they want five years in prison, quarter million dollar fine, if you don't go get the insurance, they say, and they take money out of your check.
I mean, this, and you get a national ID card.
I recommend Gridlock once again.
This thing, it's called the U.S.
Preventive Services Task Force.
Now it doesn't call itself a death board, but it is a death board.
And what they've done, just the announcement they've made, is going to cause deaths.
Because the George Washington University Clinic here in town has announced that on the day after that report came out, they had a whole bunch of women canceling their mammogram appointments, saying, well, we don't really need it.
We've been assured by these authoritative voices.
This means Orsag went to Rahm Emanuel, and then they both went to Secretary Sebelius of HHS, saying, look,
We've got to get some action.
We've got to cut down these mammograms, because mammograms lead to biopsies.
And if you've seen the members of this board, there was a woman called Gregory, Dr. Gregory, who was on Anderson Cooper, on CNN, and the other woman from the board, there are a number of them that have been on television.
They're all incompetent.
On Anderson Cooper they had a debate between Dr. Gregory and a guy from Harvard who really knew about the use of mammograms and she was reduced to stammering silence because this was a rotten political decision designed to save money, again for Wall Street bailouts, by cutting vital services that people really need.
We've got to leave it there, but overall, they are beginning to stall, the people are learning they're not invincible, and the entire collectivist, big government, corporate rating system is in trouble.
All three of your latest books are for sale on Infowars.com.
I suggest people get them.
Thank you for spending time with us.
Thank you.
There goes Webster Griffin Tarpley.
Okay, I want to come back and play some clips.
from the listener comment line and comment on those in this segment in the first five minutes of the next hour.
Then we've got... Who do we got coming on?
It's going to be interesting.
We've got Alan Combs coming on.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda...
They'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
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I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
For the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation, the criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty and on its ashes constructing world government.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
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You've reached the InfoWars comment line.
You've got 60 seconds for your question or comment.
60 seconds.
And if it's good, we'll put it on air.
Hey Alex, I just wanted to say, I know a lot of times before we've talked about there's no laws, state laws, in Texas.
You can't bear arms, but I know it's disgusting, it's unconstitutional, but in the Texas state constitution it does
Uh, give the state the right, even though it's against the U.S.
Constitution, to limit the wearing of arms.
And also, there is a law against, uh, wearing arms in public.
I just wanted to, to let you know about that.
Thank you.
Hey, good morning, Alex.
I'm, this is Chris from, uh, Houston, Texas.
And, um, I'm recently been, uh, eyes have been opened.
Um, pretty, you know, but it really was interesting, and I'm pretty far, uh, I don't know a lot of things, but the Kindred,
They were spraying a lot here yesterday and the day before, just letting them loose.
You haven't covered anything on the chemtrail phenomenon lately, and I was just curious to see if maybe you could have someone come on and talk about the chemtrails and what not.
I read one of your articles about the chemtrail, the aerosol spraying in the Ukraine, and then two days later,
Well, we love you, my friend.
Okay, let me answer those two questions.
I don't have the state law in front of me, but I know you can have open carry in Texas.
It's just the police will come and harass you.
And it's open carry in almost every state in the country.
There are laws against concealed carry.
That's why they give you a permit for concealed carry, because that's the only area they have jurisdiction over.
But I don't have it in front of me, but I happen to know.
I actually got a book at home, but it's a few years old.
The state gun laws in Texas.
And the same publisher puts them out for all 50 states.
But I guess we could pull up state gun laws, open carry, in Texas.
But how do you think people all in Texas, the Black Panthers marching in Houston with loaded shotguns, people in Arizona marching around with AR-15s, people in Vermont doing it, people in California doing it.
But people should check their laws to be sure first.
There were some laws, I know back in the late
Eighteen hundreds, early nineteen hundreds against wearing arms in bars because that was the old saloon days, worried about drunk people shooting folks.
And some towns would pass laws about you gotta stow your guns at the sheriff's office when you come into the county or the town.
But I believe you're mistaken, sir.
I wish you would have quoted these supposed laws for me.
But that's something we can look into.
It's this ambiguity.
I was listening to a radio show this morning about Steven Seagal has some new cop TV show where he's actually a real cop of some town and they're pulling people over and they're arresting people for guns and oh look he's got a gun in his car he's going to jail.
You can only do that what New York City, Chicago, a few others.
You know, either we have these rights or we don't.
You know, in Texas, 20 years ago, half the people had guns in their gun racks.
You don't see that now.
Not because there's a law, but because they will harass you.
We have to use our rights or we lose them.
That's how Jews were slowly intimidated to not have businesses and not have political organizations and not be able to sell products by Hitler.
He first treated them like third class citizens and then started arresting them.
And that's how tyranny works.
As for chemtrails, we talk about chemtrails every week.
You must have missed it.
The White House admits they've got a terraforming slash geoengineering program going on.
They say it's classified.
The details are, but they are spraying us and manipulating the weather.
And that's a whole other issue of them creating weather crises to then offer their political solution, taxing carbon dioxide that plants live off of.
So we're going to come back and play a few more clips.
And comment on those.
And then we've got Alan Combs coming up.
I certainly look forward to that interview.
We'll be right back with the fourth and final hour.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
You've reached the InfoWars comment line.
You've got 60 seconds for your question or comment.
60 seconds.
And if it's good, we'll put it on air.
Hey Alex, JT in Chicago.
Just wanted to remind you when fighting this cap and trade and fighting this social health care, just want to remind you that we just
Uh, we aren't fighting for the Ponzi, crony, uh, capitalist system status quo.
The Ponzi and crony system, I like to call the Cronzy system, doesn't work for many of us anymore with the deindustrialization of our, uh, our nation and with, uh, the
The heavy onset of illegal immigration, the debt-based system that enslaves many of us.
It's important to note that with all the people out there fighting for different causes, we've got the constitutionalists like ourselves, we've got anarchists and socialists, that when not fighting together, we're all going in different directions, so we all have to find some common ground.
Quick shout-out to Chicago We Are Change, quick plug for Police State Watch, thanks.
This is Ken from Washington State.
Hey, I just wanted to give you guys a heads up.
I'm looking around on the web to see if you already know about it or where it might be reported on the internet, but I just saw a blurb, a small blurb on CNN, something about the White House is attempting to block Congress or dissuade them from doing any kind of probe into the Fort Hood shootings.
So I found that kind of interesting and I'm still waiting to hear the spin that CNN is going to put on that and what's going on.
I'm looking for it on the web, but you might want to look into it.
Well, on that point, I will comment.
I think the first caller's statements are self-evident.
No need to comment on the second one.
Yes, they've declared national security.
Congress has been told under national security you're not allowed to investigate or even request information.
Under PDD 51, Presidential Decision Directive 51, it stated Congress has no authority over anything dealing with national security.
Emergencies, wars.
Congress passes the laws and orders the President around.
The Founding Fathers stated that Congress was the most powerful of three branches.
Then they lied to the public and said no, they're co-equal.
Now they say the President is above the courts and the Congress.
It goes to the Legislative, the Judicial, the President, the Executive.
That's how our system works.
It's the Congress raises the money.
They declare war and then say, here are your orders, Commander-in-Chief.
Just like the generals take orders from the legislature.
It's legislatures that levy war.
It was the Continental Congress that started the Revolutionary War.
It's the Congress.
It's elected by us, our representatives of the states.
You have this transfer of power to the executive.
The highest level security clearance members of Congress aren't allowed to see anything, not even the entire text of PDD 51.
Then you have the John Warren Defense Authorization Act of 2007 that states that homeland security is for the states to oppress the states and the people.
I mean, this is all stated.
NORTHCOM is a criminal organization.
It's not our military that's bad, it's what they've set up is illegal.
And they're covering up Fort Hood at every level.
Tarpley's written an incredible article detailing all the patsy evidence.
There was a drill going on.
Three shooters.
They said he was dead for six, seven hours.
They knew he was planning all this, supposedly, when he was sending emails to Al-Qaeda that were really going to the CIA, because that is Al-Qaeda.
And Fort Hood is definitely some type of staged event.
At bare minimum, they knew he was going to do it, let him do it.
I mean, you badmouth Obama in the slightest way, you get court-martialed or a dishonorable discharge.
Was running around for four years going wild on Bush, Obama, you name it.
And they let that guy do what he did.
And that's probably only just the beginning of it.
That's only the surface of this situation.
We're going to come back, do a little bit of a news blitz, some news on the economy.
Then Alan Combs is joining us in about, what, middle of the next segment.
Looking forward to that today.
And by the way, great job to the crew.
They are really taking it to the next level.
All of them.
Craig Sadler, Jaron Nyhart, Ryan, everybody in there is just absolutely kicking butt.
And we want to salute their work and thank them.
Be sure and check out the article getting all the headlines around the country and the world.
Getting a lot of attention.
With hurricanes at 30-year low, Gore turns to Photoshop.
The king of cap-and-trade simply airbrushes them in.
to his new book to create a more scary Earth.
Paul Joseph Watson, PrisonPlanet.com.
Don't forget PrisonPlanet.tv.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As they're finishing off this agenda, they'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us
Tim Geithner?
They're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today, it seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Well, we got Alan Combs, syndicated radio talk show host, formerly of Hannity & Combs, joining us for a little bit of a discussion, friendly debate.
I don't want to be enemies with him, I disagree with him on almost everything.
It's coming up in about 5-6 minutes for the rest of the hour.
But I wanted to bring Ted Anderson up.
Ted, what is it like for you, I'm going to put this up on screen for all the viewers, that Rush Limbaugh spent a lot of an hour today reading a Prison Planet article by Paul Watson about Al Gore's global warming fraud where he's caught photoshopping and fake graphs and everything.
He's attacked Prison Planet in the past, and I know you said you listened to him some.
He's more and more sounding like us.
I see video clips of him from the show online, and he's talking about global corporations hijacking us, that Obama wants to destroy America so he can make us all dependent.
Is, I guess, being forced to really start to tell the truth or he's going to lose his audience.
See, as long as we get the people to wake up, everybody else will follow.
You educate the public about the New World Order, it's game over for the globalists.
Well, the neat part about it, Alex, is that the truth is very, very, very popular.
And it's gone so far now that even the mainstream media have to pick it up.
And I just think it's just awesome to see your article, front page, RushLimbaugh.com.
I don't know how it can get better than that.
That's just... Well, front page, he doesn't usually have a giant headline.
It's like, done, done, done, go to PrisonPlanet.com.
And he's attacked Prison Planet repeatedly, other articles over the years.
So he knows he's linking to us.
Very strange.
Yeah, I would say so.
But like you said, Alex, it is very interesting to hear Rush Limbaugh talk about the New World Order.
I mean, it is just...
An amazing turning point.
Obviously, we have an effect out there.
We're getting somewhere with this.
A lot of that is due to your efforts and your team.
And I just really salute you for that one, man.
You guys have just blown the lid off of this thing, and I think it's just great.
But Ted, it's scary how big we're getting.
I mean, you're sitting right on top of all this, and I'm sorry, but I think it's a keg of TNT.
I mean, dozens and dozens of newspapers a day attacking us.
Media Matters, George Soros, CBS News, Jerusalem Post, Salon, New Republic.
I mean, Ted, this is wild!
I mean, I'm right there on the White House enemies list in the top 25.
I mean, this is getting crazy.
It really is.
It's getting to be really something else.
I have to say that.
But again, Alex, I mean, the reason why I'm here is because I've got little kids.
Well, when I started, they were little kids.
They're big now.
They're all grown up.
Yeah, one of them's in the Army.
Has he been sent to Afghanistan yet?
Well, he's right now in Iraq.
Oh, boy.
Well, he's in Kuwait, but he'll be at his post in Iraq here probably next week.
And then my daughter, of course, in college.
I mean, the future generation just doesn't stand a chance at all unless if we can turn this country around and get it back on the proper track instead of the direction that we've been heading.
And I think everybody realizes that now, obviously, including Rush Limbaugh, which I think is just amazing.
And you're right, it could be a keg of TNT.
And, you know, if we make a difference and I end up
Getting blown up in the process, well then so be it.
Yeah, there's nothing like being truly alive and just playing the cards you've been dealt and let the chips fall where they may.
We're doing the right thing and that's the end of it.
Damn the torpedoes, go straight at them.
Ted, briefly, because Alan Combs is coming up in a moment.
Oh, we just got him?
Oh great, okay.
Ted, tell people about today's gold offer.
You're able to hold yesterday's gold prices of where you bought gold in the market a few weeks ago at the $1,050 level.
It's at $1,145, $95 above what you bought this in the market, but it's running out.
You're at the very end of it.
Tell us the coin offerings you've got today.
Yeah, I sure will.
I mean, right now I have the Franks currently at $263.
The British Sovereigns are currently at $325.
But with silver jumping up over $18 an ounce, one of the best buys that I have is the Walking Liberty half at $869.
The Lakota Nation coins, we still hold those down at $2244.
And we have a variety of
Man, I've got such a small amount of buffaloes, I don't even want to mention that I have them, but they're there if you're interested in those, you can ask for them.
We have a pretty good supply of Canadian Maple Leafs in the safe, and the Eagles, and Krugerrands, just a few.
What you want to do is you want to call your representative at MIDAS at 1-800-686-2237.
The reason for that right now is that supplies are getting thin, and you'll find that out if you try to stop down at your local jewelry store.
Or a coin shop, pawn shop, that type of thing.
You can see that everything's bought up.
Ted, fire out the toll-free number for listeners to call the brokers and tell them it's the Alex Jones Special and take advantage of this.
They're not going to find a deal this good anywhere.
Yeah, the telephone number is 1-800-686-2237.
Again, 1-800-686-2237.
London Telegraph reporting major gold reserves running out worldwide while this boom kicks in.
The dollar imploding because the last three administrations, or even more, have been devaluing the currency.
It is now the time to get into gold and silver, and the best place to do it is Midas Resources.
Ted, any closing comments on gold and silver and where this market's going?
It appears the new stabilization level is at about 1,140.
An all-time new level.
Yeah, it is.
It tried to dip down into that $1,030 level today, but didn't succeed.
It ended up shooting right back up again.
There obviously is some pressure by the major institutions in New York City and that kind of thing.
They're trying to sell gold and prop up the dollar, but it's not a successful effort.
Honestly, I just have to say that the dollar's falling.
You better look at gold and silver as part of your portfolio.
I was even talking to one guy, very conservative.
He says you should have at least 10% of your portfolio in gold.
I think that number's way low.
But if that's all you can do, do it.
Because right now,
You know, with what's going on in Washington, with all these handouts, bailouts, and everything that's happening, the value of the dollar is going to get hit.
We just know that's going to happen.
Thank you, Ted.
Minus Resources standing by to take your call.
They can answer your questions, 800-686-2237 or minusresources.com.
Thank you, Ted.
Thanks a lot Alex.
Always good to have him pop in occasionally with us.
Well for the balance of the hour, the end of the show, I'm very honored to have Alan Combs on.
I've been on his show quite a few times and he's been here with us a few times and I don't agree with him on quite a few issues but I do agree with him against torture and secret arrest and war.
And all the rest of it.
And we've now seen 11 months of President Obama in office.
I want to get his take on the President and what the Republicans are doing and what's going to happen when Republicans get back in office in a year and then they continue to go down the same line as Obama has.
What's going to happen is the public figures out both parties are controlled by the same corporate interests.
Maybe Alan disagrees, but certainly the patience of the American people is running out.
The honeymoons for politicians are shorter and shorter.
Alan Combs, of course, the host of the Alan Combs nationally syndicated radio show that airs throughout the United States on Fox News Radio, and of course he also co-hosted from 96-2009 the co-host of Hannity and Combs, a nightly political debate show on Fox News.
Alex, I don't think I ever gave you as good an introduction as you just gave me, so thank you very much.
I appreciate it.
You bet, you bet.
Allen, look, I don't want to sit here and attack you.
You don't really attack me too bad when I come on your show.
But, but, come on, man!
Obama, the Peace Prize, 40,000 more troops to have... But it's not his fault that he got the Peace Prize.
Is it Obama's fault?
You want to blame him that he got the prize?
Well, does he deserve it?
I would have waited.
But, I mean, why attack him for a prize someone else gave him?
But it just shows the delusional socialist... I mean, maybe you don't like that he got the prize, and I think he's got some left to prove.
Look, I've got an issue with him on Afghanistan.
I want a decision made.
I want to get out of Afghanistan.
We probably agree on that.
I don't want another quagmire like we had in Iraq.
And I think he needs to earn that prize.
But it's not his fault that he got it.
Well, I mean, I guess that's a good one-liner, Alan, but regardless of the fact, it's embarrassing that he got it, and I think it blew up in everybody's face.
It's embarrassing, but it's not embarrassing to him.
He didn't give it to himself.
I'll tell you what is embarrassing for sure, and I do think it's embarrassing.
It shows all this worshipping, this fawning, like he's Gandhi and Martin Luther King rolled up into one when he hasn't done one one-hundredth of what they did.
Now, that's my opinion.
I just think it diminishes the price.
Look, I think obviously there was a great deal of excitement about the campaign.
He offered a lot of hope to people at a time when the country seemed hopeless, when we had a lot of problems because of the Bush-Cheney regime.
And people were looking for something, and he came along and was the right charismatic character at the right time.
Now he's got to do the work.
And obviously he can't live up to the hype.
Nobody can.
Look, I'm more progressive.
I want to see him be more bold.
I want to see him close Guantanamo by executive order.
Do it tomorrow.
I'm glad they're doing trials in civilian court.
Show that our criminal justice system works.
I want to see him get out of Afghanistan.
I want to get out of Iraq faster.
I want him to stand up for something in terms of healthcare.
The public option, on the table or off the table, where does he stand?
From a progressive point of view, I'd like to see a bolder approach by the president.
Alan, quick 60 second comment, because we're going to break.
You're doing the syndicated show, what else are you up to these days?
I appear on the channel, probably working on a book, I do my website, alan.com, and developing other television projects.
So you're busy, yeah, a full-time syndicated nightly, what, three hour show?
You know what it takes to do a daily radio show, that alone is a full-time job.
You know, I don't know how you and Hannity and others could do it, multi-hour radio shows and then a highly produced TV show every night.
A lot of good help, a lot of great staff and the people who help you things not fall through the cracks.
Okay, this is a long break.
We're going to come back to you.
I want to get into Afghanistan.
I want to talk about a host of issues with Alan Combs.
I want to get the answer to that question I threw out.
I threw out so many, I don't blame him for not answering it.
This political crisis in America, in that no matter what party we put in, the status quo continues.
Where does he see that going?
Alan Combs is our guest.
I'm Alex Jones.
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This is Alex Jones for survivalseedbank.com.
Alan Combs with us until the end of the broadcast here in about 35 minutes from now.
Alan.com is his website and ours is PrisonPlanet.tv, JonesReport.com.
Alan, you heard my question.
I mean, I'm really worried about this country because the establishment keeps baiting and switching with the two parties and I really don't see that big of a difference when it comes to monetary and economic policy.
Bush's economic team
Well, I don't know if it's going to destroy us.
I mean, no one even saw the economic collapse coming a year and a half ago.
But Alex, you generally don't like who's in office.
You see the two parties as similar.
You don't think anybody's got the solution.
Who would you support?
I'm just curious because you seem to be
Well, no, that's because the establishment, because of the billions of dollars spent on the election cycles every couple years, is able to select
People actually fantasize about a Paul Kucinich or vice versa ticket.
Which seemed implausible and probably wouldn't win.
But look, I don't know the answer to your question.
I'd like to believe that the stimulus will work.
The market's gone back up.
I'd like to believe it's going to open up the credit markets.
They said it's going to take until 2010 before we get some kind of financial or jobs back.
It took a while to get to this place.
It's going to take us a while to get out.
I'm not an economist.
I don't have the answers.
Well, I'll just say this.
It's a political cheap shot as much as I hate George W. Bush and the neocons.
I believe they were involved in 9-11, as you know, Alan.
But as bad as they are... I get emails from people who agree with you almost on a daily basis.
My issue is to have Obama's people blaming the economic collapse on Bush when it was the Clinton people that got rid of Glass-Steagall.
I mean, he has as much to blame, his crew has as much to blame as the Republicans.
Well, it's easy to say that.
Look, it was Bush who was in office when the collapse happened.
It was the deregulation of Republicans.
It was the idea that Bush had this thing about the Community Redevelopment Program.
Anybody can own a home.
That started under Clinton.
Bush took it though a step further.
No mortgage, don't worry, we'll get you a home.
You don't have to have a lot of credentials.
And that was the thing that the Republicans were pushing, home ownership for everybody, when everybody was not qualified to do it.
That caused the collapse of Freddie and Fannie.
Which is my point.
The same people... Well, McClatchy's come out with a big list of reports.
They got internal documents from Goldman Sachs where two years before the collapse, they were secretly betting against housing while they were telling all their clients to buy housing because they wanted to consolidate the market.
I mean, are you for auditing the private Federal Reserve, Alan?
I don't know a lot about the Federal Reserve.
I know that libertarians and people who agree with you often will bring up the Federal Reserve.
And I'm not an economist.
It's not an area that I really know a lot about.
So I'm not educated enough to give you an intelligent answer to that question.
That's ridiculous.
You can't punt on this, Alan.
Come on, tell me.
I don't know.
The Federal Reserve has never been fully audited.
Don't you think there should be transparency?
Good, Alan Combs for Auditing the Fed.
That's beautiful.
Briefly, before we go to a bright, long segment coming up, what do you think would fix America?
I mean, where do you stand on Afghanistan?
I want to get out.
Why are we spending all this money?
Why don't we...
Why do we diddle around about health care, and people complain about how much money it's going to cost, and people yell at me about where their tax dollars are going, but when it comes to war, nobody questions how long will it be, what will it cost, what's our exit strategy, how much taxpayer dollars are going, how are we going to pay for it, are our children and grandchildren going to pay for it?
Why does nobody ask those questions when it comes to war, but only when it comes to social services?
How big a part of the war and the whole defense budget, how big a piece of that is it?
In that light, 45% of all the expenditures is related to defense?
I don't know the exact number.
A huge amount of the budget goes to defense.
We know that.
A disproportionate amount goes to defense.
A small amount goes to welfare, to public good, to social programs.
And yet those are the things the conservatives scream about, but most of their dollars are going elsewhere.
So in the final equation, where do you think this country is going to be in five years?
I couldn't have predicted we'd be where we are now.
Who would have thought Obama would be president?
Who would have thought the economic collapse?
Anybody who tells you now what they know is going to happen in five years is just shooting in the wind.
I don't know.
I said five years ago gold would be $1,000 an ounce in five years, Alan.
But you're a genius.
You heard it from Alan Combs, on at the Fed, and I'm a genius.
Hey, I like it.
Alan, stay with us.
I got some real questions coming up after this break.
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Alan comes with us another 27 minutes or so, and I'm going to let Alan ask me some questions, too, because you've been asking me, you know, what I think of Glenn Beck and stuff during the break, so we'll do that all live here on air.
But, Alan, let's get down to brass tacks on the subject of New World Order, world government.
Fifteen, sixteen years ago, I would read UN documents calling for a global government, calling for global one-child policies, Trilateral Commission calling for it, I would talk about it, I would be called a kook, written up in federal reports as dangerous.
Now, I have in my hand, we're also live on the internet on TV, we can do it, New York Times, October 26, 2009, banned Khai Moon,
Secretary General of the UN, he calls for global government structure, global governance, in the article, those are quotes, and says the carbon tax will finance the global government.
So let me ask Alan Combs.
We now have Limbaugh admitting world government after denying it for decades.
We now have Glenn Beck.
Uh, coming along, talking about it.
So it's kind of like a right-wing issue now.
Uh, and then meanwhile, the Southern Property Law Center, ADL, CBS News, I mean, I've got all these articles right here, Salon, Media Matters, all the George Soros publications, are saying I am basically this dangerous liar who is lying to everyone and saying world government is here.
Alan Combs.
Because any given day I can go to Google and type in new world order world government and get hundreds of articles in mainstream news announcing world government saying it's good.
So Alan Combs, I'm asking you, how is the mainstream media going to have this?
Where they say there is no world government, no move towards global government, but
At the same time, admit that there's a world government.
How do they admit there's a world government, but then separately if you talk about it and say you don't want it?
As far as Moon is concerned, he runs the UN.
I don't know exactly what he said about world government.
You have people like Beck and you have Limbaugh who have such contempt.
For Obama that they're going to say, oh my God, look at this Marxist, look at this horrible left-wing totalitarian.
He wants to take over the world and scare people and make them believe that somehow with a liberal lefty guy in the government who is, they think in some cases, not the people I mentioned, but some of their followers believe he was born in Kenya, wasn't even an American, and how dare this guy take over our government.
They're going to run it.
It's going to be a world government.
It's fear-mongering.
Regardless of what the U.N.
says, Alex, we are a sovereign country.
We're not in any danger of not becoming a sovereign country.
I don't believe that the U.N.
or any other world body will be taken over our government.
Of course, we do have to have treaties with other countries, whether it's treaties on the environment
As you mentioned, whether it's economic issues, we live in a world community.
It does take a village and it takes a global village.
So the idea that we can live isolated from the rest of the world, but in terms of sovereignty, nobody's taking over the United States.
Look at the World Trade Organization Agreement.
It has more power than our Congress does over trade.
Let me read you what Ban Ki-moon said in the New York Times.
A deal must include an equitable global governance structure.
All countries must have a voice in how resources are deployed and managed.
Well, that's a way of saying there, if you read the whole article, that the UN is going to decide where the resources go and the countries will have their say.
Well, the UN doesn't have a right to unilaterally make that decision.
Ban Ki-moon can say whatever he wants to say.
He runs a global organization because he says it.
Hold on, but Alan, here's what I'm saying.
You can't say people are kooks.
And I'm not saying you're saying this, but I'm...
Just because they talk about global government when it's in hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of articles.
Here's the problem.
I talked about how they were going to devalue the currency, bring in a global carbon tax, a monetary tax, set up this private global government around the IMF.
That's now been announced.
Here it is.
Financial Times of London.
And now for a world government.
And they go on to say we need global government now and it needs to be authoritarian to save the planet.
Well, you say they say it, Alex.
There are always people who are going to say that.
They're going to be crazy people who say we need a world government.
They're going to be crazy people who say we're going to take over the world.
But the sovereign nations of the world are not going to submit to a world government.
Unless they're bankrupted from the inside by the very same banking institutions that are founding the world government.
No, we are.
Okay, did Goldman Sachs and JPMorgan Chase, are they making record profits right now?
Did they come out smelling like a king?
Smelling like a 24 karat rose after the crisis last year?
Didn't they fold?
One of them folded.
I mean, I don't know how they call that smelling like a rose.
I don't see it that way at all.
No, JPMorgan, record profits.
Goldman Sachs, record profits.
They got to take over Bear Stearns, their competition.
What about all the companies that folded, that failed, that couldn't survive?
You know, that indeed, institutions, Lehman Brothers, that you thought would be around forever.
It was a great consolidation.
That's what the bigger, more powerful central banks wanted.
It was Goldman Sachs that had their people all over the government in the key regulatory positions.
Look, if you are someone who worries about world government, and you spend a lot of time, you will take everything you see as a sign that that apocalypse is coming.
I don't see it that way.
Oh, Alan, I'm not saying an apocalypse is coming.
I have CBS News, I have ADL saying... You can quote those media organizations that may bring you stories about those people who think this is happening, but we are and will continue to be a sovereign nation.
Alan, let me just finish this point to you.
I'm here looking at the ADL.
It says
Rage grows in America, anti-government conspiracies, anger on the fringes, Alex Jones the conspiracy king, and then they go and... You should be flattered, you're a king!
Yeah, but they say I'm bad because I talk about a global government run by private banks.
That's what's being set up at the G20!
They're actually proposing it!
Well, again, you do wander into conspiracy theory territory.
No country is going to give up their sovereignty to allow a global government.
Do you really think the United States, under Obama or anybody else, are going to give up its sovereignty?
We'll still have the American flag out there flapping in the wind, but for all intents and purposes, just like the IMF and World Bank go in and take over third world countries... We're not a third world country.
Why would the United States submit to a larger entity to run its sovereignty?
Because we have corporate interests that want vertical integration and want to end our industrial society to make the public more manageable and to impose a forced planetary one-child policy.
Have you read the textbook written by White House science czar John P. Holdren?
I didn't know he had czars.
That's a media invention, that word.
I know I didn't read his textbook.
But I've read about him and again I read how the people who again fear Obama and believe that he's a Marxist are somehow going to take over the world.
This is conspiracy theory stuff, Alex.
Well, Alan, I think that's the left-cover argument.
And I know they have the right now playing the part of the party out of power, and so now they can talk about the New World Order and make it a discredited Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, right-wing situation.
I think the fake neocon, warmongering, torture-loving criminals, you know, with all of their insider, you know, deals with no-bid weapons contracts, they should love Obama!
Continuing secret arrests, continuing indefinite...
At least you'll admit that.
Most liberals will just say, no he's not, and in fact
He's intensifying a lot of this.
Who gave Bush and Cheney permission to violate the Constitution.
Alancoms.com, syndicated radio host.
You can tune in.
What was that noise?
We just lost his line.
Oh, we've got him back.
Alan, are you there?
Yeah, that was the government listening in, Alex.
No, it's probably the deteriorating infrastructure in this country falling apart.
It's part of the one world government taking over.
Alan, you don't have a microchip in your brain, do you?
Not that I know of.
Are you a reptoid?
Not that I know of.
Maybe you're just a voice hologram.
Maybe I'm not even talking to Alan Cohn.
You know, I've had surgery in my life.
Who knows what they've implanted in me when I was under anesthesia.
Maybe you're just a computer program that Rupert Murdoch has there at the Fox Studios.
You know, and he may have done such a good job, but I actually think I'm human.
There's actually an argument for that, that Hannity could be a wind-up toy android.
You just pull the string and he has like ten statements he makes.
I would have no knowledge of that.
You're a great American, Alan.
Oh my god, this is insane.
You highlighted this.
We were talking about Glenn Beck.
A lot of people compare the two of you.
A lot of people believe that your act and his in many ways are similar.
So I would think there'd be some compatibility there.
No, because the establishment is creating this patriotoid, conspiracitoid counterfeit, where Glenn Beck says he's fighting the New World Order, but then says we've got to launch new wars and the Arabs have snuck nukes into the country, and right when Ron Paul had a chance to actually win during the primaries, Glenn Beck came out and said,
This money bomb, that means blowing up people.
He may be a terrorist, his listeners.
We may need to use the army against them.
I mean, these are almost exact quotes.
And then...
The Wall Street Journal's reporting they've built some FEMA camps.
Beck comes out and says, none of them exist.
None of them exist.
And then he acts like a complete Froot Loop.
And I'm serious.
On purpose.
He's an actor.
A very good actor.
Because, see, I've been listening to him off and on for like nine years.
So I've seen his evolution.
And I just know he's as phony as a $3 bill.
And I'm all about real.
Even if I don't like somebody, if they're real, I tend to respect them.
But I don't like Glenn Beck because he's a Judas goat meant to take control of the Tea Parties, take control of the Libertarian movement that Ron Paul heads, and flush it down the Rupert Murdoch toilet.
Well, I don't think he might flush it down the Rupert Murdoch toilet.
He's probably Ron Paul's biggest advocate, along with Judge Napolitano here at Fox News.
They seem to be appealing to a lot of the very same people who support Ron Paul.
I think Napolitano is for real.
He's a true libertarian.
He's actually against the torture.
He's actually against the war.
He never changes.
Against the Patriot Act.
But not Glenn Beck.
I've seen Glenn Beck.
This is why I don't like Glenn Beck.
I'm going to quit talking about him because I want to talk to Alan Combs.
I have video clips, we played them here, where he said, the banker bailout is good, we must have it or it's all over.
Then he came back three months later and said, you know I was against the bailout.
He comes out and says he's for the Patriot Act.
He's a flip-flopper.
Well, I honestly have not followed him that closely, so I could not cite for you chapter, verse, about what he said.
But many people see the two of you in the same category in that you seem to view the government in a similar manner.
Well, I want to be clear.
If I embraced Glenn Beck and kissed up to him, I could be on his show, and I've had little entrees laid out from neocon organizations to go join them, and I'm not.
So I'm not here attacking Beck because I'm jealous of his big TV show, as some people say.
I'm attacking Beck because I saw this guy say he was for the banker bailout, and then later say he never was.
I mean, and there's a hundred examples of this.
So, I believe he's a Benedict Arnold.
Okay, well, I guess we won't see you on his show any time soon then.
No, we won't be- He might see you in the building, but apparently not.
No, you won't see me anywhere near there, because I've got to be real.
I mean, that's all I got, Alan.
Speaking of being real, let's go to the fake left here, and I want your take on this.
Chris Matthews, Carlos Watson, Chris Matthews, Carlos Watson, people on CNN, Anderson Cooper, I'm sure you've seen this.
Everywhere saying, look at the tea parties, look at that woman, that's code for not liking black people.
Oh, if you say it's socialism, that's code for racism.
No, I mean even Newsweek said we're all socialists now, that this is a move towards more collectivism.
Isn't that liberal limousine, liberal race pimping, to always inject race in, to make it a polarizing issue?
No, I don't think saying that Obama is a socialist or headed down the road of socialism means you're a racist.
I do think among those people, not all of them,
But I do think a substantial number of people who've been promoting this birther movement, that he was born in Kenya, he's not really an American, he's black, you know, that he's not one of us.
I think among the tea-baggers, the tea-partiers, whatever you call them, there are people who do, you know, they've been racist signs, and there are among those people, there are enough, some of them are racist, enough to make me uncomfortable.
And there are people who don't like the fact that a black guy who they believe was born in another country,
Uh, was, is President of the United States.
If that's not, I mean, some of that is racist.
I'm sure you can find a small percentage that are, but most people that are mad at President Obama are mad because he's for the banker bailout, he's for future bailouts, he's for more wars, he's for the Patriot Act now, he's for warrantless wiretapping, and they don't like, I mean, he said he was going to balance the budget and cut spending and he's outdone Bush in his first year.
Alan, let me go back on this on the issue of
And this is what Matthews and others have said, that it is code for racism to say the word socialism.
Let's say 10% of the people that are birthers or Tea Party members, a lot of these are my listeners out there saying, defend our Second Amendment, defend our sovereignty, it's mean to call them teabaggers, and it's a way to demonize them politically, and it's a good throwaway line, and I wish you wouldn't use it, but I know it's too much fun, but at its core,
At its core, people are genuinely upset with Obama, and by the mainstream media and the fake liberal media invoking racism, it's creating a lot more racial tension than maybe 10% of anti-Obama people being truly racist.
I mean, I think it's wrong.
You don't agree that invoking, that when someone hears the word socialism, a lot of people believe that.
They now think, if I speak out against socialism,
Which really is just corporate corruption.
They always steal the money, even if you're for socialism.
It never works because of the corruption.
Isn't that invoking all sorts of racial division?
Doesn't the left... I don't think saying socialism indicates racism.
I think, as I said, there are some other things that they're going after Obama about that I think indicate racism.
The birther stuff.
But I'm saying, invoking this, the progressives, the left, always saying people that don't agree with Obama are racist.
I'm not saying you're saying that, but that's what some of these other people are saying.
Some of them are, and we've seen more of it.
I get more of those calls on my radio show.
I get, you know, people calling up with watermelon jokes.
I mean, you know, there is some of that going on.
Look, if Hillary Clinton had been the nominee,
Uh, she would be, uh, uh, they'd be doing, uh, gender stuff, and there'd be a lot of sexism going on.
Well, no, they would say she's a lesbian.
I mean, there's sexism there.
Whenever we break a glass ceiling, uh, whether it's race or sex, there are people who are going to make jokes, and it's going to be unpleasant.
But you look at Comedy Central, it's full of racial jokes.
I mean, we're a lot more crass today than we were.
I don't think it's always done because of racist reasons.
When you hear a racial or sexist joke, I mean, you go to the comedy clubs, that's all you hear.
We'll be right back.
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Alan, I think the mainstream media on the left and right are destroying their credibility.
And they keep denying the world government.
They keep denying globalization is taking over.
They keep denying what's happening.
And I think that the mainstream media's days are numbered.
And I think this country is going into revolution.
I don't want it to be violent.
Alex, come on.
You know, that's kind of a hype.
That's a very hyper, you know, statement.
That's an inflammatory, alarmist kind of statement.
We're going into revolution.
I mean, that's the kind of stuff that, you know,
Inflames people and gets people all crazy and I don't know this but that's your opinion.
Maybe it's your opinion, but there's nothing to really back that up.
Come on.
Are you kidding?
I mean, how many analysts and forecasters that have been right in the past that we've interviewed from across the political spectrum?
And when I say revolution, I mean a political revolution that may entail the Pentagon, in some of their reports, and the British Ministry of Defense believe there are going to be global riots by 2011.
They issued that report three years ago.
I mean, Alan, I know you're a smart guy, you read a lot of mainstream newspapers and stuff, but I read government reports, Alan.
Yeah, well, you know, that's pretty alarmist, Alex, to talk about how there's going to be a revolution.
I mean, maybe you've got to define revolution.
By revolution, do you mean the end of government as we know it?
Yes, I mean, I'm talking about political realignments, depressions, breakdown in some areas of society.
I mean, all the analysts we have on say we're really over 20% unemployment, Alan.
Well, you know, that's not the number that's out there.
It's 10.2%.
You can then add the number of people who aren't even looking anymore.
I've not heard the number 20%.
Again, this puts you in the alarmist category when you say stuff like that.
Well, I can say the same to you.
Again, that's a throwaway line.
Let's get real here.
You're not saying that
I mean, with your political savvy, that things are getting crazier and crazier and wilder and wilder?
I think the anti-government crowd is getting crazier and crazier.
There's a certain level of discontent.
There's a big fight on the right.
It's going to be the neocons and the crazies way on the right who support the Palins.
You know, is it going to be sane conservatives like David Brooks or sane conservatives perhaps like
Some of our other governors, like Pawlenty, who want nothing to do with the far right.
Charlie Crisp being driven out of Florida by the far right is not conservative enough for them.
Yeah, the old blue-blood Republican tennis club type people, it's over for them.
And they are the people that have helped bring this country down, Alan.
And again, you're saying, oh, the crazy Palin's on the right.
She's about as right-wing as Mao Tse-Tung.
She can hardly read off a teleprompter.
And again, the revolution, Alan, isn't on the right or the left.
It's a revolution outside of that controlled paradigm.
Well, I understand that, but people are calling themselves an appendage of the Tea Party.
People are clearly, though, on the right.
They claim otherwise.
They claim, you know, we're not left or right, but they're right.
They're people, probably more libertarian, but leaning right.
Well, no, I agree with you that the largest contingent
Since Glenn Beck took it over, is right-wing neocons.
But we were there before.
We're the real libertarians.
See, we want freedom.
We don't want a big nanny state.
We want to be left alone.
And if you don't think the country's going bankrupt, and they aren't building FEMA camps, and you think I'm being alarmist, let's wait and see.
No, it's all admitted.
Alan, you know what's going to happen?
Everybody's going to see who was right.
Yes, they will.
In our lifetime.
And Alan, you're very good at trying to set the parameters of the debate, but more and more people are waking up.
Well, listen, I really appreciate you coming on your live 9 to Midnight Central across the country with your own syndicated radio show.
And I'd like to come on and debate you there.
It's always fun.
It's always a pleasure.
And I appreciate you being with us.
Take care, Alan Combs.
Thank you, Alex.
Retransmission starts now with Reverend David Manning, John Perkins, Webster Tarpley, and Alan Combs.
Great job, crew.
Great job, Genesis.
See you back live tomorrow.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
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