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Name: 20091109_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Nov. 9, 2009
2345 lines.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
We are now into hour number two.
We'll be simulcasting for the remainder of the last three hours of this radio transmission today.
I met John Ronson back in 1998.
In Waco, Texas, when I was there doing a story on the mass murder by the federal government of the Branch Davidians, he was there interviewing me for BBC Television.
He then made a Channel 4 World of Wonder program titled Secret Rulers of the World.
And I was in three of the five parts of the miniseries.
And of course I infiltrated Bohemian Grove, and he got the footage of that from me.
That was the first time it was seen on national television.
Then he wrote the book Them, which is really a dark satire.
And John Ronson didn't really believe in the New World Order at that time.
And he would do stuff like, I'd be driving through Northern California about to meet him in some little town.
It was accidental.
The name of the town, and there was like five foot thick fog on the ground.
I'd never seen fog where it was only on the ground, like a werewolf movie.
You know those old 40s or 50s movies where there was fog all over the ground up to your neck?
That was happening.
And I said, man, this is spooky!
It's like werewolves and vampires would live out here.
We were having fun in the car, on the cell phone, going, man, this is like Transylvania up here in Northern California.
I've seen fog so thick you can't see five feet in front of you, but I've never seen it where it just lays on the ground like this at chest level.
He wrote in his book that I literally believed that werewolves and vampires were in the woods.
See, everything in his book is true, but it's distorted
By satire, taking other people's jokes and then presenting it as if it's serious.
Now, he says he now believes in the New World Order a lot more than he did in the past, and he's a nice guy.
I like Jon Ronson.
And he's written Men Who Stare at Goats that got turned into the new big, one of the top movies at the box office right now around the world.
With George Clooney and everybody else.
So you'll get an inside peek from the person that wrote the book.
Now the major motion picture next hour.
You'll get another big sneak peek tomorrow.
Jesse Ventura called me Friday evening.
And he said, Alex, sorry I've been making you wait to talk about the TV show the last couple months, but Time Warner that owns True TV
Didn't want any details of the show out until right beforehand.
Well, he is allowed to go public with details of the show Wednesday.
And you're going to hear it here first Tuesday.
And let me tell you, there were some amazing adventures.
Almost got arrested at the heart facility in Alaska.
Interviewed George Hunt, who we consulted with and got for them, who worked with Maury Strong back in the 90s and the 80s, 80s and 90s, for the plan for world government.
Al Gore, all of it.
Inside Whistleblower.
This is going to be a powerful television show.
And you'll get the Inside Scoop tomorrow, second hour, with Jesse Ventura, here on air.
Sherri Tenpenny's coming into Austin Wednesday.
She's going to be doing debates Tuesday and Wednesday.
Wednesday, she's going to be in studio with us before she leaves town.
She's going to be debating the whole flu situation.
And they almost had to cancel it because they couldn't find anybody who would debate her.
They finally found somebody.
And so that's going on at one of the UT ballrooms, Tuesday and Wednesday.
Two big debates.
In fact, will you guys print me that email from her?
Or get due to give it to me so I can actually later read that so listeners know where to go if you want to be part of the audience.
Because you better believe they're going to stack it with their people and they're going to have the mainstream news media there.
In fact, we need to send a crew.
I've been invited to it, but obviously I can't go.
The debates are during the show.
People be like, where's Alex?
See, he doesn't care.
He didn't come.
Well, yeah, I'm gonna be on the radio, but.
This radio show is empowering, but it's also a ball and chain, folks.
Because believe me, I'd love to be roaming around and going to events and going to speaking engagements and flying all over the world to show what the New World Order is doing.
I'm just trying to figure out how I can get a couple fill-in hosts
Who can fill in so I can do more of this, but the numbers drop, the ratings drop.
I can't hardly listen to myself.
I don't like my own radio show.
But the ratings show on the internet and on AM and FM stations, people want me.
All right, side issue.
We're going to get into a lot of key issues coming up today.
The Lord Mocton clips are coming up.
But right now, let's go to Jeremy in California, who disagrees, so he goes ahead of the line.
Come ahead, Jeremy.
Hey, Alex.
Well, just quickly, Rivero would be a great trial for a fill-in for you, too.
Just a little suggestion there.
I wanted to disagree with your approach to the flu, particularly with your sourcing.
And I have been trying to figure out why you have not had Dr. Deagle on, considering he shares the same network with you.
Yeah, listen, listen.
I appreciate your call, sir.
You see, anytime somebody calls up and disagrees, they don't disagree with a specific thing.
They call in.
I got Dr. Deagle his radio job.
Ted called up and said, should I give this guy a radio show?
I said, now I'm bad.
But that's how this works.
I'm bad.
I'm covering up the whole flu thing.
I am not going to sit here and get into this host, that host.
I don't infight.
And there is no infighting going on.
I have covered what I can prove with the flu.
I have had scores of guests on, on the subject.
I've told people I wouldn't take it.
I've covered the fact that the inserts admit it can sterilize you.
And other people call me and say, why don't you have this lady on from Europe?
Because when I start getting ready to interview somebody, if anything seems weird or goes sideways, I leave it alone.
My radio show is the issues I believe are true and important.
I mean, it's my radio show.
So, I'm just not going to do it.
Half of our energy, just half, we don't even spend that, on real issues, we would win this thing.
Instead, most people out there on the internet, and in internet land, I think
In fact, I don't think, I know, there are more websites and more chat rooms and more discussion about is Alex Jones a government agent?
Or does Alex Jones work for the Vatican?
Or does Alex Jones work for Israel?
Or does Alex Jones work for Scientologist?
Or does Alex Jones work for Reptoids?
Than there is about the carbon tax and how to beat it or healthcare.
I'm here covering world government coming down on us.
What are you going to do about it?
What are we going to do about it?
And most of the energy is spent talking about me, which in a sick way is good for this radio show.
It actually helps me, but I'm not a worldly person who wants publicity at any cost and who believes that any publicity is good publicity.
I'm very upset that people spend all their time talking about Alex Jones.
I'm very upset they spend all their time obsessing over everything we do.
I'm very upset about that because if you would stop the infighting with each other and stop the arguing back and forth, Alex Jones isn't setting up a global government to tax you.
Alex Jones isn't coming after your Second Amendment.
Alex Jones isn't trying to legalize the illegal aliens.
Alex Jones isn't taking over healthcare.
Alex Jones isn't the thinking man's thinking man, Al Gore's new plan for the planet.
Al Gore's new plan for the planet.
I didn't write eco-science that the White House Science Czar did about how they're poisoning your water supply to sterilize you.
See, this is who you better, you better be worried about John P. Holdren and Paul O. Ehrlich.
You better be worried about Al Gore.
See, but no, no, no.
Because they can have the FBI go out,
And a few other groups and hire some think tanks to go start the ball rolling about how bad I am online.
And the government knows it's only going to make me bigger.
But it makes Alex Jones this big, giant distraction from all the other issues.
See, instead of it being about how do we get organized, how do we get involved, how do we get states' rights going, how do we indict members of the private Federal Reserve, how do we bring them to justice, all these solutions and ideas I'm putting out, along with your solutions, I'd like to hear them with, HE DOESN'T HAVE ANY SOLUTIONS!
Look, let's just say I work for the Reptoids.
I work for the Scientologists.
I work for the Vatican.
I work for Israel.
I work for the Masons.
I don't work for any of those groups.
I'm not a member of any group.
I'm a member of the human species, and I'm a good, pure-hearted person here telling the truth day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year, trying to mobilize people.
Most people who are awake will tell you that I woke them up, or my material did, or my listeners that gave them my material did.
And so that's why about half the COINTELPRO attacks are spent on me!
And the government isn't stupid.
They know it's making me big.
They know!
They want to distract everybody by making it all about Alex Jones.
And it just makes my head spin.
It really does make my head spin, because even if I'm the greatest evil the planet's ever seen,
Okay, Alex Jones is evil.
We understand.
Now, what are we going to do about the New World Order?
I hear countless radio shows and blogs and sites and videos people send where it's all about me.
All about how I'm this great evil.
All about how I'm this master devil.
Let's just say I am all those things.
I'm not, but let's just say I am.
Now, can we stop being distracted by the globalist devices and actually spend some time defeating the globalist agenda?
No, we can't, can we?
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We're good to go.
Alright, let's try to go to some more phone calls here.
Alex in Germany.
Alex, welcome.
Hi, Alex.
Hey, buddy.
Earlier this year, I had invited General Stubblebine and Dr. Remo Label over to speak at a conference in Switzerland in front of 2,000 people.
And originally it was planned for them to do the speech and then go on vacation but unfortunately Bert was sick so we spent the time doing interviews and later that year I visited them over in Panama and we shot some more footage and we originally wanted to make a documentary out of it called The Food of Fascism but then for lack of funds we've been kind of stuck in this process so I've released some of the footage we've shot on YouTube
And General Sullivan, he talks about how he once was part of a group that planned the army of the future.
And then I asked him to hypothetically pose the question, what would the ideal slow kill bioweapon look like?
And it's a very interesting interview.
And so I thought I'd, you know, put it out there because I've been sitting on this for weeks.
And if you want the footage, I'd be glad to hand it over, Wright, and everything, because after four years of doing this, after four years of having my little glimpse of a shadow of a trace of the Alex Jones experience, I'd be glad to give something back.
Well, that's awesome, Alex.
I recognize your voice.
Are you the guy from InfoKrieg?
That's right, yeah.
Which means InfoWarrant?
And I've seen the trailer for the new The Man Who Stared at Goats movie, and of course it's satire, it's black comedy, I understand this, but I've spent quite some time with General Settlebine, and believe me, he is not an oddball, you know, weirdo, relic of the Cold War.
He's a very cool person, he does have a sense of humor, and
It's just amazing to be around him because he has a gravitas without having to try.
You know, he's been involved in so many things.
He's spent 32 years of his life defending freedom in the military and it's not a good thing to just limit the scope of what he's been doing to this one aspect.
You know, these Stargate projects and everything.
I know, he was involved in some amazing stuff, and yes, I would like that footage.
Certainly, so we've got to talk.
Drop us a line, Alex.
What's the name of your YouTube channel, InfoKrieg?
The name of the channel is Sleep is Death.
One word, Sleep is Death.
And then it says Official Channel or Office Telekanal von InfoKrieg.
And then you'll find it.
Alright, buddy, good job.
Glad you went to all that trouble.
Now see, there was a call that's doing something productive.
Matt in Tennessee, you're on the air.
Go ahead, welcome.
Hi, Captain.
I think you'll be proud of me.
I'm one of the leaders of We Are Change Nashville, and Al Gore came to sign his book at a bookstore in Green Hills.
So we went down there, and as he was signing books, I called him a traitor, and I told him I don't want his carbon tax or his corporate government.
And luckily, a local reporter was there.
I was talking to you before, out of town, articles, present plan articles.
Before that, and we were talking to a bunch of people.
She came over and was asking some questions.
So I gave her a copy of your masterpiece, Fall into the Public.
Anywhere this disgusting con artist goes, who they're calling an eco-profit, gets real.
Why 2009 is the turning point.
Al Gore's new plan for the planet.
I mean, it's like the whole issue of Newsweek.
And they admit it's a global religion now.
They're founding a religion.
Oprah Winfrey works for them.
Obama works for them.
Bush Sr.'
's behind it.
Well, all these religionists should read the real Bible!
Of their priest.
And their Bible is greed, murder, terror, control, stealing property.
And that's what they say.
They say how greed could save the world.
Oh yes, be part of the stealing people's property.
Be part of the carbon taxes.
And you'll make lots of money.
And so now the scumbag yuppies that have helped sell the country out to globalists, they're like, hey, we've already destroyed all the industry and trained our replacements.
Now let's help steal all the farms and ranches and factories.
This is going to be wonderful.
We're gonna be greedy!
It's for the Earth!
And, uh... Just look at how sinister Al Gore looks.
He is just such a big, bloated, disgusting Nelly.
Control freak.
Anything else?
Yes, sir.
I mean, I said it real loud.
Everybody heard it.
We got a YouTube video.
If you look at the Tennessean local newspaper, we got an article about it.
And we have a website, werochangenational.com.
We had a tea party yesterday.
We had a great showing.
But see, see, hold on.
I'm going to hold you over.
See, Matt, how you went out, confronted Scumbag.
You got in the newspaper so he wasn't just one way putting his propaganda out.
And how you're taking over.
Resistance is victory!
That's what I love about We Are Change that Luke Radowski, one of my listeners, started, is they take action.
They don't talk trash all day about underpatriots.
They don't buy into the COINTELPRO.
They get out there, they engage the enemy in the info war, and they're winning.
Intensifier operations!
We'll be right back.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Hello, this is Alex Jones with some important questions.
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My answer would be all I can get.
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We don't know.
How much do you want?
All you can get.
I'm Alex Jones.
We're good to go.
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Okay, I want to play some clips from Christopher Walter Monckton, 3rd Viscount of Monckton and Benchley.
Now on the other side of Lord Monckton, there's scores of lords running around openly calling for world government.
Probably 20-30% of the time I read some big editorial calling for New World Order run by the banks.
It's some British lord.
In fact, one of Al Gore's partners is a British lord.
How greed could save the world.
See, here's Newsweek.
Here's the new spin on Al Gore.
Yes, he's going to make your money.
You're going to pay him your money.
He's your lord.
He's your eco-profit.
It's a religion.
They're openly saying it's going to be a religion.
And all the trendies that don't like Christianity and want to be Hindus, or Hare Krishnas, well, they don't want that now.
Why, they can go worship Al Gore, the big, fat, demonic, blood-sucking, Occidental Petroleum Company owner.
Oh, look, it's Al Gore!
Look, give me a close shot here, guys, for PrisonPlanet.TV viewers.
Look at the inside of the article.
Oh, Al Gore, the savior, the evolution of an eco-profit, the plan to save the planet.
Boom and gloom.
Rocket men.
Heaven can wait.
We've got Al Gore.
It's all global government.
He will save us.
Okay, finishing up with Al Gore.
Go ahead and finish your point, Matt.
So, Al Gore came.
You told him he was a globalist, traitor, scum.
You're not going to pay your cap and trade taxes to him.
What did he say?
Well, he didn't say anything, but I got a clip right here if you want to hear it.
Al Gore, you're a traitor.
Your carpet tag is meant to enslave America.
We know it.
We don't want your global governance!
We don't want your global governance.
We don't want your carpet tag.
You're a traitor!
Well, I tell you what, that is just awesome, awesome, Matt, and I would love to use a clip of that.
We've already got We Are Change gave us the clip of them confronting Jay Rockefeller, the real kingpin.
He's the guy that should be on the cover of Newsweek if you want to go to the real power structure.
I would love to use that clip.
So let me put you on hold.
Get your number, Matt, or give you our number.
I would love to be able to use that clip.
I love you, and I love everything you do, and there's nothing I wouldn't do for you, sir.
Well, nothing I wouldn't do for you guys.
God bless you.
I just want to expose these people, and I want to put that clip in Fall of the Republic, too.
So, John, give him our address.
You can send it to P.O.
Box 19549, Austin, Texas, 78760.
And just tell me what videos you want in return.
Just send me a letter saying I can use it, and we'll just fill the box full of films, or books, or whatever you want, and send it off to We Are Change, Tennessee.
And again, people keep calling me and asking me, who is We Are Change?
It's a name.
It's an idea.
Luke Radowsky was one of my listeners, got beat up by police, decided to go public about police brutality.
Got involved in other organizations and three years ago started We Are Change and it's got chapters all over the planet.
It's anti-New World Order, non-partisan, understands government-sponsored terror.
Start your own group.
Call it InfoWars.
Call it We Are Change.
Call it Press for Truth.
Call it Sons and Daughters of Liberty.
Call it Tea Parties.
Call it In the Fed.
Call it whatever you want.
Just get out there and take these people on.
Speak out against them.
Expose these criminals.
Five years ago, three years ago, two years ago, they wouldn't admit that they planned all this environmental system for a tax on carbon.
Now they've been forced to admit it.
They planned it all along.
Go out and educate people about these different forms of deception.
Show people their tricks.
That's why I talk about follow the republic so much.
That's why Follow the Republic is so important.
This film exposes the entire cap-and-trade scam.
But not just that, all the other taxes that they're now promoting in Newsweek.
Taxes on everything.
This film shows you it's a bunch of banking scammers that Ken Lay came up with the plan, that Madoff was involved.
Those guys were highest level elite.
There's people worse than them.
We're letting Madoff and Ken Lay literally rape us.
Folks, follow the Republic.
Order the DVD.
Have viewing parties.
Get it out to people.
Make copies.
Follow the Republic.
People are ready to listen.
They're ready to wake up now.
All this stuff's coming true.
All this stuff is happening now.
People are ready now.
Reach out to folks.
Follow the Republic.
It details it all.
888-253-3139, 888-253-3139, or watch it in super high quality online at PrisonPlanet.tv.
You can also watch the live radio show there, slash TV show, at PrisonPlanet.tv, when you're a 15-Senate member, $5.95 a month.
That funds our operation, funds our bandwidth, funds what we're doing here.
I just want Fall of the Republic to be seen by everybody.
Order it, make copies, get it out to everyone and understand that this organization of globalists, their system cannot stand if they are exposed.
Now I'm going to play these Lord Mocton clips from C-SPAN and make brief comments.
And then John Ronson's coming up.
But I'm going to play these clips of Lord Mocton.
Christopher Walter Mocton III, Viscount Mocton and eventually over in England.
There's a lot of other British lords that are pushing world government.
He's fighting it.
He's only going off the United Nations Biological Diversity Assessment.
He's only going off the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change that openly calls for global government.
He's only going off Ban Ki-moon's article in the New York Times calling for world government.
They say world government, and then we say we don't want it, and they say, how dare you?
They play this mind game with you like you're stupid!
Let's go ahead and play the first clip of Lord Mocton.
Here it is.
...of bias because of who paid for the test.
I've often wondered, these scientists that all sign on to the Al Gore thing, how many of them get their funding from the federal government?
Nearly all of science is now funded by the state.
Effectively, scientific research is what's known to economists as a monopsony.
There's only one customer.
And the quickest way to make money, if you are in that situation and you are a scientist, and particularly in the unloved corner of science, which climatology used to be,
It's to get a really big scare going and then say, we are the only people that can stop this scare and we can save the world and therefore throw us lots of money.
And if you read the stimulus package, you'll find that NOAA and NASA have received tens of billions in additional funding and NASA has been retasked from being a space agency to being a climate change monitoring agency.
That is now its primary function.
Okay, we're gonna go to the second clip, but that's absolutely true.
The UN got 2,500 scientists that were all on government payroll.
This is what Eisenhower warned about.
In 1961 in his farewell address, if you watch the whole address, it's online, not just the famous Military Industrial Complex, the Undue Influence and Control, and the Unwarranted Influence, the Military Industrial Complex, he talks about how then over 80% of university funding was government and private research.
Now it's over 90.
And if you do research they don't like, they just come shut you down.
Now, 31,000 and then an additional 5,000 sent letters to Congress, top climatologists, meteorologists, saying global warming was a fraud.
The Senate wouldn't let them testify alongside Al Gore.
They have 2,500 kept scientists who've all been caught in the news faking weather data.
They just lie!
They say the Arctic melted.
It didn't.
It gets smaller in the summer, bigger in the winter.
Here's the second clip.
...of whom there are five times more now than there were in the 1940s.
Hardly, as he may think... Alright, he was talking about polar bears there since the front got cut.
Go ahead and stop it.
You know what?
I'm just going to play this after John Ronson leaves us.
Because I want to do this right.
I want to be able to play these clips back-to-back here on air.
And I want you to be able to hear he said polar bears.
Now you heard him say there are many times more polar bears today than there are just a few decades ago.
And that's true.
So we're done with the clips now.
We'll just play those coming up in the last hour of the show today.
But the issue is he's stating facts.
He's stating that the government controls almost all private and university research.
He's stating there are many times more polar bears now than there were just 20 years ago.
He's stating fact after fact after fact.
He states that the Framework Convention on Climate Change is openly calling for world government.
They are!
Ban Ki-moon, we'll put this up on screen if you want.
Just Google, we can do it.
And then click news, and you will see Ban Ki-moon in an editorial.
He is the UN Secretary General.
The United Nations does exist.
I will assure you it's a real thing.
Set up by our Pentagon in 1945 to take over the planet.
You know, our media always acts like it's some anti-American organization.
It is anti-American!
But it's spraying from the anti-Americans that run our Congress and run our Pentagon and run our government.
They camouflage themselves in the flag.
They camouflage themselves in all this talk about how they're doing all of this for the greater good of the planet.
When it is the exact opposite.
Let's go ahead and go to some phone calls here.
Bob in Ohio, thanks for holding her on the air.
Liberty's son, God bless you, and you're not alone, Alex.
From Ohio.
Tutor, non-vet, and I've seen it coming.
I knew Iraq was another Vietnam.
But the point of my call is, other than to ask God to bless you and thank you, Liberty's son, is that if we don't get... See, what they're doing is carpet bombing us.
The tentacles of the military-industrial complex
Woven in with Congress is carpet-bombing us, and we need a constitutional party ten years ago, really.
And if we don't get that across the states, across the United States and all the individual states, a constitutional party, we will never win this war or take our country back, Alex.
And that's my insight and wisdom, saying that.
Well, Bob, I agree with you.
That's a big part of the solution.
That's why Aaron Russo founded the Constitution Party.
The problem is the Feds send COINTELPRO in to Libertarian Party, to Constitution Party.
They either try to take it over or they destroy it with infighting.
Because it only takes a few Feds that know psychology to get everybody talking bad about the leaders and everybody infighting.
Look what they did with Ron Paul.
A lot of Patriot sites now spend all their time attacking Ron Paul.
Most of them aren't Feds.
They just get manipulated by psychologists that are running sites, end-to-end fighting, and you'd think Ron Paul was the problem.
You'd think Ron Paul was the issue.
Not that over 30 years of fighting, we've got two-thirds of the House ready to audit the Fed.
People are now awake that the Fed's private, that it's the real and illegitimate government.
How far we've come!
Instead they've turned COINTELPRO loose to hope, but I don't think it's going to work, hope that we all just fight with each other.
And absolutely, the Constitution Party's great, Ron Paul's great, the state's rights movement, the media tries to pose that as that we're talking about.
We're talking about 10th and 9th Amendment declarations of state sovereignty that the federal government is out of control and engaged in unconstitutional, illegal and unlawful activities and that we are going to bring it under heel.
But we've gone way past the federal government being too big.
Now the federal government itself, Bob, is run by foreign offshore corporations.
So we've had a coup, an illegitimate coup of our government, by this corporate system, this New World Order.
They're now openly admitting they've done that.
There's a Campaign for Liberty article today about privatizing wealth transfer, and they admit in that article that it's the elite that are funding robbing the general public.
They just tell the dumbed-down blue-collar folks, a lot of those are smarter than yuppies, but they tell the ones they can fool, oh, you're going to get that rich guy, the guy in a million-dollar house down the street, when the guy in a million-dollar house or a $500,000 house is not the rich guy.
It's the rich guys using the underclass as a weapon against the middle class.
I appreciate your call.
Great points, Bob.
Brian in Illinois.
Brian, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Thanks for taking my call, Alex.
I'm sure you've heard about that plague in the Ukraine going on where there's a University of Chicago scientist who died.
It was reported September 13th messing around with some kind of a bacterial plague, and I'm sure that's not just a coincidence.
You can do a
I mean, there's been quite a few U.S.
scientists in the U.S.
dying in their universities where they're doing Level 4 research in Level 2 facilities.
You can just walk right into these facilities.
They've got weaponized bubonic plague, weaponized smallpox, weaponized anthrax, weaponized foot and mouth, weaponized Lyme's disease.
Everything's weaponized and they're just
You swipe a card, walk in, no airlocks, no nothing.
And governments everywhere are testing biological crises.
The Ukraine government was on the verge of falling.
Their people know their crux.
And so suddenly, a virus starts killing people and they hype it up.
I just think it's more hype, sir.
You know, I agree with you.
I had a professor in college who was really excited about the so-called Orange Revolution they had when Yushchenko got into power.
But it was pretty obvious that some things went down.
But hey, thanks for taking my call.
I appreciate it.
Thank you, Brian.
God bless you.
Rick in Georgia.
You're on the air.
Go ahead, Ricky.
Hey, Alex.
Thanks for taking my call.
I just wanted to say really quick, thank you for everything that you do for all Americans.
And thank you personally for helping me to find my way back to the Lord.
Like you, I believe that a powerful weapon in fighting back against all of this is to become independent from them, to not need them for all of their stuff that they try and sell us on.
And like you, I am not worldly.
I don't really care about money or anything anymore.
I just care about doing what's right.
So I wanted to throw this out there, this idea that I had, just in case any of your listeners have the means to bring it to fruition.
A lot of Americans don't know that at a time in this country, steam engine cars were outselling internal combustion cars until the development of the electronic ignition.
Hold on!
You can't have a steam-driven car!
Water vapor and carbon dioxide is a deadly weapon, according to the government.
Next on the list, water is toxic waste.
Stay there.
I want to come back and hear your idea, Ricky.
We're good.
We're good to go.
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Alright, radio listeners, coming up in about six minutes, you're going to be able to hear John Ronson, who wrote the book,
The Men Who Stare at Goats is now one of the big hit movies in theaters.
We'll talk about that and the entire New World Order system with him in the next hour.
Jesse Ventura here tomorrow with an exclusive.
He's going to spill his guts here first on the inside details of his new national television program on the formerly Court TV, now True TV, called Conspiracy Theory.
And I'll tell you, this comes from those of us that question the establishment view.
It comes from our perspective.
So Jesse Ventura with exclusive info tomorrow.
In the second hour of this radio show, you don't want to miss that.
I appreciate Jesse calling me up Friday saying he's going to give us the exclusive here.
So that is coming up.
But John Ronson's coming up at the start of the next hour.
Then I'm going to get into Lord Mocton, what's happening with the economy, the Framework Convention on Climate Change, your phone calls, and a bunch of other news.
In fact, at the start of the next hour, or as soon as John Ronson leaves us, he may leave a little bit early in the next hour, about 45 minutes in, I will break down what I think is going on with the Fort Hood shooting.
I haven't even gotten into that on Sunday's show, and I haven't talked about it yet today.
That's coming up in about 50 minutes from now.
Right now, let's go back to Ricky in Georgia.
Ricky, you had a point you wanted to make about trying to bring steam engine cars back.
You can't do that.
Steam engine cars are taxed under the Global Carbon Tax Convention.
Steam is releasing carbon dioxide.
It's now listed as a toxic waste.
All toxic waste is to be taxed.
Doesn't matter if plants breathe that.
It's a new religion to be enforced at the barrel of a gun.
And all these hippies and people that you see with the ponytails and Birkenstocks, they're now getting submachine guns and joining the different environmental police forces, literally.
And they're SWAT teaming Amish selling cheese and SWAT teaming families selling watermelons on the side of the road.
They are going to take your property.
They are control freaks.
These are sickening, dangerous, evil people.
And so, uh, and I'm serious.
I've run into them.
These are some hateful, demonic scum.
And, uh, they are the hell force of the, of the central banks.
So, uh, you're not allowed to have a steam engine car, buddy.
Water vapor is prasada non grata under this system.
Any other comments, criminal?
No, just, uh, one thing this disabled veteran has learned in life is, uh, you know, don't try and tell me I can't do something.
Because I'll spend every last breath proving you wrong.
Well no, here's the problem.
It'll be unlicensed and the cops will pull you over.
And if you don't pay the ticket, the next time they're going to taser you and the next time they're going to throw you in a prison.
And I agree with you.
You should be able to have a steam car.
And we need to stand up and fight for alternative cars.
See, the globalists make their environmental movements sound good, sound reasonable.
It's actually about monopolies.
No, I mean, I think your steam engine car is a great idea.
Just really quickly, I just wanted to say how it would work, because why I think it would be practical.
I know they're going to try and fight it, but why it would be practical.
Okay, first of all, if you coat the cylinder heads with porcelain also, the steam can be used as a lubricant, so you don't need the motor oil either.
But the new stove that they have out, that uses like a magnetic induction, can boil water in 90 seconds.
Why don't somebody
Use that technology in the fuel tank so the inside of the car doesn't actually get hot, just the tank does.
Got water boiling in 90 seconds.
You coat the piston heads in porcelain.
You use the excess steam as lubricant.
There you go!
But see, we can't do that because we don't have any industry.
The Global has stated, again in their own policy reports many times, that they had to de-industrialize us before the bankers bankrupted us, because if they didn't de-industrialize us first, we would be able to rebuild.
This is all meant to be the perfect trap, so we can't escape from their world government.
But great idea.
People are getting back to the earth.
They are moving to rural areas.
You will have to fight off the federal regulators.
The parasites are here.
They are among us.
But the good news is the people now know the government is criminal and is their enemy.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We're live, ladies and gentlemen, for the next 45 minutes.
John Ronson joins us.
Coming up, I'm going to play you a little sneak peek from Jesse Ventura's new television show coming up in December and January.
John Ronson is a writer and documentary filmmaker.
His books, Them Adventures with Extremist,
That's, I'm in that one.
Collections, Out of the Ordinary, True Tales and Everyday Craziness, and What I Do, More True Tales of Everyday Crazies.
He's written the popular Human Zoo and Out of the Ordinary columns for The Guardian, where he still contributes features.
He currently writes and presents to Sony-nominated BBC Radio 4 series John Ronson On.
And he also produced Secret Rulers of the World, a multi-award-winning
Hey Alex, it's good to hear from you again.
Where are you joining us from?
I am joining you from London.
I'm a bit trepidatious about this interview, because I'm always worried about where it's going to go.
But it's great to hear from you again.
You know, we had this amazing adventure.
When was it?
Back in the year 2000, where we snuck into Bohemian Grove together.
Yes, yes.
And then I wasn't supposed to talk about how you later went in there for liability purposes.
And then people asked me later, well, why is John Ronson saying he also snuck in?
So they thought that, but I guess that's a journalistic issue of you guys snuck in later that day, that evening after I went in.
And then I wasn't supposed to talk about that.
And then later you did talk about that.
And that became quite a big question out there for people.
Yeah, no, I was worried at the time, speaking completely frankly, that if I admitted that I snuck in and trespassed, we might have trouble getting our documentary on television, because of the way that we, you know, went about gathering the material.
So I just kind of kept quiet about it.
But then when my book came out, when them came out, I did admit going in.
But of course, to this day,
To this day, there's loads of people who think that I didn't go into Bohemian Grove and I faked the whole thing.
You know, including people on Prison Planet, you know, on the forum and so on.
Well, don't feel bad, John, because people think I, A, didn't sneak in, or B, that they let us in.
But no, we did indeed.
I separately snuck in, then later that day, you reportedly snuck in there.
And I did see you about 100 yards away and wave at you.
Yeah, absolutely.
In fact, we walked past each other when we were surrounded by all that kind of strange, devil-y iconography and all those kind of, you know, owl sculptures.
And, you know, we walked past each other basically, you know, just keep walking, just keep walking.
It was a mad night.
I still look back on that as being one of the, probably the strangest nights of my life.
And one of the most enjoyable.
Well, I think one of the big issues here is folks can't believe that
I was able to sneak in and shoot that footage that you use in your television program because so many other people got caught, got busted.
But every time you read about a CBS News reporter or a People Magazine reporter or Vanity Fair, they walk up to people and start asking reporter questions.
What do they think is going to happen?
There is a weirdness though to us getting in, because we both knew that in the days preceding our arrival, there were kind of FBI guys all over the local town and so on.
But by the time we arrived, they'd all cleaned out.
And we did, we just walked in very easily.
I walked up the drive, giving the security guard a kind of I rule the world wave, you know, wearing preppy clothes.
And you went in through the undergrowth, but we both got in incredibly easily.
My guess is that these days, you know, since your documentary and my book and documentary, it's going to be a lot harder to get into Bohemian Girls.
But, you know, maybe we spoiled the party for any other investigators.
I believe we have.
In fact, they've reported that the security is out the wazoo now.
John Ronson, stay with us.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
John Ronson is our guest.
Documentary filmmaker.
Worldwide best-selling author.
Both of his best-selling books got option to make films.
One of them, Men Who Stare at Goats, is now in theaters.
One of the number one movies out there in the world.
It's in the top three.
The second book, the first in the series, Them, that I'm a big part of, got optioned to be turned into a movie, and that's probably still going to happen.
We will talk to John Ronson about that before he leaves us.
But for stations that just joined us on the radio, he's also simulcasting at PrisonPlanet.tv.
For the viewers joining us from London,
During the break, we were talking about Bohemian Grove.
He's getting interviewed for Jesse Ventura's TV show, one of the last interviews they're doing on Skull & Bones, on Bohemian Grove, on Bilderberg, because he has a differing view than I do, but not that big of a view change.
You know, the thing we really agree on
I thought what I saw was kind of stupid, and you thought what we saw inside Bohemian Grove was proofs of Satanism and so on, and I didn't.
But what we agree on is that the participants in the ritual at Bohemian Grove seem to take it really seriously, and that's a really interesting question.
Yes, you were there in the crowd as they were engaging in the mock human sacrifice, the effigy of a boy.
And, I mean, were the old men not grinding their teeth and making sexual pleasure noises?
Were they not in a raptured state?
Well they did seem to, I don't know if I'd use those exact words, I didn't think of a sexual pleasure or so, but they did seem to be like really into it, you know, like really intense about it.
And you noticed that and I noticed that.
And it was strange, and I came away thinking, you know, frankly, that I was the most sane person in the entire Redwood Forest.
Because I didn't agree with you and Mike's interpretation of the ceremony, but also I could see that, you know, the participants were taking it just as seriously as you were.
And I did find that very odd.
And in fact, that was the kind of germ of the idea, you know, this idea of kind of bubbles of craziness at the heart of power that eventually led on to me writing The Manisteric Goats.
You know, really, The Manisteric Goats has kind of began to form in my mind that nice when we were at Bohemian Grove.
Well, I mean, from from from meeting you out at Waco more than 10 years ago to today, I've seen you in BBC and CNN interviews.
That you've changed your views, because ten years ago you'd laugh, there was no global government, there was no secret room, there wasn't a plan, and then three or four years later I'd see you say, no there really is a Bilderberg Group, they really do want a world government, but you can differ on what their plans are, or argue about are they really in control.
Now they're openly announcing a global carbon tax, a world government, we're going to pay our taxes to a private bank of the world,
They have the Framework Convention on Climate Change.
They're saying Al Gore is a prophet, and that his new movie is about how it's a global religion of the Earth.
And, I mean, John, a lot has changed.
What's your view now on the New World Order?
Does it still not exist?
Well, I mean, what you're saying now about kind of what stuff might have leaked out of, you know, recent Bilderberg meetings, I don't know.
I've not read the minutes of the last few years meetings, so I can't comment on that.
But the reason why I said that I felt that, you know, their agenda was to an extent a creation of world government is because that's what one of the founding members of the Bilderberg group
I think so.
We're good to go.
So yeah, so there we are not in disagreement either.
But John, I mean the mainstream media still out of one side of their mouth says there's no such thing as a world government and then out of the other side of their mouth they say yes it's a great thing and it's going to be non-democratic and authoritarian because we the wise men know best, i.e.
Financial Times of London headline and now for world government.
I mean here is the New York Times two weeks ago, Ban Ki-moon, and it says Ban Ki-moon
Again is the author of this and he went on to say in the article that global government is what we need.
He goes on in the article to say one world government is what we need and that carbon taxes will be the funding mechanism for this.
I mean this is authoritarian.
This is unelected.
This system is not democratic and you find out the very same wise men that created Hitler and created Mussolini are the very wise men that created Osama Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein or their sons did.
Well, my theory about Bilderberg is that their vision back in the early 1950s, post the Second World War, was in their minds quite idealistic.
They thought that a safer way of running the world, having just lived through Mussolini and Hitler, a safer way would be to de-ideologue the politicians and to put power in the hands of business.
Because businessmen only care about the flow of money, they don't care about
Thank you.
Well, have you read where it's been declassified now that Hitler was on MI5 payroll and so was Mussolini?
I don't know anything about that.
I can't comment on that because I know nothing about it.
I'd be interested in reading the link.
Yeah, that's London Guardian, which you write for, Times of London.
I mean, we already knew this from Milner Group declassified documents.
But yeah, no.
Well, I mean, you know about Edward VIII being a Nazi, right?
Well, yeah, I mean, there's no question that a whole load of the, you know, ruling gentry of Britain during the rise of the Nazi party, you know, loved the Nazis.
And they were constantly inviting the Nazis over to the British ruling classes and, you know, putting them up for tea.
And, you know, there's a wonderful novel about that called The Remains of the Day.
So, you know, there's no question that that was going on.
You know, the Mitford, I can't remember which Mitford was it, was it?
So what happened is, the British said, you go ahead and attack, we're gonna back you, and then they flip-flopped at the end, and that's why the Deputy Fuhrer flew over Rudolf Hess and got captured.
The issue is, John, it's all been declassified now, and it was all staged.
Hitler was set up.
So this corporate group of bankers that set up Bilderberg, Prince Bernhard, the Nazi, and all the rest of them, this is all a big giant joke.
I mean, you know about Prince Philip and all his calls for eugenics.
I mean, you've certainly heard those statements.
I mean, have you read the White House Science R's own publication, Ecoscience, calling for putting poison in the water to sterilize us?
Have you seen this, John?
I know nothing about that.
And also, you know, I firmly believe that, you know, we know that some of the founders of the Bilderberg Group, you know, did have Nazi ties.
I think it was, I think it was... Prince Bernhardt.
Was it Joseph Retting as well?
Yes, yes.
But my personal view, and you know, this is the kind of non-conspiratorial view, is that that's
Not an important fact.
And you know, the important fact was that these were people who were kind of idealistic globalists.
But hold on, Bilderberg has released 1954 documents from their founding, after all these years saying they didn't exist, where they said, we're going to create a European Union, we're going to create a global government.
I mean, this whole time they've been lying about it, and then now at the final moment, they spring it on the public.
Well, that's interesting.
That would be interesting to read, definitely.
I mean, that doesn't surprise me, the idea that, you know, that a single currency and a European Union was kind of high on Bilderberg's agenda back in the 50s.
That doesn't surprise me at all.
Instead of Alex Jones barking questions at John Ronson at JohnRonson.com, let's start getting into the men who stare at goats.
That was the sequel to them, I guess.
International bestseller, in paperback all over the world right now.
The movie is out, doing very well.
What was the research you did on the book, A, and how accurate to the book is the film?
Well, OK.
Well, I mean, as I said, I think the book really began, even though I didn't realise it, that night when you and I were together in Bohemian Grove, because it did really... You know, you and I couldn't have interpreted, you know, the ritual differently that we saw at Bohemian Grove.
We had a completely different view, but the one thing we agreed on was that the participants, these men of wealth and power, seemed to be, like, really into it.
And I thought to myself, you know, my God, you know, this is not how I would spend my summer vacation, having a mock human sacrifice in the forests of Northern California.
It seemed like a very weird thing.
And so I thought, well, you know, what, what, you know, what other weirdness, what other irrationality can be found in the corridors of power?
So the first thing I did was, was with my producer, John Sergent, was kind of look into remote viewing.
There was something kind of tangible that was out there a little bit.
And, and post 9-11, I met
I think so.
So post 9-11 I met Yuri Geller and he said to me, he was very mysterious, and finally he took off his dark glasses and he said to me, if you repeat what I'm about to tell you, I will deny it.
And I said, OK.
And he said, I have been reactivated.
And I said, by who?
He said, I'm not going to tell you.
And he said, OK, I will tell you just one thing.
The man who reactivated me is called Ron.
So I went off on a journey to try and find Ron.
And I never found Ron, although I've got a suspicion as to who he probably was.
But on the way to find him, Ron, I met... Tell me how long I can go on, because this is the story that I can go on for hours.
No, no, I want to hear it.
John Ronson, when we come back.
I mean, obviously, you are the reporter in the big movie out in theatres right now.
Obi-Wan Kenobi plays you.
I know, how about that?
As you can probably, as your, as your, uh, as the people watching the Skype can probably tell, it's very appropriate, because when I look mysterly out, there is a Ewan McGregor-ness to me.
You look just like him.
We'll be right back.
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I think so.
Of course.
John Ronson joining us from London.
Coming out of the next break, I'm going to play the trailer for The Men Who Stare at Goats.
So, you were getting into the story, which is shown in the movie, of where you're meeting with the former
Black Ops commander, and he's saying, so you were a psychic soldier, and he says, yes, Jedi warriors.
Please continue, John Ronson.
Yeah, well, basically, what we discovered through our research, that the remote viewers, which I'm sure loads of you listeners know about, you know, the team of psychic spies, were really just a tip of an iceberg.
And the iceberg was mainly this thing called remote influencing.
And I first got to hear about this when I was in Hawaii.
Interviewing a man called Glenn Wheaton, who said he was part of a secret unit called Project Jedi.
And I said, what's Project Jedi?
And he said, well, it's a series of levels.
He said, level one, teaching the soldier to eat only nuts and grains for a month.
And I said, OK, what was level two?
He said, level two was invisibility.
And I said, well, that's quite the leap from level one.
And I said, well, actual invisibility?
And he said, well, yes.
But after a while, we adapted it to just trying to find a way of not being seen.
And I said, like, camouflage?
And he went, no.
And I said, what was Level 3?
And he said, Level 3 was intuition.
You come to a fork in the road, you go left, you go right, you go right.
And I said, what was Level 4?
And he said, Level 4 was stopping the heart of a goat, just by wanting the goat's heart to stop.
So really, it was this one interview with Glenn Wheaton that opened up this whole secret world of military intelligence craziness, where they really did have rooms full of goats, and they brought in these martial arts.
I think so.
And then what the book goes on to do is really look at how some of these ideas didn't really die out but mutated and came alive again in the form of different types of interrogation techniques at Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib and so on.
The movie's lighter and doesn't go into these darker areas, it's more comic.
Well, John, I want to continue from there.
We're talking to John Ronson.
He's the author of Men Who Stare at Goats and Them.
But expanding on that, John, you talk about tip of the iceberg.
I've been studying globalists, and if you went deeper down the rabbit hole, you would find that the reason those old men were getting so
upset or focused on the mock human sacrifice that you thought was silly was because they understand it was all symbolized and was symbols of something much much deeper and that all of this system is just simply the surface of something.
Look at Skull and Bones, that video ABC News got with them screaming and yelling and worshiping Satan and
You know, practice mock murders of young girls.
Look at... The Rod Rosenbaum video, right?
It was shot like a cross.
You know, right, right, right, yeah.
But I mean, that's my point, John, is that they take it serious because the real ritual was not the image of the boy being burned.
It was whatever happened behind those black curtains across the water.
That's when the old men really got upset and really started growling and
Breathing heavily next to me, and it wasn't one or two or three or four.
The whole group around me were doing this.
Mike Hanson, who snuck in with me, witnessed it.
And so, I mean, I'm telling you, these people are out of their minds.
They're crazy.
And so you or I, normal people, look at this and it looks ridiculous.
This is not ridiculous to them.
Well, again, this is where I kind of agree and disagree with you, because where I disagree with you, because I'm not, you know, conspiratorial minded, is that I believe that what we saw at Bohemian Grove was all that was going on that night.
I don't believe there was anything going on behind the curtains.
However, where I do agree with you is that the people who go to Skull & Bones and go to Bohemian Grove do seem to be into this idea of ritual and symbolism.
I agree with you there.
And so you have to ask yourselves, well, why?
And one person, actually, who was involved with Skull & Bone said to me that, the woman, she said that her interpretation of their kind of being interracial was that it kind of gives you a sort of mandate, you know, sort of gives you a sense of superiority and a mandate to put yourself in a position of power.
And that's why these Ivy League universities, you know, do all this kind of stupid, crazy stuff.
And why these ideas live on in, you know, when they get into the business world in places like Bohemian Grove.
But I don't believe at all that what we saw was any kind of actual human sacrifice.
It was just a papier-mache effigy.
I'm not saying I believe an actual human sacrifice was going on.
I'm saying more was happening than meets the eye.
And think about your statement.
I don't believe anything was happening behind the curtain.
Yeah, that's kind of a philosophical worldview on the planet itself.
I believe there is something going on behind the curtain.
And nine times out of ten, when we pull the curtain back, the real show's going on behind the curtain, John Ronson.
I mean, look at how you wrote Men Who Stare at Goats.
Just all this insane stuff going on.
We're on the march, the Empire's on the run.
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My name is Bob Wilton.
I'm a journalist.
I've been investigating a story about a classified government program.
So what you're saying is that you were a psychic spy?
A Jedi warrior.
I heard that the U.S.
government was training psychic soldiers, and that Lynn Cassidy was the best of the best.
I've been reactivated.
I'm on a mission.
I could come.
Lynn's story was unbelievable, crazy, and completely true.
You have to dream a new America that no longer has an exploitative view of everyone.
You will be a psychic weapon!
Feel it!
You must create warrior monks who can pass through walls,
Congratulations, Scotty.
Sorry it doesn't work out between you two.
What are you doing?
Keeps me in shape.
And it's gone.
Jeez, you had, like, the whole desert to drive inland.
Please, please!
Thank you for, uh, for picking us up.
How are we gonna stop them?
They've got guns.
We're Jedi.
We don't fight with guns.
We fight with our minds.
Oh, man.
I went looking for a story, and my friend Lynn brought me an adventure.
It's okay, we're Americans!
We're here to help you!
What happened?
I think I just ran him over.
Oh, crap!
Lieutenant-Colonel Jango used funds from the project's black budget to procure prostitutes.
That's a lie!
And to get drugs for himself and his men.
That... Well, the hooker thing is definitely a lie.
Alright, the Minister of Goats.
Came out November 6th, doing quite well in, uh...
Movie theaters around the country and John Ronson's the big star.
He's the big reporter interviewing these guys.
Did you actually go to the Middle East and run over people?
I mean, I mean, did all of that happen?
No, that part didn't happen.
Pretty much everything else happened.
There's the Peter Storner at the screenplay kind of added a sort of buddy movie element to it.
But I didn't really kind of
Well, I get the idea.
I meant to go see the movie this weekend when you agreed to do the interview, but I just didn't get around to it.
I do intend to go see it, but I get the idea from the trailers and some of the sneak peeks I've watched online, and also have read the book, that the film makes fun of a lot of it, but also implies there could be something there.
Like, he is cloudbursting.
He is breaking up the clouds with his mind.
There are some delusionals here in Austin that go out on hilltops and think they're doing the same thing.
I mean, does the film imply that George Clooney really does kill this goat, or...?
It doesn't really.
It kind of toys with us, and I think that's something that's really nice about the film.
You know, when you read my book, when you read The Minister Goats, you know, you know, that my view is that none of this stuff worked at all.
But Peter kind of toys with the possibility that it works.
But I think in the end, you kind of think that the George Clooney character is a kind of bit of a buzz lightyear, as a radio DJ over here called Simon Mayo described him the other day.
You know, he thinks he has all these powers, but he doesn't.
So when you see in flashback the goat being stared at and then falling over, you don't believe that that necessarily actually happened.
You just believe that he believes that it happened.
So I think by and large, even though Grant Hesloff, the director of the film, is more inclined to believe in the paranormal than I am, you kind of come away thinking that it's probably not true.
But everybody's had dreams that come true, or had premonitions of family dying or being hurt, or maybe everybody I know has.
Mr. Ronson, are you saying you don't believe that there's any of this going on in the world?
Anything that we don't understand that's happening?
If I say, yeah, I don't believe that at all, I'm going to come over like the world's worst magic-sucking curmudgeon.
But that's sort of what I feel.
You know, I wish it weren't true.
I would love there to be these other levels that we could all, you know, go to, you know, especially when we die.
But I'm just not sure of it, Alex.
Magic-sucking curmudgeon.
That's me.
That's my middle name.
Hey, you ran into David Icke.
I saw him in the toilet queue at Heathrow Airport last week.
Like you, neither you nor David Icke particularly liked my book then because it was anti-conspiratorial.
But nonetheless, it was just delightful to see David Icke.
I guess we are getting older.
Yeah, and it's like, you know, so the fact that, you know, David was very happy to see me and I was happy to see him, and we kind of buried any political differences and, you know, differences in the outlook of the way the world works, and it was just really nice.
John, am I wrong in saying, though, you have, on, say, a scale of one to ten, we're ten, you're a zero when it comes to believing conspiracy theories, that you've gone from like a one over to a six or seven?
I mean, from what I've seen of you on television,
Or maybe that's the role you play when you're on mainstream TV because they're so dried out and stale that you look like a conspiracy theorist.
But when I see you on television, you seem to be admitting there's a world government forming and that there is some cover-ups and corruption.
I mean, you don't discount at all.
Well, there's nothing I've said, for instance, in the interview to you today that I, you know, regret.
I mean, you know, I know that that was Bilderberg's agenda because one of the founders of the Bilderberg Group said it to me.
That their original agenda was some form of world government or certainly a kind of single community throughout the world.
And I agree with you, I completely disagree with you that the Bohemian Grove ritual proved that there was any kind of weird Satanism or anything kind of really dark and crazy going on.
But, you know, I agree that there was a weirdness there, that they were really, really into it.
In a way that, you know, I thought it was just nuts.
And, you know, what I really like about my book, The Monastery at Goats, is that it's sort of... I think both sides get something out of it.
You know, the sceptics like me get something out of it because it just shows how buffoonish and absurd human behaviour can be.
Which is sort of an anti-conspiratorial thought, right?
Because conspiracy theorists need to believe that people are so brilliant and so Machiavellian that they can plot these amazing conspiracies.
But I think what the menisteric goat says is that people are just nuts trying to walk into walls and do all this kind of stuff.
However, conspiracy theorists like you, I'm also glad to say, like the menisteric goat, because it does show that there's stuff going on, as you said, behind the curtain.
Is this the term conspiracy theorist has been produced and is employed to automatically say this person can't prove what they're talking about?
I was called a conspiracy theorist 10 years ago by several newspapers for saying the Gulf of Tonkin was staged to get us into Vietnam.
It's now declassified.
It's now been declassified that the United States government created Al Qaeda and the Taliban.
You can call me a conspiracy theorist.
I said the carbon tax would be used to set up a world government and to fund it, and then it would come after a controlled economic collapse.
That's now mainstream news.
So I don't get into chupacabras and aliens and dimensional gates and things I can't prove, but then I get mixed in
With the people that do cover things they can't prove.
But, you know, there's other conspiracy theorists that get hailed as our saviors.
Take the cover of Newsweek.
The Thinking Man's Thinking Man.
Al Gore's new plan for the planet.
A eco-prophet gets real.
And it goes into saying he's a prophet and his new film is about how it's a religion.
I happen to know there's not a consensus on man-made global warming.
I happen to know the majority of scientists say it's a fraud.
I happen to know carbon dioxide isn't a toxic waste.
And then ice core samples show that the Earth had much higher levels of carbon dioxide 200,000 years ago.
I happen to know that until four years ago, the ice caps of Mars were getting smaller.
They're now getting bigger because the sun just cooled off into one of the most dormant cycles ever recorded in 300 years.
So I'm not the conspiracy theorist because I track what NASA says and what climatologists says and common sense.
When Al Gore points a camera
...at a polar bear and says polar bears can't swim, they're dying, when they're the greatest land swimmer on Earth and hunt from the ice flows.
I know it's a lie!
When they say my SUV is melting ice caps on Mars and on the moons of Saturn and Jupiter, I know it's a load of crap!
Not just because I empirically know with the evidence, Al Gore and his people have written prospectuses up how this is all just a big business to hijack control the entire planet, John Ronson!
Well, I haven't... I really can't get me to refute all of that in the space of about 30 seconds, Alex.
No, go ahead.
You have the floor.
Way too much.
No, I'm not going to... Can I ask you a completely different question?
Can polar bears swim?
I have a real problem with the 9-11 truth thing.
I'm one of their... Wait, wait.
Is that against your religion?
In your religion, if you're a fake greenie, do you believe that polar bears can swim?
Is the prophet wrong?
Are we going to have riots in Los Angeles, San Francisco and London if I was to paint a picture of a bomb on his head?
There is only one God and his prophet is Al Gore?
Well you know Alex, as always your kind of oratory is stunning and it's something that I find kind of quite amazing about you.
But I can't answer that.
Oh come on!
And one of the reasons why I can't answer any of that stuff is because frankly Alex, I've been so busy with these other projects that I'm working on, I haven't really looked into the whole global warming denial movement and I just don't feel in any way equipped to talk about it.
The denial movement.
Okay, you brought up 9-11 truth.
What's your problem with that?
Just when you were saying all of that stuff, a little thought popped into my head, and I've always wanted to know your response to this actually, so I'll ask you.
It's built into the 9-11 truth belief.
Is that, you know, the media, the mainstream media, people like me, just, you know, wouldn't be interested, you know, we just don't want to reveal the truth of the matter because we're all sort of part of the, you know, part of the conspiracy.
And I think if there was any evidence, if there was any clue that 9-11 was an inside job, every single journalist in the world would just be jumping on that story.
Yeah, yeah, I'm absolutely certain of that because it would be the world's greatest story, you know?
Okay, so you're asking me a question?
Yeah, I'm asking the question, you know, it's impossible to rationally believe that every journalist in the world would have any kind of knowledge like that.
Okay, that's a false statement.
That's a false statement.
The establishment selects and promotes journalists in the controlled left and controlled right paradigm that already fit into the worldview and buy in to the official story and believe there's never anything behind curtains.
Hold on, hold on, hold on.
There have been a lot of reporters that have gone public.
They've been ridiculed or fired.
Underwriting Laboratories, Kevin Ryan got fired, one of their chief engineers.
There are policemen on tape saying, get back, they're going to bring down 7.
The BBC reported Building 7 had fallen before it fell.
Then they lied and said they didn't say it.
Then they said, oh, it was an accident.
Then they admitted Reuters had given them that.
Just like the news media printed that Lee Harvey Oswald had been captured before his name was even out in Dallas.
They got the names wrong because of time zones in Asia.
That's confirmed.
When you look at NORAD standing down, when you look at the hijackers trained at U.S.
military bases, it actually was in AP, Reuters.
The San Jose Mercury News that the head colonel over the head base said, look, I trained hijackers at my base.
I don't know what happened, but these guys were working for the U.S.
So, I know a passport came out of one of the buildings unscathed and was found by the FBI in those hundreds of thousands of tons of wreckage.
I mean, come on, John.
Come on, John.
I mean, Gulf of Tonkin was staged.
It's not a conspiracy theory.
Operation Northwoods is declassified where the government planned 9-11 style attacks, Bubba.
All I'm saying is, look, six of the ten commissioners have said the entire thing was a fraud and a cover-up.
Why isn't that in the news more, John?
Granted, it's been in the Washington Post, but nothing ever happens.
Well, I sort of wish I hadn't brought up 9-11 again, because we've been, you know, the likes of me and the likes of you have been through this stuff a zillion times over the years, but I still don't think you answered my original question, which is that, you know, I work within a world of the mainstream media, especially on the left, and I know that journalists on the left and journalists on the right would win a Pulitzer the size of a building if they could somehow provide evidence.
Okay, take Mom to the yard.
Take that Mombiot guy at The Guardian, one of your colleagues.
He writes articles a year ago saying, I'm a kook, there's no world government.
And then he publishes and signs a letter from 200 top journalists calling for a one world government.
I mean, they're intellectually bankrupt, John.
I mean, you can't have it both ways.
World government's good.
World government doesn't exist.
I'm not saying you're doing that.
I mean, you'll at least admit they're saying it.
But if you were a good little globalist, you'd come on here and say, no Alex doesn't exist, and then write a book about how great world government is.
Well, as I said earlier in the interview, my view about world government is that I think it was this kind of, you know, what they considered to be a kind of idealistic vision in the early 50s that sort of, you know, history shows has turned sour because what nobody expected was that CEOs would, you know, behave in a psychopathic and selfish and irrational way.
Oh, never, never that.
Hey, listen, in the time we got left...
John Ronson.com.
Yeah, I did, I did.
I went onto the set and watched them film it for a few days in Puerto Rico and then I went around the various premieres, you know, in Venice and Canada and London and Toronto and so yeah, I spent some time with them.
Pretty nice guys, I hear.
They all were.
Now, do they think it's ridiculous or do any of them buy into this stuff?
Well, I think the only person, well, the only two people I know who were like in the kind of core of the movie, who did believe in the paranormal stuff, was Jeff Bridges.
I mean, he's certainly a believer.
And he got on very well with Jim Channon, who's the real guy who he plays in the movie.
And Grant Hesloff, the director, he says even though he has never seen any paranormal stuff happening, you know, he wants to believe that it can.
And actually I think a lot of the people who like the movie like it because it's got a sort of warm heart to it and it's got a humanity to it, whereas my book is a bit more sort of cynical.
Alright, shifting gears quickly in case you can't, because I know you've got family, hold over another five to finish up.
Tell me about this.
Oh, you mean about the movie?
Yeah, well, it got optioned, you know, back in about five years ago, same time as The Manistow Goats got optioned.
And, you know, as you know, nothing's really happened since.
And you know that Jack Black was attached to be in it.
But, you know, God knows, you know, Edgar, who's supposed to be directing this, is directing another movie at the moment.
And I just hope that, you know, when he finishes his other movie, he turns his attention to the wonderful, you know, project that is then.
But, you know, I can't force him as much as I'd like to.
Well, I think the fact that one of your books has already been made into a major movie and doing quite well at the box office, I would hope that that would, because even though it's going to be a huge hit piece, I would like to know what they're writing.
I mean, if my character's going to be in there and what great evil type of person I'm going to be in the movie Them if that does happen.
Well, I think if it does happen, and if there is a character in there that's kind of inspired by you, you will love it.
I think it will be a completely lovely portrayal.
Because, you know, movies, especially these kinds of movies, you know, they don't want to sort of just attack people, you know?
I think you'd be delighted by a portrayal for this.
Tell you what, John, stay there.
I want to come back and talk about what you're doing in the future, then we'll let you go and get back to your family.
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I think so.
You know, it's probably been five years since I've been on the radio with Jon Ronson.
I went on coast-to-coast AM with him once.
We've got to have him back more often.
So, Jon, you're award-winning documentaries on TV, award-winning documentaries on radio, writing for The Guardian.
Well, I'm writing another book, but I can't really talk about what it's about.
I'm worried that I've too much...
If information gets disseminated then it's going to be hard for me to get, you know, access to things and so on.
But, you know, I'm writing a good new book.
Can I just say, at risk of setting you off on a very, very long monologue, can I just read out a tweet that I just got from somebody?
Actually, Mombio was referring to a World Council to solve environmental issues, not a One World Government.
Who said that?
A tweeter who follows me called Socialist Sully.
Socialist Sully.
I guess that his tweeting name probably will put you off.
Look, look, look.
Here's the deal.
Bilderberg controlled public... They're laughing in the control room.
Look, I'm tired of the crap.
There's a world government being set up and the same reporters that attack me
Then write articles saying how great it is.
And no, Mombiot said we need a world government to solve our problems.
And then this liberal, who's a fake, twists it and goes, he's not for world government, he's for a loving world government!
It's not loving.
Did you see the article that was written in the Financial Times of London, where it called for a tyrannical world government?
No, but God, that sounds like a very aggressive journalist.
Guys, pull it up.
Pull it up.
It's andnowforworldgovernmentft.com.
Well, the Financial Times says it's time we had a tyrannical world government.
Sorry, my son is really laughing.
That sounds like the most horrible article ever.
No, no, but he said, he said, yes, it's been secret.
Yes, we kept it secret from you.
It's called And Now For World Government by Gideon Raichman.
But he said, it's got to be authoritarian for your own good.
What's wrong with that?
By the way, I think he's one of the editors there.
I am interested, by the way, in the kind of notion of authoritarianism, and that is something I'm looking at in my new book.
You know, the idea that some people become kind of self-appointed, you know, mandators about how other people should and shouldn't behave.
Oh, like Al Gore?
Do you think Al Gore is saving us?
Well, I haven't been looking into Al Gore, I'm looking into a kind of different field of expertise.
But, you know, this is an area that's interesting.
It's interesting, Alex, the stuff that you're interested in, the stuff that I'm interested in, is often very, very similar, but we just cover it from different worldviews.
Hey, here it is, it's Manifesto for a New World Order, George Monbiot.
But then...
But then he writes articles saying none of it exists.
He thinks his readers are stupid.
He's like, it doesn't exist, stand down.
I mean, it's unbelievable.
It's unbelievable.
Hey, here's Violet right here.
You want to come say hi?
I hate Violet.
He was just talking about how much he likes you.
Honey, remember John Monson?
Yeah, yeah, well here, come and say hi on the mic.
We won't put you on radio.
He's gone in one minute.
Come on in here.
She doesn't want to be on TV, just... Ah, okay.
Hey, Violet.
She doesn't have headphones.
Hi, John.
How are you?
Hey, I'm alright.
It's good to... It's really lovely to... I can't hear you.
Well, I'm saying nice things.
Alex, tell her that I'm saying nice things.
Don't say I'm saying horrible things.
He's saying nice things.
Boy, she's good looking, John.
I know, I know.
I'm not going to go down that road.
No, Alex is a very lovely person.
I've got very warm memories of our night together in Northern California.
It was a great time.
Even though we came away with utterly different views of what we saw at Bohemian Grove, I do think of that as one of the most... Make sure you say that 150 times!
It's true.
Val is a wonderful person and I'm glad that, you know, you guys, after all these years, you're still tight.
You're still there.
Hey, John, promise me that when your new book comes out, you'll come on here first.
I will be there.
And thanks, Alex, for having me.
I've really enjoyed the last hour.
It's good talking to you again.
All right, buddy.
Good having you here.
I'll say bye to you during the break.
America's number one source for independent talk radio for over a decade.
We are the GCN Radio Network.
Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As they're finishing off this agenda, they'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us
Tim Geithner?
They're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
You know, I got the idea Friday to have Judge Napolitano on because he wrote a great article about how the Republicans and the Democrats were in bed together on the health care bill and how even the Republican version was socialism.
We put an email out to him.
He says he's going to be on the show tomorrow.
And he's going to be guest hosting Glenn Beck's TV show tomorrow.
Well I wish they'd give that show to him.
I mean, I wish Beck was good like Napolitano.
But maybe Beck's going to wake up.
I don't know.
Maybe people put enough pressure on him to stop bashing Ron Paul behind the scenes.
Side issue, we're very excited to have Judge Napolitano on tomorrow and Jesse Ventura.
That's coming up after the next break.
I'm going to play a little sneak peek video clip.
There have been a few of these on CNN because they're Time Warner.
But I will tell you that I've seen some of the TV show.
I know it went into it.
I consulted on it.
Ventura is in control of the project, at least to a certain extent.
He believes it's fair, more than fair, leaning towards our side.
I don't know how this is getting on the air, but it's airing December 2nd through the end of January, the first series.
And it may get picked up for a full series, and yours truly is reportedly going to be a full part of the show.
I'm very excited about that, obviously.
Not excited about flying around on airplanes and doing all that extra work.
TV is a lot of work, folks.
You can just come in here on the radio and cover information, news, and it's easy.
It's still exhausting.
But very excited about the whole Jesse Ventura thing tomorrow.
And we have some other really big guests coming up this week.
I'm just going to leave it at that.
Really big guests coming up this week.
I also have the program note.
We're getting a lot of new great entries in for 20 minutes with the president dot com.
You spell it out.
minutes with the president dot com there's a big banner up on info wars dot com on the right hand side make your video on charlie sheen's twenty bullet points concerning nine eleven with two actors five actors ten actors do with video clips do it with tax do it with music do the robot voice whatever you do
You've got six days to get this in by November 15th to us.
So get on it, and everybody wins by producing something that exposes 9-11 as being an inside job.
Because if we don't expose that 9-11 was an inside job, it's only gonna get worse next time.
So get your entries in today, ladies and gentlemen.
And you've got six days to produce it.
You got till midnight November 15th to get these in.
Okay, here's the deal.
I want to take phone calls this hour, but I promise to play this clip of this British Lord on C-SPAN talking about world government.
So that is coming up.
I also want to tell you what I think about the shooting and what has happened at Fort Hood.
There have been some big new
Developments there as well.
So that is coming up after this break.
And yes, I know that we still have some people holding.
We will be getting to your phone calls at 1-800-259-9231.
In fact, I'll just talk to Ian James, Greg, Bob, and John, that group of callers, immediately out of break.
We'll see how fast I can do it.
We'll probably go to the end of the show and never play.
The Lord mocked and clipped, never play the Jesse Ventura clip, never get to any of the news, never get to the mass shooting, never get to any of it!
But no, we're going to get to it.
So, we're going to your calls after this quick break.
I do want to just throw this out there again.
This film could save the Republic.
It's full of the Republic.
But it's not going to save the Republic unless you get the DVD at Infowars.com.
Unless you get it and make copies of it and give it to everybody you know.
Unless you have viewing parties and get it out to everyone you know.
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And ask about the combos when you call or go to the website, look for them.
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We don't know.
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Okay, here's the deal.
We're going to your phone calls at 1-800-259-9231.
And we're going to get into a sneak peek of Jesse Ventura's TV show.
A little foreshadowing to the governor being on tomorrow.
I'm then going to play four Lord Mocton clips.
And break down the whole world government situation.
Then I'm going to cover, briefly, going over the latest news, what I think is going on with Fort Hood.
That should be by the bottom of the hour.
Right now, Ian in Florida, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Thank you.
A quick plea to all Florida Infowarriors who are truly in the fight, and then I'd like to end with a quick comment here.
This Saturday evening, November 14th, I'm going to need some support from all serious Florida Infowarriors.
The problem is if you need outside support from InfoWarriors, your IP phone, man, I'm not getting half of what you're saying.
Oh, really?
Is this better?
Yeah, maybe you need to speak up.
Okay, I'll speak up.
I'll speak up.
Listen, I gotta hurry, Ian, because I gotta get to the next four people that have plugs.
Okay, it's important.
Al Gore is coming to Boca Raton this Saturday, and I'd love to get my email address out so people can basically organize a resistance at this point.
Everywhere Slime Sucker goes, we've got to be there exposing him as the criminal.
Hey, will the global tax be as good as NAFTA and GAT, Gore?
Why do you make all this money off it, criminal?
Exactly, Al.
Plants breathe carbon dioxide, criminal!
Why are you trying to set up a cult?
Everywhere he goes, he's getting confronted.
Tell me, when is he going to be in Boca Raton, Florida?
This Saturday, November 14th, hundreds of rich yuppies at an outdoor venue have paid upwards of $400 a year to hear him speak and spit his garbage.
And as we know, he's the New World Order, you know, trail carbon tax crime boss.
And I'd just like to get my email out, because we're going to be out there mounting resistance.
Everybody, everywhere this pit demon goes, just get on the message boards locally, tell everybody to be there, give us your email.
It's resistgore at yahoo.com.
I'm with We Are Change Florida.
And we just gotta go out there and we gotta educate as well as resist.
I'd like to have all kinds of flyers.
Well done, Ian!
Well done!
And shoot the video, get it up to YouTube, and then thousands, probably hundreds of thousands, but at least five or six thousand, the smallest video gets that, will see the reality of him being resisted so they won't buy into all his propaganda.
The thinking man's thinking man!
The savior of Earth!
An eco-prophet gets real!
Al Gore's new plan for the planet!
Thank God we've got him ready to tax us!
Oh, he's saving us!
Oh, he's so sweet!
Al Gore!
We're so lucky to have him!
A eugenicist that wants to kill us!
James in North Carolina.
James, you're on the air.
James, have you bowed to Al Gore today?
Well, we probably shouldn't.
I'm trying to clean the show up.
In fact, Jaren, give me a wide shot here of the document cam.
I am going to worship him right now.
You know what it says?
He's a prophet.
London Guardian says he's founding a new religion.
Oprah's involved in it.
Oh, great leader who made the sun come up, I will pay you tax money so the water doesn't rise.
Oh, please help me stop the carbon dioxide.
Oh, great one.
What would I do without a big fat parasite telling me what to do?
Oh, you told me naphthene gas would be good and it's destroyed half the major cities in the country.
Oh, you're such a congenital liar and now it's a big scam.
In fact, con artists worldwide should just worship gore.
Yeah, I don't think none of us have seen him descending from the sky.
Are you kidding?
Are you kidding?
He flapped down from the sky.
I'm sorry.
Oh, let me become enlightened.
Because yuppies love to feel like they're geniuses.
So they'll read everything he says and then repeat it.
I'm a yuppie.
Yeah, I've been trying to call sometime, but anyway, I know how...
The system works.
It's very difficult to get through, but I'm glad I did.
Hey, it's great.
Go ahead, James.
Hit me and hit me hard with the info.
Anyway, I want to do something for the last, well, every time I have left on this place.
And over here, I had a couple heart attacks and all that.
I'm 60, and I want to do something for my country.
I didn't get, I was drafted, but they didn't take me for some reason.
But anyway, I love J.C.
I've been following Paul and all this whole time.
And I sent you some information, I sent some emails and I sent some packets and I was hoping that, like my grandfather said, he said don't hook that.
Well sure, what are you talking about?
I'm trying to get some help to get up with Jesse and y'all and everybody because I think the two-party system stinks.
I don't think we should have any parties.
The Found Fathers didn't want any and I think that's where we should go to.
Now that's just my opinion.
But I think a lot of people feel the same way.
But everybody contacts me and says, I want to get with you.
I want to do this or do that with you.
I can barely run my office.
I can barely pay my taxes and bills around here.
I need support.
I certainly can't go launch a bunch of new initiatives with other people.
This is about you going out and challenging them there in your area.
That's why what Ian is doing is so important.
Ian is going out to confront Al Gore so Al Gore just can't sit there and lie on his own.
Can't sit there and talk about how great carbon taxes are and how it's going to really help America.
This is a good deal, Larry, this NAFTA and GATT.
We need it.
This is a fast forward 15 years.
This is a good deal for our economy, this carbon tax.
Yeah, it's a real good deal.
It's a real good deal.
Greg in Michigan.
Greg, you're on the air.
How you doing, Alex?
Hey, buddy.
Thanks for what you do.
Just a question here and a comment for you.
I realize, and I know you realize, that we need to mobilize the Americans to the streets so that the government can see that we're unhappy with what's going on and to awaken them.
Well, let's be clear.
The government knows you're unhappy.
That's why they're building FEMA camps and tripling the police every three years.
But it's important for us to hit the streets so fellow humans don't feel like they're alone, so we can gain critical mass against the establishment.
That's the real reason for hitting the streets, is to get outside the controlled media.
And I'm ready to go to the streets and peaceful protest and inform the people.
So how do we organize this?
What could it be done through you?
There's millions of unemployed people, underemployed people that would be able to do this on the weekends.
That's my question.
And then my comment is the wealthy and the movie stars that are already awakened in this country.
That the American people have made them wealthy and made them a celebrity.
In my opinion, they should give back by spending some of their money to wake up America by distributing videos or doing whatever they can do because they can afford to do it.
Yeah, listen, I appreciate your call.
You know, I understand the model in people's minds of trying to go out and have others come up with a plan or implement their plan.
There have been Hollywood stars who've tried to fight the New World Order and they get demonized and attacked when they do.
And others sit back and watch that and decide not to go public.
If we're gonna fix things, it's in the mirror.
We're gonna individually go out and... I think protesting is fine.
But the national media can ignore
Your protest.
They can't ignore you putting flyers up because that's something people haven't thought to do politically that's actually very effective.
To put out political signs when there's not an election going on.
To go to your state house and educate them about the global tax.
To go to any Al Gore events and to confront him.
To go to Senator Lindsey Graham, the fake Republicans meetings, and shout him down for his support of the cap and trade tax.
He's probably going to be the deciding vote in the Senate to pass this in the next month.
So it's one thing to go out and protest.
And then have the media kind of ignore what you said or did, or have some cops come in and break your head open and bite you with a police dog and laugh about it.
But they're not designed and set up to deal with people calling in to talk radio, putting up websites, putting up micro-FM, starting their own local radio shows, going on AXS TV, going to City Council, and reading Ban Ki-moon's New York Times and say, uh, City Council, here's the head of the UN admitting
Global government and that the carbon taxes for global governance.
Let me read.
The UN is unelected, not accountable, and this carbon tax will kill our economy.
I'd like to see the City Council draft a piece of legislation decrying this and saying they won't go along with it.
And I'd like the City Council to send a certified letter to the State House.
And I'd like to see a City Council person testify in the upcoming legislative session.
You do that, well-spoken way, you go to the city council, you'll have members in a small town or even a big city, they will pass a resolution.
If you start beating the drum, they will go to the statehouse.
Your state will say no.
The congressman, federally, will get the word and won't do this.
I mean, there's just a small example of how we beat their agenda.
The power of some Hollywood star making a million copies of my film and handing it out is smaller than 10,000 listeners making 200 copies apiece.
Nothing can trump the grassroots.
You want to beat the New World Order?
This film exposes the agenda.
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For the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation, the criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty and on its ashes constructing world government.
Tim Geithner?
They're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today, it seems like nobody does care.
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Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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I'm gonna not go to calls right now or we'll never get to all the other news we have, but if I have time I'll get to Bob and John and Scott and Jim at the end of the broadcast today.
Jesse Ventura is on at noon tomorrow with an exclusive look into the seven episodes of Conspiracy Theory.
And the reason this is important is that, and Jesse's for real, Jesse believes this,
I was watching local newscast out of Minnesota where it says Ventura will argue with somebody for an hour at the grocery store or on the street, convincing him that 9-11 was an inside job.
That's how he is in person.
He really is finding out about this, doing his research, and I don't know how he got this on air.
I don't know how he is getting a fair show on TV.
But I'm holding my breath here.
We're going to see what happens coming up in just a few weeks on December 2nd is when it starts airing.
Let's go ahead and play a little clip from the TV show where he goes to the Gates of Harp in Alaska.
I had the head of HARP on and they had these Army and Air Force officers kept cracking in before I went live to the head scientist, who's not military, saying, if you say anything we don't like, we're going to disconnect the conversation.
And then during the breaks they would pop back in and go, everything's going fine, thank you, yes.
The head of Harp started talking about how they can turn the array on and ignite the atmosphere.
Make the sky catch on fire.
And they suddenly cut his phone off for a minute and then he came back and wouldn't talk about it.
Ventura pulls up.
They won't talk to him.
They won't give him an interview.
I don't know why they gave me an interview.
They said, we know who you are.
We want to come on your show.
Because I've been talking about weather weapons and HAARP, and we were contacted by HAARP.
And then I was invited up there.
They do not want Ventura in there.
Why was I invited?
And I'm like, oh yeah, I'm gonna go up to Alaska and then... Again, I've got too much going on here.
Ventura went, and they wouldn't let him in.
So, here is Jesse Ventura.
We really need to go through the Air Force.
Well, we did.
We got stonewalled.
And this is strictly a research facility.
Clearly, there's something going on here that they don't want people to know about.
There's a lot of cool science that we do in this facility.
Come on, man.
I'm a Navy SEAL.
The military don't do things unless it has a military purpose, and a military purpose is destruction and waging war.
It's a stalemate.
Or is it?
Back up a little bit from the gate so when people come through they won't get intimidated.
When I get denied something, I do the opposite of getting intimidated.
I get angry.
Jesse is about to walk right on through, when suddenly... Hold on a second guys, I got a problem.
They're getting harassed at the interference.
The camera equipment begins to go haywire.
Something is interfering with the audio and video.
This is more than unclassified, that's bullshit.
And they cut that there at the end.
That really happened to them.
Their cameras all went, started going dead.
And it's hard with digital cameras that are recording on hard drives to do that.
They were getting beamed.
And that's what they test up there is particle beam weapons, microwave weapons.
I had the director of Harp on and he was bragging how they turn, they can turn it on at night and ignite the sky.
They can create artificial Aurora Borealis.
And I've got the Secretary of Defense, April 28th, 1997, Army Times, Secretary of Defense Cohen, admitting they have earthquake weapons and seismic weapons and weather weapons.
He admitted it, Army Times, 1997.
April 27th or 28th.
In fact, pull that up.
Secretary of Defense admits weather weapons, Army times.
I want folks to actually see this for themselves.
I mean, that's what's incredible is that the guy that wrote Ecoscience, the White House science czar, now admits they're chemtrailing us and involved in a global geoengineering, or terraforming, changing the Earth's atmosphere.
And they say it's to stop global warming.
After all these decades of denying it, they now admit they're doing it.
There's a lot of things going on that the general public isn't aware of.
A lot of things.
And coming out in three days, they've got 2012 coming out.
In fact, I've meant to call... I've got his number, but he's gone most of the time from California.
I think I got his number in Hawaii, too.
I was giving it again and never even gave it to you to put it in the system.
So we've got to dig around for Woody Harrelson's contacts.
Go after Woody Harrelson.
Because every time we've called two or three times, they're like, oh yeah, he's back in a month.
He'd love to do your show.
And then we never call back.
We've got to stay on him.
Stay on him.
Stay on him.
Stay on him.
I want Woody Harrelson.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
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I want to plug a new affiliate, one of many new affiliates we're getting every month.
KMLB 540 Big Station out of Monroe, Louisiana.
540 KMLB.
Going to be a guest tomorrow on that station at 530 Central.
But they are now carrying the show.
I want to thank them for doing that.
We're not radical anymore.
I mean, here's New York Times, Ban Ki-moon, op-ed contributor, we can do it, Secretary General of the UN.
Listen to this simple statement.
A deal must include an equitable global governance structure.
All countries must have a voice in how resources are deployed and managed.
This is how trust will be built.
When you always hear about the UN and having a voice, that means you get to say what you think in a free speech zone, surrounded by cops with submachine guns, and then the bankers that own the private world government, they do what they want.
So, they'll make a big deal out of giving U.S.
tax money to some African country and then tell the Africans, America doesn't want you to have it, to make it all class and regional, first world, third world warfare.
Well, the real global government moves forward.
Global government.
Then I talked about Monbiot, one of the Guardian writers, who writes articles every few months saying there's no world government, none of it exists, we're total kooks, and then he writes books called The New World Order, calling for global government, and signs petitions calling for global government.
This guy, Rush Limbaugh, has always denied there's a global government.
Now that it's too late to probably stop it, he's like, oh yeah, it's liberal too!
George Bush Sr.
wasn't for it!
Oh, God.
They're just hoping you don't go look into the fact that poisons are being put in your food and water by design.
They just hope you don't find out the true magnitude of what's really happening.
All right.
Christopher Walter Mocton, third Viscount of Mocton and Brinchley,
He's a British lord, politician, business consultant, policy advisor, writer, columnist, inventor, and hereditary peer.
Means he's a real lord.
He served as an advisor to Margaret Thatcher's policy unit.
And it goes on and on.
He's really been stirring things up because he's an insider coming out and admitting the carbon taxes global government to private banks.
He talks about the facts.
The Earth has been cooling for four years.
The sun is the main driver.
Polar bears aren't drowning.
There's more polar bears now than there were decades ago.
The majority of scientists are on government payroll.
That is, the majority of scientists saying that global warming is real and man-made are on government payroll that Eisenhower warned us about.
He's really stating it in an eloquent way and the media is attacking him saying he's completely insane, none of this exists.
He comes out and says the UN wants global government.
It's a tax to control your life.
Doesn't matter if the UN says that themselves in the New York Times.
This is a crazy psychological game they're playing.
They admit everything and then deny everything.
They're speaking to people's laziness.
They're speaking to people's innate wish to just deny all of this is happening.
Oh, that's not happening.
I can go play golf.
Oh, there's no carbon tax.
Oh, the paper said they're not going to pass that health care bill out of the House.
It's passed.
Oh, they're not going to pass it out of the Senate.
Oh, yes, they are.
I mean, I've got all these mainstream news articles today.
Where they're saying, don't worry, healthcare, government takeover of healthcare and five years in prison and 2.5 to 5% of your paycheck being withheld, and then you have to still get insurance or you're fined.
Don't worry, you'll be given five years in prison or a quarter million dollar fine, first offense.
The bill says that, I read it on air yesterday from the bill.
They're just out saying it's not gonna pass.
And it's all the usual suspects.
It's Fox News saying that.
Oh, don't worry.
It's not going to pass.
Let's go ahead and go to Lord Mocton.
Clip after clip, and I'm going to comment on it.
Here it is.
I've often wondered, these scientists that all sign on to the Al Gore thing, how many of them get their funding from the federal government? 99%.
Nearly all of science is now funded by the state.
Effectively, scientific research is what's known to economists as a monopsony.
There's only one customer.
And the quickest way to make money, if you are in that situation, and you are a scientist, and particularly in the unloved corner of science, which climatology used to be,
Is to get a really big scare going and then say, we are the only people that can stop this scare and we can save the world and therefore throw us lots of money.
And if you read the stimulus package, you'll find that NOAA and NASA have received tens of billions in additional funding and NASA has been retasked
From being a space agency to being a climate change monitoring agency.
That is now its primary function.
And they are laughing all the way to the bank having trousered your taxpayers' money.
Just on a quick financial point, tens of billions of dollars have been spent by the U.S.
government alone promoting man-made global warming.
Al Gore has pledged to spend $300 million himself.
So the bottom line is when people say the oil funded, oh the money, the skeptics get funded, you'll hear that often, they point to ExxonMobil getting $19 or $20 million over two decades as proof that the skeptics are funded.
One USDA farm grant to study how farm owners contribute to global warming exceeded all the money ExxonMobil ever had been accused of giving to global warming skeptical groups.
So the bottom line is not only is the argument that the money is so much on the other side, it's literally become the best science politics can manufacture.
Especially when you look at the UN.
The name of the UN panel, by the way, is the Intergovernmental Panel.
And in case anyone doesn't understand, it's a political...
Okay, and let me comment on that.
Rex Tillerson, the CEO of ExxonMobil, over a decade ago, on record said, I don't know if this is real, and they had scientists study it.
And the scientists all came back and said it's the sign.
And then David Rockefeller, this was in mainstream news, went to Rex Tillerson and said if you don't come out and say it's real and put billions of dollars behind it, you are fired.
And Rex Tillerson was in the news the next day saying global tax is good, man-made global warming is real, and they were the last big oil company to get behind it.
Look at this.
The man who saved the world.
Ben Bernanke and President Obama's only real choice.
And you can Google all these other terms.
Al Gore saves the world.
I mean, here it is on the cover of Newsweek.
The thinking man's thinking man.
They just bill themselves as saviors of the world.
They're saving the banking.
They're saving the environment.
When they are the engineers of the banking crises.
They're the ones that are using carbon dioxide as the boogeyman to distract from all the real environmental crises we have.
Putting a tax on carbon dioxide and paying Enron scammers, that's who set this up, money, paying Al Gore money isn't going to help the environment.
Let me explain this to the environmentalists who aren't real environmentalists.
Do you understand that China, India, Mexico, and over 160 other third world and developing nations have to make zero cuts under this Copenhagen-Denmark treaty?
In fact, I have the treaty right here.
I mean, do you understand that?
Do you understand?
Zero cuts.
I've read the treaty.
It's admitted in the news.
Framework Convention on Climate Change.
Now, if carbon dioxide is this deadly weapon that kills everything in its path and is killing the earth, not that plants breathe, part of the life cycle.
Let's just say it's deadly, like you say.
Moving it all to India and China and Mexico will increase the amount of gas.
That's admitted.
We're one planet.
But it doesn't matter.
The people that support this feel like they're winning.
Feel like they have power.
Feel like they're getting rich, guys.
Feel like, finally, we're having communism we always dreamed of!
The people's utopia!
They don't understand that big banks, big money, big oil is supporting this because it's a giant scam to consolidate power.
They don't know that the Bolsheviks got funded by big U.S.
and London banks, on record.
They don't understand it.
They really, when they walk up and stab the tires on your SUV or knock your window out on your truck, they feel good!
And the local media doesn't admit they're the ones breaking out your windows and stabbing your tires because it's kind of a, mmm, for the earth, they kind of, mmm.
We're soon going to be in control.
There's nothing more dangerous than a wannabe hippie with a submachine gun and a black uniform.
They'll line you up in a minute and mow you down because you're bad for the earth.
They are the perfect shock force army.
That's why they admit Al Gore is setting up a religion.
He's saying it's going to be a religion.
And there's your God, a fat, evil, demonic Nelly.
I just can't handle it anymore.
And just frothing colleges just full of radical environmental Nazis.
These people mean business.
Let's go to clip two.
Yes, that's to try and save the polar bears, of whom there are five times more now than there were in the 1940s.
Hardly, as he may think, the profile of a species in imminent threat of extinction in need of such protection.
Unfortunately, we are no longer dealing with rationality.
One of the most serious spin-offs from this global warming nonsense
Among politicians in particular, is that we are passing, partly through incompetence, partly through scientific ignorance and illiteracy, and partly through malice, from the age of enlightenment and reason in which you and I were born, into what could be, unless we stop it, a new dark age.
Delicious drink!
All right, we're going to go back to the clip here in just a moment.
What do I talk about in endgame?
Blueprint for global enslavement.
I talk about a new dark age dawning upon the globe.
An engineered dark age.
It's mainly through malice.
Yes, the dumbed-down, mindless public who believes carbon dioxide is a chemical weapon.
They're falling to a new dark age through ignorance.
But the controllers all know this is a sick joke.
They want a world government to carry out the orderly extermination of the population.
As Dr. Eric Pianka said at UT, as this film shows, and the exact same quotes are in this textbook.
Ecoscience that I talk so much about by this White House science czar.
Where they say a planetary regime to carry out forced abortion and infanticide and population reduction.
They want to shut down industry that they don't own.
They want you dead.
You got that?
These are the most demonic creatures ever seen.
Grow up!
Hitler wanted to kill people.
Stalin wanted to kill people.
Mao killed between 60 and 80 million.
This is what these people do.
Grow up!
How do you think authoritarian tyranny would come here?
They brainwash your kids that if it's for the environment, do it.
Oh, we've got to home inspect.
Oh, we've got to take over your farm and ranch.
Oh, we can't let you release water vapor from your factory.
Oh, carbon dioxide, you've got to pay us privately tax money.
Here's the next clip.
Take one more question.
Just very quickly, can you make a linkage for us between the Club of Rome and the Copenhagen meeting that's coming up?
It's the same people.
Essentially, this goes back to Maurice Strong, who is a Canadian bureaucrat at the UN.
And what he did 25 years ago was to draw up the structure of the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
And it was he who suggested it should be made an Intergovernmental Panel so as to make sure that it became a political, as Mark has said, and not a scientific process.
Now, he was very much part of the Club of Rome set, the Sierra Club.
They're all linked, actually, these people.
And they've been at this for a long time, and the original aim declared by Maurice Strong 25 years ago was that a world government should emerge from the IPCC process.
And one of the reasons why the media have been so relentless in not allowing the scientific or economic truth about global warming to be told
Is that many of them are also connected with this worldwide very left-wing movement to try to set up a centralised world government which, as Anne has so rightly said, is essentially anti-human and
And simply wanting to shut everything down that has been great and prosperous and free, particularly in the West and more particularly in the United States of America.
This treaty shall not pass.
But they don't care because the bureaucracy through the central governments that are already signed on to UNESCO, when you sign on to the United Nations Educational and Cultural Organization, you agree to harmonize all your laws with UN policy.
So see, they've already set up the bureaucracy, they're already doing most of this without the treaty.
Just like before they even passed the health care bill, the states are already being given their policy manuals saying you will withhold taxes for insurance out of everyone's paycheck.
Illinois has already begun it even though they haven't passed it.
They are lawless criminals.
Now we may beat this treaty.
But they're going to come back over and over again, and we have to realize that we have to come back over and over and over again.
And number one, just discredit them and expose them.
Now, I wanted to, again, show you Endgame, Blueprint for Global Enslavement and Fall of the Republic, because I'll guarantee you, when we end up talking to Monckton, he's going to have seen our films.
Now, I know he worked in the highest levels of the British government, and that's where he gets his knowledge.
Kind of like I knew when we called Dave Mustaine up about their new album, it was going to be
Built after Endgame.
And then he said, yes, the entire album is basically built off of Endgame.
And we're very honored.
I'll guarantee you, Monckton's watching my films, because I have their own quotes here.
Everything he's saying about New Dark Age, total control, everything he's talking about a war on humanity, making humanity the enemy.
Those are quotes out of the Club of Rome.
We republished the Club of Rome articles where they say they're going to kill us.
These people mean business, ladies and gentlemen.
If there's anything wrong with Lord Monckton is he doesn't go far enough.
He knows what's going on.
He's telling you about 95% of it.
I think he's a good guy.
He's always been good.
We've looked at his record.
But he's not telling you that they want to exterminate you.
He's saying it's anti-human.
It makes humans the enemy.
He's almost getting there.
He's almost telling you the big secret.
You don't have to hear it from Lord Monckton.
It's in Endgame.
It's in Fall of the Republic.
It's in Ecoscience.
It's in State Department Mirandum 200.
It's in the United Nations Biological Diversity Assessment 1996.
It's literally, we own over a hundred books back there in Aaron's office that we bought, written by these eugenicists in the last 30 years.
Folks, they are going to turn loose hippies with machine guns on everybody.
And when I buy hippies, they're going to have short hair.
Hippies are great people, the average hippie.
Fake, kind of hippie-oid, like Christian-oids.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda,
They'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
Fall of the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation, the criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty and on its ashes constructing world government.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
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That's 1-800-691-6043.
We're good to go.
It's very simple.
A group of private banks have gotten together.
They've bought off our governments.
They set up a world government called the UN.
They're passing world government rules to tax everything we do and run our lives and take our firearms and take our private property.
They've got the third world people, some of them convinced, and poor people here in the US and Europe, convinced that they're going to get rich off robbing the rich people
Which is what the bankers always do.
Pressure from below and above.
And here we are!
Open world government being announced.
And still the general public won't get involved or stand up for themselves because they've capitulated.
They have a broken spirit.
A lot of people are waking up.
That's why the police and military and others are now announcing
That you're not going to protest.
We're going to belly club you.
We're going to rubber bullet you.
They're here to let you know, lay down and take it!
It's kind of like when bank robbers come in and point guns and yell and scream at people.
They're intimidating people.
They're dominating the situation.
It's dog psychology.
And the cops don't care if they're giving their kids sodium fluoride water or mercury and they're brain damaged.
As long as they get to be on top,
They don't care, just like the bureaucrats and the yuppies.
We're an evil society, folks.
People think it's tough and cute and funny to be scammed.
Let's play this last clip.
Here it is.
I think we need a scopes monkey trial.
I think this is a religion, or rather a superstition.
It is contrary to the United States Constitution that this global warming nonsense should be taught in schools.
And I hope that there is somebody watching us on our good friends from C-SPAN who will come forward with the money and the drive to put together a legal case against a school board for preaching this new religion contrary to the constitutional debarring of any law touching upon the establishment of religion.
It is time that we started fighting back in the courts
Against this nonsense, because the science has moved on so fast in the last few months, that now any court, including the Supreme Court, hearing the science as it now stands, would no longer regard CO2 as a pollutant, but as the harmless trace gas that it truly is, necessary to all plant and therefore animal life on this planet.
The truth is in.
The science is out.
The scare is over.
Oh, you gotta love him.
You have done well, Lord Markton.
I mean, listen.
The truth is in.
The facts are in.
The scare is over.
We've got the stakes.
We've got Count Dracula chained down.
And we've got the stakes.
And I've got the stake right on his heart.
And you've got the hammer.
You've got the hammer right here.
These DVDs.
I mean, this will show people the truth.
And if you'll just bang, bang, bang right into that vampire's heart.
But we've not won this thing.
They've passed the climate bill in the House and the takeover of health care so they can carry out their eugenics on us.
And that's full of all this green environmental stuff, killing the old people and infirm.
We've got a chance to beat these people if you'll drive that stake in their heart.
We have the weapons.
That's why I keep plugging Fall of the Republic.
Endgame, blueprint for global enslavement.
These films expose who these people are and what they're doing.
Come on, man.
Let's stand up against Nellie Al Gore.
Absolute piece of trash.
Everybody, rise up.
Say no to these criminals.
Let this con artist know he's not going to succeed again.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
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