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Name: 20091104_Wed_Alex
Air Date: Nov. 4, 2009
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We have reached the halfway point here on this live transmission.
Wednesday, the 4th day of November 2009.
Two hours left.
Major General Stubblebine is our guest and his medical doctor wife.
Rima Labo, we are very honored to have them both here with us.
They have fought Codex Alimentarius and the globalist takeover of our food and supplements.
They have exposed the eugenics operations, the deadliness of the vaccines.
They have a lot of breaking news today that we're going to have them cover first.
I'm going to give Dr. Labo and General Stubbleby on the floor for the first few segments to get all their info out.
Then I've got my questions, like what are these deaths in Ukraine?
How does that tie in with the other deaths of homeless with bird flu vaccines in Europe confirmed?
And they won't say what company did this, but that the people that gave the shots, the doctors and nurses have been arrested.
So that'll be a message to the people doing that in the U.S.
and other countries that are engaging in guinea pig activity.
And we're also going to open the phones up next hour, specifically for our guest, General Stubblebine, you name it.
Dr. Labo got interviewed for Jesse Ventura's upcoming TV show.
I'm also in several of those episodes and later next hour we'll get their take on that and what they thought of the interview they did.
A little bit of inside view into this television series premiering in December and January.
We're going to go to break here in a moment, but I did want to let you know their website.
It's healthfreedomusa.org.
One word, healthfreedomusa.org.
We have links to it up on infowars.com and prisonplanet.com.
Dr. Labow, General Stubblebine, great to have you here with us, joining us from Germany.
Thank you, Alex.
We're delighted to be with you.
We've been attending the 31st session of the Codex Committee on Nutrition and Food for Special Dietary Uses, which is referred to for short as CCNFSDU.
It's a genocidal tool if ever there was one, and there's been a lot of confirmation of that.
But right now, and I hope we'll have a chance to talk about this, we're looking at a two-pronged attack, a two-pronged genocidal attack by your friend and mine, the World Health Organization.
It's quite obvious and it's quite scary.
Absolutely, and then I of course want to get the latest breakdown, the overview from the General about this eugenics program, what the whole flu vaccine push is about, the fact that people are in record numbers resisting it, and what you think is next in their game plan.
But we're going to go to break in a moment, but go ahead and start defining the two-pronged attack and what Codex Alimentarius is for those that don't know.
Codex Alimentarius is a United Nations commission which was created in 1962 at the request of convicted Crimes Against Humanity war criminal Fritz Termier, who was the head of Bayer Pharmaceutical before he became the head of IG Farben, the German civilian war machine arm, financed, of course, by the usual gang of suspects that we know.
So, when he got out of jail and went back to work as the head of Bayer Pharmaceutical, he called together the other pharmaceutical executives who used to work for him as underlings when he was the head of IG Farben, and he said, hey, let's suggest that the United Nations take over the world food supply.
Let's write a letter and suggest that to them.
They wrote that letter, he delivered it in 1952, and the United Nations said, what a cool idea!
And they created the Codex Alimentarius, which means Food Code Commission, which is run jointly by the World Health Organization, WHO, of recent pandemic fame, and by the Food and Agriculture Organization.
All right, Dr. Labo, General Stubblebine, stay with us.
We're going to come back, I'm going to go over your bios briefly, and then we'll launch into Codex Alimentarius, what they're currently doing, taking over the food supply, and the medicines, and the nutrients, and then we'll get into the flu.
Stay with us.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
I have shown this article before, but I'm going to show it again because there were hundreds of these stories all over Europe.
Hundreds alone in the Czech Republic where their top doctors came out and said, Baxter Pharmaceutical knowingly put bird flu and tried to put it in the vaccine supply.
There's no way this was an accident.
And then nothing happened.
Then we learned that bird flu by an unnamed company was mixed in with vaccines all over and given in secret trials to homeless people.
In one homeless shelter, they killed 21 people.
This is the London Telegraph.
Now, the reason I raise this is that we have CFR meetings, we've played clips of, where they make fun of us and say there's no mercury, no adverse reactions, no Guillain-Barre disorder, no sickness, no autoimmune, no deaths.
When every major vaccine always causes this stuff, and when they do have these reactions, they say, well, that's part of the bad reaction, and we expect that to happen, and that's an acceptable loss, collateral damage.
We have Dr. Rima Lebo, who is a top medical doctor joining us, and her husband is Major General Albert N. Stubblebine III, U.S.
Army, retired.
And to go over his bio is just amazing.
He was known as an out-of-the-box thinker, who was the head of special forces, the head of different intelligence groups.
Let me just read the bio so I don't get it wrong.
And then for an hour and 50 minutes, we've got both of them live from Germany joining us today with their fighting Codex Alimentarius.
And we'll recap what that is, get into the flu, the swine flu, the bird flu.
How school children everywhere are being forcibly inoculated, and the talking point when parents get mad or the kids go to the hospital, that's New York Daily News, is oops.
Bert is a graduate of the U.S.
Military Academy, West Point, Class of 52.
He enjoyed a distinguished 32 career in the U.S.
He retired as the Commanding General of the United States Army Intelligence and Security Command.
Prior to his assignment, he commanded the U.S.
Army Electronics Research and Development Command.
During his active duty career, he commanded soldiers at every level.
After his retirement, he served as a VP for Intelligence Systems, BDM, a major defense contractor.
He brought these experiences to leading-edge medical research and development in collaboration with his wife, Rima Labo, and then the bio just goes on and on and on.
But all these decades of work and research, even being the head of intelligence, it finally all came into view for him in the last six, seven years, and he agrees, in past interviews, it is the endgame.
Mass extermination, a total police state grid to carry this out, and Dr. Labo, who's treated heads of state
Who she's talked to who are aware of the extermination plan and they say they're sad about it, but they have to carry it out, but doctor...
Patient privilege, she can't discuss it.
It's like a reporter can't tell you their source.
That's why they tell doctors and pastors and lawyers and psychologists things like this.
So they're both with us, and I don't know where to start with everything that's happening.
Again, you're at Codex Alimentarius, hit that first, what we're facing, then the flu, the forced inoculations that are going on covertly at an ambient level, being turned up slowly.
Is this all a command and control beta test for future pandemics?
Dr. Reema Labo,
And of course, Major General Albert N. Stubblebine III.
Well, thank you so much, Alex.
Let's finish talking about Codex, which I think is a long-term genocidal weapon of the globalists, and then link it to the vaccine, which is a shorter-term, immediate assault.
But that's against the backdrop of the long-term poisoning of the immune system of the people of the planet.
Now, those are very, very strong words.
Happily, the people who listen to your show are used to those strong words.
Often, when we talk about this, people glaze over and go dumb, but I think your listeners are prepared for this information, and that's terrific.
We are at the Codex meeting.
We're good to go.
Thank you so much.
A program to limit nutrients, which we in the United States are used to having at any dosage that we want.
High-potency nutrients are, for instance, part of how I practice medicine and how I live, as a matter of fact.
And they are for about 131 million people in the United States as well.
Today and yesterday, the United States delegate, Barbara Schneeman,
At this meeting, made it clear once again that the FDA, and she is the head of the Dietary Supplements Office at the FDA, the FDA is perfectly comfortable working with an international body of unelected bureaucrats to eliminate high-potency nutrients.
That means to bring down your maximum permissible upper limit of, for instance, vitamin C,
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
I'm good to go.
In a little piece of theater that I did a video about, and that you can read about at our website, healthfreedomusa.org, and our blogs and blasts that we put out during the Codex meeting on a daily basis, Dr. Schneeman said, you know, I think that since nutrients are food, and they are under U.S.
law, then the
Nutrient upper limit should apply to them as well on a global basis.
That's in violation of U.S.
So the game is to make sure that nutrients are available in such low doses that they can do no good.
Think about this for a moment.
The World Health Organization says that the non-communicable, preventable diseases of undernutrition, undernutrition
...are cancer, cardiovascular disease, stroke, diabetes, and obesity.
Those five diseases are the principal killers of the developed world, and increasingly the developing world, and they're also the principal money makers.
So, if you mandate global malnutrition, which this does, the nutrient reference value, upper limit, mandates global malnutrition, under nutrition,
And then you have the pharmaceutical company making lots and lots of money from the chronic degenerative diseases of undernutrition while people die from their deadly treatments.
What you have is depopulation for a profit.
And that is, in essence, Codex.
But then you segue
Right over to the next W.H.O.
program, which is vaccines.
Go ahead, General Sebelius.
Before she segues, let me just add a little tidbit to all of this.
Because everything, you know, if it were presented to you as a genocidal program, you would say, what?
You'd get on your hind legs and you'd scream.
And you wouldn't stand for it.
However, all of this was done by saying, oh, don't worry, don't worry, don't worry.
All we're doing is putting these values on the label so that you will know what you're
And it will have no impact at all.
You'll just have the knowledge so that you can select what you want.
As a consumer?
Yeah, as a consumer.
And what they don't tell you is...
The plan eventually will be that the only way that you can do international trade with all of this is to be under these limits.
And they do tell each other, they just don't tell the public.
They don't tell the public that eventually, in order to do international trade, you will have to live by these limits.
And therefore there will be no international trade of anything bigger than what these limits that they've set at this meeting.
But what happens is that the United States government on October 11, 1994, the FDA, announced in the Federal Register that it is committed to harmonizing
And that needs to have the first four letters capitalized, H-A-R-M.
It is committed to harmonizing with the Codex Standards whether or not they violate U.S.
We're going to have these limits set for us by the FDA in spite of the fact that U.S.
law prohibits that.
Doctor, we've got a break.
General, we've got a break.
We're going to come back and continue and then get into the other side of the pincer, the vaccines.
I hope people realize the magnitude of what they're hearing.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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I remember four years ago, nationally,
The news reported, local news reported, that the federal government had done two studies finding that mercury was actually good for children's brains.
And we played those video clips off the news many times here.
Then I was at the store and I'd heard that since they had said mercury was now a supplement, that they were putting it in products and I found a whole bunch of products
Where on the back it says mercury.
And right there on this product it says mercury listed as one of the minerals when it's a heavy metal.
And I found a lot of products doing this and they have said, and I've heard Dr. Dina Dell, who's their spokesman on radio, he says, we've interviewed him, that vitamins are bad for you.
You can hear him any weekday saying it.
Saying that we all need to not take them, and that people are crazy.
So, this is the universe inverted into pure insanity.
And Codex Alimentarius, it's just another power grab, like private groups wanting to pass a carbon tax, saying carbon dioxide's bad, when that's what plants breathe.
We use oxygen, they use carbon dioxide.
They put off oxygen, we breathe it.
We put off carbon dioxide, they then absorb that.
That's the carbon cycle, the life cycle.
And it's the boldness and they're taking over the banking right now.
They're taking over the local police right now.
They're taking over the health care right now to carry out eugenics.
They're taking over the vitamins and the food.
They're openly announcing they may shut down the web during emergencies.
That's Associated Press today.
They really are moving and they're forcibly inoculating school children nationwide.
And when kids drop
On the ground have convulsions, they say that's the only time it makes it in the news, and they say, ooh, we made a mistake.
This is a short segment going back to General Stubbleby and then back to Dr. Labo, who's there to continue with the vaccines, but to go over all of this.
General, the overarching program we're witnessing here, the takeover by the globalists at every front, their plan to depopulate, can you give us your wide-spectrum analysis of what we're facing?
Because the evidence is, and the on-the-ground intelligence is,
Well certainly, if you think about it in terms of the principles of war,
One of those principles is called surprise.
And so suddenly, here they are, hitting you from all sides, and you're not sure which way you need to duck in order to not get hit.
The second thing, or another one of the principles of war, is called mass.
And what that means is you put all of your force on the weakest part of
The enemy's force.
And so what are they doing?
They're hitting you from every single solitary direction with a mass of different kinds of things.
And how do you then expect to fight back?
You have trouble because you're ducking from every different direction and you're trying to cover yourself at one and you're getting hit from another direction.
And General, as you just said, they're targeting the weakest, the doctors, the nurses, the people being threatened with their jobs, the school children.
They, in all 50 states we're getting reports, are forcibly inoculating.
In plain view, the first vaccine is the live nasal.
The insert admits that will then breed it, incubate it, to spread the real influenza outbreak.
In military terminology, what is it when they just operate flagrantly in plain view as well?
Well, it's the... How about tyranny?
Yeah, tyranny.
You know, when you have all of the cards, or you think you have all of the cards, you can do that.
You can do a frontal assault.
The Soviets used to try it, or used to practice it in great length.
All of the time.
I can remember as a young lieutenant in Germany where the Soviets would put their entire army on the line in a huge mass and move right up to the border and expect us to react.
And then at the last minute they would do a right flank or a left flank and go away.
Well, these people are doing exactly the same thing, except they're not going away.
By the way, Alex, the name of the company whose vaccine killed the vagrants in Poland was Novartis.
Ah, we've discovered that.
Okay, tell us about that.
We'll get into Part 2, the vaccines, and how we fight it.
Straight ahead.
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Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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The enemy is moving on every front.
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They're just moving on every front.
Major General Stubblebine is our guest.
His wife, Dr. Rima Labo, medical doctor.
We're going to be talking about what's happening with the flu shots, what they believe from their research is behind it.
And we're also going to get into these deaths from different flu vaccine trials in Europe.
Also deaths now in the U.S.
and a lot of illnesses that are confirmed.
The FDA admits, oh, that's normal that some people will die or have convulsions.
We're going to be discussing all that and what the overall master plan is and how to fight back against it and your calls next hour.
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Going back to our guests, I just want to mention their websites are healthfreedomusa.org, healthfreedomusa.org.
Incredible information on that site.
They also take action against Codex Alimentarius.
They take action against the vaccines.
They have solutions to fight back, and they've been instrumental in stopping a lot of enemy operations.
And this is an enemy, an adversary.
The globalists admit
That they're using fake environmentalism and the global system to enslave the world population.
Going back to Dr. Raymond Labo and Major General Stubblebine, Doctor, you were mentioning that you had the answer of the company.
I have over a hundred articles, but only 20 or so, maybe more in British news, and Bloomberg reported on it here, but that was it in the U.S.
that I know of, where
They arrested the Polish doctors and nurses.
They've charged them with taking money from an unnamed pharmacological company to tell the homeless people that it was a regular flu shot and then it killed them.
And it turned out this happened in other countries but only Poland prosecuted.
How can
The doctors be prosecuted for giving the shot and being paid to do it and lying, but how is the company, and I haven't seen that in the news, how do you know it's Norvitis?
I mean, I'm not doubting you, but enlighten us.
Well, we know very well that information disappears after it's put out and people begin accessing it.
In the very early days of this story, quite some number of months ago, and by the way, 11 people died immediately, and then
When the rest of the people who became very ill suddenly were taken to the hospital, at least 21 of them died.
And this was in a very small population of people, about 300 people.
So we're talking about a humongous death rate.
No, you're right.
It says at one center, 350 were given it, 21 died at the hospital, and 11 others before that.
So that's 32.
That's right.
That's a huge death rate, and we don't know how many other people died longer term.
Well, in the very early days of this story, it was made clear that it was the Novartis vaccine, the very same Novartis vaccine, by the way, that the United States was stockpiling.
And so, once that information began to be circulated widely, the name of the company disappeared.
Let me ask you this then.
If Bayer Pharmaceutical, with over a million ampoules of Factor VIII, convicted in court, France indicted the officials, nobody else did in Australia, the U.S., and other countries, it came out in court, MSNBC's even reported, as you know, the audience, that they knowingly put AIDS, HIV, and Hepatitis in it.
They didn't just let it go out over a decade.
If you or I got caught giving a million people HIV or Hepatitis, we'd go to the electric chair or lethal injection.
When they do it, they get government contracts and are called our saviors.
Doctor, I want your comment on how they get away with this, and then I want General Stubblebine's breakdown on the overall master plan, what we're facing here.
The—my comment is that the way they do it is by the deepest, most extraordinarily level—enormous level of corruption.
We like to think of other countries around the world as corrupt.
We like to point our fingers at countries like Thailand and Indonesia and say—and African countries and say, look how corrupt they are, not realizing that the most profound corruption
Thank you.
The Natural Solutions Foundation Stop the Shock lawsuit will be heard in Washington, D.C.
We are suing the FDA to prevent them from releasing any more of their untested, unsafe, uninsurable, unnecessary H1N1 vaccine.
And what we have is a worldwide
From the people who are dropping dead, the people in Germany who are collapsing and dying from the Pandremix shots.
And Pandremix is one of the vaccines that the FDA has illegally approved.
I thought I would take a moment, Alex, to read you what GlaxoSmithKline admits to the side
I want to do that and I also want to point out
That the mainstream media in public schools and colleges and in government facilities is handing out a federally written fact sheet that says there is no mercury.
Paul Watts has written an article about this linking to it at PrisonPlanet.com.
There is no mercury.
It cannot cause neurological disorders.
It cannot cause Guillain-Barré.
It cannot cause
I don't know.
How do they just lie and say there's no mercury when it's on all the inserts?
I mean, it's like they're trying to discredit themselves.
Or do they have just complete disdain for the public?
I guess if they're going to try to ban people getting even medium levels of vitamin C and vitamin D, I guess, you know, they say vitamins are bad, but mercury is good.
I mean, it's like I've woken up in Alice in Wonderland.
Alex, there was a story in all the media a couple of days ago saying that women who got mercury in their vaccines while they were pregnant had healthier babies, had larger babies.
And I thought, my God, Alice in Wonderland has nothing on this.
This is callous
Thank you so much.
Doctor, they're now, I can go to Whole Foods or I can go to other vitamin shops in Austin and many of the products have mercury in them now.
I mean we're now entering a vortex of insanity.
I think that's a good way to put it.
Let me read to you what GlaxoSmithKline says on its package insert about the Arapanrix, which is the same as the Pandramix, which has now been banned in Switzerland, by the way, for children, pregnant women, and the chronically ill, the very same people that it is approved for without any testing, of course, in the United States.
Let me stop you again.
That is key.
They are targeting and pushing the vaccine on the very people that their own inserts admit shouldn't take it.
Now, I mean, that is crime.
Go ahead.
And understand that the high levels of squalene, even the vaccines that do not have squalene, will be administered, unless our suit succeeds tomorrow, will be administered with admixed
Wait a minute, wait a minute.
That's the bait and switch.
So you're saying they draw up the vaccine and then go to a bottle of squalene with it?
Yes, sir.
And by the way, that happens to violate the FDA's own good manufacturing practices.
That in itself, just that little trick that we're talking about right now, is illegal in the United States.
Okay, go over what their own insert says.
Their own inserts say that in one person in a thousand, you will have allergic reactions leading, I'm reading from their own insert, allergic reactions leading to a dangerous decrease of blood pressure, which if untreated may lead to shock.
That's one in a thousand.
Doctors are aware of this possibility and have emergency treatment available for use in such cases, except for the fact that the people who can now administer it under emergency regulations are pharmacists and cab drivers and just about anybody who don't have these things available.
They say that you can have convulsions, severe stabbing or throbbing pain along one or more nerves, low bloodlet platelet count, which can result in bleeding or bruising.
In a population of 300 million people, according to their own calculations—and we know, of course, that they're underestimating the dangers—we're talking about 30,000 people to whom this is likely to happen.
Now, very rare, they say, one in 10,000 cases.
But it's not rare.
We're learning about, in every case, the kids being forcibly inoculated because they're collapsing and having convulsions and having the blood pressure problem.
This is devastating.
There is, in epidemiology,
If something happens in 1 in 1,000 people, it's not called rare, it's called common.
It's called an epidemic.
They have changed the meaning of the word rare just as one of the casualties along the way.
Very rare, which they say is in 1 in 10,000 people, and again, that's not very rare in a large population.
Thank you so much!
Now this, they say, is in 1 in 10,000 people.
In fact, it will be much more common.
So we have nurses and EMTs and teachers pulling up
Well, I
That in the Army studies in the 90s and in 2002, they had to suspend the anthrax shots and others.
They proved that the squalene was causing the brain swelling, the heart attacks, the inflammation.
So they know that by illegally putting squalene into this, this is... Why shouldn't the nurses just inject the little kids with cyanide?
Well, they... Then it was called Gulf War Syndrome.
Now it should be called Tibelius Syndrome, but it's a little bit worse.
The dose, first of all, the injection of even one or two molecules of squalene can cause these problems.
So let's be very clear that there is no safe dose of injected squalene.
Now, the dose that they are putting in, and remember, the CDC purchased a half a billion dollars worth of injectable squalene.
And they've got uneducated people injecting people.
And it's illegal.
It's an illegal, unapproved drug.
But that's why Obama declared the emergency, so he could give the illegal drug.
Well, actually, when he declared the emergency, they already had the emergency use authorization to give the illegal drug that they've given themselves permission for.
The emergency is even worse than that.
The emergency hands
He handed control of, essentially, the country over to Kathleen Sebelius, who can then, at her discretion, declare martial law.
She can call a lockdown, and she doesn't need anybody else involved.
So he handed to a non-elected, appointed official—he handed the control of this country's future
With that devastatingly insane health emergency of October 23rd.
But back to the squalene, which they already have given themselves the right to inject under emergency use authorization.
And by the way, that's part of what we're suing to stop tomorrow.
If you care about this,
I would suggest strongly that you go to healthfreedomusa.org and make as big a donation as you can.
A recurring donation would be nice.
And let it end in the number 6.
So that we know that it's earmarked for the legal funds, because if we prevail, the FDA is going to appeal.
If we don't prevail, we're going to appeal.
And federal appeals are very expensive.
Now we've got a break, but I want to get General Stubblebine's response.
And I know you're going over the government's own paperwork that comes with the vaccine, what they're admitting it does to people.
But it looks to me like this program isn't going well for them.
And we know that it's clearly martial law that's been declared through the civil emergency.
The problem is, can they implement?
It's one thing to declare something.
It's another thing to implement it.
We'll get General Stubblebine's breakdown on that with Dr. Rima Labo as well.
I'm Alex Jones.
This is the GCN Radio Network.
We're also simulcasting the radio show in living color at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda...
That we're pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
I have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
For the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation.
The criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty and on its ashes constructing world government.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
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Or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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According to Dr. Sherry Tenpenny, Dr. Blaylock, and countless other medical doctors,
We've had on, and the medical research, the army knows, the government knows, that more dangerous than the mercury, which acts as an adjuvant, is squalane.
It is the worst.
And it killed a lot of US troops, it maimed hundreds of thousands, and this has now even come out in Congress.
So when the CDC and the World Health Organization is in control of this, orders
That the European vaccines have high levels of squalene, and that squalene be mixed here.
Because they couldn't legally have it put in here, so they add it later.
Because they know they're dealing with a stupid, not stupid, but uninformed nurse or doctor.
This is so diabolical.
I want to go back to General Stubblebine and then back to Dr. Labo.
There's so much I want to cover here today.
General, bottom line.
We talk about eugenics.
We talk about population reduction.
We have the UN documents.
We have their own statements.
Is there any doubt in your mind that this is part of a depopulation program?
That they're just setting the precedent now for forced inoculation?
How serious the soft kill weapons they put in the vaccines food and water can be and putting binary weapons into us as some documents show so later they can introduce a new pathogen and wipe control groups out because everything we see the architecture being built is a kill system and then of course six months ago we received a key piece of the puzzle
Just think about it for a few minutes.
I keep going back to the principles of war because it lays it all out very simply.
One of the principles is called surprise.
Another one is called simplicity.
So think about this.
I announced that there's going to be swine flu.
So I surprise everybody with the fact that they've got swine flu coming.
So everybody, very simply, walks in and says, vaccinate me now because I don't want swine flu.
So now what do they put into the swine flu vaccine?
Stuff that will make you very, very infertile, if not dead.
Now, think about this.
Who are they giving it to?
Children, pregnant women, and the chronically ill.
What happens to a child if he's now infertile?
He never has a family.
What happens to a pregnant woman now?
She doesn't have any more children.
So where do you go?
Suddenly, the population stops.
And what have you got?
You have got genocide.
I want to go back to the squalene.
A few molecules of squalene will make you very, very sick.
The amount of squalene that they're putting into
Human beings and two of the vaccines that the United States has illegally approved and that we hope to stop tomorrow in our law.
In our hearing in Washington, two of those vaccines are already squalene-adjuvanted, one by Novartis and one by GlaxoSmithKline, but then they will add the squalene at the 90,000 injection locations for the rest of the vaccines, and it's at the level one million times more than that which was put into the vaccine A.
Thank you.
Oh my god.
Oh my god.
I want the magnitude of this to sink in because on the inserts it admits these vaccines are associated with infertility and sterility and as you said they're aiming them right at the children and women.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda, we're pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
I have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us
Tim Geithner?
They're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
We're going to talk about a host of issues in this final hour with Major General Albert Stubblebine and his wife, Medical Doctor Prima Labo.
Your phone calls are coming up at the 20 after, so go ahead and line up.
I'm going to clear the call board.
Calls only for General Stubblebine and Dr. Labo.
But it's a wide area to discuss, but we're going to spend our time, the valuable time we have with them, on this subject.
We're going to talk about solutions in the next segment.
We're going to talk about COINTELPRO attacking myself, Dr. Labo, General Stubblebine, and anybody else that's affected.
So we're going to discuss that.
That's the badge of honor.
When you're over the target, you're getting the flak.
And the establishment admits the people are hurting them.
I think they've overreached with this operation, but...
Dr. Labo and General Stubblebine, they are aiming these at women and children and people that are fertile.
Just as the UN, as you know, you can give people the name of the hormone, we're caught adding a synthetic hormone to tetanus shots to sterilize women.
And that's a stated UN goal.
I mean, they admit they're doing it to us in their own government policy books.
We better listen to them.
So speak to that and the numbers on cancer, the numbers on diabetes, the numbers on autism.
I mean, they are killing us and they're incrementally turning up the ambient background on the soft kill and then institutionalizing all of our deaths and disease.
And just standardizing it, where everybody gets cancer every year.
Everybody has diabetes.
Everybody's infertile.
You know, 87% men's sperm count down.
Infertility in women skyrocketing.
Real fast, buzz through the numbers for folks.
Dr. Lebo.
The World Health Organization says in their public writings that they want to reduce the population by 99.0%.
And they have been using
Infertility vaccines since 1974.
In 1985, they said in a public document that they were using these infertility vaccines disguised as smallpox vaccines.
And by the way, the hormone is not a synthetic hormone.
It's a natural hormone called human chorionic gonadotrophin, HCG, which they introduced into the vaccine.
Okay, Doctor, my point was in the medical articles I read, and you can correct me, this was years ago, they pointed out that it had to be done by design because it had been simulated a natural hormone.
I understand it's a natural hormone, but is that incorrect?
That they artificially made it?
Well, they artificially introduced it.
At the time that they began this, they didn't have the technology to clone it.
Maybe they do now.
But the point is that it's molecularly identical to the natural hormone, and then women make antibodies to it, so their body attacks their own pregnancies forever.
That's one way of creating an immune system.
Thank you!
Thank you.
We're good to go.
9-0-0-1-0-9-6-2 for Genetically Engineered Twine Flu Influenza Virus and Uses Thereof.
Robert Webster and Richard Webby are employed by the World Health Organization at their influenza laboratory.
Now, if that doesn't say the whole thing, then I don't know what does.
So we have squalene for infertility, we have squalene for profound autoimmune disorders, we have the swine flu that will kill large numbers of people through the vaccination, and we have the pandemic international health regulations which allow the
All right, stay there.
We've got to come back.
We'll continue along that line with our guest.
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We don't know.
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I'm Alex Jones.
I think.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Major General Stubblebine and Dr. Rima Labo are our guests.
Your call's coming up at 1-800-259-9231.
Doctor, I want you to be able to finish what you were just getting into with the squalene alone.
And of course, a lot of other top scientists are saying this virus was clearly manufactured.
But, addressing General Stubblebine for a moment.
Sir, obviously it takes high moral character and strength
To be able to read these government documents where they admit they're putting poison in our water and the vaccines, when they admit they've designed GMO foods to hurt fertility or sterilize us, to admit that we have this group of eugenicists running things, then a lot of foolish yuppies and people who think they're members of the establishment will say, so what?
There are too many people.
Not realizing it's aimed at them as well.
I would like you
To speak to the nature of the type of mindset that we're facing with our enemy, the character of our enemy.
And I'd like you to speak to our military and police, who are really starting to wake up right now, about their duty and if you'd like to challenge them to look at the evidence, to do the research.
Because I understand this is hard to admit to, even when you have the documents.
It's hard to come to grips.
I mean, imagine being General Stubblebine or Dr. Labo or myself.
I mean, we're in the spotlight against these people.
We get attacked by them.
I mean, I've been attacked at major symposiums by the government.
They're writing hit pieces on me every day.
They have COINTELPRO posing as patriots attacking us at every level.
But we're doing this because we have to.
But sir, can you speak to the nature of the mindset of who we're facing, and then speak to people that are serving the system, doctors, nurses, the police, the military, and challenge them to make a decision which side they're on?
Because you can't be on the fence on this, can you?
No way.
Absolutely cannot be on the fence.
First of all, what are the kind of people that would do something like this?
The people who are involved in spreading all of this?
Well, first of all, they've got to be psychopaths.
I mean, nobody who has any principles at all
We're good to go.
No one else matters.
They appear to look like connected people, but they are in fact totally devoid of any human sensibility.
In my view, they have given up their humanity and their psychopathic... And doctor, I've interviewed other experts on psychopaths.
They also say that they not only don't care, you have a sadistic psychopath that enjoys hurting particularly innocents, women and children.
They enjoy torturing.
And who are they attacking first?
Pregnant women?
And children?
The most vulnerable, the most valuable are being attacked first.
Not in Switzerland, where this same vaccine is being forbidden to pregnant women and children and the chronically ill because it's too dangerous.
But in the United States, the home of the formerly free and the psychopathic leaders, yes.
And in Germany, by the way, in Germany, the
And by the way, Doctor, I remember seeing you over a month ago and others in releases saying
That the elites all over the world were getting a clean vaccine without squalene, enderleukins, mercury, aluminum.
And then now it's even in Time Magazine that that's the truth.
So I want to just confirm that you were right there.
But going back to General Stubblebine to finish my question.
So we know who we're dealing with.
These are control freaks who enjoy torturing innocents.
They hate innocents.
They hate goodness.
They revel in death and destruction.
But then speaking to people on the fence who've been mentally weak and have not looked at the research and the facts, what do you say to people who aren't evil but are following orders, General?
Well, first of all, there are a lot of people who absolutely don't know
I don't think so.
And so, now, how do you begin to get this set out of the grip of the psychopaths and get them working for you?
Well, one of the ways we do this is to make sure that they're getting the truth.
We're doing that by getting the message out.
And we're getting voices going that are saying, stop, don't do this anymore.
And I believe that a good part of the break that's been put on a lot of the genocide right at the moment has been a direct result of the voices of the people saying, no, no, no, no.
Who are these people?
They're people who we have finally begun to wake up.
As you well know, Alex, these folks operate in secrecy.
They're like poison mushrooms.
They grow in the dank, dark shade.
And when you shine the light of both information
That's right, that's right.
They are bold and run their soft kill operations on us.
We have to be bold and have courage and stand up to them.
And I want to get into solutions and then phone calls and some other key areas we haven't gotten into yet.
But I wanted to go back to General Stubblebine and Dr. Labo and make this point.
Can I make one more point that I need to make?
And that is, again, back to the principles of war.
One of the most important ones is mass.
That means the more voices that you've got, the better your chances are that you're going to turn this thing around.
That means everybody, everybody needs to go to the website and take the actions that are stated there.
That's got to be heard.
I want to talk, and the website is healthfreedomusa.org.
I want to talk about the Health Keepers' Oath.
Many people know about the Oath Keepers, the military and the police and peacekeepers who are, whether retired or active duty, saying, I will not accept an illegal order.
Well, as of October 23rd, when the health emergency was declared, the second stage health emergency by Obama,
We're good to go.
And I am asking you, if you are a health keeper, to go to healthfreedomusa.org and take the health keeper's oath.
And then share it with your colleagues.
If you're not a health keeper, you know health keepers.
You know doctors and nurses and administrators and janitors and clerks and nurses' aides.
That's right.
We're having major victories right now.
The CFR and others have put out press releases admitting that they're losing their fight to set up a medical dictatorship and they're very, very angry about it and they've been caught talking about, oh, let's say there's a shortage, they said this a month ago, of the flu shot to create a panic to get it because nobody wants it.
They laugh and giggle, they enjoy their psychopathic evil.
But before we go to break and come back and take calls and get into more solutions, I wanted to bring this up.
And I need to do a whole show on this, and present evidence of it, and then educate the public.
But just take the comments on Infowars.com, and take the comments on YouTube, and take the other sites.
The establishment knows they can't attack us from an establishment position, because the establishment's discredited.
So what they do is they try to get the alternative media to infight with each other by having operatives in there to then stir up other weak-minded people.
But what we found is we have people lurking on InfoWars that the minute
A story goes live and stories are going live every 20-30 minutes.
They want to comment first to get the whole comment changing saying I'm a Fed, this person's a Fed, anybody who's good they say this about.
They'll tell lies that aren't backed up and then they will, because we can see their IP addresses,
They will act like they're the other people agreeing with them to create a fake consensus and then they will say this site doesn't call for violence.
This site is bad and wants you to just waste your time.
Nobody's winning.
Nobody has any power.
We've lost.
We're going to lose.
And we can then track the IP address and it's being blocked and it goes to government servers.
The point, and the government admits they're doing this, the point is they're like Tokyo Rose telling us, you've lost.
You have no power.
You can't win.
Speaking up does nothing.
You need to go out and shoot people.
And then they flip and the same IP address says we're calling for violence.
So the point is we're not calling for violence.
We're actually having victories and building the history that we have power, showing the people they have power.
So I wanted to bring this up to General Stubblebine as we go to break.
What is that tactic of black ops and propaganda where they keep telling us we're going to lose?
They keep telling us we have no hope.
They keep trying to get us to end fight.
I mean, they're clearly doing this.
Absolutely they're doing it.
And it's exactly what you call it.
Black ops.
Black operations.
And they're doing it so that we begin to turn on each other and get at each other's throats.
You know, the health freedom movement is
Stay there.
Stay there.
Gotta break.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda...
They'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
For the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation, the criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty and on its ashes constructing world government.
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You know, I tend to ignore it when I get death threats.
I tend to ignore it when national media attacks me and admits I'm on the White House enemies list number 24.
But we need to address that and point out, in this supposed free country, we're under attack for reading the vaccine drug inserts on air.
We're under attack pointing out local news where the Marine Corps and Army are running checkpoints, tasering citizens.
That's in the news today.
And then, when you actually see it's the same IP addresses, trying to get people to be violent, or then saying there's no point, none of us can win, we have no power, trying to sap our will, when we're having victories, over 70% of the public's refusing it.
Most of the doctors in England won't take it or give it.
Most of the doctors in Germany won't take it.
Major publications are admitting it has cancer viruses and RNA in it.
And I almost think these are death throes.
I mean, the establishment has the money, has the power.
They may win, but they're certainly not...
Dominating, and we're seeing them, by attrition, lose power.
We're seeing them stall out.
We're seeing them grind in the mud.
And we're having victories, but meanwhile, you see the government admitting they've got tens of thousands of paid bloggers and operatives out there putting out disinfo.
Going back to General Stubblebine, are you seeing the same thing?
That we're making major inroads, and they're really screaming bloody murder, and freaking out right now?
First of all, we are attacked all of the time, just like you.
We're attacked by crazies.
And what we have done so far is absolutely ignore them.
We don't spend the time giving them any traction whatsoever.
They talk, they fuss, they— One of my favorite crazies.
Thank you.
Well, when Bird brings me a cup of coffee in the morning, I acquire a mind with the caffeine in the coffee.
But that's how crazy it gets.
And yet people believe in this stuff.
It's like going to a bullfight.
People don't go to see the matador's costume.
They go for the blood.
And so playing to the lowest, basest instincts, the crazies who are stimulated by and the
The government employees who are directed by the forces that don't want our pushback attack you, they attack us, they attack other people.
But that's what I'm saying.
I mean, I never address this, but I think I am going to do some programs where I actually show the proof and then show the government documents because that shows we're the good guys that
That this is happening, that they're coming after us, and that we are effective, and just illustrating that they do wait on the articles to get everyone not discussing protesting or suing like the New York nurses did to stop forced inoculation there.
I notice anything effective that will stop them, they're there on the comments to try to turn everything around where the debate isn't about that, and then we check their IPs and they're the government.
I mean, that is pure evil.
I can't imagine being in those governments.
That's exactly what Black Ops is about.
That's exactly what it is.
You know what we did on our blog, Sally?
We simply clicked the button that said no comments because we don't have time to deal with this nonsense.
There's plenty of opportunity for people to read the negative stuff.
We put out the real stuff.
We put out the pushback that works and those people... No, I know, but I mean I allow the free-for-all because I think it's teaching people and folks are actually learning.
And I think it's great, but we have
We don't have time to deal with it and it has to be dealt with and we don't have the manpower to deal with it.
No, no, no.
I mean, listen, the only reason I brought it up is the government is out there doing this.
It's real.
Who's behind all of the genocide anyway?
You know, it's not your friends.
So yes, I agree with you.
Of course the government is out there doing it.
And we've been viciously attacked just as you have.
And some people wander off, but they come back because eventually truth does ring like a bell.
But that's what I was going to say.
I mean, the reason I brought this up with you...
is that people should have common sense.
Anybody that says we don't have any hope, anybody that says we don't have power, anybody that says there's no point in talking and warning people, they just want to divert you off into arguing with them instead of going and warning people that want to be awakened.
And so I tell people, don't defend me, don't answer the distractions, go out and warn young girls that are being sterilized by the Gardasil, that are being sterilized by the vaccines, go out and give people the vaccine inserts, warn people, don't get caught up in the infighting, know what it is, and just do the good work of warning people.
Let's come back and take phone calls, get more into the vaccines and solutions.
Stay with us.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
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I wish your butt was still silver
Well, we have Major General Albert Stubblebine on with us and Dr. Remo Labo joining us from Germany where they're fighting the internationalists taking over vitamins and nutrients.
They say you can't have that vitamin D, but you can have fluoride.
That's good for you.
And we're going to go to Tiffany, Todd, Kathy, Ann and Paul and others here in just a moment.
And I want to have Dr. Labo and General Stubbleby back up next week or the week after because so much is happening right now.
And I want to have them up every few weeks just so we can open phones up and take your calls.
I don't want to hog all their time just for myself, but obviously we've covered quite a bit already.
We're going back to them here in just a moment.
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And I did want to just plug that the biggest fight we have right now is the global banking system taking over, the global carbon tax takeover, the fake environmental movement that has nothing to do with the environment.
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Now I'm really bad about not going to calls and I want to hear the questions
For General Stubblevine and Dr. Labo.
But so much is happening.
Where are you guys next week?
We should go ahead and set you guys up to come back on for an hour, hour and a half next week.
Because so much is moving and two hours isn't going to be enough today.
Is next week good or is the week after better?
Next week is fine.
We'll be back in Panama.
We're in Germany now at the Codex meeting.
We'll be back in Panama at the Valley of the Moon eco-demonstration project, which, by the way, is making huge inroads.
That's part of the solution to reclaim the production of food for farmers and non-farmers alike.
So, we'll be there and we would love to talk to you, Alex.
All right.
In closing on the COINTELPRO, then we're going to calls.
To simplify it, we have the Army Field Manual, declassified in 2004, written for Latin America, where they say, go out and say the local leaders who are good are really feds.
Where they teach the Army, in black ops, how to get everybody fighting with each other.
And General Stubblebine can certainly expose that.
We see that anybody who's saying, we can stand together, we can lead, we can fight the globalists, is demonized, because the system knows they're
Discredited, they have to pose as patriots to then infight.
Infighting is the sign of being an operative or one of their mentally ill stooges.
And in closing, I'll say this.
It isn't Ron Paul that's trying to pass the Private Federal Reserve World Government Takeover.
It isn't Alex Jones that's trying to make you take forced inoculations.
It isn't General Stubblebine that's trying to put sodium fluoride in your water.
It isn't Dr. Reema Labo that is federalizing your local police.
It's the big corrupt offshore banks.
And so, why do all these supposed patriot groups and sites spend all their time attacking whoever is effective?
They do that so you'll get sucked off into these end fights and never become the leaders you were meant to be.
So I'll say this today.
Let's just say Alex Jones is bad.
I'm pure evil.
I'm not.
My fruits are excellent.
I'm pure of heart.
Anyone with discernment knows that.
14 years of fighting, 15, 16, 17 hours a day.
But let's just say I'm evil.
Let's just say General Stubblebine's bad and he's not a great patriot who's come over to our side and he was always on our side but woke up and fully went against the evil.
Let's just say he's bad.
Let's just say Ron Paul's bad.
Okay, let's get past that excuse.
Now, you go fight the New World Order.
You know it's coming down on you.
You know this is real.
You know you're good.
And so you go out and be a leader.
And when you get attacked, then you'll understand.
We need to reach everybody now.
We need to reach out now.
We need to understand that whoever's being attacked is who is effective and who is good.
Now, I'm done talking about that, but I just have seen particular attacks on our two guests, and I know their work's good.
I've been watching them for years, researching them for years.
Everything they do is good.
The fruits are good.
That's how you judge a tree.
But there's these horrible sick trees with poison on them that always flap their branches and attack anybody who's good.
It's time to see through the mind control.
Let's go to Tiffany in Connecticut.
You're on the air with our guest.
Go ahead.
I'm actually a nurse and I just wanted to say that I just can't even imagine how many flu shots that I've given
It makes me stressed out when I'm listening to this to think about how many people, because even in nursing school, we were required to go out to grocery stores, to nursing homes, to places like that, and just give flu shot after flu shot after flu shot after flu shot under the guise of, you know, practicing to give IM shots.
And then once I got a job out of school, the hospitals got huge, huge fines for every patient that left the hospital without a flu shot.
So every single person we were required to ask, and if they said they hadn't had the flu shot, we were required to give it to them.
Let me stop you, that's the key.
It's admitted that schools get bonus money if they forcibly inoculate, they get fined if they don't.
Same thing with hospitals, but the general public doesn't know this, so now they're forcibly, I mean it's now happened, they are now forcibly injecting kids nationwide, and it's a non-issue, except when they collapse and go to the hospital.
Go ahead, then I want to get Dr. Labo to comment on this.
Okay, but I was talking to my friend last night.
I was telling him about everything.
He had no idea about anything that you've ever said, anything that you've ever done.
So I'm talking to him about everything, and come to find out he has a nine-month-old daughter.
And then I just kind of randomly spill over and start talking about the flu shot and all of the negatives about it.
And he says, oh my God, I just got my daughter the flu shot.
She's nine months old.
And I'm like, oops.
I don't think so.
About the, like, forced malnourishment.
You know, what can we do?
Like, what do I tell him to do?
And what should I do when it comes to our safety?
Not just politically.
If somebody's had the squalene shots or the mercury-filled shots, what can they do to detoxify Dr. Labo, General Stubblebine?
Well, unfortunately, the shots are very complicated.
And if they've had the squalene-filled shots, they
Yes, detoxifying is very difficult.
However, the immune system is weakened by these shots, all of them, with or without squalene.
And so, what you need to do is get yourself some nano silver, not colloidal silver, nano silver, and start taking it on a regular basis.
For a baby, half a teaspoon once a day.
For a toddler or a grown-up,
A teaspoon once or twice a day and start rebuilding your immune system.
It does not kill the beneficial bacteria that are part of your immune system.
The second, and by the way, there's a hearing going on that the EPA is holding this week, a three-day hearing to take silver off the market.
One of the things that we're asking people to do is to take action items on our website, healthfreedomusa.org.
Well, it's the repeated injury too, isn't it?
Thank you for the call, ma'am.
Any comments to Tiffany General Stubblebine?
The other thing is that you must then never again take any more vaccines.
Or give them.
We're going to take a few more calls.
I forgot one other side issue I wanted to bring up before we take a few final calls with General Stubblebine and of course Dr. Lebo.
And that is
I meant to ask you about this during a break, but I'll just ask you here live on air, General, and if you don't want to get into it, that's fine, but I'm interested.
Two years ago on air, I told you that John Ronson's Men Who Stare at Goats was being made into a movie.
You knew about it and said that the book was absolute baloney.
Now I've seen the trailer for it.
It's a big movie with George Clooney and everybody else in it.
Who's the guy that plays Obi-Wan Kenobi in the new Star Wars?
I mean, the point is it's got star-studded cast in it, and it just makes a big joke out of some of the stuff that was being done at the Pentagon, and it didn't resemble in any way the trailers I've seen, what you said actually went on.
Any comments on that, General Stubblebine?
Why would they tell the truth?
You know, the only thing that's going to sell is something that people can sort of affiliate with and find that it gets in their psychopathic belly.
It's the blood and the bullfight.
You got that right.
So, as a matter of fact, we have not even seen the movie.
We have no desire to.
I haven't read the book because I have no desire to read it.
You know, Doc, you're a major, they have a major character based on you.
I know.
I mean, it's a big movie.
Secondarily, Jesse Ventura, he's told me he thinks this is more than fair.
He thinks his new TV show leans towards our view.
I just can't see how Time Warner is going to let it on air, but they're promoting it.
It's coming out in December.
You guys flew to the U.S.
to be interviewed.
I recommended you be interviewed for the show.
And, you know, I trust Jesse, but, boy, I tell you, it's going to be interesting to see what's in this TV show.
You know, we wouldn't go back to the United States to be interviewed by him until we had spoken to him personally.
And I was convinced that he was a decent man and was not going to do a hatchet job.
We flew back to the United States.
We had an extremely pleasant day with him.
Truly good person.
By the way, he's quite open about the fact that he has a vaccine-injured child, so he understands about vaccines.
And he promised he would not do a hatchet job.
Now, the question is, what happens on the cutting room floor beyond his control?
And we'll see.
If a hatchet job does take place, we'll know that Time Warner basically used him in a setup.
We'll see.
Absolutely, and I know a lot of the inside baseball, so I'll be here to testify to whatever goes on.
But I think the establishment now, though, is just admitting so much, it's almost like they're throwing it in our face.
So, who knows?
But it's called conspiracy theory, and it is coming out December 2nd.
I was very impressed by Jesse.
Yeah, no, I mean, I've never talked about that on air, but I do know that he has a vaccine-damaged child, and that's the wake-up call for people, that this stuff's real, and people better get up off their butts and do the research.
Let's talk to Todd in Georgia.
Todd, you're on the air.
Hey, what's up, Alex?
I feel like I'm the only person that's not under this mass hypnosis, this incredibly strong spell that
All the people in my class are in, I'm in school and I'm forced to take American government and I'm sitting there like, wow, this is all BS.
But I'm trying to get everybody, I'm a pissed off and determined warrior.
And I just wanted to know if they're going to do something that's, I guess, reminiscent of Adolf Hitler times and all that, which I totally believe.
Yeah, but this is more of a scientific dictatorship.
General Stubblebine, briefly, sum up the type of scientific tyranny that we see unfolding.
I mean, if you had to, in front of a group of generals that you were addressing, describe the type of enemy we're facing in two minutes, who are they?
Well, first of all, they're obviously the globalists.
They're people who believe in genocide, that do not want 90% of the population living,
They want to control all of the resources in the world, and they are bound and determined to use multiple systems to eliminate all of the useless eaters, which is what they call us.
I don't know, Todd, whether you think you're a useless eater, but I know damn well I'm not, and neither is Dr. Labo.
But they would like all of the useless eaters to just kind of disappear from the world.
And if you think that this is not planned, if you think that this is not very well thought
And if you think they don't have the resources to do it, you're dreaming.
Absolutely, and I've studied their systems of incrementally beta testing things.
It's clear that the beta testing is over, and all the horrors before were just beta tests, that the $200 million killed by governments funded by this banking syndicate last century was only a test.
We are now seeing the launch of their real operation.
Do you agree with that, Dr. Leibo and General Stubble?
I don't believe that either the SARS
I think the incident or the avian flu reengineered and weaponized, or the swine flu bioengineered, or the Ukrainian pneumonic plague episode are—were intended to not kill large numbers of people.
I think they misfired.
And these people have had to backfill and correct.
And now I think they're getting better and better at what they're doing, and in the
I think so.
All right, stay there.
Final segment.
More calls straight ahead.
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Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
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We're good to go.
Next week, they're going to be back with us for a full hour and a half to give us updates on their lawsuit, Codex Alimentarius, and your phone calls.
Kathy in New Orleans, you're on the air with General Stubblebine and Dr. Labo.
Go ahead.
Hi, Dr. Rima.
This is Kathy from New Orleans.
I speak to you often.
We were wondering why we couldn't get in touch with you.
We didn't know you were in Germany.
I'm with Gary King of Patriot Radio New Orleans, and Dr. Rima talks to us weekly.
Well, that's fantastic.
Do you have a question or comment for her?
We're almost out of time.
Well, I wanted to know, a couple of weeks ago, you had said that something about Kathleen Sebelius was going to call off the pandemic.
What happened?
I'm sorry, I couldn't hear what your question was.
She said Kathleen Sebelius was going to do something with the pandemic.
Oh, she did, as a matter of fact.
Kathleen Sebelius has been approving vaccines that are illegal.
That's why we're suing her tomorrow for her first hearing.
And she's also been releasing squalene under an emergency authorization use.
Which, I'm sorry, an emergency use authorization.
Totally illegal.
And she has been given control of the country, essentially, by Obama's National Health Emergency.
Which again is a drill to train us in the future to go under the control.
We'll talk more about that next week.
Thank you, Kathy.
Thank you so much.
Anne in Iowa, you're on the air.
Moving quick to get these final callers in.
Go ahead.
Yeah, hey, hi, thanks for taking my call.
I'd like to express extreme gratitude to you all for the hard work you do.
I know we're talking about all these problems and it's pure evil.
It makes me shake sometimes, but there seems to be a solution to all the things we're talking about, and it's in plain sight, and it's funny that... Exactly, but at least you can recognize evil.
What's wrong is people that aren't upset by it.
It's the same thing that Pope Innocent VIII
outlawed when he did his so-called health care reform too, and it's cannabis.
It seems that the cannabinoids, the endocannabinoids, is nature's way of controlling the inflammation from the fluids.
Well, let me jump fast then, Ann, because I want to go to Paul in closing and say about a General Stubblebine and Dr. Labo, but cannabis, does it have a lot of good medical attributes?
It does.
It also has some neurological problems associated with it when it smokes.
Now, one of the reasons it's being so viciously attacked is that the pharmaceutical industry is in the process of synthesizing and patenting it.
So it's bad when people access it on their own, even if it's licensed, but it's good when they can sell it to you.
All right.
Let's talk to Paul in Oregon.
Quickly, Paul, we're almost out of time.
Thanks for having me.
I just want to make a couple quick comments.
My grandfather just took the swine flu shot.
He told me he was forced to take it.
He goes to the VA hospital.
He's a veteran.
He was basically scared into taking it by everyone from the receptionist to the nurse and to the doctor who was seeing him.
He had leg tremors for a week and a half afterwards.
Could not walk, could not get out of bed.
He is finally semi back to normal.
He's in his 80s, and I think this is probably going to be the beginning of a very bad last couple of years.
Hey, listen, local talk show host, Dale Dudley got paralyzed from a flu shot.
I mean, I know people, and thank God it came back.
They said it was Guillain-Barré, or Gillian-Barré in English.
Final comments from our guest on that.
I mean, this is a vaccine cult.
These people are vicious, General, the way they push it on us.
They're the cultists.
Absolutely, and I really feel sorry for you, for your grandfather that got scared into that.
It would have been very, very nice if he just told them to go to hell and walked out or driven out or whatever.
But I guess it's too late now.
He's got to take silver, nano silver.
Say no, say no, say no, say no.
My God, I know people all over the place.
I mean, it's just hurting everybody.
And these murderers are running around with their cult members with their injectors like body snatchers saying you must take it.
Retransmission starts now.
Great job, crew.
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