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Name: 20091103_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Nov. 3, 2009
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
The fall of our precious republic is happening right now.
The so-called bank re-regulation legislation openly gives unlimited power to less than four private banks and brokerage firms to regulate all financial activities in the United States.
Simultaneously, the other 19 members of the G20 are passing identical or close to identical legislation to tie in to this new private bank of the world.
Part of the taxing mechanism
Is to be the framework convention on climate change.
The House has passed the accompanying legislation, admittedly to go under UN control.
It states, this is for global governance, the U.S.
will not be allowed out of this, it will more than double, in their own words, U.S.
energy prices, it will micromanage every facet of your life, taxes on anything that produces carbon, your dog, owning a dog as it eats meat, beef will cost more money, total control over thousands of facets of your lives, this is hell on earth, and is unelected and unaccountable.
The next 30 minutes or so, we're joined by Mike Rivero of WhatReallyHappened.com, fellow GCN radio host, and he joins us now from Hawaii via video cam for PrisonPlanet.tv viewers.
Mike, I want to get into climate bill going out of the committee in the Senate today, right as Merkel gave her speech to the House calling for the passage of the treaty next month.
We're now 34 days out and counting.
I want to then get into the open admissions that the CIA is controlling the opium out of Afghanistan at record levels.
The open announcement they're killing the dollar.
My God, this is really happening.
Mike Rivero, good to have you with us.
Aloha, thank you for having me on the show again today.
And you're absolutely right, this whole push for globalism, it should be scaring everybody.
I mean, you look at the news and it's just nothing but total fear-mongering.
And I've been saying on my own show that obviously this push for globalism rests on three foundations.
The first was human-caused global warming.
Even Al Gore is backing off from that, and he's just calling it climate change now.
And I don't know if you've heard about his new sequel to Inconvenient Truth.
He's not trying to push it on a scientific basis.
He's now promoting the fight against global change as a spiritual quest.
In other words, he couldn't sell it as science, so he's repackaging it as a religion that worships the Earth, and the way you worship the Earth is you throw your carbon taxes into the little wood plate as it gets passed.
Well, that's phase two.
You buy your carbon indulgences, like people would buy indulgences from the Catholic Church 500 years ago, and that's in the UN Biological Diversity Assessment 96.
They say they're going to make it a global religion.
Yeah, they're really trying to do it, and they're trying to push the religion angle because they realize the science is falling apart on them.
The second foundation, as you pointed out, they're trying to create a global federal authority to deal with this manufactured global financial crisis.
But here's the problem.
What they want to put in place is just a larger version of the Federal Reserve.
And we already know the failing of the Federal Reserve is the instant that first borrowed manufactured piece of money goes into circulation, more money is owed to the bank than is actually in existence.
If you're on a planet
An entire planet that immediately means the bankers are owed more money than actually exists.
Inevitably, there'll be crash after crash after crash after crash.
This global financial system condemns humanity to ongoing perpetual poverty for the masses and incredible wealth for the elect.
I mean, look at the United States.
We now have the greatest disparity between rich and poor of any nation on Earth here in the US.
We are the greatest debtor nation in history, statistically worse than even the Great Depression for two years.
We passed that benchmark two years ago, and you're absolutely right.
The banks, though, they say they failed.
They really succeeded in vertical integration.
That's why McClatchy newspapers have done this big detailed report by Greg Gordon, how Goldman secretly bet on the U.S.
housing crash to bring down their competition.
Yeah, they did that.
They also, I mean, Dave Goldman Sachs is playing all these little dirty tricks.
They dumped all the subprimes on foreign bankers.
They made money off the California bonds, selling them, then turned around and told their own clients, bet against them, and they made more money on the credit default swaps on those same bonds.
Stay there.
I want to talk more about whether you think they're going to be able to pass this treaty in the Senate.
It looks like they are.
How we fight that once they pass it.
The government drug dealing.
All of it with Mike Rivero.
I'm Alex Jones.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda, we're pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us
Tim Geithner?
They're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care and right now in Washington DC we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We're eight minutes into hour number two, this third day of November.
It's Tuesday edition, 2009.
Mike Rivero is our guest for stations that just joined us.
The Climate Treaty has accompanying legislation in every nation of the planet that's signing on to it.
And the House and Senate versions openly give 35 federal agencies complete control, dictatorial power, extra judicial outside the courts to take over all facets of society, including attacks on all children.
California is on the verge of passing legislation, last time I saw it a month ago it may have passed, to take away the tax credit on children and then to begin taxing having more than one child.
Australia, England, Canada, all the globalist nations are going along with this.
Europe's going along with it.
And now Merkel, the German Chancellor, just completed an hour ago a speech before the House calling for the passage.
The Senate has marked it up to go to the full Senate.
Debate has now begun on this.
Mike Rivero breaking this down.
From your research, what's in the bill, what it does, the New York Times is admitting what we talked about years ago, that Gore is making billions of dollars off of this, that the U.N.
and others are only going to give the carbon contracts to him and his company, Blood and Gore, literally the partners name Blood in England, no joke there.
It's admitted that Obama owns part of the mercantile that's going to be trading this in Chicago.
This is where the bankers who've been waging war against the real economy, criminally consolidating it, now will have government power to shut down all their competition.
I mean, this is the worst possible nightmare.
Yeah, we've been seeing it for a long time where the Federal Reserve and its affiliated banks use the courts and use the government to go after any possible competing banking systems.
We saw what happened to Abraham Lincoln and his Greenbacks.
We saw what happened to JFK and his Executive Order 11110.
This is absolutely the financial enslavement of the human race if we continue to believe in their system of money.
One of the things that really alarms me greatly about this global empire, it's got to have a single
I think so.
There's going to be war between the Western-style compound interest banking and the Islamic system of banking.
And this is what they really mean when they talk about a clash of civilizations.
Somewhere between now and the success of a global government is a war between Christians and Muslims that they've been trying to generate now for years.
Ooh, bad Islam, bad Muslims.
We've got to go kill them.
You keep hearing that phrase, clash of civilizations.
It's a clash of banking systems is what this is all about.
Mike, looking at this, they're now saying, and Feinstein and Boxer that are honchoing this in the Senate to pass the House, they don't normally say something's going to pass unless it is.
They say health care is going to pass.
They say the carbon tax is going to pass.
All of these are taxes to the banks.
Looks like we can try to call Congress, get the buzz going, warn people.
A. Do you think it's going to pass?
And B. As they incrementally try to enforce it, what should our resistance to this be?
State sovereignty?
States saying they're not going along with it?
What should we do?
Well, definitely we have to resist it by any means possible.
I mean, going back for an entire year, we've seen that Congress absolutely is not concerned with the will of the people.
They passed the TARP and the bailout despite 90% phone calls to the Congress saying, no, do not give our money to Congress.
Now Obama's talking about a second stimulus, even as the first one fails to accomplish anything.
It is very clearly, the government has been co-opted.
The government of the United States has co-opted into this globalist agenda.
They're taking all the wealth away from the common people to concentrate it at the top, from which they will use it to dictate how the world is going to run.
Now, we already know the world is overpopulated.
So if we get a global government with a Hitler-type mentality at the top,
Well let me expand on that.
Yesterday I showed the headlines in Canada,
Australia and England with their environment ministers on the same day, three months ago, saying we must cut our population by half, we must raise taxes on people that have children.
That is in the Copenhagen Treaty to make them not have children.
That's how it began in 75 in China, then in 81 it became law, and the headline was in the London Guardian,
England must cut population to 30 million.
That's by half.
They're 60 million.
The diabolicalness of this, the diabolical nature, is what I think a lot of people have trouble coming to grips with.
And a lot of yuppies think, well good, get rid of those third world people.
They don't understand that the globalist number one group they're targeting is actually Westerners, regardless of color.
And we've gotten the internal audio tapes of Planned Parenthood, where they're talking about their mission being getting rid of the black people.
And we have the
Documents that came out with Margaret Sanger calling black subhuman that had to be killed.
But these are modern audio tapes that were all over the news this year and last year.
So the issue is they're going after everybody and they're telling the third world the cap and trade will hurt the greedy Americans and British and Germans and French.
Selling it to them as a divide-and-conquer strategy when really this is an attack against everyone as the British Commission on Population stated.
Well, what you need to understand is from the point of view of the bankers and the globalists, the people they want to die and leave the planet are those who work the least while consuming the most.
The ones who will be kept alive are those willing to work the hardest and expect and demand the least amount in return.
The ultimate agenda for any government in history is to extract the most work product from their population for the least amount of support going back.
So if you're willing to work 80 hours a week for a loincloth and a bowl of rice, you are much more valuable to the bankers than somebody who works, you know, flex time 25-30 hours a week and wants to drive a BMW.
You're absolutely right.
And let me read a quote from the UN dais.
Maury Strong, 1992, Rio de Janeiro, head of the Earth Summit.
Isn't the only hope of the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse?
Isn't it our responsibility to bring that about?
Then another quote by key agent of the Rockefeller family, Dr. Richard Day, the National Medal Director of the Rockefeller-sponsored Planned Parenthood, told a meeting in March of 69 that American industry will be sabotaged and shown to be uncompetitive.
He said, the stated plan was that different parts of the world would be assigned different roles of industry and commerce.
In a unified global system, the continued preeminence of the United States and the related independence and self-sufficiency of the United States would have to be changed.
In order to create a new structure, you first have to tear down the old, and American industry was one example of that.
Each part of the world will have a speciality and thus become interdependent, he said.
The U.S.
will remain the center for agriculture, high-tech communications, and education, but heavy industry would be transported out.
This is all stated thousands of different places and hundreds of different ways, but the issue here is that
They're doing all this to make us dependent on government.
They are stating this.
This is such a criminal hijacking.
This is neo-feudalism.
This is serfdom.
These people are mortal enemies of anyone that wants freedom and liberty.
And remember how they throw this in our face through movies, which they now admit they're funding.
What, 1974?
Where you have the different energy cities.
Because once the globalists have a world government, they're even going to break it into sub-regions.
And that's their plan.
I mean, it is so unbelievably wicked.
Mike Rivera.
Yeah, absolutely.
It's basically, again, and every time I hear the phrase global government, the first thing I think of is, that's what Alexander the Great wanted.
That's what Napoleon wanted.
That's what the Roman Caesars wanted.
That's what Hitler wanted.
And in the middle of all this empire building, the ordinary people who just wanted to be left alone to live their lives and raise their children were crushed.
There has never been a push for global government that did not involve the complete enslavement of the common people.
As you say, this is neo-feudalism.
They're trying to end the American Republic, the democracy experiment, and take us back to enforced serfdom.
We will be attached to the land, we'll be considered part of the wealth of the land, and there will be titles of nobility to those who control large tracts of land.
It's going back to the 12th century politically.
And we're already seeing this in our own government that has abandoned the presumption of innocence.
You have to prove that you're innocent now or you wind up being tortured until you confess something.
I mean, even the Magna Carta said you're not allowed to do that.
And our government has gone back before that in the way that they're handling the prisoners from these wars.
Mike, you're absolutely right.
And my film, Fall of the Republic, details how the establishment is carrying this operation out.
I don't see this working for the establishment, though.
Sure, they can claim they control all issuance of currency and credit.
They can try to restrict people's resources to control them.
They can try to force one-child policies.
But as the public learns about the shadow government, as they learn about the private Federal Reserve, as they learn about the real paradigm,
Which this oppression will encourage them to do, and is happening now.
Resistance is going to mount.
That's why they preemptively, in their own documents, admitted this is neo-serfdom, feudalism, and that they're bringing in this electronic police state straitjacket, but I don't see that succeeding as well.
This is going to be explosive.
Yeah, I agree.
I don't think this is moving along anywhere near as smoothly as they wanted.
First of all, for the foundation that was resting on global warming, the fact that the Earth is cooling has damaged the credibility of the globalist movement as a whole.
The same thing with attempting to sell a global health authority on the basis of the swine flu.
That's not coming out as predicted.
And selling more globalism to fix the economy that was already destroyed by globalism, that's a tough sell.
I don't think they can make it.
I think they may actually
Bring down all of civilization in a ruin, trying to bring about this new world order.
You're right.
And they have corrupt bureaucrats running the system.
And so, they're having a lot of problems.
Stay there, Mike.
We'll talk about government drug dealing.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda,
They'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
I have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
For the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation.
The criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty and on its ashes constructing world government.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com.
Or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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We've got an abbreviated show today with Mike, but he'll be back up with us in the near future.
Mike, in closing in this short segment,
I want to get into government drug dealing in Afghanistan and Colombia.
But first, Al Gore.
Again, admittedly, to make the profits from all of this.
This is racketeering.
I mean, he should get in trouble for this.
We need to really start calling him out as the criminals they are.
We absolutely need to do that.
What most people don't understand is when Al Gore set up this cap and credit CO2 tax scheme, he got help from Ken Lay, from Enron.
In other words, Al Gore is doing to us with carbon dioxide what Enron did to California with electricity.
They're not actually doing anything that's useful, they're simply setting up a system
That siphons money off and makes them very, very, very rich.
Yes, it's a crime.
It's a scam.
And as long as we the people just sit there and go along with it, you know, there has to be a breaking point at some time.
I mean, I've got friends who are calling me asking to borrow money to make their rent.
I'm having to tell them, no, we're just barely making our rent here.
At some point, when enough people have been made homeless and enough businesses have been shut down, the American people have got to get angry.
There really is no other, you know, path to follow.
What about the treaty?
To build giant bases in Colombia to attack Venezuela.
The U.S.
forces only spray the coca plantations that the FARC control.
Our government's growing the cocaine.
Afghanistan, it's up 10, 12, 13 fold what it was a decade ago, opium.
They admit in the news that the CIA runs the drugs with the head drug dealer.
Meanwhile, the police are still SWAT teaming people for using the drugs the government ships in.
What about, I mean, it's just, all of this stuff's coming to the surface, but no one gets in trouble.
Well, it's absolutely true.
I mean, basically, the war on drugs is simply a war on the competition's drugs.
And they want to make sure it's a monopoly that is controlled by the American drug lord families, including the Bushes and the Clintons.
And that's what it's really all about.
When the Taliban was in control of Afghanistan, there was no opium growing.
The U.S.
comes in, it's bumper crops.
We've got cheap, potent heroin flooding into the United States.
It's Vietnam all over again, young people are dying from overdoses, and our government is making the money from it.
That's why all these anti-drug commercials you see on TV are lame, they don't work, they're designed to make it look like the government cares, but they're designed to utterly fail to convince anybody to stay away from drugs.
Well look at all the pro-drug messages in Hollywood movies where it's so fun.
We know that's government propaganda placement.
And it's on record.
Every cop I talk to, whether I'm in L.A.
or New York or Austin, I talk to cops when I see them at restaurants and I go, don't you guys know most of the money is laundered from drugs, is laundered in U.S.
banks, and that we only go after the competition?
They go, yeah, we know that.
But then they get promoted when they bust some teenager with it.
By making the drugs illegal, it jacks up the prices, brings more drugs in.
Bad quality drugs.
We know under Prohibition, alcoholism tripled.
That's admitted.
Mainline history.
We know it energized the mob.
The criminals made drugs illegal because they wanted to jack up the price.
That's exactly right.
They call it the politics of contraband.
And I mean, the prohibition, the amount of money that came in from prohibition to the criminals completely reshaped American politics.
The whole Kennedy dynasty is founded on illegal alcohol money.
The Skull and Bones fraternity at Yale University was funded with opium money.
It's all about drugs and control of the drugs.
Hollywood always says the drug lords are down in South America.
No, the drug lords are right here in the United States of America sitting in taxpayer-funded offices.
And they have the U.S.
If you don't pay your cut or launder your money with them, and I've talked to high-level military DEA people that track the flights, they're told, leave those ten flights alone, go after those two.
Every time they bust the CIA with drugs in the U.S., they're told, let them go.
I've had Terry Reid and other high-level CIA people on the show about MENA seeing Bill Clinton and Oliver North with the cocaine.
And then they call them big patriot heroes.
Yeah, it is.
It is really absurd.
I mean, all the excesses that we were told were happening down in South America, they happen times ten here in the United States.
It is that completely out of control.
And now the druggies, they want to buy themselves an entire planet, because the drug lords and the drug money and the banks are all tied in together.
If the drug money went away, most American banks would collapse.
And let's explain this.
They can leverage on average 8 to 10 times, so 500 billion in opium a year out of Afghanistan, that's 5 trillion leverage.
Go ahead.
Yeah, that's absolutely correct.
When Michael Mann was producing the original Miami Vice TV series in the third season, he started taking some chances and he did an episode in which the good guys are called off a drug bust because if they busted this particular drug dealer, it would have destroyed a couple of the big banks in Florida.
And they were told, you gotta stay away from this one.
We're sorry.
It's just that big and that powerful.
The money is too powerful to fight.
And it's all about the money.
And it's all counterfeit money.
We have been taught to worship the dollar as a new religion.
And there's nothing behind it.
It's just a funny printed piece of paper.
Now they're trying to come up with another one.
The carbon credit.
That too is just a funny printed piece of paper.
And we've been taught to worship Al Gore.
Great job, Mike.
Talk to you again soon.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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All right, I want to go over a whole bunch of news.
I want to play a audio clip from the Council on Foreign Relations.
We've got clips of Al Gore being confronted because the New York Times finally reported he's making all this money off of the climate scam.
But the New York Times says it's like it's good.
Isn't it good he's making millions?
And they only tell you about the smaller scams he's carrying out.
So we'll be breaking that down.
Before I do that, I just want to tell you, we're going to have open phones in the next hour on any issue you wish to discuss.
They're not open yet.
We're going to have phone blitz next hour with some other important news.
And then we've got Gary Franchi and William Lewis here in studio today.
They're here to film part two of their Camp FEMA with me.
So why not have them in studio?
That should be interesting.
Always informative.
But I wanted to stop here for a moment and explain to people.
There's no more denial.
There's no more playing games.
There's no more time to rationalize.
Not only has world government been admitted by the big central bankers, by Ban Ki-moon, the head of the UN, by Al Gore, by Barack Obama, by Prince Philip, Ted Turner, Bill Gates,
But the specifics of the world government have been admitted.
In hundreds of textbooks, white papers, and documents.
But not just in textbooks now, like eco-science that I talk about so much.
Written by the White House science czar, John P. Holdren.
But in editorials in the New York Times, called We Can Do It, Ban Ki-moon, global governance, we have the treaty.
I went over it yesterday, I'm going to cover it some more today.
They're now debating the passage in the Senate.
That's why the Democrats haven't been pushing it the last month.
They admitted they were going to wait and race in November to pass it, and now they're going to push it.
Merkel, the German Chancellor, was here today.
That's all coming up.
Ladies and gentlemen, people aren't sophisticated.
They don't understand.
They don't know what's happening to them.
They know they're getting screwed.
They know they're getting hammered.
They know they're getting nailed to the wall.
They know we're in deep trouble.
They know the economy's getting worse.
That a jobless recovery is an Orwellian, double-speak, oxymoron.
If 20 million Americans could see fall of the Republic,
And then if they took action and called their congressman and went to City Hall and called the corporations that are behind all of this up on the phone and boycotted people and got active, we could turn this around.
My films, conservatively.
You know, it's like Mike Rivera earlier said, 90% of the phone calls to Congress.
No, Barbara Boxer, who was pro-banker bailout, said it was 1,000 to 1 phone calls.
Gallup Poll showed 99% of people were against the Banker Bailout Takeover last October.
So see, Mike said 90%.
I tend to do the same thing too.
I tend to lessen how bad things really are.
But the issue is, 99% of people, when they're presented with carbon taxes and global government, don't want it.
But we need to show them the specifics.
Because we're settling in for a long battle.
It's gonna be, you know, they can pass legislation to let private banks and corporations regulate and tax us.
England's already done it.
It was in the Times of London last week where private groups come and take your house and your car and your home and for fines and fees.
No judge, no jury.
We can stop these people if you will take action and and I have the film
They can do this.
This is the film with their own statements, their own admissions of how they want world government, how they're going to control your life, how they plan on doing it, all the horrible things they want to carry out.
These are very wicked control freaks with an instinct towards domination and control.
And so my films have been seen by more than 100 million people.
And that's a conservative number.
Just like Mike's 90% when it was 99% in the news were against the banker bailout.
Over a hundred million times.
So we're making a major contribution here towards awakening people.
But it's not enough.
We need all of you that are awake to do more and to get involved.
And I've never made a film this powerful.
Over 20 million views on YouTube and Google alone for The Obama Deception.
Over a hundred million views we know of for my films free online.
It is incalculable what people have done with the DVDs making copies.
Make history.
Hurt these people.
Fight back.
Know that it's going to be a delayed reaction, but that when you burn copies of the Obama deception and endgame and fall the republic, the fall of the republic is what's happening now.
This was made for the fight we're now facing.
It shows everything.
And people see it now and then see what I'm talking about on the news, but this gives them all the answers.
I want to ask you right now to call the toll-free number and order this DVD.
I want to ask you to go to InfoWars and order this DVD.
And to get it, and to buy a DVD burner and a bunch of DVD blanks, and to make copies, and to give it to your neighbors and say, this is a dynamic, important film about global taxes and what's happening, and about the death of the dollar, and about the private banks and how they engineered the crisis.
You can even give them the big McClatchy
The top technicians of the private banks nest inside Goldman Sachs, the brokerage firm.
We have all these top professors, all the experts in here laying it out.
This film is so important.
I cannot stress to you how important.
Please be part of history.
Order the DVD at 888-253-3139.
Go to Infowars.com and order it.
Make copies.
Get it out to people.
This is the cure to the New World Order.
This is an amazing film.
This explains it all.
This is a testament to our enemies.
The Russians were trained to submit to government.
They didn't fight Lenin and Stalin.
The Germans were trained to submit to government.
Americans haven't been like that.
Though we have been buffaloed and broke back and trained to capitulate in the last few decades, we can awaken that American spirit again with this documentary film.
If you will make it great.
If you will make it huge.
Yeah, it's been seen millions of times already in a week and a half online.
Yeah, massive downloads at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Yes, reports of folks making copies of it everywhere.
That isn't enough.
I don't want you to double your previous efforts.
I don't want you to triple them.
I don't want you to quadruple them.
I want you to do whatever it takes to get this film and to get it out to everyone and air it on AXS TV and to give it to your city council and to give it to leaders in your area.
I'm not gonna name names because people that order the films are private, but we've had a lot of high-powered, famous people and groups and corporations and the Pentagon and foreign governments order Fall of the Republic, Endgame, and the Obama Deception.
Very famous name.
And we checked the credit card and everything, and that's who ordered it.
Very famous person.
I'm just gonna leave it at that.
Ordered the film yesterday.
Actually, Sunday.
I saw the order yesterday.
So the good news is, you're getting the word out.
And if you can't buy the film, it's free!
On YouTube!
Change the channel.
It's a director channel.
It's not our channel.
He's one of the few YouTube channels that doesn't put their own ads all over the front of it.
I gotta do something about that, because it ruins the film.
We need to make Change the Channel the most viewed free copy on YouTube.
It is free.
A $200,000 film.
And it isn't the money that matters to me.
It's that I busted my butt and so did my crew making this film.
I mean, we literally hurt ourselves not sleeping and working with a small crew to make this.
And I just want it to be seen.
I just want people to come out of darkness.
I don't want people to be conned, to be bamboozled, to be scammed.
Infowars.com, PrisonPlanet.tv, 888-253-3139.
Write to me, P.O.
Box 19549, Austin, TX 78760.
Box 19549, Austin, TX 78760.
I don't want your donations.
If you want to donate to us, buy a hundred copies.
You can get them at more than half price for that.
You got the money?
Buy the original and give it to people.
They'll watch it with this eye candy on it.
But it's free on YouTube!
And it's decent quality.
It's not like PrisonPlanet.tv or the DVD.
You know, sure, I can watch any movie I want free online, ripped.
But, you know, when I want to watch a movie, I go buy the DVD so it's higher quality and so I support the artist.
But that isn't what matters to me.
We're going to be able to make future films.
We've got enough capital to do that, thanks to your support and God's graces.
But don't pearls before swine that I made a $200,000 film and lay it out there for you for free!
Spread the free link with everybody.
Take it for what it's worth, a precious creation of truth.
I'm going to shut up about it, alright?
Just follow the Republic.
Follow the Republic.
Follow the Republic.
Get it out to everybody.
Get it out to everyone you know.
Don't stop.
This thing is damaging to the globalists.
And if somebody's laughing at you, move on.
Find people that care.
Find decision makers.
The second most important film, Endgame.
You want to know their master plan, who they are?
I lay out the carbon tax, the global government, how they're going to implode the economy by design to bring in the global government.
Three years ago in Endgame.
Blueprint for global enslavement.
What's it say on the back?
They want you dead.
That's what their own documents say.
Just like Goldfinger.
Do you expect me to talk?
No, Mr. Bond, I expect you to die.
You know, I could just play these clips, and I didn't have time last night to go find the actual CFR blog.
I did go to the site and find the blog, but then we had to register.
The point is, here is the audio from the Council on Foreign Relations, where they talk about artificial scarcity, how they're going to create artificial
Scarcity and how they want to say that there aren't enough vaccines so everybody lines up to create a stampede, a perceived demand for it.
This was a month ago this aired.
The person that put this video together put some clips of the news, fear-mongering in between it, and put some text.
I'll be reading on air for radio listeners, TV listeners can watch it.
The story is up on Infowars.com.
CFR vaccines, no more harmful than tuna sandwich.
They're admitting there's mercury in it.
But the other issue here is yes, mercury in a tuna sandwich though is bound to the protein and 99 plus percent of it goes through your body.
It's not injected into your blood, bound with the virus, so there's an autoimmune response that the mercury accelerates as an adjuvant.
And we've had medical doctors on to explain it.
But listen to how they arrogantly laugh at you.
Listen to how they joke.
Listen to how one of the medical directors, and these are high-level government and university heads, and the CFR, laughs and says, we should make it where there's not enough of it, so they stampede to get it.
Now you see them doing that.
And we told you they were doing that months ago.
This is how they manipulate you.
Let's go ahead and go to the video.
Anatomy of the 2009 Swine Flu Pandemic.
Thank you for downloading this Council on Foreign Relations podcast.
CFR is an independent national membership organization and nonpartisan research center.
Good morning.
My name is Lori Garrett and you are here in the Council on Foreign Relations in New York.
I am the Senior Fellow for Global Health here at the Council on Foreign Relations.
With us today is a stellar group of scientists, analysts, journalists, and as usual at the Council on Foreign Relations, a highly diverse and intelligent audience.
At the heart of the discussion was how to get American public to take the unpopular H1N1 vaccines.
John Moore from Cornell Medical School.
So I think we're all aware that the anti-vaccine movement is having a field day on the internet and on media outlets like Fox News and so on, causing reductions in vaccine uptake.
And it appears to be... Back it up a bit.
That's one of the Cornell Medical University people.
And then we've got them all listed.
These are all high-level government and university heads.
We've got their names listed in the article.
But again, the issue here is a field day.
Then they call us crazy and all this.
When it's admitted it's killing people, maiming people, it's admitted it can cause brain damage, it's admitted it's doing that, it's admitted it has mercury in it, and it's admitted that over 70% of Americans in polls are now refusing it.
See, they're losing!
So now they talk about how to lie to us.
Back to it.
Here it is.
John Moore from Cornell Medical School.
So I think we're all aware that the anti-vaccine movement is having a field day on the internet and on media outlets like Fox News and so on, causing reductions in vaccine uptake.
And it appears to be a pretty unholy alliance of the ultra-right and the ultra-left working together in a sort of Hitler-style impact.
It was!
It's not a Hitler-Stalin.
No, that's your masters that funded that, the big banks.
That's declassified.
No, we're people who don't want you setting the precedent to forcibly inoculate us.
And they say in the tape, we want forced inoculation.
See, we don't like your medical tyranny, you little control freaks.
You arrogant bastards who enjoy lying to people.
For years saying there was no mercury in it when you knew full well there was.
You've lost credibility.
So now, top actors, top lawyers, top politicians, even Robert Kennedy Jr., all these, even Bill Maher's come out against it.
Even the head of Smashing Pumpkins has come out.
Everybody's coming out.
We're tired of you!
We're not left and right!
We're not in your box!
We don't buy your lies anymore!
You got it, you little bastard?
You little eugenicist control freak?
Where they talk about putting stuff in our vaccines to sterilize us?
The White House science czar does?
We know how to read, you son of a bitch!
Excuse me!
Back to that bastard!
I'm not sure that we're countering these people very well.
And you have to take these people on in a different style than scientists are used to.
We have to develop better soundbites.
We have to develop better discussion.
You can't really debate these people, but you have to develop better countermeasures.
You can't really debate these people because we actually read the vaccine inserts.
You can't really debate these people because, what, we probably had 20, 25 medical doctors, top brain surgeons that developed some of the most commonly used brain surgeries, scientists who discovered excitotoxins now in all the medical dictionaries, all these top virologists, all these top genetic engineers who aren't scumbags like you.
Like the majority of German doctors and British doctors who won't give it now and who won't take it?
You mean like the German government, the German military that have special clean vaccines for themselves?
You mean like, you mean your cover-ups imploding?
Just like your global carbon tax, just like your open borders, just like your victim disarmament, just like your private central banks.
Everybody's learning about the private Federal Reserve now.
Everybody's identifying you, the criminal ruling class, that are a bunch of con artist, control freak, eugenicists.
Listen, you little Hitler bastards.
Your field day is over.
Us laying down and taking it is over!
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Gotta love Johnny Cash!
You know, you hear that
We shouldn't take flu vaccines because the mercury will kill us.
Well, Paul Offit in the New York Times last week pointed out that there is less mercury in a flu shot than there is in a tuna fish sandwich.
And that's a powerful soundbite to use against the crazy people.
Crazy people when their kids are brain damaged.
Are you getting the swine flu vaccine?
Uh, no.
I got the superman gene.
I never get sick.
Here are the crazy people.
I don't want to get the flu vaccination.
It made me sick.
And I don't want to get like that no more.
Oh, he took it and he got sick.
This one is really stating the risk behind it.
Hit pause.
So, I'm not going... Back it up to that local New York news clip of the supposed crazy people.
See, everybody I know won't take it because most of them had a kid drop...
On the ground convulsing?
Or they got deathly sick from it?
Oh, but you're crazy!
You take a shot and it almost kills you!
Like Dale Dudley, the local 93.7 Morning Show host.
His whole body got paralyzed for a few weeks.
He still doesn't have feeling in some of his toes.
Is he a crazy person?
He believed you!
He went and took your shot!
Oh, he's bad.
Let's go to the crazy people in New York, explaining why they don't take it.
Are you getting the swine flu vaccine?
Uh, no.
I got the Superman gene.
I never get sick.
The only time I took a flu vaccination, it made me sick.
And I don't want to get like that no more.
So I'll take my chances.
No one is really stating the risk behind it.
So, I'm not gonna be a guinea pig for anyone.
So, I'm not getting it.
We don't know how the vaccination has been done.
Is the vaccination scarier than the flu?
I feel like we got a little crazy with this.
Why did we get crazy with this?
Uh, I think the media hypes up stuff.
You know, and this, everything takes on these epic proportions, so... Deal with the crazy people.
As to who's to blame for all the hype, everyone seems to agree that's the mainstream media's fault.
The president now declaring the H1N1 outbreak a national emergency.
The White House says the president signed this proclamation last night.
It will allow medical officials to bypass certain federal requirements.
Some officials describe this move as being similar to a declaration ahead of a hurricane.
But that wasn't the story we were getting from President just a few weeks ago.
When we saw the first cases of this virus back in the spring, I don't want anybody to be alarmed, but I do want everybody to be prepared.
Now back to the Council on Foreign Relations Symposium.
Despite being a not terribly dangerous virus in and of itself on a scale of influenza dangers,
Having said that, it lacks certain signatures, certain molecular signs which are associated with the 1918 pandemic strain, the 1957, and the 1960.
Good pause.
There they are, admitting it's not even really dangerous.
Now they come back, and they talk about how they need to lie to the public, and they giggle and snicker and enjoy their evil.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We're back live, ladies and gentlemen, halfway into this transmission today.
We're going to open the phones up in the next segment on any issue you'd like to discuss.
The global cap and trade now in the Senate.
They're set to vote on it in the next few days, next few weeks.
God only knows what these demons are going to do.
Al Gore bragging how much money he's making off all the scams.
259-9231 will get you up and on the air, a bunch of other financial news.
But right now I'm playing CFR Audio Blog.
They publicly put this out, interspersed with clips of their fairmongering.
Now this was recorded a little less than a month ago.
Council on Foreign Relations, we've got the names of the federal government and hospital and university heads talking about how they need to use soundbites and how crazy people are getting folks to not take it.
And then they get into, we need to act like there's not enough of it to create the perception artificial scarcity.
And there's all this giggling and snickering on the conference call.
It's so much fun to manipulate and feel powerful in your little white lab coat and work for the government.
And to feed their kids fluoride water and eat GMO too.
They love it.
This is your enemy.
Let's go back to them.
It's a short one.
It has a technical name, PB1F2, and that is missing in the 2009 virus.
We're also making steady progress on developing a safe and effective H1N1 flu vaccine, and we expect a flu shot program will begin soon.
This program will be completely voluntary.
Completely voluntary.
Completely voluntary.
Completely voluntary.
Completely voluntary.
Good morning, Rory Lantzman.
I'm a member of the New York State Assembly.
We had a hearing, a 12-hour hearing on H1N1 earlier this week, and much of it focused on the mandatory vaccination that the New York State Department of Health has ordered of almost all health care workers in New York State.
And I was wondering if you could offer an opinion on whether you think such a policy is effective and sound.
I have a very strong opinion.
And that is, I think that's appropriate.
Completely voluntary.
Completely voluntary.
Completely voluntary.
Completely voluntary.
Now see, that's how they operate.
Obama comes out and says, I don't think it's racist to criticize me.
All of his surrogates say it.
He gets to play the good cop.
They play the bad cop.
They come out all over the country.
The feds try to force it to the states.
Their own manuals say it.
And then Obama's like, I'm not making anybody.
He's the good guy.
Back to the tape.
Completely voluntary.
Completely voluntary.
Completely voluntary.
Completely voluntary.
The news media is hyping the swine flu as though it's the next death mission, and everybody's getting frightened.
Do you agree with that?
No, I don't.
From what I've seen, certainly some vulnerable people have died, but not masses of people like the Black Plague or anything.
The truth is that many Americans are not buying into the swine flu scam and refusing the vaccine.
However, there are those who are buying into the scam and do intend to vaccinate themselves and their families.
But there are those who are on the fence about the vaccine.
And what do the experts recommend to get them to take the flu shot?
I think what would work better would be to say that there was a shortage and people tend to line up more for something that's on demand.
We saw that there was one season where really people lined up all night to get a flu shot.
ABC News puts the H1N1 vaccine artificial scarcity tactic to the test.
And with supplies of the vaccine running low, doctors around the country are now finding themselves overrun with nervous parents.
Here's ABC's Rachel Martin.
For weeks, doctors' offices around the country have been fielding a flurry of phone calls.
Alright, stop it right there.
Let's back it up to the CFR saying we need to create artificial scarcity, act like there's not enough.
Then ABC News puts it to the test.
I told you months ago this was the game plan.
I know our enemy, and I'm gonna get him.
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Hello, this is Alex Jones with some important questions.
If you're going into a battle and they give you a rifle and a sidearm, how much ammunition do you want?
My answer would be all I can get.
In the battle for freedom and the lives of your loved ones, food is your only ammunition.
How much do you want?
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How much will you need?
We don't know.
How much do you want?
All you can get.
I'm Alex Jones.
I think.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
I'm going to be honest with the listeners.
I haven't been able to sleep as much as I could in the past, and I thought it was coffee.
So I've cut my coffee intake from four cups a day, which I space out so I can work 16 hours a day some days, to one cup in the morning, maybe one in the afternoon.
So I've cut my coffee by more than half, because instead of big cups, I'm having little cups.
And I'm waking up in the middle of the night thinking about the carbon tax.
I'm waking up at 3am worried about the New World Order.
Worried about how they're going to stage a new terror attack.
I mean, this is real.
Not just intellectually studying it.
When I get up here and yell and scream and get mad, I apologize for that.
But at the same time, maybe I shouldn't apologize.
We need to be upset about what's happening.
I've read hundreds of CFR publications where they admitted 30 plus years ago they were going to set up a North American Union by stealth.
That's a quote.
And where they admitted they were going to bankrupt the banks and the economy to bring in the one world government and the carbon tax and a one-child policy and how they're going to tax everything we do and control our lives and how they'd militarize the police and train them to use rubber bullets and tasers on us before they train them to actually shoot us.
And now police departments all over are announcing if you run they're going to shoot you in the back.
And they are shooting people in the back and killing people and covering it up.
And I don't want to hate the police.
What are you doing?
You're becoming Nazis!
The system is out of control!
And then I see this CFR audio that this video director's cut in with news clips, where they're saying, okay, most people aren't taking the shot, because of what's on the insert, and they admit it isn't really bad, that H1N1 isn't really a very dangerous flu virus, it's very weak.
Well, how do we do it?
Well, we say there isn't enough to create artificial scarcity in a panic to get it.
And that's what they do everywhere.
Folks, I remember in January having on the air reporters and city managers and emergency managers in Illinois, Indiana, New York State, Arizona.
And getting the documents from the state, secret, saying get ready for millions dead, get ready for mass graves, get ready for the militia to attack your police department, get ready for the veterans to attack you with bombs.
Then I got the Homeland Security and MIAC reports saying it.
Admitting homeland securities for good Americans, good people, who were against the foreign bank takeover.
And then telling police, you're going to do a homeland security drill for terrorists attacking your tiny police department, and we're going to do a drill where you come to the airport and we deliver you the flu vaccine and the militias try to steal it.
A role-playing scenario to demonize militias.
This was in January, so I got on air in January and March and I said they're going to stage some type of big flu deal.
And I posted the audio of that months after it happened.
It was live, but then we reposted it and said, look, I was right.
I'm not that smart.
I knew they were going to artificially
Back in April, they delivered the seasonal flu with armed guards in Austin to the hospitals and had police parked around the clock out front the hospitals as if people would hear there was a flu shot there and run in and kill everybody for it.
That was done to manipulate the police so the word got out that it was special so you would all go take it.
And so the doctors and nurses would get the word it was special.
And now they're doing it with the H1N1.
And I told you, they keep announcing, we've got the flu shot, the H1N1, and in a big city a few thousand morons will show up.
They'll be lined up going, they ran out.
They didn't run out, they have 18 wheelers full of it on, that are refrigerated.
They're doing that so the news can show long lines.
Now I told you that, here's the Council on Foreign Relations,
In a meeting, admitting it.
Here it is.
Then we cut to the news.
Reporting the same thing.
Okay, we lost audio.
I think what would work better would be to say that there was a shortage and people tend to line up more for something that they demand.
We saw that.
There was one season where really people lined up all night to get a flu shot.
Back it up.
Back it up again.
I want to play that one more time.
Then it cuts to ABC News, a week after this was aired, doing the exact thing.
And listen how they laugh.
It's so fun to have all these government and university and medical heads, we list them here in the article, at InfoWars.com, CFR, Vaccines No Harmful, No More Harmful Than Tuna Sandwich, laughing about it.
But then when they cut to the news, it's not done in a laughing fashion.
It's done with, oh my gosh, we're dead.
Here it is.
I think what would work better would be to say that there was a shortage and people tend to line up more for something that they demand.
We saw that.
There was one season where really people lined up all night to get a flu shot.
ABC News puts the H1N1 vaccine artificial scarcity tactic to the test.
And with supplies of the vaccine running low, doctors around the country are now finding themselves overrun with nervous parents.
Here's ABC's Rachel Martin.
For weeks, doctors' offices around the country have been fielding a flurry of phone calls.
We do not have any of the H1N1 available in our office at this time.
Telling patients the same thing.
We are out of the flu shot vaccine right now.
Panic now.
In the next day, Swanson is in the office calling patients to tell them the vaccine is in.
Vaccinate now.
Oh my gosh, there's none of it.
And we need to protect Michael.
He's going to be one of those kids that could end up in the hospital, and I don't think we want that.
By 10 a.m., the waiting room is full.
With the vaccine now in short supply, parents are lining up in doctors' offices like this one, hoping to get their questions answered and their kids vaccinated.
I think what would work better would be to say that there was a shortage and people tend to line up more for something that's in demand.
We saw that.
There was one season where really people lined up all night to get a flu shot.
For whatever reasons, I think it's pretty much safe to say that the media and the government are yanking your chain.
That's what the maker of this said.
Uh, yeah.
There's sterilants in the shots.
That's what's going on here.
You think that the people who are making it are putting it out in controlled amounts so that it is producing this demand?
It's the drug companies that are making money at this.
Who's making money at the end of the day?
The participating members of the Council on Farm Relations Symposium include Arnold, and it goes through the names at the end, and we have that up on the website, the Heads of Microbiology, Research Professor, Research Director, Department of Global Health, George Washington University, Science Magazine Correspondent.
Talk about it!
Alright, and that's the end of the clip.
The good news is, once the public figures out the hundred or so tricks... I want to write a book, The Hundred Tricks of the New World Order.
There's probably more than a hundred tricks.
You could probably make it fifty tricks.
But the point is, they have tricks.
They have little manipulative games that they play, and they just do it perpetually to control people.
But the good news is, you're getting wise to them.
Now it's time to bring these people to justice.
Because I'll guarantee you, there was memos went out to all the media, you hear the talking points, saying it's artificially scarce, telling you to come get it.
That's criminal!
But they've set the precedent where the media now just admits, yeah, most our TV shows and media and movies are paid for by the government.
That isn't a free society, folks.
That's a spooky, devilish, cult, Nazi, Soviet, control freak society.
Get it through your head.
They're trying to manipulate you.
Almost everything you watch and see is a manipulation, except for alternative news on the web, and that's full of disinfo and operatives and mentally ill people as well.
So, check stuff out for yourself.
Don't believe anything.
Look into it for yourself.
Let's talk to Carl in Texas.
Carl, you're on the air.
Carl, go ahead.
Okay, look, I just had three questions from last week and you answered two of them.
So I had to call back here and this is actually in relation to the FEMA camps that I wanted to find out about here in Houston.
I'm just trying to find out, do you know of any, where any of the facility camps might be in this area?
And because the reason why I was asking is because I found out through another resource
When you had a bunch of callers, I guess, calling in about five, six weeks ago, getting all these calls from other people, you know, seeing all this kind of military activity in their own neighborhoods, I talked to an ex-cop to kind of ask her to see if she could put her feelers out there and find out from other police officers if there's been any other military activity here in Houston, and somebody that was standing next to me said they actually closed off a highway, and this person said they saw hundreds of
Uh, Humvees and, uh, armored police vehicles.
So, I don't know if that's, uh, set up for anything, uh, for where these camps may be here.
I have no idea, and that's why I was asking.
Do you know of any facilities around this area?
Okay, Carl, I appreciate your call.
I guess you asked your first question, and I didn't hear the third one, or I would have asked it.
We also have time constraints.
We sell a video that I consulted on, and that I'm in, called Camp FEMA.
And it's all the government hearings, video clips, government documents with the names, Houston Chronicle, LA Times, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, admitting the camps, the legislation to expand the camps.
The problem is, there's a lot of different types of camps, and a lot of different types of infrastructure.
A, we have more prisons than any other country in the world, per capita.
We have more, period, than any other country in the world, even China.
B, under top-off NLE exercises and others, the government has drilled in every major city, publicly, to lock down cities and put you in sports stadiums and put Constantino wire around them.
That's what dictators always use worldwide for over a hundred years, is sports stadiums.
So, there's your big camp.
You got where the Houston Astros play.
You got the Houston Texans.
You've got your high school facilities.
You also have old military bases that they have refurbished with the barbed wire aiming in, but they don't put big neon signs up saying, this is a camp, this is a camp, this is a camp, this is a camp.
We only know about it because of the funding through Congress for the purchase orders for the camps that have been in the Houston Chronicle and everywhere else.
But that's your camps.
Then you have things like Camp X-Ray and black sites around the world.
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This is Alex Jones with five good reasons you should consider buying a solar power generator.
Number one, new climate legislation could easily double or triple your electric bill.
Number two, our new energy czar wants to control how much power your electric company allows you to have.
It's true.
Total government control of electricity in the name of smart grid technology is coming.
In some areas of the country, the power grid is dangerously overloaded.
And now, new socialist legislation is only compounding the problem.
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Okay, on the subject of FEMA camps, I predicted two months before, whenever Glenn Beck came out and said, I believe the camps are real, but we're doing an investigation, I even named the fake camps he was going to name.
Because I had debunked them back in 96-97.
The Indiana Amtrak terminal and others.
And then he did one and didn't attribute the source.
He showed a satellite photo of a North Korean labor camp and then just said someone made it up.
So you can always find this info.
You can find people on the web saying blood-drinking chubacabras control things.
That doesn't mean it's the case.
And so, he didn't address the Houston Chronicle, the civilian inmate labor camp program that lists, in the original document 12, now 24, civilian inmate labor camp programs.
It doesn't list the super maxes around the country.
They're opening for political dissidence.
That's been ABC News, U.S.
News World Report.
I mean, people are still calling me saying, where's the proof they're going to put the military on the streets?
AP, Reuters, Army Times, Pentagon, Northcom.
They want 379,000 troops.
They've already got 40,000 troops on the streets.
Marines and Army are everywhere running illegal checkpoints, unannounced.
But it's confirmed in local news.
Local news says, why are Marines out searching people?
Well, you're not for drunks, are you?
It's for PR purposes to set the table and get everybody prepared for this.
It's like ten years ago, I'd read Club of Rome and UN documents how they were going to have a global carbon tax and tax carbon dioxide and people wrote big national articles saying I was a lying crazy kook.
Three years ago, when I made Endgame, right as I was about to release it, I had the heir to the Rothschild fortune on, Lord Rothschild's son, who heads up all these big green movements.
But David de Rothschild,
Lord Rothschild's son and I said it's a carbon tax.
He said no, that's a conspiracy theory and laughed at me.
Now he knew it was a carbon tax.
Then we cut to Al Gore that same week saying it's a carbon tax.
But see, they had national media say it didn't exist for years so we couldn't build an opposition.
They know you're lazy.
They know you want to rationalize.
They know you don't want to get involved.
Hitler said that good propaganda speaks to people's laziness.
And it's simple.
It's not complex like this radio show.
And so it's real simple.
There's no carbon tax.
There's no global government.
The banks didn't engineer this.
There's no plan.
Well, I have all these documents.
I have all these textbooks.
I have all these plans.
You're about to pass the legislation.
It's passed the House.
It's in the Senate.
Salon and New Republic and all these big publications every week say Alex Jones is insane and believes there's a global government and a carbon tax and they laugh.
They're laughing so weak-minded people who are looking, look at that and go, must be nothing here.
Yeah, that guy's a kook.
He gets angry.
And then once they pass it, they say, we always said we were going to do this.
It's the same thing with FEMA camps.
Everybody calls me about, are there troops?
I heard there were troops.
And I'm like, well here, here's 500 mainstream news articles plus on InfoWars and Prison Planet.
We've had the Army Colonels on, the Army Generals, the Marines on.
We've had local news on.
We've had state police press releases.
I mean, I remember since 99, I would release leaked government documents stating that the government was setting up a federalized police force for gun owners, conservatives, landowners, rural people.
And the spy networks.
And people paid attention some.
Now I release those documents, it finally breaks into the mainstream news.
That's why we're now dangerous.
Because we have a big enough audience of activists to, if we do everything we can and hit them as hard as we can, we can punch through.
We've just now gotten to the point where we can land blows.
We've just now gotten to the point where we can get in the boxing ring with these people and hold our own.
And we're bleeding and got black eyes and they're beating the hell out of us, but we've knocked them to the mat a few times and, you know, we're totally focused and committed.
It's a thriller in Manila.
And if we can just keep the rounds going, we're going to beat these people.
Because they're now in afterburner.
They're trying to bring it in, so they're lying about everything, while simultaneously admitting they're setting up a world government.
All these years they've denied it, so it's blowing up in their face.
They say there's no mercury in the shot.
Millions of people are reading the insert and reading that.
People are waking up.
And it's this radio audience that has more credit than anybody.
I salute you.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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This is Alex Jones with five good reasons you should consider buying a solar power generator.
Number one, new climate legislation could easily double or triple your electric bill.
Number two, our new energy czar wants to control how much power your electric company allows you to have.
It's true.
Total government control of electricity in the name of smart grid technology is coming.
Number 3.
In some areas of the country, the power grid is dangerously overloaded.
And now, new socialist legislation is only compounding the problem.
Number 4.
Dangerous weather is always a threat to local grids.
Every year, thousands of families lose their power from weather-related outages.
Number 5.
A solar power generator provides powerful backup, insurance, and peace of mind.
Folks, I really believe in the solar power generators offered by Solutions from Science, one of my oldest sponsors.
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Years ago, I said that when they begin to announce the camps to everyone...
That it would be advertised as an emergency shelter, as a community place for all the homeless.
Yes, you've got to be searched.
Yes, they split the families up.
Yes, CPS preys on your children when you're inside of them.
Now they have the Emergency Centers Act in Congress, admitting they already have six giant regional FEMA camps on military bases.
They're merging the National Guard, the regular Army, and fusion centers.
And here's an article
County pursues emergency shelter.
The Adams County Board of Supervisors voted money to tentatively move forward with plans for an emergency shelter at US-61 to be run by the Mississippi Emergency Management Agency, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, and is meant to serve as a durable shelter during a hurricane or tornado events, but to also act dually for during civil unrest, as the Houston Chronicle and Wall Street Journal have reported.
They're building these everywhere.
And half of American children, AP reports today, are on food stamps.
And 90% of black children.
They want you bankrupted.
That's in their own documents I read in the second hour.
Statements by the UN.
Statements by the federal government.
They want the government to bankrupt things.
And I'll say this, this morning I watched a 10-minute interview uncut with Rush Limbaugh on Fox.
I watched the, on bretbart.com, I watched it.
And Limbaugh told the truth.
He said Obama wants to destroy the economy by design so the government can take over.
And they want 1-6th, not 1-7th.
It is more like 1-6th.
Closer to 20%, 1-5th.
It's like one-fifth and a half, if you want to get technical, of the economy, to take over every facet of your lives, to take over and regulate everything.
And the bill says that!
And the bill's got the death panels.
And it's got the forced compulsory insurance.
But see, Limbaugh can tell the truth now because Bush is out of office, so he can play the part of the opposition.
Just like Glenn Beck can, so when they put in a right-wing savior in three years, or seven years, or whatever the case is...
People will think the Republicans are going to save them.
And we hear about the soul of the Republican Party and everywhere the mantra, Republicans better get mainline and better compromise or they're going to lose.
No, Republicans had better become libertarian and constitutionalist.
And every poll shows Hispanics, blacks, whites, Asians would vote for them in droves.
It shows they would win by a landslide.
But they won't vote for Republicans because they know they're a bunch of criminals.
By the way, Ron Paul's on the show Thursday.
We got Stubblebine and Labo tomorrow, and a bunch of other surprise guests Friday.
I'm just going to leave it at that.
Big shows tomorrow, Thursday, and Friday.
Important, informative, but I almost want to get on a plane, go get the passes, go in and knock on doors and lobby myself with these congressmen, get a list of Republicans that say they're going to vote, and Democrats for the climate bill.
I mean, this is happening right now.
And they wouldn't even let the House read it until they'd already started voting on it three months ago.
And the same crap in the Senate.
They're now debating it right now and just released the Senate version.
They know you're waking up.
So they're swarming us from every angle.
I'm going to go to Charles, Chris, Jack, and Mark here in a moment.
I wanted to bring Ted up for five minutes, and I am going to your calls.
But no matter how important your questions are, I've got to go quick.
They're going to ask me a concentration camp question, and I've got to give them a full spectrum breakdown.
That's why you should buy the DVD, Camp FEMA, at InfoWars.com.
We got it at half price.
When you get it, we'll follow the Republic.
Then you support us and have a high production value film that I certify is accurate.
That's why I consulted on The Stinkin' Thing.
I didn't have time to make one myself.
I encouraged them to make that film.
They did a great job.
Order The Stinkin' Thing.
Have the answer for people about the camps.
Infowars.com or 888-253-3139.
Alright, I want to bring up our biggest and longest sponsor, the owner of the Genesis Network, and who I've chosen to buy gold and silver from.
And gold went up again today to record heights!
And Ted is still holding the price of gold he bought at $1,020 an ounce, is what the market was, and silver even lower, but it isn't going to last long.
He sold out of the gold at $950 when it was $1,030.
He sold out of the gold that was $1,000 when it was $1,045.
Now he's about to sell out of gold at $1,200, that's what the market was, gold he priced at that level in the market, now when it's $1,060.
He's got it.
Great deal.
Frank's Sovereigns in the gold coins, silver coins he's got.
But they won't be here long at this price.
Ted Anderson, good to have you here with us.
Yeah, nice to have me up again.
I'll be up with you again, Alex.
I gotta tell you, what an awesome day in gold.
It was this time the Indian people that pushed the gold up to where it is today.
It has been China.
I mean, every time we go to sleep, gold takes this big spike, but it happened actually in the New York market today, and it was driven by the Indian people, and gold right now just touched just underneath
$1,090 an ounce, which means that that $1,100 an ounce gold is just a whisker away and we're going to, I believe in all my heart and soul that that's going to happen.
Well this is exactly what Bob Chapman has been calling
By the numbers, he said it would go up to $1,060 back down to $130.
Then next it would find its footing at $1,080 plus.
Then he said it would go down to $160.
Then it'll go, and once it goes over $1,100, that's a psychological barrier again.
The sky's then the limit.
Regardless, it's real.
It's a precious metal.
You've got an insanely good deal on it.
Folks are insane.
You're selling gold that you bought in the market when it was almost $70 under.
Right now, gold is at $1,085.10 an ounce.
It went to $1,089 and change just an hour ago.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is a time machine.
You get to get in a time machine, go back to the prices over a month ago,
But some of you probably won't.
You can buy one coin.
You can buy a thousand coins.
Ted has got it right now for delivery to you.
Ted, tell us what you got.
Well, again, Alex, I was on your show just yesterday and we're talking about the Franks at $2.36 and the British Sovereign was at $2.91.
Gold has gone up over $30 an ounce today, and I have the same gold at the same price.
And I am just grateful to the Federal Reserve System and the central banks of the world for depressing the prices of gold down to that $1,020 area so I could buy it.
But guess what?
They lost the battle again, and now gold is up almost at $1,100 an ounce, and I just can't say it enough, that is a fabulous buy.
And I was also able to get myself locked back into some more of those walking liberties at $8.69, and that is just, oh man, I can't tell you, that's a great price.
And at this particular time in the marketplace, compare it to the Federal Reserve note,
I mean, you just can't beat it.
I don't know how people can see that staying in paper is a better idea than having a piece of gold that actually takes human labor to pull out of the ground.
Ted, Citibank, as you know, declared for bankruptcy yesterday.
What was the third largest bank?
They're consolidating.
Have you read the McClatchy Newspaper's syndicated analysis, 10-page report, how Goldman secretly bet on the U.S.
housing crash to consolidate the market and bring down Bear Stearns?
That's what our guest a year ago said they were doing and said it was criminal.
Max Keiser, Gerald Solente, Bob Chapman.
Professor Black.
There needs to be indictments.
Why can't we just finally... This is what's getting me in hot water.
That's why they're after me, because I know the silver bullet.
Arrest these bastards!
It could all end!
It could all stop!
It's a bunch of made-off criminals.
A bunch of Kinley types.
Kinley wrote the Al Gore carbon tax 12 years ago.
I mean, Ted, it's like Groundhog Day.
We keep waking up to the same nightmare as it gets worse.
We need to identify... Well, that's another issue.
The point here is, Ted,
My God, Ted, how high is gold going to go?
Well, that's a good question.
We break through this $1,100 an ounce, and I would say the next target is going to be up there around $1,300.
I truly believe with the momentum that we have going on in this market, I don't think this bull market's over until we've seen $2,600 an ounce and we've gone beyond that level.
And by the way, that's what the conservative commentators are saying on Fox and CNN everywhere and MSNBC and CNBC.
Some people are saying $6,000.
Hey, but you know what, Ted?
Gold I bought at $300 an ounce or less that I bought eight years ago, guess what?
Alex Jones hadn't sold that back to you, has he, Teddy?
No, you're still holding onto it.
That's right, because it's an emergency to keep my business going.
It's an emergency money for my children and my wife.
It's an emergency if we get sued.
I can always have something to defend myself with.
And again, I don't have it for an investment.
I'm not selling it.
Even though most of the gold and silver I bought was silver at $5, gold at $300 or lower.
And the bottom line here is, ladies and gentlemen, you cannot beat getting into gold and silver right now.
And if you ever saw it start dropping, you can dump it.
Why would people stay in paper, Ted?
It kind of boggles my mind.
I mean obviously people have been lulled into the idea that paper is better than gold and that happened in 1971 when Richard Nixon was in office and he had to close the gold window and we went into a complete fiat paper system.
I can tell you, in the 1980s, there was a tremendous effort by the central banks to suppress the gold below $400 an ounce, and as long as we had foreign money being lent to us, we're able to live on that prosperity that somebody else created, and we're able to do it.
But you know what?
There isn't a foreign nation out there that wants U.S.
government securities anymore, and it just doesn't make sense to be on a fiat currency when the whole world is trying to get away from it.
It's almost like the people of the United States
The majority of them at this point in time have their head in the sand and think that this is going to all get better for them.
And I got news for you, it's not.
When you see the government doing what they're doing and printing money like there's no tomorrow, the United States dollar is doomed.
Ted, I'm going to go to calls here in a moment, but I want to finish up on this.
I'm looking at MidasResources.com.
You have the live 24-hour spot gold, live 24-hour spot silver.
The graphs are almost identical, above and below each other, showing the market manipulation.
And now the Federal Reserve has been admitting what they wouldn't admit previously, that they're manipulating the price down.
And as you said, they're losing the battle because the dollar's plunging, because of the actions the bankers have taken.
Folks, give Midas Resources a call.
Ted, how long can you hold this deal?
Well, I'm going to be holding this one just for tonight because gold has gone up way too much.
It's not going to be a surprise to me to see gold up over $1,090 an ounce, so I'll have to hold on this one.
I usually say I'll see what happens, but I'm quite certain that I'm going to have to raise my prices tomorrow.
The word on the street was there was going to be a
Stock market crash this week.
I didn't go with that.
I hope that's not the case.
But this ain't looking good with Citibank going down this week.
I was told last week Citibank was going to go under by a high-powered financial reporter I was talking to trying to get on the show.
He won't come on the show.
But he said that off the record, Citibank was probably going to go under, and that we were going to have a crash this week.
I don't know if that's the case.
I got this word from other high-powered media people that I talked to.
I hope that's not the case, but this isn't looking good.
Folks, get into gold and silver right now, because when the yuppies find out that this is the right investment,
You're not going to be able to get gold and silver without paying a premium that's off the charts.
This is a great deal, a fabulous deal.
Now is the time.
They're there till midnight tonight, and you're probably not going to get this deal again tomorrow because Ted's going to sell out of gold.
He bought at the 120 level with it now right up at $1,090 an ounce, breaking all-time records by over $30.
This is incredible.
Thank you, Ted.
Yeah, thanks a lot, Alex.
Don't be stupid, folks.
Okay, I want to go to Charles in Louisiana.
Charles, thanks for holding.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
How you doing, my friend?
Well, I'll tell you, you said you apologized to people for screaming.
Alex, they need to apologize to you.
You putting out everything on the line.
The people need to apologize for you because of their cowardice.
But I tell you what the people's got.
They don't want to wake people up.
They don't want to make cake.
They don't want to talk to people.
They're going to have the real thing.
The cattle prize.
See the kids rate.
I mean, like in New Orleans, people trying to leave New Orleans.
There were shot people trying to leave New Orleans to ask for water.
They would put dogs... You were one of the emergency workers and you called first and said police had mowed down people trying to walk out.
I reported that to you first, yes.
And now they've been convicted.
It didn't come out for six months that you told the truth.
And the military called it a laboratory.
They locked it down, didn't let people get aid to set the precedent for FEMA to get more power.
Yes, and I've reported to you for years, many things over the years.
I was the first one really to start putting out tapes by the mass, by the hundreds.
You've been putting my films out for a decade, haven't you?
Yes, I put out, I quit now, but 7,400.
I quit about three years ago.
I had to, after the storm, you know, got me.
But I put out all your tapes.
I beg people to wake people up.
I gave them to policemen.
I'll give him everything, but I'm going to tell you something.
I'm ashamed to be American, Alex.
I never thought that the people would be this dumb and this stupid.
You know, that's a good point.
They can't get hundreds of countries to pass the carbon tax takeover, but America is going to lead the way into global slavery.
Well, here's the thing, Alex.
I've been through a lot in my life.
You know, I've been through 17 years.
I've been through prison camps.
And I'm going to tell the American people, you all think you're running.
You all think you're hiding.
You don't want to look at the truth, but when they put you up there, people, and you're drinking your own blood and drinking out of a commode, think of Alex, think of me, because you all are doing nothing but talk.
I hate that.
I'm ashamed to be American.
I never thought America would be this cowardly to let a handful of people take them.
Their kids are going to be taken away from them.
Their property, Alex, they're going to be like New Orleans, begging for water.
The military say, if you're thirsty, honey, show me something.
Women had to show them their own breasts for a little bottle of water.
For a bottle of water, Alex.
That's what they got us down like animals.
And these people up here, they're waiting for somebody else to do it.
They're waiting for you to save this country.
They ain't gonna do it.
They're gonna watch football.
They're football freaks.
But their children and them, that's generation.
In two more years, they won't have a country.
Well, this is the long slide into total tyranny, and it's not, like I say, a boss hog corruption.
This is hardcore.
The same people that funded Hitler and Lenin and Stalin and Mao on record write textbooks bragging that once their police state grid's in place, once everybody's bankrupt, they're going to have helicopters fly over and spray nerve gas on us.
And that came out with the Sunshine Project in 2000.
They got the government documents on that.
Every city has helicopters and government hangars with lethal and non-lethal nerve gas ready for us.
I mean, that's how evil these people are, Charles.
See, I've tried to prove you wrong.
I love you, Alex.
I've been knowing you a long time.
I've been calling in for like 10 years.
Stay there!
Stay there!
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda...
They'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
I have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
For the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation, the criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty and on its ashes constructing world government.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today, it seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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America has always been a sleeping giant.
The establishment knows that.
The social engineers, the architects of evil.
And so they built this control grid knowing we're going to wake up as a trap.
But we've woken up more people than they thought we would.
They're definitely getting concerned.
They're having big problems on every front.
We just can't see all our victories.
So Charles, there are a lot of decadent men
Who think that just watching football and acting tough is what a man is supposed to do?
We have a lot of corrupt women in this country, but a lot of them are starting to wake up.
And we've planted the seeds that won't sprout until they really get oppressed.
And so that's the good news, Charles, and I want to salute you for all the work you've done over the years.
Anything else?
Anything else, Charles?
People, we wouldn't even be where we are today.
And they won't do nothing, Alex.
They won't make tapes.
They won't wake their neighbors up.
I'm just sick of being American because we're celebrating communism.
How does it make the soldiers feel wearing their uniform?
Obama's just a puppet.
And we need to turn off Washington, D.C.
and say, we don't recognize you no more.
We need to do something, Alex.
I agree.
We should all send them emails and phone calls and registered letters saying, I don't recognize you.
You're a criminal whore.
Do something.
Thank you, Alex, for the tapes.
People think I'm just blowing smoke, but I woke up a lot of people with that.
You know, we had just the last two weeks, two people died of the swine flu.
Two friends of ours.
Two people in one week, Alex.
And people don't realize the seriousness until they're in prison or their kids are thirsty.
Then they wake up all of a sudden and it's too late.
But the police came in and confiscated all the guns and still didn't get in trouble.
Good to hear from you, Charles.
Charles has been calling in for more than 10 years.
Chris in Kentucky.
Chris, go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
How you doing?
Hey, buddy.
Hey, thanks for bringing this in.
Yeah, this swine flu deal with the media that you were playing the last hour is getting this way this morning on our local news area.
They're saying they're running out of vaccinations.
They're running out of vaccinations.
You're going to die if you don't take it.
Now the Jefferson County Public School System is going to get with the health department and go to all the schools and have talks getting your kids vaccinated.
And they've been caught nationwide forcibly injecting children even when the parents say don't do it.
Yep, and I believe that's coming here.
And I'm going to call the radio station and I know we've got some...
Well, what's even sicker is they won't tell people it's sunshine, vitamin D. They won't tell people that the nasal flu vaccine for H1N1 is what has now caused some of it to actually spread.
They knew that.
That's in the insert.
That's in the insert.
We've shown it here a hundred times or more the last month.
Some shows five, six times.
It's in the inserts.
They know that they put out the nasal first so it would spread.
How diabolical is that?
Yeah, and it's incredible.
And I want to go through some history of these vaccines.
I've got some DVDs I found at a yard sale.
Send those to me.
I need that old propaganda.
We played some of the old TV ads that would say, you're gonna die if you don't take it.
And then they had to stop the shot because it was killing people.
And TV shows were doing that as well.
It's total, total propaganda.
God bless you.
Good to hear from you, Chris.
I'm going to talk to Jack, Mark, Mike, and Robert.
Then our guests are going to be in studio at the Eight After, second segment, for the rest of the hour.
Gary Franchi and, of course, William Lewis, makers of Camp FEMA, the DVD film that proves the FEMA camps, proves what's happening, documents them, all the rumors end.
The documentation begins with Camp FEMA.
You can get it discounted with Follow the Republic at InfoWars.com on DVD right now.
Get it.
America's number one source for independent talk radio for over a decade.
We are the GCN Radio Network.
Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As they're finishing off this agenda, they'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us
Tim Geithner?
They're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Gonna have guests in studio with us to cover a host of issues in the next hour.
Well, we are in the next hour now.
The next segment.
Right now, let's go back to your calls.
Jack in Florida.
Jack, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
How you doing, Alex Jones?
I was just calling to let you know I love your movie very much.
I had watched it just a couple days ago.
Um, I was just calling because I was just, um, what's it called?
Trying to let people know that, that, I was trying to let you know that, um,
If we tell people, like if we give people something to fight for, something more than just like criticizing and doing all this and that, like we give them like a vision because life is supposed to be way better than it is right now, way easier.
We're just getting held back by
Right on by the people in power.
We do give people the vision.
It's the Bill of Rights, the Constitution, due process, get rid of the private banks, stop shipping narcotics in, stop pushing Ritalin and Prozac on our kids, stop killing us with your vaccines, stop putting poison in the water.
That is a great vision.
States' rights, sovereignty, ending all these stinking wars.
Can I elaborate more on that, if you don't mind, sir?
Go ahead.
Like, people, like the chief is programming people to be selfish.
Like, they care about themselves and not to care about kids.
So when I said, like, something to fight for, like, for yourself, like, like, their life could be easier.
Like, they couldn't, they wouldn't have to be going to work every day and such.
Like, I really, I really see, like, life is supposed to be way better just because of the technology that we have and everything.
Like, how much we're really getting held back, it's just unbelievable.
It's like, it's like the people in power, right?
They only give an effort, like, 0.1% out of 100 to try to, like, make life better and everything.
And it's not hard.
And they make it seem like it's hard to help people and to feed people and to, like, fill up the whole world and everything.
And they also have people confined into thinking that Earth is, what's it called, that Earth is where all the resources are.
You just look up in the sky and space and Mars and all these other places and asteroids floating all around the place.
Good day, Alex.
Hey, buddy.
Hey Alex, I just asked Charlie, you know, I really admire his spirit and his heart and his Christianity.
I think it's all real and genuine and his patriotism is right on the money, but just to take a little bit of heart in the fact that when people talk, when they communicate, that's really the first step in my view toward implementing resistance of various types.
But I just wanted to mention that.
You're talking about Charles?
Charles, the earlier caller?
Yes, sir.
And I just wanted to mention that.
But Alex, you know, as we heard in the CFR conference recording that you gave us, these CFR speakers were either nervously chattering and chuckling because their plans to implement a world pandemic may be seriously faltering, or perhaps because they know that around the world, very lethal and various biowarfare viruses have recently been and are currently being intentionally released.
And now they've shown up in the Ukraine with an Ebola-type virus, which is widespread there and seems to be quite a serious situation from what I've heard.
If this planned global flu pandemic doesn't succeed, by the grace of God, it will cost the Illuminati dearly in their ability to implement their agenda, because their true plans to destroy humanity are now fully known and exposed to a majority of the world's people, Alex.
You play a tremendous part in it, brother, and I'll just do everything I can in my small way to contribute, but God bless you, sir.
Well, God bless you, and I appreciate your call.
Yes, the U.N.
has been caught, CBS News, Associated Press, they report it like it's no big deal, injecting people with live, weaponized, mutated polio.
And the UN's been caught releasing the Ebola and sterilizing people.
And in Ukraine, there's all these weird deaths of some other super-virus.
Government is behind this 99% of the time.
They're eugenicists.
They talk about using bio-weapons.
Dick Cheney, in the September 20th, 2000, Rebuilding America's Defenses, Projects for a New American Century document, talks about killing certain races with race-specific bio-weapons and how that use needs to be legitimized.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We've got 52 minutes left.
I want to jam in a lot of news, talk to our guests, and take your phone calls.
We've got Ron Paul coming up Thursday with key information.
Other surprise guests on Friday, and General Stubblebine and Dr. Lima-Layboe tomorrow.
Very important information, breaking news there as well.
I cannot overemphasize how outrageous it is that the New York Times did a big exclusive telling the world what we've known for many years.
That Al Gore, the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, and a handful of other elitists are standing to make hundreds of billions a year.
Billions a year for Al Gore.
He owns the main carbon trading group that the UN treaty says you've got to buy your carbon credits from.
I mean, this is amazing.
They will decide what business you can have.
They will decide.
I covered the treaty yesterday.
I'm going to do more of this this week.
Somewhere in my stack, I had the ledger.
We created a glossary for this so we could go through it all.
And I was going to go back over it today, but I couldn't find the glossary this morning.
I may have Burmese who made it make another one.
But I may just reread it, though, because I was looking over it again and found a bunch of other even worse stuff just randomly.
It's looking at the 200 plus pages.
All of this is going on, and they have now passed it in the House.
It's out of the Senate.
Out of the Senate committee to the full Senate.
This is happening now.
So is the bank re-regulation to give this select group of Goldman Sachs and JPMorgan Chase, the Federal Reserve private owners, unlimited regulatory power over everyone else.
This on the heels.
We've got surprise guests on this coming up this week.
I'm just going to leave it at that.
This on the heels, how Goldman secretly bet on the U.S.
housing crash and how they engineered it.
This is in McClatchy newspapers.
Hundreds of newspapers ran this.
This is a top financial investigative reporter, formerly with the New York Times, Greg Gordon.
Their own internal memos, how they did it all by design to make their competition go bankrupt, and the documents mention Bear Stearns, who was actually solvent, but Goldman Sachs' former executives were the regulators that went and took over the other banks and brokerage firms.
This is unprecedented!
Either we let the criminals continue to commit more crimes, it emboldens them to do more, or we wake up as a society, audit the Fed, arrest the bastards.
Ron Paul said last time he was here, or it was two times ago, he said, yes, we shouldn't have them indicted by state grand juries.
They clearly committed crimes.
But instead, they've got all the trillions in fiat money they've raised off our taxpayer backs, so the police just bow down to anybody in a suit.
I want to play this Al Gore clip.
This is Al Gore being discussed on Morning Joe, where they reveal for the first time to the world, though I cover it in the Obama deception and Fall of the Republic, that he runs all the major carbon scams, and Al Gore's got minions like Obama, who owns a large portion of one of the groups.
But the New York Times says this is good.
He's being rewarded for his good work.
And yeah, Ken Lay did write up the plan in 1998, but Ken Lay, he's not bad.
Got caught triple-charging people for energy prices in California and other states.
So, more reasons to get full of the Republic, ladies and gentlemen.
People are now ready to see this.
Here's Al Gore.
Thank you.
Well, no, of course I invest according to my beliefs and values, and I encourage everybody to do the same thing.
I put my money where my mouth is.
I've advocated these same policies for more than 30 years, and of course I believe in it.
If I didn't, they would criticize me for being a hypocrite.
Okay, we are back live here, and I just wanted to play that clip of these arrogant creatures
And it's all a big joke to them.
We have Gary Franchi of Restore the Republic.
And we have, of course, the both filmmakers.
You're the one of the producers.
You're also the director, William Lewis, here with us.
And we are carrying Camp FEMA.
I did consult on it.
I'm in it.
This is the truth about FEMA camps.
They're here to interview me for part two.
Everybody should get it at InfoWars.com and you can get the films discounted when you get it with Fall of the Republic.
Again, I just want these out.
Instead of always talking blue in the face about FEMA camps and everybody spreading rumors, you've got a film you can give people.
You want a film about the carbon tax.
You want a film about the banking architecture.
You want a film about the New World Order.
William Lewis, good to see you.
Good to see you.
Okay, guys, I want to get into Camp FEMA and the new one you're making and all this, but first, they have now marked up, out of committee, they could vote on this any time, the cap-and-trade bill.
I don't know.
That, you know, what really happened.
But they wouldn't be attacking little ol' Alex Jones if I wouldn't tell them the truth and if they weren't scared.
And scared of the work The Republic's doing, scared of all the films you've made, scared of other people learning they can do the same thing.
But what do you just think of how everything's happening right now?
The banking takeover, the cap and trade, the federalization hate crimes bill, the open borders, the gun grabbing, the open, I mean, the plunging dollar, gold up at $1,090 an ounce.
I mean, it's insane.
They're kind of sick of these small incremental steps they've been making all these years that they want to see.
They want to live.
David Rockefeller's 94.
Yeah, they want to see the fruits of their labor.
Kissinger's 87.
They want it and they want it now.
I mean, this is, we really have watched over the past 20 or so years all of the little bits and pieces of these things being put into place.
I mean, it's not as if all of this just happened all at once.
We've been trying to warn the American people what's coming.
And they like shitting on their thumbs.
You've predicted a lot of the things that have happened, and now it's easier for people to be able to put this little puzzle piece together and see the big picture, and that's what we're seeing now.
Their eyes are open, people can see what's going on, and now's the time that we have to use to take action.
I mean, I'm legitimately losing sleep.
I mean, I know these people are eugenicists.
I know they put stuff in our water and brag about it in White House publications.
I know they're dangerous, and
People are finally figuring it out, but I don't think they realize how dangerous.
I don't think they're going to realize how dangerous it is until they're in that hospital room and they've got a doctor bearing down on them with a shot that they're being forced to take.
You know, it's going to come when, the realization is going to come when they have to make that decision when the force hits them.
Hell, Austin federally is taking blood without warrants now.
I mean, it's already bearing down.
Go ahead.
Well, I mean, that's what I'm saying.
You know, when it comes to a head, when the people have to make that decision at that moment is when they're going to react.
And that's our job is to explain to them the real ballgame.
So when that decision finally faces them, all the denial stripped away and we're dealing with the real deal.
It's what, like I said, when they have to make that decision, we are getting to them before that point so they can make that informed decision.
Well, the good news is people are waking up, but I mean, the problem is it took me on air 14 years, 6, 7, 8 years to really get knowledge, studying constantly.
So people are waking up, but they don't have a master's degree in it yet.
And that's why films are so important, because they can give you a crash course.
All of your films gave me a crash course.
I downloaded them all off the internet and I watched them in my house.
I woke up that day.
I saw probably every one of your movies within a whole day woke me up like that.
And that's a catch!
That's what Charlie Sheen said.
Emilio Estevedo's brother came over and bought all my films and they stayed up all weekend drinking coffee and watched like 15 of them.
Oh, it changed my life.
And that's when I said, I have to make a decision, I'm going to step up and do something, and I'm going to get people together who have seen these films, and let's take action together.
It was because I saw your movies, Alex.
Well, you've done a great job with all your work, and it's another testament to that.
And again, we're not bragging, oh look at the work we've done.
The point is, you can defeat these people if you take action.
If people will just get involved, even if you wake one person up, that's huge.
There's all different ways to take action.
I mean, taking action is showing a movie to a friend or someone who was not exposed to this information.
Taking action is renting out a theater and showing it to 30 people at one time who haven't seen this information.
There are so many different ways to get involved in your local government.
Getting people elected as sheriffs.
This thing can't succeed if it is exposed.
People may think that they're insignificant, just like they think that their vote doesn't count, which it doesn't, in case you didn't know that.
But the point here is that they think that their action within this movement doesn't necessarily hold much weight.
You know, it's hard for them to wait for a year or two years or three years to see the fruit of their labor, because it takes a while for the information to get out, takes a while to organize, do something
You know, doing actions like that take time to plan.
And the globalists have all the money, all the power, all the resources, all the systems, everything, and they're barely getting their agenda through while waking everybody up, so then they sick Northcom on us, thinking, oh, well, that will stop them.
Well, that's one thing that makes me nervous, is that I think we're really primed for another false flag event that could really bust the momentum that we have right now.
It's really a matter of time, Alex.
But we preemptively have exposed false flag terror, and so it's hard for them to play that card, but I agree, they're gonna play it.
Well, yeah, we know the symptoms, we know the signs, we know what to look for, so that we can raise those red flags before they happen, hopefully, and preempt anything.
And all these fake terror busts they've been doing, which have turned out to be fake in every case, that's a sign they are really getting ready to do it.
Plus, they need to look, in the public's eyes, they need to make the public feel like they're accomplishing something.
And that's why they pull these.
They're protecting us.
Let's look at the architecture of the FEMA camps when we get back and how the false flag can be used whether it's financial or terror or biological.
What's coming up with our guest and more your calls.
Stay with us.
Hello, friends.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda...
They'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
I have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
For the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation, the criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty and on its ashes constructing world government.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com.
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I don't know.
I hear the train a-blowin'.
I hear the train a-comin'.
It's rollin' around a bit.
And I ain't seen the sunshine.
I don't know when.
Stuck in Folsom Prison.
And time keeps draggin'.
Here it is, Camp FEMA, ladies and gentlemen.
American Lockdown.
You want the truth?
Get yourself a copy while you're getting fall of the Republican endgame.
These films are so important.
These are the key to really reaching the most people.
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By entertaining, they'll be riveted.
Okay, we have the makers of Camp FEMA, the director and the producer, Gary Franchi here with us, and William Lewis.
Okay, guys, false flag terror.
They clearly need their agenda.
They need a new war.
The RAND Corporation says the false flag could be World War III.
All of our insiders are saying within two years, massive war.
It could be in South America against Venezuela, and in Central Asia, and in the Middle East.
Domestic stage terror attacks, bioweapons releases.
I believe this is all just a drill to test the federal assets.
Their test isn't going well.
What do you see happening?
I see a lot of people saying, I don't want to take the swine flu vaccine.
You know, I was watching news reports last night and some of the local stations are reporting, you know, local opinions.
And there are men and women and children saying, I'm not going to take this untested vaccine and I don't want my children to take it.
You know, if that's the particular false flag operation that they choose to use for martial law, then I think it probably is going to work because there's enough people saying no right now where I think that they would be able to call it more than a national emergency.
I mean, look at the... They've called it a national emergency and they're also forcing kids to take it in schools illegally under orders.
That is bullish!
Well, have you looked into the, under a national emergency, what regulations are suspended at hospitals for the national emergency and, you know, a medical emergency?
It makes you wonder, because I'm looking at news reports, they're saying that they don't have to record your name or your information or take as much information about you in order to process you through and get you the shot quicker.
So that kind of, that opens up the door now to, well if they don't have to do that at hospitals, maybe it's more convenient for us to send out people in suits and ties to your door.
No, no, no, that's already going on.
They're already sending letters to people saying your kids haven't been vaccinated and people are showing up saying I'm from the National Health Registry in weird scrubby uniforms.
We got calls about that the last three months and then saw it in the news.
Well, you know, we could talk about the swine flu in a shot, but what really concerns me is another type of a domestic terror attack, like in Oklahoma City, where they blame, you know, a Constitution-loving patriot.
Because behind the scenes, it's not Al-Qaeda they're scaring the cops with.
It is the patriots.
We're the main threat.
Right, and that's what's going to give them the excuse to round up people like myself, people like you, people like William, people who are in this movement.
That's, I mean, that's my biggest concern.
But a lot of insiders say they don't want to do that, they may just shut the web off.
What did you think two weeks ago when Obama said, yeah, the NSA's taking over the web, during emergencies like swine flu we may shut all websites off, but government, for your safety?
I mean, that's openly being announced.
That's not for your safety.
But I mean, exactly, but I'm saying, to have them openly breaking the ice,
See, they're really getting ready for this.
Well, it's all a series of tests.
They test to see how the public is going to respond to these actions.
And if they don't get serious outcry or anything like that, then they may hold back on how they react.
But then they've always got five or six other operations simultaneously running.
It's all a sign off.
Everybody's TV and cable?
Because there's still information coming out.
So whose information is more credible?
Apparently the information they're getting on the internet is a little more credible because they don't want you to get it.
Well, it'll be corporate control.
They hand out the talking points to the mainstream media and say, this is what you can report on.
They leave, they leave.
And that's admitted now.
Almost all movies and TV shows are completely written by the government.
The FBI wrote most of the X-Files, or they were at least involved in
I've had the star of the X-Files, Dean Hagelin, show up at my house, do an interview and say, yeah, the CIA told us what to produce and told us that lone gunman episode where the government hijacks a jet to fly at the World Trade Center to blame it on Afghanistan.
And uses a drill to make NORAD stand out.
Who are these people?
Why are they so sick that they like to see it on TV what they're going to do to us?
It's not that they like to see it on TV.
What they're doing is they're putting it out there so that when you
Talk to your audience and tell them some of these wild, fascinating stories.
People are going to go, hey man, you've been watching too much X-Files.
You know what?
I probably get, no exaggeration, when I go five emails a day or more, and I see it all over YouTube comments going, Alex got all his news from Metal Gear Solid.
I don't know what Metal Gear Solid is.
It's supposedly some combat game.
Yeah, combat game.
I've seen the cover.
No, that's them putting what's really going on in the game.
Metal Gear Solid is this.
What is it?
I guess it's some combat game?
It's a video game.
You're running off to shoot people.
But they say when I talk about population reduction, that's Metal Gear Solid.
I never play the game, but most of these games have a timeline, a storyline, and a whole... When I talk about New World Order, they think I'm talking about the WWF group.
Oh, that was definitely planned.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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We're going to take some of your phone calls.
Mike, Robert.
Mandy, Rick, and the Bahamas who disagrees.
We'll go to him first, and then Brian in Montreal.
Before this show ends, we'll take your calls.
I wanted to show you this.
National Reconnaissance Office, United States of America.
We got sent from the address saying, you know, not all of us are asleep.
Death of New World Order, long live the Republic.
A Defense Intelligence Agency patch, mailed from the Defense Intelligence Agency, with nothing else on it.
This one here says, National Reconnaissance Office, United States of America.
On the back, it says, Central Intelligence Agency, nowhere to hide.
Yeah, well, there's nowhere to hide when you violate the Bill of Rights and Constitution and help the government ship the narcotics in and interdict people that don't pay their cut.
There's nowhere to hide from God for the crimes that you've been committing.
Oh yeah, I guess we need headphones to be able to take calls with you guys.
That's a good point.
I should have thought of that earlier.
We're getting them hooked up.
Good job, guys.
You know, for three days, I've been meaning to play this clip.
As just an example of how they've got people into false reality and into simulations, not just sports, and all these mass game, video games, where millions of people, sometimes millions, sometimes hundreds of thousands, and one of them's called Eve, and it's some intergalactic battle deal with humans from different corporations fighting each other, and on this front page of the site, I saw the ad on YouTube, it said, your life will matter.
You actually affect this universe.
It's all a PSYOP game.
They plant these seeds into your subconscious.
So like as William mentioned, when you bring it up in public, it's easy to discredit, but it also, in your mind, you've already heard it.
You've heard it somewhere before.
And you're comfortable with it.
Comfortable with it.
You've been acclimated.
Desensitized is the word, yes.
You had the ground prepared.
I mean, I watched Transformers, Revenge of the Fallen.
I saw that last night.
You saw it last... And the whole thing is, torture's good, tasering's good, burning people's eyes out to get answers is good, the military's perfect, you're being face scanned for your own safety, total surveillance is good, the fam... Other than that, that movie's a total waste of time, man.
When I saw the movie, there was a character in the film who had this huge computer setup... The conspiracy theorists are crazy and bad... I'm like, wow, those sounds... But the good guy tells them to lie for America... Right.
When that conspiracy theorist was talking, I'm like, wow, he's saying a lot of things I've said before, you know?
Yeah, but other than that, it's a lot of Transformers transforming from a car back into a Transformer back into whatever.
And I mean, most of the movie is nothing but special effects.
There's very little, there's no relationship.
But it's not bad when you're jogging.
If I try to jog like down the street, I can go like a mile.
But if I put on a movie and get into it, I can get three miles, four miles in.
Kind of walked the last 10.
The problem is no matter what I watch, it's all propaganda.
Then I can go pull it up and oh, here's a Defense Department grant.
I mean, they admit now it's fake news.
Well, you know, it's not necessarily always the CIA or some government agency.
No, but big productions are.
Yeah, I do agree with you on some of those, but I think it's just so ingrained in our culture.
This is what we're being prepared for.
This is what people are thinking about.
It's on their minds, it's in their conscience, and they're writing about it.
Sure, we're driving that by exposing it, and I've talked to a lot of directors, but they may have four or five top stars in their film, and the film costs $9 million, and they make $15 million, and it should be a big hit.
And I've talked to direct... Okay, Richard Linklater.
He's making...
A scanner darkly with Keanu Reeves, Winona Ryder, Woody Harrelson, and a bunch of other people in it.
I'm in it.
I consulted on it.
And he had final cut, but they went like a half million dollars over.
So then, that was Warner Brothers, came in and said, okay, you're going to cut all these scenes.
You're going to cut where the cop blows the guy's head off.
That's anti-law enforcement.
Now let me tell you, and Linkletter fought him and kept it in.
Because it was in the book.
But the point is, is there is control.
There is control.
I know people in Hollywood.
I knew when we were going to make Loose Change Final Cut with Charlie Sheen that Mark Cuban was going to put it out in theaters nationwide and he got threats.
And that other people's families, a general, who is the brother of a producer's wife, called up and said, your kids can get killed doing this, you better not do it.
Now, I was asked to shut up about that until it was in the news that the White House had the Securities and Exchange Commission call up Mark Cuban, and they also sent an email, and said, we're going to destroy you for this.
So he dropped out of it.
They still indicted him.
And then it came out it was he was indicted for no reason.
So the court case just got beaten two months ago.
This is now admitted.
And so when the New York Times comes out and writes about it, they're just threatening everyone.
But I agree with you, a lot of it is in control.
Go ahead.
Yeah, I mean, I wasn't necessarily trying to get off on that tangent.
I was just making the point that it is so already ingrained in our culture and in our conscience that those are the types of things we want to see.
Those are the types of things that people just write about.
We're, you know, for whatever reason drawn to those things.
It's not that they're necessarily accurate or true, but I think we're fascinated with the end times and some of these technologies.
And our own destruction.
Exactly, for whatever reason.
Okay, I want to go to phone calls and a few other items, but will you guys bring me that Eve YouTube clip in?
I printed this up.
I link from a YouTube ad to this, but then YouTube itself has the video.
It's called the Butterfly Effect.
Thank you, Jaren.
And when you click through to the Eve site, it says, your life will now matter.
You're going to be important.
This is where you fight.
This is where you're a man.
300,000 people.
And so you have people paying in the real world with these simulation games, $50,000 for a Ferrari in the game to buy it from somebody, because there's only so many Ferraris in the imaginary world.
And they're actually getting real dates in the real world out of this.
They're training you to be inserted into the matrix.
What people don't realize is that by playing these games, you are projecting some type of desire to be needed or have that value.
There's a real fight in the real world.
You're needed right now.
This is the real world.
Here, you have worth now in the real world.
You don't have to play a game.
Listen, the social engineers, I read documents from universities in the 60s, in fact in the extras of Endgame, Endgame 1.5 is for PrisonPlanet.tv viewers, Dr. Michael Kaufman, the PhD, reads documents from universities saying, we're going to have complex computer games, we're going to have drugs, we're going to have like a Soma drug, Prozac, it will be sports, we're going to build stadiums everywhere.
And of course that was written about in 1900 as well by H.G.
Wells, but you're absolutely right, they know
They don't want you out really involved in the real world interfacing.
They want you fully being wire-headed into this.
They want you on the couch, they want you staring at a glassy box, you know, getting the 40 megahertz frequency pumped in your head so that you just are droned out and you're sitting there doing nothing.
It's admitted that Americans 30 years ago had a higher wavelength.
The average American is in a dreamlike, daydream state.
They're zombies, man.
That's why you can't talk to them and they've had psychological compulsions.
Psychological suggestions.
This is admitted and planted that when they hear us talk about the new world order or global government getting involved, they giggle and get a glassy.
That's their pre-programmed.
These films that we've created here, this is... They go into the matrix and deprogram.
They're red pills.
It's shock therapy.
It's like, boom, here it is.
And that's what your films did to me, Alex, is it put me up against the wall and made me... You were a risk management guy for a big company making a lot of money and you got deprogrammed, didn't you, Francie?
Yes, I did.
Now look at you.
You have done well, my apprentice.
Thank you.
Thank you, Lord Jones.
We're going to actually have a Lord on soon here on the show.
All right.
Here's Eve, folks.
Now, here it talks about how you have value, how you change things, how you have power by one decision you make in the video game, by blasting a pirate ship, a pirate spaceship.
But when you read the game, it's like your life is not going to have value.
And so I started looking at other simulation games.
It's all the same.
And you have millions of people, in some cases, with World of Warcraft and all this, and all these Marine Corps games, which the Pentagon admits they're funding to then program you, where they admitted that the simulators in the games are exactly the same as real predator drones.
So now you're blowing up real people on the ground.
I've played games where I'm controlling a part of an elite military squadron and there's people playing connected on the internet in their own homes.
And they're all running around.
No, no, that's the game.
World of Warcraft has 3, 4 million.
There's all these other games.
Call of Duty or one of those games.
Where you torture people and kill them now and kill civilians.
And again, it dehumanizes.
All these simulated murders.
That's why folks 50 years ago got scared if they saw a simulated murder on TV.
Now they don't care if humans are dying, but if they see a dog die simulated, people freak out.
Because the dog still has value.
Humans have been dehumanized.
Here is the game trying to suck your soul.
The game is Eve.
Here's the game trying to suck your soul.
There's all these men who have addictions, don't even have time with their wife or kids.
They quit their jobs to play these games because this is where they have value.
This is where they're a starship commander!
Instead of in the real world with world government poisoning your water supply, you're in the middle of a real operation.
We're fighting for our lives.
People are being killed and set up over this.
And, oh no, I don't want to be in the real world.
I want to fly around in my little fake spaceship or as a big giant goblin.
World of Warcraft!
You know, I mean, it's total crap.
Here it is.
T for violence.
Crank it up.
In chaos theory, there's a concept known as sensitive dependence on initial conditions.
Most people call it the butterfly effect.
In Eve, we call it the sandbox.
Let's say this is you.
One lone wolf flying a starship in the far reaches of space.
And in your travels, you encounter this.
A defenseless mining barge under attack by pirates.
You have a split second to make a choice.
Without your help, the miner doesn't stand a chance.
You decide to be the hero and succeed in driving the raiders away.
The victim is thankful, and in the conversation that follows, a friendly gang that was on its way to help finally arrives.
Grateful for your assistance, they invite you to fly with them.
As it turns out, that gang was on its way to regroup with more patrols, who are all members of the same corporation, which happens to be part of an alliance of corporations, that is currently at war with another alliance, whose patrols have just spotted the one you're flying with, right now.
Your decision to help that miner led to this moment.
An epic battle between thousands of players.
And the chance to share that experience with new friends that you might have for the rest of your life.
Hundreds of thousands of people could hear about this battle.
Why so many?
Because it all happened in one universe.
Not in separate realms.
Just one big sandbox.
Where the actions of one person can resonate throughout the entire game world.
In EVE, the choices you make shape the outcome of events.
You could have helped those pirates, or just flown on by.
What matters most is that the experience was emergent, unscripted.
Because in the sandbox, all player actions, no matter how subtle or bold, always have an impact.
Imagine what you could become a part of.
Being in the right place, at the right time, could touch the lives of more than 300,000 people in 230 countries around the world.
Welcome to EVE Online.
The universe is yours.
So this puts you into a false virtual reality where anybody who wants to be involved, anybody that wants to help, you're not in the real world as Gore's dual role in Spotlight, goad for cause and investor, how he's making all the money off enslaving you and your family, they're poisoning your water supply to brain damage you, it's admitted, but you don't care about fighting someone poisoning you, you want to go play starship commander when the elite actually plan to block off new technological development, freeze us here,
One child policy, exterminate most of us, and then the elite, they go to the real stars, while we all sit here getting euthanized playing games going...
Hooked into a matrix.
This is how we're being inserted into the matrix.
And that's what the matrix is, is predictive programming.
How were the people inserted into the matrix?
They were offered a false reality when the guy says, I don't want to remember nothing.
Pay me off.
I want to be a movie star in the false reality.
Well, in these false realities, you are a movie star.
They have games where you're a movie star with hundreds of thousands of other jackasses.
You know, I don't play those games, but I can understand the appeal that people have because... Yeah, you're not supposed to go out and talk to your neighbors, but you can go out and talk to your neighbors and fight the Goblin Fleet.
Just don't go outside your house.
That's right.
Because, you know, if you go outside your house and talk to them, you're perhaps going to transmit a little bit of truth from one to the other.
Ooh, that's bad.
You don't do that, but you can be a space commander.
You can leak secrets to be a 25-foot goblin.
You can leak secrets to be a spy for some online game.
But don't, whatever you do, don't burn a copy of this DVD and don't pass it off to your friends.
Because that would be real.
And we can't have that.
Yeah, you might actually affect something in the real world.
You might actually have worth, value.
You might actually have a soul.
Let's talk to somebody who disagrees.
Rick in the Bahamas.
Go ahead, Rick.
Yeah, no, I don't hear you.
It's very strange.
Yeah, can you hear me?
Yes, go ahead.
Yeah, I just wanted to, well, thanks for taking my call.
I want to tell you that, you know, I respect the show and I think it's a great job that you're doing.
Okay, what do you disagree with?
That's fine.
You don't have to say you respect it.
Go ahead.
Okay, it's, uh, the gold prices that Ted has on Franks and Sovereigns are always more expensive than you can get from a, I won't say their name, but a very well-known, reputable online broker.
Okay, listen, sir, I appreciate your call, and you sell for them in the Bahamas.
I bought gold and silver from Ted every time.
That's a great deal that he has.
I've seen the sheets that Ted has.
Four percent, not even four percent, it'll be like $230 coin, $4, $5.
And Ted supports this network.
That's why you should buy your gold from Ted Anderson.
He's got a great deal.
Don't buy it from us.
It's not a good deal.
My films aren't good.
I get people complaining I give them out for free.
They say that's not enough.
I say, here's my film, get it for free, YouTube, Google, right now, get it out to everybody.
That's not enough!
You shouldn't even sell one to make money!
I mean, you know, you shouldn't even have money.
You guys shouldn't have money to fly here.
To fly here to interview me.
It's okay for the government with taxes to take our money and use it against us, but if we as entrepreneurs and as free market people go out and say, I've made a DVD, you can buy it if you want to, or you can watch it for free online, but please get this out to people.
And I happen to know those are great deals on what Ted's selling.
Now there may be somebody out there that I don't know about who can buy it, who bought a bunch when it was $900 an ounce and can sell it for less now, but I don't know what the hell you're talking about.
Here's Ted Anderson's number, you should buy it from him, because he supports this network, and because he's put radio ads on national radio promoting the Obama deception, and he's gonna do it for this, and he gave over $300,000 to Ron Paul for the Ron Paul Air Force, and I don't want to hear, oh, Ron Paul lost.
No, he created a nationwide movement, and people know the fellow deserves the enemy now.
You can call and disagree about something I cover here, but just attacking us and our sponsors is a load of crap.
I believe in all my sponsors.
Call Ted Anderson.
Buy silver.
Buy gold.
Even if it wasn't a good deal, it's a great place to buy it.
And it is a great deal.
And I've been telling you, buy gold since it was $300 an ounce.
We got all this stuff coming down on us, and we got a bitch about Ted.
That's great.
Remain in your houses.
The President of the United States has declared martial law under Executive Order 11004.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda,
They'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
I have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
Fall of the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation, the criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty and on its ashes constructing world government.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com.
Or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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I want to say something here right at the end of the show.
We as patriots need to get over the fact that the media tells us you're not allowed to make films, you're not allowed to write and sell books.
I've been on so many national shows and TV and they go, Mr. Jones, you do sell your movies, don't you?
And I go, yeah, you little bastards, you're all financed by the big banks here on this TV or radio show.
Of course I'm here making money.
But that doesn't take away from my moral stand and that I promote what I believe.
I mean, I have a right to say I'm against world government and global carbon taxes.
I have a right to say I'm against banks raping us.
But see, it's a little, it's a mind game.
We're supposed to, oh, I'm sorry, I had a sponsor.
I'm sorry I sold a video.
I'm sorry.
Man, I see these lies online going, Alex Jones sells his videos for $50 a piece.
You can buy almost all my films for $5.95 when you get them in bulk.
You can get them for $9.95.
You can get them for $19.95.
Maybe I should sell them for more.
It's not bad.
It's a free market.
It's free association for me to make films.
I mean, this sucker cost me $200,000.
$200,000 to make this.
I need to make my money back and I still let people bootleg them everywhere because I want it out there.
I want the thing.
I post on my site where you can get it for free, which nobody else does, and then people try to take my films away from me.
There are people selling it on Amazon who tell Amazon it's theirs and I can't even sell my own stuff there.
Send the number to Ted Anderson.
You call folks.
It's above $1,090.
Right up.
It was $189 today.
Buy the gold.
Buy the silver.
It's a great deal.
Plus your support in this radio show.
And you know what?
If you want to just flat out donate to me.
Send us the check.
Send us the money.
We will put it towards the fight against the New World Order.
We will put it towards bigger offices, more equipment, more employees, more people fighting the New World Order.
Well, the fact is, you know, we made this film Camp FEMA, and now we've got other projects in the works because of the success of that movie.
It's a mind game!
Everybody buy Camp FEMA right now at Infowars.com!
We're not funded by David Rockefeller!
We're funded by you!
We've got a new film coming out.
It's called Don't Tread on Me.
We're taking a look at the state's sovereignty movement.
No, you're not allowed to make a film!
Ron Paul's not allowed to sell a book!
He's supposed to give it out for free!
Well, if you want to watch Camp FEMA for free, you can.
Tomorrow night, Wednesday, November the 4th, 8 o'clock at Brave New Books, 1904 Guadalupe Street in Austin.
And Gary and I are both going to be there answering questions afterwards.
I hope you introduce yourselves.
I'll send everybody over there.
It's hilarious, but seriously, Brave New Books are great guys that work there.
It's down at the end of Guadalupe.
Nice place.
Get there early, though.
It only holds about 120 and it fills up fast.
Yeah, we were surprised last time.
And how dare them?
They should have that prime real estate bookstore to wake up the kids on campus underneath the Chase Bank building.
It should be free!
They should go get that space and just give everything out for free.
Of course they could do what Al Gore does, steal your money and pay it to himself.
But that's okay.
That's alright.
Taking tax money for Al Gore.
That's alright.
Stealing people's money at gunpoint with the police, that's good.
You are bad!
I have no response to that.
I just disagree with it.
Well, anybody else who disagrees needs to buy them.
Needs to buy Fall of the Republic, Hintfema, and Infowars.com.
And I'm honored to be in both your new films you're making.
And I'm honored to be interviewed by you for an hour and a half after this transmission ends.
And you men have done a great job.
I'm sorry to get to the other callers, but I went into rant mode, which I'm legendary for.
And again, show the globalists you're not going to be intimidated.
Spread the word about this radio show, the free podcast that costs me about $6,000 a month to stream out.
How dare I build this operation?
How dare I have sponsors to pay for the free bandwidth?
It's bad!
I'm bad!
I'm bad!
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