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Name: 20091102_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Nov. 2, 2009
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Now, I want to tell you about Bill Sardi.
He writes for lewrockwell.com and a lot of other big publications.
He's a medical researcher, author in the areas of health and nutrition.
He's authored numerous books, including The New Truth About Vitamins and Minerals, The Red Wine Pill, Vitamin C Report, and more.
He is a journalist of medical subjects.
He is a medical journalist, and we're honored to have him with us.
And throughout this hour,
We're going to be taking your phone calls only on flu whistleblowers.
People who've been forced to take it.
People whose children were forced to take it.
People who'd have neighbor's children who were forced to take it.
What freaks me out is everything we hear here months before
Thank you, Alex.
Have you had your flu shot yet, Alex?
No, I haven't, Bill.
If you haven't, you can join most of the members of Congress, some pediatricians in South Florida who say it's unsafe, some Colorado hospitals who say, back away, don't send that flu mist thing here, the nasally instilled vaccine, you'll start a pandemic right here in our own hospital.
These are admissions from healthcare workers themselves.
You can see the pushback.
Nurses and doctors just pushing this away.
So if this is still on your mind, University of Purdue researchers saying over the weekend it's worthless to vaccinate now, your children especially, of no benefit because it takes three to four weeks
To develop enough antibodies for proper immunity.
By then, the flu season is over.
This thing is peaking early and you will get no benefit if everybody mass vaccinates right now with the available doses they claim.
That's the 22.4 million.
Everybody today, you'll only reduce the infections by 6%.
Meaningless reduction in mortality and so on.
So it's just so you know.
They know how to plot these and predict and they know what's going on.
It's useless and the news media, by the way, ignoring that study showing too late now.
You're just too late to make any benefit.
And by the way,
The CDC is still recommending everybody get a seasonal flu shot when there's no seasonal flu in circulation.
All we have is the pandemic H1N1.
You can go to the CDC website and see it yourself.
99% in circulation is the flu, the pandemic strain.
It's useless to get the seasonal flu shot.
So all you get is a little bit of the disease itself.
Did I say that?
Yes, I did.
The flu shot is a little bit of the disease.
What do you think they're giving you?
How do you provoke antibodies?
Now, especially the flu mist, that's the nasally and still liquid one, so the kids avoid the needles, but you notice that one became available first.
You want to start a pandemic, give that one first, because about 2% of the people you come in contact with, if you had that,
You're going to give it to those people.
Now, you know, they're doing this at schools because, well, wait a minute, the teachers are going to get it, and then the pregnant teachers are going to get it, and then the babies are going to get it, and you don't see hospitals saying, if you have gotten the flu mist in the last few days, do not enter here.
You don't see that.
So, you know, this is the kind of danger.
This is how to start.
The flu mist is the live
I don't
It's fizzling out, and they really need this thing to get going, and they need more deaths.
As you know, they claim 36,000 deaths a year, and everybody can see it now.
What does it say there?
A thousand deaths in eight months.
That's way under 36,000 in a year.
So everybody take a look at their own figures.
We have a very mild flu epidemic on our hands.
That doesn't mean that people don't get pretty sick.
They can.
Bill, I want to go over with you all the different facets in the research and everything you're saying.
You have links to the CDC in your articles.
This is all admitted fact, but I want to pull that first and look at the big picture here.
Do you agree with me that this is nothing but a federalization of local police and local medical facilities and the federal government itself taking orders from the United Nations, the UN bragging this is great for global governance.
We declared the level six global pandemic on a regional basis, not off of actual illnesses or deaths.
And what do you think the bigger picture here is now, with schools all over the country forcibly injecting children, even against parents' wishes, and then spinning it with the same talking point that it was just a mistake?
This is the perfect martial law cover.
Not this year, but in the future.
You're going to get hospital administrators and others call up and say, well, we don't do any of that.
Well, you know, who's accepting the nine billion dollars here?
I mean, they've got payoffs to all of these places if they will push the flu shots and they're going to miss out on the money.
Now, you know, everybody's hurting for money, including hospitals and clinics.
This is the story.
They aren't distributing this year this flu shot in pharmacies and places like that.
They're going right to the schools.
They're going right to the workplace where they can coerce you as a health care worker, as somebody who works in a grocery store or wherever, to get that flu shot.
And there are economic incentives to do this.
So where someone might say, this is not
Bill, that's my question to you.
Analyzing this, I want your perspective.
Is this just not the perfect federalization vehicle?
Is this not just a beta test for the future?
A way to clamp down on society during a financial meltdown or for other reasons?
Even better than terrorism, a biological pathogen is the perfect way to be able to fully federalize things and take total control over society.
And all the evidence that I'm seeing shows that this is a beta test for total federalization.
We're good to go.
version of the flu until recently.
What does that tell you?
We gave it to the pigs!
Come on!
Wake up!
It's an engineered virus.
We can't find any other origin of this.
Now, they claim patient number one was a little boy in a village in Mexico, but a lot of people got sick, but he was the only boy with that particular strain.
That's what they claim.
The kids getting sick from other things in that village.
Then they claim there were two children
Here in Los Angeles that had it first, but again, we can't track this down as to how it reassorted.
You'd have to send this pig back and forth on an airplane to Asia, so it wouldn't make any sense.
Well, they said therefore, because it takes a lot of mutations, a lot of time, it had to be circulating in the population, and we just missed it!
All of those over a thousand flu monitoring centers the World Health Organization has around the globe missed this thing?
Come on!
And Bill, expanding on that... ...is engineered, from what I can see, until we rule that out, that's what it is.
Well Bill, you're not the only one saying this.
I've seen BBC headlines that top scientists say it was made in a lab.
Alex, you know and I know, we're just trying to educate the public.
When societies, when politicians get in trouble with an economy, they develop distractions.
Usually it's a war.
In this case, it's a war on the flu.
And because of that, they can gain control of the economy.
What is the first thing you would do and your family would do if they heard quarantine was coming?
You'd go, you'd run to the store for the food, the water, and the bank to get some money.
Now they know that, and they close down the bank.
Stay there!
Stay there!
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You got to luerockwell.com, that's the exclusive place to get Bill Sardi's amazing health journalism.
He'll be with us a little bit in the next hour.
Whistleblowers, Roger, Matt, Tim, Steve, your calls are coming up in the next segment.
Bill, you got cut off by the break when you were making the point.
That they need a crisis, they need a war to fight, an excuse to distract us, to divert us.
We know Mexico was on the edge of rebellion.
Then they hype up a few deaths down there and lock everything down.
It's the perfect thing to make everybody the potential enemy and only the government are the good guys.
So, but it sounds from what you're saying and what the evidence shows that this is blowing up in their face that two-thirds of people aren't buying it.
Go ahead, Bill.
You know, Mexico is ready to implode.
You see the crime, and then they got everybody to just head inside and stay inside.
Worst thing you could do, you want some sunlight and vitamin D to get outside, but it was a good way to do this.
Pay attention now to history.
When Argentina was in financial trouble, what did they do?
Declare a phony war in the Falkland Islands.
So be aware of this.
If you're learning about history today, Alex Jones trying to tell you that societies in trouble, losing control of their population, are going to create distraction, reasons, false reasons to close the banks and to create a crisis to take advantage of it.
The president's main man there said he was going to don't let a good crisis pass by.
So, you know, we need to be aware of manipulation by government.
And for all of you who are good Americans, who are loyal to the flag and everything, remember our country started with skepticism about government.
And so, you know, we need a healthy skepticism.
Sure we're loyal, sure we're good Americans, and we believe in that Constitution that limited federal government and intrusion into our homes.
Into our finances and so many things that are now, of course, just passed aside under the idea of a phony crisis.
So, I want you to all see that and understand what we're trying to teach you.
You know, in the past, people have said, well, you know, there's a crisis, there's a crisis, so buy gold or whatever.
This is for real this time.
You can see it from the government's own, you know,
Massaging of the news media, which is their front man for this whole thing.
And by the way, they're losing grip.
We see a repudiation of government.
And what did they come out and say?
They're going to shut down the Alex Jones Show.
That's basically what they said.
Because the General Accounting Office comes up with some phony scheme that all Americans are going to be so sick they're going to run home and they're going to jump on the internet.
Because they're not at work and then they're going to massively take up all this bandwidth and shut down the internet.
So that they're going, the government is going to have to shut down the internet in part to keep that from occurring.
They wouldn't be shutting down the Alex Jones Show, would they?
They know that these alternative news sources are getting people to back away from the flu shots.
And they're trying to find any way possible to shut off this information.
You can see from ABC to NBC to CBS to whatever news source, CNN, Fox News, they're all following the party line.
The Centers for Disease Control issues, the press releases, and this is what the public hears.
There is no good reason to have the seasonal flu shot.
Did you hear that?
From any of the news sources that you rely upon, you should have heard it.
Thank you Alex Jones for having me on so I can say this.
If I am right, look at my articles, you'll see that the U.S.
government hid the largest
It was a mortal flu epidemic in 1993.
It set back the life expectancy of Americans for the first time since 1918, the year of the Spanish flu.
It had a dramatic decline in our life expectancy, which went unexplained.
No other news reporter catches on to this.
I go digging into it, look at Morbidity, Mortality Weekly reports, the government's own data showing there was a late flu season in 1993.
It struck
Older adults in nursing homes killed thousands of them.
And what was it?
It was the first year that Medicare paid for flu shots in nursing homes.
That's what triggered it.
It was a mortal, deadly flu vaccine.
Because it would have set back the flu vaccination program, they hid the whole thing.
And not one reporter in the United States reports on this.
You can go to the Centers for Disease Control, look up mortality rates, the life expectancy in the United States.
You'll see it went down dramatically in 1993.
It was the flu shot that caused it.
And by the way,
Tracking all the way back to 1918 now is Dr. Karen M. Starco allowing us to see what really caused all those deaths in 1918.
It was treatment-related, as she's showing that Bayer, the big drug company, was marketing aspirin that year.
The AMA promoted aspirin for treatment of the flu.
People were overdosing on aspirin, 8,000 to 31,000.
Stay there, Bill.
We're gonna come back with these bombs you're dropping.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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We are fighting back against the hoax of the flu vaccines.
I remember two months ago, on air, I read the insert for the nasal live flu virus and it said, may mutate the virus, may give you the flu, may spread the flu.
Now I can read articles where hospitals are saying don't do it.
Canadian doctors and the government said the regular seasonal flu doubles your chances of getting a regular flu.
But it's just so outrageous that they get away with it.
They clearly are trying to spread it to then sell their product.
That's how diabolical these corporate controllers are.
Bill Sardi, premier investigative journalist with LewRockwell.com.
I'm going to go back to him in just a moment.
I wanted to let you know that Fall of the Republic, my new film, is out.
And this is the documentary that is the most up-to-date, that puts all the big pieces of the puzzle together, that shows you from their own statements, their own documents, how the financial elite are buying up the world through fraud, how they're bankrupting the planet to openly bring in world government and the carbon tax, what the carbon tax is gonna mean to you, what the global treaties are gonna mean, the global government.
This film, my other films are great, but this is a whole new level.
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Fall of the Republic, Volume 1.
It's got Barack Obama's mug on the front because he's the closer.
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The point is, we've gotten the word out about the flu and the establishment's starting to panic and they're losing.
They're still hurting a lot of people though.
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You can also write to me.
It's 1995 P.O.
Box 19549, Austin, Texas 78760.
Now, going back to Bill.
Bill, I want to get to some whistleblowers.
Maybe I'll twist your arm just even more into the next hour because time's running out.
I know you have so much knowledge and so many important reports you've broken.
But briefly, because then I have a question.
Tell us about some of your best-selling books and materials where people can learn about this for themselves.
We do have a lot of articles at LewRockwell.com.
There's a whole series there, and we're trying to do this day by day because of the zigzag information from the federal government.
And you see, one day it's going to be, oh, it's going to take two shots to develop the immunity this year.
Oh, it only takes one!
You see, how did we get that change?
They admitted that all prior years, we didn't develop enough immunity because we needed two shots.
One to prime our immune system, one to get it going.
So, you know, they're changing the ideas here that they're giving us from one minute to the other.
Oh, it's a mock vaccine that we're getting this year.
That means they approved the way that they make it, and then they were just going to insert the vaccine.
You get it two weeks later.
Well, wait a minute.
Now they're not so fast in their production.
This was supposed to be real-time production, almost.
Well, you know what?
I think it is the mock vaccine.
I think it is real-time.
But I think they're reluctant to produce a vaccine that nobody wants, so they don't want to go in the hole on this thing any further.
By the way, where is the declaration from the Centers for Disease Control?
They're canceling the purchase orders because of lack of public demand.
They don't want to eat it.
You see $9 billion promised
To the drug companies over this thing.
We have to push back.
If you can understand where we're going here, is that every possible infectious disease you would have to have a vaccine for, you're going to have 60, 70, 80 vaccines.
This is insane.
They're giving little kids right on the first day of life in the hospital an hepatitis shot.
They can't even develop antibodies at that age.
So you're getting nothing but disease.
And it's going into children.
We now have the autism rate 1 in 91 children.
It's unbelievable!
From 1 in 25,000.
Bill, let me throw out a few bullet points at you.
You just dropped that giant bombshell you've written detailed articles about how the big flu pandemics that we've had, 93 one of the biggest, followed the mass inoculations of the elderly.
We know vaccines were associated in 76.
At the military bases with the troops breaking out with it.
We have AP and Reuters and CBS admitting in Asia and Latin America and the Middle East and in Africa the UN is giving people live polio vaccines that are maiming them and killing them and then they just admit it and nobody gets in trouble.
Now they're giving people a nasal flu vaccine that they admit is spreading it.
How obvious is that to prime the pump
Uh, now they're forcibly injecting school children everywhere.
The evidence is they are doing this on purpose.
I mean, this is more bold than I even thought.
Who the hell are these people?
What's the endgame?
Comment on those points, Bill, with your expert.
If you want to listen, all the skeptics now, if you want to listen to this, you know, vaccine's one of the best things that's ever happened to us.
Remember now, this is 1798 technology.
Cowpox technology.
Edward Jenner.
Was the doctor we cannot continue to give ourselves 60 70 80 different vaccines in our lifetime for every possible infectious disease and where they're leading us to the end game.
Let me tell you where that ends up.
You're going to have vaccine resistance.
You're going to have any viral.
I'm good.
So please push back from this agenda.
And by the way, researchers at both the Mayo Clinic and in Japan think if we went ahead and inoculated 70 to 80 percent of our population, we would put so much genetic pressure on these flu viruses that we might induce the very mutated virus that with them no one would have immunity to, and we would have a massive
Massive destruction of human life across the globe.
So believe me, if they're not listening to the scientists as they say,
Come back!
Do not go there!
They're putting up red flags, the scientists themselves, and you see a totally different story from centers that support disease control.
And, you know, your children are going to get no benefit and possible... Now, I've tried to point this out.
I have a little e-book.
We offered it free at lewrockwell.com, The Hidden Epidemic.
Young children do not have a blood-brain barrier until the age of two.
There is no barrier to keep germs from getting out.
They rely on immune factors from their mother's milk and other ways of doing this.
By the way, vitamin C, vitamin D, and fish oil should be in your children's regimen from day one.
If you're giving formula, you put the vitamin C, D, and fish oil in there, and that'll mimic the immune system.
Let me stop you.
That's a whole other issue.
They know that formula in the major studies results in smaller brains and weak immune systems.
Do they put fish oil?
Do they put vitamin C in there when the baby needs those fats and needs that vitamin C?
Hell no!
Telling everybody and alerting everybody to, is the massive death in 1918, thanks to Karen M. Starco, M.D., allowing us to see, it was the overuse of aspirin, and what does aspirin do?
We went digging further, it depletes the body of vitamin C. What happens when you're depleted of vitamin C?
Well, they'll...
Bill, I'm no doctor.
You're going to die.
All of the high risk groups for dying from mortality from the flu are vitamin C deficient.
The pregnant, the smokers, the diabetics, the asthmatics, all of them, every group.
Now we're trying to get
A letter published in one of the major journals starting discussion about maybe the lack of vitamin C. You see, once they get you in the hospital, they're starting to give you the steroids to reduce inflammation.
That depletes your vitamin C. They then give you the tetracycline family antibiotics.
That depletes your vitamin C. They then give you the diuretics because your body is filling up with fluid.
Again, it depletes your vitamin C. And they're leading you.
This is why I've said
For a long time, there's no reason why anyone should die of the flu in an intensive care unit.
They're intentionally or unwittingly, you know, leading you to scurvy.
When you die of scurvy, this is what you die of.
The thing that tipped it off is, is that there's cerebral edema in the brain.
That is a normal part of the flu.
This, in 1918, was a vitamin C deficiency induced by the treatment and the overuse of aspirin, by the way.
On the labels of every aspirin bottle is the proof of what I say.
It says do not take this if you have the flu.
So it'll lead to mortality in children.
So it's the vitamin C deficiency is the last link I'm making by doing a little medical investigation on my own.
Please, everyone should be on vitamin C. You'll say, well it doesn't prevent colds and the flu.
No, but it prevents mortality from those.
So please, your young children should be on vitamin C. But Bill...
Here's the big issue.
I've read the histories of the surgeons 300 years ago on British ships, and that's why the British were called Limeys, and that was what finally let the British Empire take over the seas, was they had the secret for, as you know I'm sure, a hundred years, that these little limes that they could keep for six months or more on the ship and that wouldn't go bad,
When their soldiers met other navies who'd been out for a year, all their teeth were falling out, they were dying, old cuts were opening back up.
The British scientist knew about citrus.
They didn't understand it was vitamin C.
And that's why the British were called Limeys, because everywhere the British Army and Navy went, they had limes.
Now, by World War I, they were eating horrible rations, no fruit, they've had no vitamin C, they're told take aspirin, that further depletes it, and now a weak virus can kill people en masse, but people back home out on the farm eating citrus, it goes back, as you know, to the Black Plague.
People out in the countryside eating garlic, eating citrus, they weren't dying, people in the cities,
Cramped were.
Medical science knows this, so I'm asking you, why don't they tell people sunshine, vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin C?
If Linus Pauling won the Nobel Prize for this, why aren't they telling people the secret?
You know, we had a little study that we extrapolated data from and it showed that if we just took and fortified our foods or got a massive
The dietary supplement regimen going in the United States.
So we got sufficient levels of vitamin D. Now that's the sunshine vitamin.
You can even be deficient if you're in South Florida.
A lot of people cover up from the sun.
They're phobic about skin cancer.
So it doesn't matter what part of the year.
And that means our immune system is down.
By the way, if the President of the United States should get a flu shot, he's in real
I think so.
And the animals, little rodent mice, were pregnant, and then they gave them, inoculated them with the flu, and it showed that it caused, in the little fetuses, in the little mice, that it caused a brain disturbance with a genetic pattern that was similar to autism.
So therefore, the conclusion was protect against the flu.
No, no!
Protect against the flu vaccine!
It is!
They're telling us how autism gets started!
It's the vaccine!
Bill, I gotta stop you again.
That's what's so insane is up until a year ago they said don't give pregnant women flu shots because they knew.
Now they invert the studies and do it.
What has changed?
Why are they getting more diabolical as people wake up to the fact that the...
Yes, Alex.
They're starting a study among pregnant women, if you can imagine this.
Now, these will be healthy pregnant women and, you know, they'll do a study.
It'll be over within about seven months.
Too late.
They haven't done any studies to prove safety of this vaccine.
You may hear otherwise from your own doctor.
There are no studies to prove safety in the at-risk group.
The smokers, the asthmatics, the diabetics.
These are the people we need to protect.
The rest of you can have the flu shot.
You'll get sick, maybe, but
You won't die.
What we're concerned about is the at-risk groups.
And by the way, as I say, all of them deficient in vitamin D. But that's what I'm saying.
Why are they this time pushing it?
I have the inserts.
I can go read FDA.gov.
It says it could hurt you if you're pregnant.
It says if you're diabetic.
It says if you have asthma.
But that's who they're pushing it on.
I mean, are they trying to get caught?
What is the point?
It is really diabolical.
It is certainly misdirection.
It is certainly irresponsible.
You cannot claim it's ignorance.
They have smart scientists there.
We have published literature that I cite.
I do not.
I do not ring the bell of fear over, you know, unless I have the science to back it up.
You'll see all the references in my article.
The point is we're using the government's own data to show you they're not even consistent with their own recommendations.
There is no way any flu vaccine is safe.
They make a new one every year.
We have no idea.
And so, you know, they claimed they were going to make a mock vaccine.
They then said, well, you know, we didn't get it fast enough.
There are certainly problems here when a government tells you, hurry up, hurry up, get it, and then it isn't there.
Listen, folks, if these people had to protect us from World War III, we should have fired them a long time ago.
They can't even handle a flu epidemic.
Let me ask you this.
Why are the schools injecting children even when the parents say no?
And I'm seeing the same talking point, Bill, where they say, oops, accident.
Yeah, they've got this thing going in the schools and, of course, you've got
A third of the public, that's just, the rest of you tune out.
The third of you aren't convinced, tune in, because we're just trying to get to you folks.
We are not ringing, you know, crying wolf here.
We're not, we're using government data.
You want to check all the references, please do.
I know so many of you will buy in and say, well, but my doctor said.
Listen, we're trying to rattle your cage a little bit about what you accept is the truth.
Trying to get you to see the references from the government itself.
That's the important part here.
We're being misled.
And why?
There are a lot of questions as to why.
This government that we have, you know, the obvious escape is, Alex, that we'll go run off.
We're a broke government.
We'll go run off and capture the oil and the money from another country like Iraq.
Oh, hey, there's another one next door.
Let's go over there.
They got a lot of oil and money, too.
You know, people don't see the obvious.
So, you know, we don't catch on what's going on.
Healthcare reform is about what?
It's about... We already have 85% of people... Seizing control of another industry they can tax.
85% of people already covered by insurance.
It's about the illegal immigrants who don't have it.
Stay there, Bill Sardi.
Amazing info.
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We're good to go!
We're good to go.
Bill Sarty is going to stay with us 20 minutes into the next hour.
We're going to whistleblower's phone calls now at 1-800-259-9231.
Quick questions, comments, tell us your story, ask Bill a question.
Incredible reporting at LewRockwell.com.
We link to it up at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
And I just burn with a desire to warn people.
Knowing these flu shots hurt people, knowing they're not telling folks that vitamins are what they need, it's just so amazing.
And I know Bill Burns with that same desire to warn people, but I think in the final equation, this has blown up in their face, has it not, Bill?
I mean, this has been a big defeat for them.
For all of you who wonder what I do, I am 64 years old.
I have a five-year-old boy here at home.
And he got bronchial pneumonia, the exact thing you get with a cough.
He had this thing.
What did I do?
Vitamin D, it quells the fever.
Vitamin C, it calms it down.
A little bit of elderberry extract.
You keep giving it, the child can be fine and function well.
You don't want to send them to school.
And it'll be shortened, the duration of this whole thing, to about three days.
Alex, you just need to rely on it and use it and become confident of it.
And you'll think, well, wait a minute.
You know, this could be mortal.
Maybe we better run to the doctor.
And all they have is the vaccine, which isn't available.
So they could give you a Tamiflu and Relenza, which works in an artificial way to keep the virus from escaping from inside the cells.
Viruses need your host cell to work.
It's inside your cells, inside the genetic machinery, and makes copies of itself.
The Tamiflu keeps the copies from escaping, but your cells are polluted with these little virions, these viral particles, and now you're going to have side effects.
That's why we've had kids die in Japan and elsewhere.
Do not give your kids the Tamiflu, and use these natural things.
To get there, and believe me, they're very, very powerful.
You're not hearing about them from your doctor.
You're going to have to find alternative sources.
Vitamin D Council and elsewhere will help you with this unbiased treatment.
Well, Bill, that's another issue.
The news is reporting they're giving people the seasonal shot when they have the flu as if that is the treatment.
It is not a treatment and, you know, the flu vaccine is something that you try to prime a population with and then they won't get the infection.
What happens is it's about how effective, in your mind, you're listening today, how effective is the flu shot?
About 30 to 50 percent effective and certainly isn't effective in any young children under the age of two.
Very ineffective, maybe 20 percent, maybe 2 out of 10 if you're an older adult because
You've got a used up immune system when you're old.
You haven't got a developed immune system when you're very young.
It won't work!
That's why they have to prime this thing with two shots.
It's maybe 30 to 50 percent effective.
At best, if the strain of the flu is matching,
The flu vaccine in that year, now, they've gone a whole years, even two consecutive years, where it's a trivalent vaccine.
There's three strains of the flu, two type A and one of the type B, and then they guess what's going to come next year.
They've gone a whole seasons where they cried wolf and told you to take the shot when there was no way it could benefit you because what was in the shot didn't match the strain in circulation.
Are we to believe them every year like this?
This is, you know, we're just using their own information.
It's become a business.
It's become a bigger business this year with $9 billion of booty from the federal government for all of them.
You saw China start to go in production.
All of these countries as this became a big world market and the public better get sick on time.
Guess what we did?
We're going to come back in 70 seconds with the third hour.
We're going to go to Roger, Matt, Tim, Robert, John, and others.
Callers say they're whistleblowers.
People tried to inoculate them or they forcibly injected their kids.
We'll be talking to these callers on the other side with Bill Sardi.
I'm Alex Jones with PrisonPlanet.tv and InfoWars.com.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Yeah, hi Alex.
I think they've ratcheted up this swine flu shots in the last two or three weeks.
They're really pushing it, but I'm glad you have the investigator on there because in 1972, when I was in the Marine Corps, we was either forcefully tricked, I guess you'd say, into getting a flu shot.
It was on Wednesday before Thanksgiving, and it was a payday, and back then you got paid with checks still.
And we had to go get the shot before we could get our paycheck.
After we got the shot, we was told we got a flu shot.
Now, everybody that I know, not everybody in the Marine Corps got this, but everybody that I know that got the flu shot in 72, the same time I did, had the same things wrong with them.
Some is to a higher degree.
Bad knees, arthritis, heart problems.
Get sick real easy.
Catch anything that comes around.
Let me bring this up to Bill and then we'll get a comment back from you, Roger.
Dr. Blaylock, Tenpenny, all these others, they show all these different studies where in studies with rodents that the vaccines cause an autoimmune response, a swelling in all the joints, in the organs, in the brain, that it actually burns out your immune system by jacking it up and also is clearly linked conclusively to arthritis.
Have you seen that information?
Cytokine storm!
We're worried about it again because that's what, you have a cytokine storm.
These cytokines are inflammatory factors and then the body makes a response and in the lungs if this occurs you fill up with fluid and drown in your own lung fluid.
That's what happened in 1918.
But you can be left with more chronic autoimmune responses like this as the body is now switched on against yourself.
And of course, we're very concerned.
By the way, if you think mercury is out of this vaccine, remember the FDA promised two or three years ago they were going to take the thimerosal, the mercury, out?
Let's back in there again.
Oh, now you can opt and get the one that's mercury-free.
Oh, oh, oh, wait a minute.
The mercury's still in there, it's just a lot less!
It's mercury, folks!
I'll tell you what, for all of you folks that are really just nervous and you want to get your kids vaccinated, I want you to get some lead, and I want you to inoculate your kids with lead.
Would you do that?
You wouldn't do it!
Mercury is far more dangerous than lead!
Well, let's go back real fast to Roger.
Roger, other comments?
Yes, after that, after I got out of the Marine Corps, I was tracked so many things.
Come together in the last few years through the Census Bureau.
No matter where I moved to earlier, I lived in St.
Louis, Missouri in 1979, and I was told that I was picked to be a census taker to get information from me every year.
In 1980, I moved to Austin, Texas.
I lived out on Lake Travis, and the same census taker come and talked to me.
And it was all about my health.
Yeah, let me stop you.
This is incredible.
In 1968, this is one of thousands of examples, they released a biological weapon on the New York subway and then they had doctors waiting, military doctors posing as local doctors and then they reported they tracked them for life.
I had one of Rick Perry's operatives come to one of our events and he admitted that they gave people shots at Fort Sam Houston and they all died.
Bill, your take on what this gentleman just said.
When we say that vaccines have a history of saving so many lives, we must look back at what happened.
What was going on in 1918?
We didn't have antibiotics yet.
We didn't even have vitamin C pills yet.
What we had is we were starting to clean up our food and our water.
We had the Pure Food and Drug Act many years later.
All right, stay there.
Got a break.
Roger, I want to give you a final comment when we come back.
I mean, the same census taker comes from Missouri to Texas.
They were clearly tracking you to see what the shot had done.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We are officially on the White House enemies list.
A lot of dirty tricks have been being played against us.
At the bottom of this hour, I'm going to get into the financial news and what's happened on that front.
Next hour, I'm going to go page by page over the Copenhagen Treaty, which openly states world government.
And I don't want to just get up here on air and make these announcements and then it's no big deal.
This is huge.
Everything is happening right now.
The total end of U.S.
sovereignty under treaty.
No way out of it.
Foreign unelected boards in control of every facet of our lives.
Wait till we go over this.
Bill Sardi's our guest.
Roger, finishing quickly in Missouri for people that just joined us.
Everybody you knew in that group of Marines that were given this flu shot got arthritis and all these other health problems, and then they would have strange census takers, the same person as you moved around the country, would show back up and wanted to know about
How you were doing medically.
I've seen in other documents where they've done chemical, biological, radiological tests on the military and they do track you that way and they do those exact same things.
Finish up.
I forgot to mention that there was 350 Marines got that shot including our colonel and we was all definitely ill and we was off work for Thanksgiving Friday.
You know Thanksgiving Friday after Saturday and Sunday and then Monday
We usually had about 15 guys on sick call.
We had like a hundred.
What do you think of this?
What do you think?
Oh, with the census, you know, the census coming around, trying to spot your homes and everything, it all come together to me.
The second time the same census taker come to see me, I slammed the door in her face and like scared my wife to death because
I mean she was dressed different and had some different kind of makeup on and different things but you could tell it was the same lady.
But two weeks ago I had a surgery in the VA hospital in St.
Louis and I think that they have certain people on staff that really really push these flu shots.
I had one nurse really give me a hard time
Because I've not had one since 1972.
One was enough for me.
But I was hooked up to an I.V.
and they had me so upset that I wouldn't let them put anything in my I.V.
until they showed me the vial and I read it while they was... Well, we need to start behaving like you're doing.
God bless you.
Thank you.
You know, Bill, that is the silver lining in the storm cloud is they've hurt so many people that the public isn't buying anything they say or do.
Let's just see what's happening on our maps of the United States.
And if you draw some maps right from the Centers for Disease Control, where is the whooping cough in the United States?
Where is the hepatitis?
Where is the tuberculosis in the lung?
It's all on the southern border.
Our poor immigrants bringing it unwittingly to this country, unscreened.
The public health authorities allowing it to go on and what's their answer?
What's the cure?
Of course!
You see, they're letting it happen so they can build the vaccine trade.
We need to see through this.
We need public prevention, protection.
We don't need more disease for more vaccine.
That's the current policy.
By the way, ever strike you funny that Japan will not allow our meat into their country?
We have unclean food.
We have E. coli in the beef killed two people, according to today's headlines.
We have in the chicken, salmonella and campylobacter.
In the milk, we have paratuberculosis.
I mean, we have contaminated food.
It is only because of the tremendous buy-off of American politicians by American business that this has allowed the Centers for Disease Control, U.S.
Department of Agriculture, saying they know they have a problem.
They've got water runoff from the animal farms with this bacteria getting into them, the vegetables and fruit, and then we blame the little strawberries and things like that.
That's nonsense.
So, we've got to stop this.
This is insane.
We're just causing more disease for more vaccines.
This is not the way to have a public health policy to prevent disease.
I agree with you.
Let's talk to Matt in Ohio.
Matt, you're on the air.
Hi, I hope your guest bill can help us out here.
My wife and I have a 10-month-old child, and we've been concerned about just the regular shots.
And so we went in to discuss these with her on the second round.
So he has not had those third, those full rounds.
And we discussed, well, you know, can we prolong those shots?
Would that help?
And I'd love to have the answer from your guest on that.
But the final part of this story is that, you know, she starts going to, she starts talking down to us and basically saying all these medical terms and,
You know, you should listen to the CDC and all that.
And then, you know, we kind of let it go for a second.
And then finally she brings up, well, you need to have your son vaccinated for the flu and the N1H1.
And we told her, well, you know, no, we don't want to do that.
And long story short, she said we should get another physician, another pediatrician.
We have 30 to 40% of the pediatricians saying they will not see their patients any longer if they don't submit their children to the vaccine.
And that's good.
They don't need your business.
You can find plenty.
Just Google in your area.
But it's patient abandonment.
They're not allowed to do this by law.
And this is terrible, of course.
But you don't want to go to them to begin with.
There are a lot of physicians.
You can find a lot of physicians that won't push in on you.
Go ahead.
The more people want to go back to the doctors and ask what they heard on the Alex Jones Show, is that true?
From the doctor.
The doctor is the purveyor.
He's the person who's selling the vaccine.
Do not go there.
They've circled the wagons to protect the vaccine industry.
It's what drives people to the pediatrician's office.
Without the vaccine income, they haven't got any income.
So understand how all this works.
They know this.
You cannot rely on people like this.
If you were selling car batteries, would you trust the guy who told you you need a new battery?
Come on.
Let's get real.
Don't be so naive.
It's important that you see through this.
If you can just feel confident in some alternatives,
Give your children a vitamin D. Now, I have a little boy at five years old, you know, with a temperature of 101.8 going up to 102.6.
Well, that scares you until you give the vitamin D in.
Fifteen minutes later, this child's at 98.8 temperature.
So, you need to see that in your own hands.
Let me expand on this.
One big thing that wakes parents up, most doctors and nurses will lie and say, no there's no mercury.
And then make them give you the insert and say it says mercury right there.
That'll shut them up.
But Bill, how do they get so many doctors and nurses to lie?
Why do they think lying is good?
Let's take another call.
Tim in New York, you're on the air.
Go ahead, Tim.
Here's my story.
This is a total case of eugenics in the works right now.
My fiancee was taken August 4, 2008 real quick under a mental health arrest by her family and basically they threw her into a psych ward for four months.
As a side note, she's suffering from hypothyroidism, which hasn't been treated to this day.
Um, given her respiral initially to create like a brain fog, when she finally got out, released from the psych ward, she was supposed to be released back into the community and hopefully, you know, live her life again.
Instead, the court-appointed guardian went against the court order and they threw her into a nursing home.
And she's not allowed a phone.
She's not allowed visitors.
She's not allowed flowers.
She's not allowed mail.
She has a radio frequency bracelet on her leg.
She wants to get out of there.
Nobody will help.
Okay, but sir, we're doing flu today.
Well, they're trying to shoot her up with these vaccines repeatedly right now.
And they keep doing it, keep coming into her room.
And trying to offer her these flu shots and these tetanus shots.
Yeah, listen, exactly.
It is a medical tyranny and the medical tyranny wants to set the precedent to do whatever they want to us when they want.
Look at all these articles where they're injecting people's kids even when they say no.
I mean, there needs to be criminal charges, doesn't there Bill?
That's a serious crime to do this to these children.
You know how nature's cooperating with the flu vaccine agenda?
I mean, it used to have a flu pandemic about every 30 years.
1958 and 19, you know, it went 77 and then so on.
You see those dates there that they give you.
Those dates all of a sudden got speeded up because 2001 to 2003 we had the H5N1 which killed 6 out of 10 people, but unfortunately it wasn't very transmissible.
It didn't meet their agenda.
All of a sudden,
Very shortly, we have the H1N1 pandemic strain.
Nature is cooperating, or is it?
Or are they manipulating nature?
You need to ask.
Flu viruses don't mutate like this.
They fizzle out, by the way.
If you see a real flu pandemic that keeps going, there's something else wrong.
That's why we're calling into question the 1918
Uh, pandemic.
Yeah, that's what the medical doctors explain.
If you get a bad mutation, it quickly replicates into something harmless very, very quickly.
That's correct.
So when you see massive loss of death, something else is going on.
Like the aspirin use, the vitamin C deficiency in 1918.
They can do this again.
And by the way, you'll say, well, you know, if a lot of people die of the flu, they'll tell us they didn't in 1993 and thousands died of the shot.
Would they do it again?
Well, you ask yourself if you're going to put your children on the line here.
By the way, talk about putting yourself on the line.
My wife's worried about me going public like this.
I know Alex Jones's wife must be worried.
We are out here risking ourselves.
I hope you people that are listening heed this, what we're saying.
We've got nothing to gain out of this but look like fools if we're wrong.
We are begging you to back away from this vaccine agenda in our country for the good of your children, if nothing else.
Yeah, I'm begging you to stay away.
Before your children, you know, my little boy... Bill, hold on.
Bill, we'll do five more minutes with you, say bye to you on the other side.
We're out of time.
This is a key and passion plea you're putting out here.
We want to cover that on the other side.
He writes for LewRockwell.com.
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Bill Sardi is our guest.
Coming up, I'm going to get into the economy.
Also, the global is cracking down on us.
And then in the next hour, the Framework Convention on Climate Change.
You've heard it's got world government in it.
Well, we're going to break it down section by section.
This is going to be key information coming up.
Bill, finishing up the points that you were making there, the Canadian government came out
And admitted that the regular seasonal flu shot doubled your chances of getting H1N1.
The drug insert for the nasal flu vaccine admitted it can spread the flu.
So you said we're going out on a limb here.
That's the only thing you've said today I don't really agree with.
I mean, we're out on a limb having the mainstream media attack us and say we're enemies and demonize us.
But I mean, I've had countless medical doctors on.
You linked to their research.
You cover it as a great health journalist.
Well, we're not out on a limb.
We're out of our turtle shell to tell people because we know what the truth is.
Now, I'm saying, you know, they could come back and send their tax man over here and go through all my tax files or whatever other ways they come back and get you.
You know, we found out they have the zip codes of all the
The areas where there are vaccine objectors.
So they have that all mapped out.
Where are the people that object to the vaccine?
They probably know them by name too.
So, you know, we're concerned about government, you know, attacking the people.
They know that we're making an impact out here now.
They want to shut down those shows on the internet that are making an impact.
The General Accounting Office comes out with this phony report saying that too many people at home that are sick on the internet might overuse the bandwidth, so therefore they have to shut parts of it down.
They know what this is having an impact.
By the way, pigs get the flu and it's very mild and goes away in a few days.
And do you know why?
Because pigs make their own vitamin C. We don't.
We're humans.
We don't make our own vitamin C. Neither do guinea pigs and so on.
You know, you'll see the power.
But rats do, but rats do, and that was the old cure for sailors 500 years ago.
If you had scurvy, eat rat guts.
Well, you know, the vitamin C is very powerful for stopping the mortality.
Now, don't confuse it.
You'll still get the flu, but you're probably not going to succumb to this.
And by the way, we have children.
My little boy goes into preschool and, you know, a bunch of the kids are
Sick and so on but we've noticed in that preschool there are only two children in that class that are very verbal.
My child and one other little girl and all the rest you can't get them to talk very much.
Which two are the only ones that aren't vaccinated?
No vaccines.
My kid and that little girl.
When you are getting these vaccines it gives a little bit of disease
These kids, it's affecting their brain and their verbal skills.
That's where you can see it.
I agree.
Listen, most of the public are like retarded zombies now.
I've had all these medical doctors on that say every time you get shots your brain swells.
These are brain damaged children and their parents are brain damaged and that's why they can't even understand us right now, Bill.
They're brain damaged.
We're riding a troll over us.
We've got to calm the fears down.
You know, we should be more fearful of our government, not this flu.
Be more fearful of the vaccine.
By the way, this whole thing, you know, was here late, starting in March through the year.
The flu season went south.
Below the equator.
That's their flu season.
Did it kill masses?
So it was mild there.
What is all the hysteria over?
The government's beating this drum and saying you need the vaccine and they don't even have it!
And they're irresponsible for not making sure that your immune system is up to par with the proper vitamins, nutrition, minerals, and so on.
So, and even if you had the flu shot, most likely it won't work because your nutrition is poor in most cases.
So, all of this information documented and available to you as I've written it.
So, and by the way, stay away from the flu mist.
It is the disease.
It's the live virus.
And there's no doubt they consciously put that out first to seed the public to use the human incubators to spread it.
There's no such thing as really live virus.
It needs your host cells to work.
But, if you have good immunity, then, you know, you'll have... Yeah, but Bill, it says on the side of the nasal, it says live virus.
Well, when they say the vaccine works a certain percentage, it means largely it prevents what they call serological flu.
That is, vaccine count, the amount they can measure... No, no, I understand, I understand they have the irradiated or attenuated, but I'm saying the nasal, it says on the box, live.
When they say it's effective, whether it's the nasal or the injected one, they say, well, it's 30 to 50 percent effective.
Most of that is if they're doing a blood test to find out if the virus is in your blood.
As far as ability to reduce symptoms, very poor.
All right, Bill Sardi, thank you so much for spending time with us.
We'll talk to you again very, very soon.
And thanks for all the great work you're doing over at LewRockwell.com.
God bless you.
There he goes, ladies and gentlemen.
I'm going to get into the economy, a bunch of other news, then world government next hour.
This is important.
We'll be right back.
Please call your friends and family.
Tell them to tune in right now.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Now what are we supposed to do while these tyrants just keep beating us up, poisoning us, taxing us, stealing all our money to give it to offshore banks?
There's a huge detailed report by McClatchy Newspapers.
Openly worse than Ken Lay, worse than Bernie Madoff, worse than Skilling, worse than any of the old criminals.
And they run the government!
And the big banks, JPMorgan Chase, Goldman Sachs, Bank of England and others, they own the big vaccine companies, they own the defense contractors.
These criminals are the ones wrecking our society.
And I'll tell you why the system
Is so concerned about me.
I'll tell you why they're so upset because I will get up here on air and I will identify who the elite are and I will name their names and I will expose their scam and I make films like follow the Republic.
An endgame that tell you exactly who they are and what they're doing.
A hundred percent.
We know what we're talking about.
These are testaments to who your enemies are.
These are the people that have got to be stopped if we've got any future.
Henry Paulson, Ted Turner, David Rockefeller, Queen Elizabeth, her sons, her husband, all they do is write books about how they want to kill 80% of us.
These bastards don't just want to bankrupt us and rule over us.
They're dirty control freaks, man, that put poison in our kids' shots!
And I tell you, more and more, I'm just getting serious.
I'm getting focused.
I'm getting real.
And I'm consciously recognizing who they are.
And I'm consciously recognizing that they've blown their trumpets and announced that I'm one of their chief enemies.
This is real, ladies and gentlemen.
Believe me.
Few of you have ever sat in the type of position I'm in.
From the position I'm in, believe me, it's real.
It's more than you can imagine.
All I want to do is defeat the globalists.
All I want to do is bring them to justice.
You know, I look at Congressman Ron Paul and Congressman Louie Gohmert and Congressman Vern Buchanan and countless others are coming out talking about world government and saying we don't want world government.
And then it's an authoritarian world government.
And then I see the mainstream media make fun of them and call them conspiracy theorists when all they're doing
is quoting the editorial out of the New York Times written by the Secretary General of the United Nations calling for global government.
A deal must include an equitable global governance structure.
I mean, these guys
These guys openly write the treaties, that openly say a private group has dictatorial, unelected power over everything we do in our lives, and then finally some congressmen start speaking out against it and the media says it doesn't exist.
See, that's a stalling tactic.
They know it exists.
They know Goldman Sachs engineered the whole scam.
Goldman Sachs is the brain trust.
They're the private group.
That manages the Federal Reserve, that manages the Bank of England in England, that manages the Bundesbank, that manages the Federal Reserve branches in Hong Kong, in Tokyo.
It's Summers, and it's Rubin, and it's Geithner, and it's Paulson, and it's Ben Bernanke.
It's all of them.
The Duke of York over there, they're all members of it.
It's this one group of dirtbags that can create unlimited amounts of money and their families have been doing it so long that their mamas get up and ride around in white carriages with crowns on and all these dumbass women get down on their knees and start worshipping this king whore.
It's disgusting!
Some frumpy old woman wearing a crown who owns all these munition companies blowing the hell out of brown people!
And as if that isn't bad enough, they're busy taking over our country, putting poison in our vaccines, and writing textbooks by the White House science czar about why they're doing it!
And the police think it's funny!
They love dying!
The military loves dying!
They love serving it!
Because people can't admit to themselves how much corruption we're really dealing with and just how psychopathically, truly wicked it is.
I mean, how as a sane, rational man am I supposed to not get angry about this?
How as a sane, researched person
Who has studied history and studied the current geopolitical power structure.
I have to come up here and tell you the truth.
And I have to ask you, what are you doing to stop these people?
I mean, you should be clawing and punching and jabbing in the info war.
You should be fighting like your lives depend on it.
And I realize I've been taking it too easy.
I realized I haven't been taking this as seriously as it is.
This is life and death, ladies and gentlemen.
No more arrested development for our men.
No more acting like little kids who only care about sports and Halloween and parties and having fun and all this crap.
You're in a scientific war with hardcore killers!
People need to just let the magnitude of this sink in, ladies and gentlemen.
And the government puts out all the fake conspiracy theorists that talk about dimensional gates and goblins and chupacabras and space aliens to distract and mix all this crap in with all the real things we're talking about to where the general public doesn't know what to differentiate between.
Well, I'm not playing along with the program.
And I don't want people to email me and go, we need global government.
First we were hunter-gatherers, then we were agrarian, then we were city-states, then we were nation-states, then we were empires, now we're world government.
World government, like on Star Trek, is the next step, the next phase.
No, it's not!
This world government was set up to be authoritarian and tyrannical.
This thing was set up by the robber barons who don't even want you around.
They don't want your labor.
They don't want your money.
They print the money.
They want your ass six feet under.
Do you understand me?
Now deep down in your guts, you know I'm telling you the truth.
So go out and get the evidence for yourself and get up off your fat asses and get involved because we don't have time to play games anymore.
You want to know what you're supposed to do?
Warn people, educate people.
There's a thousand things.
Discredit the government, discredit the media.
Go knock on doors, talk to your neighbors.
The most effective thing is getting my films and making copies.
That's why I'm such a big enemy to these people.
Get angry, get focused, gut up!
The good news is people are waking up, but not fast enough.
I'm here to tell you, when they start forcibly injecting kids nationwide in schools, and then lying to the parents...
Until the kids have convulsions and then they admit to the police, okay, we did inject them.
I mean, when the body snatcher school nurses are under such mind control that they're ordered to forcibly inject your kids and then lie about it.
Folks, that's far beyond Russia.
That's far beyond Nazi Germany.
I mean, Nazi Germany, they hauled you off to the woods to kill your butt.
Here, they just do it right out in front of everybody.
You know, I've done...
Two hours and 41 minutes of radio and haven't really told you about any of the sponsors that make the show possible.
And I'm gonna do that here in a moment.
I just want the listeners to know.
This is not what I believe.
What I talk about here is the facts.
I'm right.
I've done my homework.
We can't even get the limp-wristed, giggling, lazy, foolish general population to admit we're going under an authoritarian, unelected, tyrannical world government in five weeks.
And it doesn't even matter if they haven't ratified the treaty.
They're already enforcing it.
It's already begun.
A world government meant to impoverish you, meant to bankrupt you, meant to hurt you.
I mean, I spend all my time just trying to get people to admit what is public.
This guy, Ban Ki-moon, on the TV screen.
This bastard runs around openly saying they're going to run our lives from the UN under the carbon tax, and I can't get... I hear all these good old boys on talk radio going, I don't like the extreme Republicans, I'm a mainline Republican, I'm tired of all this New World Order talk.
They're just little social climbers that think it's cute and funny to go along with the system, and they think it's a badge of honor that they're stupid and weak and cowardly and dumb and pathetic, and that their ancestors would hate them if they could sit across the table from them.
They're all these effeminate men that act tough, but they're wimps!
They're too afraid of what their neighbor thinks of them to even bring up politics!
What we need is leaders.
If we had leaders and people that got up off their fat butts and took action, our problems would be over very, very quickly.
We need people that can face an enemy when it's two inches in front of your face and do something about it, not curl up in a fetal position with a smile on your face and laugh about it while the wolves of the New World Order tear your guts out.
I'm not rolling over to these bastards.
I'm not getting bought off by them.
I'm not buying their mind control.
Their propaganda doesn't work on me.
And I don't know how it can work on you.
Everything I am, everything I'll ever be is about how do I resist these people as much as I possibly can.
And that is nothing heroic.
That is a basic reaction.
You got people poisoning you and your family.
You got people destroying your currency.
They've de-industrialized your nation on purpose, and they've written hundreds of textbooks bragging about it, and the bastards brag about it on NPR every time I tune in, and I never even listen but two or three times a week.
They're like it.
They're control freaks.
They don't produce anything except sucking off us.
They hate you because you're smart!
They hate you because you're productive!
They hate you because you're not hump-backed and pot-bellied like them!
That's who the New World Order is!
A bunch of sickos who want to crap all over everything!
Alright, I'm going to go to break, but I want to tell you about some of the sponsors.
I'm going to come back and I'm going to get into the world government.
It's exhausting to cover this, but I'm going to cover it here in just a moment.
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Another sponsor I want to tell you about is the DigiNet.net.
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Diginet.net or give them a call.
This unit is a video and audio recording device.
This guy's is a pen.
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That's how you fight these sons of bitches, excuse me.
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And I apologize about yelling and screaming.
It's insane to not get upset and go crazy.
We've just been, from birth, eased into this tyranny, always by degree.
And the globalists are this big gallery of corrupt, evil people that are bound together in their love of paratacism and corruption, and they all try to outdo each other, and they all try to impress each other, and the most evil, in this synthesis, go to the top of the pyramid.
There's nothing wrong with a woman who has a child and the husband runs off.
I don't mean the word bastard.
That's just a good old-fashioned term.
These corrupt, evil, ungodly, wicked, deceitful people.
Their trophies are your brain-damaged children wandering around.
Their trophies are you caring about sports and movies and dumb culture instead of being involved and passionate, controlling your own destiny.
Their trophies are burned-out cities and wrecked societies.
That's their power trip.
That's what they get into.
That's what they're all about.
They're into how hardcore and cold-blooded and control freak murderous they are.
Why don't you wake up and say no to them, for heaven's sakes?
Why don't you commit and swear that you're gonna fight them and say no to them and never stop and get really... Look, you got a lot of ingenuity out there.
If you get aggressive in the info war, we can bring these people down.
We'll be right back.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
Is it finishing off this agenda?
They'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
I have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
Fall of the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation, the criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty and on its ashes constructing world government.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com.
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Well, here's the deal.
The decision's been publicly made to start killing the dollar so the private central banks can just create unlimited currencies themselves, bank to bank.
There will be no recovery.
There will be no jobs.
That is their open plan, is to wreck our economy.
The global carbon framework is meant to expand that.
But you will get to be a cop who'll get to have the petty power to beat citizens to death.
That's the only jobs that are going to be expanded as bureaucrats and bloodsuckers and parasites.
So enjoy that here in this Soviet America.
And the public's a bunch of animals too, so the police will actually be needed too.
So that's the genius of this system, turning everybody pure evil.
Teaching everybody torture and murder is good.
Don't worry, everybody gets judged in this system.
Everybody gets to get hurt.
All you servants of evil.
You're going to get to bathe in the cess you try to force us to live in.
Here's Bloomberg today.
Dollar falls as manufacturing grows.
Oil, copper, gold rally.
I wanted to bring Ted Anderson up briefly to tell you about today's gold and silver offer.
He's still got gold way below what it's selling for, even though it's way up.
And it's the only sane thing to do is to buy gold and silver, and this is a great place to do it.
I've not seen deals better.
You can check it out for yourself, but people probably rather have a 401k they're just going to take from you.
So go ahead and do that.
Hell, drink some fluoride while you're at it.
Ted, tell folks about the offers you've got today.
Yeah, I sure will, and I'll just add in, if you want to kill the New World Order real fast, get away from their fiat currency and go to gold.
That's the machine that finances what they're doing.
But right now I have the Frank at $236, British Sovereigns are at $291, I presently have the $10 Liberty at $818.50, and the Lakota coin at $22.30.
Sorry about the walking liberties, they're sold.
All I can say, Alex, is I had a little tiny opportunity here to get into gold in the $1,020 range.
I was able to back off a little bit on those British sovereigns and francs because of it, but the market is definitely strong in gold and silver.
The dollar's falling, just like you said.
Today, gold up.
I mean, it's up almost $12.
It's been as high as $1,064 today.
One of these times it's going to break through that 1,060 level and then next thing you know you're going to be looking at 1,090.
And we're going to be looking back at 1,060 and thinking what a great buy that is.
I wish I could get back to 900 and some an ounce.
Could you imagine that?
A year ago I'd be thinking 900 and some is too much.
You know, this is what's going on.
The dollar is falling in value.
We're losing purchasing power.
And of course, we were right about all of that.
No one will listen.
They love their world government.
I mean, I just hope people will call and get the gold and silver.
That's a fabulous deal.
So you're saying...
Gold you bought at the $1,020 level, even though it's up at $1,060 right now, or close to it.
You're saying that's going to be sold out soon?
Yeah, sure it is.
Of course, because I only have so many resources.
I only can buy so much when the prices go down.
And I wish people were smart enough to do the same, but people have a tendency to turn away from gold.
No, they want fluoride.
1-800, but there are a lot of smart people out there that will take action.
The brokers are there.
They'll be there till midnight, Ted?
Yeah, we'll be here till midnight.
We'll honor these transactions, so...
Gold's at $1,057.40 an ounce.
Again, 800-686-2237.
Ted, I hope people take advantage of this and at least
Get into silver and gold because when the general public finally figures out they're killing the dollar, you're not going to be able to find gold and silver even if you got the money.
Well, the reason why the Federal Reserve System is so powerful is because they have the ability to print money.
Get to gold.
It takes that away from them.
Well, they also have a nation of self-satisfied idiots that think they're in control of everything and love being conned and screwed.
More and more I realize the religion in America is worshipping slavery, worshipping weakness, worshipping being conned and defrauded.
People would have listened to us six years ago, they'd have made almost four times their money back.
You are listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As they're finishing off this agenda, they'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
Tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us
Tim Geithner?
They're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today, it seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
When we start the next segment, I'm going to go into this abomination.
The Copenhagen World Government Takeover Treaty.
You can see the notes here of how many pages mention global government, and how many pages mention global tax.
This is our little glossary here.
We're going to be going over this today.
This will affect you a trillion times more than who wins the World Series in Series 4 last night.
This will affect you a trillion times more than Madonna.
A trillion times more than Michael Jackson and this is it.
This will affect you a trillion times more than Tony Romo and the Cowboys.
THIS is what matters!
THIS is what's important!
THIS is what will govern your life!
THIS is the Hitlerian crap we're facing!
The globalists look at the brain-damaged, mindless public and they see animals that they're going to be able to have their way with.
And I see a lot of damaged people, but I know we can resurrect something out of this and there's enough thinkers still left who aren't on the bad guys team to beat these people.
But the crimes that have been committed against this species make my very fabric boil.
I'm going to cover the global treaty when we come back.
And then towards the end of the show, I want to illustrate how they take your dreams away and how they've turned many people into empty husk, how they literally steal your humanity away from you.
Now they replace it with all their Madison Avenue, Hollywood garbage.
I want to see people's eyes alive with the fire of awakening and liberty and freedom and destiny.
I want to see you reclaim your womanhood and your manhood and to stand up on your hind legs and to grow a spinal column and to understand what's going on around you and what's happening.
I want you to govern your own destiny.
I want you to be part of history on the side of good.
But to do that, you first got to be able to recognize evil and get past denial.
Once you get sold on a little bit of denial, you can't admit you're wrong.
You're invested in the system, you're invested in the lies, so you keep going along with it, even though you've got a sick feeling in your stomach, even though you know it's wrong.
Join the rebellion against tyranny.
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
Come into the light.
Pass the Point of No Return.
Pledge yourself to the fight against the forces of dehumanization and enslavement.
And I promise that you'll have a lot of pain, and great tumult, and also a great adventure.
But you will be fulfilled, and you will be alive, and you will no longer be afraid, and you will no longer be cowardly, childlike people!
We're gonna go to break.
We're gonna come back.
We're going to cover this abomination right here on the GCN Radio Network.
I'm Alex Jones and I want in-game and follow the Republic to be seen by as many people.
Every mind, every soul that we awaken is priceless.
The globalists know that.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Coming up in mid-December in Copenhagen, Denmark, hundreds of nations will be meeting.
The Rockefeller Foundation is running the United Nations body that has drafted the Framework Convention on Climate Change.
We are 34 days
12 hours, 51 minutes, 20 seconds away.
Now, anyone in the federal government and any private corporation that claims it's a U.S.-based corporation, any foundation that supports this, have signed their name to a declaration of tyranny, similar to the Declaration of Independence, but the inverse.
A declaration of corruption.
A declaration of neo-feudal serfdom and financial and economic terrorism against the people of this planet.
This is the document.
And I challenge you to go to the United Nations website and Google Framework Convention on Climate Change.
Document number FCCC forward slash AWGLCA forward slash 2009 forward slash INF dot 2.
This is the English version.
I will assure you the United Nations exist.
I will assure you the European Union exist.
I will assure you that thousands of editorials have been written this year
Hundreds per week, as of late, calling for world government.
Exhibit A. Last Sunday, Ban Ki-moon, Secretary General of the United Nations, in an editorial published in hundreds of papers, titled, We Can Do It.
In the third to last paragraph, a deal must include an equitable global governance structure.
Global Government.
Global Governance.
There's a story we have linked up on PrisonPlanet.com today, November 2nd, 2009, you should read.
Titled, Elites Launch Global Impact Investing Network.
Private corporations
That our NGOs of the Climate Agreement will be the only ones allowed to operate and to trade carbon credits.
Al Gore is one of the chief owners of one of the five companies.
He's invested in three of the other four.
The G.I.I.N., headed by Anthony Bug Levine, the current director of the Rockefeller Foundation, will, quote, help solve
Social and environmental problems by encouraging investment will bring both profit and produce real world change.
The Global Impact Investing Network.
This is one of the chief sponsors and coordinators of the UN treaty that's coming up.
But let's go to the treaty itself.
First I just want to add though,
That rather than debate these real issues and let the American people debate whether or not they want an unelected, unaccountable, private corporate board ruling all carbon activity on the planet.
Rather than have a real debate about this, the media out of one side of their mouth
Says that none of this exists, and there's no world government, and that there's no plan for a carbon tax, while they've already passed the legislation that is designed to tie into the Copenhagen Treaty, and while they're openly announcing, according to even the LA Times, there will be a tax on all food,
There will be taxes on your dog because they have a big carbon footprint.
There will be taxes on all fossil fuels, all plastics, all industries.
And unelected private boards and government boards will do home inspections.
They want to shut down the coal plants.
That will more than double fuel costs.
The oil companies have written the plan.
The media always behaves as if they're against it.
They brag in the UN documents, they brag in the Club of Rome documents we've sourced here, that this is meant to shut down industrial capacity so they can have an organized, eugenic society to bankrupt everyone so everyone goes on government welfare.
And by everyone, the vast majority.
This is the planned economy.
Now we have two stacks here.
One is the government stack.
This is just where they mention global government and government.
This other stack is the tax stack of the divided up treaty.
I'm now going to go over this treaty here on air as much of the 200 pages as we have time to do.
Framework Convention on Climate Change from the government section.
Let's look at page 5.
And six, PP2, acknowledge the findings of the fourth assessment report on Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, IPCC.
You go read that.
Global government, global tax, global regulatory systems run by private board.
P3, PP3, acknowledge the importance and role of Kyoto Protocol and the need to broaden the legal commitments under the convention.
So it's ratified Kyoto through this.
Current atmospheric concentrations are principally the result of historic emissions of greenhouse gases.
The largest share of which has originated or originated from developed countries and parties.
That means the U.S.
and Europe, they have to make the cuts.
Not China, not India, not Mexico.
That will further transfer all our industry there that's left.
As if Detroit's collapse and California's collapse isn't enough.
Even if you believe carbon dioxide that plants breathe is a deadly chemical weapon, as they list it in the treaty as, a toxic waste, by moving it all to the third world, they have no emission standards.
It will boost overhaul greenhouse gas emission.
They don't care about that.
They know it's actually good.
They want the tax.
They're also posing it in these documents as if this is going to help the third world.
As if they're taking from the rich, giving to the poor.
No, it's the private banks that are going to get all this money.
Let's go to page 17, 18, and 19.
17, 18, and 19.
The scheme for a new institutional agreement under convention will be based on three basic pillars.
Government, facilitative mechanism, that's how they force it, and financial mechanism, and the basic organization of which will include following.
The tax, that's the funding mechanism, financial mechanism.
The government will be ruled by the COP with the support of the new subsidiary body of adaptation and of an executive board responsible for the management of the new funds and the related facilitated process and bodies.
This is unelected.
The current convention secretariat will operate as such as appropriate.
So just dictatorial power, capability to do whatever they want.
The convention's financial mechanism will include a multinational climate change fund, including five windows.
Then it goes through all the different taxes.
Let's go to page 22.
And here, the countries agree that carbon dioxide is a poison, agree that the taxes must be implemented,
Let's go to 142.
And again, I'm just hitting a few of the points, ladies and gentlemen.
This thing is incredible.
Let's look at the tax sections here of this.
Let's go to $164.
Let's go to $142. $142.
The EBFTM will be supported by five technical panels, research and development, that's their hired scientists that make up all the lies for them, capacity building, transfer of technologies for mitigation, REDD+, and market mechanisms.
The technical panels shall comprise government representatives elected by the COP, the private government of the UN.
With balanced regional representation who are experts on matters related to such and technical panels to be open to input from other experts that they select.
Let's go to 164.
Here's 160.
The Annex 1 continues.
The country shall institute initiatives at the national level, notably tax exemption and some subsidies for the owner of patented technology with a view to promoting transfer and diffusion of the environmentally sound technologies of the developing countries.
See, they choose what gets to be developed and what gets tax incentives.
And we're just skimming the surface here of this nightmare.
Here's 164.
The executive body on technology shall comprise government representatives elected by the COP with balanced regional representation or experts in matters related to technology development transfer and be open to input from other experts.
Be open to all parties, members of the committee and panels shall be determined by the COP, a multinational climate technology fund
That's the big bank.
There's a headline.
See, the oil companies are behind this.
It's like the insurance companies wrote the health care takeover bill.
The EBT shall be comprised of government representatives elected by the COP with balanced regional representation who are experts on matters of technology development and transfer.
And it leaves it up to the UN how that's set up, so it's unelected.
They do what they want, when they want, how they want.
This is a global government and it states in here that countries can't get out of this unless all the other countries agree.
No one will let us out of this.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda,
They'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
I have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
Fall of the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation.
The criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty and on its ashes constructing world government.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today, it seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Do you have trouble getting through the day?
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We're good.
But it is the awareness itself.
that will drive the change.
And one of the ways it will drive the change is through global governance and global agreements.
But the many business leaders who have been present here are among those taking leadership in other ways.
We talked, for example, about, we heard this morning about efficiency, and Jerry made that point very well.
I'm going to have to do a part two on this tomorrow as well because this document also says the countries agree carbon dioxide is deadly.
The countries agree that any climate change is bad and that you're not supposed to have climate change on the earth when the climate is changing on all the planets and moons of the solar system continually.
It is a religion and they're teaching the children, in fact I sent you guys a cartoon
Did you see that cartoon I sent you where they are teaching the Australian kids that puppies drowned because of carbon dioxide?
And that all of this is bad?
We're going to play that later, coming up.
But I mean, I just randomly opened this to page 35, part A. It says, recognizing that climate change is an additional burden to development.
When this whole thing is about de-industrialization and de-development, as the UN states in its own documents.
It says applying climatic information and sectoral planning as well as in cross-sectoral planning such as integrated water resources management.
And then you read what that means.
It means the international body will determine how much water can be used in your country or nation.
I mean this is a power grab over everything.
The technical panel shall comprise government representatives elected by the COP.
So this private UN group, it will decide who gets to be chosen.
And right now I'm going over the stack that covers tax.
And I'm continuing here on page 170.
Let's go to 171.
Transfer of technologies for mitigation and market mechanisms.
See, they will decide what can be in the market.
Technical panels comprise government representatives elected by COP.
But all the real meat...
Is in these documents how it's going to control everything, how private banks and promote joint ventures to accelerate development.
See, only select corporate groups will be able to get the business because it's given to them by the UN panel.
And then they will control, the big banks will control what infrastructure can be put in and what infrastructure can't be put in.
And the most important facet is all of the signatories have to vote unanimously to let any one party out of it or to amend it.
It'll never happen.
So, it gives total dictatorial power to this private body.
Listen to this.
This is from page 35, part 5.
Improved emergency response capabilities including governance structures that encourage effective use and coordination of local, national, and international resources.
Down here at the bottom.
So this is the type of nightmare that we're talking about and that we're discussing right here at the bottom if you want to show people on TV.
And it's all written in this dry language.
Improve knowledge of socio-economic aspects of climate change and promote
The integration of socioeconomic information into impact and vulnerability assessments.
So see, it's just into every law, every local rule.
It makes it a religion.
Over and over and over again, it details this entire program.
Let's just go over the tax sections.
Page 35.
of the Framework Convention on Climate Change.
And this is what the Congress has already passed in the House.
Draconian rules that match up with this.
And it states the nation states have to pass accompanying laws to line up with it.
So let's look at page 35.
Provide incentives to adaptation.
See, they tax you if you don't do this, and they tax you even if you do.
Legislative changes, removal of barriers, that means borders, and local, state, and federal laws.
Provide incentives to adaptation through...
Legislative changes, removal of barriers involving women as active participants, means get sexes divided, and other supportive approaches.
Minimize incentives that encourage malaptation, that means if you don't do it, they tax you.
Reduce pervasive incentives that encourage unsustainable land use, harassing your property, taxing you if you don't follow their orders, and reducing negative economic incentives, tax breaks.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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There was once a land where the weather was very, very strange.
There were awful heat waves in some parts, and in others, terrible storms and floods.
Scientists said it was being caused by too much CO2, which went up into the sky when the grown-ups used energy.
They said the CO2 was getting dangerous.
Its effects were happening faster than they had thought.
Some places could even disappear under the sea, and it was the children of the land who'd have to live with the horrible consequences.
The grown-ups realized they had to do something.
They discovered that over 40% of the CO2 was coming from ordinary everyday things like keeping houses warm and driving cars, which meant if they made less CO2, maybe they could save the land for the children.
Is there a happy ending?
It's up to us how the story ends.
See what you can do.
Search online for Act on CO2.
That's the type of brainwashing going on everywhere.
Puppy dogs grounding.
Teaching children if it gets hot, if it gets cold.
If there's any seasonal change, that's abnormal.
But don't worry, the global government's gonna save you.
The bad grown-ups, they create 40% of the CO2.
The UN's own cooked books.
And the big panel on climate change they put out two years ago, most of the scientists have gone public saying it's a fraud that we're even involved, says that 3% of the increase in CO2 is man-made.
Ladies and gentlemen, plants breathe it.
Humans exhale it.
The evil climate monster that they show in the children's book, that they put on television, talking to the public like we're children.
They have to show a big carbon monster up in the sky about to kill everybody.
They don't tell you it's humans exhaling it.
I mean, it's such a giant fraud.
It's just so massive.
And right here, on page 35 of the treaty,
It says provide incentives, that means taxes, to...
Adaptation through legislative changes in the nations.
Removal of barriers.
Getting rid of sovereignty.
Involving women as active participants.
Making it a woman against the men thing.
And other supportive approaches.
Minimize incentives that encourage malaptation.
Means tax you if you don't do what they say.
Reduce perverse incentives.
That encourage unsustainable land use and reduce
Negative economic incentives.
Tax breaks.
It says tax breaks for vulnerable activities.
So they're announcing sheep, cows, your dog, everything to be taxed, bureaucrats in your life, a national ID card that registers what you buy and sell, and putting you on ration cards.
You can Google that.
British government calls for rationing.
British government calls for reducing
England's population from 60 million to 30 million.
That's the London Guardian.
In fact, people won't believe that.
Show them right now.
Headline, Environment Minister Says Cut Population by Half.
And you'll see articles in Canada,
Australia and England all with their environment minister saying the same thing.
Now in the UN documents it says 80% reduction in population.
In the public statements it's only half.
We gotta get rid of humans.
All the headlines about babies are bad for environment.
Babies are carbon blobs.
See, they're teaching the kids, oh, that we're going to stop the carbon monsters, but the government says the babies are the carbon monsters.
And then on Australian TV they have this cartoon
Where it shows how the children need to commit suicide.
In fact, there was the headline, UK population must fall to 30 million, says head environmental minister.
One of Gordon Brown's leading green advisors is to warn Britain must dramatically reduce its population if it's to build a sustainable society.
It's not enough to him, David Miliband, that
The West already, for every two adults, only has 1.3 children and is dying.
He wants it cut more.
Let me remember the exact headline of the cartoons in Australia.
Children taught to commit suicide by environmental cartoon.
And then it shows bloody animals in pools of blood for little kids and says you're killing animals if you don't die.
Another headline was
Carbon calculator teaches kids when to die.
Carbon calculator teaches kids when to die.
Search that term.
That'll bring it up for you.
This is the sickness of these people.
They're taking our normal survival instinct and saying by killing yourself, by not having children, by dying, you save the earth.
And then they write in Ecoscience and all their other major textbooks, this written by the White House Science Center, that they want to put sterilants in our water to sterilize us.
Global Warming, ABC website, tells kids when they should die.
We archived it at Infowars.com.
Blow up that screenshot.
It shows bloody dead pigs in a slaughterhouse and says, if you don't commit suicide, you're killing animals.
This is what you let your children watch.
This is what you put up with.
They showed a drowning dog in that last video we showed and said, you're going to drown if you don't do this.
You should die at what age?
Based on the emissions from your greenhouse usage, you used up your share of the planet by the time you were 1.2 years old.
And it tells you that you're killing animals, because they know little kids love animals, if you don't kill yourself.
And they've had some little kids go kill themselves after this.
They're teaching... Rob Jacobson, a month ago, was at Whole Foods downtown Austin, where he went to get lunch.
He knows the girl there, he shops her a few times a week.
He walks up, buying me a copy of... The Case for Killing Granny.
With the cover of Newsweek, Newsweek or Time, I think it was Newsweek.
Google The Case for Killing Granny, I think it was Newsweek.
And it showed the cord pulled out
And she's dead.
And it said, euthanasia's good, killing granny's good, it's good.
And the girl said, ooh, what's that?
And he said, oh, it's teaching us to kill ourselves, it's eugenics.
And she said, yeah, I think I should die.
And he said, are you happy?
Do you like your life?
Yeah, but there's too many people.
And he said, yeah, but they'll want to kill you.
And then she said, well, I'm ready to die.
The case for killing granny, Newsweek, there it is.
And they go on to say, to save the environment, we gotta kill granny.
Now, the private banking cartel run by Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan and Bank of England openly finances all of this and they'll decide what resources you get.
They'll decide whether you can have a business or a factory.
They're going to put all these taxes on you and they're going to get rid of your tax breaks.
I just covered that.
Let's go to the next tax document, page 43.
Page 43.
Providing financial support shall be additional to developed countries, that means loans to them at 30% interest with our money, if they get rid of their other industries.
Mandatory contributions from developed countries, parties, and other developed parties include in the annex.
And then it goes into all the taxes.
Taxes on carbon-intensive products and services from ANNEX parties.
Only first world nations have to make that tax payment.
Zoom in on this.
This is page 43.
Now, only
First world nations have to pay that particular carbon tax.
All industry that hasn't left will go to the third world, where they don't have those restrictions, which will de-industrialize us further, which is stated... In fact, will you get Aaron in here?
He was reading Maury Strong and David Rockefeller quotes on Friday's show where they said in the 70s, we're going to destroy our industry with a carbon tax to bring in total control.
Certain nations will only be able to do certain things, so everyone will be dependent on the globalists.
They will sit above the nation states, so no nation state is self-sufficient, so they control it.
Come on in here, Aaron.
Aaron, I meant to get that article you wrote that had the footnotes and the links on the collapse of Detroit where you had all the globalist quotes about how they were going to use fake environmentalism to wreck the economy.
The Maury Strong quotes, the Richard N. Haas quotes.
Will you print that and run in here with them?
Good job.
Thank you.
The problem is we got too much evidence here.
Taxes on carbon-intensive products and services.
Shares of proceeds of the Clean Development Mechanism between members of the group.
It says you have to hire, even locally, risk management officials to come in and do an environmental assessment before you engage in any business activities.
That's on page 44.
I mean, my God, ladies and gentlemen, just to read this and to know it's coming up in 35 days.
Let's go to page 64 here.
I mean, this is just incredible.
Page 64.
Progressive reduction or phasing out of market imperfection.
See, this global regulator will do this.
They will decide.
Financial incentives, tax and duty exemptions and subsidies in all greenhouse gas emitting sectors that run counter to the objective of the convention and application of market instruments.
That's plain English.
If you don't do what they say, they slap bigger and bigger taxes, and they selectively decide.
Just like the 14,000 plus pages of NAFTA and GATT, which was not free and open trade, it was good ol' boys select deals.
Page 83.
This is just the tax sections.
Page 83.
I mean, go read this!
Become informed.
Cap-and-trade schemes and carbon taxes and the use of new and existing flexible carbon markets, meaning they can do whatever the hell they want.
When you hear flexible, it means they're exempt, including project and program-based CDM.
Cap-and-trade schemes and carbon taxes.
And it says this unelected UN group, it does whatever it wants and your country can't get out of it.
And they advertise this in the third world like, ooh, the rich Americans, you're gonna get their money.
The same banks that have raped the third world are telling them this.
Okay, let's go to 134 on the tax section. 134.
Page 134 of this treaty.
Taxes on carbon-intensive products and services.
Annex 1 parties.
Annex 1 parties are over 35 First World Nations.
And then a list on dozens of pages.
I mean, ladies and gentlemen,
I could do nothing but read this for the next month.
Alternative 1.
Emissions from international aviation and maritime transport for journeys between developed countries may be auctioned through emission allowances under international regulation scheme.
That's on page 134.
And they state, and this has been in the news,
That air travel must be rationed.
Only England's about to pass law, so is the, where you have to get government approval to travel.
In fact, people won't believe me.
Just random, I'm showing people how fast they can look this up.
Randomly Google us, or startpage.com, whatever, search engine.
Search engine.
The term.
Only essential travel to be allowed under greenhouse gas rules.
Or air traffic must be curtailed under greenhouse gas emissions.
It's all in here.
And it says they have unlimited power in here.
See, everything's dictatorial now.
And this is all mirrored.
In fact, it's even worse.
This is just the general framework with what the nations are passing.
The House has passed the conforming legislation to this treaty.
They passed it three months ago before this treaty was even public.
This treaty's only been public for a month.
And they wouldn't let the public, it's all covered in Follow the Republic, they wouldn't let the public or the Congress see it till they voted on it.
We have the clips from Congress where this happened.
I mean, these people are lawless scum.
Taxes on carbon-intensive products and services.
Okay, let's go to the next one here.
That's page 134.
Let's go to 160.
This is just the taxes. 160.
The Annex 1 country shall institute incentives at the national level, notably tax exemption and subsidies for the owner of the patented technology, with a view to promoting transfer and diffusion of the environmentally sound technologies to the developed countries.
So this means, if you're a globalist and your company patents something, it gets a tax exemption when nobody else does.
A totally controlled, unfair market.
It's not enough for the bankers to be able to print all the money they want to buy off the planet.
They're the ones that wrote all this.
Managing Business Travel Emissions, EPA Climate Leaders Partners Meeting Chicago.
There's one document.
Click News, though.
It was all over the news last week that you're going to have to get a certification that it's essential travel.
Just type in, air travel must be curtailed to cut greenhouse emissions.
That'll bring it up.
London Guardian.
Okay, let's go to... See, what we do is we do our research right here on air.
We show everyone what I've already seen.
We show you.
This is not our opinion.
Yeah, you gotta cut the first part off.
We just, I just wanna... Yeah, no, it won't be Travel London Garden.
It'll be... The exact search term is...
Air travel must be curtailed for environment or greenhouse gas.
Okay, continuing here.
They will decide where you fly, what you do.
Let's look at 173. 173.
Specific sources including parts of regular fiscal budget for research and development, fiscal revenue from taxation on carbon transaction and or auction of emission permits in carbon market.
Who owns the carbon market?
Al Gore.
As well as fiscal revenue from energy on environmental taxation in developed countries.
They will take your money, the private banks will take your money,
And then loan it out.
They will take your tax money paid to their private group.
All parties shall ensure that interest payments made through the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Bond Mechanism will be tax-free within their domestic jurisdiction.
The issuance of bonds, the issuance of renewable energy and energy efficiency loans.
See, the new green economy, if you're one of the traders of these bonds, it's tax-free.
So that's unfair to other investments.
So see, it forces everyone into this.
And a select few are going to make trillions of dollars.
So, that's just some of what we're dealing with, and that's not even the government section.
Here's the glossary we wrote up for the taxes, page 35, 43, 64, 83, 134, 160, 173, 175, and that's just where they use the word taxes.
Here's the government, page 5, 6, 8, 9, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 22, 26, 27, 41, 42, and right through to 179.
And it goes on.
Look at this.
Having children brings high carbon impact.
Your children are bad.
Google this.
Tax people for having more than one child.
Folks, LA Times last week.
Tax you for having a dog.
Inspect your home.
Shut down everything you're doing.
Taxes on cows, on sheep, on horses, on chickens.
The big lobbyists, Tyson Chick and others, they've gotten it written where they don't have to pay the tax.
Only you are!
This is a private, global group raping everyone.
We'll come back, get more into this on the other side of this quick break.
Great job of the crew today.
I'm going to come back tomorrow and talk more about this.
There's so many things to go over, so many things to talk about.
And it's so desperate.
This is happening now.
The total end of our republic.
The end of our sovereignty.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As they're finishing off this agenda, they'll be pulling the rug from underneath the Americans at home.
A tremendous influence.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us, as American citizens, to pay attention.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today, it seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C.,
We have seen a fall of the Republic.
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Now you've just seen all this evidence, and it's literally a drop in the bucket.
The United Nations 1996 Biological Diversity Assessment states they want an 80% force reduction in the population.
These people are diabolical.
But when Congressman Ron Paul or Congressman Gohmert or Congressman Vern Buchanan comes out and speaks out against this...
The media says it doesn't exist and they're insane and CNN gives them lunatic awards.
And CNN every week now is playing clips of my show saying, listen to this lunatic.
Because I can read the Copenhagen Treaty?
Because I'm not watching the World Series?
Because I care about my kids?
Is that why I'm bad?
You bastards selling out your fellow man?
You're not just not journalists, you're a bunch of lying corporate whores.
And you'll attack people?
I mean, look, here's the Lennon-Guardian.
We must agree to curtail air travel now if the Copenhagen summit is to succeed.
I saw another headline where they're talking about cancelling the World Cup in Johannesburg, South Africa, and not allowing anyone to go there.
Folks, they don't care about making money.
They print the stinking stuff.
They're going to train you to do this.
This is the most hardcore bondage that the world has ever seen.
And they admit it's global government in their own framework.
And then Lord Mocton, who we're working on getting on the show, he comes out and gives speeches and reads the subsections where it says global government, and the media goes, look at the crazy man!
And the media has the headline in The Guardian, Lord Mocton too extreme even for Glenn Beck, because Glenn Beck had him on TV and then
Had Bolton on, former U.S.
Ambassador to the U.N., to say it wasn't true.
Oh, he's a Republican.
It must not be true.
See, Glenn Beck always does that.
He acts friendly and slits your throat right at the last minute.
Oh, there's no global government.
Oh, there's no... There's no FEMA camps.
People love it.
They go, well, Glenn Beck says there's no global government, so there mustn't be.
I mean, I can show you Al Gore saying it.
In all their pro-articles, they admit it all.
But then when you say you don't want it, they play this mind game with you and say it doesn't exist.
Well, Campaign for Liberty's telling the truth.
Pull up that other article you had where they said,
You know, where Ron Paul broke it down.
Air travel, you'll have to get permission.
But you already do!
You might be a terrorist.
No judge, no jury, no record, no reason.
You just can't fly.
Now they're saying, no fly, no buy a gun.
That's the name of the bill.
No fly, no buy.
They're going for broke.
They've committed so many crimes.
Why not commit a million more?
This is the real deal.
We have to call Congress, call the White House, call talk radio, call all these shows, letters to the editor, call the Republic, details it.
We got 35 days to warn people.
And they are going to come in with tax efforts.
And look, the way this environmental tyranny works, all their local groups, the city, the county, the state, they get money off this.
The feds get it.
The big international banks get their 20% cut or more.
So they all get it.
And it brings, because the law is international and global, it brings all your local communities under world government control, but they're bought off by the new tax.
They never have seen a tax they didn't love.
So they go along with it.
Austin has stolen tens of thousands of acres.
They have former special forces commanders running the local Green Brigades for the city in psyops.
This is the new tyranny.
You want to know how they're bringing martial law and tyranny and oppression and the Soviet-style America in?
China is under the same tyranny.
They're doing it through phony environmentalism.
Rebroadcast starts now with Bill Sardi and many others.
Incredible job, crew.
Awesome job.
Back live tomorrow.
Spread the word about the show.
Please, we're fighting!
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
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