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Name: 20091030_Fri_Alex
Air Date: Oct. 30, 2009
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News Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Our police are being taught to be political officers.
In the Soviet Union, they were called commisars.
Part of the commissariat.
And they spent most of their time marking down what people said and did, getting neighbors to spy on each other.
They had all these different excuses of why it was a good thing.
Going back over a decade ago, police and military and others would send us training manuals, training flyers, videos of FEMA and other federal organizations saying the founding fathers are bad, gun owners are bad, George Washington was a terrorist.
We have a clip of FEMA teaching Kansas City police, firemen, sheriff's deputies in Fall of the Republic.
We have them teaching this.
Video of FEMA teaching them this.
And you saw the first thing they did when the Feds were in control of New Orleans and surrounding areas.
They went in even high and dry safe areas, people at their own million dollar homes in many cases, and took their firearms and put them in handcuffs.
We could play those ABC News clips again if you'd like to see them.
They're all over YouTube.
And earlier this year, we broke the MIAC report.
We broke the Homeland Security report saying Ron Paul supporters, American flag, bumper stickers, the Gadsden flag that says, don't tread on me.
This is all terrorism, they said.
And we have the John Elway Homeland Security videos where they say, workmen, telephone repair people, if you're in someone's house and see guns or gold, they may be terrorists.
Call the terrorism hotline.
We have a clip of a Homeland Security produced video, we've aired the whole thing here, it's 15 minutes long, but a couple clips in Fall of the Republic, my new film that was released last week, where they're saying if somebody has a cell phone or binoculars or a camera,
Go ahead and question them and put them in the terror database.
And that's why I can be in Kansas City, half of my crew, at a city park, or we can be in D.C.
or New York or Miami or L.A.
Police walk up and say, driver's license, why are you here with a camera?
We can be, we're showing homeless people in Los Angeles.
Well, why are you, who are you with?
And then they go and they put you in a database.
You're a criminal.
You're bad.
You're being put on a secret list that's undemocratic and there's no due process.
Remember two years ago, the head of one of the major unions, he was the head of the major district out of Denver for several states, the head federal marshal went public and said, we're ordered to put hundreds of innocent people on the terror list every month for life.
Ruining their lives, now they say you won't be able to buy a gun if you're on that list, for ordering a vegetarian meal on a plane, or if a child takes a photo out the window.
This is about getting everybody on list and setting the precedent for this.
We're going to go to Bob Chapman in a moment and get his take on this, but I wanted to show you the latest thing we got.
This is the Bureau of Justice Assistance, FBI, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Communities Against Terrorism, Potential Indicators of Terrorist Activities Related to Tattoo Shops.
And they are asking the tattoo owners to make note of suspicious statements.
People or vehicles.
Watch for people and actions that are out of place.
Talk to customers, ask questions, and listen and observe their responses.
And see, they always start the probe saying it's for Al-Qaeda.
But once you show you're interested, they come to you and say, we actually want to fight veterans and gun owners.
And that's come out that they're training the school kids for this.
And it's in the New York Times saying how great it is.
Require valid ID from all new customers.
So they want everybody to show ID.
Getting you ready for the cashless society.
And it says, what should I consider suspicious?
It says anyone that asks for identity privacy.
Every time I go to stores now, I might try to buy $10 of batteries or $100 of bullets or a tent.
I go to Academy, they want that zip code.
They want that driver's license.
All these other businesses want it.
It's going in a database.
They're selling it.
Insist on paying with cash.
Oh, cash, see?
John Elway says gold's bad.
And I have listeners all the time.
In fact, we've had forum moderators.
No criminal record, veterans, upstanding members of the community, they get SWAT teamed because they're trying to sell their house, and the realtors see they have a gun case.
And the police come!
If they have missing fingers,
And it says, or stains on their clothing.
They're looking for methamphetamine, folks.
But see, over and over again, I see these terror training reports given to farmers and big city business people and InfraGard.
And they always say, send your truck drivers.
It's over a million now.
It was 500,000.
A million truck drivers plus, because that number is about a year old.
A million plus truck drivers have been trained.
And they say, come to our seminar.
We'll even give you an insurance discount with your insurance carrier.
If you have all your truck drivers for your company, come to us.
And then I've seen training videos of these.
And it's even been on the news.
And it'll be a weekend deal paid for by the company and the FBI.
And there's donuts and coffee.
And they spend about 10 minutes on Al-Qaeda.
They show an Al-Qaeda training video.
And then next they say, is your neighbor spanking their kid?
You see plants that look like this growing marijuana?
Do you see somebody with a bag on their back walking on the highway?
Go ahead and call Homeland Security.
This is just priming the pump, training you to be spies and tattletales.
They're five years ahead in England.
They're now announcing what it's for.
Total control of everybody.
Parents won't be able to be in public with their children without a special government license.
That is the London Telegraph.
And you read this, Philadelphia Division, FBI.gov.
The project number for the grant is MU-BX-K002.
It's important to remember that just because someone's speech, actions, beliefs, and appearance or way of life is different, it does not mean that he or she is suspicious.
So they have that at the end after they say, be a little spy.
This is the secret police takeover of America.
He died two years ago, but seven years ago, in 2002, Markus Wolf, the head of the former East German Stasi, the biggest police state ever, worse than Stalin, worse than Hitler, per capita, in that half of Eastern Germany, that half of Deutschland.
They hired him, along with the former head of the KGB, Primakov.
And when I saw this in the news, I didn't believe it.
I couldn't believe it back then.
This is a process for all of us to admit this.
And I went and looked up the federal grants and he was paid a million bucks each year to come teach them how to get everybody spying on each other.
But remember, the number one threat in their internal secret documents is gun owners, veterans, libertarians, and in-the-fed protesters.
And I am surveilled, and Ron Paul is surveilled.
That's been in the news.
The Army watches me, because I know foreign offshore criminal banks have taken this country over.
And the Army, when they do that, is engaged in treason.
It's totally illegal.
But so is Marines running checkpoints for drunk drivers nationwide.
But they're just acclimating the public.
Bob Chapman of TheInternationalForecaster.com, former intelligence officer himself, one of the biggest silver and gold brokers at one time before he retired, had the biggest newsletter.
He's now back.
And it's good to have Bob on with us.
Bob, I just covered that because I wanted you to talk about it before we got into the economy and calls.
But can you break down and elaborate or add to what I just said?
Well, you're pretty comprehensive, but my own personal experience, we used to spy on Stasi and the KGB and the NKVD and the mainline operators out of Moscow and we even used to track armoured units and you name it, we did it.
And we were really good at it.
But what you say about Stasi is so true.
I lived in Germany for several years.
I spoke German, and Stasi was absolutely the worst of the worst.
And when they, the U.S.
government, hired Premikov and Wolf, I just really couldn't believe it.
I was speechless.
And so I knew what they were going to do, just like you did.
But this is an example of government or people who control government setting up a situation
Where we could all spy on each other, and who better to learn from than the most wicked of the spies?
And incidentally, what really floored me as well, after the merger in the early 90s of West and East Germany, none of the spies for East Germany and West Germany, nor none of the people who spied on other people within East Germany, were ever brought to trial.
It's just incredible.
And so, you know, it was like after the Second World War, when we had Mueller, one of the heads of the SS, working for the U.S.
And he lived here for many years and then died and is buried in the San Francisco area.
And so what does that tell you about the people behind the scenes?
Years ago, we never realized what they were really up to.
It tells you that they were in on it.
They finance these people.
They set these people up in business.
I'm talking about the Russians, the East Germans, etc.
Well, it's now, as you know, been declassified.
London Guardian and other publications.
Hitler was MI5 and so was Mussolini.
And then we already have the Lord Milner Group in the 20s saying, we've got to put dictators in to wreck Europe, then we'll go have a war with them.
And that's why Hitler thought he had a deal with England when he invaded Czechoslovakia.
That's absolutely correct, and you know, Mussolini was paid in the 1920s a great deal of money.
A hundred pounds a month was a lot of money.
At that time, the pound was worth $4.75, and so that's almost five times one.
That would be $500 a month.
I believe the headline was he was paid that a week, but go ahead.
A week?
Well, that's even more astronomical.
They must have really liked him.
And if you've read any of Mussolini's works, which I have, you'll find out he went through the teens and the 20s as a communist.
And then he became a fascist.
Fascism was 1927 and beyond.
But anyway, the point is well taken.
This is what they got planned for us.
This morning I was on CBS.
And the moderator of the program, after I was telling the people the truth about what was going on with the economy, he said to me, you paint a very black picture.
And I said, well, all I'm doing is coming here and telling you the truth.
And that's all I'm interested in.
And I can back up everything that I'm saying.
And with that, they took me off the air.
Bob Chapman, stay there.
We're going to get into the economy, take phone calls, get into the health care bill.
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Watch me!
Watch me!
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I got it!
Okay, let's go back to Bob Chapman.
Bob, I want to get into the stock market, the economy, gold, where all this is going, but first I want to get into the health care bill.
I haven't read the 1,900 pages.
It was just made public, as you know, yesterday morning, but the Associated Press, Reuters, Fox,
They're all reporting that, and the Democrats are proud of this, it does have the death panels that decide on the rationing.
That's in there.
Those are real.
It does have, you know, they kept saying we're not going to have a public option.
It's in there.
It does have the $3,000 to $5,000 fines if you're 18 and don't want to go get health insurance.
The insurance companies, the Wall Street Journal reports, and this was two weeks ago,
Insurers stand against committee's plan, and then you read here, it's the spokesman for the insurance consortium, and they say, because we helped write the bill with bigger penalties, this doesn't have enough penalties.
So it admits that they're actually for it, and now they're supporting it again.
When Pelosi got called a Nazi for the death panel during her press conference, via someone that smuggled a bullhorn up close, they were quickly grabbed like they were a terrorist.
She laughed and said, oh, there's somebody from the insurance companies.
When it's big insurance doing this, as Ron Paul has said, your take on this monstrosity?
Ron Paul is exactly correct.
And they're going to try to ram this thing through, and it's up to us to get all over the House and the Senate and say we don't want this bill, and if we inundate them with enough
Emails and phone calls and faxes and letters.
Maybe we can do some good because you don't want this.
It'll be an absolute nightmare.
You know, Bob, I know they lie as a course of action, the mainstream media and government, but
Is it just me or is the lying intensifying?
Because just like the cap-and-trade bill the House has passed was worse than what we thought when we finally got it.
This is worse than what we originally thought and they're busy lying saying it's wonderful.
The arrogance and lying are getting greater and greater and greater.
And why?
Because their programs didn't easily go through.
Cap-and-trade, as you mentioned.
This medical program.
And of course, what they've had to put up with, with H.R.
1207 and S.B.
604 in regard to the Federal Reserve and its auditing and investigation, they're beside themselves.
Not only the people in Congress, but the people who are banging on their door every morning and saying, we've got to get this stuff passed.
I don't care what you've got to do to make it happen.
I don't care what it costs.
And they're standing there with bushel baskets full of hundred dollar bills.
And so they're desperate.
They can't get this stuff passed.
And so that's why they react the way that they do.
And also lie and deceive like Mrs. Pelosi and saying, oh, it's the insurance companies.
And as you pointed out, they're in on it.
They're part of it.
Well, that's just like the Federal Reserve, as you know.
The private banks that own the private front company or holding company, they...
Are on record in history having the newspapers they owned run headlines as if the private banks were against the Federal Reserve when it actually gave them power over the monetary system and removed that from Congress unconstitutionally.
That was a trick they played and they do this over and it's like the oil companies are publicly financing the greenhouse gas tax on coal and the whole thing is their plan
Because they're owned by the big banks on record, but then if you're against the global carbon tax, they claim you work for the oil companies when the stinking oil companies are the authors of it!
Things aren't the way they seem to be.
It's just like when Glenn Beck gives you 95% of the truth and then sets you off in the other direction with the propaganda and the misdirection and the other 5%, which I saw him do a couple of days ago on this China thing.
But this is a great segue for me.
One of the people who is fairly close to me, who is the owner of a large corporation,
And they recently started to do business with a medium to upper-sized bank in the Midwest, because their original bank wouldn't lend them money anymore, and the company's loaded with money.
I mean, they borrow money just because, you know, the bridge thing, so that they don't have to use money for other things.
But anyway, the story is this.
Stay there, stay there.
We're gonna get the story when we come back.
Get into the economy.
And my next issue, I know where this is going.
I haven't heard the story yet.
The big banks orchestrated the derivative scam to create fiat wealth to buy up infrastructure.
Now, they're threatening to bring us into a depression if we don't give them unlimited power over all the smaller financial institutions.
And so there's a huge consolidation happening.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
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We'll be taking your calls coming up here in a few minutes and discussing the new jobless recovery, the oxymoron.
Bob Chapman, though, start recapping your story.
So you're talking to an owner of a large company that you know well, and he's talking about trying to make large loans instead of going to a mega bank.
He goes to a medium-sized Midwestern who they admit many of them are flush with cash from good investments.
And what happens next?
He's told by the management that the reason why Ken Lay has quit his job as head of Bank of America is because... Ken Lay?
You mean... Ken Lay?
You mean somebody else?
Ken Lewis, excuse me.
That's okay.
Well, I mean, birds of a feather.
It's hard to... Madoff, Madoff Lay.
Go ahead.
It's not a laughing matter, as a matter of fact.
What they're doing is they're taking the toxic waste that the Fed is not buying directly, and they're dumping it at the Bank of America, and they're going to take it under this coming year.
Now that's important inside information.
And this Quorum Bank that just went under in Chicago,
M&B took them over and they refused to take any of the bad assets.
The Fed had to take them in order to get Coram out of the way.
And so is that a monetization?
Yes, absolutely.
When you say in the next year, you mean by the end of 2010, they're going to pile all the toxic assets, so he's getting out, kind of like Greenspan left, so he can blame it on Bernanke.
You're saying that they're going to bring it down?
What will that mean to the economy?
It certainly won't help it.
And the American taxpayer will end up paying the total bill for taking all of these toxic assets and dumping it to Bank of America and allowing Bank of America to go under.
And it's going to be probably as much as a trillion dollars, if not more.
Because, you know, the Fed right now is buying $1.2 trillion in toxic assets from banks and insurance companies and brokerage firms right now.
And so, incidentally, the source told me also that
There were 40 banks just in the Chicago area that are walking zombies and none of the other banks will take them over because they won't assume any of those toxic assets that they have.
And so the Fed's going to have to end up taking them down and that's why my projection over the next four or five years of 3,200 to 4,200 of 8,400 banks will go under.
The second story I've got
And this I backed into is that how the Fed is financing the stock market and keeping it at the levels that they are is through a group of 21 primary traders who work with the Treasury and the Fed Reserve.
And they're just pouring all the money that they could ever use into these entities, which in turn are
Going into the market and buying.
And they're doing the same thing with the same kind of entities in Europe to keep the stock market up over there so people won't think everything is terrible.
And at the same time, they attack the commodity market in gold and silver.
And one of the good things about gold and silver is I think they've almost run out of gold.
And so they're going to have to use paper or derivatives in order to do what they're doing.
But that's how the stock market is being financed.
And if you want to read the inside of all the guts of the story, it's in this issue coming out tomorrow, The International Forecaster, which you can get free by just calling or using my email address.
Theinternationalforecaster.com is the website.
We link to a lot of your stories at InfoWars.com.
Bob, in layman's terms,
Explain it to people, because the mainstream media...
Every day when I watch television to monitor what they're up to, they say, this is something new, we know it doesn't make sense to you, but the economists at the government are experts.
You're going to have a jobless recovery, you're going to lose your paycheck, or have it cut, or lose your job, but the big banks are doing well, and the Fortune 100 are doing good, and so that's the new gauge of the economy.
You lose your job, or get your pay cut, or go to part-time, the working poor,
And so a new booming economy is soup kitchen lines.
Yeah, and it won't work, of course.
And that's what I said on CBS this morning, and they went ballistic.
But anyway, you can't throw money at a problem and make it work.
I mean, anybody who has read any kind of history whatsoever realizes that, especially economic history.
And so, all this money they're spending, in the final analysis, will end up in a deflationary depression.
No matter what they do, they're just buying time.
They started this, and the point of no return was in June of 2003.
That's seven years ago.
They can't go back.
They want to go back, as per the Bilderberger meeting, they said, look, this thing's out of hand, what can we do?
And they were told he can't do anything, he's gonna have to ride it out.
And that's where we're headed.
We're on a horse headed for the front lines, and the horse and you are being shot at.
But the economy is going to continue to have the same kind of high unemployment we have now, 21.4% if you take U6 and strip out the birth-death ratio.
It's going to increase slightly by the end of the year, and increase slightly next year.
And I also expect that we won't get the $2 trillion for Congress for the second stimulus package that I predicted in January.
What I think we'll get, we'll get $400 to $800 billion, and the banks are going to start lending again.
And that is immediate monetization.
And they're going to fill in for perhaps another
The calls we have on hold, Sean, Jeff, Hannibal, Terry, Todd, and others are going to be all over the map, but I know you can comment on any of it.
I've been fighting the globalists for close to 50 years.
But I have a few other economic questions I want to get into.
And I also wanted to ask you first, did you see the editorial written that was published in hundreds of world newspapers, including the New York Times, by Ban Ki-moon, the Secretary General of the Puppet General Assembly?
Obama's the real head of the UN, the head of the Security Council.
And that treason right there, in fact I want your comment on that, that was just in a few newspapers and on CNN, but saying he's now president of the world, ha ha ha.
I don't know.
I wanted to get your take on thousands of articles per week.
You can go to Google News, type in world government, new world order, global governance, and there are thousands per week on each term saying world government's good, saying they're going to tax all our carbon in our homes, saying that it's to reduce population.
I mean, they say world government.
They all give speeches saying it.
Gordon Brown is in the news saying we want a world socialist government, but then meanwhile other publications write articles especially about myself.
More than anybody else saying, I'm a lying, insane person, there's no world government, no carbon tax.
I mean, what is the strategy here, where they admit they're doing it all, but say it's good, but then say none of it exists?
I mean, are they just trying to condition people to get used to insane lying, or just a fog of frazzled propaganda?
I mean, this is getting insane.
Well, I think it's propaganda, and as I pointed out,
A couple of days ago in Beck's program on China, 95% truth, 5% misdirection and propaganda.
And it's so typical of what you pick up with the mainline media.
And you're not going to get the truth.
You're going to get the truth with Alex Jones and a handful of other people on the radio and a few publications and that's about it.
Although I will say, and I say this every week,
We are gaining on them.
We have them running.
And they've made a lot of mistakes.
Things aren't working out the way that they'd want them to.
And that's why you see the offensive that's going on for the acceptance of the idea of world government, which you just cited.
And they're going to continue to do that because they want to wrap this thing up as quickly as they can.
And not have the economy collapse on them in the process.
They will collapse the economy when they want to.
Well, it's clear they're already... That will be the final takeover.
It's clear they're collapsing Main Street and the industrial economy, and that was what Naftan Gant and the Globalist owned documents state that that's their plan to destroy industrial capacity to bring in total centralization and total dependency of the population on the elite that control the planet with their fiat currency, buying the world through their Ponzi scheme.
I mean, these are con artists that took over the world.
I mean, it's really that simple.
I understand why they're doing it.
They sit there and say world government's good, but then they paint you and tar you with a brush that you're bad and a kook if you say you don't like it by saying it doesn't exist.
I just see this backfiring.
I don't just see it in the future backfiring, it's backfiring now because the public isn't as dumb as they think.
Going, wait, you're saying world government's good, and world tax is good, and that it's being done to destroy industrial society for the betterment of the earth, but then on the other hand you're saying none of this exists.
Bob Chapman?
Can't have it both ways, and you're right.
You know, even people who are not educated beyond high school, they even spot this.
How could we have 75% of the public for
Auditing, investigating in the Fed, when that's a very, very complex position to take for the average person who hasn't been more educated, we'll put it that way.
So the public is catching on, they know something's wrong, they're reaching out, and they want to know the truth, and you're giving it to them.
And I'm trying to give it to my publication.
And this is extraordinarily important.
They can't handle it.
And they're going off in all different directions, and they're trying to strike back by having world government in the minds of the people.
And of course, as a dichotomous situation, like you point out, they say one thing in one hand and one thing in the other.
They think people are not watching both sides of the equation.
Well, there's another mind game, and then we're going to calls, but I want you to comment on this.
They have a lot of different little think tanks and front groups and organizations like Snopes that it will tell you what's an urban legend and what isn't.
And I found it's pure propaganda, usually disinformation or outright lies.
Wikipedia is a pure organ of the CIA.
That's been admitted.
All of this is going on, but I also see a lot of their groups now, and the Fed's hired the big Enron lobbyist and others, and I saw Bernanke this week on C-SPAN in the break room live admitting they're intensifying their, quote, education program in schools, teaching people how great the Federal Reserve is, countering lies about the Fed, and they're putting out this spin that, no, the Fed is an agency of government,
It's just independent and the President and the Congress have no say so.
And I have Greenspan on video.
I have Bernanke in testimony saying that.
For people that are in denial, it's on video.
Just Google Greenspan says Fed above the law.
But in a way they're telling the truth in their very delicate lawyer speak.
They are an agency of government.
They are a separate corporate mercenary group that in 1913 did a deal with Congress to hijack control over the monetary policy
And it is just a private front group or holding company.
That's all admitted by them.
But then they have their operatives go, no, it's just an independent agency of government because the president appoints the chairman, but not the rest of the board.
So briefly, as we go to break and then come back with calls, I want to keep you over to the next hour, Bob, if you can do it, so we can take more calls.
Just because you're a top stockbroker, researcher, goldbroker, highly respected, and I've had Congressman Ron Paul on to explain it, and I've had other economists on, but in layman's terms, the Fed is a private consortium for private banks, but it does have government power through an act of Congress, just like in England they're giving the Bank of England, and even local towns now, and private corporations, the power to seize your bank account or home without warrants.
So it's a letter of mark.
The federal government
That's the perfect way to put it.
And it's going to end up going beyond that.
The Federal Reserve, a private organization,
Uh, geared to do the monetary policy of the United States, uh, by an act of Congress.
And that is going to continue unless we stop it, you know, through the Senate and the House.
Uh, they, their ability is to create money out of nothing.
And there's no responsibility for it, as we're seeing now as we go forward.
With all of these problems that we have with them creating so much money into the TARP program and sending it out through all the banking systems throughout the world.
Hey Bob, do you have somebody putting a new roof on your house?
No, it's next door and there's not much I can do to control it.
I'm sorry.
No, no, that's alright.
Are you on a headset too?
No, I'm not.
Okay, it just sounds like you got a turkey leg in your mouth half the time.
But as soon as we get a break, I'm going to see if I can get them to stop for 15 minutes.
Hey, listen, I know you're busy.
I won't ask you during the break.
I'll ask you live.
Last week you had to go right at the end of the hour.
Can you stay 20 minutes with us into the next hour?
Absolutely, and I'm going to see if I can bribe these guys to stop for a minute.
All right, we'll run outside and take care of that.
We'll be back in a few minutes with Bob Chapman and go to your phone calls.
Sean, Jeff, Hannibal, Terry, Todd, Keebler, and others.
The toll-free number to join us on air is 1-800-259-9231.
I did want to throw out the calls.
We got a break one more time today at least.
Ladies and gentlemen, Fall of the Republic is out.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda...
They'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
I have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
For the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation, the criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty and on its ashes constructing world government.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com.
Or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
I told you we've gotten news reports from Kentucky, New York, Texas, California, in the last couple months, even with the seasonal flu shot, where they inject especially elementary school students, because they know they're little.
And the parents go down to the school and get real mad, and they say, we didn't give your child a shot.
And then they see the needle hole.
And then other children go, no, they gave us shots too.
They lined us up in the cafeteria.
Folks, the government gave black men syphilis and let them spread it and die of it over 45 years with Tuskegee.
They radiated foster children to death in radiation experiments, 4,300 plus.
They're doing this stuff all the time.
Here's New York Daily News today.
I mean, I'm seeing these every day now.
Public school nurse gives swine flu vaccine to kids without parents.
Sends child to hospital.
That's just like the Taylor School gets caught doing this.
They caught one of my employees had their daughter, elementary school, strip searched because she had a bruise on her knees.
Then they lied about it and got caught down in Kyle.
They just lie!
These people are liars!
Look, public school nurses give swine flu vaccine to kids without parents okay since child of the hospital.
We only know about this because the child went to the hospital and had convulsions.
See, it's meant to brain damage you, but when it has a really bad effect on some people, and so knocks them out right there.
So you only know about it when they get sick, and that's what's happening with these cases.
Here it is, New York Daily News, and it says it sent him to the hospital.
I want Naomi Troy, his mother,
Her mother, the six-year-old daughter.
See, it's always little kids.
They don't do this with the high schoolers.
Because they can speak for themselves and go, you did too, give me a shot.
No, we didn't!
You're a liar!
And I have all these newscasts I can play that will play some later if we take calls.
Bob Chapman, I just wanted to bring this up.
I mean, how is this not the Soviet Union?
But if they're going to put fluoride and all these other chemicals in our water and force Medicaid, why not shoot our kids up and lie about it, Bob?
Well, I've been doing that with the other inoculations previously, which you've discussed many times regarding autism and we'll call it semi-autism, being that I'm not a doctor and I don't know what the terms are.
But, you know, I see so much evidence of it and, you know, 15 years ago such things didn't exist among children virtually.
And so, yes, they're doing it and it's
Like the Soviet Union or Nazi Germany, there's no question.
I put it more akin to Nazi Germany because of the marriage of corporate America and the government, which is fascism.
I think it better... And they're all just different flavors of command and control.
But look, here's the New York Daily News.
I saw this last night.
I've become so conditioned that I didn't even cover it today until one of the guys said, aren't you going to cover this and handed it to me again.
A whole bunch of paragraphs down.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15.
15 paragraphs down.
There's a minor footnote.
Oh, a student at PS65 in Staten Island also received the vaccine without parental permission on Wednesday.
So see?
But the bigger issue is, Bob, parents are calling me every day when we open phones up from parents about this.
They're doing this everywhere and the schools are lying about it.
I mean, how criminal, how systemic is criminal lying by government now?
It is unbelievable.
It is something that somebody my age can't even put into a mental or emotional context.
I mean, these kind of things never went on before.
Uh, the process is really the last 5 to 10, 15 years.
Well, they do it with Native Americans or foster kids they've got in the 50s and they take them in and radiate a death when nobody can save them in their white lab coats, but now it's just everybody!
A little control freak, you know, I don't care if the parents don't want it, I'm gonna do it!
There's your cancer virus and mercury!
Ha ha ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha ha ha!
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today!
Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda, they'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us
Tim Geithner?
They're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
All right, for the next 20 minutes with Bob Chapman, we're going to be taking your phone calls.
Thanks for being patient.
Then in studio, another adventure of Aaron Dykes and Rob Dube, traveling to Canada and around the United States doing three interviews.
We're following the Republic too.
Oh yeah, we don't rest around here.
We understand we're in a war against the globalists.
A life and death struggle.
And it was just hellish.
Just wait till you hear the border stories.
Detroit collapsing.
Trying to force them into body scanners.
Trying to manhandle them when they said no.
I mean, this country is Nazi Germany, and it's getting worse and worse.
We're about 1937 under Hitler right now, and it's about to get a lot worse.
Bob Chapman's our guest at TheInternationalForecaster.com.
I'm Alex Jones.
Our website's InfoWars.com.
Sean in New York.
Thanks for holding her on the air.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
How are you?
I'm an attorney working in New York City, and I thought you would find it interesting how law schools deal with the issue of the Federal Reserve.
Basically, they do not discuss it in any capacity at all.
And if it's brought up, it's ridiculed, it's simply pushed under the rug.
Oh yeah, even talking about the Federal Reserve, ten years ago people would act like it didn't exist.
Well, I had a serious argument with a friend of mine who is in law review at NYU.
He works for the SEC, and I told him that the Federal Reserve is a private banking cartel.
And he said, oh, that's absolute nonsense, that's a conspiracy, etc., etc.
So I pointed him to the Federal Reserve Act, Section 16, which says, the said Federal Reserve notes shall be obligations of the United States.
Basically meaning that every dollar in circulation is owed to the private bank.
And I don't, I mean, he still, when I showed him the words of the statute, still wouldn't accept it as true.
That's because he thinks he's a member of the establishment.
You guys,
There are so many people making a hundred grand a year that think they're God, because they get invited to a regional banquet with a thousand local minions, and they just, they're all into sitting near power, and oh, they're powerful, and there's no fluoride in their water, and there's no stuff in their kid's shots.
What do you call... But Alex, it goes, it goes even deeper than that.
If you try to research the Federal Reserve on LexisNexis or Westlaw, as a law student, you are denied access.
You do not have access to the cases or the statutes.
You can pull up law review articles on those databases, but those are very limited in scope.
Basically, and there's no classes.
Well listen, you should do an article.
I was familiar with some of that.
It's never been audited.
You should do an article and send it to writersandinfowars.com.
You can use a pen name if you want.
I would love you to write a two, three page simple article and point out that as a law student, you're unable to do that.
Bob, this is a big issue, isn't it?
It certainly is, because there's a deliberate attempt, as the gentleman is saying, to keep the information away from everybody.
The scam is at the core of what these elitists are doing, not only to the United States, but to the world.
The Bank of England represents the same thing.
It is also a private corporation.
Well, it's partners with the Fed.
I mean, that goes back to 1913.
Well, the Bank of England, I think, is somewhere around 1680 or something like that.
No, but I'm saying the Bank of England is in partnership with the Federal Reserve.
Every move that they make is coordinated together and has been since its inception.
And one of the reasons why is many of the original shareholders, who are still shareholders in the Fed Reserve from the 12 regional banks, are Europeans.
That's right.
It's a state secret, Alex.
We can't know.
And I'm so happy the young man called in and said what he had to say about the accessibility of information on the Fed to law students and people within the law profession.
And of course, his comments regarding the SEC were not unexpected.
All they do is chase the little guys and let the big guys get away with murder.
That's the way it is.
They've gotten rid of most of the investigators with the FBI and Secret Service on financial crimes.
But they put all the people they have on little bitty blue collar.
Thank you, Sean.
Do a report.
We need writers.
We need people that understand this to expose it.
Just make sure you have your links and proofs so we can approve it and post it.
Alright, Jeff, Hannibal, Terry, Todd, and many others.
Your call is straight ahead for Bob Chapman.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big news blitz coming up at the 24 After segment.
And we've got two of my crew members in studio for the police state escapades they witnessed.
We're taking calls right now with Bob Chapman.
Jeff in Canada, thanks for holding.
You're on the air.
Hey Alex, how's it going?
I have a story about swine flu I wanted to pass on and get your thoughts.
A good friend of mine, last week his wife found out she was seven weeks pregnant and she was in the doctor's office.
He was in the waiting room with his two-year-old daughter.
He didn't know what was going on inside and the doctor strongly advised his wife that for her protection she should get the swine flu shot and
She's pretty unaware as far as, you know, she hasn't, didn't know what to do.
So she took it and within 24 hours she was spotted and she lost the baby.
I just wondered if you had heard any other stories like this?
The United Nations has been caught in Asia, Africa, the Middle East, Central Asia, Latin America, and with Native Americans in the U.S.
This is mainstream news.
You can just Google, UN caught sterilizing women through tetanus shot.
You'll get mainstream articles out of India and Africa and Latin America.
And the doctor doesn't know this.
And the autoimmune response, normally before they said don't give flu shots to women, now they say it's for women.
And it routinely, especially early in pregnancies, kills babies.
And he needs to sue that doctor.
They need to sue him.
It's in the FDA literature.
And because the doctors are like cult members, many of them.
Now a lot of them are awake.
We have medical doctors on.
We've had scores of them on the last six months about this.
But those are normally specialists who have multiple degrees and know about this and know about autoimmune responses and toxicology.
But this is just incredible.
Do they know that the vaccine is the number one suspect?
Well, I mean, within 24 hours, how can it not be?
And also, I mean, I don't really know a lot about... Sure helped the baby, didn't it?
Sure helped the baby, didn't it?
I'm sorry, what?
It sure helped the baby.
Baby's dead now.
Yeah, it's dead.
I thought it was pretty common knowledge not to give any type of vaccination in the first trimester.
Yeah, that was always the contraindication was to not give it to pregnant women.
But these sickos are testing
Look, they had to suspend the swine flu shot in 76 because it killed so many people, and that was later admitted by the FDA and the government.
Now they just put out press releases saying it's impossible, there are no side effects, it's a conspiracy theory, a fake sheet they give you.
Meanwhile, the insert says it all if they just...
This is so sickening to hear, and that's why I want to reach more people.
It's why I want listeners to email their email list and tell them anybody can listen to us on the web at InfoWars.com, even if an AM and FM isn't in your area.
And I just, I know, look, EcoScience and all these other books written by the top scientists say our water, our vaccines, they're sterilizing us with them.
I mean, it says in the drug inserts, I've been showing every day here, I'll dig it out, that it can sterilize you or make you lose a baby.
They know this!
And it's so diabolical, people can't believe it.
They write books about how they're doing it to us.
I'm sorry to hear that, Jeff, and they can maybe have another baby.
It also tends to really destroy the fertility of women.
Here's what they were caught with the tetanus shot alone, where the U.N.
in 1996 was caught.
And they tried to spin it and say, oh, the manufacturer must have added this very expensive female hormone that's only released during pregnancy.
The body then recognizes it along with the tetanus as a pathogen and creates an autoimmune response in the sexual organs.
It a lot of times kills the woman or she has serious complications from it.
And then people said, well, why did the U.N.
have all these different manufacturers that accidentally added the hormone?
They have been caught over and over again.
That's why I'm not really worried about them killing me or imprisoning me or torturing me.
I mean, I don't want that to happen, but how can I know this?
And, I mean, take a cop who wants to billy club me because I'm videotaping in public.
Even as they billy club me, I feel sorry for him.
He's going to brain damage his kid, himself, his wife.
He doesn't know he's being murdered.
He can't imagine it.
He's too weak-minded to accept it.
I'm strong enough to face what the elites tell me they're doing, and I'm going to stand up and fight them.
And once you step into that mode as a warrior to defend the weak, the question is, how could you not speak out against these killers?
Bob Chapman, that's a pretty hard story to hear, isn't it?
It certainly is, and it's going on all over the world for a long time, and as long as we don't say anything, it's going to continue.
It's like the story of the pastor, I think it was Wurmbrand in Germany during the war, and you know, first they took away the Jews, and then they took away the
The Catholics, and then they took away the dissidents and so on and so forth.
And then they came for me.
And it's the same thing.
It's incumbent upon us who understand, no matter how frustrating it is, to let the public know things that they don't know that they should know.
And that's why we're doing what we're doing.
I mean, who do you know that's 74 years old, like I am,
Who does 30 hours of programming a week and publishes two publications.
I want to help people.
I want people to know.
And that's what Alex is all about.
And it's all of you people out there who are listening.
Take this knowledge and please spread it no matter how many times you reject it.
Well, people aren't rejecting it as much anymore, and that's why I beg the listeners, get Fall of the Republic, this film.
And I'm asking all our supporters and other websites, write reviews of it, support it.
We just want to get this out, we want to save the republic.
Let's talk to Hannibal in New York.
Hannibal, thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
Hey Alex, how you doing?
I want to say thank you for all you're doing, and thank you for some advice you gave me last year.
There have been people who give me a hard time about what I'm telling them.
It's worked out fine.
Yeah, move on.
If somebody wants to laugh at you and wants to drink fluoride water and take mercury shots, say, hey, I warned you.
Sorry, buddy.
Yeah, I moved on.
Next, you know, a couple of them came back to me, like, how'd you know all this stuff?
I'm like, Alex Jones.
I've got a few friends listening to you.
I have a video that I think you might find interesting.
I named it NYPD openly violates my rights.
And they actually say and use the Patriot Act to detain me for taking pictures at the U.N.
in Midtown.
Yeah, you got thousands of tourists out there every hour.
My guy's been harassed.
Rob Jacobson has shot video at the UN three times for my films.
And every time, cops come over and go, you're not allowed to have a tripod.
Get across the street.
And now it's, you're not allowed to even have a little camera, punk.
What do you think this is, the land of the free, home of the brave?
It's the land of take your shot and have a heart attack.
Yeah, I was stating my constitution and what my rights are.
You got a right to me to kick your teeth in, punk!
What do you think this is?
Some kind of free country?
I'll learn you, you little constitutional rat!
You traitor!
We're a country of abortions and disease and drug dealers.
We're a country of the mafia now.
Pretty much.
And they didn't tell me what law I was being detained under.
They just kept saying the Patriot Act.
They're taking pictures across the street.
of the U.N.
and I actually have some officers... You don't do that!
...at the M-16.
You might be's as a terrorist.
Send us the video.
We'll post it.
Good to hear from you, Hannibal.
Terry in Canada.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hello, Alex.
Hey, buddy.
You're on the air with Bob Chapman.
Go ahead.
Thank you very much for taking my call.
Sorry if I sound a little worked up today, but just letting you know
My girlfriend actually just got threatened with her job today for the H1 swine flu vaccine.
Oh yeah, they're forcibly injecting kids at schools everywhere.
Even if the parents say no, they're threatening to fire everybody.
Again, it's just total mafia.
They're starting to do that with me at my job.
I'm a federal peace officer here.
And non-stop, I'm spreading your word.
And I just, I'm so worked up about this.
Like, she's been upset about this.
We don't know what to do.
Lawyer after lawyer in the phone book.
So are you customs or are you Royal Mountain Police?
I am actually with the, well, one organization I would like to stay on the air bus.
And so they're there even though your own government, but that's good, scientists in the government, have said that it actually hurts you that your bosses are saying take it.
That you have to take it or you're losing your job and they're telling us that and my girlfriend actually she is a emergency medical person like she's a EMT right and they're sitting there telling her as she's taking it as they're making her take it telling her if you don't take this you're getting fired
If you don't take this, you're getting fired, and we know it's not proven, we know it's bad, but you're taking it anyway.
It's going to continue as long as we let it.
And it's hard to get any help from attorneys because they're afraid to touch it.
They're terrified of the government.
And you'd be amazed how many people are terrified who are not employed by the government.
And so all we can do is get the word out.
Don't take the shots no matter what.
If it costs you a job, it costs you a job.
One of the good things is if you get a 401k, you can then manage it yourself.
Let me ask this fellow a question in closing.
Terry in Canada, are other peace officers that you work with, are they starting to wake up?
Oh, they are.
Tons of them are.
And I've spread and spread many of your DVDs at work and, you know, for the longest time I was laughed at and ridiculed and cornered and just, you're crazy, you're a fool, you're a fool.
And I, you know, had my facts down about 9-11 and everything, you know, straight as an arrow.
Look it up yourself, I said.
Like, do your own research.
And they sit and laugh in a big group, heckling me.
And then, shortly after, I'll walk away.
One or two of them come up and say, hey, by the way, where did, uh, where did you find that information?
Do you have one of those DVDs?
God bless you, sir.
Keep it up.
I want to say bye to Bob during the break.
I may even bring him back.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
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As we're finishing off this agenda,
They'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
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Fall of the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation.
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All right.
Two of my crew members, Rob Dew and Aaron Dykes, as free men, try to travel around the country.
And just like in the Soviet Union or Nazi Germany, it ain't easy.
And the forms of humiliation, the naked body scanners going in nationwide are in use.
You're going to put your five-year-old son and daughters through it.
You're going to submit.
And if you don't go through the naked body scanner, a big goon's going to put their hands on you.
On screen, there is your genitalia.
I'm sorry, this is what they're recording on digital scanners, and that's just a... You can see that man's man breast right there.
That's a woman right there.
Just Google Live Science Image Gallery.
What did you guys search to find all those nudie pictures recorded by the airport perverts?
Airport body scanners.
Just click images.
Just click images for everybody watching on PrisonPlanet.tv and then others listening will go do this themselves.
Oh, look at that!
The genitalia, everything.
Zoom in on that woman in the middle there.
There you go.
And that's turned up on low-res.
Look at the guy with the gun behind his back.
Oh, the humiliation.
What they don't tell you is it's a biometric signature so they can scan you with these different resonance machines.
That's the big secret technology they talk about that they have in Iraq.
Bob Chapman, what do you think of the naked body scanners?
Isn't that freedom?
That's disgraceful.
This disgraceful is no reason for it whatsoever.
And we haven't had a terrorist incident except what the government created in 9-11.
It's a big scam and it's just another way to control and humiliate people.
But imagine if your neighbor said, walk in this machine, I'm going to record naked images of your body.
But at the airport, I mean look at these shots we've got up on screen of women lined up with the
For some reason, you've got to be an overweight to be in the TSA.
Nothing against it, it's just that you've got to weigh over 400 pounds to be in the TSA.
That's like a prerequisite.
And then, blow it up right there, those two on the left.
And, you know, the TSA woman gets to scan the other lady.
And she's like, hmm.
You will pay.
Look at this one.
Nice, a nice image on the screen.
You're submitting oil to me.
And in England, they've got mobile body scanners.
Hey Bob, tell folks... Oh yeah, there's an airport scanner inside the body.
How do you like that?
Scan inside people's guts.
You know, they can turn those up on a higher res and look into your body.
Bob, tell folks about the International Forecaster.
Then go to theinternationalforecaster.com and get a free copy.
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Either by email or in hard copy.
Hey Bob, where's gold today?
Uh, most of the day it's been off about $8.
And we're seeing this reaction to the stock market being off about 250 points.
And so I think what you're seeing is some margin selling.
And you get that in the gold shares as well at the beginning of a correction like that.
After that, it levels out.
When do you think it's going to go back above $1,060 again?
Probably within the next couple of weeks.
They can't hold it down.
They don't have the physical to do it.
All these mainline reporters and experts on MSNBC and CNBC-CNN, they're all saying $2,000.
Do you think that's real?
That's what they will admit to now, as will JPMorgan Chase and Goldman and so on.
To 2000-2500, which is a reflection of official inflation since 1980 when real inflation is $6,700 an ounce, and John Williams says $71.50 an ounce.
So we're pretty close together up there.
And there are others who say over $6,000.
But we're always in the great, great, great minority.
And we're usually always right.
And so, don't listen to the garbage you get on mainline media.
It'll bankrupt you.
When do you think it's going to go above $2,000?
During this next year.
You're certain of that, or near certain?
I'm near certain.
I think $1,650 is going to be easy.
Bob Chapman, thanks for spending time with us.
All right, I'll see you next week.
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All the leaves are brown.
And the sky is gray.
Well, they were gone for close to a week, six days.
They went to Detroit to witness the collapse there.
Went back to D.C.
to interview Webster Tarpley, a mainstay of the Fall of the Republic series.
And then they went to Canada to interview Alan Watt.
And what an adventure.
You got hands laid on you when you just said, no, I'm not going to the naked body scanner.
Uh, and, uh, this is a fraud.
I mean, next they're going to want to do a proctology exam.
Uh, you got stopped at the border.
We had to fax proofs, uh, that the cameras that we have that aren't that expensive, they're prosumer, about five, six thousand dollars, depending on the model.
Some we've got for like four grand.
You had to prove that all that was yours.
Thank God we were here.
Thank God you got a hold of us.
We did have the receipts.
Dug them out, sent them.
I mean, this is not a free country.
This is pathetic.
And so I wanted to have both of you break it down.
Let's start with the airport adventures, which they now admit are going nationwide with the Viper teams at bus stops, train stops, the streets, shopping malls, random vans, sending you through body scanners, biometrically scanning 360, your naked body.
If you've got children watching, it's like the Playboy channel.
We're going to show you images from TSA.
Now, I've seen more in-depth images by the actual companies where they can zoom in on pores.
Okay, so they're showing you a low-res image but totally naked.
Your family, it's child porn.
They don't care.
Now, if you take a picture of your two-year-old daughter in diapers
And this made ABC News and CNN, the children's bottoms weren't even seen, but because the children had towels around them, hugging, that was a three-year-old and two-year-old, they were arrested, their children were taken.
So that's, things that aren't bad are called bad, but in the government recording, your naked wife, you, your children,
And now they're going in at all major airports, 214, and people in Houston are being forced through them, but people are refusing and saying, no, you perverts, you're not going to do that.
So tell us your adventures there, then we'll get into the collapse of Detroit.
And for PrisonPlanet.tv viewers,
For radio listeners, we're going to obviously post a video of this on YouTube.
Some images of Detroit for Fall of the Republic 2.
You guys were telling me it was worse than what the news could even capture.
So Aaron Dykes and Rob Dew, back from six days of adventure with the police state in Canada and the U.S., tell us what happened.
Well, I got hit up first.
This was in D.C.
flying to Detroit.
Because you got long hair.
You get pulled out every time.
Some kind of al-Qaeda!
But Aaron was already through security, and I went through, you know, take off all your possessions, put them on the scanner, and take off all your shoes, and then I walked through and they go, oh, sir, can you step in here?
I said, so what's that?
And they said, oh, this is our RFID scanner.
I said, no, I'm not going in there.
And, uh, what do you mean?
And I said, I'm not going in there.
I don't, I said, I don't agree with that.
And they said, oh, well, it's voluntary.
I said, well, good.
I'm not doing it.
But so that's like SeaWorld made you thumbprint at first.
It was voluntary.
Now it's mandatory.
It's like dog training.
It's going to happen.
Because so many people have refused, but, but, but, but they don't tell you just like they say it's shot time.
They don't say you don't have to take it.
But, but, but, but you said you went further.
You explained you're not going to videotape my package.
Oh yeah, well the guys started asking me why I wasn't doing it, and I said, well, I gave them several reasons why I didn't want to do it, and then I jokingly gave them a reason.
I said, well, I don't want you guys to feel bad when you see the size of my privates or whatever, you know, just trying to lighten the mood.
Because they got kind of serious about it, so we have to wand you and pat you down.
And I said, well, I don't agree with that.
And then we find this article about terahertz waves, which is what they use to do this scanner.
This came in today.
According to one of their studies, I'm just going to read this real quick.
And let me stop you, because I'm going to quit interrupting.
I want you to start over and tell the whole story, and then get into that.
Because they now, the British government and others, have conclusively admitted that they knew in the early 80s, when in the U.S.
and Europe, they approved cell phones, bag phones at the time, that it resonates the DNA.
That's why you get the brain tumors.
It breaks down the cell DNA, making them mutate.
They know this.
Now these machines they put you in are conservatively, according to the reports, thousands of times
You know, they got the signs.
They know people don't like this.
Guaranteed it's making people late for their flights.
The lines are backed up.
So far, they have to create new lines.
And it says, why do I have to take my shoes off?
Well, because explosives can be hidden in them, of course.
But don't worry, because the body scanners are coming soon.
And so there's the problem reaction.
Problem reaction solution.
So step in the microwave.
And of course, the fools don't know that the reports you've pulled up and I've looked at, these things are leaking.
But the TSA guys are going to love dying of cancer.
Oh yeah, they're all surrounding it.
They're all around it.
The thing's right there.
Well see, that's kind of the good thing though.
See, evil always gets judged.
These guys make excuses.
They're going to make excuses about scanning naked children, scanning naked women and men.
They're going to make excuses about how it doesn't hurt you.
They're the ones that are going to die first.
Eight hours a day standing around it.
And I'm sad for them, but this is what they want.
This is what they get.
And we the people are going to accept it too.
We're going to let our children's genitals be scanned and, you know, we're going to take it.
We're going to take off our shoes, everything they ask.
Because we're Land of the Coward, Home of the Slave.
And then it gets, when Aaron went through, it was even worse because I was behind him.
Tell them about your...
Yeah, I went through.
He told me to go through the scanner and I said no.
He said, why aren't you going to do it?
I said, it violates my privacy.
And this is what happened.
This guy got scared.
This guy was physically bigger than me.
He was athletic.
He started shaking when I said no.
You think it doesn't matter?
Because it's a delusional world.
He thought he found a real terrorist.
Yeah, he was shaking, visibly shaking, when I said no.
He tried to trick me to go through it again and told me they were going to body wand me, which they ended up doing.
And then he tells me, oh, because I don't like it, because it violates my fourth amendment, I read too much.
Oh, you're one of those who reads too much.
And you said he put his hands on you.
Oh yeah.
Oh yeah, he grabbed me just like this.
When I said no, he started shaking, he didn't know what to do, and then his first flinch reaction was to grab my arm and try to pull me through the scanner.
By the way, I told the story about Montana.
Was I exaggerating a month ago at Harden?
Because now they've made it easier.
First they're on you to train you to be a slave, then they ease it back, and they've been, oh, soothing music, colors, blue outfits, not black.
But then they still have the old training in Montana.
And, I mean, describe what it was like.
It was absolutely crazy.
And you got women apologizing to the agents.
I'm so sorry I forgot my mascara and my lipstick.
And the Fourth Amendment says if you're going to search, you're not only going to have a warrant, you're going to say specifically what you're looking for.
But it's not specific.
It's liquids.
It's lipstick.
It could be shoes.
It could be...
And they started yelling at me for a thing of shampoo I took from the hotel.
And I said, your own rule says that's allowed.
And she kind of got mad and said, it's for your safety.
But going back, read what the scanners do to your body.
And the TSA guys, again, you need to know why you're going to be dying in five years of cancer.
Go ahead.
And there's no doubt that's what this is for.
This is the new cookers.
And they admit that they, in England, they have them that are so powerful.
They're body x-ray machines they use to scan cars.
I mean, these are hundreds of times more powerful than a chest x-ray.
They're marching everybody through those now.
And it goes everywhere.
Can you imagine what this is going to do to somebody who's pregnant?
All the better!
I know.
All the better.
Kill a baby.
The headline, and we're probably going to post this up, is how terahertz waves tear apart DNA.
It talks about some studies they're doing in Los Alamos in New Mexico.
I'll go back and read this again.
Terahertz waves are in the electromagnetic spectrum between microwaves and infrared.
They pass through non-conductive materials such as clothes, paper, wood, and brick.
I don't know.
They say the forces that are generated by these THZ fields are tiny and resonant effects that allow the THZ waves to unzip double-stranded DNA, creating bubbles in the strand that could significantly interfere with processes such as gene expression and DNA replication.
Now, that sounds like they're just... Now for those that don't know, the BBC, AP Reuters all this week finally said, okay, it's conclusive, it gives you cancer, and in fact, Google cell phones and brain tumors.
And in the latest news, you'll see hundreds of articles every few days.
We'll see the actual number here in a moment together.
Cell phones and cancer.
And it's the same waves.
And it admits, they admit that the average cell phone, they have sites that show you how much radiation, microwave radiation they leak.
But on average, and I looked at the studies, between 10 and 15 minutes on a cell phone, the brain goes up over a degree and a half.
It actually heats your brain.
And this is the new system.
You say no, they're going to put you on a terror list, they admit that.
And then soon it'll just be, you don't get to travel.
So it's take your shoes off, take your belt off, go through a body scanner.
More, more, more, more, more, more, more.
It's all about training you for submission.
There it is.
World Health Organization.
Cell phones linked to brain cancer again.
And, uh...
That's copied to a blog.
Go back to news.
I want to pick a big mainstream publication to show it to folks.
I mean, it's guaranteed.
But this isn't a cell phone.
This is a high-powered bather that bathes you in microwaves.
It looks like something out of the fly.
It bathes you in it, just blasting you with this RF.
But I mean, the good news is, within five years,
Again, this stuff is set to only go in about an inch, and I've seen the studies, just like radar guns and police testicles.
And I tell the cops, don't keep between your legs, and they admit now it gives them testicular.
And it's sad, but it's also good.
Because all these guys who are can't get, you know, they're all going to get testicular cancer, and then they're going to have to remove the machines.
That's the, but of course, we'll try to cover that up now.
And that's what the soft kill is, where they just admit vaccines are killing you, but keep doing it.
See, they're trying to train us that all this kills us, and we just put up with it.
Aaron, you want to comment on all this?
Yeah, I want to comment on the fact that they keep pushing it further and further.
They're not prepared for our non-cooperation.
That's the key.
When you say no, that guy started shaking.
They don't know what to do.
It's the same thing with these 50-mile-in border checks that Pastor Anderson in Arizona, he's not the only one doing it now.
Now there's whole groups doing it, and they don't know how to react.
All they can do is realize that they are violating the Fourth Amendment.
And that's the same thing Gandhi started with his non-cooperation.
They tried to profile and force Indians to register and fingerprint.
Fingerprinting developed by Francis Galton, creator of eugenics.
And he resisted.
That's what it's all about.
They keep trying to invade our privacy.
And it's always been government taking it too far.
And if you let them keep taking it, that's all that's going to happen.
There's the National Cancer Institute with all the studies of how it causes cancer.
But let's remember, and I've seen these studies, thousand times stronger.
I mean, this is life and death.
They're trying to stick you in a radiation chamber like you're one of those foster kids they were murdering in the 50s.
And don't these jackasses understand those things are leaking and blasting them?
I've seen them walk through it too.
They walk, oh it's okay, you just walk through it.
It's going to be okay when you get cancer too, I guess.
You know, that's what's going to happen to them.
And we've got emails and calls pouring in, and then it's in the news that suddenly they're forcibly inoculating kids nationwide.
And just tell the parents, go to hell!
Go to hell, people!
We rule you now!
Okay, we're going to talk more about this next week, and if you guys want to write a blurb about your experiences, because we need to start saying no to this.
Aaron, I can tell you're really angry about this.
Yeah, I can hardly put up with it.
So how did it end?
Did you say, hey, what are you doing grabbing me?
Basically, it ended in a compromise.
I submitted to a, uh, wanding, rather than going through the machine, but... And meanwhile, these bastards boss at Stage 9-11.
I mean, it's openly in the news that the CIA grows the opium now.
They just admit it.
But I shouldn't put up with any of it.
I shouldn't let them look through every inch of my possessions.
I'm supposed to be secure in my possessions.
I shouldn't let them take off my shoes and my belt, look in my pockets, scan me over, pat me down.
These are people who like touching people and looking at them.
I mean, it's pretty perverted.
It's perverted because they really, when the guy wanded me... They make pregnant women, women with babies, drink their milk?
And pull their clothes off and they beat them up?
I saw that they made a guy unscrew his bottle and say, oh, we just need to do an aerosol sample.
So they actually wand a little thing and beat him to drink it.
It's all crap.
It's all crap.
And I forget the documentary that Michael Douglas narrates.
It won an Academy Award about the Munich Olympics.
At something, one day in September or something like that?
The point is, at the end of the film, and it never made the news, they have the former head of the German security go, oh, we actually staged the hijackings to let them go.
It was all staged.
And laughs.
They just stage everything.
And then even kill the patsies they've got involved.
I mean, they tell them, you're going to be part of a drill.
It's going to go very well for you.
Just like the morons on 7-7 in England.
Turned out that was a drill.
They just killed them.
Oh yeah, you want to fight Al-Qaeda?
Here's some bags.
Carry these on board.
And these aren't officers who took an oath.
These aren't doctors who swore to do no harm.
They're basically little tin-pug dictators on the cusp of taking things physical.
They don't know how to handle it.
What did you say when he grabbed you?
I said, get your hands off me.
That's my Fourth Amendment.
I'm not going to let you invade my privacy.
And he got so upset he didn't know what to do.
All he could say was, you read too much.
Because I knew it was the Fourth Amendment.
No, no, they've literally gotten to the point like idiocracy, going, he can read!
What the hell is this, the crazy judge?
What you reading for?
Oh, it's dangerous.
And I've talked to these ladies who get upset because they're late for their flights, but they say, oh, it's okay, I prefer to be secure.
Don't you know Ben Franklin warned us that if we give up our liberty... Look, they're not going to be happy until them and their kids die of cancer.
Let's start rolling the video for everybody of Detroit.
At first it's some pretty scenes, but then it gets into the collapsed buildings, the ivy growing up.
Start getting into that.
What was that like?
It's incredible.
I mean, you're driving down blocks, you'll see beautiful houses with new paint jobs right next to burned down houses.
Empty lots where there used to be, you know, a hundred houses on the block.
Now there's one, maybe two, maybe three.
You'll see that all over the place.
They call them urban prairies now.
Yeah, that's the new word for it.
And this guy was telling us how the neighborhood he used to live in, he used to be able to stick his hand out and touch his neighbor's house.
And now you go through the neighborhood and it's one house, then empty lot, empty lot, empty lot, another house, then a burnout house, then empty lot, empty lot.
They're just systematically tearing down Detroit, and you can see it coming up now.
You can pull up the USA Today article, Obama says demolish U.S.
cities for environment.
In fact, people don't believe it.
Pull it up.
Oh, you actually... Oh, you actually... Iron happened.
This one's out of London Telegraph.
cities made to be bulldozed in order to survive, and they go on to say it's for the environment.
And so we're going to come back into that briefly.
But then also, you had the experience of not being able to come back into the U.S.
They said your cameras were stolen.
Yeah, they tried to basically set us up when we were entering Canada, said I can refuse you or you can get ready to prove that you didn't smuggle those cameras in or buy them illegally in Canada or without proper authorization using the customs.
So they told you that when you were leaving?
Oh yeah, they set us up for it, and indeed they did ask when we came back.
So they said, prove you didn't steal the cameras in Canada, even though you were going into Canada, then they marked down your license plate, and they were waiting, because it was fun to harass a slave!
That's right.
To teach you to learn to serve, boy!
Let's see, the problem is, everybody knows you can only buy left-handed cameras in Canada.
You're joking, huh?
That's a joke, yeah.
Dude, I'll tell you what.
No, but seriously, what was that like?
I think so.
They weren't gonna let you go.
We had to send receipts.
Guilty until proven innocent.
Meanwhile, illegals, criminals are everywhere.
Madoff's stealing everything.
Crime everywhere.
But they gotta let you know, because you are the milk cow.
And they were slapping you upside the head, going, look, Elsie, I own you.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda,
They'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
Fall of the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation.
The criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty and on its ashes constructing world government.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today, it seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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So this is the adventure you had in the land of the free, home of the brave, traveling wherever you want.
You know, the Soviets always talked about how they wanted to move here, to be able to travel and fly and drive.
Not anymore.
Not after 9-11.
Everything changed.
Homeland security.
We get the homeland security documents.
It's all for us.
And now they're going around to all the businesses saying, spy on everybody.
Spy on your neighbors.
Everyone's a gun owner.
John Elway says, do you own gold?
Do you have guns in your house?
Call the police on your neighbor.
That means they're a terrorist.
We have the video.
This is, these are sick, sick control freaks and their toadies.
Finishing up though with Canada and a little bit more on Detroit.
Let's keep rolling those images of Detroit later on in the reel so we don't double over anything.
Finish up with, you said she was saying, if your papers aren't in order, continue.
Yeah, she was preparing to set us up to pay their customs fee on the approximate value of the cameras unless we could prove exactly where and when we bought them, by serial number.
We were told if we didn't... Now, was this the U.S.
or the Canadians?
This was the Canadians telling us we weren't going to get back into the U.S.
unless we could prove we bought our cameras in the U.S.
and not in Canada.
Which is, you know, you buy electronics online now, that's where the best price is.
So was there people doing this?
And before you left, they made the point about the camera.
Yeah, and then coming back into America, they checked our papers, they asked about the cameras.
Did you buy them in Canada?
Luckily the guy believed us, he seemed friendly, seemed like he... Oh, he wasn't too nice, he just put you in a gas chamber.
Yeah, he just inspected our car and opened up everything, but he believed our story.
Because his boss has carried out the attacks.
It's the global government.
They all are for the same people.
Another interesting thing.
What did they say when the faxes came in?
Did they deny those were real or anything?
Well, we got the faxes in between while we were in Canada.
But, uh, yeah, you know, last time we came through Buffalo, they detained us and didn't believe our story and made us prove various things about our paperwork and our rental car.
Oh, he even asked us when we were coming back in, he goes, what were you doing in Buffalo?
Yeah, so it's all in the database, of course.
Yeah, you know, they had everything on, because we were the same, too, that went in through Buffalo last time.
So they had that on record.
They don't want you moving.
They admit that.
Everybody locked down.
Major towns in the U.S.
don't even let you out during the day.
In Arkansas and Oklahoma, they want to check you when you drive down the street.
And CNN says, that's good.
You need to show your papers to walk in America.
It's just amazing that it's harder to get back into the country that you're a citizen of than it is to leave.
But listen, when we flew into Canada that time and they detained us for 16 hours, foreigners and illegals were just, if it was a foreigner, they just bowed to them.
But if it was a North American, we were scum.
And I watched American businessmen and Canadian businessmen being treated like crap.
Yeah, they want to know how to get their cut.
Customs cut.
And whatever's being sold or done or... Well, Canadians are good people, but they have a scumbag government.
And because the Canadians have been asleep at the switch, just like we have.
Now, finish up with Detroit.
I mean, what was this like?
I mean, you can see, it's... It looks like it's bombed out half the locations we went to.
It just looks like a war zone.
And this is right in downtown.
They're doing this stuff everywhere.
Did you have a chance to go to Flint?
Yes, we did.
Yeah, we had about an hour to get into Flint, and we drove around there, and it looks just as bad.
And they bulldozed 1,100 homes there.
They're planning to bulldoze 3,000 more.
Here they are, bulldozing.
This bulldozer pulling up what used to be a perfectly good foundation.
And this is deindustrialization.
This is what The Globalist wrote about.
We have Info of the Republic, you cover all of this.
Mari Strong's quote.
Here I have the Rockefellers, Dr. Richard Day of Planned Parenthood.
We'll be interconnected.
And that's what they're doing.
The Packard plant closed starting in the 60s.
We were in there.
And now they're finishing off the job with the current bailout.
And put that all in a file.
I want this in the film, because this one's really going to be about the deindustrialization and the eugenics.
Yeah, each part of the world will have a specialty and become interdependent.
The U.S.
will remain a center for agriculture, high-tech, communications, education, but heavy industry would be transported out.
That's 1969, and it's happened now.
And we know the bankers set up the crisis.
And then we get the documents, how they're going to take our kids.
Did you see in England?
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