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Name: 20091029_Thu_Alex
Air Date: Oct. 29, 2009
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Don't want no shackles.
Don't want no shackles on me.
Don't want no shackles.
Don't want no shackles on me.
That's Jimmy Vaughn, no shackles on me.
I sat down with Big Brother.
Don't like those RFIDs.
We're going to your phone call.
Steve Watts is joining us with a European perspective from England on the revolt against the swine flu inoculations and the deaths that the press is reporting on.
We're going to go to your calls here in just a moment.
At the bottom of the next hour, I'm going to get into this article written by Paul Watson, speculation mounts over Ron Paul 2012 presidential bid.
I'm going to give you the inside scoop on what's really going on here, and my complete confidence that Ron Paul will be running for president in 2012.
And Ron Paul has said right here on this show that the listeners of this radio broadcast, and myself, challenging him to run, laying out the reasons he should run, was instrumental in his decision to run for president in 2008.
And now the foundation is built to really project him into the White House.
But even if he didn't win, he'll be there to inject real issues about the true shadow government, the private Federal Reserve, the New World Order, the global government.
And now there's no more denying all this.
People know that Ron Paul predicted it all with stunning clarity.
Within the next three years, things are only going to get more insanely crazy.
I'm going to challenge Ron Paul to go ahead and run and to go ahead and launch his campaign in the next six months to not wait until after he wins the 2010 congressional race.
He needs to start campaigning now.
We'll talk about that in one hour.
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Let's go to some phone calls quickly and then to Steve Watson.
Carl in Texas, you're on the air.
Ah, great.
Hey, Alex.
Yes, sir.
Yeah, I'm a big supporter and fellow aluminum cap wearer, i.e.
crazy person, and major copier of your DVDs, and working to just get the message out to those that want to hear it, even those that don't want to hear it.
So, I just wanted to share, even though my heart's broken to see what's come as of late, it's not broken enough to still go out there and get that message out.
No, no, no.
Now more than ever, people are actually ready to hear now and listen.
But a lot of people will laugh at first, but you plant the seed, it will sprout later.
Oh yeah, it just makes me more determined.
So I just want to applaud you for what you're doing.
But I do have three questions, hopefully you can answer them.
With all these new laws that are passing, with this governing takeover of the web, how will this affect e-commerce sites like tactical products like we're selling, security camera packages, tactical flashlights, survival knives?
Websites like that, how will that be affected?
Well, the globalists do everything incrementally.
So they're going to start watering down net neutrality.
Many platforms, like iPhones, already don't let a lot of websites be accessed.
They're going to start flagging through your browser, through your internet service provider, that, oh, this is bad information you're looking at.
They're going to tax the Internet.
They're going to regulate the Internet.
They're going to create a new domain name system under Internet 2 that's controlled by the UN and a consortium of private corporations and universities that we will not then be allowed on.
Unless a few platforms allow it to be the university or government or corporate site slash your site like Facebook or Myspace or YouTube and then they can arbitrarily shut down your site, restrict it, delete it.
That's the model of the web.
Alright, well, that answers the question.
The second question I have, how and when will the Amaro take the replacement of our dollar?
Because according to Lindsey Williams' information that we heard the last week and a half saying that the dollar will be coming dead by 2012.
Will it be at that time for the Amaro to become a replacement of our current American dollar for this new backed by nothing currency?
We always talk about the Amaro because that's been on MSNBC and CNBC and CNN and Fox and it's been in Council on Foreign Relations documents in the last 15 years or so talking about a North American currency or dollarizing the Mexican peso and the Canadian loonie.
But instead, it appears, and the UN's debated a global phoenix currency.
They're bypassing all of that and going directly to a European Union currency, an Asian Union currency, an African Union currency, a Mediterranean currency, a North American currency, a Central and South American and Caribbean currencies, where you will have a regionalized currency.
Here's a better way to explain it.
For, since 1993 under federal law, we've already had the Real ID Act.
You still have a Texas or Alabama or New York driver's license, but it's federally standardized.
So it's really a federal ID, it just has the local name on it, Texas.
Okay, now that's been admitted the last five years.
They've rolled that out and told the public.
Now they have a hemispheric North American ID you can get directly from the feds and the feds say soon that will just be accepted by state police as well.
You don't even have to get a state driver's license anymore.
You'll just have to go pay for the federal one and then they'll still put the tax on it through the computer to pay the state.
So they're phasing it out.
And it's the same thing.
They have SDRs they've been using for 45 years, but they're going completely to bank to bank, where these private banks just create the global currency that's bank to bank.
It's then transferred into the denomination of the region.
And then issued and transferred into digital credits or into dollars or into euros or into the Asian block currencies.
And so we're going directly to a cashless society where you'll still have regional cash.
But even but but when you buy it for national sales tax global carbon tax credits.
I don't think so.
The department that deals with growth of food, all of those different departments are setting this up and everything you buy, sell and do is going to be tracked.
The NSA is building giant new bases publicly.
It was in the news yesterday that they will keep all your purchases, everything you do in these databases for the new global tax.
And so the new world currency will be a thumbprint, handprint with a face scan ID.
And that'll be at all the cash registers, all the businesses.
It's already going in.
And so the new world currency is going to be digital.
If you want to print out your regional coupons that'll be cash, you can do that.
But they're going to be tracked by a control number.
And then with your thumbprint and face scan, it'll be ID'd the entire chain of that money.
And all black market operations, everyone in their home will own a little $35 thumbprinter.
And they will, by law, it's going to be a felony, even when the labor kid mows your yard and you give him 30 creds, you know, 30 units, and there'll be lots of different units, you'll still have the dollar, it'll just be devalued, so you'll want the other global currencies.
Then when you buy that cred, you'll have to thumbprint him, or you will spend hard labor in a federal penitentiary.
Does that answer your question, Carl?
He's gone.
He had one more question.
Okay, Shelly, James, Sean, Sam, I'm going to get to you, but I need to go ahead and go to Steve Watson right now.
I have Digital Journal here.
Possible deaths from H1N1 vaccine reported in Sweden.
Then I have the actual translation of it here in my stack.
People are dying.
They're becoming paralyzed in the U.S., in Europe.
People are refusing in many of those nations, even when France says it's mandatory.
The news is reporting most French are refusing it.
Here's another one.
Boy rushed to hospital after swine flu jab.
That's out of Ireland.
Belfast Telegraph.
They're reporting the doctors are saying it's the shot they're announcing here in the U.S.
The FDA is admitting it is paralyzing some people.
That's been in the news.
I wanted to get Steve Watson of PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.net.
He does a lot of original reporting at InfoWars.net.
I check it every day.
Steve Watson to break down the latest developments on the flu front.
Steve, good to have you with us.
Hi Alex, good to be back again.
Yeah, I think, you know, we should put it in context straight away.
In Europe there's been 230 deaths from swine flu.
That's according to the European Centre for Disease Control.
Half of those have been in the UK.
So if you compare that to, you know, half a million, up to half a million deaths worldwide from seasonal flu, it kind of puts it into context, but yeah.
And 32,000 on the entire continent of Europe every year of regular flu.
36,000 in the United States.
This is an absolute non-event.
It is so far, yeah.
I mean, as you say, there's been a... Because of this, there's been a pretty big backlash to the vaccine all over Europe.
If we begin in France, yesterday, Le Monde, the biggest newspaper in that country, reported the latest poll there, only 17% of people there are now saying that they intend to get it.
Well, let me stop you real quick because people call me and say, you say 70 plus percent in Europe aren't taking it, but then you just mentioned that it's even less than that.
I just go off a few of the articles I've seen.
Do you have the source in front of you of less than 20 percent saying they're going to take it?
Yeah, it was Le Monde, the French newspaper.
It's the biggest newspaper in France.
Yeah, Le Monde is the biggest.
So, that's a headline right there.
Did you say 17%?
17% according to a poll that they reported on in France.
Okay, I want you to continue on this line because I know where you're going.
They're creating the Christmas toy phenomenon.
Like, oh, there's only so much of this toy, so everyone rushes out and wants to get it.
They're doing that here.
They're going, people are angry that prisoners are going to get it first because they might spread it the fastest in their confined quarters.
And police are getting it first.
And then they have these whining women, mainly, on local radio, TV, saying, I want it now for me!
And they show idiots lined up at the health department.
On the news this morning, begging for... In fact, I sent you guys that clip from CNN.
CNN National did a story on Austin with Margo Fraser, the former Harrods sheriff, up there talking about how wonderful it is.
And then I heard the local talk show host yesterday morning
No, I mean, it's not at all.
Because if you compare this, people are not buying it anymore and it's becoming more and more widespread.
The 17%, if you compare that to six weeks ago in France alone, still in France,
It was 55% that said they were going to get the shot.
Now it's only 17%.
So we've done a super job.
We have no doubt saved, because these are soft kill weapons, they take sometimes decades to kill you, and that's in their own documents.
We have potentially, the listeners of this show, make no mistake, we're the biggest thing out there fighting this.
Probably millions of lives, Steve.
That's got to feel good.
Yeah, I mean, it's...
It's not just us either.
Throughout Europe, there's these nine people that have filed a lawsuit against the government saying that it's a campaign to poison the population.
That may go to court.
You've got these people with health workers involved in it, talk show hosts in France involved in it.
It's all over Europe as well.
I mean, if you go to Germany, the numbers there are even lower.
It's like 13% say they're going to get it now, compared to over 50% a few months ago.
You've got 60% in this poll that was reported on in the German media, the latest one, it was reported by AP, the German office of AP.
66% of Germans saying they categorically won't get the shot.
And 85% saying that they think the whole thing is completely exaggerated.
And obviously that has arisen, particularly in Germany, because of the uproar that's been created by the fact that the Chancellor there, and all the ministers, as well as the army, are receiving a different vaccine to the rest of the population, as reported in Spiegel, and also Die Welt, two of the biggest publications in Germany.
Basically the whole population there, the people, are getting the GlaxoSmithKline vaccine which has got the additives in it and the squalene, the adjuvant.
Whereas the government and the army are getting a different vaccine that hasn't got any of that in it.
So that's prompted people in Germany to just say, hold on a minute, what's going on?
Why have we got this two-tier medical system where the elites are getting
Steve Watson, can't people put two and two together when government officials and the army won't take the shot that the public's being given and they have a special shot for themselves, the supposed green vaccine?
Especially when there's all these government textbooks about how they want to sterilize us with the vaccines and then the vaccine insert of all five major variants states that it can sterilize you.
I mean...
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The biggest thing the social engineers have over us is that what they do is so outrageous.
Private banks change the rules where they can create unlimited derivatives.
They make money on the way up, on the way down.
They steal 50 plus trillion in growing worldwide, right at 24 trillion in the US and counting.
And then they pose as the saviors and say, let us take over all businesses and corporations.
We'll fix everything with a private financial dictatorship.
When they are the ones that did this.
It's the same thing with the flu.
They openly get caught putting cancer viruses in the polio shots.
The federal government admits in the U.S.
alone, hundreds of millions got cancer from it in the last 60 years.
This is public!
Your mother, your father, writhing, dying, good chance they were killed by the cancer viruses.
This isn't funny.
This is life and death, folks.
These people will kill you dead in a hammer.
They want you dead.
You got it?
But it's so outrageous that the inserts of the vaccines... Got them here in my stack.
I'm gonna pull them out.
...state that it has mercury.
States it can brain damage you.
States it can sterilize you.
States it can give you autoimmune disorders.
Now, the FDA is admitting all of this, but quietly in their own publications.
The news says it's all a big conspiracy theory, but the good news is, Steve Watson, in Europe, in New York, where they ordered all the medical workers to take it, they said, hell no!
And then they had to suspend it.
So the good news is, they're trying to force this medical dictatorship on us, but the word is now out, Steve.
Yeah, if we go back to Europe, health workers in Germany have said
In the mainstream media, there's an open rebellion amongst general medical professionals and physicians.
They're charging that the health authorities are colluding with the pharmaceutical companies to push
Well, they're not charging it.
There's been thousands of articles in the last decade done on the regulators in the federal governments of the West are all revolving door with the vaccine companies and all hold stock in it and consultants on the US board that made the decision to do it.
It turns out all of them are currently on the payroll of the vaccine makers.
Yeah, I mean, it's widespread all over Europe.
You've got 30% of health workers in Denmark said that they're not going to get it.
All the first-line eligible health workers don't want it.
You've got two-thirds of nursing staff in Holland saying they don't want it.
All these figures are broken down in two separate articles that I've done in the past few days, which are on the website.
Entitled Mass Rejection of the Vaccine in Europe.
Two different articles.
If you go to Ireland, you've got a situation there where the nurses are having to administer it because the doctors are just refusing to do it.
There's a report today in the Irish Times which quotes a medical doctor, a leading medical doctor in Ireland, who says that
The entire program in Ireland is just falling to bits.
It's a complete shambles because they've got, they literally haven't got enough trained medical staff that are willing to go ahead with the program.
And it's admitted that 200 million dosages were purchased, were manufactured, they are ready, but because nobody will take it but a handful of morons, already so brain damaged from previous shots they can't even talk, literally, in some cases, they're now acting, oh we don't have enough
So they can say face that no one's taking it.
Yeah, I mean, we can talk about the situation in Sweden after the break.
Yeah, let's talk about the deaths.
And here's the insert from the government on the vaccine, the sterilization, the brain damage, the cancer.
Read it for yourself.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
For another 15 minutes or so, we're joined by Steve Watson of Infowars.net, writer for PrisonPlanet.com, then I'm going to continue with Shelly, Sean, Sam, Sean, Sean, and others.
The toll-free number to join us is 1-800-259-9231.
At the bottom of the hour, I'm going to put a call.
We're good to go.
Going back to Steve Watson.
Steve, the deaths are mounting in the U.S., in Europe, in England, in Sweden.
People are dying after taking the shot.
They're becoming paralyzed.
Major medical firms and the FDA and the U.S.
admit, oh, that is a side effect.
It can kill you or paralyze you.
But they're saying, in fact, I have several newscasts where they say, oh, but keep taking the shot.
The benefits weigh the downside.
When they know the vaccine is meant to be debilitating to reduce population numbers, they know this is a non-event, they planned all this out a long time ago.
Steve Watson, tell us what's happening in Sweden.
Well, Sweden is interesting because it's one of the first countries in Europe that actually started vaccinating on a mass scale.
So, the fact that some reports of deaths have come out of there first is interesting.
I mean, they haven't been reported anywhere outside of the Swedish media, so what we're having to do is literally translate articles from the Swedish newspapers into English, so we know what's going on.
There was an article last week out of a newspaper called Aftonbladet.
Uh, which quoted medical experts who said that a man in his 50s had died of suspected heart attack 12 hours after receiving the GlaxoSmithKline jab, which is the one with the adjuvant.
And for those that don't know, the medical doctors here have stated that's why they had to suspend the smallpox shots 2002-2003.
Men and women who are ages 40 to 60 is the worst type.
When you take the shot, it causes an autoimmune disorder.
That's why you get dizzy, may have convulsions, but then you generally get better, because all the organs swell.
Well, the ventricles in the heart, if you have any plaque that are already inflamed, swell up and you die.
Just like a bee sting.
You know, a bee puts a little bit of their poison from their stinger into you, and if you're allergic to that,
Some people don't get to the hospital and pass out because the throat, the bronchioles close.
Well, you pump somebody full of mercury and cancer viruses and toxins and aluminum, a lot of people have autoimmune response and you die of a heart attack.
Go ahead, Steve.
Yeah, so you've got that guy who was in his 50s with a heart attack, suspected heart attack.
Then the same newspaper in Sweden reported that a 65-year-old woman died two days after the vaccine from a muscle condition.
Which dovetails with what we've heard about the adjuvants in there.
Well, they know in literally thousands of studies for over 70 years, that every study with vaccines and rats, that it causes massive, massive arthritis.
And that's why you've got lots of 10-year-olds with arthritis now.
Yeah, so the headline in this Swedish newspaper was literally translated into, flu vaccine may be too strong.
And then they put in reports as well of the medical agency there, the health authority, has received close to 200 complaints of people suffering side effects, which are ranging from dizziness, muscle pain, fevers, headaches, fatigue.
That's on top of the death.
There's since been reports of three other deaths in Sweden.
Um, a death in Hungary, which was reported in the Budapest Times.
Of, again, a 64-year-old woman.
Two days after taking the shot.
So these things are slowly filtering through.
Alright, stay there Steve.
Let's come back and finish up with this.
Then we're going to cover a bunch of news and somebody trying to kill Lou Dobbs and his wife.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Steve Watson of InfoWars.net is our guest.
Steve, what's your bottom line in your deep research of the flu vaccine and this entire continuum of scams and hype and fear-mongering and the news nationally showing the Austin Health Department with people lined up begging for it when they're a tiny minority of fools think they're protecting themselves?
Well, I think my bottom line is that people are just not buying the propaganda about it anymore.
Anywhere, worldwide.
I mean, finishing up in Europe, just a list of figures.
Finland, 75% refused.
Austria, only 10 people turned up in Salzburg, one of the biggest cities there, to get the vaccine on the first day it was available.
Luxembourg, 77% don't want it.
Poland, only 3% in Krakow, which is one of the biggest cities in Poland, say they want it.
You've got the same in Belgium, same in Spain.
Switzerland, there's a big drama over when it's going to start.
I think they've actually delayed the vaccination campaign because it's in a shambles.
You go to China, you've got, I did an article about people in China, the overwhelming majority say they don't want it anymore.
Canada, the same in Canada.
Obviously the US, we had a poll last week, 62% in the US according to
ABC News, Washington Post say they don't want it anymore.
We've got Harvard University polls, people, similar amounts of figures, saying people in the US don't want it anymore.
We've had this state of emergency declared because, well, because I think they're getting desperate over it now.
We've got Homeland Security saying that they're going to start regulating internet traffic and blocking websites
Because they think that the internet will be overloaded from people staying at home.
So they're using it as an excuse to basically do what they said they were going to do in the Cyber Security Act.
Regulate the internet.
That's right.
This is a whole other facet we haven't spent enough time on here on air.
In the name of an emergency, Obama announces eight months ago that the Pentagon, the NSA, the center of their building in San Antonio,
Are going to control the internet during emergencies and shut off the internet so that only government sites are accessible in the name of keeping the internet up.
And so they're setting the precedent.
They're telling the public they're going to do this.
That doesn't mean that they are.
They're testing the waters, just calmly announcing we may shut off the internet for a while, but then not doing it so that when they really begin to do it,
People will be acclimated to accept it.
I mean, this is just amazing, Steve.
Yeah, I mean, we've got... The state of emergency just makes no sense whatsoever, because if you look at the news, the news is saying that the virus has peaked.
And it's peaked at a level 400% less deadly than the seasonal flu.
And the state of emergency was declared, the official reasoning was so that
Hospitals can handle a surge in cases, but if it's already peaked, there isn't going to be a surge in cases.
That's a great point, Steve.
Absolutely key here.
So looking at all these pieces of the puzzle, knowing what's in the vaccine, having the government documents where they talk about putting sterilants in the vaccine, the inserts admit it can sterilize you, what's your bottom line on why they're really pushing all this?
Well, they want people to take it, obviously, and they know what the effects are going to be on people.
Population control.
That's my bottom line.
All right, in closing, Steve, you have seen Fall of the Republic.
You wrote a review about it, the most glowing I've seen out there.
You wrote reviews of past films, and they were positive, but not this glowing.
Why did you give Fall of the Republic, my new documentary film, such a great review?
I mean, your previous films, Terror Storm, Endgame, Obama Deception, the three major ones previous to this, all the information's there, it's all as it is in all the films, it's all there, but it's this one, with this one, with Follow The Public, the presentation, I think, is there.
I mean, I saw a review from someone on YouTube who said, described it as, Alex Jones has finally found his
His niche of what his documentary should look like.
And I mean, from my point of view, it's like, it's like if you, if you're in a band, a lot of people know I'm in a band, it's like, you've got to, you've got to work at it to find the sound.
The sound's always there, but you've got to work at it to get where you want to be with the sound.
And you've also got to have, you've got to be playing with the right people around you.
I think, you know, you've had on this one,
The right team of people, the production's right, the way it looks.
It's all come together.
I mean, I described it as the previous films were like the monolith in 2001 A Space Odyssey.
And this one is like the gateway.
That's the analogy I used.
So yeah, that's why I described it like that really.
Well, Steve, I appreciate that rave review.
I mean, the other films are excellent, but we do get better each time.
Plus, more has happened.
The world government's now been announced.
Their entire program is very clear.
And we point out in the film, this is the takeover of the farms, the ranches, the industries, the carbon tax, of health care, to tax and control the population, the gun control, the destruction of borders.
The entire agenda is now emerging out in the open.
They're moving against us on all fronts.
Now is the time for people to wake up.
And a lot of my detractors have done reviews on the controlled left and controlled right saying Jones is headed out of the park.
This is Jones's greatest film.
I find nothing I can disagree with.
Jones proves everything.
We have the Globalist's own statements, video clips, their own documents.
I mean, the amount of research.
It was easy putting the film together.
The hard part was doing all the research, deciding what to not put in it, what to put in it.
All I can say is, please, folks, this film gives people the big picture.
It ends the confusion.
It shatters the left-right paradigm like nothing we've ever made.
And it is up to you, the listeners, to get this out to everyone.
Steve Watson, thank you so much for all you do.
Okay, thanks a lot, Alex.
You bet.
Infowars.com to order Fall of the Republic.
PrisonPlanet.tv to watch it in super high quality or call toll free to get it 888-253-3139.
I want to talk about Lou Dobbs some now.
Lou Dobbs never plays the race card on his TV show.
Lou Dobbs on the television show doesn't point out that his wife is Hispanic or that he's from South Texas.
He just lays out the facts that we have 600 million people in Latin America and billions worldwide that want to come here and that it's bankrupting the states and that the worst elements of the third world, criminals in many cases that are fleeing justice, move to this country.
And the Mafia, the Mexican Mafia and others, MS-13, are killing police, killing newspaper reporters.
They are killing FBI agents, federal marshals.
Our military is being fired on by their military.
Their military comes across the border, points guns at sheriffs two miles over the border that have interdicted cocaine and marijuana.
This is all in the South Texas newspapers, it's in the Southern California papers, it's in the Nevada and Arizona and New Mexico papers, but never on national news.
Years ago, more than a dozen towns in South Texas, there was a group of reports in 99 in the
San Antonio Express News, written by Mr. Garcia, fly the Mexican flag above the courthouses and city halls, and English is not allowed in court.
In America!
And they want to have the American people at each other's throats, and they bring in highly nationalistic, extremely anti-American immigrants who've been taught by the Mexican government in school textbooks.
The average Mexican only gets a 5th grade education, and they teach them in the 5th grade, all about the Guadalupe Hidalgo Treaty and how America's evil, and now it's their job to La Reconquista, the reconquering of the Southwest, and I cover that in my mini-film that's an extra on Endgame, Battle for the Republic.
And Lou Dobbs has been a man about this.
He's gotten massive death threats.
I've gotten death threats from these groups.
His home was fired into.
His wife was almost killed.
It's in the New Jersey newspapers.
The state police say he was fired on.
But the National News finally, three days later, had a report on this and said Lou Dobbs claims he was fired on.
Now if a Mecha or La Raza or ADL or Southern Poverty Law Center group, these race pimp groups that are pimping division, pimping control, pimping people fighting with each other, they engage in race politics.
If one of their leaders' home was fired into and they were getting death threats, the FBI would be on it, there'd be screaming, yelling on TV, everything else.
But the Mexican Mafia and different groups targeting reporters.
They've killed reporters all over Texas.
They've killed reporters in Dallas.
They've truck-bombed people in Texas.
It's hardly ever even in the news.
If it is, it's in the back of the Dallas Morning News.
And our country's going to fall to this mafia.
The government's going to work with them.
The CIA trains Los Zetas.
We've covered that with former DEA agent Celica Stillo.
Here on this radio program.
And now Lou Dobbs has been fired on.
The bullet came very close to his wife.
They're death-threatening him.
And the media is celebrating it.
Good for him!
This is the type of terror they plan to use.
The Mexican Mafia.
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I think so.
I just received news articles that Jason Bermas gave me from the London Telegraph and another newspaper that crystallized and confirmed thousands of data points.
It is off the charts.
At about 43 after, when I'm done covering Ron Paul,
Running for president in 2012.
Is that going to happen?
I'll give you the inside scoop in a moment.
The information I was just given is exactly what I said was going to happen.
Because we understand how the social engineers are operating.
You've heard that children are going to have to go to school year-round?
Your children are going to be taken from you very soon and raised in government facilities.
I'm going to explain how.
It's now begun in England.
Not just cameras in new parents' homes watching them with their children, without any evidence they've done something wrong.
This is far worse.
Council bans parents from play areas.
Parents are not allowed to be with their children in public places.
Ladies and gentlemen,
This is worse than the Soviet Union.
I mean, I'm telling you, this is hell on earth.
Government must be abolished.
We've got to remove the entire U.S.
and British government and start over.
It is total criminal run.
They mean business.
I wanted to play a few minutes of Lou Dobbs from his radio show a few days ago.
The whole thing's up on PrisonPlanet.com.
But here he is talking about death threats being shot at and how everybody's attacking him, saying that he can't stand up for our sovereignty.
And when the media says he claims he was shot at, when it's in the local news, the state police say he was.
See, they're going to use political correctness to victimize those of us that stand up for America.
Here it is.
You know, I want to tell you a story.
It's three weeks ago today.
I'm thinking about these lies that I wasn't going to respond to, but Geraldo now has just pushed it over.
I gotta tell you, the lies of the ethnocentric interest groups like LULAC, La Raza, MALDEF, America's Voice, funded by basically George Soros, all attacking me because, as they put it, or as Geraldo put it, I'm the only thing standing between those open borders and unconditional amnesty for illegal immigrants.
So they want to destroy me, and so they're taking their best shot at it, believe me.
But I want to tell you, when you talk about what they've done, they've created an atmosphere and they've been unrelenting in their propaganda.
Three weeks ago, this morning, a shot was fired at my house, where I live.
My wife was standing out, and that followed weeks and weeks of threatening phone calls.
And as I told the State Patrol, by the way, the New Jersey State Patrol is absolutely terrific.
They responded instantly.
But this shot was fired with my wife not, I don't know, 15 feet away.
And we'd had threatening phone calls that I decided not to report because I get threatening phone calls.
I've now, it's become part of a way of life.
The anger, the hate, the vitriol.
But it's taken a different tone, where they threatened my wife.
They've now fired a shot at my house while my wife was standing next to the car.
It's become something else.
And if anybody thinks that we're not engaged in a battle for the soul of this country right now, you're sorely mistaken.
And the more you stay on the sidelines, the more you don't make your voice heard,
The more likely it is that we're going to lose this battle for the soul of the nation.
What do I mean by that?
I mean, are we going to have a nation in which we absolutely insist on the national interest being honored by all?
Where we have a melting pot in which we assimilate newcomers, in which we honor the fact that this nation is the most welcoming nation on the face of the earth, or do we let people continue to
To lie about us.
To disregard the fact that we have the most racially, ethnically diverse society on the face of the earth.
Do we really want to let this continue?
Where law is simply suspended.
Where there are no consequences for breaking the law, whether you're an illegal employer or an illegal immigrant.
I have said all along,
That if we can stop the illegal employers, we won't have an illegal immigrant problem in this country.
But we've got to start being honest.
And instead, the national liberal media has chosen sides.
And they've decided that they're going to focus on the liberal view, which is that they will embrace illegal immigration.
We have time towards the end of the show, we're going to play the clip.
But this is an attack on the First Amendment.
And in Mexico, they kill reporters, they kill their wives, they chop their heads off.
Mexico is a kleptocracy, one of the most corrupt nations in the top three most corrupt nations in the world after North Korea and one other.
And the government loves the criminals that are coming across the border.
They roll out the red carpet for them.
They don't arrest illegal aliens for things they arrest citizens for.
And now they're killing reporters in South Texas and car bombing and killing police and no one cares.
And it's just going to get worse and worse.
Because the globalists want to break down the sovereignty of this country.
It is the fall of the republic.
We gotta stand behind Lou Dobbs.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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A few weeks ago, Congressman Ron Paul was live on this radio program, and I asked him if he was going to run for president in 2012, and he said, well, it's a little early right now to talk about that.
We're fighting the greenhouse gas emissions, global tax.
We're fighting this new Bank of the World.
We're fighting government takeover of health care.
And I made the point that myself and many others challenged him, drafted him in 2007-2008 to run for president and that this giant grassroots organization was formed and that the idea of liberty and freedom and of auditing the private Federal Reserve and abolishing the Federal Reserve
is now growing to the point where the momentum has shifted.
They may defeat it this year or even next year, but the public is now identifying the private fellow reserve banking cartel as the source of our economic problems, the source of the derivatives, and as the globalist who really run our government.
And that the left and right, the Republican and Democratic parties, are fully controlled.
Look how far we came.
And when I challenged Ron Paul to run for president,
I made the point that he had the responsibility to run, even if he didn't have a very big chance of winning, because he would inject real issues like dollar devaluation and globalization and NAFTA and GATT and New World Order and federal power grabs, that he would inject that into the Republican debates for hundreds of millions of Americans to watch.
And that indeed did end up happening.
That indeed did result in
A total turnaround in the American people's awareness to the private Federal Reserve.
Three years ago, I would go on other talk radio shows, liberal, conservative, you name it, and the callers would call in saying the Federal Reserve isn't private, the Federal Reserve isn't a problem.
Now in Gallup polls, over 75% of Americans know it's private, want to audit it, want to abolish it.
It is now common knowledge that we have a shadow government run by offshore banks and that they engineered the crisis in October of last year to force a huge power grab and $50 trillion they've stolen from national governments in the last year since then.
$23.7 trillion according to congressional reports from the U.S.
Saying that, I know Ron Paul
I know Rand Paul.
I know his mindset.
I've been listening and reading to his statements and his ideas for more than 15 years.
I've been interviewing him for more than 13 years.
And I was able to predict six months ago that Rand Paul was going to run for the U.S.
And he was hesitating, and I made the point to him on and off air.
And they did listen to it.
And I'm very honored.
That, go ahead and announce you're going to run, and that will make the Republican
Who isn't one-tenth as good as you are, Rand, that will make the incumbent not run again.
And they announced, and he said that he wasn't going to run, and Rand Paul, right now in the polls, has a very good chance of becoming a U.S.
And I knew he was going to run, because I understand that the polls realize that it's a victory if they run for Senate, if they run for President, they will be all over mainstream media, they will be in the debates,
And then all these real issues that matter instead of all these left-right diversions will be put on the table.
The globalists and think tanks have reported that they know the majority now on colleges aren't liberal or mainline conservative.
They are now libertarian.
They are now anti-globalists.
That is because not just Ron Paul, but you the listeners of this radio show and others,
Have gone out and educated people and built a huge activist base that is exploding.
If Ron Paul announces early, and I have total confidence, I'll just leave it at that, that he's going to run for president in 2012 unless he has any medical problems.
And he's in good shape, and he's a man who understands duty and destiny, and it's a win-win.
Even if he loses, it's going to be
Five, ten times bigger than last time.
Frankly, I can't see him losing other than election fraud in the primaries, which we've proven there's a big problem with.
And so he's going to run.
Now, I wasn't told this by Ron Paul, but I can read the tea leaves as much as the next person, and I've interviewed Ron Paul more than a hundred times.
I can tell you he is going to run, but you should email him, write him, ask him to run, and ask him to run early.
He should announce in January or February or even sooner of next year.
I think he should announce now.
Point out that he was right.
He should brag on himself more.
And point out everything he talked about a year and a half, two years ago in the campaign.
The plunging dollar, the world government, the global carbon tax.
That it's all come true.
We need Ron Paul to run for president in 2012 and we do not need him because he is somebody who finishes his jobs and he's somebody who's very moral and his argument will be he needs to full-time be in Congress fighting the bad legislation.
He can do that better if he announces for president now
Or in the next few months, he can start getting more money now.
He can start building a larger grassroots strategy.
The enemy will try to shoot him down early.
That will give people mudslinging fatigue, where they don't listen to the rehashed lies and propaganda in the last year of the campaign.
He needs to launch early next year.
And have two plus years to really build into the campaign a grassroots organization of true populism and true constitutionalism that dwarfs anything we've seen.
So I'm asking Ron Paul, I know you're going to run, Ron.
You are the blood of courage.
And at 74 years of age, you work every day, you do more than 10 interviews every day.
You write books.
You write weekly articles and editorials and record legislative alerts.
You are the hardest working man in Congress.
Close to 30 years ago, you introduced the legislation to audit and abolish the Fed.
You now have a two-thirds majority in the House.
You are the leader.
You are the elder statesman.
You are the man for the job.
You are founding father material.
And I, Alex Jones, and my tens of millions of listeners and visitors of InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com hereby draft you for 2012 to be our champion.
Now the campaign will heat up a year and a half before.
So we are only a year away from the main campaign season.
Congressman, announce in the next six months.
You must announce in the next six months.
Now I'm done talking to Congressman Ron Paul now in his campaign.
I now want to reach out to Ron Paul supporters and everyone who loves liberty and freedom on the good ship of this Republic.
You will have a higher platform, a larger platform to speak out, Congressman, if you announce soon.
You know that.
But to the listeners, COINTELPRO is going to attack and say, oh look, we gave him $30 million, $25 million, and he lost.
But he gained and built a platform.
Wars aren't won in a day.
They're won by attrition.
You have to persevere, like George Washington, and continue to fight.
That is the key to victory.
Resistance is victory.
We have the truth.
He will be front and center as the global carbon tax unfolds, as the global government unfolds, as the plunging in the dollar unfolds, as the police state unfolds.
He will be there, and he knows he gets a lot of death threats.
I know he doesn't talk about it, just like Lou Dobbs doesn't a lot, except when his house gets shot at.
He knows that he's going to be under massive attack.
We need to pray for him.
But understand, we need to give money to Ron Paul for president.
We need to support him.
We need to grassroots hit the ground now with this draft, to draft him.
And we need to support him 110% whether he wins or loses, he wins in the arena of ideas.
So I just pray that our Heavenly Father move Ron Paul to announce earlier rather than later.
I move that, I ask God to move people's hearts and minds to
to to to do everything they can to use their intellects to think of inventive ways uh... to to support ron paul and that we understand that it is so essential he run for president and he run early and that everyone get behind him and that everyone realize that there are paid government trolls and blogs that are gonna lie about him the establishment knows that
Left attacks bounce off Ron Paul.
Fake right wing attacks bounce off Ron Paul.
They're going to attack him from the fake Libertarian base.
They're going to run strong Libertarian candidates up against him.
The Libertarian Party at the top is definitely compromised.
I will state that here on the record.
The evidence is overwhelming.
And that we need to not respond to the attacks and only intensify our support for him.
Because the establishment wants you to stop and defend Ron Paul instead of waking up new people to supporting Ron Paul.
And we should run more people for the House and Senate on the Ron Paul bandwagon.
This is history.
We can save our faltering and stumbling republic from falling if you commit 110% to support Ron Paul for President 2012.
The ball is in your court.
The world government is coming in against humanity right now.
The tyranny is unfolding.
Everything Ron Paul and myself and many others talked about has now been admitted in spades.
There's no more denial, no more time to screw around, no more time to ninny.
The world government's real.
Ron Paul is our elder statesman.
He is our leader.
He is our chief.
He is our commander.
He has proven it.
Shown the fruits of his labor as being 100% pure and good.
We must pray for him.
We must monetarily support him.
But more importantly, we must hit the streets and get the word out for Ron Paul now for President 2012.
The campaign's already on.
Start supporting him now!
Ron Paul!
It's going to happen!
Visualize it!
We're going to save the Republic!
That said, coming up, the most devastating information I've gotten in months.
Every few months, news comes out confirming our worst fears.
We already know the New World Order architecture, but we are studying their timeline.
Where are they on their timeline?
What trick are they going to pull next in their architecture of destroying the family, bringing in the tyranny and the soft kill system?
We have gotten intel that is mainstream media that is devastating and shakes me to my core.
The enemy is moving faster than I thought.
That is coming up in the final segment of this hour before our guest is in studio with us and we'll take calls when she's on with us as well.
Parents are to be banned from being with their children.
You will be government-licensed to be able to have children.
This is the one-child policy.
This is starting in England.
And when I saw this and read the articles during the last few breaks, it shook me.
Hell is being released.
These people are worse than I thought running things.
You know, you want to think the more extreme of them, say abolish the family, raise the kids in dormitories, but then you realize it's already happening.
Everything this book, Ecoscience, talks about as government policy is what they're implementing and more.
I want to talk to Ted Anderson, though.
He's been one of the biggest financial supporters of Ron Paul.
He spent over $300,000 just on the Ron Paul Air Force with banners flying all over the country.
People then found out about Liberty and Freedom.
They then found this show.
Ron Paul said that half of his support in the first six months of his campaign came from this show.
We were the embryonic support system for the Ron Paul presidential zygote to grow into a healthy fetus.
Now it's a young man up on its hind legs and filled with strength.
We're going to put all our blood and courage and energy into Ron Paul.
And through him, we win either way as a vehicle to enlighten and awaken.
But Ted, I know you just heard my little speech about drafting Ron Paul.
I know Ron Paul.
I know his heart.
I know his mind.
If he is healthy, he will run for president.
But do you agree with me?
He needs to launch in the next six months to get the jump on everybody else.
Oh, I agree with you completely, Alex.
Ron Paul has really made a statement that just stands way out beyond any other politician out there, and everything he's said has come true.
And there is no question in my mind, or I think anybody in the entire nation's mind, that Ron Paul is on the right track.
To really take care of the problems of this country.
And finally, people are waking up.
Last time he ran, the media made fun and jokes about what he was all about, and then he loses the election, but next thing you know, Fox News has him up saying, oh, you said this, and this is what happened.
Oh, you said that would happen, and it did.
Why didn't we listen to you then?
Rather than making jokes about him and his ideas and philosophies, now I'm sure a lot of these people will get behind him
And it should be a pretty easy race for him.
Absolutely, Ted.
I got you on to talk about gold.
It hit a ceiling of $1,045 to $1,055 for about a month, close to a month.
Then the banks tried to hammer it down.
It's exploded like a beach ball underwater again.
You still have the gold and silver at the $1,000 level when the markets were at $1,000, when silver was at $12,000 and change, now up at $17,000.
I wanted to just give people an opportunity again to get out of some of the stocks and bonds and cruddy paper and derivatives and to get into some gold and silver at a great introductory price that is just so good there's not even words to describe how good the deal is.
Well, that's the thing, Alex.
I mean, remember the British Sovereign and the Frank went up a little bit during that time period.
I still have the 10s down at that lower price.
But, you know, the thing is, is I was able to back down on some of my prices.
I was able to buy in here in the $1,020 range, and gold has shot up over $40 today.
And so, you know, I feel like a genius, but I really am not.
I just buy when the market dips.
I mean, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that Washington hasn't solved their problems yet.
I mean, they're just creating more, and they're going to drive this country right into the toilet, along with the central banks of the world and this whole world government thing.
It should make anybody nervous.
Yeah, right now you should be buying gold and silver, and you should get as far away from fiat currency as you can.
This is the end of the run.
Fiat currency comes through the process of debt.
We have gone so far into debt that we can no longer even afford to service the interest on the debt.
Bakers do this to take over society, and now the very same bakers that engineered this, the very same people are posing as our saviors to totally take over the free market.
They're hijacking every major industry.
This is going to give the private Fed unlimited power.
England already has this, grabbing people's property, private corporations.
This is hellish, Ted.
People need to at least protect themselves in silver and gold.
Give them today's coin offers.
Yeah, today's offer is going to be the frank at $2.36, which was $2.38 before.
British Sovereigns are at $2.91, which were at $2.93 before.
So it's even lower than when the market was at $1,000?
Oh, okay, wow.
I came back on that price.
The Lakota Nation coins, I still have at $22.30, but remember those walkers I kept talking about buying?
They're gone now.
Everything, I've sold out 100% of that inventory.
As a matter of fact, I'm a little short and I'm trying to find them.
I know, I bought a bag of them from him.
Yeah, that's how tight that market got, and I just need to tell you right now, Alex, at this particular time, I mean, you know, gold took a little bit of a dip here.
We had about three or four days to buy it cheap, and all of a sudden, here it goes, racing back upwards again.
People almost get lulled into sleep.
They think, yay, the economy is going to be great again.
And next thing you know, whack!
Gold goes up another... Well, that's the media lying.
And I was watching CNN this morning, and they go, in the new system, you don't have a job, but the economy's better because the banks are doing good.
See, only the banks.
As long as they do good, everything's fine, according to the controlled corporate media.
So those are some great deals on silver and gold.
Folks, you should give your brokers a call at 800-686-2237.
There it is on the screen.
800-686-2237 or the bouncing ball, like on TV when you were a kid.
Remember those old cartoons?
Yeah, that was something, wasn't it?
That was something.
The brokers will be there till midnight.
And Ted, how long can you hold this deal?
Well, we're holding it today.
We'll watch it, see what happens with gold here.
Ted, you gonna support Ron Paul for President 2012?
I've been supporting him after he lost his election.
I'm his main sponsor for all of his events.
Thomas Jefferson once said, when the people fear their government, there is tyranny.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty.
Our God-given right to life and liberty, and the right to determine what is best for our lives and our family's health, are in jeopardy.
If we the people do not diligently assert these rights, they may be taken away.
We're good.
We're good to go.
Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda...
We're pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
I have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
For the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation, the criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty and on its ashes constructing world government.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com.
Or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
This is Alex Jones with five good reasons you should consider buying a solar power generator.
Number one, new climate legislation could easily double or triple your electric bill.
Number two, our new energy czar wants to control how much power your electric company allows you to have.
It's true.
That's true.
Total government control of electricity in the name of smart grid technology is coming.
In some areas of the country, the power grid is dangerously overloaded.
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I have some horrific news for viewers and listeners of this transmission.
England is the model of world government.
The think tanks, the social services, the family services were started in England over 120 years ago as eugenics or race hygiene courts.
Nazi Germany, the Kaiser Wilhelm before him, adopted it by the 20s.
The United States, over 30 states had sterilization laws.
The family courts are to take over society, have year-round school, take children for no reason, raise them in government dormitories.
The communist Chinese model is the next most advanced in this stage of control after England and the United States.
Everything happening in England is now being proposed.
Here are a stack of news articles I want to show PrisonPlanet.TV viewers.
I'll read out the headline for radio listeners so they can go and check out the headlines for themselves.
Council bans parents from play areas.
City Council.
Britain to put CCTV cameras inside private homes of parents.
Send bins for worst families.
Public to monitor CCTV from home.
Your neighbors are to watch you.
Now, if you want in England, this is under their federal funding and under UN rules, to be able to be on the streets with your children or take them to public parks,
You have to go get registered as a government ranger with a radio and cell phone to be able to be with your children.
You need a license to be with your children.
Parents that don't get the license at public parks will not be allowed to.
We had the BBC news report we played a few months ago about this where they were saying how great it was.
And then in studio I had Sarah McBride of the Wall Street Journal on.
She went to England, clean cut, nice lady, to go do a report on travel.
She also does travel reports for the Wall Street Journal.
And while she was out, people walked up to her and said, you can't take photos of the Thames River.
There were no children there, because you may be a pedophile taking photos of children.
These were citizen rangers.
Everyone is a prisoner in England.
The police have come up to me when I'm walking down the street and said, who are you?
Give us your data.
We're putting you in a terror database.
It's happened to Steve Watson.
He lives in London.
Now they've announced they're going to do this.
And first 2,000 families, then 4,000, 20,000.
Now they're announcing 50,000.
Under law, new parents, no criminal record, no nothing.
They are told they will have their children taken if cameras aren't put in all parts of the home to be watched by other citizen volunteers to make sure they're not yelling at their children, that they're going to bed at time.
No discipline of any type is allowed.
Then the child will be a hellion.
They can then be drugged and then taken.
I announced earlier out of the Times of London, no more warrants, private corporations to take your home, your business, everything.
Even the police are freaking out.
The same laws are trying to pass here.
Obama has announced year-round school for kids he wants.
You'll need to stay there till 7 at night.
Parents will be inspected.
The Houston police chief wants cameras in all the citizens' homes.
That was announced two years ago.
And yes, it's outrageous.
They're just throwing it in your face.
Council bans parents from play areas.
London Telegraph today, parents have been banned from supervising their children in public playgrounds because they have not undergone criminal record checks.
You understand?
You're guilty until proven innocent.
You can't come outside without a government authorization.
Only council-vetted Play Rangers are now allowed to monitor youngsters of two,
Parts in Watford while parents must watch from outside the perimeter fence.
This is the system.
You are criminals.
You are evil.
You are bad.
You are... This is the licensing to have children that they pushed in the media and the culture for years.
This is the one-child policy.
It's actually happening.
And this is how they're building their Stasi police force that'll then be used in other areas as well.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As they're finishing off this agenda, they'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
I have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us
Tim Geithner?
They're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Debra Medina, neck and neck in the polls in the Republican primary with incumbent Rick Perry and U.S.
Senator and Bilderberg Steering Committee member Kay Bally-Hudson will be in studio with us for the last 52 minutes of this broadcast transmission today.
We're going to clear the phone board, sorry to other callers, and just take calls for Debra Medina on Texas politics.
This affects the entire nation.
They're trying to launch Rick Perry for president later.
He needs to get re-elected to do that.
He's a Bilderberg Group attendee.
Kay Valdez Hutchinson is a top-level globalist.
I don't know which one is worse.
We've got to support Debra Medina in the Republican primary big time.
She is a libertarian.
Ron Paul, supporter.
We couldn't ask for a better candidate.
So we'll talk to her coming up.
And talk to the voters here in the second most populous and also second most large geographic area, state of Texas, where I come to you from, here deep in the heart of Texas.
We'll go over all the different issues with her as this new breed of pro-liberty Republicans trying to replace the neocons and globalists.
So this affects the entire nation.
I have a lot of important questions for her.
Before I go any further though,
We're going to go over some of the sponsors that have made today's show possible.
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That's 877-327-0365.
We're gonna go to break and come back with Debra Medina in studio, but I just want to finish up with...
The government in the U.S.
announcing in California and Illinois that you can't homeschool your children without a teaching degree, even though all the statistics show that homeschoolers have the highest test scores of even Ivy League-type people when they come out of high school.
It's better than the Ivy League tutor schools they have for high schoolers.
And plus, parents own their children.
They're your property.
The state is saying they're your property.
Add their property and all over the world.
They're telling parents.
You got to have a special license to even take your children to the playground.
This is outrageous and the Brits roll over to everything.
So they're the model of all of this and they're starting similar things here in the US where you can't go into the school to get your child.
You got to have an ID card.
You've got to be thumbprinted at Westlake to go in.
You've got to have a background check run the same crap is beginning here in the last five years.
They'll be doing this here soon as well.
So get angry and realize you're being trained to live as a prisoner.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Medina for Texas dot com.
M-E-D-I-N-A for Texas dot com.
As much as I like Kinky Friedman,
He probably doesn't have that much of a chance of winning, and he'll just pull libertarians and independents away.
I have looked at her policies, her platform.
She is, I know, a Ron Paul supporter, and I'm going to support Debra Medina for governor.
She's in major polls, has been as high as 72% in Texas monthly polls.
In fact, they've had the poll multiple times.
She began at 44.58 or right at 45 percent.
She's now grown in the latest poll to 72 percent in a statewide Texas monthly poll.
Other polls
We're good to go.
In 2007, he went to Istanbul, Turkey and spoke to the private group who's involved in taking over a lot of Texas utilities, but he's only been a speaker.
Being vetted by Bilderberg.
She is a steering committee member.
There's only four in the United States out of 125 world leaders.
She is bad news all the way.
Rick Perry is absolutely terrible as well for NAFTA and GATT, open borders, though he acts like he is and he supports the NAFTA superhighways, the Trans-Texas Corridor, trying to block the legislature from blocking it twice.
So he wears a big hat.
But he's all hat and no cattle.
He is an inch deep, a mile wide.
I'm telling you, the more I learn about Debra Medina, MedinaForTexas.com, the more excited I get.
Now, I told you last hour, Ron Paul is going to run for president in 2012 unless he has any medical problems.
And thank God right now he's in great shape and jogs several miles a day and rides his bike several miles a day.
Well, we need to draft him to run early, and we need to support his son, who I told you was going to run six months before it was announced that Rand Paul was going to run for U.S.
Senate, and he's going to win unless there's election fraud.
We need to come out and get the word out, just like we did on the flu vaccine being dangerous.
Seventy-plus percent six months ago said they were going to take the H1N1.
Now it's only about 30 percent saying they're going to take it.
Grassroots media
Ear-to-ear, person-to-person, town hall-to-town hall, local talk radio.
I want to hear everybody call into every talk radio station every day and say, Ron Paul for President, Deborah Medina for Texas Governor.
And we can do this.
People are sick of the Democrats.
They're sick of the Republicans.
The federal Congress only has an 11% approval rating, the lowest in history.
Obama's gone from 86
Down to 42 to 45, depending on the poll.
He's dropping like a rock.
And so are the Republicans.
And that's because people realize that our republic is going to hell in a handbasket.
So I am very, very excited to have Deborah Medina in with us until the end of the radio show in 50 minutes.
Deborah, it's great to have you here with us.
Thank you, Alex.
I'm thrilled to be here.
You know, I'm proud of the fact that my family was at San Jacinto and was at Goliad, and that the Ayers family on my mom's side raised Colonel Travis's son, and that my father's family was involved in the founding of Texas.
It was Mexican land grants in 1829.
And I learned here that you had relatives in the fight for Texas independence.
That's exciting.
Not a carpetbagger like George Bush or these other people we've had down here.
It's very exciting to have a real bonafide Texan.
Spend some time telling us about Deborah Medina.
Then we're going to go over your policies.
All right.
I was born and raised in South Texas.
Daddy worked for the phone company.
Mom was a stay-at-home mom.
Four kids in my family.
Husband and I both went to public school in Beeville, Texas.
I say that I grew up on a farm.
Mama bought mayonnaise, mustard, and ketchup at the grocery store.
We raised everything else we ate there on the farm.
Butchered chickens, butchered
All right.
Understand a little bit about economics and the rightful role of government, the proper role of government in our lives.
And I got tapped, actually, as I was in Houston preparing for an In the Fed rally, helping the organizers in Houston get ready for that first In the Fed.
You'll remember we held those all over the country at every Federal Reserve Bank last November.
It was November a year ago that someone said, Deborah, why don't you run for governor?
I knew right away that I didn't like the choices we were going to have come March of 2010.
It took me about four months to decide I would get in this race and I'm fighting for all I've got.
We're seeing people jumping on board every day and we really need help to make sure that we win this race in Texas.
I mean, Kinky's a nice fellow and I want to be able to support him, but when I had him on four or five months ago, you hadn't yet declared you weren't on the radar yet, or you were just getting ready to.
And, you know, because compared to Rick Perry and the Democrats and Kay Bailey, you know, he's great.
But I'm sorry.
I think Kinky should get behind you because Ron Paul has the grassroots system.
He became a focal point for people that understand the shadow government, the New World Order, this entire system.
And if we get the Ron Paul slash Tea Party that Rick Perry and others have been trying to co-opt behind you, the real McCoy, we can win.
And I think that you grew up on a farm, that you are a nurse, that you have a great record, that you are a Ron Paul supporter, that you got drafted, that you got tapped, that that's what we need.
We don't need another slick lawyer.
We don't need another slick politician.
We don't need some globalist stooge like Hay-Belly Hutchinson.
All the other candidates are a nightmare, except for Kinky.
He's a nice fella.
But you are the only choice.
And have you been surprised by the explosive support you've been seeing?
I have been.
You know, people ask me every day, well, Debra, how are you going to win?
You don't have a lot of money.
And I said, no, but I got a lot of shoe leather and a lot of elbow grease.
People are walking streets, pounding the pavement already today.
I feel like we've got waitresses at the window saying, give me food, give me food.
They are hungry to get out there and do the work.
It's through the alternative media that that message is getting out and we need to give people some marching orders today.
I hope we can do that on your show.
Help people understand how they can help us win this race.
It's real important.
And I want to be clear.
Resistance is victory.
Ron Paul didn't win in 2008.
But he's now all over television, they admit he's the third rail that people are shattering the left-right paradigm with, and it's going to be very hard to beat him in 2012.
It's going to be very hard to defeat Ron Paul in 2012, and I'll tell you right now, he's going to run.
And I'm not going to say I heard that from him, I can tell you it's going to happen.
Unless there's a medical problem.
We have people running for Senate, running for House.
Even if you don't win this time, it's going to grow the Texas Ron Paul, libertarian, true conservative base.
But you actually have a great shot.
But even if you lose, the pounding the pavement, the money that's donated, that goes towards injecting alternatives.
Then as things get even worse, next time we'll have an even better shot.
But again, you have a shot on winning because of Ron Paul and the grassroots support.
This is so historical.
Let's talk about the poll numbers and then get into marching orders and what you would do as Texas governor.
You bet.
I really do believe we are going to win this thing.
And I think that we're seeing evidence of that every day.
People don't know how to put their hands around what's happening in these tea parties.
You know, they're so used to having an executive director of some association or another that they can call and say, what do your members think?
You can't do that with
Rick Perry's getting booed.
Senator Cornyn's getting booed by conservatives.
We're tired of it.
That's right.
We don't want some guy with a big cowboy hat who can't ride a horse up there.
I'm sorry, go ahead.
I think all of Texas knows that, but there's no one person you can call.
These are, in fact, a bunch of independent Texans right where they ought to be getting behind this race, and so it's a great place to be.
I think we're going to see some real difference made in Texas when we get back to a proper, limited government.
Tell us about these polls.
I mean, as high as 70-plus percent?
I mean, that is just absolutely astounding.
Well, you know, we're waiting for some of those quote-unquote statistically valid polls, but we are seeing in these online polls great margins of victory.
Not a runoff in March, but a clear victory in excess of 50 percent, which is what we need to win.
It brings a lot of enthusiasm to the campaign and causes people, gets our name out there, ups that name ID.
That's really important.
I know that, you know, a lot of folks will poo-poo these online polls, but it does raise the name ID of a candidate, makes people say, who is she?
So I want to send out a thanks to everybody that is voting in these polls and helping to spread that message.
I mean, obviously you are a Ron Paul supporter who founded the Tea Parties.
And it's now been taken over kind of by the Republican Party to a certain extent, but we're staying in there so they don't fully co-opt them.
But slogans, I mean, somehow you've got to identify that you're the real McCoy, that these are establishment fakes and that we want to try something new.
We want to go with a Ron Paul type woman.
I mean, we need you.
Have you guys begun to craft some type of slogan or some type of stunt to... I mean, that's what it is.
That's what gets attention.
To go in there and identify Kay Bailey.
I mean, do you want to, here on air right now, call out Kay Bailey Hutchinson for being a Bilderberg Group Steering Committee member?
Kay Perry, Rick Hutchinson, that's what I've been saying.
You know, there's not much difference between the two.
We've seen that time and time in elections.
I think many of us saw that in the presidential campaign last time.
We saw a lot of the same people pulling the strings.
I think we've seen Obama be much more aggressive than we thought he might be, but certainly
Most of us recognize that it's some higher-ups and some one-worlders that are kind of dictating things.
We see that in Texas, even in our leadership and our governor.
I just met today with the Texas Association of Manufacturers, and I was told by an individual there on more than one occasion today, we're scared.
Our members are scared.
I said, that's a pretty big indictment.
When you are scared of your elected officials for fear of the influence and the impact that they could have on your business, when you don't walk the line that they set out for you to walk, we've got a real problem in this country.
We better wake up and we better make some changes and put some people in office who have the courage and the backbone.
To stand on those limited principles of our Constitution and govern in accord with that.
MedinaForTexas.com, we're going to break.
When we come back, we're going to talk about why they're scared.
We need a governor to lead a state's rights resistance under the 10th and 9th Amendment and say no to the carbon tax.
We're going to talk about your game plan if the people bust their hind end and get you in as our governor.
Deborah Medina is our guest in studio.
I'm Alex Jones.
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Well, here it's fine If you've got the time And the time to get yourself in And here it's time Almost every night But now I might be
Debra Medina is our guest.
Short segment right now.
Coming back with a long segment.
We'll take your calls at 1-800-259-9231.
Debra Medina for Texas.
MedinaforTexas.com for Governor.
Okay, you talk about Texas manufacturers.
The whole country's being de-industrialized.
We're going to end up like Detroit.
I just sent two camera guys for four days up to Detroit.
They said it's worse than what the news is saying.
Time Magazine had the cover.
The fall of Detroit.
It's the whole state.
Whole blocks and nice areas collapsing.
Vines growing up.
Crime everywhere.
Government taxes only being raised.
Texas and the rest of the country, California's already a failed state.
People better be scared.
And if we can get a real governor in there to implement the 10th and 9th Amendment,
And say, we're not implementing your global U.N.
carbon tax to foreign banks.
We could save this state and set the example to turn the tide.
California's been used as the beta test for big government globalism.
Texas should be and has the people to be the leaders to reignite the flame of liberty on the long march to our destiny of freedom.
Deborah Medina, as governor, what are you going to do to stop the globalist agenda?
You're gonna nullify all federal law that overreaches the authority of the U.S.
You know, Thomas Jefferson told the folks that were afraid of the federal government
Getting into our business.
States don't need to worry about that because it is the unquestionable right of the state to determine when the federal government steps outside of the Constitution and to nullify any law.
Texas hasn't lifted a finger to nullify anything under Perry's leadership.
We have got to start nullifying them.
Traveling around Texas saying, can you imagine
What it would be like if we nullified intervention into agriculture.
And we told farmers and ranchers in Texas, you want to plant it, you want to grow it, you want to sell it, get out there and get after it.
What if we told our energy sector, you want to produce, get out there and get after it.
We'll keep the federal government off your back.
We need the Texas legislature nullifying law and we need the Texas governor as the
Head of the executive branch of this great state, interposing against federal law enforcement where it oversteps the bounds of the Constitution.
Interposition, nullification, the two tools available to the state long before we talk about secession.
We ought to be aggressively using nullification, interposition.
We haven't even lifted a finger.
And by the way, Perry says he's against Afton Gatton against the trans-Texas corridor when he's the guy always pushing it.
He literally goes up there
Puts on this act.
I've been in the same restaurant with Perry when he's meeting with people.
It's all intellectual talk.
He's all very graceful.
But then when he goes out, he's like, I'm a cowboy!
We're gonna secede!
Then the New York Times says, what do you mean?
He goes, oh, that's just a joke.
See, instead of having real states' rights and the states asserting its sovereignty, not seceding, instead, he bypasses that and goes, we're gonna secede!
And puts on a fake, you know, good old boy accent.
I mean, it's just as fake as a $3 bill.
He's a very good campaigner.
People need to remember that.
You know, he's smooth and he's suave and he says what he needs to say to get elected.
I think people are waking up.
I think people all across the state are waking up.
The 9-12 groups, the Tea Party groups are some indication that that's happening.
But it started first in that Ron Paul presidential campaign, didn't it?
Now, if the controlled, globalist, liberal arm of the media, MSNBC, CNBC, CNN, they want Kay Belly Hutchinson because she's the Bilderberg.
She's the Bilderberg steering committee for the U.S.
I mean, she runs it.
Notice how they'll attack him all day for his death panel, his executions, and maybe doing a bad job of that, who knows?
Because the feds want to come in here and take control.
But notice, they won't put you on TV, or they should.
You would totally destroy Perry.
But no, they only want to destroy him enough to get Kay Bailey in.
Kay Bailey's the real danger.
I think there's not much difference between the two.
They both have allegiance to the same public.
But I'm saying the establishment wants her.
I mean, I know you're smart and understand this.
I'm just saying, if you watch the news, they don't want Rick Perry.
I mean, he's bad.
But I mean, she is definitely the heir apparent.
They are both aligned, though, with the same interest.
Oh, absolutely.
And neither one of them have the best interest of average Texans.
Neither one of them have a backbone to support the U.S.
Neither one of them will advocate for the Texas Constitution.
If we're going to be free, and I've been active in politics for a long time, I frequently say, would we know a policy that restored freedom
...versus one that destroyed it.
If it stood up and slapped us in the face, would we recognize the difference?
Those nations, historically, that have been the most free and the most prosperous, have had in common private property ownership and gun ownership.
If we're going to restore freedom in Texas, we better get back to owning our property and keeping uninfringed our right to keep and burn.
I agree.
And the First Amendment.
We'll be right back and talk about that.
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Thank you.
Your calls are coming up for Deborah Medina at 1-800-259-9231.
MedinaForTexas.com is the website.
Don't forget, my new film, Fall of the Republic, is out on DVD.
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Now, Debra, I want to go through a list of issues, but you brought up the Second Amendment.
The Second Amendment is under attack federally.
California is passing laws, Illinois, all these other states that then affect manufacturers nationwide.
Montana has passed a law and telling the feds, we're going to manufacture firearms within the state, which is fully under the Ninth and Tenth Amendment.
Give us your stand, your view of the Second Amendment and what you would do as governor to defend it.
The founder said not only best you own arms, you better know how to use them as well as any government army.
Not only do we need to own guns, we need to be very skilled in their use.
We need to restore that.
You're not going to see U.S.
military or other law enforcement rolling through hurricane-ravaged parts of Texas taking guns from law-abiding citizens like you saw in New Orleans.
This notion that a principal role of government is justice.
Laws that apply equally to all of us.
It doesn't matter what your race, your sex, your economic class, your business affiliation is.
You live in the United States of America.
You live in the great state of Texas.
We have a set of laws.
This is the Republic and they apply to all of us equally and the same.
In New Orleans and even in the Mississippi, they went into high and dry, even wealthy areas, and went in and said, you're not allowed to own guns.
We're taking them and didn't even give them back.
And the police chief says all the firearms will be taken.
And they used the military to do that.
The governor could have said no to that.
That's right.
Did we not have a bill out of this Texas legislative session that said we're going to criminalize your behavior if you fail to evacuate your own private property when we tell you to evacuate?
Not in Texas.
And now they want to make you wear a bracelet when you leave with an RFID transmitter.
Let's move on to the next subject.
Well, let me bring this up.
Would you look at implementing the Montana?
So you would call for basically total open concealed carry.
Open carry, concealed carry opens already the law.
Would you call for manufacturing firearms in Texas?
Very exciting.
I would call for not licensing firearms ownership.
So Vermont style?
I'm not that familiar with the Vermont rules.
Well it's your second amendment.
If you say you and you cannot carry, you do not say to the other 98% of the population you have to have permission to carry.
When you and you who have identified as people, felons, that can't carry a weapon, if that's what the people in the state of Texas decide, then when a felon's caught with a weapon he's prosecuted accordingly.
We're not going to make 98% of law-abiding citizens jump through some hoop to carry a gun.
Well, the trick is, under common law you can't conceal, but under the common law you can have it open.
You can have it open, but the police will still arrest you, even though there's no law.
We gotta fix that in Texas.
There's no law against driving around with your pickup truck with a 243 or 30-odd-6, but they'll still arrest you.
So as governor, you'd explain to the police that's illegal.
That's correct.
They are committing crimes when they do that.
That's correct.
Let's get back to following the law.
Let's make sure that county sheriffs understand their proper constitutional role and quit deferring to a militaristic federal state.
Next issue, the border.
If the governor said, we want military veterans, volunteers to go through a quick training course to go down and protect the border.
Now when we get shot at, the troops are told to run.
They put a few thousand guard on the whole border.
They're not even allowed to interdict drugs or anything.
What would you do about our border?
We've got to secure that border.
Every one of us wants legal immigration coming through the legal ports of entry.
Important for trade, important for the economy, important for labor.
Legal immigration.
Working with local law enforcement.
Getting down on the border.
Spent some time in Hudspeth County just last week talking with the Sheriff's Department there.
You know, they've got one legal port of entry in that county.
96 miles of border with Mexico.
One legal port of entry.
Nine bridges over the river maintained by the International Boundary Commission.
The Sheriff said almost to ADA standards.
You can get a wheelchair across there, but
But only one of those is the legal port of entry.
I said, why haven't we closed them?
He said, if I close them, I'll be thrown in jail.
I said, what about the great state of Texas?
Can Texas not close those?
We need to work with that International Boundary Commission.
We're not going to have... Yeah, notice how we have an international commission controlling our borders.
That's right.
That's what the globalists do.
They create private commissions to steal our water, our land.
Okay, let's talk about this next.
I don't
There's no law, but the bureaucrats federally are funding the state to harass farmers, ranchers.
It was written by big agriculture companies, big poultry producers.
They admit to shut down small farms and ranches to force everything onto global big agriculture.
What would you do about that as governor with the Animal ID and Primus Society?
Because Texas is the only state in the union to criminally be following the federal edict that's not even a law to enforce this on our farms and ranches.
The executive branch has the opportunity and the tools available to it in interposition to say those federal laws, outside of the Constitution, will not be enforced in this state.
Unilaterally will not be enforced.
Make the executive do what the executive ought to be doing.
There is no law.
It ought not be enforced.
And where there is federal law, like Real ID, it ought to be nullified by the state legislature in Texas.
And Governor, would you, because I know you're a big Ron Sapool supporter in the Fed organizer, just you're the best person and you really are a great lady, have a wonderful presence, a great speaker, very intelligent.
I just can't wait for you, if the people rise up, to crush Rick Perry and Kay Bailey Hutchinson in the primary and to crush the Democrat.
I believe this state, if you can win the primary, will not vote for a big government Democrat.
The Democrats, people voted for them thinking that they would reverse the tripling of government Bush engaged in.
Now Democrats are lower than Republicans in every poll.
You are riding in on a wave of resistance to big government.
If we can just get you in there, you can win against the Democrats.
You can just win this Republican primary that's coming up.
We're going to give those marching orders in a moment.
And then go to calls.
What would you do on property tax and all these new medical districts and things they're creating?
Every four or five months, a new bureaucrat shows up telling me a new tax I have on this TV slash radio slash film studio.
All these new taxes are being erected on me, like we're Massachusetts, or New York State or something, or California.
The bureaucracy is just going to seed.
What would you do about property taxes and all this big government garbage?
We must remember property ownership and gun ownership, essential elements of freedom, property tax has to go in Texas.
Not just for the economic implications there, but because it is the thing that is most critical to preserving freedom.
You get rid of property tax in Texas, you raise the revenue that you need to fund the bare essential government services with the sales tax.
No property tax in Texas.
We're crafting, we need that legislation crafted.
I'm beginning to say to people we need to start writing that legislation today so that it is ready to be introduced in January of 2011.
We get it through this session in that first five months and we get it done.
We get rid of property tax in Texas.
Here's another thing we're dealing with.
They passed a Senate bill a few sessions ago where school districts can now have, on top of property tax, a school district tax.
And I was sitting there with one of my great cousins, call him an uncle, and I was sitting there with Pat this weekend before we went to a funeral in East Texas, and he sits there on about 40 acres.
He lives in a double-wide trailer.
It's nice, but he's an Army veteran of 20-something years.
He's not rich.
And he said, Alex, this new school board tax was $900 last year, but it was closer to $10,000 this year.
A nine-fold increase, and he said, what is this?
And I didn't even know what it was.
I mean, there's so many new taxes, I can't even keep track of it.
And luckily, he then worked for the prisons, and then he worked for a few years for the post office, so he's a triple retiree.
But other people around there can't even afford their gas to pay all these taxes.
He doesn't own his land anymore.
He pays a giant rent to the local school board.
The local boss hogs are stealing the money in Buffalo and Fairfield.
I mean, when is this going to end?
We're all tenants, aren't we?
Tenants in our own homes.
You get rid of property tax in Texas.
You restore true private property ownership.
You create economic incentive.
You create economic activity.
You see a $3 billion increase in net personal income in Texas.
You add 125,000 to 175,000 new jobs just by eliminating the property tax.
And they buy more stuff.
All the studies show it.
And you actually get higher revenue.
And government knows when you cut taxes, revenue goes up because people spend more.
But they want control of the economy.
They don't want a good economy.
Well, I want a good economy.
I want a free state.
I visited with a man recently who immigrated here from Cuba, and I said three years ago he left Cuba.
Had been there four generations.
I said, if I were to take a picture of you standing on the street in Cuba in a communist dictatorship, take a picture of you standing on the street in Austin, Texas in a constitutional republic, what's the difference between the man in Cuba and the man in Austin?
And he said, the man in Cuba has no dreams.
Everything was free.
Healthcare was free.
Education was free.
I had no dreams.
I could not plan to live somewhere, go somewhere, or work somewhere.
I had no dreams.
We don't want that in Texas.
That's where we're headed.
If we do not remember property ownership, gun ownership keeps men free, and stand on those two things without compromise and without surrender, regardless of how many potholes need to be filled, how many new police officers need to be hired, how many new school buildings need to be built, we better remember first that it's
It's about freedom first.
Well we built the state and the country without all these taxes.
We had a 10% national growth rate until we got the Federal Reserve.
Now it's at about 2% and things are rotting and falling apart.
Government takes our money and then gives us a little bit of it back with strings attached.
I want to go to calls and then give marching orders here for folks that want to get involved in the final segment but I did want to bring up
The Austin police chief, the legislature passed a law, they can take blood without warrants now.
What you would do as governor?
I think?
What about the director of DPS that's going off these federal reports saying Ron Paul supporters are terrorists, in the Fed people are terrorists, gun owners are terrorists, and that homeland security is really for veterans?
We've got a big problem in Texas.
We've got a lot of work to do to re-educate.
We've got Soviet brainwashing in the state police.
We do.
And I've seen some activity at the grassroots level.
People are doing some innovative things.
I think it goes back to the county sheriff.
We've got to work with county sheriffs to make sure that they understand their constitutional duty to protect the citizens of their county using the U.S.
Constitution and the state constitution, re-educate all of ourselves as to the proper role of a constitutional republic.
Grassroots activists can help with that.
Get in there, talk to your county sheriff, help them understand.
Maybe share Sheriff Mack's book with your county sheriff.
Get that dialogue going.
Let's put county sheriffs back in charge of law enforcement and not have either a federal military police state
Or a state police.
And by the way, the Viper teams nationwide are now setting up checkpoints on bridges, checkpoints out in the countryside, border checkpoints a hundred miles in.
I mean, they admit they want to put metal detectors in malls.
They want to turn all of the U.S.
into a giant prison.
They want parents to have a license to have children.
That's being discussed by the bureaucrats.
I mean, the government is run by a bunch of control freaks.
Let's go to some phone calls.
Ronnie in Texas, you're on the air with
You can go ahead and put your headphones on.
Ronnie in Texas, you're on the air with Debra Medina, Republican candidate in the primary, neck and neck in many polls with the other establishment candidates.
Go ahead, Ronnie.
Debra Medina, your idea about with no property taxes on a real estate market statewide will explode.
And of course, you're right about county sheriffs.
They're heralded in our sacred constitution.
But here's the slogan idea, suggestion for soon-to-be Governor Debra Medina's campaign, and that is OBGYN Dr. Ron Paul's
I'm going to move on to questions, Ronnie.
Thank you.
Yes, Ron Paul has endorsed her.
CW in Texas.
You're on the air, CW.
I tell y'all what, I'm grinning ear to ear listening to y'all.
This is a breath of fresh air that not only myself, but we've been waiting for.
And ma'am, you will be the next governor of Texas.
I believe that.
Thank you.
One suggestion, a way that we can restore the water to central Texas and create jobs here in Texas would be to strategically build some desalinization plants along the coast.
Pipe inward to the recharge zone.
We've got water rights issues all over the state of Texas.
We've got to get back to limited government at the local level to the degree possible.
We need to explore those desalinization opportunities.
I know that's been talked about some.
We have to be careful that we don't create in our knee-jerk reaction to
To get a quick fix to these things, look at the long term.
You know, we see a lot of similar discussion, I think, on energy policy.
Which is your preferred source of energy?
Let's let the market figure that out.
The market is the best indicator, picking and choosing winners and losers.
I'm going to skip this final break for the Genesis Network.
It is a network break, so stations will be fine with that.
Let's go ahead and take a call from Joe in Texas.
Joe, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
I'm a long-time listener of your show, bought a lot of your DVDs, and I also support, have supported the Deborah Merdina campaign.
My question is, what can we do in our local communities to help out with the campaign?
I've been saying to folks, be sure and answer your phone.
Poll numbers seem to be real important to people and that's the way polls get taken is on phone calls.
So don't screen your calls.
Take those polls to phone calls.
Let them know that you're favoring Debra Medina.
All you can do to get us on talk radio and in the media.
We'll help with that name identification.
I'm going to be out there.
I want you to take courage from that.
I'm working 7 days a week, 14, 16, sometimes 18 hour days.
I'm going to continue to do that every day.
Someone told me today that I've been analogized to a mudder.
That horse that runs inside the track or next to the rail in the mud, getting it done.
And I'm going to be working hard to do that.
I appreciate Texans all over the state stepping up and joining ranks with us.
Well, we need a call to action here.
We need people to get campaign signs.
We need people to donate money so you can get those going.
You have campaign signs.
You have bumper stickers.
What can people do now to support you and make sure... And again, other libertarian, patriot-minded candidates for governor, for state legislature, for Senate, all over the country.
We've got to take our local states back.
That's the biggest solution.
People want a solution.
That's it.
And regardless, running win, lose, or draw, we educate people.
What do you need my listeners to do?
We need contributions today.
We really need contributions today.
And every $20, $50, $75, $100 contribution helps.
You know, I'm not asking for the $10, $12, $14 million that Kay and Rick have, but we need money to run an effective campaign.
If we want to win this thing,
It means put your money where your mouth is, get out there and work hard.
We need all the boots on the ground that we can get.
We need dollars coming in.
We are not going to stockpile that money.
We are going to use it to win this race.
And do you need coordinators in all 250 plus counties?
We've got volunteer coordinators in a lot of counties.
We are running with a few state regional coordinators.
Those are campaign staff level folks.
We need a couple of more regional coordinators.
We need to hire a couple more regional coordinators.
We've got to have the money to do that.
And then our regional coordinators are the go-to person for those.
What about Texas businesses that aren't globalist?
You know, they've got to believe that they can support an alternative great candidate instead of going with one of the establishment prostitutes.
We can take endorsements from businesses.
We can't take contributions from businesses.
I'm at the individuals.
That's right.
Individuals can help us.
We need all that kind of help.
We need help getting around the state.
We need help with travel expenses.
We need help with staff.
We need endorsements and support.
This is a little bit like a venture capital venture right now.
It's high risk for people.
The only risk is not resisting.
The only risk is not getting involved and not standing up and going, oh, I gotta go for one of the two big people so I'll feel like I'm a winner.
When you're going to get more of the same fake conservatism, pro-New World Order crap.
People have got to support you.
You are excellent right down the line.
Well, there's a fear by business that if they support this outside candidate that they will feel the wrath of their government.
But see, that's special interests.
That's right.
See, that's tyranny.
Oh, you're saying they're scared of being cracked down on if they don't pay the protection money.
That's right.
This is a free country.
What happened to the free country?
When your business lives in fear of the government, we've lost the Republic.
Well, that shows how many cowardly men and women we've got owning these businesses that I'm afraid the government will get me or they'll crack down on me if I don't pay protection money to where you've got to pay the mafia to leave you alone when you're saying you'll get rid of the mafia.
We've got a problem in Texas.
We've got a problem all across the country.
I say often, we call ourselves the land of the free, and we're not, and the home of the brave.
It is going to take courage to bring us to, again, that place that our founders envisioned for us, a free constitutional republic.
Texas has got to exhibit that courage.
The whole country is looking to us for that leadership and courage.
I'm proud to be out in front, championing as your candidate that battle, and I need your support.
We'll zoom in on this.
Card, Deborah Medina for Texas Governor, 877-WE-TEXAS, just 877-WE-TEXANS, or 979-532-5551 if you want to coordinate, volunteer, donate money.
Vote, donate time.
It's all very valuable to the battle for this republic and our precious sovereign state.
877, excuse me, 877-WE-TEXANS.
That's 877-WE-TEXANS or 979-532-5551.
Or you can simply go to the website medinafortexas.com.
Again, that's medinafortexas.com.
Contact at medinafortexas.com.
I think?
We were just with Joe.
Mary in Texas, go ahead.
Senator Medina, here in Amarillo, we want to support you, but I've got a quick question for you.
What would you do to stop Agenda 21 that took place in 1992 with Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, where the United Nations put forth a... She's saying she's against the whole New World Order takeover.
She's an in-the-Fed Ron Paul coordinator.
Okay, would she go on record saying she's not a Bilderberg, and she would not support what Rick and Kay do?
I think I'm on record loud and clear in lots of places all over Texas saying I'm not a Bilderberger and I in no way support Rick and Kay.
Ma'am, I appreciate your call.
You've got to look at someone's fruits.
Rick Perry on record is an attendee.
Kay Bailey is a head Bilderberg steering committee person.
Obviously, she's running against them.
Obviously, you're not with them.
I mean, long before I was candidate for governor, I was out working in the Federal Reserve Banking System.
We're talking about sound currency for Texas.
We're talking about building hedges between the federal intervention and the state of Texas to protect this economy from that One World Order initiative.
So, you are against the One World Government?
You're against the New World Order that Van Cuy Moon called for in the New York Times?
You're against the global carbon tax?
I am for Texas state sovereignty, United States sovereignty.
You cannot have it both ways.
You can't be for state sovereignty and for those things you just mentioned.
You can't be.
So long live the Republic?
Long live the Republic.
Death to the New World Order?
Yes, absolutely.
So you are against the globalists?
Against the globalists.
But see, people also... Average Texans stand up for Texas.
People also rationalize and say a candidate isn't perfect, so they don't have to stand up and get involved.
I mean, it's kind of a... But listen, great listeners out there, get involved, support it, you're a great lady.
I'm really impressed, Debra, and I hope that we can have you in when you're governor.
Will you do that?
I would love to do that, Alex.
Thank you.
God bless you.
I'm gonna go ahead and start calling you governor.
We gotta believe it before it's happening.
Thank you, Alex.
Thank you so much.
Retransmission starts now with all the key info on the streams at InfoWars.com.
God bless you all.
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