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Name: 20091028_Wed_Alex
Air Date: Oct. 28, 2009
1361 lines.
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The American people, having been educated as to the truth, then have to rise up and demand and get a government that starts serving them.
We need a change and it isn't going to come from Democrats and Republicans.
It has to come from the Americans.
It's the greatest form of patriotism, and I believe that.
Because if you don't hold your elected officials' feet to the fire and pay attention, you are going to get bad government.
So it's imperative for all of us.
It's our job as citizens of this great country to pay attention.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
America is a prize coveted by the despotic megacorporations that now dominate our planet.
If their world government is truly to rise, freedom and the republic for which it stands must fall.
Now is the time for all good men and women to come to the aid of their country.
One of the greatest events in history is taking place before our very eyes.
For many generations into the future, our progeny will look back on this time as either a place where humanity rose to the challenge and made a stand against the forces of darkness, or as a time when the planet fell into the grip of a merciless high-tech tyranny.
In Part 2 of Fall of the Republic, you will learn the Elite's master plan for humanity.
But more importantly, you will learn how to stop that plan, reverse the criminal tide, and reignite the flame of liberty on the long march to man's ultimate destiny.
That is the last few minutes of Fall of the Republic.
And it covers who the globalists are, what their master plan is, how the banks control the government, how the Federal Reserve is private, that we must audit the Fed and abolish it and bring this illegitimate shadow government to justice, or nothing we do with Republicans or Democrats, or any other party for that matter, is ever going to change anything.
In 1913, there was a financial coup in America.
They slowly took over the nation, used our wealth to take over the rest of the world.
Now they are imploding our economy to fold us into the one world government.
You can learn the master plan though right now with Endgame blueprint for global enslavement.
This is not fiction.
They are poisoning their water.
They are poisoning your vaccines.
They are chemtrailing you.
They admit they're trying to reduce our numbers and sterilize us.
It's in their own publications like Ecoscience.
Explains what their final goal is, that world government is only the beginning.
As the back says, for the New World Order, a world government is just the beginning.
Once in place, they can engage their plan to exterminate 80% of the world's population while enabling the elites to have access to the life extension technologies and other advanced technologies.
This film is so important.
But a lot has happened in the last two and a half, three years since Endgame came out.
Fall of the Republic 2 is going to be on what the world is going to look like if they're able to succeed.
Fall of the Republic 1 is who they are, what they are, what their plan is, what they're currently doing, information on how to stop them, to identify them.
Identifying them is half the battle.
Identifying that presidents are only puppets to these people.
That presidents are meant to take all the heat, take all the blame.
And then they're replaced with a new puppet.
And a lot of my listeners, we've never gotten rave reviews like this.
I mean, this is almost unanimous positive reviews.
It's the slickest, the best done film we've made.
But the few complaints I get, and we've posted some of these videos, we have some of the reviews up on InfoWars.com today, are, yeah, I think this is really a great film, it's slick, it's got 19 different people interviewed, it's got a lot of good information, but I already knew all this from listening to your show.
Or I already knew this from my own research.
Yes, I know you know about this, but do you have something that's slickly put together, vetted, documented, researched?
We have a bibliography at foldtherepublic.com.
It was just completed.
I believe Kurt's already linked to it today.
But the issue is, you have a well-done tool.
Something that's really effective and
Compelling that you can give people.
Yes, I know you know all about the New World Order.
So do I. I learn more all the time, but I understand the basics.
We understand the architecture, but play by play new things happen.
Yes, I know you know.
I know you're aware of what's going on, but
Do your friends, your family, your neighbor, your community, are they aware?
See, that's the whole point.
If you're aware, people aren't going to learn about this just magically.
You're going to send out brainwaves to them psychically and make them understand.
You need to speak to them.
You need to talk to them.
You need to reach out to them.
This is life and death.
Now until five minutes into the next hour, Dale Rundis is going to be joining us.
He had a family medical emergency and so he's not in studio with us.
I wanted to have him in studio with us.
But he's going to be joining us for the balance of the hour here in just a moment.
And we'll have open phones while he's with us.
Then Hilmer von Kampy, a Hitler-Ugan under Hitler.
Obviously he's a Hitler-Ugan under Hitler.
That's kind of overdoing it.
A Hitlerjugend under Hitler, and he was also in the German military under Hitler.
He's going to talk about parallels between our society today and what he saw as a Hitler youth and then as a soldier in Hitler's army.
So that's coming up in the last 50 minutes of the last hour today.
But please, listeners, please!
Get Fall of the Republic on DVD so you have it in the highest quality.
Make copies of it.
Give it to people.
Or if you have basic internet savvy, you can go to PrisonPlanet.tv.
It takes one minute to sign up.
One minute to sign up with your passcode.
Go click on the DivX version.
There's five different versions up there.
Ultra, super high quality, high quality, medium quality, and then just passable, but that's better than YouTube and Google.
And you can
Burned DivX copies to regular CDs, and they play in almost all the new DVD players and a lot of the old ones.
Because in the last three or four years, most players have DivX on them.
Or, you can say, this doesn't play on your DVD player, it'll play on your computer.
It's a computer copy.
And it's not as good as the original DVD, but it's close!
So, Infowars.com or 888-253-3139.
You can also write to me, Alex Jones, at P.O.
Box 19549, Austin, Texas, 78760.
Okay, we're going to Darrell Rundas in a moment.
I appreciate him joining us today.
I wanted to go back to Rebel in Canada.
He is an immigrant in Canada from
Central Asian nation.
I'm familiar with the coup that took place a few years ago, but he wants to explain how he believes Obama or the future savior can declare martial law, announce there was an attempted coup.
Saddam Hussein did this.
Hitler did this repeatedly.
The czars loved having political purges in the name of stopping or fighting coups.
And so we hear the media saying there's going to be a military coup, there's going to be a military coup.
If there was a real military coup, nine times out of ten, those turn out being even worse than what you had.
So we don't want that.
And if there is one, it's probably going to be staged and be repulsed.
And so there is a lot of hype, and this is one of the few ways, a type of false flag, where they could do this.
So, restart where you're from, what happened, what you witnessed, and then we're going to Daryl Rundas.
Go ahead.
Yes Alex, I'm glad you pointed out correctly, these coups are taking place over and over again in history.
But what I was pointing out is, after this staged coup, literally several hours later, the dictator, the current dictator, went broadcasting, naming the names of the alleged conspirators, in quotes,
And one of the names, most of the names in the list were the current opposition at that time to the regime.
And the head of the opposition was a former politician and ambassador of the same country who was organizing the day after of that
The day after that coup was supposed to be the major demonstration event that he was organizing from overseas.
This former politician, his name is Boris Shevmuradov, and he was named as one of the main conspirators.
And, of course, they rounded him up and they rounded all his friends, family, not just his friends, you know, all of the people who thought the same way that he did.
And what is codified into federal law now, just like...
Texas police take blood without warrants now.
Once they get rid of your checks and balances, it's over.
We have secret arrest.
We have indefinite detention.
We have enemy combatant status for citizens.
They're building these secret camps.
It just came out, new ghost sites found in Eastern Europe.
And that's the big issue here, is that those very forms of tyranny are being set up in the United States and Europe, Western Europe.
And if I remember correctly, that dictator also admittedly tortures people to then get fake confessions.
Again, tell folks where your former country is located.
That was my next point.
The day after, the next morning, there was a broadcasted tape on national TV.
The next morning after this fake coup, there was a tape broadcasted on national TV on all the channels.
Over this, Borisov Muradov, allegedly the main conspirator, terrorists, in quotes, reading off the papers saying he's a terrorist, he's on the wrong path, he regrets everything he's done, now he recognizes it.
And if any doctor, scientist, you know, psychologist just looked at the... Not even... No, no, no.
What they do is they march your children in and they say, look, we're going to rape and kill your children with battery acid if you don't say you did it.
And they go and do it.
Just like they do with the 9-11 conspirators.
Daryl Rundis straight ahead.
I think so.
I'm good.
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Darryl Rundis is our guest.
Had him on last week for a short segment or two, but I wanted to have him back up today to talk about a host of issues.
He launched YouDoNews.com and TenAndWin.com.
That's a contest.
Well, I mean, isn't that par for the course?
Isn't that what we've come to expect from these people who are, you know, above and beyond the law?
And once somebody is above and beyond the law and can do whatever they want, the sky's the limit.
Even if you have a dictator who isn't that bad, he will be overthrown and someone worse will come in.
And then someone worse.
And instead, things just devolve and degenerate into absolute evil.
Well, absolutely.
In fact, when we have no accountability, no transparency, it leads to tyranny.
And history shows that over and over and over again.
Darrell, so much is going on, but I wanted to bring this up to you.
Even if people out there are for abortion, Nancy Pelosi says it's for eugenics, to quote, help the economy to get rid of more people, so we'll have less taxpayers.
I saw a statistic last week, a caller called, and I pulled it up, it was accurate.
More black people were aborted in 2008, that's the latest numbers we've got.
than were born in 2008, and I guess that's a big victory for Margaret Sanger and the other Nazis, the other liberals, who run around masquerading as touchy-feely liberals, federalizing the country under hate speech laws now that are about control, not about protecting groups, ending, Obama's now signed it, ending equal protection under the law,
Now they want us with government healthcare to pay for abortions.
Do they have any idea of the level of rebellion of people that aren't going to pay taxes if they know it's going for abortion?
And I guess they're going to lock everybody up in prison now.
Well, I wish that would happen in a roundabout way.
I mean, while obviously Planned Parenthood is just another tool by the global elite to euthanize the poor, the downtrodden,
In fact, I read an article recently where they're incentivizing that by giving people extra money if they'll get, not just an abortion, but they'll get sterilized.
So, you know, and sadly, people are dumbed down.
They go for it.
They think, wow, what, a thousand dollars?
Wow, I could get me that new flat screen TV that I've been wanting.
Yeah, I'll just get sterilized.
So, you know, it's sad that people don't see through the poise and the schemes of these global elites.
Darryl, I want to take calls while you're on with us and talk about some issues that you want to get into.
What is it like for you to see the New York Times and all these publications admitting world government is here, admitting the global carbon tax is to fund the world government, admitting it's to destroy our industrial base, as if NAFTA and GATT haven't already done that, and then to still see people running around denying there's a world government and calling us kooks?
Well, as a Christian, you know, all this was foretold in the Bible.
So for me, it's not too shocking.
It is disappointing.
It is a little disheartening.
But at the same time, we know that there comes a time, and I think we're living in that time, where people buy the lie.
They're under mass delusion.
They love the lie.
They hate the truth.
They won't come into the light for fear their deeds will be exposed, and so on and so on.
So it is repulsive, to say the least.
But at the same time,
Hey, we knew these days were coming!
And that's why it's all the more important that guys like you and others that listen to your show, guys like me and other Christians in particular, stand up and say and do what's right, and stand up for righteousness.
I mean, hey, abortion is just one in many, many, many tools the global elite uses to oppress us and to track or control the way we live our lives.
And that's not what our country was founded on.
It's not the purpose of the Bill of Rights or the Constitution or the Declaration of Independence.
Pro-abortion supporters should know that the historical mainline history is Planned Parenthood was set up by the Rockefeller Foundation.
Margaret Sanger said blacks are subhuman weeds.
We've got to kill them.
And will pose as liberals to do it, and they got the lady from Roe v. Wade to go and take the court case.
She's now repented and gone public against it, but they don't care.
And that it was all done for eugenics and to kill minorities, but also whites.
And so anyone who supports it needs to know that.
It's the same thing with people who believe in evolution, goodnight creation.
Ultimately, that road leads to eugenics and many, many other things, because you keep the value of someone's life when you start to believe that there is no purpose to life.
There was no creator.
There is no God that you'll be accountable to someday.
And so, sadly, there's a lot of people fighting the New World Order who are, you know, falling into the same line of evolution.
Daryl, stay there.
We're gonna come back.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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All right, let's go right back to Daryl Rundis joining us.
We're also going to be taking some of your phone calls and covering some more news.
Daryl, the New York Times just calmly came out today and reported
That Afghan opium kingpin, brother of the dictator, Mohammed Karzai, is on the CIA payroll.
So the guy that runs the majority of the opium out of the country works for the CIA.
And I know the government controls most of the narcotics and launders the money.
They've been caught hundreds and hundreds of times all over the world.
CIA aircraft crash with pure cocaine on board, meaning it's coming from the source.
The Congressional report in 1996, the CIA, Inspector General admitted it.
But then the phony drug war just continues.
And people say, oh, you're for drugs.
No, I'm against the government making them illegal.
I want them decriminalized, not legalized.
That means you just go out and buy them at the store.
So that it will kill the black market and get all the money out of drugs.
So the market will break down, and all the foreign countries that have done this, it basically ends their drug problem, by and large.
Really cuts way back on it.
You know, the last time I was down there, actually, I think it was the Tea Party.
I was driving back up, ate at a restaurant there in Austin, ran into a Texas Ranger, of all people, and we started talking.
You know, it was common knowledge amongst the Texas Highway Patrol, the DPS, as well as the Texas Rangers.
The CIA runs drugs through the border all the time.
It was no news to him.
When we got on that topic, he was like, well, yeah, sometimes they let us catch the bats just to make it look good, but yeah, we know they run it all the time.
Why no one does anything about it?
Why people, you know, fail to really dig deep and look at where the source of this is coming from?
Why they don't close down the border in spite of the terrorism after 9-11 and so on?
I mean, so many obvious consequences.
People would be good to open up their eyes and open up their mind and seek the truth.
So you ran into a Texas Ranger, and he just said, oh yeah, we all know they bring the drugs in.
I mean, it was just like common knowledge to him.
He didn't even flat-bat an eye.
I said, so what do you think about, you know, these reports about the CIA smuggling drugs across the board?
Well, that's been going on for years.
We know that.
But, you know, they don't let us catch them except for once in a blue moon, just to make the front page, make it look like we're doing our job.
But how does a police officer then catch a teenager
With marijuana or ecstasy or something like that, and I'm not saying those things are good, how do they catch him with that and then throw the book at him and feel good about it?
Because that's another form of tax.
They bring the drugs in to get us dependent and to literally legalize slavery.
They bring something in that's highly addictive.
They make it cool in Hollywood and the movies and the culture.
The gangster rap and all of it.
The young people use it.
It's certainly bad.
And especially the hard drugs, and then they put you in a private prison that every time I look into it is owned by a bank that's laundering drug money.
I mean, this is so sick.
Yeah, absolutely.
And that's, once again, I think, I would hope and pray that day will come when the American people will just get so fed up, they'll quit playing the man's game, and they'll just lay down and quit paying their taxes.
Isn't that the irony of this?
I mean, isn't that the sickest thing of it all?
We fund our own inflation.
It's our tax dollars that give them the power to do these things.
In Ritalin and Prozac, all the studies show it's the dyes in the food and the MSG and the aspartame that's making your kids bounce off the walls.
Don't put them on drugs whose molecules are even more dangerous than illegal drugs.
I mean, how obvious is it?
This system is nothing but a bunch of drug pushers.
Well, I think it's obvious to those in the know, those of us that have taken the time to pursue the facts and let the facts lead us wherever they lead us, whether we agree with them or not.
In fact, one of the reasons I became a Christian wasn't because I was at the end of my rope looking for hope and had nowhere to go but to God.
In fact, the last thing I was looking for was Jesus, but through the evidence.
You know, when I scrutinized all the other religions, and I scrutinized the Bible and every other book ever written by religious people, the Bible was the only one that stood up to the scrutiny.
So, in the same way, I think if people would just look at the fact, quit believing the lie, quit just accepting.
In fact, I ran into a lady who had an Obama jacket that she had made the other night.
And I asked her, why do you like Obama so much?
Well, he's an honorable man.
He has integrity.
He doesn't lie.
He doesn't do... And so, of course, I started to kind of press her on a few of the issues
I've talked to a lot of Obama supporters on the ground and they say, well he's not corrupt and he tells the truth and he cares about the people and he brought change.
He intensified the wars.
He expanded the secret arrest, he hired nothing but lobbyists, he made government more secret, surrounded himself with the banking elite, you know, continue to pour billions and trillions, run up a debt bigger than all the other presidents combined before him, talked about transparency, yet not one of the bills have they posted online for people to read before they pass it.
But that's the issue, Darrell, I'm going to ask you this, because then the Obama supporter says, well,
So what?
You know, at least he's better than Bush, as if we're saying Bush was good.
No, the whole system's corrupt, but when you try to reach out to people, when you try to wake them up, it's taken me years to learn all their tricks.
How do you explain that to somebody when it's a matrix of lies?
I mean, here's a quick example.
Obama took 50,000 US troops out of Iraq and put 50,000 more contractors in.
Obama put 18,000 more U.S.
And when he first got elected, when he first got into office, and then another 22,000.
So that's 40,000.
But they never talk about that.
It was a footnote.
And then the whole debate was, should he escalate 48,000 more to make it look like he's anti-war?
Oh, he's getting pressured to put 48,000 more in, and he won't make a decision.
Oh, look, he's a peacenik.
By making it a political football between left and right,
Oh, Obama's against the war.
Conservatives now become pro-war again.
Democrats are like, well, he's not putting more troops in when he already put...
40,000 more in.
And I don't know what you call that trick, but that's just one of hundreds of tricks.
And I know all their tricks now, and it makes my head hurt, Daryl, that I can't explain it to people.
They don't want to know.
They don't want to understand.
I mean, what would you call that trick?
A bait-and-switch?
Well, it's pure deception, first and foremost.
But yeah, it's what is the norm now.
And I think, spiritually speaking,
Really makes sense, because it says there'll come a time when people will say that evil is good, and good is evil.
And that's exactly what we see.
We see people constantly, continually worship this guy.
I mean, they're teaching our kids to sing songs to him, and so on and so forth, and they dismiss and don't even want to know the true fact of what's going on.
In fact, you know, it's interesting that I share with people all the time that, and it's just like disinformation about the New World Order and what's going on,
In the world today, the evil atrocities these guys commit, you've got to remember one thing.
And we've talked about this before.
These people are blind.
They're blind to the truth.
They're blinded by the world.
They're blinded by a lot of things.
Their greed, their money, whatever it is.
And you never get mad at the blind man.
That's the first rule.
So when they don't want to know, you've got to remember, this isn't an argument to be won.
This is just information to be shared.
So don't get frustrated.
Don't give yourself a headache over it.
Hey, it's between them and the truth.
And if they don't want to acknowledge the truth, move on to the next person.
Well, Darryl, I mean, it doesn't really get to me.
I am just sick of looking at all the lies and corruption and evil, and it's so obvious what's going on.
We just need to abolish the whole system.
It's rotten.
You know, it's like a
It's like if you open up your refrigerator and there's maggots in a stew you made a week ago, you don't pick pieces of it out and eat it, you throw the whole stew away.
How do we do that?
How do we get the population to realize that it's a tissue of lies, a false reality, a great delusion?
Here's the biggest problem I see us facing.
Whether you're a Christian or not, whether you believe in Jesus Christ or not, if people would actually follow what Jesus said,
Our problems would be over very quickly.
They would actually read what he said, what he did.
But the system created a counterfeit, a Christianoid system.
That is fraudulent, greedy, corrupt, deceptive, pro-war, worldly, ninnying, dithering.
It denies any type of corruption.
It says only serve government, do whatever you're told.
And so people of conscience see that and say, I want nothing to do with this.
So how do we change these Babylon churches?
Go ahead.
Well, I think that's the key, and in fact I've got a couple of scriptures for you.
Galatians 5-1 clearly says it's for freedom that Christ is set as free.
Stand firm then, and do not let yourself be burdened again by the yoke of slavery.
1 Peter 2-16, live as a free man, but do not use your freedom as a cover-up for evil.
Live as servants of God.
The last time I was on your show, Friday, there was about four or five thousand people who viewed the video you guys posted, and there's a lot of comments on there questioning the validity of the Bible and God and Jesus.
And I don't blame people for thinking that.
I used to think that most my whole life, because I would see the hypocrisy in the Church, and I would say, wow, if that's what a Christian is, that's the last thing I want to be.
What I didn't realize is there's a lot of people in the Church who still act like people in the world because they're not really Christians.
I can say I'm a millionaire, but it doesn't make me a millionaire.
I can say I'm a Christian, but it doesn't make me a Christian.
If people truly knew who Christ was, what He stood for, and what He was really all about, they would not sit apathetically by while people vote about no prayer in school or no Ten Commandments on public property.
But that's my point, is the new Christianoid religion is about loving corruption, serving evil, dressing up, driving fancy cars, being glitter bugs.
Right, it's like this Alex, what you see on TV is not true Christianity.
They say come to Christ, he'll give you health, wealth and prosperity.
He'll make you have a great life.
In fact, I often use an example of two passengers on an airplane.
If I go to a guy on an airplane and say, hey, put this parachute on, it's really going to improve your flight.
You're going to have peace and joy and happiness, man, it's going to be the greatest flight of your life.
Well, the guy's skeptical because he can't understand why putting the parachute on is going to improve his flight.
But in an experimental fashion to see if his claim is true, he puts the parachute on.
But what happens?
In a few minutes, he starts to notice the weight of the parachute on his back.
He can't lean back in his seat.
It's cumbersome.
He looks around.
Other passengers are mocking him, making fun of him.
So he peels the parachute off.
He throws it on the ground.
And as far as he's concerned, it'll be a long time until somebody puts one of those on him again.
He's disillusioned and he's bitter towards those who gave him the parachute because, as far as he's concerned, he was told an outright lie.
But if instead I go to passenger 2 and I say, hey, put this parachute on, because any minute you're going to jump out of this plane, and this parachute's going to save your life from the jump to come.
Well, he doesn't care about the weight of the parachute, nor does he care if other people mock or make fun of him.
In fact, he probably has sympathy towards those mocking him, because he knows what their fate will be when they have to jump without the parachute.
In the same way, when we tell people, come to Jesus, He'll solve all your problems.
Well, that's just not what He promised.
He never said, in fact, He says, becoming a Christian will make your life harder.
It's a hard road.
It's a narrow road.
It's not an easy thing to do.
So, I would just encourage those people who think Christianity is a sham and a fraud, I would say, you're right when it comes to religion.
Jesus hated religion.
He stood up to all the religious leaders of the day.
Called them sons of hell, brood of vipers, hypocrites, and so on, because they were bogged down into the law and the letter of law.
They loved their power.
They loved the praise of men more than the praise of God.
So they didn't care about whether Jesus was fulfilling hundreds of prophecies right before their eyes.
They didn't care he was performing miracles and so on.
They just would try to dismiss it because they wanted to hang on to their control, their power, their money.
It's the love of money, the root of all evil.
So to get back to your original question... And the one time Christ got mad was with the money changers.
Tell folks that story.
Well, the bottom line is that, you know, when he came in and he turned over those money changers...
We're good to go.
You know, they would hike up the price and the exchange rate on that because they knew they had the only coin that didn't have a face of an emperor or some other political leader, and that's the only coin that Jews would use to buy the spotless land to make the sacrifice.
And of course, they turned the house of God into a den of thieves.
Once again, the love of money is the root of all evil, and to get back to the original question, really the answer is setting God aside for a second.
Because obviously, if my people who are called by my name would humble themselves and pray, turn from their wicked ways, God would hear our prayers from heaven and He'd heal our land.
But because, you know, setting that aside, it's the bankers.
You know, I think Ron Paul's on the right, and we need to get on board with that and push for an audit of the Fed.
Once those books are revealed and we see the trillions of dollars that's stolen from the American people, hey, maybe people will then wake up, they'd abolish the Fed, and we'd have an honest monetary system.
Look how far we've come, from almost no one knowing about the Federal Reserve being the real power, to the majority of Americans in Gallup polls saying, we know it's bad, let's abolish it, let's at least audit it.
We are seeing major movement.
But it's just not fast enough because the average person is in these phony 501c3 churches where they tell them, government is God, do whatever government says.
If the government says abort babies, do it.
If the government says go to war, do it.
If the government says, you know, do all of these things, do it.
But the entire Bible is the opposite of that.
Well, once again, they stand up to the false interpretation of Romans 13, and they say, oh, you've got to submit to the governing authorities.
In fact, there's a gentleman I want to introduce you to by the name of Marshall Foster.
I don't know if you've ever heard of him, but he's world-renowned.
He's a great scholar and a constitutionalist, and he understands why it's so important for Christians, the Church in particular.
And like me, he blames everything that's going on in the world today on the Church.
If the Christian would rise up and stand up for what's good and what's true and what's right, we wouldn't have all these issues today.
We would demand accountability.
We'd demand transparency.
We would ask questions, demand answers, and we would hold our politicians accountable.
But, like sheep to the fodder, man, they're just led.
They just follow, and they don't ever question what that pastor says.
You know why?
Because they don't ever read the Bible themselves.
If they take the time to pursue the truth, the truth would set them free.
Well, I just want to add that the groups promoting the atheists, there are a lot of atheists who are legitimately atheists or agnostics, but every time I study the groups that fund and run the atheists, they're not atheists, they're occultists.
And I guess if they can't get people to be occultists,
They will just get them to become atheists and then atheists almost always become supporters of eugenics and abortion and humans are just blobs and humans don't have any great destiny and humans are a parasite and you just can't ignore the fruits of these people.
Well, that's what's so dangerous about those who fight the New World Order, and yet don't submit or believe in God.
The day will come when they'll realize there is a God, and unfortunately, they were on the wrong side.
So they may fight the New World Order until the day they die, but in the end, unless they repent Christ, man, they're gonna end up in Hell.
Unfortunately, sadly, right alongside those that they were fighting against.
Our country, our world's becoming Hell.
Everywhere the globalists take over, we have Hell on Earth.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda...
They'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
Fall of the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation.
The criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty and on its ashes constructing world government.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today, it seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Daryl Rundus built udonews.com.
He's going to give it to Free Speech Systems, my corporation.
And the next few weeks, we'll be taking control of it.
I appreciate the gift.
It's also a responsibility.
I'm kind of like, oh, Daryl, thank you.
But it is a really nice site, and I want to thank Daryl, because you just go sign up, it's got a, what, a free sign-up, free membership?
Yeah, I want people to understand this is different than YouTube in that one, it's not just video, it's audio, it's images, and blogs as well.
So you could write a blog every day if you want and then import a video that pertains to your blog and put it right there in your blog.
So it's kind of nice.
But also there's two types of members.
There's regular members who just want to view videos, make comments and rate videos and things like that.
And then there's reporters.
And reporters have the ability to upload media.
So when you go to sign up, look closely.
There's two different types of memberships.
One will just be members.
You won't be able to upload any media if you're a member.
Well that's exciting and so I know that you had a family illness that's why you're not here today but we need to get you down here next week.
I need to have my IT guys look at this and maybe just keep using the platform you're using, the servers you're using, but try to beef it up, because as soon as I start posting videos on it, well, you've already had, you said, 45,000 views when you launched it a month ago, and you haven't even really been promoting it.
And it looks great.
The site works really well.
This is really exciting.
And I don't think people should stop uploading to YouTube.
That's where the big crowds are.
But then Doppelganger.
Come over here and have a place.
So you've got an archive of your material if YouTube erases your account, which they do to patriots and anti-globalists and Christians and others.
And then as the site gets bigger and bigger, but absolutely, Daryl, it's got blogs, everything.
You really put a lot of time and energy into this.
It is a first-rate site.
Everything I've been wanting to do and have been too busy to.
So yes, we will do a great job for you.
And I'll have you talk to my IT guy when you leave us here in about eight, nine minutes from now.
Hey, I just want to encourage people real quick, Alex, too, that, you know, something you and I have talked about before, and we both just get so busy with so many other things, with wives and kids and businesses and, you know, so on.
Please, folks, do what Alex and I know needs to be done.
Record the news from Fox and CNBC and CNN and so on.
And then do commentary.
You have the right under the Fair Use Act.
Yes, that is actually what I'm intending to do.
We are finally getting our permits three months later from the city of Austin in the new area we leased four months ago.
All of that's going on, and it's total fair use.
For folks that don't know, that's how CNN and Fox play clips of each other's stuff.
If you're showing something and commentating on it, total fair use, it makes for a riveting show, and it doesn't have to be high-tech.
Play a clip of it with a TV beside you, make comments on the lies or propaganda, post it, and do it at YouDoNews.com.
Absolutely, Daryl.
That is just an idea I've had for many years.
You simultaneously, of course, brought the same idea to me.
Our minds think alike.
I want to make a whole film analyzing TV lies.
That's something I plan to do in the future.
Man, I would love to do that.
I would love to take the History Channel, which is filled with lies.
I mean, take their latest review of 9-11 and all the stupid stuff they did.
I mean, come on.
Put one single small little I-beam above a breaking fire and, oh, see, it melted.
You know?
I mean, it was obvious that they set that up in the history.
Hey, Daryl, we're going to come back in five more minutes.
When is the other contest going to be announced?
Hey, we'll talk about it when we get back, but because my wife's illness, we actually extended the deadline.
I'll let you know when we come back.
All right, we'll be right back.
Yeah, Daryl's wife had to go in the hospital this weekend for surgery, but she's okay now.
We'll be right back.
America's number one source for independent talk radio for over a decade.
Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda, they'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us
Tim Geithner?
They're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
I really can't thank Darryl Ramirez enough for all he's done.
And I want him to tell you about his latest contest where you can win a hefty sum for simply learning how to recite the Ten Commandments.
I know it's a serious thought crime, might be made illegal under the new hate crime legislation, but we're gonna have to go ahead and stand up against Caesar when he says that we can't
Read and say certain things.
Of course, Romans 13 says, according to the churches, that the Christians should have fallen down before Caesar and worshipped Mithra.
And I guess, I guess Romans 13's right.
I guess those Christians were evil.
But Daryl, finishing up, tell us about the contest.
Hey, real quick on that one note before I mention the contest.
You know, the same thing happened to the apostles early on in Acts, you know, chapter 5, 29.
Peter and all the other apostles replied to the officials of the government, we must obey God rather than men.
And when the law of men is in conflict with the law of God, it's a clear-cut decision for anybody that's a Christian or say they believe in God, and that is, hey, if it's lying, cheating, stealing, killing, coveting, and so on, then you ought not to do it.
You ought not to stand up for it.
You ought to stand firm and not let yourself be burdened and not
But as far as Penn and Wayne goes, you know, God works in mysterious ways.
My wife had an emergency appendectomy Monday, so as you might imagine that was the day I was supposed to be calling.
I sent out an emergency announcement to everybody, not knowing how the surgery would go, what the recovery time would be.
We postponed the giveaway until November 13th.
That's actually a Friday the 13th.
Turned out to be a very lucky day for somebody.
We're good to go.
Darryl Rundus, I salute you and your great work and I'm going to let you talk to the IT guys, to Will and Matt right now.
I'm going to put one of them on the line with you.
You want to give us the codes to udonews.com so we can look at it, figure it out, tell us about the servers, give us the number to your IT guy, and then as you said, for liability issues, I probably want to roll that into one of my corporations, and yeah, let's
Give it some time.
How about a week and a half from now, in studio for two hours, or an hour and a half, and then we can officially sign some documents and paperwork.
We'll get it officially transferred over to you guys.
Hey, how about, and I'll talk to your producer as we get off the line, but we'll check your schedule, not this Friday, but next Friday.
We can come down and
We're good to go.
Okay, so you'll have the numbers.
We can have a keypad in front of you.
You can dial the numbers.
Actually, we set it up on our site.
Our IT guy is so cool.
He took the database and had it automatically randomly select a number that'll pop up on the screen and give us their record with their name and their address and their phone number.
So then, you know, one by one as I click that button.
So you can do that here?
Yeah, I can do it right there.
Hey, we'll do 10 and 1 here as long as your watch better.
All right, buddy.
Thank you, Daryl, for all your support.
Well, we thank God for you, Alex.
Keep up the good work and don't let them get in your head, man.
No, I've just got a headache today because I'm not complaining.
I really have a bad headache, probably because I've had too much coffee or something.
And I just, I need a vacation, Daryl.
You know, I'm not complaining, but I want to fight the New World Order, and that's all I want to do.
And then
I overdo it.
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, as they say.
Well, and that, I think, for you, is probably the most frustrating thing, is that you give your heart, your soul, your mind, your time, your energy, and other people are so passive and so apathetic, it just makes you sick.
Well, I mean, I thought there were only two sewage treatment plants they were going to put on Lake Travis, just an example.
Now I find out Austin's putting a gigantic sewage plant
And it's going to ruin the lake, and nobody cares.
That's just one example of something local that gives me a headache.
Daryl Rondas, God bless you.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Okay, I have cleared the phone boards.
I apologize to other callers, but it wouldn't be congruent.
I want to open the phones up this hour specifically and only for questions for the author of Defeating the Totalitarian Lie, Hilmer von Kempi.
I had him on for an hour, a month ago or so.
He was a Hitler Youth when Hitler first came to power.
He was then in the German Army.
He grew up in the Hitler Youth to be trained to be in the German Army.
And he has written a book about the parallels between our society today and the police state and everything else in Germany, and this idea of doing whatever the government says, and the government is the boss, the people are the slaves.
He wants to go back to 1776, not back to 1933.
Now, I get a lot of emails, especially now that folks have seen Follow the Republic,
And they say, so what if they're training the Boy Scouts, the Eagle Scouts, with M-16s to take on disgruntled veterans and to be a brigade serving homeland security?
We'll just wipe them out.
No, ladies and gentlemen, if they're 14 now, they're going to be 18 in a few years.
This is the process of getting people young, indoctrinating them, and getting them ready.
Sure, you might not have been too afraid of Hilmer von Campy when he was 12 in the Hitler Youth, or 10, but you would have been afraid of him when he was 18.
That's the issue here.
Or 20, or 21.
They're taking over the Girl Scouts, Obama's got his domestic security force, City Year, all these groups in red and black uniforms saying, I'm fierce, coming to your door, knocking, trying to intimidate you.
All this is really happening.
And we've seen this in Soviet Russia, Nazi Germany, Eastern Germany under the Communists, Fidel Castro.
Tyranny tries to take control of the youth.
Obama wants year-round schooling.
He wants to address your children and ask them to aid him in his mission.
This is a telltale sign of corruption.
So I'd like Hilmer von Kampy to recap the keys of his book, the parallels first, between what he saw in the Hitler Youth and in Germany itself,
And the Tattletale Society versus what he sees manifesting in the West today.
And then we're going to go to your phone calls and questions at 1-800-259-9231.
Questions only for Hilmer von Kampy about the parallels between Nazi Germany and modern America and Europe today and this system.
Thank you very much.
Delighted to be here.
It was the best ever.
It was a very, very good response.
Well, that was a different story, because that was a television.
They came here with their equipment to my house.
But on the radio show, this was the best ever, as far as the reaction of the listeners was concerned.
Well, it's great to have you here with us, and I want to take calls today and do something different.
But in this segment we have left here, in the next eight minutes, nine minutes,
Let's say you were on national television, you had eight minutes to say your piece, the parallels, the warning from the past, the message you want to get out, you've got the floor.
Well, I think the most important thing is that we look at the whole picture and not only at individual acts which infuriate one.
In other words, you can attack and they should be attacked.
The trillions of dollars these people in Washington want to spend and debit them to our children and grandchildren is a scandal.
And that has to be fought so that everything, that these things must not be law.
So therefore,
At the same time, morality.
Totalitarian systems like the Nazi systems grow out of immorality.
Totalitarian system is not because of poor and rich people, but about God abiding or immoral people.
And that has all to be seen with from the
From the heart here, from the core, from what really, what is it all about?
And that is what I learned from the Nazis.
It is all about the role of God in human society.
And World War II was, in my view, the first ideological war.
There were two nations, or two countries, Germany and
Soviet Union, who represented a materialistic ideology, and the so-called free world, which is a democratic Western civilization.
What made it is that I realized that afterwards, when I began to think about what it is,
It's a godlessness which has brought Germany down.
And the totalitarians, they want to remove God because they want to be God.
They put the state and the dictatorship and the power of the state.
It becomes the new God and everyone must follow it.
Romans 13, Hitler's favorite Bible passage.
That distortion instead of people standing up for individual liberty and freedom and Western culture.
And you're absolutely right about
I mean, obviously you lived it, but I've read the history of that happening.
But I do think it's important, Helmer von Kampy, to show the parallels so that people can recognize it's happening.
To hear from somebody who was a Hitler youth and then a German soldier, to hear about this happened in Germany, now it's happening here.
I think that's what wakes people up to understand that both Hitler tried to CPS and take people's children.
Go ahead.
It is godlessness which brought Germany down.
And the answer is, you have to have an answer to godlessness.
We were told in the Hitler Youth and in school that you can pray and sing hymns in your churches and your homes,
And, but you have nothing to say in society.
That's our job.
In other words, they had realized that, as you correctly stated, that if there is an authority above government, they would have a problem with their problem.
A problem with their program.
So therefore, they wanted to push us out of society.
Now, I say that the ACLU
For instance, is the advance guard of National Socialist ideology.
Because that is exactly what they are doing.
They are taking God out of society and they have been very successful.
Well, sir, we actually went and got the archives of the twenties and thirties and forties of the leftist intellectuals, all the top names.
We have them supporting Hitler on video.
These were hard to get.
We have them supporting eugenics.
We have them supporting taking all the children at birth.
And it was
The left in the United States and England and Europe that actually supported Hitler.
People think Hitler was right-wing in that paradigm.
He wasn't, was he?
No, he was the extreme left.
And there was only just about a few days ago that in Germany, there is what would be the FBI here, that is a similar thing in Germany, and they are watching the right.
And they are watching the right, which is a party, which is not a Nazi party, but which has conservative likes.
And they say, now that the FBI, the German FBI decided, they will also watch the left organizations.
And I realized, and the left began to protest that if you go from the right to the left, that is very bad.
Hitler was a big environmentalist.
He had to clean the earth of bad humans.
He was a vegetarian.
He was an animal rights activist.
He was a national socialist.
Yes, that is also another thing, that you have the same evolution theory in school, and not that God created this world and created every human being, but that there was a kind of evolution which came so that you had people out of an ape or whatever it is, but their basic philosophy of
of this guy was that it is the strong who survive and the strong has the right to eliminate the weak and that was of course what Hitler and the Nazis
And that's social Darwinism.
Whether you believe in evolution or not, they've made it a fake scientific debate by pinning down Christians with quacks.
Whether you debate how God made it, they're just saying we're all slime, we're weak, we deserve to die.
That's the essence of evolution.
Stay there.
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We're good.
Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda,
They'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
I have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
Fall of the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation.
The criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty and on its ashes constructing world government.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today, it seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com.
Or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Good day.
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Tom, Craig, Kevin, Mark, Rich, you'll get a chance to talk to Hilmer von Compey as we start the next segment, the last 30 minutes.
But in this short segment, Hilmer, you've written this book trying to warn people.
You were getting into Hitler loved
And was obsessed with, for those that have read Mein Kampf and read his speeches, read the history books with his statements, he was obsessed with evolution, obsessed with social Darwinism.
That's why the Rockefellers had funded the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute on eugenics, the Cold Springs Harbor eugenics facility here in the U.S., IBM's Hollerith machines with the tattoos on the people in the camps.
Was to be entered into the machines, how much they'd be fed, how long they'd be worked.
I know you know all of that, but absolutely, when we look at evolution, it's not really a debate about how life develops.
It's saying humans are worthless, humans are blobs, humans are a cancer.
I believe with the churches, they set up a false debate between church and science, like the church was a bunch of idiots, and they'll put an average preacher up going, I didn't come from a monkey, I didn't come from a... Instead of saying, something put us here on this planet, there's a higher power, there's a greater law.
Instead, Hitler
Or Stalin.
He was a big eugenicist.
They become the law.
They love this system.
So that's a key point you hit on.
Did you ask me?
Well, I mean, I'm just saying that's a key point you brought up.
You were talking about Hitler saying it's the strong's right to kill the weak.
They didn't allow themselves to kill as many as were against them.
They practically, as you correctly stated,
Made himself to the guard, and every disapproval of him was normally answered with the Gestapo and landed in a concentration camp.
We had, in front of our home, not from our home, from our church on Sunday, we had agents of the Gestapo who took the names down of all the people who entered, and everybody knew what they were there for.
It was a kind of intimidation.
And that's the way they worked.
Yeah, that's absolutely correct.
That's the way it is.
But this is only the result of decades
The reality of the Constitution was violated and what we have now is everything what they're doing in Washington.
As far as I'm concerned,
It's against the Constitution.
It's unconstitutional.
And I'm really very astonished that there is no... I have not heard... I know that I have talked myself to the Tea Party.
They are patriots, these people.
But there have to be some circles where they put together a team of lawyers so that you attack what is unconstitutional, not just get trillions and trillions of dollars into debt.
And make organizations which are aimed at the whole population and not at anything else.
All those who are not in agreement with what the government is involved in.
But I don't see that.
I see the Republicans, even Mrs. Snow, yesterday, said it goes to, if you get to something, be partisan.
No, Mrs. Snow, it's not be partisan.
It's what is right.
And these things that you bring out as law, that is against the Constitution.
We have to stop it.
Those trying to violate the Bill of Rights and Constitution, they, according to the Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights, Constitution, are the enemies of the Republic.
They are the criminals.
But instead, the FBI has been trained, we have their training manuals, and police are being trained, that people that talk about the Constitution are bad.
It's upside down.
We are bad because we're not letting offshore banks become the government and then become God and have unlimited power.
Yeah, I have, as you mentioned, the Declaration of Independence.
I have it here in front of me.
And here it says in the second paragraph... Well, stay there.
Come back to the second paragraph.
Then we're going to phone calls with Hilmer von Compey, the author of the book, Defeating the Totalitarian Lie.
Your calls are straight ahead after this quote from the Declaration of Independence.
Your questions for Hilmer von Compey.
I'm Alex Jones, PrisonPlanet.com.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda,
We're pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
I have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
For the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation, the criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty and on its ashes constructing world government.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today, it seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com.
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But the blight, the scourge of big government and the control freak authoritarians is now upon us.
Helmer von Kampi, we're going to get more into ideological philosophy before you leave us, but I promise to go to calls right now.
But you wanted to say something about the Declaration of Independence.
Go ahead.
Yeah, it says in the second paragraph, it speaks of the, we hold those truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.
That they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men.
So that is their task, to secure our rights.
Governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.
That whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it and to institute new government laying foundations on such principles and organizing its power in such form as to themselves seem most likely to the effect their safety and happiness.
I think that our government and our government and the Congress are acting in a very, very irresponsible way, destroying our Constitution.
And I think it's the right of the citizens.
As you've already said, the roles have been turned around.
What is up is down and what is down is up.
But you don't need to accept that.
I just wonder how to, and I have no answer to the question, but how to affect our Constitution.
You do it state by state.
You have to have the states not secede, but declare sovereignty under the 9th and 10th Amendment.
You have to then march through a mass awakening to take back the Congress, and you have to audit the Fed and arrest the banking leadership.
That are the true shadow government.
By doing that, we can win this very quickly.
But as you said earlier, we have become a decadent, wicked society on average that made us easily taken over.
So because people are so lazy and decadent, they can't even grasp basic philosophy that is ingrained in the natural law.
But that sounds, the Declaration of Independence is a great threat to the New World Order because
Today, people go, okay, all men are equal.
But that was a revolutionary statement then.
We take it for granted.
Before, kings were sovereign and above everyone, and everyone wasn't equal.
Equal in our rights, not equal in our gifts or what we're able to do individually.
And we are independent, free, and equal to create our own systems and our own wealth without having it sucked off of us by the parasite class.
So that's why the elite demonize the Declaration of Independence because the document, written by Thomas Jefferson, is the ultimate threat and stands in complete ideological resistance to their philosophy of the collectivist parasite system.
Let's talk to Todd in Florida.
You're on the air with former Hitlerjugend and former German military man in World War II, Helmer von Kampi.
Go ahead, Todd, you're on the air.
Yeah, it's a pleasure.
Thanks, Von Kampen, for coming in here and taking the time to talk to us.
I had two questions.
One that was directed to you, Alex, and one that was directed to Von Kampen in regards to the parallels in our current government in Nazi Germany.
First, you know, my first question kind of leads into my second one, but basically, Alex, my fiancƩe just gave birth to a one-month-old baby.
Um, or excuse me, is one month now, but of course the doctors are pushing tons of vaccines on.
My first question is, one, did you give your kids, when they were young, the hepatitis?
They've never had one?
No, no.
No, my children never had one vaccine.
Okay, I'm a huge fan, and I just always wanted to know that, especially since I have a young baby now.
And for Mr. Von Kamp, I wanted to talk to you about the parallels between the vaccinations that is going on now, the ones that they're trying to push on everybody,
Honestly, I can't remember.
I know that there were some injections at the time, but there was nothing.
I mean I was a boy.
It's very difficult to compare because we are now 60, 70 years later and the medicine has been developing fast in many aspects and what they had at that time in Germany, I have to admit, I don't really know.
But they did use the medical tyranny to euthanize, to abort babies, to kill babies.
I think that was a larger issue.
But thank you, Todd.
Craig in Kentucky.
Craig, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
How you doing, Alex?
Pretty good.
Mr. Von Compey, was there any type of town hall meetings implemented before Mr. Hitler went completely berserk into totalitarian government?
No, there were, as far as I know, there wasn't anything of this nature.
I think each party, you had a very strong Communist Party and also a strong Socialist Party, and they used to have their own reunions from their party point of view.
And the Storm Troopers, S.A.
as we called it, was the task, they were the Nazi force
And by the way, that was one reason Hitler came to power and stayed in power, was because as bad as Hitler was, people were even more afraid of the Communists and the Socialists, because people knew about the death camps and mass murder in Russia, and they knew the Soviets were behind these groups, so that was one thing that drove people into Hitler's arms.
Correct, Mr. von Kempi?
Yeah, I think there was no secret in the Soviet Union.
In Germany it was different.
Most people did not know about the Holocaust.
I had no idea.
But we all knew about the discrimination which the Jews had to suffer.
And there was no national outcry because, and that is also a similarity,
Because the people were comfortable and they didn't want to run no risk.
What about the holocaust of unborn babies in this country?
Nobody seemed to care about them.
You mean the 50 million?
I bought it here in America, no?
Yes, 51 million now.
Yeah, there is no difference between killing a live human being within his or her mother
And if you push a Jew into a gas chamber, that is the same killing, which is against God, and that we have a government with this immorality, representing us and making our laws, representing us in other countries, I think it's disgusting.
All right, thank you.
Anything else, Craig?
And I want to say that I have plenty of information on these questions.
As far as I know, in my book, which you can get at my website.
I just wanted to mention, as far as a democracy in this country, they're trying to say that this country is a democracy, even on the mainstream media.
We're a constitutional republic and I don't think people actually understand what's going on.
Hitler was a democracy.
He was elected.
He then set up a tyranny after democracy got him there.
In a republic, if 51% say we're going to tax the other 49 or we're going to take their property, you can't do it because rule of law protects the minority as well as the majority.
But in a democracy, they can put the carbon taxes on you.
They can enslave you.
And that's what's happening.
If 51% says restrict their First Amendment, it happens.
But not in a republic.
Kevin in Texas.
Kevin, you're on the air.
Hi, Mr. Von Campy.
I'd like to ask two questions, if I may.
I was wondering if you believe that you were successfully propagandized as a child
And also, with the Nazi morals that they were pushing on you, did they differ from that of the morals of your parents and grandparents?
And if so, what were the tactics that they used to try to get you onto their side?
Yeah, how did they help break up families?
I mean, families were still together, but how did they, as you said, there was a split in your family, but it was kept private.
How did they turn the youth against their parents?
I don't think they were successful.
The question is up to where can they influence people.
And there are two sides.
One, for instance, it was forbidden and managed with capital treatment.
You will be killed if you listen to foreign radios.
My father used to listen to German-speaking broadcasts from Britain.
And from Switzerland at 10 o'clock at night.
But the problem you are putting forward is how did they do it?
They ask questions at the children about their parents, what they are, how are you doing?
There are many ways of you can ask children and they hope that this way they can get hold of the parents if they recognize if there's anything which is against the Third Reich, against the Hitler regime.
So they told the children to spy on their parents?
Yeah, but they didn't call it this way.
I mean, that was a very harmless question.
And the child would deliver his or her parents without even knowing what... Exactly!
Public schools nationwide have free federal computers.
And this has now been declassified.
And they have you write a journal in 6th and 7th grade about your family.
And they ask,
Do your parents ever discipline you?
What's in the medicine cabinet?
Does mommy yell at you?
And the children are there being taught to type this in or write this, and then it's transcribed and put online.
It's like when I have had children, my wife's had three children, and after the first child I learned at the hospital, the nurse says, hon, will you take this file downstairs for me?
And then when I left, they said, how you doing money-wise?
Does he ever mean to you?
And my wife's like, no, we have enough money and he's not mean to me.
And well, does he hit you?
And a lot of women are, their water's broken.
They're about to have a baby.
They're waiting to get an IV in their arm and go into the, and they tell the induction nurse, well, yeah, we're having trouble with money.
Now the health department's called.
You don't have enough money to have the baby.
Now the state's going to take it.
The spies are everywhere and they don't tell you they're setting you up when they're doing it.
Is that how it was in Germany?
Yeah, that's the way.
And let me say also that they didn't really, as far, at least in the small cities, and we were living in small, in the small city, in contrast to what the big cities like Berlin and Hamburg and Munich, that was different.
But they did not try in the Hitler Youth to make us, indoctrinate us and make us Nazis.
We were indoctrinated with ideological purposes.
In other words, what Hitler wanted from us is to make it possible that he could realize his program, which was to expand Germany towards the East and capture land.
Yeah, you were cannon fodder.
You were being bred for military service and it was all under a peer pressure system.
Let's go ahead and take another call.
Kevin in Texas, you're on the air.
I believe you just had me on.
Okay, Kevin, thank you.
I thought they told me Kevin was next.
Mark in Georgia.
Mark, go ahead.
Oh, just a second.
You know, people say how free we are in this country.
I say, yep, we're the freest country in the world, and gosh darn it, I have the government's permission to say so.
You know, people say how free we are, and I point out to them, well, you tell that to Sarah Weaver.
Oh, that's right, she's dead.
You tell that to Irwin Schiff, I don't know if you've heard, he recently lost a toe to gangrene when he was in diesel therapy.
Gosh darn it, I thought he had... Yeah, and I haven't heard his son, who we want to get on about that, or maybe he's commented, has his son
Commented on that lately on when he's on all these TV shows talking about the economy.
He's There may be an understanding that if he brings it up his dad situation will go from bad to worse I don't know I on you do news my user ID is Mark Anabaptist and I Uploaded a clip from Monty Python and the Holy Grail the bring out your dead scene about Obamacare and if somebody can take that and polish it up I'd be grateful
All right, sir.
Do you have any questions for Mr. von Kampen?
I'm just wondering what you see going on here and what happened in your youth.
I understand you see a number of disturbing parallels.
Because what I said to some neocons, what Thomas Jefferson, the word liberal stems from the word liberty.
The founders were liberals in fighting for liberty.
I tremble for my nation when I ponder that God is just.
And the thing is, what is going on here?
What happened in your youth?
You're saying that there's very disturbing parallels between... Yes, sir.
Mr. Von Kampen, you covered it last time you were on, the people just in a shotgun pattern.
But see, they've changed all the terms.
Classical liberal.
The media ask, who are you?
And I go, I'm a classical liberal.
Well, what's that?
Well, it's a paleo-conservative.
Because they've changed all the terms around till they mean almost nothing.
It's liberty versus tyranny.
It's individual freedom versus the state.
But, I mean, the parallels.
The youth being brainwashed, the spies, the secret police, the government knows all, the social Darwinism.
I mean, those are the parallels, are they not?
Well, America should be a nation under God.
That would mean that God's commandment would rule the society.
Instead, they do the same thing as the Nazis did.
And that is not just Obama.
That has been going on for decades, that bit by bit the Constitution is being destroyed.
And now we areā€”that the government can do anything.
Yeah, here's a big parallel.
Hitler had secret arrest.
Now we have secret arrest in the United States.
Yeah, it's the destruction, because the founding fathers have, I have a whole package of it, where they say that the American Constitution has to have Christians as citizens.
Because otherwise the structure will be destroyed.
And we have a president who, when he came, when he accepted his speech, he already stated that he wanted to change the Constitution because, according to our Constitution, you can't take out money and give it to somebody else.
But they do that.
They do not
Yeah, that's the big parallel.
The Nazis would take your property if they wanted to, in the name of the state.
Now they do that here and they're saying, we're not just going to take it for eminent domain, we're going to take your property without compensation if somebody else just wants it who gave us a campaign contribution.
The new London Kelo decision of three years ago stated somebody can give a campaign contribution to take your land.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda,
They'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
Fall of the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation, the criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty and on its ashes constructing world government.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today, it seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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I was a highwayman Along the coach roads I did ride With sword and pistol by my side Many a young maid lost her marbles to my trade
Rich in Ohio, you're on the air with the author of Defeating the Totalitarian Lie.
Go ahead, Rich.
Actually, it's Rich, Runner, but that's fine.
Thanks, Alex.
I've been listening to you for a couple years.
Wonderful job.
Mr. Von Kopp, my wife was born in Hof, Germany.
Her folks were totally against Hitler and wouldn't let him go to any of the rallies or anything like that.
But I want to speak directly to what you've been talking about, Alex, from a quote.
Have you heard of Ernst Haeckel as a science advisor to Hitler?
Yeah, the name rings bell, but I can't remember what it is.
Well, I would like to read.
He was one of the scientific advisors to Hitler, a German evolutionist.
He wrote that Christianity makes no distinction of race or of color.
It seeks to break down all racial barriers.
In this respect, the hand of Christianity is against that of nature.
For are not the races of mankind the evolutionary harvest which nature had
Toiled through long ages to produce, may we not say then that Christianity is anti-evolutionary in its aim.
I just want to say the full title of Darwin's book is The Origin of Species, The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection or The Preservation of Favored Races in the Struggle for Life.
And Mein Kampf, is that word Kampf not struggle?
Well, sir, no one debates that the eugenics, Darwinistic system, Darwin basically invented eugenics and then Galton termed it, but there's no debating this.
What they do is they create fake science and have quack preachers get up and argue science with people.
When there's evidence of creation, I'm not debating how God created things.
These are mind tricks they play with us to make us look stupid.
We just need to explain that eugenics is wrong and putting poison in the population's water, like the White House science czar calls for, is wrong.
And these are control freaks.
I appreciate your call.
Don in Alabama, last caller, go ahead.
Man, I'm glad I get the last word, Alex.
Thanks for all your hard work and the new movie and I just wanted to say I get to look at Hilmar eye to eye every Sunday and Wednesday night.
I call him a friend.
We go to church together and he's a man of real courage and amazing fortitude and I think he's the real deal when you talk about patriots.
He's come to this country and I know
Within our group of people, he has awakened us to action.
In fact, we're going to meet tonight to jot up some details of how we can be more effective.
Well, make no mistake, if there's one message I want to get across, we're in a war.
And the totalitarians, the authoritarians, have taken over.
And they are thieves.
And they want to control your life.
And they will rob you.
And they will kill you.
They'll keep stealing and stealing until the whole society collapses and put us in work camps.
That's in the executive orders.
So people had better get involved.
So Mr. Von Campi, you know Don from Alabama?
Yeah, I'm seeing him tonight.
That was a message from Alabama.
I like that very much.
I'm glad you came on.
Alright Don, thank you.
We're out of time.
Hilmer Von Campi, give us the website for folks that want to get your book.
It's www.voncampe.com.
Can you spell it?
You can spell it in English.
I can spell it.
Yes, v-o-n-c-a-m-p-e dot com.
We've got your name up on infowars.com.
Folks can Google that and find it.
The book is Defeating the Totalitarian Lie, my new film.
And you guys, if you do buy it, order it, can order it, you are my website and you get my signature, I send it immediately to you.
Hilmer, it was great having you on.
Thank you.
And we cover the eugenics in my film, Endgame.
Retransmission starts now.
Great job, crew.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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