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Name: 20091022_Thu_Alex
Air Date: Oct. 22, 2009
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, he is one of the premier trends forecasters out there, and he's Gerald Cilente.
He's with us for the rest of the hour.
We're going to open the phones up as well for everybody that are patiently holding.
Whatever the issue is, Gerald Cilente can comment on it.
We'll also be posting his website up on screen.
I need to mail him a copy of the DVD, because he's a big part of it.
Fall of the Republic is now out.
It dropped yesterday.
If you want your copy, it's available at Infowars.com.
Gerald Cilente, it is great to have you here.
I want to talk about the dollar.
I want to get into what's happening with gold.
I want to get into what's happening with the police and the government trying, like you said years ago, to raise all these taxes in the middle of a depression.
The media lying, saying we're in a jobless recovery.
I remember you a year ago on this show saying they would call it a jobless recovery.
And I guess they stole your term because that's what they're saying.
We're going to discuss it all today, but what's most important on Gerald Salente's plate?
What do you want to talk about out of the gates?
Well, first I'd like to talk about your new DVD and the impact that you're making all over the world as being a leader in the Second American Revolution.
Because the Second American Revolution has begun.
And it began with the tea parties and the tax protests in April 15th.
It accelerated with the rallies and protests on the 4th of July, with people screaming for taxation without representation.
Or against it, I should say.
And also, it hit another new high with all of these town hall meetings when people came out.
It was more about, again, big government than the healthcare program.
And then we saw the rally against big government on September 12th.
In Washington, when nearly a million people, according to whose report you believe, and we don't know what to believe, but there are a lot of people.
And so, really, the Second American Revolution has begun, and you're a prominent voice in it, and I'm thrilled to also be a part of it.
Because the direction we're going in now is leading the country down a path and their people are calling it socialism.
And we're making it clear that this isn't socialism.
The merger of state and corporate powers is clearly, as Mussolini said, fascism.
And fascism has come to America.
This whole myth of the too-big-to-fails who made this story up, and the banks gaining more and more control, buying out all the weaker financial institutions, bringing their strength together as oligopolies to take over this nation.
And we're just seeing more and more of it.
But the whole world also is seeing what's going on, as you're talking about, with the decline of the dollar.
And people should be very aware of this, because we're very concerned that they're going to call a bank holiday as things get worse.
You see the dollar now?
Is it $1.50 against the euro?
You know, they're talking about, Alex, how the Dow is $10,000, how people are, oh, how wonderful it is, Dow $10,000.
Well, when the Dow first hit $10,000 ten years ago,
You know, the unemployment rate, the official unemployment rate was about 4.2%.
Now the official unemployment rate is what?
And you saw the numbers came out today again, about 500, what, 30,000 people on unemployment.
And then the barrel of oil back then, 10 years ago, was selling for under $16 a barrel.
What's it selling for now? $80.
They're devaluing the dollar.
They're going to make us all poorer.
I want to talk about where you see the revolution going, because I remember several years ago, you predicted we were going to have the crash.
They were going to raise taxes in the midst of it.
People would start demonstrating.
The government will ignore that, and then it will then build to a head.
We're going to talk about a lot of issues with Gerald Solente when we come right back.
Stay with us.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Gerald Solente, top trends forecaster in the country, has made hundreds of spot-on predictions.
More than two years ago, charted exactly what was going to happen with the economy, the bank implosions, the consolidation of power, the looting, the unfolding police state, and the building revolution.
The establishment knows they've got a revolution on their hands.
That's why they're saying they're going to deploy 379,000 Homeland Security troops from the Army and Marine Corps and Air Force
In the United States in the next two years, they're suddenly popping up everywhere conditioning the public.
They're openly announcing Bank of the World, global carbon taxes.
States and cities and counties and the feds are passing all these new taxes.
Obama has been breaking every promise.
All of this is coming to a head.
You predicted the Tea Parties.
You called them taxpayer bush brushfire rebellions were some of the terms you used.
You said two years ago when I was reading what you were when we first started getting you on that that those would be ignored and that by 2012 everything would melt down.
Expand now.
We're now two years later.
Your forecast, unfortunately, is about 99% accurate, even better than my 95% accuracy, and I really do chart my accuracy.
Let us into your brain, Gerald Solente.
What's happening next?
Here's what we're concerned about next.
As you know, we just published the Autumn Trends Journal, and now we're working on the top trends for 2010.
What we're most concerned about, Alex, is what we're calling
Terror 2010.
We're forecasting that there is a very high probability of a major terror strike against the United States.
And among the reasons why it's going to happen is what's going on right now in Pakistan.
And most people, of course, aren't aware of the United States policy of increasing that war to a much greater extent now than it's ever been on the Afghan-Pakistan border.
Gerald, let me interrupt.
You also predicted 9-11, so people better pay attention to what you're saying.
Actually, they could Google my name, Salenti, USA Today, December 14, 2000, and the headline read, 2001 Won't Be Our Year, Trends Here Says.
We said that Americans wouldn't be safe at home or abroad in 2001.
And right now, what's going on now is that Pakistan has launched a major, major offensive
In South Waziristan, a couple of months ago, they were in the Swat Valley.
And every time that the Pakistani army, and Pakistan has to be one of the most corrupt nations on Earth, and they're being funded, of course, by the United States, the president, Zardari, he was called Mr. Ten Percent.
He was the husband of Budo, who was assassinated.
They called him Mr. 10% because he took 10% of all the action that went on in the government.
He's now the president.
And what's going on is that the anti-Americanism sweeping through Pakistan, I mentioned the Swat Valley, it was the biggest amount of people displaced since Rwanda.
Just a month ago with 3 million refugees and now the same thing is happening once again in South Waziristan.
So the anti-Americanism sweeping through the Middle East is at an all-time high and now it's also of course going on in Iran.
Again, current events form future trends.
We just saw last Sunday that several Iranian National Guard, the Republican Guard, were killed in a suicide attempt that Iran is blaming on the United States and Israel.
So we're concerned that there's going to be a terror strike
Good excuses to close the bank.
We're getting emails from all over the world, Alex.
And from top people that are seeing very clearly that the United States strategy is to devalue the dollar so that they pay back this massive loan with cheap money.
It's like you loaning me $100 and then all of a sudden that $100 only being worth $0.10 and I pay you back $0.10.
When you loaned it to me it was worth $100.
And Gerald, I want to stop you again.
It's their G20 meeting and saying we need to phase it out, devalue it, go to SDRs as an above country currency, bank to bank, and then they'll control all the different currencies of the world so they can engage in more insider trading, more consolidation of wealth criminally with their insider knowledge and control, their regulatory control.
The Madoff-type, Kinley-type criminals running the global regulatory system that has now already been built but now being unveiled,
They are killing it.
Meanwhile, our media tells us the Arabs are killing it, when the Russians, the Chinese, the Arabs are saying, we all hold trillions of your dollars.
Why are you ripping us off?
Why are you devaluing this when you asked us to buy it?
And the United States admits
The last White House and the new one admits they're running John Dilla that's blowing up military bases and police stations to get the Iranians to attack back.
They admit they're escalating the war in Pakistan and Afghanistan to elicit real resistance, which they're then going to call terrorism, used to launch a wider war and domestically crack down on the population.
So for people to see an accurate map and tell me if you agree,
Don't see the world as nations.
We now have these global corporations that control the UN and the central banks, and they are playing nations and groups off against each other to consolidate the power.
Well said.
I agree with everything that you said.
And that's precisely what's going on.
And what the American people have to understand is that as the dollar devalues, and of course this trend has been going on for a long time, as I mentioned when we did talk about Dow 10,000, when we went back to 1999, since that time,
Well, you could buy a euro, for example, for 95 cents.
Now it's going to cost you $1.50.
And back then, you could buy an ounce of gold for $280.
So you're saying the stock market's really down, we're just buying it with devalued dollars, so it looks like it's more?
An ounce of gold now, of course, costs $1,060.
So what the people are doing is they're lowering the standard of living for everyone.
The gap between the 1% owning more of assets has never been higher in the 20th century than it is now.
So they're pushing everybody down into poverty as the money is going up to the top to the very few.
And about the jobless recovery that we talk about, 72% of our GDP is consumer-based.
Again, we saw the numbers coming out today.
The unemployment rate continues to rise, the amount of new people looking for unemployment.
A jobless recovery is like being almost pregnant.
You can't, it doesn't happen.
There's no such thing.
And when you go back to the last depression, you read the history of it, they were doing the same kind of jive talk back then.
They would rush the market up, they'd sucker the people into it, the market would collapse, and they would talk about recovery being just around the corner.
That yo-yo went on for three years until they admitted we were in a big depression.
How long will the yo-yoing go in your opinion?
The real numbers are going to come out in December, when this Christmas retail sales are a bust.
So when by the second quarter around March, when reality hits, February-March, as it did this year, when the markets collapsed, they can't hide it anymore.
But what happens is, what we're concerned about, again, it's either false flag or real.
They're going to divert the people's attention, and we're saying, Terror 2010.
So they keep playing the yo-yo by throwing new games into the mix.
So they'll have the people's attention diverted.
Look what happened.
People forget, Alex, that before 9-11, how unpopular George Bush was.
And then they got this guy that couldn't fight his way out of a paper bag, who's gonna tell everybody he's gonna hunt down Osama bin Laden dead or alive.
The whole nation followed him after 9-11.
The same kind of scenario could happen now.
Well, that's what the Rand Corporation is saying, that they need a big war to get their New World Order.
Gerald, I want to shift back to an earlier subject.
How do you see the rebellion against this manifesting?
You called it taxpayer rebellions, demonstrations, rallies, two years ago, getting bigger and bigger.
You predicted the term jobless recovery a year and a half ago.
I mean, I want to ask you, Gerald,
How did you specifically even pick the bogus term?
How did you know they were going to come up with that?
Well, they play with that term from time to time.
Every time they get into trouble over the past, they play out these terms.
And what they do is they do it to divert people's attention.
Alex, I want to make this 100% clear.
The jobs that are gone are gone forever.
They're not coming back.
They've shipped our production overseas.
You look around.
Go anywhere you want to go.
Where are there jobs?
Hey, you want a job at a checkout counter at 7-Eleven?
You want a wonderful position as a home health care?
How about working at a nursing home?
There's going to be plenty of jobs for you.
They're dumbing down the society.
The jobs that are left are among the worst.
And when you look, when there's only job creation, where is it?
Well, it's in government jobs.
It's in home health care.
It's in the hospitality sector.
That's not even going to happen anymore.
So the jobs that are gone are gone for good.
Stay there, because I want to ask you next.
More police, more tickets, more fines, more fees, more taxes.
How do they squeeze more blood out of the population?
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones, only on the GCN Radio Network.
Gerald Solente, the Republic is fading into history.
We've been fully conquered by offshore banks.
They, in their own documents, admit they create economic implosions so they can consolidate wealth.
They think their police state can protect them from the people so they can carry out this crime.
But you have said repeatedly and broken down the fact that history shows it's not going to go that way.
Break down in summary, police, how you see this then unfolding in a chain of events.
What are the taxpayer revolts going to turn into as the system squeezes and squeezes and squeezes?
Well, we already have state and local governments over $200 billion in the red.
And they're going to keep asking people for more and more taxes.
Right here in Kingston, New York, word just came out, I don't know how true it is or not, someone just called me today, that they're going to look for a 10% increase in taxes.
So we're organizing our own local tax revolts right here.
And this is going to go on all over the country.
As you know, my saying as a Bronx boy, when people lose everything and they have nothing left to lose, they lose it!
And people are now looking at government as the enemy, more so than ever before.
So the tax protests we see are going to be the catalyst that drives the nation into the second revolution.
We're in it already.
The media is denying it, and as you know,
They're attributing these protests, etc., to right-wing fringe elements and conservative nuts.
That's the way, you know, they like to paint it.
It has nothing to do with that.
These are people that are fed up and they have nothing to lose.
So we're going to see it manifest itself again with the tax revolts.
Then the winter comes.
And around much of the country, people are going to be unable to afford to buy home heating fuel or gas.
They're not going to be.
You're going to start seeing particularly among the elderly.
Now we have to understand why is oil prices going up so high?
Well, it has less to do with demand and more to do, going back again, to the devaluation of the dollar.
Oil, as everyone knows, is petrodollars.
And with the dollar losing value, oil prices keep going up.
So that's what we're going to see.
Now, I want to throw one other thing on here as well.
We saw Obama come out and tell the elderly that because of the cost of living index has gone down and remained flat, that they're going to give them $250 each to help them along.
Well, $250, as we all know in the real world, is chump change, not worth anything.
It's going to cost the government about $13 billion.
Aren't they generous with the elderly?
Thirteen billion dollars is what we, the people, gave to the Goldman Sachs gang to cover their losses that they took on bad bets with AIG.
What an insult to the American people.
And this is where the inflammation is going to start rising.
It's going to be off with their heads before they know it.
They're so out of touch with what's going on in the street that they think they could chum the people with
Let them eat cake $250 payoff.
So that's how we see this thing playing out.
We're going to see more and more people turning against the government.
And what we're hoping, not hoping, what we're suggesting is that this revolution cannot be hijacked by violence.
Because if it does, we lose.
And all you have to see is what happened at the G20 meetings when they've called martial law in Pittsburgh.
I mean, can you imagine closing down an entire city, 1.5 million people, for 20 world leaders?
And saying you can't come out on the street and then attacking peaceful people.
They're looking for trouble.
They're looking to set the precedent.
Police dogs biting old women, young girls getting billy clubbed off bikes.
They want violence.
And you know, as a close combat martial artist, a leader walks without fear.
What kind of leaders do these people call themselves when they can't even step out into a crowd and have to close down the city?
What a disgrace!
You know, if anybody believes in anything, the Founding Fathers are turning in their graves at these little cowards that they call leaders, and people are going to follow these leaders?
I talked to Jesse Ventura last week.
It's a video we've got up on Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com and he made the point that last year at the Republican National Convention, it was an armed camp.
Locked down much of the city.
They were acting like the public were all terrorists.
Then at Ron Paul's event,
Couple cops, super light security, everybody had a great time.
I mean, Saddam Hussein would walk around in a group of 10,000 people with AK-47s, but in America, the foreign bankers come into town, they lock the whole city down, because they're the criminals.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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We're going back to Gerald Cilente in just one moment.
I want to commend all the listeners for hitting the ground running with Follow the Republic at PrisonPlanet.tv.
You support the explosion in the alternative media.
There's no doubt that we're at the tip of the spear with Gerald Cilente and many others in shattering the left-right paradigm because the establishment loves to divide and conquer us.
And play parties off against each other when the Republicans and Democrats are equally part of the same Wall Street gang robbing us.
And we'll talk to Gerald Cilente about that.
This film that has Jesse Ventura, Gerald Cilente, Webster Tarpley, Alan Watt, John Perkins, Professor Black, Dr. Bob Bowman, myself, Professor Boyle,
The list goes on and on and on, and we went to the tent cities.
We, in Northern California, we traveled so much to put this together.
It breaks down who the bankers are, what their battle plan is from their own documents and statements, what they're planning to do in the future, how they've committed crimes, and how we either bring them to justice
Because they're criminals.
Or we allow them to take their Ponzi scheme to the next level, worldwide tyranny, and then to the next scam, and the next, the carbon tax, the control, the police state, the citizen spies.
It is.
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It is up to you.
How viral this film goes, because there's no other single document that puts it all in perspective and explains what's happening 100% and shows you where we're going and how we can stop it.
It is so important.
If the Republic isn't going to completely fall, it's going to get bad.
But if the people know who to blame and know the solutions, then we can pull out of it, as Ron Paul has said.
If we don't, ladies and gentlemen, it is hellish what these globalists do to Third World and other First World countries they've taken over.
So follow The Republic.
You can also, $5.95 a month, see the live TV show, all my other films, this film in high quality.
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Not as good as DVD, but close.
Again, PrisonPlanet.TV.
I want to thank all those members as well.
They make everything possible.
I'm also going to tell you how to subscribe to Gerald Salente's Trends Forecaster.
He's not a sponsor.
I believe in it.
I think you should subscribe to it.
We'll tell you about that in just a moment, so get a pen and paper ready.
A couple other sponsors that have made today's show possible.
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That's frontsight, like the front of your rifle.
Okay, going back to Gerald Cilente.
Gerald, plug your trends
Newsletter, because it's thick, it's a magazine, it's documented, people need it.
Well, our website is TrendsResearch.com.
That's TrendsResearch.com.
And I also want to make it clear that we know that people are in tough economic straits, many people.
So we offer discounts for people that
That are tough financial shape, disabilities, whatever.
And we want the information out there for everyone, just as we promote and encourage everyone to get your new DVD, The Fall of the Republic.
I have to tell you, Alex, that I've distributed the Obama deception to a number of friends who I consider really enlightened.
And on the cutting edge.
And they learned so much that they didn't know when they saw the Obama deception.
And that the only way that we're going to have the change that we need in a positive way is for people to know what's going on, to get the fall of the republic, and to learn more, and to give it to people that are on the fence.
And with the Trends Journal, what we do, as you well know, is that we not only forecast the trends, we provide trend posts into the future so you can take proactive measures.
And what we're saying now is that this is not a recovery, it's a cover-up.
It's as clear as that.
You know, why are these banks, for example, coming in with all these high profits?
Well, it's very, very simple.
It has more to do with gifts from the taxpayers than increased economic activity or skills.
What they're doing, Alex, is these banks are reaping outside earnings through risk-free, low-interest loans from central banks, which they in turn lend back to governments at higher rates.
It's as simple as that.
They're picking our pockets.
Oh, and why are these other corporations showing such wonderful earnings?
Oh, it's simple.
They're cutting production, they're laying off people, and they're selling off assets.
So this is only a temporary recovery, and what we're urging people to do now is to take survival measures.
The kind of products that are offered on your website, the solar generators, the foods,
And really start supporting your community.
People ask me what I do.
I don't buy anything.
I don't have to corporate.
You won't find me dead in a Dunkin Donuts.
I'll go to the local coffee shop.
I should buy local produce.
I buy local everything I can.
And we don't give investment advice, but I'm still buying gold, and we're forecasting gold 2000.
And also, as your crew well knows from coming up to the Trends Research Institute, I'm a firm believer in a renaissance.
And a renaissance to me is how can we make America great again?
And a renaissance to everyone, of course, is a rebirth.
So when was America at its greatest?
When were we the most egalitarian nation on Earth?
It was very simple.
The facts show it.
It's when we had Main Street, not Wall Street.
Not the too-big-to-fails.
When we had mom and pops.
Not Walmarts.
People supported the community.
When we had family farms, not this garbage, deadly food that they're producing out of these factory farms.
This hormone-laced, genetically modified junk.
When we go back to the measure of Main Street, mom and pop, and family farms, we were the most egalitarian nation.
Now the gap between the rich and the poor is the widest in the United States of any of the industrialized nations.
I mention this because also with the Renaissance,
And you go back to when the Renaissance happened.
It happened after the Black Plague.
People got hip to the fact that they didn't know what they were doing, and they needed a better way.
So they went back to the past, when civilization was at higher levels.
They said in Italy, at the height of the Renaissance, Alla Romana, Alla Antica, the man of the Romans and the ancients.
The renaissance in America is to go back to when this country was great.
And that means supporting your community, supporting your neighbor.
This is a time for people to come together within their community, by local, and so this Christmas, I'm urging everyone, don't buy one thing made in China.
Buy a handcrafted.
Give your children something rather than a crappy plastic toy.
Give them something that's going to experience and increase their artistic endeavor.
And if people would just start...
And if people would just start making these decisions.
A good microcosm is 10 years ago you couldn't find organic food anywhere.
People demanded it and so now you can buy it everywhere and the price is going down.
And it's the same thing.
We have to start voting with our dollars.
But looking ahead, you mentioned
Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase, record, not just big profits, record profits off the bailout money.
Obama's reform of credit cards was to let them go from 15% to 30% above loan sharking rates.
And I keep talking about the breaking point, Gerald.
As the system squeezes and squeezes and squeezes, and they have announced in Austin, and Travis County is going to raise
Taxes on property, taxes on septic tanks, taxes on everything.
Taxes on water, taxes on trash.
Doesn't the government understand that there just isn't more for them to steal?
I mean, don't they understand?
No, they don't understand because of the lifestyles that they live.
Look, Alex, the worst job I ever had in my life was when I was the assistant to the Secretary of the New York State Senate.
I may have mentioned this on the air, I'd be hanging around the back of the chamber with my pal, and a senator would walk in, and my buddy would leave me to go follow the senator like a little puppy dog, to go pull out the chair to help him sit down.
These people live like royalty!
Look at they fly around the world in their own planes!
No, I'm interrupting.
Now they're giving the entire House leadership and Senate leadership their own super luxury jets, their own security.
They're just absolutely out of control.
Exactly, they're totally disconnected, just like they were when in France, when it was off with their heads.
They don't understand what's going on with the average everyday working person, who has a lousy job, crummy pay, lost benefits, and don't even know if they're going to get a job.
Oh, and here's one.
How about getting out of college and being, what, $30,000, $40,000, $50,000, $60,000 in debt?
Look, we know Ivy League graduates at a law school that can't find jobs.
You think they're going to be angry?
The revolution has begun.
As you pointed out, they're squeezing the little people.
Boy, you go through a red light, but they got it on camera.
They got you.
Everything, even the septic tank thing.
Taxes on and on and on.
Toilet taxes, we're going to continue to see it.
The revolution is happening.
And so now what we're also saying is that we're forecasting a third party by 2012.
And we're calling it, for lack of another name, progressive-libertarian.
Progressive in the things that you talk about with organic foods, with a higher quality of life, without buying junk.
Libertarian in the truest sense.
You know, look, this is classic empire decline.
Could you imagine being involved in foreign entanglements costing us, what is it costing us, $8 billion a month just to be in Iraq?
And at a time when the Treasury is being depleted?
So that's the new party that we're seeing forming.
And possibly someone like a Jesse Ventura or others could be leading this movement.
Now, Gerald, in the time we have with you I want to take some calls.
I want to expand on this.
There's dangers though.
The establishment, generally when the banks loot a country, they fund a communist or a fascist movement.
A fascist movement to consolidate control, or a communist movement.
And we're in a fascist paradigm right now, but I see through Obama, or a future president, that the establishment is attempting to sell socialism
Or communism, but really that's just a way to consolidate the people's wealth and give it to offshore banks.
But selling to the little guy that, oh yes, like Michael Moore's new film, capitalism did this.
And so the answer is, rob the rich.
Put caps on what people can be paid.
But that won't be put on the big banks and the offshore corporations.
That's going to be put on local businesses and local companies.
And so kind of the howling mob of people that don't trust the government
But they can be misdirected by the social engineers to then further rob the hereditary enemy of the elite what's left of the middle class.
And so how do we navigate that?
Because we know the social engineers have got a lot of tricks up their sleeves.
Well, it's going to be a difficult one, and you really nailed it.
They're taxing the American business people out of business.
They're giving the big tax breaks to the big guys.
And Michael Moore is wrong about capitalism.
It's not that capitalism isn't dead.
Capitalism didn't cause this problem.
It was caused by the criminal gangs, the Wall Street mob.
You've heard me say this.
If the names on Wall Street were named Solenti, Caruso, Mondavi, Butoni, Rossini, Bellini, they'd call it the Mafia.
But you're not allowed to call these white shoe boys crooks and criminals.
Oh no, they don't do loan sharking.
That's just the cost of doing business to charge 30% on a credit card.
Oh, no, they don't do Ponzi schemes or pyramid scams.
They do credit default swaps, auction rate securities.
No, and they're blaming it on capitalism, just like you said, to turn it into fascism.
There's nothing wrong with capitalism.
This is greed and corruption.
This is the Robert Rubins.
This is the Henry Paulsons.
This is the Larry Summers, the genius.
Larry the genius Summers.
These are the people that have created it.
Timothy Geithner.
There's nothing wrong with capitalism so they're going to blame it on capitalism and just like you pointed out they're going to use it to turn it around to gain more control.
And what's amazing about this is
We know that it's Madoff who founded the Nasdaq.
We know it's Ken Lay that came up with the global carbon trading scam.
Schwarzenegger's announcing he's gonna ban TVs above 40 inches, tax all the rest.
Taxes on firearms, taxes on farms, taxes on ranches, taxes on beef, taxes on plastic.
A wet blanket on an already
Staggering economy that is burning out, that is becoming extinguished.
They want to destroy the economy so that they can consolidate it and we witness these criminals just expanding their scams and never stopping and only getting more more greedy with no end in sight.
There's no end in sight.
Here's another trend that we're working on.
Two trends.
The first one was for 2010.
It's TerraTron 2010.
The next one is Buy America.
As they devalue the dollar, and the currencies around the world are worth more, they're gonna come in here and buy this country up for dimes on the dollar.
So all you people out there, you know who the man you're gonna be working for?
Well, the man's gonna be from China.
You're gonna be from countries with money.
And that's what's going on in this country.
We're gonna be enslaved.
Stay there, Gerald.
We'll come back and talk more about that.
Gerald Salente is our guest, and his website is TrendsResearch.com.
I'm Alex Jones.
Our websites are InfoWars.com, PrisonPlanet.tv, and InfoWars.net.
Stay with us.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda,
They'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
For the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation.
The criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty and on its ashes constructing world government.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today, it seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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Gerald Salente will be with us for a half hour.
Till the half hour point in the next hour.
Very honored to have him.
I want to throw out some news headlines at him as well.
We're going to start taking your calls in T-minus five minutes when we go into the fourth and final hour here.
Basically, government is a giant nexus point that allows corruption to pour in and feed off the people.
The Congress won't even read and won't even publish all of the health care bill.
They passed NAFTA and GATT without reading it.
A member told us how great NAFTA and GATT would be.
Gerald, how is the system going to keep
The people from removing NAFTA and GATT, ending the open borders, ending all the welfare-free illegals, how are they going to be able to continue the war when there's giant soup kitchens and long lines?
How are they going to be able to continue this?
Well, my answer is a control grid.
News & World Report has announced that the police have kill switches in basically all the new cars through OnStar and other systems where they just turn your car off.
They always planned that.
I mean, clearly they've put this high-tech control grid in, knowing they were going to bring in this tyranny later.
But still, I think it's wishful thinking.
Like you said, desperate people do desperate things.
They're not going to be able to control what happens.
No, they're not.
It's way beyond their control.
You know, people should understand, as they look around and they look at who these world leaders are, or their own leaders, Nancy Pelosi, the Bonnie Franks, the Bonners, the Shelbys, the Dodds, the Obamas, the Geithners, the Summers,
And all those people you couldn't stand in high school that wanted to be the class president or the head of the student council in college, or the people that worked on the newspapers, the people that you really, you know, they always thought that they were better than you.
Well, guess what, folks?
All those people you couldn't stand in high school, those are the people that are telling you what to do right now.
And just as you looked at them back in high school and you saw that they were a bunch of brown nosers and suck-ups and they really didn't know much about anything other than having an attitude,
Well, that's who they are.
They still don't know much about anything.
They pretend to, and they have this phalanx of guards around them, and all of the pomp and circumstances that pumps them up, and of course, you know, they're living these privileged lives, so they actually do think they're better than the rest of us.
We're going to talk about that more after we take calls, but when I read about
The psychology of Henry Kissinger and all these different globalists.
They themselves admit they love the guards.
They love the pomp.
They love the awards.
And I'm not saying I'm some perfect person, but I can't stand pomp.
I can't stand just fake praise.
But I guess for people like the Queen of England, they love uniforms.
They love big golden crowns.
They love
And they're smart at certain levels, but at another level they're dumb.
They do just paper over it with a police state and they're lies.
But like you have been saying, this isn't going to hold water.
No, it's not.
And again, when you hear these politicians like Al Gore or Hillary Clinton or Bush, I'm going to fight for you.
These people couldn't fight their way out of a paper bag.
Anybody that calls them their leaders needs to have their heads examined.
These people couldn't lead me across the street.
They don't want to lead a country?
Again, it's all show.
It's the Obama Show.
We've never had a show like this one before.
He's on daytime TV, late night TV.
He's at town hall meetings.
He's on factory floors.
He's all over the place.
It's a show.
There's nothing behind it.
It's the Wizard of Oz.
And people are finding out that it's all hollow and that's why his approval rating is dropping like a rock.
We'll talk about some of the other future trends you haven't gotten to yet before you leave us.
We'll also discuss that key area, Gerald, that you got into dealing with the looting of America by offshore corporations.
We'll be right back in one minute with the final hour.
America's number one source for independent talk radio for over
Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As they're finishing off this agenda, they'll be pulling the rug from underneath the Americans at home.
I have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us
Tim Geithner?
They're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at Infowars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
We are locked and loaded.
We found it, the front line in the InfoWarp.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
Gerald Cilente of TrendsResearch.com is our guest for another 30 minutes.
We're going straight to your calls, but before he leaves us, more trends forecasting as we look over the horizon through the mind of Gerald Cilente.
Cynthia in Maryland, thanks for holding.
You're on the air worldwide.
First of all, I wanted to say, before the break, before this one, I noticed that there was Doctor Who music playing in the background, and I thought that was so apropos, because I just wanted to say that Doctor Who, Charlie Jade, Eureka, Heroes, and another show, everybody knows them as science fiction, but I have to say that they are based on fact.
There are a lot of aspects of those shows that are put into science fiction, but are actually based on fact.
Well, when I grew up, when I grew up, hardly anybody had cable.
And we didn't have cable, and one of the few shows on was Doctor Who, and I watched it a few times, but Paul Watson wrote an article a few years ago about the new Doctor Who, where the government stages a fake alien attack on London as a pretext to crack down on the population.
Do you have any questions for Gerald Cilente?
No, I just wanted to give some other educational resources, being Link TV, Free Speech TV,
WPFW and Democracy Now.
My problem with Democracy Now is it is better than some mainstream corporate media, but it's still Ford Foundation funded and is still behind Obama.
But at least they did admit that Obama lied about how he wasn't going to sign signing statements.
Gerald Cilente, I mean, we know they're liars, but you've been studying this for 30 plus years and advising government corporations, you name it.
Is the lying getting more intense, or is it just we're aware of it?
Because the New York Times and others have a school program where they give fact sheets to school children saying there is no mercury in the shots, it doesn't give you neurological disorders, it can't sterilize you, but then the drug insert from FDA.gov, I showed this on television,
And Obama, he seems to have broken all the lying records in my book.
Your take on that?
Well, he has, and every time that you go through the litany of lies from Obama, what he said he was going to do, whether it has to do with habeas corpus, rendition, the Patriot Act, wiretapping, pulling the troops out of Iraq, putting more troops into Afghanistan,
I don't
And the only thing they could do is give you a Kishi eating grin and a balsamic smile and they say, well, give him time or, oh, he can't really fight that much about this.
You know, just give him a chance.
What chance?
How much more chance?
He's one of them.
Nothing has changed.
It's only a different team in there playing the same crooked games.
Has the lying increased?
Yes, it has.
I've never seen anything like this before in my life.
It's one lie after another every day.
But the biggest thing that's happened, Alex, between Bush and Obama in one year, in one year, is that this country went from the greatest entrepreneurial country in the world, the one that was the envy of everybody that wanted to come here to make their mark, to now a country that's too big to fail.
That they have jammed down the public's throats this too-big-to-fail lie, and that all our resources should be going to protect them.
You know, in our Trends Journal, we did a story about this too-big-to-fail.
After Obama was elected in December,
They asked him, why are we bailing out these companies?
And he came out with this two-bit analogy.
Well, if your neighbor's house is on fire, even if he smoked in bed or left the stove on, wouldn't you want to put it out if it was going to catch your fire onto your house?
Well, seven months later, on 60 Minutes, they asked Federal Chairman Bernanke the same question.
And you know what he said?
What if your neighbor's house is on fire and he left a stove on and smoked in bed?
Would you want to put it on?
Stay there.
They're reading off a script.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda...
They'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
For the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation, the criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty and on its ashes constructing world government.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today, it seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We're gonna go to Michael, Nikki, Luke, Captain Truth, and others for Trends Forecaster Gerald Cilente, but I wanted to finish up talking about Obama.
It's just like when you grow up loving a football team, you identify with it like a political party.
You don't want to admit when it's doing things wrong or lying to you.
And so many Americans, this is changing, and that's our salvation, politically.
That the Republicans, the leadership, will lie to you.
They work for the same special interests.
The Democrats work for the same offshore criminal special interests.
But you talk to Obama supporters, and it's just like Bush supporters, and we would say, he's spying on you.
He's setting up homeland security for gun owners, conservatives, libertarians.
They're setting up Brigade Homeland through NORTHCOM to use the military against us.
He lied about WMDs.
He's torturing people.
He's tripled the size of government.
He's going along with all the Clinton advisors from before him with this seamless scam.
The politicians change, but the Wall Street cronies stay in place.
And they wouldn't listen.
Now as soon as Bush left office they suddenly woke up to all these issues and got upset because now they saw Obama carrying out the issues.
Suddenly Democrats that could see what Bush was doing that was wrong were blind to Obama and they'll get this sickening smile and say, you're just jealous of him, you're just a Republican, you're just a racist, you just don't like him, you gotta give him time when he's lied, as we mentioned earlier, about everything.
A new standard.
In line.
Worse than Clinton.
Worse than Bush.
Worse than Tricky Dick Nixon.
Now they're having to give Senate speeches on the floor about his enemies list.
I'm listed in the news as in the top 25 White House enemies for Obama deception.
They're really going to hate fall of the Republic.
It's now launched.
It's now dropped.
And it's this delusional syndrome where either people are waking up more than ever.
We see a quickening there.
Huge numbers waking up.
But still, those that are staying asleep are getting even stupider.
They love being abused.
They love being lied to.
They love being scammed.
They think it's cute.
They think it's funny.
They have invested in Obama.
They have invested in the government.
I have the Wall Street Journal.
With the head of the health care lobby admitting that the insurance companies wrote this as alluding, and that the government wants a new tax, so they're going to split it with the insurance companies, and that they may back out because of citizen pressure by both liberals and conservatives against $5,000 fines.
They want that.
Obama only wants $2,000 fines if you don't get insurance.
That they're pulling out of what they wrote.
And they admit that in this insurer's stand against committee's plan.
So we hear the fake left saying, oh Alex, you don't want the health care plan because you work for the insurance companies.
When the insurance companies wrote the stinking thing, it's like it's a matrix of lies.
The lies are so big that the general public just doesn't even know what to do.
It's like the media, Gerald, saying there's no mercury in the shot.
Well, as I mentioned, when I have the insert for the H1N1 shot right here, and FDA.gov saying it can give you Guillain-Barre's and can sterilize you and give you cancer.
I mean, it's just, what's going to happen to the system as people finally wake up to the fact that they've been completely screwed?
Well, again, we're seeing it.
This is, again, as we've mentioned many times, and have been writing about it since 2002, and that this is much more than an economic crisis.
This is the decline of empire America.
We've lost our morality.
And, you know, morals don't change, values do.
And people have lost their own self-respect.
When they talk about health care reform, what are you going to reform?
Look at this nation.
It's a junk food eating nation.
They poison their bodies with junk food.
They poison their minds with junk information.
How could any intelligent adult turn on the TV and listen to the nightly news or any of this other stuff when you have these bad actors, these great B actors reading scripts that talk about Michael Jackson for a month and a half?
So the people, again, America's the first, second, and third world nation wrapped into one.
We're looking at a good 20% of the people right now that are neither right or left.
They're all independent thinkers that are going to be at the forefront of this revolution.
So again, we see this breaking down, and we also see the nation breaking down.
And we can see it breaking down into smaller parts.
Well, Gerald, before the mainstream media, with other inoculation campaigns they push, they would just beat around the bush, never say there wasn't mercury in it, they would just leave that out and say it's safe.
Now the New York Times and Government Program for Public Schools lies and gives parents and school children a handout saying there is no mercury, there is no adjuvants, it cannot, there are no side effects when
Every of the five versions of the vaccine, I'm holding one, anyone can get this at Walgreens, saying it can give you neurological disorders, saying it can sterilize you, saying it has mercury.
I mean, I'm reading from FDA.gov, influenza, H1N1, 2009, vaccine information sheet, diagnostics limited, put out by Norvitas, the main vaccine maker.
Alex, look, the New York Times is the paper that took the name
In front of me, the New York Times last Saturday, October 17th.
This guy goes on to say, well, there are plenty of experts who will tell you the worst is over, and I hope they're right.
But as Mr. Roth is about this book, Discovered in the 1930s, the experts can't predict the future any better than the rest of us.
Yes, we can predict the future better than they can.
It's the arrogance of the New York Times.
Well, but you said it though, they're delusional.
Don't they know that's why they're all going under and going bankrupt?
Don't they know that's why mainstream media is in a crisis?
And instead of telling the truth, they just intensify the lying.
It's like putting gasoline on a fire to put it out.
Brothers are the same club.
It's the White Shoe Boys Club.
That's why you go to Harvard, Princeton, and Yale.
What do you think, they don't teach you better than anywhere else?
If you get into the system, and you look at the same, you read the New York Times, they quote the same experts that have been wrong a hundred times before to ask them what's going to happen next.
And then they have the arrogance to say that nobody can forecast the future because they didn't see it coming.
And again, this is the paper that took the nation to war.
Let's not forget the stories about the yellow cake and the aluminum tubes and the nuclear weapons in Iraq.
It's just another level of lying, though, to say there are no adverse reactions to the vaccine.
It's just another lie.
But they're used to it.
This is what they're good at.
Michael in Florida.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hi Alex.
Hi Gerald.
I love the movie.
Thank you.
What's on your mind?
Yeah, I have a question or maybe it's just a comment.
It's about the movie and the Federal Reserve.
Basically, my question is if
Our politicians, if our Congress is all corrupt, they're passing bills without even reading them, and they're giving all our money away to offshore banks.
That's one message, and then another gentleman that was interviewed in your movie said that he was in favor of nationalizing the Fed and putting the Fed in the hands of Congress.
How could we trust putting the Fed in the hands of Congress if they're all corrupt?
I'd like to comment on that.
Number one, we have different guests on who have different perspectives.
This is not like some cult where we just sit here and believe what I think or believe what one guest thinks.
It's a college of ideas to get people really thinking about details.
But number one, the Constitution says
That the Congress is the boss because the people elect them, they follow the Constitution, the President then executes.
The President just doesn't do what he wants.
The Congress ran the coining and issuance of currency and credit, set the rules until 1913, and our nation on average had a 10% growth rate from 1789 until 1913.
Now look at us today.
We built the capital, we built the nation, we built this wealth without an offshore banking cartel playing hanky-panky with the interest rates and the money and giving themselves unlimited cash.
And so, yes, we need to nationalize the Fed, and Ron Paul and others have a plan under the Constitution to get us out of this crisis we're in.
If not, these bankers are going to keep raping us.
Gerald Cilente.
Well, you hit it.
The Federal Reserve is Washington, and Washington's the Federal Reserve.
At the break I was mentioning about how Obama said about the too-big-to-fail Jesus dumb analogy about your neighbor's house burning down, and then on 60 Minutes,
Ben Bernanke several months later said, quote, if you have a neighbor who smokes in bed and he risks the risk to everybody, using the same exact analogies, bogus analogy.
And the point being is that there is no separation between the Fed and Washington.
Federal Reserve is Washington.
Look who the Treasury Secretary is.
Only a blind person can't see it.
It's Timothy Geithner!
Where did Timothy Geithner come from?
Well, he was the president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, and now he's in charge of the Treasury!
Well, let me... People need to get... Let me go further!
Let me go further.
And the guy talking about, well, somebody smoked in bed, we still gotta put the fire out, it's Bernanke and Geithner and all these private bank heads that are the ones smoking in bed, but they weren't just smoking in bed, they're the ones burning the houses down because they own and run the fire department and we didn't pay our protection money.
And even when we pay them the tens of trillions of protection money, they just leverage that against our economy to buy us up.
They're pirates!
Can't people get it?
They're criminal pirates, as Ron Paul has said.
There isn't a grand jury in the country that couldn't indict every one of them for insider trading, conflicts of interest.
You've got all these Treasury Department heads making tens of millions apiece, in some cases billions, off of money they gave to their own stinking banks!
I know.
I know.
How could anybody not see it?
This is the greatest bank robbery in history, but the banks are doing the robbing.
Man, I got a headache.
I just got so mad.
Stay with us.
More calls for Andrew Olson-Lundgren.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda,
That we're pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
I have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
For the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation.
The criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty and on its ashes constructing world government.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents The Alex Jones Show.
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Final segment with Gerald Cilente.
Let's go to Nikki in Ohio.
Nikki, quick question.
We gotta move fast.
Hi there.
It's great to be on the show with you guys.
You guys have the excellent show.
I'm always excited to hear both of you speaking.
First, I wanted to ask a question about the PPFA Award.
If you know about the Margaret Sanger Award?
I know Margaret Sanger was a top eugenicist and best friends with Adolf Hitler.
The Rockefellers gave her the money and she said blacks were subhuman.
But we have to pose as liberals so we can set up death centers in their neighborhoods.
And so the liberals love it and offer their children up to the state.
But I'm not familiar with this award.
Well, this is interesting.
I'll tell you what, I'm going to come back to you because this isn't for Gerald Cilente.
We don't stay there, Nikki.
We don't screen the calls, but when we go to you and it's not for the guest, you know what?
I'm just going to go to calls.
I know a lot of these are for Gerald, but with the time we have left, Gerald, finish up with other trends, other predictions, because current events form future trends in the last three minutes.
Tell us what else we should be on the lookout for.
By the way, Gerald Cilente is in Fall of the Republic.
Go ahead.
What people should be aware of now is that anything can happen, and this is a time for survival strategies.
So prepare for the worst.
You always could move back from that.
And we're very concerned about the probabilities of bank holidays, dollar devaluation.
And those are our major concerns right now.
With the holidays coming up again, you know, rein in spending.
Don't spend an extra penny that you don't have to.
And again, don't support anything corporate that you don't have to.
The major trends we're looking at coming along the line is this trend we call selective technology.
Learning how to do things simply.
A great story, what's going on in India right now, and this is how you can start making money.
They're using technology to help the poorest people.
So they have cell phones, for example, that only cost $20.
Refrigerators that cost $70.
Little stoves that cost $43.
High technology.
I'm saying this because people looking for opportunities start looking for these kind of things to start selling in the States.
Because the standard of living is going to continue to decline.
Necessity is the mother of invention.
So we're going to see a lot of inventing opportunities to start providing new products and services to a declining economy.
These are the ways to look, also.
In the old areas of old cities, you're going to start seeing them rebirth.
So people that are looking for investment opportunities in real estate, as we are up here in Kingston, New York, you start looking for those beautiful old cities that haven't been destroyed through urban renewal.
Because young people are going to be looking for places to live, they're going to start moving back into these areas.
So those are areas to consider.
By the way, that's already starting.
We're already seeing a flood of people getting out of the cities into the country.
And especially these great old small towns.
So those are the areas to look at.
A rebuilding of community.
And that old saying, use it up, wear it out, make it do, do without.
Start buying quality products.
Everything American.
Grow your own food.
Become more self-sustaining.
The products that you have on Prison Planet and the other places around, those are the things to start looking into.
Heal yourself.
For this nation to get into shape and for people to survive what's coming ahead, you need to be healthy spiritually, emotionally, and physically.
And in closing, in the minute and a half we have left, I hope people will visit TrendsResearch.com and check out all your other great work, and also check you out in Fall of the Republic that just was released yesterday.
In closing, when will the tyranny peak?
When do you think we're going to come out of it?
We don't see us coming out of this for a long time economically.
This is a long decline.
The only reason we got out of the last ones, Alex, go back to the dot-com bust of 2000.
$5 trillion is wiped out of the market.
The way they got it out was they lowered interest rates to 46-year lows.
Now they've done it again.
They've created the big credit crisis in the real estate bubble.
Now they've created the bailout bubble.
What we're concerned about is that after the bailout bubble blows up, then they take you to war.
So we're telling people to be on the alert.
Don't buy into the lies.
All right.
Gerald Cilente, great job.
Let me say bye to you during the break.
We'll come back, take calls, blitz through some news.
Stay with us.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda, they'll be pulling the rug from underneath the Americans at home.
I have tremendous influence on our President and Congress.
And they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
For the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation.
The criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty and on its ashes constructing world government.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C.,
We have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv
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I think so.
Okay, I want to go to your phone calls, but first I wanted to point out, look at these graphs here.
That is the five-year gold graph.
Five years ago, gold was $400 an ounce, and today it is right at
$1,060 an ounce.
Look at the 10-year gold in the graph right next to it.
Go back 10 years.
10 years ago, it was $300 an ounce.
9 years ago, it was $290 an ounce.
8 years ago, it was $330 an ounce on average.
4 years ago, it was $360 on average.
Five years ago, it was 450 on average.
Six years ago, and it goes up to a year and a half ago, it was 700, then 800, then 900, then 1,000, and now 1,600.
I mean, who can't look at that graph and go,
And you try comparing that to the stock market, you try comparing that to anything else, and that's because they're killing the dollar right there.
I haven't plugged gold in a couple days.
I will tell you that Ted Anderson told me privately that unless gold plunges, which he isn't expecting to happen, the gold prices he has are going to be going up next week.
Here are the offers I have for you from Midas Resources, our great gold sponsor, the place I get my precious metals.
They have the British Sovereign gold coin at $293.
They have the 20 franc gold coin at $238.
This is the price it was a month ago.
They have the Lakota Silver at $22 apiece.
And the even better deal is they have the
Silver half dollars, the Walking Liberty half dollars at $8.69 apiece.
You cannot find silver anywhere at that price.
This is absolute loss leader.
And I'll tell you, I've seen the markup on these gold coins.
Take this $20 franc gold coin.
And again, this is Ted buying this months ago when gold was a hundred bucks less than it is right now.
Even with the market buying gold, when the market was $100 lower, there was only about $4.5 of markup in that for Ted.
That's the kind of deal you're getting, ladies and gentlemen.
You cannot beat these deals.
Give Midas Resources a call.
The brokers are there until midnight tonight.
Quit procrastinating, ladies and gentlemen.
Gold has now been above $150.
For what is it, two, three weeks?
I mean, it's settled in at a new low of around 1,040.
It's right up at 1,060 right now after the close.
So again, ladies and gentlemen, be sure and check this out.
Tell them Alex Jones sent you to take advantage of this.
You'll be paying the higher price.
It's still a great deal.
Try Modest Resources out.
Go call them.
Buy a couple gold coins.
A little bag of silver coins.
A roll of silver coins.
Whatever the case is.
And you look at that graph, for those that are watching this on the TV show, but anybody can just Google the five-year, ten-year gold graph or silver graph.
They both behave almost exactly the same.
Look at that!
I mean, in the last seven years, we've seen a 340% increase in the price of gold.
It's coming in on a quadrupling soon.
But if you want to hold junk bonds and paper, be my guest.
Helmets the Alex Jones Special.
And I want to thank Midas Resources.
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Okay, let's get to these phone calls here.
By the way, I gotta go to a funeral Sunday, but we're gonna have a great best of on the Sunday 4 to 6 show.
Yeah, the question was actually for both of you guys because he was talking about the leadership that we're praising here in the United States today.
The PPFA Margaret Sanger Award.
We're good to go.
I just wanted you to elaborate on that.
But the issue is WDB Dubois and others, or EB Dubois, was hired by Sanger.
She said, we gotta hire black fronts so they'll go sell these weeds on us being able to get rid of them.
These are sickening quotes by her.
And I know that he did support family planning and all of this because he was sold on it.
I don't believe he was for it.
I mean, I don't believe he really understood, but yes, certainly Ted Turner and others you mentioned are just sickening racist eugenicists.
Right, and another thing is, I found this online, it's called Notice to Checkpoint Agents for all these illegal checkpoints that are out here.
You could keep this paper in your car, I've done it myself when I was in Arizona with a friend of mine.
They will stop you, and they will ask you for your citizenship, and you don't have to tell them anything because these are illegal checkpoints.
And I presented them this paper, and I was in the passenger side.
I actually gave it to my friend, and she rolled her window down just a little bit, gave them this paper, and they continued to harass her a little bit, but they let her go ahead and go about her way.
So I just wanted to let people know.
Yeah, I've seen those.
I've seen those, and I appreciate your call.
They are quite effective, because they mention the U.S.
Code, and how false arrest can get in a lot of trouble, and how they're not allowed to violate your Fifth Amendment.
They're talking about, in U.S.
News & World Report, here it is, how OnStar is being used to turn people's cars off by the police.
That was always the plan.
I told you that a decade ago.
Not because I'm smart.
I read the FBI's own statements.
Other cars have built-in kill switches in them.
They're just now announcing this to the public.
People say, oh, well, they can stop illegal aliens, they can stop criminals.
Here's the deal.
We can pull this up.
I was in a bunch of newspapers a few months ago.
When Homeland Security does four or five of these big raids on meatpacking plants and places to go, oh, look, we're busting illegal aliens, over three million illegal aliens come in every year, over a million legal.
And they deport in these raids, five, six, seven thousand, in these big publicized raids.
It's not even a drop in the bucket, more like a drop in the ocean.
And these are stunts, and they'll show, oh, we broke up this family.
Oh, the kid got sent home with his parents even though he was a citizen.
You know, they pull on everybody's heartstrings.
But it came out in the news that Homeland Security takes almost all those people, takes them and expedites them getting a green card, and just, and that the government then gives them jobs.
In fact, I forget the exact headline.
It was in the Wall Street Journal.
They even gave them jobs building the fence that's all fake and couldn't even keep a person out, much less a deer.
What was that exact headline?
I've seen a bunch of them, but... But it was like, oh, look how nice they are!
Maybe search this term, Homeland Security raids illegals, then gives them jobs.
Or something like that.
It's all staged.
Like they have in every major city now, police cars that have cameras that read all your license plates.
They've had it for over a decade, but now it's going in everywhere.
And they drive around and they see stolen cars.
They don't stop them.
Nine times out of ten.
They drive by illegal aliens.
They leave them alone.
I've talked to Austin cops.
They're told don't arrest illegals when they're drunk driving.
Don't arrest illegals when they don't have their insurance or don't have their driver's license.
But a citizen, they do.
One night at the office, one of the IT guys, his license had been expired.
He pulled into the office.
The cop thought that was suspicious at night, how the cop was coming this way.
And one of my, he's actually a contractor, turned in.
They thought that was suspicious.
Whipped in behind him and said, oh.
And by then he'd gone in the office.
They start banging on the door.
He comes out and goes, what's the problem?
They said, get out here.
Get him outside.
And they say, oh, you were driving this.
Your license is expired.
And so he called me once they were at the door.
And I was already coming to the office to meet him to do some work.
It was like at 8 o'clock at night, and I get here and there's three police cars.
They kind of blow up when I first walk up, and it turns out two of the cops were big fans.
And I said, you know, if he was an illegal alien, you wouldn't be arresting him.
And he said, that's right.
The judges get mad if we do that.
We're encouraged not to.
And there have been sheriffs all over the country.
One big case in Tennessee where they would arrest whole 18-wheeler smuggling illegals, and ICE won't come pick them up.
There it is.
Homeland Security frees 27 illegal immigrants, then sends them back to work.
That's Fox News.
That was out of Seattle.
The Department of Homeland Security for 27 illegal immigrants arrested during a workplace raid in February and offered them legal work permits, signing a major departure, sealing a major departure from the immigration enforcement policy.
Of the Bush administration.
And Bush did the same thing.
Folks, I could pull up hundreds of these.
I remember an AP article, they didn't pull up the exact article from three years ago, and they said, we know the economy's getting bad, and so we're going to give illegals home loans with no evidence, no paperwork.
And how they do it is, three major banks at the time, Wells Fargo was the first, Vicente Fox came here and gave them an award.
In Austin, it's in Battle for the Republic, the 17-minute mini-film that's an extra on Endgame.
I was going to put it in the film, but it didn't fit, so we just made it an extra.
It's really informative.
And Vicente Fox came and gave Wells Fargo, Warren Buffett, an award, and gave the Austin Police Department an award for not following the law and arresting illegals.
And Wells Fargo, well, the police got the award for not arresting illegals and leaving them alone.
They got an award for being criminals, but they'll throw the book at you, the stupid dumb American milk cow, whether you're Hispanic, black, white, they don't care.
You're the sucker, not the illegals.
They're meant to drive down wages, bring down the country and the globalist system.
That's in the CFR, Club of Rome's own documents.
Professor Pasteur talks about it.
He's an advocate of it.
Because Wells Fargo issues illegals, if they have a matricula, a Mexican consulate, Mexico makes their people have real IDs.
But in the U.S.
they issue, Austin has a consulate, it's called a mission, it's a smaller one, where they just issue for $24 a fake ID.
You can go in and get three at the same time, and get three people on welfare, the same person under three names, and that's all sent, a lot of it sent to Mexico.
Then if you have a consular matricula, Wells Fargo gives them a debit card and a bank account, and then with that they get a home loan.
And AP had bank executives admitting they're doing this when citizens don't get this.
You go into your bank, they want three forms of ID, thumbprints, you're scum, you're filth, you're trash.
But if you're an illegal, you are God.
So all the face scanning cameras, license plate readers, it's all for the American people.
Homeland security is for the American people.
Luke in North Carolina, you're on the air.
Hi Alex, just first wanted to say I love your show and your movie is phenomenal.
And I've been reading over the global climate treaty and I just find like a bunch of words are repeated and just things that aren't like
Making sense to me, and I was wondering if you could clarify.
Sure, I have the treaty, or parts of it, somewhere right here in front of me.
Go ahead.
Alright, well... Oh, there's Business Week!
Embracing Illegals!
I'm sorry, go ahead.
The section of the R.E.D.D.
system, with like capacity building, and it talks about like N.A.M.A.
Like incorporating MA to parties and everything?
Sorry, it's a thousand plus page treaty.
I've only scanned over it where it says government and calls for global governance.
I'm trying to find it in some of the key sections.
But yeah, it's like NAFTA was a wheelbarrow.
Tens of thousands, more than 14,000 pages long.
It was not free or fair trade.
It was a giant rip-off and tax exemptions for companies that leave the US.
And this carbon thing is where all the big companies are exempt, all the middle size and small, and our homes, the bureaucrats are going to gang rape us financially.
That's all it is.
And what about NAMA?
I don't have the treaty in front of me.
Tell me about it.
It's a bill that's incorporated into it.
It's like a separate bill from, let me, from the
So you're talking about an 1,100 page document.
It's a bill.
It's a proposal for a National Asset Management Agency bill.
And it says they'll incorporate it as soon as the treaty is signed.
Yes, yes.
They're passing a flotilla of bills in Congress on carbon tax, on banking regulations.
This is global government.
In this set of treaties.
The nation states are passing, sort of been saying all week, passing laws to get in line to plug into the global government.
They're going to track everything you buy, sell, do, companies.
The new banking regulations, you hear Obama calls it bailout 2, stimulus 2.
That allows banks to regulate all private businesses.
It's a total, it's global government, sir.
They admit it.
Yeah, it's just, they're showing it now.
That's exactly what this bill says they want to do.
Well, listen, I can't read the whole thing and do everything I'm doing.
We've had guests on about it.
I've scanned over it.
Every page is a nightmare.
Folks, do your own analysis.
Break it down.
Write articles for it.
Send it to writers at Infowars.com or Kurt at Infowars.com or Aaron at Infowars.com.
We're posting more and more.
That's... I'm just scared because they just...
They're just showing us now what they want to do and what they're going to do.
I know!
Sir, you can Google New World Order.
Thousands of mainstream news articles admitting exactly what it is.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda, they'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
I have tremendous influence on our President and Congress.
And they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us, as American citizens, to pay attention.
For the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation.
The criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty, and on its ashes constructing world government.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today, it seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C.,
We have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv
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Folks, be part of history.
The enemy is taking over, but it's all fraudulent and openly criminal.
But they said, hey, we're going to put deadly poison called fluoride in your water.
It's good for you.
Shut up and drink it.
Oh, but all the studies say it kills and gives me cancer.
We don't care.
Shut up.
We have police.
Hey, you don't arrest illegals, but you arrest me for the same thing.
Shut up.
That's right, scum.
Pay my paycheck.
Oh, offshore banks are taking over.
That's criminal.
That's right.
Shut up.
We'll stage a terror attack and blame it on you and arrest your ass.
That's how these people roll.
That's how they're operating.
That's what they're doing!
And we've got to get mad with the truth and get it out to people.
We have to get angry and then take the truth and get it out there.
And that's what Fall of the Republic does.
I busted my hind tail.
On this.
This sucker is good.
This baby will wake people up.
This has got the facts.
And anybody that wants to know the truth can learn it.
They can pack their lies and slick media and disinfo on people, but that's got to be reapplied, reapplied.
Somebody finds out the truth one time, their life is changed.
That's the secret about the truth.
Good afternoon, Alex.
How are you?
I have two quick questions for you.
I have a newborn baby that's two months, and they asked me to take some shots for her.
What do you think about that?
Well, you make your own medical decision, but they want you to take the hepatitis shot, correct?
The hepatitis, the polio, and the DTP shot?
Japan, it's illegal to give somebody under two shots in Japan, because they actually care a little bit about their people.
Your child isn't going to be injecting heroin or cocaine.
Your child isn't going to be having sex.
The hepatitis is one of the most deadly vaccines on record.
And I would just make that decision for yourself.
They're not trying to make you give it to her, are they?
No, no, no.
They said that if you want to, yeah.
But at first, the doctor was like, oh, you know, she has to take them.
She has to take them.
Yeah, yeah, they lie.
Color of Law is hardcore criminal sicko filth.
Again, even if you think shots are good, they shouldn't lie and say you have to.
Then you showed Backbone and they backed off and said, I got one that can see.
I got a slave that's aware.
Ma'am, you do what you want.
My three children have never had an injection in their life.
Oh, wow, that's great.
I have one more question, Alex.
My husband is a deep listener of you and he's planning on joining the National Guard.
What do you think about that?
Dear God, they're going to shoot him up like a pincushion.
It's free country.
Do what you want.
All right.
Thank you, Alex, and you have a good day.
God bless you.
Oh, man.
Captain Truth in Vegas.
Good afternoon, Alex.
It's an honor and a privilege to be on your show.
Honor to talk to you.
We got one minute.
You and Aaron Russo probably saved my life.
Well, the way I did the DVDs is I asked for, and you can tell me if I'm wrong, I asked for a deposit and offered to refund it if they brought the DVD back to me, but I just had to have some reproduction money to make more DVDs.
If I'd have made anything, and if I ever did, I guess... That's not the issue, sir.
I can't tell people they can sell them, or they will take it away from me.
Copyright it and say it's their work and I can't sell it.
And we've had people actually try that.
So just whatever.
I don't want to hear about what you're doing.
Just get the DVDs out to people.
That's the whole issue.
My God, a DivX is like 25 cents for the CD and you can put the film on it.
So whatever.
Great job.
Keep it up.
I got people calling me every day saying, can I put it on AXS TV?
The film says copy and distribute on the back.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.