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Name: 20091021_Wed_Alex
Air Date: Oct. 21, 2009
1459 lines.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, we are live simulcasting at PrisonPlanet.tv and Living Color.
We were just talking to Sherry in Florida.
She's got a second question.
We're going to go back to her in just a moment.
She was asking me where she could find the vaccine inserts.
Now we've posted these repeatedly on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com, the Mayo Clinic's own insert admitting the nasal live virus can spread, can breed, can mutate the nasal delivery of the vaccine, admitting that there is mercury in the injectable vaccine, that it can also cause Guillain-Barré, that it can cause neurological disorders, that it can cause convulsions, that it can trigger
Infertility, cancer, and there's five different major injectable vaccines, several nasal vaccines, and all the inserts are basically the same.
But we searched the term, Craig did, out there.
He searched the term H1N1 package insert.
H1N1 package insert.
During that three-minute break, we pulled this up.
Gotta check the wiring on the document cam.
It's been blinking like that for a while.
But here it is.
You can zoom in right here where it says, Dosage, Forms, and Strengths.
And it says that the 5-ML contains the Marisol, a mercury derivative, added as a preservative.
It's also an adjuvant.
Causes an autoimmune response.
0.5-ML dose contains 25-MCG mercury.
The most deadly known heavy metal for the electrochemical processes in the brain according to the brain surgeons and scientists and biologists and scientists that we've had on this radio show.
There it is.
I see mainstream news articles saying there's no mercury in it and it's a conspiracy theory.
They lie to you.
Now do not believe me.
Do not believe Alex Jones.
You need to train yourself to check into things.
Go to the Mayo Clinic online.
Pull up the adverse reaction insert page online that doctors use for the nasal flu.
Both H1N1 and seasonal and the H1N1 injectable.
Read it!
Go to Walgreens, or Vons, or Savon, or Eckerds, or to the Walmart Pharmacy and say hi to the pharmacist.
Can I have the adverse reaction insert?
Because if you eat eggs, excuse me, have a egg, when you eat eggs, if you have an allergic response, you're not supposed to take these.
So you say, oh, I want to check for my allergies.
May I see the insert?
And if they give you a printed out cover sheet, this is part of scientific fraud.
Most of them aren't consciously involved in it.
They're just told by the big companies, oh, give them this simple printout.
And it won't say all this.
It's a printout from the company or the corporation about how great it is for you and how there's no adverse reactions and how you need it.
Say, oh no, I don't want that.
I need the actual insert from the package.
And they'll go, sure.
And every package they've got has it.
Guaranteed the trash can's full of them.
They've been injecting people all day and throwing it away.
And they'll come over with a little folded up paper and go, here you go!
Be a little white paper folded up about like that.
You'll unfold it.
It'll be full size, fine print.
And boy, you can just read for yourself.
Don't you believe me!
Do not believe Alex Jones!
I want you to read where it says it's got mercury in it.
I want you to read where it can give you Guillain-Barré or other neurological disorders or kill you or cancer or sterilize you or make you somewhat infertile.
I want you to go.
Not even Infowars.com and print these off.
Do not believe it.
I want you to march into Walgreens, and I want them from behind the counter to hand it right into your hand.
And you're going to open it up, and then when you see the news saying there's no mercury in there, or there's no Guillain-Barré, or there's no neurological problems, or there's no links to cancer and infertility, you will hold in your hand from the drug package the truth.
Because you tell your neighbor you got it from Infowars, they'll say,
I read he's a cuckoo.
They won't know it was George Soros' publication, one of six, attacking me.
They won't know it's a White House-funded, publicly-funded blogger group attacking.
They're not going to believe me, and that's fine!
They only believe the lying government.
But you go, no, I got this from Walgreens, or I got this from Vons.
I've got this from the company.
And then you're going to have them.
Now, a lot of them will say, you lie, that isn't real.
And you give them by the arm, you go, okay, I'll bet you $1,000, just to prove it to them.
Let's go down to the store together, and you take that moron, their life is worth it, you march them down there and have them give it to them, and then say, now, why is the media lying, saying none of this is in there and it can't do this to you?
And then you may break somebody's conditioning right there.
Let me tell the police, you trust the government that's giving you all this power to violate our rights and telling you it's for our own good?
Well, go find out that they know that squalene and mercury brain damaged the troops.
The Army in its own reports has confirmed they quit giving the anthrax shot with it because it was killing them and maiming them.
The time for screwing around is over.
Let's go back for a second question from Shirley, then we're going to go to Mike, Denise, Steve, and others.
Go ahead, Shirley, what was your second question?
Okay, my second question was yesterday when you had the pastor on.
He was stating that the government, I mean not the government, but the individual he was speaking with from the elite was informing him that within two years' time, a majority of everyone would be working for the government.
My question was, do you think that that is a way that they're going to try to manipulate everyone to get into the FEMA camps?
Do you think they're going to tie that in some way to make us think that we're going there to work?
No, no, exactly.
We understand their mindset and how they operate, but if you go back
Years ago I said they're going to advertise the camps as work centers.
They're going to advertise them as welfare centers to get your free health care.
They're going to advertise Friday night that a country band or rock and roll band is going to come in.
They're going to advertise, oh look, the Army helps the local police now.
Oh look, we're stopping drunk drivers and we're stopping bank robbers with OnStar kill switches in the cars.
That's now happening.
News and World Report today.
In fact, we'll show people that article.
They're going to advertise it all like it's a good thing and then just slowly but surely phase all this in.
And when Lindsey talks about everybody working for the government, he means big select corporations will operate off of government bailouts and
Government contracts, and the only part of the economy growing is the government, there'll be classic government jobs, the new enforcer jobs, the new enforcers on the farms, the ranches harassing people.
I have mainstream articles all over the country, Homeland Security's funding, the local police and others have set up checkpoints and harass people with their horses and their cows.
They're moving around to sale or to another farm, another field.
Checkpoints, any way to shut the highways down, train everybody to accept this.
It's all happening.
And so it's going to be incremental.
I appreciate your call.
Until they stage a nuke attack or some big crisis and really drop the hammer.
Let's go ahead and talk to Mike in Minnesota.
You're on the air, Mike.
I salute you, General Jones.
How are you doing?
Pretty good.
I got a question for you.
You turned us on up here to the USS Boxer and the people that died there, and I in turn turned them up here, the people up in Minnesota, to it.
Nobody heard about it up here.
How come they took everything off the websites?
What websites are you talking about?
Well, there are people up here asking.
We've never heard anything about it.
Wait a minute.
Are you sure you just can't find it on my site?
Well, I don't have a computer, but the guy I work... I call in and talk into a local radio talk show up here before your show, and they couldn't find it on your site.
They pulled it, and he's a pretty good tech guy.
Yeah, well, we very rarely, maybe every couple months, pull something, because I don't control all my webmasters and posters, and they've usually got a good feeling for what's real, what's accurate.
And so I very rarely tell them to pull something that we've linked to or posted.
More often than not, we'll post not a retraction, because it's not our article, but we'll post a clarification.
I don't remember ever ordering something pulled.
And so I have a sneaking suspicion the person doesn't remember the exact headline.
We did not report
That people died on the Boxer.
We reported from Bob Chapman and other sources before it was even in the media that there was a quarantine on not one ship but four ships.
I'm going from memory and that some were saying
Bob was saying, and he's a credible guy, I'm going from memory on this because I didn't really report on it much, other shows made a really big deal out of it that there had been deaths and we were waiting to see what happened.
So you're asking me where it is or what's going on.
I ignored it the first few days.
People said, have you heard there's deaths on these ships?
And I said, well, we did see deaths on other military bases with the last two swine flu outbreaks.
That's where the government launches it in 76 and 1918.
And so I said, that may be something to that.
And then it came out in the news that there was a quarantine on some ships, so I'm not really the expert to be able to speak to that because what I just told you, there's the article.
There's the article.
It is on Infowars.com.
It has not been removed.
It's live at PrisonPlanet.tv right now.
Bob Chapman talks about suspicious flu deaths on U.S.
Navy ship.
And it's a link to a YouTube video of Bob Chapman talking about that.
Are you at a computer there, Mike?
No, I don't have a computer.
I'm off the grid.
Okay, well, just punch it back up.
I want to give that headline out three more times.
Bob Chapman talks about suspicious flu deaths on U.S.
Navy ships.
Bob Chapman talks about suspicious flu deaths on U.S.
Navy ships.
One more time.
Bob Chapman talks about suspicious flu deaths on U.S.
Navy ships.
We did not remove it.
But, uh, interesting.
We should talk to Bob when he's back on Friday and ask him for any updates on that.
Thank you so much, sir.
Good to hear from you.
We'll be right back.
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The following message is proudly and patriotically brought to you by the owners of Ready Reserve Foods, Inc.
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We're good to go!
We're good to go.
Suckin' on the blood of the children!
Here it is!
All the Republic, the DVD, shipping out en masse the last two days.
We will be premiering at 3 p.m.
Just got the word from the IT guys.
They've got a workaround.
They're creating on another server a simple splash page for members where you enter your member code that you create, your member ID, and you are going to be able to watch it at 3 p.m.
Central today, right when the show ends.
Good job to the crew with that workaround.
As for PrisonPlanet.tv itself,
We better make a splash page for people, too.
Not just a member login, can we, because that's on another server, can we have it where people can sign up?
Because that's the key.
A lot of people are wanting to sign up right now, too.
PrisonPlanet.tv itself is being hammered and is up and down and very, very slow for those that can get on it.
We're not even able to stream live today, PrisonPlanet.tv, but it will be archived for everyone later this evening at PrisonPlanet.tv, the radio slash TV show.
And Matt just said that for everybody today, because our problem isn't bandwidth.
We have that.
The problem is just the main server, just for the site itself.
We're going to go ahead and offer the TV show today for free to everybody.
For those that haven't gotten a chance to see what it looks like, that'll be up in the next 30 minutes.
We'll put links on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com for folks to tune in to the last hour or so of the TV show today.
Also, so members can tune in and watch it live.
But Fall of the Republic hits in 1 hour and 34 minutes exactly.
1 hour and 34 minutes away from launch.
Going back to calls, let's talk to Denise in Texas.
You're on the air, Denise.
How you doing?
Well, pretty good.
I'm sorry about your loss, by the way.
Hey, Alex, you have said in the past that Hollywood movies are sometimes a heads up from the elite.
I was listening to this crazy balloon boy thing, and I caught myself thinking, this is right out of 12 Monkeys.
And then I realized what 12 Monkeys was really about.
Eugenics, where they release a bioweapon that kills 99.9% of the world's population.
And I was wondering, could this be our heads up?
Then I got to, you know, it's been a couple days and nothing has actually happened, so I guess, well, maybe not.
No, I think that was just a stunt by some people that were dying to have a TV show.
Because you remember in that movie, the kid is hiding in the barn.
In that movie.
Remember, I don't know if you remember, Bruce Willis, through the whole movie, they're digging out the kid that's in the well, and Bruce Willis keeps saying, the kid's in the barn.
It's a hoax.
It's a hoax.
And so that's what got me.
Well that was about how the media had a big distraction and how the establishment uses big distractions like that right before they launch something really big.
But yes, I need to watch that film again.
It is definitely... Also what happens in Hollywood, a lot of it's paid for, a lot of it's propaganda, a lot of it is New World Order.
But then I happen to know some other directors
Who put out films like A Scanner Darkly, and that has New World Order imagery in it on purpose, because I was one of the consultants on it, for Tommy Pallotta and Richard Linkletter, to throw New World Order in your face, that it's the New World Order getting everyone addicted to this drug that turns them into zombie slaves.
And I announced it was going to have New World Order imagery, and people said, oh, we found hidden imagery in it.
Yes, it's not hidden.
It's in plain view.
I've talked to other Hollywood people, but then Rick Linklater had to fight with the studio just to keep a scene in there where a cop executes a guy and shoots him in the head.
They didn't even want that.
What they saw is an anti-police message in there, and they cut a few little other scenes.
Some of the stuff stayed in.
So I've seen on the inside the directors and people trying to
Trying to get their vision out that's good, while the establishment tries to stop that.
So it's not 100% control, but under Obama, it's really starting to move towards that.
Does that answer your question?
Also, something real quick.
Something that I've been listening to you for a while, but I'm confused.
And sometimes you tell me, when you say, well there's two different factions of the Illuminati.
That makes some sense.
But the people that Lindsey Williams is talking to, the guy, do you think he's one of these depopulationists?
Because he never really talks about
That he's talking about financial crashes and, you know, all that stuff, but he's not really talking about... Well, I think it's going to be a limited perspective only talking to one person, but it's an interesting window.
And then also, there's what's that person holding back?
What is that person really saying?
You know, I don't think you can just take that one individual saying this and then make the whole world about that because the prediction was right.
I think it's important, needs to be looked at.
But there's two different factions, but it's like a man and woman who are in a marriage.
They're still going for the same agenda.
We're on the march, the Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
We got Webster Tarpley coming up for part of the next hour to talk about Jandala al-Qaeda group attacking Iranian military bases, openly working for the people that have hijacked our nation.
So when you say working for the U.S., the U.S.
is just a big demonic robot the New World Order controls.
We'll be discussing that with him, Fall of the Republic, that he features heavily in, and a lot more.
Fall of the Republic will be premiering at PrisonPlanet.tv today at 3 p.m.
Central Standard Time for all the great members over there.
Got it on DivX, a bunch of other copies.
You can burn it to disk, to CD, give it to everybody you know.
All right.
Fall of the Republic with the extras, the Oath Keepers 20-something minute extra, and Charlie Sheen's message to the President.
That is all on the DVD.
Order them at InfoWars.com or call toll-free 888-253-3139.
You can also write to me, Alex Jones, at P.O.
Box 19549.
That's P.O.
Box 19549, Austin, Texas 78760.
The film is $19.95.
And your purchase of the DVD documentary to have it in your library also makes future filmmaking possible.
So I want to thank you all for your support.
I haven't plugged a sponsor yet.
I'm going to do that right now.
Then we're going to go to Paul Watson and more of your phone calls.
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I'm probably just going to have an entire play on about 30 minutes.
I want to get his take on a couple different issues.
Because I want to do a big news blitz at the end of the show.
Also, going up in the next 10 minutes on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Is that my ETA, Matt?
That we're going to have the free stream for everybody in the next 10 minutes?
We're going to go ahead and just stream the TV show for free for everybody today up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
He's got about 20 minutes, so the start of the next hour.
We've got to get Watson and Kurt, obviously, to post that as a link for everybody as well, because you can't really go to PrisonPlanet.tv.
It's crashing right now.
But we have the video on separate member servers, so that's going to be available at the end of the show today for all the Republic.
But I wanted to get Watson on today, briefly, because he wrote a great report on al-Qaeda groups publicly working for the U.S.
criminal government, the illegitimate government, attacking Iran.
The hell Iran has gone through.
It's just, I want Americans to know what the globalists are doing in our names, trying to get Iran to launch attacks.
I also want, Paul's done some big reports on the flu, fear-mongering that's going on, and a lot more, and Follow the Republic.
But Paul, let's get your take on Follow the Republic first.
You have seen the film, you've written reviews of the film.
You and your brother have both written articles.
I didn't ask you to, uh, to, uh, you know, what to say or do in the articles.
This is your best review ever of any of my films.
Briefly, give us your take on Fall of the Republic.
Well, yeah, I watched it in full, uh, a few days ago.
And basically, it's the most, um, high quality production of any film that I've ever seen.
You put out, and bear in mind that I, you know, I was watching your films back in,
Before 2001, when I first got into all this.
So the progression from those early films, America Destroyed by Design, Police State 2000, Police State 2, the progression is clear.
Some of the graphics, some of the illustrations you use to illustrate the points you make in Fall of the Republic is just such a high quality.
And in the review that my brother wrote, which seems to be the one that spurred this massive bombardment of interest from what people are saying on the forum, which is good, he compares it to something like Michael Moore's new film.
Now the difference between us and Michael Moore is that we don't make
20 million plus gross on every film we put out, so we don't have the kind of money that Michael Moore has to put into it.
I'm just going off the numbers of his most recent films so far.
But yeah, we don't have 300 million dollars to put into it.
But in terms of
It's hard-hitting nature and the absolutely vital preeminence of the information contained in Fall of the Republic, then, you know, it ranks above that.
And the stuff on the cap and trade is the most important, the stuff on global warming.
You've got Timothy Ball, PhD, on there talking about how climate skeptics are being derided and smeared as Holocaust deniers.
We've got another story out on that today.
All the stuff about Al Gore and his involvement in the carbon trading swindle, which he jointly owns with the Rothschild family, is just so damning and exposing.
I mean, that's the key segment of the film for me.
And it's just a tour de force, basically.
It's nearly two and a half hours long, more than that with the extras.
And it's a tour de force.
Complimentary sequel to the Obama deception and as we've emphasized and pushed in all the review articles that we've put out, we encourage people to get it and make copies and make copies on the internet and spread it to the four corners of the world because
As you've said many times, the Obama deception has received tens of millions of views in total, and that's what has got the establishment freaking out, especially over the past six months.
It's intensified because we're having a great effect of waking a lot of people up, and that's been reflected in the amount of people who are refusing this swine flu vaccine, which we'll get on to talk about.
And the film covers who the bankers are, their master plan, how either we bring them to justice or they become the private heads and owners of the planetary government.
We get into the entire latest developments in the police state grid, eugenics, TV mind control, and the main message is the world government's now here.
It's now happening.
This is our last chance to stand up against these people.
They're moving in against us.
They have a lot of power, but they're also weak as they reveal themselves.
All the debates about world government, existing or not existing, are now over.
This has their own words, their own documents, their own video clips, their own statements.
It is shockingly well done.
The whole crew did a fabulous job in putting this together.
I'm the director and the writer.
But the credit goes to everybody, and it's such a wonderful thing we've done here today, you know, together.
All of this coming towards this day, October 21st, 2000.
And nine, and I just want to salute everybody that's been involved, and I want to salute the viewers and listeners and supporters that I know are destined to make this the most important film of this year, one of the most devastating salvos against the New World Order, the people getting ready to make the copies of the DVDs everywhere as we ship them out, the people that are going to spread the video links to the Four Corners, the people that are going to put it on the BitTorrents, the PrisonPlanet.tv members that will see it first, in the highest quality, who are
The founders of what we're doing, the people that are right there beside us, they deserve as much credit as my entire crew, because without them we couldn't do this.
The way that people are out there getting the word out, spreading the word.
Again, I couldn't thank you from the bottom of my heart more.
This is such a great thing.
We're brothers and sisters together, communally, part of this event.
And it's another stepping stone to show the world what individuals can do, what individual empowerment, together with an idea.
As they say in V for Vendetta, you know, flesh and blood can fail, but ideas, ideas are bulletproof.
And they are bulletproof when they are the truth.
So, everyone, start your engines!
Get ready.
We're going to be releasing Fall of the Republic in one hour and sixteen and a half minutes.
One hour, sixteen and a half minutes.
We will be releasing Fall of the Republic.
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I mean, this is so exciting.
I want this to explode.
I want people to get up to make copies and get them out on the streets instantly.
I want to see them on the streets tomorrow.
Let's take... I mean, we've seen the success of the Obama deception.
We've seen the success of Endgame and Terror Storm and Road to Tyranny.
That was all building towards this, and this is building towards the next phase.
It is so exciting.
So get a PrisonPlanet.tv membership today, ladies and gentlemen.
Go to InfoWars.com, you can click through there as well, or call and get the DVD.
I'm just so excited about it.
Now, Paul, in the time we've got left, let's get into the flu situation, then into what's happening in Iran.
Very serious situation, trying to get that war going, the establishment is.
Go ahead.
Well, the situation with swine flu is that vast numbers of people all over the world have rejected it.
Now remember, when this was first getting ready to be introduced, in, you know, they first announced it a couple of months after the outbreak in around June, July, virtually all major Western governments and others said that it was going to be a, quote, mass vaccination campaign.
Now if they weren't going to enforce it via mandatory injections, they were at least going to try and make as many people as possible take it.
Most of the population.
They've bought enough vaccines to cover the vast majority of the population, if not more.
But what's happened is that, I mean, the people who are opposing it, who have now been labeled the anti-vaccine lobby, as if it's a lobby when the real pharmaceutical lobby spends over a hundred million dollars a year, every year.
A hundred million?
They spend, there's billions on vaccine ads alone, Paul, go ahead.
I'm talking about the lobby in Washington.
They've got 12, at least 1,200 lobbyists.
Oh, not the advertising.
You mean just the lobbyists.
The lobbyists, yeah.
And we've got a situation now where in areas of America, three quarters of firefighters are rejecting it.
Half of the nurses and health professionals, if not more, are rejecting it.
They're protesting about it in Europe.
Denmark, Finland, Germany, France, Spain, Belgium, Holland, the majority of the population, and in some cases a significant majority, including health professionals and firefighters and people like that, are rejecting it.
And there's a mass uprising against it because of the information that's being put out by the people warning about what's in it.
Now most people don't know that in America the federal government embarked on a campaign back in August
Well, they spent $16 million on a propaganda campaign to convince the public to take the swine flu vaccine.
And now we're beginning to see where this money is being spent.
You had the New York Times come out last week.
We put out an article on this swine flu vaccine propaganda in New York Times, where
They provide an educational supplement which is given to teachers for pupils from grades 6 to 12.
This is taught in schools because the New York Times has an agreement where it gets its propaganda put through the schooling system.
And these kids are given this quote fact sheet called H1N1 vaccine facts or myths and it lists nine
There's a myth about the swine flu vaccine, and as we document in this article, every single one of them is a fact.
It's not a myth.
There is mercury, the marisol, in the swine flu vaccine.
There is squalene in some of the swine flu vaccines.
And one of these so-called myths that the New York Times lists in this educational supplement for children is the claim that
The swine flu vaccine has no side effects whatsoever.
Let me stop you!
This is what I was talking about at the start of the hour.
I see them on TV news saying there's no side effects, no mercury, no Guillain-Barré, no seizures, when I just showed the insert from the vaccine saying it, it's on all the medical sites and as your article states at PrisonPlanet.com,
This has got to get out to everybody.
They are lying, not just in New York, all over the country, the same thing's happening.
From Oregon, we've gotten sent these fact sheets.
From Texas, we've been sent them.
They lie and say none of it's true.
Even if you believe in vaccines, is it good to lie to everyone and say this isn't in there or that this can't happen?
I mean, this is so incredible, Paul.
And then the others.
They say it's a myth that you can catch flu from the vaccine, when health professionals in Canada have spoken out repeatedly about the fact that the nasal myth contains live H1N1 virus that could spread the vaccine in people with weakened immune systems.
Well that's the major headlines all over the Canadian news.
The government put out a warning saying it.
Yeah, but it's a myth according to this fact sheet that's going through all American schools.
How could mainstream media lie?
They are lying.
Go ahead, Paul.
Yeah, so if the notion that the swine flu vaccine contains mercury is a myth, and if the claim that it has side effects, potential side effects, is a myth, then maybe the New York Times can answer the question as to why the top German government officials, including the Chancellor, Angela Merkel,
The troops in Germany, the German Army, have been given an additive-free swine flu vaccine that doesn't contain mercury.
Now, if all of them didn't contain mercury, and they were all fine, and contained no other ingredients whatsoever, then why... Oh, stay there, Paul.
Stay there.
Stay there, because I can barely hear you.
When we come back, we're going to go over all this.
Keep you till 5 after the car, please, joining us.
I want the magnitude of this to hit.
I believe the New York Times and other school districts giving these fake sheets out, and the pharmacies are giving out fake sheets.
Not the drug insert, a fake sheet.
I know they're liable.
And they need to be sued when there's adverse reactions.
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How do we know that the establishment's making their move?
They're blowing the trumpet.
They're moving the troops in.
They're cutting off cars with the OnStar when police are chasing people.
They're lying and saying there's no mercury in the shots, it can't cause infertility, can't cause cancer, but it's on the inserts.
Here's the insert on the influenza A H1N1 2009 vaccine and here it says mercury right here.
You can go read the inserts.
I've got a adverse reaction sheet
Right here as well, the ones that they actually give the doctors, that's more detailed.
And it goes over all the different risk.
Guillain-Barré syndrome.
This is from Norvitis Vaccine Diagnostics Limited.
This is from the biggest vaccine maker.
There's five companies making it.
Oh, here, this is from Norvitis.
Maybe the New York Times should get this.
And I could keep going through all the cancer and all the infertility and everything else for people, Paul.
We've done this on show after show, but I guess we're just liars, Paul.
I guess I wrote this up and lied about it and posted this, but I didn't.
But that doesn't matter, Paul.
They'll just lie and say it doesn't exist.
It's amazing though, Alex, because there are two different versions of the swine flu vaccine.
One which was produced by Baxter has none of these additives in it whatsoever, and that's the one that Angela Merkel and the German army and the top German officials have received.
No doubt that's the one that Obama will be getting.
So why, A, why do they need, why can't everybody get this, quote, green vaccine?
Why do the ones that we get have to have mercury in, that causes autism, and squalene, and these animal cells that are cancerous?
That's what's in our vaccine, but the elite get one that's preservative-free.
Animal cells carrying cancer viruses, that's the German snooze.
Yeah, it was in Der Spiegel.
Nimmo wrote an article on it.
We already knew that five months ago with our scientists we had on, but here it is all over the European press!
And I mean, just go through the nine myths that we've got on this article.
One of them says that the vaccine is untested.
They're saying this is a myth.
Manufacturers rushed the production of the vaccine to get it to market.
That's admitted!
That was in the London Times!
And the pharmaceutical companies themselves admit that that's a myth.
Yes, it was never tested.
You can Google that and see hundreds of mainstream articles.
But the New York Times and the inserts that they're giving school children all over the country say it isn't true.
We've got links to where they admit that it wasn't tested properly.
And then number seven is the vaccine contains a dangerous adjuvant, a chemical added to enhance the immune response.
They're saying that that's a myth.
When we know it contains damarisol and squalene.
And in fact, the New York Times itself reported on the fact that these non-additive H1N1 vaccines would be available, but there wouldn't be enough for the general population.
So the Times itself reports on it and then says it's a myth.
Well, that's why they're losing all credibility and now getting a government bailout, and that's why Obama's had public meetings saying the alternative media is a threat to newspapers, the government and the mainstream media teaming up to censor us, because of course they're going to lose!
We're telling the truth, they're lying!
It's unbelievable.
I mean, these people are unbelievable.
Paul, this is a crime to sit there and lie and say, this is actually from FDA.gov, this Norvitis Vaccine Diagnostics Limited.
Give folks a close shot at PrisonPlanet.tv.
That's where this is from!
Brain damage.
Heaven help us!
I mean, this is insane!
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
I've got an important alert about when we're going to be releasing Fall of the Republic in the next segment.
Stay with us for that.
If you go to PrisonPlanet.tv, the front page has changed.
We put it on another server.
Just so you can sign up, watch Fall of the Republic in one hour exactly, and right now you can watch us live for free at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Because members and the general public can't access the regular site with the thousands of videos, audio, my book, Paul Watson's book, and so much more.
And after the traffic hump goes down, that'll be back up.
It's up for some, it's getting hit by so many, but hopefully putting this simple page up will kill a lot of that traffic we're getting so the main site will be accessible.
Same thing happened with the Sheen deal.
This happens more and more when we launch something big, we just shut down.
So that is live there.
I'm going to keep Watson a little bit in with Tarpley on the situation I ran and let him go in about 10 minutes.
But we'll go ahead and get Tarpley on right now as well.
Paul Watson, finishing up with the flu.
There's so many other facets to this.
The good news is
The good news is, people aren't buying the fraud.
The bad news is, they admit that millions of people have taken the nasal live virus, one that can breed it, mutate it, and spread it, and now that's why 30 plus percent of the public's infected with it, but not getting sick.
Who knows what the virus is carrying?
Because they've now proven there's all these sub-particles and microplasms they can engineer into it.
So I see a lot of different angles that are dangerous right there.
And I also have reports here, swine flu cases overestimated.
CBS News exclusive study of rate of results find H1N1 not as prevalent as feared.
I told you this months ago with medical doctors.
False reporting, hyping, lying about how dangerous it is, and it's not the flu pathogen, it's what else they're adding, folks.
It's the vaccine that's bad.
Also, Dell tried to create, Dell Children's Hospital tried to create the precedent
Of putting up these fear-mongering tents where thousands of hypochondriacs per day at the peak in Central Texas were flooding in demanding the vaccine.
But now, I heard them on the news last night on KLBJ News, report that only 160-something, I forget the exact, 168 I think, but it was 160-something, are showing up a day, so they're shutting down their little FEMA tent camps.
By the way, remind Douglas to go shoot that right now, videotape that before they shut it down.
I need to have that for stock footage to show this camp they set up over there.
So they're failing there.
This is some really good news.
Is it not, Paul Watson?
It's good news, yeah.
And it shows why the establishment is having to get really desperate in convincing the idiot public in their eyes to take this shot.
And as we've documented today, they're even going to the levels of implanting propaganda in prime-time network television shows.
And that's not an invention of paranoid conspiracy theorists.
It was admitted last week, and they bragged about it, that all this week, on the major network TV shows, on ABC, Fox, CBS, NBC, that positive propaganda about Obama's healthcare agenda
We're good to go.
For a few seconds it cuts to a shot of a computer screen which shows a fake website with a big ad in the middle that says, Time for your flu shot!
And then on the right hand side it says, Take it now!
And this is overlaid over the cleavage of a woman who sat there to make everybody look at it.
And it's blatant propaganda in the middle of this ABC drama show to get people to take the flu shot and it's desperation.
Absolutely, I mean it's just when I rarely watch TV or my wife does when she's on the treadmill or whatever, you know, she downloads stuff off
She says almost every show she watches is pro-euthanasia, pro-vaccine, pro-abortion.
There's too many people.
Babies have too big a carbon footprint.
And then the government admits, oh yes, the government's paying for all this on TV.
Our tax money to produce these TV shows to brainwash people.
We're going into total tyranny.
Webster Tarpley's coming up.
We'll talk about the Iran situation first and a lot more.
Paul, stay there.
I want you to do five minutes on that when we get back with Tarpley.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Tarpley and I are exchanging nicknames for each other.
We'll keep those private and personal.
A doctorate in history, PhD in history, PhD in economics, just a great political mind.
We're going to talk about
The four different Al-Qaeda groups openly, the White House admits, under Bush and Obama, launching terror attacks in Iran, blowing up police stations, bombing schools, bombing dams, blowing up command military bases, killing Iran's number three general.
And Iran is suing the U.S.
and the U.N.
for doing it.
Our government blows their buildings up and then admits it and says, do something, Iran.
Do something.
That's got news aiming at them.
I mean, this is so evil.
We're going to talk about that.
But Paul Watson's written detailed articles on this.
I wanted Watson to give us his take on it.
Then we're going to Webster Tarpley on that front, on what's happening with the death of the dollar, what's happening with fall of the republic that Webster is in.
We're going to discuss it all in the balance of the show today and jam some calls in from Steve, Chris, Jay, Gabby.
Gabby's going to gab on the air with us.
Today, in the last 50 minutes, 50 and a half minutes we have left, before the premiere at PrisonPlanet.tv of Fall Republic.
And just for the general public today, the last hour of the show is free, video-wise.
The radio is obviously free, but we've got to pay for the bandwidth.
For PrisonPlanet.tv, PrisonPlanet.tv is free right now for video viewers.
uh... for the live show and it's your fifteen cents a day as a prison planet dot tv member
$5.95 a month, get a yearly membership instead of a monthly, trial and get three months free, that funds all of this and allows this to happen.
So I want to thank all the members out there.
But members will be able to watch the film in T-minus 50 minutes.
Start your engines!
You know, they've got the checkered flags out.
They're getting ready here, ladies and gentlemen.
Is it the checkered flag when the race starts and the green when they win?
Or is it the green flag
Yeah, so it's the checkered, getting the checkered flag pole position is when you win.
So the green flags are out.
And it's going, doot, doot, doot, doot, doot, doot, doot, doot, doot, doot, doot, doot, doot, doot, doot, doot, doot, doot, doot, doot, doot, doot, doot, doot, doot, doot, doot, doot, doot, doot, doot, doot, doot, doot, doot, doot, doot, doot, doot, doot, doot, doot, doot, doot, doot, doot, doot, doot, doot, doot, doot, doot, doot, doot, doot, doot, doot, doot, doot, doot, doot, doot, doot, doot
We, and I've played Mario Kart one time.
I think I've let my kids play it maybe a hundred times.
I let them play the sports games and that's it, but the golf and stuff, it's good for them.
Alright, I'm going to shut up about that.
The point is, let us now go to Paul Watson.
Paul, give us your quick take on what's happening in Iran.
This is a bold move to publicly stage terror attacks all over Iran and publicly brag about it while the West calls themselves peaceniks.
The non-nuclear Iran
Well, Alex, on Sunday there was a suicide bomb attack against the Iranian Revolutionary Guard at their headquarters in a place called Kishinev, if I'm saying that right, which is near the border with Pakistan.
And it was carried out, admittedly, they took the blame for it, by this Sunni terrorist group known as Jundullah, which was formerly headed by the alleged 9-11 mastermind, the Patsy, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed.
Now, the press reacted to this terrorist attack
Um, by kind of swinging between Iranian accusations and blanket denials on behalf of the U.S.
and Britain that it was a terrorist attack launched by the U.S.
and the British against the Iranians by proxy because the Jundala organization admittedly, and this was reported by the London Telegraph, ABC News, amongst many others, in 2007,
is armed and trained by the CIA and Mossad.
It's not even up for debate, and that's what I found incredible about this, you know, the reports about the accusations.
It's not even up for debate.
It's confirmed.
This is an al-Qaeda offshoot organization, or the CIA Arab Legion, as Webster calls it.
And it's controlled by the CIA and they're using it to destabilize the Iranian government by carrying out terrorist attacks against the Iranian Revolutionary Guard.
And by the way, by the way, it is not just Times of London or ABC News that reported this in 2007.
Cy Hirsch, Webster Tarpley, myself, countless others have reported this in 2003, 2004, 2005.
In 2007, the whitehouse.gov, the White House website, put a press release out saying we're funding these four groups to stage attacks, and they didn't even debate that number three al-Qaeda ran it.
Al-Qaeda publicly works for our criminal government.
It's just like the New York Times saying there's no mercury in the flu shot when all their inserts say it and FDA.gov says it.
It's just a new level of lying.
Final comments, we're going to Webster Tarbley.
Yeah, the other thing is that when members of this group were arrested by Pakistan last year and handed over to Iran,
The one of the top leaders of the Jundula Group admitted in court that they were being trained and owned by the US and Israel, and this was the brother of the leader of the group, Abdulloh Melech Rigi.
I don't
Instrumental in calming the tensions in that region.
They targeted him for elimination and he's dead.
So there's no debate who's behind this and it just goes to show.
And then meanwhile they get up on the news and say Iran is running Al Qaeda and Taliban, the Sunni group, the arch enemies of Shiite Iran.
This is like saying the Dallas Cowboys are the Washington Redskins, or Superman is Lex Luthor, or Hitler is Franklin Roosevelt.
I mean, it's a total flipping, and Iran is fighting Al Qaeda, saying it's a globalist run, U.S.-British-Israeli run.
It's on record.
Tell folks the headline on the great article you wrote a few days ago so people can go read the details and see all those links.
The article is U.S.
attacks Iran via CIA-funded Jundullah terror group.
Alright, good job Watson.
Keep it up.
I look forward to the launch of Fall of the Republic at PrisonPlanet.tv that you're hot showing with Matt and Kevin and others here at the office in T-minus 44 minutes.
Thank you so much.
Thanks, Alex.
Okay, Webster, I'm going to let you take it out to break in five minutes.
I've actually got to go work on IT stuff and give some orders here.
Take us to break with the Jandela situation, and we'll come back, finish up with that, then get into the economics, the banking meltdown you predicted a decade ago.
Webster Tarpley, good to have you here with us.
Thank you very much, Alex.
Let me address this terror attack, since that's our leading issue at the moment.
This was a suicide bomb in the
Province of, um, Balochistan.
That is to say, in the southeast of Iran, near the border with Pakistan.
And it was claimed by this Jundala organization, which is simply a CIA MI6 secret army.
It's a well-known front.
Now, this was a very serious bombing attack.
It was an assembly of local and regional notables, as well as some representatives from Tehran.
It was a kind of a ceremonial occasion, and it killed about
30 people, according to some accounts, and up to 60 people, according to others.
And one of the people killed was the ground forces commander of the Iranian Pasteran Revolutionary Guard, as well as the commander of the Revolutionary Guard, or Pasteran, in that southeastern corner
Of Iran.
Now, this Jundala has been around for quite a while, and the Iranians know it well.
So the Iranian government immediately blamed the British as well as the U.S., and the State Department spokesman here in Washington came out and said, oh no, we have nothing to do with that.
Now, it's absolutely absurd.
As Alex points out, because it's an absolute open secret that the U.S.
runs this.
I would say the British probably created it and continue to have significant influence, but the money seems to be coming from the U.S.
and the targeting probably shared between Washington and London.
Just a couple of these mainstream things in a little bit more detail.
Back in February 2007, we had the London Daily Telegraph, notoriously close to NATO intelligence.
They quote a former high-ranking CIA official saying that it's not a great secret that Jundala gets its money from the CIA classified budget.
They also have a guy called Fred Burton, a former United States State Department counterterrorism official, who says that these attacks that were taking place already then in 2007 are part of U.S.
efforts to supply and train Iran's ethnic minorities to destabilize the regime.
If that's not enough, we have Brian Ross, ABC Television News.
You can see this on TV for free.
April 2007, the U.S.
is encouraging and advising Jundula, and it's being run by the U.S.
essentially out of bases inside Pakistan, but really not something you can blame on Pakistan when the U.S.
and indeed the British are playing such an important role.
And then we have Seymour Hersh.
These are the famous articles that he wrote in the New Yorker during those years.
And Seymour Hersh gets a hold of Robert Baer, the former CIA official of clandestine services.
And he says that this is the U.S.
paying for this.
The U.S.
is working now with Sunni fundamentalists.
That's the trick with Jundala.
Jundala are Sunni terrorists of the Salafi persuasion.
And the idea is to set up a conflict which is ethnic as well as religious.
Uh, with the, uh, them being against the Persian Shiites that are running the government in Tehran.
Alright, let's just stay there.
Keep breaking it down.
And from what I've read, there's four different groups.
Some are Wahhabist-connected, others Sunni.
Break down all these groups for us.
And what Iran may do.
I mean, imagine constant bombings blowing up government buildings, blowing up their military, blowing up their police.
It's just insane.
We'll be right back.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda,
They'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
For the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation, the criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty and on its ashes constructing world government.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com.
Or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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Waging war on corruption.
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Continuing along the line of these staged terror attacks using proxies from the West against the Iranians, openly trying to goad them, a type of false flag, to start responding, just like they had snuck attack Russia on 888 and said Russia did it, and a week later it came out it was all a lie, but they don't care.
They just have disdain and contempt for the public that can't
Some of them, I guess, find their butt with both hands.
But where is this going?
What's the reason for this?
Well, one other feature of Balochistan that's important is that we have this very important city of Gwadar, this key strategic port.
It's estimated that 40% of the oil tankers in the world go past the port of Gwadar, and the plan has always been to make an oil tanker terminal at Gwadar, so that if you're coming out of Kuwait or Saudi Arabia with a tanker load of oil, you put that into a pipeline that would go up through Pakistan
And that would then get you into China, so the Chinese would have a guaranteed source of oil.
You look at Balochistan.
Balochistan cuts into Afghanistan, the southern part of that.
It gives you a big chunk of Pakistan, and it gives you a significant part of Iran.
So this is one of the micro-states and mini-states that Zbigniew Brzezinski writes about in his books, and which are the goal of the Obama administration.
Places like Pashtunistan, that would cut into Pakistan and Afghanistan.
It has Brzezinski geopolitical designs written all over it.
Absolutely, and it's only part of a pattern.
Inside Iran, there are four or five of these ethnic groups.
You've got the Baluchis, you've got a significant Arab minority along the Gulf, and that's where you've got your tanker terminal at Karg Island and your...
Abadan refinery, one of the largest in the world.
There's also a Kurdish minority that the CIA has been playing out of Iraq.
There's an Azeri minority coming from the North.
So clearly they want to knock out the police intelligence bureau there so they can move more terror forces in to further destabilize the area?
Right, and you've also got then this Green Revolution.
You've got the CIA coup faction, right, the rich elitists and desperate housewives of North Tehran, with their leaders, Mousavi and Rafsanjani, and they run around chanting, death to Russia, death to China.
That couldn't be any clearer.
If they seized power, they'd cut off the oil to China and make trouble for Russia.
So this explains why Ahmadinejad is looking more and more like a traditional military dictator, leaning primarily on Russia.
And the U.S.
is, interestingly enough, on the side of the mullahs of the most benighted sort when you get into this situation in Tehran.
So the idea is to tear Iran apart from several points of view.
I do not think that there will be a huge bombing raid on Iran.
There are acts of war going on.
This was one of them.
And these have been going on in these peripheral ethnic areas for quite a while.
At the end of it, the Persians themselves would be left in a
Almost landlocked internal part of the country, Iranistan, with very little oil and very little perspective.
So that would be the... Let me ask you this question, Webster.
Then what's the main strategic reason for this?
Are they trying to get the Iranians to launch attacks?
Is there truth to the Western headlines that the guard heads, the generals are saying, we will counter strike?
Or is that lies?
Well, certainly they're going to retaliate if there were a huge bombing raid on Iran and their nuclear facilities.
And actually, they'd retaliate with whatever they had.
They could probably cut the tanker traffic through the streets.
But they're saying they're going to respond to this.
Well, in this case, though, I think it'll be proportional.
And what that is, I guess, remains to be seen.
The general idea, though, is to weaken Iran and play Iran against Russia and China.
Brzezinski's goal is not to have the U.S.
at war with Iran.
What's the point of that?
The point is to get Iran, if possible, either at war or locked in conflict with Russia and China, who are the main geopolitical enemies now, that Obama has come in and replaced the neocons, more or less, with the Brzezinskis.
Quickly, then, what do you see happening in Iran?
Where's this going?
I think the Green coup has failed.
I think it'll take a while for the CIA and company to figure that out.
But the attempt to overthrow the government is failing, and I do think Ahmadinejad will evolve more and more towards a rather traditional military dictatorship.
He's a military man, and I imagine they'll be able to deal with these peripheral terrorists in the relatively brutal way that would be usual.
The Savak methods.
I suppose, yes, the Savak.
Savamar Savak.
All right, Webster Tarpley, stay there.
I want to shift gears out of this, into the economy, into the plunging dollar.
Different countries saying they want a debt moratorium.
We'll talk about it all.
We're now 30 minutes and 15 seconds away from the release of Fall of the Republic.
We're trying to save the Republic.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda,
That we're pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
For the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation, the criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty and on its ashes constructing world government.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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We're good to go!
We're cutting it close.
I was just talking to my IT guys.
We think it'll be ready at 3 o'clock.
To explain what happened.
Hundreds of thousands of people.
Many many dozens and dozens and hundreds of times I guess.
More members than we have.
Are all hitting prisonplanet.tv wanting to see it, but not signing up to see it.
Just thinking, I guess it's there for free.
We can't do that.
I have to pay for these IT guys and the bandwidth.
It's $5.95 a month.
It's not hard to stream the video to you.
We have the big CDNs.
It's that the main site and server that prisonplanet.tv is on was weighed down and basically crashed and kept crashing every time we brought it back up today.
And it's being bombarded so hard to just get in and bring it back up.
It's hard to get in.
So they've created a redirect to a basic page for PrisonPlanet.tv where you can sign up or if you're a member, click and watch Fall of the Republic.
We want it to go live at 3 right when things end.
They're saying now 15, 20, 30 minutes after 3.
Because they're having to build some things, test some things, they have to make sure it all works this way.
So that's going on.
But it will be premiering today at PrisonPlanet.tv.
And anybody who wants the DVD in the highest quality, you can just go to InfoWars.com and order it.
We're shipping these bad boys out for two days.
A lot of people are already getting these in the mail.
I'm already getting emails and calls and seeing comments going, oh, it's incredible, it's so good.
So it'll be going up on PrisonPlanet.tv in the next, what, hour?
Am I good for that?
You said that during the break, but I want to know.
Okay, the next hour.
Maybe even right at 3.
We'll see what's going to happen.
Alright, going back to Webster Tarpley.
Webster, anything else on the Iran situation?
If not, I want to then get into what's happening with Obama, what's happening geopolitically.
I had seen AP articles about Obama going to go after his enemies.
Obama is going to go after people that have been criticizing him.
We see there George Soros has five different publications he admittedly owns and runs and pays for.
Some he owns, some he just finances.
Attacking me saying I'm evil, I'm the greatest threat, oh I'm so horrible, oh I'm this criminal, oh I'm this right winger.
All this made up stuff.
And Salon, New Republic.
New Republic just said, I'm this incredibly wicked, dangerous person who hypnotizes people and I'm this great threat that Obama deception is devastating.
I mean, they're actually, usually they just call you a kook and a nut.
They're saying I'm this great danger.
Then it came out in the globe that there is a enemies list and of 25 people, I am number 24.
That hit list kind of comes out with a left-right paradigm angle.
But then, meanwhile, this was first on the news yesterday, then he gave a speech today on the Senate floor.
Alexander to White House, don't create enemies list.
And Lamar Alexander, the Senator of Tennessee, he says, look, I work for Nixon.
The enemies list, the dirty tricks, don't do it.
He says he's confirmed internally that the operation is in full swing.
uh... just all sorts of attacks on people disinformation and if they grab me, knock me over the head, inject me with heroin, kill me, and throw me in the bed with a dead hooker, folks, I didn't do it.
What do you think about all this?
Or is Alexander, who's a consummate insider, is this all part of the public threatening as well from an angle of, oh, I'm your friend?
This is not a roll call today.
Why do you think
Because I know you always have a lot of inside info when you read all the news.
What do you think is going on with this enemies list?
Are they announcing it to intimidate everybody?
What should I expect?
Your take on where Obama's going, what's happening with the dollar, the open call for the end of the dollar, the bank of the world we pay our carbon taxes to, all this eugenicist propaganda, the White House admitting they're paying all the major TV dramas and top-rated shows to put out, pro-forced national service,
Uh, messages, pro-Obama messages.
I mean, I'm pinching myself, Webster Tarpley, as if I'm in an alternate dimension of total tyranny.
We have IP phones and they drop quite often here, so we'll, uh, get him back on.
I mean, you're like an alarm when those lines drop, because they just do it in... Or call him back on the landline.
Call him back on the landline.
Okay, and because he missed that entire rant, I just put out and I want his take on that.
It's just unbelievable.
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Okay, Webster, I'm sorry our lines dropped to you.
They seem to do that every hour or so as part of the booting process.
Going back to you, I was talking about how
Lamar Smith, the Senator, has gone to the floor today to say, please don't have the enemies list.
He says he's confirmed there's one.
It's come out in mainstream news, not just tabloids now, that they are targeting their enemies.
I am one of the people, chiefly.
And they mention the Obama deception.
That film really hit a nerve with them.
And then I want to get into what's happening with the dollar.
But you're a big part of the Obama deception.
Now you're an even bigger part of all the republic.
And this nexuses and dovetails into the fact that
The truth is really damaging to these people, and this is the fact that we're drawing blood on this criminal regime in the Infowar.
This should be a cry of victory for us to know that we can drive these guys to ground.
Your take on the enemies list.
Well, I'm sure they have an enemies list.
They have more than that.
I think they actually have departments in the White House.
There was a report coming from some people in Canada who had figured out that there was a special department of the White House which dealt with the birth certificate issue, raised by Phil Berg and others.
And that was all it did and I'm sure there's another one there for the Larry Sinclair issues and everything that goes with that.
That's what the news says and I want to make a correction interrupting.
It's Lamar Alexander.
Lamar Smith.
I get names turned around.
Senator Lamar Alexander.
Go ahead.
So they do have an enemies list.
Now, in terms of the Obama deception and now the fall of the republic, the Obama deception in many ways is the preparation for breaking the spell, for dispelling the magic, for bringing Obama down to earth.
I guess it must have come out in May, right?
And then during the summer it had a tremendous impact, and what you saw then in June, July, August, in terms of a populist rebellion
Of leftists and rightists against Obama, because it was both.
You had old people who said, I want my Medicare, that's my Medicare from the New Deal and the Great Society, and you take your hands off of Obama because you want to give the money to Wall Street, what he really does.
A broad consensus around that.
Now, the question is now with the fall of the republic, my ambition for the fall of the republic is this should lead to gridlock in Washington.
We have two parties of scoundrels and incompetent.
They're corrupt, they're stupid, and they have all of these plans that we've been documenting.
The only possible perspective right now is we want gridlock.
We don't want any changes.
I don't want the changes Obama wants.
And I don't want the changes the Republicans want.
So let's have gridlock.
Let's have these institutions be paralyzed for the moment.
But let me ask you, Webster, what should I be doing, because I really respect your perspective, what should I be doing being on the top 25 enemies list of the White House?
I mean, that's pretty creepy.
Well, that's a badge of honor, of course.
That's excellent.
Again, the main thing, I think, is to get into this idea that the Obama health care reform is a monstrosity.
However, there's a grave danger that Obama and the Republicans could make a deal.
The one thing they could agree on is they could say, let's destroy Medicare, let's take $500 billion
Let's strip the American people of their economic rights.
Let's also destroy Medicaid in the process.
And this is something that some Republicans have said.
That they could see common ground with Obama when it comes to stripping away the economic rights of the American people.
Let me add this, and we're going to get into the dollar, because you're absolutely right.
When I was in an airport last Wednesday and bought this Wall Street Journal, I'm showing people on TV, Wednesday, October 14th, headline, insurers stand against Obama committee's plan.
Excuse me.
And then in the article, they have the spokesman for the health care insurance lobbied.
It says he's the head guy who speaks for them.
You know, I guess from the papal seat, or however you'd put it.
And he's there speaking for them, and he says, we wrote this bill.
We wrote the takeover of healthcare, and we want bigger fines if you don't come get our insurance.
We want liability protection, so they can basically get more money, make you get their insurance, then lower the care, everything you said six months ago.
But then when you watch the mainstream news, the controlled left acts like, oh, insurance companies who are greedy and bad, which they are greedy and bad in many cases, they don't want this bill when they wrote it.
Now, because of pressure stripping the fine, if you don't get it, and stripping a lot of this corporate welfare, now they're threatening to back out of what they wrote.
So every time these fake George Soros leftists, who just want a new tax on health care to pay to the banks, every time they get
There's also this question about what they call the mandate.
In other words, that every individual is forced to buy insurance.
From a for-profit private healthcare company, which is what it's going to be.
It's a for-profit, deregulated company, with 33% overhead, with executive perks, golden parachutes, lobbying budget, advertising budget.
The interesting question is, how can that be constitutional?
How can the U.S.
government coerce anybody into buying something from a private company?
When they usually say, well, you get insurance for your car, fine.
An automobile, you can get a driver's license without insurance.
If you want to put a car on the road, then many states require liability insurance.
This is not the same thing.
What Obama's basically saying is just because you're there, because you're alive and breathing in the United States, you're going to be forced to go to WellPoint and Blue Cross and give them
What, uh, 13-15% of your income?
I don't see how that can be done constitutionally.
I think there's a real constitutional barrier to that, because otherwise I'm being forced to buy something from a private company?
This makes no sense!
Okay, so whether it comes from Republicans or Democrats, either way, it's special interest trying to loot people because the system is so corrupt.
Any way you slice it, they're involved in a fraud.
We'll have you back up soon to talk about that.
Let's shift gears in the time we have left, Webster.
The global economic crises that over 10 years ago you wrote your economic tome on, we actually sell the latest edition of that at InfoWars.com for people that are interested in surviving the economic cataclysm.
It's happening just as you broke it down.
What are we dealing with?
Open G20 announcing world government, carbon taxes we'll pay to them, just a planetary dictatorship run by a bunch of made-off Ken Lay types.
Where do you see all this going?
Well, I hope very much that this Copenhagen conference, which they want to impose this yoke, they want to crucify humanity on a cross of carbon in Copenhagen in December.
I hope that's going to be a failure.
And there are some pretty powerful forces that are making it a failure.
China and India have had joint meetings where they say, we will not be bound by this insanity.
We will not be stifled and strangled and frustrated in our economic development because a bunch of rich elitists
In London and New York decide that they have some carbon phobia, carbon fetish, whatever it is.
So I think there's a very good chance that the Copenhagen Conference will blow up.
It'll be a monumental failure.
I urge everybody to do everything in their power, especially around the world.
Make sure that that Copenhagen Conference is a failure.
Again, gridlock.
We want gridlock.
That's the only possible outcome that saves humanity under these conditions.
Now, the other thing is the dollar crisis that you mentioned.
Today, the dollar is very weak.
It's $1.50.
It's more than $1.50 to buy a euro.
That is very close to an all-time low, and it's certainly a 14-month low.
The dollar index is below 75, which is quite dramatic.
And at the same time, this is the kind of thing that gets you into the geometry of hyperinflation.
You've got oil is up to almost $82 a barrel.
So oil has gone up, well, certainly more than 10% just in the last five or six days.
I think what you're heading for now is some kind of a dramatic moment.
Hyperinflation takes off slowly, and then it gathers steam, and I'm afraid we're now in that kind of an area.
One thing that I would warn against
The British.
Remember that when you get a situation now of latent crisis, a crisis that is about to explode, the British specialty is to try to precipitate the crisis, to break it out in the open in such a way that they can export the depression to others, to the US, to Europe, to Japan, whatever they can do.
This Robert Fisk article in the London Independent
Has been, I think, characterized by the Ria Novosti news agency as a plant by George Soros, designed to create a dollar panic and to prevent any rational form of monetary reform.
It's just what the British do.
They did it in 1931 when they went off gold.
They did it in 1971 when they brought down Bretton Woods.
They did it in 2007, 2008.
They're trying to extort $60 billion.
So this does signify that the Anglo-American power elite are wanting to cause a global currency crisis now for a massive change?
Yeah, some of them are.
Again, the more British side and the Wall Street side, but there may indeed be countervailing forces on that too.
So look at the article by Vlad Grinkovic on Ria Novosti attacking Robert Fisk as essentially somebody who's a speaking tube for George Soros.
Obviously, it is impossible for the dollar to remain as the sole reserve currency.
That will not work.
On the other hand, most of the other candidates for this are even less qualified.
The euro and the yen, I think, are even less able.
To do this job than the dollar.
And the worst of all possible worlds is this idea of a synthetic currency.
The idea that you'd create a supernational currency.
It would probably turn out to be special drawing rights of the International Monetary Fund.
That's the worst.
That is what Lord Keynes wanted at Bretton Woods.
Lord Keynes, of course, spokesman for British imperialism.
He wanted this thing called Bancor.
Which would have been just a strangulation of world development instead of Bretton Woods.
Bretton Woods worked very, very well.
Between 1944 and 1941, 1971, we had the best rates of economic development in world history before or since.
We should, I think, go back to the positive features of Bretton Woods, not all of them, but the ones that proved to work well.
But certainly no Bancor, no special drawing rights, no supranational currency, and above all, watch out for British sabotage as this crisis gets worse.
Alright, I want to talk about how you see this unfolding on the current course that the establishment has us on, what some of those different forces that are moving towards world government and vertical integration, but may be debating about who's going to be on top of the pyramid when this all settles.
We'll talk about the final timeline, and then launch Fall of the Republic straight ahead.
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We're good to go.
Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda,
They'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
Fall of the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation, the criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty and on its ashes constructing world government.
Tim Geithner?
They're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com.
Or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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Okay, here's the deal.
PrisonPlanet.tv, you know, has been crashing all day because there's so many people going there.
I think the word got out it was free there or something, because it's thousands and thousands of times the members that we have.
We can see the numbers just being bombarded.
It may be a denial of service attack.
Probably isn't.
We'll be able to forensically tell you that later.
I apologize to Tarpley, all this has been going on today when he was supposed to be on.
I want to go ahead and set Tarpley up for another hour next week to talk more about the health care plan and where all that's really going.
Before we go back to Webster here in closing, sometime in the next hour, we've got it where you can sign up now to be a member.
That took time to reroute that to where it could be on the new page we've got so PrisonPlanet.tv doesn't go down.
In the next 30 minutes to an hour,
It will be up on PrisonPlanet.tv.
It will be there premiering.
I want to thank everybody.
You can also get the DVD at Infowars.com.
And it's up to you how big this is going to be.
Tomorrow we'll be taking your calls, open phones, getting your response to the film.
And all those that are holding, we'll have first-time callers again tomorrow.
We'll put you to the front of the line.
Before I get a final comment from Webster, I do have to thank some of the sponsors that made today's show possible.
One of them is New Silver Solution.
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Go there and also watch all the different testimonials at SupernaturalSilver.com.
Okay, Tarpley, we've got three and a half minutes, sir.
You've got the floor until we do the honors and launch Fall of the Republic at PrisonPlanet.tv.
And there's always the best quality, low-tech DVDs we're shipping out.
Again, I'm so excited.
Get them, make copies, put them on AXS television, get them out to everybody.
Webster, final comments about the state of the world and where we're going.
Well, we're headed into a very severe dollar crisis.
It probably has hyperinflationary overtones.
The problem that we have is the system has now reached a state of such fragility
That there are very little reserves left to deal with such a crisis.
I mean, look at the Federal Reserve.
They're down to 0%.
They can't go any lower.
And certainly the ability of the United States government to come up with another $700 billion to bail out banks is not there.
So that can't be done anymore.
We're now at a point where we've got this huge build-up of snow ready to form an avalanche, and any kind of an event can set it off.
It won't be gradual.
It will be a leap.
In other words, it's going to be something quite dramatic once it starts going.
By an order of magnitude?
Well, huge.
Bigger than September of 2008.
In other words, now it's a dollar crisis.
As well as an Anglo-American banking crisis, and indeed a world banking crisis.
Because people should understand, when the dollar goes down, nobody remains invulnerable to that.
Everybody is going to suffer greatly, and that includes China, India, and everybody else.
Just think of the Chinese with their $2 trillion worth of U.S.
Treasury bonds, as well as their
Very foolish dependency on the U.S.
market for all of their low-priced exports.
This was not wise.
So we're going to see a lot of mistakes that get paid for.
But inside the U.S., again, I recommend gridlock.
Fight the thing to a standstill.
And then we're going to need, obviously, an anti-depression program.
But there's nobody who represents that at the present time.
So we've got to do more propaganda on that front.
Well, Webster, great job breaking that down for us today.
He's the author of two books on Barack Obama, available at Infowars.com.
We really appreciate his work.
He's a big part of Fall of the Republic.
And all of you are a big part of this film coming to fruition and being released.
And we're victims of our own success, but it'll be launching in the next hour at PrisonPlanet.tv.
It's like giving birth, and the doctor's about to show me the baby.
This is very exciting.
Thank everybody.
Great job.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today!
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