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Name: 20091016_Fri_Alex
Air Date: Oct. 16, 2009
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The Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Welcome, ladies and gentlemen.
We are live on this Friday, the 16th day of October 2009 edition.
We're now eight and a half minutes into the third hour of another hour coming up.
We're here live Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m.
Central Time.
That's 12 noon to 4 p.m.
And we are joined by Bob Chapman, the founder of the International Forecaster.
He worked in Army Intelligence.
He then had one of the biggest newsletters in history until he retired.
He came back out of retirement to restart his financial newsletter.
And his predictions are some of the most accurate and stunning out there.
He was one of the biggest private gold and silver brokers ever.
He helped publish Gary Allen's None Dare Call a Conspiracy in the early 1970s.
He is a real icon in the fight against the globalists for the last 45 years.
And today is his 74th?
Or is it 75th birthday?
How old are you today, Bob?
I'm 74 and I'm happy to report that I'm healthy and everything works.
That's awesome.
Look, I don't want to toot your horn here, but I want people to pay attention to what you're saying.
Everything you've talked about years before, and you call it when it's going to happen, is now happening.
You called two years ago on this show that late 2009, 2010 early was when they'd start really killing the dollar.
You called the stock market going back up.
Two years ago, you said it would go down in a year, then it would go back up in 2009, that it would then go down again.
You called that gold, by the fall, would run up well above a thousand.
I mean, I want the crystal ball you've got, but also on top of all this, Bob Chapman, I want listeners.
Not our mainline listeners, but the show's growing by leaps and bounds.
All these new listeners on all these new AM and FM stations, understand.
We're just going off the documents.
The Club of Rome, the Bank of England, all these, the private Federal Reserve have said they're setting up a Bank of the World we'll pay carbon taxes to.
They are the ones killing the dollar.
They are the ones that have stolen tens of trillions.
They are the ones setting up a police state to stop the American and British and other people from taking our government back and bringing these Madoffs slash skillings slash
Uh, Ken Lay types to justice.
So either these guys take over the world through their Ponzi scheme fraud, that's the New World Order, it's tyranny, set up their Bank of the World, which they're now calling for, banks, the private banks to have the regulatory power over all businesses, that's even on Napolitano's Fox News show.
I mean, this is really happening.
I want people to realize the magnitude of, we're not saying the New World Order's coming now.
It's now here, and it's going to get worse and worse and worse.
So I want to lay out what their master plan is, who they are.
What their economic warfare operation is, and what the death of the dollar is going to look like.
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, former head of the Treasury, former Wall Street Journal editor, the father of Reaganomics, he said he believes it's irreversible.
He now agrees it's by design.
Two years ago he knew they were doing it, but couldn't come to that realization.
They're now openly, Soros is openly bragging.
I mean, this is so incredible, and I want people to realize we are now here.
The hell is now going to begin while they're simultaneously telling us we have a jobless recovery and everything's wonderful.
Bob Chapman.
Everything is not wonderful.
And we're not going to get a recovery.
And it's as simple as that.
If you remember back in January, I said that I thought that by the end of the year, the people in Washington and Wall Street would be talking about another stimulus plan, and now they are.
They're talking in terms of $200 billion.
I projected $2 trillion.
And that's what they need to make this thing continue to hum.
And so let's see what they come up with.
But I think there's a good chance there's going to be another stimulus program.
It'll be larger than the one that they did, which is $787 billion.
We'll say $800 billion.
It just really hasn't done hardly anything.
Two reasons.
They're not really creating anything, they're just throwing money at the problem.
And number two, the layout of the plan was done extremely poorly.
It was done politically, and now they're very afraid that the stimulus plan is not going to carry the economy in a positive mode into the election, and they're scrambling to get more money.
The key to all of this is money.
The key is the control of the production of money, and that's done by the Federal Reserve, the private corporation, and it's also done by the Bank of England.
And yes, as Alex said, they are now expediting into a world currency.
Whether it'll be an SDR, Special Depository Receipt, which is issued by the IMF, or whether it'll be a basket of currencies, say the G20,
With a small gold backing of 10 to 15 percent.
We don't know yet.
But that's where they're headed.
So that they can have an international trading unit.
And they intend to follow that by having an international one world currency.
Now Bob, for new listeners that don't understand, they're not going to see some gold or purple or blue money day one.
We'll still have our regional currencies, euro, dollar, with dollarized Canada and Mexico, but they've announced the G20, the new bank of the world will set currency values which will allow the insiders to even engage in bigger Ponzi schemes and manipulations.
They will set
I think?
Well, it's the Federal Reserve and the Bank of England are the two keys.
But, I look at this from a psycho-political aspect.
They are going to go into inflation, higher inflation.
Real inflation right now is 6.11%.
And those are John Williams' figures, incidentally.
You can look at it as 6.01% as well.
There's two ways of getting to the conclusion of the product.
And so that's going to increase.
We'll probably see over the next year and a half, while they're preparing this international trading unit, they call,
And this evolutionary process will continue to cause inflation until they decide to pull the plug and go to deflation and go to the international unit and to see the dollar go to 40 on the USDX.
Today it's around 75-75.
So you can see that we're not all that far away.
We're on together and we both said two to three years.
Well, I think we're down to one and a half to two right now.
And that's when I think they're going to stick it in.
And so what does that put us?
Mid-2011 to the end of 2011, somewhere in there.
Let me break this down for people.
Let me throw a question in here.
The method to the madness, having big Bilderberg Group, big New World Order owned, Reuters, Financial Times of London.
Wall Street Journal come out and take the shock off so there isn't a big panic and start announcing we've got to devalue the dollar.
It's going to happen incrementally.
National Post reported, New York Post reported yesterday that
You know, the dollar is no longer the world reserve currency, saying that China, India, Russia, Europe and others still have the majority dollars, but now the majority of their new purchases are euros and another basket.
And so it seems they're just acclimating everyone, so Americans just accept the devaluation of the currency, rising prices while we have depression in the real economy, so losing your job, lower wages, while
The economy falls apart.
So that's worse than the Great Depression, where it was a depression in prices and a depression in wages.
We're talking about hyper-stag inflation here.
And so I guess, why are they now announcing, okay, we are getting rid of the dollar?
Is that just to get everybody ready?
Yes, it is.
And I think the piece that was done by Fisk this past week, which dealt with
Secret meetings among those who didn't want the dollar anymore, such as Russia, China, India, the Arab states, Brazil, Venezuela, Iran.
That was deliberately leaked by him, that he was told to do that.
And that was conditioning.
They're going to ease it down.
It's going down.
They'll do the dialectics with it, you know, one step forward, two steps back.
Three steps forward, one step back.
And that's the way they're going to take it down.
And it'll encompass probably about a year and a half before it hits bottom, whether it's at 40 or 55 on the USDX.
And in the meantime, gold and silver are just going to go bonkers.
Gold has already broken out, and we're headed probably, the first major stop will be around
$1,650 to $1,700, and then it'll go higher after that.
And I don't expect any confiscation.
Listen, 3% of Americans own gold.
They wouldn't waste their time.
They can go over and take over the GLD, which is the exchange-traded fund.
They supposedly have 1,058 tons of gold, and there's some other entities that can be grabbed as well, and they can have all the gold that they want doing that.
Yeah, back in 1933, money was gold and silver.
The government says, we're going to give you this paper.
Give us that.
Then they doubled the price of gold a year later, once the people didn't have it.
Of course, my great-grandpa didn't turn his in.
We'll be right back.
Bob Chapman's our guest.
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Mike Stenerson from Midas Resources.
At no time in history have precious metals been more important.
Certainly not in my 17 years in the industry.
Nearly 100 banks have been shuttered this year.
As many as 200 more banks are suspect by year's end.
The FDIC is operating in the red.
Who pays for that?
Is your money safe?
The dollar has lost over 95% of its value in the last 60 years.
No fiat currency has ever survived the government printing presses.
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The time is now to be proactive.
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We've been right about everything.
On every issue.
Because we know the globalist agenda.
It's all written down.
We're like reading a TV guide and telling you what's on television tonight, and you're saying, oh, it's a conspiracy theory.
We have the government textbooks.
We have the government documents.
We have their own admissions.
Private corporate banks are robbing everyone right now.
They're destroying our future.
And they're setting up a police state to make sure we can't resist them.
It's illegitimate.
It's criminal.
We've got to come to realization.
Stop debating left and right, Republican, Democrat.
Stop debating balloon hoaxes and the latest O.J.
Simpson and Michael Jackson crap.
We've got to stop caring so much about Brett Favre and start caring about the real issues, ladies and gentlemen.
I mean, take Jesse Ventura.
He likes Brett Favre, too.
We talked a little bit about football while I was out there shooting this TV show with him this week on Wednesday.
But, you know, he still cares about the other issues of liberty and freedom.
I'm not telling people to
To not spend some of their time in leisure and fun and watching the Yankees or the Dodgers, but you still... I mean, Charlie Sheen, I'm good friends with Charlie Sheen, he still watches football and baseball, but he also spends some time dealing with issues of liberty and freedom.
Ron Paul likes baseball, but he still spends some time fighting tyranny.
And we have total criminals taking over.
I've made the decision to basically have almost no leisure, unless it's with my children, playing with them.
I play football in the backyard with my kids, but that's about it, because they need that.
We've got to get our priorities straight.
Bob, this is a short segment, but a long segment coming up.
I want to explain to people this illusion, and I want you to get into it with them, but also what dollar collapse is going to look like, how this is going to affect the average person.
And then also the record bonuses for Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, AIG, and others, the ones that change the laws.
With the revolving door of politicians and regulators that are now further raping us with our tax money for bonuses who are now going to set up the new bank of the world that they, the criminals, are going to control.
But Bob Chapman of TheInternationalForecaster.com, people want to check out more.
Gold isn't going up in price.
The dollar is dropping in value and people know it's going, so they're rushing into the safe haven of something that's a real commodity and has true value.
How does that ratio work with the stock market?
I know it's not as pure.
Dollar goes down, gold goes up.
Well, the more that you've seen in the Dow Jones from the low of 6,600 to 10,000 has been propelled by
Two basic reasons.
Short covering in a big way.
People who bet the market was going to go down and were wrong.
And secondly, the enormous amount of money that was put into the hands of banking and brokerage firms and insurance companies.
I mean, we're talking trillions of dollars.
What do they do with it?
Well, the Fed said, look, get in the market, run the thing up.
We have to have some stability in here.
We have to convince the public that we're capable of making the market become $10,000 again.
And making those pension and profit sharing plans go from minus 50% back to even again.
And so that's what they've done.
But the flip side of that is inflation starting to heat up big time.
Look at the PPI since May.
All you had to do was watch that and you know that costs are going to go up.
Now either the producers of goods and services are going to eat the additional cost or they're going to pass it on.
Well, most of them are going to pass it on.
And also, to answer your question about the falling of the dollar, how is it going to affect Americans, everything they buy from a foreign country is going to get more expensive.
So that t-shirt that came from China, and you bought it at retail for a dollar, might cost $1.35 or $1.50.
And so that's one of the main ways that it's going to hit.
It's going to be very inflationary.
And that will go on for a time.
How high will inflation go?
A minimum of 14 to 15 percent.
Perhaps a lot, lot more.
We don't know what they've got in store for us yet.
Well, Bob, what's the real number?
I mean, unemployment, every other private group says 20 percent or more.
The government says 9.5 percent.
What's the real number there?
Well, the only people I know that figure out what the dollar...
The increase in money and credit is John Williams and myself.
And he's got 21.4% and I've got 21.3%.
So I'll bow to his professional expertise because he's better at it than I am.
And so, yes, that's what we've got.
So anything that some politician or businessman says that the unemployment is more than 20%, that's true.
So unemployment's more like 20.
Inflation's... Where's inflation at, Dave?
Real inflation is 6.11%, using a formula before Bill Clinton went to office in the 1980s.
Alright, stay there.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
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I have a family.
My parents live here.
I have three children.
I love this country.
I had two relations on my mother's side of the family that came over on the Mayflower.
My family was all over the Revolutionary War in 1776 and in the founding of Texas.
I mean, I really bleed red, white, and blue.
I know we've been the greatest country in history.
I know we're special.
Our Bill of Rights and Constitution is wonderful.
And I'm so sick of watching offshore banks with slick PR firms, who know how to lie to the public, gutting the country, openly announcing at Davos they're setting up a world government.
George Soros and all these guys laughing, saying, I'm having a great crisis, we're finally going to bring down the U.S.
and set up world government.
The Pentagon totally works for them.
They're openly setting up a police state to rob all of us.
And I've still got to argue with people about whether I'm a conspiracy theorist or not.
I mean, Bob Chapman, does it ever make your head spin to have the thousands of government documents, statements, reports that we cover, that we link to?
More news today about deaths from the swine flu vaccine.
People getting paralyzed.
Medical doctors say yes.
It's causing neurological problems.
They had to stop it in 76.
For a year, they denied deaths were happening in 76.
And people finally said, hell no, and they admitted it.
I mean, how many times do we have to be lied to?
How many times do we have to be right?
Again, I'm not trying to toot our horn here today, but I want to make a big deal out of this, because it is a big deal.
We have the track record.
We have been right.
We do our homework.
We bust our ass.
I mean, Bob, I remember you.
However many years ago it was, you can remind me.
I'm reading your forecast.
I've been interviewing you for like eight years.
I remember you when the stock market hit $14,000, saying, get out now.
And you can remind me of the date in a moment.
When the stock market went way down last year, you said it's going to run back up in the summer and fall, and then I forget when you said it was going to plunge down again.
Let's hear your forecast now.
And I remember you calling all these things accurately, and you've pointed out, because you're not an egomaniac, and neither are other economists we have on,
You've pointed out that Bob Chapman's about 95% accurate, and that the mainstream media is over 80% inaccurate on the financial shows.
They're not inaccurate because they're stupid.
They're just as smart as Bob Chapman.
In fact, in their own personal lives, it's come out that their portfolios are the opposite of what they're saying.
In many cases, what they tell their viewers, Cramer and others,
That they know what they're doing.
They know they're lying.
They know they're spinning.
They know they're manipulating.
So, you're just telling the truth because that's what you do.
That's your business model.
That's your political model.
They work for the system, so they lie.
Explain to people your predictions, and they're all in the newsletters.
Go over all the things you called, and then where we are right now, and where you see us going.
Well, I can go back to, I called the top of the real estate market in October of 1989, and I sold my house in Malibu that month, as a matter of fact, and I said, you know, it's over and they're going to get out considerably.
Well, that happened, and the elitists had an opportunity between 1990 and 1992 to straighten the entire economy out by having
A strong recession.
They refused to do that.
Japan, at the same time, was in a terrible fix, and that went on for 20 years.
And we called the top of the market there at $42,000.
It eventually went down to about $5,000, and now it's trading a little bit higher.
But that was some of the things in the old days that, if you want to call them that, I called.
We even called the rally in gold in 1984-5, and then again in 1986.
I think one of the best things I ever called was the increase in interest rates in 1992, where we said the 30-year would go to $8.16, and we hit it right on the head.
Then, of course, the dot-com boom came during the late 90s.
And I just stood aside and said, I'm not going to go into that madness.
And in April, the second week of 2000, we called a top on the stock market.
And then in June, we went in big time into the gold and silver shares and coins, because we felt this was the beginning of another bull market.
And the first phase was just completed.
We went from $2.52 an ounce on gold to
A thousand and seventy intraday.
And so we made that call.
We called the 9-11 type of event in November before it happened, within 33 days.
We called Iraq and Iran the conflicts.
We called the top of the stock market at $14,000.
We said it would go to either $7,200 or $6,600.
It went to $6,600.
And we thought it would go back to $8,500.
And it did.
In fact, it went to 10,000.
We didn't pick the top on that, but we were essentially and fundamentally correct.
Now, I think we're looking at a return.
I can't tell you the length of time right now, but we're looking at a return of the Dow downward.
The time frame?
Hard to say.
But at the moment, it looks like we should see a correction down to 78 to 8,800, down somewhere in that area.
Gold and silver are going to keep right on going up.
Silver will break out finally from its old high, probably by the end of the year.
And gold, of course, is broken out.
Probably next stop is $12, $12.50, and then $16.50, and then $2,500 to $3,000.
And that $2,500 only reflects official inflation since 1980, real inflation.
Would put gold at $6,700.
And so these are the general predictions.
Incidentally, real estate is going to continue to go down because of the types of loans that are still out there and the loss of jobs.
The fact that for a year, the government has been writing subprime loans again, and that won't possibly bottom out until 2013.
And goodness knows how long it's going to bump along the bottom.
I want to take some calls before you leave us and we got Chris Pinto next hour getting into some information dealing with Dan Brown's book and they're saying it's inaccurate.
They've made the definitive films on the real secret societies, the Illuminati, and how they operate.
Whole separate area we're going to be discussing coming up in the next hour, but while we've got you, Bob,
I'm shaken up by this.
It's one thing to know they're going to kill the dollar and know it a decade ago, and to see their plans.
It's another thing to now be here in that zone, where they're getting ready to stage new wars, new terror attacks, they're setting up incredible police states.
I've got mainstream news articles where high-level media executives with no criminal record, known for being pure gentlemen,
Uh, get up in first class and walk in front of someone who's asleep and the stewardess yells at them and then has them arrested under the Patriot Act and they're charged for making an ugly face.
That's in the FBI affidavit.
Uh, I see these articles every week now where, where, where, where, where people argue with a stewardess so they're going to prison under the Patriot Act.
I see where they're charging marijuana dealers with it.
I mean, people with a half ounce.
I mean, they're arresting people selling eggs on street corners in the countryside.
I mean, they're SWAT teaming Amish.
I mean, it's entering a vortex of evil.
$100,000 fines for garage sales.
I mean, I can't even believe how insane.
They just came out and admitted what I knew 14 years ago, but now completely declassified that most TV is run by the Pentagon and the White House and the entire scripts
I mean, we already knew it watching TV, but to be anti-family, pro-death, all these shows where they're unplugging old people, the heroes are killing people on the shows.
They're convincing old women not to have cancer surgery to save money for young people.
As if the pie can't grow.
As if we're, I mean, global taxes are being announced.
Schwarzenegger's saying you gotta thumbprint to buy guns.
He's now saying they're gonna ban 40-inch TVs because they're bad for the environment.
They use too much energy.
I mean, all the carbon taxes, all the control, worse than the Soviet Union.
When I say that, I mean, it is!
I mean, I just, Bob, it's off the charts, but before we do that,
What will this look like as they incrementally, and like you said, knock the dollar down, then bring it up a little bit.
Knock it down, bring it up a little bit.
Knock it down, bring it up a little bit.
Because that's the graph.
And as the world now shifts with new purchases to majority, euros, and yens and yans, and other currencies, they've now left the dollar.
That's the headlines in all the financial papers.
So they've begun.
It's like the HAL 9000
I'm afraid, Dave.
I mean, this is happening!
And there's no way to stop these criminal bankers!
They're going to get their world government, they're going to rape everybody more, we're going to pay our taxes directly to them, and no matter how big their frauds are, the police just, yes sir!
Salute them!
I mean, Bob, this is getting bad!
Well, I think law enforcement had better wake up, because if they keep on doing what they're doing,
There is going to be a backlash.
There's absolutely no question.
Desperate people do desperate things.
And we have desperate people in America.
We have 30 million people, or whatever it is, unemployed.
And I think the checks are going to stop very shortly.
In a big way.
Checks are already bouncing from the state to people in California.
And we've got some bizarre Hitler Youth guy going, I'll take your guns, I ban TV!
I'm sorry, go ahead.
Well, you're right about Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Oh, that makes me sick.
And they're going to continue to do this and finally it'll snap.
And then we'll see who's going to win.
The Pentagon's not going to win because the military's not going to follow them.
And I think we're going to have to join the military in helping them to combat the travesty of corruption and dictatorial government that's in Washington and Wall Street.
And that's what we're going to have to deal with.
These are the people who are dangerous.
The crooks in the $3,000 suits.
I mean, I got an article here that Paul Craig Roberts did yesterday.
It's only two pages.
The rich have stolen the economy, and he's right.
It's a fabulous, very short, but fabulous article.
Well, Professor Black, who's one of the top regulators of SNL exposing all that, and Professor Black's top game, and he said, this is by an order of magnitude the greatest fraud, the greatest scam in world history, and they're just getting started!
That's right, and they don't even know what to do with the billions and billions of dollars that they're stealing from everybody.
There's a new magazine coming out by the Financial Times, where to put all of that great amount of money that you rich people are pulling in by doing what you're doing on Wall Street, etc.
And we have fragmented into a society where
The middle class has been reduced to 5 or 10 percent.
You have a rich cadre at the top, and everybody else is wallowing.
But isn't that like, it's the winter time and you're cold, so instead of going and getting some firewood, you just light the drapes on fire and, you know, this is the elite, this'll, I'll get lots of warmth if I burn the house down, and, you know, there's just masses of troops in black uniforms marching, beating their batons on their breastplates when you try to go protest the G20, and then the elite are just burning the house down going, boy, it's warm, you know, roasting hot dogs in their own inhalation.
Well it's interesting, the Romans did the same thing and that's where they got that from.
Bagging their spears up against their shields.
And today they've got billy clubs to do that.
And I see that they have all kinds of armor on.
Well let me tell you something, there's ways to take people down even if they've got armor on.
But where we're headed here is
Ultimately to violence and ultimately to revolution.
The elitists think that they're going to be able to control the situation.
And I think, and I know you do Alex, that they're not going to be able to.
And we are going to win.
It's just what kind of a price are we going to have to pay?
And the price is being paid because in the last 50 years particularly, no one wanted to pay attention.
Well, some people are starting, and that's terrific.
We are winning the battle on the airwaves, that's for sure.
And even in print now.
And we've discussed this in a program before.
The people who are running things, they're in trouble.
They've had to expedite their program.
I would have never thought we would have saw last week a planted article by Fisk that we don't need the dollar anymore, and there's some nations plotting against it.
Well, they should pull out against it.
The United States is bankrupt.
Well, that's total spin.
Dr. Roberts made the point yesterday.
The Russians, the Chinese, the Arabs are saying, we're your biggest investors.
Please stop devaluing it.
It's lost 10% in the last year.
We're losing money.
And then the Federal Reserve is out there.
They're the ones setting up the New Bank of the World.
They're the ones killing America.
Then they blame it on the Arabs.
That's right.
And they're just recipients.
They're selling things to us, in this case, oil and petrochemical products, and the Chinese, all the kinds of products, and so on and so forth.
And we're robbing the world!
Bob, let me ask you this.
We're going to come back and get into final comments from you on the economy, but would you be buying gold right now and silver?
I mean, is that the investment, or what are some other investments?
You know, Alex, it is the only place to be.
You can go to currencies, but they can all devalue against the dollar, and they have been for the last six years.
So why bother to go there?
You go to gold and silver coins if you want gold and silver shares, and that's the only place where you can protect your wealth.
Absolutely, and to explain what you just said, Dr. Roberts, former head of the Treasury, said this, the former head of policy yesterday, that the implosion of the dollar is going to suck down other systems as well.
But we're going to be the center, the center of the black hole here.
Do you agree with that?
62.8% of the foreign reserves of all countries are in dollars.
And incidentally, that just dropped from 64.5 at the beginning of the year.
And they're now, the majority of new currency they're buying is not dollars.
We'll be right back.
The shift has been made.
They're putting the final nails in the dollar.
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Well, Obama's already fudging.
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Bob Chapman's our guest.
I want to bring Ted Anderson on briefly and then hold Bob five more minutes over.
Talk about some more financial news.
Maybe jam a few calls in.
Ted Anderson's here.
He bought gold at $950 and sold it to you when it was $1,000.
And now that gold's up at $1,060 right now, he's running out of the gold he bought at the $1,000 level.
That is, he bought this gold when the market was $1,000.
He bought the silver he's almost out of.
I just bought a bag of it last week.
All right, well I can tell you what I have.
I have Franks at $238.
Got British Sovereigns at $2.93.
Lakota Coins are at $22.30 still.
Walking Liberties, man, you're not going to find those anywhere else at this price. $8.69.
You're right, the market is going up.
Man, I'm just depressed.
I've been reading economic news, and then I come on to get on the air with you and I hear Bob talking.
I mean, I was just reading an article that says that the dollar, since TARP, the supply of money has increased two to one from what we had just a couple years ago.
The only thing that's stopping us from having complete, out-and-out, blasted inflation is just the velocity.
It's just crazy, Alex.
It just makes me
You know, I mean, I've got kids that are going to be entering the job force here in just a couple years.
I don't have a grandchild.
And this is the kind of world we're leaving for them.
It just drives me nuts.
I'm not happy that we've been proven completely right and that Bob, six months ago, said in the fall it would go above 1,050.
That's what he said on air.
I pulled up his newsletter earlier.
And I'm not pleased to be right.
But at least it's a silver lining in this big rain cloud that at least the listeners can get a great deal.
Bob Shannon, how good a deal is that, that Ted Anderson's offering?
Oh, it's a very good deal, but just as important is the fact you get diversification there.
You've got all of these different kinds of coins in a fifth of an ounce or a quarter of an ounce approximately, and then you've got the silver.
Beautiful, beautiful for barter.
And so I like the smaller coins myself.
Ted, are you able to get any fractional
Gold Eagles and Silver Eagles series?
No, you know, they're not even making them this year.
It's real tough.
I have some that I picked up a while ago.
Yeah, a lot of mints have cut back in production while there's even more drive.
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I mean, Bob, I'm reading your literature and it's like I'm scratching my head as to figure out why people would not move into gold and silver.
I mean, it just, you know, if you take a look at the entire economy... Well, because it's more than tripled in value the last seven years.
People don't like something that's almost quadrupling.
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We're going to come back with Bob Chapman of the InternationalForecaster.com.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Bob Chapman for another five minutes, and Chris Pinto, documentary filmmaker, is going to be joining us.
Bob, again, what will it look like as the dollar dies?
Sure, stuff's going to cost more from overseas.
We don't really have a lot of industry left.
If we have a depression, which we're going into here, we're not agrarian, we're not rural anymore, we're almost 90%, 89% urban.
Most people in the country aren't self-sufficient.
I mean, globalization was meant to wreck everything, to consolidate it, but are the globalists doing too good a job wrecking their own system?
You might say that they are, but they expected that, and they're probably going to lose
Probably two-thirds or more of their wealth.
They're willing to accept that in order to execute their world government.
And they hold a lot of gold, incidentally.
And so I think gold's going to come back into the picture monetarily.
And there's been talk of that in relation to this new international trading unit that's going to be formed over, I would say, the next year and a half.
And so I think that
What it's going to do for the American and the world public, although I think America and Europe are going to suffer, and England are going to suffer the most, because they have had the higher standard of living that other people haven't had, in all areas they do, to some extent, leverage their buying of property, whereas in the remainder of the world, most of the people pay cash for their property.
Especially residential property.
And most Americans don't know that.
And so, I think that we're going to, over the next year and a half to two, maybe as long as three years, we're going to move up to unemployment between 35 and 50 percent.
And that's going to serve as a catalyst for very bad times.
And that's what's going to bring on violence.
And that's why I talk about law enforcement.
You better be on the right side.
Because if you shoot an American citizen, you're going to die.
There's no way you can win.
Not with 450 million weapons.
Well, that's the thing.
The American people have been cowed, but once violence starts, there's nobody more vicious in history.
I mean, foreign historians have written about this, and that old instinct's there.
It's just going to be rampaging.
Happy about that.
I'm upset, because the globalists want to sit offshore and orchestrate all this from afar, while the police and military take the brunt of it.
Let's talk to Ruth in Louisiana.
I'll take a call from Bob Chapman.
Ruth, go ahead.
I wanted to make sure, and I'm trying to convince a friend, of taking her stocks.
Well, let me say this, ma'am.
I'm not going to tell you what I would do, but she certainly should diversify, and she should look at what's been performing, but I wouldn't put everything... I know Bob is himself all engulfed in what he said, but I wouldn't put
Well, I think people should get out of the market.
And if they don't want to be totally in golden silver coins or in shares, they can go to the strongest currencies in the world right now.
And you can buy, well, the best place to go is Canadian treasuries and Swiss franc treasuries.
If you don't want to be totally in gold.
So an index of things, we're talking about foreign currencies, Swiss, Canadian, we're talking about gold, silver.
Only in the form of bonds.
Only in the form of bonds.
You don't want to get involved in the currency market.
You don't want to... Because the bonds are like cash.
The bonds are like gold.
That's right.
It's not as good as gold, but it's second best.
Does that answer your question, Ruth?
You mean just bonds only and gold and silver?
Or all A's?
Or is that not a good bet?
Well, every situation is different.
What you should do is email me.
Yep, TheInternationalForecaster.com.
Thank you, Ruth.
And thank you, Bob.
We'll see you next Friday.
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I think so.
I'm good.
Thank you.
He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
You know, I get emails a couple times a week.
I see comments in the stories on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
We'll have an article about doctors admitting the flu shots paralyzing and killing people and there'll be a comment in there, Alex Jones says that a European death cult is running things.
No, Alex Jones doesn't say that.
Whether it's German elites, British elites, elites in the U.S., elites out of Israel, whether it's elites out of Japan, elites out of Russia, I just do the hard research.
I read books they've written.
I study what they're into.
David Rockefeller, Ted Turner, just you name them.
All these people, Tony Blair, Barack Obama, the Bushes from Skull and Bones, all those people, Francois Mitterrand, the head of the French arts, writes books about how he loves slave trade and slave children, he rapes, and then he doesn't get in trouble, and then they're defending Polanski.
The point is, is that I came into all this as kind of a libertarian Ron Paul type guy.
Like a mainline Ron Paul person you'd see today.
Now that was seen as radical 14 years ago.
But today it's not.
But I'm still seen as a radical just because I've gone further down the rabbit hole.
But I was in my hotel room watching
History Channel, Wednesday morning, before the TV crew of Jesse Ventura came and picked me up, and I was watching a show about the Masons, and watching a show about the Knights Templar, and they admitted Washington, D.C.
is a big pentagram and a big square, and the Washington Monument is a phallus to energized power, and they had the Masons on there admitting it, and I guess it's now time for all that to just come out.
And I remember years ago, the three documentary films that we, by the way, sell discounted at InfoWars.com,
America's Beginnings, The New Atlantis, Secret Mysteries, and we sell all three of their new films.
One of them is very new, but they all go in order.
I mean, these are incredibly high quality films.
But the point is, is that they are coming out now with a lot of this.
And all I'm doing is going, well Skull and Bones is a Germanic death cult, according to their own members that have leaked info.
And one of the rituals has been videotaped.
I snuck into Bohemian Grove, I videotaped a ritual where a thousand old men were grinding their teeth and hyperventilating, watching the mock human sacrifice of a child.
And like atheists are like, oh Alex is crazy, he believes the devil's gonna get us.
Look, whether you believe the devil or not, these people do, is the point.
There are crazy people who believe in this stuff.
Whether you believe in it or not, the crazies believe it and follow it, is what I'm saying.
And you look at Maury Strong, the head of the UN Biological Diversity Forum, and when he had the big Davos, Switzerland meetings, and the meetings in 92 at the Rio de Janeiro UN Summit.
He said, we must destroy industrial society for Mother Nature and Gaia.
And they're all into the occult.
They're into a mystery religion.
They're symbols of the pyramid.
And all these others, and the all-seeing eye.
I mean, this is real!
These people run things!
Look at every major world capital!
It's obelisk, and it's always the goddess over a war memorial for thousands of dead.
That's the sacrifice to her.
And this is in the literature, but I go to a city, I now know a lot of their language, and it's gang sign everywhere!
And I'm not saying it's Masons.
Masons are a low-level grid of all this.
When you talk about Masons, or you talk about Catholics, or you talk about Protestants, you talk about Jews, when you get to the top of it, I mean, look at the Supreme Court building in Israel.
Giant pyramids, all-seeing eyes, Masonic stuff everywhere.
It's all the same!
And it isn't Masonic.
Masonic is one branch or brotherhood of this system.
That's not saying our Founding Fathers were bad.
A lot of them, more than half, were Masons.
But George Washington wrote about bad groups in control of Masonry.
And it goes back to the Mystery Schools in Egypt.
And the sacred symbols.
And to them, it's white magic and black magic.
So George Washington was a Christian, but he was also into all of this.
And so was Solomon.
I'm not here judging these people.
I believe Solomon was good.
I believe George Washington was good.
It's a very complex issue.
The Mason down the street from you is not drinking blood out of goblets.
But at the higher levels, you find out it's Lucifer, Albert Pike, and many other top Masons whose paintings hang in all their lodges.
They state it is Lucifer they worship.
And so we need to talk about this.
We need to understand this.
We need to know this.
And the stuff Dan Brown puts out is purposefully distorted and twisted.
It's disinfo to the world.
So they're revealing their mystery religion, but still deceiving.
And Chris Pinto, of course, put films out that a lot of the stuff that Dan Brown picked up on, but has distorted it.
And so we've got
Christian J. Pinto, who has, with David E. Bay, produced the award-winning documentary, Secret Mysteries of America's Beginnings, Volume 1.
The New Atlantis was honored with the ScreenCraft Award for Best Documentary Feature at the New York Independent Film Festival in 2006.
Also winning Best Historical Documentary at the Los Angeles International Film Festival.
That's big!
The Pinto Bay Company, Antiquities Research Firm, has also released Volume 2, Riddles in Stone, The Secret Architecture of Washington, D.C., which has become the official selection of the upcoming New York-Los Angeles Film Festivals.
And they've recently released a new film we're covering, The Phoenix, dealing with the dollar.
We'll talk about that as well.
Now, people will hear his occult interpretation from the experts, and they may have a different interpretation.
That's because in true mystery schools, it's like Inuit or Eskimo art.
You look at a totem pole from different angles, it's different animals.
All their symbols have at least three meanings and three faces, sometimes as many as twelve.
And that goes into sacred geometry.
But, joining us is Chris Pinto.
Chris, thank you for coming on Eye of the Phoenix.
Well, thank you for having me, Alex.
It's great to be on the show again.
What did you think of that little five minute rant as I laid that out?
I thought it was great.
I thought you're making some great points there.
We deal with this all the time.
People who are uninformed of what these societies are doing, they often think when you tell them about their symbolism and whatnot, they'll say, oh, well, I don't believe in all of that.
As though it's not going to affect them.
And one of the things I tell people is that it doesn't matter if you believe in it or not.
The six million Jews who were killed in concentration camps during World War II, they may not have believed in Hitler's occultism, but they were definitely impacted by it.
Their lives were changed dramatically because of what Hitler and the Nazis believed and what they were into.
And they were totally into the mystery schools and occultism.
And they were into the same kinds of practices that you expose out there in the Bohemian Grove in Northern California.
And I had friends who have lived up there that I knew when I lived out in California, and they talked about how there are sometimes protests outside the Bohemian Grove.
And there are all kinds of things.
People are concerned about it in that part of the world, but it never makes the mainstream news.
Nobody ever talks about it.
Of course, because you've got people like George W. Bush and his dad going out there, and Newt Gingrich and others, and so nobody wants to blow the whistle on these guys at a mainstream level.
But they are deeply involved in
We're good to go.
Well, the Grove is also the occult name of a conclave of warlocks and witches.
It's also the name of a great meeting of occultists in many of their histories.
Take Helmut Schmidt, German Chancellor.
He wrote a book, Men and Power as a Political Retrospective, where he said, we have our own groves where we do rituals, but my favorite place to do them is Bohemian Grove, where we set world policy for world government.
This is written by him.
This is a global network.
And at the top of the German groups, Jewish groups, British groups, it doesn't matter.
The Japanese are into this stuff.
The Aztecs were into this stuff.
It is the same basic religion.
Yeah, it is.
And as you said, it goes throughout all the major cultures of the world and a number of the minor cultures of the world.
And that's what they're trying to draw upon.
The whole concept of
You know, the religious tolerance movement, where they're trying to say that all religions are one and the same, really what they're doing is they're applying the ancient mystery principles.
If you study, for example, Eliphas Levi.
Levi, who we talk about in our films.
Probably the most influential occultist of the last 200 years.
Influenced Albert Pike, Madame Blavatsky, Lester Crowley, Manly P. Hall, and then the whole Scottish Rite Freemasonry.
Many Masons don't realize that Albert Pike incorporated, you know, whole chapters of Levi's writings into his book Morals and Dogma.
Well, Levi was a full-on Luciferian Satan.
He's the guy who designed the Baphomet image with the goat-headed God with the flame above his head.
Let's talk about him when we get back and the newest film, Eye of the Phoenix.
Chris Pinto is our guest.
Again, you can get all three of these amazing films at InfoWars.com while you're ordering, pre-ordering.
It ships next week.
Fall of the Republic premieres October 21st at PrisonPlanet.tv.
We'll be right back with Chris Pinto.
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We're good to go.
Chris Pinto's our guest, the elite of the planet, worship Lucifer.
And that's a fact.
And they're now revealing a lot of this, even on mainstream television, but twisting it.
Let's go back to Chris Pinto, the filmmaker.
Chris, get into this individual who you're saying in the last 200 years is one of the main progenitors of the rise of the Luciferian religion.
Eliphas Levi, he's probably the most influential guy, and his symbols
His information, in fact, the famous quote from Albert Pike where he says, Lucifer, is it he who bears the light?
Doubt it not.
He's quoting Eliphas Levi.
If you look up any kind of satanic website anywhere, not that I recommend them, but they often use that inverted pentagram with the goat head on it, okay?
Levi was the one who designed that originally.
Also, the Baphomet image of the goat-headed god with the flame above his head sitting cross-legged, that's a very common satanic symbol, also designed by Eliphas Levi.
Well, Levi was somebody who, when you get on the other side of the Revolutionary Era, as the American and French Revolutions had happened, a lot of these guys that were into the occult
We're good to go.
And it was no longer, you know, people were no longer being arrested if they were involved in occultism or witchcraft and this kind of thing because of the ideas of religious freedom that were being promoted and now legalized.
A lot of these guys who, you know, were in the inner chambers of some secret conclave somewhere, they come out and they start publishing and writing what had been believed by these occult groups for centuries.
And Levi was one of the first to do it.
And he goes now, and the reason that he's so often imitated by the leaders now, you read the writings of Madame Blavatsky, her Secret Doctrine, she quotes Levi extensively.
Albert Pike, same thing, infusing Levi's ideas into the Scottish Rite rituals that American presidents and judges and congressmen and so on.
If you're a Scottish Rite mason, you are going through rituals
And so there's a change in masonry in the last 200 years influenced by Levi.
Oh yeah, dramatically, especially when you get into Scottish Rite masonry.
That's his big influence, because Pike took so much of his work.
I mean, Pike says in his writings, Albert Pike, and you know, we've been there, we show you the inside of the Masonic House of the Temple in Washington, D.C.
We got permission to go in there and film.
We interviewed Dr. Brent Morris, who's like the head of, oh, he's the managing editor for the Scottish Rite Journal, which is like the leading Masonic magazine.
But they have an Albert Pike room down below with the death mask of Albert Pike and his pipes and all of his books and everything.
They have Pike buried in the wall there in the temple.
They have, when you walk in, the first thing you see is a big grand hall and at the end of the hall there's like a staircase leading up to an altar and there's a bust on the altar and it's Albert Pike.
The reason I say these things is because sometimes the masons will try to marginalize him and say he's not that important because he has all of these quotes pertaining to Lucifer.
And it was Pike who said, Pike said that the entire purpose of masonry is a continual progression toward the light.
Okay, and that's the big thing.
They're always talking about light and going toward the light.
And then Pike says in his writings, Lucifer, is it he who bears the light?
Doubt it not.
So, what they're leading their members toward, whether they know it or not, is ultimately toward the full-on worship of Lucifer.
And by the way, George Washington, as you know, before he died, spoke out against this, as a lot of other senior Masons did.
But you talk to low-level Masons, they're like, oh, my ritual has nothing to do with this.
You can show them morals and dogma, Albert Pike.
You can show them Manly P. Hall.
These are the big grand Masons of the last 200 years, and they just won't look at it.
They're in denial.
Yeah, they are, and what they've done is they used to give everybody Alex, they would give them Pike's book, Morals and Dogma.
Then they stopped doing that, I think, because it was just too controversial.
Now they give the Masons another book called A Bridge to Light, okay, which is like a smaller book.
And it's edited by some other modern Mason.
But what they've done, the entire book, even A Bridge to Light, is just like the Cliff Notes of Albert Pike's writings.
It's an abbreviation of his writings.
And I think that that is done possibly to deceive some of these Masons so that they don't think that they're being directly involved with Pike's Luciferianism.
But there's no way around it.
He is interwoven in Scottish Rite Masonry.
Um, and I've been to lodges, you know, I've visited lodges out in California, and so on, where you walk inside, I had, uh, I confronted some masons out in California, out there, and, uh, they, they tried to get me to, you know, well, come down to the lodge and, and just visit us one day, and you'll see.
Uh, and so I... Well, stay there.
I want to hear about what happened with this confrontation with Chris Pinto.
Straight ahead.
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No one knows what it's like to be the bad man, to be the sad man behind blue eyes.
I promised to do this when we were live on PrisonPlanet.tv and we're going to go back to our guest.
I was mailed the Houston Post.
They don't even have this newspaper anymore, I don't think.
Flu shots defended, but growing number of elderly refusing vaccine.
This is from May 5th, 1970.
And then they had the big swine flu fear-mongering, broke out on a military base, killed some people.
And then they forced that inoculation on America and a bunch of people died so they had to stop.
Growing number of elderly refusing vaccine, believing it causes health problems.
Next week, I'm going to leave this on my desk, maybe even Sunday, I'm going to read this on air.
Houston health officials were faced Thursday night with more physician cancellations for swine flu vaccine and a growing number of elderly persons refusing to take their shots.
But the Texas Department of Health Resources announced earlier in Austin that the statewide flu vaccine program would resume Monday, trying to force it on people.
They're never stopping.
It has been suspended following the deaths of several persons who have been given the vaccine.
Federal scientists ruled out the vaccine as the cause of deaths.
But then a few years later, they admitted it.
And we now have this happening again right now.
And meanwhile, I have these articles where German military is refusing to take it.
We've got swine flu fears grow as NHS staff, National Health Service staff in England, shun the vaccine.
Going back to Chris Pinto,
Maker of the amazing trilogy of documentary films, the latest, Eye of the Phoenix.
We have all three of the films together in a discount three-pack at infallwars.com while you're there pre-ordering.
Comes out next week, Fall of the Republic.
Going back to Chris Pinto, continue making your points.
You were talking about confronting the Masons going down to their facility, and then we're going to play a Mason outside a Shriner event, talking about Sweet Lucifer.
Go ahead.
Yeah, well, the point I was making really is about Pike, because one of the first things that you encounter whenever you confront Freemasons, they try to marginalize Albert Pike.
But I was out in California and these Masons invited me down to the lodge and I said, OK, I'll come down for a day and let them show me around.
But as soon as I got there, I walked in and they have their ceremonial hall and these big double doors and whatnot.
And right out front, there's this gigantic bronze bust of Albert Pike.
And I just looked at him kind of innocently and I said, hey guys, what's the deal with Pike?
Why is he so influential?
And he said, well, he designed all the rituals and ceremonies of the Scottish Rite.
And so this is why I say he's interwoven in masonry.
The masons have fought for years to keep his statue there in Washington, D.C., and we show you the statue.
In fact, when we were filming it for Riddles in Stone, Part 2 in the series, we were confronted by a police officer who turned out to be a mason.
And he was concerned why we were filming it, and thankfully my guide there in Washington, D.C.
was also a Washington, D.C.
police officer.
Great guy.
And he sort of interceded for me, but then we got into a big conversation with him, and he was trying to support and promote Albert Pike.
The reason people in D.C.
want that statue taken down is because Pike is one of the original founders of the Ku Klux Klan.
Yeah, the founder.
The founder.
Confederate General.
Now, let's expand on that.
Here's a police officer, and I've been to the park, we videoed it as well for an upcoming film, close to the Supreme Court.
It's a public park, and this mason who's for freedom of speech, he's coming over trying to keep you from filming it.
It's just unbelievable.
The masonry of George Washington clearly is very different from the masonry we have today.
Yeah, that's what, you know, Washington was, because what was happening from what I've been able to gather from the history there...
is you had the uh... the radical radicalized form of masonry over in europe involved with the french revolution and these guys were bloodthirsty uh... jacobins oh yeah the jacobins were bloodthirsty and they were into they were into just slaughtering people uh... and raping children and serious devil worship hellfire club type stuff or even worse and go ahead
Yeah, that's exactly it.
They were just extremely radical, and Washington opposed them.
He did not agree with what they were doing, and one of them, one of their ambassadors, Citizen Jene, we talk about him in Part 2, but Jene came over, and a lot of people don't realize, these guys stirred up all kinds of, they were trying to have another revolution.
Yeah, let's be clear, Washington
Had people burning his effigy all over the country.
The French masons came in and tried to have... They wanted to change the days to ten days a week.
They wanted to break up families.
It's the same crap called liberalism today, where it's unbelievable.
People don't know what happened in France.
No, and they don't realize how... You had different people.
You had some people like Jefferson.
Jefferson supported the French Revolution.
Washington did not.
There was a division among them.
Jefferson had some pretty dark comments when he heard about all the bloodletting.
He said, well, it's better that every nation be reduced to a single Adam and Eve than that the French Revolution fail.
So he tried to justify the bloodletting.
But other founders, like Washington, simply did not approve of it.
And at one point, this guy, Citizen Genet, stirred up a crowd in Philadelphia, and they tried to, because Washington would not support the French Revolution, and they tried to drag Washington out of his house to try and get him, to try and force him to support the French Revolution.
And we give the quote from John Adams in the film, but these are parts of American history that have been lost, and they're not taught in our school book.
But they are, they're documented.
You can find the letters in the Library of Congress.
But these guys were radicals, and this was the whole reason for the Alien and Sedition Act.
It was to put these guys down, because they were trying to subvert the country.
And it's the reason why Washington, in his farewell address, had said to the American people that we ought not to seek revolution as the continual
Uh, you know, solution to whatever problems we're facing with the government.
That we couldn't have this ongoing series of... Because in truth, the Luciferians wanted a violent revolution to destroy everything in their way, the family religion, to make themselves the gods of a totally tyrannical world government based in the United States.
And that's what your series exposes.
Yeah, absolutely.
That's what they wanted.
They wanted total chaos, the breaking down of every boundary.
And it's why there are quotes, there are great quotes from Washington where he says, you know, that any nation that casts off the rules of order and right that heaven itself has ordained
And they tried it in France and killed close to 20% of the population.
That isn't known.
The Red Terror.
Lenin said it was part two of what happened in France.
The whole Communist Revolution.
The Red Star.
These people mean business.
Yeah, Hitler had said that his Nazi Revolution was the exact counterpart of the French Revolution.
It was in the French Revolution that they had launched the first depopulation program.
Where they literally broke out a map and went down to the different towns and regions in France and were determined that they were going to depopulate France so that the people who survived would be able to find work and get food and so on.
And they had planned to kill like 9 million people.
And then what happened was they were slaughtering people and they only killed about 300,000 or so.
But the bodies kept piling up and they didn't know what to do with them.
And I believe, it's one of my theories, that when Hitler came up with his final solution program, part of what the Nazis were doing was trying to find a fast, efficient way to kill people and dispose of the body.
Well, they said they were going to take over the planet and region by region depopulate, putting things in the water to sterilize it first, taking children and they would die of a medical problem.
This has all been declassified.
That is what eco-science
That's what I want to bring up today then, because we're talking about history.
When you look at the environmentalists, the eugenicists, the Maury Strongs, I know this is coming and you're moving through history in your series, when you look at eco-science and the eugenicists, when you look at the 1996 UN Biological Diversity Assessment, we have this in my film Road to Tyranny, you can get this at the UN website,
Well, put that on screen, that devil snake thing.
We're playing some of the video for radio listeners at PrisonPlanet.tv from one of his films, one of the latest films.
But the issue is...
The eugenicist and the UN document 1996 says the ancient world kept down population with wars, famine, and human sacrifice.
We must reinstitute human sacrifice in the capitals and make the bloodletting be part of society.
I mean, this is official UN law, says they want temples and blood sacrifice.
Now, that sounds insane.
I'm not the insane one saying it.
This is official UN policy.
Can you talk about the modern people we're dealing with?
Yeah, I mean, I, you know, because we constantly get questions from people who will ask about, you know, the reality of concentration camps and depopulation programs and things like that, and are these things real and whatnot.
And one of the things that I point to, I'll just say, you know, look at what
That's conservative if you count Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Lenin, Pol Pot, Fidel Castro, and others.
It's over 200 mil.
Yeah, and when you've got, and again that is, again I usually go with the conservative numbers to try and convince people.
Well that's it, they always get control of a country though and just start killing.
And I say to people, I say, why do you think they're doing this?
You know, if there's no depopulation program, why are they killing 200 million people?
They're doing it because it's part of an agenda.
And it is, it's a global agenda.
I mean, I can't necessarily make all the connections in every country, but in some of the big ways, especially when you trace it from these radical groups, and these things are admitted, like going back to France for a minute, the French Revolution, all of this is admitted by Dr. James Billington in his book, Fire in the Minds of Men.
Uh, that we quote in the series.
Billington is not a conspiracy writer, he's the Librarian of Congress.
He's as official and historian as you can get, and his book is quoted by President George W. Bush in 2005.
And Bush admitted in his presidential speech, he says, we have lit a fire as well, a fire in the minds of men.
You know, it warms those who feel its power, it burns those who fight its progress.
Think about those words from the President of the United States.
You fight with the progress of this fire that we've set up, you're going to get burned.
That's what he's saying.
He says, one day this untamed fire of freedom will reach the darkest corners of our world.
But instead, when you really look at the light they're bringing, it's a dark light.
It's evil.
It kills.
It destroys.
They openly state in all of these books and publications that they're going to eradicate the family and make us all slaves.
But that's the freedom.
It's the freedom for the elite.
To kill the unwashed, to kill the uninitiated, the profane.
We are animals to be slaughtered at their pleasure.
It's a giant party land, a giant world of raping, murder, death, slaughter for them and their black uniforms as they march forward.
Exactly, and you hit the nail right on the head.
The way that they sell this to the population, it's just what Lenin did, what Hitler did, what communism has done in every country, is they go in and they pretend that they are going to represent the interests of the people.
That's why they call it the People's Republic of China.
Supposedly it's for the people, but it's not for the people at all, it's for the elitists.
It's for the few, and they're going to turn the people into cattle, and then start massacring those that don't go along with their programs.
And notice now, there's no criticism of regimes that kill and torture their people, unless it's Iran and they want to attack them.
China's good!
They light up the Empire State's building for the Chinese Communist holiday.
I mean, this is in our face.
Yeah, in fact, there's a group called Voice of the Martyrs that documents how Christians who are in China are persecuted, even to this day.
And there are still stories coming out of these just horrible tortures that happen to people who speak out against the government or speak out against the injustice that is done there.
And yet we never hear anything about this.
So it's, but it's an ongoing issue.
This is what the New World Order is about.
I want to play a clip.
This is about two years old.
And if you can really get a Mason to talk to you, a high-level one, they'll explain, oh, I love God.
I love Jesus.
And Jesus and Lucifer are twin brothers.
And he just starts talking about, I do love God.
I love Lucifer.
Sweet Lucifer.
And the guy is in seething with... I mean, he's really having a religious moment.
You know, like a Christian saying hallelujah and shaking he's all Lucifer.
Let's go ahead and play the Lucifer lover.
Here it is.
Lucifer, what is your problem?
Just that, sir.
Start it back over.
Start it over because the first second didn't play.
Back up.
He says, I am Lucifer.
You know, they kind of cut it quick.
He goes, I am Lucifer.
What's your problem?
Here it is.
Lucifer, what is your problem?
Just that, sir.
I'm a Christian, sir.
I'm pure and virtuous and wholesome and innocent.
How can you say anything about it about me?
Sir, you need to be born again.
I am born again!
Did you just say that you're Lucifer?
I am Lucifer.
Okay, define Lucifer for me.
Pure, virtuous, wholesome, innocent individual that's out to help people.
Lucifer is?
Say that again.
Lucifer is a pure, holy... Virtuous!
Now, see the Lucifer that God created?
That's the same one.
Oh, man, this is great.
I'm going to put this on the internet.
Oh, God bless you, brother.
Because that's exactly what the Shriners and Masons teach, is that Lucifer... Lucifer is light.
And you're confirming it.
What about those hospitals?
You know what, sir?
Jesus said, many will say to me on that day, Lord, Lord, we did not do these good deeds in your name.
And you'll say, away from me, you workers of iniquity.
I never knew you.
Jesus said it?
In Matthew chapter 5.
That's hard to believe.
So, you're a Christian and you don't know that.
No, I really am.
You are.
Because I'm pure and virtuous.
You're pure and virtuous, okay.
In other words, you're perfect without Jesus, right?
No, no, no.
Okay, tell me about Jesus.
Who is Jesus?
He's my leader.
Is He the Son of God?
Is He the only worshipful Master?
Have you ever been called Worshipful Master?
No, because I've just been too busy.
I've been working.
I've been working to help people.
What kind of work?
Okay, get out of here.
See, this is what a Mason confesses, is that Lucifer is life.
Chris Pinto, I mean, and these lunatics are running everything.
Yeah, people don't realize, Alex, that that doctrine that he's describing there, even though he sounds a little wacky, this is what the guys who are, you know, the inner core of the United Nations, this is what the guys who, you know, were controlling and manipulating FDR's administration, which we show in Eye of the Phoenix, this is what the Theosophists, the Theosophical Society, and the Freemasons, the Rosicrucians, the inner core, they all do the same thing.
And Madame Blavatsky talked about it in her book, The Secret Doctrine.
And she called it Demon Est Deus Inversus.
The Devil is God Inverted.
And this is what Dan Brown is promoting in this new book.
You know, I meant to get into that, and we're not going to have time to take calls.
I apologize.
But for the final segment, we'll get into Dan Brown.
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The Obama Deception.
The people strike back.
Thomas Jefferson once said, when the people fear their government, there is tyranny.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty.
Our God-given right to life and liberty and the right to determine what is best for our lives and our family's health are in jeopardy if we the people
We're good to go.
Either you're with us,
Well, you were with the terrorists.
One of the things that if you talk to our generals, they are desperate for is a civilian counterpart to our military forces.
Homeland Security is enlisting some unlikely new recruits to fight terrorism and help with other emergencies.
The Girl Scouts.
The Department of Homeland Security calling on firefighters to take on a new role in the war on terror.
The idea, to be the eyes for the U.S.
government when they're inside a home.
To force their unpopular agenda upon the planet, the controllers are racing to complete the construction of their police state control grid.
So number one, they can come in, the federal government can come in and inspect your house and send you the bill.
We're setting up a global warming Gestapo.
The more things spin out of control, the harder the hammer is going to come down by the federal government to keep everyone in control.
If you put all these signs together, it doesn't look good at all.
To the extent we are a democracy, we're sort of a hair breaths away from a police state.
Borrowing from tactics used in the past by communist, fascist, and other totalitarian regimes, every form of classical textbook tyranny is now being implemented in the West.
The Republic is hanging by a thread.
That comes right out with how great the whole Luciferian system is, how it's the Bible, is the secret law symbol, how...
The Devil is God inverted, yin-yang, and how it's all good.
They're just coming right out with it.
And look, Chris, we got off into the history of it.
It's such a big subject.
I've got to have you back in the next few weeks to just do Dan Brown.
And you guys have written a counter to it.
But just briefly, in the few minutes we've got left, take us out with You've Reviewed It.
Tell us what's really going on with it.
Well, here's how we got in touch with the book.
Actually, a couple of weeks before the book was released, we had gotten a call from ABC's Nightline News.
And they contacted us, and they requested a copy of Riddles in Stone, The Secret Architecture of Washington, D.C., which is Part 2.
And we said, alright, why do you want it?
And they said, well, we want to review it in conjunction with a story that we're doing on Dan Brown's new book, The Lost Symbol.
Okay, now we hadn't read the book at that point, but so they're requesting a copy of one of our films in the series.
Then we find an article from the Associated Press where Dan Brown is saying, in the interviewer the Associated Press is saying, that his new book is based in part on an, quote, unfair anti-Masonic video, okay, that had been released.
And so this led us to wonder, I mean, is this why Nightline is trying to get a copy of Riddles and Stone?
Was that the unfair anti-Masonic video, so-called?
And of course we know when we released that that the Freemasons were not happy about it, because we're interviewing a lot of their leaders, like some of their top leaders and apologists, who try to go out and refute these conspiracy theories.
And, you know, we're getting stories that Dan Brown was kind of working with these guys, and he's trying to present their viewpoint in his book.
But he's talking about all the things that we talk about in the series.
He talks about Sir Francis Bacon, and the New Atlantis.
He's talking about the architecture of Washington, D.C., and the Hermetic symbolism, and getting into all of the philosophies that we're... And by the way, Patriots have been talking about this for a hundred years.
Now they're just coming out with all of it, going, yeah, it's a big pentagram.
I saw this in a documentary on History Channel this week.
Look, we're going to go ahead and set you up for part two next week, if you can do it, Chris Pinto, because I want to just do Dan Brown and why they're now coming out with it.
Are they trying to put the capstone on the pyramid?
It's their time for the revelation of the method.
Folks, get the trilogy at InfoWars.com and the Strongline shopping cart and the new film, Fall of the Republic, coming out.
Mr. Pinto, thank you for spending time with us.
Thank you, Alex.
Great job, crew.
Retransmission jam-packed with key info starts now.
I'll be back live Sunday, 4 to 6 p.m.
Until then, God bless you all.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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